Minister sides with suburbs in rejecting Saint John proposals for sharing
City needs to rein in expenses, says Local Government Minister Jeff Carr
Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: May 06, 2020 9:00 AM AT
Local Government Minister Jeff Carr says the province won't be turning over $8 million in tax revenue from industry. (CBC)
Local Government Minister Jeff Carr says Saint John has to make some tough decisions before the city's neighbours will be ready to talk more about sharing costs.
"The message is clear from the outlying areas," said Carr. "They want to help, they want to continue to partner but they have to see a little movement by Saint John council."
Carr's comments to CBC News came the day after the minister sent a letter to city council in response to a long-term sustainability plan released by the city.
Among other things, the plan proposes a levy on the property tax bills in outlying communities that would increase the amount of assistance the city's neighbours now provide, and to offset costs incurred by Saint John as a regional hub.
We can no longer continue to pick winners and losers so everybody has to be treated fairly in that regard.- Jeff Carr, local government minister
But the minister wrote he would not reconvene a regional management task force that had been looking into cost-sharing with Saint John until the city "has demonstrated substantial and measurable progress" on sustainability.
As part of an "action plan" for Saint John jointly released by the city and province in July 2019, the provincial government paid for an operational review of city operations by consultants Ernst and Young.
It identified $25 million — $35 million in what it described as opportunities for the city to save costs or generate new revenue.
"There are millions and millions and millions of dollars identified by Ernst and Young in the report," said Carr. "So there's lots of opportunities there that the city can take, as well as having a look at their expenses they've raised over the last three years."
The proposals in the consultant's report include major reorganizations and cuts in areas such as the Fire Department, where it suggests 32 to 40 firefighter positions could be eliminated along with the closing of a fire station and the retiring of two engines and two tankers.
It suggests 20 per cent of the police department's patrol strength could be converted into civilian jobs and identifies further potential job reductions at Saint John Water and at Public Works and Recreation.
The Ernst and Young report suggests 20 percent of the Saint John Police Department's patrol strength could be converted to civilian jobs. (CBC
The city is also asking the province for fundamental changes to the property tax system, particularly where heavy industry is concerned.
As an interim measure the municipality is hoping the province will turn over its portion of the tax collected from Saint John industries — about $8 million annually — until those reforms are introduced in 2022.
But Carr is clear the province won't be handing over the industrial tax revenue in advance of the reforms.
"If we hand over industrial tax to one city, why wouldn't we hand it over to all? We can no longer continue to pick winners and losers so everybody has to be treated fairly in that regard," said the minister.
Saint John councillor David Hickey. 'The city has met all of our requirements.' (@davidhickeynb Twitter)
On Monday night, city council approved a series of measures to trim costs by $10 million in 2021 and 2022 by cutting six million from workforce costs, closing a rink, raising fees and cutting back on other services, such lawn mowing and flower planting.
Saint John councillor David Hickey described Carr's response as "disheartening."
"We can't pretend, I think, that this was a case of Saint John missing deadlines or not taking significant steps to restructure because based on the plan that both the province and the city agreed to in our sustainability plan, the city has met all of our requirements," said Hickey.
42 Comments Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al know why I am enjoying this circus N'esy Pas?
Brian Robertson
Reply to @David Amos: David; what makes you think the Premier and his inner circle give you any thought at all?
Rick Grayson
Reply to @Brian Robertson: @davidamos probably suffers from delusions of grandeur "methinks and N'esy pas" so odd..
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Brian Robertson: And they equally enjoy not giving him Medicare and laughing at his s c h i z o harrassment towards them that consumes his life, of which they don't for a second entertain. He's THE water cooler joke at break time.
David Amos
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Why do you call me by my first name do I know you? Why not ask your buddy Higgy and his cohorts why they sent me Tim's cupcakes in the mail with a signed note before the last election if I were not on their mind? Methinks it was odd that they whine and cry to me for donations to buy butter tarts yet had money to squander on a mindless insult N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks even your buddy Higgy and his RCMP cohorts ain't laughing about you joking about GNB denying me the right to Medicare N"esy Pas?
Shawn Tabor Their union made this mess, now union can fix their mess. If Moncton or Freddy gets into trouble are we going to get taxed again to fix their cities mess. Almost like today’s paper, Higgs want to work on a farm but all he wants to do is drive the tractor. Too funny. Shows how out of touch the white collar folks are. Oh by the way Higgs 10 hour days for minimum wage. Missed the boat on that one, what an insult.
Douglas James
Reply to @Shawn Tabor: How do you figure unions made this mess? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say the lack of proper negotiating on the part of the city helped create this mess? People can ask all they want but it takes someone giving in to their requests to create a given situation.
Shawn Tabor
Reply to @Douglas James: yes you are correct, but they all feed from the same trough. You have a few who want it all, but they have run out of feed. Now they want us to bail them out, what a joke. Maybe get some of those fine Saint John Law firms to figure it out. Reed Cheedore might be one to ask . LOL. He could smooz it over I bet .
Ian Scott
Reply to @Douglas James: No they strike and force issues. At that point the choice should be streamline and reduce numbers if want to stay on total dollars available, not carry on on the basis of municipal debt or tax increases. Have you seen a union reduce its numbers willingly ? Its the antithesis.
David Amos
Reply to @Shawn Tabor: Methinks your buddy Mr Lutz could fix it N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson
Reply to @David Amos: methinks and n'esy pas??? Do you mean "I think" who knows why you have n'esy pas there...
Donald Gallant Years ago Moncton lost CN and gained Technology of NB TEL AND MEDAVIE.
Saint John & Elsie turned that down and thought ship building and industry and it’s port was the future.
Moncton thrived and Saint John collapsed.
Only a miracle will save Saint John.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Donald Gallant: They both turned into SANB corporations , dominated by SANB Liberals
Dan Lee
Reply to @Lou Bell: ahhh theres Higgs canary
Donald Smith
Reply to @Donald Gallant: Don, maybe the City should buy some Miracle Grow lawn and plant food lol.
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Lee: So you know her nickname too
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you will never quit pounding on that drum and Maggie will always remind you of Higgy's past because everybody knows that a leopard can't change its spots N'esy Pas?
Too Too Funny Indeed
Controversial dry dock wrested from province's grasp headed back to New Brunswick
Dry dock at centre of spat between province, Groupe Océan headed to Saint John port Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: May 06, 2020 5:00 AM AT
Lou Bell Another Liberal / SANB failure !
Marguerite DesChamps Reply to @Lou DumBell: Your hero, the elusive Higgs Bozon (without the "n") will not raise his little finger to help anything north of Albert county and they will remember. He will never win another mandate. He's not a COR for nothing.
val harris Carr was never a leader so this was for sure gonna be his remarks. Too bad how the outlying areas like to use the facilities, roads and all other city owned areas. Pay up or don’t use it
John Pokiok
Reply to @val harris: they don't use it anymore than you use theirs
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @val harris: And you can quit sending your log trucks out here ruining our roads and forests so you can have your high paying smoke spewing, pulp mill jobs.
Shawn Tabor
Reply to @val harris: you said it Val, let’s all stop going to the city and we all can shop in Moncton or Fredericton. Same stores.
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: Methinks mindless Carr drew the short straw when Higgy et al were picking Ministers N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson
Reply to @David Amos: Me thinks you have too much time on your hands N'esy pas? lol
David Amos
Reply to @Rick Grayson: Why is it that I am not laughing with you but at you?
Council also rejects plan to charge permit fees for heavy trucks
Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: May 05, 2020 7:00 AM AT
The city of Saint John will look for ways to get some revenue from its municipally owned electrical utility, but city council has removed selling the company from the list of options. (CBC)
Saint John councillors have put the brakes on any plan to sell Saint John Energy.
The sale of the municipally owned utility was being considered as an option for the cash-strapped city and could have generated a dividend of between $4 million and $7 million per year.
But it would also have seen residential electricity costs increase 10 per cent after three years to match those of NB Power.
On the other hand councillors did approve a long list of measures to reduce operational costs and increase fees to deal with estimated $10 million deficits projected in 2021 and 2022.
The plan will see fewer firefighters, police, bus drivers, and other city workers, along with reduced services and the closure of an ice rink.
"Let there be no doubt there will be significant workforce reduction," said city manager John Collin. The plan will also see the Saint John Transit Commission disbanded and control over the bus system moved back to city hall. The transit budget is to be reduced by $750,000.
Workforce costs are to be reduced $1.1 million at the police department and $1.3 million at the fire department.
Low tax growth
The city has struggled for several years with limited or near zero tax-assessment growth while costs in many areas, chiefly labour, have increased.
Saint John city manager, John Collin: 'There will be significant workforce reduction.' (Connell Smith, CBC)
Councillors also turned their backs on a proposal that would have seen the municipality set up a permit system for heavy trucks that would have created an additional $1.1 million in annual revenue.
They elected instead to find that money on the cost side through job cuts, bringing total payroll cuts up to $6 million by the end of this year.
The truck permit plan was opposed by most of the city's heavy industries, the Chamber of Commerce and by the Canadian Manufacturers Association and had very little support among councillors.
"The business people of this city have made it very clear to me they're not teaming up with us until we cut our own staff, if that's what it takes, but we have to cut what's inside of our own city [government]," said Deputy Mayor Shirley McAlary, who authored the motion to take the heavy truck permit plan off the list of recommendations to raise new revenue.
But even larger, long term reforms aimed at putting the city on track for growth are viewed as dependant on the introduction of major changes by the provincial government.
The first would have seen the province's share of the property tax on Saint John heavy industries — about $8 million annually — turned over to the city until promised property tax reforms of some sort are introduced in 2022.
The other would have seen legislation to force the city's neighbours to contribute considerably more money to offset the costs Saint John incurs as a regional hub.
Jeff Carr, New Brunswick's Minister of Environment and Local Government: The city must demonstrate 'substantial and measurable progress.' (CBC)
In an email to city council Monday, Local Government Minister Jeff Carr put a damper on both requests, suggesting the city has not yet done enough to rein in its own costs.
"While the province is committed to maintaining our track record of support for the City, it strongly encourages the City of Saint John to take the required steps to demonstrate it is prepared to address the foundational constraints that are holding it back from building a financially sustainable future," wrote Carr.
The minister said he would not reconvene a regional management task force that had been looking into cost-sharing between the city and its neighbours until Saint John "has demonstrated substantial and measurable progress" on sustainability.
David Amos Methinks all the people who attended the secret meetings of the EUB last summer know why I am a giggling at General Collin's nonsense N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: I bet Ray Robinson and his nasty lawyer are sweating about now for fear i might let some cat out the bag
Gary MacKay"there will be significant work force reduction". Then the city also needs to recognize it will not have the ability to service many / much of the outlying areas and needs to reduce the size by returning areas back to the province (now LSD) to deal with.
Mac Isaac
Reply to @Gary MacKay: Like you I've often wondered why Saint John, back in the days of willy-nilly amalgamations, took on such a large area to not only govern as part of the city, but also be forced to service. It made little sense then and makes even less now. Part of the reason I think both the City of Fredericton and the City of Moncton have maintained excellent books is they have taken on more than they can service. Many of us look at Saint John and we see a mismanaged city but I wonder if that's the case or is it that they bit off more than they could chew back when they did those amalgamations?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Mac Isaac: Size. They wanted to remain the largest city in the province, be it h--l or high water . Areas amalgamated by Fredericton already had most / all services when added except for two or three minor exceptions . AS we saw a few months ago Saint John has let wages , especially for their Police and Fire Depts. get well out of hand and they bowed to the unions BIGLY. It appears overtime runs rampant , as do abuse of sick leave and any other benefits the workers can abuse. Better off to get rid of the massive overtime cost and hire a FEW extra Police officers and would still have lots of money left over. I'd suspect with retirements the targets can be achieved quite quickly.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Too Too Funny Indeed
Controversial dry dock wrested from province's grasp headed back to New Brunswick
Dry dock at centre of spat between province, Groupe Océan headed to Saint John port Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: May 06, 2020 5:00 AM AT
Lou Bell Another Liberal / SANB failure !
Marguerite DesChamps Reply to @Lou DumBell: Your hero, the elusive Higgs Bozon (without the "n") will not raise his little finger to help anything north of Albert county and they will remember. He will never win another mandate. He's not a COR for nothing.
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you will never quit pounding on that drum and Maggie will always remind you of Higgy's past because everybody knows that leopards can't change their spots N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks If I told Old Fred who I thought it was that wanted buy Saint John Energy he would not read it nor would he care to believe anyway N'esy Pas?
Fred Brewer
Now that the deal to sell Saint John Energy is dead, it is time to reveal who the potential buyer was.
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Well Fred, if they were willing to pay a dividend of 4 to 6 million, then my figures were not far off, once they matched the NBPower rate. When Saint Johner's pay equal to us for that, power cost PLUS A $260 DEBT LEVY ( to even the field then we can begin the discussion of Assisting SJ dollar for dollar. and I said discussion.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @GARY MERCER: Off topic. This post is about learning the identity of the potential buyer. I think the public has a right to know. It better not have been Mr. Magic Beans himself.
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Interesting that it is off-topic, when you know the info is right!
The floating dry dock built in Bas-Caraquet is tugged out of the Port of Quebec on Monday, bound for Saint John. (Submitted/Carole Brodeur)
One of New Brunswick's most infamous pieces of marine infrastructure is on its way back to the province.
A floating dry dock built at taxpayer expense at a shipyard in Bas-Caraquet, and removed to Quebec last fall, is en route to Saint John, where it will be used in the modernization of the port's west-side facilities.
Last year, Premier Blaine Higgs called the removal of the provincially-owned dry dock from the New Brunswick Naval Centre "a disgrace" and asked the Federal Court of Canada to block it.
But Groupe Océan eventually won the right to move the dry dock to its main location in Quebec City.
Now the dry dock is being tugged back to New Brunswick, where a contractor will use it to build and move massive concrete box-like caissons as part of the port's $205-million expansion.
The dry dock in question was built at the New Brunswick Naval Centre in Bas-Caraquet. (
Groupe Océan spokesperson Philippe Filion said the dry dock is versatile enough that it was a less expensive option for the general contractor.
"It's so well made, it can be used for more than just raising and lowering vessels," he said. "It's a piece of equipment that New Brunswickers can really be proud of."
The dry dock's return journey to New Brunswick was first reported by Carole Brodeur, who works on a tugboat at the Port of Quebec. She posted photos of the dry dock to a Quebec City-based "shipspotting" Facebook group.
Port modernization
Saint John Port Authority CEO Jim Quinn said eight huge concrete caissons, each the size of a six-storey building, will be built one at a time on the dry dock. The caissons will then be floated in the water, filled with rock and sunk to become part of a new wharf.
"It's kind of going to be interesting to watch," Quinn said. "People think concrete doesn't float, but it does."
Groupe Océan is also dredging as part of its work for general contractor Pomerleau.
The dry dock will be used in the modernization of the port in Saint John. (Matthew Bingley/CBC)
The federal and provincial governments have each contributed $68 million to the port modernization.
Quinn wouldn't say what he made of the dry dock's role relative to its controversial history. "I have no comment on whatever happened a while back," he said with a chuckle.
Troubled past
New Brunswick taxpayers spent $10 million on the dry dock, which was built at the New Brunswick Naval Centre, a shipyard in the village of Bas-Caraquet.
The yard was initially owned by the village and the neighbouring town of Caraquet, but the previous Liberal government took it over in 2016 after it ran out of money. Groupe Océan was an anchor tenant at the shipyard and several other boat builders operate there.
Last summer, the Higgs government refused to help fund a slipway at the yard, infrastructure that the Quebec company said it needed to be able to bid for larger shipbuilding contracts in Bas-Caraquet.
In September Groupe Océan made plans to move the dry dock to its Quebec facilities. While the province owns the dock, the company has a 20-year lease to use it.
The premier called it "a disgrace" that New Brunswick taxpayers had subsidized a piece of infrastructure that would be used to compete with the Bas-Caraquet shipyard.
The New Brunswick government took over the municipal-run shipyard in 2016. (CBC)
Groupe Océan argued the plan all along was to build the dry dock in Bas-Caraquet, providing local workers with training and experience for future projects, then move it to Quebec.
The province tried to seize the dry dock through the Federal Court. But after granting an initial injunction, the court ruled that Groupe Océan could move it to Quebec.
Groupe Océan called the province's legal action an attempt to blame the company for the problems at the shipyard.
Fillion said last year the company might sue the province, but he said this week nothing has been filed. "We're still examining our options," he said.
The Higgs government had no comment on the dry dock being used in Saint John other than to acknowledge it.
"The Regional Development Corporation was advised by Groupe Océan that the dry dock would be moved to Saint John for use during the Port of Saint John modernization project," said spokesperson Mary-Anne Hurley-Corbyn.
Man moving to Moncton to appear in court after being detained n airport
Daniel Arefi's father said misunderstanding led officials to believe his son just wanted to visit
CBC News· Posted: May 08, 2020 10:00 AM AT
A 19-year-old Toronto man is being held in custody after trying to enter the province through the Moncton airport Thursday night. (Photo: Shane Magee/CBC News)
A 19-year-old Toronto man is in custody after trying to move to the province on Thursday and being stopped at the Moncton airport.
Daniel Arefi, who lost his job as a barber because of COVID-19, was persuaded to move to the province by his parents, who live in Moncton.
Hossein Arefi said he had rented an apartment for his son to self-isolate in and hoped he would start a business after that.
But when Daniel arrived at the Moncton airport on Thursday, he was asked the purpose of his visit and answered that he was visiting his parents.
This was deemed an insufficient reason for entering New Brunswick, which, with some exceptions, is not letting anyone in who doesn't live in the province.
People who don't meet the provincial guidelines have to go back, at their own expense. Another passenger who was Daniel flight was also ordered back to Toronto.
A misunderstanding
But Hossein Arefi said his son's answer about the purpose of his visit was a misunderstanding, since Daniel plans to live in New Brunswick.
"He replied I'm visiting my parents," the father told Information Morning Moncton on Friday. "Because he used the word 'I'm visiting' they considered him as a visitor. And they said that it will be considered as an unnecessary traveller."
Hossein Arefi said he had documentation showing that an apartment had been rented so Daniel could self-isolate for 14 days, a requirement for anyone entering the province.
Daniel was told to go to a hotel for three nights, at his own expense, and wait for the next available flight to Toronto, which is Sunday.
Daniel refused and was handcuffed and detained.
Arefi said it should have been clear that his son was planning on moving to the province.
"He came with a one-way ticket and three bags filled with his stuff … to come and live in Moncton," Arefi said.
Mike Comeau, the deputy minister of public safety, said he could not go into specifics about the case because of privacy concerns.
He did say that people who are moving to New Brunswick from other provinces are being allowed in, but that people have also said different things once told they can't enter.
"I can tell you that when people are turned away, it does happen from time to time that they assert a different purpose," said Comeau.
"So sometimes people say that they're coming to visit somebody and then when they find out that that's not going to be permitted, the story changes and they say that they have some other purpose."
Arefi said Daniel is to appear in court in Moncton on Friday.
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al and their RCMP cohorts ain't laughing about my having long talk with Hossein Arefi today N'esy Pas?
Belladonna Took Reply to @David Amos: Methinks you're tiresome. I got the gist of what you're saying here, but why does everything you say have to be a riddle? Believe it or not, we don't keep up to date with every detail of your life.
David Amos
Reply to @Belladonna Took: Methinks spindoctors should get real names if they wish to insult me on behalf of Higgy et al N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al kow why I would like to have a long talk with Hossein Arefi ASAP N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Go Figure CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 (80)
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law: Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms Marginal note:Rights and freedoms in Canada
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.
Merry Brandybuck
Reply to @David Amos: In a, b , c, or d I don't see anything about the right to travel across provincial jurisdictions during a pandemic when restrictions are in place.
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Merry Brandybuck: You sound a lot like Lou Bell.
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks all of Higgy's spindoctors sing the same tune N'esy Pas?
Merry Brandybuck
Reply to @David Amos: Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a spin doctor for the premier you know.
Hossein Arefi
Reply to @David Amos:
Hossein Arefi
Reply to @David Amos: Yes, Just now during my call with Mr. Amos I became aware that my sons plead guilty under duress of poor advice from duty council
David Amos
Reply to @Hossein Arefi: YES SIR Rest assured I will call the the lawyers mentioned in this updated article and the Fredericton Airport as well
Hossein Arefi
Reply to @Hossein Arefi: He is on his way to Fredricton.
Amajor Hall
Reply to @Hossein Arefi: Freddy's a nice town, too bad he won't get to see it! Ridic!
Hossein Arefi
Reply to @Amajor Hall: i hope to see you in ame situation very soon. I am fasting and I will pray for that
David Amos
Reply to @Amajor Hall: Methinks comedians should Google Luc Labonte and David Amos N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Hossein Arefi: Turst that I called both lawyers and the Fredericton Airport just like I said I would Nobody picked up but left them all blistering voicemails
Man pleads guilty to violating ban on travel to N.B., to be flown back to Ontario
Daniel Arefi's father said misunderstanding led officials to believe his son just wanted to visit
CBC News·
Provincial court Judge Luc Labonté ordered him to be driven to Fredericton on Friday by provincial peace officers and placed on an afternoon flight back to Toronto. He was also fined the minimum $292.50 for violating the province's Emergency Measures Act.
Crown prosecutor Maurice Blanchard outlined the facts of the case after Arefi consulted with duty counsel Bernadette Richard.
Arefi declined to say anything when given the chance during the brief sentencing hearing.
"It's time not to be selfish," Labonté told Arefi, warning that if he returned to the province during the pandemic he'd likely send him to jail for 90 days.
"He decided to resolve his matter and we're just very happy that it worked out well as it did," Richard said in an interview outside court.
But when Daniel arrived at the Moncton airport on Thursday, he was asked the purpose of his visit and answered that he was visiting his parents. There was no mention of a plan to move to the province during the court appearance nor in the facts of the case.
This was deemed an insufficient reason for entering New Brunswick, which, with some exceptions, is not letting anyone in who doesn't live in the province.
People who don't meet the provincial guidelines have to go back, at their own expense. Another passenger who was Daniel flight was also ordered back to Toronto.
A misunderstanding
But Hossein Arefi said his son's answer about the purpose of his visit was a misunderstanding, since Daniel plans to live in New Brunswick.
"He replied I'm visiting my parents," the father told Information Morning Moncton on Friday.
"Because he used the word 'I'm visiting' they considered him as a visitor. And they said that it will be considered as an unnecessary traveller."
Hossein Arefi said he had documentation showing that an apartment had been rented so Daniel could self-isolate for 14 days, a requirement for anyone entering the province.
Daniel was told to go to a hotel for three nights, at his own expense, and wait for the next available flight to Toronto, which is Sunday.
Arefi said it should have been clear that his son was planning on moving to the province.
"He came with a one-way ticket and three bags filled with his stuff … to come and live in Moncton," Arefi said.
Mike Comeau, the deputy minister of public safety, said he could not go into specifics about the case because of privacy concerns.
He did say that people who are moving to New Brunswick from other provinces are being allowed in, but that people have also said different things once told they can't enter.
"I can tell you that when people are turned away, it does happen from time to time that they assert a different purpose," said Comeau.
"So sometimes people say that they're coming to visit somebody and then when they find out that that's not going to be permitted, the story changes and they say that they have some other purpose." Arefi said Daniel is to appear in court in Moncton on Friday.
With files from Information Morning Moncton and Shane Magee
Man moving to Moncton to appear in court after being detained n airport
Daniel Arefi's father said misunderstanding led officials to believe his son just wanted to visit
CBC News· Posted: May 08, 2020 10:00 AM AT
A 19-year-old Toronto man is being held in custody after trying to enter the province through the Moncton airport Thursday night. (Photo: Shane Magee/CBC News)
A 19-year-old Toronto man is in custody after trying to move to the province on Thursday and being stopped at the Moncton airport.
Daniel Arefi, who lost his job as a barber because of COVID-19, was persuaded to move to the province by his parents, who live in Moncton.
Hossein Arefi said he had rented an apartment for his son to self-isolate in and hoped he would start a business after that.
But when Daniel arrived at the Moncton airport on Thursday, he was asked the purpose of his visit and answered that he was visiting his parents.
This was deemed an insufficient reason for entering New Brunswick, which, with some exceptions, is not letting anyone in who doesn't live in the province.
People who don't meet the provincial guidelines have to go back, at their own expense. Another passenger who was Daniel flight was also ordered back to Toronto.
A misunderstanding
But Hossein Arefi said his son's answer about the purpose of his visit was a misunderstanding, since Daniel plans to live in New Brunswick.
"He replied I'm visiting my parents," the father told Information Morning Moncton on Friday. "Because he used the word 'I'm visiting' they considered him as a visitor. And they said that it will be considered as an unnecessary traveller."
Hossein Arefi said he had documentation showing that an apartment had been rented so Daniel could self-isolate for 14 days, a requirement for anyone entering the province.
Daniel was told to go to a hotel for three nights, at his own expense, and wait for the next available flight to Toronto, which is Sunday.
Daniel refused and was handcuffed and detained.
Arefi said it should have been clear that his son was planning on moving to the province.
"He came with a one-way ticket and three bags filled with his stuff … to come and live in Moncton," Arefi said.
Mike Comeau, the deputy minister of public safety, said he could not go into specifics about the case because of privacy concerns.
He did say that people who are moving to New Brunswick from other provinces are being allowed in, but that people have also said different things once told they can't enter.
"I can tell you that when people are turned away, it does happen from time to time that they assert a different purpose," said Comeau.
"So sometimes people say that they're coming to visit somebody and then when they find out that that's not going to be permitted, the story changes and they say that they have some other purpose."
Arefi said Daniel is to appear in court in Moncton on Friday.
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al and their RCMP cohorts ain't laughing about my having long talk with Hossein Arefi today N'esy Pas?
Belladonna Took Reply to @David Amos: Methinks you're tiresome. I got the gist of what you're saying here, but why does everything you say have to be a riddle? Believe it or not, we don't keep up to date with every detail of your life.
David Amos
Reply to @Belladonna Took: Methinks spindoctors should get real names if they wish to insult me on behalf of Higgy et al N'esy Pas?
Belladonna Took Reply to @David Amos: Why do you spell N'est-ce pas wrong?
Belladonna Took
Reply to @David Amos: I'm just asking, you always allude to things without saying them and 90% of the time, a lot of us (I would guess almost all of us, except that perhaps there's a small chance that someone understand something you're alluding to), have no clue what you're talking about. We don't follow your court cases and we don't know about every interaction in your life.
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al kow why I would like to have a long talk with Hossein Arefi ASAP N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Go Figure CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 (80)
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law: Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms Marginal note:Rights and freedoms in Canada
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.
Merry Brandybuck
Reply to @David Amos: In a, b , c, or d I don't see anything about the right to travel across provincial jurisdictions during a pandemic when restrictions are in place.
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Merry Brandybuck: You sound a lot like Lou Bell.
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks all of Higgy's spindoctors sing the same tune N'esy Pas?
Merry Brandybuck
Reply to @David Amos: Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a spin doctor for the premier you know.
Hossein Arefi
Reply to @David Amos:
Hossein Arefi
Reply to @David Amos: Yes, Just now during my call with Mr. Amos I became aware that my sons plead guilty under duress of poor advice from duty council
David Amos
Reply to @Hossein Arefi: YES SIR Rest assured I will call the the lawyers mentioned in this updated article and the Fredericton Airport as well
Hossein Arefi
Reply to @Hossein Arefi: He is on his way to Fredricton.
Amajor Hall
Reply to @Hossein Arefi: Freddy's a nice town, too bad he won't get to see it! Ridic!
Hossein Arefi
Reply to @Amajor Hall: i hope to see you in ame situation very soon. I am fasting and I will pray for that
David Amos
Reply to @Amajor Hall: Methinks comedians should Google Luc Labonte and David Amos N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Hossein Arefi: Turst that I called both lawyers and the Fredericton Airport just like I said I would Nobody picked up but left them all blistering voicemails
Carlson MacKenzie Reply to @David Amos: 10 pounds in a 5 pound bag.
Chantal LeBouthi Why so many Quebec poeples visiting their cottage in NB right now
Higgs said the border was close so how can Quebec poeples can come in NB if the border is close
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Do you know this for a fact?
Chantal LeBouthi
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Yes I do
Belladonna Took
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: We need to tighten our borders so that deceitful people don't get through. A lot of these other Canadians figure that since New Brunswick is basically cover-19 free they can be deceitful at the border to get in. They selfishly give no thought to the well being of 800,000 New Brunswickers who are being put at risk from them.
Chantal LeBouthi
Reply to @Belladonna Took: These poeples just don’t care we in nb are fallowing the guidelines and theses poeples don’t give a rat
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: So this is a complete double standard.
David Amos
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Methinks Higgy et all give certain members of poeplekind special dispensation in his Police State N'esy Pas?
Belladonna Took
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Exactly, we've given up so much and done so well and unfortunately people from outside our province who don't take the virus seriously , are not respecting our will to take it seriously.
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Belladonna Took: So what you are saying, in the case of the rule breaking Quebecers, They should be detained and escorted to the Quebec border immediately, don't you agree?
Belladonna Took
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: If they refuse to leave, yes. This young man was given the opportunity to stay in a hotel and then fly home when possible, he refused.
Chantal LeBouthi
Reply to @Belladonna Took: One person told me that one Quebec person travel all the way from the cote nord Quebec to nb to go fishing
I don’t understand at all what going on and it’s scary only take one person to infect so many
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Belladonna Took: He has no home in Toronto. He left it to come and live with his parents. Didn't you read the article?
Ralph Green
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: I agree
David Amos Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: FYI I truly did have a long talk with the kid's Father Methinks if you read closer you will see that his Father got him a separate apartment so that he could obey Higgy"s orders within his questionable Police State N'esy Pas?
Belladonna Took I'm just glad the liberals aren't in charge because they'd be inviting all of Canada here. So proud of New Brunswick for having a backbone!
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Belladonna Took: Glad to hear you say that. Now I understand. Your a conservative hack. It explains much. Thank you.
Belladonna Took
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: I'm not a hack for anyone, I'm just glad we have a premier who isn't against borders. I know for a fact that a lot of other premiers would never have instituted border checks.
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Belladonna Took: "a premier who isn't against borders."?
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: What does that mean?
Belladonna Took
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Ideologically opposed to the idea of a border between provinces during a global pandemic.
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Belladonna Took: So he's in favour of border crossing control -from Ontario but apparently not Quebec. I see.
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: "Now I understand. Your a conservative hack. It explains much."
Toby Tolly drove him to Freddy? at whose expense?
Ralph Green
Reply to @Toby Tolly: should be at his expense I would think.
Man pleads guilty to violating ban on travel to N.B., to be flown back to Ontario
Daniel Arefi's father said misunderstanding led officials to believe his son just wanted to visit
CBC News·
Provincial court Judge Luc Labonté ordered him to be driven to Fredericton on Friday by provincial peace officers and placed on an afternoon flight back to Toronto. He was also fined the minimum $292.50 for violating the province's Emergency Measures Act. Crown prosecutor Maurice Blanchard outlined the facts of the case after Arefi consulted with duty counsel Bernadette Richard.
Arefi declined to say anything when given the chance during the brief sentencing hearing. "It's time not to be selfish," Labonté told Arefi, warning that if he returned to the province during the pandemic he'd likely send him to jail for 90 days.
"He decided to resolve his matter and we're just very happy that it worked out well as it did," Richard said in an interview outside court.
But when Daniel arrived at the Moncton airport on Thursday, he was asked the purpose of his visit and answered that he was visiting his parents. There was no mention of a plan to move to the province during the court appearance nor in the facts of the case. This was deemed an insufficient reason for entering New Brunswick, which, with some exceptions, is not letting anyone in who doesn't live in the province.
People who don't meet the provincial guidelines have to go back, at their own expense. Another passenger who was Daniel flight was also ordered back to Toronto.
A misunderstanding
But Hossein Arefi said his son's answer about the purpose of his visit was a misunderstanding, since Daniel plans to live in New Brunswick.
"He replied I'm visiting my parents," the father told Information Morning Moncton on Friday.
"Because he used the word 'I'm visiting' they considered him as a visitor. And they said that it will be considered as an unnecessary traveller."
Hossein Arefi said he had documentation showing that an apartment had been rented so Daniel could self-isolate for 14 days, a requirement for anyone entering the province. Daniel was told to go to a hotel for three nights, at his own expense, and wait for the next available flight to Toronto, which is Sunday.
Arefi said it should have been clear that his son was planning on moving to the province.
"He came with a one-way ticket and three bags filled with his stuff … to come and live in Moncton," Arefi said.
Mike Comeau, the deputy minister of public safety, said he could not go into specifics about the case because of privacy concerns.
He did say that people who are moving to New Brunswick from other provinces are being allowed in, but that people have also said different things once told they can't enter. "I can tell you that when people are turned away, it does happen from time to time that they assert a different purpose," said Comeau.
"So sometimes people say that they're coming to visit somebody and then when they find out that that's not going to be permitted, the story changes and they say that they have some other purpose." Arefi said Daniel is to appear in court in Moncton on Friday.
With files from Information Morning Moncton and Shane Magee
---------- Original message ---------- From: Newsroom <> Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 17:42:55 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks if Higgy' were wise he would stop Daniel Arefi from boarding the plane in Fat Fred City and send him home to his parents ASAP N'esy Pas? Mr Prime Minister Trudeau? To: David Amos <>
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---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <> Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 17:42:52 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks if Higgy' were wise he would stop Daniel Arefi from boarding the plane in Fat Fred City and send him home to his parents ASAP N'esy Pas? Mr Prime Minister Trudeau? To: David Amos <>
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Man moving to Moncton to appear in court after being detained n airport Daniel Arefi's father said misunderstanding led officials to believe his son just wanted to visit
CBC News · Posted: May 08, 2020 10:00 AM AT
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al and their RCMP cohorts ain't laughing about my having long talk with Hossein Arefi today N'esy Pas?
Belladonna Took Reply to @David Amos: Methinks you're tiresome. I got the gist of what you're saying here, but why does everything you say have to be a riddle? Believe it or not, we don't keep up to date with every detail of your life.
David Amos Reply to @Belladonna Took: Methinks spindoctors should get real names if they wish to insult me on behalf of Higgy et al N'esy Pas?
Belladonna Took Reply to @David Amos: Why do you spell N'est-ce pas wrong?
Belladonna Took Reply to @David Amos: I'm just asking, you always allude to things without saying them and 90% of the time, a lot of us (I would guess almost all of us, except that perhaps there's a small chance that someone understand something you're alluding to), have no clue what you're talking about. We don't follow your court cases and we don't know about every interaction in your life.
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al kow why I would like to have a long talk with Hossein Arefi ASAP N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @David Amos: Go Figure CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 (80)
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law: Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms Marginal note:Rights and freedoms in Canada
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.
Merry Brandybuck Reply to @David Amos: In a, b , c, or d I don't see anything about the right to travel across provincial jurisdictions during a pandemic when restrictions are in place.
Billy Joe Mcallister Reply to @Merry Brandybuck: You sound a lot like Lou Bell.
David Amos Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks all of Higgy's spindoctors sing the same tune N'esy Pas?
Merry Brandybuck Reply to @David Amos: Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a spin doctor for the premier you know.
Hossein Arefi Reply to @David Amos:
Hossein Arefi Reply to @David Amos: Yes, Just now during my call with Mr. Amos I became aware that my sons plead guilty under duress of poor advice from duty council
David Amos Reply to @Hossein Arefi: YES SIR Rest assured I will call the the lawyers mentioned in this updated article and the Fredericton Airport as well
Hossein Arefi Reply to @Hossein Arefi: He is on his way to Fredricton.
Amajor Hall Reply to @Hossein Arefi: Freddy's a nice town, too bad he won't get to see it! Ridic!
