Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Supply of local food on 'verge of collapse' without foreign workers, say N.B. farming groups


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks the farmers should ask themselves why their spokespersons ignored me for years N'esy Pas?



Supply of local food on 'verge of collapse' without foreign workers, say N.B. farming groups

2,000 acres to go unplanted, with losses of $7 million

Jordan Gill· CBC News· Posted: May 21, 2020 12:24 PM AT

Temporary foreign workers have been barred from the province because of COVID-19. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

New Brunswick farming groups say the province's local food supply is on "the verge of collapse" because of the government's refusal to admit temporary foreign workers.

At a joint press conference, the National Farmers Union in New Brunswick, Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick, and Really Local Harvest said a survey of 18 farms suggests that 2,000 acres will go unplanted this season on those properties.

They claim this would result in the loss of $7 million for those 18 farms. The news conference was held the day after Premier Blaine Higgs indicated he might relent somewhat on the ban.

"In order to ensure local food choices at affordable food prices temporary foreign workers must be allowed to come to our province and work seasonally in primary agricultural production," said Lisa Ashworth, president of the Agricultural Alliance.
Ashworth said neighbouring provinces have already brought in temporary foreign workers without the feared increase in COVID-19 cases.

Temporary foreign workers banned

In April, the provincial government banned temporary foreign workers from entering the province as part of their strategy to curb the spread of COVID-19.

This caused concern in the agriculture, aquaculture and fish processing industries, which said they rely on temporary foreign workers to keep their businesses running.

The province said unemployed New Brunwickers and students could do the work instead, but farmers say those workers won't have the training and work ethic of the temporary foreign workers.

Kent Coates, the president of Really Local Harvest, said he found it more difficult to find local workers as his farm grew, so he turned to temporary foreign workers in 2018.

Lisa Ashworth, president of the Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick, says the temporary workers are needed to ensure affordable local food prices. (Submitted by the Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick)

He said the three men he hired from Mexico changed his life.

"They gave me hope that growing food in New Brunswick is possible," said Coates.

Coates said he hoped to bring in workers next Monday to begin their two-week quarantine.

He said he's already lost some.

"One of my trained workers came to Canada today, he's working on a farm in a different province," said Coates.

Softening his position?

On Wednesday, Higgs suggested he would be open to loosening restrictions on some foreign workers after the number of New Brunswickers coming forward to fill those jobs was underwhelming.

"I said I wouldn't let them go without employees and I meant that. I won't," Higgs said during Wednesday's briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kent Coates says one of his regular workers has already come into Canada, to work on a different farm in a different province. (Submitted/Really Local Harvest)

"If we don't fill the roster in the next few days … then there will be the decisions made to ensure we meet the needs."

Coates said he doesn't expect there to be any food shortages in the province as major grocers will still bring food in. But local products will be harder to find.

He said he won't be growing some labour-intensive, low-yield produce such as green and yellow beans.


David Amos
Methinks the farmers should ask themselves why their spokespersons ignored me for years N'esy Pas?

Bob Lewis
Reply to @David Amos: Let's start a list of reasons.. and Go

David Amos 
Reply to @Bob Lewis: Methinks your hero Higgy and the farmer I just called know why I don't care anymore N'esy Pas? 

Bob Lewis
Reply to @David Amos: Did you really call using a phone or was it telepathy ??

David Amos 
Reply to @Bob Lewis: Methinks everybody knows your hero Higgy never votes for me whenever I run in Fundy Royal. However you can pick up the phone and ask his buddy Rob Moore what I said to all the Green Meanies who attended the last debate i had with that lawyer on October 17th, 2019 after my former friend the farmer Werner Bock made a quite scene and voiced his disgust about the severe lack of support for farmers and stomped out of the room N'esy Pas?

New Brunswick reveals $300M deficit projection in better-than-expected fiscal update


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks I smell a writ about to dropped and that my brother's old buddies in the Bank of Nova Scotia were correct when they suggested its much worse than what Higgy et al claim N'esy Pas?



New Brunswick reveals $300M deficit projection in better-than-expected fiscal update

N.B. finances battered but not broken by pandemic, but finance minister cautions again more relief spending

Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: May 22, 2020 6:00 AM AT

Finance Minister Ernie Steeves is standing by his department's new estimate of a $299.2-million budget deficit this year, despite private-sector forecasts that predict much worse. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

New Brunswick's financial situation has been deteriorating in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic but not as severely as a number of private forecasts have been suggesting.

In a special fiscal update released Thursday, New Brunswick's Department of Finance revealed it is now projecting a $299.2-million deficit for the current year, rather than the $92.4-million surplus announced when the budget was presented to the legislature March 10.

That's a $392-million change for the worse, but Finance Minister Ernie Steeves did not rule out the possibility the new estimate might also be overtaken by events like the original projection.

"We are facing a situation unlike anything we have experienced before," said Steeves in a statement released with the update.

"The impacts of the pandemic are only beginning to be understood, and it will take more time to fully comprehend the effects on our economy and our finances."

Restaurants have been shut tight in New Brunswick for two months except for take out and some like Saint John's Taco Pica have closed for good. Still, the province believes business and sales taxes will decline only marginally. (Graham Thompson/CBC)

Although the deficit would be the highest in New Brunswick in six years and represents a serious deterioration from original projections, it is not nearly as dire as private-sector estimates have been suggesting it would be.

In late April the Royal Bank of Canada estimated New Brunswick was headed for a $600-million deficit based on the trajectory of the economy and last week the Bank of Nova Scotia suggested much worse than that.

It estimated New Brunswick's budget shortfall would reach $1.19 billion this year, four times worse than the government's new estimate.
In an interview, Steeves said he's comfortable with his department's analysis.

"I have all the faith in the people I work with. The staff is outstanding and nobody knows New Brunswick like New Brunswickers," he said.

Estimated revenue losses not as dire

Provincial finance officials are especially more bullish than private forecasters about COVID-19's effect on key revenue sources, including both income and sales taxes.

Despite an estimated 49,600 people losing their jobs in New Brunswick since February and most retailers closed tight for two months, the province is projecting only a minor 3.7  per cent reduction in corporate and personal income tax revenue from original budget estimates and a 4.6 per cent reduction in HST revenue.

It's a combined $155-million cut, but nothing like the $1-billion hit other estimates were hinting at.

Federal government measures to limit economic problems caused by COVID-19 — like monthly $2,000 Canada Emergency Response Benefit payments to affected people by the Canada Revenue Agency — are helping keep incomes and spending up, according to the province. (Adrian Wyld/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Canada's parliamentary budget officer was modelling national reductions as high as 20.2 per cent in income taxes and 34.8 per cent in sales tax (GST) from pre-COVID estimates in an analysis published three weeks ago.

Steeves said the federal government, which collects both income and sales taxes for New Brunswick, was involved in New Brunswick's analysis and it shows national and provincial wage replacement measures have helped keep incomes and spending elevated enough to limit significant losses of tax revenue.

"I am confident. If anything, staff is a little on the conservative side in their predictions," said Steeves.

"We're expecting to land at a $300-million deficit."

Steeves cautions against more relief spending

Another factor keeping the deficit down has been the province limiting its own COVID relief spending to $100 million, just one per cent of its total budget. It's the smallest allocation being made by any province, according to the Bank of Nova Scotia, and will be a point of contention among opposition parties when the legislature sits next week.

Steeves said the smaller-than-expected deficit does not change plans to limit COVID relief spending by the province.

"The job is to provide a better New Brunswick for our kids," he said. "I don't want to saddle kids with crushing debt. So that's the plan, to save what we can and try and work through it."

New Brunswick finance officials estimate the loss of gaming revenues, largely caused by the closure of video gambling sites by the Atlantic Lottery Corporation, will cost it $89.9 million this year — more than reductions in corporate and personal income taxes. (Robert Jones/CBC)

The update shows the single largest drop in revenue to the province, more than personal and corporate income tax reductions combined, is projected to come from casino and video lottery gaming.

Atlantic Lotto was forced to shut all of its video lottery terminals in the province on March 15 and that, along with the shuttering of Casino New Brunswick, is expected to cut revenues by $89.9 million.


David Amos
Methinks I smell a writ about to dropped N'esy Pas?  

David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
David, please save this news "story" to your blog for future reference, I'm sure at some point it will become convenient to make it disappear.

David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Trust that I am already in the process of doing so.

Methinks my brother's old buddies the Bank of Nova Scotia were right last week when they suggested its much worse than what Higgy et al claim N'esy Pas? 

Terry Tibbs
I can't help but remember tales of woe, and "stories" about how broke this great province was, before it became convenient for the Higgs government to spend $300 million.
Funny how times change eh?  


Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
And like those other "stories"............. I suspect $300 million is but a tip of the iceberg. And speaking of icebergs creates a vision of the Titanic.

James Smith
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: It’s the goal of the media to exhaust you with conflicting misinformation, loaded terminology, strategic misuse of positive/negative words, and misleading headlines such as this one.

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks its funny that things have changed with regards to my Twitter account Many people including  Higgy's buddy Chucky Leblanc block me  but at least 20 political pundits have already checked my blog where these words are recorded I bet Higgy et al were the first to do so because they don't block me Some of his minions actually follow me N'esy Pas?

Charter challenge filed against N.L.'s travel restriction Bill 38


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks come Monday morning Minister John Haggie and the lawyers Cara Zwibel, John Drover and Rosellen Sullivan are gonna figure out that I still live and paying attention N'esy Pas?



Canadian Civil Liberties Association looking to challenge Bill 38 amendment

Will begin with advocacy before litigation

CBC News· Posted: May 11, 2020 7:46 PM NT

Cara Zwibel is the director the Canadian Civil Liberties Association's Fundamental Freedoms program. (Submitted by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association)

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association plans to challenge the government of Newfoundland and Labrador's amendment to Bill 38 — the Public Health Protection and Promotion Act — calling it unconstitutional.

The controversial amendment was passed in the House of Assembly last Tuesday, giving power to police to detain individuals found in non-compliance with public health orders, with the possibility of removing people who are not primary residents from the province entirely, among many more sweeping powers.

A government public health order issued a week ago prohibited entry to the province to anyone but those who are travelling for work, relocating for work, and primary residents. Some exceptions can be made for those travelling to Newfoundland and Labrador for the purposes of taking care of health needs of a family member. As of Monday nearly 2,000 exemption applications had been filed with the province.

"The basis is that this is a restriction of rights that are protected by the charter, and it's not reasonable or justified," said Cara Zwibel, director of the CCLA's Fundamental Freedoms program.

"There's no evidence that doing this is necessary. The province had in place less strict restrictions previously. The people who did enter the province had to self-isolate for a period. There's no indication that that was inadequate."

The CCLA is a nonprofit organization based in Toronto devoted to the defence of civil liberties and constitutional rights.

Zwibel said the organization is not dismissive of the public health concerns related to travellers entering Newfoundland and Labrador, which, as of Monday, has 14 active cases of COVID-19.
"The question is whether it's achieving the right balance between protecting the public and maintaining the rights that are constitutionally entrenched. They're in our charter for a reason. They're there to make sure that Canadian citizens and permanent residents are supposed to be able to move around the country freely," she said.

"If there is a restriction that is being put in place the government has to demonstrate why it's necessary. So sort of fear and speculation is just not enough in our view. 'Better safe than sorry' doesn't hold up in a court."

Standing by decision

Health Minister John Haggie is standing by the House of Assembly's decision to amend Bill 38.
During Monday's daily COVID-19 briefing Haggie said police officers needed clarity on their role in enforcing public health orders.

Health Minister John Haggie says the amendment to Bill 38 was to clarify the role of law enforcement officers in enforcing public health orders. (Peter Cowan/CBC)

Public health orders issued by government in March saw a fining system implemented under which peace officers could fine individuals $500 up to $2,500, issue a prison sentence of up to six months, or a combination of the two. Similarly, non-essential businesses that are in operation could face fines of $5,000 to $50,000, and owners would be held personally liable and open to individual fines. Fines will also multiply after the first instance.
Since March new orders have been issued, such as the ban on all non-essential travel to the province.

"The Supreme Court itself have referred to the whole constitution act as a living tree that is pruned and grows over time with good case law. So the view from [the Department of Justice and Public Safety] and ourselves, on advice from the law enforcement, peace officers, is that they needed clarity around their role. That clarity was provided. It was debated in the House," said Haggie.

"At the end of the day, the tensions built into that, the way the Constitution and the Charter of Rights is framed, allows for rights to be abridged or reduced only to the extent that is necessary for the greater public good. Whether or not our actions meet that test would be a decision a court would take should someone choose to challenge it."

Zwibel said CCLA is in discussion with local counsel, and will begin advocating for the amendment to be overturned. She said the hope is that will be enough for government to reverse its decision, but the CCLA will bring litigation if necessary.

Read more from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador

With files from On The Go


Charter challenge filed against N.L.'s travel restriction Bill 38

Kim Taylor challenges government after first being denied a visit home for her mother's funeral

CBC News· Posted: May 20, 2020 6:47 PM NT

Lawyer John Drover is representing Kim Taylor in a Charter challenge against the government of Newfoundland and Labrador. (Bruce Tilley/CBC)

The Newfoundland and Labrador government is facing a court challenge over its legislation that controls travel into the province to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Kim Taylor has launched a legal challenge against Bill 38, after she was barred from attending her mother's funeral in early May.

She is backed by lawyer John Drover and defence lawyer Rosellen Sullivan — representing the Canadian Civil Liberties Association — who have filed an application on Taylor's behalf under Section 6, which deals with mobility rights, of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

"Mobility of people is a basic, human right and she has been denied hers and we're all being denied ours," Drover told CBC News on Wednesday.

"We have never had travel restrictions put in place like this. We have some of the strictest in Canada here in Newfoundland and don't really believe that the government of Newfoundland has put the thought into it to make it comply with the charter."

Taylor was denied entry into the province following her mother's death under public health restrictions on travellers to Newfoundland and Labrador. (CBC)

Now that the application is filed, Drover said he and Sullivan will push the court for an early hearing, hoping to have the case heard within the next three days, set filing dates and arrange to hear the argument within the next month.

Damage done

Taylor was eventually given an exemption to travel to the province from her home in Nova Scotia, 11 days after being rejected.

But Taylor said she is mounting this case on principle, and is not seeking any monetary damages. All lawyers are working pro bono, and none of the parties is asking for costs.

Drover said his client's funeral arrangements — including 14 days of self-isolation as required under public health orders — were lost in that 11-day period, and he echoes the idea that this challenge isn't only about Taylor.
"This is not about whether my client can come to Newfoundland. Yes, she can come to Newfoundland now. This is about how anybody in Canada can freely move within Canada," he said.
"It's not right. No province in Canada can shut its borders to Canadian citizens."

Read more from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador

With files from Anthony Germain


david kirby
I think it was one of Nflds' favourite sons, John Crosbie, who said the Charter would provide work for lawyers for ever


Rosellen Sullivan

T: 709.739.4141
F: 709.739.4145
Rosellen Sullivan was born in St. John’s. She graduated from University of Ottawa in 1995 with a Master’s of Criminology and from Dalhousie Law School in 1998. Rosellen worked with the Department of Justice until 2006. She was Junior Inquiry Counsel to Commissioner Antonio Lamer at the Lamer Inquiry which examined three wrongful convictions in Newfoundland and Labrador. Her work on the Inquiry led to a keen interest criminal defence law, which she pursued in 2006 when she joined Robert Simmonds, QC. She is also a former member of the Board of Regents at Memorial University.



With no cost and no risk to you, it’s worth making the call.

Call us anytime at 576-CALL. Or come by our offices between 9:00 and 5:00, Monday through Friday, located on the 5th floor of the Paramount Building at 34 Harvey Road, St. John’s, NL, A1C 2G1.
Mailing address: PO Box 5236, A1C 5W1

John Drover


Meet John

A partner at Roebothan McKay Marshall with over 10 years’ legal experience, John has built a thriving practice focused on Personal Injury, Civil Litigation, and Wills and Estates. His academic accomplishments include a Gold Medal for Academic Excellence during his undergraduate studies in Folklore and Chemistry, as well as the F.A. Aldrich Graduate Award during his graduate studies in Folklore. A tireless scholar, John is currently completing his Master of Laws, Intellectual Property at NYU. He’s also an active member of the Arts community, and does some pro bono work for female filmmakers as part of his practice. After a number of years as president of the NL Folk Arts Society, John is currently Chair of the board for Artistic Fraud of Newfoundland. In his spare time, he can often be found practicing yoga.


  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador


  • 1999 – Bachelor of Arts Degree in Folklore/Chemistry from Memorial University of Newfoundland (Received Gold Medal for Academic Excellence)
  • 2003 – Masters of Arts, Folklore from Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • 2008 – Bachelor of Laws from Dalhousie University
  • 2009 – Called to the Newfoundland and Labrador Bar

John Drover

Called to the bar: 2009 (NL)

5th Flr., 34 Harvey Rd.
PO Box 5236, Stn. C

St. John's, Newfoundland and LabradorA1C 5W1
Phone: 709-576-2255
Fax: 709-753-5221

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 06:40:58 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Oh My Could somebody within the CCLA actually be ethical?
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, danfour@myginch.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
woodsideb@fredericton.ca, Arthur Taylor ,
occupyfredericton , "Jacques.Poitras"

Cc: David Amos ,
david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, mail@ccla.org,
thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com, Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jgraham@amlnet.com, together@jordangraham.ca,
peter.dauphinee@gmail.com, danfour@myginch.com, evelyngreene@live.ca,
wearefredup@gmail.com, mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com,
acampbell@ctv.ca, mckeen.randy@gmail.com

--- On Fri, 2/3/12, Cara Zwibel wrote:

From: Cara Zwibel
Subject: RE: Attn Cara Zwibel I called the CCLA and tried to tell you
people about this email before you talked to the CBC etc
To: "'David Amos'"
Date: Friday, February 3, 2012, 6:02 AM

Dear Mr. Amos,
Thank you for your email.  I am not currently in the office and will
not be for the rest of the day, but feel free to call me next week if
you’d like.  As you know, we are aware of the situation in Fredericton
as well as the legal cases where s. 301 of the Criminal Code has been
held to violate the Charter.  The information you have provided about
prior use of the section in Fredericton is helpful.
Thank you for contacting the CCLA and should you wish to speak to me
directly, please get in touch next week.

Cara Faith Zwibel, LL.B., LL.M.
Director, Fundamental Freedoms Program/ Directrice, programme libertés

Canadian Civil Liberties Association/ Association canadienne des
libertés civiles
360 Bloor St. West, Suite 506 / 360 rue Bloor Ouest, Bureau 506
Toronto, ON M5S 1X1
tel: 416 363 0321  ext. 255
email: czwibel@ccla.org
web: www.ccla.org
twitter: @cancivlib

This electronic mail message may contain privileged and confidential
information intended solely for the recipient(s) named in it.  Any
further distribution or use of this message without the sender's
permission is prohibited.  If you have received this message in error,
please immediately notify the sender and delete this message.

Ce message électronique peut contenir des informations privilégiées et
confidentielles destinées uniquement aux destinataires désignés. Toute
diffusion ou utilisation de ce message sans autorisation de
l'expéditeur est interdite. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur,
veuillez aviser l'expéditeur immédiatement et supprimer ce message.

From: David Amos [mailto:myson333@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 8:38 AM
To: czwibel@ccla.org; oldmaison@yahoo.com; terry.seguin; Robert. Jones
Cc: MacKnightb; david.raymond.amos@gmail.com; mail@ccla.org;
thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com; Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca;
jgraham@amlnet.com; together@jordangraham.ca;
peter.dauphinee@gmail.com; danfour@myginch.com; evelyngreene@live.ca;
wearefredup@gmail.com; mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com;
acampbell@ctv.ca; mckeen.randy@gmail.com
Subject: Attn Cara Zwibel I called the CCLA and tried to tell you
people about this email before you talked to the CBC etc

For the record the CCLA would not allow me to speak to anyone so i
will call you directly after I click send.

Cara Zwibel, Director, Fundamental Freedoms Program - czwibel@ccla.org
or 416-363-0321 ext 255


Clearly Chief Macknight recieved it before the CCLA entered the fray EH?.

--- On Wed, 2/1/12, David Amos wrote:

From: David Amos
Subject: Oh my Chucky what monumental Bullshitters you and Danny Boy are
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, danfour@myginch.com, evelyngreene@live.ca,
wearefredup@gmail.com, thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com,
mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com, acampbell@ctv.ca,
Cc: "terry.seguin",
thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com, MacKnightb@fredericton.ca,
Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jgraham@amlnet.com,
together@jordangraham.ca, peter.dauphinee@gmail.com
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2012, 12:47 PM

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The last time Section 301 of the Criminal Code for used in Fredericton
was around 1902!!!

Someone told me this story - Two editors of the Daily Gleaner wrote a
bad editorial against the Chief of Police of the Day. The Chief got
upset, He arrested and jailed the editors over night. That was their
punishment. Shouldn't this be setting a precedent??? From the Editors
of the Daily Gleaner to the Blogger!!! Hey? We're making
headway!!...:P By the way? I found this little story minutes ago -
Click below - Libel section in Criminal Code unconstitutional: N.L.

Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 10:44:00 AM


Anonymous said...

The was a defamatory libel case in Moncton a few years ago. it
resulted in a guilty verdict. It's not as are are you claim.
11:46 AM, February 01, 2012

Charles LeBlanc said...

criminal or civil???
11:49 AM, February 01, 2012

Anonymous said...

We all know that the Gleaner isn't an unbiased paper and that Irving
has it's hands in what the editors publish!
12:54 PM, February 01, 2012

Dan F said...

Are Canadian courts so complicit with the police that there are no
hungry lawyers willing to sue on your behalf for false arrest and
malicious prosecution?
1:09 PM, February 01, 2012

stu student law optional said...

Great searching Charles that will be a significant precident to change
legal landscape to something sensible against this silly libel claim
1:09 PM, February 01, 2012

Anonymous said...

sigh...rolling my eyes...
3:01 PM, February 01, 2012
Try denying the rest of the email I Double Dog Dare Ya Frenchy. You
know as well as that there no need for you to bullshit about
researching anything. I proved to leagions of people long ago that you
Fake Left wackos in Fat fred City knew all about Section 301 ala Byron
Prior and my assistance to him since 2004. Well Chucky baby what YOU
have to worry about is Section 300. It has not been found
unconstitutional. That is the law that got Byron Prior locked up
DUMMY. The CROWN has LOTS of time to figure that one out before they
lay chges on April 20th.


If not why not seek the legal advice of your know it all Blogging Butt
Buddy Mikey Baby Archibald (You he is remember the sneaky dude who
gave you your first digital camera the year after I gave you your
first computer in frint of the LEG in 2004) he ws always worried about
tenants rights just like Andre Murray is now.  It appearsto me  that
Mindless Mikey does not seem to wish to comment in your blog anymore
or are you blocking him just like you did with mean old me years ago?


BTW I saved every video  thatyou posted of Jenn Wambolt in YOUTUBE
whom you and Norrad interveiwed BEFORE you delete again or opt make
more blogs. I will lay odds that my converstions with Evelyn Green and
Andre Murray last week caused you and Norrad to go visit Mrs Wambolt
and make your interview and compose a special story N'sy Pas Chucky



Nedd I say why don't you evilblogggers tell the truth for a change or
do the Fat Fred City Finest and the RCMP a favour and eat your own
bullshit and die? Est assured I will use YOUR BULLSIT against them
when I deem the timing is just right.

--- On Sun, 1/29/12, David Amos wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 13:28:07 -0400
> Subject: RE Sec 301 For the PUBLIC RECORD now that the Fat Fred City
> Finest have evil Chucky Leblanc's Computer
> To: jgraham@amlnet.com, together@jordangraham.ca,
> peter.dauphinee@gmail.com, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> , thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com,
> occupyfredericton@gmail.com, WEAREFREDUP@gmail.com,
> brother.chao@gmail.com, markandcaroline@gmail.com, tim4nm@gmail.com,
> "Jacques.Poitras",
> brent.mazerolle@timestranscript.com, "mclaughlin.heather"
> , acampbell@ctv.ca, nmoore
> , dale.carruthers@sunmedia.ca,
> maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca
> Cc: johnkelly475@yahoo.ca, evelyngreene@live.ca, Barry Winters
> , "Ken.Zielke",
> "Barry.Shaw", "bob.rae"
> , "robert.trevors"
> , toewsv1 , MacKnightb
> , woodsideb ,
> grahamj@fredericton.ca, eic@theaq.net
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/story/2012/01/24/nb-leblanc-reaction-629.html
> http://www.theaq.net/2012/being-charles-leblanc/-10080
> I see that the CBC etc are supporting Chucky Baby bigtime while he is
> supporting his blogging buddy Andre but not the ladies such as Evelyn
> Greene and Jenn Wambolt EH?
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2012/01/another-victim-from-fredericton-gestapo.html
> They can never deny that you, Chucky, his cyber butt buddies, all your
> cop buddies and I know a lot about section 301 and  CRIMINAL Libel EH
> Mr Baconfat?
> EVEN THE VERY CORRUPT CBC and vverbody and his dog knows that you and
> Chucky's many cyber friends have been calling me a pedophile for
> years.
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2009/09/david-amos-liar.html
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2hlv5M6V5Q&feature=plcp&context=C3459e78UDOEgsToPDskJp_jxblg8-qi-TV63wVfxq
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/3000115/Byron-Prior-judgement
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2009/10/byron-prior-from-newfoundland-is.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/05/nfld-whistleblower-dodges-libel-charge.html
> http://nbpolitico.blogspot.com/2007/11/pick-lane.html
> http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=5YoYexTqY8o
> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach-bush.html
> From: Evelyn Greene
> Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 16:09:56 -0300
> Subject: FW: GNB harassing public
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com
> Gentlemen:  Can you try and get me some press coverage and I have lots
> to say.  Jenn Wambolt was provoked, then the Sheriffs and police said
> she uttered threats and her lawyer quit just hours before the hearing.
>  You call this Justice.  Evelyn Greene
> From: David Amos
> Subject: Re: FW: Message to Angie re confirmation that David Banks of
> the Dispatch 911 at the Fredericton City Police said he sent the 911
> audio evidence to the Crown
> To: "Evelyn Greene", "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> , "thepurplevioletpress"
> Cc: "We are Fred up", andremurraynow@gmail.com
> Date: Saturday, January 28, 2012, 2:38 PM
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2012/01/another-victim-from-fredericton-gestapo.html
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r20grqEq4O0&context=C359aa54ADOEgsToPDskLn7jsBsjMNWCHYGvg_AydA
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/78095644/January-11-2012-Affidavit-Andre-Murray-Jurisdiction-Motion
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2011/10/jenn-wambolt-protesting-rcmp-brutally.html
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yVzq-_3uP0&feature=plcp&context=C38cba40UDOEgsToPDskIRYudpd1ZVKUe48Ey7z9Sa
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2011/10/evelyn-greene-problems-with-racist.html
> On 1/28/12, David Amos wrote:
>> No special treatment when police face charges: lawyer
>> Craig Babstock (Times & Transcript) – With more than 20 years
>> experience as a Crown prosecutor, Luc Labonté knows how some people
>> will react when they hear an RCMP officer had his assault charged
>> stayed earlier this week. He knows that some will have the perception
>> this individual no longer faces a charge because he’s a police
>> officer.
>> “Unfortunately, we’ll never be able to change those people’s minds,”
>> says Labonté.
>> But New Brunswick’s director of Public Prosecutions Services wants to
>> assure the public that people who are charged with a crime are all
>> treated the same, no matter if they are a Mountie, a plumber or a
>> newspaper reporter.
>> “Our system is based on evidence, not on someone’s profession,” says
>> the prosecutor.
>> The case in question involved an accusation a Mountie committed a
>> summary assault against his spouse in December and was supposed to go
>> to trial in Moncton provincial court on Tuesday. Instead, the Crown
>> asked for a stay of proceedings, saying the request came from the head
>> office in Fredericton, which the judge granted. Head office gave no
>> reason for the request, beyond saying the file was reviewed and it was
>> determined that it was not appropriate to proceed with a charge at
>> this time.
>> Knowing the public is quick to scrutinize cases involving a police
>> officer, Labonté agreed to talk about the procedure that’s in place in
>> cases where a police officer is charged, in an attempt to reassure the
>> public there is no bias, either for or against an officer.
>> In this particular case, an RCMP officer investigated the RCMP officer
>> who was accused and eventually laid the charge against him in court.
>> That investigator told the Times & Transcript earlier this week that
>> his work was reviewed by officers from a non-RCMP police force in the
>> province.
>> Labonté says while it’s preferable not to have officers from the same
>> police force investigate one another, this particular investigation
>> was independently reviewed by two Crown prosecutors. New Brunswick is
>> what’s known as a “pre-screening province,” meaning that the Crown
>> reviews charges and approves them before they are laid in court. The
>> director says no prosecutor deals with files involving police officers
>> from their own area.
>> “If I’m a Moncton prosecutor and they bring me a file about a Codiac
>> RCMP member, I would immediately not look at that file and send it to
>> head office,” says Labonté. “If a Moncton prosecutor said no to a
>> charge for a Moncton police officer, it would look bad.”
>> The head office finds a prosecutor in the province who has not had
>> dealings with that police officer. Because Mounties are frequently
>> transferred, they also check where that person has been located in the
>> past so there’s no conflict with the Crown assigned to the file.
>> During his career in Moncton, Labonté took on files involving police
>> officers in other parts of the province of whom he had no knowledge,
>> which allowed him to treat each case like any other file.
>> “We want to make sure they don’t get any special treatment or treated
>> more harshly than any other person,” he says. “We ensure the threshold
>> required to prosecute someone is met.”
>> A common misperception about Crown prosecutors is that they are out to
>> register convictions, but that’s not the case. As a sign in the lobby
>> of the Crown’s office in the Moncton Law Courts says, the goal is to
>> present the facts and let the judge or jury decide guilt.
>> “We are to be an unbiased presenter of the facts, we’re not there to
>> seek convictions,” he says.
>> Labonté says cases are constantly reviewed leading up to a trial and
>> there are many reasons why a stay may be sought. For example a witness
>> may disappear, a person can change their story, new evidence can be
>> discovered, or a new person reviewing the file may have a different
>> opinion whether or not it should proceed.
>> While Labonté can’t discuss the specifics of the Moncton case from
>> this week, he says he reviewed the file and recommended the case not
>> go to trial. That recommendation went to his deputy minister, who
>> agreed. In cases where the Crown requests a stay of proceedings, it
>> has a year to decide if it wants to lay the charge again.
>> On 1/27/12, David Amos wrote:
>>> Ms Greene your lawyer and the Attorney General did not respond I
>>> strongly sugggest that you print this document ASAP
>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>>> Check this out
>>> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2012/01/bloggers-treated-like-royality-at-2012.html
>>> Need I say more?
>>> On 1/26/12, David Amos wrote:
>>>> Ms Greene
>>>> I just got off the phone with Luc labonte's office. Perhaps your
>>>> lawyer should talk to me ASAP
>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>> On 1/25/12, Evelyn Greene wrote:
>>>>> Hi Leo, this is unreal.  Mr. Labonte is the Director of Public
>>>>> Prosecutions;
>>>>> therefore, has a duty to ensure the Regional Director, Hilary Drain
>>>>> plays
>>>>> by
>>>>> the rules and regulations.  I am forwarding to you a press release
>>>>> which
>>>>> was
>>>>> in the Moncton Times on Friday, October 21, 2011, wherein Mr. Labonte
>>>>> was
>>>>> quoted on or about the 12th paragraph:  "  "We ensure the threshold
>>>>> required
>>>>> to prosecute someone is met."  Who does he mean by we if he cannot
>>>>> control
>>>>> the actions of the Regional Prosecutor to act without bias.  My email
>>>>> clearly revealed the crown is deliberately withholding evidence.  IN
>>>>> THE
>>>>> BASED
>>>>> ON
>>>>> DRAIN
>>>>> CROWN
>>>>> ASKING
>>>>> RIGHT
>>>>> THANK
>>>>>  From: Luc.LaBonte@gnb.ca
>>>>> To: evelyngreene@live.ca
>>>>> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 14:51:28 -0400
>>>>> Subject: RE:  Message to Angie re confirmation that David Banks of the
>>>>> Dispatch 911 at the Fredericton City Police said he sent the 911 audio
>>>>> evidence to the Crown
>>>>> Ms. Greene, As I have stated to you repeatedly, the issues of
>>>>> disclosure
>>>>> are
>>>>> to be dealt by the Regional Fredericton office. Should the Crown fail
>>>>> to
>>>>> comply with its obligation to disclose you have the right to request
>>>>> relief
>>>>> from the Court pursuant to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. For
>>>>> your
>>>>> information, Mr. Robert Murray is a retired Director of Public
>>>>> Prosecutions
>>>>> who is hired from time to time to assist the short staffed Fredericton
>>>>> office. This person is beyond reproach and has not acted unethically.
>>>>> Prosecutors are permitted to speak to defendants. If you do not wish
>>>>> to
>>>>> speak to a prosecutor, that is your right. In closing, your continued
>>>>> attempts to argue your case through e-mails and correspondence are not
>>>>> the
>>>>> appropriated medium. I understand your frustrations with the judicial
>>>>> system, but nonetheless, that is where you should make your arguments.
>>>>> If
>>>>> you are successful, you can then request the appropriate remedy.  I do
>>>>> not
>>>>> intend to embark in an exchange of e-mails to discuss your file.
>>>>> Please
>>>>> argue your issues in court, where they belong. Luc J. LabontéAssistant
>>>>> Deputy Attorney General (Public Prosecutions Services)Sous-procureur
>>>>> général
>>>>> adjoint (Service des poursuites publiques) From: Evelyn Greene
>>>>> [mailto:evelyngreene@live.ca]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:31 PM
>>>>> To: LaBonte, Luc (OAG/CPG); Castonguay, Pierre (OAG/CPG);
>>>>> marie.claudeblais@gnb.ca; Forbes, Nancy (OAG/CPG); Alward, David Hon.
>>>>> (PO/CPM); NB911 - Fredericton; Lavigne, Christopher (OAG/CPG); Drain,
>>>>> Hilary
>>>>> (OAG/CPG); Blunston, Darlene (OAG/CPG); Bray, Michael (JUS);
>>>>> russomanno@wsgalaw.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: Message to Angie re confirmation that David Banks of the
>>>>> Dispatch 911 at the Fredericton City Police said he sent the 911 audio
>>>>> evidence to the Crown Dear Mr. Labonte:
>>>>> This will confirm my telephone conversation with your secretary,
>>>>> Angie,
>>>>> today.  I asked her to confirm to you and your crown prosecutors that
>>>>> I
>>>>> spoke with the head of the 911 dispatch dept. at Fredericton City
>>>>> Police
>>>>> today, Mr. David Banks, who confirmed to me that he sent the 911 audio
>>>>> evidence to the crown already.  So why have I not received it yet and
>>>>> was
>>>>> told by Ms. Drain's office that there is no disclosure at their office
>>>>> for
>>>>> me at this time?
>>>>> (1)  Please confirm what the status of this report is now?  I am
>>>>> copying
>>>>> Mr.
>>>>> Banks.
>>>>> (2)  A crown prosecutor was in court yesterday on your behalf, a Mr.
>>>>> Murray,
>>>>> who got up during court and asked me to attend outside the room with
>>>>> him.
>>>>> I
>>>>> do not know this man and I believe this is unethical behaviour on his
>>>>> part.
>>>>> Would you please confirm your position on this matter.  He is the 6th
>>>>> crown
>>>>> prosecutor on this case and I am still awaiting information from Mr.
>>>>> Lavigne
>>>>> as to the questions he asked of the police regarding irregularities on
>>>>> the
>>>>> CCTV video and audio given by the police to the Crown's office.  What
>>>>> is
>>>>> the
>>>>> status of this information?  No one can dispute the fact that the CCTV
>>>>> video
>>>>> and audio are tampered evidence, right?
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> Evelyn Greene
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: john kelly
> Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 06:35:31 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: Perhaps John Kelly and I should have a long talk ASAP EH
> Peter Teasdale? 902 800 0369
> To: David Amos
> Dear David,
> Thank you for your support, this is just a quick update...
> I now have limited access to the internet and the Crown is unlawfully trying
> to
> trestrict even that, They attempted to have a section placed in an order
> that I
> have refused to acknowledge or sign. The section is restrictive
> unreasonable and
> is a blatant attempt to stop me from commenting on their false charges and
> providing the truth to anyone.
> That section states the following (in capitals) " PROVIDED HE DOES NOT POST
> My next court date is October the 7th and despite numerous requests
> and promises
> the RCMP cannot provide any evidence to substantiate the allegation and
> charges
> they have laid agains me. Applications will be made to the Court to get them
> to
> comply...more to follow soon.....
> truly,  John Kelly
> ________________________________
> From: David Amos
> To: johnkelly475@yahoo.ca; peter.teasdale ;
> "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca";
> gstirling@parlee.com; smassinon@calgaryherald.com;
> grossea@bennettjones.com;
> bmarks@ctv.ca; Jacques.Poitras ;
> "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> ; terry.seguin ; danfour
> ; "spinks08@hotmail.com"
> Cc: cps@calgarypolice.ca; Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; Barry Winters
> ; Ken.Zielke
> Sent: Sat, September 18, 2010 10:49:23 AM
> Subject: Perhaps John Kelly and I should have a long talk ASAP EH Peter
> Teasdale? 902 800 0369
> What the RCMP claims is pure bullshit need I mention the name of Byron
> Prior to CBC or the mindless bad arsed blogger Chucky leblanc?
> http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100917/CGY_website_libel_100917/20100917/?hub=CalgaryHome
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:57:17 -0300
> Subject: How is your conscience and sense of ethical conduct doing now
> ladies?
> To: Jane.McAloon@bhpbilliton.com, Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton.com
> Cc: "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca",
> "Dean.Buzza"
> Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS
> Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in
> July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as
> Company Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited.
> Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon
> held the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and
> Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She
> previously held various State and Commonwealth government positions,
> including Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities
> and Deputy Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as
> working in private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of
> Chartered Secretaries.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)"
> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000
> Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP
> Billiton
> Susan Collins
> Company Secretariat
> BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia
> T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290
> E: susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton.com
> <>
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
>> To: pr@potashcorp.com; Podwika@potashcorp.com;
>> fosterd@bennettjones.ca; corporate.relations@potashcorp.com;
>> lgold.blcanada@b-l.com; shawn. graham; David.ALWARD@gnb.ca;
>> krisaustin; jacques_poitras@cbc.ca; cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca;
>> tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com; nmiller@corridor.ca;
>> bruce.northrup@gnb.ca; atlbf@nb.aibn.com; akapoor@globeandmail.com;
>> nmacadam@globeandmail.com; vepp@globeandmail.com;
>> potash@mackenziepartners.com; contactus@kingsdaleshareholder.com;
>> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
>> mclellana@bennettjones.com; MooreR; danfour; oldmaison@yahoo.com;
>> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
>> Cc: wcoady; michel.desneiges@sade-els.org; producers@stu.ca;
>> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
>> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
>> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
>> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
>> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
>> issues again about  theexploitation of our natural resources to a
>> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
>> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
>> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
>> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
>> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
>> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
>> now)
>> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
>> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
>> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
>> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
>> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
> This message and any attached files may contain information that is
> confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use
> by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or
> the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended
> recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and
> that any dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment
> is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information
> therein. If you have received this message in error please notify the
> sender immediately and delete the message.
> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
> issues again about  theexploitation of our natural resources to a
> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
> now)
> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> http://www.bennettjones.com/people_item.aspx?person=821
> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/potash-corp-soars-bhp-bid-rejected/article1675353/
> http://beta.images.theglobeandmail.com/archive/00828/BHPrelease_828561a.pdf
> http://www.potashcorp.com/media/POT_2010_Letter_from_BHP_Billiton's_Chairman.pdf
> http://www.bhpbilliton.com/bb/aboutUs/companyOverview/ourBoard.jsp
> http://www.potashcorp.com/about/management_board/senior_management/podwika/
> http://www.corridor.ca/media/2010-press-releases/20100510.html
> http://www.bennettjones.com/people_item.aspx?person=712&name=foster&pg=&office=
> http://www.robmooremp.com/081908.htm
> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/new-brunswick/story/2009/05/07/nb-penobsquis-water-lawyer-1056.html?ref=rss
> http://www.newbrunswickbeacon.ca/2010/03/risk-and-reward-when-rural-life-meets-economic-development/5666
> http://www.vancouverislandwaterwatchcoalition.ca/go456a/FRACKING
> http://www.elements.nb.ca/theme/ecojustice/JeanPaul/JeanPaul.htm
> http://www.nbmediacoop.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1133:penobsquis-residents-seek-compensation-for-damages&catid=82:environment&Itemid=197
> From: David Amos
> Subject: Attn Rob Moir I have read some of your work perhaps you
> should read something from years ago
> To: fundyroyalndp@gmail.com, Moore.R@parl.gc.ca,
> jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca,
> tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
> Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, bbixby@burnslev.com,
> david@lutz.nb.ca, drosenblatt@burnslev.com,
> markwright4mp@politician.com
> Cc: fosterd@bennettjones.ca, corporate.relations@potashcorp.com,
> lgold.blcanada@b-l.com, fbinhct@leo.gov
> Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 9:46 PM
> First things first meet Lenny Gold, Dougy Foster and Joey Podwika. You
> can be certain that these wicked bastards know exactly who I am and
> are no doubt quite nervous that the Feds have not figured out a way to
> shut me up yet.
> Everybody knows that far away corporate lawyers such as these three
> stooges have been making the big score off us dumb Maritimers forever
> and a day and have been laughing their nasty arses off at us all the
> way to their buddies' bank. They appear to fear only one Maritimer and
> that is yours truly. Ask them if I am liar or not as I speak of the
> Bank Fraud Tax Fraud, Securities Fraud and Murders that you are afraid
> to talk about. Shawn Graham should know everthing he partied hardy
> with my G.A.L. Brian Bixby's Law firm in Beantown one year ago and I
> effected an introduction with the lawyer Leonard Gold because that
> very dumb Maritimer came to Beantown to talk to many evil Yankees ten
> times more worldly wise than Shawny Baby ever could be.
> Your laments Bobby Baby about lost water really rot my socks. You
> should know I covered that base years ago and everybody just ran away
> scared. Ask the Minister Larry Cannon why I laughed when he gave out a
> little federal gold just before Bernie Lord had the writ dropped in
> 2006 in the provincial election. It was very telling thing just like
> all the money being passed out right now.
> I noticed that you and all you NDP pals ignored the fact that I ran in
> that election as well as the Fed one and the one in Nova Scotia
> earlier that year. Yea I saw you and Pat Hannratty ducking  out the
> back just as I walked in that night in January of 2006. Why you didn't
> answer my friend Jack's letter either spoke to your personal integrity
> EH? If Rob Moore or none of the Conservatives on the Hill faraway
> won't talk to you just ask the lawyer Smith in Saint John the boss of
> the NB Securities Commission if I didn't raise a little Hell while he
> filled the other lawyer Nicholson's boots in PUB just long enough to
> cram the pipeline through to the trunk while the election was on and I
> was intervening in the pipeline matter in Saint John at the same time
> and Norm Miller and his lawyer ignored my arguments but read my words
> about it all on the web all the same.
> Better yet why not have some fun and ask the very strange PCS dudes in
> Sussex why they had my photo posted at the gate and the RCMP were to
> be called if I made an appearance there while I was running against
> your pal John Carty in Fat Fred City. Your clue to their malice is UBS
> and another lawyer named Dave Aufhauser whom I have been battling with
> for six long years. Do you even know who he is? Rest assured Lenny,
> Dougy and Joey do.
> Whereas you trust the words of the very malicious CBC or the Irvings
> and not mine read what the CBC were saying one year ago. Then read
> what the local Irving rag wrote about me four god damned years ago.
> For the record Bobby Baby I still remember you commenting on the
> trouble I was having with the Feds so that my minor son could return
> to the USA to comfort his mother and how little milk of human kindness
> you have had in your greedy little PHD soul ever since. Can ya tell I
> don't like you not even a little bit?
> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/new-brunswick/story/2007/03/27/nb-mccullyfield.html
> Read on Teacher pay particular attention to my words about oil and
> gas.and crossborder public corruption. For the record I have always
> considered the water in Penobsquis a federal matter concerning the NEB
> and if they ignore me then maybe i would take it up in the Federal
> Court. It won't go anywhere though if Maritimers don't finally wise up
> start listening to me.
> FYI I have started to upload some of my ducument for the public to
> view. They can be found here and there will be a great deal more to
> follow as my time allows.
> http://www.scribd.com/people/view/554842-david-raymond-amos
> This Maritimer Danny Boy Fitzgeral who is studying for his PHD in
> Holland made several interesting blogs about me as he attacked my
> integrity. In the end methinks I may have turned him my way and in
> return I left his school out of my battles.
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/03/3rd-part-political-runs-in-maritimes.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/03/david-amos-nb-nwo-whistleblower-part-1b.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/04/david-amos-nb-nwo-whistleblower-part-2.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/04/david-amos-nb-nwo-whistleblower-part-3.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/04/canadian-action-party-cap-qsls.html
> Perhaps you should study them sometime EH Teacher? You should take
> careful notice that college degrees mean less than nothing to me. Just
> like any true Maritimer it is fighters, foresters, farmers and
> fishermen I admire not rich snots that do not understand the meaning
> of hard work. That said it does appear that Danny Boy does work very
> hard on his blog. I do know how long such things take and his blog is
> a fine and as fancy as anyones and constantly updated. I particularly
> apprciate the fact he leaves his comments open without moderation.
> Also for the record I signed your Fake Left friends' petition.
> Penobsquis Deserves Safe Water
> 98  Fran Oliver There is no excuse for this situation. A responsible
> provincial government and a responsible corporation would never allow
> local families to bear the financial and social burden, likely
> resulting from a provincial mining operation, while government and
> corporation choke on huge profits.
> 99  David Raymond Amos Ask Garth Moore why my picture is posted at the
> gate while I ran for Parliament will ya?
> My friends tell me tha the Photo the PCS dudes had posted as some sort
> of criminal the RCMP were watching out for was clipped from the pages
> of the Kings County Record that contained the following articles.
> The following email and two deleted blogs can be found within one
> pigheaded Maritimer's blog about government injustice. After the
> Irvings had his pal's Chucky Leblanc' former blog wiped out I had to
> tease and torture him into doing the right thing and allowing just one
> of my comments to stand. Some much for Freedom on Speech on the
> Internet when even Maritime bloggers are unethical  EH teacher?
> For the record only the Gypsy and Danny Boy fitzgerald have allowed
> all of my comments to stand the test of time and ethics. Thus far so I
> must give credit where credit is due. Your chosen profession such as
> it is should at least understand that EH Mr. Moir?
> Here is my last post in the blogs tonight. Obviously I do not pretend
> to be somebody I am not. N'est Pas?
> http://gypsy-blog.blogspot.com/2008/04/from-student-to-city-councillor.html
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> The following email can be found here
> http://govinjustice.blogspot.com/2008/04/tjburke-letter-to-me.html
> ---- Original Message -----
> From: "McKnight, Gisele" McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord.com
> To: lcampenella@ledger.com
> Cc:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
> Subject: David Amos
> Hello Lisa,
> David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he became
> an independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our
> federal
> election that was held June 28. He was a candidate in our constituency of
> Fundy (now called  Fundy-Royal).
> I wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
> story appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written
> by one of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on
> the candidates' debate held June 18.
> As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
> The winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358.
> I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo
> taken by reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the
> photo
> that ran, but this one is very similar.
> A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate 2.JPG
> Gisele McKnight editor
> Kings County Record
> Sussex, New Brunswick
> Canada
> 506-433-1070
> Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
> By Erin Hatfield
> "If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your
> world is all screwed up, rearrange it."
> The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at
> the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to
> watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if
> unofficial, theme song for the debate.
> The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as
> they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn.
> Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue
> chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent
> left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty,
> mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards
> the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
> The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was
> organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage
> of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record
> and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
> Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates
> responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the
> exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices.
> Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each
> other on their answers and criticizing eachothers' party leaders.
> Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the
> questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic
> relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in
> response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's
> getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."
> Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his
> party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but
> well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am
> on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better
> places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters
> shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.
> The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At
> one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in
> front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the
> voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to
> Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second
> readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at
> final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to
> register sex offenders rather than register the property of law
> abiding citizens."
> The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and
> women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman
> yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron
> spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
> Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy
> Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You're out of touch," Armstrong
> yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of
> post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged
> Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time,
> anyplace," Armstrong responded.
> As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate,
> candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and
> fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making
> process for the June 28 vote.
> Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his
> favourite possessions—motorcycles.
> McKnight/KCR
> The Unconventional Candidate
> David Amos Isn't Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
> By Gisele McKnight
> FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his
> wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone
> that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."
> Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
> The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife
> and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from
> running for office in Canada.
> One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail
> to meet Elections Canada requirements.
> When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his
> favourite place to do so—Fundy.
> Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his
> dissatisfaction with politicians.
> "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he
> said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."
> The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in
> 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he
> needed to change his life.
> "I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that
> sometimes in midlife."
> So Amos, who'd lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners
> motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952
> Panhead motorcycle.
> "Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact)
> experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you
> renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask
> for anything, but you take what they offer."
> For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs
> and conversation all over North America.
> Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son
> and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls
> himself.
> He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist
> rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed
> individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud
> Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."
> Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
> "But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said.
> "It's alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"
> Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
> "I didn't appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door
> interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can
> call me. I'm not going to drive my opinions down their throats."
> And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
> "I won't take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It's
> not about money. It goes against what I'm fighting about."
> What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood,
> the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to
> name a few.
> "The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing,
> farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm
> death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it
> (NAFTA) out the window.
> NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an
> easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
> Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
> "There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me,
> especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right.
> Don't necessarily vote for me, but vote."
> Although…if you're going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have
> your X by his name.
> "I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and
> say, 'what the hell.'"
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 16:38:35 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> To: henrybanta
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300
> Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of
> ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you
> people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> To: Scott.Espenshade@bhpbilliton.com, ir
> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/potash-corp-soars-bhp-bid-rejected/article1675353/
> http://beta.images.theglobeandmail.com/archive/00828/BHPrelease_828561a.pdf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300
> Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of
> ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you
> people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> To: Scott.Espenshade@bhpbilliton.com, ir
> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/potash-corp-soars-bhp-bid-rejected/article1675353/
> http://beta.images.theglobeandmail.com/archive/00828/BHPrelease_828561a.pdf
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "STAINTON-JAMES, Angela"
>> > To: "'David Amos'"
>> > Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:50 AM
>> > Subject: RE: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do
>> > about people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada
>> > such slander is a crime EH Vic Toews?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Dear David
>> >
>> > Thank you for your e-mail addressed to Hugh Robertson. Your e-mail
>> > has come through to Hugh's constituency office when, clearly, you need
>> > his Department. Sadly, I do not have an e-mail address for him but
>> > the telephone number of the Department of Media Culture and Sport is
>> > 020 7211 6200 and they should be able to provide you with the
>> > necessary information.
>> >
>> > Thank you for writing to Hugh and if you have any problem at all
>> > please do not hesitate to come back to me.
>> >
>> > Best wishes
>> > Angela Stainton-James
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> > Sent: 29 May 2010 23:24
>> > To: STAINTON-JAMES, Angela; toewsv1
>> > Cc: RHar100@aol.com; Gilles. Blinn; gilles.moreau; roger. gillies;
>> > rogerduguay21
>> > Subject: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do about
>> > people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada such
>> > slander is a crime EH Vic Toews?
>> >
>> > Need I say that "Satan's Crack Dealer" and his many evil little fans
>> > atacked the wrong pissed of Maritimer in Youtube? Scroll down read
>> > real slow and then call your lawyer or the cops Mr Roberson
>> >
>> > http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6074892060
>> > Richard Coughlan
>> > Faversham, United Kingdom
>> > email RHar100@aol.com
>> > Website:http://youtube.com/user/coughlan666
>> > Phone 07935333407
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 15:46:20 -0300
>> > Subject: Mr. Finkelstein I just discovered you and your concerns today
>> > perhaps we should have a long talk ASAP? i an be reached at 506 485
>> > 2578 for a couple of days
>> > To: normfinkelstein@gmail.com
>> >
>> > Need I say that I am hounoured that this evil person hates me/
>> >
>> > http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010/05/americans-have-never-guarantteed.html
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:23:46 -0300
>> > Subject: Lets see if the Russians will understand Fwd: We just talked
>> > this what I was trying to relate to the President of Mexico while he
>> > was in Canada
>> > To: info@rusembassy.ca
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:19:51 -0300
>> > Subject: We just talked this what I was trying to relate to the
>> > President of Mexico while he was in Canada
>> > To: atperez_lee
>> >
>> > The easiest way to check something about my concerns quickly is to go
>> > to the US Senate Banking Committee hearing on November 18th and 20th
>> > 2003 and notice the webcasts and transcripts of a very important
>> > hearing about the financial industry are missing. Please notice the
>> > crook Eliot Spitzer testified on the 20th
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Now look for Spitzer's answer to me on page 13 of this pdf file
>> >
>> > http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>> >
>> > The easy answer to your next question is YES I am the the guy nobody
>> > will talk about. so perhaps you should for the benefit of your
>> > concerns and pocketbook. (Google David Amos and Wendy Olsen to see how
>> > far down the rabbbit hole I can take anyone)
>> >
>> > I explained some of it a year ago on many talk shows and nobody cared.
>> > Listen here if you wish then go figure whom you should trust.
>> >
>> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJGDSlnyKro
>> >
>> > If nothing else have laugh at my espense and Google this expression
>> > "Nobody will say my name"
>> >
>> >
>> > Here is just one of the many reasons why
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
>> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:21 AM
>> > To: David Amos; USANYS-MADOFF; Litt, Marc (USANYS)
>> > Cc: webo; vasilescua@sec.gov; friedmani@sec.gov; krishnamurthyp@sec.gov
>> >
>> > Thank you for your response.
>> >
>> > Wendy Olsen
>> > Victim Witness Coordinator
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM
>> > To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS)
>> > Cc: webo; vasilescua@sec.gov; friedmani@sec.gov; krishnamurthyp@sec.gov
>> >
>> > Ms Olsen
>> >
>> > Thank you for keeping me informed.
>> >
>> > Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and
>> > make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full
>> > disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule
>> > of Law within a purported democracy.
>> >
>> > As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing
>> > wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to
>> > privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to
>> > protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution.
>> >
>> > The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well
>> > aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when
>> > the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff
>> > pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions
>> > was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been
>> > trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a
>> > secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of
>> > poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people
>> > are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did
>> > beginning over seven years ago..
>> >
>> > Veritas Vincit
>> > David Raymond Amos
>> > 506 756 8687
>> >
>> > P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as
>> > soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last
>> > night.
>> >
>> > http://www.bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1162354&f
>> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull
>> >
>> > Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It
>> > is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing
>> > timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud,
>> > forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal
>> > wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes.
>> >
>> > "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos
>> > and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison."
>> >
>> > He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that
>> > Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only
>> > acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some
>> > Putnam insiders.
>> >
>> > Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency
>> > is in hot water again.
>> >
>> > Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying
>> > private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact
>> > investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you
>> > enter the private sector," Scannell said."
>> >
>> > --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos wrote:
>> >
>> > From: David Amos
>> > SDNY
>> > To: NesterJ@sec.gov, letterstoeditor@bostonherald.com, "oig"
>> > , Thunter@tribune.com, david@davidmyles.com,
>> > ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca, "Dan Fitzgerald"
>> > Cc: dsheehan@bakerlaw.com, dspelfogel@bakerlaw.com,
>> > mc@whistleblowers.org, gkachroo@mccarter.com,
>> > david.straube@accenture.com, gurdip.s.sahota@accenture.com,
>> > benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts.gov, bob_burke@ao.uscourts.gov
>> > Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM
>> >
>> > Need I say BULLSHIT?
>> >
>> > http://www.bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1162354&f
>> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300
>> > SDNY
>> > To: Russ.Stanton@latimes.com, meredith.goodman@latimes.com,
>> > ninkster@navigantconsulting.com, dgolub@sgtlaw.com
>> > Cc: firstselectmanffld@town.fairfield.ct.us,
>> > editor@whatsupfairfield.com, info@csiworld.org, jacques_poitras
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300
>> > To: gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.us, MartiK1 ,
>> > "Paul. Harpelle", Jason Keenan
>> > , Kandalaw
>> > Cc: info@grahamdefense.org, fbinhct@leo.gov
>> >
>> > From: "Peck,Dave"
>> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400
>> > Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT
>> > To: David Amos
>> >
>> > I will be unavailable until 4/1/09.
>> >
>> > Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away.
>> >
>> > He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at
>> > gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.us
>> >
>> > I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages.
>> >
>> > Thank you,
>> >
>> > Chief Dave Peck
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300
>> > To: dpeck@town.fairfield.ct.us, edit@ctpost.com, bresee@courant.com
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300
>> > To: dtnews@telegraph.co.uk
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM
>> >
>> > In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court
>> > received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from
>> > victims that has been submitted in connection with the case.
>> >
>> > This includes your email to the Government.
>> >
>> > If the correspondence from victims is unsealed, the victim's personal
>> > identifying information including name, address, telephone number and
>> > email address (to the extent it was included on the correspondence)
>> > will become public. The Government must submit a response to the
>> > request by NBC and ABC by Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know
>> > whether you consent to the full disclosure of your correspondence, or
>> > whether you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy
>> > or other reasons.
>> > If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us
>> > know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we
>> > can. Thank you.
>> >
>> > I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my
>> > emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no
>> > reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of
>> > chickenshits.
>> >
>> > I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will
>> > never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money
>> > with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH?
>> >
>> > Veritas Vincit
>> > David Raymond Amos
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300
>> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> > To: Marc.Litt@usdoj.gov
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300
>> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> > To: PChavkin@mintz.com
>> > Cc: webo
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)"
>> > Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400
>> > Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> > To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> >
>> > On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following
>> > guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on
>> > March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.:
>> >
>> > Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will
>> > consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the
>> > defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the
>> > Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years'
>> > imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or
>> > released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea.
>> > Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will
>> > conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce
>> > whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court
>> > will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling.
>> >
>> > Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by
>> > the Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense
>> > counsel to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce
>> > its intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite
>> > individuals who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard.
>> >
>> > The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be
>> > heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and
>> > restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court
>> > also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak
>> > concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009
>> > proceeding.
>> >
>> > A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can
>> > be found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the
>> > Southern District of New York:
>> >
>> > http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/nys
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
>> > Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM
>> > To: usanys.madoff@usdoj.gov
>> > Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> > Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM
>> > To: horwitzd@dicksteinshapiro.com; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE);
>> > USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
>> > Cc: oig
>> > Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG
>> > etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> >
>> > horwitzd@dicksteinshapiro.com
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: "Sartory, Thomas J."
>> > Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500
>> > Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
>> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
>> > To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> >
>> >
>> > Dear Mr. Amos,
>> >
>> > I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to
>> > Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response.
>> > While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from
>> > Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to
>> > help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our
>> > attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications
>> > will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege.
>> >
>> > We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns.
>> >
>> > Sincerely,
>> >
>> > Thomas J. Sartory
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:
>> > Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM
>> > To: Rosensweig, Richard J.; info@LAtaxlawyers.com; Reisch, Alan M.;
>> > reed@hbsslaw.com
>> > Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
>> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
>> >
>> > Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH?
>> >
>> > UK Parliament Disclaimer:
>> > This e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have
>> > received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your
>> > system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted.
>> > This e-mail has been checked for viruses, but no liability is accepted
>> > for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "R Hide (MIN)"
>> > To: "David Amos"
>> > Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:33 PM
>> > have an idea for you Ben
>> >
>> >
>> > On behalf of the Hon Rodney Hide, Minister of Local Government, I wish
>> > to acknowledge receipt of your email.
>> >
>> > Your correspondence has been placed in front of the Minister.
>> >
>> > regards
>> >
>> > Sandy Grove
>> > Ministerial Private Secretary (Advisory)
>> > Office of Hon Rodney Hide
>> > Ph 04 817 6630
>> > Email: sandy.grove@parliament.govt.nz
>> >
>> > The content of this email, including any attachment, is intended for
>> > the named recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or
>> > communication of the Department of Internal Affairs It may contain
>> > privileged material and/or confidential information.
>> >
>> > If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not
>> > copy it, distribute it or take any action in reliance on it. If you
>> > have received this email in error, please notify the sender
>> > immediately and delete this email. Although this email has been
>> > scanned for viruses, this email is not guaranteed to be free of
>> > viruses and should be checked by your own security mechanisms. No
>> > liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from the use of
>> > this email or its attachments.
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> > Sent: Tuesday, 29 September 2009 3:05 pm
>> > To: T Ryall (MIN); Amy Adams; Jim Anderton;
>> > anderton.wigram@xtra.co.nz; Jacinda Ardern; Shane Ardern; Chris
>> > Auchinvole; Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi; Rick Barker; Carol Beaumont; David
>> > Bennett; Loren Bolton (MIN); Jackie Blue; Chester Borrows;
>> > chester.wanganui@xtra.co.nz; chester.hawera@xtra.co.nz; John Boscawen;
>> > Sue Bradford; socialjustice@greens.org.nz; Simon Bridges; Natalie
>> > Roberts (MIN); Brendon Burns; bb@brendonburns.co.nz; Chris Carter;
>> > labourwest@xtra.co.nz; D Carter (MIN); cartermp@xtra.co.nz; J Carter
>> > (MIN); northlandelectorate@xtra.co.nz; Steve Chadwick; Charles
>> > Chauvel; Ashraf Choudhary; J Coleman (MIN); J Collins (MIN);
>> > office@judithcollins.co.nz; Clayton Cosgrove;
>> > claytoncosgrovekaiapoi@xtra.co.nz; David Cunliffe;
>> > dcunliffe@xtra.co.nz; Clare Curran; lianne.dalziel@parliament.govt.nz;
>> > Kelvin Davis; Jacqui Dean; Catherine Delahunty; Roger Douglas; P Dunne
>> > (MIN); electjville@xtra.co.nz; Ruth Dyson; ruth.dyson@xtra.co.nz; B
>> > English (MIN); elecgor@esi.co.nz; Darien Fenton;
>> > office@labournorth.org.nz; C Finlayson (MIN); Jeanette Fitzsimons; Te
>> > Ururoa Flavell; Craig Foss; craigfoss@backingthebay.co.nz; David
>> > Garrett; Aaron Gilmore; p.goff@parliament.govt.nz; phil@goff.org.nz;
>> > Jo Goodhew; sandra.goudie@national.org.nz; Kennedy Graham; Hon. Tim
>> > Groser (MIN); nathan.guy@national.org.nz;
>> > national.horowhenua@xtra.co.nz; national.kapiti@xtra.co.nz; Kevin
>> > Hague; Hone Harawira; Terry Ututaonga; George Hawkins; John Hayes; P
>> > Heatley (MIN); Tau Henare; tau.henaremp@xtra.co.nz; R Hide (MIN);
>> > rodney@epsom.org.nz; Paul Hutchison; hunua.electorate@xtra.co.nz;
>> > Shane Jones; shanejonesmp@xtra.co.nz; S Joyce (MIN); Rahui Katene;
>> > Nikki Kaye; Sue Kedgley; J Key (MIN); genelle@johnkey.mp.net.nz;
>> > A.King@parliament.govt.nz; kilbirnieeo@xtra.co.nz;
>> > colin.kingmp@xtra.co.nz; winnie.laban@parliament.govt.nz;
>> > mana.electorate@xtra.co.nz; Melissa Lee;
>> > Iain.leesgalloway@parliament.govt.nz; Keith Locke;
>> > greenmps.auckland@greens.org.nz;
>> > peseta.sam.lotuiiga@parliament.govt.nz; Tim Macindoe;
>> > moana.mackey@labour.org.nz; Nanaia Mahuta;
>> > tainuielectorate@xtra.co.nz; Trevor Mallard; WOAoffice@xtra.co.nz;
>> > petone.eo@clear.net.nz; W Mapp (MIN); Todd McClay; M McCully (MIN);
>> > murray.mccully@xtra.co.nz; Sue Moroney; waikatohub.mps@xtra.co.nz;
>> > Stuart Nash; Russel Norman; Hekia Parata; David Parker; Allan Peachey;
>> > Ritchie Wards; lynne.pillaymp@xtra.co.nz; S Power (MIN);
>> > simonpower.feilding@xtra.co.nz; simonpower.marton@xtra.co.nz; Rajen
>> > Prasad; Paul Quinn; angela.bray@parliament.govt.nz;
>> > jen.toogood@parliament.govt.nz; Chris Hipkins;
>> > marlene.ditchfield@xtra.co.nz; janette.granville@xtra.co.nz; Pete
>> > Hodgson; pete@petehodgson.co.nz; Parekura Horomia;
>> > ikaroa.gis@xtra.co.nz; ikaroa.hstgs@xtra.co.nz; Darren Hughes; Raymond
>> > Huo; office@grantrobertson.co.nz; Ross Robertson;
>> > rae.waterhouse@xtra.co.nz; michael.clatworthy@xtra.co.nz; Eric Roy; H
>> > Roy (MIN); Heather Henderson; Pita Sharples (MIN); Sua William Sio;
>> > Trish Wanden; mp.rodney.warkworth@xtra.co.nz; N Smith (MIN);
>> > nick@nick4nelson.co.nz; Maryan Street; Lindsay Tisch;
>> > tolleywhk@xtra.co.nz; tolleygis@xtra.co.nz;
>> > chris.tremain@national.org.nz; napier.electorate@airnet.net.nz;
>> > Metiria Turei; greenmps.dunedin@greens.org.nz; T Turia (MIN);
>> > Tari.Turia@xtra.co.nz; Philip Twyford; Louise Upston; Nicky Wagner; K
>> > Wilkinson (MIN); waimakariri@xtra.co.nz; M Williamson (MIN); Michael
>> > Woodhouse; blueandgold@parliament.govt.nz; P Wong (MIN);
>> > pansy.wong@xtra.co.nz; ahan.young@parliament.govt.nz;
>> > rosslynn@hrc.co.nz; sylviab@hrc.co.nz; michaelW@hrc.co.nz;
>> > phillippa.smith@oag.govt.nz; Mark.Holman@ssc.govt.nz;
>> > mark.thornton@justice.govt.nz; boris.vanbeusekom@justice.govt.nz;
>> > tinz@paradise.net.nz; >; emma.miles@police.govt.nz;
>> > John.Rivers@police.govt.nz; Mike.Webb@police.govt.nz;
>> > nurses@nzno.org.nz; gay@pha.org.nz; qsolutionsrising@gmail.com;
>> > easy@island.net; jardim.stratton@gmail.com;
>> > christinejhansen@gmail.com; no_to_nwo@yahoo.co.uk;
>> > johan.niklasson@evolution-production.com; lunalas@cox.net;
>> > saxon1hero@yahoo.co.uk; journalist@bellsouth.net;
>> > irenew.politico@gmail.com; daniel.solis@seznam.cz;
>> > vickytoxotis@hotmail.com; wef339@mail.com; katcre22@yahoo.com;
>> > scott@tkgtech.com; amandablake@blueyonder.co.uk;
>> > who.flu.2009@gmail.com; jazon@ymail.com; sineadcasper@live.ie;
>> > acpscotland@hotmail.co.uk; p.duffy93@ntlworld.com;
>> > tua46054@temple.edu; ciaranmcloone@ooglemail.com;
>> > marek_p2000@yahoo.com; black2000at@hotmail.com;
>> > madame_karnak@yahoo.com; sracine@gmail.com;
>> > annikatornlind@hotmail.com; manonf6@yahoo.com; matt@mattengelman.com;
>> > grantlear@hotmail.com; helix7@hotmail.com; editor@uncensored.co.nz;
>> > melocacau@gmail.com; steve.gosschalk@gmail.com;
>> > tidalelectric@gmail.com; vapi.kupenga@xtra.co.nz;
>> > eastwood.vincent@gmail.com; sichel@nsw.chariot.net.au;
>> > mlm@archaeoskymatrix.com
>> > Cc: laos_newzealand@yahoo.co.nz; jane burgermeister
>> > have an idea for you Ben
>> >
>> > From: National Kapiti Electorate Office
>> > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:14:19 +1300
>> > To: David Amos
>> >
>> > Dear Mr Amos
>> > Thank you for copying Nathan in with your email to NZ Health Minister
>> > Tony
>> > Ryall. This has been passed on to Nathan for his information.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Heather
>> >
>> > Heather Shaw| Electorate Agent for Hon Nathan Guy MP for Otaki
>> > P: +64 4 298 2906| F: +64 4 298 4845| Shop 3, 23 Amohia Street,
>> > Paraparaumu,
>> > Kapiti Coast 5032
>> > www.nathanguy.co.nz
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Heather
>> >
>> > Jan 3rd, 2004
>> >
>> > Mr. David R. Amos
>> > 153 Alvin Avenue
>> > Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186
>> >
>> > Dear Mr. Amos
>> >
>> > Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to
>> > my predecessor,
>> > the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety. I apologize for the
>> > delay in responding.
>> >
>> > If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only
>> > suggest that you contact
>> > the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of
>> > criminal activity should be brought
>> > to their attention since the police are in the best position to
>> > evaluate the information and take
>> > action as deemed appropriate.
>> >
>> > I trust that this information is satisfactory.
>> >
>> > Yours sincerely
>> > A. Anne McLellan”
>> >
>> > September 11th, 2004
>> >
>> > Dear Mr. Amos,
>> >
>> > On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne
>> > Clarkson, I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and
>> > CD regarding corruption, one received from you directly, and the
>> > other forwarded to us by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of
>> > New Brunswick.
>> >
>> > I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot
>> > intervene in matters that are the responsibility of elected officials
>> > and courts of
>> > Justice of Canada. You already contacted the various provincial
>> > authorities
>> > regarding your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take.
>> >
>> > Yours sincerely.
>> >
>> > Renee Blanchet
>> > Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
>> >
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 10:12:44 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: We just talked
>> To: scott.white@thecanadianpress.com, pagek@parl.gc.ca,
>> editor@policeprofessional.com
>> Cc: IgnatM , LaytoJ ,
>> jemma@policeprofessional.com, hiddenfromhistory
>> Need i say i was not surprised when Askari and his boss Kevin Page
>> formerly of the PCO office did not respond to my phone calls or email
>> yesterday?
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 15:39:54 -0300
>> Subject: We just talked
>> To: askarm@parl.gc.ca
>> Mostafa Askari
>> Director General
>> Library of Parliament
>> Economic and Fiscal Analysis
>> Parliament Buildings
>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A9
>> Canada
>> Telephone : 613-992-8045
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 18:07:59 -0300
>> Subject: You Cato dudes played dumb again about your missing blog and
>> the documents I sent ya but lets see if one of your Directors is a
>> dumb as you and the Feds pretend to be
>> To: barnold@cato.org, kcouchman@cato.org, ckennedy@cato.org,
>> amast@cato.org
>> Cc: "rick. skinner", "Dean.Buzza"
>> The text of the blog of Tom Palmer's that Cato denies existed can be
>> found within my blog and many other places as well as this email
>> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/2005/03/ides-of-march.html
>> March 24, 2005
>> Crazy as a Loon, but Free
>> Off to Iceland!
>> Well, Bobby Fischer has his Icelandic passport. The U.S. government
>> can now stop persecuting him for the crime of playing chess in
>> Yugoslavia. Fischer may be out of his mind (tha’ts almost certain, if
>> you consider his anti-Semitism and praise for the 9-11 attacks), but
>> he’s not out of his mind for choosing Iceland as his country of
>> refuge. And the Icelanders, who may later regret having such an
>> utterly crazy person wandering around in their country, have done the
>> right thing by offering him refuge.
>> NOTE: I seem to have attracted a stalker, who keeps posting strange
>> messages on this site. Whatever.
>> Posted by Tom Palmer at March 24, 2005 07:09 AM | TrackBack
>> Comments
>> Quite frankly I do not understand this. What does Iceland gain from
>> this? Fischer himself stated that he would NEVER return to chess. So,
>> it is unlikely that he will play for Iceland... and even though he
>> did, it is not like he’d be back at the top.
>> Now, he might want to teach his fellow Icelanders
>> Fischerrandom...Fischerrandom is to chess what Estonian grammar is to
>> linguistic ...And THAT sounds like a threat to me. NV
>> Posted by: Nathalie I. Vogel at March 24, 2005 08:36 AM
>> I doubt that Iceland has much to gain. (And I suspect that the
>> inhabitants of Reykjavik may suffer from having an insufferable
>> loudmouth crackpot wandering around.) But they did the right thing.
>> The better thing would have been for the U.S. to drop its case against
>> Mr. Fischer. I don't think you should lose your passport or suffer
>> criminal prosecution for traveling someplace to play chess. I think
>> that the position of the U.S. government (and of both Democratic and
>> Republican administrations) is the harder one to understand.
>> Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 24, 2005 08:47 AM
>> TGP: "Fischer may be out of his mind (tha’ts almost certain, if you
>> consider his anti-Semitism "
>> I don't want to go all Szaszian on someone for what is most likely a
>> casual comment, but suggesting someone is "out of his mind" simply
>> because he is (labeled as) anti-Semitic seems overmuch. Immoral,
>> perhaps...poorly informed, possibly...holding to views developed as a
>> result of childhood associations, maybe...a confusion on either the
>> part of Fischer or the person making the accusation of anti-Semitism
>> with anti-Zionism, quite possible. But "out of his mind"?
>> Posted by: Ross Levatter at March 24, 2005 11:17 AM
>> Ross, Tom did refer to 'his' anti-Semitism; maybe it's not just that
>> Fischer does not like Jews, but that he suffers from a particularly
>> radical form of bigotry.
>> I wouldn't know myself, but that was the inference I drew from Tom's
>> comment.
>> Posted by: Henri Hein at March 25, 2005 02:45 AM
>> Then, Henri, he would be immoral, or bigoted, not "out of his mind".
>> And he should consult an ethicist, not a travel agent or chiropracter
>> to bring him back to his mind or better align it.
>> Again, my point was merely that "out of his mind" implies one must be
>> crazy or mentally ill to be anti-Semitic; I think that's a category
>> error.
>> Ross
>> Posted by: Ross Levatter at March 25, 2005 06:54 PM
>> Ross's points are well taken, but I do think that some term such as
>> "crazy" (I'll stay away from "mentally ill") is useful in describing
>> Mr. Fischer. (And even Thomas Szasz readily admits that there are
>> "lots of crazy people" around; he just says that they're not sick.)
>> The anti-Semitism that Mr. Fischer spouts is not of the "they wouldn't
>> be welcome in our club" sort (bad as that is), but of the "Organized
>> International Jewry is out to get me," sort. The former is an example
>> of bad behavior, bad manners, immoral views, or the like. The latter
>> sort of anti-Semitism is an obsession that seems in general to be
>> immune to either moral appeal (since it's a claim about an alleged
>> state of affairs, viz., that the Jews run everything and are out to
>> get one) or to factual refutation (how do you argue someone out of
>> such a...for want of a better word...crazy view?).
>> Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 25, 2005 11:34 PM
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: rjvattuone@aol.com
>> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:59 AM
>> Subject: This is going to get interesting
>> Hey Richard
>> Thanks for calling me back the other day. Here is my number in Boston
>> 617 698-6549 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 617 698-6549
>> end_of_the_skype_highlighting. I will be hitting the road shortly
>> and I will be sending out to you hard copy of what I am sending to
>> Scott Daruty. However there is a great deal more you should know ASAP.
>> I am involved against the biggest and baddest of them all and we all
>> know they play for keeps. It is important that you know much and have
>> evidence of it in order to protect yourself. I know they moniter my
>> phone calls and I have know doubt that they listen to the Canadain
>> Cell as well. The fact that you spoke to me honestly and openly puts
>> you in jeopardy. If you had acted like most lawyers, the bastards
>> would leave you alone. If you come to my aid, they will attack you.
>> Trust me it has happened before and I will send proof of it in the
>> following emails. Some contain the Tiffs I mentioned I am curious to
>> see if they get through AOL system. I hack been blocked by them in the
>> past. I have not heard from Barry Bachrach since just after he warned
>> me that the FBI was about to pounce on me on Oct 1st. It seems they
>> have him running scared. I must do my best to protect honest men..
>> The following is what I just posted but it seems Bill Gates does not
>> allow Tiff files in his sites so I will forward it to you to support
>> what I said is true. Answer this email if and when you get it an I
>> will send some others if you wish. However I think it would be better
>> not to use AOL. As I said just get one in Yahoo or Hotmail they work
>> better and are free.
>> From: motomaniac in response to Message 1 Sent: 3/27/2005 9:21 AM
>> In defense of Bobby Fischer I must say that he is just another man
>> like me. He has his strengths and his weaknesses. Just like me. One
>> particular forte of his, the amazing ability to play a game very well
>> thrust him into the limelight for the whole wide world to study and
>> examine his every move. More importantly I believe his fame caused him
>> to become a pawn in the big big game. Although he had his right to
>> privacy, the whole world dogged at his heels and critized his every
>> action as a man. The Masters of War obviously tried use him to their
>> advantage during the Cold War. He is not a stateman or a lawyer. He is
>> simply a free thinking individual who has every right to speak his
>> mind particularly after he has suffered through hell just because he
>> plays chess so very well.
>> I say judge not lest ye be judged and mind your own mouth about things
>> you do not know all the details of. I am far more outspoken than Bobby
>> ever was and yet you have never even heard of my name. It is because
>> the corporate controlled media is not permited to do so. I am nobody
>> with any special talent that had caused me to be thrown into public
>> scrutiny before I was compelled to speak out as Bobby has done. I do
>> not have to agree or disagree with his every word over the years to
>> understand his meaning and his troubles. That said, in all honesty it
>> would behoove us both if his lawyer would listen to me and employ
>> Bobby's fame to expose the truth of all that we say.
>> I am am not a perfect person and neither is Bobby. I do not know him
>> nor do I judge him. Yet I do agree with with his standing in defense
>> of his freedom. The Chessmaster has every right to spout off against
>> the Masters of War because they have offended him greatly. It is for
>> his attorney to weed out the truth and evidence of his convictions and
>> present it in court in order to seek relief on his client's behalf. A
>> jury of his peers will decide the truth of his matters not us bloggers
>> without veiwing and hearing all the evidence. Forget what you may
>> glean from the media. The information is controlled and slanted
>> against him. Listen to what his lawyer says and what is used in
>> arguement against him on the public record. Do not hold court in the
>> media just gossip about things you know are true in order for the
>> courts to act properly in the public interest.
>> Bobby has paid the devil his due and done time in his jails. It is
>> time for him to seek relief. I have as well. I was summoned to jail in
>> the USA while running for Parliament in Canada and held under the
>> charges of "other". I will not want allow myself to be judged on just
>> one particular act or deed. My criminal trial in the USA is coming
>> very soon. I will have lots to say.
>> It is the average of all our days and deeds that speaks of us as the
>> men we are. Like any game, it is what happens in the end that counts.
>> Sometimes sacrifices must be made and sometimes mistakes are made.
>> However once the word "checkmate" is declared, it is all over but the
>> crying as long as we play by the rules and the fat lady sings in tune.
>> I am more than happy to provide to Mr. Vattuone my evidence of much
>> public corruption in order to support Bobby's lawsuit against the USA.
>> It is high time the the Masters of War paid the fiddler and then be
>> compelled to dance to a different tune as we make them fall on their
>> own sword. No one is above the law. The public trust must be upheld or
>> we are all losers in the the big big game. Forget Bobby and chess for
>> a minute and listen to what he is saying through his attorney. I
>> applaud is efforts in support of Bobby and his legal matters. I hope
>> we get on like a house on fire. Any enemy of my foe should be a friend
>> of mine. Bobby lawyer is your neighbor listen to him and then speak
>> out to protect your own civil rights. What happened to Bobby and I
>> could happen to you next. Get it?
>> If anyone wishes to challenge what I have said, respond to this
>> message with a email account that can hold of 25 megs of attachments.
>> I will send you Tiff files of legal documents etc. that will take you
>> down path of of the Garden of Good and Evil that everybody knows is
>> true. I simply made it a point to prove it. My particular forte that
>> helped accomplish such a necessary task is that I am more stubburn
>> than a pig, meaner than a snake and smarter than the average bear.
>> Much to my chagrin, I am just an average sort of chess player and have
>> much to learn from Bobby in that regard but I maintain that chess is
>> just a game. Bobby was compelled to play a far more serious and deadly
>> game just because of his love of a game. I do recognize his talent but
>> my hat is off to him because of what he did and stood for as a man not
>> a chess player. In regards to his legal actions methinks I can teach
>> his attorney a trick or two of mine.
>> If anyone has any questions here is my phone number. 506 434-1379
>> begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 506 434-1379
>> end_of_the_skype_highlighting Feel free to argue me and stress test my
>> ethics to the max. It is your freedom as well as my own that I am
>> protecting. I think anyone has the right to question my motives. I
>> speak plainly and do not hide my identity. Integrity does not need a
>> mask to hide behind. However men like John Ashcroft and all his
>> cohorts need jails to cage honest men who speak their mind about their
>> masks of virtue.
>> Bobby is just one man of many. His is fortunate that he is famous.
>> Iceland would not do such things on behalf of the likes of me and many
>> others. However Canada or Japan or whatever would do the same against
>> me to support President Bush in a New York minute. In fact it already
>> happened. The one file I have attached is the reason Clark Kent Ervin
>> got fired immediately after the recent election. He long along proved
>> to me that he was not interested in Truth Justice and the American Way
>> and in fact he is a dumb as a post. I will wager I could beat him at
>> chess. I know I played him like a fiddle as a lawyer and that is his
>> game of choice. It was really to funny to me the advice he offered to
>> others as he entered into the Aspen Crowd of nasty dudes. I feel the
>> need to quote him. Many a govenment lawyer will understand why I am
>> busting my gut laughing. I hope Bobby's lawyer does too.
>> Lauren Robinson POGO Fellow " Any advice for your fellow public
>> servants?"
>> Clark Kent Ervin "Well, just do your job and let the political chips
>> fall where they may. Unless your're willing to do that, it seems to me
>> you shouldn't take the job in the first place."
>> My answer to his remark is No Shit Sherlock. The former Inspector
>> General can expect a rather profound civil lawsuit. He must argue me
>> Pro Se or a at least without government assistance on his behalf
>> because he failed to act within the scope of his employment and he is
>> now out of the job.
>> David Raymond Amos
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 27, 2005 06:12 PM
>> December 7th, 2003
>> Gene Healy Senior Editor Cato Institute
>> 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
>> Washington D.C. 20001-5403
>> Phone (202) 842-0200 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
>> (202) 842-0200 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
>> Fax (202) 842-3490
>> RE: Corruption
>> Sir,
>> Please find enclosed an exact copy of a letter with all its enclosures
>> recently sent to the Hearst Corporation and many others. Many of your
>> directors such as Lewis E. Randall, John C. Malone and Jeffrey S. Yass
>> should find the documents an interesting read. I ask that you make
>> them available for their review.
>> I watched David Boaz speak on C-Span the other day and heard him say
>> many things. What I found the most interesting was that he said that
>> the Cato Institute was named after some rather prolific letter
>> writers. I invite you all to read mine. They can be found at the
>> website mentioned in the enclosed documents. I could not send this
>> letter to Mr. Boaz because he is not a lawyer and an officer of the
>> court as you are. This is because only law enforcement authorities or
>> officers of the court have any right to listen to the copy of wiretap
>> numbered 139. It is served upon you in confidence as an officer of the
>> court in order that you may act ethically and see that it is properly
>> investigated. Please share the contents of the Cd with only the proper
>> authorities so that I may never be accused of violating anyone’s
>> Fourth Amendment Rights.
>> As I have said to many other lawyers, at the very least I have now
>> made you a witness to my pursuit of justice. I ask you simply the
>> following. What will you do with your newfound knowledge of Civil
>> Rights Violations and Government Corruption?
>> Best Regards
>> David R.Amos
>> 153 Alvin Ave.
>> Milton MA. 02186
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 27, 2005 06:22 PM
>> Um, as I was saying about some people being, um, a bit....well,
>> "different."
>> Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 27, 2005 09:12 PM
>> Did I mention that I found snotty Oxford dudes had stuffed shirts and
>> were great fun to poke fun at as they bullshit others about how smart
>> they are?
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: marnie.ferguson@keyporter.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 5:08 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: deborahlbmc@yahoo.com ; egeetter@bu.edu ;
>> dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com ; lawrence_summers@harvard.edu ;
>> wrogersjr@therogerslawfirm.com ; thomas.hannigan@ropesgray.com ;
>> jotodd@toddweld.com
>> Cc: warren.tolman@hklaw.com ; dan@dankennedy.net ; w.kirtz@neu.edu ;
>> howiecarr@wrko.com ; bzelnick@bu.edu ; n.daniloff@neu.edu ;
>> barnicle@969fmtalk.com ; wsj.ltrs@wsj.com ; amy.wolfcale@dowjones.com
>> ; joseph.stern@dowjones.com ; letters@washpost.com ; fair@fair.org ;
>> editor@usatoday.com ; pressreleases@upi.com ; letters@time.com ;
>> newshour@pbs.org ; ombudsman@npr.org ; morning@npr.org ;
>> letters@newsweek.com ; nytnews@nytimes.com ;
>> dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com ; gillooly@dailyfreepress.com ;
>> dfpnews@dailyfreepress.com ; 48hours@cbsnews.com ; pr@ap.org ;
>> nightline@abcnews.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:21 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding
>> Hey
>> It appears that all the Law Schools know nothing of ethical behavior
>> if it may affect their coffers. I made it my task to prove it. Lets
>> see if I can turn the worm and make the light dawn on Marblehead for
>> the benefit of all.
>> Whereas Todd Klipp is on Legal Advisory Committee United Educators
>> (UE) Insurance Risk Retention Group I called Corporate Counsel, Jan
>> Holt and told her something is up and that I would be serving the Hard
>> Copy of the evidence that proves what I say is true upon Mr. Klipp. If
>> I were you I would go to the US District Court in Beantown, query the
>> dockets that bear my name and ask the BU professor Chief Justice Young
>> about his integrity and his association with crooks like Charles J.
>> Kickham Jr. and all of his cohorts.
>> Cardinal Law would be a good witness to ask to start a proper
>> investigation that is if you can get whoever becomes the next US
>> Ambassador to the Vatican to make him fess up about his sins.
>> Otherwise ask his former secretary Robert Kickham he is now O'Malley's
>> secretary. I have no doubt that little bastard knows everything but
>> trust that the three legal stooges Todd, Rogers and Hannigan have told
>> him to shut up and wait for me to quit or die. However I think the
>> Kickhams will soon fold their hand and start rattin out others very
>> soon. Their is no honour amongst theives and I have the Kickhams
>> cornered after three years of hard work. Their big daddy Chucky is
>> dead and the rest of them are as dumb as a post. Uncle Franky has been
>> dead since last June and I have finally forced the court to admit it.
>> None of their accountings have been assented to by anyone and the IRS
>> must check their work before my wife will settle. the Feds have a big
>> problem and everybody knows its me.
>> I am proud to say I won't quit and don't care if I die. I made certain
>> that my truths live on and that no Kickham relatives can no longer
>> claim to be kin to my little Clan. I refuse to allow my family to
>> associate with bible pounding criminals that expound of law nor will I
>> settle with them in order that they may escape justice. They must be
>> held accountable and so should all their friends.
>> I may seem crazy but at least I know my rights and will not allow
>> wrongs against my family to go unpunished, particularly when the
>> wrongs are practiced by people well paid or licensed by the state to
>> insure that matters such as this never happen. If I am not crazy then
>> the governments of Canada and the USA must be insanely corrupt. I know
>> for a fact that there are a lot of ordinary people that agree with me
>> therefore I know I am OK but I have my doubts about you. i am giving
>> Mr. Klipp just enough evidence to impeach George Bush and for safe
>> measure I am giving the same material to many others as well. Here's
>> hoping ethics wins out after all. Otherwise we are all losers and the
>> crooks within such organizations as the Aspen Institute will keep on
>> advising the bastards on how to screw us all.
>> The judges of the First Circuit of the US District Court have a lot to
>> be accountable for and Judge Young is well aware of it all. He has no
>> right to teach others about trial practice and the law until he proves
>> that he understands how to uphold the law. I will be suing the bastard
>> in short order you pick whether you wish to stand with him or me.
>> There is no middle ground in this legal battle for Boston University
>> to stand on. Judge Young is in your employ. However methinks he is no
>> longer a feather in your cap. The University has bragged to have such
>> a man to teach the students. What say you now?
>> Trust that I don't care if anyone reads this email or not. In fact it
>> will be more fun if ya didn't.
>> "The Honorable William G. Young was appointed judge of the U.S.
>> District Court for Massachusetts in 1984, after serving as associate
>> justice of the state’s Superior Court. Prior positions include special
>> assistant attorney general, chief counsel to the governor, and clerk
>> for the Honorable Raymond Wilkins, former chief justice of the
>> Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Judge Young has a long list of
>> pro bono activities, teaching experience, and several awards,
>> including the Award for Judicial Excellence from the Massachusetts
>> Academy of Trial Attorneys. Judge Young developed the course Advanced
>> Trial Practice and also teaches Evidence."
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: jb95@bu.edu
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:02 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: MauraH@ci.boston.ma.us ; maurah@maurahennigan.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:36 PM
>> Subject: I just called I am not kidding
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: info@pogo.org ; elliot.gerson@aspeninstitute.org ;
>> pat.zindulka@aspeninstitute.org ; peter. reiling@aspeninstitute.org ;
>> clark.ervin@aspeninstitute.org
>> Cc: brian@questionsquestions.net ; plough@ploughshares.ca ; moto
>> maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; backtalk@motherjones.com
>> ; Wes Penre@Illuminati News.com ; tpalmer@cato.org ; ghealy@cato.org ;
>> david@davidakin.com ; McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ;
>> cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ;
>> INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca ;
>> Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ;
>> Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;
>> Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:30 AM
>> Subject: I just left voicemail for Jim Spiegelman
>> Hey Fellas
>> I have picked you Mr. Gerson to send exactly the same material that I
>> sent to two Solicitor Generals last year before I ran for Parliament
>> in Canada. I am certain that material caused Theodore Olson to quit
>> his job and your brand new fellow, Clark Kent Erwin to get the boot
>> from his job right after the last Yankee election.
>> Obviously I picked you because of your own bragging. There is no need
>> for me to expand upon things that you and I know to be true. It is
>> merely my task to prove to the world that you are well aware of my
>> concerns and allegations. Then if you and your Association does
>> nothing to uphold the public trust, I will make it my best effort to
>> embarrass you all in court in front of a jury of my peers. You people
>> claim to inspire people to ethical leaders? I say Bullshit. What say
>> you?
>> Say Hey to Superman for me. Will ya? Yea I know I just did but he
>> likes to keep everything in confidence while his cohorts keep me
>> falsely imprisoned. However I plan to call him to testify during my
>> pending criminal trial as I have the right to do. I should be very
>> interesting to see if he takes the fifth.
>> David R. Amos
>> "Elliot Gerson is responsible for the Aspen Institute's seminars,
>> including the Executive Seminar, topical and custom seminars, and
>> those offered in the Society of Fellows and Socrates programs. He also
>> manages the Institute's public programs and activities, including the
>> Aspen Ideas Festival. He is a graduate of Harvard College, Oxford
>> University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar, and Yale Law School. As
>> American Secretary of the Rhodes Trust, he manages the U.S. Rhodes
>> Scholarships and is an advisor to the Mandela Rhodes Foundation in
>> Cape Town, which focuses on African higher education and leadership.
>> He was a U. S. Supreme Court clerk and has had a career including the
>> practice of law, executive positions in state and federal government
>> and a presidential campaign, president of leading insurance and
>> healthcare companies, and service on many non-profit boards,
>> especially in the arts."
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:23 PM
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: backtalk@motherjones.com
>> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 4:01 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Cya in court Cato
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: tpalmer@cato.org ; ghealy@cato.org ; tcarpent@cato.org ;
>> dboaz@cato.org ; rpilon@cato.org ; cpreble@cato.org ; tlynch@cato.org
>> ; blindsey@cato.org ; rlevy@cato.org ; tfirey@cato.org ;
>> ecrane@cato.org
>> Cc: Wes Penre@Illuminati News ; freedom_of_information@yahoogroups.com
>> ; Letters@globeandmail.ca ; webmaster@canadalawcourts.com ; lloyd
>> brinson ; J. D. Kuntz ; elois@newdata.ca ; Jack Hook ; John Bjornstrom
>> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:47 PM
>> Subject: Cya in court Cato
>> Hey Tommy Boy
>> You invited me. These are your words correct? I tried to register on
>> line but your link does not work. I want to come. we should be in
>> agreement in most things but I know we are not and we should really
>> talk about it before I file my civil lawsuits. You people have already
>> proven to me your malice. this is your last chance to act ethically.
>> My criminal trial will begin shortly thereafter and I may call some of
>> you to testify at it. One of them could be you. I am one of those
>> people that many already turn to for an honest opinion. Right or wrong
>> they know my answer comes from sincere ethical consideration because I
>> am more a man of my word than legions of lawyers ever were. I am good
>> to my friends and sheer hell to my foes. I hate the false fronts of
>> integrity of the people you joke about within your following
>> invitation. You are joking. I am not.
>> Dear Friend,
>> Would you like to be the person to whom others turn for an explanation
>> of the debate over Social Security and retirement, the economics of
>> international trade, or how to control pollution and protect the
>> environment through incentives? Would you like to be better able to
>> explain the benefits of free markets, private property, and free trade
>> to your friends, colleagues, and family members?
>> If so, you should come to Washington, D.C., for the Cato University
>> seminar April 28 to May 1 on Applied Economics: User-Friendly Tools to
>> Understand Politics, Business Enterprise, and Life. The faculty
>> includes top-level economists and policy experts from universities and
>> the Cato Institute.
>> The seminar will be held in the F. A. Hayek Auditorium of the Cato
>> Institute, with dinner and a tour at Mount Vernon, the historic home
>> of George Washington.
>> Our goal is to help attendees become the people to whom their friends
>> turn to explain the economy and how political interference in markets
>> tends to generate disaster. And there's a reason it's being held in
>> Washington, D.C. You see, we want to change fundamentally the culture
>> of Washington, D.C. Washington's a very strange city. Most of the
>> people here spend their working days taking from Peter to give to Paul
>> (minus a substantial cut, of course). Or writing minute and
>> incomprehensible "regulations" on the optimal size of broccoli, or
>> warning people to wear sensible shoes, or just figuring out new ways
>> to strip American citizens of their rights and dignity.
>> You can come to D.C. for a long weekend and learn how to change that.
>> You'll learn how to make the arguments that will convince your
>> friends, coworkers, and neighbors that they don't need or benefit from
>> all those rules, redistributions, regulations, and rip-offs.
>> You're invited to attend one Cato University seminar, or two, or
>> three. Each is a stand alone seminar, but all three are complementary.
>> (The other two are on history and on the art and technique of
>> persuasion.)
>> Please check out the faculty and schedule, and register using our
>> secure registration form. Online registration is safe, easy, and fast.
>> Come to Washington, D.C. ... and learn how to change it.
>> I look forward to welcoming you to Cato University this year.
>> Cordially,
>> and Signed by you. Tom Palmer
>> In order not to be somehow overlooked, I just called you cell phone to
>> cell phone so that I would have a record of contact to let you know we
>> had a problem to discuss. You were to busy to talk so you missed your
>> chance. Methinks you are a fine example of the reason your buddy Gene
>> Healy and his ilk ignored me. I read enough of your work to think you
>> are a very snotty tall talking whore for the Global Corps. I wanted to
>> hear your voice to be certain my feelings were correct. You did not
>> dissappoint me. If you don't like my opinion of you, sue me and bring
>> all these emails to court. I promise I will not file a motion to
>> dismiss. In fact I can't wait to meet your lawyers. I thought what you
>> said about Bobby Fischer was far more offensive and as you can see I
>> blogged in his defense. Many people call me crazy too. That seem to be
>> the label bad actors put on someone when they are cornered. I wanted
>> you to hear my voice so that you would understand that I am not nuts
>> but very sincere. when you shunned my last words were see you in
>> court. Ignore me some more and you certainly will. Check my work
>> before you laugh and call me crazy too.
>> In order to prove you all I am serious I will send Roger Pilon, Vice
>> President for Legal Affairs at 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.,
>> Washington D.C. 20001-5403 hard copy of exactly the same material I
>> sent to two Solicitor Generals last year just before I ran for
>> Parliament. Teddy Olson quit and went into private practice as soon as
>> Stephen Harper opened his mouth about the Arar Inquiry but thus far
>> Landslide Annie has hung onto hers. Now if you have any questions of
>> me before we meet, ask them to New Canadian Ambassador Franky Boy
>> McKenna. He knows exactly who I am and what has happened in the year
>> since. If you want a Yankee perspective ask John Ashcroft, John
>> Edwards. Tom Ridge, Clark Kent Ervin, Theodore Olson or David
>> Aufhauser to name a few. They all are now free agents and in the same
>> hot water as your buddy and now you.
>> I emailed ya, blogged ya, called ya and am now telling some your
>> friends plus a few of mine for good measure. Under Title 18 of the
>> federal code you are all as guilty as everyone else if you don't get
>> honest real fast. Ask Frank Quatronne and Martha Stewart about email
>> evidence in federal court
>> In light of the reasons I was falsely imprisoned and what I had sent
>> you dudes the year before it makes Cato's work in "Go Directly to
>> Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything." a total bullshit
>> piece of work. It is my job to properly shame you bastards so that
>> nobody will take you seriously ever again.
>> "At one time, the sanction of the criminal law was reserved for
>> serious, morally culpable offenders. But during the past 40 years, an
>> unholy alliance of tough-on-crime conservatives and anti-big-business
>> liberals has utterly transformed the criminal law. Today, while
>> violent crime often goes unpunished, Congress continues to add new,
>> trivial offenses to the federal criminal code. With more than 4,000
>> federal offenses on the statute books, and thousands more buried in
>> the Code of Federal Regulations, it is now frighteningly easy for
>> American citizens to be hauled off to jail for actions that no
>> reasonable person would regard as crimes. At the same time, rampant
>> federalization and mandatory minimum sentencing are making America’s
>> criminal justice system ever more centralized and punitive. The result
>> is a labyrinthine criminal code, a burgeoning prison population, and
>> often real injustice. Go Directly to Jail examines those alarming
>> trends and proposes reforms that could rein in a criminal justice
>> apparatus at war with fairness and common sense."
>> If you dudes do not want me to turn up after being invited please let
>> me know why in writing and introduce me to the lawyer I will be
>> arguing someday in court.
>> David R. Amos
>> 153 Alvin Ave.
>> Milton, MA 02186
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: dante17678@hotmail.com
>> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:20 AM
>> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: rjvattuone@aol.com
>> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:04 AM
>> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: lsewell@canadians.org
>> Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:27 AM
>> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: jeffryhouse@hotmail.com
>> Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:03 AM
>> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca ; Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca ; Jack Layton ;
>> Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Cadman.C@parl.gc.ca ; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ;
>> Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca
>> Cc: McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca ; Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca ;
>> macaul1@parl.gc.ca ; Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ;
>> Anderson.D@parl.gc.ca ; Anderson.Da@parl.gc.ca ;
>> david.anderson1@sk.sympatico.ca
>> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:12 PM
>> Subject: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> I got a better one for ya Petey Boy. "Thar she blows". I bet Belinda
>> is really pissed off at everybody and is letting off some steam. If I
>> were you I would start bailing out of your new party like any other
>> rat that would desert a sinking ship. That is one boat that could
>> never float. The way you back stabbed your way into its creation will
>> likely never be forgotten. Some of the new Senators Martin just
>> appointed proved that didn't they? Right now you are just hanging on
>> and kissing Harper's arse because nobody else will ever trust you in
>> their Dory except maybe the diddler, Billy Matthews. He is used to
>> turningcoat and needs help bailing out his punky little craft. I think
>> the liberals are tired of him by now and Johnny Crosbie is likely
>> pretty pissed at him too. I think you two dudes should be good company
>> for each other as everybody else tries to distance themselves from a
>> couple of cry babies that call themselves Maritimers. You were born
>> there alright but a lair lawyer and a nasty old diddler reflect poorly
>> upon the rest of us. But bad apples fall from the best of trees. The
>> sooner the better so that they don't suck the sap out of the good
>> ones.
>> Dare to argue me Petey Boy? I am ten times meaner with no temper than
>> the man that pitches silly fits kicks chairs. I would kick your arse
>> in a good debate. I would laugh if you asked me to step outside, head
>> for the door and quit talking immediately in a sincere effort to kick
>> your arse in the street. Win or lose, rest assured I would have fun.
>> Fighting is a true Maritime tradition. EH MacKay? Feel free to try to
>> call me a liar. Everybody knows it would be a case of the pot trying
>> to call the kettle black.
>> "The Nova Scotia MP described his relations with Conservative Leader
>> Stephen Harper as "hunky-dory, everything's great - that's a good
>> Maritime phrase."
>> Forwarded Message
>> Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:14:47 -0800 (PST)
>> From: David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> Subject: Attn Don Amos
>> To: MEC.investors@magnaent.com, dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca,
>> smay@pattersonpalmer.ca
>> As I stated within an earlier email, Scott Daruty finally called me
>> back and pissed me off. He picked the wrong guy to try and toy with. I
>> will take up my concerns with Magna byway of Daruty and Cellucci down
>> here in the Yankee courts. I have much proof of what I sent Belinda
>> Stronach long before she ever became a Member of Parliament up home. I
>> will deal with her in a political fashion first to see if she is
>> interested in up holding the public trust while protecting her
>> interests in Magna. Good luck with your conscience as a lawyer named
>> Amos as you check my work. Here is my phone number 506 434-1379
>> begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 506 434-1379
>> end_of_the_skype_highlighting if you have any questions before
>> deciding whether or not to uphold the law and protect the investor's
>> interests in Magna from my necessary civil actions. I gave my material
>> to Argeo P. Cellucci in Canada in July of 2002 before I sent the
>> Sheriffs out with my first complaints. I know by the fax numbers at
>> the top of my first complaint that it was Ashcroft and Cellucci that
>> directed the US Attorney to try to make my complaints evaporate. Now
>> that Cellucci speaks for Magna and Belinda speaks for Canadians there
>> is a couple of Amos boys that should have along talk about many
>> things. But forget trying to label me as your brother until I am
>> assured of your integrity. I have a high contempt towards lawyers and
>> their sense of ethics for very justifiable reasons.
>> Note: forwarded message attached.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca ; moto maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ;
>> kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; danthebagelman@msn.com ; info@electtomobrien.com ;
>> lcampenella@ledger.com ; jeff.mockler@gnb.ca ; newsonline@bbc.co.uk ;
>> Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ;
>> Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;
>> Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us ; dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com ;
>> MEC.investors@magnaent.com
>> Cc: zedp@parl.gc.ca ; rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca ; savoya2@parl.gc.ca ;
>> thompg@nb.sympatico.ca ; john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov ;
>> martib@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dougchristielaw@shaw.ca ;
>> Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; Stephen.Murphy@ci.boston.ma.us ;
>> Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ;
>> johnduggan@legalaid.nf.ca ; brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca ;
>> McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ;
>> cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ;
>> INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca
>> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:14 PM
>> Subject: Shame on you Della
>> At least I am a man of my word. I called you personally as I stated I
>> would. I have the record of the call that I was directed to do by your
>> boss, Stevey Boy May. Too bad you would not speak to me to protect
>> your own interests. At least I have your signature because no word
>> from you is worthless to me. You can never claim ignorance of my
>> concerns after directing me to your lawyer. I stuck my hand out to you
>> as a layman but you had picked your friends the lawyers and had
>> enlisted them to bite it? Do you really Think I am afraid of dealing
>> with the likes of Johnny Crosbie and Stevey Boy May when I am
>> preparing a lawsuit against the likes of John Edwards, John Ashcroft
>> and Theodore Olson to name a few? Plus there is the irrefutable fact
>> that you and the law firm you work for have already admitted that you
>> are aware of the crimes practiced against me. You have done nothing to
>> uphold the law and have already filed the evidence of that fact in the
>> Newfoundland Supreme Court. Lady, either I or my estate will bankrupt
>> you and your firm with its own sworn testimony that you witnessed. You
>> can take that to the bank. The first question I must ask you Della
>> what did your law fir do with its copy of the police surveillance tape
>> # 139 and did you listen to it? You should not have because you are
>> not an officer of the court nor are you employed by law enforcement.
>> The Lieutenant Governor Roberts notified me that he had given his
>> copies of the material to Tommy Marshall to be investigated but I have
>> received no word from your law firm as to what the hell they did with
>> their copies. Have your lawyers explain their integrity to you because
>> you and I will never come to an understanding of ethical behavior
>> after your treatment of me today. I often sing the praises of Newfys
>> because they are amongst the nicest folks on the planet excepting of
>> course their lawyers and their cohorts such as you Della. By the way I
>> heard about the clerks in Supreme Court having a little wager over who
>> buys lunch if I managed to do what I said I would do. I would like to
>> meet the lady who felt I was as serious as a heart attack and willing
>> to buy lunch if I was not a man of my word. I would love to buy her
>> lunch some time because the courts need more folks like her in their
>> employment. She clearly did not disregard the word of a common man.
>> On the other hand after our exchange of the mere few words today it
>> would not be wise for me to trust your word or typing if I had left
>> the voicemail you desired. I have much evidence of many edited
>> transcripts of things I have said in the past. You and I will argue
>> them some day no doubt byway of your lawyer friends because I think
>> you don't speak pro se very well in order to protect your personal
>> interests. I just got off the phone with one of Frank Stronach's
>> Yankee lawyers Scott Daruty. He did me the service of really pissing
>> me off today by finally calling me back after I had torn a piece off
>> of Magna in Canada about his neglect of duty on their behalf. He
>> thought he was funny by joking that the Canadian lawyer, Don Amos was
>> my brother. No lawyer is a brother of mine. He thought I was joking
>> when I told him I would sue him personally if he did not uphold the
>> law and rat out Magna's brand new Vice President his brother, Argeo P.
>> Cellucci so I had to repeat myself so he would understand me in no
>> uncertain terms. I do make a lot of jokes about very serious business
>> however it would not be wise to underestimate my sincerity and attempt
>> to toy with me. I enjoy a good fight win or lose as long as I stand on
>> the right side of the battle. You just picked a fight with me lady on
>> a day when I ain't taking prisoners from lawyers or their cohorts. All
>> lawyers are liars and I have proven it. It is only laymen I will
>> settle with from now on and only if they tell the truth, the whole
>> truth and nothing but the truth.
>> I don't care if your god helps you or not. We can all do it again in
>> hell for all I care.
>> From now on I must rely on hard copy of my own creation. For now I
>> will send you and Stevey Boy a bunch of emails that have been
>> forwarded to many other people first. I require the record of doing
>> so. Whereas I have no doubt Stevey Boy will wan to argue about the
>> emails I have already sent I figure why not be hung for a cow as a
>> calf? Since everything in heaven and hell is done in threes. I will
>> forward to Magna's lawyer, Don Amos, Stevey Boy and three large emails
>> that contain Tiff files. There is no need to be redundant with hard
>> copy already sent to Scott Daruty and Johnny Crosbie. You can tell the
>> folks at Patterson Palmer who directed you to offend me that the
>> emails contain exactly the same documents that Greg Byrne and Johnny
>> Crosbie received and that you should all prepare to argue every word
>> within in them. The first email contains a file called Big Day. It
>> contains every document I served upon Two Solicitors Generals Theodore
>> Olson and Anne McLellan before I ran for Parliament and Olson quit his
>> job on June 24th immediately after Johnny Crosbie told Stevey Harper
>> to shut up about the Arar Inquiry. the second file is called Big
>> Canada Add and it is a copy of the documents served upon my political
>> opponents while running for Parliament. Last but not least are what
>> was added to the first to pile of documents and then served upon
>> Patterson and Palmer by way of Greg Byrne.
>> Scott Daruty is receiving the documents within "Big Day" and other
>> interesting material that Magna should find quite interesting to say
>> the least. Magna really made my day when they appointed Cellucci and
>> their new VP. I is comical that he is going to lobby the government
>> about horse racing especially after listening to what is recorded on a
>> lot of the tapes and the fact that the top dog of the RCMP had to
>> teach that dumb Yankee how to ride a horse last summer so that he
>> would not make an ass out himself at the Calgary Stampede. This was
>> almost as rich as when Martin sent Franky McKenna to Washington after
>> he and I had a spit and chew about dogs and pork. At least I am clever
>> enough to realize when I am a lucky man and how to make the best out
>> of a golden opportunity to see that justice is served upon some very
>> nasty bastards. I am very pissed off but still having more fun than
>> ten men. I love cornering lawyers and listening to them stutter and
>> try to duck the issues. I will wager that you are having a bad day
>> too. EH Della? It looks good on you if you are. Why not get mad? I
>> hope you share your anger with the others at Patterson and Palmer and
>> start bitchin about me. Never forget all I want is the truth from you.
>> It will cost you nothing. Why do you want to stand with crooks and
>> liars for a days pay? I bet you have witnessed lots of dirty dealings.
>> I truly beleive that there is no honour in your work. To me working
>> for lawyers is like a lady being sent to a nunnery in Medieval times.
>> I share ol Shake's opinion of such a place. Times changes nothing
>> lawyers still work for Jesuits. Look around downtown St John's and
>> call me a liar. I dare ya. Even the name of the town says it all.
>> Cya'll in Court:)
>> David R. Amos
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca ; moto maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ;
>> kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; danthebagelman@msn.com ; info@electtomobrien.com ;
>> lcampenella@ledger.com ; jeff.mockler@gnb.ca ; newsonline@bbc.co.uk ;
>> Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ;
>> Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;
>> Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us ; dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com
>> Cc: zedp@parl.gc.ca ; rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca ; savoya2@parl.gc.ca ;
>> thompg@nb.sympatico.ca ; john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov ;
>> martib@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dougchristielaw@shaw.ca ;
>> Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; Stephen.Murphy@ci.boston.ma.us ;
>> Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ;
>> johnduggan@legalaid.nf.ca ; brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca ;
>> McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ;
>> cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ;
>> INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca
>> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:33 AM
>> Subject: RE: Me versus Patterson and Palmer
>> Hey Della,
>> I see that Stevey Boy is on vacation and told me to contact you. I am
>> happy to hear that he is saving all of my emails in a special spot for
>> some apparent future litigation. I keep very good records as well and
>> look forward to his argument but I will wager that I sue him first.
>> I see by the following Affidavit you witnessed and Stevey Boy filed in
>> court that every lawyer within Patterson Palmer is a flat out liar. I
>> served Greg Byryne in Fredericton myself with witnesses before Byron
>> Prior served everyone else in Newfoundland. If Byrne did not share the
>> info with his buddy Johnny Crosbie, it is not my fault. Yet I suspect
>> that he did so out of the gate because he sent me an email in which it
>> appears that he was conferring with many others about me and my
>> concerns. It was too funny that Byrne clicked the wrong button and
>> forwarded his email to me as well.
>> I also sent many of your people the same emails that I sent to Byrne
>> and May as soon as I got out off jail last October and Stevey Boy
>> first contacted Byron Prior and I had called him. (Thank you for
>> making a transcript of my voicemail and filing it in court for me. It
>> is quite hard for me to make lawyers even admit that I exist) Some of
>> the aforesaid emails were responded to by other members of your law
>> firm byway of their computers like Stevey Boy's just did. At least
>> computers are far more honest than the lawyers that own them. I am
>> compelled to rely on the integrity of their machines and the ability
>> of their computers and mine to keep perfect records. (Never forget I
>> am being prosecuted for sending an email to a lawyer I have been
>> litigating against for years who even went as far to fraudulently
>> create a document bearing my signature) Because of the fact I can
>> prove contact with many members of the law firm you work for, they can
>> never say that they did not know of my concerns and allegations long
>> before Stevey complained of Byron Prior's actions on behalf of his
>> client Billy Matthews. He only went forward with his malicious threat
>> when he thought my goose was cooked down here. There is quite simply
>> no way you could have prepared his filing on January 21st and he had
>> Judge green sign it in the time between Byron had served it and the
>> Judge signed it without the Bastards reading our private emails and
>> listening to our phone calls. I sent the last email containing the
>> words to Byron's counterclaim just before I went to court that morning
>> and he only managed to see it filed by 3 PM Newfy time. You may be a
>> fast typists but the courts don't work that fast unless they are
>> covering up something big time. No know as well as I that is true
>> because the judge and Stevey Boy do not even want other lawyers to
>> view the public record. Small wonder he took a vacation. If Stevey Boy
>> has any semblance of a conscience he no doubt has trouble dealing with
>> himself. I can only wonder if he and Johnny Crosbie are singing for
>> more tequila right now.
>> As you no doubt know I am preparing to defend myself in a criminal
>> trial in the USA and filing some rather profound civil lawsuits in
>> Canada and the USA that will make the whining of Billy Matthews in
>> Newfoundland Supreme court seem rather comical. I will be filing
>> copies of the documents you no doubt helped create for Stevey Boy May
>> on behalf of your law firm in many courts.
>> If Greg Byrne, the former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of
>> New Brunswick had acted ethically last September while I was in Canada
>> and under Brad Green's jurisdiction I would not have been falsely
>> imprisoned in the USA the following month. I will be suing him, your
>> law firm and many others for personal injury and conspiracy to cover
>> up the many crimes practiced against my Clan and I. My question to
>> you, Della is why don't I sue you too? As you can see if you have read
>> my work my battle is with corrupt lawyers not layman. I would settle
>> with you in a heartbeat for costs if you would be honest about all
>> that you know to be true. If you decide to go against me I suggest
>> that you seek legal counsel outside of your law firm or in fact all of
>> Newfoundland. I am about to take on every damned lawyer within the
>> Newfoundland law Society. You would not be wise to doubt me before you
>> have a look at my work in the USA. I will deal with Newfys under the
>> heading of fun after I have embarrassed the Yankees.
>> I will give you a call as Stevey Boy suggests so that at least you can
>> understand that I am not an unreasonable person and not the sort of
>> person that lawyers claim that I am. I am just a simple, sincere and
>> serious man that refuses to play the wicked games lawyers play. I am
>> willing to die in order to expose the truth. No lawyer can say that.
>> they love money to much to be willing to miss the chance to spend it.
>> Judge me for yourself and your own best interests before you choose
>> whom to stand with.
>> Whether you believe me or not I am battling for your rights as well as
>> my own. I am forwarding this email to many ordinary people like you
>> and me. To Hell with the lawyers and politicians. They do what they do
>> for personal gain not public service. Their concerns are lucre not
>> justice and everybody knows it. All I did was go to great lengths to
>> prove it. There is no need for you and I to argue about simple truths.
>> As far as I am concerned up until the time you received this email all
>> you have done is type things and witness signatures. However you
>> cannot say that anymore.
>> My pending phone call to you is not harassment. I need the Yankee
>> phone bill record of my call to you in order to assist in the defence
>> of my freedom in the USA. Stevey Boy told me to call ya. Please be
>> nice. After today you can't say that you are not involved in my false
>> imprisonment in the USA. I am doing no more or less than Stevey Boy
>> and his malicious clients would do if the same thing had happened to
>> them. If Billy Matthews had been summoned to the USA while he was
>> running for his seat in Parliament to be presecuted by an unsigned
>> criminal complaint and then held without bail under the charges of
>> "other", he would be more pissed off than I am.
>> Cya'll in Court:)
>> David R. Amos
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "May, Steve"
>> To: "David Amos"
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM
>> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me
>> Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be
>> checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527
>> begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 709-570-5527
>> end_of_the_skype_highlighting or dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca if you
>> require immediate assistance.
>> 2005 01 T 0010
>> AND:
>> SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010Date of
>> Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or
>> Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed
>> relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim
>> to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of
>> the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it’s entirety,
>> and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose
>> in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike
>> portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its
>> entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.
>> A F F I D A V I T
>> I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John’s, in the Province of
>> Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say
>> as follows:
>> THAT I am a Partner in the St. John’s office of PATTERSON PALMER
>> solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for
>> Random-Burin-St. George’s in the Parliament of Canada.
>> THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or
>> about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by
>> Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a
>> publication called “My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town
>> with a Secret”. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr.
>> Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her
>> mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior’s sister.
>> THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr.
>> Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “1" to my
>> Affidavit.
>> THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts’ letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts
>> received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached
>> as Exhibit “2".
>> THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore
>> an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication
>> was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit “3" to my Affidavit.
>> Following Mr. Roberts’ receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised
>> that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our
>> firm closed our file.
>> THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews
>> following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of
>> allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of
>> approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years
>> old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and
>> accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I
>> saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author
>> of the material on the site.
>> THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of
>> the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through
>> a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews’ intentions to
>> commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the
>> web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “4"
>> to this Affidavit.
>> THAT I attach as Exhibit “5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004
>> voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend
>> of Mr. Prior.
>> THAT I attach as Exhibit “6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail
>> from Mr. Amos.
>> THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr.
>> Amos.
>> THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November
>> e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total
>> of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews’
>> claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews’ solicitor. I attach as
>> Exhibit “7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent
>> to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes
>> whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of
>> the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach
>> as Exhibit “8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
>> THAT I attach as Exhibit “9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter
>> addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of
>> Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr.
>> Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as
>> Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of
>> Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law
>> Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this
>> letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had
>> received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous
>> representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a
>> letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved
>> his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts’ letter also covered
>> his reply to Mr. Amos.
>> THAT I attach as Exhibit “10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on
>> Sunday, 23 January 2005.
>> THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike
>> Mr. Prior’s counterclaim.
>> SWORN to before me at
>> St. John’s, Province of Newfoundland
>> and Labrador this 24th day of
>> January, 2005.
>> Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
>> A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
>> the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
>> My commission expires on December 31, 2009.
>> The Conservatives in Canada have very Punky Dory EH Tommy Boy?
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:26 PM
>> The Cato dudes ain't got nothin on me when it comes to letter writing.
>> Here is where I am teasing abunch of dumb Yankees. The whole world
>> calls our Newfys dumb. So what does that say of Danny williams the
>> Premier? He is a Rhodes Scholar that works for free. Is he dumb or
>> evil? I will have to ask the Aspen Dudes have I attend Tommy's little
>> hoe down EH?
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:38 PM
>> http://pogoblog.typepad.com/pogo/2005/03/former_dhs_insp.html#comments
>> HMMM no link we will try this way ok?
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:40 PM
>> I'm very proud to have had such a person as David Amos, help us with
>> our fight and the legal work. I will never be able to repay him.Thank
>> you David.
>> Byron Prior
>> Posted by: Byron Prior at August 21, 2005 10:59 PM
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>> Posted by: wildball keno at December 23, 2005 10:46 PM
>> This is great stuff! I can't wait to see how things end for David! An
>> "edge of the seat" and "mile a minute" thriller with unsuspected
>> twists and turns! Keep up the good work! When it comes to writing
>> fictional thrillers with international intrigue and betrayals, John
>> LeCarre has met his match. Love it!
>> Posted by: MFH at January 24, 2006 02:05 PM
>> Post a comment
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:35:16 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind
>> him of the documents his office recieved from during the election of
>> the 40th Parliament
>> To: breitg@parl.gc.ca, hollam@parl.gc.ca, Mourani.Ma@parl.gc.ca,
>> wrzesb@parl.gc.ca, Kania.A@parl.gc.ca, McColeman.P@parl.gc.ca,
>> gloves@parl.gc.ca, rick@ricknorlock.ca, macked@parl.gc.ca,
>> Desnoyers.L@parl.gc.ca, rathgb0@parl.gc.ca, SECU@parl.gc.ca
>> Cc: zorroboy2009@hotmail.com, tony@peoplestandup.ca,
>> waterwarcrimes@gmail.com, whistleblower ,
>> "ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca", vickiconrad
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 19:33:09 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind
>> him of the documents his office recieved from during the election of
>> the 40th Parliament
>> To: peter.teasdale@gov.ab.ca, larry.stein@gov.ab.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 13:52:15 -0300
>> Subject: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind him of
>> the documents his office recieved from during the election of the 40th
>> Parliament
>> To: kennej@parl.gc.ca, godiny , toewsv1
>> , Mackap , robin reid
>> , "ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca"
>> , tony ,
>> WaterWarCrimes , "Wayne.Lang"
>> , "John.DeWinter"
>> , billestabrooks
>> Cc: pm , "info@gg.ca", info
>> , info , IgnatM
>> , LaytoJ
>> His snotty help picked a very bad day to play games with me EH Vic
>> Toews? Although Kenney never cared about my human rights as he laughed
>> while i was falsely imprisoned and my children were sexualy harassed
>> and threatened at least he cannot deny receiving my documents twice
>> thanx to an ethical government computer EH stevey boy Harper?
>> http://www.jasonkenney.ca/EN/contact_jason/
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Minister
>> Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 12:39:27 -0400
>> Subject: RE: Sept 23rd is coming fast for another Yankee War Resister
>> eh Mr Harper?
>> To: David Amos
>> La version française suit.
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>> http://www.cic.gc.ca/francais/information/carte-rp/index.asp
>> Parrainer des membres de la famille :
>> http://www.cic.gc.ca/francais/immigrer/parrainer/index.asp
>> Immigrer au Canada : http://www.cic.gc.ca/francais/immigrer/index.asp
>> Réfugié : http://www.cic.gc.ca/francais/refugies/index.asp
>> Citoyenneté : http://www.cic.gc.ca/francais/citoyennete/index.asp
>> Annonces et communiqués récents du Ministre:
>> http://www.cic.gc.ca/francais/ministere/media/index.asp
>> Pour effectuer un changement d'adresse ou pour vérifier l'état de
>> votre demande d'immigration, consultez les services en ligne à
>> l'adresse suivante :
>> http://www.cic.gc.ca/francais/services-e/index.asp.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 04:09:14 -0300
>> Subject: Sept 23rd is coming fast for another Yankee War Resister eh Mr
> Harper?
>> To: "Harper.S@parl.gc.ca", Minister@cic.gc.ca,
>> Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca, resisters@sympatico.ca,
>> Layton.J@parl.gc.ca
>> Cc: nelsonresisters@gmail.com, montrealresisters@hotmail.com,
>> vlannon@pacificcoast.net, goresisters@gmail.com,
>> londonresisters@yahoo.ca, vanresisters@yahoo.ca,
>> laverne_mott@ao.uscourts.gov, Angus.C@parl.gc.ca,
>> Atamenenko.A@parl.gc.ca, Bell.C@parl.gc.ca, Bevington.D@parl.gc.ca,
>> Black.D@parl.gc.ca, Blaikie.B@parl.gc.ca, Charlton.C@parl.gc.ca,
>> Chow.O@parl.gc.ca, Christopherson.D@parl.gc.ca, Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca,
>> Crowder.J@parl.gc.ca, Cullen.N@parl.gc.ca, Davies.L@parl.gc.ca,
>> Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca, Julian.P@parl.gc.ca,
>> Marston.W@parl.gc.ca, Martin.P@parl.gc.ca, Martin.T@parl.gc.ca,
>> Masse.B@parl.gc.ca, Mathyssen.I@parl.gc.ca, McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca,
>> Nash.P@parl.gc.ca, Priddy.P@parl.gc.ca, Savoie.D@parl.gc.ca,
>> Siksay.B@parl.gc.ca, Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, Wasylycia-Leis.J@parl.gc.ca
>> When do ya think one will ignore his dumb lawyer such as Jeffry House,
>> sprout some balls, print a pdf file and say my name?
>> Before polling day would benefit all Canadains not just the wannabes and
>> the
>> wannabe Prime Ministers eh Jacky boy Layton? .
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> If your too chicken to print a pdf file perhaps you can watch Youtube
>> then
>> EH Jacky Boy Layton?
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga2phTOe9es
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPkRu0dNPUc
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 12:16 PM
>> Subject: Maybe Corey Glass should contact me before Harper gives him the
>> boot EH? 506 756 8687
>> To: nelsonresisters@gmail.com, montrealresisters@hotmail.com,
>> vlannon@pacificcoast.net, goresisters@gmail.com,
>> londonresisters@yahoo.ca,
>> vanresisters@yahoo.ca
>> Cc: Minister@cic.gc.ca, Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca,
>> resisters@sympatico.ca
>> http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5hyjp9Xz2qeSoFhQcp6NFNoe97D-Q
>> His purported friend Lee Zaslofsky would not give me his contact
>> number for some strange reason i will never understand.
>> I would lay odds that would have be different if I had been elected
>> in the last couple of elections or was player within one of the
>> established politcal parties. It certainly appears to me that fellow
>> concerned Canadian citizens don't count to American war protesters and
>> their outspoken supporters unless they are politcally connected EH
>> Mikey Ignatieff AKA Canada's Prince of Darkness south of the 49th?
>> That said I cannot begin to try to help anyone unless they learn how
>> to help themselves and that starts with picking up the phone retuning
>> calls and answering emails. N'est Pas Stevey Boy Harper?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 02:17:23 -0300
>> Subject: Your tally of blogs about me to date dictates that maybe you
>> can inspire a war resister such as Corey Glass to contact me before
>> Harper gives him the boot.
>> To: danf@danf.net, pm@pm.gc.ca
>> Cc: irishmike02@yahoo.com, common_ills@yahoo.com, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca,
>> Bevilacqua.M@parl.gc.ca, vancouvercatholicworker@yahoo.ca
>> Like you everybody thinks I am a nut excepting of course Stevey Boy
>> Harper and the dummy Dion. They just flat out hate me. Nest Pas?
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/06/david-amos-vs-bcs-liberal-premier.html

