Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Higgs accuses Vickers of promising 'a lot' without knowing what things will cost


Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Content disabled
Methinks they are all crooked hence I proudly ran as an Independent against them in order to tell them so but folks just laughed N'esy Pas? 

Higgs accuses Vickers of promising 'a lot' without knowing what things will cost

PC leader unveils party platform on Thursday

Elizabeth Fraser· Election Notebook· Posted: Sep 11, 2020 5:00 AM AT 

New Brunswick is into the final week of a four-week contest to determine who will govern the province. (CBC News)

Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs continued Thursday to question the Liberals' promise they would balance the budget within three years if elected, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers has said he would balance the provincial budget by 2023 — the third year of his mandate if elected. He has also pledged not to raise taxes. 

"He doesn't know what he's spending, or what he's committing to in terms of dollars," Higgs said in Fredericton. "But he's promised a lot."

Higgs said he doesn't have a timeline for when a PC government would balance the budget, because it would depend on the economic recovery from COVID-19 and other factors.

"It's going to depend on whether we have a second wave or not with COVID, and the expenses that we'll incur to keep people safe."

PC platform lays out record of past 2 years

PC Leader Blaine Higgs released his party's platform in Fredericton on Thursday, just four days ahead of the provincial election.

"Here's a platform which everyone was expecting to receive that basically outlines what's been done, where we're planning to go and what we're doing," he said. "We have nothing to hide."

It's important to remind voters what the PCs have accomplished in two years with a minority government, said Higgs, who has defended his snap election call just before schools reopened by saying he wanted the stability of a majority government.

He said his government was able to fulfil 62 per cent of its promises from the 2018 election.

The 27-page platform is a plan to "recover, reinvent and renew" New Brunswick, an echo of the message Higgs has been sharing on the campaign trail during the campaign.

PC Leader Blaine Higgs released his party's platform in Fredericton on Thursday. (Maria Burgos/CBC)

Higgs said a PC government wouldn't raise taxes but would try to get better results with the money it has.

Since the campaign started, Higgs has crowed about his government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The document claimed 93 per cent of New Brunswickers felt the government communicated effectively during the pandemic. 

Some of the other things the PCs say they would do if re-elected.

  • Expand rural internet access and speed.
  • Offer walk-in mental health clinics and a virtual psychiatric network.
  • Build a cybsersecurity cluster to attract foreign investment and jobs.
  • Create more affordable housing
  • Create mixed housing communities.
  • Pilot a new model for temporary foreign workers and year-round employment.
  • Modernize the school curriculum and the delivery of lessons online with an investment in equipment.
  • Strengthen the workforce with a farming education and immigration pilot project.
  • Ensure professionals get education to respond to mental illness and addiction

Other party leaders were also out campaigning on Thursday but did not make announcements.

Former PC candidate blames sexual abuse as child for transphobic post

A former PC candidate who shared a derogatory meme on Facebook about the LGBTQ community has come out as a sexual assault survivor and says he didn't see the offensive post in the proper light.

Michaud told CBC News he was a victim of sexual assault as a child. It's a secret he's kept to himself for about 40 years — with the exception of his wife and parents.

"This situation, it affected me deeply," Michaud, choking back tears, told CBC New Brunswick News.

The assault was also the cause of an attempt to kill himself at 14. Michaud has sought professional help since then.

Roland Michaud admits publicly for the first time that he was a victim of childhood sexual assault and says his experience helps explain why he posted the offensive comic. 7:41

"That's the day I decided I would no longer be a victim, that I would stand up."

Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs removed Michaud from the party slate for the Sept. 14 provincial election, but his candidacy in Victoria-La Vallée still stands, and he will sit as an Independent if he wins.

Michaud, who describes himself as a blue-collar guy, said his impression of the objectionable cartoon was that it was about pedophiles, not trans people. Looking back now, he said, it was a "moment of stupidity." 

He said his memory of the sexual assault against him "has affected my outlook on life in certain situations," he said. "And that's why I re-posted it."

Where the leaders are today

PC Leader Blaine Higgs will be making an announcement at 10 a.m. in Florenceville-Bristol.

NDP Leader Mackenzie Thomason will be making an announcement at 1p.m. office in Fredericton.

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin will be touring the Doaktown sawmill and Marwood Industries in Traceyville.

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers will be campaigning with local candidates in St. Ignace, Jolicure, Sussex, and Fredericton. 

Green Leader David Coon will be campaigning in the Fredericton area and making an announcement about post-secondary education at noon.

Standings at dissolution: PCs 20, Liberals 20, Greens, 3, People's Alliance 3, Independent 1, vacancies 2  

For complete coverage | Links to all New Brunswick votes 2020 stories

About the Author

Elizabeth Fraser


Elizabeth Fraser is a reporter/editor with CBC New Brunswick based in Fredericton. She's originally from Manitoba. Story tip? elizabeth.fraser@cbc.ca


Commenting is now closed for this story.
Terry Tibbs
4 days before the election we finally get a platform. I'm wondering, how those approximately 100,000 folks who voted in the advance polls, could possibly say they made an informed decision if any one of them voted Conservative?
Talk about disrespect for the citizens of New Brunswick.

Ron Linda
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Terry: Still wrong as ever - come in out of the rain.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Ron Linda:
How so?
Mr Higgs released his platform yesterday, 4 days before election day, fact.
Advance polls, held this past Saturday/Tuesday netted approximately 70,000 votes and 30,000 votes, respectively (as reported here) fact.
How do you make an "informed decision" without knowing "the details" (hint: ask any lawyer)? If you voted without knowing "the details" you are ignorant of the details, fact.
Calling an election, having the signs all ready, but having no platform ready is simply Mr Higgs showing contempt for the voting public in NB, fact.

Roy Kirk
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You're presuming the platforms contain information as distinct from stuff and fluff. But it is political malpractice.

David Amos
Content disabled

Reply to @Roy Kirk: Methinks they are all crooked hence I proudly ran as an Independent against them in order to tell them so but folks just laughed N'esy Pas?

New Brunswickers head to polls in 1st general election during COVID-19




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks Higgy et al are laughing at my predictions by now FYI my tally was as follows but most folk don't care for my opinions anyway N'esy Pas?
20 Liberals
23 Progressive Conservatives
3 Green

New Brunswickers head to polls in 1st general election during COVID-19

PC Leader Blaine Higgs eyes majority in snap election gamble

Colin McPhail· CBC News· Posted: Sep 14, 2020 9:00 AM AT 

New Brunswickers head to the polls Monday to decide who will form the 60th legislative assembly. From left, PC Leader Blaine Higgs, Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers, Green Leader David Coon, NDP Leader MacKenzie Thomason and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin. (CBC)

After a four-week campaign, election day has arrived in New Brunswick, and voters will stream into polling stations across the province to decide who will form the government. 

Touting the importance of stability in a tumultuous year, Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs is seeking a majority after two years of leading the province's first minority government since 1920.

It's the first general election in Canada since the emergence of COVID-19, and the snap election call itself has become one of the key points of contention in a campaign that can't be defined by a single prevailing issue.

Higgs dissolved the legislature on Aug. 17 following unsuccessful talks between political parties to uphold the PC government until the official end of the pandemic or next the fixed election date in October 2022.

PC Leader Blaine Higgs made the snap election call on Aug. 17. (Maria Burgos/CBC)

Previous polling suggested the PCs were in a strong position amid the generally successful management of the outbreak in New Brunswick and economic recovery — something the Tories mentioned often in the past four weeks. 

Instead, the opposition parties are quick to praise Dr. Jennifer Russell, the province's chief medical officer of health, and the importance of the all-party cabinet committee struck to oversee COVID-related decisions. 

New Brunswick Votes 2020 Results: Watch returns come in live on our interactive results page.

The opposition

Third parties, like the Greens and People's Alliance, have routinely used that point to extol the virtues of minority governments. Alliance Leader Kris Austin, who offered support for the PC government, and Green Leader David Coon have said the arrangement allows for greater government accountability, while arguing Higgs can't be trusted with a majority.

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers used that refrain at almost every opportunity on the campaign trail, warning voters of Higgs's "secret plan" to make deep cuts to public services, including health care in rural areas despite a PC pledge not to do so.

Vickers, the first-time leader who is seeking his first seat in the New Brunswick legislature, isn't discussing a minority as the party hopes to flip enough seats to regain power and extend the run of one-term premiers.

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers is running in his first political campaign. (Maria Burgos/CBC)

The Brian Gallant Liberals' unsuccessful bid to form government following the 2018 election furthered the streak governments held to a single term to four. Prior to the 2006 election, New Brunswick political parties have managed at least two consecutive terms in office since Confederation. 

Meanwhile, interim leader MacKenzie Thomason spent the campaign redefining the NDP as the party of the left after recent shifts in ideology. The NDP, which is seeking its first seat since 2003, has been shut out in four consecutive elections.

Polls across the province close at 8 p.m. AT, though "a few" will remain open beyond the deadline as a result of some "technical glitches," according to Elections New Brunswick, the provincial agency that oversees elections. 

Spokesperson Paul Harpelle said there were some start-up issues in Fredericton and other areas have had trouble with "netbooks used for striking off voters on the electors list who have voted."

Things to keep in mind

The PCs won the most seats in the 2018 election with 22, three short of the 25 needed for a majority. The Liberals won 21, the Greens and Alliance took a historic three each. 

At dissolution, the PCs were down two seats after the death of Saint Croix MLA Greg Thompson and the departure of former deputy minister Robert Gauvin, who sat as an independent in Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou but is now running for the Liberals in Shediac Bay-Dieppe, a seat vacated by Gallant and unfilled prior to the campaign. 

The Liberals carried the popular vote in 2018 with a 37.8 per cent vote share — six points higher than the PCs. The Alliance received 12.5 per cent, the Greens earned 11.8 per cent and the NDP mustered five per cent. 

No party enters election day with a full roster of 49 candidates, after the PCs, Liberals and Alliance dismissed a candidate each last week over offensive social media posts targeting marginalized groups.

Former PC candidate Roland Michaud will be running as an independent in Victoria-La Vallée, a potential blow for the party who lost the seat to the Liberals in 2018 by 358 votes. On the other hand, the Liberals have no chance of retaking Saint Croix from the PCs after dropping candidate John Gardner, who is also running as an independent.

As the Tories scour the province for possible gains, they will be looking to central, western and southern areas. In 2018, Higgs had trouble breaking through in northern New Brunswick, which is predominantly francophone and leans heavily towards the Liberals; the electoral map showed a stark linguistic divide.

The 2018 election results map shows a stark linguistic divide between the francophone north and anglophone south. (CBC)

The informal partnership between the PCs and the People's Alliance, a party that has criticized the implementation of bilingualism in New Brunswick and called for a "common sense" approach, in the previous legislature appears to have deepened the divide. In the days after the 2018 election, the Alliance pledged to prop up a PC minority government for 18 months.

As CBC poll analyst Eric Grénier notes, the paths to victory for both Higgs and Vickers are narrow.

CBC News coverage 

CBC New Brunswick brings you election night coverage starting at 7:30 p.m. 

Join host Harry Forestell with expert analysis from Jacques Poitras, Rachel Cave and reporters in communities across the province. Polls close at 8 p.m. and we will have continuing coverage until the results are in.

Watch or listen on: CBC TV, CBC Gem, CBC Radio, CBC Listen, CBC News Network, cbc.ca/nb and on the CBC New Brunswick Facebook page. 

About the Author

Colin McPhail


Colin McPhail is a web writer with CBC New Brunswick. He is based in Saint John. You can reach him at colin.mcphail@cbc.ca.

With files from Gail Harding


 I refreshed the page and now its
David Amos:
Methinks Higgy et al should be checking out my election predictions about now FYI my tally is as follows but most folk don't care for my opinions N'esy Pas?

20 Liberals
23 Progressive Conservatives
3 Green
Robert Langue
Reply to @David Amos:
18 Liberals
24 Progressive Conservatives
4 Greens
1 Independant (Michaud)
Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @David Amos: You are correct. Most people dont care for your opinions N'esy Pas.
Freeman Cowan 
Reply to @David Amos: c'est correct, I mean it is as good as any one elses.
Pappi Maki 
Reply to @David Amos: what about that man with the bowtie? 
The results

17  Liberals

27  Progressive Conservatives

2    PANB

3  Green


 My Mistakes


PED 20 - Moncton South

Greg Turner Progressive Conservative  Tyson Milner  Liberal     


PED 37 - Oromocto-Lincoln-Fredericton

Mary Wilson   Progressive Conservatives     Steven Burns   Liberal


PED 42 - Fredericton-York

Ryan P. Cullins  Progressive Conservatives        Rick DeSaulniers   People's Alliance


PED 46 - Carleton-Victoria

Margaret Johnson Progressive Conservative        Andrew Harvey   Liberal

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 17:40:58 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks since your blogging buddy
Chucky Leblanc and his IT Guy Faust have revealed their election
predictons it should be my turn N'esy Pas???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for writing the Office of the Premier.  Due to the ongoing
election, your e-mail, if warranted, will be forwarded to the
appropriate department for a response.

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au Cabinet du
premier ministre. En raison de l’élection en cours, votre courriel
sera, le cas échéant, transmis au ministère compétent pour qu’il y

Si vous souhaitez obtenir les renseignements les plus récents sur le
coronavirus, veuillez consulter le

Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier.ministre@gnb.ca

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 14:40:54 -0300
Subject: YO Higgy Methinks since your blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc
and his IT Guy Faust have revealed their election predictons it should
be my turn N'esy Pas???
To: Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca, premier.ministre@gnb.ca,
voteryancullins@outlook.com, roy4fgl@gmail.com, "kris.austin"
<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, "rick.desaulniers"<rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>,
"Holland, Mike (LEG)"<mike.holland@gnb.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "mary.wilson"<mary.wilson@gnb.ca>,
"carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, "Stephane.vaillancourt"
<Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "Roger.L.Melanson"<roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, terry.seguin@cbc.ca,
Charles.Murray@gnb.ca, aip-aivp@gnb.ca, mark@huddle.today,
perry.brad@radioabl.ca, "sylvie.gadoury"
<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, jefferson@ufoparty.ca,
cfta@eastlink.ca, votemaxime@gmail.com,
heather.collins.panb@gmail.com, lglemieux@rogers.com, nobyrne@unb.ca,
"steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>, Newsroom
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Robert. Jones"
<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>

First enjoy dumb and dumber


Predictions of the 2020 New Brunswick Election are made by Blogger and
Andre Faust!!
•Sep 14, 2020

Now feel free to laugh at mine

PED 01 - Restigouche West
Gilles LePage    Liberal   (Charles Thériault Green maybe)

PED 02 - Campbellton-Dalhousie
Guy H. Arseneault  Liberal

PED 03 - Restigouche-Chaleur
Daniel Guitard   Liberal

PED 04 - Bathurst West-Beresford
René Legacy   Liberal

PED 05  - Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore
Denis Landry   Liberal

PED 06 – Caraquet
Isabelle Thériault  Liberal

PED 07 - Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou
Eric Mallet  Liberal

PED 08 - Tracadie-Sheila
Keith Chiasson   Liberal

PED 09 - Miramichi Bay-Neguac
Lisa Harris  Liberal

PED 10 – Miramichi
Michelle Conroy   People's Alliance

PED 11 - Southwest Miramichi-Bay du Vin
Jake Stewart Progressive Conservative  Art O'Donnell People's Alliance  (maybe)

PED 12 - Kent North
Arsehole Arsenault Green Meanie Bertrand LeBlanc  Liberal (maybe)

PED 13 - Kent South
Benoit Bourque   Liberal

PED 14 - Shediac Bay-Dieppe
Robert Gauvin     Liberal

PED 15 - Shediac-Beaubassin-Cap-Pelé
Jacques LeBlanc Liberal

PED 16 - Memramcook-Tantramar
Megan Mitton Green Maxime Bourgeois    Liberal (maybe)

PED 17 – Dieppe
Roger Melanson Liberal

PED 18 - Moncton East
Daniel Allain Progressive Conservative Monique LeBlanc     Liberal  (maybe)

PED 19 - Moncton Centre
Rob McKee  Liberal

PED 20 - Moncton South
Tyson Milner  Liberal      Greg Turner Progressive Conservative (maybe)

PED 21 - Moncton Northwest
Ernie Steeves    Progressive Conservative

PED 22 - Moncton Southwest
Sherry Wilson  Progressive Conservative

PED 23 – Riverview
R. Bruce Fitch    Progressive Conservative

PED 24 – Albert
Mike Holland   Progressive Conservative

PED 25 - Gagetown-Petitcodiac
Ross Wetmore   Progressive Conservative

PED 26 - Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins
Tammy Scott-Wallace  Progressive Conservative

PED 27 – Hampton
Gary E. Crossman  Progressive Conservative

PED 28 – Quispamsis
Blaine M. Higgs    Progressive Conservative

PED 29 – Rothesay
Hugh J. (Ted) Flemming   Progressive Conservative

PED 30 - Saint John East
Glen Savoie        Progressive Conservative

PED 31 - Portland-Simonds
Trevor A. Holder    Progressive Conservative

PED 32 - Saint John Harbour
Arlene Dunn   Progressive Conservative

PED 33 - Saint John Lancaster
K. Dorothy Shephard   Progressive Conservative

PED 34 - Kings Centre
Bill Oliver     Progressive Conservative

PED 35 - Fundy-The Isles-Saint John West
Andrea Anderson-Mason  Progressive Conservative

PED 36 - Saint Croix
Kathy Bockus   Progressive Conservative  Rod Cumberland  People's
Alliance (maybe)

PED 37 - Oromocto-Lincoln-Fredericton
Steven Burns   Liberal

PED 38 - Fredericton-Grand Lake
Kris Austin   People's Alliance

PED 39 - New Maryland-Sunbury
Jeff Carr   Progressive Conservative

PED 40 - Fredericton South
David Coon      Green

PED 41 - Fredericton North
Jill Green    Progressive Conservative Stephen horseman Liberal (maybe)

PED 42 - Fredericton-York
Rick DeSaulniers       People's Alliance

PED 43 - Fredericton West-Hanwell
Dominic Cardy    Progressive Conservative

PED 44 - Carleton-York
Richard Ames  Progressive Conservative

PED 45 – Carleton
Bill Hogan    Progressive Conservative

PED 46 - Carleton-Victoria
Andrew Harvey        Liberal         Margaret Johnson Progressive
Conservative (maybe)

PED 47 - Victoria-La Vallée
Chuck Chiasson Liberal   Roland Michaud   Independent  (maybe

PED 48 - Edmundston-Madawaska Centre
Jean-Claude (JC) D'Amours     Liberal

PED 49 - Madawaska Les Lacs-Edmundston
Francine Landry     Liberal

20  Liberals
23   Progressive Conservatives
3    PANB
3  Green

On 9/11/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRxk5M9TDHU
> Roy Wiggins wins Liberal Fredericton-South Nomination by one Vote!!!
> •Jun 9, 2014
> Charles LeBlanc
> 1.83K subscribers
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cimqhsdqpes
> New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs is confronted by blogger during
> media scrum and afterwards!!!
> •Sep 4, 2020
> Charles Leblanc
> 1.86K subscribers
> On 9/11/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Now Wiggins and Cullins know some of what everybody else knows
>> https://www.facebook.com/Roy-Wiggins-PC-Candidate-for-Fredericton-Grand-Lake-109660960859401/about/?ref=page_internal&path=%2FRoy-Wiggins-PC-Candidate-for-Fredericton-Grand-Lake-109660960859401%2Fabout%2F
>> https://www.facebook.com/ryancullinsconservative/?ref=nf&hc_ref=ARQywze6YQEOxZQqUkE6l9rGhGX39yZAdZsTGYSiF6x6EAL8D_uadCEnYMDgD04clAc
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
>> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 11:31:27 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy whereas Roland Michaud said he
>> still has respect for YOU it explains why he did not call me back to
>> discuss the EUB hearing yesterday and why I no longer wish to speak to
>> him N'esy Pas???
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>> Thank you for writing the Office of the Premier.  Due to the ongoing
>> election, your e-mail, if warranted, will be forwarded to the
>> appropriate department for a response.
>> If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
>> visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
>> Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au Cabinet du
>> premier ministre. En raison de l’élection en cours, votre courriel
>> sera, le cas échéant, transmis au ministère compétent pour qu’il y
>> réponde.
>> Si vous souhaitez obtenir les renseignements les plus récents sur le
>> coronavirus, veuillez consulter le
>> www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
>> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
>> P.O Box/C. P. 6000
>> Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
>> E3B 5H1
>> Canada
>> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
>> Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier.ministre@gnb.ca
>> Roland Michaud says he misunderstood the meme that got him scrubbed
>> from PC slate
>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/roland-michaud-provincial-election-1.5719457
>> Former PC candidate blames sexual abuse as child for transphobic post
>> Roland Michaud says he misunderstood the meme that got him scrubbed
>> from PC slate
>> Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: Sep 10, 2020 6:37 PM AT
>> Deja Vu Anyone?
>> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2020/09/pc-candidate-roland-michaud-asked-to.html?showComment=1599820901935#c427970140699305698
>> Thursday, 10 September 2020
>> PC candidate Roland Michaud asked to withdraw after transphobic post
>> https://twitter.com/DavidRayAmos/with_replies
>> David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
>> Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
>> Methinks much to Higgy's chagrin I manged to speak to Roland Michaud
>> personally and liked the guy so it should be obvious why I hope he
>> wins the seat as an Independent N'esy Pas?
>> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2020/09/pc-candidate-roland-michaud-asked-to.html
>>  #nbpoli #cdnpoli
>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-roland-michaud-transphobic-post-blaine-higgs-1.5714770
>> PC candidate Roland Michaud asked to withdraw after transphobic post
>> WARNING: This story includes details some people might find offensive
>> Alexandre Silberman, Gail Harding · CBC News · Posted: Sep 07, 2020 3:19
>> PM
>> AT
>>     Unknown 10 September 2020 at 20:08
>>     WTF is with these guys?
>>     Instead of, at least, pretending he is a "man" and owning what he
>> posted, just tonight Roland Michaud claims he was abused, and that is
>> his reason for posting what he did. Could a politician get any more
>> slippery?
>> MotorcycleManiacLtd 11 September 2020 at 07:41
>>         I was wondering the same thing

Liberal collapse in anglophone ridings sparks calls for party reform



Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks the circus was in really fine form when the liberals changed their mind about a conservative turncoat and allowed him to take on Higgy's pal the former NDP leader N'esy Pas?




Liberal collapse in anglophone ridings sparks calls for party reform

15 Liberal candidates finished 3rd or worse in their ridings Monday night


Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: Sep 16, 2020 6:00 AM AT |


Kevin Vickers announced Monday night that he would step aside as Liberal leader. (Radio-Canada)

Last year Jen Smith was president of the provincial Liberal association in New Maryland-Sunbury and on Monday as a candidate she finished second in the election in that riding — for the Green party.

"I'm very very proud of myself and pleased for coming in second place," said Smith.

"It's sad in a way to see because I love that (Liberal) party and I love the people but I saw this happening last year." 

Smith's defection is part of what turned out to be a widespread collapse of the Liberal machine in English New Brunswick on Monday night.

Jen Smith ran for the Green party and finished second in the riding of New Maryland-Sunbury. She had been president of the local Liberal riding association until last year. (Facebook)

The party finished third or worse in 15 anglophone ridings and lost its last two central and southern New Brunswick footholds in the legislature with defeats in Saint John Harbour and Fredericton North and a key upper St. John River valley seat in Carleton-Victoria.

Vote totals for Liberal candidates in the eight ridings in and around Saint John fell to a combined 10,694, one third fewer than 2014, the last election Liberals won in New Brunswick.  

In the eight ridings in and around Fredericton, three Liberal candidates finished third and three came fourth with the combined vote total of all eight candidates dwindling to 9,549, barely half the support of 2014.

Liberal MLA Stephen Horsman lost nearly 1,000 votes from his 2018 total and finished third in the riding of Fredericton North in a collapse suffered by the party all over southern New Brunswick. (CBC)

Further south in the once firm Liberal stronghold of Charlotte County, it was even worse news for the party as it polled just 1,127 votes in the area's two ridings, down a stunning 85 per cent from six years earlier.   

Liberal troubles in the area were exaggerated by the controversy surrounding its candidate John Wayne Gardner in Saint Croix. Gardner was disavowed by leader Kevin Vickers mid campaign for old Facebook posts about straight and rainbow flags and bilingualism, but he remained on the ballot as a Liberal choice for voters to the end.

In all, Liberals who won five of the 18 Saint John-, Fredericton- and Charlotte County-area seats in 2014, and two in 2018, took none this year and posted an historic low 15.7 per cent of the vote. That was third behind the PCs and Greens.

The area has become such a political desert for the party the nearest Liberal seat to St. Stephen is now 230 kilometres north in Grand Falls or 260 kilometres east in Moncton.

Alex Scholten, who ran provincially for Liberals in 2018 in New Maryland-Sunbury and won double the votes the party managed in the riding on Monday, said there are significant problems the party needs to overcome.

"It was a disappointing night," said Scholten in a message to CBC News about Liberal results all through central and southern New Brunswick.

"Obviously the party is not selling what the constituents in those areas are looking for."

Scholten blames a breakdown in internal party communications in recent years between ridings and central leadership for some of the problems but also believes the province itself is becoming increasingly fragmented.

"The wants and needs of various parts of the province are not homogeneous making it extremely difficult for a party to generate support province wide," wrote Scholten.

Has party learned from results?

Smith left the Liberal Party in a dispute over its treatment of René Ephestion, who she feels was pressured to abandon his bid for the party leadership in 2019 by insiders to clear the field for Vickers to be acclaimed leader.  

Ephestion filed paperwork to run for the leadership but was convinced to withdraw in April 2019.

Smith feels Liberals need to become more democratic internally and avoid recruiting and anointing new leaders, like Vickers, who party members have no role in selecting.

"I hope they learn a lesson out of this," said Smith. "They treated him like a rootin' tootin' gun slinging hero that would save New Brunswick and obviously he couldn't even secure his own seat. I saw this coming." 

'A tough evening'

The good news for Liberals is as poorly as it fared in southern New Brunswick, it was the opposite in francophone ridings.  

The party piled up huge winning margins and added to past vote totals in a number of places from Edmundston in the northwest to Caraquet and Shippagan in the northeast.

Liberal Isabelle Theriault celebrates her election night win in Caraquet. Theriault's vote total was up more than 500 from 2018, the opposite of what was happening to Liberals throughout southern New Brunswick. (Twitter)

Those rising vote totals helped the party paper over some of the collapse it suffered in the south, and after Vickers announced his departure Monday night, a new leader will inherit the task of fixing whatever is wrong.

"It is a tough evening,"said Vickers. "Obviously we'll be in a building process.

"It's time for another leader to step up and take the party forward." 

About the Author

Robert Jones


Robert Jones has been a reporter and producer with CBC New Brunswick since 1990. His investigative reports on petroleum pricing in New Brunswick won several regional and national awards and led to the adoption of price regulation in 2006. 






David Amos 

Content disabled
Methinks Higgy's circus is over and the whining and crying of the fake left will continue until Trudeau "The Younger" has the writ dropped then they will talk tough again N'esy Pas?





David Amos                                                                                                                                    Methinks the circus was in really fine form when the liberals changed their mind about a conservative turncoat and allowed him to take on Higgy's pal the former NDP leader N'esy Pas?  

David Amos                                                                                                                                          Reply to @David Amos: When I saw Higgy's pal featured in the news riding around the Hanwell on a silly new/old yellow bike I wondered if he bought it because it reminded him of his favourite butter tarts.




Robert Langue                                                                                                                                       The Liberals could run a farm animal in certain ridings, and still win (Shediac Beaubassin Cap-Pele for example).                                                                                                                                                        

Claude DeRoche                                                                                                                                  Reply to @Robert Langue:
Spread the COR Party H8!

David Amos
Reply to @Robert Langue: Methinks the same can be said of many conservative strongholds N'esy Pas?
Robert Langue
Reply to @David Amos: In Alberta, the Conservatives could run bales of hay and still win.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Robert Langue: Notice how fast my comment went "poof"??? 
Brad Brown
Reply to @Robert Langue: Those bales of hay would provide more effective representation than Jason Kenny's band of toadies.  










Al Borland                                                                                                                                             Glad that this outlet is finally pointing this out. Just look at the complete collapse in rural anglophone ridings. In a lot of ridings it's a two way between the PCs and the PANB. 

David Amos                                                                                                                                          Reply to @Al Borland: Yup
Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @Al Borland:
Agree they will enjoy their schools and hospitals shutting down! Karma!












Guy Richard                                                                                                                                   Surprising that the English have put up with abuse from SANB for so long, the writing was on the wall. 


Mack Leigh                                                                                                                                         Reply to @Guy Richard:
All funding both federally and provincially to groups the likes of SANB should cease and desist immediately. They have their own devious agenda and it is not to " promote " their language and culture among Canadians.

David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Yup
James Risdon
Reply to @Mack Leigh: I'll bite. What do you think the agenda is
















Thomas Imber                                                                                                                                          The Liberals have essentially become the political wing of the Acadian society, so it shouldn't be a surprise that their support in most parts of NB has dropped.

A few terms in the political wilderness would do them good, and it would also allow the Greens to replace the Liberals as the second main political party in NB 

Al Borland
Reply to @Thomas Imber: The Greens are only second in francophone NB. The Greens are often third and fourth in anglophone NB. They're often well behind the PANB.
David Amos
Reply to @Thomas Imber: Methinks any folks would agree that the Greens are close cousins of the Liberals N'esy Pas?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Al Borland: You had best review the election results. The Greens placed second in 12 or 15 ridings and retained its 3 seats and I don't think those 3 seats are in what you could call francophone NB (whatever that is... it does not show up on any map of mine)
Al Borland 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: There are 49 ridings in NB so winning in Fredericton doesn't mean they're widely second place in anglophone NB. Memramcook and Kent North absolutely francophone NB. Where were 12 or 15 ridings where they placed second? Mostly francophone ridings.
Al Borland 
Reply to @Al Borland: *Memramcook and Kent North are absolutely francophone NB. They don't list language on a map, but there is data about places on the map elsewhere.









Once rejected by 2 political parties, Chris Duffie set to take on Dominic Cardy for Liberals

The Liberal candidate will run in Fredericton West-Hanwell

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Jul 28, 2020 5:00 AM AT

After being rejected as a candidate by the PCs and the Liberals in the last provincial election, Chris Duffie will run for the Liberals in the riding now held by Education Minister Dominic Cardy. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

New Brunswick Liberals are turning to a candidate they rejected less than three years ago to take on Education Minister Dominic Cardy in his Fredericton-area riding.

Chris Duffie was nominated by acclamation to run for the Liberals in Fredericton West-Hanwell, the third time he has tried to get on the ballot.

"There's lots of good work to be done out in the riding," he said. "It's exciting and I'm looking forward to doing it."

Premier Blaine Higgs has been dropping hints that he may call an early election by this fall.

In 2017 Duffie, a Progressive Conservative supporter at the time, took the party to court, arguing it tried to prevent him from challenging incumbent PC MLA Carl Urquhart for the party nomination in the riding of Carleton-York.

Duffie had missed the deadline to file his paperwork but argued it was because the party didn't properly publicize that the nomination was coming up.

After a judge ruled that the PC party hadn't broken any of its rules, Duffie decided to run for the Liberals.

But the Liberals also rejected him, refusing to let him seek their nomination.

New leader helped


This year Duffie got the green light to run from the party's vetting process, but in a different riding.

"What has changed? They understand where I'm coming from and what I'm working towards and what I'm working for," Duffie said. "I'm working for the people."

He also said a new Liberal leader, Kevin Vickers, "goes a long way" toward him being able to run.

In 2017 the Liberals said they disqualified Duffie because, as a PC member, he had criticized then-Premier Brian Gallant and his government only months before.
On Monday, former Liberal MLA Roly MacIntyre, a member of the committee vetting candidates, offered a different reason for that decision.

He said it was because it would "generally not be appropriate for someone who runs for another party's nomination to run for the Liberal nomination in the same election."

Because Duffie has remained involved with the Liberals since 2018, "we have no further concerns in this regard," he said.

Duffie doesn't live in Fredericton West-Hanwell but says he did in the past, for about 15 years, and has "a great footprint" in the area.

Chances are 'pretty good'


Chris Duffie said he isn't nervous about taking on Education Minister Dominic Cardy in the next provincial election. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

He isn't nervous about taking on Cardy, one of the most high-profile ministers in the government of Premier Blaine Higgs. "I think my chances are pretty good or I wouldn't be doing this."

In 2018, Cardy won the riding with 31.8 percent of the vote, with Liberal Cindy Miles close behind with 27.9 percent.

"I believe my record will speak for itself, as will Mr. Duffie's," Cardy said in an emailed statement.

"Whenever the election is called, I hope we can have a conversation based on our parties' contrasting visions for the future of the people of Fredericton West-Hanwell, and for our province."
The Cardy-Duffie race won't be the first time they have crossed paths. During his 2017 court challenge, Duffie presented evidence that Higgs and Cardy had promised him a job if he stayed out of the PC nomination race.

Both the PCs and Liberals have started nominating candidates, or scheduling nominations, ahead of a possible campaign this year.

The PCs have 13 nominating conventions scheduled so far in the coming weeks, 12 for ridings they hold and one in Tracadie-Sheila, held by the Liberals.

The Liberals have already nominated four candidates, including three sitting MLAs. Duffie is the first candidate nominated in a riding held by another party.

About the Author

Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks Roly MacIntyre,must have studied the documents I gave him when we met in person with Higgy's buddy Rob Moore and many others in Quispamsis in 2015 Perhaps he will explain them to Mr Duffie N'esy Pas?

David Amos
"I believe my record will speak for itself, as will Mr. Duffie's," Cardy said in an emailed statement.

Heres hoping that is true 

Ray Oliver
You could run a fire hydrant against Cardy. Itll win. Heck. Vote Amos!!

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Wow. A knock out drag down battle between 2 men who have jumped both parties and addresses just to grab a small pension. I'm intrigued....

David Amos 
Reply to @Ray Oliver: "Heck. Vote Amos!!"

How So???

Jos Allaire
The other three opposition parties do not ant election. New Brunswickers do not want elections. But Higgs wants an election. It is sure to blow up in his ugly face.

David Amos 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks they don't want one for the same reason Higgy does N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Liberals sure diggin at the bottom of the barrel looking for cndidates outside their SANB controlled ridings. First Vickers, and now Duffie . Add to that Arsenault and Gauvin, who never really were committed to the parties they supposedly represented until their true colours showed , an election looks bleak for the Liberlas . Melanson is scrambling to prevent one happening , grasping at any straws he can get his fingers on .

Jos Allaire
Reply to @Lou Bell: Higgs will never get a majority! If he does not want to work with the other parties, which is a mark of the CONservatives, he will never get better. This is the best he can hope for. He can thank the other COR party that he is able to call himself the Premier.

David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks you write a lot like Marguerite of old because you are like a moth to a flame N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Perhaps the Anglophone Liberal MLA's should disclose to their constituents what they knew about the UNDISCLOSED " Phonie Games " giveaway ! Were they also involved or were they OUT OF THE LOOP ??? Doesn't look good either way !!

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Lou Bell: You sure know something about "Phonie", Phonie!

David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should be able to get the same info from your MLA No doubt you voted for the dude who sent me butter tarts as Higgy's chief of staff before the last election N'esy Pas?

David Peters
The establishment is hoping no one cares and doesn't want to get involved.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Peters:
Looks like the fine folks of Fredericton West-Hanwell are expected to hold their noses and vote.

David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Cardy seat is relatively safe for a Conservative If he ever loses I have no doubt that it will because he did not know enough to clam up and do nothing N'esy Pas?

Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Amos:
You do realize who you are talking about? Clam up? Right. 

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks they just did it to me N'esy Pas? 

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
I saw that earlier..............

David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks everybody knows who I am gonna call today N'esy Pas?

Eric Fowler 
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Nobody cares who you call.. You a a legend in your mind only.

David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Eric Fowler: Methinks Higgy et al very much care as to whom I talk to about what In fact no doubt so will you when I mention your name to certain people N'esy Pas?

Ben Haroldson 
Content disabled
Reply to @Eric Fowler: You think? Dave makes a great effort to keep us unformed on all the bee ess going on " in this place ", and he also runs in almost every election. If he was in my riding he would get my vote. I wish him the very best in all his political endeavors.

David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Thanks BTW there is no need for me to talk to Chris Duffie I talked to him years ago and sent him my documents before he sued then backed away from politicking FYI It is one of Cardy's well known constituents and a former party leader whom I wish to speak to about this circus

Ben Haroldson  
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: So much krap going on, it's hard to keep all the important stuff on the front burner. Good luck in the next election, if you throw your hat in.

Michel Forgeron 
Content disabled
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: "unformed" - did you mean informed or uninformed?

Ben Haroldson  
Content disabled
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: What letter is beside the u? Figure it out.

Eric Fowler 
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: I don't care if you mention my name as long as you don't say that I am your friend.

David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Eric Fowler: Methinks you think a lot of yourself I doubt that you have any friends you can trust N'esy Pas?







Freeland, Vance and several federal officials barred from official dealings with ex-ambassador



Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others                                                           Data Mining???                                                                                                                                Methinks anyone can type names such as Jonathan Vance and David Amos into a search engine and find out lots of things Mr Dion knows N'esy Pas?




Freeland, Vance and several federal officials barred from official dealings with ex-ambassador

Former ambassador broke law by offering officials pro bono assistance on behalf of Palantir


Catharine Tunney· CBC News· Posted: Sep 16, 2020 2:02 PM ET 


David MacNaughton, then the ambassador to the U.S., looks out of his window at the Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C. Monday August, 12, 2019. Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion launched a probe into MacNaughton’s interactions with senior Trudeau government officials in his new role as Palantir Canada president back in June. (Jason Burles/CBC)

Canada's ethics commissioner has ordered nine senior officials — including two Liberal cabinet ministers and the chief of the defence staff — to have no official dealings with Palantir executive David MacNaughton for one year after his office found the former ambassador and Liberal adviser broke the Conflict of Interest Act.

Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion said MacNaughton, who was named president of Palantir Technologies Canada more than a year ago, spoke with or arranged multiple meetings with several public office holders for the purpose of offering pro bono assistance on Palantir's behalf.

The controversial company builds data mining technology for its clients and is used by intelligence agencies, banks and some of the biggest companies in the world.

While the offers did not result in any contracts being awarded to Palantir, the former ambassador to the U.S. "has acknowledged, with the benefit of hindsight, that these communications and meetings, to the extent they could have furthered the interests of Palantir, were contrary to [the act]," Dion wrote in his findings.

The act prohibits former public office holders from "acting in such a manner as to take improper advantage of their previous public office."

If the commissioner determines that a former reporting public office holder violated that rule, he can order current public office holders to have no official dealings with them.