Hossein Arefi Reply to @Amajor Hall: i hope to see you in ame situation very soon. I am fasting and I will pray for that
David Amos Reply to @Amajor Hall: Methinks comedians should Google Luc Labonte and David Amos N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @Hossein Arefi: Turst that I called both lawyers and the Fredericton Airport just like I said I would Nobody picked up but left them all blistering voicemails
Carlson MacKenzie Reply to @David Amos: 10 pounds in a 5 pound bag.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<> > Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 12:59:42 +0000 > Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Canadian Constitution Foundation > should and Ontario Libertarian Party should get along like a house on > fire N'esy Pas? > To: David Amos <> > > Thank you for taking the time to write to us. > > Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note > that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your > understanding. > > If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please > visit<>. > > If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at > (506) 453-2144. > > Thank you. > > > Bonjour, > > Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. > > Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons > quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse. > Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension. > > Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus, > veuillez visiter ><>. > > S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le > Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144. > > Merci. > > > Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre > P.O Box/C. P. 6000 > Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick > E3B 5H1 > Canada > Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144 > Email/Courriel: > > > > > > > David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos > > Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others > > Methinks the RCMP running amuck in Higgy's Police State would be wise > not to harass me any further as I return to the emergency room for > more tests under my Doctor's' orders N'esy Pas? > > > > > > #nbpoli #cdnpoli > > > > N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Province to hold last minute news briefing Tuesday > The province initially said it would only hold news conferences on > Monday, Wednesday and Fridays > Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: May 05, 2020 11:46 AM AT > > > 133 Comments > Commenting is now closed for this story. > > > > David Amos > Methinks Higgy et al would not be wise to deny getting my email today N'esy > Pas? > > > > > > > > > > > David Amos > Content disabled > Methinks the RCMP running amuck in Higgy's Police State would be wise > not to harass me any further as I return to the emergency room for > more tests under my Doctor's' orders N'esy Pas? > > > > > > > > > > David Amos > Content disabled > "Saillant said the economy could further be hurt by demographics." > > Surprise Surprise Surprise > > > > > > > > > > > David Amos > Methinks Higgy et al should agree that Saillant's words are the > understatements of the year N'esy Pas? > > "Saillant said the province has put the economy into an induced coma, > hoping it will be healthy when awakened — but no one is really sure > what will happen." > > > > > > > > > Greg Miller > Saillant, typical economist "black wallpaper" hanger. Ok, so the > Province is in dire straights as are most if not all provinces and > certainly the Federal Government -- an your recommended solutions or > approach?? However, given your statement, " the economy could further > be hurt by demographics" -- I'm not sure I want your solution for > that! > > Marguerite Deschamps > Reply to @Greg Miller: The Province is in dire straights as are most > if not all provinces and certainly the Federal Government as are most > other countries. We are all in this together. > > David Amos > Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Who is we? > > > > > > > > > > > > David News > If there ever is a time that governments should be spending money and > going into a deficit. During a crisis is the right time. > While it may not be ideal, the consequence of not doing so would have > a much worse outcome. > I suspect that there will be more spending announced by the government > in the coming months to deal with the harsh realities of this crisis. > We will agree with some of them and disagree with others. But if at > the end of the day this deficit financing helps us get through the > rough patches and brings a semblance of normalcy then that is a good > thing. > > David Amos > Reply to @David News: Methinks you and I disagree as to whether this > is a crisis or not N'esy Pas? > > Leslie Russell > Reply to @David News: Yes, BUT we didn't SAVE during good times. > > David News > Reply to @Leslie Russell: Leslie that should not be the point. The > point is there is a need caused by things beyond the control of the > people and the government. So assistance is warranted > > Mary Smith > Reply to @David News: Not to mention all the events/festivals/etc that > will not be going forward this year due to the pandemic. There's a lot > of savings in certain areas from cancellations that can be shifted > towards assistance to individuals and businesses alike. > > Preferably in the form of UBI, causing a trickle up economy to help > support local businesses and communities, because this year we are all > going to not be traveling and staying local - a Staycation for the > Nation - where we'll all be able to support our local communities > thrive. > > Leslie Russell > Reply to @David News: Keep borrowing and let the next generation pay. > > Leslie Russell > Reply to @David News: SAVING for the rainy day is EXACTLY the point. > > Bruce Sanders > Reply to @David News: It's a crisis because of the governments, they > shut down the economy for the most part. There are many jurisdictions > that did not do this. Sweden (same outcomes as Quebec), Brazil (Same > outcomes as Nova Scotia, and then the 6 US States that did not shut > down and their outcomes are the same as States of the same population. > Closing down did not do any good because it was too late everywhere > (an observation, not a complaint). I plan to travel at the end of the > month, can't stay here and be locked up. I like Alberta's plan. I will > spend my money there and visit family and they do not have any > self-isolation orders form within Canada. > > On your deficit financing. Yeah, that's what PET, John Turner, > Chertien and Don MacDonald all said in the 1970s. We are still paying > for that. Yeah, I'm old and I remember those days. The 1970s added > more real debt than any other decade. > > David News > Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Bruce, hilarious is all that I can say to your > response > > David News > Reply to @Leslie Russell: So yelling for emphasis is brilliant. Why > didn't I think of that for those that are OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY! > > Bruce Sanders > Reply to @David News: And yet you provide no new information. Got it. > > David News > Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Repeating history from 50yrs ago or overlying > results for different countries with different climates, health > systems, rules of law and adherence to laws that are different does > not provide a template for what has just occurred nor does it provide > a clear path forward. All it does is provide the opportunity to look > at issues with a historical lens and keep the blinders on to what is > possible > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Brent Harris Blizzard > If I ever get out of NB again I will cry FREEDOM! like Wiliam Wallace. > > David Amos > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: Me Too > > DJ Redfern > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: > C-ya! > > Dan Lee > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: > FREEDOM.....bahaha...lot of good it did him........... > > Andrew Clarkson > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: > How does that go, "Don't let the screen door hit you on the ..... on > your way out" > > David Amos > Content disabled > Reply to @Dan Lee: Methinks many would agree that History already > remembers Wallace in afar better light that it will ever remember > Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas? > > SarahRose Werner > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: You can leave any time you want, > Brent. See the story posted this morning about the guy who drove from > NB to BC to plant trees. Now getting back in, *that* might be a > problem for you. > > David Amos > Content disabled > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks folks should ask why you left the > USA to settle here in Benedict Arnold's town just like our Loyalist > ancestors did after you Yankees rebelled from our Crown just like > Wallace did N'esy Pas? > > Sarah Brown > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: You and me both...enough is enough.. > > Sarah Brown > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: We actually cannot leave whenever we > want....but, hopefully this will change soon. We should not have to > live in a police state . > > SarahRose Werner > Reply to @David Amos: I left the States because my Canadian girlfriend > didn't want to move down there. Also, very few of my ancestors were > already in North America as of 1776. Most of them arrived in the 19th > and early 20th centuries. > > Paul Estey > Reply to @Sarah Brown: a police state???? Maybe you should understand > exactly the type of virus we are fighting here and how this so called > ¨Police State¨ is in place to keep as many people healthy and > alive.....If you cant understand the concept of ¨Isolation¨ and how it > will help us at this time, move to the US where they are basically > playing the ¨Herd Immunity¨ card.... > > Mary Smith > Reply to @Paul Estey: It's sort of the equivalent of not bothering to > put of a wildfire, but instead letting the whole forest burn thinking > it will prevent future forest fires - but maybe it won't, because herd > immunity isn't proven yet - so maybe by letting the fire run wild it > will just continue to burn for the second wave, and the third, and so > on. > > Sarah Brown > Reply to @Paul Estey: I am very well aware of the type of virus thta > COVID 19 is. What many people have oct sight of is that our civil > liberties have been eroded day by day with the ongoing restrictions > with little in the way of checks and balances for those imposing these > restrictions. It is beyond my comprehension that so few people seem to > think that this is acceptable when it is completely unacceptable. > > David Amos > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks you forgot to ask me if I cared > after you witnessed many of my words go "Poof" N'esy Pas? > > Bruce Sanders > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: LOL, good share! > > > > > > > > > David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos > Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others > > Methinks the many liberals who dealt with Parliament on May 16th, 2016 > would agree that Higgy's ban on temporary foreign workers is purely > political in nature N'esy Pas? > > > > #nbpoli #cdnpoli > > > > > N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Distance learning plan coming, also aimed at > future school disruptions > There are no active cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick > CBC News · Posted: May 04, 2020 11:54 AM AT > > > > Hello David, > > In response to the COVID emergency, provincial and municipal > governments have made several orders that violate the Canadian Charter > of Rights and Freedoms, and the International Covenant on Civil and > Political Rights. It is the Ontario Libertarian Parties position that > all Canadian citizens and permanent residents have the right to travel > and to work during the current COVID crisis and these rights are > guaranteed by existing law. These existing laws need to be enforced > and penalties for violations of the law by government needs to be > increased. As such, we are calling for: > > 1) the immediate repeal of all government orders that violate the > charter, the UN covenant, and the quarantine act, and > > 2) The introduction of administrative penalties against politicians > and government employees who enact or enforce any order that violates > the charter or the covenant. > > Since 1988, the declaration of an emergency does not authorize any > government to override the charter or the covenant. From the pre-amble > to the Emergencies Act: > > "AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary > measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and > Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the > International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly > with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or > abridged even in a national emergency;" > > 28(d)(i) of the Quarantine Act authorizes the federal government to > detain people travelling to Canada from other countries if they have > reasonable grounds to believe they are sick, or if they refuse to > cooperate. They can order you to get assessed by a medical > professional and place you in quarantine. But they do not have the > authority to quarantine healthy people as they have done by ordering a > 14 day manditory quarantine for all people returning from other > countries. > > 28(1)(d) A quarantine officer may detain any traveller who the > quarantine officer has reasonable grounds to believe has or might have > a communicable disease or is infested with vectors, or has recently > been in close proximity to a person who has or might have a > communicable disease or is infested with vectors, and is capable of > infecting other people; > > Section 6(2) of the charter guarantees your right to move and to work > in Canada. The current restrictions on travel to secondary residences, > travel within Canada are a violation of your charter rights as a > Canadian citizen. Ordering the closure of “non-essential businesses” > and the resultant laying off of “non-essential workers” are a > violation of your rights by the government: > > (2) Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a > permanent resident of Canada has the right: > > move to and take up residence in any province; and > > > pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province. > > > Article 12(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political > Rights also guarantees our right to move within Canada and to choose > our own residence. The lockdown and stay at home orders violate your > civil rights and should be repealled immediately. > > 1. Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within > that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to > choose his residence. > > Some defenders of government COVID overreach claim that the > not-withstanding clause can be invoked and that the lockdown is > justified. Please refer to R v Oakes which sets out the conditions the > government must follow to invoke the not-withstanding clause. > > 1) the measures adopted must be carefully designed to achieve the > objective in question. They must not be arbitrary, unfair or based on > irrational considerations. In short, they must be rationally connected > to the objective; > > 2) the means, even if rationally connected to the objective in this > first sense, should impair "as little as possible" the right or > freedom in question; > > 3) Third, there must be a proportionality between the effects of the > measures which are responsible for limiting the Charter right or > freedom, and the objective which has been identified as of "sufficient > importance". > > The quarantining of healthy uninfected people does not prevent the > spread of communicable diseases. It is only reasonable to quarantine > sick people. > > The theory of “flattening the curve” is an unproven hypothesis based > on models rather than facts. There are many reasons to doubt the > validity of these models and emerging data is showing that districts > that remained economically open have similar death rates to regions > that banned work and travel. An unproven methodology should never have > been tried on such a large scale. > > The government has assumed and is using models that assume that > individuals and companies will not privately and voluntarily choose to > take reasonable actions to prevent the spread of COVID, they went > straight to coercion without even considering voluntary action. > > The government has made several irrational, unfair and arbitrary > orders. For example: > > 1.The closure of public spaces and parks but not Walmart or grocery stores > > > 2.Walking is allowed in public parks but not standing, rollerblading > or bicycling > > > 3.The banning of the use of motor boats as a means of transportation > but not kayaks or canoes > > > 4.People can travel and go grocery shopping in other communities but > cannot access their secondary residences in those same communities > > > The government has not considered the increase in death rates from > heart disease, suicide, and other chronic health conditions caused by > the economic lockdown, which are substantial. > > The government initially justified its lockdown by claiming that ICU > capacity would be overwhelmed, however this has not come to pass. Many > hospitals are operating at 50%-70% of capacity at the peak of this > epidemic. Despite this, the government refuses to loosen its > restrictions on our economic freedom. > > The Ontario Libertarian Party remains the only political party that > supports your right to live and work while taking voluntary > precautions to protect yourself and others against viral infections. > Please support us so we can continue to grow. > > How To Volunteer > > If you have an interest to help support libertarianism in Ontario, > help behind the scenes within the party, or just volunteer in your > community, give us an email or call and we will gladly put you in > touch with a regional coordinator near you. Or if you want something > simple anyone can do to help, tell a friend! > > Thanks for your continued support! > > Click on this link >> Join / Renew: << to view your status and/or > renew your membership. > > Ontario Libertarian Party > > > > Other Action Links: > > View / update your coordinates: (click on this link to review / update > your contact details) > > Donate: (click on this link to make a one-time Donation or Sign up for > the "Monthly Savings Plan") > > Party Contact Information: > Ontario Libertarian Party > > 7-91 Rylander Blvd. > Box 121 > Toronto, ON M1B 5M5 > Canada > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario > <> > Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 12:59:42 +0000 > Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Canadian Constitution Foundation > should and Ontario Libertarian Party should get along like a house on > fire N'esy Pas? > To: David Amos <> > > Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly > valued. > > You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, > reviewed and taken into consideration. > > There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the > need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your > correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a > response may take several business days. > > Thanks again for your email. > ______ > > Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de > nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. > > Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en > considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. > > Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère > responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de > la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours > ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre. > > Merci encore pour votre courriel. > > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Newsroom <> > Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 12:59:41 +0000 > Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Canadian Constitution Foundation > should and Ontario Libertarian Party should get along like a house on > fire N'esy Pas? > To: David Amos <> > > Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail. > > If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical > support, please contact our Customer Service department at > 1-800-387-5400 or send an email to > > If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to ><> > > Letters to the Editor can be sent to > > This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and > press releases. > > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: "Anderson-Mason, Andrea Hon. (JAG/JPG)"<> > Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 12:59:42 +0000 > Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Canadian Constitution Foundation > should and Ontario Libertarian Party should get along like a house on > fire N'esy Pas? > To: David Amos <> > > Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly > valued. > > The Government of New Brunswick has discontinued all non-critical > services until further notice. No regular business will take place > during this period. When regular operations resume, please contact us > with your request. > > My constituency office will be closed until further notice. We will be > checking the voicemail regularly (506) 755-2810. Please stay at home > if you can and continue to check the website ><> regularly for > more information. > Thanks again for your email. > > Hon. Andrea Anderson-Mason, Q.C. > ______ > > Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de > nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. > > Tous les services non essentiels du Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick > sont interrompus jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Les activités régulières du > gouvernement cesseront durant cette période. Lorsque les activités > régulières reprendront, veuillez communiquer avec nous pour nous faire > part de votre demande. > > Mon bureau de circonscription sera fermé jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Nous > vérifierons régulièrement la boîte vocale (506) 755-2810. > Veuillez rester à la maison si pouvez et continuez à consulter le site > web<> > regulièrement pour plus d’informations. > Merci encore pour votre courriel. > > L’hon. Andrea Anderson-Mason, c.r. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos > Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others > "Content disabled" > Methinks Higgy et al must be curious if I saved all the comments > before they went ""Poof" N'esy Pas? > > Survey Says? > > > > > #nbpoli #cdnpoli > > > > > Quispamsis student braves COVID-19 in cross-Canada trek to tree > planting job in B.C. > Jacob Delaquis, 21, surprised to find only 2 border 'check-ups' > > CBC News · Posted: May 05, 2020 6:00 AM AT > > > 81 Comments > Commenting is now closed for this story. > > > > > > > David Amos > Methinks the RCMP running amuck in Higgy's Police State would be wise > not to harass me any further as I return to the emergency room for > more tests under my Doctor's' orders N'esy Pas? > > > > > > > > David Amos > Content disabled > Methinks Higgy et al must be curious if I saved all the comments > before they went ""Poof" N'esy Pas? > Survey Says? > > > > > > > David Amos > Methinks some folks must have heard this political science student at > the University of Montreal talking on Information Morning in Fat Fred > City today N'esy Pas? > > > > > > > David Amos > Methinks Higgy et al know why Jacob Delaquis quite likely did not vote > for me in the last election N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: Ask Higgy > > BruceJack Speculator > would that be the same reason 7000 or more others did not vote for U > > Harvey York > Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: hahahahaha...awesome > > David Amos > Reply to @Harvey York: So you say > > David Amos > Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: Say Hey to Higgy and your buddy Tom > Bambadil for me will Ya? > > Harvey York > Reply to @David Amos: actually, yes I did say. You can't fool the fine > folks of Fundy Royal, or the rest of New Brunswick for that matter, > N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Harvey York: Methinks you should ask yourself who is fooling > who Higgy and your buddy Tom Bambadil or the RCMP in Fundy Royal who > have had the wiretap tapes since 2004 N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @David Amos: The only votes you got must've been the fellas > in your wing of the N u t House N'esy Pas? The same crowd that > believes cows get killed by laser beams > > Harvey York > Reply to @David Amos: Oh well that changes everything! If the people > had of known about those darn wiretaps and spent more time reading > your conspiracy theory blogs and followed along intently to all of > your failed lawsuits, then maybe, just maybe, the 7000 or so folks who > didn't vote for you might have been reduced to a mere 6095 or so. > P.S. - I don't know any Tom Bambadil > P.P.S. - please don't sue me > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks everybody can that you are back with > different ID N'esy Pas the former Mr Jones etc etc etc ? > > Harvey York > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Go easy now Ray, there's a high probability > he'll try to sue you now > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @Harvey York: He has. Old news. He thinks I'm some lawyer guy > he did try to sue. And a cop. And Higgys buddy. And now that you throw > him a little shot I jump in on just wait we will be best buddies > working against him too. Same old game with this w h a c k o > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @Harvey York: Sorry he's threatened to sue. It's all achieved > in his clearly legible blog he refers too > > Harvey York > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Not here to work against anybody, I like to read > constructive debates and opinions...not the "off your rocker" stuff > that he continually regurgitates. After a while though it's like > driving past a car don't want to look but you can't help > yourself > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @Harvey York: Couldnt have said it better lol > > David Amos > Reply to @Harvey York: Methinks the RCMP et al now know that you are > way past too late N'esy Pas? > > > David Amos > Reply to @Harvey York: "P.S. - I don't know any Tom Bambadil" > > Methinks the RCMP and everybody else in the know knows your buddy > pretending to be a RCMP dude by the name of Ray Oliver was Tom > Bambadil earlier within this thread and many others N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @David Amos: Too funny. The edibles are hitting hard today it > seems. You think I run multiple accounts when this one works just fine > for what I want it for. Lol > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks the RCMP is well aware that desperate > people do make desperate claims N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: BTW Your Methinks Higgy's RCMP buddies should at > least be decent enough to verify that I don't do dope or drink beer be > it legal or not N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @David Amos: I'd at least claim I did if I were you maybe as > an excuse for the gibberish that spews daily. Think about it. > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: There is no need to try to change the simple truth. > > David Amos > Methinks Higgy et al cannot deny that they know that the Public Record > of my concerns about the actions of the RCMP against me goes back > to1982 which was long before he was a wannabe CoR Party Leader or the > lawyer McKenna dreamed that he would become a Premier N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Further Mr Pretend Constable how to you explain > my having so many wiretap tapes of the mob that your RCMP buddies have > refused to investigate since 2004 particularly after 3 Justices of the > Federal Court of Appeal admitted I filed one in the public record of > their docket years ago and then discussed it with me on the RECORD > while 2 members of the RCMP sat in the peanut gallery behind me and > three of friends bore witness to it all two of whom later ran for > public office against Higgy et al? > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @David Amos: Pretend Constable. I like it. Sarcasm is a > concept that's above your room temperature IQ isnt it > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks the RCMP are not laughing at your > malicious nonsense because its against the law to pretend to be a cop > N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @David Amos: You Google everyones name on here that > challenges you. World class detective work David keep it up the RCMP > may hire you yet. > > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @David Amos: Your buddies in the RCMP are smart enough to > know I know nothing of any Ray Oliver a cop and if you dig hard enough > on Google you'll discover why i run with it as a handle.. dork > > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks there is no need for you to Google > anything My Tweets are making you and your buddy Higgy rather infamous > N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks the RCMP already know who you really > are N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: FYI Its Mr Amos to you BTW the RCMP did hire me > to investigate things back in the early 80s. > > David Amos > Reply to @Harvey York: "If the people had of known about those darn > wiretaps and spent more time reading your conspiracy theory blogs" > > Methinks I would rather know what YOU thought of the wiretap tapes N'esy > Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @David Amos: Methinks Higgy et al and everybody else knows > that Harvey is a town in York County N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > Reply to @David Amos: Niiiice catch Sherlock. > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks the Minister of Public Safety Carl > Urquhart and his cop cohorts figured out it is in his riding after > Dominic Cardy quit sharing the butter tarts with them N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Content disabled > Reply to @Ray Oliver: More importantly I truly believe that you "Cst > Oliver" and your buddy "Sgt York" are just two more corrupt cops > harassing me for the benefit of Higgy et al and your beloved Police > State > > David Amos > Reply to @David Amos: BINGO > > David Amos > Reply to @Ray Oliver: "If you dig hard enough on Google you'll > discover why i run with it as a handle.. dork " > > Methinks the Crown should check the rules of this forum that the > taxpayers are funding N'esy Pas? > > > > > > > > > > BruceJack Speculator > Hard to believe all the negative attitudes towards a young person > making an effort to take care of himself. Some people seem to believe > being negative in a warped way makes them seem important. > > David Amos > Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: Methinks you should review your own > words against me It should be a small wonder to Higgy et al that you > don't use a real name N'esy Pas? > > > > > > > > > SarahRose Werner > "the pay in B.C. is more than double" - This is why we can't get > people to work on farms and fish processing plants in New Brunswick. > The people who could do the work get paid more to plant trees in BC. > > David Amos > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks you hero Higgy knows that Its not > rocket science to understand why many of our young folks have gone > west since the great depression before WW2 N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: Yea Right > > Johnny Almar > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Well JD Irving can't bring in foreigners > so now they have to up the pay to compete. > > Right! Who am I kidding? In my mind, they will probably get the > government to submit to their requests soon enough. Will they play the > "If we don't get our way we will close a mill" card? > > > > > > > > > > > Michael G. L. Geraldson > It's tough and grueling work, but it sounds like he has the right > mindset for it and he knows what he's getting into, having done it > before. Be safe, stay healthy and have a great summer. > > David Amos > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: Methinks you must work for the Irving Clan N'esy > Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: Why is it that I am not laughing? > > David Amos > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: No its because you are the same little evil > dude who has been harassing me with a brand new ID > > David Amos > Reply to @Tom Bambadil Methinks everybody should wonder why you went > "Poof" so fast N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @David Amos: Methinks it was kinda obvious why I was not > surprised N'esy Pas? > > Tom Bombadil is a character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He > first appeared in print in a 1934 poem called The Adventures of Tom > Bombadil, which also included the Lord of the Rings characters .. > > > > > > > > > > > Billy Joe Mcallister > My nephew has done this for years and did it again this year. It's > very much a non news story > > Michael G. L. Geraldson > Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: > The "news" part about it that he's doing it in the middle of a > pandemic with widespread restrictions across the country which he's > trying to adapt to. Hopefully your nephew is doing the same. > > Billy Joe Mcallister > Reply to @Michael G. L. Geraldson: He's been there for a while > now....weeks. He is very self sufficient and has travelled to many > places in the world> I am quite confident that he would do whatever > was necessary to make the journey > > David Amos > Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: " It's very much a non news story" > > Oh So True > > > > > > > > > > > Gerry Ferguson > Makes it sound like it's supposed to be dangerous to drive by yourself > in a car. I don't get it. This histeria is nuts. > > Tom Campbell > Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: He's not going to deive to BC without > getting out of his car for a variety of reasons. Fuel, food, > accomodations, bathroom. Over 4000 miles, just think for a moment in > the middle of a pandemic. Think about if you are able to. > > > Michael G. L. Geraldson > Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: > Maybe you should ask some of the families of the hundreds of thousands > worldwide who have lost loved ones if a certain amount of "hysteria" > is justified or not. > > James Smith > Reply to @Michael G. L. Geraldson: People die everyday, in Africa, > Syria, and all over the world for non-pandemic related causes. You > only pretend to care because this time it's Caucasian Canadians, some > of whom you might be distantly related to. Welcome to 50% of the > world's reality, who live on $3/day, with no infrastructure, clean > water, septic, or health care access. Covid is the great equalizer. > > Michael G. L. Geraldson > Reply to @James Smith: > You don't know me and shouldn't judge me. Just for the record, I care > because this week I lost my best friend, and last week I lost my > brother. Maybe if it hits closer to home you'll care a bit more too, > although I don't wish that on you or anybody else. > > David Amos > Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: BINGO > > Beverley Kernan > Reply to @Michael G. L. Geraldson: > I am very sorry for your sad losses. > > > > > > > > > Norman Hall > Good luck, Jacob. I followed much the same path when I was 21 years > old, only without a car or a job waiting. My father told me to go to a > sawmill and tell them I was from the Maritimes. I did just that and > had a job the same day l arrived in BC, also at three times the pay > that I was making in NB. There is no bad time for an adventure if you > do it responsibly, as this young man is doing. > > David Amos > Reply to @Norman Hall: My Uncle Raymond did the Hobo thing and rode > the trains out west during the depression before the war to help > harvest wheat He saved his money but on the way back the other Hobos > rolled him and even took his coat so he landed back home in the > Maritimes with less than he left with in he first place. > > > > > > > > Marguerite Deschamps > Truckers as essential workers are on the road most of the time. This > young man is travelling once to go and once to get back and he's going > to be confined in the woods. So what's the big deal. Who says the > youths of today are afraid of hard work? Go west young man! And all > the best! > > > > David Amos > Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you should have went with the > young wannabe political scientist You could have educated him about > the SANB on the way N'esy Pas? > > > Marguerite Deschamps > Reply to @David Amos: He's attending l'Université de Montréal. I'm > sure we could converse en français. > > David Amos > Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks yiou SANB dudes should > understand why I suggested it it More importantly the wannabe > political scientist lives in Higgy's riding and I doubt he voted for > Higgy either N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks much to Higgy's chagrin its > taught in political science 101 who to approach in order to be lined > up to be a parliamentary guide in Ottawa N'esy Pas? > > Marguerite Deschamps > Reply to @David Amos: Hard to deny the patronage David. It's part of > human nature. > > > > > > > > > Jim Calvert > Did something similar in 1977, but I had a 1962 Buick Le Sabre so I > could sleep across the back seat. Good to see the generation coming up > is not afraid of a little adventure. Stay Safe. > > David Amos > Reply to @Jim Calvert: I owned two 1962 Buicks in my life they were > both Invicta models One was owned by Colin B MacKay the former boss of > UNB >
Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, said Friday there are no new cases of COVID-19 in the province. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
Province moves to Phase 2 of recovery plan
Masks are to be worn if physical distancing is not possible
188 New Brunswickers register with province's job matching website
Unemployment rate jumps to 13.2% last month
Ottawa and New Brunswick to top up payments for low-wage essential workers
Firm puts New Brunswick's long-term debt rating at A (high)
What to do if you have symptoms
New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health said the province will introduce a new policy that's independent of the phase two recovery stage announced Friday.
The policy will allow two people to visit a palliative care patient, whether it's in a hospital or nursing home setting.
"For compassionate reasons we will be allowing visitation to palliative care patients," said Dr. Jennifer Russell at Friday's news briefing.
If a person has travelled outside the province, they must self-isolate before visiting a palliative care patient. And the two visitors cannot interchange.
Phase 2 of the recovery plan
Russell also announced no new cases of COVID-19 on Friday as the province announced a lot of businesses, museums, campgrounds and other operations can reopen if they can provide physical distancing.
The decision to go to the next phase of recovery comes after only two new cases of the respiratory illness were found in the province in more than two weeks.
This is what can reopen in New Brunswick under the new recovery phase according to premier Blaine Higgs. 4:08
One case is travel-related and the other is still under investigation. The province has recorded 118 other cases, but those people have recovered.
"New Brunswick is moving forward and we are continuing on our road to recovery," Dr. Jennifer Russell said in a coronavirus briefing.
Here's what will open in phase two of New Brunswick's pandemic recovery. (CBC News)
Under the new phase of the recovery plan, the two-household bubble still applies. The list of things that can reopen, restart or happen again includes:
Elective surgeries and non-emergency health services
Outdoor gatherings of up to 10, with physical distancing
Religious services, weddings, funerals for up to 10, with physical distancing
In-person programs at post-secondary institutions
Museums, galleries and libraries
Offices not deemed essential during initial emergency phase
Retail establishments, including malls
Campgrounds and outdoor recreational activities
Licensed early learning and child care centres, starting May 19
Unlicensed child-care providers
Day camps
ATV trails
As businesses open up, Russell said there are still risks of the virus.
A popular restaurant in Fredericton, like many others, closed in March because of the state of emergency in New Brunswick. (Mike Heenan/CBC)
"We are on this adventure together. I get that it's nerve-wracking and can cause some anxiety," she said.
Parks, golf courses and drive-in church services were allowed to operate in the first recovery stage.
Masks are to be worn if physical distancing is not possible
Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, said anyone who cannot physically distance themselves from others should wear a mask, with the exception of children under two, people who can't wear a mask because of trouble breathing, or can't move a mask without assistance.
Masks should not be made out of plastic or other "non-breathable materials," or paper tissues that can easily fall apart.
"Masks should not be secured with tape and must not impair your vision. And under no circumstances are you to share your mask with any other person," she said.
Residents who can't find or purchase a mask, can make masks out of cloth such as cotton bandanas or T-shirts. They can be secured with the help of elastics, string, rubber bands or hair ties.
188 New Brunswickers register with province's job matching website
Premier Blaine Higgs reiterated that a number of jobs are still available in New Brunswick's aquaculture and agriculture sectors.
Instead of his usual suit and tie, Higgs was sporting a navy T-shirt Friday that read: Stepping up for my New Brunswick — a phrase Higgs has been saying over the past two weeks.
"We all need to do our part during this difficult time to ensure our various sectors have the workers they require," he said.
The Happy Baker with empty seats inside its closed location in downtown Fredericton. (Mike Heenan/CBC)
He said employees and employers are being connected for those jobs. As of Thursday, there have been 188 who registered on the province's job matching website. Each of them will receive a matching T-shirt to wear.
"We're all proud of living and working in New Brunswick. And we're all proud to do our part."
Fifty-four employers have also registered for the job site and a virtual job fair is scheduled next week.
Unemployment rate jumps to 13.2% last month
New Brunswick's unemployment rate jumped to 13.2 per cent in April as the economic effects of COVID-19 continue to be felt across the province.
Labour force data was released by Statistics Canada on Friday, just as the province is expected to further loosen restrictions on business imposed because of COVID-19.
The next phase of the New Brunswick recovery plan includes allowing some businesses and restaurants to reopen as long as they adopt physical-distancing measures.
New Brunswick's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose 4.4 percentage points from March to April, after the province lost 27,900 full-time jobs and 6,400 part-time jobs in one month. The rate for Canada as a whole climbed to 13 per cent.
"Certainly reopening businesses will reduce that number," Premier Blaine Higgs said Friday.
The closure of non-essential services to slow the spread of COVID-19 has devastated the economy and forced businesses to close temporarily.
Statistics Canada says the unemployment rate rose to 13 per cent as the full force of the pandemic hit, compared with 7.8 per cent in March.
Premier Blaine Higgs sporting his new, Stepping up for New Brunswick, T-shirt during Friday's news briefing. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
In New Brunswick, the Campbellton-Miramichi region had the highest unemployment rate at 16.8 per cent, and Moncton-Richibucto had the lowest at 9.2 per cent.
Seasonal adjustments are made by Statistics Canada to "remove the effect of regular, calendar-related patterns."
The unadjusted unemployment rate for New Brunswick is 11.2 per cent. "We had two excellent weeks," Higgs told Information Morning Fredericton.
"We had a couple of new cases over the last four days, but nothing that wasn't expected. … We are at that phase two."
Ottawa and New Brunswick to top up payments for low-wage essential workers
Ottawa announced Thursday it has reached a $4 billion agreement with all the provinces and territories and is finalizing the details. The federal government will kick in $3 billion while the provinces will contribute the rest.
Last month, after talks with the premiers, the federal government announced that a plan was in the works to boost the salaries of essential workers who make less than $2,500 a month — including those working in long-term care facilities for the elderly, front-line workers in hospitals and people working in the food industry.
A spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office said the $2,500 rule has been dropped, to better reflect the wide range of wages paid to essential workers.
Premier Blaine Higgs said the province has been going through its categories and looking at which essential workers would qualify.
He said the province will bring a plan forward over the next couple of weeks.
Firm puts New Brunswick's long-term debt rating at A (high)
DBRS Ltd., has confirmed New Brunswick's issuer rating and long-term debt rating at A (high) and its short-term debt rating at R-1 (middle).
"This reflects New Brunswick's progress in recent years to restore fiscal balance and reduce debt, leaving the province in a much better position entering the pandemic," the credit rating agency said in a news release.
New Brunswick's 2020 budget was passed on March 13. Since then, DBRS has said the province's fiscal and economic outlook have deteriorated markedly, though the full extent of the deterioration is still uncertain.
"While considerable downside risk remains, New Brunswick's economy is expected to be less affected than Canada as a whole, reflective of a greater reliance on the public sector, and at the time of writing, the coronavirus pandemic appears to have been less severe in New Brunswick relative to other provinces."
What to do if you have symptoms
Stay at home.People concerned they might have COVID-19 can take a self-assessment on the government website. People with two of those symptoms are asked to:
Methinks many should soon agree that its too little too late N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson
Reply to @David Amos: methinks you need to speak with a professional n’esy pas?
Lou Bell
Great job Premier Higgs . Common sense prevails ! Mr. Arsenault of the Greens may not agree as his version of common sense goes back to the thinking of one of Germany's former leaders from the 40's , but GREAT JOB !!
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you sure know how to win friends and influence people Your pal Higgy must be awful proud of his spindoctor N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Actually , it's nice to have friends. Try it , you may like it !
Rick Grayson
Reply to @Lou Bell: nicely said. He may not “get it” unless you start it with methinks and end it with n’esy pas lol
Carlson MacKenzie
Where did the bearded clam go?
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: Not sure if that phrase means to you what it does to me?
Carlson MacKenzie
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: I've only heard one meaning, a slang term for a portion of the female anatomy, which in this case was directed at a certain poster who acts like one. N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: Methinks I know exactly who you are referring to and so does the RCMP and Higgy et al N'esy Pas?
Vehicles in New Brunswick are stopped at the Quebec border in Campbellton as an officer asked all motorists a series of questions to screen for COVID-19. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)
The group that tried to strike down New Brunswick's limits on cross-border beer says it may now challenge the constitutionality of the Higgs government's decision to close provincial borders.
The Canadian Constitution Foundation says it is looking for a test case it could use to ask the courts to strike down the restrictions, just as it tried to open provincial borders to the free flow of beer.
"We're considering it because we're seeing state actors proceed under these patently unconstitutional laws, not just taking them up [but] as well as applying them arbitrarily," said Joanna Barron, the organization's executive director.
The province has restricted entry to the province as part of its efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. Provincial enforcement officers are stationed at seven road crossings and two airports and are turning away anyone considered to be travelling for non-essential reasons.
Premier Blaine Higgs has said that the border restrictions will likely be among the last COVID-19 measures to be lifted.
Is restriction allowed or not?
Daniel Arefi pleaded guilty to violating New Brunswick's emergency measures order prohibiting visitors from entering the province. He arrived on a flight at the Moncton airport and told officials he was visiting his parents. (Photo: Shane Magee/CBC News)
The foundation may use the case of Daniel Arefi, a 19-year-old man who was sent back to Toronto this week, or the situation in Pointe-à-la-Croix, Que., where some residents have been allowed to cross to New Brunswick and others have not.