Controversial appointment of new head of library service won't be reviewed, government says


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Cormier the former strategic adviser of the Executive Council Office quite simply doesn't care if Sylvie Nadeau or anyone else is extremely disappointed with his buddy Higgy N'esy Pas? 



Controversial appointment of new head of library service won't be reviewed, government says

Kevin Cormier's predecessor Sylive Nadeau is disappointed with Premier Blaine Higgs's decision

Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon· CBC News· Posted: May 24, 2020 7:00 AM AT

Kevin Cormier was appointed executive director of the New Brunswick Public Library Service through an internal government program, effective Feb. 18. (Kevin Cormier/Facebook)

The New Brunswick government will not order an independent review of the controversial appointment of the new executive director of the provincial public library service, according to an email to his predecessor, who requested the inquiry.

Sylvie Nadeau said she's "extremely disappointed" Premier Blaine Higgs has decided not to look into what led to Kevin Cormier being put in charge of the province's 64 public libraries despite an apparent lack of library training or experience.

"It remains incomprehensible and unacceptable to me that the government of New Brunswick considers that it is acceptable to appoint people without the officially approved qualifications … as long as it can claim the legality of the appointment through a loophole such as the [corporate] talent management program," she said.

"This is indeed very sad and disturbing. As a citizen I expect much better from my government. I expect a fair, honest and transparent government."

Cormier could not immediately be reached for comment.
He was appointed in February through the corporate talent management program, which provides current and aspiring executives in the upper pay bands of government with opportunities to further develop their competencies within or outside their current department.

Nadeau said the approved description of the job that pays up to nearly $114,000 a year states the minimum requirements are a master's degree of library and/or information studies, with nine years of progressive experience, including management and supervision of library operation.

"Knowledge of large network library system is essential," the description says.

Cormier's LinkedIn profile lists his education as a single year at York University's Schulich School of Business in Toronto in 2005 and two years at the Moncton Flight College, from 1998 to 2000.

He spent the past year as a strategic adviser in the Executive Council Office. He was previously the chief executive officer of Kings Landing Corporation, the historical settlement near Fredericton, for about seven years.

Urges municipal councils to seek review

Nadeau, who served as the provincial librarian and executive director for 20 years until her retirement in December, maintains there were "irregularities and flaws" with the recruitment and appointment process.

Last month, she called on Higgs to order an independent review. She followed up with requests to Finance and Treasury Board Minister Ernie Steeves and deputy minister Cheryl Hansen.

Since then, she has written to every municipal council in the province where a library is located, urging them to write the premier to also request an independent review.

Sylvie Nadeau said she hopes that citizens will continue to voice their concerns about the appointment, and that the government will reverse its decision and order an independent review. (Submitted by Sylvie Nadeau)

Municipalities are a major partner in delivering the provincial library service, said Nadeau.

"Typically when we talk about the provincial budgets for libraries, 30 to 40 per cent is really municipal money."

They provide the space and maintenance, as well as the furniture and equipment. They also appoint library boards, who serve as the "voice and ears" of the community. "So I believe they have a stake in what's going on."

She sent a similar letter to the New Brunswick Library Trustees Association Inc.

On Friday, Nadeau received an email from Kelly Cain, the deputy minister responsible for human resources, Finance and Treasury Board, which was copied to the premier, Steeves and Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Trevor Holder, who is responsible for libraries.

Program review to be completed in June

In the email, Cain thanked Nadeau for her "input" on the matter but said the appointment of the new executive director of the library service "was done through careful consideration and in accordance with the Civil Service Act."

"Although an independent review of the recruitment and appointment process for this position will not be conducted, the Department of Finance and Treasury Board takes your comments under advisement and will be examining the existing talent management program for areas of improvement as directed by the minister of post-secondary education, training and labour."

That review, previously reported by CBC News, has started and is expected to be completed by the end of June if not before, said Vicky ​​​​​Deschênes, spokesperson for Finance and Treasury Board.

"The findings will help inform any gaps or shortcomings in the program and opportunities for improvement," she said in an emailed statement.

A spokesperson for the premier's office has said Cormier's performance will be assessed when his probationary period ends.

Deschênes said she was unable to comment on specifics related to an individual employee, but under the Civil Service Act, probation typically lasts six months and no more than one year.

Filed Right to Information requests

Nadeau has filed Right to Information Act requests to the Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour and to the Department of Finance and Treasury Board about the recruitment process.

She wants to know who wrote the ad when the job was initially posted as a competition last fall, who approved the ad, who selected the candidates to be interviewed, and who conducted the interviews.
Nadeau said she knows of at least two "highly qualified" and fluently bilingual internal candidates who were interviewed for the job.

"I have the privilege of having served in the civil service for 25-plus years," she said. "I know how government works. I know what's right and I know what's wrong. … And this is wrong.

"And I cannot stay silent until I'm getting — and New Brunswickers are getting — answers that make sense here."



David Amos 

Content disabled
"Cormier could not immediately be reached for comment"

Methinks Cormier never was because the former strategic adviser of the Executive Council Office quite simply does not care if Sylvie Nadeau or anyone else is extremely disappointed with his buddy Higgy N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks the other political parties prefer to sit in opposition as Higgy's Police State obliterates our local economy N'esy Pas? 

David Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @David Amos: Oh my my more "Poofs" on my record. Methinks I should take the hint and quit for a while and enjoy the rest of the day N'esy Pas?

Alison Jackson
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Dude the "methinks" and "n'esy pas" gets pretty stale after, oh I don't know, the 1000th time you say it.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Alison Jackson: Do tell did you ever bother to read the words that came between the two expressions that you remember so well?

David Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Alison Jackson: Methinks not N'esy Pas?

Tony Mcalbey
Content disabled
Reply to @Alison Jackson: There’s other news outlets out there if you so choose N’esy Pas?

Alison Jackson
Content disabled
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Ok so Tony and David are the same profiles huh? cause really why would anyone else care about it... 

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Alison Jackson: Methinks it would be rather dumb of me to pretend to be somebody else What would be the point? Furthermore you witnessed my words go "Poof" N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
Methinks Higgy's circus is gonna get really interesting in couple days N'esy Pas?

Tony Mcalbey  
Reply to @David Amos: higgys circus finally breaks up N’esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Hard telling not knowing for sure but methinks we should not discount the strong possibility that Higgy could win a majority next time much to the chagrin of most of us N'esy Pas?

Tony Mcalbey  
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks a Higgy majority would be crazy for the greenies 

Tony Mcalbey 
Reply to @David Amos: Does Higgy need to resign for the people of NB to have confidence again N’esy Pas?

Tony Mcalbey
Higgy will flip flip again N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Not this time 

Larry Larson
Time for a non-confidence vote in NB.

David Amos 
Reply to @Larry Larson: Methinks many would agree that Higgy gonna have the writ dropped first N'esy Pas? 

Lou Bell
But he's bilingual ! That alone trumps , education , experience , you know all the unimportant " stuff " a government employee would require !!

Kyle Woodman
Reply to @Lou Bell: That narrative doesn't fit with the fact that there were 2 other more qualified bilingual candidates. This is pure partisan hackery. A pretty egregious example at that.

David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you are claiming your hero Higgy's faux pas appointing a buddy to a job he is not qualified for trumps everything else because he is bilingual too N'esy Pas? 

Janice small
You need to know nothing just be a good friend of a PC canadate.. Jobs yours buddy.. Don't worry about knowing nothing, it ONTJT ( On the job training) jobs yours..Learn as you go..

David Amos 
Reply to @Janice small: BINGO

David Amos
I admire Sylvie Nadeau's stlye

David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: Trust that i enjoyed talking to her as well


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Content disabled
Methinks the other political parties prefer to sit in opposition as Higgy's Police State obliterates our local economy N'esy Pas?



Many rooms remain empty as hotels reopen after COVID-19 outbreak

Some hotels will keep rooms empty for 7 days between stays

Elizabeth Fraser· CBC News· Posted: May 23, 2020 9:00 AM AT

The Algonquin Resort in Saint Andrews opened to guests last week. Although more visitors are booking for the weekend, not many people want a room through the week. (Facebook)

New Brunswick's hotel industry is trying to navigate a new normal as the province eases into the third stage of its COVID-19 recovery plan later this week.

In March, hotels across New Brunswick were closing and laying off hundreds of workers because of the pandemic. Now some are slowly starting to reopen despite the many empty rooms still available.

"It's not easy and it's going to take time," said Pooja Rajmohan, director of sales for the Algonquin Resort in Saint Andrews.

The New Brunswick hotel closed at the end of March and reopened to guests last week.
Although the hotel saw bookings over the long weekend and a few for the upcoming weekend, Rajmohan said they're still in the "single digits" throughout the week.
But guests have been respectful of physical distancing rules and washing their hands at the hand sanitizing stations dispersed throughout the hotel.

"It's cautious enthusiasm," she said. "They want to go out but they know things will not be the same."

The Algonquin has also seen a number of wedding cancellations from May into September, most of which were from outside the province. Rajmohan wasn't sure of the exact number of wedding cancellations but said they were "in the double digits."
We're not laying down and going away.
- Jim Gertridge, Rodd Miramichi River Hotel
Right now, the hotel doesn't know when they will be able to hold large indoor weddings of up to 150 people again.

"I feel bad for the brides and grooms because they've planned for so long and now they have to re-plan," she said.

The hotel's new normal also consists of taking employee's temperatures before coming to work. And having a thermometer on hand at the front desk for guests.

Even the changeover of rooms looks different.

Staff aren't allowed to clean a room until two to three days after a guest leaves, to prevent putting employees at risk.

Then, a new guest can't stay in that particular room until at least seven days later.
The hotel is also trying to get as many staff as they can to return to work, while continuing to follow the guidelines set out by public health.

This might include some staff members taking on two or three new responsibilities while working at their old job.

"Multitasking would be the new normal."

And since most of their business comes from outside the province, she's worried about the upcoming summer tourism season — especially since New Brunswick borders are expected to remain closed to outside visitors.

Rajmohan said she would support New Brunswick sharing a bubble with Prince Edward, who also doesn't have any cases. That way it would support tourism industries in both provinces.

She compared it to the current travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand.

"It's a safe bubble."

Making guests feel safe 

Jim Gertridge, general manager of Rodd Miramichi River Hotel in Miramichi, said the hotel plans to reopen July 1. And some calls for reservations have already started to trickle in.

"We're not laying down and going away," he said.

Gertridge said the hotel plans to follow a number of health measures to make sure guests feel safe. This includes eliminating the amount of furniture in the hotel lobby, allowing staff to wear masks and requiring cleaning staff to wait 48 hours to clean a room and change their gloves four times while cleaning a room.

"When guests return, we want them to feel safe."

He said many other hotels in the Miramichi area are open for business.

"They're out there fighting to make a living," he said.

COVID-19 prompts worry for hotel business 

Carol Alderdice, president and CEO of The Tourism Industry Association of New Brunswick, said her organization has been working with New Brunswick tour operators to lead local vacationers to different areas of the province for two to three days. This will help hotels and small business owners gain some of their business back and help the economy.

Over the summer months, the province typically sees tourists from Europe, China, Maine and provinces like Quebec and Ontario.

But since New Brunswickers are especially proud of their low case numbers of COVID-19, she's hoping that pride will continue for at–home tourism

"Everybody's trying to survive over the summer," she said.

Corporate hotel turned resort 

Sarah Holyoke, general manager for the Delta Fredericton is coming up with creative ways to attract more New Brunswickers to come stay at the hotel.

This summer, the hotel will be known as the Fredericton Resort.

"Typically we're a corporate hotel so we're going to transition into a leisure hotel," she said.
This will include all-inclusive activities, more children's activities for families. Next week, the hotel will also be opening a drive-in theatre.

"For us, that's the only way we're going to be successful," she said. "We need to create a reason for people to come to Fredericton."

The Fredericton hotel hosts national, regional and provincial conferences and sees mostly guests working on business across Atlantic Canada and Ontario.

Delta Fredericton general manager Sara Holyoke is hoping more New Brunswickers will visit the hotel over the summer months. (CBC)

Some of those events have been cancelled all the way up to January 2021.

But she's hoping hotel regulars and New Brunswick tourists will bring business back to normal this summer.

"We're going to rely heavily on New Brunswick travel this year."

The Delta Fredericton plans to reopen mid-June after closing at the end of March.

The Delta Fredericton closed its doors to guests in March and plans to open in June. (Shane Fowler/CBC)
"We came in and the phones just wouldn't stop ringing with cancellations," she said.

"And at that point I knew things were going to change for us really fast."

And she's trying to get all 165 of her employees back to work as soon as possible — even if it might be in a different job. This could mean cleaning staff working at the drive-in movie theatre.

"If we get New Brunswickers supporting us, we will be able to get those employees back."

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Methinks not many folks would want to visit Higgy's Police State even if he decided to let them visit New Brunswick. I know there are not a great many locals who can afford these fancy hotels on whim. The ones who can afford such extravagances will likely not bother In light of the fact that most likely live not too far away and there is nothing going on anyway. Furthermore its not wise to visit or stay in tourist towns such as Alma or St Andrews when their Mayors tell us we are not welcome N'esy Pas?

janice small
You shouldn't be surprised you rooms are empty as your major went to the media and told us all not to come to St Andrews this year !! We always make two trips to St Andrews every year and stay at the Rossmount Inn..Not feeling welcome this year.

David Amos 
Reply to @janice small: It appears to me that nobody but Higgy and the RCMP are welcome in St Andrews these days

Ben Haroldson
"Some hotels will keep rooms empty for 7 days between stays". Right....sorry, no vacancy...yah,right.
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: I concur

Virus-ready poultry producer can't escape supply chain shock


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks no doubt Higgy et al would agree that I would like to have a long talk with people such as Tom Soucy sometime soon Nesy Pas?



Virus-ready poultry producer can't escape supply chain shock

Groupe Westco raises 4 of every 5 chickens in province, and now it's dealing with glut of product

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: May 26, 2020 6:00 AM AT

Groupe Westco, a major poultry producer in New Brunswick, has managed to keep the coronavirus at bay, but a disruption to the supply chain as hurt the business. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

This is the first instalment in a new series from CBC Atlantic called Farming your Food: How Atlantic Canadian producers are coping in COVID. We'll take a close look at the food on your plate and how it gets there, starting with some of the people responsible for that food, the producers. We'd welcome your questions and story ideas. 

When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in mid-March, Groupe Westco was ready on the safety side but caught by surprise in their supply chain.

The New Brunswick-based poultry producer, one of the province's lesser-known business success stories, is a cornerstone of the provincial food supply, raising 80 per cent of the chicken in the province.

So it could never afford to be unprepared for a fast-spreading disease. It just had to ramp up.

"Biosecurity's really important to protect the birds and to protect the consumer," said Marco Volpé, the company's senior manager. "We were already using equipment. We were already using biosecurity measures to prevent the birds from getting sick."

Even pre-pandemic, visitors had to disinfect the soles of their shoes and then put plastic boot-shaped bags over them before stepping into a Westco barn.

Groupe Westco ramped up its safety precautions in light of the pandemic, including new screening measures for employers entering a facility. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

Inside, hundreds of chicks scurry around whenever humans intrude in the dimly lit, humid space.
Nothing that touches the ground outside can be tracked into the floor of the barn.

Westco quickly imposed additional measures such as social distancing and more hand-washing, especially at its Baker Brook hatchery.

The hatchery, where thousands of chicks are born every week, is the hub of the entire operation: it's the start of the life cycle for birds that are trucked to dozens of barns around the region and that are killed and processed about six weeks later.

"If we have one guy here, one person I should say, that has COVID, everybody's got it," said Mike Michaud, the hatchery manager.

A major poultry producer in New Brunswick was ready for pandemic safety precautions but saw its distribution system disrupted by a drop in demand. 3:21

Closing the facility would be unthinkable. It would cripple the company, disrupting the supply chain for chicken for a large part of Atlantic Canada.

"It's hard for us to shut it down," Michaud said. The specialized workforce isn't easily replaced. "It's kind of tricky. It's not like you take somebody off the street to do this job."

So far, thanks to its precautions and to New Brunswick's own relatively low COVID-19 case numbers, Groupe Westco has not seen any workers contract the virus.

"We're very lucky that we don't have any COVID," said Thomas Soucy, the CEO. "Everybody's very happy to be able to keep on working.

In fact, that success has presented another challenge during the pandemic: when demand suddenly dropped off, Westco's carefully calibrated supply chain was disrupted.

What looked like a shortage of chicken was the opposite: a glut of meat on the market that couldn't reach hungry consumers.

From a small co-op to a major player

Westco started as a small co-operative created by five local chicken farmers operating along the St. John River upstream from Edmundston, a corner of the province wedged between Quebec and northern Maine.

They banded together to pool their buying power with suppliers.

Soucy, a University of Western Ontario business school graduate who grew up locally, urged them to think even bigger. They started buying up quota from farmers in southern New Brunswick who were retiring.

The next step was vertical integration: buying into other steps in the supply chain — the slaughtering, packing and selling of chicken — to reap a larger share of the profits from the value of their birds.

Groupe Westco CEO Tom Soucy says raises 80 per cent of the chickens in New Brunswick. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

They proposed to take a stake in Nadeau Poultry, the chicken processor in the village of Saint-François that had been buying their chickens. It's owned by Ontario-based Maple Lodge.

When Nadeau rebuffed Westco's offer, they found another partner, Quebec-based Olymel, to build their own slaughterhouse under a joint venture called Sunnymel.

A decade ago, Nadeau and Sunnymel were locked in a bitter legal battle. The Westco farmers were selling their chickens to another of Olymel's abattoirs in Quebec while the Sunnymel plant was under construction.

Nadeau tried to stop them, claiming Westco was trying to starve the existing plant out of existence.
Eventually things calmed down and now both processing plants operate, and even co-operate occasionally when one facility is over capacity and can't take on a shipment from one of its suppliers.

"During tough times we're able to work together," Soucy said. Nadeau officials did not respond to interview requests last week.
Westco has now become one of the dominant players in the Canadian poultry sector, with operations in six provinces. The company holds more provincially-regulated chicken quota than any other poultry producer in the country.

"Our reach is pretty significant," Soucy said matter-of-factly during an interview in the wood-panelled Westco boardroom at the head office in Saint-François.

The company slaughters 80 per cent of the chickens raised in New Brunswick, 30 per cent of those in Nova Scotia and between 15 and 20 per cent of those on Prince Edward Island. It has operations as far west as Manitoba.

Westco also raises and processes turkeys, is a co-owner of Maritime Pride eggs, which sells 70 per cent of the eggs in the Maritimes, and invests in other non-poultry ventures.

Each of the company's barns raise 500,000 chickens every eight weeks. It was forced to close 17 barns as a result of the pandemic-induced supply chain disruption. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

But raising and selling chicken is still the heart of the operation.

Dozens of its massive barns, measuring 122 metres by 12 metres, dot the winding provincial road that follows the upper reaches of the St. John River.

Each group of a dozen barns raises 500,000 chickens every eight weeks.

It was a smooth-running operation until COVID-19 hit, disrupting a delicate supply-and-demand equation.

Too much supply and not enough capacity

When social distancing and stay-at-home guidelines and orders took effect in March, consumer habits changed overnight.

People stopped going to restaurants, which Westco normally supplies with various kinds of processed chicken in customized cuts. Those sales dropped "almost to nothing," Soucy said.

At the same time, cooking at home soared, leading to a spike in chicken sales at grocery stores. But that didn't fully offset the decline in restaurant sales.

Provincial marketing boards slashed their quotas by 15 per cent, leading Westco to close 17 of its barns.

Groupe Westco says grocery stores don't have the capacity right now to receive and sell the volume of product the company is producing. (CBC)

But a lot of chicks and chickens were already in the system, meaning the company suddenly had a surplus of birds it could not sell.

"Most refrigerated or cold space, it's all full. It's to a point where it was costing us a lot of money to store in outside storage," Soucy said.

Customers assumed there was a chicken shortage when they started seeing signs in their local grocery stores limiting per-customer sales, but Soucy said it's a misperception.

"That's not because there's not product in the line," he said. "We have the same amount of live production that we had, and our demand went down. So there's more volume available."

The problem has been a distribution and inventory system that could not cope with a market thrown out of whack by the coronavirus.
Stores "don't have the capacity or the capabilities of receiving and selling everything that we have," Soucy said. "The production is there. We're not running out of food. We just don't have the proper distribution channels."

Large grocery store chains operate on just-in-time inventory. Food arrives, is put on the shelves and is sold and replaced with more food that has just arrived.

There's a limited amount of bays for transport trucks and not a huge amount of storage at the back of the store. There simply isn't the infrastructure, or the time, to accommodate more shipments of food, even if there's a demand for it.

"Instead of, for example, getting two tractor trailers from me a week, they may need four. But they may only be able to get three because ... they don't have enough receiving slots," Soucy said.

"So they will limit the customer. If they didn't and the customer bought in bulk or bought too much, they would not have enough for everybody."

A cornerstone of the economy

Westco managed to avoid major job losses when it closed its 17 barns in response to the quota reduction.

It shifted almost all its employees to positions normally filled by summer students. Only a handful of workers were laid off, softening the economic blow.

Westco and Sunnymel employ 350 people and several hundred others work at Nadeau, and the Sunnymel plant alone contributes $400,000 in property tax revenue to the rural municipality of Haut-Madawaska, said Mayor Jean-Pierre Ouellet.

"When you create one job and you know that one job supports three others, that's quite an economic impact for the Haut-Madawaska. It's a very major employer and a good employer in the area," he said.

Reduced quota forced Groupe Westco to close 17 of its barns. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

What the future holds depends on the pandemic.

With economies, and restaurants, reopening, Soucy hopes that by mid-autumn volumes will bounce back and the closed barns can reopen. Marketing boards will soon set new quotas for September.
But recovering the lost 15 per cent won't happen overnight.

"We don't think we're going to be there for many months ahead of us," Soucy said. "We think there's some restaurants that won't make it."

In the meantime, he said, Westco will keep producing chicken and keep taking precautions to avoid letting COVID-19 into its plants.

The company has given its workers a $2-per-hour pay premium to acknowledge their efforts during the pandemic, including the requirement to wear uncomfortable masks or face shields.

"We're going through a harder financial time, but we still felt we needed to compensate that in some way," he said. "It's a difficult situation. It's difficult for them.

"I certainly want to give them a thank-you for coming to work every day and feeding the people that we've fed and people that relied on us for years, and permitting us to keep our clients."

Commenting is now closed for this story

David Amos
Methinks no doubt Higgy et al would agree that I would like to have a long talk with people such as Tom Soucy sometime soon Nesy Pas?

Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: Higgs doesn't know who you are. Time for another staycation up in Restigouche

Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: I'd imagine Soucy has no time for you , like most you THINK want to talk to you ! Methinks Yethinks WRONG !!

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: what a legacy you leave in NB. I've been here since 1783. You embarrass your "clan" in a half hour


Maple Leaf Forever (1) : Maritime workers, farmers and communities to bear the burden of ‘restructuring’

Future of 380 workers from the Canard plant still remains uncertain as some may be forced to relocate and/or seek different types of work, while others destined for the Berwick plant will join workers who have lacked a union contract since 2005. News commentary by TONY SEED and ENA BOUTILIER


HALIFAX (5 April 2007, updated 1 May 2007) – HERE is an old, familiar story: workers, farmers, their families and communities are being asked to bear the burden of the striving of a large food multinational to maximize its record profits, and the government leaps forward, not to sit idly by, but to consciously participate in the placating of that monopoly. As old is the story is, it takes new form far too frequently, as it is doing so once again in Nova Scotia in the winter and spring of 2007.

Maple Leaf Foods, part of the McCain family business empire, announced on 16 January that they would close a poultry processing plant in the rural village of Canard, in the Minas Basin of Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley, effectively laying off all 380 of the plant’s workers as of 27 April. The corporation claimed that the 50-year-old facility is too old to be run profitably, and that such a prospect would require the doubling of its current productive capacity. The shut-down is the latest in a series of closures of food processing plants in the Annapolis Valley.

The sudden move is devastating, affecting the right-to-be not only of the workers, but also of farmers and the community. The plant is said to have a payroll worth about $11 million and economic spinoffs worth about $40 million to the surrounding communities.

The decision by the Toronto-based monopoly also directly impacts on Valley farmers, as well as poultry producers in Prince Edward Island, both of whom are facing a vicious cost-price squeeze.
The Canard facility produces fresh poultry products, including branded and private label branded chicken, primarily for customers in Atlantic Canada. It processes approximately 250,000 locally-grown chickens each week, which came from about 20 poultry farmers. The closure of the Maple Leaf operation leaves rival ACA Co-operative as the only federally-inspected Nova Scotia processor. It has agreed to take 40,000 birds from a handful of farmers. Some 83 poultry farmers in the province produce about 43 million kilograms of chicken each year, according to the Chicken Farmers of Nova Scotia. Others are having to export to New Brunswick and Nadeau Poultry of St. Francois-de-Madawaska, owned by Maple Lodge Farms of Ontario – which means higher shipping costs. And its parent company is the third-largest chicken processing company in Canada.


Maple Leaf Foods is owned by Wallace McCain, formerly co-CEO of McCain Foods, along with the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. The corporation is also one of Canada’s largest agribusinesses, Canada’s largest pork and poultry processor – and also owns poultry and hog farms across the country. This multinational employs approximately 24,000 people at its operations across Canada and in the United States, Europe and Asia, and had sales of $6.1 billion in 2005. Its 2003 merger with rival Schnieders Foods gave it control of 80 per cent of the pork-packing industry in Canada.

In response to the announced closure of the Canard plant, the Nova Scotia Department of Education set up a “transition office” at the plant in what it said was an effort to explore career prospects and retraining possibilities for employees, as well as an effort to offer consultation on issues like employment insurance. The office was being set up in partnership with Maple Leaf Foods, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, and Service Canada. As of press time, only 58 workers have found other jobs, and less than 60 per cent of workers had responded to the employment and training services being offered.

Middleton; rising unemployment in the Annapolis Valley

The closure of the Canard plan is, in various ways, merely the tip of the iceberg wreaking havoc in rural Nova Scotia. In the great fertile Annapolis Valley prosperity, like a guardian angel, is supposed to dwell. Here is great wealth in fat herds of cows, pigs and chickens, in fruit, vegetables and all manner of lesser farm produce. Truly a fat land and of course its inhabitants are well off; jolly, contented farmers. At least so say the newspapers, real estate sharks and retirement pamphlets issued by the counties courting well-off seniors to retire to the Valley. But stores are being boarded up and schools closed.

For the Annapolis Valley, the shutdown is part of a calamitous series of plant closures stretching back to 2003. Just the previous week, a decision by TRA Foods, owned by the Sobey’s family empire – “due to internal restructuring and job realignments” of their whole sale division – cost another 30 jobs due to Sobeys’ closing its administrative offices in the town of Middleton, also in the Annapolis Valley.


TRA Foods began operating in 1950 as a dry grocery products wholesaler in Middleton and was purchased by Sobeys Inc. in 1957. Sobeys is the second largest retail food distributor in Canada with annual sales of over $12 billion while employing 32,000 people. Since then, TRA has expanded into all of Atlantic Canada as a wing of the Sobeys’ empire. According to Canadian Grocer E-Newsletter (December 15, 2006), Sobeys’ parent Empire Company reported a profit rise in the 4th quarter of 2006, with earnings reaching $57.2 million, up from $48.6 million a year ago, with revenues reaching $3.31 billion (up 2 per cent).

Port Williams

In 2004 the closure of the last vegetable canning operation in Atlantic Canada, Avon Foods in the nearby village of Port Williams, not only affected workers but also producers who lost a large share of their income.

With the closure of the Britex textile plant at Centrelea near Bridgetown in October, 2003 with just over $4.4 million in unpaid loans to the provincial government, and Maple Leaf’s Shur-Gain livestock feed mill in Port Williams (and in Sussex, NB and in PEI) in 2005, the resulting layoffs put over 200 people out of work. According to Statistics Canada, Annapolis Valley employment is up just slightly from January, 2006 but the unemployment rate is down substantially from 9 per cent. Six per cent is the lowest January unemployment rate recorded for the Annapolis Valley for at least the last 20 years but this figure is a mirage. This is because the Valley’s labour force is smaller this year by almost 2,000 people, a figure that does not include the 380 workers to be laid off this April at Canard by Maple Leaf Foods.

Maple Leaf (Larsen’s) in Berwick

Meanwhile, 400 workers employed by a Maple Leaf-owned pork processing plant (Larsen’s) in the town of Berwick (pictured), further south in the Annapolis Valley – represented by the Atlantic Meatpackers’ Union (AMU) – voted on 17 January, the day after the Canard announcement, to reject a contract that was offered by the company. Larsen’s workers had been without a contract since September 2005, a 16-month period.

Widespread speculation is also being generated about this plant’s future. News of difficulties for workers in both Canard and Berwick come as Maple Leaf is now aiming to consolidate its meat processing operations throughout the country in Brandon, Manitoba after having decided in October, 2006 to exit the pork export industry. And much of the Larsen’s plant production is geared for export.
Larsen’s takes 80 to 85 per cent of Nova Scotia’s pork production from hog producers.

Despite the pressure on the workers, Ted Jones of the AMU said, “We weren’t scared – we’ve heard the rumours every time we’ve been through a contract, and we’re tired of them. We’ve been through wage freezes, rollbacks – we deserve it for all we’ve done to help the company get through things.”
Maple Leaf offered a 25 cent hourly increase in September of both 2007 and 2008, but did not live up to union demands in terms of pension and sick benefits, retroactive money and signing bonuses. Many workers are leery of the long-term future of the Berwick plant. Superficially, there are no apparent plans to close the facility as in the case of Canard. In fact, plant manager Mike Larsen publicly stated he will consider hiring former Canard workers in the Berwick plant, a statement made shortly before news broke of the creation of the Canard facility’s transition office on January 24. Nevertheless, he acknowledged “quite a migration of Larsen’s workers” has taken place. The AMU’s Jones adds: “We’ve lost 100 people in there the last year,” citing the lure of Western Canadian jobs and regional insecurity as enough incentive to attract even settled families. “It’s hard to get people.”
The tombstone of rural Nova Scotia

The rationale of Maple Leaf’s current “restructuring” efforts is strongly reminiscent of actions taken by other key monopolies in the food processing industry. In 2005, for instance, Québec pork and poultry producer Olymel, a division of Qu?bec’s huge La Co-op fédérée and a rival to Maple Leaf Foods, threatened to consolidate operations in St. Bonifice, Manitoba (in a joint plant with Saskatchewan-based Big Sky Farms and Manitoba’s Hytek). It declared it wanted to close several facilities in Québec on the grounds that it needed to modernize its production units in the interest of being both nationally and globally competitive. Recently, on 13 February 2007, it forced Olymel workers in Vallee-Jonction, Quebec, to vote to accept massive wage cuts in order to return to work under the spectre of the threat of closure.

In the case of workers from the Canard plant in Nova Scotia, their future remains uncertain. Some may be forced to relocate and/or seek different types of work or go down the road, while others destined for the Larsen’s plant in Berwick will join the other workers who have lacked a union contract since 2005. The burden of the crisis is put on the backs of these workers, the poultry and hog farmers, the main street business people and their communities, and their very right to be, leaving ruin in our rural communities.

Even if they are lucky enough to remain employed, workers are being shuffled from one location to another without regard to the costs of transportation and relocation, while small rural communities such as Canard and Port Williams suffer a decimation of a significant part of its economic base – all under the watchful eyes of our elected officials, working hand in hand with one of the region’s richest business families. In the same way, the monopolies shift meat and feed grain supply from region to region and country to country and strategically locate their operations to maximize profits and externalize costs, regardless of the consequences to either the farmers, the region or the nation. Meanwhile, they blame the wages of the worker and the prices of the farmer or the catch-all euphemism of “rising energy costs” for rising food costs to the consumer.

The vertical integration of the food industry means that a handful of huge packers, through their direct and indirect control of corporate industrial farms, and the elimination of the “single desk” selling system, dictate monopoly prices through contracts with large beef and hog producers, eliminating the market power of the small- and medium-sized family farm producers. Through exclusive contracts with the supermarket chains – Sobeys, Atlantic superstores and Wal-Mart, etc. – this cartel is squeezing all non-monopoly competition, from independent meat-packing facilities to independent retail chains such as the co-ops. “Similarly, organic agriculture must be destroyed,” notes the Union Farmer Monthly to cut off the escape route from the factory-style farm.” They provide “forms of resistance, and they provide a working counter-model.”