The nine officials include:

  • Chrystia Freeland, current deputy prime minister (and minister of intergovernmental affairs when MacNaughton's communications with government officials took place)
  • Gen. Jonathan Vance, chief of defence staff 
  • Navdeep Bains, minister of innovation, science and industry
  • Rick Theis, director of policy and cabinet affairs, Prime Minister's Office
  • Ryan Dunn, chief of staff to Bains
  • Leslie Church, chief of staff to the minister of public services and procurement
  • Jody Thomas, deputy minister, Department of National Defence
  • Bill Matthews, deputy minister, public services and procurement
  • Simon Kennedy, deputy minister, innovation, science and economic development

Freeland and MacNaughton, who worked closely on negotiating the updated trade deal with the U.S. and Mexico back in 2017–2018, had three general discussions about the novel coronavirus in March during which McNaughton talked about what Palantir was doing to help other governments on a pro bono basis, said Dion.


Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner
Nine senior officials, including ministers and DMs, have been ordered by #EthicsCommissioner Dion, under subs. 41(1) of the #COIAct, not to have official dealings w/ former ambassador David MacNaughton for one year. Details here: bit.ly/3mqDsbd
Image                         2:11 PM · Sep 16, 2020

That same month, MacNaughton also talked to Vance twice and offered Palantir's help if needed. 

"From my part there was no conversation on the matter of pro bono work," Vance told CBC News. He recently announced his retirement but remains Canada's top soldier until his replacement is named.

"It was offered, noted and not acted upon."

MacNaughton's March contacts with Bains involved arranging a meeting between Palantir staff and Public Service and Procurement Canada, according to the ethics report.

News of MacNaughton's interactions with government officials was first reported by The Logic back in April. The outlet reported that the longtime Liberal told a business audience during a teleconference that Palantir was in discussions with the federal government and several provinces.

Dion announced he was investigating MacNaughton back in June after NDP MP Charlie Angus asked the commissioner's office to take a closer look at the former ambassador's conversations with government officials.

"Here we see a senior Trudeau Liberal nailed for breaking conflict of interest laws, while working for a dark and controversial surveillance giant," said Angus in a statement on Wednesday.

"Trudeau's former U.S. ambassador should have known better, but it seems that Mr. MacNaughton didn't think the rules applied to him as he used his former status to pitch his new employers. Hasn't anyone in Trudeau's team read the law?"


David Amos 
Data Mining??? Yea Right Methinks anyone type names such as Jonathan Vance and David Amos into their favourite search engine and find out about lots of things that the lawyer Mario Dion won't tell you N'esy Pas? 
David Amos
Methinks Mario Dion' the former Public Sector Integrity Commissioner should review our email exchanges and all the documents on file with the Commission since 2007 then review the letter and the emails I got from his predecessor Madame Dawson in 2016/17 N'esy Pas?  
Aaron Morris
Imagine all the stuff that we don't know about. Jeesh.
Normy Crow
Reply to @Aaron Morris: We have no choice but to imagine because CBC refuses to report it. AND as we all k now, if CBC didn`t report it, it didn`t happen.
Bradley Clinton
Reply to @Normy Crow: 2 points for C bC reporting this latest NINE scandals.
Normy Crow 
Reply to @Bradley Clinton: Sure.After it was reported elsewhere for days.
Normy Crow 
Reply to @Bradley Clinton: AND scandals aren`t the only news left out of the news. If this audience actually read ALL the news,they`d know better. But they prefer just being lambs at pasture.
Stephen George 
Reply to @Normy Crow:
and some want to be Rams.
Carson Brook
Reply to @Aaron Morris: Conservative-chosen witness Duff Conacher of his self-named Democracy Watch, which denies oversight requests to reveal full financial record, stated in WE committee hearings that Ethics Commissioner did break guidelines and rules in middle of investigations - then wrote in changes and new rules not previously there - in order to find Justin Trudeau in ethics violation.... (anyone can listen to his testimony in committee). Conacher is accurate about that - thing is, he and presumably those who called him as a witness, think that kind of seemingly unethical conduct by a commissioner is a really good thing for Canada and that the commissioner should be doing more of the mid-review rule changing more often. There - more of the stuff we don't know about.... the conduct of the commissioner.... Jeesh
David Amos
Reply to @Aaron Morris: Data Mining???
Yea Right Methinks anyone can type names such as Jonathan Vance and David Amos into their favourite search engine and find out about lots of things that the lawyer Mario Dion won't tell us N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Carson Brook: Methinks the lawyer Duff Conacher need to study all the document and listen to the CD I snt him in 2004 then ask Mario Dion the former Public Sector Integrity Commissioner if he should review our email exchanges and all the documents on file with the Commission since 2007 then review the letter and the emails I got from his predecessor Madame Dawson in 2016/17 N'esy Pas?
























NDP apologizes for Saint John candidate's 'profane remarks' directed at other politicians



Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others

Content disabled 

Methinks it would be a good day to remind folks of the ERRE Committee coming to Fat Fred City N'esy Pas? 


Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others                                                      Content disabled                                                                                                                              Methinks many political animals understand why I enjoy encountering a critic with what appears to be a real name as per the rules of a public forum we are all paying for N'esy Pas?  







NDP apologizes for Saint John candidate's 'profane remarks' directed at other politicians

Courtney Pyrke could face discplinary action for tweets aimed at Blaine Higgs, Wayne Long


Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Sep 16, 2020 6:46 PM AT 


Courtney Pyrke, NDP candidate for Saint John Harbour, could face disciplinary action from her party over tweets directed at Blaine Higgs and Wayne Long. (Submitted by Courtney Pyrke)

The interim leader of the New Brunswick NDP is condemning election-night comments by one of the party's candidates and says he is looking at "disciplinary action."

Mackenzie Thomason apologized for what he called "wholly unnecessary and profane remarks" by Courtney Pyrke aimed at Saint John-Rothesay Liberal MP Wayne Long and Premier Blaine Higgs.

At 9:57 on election night, Pyrke, the NDP candidate in Saint John Harbour, tweeted a photo of a bottle of wine next to a paper cup with the words "F--- Blaine Higgs."

Later that night Pyrke tweeted a crude anatomical pun about Long's name while comparing him to an NDP MP who represented the federal riding where they used to live in Hamilton, Ont.

Interim NDP Leader Mackenzie Thomason described the comments as 'wholly unnecessary and profane.' (CBC News)

In a press release, Thomason condemned the "outbursts" and said they didn't reflect NDP values and were made without his consent. 

"We have our differences, we have our passions, but when you attack personally, and use comments such as that on a personal level, that's something that contravenes the political process, contravenes good will and it's not promoting dialogue," he said in an interview.

Thomason said such behaviour would not be tolerated and the party was "exploring disciplinary action for these and other remarks," but he said he wasn't aware of the details of the NDP's internal process, which he said would be confidential.

Candidate at odds with party officials

Pyrke, who identifies as non-binary and uses the pronouns they and them, said the criticism was "fair" but the party had not contacted them to discuss the tweets before issuing the press release. They learned of the statement from CBC News.

Pyrke also said the party was upset about Pyrke's questioning of how party officials were controlling Thomason's schedule and how they were "running the show", instead of the interim leader himself.

"I had basically been shut down and told I didn't understand," Pyrke said. 

"Every time I asked these types of questions, they treated it as if I was attacking them, and that I wasn't being understanding, and that I was new so I don't get it."

Thomason said a "very professional" team of people came forward to help the NDP campaign and "it was made very clear to the candidates that this was what was going on, and it seemed to not sit well with certain candidates.

"Differences arise and differences are okay. We have to have those conversations, but they have to be respectful."

Pyrke would not commit to staying involved with the NDP. "This is not the party that I support from my home town in Hamilton." 

Long surprised by apology

Long said he was surprised by Thomason's apology "but I was happy to see it. I don't think personal attacks of that nature have a place in politics."

Saint John MP Wayne Long says personal attacks of that nature don't belong in politics. (CBC)

On Monday, Pyrke finished fourth in Saint John Harbour, a one-time NDP bastion, with 5.9 per cent of the vote.

That's the lowest total for the NDP in the riding since it was created before the 1995 election. 

However, that result far exceeded the NDP's province-wide 1.6 per cent share of the popular vote and the 1.3 per cent Thomason received in Fredericton North.  

About the Author

Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 







David Amos
Content disabled 
Methinks it would be a good day to remind folks of the ERRE Committee coming to Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?



David Amos
Content disabled




David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks they don't understand the circus N'esy Pas?
Andrew Purdy
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Your a broken record, nes pas? 
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Andrew Purdy: Methinks many political animals understand why I enjoy encountering a critic with what appears to be a real name as per the rules of a public forum we are all paying for N'esy Pas?













Terry Tibbs

If a speck of dust breaks wind in the forest does anyone care?


David Amos 

Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks many people would wonder how that was possible and whether or not it is a sign of new life in our nearly dead forests N'esy Pas? 
 Terry Tibbs
 Reply to @David Amos:
I would have to say the significance is about equal.
Buford Wilson
Mackenzie is right to reprimand her.
Courtney ought to be ashamed of herself.
James Risdon
Reply to @Buford Wilson: In all fairness, the NDP leader should be ashamed of the election results himself.
Talon World Order 
Reply to @Buford Wilson: oh dear, you didn't use proper pronouns!
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: I disagree The young man stated his opinions very well . Its not his fault not many people in his riding agreed with him
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: BTW You should not deny that the young man got more votes that you and I did in the last provincial election Correct?
Ben Haroldson
Nbers are too set in their political ways. Nothing will ever change around here. It's gotta be an ego problem.
Al Borland 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: What?
James Risdon
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Well, you can't improve on perfection. ;-)
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: So says a former Irving spin doctor


PC party members diverge on language split after Higgs shut out in northern New Brunswick



Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others

Content disabled 
Methinks the SANB may agree that PC MLA-elect Daniel Allain should be considered Higgy's latest French Lieutenant and be referred to as simply Gauvin 2.0 N'esy Pas?










PC party members diverge on language split after Higgs shut out in northern New Brunswick

PC candidate says party leader a liability among francophone voters in northern riding


Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Sep 16, 2020 5:00 AM AT


Blaine Higgs and the Progressive Conservatives will form a majority government in New Brunswick. (Andrew Vaughan/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Look no further for evidence of a language divide in New Brunswick politics than the differing views emerging among Progressive Conservatives about whether that divide even exists.

In Tracadie-Sheila Monday night, defeated PC candidate Diane Carey said that francophones "were just afraid about the leader," Premier Blaine Higgs.

In Fredericton Tuesday morning, victorious Tory Jill Green disagreed. "I think part of the language divide was manufactured and it's not as real as people think it is," she said.

Party president Claude Williams, a francophone, called the split "unfortunate," while Higgs himself said it's "not so much a language problem as it is a political problem."

PC candidate Diane Carey francophone voters were 'afraid' about Higgs. (Radio-Canada)

And newly elected PC MLA Daniel Allain said while there may be a "divide," there isn't an "issue." 

The numbers don't lie: in Tracadie-Sheila, a riding held by the PCs from 1994 to 2014, Carey won 23.2 per cent of the vote compared to 69.5 per cent for Liberal winner Keith Chiasson.

Higgs was a liability among voters, Chiasson said. "He didn't represent who they were and what their priorities were."

Liberal MLA-elect Keith Chiasson soundly defeated PC Diane Carey in Tracadie-Sheila. Chiasson said Higgs was liability among the voters in the riding. (Radio-Canada)

In Madawaska Les Lacs-Edmundston, another area long held by the PCs, the party got 25.6 per cent of the vote while the Liberals won 66.5 per cent.

Higgs says north 'doesn't accept me'

This sweeping francophone rejection of Higgs constitutes the one major asterisk on his remarkable electoral triumph on Monday — the first time a New Brunswick government has been re-elected in 17 years.

He has only one francophone in his new expanded caucus, Moncton East MLA-elect Daniel Allain. He's without any representation from the francophone north.

"It wasn't a failure of me accepting the northern part of the province," Higgs said Tuesday on CBC Radio's As It Happens. "I guess it was a case where the northern part of the province doesn't accept me."

The premier has francophone advisors, but they're not visible and accountable the way ministers and MLAs are. 

"The connection with the francophones is not good," said University of Moncton political scientist Roger Ouellette. 

He attributed it to Higgs's involvement as a young man with the anti-bilingualism Confederation of Regions party and his winning of the 2016 PC leadership race with scant francophone support — and an inability to converse in French himself.

Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs provides a glimpse into what he’ll do with a majority government. 10:09

Then throw in his two-year co-operation agreement in the legislature with the People's Alliance, which Higgs relied on to prop up his minority government and which opposes aspects of official bilingualism.

"If we put everything together, the perception from the north is not good for him," Ouellette said. 

Chiasson added there's a need for "making everybody feel welcome in the province, that they have a place at the table, that they have say, that they can be who they are." 

Political, not language split, Higgs says

Higgs himself doesn't see it that way.

"It wasn't a language split," he said on CBC's Information Morning Fredericton Tuesday morning. "It seems more of a political split that has been there for some time and has been taken advantage of."

He was referring to northern ridings that he said have been Liberal "for a long time." Brunswick News quoted Higgs saying that "you could run a lampshade" in those ridings "and you'd get a Liberal."

While that was true for most of the twentieth century, over the last four decades PC premiers Richard Hatfield, Bernard Lord and David Alward all managed to varying degrees to capture many ridings in the francophone north.

Higgs acknowledged that on As It Happens but said those previous premiers had won the ridings with expensive commitments he was unwilling to make. 

"You can see different models in terms of how it works. I presented a model for an entire province," he said.

He added that some people in some areas of the province were looking for costly commitments during the campaign but they should be "prepared to look at new ideas, be part of a new process and be part of a bigger goal." 

Higgs spoke some French Monday night in his victory speech but did not address francophones as a community about their concerns.

Instead he spoke of geography, promising to be "inclusive and collaborative" with the north and the south.

"He has no ambition for the cultural side, for the Francophonie," Ouellette said. "It's not his cup of tea." 

No language issue, says Allain

Allain is defending his leader, saying "there are a lot of things that divide us in New Brunswick at times," including language, but "I don't think there's a language issue.

"There's platforms elaborated by different parties and people had the chance to vote on that. There is some 'ethnic vote' sometimes that happens … and the premier has given us his direction, that he wants to lead and make sure he's inclusive and collaborative." 

Allain also brushed off the premier's lack of direct reference to francophones in his victory speech. "The premier addressed New Brunswickers. First and foremost we are New Brunswickers."

PC MLA-elect Daniel Allain, the lone francophone in the party caucus, will likely play an important role in the Higgs government. (Radio-Canada)

Higgs said Tuesday he would focus on economic issues in the north, promising to work with local chambers of commerce to create job growth.

"Let's look at a long-term sustainable path forward that brings people back to the region," he said.

Ouellette said the premier seems to regard any gestures beyond that as "political" but said that means more than just the crass use of taxpayer dollars. 

"Politicians should do politics," he said. "Not small politics [like] buying votes. Doing politics is trying to reach the entire population of this province.

"If you want to be a real leader, it's important to lead the province, and this province has two language communities. … it's really important that all these people have their voice and their concerns around the table."

'Fear' over relationship with francophones

Williams acknowledged Monday there was talk during the campaign of "some fear about the premier not listening to the francophone community.

"We've got to break that because that is not true. With a majority he will prove to New Brunswick that he is there for the whole province."

Ouellette said Allain will play a key role.

Unlike Robert Gauvin, who was a political neophyte when he was thrust into the role of French lieutenant two years ago, Allain "has been around for the last 20 years" as an advisor to Lord and Alward.

That should allow him to work more effectively within the PC government and cabinet for more francophone outreach, Ouellette said.

"He's well-connected. He knows the party, so he may have a strong voice around the table."

Higgs's future

Ouellette also expects Higgs, who is 66 years old, will serve just one term and then retire, allowing the party to choose a new leader better able to empathize with francophones. 

He said the party should consider using a weighted voting system in its next leadership race, like the federal Conservatives and the provincial Liberals.

Assigning equal voting strength to each riding will make it more important for leadership candidates to connect with all parts of the province, he said.





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David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks the SANB may agree that PC MLA-elect Daniel Allain should be considered Higgy's latest French Lieutenant and be referred to as simply Gauvin 2.0 N'esy Pas?  












Residents livid with glyphosate say they'll chase spray helicopters out of their communities




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks Higgy et al know why I just chuckled as CBC kept deleting my comments as I picked up the phone etc N'esy Pas? 








Residents livid with glyphosate say they'll chase spray helicopters out of their communities

Foes of controversial herbicide attempted to intercept spray helicopters Tuesday morning


Shane Fowler· CBC News· Posted: Sep 16, 2020 6:58 PM AT



Residents near Brockway says they tried to confront crews piloting helicopters like this one that were destined for glyphosate spraying over Crown land Tuesday morning. (James Steidle/CBC)

On Monday night, Peter Ganong noticed a pair of helicopters had landed just across the road from his house in Brockway, about 56 kilometres north of Saint Andrews. 

Ganong lives by the Brockway airport. The patch of pavement on Route 3 is riddled with strawberry plants and may not seem deserving of "airport" as a designation, since it's only used occasionally. 

But Ganong said the arrival of those helicopters was no less concerning than if military jets had landed. He ducked into the nearby woods and started to photograph workers preparing to spray the herbicide glyphosate the next morning. 

"I've strongly considered moving out of New Brunswick because of this," Ganong said. 

Peter Ganong says he's not an activist but may change that after watching the forest ecosystem around his home in Brockway degrade for decades. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

He sent the pictures he took to friends and neighbours, who shared them on social media. The next morning about a dozen people showed up at the Brockway airport to confront the pilots and workers. 

But the clash Ganong and his neighbours were expecting never materialized. All they heard was the sound of the helicopters leaving just before the group arrived. 

That left a runway of people seething. And they're vowing to run any more spray operators out of their community. 

"Year after year, there's less fish, there's less birds, there's less bugs, there's less bees," said Ganong. "It's just not the forest it used to be." 

"I just see it gradually disappearing. It's screwing up the ecosystem." 

Ganong says he photographed helicopters on Monday night carrying staff preparing to spray herbicide near his home in Brockway. (Submitted Peter Ganong)

Ganong has lived in Brockway for two decades, and had a family hunting camp for years before that.  

He doesn't consider himself an activist, but when surrounded by like-minded strangers Tuesday morning, he admitted that might be changing. 

"It's the first time I've met most all these people," said Ganong

Community backlash 

Among those outraged by the spray operation are people from different backgrounds and nearby communities.

"This is not right, it's not fair," said Cynthia Howland, a grandmother from the Passamaquoddy First Nation. "Politics aside, end of the day, it's wrong. It's absolutely wrong."


Cynthia Howland of Passamaquoddy First Nation says she's fed up with glyphosate being sprayed on her ancestral homeland. (Shane Fowler/CBC News)

She became tearful as she thought of how the spraying had disrupted her hopes for this year.

"This was going to be the first year that I harvested traditionally. This was going to be the first year that I was going to go out and gather my own food. I will not do that now; I will not feed that to my grandchildren." 

Kim Reeder, ran for the Green Party in the provincial Monday and joined spray opponents the next morning at the Brockway airport. (Shane Fowler/CBC News)

The land being sprayed is unceded territory, she said.

"This is the territory that my ancestors walked on. This very dirt is my ancestors." 

Also among the protesters were two candidates from separate political parties, who ran unsuccessfully in Monday's provincial election.

"We've had enough of the spraying," said John Gardner, who ran for the Liberals in Saint Croix before being dropped from the party slate. "So we came out here this morning to not just support the people in this area, but people around the province." 

Kimberly Reeder, who ran for the Green Party, said there are better ways to manage forests.

"We can do that with [forest] thinners, which would create way more jobs than spraying ever has."

The Brockway airport is where residents gathered to confront Forest Protection Ltd. workers preparing to spray glyphosate. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

Several in the group questioned the timing of the spraying, taking place the morning after the Progressive Conservatives won a majority government. They were the only major party that didn't promise to ban the spraying of glyphosate. 

Those who found themselves at the Brockway airport Tuesday morning were stressed about going another four years without a ban being considered. 

Some believe the election may have served as a cover for the spray operation near their home, but those working with the forestry industry say that's not how the process works. 

Industry response 

It takes months to apply for and approve a section of Crown land for spraying. 

"It's mind-boggling that they would be outraged that this treatment was happening when it's been advertised for months and [went] through all the regulatory requirements," said Mike Legere of Forest NB, an organization that represents some of the forestry companies that commission the spraying by Forest Protection Ltd. 

"But what concerns me more is how ridiculous this interpretation of the timing of the spray. To suggest that it's some sort of conspiracy plot to try and match our desire to manage forest land with some political platform

"It's absolutely ridiculous."

Who is spraying

Signs in the area did state that the area was scheduled to be sprayed Tuesday with glyphosate by FPL, or Forest Protection Ltd., for AV Nackawic.

Forest Protection owned in a partnership with the province and several forestry companies. Directors include Mike Holland, New Brunswick's minister of Natural Resources, Tom MacFarlane, the deputy environment minister, Jason Limongelli, vice-president of J.D Irving Ltd., Kevin Topolnski of Acadian Timber Corp, Kevin Larlee, vice-president fibre supply and government relations with AV Group, Andy Barrieau with the Fornebu Lumber Co., Terry Noble of Twin Rivers Paper Co., Mike Legere of the New  Brunswick Forest Products Association, and several Natural Resources Department staff.

Escalating encounters

Legere said anyone has the right to peacefully protest spraying, but he cautioned against letting things escalate.

The glyphosate opponents who were unable to confront workers on Tuesday said they're preparing themselves for next time.  

"It's time to get prepared," said Reeder. "So once we're done today, well, one of the things we decided to do now is have go bags ready."

Residents from Brockway and other communities in the area north of Saint Andrews say they want to disrupt glyphosate spray operations in the future. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

About the Author

Shane Fowler


Shane Fowler has been a CBC journalist based in Fredericton since 2013. 






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David Amos
Content disabled 
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks the directors of Forest Protection Ltd. should not deny my contacts with their various offices in the past N'esy Pas?
Denise Leblanc
Content disabled 
Reply to @David Amos:
Publish them and we shall see. If not, sod off, the glypĥosate way 
David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Denise Leblanc: I did 

Denise Leblanc                                                                                                                                  Content disabled                                                                                                                                   Reply to @David Amos:
And the result... You had contacts. WOW! You are the first person ever to have contact with another person ever. 











Rick Randal                                                                                                                                                  I haven't seen a dog fight since Sky-Charlies came at us back in 68'

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Rick Randall: Methinks the Royal Guardsmen believe that Snoopy proved to the Red Baron he was the best dog of all in a fair fight N'esy Pas?


Denise Leblanc                                                                                                                                            I wonder where he is going to move to in order to avoid glyphosate. 

Justin Gunther
Reply to @Denise Leblanc: This is a valid question. I watched the CBC News Network weather guy yesterday and he was behaving like he had "glyphosate" for breakfast. There studios are in Ontario and further west with the exception of a production studio in Halifax.

I don't know where he was but I don't think it was anywhere near NB.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Justin Gunther: I am aware this is likely common knowledge for people who have friends that talk to them. I always seem to be figuring out things the hard way but oh well LOL.
Denise Leblanc
Reply to @Justin Gunther:
The question is where does he go? No a drivelling unresponse.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Denise Leblanc: Are you ok?
David Amos 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks the lady doth protest too much N'esy Pas?
Denise Leblanc
Reply to @David Amos:
Is anyone OK. Is David OK, His Shakespearean musings are a indication of mental illness.













Jos Allaire                                                                                                                                                     I feel for the good folks of Saint Croix, a swing riding, who unfortunately voted against their interest this time. Next time, Higgs, hope they remember. A combination of the Green and Liberal vote would have obliterated the CORservatives. It's high time for these two parties to get together.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Yea Right
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
Denise Leblanc
Reply to @David Amos:
Yea righty right.















Bill Hamilton                                                                                                                                                I agree that the Province does nor generate enough revenue from the Crown and corporate freehold lands. I also think we are too focused on conifer monocultures in our forest management strategy. But the concern over the current level of glyphosate use in forestry is misguided. Too many people with too much time on their hands. Better to focus on lawn care phenoxy herbicide use in residential areas, or agricultural sprays on our food.
There I've pisssed-off everyone in one single post!?

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Bill Hamilton: Methinks Higgy et al know why I just chuckled as i read it N'esy Pas?














Terry Tibbs                                                                                                                                               And so it begins, 4 more years of nothing government, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Michael durant
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
well he and fleming did try to close 6 hospitals and curtail rural emergency room hours of operation to daylight hours. Other than that ya, they did basically nothing.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Michael durant:
I don't claim to be the brightest light, but I do know: doing the very same thing, over, and over, will not give you a different result.
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I concur















Kim Reeder                                                                                                                                                   I must say that in the above article the only quotes with extreme or radical language are those of Mike Leger. Those who were on the tarmack were there gathering and discussing issues important to all of New Brunswick, talking about families, fishing, wildlife - New Brunswick values. It is Leger’s who uses the words, ‘mind-boggling,’ ‘ridiculous’ and ‘confront’ and then warns US not to let things escalate. It’s laughable. The large corporations, along with the Conservative party have a choice, we can talk in the boardroom, or I can grab my go-bag and meet them to talk out in the woods. I know my preference - I WANT to be having conversations outside, in common spaces, with common goals...but we should likely check the spray schedule before we go - don’t want to get wet out there! 


David Amos                                                                                                                                          Reply to @Kim Reeder: Methinks your politcal party leader have should checked my work as I argued Bayer Corp's lawyer and the NB AG among many others way back in 2004 N'esy Pas?















Ben Haroldson                                                                                                                                        Year after year, there's less fish, there's less birds, there's less bugs, there's less bees," said Ganong. "It's just not the forest it used to be." Add to that " and more cancer ".

Al Clark                                                                                                                                                 Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Yup, spraying zero.two percent of the province with a HERBicide is likely killing animals. I hope these geniuses are charged for interfering with lawful activity on someone ELSE's property.
Suzanne Tucker
Reply to @Al Clark: And what do you suppose the animals eat? Just curious...
Al Clark
Reply to @Suzanne Tucker: Animals are a LOT smarter than glyphonuts. They know what to eat.
Tim Trites
Reply to @Al Clark:
they're a lot smarter than u...but forced to eat that crap
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Al Clark: How bout the blueberry industry Al? You want me to send you a list of the poison They're using on the " wild " blueberries?
Dale Hackett
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: “and had a family hunting camp for years”....doesn’t anyone see the irony here?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Dale Hackett: Nope











Anti-spray group gives 4 political parties failing grades on glyphosate

Stop Spraying New Brunswick group hands out 4th annual report card


Kate Letterick· CBC News· Posted: Aug 27, 2020 7:37 PM AT 


Caroline Lubbe-D'Arcy, chair of Stop Spraying New Brunswick, says the group is asking political candidates to sign a pledge to work toward a ban on spraying glyphosate. (Pierre Fournier/CBC)

The group Stop Spraying New Brunswick handed out failing grades Thursday to the four parties that had seats in the legislature, suggesting even those opposed to spraying glyphosate and other herbicides on Crown land were not dogged enough.

The group handed out its fourth annual report card in Petitcodiac.

The grades are based on the parties' performance in the house before it was dissolved earlier this month for the Sept. 14 election.

The Progressive Conservative, Liberal and Green parties, and the People's Alliance all got an "F" for on the issue of banning herbicides. The New Democratic Party had no seats in the house.

This is the report card given to political parties for efforts during the last legislature to stop spraying. (Submitted/"Stop Spraying New Brunswick")

The group's marks for efforts to change regulations or table a motion or bill varied.

The Green Party earned a B-plus, while the Liberals received a D-minus

"We have seen steadily year after year that there is much more legislative motion going on," said Donald Bowser, vice-chair of the anti-spray group. So the parties know this, they know that the public supports it.

"They try to do enough to appease the public, but yet we still don't have a ban on glyphosate."  

The group said the Green Party did table a motion to ban glyphosate on Oct. 24, 2018, but it didn't reach the debate stage.

Donald Bowser is the vice-chair of the anti-spraying group. He says there has been too much talk and not enough action on the glyphosate issue. (Pierre Fournier/CBC News )

The Green Party also tabled a bill in November 2019 that dealt with a ban on spraying, along with other forestry issues, but the party did not pursue it further.

The group said the Liberal Party tabled a motion in November 2019 to study glyphosate, which was debated and voted on in December 2019.

During that process, the Green Party proposed an amendment to ban spraying on Crown land, but it was defeated after only getting votes from the Greens and the People's Alliance.

Stop Spraying New Brunswick hands out its annual report card in Petitcodiac. (Pierre Fournier/CBC News )

The group said the Progressive Conservative government announced a 30 percent reduction of spraying in 2019, but hasn't provided details to confirm this has happened.

Caroline Lubbe-D'Arcy, chair of Stop Spraying New Brunswick, said she would like to see the political parties follow through.

Lubbe-D'Arcy said 35,000 New Brunswickers have signed a petition calling for a stop to spraying in the province.

The group is asking political candidates to sign a pledge showing where they stand on the issue. 





















Doctor shortage worsens after 4 family doctors leave Campbellton region





Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks whereas Ray Oliver said "So 4 more years of no Medicare card. Tough sledding ahead pal!" So Says Higgy et al N'esy Pas?




Doctor shortage worsens after 4 family doctors leave Campbellton region

5,000 patients were left with no primary care providers after departure of 4 doctors

CBC News· Posted: Sep 18, 2020 6:00 AM AT 

Campbellton Regional Hospital has lost four doctors since May, leaving only 21 family doctors in the region of 25,000 people. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)

The Restigouche region has lost four family doctors since May, leaving 5,000 people with no primary health-care provider.

Vitalité Health Network spokesperson Thomas Lizotte said Dr. Delbe Robichaud, Dr. Sylvie Mbala-Katanda, Dr. Catherine Benoît and Dr. Jean Robert Ngola all resigned. They were all family doctors who also worked at the Campbellton Regional Hospital.

Ngola was the person blamed for the COVID-19 outbreak in Campbellton, suffered racist and personal attacks and has since moved to Quebec to continue his practice.

Lizotte said Benoît and Mbala-Katanda resigned for "personal reasons," but said the doctors did not specify further. The two will be leaving their practices in November.

Dr. Robichaud retired, Lizotte said.

This leaves 21 family doctors in Restigouche County, which has a population of about 25,000.

Recruitment efforts

Lizotte said a little over 5,000 patients were being treated by these doctors.Two other doctors in the area, who were only working in the emergency room, agreed to take on some of the orphaned patients. 

"The number of 5,000 will therefore be considerably reduced in the coming weeks," he said in French on Thursday.

He said the health network is working to recruit 15 potential physicians, hoping to bring some of them to Campbellton in "the next few months."

The health authority is working to overcome this "recruitment problem," he said. It has struck up a recruitment committee made up of doctors and community leaders, and the Department of Health is offering financial incentives for doctors willing to relocate to the region.

Campbellton Mayor Stephanie Anglehart-Paulin says health-care workers in Campbellton rely on board members who 'aren't necessarily in tune with what's going on.' (CBC)

Health Department spokesperson Bruce Macfarlane said four doctors leaving has "intensified an already existing primary care provider access issue." 

He said physicians who their practices with minimal notice challenge the province's ability "to plan and prepare for upcoming retirements."

'It's been a tough go'

Campbellton Mayor Stéphanie Anglehart-Paulin said a centralized health authority "has a lot to do" with the employment and departure of some of the doctors. 

"It's been a tough go for this hospital and these employees, having a health authority that isn't in the region and not having local administration," she said.

She said the hospital and health-care workers in Campbellton rely on Vitalité board members who "aren't necessarily in tune with what's going on."

Dalhousie mayor Normand Pelletier says the health authority should work more closely with municipalities and local service districts. (Bridget Yard/CBC )

Anglehart-Paulin started a petition saying she's concerned about the departure of the doctors, asking the health authority to stop dismissing her concerns, and asking the province to dig into why these doctors are leaving. More than 2,800 people have signed it by Thursday afternoon.

"I understand there's a doctor shortage in Canada but not to the point there's empty floors," she said.

Dalhousie Mayor Normand Pelletier said he worries about his community members. His community, about 28 kilometres east of Campbellton, has one walk-in clinic, which had to reduce its hours last year because of a lack of doctors until nurse practitioners were recruited.

"I know for a fact a lot of citizens are extremely concerned," he said.

He said he'd like to see more collaboration between the health authority and municipalities and local service districts, as well as more communication about why doctors are leaving.

With files from Judy Trinh


Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks whereas Ray Oliver said "So 4 more years of no Medicare card. Tough sledding ahead pal!" So Says Higgy et al N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al wont be impressed by the following words N'esy Pas? 

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You did real well representing your pals in the EUB hearing you posted I was truly impressed!
David Amos
Methinks the Minister of Health is no doubt relieved that my very decent doctor is retiring as well N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: So 4 more years of no Medicare card. Tough sledding ahead pal!
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: You did real well representing your pals in the EUB hearing you posted I was truly impressed!
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Like my new pic. Its Sgt. Slaughter to you not Sgt. Oliver from now on..
Rick Firth
We typically get doctors from French colonies overseas who come here to get their feet. In time they move to bigger areas like Quebec City and Montreal because the money is better, the patient list fewer and they have family members there. At one time we had doctors who settled and spent their entire careers in our county. Nowadays, we are only a pitstop on the way to bigger and better things.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Rick Firth:
Don't limit yourself to just doctors. Quebec controls its own immigration, any French speaking immigrant, refused by Quebec, comes here, stays the required 3 months, then moves to Quebec.
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Yup
valmond landry
terry tibbs supporting politician is not sustainable either with my tax dollars your friend two-step and Lola
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @valmond landry:
Especially if they do bugger-all, in that you are 100% correct.
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Yup 
Gabriel Boucher
"Health Department spokesperson Bruce Macfarlane said four doctors leaving has "intensified an already existing primary care provider access issue."

He said physicians who their practices with minimal notice challenge the province's ability "to plan and prepare for upcoming retirements.""

I'm sorry, but don't blame "minimal notice" as an excuse for not tackling the doctors and nurses shortages in this province sooner. This issue was known for years ahead of time and our past governments have been sweeping this issue under the rug over and over again. This is not on the practitioners who left their practices to take on the blame. This is on our healthcare providers and our current government.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher:
Nice spin eh?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks the lawyer acting like a Minister of Health wisely left it to an over paid bureaucrat hire to do the spin that way he is not accountable N'esy Pas? FYI my doctor is my age He has easily proven. to me that he is of the old school of very decent family doctors. After he had a heart attack a while back he retired. However the doctor who replaced him did not stay and moved to Quebec I suspect. So he came back from retirement to take care of his friends and neighbours until a replacement could be found. However I hear it wasn't to be and he is about to retire again. I wish him well and takes care of himself just as he did for me and so many others soon to be without a family doctor.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Sooner, or later, it is going to dawn on the folks we elect to run this place that educated young folks do not desire to work/live in backwoods anywhere. Only the possible offering of incentives, be they education subsidies, or outright tax free bribes, might change the situation.

Donald Gallant
I’m still hearing locol’s demanding Govt to build a 4- Lane highway to Bathurst.

Theo Lavigne
Reply to @Donald Gallant: And this has what to do with doctors leaving?
Dan Lee
Reply to @Donald Gallant: you builded one to st Stephen for one family
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Dan Lee: It was builded because its the closest gateway to I-95. And strings thru 2 major cities and to Nova Scotia
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Dan Lee: "builded"
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Ray Oliver:
Lets not forget the federal funding for the "trans-Canada highway" vs the wholly provincial funding for highways to nowhere.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks spin doctors have convenient memories N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Or none.  
Graeme Scott
Given the shortages in a variety of healthcare professions and their seeming inability to attract and hold onto people maybe it is time for both of NB's health authorities to take a long hard look at relations with healthcare professionals? Not just wages and recruitment techniques but also how to improve working conditions and overall job satisfaction. Happy, content and satisfied workers don't leave in droves for greener pastures.
Justin Gunther 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: Perpetually poisoned people are incapable of being happy, content and satisfied workers for reasons that have nothing to do with the workplace environment or salary. Plus, there are "public safety concerns"in NB that have absolutely nothing to do with any particular job site or workplace.

NB is one giant public safety concern but thanks for chiming in anyway Graeme.
JOhn D Bond 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Please elaborate on "Public Safety Concerns" that is preventing NB from recruiting and retaining health care professionals.

Graeme Scott
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Yeah, that whole comment made me go "huh?""perpetually poisoned" ???
Justin Gunther 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: I have "schizophrenia." Everybody gets it.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Please review my posting history for various elaborations. Although I have a feeling you've already read them.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Will pass.
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Start a blog like someone else on here and start building some real cases
David Amos 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks you should take your critic's advice N'esy Pas? 
Matt Steele
Unfortunately , there seems to be a shortage of Doctors everywhere in Canada , and with Campbellton being in a fairly remote area , it is understandable that professionals do not want to stay in the area . Campbellton and Dalhousie has been depopulating for the last several years , so there is really no solution to the problem as the area seems to be a place of last resort for Doctors 
Terry Tibbs.
Reply to @Matt Steele:
You can't make folks go to places they don't want to be and work for folks who do not appreciate them. Seems being Canada's only official bilingual province it a bit of a tough sale to some?  
Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: "Folks who do not appreciate them", such as the COR Premier we have with his gratuitous comment about Dr Jean Robert Ngola. Anyone smart enough to be a doctor has no problem being bilingual.
David Webb NB 
Reply to @Matt Steele: I know professionals who have left the province. Their primary reason is the highest taxed jurisdiction in the land and changes to their student loans incentives, have made other provinces and the USA much more attractive to them. They didn't say anything about the ever increasing need to be able to communicate in both official languages, however these were all english only speaking professionals, so it makes me wonder if lack of future opportunities comes into play.
Billy Buckner 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: thank goodness the PA was able to get rules relaxed about ambulance drivers and how bilingual they needed to be. How moronic to turn away first responders because of language.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
The $100 question:
They, as you say, might be smart enough to be bilingual, but do they want to be, or is it just an added time wasting expense?
Theo Lavigne: 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You can see how many likes you received for that statement lol...
Theo Lavigne 
Reply to @Matt Steele: You make sound like it's on the shores of James Bay . I see it wasn't that remote enough that a person from Moncton recently got caught with over 300,000 illegal cigarettes'
Fredd Tone
Reply to @Jos Allaire: DREAM on!!! they need to work. pay off large debt.... not learn a second language and go live in the middle of nowhere!! They have spent at least 8 years in university... generally in larger cities... why would they want to go to Northern nb??