Barron says the province's restrictions violate two constitutional provisions.
Section 6.2 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the right of any Canadian "to move to and take up residence in any province."
While that is subject to Section 1 of the charter, which allows reasonable limits on some rights, Barron says there's an argument the restrictions are not reasonable.
Joanna Barron, executive director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation, said they are looking for a test case to challenge the constitutionality of the provincial government’s decision to close provincial borders. (Submitted)
"We would say that if you look at what other provinces have done, which is impose a mandatory 14-day quarantine for travellers entering the province, that's clearly less impairing of the right than just an outright blanket ban."
But she says another part of the Constitution is even more clear cut. Sections 91 and 92 prevent the province from regulating interprovincial borders at all.
Only the federal government can regulate anything moving between provinces, whether it's highways, pipelines or people, Barron said.
"Just invoking the Emergencies Act does not pre–empt that," she said. "It's certainly something that the federal government could do, but it's not something New Brunswick can do without violating the Constitution Act of 1867."
The division of powers outlined in Sections 91 and 92 are outside the charter and not subject to Section 1's "reasonable limits" clause.
Ideal test cases
Compliance officers check vehicles at the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border near Amherst on Sunday, April 5, 2020. Provincial staff stop and question anyone entering the province as part of the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
Barron says both the Arefi and Pointe-à-la-Croix cases could make ideal test cases.
On Friday, Arefi pleaded guilty to violating the province's emergency measures order after he flew into Moncton and refused to obey provincial enforcement officers who told him he could not stay and had to fly home to Toronto.
Arefi told provincial enforcement officers he was arriving to visit his parents, but his father Hossein says his son was actually moving to Moncton after being laid off from a job in Toronto.
Daniel Arefi pleaded guilty and was fined $292 and driven to Fredericton to catch a flight back to Toronto.
Hossein Arefi said Friday his son's rights were violated and he was considering suing the province. Daniel "was not in Mexico, he was not in Argentina, he was not in Australia. He was in Canada,"
Hossein Arefi said. "A Canadian can live and work anywhere he likes in Canada."
Meanwhile the mayor of Pointe-à-la-Croix, Que., says rules allowing residents of his town to cross to Campbellton for essentials are being applied arbitrarily and with no consistency.
The province's emergency order allows people to cross at Campbellton "to obtain groceries, prescription medication, and other necessities of life not available to them in their own community."
Rules need to be clarified
New Brunswick closed its borders to non-essential travel on March 25. That created friction in Listuguj First Nation, which some see as part of a larger community with Campbellton. (Isabelle Larose/Radio-Canada)
Pascal Bujold says he's trying to clarify the rules with New Brunswick officials because some people are being prevented from entering for no apparent reason.
He said he was not aware of the foundation's offer to support a legal challenge. "You can give them my number and I'll talk to them," he said, adding he preferred to sort things out with the province informally.
The foundation funded the legal case of Tracadie-Sheila man Gerard Comeau, who was prosecuted for exceeding the provincial limit on bringing beer and liquor into the province for personal use. Comeau argued the law violated a provision of the Constitution that allows goods to move freely between provinces.
But the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 2018 that New Brunswick's Liquor Control Act didn't violate that provision because the law's goal wasn't to limit interprovincial trade but to "enable public supervision" of retail alcohol sales.
Not contested yet
So far the federal government hasn't contested New Brunswick's power to restrict entry to the province.
Last week federal cabinet minister Dominic LeBlanc questioned the constitutionality of another Higgs government restriction, on temporary foreign workers.
But he said Ottawa "accepts that this is a decision that the New Brunswick government can make and did make."
Barron said that doesn't mean provincial border restrictions are legal.
"The federal government may be making a political or just pragmatic calculation," she said.
"It obviously has its hands very full right now and if it chooses not to act, that doesn't say anything about the constitutionality of the law and doesn't say anything about the rights that continue to be violated."
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al know why my advice to Hossein Arefi and his son is not to trust the Canadian Constitution Foundation as far as they can throw them N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: There are some people whose ideas just aren't defensible !
Lou Bell
Reply to @Lou Bell: Mr. Arefi should make his own judgement !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Why not call Mr. Arefi and tell him yourself instead of crying about his troubles all day long?
Lou Bell Obviously these people represent the 1 % who have nothing better to do but be s__t disturbers , with no common sense , and who have nothing better to do than to waste taxpayers money and to be manipulated by those representing them , solely for the " big bucks " they can pick out of the wallets of the ignorant !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Cry me a river
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Is that the theme song of the " ME Party " ???
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Nope Methinks Higgy et al would agree that it should be it the Green's theme song N'esy Pas?
David News Oh my!! This is beyond absurd. They have no case at all. The individual in question told the police that he was visiting. Then the story changed when he was told he couldn't visit. The province under the emergency act has the ability to close internal borders temporarily for the purposes of public health. End of story
David Amos
Reply to @David News: Methinks whereas Higgy et al claim they don't know the whole story yet so there is no way you could N'esy Pas?
Troy Murray Karma will take care of that group
David Amos
Reply to @Troy Murray: Heres Hoping
Guy Richard Canadian Constitution Foudation is funded by the Trudeau foundation.
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Guy Richard: Source of information = ? What I found when I dug around is that the Canadian Constitution Foundation has, on occasion, launched suits against the Trudeau government. Furthermore 60% of their revenue comes from receipted donations, which would not include other charitable foundations. 39% of their revenue is from other charities, but most of their money comes from individuals and businesses.
David Amos
Reply to @Guy Richard: Go Figure
David Amos Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks I should ask howcome you don't check my work with the CRA and Its Minister so thoroughly N'esy Pas?
Peter Churcher New Brunswickers support the border closing.
James Smith
Reply to @Peter Churcher: No, “we” don’t. Speak for yourself, I support the Charter.
David Amos
Reply to @James Smith: Me Too Kinda Sorta
Methinks Higgy the former wannabe CoR Party leader and everybody else knows that much to the chagrin of the SANB I didn't appreciate Trudeau the Elder making New Brunswick Canada's only bilingual province but whereas it was done the Crown should learn to obey its own rules N'esy Pas?
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @James Smith: I support both and don't see a conflict between them in maintaining reasonable control of our borders to protect the health and lives of our province's residents.
Greg Miller Reply to @James Smith: He is not just speaking for himself!
David Amos
Reply to @Greg Miller: Methinks the rest od us should not be surprised at your revelation N'esY Pas?
Paul Bolton In life...timing is everything.
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Bolton: Methinks every decent mechanic knows that N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks Higgy and his buddy Jason Kenney can bet thin Canadian dimes to fat Yankee petrodollars that I will be calling Pascal Bujold, Maire de la municipalité de Pointe à la Croix N'esy Pas?
Father heartbroken after son refused entry to province
Father of Daniel Arefi says his 19-year-old was moving to Moncton and hoped to start a business
CBC News· Posted: May 09, 2020 7:00 AM AT
Hossein Arefi, the father of Daniel Arefi, says his son was trying to move to New Brunswick. (Shane Magee/CBC)
Hossein Arefi moved to Moncton in late January and in recent weeks he and his wife had convinced their 19-year-old son, Daniel Arefi, to join them.
Daniel had been living and working as a barber in Toronto. But when he lost his job in March, Hossein made arrangements for his son to rent an apartment in the same building where he and his mother live.
"The best thing, I told my son, about the difference between Moncton and Toronto is that everybody knows each other," Hossein said in an interview Friday.
"No matter if you are white or black, famous or in hospitality, you will see them in church, in the shops, in the market, on the road. … they are welcoming you in any door. They are keeping the door open for you."
But his view changed Thursday afternoon after his son landed at the Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport on a WestJet flight.
"What the city did with me and my family and my son, it was -" Hossein said, trailing off. "It will not be forgotten. I'm sorry to say I will not keep quiet. I'll fight for that."
I will not keep quiet.- Hossein Arefi
He said his son had arrived using a one-way ticket and lugging three bags with all his belongings.
At the airport, Department of Public Safety peace officers stationed there to screen incoming passengers asked about the purpose of Daniel's travel.
The officers have been posted in the province's airports since April 25 because of the pandemic. With limited exceptions, only essential travel is permitted under the province's state of emergency. People are allowed to move into the province, though they must self-isolate.
Daniel Arefi, 19, pleaded guilty to violating New Brunswick's emergency measures rules. (Submitted by Hossein Arefi)
Hossein said when asked why he was in Moncton, his son answered he was visiting his parents, an answer that resulted in his trip being deemed non-essential.
Daniel was ordered to self-isolate at a hotel and depart on the next flight back to Toronto on Sunday. His father says it was a misunderstanding between his son and the peace officers about the purpose of his trip.
At the airport, Hossein told CBC he tried to show the peace officers the apartment rental agreement and begged them to give his family a day to sort it out and obtain photo identification for Daniel from Service New Brunswick.
After several hours, Daniel was issued a ticket for violating the province's Emergency Measures Act and taken into police custody where his phone was taken away.
Daniel Arefi spent hours at the airport where his father says he tried to tell peace officers he was moving to Moncton. (Shane Magee/CBC)
Hossein said at one point he was locked out of the airport, knocking on the window "without any power to help" as he tried to speak to his son who was still inside and in handcuffs.
"They break my heart deeply," he said. "I heard his mother crying since last night when she came to the airport."
Daniel appeared before a Moncton provincial court judge by phone on Friday from RCMP holding cells. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined the minimum $292.50 and ordered to be driven to Fredericton to board a flight back to Toronto that afternoon.
Nothing was said in court about the apparent plans for him to move to Moncton. A duty counsel lawyer representing him said Daniel was pleading guilty on his own accord. Bernadette Richard told CBC outside court she had "no information" about the plan for him to move to New Brunswick.
Hossein said he was able to communicate with his son before he boarded the flight from Fredericton back to Toronto.
His son told him that the prosecutor had warned he could remain in custody for several days if he pleaded not guilty.
"He was happy that he's travelling to come and see his uncle, his aunt, his father, mother and all his cousins here."
Hossein said being placed in handcuffs and spending a night in police custody left his son feeling pressured.
'He was afraid'
"He was afraid," his father said. "They told him that you will be facing a jail penalty if you didn't plead guilty."
His father said Daniel will likely stay with a friend in Toronto since he had given up his apartment, and will now have to find a new place of his own.
Hossein is considering suing the province over what happened based on the legal protections the charter offers to them as Canadian citizens.
Premier Blaine Higgs spoke about the case during a news conference Friday, saying that while he wasn't aware of all of the details, it was "a most unfortunate situation."
Higgs said the province hasn't turned people away who are moving to New Brunswick
Asked if Daniel Arefi could be allowed into the province if he provides proper records, Higgs said, "I'm sure we could work through that."
"Premier Blaine Higgs spoke about the case during a news conference Friday, saying that while he wasn't aware of all of the details, it was "a most unfortunate situation."
Higgs said the province hasn't turned people away who are moving to New Brunswick
Asked if Daniel Arefi could be allowed into the province if he provides proper records, Higgs said, "I'm sure we could work through that."
Need I say BS AGAIN???
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David Amos: Way to go David! 100% agree with you again!
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Scroll down for a little Deja Vu
Chantal LeBouthi Seam that’s if you lies to the agents you get in just like that in nb
Seam the trick is don’t say visiting but moving In nb
Until the Covid19 is done then will move back out
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: You have to know how to concoct a good story.
Chantal LeBouthi
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Im so mad about seeing Quebec plate in nb
Especially knowing they are just going to their cottages
David Amos
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: I understand your anger but Daniel Arefi is no "Agent"
Marguerite Deschamps
Don't get mad Chantal, get even.
Chantal LeBouthi
Reply to @David Amos: Or à Québec person
David Amos Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: You know thats what I do
Joel Villeneuve Gotta say this rubs me the wrong way. The right to come together as a family during difficult times is somehow LESS essential than the government selling me weed (even though it was willing to arrest me for doing so like 2 years ago)?
Robert Langue:
Reply to @Joel Villeneuve: That's quite the deflection. Weed has nothing to do with this story.
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Joel Villeneuve: Neither one are important.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Maybe not to you, but to some of us who can vote here.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks I know why you SANB dudes never voted for me N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps Reply to @David Amos: I do not live in Fundy Royal
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks very few SANB dudes do for rather obvious reasons N'esy Pas?
Miles Gahan There is more to this story than what is printed here. Some things are left out. The police may have a different viewpoint of the situation.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Miles Gahan: I'm sure they do.
Jerry Maclennan
Reply to @Miles Gahan: Agree. Rules are rules.
David Amos
Reply to @Miles Gahan: Trust that the RCMP know I do
John Smith
Reply to @David Amos: you mean the same RCMP that did not warn families in N.S. that a fake RCMP officer complete with fake police car was on the loose? Ok (chuckle)
David Amos
Reply to @Jerry Maclennan: Pleas explain this rule to me real slow
Federal Courts Rules SOR/98-106
Rule 55 In special circumstances, in a proceeding, the Court may vary a rule or dispense with compliance with a rule.
SOR/2004-283, s. 11
David Amos
Reply to @John Smith: YUP
Billy Joe Mcallister Mr Hossein, I just want to say that most people in this province are not heartless bigots like some who comment on these pages. Most people are very kind and understanding. Unfortunately the hateful bigots are the ones who have the most to say. I personally wish all the best to you and your family in hopes that this situation gets resolved in your favour very soon.
Marguerite Deschamp
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Yet they criticize CBC who gives them a free forum to spew their venom.
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks Mr. Hossein did a pretty good job telling the bigots off after he and I had a long talk last night In fact he responded to you in a positive fashion N'esy Pas?
Douglas James Sounds like overzealous faux cops who've been given too much power for a day.
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Douglas James: Not 100% sure, as always, but I have my suspicions.
David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: A little Deja Vu for you and Andre Legault:
---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 17:42:52 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks if Higgy' were wise he would stop Daniel Arefi from boarding the plane in Fat Fred City and send him home to his parents ASAP N'esy Pas? Mr Prime Minister Trudeau?
To: David Amos
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---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <> Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 20:57:47 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Pascal Bujold and Hossein Arefi Re: My Blog and Tweet today about the Canadian Constitution Foundation and Higgy's Police State To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
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Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
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---------- Original message ---------- From: Newsroom <> Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 20:57:48 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Pascal Bujold and Hossein Arefi Re: My Blog and Tweet today about the Canadian Constitution Foundation and Higgy's Police State To: David Amos <>
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David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others Methinks Higgy et al know why my advice to Hossein Arefi and his son is not to trust the Canadian Constitution Foundation as far as they can throw them N'esy Pas?
Group looking for test case to challenge Higgs decision to close N.B. borders
The Canadian Constitution Foundation says restrictions violate two constitutional provisions
Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: May 09, 2020 6:00 AM AT
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al know why my advice to Hossein Arefi and his son is not to trust the Canadian Constitution Foundation as far as they can throw them N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell Reply to @David Amos: There are some people whose ideas just aren't defensible !
Lou Bell Reply to @Lou Bell: Mr. Arefi should make his own judgement !
David Amos Reply to @Lou Bell: Why not call Mr. Arefi and tell him yourself instead of crying about his troubles all day long?
---------- Original message ---------- From: Howard Anglin <> Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 16:18:52 +0000 Subject: Re: YO Howie Anglin Methinks the Canadian Constitution Foundation should sue me if they think they can put a muzzle on me N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
---------- Original message ---------- From: Joanna Baron <> Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 11:15:41 -0400 Subject: Re: YO Howie Anglin Methinks the Canadian Constitution Foundation should sue me if they think they can put a muzzle on me N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
Again, I do not wish to receive these emails. Thanks.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Joanna Baron <> Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 09:26:40 -0400 Subject: Re: Methinks whereas Higgy now Tweets his Police State's news it only follows that he reads my Tweets about his nonsense N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
> > > > David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos > Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others > Methinks whereas Higgy now Tweets his Police State's news it only > follows that he reads my Tweets about his nonsense N'esy Pas? > > > > > #nbpoli #cdnpoli > > > > > ROUND TWO > N.B. reports no remaining active cases of COVID-19 > Of the 118 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick, the province > says all have recovered > Philip Drost · CBC News · Posted: May 02, 2020 1:31 PM AT > > New Brunswick put out numbers on Saturday showing it is the first > province to have no active cases of COVID-19. (Government of New > Brunswick/Submitted) > > > 41 Comments > > > David Amos > Methinks I should holler BINGO then ask Higgy why are we still locked > down Nesy Pas? > > Terry Hughes > Reply to @David Amos: > you just don't get it do you !!!!!! > > Terry Hughes > Reply to @Terry Hughes: We need to keep it locked down for a bit longer > > David Amos > Reply to @Terry Hughes: Methinks whereas your hero Higgy now Tweets > his Police State's news it only follows that he reads my Tweets about > his nonsense N'esy Pas? > > > > > Carl Douglas > How long are we supposed to self isolate when in contact or with symptoms? > Are we supposed to social distance in our household bubbles? > How many days has our province been self isolated? Provincial borders > closed when? > Can a province be a bubble? What constitutes a bubble? > Are the borders still closed? 14-day quarantine? Contact tracing? > How many people have been infected in NB? Recovered? > What is the mortality rate for virus in NB? > What is the mortality rate of influenza? Social distance? Close > borders? Close businesses? > What % of NB has the antibodies? Asymptomatic? Tests? Should we know > the results? > Can a province be a bubble? Do we social distance in our household bubbles? > How many people in the province are at risk? Who make up this risk group? > Would it be easier to contain at risk or entire province? > What is a health crisis? No mechanism of control? Did self isolation > work? % Infected? Mortality rate? > When does a health crisis end? No infections? No deaths? Vaccine? Herd > Immunity? > > Andre Legault > Reply to @Carl Douglas: > One. > > john smith > Reply to @Carl Douglas: 60-80 % for herd immunity vaccines will be > forced everyone just went along with the precedent set by cardy, how > many people really were infected probably a lot. the mechanism going > forward should be swedish model isolating risk groups lowered immune > people and elderly watch other jurisdiction and professional hospitals > for treatment ignore who , gates foundation and as sad as it is the > moist speaking pm, > > john smith > Reply to @Carl Douglas: patent w02020060606 used to prove immunity of > the wuhan flu then to buy and sell > > john smith > Reply to @john smith: on your hand or forehead somebody isolated on > patmos had a dream about this along time ago > > David Amos > Reply to @Carl Douglas: Methinks the reason this article had no > comment section when it was first published was to avoid questions > such as yours N'esy Pas? > > > > > Terry Tibbs > OH NO, tell me it's not so.................. > "The province plans fewer press briefings from now on. They will be > held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday." > Should we be expecting more tales of woe from SJ? > > David Amos > Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Mais Oui > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"< >> > Date: Sat, 2 May 2020 13:15:25 +0000 > Subject: RE: Methinks this email will put Howie Anglin and Dominic > Lebanc's fancy knickers in quite knot N'esy Pas Higgy? > To: David Amos <> > > The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic > correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your > comments. > Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for > any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information > on Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the > Government of Canada website at ><> or by > calling 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) or 1-833-784-4397. > > Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel. > Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus. > En raison de la fluidité de la crise de la COVID-19, il est possible > que nous retardions à vous répondre et nous nous en excusons. > Entre-temps, les informations au sujet du Plan d'intervention > économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 sont disponibles dans > le site Web du gouvernement du Canada au ><> ou en > composant le > 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le 1-833-784-4397. > > > > > ---------- Original message ---------- > > From: Office of the Premier <> > > Date: Fri, 1 May 2020 14:45:34 +0000 > > Subject: Automatic reply: RE Cracks in political unity appear, but > > Higgs holds firm on temporary foreign worker ban and my call to Nat > > Richard > > To: David Amos <> > > > > Thank you for contacting the Premier of Alberta. > > > > Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Alberta has declared a state of > > emergency under the Public Health Act. As a result, we are > > experiencing a higher-than-usual volume of emails. Please call > > 310-4455 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, for questions about > > financial relief and government programs and services. > > > > Visit<> and > >< > > > > > for the latest and most accurate information. > > > > Please note that Employment Insurance (EI) and the Canada Emergency > > Relief Benefit (CERB) are federal programs. Visit > >< >> > > for more information. > > > > If you recently returned from travel outside Canada or have symptoms - > > cough, fever, fatigue or difficulty breathing: > > · stay home - do not go to an ER or clinic > > · take the COVID-19 self-assessment > > test< > > > > > · call Health Link > > 811< >> > > for testing, instructions or any health-related inquiries. > > Thank you. > > > > > > This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and > > intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they > > are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify > > the system manager. This message contains confidential information and > > is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named > > addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. >
*Joanna Baron, M.A., B.C.L./LL.B.* *|* Executive Director *C*anadian *C*onstitution *F*oundation
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. The message may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the Canadian Constitution Foundation immediately by email at <>. Thank you.
On 5/3/20, David Amos <> wrote: > > > > David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos > Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others > Methinks whereas Higgy now Tweets his Police State's news it only > follows that he reads my Tweets about his nonsense N'esy Pas? > > > > #nbpoli #cdnpoli > > > > > ROUND TWO > N.B. reports no remaining active cases of COVID-19 > Of the 118 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick, the province > says all have recovered > Philip Drost · CBC News · Posted: May 02, 2020 1:31 PM AT > > New Brunswick put out numbers on Saturday showing it is the first > province to have no active cases of COVID-19. (Government of New > Brunswick/Submitted) > > > 41 Comments > > > David Amos > Methinks I should holler BINGO then ask Higgy why are we still locked > down Nesy Pas? > > Terry Hughes > Reply to @David Amos: > you just don't get it do you !!!!!! > > Terry Hughes > Reply to @Terry Hughes: We need to keep it locked down for a bit longer > > David Amos > Reply to @Terry Hughes: Methinks whereas your hero Higgy now Tweets > his Police State's news it only follows that he reads my Tweets about > his nonsense N'esy Pas? > > > > > Carl Douglas > How long are we supposed to self isolate when in contact or with symptoms? > Are we supposed to social distance in our household bubbles? > How many days has our province been self isolated? Provincial borders > closed when? > Can a province be a bubble? What constitutes a bubble? > Are the borders still closed? 14-day quarantine? Contact tracing? > How many people have been infected in NB? Recovered? > What is the mortality rate for virus in NB? > What is the mortality rate of influenza? Social distance? Close > borders? Close businesses? > What % of NB has the antibodies? Asymptomatic? Tests? Should we know > the results? > Can a province be a bubble? Do we social distance in our household bubbles? > How many people in the province are at risk? Who make up this risk group? > Would it be easier to contain at risk or entire province? > What is a health crisis? No mechanism of control? Did self isolation > work? % Infected? Mortality rate? > When does a health crisis end? No infections? No deaths? Vaccine? Herd > Immunity? > > Andre Legault > Reply to @Carl Douglas: > One. > > john smith > Reply to @Carl Douglas: 60-80 % for herd immunity vaccines will be > forced everyone just went along with the precedent set by cardy, how > many people really were infected probably a lot. the mechanism going > forward should be swedish model isolating risk groups lowered immune > people and elderly watch other jurisdiction and professional hospitals > for treatment ignore who , gates foundation and as sad as it is the > moist speaking pm, > > john smith > Reply to @Carl Douglas: patent w02020060606 used to prove immunity of > the wuhan flu then to buy and sell > > john smith > Reply to @john smith: on your hand or forehead somebody isolated on > patmos had a dream about this along time ago > > David Amos > Reply to @Carl Douglas: Methinks the reason this article had no > comment section when it was first published was to avoid questions > such as yours N'esy Pas? > > > > > Terry Tibbs > OH NO, tell me it's not so.................. > "The province plans fewer press briefings from now on. They will be > held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday." > Should we be expecting more tales of woe from SJ? > > David Amos > Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Mais Oui > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" > <> > Date: Sat, 2 May 2020 13:15:25 +0000 > Subject: RE: Methinks this email will put Howie Anglin and Dominic > Lebanc's fancy knickers in quite knot N'esy Pas Higgy? > To: David Amos <> > > The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic > correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your > comments. > Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we apologize in advance for > any delay in responding to your enquiry. In the meantime, information > on Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is available on the > Government of Canada website at ><> or by > calling 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) or 1-833-784-4397. > > Le ministère des Finances Canada accuse réception de votre courriel. > Nous vous assurons que vos commentaires sont les bienvenus. > En raison de la fluidité de la crise de la COVID-19, il est possible > que nous retardions à vous répondre et nous nous en excusons. > Entre-temps, les informations au sujet du Plan d'intervention > économique du Canada pour répondre à la COVID-19 sont disponibles dans > le site Web du gouvernement du Canada au ><> ou en > composant le > 1-800 O Canada (1-800-622-6232) ou le 1-833-784-4397. > > > >> ---------- Original message ---------- >> From: Office of the Premier <> >> Date: Fri, 1 May 2020 14:45:34 +0000 >> Subject: Automatic reply: RE Cracks in political unity appear, but >> Higgs holds firm on temporary foreign worker ban and my call to Nat >> Richard >> To: David Amos <> >> >> Thank you for contacting the Premier of Alberta. >> >> Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Alberta has declared a state of >> emergency under the Public Health Act. As a result, we are >> experiencing a higher-than-usual volume of emails. Please call >> 310-4455 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, for questions about >> financial relief and government programs and services. >> >> Visit<> and >><> >> for the latest and most accurate information. >> >> Please note that Employment Insurance (EI) and the Canada Emergency >> Relief Benefit (CERB) are federal programs. Visit >><> >> for more information. >> >> If you recently returned from travel outside Canada or have symptoms - >> cough, fever, fatigue or difficulty breathing: >> · stay home - do not go to an ER or clinic >> · take the COVID-19 self-assessment >> test<> >> · call Health Link >> 811<> >> for testing, instructions or any health-related inquiries. >> Thank you. >> >> >> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and >> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they >> are addressed. 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*Joanna Baron, M.A., B.C.L./LL.B.* *|* Executive Director *C*anadian *C*onstitution *F*oundation
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Remember me Howie? I bet your boss Kennney does too
Quote Tweet
Howard Anglin
“ ... it doesn't mean I'm not sick of this damned war; the mud, the noise ... the endless poetry.” ~Lord Flashheart
---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 18:28:10 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Joanna Baron say Hey to Howie Anglin for me will ya? To: David Amos <>
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New Brunswick bans temporary foreign workers to curb COVID-19 risk Blueberry farmer dismayed by decision, says it could ruin his business
Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Apr 28, 2020 6:29 PM AT
"Joanna Baron, executive director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation, questions whether the province's decision to ban temporary foreign workers is unconstitutional. (Canadian Constitution Foundation)"
David Amos Methinks Higgy and the Feds know how much I love this circus N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @David Amos: Out of the gate methinks I should remind Joanna Baron of my doings with her predecessor Howie Anglin and what a joke the Canadian Constitution Foundation is to me and Stevey Boy Harper N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @David Amos: Anyone can Google "Howie Anglin David Amos" Correct?
Lou Bell Reply to @David Amos: I imagine you're the last thing on their minds !
David Amos Methinks much to their former leader Dominic Cardy's chagrin Murray Tweedie should ask where is his fellow blueberry farmer Jean-Maurice Landry and the NDP in his time of need N'esy Pas?
Most popular NDP candidate questions party's future after dismal election Jean-Maurice Landry said the party ignored his ideas to support northern New Brunswick Robert Jones · CBC News · Posted: Oct 06, 2018 8:00 AM AT
"Landry, a blueberry grower and activist, put up a scrappy fight against Liberal cabinet minister and five-term MLA Denis Landry in Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore. He finished second with 30 per cent of the vote, eating deeply into Liberal support even as the provincial NDP was melting away around him."
Marc Bourque Good call Mr Higgs,our health is way more important !
David Amos Reply to @Marc Bourque: Yea Right Trust that Higgy's candidate in Fat Fred City during the last election knows that I can tell a little story about the Green Party Leader, blueberry farms and I before the writ was dropped. Methinks the former Speaker Chris Collins and everybody else involved in politicking in NB knows why whatever his French lieutenant the former SANB President says about anything is purely comical to me N'esy Pas?
"Green Party MLA Kevin Arseneau denounced the decision, saying the province could have helped foreign workers self-quarantine by providing hotel rooms rather than leave farmers in the lurch."
---------- Original message ---------- From: Karen Selick <> Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 11:23:31 -0700 Subject: Re: Denis Lebel wants a matter about BEER to go before the Supreme Court? HMMM Methinks I may go there some day as well To:
Regrettably, Karen Selick is no longer with the Canadian Constitution Foundation. For assistance with litigation matters, please contact Derek From at; for assistance with operations matters, please contact Adam Revay at To contact Ms. Selick personally, please go to her website:
---------- Original message ---------- From: Marni Soupcoff <> Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 17:53:56 -0700 Subject: Notice: Change in Management Re: Yo Tom Flanagan I called you again today EH? Lets just say that Howard Anglin one Harper's little buddies in short pants was not wise to brag that he was a research assistant for one of my Yankee enemies Prof. Alan Dershowitz EH? To:
Thank you for your message. As of June 30, 2016, Marni Soupcoff is no longer the Executive Director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation.
For assistance, please forward your email to the new Executive Director, Howard Anglin, at
-- Marni Soupcoff | Executive Director Canadian Constitution Foundation
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---------- Original message ---------- From: "OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX"<> Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 15:41:10 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Fwd YO Howie Anglin I sue lawyers too Remember? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for taking the time to write. I appreciate hearing feedback and suggestions from the people of British Columbia as we work together to build a better BC.
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John Horgan Premier
---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <> Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 15:41:09 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Fwd YO Howie Anglin I sue lawyers too Remember? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
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Merci encore pour votre courriel.
---------- Original message ---------- From: Justice Minister <> Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 15:41:14 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Fwd YO Howie Anglin I sue lawyers too Remember? To: David Amos <>
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---------- Original message ---------- From: Newsroom <> Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 15:41:10 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Fwd YO Howie Anglin I sue lawyers too Remember? To: David Amos <>
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David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos Replying to @DavidRayAmos @Kathryn98967631 and 47 others Methinks I should feel confident that Jason Kenney, Katy Merrifield and Howie Anglin have informed Doug Schweitzer of my litigation against the Crown N'esy Pas?
Contracts for Alberta government political staffers posted online
List shows which staffers making more than cutoff of $111,395 CBC News · Posted: Sep 20, 2019 12:30 PM MT | Last Updated: September 20, 2019 Howard Anglin is the principal secretary to Premier Jason Kenney. (CBC)
Howard Anglin, principal secretary to Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, earns $29,000 a year more than his predecessor in the former NDP government.
Once deputy chief of staff to former prime minister Stephen Harper, Anglin makes $224,120 a year, according to contracts released to the public on Friday.
Jim Rutkowksi, principal secretary to former Premier Rachel Notley, earned $195,000 annually.
A spokesman for the premier's office said Anglin is "an accomplished lawyer who has a great deal of expertise in constitutional law."
Anglin is paid the same amount as Kenney's chief of staff, Jamie Huckabay, whose salary is slightly less than the $225,000 paid to Nathan Rotman, Notley's former chief of staff. John Heaney, who preceded Rotman as Notley's chief of staff, was paid $294,977.
David Knight Legg, Kenney's principal advisor, earns $194,253.
Matt Wolf, the executive director of issues management, is paid the same salary as Legg, $194,253 a year.
All but two of the ministerial chiefs of staff under the NDP were paid $120,000 a year. (Energy chief of staff Matt Williamson earned $125,000. The contract for Heather Mack indicates she was paid $150,000 as infrastructure chief of staff).
The UCP appears to have three bands for paying chiefs of staff. The highest band of $139,463 is paid to nine of the 22 chiefs of staff. They mostly head up the larger ministries such as health and education.
Two chiefs of staff are paid in a middle range of $129,501 and the remaining 11 earn $119,540.
The list discloses the contracts for senior political staff, including members of Kenney's office, chiefs of staff to ministers and senior communications staff.
The NDP government posted the salaries of press secretaries to cabinet ministers, as well as office staffers who were political appointments.
The UCP is following the Government of Alberta sunshine lists guidelines and is only posting the contracts of staffers making more than $111,395.
NDP deputy leader Sarah Hoffman said that helps the government blur the lines on how much they are actually spending.
"They're saying they're not spending as much on salaries but they're not even showing us all of their actual contracts," she said.
Hoffman said any political staff member who was hired by the previous NDP government, regardless of how much they earned, was told their contracts would be posted online.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices|
---------- Original message ---------- From: Howard Anglin <> Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2018 13:27:33 -0600 Subject: Re: YO Howie Anglin I sue lawyers too Remember? To: David Amos <>
I have no idea what you are talking about. Please unsubscribe me from your wacko newsletter.
> However Google assisted me in putting your latest insult at the top of my > blog > > > auditors-polled-say-canadas.html > > > Say Hey to Harper and Novak for me will ya? I am taking the weeknd off > before the writ is dropped in New Brunswick methinks I will talk about > the boys in short pants in Harper PMO much to your chagrin and that of > Blaine Higgs and his turncoat buddies Dominic Cardy and Kelly Lamrock > N'esy Pas? >
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Government of Alberta Principal Secretary, Premier of Alberta Dates Employed Apr 2019 – Present Employment Duration 1 yr 1 mo Location Edmonton, Calgary
Canadian Constitution Foundation Executive Director Dates Employed Jun 2016 – Apr 2019 Employment Duration 2 yrs 11 mos Location Calgary, Canada Area Total Duration 2 yrs 7 mos
Title Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister Dates Employed Aug 2014 – Nov 2015 Employment Duration 1 yr 4 mos
Location Ottawa, Canada Title Senior Advisor, Legal Affairs and Policy, Office of the Prime Minister Dates Employed May 2013 – Aug 2014 Employment Duration 1 yr 4 mos
Chief of Staff Citizenship and Immigration Canada Dates Employed Jan 2011 – May 2013 Employment Duration 2 yrs 5 mos
March 19, 2019 - Press Release: Announcing our new Executive Director The Canadian Constitution Foundation is thrilled to announce that Joanna Baron will be taking over from Howard Anglin as Executive Director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation as of April 13, 2019. Joanna has been the National Director of the Runnymede Society for the last three years, during which time she has grown the Runnymede Society from an ambitious idea into an influential and established voice in Canada’s law schools and in the broader legal and academic community.
A native of Toronto, Joanna studied classical liberal arts at St. John’s College, MD, and earned civil and common law degrees at McGill University. She clerked for the justices of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and was called to the bar in Ontario in 2013. Following her clerkship, Joanna worked in barrister’s chambers in London, UK as a Harold G. Fox Scholar. Upon returning to Canada in 2014, Joanna practiced criminal defence law with the late Edward L. Greenspan, appearing at all levels of court in Ontario, including the Supreme Court of Canada. She was hired to launch the Runnymede Society in 2016.
Anglin noted, “it has been a true privilege for me to lead the Canadian Constitution Foundation for almost three years. The work we have done to promote and defend constitutional rights and freedoms has made, and will continue to make, Canada a freer and better country and the work of the Runnymede Society is already changing the legal culture of Canada in positive ways that will be felt for decades.”
With sound funding and a full roster of important cases defending the fundamental freedoms of Canadians, the Canadian Constitution Foundation is stronger and more influential than ever. Anglin thanks his exceptional colleagues at the CCF, our donors and supporters, and the Board of Directors for their consistent and invaluable support during a personally- and professionally-rewarding three years. The Canadian Constitution Foundation (“Freedom’s Defence Team”) is a registered charity, independent and non-partisan, whose mission is to defend the constitutional freedoms of Canadians through education, communication and litigation.
- 30 -
For further information, contact:
Joanna Baron Executive Director Canadian Constitution Foundation Toll-free: 888-695-9105 x. 104
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Howard Anglin <> Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2018 12:08:36 -0600 Subject: Re: ATTN Edward Gillis I called again to try to speak to you about the CRA auditors, the CBC and the PIPSC but was directed to a Mr Campbell's voicemail To: David Amos <>
Please remove me from this list. I have no idea who you are or what you are on about.