At the same time, the consumer who tries to respond to the niche marketing programs to “buy local” is blocked by generic private-label or unbranded goods, such as Sobeys “Our Compliments” and Atlantic Wholesale’s “President’s Choice”, which make it impossible to discern where and from whom the product originates.

Protection of the local marketplace and the local market infrastructure to facilitate direct links between the farmer and the consumer is important, but the “buy local” program seems to have another role: to suggest that the source of the problem lies with the tastes of the consumer, that the problem is primarily one of consumption, and that the solution lies in appeals to the non-existence conscience of the supermarket chains. It depoliticizes the consumer from taking a stand with farmers and labour. Of course, Sobeys et al do “buy local”, mostly perishables, cheaply positioned behind the major display and prime shelf space paid for by the large food monopolies.

This is symptomatic of a larger national political problem. All political decision-making is in the hands of relatively few people – all of whom accept without question the dominant paradigm of global competitiveness as a goal to be pursued at all costs. Parties in power federally, in Alberta, and elsewhere, most notably in the US, are waging an extensive campaign to turn over all aspects of food production and distribution to these transnationals such as Maple Leaf Foods, Cargill and Tyson. In the name of “competitiveness”, “efficiency”, “free market” and “food security” agencies such as the Fraser Institute, the Calgary School, the Frontier Centre, and the Atlantic Institute of Market Studies are campaigning to eliminate equalization payments and price support to small farmers. The defence of private wealth and its future expansion is the basic consideration of these parties and “think tanks.” The monopolies lay off workers and block their unionization, wipe out farmers, and devastate communities and entire regions because they can.

What official political leadership in this province or the nation has had the courage to uphold its responsibilities towards the society, to defend the public good and stop the attacks of the monopolies? You want the supercentres open on Sunday? There’s no problem: Corporate Research uses polling to prove the case; the media, lusting for Sunday advertising, campaign for consumer secularism; the police tolerate violations of bylaws by the supercentres; and the big tourist interests justify it as a means of attracting cruise ships. In the name of global competitiveness, the workers in Berwick – as at Vallee-Jonction, Québec, or in the forest sector and their communities, such as what transpired with Stora Enso in Port Hawkesbury last year – are being intimidated with the long-term possibility of closure into accepting working conditions that they would not accept in any other circumstance. 

The fruits of the earth, the rights and existence of workers, the small to medium-sized holdings of the farmers, their communities and even the factories and mills owned by big capital are considered dispensable within the fundamental aim to defend and expand monopolies and their empires. The sole solutions being proffered are to go down the road or the canard of buying fresh food and farm products locally.

Self-sufficiency in food is an important element of national sovereignty. The cases of Canard and Berwick are a graphic illustration of the need for new political leadership – a leadership that stops paying the rich, develops a national economy including regionally-self reliant agriculture and food, upholds social responsibility, invests in social programmes – and new political mechanisms that make such governance possible.

Only then can this old, familiar story truly become an artifact of the past.

Originally published on Shunpiking Online, May/June 2007

Brunswick News to close community newspaper offices across province


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks many folks are just as disgusted at the Fake News as I have been for years but this article takes the cake locally N'esy Pas?



Brunswick News to close community newspaper offices across province

Employees will work from home, says BNI memo

Connell Smith, Gail Harding· CBC News· Posted: May 26, 2020 5:14 PM AT

BNI vice-president Jamie Irving issued the internal memo Monday. (Gabrielle Fahmy/CBC)

Community newspapers across New Brunswick are losing their offices, many of them in the heart of their small cities and towns, after a decision shared with staff this week by Brunswick News Inc.

In an internal memo issued Monday, BNI vice-president Jamie Irving told staff the offices would be closed permanently and employees would work from home.

The offices to close are home to the Kings County Record in Sussex, the Miramichi Leader, the Campbellton Tribune, the Northern Light in Bathurst, the Bugle Observer in Woodstock, and the Victoria Star and Cataracte newspapers in Grand Falls. BNI offices in Richibucto, Edmundston and St. Stephen will also close.

Sussex Mayor Marc Thorne of Sussex called it a "sad day" for every community affected.

Sussex Mayor Marc Thorne: 'I think it's just a terrible thing.' (Gary Moore, CBC)

"I think it's just a terrible thing," Thorne said Tuesday. "BNI may feel that nothing's been lost, that they're still going to cover the communities, but I can promise you that's not the case. If you don't have people living and working in your community and building relationships, you don't have the same quality of paper at all."

The newspaper company will keep the locations of its three daily papers open, although the Telegraph-Journal in Saint John and the Daily Gleaner in Fredericton had already moved from the buildings they'd occupied for decades into less central properties.

The Moncton Times & Transcript, where BNI prints its daily and community newspapers, remains on Main Street.

An internal memo from Brunswick News vice president Jamie Irving advises staff the offices of nine weekly newspapers would close permanently and staff would continue working from home. (CBC)

Emails and calls by CBC News to BNI publisher Mike Powers and editor-in-chief Jackson Doughart were not returned.

As with many businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, BNI staff have been working from home as a safety measure.

Madeleine Leclerc, the former editor of the Cateracte and Victoria Star, said the writing was on the wall three years ago when she left the company.

The reporters were being pressed to focus less on very local stories and to do more that would be of interest to people around the province who read the Telegraph-Journal.

Fears for local news

"I hope that our weeklies are not going to be forgotten or passed over for the provincial edition," Leclerc said. "That's what I hope. And if they do cover, then it gets printed in the TJ, I hope it's not buried on the back page."

It is not clear from the BNI memo if the weekly papers will continue to produce print editions. Production of the English-language daily and weeklies is already centralized in Saint John.

While the office closures are disappointing news, David Cadogan, former owner of several weeklies, including the Miramchi Leader and Kings County Record, said COVID-19 was likely the last straw for the newspaper chain.

"I'm frankly very, very sad," Cadogan said. "I certainly don't blame Brunswick News. These are just the absolute doomsday times for newspapers."

Pandemic would have worsened problems

Cadogan said the closure of businesses during the pandemic would have hurt  the advertising revenue that helps keep offices open and staff employed.

"It's a terrible, terrible time to be in the newspaper business, so I understand what they are up against and I understand the necessity for what they are doing."

Cadogan said he believes that even this is a just a stop-gap step for the newspapers as people have known them for many years.

"They are essentially on the way out," he said, adding this is happening all across Canada and the United States.

A 'champion' for a community

He believes it is a huge loss for communities, who need a "healthy independent newspaper to champion for the community and stick up for its interests, work its politicians and discover any bad behaviour that's taking place in the government or the public."

"You know the community needs a champion and someone to stick up for the citizens, their readers."
Cadogan questions who will do that when community newspapers close completely.

"If the people will not support a newspaper — advertisers and citizens — they're going. And I'm not blaming the people for that because all the other things working against the newspapers are making it pretty well impossible for them to exist as we knew them."

University of Kings College journalism professor Kim Kierans said newspaper companies have been 'bleeding red ink' from lack of advertising, even more so since the pandemic.

Kierans is glad to hear the BNI memo says reporters will still be working and able to tell their stories in those communities.

She pointed out that Nova Scotia's Saltwire Network of Newspapers went further than BNI, laying off 240 staff for 12 weeks.

But the closing of local newspaper offices, she said, will definitely leave a hole in those communities.
 "The newspaper is the town square," Kierans said. "People drop in. They pick up papers there, they drop off advertising there, and you have a sense of exchange of ideas. People talking to one another."


David Amos
Methinks many folks are just as disgusted at the Fake News as I have been for years but this article takes the cake locally N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Trust that I am not surprised

Methinks the Irving Clan, their buddies Premier Higgy, Mayor Marc Thorne and their many cohorts must recall Professor Kim Kierans copying some words the Kings County Record had published about the reasons why I was running in the election of the 38th Parliament them posting her opinion of me in a Halifax newsrag in June of 2004 N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO

Dennis Atchison
This is a key reason (amongst many) why I created The Dennis Report in 2013 and carry on with today (see Facebook, Youtube or website). To offer in-depth, authentic and local/provincial stories and conversations on New Brunswick. We have no place to tell and share what is happening in our province, and all the good things we do. Please watch.

David Amos 
Reply to @Dennis Atchison: Yea Right Methinks you should admit to yourself that everybody knows you act only in support of the Fake Left Nesy Pas? 


Graeme Duke-Gibbs
The internet killed newspapers. Anyone can be a reporter now. Just film people or things and put them on facebook. Now YOU are a reporter!! This is what the internet was supposed to do, bring democracy to reporting. So get out there people and find interesting stuff and post it.

Reply to @Graeme Duke-Gibbs: Amateurs post uninteresting or non factual "stuff" because they don't have any training.

David Amos
Reply to @JoeBrown: I strongly disagree 

Allan J Whitney
Tough time to be in the fake news business.

David Amos 
Reply to @Allan J Whitney: Yup 

Peter demerchant
Its surprising to me people still read the Brunswick News rags. I cancelled my subscription a couple years ago after many years and it was a great move. Nothing more than a daily dose of propaganda and one family's opinion on how nb should look. Imagine if nb ' ers had a objective honest news paper to read each day, we haven't had that in decades.

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Peter demerchant: Propaganda, unlike on here lol.

Reply to @Peter demerchant: Subjective claims.

David Amos
Reply to @Peter demerchant: I Wholeheartedly Agree Sir 

Jack Robins
The Federal government should stop subsidizing the racket!

James Risdon
Reply to @Jack Robins: I agree. There should be no bailouts for media companies.

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @James Risdon: Keep this site running though, right? No gov't money in this site lol.

David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Good Point 

Jos Allaire
Newspapers are going the way of this old Mac Wiseman song: ♫ ♫ ♫

James Risdon
Reply to @Jos Allaire: I find it odd that you or anyone else would celebrate the loss of jobs and community newspapers in New Brunswick.

What possible reason could you have for being happy about the demise of community newspapers?

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @James Risdon: Just as I feel bad for the blacksmith and the buggy builders before. But you cannot stop progress... although the fossil fuel industry is trying hard to.

David Amos 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: I concur 

James Risdon
I am a fluently-bilingual journalist in Bathurst with more than 25 years of experience as a reporter and editor and I have studied business administration in college.
Any business and community leaders in Bathurst who want to have a home-grown newspaper here to rival what is left of The Northern Light are welcome to contact me and back me financially to open a new community newspaper in our city.
When I first moved to Bathurst back in 2001, The Northern Light had an editorial staff of four and was thicker than the Telegraph-Journal is now. It was also printed right here in Bathurst.
The printing presses were carted away. The Northern Light building was destroyed. The editorial staff was cut and then cut again. Now, even the rented offices of The Northern Light are disappearing.
Do you want a community newspaper in Bathurst? Do you think you deserve one, that Bathurst is big enough and has enough readers and businesses to support one?
If you the answers to those questions is "Yes", then I would be happy to work with you to help make that happen.

James Risdon
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Pourquoi?

Est-ce que vous pensez qu'il n'y plus rien à discuter dans notre société ou que tous les nouvelles importantes sont déjà transmises dans les médias que nous avons?

Moi, je crois qu’une dialogue plus approfondi sur les enjeux importants dans notre société est quelque chose qui nous manque.

Nous nous devons d’être mieux informés.

Jos Allaire
Reply to @James Risdon: Commencez quelque chose en ligne.

James Risdon 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Ca, ca ne réponds pas la question.

Lou Bell
Reply to @James Risdon: Bathurst is a failing community , as is much of the North Shore . Unfortunately for them the Liberals are not in office to throw away good money to another failing community .

Lou Bell  
Reply to @James Risdon: Liberal critic Roger Melanson could probably come up with some underhanded , undisclosed way to get the monies for a paper .

David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Well put

Jos Allaire
Reply to @Lou Bell: The meme faux tea met la croix sue tooth New Brunswick, money tchie pay.? 
Jos Allaire
Reply to @James Risdon: Fini le temps des gazettes!  

Mac Isaac
All those dead and buried newspapermen & women must be rolling in their graves with this announcement. Community newspapers, big or small, contributed mightily to the societies in which they existed...and will be missed as mightily!

James Risdon 
Reply to @Mac Isaac: I am a newspaperman. If some business and community leaders want to back me, I'll start a newspaper in Bathurst.

Graeme Duke-Gibbs
Reply to @Mac Isaac: it all ended the day the internet was created. Now everyone, and I mean everyone can be a reporter, just look at that guy who asked that girl to put her dog on a leash! Bam, he is now a reporter. Or that guy in N.S. who did that flooding thing. BAM, another reporter and on and on. If you want to get the news out just walk in town and film interesting stuff or people and put it on facebook! BAM, NOW you are a reporter!!

Mac Isaac
Reply to @Graeme Duke-Gibbs: Journalism is NOT exactly the same as "reporting". Journalists will actually delve into a subject whereas what you're referring to as "BAM, another reporter" is nothing more or less than doing a video which can be manipulated in whatever way that person or another wishes. Journalists actually write! A long time ago I knew a man who created a community newspaper which was quite a good newspaper. It didn't pretend to have as an objective, a Pulitzer but it reported on the weekly happenings in that town and elsewhere in the area. Revenue paid for the staff, make-up and printing as well as distribution. Suddenly that was all gone because the local daily saw their revenue drop a little. This daily then went to all the advertisers and offered wider distribution at half the price charged by the weekly. We all know where this led! BUT, and this is important, the daily DIDN'T suddenly pull up stakes. It actually created another weekly which did much of what the first did; only better! This new weekly actually won awards for the stories it did. I daresay there's little to no community involvement in the kind of "reporting" to which you refer. If all you want is biased "reporting" you're in luck because that's what you're going to get...in spades! Unregulated "reporting" is about to become the norm when the only news you'll be able to access is online. Actual journalism, vis a vis in the local communities, is effectively dead. And that's incredibly sad for all of us; including those of us who get SOME of our information from online sources.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Mac Isaac: Cry me a river

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Graeme Duke-Gibbs: Methinks Higgy's blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc proved that in 2006 when a judge acknowledged that bloggers are journalists It should not have been a small wonder when the Irving Clan had one of my blogger accounts and two email accounts illegally deleted 2 years later or the fact that the employee who bragged that he was the one who done it got fired not long after I published his email and one from his lawyer/wife/Green Party leader in other blogs N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO

valmond landry
the best newspaper in NB is ACADIE NOUVELLE good coverage good way to learn french
and good news coverage .

James Risdon
Reply to @valmond landry: Don't the Irvings have an ownership share in the printing side of that newspaper, Acadie Presse?

David Amos
Reply to @valmond landry: Dream On

Katelin Dean
Reply to @James Risdon:

Katelin Dean
Reply to @Katelin Dean: @james Risdon - They don't have any ownership of Acadie Presse, simply a contract to print it. No influence whatsoever on what goes inside. 

Janice small
Billionaire looking for bailouts..

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Janice small: Yeah cause that's their true bread winner in the game they own. Journalism.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks its rather obvious that you work for them N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO

Donald Smith
They used to have a morning newspaper and an afternoon paper ? Their a day after it happens newspaper now.

Ray Bungay
Reply to @Donald Smith: Retro News or Classic News

James Risdon
Reply to @Donald Smith: That's because the printing of the newspaper takes time and they are still trying to cover breaking news as if theirs was the only news source in town.

The solution to this problem is for newspaper journalists to do investigative reporting and write features that are original and interesting and something you can't find anywhere else.

David Amos
Reply to @Donald Smith: Methinks many would agree that it is much worse than that N'esy Pas? 

Gary MacKay
I find it hard to understand that a communications company like this decided that the way to communicate a change in the way they are positioned in communities across the province would choose an email to staff to disseminate in what ever way the public wishes to believe has happened. I can appreciate that things have changed only it did not just happen with current events. There were better ways to do this and in my opinion it included communicating.

James Risdon
Reply to @Gary MacKay: You're assuming they care about how you and I and the rest of the public perceive this. I put to you that they probably don't because there's nothing anyone will do about it. Or, at least, that's what they are counting on.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Gary MacKay: Methinks everybody knows that a certain Irving media VP has Mental Health Issues Thats why he could not testify at a recent lawsuit against his company N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO

David Guitard
Time to leave the old ways of doing business and move into the future. They can do just as much from home as they can from an office and they don't have to drive to work.

Douglas James
Reply to @David Guitard: It's no wonder newspapers are failing. People don't even understand the role they play in ensuring a vibrant community.

James Risdon 
Reply to @Douglas James: Amen.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Douglas James: Clearly you don't either 

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO 


Justin Time 
need a "healthy independent newspaper to champion for the community and stick up for its interests, work its politicians and discover any bad behaviour that's taking place in the government or the public." True, but that's something Brunswick News is not. The papers are probably operating at a loss given the state of newspapers everywhere, but they continue to exist to try and steer public opinion and promote their own agenda. Just another tool that can be used to pressure politicians as well. I don't believe there exists an independent newspaper or news outlet anywhere. The last few months have only solidified that opinion.

John Smith
Reply to @Justin Time: Online news has become the only source to find the truth. BNI would not print any story that went against their interest. They fired a cartoonist because he would not do what he was told. These newspapers are no longer useful to BNI so they cut them off.

James Risdon
Reply to @John Smith: I'm a big fan of putting news online but you are sadly mistaken if you think that online news outlets are necessarily free of bias. If anything, I think bias in the media has grown a lot over the last couple of decades as media budgets have shrunk and politics has become ever more polarized.

David Amos
Reply to @John Smith: I concur

Carlson MacKenzie
These papers haven't been a true community paper for years. Shortly after ownership came into the hands of the empire they evolved steadily into the advertisement polluted fluff that they are today.

James Risdon
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: Then invest in me and I'll start a true community newspaper.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @James Risdon: Yea Right

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO

Jeff LeBlanc
Sad but that's the way she goes. Also it's not like those papers were the epididmy of great journalism.

James Risdon
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: They used to be good community newspapers.

David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: Long ago before your buddies in the Irving Clan bought them

mabel short
--so everyone...establish local news sheets in each community...

Donald Gallant
Reply to @mabel short:

Exactly. They complain about Irving.

Now he’s gone and they say what !

James Risdon
Reply to @mabel short: I am very happen to help any group of business and community leaders who wants to financially back the start-up of a true community newspaper in Bathurst.

I've put out the offer. If people take me up on it, it'll show they're serious about community news. If they don't, well, that will speak volumes about how they feel as well.

James Risdon
Reply to @James Risdon: happy

David Amos
Reply to @mabel short: Check out Facebook sometime

David Amos
Reply to @Donald Gallant: Tah Tah

Campbellton's cluster of COVID-19 cases forces legislature to adjourn


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others



Campbellton's cluster of COVID-19 cases forces legislature to adjourn

MLAs are expected to return on June 9

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: May 28, 2020 12:28 PM AT

Premier Blaine Higgs said the adjournment was a precaution to allow MLAs from Zone 5 to find out if they've come into contact with the respiratory illness. (CBC)

The New Brunswick legislature has adjourned again because of a new outbreak of COVID-19 cases, just two days after reconvening with physical distancing precautions in place.

All MLAs from all four parties agreed Thursday morning to the abrupt decision to adjourn until June 9 to ensure they themselves don't contribute to the spread of the coronavirus.

The move was in response to a cluster of cases in Zone 5, the Campbellton area. As of Wednesday afternoon, there were three active cases there, the only cases in the province.
Two Liberal MLAs from the region announced Wednesday they were returning to their ridings. On Thursday morning, Speaker Daniel Guitard, whose riding includes part of Zone 5, was also absent.

Premier Blaine Higgs said the adjournment was a precaution to allow MLAs to find out if they've been infected.

"We all live in different portions of the province, we all go back to our ridings after any session, so we could become one of those that could be spreading if we had the disease," Higgs said.

MLAs look into testing as 'extra precaution' 

The adjournment "gives us that gestation period to figure that out and be tested. … We're asking a lot of people to ... practise the direction of Public Health, and we can be no exception to that."

The two Liberal MLAs, Guy Arseneault from Campbellton-Restigouche and Gilles LePage from Restigouche West, said in a statement Wednesday they were not showing any symptoms and did not believe they'd been in direct contact with the new cases.

Liberal MLA Guy Arseneault hasn't shown any symptoms of the virus but said he would consider getting tested as an extra precaution. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

But they said they would not remain in Fredericton and would also look into getting tested as an "extra precaution."

The legislature reconvened Tuesday for its first regular sitting day since a rushed budget vote and adjournment on March 13, in the early days of the pandemic. 

Gilles LePage from Restigouche West, also hasn't shown any symptoms of COVID-19 and does not believe he has come into contact with the virus. (Jennifer Sweet/CBC)

MLAs applauded Tuesday when Guitard said it was the first legislature in Canada to resume its business with all members present.

Extra precautions were in place. Only 28 of 47 MLAs were sitting on the floor of the chamber, and their desks were spread further apart than normal. The other 19 members took part in proceedings from the upstairs public gallery overlooking the chamber.

Legislature like 'a petri dish'

Progressive Conservative government house leader Glen Savoie said all MLAs were hoping "that the worst doesn't happen and that we can contain the spread of this virus."

People's Alliance leader Kris Austin compared the legislature to a petri dish that could allow the virus to spread across the province via the elected members.
But Savoie later told reporters the main reason for the adjournment was to follow the same precautions as everyone else, and to allow the government to devote its full attention to the Campbellton outbreak.

He also said there was a question of fairness: the PCs have a minority government and having the Liberals down three MLAs would put them at a disadvantage during any votes.
Green leader David Coon supported the adjournment and noted that Public Health officials had warned that new cases were likely.

Speaker Daniel Guitard, whose riding includes part of Zone 5, was absent from the legislature on Thursday. (Jacob Barker/CBC)

"This is not unexpected in some ways," he said. "We knew there would be this kind of back and forth with the virus, with cases popping up in regions."

But he said the new disruption to the legislature's work shows that other ways of sitting need to be looked at, such as the House of Commons' hybrid approach of remote, online proceedings with some MPs attending in person some of the time.

 "We need the means to keep working," Coon said. "Technology today allows us to do that."

Savoie told reporters that "we do see that as feasible but it will take some time." He said MLAs could meet digitally now but the legislature still needs to find a way make that accessible to the public in both English and French, a constitutional requirement.

He said it's "a very personal choice" whether all MLAs should be tested after being in the chamber with Arseneault and LePage, but said all members should monitor themselves for symptoms.

About the Author

Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 




David Amos   
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Surprise Surprise Surprise 

David Amos
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John Sollows
The Mayor of Cambellton's comments on Maritime Noon should be archived and made available n the website. She made enormous sense.

David Amos  

Reply to @John Sollows: Yea Right Methinks this the same Mayor who offered no comments last week about the protest on the bridge in her town N'esy Pas?


More Campbellton COVID-19 cases linked to medical professional who didn't self-isolate

3 new cases in Campbellton region linked to man who saw patients after visit to Quebec

Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon· CBC News· Posted: May 28, 2020 1:04 PM AT

Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, described the outbreak as 'completely preventable.' (Government of New Brunswick)

There are three new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Campbellton region that are linked to the three other active cases, including another health-care worker, the chief medical officer of health announced on Thursday.

The new cases include a person under 19, someone in their 40s and someone over 90, said Dr. Jennifer Russell.

Based on contact tracing, she expects to see more cases, she said.

The outbreak is "upsetting to everyone, including me," she said, describing it as "completely preventable."

All of the cases are linked to a medical professional in his 50s from the Campbellton Regional Hospital who contracted COVID-19 outside the province.
This person, who travelled to Quebec for personal reasons, "was not forthcoming about their reasons for travel upon returning to New Brunswick and they did not self-isolate as a result," Premier Blaine Higgs said on Wednesday.

After his trip, the man treated patients for two weeks at the Campbellton hospital and possibly other locations, forcing Higgs to order that region back into the orange phase of recovery.

Information about the case has been passed along to the RCMP to determine exactly what took place and whether charges are warranted, said Higgs.

Neither Higgs nor Russell would say whether the person who didn't self-isolate after travelling was a doctor or in some other health profession. Even fewer details were revealed about the health-care worker added to the cast list on Thursday.

The province moved into the yellow phase last Friday, which allows people to extend their two-household bubble to close family and friends, more businesses to reopen, and more recreation.

The rest of the province will remain in the yellow phase but additional restrictions scheduled to be lifted Friday have been delayed until June 5, said Higgs.

They include:
  • Outdoor public gatherings of up to 50 people will be permitted with physical distancing.
  • Religious services, including weddings and funerals, of up to 50 people, can take place indoors or outdoors with physical distancing.
  • Regional health authorities will increase the number of elective surgeries and non-emergency services.
  • Swimming pools, saunas, water parks can reopen.
  • Gyms, yoga and dance studios, rinks, pool halls and bowling alleys can reopen.
  • "Low-contact" team sports will be allowed.
"This will allow us time to see how widespread the outbreak is," said Higgs.

At least 150 people exposed

At least 150 people were exposed to the medical professional, including 50 health-care workers at the Campbellton Regional Hospital and 100 people in the community, said the head of the Vitalité Health Network.

There are "definitely more," said president and CEO Gilles Lanteigne.

He expects 500 people to be tested within the next couple of days.

The hospital is "basically shut down" until early next week, he said. The ER is closed, all surgeries have been cancelled, no admissions are being accepted and ambulances are being diverted to Bathurst.

Hospital officials are also looking into whether some patients can be sent home early safely.

Subject to disciplinary action

Lanteigne declined to identify the medical professional or their profession but did confirm it's a man. Asked whether he is facing any disciplinary action, Lanteigne said he could not talk about an individual case.

"What I can tell you is that any physician or any professional or any health-care worker … has responsibilities that are in relation with their functions. So if anyone transgresses these responsibilities, then it triggers some action.

"So in this situation, or in a situation like this, anyone who has not fulfilled his responsibility, according to the working agreement that we have with him or her, would be subject to disciplinary action."

Widespread testing

​​​​​​Testing centres will be set up Friday through Sunday at the Memorial Civic Centre in Campbellton and the Dalhousie Inch Arran Ice Palace for anyone in the region — whether they've had contact with the individual or not, and whether they have symptoms or not.

The 50 identified staff members, including physicians, were tested for the disease Wednesday night and the results are expected later today, said Lanteigne.

The 100 identified community members are expected to be tested today, he said.

Campbellton region at higher risk of COVID-19

Asked Wednesday whether the health-care worker will face charges, Higgs said the case is still under investigation.

Public Health officials are still contact tracing, but Russell said she's concerned there has already been "significant contact" with the three active cases and more cases will emerge in the days ahead.

The incubation period of the virus is 14 days.

Now the Campbellton region, also known as health Zone 5, is at a higher risk "due to the actions of one irresponsible individual," Higgs told reporters.

Third case of COVID-19 in Campbellton is a health professional who travelled to Quebec and did not self-isolate on return. 2:51

The two other cases include a person in their 90s and a child who attended two daycares.
None of the individuals are in hospital.

New Brunswickers who have travelled to the Campbellton area or been in close contact with anyone from the area should monitor for symptoms for 14 days, Russell said.

Anyone who develops symptoms should call Tele-Care 811 to get a referral for testing.

As of Wednesday, 23,296 COVID-19 tests have been performed in New Brunswick and 120 people have recovered from the respiratory disease.



'Irresponsible' 3rd COVID-19 case pushes Campbellton region back to orange recovery phase

Health-care worker in their 50s travelled to Quebec, did not self-isolate upon return

Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon· CBC News· Posted: May 27, 2020 11:35 AM AT

Premier Blaine Higgs reminded the public of their responsibility to follow Public Health directives to help ensure a safe reopening of the province. 'Now is not the time for New Brunswickers to take unnecessary risks, which could undo all the hard work it took to get us to this point,' he said. (Government of New Brunswick)

Premier Blaine Higgs lashed out Wednesday at the "irresponsible" medical professional in the Campbellton region who contracted COVID-19 outside the province and is to blame for two other confirmed cases in the region, forcing that northern part of the province back into the orange phase of recovery.

The Campbellton Regional Hospital's emergency department has also been closed for 24 hours and all non-urgent or elective health-care services are cancelled "due to the high risk of transmission of COVID-19," the Vitalité Health Network announced.

This medical professional  — Higgs wouldn't say if it's a doctor or a nurse — travelled to Quebec for "personal reasons, was not forthcoming about their reasons for travel upon returning to New Brunswick and they did not self-isolate as a result," he said.

The person, who is in their 50s, then treated patients for two weeks at the Campbellton Regional Hospital and possibly other locations.

Now the Campbellton region, also known as health Zone 5, is at a higher risk "due to the actions of one irresponsible individual," Higgs told reporters during a news conference in Fredericton.

Chief medical officer Dr. Jennifer Russell said she's very concerned about people in the Campbellton region, but people right across the province could also be at risk. (Government of New Brunswick)

"If you ignore the rules, you put your family, your friends and your fellow New Brunswickers at risk. Today's case is evidence of that."

The other two cases include a person in their 90s and a child who attended two daycares.
None of them is in hospital.

The investigation has determined the three cases are a single cluster, all related to travel, said chief medical officer of health Dr. Jennifer Russell.

'If charges need to be laid, they will'

Asked whether the health-care worker will face charges, Higgs said the case is still under investigation.

"Was this a clear, or what would appear to be apparent violation of our current rules? If indeed that is the case, you know, we will move forward with understanding and if charges need to be laid, they will," he said.

He expects to know more in the coming days, he added.

Public Health officials are still contact tracing, but Russell said she's concerned there has already been "significant contact" with the three active cases and more cases will emerge in the days ahead.
The incubation period of the virus is 14 days.

The three cases all come just five days after New Brunswick moved into phase three of its COVID-19 recovery plan, also known as the yellow phase. It allows people to extend their two-household bubble to close family and friends, more businesses to reopen, and more recreation.

Vitalité hopes to limit transmission

A few hours after the news conference, Vitalité issued a release about the temporary closure of the ER and other services.

The measure is being taken to limit transmission of the virus originating from a staff member of the hospital, president and CEO Gilles Lanteigne said in a statement.

"We know that this decision will inconvenience the communities of the Restigouche and surrounding areas. However, the health and safety of our staff remain our priority," he said.

"We must do everything in our power to limit the risk of spread."

Vitalité president and CEO Gilles Lanteigne announced the Campbellton Regional Hospital's ER is closed for 24 hours and all non-urgent or elective health-care services are also cancelled to limit transmission of COVID-19 originating from a staff member. (CBC)

The statement did not indicate why the closure is for 24 hours or what will be done during that period to help limit the spread.

Vitalité asks the public to strictly follow the isolation, physical distancing, handwashing and mask usage measures to prevent a potential second wave of COVID-19.

"We cannot let our guard down," Lanteigne said. "The third case being announced today is proof of that. We must remain vigilant and work together to keep ourselves and others safe.

"Our battle is not over. Indeed. It has just begun."

Widespread testing encouraged

Mobile testing will be set up in the Campbellton region starting Thursday, said Higgs. He is encouraging everyone in the region to get tested.

Zone 5 extends from Whites Brook to the Village of Belledune, including Tide Head, Atholville, Campbellton, Dalhousie, Eel River Dundee, Eel River Bar First Nation, Balmoral, Charlo and Belledune.

People can be tested even if they're not exhibiting symptoms, said Russell.

New Brunswickers who have travelled to the area or been in close contact with anyone from the area should monitor for symptoms for 14 days, she said.

Anyone who develops symptoms should call Tele-Care 811 to get a referral for testing.

Third case of COVID-19 in Campbellton is a health professional who travelled to Quebec and did not self-isolate on return. 2:51

People in the region should stay home as much as possible and avoid any close contact outside their two-household bubbles, said Russell.

She encouraged people to limit their close contacts no matter what phase of recovery the province is in until a vaccine is available.

Higgs said people should only be travelling in and out of the region for essential reasons, which doesn't include something like getting a haircut.

"We need everyone to do their own part," he said, "not trying to skirt the rules, but just saying, 'You know, for the next couple weeks for sure we can just stay at home, we can isolate in our community, we can follow the rules of public distancing, we can wear face masks, we can do the things that are appropriate to ensure that there isn't any further spread in this particular zone, and any further spread within the province.'"

Internal checkpoints being considered

Higgs opened the door to the possibility of establishing checkpoints within the province to restrict travel to and from the Campbellton region.

"It is being considered," he said, although it's difficult to do. Government officials are looking at how effective the measure has proven in northern Quebec.

Health-care workers in the region should refrain from working in more than one health-care facility.

Non-regulated health professionals, such as acupuncturists and naturopaths, and personal services, such as hair dressers and spas, which were allowed to open last Friday, must close again immediately until further notice.

The rest of the province will remain in the yellow phase and additional restrictions scheduled to be lifted Friday are expected to proceed.
They include:
  • Outdoor public gatherings of up to 50 people will be permitted with physical distancing.
  • Religious services, including weddings and funerals, with of up to 50 people, can take place indoors or outdoors with physical distancing.
  • Regional health authorities will increase the number of elective surgeries and non-emergency services.
  • Swimming pools, saunas, water parks can reopen.
  • Gyms, yoga and dance studios, rinks, pool halls and bowling alleys can reopen.
  • "Low-contact" team sports will be allowed.

Campbellton Nursing Home 'COVID FREE'

The case affecting someone over the age of 90 does not involve the Campbellton Nursing Home.

Public Health has not released any information about the individual, but shortly after the case was announced on Tuesday afternoon, the nursing home posted a message on Facebook to put minds at ease.
"In light of the recent announcement of a new positive case, we want to reassure you that The Campbellton Nursing Home is Covid-19 FREE," it said.

Nursing homes have been among the hardest hit by the disease in other provinces and in the United States.

''Everyday we keep the virus out is a Victory," the 100-bed facility said.

The Campbellton Nursing Home has 100 beds. (Facebook/Campbellton Nursing Home)

Higgs told reporters outside the legislature Tuesday he does not believe the elderly patient lives in a care home.

"It's my understanding they live in their own home, which is good news," he said. "But then it becomes a question of, OK, let's trace down, how were they exposed and what were kind of the scenarios leading up to that exposure?"

Higgs said he doesn't know if the origin can be determined but did note that hundreds of people in the region held a demonstration on May 19.

More than 400 residents of Campbellton, Listuguj and Pointe-à-la-Croix met at the bridge linking New Brunswick and Quebec to protest New Brunswick's travel restrictions.

Organizers of the the May 19 rally called for a bubble to be formed between Campbellton and the closest Quebec communities of Pointe-à-la-Croix and Listuguj First Nation, to allow for essential travel and family reunification. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)

"And you know the pictures that I saw of that rally, social distancing wasn't top of mind," said Higgs.

"I hope that people continue to realize just how precarious a position we're in. We all feel good about opening up early and being in a good position in New Brunswick or in Canada for that matter, but we've got to realize that this could all change overnight."

Higgs said he's "very concerned" about a potential pocket of cases forming in the Campbellton region.

The fact that one of the cases involves an elderly person adds to the complexity, he said.

Daycare remains closed

The Tourbillon de Soleil daycare in Balmoral, about 20 minutes southeast of Campbellton, remains closed until further notice.

It's been closed since May 21, after the infected child attended on May 19, developed a fever that night and then tested positive.

Tourbillon de Soleil daycare in Balmoral remains closed until further notice and the owner, four employees, as well as 14 children and their parents are under quarantine for two weeks. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)

About 35 people the child may have come into contact with at the daycare — employees, children and their parents — have been ordered to quarantine for 14 days, the incubation period of the disease.

Children and staff at the Campbellton daycare Bouts Choux, which the child had previously attended, up until May 15, have all tested negative, said owner Cécile Castonguay.

As of Wednesday, 23,296 COVID-19 tests have been performed in New Brunswick and 120 people have recovered from the respiratory disease.


Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos

Content disabled
Surprise Surprise Surprise The legislature just adjourned til June 9th 


PC ministers spar over vaccination bill, but debate unexpectedly delayed

Attorney General Andrea Anderson-Mason voiced discomfort with Education Minister Dominic Cardy's bill

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: May 27, 2020 4:38 PM AT

Education Minister Dominic Cardy wants to use the notwithstanding clause to fend off court challenges to his mandatory vaccination bill. (CBC)

The long-awaited and potential decisive phase in New Brunswick's debate over mandatory vaccinations was abruptly put on hold Wednesday.

MLAs were poised to begin studying Education Minister Dominic Cardy's Bill 11, which would eliminate all non-medical exemptions to the requirement for vaccinations, including those on religious and philosophical grounds.

But the sitting of the legislative committee that was going to examine the bill was abruptly called off when Cardy had to attend a special meeting of the government's all-party committee on COVID-19 happening at the same time.

"It would be impossible to have proper debate on this bill without his presence, so committee was delayed until next Tuesday," said Caraquet Liberal MLA Isabelle Thériault.
Opposition MLAs on the committee hope to amend the bill in a way that could make or break its chances of passing.

Both the Liberals and the Greens will try to remove the bill's use of the notwithstanding clause from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. By invoking the clause, the legislation is shielded from a constitutional challenge.

Attorney general voices concern

At the same time, two Progressive Conservative cabinet ministers continue to spar over the need for the legislation.

Attorney-General Andrea Anderson-Mason has repeatedly signalled she's not comfortable with the bill, and in a recent Facebook post implicitly rejected Cardy's description of its opponents.

"I was originally told that the only people who would oppose this bill would be people on the fringe," she said in a May 24 post. "That was incorrect."

Andrea Anderson-Mason MLA Fundy The Isles Saint John West
on Sunday
Thank you!! I asked a question and wow, you responded and you (for the most part) were respectful.
What I learned: I learned that the topic of mandatory vaccinations can be an emotional issue. People who support Bill 11 can be as assertive as those who oppose it.
The vast majority of people fall somewhere in the middle.
...See More

She said that "being told by government what you can or cannot do with your body does not settle well."

Cardy said Tuesday he was not concerned with his PC cabinet colleague's comments.

"I think Andrea Anderson-Mason's comments have been pretty clear, and I think mine are as well, and I'm happy mine are backed by science and reason, and I'm happy to go forward on that basis," he said.

Andrea Anderson-Mason, minister of justice and attorney general, has signalled concern about the government telling people what they can or cannot do with their bodies. (Radio-Canada)

Cardy also repeated his criticisms of opponents of the bill, including protestors on the lawn of the legislature Tuesday who didn't practice physical distancing from each other.

He described them as people "who subscribe to a vague, weird Trumpian ideal of how the world works."

The unusual public spectacle of two ministers sparring over a piece of legislation would normally be untenable in the Westminster system of cabinet government.

But Higgs is allowing all his MLAs, including his ministers, a free vote on the bill.

"I don't relish the idea of two ministers duking it out in the public, but it is what it is," he said Tuesday. "They can each vote their own way."

Anderson-Mason did not respond to an interview request Wednesday.

Bill would come into effect fall 2021

Cardy's bill was introduced long before the COVID-19 pandemic and has no specific reference to the coronavirus, for which no vaccine is expected to exist until next year.

The bill would eliminate philosophical, religious and other non-medical exemptions from an existing requirement that all school children be vaccinated.

Children not vaccinated for any reason other than health concerns would not be allowed to go to public schools starting in the fall of 2021.

An earlier version of the bill was harshly criticized by anti-vaccination activists who testified during three days of committee hearings last summer.
In the wake of those hearings, some MLAs from all four parties in the legislature said they were undecided whether to support the bill.

One national anti-vaccination organization threatened to challenge the constitutionality of the legislation if it passed.

Cardy responded with a new version of the bill last November that includes the use of the notwithstanding clause of the Charter.

That would exempt the bill from a Charter challenge on a number of grounds, including sections that guarantee freedom of religion.

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said he's concerned for government overreach with the current makeup of the bill. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers said this week his party remains "concerned" about the preemptive suspension of Charter rights and will try to amend the bill to take out the clause. That will make it more likely that some Liberal MLAs can vote for it.

Cardy said again this week he is willing to remove the notwithstanding clause.

"For me, it wouldn't be a compromise," he said. "I have no issues with the notwithstanding clause not being included. I felt the bill would stand without it and I'm very happy to support it without it."

Vickers said the debate is really about "the best way to get the most number of people vaccinated" and said Liberal MLAs would also be able to vote freely on the bill.

Green Party Leader David Coon said his party will also introduce amendments, including one to remove the notwithstanding clause. Another would give chief medical officer of health Dr. Jennifer Russell the power to decide when the bill takes effect.

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers said his party will try amend the bill to remove the notwithstanding clause. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

Meanwhile, People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin sounded a sceptical note about the legislation.
He said whether the notwithstanding clause stays in the bill or comes out, it's use is an acknowledgement the legislation is not constitutional.

"For me the real question is more about people's right to choose for themselves," he said, questioning whether school staff, health-care workers and eventually other government employees will also be subjected to similar laws.

"Where do we stop?" he said. "It's about government overreach to me."

Cardy said he's optimistic that there will be enough MLAs from all parties who see the merits of the bill, especially with COVID-19 highlighting the importance of vaccinations.

About the Author

Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 


Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos

Content disabled
Surprise Surprise Surprise The legislature just adjourned til June 9th 

David Amos
Methinks whereas the Minister of Health is a lawyer I bet some folks would like to know where Teddy Baby stands on the need for Cardy's vaccination legislation and his latest scheme about the notwithstanding clause N'esy Pas? 

Lou Bell
Guess some politicians have less of a concern for the health of their constituents than others ! Not really surprising . Money trumps doing the right thing . Move on Ms. Anderson- Mason , you've had your 15 minutes of infamy .

David Amos 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you are losing your faith in Higgy et al N'esy Pas?
Mary MacKenzie 
Reply to @David Amos: If you're going to use French, perhaps type it correctly.

john smith
treating healthy people as lepars is really quite rich

Aibreann Carey 
Reply to @john smith:
Putting children at risk of serious consequences from preventable disease is unconscionable.
David Amos 
Reply to @john smith: I agree
Aibreann Carey 
Reply to @john smith:
No it isn’t a “false argument”.
Vaccination eradicated polio in India, where the population was “healthy” until they weren’t.
john smith 
Reply to @Aibreann Carey: bill gates is banned from india for the injuries he caused
Aibreann Carey 
Reply to @john smith:
No he is not.
No he did not.

Fact checked. Correct.
john smith 
Reply to @Aibreann Carey: 496 000+ that are paralysed between 2000 and 2017 would say different likelwise the folks in ukraine and many parts of africa would join the chorus
Aibreann Carey 
Reply to @john smith:
That is a proven inaccuracy, favoured and promoted by antivaxxers who oppose eradication of polio for some reason that remains known only to them.
john smith 
Reply to @Aibreann Carey: hey it syour soul man i would never stop you from injecting what you want in your body but to force it into mine well thats a special kinda mindset their
john smith
Reply to @john smith: you might want to find a more reputable place then snopes to get your facts bud
Aibreann Carey 
Reply to @john smith:
Do what you like.
Choosing to become a public health menace has consequences. Not punishment: consequences. Up to you.
Aibreann Carey 
Reply to @john smith:
You’re talking to yourself.

You might want to fact check for yourself, accurate and reliable sources not found on YouRube or antivax rubbish.

Aibreann Carey 
Reply to @john smith:
No it could not. There is no parallel whatsoever.
john smith 
Reply to @Aibreann Carey: source materials not accurate enough lol ok roger
Aibreann Carey 
Reply to @john smith:
Say what?
Tom Simmons 
Reply to @Aibreann Carey: LOL
John Grail
Reply to @Aibreann Carey: Nice retort. No actual evidence, just shouting "not true"
Aibreann Carey 
Reply to @John Grail:
“Not true” is an accurate description of what is false.
David Amos 
Reply to @john smith: Methinks it should not matter what Kevin Vickers says about actions within the legislature until he gets elected and is sworn in. However folks certainly should ask him why i sued the Queen in 2015 because of his actions against me since 2004 N'esy Pas?


New Brunswick nixes new property tax breaks for businesses, cottages

PC government unveiled tax cuts for certain properties in this year’s budget

Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: May 27, 2020 6:57 PM AT

Finance Minister Ernie Steeves announced Wednesday the province will be cancelling the property tax cuts for businesses and non-owner-occupied properties he unveiled 11 weeks ago. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

Thrown into deficit by financial turmoil unleashed by the COVID-19 virus, New Brunswick Finance Minister Ernie Steeves has moved to cancel more than $20 million in property tax cuts for businesses and cottages that he unveiled in his budget just 11 weeks ago.

"We can all agree our fiscal situation is not the same as it was March the 10th, budget day," Steeves told the legislature Wednesday.

"In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government will not be proceeding with the proposed property tax measures contained in our 2020-2021 budget."

The measures being undone involve proposed relief for residential properties that are subject to secondary provincial taxes, including apartment buildings, cottages and single-family homes not lived in by the owner.
That budget proposal was to reduce taxes by $140.40 per year on every $100,000 those properties are assessed to be worth.

A large apartment complex like Moncton's Eagle View Estates, which has 64 units, was in line to save $9,253 in taxes beginning in January 2021. That's the equivalent of $12 per month per apartment under the original budget proposal.

A second tax cut on commercial and industrial properties is also being withdrawn. It was worth $82.50 per year on every $100,000 of a business property's assessed value.

It would have been a substantial saving for some of the province's larger business properties, including a $142,000 tax reduction for Champlain Place in Dieppe beginning next January and a $84,715 reduction in property tax on the Irving Oil refinery.
There was also a plan to lower the same taxes identical amounts in 2022, 2023 and 2024, providing a total of $96 million in annual property tax relief to business and cottage properties after the fourth year.

Premier Blaine Higgs said the province could not afford the loss in revenue, but he hoped to be able to restore the tax cuts when the province's finances improve.

"It isn't the time," said Higgs. 

"I'm focused on doing this, I believe in lower taxes, I believe that does help the economy, and I believe people will invest more, so it's a balancing act."

Greens, Alliance react

In a reversal of normal responses to government initiatives, Green Party Leader David Coon praised the decision and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin condemned it.

"There is indeed wisdom in the decision of the minister of finance," said Coon.

"I think that's a bad move," said Austin outside the legislature. "If we continue to tax businesses the way we've been taxing them, you can't expect the New Brunswick economy to grow."

Last week Steeves revealed New Brunswick is headed toward a $299.2 million deficit this year after his March budget originally projected a $92.4 million surplus.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Methinks many folks must have noticed that the Greens and the PANB just did a huge flip flop with regards to being cheerleaders and critics of Higgy's actions N'esy Pas?  

Tony Mcalbey
Another Higgy flip flop N’esy Pas?

Bryan Jones
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Me thinks so.
David Amos
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: C'est Vrai 

David Amos
Reply to @Bryan Jones: Me Too 


Fundy Quay talks gain new life with federal COVID-19 funding offer

Federal program could fund as much as 80 per cent of site preparation work on Saint John waterfront.

Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: May 28, 2020 6:00 AM AT

A conceptual, mixed use model from an earlier Fundy Quay development proposal. (City of Saint John)

Long–held hopes for a major commercial residential development on a prime Saint John waterfront site could get a boost from federal programs to kick–start the economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The $218 million commercial/residential Fundy Quay project is proposed for the former Coast Guard site at the foot of King Street in the city's uptown.

In December, the city granted a two-year option on the six-acre (2.4 hectares) property to a private company, Fundy Quay Developments Inc., but the deal hinges on the site being construction-ready by the end of 2021.

That will require removal of contaminated soils, raising of the overall level of the site in anticipation of a rise in sea levels, and preparation for tunnel work to link buildings on the property into the city's pedway system.

Total cost for that infrastructure work is estimated at $22.7 million, on top of already approved funds to refurbish a crumbling concrete sea wall along the harbour side of the property.

In early March, Fundy Quay was left off the list of New Brunswick projects approved for joint federal–provincial funding after the Blaine Higgs government elected instead to focus on water and wastewater priorities.

But discussions between the federal, provincial and city governments reopened in the weeks after that decision and have continued on at least a weekly basis ever since.

Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long and New Brunswick Minister Responsible for the Regional Development Corporation, Andrea Anderson-Mason. (MP Wayne Long, Facebook)

Saint John–Rothesay MP Wayne Long says the federal government is all set to kick in with as much as 80 per cent of the funding under an enhanced bilateral infrastructure program being offered to provinces.

"I've had productive meetings with the minister, Andrea Anderson–Mason," said Long. "Absolutely positive and productive."

"I want them to pull the trigger."

Long says he's frustrated the province hasn't yet come on board with the project.

Province wants details

Reached Wednesday by CBC, Anderson–Mason would not commit to funding the required provincial share of the infrastructure costs, saying New Brunswick is still waiting for details from Ottawa before signing onto the Integrated Bilateral Agreement that opens the door to the federal funds.

"I want to be able to say we're there, but we still need those details ," said Anderson–Mason.

David Elias, the man leading the development proposal, says he has been asked to present information to the three levels of government on the business case and proposed phases of the project.

"The process seems to be good, the cooperation amongst the parties appears  to be good. The feedback that I'm getting is that so far it probably ranks pretty high."

Develop Saint John CEO, Steve Carson says the project is an attractive one for all levels of government.

"We're cautiously optimistic that while we had a really strong and compelling case before COVID, we believe that this really is a project that ticks all the boxes," said Carson.

Carson says a public meeting on the project was being considered for this summer or fall, but may now take place online. No date has been set.

About the Author

Connell Smith is a reporter with CBC in Saint John. He can be reached at 632-7726 Connell.smith@cbc.ca



David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks my foes may find it strange that I agree with this project and that anyone can see by now that Higgy et al are just playing political games about the money N'esy Pas?

B.C. man forced to leave N.B. after dream of moving to P.E.I. sours at Confederation Bridge


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks many would agree that this matter was silly out of the gate so why not talk about the clowns or add to the fun? We are paying for this circus in more ways than one N'esy Pas? 



B.C. man forced to leave N.B. after dream of moving to P.E.I. sours at Confederation Bridge

‘You've got five hours to get out of New Brunswick,’ Kaden Webb recalls being told by conservation officer

Rachel Cave· CBC News· Posted: May 30, 2020 9:00 AM AT

Kaden Webb packed his belongings and his dog in his camper van and journeyed from British Columbia to his new home on Prince Edward Island. However, he was denied entry into the province because he couldn't produce the proper documentation. (Submitted/Kaden Webb)

At 33, Kaden Webb had given up on ever owning a home in pricey Greater Vancouver.
But Prince Edward Island seemed friendly and affordable.

So, with the help of his family, he purchased 11 acres on the Island.

The thrill of owning his own plot soon had him talking non-stop about building an energy-efficient home. He was so energized, he said, his brother and father also caught the dream.

"My dad ended up purchasing another property with my brother, about 12 acres," said Webb.
"With my whole family, we own 23 acres."

After making some preparations, including loading up a camper van with food and water and his dog, Webb set out to cross the country about two weeks ago.

Trouble at the border

He described it as a beautiful trip and largely uneventful until he reached the Quebec-New Brunswick border, where he got stopped by authorities.

He said he told New Brunswick officials that he was moving to P.E.I. and he showed them his driver's licence and his P.E.I. property deed.

He was then allowed to pass into New Brunswick.

After being denied entry onto Prince Edward Island, Kaden Webb was told by a New Brunswick conservation officer waiting for him on the other side of the Confederation Bridge that he had five hours to leave the province. (Submitted/Kaden Webb)

He said he also vividly remembers that they told him if he didn't get onto Island, for any reason, he would have to self-isolate in New Brunswick for 14 days.

To Webb, that was an important and reassuring point — if he couldn't reach P.E.I., he could stay in New Brunswick as long as he followed the rules.

He said he entered New Brunswick at about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Twenty-four hours later, Webb said he arrived on the P.E.I. side of the Confederation Bridge.

Again, he said he produced his P.E.I. deed.
However, he couldn't prove that he had sold any property in another province. That's a requirement under the rules of P.E.I.'s state of emergency travel restrictions, which ban non-essential travel.

However, people who are moving to the Island permanently can apply for an exception if they provide the required documentation.

"I never owned a home in B.C.," said Webb.

Nor could he provide a copy of a cancelled rental agreement. That's because he was unemployed and couldn't afford rent, he said. Instead, he said he'd been living in his camper van and sometimes with relatives.

'You have five hours to get out of New Brunswick'

Because he didn't have the necessary paperwork, Webb said the P.E.I. authorities denied him entry.

 Then, he said, they threatened him with arrest if he didn't leave immediately.

Back on the New Brunswick side, things went from bad to worse.

"On the [New Brunswick] side of the bridge, there were multiple officers waiting for me," said Webb.

"They said they were going to arrest me and put my dog in a shelter even though I told them he was an emotional support animal."
Webb said a conservation officer told him he could be fined up to $10,000 if Webb didn't start driving right away.

Webb choked up while describing what happened next.

"I said, 'I'm tired. I've been driving across Canada. I don't want to drive right now,'" Webb said.

"He said, 'It doesn't matter. You have five hours to get out.'

"That's literally what he said, 'You have five hours to get out of New Brunswick.'"

On Friday, Webb said he'd spent a sleepless night in his camper van and told CBC News he still hasn't mustered the energy to drive back to Quebec.

Kaden Webb crossed the Confederation Bridge, but that's as far onto the Island as he would get before being turned back. (Brian McInnis/CBC)

He said he's physically and mentally exhausted and distraught and he doesn't think it's safe to be behind the wheel for hours.

Meanwhile, he said he lives in fear that he'll be arrested and fined in New Brunswick.

Try again, says P.E.I. official

P.E.I. Public Safety spokesperson Vicki Tse said the province is trying to manage a large volume of requests from people who want exceptions from the non-essential travel ban.

Webb said he's still hopeful that someone will reconsider his case.

He said he's been corresponding by email with the P.E.I. Emergency Measures Organization since March.

In one message that he shared with CBC News, Webb is informed that in order to assess his application, he must produce a dated sale of agreement for his home in B.C., a dated purchase agreement for his land in P.E.I. and a signed agreement with a contractor for construction of his home.

Webb said he continued to communicate with EMO officials by phone while driving across Canada, but he never got a written approval to enter P.E.I. to present at the point of entry.

Tse said her best advice to any individual in the situation that was described to her would be to go through the proper channels and try again.

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al must have read my email about this little circus by now N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Methinks Higgy et all know if Mr Web is reading this comment then they also know why he should and i should talk ASAP N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: What kind of strings you gonna pull so he gets over to the island? The same ones that have secured your Medicare card??

Andre Legault 
Reply to @David Amos:
You talk all you want want Mr. Amos. Failed candidate. How is your Harley doing?

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks Higgy et al must recall which string I pulled in Brandon Manitoba on behalf of Mr Humberstone N'esy Pas?

Andre Legault 
Reply to @David Amos:
Pull some more strings. Top ten hit. Esru passe? Nestce pas tommy amos

Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: You did nothing. You are nothing

Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: Why aren't you an actual power player with all you've claimed to have done but instead a couch surfing sc hi zo

Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: Does anyone EVER answer your phone calls or emails? Truthfully?

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: O My My Methinks the ghost of another of your egos Mr Jones is no doubt restless and rattling his chains tonight N'esy Pas? 
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Not much gets by you. Well except respect and modesty

David Amos 
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks some people in Brandon Manitoba must have heard about the email I sent their Premier about you and I N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
Reply to @Ray Oliver: BTW I had another visit to the emergency room last week. Do tell how does your buddy Higgy plan to pay that bill?

John Darling
I’m leaving now ...will be there shortly.

Hide under your beds.

Andre Legault
Reply to @John Darling:
Too late Johnny. I know where you are hiding...

David Amos
Reply to @Andre Legault: BS 

Philomen Wright
The Premiers of NB and PEI are both rookies and power-tripping on their newfound authorities. These cops are also on a trip and need to be fired.

James Fish
Reply to @Philomen Wright: lol Philly doesn't understand law. Time to hit the BOOKS Philly!

Andre Legault  
Reply to @James Fish:
Good for rookies Go Phil Go

Leigh O'Brien
Reply to @Philomen Wright: Fortunately you’re not in charge of randomly firing people for doing their jobs.

Andre Legault 
Reply to @Leigh O'Brien:
She might be....

Leigh O'Brien
Reply to @Andre Legault: Frightening.

David Amos
Reply to @Philomen Wright: Yup

David Amos
Reply to @Leigh O'Brien: Why be afraid? Methinks you are no doubt very well aware that your hero Higgy and his minions within his Police State are diligently protecting you N'esy Pas? 

John Noble
Why so angry? Follow the rules and all is good.

Kelvin Bosch
Reply to @John Noble:
He did follow the rules. The rules allow you to move onto property you own. That's what he was trying to do.

David Amos
Reply to @Kelvin Bosch: I concur 

Bill Lewis
"P.E.I. Public Safety spokesperson Vicki Tse said the province is trying to manage a large volume of requests from people who want exceptions from the non-essential travel ban" Trash the non essential travel ban if you can't run it better than that.

Andre Legault
Reply to @Bill Lewis:
Good job. How many Covid-19 deaths in PEI

David Amos
Reply to @Andre Legault: Methinks your hero Higgy and his buddy Vicki Tse can expect an email in which you and your old pal Tommy get a not so honourable mention N'esy Pas? 

John Darling
I can hire a private jet right now...and fly right in.

Andre Legault 
Reply to @John Darling: Go ahead

Todd Petrie
Reply to @John Darling: and be subject to the same rules at the bridge. Getting silly now...

David Amos
Reply to @Todd Petrie: Methinks many would agree that this matter was silly out of the gate so why not talk about the clowns or add to the fun? We are paying for this circus in more ways than one N'esy Pas?


Kelvin Bosch
So you're allowed to move onto your property... but he can't prove that he doesn't have an attachment in BC, because he never actually owned property in BC.... this guy's situation sounds exactly why they provide exceptions for rules like these....

Andre Legault 
Reply to @Kelvin Bosch:
Exceptions for stupidity?

Kelvin Bosch
Reply to @Andre Legault:
He's stupid because he never owned property in BC? That's rather judgemental of you....

Andre Legault  
Reply to @Kelvin Bosch:
Judging, I see.

Kelvin Bosch
Reply to @Andre Legault:
Please explain how he was stupid.

Kelvin Bosch
Reply to @Andre Legault:
Please explain your criticism of my post, Mr non judgement.

Andre Legault  
Reply to @Kelvin Bosch:
Non judgement foolisj=h

David Amos
Reply to @Kelvin Bosch: What rules? 


Carol Kelly
The whole story seems pretty sad. If he can't afford to rent in BC..how was he going to make it in PEI.? A bit naive I would say. You can't blame the chap for having dreams though, and PEI is a beautiful place. On another note.. I totally get that PEI has to protect itself, but the maritimes rely on all the money from the wealthy providence's like Ontario. I am familiar with plenty of smaller villages in Nova Scotia who regularly depend on Federal unemployment. I live in New England, and although my state of Massachusetts is mostly closed up..I regularly go to adjoining states like New Hampshire and Rhode Island for services that are not open in Massachusetts.. the parking lots in all of those states are filled with Mass plates. People are going to do what they need to do..

Ray Fox
Reply to @Carol Kelly: dead wrong on the transfer payments 

Brooke Kim
Bravo Canada, can't afford British Columbia but we have the Wah-Way princess squatting in two houses in Vancouver instead of throwing her in jail to await her fate.

Ray Fox
Reply to @Brooke Kim: very rude post

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Fox: I concur

Paul Aumuller
I gather Canada turned communist five years ago.
Where is the risk, and the hazard of a young man driving in a camper with his dog going to his deeded land of 11 acres on an island?

Doug Graham 
Reply to @Paul Aumuller: Its called covid 19. Where have you been?

Paul Aumuller 
Reply to @Doug Graham: Like I said, where is the risk? There is something called a "test"for Covid-19. Where have you been?

Ian Scott 
Reply to @Paul Aumuller: He is not staying on his deeded land. There is no building, power ,septic etc. He has no job. He will obviously go to one member of family. So all would now have to isolate completely putting their families and jobs ,if they have one, at risk. Who is to administer the test if available to non sick person. Some provinces now do it ,others do not. Where does he go while waits to receive his answer? Camper in driveway?

Ray Fox 
Reply to @Doug Graham: no this is called local officials over stepping their authority. It happens far too often

Paul Aumuller 
Reply to @Ian Scott: He has a camper. He came all the way from B.C. The land is deeded and thus known. A Covid test would prove if he is even a carrier. He is going to his very isolate land of 11 acres. Try harder to make a problem from nothing as your post does not quite do it. Strange that JT can travel to his cottage in QC.

Ian Scott 
Reply to @Paul Aumuller: if you believe your storey of isolation in nowhere land in a camper go ahead. I guess his family bring him food and take the poop away.

Ray Fox 
Reply to @Paul Aumuller: as long as he wore a mask in public the risk was very low. Lower than me going to Walmart.

David Amos
Reply to @Paul Aumuller: Good Points

Paul Aumuller
In Canada, I can book a trip to China and back...just not P.E.I.

David Amos 
Reply to @Paul Aumuller: Go Figure

Ray Fox
Once again we hear of local g'ment officials over stepping their authority resulting in the abuse of rights of other Canadians. I hope this young man gets his chance at life in PEI.

David Amos  
Reply to @Ray Fox: Me Too

David Amos  
Reply to @Ray Fox: Methinks this would be a good job for Senator Duffy to resolve after he has a sober second thought N'esy Pas?

Dan Amundson
Very sad tale to be sure, however we have ZERO cases on the Island, ZERO cases for very, very good reasons. That is how we are trying to keep it - ZERO. So, sad as this tale is it demonstrates the effectiveness that the PEI government has put into place. Bravo.

Dan Amundson
Reply to @Dan Amundson: sorry, meant "the effectiveness of the rules"

Ray Fox 
Reply to @Dan Amundson: this story only represents the abuse of power by local officials.

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Fox: Methinks if the RCMP arrest Mr Webb's dog because of Higgy's Police State nonsense this story will go viral in a heartbeat N'esy Pas?

Dan Amundson
Reply to @David Amos: Perhaps you fellows missed the story about the Doctor in Campbellton NB who ignored Higgy's "Police State nonsense" and now at least six people are infected. THAT is why the rules are in place.

Brooke Kim
Reply to @Dan Amundson: Maybe P.E.I. will quarantine the transfer payments flowing in. Just a suggestion.

David Amos
Reply to @Dan Amundson: Methinks you overlooked the reasons why I ran against them all 7 times before Higgy created his local Police State N'esy Pas?


Canadians driving through N.B. to summer homes in P.E.I. to face heavy screening

Non-resident Canadians can apply to access their P.E.I. cottages Monday

Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: May 27, 2020 6:00 AM AT

Canadians driving to P.E.I. from Quebec or Ontario have a 540-kilometre drive through New Brunswick before they get to Confederation Bridge. (Brian McInnis/CBC)

Canadians who were hoping to pass through New Brunswick starting as early as next week to access summer properties they own on Prince Edward Island will be facing tougher entrance requirements and screening rules than it first appeared when the plan was unveiled a week ago.

That is likely to appeal to New Brunswick government officials who claimed to be caught off guard by the Prince Edward Island announcement last Wednesday and had expressed interest in knowing how strict the Island planned to be with owners of cottages and camps wanting to travel there for the summer through New Brunswick

"I understand P.E.I. is going to have a very strong, solid application process so that residents are well understood and I would assume that they would share that with us so that we can share that with our officials at the border and we can get continued compliance at the border," Premier Blaine Higgs said last week after hearing about P.E.I.'s plan.

On Tuesday, Dr. Heather Morrison, P.E.I.'s chief medical health officer, gave more details about the policy and for the first time indicated Canadians from communities with high infection rates will face a high hurdle to entry while others will undergo a methodical approval procedure.

Dr. Heather Morrison, P.E.I.'s chief medical health officer, on Monday laid out a strict screening procedure non-resident property owners will have to get through before being allowed entry to P.E.I. (Sarah MacMillan/CBC)

"There will be a risk assessment process that will consider not only where people may be coming from in this country, but our capacity to do that operation — self-isolation. How their self-isolation plan, how good it is and firm it is, and even whether testing may be an option or a requirement for them as well," said Morrison. 

"So these are the things that we are going to work through and be very careful [about] and this could take a longer period of time."
Other rules are under consideration, she said, and will be announced by the end of the week. Canadians own about 2,300 seasonal properties on P.E.I. and applications for them to enter the province open Monday.

That policy has been controversial both on and off on the Island.

King, Higgs not seeing eye to eye

New Brunswick has also been pondering how and when to admit its own population of non-resident property owners, and Higgs said he was not told by P.E.I. Premier Dennis King about the June 1 starting date in conversations the two had about the issue as late as last week.  

It was a claim King flatly denied.

"I talked to Premier Higgs on Tuesday before we did the [Wednesday] announcement," he said.  "We need individuals, if they are coming here by car, to drive through New Brunswick to get to their seasonal residence so I certainly made the [phone] call."

P.E.I. Premier Dennis King announced last week non-resident Canadians who own island property can apply for entry beginning Monday. The rule change caught New Brunswick off guard and sparked controversy on the Island. (Shane Hennessey/CBC)

But most of the heat King has felt has come from island residents.

An online petition against the policy gathered 6,000 names in the first week, and King said since the announcement he had "been called things that would make a sailor blush" by some voters. 

There are worries non-residents from jurisdictions with ongoing COVID-19 problems, like Quebec and Ontario, could reintroduce the virus to P.E.I., which has not had a single new case in four weeks.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs said he was surprised with P.E.I.'s decision to start accepting non-resident Canadian property owners after June 1. He said he hopes New Brunswick can do the same later 'this summer.' (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)

New Brunswick government officials were not immediately saying Tuesday if the province had any input into P.E.I.'s screening procedures and who will be cleared to drive through New Brunswick. It is about 540 kilometres mostly on the Trans-Canada Highway from the Quebec border north of Edmundston to the Confederation Bridge.

There has also been no hint of whether the strong reaction on P.E.I. to non-residents being cleared for entry will affect New Brunswick's own looming decision on the issue.

Earlier this month, Higgs said he hoped to be able to grant Canadians with properties in New Brunswick entry "this summer."

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Methinks it pleasant to see that Higgy is getting along so well with his fellow Maritime Conservative Premier N'esy Pas?

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From: "Moore, Rob - M.P."<Rob.Moore@parl.gc.ca>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 00:59:50 +0000
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

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Again, we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to contact the
office of the Honourable Rob Moore.

---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 00:59:40 +0000
Subject: RE: Kaden Webb and his dog versus Vicki Tse and Higgy
Methinks Ray Oliver, Andre Legault, his pal Tommy and their RCMP
buddies must admit that some folks working for Bloyce Thompson must
recall why I sued the Queen N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 00:59:37 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Kaden Webb and his dog versus Vicki Tse and
Higgy Methinks Ray Oliver, Andre Legault, his pal Tommy and their RCMP
buddies must admit that some folks working for Bloyce Thompson must
recall why I sued the Queen N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

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Thanks again for your email.

Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.

Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 00:59:38 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Kaden Webb and his dog versus Vicki Tse and
Higgy Methinks Ray Oliver, Andre Legault, his pal Tommy and their RCMP
buddies must admit that some folks working for Bloyce Thompson must
recall why I sued the Queen N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.

If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.com

If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to

Letters to the Editor can be sent to letters@globeandmail.com

This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Andy.Fillmore@parl.gc.ca
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 00:59:47 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Kaden Webb and his dog versus Vicki Tse and
Higgy Methinks Ray Oliver, Andre Legault, his pal Tommy and their RCMP
buddies must admit that some folks working for Bloyce Thompson must
recall why I sued the Queen N'esy Pas?
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

Hello, thank you for your email. Our office is currently receiving an
extraordinary volume of correspondence related to COVID-19.

** Priority will be given to constituents of Halifax. Please reply to
your original email with your postal code and we will reply as soon as
possible. **

You may also find the answer to your question online. For the most
up-to-date public health information on COVID-19, visit

For details on Canada's COVID-19 economic response plan, including
financial support for individuals and businesses, visit

Thank you,

Office of Andy Fillmore
Member of Parliament for Halifax

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 21:59:32 -0300
Subject: Kaden Webb and his dog versus Vicki Tse and Higgy Methinks
Ray Oliver, Andre Legault, his pal Tommy and their RCMP buddies must
admit that some folks working for Bloyce Thompson must recall why I
sued the Queen N'esy Pas?
To: MinisterJPS@gov.pe.ca, karenmacdonald@gov.pe.ca,
vickitse@gov.pe.ca, "Mike.Comeau"<Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca>,
"barb.whitenect"<barb.whitenect@gnb.ca>, "carl.urquhart"
<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.pe.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.nl.ca>, Francois.Legault.ASSO@assnat.qc.ca, premier
<premier@ontario.ca>, premier <premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, Office of the
Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.bc.ca>, premier <premier@gov.nt.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.yk.ca>, "barbara.massey"<barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<sturgeon.nathalie@brunswicknews.com>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
andre <andre@jafaust.com>, darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca,
David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca, dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
mcu@justice.gc.ca, Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, david.eidt@gnb.ca,
Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca,
howard.anglin@gov.ab.ca, jbaron <jbaron@theccf.ca>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "Bill.Morneau"
<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, "PETER.MACKAY"
<PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie.com>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"
<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "Gerald.Butts"
<Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "Anderson-Mason, Andrea Hon. (JAG/JPG)"
<Andrea.AndersonMason@gnb.ca>, "andrew.scheer"
<andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, "Andy.Fillmore"
<Andy.Fillmore@parl.gc.ca>, "Wayne.Long"<Wayne.Long@parl.gc.ca>,
"robert.gauvin"<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "robert.mckee"
<robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, "Robert. Jones"<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>,
"Roger.L.Melanson"<roger.l.melanson@gnb.ca>, "rob.moore"

Hon. Bloyce Thompson
Minister's Office
Tel: 902-368-5152
Fax: 902-368-4910
Email: MinisterJPS@gov.pe.ca

(Acting) Deputy Minister
Karen MacDonald
95-105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
Centre 4th Floor
Phone: 902-620-3124
Fax: 902-368-5283
Email: karenmacdonald@gov.pe.ca

Vicki Tse,
Bilingual Senior Communications Officer
Executive Council Office
Justice and Public Safety
Minister's Office
Shaw Building
95-105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
5th Floor
Mobile: 902-213-2321
Email: vickitse@gov.pe.ca


David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks many would agree that this matter was silly out of the gate
so why not talk about the clowns or add to the fun? We are paying for
this circus in more ways than one N'esy Pas?


#nbpoli #cdnpoli


B.C. man forced to leave N.B. after dream of moving to P.E.I. sours at
Confederation Bridge

‘You've got five hours to get out of New Brunswick,’ Kaden Webb
recalls being told by conservation officer

Rachel Cave · CBC News · Posted: May 30, 2020 9:00 AM AT


David Amos
Methinks Higgy et all know if Mr Web is reading this comment then they
also know why he should and i should talk ASAP N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: What kind of strings you gonna pull so he gets
over to the island? The same ones that have secured your Medicare

Andre Legault
Reply to @David Amos:
You talk all you want want Mr. Amos. Failed candidate. How is your Harley doing?

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks Higgy et al must recall which string I
pulled in Brandon Manitoba on behalf of Mr Humberstone N'esy Pas?

Andre Legault
Reply to @David Amos:
Pull some more strings. Top ten hit. Esru passe? Nestce pas tommy amos

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You did nothing. You are nothing

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Why aren't you an actual power player with all
you've claimed to have done but instead a couch surfing sc hi zo

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Does anyone EVER answer your phone calls or
emails? Truthfully?

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: O My My Methinks the ghost of another of your
egos Mr Jones is no doubt restless and rattling his chains tonight
N'esy Pas?

---------- Original message ----------
From: Howard Anglin <howard.anglin@gov.ab.ca>
Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 16:18:52 +0000
Subject: Re: YO Howie Anglin Methinks the Canadian Constitution
Foundation should sue me if they think they can put a muzzle on me
N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>


---------- Original message ----------
From: Joanna Baron <jbaron@theccf.ca>
Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 11:15:41 -0400
Subject: Re: YO Howie Anglin Methinks the Canadian Constitution
Foundation should sue me if they think they can put a muzzle on me
N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Again, I do not wish to receive these emails.

On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 11:10 AM David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 12:10:12 -0300
Subject: YO Howie Anglin Methinks the Canadian Constitution Foundation
should sue me if they think they can put a muzzle on me N'esy Pas?
To: adrienne.opray@nbbc-cenb.ca, apta@apta.ca, strawberryhf@gmail.com,
gfpotato@potatoesnb.com, Raywat.Deonandan@uottawa.ca,
geoff.irvine@lobstercouncilcanada.ca, jbaron@theccf.ca,
Roger.Brown@fredericton.ca, mike.holland@gnb.ca, john.green@gnb.ca,
Mike.Comeau@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, barb.whitenect@gnb.ca,
barbara.massey@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca,
steve.murphy@ctv.ca, David.Lametti@parl.gc.ca,
dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca,
Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
david.eidt@gnb.ca, Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov,
Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov, alan.roy@snb.ca, robert.gauvin@gnb.ca,
premier@ontario.ca, premier@gnb.ca, Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca,
Jamie.huckabay@gov.ab.ca, premier@gov.ab.ca, howard.anglin@gov.ab.ca,
Cc: "PETER.MACKAY"<PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie.com>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
"Katie.Telford"<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "blaine.higgs"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joanna Baron <jbaron@theccf.ca>
Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 09:26:40 -0400
Subject: Re: Methinks whereas Higgy now Tweets his Police State's news
it only follows that he reads my Tweets about his nonsense N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Please remove me from your list.

On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 8:11 AM David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

> https://twitter.com/DavidRayAmos/with_replies
> David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
> Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
> Methinks whereas Higgy now Tweets his Police State's news it only
> follows that he reads my Tweets about his nonsense N'esy Pas?
> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2020/05/cracks-in-political-unity-appear-but.html
> #nbpoli #cdnpoli
> N.B. reports no remaining active cases of COVID-19
> Of the 118 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick, the province
> says all have recovered
> Philip Drost · CBC News · Posted: May 02, 2020 1:31 PM AT
> New Brunswick put out numbers on Saturday showing it is the first
> province to have no active cases of COVID-19. (Government of New
> Brunswick/Submitted)
> David Amos
> Methinks I should holler BINGO then ask Higgy why are we still locked
> down Nesy Pas?
> Terry Hughes
> Reply to @David Amos:
> you just don't get it do you !!!!!!
> Terry Hughes
> Reply to @Terry Hughes: We need to keep it locked down for a bit longer
> David Amos
> Reply to @Terry Hughes: Methinks whereas your hero Higgy now Tweets
> his Police State's news it only follows that he reads my Tweets about
> his nonsense N'esy Pas?
> Carl Douglas
> How long are we supposed to self isolate when in contact or with symptoms?
> Are we supposed to social distance in our household bubbles?
> How many days has our province been self isolated? Provincial borders
> closed when?
> Can a province be a bubble? What constitutes a bubble?
> Are the borders still closed? 14-day quarantine? Contact tracing?
> How many people have been infected in NB? Recovered?
> What is the mortality rate for virus in NB?
> What is the mortality rate of influenza? Social distance? Close
> borders? Close businesses?
> What % of NB has the antibodies? Asymptomatic? Tests? Should we know
> the results?
> Can a province be a bubble? Do we social distance in our household bubbles?
> How many people in the province are at risk? Who make up this risk group?
> Would it be easier to contain at risk or entire province?
> What is a health crisis? No mechanism of control? Did self isolation
> work? % Infected? Mortality rate?
> When does a health crisis end? No infections? No deaths? Vaccine? Herd
> Immunity?
> Andre Legault
> Reply to @Carl Douglas:
> One.
> john smith
> Reply to @Carl Douglas: 60-80 % for herd immunity vaccines will be
> forced everyone just went along with the precedent set by cardy, how
> many people really were infected probably a lot. the mechanism going
> forward should be swedish model isolating risk groups lowered immune
> people and elderly watch other jurisdiction and professional hospitals
> for treatment ignore who , gates foundation and as sad as it is the
> moist speaking pm,
> john smith
> Reply to @Carl Douglas: patent w02020060606 used to prove immunity of
> the wuhan flu then to buy and sell
> john smith
> Reply to @john smith: on your hand or forehead somebody isolated on
> patmos had a dream about this along time ago
> David Amos
> Reply to @Carl Douglas: Methinks the reason this article had no
> comment section when it was first published was to avoid questions
> such as yours N'esy Pas?
> Terry Tibbs
> OH NO, tell me it's not so..................
> "The province plans fewer press briefings from now on. They will be
> held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday."
> Should we be expecting more tales of woe from SJ?
> David Amos
> Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Mais Oui
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<
> fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
> Date: Sat, 2 May 2020 13:15:25 +0000
> Subject: RE: Methinks this email will put Howie Anglin and Dominic
> Lebanc's fancy knickers in quite knot N'esy Pas Higgy?
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
> comments.
> Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for
> any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information
> on Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the
> Government of Canada website at
> www.canada.ca/coronavirus<http://www.canada.ca/coronavirus> or by
> calling 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) or 1-833-784-4397.
> Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
> Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
> En raison de la fluidité de la crise de la COVID-19, il est possible
> que nous retardions à vous répondre et nous nous en excusons.
> Entre-temps, les informations au sujet du Plan d'intervention
> économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 sont disponibles dans
> le site Web du gouvernement du Canada au
> www.canada.ca/coronavirus<http://www.canada.ca/coronavirus> ou en
> composant le
> 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le 1-833-784-4397.
> > ---------- Original message ----------
> > From: Office of the Premier <Premier@gov.ab.ca>
> > Date: Fri, 1 May 2020 14:45:34 +0000
> > Subject: Automatic reply: RE Cracks in political unity appear, but
> > Higgs holds firm on temporary foreign worker ban and my call to Nat
> > Richard
> > To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
> >
> > Thank you for contacting the Premier of Alberta.
> >
> > Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Alberta has declared a state of
> > emergency under the Public Health Act. As a result, we are
> > experiencing a higher-than-usual volume of emails. Please call
> > 310-4455 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, for questions about
> > financial relief and government programs and services.
> >
> > Visit alberta.ca/covid19<http://www.alberta.ca/covid-19> and
> > canada.ca/covid-19<
> https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html
> >
> > for the latest and most accurate information.
> >
> > Please note that Employment Insurance (EI) and the Canada Emergency
> > Relief Benefit (CERB) are federal programs. Visit
> > www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/cerb-application.html<
> https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/cerb-application.html>
> > for more information.
> >
> > If you recently returned from travel outside Canada or have symptoms -
> > cough, fever, fatigue or difficulty breathing:
> > ·         stay home - do not go to an ER or clinic
> > ·         take the COVID-19 self-assessment
> > test<
> https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Journey/COVID-19/Pages/COVID-Self-Assessment.aspx
> >
> > ·         call Health Link
> > 811<
> http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/healthinfo/link/index.html>
> > for testing, instructions or any health-related inquiries.
> > Thank you.
> >
> >
> > This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
> > intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
> > are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
> > the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
> > is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
> > addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.