I would not!!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Theo Lavigne:
Does it matter? I'm certainly not upset............
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Webb NB:
Or the opportunities that simply are not there for any children they might have?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
Sometimes something is more bother than it is worth.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: And It's not a good idea to base the wit of doctors on your half-wit.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @David Webb NB: Worry pas, these are your usual COR supporters on here always blaming everything on bilingualism.
Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I'm sure there are not too many COR doctors wasting time on here harping against bilingualism although I know many whose first language is English who are fluently bilingual.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
My "half-wit" tells me that for 70% to learn the language of 30%, strictly for appeasement, because there is no other reason, is the best example I could come up with for the tail wagging the dog, and one of the biggest wastes of time anyone could possibly imagine. Thank you for that.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks many would agree that for a junkman pretending to be Brit comedian you are far more witty than Maggy's reincarnation ever dreamt of being N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
1500 doctors signed the petition supporting Doctor Ngola . Was it because of his treatment by those commenting online or that they felt he wasn't guilty ?
OIbvious it was because of what was said and done online . That's where he was outed and all the denigrating comments and threats . Higgs had nothing to do with any of it so the people better look within and at themselves and quit trying to put blame where blame doesn't belong ! Time to look in the mirror !! 1500 doctors don't like what you may see ! 
James Smythe 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Lou, this what you’re experiencing is called “cognitive dissonance”. On the one hand you think there’s a super deadly pandemic spreading and all borders should be closed, yet on the other hand your unwavering support of Higgs even after his treatment of Dr. Ngola (and the subsequent community overreaction by the public) almost certainly influenced the resignation of these physicians. I hate to criticize your dear leader but his running mouth has now compromised our health care system, and this wouldn’t be the first time either.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @James Smythe: Higgs COR colours are showing through and through.
Lou Bell 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Says the SANB Liberal .
Lou Bell 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Segregation is alive and well with the SANB Liberals around . Or should I say Partie Acadienne ?????
Lou Bell 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: The re yh zi sts in the area denigrated the doctor after they outed him and now want to blame someone else . Like their votes ! Lost their power and still expect the usual handouts . The " woe is me crowd " at their true best , as always !
Lou Bell 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: The usual " Woe is me " rants of the segregationists !
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Too Too Funny 
Michael durant
its going to be hard to recruit non white doctors to this region now. What happened there including the Premiers irresponsible and unfactual allegation has gone global.
Billy Buckner
Reply to @Michael durant: what happened there had nothing to do with anything the premier did. And the premier did not name anyone nor did he say anything that was not factual.
Lou Bell  
Reply to @Michael durant: It was the people of the area themselves who outed and denigrated the Doctor , not Higgs ! Look no further than the locals and quit trying to put blame where it doesn't belong !
Michael durant 
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Higgs had told New Brunswickers the outbreak in Campbellton was the result of a irresponsible medical professional who did not self isolate despite the fact many health professionals in that hospital cross the quebec border daily without being required to self isolate.
Lou Bell  
Reply to @Michael durant: And yet it was HE AND HIS DAUGHTER who contracted the disese ! Very strange, huh ? Did any of the others contract the virus ?? Please answer !!!
Lou Bell  
Reply to @Lou Bell: Disease not disese . As well , his reason for crossing WASN'T Health related . And HE DIDN'T isolate as required . The others were supposed to be for health related reasons , unless they l.. d .
Dan Armitage
Reply to @Michael durant: they cross the border for essential services. Make no mistake unfortunately for the doctor at hand his only mistake was to not self isolate after a personal trip. But damage done and it wasn't done by Blaine but your locals in the area. Look at how the locals were treated when they tried to go outside thier infected area others wanted them tarred and feathered just like they did to thier own doctor.
Lou Bell  
Reply to @Lou Bell: Mikey has no response , as expected !!
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks many would agree that Mr Durant wasted his precious time answering you the first time N'esy Pas?

High winds make fighting Baie-Sainte-Anne peat moss fire difficult, says fire chief




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks Higgy et al, CBC, their media cohorts, Chucky Leblanc, Andre Faust and their barber buddy can never claim that they didn't know the TRUTH about themselves N'esy Pas???

Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks Higgy et al know why Mikey Holland never calls me back or emails me even though his minions and I have argued many times about "Not So Smart" Meters etc N'esy Pas?

High winds make fighting Baie-Sainte-Anne peat moss fire difficult, says fire chief

About 50 people on scene to bring fire under control

Gail Harding· CBC News· Posted: Sep 17, 2020 2:19 PM AT

Baie-Sainte-Anne fire Chief Ligouri Turbide said high winds quickly spread the fire from one pile of peat moss to another in a large field. (Facebook/Ligouri Turbide)

High winds Wednesday night made fighting a large peat moss fire at Theriault & Hachey Peat Moss in Baie-Ste-Anne difficult said local fire Chief, Ligouri Turbide. 

It's believed the fire started in a large stacked pile of peat moss waiting to be moved and processed in the plant.

Turbide said heat builds up in the piles of peat moss and they can combust. 

"It was like everything was on fire," Turbide said describing what he saw when the fire department arrived on scene at 11 p.m. "It was real high winds. It was windy all night. It was going fast."

The fire chief said he estimated the field that was on fire to be about a half a mile long, along with the stacks of peat moss that are about 20 feet high by 200 feet long. 

"The whole thing was on fire just the way it looked when we got to the scene there." 

Crews from the Department of Natural Resources and Energy and staff from at the peat moss plant and another plant battled the fire until it was under control at 5 a.m. Turbide said it took the efforts of about 50 people on site to get it under control.

"Now what needs to happen is they need to turn those piles of peat moss and apply water to it. Usually that takes anywhere from three to four days to turn one pile." 

CBC News did not receive a response for comment from Theriault & Hachey Peat Moss Ltd.


CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices
Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Content disabled


Justin Gunther
Washington Lands Commissioner: "All 58 of the fires were caused by humans."

That's funny, I was watching a large American news network call them "Climate Fires" all day long a couple of days ago.
David Amos 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Go Figure 

James Risdon
Thanks for the report. Important to know when there are massive fires near home.

Justin Gunther
I called Natural Resources to inquire about the wildfire situation in NB yesterday at approximately 4:15PM. 
Weird timing.

Ray Oliver

Reply to @Justin Gunther: Did they return your call Dave?

Justin Gunther
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Those are English words and that is a proper English sentence but this is still not how you communicate in English.
You're writing like a schizophrenic.

Justin Gunther
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Are you suggesting something? Please, tell the world in no uncertain terms.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Justin Gunther: You'd know all about that

Justin Gunther
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Get help dude.

Al Clark
Reply to @Ray Oliver: O M G Too funny!!!!!

David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks our infamous turkey hunter and NB Power overseer knows I am not you. Trust that Higgy et al know I spoke personally to him and several others before and during an interesting nomination in April A2018 when he ousted a seated MLA and they were teasing me about sending me butter tarts in the mail. Trust that his minions and I have spoken many times about "Not So Smart" Meters etc since. However Mikey never calls back for obvious reasons known to the
dubious dude who accuses you of being me N'esy Pas? 
Johnny Jacobs
Reply to @David Amos: lol. Sergeant Oliver.


Sunday, 15 April 2018

Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from Chris Duffie's troubles N'esy Pas Ernie Steeves?

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 18:40:43 -0400
Subject: Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from Chris Duffie's troubles
N'esy Pas Ernie Steeves?
To: "Dorothy.Shephard"<Dorothy.Shephard@gnb.ca>, "Benoit.Bourque"<Benoit.Bourque@gnb.ca>, "Bernard.LeBlanc"<Bernard.LeBlanc@gnb.ca>, "Ross.Wetmore"<Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>, "Bill.Fraser"<Bill.Fraser@gnb.ca>, "Brian.kenny"<Brian.kenny@gnb.ca>,
"Sherry.Wilson"<Sherry.Wilson@gnb.ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"<Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "martin.gaudet"<martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>, "john.logan"<john.logan@gnb.ca>,
"John.Ames"<John.Ames@gnb.ca>, "rick.doucet"<rick.doucet@gnb.ca>,
"Furey, John"<jfurey@nbpower.com>, "Robert. Jones"<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, "Katherine.dEntremont"<Katherine.dEntremont@gnb.ca>, "Bill.Oliver"<Bill.Oliver@gnb.ca>,
kevin.toner@nb.aibn.com, "Ernie.Steeves"<Ernie.Steeves@gnb.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, media-medias@gnb.ca,
"Jack.Keir"<Jack.Keir@gnb.ca>, "greg.byrne"<greg.byrne@gnb.ca>

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 22:28:28 +0000
Subject: RE: Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from Chris Duffie's troubles 
N'esy Premier Gallant?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.  Please be
assured  that your email will be reviewed.

If this is a media request, please forward your email to
>.  Thank you!


Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
Nouveau-Brunswick.  Soyez assuré(e) que votre  courriel sera examiné.

Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
media-medias@gnb.camedia-medias@gnb.ca>.  Merci!

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Fitch, Bruce (LEG)"<Bruce.Fitch@gnb.ca>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 22:28:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from
Chris Duffie's troubles N'esy Premier Gallant?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for the message.  I am out of the office until Monday, April
30th.      For all matters relating to the office,  please contact

Merci pour votre message.  Je suis hors du bureau jusqu'au  Avril
30/18.       Pour toutes les questions 506-869-6117

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 18:28:19 -0400
Subject: Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from Chris Duffie's troubles 
N'esy Premier Gallant?
To: "brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
"chris.collins"<chris.collins@gnb.ca>, "serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, 
 "victor.boudreau"<victor.boudreau@gnb.ca>, "Ed.Doherty"<Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca>, "Roger.L.Melanson"<Roger.L.Melanson@gnb.ca>, "Cathy.Rogers"<Cathy.Rogers@gnb.ca>,
"Stephen.Horsman"<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "randy.mckeen"<randy.mckeen@gnb.ca>, 
 "Gilles.Blinn"<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Cote"<Gilles.Cote@gnb.ca>, 
 "dan. bussieres"<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, kelly <kelly@lamrockslaw.com>, "Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "Hamish.Wright"<Hamish.Wright@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, jbosnitch <jbosnitch@gmail.com>,
"Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "jake.stewart"<jake.stewart@gnb.ca>, 
 "Glen.Savoie"<Glen.Savoie@gnb.ca>, "jeff.carr"<jeff.carr@gnb.ca>, 
"jody.carr"<jody.carr@gnb.ca>, "carl. davies"<carl.davies@gnb.ca>, 
 "carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "tyler.campbell"<tyler.campbell@gnb.ca>, BrianThomasMacdonald <BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.com>, 
 "kirk.macdonald"<kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca>, "Pam.Lynch"<Pam.Lynch@gnb.ca>, 
 krisaustin <krisaustin@peoplesalliance.ca>, "bruce.fitch"<bruce.fitch@gnb.ca>,
"brian.keirstead"<brian.keirstead@gnb.ca>, "bruce.northrup"<bruce.northrup@gnb.ca>, 
 oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>


Tories name nominee in Albert
DEREK HAGGETT Times & Transcript

April 15, 2018

Mike Holland, owner of Resourceful Redneck, is seen with one of his
inventions during his audition for Dragons' Den in Saint John last
year. Holland won the Albert Nominating Convention on Saturday in


Disqualified PC candidate considers independent run in 2018

After losing court decision, Chris Duffie says he'll reflect on running in Carleton-York anyway

Chris Duffie wants to run for the nomination in the provincial riding of Carleton-York but argues the party made it difficult for him to file his documents on time. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
 A Progressive Conservative member who was disqualified from seeking his party's nomination says he'll now look at running as an independent candidate in next year's election.

Chris Duffie was hoping that Justice Judy Clendening would order the PC party to put him on the ballot for the nomination in Carleton-York.

But Clendening ruled that the way the party notified party members of the May 19 convention, though "restrictive" in timing, did not break any rules. 

Evidence filed in court "does not allow me to conclude" that the party was in the wrong, she said, dismissing Duffie's motion.
That means the party can reschedule the convention, which Clendening had ordered suspended, with sitting PC MLA Carl Urquhart as the only candidate.

Considering independent run

There was no immediate comment Monday afternoon from Blaine Higgs, leader of the New Brunswick Progressive Conservative Party, on whether he'd consider intervening. (CBC)
​The party's lawyer, Kelly Lamrock, argued in court that Duffie had filed his legal action without exhausting the party's own appeal mechanisms, including asking Blaine Higgs,the party's leader, to disqualify Urquhart to get the riding association to start over.

Duffie told reporters after the hearing that he will "reflect" on whether to run in Carleton-York anyway.
"This may just be the beginning of looking at independent — of voting for a candidate, versus a party," he said.

But he also said he would ask Higgs to intervene.

Duffie said he didn't want to make a snap decision based on his emotions, and though it's "highly improbable" Higgs will step in, he planned to call the Tory leader by the end of the day.

"He may or may not give me a call back," Duffie said. "He hasn't called me back yet."

There was no immediate comment Monday afternoon from Higgs on whether he'd consider the move.
Higgs would have already signed his approval of Urquhart as a candidate for the nomination.

Missed deadline


Lawyer Kelly Lamrock says if the party had let Duffie file his paperwork late, it would have been breaking rules approved by a vote of the membership. (CBC)
Duffie had alleged that the party didn't follow its rules requiring riding associations to make "every effort" to notify all members of the May 19 convention.

That notice also set the clock ticking on a May 5 deadline for candidates wanting to run for the nomination to file their paperwork. Duffie said he missed that deadline because the party didn't send out proper notifications.

The convention was listed on the PC website but Duffie's lawyer, Kevin Toner, argued it was "buried" and required several clicks to find.

That got a skeptical response from the judge. 

"If you were going to run, wouldn't you be reading that website backwards, forward, upside down, morning, noon & night?" she asked.

Lamrock, the party lawyer, cited several court precedents in which judges have been reluctant to interfere in internal disputes of political parties and other organizations with their own rules and mechanisms.

In fact, he said, if the party had let Duffie file his paperwork late, it would have been breaking rules approved by a vote of the membership.

"That is really the heart of it," Lamrock said. 

The ruling means the PC convention can go ahead and Duffie remains disqualified.

The party hasn't set a new date for the event yet.


Challenger wins PC nomination in 'rare' upset over incumbent MLA

Mike Holland won a 'decisive' victory over Brian Keirstead to be candidate in N.B. riding of Albert

Colin McPhail· CBC News· Posted: Apr 17, 2018 9:06 PM AT

Mike Holland captured the PC party nomination for the riding of Albert on Saturday, defeating incumbent MLA Brian Keirstead. (Facebook)

Mike Holland achieved a rare feat Saturday by capturing the Progressive Conservative nomination for the riding of Albert and ousting incumbent PC MLA Brian Keirstead.

Holland, a 47-year-old from Riverview, N.B., known for his entrepreneurial pursuits with outdoor gear, said he didn't realize how uncommon it is to upset a sitting MLA seeking re-election until after the outcome was announced at the convention in Hillsborough.

He said he'd have to check Wikipedia, but the online encyclopedia doesn't hold the answers. Records for riding by riding party nomination contests are scattershot at best. One known instance occurred 40 years ago.

Paul D'Astous
about 2 years ago

Candidate Brian Keirstead and candidate Mike Holland at the Albert PC Nomination..

"Cases of these are so rare for a sitting MLA, an incumbent, to be upset in a nomination contest," said J.P. Lewis, an associate professor of political science at the University of New Brunswick Saint John.

"The drama of political parties can always be a bit of a mystery because they set their own rules and a lot of the ongoings are maybe happening between the small network of people running the political party."

Lewis said there could be many factors at play and he could only speculate as to why a respected MLA like Keirstead was defeated in a riding that's almost a lock for the PCs.

PC MLA Brian Keirstead said the nomination process was above board. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Keirstead, who was elected to his first term in 2014, said it came down a collection of individual decisions that weren't in his favour, instead of some orchestrated plot behind the scenes.

"As much as we like to we know what's going on, we've seen some extreme upsets politically on all levels of governments," he said. "It's part of the political game; it's part of the political process."

Compelled to run

After deciding to seek the nomination last fall, Holland had ample time to court Albert PC party members and raise his profile, which already comes with a tinge of celebrity. He appeared on the television show Dragon's Den to pitch his company, The Resourceful Redneck.

Holland is also known in PC circles, having worked and volunteered with the party for many years. He even served as executive assistant to PC ministers.

Congratulations / Félicitations Mike!


12:23 PM · Apr 15, 2018

His decision to run had nothing to do with anything Keirstead did or didn't do as MLA, Holland said, but rather that he felt compelled to run.

"An intersection of opportunity and preparedness had come up where I felt like it was time for me to exercise that experience and, of course, incredible desire to be involved in bringing a PC government to power here in New Brunswick," Holland said.

'Will of the people'

Both the PC party president, Rick Lafrance, and the riding association president, Karen Jackman, said nomination contests are a "democratic process" and open to challenges from party members.

"What happened there was the democratic process and the will of the people," said Lafrance, while thanking Keirstead for his work for the party.

He said there have been no other incumbents challenged and, as of Tuesday, 26 PC candidates have been acclaimed.

Rick Lafrance, president of the PC party, said Saturday's upset was 'the will of the people.' (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Jackman said the exact results of the secret ballot vote were not released, but it was a "decisive" victory for Holland.

"I think Mike Holland has a very charismatic personality," she said. "I think he worked hard in the county. He knows a lot of people and has a lot connections, and people responded very, very well to him."

It happened before

In 1978, a sitting MLA was defeated for the party nomination when John Munn beat Sterling Hambrook to be the PC candidate for Southwest Miramichi. Munn then lost to Liberal Morris Green in the provincial election.

Keirstead said at this time he's not sure what's next for him, but he will remain a PC party member and support their bid to return to power. He also remains the Albert riding MLA until the writ drops.

"Whether it's politics or business or anything else, often times life isn't without some kind of setback," he said. "You take it in stride and you look forward and you look positive on things."



---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 10:23:39 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin doctor "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as funny as they think they are N'esy Pas???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your understanding.

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at (506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.

Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus, veuillez visiter www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.


Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
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Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premierministre@gnb.ca<mailto:premier@gnb.ca/premier.ministre@gnb.ca>

---------- Original message ----------
From: Nathalie Sturgeon <sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 03:23:37 -0700
Subject: Out of the office Re: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin doctor "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as funny as they think they are N'esy Pas???
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

Thank you for your message.

I am currently out of the office and not responding to emails at this time.

I will respond to any messages upon my return on Monday, Sept. 21.

All the best,


*Nathalie Sturgeon *
Reporter, Telegraph-Journal | Brunswick News Inc.

Mobile: 506-466-8150

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Perry, Brad"<perry.brad@radioabl.ca>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 10:23:37 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin doctor "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as funny as they think they are N'esy Pas???
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Hello there,

Thank you for your email. I'm out of the office until Friday, September 25th, with no access to email.

If this is a news-related item, please email news@radioabl.ca or call (506) 648-3000. Otherwise, I will get back to you once I return.

Have a great day!​

Brad Perry

News Director - CHSJ News

Country 94 / 97.3 The Wave

58 King Street, 1st Floor

Saint John, N.B. E2L 1G4

Phone: (506) 636-1940

Newsroom: (506) 648-3000

Email: perry.brad@radioabl.ca<mailto:perry.brad@radioabl.ca>

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This communication and its attachments are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and its attachments without reading or forwarding it. Thank You.

THINK GREEN! before printing this email.

On 9/18/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-peat-moss-fire-1.5727952
> High winds make fighting Baie-Sainte-Anne peat moss fire difficult,
> says fire chief
> About 50 people on scene to bring fire under control
> Gail Harding · CBC News · Posted: Sep 17, 2020 2:19 PM AT
> David Amos
> Content disabled
> James Risdon
> Thanks for the report. Important to know when there are massive fires near
> home.
> Justin Gunther
> I called Natural Resources to inquire about the wildfire situation in
> NB yesterday at approximately 4:15PM. Weird timing.
> Ray Oliver
> Reply to @Justin Gunther: Did they return your call Dave?
> Justin Gunther
> Reply to @Ray Oliver: Those are English words and that is a proper
> English sentence but this is still not how you communicate in English.
> You're writing like a schizophrenic.
> Justin Gunther
> Reply to @Ray Oliver: Are you suggesting something? Please, tell the
> world in no uncertain terms.
> Ray Oliver
> Reply to @Justin Gunther: You'd know all about that
> Justin Gunther
> Reply to @Ray Oliver: Get help dude.
> Al Clark
> Reply to @Ray Oliver: O M G Too funny!!!!!
> David Amos
> Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks our infamous turkey hunter and NB
> Power overseer knows I am not you. Trust that Higgy et al know I spoke
> personally to him and several others before and during an interesting
> nomination in April A2018 when he ousted a seated MLA and they were
> teasing me about sending me butter tarts in the mail. Trust that his
> minions and I have spoken many times about "Not So Smart" Meters etc
> since. However Mikey never calls back for obvious reasons known to the
> dubious dude who accuses you of being me N'esy Pas?
> https://www.facebook.com/roger.richard.148/posts/3454187547953473?comment_id=3454778121227749&notif_id=1600355649174224&notif_t=feed_comment_reply&ref=notif
> Roger Richard
> Pour votre information.  Voici comment notre processus décisionnel est
> brisé.  Ces gens ne sont plus en contacte avec la réalité!
> At the NBEUB, our tax money is paying for a public intervener to look
> into our interests. CBC is interviewing her in this podcast about
> smart meters:
> 20253.mc.tritondigital.com
> https://20253.mc.tritondigital.com/CBC_INFOMORNFRED_P/media-session/47704c37-73cd-411f-95b5-b943701213d9/infomornfred-e9TuG3yc-20200914.mp3?fbclid=IwAR18Cba2oc7AH6zXlkGExxbCUkXyiB3VyzKb_-v5eCpG2BnbZ_pof5d_TA4
> Nicole Marshall
> thank you for running in this election again ❤ I asked the poor lady @
> the polls what I should do if I dont want to vote for any of them on
> the ballot, she told me I had no choice and I had to pick one!!!! So I
> asked if she pick one for me? She then showed me the names I had to
> pick from, I saw your name on there ❤ Again thank you Roger
> 🙂 Meant alot to me to see your name on that list 🙂
> David Raymond Amos
> How could folks miss the news about the "Not So Smart meter nonsense
> when CBC said nothing about it?
> Roger Richard
> They, CBC and l’Acadie Nouvelle, are doing “fake news” when they are
> withholding them. It is very difficult to know the truth.
> David Raymond Amos
> Methinks it would be a good day to remind folks of the ERRE Committee
> coming to Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?
> https://openparliament.ca/committees/electoral-reform/42-1/39/david-amos-1/
> Mr. David Amos (As an Individual) at the Electoral Reform Committee |
> openparliament.ca
> Mr. David Amos (As an Individual) at the Electoral Reform Committee |
> openparliament.ca
> Roger Hachey
> Just for starters lots of bull shit going on behind ppls backs , but
> they will be exposed sooner than later I hope !!!
> Matter 458
> IN THE MATTER OF an application by New Brunswick Power Corporation for
> approval of the schedules of rates for the fiscal year commencing
> April 1st 2020.
>     Held via web conference on September 10th 2020.
>     Before:
>                 Francois Beaulieu - Acting Chairman
>                 John Herron       - Member
>                 Michael Costello  - Member
> Board Staff:
>                 Matthew Letson - Counsel
>                 John Lawton
>                 David Young
>                 Michael Dickie
>                 Susan Colwell
> Chief Clerk:    Kathleen Mitchell
> ............................................................
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. So the Board has received a second motion
> that was filed by Dr. Richard. I am going to start addressing this in
> French.
> The commission received a second notice of motion. The notice of
> motion was tabled yesterday by Dr. Richard. And then, if I understand
> Dr. Richard correctly, your motion asks the commission to cancel
> proceedings 458 which requests the increase in electricity prices for
> the year 2020-2021 and I also believe that your request is is that we
> start from scratch with the 477 instance which will be filed by New
> Brunswick Power in the coming months. So does that sum up your request
> well?
> DR. RICHARD: Yes, Mr. President.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Ok. So maybe, Dr. Richard, just for the record, can
> you summarize your request in question and what are your reasons for
> both of your requests.
> DR. RICHARD: We are in the middle of an election campaign and then it
> is the new government that we will have that will give New Brunswick
> Power the new mandate. In this mandate, that can change the year 2027,
> because if I'm not mistaken, the year 2027 we will see 20 percent
> equity. This is to renovate the Mactaquac dam. But, if you think about
> the Mactaquac dam, I wish Government x hadn't started spending on this
> project yet. Do not repeat errors at Site C Dam in British Columbia or
> Muskrat Falls Dam in Newfoundland and Labrador. This Mactaquac
> renovation project needs to be studied in depth for several reasons.
> Let’s not repeat the mistake of advanced metering infrastructure by
> signing contracts and spending 10 percent of the project before
> considering the project. For the few times that I have participated in
> these bodies, New Brunswick Power has told us that their production of
> Mactaquac is insufficient because there is not enough water in the
> Saint John River to turn the turbids. . This is only one reason.
> That’s why it’s important to reread NB Power’s mandate, which tells us
> to eliminate investment and then research until we get 20 percent
> equity. But it is obvious that with our current financial situation,
> we will not have it in 2027. Unless we unduly increase the electricity
> bill rates. And also, we are in the midst of a pandemic. We see it
> with all the restrictions. There is fear in the eyes of people. These
> impacts of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 are important for the
> health system, the economy of Canada and especially for our province.
> As I told you earlier, I see in my company, people are afraid to go
> out. And then they don't have any money to spend. Because a lot of
> them lost their jobs. New Brunswick is now recognized to be the
> poorest province in Canada. Electricity is important to us. It affects
> the price of all things. And then, before the pandemic we were told
> that the cost of fuel for our electricity production was less
> expensive than the beginning. Just this reason justifies not
> increasing electricity rates. And then, for instance 452 for the
> advanced metering infrastructure. We learned that it was costing us a
> million less. That's already a reason to eliminate 458. One of the
> reasons. During the proceeding, we received an unprecedented number of
> letters from the public. Everyone except the union letter was in favor
> of expressing people's dismay at this new increase in the cost of
> electricity. Remember, these letters only represent the people who
> bothered to write. Many have not written but are of the same opinion.
> Social peace or the well-being of people is essential in all
> societies. If we change a little our mentality or our direction that
> the NB Power company is taking, such as at the board level or at the
> management level or in government. Assuming the government changes,
> the government, which will change in a few days, may change the
> mandate of NB Power. Or suddenly the Mactaquac power plant is more of
> a project. That’s why I wonder if it’s safe to make a decision on our
> rates right now without knowing what the government expects from us.
> We can buy, for example, we can buy electricity from Quebec, from
> renewable sources at a lower price than we can produce. We can rent
> our transmission lines so that neighboring jurisdictions can transport
> their electricity. It would be a source of income. Also learned that I
> believe in four unions its due for new contracts. Where are we in this
> discussion?
> There is too much confidential document in the evidence. It must
> change. And then, it's often complicated for normal people who aren't
> accountants or they aren't lawyers. The common people may have the
> chance to participate in these discussions. It's kinda important these
> things because we're all affected by it. You know salaries over $
> 100,000 all of us, probably we have. But we represent very little of a
> small percentage of the population. I can't remember, I know it's hard
> to run these meetings but I can only remember twice that Mr. Amos has
> been showing the door. That’s a shame. Yet he is a good citizen.
> The cost of electricity must represent the real cost of production and
> not just a part. It is important that if the tariffs do not include
> all the costs in the present moment, it is the future generations who
> will pay for the mistakes of our generation. We see an example of this
> with the recent approval of the IMA and its costs which are reported
> in the future. And we have come to a point where environmental issues
> in the province require thoughtful decisions. The IMA approval and dam
> renovation is not good for the environment. As soon as I think of the
> glyphosate sprinkles. Paragraph 131 of the law tells us that the
> commission.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: What are you referring to, Dr. Richard? Are you
> referring to the law on electricity?
> DR. RICHARD: Yes that must be it, 131 of the law. Any order or
> decision made by the commission under this Act or the regulations has
> such terms or conditions as it considers necessary in the public
> interest. Public interest are the most important words. I know that
> all of our corporate rights are just an illusion. Each commission or
> government has too much power over us and the environment. To come
> back to my point two, we are in the middle of an election campaign.
> Remember that during the 2018 election campaign, Mr. Gallant promised
> to freeze electricity rates for 3 years. And then it was his
> government that had refused the smart meters at that time. This is to
> say that the mandate of NB Power may change. That’s why we shouldn’t
> make decisions now. We have to wait and see that it will be the next
> government. And then like Mr. Furey said, we can't cancel the 458
> instance, but maybe we can say that there is no rate increase, until
> the 477 instance. And then we study it again at that time. I believe,
> Mr. President, that these are the most important points of my
> concerns. Thank you.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much Dr. Richard. Just to go back to
> your last point you made regarding the quashing of the 458 proceeding.
> And then maybe I'll ask Ms. Mitchell to put section 103.6 on the
> screen so everyone can see. this provision on the law of electricity.
> Until she does that, the point that Maitre Furey was making this
> morning, Dr Richard. It was because he questioned the jurisdiction of
> the commission. I'm not going to rephrase what he was saying, it was
> that we didn't have the jurisdiction to set aside a proceeding and
> then if you look at section 103.6 or section 103.6 of the Electricity
> Act. Just wondering if Mrs. Mitchell can put it a big bigger. Then I
> will read the section in French, Dr. Richard. Said, once the section
> 127 hearing is concluded, the commission approves the tariffs. If you
> read the English section, the English section says that the commission
> must approve the rates. So I think I'm just trying to understand your
> position with respect to whether the commission has that jurisdiction
> to be able to quash a proceeding when it has heard all the evidence.
> Based on the law, I believe Maitre Furey's point of view is that we do
> not have that jurisdiction to overrule the proceeding based on that
> section. Could I have your, and if you need a little time to read
> section 103.6, take the time needed but I think it's very clear at
> 103.6 when a hearing is over, we have to either approve reasonable
> rates or fix other rates. That after that, set a date. After that, ask
> the company to file with us the schedule or an update of the rate
> schedules.
> DR. RICHARD: Yes, I understand and accept that, that's for sure. So, I
> would ask that you accept at that time a zero percent tariff increase.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: So are you withdrawing your request for point A that
> you have when you indicate that you are asking the commission to quash
> the proceeding?
> DR. RICHARD: That's an interesting question. I think the points I am
> making with my motion are very important.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: I don't want to insist you make a decision without
> having, I'm just trying to understand your position on the
> cancellation of the proceeding but if you take a good look at 103.6. I
> question whether the commission has the right to do that or not.
> DR. RICHARD: Yeah, maybe I should have chosen other words in my
> motion. Perhaps I should have said instead to cancel the proceeding to
> give a zero percent increase in electricity tariffs.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Ok, I understand your position. Mr. Herron, do you
> have any questions for Dr. Richard?
> I didn't hear you Mr. Herron. I apologize. Maybe you nodded no, but I
> didn't see you, that's why.
> MR. HERRON: Is it fine now?
> MR. HERRON: No question.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Mr. Costello, any questions?
> MR. COSTELLO: No questions.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you. Thanks, Dr. Richard. Mr. Furey, do
> you have any comments to make regarding Dr. Richard’s notice of
> motion.
> MR. FUREY: Yes, thank you, Mr. Vice-Chair. Just a few very brief
> comments. I think the Board understands our position that the motion
> as filed should not be granted based on the appropriate interpretation
> of section 103 sub (6) in particular the Board has an obligation to
> render a decision with respect to all applications that are brought
> before it. And so on that basis alone, the motion should be dismissed.
> It strikes me though that as Dr. Richard has amended it orally this
> afternoon, that that is a matter that was the substance of the
> hearing, and the Board will make the decision it is going to make with
> respect to the appropriate rate increase.
> If I may, Mr. Vice-Chair, I am going to ask for permission to sort of
> speak a little bit out of turn. Mr. Herron had asked with respect to
> the first motion if I could provide a reference of a transcript to
> where the financial impact was discussed in this year’s transcript,
> and I have that if the Board would give me leave to refer to it.
> MR. FUREY: So at page 371 and 372 of the transcript, this is
> cross-examination by Mr. Stoll and the response provided, at the top
> of page 372 indicates that the delay in - monthly delay in the rate
> increase would be between 2 and 3 million dollars per month.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Furey. Anything further regarding the
> motion of Dr. Richard, Mr. Furey?
> MR. FUREY: No, thank you, Mr. Vice-Chair.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Mr. Stewart, anything?
> MR. STEWART: Nothing to add, Mr. Vice-Chair.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Mr. Stoll, anything to add?
> MR. STOLL: Nothing, sir.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. And Ms. Black, anything to add?
> MS. BLACK: No, nothing. Thank you.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Dr. Richard, I'll give you final words if
> you have any other things you want the committee to consider in
> relation to your motion.
> DR. RICHARD: No, neither does his. It’s just caution because we are
> changing governments. It’s more.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Ok, I appreciate your comments, Dr. Richard. Thanks
> for the motion.
> Mr. Letson, is there anything further that the Board should consider
> regarding either the motion that was filed by NB Power and the motion
> that was filed by Dr. Richard?
> MR. LETSON: No, Mr. Chair, I believe all procedures are complete.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you. So having heard all the submissions,
> the Board will take that into deliberations and as soon as we have a
> decision regarding both motions, we will be filing our ruling on
> motion to the parties.
> So the matter is now adjourned. Thank you.
> (Adjourned)
> Certified to be a true transcript of the
> proceedings of this hearing, as recorded
> by me, to the best of my ability.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 17:40:58 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks since your blogging buddy
> Chucky Leblanc and his IT Guy Faust have revealed their election
> predictons it should be my turn N'esy Pas???
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
> Thank you for writing the Office of the Premier.  Due to the ongoing
> election, your e-mail, if warranted, will be forwarded to the
> appropriate department for a response.
> If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
> visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au Cabinet du
> premier ministre. En raison de l’élection en cours, votre courriel
> sera, le cas échéant, transmis au ministère compétent pour qu’il y
> réponde.
> Si vous souhaitez obtenir les renseignements les plus récents sur le
> coronavirus, veuillez consulter le
> www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
> P.O Box/C. P. 6000
> Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
> E3B 5H1
> Canada
> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
> Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier.ministre@gnb.ca
> On 9/14/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> First enjoy dumb and dumber
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F9e7p9Vxmw
>> Predictions of the 2020 New Brunswick Election are made by Blogger and
>> Andre Faust!!
>> •Sep 14, 2020
>> Now feel free to laugh at mine
>> PED 01 - Restigouche West
>> Gilles LePage    Liberal   (Charles Thériault Green maybe)
>> PED 02 - Campbellton-Dalhousie
>> Guy H. Arseneault  Liberal
>> PED 03 - Restigouche-Chaleur
>> Daniel Guitard   Liberal
>> PED 04 - Bathurst West-Beresford
>> René Legacy   Liberal
>> PED 05  - Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore
>> Denis Landry   Liberal
>> PED 06 – Caraquet
>> Isabelle Thériault  Liberal
>> PED 07 - Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou
>> Eric Mallet  Liberal
>> PED 08 - Tracadie-Sheila
>> Keith Chiasson   Liberal
>> PED 09 - Miramichi Bay-Neguac
>> Lisa Harris  Liberal
>> PED 10 – Miramichi
>> Michelle Conroy   People's Alliance
>> PED 11 - Southwest Miramichi-Bay du Vin
>> Jake Stewart Progressive Conservative  Art O'Donnell People's Alliance
>> (maybe)
>> PED 12 - Kent North
>> Arsehole Arsenault Green Meanie Bertrand LeBlanc  Liberal (maybe)
>> PED 13 - Kent South
>> Benoit Bourque   Liberal
>> PED 14 - Shediac Bay-Dieppe
>> Robert Gauvin     Liberal
>> PED 15 - Shediac-Beaubassin-Cap-Pelé
>> Jacques LeBlanc Liberal
>> PED 16 - Memramcook-Tantramar
>> Megan Mitton Green Maxime Bourgeois    Liberal (maybe)
>> PED 17 – Dieppe
>> Roger Melanson Liberal
>> PED 18 - Moncton East
>> Daniel Allain Progressive Conservative Monique LeBlanc     Liberal
>> (maybe)
>> PED 19 - Moncton Centre
>> Rob McKee  Liberal
>> PED 20 - Moncton South
>> Tyson Milner  Liberal      Greg Turner Progressive Conservative (maybe)
>> PED 21 - Moncton Northwest
>> Ernie Steeves    Progressive Conservative
>> PED 22 - Moncton Southwest
>> Sherry Wilson  Progressive Conservative
>> PED 23 – Riverview
>> R. Bruce Fitch    Progressive Conservative
>> PED 24 – Albert
>> Mike Holland   Progressive Conservative
>> PED 25 - Gagetown-Petitcodiac
>> Ross Wetmore   Progressive Conservative
>> PED 26 - Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins
>> Tammy Scott-Wallace  Progressive Conservative
>> PED 27 – Hampton
>> Gary E. Crossman  Progressive Conservative
>> PED 28 – Quispamsis
>> Blaine M. Higgs    Progressive Conservative
>> PED 29 – Rothesay
>> Hugh J. (Ted) Flemming   Progressive Conservative
>> PED 30 - Saint John East
>> Glen Savoie        Progressive Conservative
>> PED 31 - Portland-Simonds
>> Trevor A. Holder    Progressive Conservative
>> PED 32 - Saint John Harbour
>> Arlene Dunn   Progressive Conservative
>> PED 33 - Saint John Lancaster
>> K. Dorothy Shephard   Progressive Conservative
>> PED 34 - Kings Centre
>> Bill Oliver     Progressive Conservative
>> PED 35 - Fundy-The Isles-Saint John West
>> Andrea Anderson-Mason  Progressive Conservative
>> PED 36 - Saint Croix
>> Kathy Bockus   Progressive Conservative  Rod Cumberland  People's
>> Alliance (maybe)
>> PED 37 - Oromocto-Lincoln-Fredericton
>> Steven Burns   Liberal
>> PED 38 - Fredericton-Grand Lake
>> Kris Austin   People's Alliance
>> PED 39 - New Maryland-Sunbury
>> Jeff Carr   Progressive Conservative
>> PED 40 - Fredericton South
>> David Coon      Green
>> PED 41 - Fredericton North
>> Jill Green    Progressive Conservative Stephen horseman Liberal (maybe)
>> PED 42 - Fredericton-York
>> Rick DeSaulniers       People's Alliance
>> PED 43 - Fredericton West-Hanwell
>> Dominic Cardy    Progressive Conservative
>> PED 44 - Carleton-York
>> Richard Ames  Progressive Conservative
>> PED 45 – Carleton
>> Bill Hogan    Progressive Conservative
>> PED 46 - Carleton-Victoria
>> Andrew Harvey        Liberal         Margaret Johnson Progressive
>> Conservative (maybe)
>> PED 47 - Victoria-La Vallée
>> Chuck Chiasson Liberal   Roland Michaud   Independent  (maybe
>> PED 48 - Edmundston-Madawaska Centre
>> Jean-Claude (JC) D'Amours     Liberal
>> PED 49 - Madawaska Les Lacs-Edmundston
>> Francine Landry     Liberal
>> 20  Liberals
>> 23   Progressive Conservatives
>> 3    PANB
>> 3  Green
>> On 9/11/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRxk5M9TDHU
>>> Roy Wiggins wins Liberal Fredericton-South Nomination by one Vote!!!
>>> •Jun 9, 2014
>>> Charles LeBlanc
>>> 1.83K subscribers
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cimqhsdqpes
>>> New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs is confronted by blogger during
>>> media scrum and afterwards!!!
>>> •Sep 4, 2020
>>> Charles Leblanc
>>> 1.86K subscribers
>>> On 9/11/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Now Wiggins and Cullins know some of what everybody else knows
>>>> https://www.facebook.com/Roy-Wiggins-PC-Candidate-for-Fredericton-Grand-Lake-109660960859401/about/?ref=page_internal&path=%2FRoy-Wiggins-PC-Candidate-for-Fredericton-Grand-Lake-109660960859401%2Fabout%2F
>>>> https://www.facebook.com/ryancullinsconservative/?ref=nf&hc_ref=ARQywze6YQEOxZQqUkE6l9rGhGX39yZAdZsTGYSiF6x6EAL8D_uadCEnYMDgD04clAc
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
>>>> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 11:31:27 +0000
>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy whereas Roland Michaud said he
>>>> still has respect for YOU it explains why he did not call me back to
>>>> discuss the EUB hearing yesterday and why I no longer wish to speak to
>>>> him N'esy Pas???
>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>>> Thank you for writing the Office of the Premier.  Due to the ongoing
>>>> election, your e-mail, if warranted, will be forwarded to the
>>>> appropriate department for a response.
>>>> If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
>>>> visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
>>>> Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au Cabinet du
>>>> premier ministre. En raison de l’élection en cours, votre courriel
>>>> sera, le cas échéant, transmis au ministère compétent pour qu’il y
>>>> réponde.
>>>> Si vous souhaitez obtenir les renseignements les plus récents sur le
>>>> coronavirus, veuillez consulter le
>>>> www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
>>>> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
>>>> P.O Box/C. P. 6000
>>>> Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
>>>> E3B 5H1
>>>> Canada
>>>> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
>>>> Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier.ministre@gnb.ca
>>>> Roland Michaud says he misunderstood the meme that got him scrubbed
>>>> from PC slate
>>>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/roland-michaud-provincial-election-1.5719457
>>>> Former PC candidate blames sexual abuse as child for transphobic post
>>>> Roland Michaud says he misunderstood the meme that got him scrubbed
>>>> from PC slate
>>>> Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: Sep 10, 2020 6:37 PM AT
>>>> Deja Vu Anyone?
>>>> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2020/09/pc-candidate-roland-michaud-asked-to.html?showComment=1599820901935#c427970140699305698
>>>> Thursday, 10 September 2020
>>>> PC candidate Roland Michaud asked to withdraw after transphobic post
>>>> https://twitter.com/DavidRayAmos/with_replies
>>>> David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
>>>> Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
>>>> Methinks much to Higgy's chagrin I manged to speak to Roland Michaud
>>>> personally and liked the guy so it should be obvious why I hope he
>>>> wins the seat as an Independent N'esy Pas?
>>>> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2020/09/pc-candidate-roland-michaud-asked-to.html
>>>>  #nbpoli #cdnpoli
>>>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-roland-michaud-transphobic-post-blaine-higgs-1.5714770
>>>> PC candidate Roland Michaud asked to withdraw after transphobic post
>>>> WARNING: This story includes details some people might find offensive
>>>> Alexandre Silberman, Gail Harding · CBC News · Posted: Sep 07, 2020
>>>> 3:19
>>>> PM
>>>> AT
>>>>     Unknown 10 September 2020 at 20:08
>>>>     WTF is with these guys?
>>>>     Instead of, at least, pretending he is a "man" and owning what he
>>>> posted, just tonight Roland Michaud claims he was abused, and that is
>>>> his reason for posting what he did. Could a politician get any more
>>>> slippery?
>>>> MotorcycleManiacLtd 11 September 2020 at 07:41
>>>>         I was wondering the same thing


Heavy emitters want carbon tax clarity as N.B. plan sits in limbo



Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Content disabled
Reply to Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy's Police State now with a majority mandate may begin considering our social media posts acts of sedition in short order N'esy pas? 



Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Content disabled 
Methinks Higgy et al know that since 2006 I have heard enough from Atlantica spin doctors and the Irving Clan's lawyers at NEB and EUB hearings and of course south of the 49th to last me a lifetime of disdain N'esy Pas?


Heavy emitters want carbon tax clarity as N.B. plan sits in limbo

Ottawa has yet to say if provincial pricing plan for industry meets federal standards

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Sep 18, 2020 6:16 PM AT

The federal government has yet to decide if New Brunswick's carbon pricing plan for heavy emitters meets its requirements, leaving industry in the province with financial uncertainty. (Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press)

New Brunswick's large industrial emitters of greenhouse gases are still waiting for word on whether Ottawa will approve the province's carbon tax on their emissions.

The Higgs government first outlined the proposal, called an output-based pricing system, in June 2019. 

Since then, the Trudeau government has been re-elected and has approved the province's consumer carbon tax — but still hasn't said whether the price on industry meets the requirements of the federal climate plan.

"We continue to wait for a response from the federal government," said Vicky Lutes, a spokesperson for the province's Department of Environment and Local Government. "There is no update to provide at this point."

For large emitters, who were supposed to learn sometime this year how much, or whether, they would have to pay, the delay creates financial uncertainty.

"There's a significant amount of uncertainty already with regards to the pandemic and its impact," says Neil Jacobsen, a senior policy consultant for the Atlantica Centre for Energy, a think-tank funded by large energy producers and users. 

Neil Jacobsen, a senior policy consultant for the Atlantica Centre for Energy, says the delay in approval is creating financial uncertainty among large emitters. (CBC)

"Our large emitters are dealing with that particular uncertainty, but amplifying it is the uncertainty around the output-priced pricing system, so we're hoping that both levels of government can reach some level of consensus fairly quickly." 

If approved, the provincial system would replace the federal pricing model adopted by the previous provincial Liberal government. 

It would impose a much lighter financial burden on emitters that export most of their products, taxing only 0.84 per cent of emissions in 2019, rising to 10 per cent by 2030.

The federal price applies to 20 per cent of emissions.

'It's been silence'

If the provincial system were adopted, emitters would pay the tax this year on last year's emissions, so they're waiting to learn what if any cost they'll have, Jacobsen said.

There's been no indication from Ottawa when a decision will come. Environment and Climate Change Canada did not respond to a request for comment this week. 

"It's been silence," Jacobsen said. "We're hoping that now with the provincial election behind us, this issue will percolate up a little higher, because there has been a lot of uncertainty." 

He said COVID-19 is probably partly responsible for the delay.

J.D. Irving Ltd. spokesperson Mary Keith said in an email statement that the company supports the plan and hopes it will be approved.

J.D. Irving Ltd.'s pulp and paper mill in west Saint John. (CBC)

The Higgs government has argued that large exporters that sell into the U.S. market, such as the Irving Oil Refinery in Saint John and several large forestry mills, can't afford to pass on to customers the extra cost of a big carbon tax.

JDI says its forestry operations are a net "sink" for greenhouse gas emissions because it has already reduced emissions, and its trees absorb millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide, offsetting what its plants produce.

New Brunswick's plan

Under the New Brunswick plan, each industrial facility will have a performance standard to meet. Those that go beyond it will have to pay, while those that stay below it can earn credits that can be sold to the high emitters. 

The plan covers the same industrial sectors as the federal version, applies to the same gases and applies the same price scale of $20 per tonne this year, rising to $50 per tonne in 2022. The difference is the levy applies only to a tiny fraction of emissions. 

The New Brunswick system also seeks to avoid hitting NB Power with big carbon-price costs that would lead to higher rate increases,

The plan divides the utility's fuel sources for its generating stations into three different categories and applies the tax differently to each of them.

The province says the plan will reduce "emissions intensity"— the ratio of greenhouse gases relative to what the industrial plant producers — by 10 per cent by 2030. But the actual reduction in emissions will be smaller.

Even so, it would allow the province to reach the Paris climate goal of getting emissions to 30 per cent below 2005 levels. Emissions are already 28 per cent below those levels. 

Consumer tax in play since April

New Brunswick consumers have been paying a provincial carbon tax on gas since April 1 of this year. 

The 6.6-cent-per-litre tax replaced the federal "backstop" tax that had been applied at the pumps.

PC legislation passed earlier this year to implement the tax also reduced the provincial excise tax on gasoline by 4.6 cents, meaning the net cost of the tax to consumers is two cents.

The government's plan is to continue lowering the excise tax every year by the same amount the carbon tax rises — meaning the net impact will remain two cents per litre indefinitely.

That contradicts the logic of the federal plan that a gradually increasing carbon tax will create a greater incentive over time for consumers to burn less fuel. Ottawa approved the model despite that. 


Commenting is now closed for this story. 
David Amos 
Content disabled
Methinks Higgy et all know that since 2006 I have heard enough from these Atlantica spin doctors and the Irving Clan's lawyers at Neb and EUB hearings and of course south of the 49th to last me a life of disdain N'esy Pas?  
Tim Trites
okay guys the dirty deed's bean dun

the emission fell within normalized standards 

David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Tim Trites: Mine is less than normal because of COPD in my old age
Tim Trites 
Reply to @David Amos:
old age??? u seeem to be looking younger as we speek
David Amos 
Reply to @Tim Trites: How would you know in light of the fact you refused to check out the video I suggested you surf for?
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Tim Trites: Surprise Surprise Surprise Your entire thread in which you made a fool of yourself went "Poof"
John Grail
Until they tax all pollution, this is more or less just virtue signalling. 
Tim Trites
Reply to @John Grail:
more or less...or less or more
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @John Grail:
Of course.
The very same folks promote moving folks (immigration) from temperate climate areas, where their carbon footprint is low, to northern climate areas to where they can't help but increase their individual carbon footprints 100X.
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Good point
Terry Tibbs
This is funny.
NB has 2 "heavy emitters".
NB Power and the Irvings.
Both self report. So both will pay exactly what they want to pay.
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: BINGO
Tim Trites
 well i've emitted heavily...but that was usually the morning after the night before 
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Tim Trites: We need to investigate vaping as a source of green house gas.
Tim Trites 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson:
sure sure...just dont try to come to my place to do do your "investigation"
Toby Tolly
Reply to @Tim Trites: Beano
David Amos  
Reply to @Tim Trites: Higgy may wish to investigate
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Amos:
The onlt reason to get his nose up in there is if the last name starts with an I.
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Amos:
The only reason to get his nose up in there is if the last name begins with an "I".
John Pokiok
Don't worry now that Higgs has a full reign over NB he will make sure that big emitters (Irving) pay nothing and peasants pay all business as usual in NB.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @John Pokiok:
Anything else suggests a revolution.
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy's Police State now with a majority mandate may begin considering our social media posts acts of sedition in short order N'esy pas?

Service New Brunswick customers still waiting hours in long lineups




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks the folks while standing line should Google me then mention my name to Service NB people and ask them whether I am crazy or not N'esy Pas?

Service New Brunswick customers still waiting hours in long lineups

People waiting for hours outdoors say things will have to change before winter

Tori Weldon· CBC News· Posted: Sep 22, 2020 7:00 AM AT 

Ginette Sirois said this was her third attempt to renew her driver's licence at the Dieppe Service New Brunswick office. She gave up and left the first two times after waiting for an hour in line. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

Service New Brunswick has always had a reputation for long wait times, but since COVID-19 prompted physical-distancing rules, those lineups often snake outside into parking lots and onto the street.

On Monday afternoon, Ginette Sirois was still in line at the Dieppe Service New Brunswick office after waiting for three hours, and she was still outside.

She needed to renew her driver's licence. It is a service that's offered online, but Sirois doesn't have a computer.

"It should be done differently," she said. "Imagine later when it's cold."

The senior had already stood in the long line twice but gave up after an hour.

She called the wait "unacceptable' but said she was determined to stand there Monday until she got the job done.

Brittney Hunt got in line with about a dozen other people before the office opened. She waited with Gabriel Bizier. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

In Moncton, about 40 people lined up into a parking lot to enter the Service New Brunswick office.

Brittney Hunt said she checked ahead of time, and her change of address needed to be done in person, so she showed up before the office even opened with about a dozen others, and was in and out in about two hours.

Her advice to others is to come prepared and to be patient. 

"We came with coffee and there's like a portable washroom around the corner. I'm not 100 per cent sure if it's for Service New Brunswick, but I used it anyway," said Hunt with a laugh.

Aaron Roberts was in line with his son Phoenix, who wanted to register a motorcycle. 


Aaron Roberts, left, and his son Phoenix waited in line for about two and a half hours before being allowed into the office. They were there for a motorcycle registration. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

He said a Service New Brunswick employee was speaking to people in line to see what they were there for, and if they had the right paperwork, but that didn't happen until he'd been in line for two hours.

"We were almost to the front of the line," he said.

"If anything goes wrong, then you have to leave and come back and have to wait another three … hours."

Weeks after Service New Brunswick opened its offices throughout the province, people still have to line up outside for hours. 1:43

Valerie Kilfoil, director of communications for Service New Brunswick, said wait times vary from 10 minutes to two hours at the bigger centres, including Moncton, with Mondays and Fridays being the busiest days.

In an email she said online transactions are up by 36 per cent since the pandemic started, which shows people are doing what they can to stay home.

"However, with more people using our online services for what are the less complicated transactions, it means that people who wait in line often have more complicated transactions that take longer to process and cannot not be done online at this time at this time," she wrote.

About 40 people were in line at Moncton's Service New Brunswick office on Monday at 11 a.m. The corporation said Mondays and Fridays tend to be the busiest. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

She used the example of a marriage licence, which even before the pandemic would have taken a minimum of 30 minutes to process.

SNB is working to shift more of its services, such as address changes and learner's drivers tests online, but it isn't available yet. 

Kilfoil said the department will launch a more user friendly website later this week. 

"Service New Brunswick is working on a solution to admit more people indoors in anticipation of the colder weather," said Kilfoil .

More details like when or how were not available.

About the Author

Tori Weldon


Tori Weldon is a reporter based in Moncton. She's been working for the CBC since 2008.


David Amos
Methinks the folks while standing line should Google me then mention my name to Service NB people and ask them whether I am crazy or not N'esy Pas? 
Winston Gray
Reply to @David Amos: I think the answer to that question would be a resounding and emphatic “Yes”
David Amos 
Reply to @Winston Gray: Methinks you ain't the only dude supporting Higgy's actions against me N'esy Pas?
Matt Cowan 
Reply to @David Amos: no, because youre are clearly not sane
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: We all need a good laugh !!
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Were you not able to get enough signatures to run for your " We Party " in the past election ?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should ask your friends what I said during my last debate in Hampton in October 1019 not long after I had left one of the emergency rooms your hero Higgy attacked this spring N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: However if Trudeau the Younger has the writ dropped in short order I may change my mind before I head down to Mexico for the winter
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al should enjoy a little Deja Vu from Sept 18th N'esy Pas? 
David Amos
Methinks the Minister of Health is no doubt relieved that my very
decent doctor is retiring as well N'esy Pas? 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: So 4 more years of no Medicare card. Tough sledding ahead pal! 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You did real well representing your pals in the EUB hearing you posted I was truly impressed! 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Like my new pic. Its Sgt. Slaughter to you not Sgt. Oliver from now on..
Lou Bell
Like virtual appointments , many will need to led kicking and screaming before they'll just go online and simply do what they need done in 5 minutes ! 20th Century mentality in the 21st Century !! And will save all a lot of money if they'd just move into the 21st Century , and yet need that Touchy / Feely space . 
Dennis Regan
Reply to @Lou Bell:
It's so difficult for many devoted to the sixteenth century (royal family etc.) to get with today. The colony of Canada might never escape the days of old.
David Amos 
Reply to @Dennis Regan: I concur Methinks little lady Lou must admit I have said such things many times Furthermore it appears I look a lot like you as well N'esy Pas?
Bryan Jones
Reply to @David Amos: That's two very similar pictures you have there, are you and Dennis not the same person?
David Amos 
Reply to @Bryan Jones: Nope
David Amos  
Reply to @Bryan Jones: Your question begs the obvious question in return How many ids do you use or is that your real name??
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Lou Bell: I take it you have not made that call in a long time. try an hours wait on a Rogers Pay as you call package. At least an hour if the batty does not die. Not everyone can afford a $200 a month phone. 
David Peters
Nothing on the impending storm? 
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Methinks we are too busy enjoying the circus in Higgy's Police State that we are paying for dearly to care about a little wind and rain attacking our humble abodes N'esy Pas?

The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail—its roof may shake—the wind may blow through it—the storm may enter—the rain may enter—but the King of England cannot enter!
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham 1708–78
British Whig statesman; Prime Minister,
David Peters 
Reply to @David Amos:
Nature Trumps all. 
Vel Oakes
I live in Nova Scotia and we have the option to make an appointments before we go. Does New Brunswick not have the same option? 
David Amos
Reply to @Vel Oakes: Methinks Higgy et know why I have had huge bone to pick with Service Nova Scotia since 2010 N'esy Pas?
John Montgomery 
Reply to @Vel Oakes: No but that would be a good idea.
Graham McCormack 
Reply to @Vel Oakes: I believe there was but people complained so it was changed.
janice small
Blaine you have that sought after control,, DO SOMETHING BLAINE PLEASE..
Service NB is a disaster and an embarrassment to all NB governments over the years as you are all guilty. Don't blame the staff..You can call their three times a day and ask the same question to three different people and get three different answers...Service NB started as a place to renew your drivers lice and plates ,,Always run by managers with patronage connections to the leader or government and most times the manager didn't know his left hand from his right hand but he was a great recruiter and supporter of the government in power or looking to take power... Like the Kevin Cormier Trevor Holders chum, don't need any experience to be a Librarian..Motor vehicle / Service NB had great intentions when it started as place to get a new license and drivers lic,,, but both governments overwhelmed the service with multiple tasks,,So we have in my opinion overwhelmed the service and we have two few sites available to access Service NB in person..Mr Higgs please don't drop the ball now that you have the power you so sought !! Check out the services Service NB now offers below in the Link and their are more, below is just few what I found..And bring a lawn chair and an umbrella and a cooler if you going to service NB in Moncton and Dieppe and make sure your your cell phone is on full charge ..
David Amos 
Reply to @janice small: Methinks many would agree that all the Service NB minions are just following Higgy's orders N'esy Pas?
Matt Cowan
Reply to @David Amos: me thinks you should leave you basement, n'esy pas? and maybe come up with a new line
Randy McNally 
Reply to @janice small: Maybe you are missing the big picture.? The government does not want people going to service NB. They want us to do EVERYTHING online. They won't change a thing to make this service more user friendly for NB'ers - it's not part of the plan.
Corrie Weatherfield
Reply to @janice small: Several friends were helping another friend move some firewood. The hardest worker, the only one who had a history of her own business, commented to the others . . . . "It's easy to see who the former govt workers are . . . they need a break every few minutes" . . . if the shoe fits . . . ??
David Amos 
Reply to @Matt Cowan: Methinks Higgy should tell his spin doctors that they should dream up their own lines instead of using mine as they attack me N'esy Pas?
Kevin Cormier
If they can't staff SNB correctly, what make us think that they will staff Public Safety correctly to follow through with all these "second phase" COVID-19 rules. Cut back, cut backs. Remember, the PC are not about big government so soon this service will be privatized to a convivence store which is owned by one of the PC faithful.
Bryan Jones
Reply to @Kevin Cormier: Missing the library Kevin?
David Amos 
Reply to @Bryan Jones: Not the same dude
Sulynn Macewan
The fact that you have to make appointments for every type of healthcare appointment now and it seems to work, yet Service NB cant get their s**t together enough to do the same says something about their generalized incompetence.
Wayne Wright 
Reply to @Sulynn Macewan: truly SNB has been that way forever, nothing new there; at or approaching months-end line-ups have always been horrendous. More staff would only mean citizens would complain about that.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Wayne Wright:
No, more staff would mean there would be more folks standing around doing nothing. You can't really blame them though, just looking around, and at the folks working there, it just screams toxic workplace to me.
Marc Martin 
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Exactly..
Marc Martin
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: yeah right..
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Wayne Wright: When your wait time is more than 30 minutes you have a staffing issue but your government does not care. I wonder how many in those line ups are wearing Depends or have to leave because of
suck problems or health issues?
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I concur as usual 
Graeme Scott
In fairness to SNB it would be helpful to know how many people are standing in line for something that could be done online.
Michel Forgeron 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: I just renewed my car registration online, went slick as a whistle. I do understand not everyone might want/be able to do it online, but it sure saves time.
Ian Scott 
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: Lots can be done but some can't, like changing addresses where need to show proof like a bill etc. Cannot renew a drivers licence as need new picture and of course need computer access. Might thin k some of those could use a cafe or a friends instead.
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: The day I was there most were seniors (check day). I hate trying to use online service. Far too complicated for the untrained computer user of FB. These lineup are 3rd world class. I guess that fits Irvings agenda.
Lin Munro
Reply to @Ian Scott: Driver's license can be done online - they use your old picture - that's what I did with no issues (even though on the renewal notice it said it had to be done in person - not true)
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Lin Munro: I had to show up at SNB to renew lic.for photo
Ron Willis 
Reply to @Buddy Best: What do the Irving’s have to do with ServiceNB?
Mary Smith
Reply to @Buddy Best: I had my licence renewed online and they just used the old photo. Maybe that's new that they want you to go in for a new photo? I had mine renewed I think in May, but I could be wrong.
Lin Munro
Reply to @Mary Smith: I don't think it's changed because in the article in Ginette Sirois' story it states "She needed to renew her driver's licence. It is a service that's offered online, but Sirois doesn't have a computer"
Buddy Best 
Reply to @Mary Smith: What would be the point of a 10 year old photo as ID?
David Amos
Reply to @Buddy Best: The Feds demand that in order to renew my passport I must get a current photo ID because my 10 year old ones are no good even for Elections Canada The Service NB minions who refused to renew my drivers license and my Medicare card for years even refused to give me a photo ID while I was running in the election of the 43rd Parliament. So Elections Canada had to use my New Brunswick address on the meds I got after I got out of the emergency room. Methinks i should sue Higgy and Trudeau ASAP if I want to go to Mexico in the Yuletide season N'esy Pas?

Mary Smith
Reply to @Buddy Best: The photo would be a 4 year old photo max. You renew your license every 4 years (unless I'm mistaken). 
Marc Martin
This will only get worst when the Higgs government starts cutting staff in the public service. 
Ron Willis
Reply to @Marc Martin: I think that there are a lot of you who miss the free spending days of Brian Gallant and all that “free stuff” his government passed out.
Winston Gray 
Reply to @Ron Willis: by “free stuff” you mean “services that we paid for with our taxes”?

Do you not like services like healthcare, or is that “free stuff that liberals give out”?
Archie Levesque 
Reply to @Marc Martin: Still wanting to have the people of Miramichi fired from their jobs because they didnt vote how you wanted?
David Amos 
Reply to @Marc Martin: I see Higgy gave your Mayor buddy a fancy new job
Graeme Scott
Does anyone else see the irony in the first word of this agency's name?

Come on SNB you have had 6+ months to figure this out.
David Amos  
Reply to @Graeme Scott: i have no doubt that my Father's ghost certainly does

New pitch made to delay demolition of century-old Saint John dairy building



Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Justin Gunther said
"I will find you on your blog and we can exchange contact info there. I may not get to it until next week though."


New pitch made to delay demolition of century-old Saint John dairy building

John Cushnie wants time to complete engineering report and revitalization plans

Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: Sep 18, 2020 8:00 AM AT 
 John Cushnie hopes to address city councillors directly later this month in an attempt to pause demolition plans for the former Purity Dairy building on Saint John's City Road. (Connell Smith, CBC)

The man trying to save a century–old Saint John dairy building is making an 11th hour pitch to delay its demolition.


A side view from the original, 1920s-era plans for the Purity Ice Cream building on City Road. Cushnie would like to recapture much of the building's original, red brick factory look. (Archives of New Brunswick, Mott Myles and Chatwin collection)

The building was deemed dangerous and dilapidated by city council in August. Demolition has been approved but has yet to take place.

If a three-month extension is granted, Cushnie said he will secure the building, make arrangements for its purchase, and remedy safety issues identified in a compliance order issued in March of this year by city inspectors to the current owners, a company headed by Mostofa Iqbal of Saint John. 

The 90 days would also be used to complete an engineering report and prepare a plan to revitalize the 10,000 square foot building into a commercial hub.

Cushnie said the city wants evidence in advance a purchase and sale agreement has been made for the property.

Parts of the former factory building at 111-115 City Rd. have been removed while others were added. The building was later clad in blue wood siding. (Connell Smith, CBC)

"I mean there's not a lawyer in the world that would recommend anyone sign a purchase and sale agreement on a building that's slated to be demolished," he said.

He now plans to make a last-ditch appeal directly to city councillors at their Sept. 28 meeting.

But in a discussion with CBC, Mayor Don Darling said there's little appetite at council for putting off the demolition.

"Anytime we've tried to delay these projects not much happens," said Darling. "Nothing's changed from my perspective."

Darling said the matter will be discussed further by councillors at the late September meeting.

About the Author

Connell Smith is a reporter with CBC in Saint John. He can be reached at 632-7726 Connell.smith@cbc.ca


Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Methinks if there are unpaid property taxes the Crown should hold tax sale Then Cushnie could buy the property from the winner of the auction. I have no doubt that the citizens of Saint John would fare better if businesses were setting up within a rebuilt building rather than looking at another vacant lot. I bet if the Irving Clan wanted the property their lawyers would have already stopped Mayor Darling from knocking it down N'esy Pas?
Toby Tolly
cbc is obsessed with this guy...... whats the real story 
David Amos
Reply to @Toby Tolly: We can only speculate
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks if there are unpaid property taxes the Crown should hold tax sale Then Cushnie could buy the property from the winner of the auction. I have no doubt that the citizens of Saint John would fare better if businesses were setting up within a rebuilt building rather than looking at another vacant lot. I bet if the Irving Clan wanted the property their lawyers would have already stopped Mayor Darling from knocking it down N'esy Pas? 

Justin Gunther
"Light my candles in a daze..." 
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Perhaps we should talk?
Justin Gunther 
Reply to @David Amos: I will find you on your blog and we can exchange contact info there. I may not get to it until next week though.
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Just send me an email
David Amos  
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Hmmm






Financial expert: newly released documents show mass murderer was not an RCMP informant



Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Remember me?
From: Timothy Bousquet 
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2020 
Subject: Re: fea3 
To: David Amos 
Hello, I’m taking a much-needed vacation and will not be responding to email until August 4. If this is urgent Halifax Examiner business, please email zane

Enjoy some Deja Vu and say Hey to Ann, Leanne and all their corrupt pals for me Will Ya?


How an RCMP officer escaped and survived after being shot by the N.S. gunman

Court documents reveal Const. Chad Morrison's harrowing encounter

Elizabeth McMillan· CBC News· Posted: Sep 22, 2020 2:16 PM AT

Based on RCMP reports, audio recordings and interviews, this is what we know about what happened during a gunman's rampage that left 22 victims dead. 7:21

Minutes after being shot by a man in what appeared to be a marked police cruiser, Const. Chad Morrison found himself alone and gripping his service rifle behind an empty ambulance depot.

The Nova Scotia RCMP officer knew the gunman was nearby and was worried he was still a target.  

Morrison's harrowing encounter with the man responsible for killing 22 people in April is described in search warrant documents released by the courts Monday.

That morning, about 10 a.m. AT on April 19, Morrison and a colleague, Const. Heidi Stevenson, had responded to a request for officers from the East Hants detachment in Enfield to help out in Colchester County, where the manhunt was underway.

It was roughly 12 hours after RCMP were first alerted to shots fired and homes burning in Portapique, N.S., a village about 70 kilometres from Morrison's location.

By close to 11 a.m., Morrison was pulled over, waiting for Stevenson near the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park, according to a summary of a statement he gave on April 21 to investigators. 

By that point, the man Mounties were frantically seeking was known to have killed numerous people at different rural locations. Morrison knew the gunman was masquerading as an officer.

Const. Chad Morrison of the Nova Scotia RCMP. Morrison was injured by the gunman who killed 22 people between April 18 and 19. (RCMP Nova Scotia/Facebook)

But as he listened to his police radio, Morrison was confused about the shooter's precise location, according to the court documents. He explained to investigators that, as best as he could tell, the gunman was still in Brookfield, N.S., about 20 kilometres away.

When he spotted the familiar shape of a white Ford Taurus with RCMP markings a few hundred metres away, he radioed to ask if other officers were in the area.

His anxiety lessened when Stevenson responded. Morrison pulled up to the T-intersection of Highway 2 and Highway 224 to talk to her, presuming that she was behind the wheel, according to his statement. 

The approaching cruiser wasn't speeding and didn't raise any alarms. Later, he would tell investigators that the only thing that was different was a black push bar attached to its front bumper.

As the vehicle came closer, it registered with Morrison that a man was driving. 

Within seconds, that man pulled out a silver handgun and started firing out his window. 

Later, Morrison said the gunman, Gabriel Wortman, had a "melancholy expression on his face" and a "grit" look as he raised his gun, according to the summary of his interview. 

There were three or four shots. Morrison was hit, though it's not clear from the documents where or how many times. 

Still in the driver's seat, the officer "floored it" and took off south along Highway 2 toward Milford, N.S, careening off a guard rail as he drove, the court documents said. 

He repeatedly hit the button to notify dispatch that he was in trouble and needed immediate assistance but wasn't sure if the message went through.

WATCH | N.S. shooting suspect on camera shortly before he was caught:

Surveillance video shows the suspected gunman in the Nova Scotia mass shooting less than an hour before he was caught and killed by police. 1:53

When he arrived at a station used by paramedics, Morrison found it was empty. The court documents state he knew he could be a "sitting duck" and went behind the building with his rifle, radioing he was there and needed help.   

On his radio he heard another officer say, "Stevenson is down." His statement said that he was close enough to Highway 14 that he could see black SUVs with roof lights on, rushing to the spot where his colleague was shot. Before long, an ambulance arrived that took him to hospital. 

Sgt. Angela Hawryluk, who summarized Morrison's interview in an application to gain access to the shooter's financial records, wrote that the body armour he wore protected him from a chest or abdomen wound. 

When he returned home from hospital April 21, Morrison had bandages on both arms. 

Stevenson, though she was also wearing soft and hard body armour, did not survive.

Const. Heidi Stevenson died in the shooter's rampage in April. (Nova Scotia RCMP/Twitter)

About the Author

Elizabeth McMillan is a journalist with CBC's Atlantic investigative unit. Over the past 11 years, she has reported from the edge of the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Coast and loves sharing people's stories. Please send tips and feedback to elizabeth.mcmillan@cbc.ca


CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Spouse witnessed N.S. gunman torching their cottage, court documents say

'I'm done, I'm done. It's too late,' shooter told spouse, according to search warrants

Elizabeth McMillan· CBC News· Posted: Sep 21, 2020 10:08 PM AT 

Based on RCMP reports, audio recordings and interviews, this is what we know about what happened during a gunman's rampage that left 22 victims dead. 7:21

The man responsible for April's mass shootings in Nova Scotia took a leisurely drive around a community close to his rural cottage, stopped to chat with a fellow denturist and oversaw work being done on his property in the hours before the massacre began.

The details of a seemingly mundane day leading up to the shootings are contained in sections of court records that a provincial court judge ordered released Monday following a court hearing.

The documents also say that on the evening of April 18, the gunman's spouse was present inside as he doused the floor of the cottage they shared with gasoline — before grabbing guns and igniting the log building he'd prized. The woman, whose name is redacted from the records, later told police he said, "I'm done, I'm done. It's too late [redacted], I'm done."

On April 18 and 19, Gabriel Wortman killed 22 neighbours, acquaintances and strangers in several communities in rural Nova Scotia. He torched his own cottage and garage, and three other homes over a 13-hour period before being shot dead by police at a gas station in Enfield, N.S. after a lengthy search.

The remains of a cottage and the burnt shell of a decommissioned RCMP cruiser are seen at a property in Portapique, N.S., that belonged to the gunman who killed 22 people in April 18 and 19. (Steve Lawrence/CBC)

A judge on Monday approved the release of six more of the approximately 23 judicial authorizations RCMP have obtained since the massacre — to search gunman's properties in Portapique and Dartmouth, and for his financial records. Redacted copies of seven were previously released. 

Though the new documents are heavily redacted, each is about 90 pages long and includes information about how the gunman procured decommissioned RCMP cruisers and police equipment and about his financial transactions months prior to the attacks. All information related to the type of firearms used remains blacked out. 

Expected to head to Dartmouth

It's unclear why the gunman "snapped," as his spouse described it to police. The documents also offer little information about why Wortman targeted his victims, some of whom he knew. His partner told police she did not know their neighbours well. 

She also told police that, that night, she believed he was going to take her to Dartmouth, where they had another home and a clinic, to kill people or burn buildings, according to the documents. The specifics are blacked out. The woman has never spoken publicly about what she saw on April 18. Her lawyer has declined requests for comment from CBC News.

The faces of the 22 victims. The rampage that left 22 people dead unfolded over about 13 hours, before police shot and killed the gunman. (CBC)

At some point after Wortman loaded guns and ammunition into his mock cruiser, the woman escaped. She told investigators she initially hid in a truck before spending hours in a wooded area in Portapique. 

Though she heard someone announcing they were police on a loudspeaker, she said she feared it was her partner. Around dawn she went to the home of a neighbour who called 911.

Large cash withdrawal

RCMP have previously said Wortman liquidated his assets and stockpiled gas and food due to COVID-19 fears. A warrant that the court released in May revealed people told the investigators the gunman was paranoid and had a history of abuse.

According to the new documents, his spouse also told police in the weeks prior to the attacks he was "consumed" by the pandemic, talking about it constantly and saying he "knew he was going to die."

She also said he feared that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would find a way to control money and that prompted him to withdraw nearly half a million dollars from his own accounts. The RCMP interviewed officials from CIBC and Brinks about a March 30 withdrawal in Dartmouth.

A search warrant document says police recovered cash on the shooter's property that he had stashed in an ammunition box. (Andrew Vaughan/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Officials from the bank told police that Wortman asked to liquidate investments and then transferred the money to his business accounts. On March 25 at a branch in Dartmouth, he asked the bank's director that his $475,000 be paid out in $100 bills, according to the court documents. 

The records state the bank worked with Brinks to set up a pick-up on March 30. 

RCMP have not said how much cash police have recovered. The search warrant documents show that on April 22, investigators found cash folded in tinfoil packets inside an ammunition box discovered at the Portapique property.

Warning: This clip contains disturbing details. Clinton Ellison says he hid in the woods for hours after discovering his brother's body the night of the mass shooting in Portapique, N.S. He had gone looking for his brother, Corrie Ellison, when he failed to return from checking on a nearby fire. 7:05

Suspicious transactions flagged 

Canada's money-laundering watchdog, the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (Fintrac), reported on Wortman's personal and professional financial activities after the massacre, according to the newly released documents.

The records say Wortman's PayPal account was used to buy vehicle accessories labelled as being for police use on eBay. The court documents describe the purchases as "for items utilized in the facilitation of domestic terrorist activities."

The gunman's cottage in Portapique was destroyed in a fire he set, but a large deck along the shore was mostly intact. Pictured is the area under the structure. (Steve Lawrence/CBC)

According to the court documents, the Fintrac review found that PayPal flagged suspicious transactions between March 22 and Dec. 5, 2019 — though it's not clear from the records if that's when they were reported as suspicious or if that's when they occurred.

Those purchases included accessories for police vehicles such as:

  • A centre console for a 2013 Ford Taurus.
  • A ram for the front bumper of a Taurus sedan.
  • Siren lights. 
  • A dashcam.
  • Thin blue line vinyl decal.
  • Hubcaps.
  • A gun rack.

Other transactions listed as suspicious include $15,045 worth of items — including decommissioned cars — purchased with credit cards from GCSurplus in Ottawa. The site is run by Public Services and Procurement Canada.

There's also reference to cash deposits payable to Wortman from Northumberland Investments, one of his companies. The Fintrac review found three questionable transactions: two cash deposits in 2010 totalling $200,000 and another for $246,000. The transactions happened in Fredericton and Dartmouth, but the documents don't elaborate on the circumstances.

Brian MacDonald of Debert, N.S., had a feeling the gunman in Nova Scotia’s mass shooting had been on his property. 2:13

Border crossings

What is clear is that over the years, people around the gunman knew he had a penchant for acquiring car parts and collecting motorcycles. Some also knew he had guns and one car that he'd outfitted to resemble an actual cruiser.

The documents reference interviews with two people who responded to a Kijiji ad about an off-road vehicle in the weeks prior to April's attacks. In both cases, Wortman showed off his replica cruiser inside the large garage he had in Portapique.

Using one of his companies, he purchased the 2017 Ford Taurus used in the attacks on July 3, 2019, from the RCMP, according to the search warrant records. 

A friend of Aaron Tuck, who was one of Wortman's victims, told police that in August 2019, Tuck told him that Wortman's mock cruiser was indistinguishable from an actual police vehicle and that he kept a holster for a gun in the back of it. Tuck was killed alongside his wife, Jolene Oliver, and his daughter, Emily, at their home in Portapique.

Police searched the Atlantic Denture Clinic in downtown Dartmouth on April 20. (Craig Paisley/CBC)

Peter Griffon, a neighbour who was on parole and who printed the decals for the cruiser, initially lied to police about his involvement but later showed investigators images of the vehicle he kept on his phone. He did odd jobs for Wortman and on April 18 had been splitting wood for him. He last saw him around noon that day, before Wortman headed out for a drive.

Wortman also stopped and talked with a fellow denturist, who is not identified, about work and COVID-19.  

The gunman's spouse said Wortman was constantly scouring sites for police gear which he bought in both Canada and the U.S.

Gabriel Wortman carried out his rampage using a vehicle made to look like an RCMP cruiser in every way, with the exception of the numbers police circled in this photo. (Nova Scotia RCMP)

Records the RCMP obtained from Canada Border Services Agency showed that Wortman crossed the U.S.-Canada border in Woodstock, N.B., 15 times over a two-year period, with his last return to Canada on March 6. He did not have permits to import supplies for his denturist business, but the CBSA said he was personally importing car parts.

Wortman appears to have had a long history of threats and violence. A former neighbour has spoken out about being harassed by Wortman after reporting to RCMP that Wortman abused his spouse. The spouse and another relative relayed to police an account of Wortman's vicious attack on his father during a trip to the Caribbean. In 2011, someone reported to Truro police that the denturist threatened to "kill a cop."

The documents released Monday are the second batch of search warrant documents the court has agreed to release. CBC applied in April for access to the records and seven other media outlets joined the application.