> Message blocked > Your message to has been blocked. See > technical details below for more information. > LEARN MORE > > > On 8/17/18, David Amos <> wrote: > > Need I say that Minister Diane Lebouthillier and Bill Morneau know > > that the greedy people within the CRA and the CBC can cry me river for > > all I care now? > > > > > > > > Most CRA auditors polled say Canada's tax system is skewed to protect > > the wealthy > > > > > > A new survey of more than 1,700 tax professionals at CRA suggests > > agency lacks tools to make the rich pay > > Dean Beeby · CBC News · Posted: Aug 17, 2018 4:00 AM ET > > > > Trust that I alread had a pit and chew with the greedy UTE dudes > > > > Your media people find this email published within my blog ASAP > > > > > auditors-polled-say-canadas.
New course explores nuances of Acadian language, culture
Course came about from comments on the peculiarities of Acadian dialects
CBC News· Posted: May 12, 2020 4:08 PM AT
Nina Savoie-Colwell developed a new course for the University of New Brunswick's leisure learning program that explores the nuances of Acadian dialects and culture. (Radio Canada)
A new course at the University of New Brunswick aims to help students navigate the sometimes confusing waters of Acadian French dialects.
Nina Savoie-Colwell, who developed the course titled "Everyday Acadian & Culture" for the university's leisure learning program, said the course came about because some of her students commented on the peculiarities of the Acadian dialects of the French language.
"This course started off as a conversational French class because I've been teaching conversation French for many years," said Savoie-Colwell.
"I've had a lot of students say to me, 'Nina, I'm bilingual, but I still don't understand what people are saying to me and I'm having a hard time when I'm travelling around the province."
While they share many similarities, there are differences between the French that is spoken in France, Quebec and in New Brunswick.
This is compounded by the fact that depending on where you are in the province, you may encounter a different dialect of "Acadian French."
Savoie-Colwell said a lot of these differences are because Acadian dialects can be isolated and are often influenced by the local culture.
"Depending on where you live, your culture was influenced by different things like, say, the fishery or working in the woods," said Savoie-Colwell.
"Your language was adapted around those trades because that's what you spoke about everyday."
Information Morning - Saint John
'Salut, dat's me' and other colourful Acadien dialect, culture to learn
Nina Savoie-Colwell developed a course on every day Acadian culture, now being offered by UNB's Leisure Learning Department online. 10:16
For example, the French spoken in Saint-Quentin may be influenced by the lumber industry, while the French spoken in Shippagan would be influenced by the fishing industry.
Savoie-Colwell said there are also words that would be considered archaic in France that are still used in New Brunswick because of the isolation of the language in the province.
She said she's already received a lot of positive feedback about the course.
"People were like, "Oh my goodness, yes, I've heard this before and I had no idea what people were saying,' or, 'I thought it meant something else,'" said Savoie-Colwell.
Savoie-Colwell said the course will also take a close look at Acadian culture, food and music.
Jos Allaire An article pour P C off they COR! Tooth they foo red, foo come le job, fa k dans la tat.
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: C'est Vrai
Jos Allaire Ole tooth oh job, ma gang the call lice!
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks the Brayon are laughing at this nonsense as well they should N'esy Pas?
Michel Forgeron From some of the comments here. It’s probably better none of you take this course, which BTW costs participants $77,63, taxpayers are not on the hook for it. My French is Montreal, but I want to better understand my Acadian neighbours, so I’ve registered for it. As for “slang” or dialects, go to northern Newfoundland or northern Ontario, see if you can understand the English. And how many people here speak “proper” (?? London) English?
David Amos
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: Methinks I should not be surprised to see you brag of being a Quebecker who can afford such nonsense after your teased me about Higgy and his "Stay" on my Medicare Card N'esy Pas?
David Stairs
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: this is why we do not teach newfy in schools....
David Amos
Reply to @David Stairs: Its our loss
Jef Cronkhite Reply to @Michel Forgeron: I have been fortunate enough to have seen every Province in this entire country, from cost-to-coast. I have even been to the Territories once or twice, and NEVER in my travels have I encountered an English speaking person that I could not understand. Even in Toronto, speaking with immigrants who were just learning English, I could STILL understand what they were saying, and get our respective points across. One does NOT have to speak "Proper" English to be understood. Why do you think English has become the "universal" language? Because with all it's flaws, ANY English speaking person, pretty much ANYWHERE in the world can understand what another English speaking person is saying. French, on the other hand is more like a "secret code" where you need to live in the area to comprehend what is being said
David Amos
Reply to @Jef Cronkhite: I concur
Robert Brannen As well as differences among the French spoken in France, Quebec and in New Brunswick.
David Amos
Reply to @Robert Brannen: Methinks you forgot my Cajun friends N'esy Pas?
Robert Brannen
Reply to @Robert Brannen: As well as differences among the French spoken in France, Quebec and in New Brunswick; there are also differences between the French spoken in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. This was demonstrated to me when a co-worker from New Brunswick moved to Nova Scotia, and this co-worker when speaking to Nova Scotia francophones, after attempting to communicate in French, found that both parties to the conversation had to switch to English in order to be understood.
Robert Brannen
Reply to @David Amos: Me thinks you jumped the gun, n'est ce pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Robert Brannen: Methinks my Cajun friends would attest that I would never abuse my guns N'esy Pas?
Brian Robertson If there is one thing we should have learned over the past two years, it is that it is more important to have political leadership that is capable and productive than it is to have superficial talking heads whose only skill they offer is fluency in two or more languages.
David Amos
Reply to @Brian Robertson: When to do you think that person will turn up and save New Brunswick from Higgy's Police State?
Brian Robertson
Reply to @David Amos: Thanks Dave. I appreciate a good laugh with my morning coffee.
Dan Lee
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Yea we notice when he helped with the sweet deal for Our crown land
Rick Grayson
Reply to @David Amos: why do you think NB is a police state?? And why can’t you have respect and call the premier by his proper name.
David Amos
Reply to @Rick Grayson: Methinks you should confer with your hero Higgy and the RCMP not me N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @Rick Grayson: Methinks you should confer with your hero Higgy and the RCMP not me N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson
Reply to @David Amos: so you literally have no answer for my question. That’s exactly what I thought. “N’esy pas” so laughable
David Amos
Reply to @Rick Grayson: Methinks you are the joker not I N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: "Rick Grayson has learned the truth: that "fixing" his identity lies with none other than Barbara Gordon. He must go to Gotham to find Batgirl—and runs into The Joker's new henchperson, Punchline.
David Amos Reply to @David Amos: Say Hey to Batman for me will ya?
Denis LeBlanc I was fortunate to grow up with an American mother and Acadian Father. My first language was English or should I say New England dialect. Living in the Acadian Peninsula, my first friend was a boy that could speak English but in no time I had learned French and all my education was in French. My older sisters had started school in the US but also had no problem switching to French when we moved back. Perhaps the one who struggled more with language was my Mother but she learned along with my older sisters by helping them with their homework. I loved to listen to my Acadian Grandmother speak her old dialect from the Bouctouche area (no it wasn't chiac). My perspective changed completely once I got to university in Moncton. It was my first experience of bigotry. This was just after the confrontations with Mayor Jones. My biggest disappointment though was with U de M. They insisted we all learn and use their correct French. Imagine if you were told you had to learn and speak the British English or American English. Yes there are many Acadian dialects. Radio Canada used to love shaming us about that. Now 45 years later, we still have the same old language arguments in NB. How is it we can have a perfectly bilingual Premier in Alberta. The minister of health in BC is bilingual. Yet our Premier who has been in Politics for many years still struggles badly in French. In fact his entire caucus does. Some still complain about the cost of bilingualism yet we allow one family to control a large portion of our economy without paying taxes. Moncton has changed, now if only the rest of NB could accept this we could all move forward. Surely after 300 years we all deserve better.
David Stairs
Reply to @Denis LeBlanc: I hate to tell you but we were all taught the Queen's English in school...and not some other construed variation...and no,after 300 years you are still poking the sleeping dog...
David Amos
Reply to @David Stairs: Methinks you just jerked the chains of at least one old dog snoozing on the porch with one eye trained on the SANB N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Denis LeBlanc: We have many Francophone politicians here in NB who struggle miserably with English ! Knowledge will always trump bilingualism. Unfortunately McKenna and his Ude M cohorts stifled any say Anglophone NB'ers could have in the process. For him it was solely vote buying and nothing more . The Liberals have been controlled by the SANB since.
Denis LeBlanc
Reply to @David Stairs: I foolishly thought I could detect a different dialect between British English and Canadian English or even American English. I also once saw a British TV program that said there were several English dialects just in London. Could you please explain to me which one was the Queen's English? I know in my technical work expertise, I had to occasionally learn the three different technical terms in English (British, American and Canadian) and the three different terms in French (France, Québec and Acadian). More often than not the Canadian term was the same as the American. I guess the Americans don't speak the Queen's English either. Must just be in my area of expertise. As for poking a sleeping dog, I hope it wakes up and realizes his days are coming to an end. In these days of global pandemic and economic disasters, he's looking old fashioned, childish, irrelevant and may I say passé. We all have to pull together in the future just to get by and there's no room for this kind of thinking anymore. Whether you are Anglais or French (Oops, poked again.)
David Amos
Reply to @Denis LeBlanc: Methinks Higgy et al know why this old mad dog just opened his other eye and winked at you N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Denis LeBlanc: The dog is waking up alright ! McKenna sold out the dog solely for votes , instead saving the tail to wag it ! The dog has been poked too long and has decided it's time to take control of the tail and let the other 80 % of it's body have a say in it's control ! So wag away Mr. tail , the dog is about to take back control. The 130 million dollar undisclosed " phonie games " giveaway , as well as the 10 million dollar barge giveaway has sure woken the dog as to who's really been controlling the dog , and it is about to change
Lou Bell
Reply to @Denis LeBlanc: For an American you should have realized there are many different English dialects in the U.S. alone ! Surprised you didn't know that !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks your hero Hiigy must have read my letter to McKenna in 2004 then explained it to you real slow N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks Mr Leblanc has already proven that he knows more than you will ever understand. Its high time for your nap N'esy Pas?
Jos Allaire Free pay tooth mon tchu, ma gang the COR!
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Ask Higgy about it
Rob Mason I, and others have noticed one thing since COVID 19, no Marc Martin commenting on stories such as this one. In the past he would be on here to stoke divisions/defend language rights, depending on your perspective. If he was truly a government employee as he has stated he would certainly be on here more than usual not less. Hope he is OK health wise, but don’t miss his Bloc style defence on most issues.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Rob Mason: Band the plainte Mard!
David Amos
Reply to @Rob Mason: Methinks many would agree that he is still here but with a new ID. However even though I caused his buddy Deschamps to give up the ghost the other night It should surprises many that that SANB dude ain't in the middle of this little circus N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @Jos Allaire: Methinks I should begin blogging and tweeting before all your words go "Poof" N'esy Pas?
David Stairs is this the best use of taxpayers to understand Hillbilly French....I guess this explains why they could not pass the Nurse's Exam...and they wanted to blame it on the rest of North America...I can't believe they are not also doing Celtic and Gaelic....heck...afterall we are supposed to be all inclusive...
David Amos
Reply to @David Stairs: Methinks this not something to be studied in New Brunswick. It is to be lived and enjoyed. Let people not from here study us and try to fathom the various lingos. Vivre la difference. Old Hillbilly Anglos such as I have always understood and got along very well with Hillbilly French folks be they Acadian or Brayon or Cajun None of us were fond of Quebeckers or the snobs in Fat Fred City and now Moncton is getting pretty uppity N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell Nuance ? Should be " Nuisances "
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks some folks enjoy my use of certain words even though you consider me a nuisance as well N'esy Pas?
Dan Lee
Reply to @Lou Bell your a trou de chu..............
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Dan Lee: CD Coke Soccer!
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Tut Tut Tut
Lou Bell Reply to @David Amos: I've never seen any yet who enjoy any of your words. Can you name one ? You do average between 15 and 20 votes anytime you run in an election . Even all the people signing your nomination papers don't vote for you . I'm beginning to wonder if some have more than one identity !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks your old buddy Deschamps, Mr Tibbs and mon ami Roger to name but a few would disagree with you N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: "You do average between 15 and 20 votes anytime you run in an election"
Nay Not So Methinks that is libel N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Are you accusing Elections Canada of Fraud?
Jos Allaire Reply to @Lou Bell: C UNB key done le course, Moody fall! So, valet where!
Greg Windsor Oh goodie .....I suppose they will go on about the expulsion again....yawn
Jos Allaire "POOF"
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Oh My
Joseph Vacher In lou of the cancelled F. Games, we BRING YOU THIS
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Lieu, Joseph. In lieu of, au lieu de.
Dan Lee
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Worry pas
David Amos
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Mais Oui
Joseph Vacher
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: my bad.... i was taught french for 10 years in the Anglophone education system and didn't learn anything
David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Yankee go home
David Amos Reply to @Dan Lee: I write N'esy Pas which just exactly how the expression sonds when said and many folks freak. Others such as you and Deschamps write "Worry pas" and nobody notices. Why is that?
Methinks the use of Chiac is a bigtime political issue in Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas?
DJ Redfern Reply to @David Amos: Proper Shiac is "worry pas ta brain"
David Amos
Reply to @DJ Redfern: Methinks its not my brain that you should be worried about N'esy Pas?
michael levesque i find when i am speaking french people usually want to switch to english unless in quebec city
David Amos
Reply to @michael levesque: Me Too
Bruce Sanders
and yet these same students will never be able to create and follow a budget, balance a checkbook, or retire.
Bob Smith
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: 'Leisure learning' courses...not sure why this is a necessity at any university...
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Bob Smith: Leisure learning courses aren't a necessity - they're a way for the university to make money. They're recreational courses that people other than university students can take for fun in their spare time. The enrollment fees generate some cash for the university. They also give people a feeling that the university is something that matters to them even though they may not have gotten a degree there themselves or had kids who did. This pays off for the university when they're looking for donations but also when they they need public support against something the government wants to do.
David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Yea Right Methinks even the SANB are laughing at you N'esy Pas?
Provincial finance officials haven't updated budget estimates, but Bank of Nova Scotia predicts $1.19B deficit
Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: May 12, 2020 10:14 PM AT
Finance Minister Ernie Steeves holds a copy of his budget that predicted a surplus of more than $92M. The Bank of Nova Scotia is suggesting the pandemic response has turned that into a a deficit of more than $1B. (CBC)
New Brunswick may be headed for an historic $1.19-billion budget deficit because of the COVID-19 crisis, a country–mile wide of the $92.4 million surplus projected by the province in March, according to a new assessment by the Bank of Nova Scotia.
On Monday, the bank's senior economist, Marc Desormeaux, published an analysis of the impact the pandemic is likely to have on each province's budget. He concluded seven provinces, including New Brunswick, will spill record amounts of red ink this year and blow through all–time–high debt and deficit levels.
"Only Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia are likely to avoid record deficits," wrote Desormeaux. "Those province's plus Newfoundland and Labrador should be the only ones not to carry all time high net debt burdens."
New Brunswick has not issued a fiscal update since Finance Minister Ernie Steeves presented a budget to the legislature in March.
The province acknowledged the estimates presented in that document have been wrecked by economic damage caused by the COVID-19 virus, but it has not yet offered more realistic numbers in their place.
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs admitted in April that the province was facing a significant deficit due to COVID-19. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
Nearly a month ago, Premier Blaine Higgs announced finances were looking bleak.
"We are certainly now in very significant deficit territory," he said April 16.
On Tuesday, Vicky Deschênes, a spokesperson for the Department of Finance, once again would say only there has been a "significant" effect on finances by the pandemic.
"It will take some time to determine the impact this situation will have on our finances," said Deschênes in an email to CBC News.
"The Department will provide an economic and fiscal update at an appropriate time."
The provincial government is required to provide a first-quarter update on its budget, including its likely deficit, but not until July. Opposition Leader Kevin Vickers said that is too late and has called for one to be delivered immediately.
Finance Minister Ernie Steeves in the legislature. (CBC)
"We're encouraging the legislature to reopen and one of the first agenda items we see is a financial update so New Brunswickers can see exactly what our situation is and options as to going forward," said Vickers in an interview.
According to the Bank of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick is spending the least amount of any province on supplementing federal economic recovery efforts. Vickers has called for that to change but will not give an amount he believes the province should commit to a recovery.
He said that needs to be debated but not until the province provides reliable information on how difficult its current financial situation has become.
The largest budget deficit ever recorded in the province was $895.7 million, 21 years ago.
Bernard Lord got a standing ovation from his Progressive Conservative MLAs when he announced a deal had been struck with MRDC to take the tolls off the highway. That led to the biggest deficit in the province's history, but that could be exceeded this year, says an analyst with Bank of Nova Scotia.
Tolls established on the Fredericton to Moncton highway were cancelled by the newly elected Progressive Conservative government of Bernard Lord in 1999, forcing the project's entire cost onto the province's books at once.
More recently the former government of premier Shawn Graham slashed provincial income tax rates in 2009, helping to generate a $695.2 million deficit in 2010.
Desormeaux projected the current deficit will be $500 million higher than that 2010 amount this year.
Estimates from others have been less pessimistic but have also tended to deteriorate over time.
Two weeks ago, the Royal Bank of Canada projected New Brunswick would run a $600-million deficit this year, but it later determined the province's economic troubles to be deeper than earlier thought.
On Monday, RBC lowered its estimate of economic growth in New Brunswick to -5.6 per cent for the year from its April estimate of -4.5 per cent. It has not yet adjusted its deficit projection to match.
Robert Jones has been a reporter and producer with CBC New Brunswick since 1990. His investigative reports on petroleum pricing in New Brunswick won several regional and national awards and led to the adoption of price regulation in 2006.
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks Mr Jones forgot the EUB hearing yesterday that Higgy's minions in NB Power still want another 100 million or so for "Not So" Smart Meters N'esy Pas?
Dominic Cardy said he believes the spread of the coronavirus and its impact on society has driven home the importance of vaccines. (Paul Vernon/The Associated Press)
New Brunswick's education minister says his contentious bill on mandatory vaccinations for school children will be back up for debate and a final vote when the legislature reconvenes later this month.
Dominic Cardy says the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of vaccinations and he's optimistic that will help ensure passage of the legislation before the summer.
"We're ready to go to have a last discussion in the legislature and then a final vote, so I'm certainly optimistic it'll get passed and we can get ready to implement it in September 2021," he said.
"It's certainly my hope and it's on the order paper and I'm optimistic it will pass."
Cardy, who has gained national media attention for his early moves on COVID-19, said he believes the spread of the coronavirus and its impact on society has driven home the importance of vaccines.
"A bill for school-age children seems like common sense at this point in a way that perhaps it might not have a year or so ago," he said.
Education minister Dominic Cardy said he is optimistic the bill on making vaccinations mandatory for children who attend public schools will pass before the summer. (Maria Jose Burgos)
Cardy's bill was introduced long before the COVID-19 pandemic and has no specific reference to the coronavirus, for which no vaccine is expected to exist until next year.
The bill would eliminate philosophical, religious and other non-medical exemptions from an existing requirement that all school children be vaccinated. Children not vaccinated for any reason other than health concerns would not be allowed to go to public schools starting in the fall of 2021.
Cardy pointed out that when he introduced the bill a year ago, he spoke about New Brunswickers being lucky to live at a time "where death and disability from infectious diseases is something we've largely been able to forget.
"Of course that's not the world we're in any more, and no one's going to forget the last few months," he said. "I think the importance of vaccines has become a lot more central in people's minds. … Look at what a world without a vaccine for one disease looks like."
MLAs undecided after hearings
An earlier version of the bill had public support but was harshly criticized by anti-vaccination activists who testified during three days of committee hearings last summer.
In the wake of those hearings, some MLAs from all four parties in the legislature said they were undecided whether to support the bill.
One national anti-vaccination organization threatened to challenge the constitutionality of the legislation if it passed.
Cardy responded with a new version of the bill last November that includes the use of the notwithstanding clause from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
That would exempt the bill from a Charter challenge on a number of grounds, including sections that guarantee freedom of religion.
Liberal party position unchanged
The Opposition Liberals said they opposed use of the notwithstanding clause and would vote as a bloc against the bill unless it was removed. Moncton Centre Liberal MLA Rob McKee said that's still the party's position.
He said if the clause is removed from the bill, Liberal MLAs will be allowed to vote their consciences on the bill. In that circumstance, he said the legislation will probably have enough combined Progressive Conservative and Liberal support to pass.
"This pandemic sheds more light on the need for vaccinations and it could very well increase public support for vaccinations," McKee said.
McKee said the bill doesn't need to use the notwithstanding clause to resist a constitutional challenge, though Premier Blaine Higgs said last fall the province's legal advice was that the legislation would be struck down without it.
MLAs from the Green and People's Alliance parties also said last fall they were uncomfortable with the use of the notwithstanding clause.
Alliance Leader Kris Austin and MLA Michelle Conroy said through a spokesperson Wednesday they still have those concerns. Colleague Rick DeSaulniers declined to comment.
Cardy said Wednesday while the province will "use every power to ensure the health and safety of our students," it is "open" to removing the clause.
Without a majority, the PC government can't pass legislation without support from other parties.
Positive discussions
Cardy said he hasn't had time during the pandemic to canvass MLAs about where they stand now but said before it began there were "a lot of offline discussions that happened that I think were really positive."
His bill was linked to plans by Public Health to develop a more comprehensive vaccination registry in time for when the bill would take effect in the fall of 2021.
He said he wasn't worried that the registry would be delayed because of Public Health officials dealing with the pandemic.
"One of the things I tried to build in was a good amount of lag time for unexpected events," he said, adding that a vaccination registry will probably be a high priority because of the coronavirus. "I have no reason to expect we won't be fully ready to go by September 2021."
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.
David Amos Methinks Ray Oliver et al know that his hero Higgy does not care if the RCMP clues in or not just as long as he keeps spinning his nonsense N'esy Pas?
David Amos Surprise Surprise Surprise
Terry Tibbs Just when you *thought* the worm had crawled into the apple and was happily asleep.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you thought wrong if you thought Cardy wanted to stay out of the limelight He pops just few butter tarts and his mouth goes into overdrive N'esy Pas?
David Peters Forced vaccinations have a questionable put it mildly...and big pharma lobbies gov't big time...with politicians and health officials gaining financially.
This file stinks more and more the closer you look at it...on multiple levels.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Yup
Fred Brewer
Reply to @David Peters: So your allegation is that our government is on the take from Big Pharma? Proof please.
Tim Morton
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Umm, you know a few big Pharmaceutical companies have been to the province lobbying, right?
Tim Morton
Reply to @David Peters: it would be interesting if someone took a look at Cardy's involvement with Pharmaceutical companies. CTV did have a story on Canada's need for a Vaccine Injury program which was amazing, perhaps they could it. CBC doesn't seem to even know there's another side to this coin, or they don't touch it.
Dave Corbin Why would you vaccinate the youth? they don't develop symptoms. their own immunity systems can be used instead. Keep the kids free of junk.
Tim Biddiscombe
Reply to @Dave Corbin: For measles, chicken pox, polio, etc..not the virus.
Rob Mason
Reply to @Dave Corbin: So why don't we send them back to school, using your logic there should be no problem.
Tim Biddiscombe
Reply to @Dave Corbin: You seem to be quite confused..
Tim Biddiscombe
Reply to @Rob Mason: I think Dave ran away ;)
Rob Mason
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: All I try is to solicit opinions to foster discussion and debate. This place is notorious for one line partasin responses of no substance!
Joseph Vacher
Reply to @Dave Corbin: congrats, that might be the dumbest thing on the internet today
BruceJack Speculator
Reply to @Dave Corbin: Just bathe in javex and gargle clorox, problem solved
David Amos
Reply to @Dave Corbin: YO Dave Methinks your opinion matters every bit as much as Cardy's and his fans think theirs do N'esy Pas?
BruceJack Speculator
Reply to @David Amos: should we give opinions or measurable facts more value?
David Amos
Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: Absolutely measurable facts Starting with who are you really?
BruceJack Speculator
Reply to @David Amos: a profitable gold mine in northern BC
David Amos
Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: Methinks you just proved my point N'esy Pas?
Brandon Manitoba
Reply to @David Amos: You never prove a point. Only to the "voices" I bet.
The US Vaccine Injury Court awards money to plaintiffs/petitioners. Conclusion: The US Vaccine Injury Court believes that vaccines cause injury since they award the plaintiff/petitioners, thus vaccines do cause injury. If vaccines cause injury, Canadians pay taxes and have medicare. We have a right to have a vaccine injury compensation system and it's long overdue.
David Amos
Reply to @Brandon Manitoba: I repeat how do the opinions of anonymous critics count at all?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: So will you revert back to Ray Oliver or switch to Mr Jones or whomever you think you can fool me with???
Billy Joe Mcallister A furtherance of the current assault on the constitution and the Canadian bill of rights and freedoms. These guys are tripp'in on the political version of mushrooms
Tim Biddiscombe
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: A conservative premier?
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Tim Biddiscombe: Delusion comes freely to all who accept it
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Yup
Brandon Manitoba
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks youd know all about delusions. Nesy pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks you forgot that you promised to sign something N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Oliver: i made one comment about the dueling YouTubes and it all goes "Poof" Was that delusional???
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: What will you argue next? Seatbelts and motorcycle helmets violate our constitution? What about the ban on smoking cigarettes? Is that a violation too?
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks old Freddy and i are like oil and water N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: YO Freddy where did the tread with the dueling YouTubes GO?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Cigarette smokers should get about as much of our free healthcare as Old David does. Same as helmets. Don't wanna wear one be my guest. You're on your own for medical bills.
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks you wish to make it blatantly obvious that you believes that its funny your hero Higgy denies my right to Health Care N'esy Pas?
Tim Morton
Reply to @Brandon Manitoba: I see you have an Alpine logo. Beer causes liver damage. So, my taxes are paying for your alcohol drinking and liver issues?
Brandon Manitoba
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Tim Morton: Right about now during the "police state" as it's known on here you're paying for alot of it. I'm just having a few to not get so worried about my "rights" and how they're never coming back. Sorry never joining that club of total pa ra noia.
David Amos Reply to @Brandon Manitoba: Methinks you forgot to log back in as Ray Oliver N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Brandon Manitoba: How many Ids do you have???
David Peters Has Cardy been lobbied by vaccine makers?
Joseph Vacher
Reply to @David Peters: no he is just using the information we have had available since about 1960
David Peters
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Are you referring to the 1976 swine flu forced vaccination fiasco?
Are you sure seven different vaccine makers haven't lobbied this gov't/public health officials?
David Amos
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Nope
Tim Morton
Reply to @David Peters: No they just registered in the province a few months ago because NB's an awesome place to visit in the fall. /sarcasm
Joseph Vacher
Reply to @David Peters: i dont miss smallpox, measles, or mumps. even gone to a third world country where there is no access to vaccines?
Tim Morton
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: how about this: if you go to a third world country, you get vaccinated, and you bring those unused vaccines from the 20% here in new brunswick and pass them out to those in that third world country you were in Joseph Vacher. Win win?
Rob Mason With all the talk around an eventual vaccine for COVID 19 and the fact if you don't get it, travel and other freedoms may be curtailed so as to stop the spread; the same logic applies to vaccinations required for children to attend school.
David Amos
Reply to @Rob Mason: NONE of this is logical
Tim Morton
Reply to @Rob Mason: we'll cross that bridge when we get there. It might be a human rights issue if we become a prisoner of our own province.
Tim Morton Alright, just create a registry and tell those kids who are not vaccinated to stay home during outbreaks. Why does this problem have to be so complicated?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Tim Morton: By the time there is an outbreak it will be too late.
Joseph Vacher
Reply to @Tim Morton: the immune compromised should not pay the price for the ignorant
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Or: should the ignorant pay the price for the immune compromised? Should our freedom to choose be taken away to benefit very few?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Nope
Tim Morton
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: both groups think the other group is ignorant, since you didn't know. Some of us just usually aren't that direct or rude. If you read up on the material, you might learn something, but don't work too hard to educate yourself. Joseph Vacher, if vaccines don't cause injury, that means the vaccine injury court in the US never pays out, correct? Research it. Then research Canada's vaccine injury - oh wait, there is none.
Joseph Vacher
Reply to @Tim Morton: go to a cemetery and look at all the graves of children born before 1960. Then magically there are none. That it what vaccines brought.
Tim Morton
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: proof?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: If vaccines, as you claim, do no harm, only good, why are the makers of those vaccines exempt from taking responsibility for any damages they might cause?
Tom Simmons So what will the protocol for those that don't want to take it....gulag?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Tom Simmons: If you call home schooling or private schooling as gulag, then yes. It will be gulag for those who refuse vaccination.
Tom Simmons
Reply to @Fred Brewer: ok...also, this will turn into an annual vaccine?
Ray Oliver
Brandon Manitoba
Reply to @Tom Simmons: The funds for which in each region of our densely populated province for the small percentage who reject the vaccination comes from where? You mentioned a Gulag. Round em up build one school and community keep it cheap.
Billy Joe Mcallister
Reply to @Fred Brewer: It's the Jim Jones/Heavens Gate type...stuff!
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: "This is my real name. I'd be the first to sign"
Where are ya? I will bring a friend to witness your signature the next time a writ is dropped. Wouldn't it be a hoot if that truly is your name and that you are related to little Billy the dude who used to work for the the Speaker in 2004 when i was illegally barred from parliamentary properties 2 years before Higgy's blogging buddy Chucky was? Now little Billy Boy is Higgy's Minister overseeing potholes not only in Fundy Royal but throughout the province as well N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Brandon Manitoba
Reply to @David Amos: "Illegally" barred.. I thought you were of strong legal mind. Beating that should've been a breeze.
David Amos
Reply to @Brandon Manitoba: Methinks you were Ray Oliver a minute ago N'esy Pas?
Bob Smith One good thing about the timing for this is New Brunswickers can decide this for themselves without opponents flying in from all over North America to rail against this.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Bob Smith: True, but the misinformed are guaranteed to flood social media and rail against all vaccinations
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: So says the all knowing Freddy EH?
Tim Morton
Reply to @Bob Smith: ^this. You win the internet. Haha!
Tim Morton
Reply to @Tim Morton: you mean the Big Pharma lobbyists right? Hahah
Out-of-province construction workers have to either self-isolate for 14 days or the company they work for has to submit a plan showing how the workers will stay away from New Brunswickers. (CBC)
The government will not be screening out-of-province construction workers entering New Brunswick to determine if they're really needed here, despite recent comments by Premier Blaine Higgs.
New COVID-19 policies limiting travel into the province do not include an assessment of whether a New Brunswick worker is able to do a job being filled by someone from outside, the Department of Public Safety confirmed Wednesday.
Higgs suggested otherwise in an interview with CBC's The House last Saturday.
Asked about provincial border controls, Higgs said it would be "a balancing act" between allowing construction season to get underway and assessing whether out-of-province workers were really needed given the risk of COVID-19.
"It's also understanding very clearly, 'why are you coming to New Brunswick?'" he said. "If they have contracts and they're coming here, are they indeed contracts that can't be done by people here in the province, or is it indeed an expertise that we need from outside?"
Adding to the confusion was a statement Tuesday by the Department of Public Safety that decisions "on what jobs can be done by workers in the province" are made ahead of time "via their employer and/or WorkSafe NB."
Departments don't dictate hiring
But it's now apparent there is no such screening underway either at the border or elsewhere and the province has no say in whether out-of-province employees are hired for long-term work.
"No department dictates whether any company can hire someone from New Brunswick or elsewhere," Coreen Enos, a spokesperson for the Department of Public Safety, said in an emailed statement.
"Nor does any department assess whether the work can be done by a company in-province before looking out-of-province."
Employers, including contractors on major projects, sometimes hire out-of-province labour if no one locally has the skills or experience required. Some contractors based outside New Brunswick will bring some of their existing workforce into the province on projects.
"We expect that some companies planning to bring in outside workers will contemplate hiring under-employed New Brunswickers instead, but that's not a requirement," Enos said.
2 options from WorkSafe NB
WorkSafe NB is assessing how employers using out-of-province workers will comply with COVID-19 safety measures, but that doesn't include looking at whether New Brunswickers could or should be hired instead.
"We still do not make the determination of whether an out-of-province worker may take a job in New Brunswick or whether that job could be done by someone already here," WorkSafeNB said in a statement.
"The employer determines if the work can be done by someone who lives in New Brunswick or if they must look outside the province to hire, contract or subcontract someone with the required skill or competency.
"Our role is only to approve the isolation elements of an employer's operational plan and to monitor compliance."
Construction companies that bring out-of-province workers to New Brunswick have to follow guidelines from WorkSafeNB. (Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)
The WorkSafeNB guidelines lay out two options for employers bringing in workers from outside the province.
They either have to ensure the workers self-isolate for 14 days, similar to requirements for others who are allowed to travel into New Brunswick, or they must submit a plan 15 days in advance on how the workers will stay away from New Brunswickers.
The plan must go to WorkSafeNB and must show that the employer will keep the workers isolated from New Brunswickers "during work hours and while off duty" and also while they travel between their accommodations and the worksite.
Higgs referred to those requirements at a media briefing Monday.
"We want to understand that they are absolutely isolating in their particular jobs site and they're not coming right in and working with New Brunswick workers," he said. "That would make it very difficult."
Exceptions to self-isolation rules
There are exceptions for people who commute across the provincial border daily between home and work, such as employees of two chicken processing plants in Madawaska County near the Quebec border
There are also exceptions for urgent work on "critical infrastructure" for which no New Brunswick workers are available, including telecommunications, transportation, data, fuel, electricity, manufacturing, water and wastewater, health and financial systems.
Premier Blaine Higgs's suggestion that out of province workers would be screened to determine if a worker in the province could do the job instead is not something any government department can dictate. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
The moves to accommodate employers in the construction sector are a contrast to the total ban on new temporary foreign workers coming in to fill vacancies on farms and in seafood processing plants.
That ban was imposed despite farm groups and seafood processors insisting that they were prepared to isolate their foreign workers for the 14 days to comply with Public Health rules.
Earlier this spring Ottawa announced $50 million to help farmers and agri-food businesses safely add foreign workers to their plants.
Despite that, Higgs declared last month that having more foreign workers enter the province would present a risk of new coronavirus transmission.
He proposed at the time that some foreign workers already in the province could be allowed to switch jobs to fill some of the farm and processing vacancies. The federal government announced this week it was simplifying the procedure to allow them to do that.
15 out-of-province workers needed in Saint John
Companies planning to bring in out-of-province workers say they'll be able to comply with the provincial rules.
Quebec-based Pomerleau Inc., one of the general contractors on the $205-million modernization of the Port of Saint John, said it needs to bring about 15 people from outside New Brunswick to the project, most of them in administrative roles.
"We are working with Worksafe NB and the local health authorities to ensure we provide a safe work environment to all our employees and partners," said Debby Cordeiro, the company's vice-president of communications.
She said in an email statement the company has implemented "a vast array of rigorous sanitary measures" at its job sites and will follow all Public Health requirements.
J.D. Irving Ltd. spokesperson Mary Keith said the company will need only one specialized worker from outside the province among the 175 it will employ on an upcoming scheduled maintenance shutdown at its Lake Utopia mill.
She said no one in New Brunswick is certified to maintain the specialized equipment needed for the work.
"We are in communication with Worksafe NB to ensure full compliance" with the new guidelines that apply to the one out-of-province worker, Keith said.
David Amos Content disabled Methinks Higgy is the waffle king N'esy Pas?
Cleve Gallant Content disabled Reply to @David Amos: Me thinks Dr,Phil is looking for new clients N’esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Methinks you should apply ASAP because I suspect many more of your crybaby cohorts will respond your news However I doubt Higgy et al will allow Medicare to pay the Yankee his fees N'esy Pas?
June Arnott Irving runs the province and always gets what they want.
David Amos
Reply to @June Arnott: Cry me a river
Anne Crocker OK...I fail to understand why NB will not permit non-NB essential workers to be hired to work in sectors that actually FEED New Brunswickers and support our provincial and national economy(with employers prepared to abide by quarantine requirements)... but we can employ construction workers from wherever!!!...discretion requires at least some consistency and I do not see any consistency in this policy.