*Joanna Baron, M.A., B.C.L./LL.B.*  *|*  Executive Director
*C*anadian *C*onstitution *F*oundation

*P:* *416.996.9066 <416 .996.9066=""> * *F:* *1.888.695.9105 <1 .888.695.9105="">*

Charitable Number: 86617 6654 RR0001

theCCF.ca <http://www.theccf.ca/>

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This message is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to which it is addressed. The message may contain
information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure
under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended
recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message
to the intended recipient, you are notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If
you have received this communication in error, please notify the Canadian
Constitution Foundation immediately by email at info@theCCF.ca
<info@theccf.ca>. Thank you.

On 5/3/20, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://twitter.com/DavidRayAmos/with_replies
> David Raymond Amos‏ @DavidRayAmos
> Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
> Methinks whereas Higgy now Tweets his Police State's news it only
> follows that he reads my Tweets about his nonsense N'esy Pas?
> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2020/05/cracks-in-political-unity-appear-but.html
> #nbpoli #cdnpoli
> N.B. reports no remaining active cases of COVID-19
> Of the 118 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick, the province
> says all have recovered
> Philip Drost · CBC News · Posted: May 02, 2020 1:31 PM AT
> New Brunswick put out numbers on Saturday showing it is the first
> province to have no active cases of COVID-19. (Government of New
> Brunswick/Submitted)
> David Amos
> Methinks I should holler BINGO then ask Higgy why are we still locked
> down Nesy Pas?
> Terry Hughes
> Reply to @David Amos:
> you just don't get it do you !!!!!!
> Terry Hughes
> Reply to @Terry Hughes: We need to keep it locked down for a bit longer
> David Amos
> Reply to @Terry Hughes: Methinks whereas your hero Higgy now Tweets
> his Police State's news it only follows that he reads my Tweets about
> his nonsense N'esy Pas?
> Carl Douglas
> How long are we supposed to self isolate when in contact or with symptoms?
> Are we supposed to social distance in our household bubbles?
> How many days has our province been self isolated? Provincial borders
> closed when?
> Can a province be a bubble? What constitutes a bubble?
> Are the borders still closed? 14-day quarantine? Contact tracing?
> How many people have been infected in NB? Recovered?
> What is the mortality rate for virus in NB?
> What is the mortality rate of influenza? Social distance? Close
> borders? Close businesses?
> What % of NB has the antibodies? Asymptomatic? Tests? Should we know
> the results?
> Can a province be a bubble? Do we social distance in our household bubbles?
> How many people in the province are at risk? Who make up this risk group?
> Would it be easier to contain at risk or entire province?
> What is a health crisis? No mechanism of control? Did self isolation
> work? % Infected? Mortality rate?
> When does a health crisis end? No infections? No deaths? Vaccine? Herd
> Immunity?
> Andre Legault
> Reply to @Carl Douglas:
> One.
> john smith
> Reply to @Carl Douglas: 60-80 % for herd immunity vaccines will be
> forced everyone just went along with the precedent set by cardy, how
> many people really were infected probably a lot. the mechanism going
> forward should be swedish model isolating risk groups lowered immune
> people and elderly watch other jurisdiction and professional hospitals
> for treatment ignore who , gates foundation and as sad as it is the
> moist speaking pm,
> john smith
> Reply to @Carl Douglas: patent w02020060606 used to prove immunity of
> the wuhan flu then to buy and sell
> john smith
> Reply to @john smith: on your hand or forehead somebody isolated on
> patmos had a dream about this along time ago
> David Amos
> Reply to @Carl Douglas: Methinks the reason this article had no
> comment section when it was first published was to avoid questions
> such as yours N'esy Pas?
> Terry Tibbs
> OH NO, tell me it's not so..................
> "The province plans fewer press briefings from now on. They will be
> held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday."
> Should we be expecting more tales of woe from SJ?
> David Amos
> Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Mais Oui
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"
> <fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
> Date: Sat, 2 May 2020 13:15:25 +0000
> Subject: RE: Methinks this email will put Howie Anglin and Dominic
> Lebanc's fancy knickers in quite knot N'esy Pas Higgy?
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
> comments.
> Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for
> any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information
> on Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the
> Government of Canada website at
> www.canada.ca/coronavirus<http://www.canada.ca/coronavirus> or by
> calling 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) or 1-833-784-4397.
> Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel.
> Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus.
> En raison de la fluidité de la crise de la COVID-19, il est possible
> que nous retardions à vous répondre et nous nous en excusons.
> Entre-temps, les informations au sujet du Plan d'intervention
> économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 sont disponibles dans
> le site Web du gouvernement du Canada au
> www.canada.ca/coronavirus<http://www.canada.ca/coronavirus> ou en
> composant le
> 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le 1-833-784-4397.
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: Office of the Premier <Premier@gov.ab.ca>
>> Date: Fri, 1 May 2020 14:45:34 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Cracks in political unity appear, but
>> Higgs holds firm on temporary foreign worker ban and my call to Nat
>> Richard
>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>> Thank you for contacting the Premier of Alberta.
>> Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Alberta has declared a state of
>> emergency under the Public Health Act. As a result, we are
>> experiencing a higher-than-usual volume of emails. Please call
>> 310-4455 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, for questions about
>> financial relief and government programs and services.
>> Visit alberta.ca/covid19<http://www.alberta.ca/covid-19> and
>> canada.ca/covid-19<https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html>
>> for the latest and most accurate information.
>> Please note that Employment Insurance (EI) and the Canada Emergency
>> Relief Benefit (CERB) are federal programs. Visit
>> www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/cerb-application.html<https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/cerb-application.html>
>> for more information.
>> If you recently returned from travel outside Canada or have symptoms -
>> cough, fever, fatigue or difficulty breathing:
>> ·         stay home - do not go to an ER or clinic
>> ·         take the COVID-19 self-assessment
>> test<https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Journey/COVID-19/Pages/COVID-Self-Assessment.aspx>
>> ·         call Health Link
>> 811<http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/healthinfo/link/index.html>
>> for testing, instructions or any health-related inquiries.
>> Thank you.
>> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
>> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
>> are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
>> the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
>> is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
>> addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.


*Joanna Baron, M.A., B.C.L./LL.B.*  *|*  Executive Director
*C*anadian *C*onstitution *F*oundation

*P:* *416.996.9066 <416 .996.9066=""> * *F:* *1.888.695.9105 <1 .888.695.9105="">*

Charitable Number: 86617 6654 RR0001

theCCF.ca <http://www.theccf.ca/>

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This message is intended only for the use of the
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TD Bank charges $30,000 mortgage penalty to woman forced to sell home due to pandemic


I just called and left a voicemail
Quote Tweet
Will Dunning
CMHC's new housing market report - available via this page: cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/data-and-re
drew essentially the right conclusion, that it is impossible to confidently forecast in this situation. So why did they publish explicit forecasts? I don't get it. They've just incited contention.

Methinks you and I should talk N'esy Pas?


 My article on what we’re doing to help renters and homeowners, together with banks and landlords, to prevent evictions and foreclosures: Help for Canadian renters and homeowners in the time of coronavirus | The Star

Evan Siddall

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Evan Siddall
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Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
I enjoyed talking to Kristina Barybina but l would love to talk Rob McLister and Will Dunning Methinks sneaky Evan Siddall, the RateSpy guy and a loose canon should agree that knowledge is power N'esy Pas? 



TD Bank charges $30,000 mortgage penalty to woman forced to sell home due to pandemic

Banks poised to profit from customers who must sell in coming months, mortgage expert says

Erica Johnson· CBC News· Posted: Jun 01, 2020 4:00 AM ET

Kristina Barybina says she was stunned to learn she owed TD Bank an almost $30,000 mortgage penalty after being forced to sell her house during the pandemic. (Submitted by Kristina Barybina)

When the pandemic hit Ontario, Kristina Barybina's income as a real estate agent dried up and she knew the writing was on the wall — she'd have to sell her own house.

She also knew there'd be a penalty for getting out of her five-year mortgage with TD Bank early — she just wasn't expecting it to be almost $30,000.

"I thought my eyes were going to pop out," said Barybina. "It's insane."

A mortgage expert says people who have to sell their homes and have fixed-rate mortgages are being hit particularly hard right now, because of how financial institutions calculate penalties — and he's calling on the banks to have some leniency.

"When you lose your income from a financial crisis like we're facing now and you have to fork over tens of thousands more to your lender, it's heartbreaking," said mortgage planner Rob McLister, founder of RateSpy.com, a mortgage rate comparison website, and mortgage editor of rates.ca, an insurance comparison website.

"Ideally banks would show some compassion," he said.
Barybina says she had considered selling her home before. She put it on the market in November, then took it off when no buyers expressed interest.

But by mid-March, she says, selling her house became a necessity, not a choice.

Almost overnight, the real estate agent based in East Gwillimbury — 50 kilometres north of Toronto — lost all her clients. "People are not listing," she said. "And nobody knows when the end of it is coming."

Compounding her problems, two tenants who had been renting rooms in her house moved home to be with their families. Income from a mortgage-helper Airbnb suite also dried up.

Scrambling to look after her elderly mother, who lives with her, and a 12-year-old son, the single mother says she started taking medication for anxiety.

"They're perfectly within their rights under the agreement, but we're in a pandemic," she said. "I'm not selling this house because I love to move."

After losing her income as a real estate agent, and income from two tenants and an Airbnb suite, Kristina Barybina could no longer make her $2,780 monthly mortgage payments on her East Gwillimbury home. (Submitted by Kristina Barybina)

Barybina requested a one-month deferral on her mortgage, but says she quickly realized that deferring it any longer would just be pushing debt she couldn't pay further down the road. She says she was fortunate to sell in April, just as the housing market started to plunge.

She was only 19 months into a five-year mortgage, with a fixed-rate of 3.71 per cent, and still owed $591,000. TD used a controversial calculation to arrive at the penalty for breaking the terms. She owed another $29,530.

All of Canada's big banks use similar methods for calculating what penalty people owe if they end a fixed-rate mortgage early.

They can either charge three months' interest or what's called the interest rate differential (IRD) — whichever is higher.

The IRD is a calculation involving the difference between the interest rate on the negotiated mortgage, the bank's current posted fixed interest rate and the length of time remaining on the contract. Banks argue they lose anticipated revenue from their client if they end the mortgage prematurely.

Mortgage expert Rob McLister anticipates that the number of Canadians forced to break their fixed rate mortgage and face hefty penalties will ‘spike’ in the months ahead. (Submitted by Rob McLister)

When the Bank of Canada lowers interest rates, the banks' posted fixed rates also drop, increasing the penalties for people breaking fixed-rate mortgages.

"TD is profiting by collecting this ridiculous amount of penalty, which is only based on the fact that the interest rate posted by Bank of Canada is so low — which was done to help people," said Barybina. "It's heartless."

Had the bank used the option of charging three months' interest, Barybina says she would only have owed $3,000.

Penalties exceed losses

McLister says banks incur costs and risk when borrowing money to cover a customer's mortgage so they need to recover that lost income. But he says mortgage penalties often exceed their losses.

"Most of the time bank mortgage penalties are bigger than they need to be," he said.

According to Mortgage Professionals Canada, 74% of all mortgages have fixed rates.

TD Bank declined an interview request. In a statement to Go Public a spokesperson said the bank takes care to make sure customers understand mortgage penalties and that Barybina was offered an additional five-month mortgage deferral.
The statement did not address why — after Barybina filed a complaint — the bank didn't negotiate reducing the $30,000 penalty, but did say the bank had "discussed options that were available to reduce the charge."

Barybina denies she was offered any helpful options.

The bank also cited options — for example, deferrals and financial advice — it is offering to customers hurt by the pandemic.

Penalty shoots up

Flora Kenari and her husband Mohammad Mehdiour say they, too, are paying an unfair mortgage penalty because of the pandemic.

The couple found a house in Gloucester, east of Ottawa, and 15 months ago obtained a five-year fixed mortgage with a rate of 3.56%.

But when they returned to the bank in January to discuss moving their mortgage to a new house, they were told they'd have to break the mortgage and pay a penalty — of $8,000.

Flora Kenari and her husband Mohammad Mehdipour say they lost sleep, watching their Scotiabank mortgage penalty increase 50 per cent in just two months (Submitted by Flora Kenari)

In the weeks to follow, the Bank of Canada kept dropping the interest rate, driving up their penalty.
"Every time that we heard that the prime is going down there was more and more stress," said Kenari.

By March, the penalty had climbed to $12,000.

"The money didn't return to our pocket, it went to the bank's pocket. It reminds me of the Sheriff of Nottingham," she said, referring to the villain in the legend of Robin Hood, who mistreats people and subjects them to unaffordable taxes.

After they complained to the office of the bank's president, Scotiabank offered to reduce the penalty to the original $8,000. But the couple feels that fee shouldn't exist at all, as they say they were told the mortgage could be transferred to another property.
In a statement, a Scotiabank spokesperson said customers are offered "various resources" to better understand mortgage penalties, that it takes "the concerns of our customers very seriously" and is working on a resolution with Kenari and Mehdiour.

Scotiabank did not address the allegation that they were misled about transferring the mortgage.

Longtime controversy

Penalties for ending a fixed mortgage have long been unpopular. A decade ago, growing calls to cap mortgage penalties and make them easier to understand prompted the federal government to require more transparency about mortgage penalty regulation.

A 2010 study by the Quebec Federation of Real Estate Boards found that the IRD penalty for breaking a fixed-rate mortgage was often 200 per cent higher than the actual loss incurred by the bank. The author of the study says since the report, there've been no significant changes.

McLister predicts the coming months will see a spike in the number of people "blindsided" by penalties as they're forced to sell their homes.

"We're already seeing a big jump in refinance requests as people try to restructure their debt ahead of potential income loss," he said.

It's hard to know how many Canadians will face hefty mortgage penalties due to the COVID-19 crisis, but Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) CEO Evan Siddall expressed concern before the federal finance committee two weeks ago.

Siddall said thousands of Canadians who have deferred their mortgage payments during the pandemic will face a "debt referral cliff" once the payments come due this fall.

The CMHC estimates that as many as one-fifth of all mortgages will be in arrears at that time — and a large percentage of those homeowners will be faced with stiff mortgage penalties.

'Government must act'

Such extreme penalties generally don't exist in the U.S., which frustrates homeowners like Barybina.

"The government must act," she said. "It cannot force banks [to end mortgage penalties] unless it has a legislative framework. So go ahead and pass a law."

Go Public requested an interview with Finance Minister Bill Morneau, which was declined.

In a statement, a spokesperson said banks are required to be transparent about mortgage penalties and that Canadians facing financial difficulties should contact their lender "to learn what options are available."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called on the banks to "do more" to help customers during the pandemic, but when Go Public asked whether that included easing hefty mortgage penalties, he did not offer specifics.

"There's always more to do and we're going to make sure our financial partners are part of the solution to making sure Canadians get through this," Trudeau said Friday.

But without more specific direction from Ottawa, the banks seem mainly to be offering only deferrals and financial advice.

McLister says calls to scrap mortgage penalties could have unintended consequences.

"There is no free lunch," he said. "You could have the government mandate a $1 penalty for all the banks and all that would do is encourage banks to increase interest rates, increase fees and make back that profit another way."

He says dozens of lenders, including many credit unions, don't require "horrendous penalty calculations"— so people should shop around, bearing in mind that the big banks can often offer lower interest rates on a mortgage.

Barybina says she's resigned to paying the $30,000 penalty, but wants to call out her bank's behaviour during a time when she says everyone is being asked to support and accommodate one another.

"That's why I think it's unconscionable and unethical to proceed this way."

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About the Author

Erica Johnson
Investigative reporter
Erica Johnson is an award-winning investigative journalist. She hosted CBC's consumer program Marketplace for 15 years, investigating everything from dirty hospitals to fraudulent financial advisors. As co-host of the CBC news segment Go Public, Erica continues to expose wrongdoing and hold corporations and governments to account.
With files from Enza Uda



David Williams
It is a sad situation, but why would these people not take the "defer" option until they were able to get back on their feet?

Mark Stine 
Reply to @David Williams: The economy being effected will last more than 5 months..... these fee's are unreasonable. Even if the first person pays 3000 and the second 1000 that is pure profit for the bank. Administration to finalize their paperwork with the bank doesn't cost 500 or more an hour... they pay someone $20-$35.00 an hour. And their is a pandemic... the banks should take hugely reduced fee's and let people sell, otherwise bankruptcy costs us all a lot more.

tony thomas
Reply to @Mark Stine: I live within my means, her going bankrupt has zero effect on me, Or you for that matter unless you are a co-signer on her debts.

Mason Hood
Reply to @tony thomas: an avalance of bankruptcies would affect you. Bank would take hits everywhere, tighten lending, and that crunch will affect payroll payments. You might think it doesn't affect you, but it will. Whatever happens to the least, no matter how distant, has a great possibility of affecting you, if the injustice is widespread, and it is.

Mike McDonald 
Reply to @tony thomas: Whats your point

David Amos
Reply to @Mason Hood: I Concur Methinks much to Morneau's chagrin I will call Kristina Barybina and introduce myself because everything political is always about the money N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Well i called the lady and left a message but the dude i would like to have an long talk with is Rob McLister Methinks the RateSpy guy should understand that knowledge is power N'esy Pas?  


Kristina Barybina

Sales Representative

416-834-5011   905-773-7771

May 27th, 2020
Comment from TD
We take care to help our customers understand the terms and conditions of their mortgage
agreement, which include specific details about the term, the interest rate, prepayment options
and applicable prepayment charges for lump sum payments or early payouts.

When a customer is experiencing financial challenges or an unexpected change in
circumstance, we encourage them to contact us to discuss their options before they discharge
their mortgage. In some cases it is possible to port a mortgage or to make a pre-payment to
help lower prepayment charges. In light of the challenges Canadians are experiencing from
COVID-19, we're providing additional relief options, including up to a six-month payment
deferral for mortgages. And, for customers directly impacted by COVID-19 who are experiencing
financial hardship, our TD Helps advisors are providing assistance through personalized advice
and solutions. Additional information regarding our TD Helps Financial Relief Programs is
available at TD.com/covid19 and our TD Ready Advice Hub.

CBC Questions:

1. Ms. Barybina says TD Bank is legally allowed to charge her almost $30,000 in a
mortgage penalty but says it is not ethical, given that she is forced to sell her home to prevent
further mounting debt. A mortgage expert says most IRD penalties are profit-makers for the
bank and could be reduced. Why did TD not provide a financial break on the penalty? The
customer was granted a 1 month mortgage deferral upon request and was approved for an
additional 5 months deferral. Unfortunately, the customer did not approach the bank again until
after she sold her home and discharged the mortgage.

2. What are the drawbacks/long-term effects of reducing a mortgage penalty from the
bank’s perspective, and under what terms would TD consider a mortgage penalty reduction?
We work with mortgage customers on a case by case basis to discuss their options, including
how they might be able to reduce charges if they decide to make an early payout.

3. A mortgage expert says the interest rates plunging has caused posted fixed interest
rates to also decrease. This is adversely affecting Ms. Barybina and others with fixed mortgage
contracts who must sell their homes. What do you say to her contention that TD is ‘heartless’ for
not reducing the penalty? We empathize with the challenges of her situation. While the
customer unfortunately waited until after she sold her home and discharged her mortgage to
notify us that she was exiting the agreement early, we discussed options that were available to
reduce the charge.

4. Another bank featured in our story has offered to reduce a customer’s mortgage penalty is a reduction something TD might consider for Ms. Barybina? When the customer raised her
concerns, her case was given additional careful review. If she is unhappy with the outcome of
this review, she has the right to take her matter to the TD Ombudsman .

No customer situation is the same. Cases are assessed on a case-by-case basis. In this
instance, the customer with strong knowledge of mortgage agreements as a former legal
professional and a real estate agent, put her house on the market to sell it in November 2019,
months before COVID-19 surfaced.

Alicia Johnston
Corporate and Public Affairs, TD

Ratespy.com– The Kanetix Ltd. Family

Ratespy.com is part of the Kanetix Ltd. family, the largest online insurance and financial comparison company in Canada. Also within the Kanetix Ltd. family are:
  • KTX Insurance Brokers Ltd.
  • KTX Insurance Brokers Inc.
  • KTX Financial Ltd.
  • intelliMortgage Inc.
Our offices are located at 360 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ontario M5V 1R7, but you can call us too at 1 (888) 854-2503 or reach us by email at support@kanetix.ca.

Contact the Spy

Give us a call at: 1-855-569-0762 (see below)
Please note, this number is for corporate and media inquiries only. RateSpy is a rate news publisher and not a broker or lender. It does not provide mortgage advice, recommendations or referrals to individual consumers by telephone, or by any other means.

News Masthead

  • Editor/founder: Robert McLister
  • Managing Editor: Steve Huebl
  • Copy Editor: Gina Fusco
  • Data Validation: John Novielli
  • Contributors: Various
  • Publisher: McLister Media Inc.


About Will Dunning Inc.

Will Dunning has been developing his economic research and market analysis skills since 1982, and is now one of the most respected housing analysts in Canada.

Since 2000, Will Dunning Inc. has provided housing market analysis services to a wide variety of clients in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors.

From 1982 to 1997, he worked in various market analysis capacities at the federal housing agency, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. From 1991 to 1997, he was the manager of CMHC's survey and market analysis functions in the Greater Toronto Area. From 1997 to 2000, Will was second-in-command at a Toronto-based real estate consulting company. Since 2005 Will has also acted as Chief Economist for Mortgage Professionals Canada.

Will has a Master of Arts degree in Economics from the University of British Columbia (1981) and A Bachelor of Arts degree (Economics) from McGill University (1979).


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
700 Montreal Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0P7
Reception/Main number: 613-748-2000

Atlantic Business Centre
Barrington Tower
1894 Barrington Street
9th Floor
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2A8
Toll free: 1-800-668-2642

Audrey-Anne Coulombe (Ottawa)

Media Relations Officer

Len Catling (Vancouver)

Media Relations Officer

Angelina Ritacco (Toronto)

Media Relations Officer
Evan Siddall President & CEO

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

700 Montreal Rd.

Ottawa, OntarioK1A 0P7
Phone: 613-748-2000
Fax: 613-748-2098

Evan Siddall

President and CEO
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Evan is President and CEO of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), a role he has held since 2014. Evan leads a team of housing experts who share a single goal: that “By 2030, everyone in Canada will have a home that they can afford and that meets their needs.” As CEO, Evan is especially passionate about growing leaders, and the merits of both a diverse workforce and the mental health of his colleagues.
National Housing Strategy, Housing and the Economy, Financial Stability, Housing Markets and Indicators, Organizational Transformation, Housing Affordability


  • Osgoode Hall Law School, York University (LL.B., 1990)
  • University of Guelph (B.A., Management Economics, CSS 1987)
  • Young Presidents Organization Presidents’ University, Harvard Business School (2011–2018)


"I have often said that this is the best job I’ve ever had – the most exciting, most challenging and most fulfilling. I am both thrilled and honoured to continue working with CMHC’s dedicated and talented staff across the country as we strive to make a difference in the lives of Canadians."

 Evan Siddallworks as President and Chief Executive Officer for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Evan can be reached at 613-748-2904

Evan Siddall's team

Anik GénierChief of Staff 613-748-2932 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Annick PépinExecutive Office Manager 613-748-5538 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
D Portt (2019) Administrative Assistant 613-748-2843 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Daniel LortieDriver 613-748-2520 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Jonathan LefebvreDeputy Chief of Staff 613-748-2714 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario
Melissa PorttAdministrative Assistant 613-748-2843 700 Montreal Rd. Ottawa Ontario

CMHC head Evan Siddall announces departure, says he won't seek term renewal

In a letter seen by the Financial Post, Siddall did not set a firm leaving date, but his term expires at the end of this year

Evan Siddall, the president and chief executive officer of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp., announced his departure Tuesday to staff.Brent Lewin/Bloomberg files

Doctor linked to Campbellton COVID-19 cluster says he made 'an error in judgment'


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
WOW Hundreds more comments just went "POOF"??? Methinks CBC and Higgy et obviously expect a wicked lawsuit will be filed against them by Dr. Jean-Robert Ngola N'esy Pas?



Doctor linked to Campbellton COVID-19 cluster says he made 'an error in judgment'

Dr. Jean-Robert Ngola says he's now the target of racist harassment

CBC News· Posted: Jun 02, 2020 11:42 AM AT

Campbellton doctor says he isn't sure how he got the coronavirus and has never shown symptoms. (Guy LeBlanc/Radio-Canada)

The doctor at the centre of a COVID-19 outbreak in the Campbellton area says he's not sure whether he picked up the coronavirus during a trip to Quebec or from a patient in his office.

Dr. Jean Robert Ngola made the comments to Radio-Canada's program La Matinale on Tuesday morning — his first media interview since the emergence of 12 new cases in the northern New Brunswick health region starting May 21. Before then, it had been two weeks since the province had an active case.

Ngola, who has been suspended, said he decided to speak out because he's become the target of daily racist verbal attacks and false reports to police and feels abandoned by Public Health officials.

He has been working as a doctor in Campbellton since 2013. He previously practised in Europe and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Dr. Jean-Robert Ngola practises at the Campbellton Regional Hospital in northern New Brunswick. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

Ngola said he did not self-isolate after returning from an overnight return trip to Quebec to pick up his four-year-old daughter. Her mother had to travel to Africa for her father's funeral.

"What was I supposed to do," he said in French. "Leave her there alone?"

Ngola said he drove straight there and back with no stops and had no contact with anyone. He said none of his family members had any COVID-19 symptoms at the time.

He returned to work at the Campbellton Regional Hospital the next day.

"Maybe it was an error in judgment," said Ngola, pointing out that workers, including nurses who live in Quebec, cross the border each day with no 14-day isolation period required.

"Who hasn't made an error in judgment?" he said. "That's why I have compassion towards everyone."

'How many people are unwitting carriers?'

Ngola said he received a call from a Public Health official on May 25 informing him one of his patients had tested positive.

He has about 2,000 patients at his clinic, about 1,500 of them active.

Ngola had seen the man May 19 for a prescription renewal or something that did not require any touching or a physical exam. He said the man had no COVID-19 symptoms and was wearing a mask.
Ngola said he immediately called the patient, who had cold-like symptoms and was doing OK.

He said he cancelled his shift that night at the hospital and got a test for himself and his daughter. Neither of them were showing symptoms. But they both tested positive.

Ngola said he still doesn't know how they were infected.

"Who can say? ... The virus is circulating everywhere. … How many people are unwitting carriers?"

Hate messages pour in, doctor says

He said one hour after he spoke with hospital and Public Health officials about his contacts to facilitate the investigation and protect the public, his name, face and address were being advertised all over the internet as "the bad doctor who brought the virus to kill people."

Ngola said that's not who he is.

"I only have compassion towards sick patients...the role of doctors is to care, to heal, to help ... not to spread viruses."

Premier Blaine Higgs labelled the doctor's actions as "irresponsible" in a May 27 press conference.

"If you ignore the rules, you put your family, your friends and your fellow New Brunswickers at risk," Higgs said at the time.
There are 12 active in cases in the province — all in the Campbellton health region, known as Zone 5. Four residents and a staff member at a long-term care facility in Atholville are among the most recent cases.

Ngola said he's been looking into the people making hateful posts and the vast majority are from outside the region. He said he feels they are trying to incite violence against him because he is black.

He said he's been getting accusatory calls from people in the United States, Africa and Europe, and people are also making false reports about him to local police.

Ngola said he is not pleased with the way he's being treated by public officials.

"I'm a patient. I have a right to confidentiality, to protection from the system."

He said he remains devoted to serving the community.

"I have a family. I have a right to live. Please, I'm not a criminal."

with files from Radio-Canada, La Matinale

WOW Hundreds more comments just went "POOF"

David Amos

Welcome back to the circus 


David Amos 
Content disabled  
Methinks some folks must recall that long before I knew his name I stated that I would like to to Dr. Jean-Robert Ngola N'esy Pas?

SarahRose Werner
"'What was I supposed to do,' he said in French. 'Leave her there alone?'" - No, you were supposed to bring her back and then self-isolate for 14 days.

Lieschen Mueller 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: If Mr. Ngola is so unable to understand why he should not have isolated himself for two weeks after returning from Quebec, he has no business being a physician. Simple as that ...

lorraine karuse 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: He made a HUGE error in Judgement - a doctor visiting Corona Hot Spot, then didn't follow the guidelines to self isolate, put many of his patients lives at risk. Now he's using a race card - If he wasn't targeted before why would anyone target him now? It's not the color - it's their anger at your lack of judgement

Koffi Babone 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
From the NB Government website:
"People not required to self-isolate
2) Workers who are healthy and:
a) provide or support things essential to the health, safety, security or economic well-being of New Brunswickers, including;...."
If an ER doctor does not provide things essential to the Health of New Brunswickers or if there are exceptions to the above, then it is not stated clearly.

Below is the Mandatory order that was revised on 2020-05-29:

Article 6 states everyone must self isolate except those designated by the Chief Medical Officer, but this is not defined.
Again there is a grey zone. When the order 1st came out, I along with several other people understood that Healthcare workers were exempt from the 14 day isolation. If that is not case, it must be clearly stated and it is not.

Tommy de James
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Is he a Canadian citizen?

Art Rowe 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
MAYBE an error in judgement, MAYBE? Seriously? You who are supposedly a doctor helping to administer our response during this miserable pandemic and YOU think it's OK for you to not adhere to the rules?
With an attitude like that, possibly you should seek work elsewhere.

Lieschen Mueller 
Reply to @Tommy de James: Just because Mr. Ngola originally came from Africa, does not mean he is not a Canadian citizen.

David Amos 
Reply to @Koffi Babone: Well Done

John Pokiok
Sure blame it on racism you did stupid act sir and should pay for it with jail time.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @John Pokiok: I agree with you that the doctor acted in a "stupid" way. As to jail time, it's for the RCMP to decide whether or not charges should be brought. But I've also seen comments that are racist in nature, and I strongly disagree with those.

Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @John Pokiok: doesn't excuse the racism. A lot of NBers have it simmering and instances like this you see it boil over. Sad but it's always been there.

David Amos
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: I concur

SarahRose Werner
"I'm a patient. I have a right to confidentiality, to protection from the system." - And in fact the system has protected that confidentiality by not, until now, releasing his name. Unfortunately for him, Campbellton is a small place, people compared notes and released the results on social media.

David Amos 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Yea Right

Murray Brown
I feel for the guy... By the sounds of it he may have contracted it from the patient. Unfortunately we live in the age of 'social media' and that media is responsible for the ruination of many lives whether deserved or not. Given the circumstances, moving to a new location will likely be his only choice. Too bad for Campbellton because Doctor's are in short supply around these parts.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Murray Brown: "Given the circumstances, moving to a new location will likely be his only choice." - Agreed. Campbellton is too small a place to pull a stunt like this and not catch flak from the rest of the community.

David Amos 
Reply to @Murray Brown: YUP

Shawn Hickey
We all made/ make errors in judgement. He is human after all. Best case is nobody does from his actions.

Jezebel DeWitt Bukater
Reply to @Shawn Hickey: He doesn't sound very sorry. He sounds like he is angry at Campbellton and has convinced himself that he is the victim. He's lost any understanding or compassion from me with this interview.

Donald Smith 
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater:

And of course the if one is charged with DUI let’s just put it down to an error in judgement.

Now the explanations just make it worse and have no credibility.

The province of NB is under. state of emergency .

There are exceptions and exemptions for essentials.

Nicolas Krinis
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: Well you are free to choose another family doctor.

David Amos
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: Methinks some people will never know when its high time to clam up N'esy Pas?

Donald Smith 
because he is black.: I don't think so, color has nothing to do with this, A DOCTOR is supposed to know better, any health care worker, and those of us who are not: I once served with and fought with native Canadians, native American's, this religion that religion and we were are are Brothers to each other those of us who still left living.

Nicolas Krinis
Reply to @Donald Smith: Have you read some of the hateful, racist comments on social media? And yes, unfortunately, many are racists among us. Have you been following the events in the US?

Donald Smith
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: Its not the fault of New Brunswick residents as a whole as to what people post on social media. Yes I've following what's happing stateside, I was watching it on Tv back in the 60s as well. It just gores to show History sadly doesn't learn from its past mistakes.

David Amos 
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: Methinks you are flogging a dead horse if you think you can change some people's minds on certain topics but I and many others should commend your attempts to do so N'esy Pas?

Michael MacDonald
it is to bad we see all the bad in every situation before the facts are known, maybe we should show some compassion and not judge first as someday we will be in a simular situation. He practiced in Campbelton for almost 8 years helping may NB's in their time of need now we turn on him like this with out the full facts. maybe some of you should look in the mirror before you judge others. This includes the media jumping to conclusions before thefacts as well!!

Johnny Almar
Reply to @Michael MacDonald: Wow. You are defending him for his decision to not follow NB laws put in place to protect us. I hope they make an example of him.

David Amos

Content disabled
Reply to @Michael MacDonald: I Wholeheartedly Agree Sir Furthermore who is Higgy or the RCMP to say for sure where the doctor picked up the virus in the first place?

Christopher Harborne 
Reply to @Johnny Almar: I'm not defending what he did, but given all the hatred, good luck recruiting in that health region. That's going to be the fall out from this in the longer term, which will be really bad for the area.

Samual Johnston
think people might be less angry at this situation if they knew just how many people cross the borders everyday without having to self isolate at all. I think the numbers would shock and surprise. Sure hope that figure is coming up in one of the future updates.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Samual Johnston: There's an article that just appeared on the CBC NB news page about people crossing at Tide Head-Matapedia, both crossing illegally and crossing legally but then not following the laws once allowed in. If there's one good thing that comes out of this mess, I think it might be more attention being paid to this situation.

Antonia Patrick
Reply to @Samual Johnston: At our hospital, every worker is asked every day about travel. Temperature is taken. Many hospital workers are forgoing seeing family and going out, even when restrictions are lifted. Most of us want to protect our patients. This guy's actions show he did NOT place his patients' health above his own personal desires.  


David Amos
Reply to @Samual Johnston: I agree

Samual Johnston
Reply to @Antonia Patrick: tis good but do they self isolate and given symptoms can take 14 days to show up if at all is that really very effective?

Nicolas Krinis
Has any member of the armchair judiciary ever stopped to think that he might have caught it in NB and because he is a front-line professional, spread it unknowingly to many people? There is a principal in Law that goes something like this; it's far better to let a thousand criminals go free than to condemn an innocent man.

Andie Em
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: except that there were zero cases of Covid in the province at that time

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: Methinks Higgy et al have known for days that I Wholeheartedly Agree With Your Opinion N'esy Pas?

Amory Maynard 
Reply to @Nicolas Krinis: I agree. Unprofessional conduct, of course, they should look into suspending his licence for sure. Criminal....you need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he caught it in Quebec. An inconvenient truth, 80% (not a typo) get this and don't even know they have it. Asymptomatics abound. He could have caught it off an asymptomatic carrier in town. Another thing to consider, he'll need to be replaced and with doctor shortage everywhere, I doubt there are new MD grads banging on the door to move to Northern NB.

Allie Bell
Reply to @Andie Em: But we don’t know for sure if there were zero cases. Asymptomatic people could be anywhere and would not know to get tested. It says right in the article nurses travel back and forth every day...


5 cases of COVID-19 connected to long-term care facility near Campbellton

N.B. has 12 active cases; all are linked to doctor returning from Quebec

Sarah Morin· CBC News· Posted: May 31, 2020 12:07 PM AT

Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, delivers a COVID-19 update on Sunday, May 31. (Submitted by Tyler Campbell/Government of New Brunswick)

Four residents and a staff member at a long-term care facility are among some of the most recent cases of COVID-19 in northern New Brunswick linked to a family doctor who contracted the virus outside the province and didn't self-isolate.

New Brunswick Public Health announced three new COVID-19 cases the Campbellton region, also known as Zone 5, at a news conference Sunday. All of the new cases are individuals in their 80s.

That brings the total cluster of cases in the Campbellton region to 12, the chief medical officer of health said.

The new cases include three individuals at a long-term care facility near the northern community.
Another case, an individual in their 70s, who's also a resident at the care facility, tested positive for the virus Saturday.

Five cases total have developed at the health-care facility. Three of the five cases from the facility are in hospital, including one person in intensive care.

An employee at The Manoir de la Vallée in the neighbouring community of Atholville, N.B., tested positive for the virus earlier this week as well.

WATCH | New COVID-19 cases detected in northern New Brunswick:

Four residents and a staff member at a long-term care facility in Campbellton have tested positive for COVID-19. 1:26

About 100 people, including 57 residents could have been exposed to the worker, who was contagious during three shifts at the facility.

The facility includes independent living apartments as well as a special care home.

All staff and residents at the facility have been tested, Dr. Russell said.
All of the province's active cases are in the Campbellton region, also know as Zone 5.

"There is a possibility the virus could spread beyond that region because the virus has an incubation period of 14 days," said Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health.

All 12 cases are linked to a family doctor who contracted the virus in Quebec and didn't self-isolate upon his return to New Brunswick. The doctor, who has had contact with about 150 people since returning, has been suspended.
The government is urging people in the Campbellton area and those who travelled there in the last couple weeks to get tested.

"We have a two-week period ahead of us where we're going to be watching very very carefully what is happening in that region and also around the province because we know that people have left that region since the time that there have been transmission of COVID-19," Dr. Russell said.

"Every corner of the province needs to be vigilant."

Facility loses a third of staff

Ten of the 28 staff at the The Manoir de la Vallée long-term care facility left their job because of the COVID-19 outbreak.

"They felt it necessary to leave the facility, which is concerning because at a time like this, it's important we have everyone there to do what we can," said Premier Blaine Higgs.

Premier Blaine Higgs said The Manoir de la Vallée in Atholville, N.B., has enough staff and resources to respond to the outbreak of COVID-19 at the facility. (Submitted by Tyler Campbell/Government of New Brunswick)

Despite the staff leaving, Higgs said he is not concerned about under staffing "at all."

Ambulance New Brunswick and the province's home health-care program, Extra-Mural, are on site at the facility providing additional help caring for the residents.

Province to cut down on testing

Testing sites are set up at the Memorial Civic Centre in Campbellton and the Dalhousie Inch Arran Ice Palace.

Sunday is the last day of mass testing. As of tomorrow, the province will only be testing people who have two symptoms. Those who wish to get tested will have to call Tele-Care at 811.

Those who get a negative test result should monitor for symptoms for the next 14 days. It takes up to 48 hours for test results to come back.

To date, 26,172 tests have been conducted. Of the 132 confirmed cases in New Brunswick, 120 have recovered from the virus.

More than 1,300 test were processed Saturday, which is the highest single-day amount since the pandemic began.

Until last week, New Brunswick had no active cases of the respiratory disease.


David Amos
Methinks many would agree that the most telling thing about the news these days is what our Police State does not permit to be said N'esy Pas? 

Tony Mcalbey
Reply to @David Amos: or do N’esy Pas?  

abcr xo (Chris Richard)
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: you should seek help 

Randy McNally
Reply to @David Amos: Yes. Although it is complicated for for some , there is indeed a world beyond the web spun by certain media groups

Cade Hern
How difficult could it be to seal off Campbellton temporarily to non essential travel? 7,000 people. Only 2 roads heading south to the rest of the province. Should be able to test everyone for the virus in one day.

Tony Mcalbey
Reply to @Cade Hern: seal off everyone in their homes province wide would be best idea.

abcr xo (Chris Richard)
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: here comes personality number 2

David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks Higgy et al know why the dude up north whom the RCMP are investigating should talk to me ASAP N'esy Pas?

Steve Brockhouse
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: What's with this ongoing use of "N'esy Pas" phrase. The French is "N'est pas".

Larry Larson 
Content disabled
Reply to @Steve Brockhouse: Chiac say otherwise!

Chris Richard
Content disabled
Reply to @Steve Brockhouse: he has multi personality disorder

Chris Richard
Content disabled
Reply to @Chris Richard: not to judge a book by its cover, but you look like such a smart persin LOL

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Larry Larson: BINGO

Carlson MacKenzie
Content disabled
Reply to @Steve Brockhouse: He's a norom.

Chris Richard 
Content disabled
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: to say the least
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: Methinks you resemble your remark N'esy Pas?

abcr xo (Chris Richard)
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: you bum

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Chris Richard: My My Aren't you witty since you changed your alphabet ID? 

abcr xo (Chris Richard)
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: get a haircut. Barbers are open again

Ray Oliver 
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: You're building a fan club! Cuuute

abcr xo (Chris Richard)
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: I dont think his own family would accept him. Poor thing 

David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks your RCMP buddies and Higgy et al are very well aware that my latest blogs are about you and your cohorts N'esy Pas?

David Amos

Content disabled
Methinks it pleasant to see that Higgy is getting along so well with his fellow Maritime Conservative Premier N'esy Pas?

Tony Mcalbey
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks Higgy flip flops next week n'esy pas?

Johnny Almar
Content disabled
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: now you’re talking to yourself. Lol. Seek help please. I’m worried about you.

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Methinks Higgy's minions made huge faux pas last week threatening to arrest a dude and his dog Hence he and his PEI pal have no choice but to reverse that nonsense ASAP N'esy Pas?

abcr xo (Chris Richard)
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: you have a lot of time on your hands you split personality weirdo

abcr xo  (Chris Richard)
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: do you ever get tired of no one caring about anything you have to say ? You would think when everyone is against you you would realise your wrong. Guess not

Dan Stewart
Content disabled
Reply to @Chris Richard: If in fact he has as many alter egos as it seems then I suppose they at least care.... well maybe a few of them at least... 

Errol Willis
Back to red we go...

Johnny Almar
Reply to @Errol Willis: we need to be sent back to red so we wake up.

Tony Mcalbey 
Reply to @Johnny Almar: 99.99999999% of nbers have not contracted covid19.
Back to red for what reason?

Johnny Almar 
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: As a lesson.

James Smith 
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Because Johnny is absolutely TERRIFIED.

Johnny Almar 
Reply to @James Smith: hardly. I’m immune.

Johnny Almar 
Reply to @James Smith: tough guy at the keyboard lol.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Errol Willis: For Zone 5, possibly. The mayor of Campbellton has already requested it. For other zones? Depends on whether or not we start to see new cases there.

abcr xo  (Chris Richard) 
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: tony if you need help , reach out to me I have connections for you 

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Errol Willis: But not today. The GNB site's updated its case figures for today, but their map is still showing Zone 5 as orange and the other zones as yellow.

Donald Gallant 
Reply to @James Smith:
And James would be ?

James Smith 
Reply to @Donald Gallant: calm, cool, collected.

Sarah Brown 
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Are you suggesting that all of us be sent back to red to teach us all a lesson due to the reprehensible actions of one man? I think not.

David Amos 
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Need I explain the term "Poof" to you?

Johnny Almar
I wonder if it has to do with the mother and daughter from Campbellton that came to the Regent Mall on Friday to shop? Le Chateau forced to close. Staff had to self-isolate lending test results. A nurse who rents to a staff member there told the Campbellton Facebook group about it and now she’s self isolated pending test results.

Or is it about the Optometrist in Grand Falls who had to close his practice after being in direct contact with a health care worker from Campbellton who was in direct contact with the doctor who had been infected.

Johnny Almar 
Reply to @Johnny Almar: pending test results.

I see that the nurse in Fredericton that spilled the beans on Campbellton Facebook group took it down. I wonder why?

Tony Mcalbey 
Reply to @Johnny Almar: over reaction. Life goes on. Virus is here and not going anywhere.

Johnny Almar 
Content disabled before I could save it (accusing me of being Tony Mcalbey again)
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: 


David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Methinks Higgy et al and their RCMP buddies know that I never pretend to be anyone else What would be the point? Furthermore Johnny Boy if you respected your elders its Mr Amos to you and Higgy Baby N'esy Pas?

Mike Hamilton
Reply to @Johnny Almar: David and his alter ego have both earned a mute from me just for spouting nonsense.

abcr xo  (Chris Richard)
Reply to @David Amos: if the rcmp knew about you you would be in cambpelton sphych unit. Where you should be

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @: So says some wacko without the sand to have a real name.

Methinks everybody knows exactly who I am particularly the RCMP N'esy Pas Higgy?

Reply to @Mike Hamilton: I ran out of mutes soon after this new system came out. CBC told me they were working on increasing the limits almost a year ago.

Ray Oliver 
Reply to @Chris Richard: Me thinks that is about perfect! Rubber room for "Just Dave"

David Amos
YO wannabe constable Ray Oliver or should I say Mr Jones aka "Borden Manitoba" methinks your buddy "abcr xo" aka Chris Richard can trust in the fact that the RCMP and legions of lawyers and bureaucrats etc. have had many copies of portions of my old "Just Dave" blog since 2005 N'esy Pas? 

abcr xo  (Chris Richard) 
Reply to @David Amos: you make absolutely.0 sence you know that right ? You make yourself look ridiculous

abcr xo  (Chris Richard) 
Reply to @Chris Richard: trust me the rcmp and lawyers have no interest in you, they would see your stuff and think your a joke. Quit thinking your interesting 

David Amos
Reply to @Chris Richard: Methinks if that were remotely true then you strange dudes with questionable IDS would see no need to harass me every chance you get. However if they wish anyone can surf the internet and figure out things for themselves without any further input from anyone. After all the Crown cannot deny the fact that I did sue more Yankee lawyers than anyone else in history long before I came home to run for a seat in the 38th Parliament N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: LOL. And that means what? Did any ever see a court room? Methinks not 

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Maybe you should go back to the States. Sue some more. Show them the wiretap tapes!!!


N.B. COVID-19 roundup: National parks, historic sites reopen June 1

N.B. has 12 active cases, all linked to doctor returning from Quebec

Elizabeth Fraser· CBC News· Posted: Jun 01, 2020 12:37 PM AT

Kouchibouguac National Park set to reopen today after being closed for almost three months. (Courtesy of Parks Canada)

Several national parks and heritage sites in New Brunswick are reopening to the public after the federal government forced them to shut down in March over possible spread of COVID-19.

Fundy and Kouchibouguac national parks, as well as Fort Beauséjour – Fort Cumberland and Fort Gaspareaux National Historic sites have reopened today.

"Trails and day use areas will be open, some beaches," said Andrew Fry, visitor experience manager for Fundy National Park.

But he did say there will be some restrictions on what people can do in Fundy Park.

All camping facilities remain closed until at least June 21, 2020, while Parks Canada assesses whether and how these services might resume. And not all trails and facilities will be open to the public just yet.
Fry is asking visitors to avoid areas that haven't been officially opened.

"We really need your help in not accessing those spaces because they're not ready yet," he said.
"Like many businesses we're not where we normally are in June."

Some of the services still closed include the golf course, swimming pool, visitor reception centres and kitchen shelters.

No new cases Monday

There were no new active cases of COVID-19 in the province Monday, after New Brunswick Public Health announced three new COVID-19 cases the Campbellton region, also known as Zone 5, at a news conference Sunday. All of the new cases are individuals in their 80s.

That brings the total cluster of cases in the Campbellton region to 12, the chief medical officer of health said.
The new cases include three individuals at a long-term care facility near the northern community.

Another case, an individual in their 70s, who's also a resident at the care facility, tested positive for the virus Saturday.

Four residents and a staff member at a long-term care facility in Campbellton have tested positive for COVID-19. 1:26

The province, with the exception of the Campbellton region, is in part one of the yellow phase.

The province halted part two of its yellow COVID-19 recovery phase Friday, stopping gyms, pools, yoga studios and other businesses from reopening Friday and not allowing indoor church services or gatherings up to 50 as was planned.

Gyms in New Brunswick are about to reopen after three months of closure. What adjustments have they made to keep members safe? 2:35

Premier Blaine Higgs announced last week he's hoping to move into part two of the yellow phase this Friday. The Campbellton area is currently in the orange phase, after a cluster of cases broke out in the area over the past week.

Since the outbreak, Higgs and Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, have been hosting news briefings about the cases. There will not be a news briefing Monday.

To date, there have been 132 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 28,462 tests that have been performed for the respiratory illness.  This includes more than 2,000 tests that were processed on Sunday, which is the highest number of tests processed in single day since the pandemic began.

Teachers return to school

Monday marks the first day teachers will gradually return to school since the province ordered schools to close March 13 to slow the spread of the coronavirus, and online learning sessions were eventually established.

Teachers will gradually return to school between June 1 and June 5 to finish work from this year and start planning for fall.
They could also be working on professional development, which could include online webinars or in-person with colleagues to learn how to teach during a pandemic.

Education Minister Dominic Cardy had said school will resume in September, but he doesn't know what that will look like yet. Classes could resume inside the schools, but they could also be taught online.

What to do if you have symptoms

People concerned they might have COVID-19 can take a self-assessment on the government website at gnb.ca.

Public Health says symptoms shown by people with COVID-19 have included: a fever above 38 C, a new cough or worsening chronic cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, new onset of fatigue, new onset of muscle pain, diarrhea, loss of sense of taste or smell, and difficulty breathing. In children, symptoms have also included purple markings on the fingers and toes.

People with two of those symptoms are asked to:
  • Stay at home.
  • Call Tele-Care 811 or their doctor.
  • Describe symptoms and travel history.
  • Follow instructions.

About the Author

Elizabeth Fraser
Elizabeth Fraser is a reporter/editor with CBC New Brunswick based in Fredericton. She's originally from Manitoba. Story tip? elizabeth.fraser@cbc.ca
With files from Jordan Gill

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
OH Happy Day for many Acadians and lots of other folks too Some of us are not Christians or even a little bit religious yet still believe in the golden rule and do enjoy what this wonderful old world has to offer

"Kouchibouguac National Park set to reopen today after being closed for almost three months"

David Amos
Methinks this news about Fundy and Kouchibouguac national parks will make a lot of folks I know Happy Happy Happy N'esy Pas?

Brent Harris Blizzard
Reply to @David Amos: Ithinks again.

David Amos
Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: I am happy to be informed of your recovery. How long did you go without thinking?

Jezebel DeWitt Bukater  
I wrote some very judgmental comments about the doctor on an article on here yesterday. I was not being very Christian to say the least. I prayed about it and yes I was WRONG. Yes, he did wrong and he will have to live with that for the rest of his life, but we should be kind and forgiving if people are genuinely sorry for their mistakes. That doesn't mean there aren' t consequences, but an angry m o b will not solve anything. This is a chance for New Brunswick to show the rest of Canada what the love of Jesus is really all about.

Reply to @Mike Bookman: She apologized so leave it at that. No one has proven the doc had symptoms to make him think he was infected, so judgment should be reserved for fact analysis which we do not have today, other than he disobeyed mother Higgs border rule.

Bob Smith 
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: I wrote my judgments yesterday and make no apologies whatsoever for them. If people want to forgive, fine. Remember the forgiveness when the doctor gets nothing more than a letter of reprimand and temporary suspension for his actions.

Jezebel DeWitt Bukater 
Reply to @Bob Smith: Oh I think he deserves much more than that.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: I agree with you that a large and angry group of people demanding immediate action is not the way to go. That's not how we do things in Canada. A legal investigation is being made by the proper body, the RCMP. The person has also been suspended by his employer and will likely be subject to an investigation of professional ethics by the College of Physicans and Surgeons. These are the proper, if somewhat slow-moving, channels.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @JoeBrown: The Emergency Measures Act gives Higgs to make and enforce such rules. They're not a whim on Higgs' part. The question is not, "Did the doctor know he was infected?" It's, "Was he in violation of the law?" The RCMP is working on figuring that out.

David Amos 
Reply to @Bob Smith: Methinks its interesting that everything went "Poof" N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: "The RCMP is working on figuring that out."

Yea Right

James Smythe 
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: Awe the lynchmob leader grew a heart because of "prayer". Yeah right.

David Amos 
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: I just heard the doctor you people have been yapping about on the radio. Methinks he did not sound pleased about his family's privacy being violated etc No doubt many would agree that lawyers are lining up in pursuit of a job N'esy Pas?

Jezebel DeWitt Bukater 
Reply to @David Amos: Probably. It says a lot about his character (lack of) that he's playing the victim now.

David Amos 
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: Methinks you should learn to clam up N'esy Pas?

"Ngola said he's been looking into the people making hateful posts and the vast majority are from outside the region. He said he feels they are trying to incite violence against him because he is black.' 


Lou Bell
With Higgs having an 83 % approval rate , the best in Canada , I suspect the Liberal naysayers have been pretty well stifled, especially the gentleman over the last few days who stated emphatically he would be gone shortly because of how he was handling the situation ! He and Marc and Marc uerite have pretty well disappeared these days !

Jezebel DeWitt Bukater 
Reply to @Lou Bell: That must be disappointing to all of those Canadians who keep demanding that we open our borders to them. Turns out that the majority in New Brunswick like the strong borders and on this issue the only opinion that matters is that of the citizens of New Brunswick.

Dan Stewart 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Nothing wrong with having s premier do a good job. I occasionally vote PC (not last time mind you) but have no problem appreciating a job well some regardless of party.

Fred Sanford 
Reply to @Lou Bell: It's extremely refreshing to have political parties actually work together to achieve something instead of the governing party not consulting and the opposition parties opposing everything.

Mike Bookman 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yes, he did good on this! Now, he needs to get Irving to pay their back taxes of about $42Billion. What do ya think Lou, any chances of a former Irving exec doing that?

Reply to @Mike Bookman: Link please to the tax calculation or an article referencing it since it is off topic.

Michel Forgeron 
Reply to @Dan Stewart: I have also voted (progressive) conservative a few times in my life, but if things keep going well in NB, I'll definitely be voting for Higgs.

Bill Vasseur
Reply to @Lou Bell: 83%,that amazing, he should call an election now, because by October I strongly suspect that you will be able to reverse those two numbers

David Amos  
Reply to @Bill Vasseur: I concur

Reply to @Bill Vasseur: Depends on whether jt lets people collect cerb by then, otherwise the whole game falls apart when people find someone has to pay for this isolation.

Fred Brewer 
Reply to @JoeBrown: Since you asked, here is one link and this deals only with one of the many sweetheart deals the empire has with the province. This deal cost us $663,603 per year (as of 2018) and this deal is now in its 40th year. Do the math.

James Smythe 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Higgs doesn't have anywhere near close to an 83% approval rating. Higgs is an atrocious leader who doesn't know how to properly govern, we simply got lucky due to population demographics in this virus situation. You're attributing our province's dumb luck our inept leader, and you share something in common with that same type of luck it would seem.

Lou Bell 
Reply to @Mike Bookman: Libs did NOTHING about it ! They DID try to give an UNDISCLOSED 130 million to the SANB and their " Phonie Games " until they got caught though !!!

Lou Bell 
Reply to @Bill Vasseur: Naw , hope is all you have , and hope doesn't buy votes !

Lou Bell 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: $ 663,000 ? Over 20 years that would equal the 130 million the Liberals were gonna give away IN A YEAR for the " Phonie Games " !!!!!!!!!!!

Lou Bell 
Reply to @James Smythe: Better check it out ! Sorry , but it's true ! Read and drool there buddy !!!!!!!

Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yes, but the bigger picture is the $42 billion in lost taxes; a situation created by all past and current governments allowing tax breaks to the empire for the past 70 years or so. That's the real story. That's the real reason NB is circling the drain.

Bob Lewis
Reply to @Lou Bell: Funny how that works.. high ratings remove the cynics.. it's like a magic potion..

David Amos 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks many would agree that gloating is not wise and that the fat lady ain't sung about your SANB buddies yet N'esy Pas?


Mayor concerned about Tide Head-Matapedia border crossing

Randy Hunter says not enough guards at border, questions provincial estimates of vehicles

CBC News· Posted: Jun 02, 2020 12:46 PM AT

Randy Hunter, the mayor of Tide Head, says the crossing at the Matapedia Bridge in his community isn’t staffed properly. (Colin McPhail/CBC)

A northern New Brunswick mayor is raising alarms over what he considers holes in the province's border protection efforts.

The province has public safety officials at border crossings on both the Quebec and Nova Scotia borders.

But Randy Hunter, the mayor of Tide Head, said the crossing at the Matapedia Bridge in his community isn't staffed properly.
He said the border has seen an increase in traffic because of weight restrictions on the Van Horne Bridge in Campbellton, and public safety has been waving vehicles through because they can't keep up.
He also said he has witnessed some people flout the rules by using an entrance that isn't guarded.

"There's a train bridge located right above the highway bridge and people are literally walking across that bridge and meeting up with their friends or family in the New Brunswick area," said Hunter.

Quebec licence plates

Region 5, which includes Tide Head, has reverted to the "orange" stage of COVID-19 recovery because of a cluster of cases linked to a doctor that traveled to Quebec.

Hunter said residents have seen plenty of Quebec vehicles in the community and he questions whether they are there for essential services.

"If you go to our local Walmart or Superstore, the two largest retail outlets, the parking lots are full and I would say 40 percent of those cars are from Quebec," said Hunter.

“An average of 65 personal vehicles cross the Matapedia bridge daily, on average five are turned back every day," said the province (Google Maps)

"People that are coming in from Quebec that are deemed essential workers, they're supposed to be into their workplace [and] back. It's not happening. They're shopping."

In an emailed statement, Public Safety said it is limiting non-essential travel into the province, including at the Matapedia entry.

"Peace officers are stationed at the Matapedia point of entry at all hours," said the statement.
"An average of 65 personal vehicles cross the Matapedia bridge daily, on average five are turned back every day."

Questioning numbers

Hunter said the officers he has spoken to say people attempting to enter the province have given them "every excuse possible" to do so.

He said the province may have the wrong idea about just how many vehicles are trying to cross at the Matapedia Bridge.

"The Premier's reporting and the news is reporting perhaps 60 to 70 cars a day, well that is not factual," said Hunter.

"I know people that work for Public Safety there and the average [number of cars] on that bridge is about 200 a day,"

Hunter said the number of cars with Quebec licence plates has concerned his constituents.

"I'm getting calls and messages from people that are really concerned about the situation we're in and the traffic of Quebec cars that are in the region," said Hunter.

With files from Information Morning Fredericton and Information Morning Moncton


David Amos
Methinks the plot thickens nicely N'esy Pas? 

Tony Mcalbey
Reply to @David Amos: methinks so too 

David Amos
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Methinks you enjoy upsetting Higgy's many minions byway of merely emulating a couple of my expressions N'esy Pas?

Tony Mcalbey
Reply to @David Amos: methinks everyone should mind their own business

David Amos 
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Methinks at the very least you should not deny that not only do I have the right to have a Medicare Card but higgy et al should give me my old Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes back as well N'esy Pas?

Tony Mcalbey
Reply to @David Amos: absolutely

Shawn Hickey
Flatlands people, Flatlands. Story still has merit.

The Matapédia Bridge crosses the Restigouche River from Matapédia, Quebec to Flatlands, New Brunswick

David Amos 
Reply to @Shawn Hickey: Methinks Higgy et al know tha an old Hillbilly such as I believe Flatlanders are crazy but many think the same of me Hence we are even N'esy Pas?

Jezebel DeWitt Bukater
We need an Atlantic border force as a cooperation between the Atlantic provinces at the NB/QC border. Something that will have clear guidelines and ensure the integrity of our border.

Bill Vasseur 
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: We need no borders, this is still one country at least the last time I checked!!!

Jezebel DeWitt Bukater 
Reply to @Bill Vasseur: If you think this is one country then I'd question which Canada you've been living in? This country is at least 5 separate countries minimum pretending to be one. Our life in Atlantic Canada is different and we need to protect it.

David Amos

Content disabled
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: Who is "WE" ???
Tony Mcalbey 
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: have an issue with rest of Canadians?

James Smythe 
Reply to @Jezebel DeWitt Bukater: Sickening and divisive. 

Jim Cyr
Shameful. Arrest any one trying to enter under false pretenses, or caught at the stores.

Tony Mcalbey 
Reply to @Jim Cyr: lol

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Methinks you are jealous because you are to afraid to try to cross the 49th N'esy Pas? 


Dave Shimla
couple hundred bucks passed to a rent a cop can get you right across the border no problem, seen in first hand - please go investigate that CBC!

David Amos  
Reply to @Dave Shimla: Oh My My Say it ain't so 


Lou Bell
So if there's a problem with the numbers , Higgs is getting false numbers from Public Safety . Time to take a check on those manning the border !!!

Bill Vasseur
Reply to @Lou Bell: You sound like the perfect person to do it,,, then again, no I don't think so to paranoid!

David Amos
Reply to @Bill Vasseur: I concur

Tony Mcalbey 
Reply to @Lou Bell: methinks you should go and get the real numbers

David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you must recall back in March of 2019 that I tried to explain things I knew about Dominic Cardy and his wife to the Tide Head Mayor Randy Hunter and why I was not surprised that he would not listen to me N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks much to your hero Higgy's chagrin Mayor Hunter and I got along just fine in our conversation today N'esy Pas?


Village mayor fights to give school on the chopping block a 2nd act

Small Tide Head School was voted to close after years of declining enrolment

Colin McPhail· CBC News· Posted: Mar 26, 2019 6:00 AM AT

The district education council has recommended Tide Head School for closure. Education Minister Dominic Cardy has yet to sign off, but it appears the tiny school's days are numbered. (Colin McPhail/CBC)

Tide Head School's days appear to be numbered. The tiny K-5 school in northern New Brunswick is expected to close this year, pending ministerial approval, after a unanimous district educational council vote in January.

It's always been a small community school, but enrolment plummeted in the past four years. Eight students attend Tide Head today.

Tide Head Mayor Randy Hunter knows it's a fait accompli.
The students will be reassigned in September to a school in Campbellton, about nine kilometres east, but Hunter is pushing to give the building a second act and raising questions about what should be done with closed schools in small or rural municipalities.

Wants building used

The mayor doesn't want Tide Head School to meet the same fate as the shuttered school in neighbouring Atholville. The former École Versant-Nord sits empty on prime property in the heart of the community.

"I would like to see the building used," Hunter said.

"We don't want that school sitting there, grass growing around it, not being maintained, becoming an eyesore for our municipality."

Anglophone School District North and the district education council reserved comment on the matter as they await Education Minister Dominic Cardy's decision. Under Policy 409, the guiding document to review and close schools, the minister must sign off on an education council's recommendation.

Planning to merge

The school was marked for closure as part of a plan to merge three regional schools into a new K-8 school in Campbellton. That project has since been delayed by the Progressive Conservative government.

Tide Head School had more than 100 students at its peak, but in the past decade enrolment hovered in the 40s before dropping to single digits last year. The school is staffed by the equivalent of 1½ full-time teachers and 3½ non-teaching employees.

Tide Head School sits on the main road through the small northern New Brunswick village. (Colin McPhail/CBC)

Once closed, ownership of the school shifts to the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, which then can offer it to other provincial departments or sell it to a non-profit organization or another government. Failing that, it could be sold publicly.

Losing the school would be a blow to the village, said Hunter, who wants Policy 409 to do a better job weighing the impact that closing a school has on the small or rural community it serves.

Repurposing the building, land

Hunter, a former educator now in his third term as mayor, offered suggestions to keep the building in use, including establishing an autism resource centre for the school district or moving the local alternative learning centre from its rented location in Campbellton to a permanent home in Tide Head.

"The building is not falling down," Hunter said. "Does it need tender love and care? Of course it does, like any building. But besides that it's fine."

Tide Head Mayor Randy Hunter wants to see the Tide Head School building, or at least the land, used after its likely closure later this year. (Colin McPhail/CBC)

Hunter said the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development hasn't responded to his proposals, but he said the government offered to hand over the building and the property to the municipality.

But that isn't ideal, he said. The village would lose out on tax revenue and be faced with either demolishing or renovating the building — costs the municipality can't afford, he said.

If the province knocked down the building, the village could then sell the property to be developed, Hunter said.

Hoping for new people

Tide Head has always been a suburb of sorts to Campbellton, but the village is becoming increasingly residential after several businesses closed.

The population dipped below 1,000 in the last census, and Hunter is keen on attracting people and economic development.

Repurposing Tide Head School or the land that it's on would help buck the recent trend.
"We'd like to see any positive development within the municipality, from housing through to small businesses," he said.

Commenting is now closed for this story.

 Lou Bell
 5 employees for 8 kids . Unbelievable . How has it gotten to this point ?

Shawn Hickey
Great school! Great village!
I attended in it's heyday from 80-86. It's unfortunate, but with only 8 students, it will have to close. Just like Upsalquich so many years ago.

David Amos
Methinks Dominic Cardy and his wife know why I tried to explain things to the Tide Head Mayor Randy Hunter just now and why I was not surprised that he would not listen to me N'esy Pas?

cheryl wright
autism center, resource center, daycare center, tutoring location.. there are so many options for old schools, its a sin to let them go to waste

JJ Carrier
Great school through the years for kids of all ages...I will be sad to see it go...

Methinks Higgy's Circus must go on and on and on N'esy Pas?


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks the stink coming from Higgy's circus tent will no doubt get worse as the days get longer and hotter and the clowns within his Police State keep embarrassing him N'esy Pas?



1 new COVID-19 case detected in Atholville long-term care facility

One more person admitted to hospital, bringing the number hospitalized to five

Hadeel Ibrahim· CBC News· Posted: Jun 02, 2020 2:42 PM AT

The Manoir de la Vallée in Atholville has an employee who tested positive for COVID-19, as well as five residents. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)

A new case of COVID-19 has been linked to a long-term care facility in Atholville.
New Brunswick announced one new case of the respiratory infection Tuesday, linking it to the previous four resident cases detected in Manoir de la Vallée.

The new case is a person between 80 and 89 years of age, in Zone 5 or the Campbellton region, said a news release.

There are now 13 active cases of COVID-19 in the Campbellton region. Public H​​​​​ealth has previously linked the outbreak to a doctor who travelled to Quebec and didn't self-isolate for the mandatory 14 days when he returned.
The number of people in hospital has increased from four to five. One person is in intensive care.
The other affected residents of Manoir de la Vallée include three people in their 80s and one in their 70s from the 18-bed Alzheimer's unit.

A staff member from the facility has also tested positive.

The province has conducted 30,666 COVID-19 tests to date, including 2,204 tests in the past 24 hours.

A provincial news release says if you or a member of your family are showing two of the following symptoms, contact Tele-Care 811 or your primary health-care provider for further direction:
  • Fever above 38°C or signs of fever (such as chills).
  • A new cough or worsening chronic cough.
  • Sore throat.
  • Runny nose.
  • Headache.
  • A new onset of fatigue.
  • A new onset of muscle pain.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Loss of sense of taste or loss of sense of smell.
  • In children, purple markings on the fingers or toes. In this instance, testing will be done even if none of the other symptoms are present.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


David Amos
Methinks Higgy's Circus must go on and on and on N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
For some reason the Doc is attempting to steer his infection to someone else in the province and playing the " blame game " . His continued false narratives makes him more guilty by the day .

Bob Smith
The doctor attempted to portray this as "an error in judgement". No, it wasn't. It was arrogance and criticism of it is not based in race issues at all.

Nat Bourret: 
How about his Hippocratic Oath: "First, do no harm"? Did he think about anybody else but himself? This is not a racial issue - it's a serious lack of common sense that puts us all in danger.

Lou Bell
And yet , some people will attempt to pass the blame off onto the Premier !'

Dan Stewart 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Seems to be more people talking about people blaming the premier than people actually blaming the premier....

Dave Shimla
" just a lapse in Judgement" nothing to see here folks, lets just sweep this under the rug. Nobody's fault at all, not even the "doctor".

Tom Simmons 
Reply to @Dave Shimla: Welcome to the 21st century, no personal responsibilities, no one accountable. Government overreach. Quashing civil liberties.....weeee everyone liking communism yet?

David Peters
Reply to @Tom Simmons:
Wait till the lineups for everything start, then ask..

Jezebel DeWitt Bukater 
Furious!!! After that interview I have zero understanding or sympathy for that so called doctor!!

Jezebel DeWitt Bukater 
Reply to @Bill Vasseur: That's disgusting!


Business groups have no record of Peterborough councillor asking for information

4 organizations have no record of any contact from Stephen Wright

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Jun 02, 2020 4:52 PM AT |

Luc Erjavec, with the Canadian Restaurant and Food services Association, said his organization has no record of Peterborough city councillor Stephen Wright making contact with them. (CBC News)

Four New Brunswick business organizations are casting doubt on claims by a Peterborough city councillor that he sought information from groups like them before embarking on a 10-day road trip to the province.

Stephen Wright told CBC News on Monday that he tried to contact chambers of commerce and business associations ahead of time to see how restaurants were faring with reopening, to no avail.

"Those calls were made," he said. "They were never returned."

But four such organizations say they have no record of any such calls or emails.

"We've never heard from him," said Luc Erjavec, the Atlantic vice-president of Restaurants Canada.

"We're a phone call away, so we would have loved to have talked to him, shared our experiences, hooked him up with some operators to speak with. So no, we had not heard from him."

Similar answers came from two chambers of commerce in two cities Wright said he visited.

"I checked with all of our staff members and we do not have any record of Mr. Wright attempting to contact the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce via phone or email," said spokesperson Morgan Peters.

Sylvain Montreuil of the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce said he had checked three different chamber email accounts and "we didn't find any 'correspondence' from Mr. Wright."

Louis-Philippe Gauthier, director of provincial affairs for New Brunswick at the Canadian Federation of Independent Business had the same answer.

"We have no record of the councillor reaching out to us."

Questions continue about trip

Wright's 10-day trip to New Brunswick, from May 14 to 23, has sparked questions from political leaders and outrage on social media, given a ban on non-essential travel into the province due to COVID-19.

The province has launched an investigation into what provincial enforcement officers asked Wright at the border and what he told them. That investigation is ongoing, Public Safety spokesperson Geoffrey Downey said Tuesday.

Premier Blaine Higgs has said the trip "does not seem like a legitimate reason to come into the province."
Wright says he stayed at a private home while in the province, in a "separate self-contained  unit" away from another person living there.

He won't say where he stayed or who he stayed with, but says by doing so, and by staying in his car when he did his research, he was complying with New Brunswick's requirement that new arrivals self-isolate for 14 days.

Peterborough Coun. Stephen Wright told CBC News he contacted business organizations in the province to find out information on how restaurants were doing after reopening. No groups have any record of any contact made by him. (Submitted by Stephen Wright)

The first-term councillor said he's involved with economic recovery efforts in Peterborough and wanted to see whether New Brunswickers were "now in a frame of mind that they were willing to go and do in-room dining" in restaurants.

He said he did "a lot of preliminary work" in advance to research the issue but was not able to get any responses from organizations representing restaurants.

He also said there's a difference between "getting something secondhand, or getting it firsthand."
Wright did not respond to a request for a follow-up interview Tuesday.

Information available

A border checkpoint on Route 120. An investigation is underway into how Peterborough city councillor, Stephen Wright was able to enter the province, which is not open to non-essential travel. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Erjavec said he has plenty of information at his fingertips on how restaurants are faring now that they can reopen under the yellow phase of New Brunswick's recovery plan.

He says he surveys members regularly and also worked with the province to develop reopening guidelines, so he would have responded eagerly to a request from Wright.

"I'm talking to members on a daily basis and have a real feel for what's happening in the industry," he said.

Saint John Mayor Don Darling, one of the first to raise concerns about Wright's trip, says several parts of his story have not withstood scrutiny.

"Something is not adding up here. I think people are very angry about this particular case and one of these days, perhaps we'll find out what really happened."

Darling plans to speak to Peterborough Mayor Diane Therrien on Wednesday. Therrien said in a statement Monday that the trip "was not at council's direction or the mayor's direction."

Wright said Monday the trip was his own initiative. He said he was paying for it himself and would not claim travel expenses.

Method of research questioned

Erjavec also questioned the way Wright says he went about his research while in the province. The councillor said Monday he didn't actually enter any restaurants.

"I didn't need to. There were ample amount of restaurants with parking stalls in front of the restaurant and you can look right in," he said.

"I drove past a Tim Horton's and there was one individual in that particular Tim Horton's and the drive-thru line was unbelievable."
Asked about restaurants in downtown locations where there were no parking lots, Wright said, "I wasn't in the downtown core. I drove to places where you could actually see from outside."

Erjavec says judging a restaurant's success from its parking lot is not the best way to assess how it's doing.

"As a leader in his community, it's incumbent on him to get the facts, and you get the facts by asking questions, by talking to people, researching, and not just simply having a cursory glance," he said.

About the Author

Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 



David Amos
Methinks Mayor Don Darling, Sylvain Montreuil and Louis-Philippe Gauthier would deny that i ever contacted them as well. However many people that I have been on TV with Chambers of Commerce people last fall and met the other two dudes in person in the past year Perhaps i should contact Luc Erjavec and Mr Wright to be fair to all keep everyone on an even keel with Higgy and I N'esy Pas? 

Stephen Robertson
Sorry councilor, but there is a distinct smell of male bovine droppings about your story.

David Amos 
Reply to @Stephen Robertson: Methinks it smells a lot like Higgy's circus tent which no doubt get worse as the days get longer and hotter N'esy Pas?

Jos Allaire
Candidness has always been a rare attribute of politicians.

Lou Bell
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Dans de the house des cartes est tui , dui , et lui . Ah ha !

Lou Bell  
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Eichon , Biechon , et Nod . Tres odd . OMG !

David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Mais Oui

Jim Cyr
This is crazy

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Methinks he would get along just fine with your buddy Trump N'esy Pas?

janice small
Oh boy he will have lots of attention...Won't be good attention..You can run but you can'y hide ..His story in New Brunswick is a changing moving target..

David Amos 
Reply to @janice small: Welcome back to the circus 

Miles Long
His story here and in the Peterborough examiner are not consistent, he is a flake looking for attention.

David Amos
Reply to @Miles Long: Methinks all politicians can be painted with the same brush N'esy Pas?

Dan Stewart
Reply to @David Amos: You ran for office didnt you Dave?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Dan Stewart: Shouldm't one have to get more than 25 votes at least once after they have run several times to be called a politician ?

Dan Stewart 
Reply to @Lou Bell: I suppose to be fair one must win an election to really be a politician. So perhaps a political Wannabe would be more apropos.

janice small
Wow this is really weird and has a smell to it and the longer it sits the worst the smell is..Time to take it too the trash.. Sounds like a quiet under the table ( I will pay my expensives ) Maybe a Plenty Of Fish or a kijji on line dating theme..Nothing adds up for this councilor..The more he is questioned the more his story line changes like Canadian weather...Need to have a very thorough investigation from NB and Peterborough Ontario to what he was doing here is a stealth mode.. AND WHO LET HIM IN ??

Tony Mcalbey
Content disabled 
Reply to @janice small:  so much for Higgy's police state

David Amos

Content disabled
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Methinks the Keystone Cops had far more class than Higgy's doubtful dudes could ever dream of N'esy Pas?

Bob Smith
Sounds like the councillor's story has more than a few holes in it. Might be best for him to drop the pretense now and admit he came to the province for non essential reasons - a personal trip.

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Bob Smith: Methinks many would agree that this clown is a wonderful addition to Higgy's circus N'esy Pas?

Lieschen Mueller 
Reply to @Bob Smith: Sounds like Swiss cheese!

Stockwell Day exits CBC commentary role, corporate posts after comments about racism in Canada


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
I have an opinion too. Methinks anyone can Google the following N'esy Pas?

Stockwell Day David Amos 



Stockwell Day exits CBC commentary role, corporate posts after comments about racism in Canada

Day under fire for denying existence of systemic racism in Canada

Peter Zimonjic· CBC News· Posted: Jun 03, 2020 7:48 PM ET

Former Conservative cabinet minister Stockwell Day has stepped away from two high profile business positions and as a commentator for CBC News Network's Power & Politics after denying that systemic racism exists in Canada during an appearance on Tuesday's show. (Michelle Bellefontaine/CBC)

Former Conservative cabinet minister Stockwell Day has stepped down from his role as a commentator on CBC News Network's Power & Politics— and has left senior positions at two major companies — after making comments on Tuesday's show about racism in Canada he later admitted were "insensitive and hurtful".

"I ask forgiveness for wrongly equating my experiences to theirs. I commit to them my unending efforts to fight racism in all its forms," Day said in a tweet earlier today.

Day also notified CBC he was stepping away from his role as a commentator for the program.

Day, a former federal opposition leader and later a cabinet minister in Stephen Harper's government, was asked during a panel debate on Power & Politics to react to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's comments Tuesday morning on protests that have swept across the U.S. following the police killing of African American George Floyd.
Trudeau's comments did not address Trump's threat to call on the military to remove demonstrators, but they did point to what Trudeau said were Canada's own problems with systemic racism.

"We have to recognize that our system is not perfect in Canada," Day said during the panel discussion. "Yes, there's a few idiot racists hanging around but Canada is not a racist country and most Canadians are not racist. And our system, that always needs to be improved, is not systemically racist."

McMillan, Telus accept resignations

Day went on to compare the bullying he endured as a child with the discrimination faced by visible minorities across the country.

"Should I have gone through school and been mocked because I had glasses and was called four-eyes and because of the occupation my parents?" Day asked. "Should I have been mocked for all that? No, of course not. But are Canadians largely and in majority racist? No, we are not.
"We celebrate our diversity around the world and for the prime minister to insinuate — and it is an insinuation — that our system is systemically racist is wrong."

Fellow panellists Amanda Alvaro and Emilie Nicolas pushed back against Day, challenging his assertions about systemic racism and the comparison Day made to his own experiences being bullied.

By feedback from many in the Black and other communities I realize my comments in debate on Power and Politics were insensitive and hurtful.I ask forgiveness for wrongly equating my experiences to theirs.I commit to them my unending efforts to fight racism in all its forms.

That argument appears to have cost Day his position on the board of directors for Telus and his role as a strategic adviser for McMillan LLP.

"At McMillan LLP, we believe that systemic racism is real and that it can only be addressed when each of us — as individuals and organizations — commits to meaningful change," the company said in a statement signed by Teresa Dufort, partner and CEO, and posted to its Twitter account.

"Yesterday, Stockwell Day made comments during a televised interview that run counter to this view. Today, he offered his resignation as a strategic advisor at our firm and it was accepted."
Telus also issued a statement announcing that it had accepted Day's resignation from its board of directors effective immediately.

"The views expressed by Mr. Day during yesterday's broadcast of Power & Politics are not reflective of the values and beliefs of our organization," the statement said.


Howard Higgs
Diversity in all things except opinion.


Michael Trebych
Reply to @Howard Higgs: you don't get it, do you?

Ivan Nano 
Reply to @Howard Higgs: An unfortunately typical response of trying to paint Day as the victim.

David Amos
Reply to @Howard Higgs: I have an opinion too. Methinks anyone can Google the following N'esy Pas?

Stockwell Day David Amos 

Art Rowe
Reply to @Howard Higgs:
Con opinion and attitude.

Overworked, underpaid and at the breaking point: Personal support worker calls for government aid


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Content disabled Plus many more
Methinks Higgy et al and many old folks in New Brunswick must recall what I have been saying about this issue since 2004 N'esy Pas? 



Overworked, underpaid and at the breaking point: Personal support worker calls for government aid

Antoinette Calder says no value being placed on service home-care workers provide

Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: Jun 04, 2020 6:00 AM AT

Personal support workers in New Brunswick are paid $14.80 per hour, have no sick time or a pension plan. (iStock)

Antoinette Calder has reached her breaking point. After months of stress the Deer Island woman is desperately in need of some down time.