David Coles, the lawyer representing the media organizations, has filed a request for a judicial review of decisions Judge Laurel Halfpenny MacQuarrie had made in the case. Halfpenny MacQuarrie will consider that request Oct. 2 in Halifax provincial court.

If you are seeking mental health support during this time, here are resources available to Nova Scotians.


About the Author

Elizabeth McMillan is a journalist with CBC's Atlantic investigative unit. Over the past 11 years, she has reported from the edge of the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Coast and loves sharing people's stories. Please send tips and feedback to elizabeth.mcmillan@cbc.ca


CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Neighbour reported N.S. mass shooter's domestic violence, weapons to police

'Even though I'm military and I know how to use a weapon, that man scared the crap out of me,' woman says

Michael Tutton· The Canadian Press· Posted: May 13, 2020 6:43 AM AT


RCMP vehicles block the path to the gunman's property in Portapique, N.S., during a criminal investigation into last month's mass shooting. (Jonathan Villeneuve/Radio-Canada)

A former neighbour of the gunman behind last month's mass shooting in Nova Scotia says she reported his domestic violence and cache of firearms to the RCMP years ago and ended up leaving the community herself due to fears of his violence.

Brenda Forbes said that in the summer of 2013, she told police about reports that Gabriel Wortman had held down and beaten his common-law spouse behind one of the properties he owned in Portapique, a coastal community west of Truro.

Domestic violence is being examined as a key aspect of the mass shooting, as police have said the rampage began on the night of April 18 after the gunman argued with his common-law spouse and restrained and beat her before she managed to escape into the woods.

He went on to kill 22 people and burn a number of homes before police shot and killed him outside a gas station in Enfield, N.S.

Forbes said her first awareness of Wortman's domestic violence was shortly after he moved to Portapique in the early 2000s, when his partner came to her door and asked for help.

"She ran to my house and said Gabriel was beating on her and she had to get away. She was afraid," said the 62-year-old veteran of the Canadian Forces.

Forbes said she encouraged her neighbour to seek help but recalled that she was frightened of her partner and of repercussions of going to police due to threats he'd made against her family.

She said that in 2013, she learned Wortman had been seen hitting his partner behind one of his properties.

"He had her on the ground, was strangling her ... He was beating on her," she said of the account she heard, saying there were three male witnesses.

"On that incident, I called the RCMP and I told them what happened, and I said he has a bunch of illegal weapons, and I know because he showed them to us," said Forbes, who has since moved outside the province.

She said that in response to her complaint, the RCMP interviewed her while she was working at a cadet camp in Debert, N.S., and she retold the story. She said she encouraged one of the three witnesses to give his account to police, but he refused, saying he feared violence from Wortman.

Witness wanted more thorough investigation

Forbes, who first told her story to the Halifax Examiner, said it upset her that police seemed unable to take firmer action on her complaint.

"From what I got from the RCMP, because [the partner] would not put in a complaint, as she was scared to death, they basically said, 'There's not much we can do. We can monitor him but there's not much else we can do,'" she said.

Wentworth volunteer firefighters douse hot spots as an excavator digs through the rubble of a destroyed home linked to the deadly shooting rampage in Wentworth Centre, N.S. (Tim Krochak/Getty Images)

The Canadian Press emailed the RCMP about the prior report of domestic abuse, but a spokesperson wasn't immediately available for comment.

RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell said during a news conference last month that investigators "have spoken to witnesses who have provided information to us about prior assaults; those are all things that we are dealing with right now."

He has also said that investigators are speaking to the former common-law spouse to gain a better understanding of previous incidents.

However, Forbes said she felt at the time the incident should have been more thoroughly investigated.

"If you tell them that he may have illegal weapons, should you not go and check it out?" she asked.

'I was scared'

Her husband, who also served in the Canadian Forces, recalled being shown their neighbour's weapons cache.

"He knew I had weapons, being in the military, so he was always one of those guys who had to show others that whatever they had, he had something better," George Forbes said. Wortman showed him firearms, including pistols and a rifle, in the garage, he said.

"We reported that to the police also," he said. Police have said the gunman didn't have a licence for his weapons.

Brenda Forbes said that after she reported the abuse incident to the RCMP's Truro detachment, Wortman became more aggressive toward her.

George Forbes recalled him coming to the front door and threatening his wife. Brenda Forbes said Wortman would drive around their house and park outside the door.

"I was scared. ... Even though I'm military and I know how to use a weapon, that man scared the crap out of me," she said.

She said she and her husband left the area in 2014 out of growing fear and discomfort over Wortman's behaviour.

Police block the highway in Debert, N.S., on April 19 amid the mass shooting, which spanned two days and several communities. (Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press)

Calls for inquiry into role misogyny played in mass killing

Linda MacDonald, a founder of Persons Against Non-State Torture, said in an interview that advocates who are trying to reduce violence against women have long seen a connection between hatred of women and mass shootings.

The Truro-based nurse is among the signatories of a recent statement that called for a deeper look at the role misogyny played in the April 18-19 killings.

"There's definitely an element of male violence against women in this crime," she said. "Our main request is an independent public inquiry with a feminist analysis included."

MacDonald said if male violence against women was considered more seriously in the criminal justice system, it could avoid tragedies such as the one that occurred in Nova Scotia




Financial expert: newly released documents show mass murderer was not an RCMP informant


The mass murderer carrying $475,000 in cash at the Brink’s office in Burnside, on March 30, 2020.

On Monday, Judge Laurie Halfpenny MacQuarrie signed an order releasing the next batch of six search warrant documents related to the RCMP’s investigation of the mass murders of April 18 and 19.

Eight media organizations, including the Halifax Examiner, have hired lawyer David Coles to petition the court to release the documents. So far, 13 document sets out of an expected 22 have been released, albeit they are extremely redacted. We’ve instructed Coles to ask for a judicial review to challenge Halfpenny MacQuarrie’s decisions related to the redactions.

In any event, despite the redactions, we learned new information through the documents released Monday. The new information below comes via an “Information to Obtain” (ITO) for a production order related to a video at Brink’s’ Burnside office.

FINTRAC issues Suspicious Transaction Reports

The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) issued multiple Suspicious Transaction Reports (STR) related to the killer, who the Halifax Examiner calls GW, and Northumberland Investments Inc., a company that is owned and controlled by GW.

Northumberland is registered in New Brunswick but uses 193 Portland Street in Dartmouth as its address — that was the address of GW’s home and denturist business. Northumberland additionally used a Fredericton, NB address; that address is an apartment building, and if GW ever lived there he had long ago moved away.

The first STR was issued by TD Bank on August 10, 2010. Northumberland Investments had been a client since 1988, but in 2010, Northumberland made three suspicious deposits — two cash deposits totalling $200,000, and a “partial cashing of a term deposit” of $46,000. “Activity shows client depositing large sum of cash and offsets bulk of funds via drafts payable to” GW.

“That looks like money laundering,” Jessica Davis, a securities and intelligence expert who worked at FINTRAC before starting her own consulting firm, told the Examiner in a phone interview. “The document doesn’t say where the cash came from. It’s hard to believe that the bank didn’t ask, so that’s frustrating.”

Asked if FINTRAC may have disregarded or overlooked the 2010 STR, allowing GW’s financial malfeasance to continue, Davis said “maybe FINTRAC looked into it, but there might have been too many other things going on to look at it. I can’t be certain it’s money laundering.”

The ITO quotes a cousin of GW, who was interviewed by RCMP Sgt. Corey Kilburn on April 28. The cousin, whose name is redacted, is a retired RCMP officer. When placed in the interview room, the cousin noted that while he was an RCMP officer he interviewed people in the very same room.

According to the ITO, the cousin “pretty much grew up” with GW and “found him to be a strange little guy.” GW’s parents were “bizarre,” said the cousin.

For GW, said the cousin, “everything was about money” and “he talked about it all the time.”

GW “was paranoid and put his houses in his parents’ name as he was worried about CRA coming for him. GW’s father wouldn’t take his name off the property and that caused the argument.” Both the cousin and GW’s common-law wife describe a vicious attack by GW on this father, albeit the wife said it happened in Cuba and the cousin said it happened in the Dominican Republic.

The cousin said “the last time he spoke with GW, GW talked about how easy it would be for someone to collect all sorts of credit cards, run them up and leave…. GW was always thinking of ways to beat the system and ways to screw Revenue Canada. GW was a scammer and an opportunist.”

The ITO documents that, indeed, GW had “all sorts of credit cards” and other financial instruments. He had five PayPal accounts; three VISA accounts with TD Bank, as well as a “personal account” and a chequing account; two VISA accounts with RBC, as well as two jointly held personal accounts with the Dartmouth branch, one jointly held personal account with the Fredericton branch, and a line of credit with the Bedford branch; and a credit card with CIBC.

Davis suggested that the multiple VISA accounts at each bank could be re-issuances after one card expired, but there is not enough information to confirm that.

Three more STRs were issued in 2020, on April 20, April 22, and May 1 — after the murders, although they detail suspicious activity for several years before the murders. Several of the transactions were “reported to FINTRAC”; it’s not clear from the documents if they were reported before or after the murders.

The transactions are as follows:

GW’s PayPal account — between March 22, 2019 and December 5, 2019, GW’s account was “believed to be used to make purchases for items utilized in the facilitation of domestic terrorist activities.” Those purchases totalled US$3,741.58, and included “vehicle accessories commonly used by police, including items specifically labeled as being intended for police use.” GW bought the items through eBay, with credit cards from TD Bank and CIBC.

Northumberland’s TD Bank account — between June 1, 2019 and April 18, 2020 (the day the murder rampage started), the Northumberland account was used for “atypical cash deposits over reporting thresholds that were primarily utilized to fund drafts payable to” GW. Specifically, one payment of $15,192.66 was made to GW’s personal Visa account, and a second payment of $37,288 was made payable to GW, and was later deposited in a CIBC banking account owned by GW.

GW’s personal TD accounts — a payment of $15,192.66 was made from GW’s TD personal account to his VISA account held at TD, and a draft of $37,278 was made payable to GW and was deposited into GW’s CIBC account.

The Brink’s withdrawal — an employee with CIBC’s Corporate Security explained the Brink’s withdrawal of $475,000. On March 20, GW “liquidated some of his assets by cashing in GICs that were purchased in 2017 and received $400,000. He deposited that money in his business account.

Five days later, on March 25, GW “redeemed some investments and received $75,000.” He also placed that money in the business account. The same day, he spoke with the branch manager at the Portland Street CIBC branch and requested that he be given $475,000 in cash, in hundred dollar bills. “Arrangements were made” to provide the cash through Brink’s, which was done five days later.

The regional director of corporate security with Brink’s Canada confirmed the transaction was arranged by CIBC, as did an employee at the Burnside Brink’s office.

“That shows that he wasn’t being paid because he was an RCMP informant,” Davis told the Examiner. “That Maclean’s story is all wrong.”

“This struck me as simply a small town transaction,” said Davis. The bank didn’t have that kind of money in its vault, so they made the transfer through Brink’s.”

There are other details of GW’s financial transactions, but aside from minor amounts (less than $1,000), most document the purchase of retired police cars and police gear.

There’s more non-financial information contained in the ITO, and we’ll report on that in future articles.

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N.S. gunman liquidated assets, stockpiled gas and food due to COVID-19 fears, RCMP say

Shooter told people he created a replica police cruiser to pay tribute to fallen officers


Elizabeth McMillan· CBC News· Posted: Jun 29, 2020 5:00 AM AT


RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell says investigators have interviewed people who knew the shooter well and determined that he was very concerned about the COVID-19 pandemic. (Robert Guertin/CBC)

The man who killed 22 people in rural Nova Scotia stockpiled cash, food and fuel due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic, but he gave the people close to him no indications he was plotting an attack, according to the RCMP.

Over 13 hours and a span of 150 kilometres, Gabriel Wortman killed friends, neighbours and strangers on April 18 and 19 while masquerading as a Mountie.

In the weeks before the mass shootings that started in Portapique, N.S., fear about the potential collapse of institutions and infrastructure led Wortman to liquidate his savings and investments, said RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell in a lengthy interview with CBC News. 

"We do know that the gunman was very paranoid. We also know some would describe him as a survivalist," he said.

"He'd voiced concerns about the pandemic, and that he wanted to be prepared in the event of things not working in the way they normally would." 

Many questions still remain about the shooter's actions leading up to his deadly rampage. Earlier this month, Maclean's magazine obtained videos of Wortman withdrawing money from a Brink's depot in Dartmouth on March 30 and reported it was a $475,000 transaction.  

A spokesperson for Brink's told CBC News it was unable to comment because of the ongoing RCMP investigation.

The remains of the gunman's cottage and the burnt shell of one of his decommissioned RCMP cruisers at his property on Portapique Beach Road on May 13. (Steve Lawrence/CBC)

Campbell said RCMP discovered hundreds of thousands of dollars in a fire-proof container on one of the properties Wortman owned in Portapique. He said investigators are auditing his financial records and would not specify the exact amount of cash seized. 

So far, he said they think the gunman believed it wasn't safe to leave his savings in the bank. 

"He felt that his financial interests would be better served by him having control over his financial assets so that's why he converted them," said Campbell, who through his role as support services officer from Nova Scotia RCMP gets updates on investigation. 

On April 19, RCMP in Nova Scotia released this photo of a mock RCMP vehicle that Wortman drove. The RCMP say it wasn't a real cruiser, but looked identical in every way, with the exception of the numbers police circled in this photo. (Nova Scotia RCMP)

Probate court documents list the shooter's six properties as being valued at $712,000. His personal investment wealth, referenced as encompassing RRSPs, RRIFs and pensions, was estimated at $500,000. 

"From what people tell us, he was hardworking and he had many holdings. He was able to amass what wealth he had based on opportunities he took. He was also a recipient of some inheritances. All of those things contributed to his wealth," Campbell said.

In a 2011 will, he left all his assets to his common-law partner. She has since renounced her role as executor of his estate. Several family members of people killed in the rampage have launched a class action against the estate.

Maclean's spoke to sources who suggested the transaction at Brink's was consistent with a payout to an agent or informant who passed information to police. CBC News has not confirmed this was the case. RCMP have repeatedly said they had no relationship with the gunman. Campbell called the allegations "very sensational and factually incorrect."

The faces of the 22 people killed by Gabriel Wortman in Nova Scotia in April. Wortman was shot and killed by police. (CBC)

aul Derry, who was a police informant and agent including in relation to a Hells Angels-ordered shooting in Halifax in 2000, said he was never paid that way. 

"I think that it is an awful leap to conclude somebody is an informant or an agent because they picked up a large amount of money. There's nothing in that [scenario] that would even be familiar to me and I've been paid many times over my 39 years of dealing with the RCMP," he said. 

Derry said he would have refused to go into a Brink's to collect either payment or "flash money" used for a drug buy. 

"The security breaches, you'd be open to, there would just be too many. You're talking about walking into a privately owned company with many people who work there. The security clearance is going to be minimal in comparison to what you'd need for an undercover operation," he said.

There were always extensive protocols in place for any money transfer and they always involved multiple RCMP officers, one of whom would give the cash to him directly, Derry said. 

RCMP say no evidence of organized crime links

Campbell maintains investigators have found no evidence that Wortman had illegal sources of income or that he acted in any capacity as an informant or agent for the RCMP. 

Revealing whether someone has provided information to police as a confidential source is privileged information that cannot be divulged, said Campbell. However, the Mountie stressed that scenario didn't apply in this case and he called reporting to the contrary a "fairy tale."

"Recent media articles painting him as some underworld, organized crime figure, nothing has been uncovered whatsoever that would suggest that." 

The RCMP say they've determined the gunman acted alone during the rampage, but they're still investigating whether he had any help leading up to the attacks. So far, no charges against other parties have been laid. 

They continue to look into the origins of three guns Wortman obtained from the U.S. and the authentic police uniform he wore.  

Man with criminal records printed decals

A man whose parents own a home in Portapique printed the decals that Wortman used to create his replica cruiser.  

Peter Griffon, who previously was linked to a Mexican drug cartel and faced drug charges, used to work at a sign shop in Truro, N.S. Police say he printed the graphics without his employer's permission. The business owner has not responded to CBC's multiple requests for comment.

Campbell said police have spoken to Griffon and he has been cooperative. He said while there may have been copyright issues related to the RCMP logo, printing the decals isn't a criminal offence. 

"He's obviously someone we have discussed at length and we're convinced he wasn't aware of any type of plan that the gunman had," he said.

Stockpiling gasoline did not raise red flags

While people have referenced Wortman making some "offside comments" prior to the mass shooting, Campbell said investigators have found the steps he took — including buying hundreds of dollars worth of gasoline — reflected he was stockpiling due to COVID-19 as opposed to any premeditation of the largest mass shooting in Canada's history. 

The burnt-out remains of Gabriel Wortman's home on Portapique Beach Road in Portapique, N.S., taken May 13, 2020. Police say they recovered hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash from one of his properties. (Steve Lawrence/CBC)

In normal times, those same actions would have raised red flags, Campbell said; but given that many residents were grappling with worries about groceries and gas, it didn't stand out. 

"It was to the extreme, however, it appears he did many things to the extreme," he said. "There's been no evidence that he was pre-planning [the mass shooting]."

RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell receives updates about the Nova Scotia mass shooting investigation through his role as support services officer. 5:41

Investigators believe the gunman ended up using gasoline when he set fires that destroyed most of his own cottage, a large warehouse and several vehicles on his own properties, as well as homes and vehicles belonging to some of the people he killed. 

A forensic psychologist and RCMP profilers are now conducting a psychological autopsy of the shooter. Earlier this month, Campbell said the initial findings reflected that he was an "injustice collector" who fixated on grudges and let rage build up about perceived slights.

People police interviewed have described the 51-year-old denturist as abusive and controlling. In 2002, he pleaded guilty to assaulting a teen. A former neighbour has spoken out about being harassed by him and said in 2013 she reported to RCMP that he was violent toward his common-law spouse and that he owned illegal guns.

Car presented as tribute to fallen officers

RCMP also believe Wortman's preparations for weathering the pandemic included the decommissioned police car he outfitted to look like a modern RCMP cruiser that he used during the rampage.

"His comments were that if he needed to escape, that he wouldn't be challenged if he was driving such a vehicle," said Campbell. 

"We can't ignore those realities and those facts. These are pieces of information that was shared with us by the people closest to him."

But the shooter also started putting together the vehicles long before the coronavirus became a concern. Campbell confirmed he acquired it last fall and many people knew about the project. 

It was one of several stripped-down surplus police cars he's believed to have purchased from government auctions.


People laid flowers in front of the RCMP detachment in Enfield, N.S., after the death of Const. Heidi Stevenson and 21 others. (Robert Short/CBC) 

Wortman dodged raising alarm bells among those he knew, the senior RCMP officer said, because he told people the car would be a type of tribute to the force. 

"It was to be representative of fallen officers so people bought that story. So why he wanted it, needed it, decided he needed it at that particular time, obviously we'll never know." 

It's still not clear what prompted the rampage. RCMP have said Wortman attacked his common-law partner first after they started arguing that Saturday evening. He restrained her in one of the decommissioned police cruisers while he torched their home, according to police and court documents.

Surveillance camera footage obtained by RCMP shows the gunman driving his replica RCMP vehicle through Debert, N.S., on the morning of April 19. (RCMP) 

Knowing motives may not protect the public

Some forensic psychiatrists caution against speculating about motives in mass shootings, as it risks giving people contemplating similar violent acts a way to identify with or relate to perpetrators. 

Dr. James Knoll, director of forensic psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y., said since drivers like resentment, revenge, narcissism and injustice can take many forms; it's better to focus on warning signs that could help prevent similar acts. 

Psychiatrist Dr. Ronald Pies, who with Knoll co-authored a 2018 column in the Psychiatric Times titled Beyond "Motives" in Mass Shootings, said looking at motives doesn't usually do anything to protect the public.

"Unless there are reasons, in a mass shooting, to suspect an extensive plot that involves other would-be shooters — as, for example, in a mass attack planned and carried out by a terrorist cell — it is hard for me to see the benefit of what I would call 'motive mongering,'" he said by email. 

If you are seeking mental health support during this time, here are resources available to Nova Scotians. 

Do you have a tip about this story? Please click here to get in touch.

About the Author

Elizabeth McMillan is a journalist with CBC's Atlantic investigative unit. Over the past 11 years, she has reported from the edge of the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Coast and loves sharing people's stories. Please send tips and feedback to elizabeth.mcmillan@cbc.ca










Non-profit head on defensive after connection to neo-Nazi Facebook group uncovered




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks the Attorney Generals working for Trudeau "the Younger" and Premiers Higgs and Ford no doubt wish that their bosses' computers were not so diligent and ethical N'esy Pas? 


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From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 12:13:50 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Charlie Burrell I just tried to call
you and explain my Tweet about you but your voicemail was full
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
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S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.


Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-

E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 

Content disabled
Methinks its interesting that nobody noticed that the Neo Nazi's have
been attacking me for years N'esy Pas?

Charlie Burrell Evan Balgord or anyone can Google my name and Neo Nazi
to review many things over the years

#cdnpoli #nbpoli




Non-profit head on defensive after connection to neo-Nazi Facebook group uncovered

Humanity Project founder says he didn't know about Northern Guard's goals, but questions if they're racist


CBC News· Posted: Sep 23, 2020 8:06 AM AT


Charlie Burrell of the Humanity Project said liking a Facebook page, even if it's a hate-group's page, is just a superficial act. (Shane Magee/CBC News)

The head of a Moncton non-profit says he has nothing to apologize for after it came to light he liked the Facebook page of a known hate group.

Charlie Burrell, the founder of the Humanity Project, a group that ran a temporary shelter last winter and provides free meals to vulnerable people, said he liked a page belonging to the Northern Guard about three years ago after a friend sent him a link to the page.

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network, which monitors and researches hate groups, has called the Northern Guard an anti-Muslim militant group with neo-Nazi ties.

Burrell's connection to the group came to light after the network noticed a Northern Guard page endorsed a project by the Humanity Project. The anti-hate group posted an article about the connection on its website.

The project, previously reported on by the CBC, would see a community of tiny homes built on a farm near Salisbury for people with addictions and mental health problems

The network says Burrell is an "active participant" in a private Northern Guard Facebook group, but Burrell said his relationship with the group is superficial at best.

Connection thin, says Burrell

He said he liked the page years ago without thinking much about it when a friend, Nick Gallant, a member of the Northern Guard, sent him an invitation on Facebook.

"Hitting like on a Facebook buttom, or clicking a button on the internet, is a lot different than living a lifestyle," said Burrell.

"I noticed the other day when I looked I'm also on a flat earth page, but I'm pretty sure the earth is round."

Evan Balgord, the executive director of the network and author of an article about Burrell's connection to the Northern Guard, said the group is an offshoot of the Sons of Odin, a well-known neo-Nazi group that originated in Finland.

"The Northern Guard hasn't been all that much different, though they have tried to be a rebrand of it," said Balgord.

"At its core, its DNA is xenophobic … anti-Muslim and that's what you'll see if you're kind of inside their private Facebook pages."

Not convinced group is racist

Burrell said he didn't even remember he liked the page until the controversy arose, and he's "still not convinced [the Northern Guard] are even racist."

"When I went on their page and I started looking through, I honestly didn't see anything on there that was racist. I seen a bunch of funny memes and stuff."

Evan Balgord, executive director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, said the Northern Guard is xenophobic and anti-Muslim at its core. (Skype/CBC)

Burrell said the Northern Guard has no role in the Humanity Project but maintained he can't be held responsible for who raises money for its work or who shares the project's posts on social media.

He said he's concerned that people will read the network's article and not reach out for the help the Humanity Project provides.

"I serve people that come here every day that are Muslims," said Burrell. 

"Now, let's say one of those people seen that article and they don't feel like they can come here anymore and bring their children here to eat because of one hateful article that was written on the internet. Those children now go hungry. That's not on me, that's on this anti-hate group, and I'll use the word anti-hate very loosely because if you look at their page, there are some real haters on there."

Balgord said he understands the project does good work and did not mean to personally attack Burrell. 

He just wanted assurance from Burrell that members of the Northern Guard will not be volunteers at the Salisbury-area project or raise money for it.

Balgord said hate groups often get involved in service projects to whitewash their image and to prey on vulnerable people to get them to join.

"If there's a group like the KKK that decides to come to your neighborhood and they say, 'we're just here to, like, help run the soup kitchen,' you're still not going to want them anywhere around that," said Balgord. 

"The Northern Guard at its core is a hate group."

Burrell said he will look into the group and if he finds it is racist will refuse help and donations.

With files from Information Morning Moncton


David Amos
Methinks the Attorney Generals working for Trudeau "the Younger" and Premiers Higgs and Ford no doubt wish that their bosses' computers were not so diligent and ethical N'esy Pas? 
David Amos
Methinks while the RCMP is getting to the bottom of things this dude should also dig up all the documents and the CD I sent his office and the RCMP over 15 years ago N'esy Pas?

"Alberta's Minister of Justice and Solicitor General Kaycee Madu said he wants RCMP to "get to the bottom of this." 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: That hit the trash can the day in arrived. When you gonna realize no one takes you even remotely serious??  
David Amos
Awaiting moderation
Reply to @David Amos: Hmmm clearly somebody has read my legal documents but loves to put an evil twist on them EH?

"Ray Oliver Reply to @David Amos: the great debator. Loves taking on lawyers. That transcript was better than the back and forth with your ex brother in law."

Methinks the RCMP should inform Higgy's spin doctor that I am still married and that my wife's brother is a retired and very corrupt Massachusetts.Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff of the same ilk as his evil uncle a former FBI Agent Everybody knows of their corruption around the world N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
Content disabled
Methinks its interesting that nobody noticed that the Neo Nazi's have been attacking me for years N'esy Pas? 

David Amos 
Content disabled
Methinks Charlie Burrell and Evan Balgord or anyone else can Google my name and Neo Nazi to review many things over the years N'esy Pas? 
Michael durant
"The Canadian Anti-Hate Network" who are they? 
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Michael durant: The dudes I just sent an email to
Michael durant
Reply to @David Amos:
wonder if they have any connections/associations with any antifa groups out there or any "likes" from members of antifa groups
David Amos  
Reply to @Michael durant: "Poof"
buster jones 
Ever watch a real trial with the witness on the stand trying to evade the truth? The questions weren't even that hard.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @buster jones: Ask me how many times I have been to court I dare ya 
Steve Dueck
Liking something is not superficial. It is an outward manifestation of a deeper like, appreciation, belief in what the like is based on. Without knowing it, this clown just shows his support for this group regardless of what he says otherwise. People now have to decide if this guys support of this group is worth them pulling theirs from his. I would!
David Amos  
Content disabled
Reply to @Steve Dueck: Methinks the same could be said of the "clowns" who may like your comment N'esy Pas?  


Rudy Hicks
To be clear: If you support a hate group, I won't support you.
David Amos 
Reply to @Rudy Hicks: Who would?
Pete Kropotkin
No soup for you!! 
David Amos
Reply to @Pete Kropotkin: Methinks the proof can always be found in the pudding if one is permitted to partake of it N'esy Pas?
Beverley Kernan
 "The Northern Guard hasn't been all that much different, though they have tried to be a rebrand of it," said Balgord.

"At its core, its DNA is xenophobic … anti-Muslim and that's what you'll see if you're kind of inside their private Facebook pages."

How does Mr. Balgord manage to be "kind of inside their private Facebook pages". ??

So he 'exposes' Mr. Burrell because of a FB like *three* years ago and a random post of
what the Humanity Project is doing?

Kudos to Charlie Burrell and his efforts to provide a safe ongoing environment for those with
addictions and mental health issues.

Mr. Balgord would do well to sometimes leave his 'ivory tower' and follow Mr. Burrell's example of actually extending a hand to those who need some help.
David Amos
Reply to @Beverley Kernan: I Wholeheartedly Agree
James Edward
Why are anti hate groups checking up on people facebook likes ? That is pretty scary. Who decides what is "hateful"? What is "hate"? 
David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: Good question I always thought it was human emotion just like love is 
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:
True that. It's easy to make the case that love and hate are the same thing.
Toby Tolly
Reply to @David Peters: lol go tell your sig-other you hate them with a passion
David Amos
Reply to @Toby Tolly: Methinks some lawyers must recall Ezzy Levant telling a neo nazi's lawyer that he hated his client N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Reply to @Toby Tolly:
Lol, in that instance, it would not be that easy to make the case.  
Jim Cyr
These "anti hate" groups are often the biggest hate groups in the world, ironically. The Canadian Anti-Hate Network has no more moral authority than you or I. Politics, politics, politics. (The Southern Poverty Law Center is STILL frequently cited by the media and other groups, even though they are now completely discredited as an "anti hate" group......and have been successfully sued for incitement to murder). But the media orgs just keep on playing the game....... 
David Amos
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Methinks many lawyers and politicians know that I received an answer in writing from the very unethical Southern Poverty Law Center before I came home to run in the election of the 38th Parliament N'esy Pas? 
Larry Larson
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Care to show your proof about the lawsuits against the Southern Poverty Law Centre? They have only been discredited in the minds of rac ists! 
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Larry Larson: No, Larry. Google Floyd Corkins. Check the SPLC Wikipedia entry for its many scandals . (And Wikipedia is leftwing, so they only capture half of the scandals). It's sad that you support the world's worst hate group.
David Amos 
Reply to @Larry Larson: Perhaps you should read my lawsuit first?
Marc Bourque
I dont know either one of those involved in this witch hunt...What if a person watched adult movies...does that make them unworthy? Now who died and made anti hate Canada supreme ruler,acusser,judge and jury?? 
James Edward
Reply to @Marc Bourque: I know who, but if I said it I'd get banned.
James Edward
Reply to @James Edward: Lord Voldemort...those who we cannot name!
David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: C'est Vrai
Robert Langue
I'm sure he's liked worse things on Facebook. Quite the witch hunt by the antifa crowd. 
David Amos 
Reply to @Robert Langue: Yup 
Claude DeRoche
Nothing here!
LOL! We have a COR Party Premier!
Robert Langue
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Ex-CoR member. Try to keep up.
David Amos 
Reply to @Robert Langue: Methinks a leopard cannot change his spots N'esy Pas?
Wayne Wright
Reply to @David Amos: oh, but like Robert Gauvin (among others over the decade) just Change the colour so easily.
David Amos 
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Methinks the decade before Wally Stiles and his wife took the cake in that regard N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Cardy will run anywhere for anyone to keep a seat.
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: THANK GOD FOR THAT!!
Brian Dufoe
 whats alarming is this guy can justify his affiliation ,
his comprehension is lacking.
David Amos
Reply to @Brian Dufoe: It appears that he is not alone 
Carl Douglas 
Canadian Anti-hate network....oh the irony 
David Amos
Reply to @Carl Douglas: Too Too Funny
Carl Douglas 
Reply to @David Amos: and in other news Antifa members are peaceful protesters
darb yor
Why is this even news? 
David Amos
Reply to @darb yor: Methinks everybody loves a circus N'esy Pas?
darb yor
Reply to @David Amos: lol,,,with all due respect there buddy. This isn't even a free ticket to a circus.Just flick on one of them south of the border noise machines for an hour,,,,that is a circus.
David Amos 
Reply to @darb yor: Trust that Trump et knows that I am still married to a Yankee Lady and the Proud Father of 2 Yankees. Methinks you should check my work N'esy Pas? 
Jim Cyr
Reply to @darb yor: Because the CBC thinks they can use it to score a couple of political points. Same old same old. 
Chachi Arcola 
Too bad that more politicians don't stand their ground and refuse to back down to the f a r left mob. I think it was terrible what was done to the PC candidate in Victoria La Vallee. Every single time that someone backs down, the f a r left mob tighten the limits of what options we are "allowed" to hold. 
Reply to @Chachi Arcola: Where was the PC Party when that went down?
Chachi Arcola 
Reply to @David Amos: Being very PC!
David Amos  
Content disabled
Reply to @Chachi Arcola: Methinks its rough "Awaiting moderation" when one knows what is coming next N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Chachi Arcola: Methinks Higgy et al know that i spoke to the Victoria La Vallee dude as soon as the news broke and he whimped out immediately N'esy Pas?
Chachi Arcola 
Reply to @David Amos: To be fair to him, it brought up very emotional issues for him that he had put to bed. I can understand why he didn't want to drag it on any longer.
David Amos  
Reply to @Chachi Arcola: Surely you jest
Chachi Arcola 
Reply to @David Amos: Nope.
David Amos  
Reply to @Chachi Arcola: Nor I 
Michael durant
The Canadian anti hate network...does this group have any connections/associations with any of the antifa groups out there? have they received any support or a "like" from a member of a antifa group? The job of a journalist is to dig, dig, dig. 
David Amos
Reply to @Michael durant: Trust that they will do no such thing
Chachi Arcola 
Reply to @David Amos: Nope, the journalists of today are not interested in the truth if it doesn't suit their views.
Reply to @Michael durant: Antifa is not an organized group, it is an ideology. Antifa stands for anti fascists, and are comprised of ordinary people who are willing to stand up to these white supremacy hate groups.
David Amos 
Reply to @T R: Yea Right 
Graeme Scott
I'm in no way supportive of any group advocating hatred of any group but I have to wonder who appointed this "Canadian Anti-Hate Network" as the arbiter of who is and isn't a hate group? The article would have benefited from some background info to establish their bona fides. 
David Amos
Reply to @Graeme Scott: BINGO 
Monsieur Rioux
Reply to @Graeme Scott: https://www.antihate.ca/about
Graeme Scott
Reply to @Monsieur Rioux: A group's own website hardly seems like the most impartial source of information that organization.. They may well be perfectly legitimate but my point was that the article failed to provide any information to confirm that. 
JOhn D Bond
Clearly overreach by this group and one has to wonder if it could be grounds for a legal suit. Far to many accusations on various social media sites end up impacting folks that are essentially deemed 'Guilty until Proven Innocent" what ever happened to being Innocent until proven guilty?
Dan Armitage 
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: thats the states not in. Canada. Just ask the media as they are the core of the guilty before proven innocent
David Amos 
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: I CONCUR
janice small
Mr Burrell you have done and are doing some great work and we thank you for that. That being said you are not helping your cause with your recent media interviews and you are not putting our minds at ease... " You become who you hang around with and associate with "
Mr Burrell.....were waiting and hopping you will to prove us wrong so please make this right !!!
David Amos 
Reply to @janice small: Oh My My 
David Peters
This seems like an attempt to publicly besmirch someone using very thin evidence. It's worse than a nothing burger. It's a nothing burger with intent, imo. 
buster jones
Reply to @David Peters: Why? Ever think?
David Peters
Reply to @buster jones:
Imo, liking a single post does not make someone a violent, totally unreasonable antifa type. The article is trying to pin this man out to be something he may very well not be, on too thin of evidence.
David Peters
Reply to @buster jones:
How so?
David Amos 
Reply to @David Peters: I agree
Dusty Green
Reply to @David Peters: Reading the article helps. "Balgord said he understands the project does good work and did not mean to personally attack Burrell. He just wanted assurance from Burrell that members of the Northern Guard will not be volunteers at the Salisbury-area project or raise money for it."
David Amos   
Reply to @Dusty Green: Try reading between the lines
David Peters
Reply to @Dusty Green:
Why is it so important to appease Balgord? This thread is national.

Imo, Burrell's project seems like a great idea and seems like a great idea for a story, in itself. Balgords snooping/creeping of ppl's Facebook pages could also be the subject of a national story.
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Peters: Balgord and his organization are a joke. 
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks I saved a recording of your voice N'esy Pas?
Ben Haroldson
It's about time to hit the Social media companies themselves real hard when they allow hate groups to post on their sites. When you think about it, they're the ones peddling the stuff. 
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: YUP
Kevin Cormier
That last sentence... I guess kudos to Burrell for not bowing to pressure? Sure when an anti-hate organization and the media arrive at your door, keep on holding the line? Most on the other hand may choose to distance themselves from the hate group for the betterment of your own self and the organization. 
David Amos
Reply to @Kevin Cormier: Hmmm
---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 12:13:50 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Charlie Burrell I just tried to call
you and explain my Tweet about you but your voicemail was full
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.

Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
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Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
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la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
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Merci encore pour votre courriel
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 09:13:47 -0300
Subject: Attn Charlie Burrell I just tried to call you and explain my
Tweet about you but your voicemail was full
To: administrator@thehumanityproject.ca, info@antihate.ca, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, mcu
<mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "David.Lametti"<David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>,
"Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "jagmeet.singh"
<jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
"blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>,
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "darrow.macintyre"
<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
Nathalie Sturgeon <sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>


(506) 382-6840

Your boss Mr Trudeau should affirm that Evan Balgord had lots to say
while we were running in the election of the 43rd Parliament  EH



Evan Balgord
ED, Canadian Anti-Hate Network: info@antihate.ca. Former VP, Canadian
Association of Journalists. Anti-fascist. Motorcyclist. Public
Torontoantihate.caJoined April 2013


David Raymond Amos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Content disabled
Methinks its interesting that nobody noticed that the Neo Nazi's have
been attacking me for years N'esy Pas?

Charlie Burrell Evan Balgord or anyone can Google my name and Neo Nazi
to review many things over the years

#cdnpoli #nbpoli


Non-profit head on defensive after connection to neo-Nazi Facebook
group uncovered

Humanity Project founder says he didn't know about Northern Guard's
goals, but questions if they're racist
CBC News · Posted: Sep 23, 2020 8:06 AM AT



New Brunswick may be worst off in Canada when it comes to rising food prices


---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 15:43:28 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey Darrow MacIntyre Methinks this should
prove to CBC that Neo Nazis, Trudeau the Younger, his buddy Higgy and
their pals in the RCMP and the FBI cannot deny that I am a man of my
word N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.

Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter

S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.


Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-

E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks VIAFOURA, CBC,their lawyers and the RCMP should be aware of Section 300 of the Criminal Code If this libel were published about Erin O'Toole's family they would be N'esy Pas?


#cdnpoli #nbpoli




New Brunswick may be worst off in Canada when it comes to rising food prices

Atlantic provinces experiencing significant increases in food costs that are outstripping the rest of Canada


Tori Weldon· CBC News· Posted: Sep 23, 2020 5:00 AM AT



Syvain Charlebois said one cause of high food costs in New Brunswick is, "our food comes from far away and logistical costs are really a problem." (Shane Ross/CBC)

According to researchers at Dalhousie University, the Atlantic provinces are experiencing significant increases in food costs that are outstripping the rest of Canada, and New Brunswick may be the worst off.

Sylvain Charlebois, a professor at Dalhousie University and director of the Agri-Food Analytics Lab, looked at numbers from Statistics Canada and found that over the past 20 years, the cost of food has risen faster than the cost of products and services that make up the consumer price index.

And nowhere more so than in New Brunswick.

Charlebois said the problem is New Brunswick's "food comes from far away and logistical costs are really a problem."