David Amos
Reply to @Anne Crocker: Methinks you should go back to the law library and pull some books of the shelf N'esy Pas?
Dave Corbin Call the practice in New Brunswick our contribution to Quebec's economic stimulus. Also Higgs needs to learn about laws governing files before rashly speaking out.
David Amos
Reply to @Dave Corbin: Well put
Mack Leigh On the subject of outside workers , does anyone know who got the government contract to build the new bridge going over the Shediac River ? Part of Gallant's twinning Hwy 11 project.... They have been working in all sorts of weather for at least 7 months on that one bridge with at least a dozen workers and enough equipment to sink the Titanic... Now working weekends as well...
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Methinks I can guess I bet it is one Trudeau the Younger's and his buddy Leblanc's favourite companies based in Quebec N'esy Pas?
Claude DeRoche
Great idea ban temporary foreign workers who are not "stealing our jobs" and let Québec workers in as we can't work in Québec!
David Amos
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Go Figure why the opposition is saying nothing much
Chantal LeBouthi: It’s isn’t Higgs only don’t forget the pandemic tasks force included all political party
NB as a minority government we know Higgs love to take the spotlight
David Amos
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Oh So True
Archie Levesque
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Does he? So are you saying the same about Trudeau? Canada is in a minority & we know Justin loves the spotlight
Toby Tolly: Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: how do you know what its saying
Chantal LeBouthi
If Irving want outside employees they will
David Amos
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Yup
Robert L. Brown
Our politicians doing the soft shoe shuffle a total disgrace to the taxpayers who elected them
David Amos
Reply to @Robert L. Brown: I concur
DJ Redfern In general i support what the Govt. is doing to keep us safe in NB but something about imported construction workers dosn't sound right to me...... With the whole Province operating under emergency measures what makes the Saint John waterfront improvementa and the Irving mill at Lake Utopia "priority projects" If any project is a priority it's the farmers getting planting started and the fish processing going... It may not be too late to get the foreign workers in and definitely not to late to bar imported construction workers.... How about that Mr. Higgs?
David Amos
Reply to @DJ Redfern: Methinks you got the government you deserve N'esy Pas?
John Grail
Higgs et al. seem to be making rules arbitrarily
David Amos
Reply to @John Grail: Methinks Higgy et al must notice that some folks are reading my words N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson
Reply to @David Amos: just to make fun of you methinks, n’esy pas
David Amos
Reply to @Rick Grayson: Methinks you are confused as to who you wish to be today but the RCMP should not be N'esy Pas?
Laurie Clark
Gee, I wonder what billionaire family has a construction company that wants qualified workers but doesn't want to train any of them?
Larry Larson
Reply to @Laurie Clark: Is that a rhetorical question?
Rob Mason
Reply to @Laurie Clark: you did note that Irving said they only needed one worker from outside NB. I know you have an extreme bias but at lease recognize the facts.
David Amos
Reply to @Rob Mason: How many foreign folks did the Irving Clan move into Chipman at our expense?
Laurie Clark
Time for anon-confidence vote to get rid of Higgs! He gives useless a new meaning!
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Laurie Clark: Higgs and his PC's along with the cooperation of Kris Austin and the People's Alliance are doing a great job, all things considered.... Just imagine the mess we would be in if Vickers and his Liberal cohorts ever got back in or better yet if our fearless leader was none other than Kevin Arseneau....Things could be worse - much, much worse.
Rob Mason
Reply to @: I disagree, Mr. Higgs has done a great job guiding us. Imagine if we had the tennis instructor still at the helm, at least the Premier has business and life experience.
David Amos
Reply to @Laurie Clark: I concur
Archie Levesque
Reply to @Laurie Clark: So are you getting rid of the other leaders as well? There is an all-party committee making these decisions
Jay Gatsby
We need to keep our borders strong. The economic payout will come this fall or during a second wave when our economy can keep moving and not have to deal with he fallout.
David Amos
Reply to @Jay Gatsby: Dream on
Jay Gatsby
Reply to @David Amos: I don't like to cast aspersions, but I do have a feeling that had Higgs not had borders and instead had let it run loose, you'd be blaming him for Covid-19 being bad here. A lot of your positions seem to be based on personal vendettas against certain politicians and not based on the actual merit of the policies. If someone you didn't like said it was sunny, you'd say it was raining just because they were the one who said it was sunny. Just my opinion.
David Amos
Reply to @Jay Gatsby: Say Hey to Higgy and the RCMP or me Will Ya?
Rick Grayson Reply to @David Amos: and of course you have no real response to the valid point that was made “methinks, n’esy pas”
David Amos
Reply to @Rick Grayson: Methinks there is no need to respond to a desperate spindoctor who keeps changing his ID N'esy Pas?
Billy Joe Mcallister There is no trade that can't be apprenticed. We should only allow trades people in if there is a shortage and only then for the purpose of apprenticing or training a New Brunswick resident to do the job.
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks political scientists should be apprenticed instead of being merely politically vetted N'esy Pas?
Archie Levesque
If they are allowing the free flow of workers in from Quebec & Ontario then they may as well start letting all the cottagers in too.
David Amos
Reply to @Archie Levesque: Of Course
Methinks its ridiculous that they are some the taxpayers supporting Higgy's Police State which is locking them out and yet the opposition says nothing N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson
Reply to @David Amos: here you go with your police state conspiracy theory and you nickname for our premier. Methinks you may just have an issue with authority, n’esy pas
Paul Bourgoin
If your name starts with an "I" in New Brunswick, all doors are open while our New Brunswickers residents stand in line waiting to qualify!
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: C'est Vrai
Mack Leigh
And yet they do not allow the Temporary Foreign Workers in to help our farmers and seafood processors... Makes absolutely no sense.
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Methinks politicking does not have to make sense within Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson
Reply to @David Amos: bud you are like a broken record always saying the same things
Mack Leigh
We should be ensuring that the people of New Brunswick are considered first for all jobs in this province. Also we should not allow any Quebecer to work here in NB as there is no reciprocal agreement and they will not let NBers work in their province.
Theo Lavigne
Reply to @Mack Leigh: What if Alberta did the same in their province, what would become of all the New Brunswickers working there?be careful what you wish...
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: I agree
Mack Leigh
Reply to @Theo Lavigne: Alberta is in a reciprocal position with other provinces with the exception of Quebec.. An individual from Alberta has absolutely no problem with working in NB... Suggest you do a little research before spouting off, my friend.
David Peters
Centralized planning has failed, which was predictable and inevitable. Break up the monopolies and let the marketplace sort this out.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Yup
Terry Tibbs
Mr Higgs at his best: all "talk", but can't just seem to get around to following through.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: True
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks if one talks of Higgy the Waffle King and first you are attacked and then it all goes "Poof" However as usual I was quick on the draw and Twitter proves what I say is true N'esy Pas?
Jeff Smith
OK were being herded around like school children now in supermarkets - but governments don't "dictate hiring"? Cut off all disease vectors or all our hard work is for nothing and I don't see the point of following all these annoying rules.
David Amos
Reply to @Jeff Smith: "I don't see the point of following all these annoying rules."
Coach Atlantic Group 'hunkering down', forecasts $30M revenue drop
Owner Mike Cassidy: 'Very discouraging' I can't bring my people back to work
Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: May 14, 2020 7:00 AM AT
Coach Atlantic's multi-day tour operations would normally book 85,000 hotel room nights annually. (Tourism Nova Scotia)
The owner of Coach Atlantic Group says his company is projecting revenue losses of $30 million this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mike Cassidy says the crisis is impacting every area of his business.
"There wouldn't be many companies in the Maritimes that would be facing that type of revenue drop," said Cassidy. "It just so happens there's no cruise ship, there's no multi day tours, and group charters right now are non existent, and that's a huge component of our business."
Cassidy says Coach Atlantic's scheduled interprovincial bus routes have also been hit hard. Schedules have been reduced to three days a week with around 80 passengers a day travelling throughout the system.
Coach Atlantic owner Mike Cassidy says between 350 and 400 workers cannot be brought back to work this season because of cancellations related to the COVID-19 crisis. (CBC)
That's down from around 500 passengers a day. The loss of business in all the company's divisions is having a serious impact on its workforce.
"Normally at this time, I have 350 to 400 people that we invite back for our whole bus driver fleet, our tour operator fleet," he said. "We can't invite them back this year because there is no work. And it's very discouraging, very discouraging as an owner that I can't bring my people back."
Cassidy says because there is no business at all on the tour side, the company is unable to take advantage of the federal wage subsidy program for many of his employees.
He says the impact of COVID-19 on the Maritimes' tourism economy will be huge.
Many in the industry, he says, are talking about 'going dark' for a year, meaning they may shut down their operations completely and make plans to reopen in 2021.
Extra cleaning on Maritime Bus/Coach Atlantic buses in early March. (CBC)
The multi-day tour part of Coach Atlantic's operations, for instance, books 85,000 hotel room-nights in a season.
All of those bookings are now off the table. Cassidy expects many restaurants and tourist accommodation businesses in the region will not open at all this year.
His goal now is to ensure his group of companies can survive the pandemic crisis.
"We're going to try to hunker down, we're going to try to take advantage of any programs that we are eligible for provincially and federally. And as the owner of the company I'm not going to say we are going to go dark."
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al must know why I and many other folks don't feel bad about Mike Cassidy's troubles today and will be watching to see how much money he gets from our fellow taxpayers N'esy Pas?
Enjoy a little Deja Vu in a EUB matter I was involved in years ago
New Maritime bus service gets green light New Brunswick's EUB has approved Coach Atlantic's application CBC News · Posted: Nov 01, 2012 3:40 PM AT
Call for public inquiry
"Glen Carr, the president of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1229, which represents Acadian Lines employees, contends the approval process was flawed and wants a public inquiry.
"My main concern is the way the Energy and Utilities Board had kept denying Acadian any changes they wanted," Carr told CBC News. "They denied David Anderson from Advanced Shuttle Services in P.E.I."
Carr had opposed Coast Atlantic's application during the EUB hearing.
He said some of the same routes Coach Atlantic wanted to drop were the same ones Acadian Lines had been asking to cut for years.
"And a new company comes in and all of a sudden everything's great. Let's just change all the rules and regulations and give it to another outside private company. Does it make sense?"
Carr had argued if the EUB had been more flexible in allowing Acadian to cut service on less profitable routes, the company may have made more money and 100 employees might not have been out of work. "
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos: Where do you find your info on the eub? I looked on their webpage and it doesn't say when their meetings are. Sent and email, and they didn't answer.
A lot of big decisions are made by this energy and utilities board...but it's not very easy to get info through their website.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: I am an intervener and some of their stuff is SECRET
Fred Estey
Reply to @David Amos: It's hard to take you seriously with your silly 'N'esy Pas?' in every post, but now you voice concern about 100 employees of Acadian while taking pleasure in 400 employees not getting called to work for Coach Atlantic? Unreal.
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Estey: Cry me a river
Fred Estey
Reply to @David Amos: You forgot to start your reply with 'Me thinks'... it makes it so.... witty. No. really!
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Estey: Methinks whereas you people laughed at me for years its only fair that its my turn to laugh at you as you deal with the governments you deserve N'esy Pas?
New Brunswick's EUB has approved Coach Atlantic's application
CBC News· Posted: Nov 01, 2012 3:40 PM AT
Mike Cassidy, president of Coach Atlantic, told the EUB he plans to launch the new Tri-Maritime Bus Network on Dec. 1. (Matthew Bingley/CBC)
A new Maritime bus service has been given the green light by the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board to begin operating next month.
The EUB has approved "in principle" the routes, schedules and fares applied for by Coach Atlantic Transportation Group Inc. in New Brunswick, a decision released Thursday states.
"The purpose of this advisory note from the board is to permit the applicant to proceed with the work necessary to ensure its New Brunswick line run operation will be operational as of Dec. 1, 2012."
A more detailed decision is expected to be released soon.
Coach Atlantic had received approval from the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board earlier this month and it already offers services between Charlottetown and Summerside.
The new Maritime service, which will be called the Tri-Maritime Bus Network, is expected to offer passenger and parcel service within New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
Opposed by Acadian Lines union
Glen Carr, of the Amalgamated Transit Union, is calling for a public inquiry of the EUB decision. (Matthew Bingley/CBC)
Coach Atlantic had already been granted a licence to replace the existing inter-city Maritime service, Acadian Lines, which is folding its operations at the end of November.
But the EUB, which regulates carrier services in the province, held a public hearing in Saint John on Wednesday to go over the proposed routes, schedules and fares.
Coach Atlantic president Mike Cassidy told the board he hoped to replace the current Acadian Lines service, but drop some routes and bring busing to other parts of the province in the future.
"Those void areas are Saint John into St. Stephen, the road between Fredericton and Miramichi, and of course in what we call northern New Brunswick, where we have Bathurst, Dalhousie and Campbellton," Cassidy said.
Acadian has said it lost millions of dollars providing service in the Maritimes and can't make a profit in the region.
Cassidy said he has a different business model, which includes a plan for minimum and maximum number of runs during the week, as well as fuel surcharges.
Call for public inquiry
Glen Carr, the president of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1229, which represents Acadian Lines employees, contends the approval process was flawed and wants a public inquiry.
"My main concern is the way the Energy and Utilities Board had kept denying Acadian any changes they wanted," Carr told CBC News. "They denied David Anderson from Advanced Shuttle Services in P.E.I."
Carr had opposed Coast Atlantic's application during the EUB hearing.
He said some of the same routes Coach Atlantic wanted to drop were the same ones Acadian Lines had been asking to cut for years.
"And a new company comes in and all of a sudden everything's great. Let's just change all the rules and regulations and give it to another outside private company. Does it make sense?"
Carr had argued if the EUB had been more flexible in allowing Acadian to cut service on less profitable routes, the company may have made more money and 100 employees might not have been out of work.
The Energy and Utilities Board has denied the application from a Summerside-based company to start up a shuttle service between New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.
Advanced Shuttle Services had applied to set up a 15-passenger shuttle service between the two provinces.
But the Energy and Utilities Board denied the application in a decision released on Thursday.
"In summary the request for a licence for a ‘scheduled’ service on a reservation basis is denied as being outside the scope of the Act and the request for a charter licence is granted," the EUB decision said.
Advanced Shuttle Services proposed to run two shuttles which would leave P.E.I. and make stops in Port Elgin, Moncton, Saint John and Fredericton.
David Anderson, the company's owner, had proposed starting with four days a week, 11 passengers per shuttle.
"I felt the board made a decision based on the information they had, and they have to follow," he said. "The rules are the rules."
He said it's time the province changed the law.
"Nova Scotia has changed theirs, and adapted for a reservation-type service, so maybe this will be the beginning to try and change because now New Brunswick still has no bus or transportation, so I'm thinking there's going to be a lot of people upset that there's still no transportation," Anderson said.
The company had planned to set up a system where people could reserve seats on the shuttle.
The EUB denied that "reservation-basis only" application.
However, the regulatory board did give the company the approval to set up a charter service.
"In this case, the board was not provided with any persuasive evidence as to why the issuance of a charter licence would be detrimental to the interests enumerated in the [Motor Vehicle] Act," the ruling said.
A spokesperson from the province said they will be reviewing the board's decision.
Keolis in Canada ignored my concerns with their actions so I will stress test the ethics of the corporate excutive In France to the max in a fashion only I can do.
Below are the emails that I promised to forward the folks that I did I talk to. It was the the fairest way I could think of to put Keolis and the Union in the same boat with an even keel before I step up to the plate. I will let you know how the big cheeses in France delt with me if and when they ever do.
Keolis Canada Inc. - info Description: Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation
Offices of Bank Holding Companies
740 RUE NOTRE-DAME O BUREAU 1000 Montreal, Quebec H3C 3X6 Phone: (514) 395-4000
Business Number: 854624137RC0001
Governing Legislation: Canada Business Corporations Act (2002-04-12)
Corporate Name History 2002-04-12 - to Present
Certificate of Incorporation
Address 1 Place Ville-Marie, Bureau 3900 Postal code H3B 4M7 Corporation Number 4043359 Legislation Canada Business Corporations Act
Denis Andlauer CEO of Groupe Orléans 2450, boul. des Entreprises Terrebonne, Quebec J6X 4J8 Phone 450-585-1210 Fax 450-585-2239
For those who do not want to spend much time checking out my sincerity perhaps my posting within the Occupy Wall St website will assist you. I obviously posted it about two weeks after I contacted Mr Carr and Mr Pierce. It is brief and to the point with some of my concerns.
Just click "read more" of the email I provide or watch the YOUTUBE from the summer of 2007
I don't care what they may say. I am certain that many Maritimers will agree with me in that the politicians in Ottawa in particular only act when it is for their benefit or that of their friends rather than the people they purportedly serve. I agree with Mr Carr's take on Minister Lisa Raitt's rhetoric.
I have no doubt whatsoever that Keolis has clever lobbyists employed to try to get the subsidy they seek. I have no doubt whatsoever John Pearce, a past president of the Transport Action Atlantic lobby group knows that many Maritmers and I disagree with him rahter strongly.
Whereas the French publicly held company Keolis plays a Gobal game loves to mix the English French issue at a local level for their benefit in Canada's ONLY bilingual province why shouldn't Proud Maritimer have some fun and mix up one of their own announcements after they locked out their employees and denied us service.
Posted December 7, 2011 Jean-Guy Ladouceur
Publié le 7 Décembre 2011 = Jean-Guy Ladouceur
Denis Andlauer devient directeur général du Groupe Orléans Denis Andlauer becomes CEO of Groupe Orléans Sujets : Topics: Groupe Orléans Express , Voyageur au Québec , Groupe Keolis , Canada , Québec , France Groupe Orléans Express , Voyageur in Quebec , Keolis Group , Canada , Quebec , France Dans quelques jours, Sylvain Langis, PDG du Groupe Orléans Express depuis 22 ans, cèdera sa participation de 25% à Keolis Canada et quittera ses fonctions. In a few days, Sylvain Langis, CEO of Groupe Orléans Express for 22 years, will sell its 25% in Canada and Keolis leaves office.
Déjà détenteur de 75 % des actions, Keolis Canada deviendra alors l'unique propriétaire de l'entreprise. Already holds 75% shares, Keolis Canada will become the sole owner of the company.
M. Langis laissera également sa responsabilité de directeur au Canada pour la société française Keolis. Mr. Langis will also leave his responsibility as director in Canada for the French company Keolis. Il occupera les fonctions de président du conseil et de conseiller auprès de la nouvelle direction générale du Groupe Orléans. It will serve as chairman and advisor to the new management of Groupe Orléans.
Groupe Orléans Express a été fondé en 1990 par Sylvain Langis et cinq partenaires à la suite du rachat d'une partie des activités de la société Voyageur au Québec. Orleans Express Group was founded in 1990 by Sylvain Langis and five partners following the acquisition of part of the activities of the Voyageur in Quebec.
Denis Andlauer, vice-président du Groupe Orléans en poste depuis quelques années auprès de la compagnie au Québec, devient le nouveau directeur général du Groupe Orléans. Denis Andlauer, vice president of Groupe Orléans stationed in recent years with the company in Quebec, became the new CEO of Groupe Orléans.
Marc-André Varin, porte-parole de Keolis, assure que cette transaction ne changera rien aux opérations de la compagnie, pas plus dans Lanaudière qu'ailleurs au Québec ou au Canada. Marc-André Varin, Keolis spokesman, says that this transaction will not change the company's operations, nor anywhere else in Lanaudiere in Quebec or Canada. «Keolis est déjà bien établi dans la boîte. "Keolis is already well established in the box. La compagnie possède une compétence et des outils qui ne peuvent que favoriser Groupe Orléans», indique M. Varin. The company has expertise and tools that can only help Groupe Orléans, "said Varin.
Basé en France, le groupe Keolis est un acteur important du transport public de voyageurs en Europe et dans le monde. Based in France, the Keolis is an important player in public passenger transport in Europe and worldwide. Présent dans 12 pays, Keolis réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 4,1 milliards d'euros et emploie 47 200 personnes. Present in 12 countries, Keolis realizes a turnover of 4.1 billion euros and employs 47,200 people. Il transporte plus de deux milliards de personnelle chaque année. It carries over two billion annual personal.
Keolis ne cache pas ses intentions de croissance et des discussions sont en cours. Keolis does not hide its growth intentions and discussions are ongoing. «Il serait malvenu pour moi de vous en donner la teneur», conclut Marc-André Varin. "It would be inappropriate for me to give you content," says Marc-André Varin.
Veritas Vincit David Ramond Amos 902 800 0369
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 18:55:19 -0400 Subject: Mr Pearce Thanks for the response The problem with the phone appears to be on my end but I managed to talk to Mr Carr To: Cc:
Our conversation went well and I believe Mr Carr will check my work. I will try to call you again after I send this email. (902) 435-3474 However I understand that it is New Years Eve and no doubt you have plans.
Whereas my MagicJack is not that reliable today perhaps you and Mr Carr should talk soon in order to decide if I am out to lunch or not. I just forwarded you and Mr Carr the same email I had sent him in an effort to explain who I am.
In a nutshell I believe I may be of assistance in getting the buses back on the road in a rather unusual fashion. Lets just say that pouncing on companies such as Keolis and tempting them to act ethically would go under the heading of fun for me. This email should at least prove that I have a very big stick.
Best Regards and Happy New Year (those were your words when you answered the first time) David Raymond Amos 902 800 0369
From: john pearce <> Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 15:08:50 -0400 Subject: Re: Mr Pearce I just tried to call you twice (from 902 800 0369) about the Bus Lines To: David Amos <>
john pearce replies:
I got your call twice. First time my wife answered, there was total silence. Second time I answered but didn't speak, awaiting to hear someone from your end speak. There was no sound, except as I was hanging up I heard the words: "strange people...." Perhaps you could send me an e-mail and explain what your call is about. Thanks.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 14:20:14 -0400 Subject: Fwd: The Occupy crowd cannot even read To:
I waited for over week for Norway's Minister of Finance of his Ambassador in Canada to call me back before sending this email as I promised. They assistants in Canada and Norway didn't believe that I sent them emails in 2009 and demanded that I resend them before I could discuss anything with their bosses. I did as they requested but told them I wished to discuss more recent events concerning Potash and the European Union but they didn't seem to care. They only wanted me to prove that I had sent them email before for some strange reason.
This was what I wanted to discuss with Norway while the Canadian parliaments were in session.
However long ago Byron Prior said the Judge Hickman, Norway and a host of others covered up what happened to our cod and the sinking of the Ocean Ranger
"Byron had some incredible stories for me when we talked on the phone. He is a jack-of-all-trades who cannot get a job because of his pursuit of justice in a land ruled by his tormentor. He has worked on oil rigs and in repairing ships wounded on the treacherous shores of Newfoundland. One day a cargo ship owned by Paul Martin the current Canadian Prime Minister and named after his wife, limped into port for repairs, in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Kilos of cocaine, were found in the steering section, no one was charged. Another story he told me was a story of resource exploration gone badly. As it turns out, Newfoundland is sitting on some of the richest oil and natural gas reserves in the North-Atlantic, in fact the Canadian Government sold the known reserves to the Multi National oil companies. An exploration Rig, The Ocean Ranger, was surveying for oil/natural gas, on the Grand Banks, off Newfoundland. Because of the voracious greed of the oil company doing the surveying the rig was operating in waters, 30 meters or approx. 100 feet, shallower than it was built for. It had all the tractor-trailer office-boxes on top, which added more weight, which meant it needed even more water. Then a storm kicked up and the swells picked this rig up and down till one of the legs hit the bottom and snapped off. The whole rig capsized. Everyone on board was killed. T. Alex Hickman, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Commissioner of the Ocean Ranger Inquiry, said, The Companies are neither responsible nor liable for what happened to this oil rig. As it is said, "There is no loyalty among thieves".
Another story Byron was a witness to involving the exploration of natural resources gone badly this time off the Northern Labrador Coast which was known as one of the richest fisheries in the world. They also happened to be one of the richest sources of natural gas in the Northern Atlantic. A Drill Ship, The Pelerin, was surveying for oil and natural gas off the coast. They wound up hitting pay dirt on a fearsome level. While drilling they hit what must have been a fissure, because the volume of natural gas that erupted threatened to sink the ship. When any gas is dissolved in water it reduces the buoyancy of anything floating on the surface. It would have sunk instantly for lack of buoyancy had the strong current not carried the natural gas away from the ship. They tried in vain for three days to seal the leak but it overcame their abilities. It was this incident that may have caused the death of the cod fishery in the richest grounds of the North Atlantic. Byron is a witness to this incident."
"I left home today with the intention of filling a, Writ of Summons, A Statement of Claim & An Affidavit with the Supreme Court Of Newfoundland aganist T. Alex Hickman & The RCMP, I didn't & left the building more determined than ever to inform the PUBLIC. On public display, upon entering, a picture of Alex Hickman & The Queen, great start, a list of Supreme Court Judges, Mr Justice R J Halley, X partiner of Halley, Hunt & Hickman, Hon Chief Justice J D Green, a member of the Ocean Ranger Inquiry which white washed the sinking of the Ocean Ranger & said the Oil Companies were not Responsible or Liable Legally for the SO CALLED, ACCIDENT.
Most of the other Judges also sat on the inquiry with Alex Hickman, than Chief Justice as Chairman. None of these people would know an Oil Rig from an Oil Delivery Truck. After the Ranger sank, I came home from Tanzania, East Africa, to help 2 sea Captains, start an Offshore Safety Course For the oil rigs, Basic Offshore Survival Training, BOST Course, at the marine institute. I had worked on 4 continents for a company called Helmer Staubo, of Oslo, Norway, a hobby for me was collecting Rig Photos from around the world, one of which was the Ocean Ranger. This rig had one thing completely different from ALL other Semi Submersable Rigs, it's anchor chains were moved up ,on the legs, so the chains were always visablely out of the water, this was done to try to add stability.
The sister RIG of the Ocean Ranger is still working , to this day in the Norwegan Sector of thr North Sea, to work in 3 meters, 6 ft. less water than it was designed for, 20 tons of weight had to be removed from the work deck, to compensate for the 3 meters of less water, to prevent it from hitting bottom during a storm, NOT ONLY WAS THE OCEAN RANGER IN 30 METERS LESS WATER THAN IT WAS DESIGNED FOR BUT EXTRA EQUIPMENT WAS ADDED TO THE DECK FOR HALIBURTON TESTING EQUIPMENT.
I was showing these pictures in my saftey classes when an order came from CAPT. Jack Strong to remove my Photos from the class room & instruct only from the prepaird text book. After that my teaching career ended & I was black listed from the offshore."
Wheras Norway's government has ignored me for way past to long Perhaps I should talk to the opposition before its parliament says ok to this nonsense. It appears that those right wingers could use some good press about their actions but we all know why i don't wish to be friends with Right Wing Wackos EH Mr Harper?
“Norway has today offered up to 6 billion SDR (equivalent to 7 billion euros) to the International Monetary Fund, as a bilateral loan to contribute to stabilising the European and international economy, and thus also to safeguard the Norwegian economy and Norwegian jobs”, says Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.
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QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 24,639 Domain Name ? (Canada) IP Address 131.137.245.# (Defence Research Establishment-Ottawa) ISP Defense Research Establishment Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Ontario City : Ottawa Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) Language English (Canada) en-ca Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Dec 6 2011 1:15:10 am Last Page View Dec 6 2011 1:15:10 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words david amos Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....liberal-premier.html Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....liberal-premier.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-7:00 Visitor's Time Dec 5 2011 5:15:10 pm Visit Number 24,639
>>>>> >>>>> ----- Original Message ----- >>>>> From: "McKnight, Gisele" >>>>> To: >>>>> Cc: >>>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM >>>>> Subject: David Amos >>>>> >>>>> Hello Lisa, >>>>> >>>>> David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he >>>>> became an independent (not representing any political party) candidate >>>>> in our federal election that was held June 28. He was a candidate in >>>>> our constituency of Fundy (now called Fundy-Royal). >>>>> >>>>> I wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That >>>>> story appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, >>>>> written by one of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a >>>>> report on the candidates' debate held June 18. >>>>> >>>>> As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election. >>>>> The winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358. I have attached the >>>>> two stories that appeared, as well as a photo taken by reporter Erin >>>>> Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo that ran, but >>>>> this one is very similar. >>>>> >>>>> Gisele McKnight editor >>>>> Kings County Record >>>>> Sussex, New Brunswick >>>>> Canada >>>>> 506-433-1070 >>>>> >>>>> Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd >>>>> By Erin Hatfield >>>>> >>>>> "If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your >>>>> world is all screwed up, rearrange it." >>>>> >>>>> The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at >>>>> the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to >>>>> watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if >>>>> unofficial, theme song for the debate. >>>>> The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as >>>>> they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. >>>>> Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue >>>>> chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent >>>>> left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, >>>>> mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards >>>>> the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat. >>>>> The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was >>>>> organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage >>>>> of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record >>>>> and Lisa Spencer of CJCW. >>>>> >>>>> Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates >>>>> responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the >>>>> exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. >>>>> Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each >>>>> other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders. >>>>> Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the >>>>> questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic >>>>> relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in >>>>> response to the question of the national gun registry. "Nobody's >>>>> getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it." >>>>> >>>>> Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his >>>>> party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but >>>>> well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am >>>>> on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better >>>>> places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters >>>>> shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said. >>>>> >>>>> The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At >>>>> one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in >>>>> front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the >>>>> voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to >>>>> Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second >>>>> readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at >>>>> final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to >>>>> register sex offenders rather than register the property of law >>>>> abiding citizens." >>>>> >>>>> The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and >>>>> women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman >>>>> yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron >>>>> spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out. >>>>> >>>>> Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy >>>>> Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong >>>>> yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of >>>>> post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged >>>>> Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time, >>>>> anyplace," Armstrong responded. >>>>> >>>>> As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, >>>>> candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and >>>>> fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making >>>>> process for the June 28 vote. >>>>> >>>>> Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his >>>>> favourite possessions—motorcycles. >>>>> McKnight/KCR >>>>> >>>>> The Unconventional Candidate >>>>> David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But…. >>>>> By Gisele McKnight >>>>> >>>>> FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his >>>>> wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone >>>>> that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle." >>>>> >>>>> Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos. >>>>> >>>>> The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife >>>>> and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from >>>>> running for office in Canada. >>>>> >>>>> One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail >>>>> to meet Elections Canada requirements. >>>>> >>>>> When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his >>>>> favourite place to do so—Fundy. >>>>> >>>>> Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his >>>>> dissatisfaction with politicians. >>>>> >>>>> "I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he >>>>> said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum." >>>>> >>>>> The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in >>>>> 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he >>>>> needed to change his life. >>>>> >>>>> "I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that >>>>> sometimes in midlife." >>>>> >>>>> So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners >>>>> motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 >>>>> Panhead motorcycle. >>>>> >>>>> "Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) >>>>> experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you >>>>> renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask >>>>> for anything, but you take what they offer." >>>>> For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs >>>>> and conversation all over North America. >>>>> >>>>> Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son >>>>> and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls >>>>> himself. >>>>> He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist >>>>> rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed >>>>> individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud >>>>> Canadian and a "wild colonial boy." >>>>> Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his >>>>> life. >>>>> "But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. >>>>> "It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?" >>>>> >>>>> Amos has no intention of actively campaigning. >>>>> "I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door >>>>> interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can >>>>> call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats." >>>>> >>>>> And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one. >>>>> "I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s >>>>> not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about." >>>>> >>>>> What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, >>>>> the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to >>>>> name a few. >>>>> >>>>> "The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, >>>>> farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m >>>>> death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it >>>>> (NAFTA) out the window. >>>>> >>>>> NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an >>>>> easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico. >>>>> >>>>> Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote. >>>>> >>>>> "There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, >>>>> especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. >>>>> Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote." >>>>> >>>>> Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have >>>>> your X by his name. >>>>> >>>>> "I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and >>>>> say, ‘what the hell.’" >>>>
It's criminal forfeiture and he pleaded guilty to the forfeiture counts but disputed the amounts. There's a March 6 letter about the forfeitures that's sealed but the media has filed a motion to unseal it. Madoff's lawyer filed a letter today agreeing parts should be unsealed.
Whose emails from March 6th do YOU think are still sealed? To think you call youself a lawyer and you have had my material for five years EH dummy?
FYI I got an interesting call from Greg Craig's office in the White House before I received the following email perhaps you should ask me why that is if you don't already know the reason and are forbidden from reporting the awful truth of it all. EH?
Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 17:50:17 -0300 Subject: Fwd: Re :USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY To:
Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule of Law within a purported democracy.
As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution.
The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did beginning over seven years ago..
Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos 506 756 8687
P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last night.
Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud, forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes.
"SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison."
He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some Putnam insiders.
Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency is in hot water again.
Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you enter the private sector," Scannell said."
Robin G West International Vice President Amalgamated Transit Union
________________________________ From: Glen Carr [] Sent: February 21, 2012 12:36 PM Subject: Fw: LabourStart campaign for Acadian Lockout
----- Original Message ----- From: Roscow,> To: Glen> ; Hanley,> Cc: Fitzgerald,> ; Perry,> Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 12:20 PM Subject: LabourStart campaign for Acadian Lockout
Glen, We have launched the ATU Acadian LabourStart campaign for the lockout of our members. Through this campaign labor activists and transportation advocates across the world will be sending emails to the CEO of Keolis and executives at Orleans Express to show solidarity with our members in this struggle. Here is the link to the campaign
We will be pushing this campaign on our website, Facebook, Twitter, Dispatch, etc… You should post this on your website, Facebook page, email list, etc…
Let me know if you have questions.
Thanks, David
David Roscow Amalgamated Transit Union, AFL-CIO W. 202-537-1645 x254 C. 202-487-4990
----- Original Message ----- From: To: Myles Phinney ; Gisele Cain ; Alex Uzycki ; Marc Charest ; Nick Melanson ; Doug Burgess ; Freddy Benner ; Roland Lomond ; Owen Smith ; Marc Legace ; Peter Arsenault ; Hugh Johnstone ; Glen Carr ; Scott Burgess ; Garnett Smith ; Chris Leger ; JR Leblanc ; Maurice Belliveau ; Jim Doyle ; Miodrag ; Jim Price ; Orin Cook ; George Morrow ; Paul Dalton ; Joe Totton ; Phil Leadbeater ; Peter Nichols ; Ed Evans ; Jim Dudley ; Stacey Antoniuk ; Wendell Bryenton ; Blair Bryenton ; Jason Richard ; Marlene Saunders ; Gerard Leygraaf Cc: Robin West ; Adrian Gordon ; Scott Webber ; Bernard Hebert President Quebec Union ; Serge Landry CLC ; Matthew running for Mayor Fredericton Hayes ; Michel Boudreau Federation of Labour ; Alex. Fredericton Bailey Labour Relations Officer ; Carol Younker ; David Amos ; Bob Davidson ; Brian Faulkner ; Brian Belyea ; Charles. Blooger Leblanc ; David Bell CTV ; Century Farm ; Chuck Kaizer ; Cindy Morrow ; CP Halifax Newsroom ; CTV News ; Daily Gleaner ; Daniel Legere Cupe Moncton ; Darcy Mazerolle ; David Roscow ; Eldora Levy ; Elwood Zwicker ; Matthew Novak ; Telegraph Journal ; Fern Tardif ; Fred. Union Strategies Vecchio ; Doug Smith Federal Government ; David Steel ; David Steel ; Kim Faulkner ; Paul Flower ; Gary Huntington ; Gary Tingley. Union guy ; George Filliter ; Global News Mayya Assouad ; Jr Hogan ; Jim Irvine ; John. NS Transport Avocate Pearce ; Keith Ashfield MP ; Kevin. STJ Labour Council Suddie ; Terry Kirk ; ; Marie Pierre Beaubien ; Ron Davison ; Russ Lantz ; Tracy Glynn NB Media ; Mike Osborne ; Peter Saunders. Mayor of Petty ; Paul Beaumont ; Pat Schnell ; Phil District Labour Council ; Rock Lebel ; Rodney Weston ; Shane Magee ; Shaun MacKenzie ; Shawn Berry Dailygleaner ; Sherry Wilson MP ; Tanya Babineau ; Todd MacDonald ; Times Transcript ; Tony Zuorro Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 3:10 PM Subject: Fw: intercity transport in the Maritime Provinces.