"I actually called today and told my supervisor I have to take this weekend off," said Calder. "I need a mental health day, I really do."

Calder, who is 59, has had just four days off since the COVID-19 crisis hit the province in March. She's worked as a personal support worker (PSW) for the past two years after a long career as a trucker.

Home-support workers provide care that keeps elderly New Brunswickers out of hospitals and nursing homes.

It's a difficult, physically and emotionally exhausting job that finds her lifting, washing and feeding her clients. She makes sure they take their medications, she picks up groceries and, in one case, even cares for the dog.

"It's pretty bad when I have to go to bed at nine o'clock because I'm tired. You eat dinner, do the dishes and go to bed. Nine o'clock and I'm in bed. That's not me."

Antoinette Calder, a Deer Island resident and personal support worker, said she's only had four days off since the COVID-19 pandemic started. (Connell Smith/CBC)

Calder's sometimes the only emotional support for clients isolated by the pandemic.

"We're dealing with older people who are so frightened of what's going on because they know they are high risk and they're watching the news," said Calder. "It's just exacerbating their fears."

She feels a responsibility for them, running errands and stopping in on her own time to see how they're doing. But when she's actually on the clock, she's paid $14.80 per hour, only slightly better than minimum wage.

She's not paid for the time she's not with the client, has no sick pay and no pension plan.

'Go where the money's at'

Calder works for Home Health Services, a non-profit home-care provider based in St Stephen. But the rate paid to home care PSWs is set by the provincial government.

She's worried about where things are going. The population on Deer Island is aging fast and the only other full-time PSW there is a year older than her.

Tina Learmonth, the past president of the New Brunswick Home Health Association, said the personal support worker sector needs an investment in wages from the government. (Roger Cosman/CBC)
"We need an influx of younger blood into this profession. But when they can go and feed fish or go to work at a grocery store and make more money that we make ... it's a no-brainer. They're going to go where the money's at."

But Calder, and many others in her profession, feel no value is being placed on their work.

Tina Learmonth, past president of the New Brunswick Home Support Association, echoed that concern. She said if for some reason PSWs didn't come to work one day, the province would shut down.

"We can't afford all our seniors to go into emergency rooms, we can't afford everybody to stop working because they need to take care of their parents," said Learmonth. "So we need to place value in the work that this workforce does."

Investment needed

Few home-support workers are men, but Learmonth said she suspects if men had been doing work all along, the pay would be a lot higher than it is now.

Learmonth said the sector desperately needs investment, and the need for higher wages has been acknowledged in ongoing meetings the association has had Department of Social Development officials.

"It's not a matter of us on one side of the table and them on the other side debating whether or not this sector needs more money. They agree. It's just a matter of let's roll up our sleeves and do it, let's figure out how we can make it happen."
Asked if PSWs should be paid more, Social Development Minister Dorothy Shephard said "damn straight."

But it's a question of what the province can afford.

"When we want to give a dollar-an-hour [raise] and we're looking at a $24- or $30-million bump, we have to be prepared for that," said Shephard. "It doesn't mean that we cannot continually keep trying to do so, and we will continue to."

Slight raise coming

Workers in the sector are scheduled to get a 50-cent-an-hour increase Nov. 1. A temporary increase in pay is on the way thanks to a federal COVID-19 benefit aimed at front-line workers.

It will provide $500 a month backdated to the beginning of the crisis for a maximum total payment of $2,000.

Dorothy Shephard, minister of Social Development, said a $1-an-hour raise for home-care workers would cost the province between $24- and $30-million a year. (CBC)

Calder has another suggestion: Boost PSW salaries to where they should be — about 30 per cent higher — and create an education program to attract young people into the field, a program offering training and credits they can later build on to move into careers like nursing.

She's written letters raising her concerns and suggestions to several of the province's MLAs.

"I want to hear are you going to help us or not?" she said. "And I got zippo. Zilch. Nothing. I'm tired of this rhetoric. I'm tired of them not listening to us. I'm tired of it."


David Amos 
Content disabled 
Methinks Higgy et al and many old folks in New Brunswick must recall what I have been saying about this issue since 2004 N'esy Pas?  

David Amos 
Content disabled 
"Calder has another suggestion: Boost PSW salaries to where they should be — about 30 per cent higher — and create an education program to attract young people into the field, a program offering training and credits they can later build on to move into careers like nursing.

She's written letters raising her concerns and suggestions to several of the province's MLAs.

"I want to hear are you going to help us or not?" she said. "And I got zippo. Zilch. Nothing. I'm tired of this rhetoric. I'm tired of them not listening to us. I'm tired of it."

Me Too 


Dave Corbin
The province needs to pay for their use of their private vehicles and gas, both items which are not cheap when earning a low wage to begin with.

David Lutz
Reply to @Dave Corbin: My wife did home care for a while, didn't take long to figure out it wasn't worth it when they don't pay mileage or pay your salary between clients, some of hers were 40 mins apart... made more money on EI.
David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @David Lutz: Yea Right

David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @David Lutz: Methinks you are not the lawyer I know N'esy Pas? 

David Lutz
Paid 14.80/hr, expected to use their personal vehicle to travel between clients and not paid for the travel time. what do you expect, Government wants seniors in their homes but who would work for that.

David Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @David Lutz: You seem concerned all of sudden Why is that?

Robert Jarvis 
Reply to @David Amos: And why are you asking ?

David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:
When and where was the last eub meeting, and when and where is the next one? Why are they meeting secretly, do you think? 

David Amos 
Reply to @Robert Jarvis: Why do you care what I ask?  

David Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @David Peters: I am not a public official I intervene in the EUB matters as a private stakeholder. Methinks you should ask Higgy or his Ministers Holland or Shephard or Cardy's wife why the EUB engaged Chatham House Rules that I must uphold N'esy Pas?  

Tony Mcalbey
Reply to @David Lutz: could be worst, the airline flight crews who greet you at the planes door don’t get paid till the plane is airborne let alone walking from a gate to gate to change planes  

Tony Mcalbey
Money does not make any job any better if you don’t like the job. Some people have a clean home since they love doing housework to keep things up, others live in dumps since they have no ambition to pick up after themselves. Money doesn’t bring happiness.

Samual Johnston 
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: but it does allow you to do certain things and it does relieve stress coming from lack of money - so in many ways it does bring happiness. I don't think any one would disagree that these workers are under paid.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: FYI Methinks my Yankee wife had the right outlook on the Kings James notion of filthy lucre I am certain many folks who are not collecting welfare would agree that money is simply "fun coupons" that some people work very hard to attain N'esy Pas? 

Fred Estey
"Calder has another suggestion: Boost PSW salaries to where they should be — about 30 per cent higher " - based on Minister Shephard's claim that a $1/hour increase will cost taxpayers up to $30 million annually, a $4.44/hour increase would add up to $133 million/year. Nursing home workers, most of whom already make about $20/hour or more, while enjoying benefits, paid sick time and pension plans, are in the process of reviewing a new contract offer. Sadly, that cuts into the provinces ability to do much more for the home support workers than what has been promised for later this year - a 50 cents/hour increase.

Ben Haroldson 
Reply to @Fred Estey: $20 is poverty line.
Reply to @Fred Estey: Also the problem gets much bigger when govt pumps up wages for some workers but not for others who do the same thing. New article discusses the ripple effect of pumping up wages of people in n homes because it will poach them from other hc that can't afford it so will shut down.
Quebec's campaign to hire more staff in CHSLDs risks creating holes elsewhere
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Estey: Methinks its interesting that you can state such things N'esy Pas?

Matt Steele
There is really something wrong with govt. services in N.B. when some govt. workers are being PAID big money to stay home , while other govt. workers are run off their feet . The casual govt. employees are treated like dirt in N.B. , and work for severely reduced salaries with no benefits ; while the person DOING THE EXACT same job working beside them gets far more salary , plus a full benefit plan . A Substitute Teacher told me that her pay is so low , with ZERO benefits , and no seniority rights ; that the govt. cannot even fill the positions anymore , and have been filling the positions with unlicensed , and unqualified people . N.B. has a SERIOUS problem that is not being addressed 

David Amos
Reply to @Matt Steele: BINGO 


Barry Conroy
GO figure we pay our firefighter 6 figures to excercise, sleep at our expense, and we let these support worker wear themselves out. Firefighters have zero investment in them selves unlike nurse, paramedics etc., yet we pay them well. The municipal funds paying these people should be diverted to the PSW's, and let the firefighters negotiate with the insurance companies.

Errol Willis 
Reply to @Barry Conroy: Why does one group have to be torn down to support another? Each job is different and comes with different qualifications and risks. PSW absolutely deserve more, but that doesn't mean a firefighter deserves less.

David Amos
Reply to @Barry Conroy: I can answer your quandary with one word


Rachel McDougall
As a person who works for the same company I know how she feels. A lot of us most likely won’t be eligible for the wage top up as we are not considered full time. Many workers hours were cut back because of the Covid pandemic but are still making just a hair above the $1000 maximum a month to be able to qualify for the CERB. I know I am struggling to make ends meet and am not sure what to do if I’m not eligible for the wage top up. This is a needed job in our province and it’s terrible that the workers should have to struggle financially while continuing to work everyday.

Tony Mcalbey
Reply to @Rachel McDougall: living within ones means is how you don’t struggle financially.

David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Yea Right

Methinks you should try making ends meet after paying your emergency room and doctors fees from your your old age and CPP pension funds because Higgy won't release a "Stay" on your medicare card N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Rachel McDougall: Perhaps you and I should talk

David News
So this is a classic example of why NB's economy is in the downward spiral. The government seems to ignore that fact that mobility of workers is much easier than it has in the past.
So our next door neighbour Quebec is hiring and training up to 10,000 PSW's for $21.00 p/h and when the training is done, about 26.00 p/h with benefits and pensions. Here in NB we are paying 14.40 per hr and no or very limited benefits.
How can NB hope to retain quality staff if a few hundred miles away someone can get the same type of job and earn double the income.

Tony Mcalbey
Reply to @David News: cost of living higher in Quebec.

David News 
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Not 80% higher and like NB in the more rural part of the province costs would be very similar. Plus in Quebec you have much easier access entertainment, culture, cuisine, better transit, better social services, generally much more robust health care and a greatly superior set of post secondary education facilities.

James Smythe
Reply to @Tony Mcalbey: Honestly Tony, it isn’t even. With rent controls in place, you can get an apartment in Montreal, one of the biggest most desirable cities to live in, for the same price as Moncton or Fredericton.

David Amos
Reply to @James Smythe: Good Point

David Amos
Reply to @David News: Well Put Sir


Michael G. L. Geraldson
With our ageing population something needs to change, and it needs to change soon. It is far cheaper to keep seniors in their homes than it is to keep them in hospitals or long term care homes.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Michael G. L. Geraldson:
It is only sustainable if you can find suckers OH!, sorry, workers, who will work long hours for nothing.

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: True


Higgs calls for 'cultural shift' to turn N.B.'s economic fortunes around


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others



Higgs calls for 'cultural shift' to turn N.B.'s economic fortunes around

Province reports weak economic growth in 2019, the 11th time in 13 years growth falls below 1 per cent

Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: Jun 04, 2020 5:00 AM AT

Premier Blaine Higgs said New Brunswick will need a cultural shift to recover financially from the COVID-19 pandemic. (Ed Hunter/CBC)

Like a malfunctioning time machine, the COVID-19 crisis is threatening to transport New Brunswick's economy back to where it was in 2010 or earlier, and that has Premier Blaine Higgs calling for radical changes in the province's work ethic and entrepreneurial instincts coming out of the pandemic.

"We need a cultural shift here in New Brunswick. We need momentum that's going to be created from this COVID crises," Higgs said last week during a wide-ranging talk about New Brunswick's economic problems on the provincial business podcast "Turning Point."

"This may be a wake-up call for the country and for New Brunswick. I'm hoping we can springboard off of this."

On Monday, Statistics Canada reported New Brunswick's economy had another underwhelming year prior to the pandemic, growing by just 0.98 per cent in 2019. It's the 11th time in 13 years that growth in the province's economy has been one per cent or less, ranking lowest among Canada's ten provinces. 
Economic growth in New Brunswick has been so weak since the global financial crisis of 2008 it is not out of the question for all of the gains of the last decade or longer to be rolled back just this year.

Two weeks ago, New Brunswick's department of finance projected the province's economy will shrink by 4.3 per cent in 2020, with an average of private sector forecasts predicting a larger decline of 5.5 per cent.

Contractions of those amounts would send New Brunswick's economy back to the size it was somewhere between 2007 and 2010, erasing up to 12 years of accumulated growth.

By contrast in better performing neighbouring economies, a five per cent contraction would erase just three years of growth in Nova Scotia, two in Quebec and a little more than one year in P.E.I.

The explosion at Irving Oil's refinery in October 2018 cut output and dragged on New Brunswick's economy throughout 2019. It helped keep growth in provincial GDP below one per cent for the year for the 11th time in the last 13 years. (Submitted by Doug McLean)

Think bigger


Higgs often cites international entrepreneur Amarjeet Singh Jatana and his company Canadian National Growers as a model for New Brunswick economic development. The company saw the province as an ideal place to grow and export apples and has established multiple orchards in Kent County without government help to make that happen. (Twitter)

With that as a backdrop, Higgs said New Brunswick needs to forget about deficit spending as a way to stimulate economic activity and apply the collective effort it used to contain the COVID-19 virus to remake the province's economy.   
He called on entrepreneurs to think bigger about what is possible and on citizens to place more value on work.

"i think we can do a whole lot here in New Brunswick and attitude plays a role — a cultural shift plays a role," said Higgs.

Claiming a number of New Brunswick firms could grow their businesses through export — but don't — and a number of citizens could work — but won't — the premier said it was important to understand what is holding the province back economically and fix it.

Stung by the reluctance of locals to fill jobs left vacant by a short-lived ban on temporary foreign workers, Higgs acknowledged low pay may be causing disincentives to employment in some cases but expressed his own belief that a lack of work ethic in the population is also causing problems.

"I think we have to understand why the jobs that are available here are not jobs we're proud of and want to be part of," said Higgs. 

Wage hike?

"Are the wages high enough?  But wages have to be tied with productivity. You do have to see if you're going to earn more money there has to be a working culture there to support that because they go hand in hand.

"How many of the processors said to me — the farmers, other industries — said to me, 'You know I need four, five six New Brunswick workers to replace one temporary foreign worker.' What does that say about us as a society?"

Higgs appeared to make an outdated reference to the operation of the federal government's employment insurance program, claiming without citing the evidence that too many New Brunswick residents are happy to work for 10 weeks and collect assistance the rest of the year.

"We have a system where people think being on the 10-42 program is a way of life," said Higgs.
But according to rules posted by Employment and Social Development Canada that's not how the employment insurance system works.

Prior to the pandemic New Brunswick residents were required to work a minimum of 490 hours, at least 12 weeks, to qualify for 23 weeks of regular EI benefits in provincial regions with the highest unemployment rates.

Earning 42 weeks of regular benefits required at least 1,610 hours of work in the previous year, or about 40 weeks of full time work.

Broaden ambitions

In 2018, the company S&P Data was offered $2.2 million by the New Brunswick government to open two business services call centres. In 2019 it closed and laid off all 245 employees. Premier Higgs believes government grants are not the way to create jobs. (Opportunities NB)

The premier also called out business owners who he said need to broaden their ambitions. 
He pointed, as he often does, to entrepreneur Amarjeet Singh Jatana of Canadian National Growers Inc. who three years ago began purchasing hundreds of acres of farmland in Kent County without government help to grow and export apples. Higgs said it is an example of how local businesses often overlook opportunity.

"They were actually told you can't do that here in New Brunswick. They have orchards around the world and they looked at our climate and said that's a really good spot." said Higgs.
"Sometimes we under-sell ourselves. We can convince ourselves you can't do that in New Brunswick and that was a clear case. Even the farmers and the associations were like, 'Oh, they can't do that here in New Brunswick.'"

Higgs said he hopes the pandemic has shown the province it can come together and achieve important goals, a lesson he wants applied to the economy to end years of lacklustre growth.

"We don't go back to where we were," said Higgs.  "We go well beyond where we were."



David Amos
Too Too Funny Indeed
Methinks Higgy's circus is getting more entertaining with each passing day N'esy Pas?

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
The only enjoyment I get is by watching the dance steps: 2 ahead, and 3 back. I'm past being entertained by a circus, especially the one Mr Higgs is in charge of, in fact I am beginning to find it quite stupid.

Terry Tibbs
Why is this news?
Export markets? We've been exporting our most valuable assets for years, our educated young folks, who leave for decent, well paying, employment.
People don't want to work? Can they afford to work?
So, yes Mr Higgs, it is ALL our fault, nothing to do with you, besides you are too busy jamming all the top spots with political choices of your own to pay attention to those who voted for you.

David Webb NB
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I personally know of 3 young professional people (Optometrist, Physiotherapist and Dentist) who have left the province, (2 to the USA) during the last Liberal government. All were quite happy with their remuneration. Their issue was being in the highest taxed jurisdiction in the country, and deteriorating, with the provincial debt ballooning and daily cost to service the debt over $1 million per day. They all thought it was a shameful waste of money, brought on by poor governance over many years, and limited their potential in the province.
They also saw limited opportunities for their offspring due to forced bilingualism. All three of these people were in French Immersion, however because English was their mother tongue and used every day their French language skills rapidly deteriorated. Right or wrong, that is their perspective.

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Relax and enjoy the circus

Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @David Amos:
I'd like to be this is getting serious. Our minority government premier is straying quite dangerously into simply FO territory where it is no longer a circus and becomes a train wreck.

Terry Tibbs  
Reply to @David Webb NB:
David, you are not telling me anything new............. my 4 university educated children are grown and gone, I have a step daughter, university educated, that is grown and gone. Why would they stay?
Business opportunities? Don't make me laugh.

Saint Andrews has change of heart, welcomes back visitors in hopes of driving summer traffic


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks Brad Henderson and several other folks in St Andrews must recall our conversations a few months ago N'esy Pas? 



Saint Andrews has change of heart, welcomes back visitors in hopes of driving summer traffic

Resort town asked tourists to stay away at earlier stage of pandemic

Gary Moore· CBC News· Posted: Jun 04, 2020 7:00 AM AT

The Town of Saint Andrews is making traffic one-way in part of its downtown to allow businesses to use the sidewalk and create more space for physical distancing this summer. (Gary Moore/CBC)

The Town of Saint-Andrews has had a change of heart and is now welcoming tourists.
In April, the town issued a statement asking visitors to stay away from the seaside resort town to curb the spread of coronavirus.

But with the province starting to reopen its economy, deputy mayor Brad Henderson says the community is ready to receive tourists.

"All of the businesses in the community are now allowed to be open, and the town itself is now prepared — it has the public washrooms open, there's sanitization teams in place that are wiping benches, they're wiping rails," said Henderson.

Henderson said the message for tourists to stay away may have sounded harsh, but it was intended to save people time from visiting a community that was mostly closed. He said the messaging was in step with the province's request for people to stay home at the time.

Saint Andrews deputy mayor Brad Henderson said the town is ready for visitors again. (Gary Moore/CBC)

"We certainly did not want to offend anyone, it was within the best interest of the visitor themselves — to come to a community that's completely shutdown, no washrooms," he said, adding that it wouldn't have been the most hospitable of destinations for a town who normally embraces visitors.

The Town of Saint Andrews is making changes to its downtown later this month to hopefully help entice people to visit — and to boost local business during what will likely be a difficult summer.

Henderson said the town is making part of the downtown one-way to make more room on the sidewalks for businesses  to use either as a cafe-style arrangement outside or for retail businesses to place product outdoors.

"It's going to give a lot more outdoor, vibrant, feel — and most importantly, a safer environment."

Kevin Simmonds owns a couple of businesses in the town, including the Red Herring Pub, and he said he's hoping people will visit the town this summer despite April's message to stay away.

"I'm hoping they weren't offended, we were worried about people's public safety," Simmonds said.

Business owner Kevin Simmonds said he hopes New Brunswickers explore their province this summer. (Gary Moore/CBC)

Simmonds said it's a slower start to the tourism season because of COVID-19, which resulted in the cancellation of last month's Paddlefest, a popular annual festival to kick off the tourism season, but he said things are starting to pick up again.

He's hopeful New Brunswickers will use this summer to explore their home province, and he thinks the town's outdoor market vibe will help business.

"We're kinda lucky 'cause a lot of people already want to day-trip here on Friday, Saturday and Sunday anyways."

Chuck Cole of Fredericton was one of those day-trippers. He and his family were in Saint Andrews to celebrate his friend's son's birthday. The bubble group went to the recently reopened aquarium before stopping for lunch at the Red Herring.
He wasn't offended by the town's request to stay away earlier in the pandemic.

"Just for safety purposes, I understood the context of it, like everybody else, people are just worried because everything is different."

The town's plan to make part of the downtown one-way will take effect on June 26.

About the Author

Gary Moore
CBC News
Gary Moore is a video journalist based in Fredericton.

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Methinks Brad Henderson and several other folks in St Andrews must recall our conversations a few months ago N'esy Pas?

Tim Scammell
I'm looking forward to revisiting your fine town in the near future. Our family loves getting down there in the summer months.

David Amos 
Reply to @Tim Scammell: Yea Right

janice small
I as well found it odd that Mayor told everybody to stay home and don't come to St Andrews..I wonder if all the business and the Whale Watching boats felt that way !!

David Amos  
Reply to @janice small: Me Too 


George Matthews
You told us you don't want us there, I'll go everywhere else this summer.

Tony Mcalbey 
Reply to @George Matthews: me too. Not much to do other than drive through town there anyways. I’ll spend a week in cap pele before I’d spend a day in St. Andrews

Dan Lee
Reply to @George Matthews:
ive gone a few times either by bike or car....mehh not much there.....

David Amos  
Reply to @George Matthews: Me Too

Ben Haroldson
Another politico trying to save face.

Tristin Time 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: the town was in compliance with emergency protocols enacted by the government. How is that saving face?

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Tristin Time: You obviously didn't go there during......

Tim Biddiscombe 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Yeah, he's a big time politico..mayor of a town of 1500

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: It's called grovelling .

David Amos 
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: YUP


N.B. launches tourism campaign aimed at promoting staycations

Turns to province's own coat of arms for inspiration

Gary Moore· CBC News· Posted: May 03, 2020 8:00 AM AT

The province is asking people to consider spending tourism dollars in New Brunswick this summer. (Tourism New Brunswick)

The province of New Brunswick is turning to its provincial motto to help power a new campaign that get people to plan to vacation at home this summer.

"Hope Restored" is the name of the marketing campaign launched Thursday, which aims to reassure the public that there's a 'light at the end of the tunnel,' according to Bruce Fitch, the province's minister of tourism, heritage and culture.

It's the first of a three-phased approach to re-open the tourism industry, which includes a website and a 30-second video highlighting summer scenes in New Brunswick.

"We'll eventually have that opportunity to get out to explore New Brunswick and as the public restrictions are relaxed we have to start thinking, 'Where am I going to go first and what am I going to do?'" said Fitch. 
Bruce Fitch said there's concern in the tourism industry about how COVID-19 restrictions will affect tourism this summer. (CBC)

The name of the campaign is a translation of the province's motto, Spem Reduxit, which is part of the provincial coat of arms.

"I think it's appropriate for the moment," Fitch said.

On Friday New Brunswick announced no new cases of COVID-19 for the thirteenth day in a row, and Fitch said as long as there are no outbreaks, the province will unveil the next stage of the campaign within two weeks.

"The hope is that we'll be able to re-open all the parks and the campgrounds and other venues as soon as the situation is resolved and it feels safe for the users," he said.
In the past week, New Brunswick has opened recreational fishing and golf courses and driving ranges, with some restrictions.


Fitch said it's unclear how long New Brunswick's borders will remain closed, and says people should start thinking about a staycation instead.

"If [borders are] the last thing that opens up, people have to consider spending those tourism dollars, if they have them, here in the province of New Brunswick as opposed to going into the sister provinces."

Fitch said staff in his department are in touch with tourism operators weekly and there is a lot of concern about the number of tourists they'll be able to attract this summer.
"They're concerned because a lot of them have a huge percentage of their industry coming from away — from Quebec and Ontario," he said.

"This is why we want to promote New Brunswick for New Brunswickers…that may not take [tourism operators] right back to where they were in the last number of years, but it would certainly try and fill some of the gap if they choose to open this summer."

About the Author

Gary Moore
CBC News
Gary Moore is a video journalist based in Fredericton.

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Methinks Brucy should talk Higgy into letting us go to our camps N'esy Pas?  

David Amos
Go Figure where to go when all the parks and most of the tourist towns are closed to visitors

Saint Andrews asks visitors to stay away during COVID-19 pandemic
Increasing vehicle traffic prompts resort town to ask tourists to stay home
Jordan Gill · CBC News · Posted: Apr 08, 2020 7:18 PM AT

"Saint Andrews Mayor Doug Naish is used to welcoming visitors to the seaside resort town, but now he's urging them to stay away.

The town issued a statement reminding people looking to ease their boredom that traveling to the community isn't the best option at this time.

"We don't want to send anybody away, but at this point in time it just seems that the additional risk of having people of unknown backgrounds coming here at a time when we've managed to convince our vulnerable population to take care of themselves just somehow doesn't seem fair," said Naish."

N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Province expands testing protocols after 10th day of no new cases
Dr. Jennifer Russell adds a few more symptoms to the list that determines need for testing
Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: Apr 28, 2020 1:11 PM AT

"The mayor of Alma is asking visitors and road trippers to stay away from the village by the Bay of Fundy, even as restrictions are slowly beginning to lift.
"We want to keep everybody safe," said Mayor Kirstin Shortt.
"We want to avoid spreading the disease, so we're taking proactive action here by telling visitors to stay home." 

Terry Tibbs
Only in NB.
Throwing money promoting staycations while maintaining our borders are closed.

David Webb NB 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: That's kind of the point, isn't it? Many New Brunswickers have never seen their back door yard, and seem to think you have to travel for hours on end to vacation. Keeping the borders closed is a must. You are free to go to QC, NS or Maine if you wish but don't ask to be readmitted to NB any time soon without a monitored 14 day isolation..

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks Brucy should hold a contest and suggest we take day trips to see who can find the biggest and greatest numbers of potholes.The Privacy Dude Chucky Murray can monitor our progress on our cell phones to see we stay away from each other and keep the tally on the photos and locations we submit. We likely hold a world record in regards to potholes. So all we need to is prove it and report it to Guinness World Records Perhaps someday foreigners will come to see them all and wonder what is wrong with Higgy et al N'esy Pas?

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Webb NB:
The point is: why waste money on promoting the only existing option?

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos:
Actually, or somewhat strangely, provincial road maintenance folks up my way are keeping themselves busy throwing cold patch in potholes once a week. Certainly it is a make work project, as you might as well fill potholes with parrot droppings, it being a toss up as to which filler material is less effective.

Michael G. L. Geraldson
Given the current unemployment rates I think it's optimistic to think people have money for vacations or staycations.

David Amos
Reply to @Michael G. L. Geraldson: I concur Furthermore where are the rich folks gonna stay with most of the tourist traps and hotels closed?


Saint Andrews asks visitors to stay away during COVID-19 pandemic

Increasing vehicle traffic prompts resort town to ask tourists to stay home

Jordan Gill· CBC News· Posted: Apr 08, 2020 7:18 PM AT

Mayor Doug Naish is asking tourists to stay away from Saint Andrews during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

Saint Andrews Mayor Doug Naish is used to welcoming visitors to the seaside resort town, but now he's urging them to stay away.

The town issued a statement reminding people looking to ease their boredom that traveling to the community isn't the best option at this time.

"We don't want to send anybody away, but at this point in time it just seems that the additional risk of having people of unknown backgrounds coming here at a time when we've managed to convince our vulnerable population to take care of themselves just somehow doesn't seem fair," said Naish.

"Frankly, we don't know whether someone who's coming here to walk on our beach is supposed to be quarantined where they live. You know, we have no idea of knowing that or controlling it."
Naish said during warmer days earlier in the spring town officials noticed a lot of vehicle traffic in the community from visitors.

It was this that prompted the request.

The town of St. Andrews continues to get out-of-towners during the pandemic despite the rules, and they're looking to the province for additional law enforcement. 1:58

"It just got us thinking that perhaps as the weather gets better this may get worse," said Naish.

"There actually may be some people who are just not thinking that there's any problem with [visiting]."

Attractions shuttered

Naish said because of the COVID-19 pandemic there isn't a lot to do in the town at the moment anyway.

Most businesses are closed, except for those deemed essential.

Local beaches and parks, including the St. Andrews Blockhouse, are also closed.

The town has closed local parks to curb the spread of COVID-19. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

"We've got barricades up because again that was one of those places where two weeks ago on a sunny Saturday there were a dozen or 18 cars there and they weren't local cars," said Naish.

In the province's daily COVID-19 briefing on Tuesday, Premier Blaine Higgs said there have been talks about how to regulate travel between some tourist communities and the idea of checkpoints has been raised.

"Do we have the ability and is it a necessity to put that same kind of connection around communities, because that will be very difficult," said Higgs.

Tourist season concerns

The ongoing pandemic has business owners in the town anxious, said Naish.

The local economy is largely based on tourism, an industry that has already taken a hit in the community.

"We have a big music and outdoor festival called Paddlefest … that takes place in the middle of May," said Naish.

"That's already been cancelled and that's really the kickoff of our tourist season."

Visit, 'but not right now'

The town is also home to many summer properties.

Naish said these property owners can still come into the town, but he asks they also think about staying away during the pandemic.

And if these part-time residents do choose to go to their summer homes, Naish asks they inform the town first.

"Not just because we want to control what you're doing, but because if you're going to be there in residence, if we know about it, we've developed a good volunteer system here in the crisis and we're checking on people who are vulnerable ... in our community," said Naish.

The mayor said he hopes people will continue to visit the picturesque community, when appropriate, after the pandemic is over.

"We appreciate their business and we want them to come, but not right now," said Naish.

"There is, we believe, a significant risk ... particularly when we don't know where people are coming from."

With files from Shane Fowler

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Danny Devo
Seems a lot of folks here do not understand the rules. Let me help.
2 meters = 6 feet (the distance you may find yourself under ground of you don't heed the rules)
Do not engage in non essential travel. Translation: seek help for your hopeless addiction to timmies; make a list before you go shopping for once in your life; do not pleasure cruise; do not go to your cottage to have an awesome adventure unless you enjoy paying heavy fines. Does that help

David Amos
Reply to @Danny Devo: Methinks you should "Premier Higgs Butter Tarts" then review the rules again N'esy Pas?

James Jones
aka Ray Oliver  
Reply to @Danny Devo: I'll pleasure cruise alone all I want come and get me

David Amos  
Reply to @James Jones: Methinks if you told the cops you were fetching Butter Tarts for Higgy et al they would likely assist you on your emergency mission N'esy Pas? 

Danny Devo
Reply to @David Amos: He needs some energy. Currently looking totally exhausted, sleepy and cranky. When this is allver he'll get his butter tarts and all the health care cuts he ever wanted. That's what conservatives do. Give massive tax breaks to the corporate buddies and scrap services for citizens. Still the same ol Higgy.

David Amos 
Reply to @Danny Devo: Higgy still has a "Stay" on my Medicare Card as well 

Danny Devo
Reply to @David Amos: Maybe you should have voted for the Green Party. Guess you learn the hard way N'est pas?

David Amos 
Reply to @Danny Devo: Methinks I should ask how many times should I run against your beloved Green Party before the people who support them listen to what I have been saying instead of merely jerking my chain to hear me bark N'esy Pas? 

James Jones
aka Ray Oliver  
Reply to @Danny Devo: Not sure the fear mongering you've been saying about the "COVID death sentence" and comparing it to drunk driving thru playgrounds is something they'd be spreading if in power either. This is any politicians first run thru something of this magnitude. Leave the party platform out of it. Youd hate Higgs even if he was the guy who found the cure for COVID

Danny Devo
Reply to @David Amos: So who would you recommend then?

David Amos 
Reply to @Danny Devo: There are no elections being held right now but i may run in the by election in St Andrews if Higgy get around to having the writ dropped.If so then you could pick the vegetable in mean old me. In the "Mean" time methinks the Green Meanies have the governments they deserve since laughing at me since 2004 N'esy Pas? 

Danny Devo
Reply to @James Jones: I don;t hate anyone. I do not appreciate what his party stands for. They are a disgrace. The libs are almost as bad. Both are corporate parties that leech from the public.

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @David Amos: I wish I was in that riding. You'd get mine.

David Amos

Content disabled
Reply to @James Jones: Methinks its and interesting day for you to pick a fight with me N'esy Pas?

Danny Devo
Good idea. Keep the reckless zombies out. Higgy says this pandemic may last a long time in this province. Is he talking about his government or covid 19?

David Amos 
Reply to @Danny Devo: Methinks you must be a retired cop who truly enjoys Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas?

Danny Devo 
Reply to @David Amos: Have not had any bad experiences with the police personally. All I know is that conservatives are the enemy of the people.

David Amos
Reply to @Danny Devo: Methinks Vicky and his old RCMP pals, the FBI, the Fat Fred City Finest and many other PDs on both sides of the 49th cannot deny that I have many bones to pick with them but I must confess that I am very surprised that you are not a fan of Higgy N'esy Pas?

Danny Devo
Reply to @David Amos: The only rational choice are Greens 

David Amos 
Reply to @Danny Devo: Now thats truly funny

Danny Devo
Reply to @David Amos: Since when is rational funny?

David Amos   
Reply to @Danny Devo: Methinks you should ask the mindless lawyer who was the federal leader of your beloved party why I hung up on her 3 times in 2007 and sent her hard copy byway of tracked Canada Post after she did a hostile takeover of the aforementioned party N'esy Pas?

Johnny Jakobs
Stay Home. That's what the whole world is advocating for. Why give St. Andrews flack when many other communities have already done so? Getting in a car, going for a drive and setting up lawn chairs to talk in the greenspace is not staying at home.
This confuses me too.... if you dont like St Andrews and what is has to offer(when open for business), what's it matter to you? Other than spreading negativity.

Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @James Jones: I've lived in the bubble for many decades. Born in the Steve and love what Charlotte County has to offer.

David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: It appears that Mr Jones went "Poof" Was he nasty with you too?

Ben Haroldson
Only in st a. eh.....

Johnny Jakobs
Leaders lead.

David Amos 
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Yea Right 

Gerry Ferguson
I'm pretty sure the police have better things to do than stop all cars going for a drive to St Andrews and tell the occupants to stay away please.

David Amos   
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: Methinks you should not bet the farm on that opinion The RCMP's buddy Higgy needs to have a win in the upcoming by election in that neighbourhood N'esy Pas?

Murray Brown
Went to St. Andrews once... Have stayed away ever since. Glorified tourist trap.

David Amos 
Reply to @Murray Brown: Methinks you are not alone in that regard N'esy Pas? 

James Jones
aka Ray Oliver  
There are lots of home owners down there with summer places and the mayor states hes only "suggesting" they stay put during the pandemic. How do you know they just landed and haven't been around for a while? Primary residence is a suggestion not a law

Ben Haroldson
Reply to @James Jones: More like a loophole, because it is a law.

Bruce Sanders 
Reply to @James Jones: Knowing someone there, this full time resident said that there "if there are any "summer place" residents here, which primarily from Ontario, I have not seen them". And since at the NB border they are turning away people coming to stay in NB, just because they have a vacation home, I'd think there are very few.
And just landed? well, the St John airport has no commercial traffic, and hasn't for a week now.

James Jones 
aka Ray Oliver  
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: St. Andrews is always one of these places that's got it's own set of rules. Their parks are no different than any other ones nor should they be. People going for drives to get out a little if they're practicing the social distancing set in place then what's the difference?

James Jones
aka Ray Oliver  
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Landed in town I meant. And if they drove recently they'd be subject to mandatory self isolation. So maybe they've been there and just out for the first time now. People see other plates alot in this Province especially Alberta ones from time to time. Practice the distancing and give people space and use common sense. NB is doing great so far but some people are taking this to the total extreme

Johnny Jakobs 
Reply to @James Jones: Saint John has closed all their parks et al like many other places.

Bruce Sanders
Reply to @James Jones: "some people are taking this to the total extreme" no argument there!

David Amos
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: FYI Mr Jones just took it to the extreme with me today


Johnny Almar
Yet I saw 2 vehicles from Ontario pull into town today. Go figure.

Arish Moogadoo 
Reply to @Johnny Almar: I've seen a few licence plates from away. It's been a good 2-3 weeks now that people have had to get home and get where they're going, it's really time to stop letting people through. The fact is our province needs to be closed to passing through at this point because we can't trust that those people are strictly passing through. Time for transport trucks and medical workers only.

David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Almar: Cry me a river 


Province cancels deer-cull program for needy families

Instead of 40 pounds of deer meat, families using the food bank will rely on hot dogs and hamburger meat

Elizabeth Fraser· CBC News· Posted: Jan 20, 2020 7:00 AM AT 

Last fall, the province announced a new pilot program that would allow nuisance deer hunters in Saint Andrews to harvest deer meat for low-income families in the area. (Ian Prince/Instagram)

A pilot project to allow hunters in Saint Andrews to harvest nuisance deer meat and feed dozens of low-income families in the area was cancelled just before it was supposed to launch. 

This past fall, the Department of of Natural Resources and Energy Development announced that deer meat would be donated to the Volunteer Centre of Charlotte County Inc.

But the initiative was quietly cancelled to allow the New Brunswick's Department of Health time to assess whether there are any risks to food safety.

"If you don't have something and you didn't get it, it's not as bad as having it taken away from you," said Donna Linton, a co-ordinator for the non-profit organization.

Linton said about 30 families in Charlotte County expressed interest in the deer meat to eat over the winter. This would've fed at least 56 children in the area.

Food insecurity 'an issue'

The Town of Saint Andrews, which is trying to cope with a growing deer population, said it would pay to have the meat processed in the St. Stephen area, and it would eventually be donated through the volunteer centre to families in need.

Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, said her office started looking into operational and food licence requirements that could support the project. But it will need more time.

"We will be conducting a cross-jurisdictional scan to see if other provinces have food safety programs in place for similar initiatives and if there are ways to implement control measures to help reduce risks and allow this kind of donation," Russell said in an emailed statement to CBC News.

Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer, says her office will investigate whether other provinces have ways to reduce risks to food safety when it comes to projects like this. (CBC)

Instead of the 40 pounds of deer meat per family, they're being offered hot dogs and hamburger meat through the local food bank.

"They have a food insecurity issue and specifically protein," Linton said. "They were just hoping they could secure some food to get them through the winter."
While most of the families told Linton they had never hunted, they do have experience with deer meat.

"All of the families have had experience cooking it and were aware of the different seasoning flavours that you can do," she said.

"It's just kind of sad."

Saint Andrews Deputy Mayor Brad Henderson says he was disappointed when the pilot project was called off. Thirty families had expressed interest. (Philip Drost/CBC)

The poverty line in that area of Charlotte County is about $24,000 a year, but many people try to get by on half that amount.

Many families who would've benefited from the pilot project either lost a job or are living on disability.

"When there's grandchildren living in the home, often they're living on the grandparents' pension."
But Linton is hopeful the project will be able to go ahead next year.

"We're not letting it go."

Deer population a big problem

Brad Henderson, deputy mayor of Saint Andrews, said the project would also decrease the town's deer population.

In August, residents of the town took out a full-page newspaper ad calling on the province and the town to do something.

Henderson said he was told by Natural Resources and Energy Development Minister Mike Holland that the project would go ahead sometime this year.

"One challenge could be another challenge's solution," he said.

About the Author

Elizabeth Fraser
Elizabeth Fraser is a reporter/editor with CBC New Brunswick based in Fredericton. She's originally from Manitoba. Story tip? elizabeth.fraser@cbc.ca


Commenting is now closed for this story.

Johnny Jakobs
Lolol... smoke and mirrors

David Amos 
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Welcome back to the circus

Kyle Woodman
I wonder how many more of Hollands ideas will turn out to be pipe dreams. We were supposed to have a Turkey hunt last fall. It will be interesting to see Rod Cumberland preaching about deer numbers in a place that is lousy with deer.

David Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Methinks you enjoy the circus as much as I do N'esy Pas?


Liberal win in Saint Croix byelection would trigger provincial election, Higgs says

Premier cautions Saint Croix against splitting vote between PCs and Alliance, ending in possible Liberal win

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Dec 31, 2019 8:07 PM AT

Premier Blaine Higgs said losing the Saint Croix and Shediac Bay-Dieppe ridings to the Liberals could lead to a full provincial election. (CBC)

Premier Blaine Higgs says a byelection win for the Opposition Liberals in the riding of Saint Croix would lead to an early provincial election and a risk of the Liberals returning to power by the end of 2020.

Higgs says he will warn voters in the riding against splitting their votes between his Progressive Conservatives and the People's Alliance, a split that could help the Liberals win the seat.

While he wants to avoid going to the polls in 2020, a Liberal win in Saint​ Croix "would probably put me there. I wouldn't have a choice.

"That is obviously in the back of my mind."
Liberal victories there and in another expected byelection in Shediac Bay-Dieppe would shift the standings in the legislature.
The Liberals and Greens would have a combined 25 seats to 24 for the PCs and the Alliance.

That would make it unlikely the PC minority government could win confidence votes and pass legislation even with the support of the Alliance.

"The decision [for voters in Saint Croix] is probably not so much 'Do I support the Alliance over the PCs' or vice versa," Higgs said in a year-end interview. "It's 'Do I really want to take a chance of the Liberals getting back in government?'"

Higgs's comments raise the stakes for the Saint Croix byelection, which he hasn't called yet.

The riding stretches from the village of McAdam to the Bay of Fundy, including the towns of St. Stephen and Saint Andrews.
It has been vacant since the death of PC MLA and cabinet minister Greg Thompson last September.

Will set date by March

Higgs has until March to set a date for the vote. He plans to schedule the byelection for Shediac Bay-Dieppe at the same time.

He said his choice of a date will be based in part on the possibility that losing both ridings would lead to a full provincial campaign.

The Saint Croix byelection will be the first time PC and Alliance candidates campaign against each other while the parties are co-operating in the legislature.

Normally a candidate for the governing party argues during a byelection campaign that he or she will be in the best position to influence government decisions.

But with the Alliance propping up the Tories in exchange for a role in decision-making, the Alliance candidate will be able to make the same case in Saint Croix.
While you can go chasing what might be the possibility of a majority, what we do know right now is we have the possibility to influence the outcome of the province for the better.

- Blaine Higgs, premier
Asked how the PCs will counter that argument, Higgs invoked the risk of a vote split between the two parties.

"What we're going to both have to face is the risk of a Liberal candidate or a Green candidate winning, particularly a Liberal candidate," he said.

This isn't the first time Higgs has threatened an early election. In December he said he'd consider a bill on essential services in nursing homes to be a confidence matter. The bill passed with the support of the Alliance.

But this warning is different because it is aimed at voters, not a handful of MLAs in the legislature.
Despite the high stakes, the premier says he doesn't plan to back away from tough decisions because of the by-election, including planned health reforms to be announced early in the year.

"We're not going to shy away from them. I hope to be able to communicate in a way that people understand the rationale behind everything we do. I would never suggest that means everyone will like it. It's just that they'll understand why."

The premier insisted that he doesn't want an early election, even if some of his advisers believe he'd likely win a majority.

He said so far he's been able to get most of his agenda passed by the legislature, and given how polls can change during a campaign, that would be at risk if he called an election.

"I'm kind of a believer that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, that old adage," Higgs said.

"While you can go chasing what might be the possibility of a majority, what we do know right now is we have the possibility to influence the outcome of the province for the better.

"If it becomes unworkable, it's a different story."

Vote split warning is 'old argument'

One such unworkable outcome would be a defeat in Saint Croix. The PCs won the riding easily in 2018 but four years earlier, the Liberals won the riding, despite a larger combined PC-Alliance vote.

The Alliance plans to run high-profile former wildlife biologist Rod Cumberland in the byelection.
Alliance Leader Kris Austin brushed off Higgs's talk of a vote split, saying that argument "has been used, it's been done, it's an old argument."

He said his party doesn't only draw support from unhappy PCs, and its success in the last election has forced the Higgs government to be more accountable.

"I've always said you should vote for the best candidate and the best policies that line up with your views."

Another variable in the Saint Croix byelection is the Canadian Union of Public Employees, which has vowed to get involved in the campaign and work against the PCs as a response to Higgs's rejection of large wage increases for nursing-home workers.

Yet another factor could be complaints by some members of the PC riding association that a potential nomination candidate was rejected by a party vetting committee without explanation. The association president resigned earlier this week.

'Environment prompted the resignation' 

Association president Vernon Card resigned this week, telling fellow PC members in an email that he was questioning the "positive characteristics" of the party.

He said in an email Wednesday that while the rejection of candidate Lorraine Gilmore Peters was "concerning, it was small compared to the overall environment. This environment prompted the resignation."

He would not do an interview and said he would elaborate in a blog post in late January or early February.

The next provincial budget will be introduced March 10, the same month Higgs plans to call the by-elections--though he is free to pick a date months later.

The PCs have scheduled their convention to nominate a candidate for Jan. 18. The Liberals have not set a date for their convention.

The other riding where a byelection must be called, Shediac Bay-Dieppe, became vacant when former premier Brian Gallant resigned last October. It's expected to stay Liberal.

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Raymond Amos
Welcome back to the Circus folks

Methinks it is obvious that Higgy is worried about the "Tempest in Teapot" no matter what a lawyer who was a wannabe leader long ago may claim N'esy Pas? 

David Raymond Amos
Methinks everybody loves this circus N'esy Pas? 

Anne Berube
Who, but who could be insane enough to ever consider voting liberal!

Claude DeRoche
The Irving government is on it's way out!
David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Dream on
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Only to be replaced by the Liberal Irving Government.
Same old same old. Time for Green or Purple.
Johnny Horton
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
Greens have done nothing but give themselves raises. Same ole typical politicians. They won’t be any different than the cons or libs.

Mac Isaac
 The Liberals would never, in a million years, do this, but wouldn't you love to see what "might" happen if the Liberals made the promise to hold off on any confidence motion...unless forced to do so by a policy that is anathema to their Liberal policies. As a Liberal of long-standing I admit there hasn't been many policies of this P.C. government to which I strongly disagree and, as a New Brunswicker of equally long-standing, I would seriously love seeing these two parties actually work together for the betterment of this province's people. As I said: "...never, in a million years..." Too bad because, like most New Brunswickers, I'm tired of political decisions being settled like a playground spat..

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Mac Isaac: Yea Right Tell us another one

Murray Brown
I wouldn't hold Higgs to that statement... He'll likely change his mind after the Tories lose and decide to grasp onto power for as long as he can.

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Murray Brown:
The libs don’t stand a chance in charlotte county,. Anybody thinking they do, is just out to lunch,

Lewis Taylor 
Reply to @Johnny Horton:
the libs had it recently and if PC and PANB split vote then it could very well happen again. It would be fun if it happened just to see you lose it.

Johnny Horton
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
I’m not sure why you think I want the cons to win. I’ve never stated such. In fact, I want anyone running as an independent to win. Otherwise, as all the parties are about the same, I don’t really care who gets in, they’ll just be there for themselves anyway,

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Murray Brown:
You mean like the libs just did in the last prov election? Hang on for dear life. But sure let’s flog Higgs for it when he hasn’t even done it eat.
God, I’m not s higgs fan, but this hypocrisy is killing me.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Murray Brown: Methinks everybody knows Higgy wants an election ASAP He just wants somebody else to make it happen so he can blame them for it N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Methinks the last person the Irving shill would want to win is an Independent or he would not have attacked me so viciously during the past two elections N'esy Pas?

John Smith
i dunno im thinkin green is almost main stream now they just play for the home team thats the ledge itself we need polyspeakers to speak for unipeople

Johnny Horton
Reply to @john smith:
David c is just as much s typical politician as any blue or red or orange or now purple as well I guess.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @john smith: Methinks you should relax and enjoy the circus you are paying for N'esy Pas?

Mike Connors
I never thought I would see the day when the Premier of this Province would threaten people to vote for him or else. Let's waste more millions on an unnecessary election because his fan club told him he would win a majority. Not from this voter, Blaine., Not from this voter.

Johnny Horton
Reply to @Mike Connors:
So who you gonna vote for instead? The libs and their ATCONs? The PA and their divisive policies? Or maybe the greens who claim they are different, yet coon has done an awesome job of being s politican and giving himself more money.
Higgs might well not be a choice, but not like there is a thing better out there.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Mike Connors: Methinks everybody knows desperate political people often say desperate things and the ones in power always do desperate things with taxpayer funds in order to maintain their mandate N'esy Pas?

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
Methinks citizens doing endless frivolous lawsuits have wasted far more taxpayer money...  

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Methinks many folks should agree that an Irving shill just proved my point on spades N'esy Pas? 

Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Johnny Horton:
People can vote for whoever they want. it is still a democracy.

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
Sure they can snd will. Right now there’s still s lot of resentment in Charlotte county against the libs and their antics. They won’t get many votes.

Robin Chase 
Yikes, what a mess in New Brunswick. I think that most people want the Liberals back in power, but are just giving them a timeout in order for them to get their house in order and be ready for a provincial election with a new leader. It seems like Higgs won by default. People there didn't seem to want him bad enough to give him very much power, and when they get the chance they'll vote Liberal again. I think the next Liberal leader will be premier. Anyway, that's my view from Toronto. Is it accurate?

Johnny Horton  
Reply to @Robin Chase:
Isn’t vickers already anointed emperor?

Fred Brewer
Reply to @Robin Chase: With respect, I think you are dead wrong when you say most people want the Liberals back in power. The people I talk to have not forgotten (nor will they forget) the $70 million of taxpayer's money lost by the Atcon 6, nor will we forget the Francophonie Games debacle and Gallant's poor memory of exactly when he "recused" himself from the Games. The list goes on and on. But the conservatives are just as bad, only in different ways in my opinion. What we desperately need in NB is a breath of fresh air from either the Greens or the Alliance.  

Norman Albert
Reply to @Fred Brewer: There are no good guys in government. Ying and Yang!!!!

Mike Connors 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Higgs wants to waste MILLIONS because his groupies told him he will win a majority. I see a pattern here, every time Blaine doesn't get his own way, he threatens the electorate with an election. Bring it on. Bring it on.

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Mike Connors:
Why shouldn’t he? If s politician can’t deliver the government they want, why should they stick around, so call an election and see if you do have the support of the people.
That’s democracy.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Mike Connors: I concur

Johnny Horton
Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
And we all know what Thst is worth... about what 80 supporters,

Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Norman Albert: With respect, I think that is a jaded view of politics particularly since the Greens and Alliance have never been given a chance to form government and thus we should not judge them until they have been given that chance!

Johnny Horton
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
Without adding: how could they possibly be worse?

Terry Tibbs 
Mr Higgs: no one believes you, go ahead call an election, let's see what you have.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I second that emotion

Terry TibbsReply to @David Raymond Amos:
The BEST thing that could happen would be the government fragment further. More Green and PNAB MLA's, fewer Liberals and CONServatives.
We've seen the shallow pool of talent the CONServatives have for MLA's, and none would be missed, specifically good old Dominic Cardy.
A good, old fashioned, coalition government would work best for the people of NB, though most don't know it.

Mo Bennett
hold yer nose and mark an X. doesn't matter witch one ya pick, they're all the same evil.

Ben Haroldson 
Reply to @mo bennett: That's for sure.

Fred Brewer
Reply to @mo bennett: I would agree that Red or Blue are the same evil but Purple and Green have never had the chance to prove themselves. Since doing the same thing over and over again for the past century has not worked, why not give Purple or Green a chance?

Johnny Horton
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
Greens have been in for two terms here now. They havent shown thst they do anything different. They still give themselves money and buy cotes by only caring about their riding.
And panb despite the balance of power got nothing done.

Larry Larson 
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Johnny, explain how you expect the Green Party with 3 seats to do anything.

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Larry Larson:
I expect them to act differently, start by not voting themselves more money. Follow thst uo by showing concern for ridings they aren’t in office in.

That’s be s good start to show they really will do things differently, be said so fed, it’s the same ole.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @mo bennett: YO MO Everybody knows that is true Methinks that is why so many ordinary folks run as Independents N"esy Pas? 

David Raymond Amos

Content disabled
Reply to @Fred Brewer: As per your MO you and Mo were the first to post your opinions.Methinks even you must find it strange that this comment section did not open until the wee hours of Jan 2nd but say nothing N'esy Pas?

Norman Albert
Reply to @mo bennett: If you can't vote with confidence for one vote for none. Spoiled ballots send a message. You are a concerned citizen but not so gulible as to put any of tghese self serving individuals into a position of limited power.


St. Stephen woman wants to know why PC party quashed Saint Croix candidacy

Lorraine Gilmore Peters says she was 'stunned' after abrupt phone call saying she was rejected

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Jan 02, 2020 5:47 PM AT

Lorraine Gilmore Peters is not happy about 'insinuations' made by the Progressive Conservative Party, which has not told her why her can't run for the Saint Croix seat. (Facebook/Lorraine Gilmore Peters)

A St. Stephen business owner who was prevented from running for the Progressive Conservative nomination in an upcoming byelection says she hasn't been given a reason for the decision.

Lorraine Gilmore Peters tells CBC News that her vetting process was going "great" until a Dec. 20 phone call from the party's executive director telling her that she could not run for the party in the upcoming Saint Croix  byelection.

"I was so stunned, I didn't even have a reply," she said.

The personal trainer and wellness coach now says she believes the controversy will hurt the PC party in the byelection, which could be crucial to the survival of the Higgs government.
"This riding has been left without representation," she said. "The executive locally is falling apart.

"People keep forgetting that this is not about [the party], this is about the voters, this is about the constituents who deserve to have great candidates put forward for them to vote for. They deserve to have representation and they've had none of that."
PC riding association president Vernon Card resigned from his position on Monday. He said in an email that the disqualification was "concerning," but it was "the overall environment" created by the party head office that led him to quit. He would not elaborate.

The Saint Croix riding has been without a member in the legislature since the death of Progressive Conservative Greg Thompson last September. The PCs are set to nominate a candidate Jan. 18 for a byelection that Premier Blaine Higgs says he will schedule in March.

Saint Croix was held for the PCs by Greg Thompson, minister of intergovernmental affairs, until he died in September at the age of 72. (Submitted by Government of New Brunswick)

So far only one candidate, Kathy Bockus, has publicly announced her candidacy.

The race could be decisive for the PC minority government because of the close standings in the legislature.

The PCs are being propped up by the People's Alliance during confidence votes, but that adds up to a narrow 24-22 margin. If the Liberals won Saint Croix and the Speaker of the legislature, a Liberal, resigned, the Tories would have a hard time passing budgets and bills.

Higgs said in a year-end interview that in that circumstance, he'd call an early provincial election.

Vetting process

Gilmore Peters went through a party process that included a criminal background check, the signing up of 25 party members to support her, and what party officials called a "social media scrub" to check for controversial posts in her past.

No red flags were raised during any of those steps, she said, and she has never posted any offensive material.

"I've been in business a long time. So has my husband. We don't have any radical extreme views about anything."

As a newcomer to the party, she said, many of her 25 signatures were people who joined the PCs to support her.

The final step was a panel interview with party officials on Dec. 19 that seemed to go well, to the point that the Tories let her in on how they plan to campaign against the People's Alliance candidate in the riding, she said.

But the next day PC executive director Rick Lafrance told her during "a very stern, authoritative, short call" by telephone that she couldn't run.

'He needs to tell me or he needs to shut up'

Lafrance said in an email statement earlier this week that the vetting process is standard for all candidates. He didn't respond to a request for further comment Thursday.

In an interview earlier this week, PC regional vice-president Cleveland Allaby said Gilmore Peters "obviously would know why" she was rejected.

But Gilmore Peters said she was not told, and she criticized Allaby for identifying anti-gay or anti-French social media posts as examples of the kind of material that can disqualify a candidate.

"If he knows why I was disqualified, then he needs to tell me or he needs to shut up before he gets himself in trouble, because I'm not going to stand by and allow the insinuations to continue," she said, adding she has counselled LGBTQ youth in a personal development program she runs.
She added that "odd things" have happened recently "that seem to point to the fact that somebody doesn't want me to make it to that nominating convention, but it's nothing that I can substantiate with fact."

Gilmore Peters said she hadn't thought ahead to whom she'll support when the byelection takes place or whether she'd consider running for another party.

"I'm going to choose to see this as an opportunity to help in some way, even if it's not necessarily myself at this point. I am going to use this as a benefit to somebody."

But "PCNB's time has expired," she said. "They don't get to say anything now.

"Through this process, I've realized that they don't meet my criteria. … They absolutely have demonstrated that they're not for women's equality. The lack of transparency and accountability is a major problem for me."

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Peters
CBC could be running profiles of the all the candidates...in the nominating process too...in fact, isn't that what taxpayer's are paying them for? Would be nice to know a little background of the ppl running and what their views are/what they hope to accomplish if elected.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Nobody cares except Higgy

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Methinks a certain Irving shill supporting Higgy obviously has his knickers in quite a knot as well N'esy Pas?

Toby Tolly
Reply to @David Peters:
that wouldnt be part of Jacques agenda

Johnny Horton
Reply to @David Peters:
Why the F should anyone care of who wants to run if they are not The one picked. BY the party. Waste of bloody time and money,
Yeah let’s run articles on people who think they might like to run some day and represent some party, brilliant,

Bob McGaw
She went through the vetting process and was good to go. Next day she got a phone call with the thumbs down. She asked why and they said they WON'T tell her. They can but they won't. The riding president resigns with not being comfortable with *** the party is conducting itself and the only candidate left standing is a former employee of the late MLA Greg Thompson and as of a couple of weeks ago, former employee of a current MLA. They should just be honest and tell her why. She subjected herself to scrutiny and they simply refuse to tell her. It's like a teacher giving a test and failing you but not telling you the answers you got wrong. Where do you go from there?

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Bob McGaw: Methinks many political pundits must recall the opinions generated by this article N'esy Pas?

Johnny Horton
Reply to @Bob McGaw:
It’s A but hypocritical you blindly accept her story, and reject other sides. Of course she is trying to make herself look good and an angel.

Lewis Taylor
Reply to @Johnny Horton:
If you know something then say it. if not stop trying to tarnish this person.

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
A good ‘net searcher will answer all your concerns.

Kyle Woodman
Reply to @Johnny Horton: stop gaslighting this woman.

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Kyle Woodman:
Just as soon as she confirms what she did in the past,

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Dream on

Crystal Cook
Bingo..at least one reader has figured it out..An MLA got involved (one with cloat) and that was it...

Johnny Horton
Reply to @Crystal Cook:
Yet if she hadn’t gone off in social media in the last, they wouldn’thsve had a reason to ditch her, not like her hands are ckean  

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Crystal Cook: Methinks it not rocket science figuring out what motivates lawyers no matter their gender or political stripe N'esy Pas? 

JJ Carrier
Reply to @Crystal Cook: Clout... 

Roy Kirk:
A decision without articulated reasons based on facts speaks of incompetence at best.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Roy Kirk: Surely you jest 

Justin Time
Let someone from the decision making process face Lorraine Gilmore Peters in person and tell her why she was rejected. Anything else is less than acceptable.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Justin Time: Methinks the lady doth protest too much. She should just laugh and run as Independent as I always do while often quoting Groucho Marx as my reason for doing so As someone who picked a comical name for an ID I am sure that you agree that one would go crazy if one could not find some fun in this madness called politicking N'esy Pas?

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member" Groucho Marx 

Mike Connors
Lorraine, they did you a favour. Nuff said.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Mike Connors: Methinks Higgy and the media must agree that the fat lady has not sung on this issue yet N'esy Pas? 

Fred Dee
me thinks she knows why!!! She is just angry... A good reason to NOT let her run!!

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Fred Dee: Methinks whereas you emulate my expression you should also agree that Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned N'esy Pas? 

Robin Chase
If Higgs calls a general election, he will probably lose. That's because it seems like the people of New Brunswick have had enough elections for now and just want someone to govern already. If he is forced to call an election, that's one thing, but if he decides to do it because he wants a majority that's something else. I think Lorraine Gilmore Peters is probably too strong a woman for the Conservatives to handle, which is probably the real reason she was rejected as a candidate. She might want to join the Liberals or another party where she has a chance of winning the riding regardless of the fact she's not a PC candidate anymore. That's probably the only way the New Brunswick PC's will get the message that women make good candidates too. Otherwise, it will just be business as usual.

Richard Riel
Reply to @Robin Chase: Take the long road vote NDP for a change.It will keep corporate lobbyist a bay for a while.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Richard Riel: ... just for a while... until they get comfortable in their seat.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks even you must agree it would make for an interesting circus if the NDP/CUPE enlisted Sharon Teare to run against whomever Higgy finally picks N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos
Bob McGaw 
Reply to @Robin Chase: Lorraine is furocious. No quit in her.

Johnny Horton
Reply to @David Raymond Amos:
In Charlotte county rodlike tears would get eaten alive,
. Those country folk don’t tolerate union garbage. 

Murray Brown
 The Irving's rejected her application.... After all... They are now running the current government and the Conservative party. The odd part... They've always been Liberal supporters, because they can rely on the Liberals to raise taxes on everybody except the Irving's, so their ability to infiltrate and take over the Conservative party is quite the coup.

Ray Bungay
Reply to @Murray Brown: That is soooo out of fashion.

Clive Gibbons
Reply to @Murray Brown: Thé Irving's haven't lost an election since Louis Robichaud.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Clive Gibbons: Oh So True 


Kyle Woodman
Did Greg Thompson ever get DTI to take over his private road? Isn't that the only reason he ran the last time. The PC's should be more concerned with Rod Cumberland than Lorraine Gilmore Peters. What a gong show. The PC party has been divided ever since Higgs won the leadership. Lots of loose cannons ready to go off.

Ray Bungay
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: It appears some of those loose canons have already gone off. Time for a new general election to clear the old boys bad air out! Grin

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: As I said to you several times Welcome to the Circus

Bob McGaw 
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: I know Lorraine and Rod both. Lorraine should have been given a reason for decline but watch out. Rod Cumberland has an axe to grind, he's well-known and respected by Charlotte County and area voters. This is going to be real interesting.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Bob McGaw: Say Hey to Rod for me will ya? 

DJ Redfern
First thing to learn about politics.......It's a game and a dirty one at that........

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @DJ Redfern: Methinks that why the PCO exists N'esy Pas?


PC riding president resigns after party bars potential St. Croix candidate

Head office's unexplained decision upsets some PCs in a riding facing key byelection

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Dec 31, 2019 4:31 PM AT

Lorraine Gilmore Peters had planned to seek the nomination at the convention scheduled for Jan. 18, until the Progressive Conservative Party declared she couldn't run. (Facebook/Lorraine Gilmore Peters)

The president of the Progressive Conservative riding association in St. Croix has resigned less than three weeks before party members there are scheduled to pick a candidate for a key byelection.

Vern Card quit on Monday, citing unspecified actions by the party's Fredericton head office that "exceeded my personal and professional comfort levels," according to an email obtained by CBC News.

His resignation happened at the same time some members of the riding executive have been complaining about the party head office rejecting a potential byelection candidate.

Card wrote in his email that in the last two weeks he experienced "situations" that made him question "the positive characteristics" of the party.

Party stopped candidacy

He said he didn't anticipate the party's behaviour to change and "these environments makes it impossible for me to continue" as riding president.

Lorraine Gilmore Peters had planned to seek the nomination at the convention scheduled for Jan. 18, but the party declared she couldn't run.

She wrote in a public Facebook post last Friday that the Women For 50 initiative to recruit more female candidates "is suddenly taking on a whole new meaning for me. We must not tolerate barriers that lack credibility and prohibit women from entering politics."

Gilmore Peters couldn't be reached for comment Tuesday, and Card refused an interview request.

Cleveland Allaby, the party's regional vice-president who chaired the search committee for potential candidates, confirmed in an interview that some members of the riding executive were upset they weren't given reasons for the rejection of Gilmore Peters.

"We don't share that with the riding association," he said. "If someone is precluded, we respect their privacy rights. … That's a personal thing between the party and the potential nominee."

Thwarted candidate knows reason

He said a majority of the riding association board in St. Croix accepted the decision and agreed to move on.

He said Gilmore Peters herself "obviously would know why."

But in a public Facebook post Tuesday afternoon, Gilmore Peters asked, "if a Person is not permitted by a political party to run in an open race, but they meet the criteria, should they be told why?"

Premier Blaine Higgs hasn't set a date for the St. Croix byelection. The riding became vacant last September when PC MLA and cabinet minister Greg Thompson died.

Lorraine Gilmore Peters
on Tuesday
Last question of 2019, please answer with yes or no; if a Person is not permitted by a political party to run in an open race,but they meet the criteria ,should they be told why? Or should a party be able to tell a prospective candidate they are not permitted to run and they do not have the right to know why?

It will be a critical test for Higgs's minority government. If the Liberals win the byelection and another one in their stronghold of Shediac Bay-Dieppe, the PCs and the People's Alliance will no longer have the votes to pass legislation.

Allaby said he doesn't think the "kerfuffle," as he called it, will hurt PC chances in the byelection.

"It's a tempest in a teapot in some regards," he said. "For other people, it's a major issue. … I think the voters in St. Croix want us to get the best local candidate we can get our hands on."

Only one candidate for the PC nomination has announced publicly: Kathy Bockus, a well-known former reporter for the St. Croix Courier newspaper who had been working as a riding assistant to Thompson when he died.

The St. Croix seat was held for the PCs by Greg Thompson, minister of intergovernmental affairs, until he died in September at the age of 72. (Submitted by Government of New Brunswick)

Allaby said at least two other potential candidates have filled out their paperwork and gone through vetting and will make a final decision about declaring before Saturday's deadline.

Provincial PC executive director Rick Lafrance said in an emailed statement that every candidate goes through the same process, including a lengthy application form and a face-to-face interview with a vetting committee.

"The committee looks into a candidate's background, using social media and a variety of other methods," he said.

Allaby said they check for any social media posts that are at odds with party policy or that make negative comments about particular communities.

9 rejected provincewide

He said examples include anti-LGBTQ or anti-French comments, though he wouldn't say if that is what led to Gilmore Peters being disqualified.

He called the process routine and said nine potential PC candidates were rejected in the last provincial election in 2018. "It's not an unusual thing for people to be declined," he said.

The Liberals haven't set a date for their nomination convention in the riding. The People's Alliance plans to nominate retired provincial biologist Rod Cumberland.

The Greens have not said when they will choose a candidate.



Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Raymond Amos

Content disabled
Methinks Higgy must be nursing quite a headache after trying to herd cats at the circus for over a year while Cardy begs for more butter tarts N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos
"Allaby said he doesn't think the "kerfuffle," as he called it, will hurt PC chances in the byelection."

Yea Right

David Davies 
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: it won't,, people already know what sort of rw club the Cons. are. Here's hoping they go down big time and scrap this outdated political party.

David Raymond Amos
Methinks the lawyer/former wannabe PC leader Cleveland Allaby and his blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc know why Rod Cumberland is not running for his Green Meanie pals and that the PANB and the liberals are no doubt enjoying the tempest in the teapot as much as I am N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos
Methinks Vern Card must be clever enough to know if the PANB wins the St. Croix seat then then the goose could be cooked for the liberal and the conservative parties in New Brunswick. If not at least he was smart enough to quit the conservative good old boys club when things started smelling bad in his neck of the woods N'esy Pas?

John Smith 
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: overpowered by fredericton the very reason the on the ground workers stayed home in many ridings and why the tories have lost so much rural ground then add in their desire to claim jurisdiction over ones body leaves them almost unpalatible 

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @john smith: Methinks it should be a small wonder to you why I always run as an Independent Perhaps you and many others should try it sometime N'esy Pas?  

Crystal Cook
Smells of interference by someone in power. Just like my story, secret meetings to destroy me and my credibility. Bet the Same person got her nose stuck in this ! The truth will come out !

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Crystal Cook: Methinks you and Higgy may understand why the motto of my Clan is "Veritas Vincit" just like it was for my Forefathers N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Crystal Cook: Methinks you should review the comments last month N'esy Pas?


David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Crystal Cook: BTW I liked talking to your hubby

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Crystal Cook: Methinks he now understands my hint about butter tarts while Higgy and Cardy are busy herding cats N'esy Pas?

David Stairs
just another prime example as to why we need to rid the province of party politics and vote in a party that represents the people that voted these candidates in ….enough of the good ole boys club and the language elitists who think it is up to government to save their culture and language...get over yourselves and wake up...

Howard Smith
Reply to @David Stairs:
How would you do that?

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Howard Smith: Methinks he makes it fairly obvious that he is tired of the good ole boys club believes that folks should only vote for the PANB However I favour Independents for even more obvious reasons N'esy Pas?

Grant V Bablit
In Alberta where the neo-con mafia is so busy doling out favors that they can't even come up with a logo for their clubhouse. I am suggesting that the homeless people living in the woods all around the city should set up their camps on the legislature and we could have a people's democratic assembly on the outside in the gardens. While corporate reps do their over paid squabbling and bickering inside the palace.

Howard Smith
Reply to @Grant V Bablitz:

"the neo-con mafia" using phrases like this gets your opinion dismissed off the bat.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Howard Smith: Obviously not

Edward St-pierre
I am surprised more people are not talking about the people's party of Canada like they be. Because the Liberals, Conservatives and the NDP are now all parties that have no future vision for the country and it's people. It seems like the parties only care about the party they belong to. I don't hear about what's good for us the people of Canada. But I do hear a lot more about the minority groups taking the spot lite .is that where we are going, small groups only out for themselves.an I'm tired of people saying but they are this and they are that. I will never vote for someone because of what they are.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Edward St-pierre: Methinks you must be bitter about something to keep talking about the lawyer Maxime whats his name and his strange club of good old boys N'esy Pas?

Maxim Waddington
Pity, but the cons in New Brunswick resemble a bunch of CLOWNS.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Maxim Waddington: Welcome to the Circus

David Davies
Another Con job.why are we not surprised by this. It seems that this entire RW organization is out of tune with reality. These Cons. are no longer a political party for the people.They are no more than another arm of that orange unit in the u.s.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @David Davies: Trust that Trump thinks New Brunswick is a town in New Jersey Methinks many left wingnuts in Canada would agree that the orange Yankee has no clue who Higgy is N'esy Pas?

David Peters
People's Alliance has the best platform by far, imo.

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David Peters: and they are the worst, imp. So?

David Peters 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
From your past posts, you seem to support ending corporate welfare and the destructive forestry practices clear-cutting and spraying. Those are PA cornerstones.

Why do you say they're the worst?

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Sow buttons or better yet methinks you should ask CBC to repeat your local hero Marshall Button aka Lucien's recap of politics in NB in 2019 N'esy Pas? 


Lou Bell
Appears Liberal / SANB doesn't have the same vetting process.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yes they do

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should ask your buddy Bruce Northrup why McKenna caused him to be a turncoat and get elected as a PC N'esy Pas?

Grant Lyon
What happened to the grass roots of the party deciding whom they want and not the party elite? Democracy is taking a hit these days.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Grant Lyon: Democracy is a myth

Mac Isaac
There are skeletons in most everybody's cupboard and with the pervasiveness of social media a tiny little slip can, and most likely will, be exploded and embellished into a massive scandal. I don't know this woman and I don't vote in this riding so it doesn't really affect me other than as a fellow human being. As a fellow human being I think it's only fair that the woman be told candidly and in person why she's not acceptable. Maybe there's some remediation she can do to make herself acceptable...maybe not, but she should be given the reason or reasons.

Peter Adamson
Reply to @Mac Isaac: I agree and maybe she was told and she is just denying it to avoid explaining to the media.

Mac Isaac 
Reply to @peter Adamson: It's possible what you suggest but I'm one of those who detests "maybes" and/or "what ifs". They're most often wrong.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @peter Adamson: Methinks the lady doth protest too much N'esy Pas?

Peter Adamson 
Not my party. Not my decision. All parties aim to maximize their chance to win. They must believe that she is not a viable asset for some reason. To make the reason public might be unfair to her. It would seem reasonable to tell her though.

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @peter Adamson: I concur 

Kyle Woodman
Bunch of jokers.
David Raymond Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: As I said Welcome to the Circus

Justin Time
Could it be because of one of her twitter posts where she was disappointed because she attended a Celine Dion concert only to find out it was all sung in French only, which she was not aware of beforehand. Are the PC's that sensitive?? It won't win them any votes in Charlotte county.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Justin Time: Tell me it ain't so!

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Surely you jest

David Raymond Amos 
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Methinks I will Tweet that one for obvious reasons N'esy Pas?

Jim Cyr
This is how the media wins elections for the Libs. The party jettisoned the best candidate. Why?? Guaranteed that this was in response to something she said or did in the past......the CPC was terrified of how the media would “spin” it if they found out. (The media is always looking to take out non-leftists, while they downplay the sins of people like Blackface Justin). But Trump has showed that you don’t have to cower in fear of what the media will try to do to you.....you can attack the media and destroy THEM before they destroy YOU. Remember, you don’t have to cower in fear of the biased media! The best defense is a good offense.

Jim Johnston
Reply to @Jim Cyr: How do you know she was the best candidate? Because you said so?

David Peters
Reply to @Jim Johnston:
How would we know? The media could be running profiles on the candidates, but they don't, for the most part.

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @David Peters: What have you ever read of me in the media during 7 elections?

JJ Carrier 
Unless there is going to be a parachute....

David Raymond Amos

Content disabled
Reply to @JJ Carrier: I doubt you would get through the vetting process

David Raymond Amos
Reply to @David Raymond Amos: Oh My My

Matt Steele
Maybe the prov. PCs are taking a look at what happened in Saint John recently during the federal election , and have learned a lesson about candidate selection . For whatever reason , it was decided that Rodney Weston would be the Federal CPC candidate after Weston had already been defeated previously in both prov. and federal elections . As an end result , a Saint John riding that should have easily been won by the CPC was won by Liberal candidate Wayne Long instead . Weston really had no chance of winning after being defeated in two previous elections , but the CPC decided to back a losing candidate anyway , and ended up losing the riding . Maybe the prov. PCs want to avoid the same mistake in a very important byelection 

David Raymond Amos  
Reply to @Matt Steele: Methinks many would agree that you give them more credit than they are due N'esy Pas?

JJ Carrier 
Reply to @Matt Steele: My sources tell me they might be trying to get a big former PC to run...And load him up for the new cabinet...


N.B. political leaders differ on protests during pandemic


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks the leader of the Green Meanies just figured out that Higgy doesn't care what he thinks N'esy Pas?




Double duty for top civil servant a clear conflict of interest, critics say

Tom MacFarlane's new appointment to Department of Environment and Local Government not announced publicly

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Jun 05, 2020 2:53 PM AT

Tom MacFarlane, deputy minister at the Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development, was recently named to the same top job at the Department of Environment and Local Government, raising concerns of a conflict in interest. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

The top civil servant overseeing provincial forestry and energy policies has been put in charge of the environmental rules that regulate those sectors, raising questions about how he can do both jobs at the same time.

Tom MacFarlane, the deputy minister at the Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development, was recently named to the same top job at the Department of Environment and Local Government.

"It's terrible," said Green Party Leader David Coon. "He will be in a direct conflict of interest."

Lois Corbett, the executive director of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick, said MacFarlane has "a breadth of experience" and "I have a lot of respect for him and his can-do abilities."

Lois Corbett, executive director of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick, said the perception of conflict is sometimes just as dangerous as real conflicts. (CBC)

But "with one hat on as energy and resource development deputy, he has a certain economic agenda to fulfill, but as environment deputy he has to protect water, first of all, and clean air, and natural systems," she said.

"I don't understand, no matter how wide the beam is, how you can walk that beam."

Appointment not made public

MacFarlane's new appointment was approved by the provincial cabinet May 26 and took effect two days later. The cabinet order makes no mention of it being an acting or interim appointment.

Shuffles of deputy ministers are done by Premier Blaine Higgs and are usually announced by the province in press releases, but MacFarlane's was not made public.

It took place when the public's attention was focused on the new COVID-19 outbreak in the Campbellton area.

MacFarlane replaces Kelli Simmonds, who was moved to the position of chairperson of the Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal.

Environment and Local Government Minister Jeff Carr did not respond to an interview request Friday.

'Worst decision that could have been made'

Coon said by holding two top bureaucratic jobs at once, MacFarlane is in the difficult position of having to decide in one department whether to restrict or ban activities promoted by his other department.

"Glyphosate is probably the most publicly well-known example," Coon said.

"Environment regulates it, they're responsible for the Pesticides Control Act, and they have the authority to not sign permits that would prevent its use on Crown land. And the Department of Natural Resources is fully behind its continued use."
Green Party Leader David Coon says Tom MacFarlane will be in a direct conflict of interest in his new position. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

The environment department also regulates buffer zones around streams, brooks and lakes, a role that Coon said "runs right into" forestry operations under Natural Resources.

"This is the worst decision that could have been made," he said. "I don't know what government was thinking when they decided that pairing those two departments under a single deputy made any sense."

Corbett said New Brunswickers "have to respect our civil service and trust that they have the highest level of professionalism at all times. But what I'm concerned about is that the perception of conflict is sometimes just as dangerous as real conflicts."

No meaningful change

Earlier this year at the first hearings by a legislative committee on climate change, MacFarlane acknowledged there was still no strategy to meet emissions targets in the energy sector, three years after the provincial climate plan called for one.

"It's a fairly extensive effort to do such a thing," he said.
Last fall, MacFarlane told the legislature's public accounts committee the department had "very little input" into NB Power's partnership with Joi Scientific because the department lacked the expertise to assess the company's hydrogen technology.

And in 2017, MacFarlane told the same committee his department still hadn't implemented a recommendation by the auditor general to give private woodlot owners a more reliable share of the wood being sold to major forestry mills.

"I think we're continuing to work on that recommendation," MacFarlane said.

A shrinking share of fibre from private woodlots, and a corresponding larger share from publicly-owned Crown land, contributed to the U.S. government ending an exemption for New Brunswick from softwood lumber duties in 2017.
Natural Resources and Energy Development Minister Mike Holland announced last December that woodlots would get to sell more, while wood from Crown land would remain at the same level over the next five years.

But Coon said Friday that without changes to legislation, that didn't amount to much.

"There's just been lots of verbiage from the minister on this but no actual meaningful change," he said.



David Amos
Methinks the leader of the Green Meanies just figured out that Higgy doesn't care what he thinks N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: No one cares what he thinks

Justin Gunther
 I bet Rock n Roll Kevin Cormier's cracking a Friday cold one with a big grin on his face over this story.

Corrie Weatherfield 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: why did they not just give the library job to this guy as well ? Save us $100,000 +

David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: I will throw my two bits in your corner


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks many folks are growing very weary of the orders created by Higgy's beloved Dr. Russell N'esy Pas? 




Face coverings mandatory to enter public buildings starting Tuesday

No new cases of COVID-19, 1 more person has recovered

Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon· CBC News· Posted: Jun 05, 2020 2:13 PM AT

Masks made at home should be large enough to cover your mouth and nose, and should have no gaps on the sides, chief medical officer of health Dr. Jennifer Russell advises. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

New Brunswickers must wear a face covering to enter buildings open to the general public, starting Tuesday, the province has announced.