Food distribution and policy expert Sylvain Charlebois says little to no processing of food is happening in New Brunswick. 'And without processing, you don't control the supply chain," he said. (David Laughlin/CBC)

Another issue, according to Charlebois, is that there is little to no processing of food happening in New Brunswick.

"Without processing, you don't control the supply chain," he said.

"So you are likely very vulnerable to factors you don't control like the currency and energy costs and things like that."


Some Saint John shoppers say they've adjusted to changes in price, often by cutting certain foods from their grocery lists. 1:23

He said more processing means more control of the province's food and its costs.

Months ago, when the pandemic first changed people's daily lives by limiting outings and supply chains, gaps in food security came into focus.

Charlebois said it seems the government took notice and started working with his lab on ways to extend the growing season, in an effort to make local food available year-round.

"Which is really critical," said Charlebois.

"And it's not just about potatoes, it's about celery, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, everything which is important for New Brunswickers diets," he said.

While the pandemic has caused food prices to rise, "really the food inflation rate has been a challenge for most Canadians for many, many years now."

Sean Fillmore is the owner/operator of On the Vine meat and produce in Saint John. He said customers are 'loyal to their wallets' and will follow the lowest prices. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

In Saint John at On the Vine Meat and Produce, owner Sean Fillmore said that as prices crept up over the years, he's noticed people being more careful about what they're paying for food.

"They're loyal to their wallets."

But it's understandable," Fillmore said.

"It's getting harder to put supper on the table so they shop around."

And his customers agree.


Mireille Savoie said she's noticed more of her monthly budget goes toward food. 'The price is sky high and it's so hard to try to eat healthy,' she said. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

Mireille Savoie said she's had to change the way she eats to accommodate her growing food budget. She cut down on meat because she couldn't afford it.

"The price is sky high and it's so hard to try to eat healthy," said Savoie.

When she couldn't cut back anymore, she put in a garden.

"I do intend in the winter to try to grow a little something inside."

David Eagles said he's worked across the country and agrees that food is more expensive in New Brunswick. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

David Eagles has taken to strict budgeting and using apps to find the best prices for food. 

"So if it means I'm spending an extra four or five bucks on gas, I will go to four or five different stores to meet my budget every week," he said.

Eagles said he was a cook in Alberta and Saskatchewan, where he was able to compare prices.

"You could get a six-litre jug of milk for three bucks and you're paying six bucks for four litres here," said Eagles.  

"The price of living when it comes to the food is absolutely astronomical."

About the Author

Tori Weldon


Tori Weldon is a reporter based in Moncton. She's been working for the CBC since 2008.

With files from Harry Forestell and Graham Thompson


Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise 
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
No surprise, it won't be long before we are all eating rice and beans.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Bear meat.
CeeJay Shaw
Reply to @David Amos: I eat a can of cat food every week just to get used to the taste. Will probably be eating a lot of it if prices continue to rise.
David Amos 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: I like bear meat after it has been bottled
David Amos
Reply to @CeeJay Shaw: Try snaring some rabbits and feed your cat what you don't eat
DeanRoger Ray 
Reply to @David Amos: You’ve never truly hunted in your life from what Jennifer said
Ronald Parker
Higgs talked about food supply before the election, lets see if he does anything. 
Clem Tagliente
Reply to @Ronald Parker: has nothing to do with Higgs, the cost of food in Canada is related to energy cost.
Ronald Parker
Reply to @Clem Tagliente: If it has nothing to do with Higgs why was he talking about doing something about it?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Ronald Parker:
Because Mr Higgs likes talking out of his backside.
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Clem Tagliente:
Combined with some good, old fashioned, price gouging.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I am Happy that you notice such things
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Amos:
I notice a few things, the price of gold and currency exchange, a federal government literally printing and spending money as fast as they can diminishing the value of what is in my pocket, the concentration of certain vital industries turning them into monopolies while the government sits on their hands, politicians speaking for hours and saying nothing, whole sectors of our economy drying up or being shipped offshore at our expense.
There certainly is no end or things to notice
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Did you notice the hearing I caused in Washington about the Mutual Fund industry in November of 2003 is still missing?
DeanRoger Ray 
Reply to @David Amos: No it isn’t.
DeanRoger Ray  
Reply to @David Amos: And you certainly did not cause it. A form letter with a rubber stamped signature is not evidence to the contrary btw
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Methinks you make it blatantly obvious who you truly are N'esy Pas?
Clem Tagliente
You can thank your friends in Ottawa and their forced carbon taxes they are forcing down your throat.
David Amos 
Reply to @Clem Tagliente: Methinks our troubles began long before carbon taxes were dreamed up N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
"Sean Fillmore said that as prices drept up over the years" 
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks I enjoyed Mr Furey of NB Power giving a Yankee dude named Filmore the third degree during an "In Camera Session" about "Not So Smart" Meters in 2018 However NB Power lost that one N'esy Pas?
Ian Scott
Its one thing to increase local food processing but you have to have the food to process. Most of it is coming from west to east and south to north.Our fish products are costly, seasonal, and most shipped out and for some reason dairy seems to be in decline. Our protein sources have become very expensive. 
David Amos
Reply to @Ian Scott: True 
David Webb NB
With all of the large corporations buying up what were once thriving businesses in the Maritimes then shutting down production and moving it to plants in central Canada, production isn't coming back any time soon. Added to the cost considering our food is moved both ways by truck and rail, is the carbon tax on fuel. There is nothing the Provincial government can do about any of this as the Maritimes keeps heading to third world status. 
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @David Webb NB: You DO realize that eastern canada doesn't include the Maritimes or Newfoundland don't you?
Paul Bourgoin
Reply to @David Webb NB: Maybe if Government were to collect all the back taxes sleeping within tax accounting books of sweetheart deals, favoring those who don't pay their taxes, then New Brunswick could re-start our New Brunswick Economy rather then banking our sleeping un-paid taxes in OFF-SHORE BANKING ACCOUNTS!
David Amos 
Reply to @David Webb NB: Methinks some claim that we are nearly there N'esy Pas? 
Ben Haroldson
You can thank gov't sanctioned corporate welfare, aka supply management for that. 
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Oh So True
Michael durant
Bank of Canada reporting inflation is very low, which is benefiting consumers. 
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Michael durant:
More tall tales to be told around a campfire.
Real Estate is reportedly to have increased 18% (on average) this year.
Right here you are reading about food price increases.
Insurance costs are up along with taxes.
So, provided you live at no fixed address, don't eat, and don't own anything to insure or pay taxes on, your inflation rate is low.
Maybe those homeless folks know something we don't?
Paul Bourgoin
Reply to @Michael durant: Maybe on Accounting Papers but not in Joe Public's saving's accounts
James Edward
Reply to @Michael durant: Bank of Canada is run by globalist Banking Cabal. Our debt based economy is nearing it's end and will crash and burn shortly.
David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: Yup but they will fix it overnight
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy et aI enjoyed the fact that I was busted flat and homeless for 15 years yet I survived on the milk of human kindness However every dog has his day N'esy Pas?
DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Or in other words sponged off the O’Mearas... 
Gabriel Boucher
This is what happens when we fall over towards capitalism. The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. Both of our main parties have been clear that they would support capitalism in hopes of a trickle down economy, but the reality is that trickle down economy no longer exist. Businesses are getting greedier and greedier by the day, as they want to pay their workers less and less in order to gain more profits to line up their pockets. They'll keep on maximizing the prices of their products in order to maximize their revenue, so as long as we're supporting this idea of promoting businesses, this issue will be staying with us for a very long time.
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: "This is what happens when we fall over towards capitalism" Oh sure, Communism is certainly the answer as the success of Communism is well know.
James Edward
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: yes let's all be poor together and starve to death under communism...lol. You have no clue what pain our country is in for when we go full communist...which might be today based on rumors of what will be in the throne speech.
Bob Sacamanau
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: Words from a fool, let me guess, you want us all to be miserable together, and penalize people who actually have work ethic and focus.
I’m also guessing that you are way too young to remember the joy of the Berlin Wall, ending decades of right suppression and poverty
David Amos
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: I believe in capitalism. It is the public corruption created by wealthy capitalists and their bankster buddies that I disdain
Reply to @David Amos: Never assume that others run their business the way you would if you got a chance.
David Amos 
Reply to @JoeBrown: I ran a business for years
DeanRoger Ray 
Reply to @David Amos: Until you ran out on Jennifer and a very young Laura that is 
Monsieur Rioux 
There are certainly some things more expensive but I've been a dedicated "flyer shopper" for the 15 years I've been living here. There are many things for which I pay the same flyer price now as I did 15 years ago. In one or two cases that's shrinkflation - like Bacon now coming in 375g packs rather than 500g.

If "this week" you're happy to buy a water melon for $4 instead of grapes @ $3.50/lb and then buy grapes next week @ $1.50/lb; or buy 3 or 4 chickens this week @ $1.99/lb and buy your beef next week when it's half this week's cost, you can do quite well.
David Amos
Reply to @Monsieur Rioux: How much does it cost you to go to all the various stores so often?
Monsieur Rioux 
Reply to @David Amos: It doesn't. If you read what I said you would see I say weekly. Buy the water melon this week at $4 and the grapes that are $3.50/lb this week can wait until next week when they are back to $1.50/lb. Chicken this week, beef next week.
But since you mention going to different stores I live in a house where someone works near one particular supermarket. Sometimes I or others in the house have a need to be in a part of the city which is very close to a different supermarket.

What's so hard about popping into a store advertising chickens @ $1.67/lb like IGA did last week when you are in the area anyway, while someone else is already working 30 seconds away from the entrance to Superstore and can buy the steak at half price?

Some folk have no imagination. Obviously much depends on where you live but in this city things are close together and stores are very often close together or one is on the way home from the other.
Paul Bourgoin
Maybe a factor affecting the cost of groceries is transportation to the sales outlets.
Other factor's, the cost of transportation, and those who benefit by not paying their taxes while getting provincial sweet heart tax deals, such as Cooperate, Individual sales and tax exemptions, other are tax exempt and don't pay taxes. So no wonder the cost of living is expensive in New Brunswick.
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: Surprise Surprise I agree with you again
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: Fine collection of unrelated ideas. "hose who benefit by not paying their taxes while getting provincial sweet heart tax deals, such as Cooperate, Individual sales and tax exemptions, other are tax exempt and don't pay taxes."
Dave Cochrane 
Food is up but you can’t have everything. NB has the most reasonable real estate prices in the country. Look on the bright side. 
Bob Sacamanau
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: why do you think that is ?
Fred Sanford 
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: Don't forget one of the lowest income and highest taxation rates as well.
David Amos 
Reply to @Fred Sanford: Methinks I find that rather hard to forget in light of the fact that every time I buy tobacco it equals my grocery bill N'esy Pas?
Scott W 
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: not to mention the nice pace of life in general that we are privileged to have
DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: How is that possible when you eat out of dumpsters?
Peter Churcher
I don't know where the study was focused. Our experience is that food prices are still very reasonable compared to Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. If you shop local and buy when the main items are on sale you can actually live for much less.
David Amos 
Reply to @Peter Churcher: Yea Right
Lou Bell
Comparative shopping and sales can save a lot of money . Some people will complain but are just too lazy to put a little time and effort into it . Just take a look at how many are using the " personal shoppers " at the grocery stores these days . I'm sure there will be many who'll complain about not having enough money to come the end of the month and yet use personal shoppers , spend like " drunken sailors " on I phones and I pads , and waste to their hearts content . Self entitlement these days is like a pandemic
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Cry me a river
Mary Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: Do you mean "personal shoppers" as curb side pick up? There's no fee for curb side pick up unless you want to have it done that day (but most days we do it we still are able to pick it up that day or the next day, so it's not inconvenient at all). You can have both - curb side pick up and save money by shopping when things are on sale.
Jason Inness
I love being last place in every measure. At least we are consistent.
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Jason Inness: I resemble that remark except for the last election I ran in
Terry Tibbs
I *suspect* it is simply a matter of miscommunication.
You know how often we are told that operations in 2 official languages don't cost us any more?
Those guys, who operate the grocery chains, and are likely located in Toronto, did not get that memo.
Scott W
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: what exactly are you trying to say here? Language is not the issue at hand
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks its comical that the Feds are having trouble with the 2 official languages right now N'esy Pas?
DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Just 3 more languages on top of those and the number will equal the number of stints Gracie has had in rehab so far!
Marc Martin
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Irrelevant...
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Scott W:
Increased cost of groceries, specifically in NB is, you know that place that is officially bilingual. There is no reason groceries should be more expensive here than in NS, or PEI, but they are, so what is different?
 ---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 12:43:20 -0300
Subject: Hey Darrow MacIntyre Methinks this should prove to CBC that
Neo Nazis, Trudeau the Younger, his buddy Higgy and their pals in the
RCMP and the FBI cannot deny that I am a man of my word N'esy Pas?
To: "darrow.macintyre"<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>,
Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Roger.Brown"
<Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca>, erin.otoole@parl.gc.ca, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, administrator@thehumanityproject.ca,
info@antihate.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"
<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"David.Lametti"<David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "jagmeet.singh"<jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>,
"Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, "blaine.higgs"
<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, "Bill.Blair"
<Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca>, Dean Ray <deanrogerray@hotmail.com>,
"Jody.Wilson-Raybould"<Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca>, jesse
<jesse@viafoura.com>, "Tori.Weldon"<Tori.Weldon@cbc.ca>,
"Chuck.Thompson"<Chuck.Thompson@cbc.ca>, "Catherine.Tait"
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Kevin.leahy"
<Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Kevin.Vickers"<Kevin.Vickers@gnb.ca>,
"Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "barbara.massey"
<barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "barb.whitenect"
<barb.whitenect@gnb.ca>, "carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>,


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks VIAFOURA, CBC, their lawyers and the RCMP should be aware of
Section 300 of the Criminal Code If this libel were published about
Erin O'Toole's family they would be N'esy Pas?


#cdnpoli #nbpoli


New Brunswick may be worst off in Canada when it comes to rising food prices
Social Sharing
Atlantic provinces experiencing significant increases in food costs
that are outstripping the rest of Canada
Tori Weldon · CBC News · Posted: Sep 23, 2020 5:00 AM AT

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Ronald Parker
Higgs talked about food supply before the election, lets see if he
does anything.

Clem Tagliente
Reply to @Ronald Parker: has nothing to do with Higgs, the cost of
food in Canada is related to energy cost.

Ronald Parker
Reply to @Clem Tagliente: If it has nothing to do with Higgs why was
he talking about doing something about it?

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Ronald Parker:
Because Mr Higgs likes talking out of his backside.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Clem Tagliente:
Combined with some good, old fashioned, price gouging.

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I am Happy that you notice such things

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
I notice a few things, the price of gold and currency exchange, a
federal government literally printing and spending money as fast as
they can diminishing the value of what is in my pocket, the
concentration of certain vital industries turning them into monopolies
while the government sits on their hands, politicians speaking for
hours and saying nothing, whole sectors of our economy drying up or
being shipped offshore at our expense. There certainly is no end or
things to notice

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Did you notice the hearing I caused in
Washington about the Mutual Fund industry in November of 2003 is still

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: No it isn’t.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: And you certainly did not cause it. A form
letter with a rubber stamped signature is not evidence to the contrary

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Methinks you make it blatantly obvious who
you truly are N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
No surprise, it won't be long before we are all eating rice and beans.

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Bear meat.

CeeJay Shaw
Reply to @David Amos: I eat a can of cat food every week just to get
used to the taste. Will probably be eating a lot of it if prices
continue to rise.

David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: I like bear meat after it has been bottled

David Amos
Reply to @CeeJay Shaw: Try snaring some rabbits and feed your cat what
you don't eat

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: You’ve never truly hunted in your life from what
Jennifer said

Michael durant
Bank of Canada reporting inflation is very low, which is benefiting consumers.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Michael durant:
More tall tales to be told around a campfire.
Real Estate is reportedly to have increased 18% (on average) this year.
Right here you are reading about food price increases.
Insurance costs are up along with taxes.
So, provided you live at no fixed address, don't eat, and don't own
anything to insure or pay taxes on, your inflation rate is low.
Maybe those homeless folks know something we don't?

Paul Bourgoin
Reply to @Michael durant: Maybe on Accounting Papers but not in Joe
Public's saving's accounts

James Edward
Reply to @Michael durant: Bank of Canada is run by globalist Banking
Cabal. Our debt based economy is nearing it's end and will crash and
burn shortly.

David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: Yup but they will fix it overnight

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Higgy et aI enjoyed the fact that I
was busted flat and homeless for 15 years yet I survived on the milk
of human kindness However every dog has his day N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Or in other words sponged off the O’Mearas...

Gabriel Boucher
This is what happens when we fall over towards capitalism. The rich
gets richer and the poor gets poorer. Both of our main parties have
been clear that they would support capitalism in hopes of a trickle
down economy, but the reality is that trickle down economy no longer
exist. Businesses are getting greedier and greedier by the day, as
they want to pay their workers less and less in order to gain more
profits to line up their pockets. They'll keep on maximizing the
prices of their products in order to maximize their revenue, so as
long as we're supporting this idea of promoting businesses, this issue
will be staying with us for a very long time.

Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: "This is what happens when we fall over
towards capitalism" Oh sure, Communism is certainly the answer as the
success of Communism is well know.

James Edward
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: yes let's all be poor together and starve
to death under communism...lol. You have no clue what pain our country
is in for when we go full communist...which might be today based on
rumors of what will be in the throne speech.

Bob Sacamanau
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: Words from a fool, let me guess, you want
us all to be miserable together, and penalize people who actually have
work ethic and focus.
I’m also guessing that you are way too young to remember the joy of
the Berlin Wall, ending decades of right suppression and poverty

David Amos
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: I believe in capitalism. It is the public
corruption created by wealthy capitalists and their bankster buddies
that I disdain

Reply to @David Amos: Never assume that others run their business the
way you would if you got a chance.

David Amos
Reply to @JoeBrown: I ran a business for years

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Until you ran out on Jennifer and a very young
Laura that is

Dave Cochrane
Food is up but you can’t have everything. NB has the most reasonable
real estate prices in the country. Look on the bright side.

Bob Sacamanau
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: why do you think that is ?

Fred Sanford
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: Don't forget one of the lowest income and
highest taxation rates as well.

David Amos
Reply to @Fred Sanford: Methinks I find that rather hard to forget in
light of the fact that every time I buy tobacco it equals my grocery
bill N'esy Pas?

Scott W
Reply to @Dave Cochrane: not to mention the nice pace of life in
general that we are privileged to have

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: How is that possible when you eat out of dumpsters?

Terry Tibbs
I *suspect* it is simply a matter of miscommunication.
You know how often we are told that operations in 2 official languages
don't cost us any more?
Those guys, who operate the grocery chains, and are likely located in
Toronto, did not get that memo.

Scott W
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: what exactly are you trying to say here?
Language is not the issue at hand

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks its comical that the Feds are having
trouble with the 2 official languages right now N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Just 3 more languages on top of those and the
number will equal the number of stints Gracie has had in rehab so far!


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others



#cdnpoli #nbpoli

To give the Devil his do it appears that he was correct in that
Patrick Doran's spin my lawsuit against the Crown in 2015 was
republished within Encyclopedia Dramatica's latest domain




Due to god hating us all wiki accounts must be manually approved for
editing. Reach out to aediot@encyclopediadramatica.wiki for account


User talk:Cobaltcat

Old archive 1
From old archive 1 to the server dying
From above to April 1st 2016

David Raymond Amos

Good job intervening with David Anus. I knew that idiot would try to
edit his own page. He's been crying on Twitter about it for hours,
tagging various ED Twitter accounts LOL! --The MadShangi 01:41, 19
April 2016 (EDT)



Skeevy Douchebag from Canada who makes flame pages of people who
outwit him. Eventually ED will need to expand their storage beyond all
measure to contain the butthurt whinings of this user.

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 12:13:50 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Charlie Burrell I just tried to call
you and explain my Tweet about you but your voicemail was full
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.

Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter

S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.


Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144

---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 12:13:50 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Charlie Burrell I just tried to call
you and explain my Tweet about you but your voicemail was full
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.

Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.

Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 09:13:47 -0300
Subject: Attn Charlie Burrell I just tried to call you and explain my
Tweet about you but your voicemail was full
To: administrator@thehumanityproject.ca, info@antihate.ca, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, mcu
<mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "David.Lametti"<David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca>,
"Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "jagmeet.singh"
<jagmeet.singh@parl.gc.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
"blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>,
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "darrow.macintyre"
<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
Nathalie Sturgeon <sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>


(506) 382-6840

Your boss Mr Trudeau should affirm that Evan Balgord had lots to say
while we were running in the election of the 43rd Parliament  EH



Evan Balgord
ED, Canadian Anti-Hate Network: info@antihate.ca. Former VP, Canadian
Association of Journalists. Anti-fascist. Motorcyclist. Public
Torontoantihate.caJoined April 2013


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others

Content disabled
Methinks its interesting that nobody noticed that the Neo Nazi's have
been attacking me for years N'esy Pas?

Charlie Burrell Evan Balgord or anyone can Google my name and Neo Nazi
to review many things over the years

#cdnpoli #nbpoli


Non-profit head on defensive after connection to neo-Nazi Facebook
group uncovered

Humanity Project founder says he didn't know about Northern Guard's
goals, but questions if they're racist

CBC News · Posted: Sep 23, 2020 8:06 AM AT

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Methinks the Attorney Generals working for Trudeau "the Younger" and
Premiers Higgs and Ford no doubt wish that their bosses' computers
were not so diligent and ethical N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: You still smell like a gas station toilet

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: YO Depupty Dog say Hey to your RCMP pals for me will ya?

 David Amos
 Methinks its time to take a break and listen the Governor General
while she still has her job N'esy Pas?

Speech From the Throne and a New Session of Parliament: September 23
Follow full coverage on CPAC and cpac.ca with Peter Van Dusen and
Esther Bégin: Wednesday, September 23 at 12:30pm ET

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Taking a break means you had to have been doing
something in the first place.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @Ray Oliver: He’s been jobless for over 25 years you know.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: But hes building some big cases. From Bulger
wiretaps to UFOs taking out cattle. A fierce political animal i
believe he described himself as

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @Ray Oliver: And the type of guy who smells his fingers after
picking up his grandchildren. What a class act!

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: How sick are you?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Well...unlike the person I’m talking to I was
never sent to Chalmers...

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Why is it that I doubt whom you claim to be?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Probably along the same lines as you think I
work from Higgy. Your spidey senses are Bush league

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: The more you deny it The more I am certain of it

David Amos
Methinks while the RCMP is getting to the bottom of things this dude
should also dig up all the documents and the CD I sent his office and
the RCMP over 15 years ago N'esy Pas?

"Alberta's Minister of Justice and Solicitor General Kaycee Madu said
he wants RCMP to "get to the bottom of this."

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: That hit the trash can the day in arrived. When
you gonna realize no one takes you even remotely serious??

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Hmmm clearly somebody has read my legal
documents but loves to put an evil twist on them EH?

"Ray Oliver Reply to @David Amos: the great debator. Loves taking on
lawyers. That transcript was better than the back and forth with your
ex brother in law."

Methinks the RCMP should inform Higgy's spin doctor that I am still
married and that my wife's brother is a retired and very corrupt
Massachusetts.Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff of the same ilk as his
evil uncle a former FBI Agent Everybody knows of their corruption
around the world N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: No you are not still married. Both of you have
been with other people since you went on the run from the cops in the

Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @David Amos: lololol...

David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Speak of the Devil and he is sure to appear

Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @David Amos: Who's the devil?
Is the wheel the work of the devil?

David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: He pretends to be DeanRoger Ray today

Deja Vu?

"Methinks the RCMP should inform Higgy's spin doctor that I am still
married and that my wife's brother is a retired and very corrupt
Massachusetts.Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff of the same ilk as his
evil uncle a former FBI Agent Everybody knows of their corruption
around the world N'esy Pas?"

James Edward
The broadcaster is using an Antifa member to call out other for being
haters? That's rich! Talk about Pot calling Kettle black.

David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: Pretty wicked eh?

David Amos
Reply to @James Edward: Imagine if you read such things posted about
your family

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Should I post the link to the audio on Andrew
Johnson’s site where you talk about what Gracie was doing for fun at
sixteen? Your words not mine..

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Why are your friends blocking my replies?

Dr John Smythe
They should be outing antifa members.

David Amos
Reply to @Dr John Smythe: Check social media

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Gracie made a bunch of pro-Antifa posts. How do
you feel about that? Is it like Max’s “persuasion” where you tolerate
it because it’s your kid but in your heart hate it?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Gracie made a bunch of pro-Antifa posts. How do
you feel about that? Is it like Max’s “persuasion” where you tolerate
it because it’s your kid but in y

David Peters
This seems like an attempt to publicly besmirch someone using very
thin evidence. It's worse than a nothing burger. It's a nothing burger
with intent, imo.

buster jones
Reply to @David Peters: Why? Ever think?

David Peters
Reply to @buster jones:
Imo, liking a single post does not make someone a violent, totally
unreasonable antifa type. The article is trying to pin this man out to
be something he may very well not be, on too thin of evidence.

David Peters
Reply to @buster jones:
How so?

David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: I agree

Dusty Green
Reply to @David Peters: Reading the article helps. "Balgord said he
understands the project does good work and did not mean to personally
attack Burrell. He just wanted assurance from Burrell that members of
the Northern Guard will not be volunteers at the Salisbury-area
project or raise money for it."

David Amos
Reply to @Dusty Green: Try reading between the lines

David Peters
Reply to @Dusty Green:
Why is it so important to appease Balgord? This thread is national.

Imo, Burrell's project seems like a great idea and seems like a great
idea for a story, in itself. Balgords snooping/creeping of ppl's
Facebook pages could also be the subject of a national story.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Peters: Balgord and his organization are a joke.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks I saved a recording of your voice N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You managed that how? I'm very intrigued

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks you should ask your RCMP buddies N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: I'd love to know. Include it in your case
against me will you please. I'll be waiting

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: You are Crown's problem not mine

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: How is Max and his boyfriend in San Diego? I
heard the boyfriend is a generous guy. Bought him a Tesla!

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Say Hey to the RCMP for me will ya?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: No thanks. Besides, you are the documented
informant not I.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: I suspect that you are still in Tofield AB
since getting the boot from your Mother's basement correct?

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: It took me a while to be certain that the Crown
had hooked up with the evil Yankee in this domain

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: YO Depupty Dog Methinks many RCMP dudes must
remember the first Crimestoppers YouTube video that St Moe posted in
the Salisbury area before 133 cops pounced on the Tingley Clan in 2008
and the media began calling them the "Salisbury Sopranos". Methinks
you know that I saved every word of the over 1400 comments (many of
them YOURS) and that Werner Bock printed most of them. After calling
you and talking to you personally he took the documents to your
buddies RCMP in Moncton N'esy Pas?

darb yor
Why is this even news?

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @darb yor: Methinks everybody loves a circus N'esy Pas?

darb yor
Reply to @David Amos: lol,,,with all due respect there buddy. This
isn't even a free ticket to a circus.Just flick on one of them south
of the border noise machines for an hour,,,,that is a circus.

David Amos
Reply to @darb yor: Trust that Trump et knows that I am still married
to a Yankee Lady and the Proud Father of 2 Yankees. Methinks you
should check my work N'esy Pas?

Jim Cyr
Reply to @darb yor: Because the CBC thinks they can use it to score a
couple of political points. Same old same old.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: You can find his latest failed lawsuit on
Encyclopedia Dramatica!

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Dream on

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: It’s true. Thank you PaTrick Doran!

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: How dumb are you Dirty Dicky Dean? Methinks
even your sicko buddy Patty Baby Doran is clever enough to know that
Encyclopedia Dramatica went the way of the Dodo Bird long ago N'esy

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: The RCMP should have informed you that
Encyclopedia Dramatica went the way of Mr Baconfat long ago

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Nope. It’s back up. Different domain.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: It’s DOT wiki instead of DOT se now.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Do me a favour: find just ONE thing to yap about
where you actually have the facts to back your words up EH M’essy

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Anyone can Google your name and get the facts
about you Correct?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Sure. I am not a broke down drug dealer with
nothing to hide!

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Nor I However you are beneath contempt

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Your RCMP buddies have known about your
cyberstalking my family and I since 2005

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: “I never died said he.” - Joan Baez.

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Then why haven’t I been arrested like your buddy
Winters? Why have you not squeezed one dime out of me for libelous
statements? Maybe, just maybe...Davey es fullo Shiite? N’estea

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: Because you are shill for the RCMP

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: You are the only one of us with a record of
testifying on their behalf as an “expert witness” in their prosecution
of Gilles Moreau.

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: BINGO

Carl Douglas
Canadian Anti-hate network....oh the irony

David Amos
Reply to @Carl Douglas: Too Too Funny

Carl Douglas
Reply to @David Amos: and in other news Antifa members are peaceful protesters

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Carl Douglas: Yea about as peaceful as my evil new nazi
Yankee brother in law and his many corrupt cop pals

Jim Cyr
These "anti hate" groups are often the biggest hate groups in the
world, ironically. The Canadian Anti-Hate Network has no more moral
authority than you or I. Politics, politics, politics. (The Southern
Poverty Law Center is STILL frequently cited by the media and other
groups, even though they are now completely discredited as an "anti
hate" group......and have been successfully sued for incitement to
murder). But the media orgs just keep on playing the game.......

David Amos
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Methinks many lawyers and politicians know that I
received an answer in writing from the very unethical Southern Poverty
Law Center before I came home to run in the election of the 38th
Parliament N'esy Pas?

Larry Larson
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Care to show your proof about the lawsuits against
the Southern Poverty Law Centre? They have only been discredited in
the minds of rac ists!

Jim Cyr
Reply to @Larry Larson: No, Larry. Google Floyd Corkins. Check the
SPLC Wikipedia entry for its many scandals . (And Wikipedia is
leftwing, so they only capture half of the scandals). It's sad that
you support the world's worst hate group.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Larry Larson: Perhaps you should read my lawsuit first?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: David Amos = The Boy Named Sue

David Amos
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: A Pretend Dean Roger Ray = Robert F. O'Meara

Claude DeRoche
Nothing here!
LOL! We have a COR Party Premier!

Robert Langue
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Ex-CoR member. Try to keep up.

David Amos
Reply to @Robert Langue: Methinks a leopard cannot change his spots N'esy Pas?

Wayne Wright
Reply to @David Amos: oh, but like Robert Gauvin (among others over
the decade) just Change the colour so easily.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Methinks the decade before Wally Stiles and
his wife took the cake in that regard N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Wayne Wright: Cardy will run anywhere for anyone to keep a seat.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: THANK GOD FOR THAT!!

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks Cardy and Higgy must have quit sharing
their butter tarts with you N'esy Pas?

DeanRoger Ray
Reply to @David Amos: Just like Laura had to quit sharing her pussycat
with you after Reaghan was conceived?

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @DeanRoger Ray: You may rest assured that I have saved and
sent every word that CBC allowed you to publish against my family to
the RCMP.. Obviously an article about one like in a FaceBook pales in
comparison to you and your neo nazi buddies attacking me since 1982


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 08:01:29 -0300
Subject: So says CBC and Higgy's spin doctor "Ray Oliver" So say you all?
To: Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca, premier.ministre@gnb.ca,
voteryancullins@outlook.com, roy4fgl@gmail.com, "kris.austin"
<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, "rick.desaulniers"<rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>,
"Holland, Mike (LEG)"<mike.holland@gnb.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "mary.wilson"<mary.wilson@gnb.ca>,
"carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, "Stephane.vaillancourt"
<Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "Roger.L.Melanson"<roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, terry.seguin@cbc.ca,
Charles.Murray@gnb.ca, aip-aivp@gnb.ca, mark@huddle.today,
perry.brad@radioabl.ca, "sylvie.gadoury"
<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, jefferson@ufoparty.ca,
cfta@eastlink.ca, votemaxime@gmail.com,
heather.collins.panb@gmail.com, lglemieux@rogers.com, nobyrne@unb.ca,
"steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, jesse <jesse@viafoura.com>, "Tori.Weldon"
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Robert. Jones"
<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Higgy et al should forget about putting masks on the sheople
and put muzzles on their spin doctors instead N'esy Pas?


 #cdnpoli #nbpoli


---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 21:27:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: "Content disabled" Congrats CBC on your
sudden fit of Integrity However will it last?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.

Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter

S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.


Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premierministre@gnb.ca

Service New Brunswick customers still waiting hours in long lineups
People waiting for hours outdoors say things will have to change before winter

Tori Weldon · CBC News · Posted: Sep 22, 2020 7:00 AM AT

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Content disabled
Congrats CBC on your sudden fit of Integrity However will it last?

David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al should forget about putting masks on the sheople
and put muzzles on their spin doctors instead N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Hmmm clearly somebody has read my legal
documents but loves to put an evil twist on them EH?

"Ray Oliver Reply to @David Amos: the great debator. Loves taking on
lawyers. That transcript was better than the back and forth with your
ex brother in law."

Methinks the RCMP should inform Higgy's spin doctor that I am still
married and that my wife's brother is a retired and very corrupt
Massachusetts.Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff of the same ilk as his
evil uncle a former FBI Agent Everybody knows of their corruption
around the world N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Methinks everyone should enjoy the fact that Higgy's circus is still
going on before the new MLA elects are sworn in N'esy Pas?

Joe Rootliek
Reply to @David Amos: You can thank your lucky stars Higgy is elected.

Stop the waste of taxpayer dollars you seem to talk about often enough on here.

David Amos
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Why do you think i ran against him?

David Amos
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Too Too Funny

"Nouveau-Brunswick Vice-Premier Ministre Daniel Allain est confronter
par le tannant Blogger!!!"

David Amos
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Methinks you didn't know that HIggy rammed
through the the "Not So Smart Meter" deal to allow NB power to
squander well over 100 million loonies during the election because the
media did not report until i raised a little hell N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @Joe Rootliek: Deja Vu?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You did real well representing your pals in the
EUB hearing you posted I was truly impressed!

August 31st, 2020
Dear fellow citizens,
Our natural environment has no voice in our current decision-making
process. We saw this during the shale gas issue, and we see it now
with smart meters and 5G technology. Also, given the current spraying
season here in New Brunswick, we cannot forget to mention glyphosate.
Unfortunately, these are just a few examples of how we are left out.
We, the people of this province, can see this happening but we are
being quietly and subtly excluded from important decisions that
concern and affect all of us. I am therefore taking advantage of this
election campaign to exercise the right to speak to you, since it’s
the only time this is possible.
Systems, regardless of the kind, are becoming more and more complex.
This leads to the illusion that we ordinary citizens are unable to
question or participate in decision-making because we are not
sufficiently informed or intelligent enough to “understand”. It is
therefore strongly suggested to leave these decisions to the so-called
experts, public servants and politicians. Sometimes they are named the
Party’s Caucus.

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Continued

Furthermore, there are countless other reasons for not participating
in the decision-making process: The required time to get informed, the
costs involved, the risk of losing one’s job or seeming alarmist are
among some of them.
So, in its paternalistic fashion, government will designate an
“expert” who will “consult” us and then produce a “report”. A good
example of this kind of attitude is the report published by Dr Louis
Lapierre on the shale gas issue. This same process is coming with
time-of-day billing for electricity. For your information, the
time-of-day rate structure will increase our power bill. This is why
it is important for NB Power and government to install smart meters.
We want to believe the environmentalists who are all-too happy to tell
us that our transition towards « smart » technology will save the
environment. Yet, why do all these expensive so-called « smart »
devices become so quickly obsolete or are simply not reparable? You
have no doubt heard about the children and marginalized people who
work in the mines and factories to produce these gadgets? So, thanks
to their appalling working conditions and hard labour, we can simply
maintain our lifestyles without worry? A lifestyle that is simply not
sustainable by our planet?
Everything revolves around money and jobs. The environment, therefore,
has no chance of having a voice at the Legislature.
Respectfully yours,
Roger Richard
Independent candidate for Kent North,

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Ran against him? Don't make me laugh. You're so
far behind you think you're leading

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: they cut you from being a contributor because
you went way off the map again like the mental patient you are

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: the great debator. Loves taking on lawyers. That
transcript was better than the back and forth with your ex brother in

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You are such a waste of humanity you don't even
realize it. The bright shining example of ill ness. LoL no wonder you
and Mr gunther are one and the same


Roger Richard
Some comments in this article from CBC may not last for long:
Service New Brunswick to mandate masks to help battle long lines
outdoors | CBC News
Service New Brunswick to mandate masks to help battle long lines
outdoors | CBC News

Roger Richard
Thank you Mr. David Raymond Amos
David Amos
Mon ami Methinks you know that you are more than welcome N'esy Pas?

Roger Richard
You may or you may not know, CBC like l’Acadie Nouvelle place a “spin”
on news... So they usually delate comments that do not fit the

Nicole Marshall
fact check the damn news period!!!

Nicole Marshall
they will say what ever they are paid to say

David Raymond Amos
Nicole Marshall
Oh So True






























Blaine Higgs has more members now, so choosing cabinet ministers may be tough


---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 11:54:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks the dragonslayer Madame Conroy
should cross the floor because I have no doubt Higgy would make her
the Minister of Heritage immediately N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.

Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter

S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.


Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-

E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks the dragonslayer Madame Conroy should cross the floor because I have no doubt Higgy would make her the Minister of Heritage immediately N'esy Pas?


#cdnpoli #nbpoli


Blaine Higgs has more members now, so choosing cabinet ministers may be tough

More Progressive Conservative MLAs will have to sit on back benches this time

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Sep 25, 2020 7:00 AM AT

With his recently won majority, Blaine Higgs has more options for his cabinet. He'll just have to disappoint some PC caucus members. (CBC)

Things are suddenly easier for Premier Blaine Higgs after his majority government win in this month's election.

Except maybe in one area: creating his cabinet.

Higgs has 26 MLAs to choose from, giving him more options than he had in 2018, but also making the selection that much more difficult — because a larger number of his caucus will have to be left out.

The challenge will be especially acute if the premier opts for a smaller cabinet this time. The current membership is 17, including Higgs himself. Only one of them, Carl Urqhuart, didn't run again.

"Probably premiers put more thought into cabinet selection than anything else they do early in the mandate," says former Carleton Progressive Conservative MLA Stewart Fairgrieve, an adviser to Premier David Alward when he chose his cabinet in 2010.

"It overrules everything and it lays the groundwork for how well your caucus will operate going into the legislature and for years to come." 

Decisions, decisions

Higgs is the first premier in 17 years to win re-election, meaning he must decide whether to drop some current ministers to make room for newcomers. 

"He has an abundance in terms of quality of candidates that he can choose from, and that's a nice problem to have as premier," saysid Bernard Lord, the last premier to win re-election.

Dropping someone "is not easy but it's a fact of life, and people who run for office know first and foremost they're running to be a member of the legislative assembly."

Former premier Bernard Lord said dropping cabinet ministers 'is not easy but it's a fact of life.' (Radio-Canada)

Fairgrieve, however, says being dropped "is not an easy transition …. It takes a while to get your head around that." Only three PC MLAs, including him, spent the entire last mandate on the back benches.