Stand up and fight for your Job and for the Public.
Send the letters to the Premiers, Mayors,MLA's and MP's
Send to everyone you know and have them send the letters.
Phil Leadbeater and Joe Totton start up a Face Book Page with this Information
We all need to be part of this campaign.
Give copies to your passengers and hand out at the Terminals and agencies.
Photo copy these letters and drop off at agencies on your own time.
In Solidarity
Glen Carr
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network. Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.
From: "ATU CC"<> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 11:57:07 -0400 To: Stan Dera<> Subject: FW: intercity transport in the Maritimes Provinces.
Brothers and Sisters,
The following attachments are for DISTRIBUTION by Locals 508, 1182, 1229, 1290 and INFORMATION ONLY to all remaining ATU Locals.
As you know, Acadian Bus Lines announced that they will cease operations as of November 30, 2012. Our members of Local 1229 will be left without a job. This will also leave the Maritime Provinces with no intercity bus service. The Canadian Council is urging the Premiers to form a public transportation company similar to Saskatchewan. I am asking for your help in generating some interest and to put some pressure on the government. The Premiers need to look at this situation and come up with a solution; Hopefully similar to what they have done in Saskatchewan.
I am forwarding form letters for you to pass out to your members or anyone in the public who is willing to help us by sending them out. There is a form letter so that members can add his/her own name, a letter from the Local President to send to the Premier in their province and finally a letter to each Premier in the Maritimes on behalf of the Canadian Council which is enclosed for your information only.
Please make sure you read each letter and distribute the appropriate letter to your membership and the public for them to send out. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to give me a call.
The information contained in this message is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of the communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify me immediately. Thank you.
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 16,380 Domain Name ? (Canada) IP Address 198.103.184.# (GTIS) ISP GTIS Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Ontario City : Ottawa Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) Language unknown Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 8.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Javascript disabled Time of Visit Mar 13 2012 6:44:48 pm Last Page View Mar 13 2012 6:44:51 pm Visit Length 3 seconds Page Views 2 Referring URL unknown Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...06/04/just-dave.html Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...06/04/just-dave.html Out Click Time Zone unknown Visitor's Time Unknown Visit Number 16,380
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 16,382 Domain Name GNB.CA ? (Canada) IP Address 142.139.0.# (Province of New Brunswick) ISP Province of New Brunswick Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : New Brunswick City : Fredericton Lat/Long : 45.95, -66.6333 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 8.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; AskTbDIC3V5/ Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1440 x 900 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Mar 14 2012 10:43:37 am Last Page View Mar 14 2012 10:43:37 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Mar 14 2012 10:43:37 am Visit Number 16,382
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Date: 14 Mar 2012 09:35:25 -0400 Subject: AutoReply: Here is just one the real reasons why SNB will NEVER act ethically To:
All letters, articles, comments, and other material submitted for publication may be published, distributed and stored by The Globe, its assignees and its licensees in whole or in part, in print or by any other means, including but not limited to electronic, worldwide and in perpetuity, without compensation to the author.
Please do not respond to this message, it is sent from an unattended mailbox.
FYI the lawyer McAllister would not come to the phone today but I managed to speak Ms Frost. She remembered our conversation in 2009 without my having to even say my name She also quit lughing when I told her I finally recived some documents from the court pertaining to my missing Harley
Please study the dcuments hereto attached the find their names in the document provided in the link below. I have every right to sue them and their Yankee pals in the USA
I must say I found it interesting that Chucky McAllister responds to you immediately and after hours but ignored my concerns about SNB severe lack of integrity since 2007
The legal action between Law Society and SNB versus First Canadian Title was quite a hoot to say the least
However please notice I received this email from SNB BEFORE Obama was sworn a as president and that my Harley that The Fat Fred City Finest tried to use against me in 2007 is registered in the US of A
I am also aware that you and Chucky Leblanc are before Judge Richards Well youfolks should have asked what I know about her
----- Original Message ----- From: MacKenzie, Lloyd (SNB) To: Cc: Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB) ; Morrison, Bill (SNB) ; Levesque-Finn, Sylvie (SNB) ; Pleadwell, Derek (SNB) Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 2:01 PM Subject: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
Mr. Amos:
Upon your request I will inform Mr. Derek Pleadwell[(506) 444-2897], Chairperson SNB Board of Directors, of our extended conversation regarding the issues surrounding the 1965 Harley-Davidson motorcycle when he visits my office at approximately 3:30 P.M. today.
Also, as requested, I’ve copied in Ms. Sylvie Levesque-Finn[(506) 453-3879], SNB President.
Lloyd D. MacKenzie, AACI, P. App, CAE Regional Manager of Assessment - Beauséjour Region/Responsable régional de l'évaluation - region Beauséjour Assessment/ de l'évaluation Service New Brunswick/ Service Nouveau-Brunswick 633 rue Main St. 4th floor/4ième étage Moncton, NB E1C 8R3 Tel/Tél: (506) 856-3910 Fax/Téléc: (506) 856-2519
Feel free to have David Myles and his blogger buddies or the RCMP or the cops around Halifax Nova Scotia explain why I have had enough of their malice toward my family and I.
In the "mean" time perhaps Garth Turner who should not be too busy these days can teach you Upper Canadians a trick or two about the fine art of politicking byway of Youtube and the blogs. Rest assured I won't tell ya my secrets EH Mr. Canadiancrimenews?
Everybody and his dog south of the 49th knows that I am a little busy stress testing the ethics of Greg Craig before his bos Obama takes the oath of office Correct Bill Casey?
Maybe Garth Turner can explain to his old politcal/lawyer buddy Jimmy Flaherty byway of his blog what the Hell I am talking about the Wall Street Journal's Law blogs and why the transcripts of the Hearings of the US Senate Banking Committee on November 18th and 20th 2003 evaporated just before sub prime mortages began to smell bad to the common man. Garth knows everything EH?
Lets just say that you nasty Yankees can't fool one dumb Maritimer
Can they Mrs. Constantine? (check your voicemail)
Perhaps your former boss, Rupert Murdoch should have his not so wise lawyers review the pdf files hereto attached and the files found in the following links
Say hey to the brain dead Ted Kennedy and obama's lawyer the elusive Mr Craig for me will ya? This Blog is just too funny if one knows the sad truth of it all EH?
"Murdoch has a special place in his heart for the Kennedy clan. It was Sen. Ted, who is gung-ho about his niece entering the family business, who granted the Aussie a waiver to buy the Post even though News Corp. owned Channel 5 in NYC. It's now payback time."
I believe we may become friends if only because we have a similiar aproach to dealing with obvious matters and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance of sorts. (I am a mortorcycle mechanic and I believe that he likes them as as well) How it is his words that I am refering to. Clearly the man knows his business and he doesn't pull his punches and is quite prophetic. Considering the news these days Mr. Zell may be the man America needs to solve its Real Estate woes but i doubt Obama would seek his counse.
The third reason for the overdevelopment, Zell said, was the advent of the HP 12 -- "one of the most wicked instruments that has ever been created in the real estate world." The revolutionary new calculator allowed aspiring developers to "do projections, on pretty paper with pretty lines," Zell said. The machine created "a world full of MBAs in windowless rooms on Wall Street playing with their HP 12s and coming up with economic justifications for what they were suggesting somebody else do with somebody else's money. This was truly a disaster. (For those of you who don't know what an MBA is: an MBA is somebody who knows how to do the numbers but doesn't know what they mean.)"
When asked the value of his U-M legal education, Zell said that although he "didn't remember shit from law school," the experience was "an extraordinary asset" because "it taught me to think, it taught me how to deal with problems."
Need I say I like this guy?
I must say while I was admiring Mr Zell's character and reading his words a nasty little reporter from the Chicago Tribune called me back after I had talked to Mr. Hunter's office. Just before that I managed leave a voicemail about Obama in one of Mr. Zell's offices in Chicago. As the young fella tried to sound like sort of big cheese and insulted me about the emails I had sent earlier, I merely dismissed him as the arsehole he is and told him I want to talk to Mr. Zell. Later I after making my way past some very dippy and rude women I also managed to speak to some man who was purportedly was the station manger at KTLA but he would not say his name. When that dumb bastard challenged me I did not mince words with him.
Lets just say these minor men of the media mean less than nothing to me Check my work and you will see why. Now I only wish to speak to Sam Zell as I forward this email and someof the others to some serious bloggers who do not have any respect for the corporate media whatsoever for justifable reasons. .
It appears to me by his words within the Youtube provided to the world by the Observer that Mr. Zell well understands my frustation with the prima donnas in the corporate media outfits he now controls. If I were he, I would do some more serious weeding in short order. As you can see I for one am doing my best to embarass the Hell out of the Crown Corp the CBC and its cohorts in BellGlobemedia.
Whereas Mr. Zell was educated as a lawyer but practices the fine art of saving businesses heading for the grave I am certain he will understand why I sued three US Treasury Agents and a host of other snobby Americans seven god damned years ago which was long before the ecomony headed south and I have made my own accurate predictions. Press print on the pdf files and a sk yourselves why the US Senate Banking Comitee lost its records of a hearing I inspired five years ago and howcome I still have my records before you dare to call me a liar.
Whereas Mr. Zell has made a deal to print the Wall Street Journal perhaps he should consider reading my words in a couple of its law blogs before any of his idiot associates in the media piss me off any further.
I would not be a bit surprised if Rupert Murdcoh's lawyers made the links above go "Poof" in short order. Rest assured I saved my copies. That said I think Mr. Zell and I could have quite a pow wow someday EH Mr. Sinclair? Do ya think I will have a lot to say about David aufhauser and Eliot Spitzer and many others?
Whereas Mr Zell appears to be a republican from Chicago and a man of common sense he is gonna love what I tell him about Obama and his cohorts. The sad part is his various reporters all around the USA have known the truth of my matters for many years. They have many ghosts to answer to in the New Year or my name ain't "Just Dave"
You will find this email posted in the latest comment within the following blog and several others as well. Try googling you email address before you doubt my sincerity and dilgence in defence of my Clan. If the wiretap tapes I have can impeach Bush then they can also Impeach Obama because that lawyer has had a true copy for nearly five years. In truth I beleive he used my material as alever to become the keynote Speaker in Boston in july of 2004. Ask Teddy Kennedy. I dare ya. Some of the folks whose estates were pilfered with the assistance of bankers and lawyers etc are buried right beside his Mother, Rose. No shit.
Whereas the Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC) checked out some of my words there recently perhaps you should too. after all I am blogging about you EH?
Happy New Year???
Bah Humbug!!!
I wanna see the purportedly Free Press empoy the First Amendment and the Charter and the Justice Systems in two purported profound democracies functioning properly before I seek more joy. I have had more fun than than any ten of my ancestors already. I answer to their ghosts as I defend my seed or they will not allow me to rest in peace. Heres hoping Mr. Zell and I cross paths in short order.
Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos
The New York Observer, LLC 915 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, New York 10010 (212) 755-2400 Toll-free: (800) 542-0420
Nancy Sullivan Executive Director, Communications 213-237-6160 Communications Department Los Angeles Times 202 W. 1st St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
KTLA-TV 5800 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-460-5500
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 16:41:10 -0400 Subject: I am on the phone right now 631-843-2700 To:
If you think that I don't know about big money best you think again. Look at just one of a crownd or worried people who have been checking my work lately.
Mr. Braden I was not surprised that you would not come to the phone just now. We have crossed paths and your law firm and I have crossed swords before CORRECT?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,527 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 198.140.63.# (Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC)) ISP Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC) Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : New York City : Staten Island Lat/Long : 40.5865, -74.1497 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.2) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Dec 30 2008 10:23:45 am Last Page View Dec 30 2008 10:23:45 am
May suggest again that you press print. and show it to a lawyer ASAP after you ask the cop Warren McBeath if i am lair or not and watch hime clam up bigtime(He is now in Ottawa).
The RCMP seemed to be pretty pissed off today after what I did with them in their YOUTUBE There is quite of parade of strange cars going past the farm. It appears that my adveraries are trying hard to pick a fight with me. Rest assured I am up for it.
This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29, 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton .
Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and theUS. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
My Name is Lou LaFleur and I am a Detective with the Fredericton Police Major Crime Unit. I would like to talk to you regarding files that I am investigating and that you are alleged to have involvement in.
Please call me at your earliest convenience and leave a message and a phone number on my secure and confidential line if I am not in my office.
yours truly,
Cpl. Lou LaFleur Fredericton Police Force 311 Queen St. Fredericton, NB 506-460-2332
This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records without saving or forwarding it. Thank you.
I truly do thank your for the email. Methinks that you should have took law as your mom suggested then you would not have made such a major Faux Pas. On CBC last I believe you talked of your great interest in politicking and would not mind a job in the UN or whatever. Thus it follows you know exactly who I am N'esy Pas?
. May I suggest that you quit the BULLSHIT, sprout some balls and call me ASAP (506 756 8687) Before I take you and your snobby friends in Fat Fred City to blogger and Youtube hell with me and make you rather infamous like your local hero Chucky Leblanc?
BTW Your QSLS website is not private and it is overseen by your buddy Danny Boy Fitzgerald. As you kids well know most of the things you dudes lament about we agree on. I have no understanding why you kids attacked me other that to have some malicious fun at my family's expense. Perhaps you nasty little dudes should try to make amends with me. It starts by picking up the god damend phone EH?
Hi David, Thanks for the email. I just wanted to clarify a couple things. I did not mention the website on the air let alone promote it. The gr which I did mention because of a reference that was made in a phone call, was formed as a way for friends to stay in touch (it's meant to be private). Dan, a fellow Frederictonian, enjoys blogging about politics and was asked to create his own site if that's what he was going to do, seeing as we didn't necessarily agree with his views. and that the nature of that site was different. that's the site you're talking about. That's his thing not ours. Anyway, sorry for any confusion. All the best in the New Year, take care, David
On Sat, January 3, 2009 8:22 am, David Amos wrote:
Now guess who is singing these tunes hereto attached.
If I don't hear from Mr. Duccppe right after the New Year it is in
the mail and the circus begins
Obama's lawyer Mr. Craig should be clever enough to understand
that I
can prosecute the capital crime of murder in the USA in a civil
matter in
Canada. If not he should study the Canadain Criminal Code. His boss Obama will have no control over my litigation in Canada as we argue about the malice he practiced for the past four years towards
fellow American citizens in support of George W. Bush . Two of whom
are my
The pdf files that you people have already received from me and some have acknowledged are irrefuttable. However these wav files are Hell
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 14:58:29 -0400 Subject: I will lay odds that Rob Horwood knows T.J. Burke and that you Yankees know of these mobsters EH? To:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 19:10:48 -0400 Subject: Feel free to lick T.J. Burke's nasty little arse and
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 11:38:24 -0300 Subject: We just talked Mr. Hickey and Mr. Mellish shame on both of
Thank you. We have received your e-mail to . We will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.
E-mail sent through the Internet is not secure and should not be used to send us confidential information. To send us an email securely, use our online contact form available at
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After logging in, you'll
be provided view only access to your account details. You will
your Holder Account Number in order to complete your request. Your
Account Number can be located on the front of any statement, proxy, cheque or tax form and is generally 11 characters, starting with the letter "C" (eg. C0000012345).
For the record I wrote this email in a hurry while making many phone calls. I make no apology whatsoever for any honest mistakes in a time
great stress. My Farmer friend Werner Bock and must go out and secure
evidence of more of his cattle dying today while the RCMP laugh at our concerns with the DHS and his persecution.
Whereas all my calls to the RCMP recently are always directed to some noname Commissionaires I just got off the phone with the purported
of the Commissionaires Mr. Driscoll in his National Office to ask him why
concerns concern his people and not the RCMP. As usual he was too busy
talk to me so I called to talk Ms. Clowater one of his underlings in
John once again and she just tried to difer me to someone else as usual.
To say that II am tired of people playing dumb would be an understatement on quite possibly the last day 39th Parliament sits
summer. It appears to me that your first line of defence in your
of public corruption boils down to retired RCMP and military people EH Stockwell Day? If So then So be it. They will receive Hard Copy of my material BEFORE we meet in Federal Court even though my old classmate from High School Bruce Noble and every law society and court
Canada have acknowledged that email and their attachments etc are very legal and very binding evidence. That is why Fat fred city has
web page email just like Mr. Harper's cohorts do N'est Pas Brucy
For the record the dude who calls himself
"freddybeachsleuth" is NOT
me. The fact that he steals my name and thunder like the nasty
bastard in
Edmonton Alberta Dean Roger Ray did over a year ago should be of great concern to the RCMP. Correct?
For the record the Irving media who are reporting the American nonsense byway of cut and paste of the Canadain Press are ignoring the fact that to Office of Inspector General of the Department of Homeland
answered me in November of 2003 with a complaint numbered C04-01448
promised to investigate my concerns long before most Canadians had
heard the name of Arar.
Hell I complained to the DHS the instant Wayne Easter and the Office of Public Complaints Against the RCMP laughed at my concerns on
18th and 19th, 2003. Ask the long gone Liberal Lawyer Landslide Annie.
Now it is over six years later and the Irving media comes out with this BULLSHIT in their local rags?
For the Record I gave the Irving rag called the Gleaner in Fredericton New Brunswick many documents supporting my concerns about my
safety and the lack of integrity of the US Treasury Dept in late
of 2002 after my wife and I met SGT Boucher of the RCMP and left our children in Canada for safe keeping while I took on many
including the FBI while my wife argued many nasty bastards in court.
was long BEFORE the Yankee Department of Homeland Security or the
Department od Public Safety ever came into existence. I began my private investigations into the abuse of my Clans'
and Interests in the fall of 2000 BEFORE George W. Bush was ever
and long before September 11th, 2001 became a very important date in
History. That is a very simple irrefuttable fact affirmed in writng by the US Department of Treasury in February of
over one year BEFORE the Yankees attempted to falsely imprison me in
very questionable prison in Cuba supported by false allegations of a presidential threat made against me by the crooks within Quincy
Court of Massachusetts on April 1st, 2003. These ARE the very same people who ordered my wife and children to be evicted from our home in 2005 without warrants or due process of law
a false claim of the lawyer Angel K. Troccoli about unpaid rent owed to nobody. She is the same lawyer whose false claims that I was stalking
while running for a seat in the 38th Parliament in Canada had me
imprisoned in October of 2004 as soon as I returned to the USA after explaining everything in great detail to the Police Commision of New Brunswick with a lawyer and my American wife witnessing it all.
My concerns are the concerns of the DHS and the Department of Publi cSafety and WE THE PEOPLE of TWO purportedly profound democracies Rest assured we will meet in cout or my name ain't "Just
Office of Inspector General Hotline Information OIG Hotline If you have knowledge of fraud, waste, abuse, or allegations of civil liberties or civil rights abuses, or mismanagement involving
Department of
Homeland Security programs or operations, you can:
DHS OIG Hotline Poster (PDF, 1 page - 1.80 MB) DHS OIG Hotline: 1-800-323-8603 Fax DHS OIG Hotline at: (202) 254-4292 Email us at Or write: Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 Attn: Office of Inspector General, Hotline When making a report convey as much information as possible such as: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Complaints may be made anonymously or you may request confidentiality.
For the record my concerns about rampant cross border public corruption are not anonymous or confidential ask the Sergeant at Arms
the US Senate whose lawyer I argued yesterday. I was suggesting that
uphold his mandate and arrest the President of the USA. Clearly some Yankees took my concerns seriously last night EH Stockwell Day?
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,553 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 68.10.32.# (Cox Communications) ISP Cox Communications Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Virginia City : Roanoke Lat/Long : 37.2744, -79.9576 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinNT Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 800 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jun 5 2008 9:24:03 pm Last Page View Jun 5 2008 9:24:03 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words "david r amos" Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jun 5 2008 8:24:03 pm Visit Number 4,553
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 19:47:02 -0300 Subject: Murder is still a capital crime correct John Foran? What about the wiretap tapes in my saddlebags? To:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: May 16, 2008 11:27 AM Subject: Murder is still a capital crime correct Ben? Perhaps you
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 08:53:37 -0300 Subject: Fwd: FwIt been over a year Chief Colicott and I received no answer from you Murder is still a capital crime correct? To:
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,330 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 139.142.154.# (CALGARY ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL) ISP Bell Canada Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Alberta City : Calgary Lat/Long : 51.0833, -114.0833 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 16 bits Time of Visit May 14 2008 12:07:16 pm Last Page View May 14 2008 12:07:16 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-7:00 Visitor's Time May 14 2008 9:07:16 am Visit Number 4,330
New Brunswick's wild turkey hunt was supposed to start this week, but the season has been postponed until 2021 because of COVID-19. (Collin Binkley/Associated Press)
COVID-19 has put New Brunswick's first-ever wild turkey hunt on hold for a year.
The turkey hunt was supposed to start this week — with opening day Monday. But the two week season ended up being pushed back until May 2021.
"As a result of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the mandatory State of Emergency Order, it will not be possible to introduce a wild turkey hunt in 2020," said Natural Resources spokesperson Kelly Cormier in an emailed statement to CBC News on Wednesday.
"Once government operations return to normal, work will continue to make the necessary regulation changes for a wild turkey season to occur in the future."
Natural Resources Minister Mike Holland, who is a previous vice-president of the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation, has been pushing for a turkey hunt in New Brunswick since he was appointed in 2018.
"I've been talking about that since shortly after taking office that I was committed to seeing a management strategy implemented for wild turkeys in 2020," Holland told CBC News in March. "Of course, the spring is the ideal time to be able to implement that."
A new sport in New Brunswick
Terry Smith, president of the Canadian Wild Turkey Federation, said the season's postponement is disappointing but the federation is already gearing up for next year.
"It was going to be very popular. A lot of interest," Smith said. "… It was going to be a new hunt. A new sport."
Smith said there could be up to 5,000 wild turkeys in the province. He has also seen an increase in wild turkey sightings in the last two months in the Chipman, Sussex, Edmundston, St. Stephen and Woodstock areas.
Natural Resources Minister Mike Holland has been pushing for a wild turkey hunt in the province since he was appointed in 2018. (Kirk Pennell/CBC)
"Our population is going to grow again next year."
Meanwhile, residents can apply for the province's moose draw starting on May 19 until June 12. The moose hunt takes place for five days in September.
A jump in turkey sightings
The hunt has been sought by provincial hunters since sightings of the birds increased in recent years.
At the same time, there have been concerns the bird numbers have been artificially raised by the introduction of domestic turkeys to the wild. These turkeys can't survive in winter climates.
New Brunswick's wild turkey hunt is expected to be a two week season every spring. (Joe MacDonald/CBC)
Last November, the New Brunswick Bird Records Committee voted to add wild turkeys to the province's official bird list, which meant the province now had an established population.
But the committee only did so for counties bordering Maine.
"The wild turkey is now a non-native resident, with a self-sustaining population, in the western counties of New Brunswick bordering Maine," said the committee in the minutes of their November meeting.
"The status of isolated populations of wild turkey outside those counties remains unclear."
400 turkey tags up for grabs
At least 400 turkey tags are going to be up for grabs in a lottery. And any New Brunswick resident will be able to apply for the draw, even those who don't live in zones that allow turkey hunting. For the first season at least, there will be no non-resident permits.
Anyone receiving a tag will also need to complete a training course on turkey hunting.
The wild turkey hunt would've taken place in five wildlife management zones of the province. This would've included the Minto and Chipman areas, both in Queens County, which doesn't border Maine.
Turkeys likely raised in captivity are showing up in various backyards and some suspect it is no accident. 0:59
There are up to 80,000 wild turkeys in the state of Maine.
David Amos Methinks Minister Mikey don't seem so Happy Happy Happy today Just wait until he finally does his other job and finally pays attention to the latest info about the Strawman Report created by the EUB for the benefit of their buddies and his minions in NB Power N'esy Pas?
SarahRose Werner
I bet the turkeys are relieved!
David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks their Yankee buddies are too I would lay odds that a lot are sneaking across the border right now N'esy Pas?
New Brunswick may let in out-of-province cottage owners by midsummer
Premier Blaine Higgs says he's open 'to making changes in the coming months' if Quebec situation improves
Julia Page· CBC News· Posted: May 14, 2020 3:32 PM ET
Compliance officers check vehicles at the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick border near Amherst on Sunday, April 5, 2020. Provincial staff stop and question anyone entering the province as part of the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs says Quebecers and residents of other provinces who own property in his province may eventually be allowed to travel there this summer — depending on public health conditions in the coming weeks.
Higgs imposed strict travel restrictions in March to limit movement within New Brunswick in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Since the start of the pandemic, there have only been 120 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick and not a single death — making it one of only two provinces in Canada, along with Prince Edward Island, that hasn't lost any citizens to the virus.
By comparison, Quebec now has 40,724 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and 3,351 Quebecers have died.
In an interview on CBC's Quebec AM, Higgs said because New Brunswick hasn't had the same exposure to the coronavirus as Quebec has, it is still not ready to let in Quebec residents.
As the province does a phased reopening of its economy, however, Higgs said, he isn't ruling out the possibility of allowing in out-of-province travellers later in the summer.
"I don't want to put a timeline limit on it at this stage," Higgs said. "It just depends how things go over the coming weeks."
Higgs said property owners, who after all are taxpayers in New Brunswick, have contacted him, some arguing that they're prepared to self-isolate if they're allowed in. But it's still too soon to allow that to happen, he said.
He said some people in New Brunswick are not even comfortable with the idea of people moving around within the province.
"We initially had people that didn't want other New Brunswickers to travel into their community because they were concerned about, you know, having an outbreak," he said.
Higgs said before opening the borders, he needs to evaluate how the province's own reopening process plays out and how the number of cases fluctuate in other provinces in the coming weeks. He's hoping public health officials have enough information to make that call by "some time in July."
"I don't want to write off the summer for our friends and neighbours."
There are two active cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick. (CBC News)
Travel corridor to Magdalen Islands
Higgs said he is also open to the idea of negotiating the opening of a travel corridor to allow Quebecers to get to the Magdalen Islands.
Right now, islanders are able to drive through New Brunswick to get to P.E.I. and then take the ferry to the archipelago, but they are asked not to stop along the way.
The Parti Québécois MP for the archipelago, Joël Arseneau, sent a letter to Premier François Legault on Wednesday asking that the government come to an agreement with its neighbour to make sure that right-of-way is maintained.
He said there could be designated rest areas where people could stop to get gas and food.
The Magdalen Islands rely heavily on two economic pillars — fisheries and tourism, said the PQ MNA for the region, Joël Arseneau. (Marika Wheeler/CBC)
"We're in a unprecedented crisis, and I think we've got to work out solutions," said Arseneau. On average, 80,000 people visit the archipelago every year, said Arseneau, and 80 per cent of them drive through New Brunswick to take a ferry from Souris, P.E.I.
He suggested the CTMA Vacancier, the vessel that normally offers cruises from Montreal to the Magdalen Islands, could be used as an additional ferry service from the Gaspé.
As Quebec gradually reopens some of its tourism activities, Arseneau said, it's important that the Magdalen Islands don't miss out on that economic revival.
With $90 million in tourism revenues and 1,500 jobs on the line, Arseneau said, not having road access through the Maritimes would mean "being $90 million in the hole, and we just don't know how we're going to survive the next year."
Quebec AM
NB Premier not opening border to Quebecers just yet.
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs explains why he is not ready to open the border to Quebecers at this stage in the pandemic. 13:44
With files from Quebec AM, Breakaway and Jacques Poitras
56 Comments Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos Methinks many double property tax payers will come and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al and many Feds should understand why I just called Joël Arseneau the member for Îles-de-la-Madeleine N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al should not deny the fact that I contacted Premier François Legault and Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier again today by phone and email N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson Reply to @David Amos: when did they deny that? Honestly who cares who you contact?? No one, it’s clear you are person with authority issues, maybe even a conspiracy theorist.
David Amos Reply to @Rick Grayson: Say Hey to your hero Higgy for me will ya?
Billy Joe Mcallister Reply to @David Amos: Oh no! David Amos, you're not one of them there conspiracy theorists are you? Because all of us smart, edumacated people what watch CNN and Fox news all the time, we know there's is no such thing as conspiracies....
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks you jest just enough N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks if you do not believe what politicians and their media buddies tell you then you definitely should not buy their BS N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks many folks must wonder why other people don't use their real names For instance I doubt that you are the fella Bobby Gentry sung about many moons ago nor is Mr Grayson Batman's buddy N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks even though your hero Higgy and his minions detest me so much that they won't give me back my old Harley or even my Medicare Card at least we are real people with real names N'esy Pas?
Joe Carrey Content disabled What a stupid idea. Quebecers are selfish by nature. They've been raised to think they're better than everyone else. They have proven that they refuse to follow rules and bring hatred and bigotry wherever they go. They will bring disease to our province and kill our people. Keep them out.
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @Joe Carrey: Oh My My Methinks the last time I checked Quebeckers were still Canadians who are entitled to the same rights as you and I whether you like them or not N'esy Pas?
Peter Ray I certain;ly hope that tax payers pf New Brunswick are happy and accepting of the fact that thier taxes are about to go up.
After all, if property owners are forbidden by the gov't to go to their proeprties on which they are PAYING taxes, a rebate for the restriction period must be given.
As well, if there are damages due to the forced abandonment - covered by insurance or not - all direct and indirect costs must be reimbursed as well.
And since teenagers will be forced to quarantine over the summer - yeah, sure - idle hands might be doing the devil's work. And what better places to trash or party in, heck even just loot, than house 'abandoned' by gov't edict.
The bills will add up. It will be cheaper to stand by the results of a draconian and unnecessary lock-down than to go to court.
Disclaimer: I/we live rural (now) in what is considered 'cottage country'. I/we welcome our seasonal friends and neighbours and we WILL support any lawsuits against the gov't for the above.
After all, it's only fair and just. And hey, it's only money from the gov't. And we all know that all the gov't has to do is push a button and the money is right there..
Bob Smith
Reply to @Peter Ray: I don't live in cottage country and will support any government who fights lawsuits or the threats of them. I prefer my life and safety over the needs of a non resident whining that their cottage in a virtually virus free province should be available to flee a province struggling to contain the pandemic. If you feel so strongly to welcome them, go to Ontario/Quebec and greet your seasonal neighbours in person.
Albert Wade POOF
Ron Jones
Reply to @Peter Ray: I have no problem with what you say at all however that pendulum must swing both ways, if one of these residents of Quebec or Ontario or even Maine where the virus is still very active and they bring the virus in with them then they must be liable for all associated costs, Hospital, Lost Wages, Lost business, civil litigation for wrongful death if they cause someone to be infected that dies. I would suggest they boost their personal liability insurance by a few 10's of millions of dollars before they come.
Bob Smith
Reply to @Albert Wade: Fiasco? We have had ZERO deaths here and a low number of infections. There are few provinces or states in North America that have done better. I'm in no mood whatsoever to watch entitled cottage owners roll into this province from areas that have yet to get things under control. If they can't wait until late June/July, let em sue...the health of this province's residents takes priority over any impatience.
Norman Albert Snr:
Reply to @Peter Ray: Not an option. If you have valid reason for being here fine. If you are just looking to vac and hide from virus do it elsewhere. We don't need no stinking vacationers here at this point. Clean and least for now.
Bob Sacamanau
Reply to @Ron Jones: Hospital?? Did I fall asleep and wake up to NB becoming an independent nation ? Last time I checked , Universal health Care was for all Canadians, from coast to coast to coast. Your province is an economic basket case that has to rely on $$$ from other regions. You should be begging for people to come in and pay taxes
Michael Hatfield:
Reply to @Norman Albert Snr: agreed !!!! And an extended restriction will keep the Speedos off the beaches too.....
Lou Bell
Reply to @Peter Ray: You can pay my share also ! And that of the rest of my family ! Insurance covers damages done to properties and if people don't want to pay for Insuring their properties , TOUGH LUCK !! Although it appears you're willing to pay it for them. Good luck and I'm sure they'll appreciate it ! Tell them I said Thanks !!!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Ron Jones: Peter will pay for the liability !
Lou Bell
Reply to @Bob Sacamanau: And where is your province ? Tell us how great they're doing ! And , by the way , each province makes their own decisions and we don't need other provinces " basket cases " at this time , not mentioning any names !!!!!!!!!
sandy mechefske
Reply to @Albert Wade: but isn’t that always how it works? This province is in decay and getting worse, but the sheeple buy into the hysteria and happily collect OUR money, while keeping the rest of the world out. The thing is, we’re all going to die, but it most likely will be from cancer, heart disease, accident, the flu, suicide or diabetes and not from this insignificant virus. But the mass hysteria surrounding this virus has brainwashed the easily led. I am more concerned about the authoritarian paternalism- the dictatorship which is forcing adults to follow the powers that be, so- called science. I find it disconcerting when the government states that they know what’s best for me- when they decide what they think is essential, and when some lives are more valuable than others. It’s scary.
sandy mechefske
Reply to @Bob Smith:so85% of all deaths from COVID-19 in Canada are in long term care facilities- why is the 15% that, isn’t being held hostage? Makes no sense for anyone. Are the lives of isolated loved ones, not as valued? Are the small businesses closing or people losing their jobs and homes not important? Seriously? Life comes with risk. Should we not drive because we might get in an accident? Not fly because we may die in a plane crash? Live. We should ALL be able to live a quality life of our choosing, not what the government dictates. We may get COVID-19, heck we may get skin cancer, but chances are we’re not going to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19. I don’t get why the only people being cared about are the Covid people. What about the rest of us? The majority.
David Amos
Reply to @Peter Ray: Well put
DJ Redfern Reply to @sandy mechefske: Here is a novel concept, all fo
Bob Smith Reply to @sandy mechefske: You're equating a pandemic with no vaccine to a car accident. You're putting business profits above all lives. Would it take bodies being left in front of hospitals like in Ecuador to make you take it seriously? Would a crematorium breaking down from being overwhelmed by the amount of deaths as happened in New York change your mind? Nahh, you probably just want your hair cut.
David Amos
Reply to @Bob Smith: Trust that I don't want a haircut
Pat Yeo I understand the points made by Peter Ray and am thinking about them. I live in Alberta but was born and brought up in New Brunswick. In the late 50's my father built a very small cottage that we moved to every summer from town. We struggle to keep it up as we do pay taxes and since we live out of New brunswick we pay double taxes which are quite high. As a born and bred New Brunswicker, not living in Quebec, I would like to have the opportunity to come back home to enjoy as much of the summer as the possible.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Pat Yeo: Methinks you should write an email to Higgy mentioning your comment and my replies today N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Pat Yeo: Perhaps we should talk sometime soon
David Amos Reply to @Pat Yeo: I just called and left you a voicemail
Jim Cyr God, I wish we had Higgs leading us here in Maine (instead of Democrat Janet Mills). Today our governor caved in to the hotel industry and opened up all tourism starting June 1. Out of staters are “supposed” to quarantine for two weeks before coming, but Mills admitted it will be on the honor system. Many will just come, without quarantining, from virus hotspots Massachusetts and New York. Hotel workers will have to expose themselves to the virus or be fired. Those workers will transmit the virus to arriving guests. So much for a staycation in Maine this summer (one of the few bright spots for us to look forward to lately). By the way, Mills has refused to close Maine’s border at all (the way Higgs closed NB). She said it wouldn’t be nice. SMH.
Bob Smith
Reply to @Jim Cyr: "It wouldn't be nice." Really? Wow...that's a scary tone to take during these times.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Jim Cyr: I'd be more fearful of Susan Collins , the Trump backer !
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Lou Bell: Of course you would, Lou. Of course you would.
Marc LeBlanc
Reply to @Jim Cyr: I'll never forget the picture from a Trump rally where two fellows had "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" t-shirts George Washington said "the strength of our nation will always hinge on two principals.The unity of our people and the trust of our friends" How's Trumpet mouth working out for ya?