The state of emergency declaration was revised Friday to require people to wear a mask that covers their mouth and nose upon entering buildings, such as stores and restaurants.

"Once inside the building and if you are able to maintain physical distancing of two metres, the mask can be removed," the government clarified in a tweet shortly after 6 p.m., nearly four hours after the news release was issued.

Children under the age of two, children attending licensed early education and child-care facilities, and anyone unable to wear face coverings due to medical issues are exempt from the order.

Up until now, face coverings were only required in locations where keeping a physical distance of six feet, or two metres, was not possible.

Small price to pay

Matt Savage, who owns Savage's Bicycle Centre in Fredericton, said the new rule is a small price to pay to be able to operate his store.

"If that's what you have to do to open your doors, I'm OK with that," he said."And I think you'll find that most businesses will be as well. They're going to do what they have to do. It's better than the alternative, right?"

Savage doesn't think the mask requirement will keep customers away either. He said they've been very patient since his shop reopened.

"There are times when we've had to have people waiting outside when we couldn't accommodate them. So, I think most people are really on board with this stuff and really want to do their part."

Matt Savage, president of Downtown Fredericton Inc., said business owners have gotten used to having to make required adjustments throughout the pandemic. (Mike Heenan/CBC)

If anything, the masks will serve as a "nice reminder that we're not really out of the woods from this thing yet," said Savage.

"It almost feels like we're back to normal to a certain degree, [but] we've had to really remind customers that we're still in this."
Savage, who is also the president of Downtown Fredericton Inc., said businesses will have to plan for the new requirement over the next few days. But he doesn't expect that will be a problem.

"I think you have to be adaptable and you just kind of roll with the punches," he said.

Businesses with any questions should contact WorkSafeNB, the government said.

People should not wear face masks all the time or for extended periods, chief medical officer of health Dr. Jennifer Russell said Wednesday. 1:35

New Brunswick recorded no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Friday, and one more recovered patient, as most of the province progressed to next step of the yellow phase of the COVID-19 recovery plan, which involves a further loosening of restrictions.

It comes one day after New Brunswick had its first COVID-19-related death.

New Brunswick has 14 active cases of the respiratory disease, all in the Campbellton region, also known as Zone 5.
Four people remain in hospital, including one person in intensive care.

Officials have linked the outbreak, which began on May 21, to a medical professional who travelled to Quebec for personal reasons and returned to work without self-isolating for 14 days.

Eased restrictions

Effective Friday, indoor gatherings of up to 10 people in private homes are permitted across the province, except for the Campbellton region, which remains under the stricter orange phase of recovery.

Outdoor gatherings of up to 50 people, and religious services with up to 50 people, including weddings and funerals, are also permitted, indoors or outdoors, with physical distancing.

Residents in long-term care facilities are allowed to have up to two visitors outdoors, with physical distancing, provided the facilities are able to accommodate them.

"Low-contact" team sports are permitted.

In addition, the following businesses are now allowed to open:
  • Swimming pools, saunas and waterparks, with a limit of 50 people in each activity area.
  • Gyms, yoga and dance studios.
  • Rinks and indoor recreational facilities, with a limit of 50 people in each activity area, and limit of 50 spectators.
  • Pool halls and bowling alleys.
The death of 84-year-old Daniel Ouellette on Thursday marked a 'very sad day for all New Brunswickers,' the chief medical officer of health said. (Submitted by Michel Ouellette)

On Thursday, Daniel Ouellette, 84, a resident at the Manoir de la Vallée in Atholville, who tested positive last Sunday, died at the Campbellton Regional Hospital at 5:10 a.m.

Four other elderly residents and four employees of the long-term care facility have also tested positive. One of the infected health-care workers lives in Quebec and will be counted in that province's statistics.

New Brunswick has recorded 136 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began in March.

 As of Friday, 121 people have recovered.

To date, 32,954 tests have been conducted.

ECGs at Moncton Coliseum

Beginning Monday, all scheduled outpatient ECG exams at the Moncton Hospital will be temporarily relocated to the Moncton Coliseum, at 377 Killam Dr., the Horizon Health Network announced on Friday.

"This temporary relocation will allow Horizon to increase the volume of services while maintaining physical distancing requirements," the regional health authority said in a statement.

Horizon will contact patients with scheduled appointments for basic ECG exams, Holter device monitoring and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to provide further information.

Patients who arrive without an appointment will be asked to return home and contact their health-care provider, it said.

The Moncton Coliseum, which has served as a COVID-19 assessment centre, will now also be used for ECG exams, the Horizon Health Network announced on Friday. (HorizonHealthNB/Twitter)

Patients should attend their appointment alone, unless they require assistance, in which case one support person will be allowed, and should arrive no more than 15 minutes early, or they may be asked to wait in their vehicle.

Upon arrival, they'll be screened for COVID-19 symptoms, asked to clean their hands and to don a mask.

Those who have a mask are asked to bring their own, but one will be provided for anyone who doesn't have one.

"If you do not wear a mask you will be asked to return home and contact your health care provider," Horizon said.

What to do if you have symptoms

People concerned they might have COVID-19 can take a self-assessment on the government website at gnb.ca.

Public Health says symptoms shown by people with COVID-19 have included: a fever above 38 C, a new cough or worsening chronic cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, new onset of fatigue, new onset of muscle pain, diarrhea, loss of sense of taste or smell, and difficulty breathing. In children, symptoms have also included purple markings on the fingers and toes.

People with two of those symptoms are asked to:
  • Stay at home.
  • Call Tele-Care 811 or their doctor.
  • Describe symptoms and travel history.
  • Follow instructions.

With files from Gary Moore


David Amos
Methinks many folks are growing very weary of the orders created by Higgy's beloved Dr. Russell N'esy Pas?  

Janice small
I'm not wearing a mask... We live in the safest place in North America,,, Jen and Higgs you are pushing your good fortune by telling us to wear a mask in public places... I will face a judge and media today over this... I'm not allowing you Mr Higgs to forced me to wear a mask...DONT PUSH YOUR GOOD FURTUNE BLAINE..

David Amos 
Reply to @Janice small: I second that emotion

Alex Stevens
Reply to @Janice small: What they'll do is threaten stores with fines if the store does not comply and force people to wear a mask to enter. I foresee a lot of not very nice scenes at stores..

Alex Stevens
Take your masks and shove 'em, I'm not doing this no more!

David Amos 
Reply to @Alex Stevens: Methinks its High Time to reject this nonsense N'esy Pas?

Matt Steele
So who is Premier Higgs going to get to enforce this mask wearing rule . Is he going to hire another 10,000 wanna be cop rejects like he has trying to enforce border entrance rules . This is really turning into a massive clown show with Higgs and his Chief Medical Officer as the ringmasters . I suspect that Higgs will take Kris Austin and the Peoples Alliance down with him at election time for supporting this foolishness .

David Amos 
Reply to @Matt Steele: Methinks you are beginning to sound like mean old me N'esy Pas?


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks many media people and some other folks must recall the last thing the leader of the KISS Party said the only time he was permitted to debate the other party leaders N'esy Pas? Need I say BS???


N.B. political leaders differ on protests during pandemic

Premier Higgs acknowledges inconsistencies between rules restricting gatherings and allowing protests

CBC News· Posted: Jun 05, 2020 2:29 PM AT

More than 350 people gathered to hear organizers speak and chant slogans like 'black lives matter' and 'no justice, no peace' at a protest in Moncton. (Guy LeBlanc/Radio-Canada)

The New Brunswick premier says there is "inconsistency" between allowing large protests and banning other gatherings under COVID-19 restrictions, but the decision was made not to move in on protesters in order to maintain "balance."

"It's a health risk to the people that participated and all would know that," said Premier Blaine Higgs.

"But it's a choice they made."

Higgs said any attempt to move the protesters would "likely lead to more chaos."
This week the province saw several large protests against anti-black racism spurred by the murder of George Floyd, a Minneapolis man who was killed after a police officer put his knee on his neck for almost nine minutes.

That officer has since been charged with second-degree murder and three other officers have also been brought up on charges.

While the protests have drawn hundreds of people, until Friday COVID-19 rules have limited outdoor public gatherings to 10 or less with physical distancing.

This has meant the cancellation of many events, including graduations and proms.

But the province has also allowed protests often during the pandemic, with at least five unrelated protests taking place in Fredericton since restrictions started, including protests against the COVID-19 restrictions and mandatory vaccination legislation.

Opposition weighs in

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said he does see an inconsistency between the rules and the protests, but he supports an individual's right to protest.

Be he said others have had their rights put on pause, including the right to worship.

"Churches have been limited and shuttered for quite some time," said Austin.

"I do think the rules should apply evenly across the board."

Information Morning - Fredericton
Covid all-party task force - June 5
New Brunswick has reported its first death from COVID-19. What are the implications as we head into the next phase of recovery?  Premier Blaine Higgs, Liberal leader Kevin Vickers, Green Party leader David Coon, and Kris Austin leader of the People's Alliance make up the task force. 21:43

Green Party Leader David Coon said it was important the protest go ahead.

"The right to assemble and demonstrate in a democracy is sacred and it's very difficult to say, 'That's not happening,'" said Coon.

"For the vast majority of people who participated in these demonstrations were wearing facemasks, which is really important."

LIberal Leader Kevin VIckers wouldn't comment on if there was any inconsistency between the rules and the protest, but he said he did feel precautions were taken by the protesters.

"There were well over 50 people there for sure, possibly a couple of hundred," said Vickers.

"Social distancing I would say for the most part was more than being respected."

With files from Information Morning Fredericton


David Amos

Content disabled
Deja Vu Anyone???

2018 New Brunswick Provincial Election Leaders Debate


David Amos 
Methinks many media people and some other folks must recall the last thing the leader of the KISS Party said the only time he was permitted to debate the other party leaders N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Need i say BS???

Trudeau takes a knee at anti-racism protest on Parliament Hill


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks many folks agree with the political lawyer Ahmed Hussen However many more with 2 clues between their ears should be very embarrassed the leader of Canada would do such a thing N'esy Pas? 



Trudeau takes a knee at anti-racism protest on Parliament Hill

'I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says

John Paul Tasker· CBC News· Posted: Jun 05, 2020 5:33 PM ET

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a knee for eight minutes and 46 seconds of silence, the length of time that a Minneapolis police officer knelt on George Floyd's neck before his death, at an anti-racism protest on Parliament Hill Friday. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made an appearance at an anti-racism protest on Parliament Hill today, showing up unannounced to hear speeches from activists demanding fairer treatment from police for minorities.

Trudeau joined the large crowd in kneeling for eight minutes and 46 seconds — which is how long a Minneapolis police officer held down George Floyd with his knee on his neck before he died. The African-American man died while in police custody on May 25; all four officers at the scene now face charges.

Protesters in other cities have asked police officers to kneel to show respect for black people who have been killed in police custody. Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders also took a knee during a protest in that city today.

Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick launched the kneeling gesture some years ago by dropping to one knee during the national anthem to protest violent police treatment of African-Americans. His critics accused him of showing disrespect for the anthem and the American flag.
Trudeau tried to blend into the crowd Friday — but TV cameras and the RCMP security detail made his presence known to the roughly 4,000 activists gathered around the Centennial Flame on the lawn at Parliament Hill. Trudeau told his security detail to stop pushing people as he made his way closer to the stage where the speakers were addressing the crowd.

Trudeau initially was met with chants of "Stand up to Trump!" and "Go away!" from some in the crowd. The yelling died down as local black leaders started speaking about their calls for an end to racial injustice at home and abroad.

WATCH | Justin Trudeau takes a knee during anti-black racism protest

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made an appearance at an anti-racism rally on Parliament Hill in Ottawa Friday. He was met with chants of "Stand up to Trump!" from the crowd and kneeled for eight minutes and 46 seconds to remember George Floyd. 1:47

The Trump chant was a reference to the prime minister's reluctance to condemn U.S. President Donald Trump by name over his handling of the protests.

Trudeau was asked this week to respond to the president's threat to deploy active duty military personnel on protesters in U.S. cities — a question that Trudeau answered after a 21-second pause.

The prime minister clapped Friday as the assembled speakers chanted "black lives matter" and called on those in power to do more to address systemic racism.

Someone in the crowd handed the prime minister a T-shirt with that slogan emblazoned on the front.
Trudeau was accompanied by Families Minister Ahmed Hussen, a Somali-Canadian who has spoken out about the racism he has faced in Canada.
"I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a knee and clapping when people say 'black lives matter,'" Hussen said. "It's incredibly powerful for him to come and be part of this."

The crowd on hand for the Parliament Hill protest was a multi-racial cross-section of the city, something Hussen said gives him "a lot of hope in the future."

WATCH | Ahmed Hussen says the PM's action were 'pretty powerful'

Families Minister Ahmed Hussen spoke with reporters after attending the anti-racism rally on Parliament Hill with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau June 5. 1:29

After the speeches, the protesters moved down Wellington St., which runs right in front of the Prime Minister's Office in downtown Ottawa.

NDP Jagmeet Singh also took part in similar anti-black racism protests in Toronto. He marched with the activists to that city's Nathan Phillips Square.

"We need to be heard. People need to be heard," Singh said in a video post on his Instagram page.

"People want justice, they want systemic change and an end to racial profiling."

About the Author

John Paul Tasker
Parliamentary Bureau
John Paul (J.P.) Tasker is a reporter in the CBC's Parliamentary bureau in Ottawa. He can be reached at john.tasker@cbc.ca.


Erica Nashir
So he can attend a rally with thousands in close proximity, but too dangerous to be in the House of Commons, with social distancing procedures in place


james Jones
Reply to @Marie Harris: parliament is shut down - there is no oversight on how the liberals are spending.

If JT can attend a rally (photo op) it’s time for him to stop hiding in his cottage and explain to taxpayers how he plans to pay back the BILLIONS he borrowed before and after Covid 19.

Bort Smith 
Reply to @Marie Harris:
Virtual Parliament is not parliament. It's a sham by the Liberals to hide from scrutiny.

David Amos
Reply to @Erica Nashir: 'I think it's powerful when you have the head of government taking a knee,' Minister Ahmed Hussen says

Methinks many would agree with that political lawyer however many more should be very embarrassed that our leader would do such a thing N'esy Pas?


Federal ministers express outrage over N.B. shooting death of Chantel Moore

26-year-old woman from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation killed Thursday

Shane Magee· CBC News· Posted: Jun 05, 2020 11:41 AM AT

Chantel Moore, 26, grew up on Vancouver Island but left recently to live in New Brunswick where she joined her mother and five-year-old daughter, Gracie. (Chantel Moore/Facebook)

Eight investigators with Quebec's independent police watchdog group have been sent to Edmundston to investigate a police officer's actions leading up to the shooting death of Chantel Moore early Thursday.

Moore, a 26-year-old woman from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation in British Columbia, was shot as police were carrying out a wellness check.

Police in the northwestern New Brunswick city say Moore ran out of her apartment onto a balcony with a knife, threatening the officer who then shot her.

In a news release, Quebec's Independent Investigations Office said it will determine if the information released by police is correct. Sylvie Boutin, a spokesperson for the organization, said no interviews will be provided during the investigation, which could take a few months to complete.

Moore's death has drawn national attention at a time of increased scrutiny on the use of force by police in Canada and the United States.

Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller, speaking during a news conference Friday in Ottawa, said he's "outraged" by the continuing pattern of police violence against Indigenous people in Canada.

"I don't understand how someone dies during a wellness check," Miller said about Moore's death, adding when he first heard about it he thought it was some kind of a morbid joke.

Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller says there is a 'pattern' of police violence against Indigenous people in Canada, citing the shooting death of a New Brunswick woman earlier this week and a video that appears to show police in Kinngait, Nunavut, striking a man with the door of a pickup truck. 2:00

First Nations leaders in British Columbia issued a statement Thursday evening condemning the police actions and expressed outrage over her "tragic and senseless death."

The shooting occurred just over a year after the release of the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Doug White, chair of the BC First Nations Justice Council, said the government has failed to act on the report.

"De-escalation training and racial bias training is urgently needed across this country to avoid another senseless loss," White said.
Our hearts are with Chantel Moore’s family, friends and community. We mourn her loss with you.
Many have questions about the exact circumstances which led to her death, and her loved ones and community deserve those answers through the independent review announced by the police.

Federal Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Carolyn Bennett tweeted Thursday that her heart is with Moore's family, friends and community.

"Another Indigenous woman is no longer with us," Bennett wrote. "Significant work remains to ensure that all Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people have access to the supports they need and can walk safely, wherever they live."

The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council, representing 14 First Nations along the Pacific coast of Vancouver Island, issued a statement calling for answers.
"The family and community of Chantel needs answers as to why she was shot on a health check by the police," the statement said. "Justice must not wait and every power must be exerted to ensure that justice is served in an appropriate, immediate, and respectful way."

The council also called for police practices that de-escalate situations and to use trauma-informed approaches.

Edmundston police on Thursday said the officer didn't attempt to use non-lethal force, though that would be part of the independent investigation. The force in the city of 16,500 along the border with Maine does not use body cameras.

Edmundston Mayor Cyrille Simard has yet to comment on what happened. A spokesperson for the city said neither the municipality or the police force would be commenting now that the independent investigation is underway.

NB Power pulls out of Maritime Iron project, company says


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks most folks are not aware that the boss of NB Power asked the EUB months ago to delay its decision on its second stab at getting an OK to buy "Not So Smart" Meters N'esy Pas? 



NB Power pulls out of Maritime Iron project, company says

NB Power has not offered any comment on cancelled project

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Jun 05, 2020 3:04 PM AT

The Belledune Iron Processing Facility, highlighted in yellow, was to be located next to the NB Power Belledune Generating Facility.

NB Power is pulling out of a proposed joint project with Maritime Iron that would see a high-emissions iron processing plant built in the village of Belledune.

Maritime Iron confirmed in a written statement that it was "surprised and disappointed" that the utility had withdrawn from talks on the proposal "despite continued positive progress that has already resolved most challenges to date."

Maritime Iron had been hoping to start building the iron processing facility this year. It said it would create 1,300 direct jobs during construction and 200 permanent jobs during the plant's operations.

The plan was to link the plant to NB Power's Belledune generating station, which would burn gas byproduct from the iron plant, allowing the utility to reduce its coal consumption.

"NB Power's decision to suspend negotiations means that we will jointly miss an opportunity for substantive economic development in the province," said the statement from Maritime Iron's vice-president of communications and public affairs Elena Mantagaris.

She said the company will continue to seek "direct engagement" with the provincial government to keep the project alive.

"We remain certain that there are multiple ways to advance this project in New Brunswick," she said.
But Maritime Iron's own environmental impact assessment document, submitted to the province in January, made it clear that the business case for the project was stronger with NB Power involved.

"A standalone operating scenario configuration was investigated but determined to be less favourable than the integrated scenario configuration," it said.

The document says putting the iron plant next to thegeneratingstation would "result in fewer overall greenhouse gas emissions, and … in significant savings in capital expenditures."

Stumbling block

Even with NB Power's participation, the proposal faced a huge environmental stumbling block.

Maritime Iron's submission says the two facilities would emit a combined 4.9 million tons of greenhouse gases, almost double the 2.6 million tons Belledune now emits alone.

NB Power's withdrawal would mean even higher emissions: the EIA submission says the two plants operating separately would emit a combined 6.5 million tons of GHGs.

NB Power spokesperson Marc Belliveau refused to confirm the utility's withdrawal Friday afternoon.
In the EIA document, Maritime Iron argued that supplying the Belledune plant with a gas byproduct as a fuel source would reduce coal consumption by 50 per cent and allow the power plant to continue operating past a federal coal phaseout in 2030.

But any continued burning of coal at Belledune would need the province to sign a so-called equivalency agreement with Ottawa to exempt the plant from the phase-out in return for equal emissions cuts elsewhere in New Brunswick.

Maritime Iron has argued that the higher emissions from its plant would be offset by global emissions reductions, because the New Brunswick plant would displace higher-emitting iron processors in other countries and would enjoy shorter shipping distances to buyers.
But Canada, and New Brunswick, can't earn any credit for such reductions because there is no global agreement in place on how to measure and exchange reduction credits.

New Brunswick's official emissions reductions goal for 2030 is 14.1 million tons. Data from 2018 show the province emitted 13.2 tons in 2018, meaning the net increase of 2.3 million from Maritime Iron plant would cause the province to start exceeding its targets again.

"Implementing the project will make it difficult for New Brunswick to achieve its current aspirational climate change goal" once the plant begins operating in 2022, Maritime Iron said in its EIA submission.

About the Author

Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


David Amos
Methinks most folks are not aware that the boss of NB Power asked the EUB months ago to delay its decision on its second stab at getting an OK to buy "Not So Smart" Meters N'esy Pas?

Jon White
Has anybody had enough of this circus they call NB Power??? They would muck up a 2 customer paper route!!

David Amos 
Reply to @Jon White: Methinks if you enjoy the circus you should check my arguing NB Power within the EUB Most of the documents are open for public view Much to the chagrin of Higgy et al trust that the submission I filed today in the 357 Matter was a dilly even if I say so myself N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise 

Provincial border bans during COVID-19 spark lawsuits, anger from Canadians denied entry


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks it would be interesting to see Geoff Budden and Cara Zwibel explain why Kim Taylor got to go to the Rock after I posted a few comments and made a few phone calls N'esy Pas?



Provincial border bans during COVID-19 spark lawsuits, anger from Canadians denied entry

Provinces say travel restrictions remain necessary to avoid spreading coronavirus

Sophia Harris· CBC News· Posted: Jun 06, 2020 4:00 AM ET

Peace officers stationed at New Brunswick land border crossings are authorized to turn away visitors who don't have permission to enter. (Shane Fowler/CBC)

Lesley Shannon of Vancouver was devastated when New Brunswick rejected her request last month to enter the province to attend her mother's burial.

"I'm mystified, heartbroken and angry," said Shannon on Wednesday. "They're basically saying my mother's life has no value."

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island and the three territories have temporarily barred Canadian visitors from entering their borders unless they meet specific criteria, such as travelling for medical treatment.

The provinces and territories say the extreme measures are necessary to protect their residents from the spread of the novel coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 illness.

But the border bans have fuelled criticism from civil rights advocates who argue barring fellow Canadians is unconstitutional. The travel restrictions have also angered Canadians denied entry for travel they believe is crucial.

"I'm not trying to go to my aunt's or cousin's funeral. This is my mother, my last living parent," said Shannon, who grew up in Rothesay, N.B.

Lesley Shannon of Vancouver, right, pictured with her late mother, Lorraine, was infuriated when New Brunswick rejected her request last month to enter the province to attend her mother's burial. (Submitted by Lesley Shannon)

Protecting health of its citizens

On Thursday, shortly after CBC News asked for comment on Shannon's case, the New Brunswick government announced it will reopen its borders starting June 19 to Canadian travellers with immediate family or property in New Brunswick. It also plans to grant entry to people attending a close family member's funeral or burial.

The province's Campbellton region, however, remains off limits.

Shannon was happy to hear the news, but is unsure at this point if she'll get permission to enter the province in time for her mother's burial. She would first have to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival, as required by the province, and the cemetery holding her mother's body told her the burial must happen soon.

"I'm just hoping that [permission comes] fast enough for me."
New Brunswick told CBC News that restricting out-of-province visitors has served as a key way to protect the health of its citizens.

"It's necessary because of the threat posed by travel: all but a handful of New Brunswick's [COVID-19] cases are travel cases," said Shawn Berry, spokesperson for the Department of Public Safety, in an email.

Legal challenges

Kim Taylor of Halifax was so upset over being denied entry in early May to attend her mother's funeral in Newfoundland and Labrador she launched a lawsuit against the province.

"I certainly feel like the government has let me and my family down," she said.

Shortly after speaking publicly about her case, Taylor got permission to enter the province —11 days after initially being rejected. But the court challenge is still going ahead — on principle.

"It's not right. No province in Canada can shut its borders to Canadian citizens,"alleged Taylor's lawyer, John Drover.

Kim Taylor said Newfoundland and Labrador's decision to deny her entry into the province following her mother's death exacerbated her grief. (CBC)

Violates charter, CCLA says

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) has joined the lawsuit and has sent letters to each of the provinces and territories banning Canadian visitors, outlining its concerns.

The CCLA argues provinces and territories barring Canadians violates the country's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which states that every Canadian has the right to live and work in any province.

The CCLA said if a province or territory limits those rights, its reasons must be justified.

"So far, what we've seen from these governments hasn't convinced us that there is good evidence that these limits are reasonable," said Cara Zwibel, director of CCLA's fundamental freedoms program.

"The existence of a virus in and of itself is not enough of a reason."

Cara Zwibel is director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association's fundamental freedoms program. The CCLA argues provinces and territories barring Canadians violates the country's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. (Submitted by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association)

Newfoundland and Labrador also faces a proposed class-action lawsuit launched this month, representing Canadians denied entry who own property in the province.

"The issue that our clients take is that this [restriction] is explicitly on geographic grounds and that seems to be contrary to the Charter of Rights," said Geoff Budden, a lawyer with the suit, which has not yet been certified.

The Newfoundland and Labrador government told CBC News it's reviewing the lawsuits. They have both been filed in the province's Supreme Court.

On Wednesday, Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Dwight Ball defended the province's travel restrictions, arguing they remain necessary to avoid spreading the virus.

"This is put in place to protect Newfoundlanders and Labradorians; it's not about shutting people out," he said.

WATCH | Inside the fight against COVID-19:


Inside the fight against COVID-19

Apr 13, 2020

The National’s Adrienne Arsenault gets rare access inside a Toronto hospital during the global COVID-19 pandemic to see first-hand what staff are up against. Some of what our team saw and captured on camera may be difficult to watch.

What about a 14-day isolation?

The rest of Canada's provinces have each advised against non-essential travel for now but are still allowing Canadian visitors to enter their province. Nova Scotia and Manitoba, however, require that visitors self-isolate for 14 days. CCLA's Zwibel said that rule may be a less restrictive way for a province to protect its residents during the pandemic.

"The Charter of Rights does require that if governments do place limits on rights, they do so in a way that impairs them as little as possible," she said.
Back in Vancouver, a frustrated Shannon points out that New Brunswick is already allowing temporary foreign workers into the province— as long as they self-isolate for 14 days. However, her invitation is still pending.

"It's very upsetting to think I'm less welcome in New Brunswick than somebody who was not even born in Canada," she said.

About the Author

Sophia Harris
Business reporter
Sophia Harris covers business and consumer news. Contact: sophia.harris@cbc.ca


David Amos
Methinks the Crown should advise the lawyers Geoff Budden and Cara Zwibel that I am still alive and paying attention They all know I am capable of filing my own lawsuits N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Methinks Sophia Harris should dig up the copies of two lawsuits I sent her on July 16th 2002 N'esy Pas? 

Richard Sharp
The Trudeau Libs are rightly allowing the premiers to manage their provinces' opening up, and the outcomes are different. There will always be anecdotal evidence of screw-ups. One will do.

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Richard Sharp: Methinks you know as well as I who caused these so called "screw-ups" in the first place N'esy Pas? 

Richard Sharp
Going into Covid-19, Trudeau was hated by two thirds of the premiers in the country. As in public personal attacks by all of them.

Not now.

Ron Kennedy
Reply to @Richard Sharp:
Whats it up to now .. 9 tenths?

Richard Sharp
Reply to @Ron Kennedy:
The opposite. Trudeau, Freeland and others have earned a lot of respect from their provincial partners in these challenging times.

Fred Dee
Reply to @Richard Sharp: by giving $$$$$$$$. Justin is great at giving out money that we do not have daily!!!! At least talk about it,,,,, follow through is not so great. but of course, that is nothing new!!

David Amos
Reply to @Richard Sharp: So You say

David Amos
Reply to @Ron Kennedy: Methinks you were low balling your guess in order to raise the ire of Sharpy N;esy Pas? 


Richard Sharp
Mobility rights are a constitutional thing. In Europe, a game changer.

Here? We should absolutely be allowed to go to our summer homes, anywhere. We are adult enough to bring our own supplies, to self-isolate and to return to our cities if we get any symptoms of the virus.

Brad Arvisais 
Reply to @Richard Sharp: Some people are adult enough, not everyone though.

David Sampson 
Reply to @Richard Sharp:
You may be adult enough Richard but judging from the huge numbers who invaded Cottage country north of Toronto, against restrictions, and swarmed small country stores, it would seem you are in the minority hence the restrictions!

Fred Dee
Reply to @Brad Arvisais: agreed!!! again, DR in NB, snow birds in Quebec and people given permission to cross to work being caught shopping at Walmart in Northern NB!!! People want what they want and do not care about rules and others health!! It is all about ME!!!!

Lieschen Mueller
Reply to @Richard Sharp: Unfortunately, far far many are not adult enough. Look at how people are acting, gathering en masse in groups, not wearing masks, look at that New Brunswick physician and you know why these restrictions are in place are required.

David Amos
Reply to @Lieschen Mueller: Methinks the doctor you refer to had every right to go get his kid and lots of folks agree with me N'esy Pas?

Jenetta Hassett
Fake scamplandemic! I totally agree with the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and I'm glad there will be lawsuits. Canadians no matter where they live in Canada have fundamental rights to attend the funeral and burial of their loved ones. No government at any level has the right to sanction that.

Fred Dee
Reply to @Jenetta Hassett: yet in NFLD, one person caused a large outbreak attending a funeral!!! Going to a funeral could cause other funerals!!! So, if a person wishes to go to one, they should agree that they will cover ALL expenses of any infections they could cause, and any damages!!! Could be millions!!!!!

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Fred Dee: Methinks it would be interesting to see a few lawyers explain why Kim Taylor got to go to the Rock after I posted a few comments and made a few phone calls N'esy Pas? 

Richard Sharp
Canadians have suffered because of provincial jurisdiction over health care during this pandemic. That is so obvious. One can argue the federal government is scrimping on health care but that's provincial jurisdiction. Square the circle.

David Amos 
Reply to @Richard Sharp: Who oversees the RCMP???

Ewa Adams
Breach of mobility rights under the Charter..

Denny O'Brien 
Reply to @Ewa Adams: you rights stop when you put others in danger

John Foley 
Reply to @Ewa Adams: Should these rights also be applied to cases where people are taken into custody, tried, convicted and sentenced to incarceration for a crime? My point is, there are circumstances where mobility rights are trumped by the need for public safety.

Ewa Adams 
Reply to @Denny O'Brien: Whether the circumstances will meet the legal treshold of 'danger' is to be seen :-)

Ewa Adams  
Reply to @John Foley: And point is in my other answer...we will see :-)

David Amos
Reply to @Ewa Adams: "Breach of mobility rights under the Charter"


Ron Kennedy
Quebec should hold another referendum.

David Amos 
Reply to @Ron Kennedy: I concur

Richard Sharp
Reposting: My Phd niece living in Boston has accepted a teaching job at Carleton U. She has 2 kids and a Phd husband, who unfortunately is American. He can't cross the border to move here with his family. How crazy is that?

Fred Dee
Reply to @Richard Sharp: not crazy at all. So he will have to delay joining them a bit. Same going to the US!! Citizens allowed, others not unless needed!!

David Amos 
Reply to @Richard Sharp: Cry me a river Methinks you know as well as I that I have not been with my Clan for 15 years because of the actions of your political heroes against me N'esy Pas?


>> >         > May 16/01 via fax (279-1871):
>> >         > Royal Canadian Mounted Police
>> >         > Marystown Detachment
>> >         > Marystown, Nfld.
>> >         > Attention: Constable Jackie Remillard
>> >         > Dear Constable Remillard:: Re: Our Client - Mr Byron Prior
>> > Further to the above and to our various past communications,
>> > most particularly our letter of February 16/ 01, despite the
>> > passage of several months we have yet to receive the
>> > information requested at that time. As it is ordinarily a
>> > straightforward matter to obtain, with that person's consent,
>> > the statements of a complainant we are at a loss to explain to
>> > our client why our request has not been answered to date. We
>> > would, therefore, appreciate your early attention to this
>> > matter and look forward to the immediate receipt of the
>> > requested material. Trusting the above to be satisfactory.
>> >         > Yours very truly
>> >         > BUDDEN, MORRIS
>> >         > GEOFFREY E. BUDDEN

----------Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2019 12:15:47 -0400
Subject: ATTN Peter Gullage and Geoff Budden I just called Methinks CBC was dumb to play dumb today EH?
To: peter.gullage@cbc.ca, geoff@buddenlaw.com, "Catherine.Harrop", "Catherine.Tait", "Chuck.Thompson", "sylvie.gadoury", Newsroom , news , news
Cc: David Amos , Hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, plee , radionews@cbc.ca, oldmaison , andre , jesse , jesse


Mount Cashel: After 30 years, the pain still has not gone away
Social Sharing

For survivor Billy Earle, the adage 'time heals all wounds' is only hypothetical
Peter Gullage · CBC News · Posted: Feb 17, 2019 6:00 PM NT

Peter Gullage

CBC Newfoundland and Labrador

St. John's Newsroom
TEL: 709-576-5225
FAX: 709-576-5011
EMAIL: radionews@cbc.ca

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 12010, Station "A"
St. John's, NL
A1B 3T8

Senior Managing Director - Atlantic Canada
Denise Wilson: denise.wilson@cbc.ca

Senior Manager
Victoria King: victoria.king@cbc.ca

Executive Producer
Peter Gullage: peter.gullage@cbc.ca




Geoff Budden

Geoff is a well-known civil litigator who has spent his career
representing survivors of institutional and other forms of abuse.

In 2013, he was part of the international legal team that was
successful in obtaining $16.5 million in cash compensation for those
who were molested as children by Christian Brothers of Ireland.

Geoff resides in St. John's with his family and has volunteered with
organizations such as the Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights
Association, the St. John's Regional Library Board and the Avalon East
School Board.

Geoff is proud to currently serve as a board member on and supporter
of the Newfoundland and Labrador Sexual Assault Crisis and Prevention

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:35:00 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please explain CBC
and VIAFOURA's malicious nonsense AGAIN real slow
To: denise.wilson@cbc.ca, chantal.bernard@cbc.ca
Cc: David Amos

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Hon.Ralph.Goodale  (PS/SP)"
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:45:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please
explain CBCand VIAFOURA's malious nonsense AGAIN real slow
To: David Amos

Merci d'avoir ?crit ? l'honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la
S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile.
En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adress?e au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un
retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Soyez assur? que votre
message sera examin? avec attention.
L'Unit? de la correspondance minist?rielle
S?curit? publique Canada

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note there could be a delay in
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.
Thank you!
Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Public Safety Canada

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Brian (LEG)"
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:45:20 +0000
Subject: RE: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please explain
CBCand VIAFOURA's malious nonsense AGAIN real slow
To: David Amos

Thank you for writing to the Leader of the Official Opposition of New
Brunswick. Please be assured that your e-mail will be reviewed.

If this is a media request, please forward your e-mail to
ashley.beaudin@gnb.ca. Thank you!


Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le chef de l’opposition
officielle du Nouveau-Brunswick.  Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel
sera examiné.

Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
ashley.beaudin@gnb.ca.  Merci!

---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:45:12 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please
explain CBCand VIAFOURA's malious nonsense AGAIN real slow
To: David Amos

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.

Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.

Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:45:12 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please
explain CBCand VIAFOURA's malious nonsense AGAIN real slow
To: David Amos

Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.

If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.com

If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to

Letters to the Editor can be sent to letters@globeandmail.com

This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 17:45:08 -0400
Subject: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please explain CBCand
VIAFOURA's malious nonsense AGAIN real slow
To: Alex.Johnston@cbc.ca, jesse@viafoura.com,
sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca,
Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca, maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca,
andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca, premier@ontario.ca,  brian.gallant@gnb.ca,
premier@gnb.ca,  Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca,
hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc@canada.ca,
Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov,
Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov, mdcohen212@gmail.com, djtjr@trumporg.com,
Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre andre@jafaust.com,
jbosnitch@gmail.com, jesse@jessebrown.ca,  blaine.higgs@gnb.ca,
David.Coon@gnb.ca, kris.austin@gnb.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca, Catherine.Tait@cbc.ca




Your account has been banned until 12/25/2018. Reason: We have banned
this account for 15 days because we believe it is in violation of our
Terms of Use, specifically repeated uncivil comments and personal
attacks. For more information, please visit:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 08:42:54 -0400
Subject: RE The Inquiry into the Demise of Don Dunphy Here is one of
the emails that I promised to send you all
To: admin@ciddd.ca, schaytor@coxandpalmer.com, kobrien@obaw.ca,
mark.freeman@justice.gc.ca, Lori.Rasmussen@justice.gc.ca,
jkennedy@wrmmlaw.com, ebreen@spdefence.ca, rsimmonds@sbkdefence.com,
nickavis@bfma-law.com, twilliams@odeaearle.ca, jdrover@wrmmlaw.com,
cflaherty@rogersbristowmoyse.ca, will@buddenlaw.com,
Cc: David Amos ,
andrewparsons@gov.nl.ca, Mark.Quinn@cbc.ca, steve.murphy@ctv.ca,
SMay@coxandpalmer.com, "bob.paulson",
"hon.ralph.goodale", mcu
, "david.hansen"

It is the only email I ever sent to the lawyer Andrew Parsons because
as the Attorney General he has my file anyway

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 17:30:55 -0400
Subject: Fwd: After listening to your opinions CanadaLand I called and
tried to speak to both of you about what I know about the Rock and had
luck getting through to either of you
To: rocksolidpolitics@gmail.com, Mark.Quinn@cbc.ca,
dwightball@gov.nl.ca, cbennett@gov.nl.ca, lorrainemichael@gov.nl.ca,
tosborne@gov.nl.ca, andrewparsons@gov.nl.ca, kevinparsons@gov.nl.ca,
pamparsons@gov.nl.ca, padavis@gov.nl.ca, gerrybyrne@gov.nl.ca,
Cc: David Amos , newsroom
, "steve.murphy"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 16:04:22 -0400
Subject: After listening to your opinions CanadaLand I called and
tried to speak to both of you about what I know about the Rock and had
luck getting through to either of you
To: jmcleod@thetelegram.com, acoffin@mun.ca
Cc: David Amos , steve.moate@utoronto.ca

Episode #: 131
Newfoundland Is Screwed

Episode #: 50
Debating Same-Sex Marriage and Other Ways to Stay Irrelevant

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "May, Steve (St. John's)"
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 15:24:33 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Re Federal Court File No T-1557-15 Justin
Trudeau really screwed up when he sent the nasty little Newfy Altar
Boy Richard Southcott down from Ottawa to argue mean old me
To: David Amos

I am out of the office until Friday, 15 January, attending meetings in
Ottawa with limited ability to respond to e-mail.  If the matter is
urgent, please call 709-738-7800 for further assistance.

> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/05/nfld-whistleblower-dodges-libel-charge.html
> 2005 01 T 0010
> AND:
> Court File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010
> Date of Filing of Document: 25 January 2005
> Name of Filing Party or Person: Stephen J. May
> Application to which Document being filed relates: Amended Application
> of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order
> restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of
> Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it's entirety, and to refer this
> proceeding to case management.
> Statement of purpose in filing: To maintain an Order restricting
> publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike
> the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case
> management.
> A F F I D A V I T
> I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John's, in the Province of
> Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say
> as follows:
> THAT I am a Partner in the St. John's office of PATTERSON PALMER
> solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for
> Random-Burin-St. George's in the Parliament of Canada.
> THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or
> about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by
> Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a
> publication called "My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town
> with a Secret". In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr.
> Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her
> mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior's sister.
> THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr.
> Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "1" to my
> Affidavit.
> THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts' letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts
> received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached
> as Exhibit "2".
> THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore
> an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication
> was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit "3" to my Affidavit.
> Following Mr. Roberts' receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised
> that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our
> firm closed our file.
> THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews
> following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of
> allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of
> approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years
> old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and
> accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I
> saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author
> of the material on the site.
> THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of
> the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through
> a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews' intentions to
> commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the
> web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "4"
> to this Affidavit.
> THAT I attach as Exhibit "5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004
> voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend
> of Mr. Prior.
> THAT I attach as Exhibit "6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail
> from Mr. Amos.
> THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr.
> Amos.
> THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November
> e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total
> of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews'
> claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews' solicitor. I attach as
> Exhibit "7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent
> to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes
> whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of
> the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach
> as Exhibit "8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
> THAT I attach as Exhibit "9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter
> addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of
> Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr.
> Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as
> Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of
> Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law
> Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this
> letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had
> received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous
> representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a
> letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved
> his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts' letter also covered
> his reply to Mr. Amos.
> THAT I attach as Exhibit "10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on
> Sunday, 23 January 2005.
> THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike
> Mr. Prior's counterclaim.
> SWORN to before me at
> St. John's, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador this 24th day of
> January, 2005.
> Signed by Della Hart
> Signature STAMP
> A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
> the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. My commission expires on
> December 31, 2009
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Póstur FOR
>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
>> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
>> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
>> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
>> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
>> to be..
>> To: David Amos
>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
>> Kveðja / Best regards
>> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
>> This is the docket
>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
>> These are digital recordings of  the last two hearings
>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
>> Jan 11th https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
>> This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it again
>> Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
>> Campaign, Rogers TV
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cFOKT6TlSE
>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/fundy-royal-riding-profile-1.3274276
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To: Fry.H@parl.gc.ca ; Emerson.D@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ;
> letters@proislam.com ; Cummins.J@parl.gc.ca ; Canada@cair-net.org ;
> dcr618@msn.com ; madd_professor@cox.net ; Iolmisha@cs.com ;
> derrickcrobinson@gmail.com ; khr909@hotmail.com ; erniemusic2@yahoo.com ;
> kevin_annett@hotmail.com ; radical@radicalpress.com ; thespur@hotmail.com ;
> lisah@whooshnet.com ; dougchristie@shaw.ca ; lawald@web.net ;
> wickedwanda3@adelphia.net ; fbinhct@leo.gov ; info@afi-international.com ;
> wgoss@smss.com ; landrews@smss.com ; jcrosbie@coxandpalmer.com ;
> rgfaloon@coxandpalmer.com ; dhashey@coxandpalmer.com ;
> smay@coxandpalmer.com
> ; kmccullogh@smss.com ; gpetrie@smss.com ; orakwa@paulcomm.ca ;
> Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com ; katenies20@yahoo.com ; media@cupw-sttp.org
> Cc: ceri@shaw.ca ; deanr0032@hotmail.com ; info@politicswatch.com ;
> Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca ; Baird.J@parl.gc.ca ; Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca ;
> McGuinty.D@parl.gc.ca ; Dhalla.R@parl.gc.ca ; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ;
> Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca ; Holland.M@parl.gc.ca ; Hubbard.C@parl.gc.ca ;
> Martin.Pat@parl.gc.ca ; Guergis.H@parl.gc.ca ; Mark.I@parl.gc.ca ;
> Turner.G@parl.gc.ca ; Chong.M@parl.gc.ca ; Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca ;
> warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; John.Foran@gnb.ca
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 3:15 PM
> Subject: RE;Budget votes and more War its the same old same old If you
> forgot scroll down
> I just talked to Paul Dewar's office for the last time.and spoke to Jamesey
> Baby once again. He told me to go for it and sue the Crown I told him I willl
> also sue him and his chickenshit boss too or my name ain't "Just Dave".
> reveiw his Bullshit and start lining up lawyers.
> "Katter, Robert (MP)" wrote:
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach
> George W. Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
> Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 02:18:35 +1000
> From: "Katter, Robert \(MP\)"
> To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
> Thank you for your e-mail which will be forwarded to the appropriate staff
> member to deal with as soon as possible.
> The Kennedy electorate is a large electorate (about 2.5 times the size of
> the entire State of Victoria) with almost 150,000 residents, over 120
> schools and over 140 localities all with various service and sporting
> clubs.
> For this reason we receive quite a large volume of faxes, letters, e-mails
> and phone calls each day and while our staff aim for a 7-day turnaround in
> correspondence - unfortunately this is not always possible.  However, if
> you
> have not heard back from anyone at the office within 7-14 days, please
> telephone the office on the numbers listed below.
> If the matter is urgent please phone 1800 810 519, or if you are not in the
> electorate, 07 4061 6066.
> To save disappointment we should advise that correspondence from outside
> the
> electorate is not given the priority that correspondence within the
> electorate is given.
> That said, many thanks for your message, and we will endeavour to get back
> to you as soon as possible.
> Hon Bob Katter MP
> Member for Kennedy
> Innisfail Office:  Cnr Edith & Owen Sts PO Box 1638 Innisfail FNQ 4860 Ph
> 07
> 4061 6066 Fx 07 4061 6566
> Mt Isa Office:  52 Miles St Mt Isa NWQ 4825 PO Box 2130 Mt Isa NWQ 4825 Ph
> 07 4743 3534 Fx 07 4743 0189
> Parliament House (Sitting weeks only) Ph 02 6277 4978  Fx 02 6277 8558
> Toll Free Number: 1800 810 519
> "Roy, Bruno (Patterson Palmer NB)" wrote:
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Stevey Boy Harper and Malicious Mikey
> Ignatieff ain't fishing on Brokeback Mountian EH? Here is why
> Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 10:52:58 -0300
> From: "Roy, Bruno \(Patterson Palmer NB\)"
> To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
> I will be out of the office until May 23rd. Should you need any assistance,
> please call my assistant Doris at 856-9800.
> Je serai hors du bureau jusqu'au 23 mai. Si vous avez des questions, vous
> pouvez rejoindre mon adjointe Doris au 856-9800.
> "Dewar, Paul - M.P." wrote:
>   Subject: RE: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put
> a
> stop Harper's motion tommorrow
>   Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 13:49:47 -0400
>   From: "Dewar, Paul - M.P."
>   To: "David Amos"
>   Hi David. My name is James and I have been asked to send this message
> onto
> you from Paul…
>   Dear Mr. Amos,
>   Thank you for informing me of your concerns regarding Canada's role in
> Afghanistan after February 2007.
>   The NDP voted against this motion because we believe it is the wrong
> mission for Canada. It does not reflect the peace-making values that
> Canadians want to see our forces undertake on the world stage. This forced
> motion essentially ties our aid and development funds to war-making, and we
> cannot support that.
>   It is quite clear that Harper's Conservatives aren't interested in due
> diligence. They're interested in dragging us further into a US-style combat
> role and away from our traditional peace keeping role. Much like the
> Liberals before them, the Conservatives have failed to tell Canadians:
>   - What the chain of command and control will be for this mission.
>   - What the definition of success will be for our troops.
>   - What our exit strategy will be.
>   Many Canadians have written me wanting answers and it is our duty as
> representatives of our constituents, to get answers before committing to
> any
> new missions overseas. As any soldier knows, time spent on reconnaissance
> is
> never wasted.
>   New Democrats recognize that Canada does have a role in assisting
> Afghanis
> in rebuilding their country. Afghanistan is the largest recipient of
> Canadian overseas development aid and we fully support the continuation of
> that funding - outside of this mission.
>   Thank you again for the time and effort you have taken to share your
> thoughts with me, and for bringing your opinion on this matter to my
> attention.
>   Sincerely,
>   Paul Dewar, MP Ottawa Centre
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com]
>   Sent: May 16, 2006 8:13 PM
>   To: Allen, Mike - M.P.; rcastrocalvo@yahoo.com; irislana@hotmail.com;
> Angus, Charlie - M.P.; Atamanenko, Alex - M.P.; Bell, Catherine - M.P.;
> Bevington, Dennis - M.P.; Black, Dawn - M.P.; Blaikie, Bill - M.P.;
> Charlton, Chris - M.P.; Chow, Olivia - M.P.; Christopherson, David - M.P.;
> Comartin, Joe - M.P.; Crowder, Jean - M.P.; Cullen, Nathan - M.P.; Davies,
> Libby - M.P.; Dewar, Paul - M.P.; Julian, Peter - M.P.; Marston, Wayne -
> M.P.; Martin, Pat D. - M.P.; Martin, Tony - M.P.; Masse, Brian - M.P.;
> Mathyssen, Irene - M.P.; Nash, Peggy - M.P.; Priddy, Penny - M.P.; Savoie,
> Denise - M.P.; Siksay, Bill - M.P.; Wasylycia-Leis, Judy - M.P.; Emerson,
> David - M.P.
>   Cc: Simms, Scott - M.P.; Russell, Todd - M.P.; Manning, Fabian - M.P.;
> Hearn, Loyola - M.P.; Doyle, Norman - M.P.; Byrne, Gerry - M.P.; McGuire,
> Joe - M.P.; MacAulay, Lawrence - M.P.; D'Amours, Jean-Claude - M.P.;
> Hubbard, Charles - M.P.; Murphy, Brian - M.P.; Thibault, Robert - M.P.;
> Savage, Michael - M.P.; Regan, Geoff - M.P.; Keddy, Gerald - M.P.; Eyking,
> Mark - M.P.; Cuzner, Rodger - M.P.; Brison, Scott - M.P.
>   Subject: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put a
> stop Harper's motion tommorrow
>   Hey
>           Before all the Parliamentarians argue and then vote to support
> further Canadian deaths in one of George W. Bush's Wars for Global Control
> for the benefit of his corporate cohorts perhaps, you should at least
> listen
> to the attachments if you do not wish to bother to read what Billy Casey
> and
> the Bankers got on May 12th. If I can assist in preventing the demise of
> just one more Canadian warrior in a malicious foreign war, all of my work
> will have been worth it EH?
>            If everyone ignores me as usual, I will not be surprised. At
> least I will sleep well with my conscience tonight because I know I have
> done my very best to stop the nonsense since early 2002 long before the War
> in Iraq began. None of you deserve to sleep well at all because you all
> supported Harper's orders to send our people to war even before the 39th
> Parliament sat this year. As far as I am concerned the blood of four very
> honourable soldiers can be found on your hands. Shame on all of you for not
> even bothering to honour our dead by lowering the flag on the Peacetower.
> As
> long as I have been aware and could consider myself a Proad Canadian, I
> thought we were peacekeepers rather than poorly paid hired guns for crooked
> corporations, corrupt politicians and their wicked Yankee bible pounding
> buddies.
>                                                             Veritas Vincit
>                                                                    David
> Raymond Amos
>   FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
>   Senator Arlen Specter
>   United States Senate
>   Committee on the Judiciary
>   224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>   Washington, DC 20510
>   Dear Mr. Specter:
>   I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named,
> David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in
> the
> attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI
> wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this
> previously.
>   Very truly yours,
>   Barry A. Bachrach
>   Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>   Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>   Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
>         Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 00:00:53 -0700 (PDT)
>         From: "David Amos"
>         Subject: Jumping Jimmy Flaherty's jump boots versus Crosbie's old
> mukluks in a liberal Senate
>         To: Grant.GARNEAU@gnb.ca, Russell_Feingold@feingold.senate.gov,
> duffy@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com,
> Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,
> Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us, Kandalaw@mindspring.com, kmdickson@comcast.net,
> trvl@hotmail.com, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, fbinhct@leo.gov,
> oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, michael.malley@gnb.ca,
> EGreenspan@144king.com, josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.ca,
> alicia.mcdonnell@state.ma.us, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, ted.tax@justice.gc.ca,
> Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca, racing.commission@state.ma.us, dwatch@web.net,
> freeman.c@parl.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca, graham.b@parl.gc.ca,
> arthur.a@parl.gc.ca
>         CC: nwnews@cknw.com, davidamos@bsn1.net, BBACHRACH@bowditch.com,
> david.allgood@rbc.com, mackay.p@parl.gc.ca, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca,
> moore.r@parl.gc.ca, thompson.g@parl.gc.ca, toews.v@parl.gc.ca,
> day.s@parl.gc.ca, casey.b@parl.gc.ca, mlevine@goodmans.ca,
> brae@goodmans.ca,
> steve.moate@utoronto.ca, sarah.mann@rci.rogers.com, rep@karenyarbrough.com,
> dc@thepen.us, paul.neuman@asm.ca.gov, info@afterdowningstreet.org,
> gearpigs@hotmail.com, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca
>    Deja Vu Anyone? Anyone?
>   That's what John Crosbie wore in 1979, the last time a budget brought
> down
> a Canadian government in a minority-Parliament situation. It proved to be a
> bad omen, given that the Conservative government of the day foundered on
> Crosbie's document.
>   The mukluks proved to be

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:40 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Yelich.L@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:32 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home
CC: Roy.J@parl.gc.ca ; Saada.J@parl.gc.ca ; Sauvageau.B@parl.gc.ca ;
Savoy.A@parl.gc.ca ; Scherrer.H@parl.gc.ca ; Schmidt.W@parl.gc.ca ;
Scott.A@parl.gc.ca ; Serre.B@parl.gc.ca ; Sgro.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Shepherd.A@parl.gc.ca ; Skelton.C@parl.gc.ca ; Solberg.M@parl.gc.ca ;
Sorenson.K@parl.gc.ca ; Speller.B@parl.gc.ca ; Spencer.L@parl.gc.ca ;
St-Julien.G@parl.gc.ca ; St-Jacques.D@parl.gc.ca ;
St-Hilaire.C@parl.gc.ca ; St.Denis.B@parl.gc.ca ; Steckle.P@parl.gc.ca
; Stewart.J@parl.gc.ca ; Stinson.D@parl.gc.ca ; Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca ;
Strahl.C@parl.gc.ca ; Szabo.P@parl.gc.ca ; Telegdi.A@parl.gc.ca ;
Thibault.R@parl.gc.ca ; Thibeault.Y@parl.gc.ca ; Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca
; Thompson.M@parl.gc.ca ; Tirabassi.T@parl.gc.ca ; Tobin.B@parl.gc.ca
; Toews.V@parl.gc.ca ; Tonks.A@parl.gc.ca ; Torsney.P@parl.gc.ca ;
Tremblay.S@parl.gc.ca ; Tremblay.St@parl.gc.ca ; Ur.R-M@parl.gc.ca ;
Valeri.T@parl.gc.ca ; Vanclief.L@parl.gc.ca ; Vellacott.M@parl.gc.ca ;
Venne.P@parl.gc.ca ; Volpe.J@parl.gc.ca ; Wappel.T@parl.gc.ca ;
Wasylycia-Leis.J@parl.gc.ca ; Wayne, Elsie - M.P. ;
Whelan.S@parl.gc.ca ; White.R@parl.gc.ca ; White.T@parl.gc.ca ;
Wilfert.B@parl.gc.ca ; Williams.J@parl.gc.ca ; Wood.B@parl.gc.ca

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Rock.A@parl.gc.ca
Cc: McNally.G@parl.gc.ca ; McTeague.D@parl.gc.ca ; Menard.R@parl.gc.ca
; Meredith.V@parl.gc.ca ; Merrifield.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca ; Mills.B@parl.gc.ca ; Mills.D@parl.gc.ca ;
Minna.M@parl.gc.ca ; Mitchell.A@parl.gc.ca ; Moore.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Murphy.S@parl.gc.ca ; Myers.L@parl.gc.ca ; Nault.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Neville.A@parl.gc.ca ; Normand.G@parl.gc.ca ; Nystrom.L@parl.gc.ca ;
Obhrai.D@parl.gc.ca ; OBrien.L@parl.gc.ca ; OBrien.P@parl.gc.ca ;
OReilly.J@parl.gc.ca ; Owen.S@parl.gc.ca ; Pagtakhan.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Pallister.B@parl.gc.ca ; Pankiw.J@parl.gc.ca ; Paquette.P@parl.gc.ca ;
Paradis.D@parl.gc.ca ; Parrish.C@parl.gc.ca ; Patry.B@parl.gc.ca ;
Penson.C@parl.gc.ca ; Peric.J@parl.gc.ca ; Perron.G-A@parl.gc.ca ;
Peschisolido.J@parl.gc.ca ; Peterson.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Pettigrew.P@parl.gc.ca ; Phinney.B@parl.gc.ca ; Picard.P@parl.gc.ca ;
Pickard.J@parl.gc.ca ; Pillitteri.G@parl.gc.ca ;
Plamondon.L@parl.gc.ca ; Pratt.D@parl.gc.ca ; Price.D@parl.gc.ca ;
Proctor.D@parl.gc.ca ; Proulx.M@parl.gc.ca ; Provenzano.C@parl.gc.ca ;
Rajotte.J@parl.gc.ca ; Redman.K@parl.gc.ca ; Reed.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Regan.G@parl.gc.ca ; Reid.S@parl.gc.ca ; Reynolds.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Richardson.J@parl.gc.ca ; Ritz.G@parl.gc.ca ; Robillard.L@parl.gc.ca ;
Robinson.S@parl.gc.ca ; Rocheleau.Y@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:29 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca
Cc: Hill.G@parl.gc.ca ; Hill.J@parl.gc.ca ; Hilstrom.H@parl.gc.ca ;
Hinton.B@parl.gc.ca ; Hubbard.C@parl.gc.ca ; Ianno.T@parl.gc.ca ;
Jackson.O@parl.gc.ca ; Jaffer.R@parl.gc.ca ; Jennings.M@parl.gc.ca ;
Johnston.D@parl.gc.ca ; Jordan.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Karetak-Lindell.N@parl.gc.ca ; Karygiannis.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca ; Kenney.J@parl.gc.ca ; Keyes.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Kilger.B@parl.gc.ca ; Kilgour.D@parl.gc.ca ; Knutson.G@parl.gc.ca ;
KraftSloan.K@parl.gc.ca ; Laframboise.M@parl.gc.ca ;
Laliberte.R@parl.gc.ca ; Lalonde.F@parl.gc.ca ; Lanctot.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Lastewka.W@parl.gc.ca ; Lavigne.R@parl.gc.ca ; Lebel.G@parl.gc.ca ;
Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca ; Lee.D@parl.gc.ca ; Leung.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Lill.W@parl.gc.ca ; Lincoln.C@parl.gc.ca ; Longfield.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Loubier.Y@parl.gc.ca ; Lunn.G@parl.gc.ca ; Lunney.J@parl.gc.ca ;
MacAuley.L@parl.gc.ca ; Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca ; Macklin.P@parl.gc.ca ;
Malhi.G@parl.gc.ca ; Maloney.J@parl.gc.ca ; Mahoney.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Manley.J@parl.gc.ca ; Manning.P@parl.gc.ca ; Marceau.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Marcil.S@parl.gc.ca ; Mark.I@parl.gc.ca ; Marleau.D@parl.gc.ca ;
Martin.K@parl.gc.ca ; Martin.Pd@parl.gc.ca ; Martin.P@parl.gc.ca ;
Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca ; Mayfield.P@parl.gc.ca ; McCallum.J@parl.gc.ca
; McCormick.L@parl.gc.ca ; McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca ;
McGuire.J@parl.gc.ca ; McKay.J@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Herron.J@parl.gc.ca
Cc: Duncan.J@parl.gc.ca ; Duplain.C@parl.gc.ca ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ;
Eggleton.A@parl.gc.ca ; Elley.R@parl.gc.ca ; Epp.K@parl.gc.ca ;
Eyking.M@parl.gc.ca ; Farrah.G@parl.gc.ca ; Finlay.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Fitzpatrick.B@parl.gc.ca ; Folco.R@parl.gc.ca ; Fontana.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Forseth.P@parl.gc.ca ; Fournier.G@parl.gc.ca ; Fry.H@parl.gc.ca ;
Gagliano.A@parl.gc.ca ; Gagnon.C@parl.gc.ca ; Gagnon.M@parl.gc.ca ;
Gallant.C@parl.gc.ca ; Gallaway.R@parl.gc.ca ; Gauthier.M@parl.gc.ca ;
Girard-Bujold.J@parl.gc.ca ; Godfrey.J@parl.gc.ca ; Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca
; Goldring.P@parl.gc.ca ; Goodale.R@parl.gc.ca ; Gouk.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Graham.B@parl.gc.ca ; Gray.H@parl.gc.ca ; Grewal.G@parl.gc.ca ;
Grey.D@parl.gc.ca ; Grose.I@parl.gc.ca ; Guarnieri.A@parl.gc.ca ;
Guay.M@parl.gc.ca ; Guimond.M@parl.gc.ca ; Hanger.A@parl.gc.ca ;
Harb.M@parl.gc.ca ; Harris.R@parl.gc.ca ; Harvard.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Harvey.A@parl.gc.ca ; Hearn.L@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:17 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: bihal_sm007@rogers.com
Cc: pm@pm.gc.ca ; pmo@pm.gc.ca ; Abbott.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Ablonczy.D@parl.gc.ca ; Adams.P@parl.gc.ca ; Alcock.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Allard.C@parl.gc.ca ; Anders.R@parl.gc.ca ; Anderson.D@parl.gc.ca ;
Anderson.Da@parl.gc.ca ; Assad.M@parl.gc.ca ; Assadourian.S@parl.gc.ca
; Asselin.G@parl.gc.ca ; Augustine.J@parl.gc.ca ; Bachand.A@parl.gc.ca
; Bachand.C@parl.gc.ca ; Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca ; Bailey.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Baker.G@parl.gc.ca ; Bakopanos.E@parl.gc.ca ; Barnes.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Beaumier.C@parl.gc.ca ; Belair.R@parl.gc.ca ; Belanger.M@parl.gc.ca ;
Bellehumeur.M@parl.gc.ca ; Bellemare.E@parl.gc.ca ;
Bennett.C@parl.gc.ca ; Benoit.L@parl.gc.ca ; Bergeron.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Bertrand.R@parl.gc.ca ; Bevilacqua.M@parl.gc.ca ; Bigras.B@parl.gc.ca
; Binet.G@parl.gc.ca ; Blaikie.B@parl.gc.ca ;
Blondin-Andrew.E@parl.gc.ca ; Bonin.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Bonwick.P@parl.gc.ca ; Borotsik.R@parl.gc.ca ; Boudria.D@parl.gc.ca ;
Bourgeois.D@parl.gc.ca ; Bradshaw.C@parl.gc.ca ;
Breitkreuz.G@parl.gc.ca ; Brien.P@parl.gc.ca ; Brison.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Brown.B@parl.gc.ca ; Bryden.J@parl.gc.ca ; Bulte.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Burton.A@parl.gc.ca ; Byrne.G@parl.gc.ca ; Caccia.C@parl.gc.ca ;
Cadman.C@parl.gc.ca ; Calder.M@parl.gc.ca ; Cannis.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Caplan.E@parl.gc.ca ; Cardin.S@parl.gc.ca ; Carignan.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Carroll.A@parl.gc.ca ; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ; Casson.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Castonguay.J@parl.gc.ca ; Catterall.M@parl.gc.ca ;
Cauchon.M@parl.gc.ca ; Chamberlain.B@parl.gc.ca ;
Charbonneau.Y@parl.gc.ca ; Chatters.D@parl.gc.ca ; clark.j@parl.gc.ca
; Coderre.D@parl.gc.ca ; Collenette.D@parl.gc.ca ;
Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca ; Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca ; Copps.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca ; Crete.P@parl.gc.ca ; Cullen.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Cummins.J@parl.gc.ca ; Cuzner.R@parl.gc.ca ;
Dalphond-Guiral.M@parl.gc.ca ; Davies.L@parl.gc.ca ; Day.S@parl.gc.ca
; Desjarlais.B@parl.gc.ca ; Desrochers.O@parl.gc.ca ;
DeVillers.P@parl.gc.ca ; Dhaliwal.H@parl.gc.ca ; Dion.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Discepola.N@parl.gc.ca ; Doyle.N@parl.gc.ca ; Dromisky.S@parl.gc.ca ;
Drouin.C@parl.gc.ca ; Dube.A@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ;
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Connie Fogal
Cc: adamsw@sen.parl.gc.ca ; andrer@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
angusd@sen.parl.gc.ca ; atkinn@sen.parl.gc.ca ; austij@sen.parl.gc.ca
; baconl@sen.parl.gc.ca ; bankst@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
beaudg@sen.parl.gc.ca ; bironm@sen.parl.gc.ca ; boldur@sen.parl.gc.ca
; brydej@sen.parl.gc.ca ; buchaj@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
callbc@sen.parl.gc.ca ; carnep@sen.parl.gc.ca ; carsts@sen.parl.gc.ca
; chalit@sen.parl.gc.ca ; cochre@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
chrisi@sen.parl.gc.ca ; cohene@sen.parl.gc.ca ; comeag@sen.parl.gc.ca
; cookj@sen.parl.gc.ca ; coolsa@sen.parl.gc.ca ; corbie@sen.parl.gc.ca
; cordyj@sen.parl.gc.ca ; debanp@sen.parl.gc.ca ; days@sen.parl.gc.ca
; dininc@sen.parl.gc.ca ; doodyw@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
eytonj@sen.parl.gc.ca ; fairbj@sen.parl.gc.ca ; ferrem@sen.parl.gc.ca
; finess@sen.parl.gc.ca ; finnei@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
fureyg@sen.parl.gc.ca ; fitzpd@sen.parl.gc.ca ; forrej@sen.parl.gc.ca
; frasej@sen.parl.gc.ca ; gauthj@sen.parl.gc.ca ; gilla@sen.parl.gc.ca
; grafsj@sen.parl.gc.ca ; grahab@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
gustal@sen.parl.gc.ca ; haysd@sen.parl.gc.ca ; hervic@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
hublee@sen.parl.gc.ca ; jaffem@sen.parl.gc.ca ; johnsj@sen.parl.gc.ca
; joyals@sen.parl.gc.ca ; kellej@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
kennyc@sen.parl.gc.ca ; keonw@sen.parl.gc.ca ; kinsen@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
kirbym@sen.parl.gc.ca ; kolbel@sen.parl.gc.ca ; kroftr@sen.parl.gc.ca
; lapiel@sen.parl.gc.ca ; lapoij@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
lawsoe@sen.parl.gc.ca ; lebrem@sen.parl.gc.ca ; legerv@sen.parl.gc.ca
; losier@sen.parl.gc.ca ; lynchj@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
maheus@sen.parl.gc.ca ; mahovf@sen.parl.gc.ca ; mahouf@sen.parl.gc.ca
; meighm@sen.parl.gc.ca ; milnel@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca ; moriny@sen.parl.gc.ca ; murral@sen.parl.gc.ca
; nolinp@sen.parl.gc.ca ; olived@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
pearsl@sen.parl.gc.ca ; pepinl@sen.parl.gc.ca ; phaleg@sen.parl.gc.ca
; pitfip@sen.parl.gc.ca ; poulim@sen.parl.gc.ca ; poyv@sen.parl.gc.ca
; prudhm@sen.parl.gc.ca ; rivesj@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
roberf@sen.parl.gc.ca ; roberb@sen.parl.gc.ca ; roched@sen.parl.gc.ca
; rompkw@sen.parl.gc.ca ; rossie@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
setlar@sen.parl.gc.ca ; sparrh@sen.parl.gc.ca ; spivam@sen.parl.gc.ca
; stgerg@sen.parl.gc.ca ; sibben@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
stollp@sen.parl.gc.ca ; stratt@sen.parl.gc.ca ; taylon@sen.parl.gc.ca
; tkachd@sen.parl.gc.ca ; tunnej@sen.parl.gc.ca ; wattc@sen.parl.gc.ca
; wiebej@sen.parl.gc.ca ; wilsol@sen.parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 9:21 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: robanders@telus.net
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:44 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:41 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Goldring.P@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:39 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:36 AM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: agarden@nb.sympatico.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 10:58 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: leblad@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 8:03 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: scotta@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: castoj@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 7:59 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: hubbac@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 7:58 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: bradsc@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 7:56 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: savoya@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 7:55 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: info@paulzed.com
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 7:34 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: megan@lutz.nb.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 4:05 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Brison.S@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 3:56 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Bachand.A@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 3:53 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: jim.prentice@shaw.ca
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 3:41 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: rosent@math.toronto.edu
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:30 PM
Subject: Fw: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: davidorchard@sasktel.net
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:15 PM
Subject: Here is some proof that Harper knows I coming home

Just so ya know David I am forwarding these emails to other
politicians as well. But I didn't bother to call them because they
are lawyers as well. Therefore I see no need to explain my actions to
them. Plus the smart one's have a bad habit of trying to ignore me
anyway. I t appears that standard operating procedure for them is to
ignore. delay, deny and then try to settle. They are confused by
someone that wants to argue law rather than go away with the gold.
What should be interesting to both of us is whether or not they have a
sudden fit of ethical behavior after they discover that an honest
western farmer and wild but ethical maritime biker have been talking
about them. Please notice that I am more than willing to help such a
man as Byron Prior anyway I can. I just wish there were more men like
him on this planet. Trust me the US Attorney backtracking in the
Martha Stewart matter and prosecuting a Secret Service Agent is too
funny to relate in this email.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Regarding your e-mail

> David,
> Thanks for the e-mails. I will read them all and hear what you have to say.
> All the best.
> Rob
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 5:08 PM
> > Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > Elsie, I like you more and more. If anyone understands about
> > being forced to be away from his family its me. Give my mom a
> > call. Her laugh alone will make your day. To hell with the
> > smiling bastards in Ottawa their grins ain't genuine. Maritimers
> > can still find some fun in a long hard day :) Come to think of
> > it, maybe thats why the Upper Canadians think we are crazy. By
> > the way I have managed to get a rather famous lawyer to speak on
> > my wife's behalf down here while I run for Parliament uphome. But
> > before I go I have been invited to go fishing with Martha
> > Stewart's brother Frank in the Gulf of Mexico. My matters are
> > about to bust wide open down here. That is why I have chosen this
> > time to make appearance uphome. Once I make the news down here I
> > will step on the stump uphome.
> > Best
> > Regards
> > Dave
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > To: David Amos
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:42 PM
> > Subject: RE: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > Dear Dave,
> >
> > I try to respond to as many people as I can. We do get a lot of email
> > around here.... I decided to retire because I truly miss my family.
> > It's hard being on the road back and forth by yourself. It gets very
> > lonely.
> >
> > God Bless,
> > Elsie
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:davidamos@comcast.net]
> > Sent: March 22, 2004 3:28 PM
> > To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > No problem, Elsie. By the way my mom is a fan of yours. She told
> > me you were quitting. Too bad if it is true.You are the first
> > politician to respond to me. That fact alone wins my respect. Ask
> > around Saint John about me in certain circles I am fairly well
> > known. You may even know my sister, Nancy and her husband, Reid
> > Chedore. Perhaps you crossed paths with my dad C. Max Amos he was
> > a tax Supervisor for the Province years ago. And maybe even my
> > mom's second husband, Lloyd Nickerson, from Fredericton. He was
> > somewhat of a political person whereas my dad was not. (Lloyd was
> > chief electoral officer for about twelve years and did run as a
> > Conservative) If you wish to warm my mom's heart please give her
> > a call and simply say that you appreciate her good words about
> > you to her wild child Dalevid. She will get the joke. She is
> > always confusing me with another brother. Her name is Anna and
> > her number is 506 455 3600. Do with it what you will. Trust me I
> > would love to see another out spoken Maritimer step up to the
> > plate and speak of rights and wrongs. The sooner that I can go
> > back to being just Papa the happier my little Clan will be. I
> > would truly appreciate if someone would let my mom know that they
> > are at least aware of my concerns whether they agree with me or
> > not.
> > Best
> > Regards
> > Dave
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > To: David Amos
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:15 PM
> > Subject: RE: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > Thank you for the notice.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos [mailto:davidamos@comcast.net]
> > Sent: March 16, 2004 2:07 PM
> > To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: ethics@harvard.edu
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:06 PM
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: tedcardwell@mail.gov.nf.ca
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:05 PM
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: alltrue@roadrunner.nf.net
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:03 PM
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: Correspondance Deputy Prime Minister/Vice premier ministre
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > I already received Anne's response. Can't you people read what
> > you wrote to me? Why else would I be so pissed off?
> > I am who I say I am and that is as follows:
> > David R. Amos
> > 153 Alvin Ave,
> > Milton, MA. 02186
> > Phone 617 240-6698
> >
> > Now just exactly who are you Mr. Correspondence Deputy Prime
> > Minister and are you a lawyer?
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Correspondance Deputy Prime Minister/Vice premier
> > ministre" To:
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:34 PM
> > Subject: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > > If you wish to receive a response to your comments addressed
> > to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and
> > Emergency Preparedness, please include your return mailing
> > address along with your original e-mail message. All official
> > responses will be sent by regular mail.
> > >
> > > If you wish to send correspondence addressed to the Minister
> > through the regular mail, please use the following mailing
> > address:
> > >
> > > The Honourable A. Anne McLellan
> > > Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety
> > > and Emergency Preparedness
> > > 340 Laurier Avenue West
> > > Ottawa, Ontario
> > > K1A 0P8
> > >
> > > From: David Amos
> > > To: dwatch@web.net
> > > Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 11:32 PM
> > > Subject: Read real slow then forget what is politically
> > correct.
> > >
> > > Deal with your own conscience. After that try to think of
> > a good
> > > reason why I should not run for Parliament and at least speak
> > my mind about the sad state of our affairs. You know who I am.
> > If you don't, trust me, you are way behind the eight ball.
> > > Once I make my mark in the American Justice System and
> > political
> > > process, I am coming home to stress test the ethics of many a
> > lawyer/politician in my nativeland during the course of the
> > next federal election. My question to all of you will be why
> > did you wait for me to say something? Am I the only one paying
> > any attention. Even Jesus got mad a time or two and tore up a
> > temple when he saw all the money changing hands in a place
> > that should not be concerned about such things. But forget
> > about the money for a minute. What did he have to say about
> > anyone that harmed a child? Rest assured I will remind you.
> > Although I ain't religious, I must say that Jesus had more of
> > sand than most men and he made some very good points about
> > what is right and what is wrong. Can any of you even hold a
> > candle to Byron? He has at least one friend that will back him
> > up all the way down the line. I don't mind dying it is what I
> > didn't do while I was living that will haunt me in in my
> > grave. What is the golden rule these days? Is it truly a fact
> > that he with the gold makes the rules. Do you think voters
> > agree with that fact? What say you?
> > > Canadian Corruption
> > >
> > > Sexual Abuse & Political & Legal Conspiracy.
> > >
> > > RCMP Incompetence & Cover up.
> > >
> > > Priors Of Grand Bank NFLD Canada
> > >
> > > How do I get a corrupt legal system to investigate, charge and
> > convict itself? After years of asking the Canadian Legal
> > System to do its job, it's long past time to inform the public
> > myself about this lack of action or justice.
> > > If T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, 1966 to 1979 also Health
> > Minister 1968 to 1969 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
> > of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000, 34 YEARS OF COMPLETE LEGAL
> > SYSTEMS CONTROL,at 41 years of age, rapes and impregnates your
> > younger sister Susan, at 12 years old, and in grade 8, what
> > would you do?At 12 years old she was the youngest child
> > ever,in Grand Bank,to have a baby. I am willing to take any
> > tests and answer all questions regarding my entire life. All
> > he has to do is take one blood test. It's time for him to stop
> > manipulating our legal system and face the truth which I have
> > been telling the legal System,and anyone else who would
> > listen, all of my life.I didn't just awake one morning and
> > decide to accuse the most powerful and most corrupt legal
> > animal in this province. I have had, no childhood, no
> > education, no family, no hometown, no self- esteem or
> > self-respect and no past, present or future as a contributing
> > person.
> > >
> > > By the time I was 14 years old I was responsible for 9 younger
> > children, all of us abused and molested while our hometown
> > either joined in, bothered us about our situation, or looked
> > the other way and said we were all trouble. Our mother has
> > always been a hypochondriac and married prostitute in a town
> > of 2500 people. She can go blind instantly, become a cripple
> > instantly, go insane instantly and even convinced the doctors
> > at our Health Science Center 4 years ago she was dying of
> > cancer. They called her family and said she had a maximum of
> > two weeks to live, but out of every situation she can
> > instantly become well. This person is a disgrace to the human
> > race and also so are all those who support her. I am Byron
> > Prior, the oldest of her 12 children.
> > > (A) I was sexually abused by my mother from age 4 to 14.
> > >
> > > (B) Physically beaten by my mother until I bleed because I
> > tried to stop her friends and family from molesting my younger
> > sisters.
> > >
> > > (C) Sent next door with my mother's gay boyfriend almost daily
> > for money from age 5 to 14.
> > >
> > > (D) Brought to her drunk girlfriend's summer cabin to be
> > sexually abused for money.
> > >
> > > (E) Had to clean the blood from my 4 year old sister after she
> > was sexually molested by our grandfather and left on the
> > kitchen floor in a pool of blood.
> > >
> > > (F) Had to watch while my oldest sister had three miscarriages
> > and two children by the age of 15. One child for a member of
> > the Newfoundland Government when she was 12, and a second
> > child when she was 15 for another Politician, a girl, Majorie
> > and a boy, Arron. In 1983 the girl, age 15, was given an
> > illegal abortion in Montreal with everything arranged and paid
> > for with spending money for her and my sister Joan, by a
> > friend of the family. This girl has worked for Hickman's
> > family business from high school to this day. Five of my
> > sisters and one brother suffered similar abuse as I did.
> > > Why is this situation allowed to continue for more than 40
> > years and ruin all my families lives? Is it because,
> > > (A) Our mothers past customers are politically connected and
> > run our legal system.
> > >
> > > (B) Our mothers past customers are Grand Bank business men
> > whose children are now politicians.
> > >
> > > (C) One of our mothers family is a big wheel with organized
> > crime all of his adult life and is a partner to politicians.
> > >
> > > (D) Is it because two of her past customers are Salvation Army
> > officers, who came by to help us but became customers as well.
> > (E) Is it because all of North America is corrupt and a family
> > of 12 really means nothing to anyone when business and
> > politics are concerned in an economy controlled by corruption.
> > (F) Is it to cover up Child rape and corruption by T. Alex
> > Hickman and a business family with influence and business
> > contacts all across Canada. The legal system now tells us
> > justice for my family and I are three charges against one
> > mentally delayed man with a judge and jury at the T. Alex
> > Hickman building in the same town where we spent our entire
> > lives with abuse and persecution. Two R.C.M.P. officers and
> > the Crown prosecutors office will make no effort to have the
> > location changed. Again there will be NO JUSTICE SERVED and as
> > much covered up as possible. This I'm told will begin in Sept.
> > 2001, at Grand Bank, NFLD I spoke with the Crown Prosecutor on
> > Sept,18/01. He said his office has been trying to get the
> > complete investigation reports from the RCMP for more than two
> > years now and to this date still hasn't received them. He said
> > this was in his experience, the first time he had ever seen
> > such an unexplained delay to get information. On Nov 29/01 I'm
> > told by Victim services, this has changed to Jan.11/02 for a
> > trial date to be set.
> > >
> > > To whom it may concern: 04/13/98 There are many horrors that I
> > can recall from childhood. Byron's too frequent trips to the
> > woodshed next door; his having to sleep in the same bed as our
> > Mother; his little hands, palms down, being held on the hot
> > coal stove burner; the never ending beatings with belt
> > buckles; braided nylon ropes; old- fashioned ironing cords;
> > hot tea thrown in our faces or the face of my Father; knives
> > and forks thrown at us; hot grease thrown at us or our Father;
> > continual molestation - sexual - to myself and other siblings;
> > continual verbal and emotional abuse; at eight years old I was
> > locked in the cupboard under the stairs for hours with rats
> > crawling around me because my little brother had misplaced his
> > baby bottle while I was in charge of him; continual
> > abandonment when Mother would take her vacation and leave us
> > at seven and eight years old to take care of ourselves and the
> > babies; being forced to quit school to go to work to provide
> > yet more money for our beloved Mother; my younger brother,
> > Allan, being thrown into jail for no legitimate reason, other
> > than she wanted him out of the house - by the way; if you
> > check, you will also find that there is no record of his
> > incarceration; the abuse that we suffered was, and remains,
> > never ending........ Our lives have been destroyed. We all
> > suffer from severe emotional problems. We have extreme
> > difficulty trusting others. We cannot form loving
> > relationships. It is very difficult for us to allow others to
> > get that close to us without pushing them away. All we ever
> > wanted was someone to love us for who we were; but, when we
> > get close to others, we tend to sabotage those relationships -
> > unconsciously. The cycle of abuse continued with my own
> > daughter. My younger brother, Randell, molested her from the
> > age of four years. This fact my daughter was afraid to confide
> > to me until a year and a half ago. May God have mercy on his
> > soul because "I Don't"!!!! Both Byron and myself have tried to
> > have those in authority - RCMP, Social Services, Clergy and
> > Teachers help us, but, our cries for help fell on deaf ears.
> > We were, to them, a disposible family of liars and children
> > with overactive imaginations. Nothing can make the nightmares
> > go away. Even the sleeping pills don't work anymore. It has to
> > end! There has to be justice and a sense of closure for all of
> > us. Please, if we stop this cycle of insanity from happening
> > to other innocent children, then maybe our lives would have
> > not totally been in vain. You are our hope. Please help us to
> > find justice.
> > > Sincerely Yours,
> > > Sharl (Donna) Prior
> > >
> > > April 14, 1998
> > > A letter of Shame;
> > > This letter concerns what happened to my family and myself.
> > The things that I remember are also the things I try to
> > forget. I'm not very good with words so I will only tell you a
> > few things of many which have happened within my family.
> > Leather belts, ironing cords, ropes were only some things I
> > was beaten with so many times I can't count. Verbal and mental
> > abuse, the same humilating things that were done to my sisters
> > and brothers. Girls having to pull down their pants and pea in
> > their underwear for our mothers long time friend, for money. I
> > remember our mother going into a bedroom with him and coming
> > out some time later. We have a brother and sister (who I love)
> > who look and act like this guy. I expect, without much doubt,
> > are his. I remember the abuse to my father, a man I loved with
> > all my heart. Attacks on him with anything our mother could
> > put her hands on, knives, hot water, chasing him out of the
> > house. This man was home maybe a day every ten, and she would
> > blame him for everything and when Dad wasn't around, we were
> > blamed for everything, which was anything. This is a woman who
> > every chance she had would call the police on me to try to
> > have me charged with something. This was when she couldn't
> > beat me anymore because I was a little older, but she still
> > had to have control over me. This was a small town in
> > Newfoundland with a population of 3500 people. So she would
> > have me taken away from my home by the police and I would have
> > nowhere else to go, this was control over me and she knew it.
> > I would have to kiss ass just to have a roof over my head. (Of
> > course this was after my father had passed away. He was afraid
> > of her but he would never have let her do this to me.) This is
> > a woman that had me put in jail during Christmas and New
> > Year's when I was very young. This was for trying to teach my
> > niece her homework, she said I had to ask her. Education was
> > not something she was concerned about for her kids. All she
> > wanted was when I had turned 15 was to get out of school and
> > go to work in the fish plant so I could pay my way every week.
> > She would loan me $20 and I would have to repay her $40 plus
> > rent. This woman has a lot of problems. I do not hate her
> > because she is my mother but I do not like her as a person.
> > > I finally got out and moved to Ontario, uneducated with no
> > direction, but out. I really haven't had any contact with her
> > since then and have not seen her since. I think because of all
> > these things and many more which as happened to me and things
> > I saw that had happened to other members of my family is the
> > reason I have a hard time to meet anyone, develop a
> > relationship, or hold down a job. I'm always lost, I don't
> > know if I should see a doctor or if it's just me, I'm lost.
> > The way I am now is the way the rest also is, it must be
> > because of her, take a look, it has to be. I'm writing this
> > letter now so that this woman and the others who knew what was
> > happening but did nothing face up and admit what happened. All
> > of my family have the same problems and the same memories
> > which affect our lives. This is something I have never spoken
> > about with anyone, but now maybe it's time. Hopefully, this
> > will help me start to became a real person a whole person.
> > Please do what you know is the right thing to do.
> > > Sincerely yours,
> > > Allan Prior
> > >
> > > To Whom It May Concern:
> > > July 24, 2001
> > > My name is Byron Prior. I'm the oldest living of these 12
> > children. I not only had to live through my abuse but, watch
> > as the rest of my sisters and brothers were abused and raped.
> > Three of my sisters raped, 1 by a grandfather at the age of 4,
> > a second raped by T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, at age
> > 11. A third sister raped by a young man in our home town. The
> > legal system are only concerned with keeping all this under
> > cover and protect themselves. Please people, if you have a
> > heart, walk one day in my shoes and tell me you would just
> > forget because these bureaucrats say so. I have copies of my
> > full statement on all the details of what happened, which I
> > gave the R.C.M.P. on March 9, 1998, 52.5 hours at their
> > office. I will send it to anyone who will send me an E-mail
> > address. I will never forget the abuse, shame, and persecution
> > to this day, from the animals who did this to my family.
> > > Sincerely,
> > > Byron Prior
> > >
> > > On April 3, 2000, the second in command of the R.C.M.P. for
> > all of Canada, said in an interview from Toronto, organized
> > crime totally controls Canadian businesses and affects every
> > Canadians daily life, from video arcades to laundry mats. This
> > is very sad, here in Canada we are lost and we all need help.
> > Here in Newfoundland our Dictator, T. Alex Hickman, has had
> > his hands in our Political and legal systems from 1957 to this
> > very day. His family and friends control everything, including
> > whether my family and I ever get justice for what was done to
> > us in the town of Grand Bank. We've tried for justice at least
> > 9 times from Police, Social Services, Clergy and Family
> > members. This last attempt started on March 9/98. On July
> > 24/98 an RCMP officer told me they have enough information to
> > charge our mother and one boyfriend now.
> > >
> > >
> > > On February 25/00 an RCMP officer said he was recommending the
> > justice department should lay 35 charges against several
> > people. This officer was taken off the case, transferred from
> > Grand Bank to St. John's custom's department position and his
> > wife transferred to a new position in St. John's with
> > Provincial social services department. To this day August
> > 20/01 only 3 charges are laid against one mentally delayed
> > boyfriend and no trial date set yet . The trial date has been
> > set for April 29/02. On April 5/02 I spoke with the Crown
> > Attorney, Ted Cardwell, he said the only two witnesses for the
> > trial on our behalf will be my sister Joan and me. The
> > investigating officer John Warr of the RCMP is not necessary,
> > my therapist of two years is not necessary, my social worker
> > from victim services is not necessary and my sister Joan's
> > therapist is not necessary. It seems to me like the final
> > verdict has already been decided and again for the victims
> > there is no justice.
> > >
> > >
> > > The Court did not proceed on April 29/02. It was found by the
> > Judge and both attorneys that they did not have an unbiased
> > jury toward the defendant and another attempt to find a jury
> > in this same town will be made again on May 21/02. This is
> > also the home town of my family and I and I asked the Crown
> > Attorney, at the beginning of this trial, if it could be held
> > in a neutral town to be fair to my family and I. If you have
> > read some of the statements in this web site guest book you
> > can understand why I made this request. It seems all
> > consideration is given for the defendant but none for the
> > victims. The R.C.M.P. freely admit that they are in position
> > of 3 statements I had given them about the abuse in our family
> > when I was a child but for some reason will not make these
> > statements available to me or my lawyer. I would like you to
> > read this request made of the R.C.M.P. by a local law firm on
> > >
> > > May 16/01 via fax (279-1871):
> > > Royal Canadian Mounted Police
> > > Marystown Detachment
> > > Marystown, Nfld.
> > > Attention: Constable Jackie Remillard
> > > Dear Constable Remillard:: Re: Our Client - Mr Byron Prior
> > Further to the above and to our various past communications,
> > most particularly our letter of February 16/ 01, despite the
> > passage of several months we have yet to receive the
> > information requested at that time. As it is ordinarily a
> > straightforward matter to obtain, with that person's consent,
> > the statements of a complainant we are at a loss to explain to
> > our client why our request has not been answered to date. We
> > would, therefore, appreciate your early attention to this
> > matter and look forward to the immediate receipt of the
> > requested material. Trusting the above to be satisfactory.
> > > Yours very truly
> > >
> > >
> > > Questions for John Warr, R.C.M.P. lead investigator who will
> > no longer speak with me personally.
> > > 1. Why would you say most of the R.C.M.P. Officers and Doctors
> > in my case are retired and you couldn't find them now. Don't
> > any of them get a pension? What address is that sent to?
> > > 2. Why did you tell two witnesses who volunteered information
> > - a lady from Garnish and a man from Fortune, that this case
> > would be very messy and they should think very hard before
> > volunteering information, you would contact them in a couple
> > of days for an appointment. They both changed their minds
> > about witnessing.
> > > 3. Why didn't you question witnesses whose names you were
> > given at the beginning of this case four years ago. People in
> > Ontario and people 15 minutes from your office. One witness
> > #85 & 86 in my guest book on my website and others who have
> > telephoned me.
> > > 4. Why did you go to a Grand Bank business man, who had no
> > information about this case, more than 2 years ago and tell
> > him there was a very messy case coming up soon involving my
> > family and I. Then immediately after you were transferred and
> > only 3 charges laid against one person. 5. Why is the lead
> > investigator not a necessary witness in this case? You
> > investigated and recommended the charges be laid, you must
> > have some information regarding this case.
> > > 6. Why in 2 years of your investigation, did you not once
> > approach or ask Harriett Prior one question at all?
> > > After all these years of reporting to the R.C.M.P. can
> > everyone see why I have to inform the public myself. IT'S A
> > >
> > > On April 19/00 our Prime Minister is in the Middle East
> > fighting for Basic Human rights. Here in your own house Mr.
> > Prime Minister we need Basic Human Rights also. We are now
> > fighting in Afganistan for the rights of abused and persecuted
> > people, most of whom are women, please allow my family and I
> > some personal rights and dignity here in Canada. If anyone
> > requires more info I have statements to Police, names and
> > positions of all persons involved and letters from family
> > members on what has happened to our dysfunctional family.
> > Please contact us at
> > byronprior13@aol.com or call (709) 834-9822 Byron Prior. After
> > you view our site please tell your friends and e-mail
> > pm@pm.gc.ca, or,
> > > paul@paulmartin.ca and tell him,
> > Justice for The Prior family of Grand Bank NFLD. is long past
> > due, you need to give them Justice today. Visit their website
> > at
> > >
> > http://maxpages.com/sexualabuse I Look forward to living with
> > Democracy, Freedom and Justice for my family also, here in
> > Canada.
> > > For additional informational pages go to the links at the top
> > left of our homepage. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
> > >


Obituary of Lorraine Marie Shannon

It is with great sadness that the family of Lorraine Shannon announces her passing on Easter Monday, April 13, 2020, at the Saint John Regional Hospital. Born on June 6, 1947 in Saint John, she was a daughter of the late Hugh Peter and Margaret Mary (Emery) Whalen and step-daughter of Josephine Julia (Riley) Whalen.