Higgs has been meeting his MLAs individually all week, assessing who should make the cut and what position they should occupy.

"A huge amount of time goes into cabinet selection," said Fairgrieve.

Premiers "second-guess themselves. They go back on their lists a hundred times before it gets announced and the ministers get sworn in. There's always surprises, and this cabinet by Blaine Higgs will be no different."

Fine tuning, or major overhaul?

Higgs could take a number of approaches. 

If he is inclined to favour continuity, especially in departments teeing up major reforms, he may leave Dominic Cardy at Education and Ted Flemming at Health.

It's debatable how much the individual choices matter, or even whether New Brunswickers care that much who ends up minister of Service New Brunswick or minister for the Regional Development Corporation.

But there are times when the right person is critical, Lord said.

If continuity is the goal, ministers like Education Minister Dominic Cardy are likely to stay put. (Jon Collicott/CBC)

"Just look at what Dominic Cardy was able to do this year with the pandemic. He led the effort for the government to shut down and take tough precautions early." 

Fairgrieve said it's hard to imagine Cardy or Flemming being moved mid-pandemic, and said the choices of finance minister and public safety minister will also be important in light of COVID-19 and its economic impact.

He also said Fundy-The Isles-Saint John West's Andrea Anderson-Mason should stay, in recognition of her winning her riding with 66.5 percent of the vote, "but we have a premier who doesn't always take political realities into consideration."

On the other hand, Higgs could opt for a major shakeup. 

He may look to the future and give new, younger MLAs a chance to shine, positioning them for the next election in 2024 — especially if the 66-year-old Higgs doesn't plan to run again four years from now and there's a leadership race by then.

Smaller cabinet, gender parity

Fairgrieve said even without a big shuffle, a rumoured smaller cabinet and the suggestion of gender parity would force the premier to drop some incumbents.

"There's going to be a lot of former cabinet ministers, and that never sits well," he says.

With nine women elected at Progressive Conservatives — four incumbents and five newcomers — Higgs can easily name a cabinet with an equal number of women and men.

If gender parity is a goal, newcomers like Margaret Johnson, who won in Carleton-Victoria, could land a cabinet post. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

"I don't think it's a test," Lord said, but "I'm sure it's something the premier will consider and something that could be considered."

At the same time, most premiers strive for some kind of geographic balance. 

That might help Margaret Johnson, the new MLA for Carleton-Victoria, the northernmost riding to have voted PC. Johnson would also help with gender parity.

But it makes for a tougher choice in the greater Saint John area, which has no fewer than seven ministers, including the premier himself in the existing cabinet. 

To make room for new Saint John Harbour MLA  Arlene Dunn, especially in a slimmer cabinet, Higgs would have to drop at least one current minister from the area and probably more. 

The regions

There's a similar geographic crunch in the Moncton area, which already has four ministers at the cabinet table: Ernie Steeves, Sherry Wilson, Mike Holland and Bruce Fitch.

Fairgrieve said Higgs can't exclude the only francophone PC MLA, Daniel Allain from Moncton East.

Stewart Fairgrieve, who advised former premier David Alward about cabinet choices, says Higgs can't exclude the only francophone PC MLA, Daniel Allain from Moncton East. (Radio-Canada)

But without someone being dropped, that brings the area's representation up to five, a large share if cabinet is reduced to just 12 or 14 ministers. 

Lord said all those calculations matter, but the priority has to be picking a qualified team that can work together. 

"First and foremost is considering who around the table can help the premier achieve the agenda and fulfil the mandate that he's received from the people of New Brunswick. That's the most important thing.

"Then, of course, you look at representation, geography, and so many other factors as well." 

About the Author

Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 





77 Comments                                                                                                                            Commenting is now closed for this story.




David Amos  
Methinks folks should ask how many of MLAs and Deputy Ministers actually created their own 
businesses, ran them and made a profit without government assistance N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Might be the first step in qualifying an applicant? 
David Amos
The plot thickens
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: "Stewart Fairgrieve, who advised former premier David Alward about cabinet choices, says Higgs can't exclude the only francophone PC MLA, Daniel Allain from Moncton East."
David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: "Lord (also a Moncton East dude) said all those calculations matter, but the priority has to be picking a qualified team that can work together."

Methinks whereas Allain worked in the premier’s office under both David Alward and Bernard Lord its obvious to me he will become Deputy Premier just like Gauvin once was N'esy Pas?
Bill Henry
Reply to @David Amos: no brainer
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Lacking the proper ingredients to thicken the plot you have to rely on starch. Starch is basically inert material, with no taste, or value, and is of limited usefulness.
And that pretty well sums up what we have to look forward to, 4 years of pin the tail on the donkey, with brief interludes of musical chairs.
Randy McNally
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: IS it normal for a majority government to rely on opposition parties to supply cabinet ministers?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Randy McNally:
Where did you get that?
Randy McNally 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Sorry my reply should not have been to you but Val Harris?
DeanRoger Ray 
Reply to @David Amos: Is that the plot or your line of bull that is thickening?
David Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I use flour and sometimes oats but never corn starch
val harris
How come Austin or Conroy is not on the list like 2 years ago?
David Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @val harris: Methinks the drahgonslayer Madame Conroy should cross the floor because I have no doubt Higgy would make her the Minister of Heritage immediately N'esy Pas? 
val harris
Reply to @David Amos: haha she had her chance but that boat sailed, now she’s left on an island alone. The poor people of Miramichi will have a very long 4 years 
Jim Cyr
Reply to @val harris: Just as soon as the border reopens, my family and I will start to visit Miramichi. And we will visit OFTEN. Just to reward that fine city for its good, common sense.
val harris 
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Thats great they will need all the help they can get as by the talk from the City they are not excited... but jim you are always so positive
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: Methinks Higgy et al should be wise enough to know that they should never underestimate a dragon-slayer N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: ah yes. The code speak again, good one Gunther!
David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks Mr Gunther knows that I do not pretend to be somebody I am not like shills working with the cops do N'esy Pas? 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You should run an alias just to get away from your sad life  
Fred Brewer  
As far as I can tell Flemming did nothing as Minister of Health other than to collect a paycheque. Cardy did all of the heavy lifting and came up with our Covid response that has worked so well. Cardy should be Minister of Health and Flemming should be relegated to the back benches. Please Mr. Higgs, don't reward incompetence. Flemming has not earned a Ministerial position in your cabinet.
David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Methinks you forgot at least 3 things, Flemming's riding loccation, his pedigree and the fact that he is a lawyer N'esy Pas? 
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
Flemming is the guy who brought forward the idea of repurposing hospitals and closing ER's. Oooops.
From that time onward he was missing in action, either self imposed, or he was sidelined.
We will soon see which it was.
Randy McNally
Reply to @David Amos: Pedigree and geography for sure. Being part of the boy's club doesn't hurt.
Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Right, but other than that it almost like he never existed and that applies to before and after his attempt to close ER's.
David Amos 
Reply to @Randy McNally: Methinks the BAR is the ultimate "old boys" club that Justice Ginsberg embarrassed many times N'esy Pas? 
Robert Langue
Just by reading the headline, I knew it had to be written by Jacques Poitras. He always has to put a negative spin when it comes to Higgs and the Progressive Conservatives. 
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Robert Langue: It's shocking, and Poitras has just gotten more and more biased over the years.
Lou Bell 
Reply to @Robert Langue: SANB slant for years . And yet no story about the UNDISCLOSED 130 million dollar giveaway 
Lou Bell
Reply to @Robert Langue: Jacques questioned after the election how Higgs would reach out to the Francophones in the 17 Francophone ridings he didn't win. He should have been asking how the SANB Liberals would reach out to the Anglophones in the 32 ridings they lost in ! It's always been about the Francophones , assimilation , language . When is the last time we've EVER heard anything about Anglophone assimilation or langauage ? Never .
David Amos  
Reply to @Lou Bell: Cry me a river 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: If he cries you an actual river will you finally take a bath in it? 
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Robert Langue:
I see you didn't get the memo. They are no longer Progressive Conservatives, the progressive bit got lost about 10 years back, if anything these are regressive Conservatives, or anally retentive Conservatives.
Jeff LeBlanc
He picked a former morning radio disc jockey to run our finances so anything goes with Higgy. 
Al Borland
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Um weren't you on here saying you were voting for Ernie Steeves? Weren't you on here insisting that Blaine Higgs was the best?
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: What was Trudeau.....a drama coach?? And Graham was a physical education teacher??
Errol Willis 
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Why do people like to criticize people's career before politics? At least they are offering up their name to serve in this most underappreciated role.

Your comment says more about you than it does Ernie.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Methinks it was just more of the same old same old Flemming was a Health Minister for Alward when Higgy was his Finance Minister and he is an engineer not a beancounter N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO 
Al Borland
Dump Cardy, an evil evil man 
David Amos 
Reply to @Al Borland: Thinks of all the money we would save on butter tarts 
Toby Tolly
mayb he can follow in Gallants footsteps and create something like
a Francophone affairs minister
but I dont think hes that out of touch
Dan Franklin
Reply to @Toby Tolly: He's close.
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Toby Tolly:
I propose a Ministry of Silly Walks, with Mr Higgs in charge, he can instruct others in his 2 steps ahead and 3 steps back policy.
And not to forget his sidekick, Mr Cardy, a Ministry of Silly Talks.
David Amos  
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I second that emotion
Lou Bell
Perhaps a Minister should be appointed to look into the assimilation of the Anglophone community . The SANB Liberals have had someone doing it for decades for the Francophones ! Ever since McKenna sold out to the Parti Acadien for their votes  
val harris
Reply to @Lou Bell: Poor poor Lou ... are you a bully in real life?
David Amos  
Reply to @val harris: BINGO 
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: You calling someone a bully? Wow.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Harper knows who his bullies are
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: But I thought I was Higgys boy? Keep it straight
Lou Bell
Reply to @val harris: Obviously you're totally unaware there are two linguistic groups in NB , as are most SANB Liberals ! Or just won't acknowledge there are ! The " woe is me " party and their self indulged agenda .
janice small
What a mess were in,,,a former disco jockey,,, a Minster of finance,,,,,Really,,,,,,in charge of the provinces books,,,lol,,lol.....The books will never get better,,,they all suck at the government trough for their pay checks and their two term government pensions !!!!!
Thomas Imber 
Reply to @janice small: If you think NB's Minister of Finance previous occupation is an issue, imagine having a Prime Minister whose last job was a supply drama teacher!
janice small 
Reply to @Thomas Imber: Your right,, a drama teacher and a snow board instructor now our prime minister...Why are our government's putting people in power who have no idea what they are doing with little to know experience in the cabinet job they are doing !! pensions,,pensions,,pension,,,,,,,need to know nothing just fake it..
Dan Franklin 
Reply to @janice small: If you think our governments primary focus is on the general population, you're mistaken. It is on corporations and themselves. This has been the way it has been since the dawn of our nation. Research the beginnings of CP rail, etc., If we want better, I think it's too late.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @janice small:
Here is the deal. Most of those we elect don't have much of a clue, and truthfully, you can't expect anyone to know everything. This is where the Deputy Ministers and paid government advisors come into play. These folks advise the elected minister on things related to his/her portfolio. Where the system really falls down in NB is: those Deputy Ministers and paid advisors don't have a clue themselves, because they are
patronage hires, hired for who they know, rather than what they know.
Leaving us to watch an expensive game of pin the tail on the donkey, and when somebody really makes a mess, we get to watch a game of musical chairs (cabinet shuffle).
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you are still enjoying Higgy's circus as much as I N'esy Pas?
janice small
Higgs has the power now and its nice to see a government that can get something done..Jean Gauvin is in the safe covered riding of Shediac where a donkey or a palourde or a clam can run and win,,,thanks to Minister Dominique Leblanc..Just a red tarp and Dominique's hand in your hand and your elected. Really make the folks of Shediac riding look very naive ....The Liberals sent Vickers to the slaughter house knowing full well Conroy would dice and slice him into pieces as the ( I'm from Miramichi ) candidate from 40 years ago really fell on his heals and has packed his bags back to Ottawa where name recognition really matters.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @janice small:
Has a specific date been announced when Mr Higgs is actually going to start doing something?
We're waiting..............................
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks everybody knows that Higgy's promises are on the slate to be addressed on or about the 12h of Never N'esy Pas? 
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
None of "the Higgs promises" had a stated goal. Without a stated level of performance, or accomplishment, the promise is meaningless.
I'm going to tackle homelessness head on.
That statement means nothing. 

Lou Bell
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: The Liberals avoided even stating their 130 million dollar UNDISCLOSED giveaway to the SANB for their Phonie Games ! Appears you prefer a party that discloses nothing , including pilfering 130 million of taxpayers money for one minority group ! 
Donald Gallant
Has JP ever written an unbiased article.
David Amos
Reply to @Donald Gallant: Nope
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: Sue him Davey
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks a Harper minion has suffered from the Maritime Malaise for way past too long N"esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: I knew It was you
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: It was who? You have no clue? Keep swinging


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 08:54:17 -0300
Subject: Methinks the dragonslayer Madame Conroy should cross the
floor because I have no doubt Higgy would make her the Minister of
Heritage immediately N'esy Pas?
To: Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca, premier.ministre@gnb.ca,
voteryancullins@outlook.com, roy4fgl@gmail.com, "kris.austin"
<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, "rick.desaulniers"<rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>,
"Holland, Mike (LEG)"<mike.holland@gnb.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "mary.wilson"<mary.wilson@gnb.ca>,
"carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, "Stephane.vaillancourt"
<Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "Roger.L.Melanson"<roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, terry.seguin@cbc.ca,
Charles.Murray@gnb.ca, aip-aivp@gnb.ca, mark@huddle.today,
perry.brad@radioabl.ca, "sylvie.gadoury"
<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, jefferson@ufoparty.ca,
cfta@eastlink.ca, votemaxime@gmail.com,

, lglemieux@rogers.com, nobyrne@unb.ca,
"steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>, Newsroom
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Robert. Jones"
<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others
Content disabled
Cry me a river

#cdnpoli #nbpoli



Friday, 25 September 2020
Blaine Higgs has more members now, so choosing cabinet ministers may be tough


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos  @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks the dragonslayer Madame Conroy should cross the floor because
I have no doubt Higgy would make her the Minister of Heritage
immediately N'esy Pas?


#cdnpoli #nbpoli


Blaine Higgs has more members now, so choosing cabinet ministers may be tough
More Progressive Conservative MLAs will have to sit on back benches this time

Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Sep 25, 2020 7:00 AM AT

On 9/18/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMh3CIpSlus
> MVI 2703
> Sep 17, 2020
> Charles Leblanc
> 1.87K subscribers
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
> Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 10:23:39 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin doctor
> "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as funny as
> they think they are N'esy Pas???
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
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> From: "Perry, Brad"<perry.brad@radioabl.ca>
> Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 10:23:37 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin doctor
> "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as funny as
> they think they are N'esy Pas???
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
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> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin doctor
> "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as funny as
> they think they are N'esy Pas???
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> From: Nathalie Sturgeon <sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>
> Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 03:23:37 -0700
> Subject: Out of the office Re: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin
> doctor "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as
> funny as they think they are N'esy Pas???
> To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com
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> I am currently out of the office and not responding to emails at this time.
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> *Nathalie Sturgeon *
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> sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com
> https://tj.news
> ------------------------------
> On 9/18/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-peat-moss-fire-1.5727952
>> High winds make fighting Baie-Sainte-Anne peat moss fire difficult,
>> says fire chief
>> About 50 people on scene to bring fire under control
>> Gail Harding · CBC News · Posted: Sep 17, 2020 2:19 PM AT
>> David Amos
>> Content disabled
>> WOW
>> James Risdon
>> Thanks for the report. Important to know when there are massive fires
>> near
>> home.
>> Justin Gunther
>> I called Natural Resources to inquire about the wildfire situation in
>> NB yesterday at approximately 4:15PM. Weird timing.
>> Ray Oliver
>> Reply to @Justin Gunther: Did they return your call Dave?
>> Justin Gunther
>> Reply to @Ray Oliver: Those are English words and that is a proper
>> English sentence but this is still not how you communicate in English.
>> You're writing like a schizophrenic.
>> Justin Gunther
>> Reply to @Ray Oliver: Are you suggesting something? Please, tell the
>> world in no uncertain terms.
>> Ray Oliver
>> Reply to @Justin Gunther: You'd know all about that
>> Justin Gunther
>> Reply to @Ray Oliver: Get help dude.
>> Al Clark
>> Reply to @Ray Oliver: O M G Too funny!!!!!
>> David Amos
>> Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks our infamous turkey hunter and NB
>> Power overseer knows I am not you. Trust that Higgy et al know I spoke
>> personally to him and several others before and during an interesting
>> nomination in April A2018 when he ousted a seated MLA and they were
>> teasing me about sending me butter tarts in the mail. Trust that his
>> minions and I have spoken many times about "Not So Smart" Meters etc
>> since. However Mikey never calls back for obvious reasons known to the
>> dubious dude who accuses you of being me N'esy Pas?
>> https://www.facebook.com/roger.richard.148/posts/3454187547953473?comment_id=3454778121227749&notif_id=1600355649174224&notif_t=feed_comment_reply&ref=notif
>> Roger Richard
>> Pour votre information.  Voici comment notre processus décisionnel est
>> brisé.  Ces gens ne sont plus en contacte avec la réalité!
>> At the NBEUB, our tax money is paying for a public intervener to look
>> into our interests. CBC is interviewing her in this podcast about
>> smart meters:
>> 20253.mc.tritondigital.com
>> https://20253.mc.tritondigital.com/CBC_INFOMORNFRED_P/media-session/47704c37-73cd-411f-95b5-b943701213d9/infomornfred-e9TuG3yc-20200914.mp3?fbclid=IwAR18Cba2oc7AH6zXlkGExxbCUkXyiB3VyzKb_-v5eCpG2BnbZ_pof5d_TA4
>> Nicole Marshall
>> thank you for running in this election again ❤ I asked the poor lady @
>> the polls what I should do if I dont want to vote for any of them on
>> the ballot, she told me I had no choice and I had to pick one!!!! So I
>> asked if she pick one for me? She then showed me the names I had to
>> pick from, I saw your name on there ❤ Again thank you Roger
>> 🙂 Meant alot to me to see your name on that list 🙂
>> David Raymond Amos
>> How could folks miss the news about the "Not So Smart meter nonsense
>> when CBC said nothing about it?
>> Roger Richard
>> They, CBC and l’Acadie Nouvelle, are doing “fake news” when they are
>> withholding them. It is very difficult to know the truth.
>> David Raymond Amos
>> Methinks it would be a good day to remind folks of the ERRE Committee
>> coming to Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?
>> https://openparliament.ca/committees/electoral-reform/42-1/39/david-amos-1/
>> Mr. David Amos (As an Individual) at the Electoral Reform Committee |
>> openparliament.ca
>> Mr. David Amos (As an Individual) at the Electoral Reform Committee |
>> openparliament.ca
>> Roger Hachey
>> Just for starters lots of bull shit going on behind ppls backs , but
>> they will be exposed sooner than later I hope !!!
>> Matter 458
>> IN THE MATTER OF an application by New Brunswick Power Corporation for
>> approval of the schedules of rates for the fiscal year commencing
>> April 1st 2020.
>>     Held via web conference on September 10th 2020.
>>     Before:
>>                 Francois Beaulieu - Acting Chairman
>>                 John Herron       - Member
>>                 Michael Costello  - Member
>> Board Staff:
>>                 Matthew Letson - Counsel
>>                 John Lawton
>>                 David Young
>>                 Michael Dickie
>>                 Susan Colwell
>> Chief Clerk:    Kathleen Mitchell
>> ............................................................
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. So the Board has received a second motion
>> that was filed by Dr. Richard. I am going to start addressing this in
>> French.
>> The commission received a second notice of motion. The notice of
>> motion was tabled yesterday by Dr. Richard. And then, if I understand
>> Dr. Richard correctly, your motion asks the commission to cancel
>> proceedings 458 which requests the increase in electricity prices for
>> the year 2020-2021 and I also believe that your request is is that we
>> start from scratch with the 477 instance which will be filed by New
>> Brunswick Power in the coming months. So does that sum up your request
>> well?
>> DR. RICHARD: Yes, Mr. President.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Ok. So maybe, Dr. Richard, just for the record, can
>> you summarize your request in question and what are your reasons for
>> both of your requests.
>> DR. RICHARD: We are in the middle of an election campaign and then it
>> is the new government that we will have that will give New Brunswick
>> Power the new mandate. In this mandate, that can change the year 2027,
>> because if I'm not mistaken, the year 2027 we will see 20 percent
>> equity. This is to renovate the Mactaquac dam. But, if you think about
>> the Mactaquac dam, I wish Government x hadn't started spending on this
>> project yet. Do not repeat errors at Site C Dam in British Columbia or
>> Muskrat Falls Dam in Newfoundland and Labrador. This Mactaquac
>> renovation project needs to be studied in depth for several reasons.
>> Let’s not repeat the mistake of advanced metering infrastructure by
>> signing contracts and spending 10 percent of the project before
>> considering the project. For the few times that I have participated in
>> these bodies, New Brunswick Power has told us that their production of
>> Mactaquac is insufficient because there is not enough water in the
>> Saint John River to turn the turbids. . This is only one reason.
>> That’s why it’s important to reread NB Power’s mandate, which tells us
>> to eliminate investment and then research until we get 20 percent
>> equity. But it is obvious that with our current financial situation,
>> we will not have it in 2027. Unless we unduly increase the electricity
>> bill rates. And also, we are in the midst of a pandemic. We see it
>> with all the restrictions. There is fear in the eyes of people. These
>> impacts of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 are important for the
>> health system, the economy of Canada and especially for our province.
>> As I told you earlier, I see in my company, people are afraid to go
>> out. And then they don't have any money to spend. Because a lot of
>> them lost their jobs. New Brunswick is now recognized to be the
>> poorest province in Canada. Electricity is important to us. It affects
>> the price of all things. And then, before the pandemic we were told
>> that the cost of fuel for our electricity production was less
>> expensive than the beginning. Just this reason justifies not
>> increasing electricity rates. And then, for instance 452 for the
>> advanced metering infrastructure. We learned that it was costing us a
>> million less. That's already a reason to eliminate 458. One of the
>> reasons. During the proceeding, we received an unprecedented number of
>> letters from the public. Everyone except the union letter was in favor
>> of expressing people's dismay at this new increase in the cost of
>> electricity. Remember, these letters only represent the people who
>> bothered to write. Many have not written but are of the same opinion.
>> Social peace or the well-being of people is essential in all
>> societies. If we change a little our mentality or our direction that
>> the NB Power company is taking, such as at the board level or at the
>> management level or in government. Assuming the government changes,
>> the government, which will change in a few days, may change the
>> mandate of NB Power. Or suddenly the Mactaquac power plant is more of
>> a project. That’s why I wonder if it’s safe to make a decision on our
>> rates right now without knowing what the government expects from us.
>> We can buy, for example, we can buy electricity from Quebec, from
>> renewable sources at a lower price than we can produce. We can rent
>> our transmission lines so that neighboring jurisdictions can transport
>> their electricity. It would be a source of income. Also learned that I
>> believe in four unions its due for new contracts. Where are we in this
>> discussion?
>> There is too much confidential document in the evidence. It must
>> change. And then, it's often complicated for normal people who aren't
>> accountants or they aren't lawyers. The common people may have the
>> chance to participate in these discussions. It's kinda important these
>> things because we're all affected by it. You know salaries over $
>> 100,000 all of us, probably we have. But we represent very little of a
>> small percentage of the population. I can't remember, I know it's hard
>> to run these meetings but I can only remember twice that Mr. Amos has
>> been showing the door. That’s a shame. Yet he is a good citizen.
>> The cost of electricity must represent the real cost of production and
>> not just a part. It is important that if the tariffs do not include
>> all the costs in the present moment, it is the future generations who
>> will pay for the mistakes of our generation. We see an example of this
>> with the recent approval of the IMA and its costs which are reported
>> in the future. And we have come to a point where environmental issues
>> in the province require thoughtful decisions. The IMA approval and dam
>> renovation is not good for the environment. As soon as I think of the
>> glyphosate sprinkles. Paragraph 131 of the law tells us that the
>> commission.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: What are you referring to, Dr. Richard? Are you
>> referring to the law on electricity?
>> DR. RICHARD: Yes that must be it, 131 of the law. Any order or
>> decision made by the commission under this Act or the regulations has
>> such terms or conditions as it considers necessary in the public
>> interest. Public interest are the most important words. I know that
>> all of our corporate rights are just an illusion. Each commission or
>> government has too much power over us and the environment. To come
>> back to my point two, we are in the middle of an election campaign.
>> Remember that during the 2018 election campaign, Mr. Gallant promised
>> to freeze electricity rates for 3 years. And then it was his
>> government that had refused the smart meters at that time. This is to
>> say that the mandate of NB Power may change. That’s why we shouldn’t
>> make decisions now. We have to wait and see that it will be the next
>> government. And then like Mr. Furey said, we can't cancel the 458
>> instance, but maybe we can say that there is no rate increase, until
>> the 477 instance. And then we study it again at that time. I believe,
>> Mr. President, that these are the most important points of my
>> concerns. Thank you.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much Dr. Richard. Just to go back to
>> your last point you made regarding the quashing of the 458 proceeding.
>> And then maybe I'll ask Ms. Mitchell to put section 103.6 on the
>> screen so everyone can see. this provision on the law of electricity.
>> Until she does that, the point that Maitre Furey was making this
>> morning, Dr Richard. It was because he questioned the jurisdiction of
>> the commission. I'm not going to rephrase what he was saying, it was
>> that we didn't have the jurisdiction to set aside a proceeding and
>> then if you look at section 103.6 or section 103.6 of the Electricity
>> Act. Just wondering if Mrs. Mitchell can put it a big bigger. Then I
>> will read the section in French, Dr. Richard. Said, once the section
>> 127 hearing is concluded, the commission approves the tariffs. If you
>> read the English section, the English section says that the commission
>> must approve the rates. So I think I'm just trying to understand your
>> position with respect to whether the commission has that jurisdiction
>> to be able to quash a proceeding when it has heard all the evidence.
>> Based on the law, I believe Maitre Furey's point of view is that we do
>> not have that jurisdiction to overrule the proceeding based on that
>> section. Could I have your, and if you need a little time to read
>> section 103.6, take the time needed but I think it's very clear at
>> 103.6 when a hearing is over, we have to either approve reasonable
>> rates or fix other rates. That after that, set a date. After that, ask
>> the company to file with us the schedule or an update of the rate
>> schedules.
>> DR. RICHARD: Yes, I understand and accept that, that's for sure. So, I
>> would ask that you accept at that time a zero percent tariff increase.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: So are you withdrawing your request for point A that
>> you have when you indicate that you are asking the commission to quash
>> the proceeding?
>> DR. RICHARD: That's an interesting question. I think the points I am
>> making with my motion are very important.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: I don't want to insist you make a decision without
>> having, I'm just trying to understand your position on the
>> cancellation of the proceeding but if you take a good look at 103.6. I
>> question whether the commission has the right to do that or not.
>> DR. RICHARD: Yeah, maybe I should have chosen other words in my
>> motion. Perhaps I should have said instead to cancel the proceeding to
>> give a zero percent increase in electricity tariffs.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Ok, I understand your position. Mr. Herron, do you
>> have any questions for Dr. Richard?
>> I didn't hear you Mr. Herron. I apologize. Maybe you nodded no, but I
>> didn't see you, that's why.
>> MR. HERRON: Is it fine now?
>> MR. HERRON: No question.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Mr. Costello, any questions?
>> MR. COSTELLO: No questions.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you. Thanks, Dr. Richard. Mr. Furey, do
>> you have any comments to make regarding Dr. Richard’s notice of
>> motion.
>> MR. FUREY: Yes, thank you, Mr. Vice-Chair. Just a few very brief
>> comments. I think the Board understands our position that the motion
>> as filed should not be granted based on the appropriate interpretation
>> of section 103 sub (6) in particular the Board has an obligation to
>> render a decision with respect to all applications that are brought
>> before it. And so on that basis alone, the motion should be dismissed.
>> It strikes me though that as Dr. Richard has amended it orally this
>> afternoon, that that is a matter that was the substance of the
>> hearing, and the Board will make the decision it is going to make with
>> respect to the appropriate rate increase.
>> If I may, Mr. Vice-Chair, I am going to ask for permission to sort of
>> speak a little bit out of turn. Mr. Herron had asked with respect to
>> the first motion if I could provide a reference of a transcript to
>> where the financial impact was discussed in this year’s transcript,
>> and I have that if the Board would give me leave to refer to it.
>> MR. FUREY: So at page 371 and 372 of the transcript, this is
>> cross-examination by Mr. Stoll and the response provided, at the top
>> of page 372 indicates that the delay in - monthly delay in the rate
>> increase would be between 2 and 3 million dollars per month.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Furey. Anything further regarding the
>> motion of Dr. Richard, Mr. Furey?
>> MR. FUREY: No, thank you, Mr. Vice-Chair.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Mr. Stewart, anything?
>> MR. STEWART: Nothing to add, Mr. Vice-Chair.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Mr. Stoll, anything to add?
>> MR. STOLL: Nothing, sir.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. And Ms. Black, anything to add?
>> MS. BLACK: No, nothing. Thank you.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Dr. Richard, I'll give you final words if
>> you have any other things you want the committee to consider in
>> relation to your motion.
>> DR. RICHARD: No, neither does his. It’s just caution because we are
>> changing governments. It’s more.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Ok, I appreciate your comments, Dr. Richard. Thanks
>> for the motion.
>> Mr. Letson, is there anything further that the Board should consider
>> regarding either the motion that was filed by NB Power and the motion
>> that was filed by Dr. Richard?
>> MR. LETSON: No, Mr. Chair, I believe all procedures are complete.
>> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you. So having heard all the submissions,
>> the Board will take that into deliberations and as soon as we have a
>> decision regarding both motions, we will be filing our ruling on
>> motion to the parties.
>> So the matter is now adjourned. Thank you.
>> (Adjourned)
>> Certified to be a true transcript of the
>> proceedings of this hearing, as recorded
>> by me, to the best of my ability.
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
>> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 17:40:58 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks since your blogging buddy
>> Chucky Leblanc and his IT Guy Faust have revealed their election
>> predictons it should be my turn N'esy Pas???
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>> Thank you for writing the Office of the Premier.  Due to the ongoing
>> election, your e-mail, if warranted, will be forwarded to the
>> appropriate department for a response.
>> If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
>> visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
>> Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au Cabinet du
>> premier ministre. En raison de l’élection en cours, votre courriel
>> sera, le cas échéant, transmis au ministère compétent pour qu’il y
>> réponde.
>> Si vous souhaitez obtenir les renseignements les plus récents sur le
>> coronavirus, veuillez consulter le
>> www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
>> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
>> P.O Box/C. P. 6000
>> Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
>> E3B 5H1
>> Canada
>> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
>> Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier.ministre@gnb.ca
>> On 9/14/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> First enjoy dumb and dumber
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F9e7p9Vxmw
>>> Predictions of the 2020 New Brunswick Election are made by Blogger and
>>> Andre Faust!!
>>> •Sep 14, 2020
>>> Now feel free to laugh at mine
>>> PED 01 - Restigouche West
>>> Gilles LePage    Liberal   (Charles Thériault Green maybe)
>>> PED 02 - Campbellton-Dalhousie
>>> Guy H. Arseneault  Liberal
>>> PED 03 - Restigouche-Chaleur
>>> Daniel Guitard   Liberal
>>> PED 04 - Bathurst West-Beresford
>>> René Legacy   Liberal
>>> PED 05  - Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore
>>> Denis Landry   Liberal
>>> PED 06 – Caraquet
>>> Isabelle Thériault  Liberal
>>> PED 07 - Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou
>>> Eric Mallet  Liberal
>>> PED 08 - Tracadie-Sheila
>>> Keith Chiasson   Liberal
>>> PED 09 - Miramichi Bay-Neguac
>>> Lisa Harris  Liberal
>>> PED 10 – Miramichi
>>> Michelle Conroy   People's Alliance
>>> PED 11 - Southwest Miramichi-Bay du Vin
>>> Jake Stewart Progressive Conservative  Art O'Donnell People's Alliance
>>> (maybe)
>>> PED 12 - Kent North
>>> Arsehole Arsenault Green Meanie Bertrand LeBlanc  Liberal (maybe)
>>> PED 13 - Kent South
>>> Benoit Bourque   Liberal
>>> PED 14 - Shediac Bay-Dieppe
>>> Robert Gauvin     Liberal
>>> PED 15 - Shediac-Beaubassin-Cap-Pelé
>>> Jacques LeBlanc Liberal
>>> PED 16 - Memramcook-Tantramar
>>> Megan Mitton Green Maxime Bourgeois    Liberal (maybe)
>>> PED 17 – Dieppe
>>> Roger Melanson Liberal
>>> PED 18 - Moncton East
>>> Daniel Allain Progressive Conservative Monique LeBlanc     Liberal
>>> (maybe)
>>> PED 19 - Moncton Centre
>>> Rob McKee  Liberal
>>> PED 20 - Moncton South
>>> Tyson Milner  Liberal      Greg Turner Progressive Conservative (maybe)
>>> PED 21 - Moncton Northwest
>>> Ernie Steeves    Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 22 - Moncton Southwest
>>> Sherry Wilson  Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 23 – Riverview
>>> R. Bruce Fitch    Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 24 – Albert
>>> Mike Holland   Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 25 - Gagetown-Petitcodiac
>>> Ross Wetmore   Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 26 - Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins
>>> Tammy Scott-Wallace  Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 27 – Hampton
>>> Gary E. Crossman  Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 28 – Quispamsis
>>> Blaine M. Higgs    Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 29 – Rothesay
>>> Hugh J. (Ted) Flemming   Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 30 - Saint John East
>>> Glen Savoie        Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 31 - Portland-Simonds
>>> Trevor A. Holder    Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 32 - Saint John Harbour
>>> Arlene Dunn   Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 33 - Saint John Lancaster
>>> K. Dorothy Shephard   Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 34 - Kings Centre
>>> Bill Oliver     Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 35 - Fundy-The Isles-Saint John West
>>> Andrea Anderson-Mason  Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 36 - Saint Croix
>>> Kathy Bockus   Progressive Conservative  Rod Cumberland  People's
>>> Alliance (maybe)
>>> PED 37 - Oromocto-Lincoln-Fredericton
>>> Steven Burns   Liberal
>>> PED 38 - Fredericton-Grand Lake
>>> Kris Austin   People's Alliance
>>> PED 39 - New Maryland-Sunbury
>>> Jeff Carr   Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 40 - Fredericton South
>>> David Coon      Green
>>> PED 41 - Fredericton North
>>> Jill Green    Progressive Conservative Stephen horseman Liberal (maybe)
>>> PED 42 - Fredericton-York
>>> Rick DeSaulniers       People's Alliance
>>> PED 43 - Fredericton West-Hanwell
>>> Dominic Cardy    Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 44 - Carleton-York
>>> Richard Ames  Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 45 – Carleton
>>> Bill Hogan    Progressive Conservative
>>> PED 46 - Carleton-Victoria
>>> Andrew Harvey        Liberal         Margaret Johnson Progressive
>>> Conservative (maybe)
>>> PED 47 - Victoria-La Vallée
>>> Chuck Chiasson Liberal   Roland Michaud   Independent  (maybe
>>> PED 48 - Edmundston-Madawaska Centre
>>> Jean-Claude (JC) D'Amours     Liberal
>>> PED 49 - Madawaska Les Lacs-Edmundston
>>> Francine Landry     Liberal
>>> 20  Liberals
>>> 23   Progressive Conservatives
>>> 3    PANB
>>> 3  Green
>>> On 9/11/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRxk5M9TDHU
>>>> Roy Wiggins wins Liberal Fredericton-South Nomination by one Vote!!!
>>>> •Jun 9, 2014
>>>> Charles LeBlanc
>>>> 1.83K subscribers
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cimqhsdqpes
>>>> New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs is confronted by blogger during
>>>> media scrum and afterwards!!!
>>>> •Sep 4, 2020
>>>> Charles Leblanc
>>>> 1.86K subscribers
>>>> On 9/11/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Now Wiggins and Cullins know some of what everybody else knows
>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/Roy-Wiggins-PC-Candidate-for-Fredericton-Grand-Lake-109660960859401/about/?ref=page_internal&path=%2FRoy-Wiggins-PC-Candidate-for-Fredericton-Grand-Lake-109660960859401%2Fabout%2F
>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/ryancullinsconservative/?ref=nf&hc_ref=ARQywze6YQEOxZQqUkE6l9rGhGX39yZAdZsTGYSiF6x6EAL8D_uadCEnYMDgD04clAc
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
>>>>> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 11:31:27 +0000
>>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy whereas Roland Michaud said he
>>>>> still has respect for YOU it explains why he did not call me back to
>>>>> discuss the EUB hearing yesterday and why I no longer wish to speak to
>>>>> him N'esy Pas???
>>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>>>>> Thank you for writing the Office of the Premier.  Due to the ongoing
>>>>> election, your e-mail, if warranted, will be forwarded to the
>>>>> appropriate department for a response.
>>>>> If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
>>>>> visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
>>>>> Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au Cabinet du
>>>>> premier ministre. En raison de l’élection en cours, votre courriel
>>>>> sera, le cas échéant, transmis au ministère compétent pour qu’il y
>>>>> réponde.
>>>>> Si vous souhaitez obtenir les renseignements les plus récents sur le
>>>>> coronavirus, veuillez consulter le
>>>>> www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.
>>>>> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
>>>>> P.O Box/C. P. 6000
>>>>> Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
>>>>> E3B 5H1
>>>>> Canada
>>>>> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
>>>>> Email/Courriel: premier@gnb.ca/premier.ministre@gnb.ca
>>>>> Roland Michaud says he misunderstood the meme that got him scrubbed
>>>>> from PC slate
>>>>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/roland-michaud-provincial-election-1.5719457
>>>>> Former PC candidate blames sexual abuse as child for transphobic post
>>>>> Roland Michaud says he misunderstood the meme that got him scrubbed
>>>>> from PC slate
>>>>> Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: Sep 10, 2020 6:37 PM AT
>>>>> Deja Vu Anyone?
>>>>> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2020/09/pc-candidate-roland-michaud-asked-to.html?showComment=1599820901935#c427970140699305698
>>>>> Thursday, 10 September 2020
>>>>> PC candidate Roland Michaud asked to withdraw after transphobic post
>>>>> https://twitter.com/DavidRayAmos/with_replies
>>>>> David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
>>>>> Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
>>>>> Methinks much to Higgy's chagrin I manged to speak to Roland Michaud
>>>>> personally and liked the guy so it should be obvious why I hope he
>>>>> wins the seat as an Independent N'esy Pas?
>>>>> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2020/09/pc-candidate-roland-michaud-asked-to.html
>>>>>  #nbpoli #cdnpoli
>>>>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-roland-michaud-transphobic-post-blaine-higgs-1.5714770
>>>>> PC candidate Roland Michaud asked to withdraw after transphobic post
>>>>> WARNING: This story includes details some people might find offensive
>>>>> Alexandre Silberman, Gail Harding · CBC News · Posted: Sep 07, 2020
>>>>> 3:19
>>>>> PM
>>>>> AT
>>>>>     Unknown 10 September 2020 at 20:08
>>>>>     WTF is with these guys?
>>>>>     Instead of, at least, pretending he is a "man" and owning what he
>>>>> posted, just tonight Roland Michaud claims he was abused, and that is
>>>>> his reason for posting what he did. Could a politician get any more
>>>>> slippery?
>>>>> MotorcycleManiacLtd 11 September 2020 at 07:41
>>>>>         I was wondering the same thing



















Six months later: Union says employees at N.B. entry points face burnout


---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 11:54:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks the dragonslayer Madame Conroy
should cross the floor because I have no doubt Higgy would make her
the Minister of Heritage immediately N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for taking the time to write to us.

Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note
that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your

If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
visit www.gnb.ca/coronavirus<http://www.gnb.ca/coronavirus>.

If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at
(506) 453-2144.

Thank you.


Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.

Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons
quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.

Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus,
veuillez visiter

S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le
Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144.


Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
P.O Box/C. P. 6000
Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-

E3B 5H1
Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 08:54:17 -0300
Subject: Methinks the dragonslayer Madame Conroy should cross the
floor because I have no doubt Higgy would make her the Minister of
Heritage immediately N'esy Pas?
To: Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca, premier.ministre@gnb.ca,
voteryancullins@outlook.com, roy4fgl@gmail.com, "kris.austin"
<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, "rick.desaulniers"<rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>,
"Holland, Mike (LEG)"<mike.holland@gnb.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "mary.wilson"<mary.wilson@gnb.ca>,
"carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, "Stephane.vaillancourt"
<Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "Roger.L.Melanson"<roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, terry.seguin@cbc.ca,
Charles.Murray@gnb.ca, aip-aivp@gnb.ca, mark@huddle.today,
perry.brad@radioabl.ca, "sylvie.gadoury"
<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, jefferson@ufoparty.ca,
cfta@eastlink.ca, votemaxime@gmail.com,
heather.collins.panb@gmail.com, lglemieux@rogers.com, nobyrne@unb.ca,
"steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>, Newsroom
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Robert. Jones"
<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>


Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Content disabled
Cry me a river

#cdnpoli #nbpoli


Six months later: Union says employees at N.B. entry points face burnout

Department of Public Safety employees doing border screening need relief, union says


Tori Weldon· CBC News· Posted: Sep 24, 2020 7:00 AM AT


People entering New Brunswick are asked questions as part of the province's efforts to keep COVID-19 from spreading. Most of the people working at entry points have been removed from their normal duties in government. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)

Six months after the province enacted border controls to slow the spread of COVID-19, the union representing most Department of Public Safety employees says it's time to send in reinforcements.

In March, provincial employees were reassigned to screen people wanting to enter the province at one of 11 points of entry, including three airports and the ferry terminal in Saint John.

Susie Proulx-Daigle, president of the New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees, said about 100 of her members have been affected, and pulling double duty is taking its toll.

"There's so much burnout," she said.

Union president Susie Proulx-Daigle said about 100 of her members have been trying to do two jobs at once and its taking a toll. (CBC)

"People are out on leave, people are sick," she added, which only exacerbates the problem.

Forest rangers, conservation officers, commercial vehicle enforcement officers, off road vehicle enforcement officers, national safety code investigators, general investigative service members, corrections officers,  sheriffs, public health inspectors and administrative staff have been recruited to work at the border.   

Proulx-Daigle said that when the province declared a state of emergency, the union was flexible.

Employees from correctional services, sheriff services and provincial enforcement programs like conservation, highway safety, and off-road safety have been reassigned to screen people at the province's points of entry. (CBC/Alexandre Silberman)

"The government asked us to sign on to a mobility agreement, where they can reassign people to different duties as needed," which the union did.

"And they've been going full out since March, since this all started."

The borders are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with shifts starting at  7 a.m. and 7 p.m. lasting 12 hours.

Proulx-Daigle said most of her members work at the border four days in a row, then have four days off, but that's not where the work ends.

"During the four off, they need to put in some [time] to try and and at least touch the surface of what's going on in their regular job," she said.


The province has set up checkpoints at 11 points of entry, including airports and the ferry terminal in Saint John. (CBC)

She said she's heard that some union members have been denied vacation time this summer because of short staffing, and others were only able to take a maximum of one week.

"Usually during the summer, that's when they get they get a chance to kind of R and R," she said.

"But they haven't had that this year."

Relief could be on the way in the form of new hires.

The province released the COVID-19Fall Pandemic Response and Preparedness Plan 2020 mid-August.

It states that border screenings will most likely last "well into 2021" when New Brunswick's, "population and health-care system [are]no longer under significant threat from COVID-19."

A long line of traffic, on the left, heads toward a checkpoint to enter New Brunswick on July 8. (Alexandre Silberman/CBC)

The document also concedes that there were, "stressors becoming evident," to the border-control staffing plan, making it necessary to recruit more people. 

Coreen Enos, a communications officer with the Department of Public Safety, wrote in an email that 43 new armed peace officers have been hired and trained.

The pandemic response plan said the goal was to have Public Safety running at, "50 per cent of its traditional capacity for enforcement of provincial legislation," with all the hiring and training completed "by September."

No one from the department was made available to say if the goal was reached, or if more recruiting is being done. 

Proulx-Daigle said the new recruits are a positive step, and she hopes there are more on the way to relieve overworked employees.

Compliance officers check vehicles at the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border near Amherst. (Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press)

"They're very committed to their job," she said.

But before the pandemic, these employees were doing important work in many areas, such as food inspection, road safety, and enforcing wildlife legislation.

"It's important they get back to where they they need to be, which is the job they were hired to do," said Proulx-Daigle.

About the Author

Tori Weldon


Tori Weldon is a reporter based in Moncton. She's been working for the CBC since 2008.


Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Content disabled
Cry me a river
Steve Ryan
Don't complain too loud. There are many people out there with no jobs.
Maybe they need a course in how easy it is to pay your bills from the paycheque that arises after you do your simple job. They have absolute authority so should relax and explain the issues to people without stressing.
Wayne Mac Arthur
Susie needs more members paying more dues. No dues paid on OT.
Bob Sacamanau 
Nobody going out to maritimes at this time of year, take them down
Bill Vasseur 
They think they're stressed out now wait till it's time to negotiate a new contract with that penny pinching Higgs, that will really stress them out.
David Peters
Reply to @Bill Vasseur:
The Saint John Harbour PC MLA was a union boss for a long time, fyi.
Rob Leblanc
Reply to @David Peters: Sounds about right. Union bosses tend not give a snot about the little guy.
Steve Ryan
Reply to @David Peters:
And now he'll be seeing the other side of the coin.
James Smythe  
Great, so open the “borders” then. This has gone on for about 4 months too long already.
Rob LeBlanc 
Not sure if it was a conscious editorial decision to stop using the term 'borders' and opt for 'entry points' instead, but if it was I'm sure that this subtle change is appreciated by sensible NBers and other Canadians who believe in the rule of law.
Anne Bérubé  
Reply to @Rob LeBlanc: But you can fly in and out of this country. Sure the borders are closed....
Alison Jackson 
I am on the front lines in my company trying to keep people away from each other, wearing masks, hygiene sanitizing, actively testing anyone who needs to enter the facility. It's hard work and extremely mentally exhausting especially with the people who don't give a s***. I'm not unionized and against unions in many ways, but I can sympathize with the border workers.
Carl Bainbridge 
Reply to @Alison Jackson: It is times like this when you start to understand how important a strong worker centric union actually is.
Reply to @Alison Jackson: Your job is challenging arguing with customers, but border guards have 100% authority so must have soft skins if they are stressed out telling people this. "Nope, you can't get in because you don't have the right papers." BGs job complaint is similar to a custom officer saying he is burnt out, when he has all the authority in the world.
Reply to @Carl Bainbridge: Maybe they need a course in how easy it is to pay your bills from the paycheque that arises after you do your simple job.
Rudy Hicks 
Need to support these folks on the front line, doing very important work.
Rob LeBlanc
Reply to @Rudy Hicks: The important work is being done by us, everyday NBers. Having guns and uniforms doesn't automatically make work 'important', and in this case it makes it superfluous and heavy-handed. 
Dan Short
Reply to @Rudy Hicks:
Let's see grocery store worker making 25k a year vs desk jockeys on the border msking 60k a year before overtime...
Rob LeBlanc 
Reply to @Dan Short: Here! Here!
Wayne Wright  
Reply to @Dan Short: your numbers are really overblown.
Brian Robertson
Unions always say crap like that.
It's in their DNA.
Dan Short 
Reply to @Brian Robertson:
The problem with unions today is that they are big business. It's not about the employee but how to make more money to keep the organization going,
Jake Quinlan 
Reply to @Dan Short: The formula is: maximum # full time/part-time permanent employees X maximum hourly pre-overtime wage X maximum % skimmed off of GROSS (not net) pre-overtime wages earned as union dues = maxium revenue for the union. Everytime a union boss opens her/his mouth, this is being calculated in her/his brain.
Dan Short  
Reply to @Jake Quinlan:

Wayne Wright
Reply to @Jake Quinlan: crazy comment
Kimberley Trenholm
Wow, I can’t believe we are having a discussion about masking 2 year olds. Toddlers are unpredictable. They rarely sit still, turn their noses at food and medications, nap times, bedtimes. They are predictably unpredictable. In some countries, and airlines, the age requirement is a lot higher. It’s not a universal requirement at two. I fear the adult who sits next to me on a plane more, who has been God knows where, and removes the mask to eat. A two year old is less likely to transmit the virus. Honestly, there are meditating circumstances for some people having to fly with children. A sibling on a waiting list for surgery trumps all your insensitive paranoid delusions. The problem lay within the airline, not you Karen’s who now are desensitized. Age of entitlement? That’s your rebuttal? Who the heck made them that way???




Throne speech won't get Canadians back to work, Conservative MP charges




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks everybody knows about the battles between Rob Moore and I by now

#cdnpoli #nbpoli


We both lost this election N'esy Pas?


Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local Campaign, Rogers TV

Oct 1, 2015


Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks many Maritimers should agree that whereas I have ran against this political lawyer 3 times thus far I should be entitled to post my opinions in opposition to his N'esy Pas?




 #cdnpoli #nbpoli




Throne speech won't get Canadians back to work, Conservative MP charges

‘There’s the built-in disincentive for people to take available work’

Kevin Yarr· CBC News· Posted: Sep 25, 2020 12:03 PM AT

Rob Moore, Conservative critic for Atlantic Canada, accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of proroguing Parliament as a diversion. (CBC)

There is nothing in Wednesday's throne speech that will solve some of the fundamental problems with the federal government's support for workers during the pandemic, says Conservative MP Rob Moore.

Moore, the MP for Fundy Royal in New Brunswick and the Atlantic Canada representative in the Conservative caucus, said the speech was largely a rehash of things the Liberal government was already talking about.

"What in this speech from the throne speaks to the need to get people back to work and get our economy going again? Once again, very little mention for Atlantic Canada," Moore told Island Morning host Mitch Cormier.

Moore took particular issue with CERB and the program being proposed to replace it.

"In these programs, both CERB and the transition to an enhanced EI, there's the built-in disincentive for people to take available work," he said.

"I'm hearing that from constituents and small businesses. They say, look, I want to go back to work or I need to fill vacancies for employees and I can't do that because of the government's system."

Avoiding WE scandal

Moore said proroguing Parliament for a new throne speech was unnecessary.

"The anticipation, many felt, was, OK, there's going to be something in here that helps us get through this next year," he said.

"In fact, what we see is proroguing Parliament was just about ending the multiple investigations … into the WE scandal. By proroguing Parliament all of those House of Commons committees had to stop their work."

Conservatives have a plan to support Canadians while encouraging them to return to the workforce, Moore said, but the government didn't choose to follow up on any of those suggestions.

With files from Island Morning

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices



46 Comments                                                                                                                          Commenting is now closed for this story.




David Amos
Methinks many Maritmers should agree that whereas I have ran against this political lawyer 3 times thus far I should be entitled to post my opinions opposition to his N'esy Pas? 





David Amos                                                                                                                                      Content disabled                                                                                                                              Methinks everybody knows about the battles between Rob Moore and I by now N'esy Pas? 





David Amos
Content disabled

David Amos
Content disabled
Fundy Royal Debate

David Peters
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos:
You did well in that debate, imo. It really showed that Moore is a neo con. Of course, blue, red, orange and green all think they know how to spend our $ better than we do.
Al Clark
Content disabled 
Reply to @David Amos: I like chocolate 
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Al Clark: I know a lot of people in Hampton SC where they filmed Mr Gump's doings 
Fox Blew
Are there any Red Tories out there anymore?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Fox Blew: Methinks they went the way of the Dodo bird when Elsie Wayne quit in 2004 N'esy Pas? 
Serious Reader  
MP Rob Moore...sir you have your (guaranteed) job and paycheck so you can certainly afford to deal with whatever Covid throws your way...What about those who don't have that option? Some have no other choice than to go with CERB...or starve, lose their homes/cars etc...Bills need to be paid...so unless you want to jump in and pay those bills for people who are hurting, I suggest you keep your "vindictive" comments to yourself.
David Amos 
Reply to @Serious Reader: I Wholeheartedly Agree
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Serious Reader: And the reason people are in the predicament you describe is because of poor decisions. Look at countries in Europe, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, all fully open and back to work AND the classroom including Canadians in universities there. The 10 lane highway south of Amsterdam is the busiest I have ever seen it. Current deaths similar to here in Canada which by the way is lower than for every, every, cause that StatsCan carries except for the category "Information Unavailable”. Your issue is with the current PM and his cabinet which is clearly incompetent.
JOhn D Bond
Complete nonsense. More likely part time hours at minimum wage that simply perpetuates poverty. Offer a living wage and full time hours and people will be happy to work.
Would be very interested to hear about the Conservative plan. How it will help that avg person and small business and how much that will cost the taxpayers.
We have way to much noise involved in politics and not enough work by all of the politicians.
David Amos
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: I concur 

Bruce Sanders 
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: remove all the restrictions that the current governments have put in place. that is free.

"not enough work by all of the politicians." The PM ought to be leading this, but he does not have the capabilities and they don't have any skin in the game. Reduce the salary by 50% and eliminate all benefits of every elected official and the top 2 levels of the bureaucracy. Watch them all make different decisions salary benefits restored when the unemployment rate is back down to 5% and the government spending is back to 2019 levels. Netherlands unemployment at 4.5% now after being fully open for this entire 3rd Quarter. Canada at 10.2%

JOhn D Bond 
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: So remove restrictions and expose people to significantly more risk. That sounds like a winning idea.As for skin in the game, and reducing comp of the politicians that might work somewhat. But the whole issue is about Conservatives saying there is no plan and blaming the Liberals. My point is/was the Conservatives have no plan and your two suggestions would certainly not be a plan. How does that help employment, climate change, ltc facilities, and the list goes on and on
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: " So remove restrictions and expose people to significantly more risk. That sounds like a winning idea"

What risk? We are almost at October 1. April is long gone.
95% of Canada's deaths related to Covid were prior to July 13.
Since the peak in early May mortality is lower by 96%.
The current death rate from Covid is lower than for every, every, cause that StatsCan carries except for the category "Information Unavailable”.
The reason Canadians agreed to stay home was to not overwhelm the healthcare system and that objective was achieved a. long time ago and is nowhere threatened.
99.98% of Canadians are left to pick up the societal and financial mess that the previous decisions have created.
Other countries, such as in the EU, have similar current stats as Canada. 95% of deaths in The Netherlands occurred before June 4, Germany - June 26, and Sweden - July 6

Canada will be left behind for decades with the plan being followed. The pandemic only exists by imagination, not by the data or the definition.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Not sure what axe you have to grind but just look at what is happening around the world. Wake up, it is a big issue again. Forget your cherry picked stats. The vast majority are only to happy to go along with the expert advice on the issue. Guess what, once again there is common consensus that the health care system is at risk of being overwhelmed. So in my mind they should be more stringent. But feel free to keep sticking your head in the sand. It is a free society
David Amos
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: At least you have a Medicare card
Terry Johnston
During my 70 years of existence. I've bought into Conservative rhetoric about the reasons for poverty - lazy people who don't want to work. Then I finally realized it was utter and complete nonsense and so very very very wrong. Everywhere a guaranteed annual income has been tested it has PROVEN results of less crime, less substance abuse, less spousal abuse, less physical and mental illness, higher scholastic achievement. AND IT COSTS LESS THAN WHAT WE ARE CURRENTLY DOING!! Expecting the Conservative to fix things is a fool's game. They won't! They can't.
Reply to @Terry Johnston: Like Trudeau has?
Terry Johnston
Reply to @RUSSELL CLARK: Like Trudeau has what?
Rose Hicken
Reply to @Terry Johnston: Before the throne speech I read several articles that said Trudeau's government would be making the guaranteed income their top priority. But it wasn't even mentioned. The government whether Liberal or Conservative want to keep poverty alive and well.
Terry Johnston
Reply to @Rose Hicken: Yes ma'am - that's why I vote GREEN! LOL
James Smythe
Reply to @Terry Johnston: This guy gets it.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Johnston: Well put
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Terry Johnston: I believe the UBI is a good policy ONLY if implemented correctly
1. The UBI needs to be placed into the Constitution (including #4 describing what is not permitted). I will never support UBI if instituted by statute. A Constitutional Conference could also be used as the opportunity to make other important changes – another discussion.
2. What constitutes basic income. To me, this is about “existence”. Not included then is money for a cell phone. No one “needs” a cell phone. Not included is money for a personal vehicle. No one “needs” to own a vehicle. This needs to be thoroughly thought through. The basic income amount needs to be in the Constitution. Here, this article states “It measures the basic necessities for living, including, housing, transportation, food, clothing and heat.” What exactly does this mean? To me, it’s an existence level, perhaps not even at the poverty level which always strikes me as high, and I have been broke twice in my life.
3. Once the amount is decided, the escalation factor needs to be decided. UBI will have to increase over time, I support this. How would this be determined? More thought required and this also needs to be in the Constitution.
4. The UBI MUST replace all other forms of payments, and credits (including income tax credits), from government. This includes EI, CPP, all income tax credits (federal and provincial), GST credits and so on. All other forms of any payment from the government. All of them. This is the economic win for Canadian taxpayers; you know, those who actually fund everything. 

Frank MacAulay
And ... this man wants to be part of making decisions for Canadians!! Sad!
David Amos
Reply to @Frank MacAulay: It worse than that
Rose Hicken
I would love to find out what the Conservatives have in mind but although I've searched online I haven't been able to find it. By saying what they are saying about CERB and the people who depend on it to survive they are shooting themselves in the foot. Who in their right mind would vote for a party that thinks all Canadians are lazy bums?
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Rose Hicken: Like they are!
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks you would feel better if you had voted for me N'esy Pas?
Buford Wilson
Rob is right on this one.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Buffoon Wilson: And wrong on everything else!
David Amos
Reply to @Buford Wilson: Yea Right 
Mike Hamilton
Meanwhile, jobs on the JobBank that would have been offering $17/hr are now offering $14/hr because employers know there are a lot of people out of work now and they no longer need to offer anything close to a living wage.
David Amos
Reply to @Mike Hamilton: Methinks the Fake Left fixed that today N'esy Pas?
Al Clark
It's pretty rich having Moore comment on laziness. A guy who graduated from bible U (tough eh?) and immediately went to "work" for Preston and hence has never. worked. a. single. day. in. his. LIFE. Shame on cerb for competing with slave labour rates paid by the people he REALLY represents! A laugh and a half!!!
David Amos 
Reply to @Al Clark: Methinks you should agree that unlike a box of chocolates political lawyers are very predictable N'esy Pas? 
Ron MacNeil 
Our own Premier King said the very same words. All Con's trumpet this line......"CERB makes people lazy." 
David Amos
Reply to @Ron MacNeil: Surprise Surprise Surprise  
Douglas James
How nice that this highly paid arrogant politician has no faith in the people he represents.
David Amos
Reply to @Douglas James: Go Figure 
James Smythe
So let me get this straight, more money makes people lazy. By this line of reasoning, I move for all politicians to reduce their salaries in line with the median wage in Canada, and forego their health benefits, since the majority of Canadians have to work 2-3 part time jobs, each of which keeps their hours just under full time so benefits don’t have to be provided. All politicians in favour say “I”.


David Amos
Reply to @James Smythe: I have said lots 
Pete Kropotkin
Used to work for this guy and his brother. Professional politician. His resume includes owning a one truck landscaping company, very briefly working as some sort of lawyer when he finished law school and then MP for Fundy Royal. Basically went from lawn mowing to suckling on the tite of Harper. He used to leave gd religious pamphlets in the truck for his 4 workers to read, so I guess he ain't changed.
David Amos
Reply to @Pete Kropotkin: Thank you for that

Methinks I should ask if you remember me constantly stress testing his integrity N'esy Pas?
Jay Henry
Reply to @Pete Kropotkin: Great anaylsis from the guy who cuts grass for a landscape company
David Amos
Reply to @Jay Henry: Methinks no doubt some folks would like to know what is it you do that makes you opinion more important N'esy Pas?  
Bruce Sanders
From the throne speech: "• “This pandemic is the most serious public health crisis Canada has ever faced”
Why has this not been called out by the ever loving press?

This statement in the speech is not anywhere close. Just over 100 years ago an estimated 50,000 Canadians died after contracting the Spanish Flu. This was 614 deaths per 100,000 people. After almost 8 months of Covid-19 in Canada, the death rate has been 25 deaths per 100,000 people and is currently lower than any cause of death for which StasCan tracks.

Currently, the death rate from Covid is lower than for every, every, cause that StatsCan carries except for the category "Information Unavailable”.

And all of this is the excuse for the other 25 pages of the speech.
David Amos
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Methinks you should consider running against Rob Moore next time the writ is dropped N'esy Pas?
Bruce Sanders 
Reply to @David Amos: Decided not to run in 2019, and was my one and only chance and I am happy with my decision. The long term solution is educating the youth of this country to think logically. It's a tough nut to crack.
David Amos
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Why? If you had witnessed a debate l had last fall at the High School in the town where Higgy and his buddy Moore hang their hat the youth would have changed your mind in a heartbeat





Pennfield woodpile sculptor creates biggest stack ever




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others                                                           
Hey Brian Methinks its interesting that your woodpile is noticed while my running for public office was ignored 7 times N'esy Pas? 

#cdnpoli #nbpoli


Pennfield woodpile sculptor creates biggest stack ever

Brian Golding decided to take a more meta route on his yearly tradition

CBC News· Posted: Sep 26, 2020 9:00 AM AT

The woodpile sculpture is called Chain Reaction, and Golding thinks it’s probably the biggest and most complex sculpture he has built so far. (Submitted by Brian Golding)

The year 2020 has been anything but normal for New Brunswickers, but a Pennfield man is maintaining an annual fall tradition that always brings a smile to people's faces. 

For the past four years Brian Golding has taken his winter wood and created large woodpile sculptures in his front yard.

He's made boats, fish and tigers, but he decided to go meta this year by constructing a massive chainsaw.

"I have to work with the idea that, you know, is compatible with the firewood because it can't be something that needs to be tremendously supported," said Golding.

"So I'd seen a picture of a chainsaw and I just said immediately, 'I know I can do that.'"

In 2018 Golding turned his woodpile into a tiger. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

He named the woodpile sculpture Chain Reaction and Golding thinks it's probably the biggest and most complex project he has ever done.

At 32 feet long and nine feet high, it has a level of intricate detail his other sculptures lacked.

"There's a lot of round pieces that come with our firewood," said Golding.

"So I used just strictly round pieces all the way around to make the chain, and you can tell when you look at it that it's different than the rest."

Distraction in trying times

While no woodpile sculpture is easy to build, Golding always enjoys the challenge and the reactions it provokes. But this year was a little more difficult than usual.

 "It was a really tough year for me. I went through a job change, that type of thing because of all the COVID stuff and I just didn't have the time to devote to it like I usually do."

Brian Golding created this woodpile fish sculpture at his home in Pennfield. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

Golding says the happiness he sees in people people driving by to look at the sculpture makes it all worthwhile.

"With the way things are today, if I can give somebody that one second of that little bit of happiness then that's all the satisfaction you could get from it," he said.

As the cold weather advances Chain Reaction will start to diminish. The logs in the sculpture are going to keep Golding warm this winter, but he hopes to keep it intact until at least Remembrance Day.

"I think a lot of people need a little light in their lives right now." 

With files from Information Morning Saint John



David Amos 
Hey Brian
David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks its interesting that your woodpile is noticed while my running for public office was ignored 7 times N'esy Pas?
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @David Amos: I thought you would try again this time.
David Amos 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Methinks you didn't pay attention to what I said during my last debate in Hampton in October of 2019 At least my prediction was correct N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: Because of who you are is why!! For writing things just like this. Your endless need for attention yet such a nobody who offers nothing!!!
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: No one watches your debates except for a good laugh. Your mental ill ness is showing today Dave
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: FYI I know Brian personally I sold him a new bike in 1984



Tiger woodpile dominates in Pennfield

Brian Golding turns his woodpile into art again this year

Jordan Gill· CBC News· Posted: Sep 11, 2018 5:11 PM AT

A wooden tiger will greet anyone who travels past Brian Golding's Pennfield home — at least until a cold spell hits. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

A New Brunswick man has turned his firewood into art for a second year in a row.

Last year, Brian Golding of Pennfield created a giant fish out of his woodpile.

This year, in an effort to up his game, he has created something a little more ferocious: a wooden tiger. 

Last year Golding created 'Fish Stix' out of his fire wood. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

Golding said he does the woodpile art because it gives him a creative outlet, although public pressure from last year also played a part.

"Once you've done something like this, people look for you to do it again, so there's that impetus on me as well," Golding said.

"I had to live up to that expectation."

Golding said he only worked on the project in his spare time across a month and a half.

His medium of choice has its limitations and frustrations, he said.

Golding said he originally started making woodpile creatures for fun but now feels he has a reputation to live up to. (Roger Cosman/CBC) 

"I tried to capture the essence of what I was trying to build, which wasn't the easiest thing to do with a fire log really," said Golding.

"There's only so many ways you can shape them … basically it's just firewood and pallets."

Golding said he wanted to add a bit of personality to the piece, an effort exemplified in the oversized googly-eyes the tiger sports.

As a medium for art, fire wood isn't the easiest to work with, says Golding. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

Golding also wanted to add some colour but couldn't use paint, since the wood is for heating his home, and he didn't want toxic fumes filling his house.

But he found a solution.

"I actually used a propane torch to burn the stripes on, which was fairly tedious doing it outdoors with the wind constantly blowing out the flame," said Golding.

Golding said there was a bit of trial and error in getting the tiger to look just right, mostly in the head.


Usually tigers don't have oversized googly eyes, but Golding's does. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

"This is about the fourth version of the head that I did," he said. 

"Everytime I would assemble it, I'd look at it and go 'No, it's not right.'"

Golding said that last year he tried to wait as long as possible before using the wood in his fire, and it wasn't easy to do.

Paint isn't the best thing to put on your firewood, so Golding burned the wood with a blowtorch to create stripes. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

"There was a bit of an empty feeling left afterwards, but at the same time I like the idea that it's only a temporary thing. 

"It gives people something to look forward to next year."

With files from Roger Cosman




Fish Stix: Pennfield man applies fishy touch to wood pile

'I'm going to give people something to look at,' says creator Brian Golding

Viola Pruss· CBC News· Posted: May 17, 2017 12:36 PM AT

A Pennfield man has taken the arduous task of ranking wood to a new, artistic level. 0:42

When Brian Golding received his annual supply of wood, he didn't just stack it next to his Pennfield house.

He stacked it in the shape of a large fish, with big eyes and a dorsal fin, on his front lawn.

The fish pile is so big, you can see it from his road in Pennfield, about 60 kilometres west of Saint John and not far from the Bay of Fundy.

He even gave it a name: Fish Stix.

Golding said the idea for his art piece came about when people complimented him on how perfectly straight he stacked his wood last year, he said.

So this year, he told his wife, "I'm going to give people something to look at."

Golding says people compliment him on how perfectly he stacks his wood. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

Golding calls his creation Fish Stix. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

The fish stack is so big, you can see it from the road. (Hal Mersereau/Twitter)

With files from Roger Cosman


CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices










































Property tax assessments to arrive next week after being split from bills




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks Higgy et al must know why my Father's Ghost is no doubt laughing at this attempt to appear ethical N'esy Pas?

#cdnpoli #nbpoli



Property tax assessments to arrive next week after being split from bills

Property will get assessment of property now, bill in the spring


Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Sep 25, 2020 4:27 PM AT


Lisa Dionne, the executive director of Service New Brunswick's property assessment services, said the separate documents make the Crown corporation's mandate more transparent. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Next week will mark the arrival in your mailbox of a long-discussed change to property tax assessments.

Service New Brunswick has split assessment notices — the official evaluation of the tax value of a property — from the bill that the owner must pay, creating two separate documents.

"We're happy to say that on Oct. 1, New Brunswickers will receive their first assessment notice," Lisa Dionne, the executive director of Service New Brunswick's Property Assessment Services, said Friday.

"With this separation this will allow us to have a more transparent, more clear mandate of what we need to deliver to New Brunswickers." 

Next week's notice won't include the actual tax amount owners will have to pay in the spring, because tax rates won't have been set by local governments yet.

The change will give the Crown corporation more time to review complaints and reconsider assessments before the owners receive their bills and must pay up. 

System revamp

Under the current system, both the assessment and the bill have arrived in March. In some cases the May 31 deadline for paying arrived before Service New Brunswick could complete a review into an owner's complaint.

Owners were required to pay even if the dispute was not resolved.

The 30-day period to apply for a review remains unchanged but officials will now have a lot more time to take a second look at a property before the owner has to pay.

Separating property assessment notices and property tax bills from each other was one of 25 recommendations made by New Brunswick Auditor General Kim MacPherson in 2017, following her review of that year's property assessment and tax controversy.

New Brunswick was one of only two provinces without separate assessment notices and bills.

Property tax snafu

In 2016, a new assessment system using aerial photography and sophisticated mathematics to evaluate properties was rushed into service ahead of schedule for the 2017 tax year.

It was expected the system would identify undervalued properties and unlock new tax revenues for the province.  

Instead it generated thousands of inflated property tax bills, and Service New Brunswick managers were then caught making up renovation amounts on some properties to justify some of the larger increases.

In 2016, a new assessment system was rushed into service ahead of schedule for the 2017 tax year. It was expected the system would identify undervalued properties and unlock new tax revenues for the province. Instead it generated thousands of inflated property tax bills. (CBC)

More than 18,000 New Brunswick property owners challenged their assessments that year because of the scandal, a mess that took months to untangle.

The splitting of assessments and bills is also triggering a change in timelines for municipal budgets, which rely on property tax revenue.

The government is looking at moving up the deadline by which cities, towns and villages must submit their annual budgets to the province from Nov. 30 to Nov. 15.

A draft regulation was posted online before the provincial election and is expected to be brought back after a new cabinet is sworn in next week.

For municipalities to meet that earlier Nov. 15 deadline, Service New Brunswick is committing to getting tax base information — the total assessed value of all properties within the municipalities — to mayors and councils next month. 

Quicker data

Margot Cragg of the Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick said cities, towns and villages need other data from the province, including road maintenance costing agreements, policing data and information from regional services commissions to set their budgets in time.

"There's a number of folks who need to provide numbers that then get plugged into the budgets," she said.

Margot Cragg of the Union of Municipalities of New Brunswick says cities, towns and villages need other data from the province, including road maintenance costing agreements, policing data and information from regional services commissions to set their budgets in time. (CBC)

Once municipalities set their local property tax rates, Service New Brunswick will use that information to calculate the individual tax bills to be sent to owners in March. 

Next week's assessment notices won't mark the end of Service New Brunswick's response to the 2017 assessment fiasco.

MacPherson's recommendations also included a more detailed assessment notice that would help New Brunswickers better understand how the value of their property had changed over time. 

This year's notice won't contain that information. Dionne said Service New Brunswick is still working on it and it will be implemented in years to come.

About the Author

Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 




Commenting is now closed for this story.




David Amos
Good night cruel world  


David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al must know why my Father's Ghost is no doubt laughing at this attempt to appear ethical N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Methinks many Maritimers know that Higgy's spin doctors are too dumb to know when to clam up N'esy Pas?
David Amos
I wounder if SNB has finally found the records on my Harley yet
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: I bet the Medicare card is right under the pile of Harley papers too Nesy Passsss??
David Amos
Methinks Minister Cardy and his significant other must have some interesting pillow talk N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: They can't deny the MP who was Cardy's best man was once the National Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation just like higgy's buddy Jason Kenney once was
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: What does that 6 degrees of separation have to do with absolutely anything? That you research the person lives of these people for no reason? Thats all I take from it.
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks Higgy's spin doctor wishes to overlook the fact that I ran against these people and their cohorts 7 times. Any wiseguy studies his political foes and their friends N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: No you're obsessed. Know the issues, play on that, not a who knows who as if they're all tied to a greater con spiracy and you'll drain the swamp LOL
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: And you didn't run against them.. considering yourself an actual candidate at the polls those 7 times let's your narcissism shine thru strongly.
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Speaking of conspiracies Say Hey to the RCMP for me will ya?
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: why don't you im sure you call them daily
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: They call me
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: Youre a real asset and wealth of useful knowledge i can understand why. Uneducated wannabe hill billy
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: I complained of you in writing and published the proof of what I state is true
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: Someone's feelings got hurt. Awww. Good job
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: As I said you are the Crown's problem not mine
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: I'm sure they'll throw heavy resources on someone who calls you out for you tro lling on here. BIGLY!!
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: I must confess that I nearly died laughing when I discovered that your buddy Cardy's bike reminded me of the Butter Tarts he used to tease me about.
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks everybody knows you are the no name tr o ll in here not I In fact you bragged about it just yesterday N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: Tell me again about running for Parliament, sueing the Queen or any other countless thread you hi Jack.. I miss it!!! Me me me me me me me!!!
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Higgy and my Father's Ghost and Cardy and Williamson's daddies and nearly everybody else knows why I was talking about taxation before you decided to slander me some more.

Furthermore before i am done with you Your words not mine Correct

"your narcissism shine thru strongly"

Methinks it blatantly obvious that you are the dude who likes himself the instant he posts something N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Cute. Go play in traffic you mental patient  
David Peters
Word has it that the Trudeau liberals have blown through nearly half a Trillion in borrowed taxpayer's money, since March...with no budget or accounting of those funds.
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Peters: Sounds like the SANB Liberals in NB with their UNDISCLOSED 130 million dollar giveaway of taxpayer dollars dollars to their select group before and during the election 2 years ago with nary a word to anyone other than their " insiders " !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Cry me a river
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: If he cries you an actual river would you finally take a bath in it?   
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should remind your cohort that you are woman N'esy Pas?
Donald LeBlanc
Also one of the only Provinces without the “Uniformity” principle which is the legislated right to compare assessments. Also one of the only Provinces with a double taxation issue. Why is NB always behind the rest of the Country?
Roy Nicholl
Reply to @Donald LeBlanc:
The "double taxation" predominately a misunderstanding of NB's version of a Homestead exemption. It is not that non-owner occupants (i.e. apartment owners, commercial properties) are taxed double, but that homeowners (owner occupants) receive a rebate/discount of the provincial portion of the property tax.

Additionally, at a rate of $1.1233/$100, the provincial portion of the property tax is somewhat less than 50%.
David Amos
Reply to @Roy Nicholl: Methinks you should explain that to a lot of seniors who owned their homes many years and see their property taxes double overnight N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Facts? What would you know about ownership of any kind?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks its awful tempting to feed Higgy's tr o ll s sometimes N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: I am as independent an NB citizen as anyone else on here. You're not important enough for the higher ups to waste resources on.
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks desperate sheople post desperate things N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: yes you're right you got me I'm running scared now and scrambling for cover hahaha.
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Thats why you use fake names Correct?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: real name. The others were to get under your skin. Mission accomplished
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Yea Right 
Clive Gibbons
I wonder if they're still going to try and make us believe a pulp mill and refinery are only worth $340M combined?
Douglas James
Reply to @Clive Gibbons: Or the $88 million Irving HQ in uptown Saint John is fairly assessed at just $56 million.
Robert L. Brown
Reply to @Douglas James: they are not going to explain it they are just going to ignore you
David Amos
Reply to @Robert L. Brown: Methinks that is what they do best N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You'd know all too well about the government ignoring you. But you created that by spamming them repeatedly
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks Higgy and you should talk to the two MPs who had their assistants call me last week before the Speech From The Throne No doubt your buddies in the RCMP were listening in N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Don't throw your back out on a desperate reach like that..
David White
I like how the person holding the envelope is actually happy they are spending more taxpayers money to create, yet again, more duplication in New Brunswick.
Roy Nicholl
Reply to @David White:
How so?
Having the assessment in advance of the bill being do, provides property owners with the ability to appeal an assessment without being under-the-gun to have the taxes paid.
Roy Nicholl
Reply to @Roy Nicholl:
The above should read "...in advance of the bill being due..."

Autocorrect can be funny at times.
James Deer
Reply to @Roy Nicholl: That was not what David White was talking about.
He was addressing the fact that it takes 3 (independent of the government) Taxpayers to pay for 1 Government Bureaucrat.
Roy Nicholl
Reply to @James Deer:
Not certain how you extrapolate that from the original post, but it appears to have involved extensive reading between the lines
David Amos
Reply to @Roy Nicholl: I didn't have to read too deep between the lines
John Pokiok
Can I get the assessor who assess Irving properties to assess mine too please. Mine bill just keeps on going up while his one keeps on dropping.
louella woods
Reply to @John Pokiok: Sorry only Higgs former employer gets that.
James Deer
Reply to @louella woods: So were others before, as will the next after Higgs.
You were saying?
David Amos
Reply to @James Deer: Oh so true
Paul Krumm
Why do we need an assessment and associated costs for what should be a simple mathematical function. Property area plus fee for each service. No arguments as to the value of any buildings, would save a fortune get rid of wasted government overheads and be a lot fairer than the convoluted mess we now have.
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Krumm: Methinks SNB should be audited N'esy Pas? 

Robert L. Brown
the gevornment has found another way to spend our money
David Amos
Reply to @Robert L. Brown: Yup 
James Deer
Amazing how many Bureaucrats are here to explain how 'Us Payers' don't understand the system.
David Amos
Reply to @James Deer: Yup 
Ben Haroldson
Them bureaucrats are some sly.
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Surely you jest


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