Jim Cyr
Reply to @Marc LeBlanc: I mentioned Higgs and Janet Mills; why are you talking about Donald Trump? Is that some sort of mental tic or twitch that you just can't help???
David Amos
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Say Hey to Trump et al for me will ya?
Dan Stewart Reply to @Jim Cyr: My, she is sounding just like a Trump puppet... Whats a good Republican to think!
David Amos Reply to @Dan Stewart: Surely you jest Methinks many fake left folks would agree that there is no such thing a a good republican N'esy Pas?
Christine Carrier When will newbrunswickers hear something about the money received for essential workers. When will Blaine Higgs announce his plans? I'm sure I'm not the only essential worker wondering
Lou Bell
Reply to @Christine Carrier: Most likely when the Feds cough it up !
David Amos
Reply to @Christine Carrier: Mais Oui
Lou Bell Quebecer ? Quebecers ? The last thing we need in NB is Quebecers ! Look at what they brought back to their Seniors from Florida and Louisianna ! They can keep their COVID !
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks once you are done whining and crying again you really should say Hey to your hero Higgy for me N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: BINGO
David Amos Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you must have finally taken a nap or higgy has your tongue N'esy Pas?
Chantal LeBouthi I know they are frustrated but I don’t think losing one summer to protect poeples is the end of the world
David Amos
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Methinks Quebeckers should at least be allowed to go to their summer places in Quebec without interference from Higgy's minions within his Police State N'esy Pas?
Jake Quinlan Give all or a good chunk of their tax back, keep them out for now. I saw on CTV question period last week that Quebec residents were being allowed to their cottage country but Ontario residents were not allowed to same area. Not sure if things have changed.
David Amos
Reply to @Jake Quinlan: Methinks folks should ask themselves who represents Quebec and Canada and lives in Ontario N'esy Pas?
Jeff LeBlanc Oh great. Middle aged men wearing Speedos on our beaches. Quebec if you can read this...please invest in some board shorts Nobody wants to see that.
David Amos
Reply to @Jeff LeBlanc: Methinks you don't speak for all the French ladies N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @David Amos: Methinks nobody wants speak for the wannabe Madame DesChamps and the SANB anymore N'esy Pas?
james smith A little too late...!
David Amos
Reply to @james smith: Methinks thats the way of the world N'esy Pas?
Kim Morris I live in Ottawa and we still can't go to our cottages in Quebec because the police are blocking the bridges, but they can travel from Montreal to the Gatineau hills, double standard. They travel daily from Quebec to Ontario with out any problems, they believe they have that right, but Ontarions don't have the same righ to visit. Double standard as always.
David Amos
Reply to @Kim Morris: Methinks you should bring that up with our Prime Minister. He lives and votes in your town during a provincial election but represents a Quebec riding which is another double standard that should not have escaped Doug Ford's notice N'esy Pas?
Mark Walen Cooper Reply to @Kim Morris: Ah, the lust for payback never stops. Psst Legault directive to not travel outside one's region still exists even if roadblocks came down. Ps for Ottawa, could it be that it's because there are 1,725 Covid cases in Ottawa and 367 in Outaouais, that's about 500% more and 2,300% more deaths than in Gatineau yes 23 times more. You believe you have a right to spread the contagion, just to level the playing field. I'm not in Gatineau but in Montreal and no one is dreaming of visiting the Gatineau Hills. We have stuff you know, parks, trails, etc.
Third Opposition Group Critic for Fisheries and Marine Aquaculture
Third Opposition Group Critic for International Relations and La Francophonie
Third Opposition Group Critic for Health
Third Opposition Group Critic for Maritime Strategy
Third Opposition Group Critic for Transport
Hôtel du Parlement 1045, rue des Parlementaires 3 ième étage, Bureau 3.111 Québec (Quebec) G1A 1A4 Telephone: 418-644-1454
Electoral division
625, Chemin Principal Cap-aux-Meules (Quebec) G4T 1G3 Telephone: 418-986-4140 Fax: 418-986-2577 Other Number 418 937 3837
House of Commons * Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0A6 Telephone: 613-992-6188 Fax: 613-992-6194
Constituency Offices
Main office - Grande-Rivière 153 La Grande Allée East Suite 104 Grande-Rivière, Quebec G0C 1V0
Telephone: 418-385-4264 Fax: 418-385-4276
Ste-Anne-Des-Monts 464 Ste-Anne Blvd West Suite 27 Ste-Anne-Des-Monts, Quebec G4V 1T5
Telephone: 418-764-2890 Fax: 418-763-0067
Cap-aux-Meules 350 Principal Road Suite 101 Cap-aux-Meules, Quebec G4T 1C9
Telephone: 418-986-1489 Fax: 418-986-2096
New Richmond 99 Suzanne-Guité Place Room 211 New Richmond, Quebec G0C 2B0
Telephone: 581-355-0060
---------- Original message ---------- From: Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:06:34 +0000 Subject: Réponse automatique : Methinks many double property tax payers will come back to NB and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas? To:
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Diane Lebouthillier, députée de Gaspésie-Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Votre courriel sera lu avec soin et recevra toute l'attention voulue.
Si votre courriel porte sur une demande ou un commentaire concernant l'Agence du Revenu du Canada (ARC), sachez que votre correspondance a été acheminée au cabinet de la ministre du Revenu national. Toute l'attention nécessaire y sera accordée et le suivi approprié sera effectué par son cabinet dans les meilleurs délais.
Si votre courriel porte sur une demande de rencontre ou une invitation à une activité particulière, nous tenons à vous assurer que votre demande a été notée et transmise à notre adjointe à l'agenda.
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, member of parliament for Gaspésie-Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Your email will be read with care and will receive every consideration.
If your email is about a concern or a comment related to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), please note that your correspondence has been forwarded to the Office of the Minister of National Revenue. Your email is receiving necessary consideration and the appropriate follow-up will be made by the Minister's Office as soon as possible.
If your email relates to a meeting request or an invitation to a specific event, please be assured that your request has been noted and sent to our scheduling assistant.
---------- Original message ---------- From: "Moore, Rob - M.P."<> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:06:37 +0000 Subject: Thank you for your email To: David Amos <>
On behalf of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. thank you for your email. Our office appreciates the time you took to get in touch with our office. Due to the high volume of email correspondence our office receives, below is a guide on how your email will be responded to:
Constituent of Fundy Royal:
The constituents of Fundy Royal are our office’s priority. Please ensure to include your full contact details on your email and the appropriate staff will be able to action your request. We strive to ensure all constituent correspondence is responded to in a timely manner.
If your query is case related (i.e. immigration, CPP, EI, CRA, etc.), consent forms will need to be filled out before your file can be activated. If you have not yet filled out our office’s consent form, a staff member will be in contact with you.
If your question or concern is time sensitive, please call our office: 506-832-4200.
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If you have sent meeting request or an event invitation, we sincerely appreciate the kind request and we will check his availability to see if his schedule can accommodate.
Invitations for Fundy Royal are managed in the riding office and Ottawa based events and meetings are managed from the Parliamentary office. The appropriate staff will follow up on your request.
Non-Constituent Enquiries:
If you are not a Fundy Royal resident, given the high volume of emails we receive, your email will be reviewed and filed as INFORMATION. If the email is Critic portfolio in nature, it will be responded to as necessary.
Again, we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to contact the office of the Honourable Rob Moore.
---------- Original message ---------- From: Gail Dugas <> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 11:06:36 -0700 Subject: Changes at Tax Fairness. Re: Methinks many double property tax payers will come back to NB and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas? To:
After five great years, I am no longer working at C4TF.
---------- Original message ---------- From: Office of the Premier <> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:06:33 +0000 Subject: Thank you for your email To: David Amos <>
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---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:06:34 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks many double property tax payers will come back to NB and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
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---------- Original message ---------- From: Newsroom <> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:06:34 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks many double property tax payers will come back to NB and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
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---------- Original message ---------- From: Elena Churikova <> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:06:48 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks many double property tax payers will come back to NB and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
Hello, Thank you for your email. I am on leave until May 18 with a limited access to emails. If your matter is urgent, please contact Reinny Miranda, Executive Assitant, Governance at With kind regards, Elena
Elena Churikova Senior Manager, Governance International Federation of Accountants 529 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10017 USA
---------- Original message ---------- From: Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:06:34 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks many double property tax payers will come back to NB and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas? To:
Thank you for contacting me. This automated response is to assure you that your message has been received. I welcome comments and questions from constituents.
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Elizabeth May, O.C. Member of Parliament Saanich - Gulf Islands Parliamentary Leader of the Green Party of Canada
---------- Original message ---------- From: Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:06:34 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks many double property tax payers will come back to NB and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas? To:
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Office of Andy Fillmore Member of Parliament for Halifax
---------- Original message ---------- From: "Jensen, Jan"<> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:06:34 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks many double property tax payers will come back to NB and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
I will be out of office May 15 and 18, 2020. If you require immediate assistance, please contact my assistant at (902) 407 7461 or at
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others Methinks Trudeau and Higgy et al should not deny the fact that I contacted Premier François Legault and the members for Îles-de-la-Madelein Diane Lebouthillier and Joël Arseneau N'esy Pas?
New Brunswick may let in out-of-province cottage owners by midsummer Premier Blaine Higgs says he's open 'to making changes in the coming months' if Quebec situation improves
Julia Page · CBC News · Posted: May 14, 2020 3:32 PM ET
David Amos Methinks many double property tax payers will come and not be turned back by his minions long before Higgy has his first mid summer night's dream N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al and many Feds should understand why I just called Joël Arseneau the member for Îles-de-la-Madeleine N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al should not deny the fact that I contacted Premier François Legault and Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier again today by phone and email N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson Reply to @David Amos: when did they deny that? Honestly who cares who you contact?? No one, it’s clear you are person with authority issues, maybe even a conspiracy theorist.
David Amos Reply to @Rick Grayson: Say Hey to your hero Higgy for me will ya?
Joe Carrey Content disabled What a stupid idea. Quebecers are selfish by nature. They've been raised to think they're better than everyone else. They have proven that they refuse to follow rules and bring hatred and bigotry wherever they go. They will bring disease to our province and kill our people. Keep them out.
David Amos Content disabled Reply to @Joe Carrey: Oh My My Methinks the last time I checked Quebeckers were still Canadians who are entitled to the same rights as you and I whether you like them or not N'esy Pas?
Peter Ray I certain;ly hope that tax payers pf New Brunswick are happy and accepting of the fact that thier taxes are about to go up.
After all, if property owners are forbidden by the gov't to go to their proeprties on which they are PAYING taxes, a rebate for the restriction period must be given.
As well, if there are damages due to the forced abandonment - covered by insurance or not - all direct and indirect costs must be reimbursed as well.
And since teenagers will be forced to quarantine over the summer - yeah, sure - idle hands might be doing the devil's work. And what better places to trash or party in, heck even just loot, than house 'abandoned' by gov't edict.
The bills will add up. It will be cheaper to stand by the results of a draconian and unnecessary lock-down than to go to court.
Disclaimer: I/we live rural (now) in what is considered 'cottage country'. I/we welcome our seasonal friends and neighbours and we WILL support any lawsuits against the gov't for the above.
After all, it's only fair and just. And hey, it's only money from the gov't. And we all know that all the gov't has to do is push a button and the money is right there..
Bob Smith Reply to @Peter Ray: I don't live in cottage country and will support any government who fights lawsuits or the threats of them. I prefer my life and safety over the needs of a non resident whining that their cottage in a virtually virus free province should be available to flee a province struggling to contain the pandemic. If you feel so strongly to welcome them, go to Ontario/Quebec and greet your seasonal neighbours in person.
Albert Wade POOF
Ron Jones Reply to @Peter Ray: I have no problem with what you say at all however that pendulum must swing both ways, if one of these residents of Quebec or Ontario or even Maine where the virus is still very active and they bring the virus in with them then they must be liable for all associated costs, Hospital, Lost Wages, Lost business, civil litigation for wrongful death if they cause someone to be infected that dies. I would suggest they boost their personal liability insurance by a few 10's of millions of dollars before they come.
Bob Smith Reply to @Albert Wade: Fiasco? We have had ZERO deaths here and a low number of infections. There are few provinces or states in North America that have done better. I'm in no mood whatsoever to watch entitled cottage owners roll into this province from areas that have yet to get things under control. If they can't wait until late June/July, let em sue...the health of this province's residents takes priority over any impatience.
Norman Albert Snr: Reply to @Peter Ray: Not an option. If you have valid reason for being here fine. If you are just looking to vac and hide from virus do it elsewhere. We don't need no stinking vacationers here at this point. Clean and least for now.
Bob Sacamanau Reply to @Ron Jones: Hospital?? Did I fall asleep and wake up to NB becoming an independent nation ? Last time I checked , Universal health Care was for all Canadians, from coast to coast to coast. Your province is an economic basket case that has to rely on $$$ from other regions. You should be begging for people to come in and pay taxes
Michael Hatfield: Reply to @Norman Albert Snr: agreed !!!! And an extended restriction will keep the Speedos off the beaches too.....
Lou Bell Reply to @Peter Ray: You can pay my share also ! And that of the rest of my family ! Insurance covers damages done to properties and if people don't want to pay for Insuring their properties , TOUGH LUCK !! Although it appears you're willing to pay it for them. Good luck and I'm sure they'll appreciate it ! Tell them I said Thanks !!!
Lou Bell Reply to @Ron Jones: Peter will pay for the liability !
Lou Bell Reply to @Bob Sacamanau: And where is your province ? Tell us how great they're doing ! And , by the way , each province makes their own decisions and we don't need other provinces " basket cases " at this time , not mentioning any names !!!!!!!!!
sandy mechefske Reply to @Albert Wade: but isn’t that always how it works? This province is in decay and getting worse, but the sheeple buy into the hysteria and happily collect OUR money, while keeping the rest of the world out. The thing is, we’re all going to die, but it most likely will be from cancer, heart disease, accident, the flu, suicide or diabetes and not from this insignificant virus. But the mass hysteria surrounding this virus has brainwashed the easily led. I am more concerned about the authoritarian paternalism- the dictatorship which is forcing adults to follow the powers that be, so- called science. I find it disconcerting when the government states that they know what’s best for me- when they decide what they think is essential, and when some lives are more valuable than others. It’s scary.
sandy mechefske Reply to @Bob Smith:so85% of all deaths from COVID-19 in Canada are in long term care facilities- why is the 15% that, isn’t being held hostage? Makes no sense for anyone. Are the lives of isolated loved ones, not as valued? Are the small businesses closing or people losing their jobs and homes not important? Seriously? Life comes with risk. Should we not drive because we might get in an accident? Not fly because we may die in a plane crash? Live. We should ALL be able to live a quality life of our choosing, not what the government dictates. We may get COVID-19, heck we may get skin cancer, but chances are we’re not going to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19. I don’t get why the only people being cared about are the Covid people. What about the rest of us? The majority.
David Amos Reply to @Peter Ray: Well put
DJ Redfern Reply to @sandy mechefske: Here is a novel concept, all fo
Bob Smith Reply to @sandy mechefske: You're equating a pandemic with no vaccine to a car accident. You're putting business profits above all lives. Would it take bodies being left in front of hospitals like in Ecuador to make you take it seriously? Would a crematorium breaking down from being overwhelmed by the amount of deaths as happened in New York change your mind? Nahh, you probably just want your hair cut.
David Amos Reply to @Bob Smith: Trust that I don't want a haircut
Pat Yeo I understand the points made by Peter Ray and am thinking about them. I live in Alberta but was born and brought up in New Brunswick. In the late 50's my father built a very small cottage that we moved to every summer from town. We struggle to keep it up as we do pay taxes and since we live out of New brunswick we pay double taxes which are quite high. As a born and bred New Brunswicker, not living in Quebec, I would like to have the opportunity to come back home to enjoy as much of the summer as the possible.
David Amos Content disabled Reply to @Pat Yeo: Methinks you should write an email to Higgy mentioning your comment and my replies today N'esy Pas?
David Amos Reply to @Pat Yeo: Perhaps we should talk sometime soon
CRA signs secret settlement with wealthy KPMG clients involved in offshore tax scheme
---------- Original message ---------- From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <> Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2019 17:35:08 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: KPMG To: David Amos <>
Thank you for writing to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Due to the volume of correspondence addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be carefully reviewed.
We do not respond to correspondence that contains offensive language.
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable David Lametti, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada.
En raison du volume de correspondance adressée au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.
Nous ne répondons pas à la correspondance contenant un langage offensant.
TJ Madigan 587-475-3816 Joanne De Waal 306-517-0515 Randy Westerman 780-495-4771
Pacific (British Columbia and Yukon) contacts
Gurm Kundan 604-666-0457 Cheryl Yeung 604-666-9261 Heidi Hofstad 604-666-9389
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Min.Mail / Courrier.Min (CRA/ARC)"<> Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2019 18:43:30 +0000 Subject: KPMG To:
Dear Taxpayer:
Thank you for your correspondence regarding the KPMG case, which attracted media attention. Thank you also for your understanding regarding the delay of this response.
As Minister of National Revenue, my goal is to make sure the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) offers services that are fair, helpful, and easy to use. This continues to be my priority and my focus as I devote my efforts to delivering tangible results to taxpayers.
Although I cannot comment on a specific case, I can give you the following general information. Settlements are concluded independently from the Minister of National Revenue and the Minister's Office to ensure the integrity of the tax system. They involve an independent process within the CRA, in collaboration with the Department of Justice.
In tax disputes, there is limited flexibility on settlement amounts because CRA tax disputes are subject to the legal principles set out in the Income Tax Act. The CRA is bound by the principles of tax law and the rules arising from Canadian tax legislation. For example, when a tax dispute involves an amount of $50,000, the taxpayer and the CRA can agree on a lesser amount only if the determination of this amount is based in law.
Settlements can also resolve tax issues that are not before the Court. These settlements are carried out through an agreement called "minutes of settlement," which is signed by a CRA official and the taxpayer. Because this agreement is not public, taxpayers may see the use of settlements as a lack of transparency. This is why I have asked the CRA to review its procedures to find ways it can ensure greater transparency regarding why it enters into settlements. Taxpayers expect the tax system to be fair and equitable, and the CRA works continuously to make sure that it is.
The CRA remains committed to combatting tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance. Individuals who participate in illegal tax strategies must face the consequences of their actions, and taxpayers expect nothing less.
I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns and trust the information I have provided is helpful.
The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier Minister of National Revenue
---------- Original message ---------- From: Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 18:31:53 +0000 Subject: Réponse automatique : Methinks that CBC can never deny that it loves to ignore abusive tax schemes for years N'esy Pas Sylvie Gadoury, Diane Lebouthillier, Dominic Cardy and Chucky Leblanc? To:
Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Diane Lebouthillier, députée deGaspésie-Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Votre courriel sera lu avec soin et recevra toute l'attention voulue.Si votre courriel porte sur une demande ou un commentaire concernant l'Agence du Revenu du Canada (ARC), sachez que votre correspondance a été acheminée au cabinet de la ministre du Revenu national. Toute l'attention nécessaire y sera accordée et le suivi approprié sera effectué par son cabinet dans les meilleurs délais.
Si votre courriel porte sur une demande de rencontre ou une invitation à une activité particulière, nous tenons à vous assurer que votre demande a été notée et transmise à notre adjointe à l'agenda.
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, member of parliament for Gaspésie-Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Your email will be read with care and will receive every consideration.
If your email is about a concern or a comment related to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), please note that your correspondence has been forwarded to the Office of the Minister of National Revenue. Your email is receiving necessary consideration and the appropriate follow-up will be made by the Minister's Office as soon as possible.
If your email relates to a meeting request or an invitation to a specific event, please be assured that your request has been noted and sent to our scheduling assistant.
---------- Original message ---------- From: "Office, Press"<> Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 18:31:41 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks that CBC can never deny that it loves to ignore abusive tax schemes for years N'esy Pas Sylvie Gadoury, Diane Lebouthillier, Dominic Cardy and Chucky Leblanc? To: David Amos <>The Press Office mailbox is monitored between 08:30-17:30 Monday-Friday.
Emails received outside of these hours will not be responded to until the next working day.
If your message is urgent, please ring 020 3461 4411 and you will be connected to the duty Press Officer.
---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <> Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 18:31:34 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks that CBC can never deny that it loves to ignore abusive tax schemes for years N'esy Pas Sylvie Gadoury, Diane Lebouthillier, Dominic Cardy and Chucky Leblanc? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days.
Thanks again for your email. ______
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
CRA signs secret settlement with wealthy KPMG clients involved in offshore tax scheme Watchdog group accuses the Liberals of covering up the KPMG affair Harvey Cashore · CBC News · Posted: May 30, 2019 12:26 PM ET
Troy Bodi For the rest of us they'll hound you for months for that $16 you owe them.
David Amos Reply to @Troy Bodi: Methinks the CRA and Harvey Cashore should review their emails N'esy Pas?
On 6/25/18, David Amos <> wrote: > Trust that you people will find this email posted right here ASAP EH? > > > > Monday, 25 June 2018 > > Canada Revenue Agency falling behind as uncollected taxes owed rise to > $44 billion > > > > ---------- Original message ---------- > From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" > <> > Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 20:48:25 +0000 > Subject: RE: Your various correspondence about abusive tax schemes - > 2017-02631 > To: David Amos <> > > The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic > correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your > comments. > > Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance > électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos > commentaires. > > > > ---------- Original message ---------- > From: Green Party of Canada | Parti vert du Canada <> > Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 20:48:45 +0000 > Subject: Re: Fwd: Your various correspondence about abusive tax > schemes - 2017-02631 > To: David Amos <> > > -- Please reply above this line -- > > > (Français à suivre) > > Thank you for contacting the Green Party of Canada. Due to the high > volume of email we receive, we cannot guarantee that all inquiries > will be answered. With our small team, we do our best to respond as > staffing and resources permit. > > In the meantime, you might find the answer you're looking for in > Vision Green [1], which lays out our plan to move Canada forward. > > > ---------- Original message ---------- > From: David Amos <> > Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 16:48:20 -0400 > Subject: Fwd: Your various correspondence about abusive tax schemes - > 2017-02631 > To:, "Diane.Lebouthillier" > <>,, > "andrew.scheer"<>, leader > <>, lisa <> > Cc: David Amos <>, "Bill.Morneau" > <>, "bill.pentney"<>, > "jan.jensen"<> > > > ---------- Original message ---------- > From: > Date: Fri, 26 May 2017 22:23:12 +0000 > Subject: Réponse automatique : YO Jean-Yves Duclos Re My Old Age > pension etc Well May 24th came and went and I just called you (819 654 > 5546) and your Deputy Ms Levonian (819 9535603) about my right to to > sue you and your minions in Federal Court > To: > > Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Diane Lebouthillier, députée de > Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Votre courriel recevra toute > l'attention voulue. > > Thank you for writing to the Hon. Diane Lebouthillier, Member of > Parliament for Gaspésie - îles-de-la-Madeleine. Please be assured that > your correspondence will receive every consideration. > > > > ---------- Original message ---------- > From: "Min.Mail / Courrier.Min (CRA/ARC)"<> > Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 13:10:52 +0000 > Subject: Your various correspondence about abusive tax schemes - 2017-02631 > To: ""<> > > Mr. David Raymond Amos > > > > Dear Mr. Amos: > > Thank you for your various correspondence about abusive tax schemes, > and for your understanding regarding the delay of this response. > > This is an opportunity for me to address your concerns about the way > the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) deals with aggressive tax planning, > tax avoidance, and tax evasion by targeting individuals and groups > that promote schemes intended to avoid payment of tax. It is also an > opportunity for me to present the Government of Canada’s main > strategies for ensuring fairness for all taxpayers. > > The CRA’s mission is to preserve the integrity of Canada’s tax system, > and it is taking concrete and effective action to deal with abusive > tax schemes. Through federal budget funding in 2016 and 2017, the > government has committed close to $1 billion in cracking down on tax > evasion and combatting tax avoidance at home and through the use of > offshore transactions. This additional funding is expected to generate > federal revenues of $2.6 billion over five years for Budget 2016, and > $2.5 billion over five years for Budget 2017. > > More precisely, the CRA is cracking down on tax cheats by hiring more > auditors, maintaining its underground economy specialist teams, > increasing coverage of aggressive goods and service tax/harmonized > sales tax planning, increasing coverage of multinational corporations > and wealthy individuals, and taking targeted actions aimed at > promoters of abusive tax schemes. > > On the offshore front, the CRA continues to develop tools to improve > its focus on high‑risk taxpayers. It is also considering changes to > its Voluntary Disclosures Program following the first set of program > recommendations received from an independent Offshore Compliance > Advisory Committee. In addition, the CRA is leading international > projects to address the base erosion and profit shifting initiative of > the G20 and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and > Development, and is collaborating with treaty partners to address the > Panama Papers leaks. > > These actions are evidence of the government’s commitment to > protecting tax fairness. The CRA has strengthened its intelligence and > technical capacities for the early detection of abusive tax > arrangements and deterrence of those who participate in them. To > ensure compliance, it has increased the number of actions aimed at > promoters who use illegal schemes. These measures include increased > audits of such promoters, improved information gathering, criminal > investigations where warranted, and better communication with > taxpayers. > > To deter potential taxpayer involvement in these schemes, the CRA is > increasing notifications and warnings through its communications > products. It also seeks partnerships with tax preparers, accountants, > and community groups so that they can become informed observers who > can educate their clients. > > The CRA will assess penalties against promoters and other > representatives who make false statements involving illegal tax > schemes. The promotion of tax schemes to defraud the government can > lead to criminal investigations, fingerprinting, criminal prosecution, > court fines, and jail time. > > Between April 1, 2011, and March 31, 2016, the CRA’s criminal > investigations resulted in the conviction of 42 Canadian taxpayers for > tax evasion with links to money and assets held offshore. In total, > the $34 million in evaded taxes resulted in court fines of $12 million > and 734 months of jail time. > > When deciding to pursue compliance actions through the courts, the CRA > consults the Department of Justice Canada to choose an appropriate > solution. Complex tax-related litigation is costly and time consuming, > and the outcome may be unsuccessful. All options to recover amounts > owed are considered. > > More specifically, in relation to the KPMG Isle of Man tax avoidance > scheme, publicly available court records show that it is through the > CRA’s efforts that the scheme was discovered. The CRA identified many > of the participants and continues to actively pursue the matter. The > CRA has also identified at least 10 additional tax structures on the > Isle of Man, and is auditing taxpayers in relation to these > structures. > > To ensure tax fairness, the CRA commissioned an independent review in > March 2016 to determine if it had acted appropriately concerning KPMG > and its clients. In her review, Ms. Kimberley Brooks, Associate > Professor and former Dean of the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie > University, examined the CRA’s operational processes and decisions in > relation to the KPMG offshore tax structure and its efforts to obtain > the names of all taxpayers participating in the scheme. Following this > review, the report, released on May 5, 2016, concluded that the CRA > had acted appropriately in its management of the KPMG Isle of Man > file. The report found that the series of compliance measures the CRA > took were in accordance with its policies and procedures. It was > concluded that the procedural actions taken on the KPMG file were > appropriate given the facts of this particular case and were > consistent with the treatment of taxpayers in similar situations. The > report concluded that actions by CRA employees were in accordance with > the CRA’s Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct. There was no > evidence of inappropriate interaction between KPMG and the CRA > employees involved in the case. > > Under the CRA’s Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct, all CRA > employees are responsible for real, apparent, or potential conflicts > of interests between their current duties and any subsequent > employment outside of the CRA or the Public Service of Canada. > Consequences and corrective measures play an important role in > protecting the CRA’s integrity. > > The CRA takes misconduct very seriously. The consequences of > misconduct depend on the gravity of the incident and its repercussions > on trust both within and outside of the CRA. Misconduct can result in > disciplinary measures up to dismissal. > > All forms of tax evasion are illegal. The CRA manages the Informant > Leads Program, which handles leads received from the public regarding > cases of tax evasion across the country. This program, which > coordinates all the leads the CRA receives from informants, determines > whether there has been any non-compliance with tax law and ensures > that the information is examined and conveyed, if applicable, so that > compliance measures are taken. This program does not offer any reward > for tips received. > > The new Offshore Tax Informant Program (OTIP) has also been put in > place. The OTIP offers financial compensation to individuals who > provide information related to major cases of offshore tax evasion > that lead to the collection of tax owing. As of December 31, 2016, the > OTIP had received 963 calls and 407 written submissions from possible > informants. Over 218 taxpayers are currently under audit based on > information the CRA received through the OTIP. > > With a focus on the highest-risk sectors nationally and > internationally and an increased ability to gather information, the > CRA has the means to target taxpayers who try to hide their income. > For example, since January 2015, the CRA has been collecting > information on all international electronic funds transfers (EFTs) of > $10,000 or more ending or originating in Canada. It is also adopting a > proactive approach by focusing each year on four jurisdictions that > raise suspicion. For the Isle of Man, the CRA audited 3,000 EFTs > totalling $860 million over 12 months and involving approximately 800 > taxpayers. Based on these audits, the CRA communicated with > approximately 350 individuals and 400 corporations and performed 60 > audits. > > In January 2017, I reaffirmed Canada’s important role as a leader for > tax authorities around the world in detecting the structures used for > aggressive tax planning and tax evasion. This is why Canada works > daily with the Joint International Tax Shelter Information Centre > (JITSIC), a network of tax administrations in over 35 countries. The > CRA participates in two expert groups within the JITSIC and leads the > working group on intermediaries and proponents. This ongoing > collaboration is a key component of the CRA’s work to develop strong > relationships with the international community, which will help it > refine the world-class tax system that benefits all Canadians. > > The CRA is increasing its efforts and is seeing early signs of > success. Last year, the CRA recovered just under $13 billion as a > result of its audit activities on the domestic and offshore fronts. > Two-thirds of these recoveries are the result of its audit efforts > relating to large businesses and multinational companies. > > But there is still much to do, and additional improvements and > investments are underway. > > Tax cheats are having a harder and harder time hiding. Taxpayers who > choose to promote or participate in malicious and illegal tax > strategies must face the consequences of their actions. Canadians > expect nothing less. I invite you to read my most recent statement on > this matter at > statement_from_thehonourabledianelebouthillierministerofnational. > > Thank you for taking the time to write. I hope the information I have > provided is helpful. > > Sincerely, > > The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier > Minister of National Revenue >
---------- Original message ---------- From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:05:59 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called a few of your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support the liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your understanding.
If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at (506) 453-2144.
Thank you.
Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire.
Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension.
---------- Original message ---------- From: "Moore, Rob - M.P."<> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:06:00 +0000 Subject: Thank you for your email To: David Amos <>
On behalf of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. thank you for your email. Our office appreciates the time you took to get in touch with our office. Due to the high volume of email correspondence our office receives, below is a guide on how your email will be responded to:
Constituent of Fundy Royal:
The constituents of Fundy Royal are our office’s priority. Please ensure to include your full contact details on your email and the appropriate staff will be able to action your request. We strive to ensure all constituent correspondence is responded to in a timely manner.
If your query is case related (i.e. immigration, CPP, EI, CRA, etc.), consent forms will need to be filled out before your file can be activated. If you have not yet filled out our office’s consent form, a staff member will be in contact with you.
If your question or concern is time sensitive, please call our office: 506-832-4200.
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If you have sent meeting request or an event invitation, we sincerely appreciate the kind request and we will check his availability to see if his schedule can accommodate.
Invitations for Fundy Royal are managed in the riding office and Ottawa based events and meetings are managed from the Parliamentary office. The appropriate staff will follow up on your request.
Non-Constituent Enquiries:
If you are not a Fundy Royal resident, given the high volume of emails we receive, your email will be reviewed and filed as INFORMATION. If the email is Critic portfolio in nature, it will be responded to as necessary.
Again, we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to contact the office of the Honourable Rob Moore.
---------- Original message ---------- From: Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:05:58 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called a few of your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support the liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas? To:
Hello, thank you for your email. Our office is currently receiving an extraordinary volume of correspondence related to COVID-19.
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You may also find the answer to your question online. For the most up-to-date public health information on COVID-19, visit
To contribute to the Stronger Together Nova Scotia Fund, created in partnership with the Canadian Red Cross, visit and search for the Stronger Together Nova Scotia Fund, or call 1-800-418-1111.
Kind Regards,
Premier’s Correspondence Team
---------- Original message ---------- From: Office of the Premier <> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:05:58 +0000 Subject: Thank you for your email To: David Amos <>
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---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:05:59 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called a few of your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support the liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days.
Thanks again for your email. ______
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.
---------- Original message ---------- From: Office of the Premier <> Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 14:06:09 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Minister Mikey a "Long Beard" just called a few of your hunting buddies Methinks its not fair for CBC to support the liberal agenda I bet your buddies don't think so either N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for contacting the Premier of Alberta.
Since May 1, the Alberta government has been moving forward with a plan to reopen businesses and services and get people back to work. Information about Alberta’s COVID-19 relaunch strategy is available here<>.
As we roll out this plan, it is essential that Albertans continue to follow the direction of public health officials and take all precautionary measures to keep themselves and others safe.
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Premier Blaine Higgs sports a red T-shirt during Friday's news briefing in support of truck drivers who continue to work during the pandemic. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
1 active case of COVID-19
Canada and United States keep border closed
Court of Queen's Bench moves to Fredericton Convention Centre
River Watch program ends for the year
Daycares reopen next week
Mount Allison University to offer on-campus classes and online delivery
Fredericton transit goes back to normal — sort of
More Saint John parks reopening this weekend
Lobster fishery opens in northern part of the province today
What to do if you have symptoms
Premier Blaine Higgs said he's disappointed that unemployed New Brunswickers aren't applying for jobs in agriculture and fish processing plants, as employers are scrambling to find workers.
Last month, the New Brunswick government banned any new temporary foreign workers from entering the province as a way of reducing the risk of COVID-19. Since then, Premier Blaine Higgs has been calling on New Brunswickers and foreign workers already in the province to fill vacancies in the agricultural and seafood-processing sectors.
"These jobs are crucial to New Brunswick," said Premier Blaine Higgs during Friday's news briefing.
Over the past two days, the provincial government hosted a virtual job fair to help connect New Brunswickers looking for jobs with employers.
But there are still roughly 70,000 people still out of work across the province and Higgs said there are plenty of "well-paying" jobs left that pay up to $23 an hour.
Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, says one active case of COVID-19 remains in the province. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
"If our campaign has not been as effective as it could've been, shame on us," Higgs said.
Higgs said he isn't sure how many vacancies are still available. But earlier this month, he said there were 600 farm and fish plant vacancies in agriculture and fish processing.
"It is concerning that out of 70,000 people we're not able to meet the demands that are a fraction of that."
Nonetheless he plans to work with New Brunswick companies to find the workers they need. And when asked whether he regrets his decision to ban foreign workers, Higgs made reference to the province's lone active case.
"Every decision we've made to this point has been related to public health considerations coming first and foremost."
1 active case of COVID-19 in New Brunswick
New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health has announced that another person has recovered from COVID-19 in the province.
It has been nine days since the province has reported any new cases.
But Dr. Jennifer Russell is reminding the public to protect themselves over the upcoming long weekend by keeping to their respective two family household bubbles and following physical distance guidelines.
"I want everyone to enjoy this holiday weekend but I want everyone to be safe," said Russell at Friday's news briefing.
New Brunswick premier Blaine Higgs warns people to follow public health rules over the long weekend. 3:08
As residents gear up for the summer months, Premier Blaine Higgs said this Victoria Day long weekend will not look the same as usual.
"We won't be able to visit our friends and family from outside of New Brunswick," he said. "Our borders are still restricted and we can't plan trips to other provinces right now."
There have been 120 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick and 119 of them have recovered from the disease.
There is still one active case remaining in New Brunswick.
"We must act as if the virus is all around us," Russell said.
Canada and United States keep border closed
Premier Blaine Higgs said Friday that the Canada-U.S. border will remain closed past May 21 for an additional 30 days.
Higgs said there was a general consensus from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and fellow premiers to keep the borders closed.