Lorraine graduated from St. Vincent’s High School (1965), and the University of New Brunswick (B.A. Double Honours in Political Science and Sociology, 1969). On graduation, she moved to Halifax, NS and began working at the CIBC as an acting assistant manager in the Dartmouth branch. She then joined the Atlantic Regional Office for training as a Credit Officer. Lorraine was married to Vincent Thomas Wakim Shannon (deceased May 2016) in August of 1971 and was the sole supporter of the couple until her husband graduated from Dalhousie’s dental school in 1972 and they returned to Saint John. 

In 1973, Lorraine became CIBC's first female Branch Manager at the then new Prince Edward Square Branch where she remained until 1976. This branch also ended up being one of the few all female branches in Canada. In 1978, Lorraine moved to Boston for two years while her husband attended Tufts Periodontal program. After Vince’s graduation, the family moved to Dartmouth in 1980. Finally, in 1982, the family made one last move. Vince established a periodontal practice in Saint John and Lorraine became the Office Manager, applying her banking skills and managing his books until he retired in 2013.

Throughout, Lorraine made lifelong friendships that she deeply cherished and she was always there for those who needed her. Lorraine was meticulous and detail oriented, known for her lists and literary wit. From crafting her own writing to editing the work of others, she was a communicator at heart who enjoyed participating in efforts to support the Saint John Community. She was also a life-long member of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Parish of Saint John and held her faith as a source of strength in difficult times.

Despite the recent health obstacles she faced, she kept her good humour and quick wit as well as a sincere appreciation for the friends that supported her. Lorraine valued her lifelong bond with her husband Vincent, and was dedicated to her family. Her children are happy that they are once again reunited.

Surviving are children, Lesley (Steve Wilton), Vancouver; Matthew (Emilie Gelinas), Ottawa; her grandson Zachary, Vancouver; sister Carole (the late Derek Hamilton), Ottawa; brother Emery (Barb Whalen); step-mother Josephine; as well as several nieces, nephews and extended family.

In light of the current health situation, a Mass for Christian Burial and a Celebration of Lorraine’s life will be held at a future date so that we may say an appropriate farewell. To help make this possible, we would invite you to contact Brenan’s Funeral Home, 111 Paradise Row, Saint John (634-7424) and share relevant contact information so that we can notify you with further details. Interment will take place in St. Joseph’s Cemetery. For those who wish, remembrances may be made to the Cathedral Restoration Fund or to a charity of one’s choice. Online condolences may be placed at www.BrenansFH.com


Lelsley Shannon
Lesley Shannon, professor of engineering science, is devoted to supporting and encouraging women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). She is currently the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada's Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for B.C. and Yukon.

SFU engineering science professor Lesley Shannon named diversity champion

March 30, 2017

By Caitlin Dawson
Simon Fraser University engineering science professor Lesley Shannon has been honoured with a 2017 Wendy McDonald Award in the Diversity Champion category.

Presented by the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade in memory of late Canadian business icon Wendy McDonald, these awards shine a spotlight on outstanding leaders from businesses and organizations across Metro Vancouver.

As the current Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for B.C. and Yukon, Shannon has spearheaded a variety of initiatives to support and encourage females in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.

From reaching out to female high school students, to helping create inclusive professional development opportunities, Shannon’s overarching goal is to identify, and help eliminate, barriers for women to pursue STEM careers and leadership roles.

Throughout her career at SFU, Shannon has been recognized as a passionate proponent of gender diversity in STEM and an inspirational teacher with a talent for leading by example.

She previously served as faculty advisor for SFU’s Women in Engineering (WiE) group, and has acted as conference chair for Creating Connections since 2013.This two-day event brings together students, researchers and industry leaders of all genders and backgrounds to discuss the future of women in STEM.

In 2014, Shannon received The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC)’s Teaching Award of Excellence for her dedication to preparing the next generation of engineering talent.

"I love to learn new things and am motivated by the creation of 'highly qualified personnel' as opposed to products,” said Shannon in a Greater Vancouver Board of Trade Q & A interview.

“I'm a big believer in the idea that success belongs to the team and failure belongs to me. Helping people grow and achieve the best version of themselves is not only extremely rewarding but results in better outcomes from the team."

Shannon received the award, alongside five other recipients from different categories, at the third-annual Wendy McDonald Awards ceremony at TELUS Garden, Vancouver, on March 29, 2017.


Lesley Shannon

Professor, School of Engineering Science
NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for BC and Yukon


Ph.D., Applied Science, University of Toronto, Canada 2006
M.A.Sc., Applied Science, University of Toronto, Canada, 2001
B.Sc., Electrical Engineering–Computer Option, University of New Brunswick, Canada, 1999

Research interests

  • Computing system design, including reconfigurable computing and application-specific architectures, design methodologies, and programming models
  • Operating Systems for asymmetric/heterogeneous multicore systems
  • Scalable FPGA Computer Aided Design Tools
  • Reconfigurable Digital Microfluidics

Teaching interests

  • Computing Architecture and System Design
  • Digital Logic
  • Real Time and Embedded Systems


Office:SFU Burnaby, ASB 8819
Personal webpage:


Matthew Shannon

Matthew Shannonworks as Senior Economist for Finance Canada.
Matthew can be reached at 613-369-9362

First name
Last name
Senior Economist
Telephone Number
Alternate Number
Fax Number
Street Address
90 Elgin St. (view on map)
Ottawa, Ontario
Postal Code
K1A 0G5
Finance Canada
Financial Systems Division


Saturday, 23 May 2020

Charter challenge filed against N.L.'s travel restriction Bill 38


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks come Monday morning Minister John Haggie and the lawyers Cara Zwibel, John Drover and Rosellen Sullivan are gonna figure out that I still alive and paying attention N'esy Pas?



Canadian Civil Liberties Association looking to challenge Bill 38 amendment

Will begin with advocacy before litigation

CBC News· Posted: May 11, 2020 7:46 PM NT

Cara Zwibel is the director the Canadian Civil Liberties Association's Fundamental Freedoms program. (Submitted by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association)

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association plans to challenge the government of Newfoundland and Labrador's amendment to Bill 38 — the Public Health Protection and Promotion Act — calling it unconstitutional.

The controversial amendment was passed in the House of Assembly last Tuesday, giving power to police to detain individuals found in non-compliance with public health orders, with the possibility of removing people who are not primary residents from the province entirely, among many more sweeping powers.

A government public health order issued a week ago prohibited entry to the province to anyone but those who are travelling for work, relocating for work, and primary residents. Some exceptions can be made for those travelling to Newfoundland and Labrador for the purposes of taking care of health needs of a family member. As of Monday nearly 2,000 exemption applications had been filed with the province.

"The basis is that this is a restriction of rights that are protected by the charter, and it's not reasonable or justified," said Cara Zwibel, director of the CCLA's Fundamental Freedoms program.

"There's no evidence that doing this is necessary. The province had in place less strict restrictions previously. The people who did enter the province had to self-isolate for a period. There's no indication that that was inadequate."

The CCLA is a nonprofit organization based in Toronto devoted to the defence of civil liberties and constitutional rights.

Zwibel said the organization is not dismissive of the public health concerns related to travellers entering Newfoundland and Labrador, which, as of Monday, has 14 active cases of COVID-19.
"The question is whether it's achieving the right balance between protecting the public and maintaining the rights that are constitutionally entrenched. They're in our charter for a reason. They're there to make sure that Canadian citizens and permanent residents are supposed to be able to move around the country freely," she said.

"If there is a restriction that is being put in place the government has to demonstrate why it's necessary. So sort of fear and speculation is just not enough in our view. 'Better safe than sorry' doesn't hold up in a court."

Standing by decision

Health Minister John Haggie is standing by the House of Assembly's decision to amend Bill 38.
During Monday's daily COVID-19 briefing Haggie said police officers needed clarity on their role in enforcing public health orders.

Health Minister John Haggie says the amendment to Bill 38 was to clarify the role of law enforcement officers in enforcing public health orders. (Peter Cowan/CBC)

Public health orders issued by government in March saw a fining system implemented under which peace officers could fine individuals $500 up to $2,500, issue a prison sentence of up to six months, or a combination of the two. Similarly, non-essential businesses that are in operation could face fines of $5,000 to $50,000, and owners would be held personally liable and open to individual fines. Fines will also multiply after the first instance.
Since March new orders have been issued, such as the ban on all non-essential travel to the province.

"The Supreme Court itself have referred to the whole constitution act as a living tree that is pruned and grows over time with good case law. So the view from [the Department of Justice and Public Safety] and ourselves, on advice from the law enforcement, peace officers, is that they needed clarity around their role. That clarity was provided. It was debated in the House," said Haggie.

"At the end of the day, the tensions built into that, the way the Constitution and the Charter of Rights is framed, allows for rights to be abridged or reduced only to the extent that is necessary for the greater public good. Whether or not our actions meet that test would be a decision a court would take should someone choose to challenge it."

Zwibel said CCLA is in discussion with local counsel, and will begin advocating for the amendment to be overturned. She said the hope is that will be enough for government to reverse its decision, but the CCLA will bring litigation if necessary.

Read more from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador

With files from On The Go


Charter challenge filed against N.L.'s travel restriction Bill 38

Kim Taylor challenges government after first being denied a visit home for her mother's funeral

CBC News· Posted: May 20, 2020 6:47 PM NT

Lawyer John Drover is representing Kim Taylor in a Charter challenge against the government of Newfoundland and Labrador. (Bruce Tilley/CBC)

The Newfoundland and Labrador government is facing a court challenge over its legislation that controls travel into the province to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Kim Taylor has launched a legal challenge against Bill 38, after she was barred from attending her mother's funeral in early May.

She is backed by lawyer John Drover and defence lawyer Rosellen Sullivan — representing the Canadian Civil Liberties Association — who have filed an application on Taylor's behalf under Section 6, which deals with mobility rights, of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

"Mobility of people is a basic, human right and she has been denied hers and we're all being denied ours," Drover told CBC News on Wednesday.

"We have never had travel restrictions put in place like this. We have some of the strictest in Canada here in Newfoundland and don't really believe that the government of Newfoundland has put the thought into it to make it comply with the charter."

Taylor was denied entry into the province following her mother's death under public health restrictions on travellers to Newfoundland and Labrador. (CBC)

Now that the application is filed, Drover said he and Sullivan will push the court for an early hearing, hoping to have the case heard within the next three days, set filing dates and arrange to hear the argument within the next month.

Damage done

Taylor was eventually given an exemption to travel to the province from her home in Nova Scotia, 11 days after being rejected.

But Taylor said she is mounting this case on principle, and is not seeking any monetary damages. All lawyers are working pro bono, and none of the parties is asking for costs.

Drover said his client's funeral arrangements — including 14 days of self-isolation as required under public health orders — were lost in that 11-day period, and he echoes the idea that this challenge isn't only about Taylor.
"This is not about whether my client can come to Newfoundland. Yes, she can come to Newfoundland now. This is about how anybody in Canada can freely move within Canada," he said.

"It's not right. No province in Canada can shut its borders to Canadian citizens."

Read more from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador

With files from Anthony Germain

Commenting is now closed for this story.

david kirby
I think it was one of Nflds' favourite sons, John Crosbie, who said the Charter would provide work for lawyers for ever 

David News 
Governments top priority is to ensure the safety of the citizens. The Charter defines a set of rights that we as Canadians are entitled to.
But it also provides very broad powers to the elected officials in the case of an emergency e.g pandemic that they can temporarily suspend some of these rights for the greater good.

Andy Rooney
Reply to @David News: Define: "greater good"

John Drover
Reply to @David News: Maybe you could point me to that section of the Charter, or some case law that stands for what you say. Because I haven't seen anything that says governments can violate our rights during a pandemic.

David News 
Reply to @John Drover: Look up quarantine and emergency

Terry Teak 
Reply to @David News: here come the google lawyers.....

David News 
Reply to @Terry Teak: Ok lets get more basic, where does the charter state or imply that 1 individual has the rights that would nullify a) the welfare of the majority or to unnecessarily put them at risk, or b) disallow the government in the case of an emergency to temporarily suspend some of the charter rights.

Glenda Whitford
This is just the beginning, just watch over the next months there will be countless numbers of lawsuits of all kinds every day all across Canada.

Ralph Green
Reply to @Glenda Whitford: yup all kinds of ambulance chasers in Canada:(

John Drover
Reply to @Ralph Green: There are no damages asked for in this case. Not even court costs. Even the lawyers are working for free.

Eileen jacques
N.L. is not the only province with closed borders and also have refused to enter for a funeral. Most virus cases in NL was in a funeral home. And I understood the funeral was a later date.

Barbara Shortall 
Reply to @Eileen jacques: Well, when she wins her case those borders will have to be opened too because closing them is unconstitutional. That's the whole point of her challenge.

Ralph Green 
Reply to @Barbara Shortall: she’s just wasting her time if the province is in a state of emergency.

Eileen jacques 
Reply to @Barbara Shortall: "unconstitutional" proof. We are in a pandemic here in case you have been sleeping through it.

Barbara Shortall  
Reply to @Ralph Green:
That's what's being put to the test, whether a provincial state of emergency can over ride the Charter. This lady has a very good case.

Ralph Green 
Reply to @Barbara Shortall: no she doesn’t, you think she’s the first one to be denied excess to a province? As far as I’m concerned she’s a threat to other ppl and was dealt with appropriately, and she was.

John Drover
Reply to @Eileen jacques: Our rights and freedoms are not suspended because of a pandemic. 

William Toope
Maybe Newfoundland should sue or charge them if more cases of covid arise and people die

Randolph Graf
Reply to @William Toope: Yes indeed,,, a sad, sad attempt at a money-grab at a time when this is the last thing we need,,,,she and the sleazebag lawyer should be ashamed of themselves,,,,,

John Drover 
Reply to @Randolph Graf: I will say it again, Randolph. The lawyers are working for free and the application does not ask for any money, not even court costs.

Barbara Shortall
Reply to @Randolph Graf: There is no "money grab". She is not looking for money. She is looking for the restoration of her right and every citizen's right to travel freely within the country according to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. And the lawyers are working pro bono, which means for FREE. No. Money. Involved.

Tommy de James
She is looking for a big payout from the Provincial Government.

Michael Hinks 
Reply to @Tommy de James: A lawsuit is not always about money.

Randolph Graf  
Reply to @Michael Hinks: No, but 99 per cent of the time, and this time,, it is,,,

Dave Walker 
Reply to @Tommy de James: Actually it more about holding the province and government to account so that in the future they cannot just arbitrarily ignore the charter of rights and people freedoms of the country as the feel fit to do so.

John Drover
Reply to @Randolph Graf: I can assure you this one is not about money. There is no claim for damages in the application. The lawyers are working pro bono.

Barbara Shortall 
Reply to @Tommy de James:
There is no money involved. Zero to her or the lawyers.

John Drover
Reply to @Barbara Shortall: That is correct, Barbara. Thank you.

Barbara Shortall  
Reply to @John Drover:
Most welcome, John.

Randolph Graf 
Reply to @Dave Walker: A pandemic which kills trumps the "charter of rights",, one would think,, ,at least one concerned about the common good, rather than "me and my rights',,,, jeez, don't the "ME" society ever tire of it,,

Tim Skut
Very sad for Kim Taylor's situation. :( Unfortunately, we know what happened to our covid rate after someone came home for a funeral in March. However, Drover saying "This is about how anybody in Canada can freely move within Canada" is just disgusting opportunism and he's helping himself to Kim's money. What a revolting position.

John Drover
Reply to @Tim Skut: Well, Tim, I am working pro bono. That's short for pro bono publico which means "for the public good" or, in layperson's terms, free.

John Drover
Reply to @Randolph Graf: You're such a sweetheart, Randolph.

Randolph Graf
Reply to @John Drover: Well, if the shoe fits,,,, don't shoot the messenger,,etc.,,, etc..,,,


Rosellen Sullivan


T: 709.739.4141
F: 709.739.4145
Rosellen Sullivan was born in St. John’s. She graduated from University of Ottawa in 1995 with a Master’s of Criminology and from Dalhousie Law School in 1998. Rosellen worked with the Department of Justice until 2006. She was Junior Inquiry Counsel to Commissioner Antonio Lamer at the Lamer Inquiry which examined three wrongful convictions in Newfoundland and Labrador. Her work on the Inquiry led to a keen interest criminal defence law, which she pursued in 2006 when she joined Robert Simmonds, QC. She is also a former member of the Board of Regents at Memorial University.



With no cost and no risk to you, it’s worth making the call.

Call us anytime at 576-CALL. Or come by our offices between 9:00 and 5:00, Monday through Friday, located on the 5th floor of the Paramount Building at 34 Harvey Road, St. John’s, NL, A1C 2G1.
Mailing address: PO Box 5236, A1C 5W1

John Drover


Meet John

A partner at Roebothan McKay Marshall with over 10 years’ legal experience, John has built a thriving practice focused on Personal Injury, Civil Litigation, and Wills and Estates. His academic accomplishments include a Gold Medal for Academic Excellence during his undergraduate studies in Folklore and Chemistry, as well as the F.A. Aldrich Graduate Award during his graduate studies in Folklore. A tireless scholar, John is currently completing his Master of Laws, Intellectual Property at NYU. He’s also an active member of the Arts community, and does some pro bono work for female filmmakers as part of his practice. After a number of years as president of the NL Folk Arts Society, John is currently Chair of the board for Artistic Fraud of Newfoundland. In his spare time, he can often be found practicing yoga.


  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador


  • 1999 – Bachelor of Arts Degree in Folklore/Chemistry from Memorial University of Newfoundland (Received Gold Medal for Academic Excellence)
  • 2003 – Masters of Arts, Folklore from Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • 2008 – Bachelor of Laws from Dalhousie University
  • 2009 – Called to the Newfoundland and Labrador Bar

John Drover

Called to the bar: 2009 (NL)

5th Flr., 34 Harvey Rd.

PO Box 5236, Stn. C

St. John's, Newfoundland and LabradorA1C 5W1
Phone: 709-576-2255
Fax: 709-753-5221

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 06:40:58 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Oh My Could somebody within the CCLA actually be ethical?
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, danfour@myginch.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
"dan.ahlstrand" ,
woodsideb@fredericton.ca, Arthur Taylor ,
occupyfredericton , "Jacques.Poitras"

Cc: David Amos ,
david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, mail@ccla.org,
thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com, Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jgraham@amlnet.com, together@jordangraham.ca,
peter.dauphinee@gmail.com, danfour@myginch.com, evelyngreene@live.ca,
wearefredup@gmail.com, mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com,
acampbell@ctv.ca, mckeen.randy@gmail.com

--- On Fri, 2/3/12, Cara Zwibel wrote:

From: Cara Zwibel
Subject: RE: Attn Cara Zwibel I called the CCLA and tried to tell you
people about this email before you talked to the CBC etc
To: "'David Amos'"
Date: Friday, February 3, 2012, 6:02 AM

Dear Mr. Amos,
Thank you for your email.  I am not currently in the office and will
not be for the rest of the day, but feel free to call me next week if
you’d like.  As you know, we are aware of the situation in Fredericton
as well as the legal cases where s. 301 of the Criminal Code has been
held to violate the Charter.  The information you have provided about
prior use of the section in Fredericton is helpful.
Thank you for contacting the CCLA and should you wish to speak to me
directly, please get in touch next week.

Cara Faith Zwibel, LL.B., LL.M.
Director, Fundamental Freedoms Program/ Directrice, programme libertés

Canadian Civil Liberties Association/ Association canadienne des
libertés civiles
360 Bloor St. West, Suite 506 / 360 rue Bloor Ouest, Bureau 506
Toronto, ON M5S 1X1
tel: 416 363 0321  ext. 255
email: czwibel@ccla.org
web: www.ccla.org
twitter: @cancivlib

This electronic mail message may contain privileged and confidential
information intended solely for the recipient(s) named in it.  Any
further distribution or use of this message without the sender's
permission is prohibited.  If you have received this message in error,
please immediately notify the sender and delete this message.

Ce message électronique peut contenir des informations privilégiées et
confidentielles destinées uniquement aux destinataires désignés. Toute
diffusion ou utilisation de ce message sans autorisation de
l'expéditeur est interdite. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur,
veuillez aviser l'expéditeur immédiatement et supprimer ce message.

From: David Amos [mailto:myson333@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 8:38 AM
To: czwibel@ccla.org; oldmaison@yahoo.com; terry.seguin; Robert. Jones
Cc: MacKnightb; david.raymond.amos@gmail.com; mail@ccla.org;
thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com; Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca;
jgraham@amlnet.com; together@jordangraham.ca;
peter.dauphinee@gmail.com; danfour@myginch.com; evelyngreene@live.ca;
wearefredup@gmail.com; mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com;
acampbell@ctv.ca; mckeen.randy@gmail.com
Subject: Attn Cara Zwibel I called the CCLA and tried to tell you
people about this email before you talked to the CBC etc

For the record the CCLA would not allow me to speak to anyone so i
will call you directly after I click send.

Cara Zwibel, Director, Fundamental Freedoms Program - czwibel@ccla.org
or 416-363-0321 ext 255


Clearly Chief Macknight recieved it before the CCLA entered the fray EH?.

--- On Wed, 2/1/12, David Amos wrote:

From: David Amos
Subject: Oh my Chucky what monumental Bullshitters you and Danny Boy are
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, danfour@myginch.com, evelyngreene@live.ca,
wearefredup@gmail.com, thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com,
mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com, acampbell@ctv.ca,
Cc: "terry.seguin" ,
thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com, MacKnightb@fredericton.ca,
Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jgraham@amlnet.com,
together@jordangraham.ca, peter.dauphinee@gmail.com
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2012, 12:47 PM

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The last time Section 301 of the Criminal Code for used in Fredericton
was around 1902!!!

Someone told me this story - Two editors of the Daily Gleaner wrote a
bad editorial against the Chief of Police of the Day. The Chief got
upset, He arrested and jailed the editors over night. That was their
punishment. Shouldn't this be setting a precedent??? From the Editors
of the Daily Gleaner to the Blogger!!! Hey? We're making
headway!!...:P By the way? I found this little story minutes ago -
Click below - Libel section in Criminal Code unconstitutional: N.L.

Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 10:44:00 AM


Anonymous said...

The was a defamatory libel case in Moncton a few years ago. it
resulted in a guilty verdict. It's not as are are you claim.
11:46 AM, February 01, 2012

Charles LeBlanc said...

criminal or civil???
11:49 AM, February 01, 2012

Anonymous said...

We all know that the Gleaner isn't an unbiased paper and that Irving
has it's hands in what the editors publish!
12:54 PM, February 01, 2012

Dan F said...

Are Canadian courts so complicit with the police that there are no
hungry lawyers willing to sue on your behalf for false arrest and
malicious prosecution?
1:09 PM, February 01, 2012

stu student law optional said...

Great searching Charles that will be a significant precident to change
legal landscape to something sensible against this silly libel claim
1:09 PM, February 01, 2012

Anonymous said...

sigh...rolling my eyes...
3:01 PM, February 01, 2012
Try denying the rest of the email I Double Dog Dare Ya Frenchy. You
know as well as that there no need for you to bullshit about
researching anything. I proved to leagions of people long ago that you
Fake Left wackos in Fat fred City knew all about Section 301 ala Byron
Prior and my assistance to him since 2004. Well Chucky baby what YOU
have to worry about is Section 300. It has not been found
unconstitutional. That is the law that got Byron Prior locked up
DUMMY. The CROWN has LOTS of time to figure that one out before they
lay chges on April 20th.


If not why not seek the legal advice of your know it all Blogging Butt
Buddy Mikey Baby Archibald (You he is remember the sneaky dude who
gave you your first digital camera the year after I gave you your
first computer in frint of the LEG in 2004) he ws always worried about
tenants rights just like Andre Murray is now.  It appearsto me  that
Mindless Mikey does not seem to wish to comment in your blog anymore
or are you blocking him just like you did with mean old me years ago?


BTW I saved every video  thatyou posted of Jenn Wambolt in YOUTUBE
whom you and Norrad interveiwed BEFORE you delete again or opt make
more blogs. I will lay odds that my converstions with Evelyn Green and
Andre Murray last week caused you and Norrad to go visit Mrs Wambolt
and make your interview and compose a special story N'sy Pas Chucky



Nedd I say why don't you evilblogggers tell the truth for a change or
do the Fat Fred City Finest and the RCMP a favour and eat your own
bullshit and die? Est assured I will use YOUR BULLSIT against them
when I deem the timing is just right.

--- On Sun, 1/29/12, David Amos wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 13:28:07 -0400
> Subject: RE Sec 301 For the PUBLIC RECORD now that the Fat Fred City
> Finest have evil Chucky Leblanc's Computer
> To: jgraham@amlnet.com, together@jordangraham.ca,
> peter.dauphinee@gmail.com, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> , thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com,
> occupyfredericton@gmail.com, WEAREFREDUP@gmail.com,
> brother.chao@gmail.com, markandcaroline@gmail.com, tim4nm@gmail.com,
> "Jacques.Poitras" ,
> brent.mazerolle@timestranscript.com, "mclaughlin.heather"
> , acampbell@ctv.ca, nmoore
> , dale.carruthers@sunmedia.ca,
> maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca
> Cc: johnkelly475@yahoo.ca, evelyngreene@live.ca, Barry Winters
> , "Ken.Zielke" ,
> "Barry.Shaw" , "bob.rae"
> , "robert.trevors"
> , toewsv1 , MacKnightb
> , woodsideb ,
> grahamj@fredericton.ca, eic@theaq.net
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/story/2012/01/24/nb-leblanc-reaction-629.html
> http://www.theaq.net/2012/being-charles-leblanc/-10080
> I see that the CBC etc are supporting Chucky Baby bigtime while he is
> supporting his blogging buddy Andre but not the ladies such as Evelyn
> Greene and Jenn Wambolt EH?
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2012/01/another-victim-from-fredericton-gestapo.html
> They can never deny that you, Chucky, his cyber butt buddies, all your
> cop buddies and I know a lot about section 301 and  CRIMINAL Libel EH
> Mr Baconfat?
> EVEN THE VERY CORRUPT CBC and vverbody and his dog knows that you and
> Chucky's many cyber friends have been calling me a pedophile for
> years.
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2009/09/david-amos-liar.html
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2hlv5M6V5Q&feature=plcp&context=C3459e78UDOEgsToPDskJp_jxblg8-qi-TV63wVfxq
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/3000115/Byron-Prior-judgement
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2009/10/byron-prior-from-newfoundland-is.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/05/nfld-whistleblower-dodges-libel-charge.html
> http://nbpolitico.blogspot.com/2007/11/pick-lane.html
> http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=5YoYexTqY8o
> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach-bush.html
> From: Evelyn Greene
> Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 16:09:56 -0300
> Subject: FW: GNB harassing public
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com
> Gentlemen:  Can you try and get me some press coverage and I have lots
> to say.  Jenn Wambolt was provoked, then the Sheriffs and police said
> she uttered threats and her lawyer quit just hours before the hearing.
>  You call this Justice.  Evelyn Greene
> From: David Amos
> Subject: Re: FW: Message to Angie re confirmation that David Banks of
> the Dispatch 911 at the Fredericton City Police said he sent the 911
> audio evidence to the Crown
> To: "Evelyn Greene" , "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> , "thepurplevioletpress"
> Cc: "We are Fred up" , andremurraynow@gmail.com
> Date: Saturday, January 28, 2012, 2:38 PM
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2012/01/another-victim-from-fredericton-gestapo.html
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r20grqEq4O0&context=C359aa54ADOEgsToPDskLn7jsBsjMNWCHYGvg_AydA
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/78095644/January-11-2012-Affidavit-Andre-Murray-Jurisdiction-Motion
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2011/10/jenn-wambolt-protesting-rcmp-brutally.html
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yVzq-_3uP0&feature=plcp&context=C38cba40UDOEgsToPDskIRYudpd1ZVKUe48Ey7z9Sa
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2011/10/evelyn-greene-problems-with-racist.html
> On 1/28/12, David Amos wrote:
>> No special treatment when police face charges: lawyer
>> Craig Babstock (Times & Transcript) – With more than 20 years
>> experience as a Crown prosecutor, Luc Labonté knows how some people
>> will react when they hear an RCMP officer had his assault charged
>> stayed earlier this week. He knows that some will have the perception
>> this individual no longer faces a charge because he’s a police
>> officer.
>> “Unfortunately, we’ll never be able to change those people’s minds,”
>> says Labonté.
>> But New Brunswick’s director of Public Prosecutions Services wants to
>> assure the public that people who are charged with a crime are all
>> treated the same, no matter if they are a Mountie, a plumber or a
>> newspaper reporter.
>> “Our system is based on evidence, not on someone’s profession,” says
>> the prosecutor.
>> The case in question involved an accusation a Mountie committed a
>> summary assault against his spouse in December and was supposed to go
>> to trial in Moncton provincial court on Tuesday. Instead, the Crown
>> asked for a stay of proceedings, saying the request came from the head
>> office in Fredericton, which the judge granted. Head office gave no
>> reason for the request, beyond saying the file was reviewed and it was
>> determined that it was not appropriate to proceed with a charge at
>> this time.
>> Knowing the public is quick to scrutinize cases involving a police
>> officer, Labonté agreed to talk about the procedure that’s in place in
>> cases where a police officer is charged, in an attempt to reassure the
>> public there is no bias, either for or against an officer.
>> In this particular case, an RCMP officer investigated the RCMP officer
>> who was accused and eventually laid the charge against him in court.
>> That investigator told the Times & Transcript earlier this week that
>> his work was reviewed by officers from a non-RCMP police force in the
>> province.
>> Labonté says while it’s preferable not to have officers from the same
>> police force investigate one another, this particular investigation
>> was independently reviewed by two Crown prosecutors. New Brunswick is
>> what’s known as a “pre-screening province,” meaning that the Crown
>> reviews charges and approves them before they are laid in court. The
>> director says no prosecutor deals with files involving police officers
>> from their own area.
>> “If I’m a Moncton prosecutor and they bring me a file about a Codiac
>> RCMP member, I would immediately not look at that file and send it to
>> head office,” says Labonté. “If a Moncton prosecutor said no to a
>> charge for a Moncton police officer, it would look bad.”
>> The head office finds a prosecutor in the province who has not had
>> dealings with that police officer. Because Mounties are frequently
>> transferred, they also check where that person has been located in the
>> past so there’s no conflict with the Crown assigned to the file.
>> During his career in Moncton, Labonté took on files involving police
>> officers in other parts of the province of whom he had no knowledge,
>> which allowed him to treat each case like any other file.
>> “We want to make sure they don’t get any special treatment or treated
>> more harshly than any other person,” he says. “We ensure the threshold
>> required to prosecute someone is met.”
>> A common misperception about Crown prosecutors is that they are out to
>> register convictions, but that’s not the case. As a sign in the lobby
>> of the Crown’s office in the Moncton Law Courts says, the goal is to
>> present the facts and let the judge or jury decide guilt.
>> “We are to be an unbiased presenter of the facts, we’re not there to
>> seek convictions,” he says.
>> Labonté says cases are constantly reviewed leading up to a trial and
>> there are many reasons why a stay may be sought. For example a witness
>> may disappear, a person can change their story, new evidence can be
>> discovered, or a new person reviewing the file may have a different
>> opinion whether or not it should proceed.
>> While Labonté can’t discuss the specifics of the Moncton case from
>> this week, he says he reviewed the file and recommended the case not
>> go to trial. That recommendation went to his deputy minister, who
>> agreed. In cases where the Crown requests a stay of proceedings, it
>> has a year to decide if it wants to lay the charge again.
>> On 1/27/12, David Amos wrote:
>>> Ms Greene your lawyer and the Attorney General did not respond I
>>> strongly sugggest that you print this document ASAP
>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>>> Check this out
>>> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2012/01/bloggers-treated-like-royality-at-2012.html
>>> Need I say more?
>>> On 1/26/12, David Amos wrote:
>>>> Ms Greene
>>>> I just got off the phone with Luc labonte's office. Perhaps your
>>>> lawyer should talk to me ASAP
>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>> On 1/25/12, Evelyn Greene wrote:
>>>>> Hi Leo, this is unreal.  Mr. Labonte is the Director of Public
>>>>> Prosecutions;
>>>>> therefore, has a duty to ensure the Regional Director, Hilary Drain
>>>>> plays
>>>>> by
>>>>> the rules and regulations.  I am forwarding to you a press release
>>>>> which
>>>>> was
>>>>> in the Moncton Times on Friday, October 21, 2011, wherein Mr. Labonte
>>>>> was
>>>>> quoted on or about the 12th paragraph:  "  "We ensure the threshold
>>>>> required
>>>>> to prosecute someone is met."  Who does he mean by we if he cannot
>>>>> control
>>>>> the actions of the Regional Prosecutor to act without bias.  My email
>>>>> clearly revealed the crown is deliberately withholding evidence.  IN
>>>>> THE
>>>>> BASED
>>>>> ON
>>>>> DRAIN
>>>>> CROWN
>>>>> ASKING
>>>>> RIGHT
>>>>> THANK
>>>>>  From: Luc.LaBonte@gnb.ca
>>>>> To: evelyngreene@live.ca
>>>>> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 14:51:28 -0400
>>>>> Subject: RE:  Message to Angie re confirmation that David Banks of the
>>>>> Dispatch 911 at the Fredericton City Police said he sent the 911 audio
>>>>> evidence to the Crown
>>>>> Ms. Greene, As I have stated to you repeatedly, the issues of
>>>>> disclosure
>>>>> are
>>>>> to be dealt by the Regional Fredericton office. Should the Crown fail
>>>>> to
>>>>> comply with its obligation to disclose you have the right to request
>>>>> relief
>>>>> from the Court pursuant to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. For
>>>>> your
>>>>> information, Mr. Robert Murray is a retired Director of Public
>>>>> Prosecutions
>>>>> who is hired from time to time to assist the short staffed Fredericton
>>>>> office. This person is beyond reproach and has not acted unethically.
>>>>> Prosecutors are permitted to speak to defendants. If you do not wish
>>>>> to
>>>>> speak to a prosecutor, that is your right. In closing, your continued
>>>>> attempts to argue your case through e-mails and correspondence are not
>>>>> the
>>>>> appropriated medium. I understand your frustrations with the judicial
>>>>> system, but nonetheless, that is where you should make your arguments.
>>>>> If
>>>>> you are successful, you can then request the appropriate remedy.  I do
>>>>> not
>>>>> intend to embark in an exchange of e-mails to discuss your file.
>>>>> Please
>>>>> argue your issues in court, where they belong. Luc J. LabontéAssistant
>>>>> Deputy Attorney General (Public Prosecutions Services)Sous-procureur
>>>>> général
>>>>> adjoint (Service des poursuites publiques) From: Evelyn Greene
>>>>> [mailto:evelyngreene@live.ca]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:31 PM
>>>>> To: LaBonte, Luc (OAG/CPG); Castonguay, Pierre (OAG/CPG);
>>>>> marie.claudeblais@gnb.ca; Forbes, Nancy (OAG/CPG); Alward, David Hon.
>>>>> (PO/CPM); NB911 - Fredericton; Lavigne, Christopher (OAG/CPG); Drain,
>>>>> Hilary
>>>>> (OAG/CPG); Blunston, Darlene (OAG/CPG); Bray, Michael (JUS);
>>>>> russomanno@wsgalaw.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: Message to Angie re confirmation that David Banks of the
>>>>> Dispatch 911 at the Fredericton City Police said he sent the 911 audio
>>>>> evidence to the Crown Dear Mr. Labonte:
>>>>> This will confirm my telephone conversation with your secretary,
>>>>> Angie,
>>>>> today.  I asked her to confirm to you and your crown prosecutors that
>>>>> I
>>>>> spoke with the head of the 911 dispatch dept. at Fredericton City
>>>>> Police
>>>>> today, Mr. David Banks, who confirmed to me that he sent the 911 audio
>>>>> evidence to the crown already.  So why have I not received it yet and
>>>>> was
>>>>> told by Ms. Drain's office that there is no disclosure at their office
>>>>> for
>>>>> me at this time?
>>>>> (1)  Please confirm what the status of this report is now?  I am
>>>>> copying
>>>>> Mr.
>>>>> Banks.
>>>>> (2)  A crown prosecutor was in court yesterday on your behalf, a Mr.
>>>>> Murray,
>>>>> who got up during court and asked me to attend outside the room with
>>>>> him.
>>>>> I
>>>>> do not know this man and I believe this is unethical behaviour on his
>>>>> part.
>>>>> Would you please confirm your position on this matter.  He is the 6th
>>>>> crown
>>>>> prosecutor on this case and I am still awaiting information from Mr.
>>>>> Lavigne
>>>>> as to the questions he asked of the police regarding irregularities on
>>>>> the
>>>>> CCTV video and audio given by the police to the Crown's office.  What
>>>>> is
>>>>> the
>>>>> status of this information?  No one can dispute the fact that the CCTV
>>>>> video
>>>>> and audio are tampered evidence, right?
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> Evelyn Greene
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: john kelly
> Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 06:35:31 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: Perhaps John Kelly and I should have a long talk ASAP EH
> Peter Teasdale? 902 800 0369
> To: David Amos
> Dear David,
> Thank you for your support, this is just a quick update...
> I now have limited access to the internet and the Crown is unlawfully trying
> to
> trestrict even that, They attempted to have a section placed in an order
> that I
> have refused to acknowledge or sign. The section is restrictive
> unreasonable and
> is a blatant attempt to stop me from commenting on their false charges and
> providing the truth to anyone.
> That section states the following (in capitals) " PROVIDED HE DOES NOT POST
> My next court date is October the 7th and despite numerous requests
> and promises
> the RCMP cannot provide any evidence to substantiate the allegation and
> charges
> they have laid agains me. Applications will be made to the Court to get them
> to
> comply...more to follow soon.....
> truly,  John Kelly
> ________________________________
> From: David Amos
> To: johnkelly475@yahoo.ca; peter.teasdale ;
> "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca" ;
> gstirling@parlee.com; smassinon@calgaryherald.com;
> grossea@bennettjones.com;
> bmarks@ctv.ca; Jacques.Poitras ;
> "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> ; terry.seguin ; danfour
> ; "spinks08@hotmail.com"
> Cc: cps@calgarypolice.ca; Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; Barry Winters
> ; Ken.Zielke
> Sent: Sat, September 18, 2010 10:49:23 AM
> Subject: Perhaps John Kelly and I should have a long talk ASAP EH Peter
> Teasdale? 902 800 0369
> What the RCMP claims is pure bullshit need I mention the name of Byron
> Prior to CBC or the mindless bad arsed blogger Chucky leblanc?
> http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100917/CGY_website_libel_100917/20100917/?hub=CalgaryHome
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:57:17 -0300
> Subject: How is your conscience and sense of ethical conduct doing now
> ladies?
> To: Jane.McAloon@bhpbilliton.com, Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton.com
> Cc: "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca" ,
> "Dean.Buzza"
> Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS
> Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in
> July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as
> Company Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited.
> Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon
> held the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and
> Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She
> previously held various State and Commonwealth government positions,
> including Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities
> and Deputy Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as
> working in private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of
> Chartered Secretaries.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)"
> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000
> Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP
> Billiton
> Susan Collins
> Company Secretariat
> BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia
> T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290
> E: susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton.com
> <>
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
>> To: pr@potashcorp.com; Podwika@potashcorp.com;
>> fosterd@bennettjones.ca; corporate.relations@potashcorp.com;
>> lgold.blcanada@b-l.com; shawn. graham; David.ALWARD@gnb.ca;
>> krisaustin; jacques_poitras@cbc.ca; cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca;
>> tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com; nmiller@corridor.ca;
>> bruce.northrup@gnb.ca; atlbf@nb.aibn.com; akapoor@globeandmail.com;
>> nmacadam@globeandmail.com; vepp@globeandmail.com;
>> potash@mackenziepartners.com; contactus@kingsdaleshareholder.com;
>> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
>> mclellana@bennettjones.com; MooreR; danfour; oldmaison@yahoo.com;
>> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
>> Cc: wcoady; michel.desneiges@sade-els.org; producers@stu.ca;
>> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
>> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
>> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
>> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
>> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
>> issues again about  theexploitation of our natural resources to a
>> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
>> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
>> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
>> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
>> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
>> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
>> now)
>> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
>> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
>> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
>> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
>> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
> This message and any attached files may contain information that is
> confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use
> by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or
> the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended
> recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and
> that any dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment
> is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information
> therein. If you have received this message in error please notify the
> sender immediately and delete the message.
> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
> issues again about  theexploitation of our natural resources to a
> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
> now)
> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans
> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> http://www.bennettjones.com/people_item.aspx?person=821
> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/potash-corp-soars-bhp-bid-rejected/article1675353/
> http://beta.images.theglobeandmail.com/archive/00828/BHPrelease_828561a.pdf
> http://www.potashcorp.com/media/POT_2010_Letter_from_BHP_Billiton's_Chairman.pdf
> http://www.bhpbilliton.com/bb/aboutUs/companyOverview/ourBoard.jsp
> http://www.potashcorp.com/about/management_board/senior_management/podwika/
> http://www.corridor.ca/media/2010-press-releases/20100510.html
> http://www.bennettjones.com/people_item.aspx?person=712&name=foster&pg=&office=
> http://www.robmooremp.com/081908.htm
> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/new-brunswick/story/2009/05/07/nb-penobsquis-water-lawyer-1056.html?ref=rss
> http://www.newbrunswickbeacon.ca/2010/03/risk-and-reward-when-rural-life-meets-economic-development/5666
> http://www.vancouverislandwaterwatchcoalition.ca/go456a/FRACKING
> http://www.elements.nb.ca/theme/ecojustice/JeanPaul/JeanPaul.htm
> http://www.nbmediacoop.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1133:penobsquis-residents-seek-compensation-for-damages&catid=82:environment&Itemid=197
> From: David Amos
> Subject: Attn Rob Moir I have read some of your work perhaps you
> should read something from years ago
> To: fundyroyalndp@gmail.com, Moore.R@parl.gc.ca,
> jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca,
> tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
> Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, bbixby@burnslev.com,
> david@lutz.nb.ca, drosenblatt@burnslev.com,
> markwright4mp@politician.com
> Cc: fosterd@bennettjones.ca, corporate.relations@potashcorp.com,
> lgold.blcanada@b-l.com, fbinhct@leo.gov
> Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 9:46 PM
> First things first meet Lenny Gold, Dougy Foster and Joey Podwika. You
> can be certain that these wicked bastards know exactly who I am and
> are no doubt quite nervous that the Feds have not figured out a way to
> shut me up yet.
> Everybody knows that far away corporate lawyers such as these three
> stooges have been making the big score off us dumb Maritimers forever
> and a day and have been laughing their nasty arses off at us all the
> way to their buddies' bank. They appear to fear only one Maritimer and
> that is yours truly. Ask them if I am liar or not as I speak of the
> Bank Fraud Tax Fraud, Securities Fraud and Murders that you are afraid
> to talk about. Shawn Graham should know everthing he partied hardy
> with my G.A.L. Brian Bixby's Law firm in Beantown one year ago and I
> effected an introduction with the lawyer Leonard Gold because that
> very dumb Maritimer came to Beantown to talk to many evil Yankees ten
> times more worldly wise than Shawny Baby ever could be.
> Your laments Bobby Baby about lost water really rot my socks. You
> should know I covered that base years ago and everybody just ran away
> scared. Ask the Minister Larry Cannon why I laughed when he gave out a
> little federal gold just before Bernie Lord had the writ dropped in
> 2006 in the provincial election. It was very telling thing just like
> all the money being passed out right now.
> I noticed that you and all you NDP pals ignored the fact that I ran in
> that election as well as the Fed one and the one in Nova Scotia
> earlier that year. Yea I saw you and Pat Hannratty ducking  out the
> back just as I walked in that night in January of 2006. Why you didn't
> answer my friend Jack's letter either spoke to your personal integrity
> EH? If Rob Moore or none of the Conservatives on the Hill faraway
> won't talk to you just ask the lawyer Smith in Saint John the boss of
> the NB Securities Commission if I didn't raise a little Hell while he
> filled the other lawyer Nicholson's boots in PUB just long enough to
> cram the pipeline through to the trunk while the election was on and I
> was intervening in the pipeline matter in Saint John at the same time
> and Norm Miller and his lawyer ignored my arguments but read my words
> about it all on the web all the same.
> Better yet why not have some fun and ask the very strange PCS dudes in
> Sussex why they had my photo posted at the gate and the RCMP were to
> be called if I made an appearance there while I was running against
> your pal John Carty in Fat Fred City. Your clue to their malice is UBS
> and another lawyer named Dave Aufhauser whom I have been battling with
> for six long years. Do you even know who he is? Rest assured Lenny,
> Dougy and Joey do.
> Whereas you trust the words of the very malicious CBC or the Irvings
> and not mine read what the CBC were saying one year ago. Then read
> what the local Irving rag wrote about me four god damned years ago.
> For the record Bobby Baby I still remember you commenting on the
> trouble I was having with the Feds so that my minor son could return
> to the USA to comfort his mother and how little milk of human kindness
> you have had in your greedy little PHD soul ever since. Can ya tell I
> don't like you not even a little bit?
> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/new-brunswick/story/2007/03/27/nb-mccullyfield.html
> Read on Teacher pay particular attention to my words about oil and
> gas.and crossborder public corruption. For the record I have always
> considered the water in Penobsquis a federal matter concerning the NEB
> and if they ignore me then maybe i would take it up in the Federal
> Court. It won't go anywhere though if Maritimers don't finally wise up
> start listening to me.
> FYI I have started to upload some of my ducument for the public to
> view. They can be found here and there will be a great deal more to
> follow as my time allows.
> http://www.scribd.com/people/view/554842-david-raymond-amos
> This Maritimer Danny Boy Fitzgeral who is studying for his PHD in
> Holland made several interesting blogs about me as he attacked my
> integrity. In the end methinks I may have turned him my way and in
> return I left his school out of my battles.
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/03/3rd-part-political-runs-in-maritimes.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/03/david-amos-nb-nwo-whistleblower-part-1b.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/04/david-amos-nb-nwo-whistleblower-part-2.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/04/david-amos-nb-nwo-whistleblower-part-3.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/04/canadian-action-party-cap-qsls.html
> Perhaps you should study them sometime EH Teacher? You should take
> careful notice that college degrees mean less than nothing to me. Just
> like any true Maritimer it is fighters, foresters, farmers and
> fishermen I admire not rich snots that do not understand the meaning
> of hard work. That said it does appear that Danny Boy does work very
> hard on his blog. I do know how long such things take and his blog is
> a fine and as fancy as anyones and constantly updated. I particularly
> apprciate the fact he leaves his comments open without moderation.
> Also for the record I signed your Fake Left friends' petition.
> Penobsquis Deserves Safe Water
> 98  Fran Oliver There is no excuse for this situation. A responsible
> provincial government and a responsible corporation would never allow
> local families to bear the financial and social burden, likely
> resulting from a provincial mining operation, while government and
> corporation choke on huge profits.
> 99  David Raymond Amos Ask Garth Moore why my picture is posted at the
> gate while I ran for Parliament will ya?
> My friends tell me tha the Photo the PCS dudes had posted as some sort
> of criminal the RCMP were watching out for was clipped from the pages
> of the Kings County Record that contained the following articles.
> The following email and two deleted blogs can be found within one
> pigheaded Maritimer's blog about government injustice. After the
> Irvings had his pal's Chucky Leblanc' former blog wiped out I had to
> tease and torture him into doing the right thing and allowing just one
> of my comments to stand. Some much for Freedom on Speech on the
> Internet when even Maritime bloggers are unethical  EH teacher?
> For the record only the Gypsy and Danny Boy fitzgerald have allowed
> all of my comments to stand the test of time and ethics. Thus far so I
> must give credit where credit is due. Your chosen profession such as
> it is should at least understand that EH Mr. Moir?
> Here is my last post in the blogs tonight. Obviously I do not pretend
> to be somebody I am not. N'est Pas?
> http://gypsy-blog.blogspot.com/2008/04/from-student-to-city-councillor.html
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> The following email can be found here
> http://govinjustice.blogspot.com/2008/04/tjburke-letter-to-me.html
> ---- Original Message -----
> From: "McKnight, Gisele" McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord.com
> To: lcampenella@ledger.com
> Cc:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
> Subject: David Amos
> Hello Lisa,
> David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he became
> an independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our
> federal
> election that was held June 28. He was a candidate in our constituency of
> Fundy (now called  Fundy-Royal).
> I wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
> story appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written
> by one of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on
> the candidates' debate held June 18.
> As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
> The winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358.
> I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo
> taken by reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the
> photo
> that ran, but this one is very similar.
> A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate 2.JPG
> Gisele McKnight editor
> Kings County Record
> Sussex, New Brunswick
> Canada
> 506-433-1070
> Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
> By Erin Hatfield
> "If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your
> world is all screwed up, rearrange it."
> The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at
> the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to
> watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if
> unofficial, theme song for the debate.
> The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as
> they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn.
> Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue
> chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent
> left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty,
> mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards
> the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
> The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was
> organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage
> of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record
> and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
> Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates
> responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the
> exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices.
> Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each
> other on their answers and criticizing eachothers' party leaders.
> Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the
> questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic
> relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in
> response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's
> getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."
> Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his
> party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but
> well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am
> on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better
> places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters
> shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.
> The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At
> one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in
> front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the
> voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to
> Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second
> readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at
> final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to
> register sex offenders rather than register the property of law
> abiding citizens."
> The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and
> women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman
> yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron
> spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
> Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy
> Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You're out of touch," Armstrong
> yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of
> post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged
> Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time,
> anyplace," Armstrong responded.
> As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate,
> candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and
> fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making
> process for the June 28 vote.
> Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his
> favourite possessions—motorcycles.
> McKnight/KCR
> The Unconventional Candidate
> David Amos Isn't Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
> By Gisele McKnight
> FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his
> wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone
> that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."
> Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
> The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife
> and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from
> running for office in Canada.
> One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail
> to meet Elections Canada requirements.
> When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his
> favourite place to do so—Fundy.
> Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his
> dissatisfaction with politicians.
> "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he
> said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."
> The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in
> 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he
> needed to change his life.
> "I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that
> sometimes in midlife."
> So Amos, who'd lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners
> motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952
> Panhead motorcycle.
> "Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact)
> experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you
> renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask
> for anything, but you take what they offer."
> For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs
> and conversation all over North America.
> Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son
> and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls
> himself.
> He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist
> rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed
> individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud
> Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."
> Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
> "But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said.
> "It's alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"
> Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
> "I didn't appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door
> interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can
> call me. I'm not going to drive my opinions down their throats."
> And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
> "I won't take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It's
> not about money. It goes against what I'm fighting about."
> What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood,
> the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to
> name a few.
> "The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing,
> farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm
> death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it
> (NAFTA) out the window.
> NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an
> easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
> Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
> "There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me,
> especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right.
> Don't necessarily vote for me, but vote."
> Although…if you're going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have
> your X by his name.
> "I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and
> say, 'what the hell.'"
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 16:38:35 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> To: henrybanta
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300
> Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of
> ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you
> people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> To: Scott.Espenshade@bhpbilliton.com, ir
> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/potash-corp-soars-bhp-bid-rejected/article1675353/
> http://beta.images.theglobeandmail.com/archive/00828/BHPrelease_828561a.pdf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300
> Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of
> ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you
> people buy much stock in their stock eh?
> To: Scott.Espenshade@bhpbilliton.com, ir
> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/potash-corp-soars-bhp-bid-rejected/article1675353/
> http://beta.images.theglobeandmail.com/archive/00828/BHPrelease_828561a.pdf
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "STAINTON-JAMES, Angela"
>> > To: "'David Amos'"
>> > Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:50 AM
>> > Subject: RE: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do
>> > about people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada
>> > such slander is a crime EH Vic Toews?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Dear David
>> >
>> > Thank you for your e-mail addressed to Hugh Robertson. Your e-mail
>> > has come through to Hugh's constituency office when, clearly, you need
>> > his Department. Sadly, I do not have an e-mail address for him but
>> > the telephone number of the Department of Media Culture and Sport is
>> > 020 7211 6200 and they should be able to provide you with the
>> > necessary information.
>> >
>> > Thank you for writing to Hugh and if you have any problem at all
>> > please do not hesitate to come back to me.
>> >
>> > Best wishes
>> > Angela Stainton-James
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> > Sent: 29 May 2010 23:24
>> > To: STAINTON-JAMES, Angela; toewsv1
>> > Cc: RHar100@aol.com; Gilles. Blinn; gilles.moreau; roger. gillies;
>> > rogerduguay21
>> > Subject: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do about
>> > people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada such
>> > slander is a crime EH Vic Toews?
>> >
>> > Need I say that "Satan's Crack Dealer" and his many evil little fans
>> > atacked the wrong pissed of Maritimer in Youtube? Scroll down read
>> > real slow and then call your lawyer or the cops Mr Roberson
>> >
>> > http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6074892060
>> > Richard Coughlan
>> > Faversham, United Kingdom
>> > email RHar100@aol.com
>> > Website:http://youtube.com/user/coughlan666
>> > Phone 07935333407
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 15:46:20 -0300
>> > Subject: Mr. Finkelstein I just discovered you and your concerns today
>> > perhaps we should have a long talk ASAP? i an be reached at 506 485
>> > 2578 for a couple of days
>> > To: normfinkelstein@gmail.com
>> >
>> > Need I say that I am hounoured that this evil person hates me/
>> >
>> > http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010/05/americans-have-never-guarantteed.html
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:23:46 -0300
>> > Subject: Lets see if the Russians will understand Fwd: We just talked
>> > this what I was trying to relate to the President of Mexico while he
>> > was in Canada
>> > To: info@rusembassy.ca
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:19:51 -0300
>> > Subject: We just talked this what I was trying to relate to the
>> > President of Mexico while he was in Canada
>> > To: atperez_lee
>> >
>> > The easiest way to check something about my concerns quickly is to go
>> > to the US Senate Banking Committee hearing on November 18th and 20th
>> > 2003 and notice the webcasts and transcripts of a very important
>> > hearing about the financial industry are missing. Please notice the
>> > crook Eliot Spitzer testified on the 20th
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Now look for Spitzer's answer to me on page 13 of this pdf file
>> >
>> > http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>> >
>> > The easy answer to your next question is YES I am the the guy nobody
>> > will talk about. so perhaps you should for the benefit of your
>> > concerns and pocketbook. (Google David Amos and Wendy Olsen to see how
>> > far down the rabbbit hole I can take anyone)
>> >
>> > I explained some of it a year ago on many talk shows and nobody cared.
>> > Listen here if you wish then go figure whom you should trust.
>> >
>> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJGDSlnyKro
>> >
>> > If nothing else have laugh at my espense and Google this expression
>> > "Nobody will say my name"
>> >
>> >
>> > Here is just one of the many reasons why
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
>> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:21 AM
>> > To: David Amos; USANYS-MADOFF; Litt, Marc (USANYS)
>> > Cc: webo; vasilescua@sec.gov; friedmani@sec.gov; krishnamurthyp@sec.gov
>> >
>> > Thank you for your response.
>> >
>> > Wendy Olsen
>> > Victim Witness Coordinator
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM
>> > To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS)
>> > Cc: webo; vasilescua@sec.gov; friedmani@sec.gov; krishnamurthyp@sec.gov
>> >
>> > Ms Olsen
>> >
>> > Thank you for keeping me informed.
>> >
>> > Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and
>> > make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full
>> > disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule
>> > of Law within a purported democracy.
>> >
>> > As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing
>> > wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to
>> > privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to
>> > protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution.
>> >
>> > The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well
>> > aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when
>> > the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff
>> > pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions
>> > was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been
>> > trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a
>> > secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of
>> > poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people
>> > are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did
>> > beginning over seven years ago..
>> >
>> > Veritas Vincit
>> > David Raymond Amos
>> > 506 756 8687
>> >
>> > P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as
>> > soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last
>> > night.
>> >
>> > http://www.bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1162354&f
>> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull
>> >
>> > Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It
>> > is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing
>> > timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud,
>> > forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal
>> > wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes.
>> >
>> > "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos
>> > and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison."
>> >
>> > He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that
>> > Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only
>> > acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some
>> > Putnam insiders.
>> >
>> > Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency
>> > is in hot water again.
>> >
>> > Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying
>> > private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact
>> > investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you
>> > enter the private sector," Scannell said."
>> >
>> > --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos wrote:
>> >
>> > From: David Amos
>> > SDNY
>> > To: NesterJ@sec.gov, letterstoeditor@bostonherald.com, "oig"
>> > , Thunter@tribune.com, david@davidmyles.com,
>> > ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca, "Dan Fitzgerald"
>> > Cc: dsheehan@bakerlaw.com, dspelfogel@bakerlaw.com,
>> > mc@whistleblowers.org, gkachroo@mccarter.com,
>> > david.straube@accenture.com, gurdip.s.sahota@accenture.com,
>> > benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts.gov, bob_burke@ao.uscourts.gov
>> > Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM
>> >
>> > Need I say BULLSHIT?
>> >
>> > http://www.bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1162354&f
>> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300
>> > SDNY
>> > To: Russ.Stanton@latimes.com, meredith.goodman@latimes.com,
>> > ninkster@navigantconsulting.com, dgolub@sgtlaw.com
>> > Cc: firstselectmanffld@town.fairfield.ct.us,
>> > editor@whatsupfairfield.com, info@csiworld.org, jacques_poitras
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300
>> > To: gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.us, MartiK1 ,
>> > "Paul. Harpelle" , Jason Keenan
>> > , Kandalaw
>> > Cc: info@grahamdefense.org, fbinhct@leo.gov
>> >
>> > From: "Peck,Dave"
>> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400
>> > Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT
>> > To: David Amos
>> >
>> > I will be unavailable until 4/1/09.
>> >
>> > Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away.
>> >
>> > He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at
>> > gmacnamara@town.fairfield.ct.us
>> >
>> > I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages.
>> >
>> > Thank you,
>> >
>> > Chief Dave Peck
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300
>> > To: dpeck@town.fairfield.ct.us, edit@ctpost.com, bresee@courant.com
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300
>> > To: dtnews@telegraph.co.uk
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM
>> >
>> > In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court
>> > received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from
>> > victims that has been submitted in connection with the case.
>> >
>> > This includes your email to the Government.
>> >
>> > If the correspondence from victims is unsealed, the victim's personal
>> > identifying information including name, address, telephone number and
>> > email address (to the extent it was included on the correspondence)
>> > will become public. The Government must submit a response to the
>> > request by NBC and ABC by Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know
>> > whether you consent to the full disclosure of your correspondence, or
>> > whether you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy
>> > or other reasons.
>> > If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us
>> > know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we
>> > can. Thank you.
>> >
>> > I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my
>> > emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no
>> > reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of
>> > chickenshits.
>> >
>> > I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will
>> > never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money
>> > with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH?
>> >
>> > Veritas Vincit
>> > David Raymond Amos
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300
>> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> > To: Marc.Litt@usdoj.gov
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: David Amos
>> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300
>> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> > To: PChavkin@mintz.com
>> > Cc: webo
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)"
>> > Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400
>> > Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> > To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> >
>> > On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following
>> > guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on
>> > March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.:
>> >
>> > Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will
>> > consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the
>> > defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the
>> > Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years'
>> > imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or
>> > released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea.
>> > Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will
>> > conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce
>> > whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court
>> > will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling.
>> >
>> > Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by
>> > the Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense
>> > counsel to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce
>> > its intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite
>> > individuals who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard.
>> >
>> > The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be
>> > heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and
>> > restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court
>> > also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak
>> > concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009
>> > proceeding.
>> >
>> > A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can
>> > be found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the
>> > Southern District of New York:
>> >
>> > http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/nys
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
>> > Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM
>> > To: usanys.madoff@usdoj.gov
>> > Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and
>> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> > Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM
>> > To: horwitzd@dicksteinshapiro.com; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE);
>> > USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)
>> > Cc: oig
>> > Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG
>> > etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me
>> >
>> > horwitzd@dicksteinshapiro.com
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: "Sartory, Thomas J."
>> > Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500
>> > Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
>> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
>> > To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> >
>> >
>> > Dear Mr. Amos,
>> >
>> > I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to
>> > Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response.
>> > While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from
>> > Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to
>> > help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our
>> > attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications
>> > will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege.
>> >
>> > We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns.
>> >
>> > Sincerely,
>> >
>> > Thomas J. Sartory
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:
>> > Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM
>> > To: Rosensweig, Richard J.; info@LAtaxlawyers.com; Reisch, Alan M.;
>> > reed@hbsslaw.com
>> > Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to
>> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails
>> >
>> > Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH?
>> >
>> > UK Parliament Disclaimer:
>> > This e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have
>> > received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your
>> > system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted.
>> > This e-mail has been checked for viruses, but no liability is accepted
>> > for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "R Hide (MIN)"
>> > To: "David Amos"
>> > Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:33 PM
>> > have an idea for you Ben
>> >
>> >
>> > On behalf of the Hon Rodney Hide, Minister of Local Government, I wish
>> > to acknowledge receipt of your email.
>> >
>> > Your correspondence has been placed in front of the Minister.
>> >
>> > regards
>> >
>> > Sandy Grove
>> > Ministerial Private Secretary (Advisory)
>> > Office of Hon Rodney Hide
>> > Ph 04 817 6630
>> > Email: sandy.grove@parliament.govt.nz
>> >
>> > The content of this email, including any attachment, is intended for
>> > the named recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or
>> > communication of the Department of Internal Affairs It may contain
>> > privileged material and/or confidential information.
>> >
>> > If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not
>> > copy it, distribute it or take any action in reliance on it. If you
>> > have received this email in error, please notify the sender
>> > immediately and delete this email. Although this email has been
>> > scanned for viruses, this email is not guaranteed to be free of
>> > viruses and should be checked by your own security mechanisms. No
>> > liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from the use of
>> > this email or its attachments.
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> > Sent: Tuesday, 29 September 2009 3:05 pm
>> > To: T Ryall (MIN); Amy Adams; Jim Anderton;
>> > anderton.wigram@xtra.co.nz; Jacinda Ardern; Shane Ardern; Chris
>> > Auchinvole; Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi; Rick Barker; Carol Beaumont; David
>> > Bennett; Loren Bolton (MIN); Jackie Blue; Chester Borrows;
>> > chester.wanganui@xtra.co.nz; chester.hawera@xtra.co.nz; John Boscawen;
>> > Sue Bradford; socialjustice@greens.org.nz; Simon Bridges; Natalie
>> > Roberts (MIN); Brendon Burns; bb@brendonburns.co.nz; Chris Carter;
>> > labourwest@xtra.co.nz; D Carter (MIN); cartermp@xtra.co.nz; J Carter
>> > (MIN); northlandelectorate@xtra.co.nz; Steve Chadwick; Charles
>> > Chauvel; Ashraf Choudhary; J Coleman (MIN); J Collins (MIN);
>> > office@judithcollins.co.nz; Clayton Cosgrove;
>> > claytoncosgrovekaiapoi@xtra.co.nz; David Cunliffe;
>> > dcunliffe@xtra.co.nz; Clare Curran; lianne.dalziel@parliament.govt.nz;
>> > Kelvin Davis; Jacqui Dean; Catherine Delahunty; Roger Douglas; P Dunne
>> > (MIN); electjville@xtra.co.nz; Ruth Dyson; ruth.dyson@xtra.co.nz; B
>> > English (MIN); elecgor@esi.co.nz; Darien Fenton;
>> > office@labournorth.org.nz; C Finlayson (MIN); Jeanette Fitzsimons; Te
>> > Ururoa Flavell; Craig Foss; craigfoss@backingthebay.co.nz; David
>> > Garrett; Aaron Gilmore; p.goff@parliament.govt.nz; phil@goff.org.nz;
>> > Jo Goodhew; sandra.goudie@national.org.nz; Kennedy Graham; Hon. Tim
>> > Groser (MIN); nathan.guy@national.org.nz;
>> > national.horowhenua@xtra.co.nz; national.kapiti@xtra.co.nz; Kevin
>> > Hague; Hone Harawira; Terry Ututaonga; George Hawkins; John Hayes; P
>> > Heatley (MIN); Tau Henare; tau.henaremp@xtra.co.nz; R Hide (MIN);
>> > rodney@epsom.org.nz; Paul Hutchison; hunua.electorate@xtra.co.nz;
>> > Shane Jones; shanejonesmp@xtra.co.nz; S Joyce (MIN); Rahui Katene;
>> > Nikki Kaye; Sue Kedgley; J Key (MIN); genelle@johnkey.mp.net.nz;
>> > A.King@parliament.govt.nz; kilbirnieeo@xtra.co.nz;
>> > colin.kingmp@xtra.co.nz; winnie.laban@parliament.govt.nz;
>> > mana.electorate@xtra.co.nz; Melissa Lee;
>> > Iain.leesgalloway@parliament.govt.nz; Keith Locke;
>> > greenmps.auckland@greens.org.nz;
>> > peseta.sam.lotuiiga@parliament.govt.nz; Tim Macindoe;
>> > moana.mackey@labour.org.nz; Nanaia Mahuta;
>> > tainuielectorate@xtra.co.nz; Trevor Mallard; WOAoffice@xtra.co.nz;
>> > petone.eo@clear.net.nz; W Mapp (MIN); Todd McClay; M McCully (MIN);
>> > murray.mccully@xtra.co.nz; Sue Moroney; waikatohub.mps@xtra.co.nz;
>> > Stuart Nash; Russel Norman; Hekia Parata; David Parker; Allan Peachey;
>> > Ritchie Wards; lynne.pillaymp@xtra.co.nz; S Power (MIN);
>> > simonpower.feilding@xtra.co.nz; simonpower.marton@xtra.co.nz; Rajen
>> > Prasad; Paul Quinn; angela.bray@parliament.govt.nz;
>> > jen.toogood@parliament.govt.nz; Chris Hipkins;
>> > marlene.ditchfield@xtra.co.nz; janette.granville@xtra.co.nz; Pete
>> > Hodgson; pete@petehodgson.co.nz; Parekura Horomia;
>> > ikaroa.gis@xtra.co.nz; ikaroa.hstgs@xtra.co.nz; Darren Hughes; Raymond
>> > Huo; office@grantrobertson.co.nz; Ross Robertson;
>> > rae.waterhouse@xtra.co.nz; michael.clatworthy@xtra.co.nz; Eric Roy; H
>> > Roy (MIN); Heather Henderson; Pita Sharples (MIN); Sua William Sio;
>> > Trish Wanden; mp.rodney.warkworth@xtra.co.nz; N Smith (MIN);
>> > nick@nick4nelson.co.nz; Maryan Street; Lindsay Tisch;
>> > tolleywhk@xtra.co.nz; tolleygis@xtra.co.nz;
>> > chris.tremain@national.org.nz; napier.electorate@airnet.net.nz;
>> > Metiria Turei; greenmps.dunedin@greens.org.nz; T Turia (MIN);
>> > Tari.Turia@xtra.co.nz; Philip Twyford; Louise Upston; Nicky Wagner; K
>> > Wilkinson (MIN); waimakariri@xtra.co.nz; M Williamson (MIN); Michael
>> > Woodhouse; blueandgold@parliament.govt.nz; P Wong (MIN);
>> > pansy.wong@xtra.co.nz; ahan.young@parliament.govt.nz;
>> > rosslynn@hrc.co.nz; sylviab@hrc.co.nz; michaelW@hrc.co.nz;
>> > phillippa.smith@oag.govt.nz; Mark.Holman@ssc.govt.nz;
>> > mark.thornton@justice.govt.nz; boris.vanbeusekom@justice.govt.nz;
>> > tinz@paradise.net.nz; >; emma.miles@police.govt.nz;
>> > John.Rivers@police.govt.nz; Mike.Webb@police.govt.nz;
>> > nurses@nzno.org.nz; gay@pha.org.nz; qsolutionsrising@gmail.com;
>> > easy@island.net; jardim.stratton@gmail.com;
>> > christinejhansen@gmail.com; no_to_nwo@yahoo.co.uk;
>> > johan.niklasson@evolution-production.com; lunalas@cox.net;
>> > saxon1hero@yahoo.co.uk; journalist@bellsouth.net;
>> > irenew.politico@gmail.com; daniel.solis@seznam.cz;
>> > vickytoxotis@hotmail.com; wef339@mail.com; katcre22@yahoo.com;
>> > scott@tkgtech.com; amandablake@blueyonder.co.uk;
>> > who.flu.2009@gmail.com; jazon@ymail.com; sineadcasper@live.ie;
>> > acpscotland@hotmail.co.uk; p.duffy93@ntlworld.com;
>> > tua46054@temple.edu; ciaranmcloone@ooglemail.com;
>> > marek_p2000@yahoo.com; black2000at@hotmail.com;
>> > madame_karnak@yahoo.com; sracine@gmail.com;
>> > annikatornlind@hotmail.com; manonf6@yahoo.com; matt@mattengelman.com;
>> > grantlear@hotmail.com; helix7@hotmail.com; editor@uncensored.co.nz;
>> > melocacau@gmail.com; steve.gosschalk@gmail.com;
>> > tidalelectric@gmail.com; vapi.kupenga@xtra.co.nz;
>> > eastwood.vincent@gmail.com; sichel@nsw.chariot.net.au;
>> > mlm@archaeoskymatrix.com
>> > Cc: laos_newzealand@yahoo.co.nz; jane burgermeister
>> > have an idea for you Ben
>> >
>> > From: National Kapiti Electorate Office
>> > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:14:19 +1300
>> > To: David Amos
>> >
>> > Dear Mr Amos
>> > Thank you for copying Nathan in with your email to NZ Health Minister
>> > Tony
>> > Ryall. This has been passed on to Nathan for his information.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Heather
>> >
>> > Heather Shaw| Electorate Agent for Hon Nathan Guy MP for Otaki
>> > P: +64 4 298 2906| F: +64 4 298 4845| Shop 3, 23 Amohia Street,
>> > Paraparaumu,
>> > Kapiti Coast 5032
>> > www.nathanguy.co.nz
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Heather
>> >
>> > Jan 3rd, 2004
>> >
>> > Mr. David R. Amos
>> > 153 Alvin Avenue
>> > Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186
>> >
>> > Dear Mr. Amos
>> >
>> > Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to
>> > my predecessor,
>> > the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety. I apologize for the
>> > delay in responding.
>> >
>> > If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only
>> > suggest that you contact
>> > the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of
>> > criminal activity should be brought
>> > to their attention since the police are in the best position to
>> > evaluate the information and take
>> > action as deemed appropriate.
>> >
>> > I trust that this information is satisfactory.
>> >
>> > Yours sincerely
>> > A. Anne McLellan”
>> >
>> > September 11th, 2004
>> >
>> > Dear Mr. Amos,
>> >
>> > On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne
>> > Clarkson, I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and
>> > CD regarding corruption, one received from you directly, and the
>> > other forwarded to us by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of
>> > New Brunswick.
>> >
>> > I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot
>> > intervene in matters that are the responsibility of elected officials
>> > and courts of
>> > Justice of Canada. You already contacted the various provincial
>> > authorities
>> > regarding your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take.
>> >
>> > Yours sincerely.
>> >
>> > Renee Blanchet
>> > Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
>> >
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 10:12:44 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: We just talked
>> To: scott.white@thecanadianpress.com, pagek@parl.gc.ca,
>> editor@policeprofessional.com
>> Cc: IgnatM , LaytoJ ,
>> jemma@policeprofessional.com, hiddenfromhistory
>> Need i say i was not surprised when Askari and his boss Kevin Page
>> formerly of the PCO office did not respond to my phone calls or email
>> yesterday?
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 15:39:54 -0300
>> Subject: We just talked
>> To: askarm@parl.gc.ca
>> Mostafa Askari
>> Director General
>> Library of Parliament
>> Economic and Fiscal Analysis
>> Parliament Buildings
>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A9
>> Canada
>> Telephone : 613-992-8045
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 18:07:59 -0300
>> Subject: You Cato dudes played dumb again about your missing blog and
>> the documents I sent ya but lets see if one of your Directors is a
>> dumb as you and the Feds pretend to be
>> To: barnold@cato.org, kcouchman@cato.org, ckennedy@cato.org,
>> amast@cato.org
>> Cc: "rick. skinner" , "Dean.Buzza"
>> The text of the blog of Tom Palmer's that Cato denies existed can be
>> found within my blog and many other places as well as this email
>> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/2005/03/ides-of-march.html
>> March 24, 2005
>> Crazy as a Loon, but Free
>> Off to Iceland!
>> Well, Bobby Fischer has his Icelandic passport. The U.S. government
>> can now stop persecuting him for the crime of playing chess in
>> Yugoslavia. Fischer may be out of his mind (tha’ts almost certain, if
>> you consider his anti-Semitism and praise for the 9-11 attacks), but
>> he’s not out of his mind for choosing Iceland as his country of
>> refuge. And the Icelanders, who may later regret having such an
>> utterly crazy person wandering around in their country, have done the
>> right thing by offering him refuge.
>> NOTE: I seem to have attracted a stalker, who keeps posting strange
>> messages on this site. Whatever.
>> Posted by Tom Palmer at March 24, 2005 07:09 AM | TrackBack
>> Comments
>> Quite frankly I do not understand this. What does Iceland gain from
>> this? Fischer himself stated that he would NEVER return to chess. So,
>> it is unlikely that he will play for Iceland... and even though he
>> did, it is not like he’d be back at the top.
>> Now, he might want to teach his fellow Icelanders
>> Fischerrandom...Fischerrandom is to chess what Estonian grammar is to
>> linguistic ...And THAT sounds like a threat to me. NV
>> Posted by: Nathalie I. Vogel at March 24, 2005 08:36 AM
>> I doubt that Iceland has much to gain. (And I suspect that the
>> inhabitants of Reykjavik may suffer from having an insufferable
>> loudmouth crackpot wandering around.) But they did the right thing.
>> The better thing would have been for the U.S. to drop its case against
>> Mr. Fischer. I don't think you should lose your passport or suffer
>> criminal prosecution for traveling someplace to play chess. I think
>> that the position of the U.S. government (and of both Democratic and
>> Republican administrations) is the harder one to understand.
>> Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 24, 2005 08:47 AM
>> TGP: "Fischer may be out of his mind (tha’ts almost certain, if you
>> consider his anti-Semitism "
>> I don't want to go all Szaszian on someone for what is most likely a
>> casual comment, but suggesting someone is "out of his mind" simply
>> because he is (labeled as) anti-Semitic seems overmuch. Immoral,
>> perhaps...poorly informed, possibly...holding to views developed as a
>> result of childhood associations, maybe...a confusion on either the
>> part of Fischer or the person making the accusation of anti-Semitism
>> with anti-Zionism, quite possible. But "out of his mind"?
>> Posted by: Ross Levatter at March 24, 2005 11:17 AM
>> Ross, Tom did refer to 'his' anti-Semitism; maybe it's not just that
>> Fischer does not like Jews, but that he suffers from a particularly
>> radical form of bigotry.
>> I wouldn't know myself, but that was the inference I drew from Tom's
>> comment.
>> Posted by: Henri Hein at March 25, 2005 02:45 AM
>> Then, Henri, he would be immoral, or bigoted, not "out of his mind".
>> And he should consult an ethicist, not a travel agent or chiropracter
>> to bring him back to his mind or better align it.
>> Again, my point was merely that "out of his mind" implies one must be
>> crazy or mentally ill to be anti-Semitic; I think that's a category
>> error.
>> Ross
>> Posted by: Ross Levatter at March 25, 2005 06:54 PM
>> Ross's points are well taken, but I do think that some term such as
>> "crazy" (I'll stay away from "mentally ill") is useful in describing
>> Mr. Fischer. (And even Thomas Szasz readily admits that there are
>> "lots of crazy people" around; he just says that they're not sick.)
>> The anti-Semitism that Mr. Fischer spouts is not of the "they wouldn't
>> be welcome in our club" sort (bad as that is), but of the "Organized
>> International Jewry is out to get me," sort. The former is an example
>> of bad behavior, bad manners, immoral views, or the like. The latter
>> sort of anti-Semitism is an obsession that seems in general to be
>> immune to either moral appeal (since it's a claim about an alleged
>> state of affairs, viz., that the Jews run everything and are out to
>> get one) or to factual refutation (how do you argue someone out of
>> such a...for want of a better word...crazy view?).
>> Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 25, 2005 11:34 PM
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: rjvattuone@aol.com
>> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:59 AM
>> Subject: This is going to get interesting
>> Hey Richard
>> Thanks for calling me back the other day. Here is my number in Boston
>> 617 698-6549 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 617 698-6549
>> end_of_the_skype_highlighting. I will be hitting the road shortly
>> and I will be sending out to you hard copy of what I am sending to
>> Scott Daruty. However there is a great deal more you should know ASAP.
>> I am involved against the biggest and baddest of them all and we all
>> know they play for keeps. It is important that you know much and have
>> evidence of it in order to protect yourself. I know they moniter my
>> phone calls and I have know doubt that they listen to the Canadain
>> Cell as well. The fact that you spoke to me honestly and openly puts
>> you in jeopardy. If you had acted like most lawyers, the bastards
>> would leave you alone. If you come to my aid, they will attack you.
>> Trust me it has happened before and I will send proof of it in the
>> following emails. Some contain the Tiffs I mentioned I am curious to
>> see if they get through AOL system. I hack been blocked by them in the
>> past. I have not heard from Barry Bachrach since just after he warned
>> me that the FBI was about to pounce on me on Oct 1st. It seems they
>> have him running scared. I must do my best to protect honest men..
>> The following is what I just posted but it seems Bill Gates does not
>> allow Tiff files in his sites so I will forward it to you to support
>> what I said is true. Answer this email if and when you get it an I
>> will send some others if you wish. However I think it would be better
>> not to use AOL. As I said just get one in Yahoo or Hotmail they work
>> better and are free.
>> From: motomaniac in response to Message 1 Sent: 3/27/2005 9:21 AM
>> In defense of Bobby Fischer I must say that he is just another man
>> like me. He has his strengths and his weaknesses. Just like me. One
>> particular forte of his, the amazing ability to play a game very well
>> thrust him into the limelight for the whole wide world to study and
>> examine his every move. More importantly I believe his fame caused him
>> to become a pawn in the big big game. Although he had his right to
>> privacy, the whole world dogged at his heels and critized his every
>> action as a man. The Masters of War obviously tried use him to their
>> advantage during the Cold War. He is not a stateman or a lawyer. He is
>> simply a free thinking individual who has every right to speak his
>> mind particularly after he has suffered through hell just because he
>> plays chess so very well.
>> I say judge not lest ye be judged and mind your own mouth about things
>> you do not know all the details of. I am far more outspoken than Bobby
>> ever was and yet you have never even heard of my name. It is because
>> the corporate controlled media is not permited to do so. I am nobody
>> with any special talent that had caused me to be thrown into public
>> scrutiny before I was compelled to speak out as Bobby has done. I do
>> not have to agree or disagree with his every word over the years to
>> understand his meaning and his troubles. That said, in all honesty it
>> would behoove us both if his lawyer would listen to me and employ
>> Bobby's fame to expose the truth of all that we say.
>> I am am not a perfect person and neither is Bobby. I do not know him
>> nor do I judge him. Yet I do agree with with his standing in defense
>> of his freedom. The Chessmaster has every right to spout off against
>> the Masters of War because they have offended him greatly. It is for
>> his attorney to weed out the truth and evidence of his convictions and
>> present it in court in order to seek relief on his client's behalf. A
>> jury of his peers will decide the truth of his matters not us bloggers
>> without veiwing and hearing all the evidence. Forget what you may
>> glean from the media. The information is controlled and slanted
>> against him. Listen to what his lawyer says and what is used in
>> arguement against him on the public record. Do not hold court in the
>> media just gossip about things you know are true in order for the
>> courts to act properly in the public interest.
>> Bobby has paid the devil his due and done time in his jails. It is
>> time for him to seek relief. I have as well. I was summoned to jail in
>> the USA while running for Parliament in Canada and held under the
>> charges of "other". I will not want allow myself to be judged on just
>> one particular act or deed. My criminal trial in the USA is coming
>> very soon. I will have lots to say.
>> It is the average of all our days and deeds that speaks of us as the
>> men we are. Like any game, it is what happens in the end that counts.
>> Sometimes sacrifices must be made and sometimes mistakes are made.
>> However once the word "checkmate" is declared, it is all over but the
>> crying as long as we play by the rules and the fat lady sings in tune.
>> I am more than happy to provide to Mr. Vattuone my evidence of much
>> public corruption in order to support Bobby's lawsuit against the USA.
>> It is high time the the Masters of War paid the fiddler and then be
>> compelled to dance to a different tune as we make them fall on their
>> own sword. No one is above the law. The public trust must be upheld or
>> we are all losers in the the big big game. Forget Bobby and chess for
>> a minute and listen to what he is saying through his attorney. I
>> applaud is efforts in support of Bobby and his legal matters. I hope
>> we get on like a house on fire. Any enemy of my foe should be a friend
>> of mine. Bobby lawyer is your neighbor listen to him and then speak
>> out to protect your own civil rights. What happened to Bobby and I
>> could happen to you next. Get it?
>> If anyone wishes to challenge what I have said, respond to this
>> message with a email account that can hold of 25 megs of attachments.
>> I will send you Tiff files of legal documents etc. that will take you
>> down path of of the Garden of Good and Evil that everybody knows is
>> true. I simply made it a point to prove it. My particular forte that
>> helped accomplish such a necessary task is that I am more stubburn
>> than a pig, meaner than a snake and smarter than the average bear.
>> Much to my chagrin, I am just an average sort of chess player and have
>> much to learn from Bobby in that regard but I maintain that chess is
>> just a game. Bobby was compelled to play a far more serious and deadly
>> game just because of his love of a game. I do recognize his talent but
>> my hat is off to him because of what he did and stood for as a man not
>> a chess player. In regards to his legal actions methinks I can teach
>> his attorney a trick or two of mine.
>> If anyone has any questions here is my phone number. 506 434-1379
>> begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 506 434-1379
>> end_of_the_skype_highlighting Feel free to argue me and stress test my
>> ethics to the max. It is your freedom as well as my own that I am
>> protecting. I think anyone has the right to question my motives. I
>> speak plainly and do not hide my identity. Integrity does not need a
>> mask to hide behind. However men like John Ashcroft and all his
>> cohorts need jails to cage honest men who speak their mind about their
>> masks of virtue.
>> Bobby is just one man of many. His is fortunate that he is famous.
>> Iceland would not do such things on behalf of the likes of me and many
>> others. However Canada or Japan or whatever would do the same against
>> me to support President Bush in a New York minute. In fact it already
>> happened. The one file I have attached is the reason Clark Kent Ervin
>> got fired immediately after the recent election. He long along proved
>> to me that he was not interested in Truth Justice and the American Way
>> and in fact he is a dumb as a post. I will wager I could beat him at
>> chess. I know I played him like a fiddle as a lawyer and that is his
>> game of choice. It was really to funny to me the advice he offered to
>> others as he entered into the Aspen Crowd of nasty dudes. I feel the
>> need to quote him. Many a govenment lawyer will understand why I am
>> busting my gut laughing. I hope Bobby's lawyer does too.
>> Lauren Robinson POGO Fellow " Any advice for your fellow public
>> servants?"
>> Clark Kent Ervin "Well, just do your job and let the political chips
>> fall where they may. Unless your're willing to do that, it seems to me
>> you shouldn't take the job in the first place."
>> My answer to his remark is No Shit Sherlock. The former Inspector
>> General can expect a rather profound civil lawsuit. He must argue me
>> Pro Se or a at least without government assistance on his behalf
>> because he failed to act within the scope of his employment and he is
>> now out of the job.
>> David Raymond Amos
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 27, 2005 06:12 PM
>> December 7th, 2003
>> Gene Healy Senior Editor Cato Institute
>> 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
>> Washington D.C. 20001-5403
>> Phone (202) 842-0200 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
>> (202) 842-0200 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
>> Fax (202) 842-3490
>> RE: Corruption
>> Sir,
>> Please find enclosed an exact copy of a letter with all its enclosures
>> recently sent to the Hearst Corporation and many others. Many of your
>> directors such as Lewis E. Randall, John C. Malone and Jeffrey S. Yass
>> should find the documents an interesting read. I ask that you make
>> them available for their review.
>> I watched David Boaz speak on C-Span the other day and heard him say
>> many things. What I found the most interesting was that he said that
>> the Cato Institute was named after some rather prolific letter
>> writers. I invite you all to read mine. They can be found at the
>> website mentioned in the enclosed documents. I could not send this
>> letter to Mr. Boaz because he is not a lawyer and an officer of the
>> court as you are. This is because only law enforcement authorities or
>> officers of the court have any right to listen to the copy of wiretap
>> numbered 139. It is served upon you in confidence as an officer of the
>> court in order that you may act ethically and see that it is properly
>> investigated. Please share the contents of the Cd with only the proper
>> authorities so that I may never be accused of violating anyone’s
>> Fourth Amendment Rights.
>> As I have said to many other lawyers, at the very least I have now
>> made you a witness to my pursuit of justice. I ask you simply the
>> following. What will you do with your newfound knowledge of Civil
>> Rights Violations and Government Corruption?
>> Best Regards
>> David R.Amos
>> 153 Alvin Ave.
>> Milton MA. 02186
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 27, 2005 06:22 PM
>> Um, as I was saying about some people being, um, a bit....well,
>> "different."
>> Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 27, 2005 09:12 PM
>> Did I mention that I found snotty Oxford dudes had stuffed shirts and
>> were great fun to poke fun at as they bullshit others about how smart
>> they are?
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: marnie.ferguson@keyporter.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 5:08 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: deborahlbmc@yahoo.com ; egeetter@bu.edu ;
>> dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com ; lawrence_summers@harvard.edu ;
>> wrogersjr@therogerslawfirm.com ; thomas.hannigan@ropesgray.com ;
>> jotodd@toddweld.com
>> Cc: warren.tolman@hklaw.com ; dan@dankennedy.net ; w.kirtz@neu.edu ;
>> howiecarr@wrko.com ; bzelnick@bu.edu ; n.daniloff@neu.edu ;
>> barnicle@969fmtalk.com ; wsj.ltrs@wsj.com ; amy.wolfcale@dowjones.com
>> ; joseph.stern@dowjones.com ; letters@washpost.com ; fair@fair.org ;
>> editor@usatoday.com ; pressreleases@upi.com ; letters@time.com ;
>> newshour@pbs.org ; ombudsman@npr.org ; morning@npr.org ;
>> letters@newsweek.com ; nytnews@nytimes.com ;
>> dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com ; gillooly@dailyfreepress.com ;
>> dfpnews@dailyfreepress.com ; 48hours@cbsnews.com ; pr@ap.org ;
>> nightline@abcnews.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:21 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding
>> Hey
>> It appears that all the Law Schools know nothing of ethical behavior
>> if it may affect their coffers. I made it my task to prove it. Lets
>> see if I can turn the worm and make the light dawn on Marblehead for
>> the benefit of all.
>> Whereas Todd Klipp is on Legal Advisory Committee United Educators
>> (UE) Insurance Risk Retention Group I called Corporate Counsel, Jan
>> Holt and told her something is up and that I would be serving the Hard
>> Copy of the evidence that proves what I say is true upon Mr. Klipp. If
>> I were you I would go to the US District Court in Beantown, query the
>> dockets that bear my name and ask the BU professor Chief Justice Young
>> about his integrity and his association with crooks like Charles J.
>> Kickham Jr. and all of his cohorts.
>> Cardinal Law would be a good witness to ask to start a proper
>> investigation that is if you can get whoever becomes the next US
>> Ambassador to the Vatican to make him fess up about his sins.
>> Otherwise ask his former secretary Robert Kickham he is now O'Malley's
>> secretary. I have no doubt that little bastard knows everything but
>> trust that the three legal stooges Todd, Rogers and Hannigan have told
>> him to shut up and wait for me to quit or die. However I think the
>> Kickhams will soon fold their hand and start rattin out others very
>> soon. Their is no honour amongst theives and I have the Kickhams
>> cornered after three years of hard work. Their big daddy Chucky is
>> dead and the rest of them are as dumb as a post. Uncle Franky has been
>> dead since last June and I have finally forced the court to admit it.
>> None of their accountings have been assented to by anyone and the IRS
>> must check their work before my wife will settle. the Feds have a big
>> problem and everybody knows its me.
>> I am proud to say I won't quit and don't care if I die. I made certain
>> that my truths live on and that no Kickham relatives can no longer
>> claim to be kin to my little Clan. I refuse to allow my family to
>> associate with bible pounding criminals that expound of law nor will I
>> settle with them in order that they may escape justice. They must be
>> held accountable and so should all their friends.
>> I may seem crazy but at least I know my rights and will not allow
>> wrongs against my family to go unpunished, particularly when the
>> wrongs are practiced by people well paid or licensed by the state to
>> insure that matters such as this never happen. If I am not crazy then
>> the governments of Canada and the USA must be insanely corrupt. I know
>> for a fact that there are a lot of ordinary people that agree with me
>> therefore I know I am OK but I have my doubts about you. i am giving
>> Mr. Klipp just enough evidence to impeach George Bush and for safe
>> measure I am giving the same material to many others as well. Here's
>> hoping ethics wins out after all. Otherwise we are all losers and the
>> crooks within such organizations as the Aspen Institute will keep on
>> advising the bastards on how to screw us all.
>> The judges of the First Circuit of the US District Court have a lot to
>> be accountable for and Judge Young is well aware of it all. He has no
>> right to teach others about trial practice and the law until he proves
>> that he understands how to uphold the law. I will be suing the bastard
>> in short order you pick whether you wish to stand with him or me.
>> There is no middle ground in this legal battle for Boston University
>> to stand on. Judge Young is in your employ. However methinks he is no
>> longer a feather in your cap. The University has bragged to have such
>> a man to teach the students. What say you now?
>> Trust that I don't care if anyone reads this email or not. In fact it
>> will be more fun if ya didn't.
>> "The Honorable William G. Young was appointed judge of the U.S.
>> District Court for Massachusetts in 1984, after serving as associate
>> justice of the state’s Superior Court. Prior positions include special
>> assistant attorney general, chief counsel to the governor, and clerk
>> for the Honorable Raymond Wilkins, former chief justice of the
>> Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Judge Young has a long list of
>> pro bono activities, teaching experience, and several awards,
>> including the Award for Judicial Excellence from the Massachusetts
>> Academy of Trial Attorneys. Judge Young developed the course Advanced
>> Trial Practice and also teaches Evidence."
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: jb95@bu.edu
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:02 PM
>> Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: MauraH@ci.boston.ma.us ; maurah@maurahennigan.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:36 PM
>> Subject: I just called I am not kidding
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: info@pogo.org ; elliot.gerson@aspeninstitute.org ;
>> pat.zindulka@aspeninstitute.org ; peter. reiling@aspeninstitute.org ;
>> clark.ervin@aspeninstitute.org
>> Cc: brian@questionsquestions.net ; plough@ploughshares.ca ; moto
>> maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; backtalk@motherjones.com
>> ; Wes Penre@Illuminati News.com ; tpalmer@cato.org ; ghealy@cato.org ;
>> david@davidakin.com ; McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ;
>> cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ;
>> INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca ;
>> Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ;
>> Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;
>> Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:30 AM
>> Subject: I just left voicemail for Jim Spiegelman
>> Hey Fellas
>> I have picked you Mr. Gerson to send exactly the same material that I
>> sent to two Solicitor Generals last year before I ran for Parliament
>> in Canada. I am certain that material caused Theodore Olson to quit
>> his job and your brand new fellow, Clark Kent Erwin to get the boot
>> from his job right after the last Yankee election.
>> Obviously I picked you because of your own bragging. There is no need
>> for me to expand upon things that you and I know to be true. It is
>> merely my task to prove to the world that you are well aware of my
>> concerns and allegations. Then if you and your Association does
>> nothing to uphold the public trust, I will make it my best effort to
>> embarrass you all in court in front of a jury of my peers. You people
>> claim to inspire people to ethical leaders? I say Bullshit. What say
>> you?
>> Say Hey to Superman for me. Will ya? Yea I know I just did but he
>> likes to keep everything in confidence while his cohorts keep me
>> falsely imprisoned. However I plan to call him to testify during my
>> pending criminal trial as I have the right to do. I should be very
>> interesting to see if he takes the fifth.
>> David R. Amos
>> "Elliot Gerson is responsible for the Aspen Institute's seminars,
>> including the Executive Seminar, topical and custom seminars, and
>> those offered in the Society of Fellows and Socrates programs. He also
>> manages the Institute's public programs and activities, including the
>> Aspen Ideas Festival. He is a graduate of Harvard College, Oxford
>> University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar, and Yale Law School. As
>> American Secretary of the Rhodes Trust, he manages the U.S. Rhodes
>> Scholarships and is an advisor to the Mandela Rhodes Foundation in
>> Cape Town, which focuses on African higher education and leadership.
>> He was a U. S. Supreme Court clerk and has had a career including the
>> practice of law, executive positions in state and federal government
>> and a presidential campaign, president of leading insurance and
>> healthcare companies, and service on many non-profit boards,
>> especially in the arts."
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:23 PM
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: backtalk@motherjones.com
>> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 4:01 PM
>> Subject: Fw: Cya in court Cato
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: tpalmer@cato.org ; ghealy@cato.org ; tcarpent@cato.org ;
>> dboaz@cato.org ; rpilon@cato.org ; cpreble@cato.org ; tlynch@cato.org
>> ; blindsey@cato.org ; rlevy@cato.org ; tfirey@cato.org ;
>> ecrane@cato.org
>> Cc: Wes Penre@Illuminati News ; freedom_of_information@yahoogroups.com
>> ; Letters@globeandmail.ca ; webmaster@canadalawcourts.com ; lloyd
>> brinson ; J. D. Kuntz ; elois@newdata.ca ; Jack Hook ; John Bjornstrom
>> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:47 PM
>> Subject: Cya in court Cato
>> Hey Tommy Boy
>> You invited me. These are your words correct? I tried to register on
>> line but your link does not work. I want to come. we should be in
>> agreement in most things but I know we are not and we should really
>> talk about it before I file my civil lawsuits. You people have already
>> proven to me your malice. this is your last chance to act ethically.
>> My criminal trial will begin shortly thereafter and I may call some of
>> you to testify at it. One of them could be you. I am one of those
>> people that many already turn to for an honest opinion. Right or wrong
>> they know my answer comes from sincere ethical consideration because I
>> am more a man of my word than legions of lawyers ever were. I am good
>> to my friends and sheer hell to my foes. I hate the false fronts of
>> integrity of the people you joke about within your following
>> invitation. You are joking. I am not.
>> Dear Friend,
>> Would you like to be the person to whom others turn for an explanation
>> of the debate over Social Security and retirement, the economics of
>> international trade, or how to control pollution and protect the
>> environment through incentives? Would you like to be better able to
>> explain the benefits of free markets, private property, and free trade
>> to your friends, colleagues, and family members?
>> If so, you should come to Washington, D.C., for the Cato University
>> seminar April 28 to May 1 on Applied Economics: User-Friendly Tools to
>> Understand Politics, Business Enterprise, and Life. The faculty
>> includes top-level economists and policy experts from universities and
>> the Cato Institute.
>> The seminar will be held in the F. A. Hayek Auditorium of the Cato
>> Institute, with dinner and a tour at Mount Vernon, the historic home
>> of George Washington.
>> Our goal is to help attendees become the people to whom their friends
>> turn to explain the economy and how political interference in markets
>> tends to generate disaster. And there's a reason it's being held in
>> Washington, D.C. You see, we want to change fundamentally the culture
>> of Washington, D.C. Washington's a very strange city. Most of the
>> people here spend their working days taking from Peter to give to Paul
>> (minus a substantial cut, of course). Or writing minute and
>> incomprehensible "regulations" on the optimal size of broccoli, or
>> warning people to wear sensible shoes, or just figuring out new ways
>> to strip American citizens of their rights and dignity.
>> You can come to D.C. for a long weekend and learn how to change that.
>> You'll learn how to make the arguments that will convince your
>> friends, coworkers, and neighbors that they don't need or benefit from
>> all those rules, redistributions, regulations, and rip-offs.
>> You're invited to attend one Cato University seminar, or two, or
>> three. Each is a stand alone seminar, but all three are complementary.
>> (The other two are on history and on the art and technique of
>> persuasion.)
>> Please check out the faculty and schedule, and register using our
>> secure registration form. Online registration is safe, easy, and fast.
>> Come to Washington, D.C. ... and learn how to change it.
>> I look forward to welcoming you to Cato University this year.
>> Cordially,
>> and Signed by you. Tom Palmer
>> In order not to be somehow overlooked, I just called you cell phone to
>> cell phone so that I would have a record of contact to let you know we
>> had a problem to discuss. You were to busy to talk so you missed your
>> chance. Methinks you are a fine example of the reason your buddy Gene
>> Healy and his ilk ignored me. I read enough of your work to think you
>> are a very snotty tall talking whore for the Global Corps. I wanted to
>> hear your voice to be certain my feelings were correct. You did not
>> dissappoint me. If you don't like my opinion of you, sue me and bring
>> all these emails to court. I promise I will not file a motion to
>> dismiss. In fact I can't wait to meet your lawyers. I thought what you
>> said about Bobby Fischer was far more offensive and as you can see I
>> blogged in his defense. Many people call me crazy too. That seem to be
>> the label bad actors put on someone when they are cornered. I wanted
>> you to hear my voice so that you would understand that I am not nuts
>> but very sincere. when you shunned my last words were see you in
>> court. Ignore me some more and you certainly will. Check my work
>> before you laugh and call me crazy too.
>> In order to prove you all I am serious I will send Roger Pilon, Vice
>> President for Legal Affairs at 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.,
>> Washington D.C. 20001-5403 hard copy of exactly the same material I
>> sent to two Solicitor Generals last year just before I ran for
>> Parliament. Teddy Olson quit and went into private practice as soon as
>> Stephen Harper opened his mouth about the Arar Inquiry but thus far
>> Landslide Annie has hung onto hers. Now if you have any questions of
>> me before we meet, ask them to New Canadian Ambassador Franky Boy
>> McKenna. He knows exactly who I am and what has happened in the year
>> since. If you want a Yankee perspective ask John Ashcroft, John
>> Edwards. Tom Ridge, Clark Kent Ervin, Theodore Olson or David
>> Aufhauser to name a few. They all are now free agents and in the same
>> hot water as your buddy and now you.
>> I emailed ya, blogged ya, called ya and am now telling some your
>> friends plus a few of mine for good measure. Under Title 18 of the
>> federal code you are all as guilty as everyone else if you don't get
>> honest real fast. Ask Frank Quatronne and Martha Stewart about email
>> evidence in federal court
>> In light of the reasons I was falsely imprisoned and what I had sent
>> you dudes the year before it makes Cato's work in "Go Directly to
>> Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything." a total bullshit
>> piece of work. It is my job to properly shame you bastards so that
>> nobody will take you seriously ever again.
>> "At one time, the sanction of the criminal law was reserved for
>> serious, morally culpable offenders. But during the past 40 years, an
>> unholy alliance of tough-on-crime conservatives and anti-big-business
>> liberals has utterly transformed the criminal law. Today, while
>> violent crime often goes unpunished, Congress continues to add new,
>> trivial offenses to the federal criminal code. With more than 4,000
>> federal offenses on the statute books, and thousands more buried in
>> the Code of Federal Regulations, it is now frighteningly easy for
>> American citizens to be hauled off to jail for actions that no
>> reasonable person would regard as crimes. At the same time, rampant
>> federalization and mandatory minimum sentencing are making America’s
>> criminal justice system ever more centralized and punitive. The result
>> is a labyrinthine criminal code, a burgeoning prison population, and
>> often real injustice. Go Directly to Jail examines those alarming
>> trends and proposes reforms that could rein in a criminal justice
>> apparatus at war with fairness and common sense."
>> If you dudes do not want me to turn up after being invited please let
>> me know why in writing and introduce me to the lawyer I will be
>> arguing someday in court.
>> David R. Amos
>> 153 Alvin Ave.
>> Milton, MA 02186
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: dante17678@hotmail.com
>> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:20 AM
>> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: rjvattuone@aol.com
>> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:04 AM
>> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: lsewell@canadians.org
>> Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:27 AM
>> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: jeffryhouse@hotmail.com
>> Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:03 AM
>> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca ; Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca ; Jack Layton ;
>> Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Cadman.C@parl.gc.ca ; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ;
>> Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca
>> Cc: McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca ; Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca ;
>> macaul1@parl.gc.ca ; Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ;
>> Anderson.D@parl.gc.ca ; Anderson.Da@parl.gc.ca ;
>> david.anderson1@sk.sympatico.ca
>> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:12 PM
>> Subject: Hunky-dory EH Petey
>> I got a better one for ya Petey Boy. "Thar she blows". I bet Belinda
>> is really pissed off at everybody and is letting off some steam. If I
>> were you I would start bailing out of your new party like any other
>> rat that would desert a sinking ship. That is one boat that could
>> never float. The way you back stabbed your way into its creation will
>> likely never be forgotten. Some of the new Senators Martin just
>> appointed proved that didn't they? Right now you are just hanging on
>> and kissing Harper's arse because nobody else will ever trust you in
>> their Dory except maybe the diddler, Billy Matthews. He is used to
>> turningcoat and needs help bailing out his punky little craft. I think
>> the liberals are tired of him by now and Johnny Crosbie is likely
>> pretty pissed at him too. I think you two dudes should be good company
>> for each other as everybody else tries to distance themselves from a
>> couple of cry babies that call themselves Maritimers. You were born
>> there alright but a lair lawyer and a nasty old diddler reflect poorly
>> upon the rest of us. But bad apples fall from the best of trees. The
>> sooner the better so that they don't suck the sap out of the good
>> ones.
>> Dare to argue me Petey Boy? I am ten times meaner with no temper than
>> the man that pitches silly fits kicks chairs. I would kick your arse
>> in a good debate. I would laugh if you asked me to step outside, head
>> for the door and quit talking immediately in a sincere effort to kick
>> your arse in the street. Win or lose, rest assured I would have fun.
>> Fighting is a true Maritime tradition. EH MacKay? Feel free to try to
>> call me a liar. Everybody knows it would be a case of the pot trying
>> to call the kettle black.
>> "The Nova Scotia MP described his relations with Conservative Leader
>> Stephen Harper as "hunky-dory, everything's great - that's a good
>> Maritime phrase."
>> Forwarded Message
>> Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:14:47 -0800 (PST)
>> From: David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> Subject: Attn Don Amos
>> To: MEC.investors@magnaent.com, dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca,
>> smay@pattersonpalmer.ca
>> As I stated within an earlier email, Scott Daruty finally called me
>> back and pissed me off. He picked the wrong guy to try and toy with. I
>> will take up my concerns with Magna byway of Daruty and Cellucci down
>> here in the Yankee courts. I have much proof of what I sent Belinda
>> Stronach long before she ever became a Member of Parliament up home. I
>> will deal with her in a political fashion first to see if she is
>> interested in up holding the public trust while protecting her
>> interests in Magna. Good luck with your conscience as a lawyer named
>> Amos as you check my work. Here is my phone number 506 434-1379
>> begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 506 434-1379
>> end_of_the_skype_highlighting if you have any questions before
>> deciding whether or not to uphold the law and protect the investor's
>> interests in Magna from my necessary civil actions. I gave my material
>> to Argeo P. Cellucci in Canada in July of 2002 before I sent the
>> Sheriffs out with my first complaints. I know by the fax numbers at
>> the top of my first complaint that it was Ashcroft and Cellucci that
>> directed the US Attorney to try to make my complaints evaporate. Now
>> that Cellucci speaks for Magna and Belinda speaks for Canadians there
>> is a couple of Amos boys that should have along talk about many
>> things. But forget trying to label me as your brother until I am
>> assured of your integrity. I have a high contempt towards lawyers and
>> their sense of ethics for very justifiable reasons.
>> Note: forwarded message attached.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca ; moto maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ;
>> kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; danthebagelman@msn.com ; info@electtomobrien.com ;
>> lcampenella@ledger.com ; jeff.mockler@gnb.ca ; newsonline@bbc.co.uk ;
>> Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ;
>> Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;
>> Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us ; dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com ;
>> MEC.investors@magnaent.com
>> Cc: zedp@parl.gc.ca ; rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca ; savoya2@parl.gc.ca ;
>> thompg@nb.sympatico.ca ; john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov ;
>> martib@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dougchristielaw@shaw.ca ;
>> Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; Stephen.Murphy@ci.boston.ma.us ;
>> Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ;
>> johnduggan@legalaid.nf.ca ; brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca ;
>> McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ;
>> cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ;
>> INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca
>> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:14 PM
>> Subject: Shame on you Della
>> At least I am a man of my word. I called you personally as I stated I
>> would. I have the record of the call that I was directed to do by your
>> boss, Stevey Boy May. Too bad you would not speak to me to protect
>> your own interests. At least I have your signature because no word
>> from you is worthless to me. You can never claim ignorance of my
>> concerns after directing me to your lawyer. I stuck my hand out to you
>> as a layman but you had picked your friends the lawyers and had
>> enlisted them to bite it? Do you really Think I am afraid of dealing
>> with the likes of Johnny Crosbie and Stevey Boy May when I am
>> preparing a lawsuit against the likes of John Edwards, John Ashcroft
>> and Theodore Olson to name a few? Plus there is the irrefutable fact
>> that you and the law firm you work for have already admitted that you
>> are aware of the crimes practiced against me. You have done nothing to
>> uphold the law and have already filed the evidence of that fact in the
>> Newfoundland Supreme Court. Lady, either I or my estate will bankrupt
>> you and your firm with its own sworn testimony that you witnessed. You
>> can take that to the bank. The first question I must ask you Della
>> what did your law fir do with its copy of the police surveillance tape
>> # 139 and did you listen to it? You should not have because you are
>> not an officer of the court nor are you employed by law enforcement.
>> The Lieutenant Governor Roberts notified me that he had given his
>> copies of the material to Tommy Marshall to be investigated but I have
>> received no word from your law firm as to what the hell they did with
>> their copies. Have your lawyers explain their integrity to you because
>> you and I will never come to an understanding of ethical behavior
>> after your treatment of me today. I often sing the praises of Newfys
>> because they are amongst the nicest folks on the planet excepting of
>> course their lawyers and their cohorts such as you Della. By the way I
>> heard about the clerks in Supreme Court having a little wager over who
>> buys lunch if I managed to do what I said I would do. I would like to
>> meet the lady who felt I was as serious as a heart attack and willing
>> to buy lunch if I was not a man of my word. I would love to buy her
>> lunch some time because the courts need more folks like her in their
>> employment. She clearly did not disregard the word of a common man.
>> On the other hand after our exchange of the mere few words today it
>> would not be wise for me to trust your word or typing if I had left
>> the voicemail you desired. I have much evidence of many edited
>> transcripts of things I have said in the past. You and I will argue
>> them some day no doubt byway of your lawyer friends because I think
>> you don't speak pro se very well in order to protect your personal
>> interests. I just got off the phone with one of Frank Stronach's
>> Yankee lawyers Scott Daruty. He did me the service of really pissing
>> me off today by finally calling me back after I had torn a piece off
>> of Magna in Canada about his neglect of duty on their behalf. He
>> thought he was funny by joking that the Canadian lawyer, Don Amos was
>> my brother. No lawyer is a brother of mine. He thought I was joking
>> when I told him I would sue him personally if he did not uphold the
>> law and rat out Magna's brand new Vice President his brother, Argeo P.
>> Cellucci so I had to repeat myself so he would understand me in no
>> uncertain terms. I do make a lot of jokes about very serious business
>> however it would not be wise to underestimate my sincerity and attempt
>> to toy with me. I enjoy a good fight win or lose as long as I stand on
>> the right side of the battle. You just picked a fight with me lady on
>> a day when I ain't taking prisoners from lawyers or their cohorts. All
>> lawyers are liars and I have proven it. It is only laymen I will
>> settle with from now on and only if they tell the truth, the whole
>> truth and nothing but the truth.
>> I don't care if your god helps you or not. We can all do it again in
>> hell for all I care.
>> From now on I must rely on hard copy of my own creation. For now I
>> will send you and Stevey Boy a bunch of emails that have been
>> forwarded to many other people first. I require the record of doing
>> so. Whereas I have no doubt Stevey Boy will wan to argue about the
>> emails I have already sent I figure why not be hung for a cow as a
>> calf? Since everything in heaven and hell is done in threes. I will
>> forward to Magna's lawyer, Don Amos, Stevey Boy and three large emails
>> that contain Tiff files. There is no need to be redundant with hard
>> copy already sent to Scott Daruty and Johnny Crosbie. You can tell the
>> folks at Patterson Palmer who directed you to offend me that the
>> emails contain exactly the same documents that Greg Byrne and Johnny
>> Crosbie received and that you should all prepare to argue every word
>> within in them. The first email contains a file called Big Day. It
>> contains every document I served upon Two Solicitors Generals Theodore
>> Olson and Anne McLellan before I ran for Parliament and Olson quit his
>> job on June 24th immediately after Johnny Crosbie told Stevey Harper
>> to shut up about the Arar Inquiry. the second file is called Big
>> Canada Add and it is a copy of the documents served upon my political
>> opponents while running for Parliament. Last but not least are what
>> was added to the first to pile of documents and then served upon
>> Patterson and Palmer by way of Greg Byrne.
>> Scott Daruty is receiving the documents within "Big Day" and other
>> interesting material that Magna should find quite interesting to say
>> the least. Magna really made my day when they appointed Cellucci and
>> their new VP. I is comical that he is going to lobby the government
>> about horse racing especially after listening to what is recorded on a
>> lot of the tapes and the fact that the top dog of the RCMP had to
>> teach that dumb Yankee how to ride a horse last summer so that he
>> would not make an ass out himself at the Calgary Stampede. This was
>> almost as rich as when Martin sent Franky McKenna to Washington after
>> he and I had a spit and chew about dogs and pork. At least I am clever
>> enough to realize when I am a lucky man and how to make the best out
>> of a golden opportunity to see that justice is served upon some very
>> nasty bastards. I am very pissed off but still having more fun than
>> ten men. I love cornering lawyers and listening to them stutter and
>> try to duck the issues. I will wager that you are having a bad day
>> too. EH Della? It looks good on you if you are. Why not get mad? I
>> hope you share your anger with the others at Patterson and Palmer and
>> start bitchin about me. Never forget all I want is the truth from you.
>> It will cost you nothing. Why do you want to stand with crooks and
>> liars for a days pay? I bet you have witnessed lots of dirty dealings.
>> I truly beleive that there is no honour in your work. To me working
>> for lawyers is like a lady being sent to a nunnery in Medieval times.
>> I share ol Shake's opinion of such a place. Times changes nothing
>> lawyers still work for Jesuits. Look around downtown St John's and
>> call me a liar. I dare ya. Even the name of the town says it all.
>> Cya'll in Court:)
>> David R. Amos
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca ; moto maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ;
>> kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; danthebagelman@msn.com ; info@electtomobrien.com ;
>> lcampenella@ledger.com ; jeff.mockler@gnb.ca ; newsonline@bbc.co.uk ;
>> Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ;
>> Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;
>> Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us ; dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com
>> Cc: zedp@parl.gc.ca ; rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca ; savoya2@parl.gc.ca ;
>> thompg@nb.sympatico.ca ; john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov ;
>> martib@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dougchristielaw@shaw.ca ;
>> Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; Stephen.Murphy@ci.boston.ma.us ;
>> Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ;
>> johnduggan@legalaid.nf.ca ; brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca ;
>> McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ;
>> cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ;
>> INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca
>> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:33 AM
>> Subject: RE: Me versus Patterson and Palmer
>> Hey Della,
>> I see that Stevey Boy is on vacation and told me to contact you. I am
>> happy to hear that he is saving all of my emails in a special spot for
>> some apparent future litigation. I keep very good records as well and
>> look forward to his argument but I will wager that I sue him first.
>> I see by the following Affidavit you witnessed and Stevey Boy filed in
>> court that every lawyer within Patterson Palmer is a flat out liar. I
>> served Greg Byryne in Fredericton myself with witnesses before Byron
>> Prior served everyone else in Newfoundland. If Byrne did not share the
>> info with his buddy Johnny Crosbie, it is not my fault. Yet I suspect
>> that he did so out of the gate because he sent me an email in which it
>> appears that he was conferring with many others about me and my
>> concerns. It was too funny that Byrne clicked the wrong button and
>> forwarded his email to me as well.
>> I also sent many of your people the same emails that I sent to Byrne
>> and May as soon as I got out off jail last October and Stevey Boy
>> first contacted Byron Prior and I had called him. (Thank you for
>> making a transcript of my voicemail and filing it in court for me. It
>> is quite hard for me to make lawyers even admit that I exist) Some of
>> the aforesaid emails were responded to by other members of your law
>> firm byway of their computers like Stevey Boy's just did. At least
>> computers are far more honest than the lawyers that own them. I am
>> compelled to rely on the integrity of their machines and the ability
>> of their computers and mine to keep perfect records. (Never forget I
>> am being prosecuted for sending an email to a lawyer I have been
>> litigating against for years who even went as far to fraudulently
>> create a document bearing my signature) Because of the fact I can
>> prove contact with many members of the law firm you work for, they can
>> never say that they did not know of my concerns and allegations long
>> before Stevey complained of Byron Prior's actions on behalf of his
>> client Billy Matthews. He only went forward with his malicious threat
>> when he thought my goose was cooked down here. There is quite simply
>> no way you could have prepared his filing on January 21st and he had
>> Judge green sign it in the time between Byron had served it and the
>> Judge signed it without the Bastards reading our private emails and
>> listening to our phone calls. I sent the last email containing the
>> words to Byron's counterclaim just before I went to court that morning
>> and he only managed to see it filed by 3 PM Newfy time. You may be a
>> fast typists but the courts don't work that fast unless they are
>> covering up something big time. No know as well as I that is true
>> because the judge and Stevey Boy do not even want other lawyers to
>> view the public record. Small wonder he took a vacation. If Stevey Boy
>> has any semblance of a conscience he no doubt has trouble dealing with
>> himself. I can only wonder if he and Johnny Crosbie are singing for
>> more tequila right now.
>> As you no doubt know I am preparing to defend myself in a criminal
>> trial in the USA and filing some rather profound civil lawsuits in
>> Canada and the USA that will make the whining of Billy Matthews in
>> Newfoundland Supreme court seem rather comical. I will be filing
>> copies of the documents you no doubt helped create for Stevey Boy May
>> on behalf of your law firm in many courts.
>> If Greg Byrne, the former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of
>> New Brunswick had acted ethically last September while I was in Canada
>> and under Brad Green's jurisdiction I would not have been falsely
>> imprisoned in the USA the following month. I will be suing him, your
>> law firm and many others for personal injury and conspiracy to cover
>> up the many crimes practiced against my Clan and I. My question to
>> you, Della is why don't I sue you too? As you can see if you have read
>> my work my battle is with corrupt lawyers not layman. I would settle
>> with you in a heartbeat for costs if you would be honest about all
>> that you know to be true. If you decide to go against me I suggest
>> that you seek legal counsel outside of your law firm or in fact all of
>> Newfoundland. I am about to take on every damned lawyer within the
>> Newfoundland law Society. You would not be wise to doubt me before you
>> have a look at my work in the USA. I will deal with Newfys under the
>> heading of fun after I have embarrassed the Yankees.
>> I will give you a call as Stevey Boy suggests so that at least you can
>> understand that I am not an unreasonable person and not the sort of
>> person that lawyers claim that I am. I am just a simple, sincere and
>> serious man that refuses to play the wicked games lawyers play. I am
>> willing to die in order to expose the truth. No lawyer can say that.
>> they love money to much to be willing to miss the chance to spend it.
>> Judge me for yourself and your own best interests before you choose
>> whom to stand with.
>> Whether you believe me or not I am battling for your rights as well as
>> my own. I am forwarding this email to many ordinary people like you
>> and me. To Hell with the lawyers and politicians. They do what they do
>> for personal gain not public service. Their concerns are lucre not
>> justice and everybody knows it. All I did was go to great lengths to
>> prove it. There is no need for you and I to argue about simple truths.
>> As far as I am concerned up until the time you received this email all
>> you have done is type things and witness signatures. However you
>> cannot say that anymore.
>> My pending phone call to you is not harassment. I need the Yankee
>> phone bill record of my call to you in order to assist in the defence
>> of my freedom in the USA. Stevey Boy told me to call ya. Please be
>> nice. After today you can't say that you are not involved in my false
>> imprisonment in the USA. I am doing no more or less than Stevey Boy
>> and his malicious clients would do if the same thing had happened to
>> them. If Billy Matthews had been summoned to the USA while he was
>> running for his seat in Parliament to be presecuted by an unsigned
>> criminal complaint and then held without bail under the charges of
>> "other", he would be more pissed off than I am.
>> Cya'll in Court:)
>> David R. Amos
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "May, Steve"
>> To: "David Amos"
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM
>> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me
>> Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be
>> checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527
>> begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 709-570-5527
>> end_of_the_skype_highlighting or dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca if you
>> require immediate assistance.
>> 2005 01 T 0010
>> AND:
>> SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010Date of
>> Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or
>> Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed
>> relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim
>> to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of
>> the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it’s entirety,
>> and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose
>> in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike
>> portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its
>> entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.
>> A F F I D A V I T
>> I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John’s, in the Province of
>> Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say
>> as follows:
>> THAT I am a Partner in the St. John’s office of PATTERSON PALMER
>> solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for
>> Random-Burin-St. George’s in the Parliament of Canada.
>> THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or
>> about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by
>> Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a
>> publication called “My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town
>> with a Secret”. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr.
>> Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her
>> mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior’s sister.
>> THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr.
>> Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “1" to my
>> Affidavit.
>> THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts’ letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts
>> received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached
>> as Exhibit “2".
>> THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore
>> an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication
>> was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit “3" to my Affidavit.
>> Following Mr. Roberts’ receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised
>> that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our
>> firm closed our file.
>> THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews
>> following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of
>> allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of
>> approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years
>> old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and
>> accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I
>> saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author
>> of the material on the site.
>> THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of
>> the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through
>> a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews’ intentions to
>> commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the
>> web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “4"
>> to this Affidavit.
>> THAT I attach as Exhibit “5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004
>> voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend
>> of Mr. Prior.
>> THAT I attach as Exhibit “6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail
>> from Mr. Amos.
>> THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr.
>> Amos.
>> THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November
>> e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total
>> of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews’
>> claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews’ solicitor. I attach as
>> Exhibit “7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent
>> to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes
>> whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of
>> the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach
>> as Exhibit “8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
>> THAT I attach as Exhibit “9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter
>> addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of
>> Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr.
>> Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as
>> Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of
>> Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law
>> Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this
>> letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had
>> received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous
>> representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a
>> letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved
>> his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts’ letter also covered
>> his reply to Mr. Amos.
>> THAT I attach as Exhibit “10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on
>> Sunday, 23 January 2005.
>> THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike
>> Mr. Prior’s counterclaim.
>> SWORN to before me at
>> St. John’s, Province of Newfoundland
>> and Labrador this 24th day of
>> January, 2005.
>> Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
>> A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
>> the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
>> My commission expires on December 31, 2009.
>> The Conservatives in Canada have very Punky Dory EH Tommy Boy?
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:26 PM
>> The Cato dudes ain't got nothin on me when it comes to letter writing.
>> Here is where I am teasing abunch of dumb Yankees. The whole world
>> calls our Newfys dumb. So what does that say of Danny williams the
>> Premier? He is a Rhodes Scholar that works for free. Is he dumb or
>> evil? I will have to ask the Aspen Dudes have I attend Tommy's little
>> hoe down EH?
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:38 PM
>> http://pogoblog.typepad.com/pogo/2005/03/former_dhs_insp.html#comments
>> HMMM no link we will try this way ok?
>> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:40 PM
>> I'm very proud to have had such a person as David Amos, help us with
>> our fight and the legal work. I will never be able to repay him.Thank
>> you David.
>> Byron Prior
>> Posted by: Byron Prior at August 21, 2005 10:59 PM
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>> Posted by: wildball keno at December 23, 2005 10:46 PM
>> This is great stuff! I can't wait to see how things end for David! An
>> "edge of the seat" and "mile a minute" thriller with unsuspected
>> twists and turns! Keep up the good work! When it comes to writing
>> fictional thrillers with international intrigue and betrayals, John
>> LeCarre has met his match. Love it!
>> Posted by: MFH at January 24, 2006 02:05 PM
>> Post a comment
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:35:16 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind
>> him of the documents his office recieved from during the election of
>> the 40th Parliament
>> To: breitg@parl.gc.ca, hollam@parl.gc.ca, Mourani.Ma@parl.gc.ca,
>> wrzesb@parl.gc.ca, Kania.A@parl.gc.ca, McColeman.P@parl.gc.ca,
>> gloves@parl.gc.ca, rick@ricknorlock.ca, macked@parl.gc.ca,
>> Desnoyers.L@parl.gc.ca, rathgb0@parl.gc.ca, SECU@parl.gc.ca
>> Cc: zorroboy2009@hotmail.com, tony@peoplestandup.ca,
>> waterwarcrimes@gmail.com, whistleblower ,
>> "ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca" , vickiconrad
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 19:33:09 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind
>> him of the documents his office recieved from during the election of
>> the 40th Parliament
>> To: peter.teasdale@gov.ab.ca, larry.stein@gov.ab.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 13:52:15 -0300
>> Subject: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind him of
>> the documents his office recieved from during the election of the 40th
>> Parliament
>> To: kennej@parl.gc.ca, godiny , toewsv1
>> , Mackap , robin reid
>> , "ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca"
>> , tony ,
>> WaterWarCrimes , "Wayne.Lang"
>> , "John.DeWinter"
>> , billestabrooks
>> Cc: pm , "info@gg.ca" , info
>> , info , IgnatM
>> , LaytoJ
>> His snotty help picked a very bad day to play games with me EH Vic
>> Toews? Although Kenney never cared about my human rights as he laughed
>> while i was falsely imprisoned and my children were sexualy harassed
>> and threatened at least he cannot deny receiving my documents twice
>> thanx to an ethical government computer EH stevey boy Harper?
>> http://www.jasonkenney.ca/EN/contact_jason/
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Minister
>> Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 12:39:27 -0400
>> Subject: RE: Sept 23rd is coming fast for another Yankee War Resister
>> eh Mr Harper?
>> To: David Amos
>> La version française suit.
>> This is an automatic acknowledgement of your e-mail addressed to the
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>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 04:09:14 -0300
>> Subject: Sept 23rd is coming fast for another Yankee War Resister eh Mr
> Harper?
>> To: "Harper.S@parl.gc.ca" , Minister@cic.gc.ca,
>> Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca, resisters@sympatico.ca,
>> Layton.J@parl.gc.ca
>> Cc: nelsonresisters@gmail.com, montrealresisters@hotmail.com,
>> vlannon@pacificcoast.net, goresisters@gmail.com,
>> londonresisters@yahoo.ca, vanresisters@yahoo.ca,
>> laverne_mott@ao.uscourts.gov, Angus.C@parl.gc.ca,
>> Atamenenko.A@parl.gc.ca, Bell.C@parl.gc.ca, Bevington.D@parl.gc.ca,
>> Black.D@parl.gc.ca, Blaikie.B@parl.gc.ca, Charlton.C@parl.gc.ca,
>> Chow.O@parl.gc.ca, Christopherson.D@parl.gc.ca, Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca,
>> Crowder.J@parl.gc.ca, Cullen.N@parl.gc.ca, Davies.L@parl.gc.ca,
>> Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca, Julian.P@parl.gc.ca,
>> Marston.W@parl.gc.ca, Martin.P@parl.gc.ca, Martin.T@parl.gc.ca,
>> Masse.B@parl.gc.ca, Mathyssen.I@parl.gc.ca, McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca,
>> Nash.P@parl.gc.ca, Priddy.P@parl.gc.ca, Savoie.D@parl.gc.ca,
>> Siksay.B@parl.gc.ca, Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, Wasylycia-Leis.J@parl.gc.ca
>> When do ya think one will ignore his dumb lawyer such as Jeffry House,
>> sprout some balls, print a pdf file and say my name?
>> Before polling day would benefit all Canadains not just the wannabes and
>> the
>> wannabe Prime Ministers eh Jacky boy Layton? .
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> If your too chicken to print a pdf file perhaps you can watch Youtube
>> then
>> EH Jacky Boy Layton?
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga2phTOe9es
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPkRu0dNPUc
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 12:16 PM
>> Subject: Maybe Corey Glass should contact me before Harper gives him the
>> boot EH? 506 756 8687
>> To: nelsonresisters@gmail.com, montrealresisters@hotmail.com,
>> vlannon@pacificcoast.net, goresisters@gmail.com,
>> londonresisters@yahoo.ca,
>> vanresisters@yahoo.ca
>> Cc: Minister@cic.gc.ca, Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca,
>> resisters@sympatico.ca
>> http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5hyjp9Xz2qeSoFhQcp6NFNoe97D-Q
>> His purported friend Lee Zaslofsky would not give me his contact
>> number for some strange reason i will never understand.
>> I would lay odds that would have be different if I had been elected
>> in the last couple of elections or was player within one of the
>> established politcal parties. It certainly appears to me that fellow
>> concerned Canadian citizens don't count to American war protesters and
>> their outspoken supporters unless they are politcally connected EH
>> Mikey Ignatieff AKA Canada's Prince of Darkness south of the 49th?
>> That said I cannot begin to try to help anyone unless they learn how
>> to help themselves and that starts with picking up the phone retuning
>> calls and answering emails. N'est Pas Stevey Boy Harper?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 02:17:23 -0300
>> Subject: Your tally of blogs about me to date dictates that maybe you
>> can inspire a war resister such as Corey Glass to contact me before
>> Harper gives him the boot.
>> To: danf@danf.net, pm@pm.gc.ca
>> Cc: irishmike02@yahoo.com, common_ills@yahoo.com, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca,
>> Bevilacqua.M@parl.gc.ca, vancouvercatholicworker@yahoo.ca
>> Like you everybody thinks I am a nut excepting of course Stevey Boy
>> Harper and the dummy Dion. They just flat out hate me. Nest Pas?
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/06/david-amos-vs-bcs-liberal-premier.html

Higgs's popularity has soared, but PCs still struggling to unlock the francophone vote


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks the PC party executive director Andrea Johnson must recall our one and only conversation last year N'esy Pas?



Higgs's popularity has soared, but PCs still struggling to unlock the francophone vote

PC minority government is scoring record-high approval ratings

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Jun 05, 2020 5:00 AM AT

A political poll has showed Premier Blaine Higgs is enjoying an unprecedented political honeymoon because of his handling of COVID-19. (CBC)

Premier Blaine Higgs heads into summer enjoying an unprecedented political honeymoon because of his handling of COVID-19.

But it's not yet enough for a breakthrough among francophone voters, who are still practising political distancing from the Progressive Conservatives.

Overall, the PC minority government, which was on the verge of being toppled just three months ago, is scoring record-high approval ratings in the midst of the pandemic.

The Angus Reid Institute recently had Higgs with the highest approval rating of any premier in Canada at 80 per cent.

And Narrative Research, formerly Corporate Research Associates, says the government's 81 per cent satisfaction result is the highest it has ever recorded in New Brunswick since it began polling more than 40 years ago.

Even 74 per cent of francophone voters, chronically cool to Higgs since he became PC leader in 2016, told Narrative they're mostly or completely satisfied with his job performance.

Yet many of those satisfied francophones remain reluctant to actually vote for him.

The Liberals had 51 per cent support compared to 32 per cent for the PCs among decided francophone voters.

"Among francophones in the north, we're seeing an increase in support for the PCs, but not necessarily enough that we can see them winning many seats in northern New Brunswick," says the CBC's polling analyst Éric Grenier.

Majority for PCs if election held now

CBC’s polling analyst Éric Grenier said while support for Premier Higgs by francophones in northern New Brunswick has increased it may not lead to winning more seats in the next election.

The overall 18-point PC lead provincially over the Liberals means a majority government for Higgs would "almost certainly be the result" if an election were held now, Grenier says.

But the seat gains would most likely come in the Fredericton and Moncton areas.

The Liberals say the high poll numbers reflect satisfaction with the province's collective effort on COVID-19, one that includes Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Jennifer Russell and, not incidentally, an all-party cabinet committee on which Liberal leader Kevin Vickers sits.

"It's a combination, it's not one specific government or one specific political party," says Liberal MLA and health critic Jean-Claude d'Amours.

But PC party executive director Andrea Johnson says a lot of the credit goes to Higgs.
"I think it shows the majority of the province has confidence in how the premier has led this government and the province through this pandemic."

D'Amours says the high marks for Higgs also reflect a national phenomenon.
"People are looking for their politicians to take care of them, and if you look across the country, the approval rating of each government is pretty high."

Grenier agrees and says another aspect of the New Brunswick trend is matched elsewhere: many voters are satisfied with their provincial governments but won't necessarily cast ballots to re-elect them.

"Even though they might like the way a leader is handling this particular issue doesn't mean they would vote for them in an election," Grenier says.

Francophone support for PCs has grown

Liberal MLA and health critic Jean-Claude d’Amours said the high rating is a combination of all the work done by the all-party committee. (CBC)

That's not to take away from the PC progress among francophone voters. The 32 per cent support is double what Narrative found last fall.

At that time, the PCs were at 16 per cent among francophones, in third place behind the Greens at 20 per cent and the Liberals at 55 per cent.

But the gains are unlikely to allow the PCs to challenge Liberal dominance in heavily francophone ridings.

"The [Liberal] lead isn't as big as it was just a few months ago," Grenier says.

"But a lot of the seats they won in northern New Brunswick were won by such huge margins that even if we see a 10 to 20 point swing between the two parties, it still might not be enough to flip a lot of those seats."

When Narrative measured party support in northern ridings, as opposed to among francophone voters, the Liberal lead over the PCs was 43-39, within the poll's margin of error and thus a statistical tie.

Grenier says that might allow the PCs to make gains in northern ridings with mixed English-French populations.

PC hopes of broadening support among francophones have been hampered by the premier's own inability to speak French and his involvement three decades ago with the anti-bilingualism Confederation of Regions Party.

He has said repeatedly that his views on language rights have changed since then.

The PCs elected a single francophone MLA in the 2018 election, Robert Gauvin in Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou, but he quit the party in February to sit as an independent.

Gauvin left over a plan to close some small-hospital emergency departments at night, saying  the government wasn't sensitive to the realities of francophone and northern New Brunswickers.

The hospital plan was quickly reversed but d'Amours says the controversy, and other concerns such as some Service New Brunswick outlets remaining closed, explain the poor PC results in francophone and northern areas.

"All those things combined still create confusion when you're saying 'do I want to support this one or that one?'"

Historical support for Liberals remains

PC party executive director Andrea Johnson said the poll results reflect the work Higgs has done to lead the province. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Johnson says the Liberal support must reflect historical voting patterns because Higgs's commitment to the entire province is clear.

"A rising tide lifts all ships," she says. "His focus is the entire province and his being the calm in the storm, leading us through the pandemic, gives people across the province confidence in him. How that relates at election time is anyone's guess."

Angus Reid's poll sampled 237 New Brunswickers between May 19 and 24. The results for the province had a margin of error of 6.4 percentage points.

Narrative's poll was conducted from May 1 to 20 and sampled 800 New Brunswickers. The satisfaction numbers are considered accurate within a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points in 19 out of 20 polls.

The margin of error for the voter intention numbers, based on a smaller sample of 503 respondents, was 4.4 percentage points.
Those margins of error would be even higher among the smaller regional and linguistic sub-samples.
The numbers represent a snapshot in time, so it's not a foregone conclusion the PC honeymoon will last.

Higgs has talked about using the COVID-19 recovery to springboard to a sweeping overhaul of how government works.

Such an initiative might not enjoy the same consensus support as his pandemic response, and could trigger the kind of backlash seen over the hospital plan.

"Whether these kinds of numbers would hold right through to an election is another question entirely," Grenier says.

About the Author

Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 


Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
"The overall 18-point PC lead provincially over the Liberals means a majority government for Higgs would "almost certainly be the result" if an election were held now, Grenier says."

Surprise Surprise Surprise

Methinks Higgy should have followed my prediction and had the writ dropped on the day the Legislature opened up Now it may turn into a long hot summer for all the political animals playing their parts in his circus N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Methinks the PC party executive director Andrea Johnson must recall our one and only conversation last year N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You make an awful lot of calls I didn't think you were allowed that much phone time in the ward you're in 


David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al will be happy to know that I just got off the phone with Ralph Thomas and I really liked the guy for rather obvious reasons N'esy Pas?

Fred Sanford 
Reply to @David Amos: Do you really think Higgs cares what you do?

David Amos
Reply to @Fred Sanford: YUP

Lou Bell
Gauvin was no more than a SANB insider in the 1st place . Who really expected he wouldn't jump ship at the 1st chance he got ? Tieing up the Francophone vote and getting enough of the Anglophone voters to get control of the Government goes back to the McKenna days when he sold out the Anglophones of N.B to the SANB solely for power. for power .

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Cry me a river

Lou Bell
Time to call an election . The " spend like a drunken sailor " Liberals are seen as what they are . No platform , HIDDEN AGENDA'S ( see the UNDISCLOSED Phonie Games giveaway ) lets all know who and what they stand for . It came so blatantly clear the day after the Liberal defeat and Gallant high tailed it for Ottawa when it became evidently clear they were gonna be caught with their hands in the cookie jar !! Even Dom. tried steering clear although he was as much involved as anyone .

Dan Stewart
Reply to @Lou Bell: Funny, just read a letter to the editor this morning from a Conservative worrying that Trudeau will take advantage of his popularity and call an election to win a new majority... So what's that saying about wats good for the goose ......

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Dan Stewart:
Mine les pas. Al eh foll red!

David Amos
Reply to @Dan Stewart: Methinks you get the governments you deserve N'esy Pas?

Gabriel Boucher
 People tend to forget that it wasn't just Higgs who helped control the pandemic in NB. It was because of the all-party committee formed in government to help solve this crisis that we managed to control the situation at hand. Higgs was only implementing what the committee asked him to do. If we didn't have a minority situation in government, the story of how our premier would've handled this crisis would've been completely different than what we've seen so far. Basing his performance on how he managed this pandemic is not an ideal way of measuring his overall performance, since most of his actions weren't all his to begin with. I still didn't forget the time when he slashed funding to medical programs for post-secondary education, when the need of new nurses and doctors were high, months before COVID-19 struck. Or his lack of support towards nursing home workers earlier this year. Those stories seems to have been brushed off from some people's minds already.

Lou Bell
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: Do you remember the undisclosed 130 million Liberals committed to the " Phonie Games " or the 10 million dollar barge they gave to a Quebec company and stuck us with ?

Gabriel Boucher 
Reply to @Lou Bell:
I do not support the Liberal government if that's what your comment translates to.

Brian Robertson 
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher:
You would prefer no cuts then; and to continue to spend more than we take in.
And please, for all our sakes, don't roll out that nebulous old left wing chestnut of making the Irvings pay their fair share, when you don't know what they pay for taxes, and how much IS fair.

James Smythe 
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Offshore tax havens aren’t fair, which is what they’ve used since the 70’s to dodge tens of billions of dollars in money that could’ve been repatriated to Canada towards our health care system during a global pandemic. These loopholes leave us vulnerable, and you are clapping like a circus seal in celebration of this vulnerability.

Gabriel Boucher
Reply to @Brian Robertson:
Those medical program funds were to pay for supplies for med students to practice their skill upon, which was severely underfunded to begin with. Now students have to pay extra on their tuition to cover that cost, meaning that they're seeing a hike on their tuition due to that funding cut. Please note that tuition cost is already at an all-time high to begin with. This isn't about left-wing, right-wing. This is about poor decision making from our current government. If we really need more nurses and doctors, we shouldn't be penalizing our new recruits like that.

Brian Robertson 
Reply to @James Smythe:
You intentionally omit the very reason the Irving Corporation was driven out of New Brunswick and set up the holding company in Bermuda was because Liberal Premier Louis Robichaud was trying to bring in an inheritance tax that would have robbed them of hundreds of millions of Dollars on the death of K.C. Irving.
There comes a time when liberal greed for someone else's money simply drives investors and entrepreneurs away.

Brian Robertson 
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher:
Those tuitions are already heavily subsidized by government.Don't believe me? Compare them to that of international students who aren't eligible for them.
There's a point where people have to start carrying their own weight.

James Smythe 
Reply to @Brian Robertson: So people dodging inheritance taxes with another form of tax evasion is ok then? Got it. Thanks for the explanation. Good grief.

Brian Robertson 
Reply to @James Smythe:
You support an inheritance tax grab?
You really are a Liberal, aren't you.

Dan Stewart
Reply to @Brian Robertson: If you think there will be a balanced budget anytime soon in this province you're living in a dream world.. no matter who is in charge.

SarahRose Werner 
Reply to @James Smythe: Please supply details on this supposed federal "inheritance tax" because I've been working in taxes for two decades now and I've never heard of it. The income of the deceased, including capital gains on assets deemed to be disposed of on death, are taxed in the year of death. If a trust is opened for the estate, the income of the estate is taxed for the years of its existence. But there is no tax on the inheritance per se, as there is in the States for estates of greater than a certain amount

David Webb NB  
Reply to @James Smythe: For the most part, tax laws are federal. You should be talking to Ottawa.

David Webb NB
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: It wasn't federal. There are many stories and articles on the internet, just search K C Irving vs Louis Robichaud. I was quite young at the time but I do remember there was quite an uproar, so a couple of days ago I took the time to discover some history. Here is just on such article/paper, there are many more. https://ruor.uottawa.ca/bitstream/10393/37780/1/Comeau_Jean_Sebastien_2018_memoire.pdf

Fred Brewer
Reply to @Brian Robertson: So Irving moving to Bermuda had nothing to do with the fact that Bermuda has no income tax?? Hah. You could have fooled me. Why would KC Irving move permanently to Bermuda on the mere possibility of an inheritance tax? And if he did, why did he not return to Canada when the inheritance tax never materialized? Please answer these questions as I look forward to the spin.

David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: "I've been working in taxes for two decades now"

Methinks you should have checked my work with the taxman on the both sides of the 49th by now N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: is that in your manifesto that ties over 1000 politicians bankers and whoever elses name you pulled out of thin air into the letter you posted on your blog?? It was your best work. I was sore from laughing for 2 days

val harris
Its a great time to believe in a poll during a Pademic.. Dr Russell is the main reason plus our population and no major airports... As for Higgs he has no growth in the north only one loss seat in shippagan.. He has no gains in Moncton either so where do the seats come from the peoples alliance is Austin done?

Joseph Vacher
Reply to @val harris: thats because people in that area would rather cut off their nose despite their face.

Lou Bell
Reply to @val harris: Liberals have the full Sanb vote , being run by the SANB . How's the UNDISCLOSED planned 130 million dollar giveaway to the " Phonie Games " stick with you ? The Liberals have been sticking it to the Anglophone majority since McKenna sold them out for votes many years ago !

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yeh temps tooth form la jell put tan.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Jos Allaire: give it a rest.

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Moody bee go!

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Jos Allaire: I see you had a well typed comprehensible English response above just now. Try it again instead of D. Amos code

Jos Allaire  
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Je parle acade gin..

JJ Carrier
CoR me once, shame on you...CoR me twice, shame on me...

Brian Robertson 
Reply to @JJ Carrier:
Is that all you got?
How about some actual facts instead of smear.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Did you expect anything else from him read the name

Brian Robertson
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Could be argued that your name doesn't tell you anything (especially here). For all you know he is an anglo from St. John.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @John Oliver: He only bites on articles pertaining the north shore or a francophone piece. He tried to teach me a lesson about the Quebec border and the Listiguj a while back. As if I cared. Look at the mess that border became after all. No crossing no exceptions.

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Moody race sis!

Ray Oliver 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: ??

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Pea tay plain de Mard!

Natalie Pugh
"Higgs's popularity has soared, but PCs still struggling to unlock the francophone vote" If Anglophones would unite like francophones do the PC wouldn't need the French vote!

Dan Stewart 
Reply to @Natalie Pugh So, you actually don't have s problem voting for a party just based on your ethnicity?

Brian Robertson 
Reply to @Dan Stewart:
Well it doesn't seem to bother the Francophones.

John Oliver 
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Yeah. But it should. Even the anglos of Montreal have broken twice from the Liberal party in the last 50 years (once for the NDP federally, and once for the Equality party provincially). Of course, it would require parties offering francophones in NB an alternative, and that looks unlikely.

John Oliver 
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Also, your statement is not true. Bernard Lord won a majority of seats in francophone NB in 1999.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @John Oliver: Hes French.

Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Natalie Pugh: Those who cannot get along with other ethnic groups and constantly fight against them eventually turn against themselves as well. There, you said it!

Jos Allaire 
I don't mean all Anglophones, just the bee goats, a lot of whom on here always gripe about everything including the CBC that gives them a free forum to do their perpetual griping.

Ray Oliver
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Nope. No Francophones on here making their own grievances.. Not one. Ya Bee Goat!!!


Moncton woman's medicare benefits arrive just days ahead of baby

Temporary residents experience long delays in visa renewal process

Mia Urquhart· CBC News· Posted: Jun 06, 2020 7:00 AM AT

The Bertolacini family, Giselle, Miguel and Marcelo, before the arrival of baby Noah. (ANDRE INC)

With her second child on the way, the last thing Giselle Bertolacini thought she'd have to worry about was paying for her scheduled C-section.

But after her visa expired in March, that's exactly what she was facing.

She began to panic about how she was going to pay the mounting prenatal fees and the cost of her June 2 delivery.

"It was a tough situation because every time I went to my doctor, the secretary was there to say that they were not being paid, and I would have to pay for my consultation."

Bertolacini was frustrated because she thought she had done everything right.

She moved to Moncton from Brazil in 2018 with her husband and young son. As temporary residents, they were covered under New Brunswick's medicare program.
In December, she applied to renew her visa — three months before it was set to expire.

She never dreamed it would take so long to process her application.

When her visa expired in March, so did her medicare.

But because she applied before her visa expired, she believed she was covered by "implied status," which stipulates that as long as a temporary resident applies before their visa expires, their status is automatically extended until a formal decision is issued.

Bertolacini believed that extension would also apply to medicare benefits.

"But that's not what happens in real life because when your visa expires, you SIN number and your medicare expire at the same time," she said.

Giselle, Miguel and Marcelo Bertolacini. (Submitted by Giselle Bertolacini)

Bertolacini wasn't exactly sure how much it would cost her family to deliver their second child, but she knew it would be more than she could afford — $3,000 per day for her hospital stay, another $2,000 per day for her baby, she was told. Add to that, the cost of the physician, the anesthesiologist, and other related fees.

"It was tough because we felt like we were left all alone here. Even though we worked full time and we paid our taxes just like any other Canadian or any other immigrant, we didn't have access to the benefits we were supposed to have," she said.

But good news arrived last week.

The Bertolacinis got a call from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to tell them their application had been approved. That meant — with only days to spare before the scheduled C-section — their medicare benefits were reinstated.

And more good news arrived his week.

On Tuesday, Noah Bertolacini arrived by caesarean section, weighing in at 3.83 kg (eight pounds seven ounces) — and all costs were paid by medicare, said Giselle Bertolacini.

Noah Bertolacini was delivered by C-section on Tuesday, just days after his family's medicare benefits were reinstated. (Sumbitted by Giselle Bertolacini)

She said she and Noah are doing well. She just wishes she didn't have to fight so hard in the latter stages of her pregnancy, and she hopes her experience will help other families — and perhaps even change the system.

"I hope that other families will not have to struggle the way we struggled in such a special moment. When you prepare to receive a newborn, it's a moment of happiness."

She said the last thing expectant mothers need is the added stress of wondering how to pay the bills.

"I hope other families will not have to struggle with this kind of situation in the future and I also hope that my kids will learn from it as well — that you have to fight for what is right and being successful in life requires lots of effort."

Information Morning - Moncton
Pregnant Moncton newcomer denied health care benefits due to visa delay during pandemic
Giselle Bertolacini is scheduled to deliver a baby by c-section on Tuesday. 9:59

Not alone

The executive director of the Multicultural Association of Greater Moncton says she knows of other women who find themselves in a similar position.

Myriam Mekni is worried that if the processing system continues to plod along at the current rate, other people will find themselves having to pay for medical care out of pocket.

Mekni said she also experienced "implied status" as she waited for her application to be processed.
She said the federal government, which is responsible for immigration, has left it up to provinces to decide what to do about medicare coverage during the implied status period.

Some provinces, including Alberta, have decided to extend coverage, but Mekni said New Brunswick has not.

She said her organization has been trying to convince the province to do so.
"There was a lot of conversations," she told CBC's Information Morning in Moncton on Monday.

"We haven't had a lot of response from the health department or medicare when we tried to resolve this situation and when we tried to advocate for other clients."

She said her group has only received "generic responses" from government officials.

"So I don't know if the health department, or medicare specifically, are making an effort to change this."

Information Morning - Moncton
Loss of health benefits a side effect of COVID-19 pandemic for some

Myriam Mekni, the executive director of the Multicultural Association of Greater Moncton, says some foreign students and workers have lost health benefits. 10:06
Attempts by CBC to clarify the situation with New Brunswick's Department of Health weren't successful.

On Friday, department spokesperson Bruce Macfarlane said, "For privacy purposes, medicare cannot comment on individual cases. Should an individual have new information on their status such as a VISA, the individual should contact medicare immediately with the most-up-to-date information."

He did not answer the question of whether medicare coverage is extended during the "implied status" period.

With files from Information Morning Moncton


Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos  
Methinks the lady should count her lucky stars Higgy et all appear to enjoy keeping a "Stay" on my right to Health Care but I am saving the bills in order for me to sue them to pay me back tenfold Perhaps then they won't laugh so hard at me N'esy Pas?

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: No. They'll still laugh. Just the same as the rest of us do. Bank that one tenfold!

Dave Corbin
 "We haven't had a lot of response from the health department or medicare when we tried to resolve this situation and when we tried to advocate for other clients."
Even New Brunswickers often recieve a "no response" from our health department. Its the culture here to not respond.

David Peters
Reply to @Dave Corbin:
It's a monopoly. They don't have to care what the individual service users think or say.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Dave Corbin:
Any government employee, who intends to remain a government employee, knows enough to "know nothing, see nothing, admit to nothing, decide nothing, and most importantly say nothing".

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