"We need to maintain our commercial activities, there's no doubt about that, but the border security is considered something that is worth protecting at this point in time." Now that the New Brunswick COVID-19 curve is flat, risk lies at the borders. What’s considered essential and non-essential travel, and how is New Brunswick making sure people coming in are following safety rules? 2:09
Higgs expects the federal government to make an announcement about the border closure next week. He said New Brunswick borders could remain closed for the entire summer if needed.
On Thursday, Higgs said the province could reopen border with Quebec as early as July
"All of the discussions that we had were around following the tracks that we're on, understanding we're opening up in the same vein and continuing to work with public health authorities.
Court of Queen's Bench moves to Fredericton Convention Centre
The Department of Justice and Office of the Attorney General announced Friday that the Court of Queen's Bench in the judicial district of Fredericton will be moving to the Fredericton Convention Centre.
In a news release, the province said department officials have finalized an agreement with the City of Fredericton through at least the end of 2020. Details of the agreement will not be disclosed.
"The decision is meant to accommodate spacing requirements to hold jury selections and jury trials. It will also ensure the continuity of all Court of Queen's Bench matters, including family court hearings," the news release said. "The move will allow provincial court matters to continue being held at Fredericton's existing justice building."
The province's judiciary has announced that, as of June 1, all matters currently on the docket of the New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench will proceed on their respective dates as scheduled. However, jury trials will resume as of Aug. 15.
River Watch program ends for the year
After 10 weeks in operation, the River Watch Program for the 2020 freshet season has ended.
Water levels along the St. John River basin continue to decrease and are returning to normal levels.
"The freshet this year looked nothing like 2018 and 2019," said Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart. "While we are grateful for this, the New Brunswick Emergency Management Organization and its River Watch partners were ready to respond."
The program started March 9 and provided information on the status of rivers and the potential for ice jams and other flood issues throughout the spring freshet season.
Daycares reopen next week
Daycares across New Brunswick will begin reopening on Tuesday, as part of the COVID-19 recovery plan. They've been shut for everyone but essential workers since March. Some daycares laid off workers and closed completely, but others kept their employees and kept charging parents.
As part of the reopening rules, children won't be able to mingle outside their self-contained groups of no more than 15. Children and staff will have their temperatures checked every morning, one adult per family should be designated for drop off and pick up, and there will be strict cleaning protocols.
At Friday's news briefing, Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, said maintaining the two-household bubble is vital to the safe operation of daycares and early childhood education centres
"If each child in a daycare has close contact with only one other household, the risk of spreading the virus is greatly reduced," she said.
It is also important that parents and staff do not enter a daycare if they are feeling unwell.
Mount Allison University to offer on-campus classes and online delivery
Over the upcoming fall-term Mount Allison University plans to offer a combination of on-campus classes and online alternate delivery.
In an email to students, the university said classrooms, labs, and studios will undergo a number of adjustments consistent with public health guidelines, and the continuing need for physical distancing.
Additional planning around the specifics of course delivery is also underway.
Residences will be open this fall to accommodate students.
"Residences, the dining hall, and food services on campus always operate with a central focus on the well-being of students."
Over the summer months, the university said a number of new health and safety measures will be put in place for fall. The university said new measures are designed to support student health upon arrival and throughout the academic year.
Fredericton transit goes back to normal — sort of
As businesses start to reopen, city transit services in New Brunswick's capital will get somewhat back to normal next week.
Starting Tuesday, Fredericton city transit will run hourly throughout the work week, resembling their Saturday schedule, according to Meredith Gilbert, the city's manager of transit and parking.
Buses have cut back to running every three hours during the pandemic.
"Essentially, it's similar to what we normally run on Saturdays, we just won't be offering our peak time half-hour service Monday through Friday," Gilbert said.
Buses are still limited to a maximum of nine passengers at a time.
Although it's not required, the city is urging passengers to wear a mask while using city transit. Fredericton city transit will offer hourly services starting next week. (City of Fredericton)
Since the COVID-19 outbreak in March, Fredericton Transit started cleaning city buses twice a day. Plexiglass shields have also been installed to further protect drivers, as buses will begin accepting fares again.
More Saint John parks reopening this weekend
Several Saint John parks are reopening just in time for the long weekend, said Tim O'Reilly, the city's deputy commissioner of parks and recreation.
Rainbow Park Playground, Station One Skate Park, Rockwood Park Playground, Forest Hills Playground and Dominion Park Playground and Basketball Court will reopen Saturday. Shamrock Park Tennis Courts 1 to 5 and horseshoe pits will also reopen.
"The ones we are all opening are … the larger facilities of higher quality [and] the ones more typically used by the public," O'Reilly said.
Playground equipment will be sanitized with a water-bleach mixture twice daily and hand sanitizer will be provided at each of the locations. Visitors are also required to stay two metres apart.
"It is going to be quite resource-intensive in order to follow those safety guidelines, so we are starting with those few."
If people abuse the hand sanitizer or do not obey the two-metre distancing rule, O'Reilly said the parks will close again.
"It really is a partnership between the city and the public."
Several trails in Rockwood Park will be reduced to one-way traffic beginning Saturday to help encourage physical distancing.
Lily Lake Loop, Clean Air Trail, Fisher Lakes Loop, Harrigan Lake Loop will be marked with signage to indicate which direction visitors are allowed to travel.
Lobster fishery opens in northern part of the province today
Licensed lobster harvesters in four zones that run from Miramichi Bay to Chaleur Bay in northeastern New Brunswick left wharfs around 6 a.m. Friday morning. (Gail Harding/CBC)
About 665 licensed lobster harvesters in four zones that run from Miramichi Bay to Chaleur Bay in northeastern New Brunswick will be allowed to leave wharves at 6 a.m., weather permitting.
Maritime Fishermen's Union president Gaëtan Robichaud said he, like many fishermen, have been busy getting their traps and boats ready for a season shortened to six weeks.
What to do if you have symptoms
People concerned they might have COVID-19 can take a self-assessment on the government website. People with two of those symptoms are asked to:
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al are gonna have an interesting long weekend scheming about what to do on the 26th N'esy Pas?
Rick Grayson
Reply to @David Amos: what is your theory in regards to what the Premier and his party will be scheming about? I would really love to hear it, or are you going to do your normal song and dance when asked a question. The song and dance I refer to is something about the premier or the RCMP. So if you actually have something to contribute other than off hand comments why not say it?
David Amos
Reply to @Rick Grayson: Methinks it a waste of my precious time to play your silly "guess what my name is" game anymore as you flip from one ID to another I already proved my point about you and your associates Nesy Pas?
In the "Mean"time say Hey to Higgy or Batman or the Great Gatsby ot Mr Oliver or Mr Jones etc you choose Tell your RCMP buddies and their other cop pals that I will look forward seeing them again in Federal Court
JJ Carrier Well, I'm heavily disappointed the PC Party of N.B. put in charge a man who was a failed CoR leader who had it out for non-English in N.B. for years...He was given the right of running the province, in minority position, that once almost killed the right-wingers from the Parti Acadien and CoR so that one-sided leaders like him couldn't rise...Now we also have a failed minister from Nackawic running CoR Lite in cahoots with him, the man who killed the N.B. NDP in his cabinet, and a wannabe part-time Liberal in opposition...There is no true majority in this province and the pool of great MLAs we had for decades of all stripes no longer exists...Other than that, way to go Friday t-shirt guy...And you're welcome
Jos Allaire
Reply to @JJ Carrier: Oui Mon-um. Higgs = Grew truth Tchu!
David Amos
Reply to @JJ Carrier: Methinks your SANB buddies and the irving Clan will be happy to see that you crawled out from under your rock N'esy Pas?
Auditor general backs Higgs in federal dispute over infrastructure spending
"We need to get a handle on looking after the assets that we have," says Kim MacPherson
Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: May 15, 2020 5:00 AM AT
Auditor General Kim MacPherson said efforts by Premier Blaine Higgs to rework the province's $673.2 million infrastructure agreement with Ottawa to do more spending on the repair of decaying structures has merit. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
A campaign by New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs to rework the province's $673.2 million infrastructure agreement with Ottawa to allow for more meat and potatoes spending to fix decaying structures has gotten little federal support so far, but the effort has merit according to New Brunswick's auditor general
"The Premier's position very much aligns with what we've been saying in a number of our reports when it comes to maintaining our infrastructure," said Kim MacPherson in an interview Thursday
"We have a lot of infrastructure for a very small population base that needs to be maintained and we have a lot of aging infrastructure, so I would agree that we need to get a handle on looking after the assets that we have."
Higgs has been sparring with the federal government over his desire to change the terms of a 10 year infrastructure deal signed between Ottawa and the government of former premier Brian Gallant in 2018.
The agreement involves $673.2 million of federal money that can be used to help finance qualifying provincial or municipal infrastructure projects but Higgs has been complaining the categories are too narrow and some money is directed where it is 'not needed'.
Diversion of funds necessary, says Higgs
Former premier Brian Gallant and then federal infrastructure and communities minister Amarjeet Sohi signed a 10 year, $673.2 million infrastructure agreement in March 2018. Premier Blaine Higgs has been asking Ottawa to reopen the deal to allow for more repairs to existing infrastructure. (Submitted/GNB)
According to the terms of the deal, about three quarters of the federal funds -- $512.3 million -- are to be used to help build new public transit networks and other green infrastructure projects including clean energy and wastewater treatment facilities. The remainder are for various local community, rural and indigenous projects.
Higgs wants to divert large portions of funding into more mundane but foundational needs, like fixing dilapidated assets the province already owns.
"The request we've made to the federal government is to have more flexibility in projects the funds can actually be used for," Higgs said during a news conference Wednesday.
"We are looking at areas where we can maintain current infrastructure or to upgrade current infrastructure and that could apply to hospitals or schools or roads or bridges."
"I am trying to defer future expenses that are coming, that we know of, because of the condition of some of our assets and the more that I can do them now with this funding, rather than do something else that's not needed, it's going to help us recover quicker."
Decaying bridges, nursing homes and more
The Jemseg Bridge was closed to traffic and decommissioned in 2015 after an inspection showed unsafe conditions. An inspection in 2013 had also recommended its closure but was ignored. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
For years MacPherson has been warning about decaying infrastructure in New Brunswick and the need for the province to invest adequately in repairing and maintaining it.
In 2013, her department found that 293 bridges in the province, 11 per cent, were in poor condition and in need of "significant maintenance work".
In 2016 she reported provincial nursing homes required $285 million in repairs and maintenance work and later this year she is scheduled to report on the condition of provincial public schools.
"We've had a lot of reports on capital assets where we have deferred maintenance issues," said MacPherson
Premier Blaine Higgs said he wants to divert large portions of funding into more mundane but foundational needs, like fixing dilapidated assets the province already owns. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
"I have said in past reports, only buy and build new assets if you're taking others out of service and there's a business need for this new asset."
Higgs has said only about 10 per cent of the federal infrastructure money is discretionary and the rest is proving difficult to move around. He said while it is easy to get money approved to buy electric buses under the program, the province's needs are more basic than that.
'Best value'
The Hammond River covered bridge was closed in 2016 after an excavator fell through its decking. Blaine Higgs says New Brunswick's dilapidated infrastructure needs more attention. (CBC)
He claims repairing old assets will create as many jobs as building or acquiring new ones. He also argues provincial and federal revenues in the future have been made uncertain by the COVID-19 pandemic and it is a mistake to create new assets not knowing if New Brunswick will have the money required to maintain them.
"I'm trying to get the best value I can going forward because whatever I spend today is something somebody's got to deal with tomorrow," said Higgs "I don't want to have a New Brunswick that is in trouble a year from now."
But so far the Trudeau government has not been inclined to change the arrangement.
One week after New Brunswick auditor general Kim MacPherson published a list of provincial bridges in poor condition, one of the worst - the Lorneville causeway in Saint John - collapsed (CBC)
In a statement, the press secretary to federal Infrastructure Minister Catherine McKenna said green infrastructure funding includes money that can be spent to upgrade existing assets.
Chantalle Aubertin claimed money can be used to make schools and hospitals "more resilient" and existing streets and sidewalks can be retrofitted to make room for "new pathways and bike lanes that will help Canadians physical distance while staying active and healthy."
"We also continue to move forward with provinces on long-term projects, from better public transit to high-speed broadband to wastewater and clean energy," said Aubertin.
Robert Jones has been a reporter and producer with CBC New Brunswick since 1990. His investigative reports on petroleum pricing in New Brunswick won several regional and national awards and led to the adoption of price regulation in 2006.
David Amos Methinks the Auditor General always knows what side of the bread the butter is on and when to board the gravy train and with whom N'esy Pas?
michael levesque
Reply to @David Amos: you should run for the Liberals cause you talk like a Liberal you don't make sense?
David Amos
Reply to @michael levesque: Methinks Higgy's fan club is far more redundant that I am N"esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos@DavidRayAmos Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others Methinks Higgy should agree that Geoff Irvine and Nat Richard of the Lobster Council of Canada and of course Brian Gallant, Kevin Vickers Franky Boy McKenna and Dominic Leblanc told folks to ignore me N'esy Pas?
Middle and high school students to process lobster after temporary foreign worker ban
New Brunswick plant owners say processing will move to Nova Scotia and P.E.I.
Connell Smith· CBC News· Posted: May 15, 2020 5:30 AM AT
Russel Jacob, owner of Westmorland Fisheries in Cap Pele, said he had about 25 high school and middle school students in orientation at his plant Thursday. (Submitted by Russel Jacob)
With lobster processing set to begin Sunday, desperate New Brunswick seafood plants are turning to high school and even middle school students to fill the gap left by temporary foreign workers.
The decision by the Higgs government to block foreign workers amid the coronavirus pandemic has left processors in the province saying they have only about half the workforce they need, while counterparts in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island are ready to go "full tilt."
"[The province] pulled the rug from under our feet," said Russel Jacob, owner of Westmorland Fisheries in Cap Pele.
Premier Blaine Higgs said unemployed New Brunswickers and students on summer break can fill some of the 600 job vacancies that were to be filled by foreign workers.
But Jacob describes a virtual job fair launched by the province this week as a waste of time and money that brought "zero" results.
He said he had about 25 high school and middle school students in orientation at the plant Thursday.
Lower expectations
The students will start work Monday, when they will be assigned the easiest jobs, Jacob says.
His own 13-year-old son will be among them.
"When they all heard my son was working, well then word got around and they started applying," he said. "It's good money for them, but it's only a patch, temporarily, for us."
A pre-COVID-19 group photo on the Westmorland Fisheries recruiting page shows the flags of several countries, including Jamaica. (Westmorland Fisheries)
Middle school students must have permission from their parents and will make about $13 an hour. High school students will be paid about $15 an hour.
Jacob expects they will not perform nearly as well as the experienced foreign workers.
Lobster season in eastern New Brunswick begins Friday, with processing expected to kick off Sunday.
A few kilometres away in Grande-Digue, Luc Doiron of Suncoast Seafood says that in many cases, high school students do not last more than a few days.
Doiron was able to add only five or six New Brunswickers to his workforce to replace 120 foreign workers who were turned away two weeks ago.
Some university students among recruits
He managed to recruit a further 20 students from Cape Breton University in Nova Scotia who will complete their quarantine on Monday.
COVID–19 emergency rules say out–of–province workers with proof of employment may enter New Brunswick, but must self-isolate once here for 14 days prior to commencing work.
He expects his plant will at best be able to achieve 50 per cent of its normal production levels.
"Our competition in Nova Scotia and P.E.I., they have all their workforce because they've been able to bring in their foreign workers," said Doiron. "So they are going to be able to go at it full tilt, while we're going to have to be limiting our access."
Doiron says 60 per cent of his best workers have been coming to the plant for the past five years from Mexico. They took jobs in Nova Scotia after learning they could not enter New Brunswick. He fears he will now lose them for good to Nova Scotia processors.
In a statement Thursday, spokesperson Erika Jutras of New Brunswick's Department of Post–Secondary Education, Training and Labour, said a new fisheries labour force adjustment committee is working closely with industry to identify solutions.
"We are working with many employers through WorkingNB and have contacted university students as well," said Jutras. "We are also promoting these opportunities to EI and [Canada emergency response benefit] applicants."
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al know Russel Jacob and Luc Doiron and their associates should be not laughing at me this weekend N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: For the record I tried to contact both fellas at suppertime but I never heard back from either of them and don't expect to. Methinks Higgy et al would no doubt agree that their buddies Geoff Irvine and Nat Richard of the Lobster Council of Canada and of course Brian Gallant, Kevin Vickers Franky Boy McKenna and Dominic Leblanc told them to ignore me just like everybody else tries to do N'esy Pas?
Lobster fishery opens in northern N.B. Friday morning
Fishermen face uncertainty with price and markets for their catch
Gail Harding· CBC News· Posted: May 15, 2020 6:21 AM AT
The 2020 lobster season is scheduled to open Friday at 6 a.m. after a two-week delay because of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Gail Harding/CBC)
The 2020 lobster fishing season for lobster fishing area 23 in northern New Brunswick is set to open Friday morning after a two-week delay because of COVID-19.
About 665 licensed lobster harvesters in four zones that run from Miramichi Bay to Chaleur Bay in northeastern New Brunswick will be allowed to leave wharfs at 6 a.m., weather permitting.
Maritime Fishermen's Union president, Gaëtan Robichaud said he, like many fishermen have been busy getting their traps and boats ready for a season shortened to six weeks.
Wharfs across the region were busy Thursday as traps were baited and loaded onto the boats in preparation for opening day.
The federal government announced an aid package to help fisherman in a season expected to see lower prices and no demand for their catch.
Licensed lobster harvesters in four zones that run from Miramichi Bay to Chaleur Bay in northeastern New Brunswick left wharfs around 6 a.m. Friday morning. (Gail Harding/CBC)
"We have to digest it. There's a good amount of money that's being put aside for the fishing industry, and we needed something like that," said Robichaud.
"But there's always the details that are to come that we want to look at, to see if our members are going to be eligible for that money."
Trudeau pledged close to $470 million to support fish harvesters. The package includes a new $267.6 million benefit to cover 75 per cent of losses for fish harvesters who expect an income drop of 25 per cent this season, up to about $10,000.
Trudeau said the federal government is also introducing a $201.8-million non-repayable grant program to pay up to $10,000 to fish harvesters who own their own businesses. The size of the grants will depend on the fish harvesters' historic revenue, said the Prime Minister's Office.
The government is looking to help some harvesters who say they won't generate enough income to file for employment insurance next year.
Adding to the uncertainty is the lack of a market to purchase the fishermen's catch.
"We know the markets are not there. Where our fish, our lobsters that are from the northern part of New Brunswick is mostly processed and it goes to casinos, cruise lines, restaurants mainly in the States. A lot of you see a lot of that is all closed."
Maritime Fishermen's Union president, Gaëtan Robichaud said there is a lot of uncertainty in the fishery this year. (CBC)
Robichaud said they're hoping those key markets open up.
"If that lobster can't move from the plant we are very scared that within a couple of weeks maybe we will be limited or it'll be hard to bring all our catches."
Robichaud said it will only be a matter of time for fishermen to know what adjustments will be made.
"But at least today I know there will be some kind of help for me," he said referring to the aid package.
Fishermen also have to deal with new COVID-19 safety protocols on the wharfs and on the boats. Only boat captains and crew and fish buyers are permitted on the wharfs. Captains will have to perform a daily pre-board screening to make sure crew members don't have any symptoms of the virus, cleaning and disinfecting of frequently-touched surfaces and implementing two-metre distancing while working.
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al would no doubt agree that their buddies Geoff Irvine and Nat Richard of the Lobster Council of Canada and of course Brian Gallant, Kevin Vickers Franky Boy McKenna and Dominic Leblanc told the fishermen to ignore me just like everybody else tries to do N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks Higgy et al know who the Feds are buying votes for with our money N'esy Pas?
janice small I agree Lobster prices for a long time have been out of reach for many consumers and the words sound nice when politicians say buy your local Lobster and support your fisherman...It all good and well when they are over charging us $12.00 lbs and up....Then they scream foul when its $6.00 lbs..
Danny Devo
Reply to @janice small: This seedy industry is playing Canadians bigtime.
Guy Richard Leave the lobster in the ocean, not worth the price, save a whale.
Eugene Peabody
I wouldn't want your job,keep up the good work bring in those delicious lobster.I hope things get better for the fishermen so they can have a successful season.
Danny Devo
Reply to @Eugene Peabody: Yes and it would be great if this secretive industry could give us a break. Instead of ripping and shipping to China, maybe leave some for Canadians at a decent price, instead of fleecing them to the max for their own resources. Oh let me guess...the resources belong to the corporations.
Danny Devo
It's a good thing these markets are closed. Canadians have been getting ripped off for lobster long enough, while our ocean is being plundered for export. Ban export and reduce the fishery. Also, ban all toxic cages infesting the coastline and killing our ecosystems. These filthy cages are a disgrace. Is our long haired PM funneling cash to these disgusting operations as well? I sure hope not. Trudeau wouldn't know a fish if one slapped him upside the head. He is doing nothing except promoting ...
The Lobster Council of Canada was established in 2009 to bring together all Canadian lobster industry stakeholders including harvesters, live shippers, processors, First Nations, and governments to work on projects of mutual benefit.
The mandate of the Lobster Council of Canada is to enhance the value of the Canadian lobster sector in a sustainable fashion by addressing the issues of importance to the industry. The organization aims to:
Focus discussion and action around identified industry challenges.
Set goals and targets that will strengthen the sector’s competitive position and enhance Canada’s overall capacity to meet the changing demands of markets.
Provide direction on market access issues including sustainability certification, food safety, traceability requirements, to name a few.
Coordinate sustained marketing initiatives regionally, nationally and internationally that promote the Canadian lobster industry.
Lead industry/government relations and create a shared understanding of key challenges and opportunities facing the sector.
Communicate internally to industry to create improved awareness of the key issues, challenges and opportunities facing the industry and to build trust and confidence.
Communicate externally to customers by highlighting the positive attributes of lobster to further build the Canadian “brand” through promotional and educational campaigns.
Facilitate efforts to improve returns to the industry through innovation and the identification and implementation of changes that will improve the overall value-chain.
Board of Directors
Eugene O’Leary, Guysborough County Inshore Fishermen’s Association, Past President
Catherine Boyd, Clearwater Seafoods Ltd., President
Pam Perrot, Beach Point Processing Company, Treasurer
Monty Way, Fish, Food and Allied Workers, Secretary
Charlie McGeoghan, Lobster Fishers of PEI
Bernie Berry, Coldwater Lobster Association
Roger Leblanc, Maritime Fishermen’s Union Local 9
Peter Connors, Eastern Shore Fishermen’s Protective Association
Kevin Hardy, Fish, Food and Allied Workers
Ronnie Heighton, Gulf Nova Scotia Fleet Planning Board
Martin Mallet, Maritime Fishermen’s Union
Leo Muise, Nova Scotia Seafood Alliance
Nat Richard, Cape Bald Packers Ltd.
Philip Milligan, Milligan’s Fisheries Ltd.
Jerry Amirault, Lobster Processors Association of NS & NB
Terry Zinck, Xsealent Seafoods Ltd.
Ryan Tremere, By the Water Shellfish
Les Ginnish, Amqotom Resource Management Council
John Couture, Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources
Executive Director – Geoff Irvine
After moving East from Quebec at the age of two, Geoff grew up in the village of Smith’s Cove on the shores of the Annapolis Basin in Digby County, Nova Scotia. An Acadia University graduate with a degree in History and Political Science, Geoff is the current President of Acadia’s Alumni Association.
Geoff has enjoyed a 15+ year career in the seafood industry (with a four year “sabbatical” leave in university advancement). He has extensive experience with live, raw, salted and frozen seafood products in retail, raw material inspections, sales, marketing, international trading, event, project and business management. Geoff has developed his knowledge of the business in large and small company settings and was Managing Director and partner in Harbour View Seafoods Ltd., from 1998 to 2006. Geoff has been the Executive Director of the LCC since its inception.
Heres a little Deja Vu for local fisherman, Dominic Leblanc, the ghost of Keith Ashfield and YOU to enjoy today EH Johnny "Never Been Good" Williamson???
---------- Original message ---------- From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2018 11:53:44 +0000 Subject: RE: Heres a little Deja Vu for local fisherman,
Dominic Leblanc, the ghost of Keith Ashfield and YOU
to enjoy today EH Johnny"Never Been Good" Williamson??? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be assured that your email will be reviewed.
If this is a media request, please forward your email to
>. Thank you!
Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
>. Merci!
---------- Original message ---------- From: Brian Gallant <> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2018 04:53:42 -0700 Subject: Merci / Thank you Re: Heres a little Deja Vu for local fisherman, Dominic Leblanc, the ghost of Keith Ashfield and YOU toenjoy today EH Johnny "Never Been Good" Williamson??? To:
(Français à suivre)
If your email is pertaining to the Government of New Brunswick, please email me at
If your matter is urgent, please email Greg Byrne at
Thank you.
Si votre courriel s'addresse au Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick, svp m'envoyez un courriel à
Pour les urgences, veuillez contacter Greg Byrne à
Information Morning - Moncton Lobster Council of Canada urges federal government to listen to fishermen 00:00 11:24 Geoff Irvine is the executive director of the Lobster Council of Canada. 11:24
Lobster fishermen create wall of empty traps at protest against closures Fishermen rally in Caraquet against latest closure of fishing area to protect endangered whales Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: Jun 14, 2018 4:14 PM AT
Heres a little Deja Vu for local fisherman, Dominic Leblanc, the ghost of Keith Ashfield and YOU to enjoy today EH Johnny "Never Been Good" Williamson???
W all know why the Paliamentarians and the their buddy David C Coon and his many Green Meany pals have been calling me names for years. However it does not follow the fellas in Norway will as well. N'esy Pas Arty Baby MacKay?
QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 26,951 Domain Name ? (Norway) IP Address 85.200.224.# (Link-net Stromgaten) ISP BKK Bredbend AS Location Continent : Europe Country : Norway (Facts) State/Region : Hordaland City : Bergen Lat/Long : 60.3911, 5.3247 (Map) Language Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) nn-no Operating System Macintosh MacOSX Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0 Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 24 bits Time of Visit May 4 2012 12:49:05 pm Last Page View May 4 2012 12:49:05 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html Out Click Time Zone UTC+1:00 Visitor's Time May 4 2012 12:49:05 pm Visit Number 26,951
Lobster fishermen create wall of empty traps at protest against closures
Fishermen rally in Caraquet against latest closure of fishing area to protect endangered whales
Elizabeth Fraser· CBC News·
About 500 fishermen descended on Caraquet on Thursday to protest against the latest closure of a fishing area in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. (Gabrielle Fahmy/CBC)
Nearly 500 fishermen brought empty lobster traps to Caraquet on Thursday to protest against the closure of fishing areas in the Gulf of St. Lawrence while endangered whales swim there.
The protest came after another round of fishing area closures was announced by Ottawa this week because five North American right whales were spotted between Miscou and the Gaspé Peninsula.
'Why does it have to be one or the other? Why does it have to be just the whales or just the fishermen?' - Carl Allen, Maritime Fishermen's Union
It's the sixth closure to be announced since the beginning of lobster season, and it includes a shallow coastal area where fishermen are seeking permission to drop their traps.
The closure, originally set for late Friday afternoon, will now begin Sunday at noon because of strong winds and concerns about safety, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans said.
The fishing closures are among the steps taken by the department to try to save North Atlantic right whales.
Last year, 18 endangered whales were found dead — 12 off the Canadian coast and six off the U.S. Entanglement in fishing gear and collisions with ships were blamed in some cases.
"We've never entangled one in lobster gear in these areas, ever," said Carl Allen, president of the Maritime Fishermen's Union, who organized the protest.
"All the ones that were entangled in gear, it was snow crab gear out in deeper water, so why are we being targeted? Why are we closing areas right to the shore bank?"
A map shows where the fishing area closures are located. (CBC )
The closures have also applied to snow crab and other fisheries in the gulf.
Allen complained the federal government has not even talked to fishermen to come up with management plans or a protocol that would help the fishery and whales co-exist.
"I think the whole thing is a reactionary measure to the mess that was created last summer and there's no balance," he said.
"Why does it have to be one or the other? Why does it have to be just the whales or just the fishermen?"
Carl Allen, president of the Maritime Fishermen's Union, says lobster fishermen can co-exist with endangered whales, but they are being ignored by the Department of Fisheries. (Gabrielle Fahmy/CBC)
Allen said the closures not only hurt fishermen and processing plant workers but also local economies on the Acadian Peninsula.
"The boys are just here for a rally to support their community and to let the world know this is having an effect on the community at large," he said.
In accusing the Department of Fisheries of ignoring their proposals for "co-habitation" with whales, the fishermen said whales don't get close to the coast anyway.
But the federal department disagrees, claiming North Atlantic right whales, especially females and their young, can frequent those waters.
Booing the government
Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormier was in Ottawa during the protest. Fishermen greeted the news with boos. (Gabriell Fahmy/CBC)
On Thursday, many fishermen created a wall of empty lobster traps in front of the entrance to the building where Serge Cormier, the Liberal MP for Acadie-Bathurst, has an office.
Demonstrators booed Cormier's secretary, when she told them the MP was in Ottawa.
Earlier this week, Fisheries Minister Dominic LeBlanc acknowledged people are being affected by the zone closures and said the department will try to lengthen the lobster fishing season in the fall.
"I have said over and over again, we will try and replace the number of days of lobster fishing that they will lose because of these closures possibly in the fall," he said.
"We think in September it might be possible to reopen the fishery."
With only about 450 left in the world, North Atlantic right whales are a protected species.
The Fisheries Department has said the closed fishing grounds in the gulf total just under 13,000 square kilometres, including the area that will close Sunday.
Leaving traps at home
The most recent lobster closure will take place on Sunday at 12 p.m. (Gabrielle Fahmy/CBC)
According to some fishermen, the latest closure is the worst one yet.
Russell Vibert of Miscou Island said he will be forced to take out all 300 of his lobster traps from the water.
"There's a small little area we can move in, but it's going to be impossible for all the fishermen to fit into that area," he said.
The 50 or so fishermen from Miscou Island have about 12,000 traps, he said, and the smaller area won't accommodate everyone.
He's decided to bring his traps home.
"If we all try to fit into the area, we're going to lose our traps because they're going to get cut, they're going to get broken."
Losing 2 weeks of fishing
Vibert said losing two weeks of the season will impact 25 per cent of his haul. Ottawa doesn't realize the effect of the closures on the fishermen's livelihood, he said.
"It's a hard pill to swallow," said the longtime lobster boat captain.
"We're a little island in northeastern New Brunswick and it's our only livelihood and it's all we have."
Russell Vibert, a lobster fisherman from Miscou Island, says he will be forced to remove all of his lobster traps from the water this week. (Gabrielle Fahmy/CBC)
James Stewart, another fisherman on Miscou, said he'll wait until the last possible moment before he removes his traps.
"It's a really small piece of the pie," he said of the area left. "We'll catch all the lobsters in no time."
Meanwhile, the Lobster Council of Canada has said it wants buyers, especially in the U.S., to be aware the industry is doing everything it can to help protect the right whales — even while it costs them money.
"The place where the whales are is new, but Canadian harvesters dealing with whales is not new," said Geoff Irvine, executive director of the council.
"And that story needs to be told. And there's been some pressure from the American body politic and all of that puts pressure on us."
Over the past 12 years, he said. the Atlantic lobster industry has worked closely with government to reduce risks to whales.
Fishermen have been on the lookout for the animals, reported gear losses and imposed self-suspensions on fishing.
He said the amount of rope being used has been reduced and new gear is also being tested. "The U.S. is our biggest market. And we want to make sure that the story gets out there that we're doing positive things up here."
Information Morning - Moncton
Lobster Council of Canada urges federal government to listen to fishermen
Geoff Irvine is the executive director of the Lobster Council of Canada. 11:24
With files from Gabrielle Fahmy, Information Morning Moncton
From: David Amos Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 12:32:30 -0400 Subject: Andre meet Bill Csapo of Occupy Wall St He is a decent fellow who can be reached at (516) 708-4777 Perhaps you two should talk ASAP To: wcsapo Cc: occupyfredericton
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On 1/12/12, David Amos wrote: > Franky Boy McKenna oversees this park in the Big Apple and the > Attorney General of New Brunswick admitted long ago i had issues with > McKenna and his bankster associates. > > > > > > From: David Amos > Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:22:00 -0300 > Subject: i just called from 902 800 0369 (Nova Scotia) > To: > > > > I am the guy the SEC would not name that is the link to Madoff and > Putnam Investments > > > > Notice the transcript and webcast of the hearing of the US Senate > banking Commitee is missing? please notice Eliot Spitzer and the Dates > around November 20th, 2003 in te following file > > > > From: ”Julian Assange)” > Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT) > Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland’s plan for a press safe haven > To: > > FYI: Al-Jazeera’s take on Iceland’s proposed media safe haven > > > > More info > > Julian Assange > Editor > WikiLeaks > > > > From: Birgitta Jonsdottir > Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000 > Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the > first email I ever sent you > To: David Amos > > dear Dave > i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i > find some time > keep up the good fight in the meantime > > thank you for bearing with me > i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters > and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and > the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:) > plus all the matters in relation to immi > > with oceans of joy > birgitta > > Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. > > Andre Gide > > Birgitta Jonsdottir > Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884 >– - > > > >>> >> On Dec 8, 2010, at 1:35 AM, David Amos wrote: >>> >> >>> >>> I truly enjoyed talking to you. More to the point I am happy you >>> >>> took >>> >>> the time to listen to mean old me. I was impressed with your openess >>> >>> and honesty. In return I took a bit of time to study you more >>> >>> closely >>> >>> on the Internet and I am now even more impressed to view the artist >>> >>> in >>> >>> you. To hell with the politics and the money for a minute. At the >>> >>> risk of sounding odd your sincere soul that I sensed in your voice >>> >>> came shining through the various webpages. An honest person >>> >>> practicing >>> >>> the wicked art of politicking is a rare thing indeed. I must confess >>> >>> that I grinned at the possibility of crossing paths with another >>> >>> kindred soul when I saw you employ the expression Me Myself and I >>> >>> because I often use that expresssion >>> >>> >>> >>> I also sent you another email to your politcal email address on June >>> >>> 24th, 2010 right after you spoke on CBC. (I can resend it if you >>> >>> wish) >>> >>> When you folks ignored that and my calls and only sent me nasty >>> >>> responses I gave up on Iceland and IMMI because I had made everyone >>> >>> well aware I had no respect for Assange and corrupt parliamentarians >>> >>> whatsoever. Assange became the big celebrity after releasing the >>> >>> video >>> >>> from Iraq but I felt sorry for the kid who went to jail that had >>> >>> given >>> >>> him the stuff. Obviously I sent you folks the email below long >>> >>> before >>> >>> Assange made the scene in Iceland. Rest assured that I sent him >>> >>> evidence of my concerns about Iceland or he would not had sent me >>> >>> his >>> >>> bragging emails the following March. >>> >>> >>> >>> Now that Assange is in jail with no hope of bail like I was a couple >>> >>> of times after CBC has been yapping about him for weeks I was >>> >>> feeling >>> >>> a little vindictive so I opted to tease some of his friends and fans >>> >>> (such as McCarthy and CBC) by reminding them that I was still alive, >>> >>> not in jail and kicking like hell. (A host of cops in seven cars >>> >>> pounced on my son (who was visiting me) and I at 2;30 in the morning >>> >>> right after the results of the recent election was annnounced >>> >>> Although >>> >>> I managed to run them off this time need I say it really pissed me >>> >>> off >>> >>> and saddend me to put him on a bus back to Boston) >>> >>> >>> >>> I did not send you that email with the pdf files attached from my >>> >>> new >>> >>> Yahoo address but you will get it in a bit. Heres hoping you will >>> >>> enjoy it. >>> >>> >>> >>> Best Regards >>> >>> Dave >>> >>> >>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———- >>> >>> From: David Amos >>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:33:10 -0300 >>> >>> Subject: RE: Iceland and Bankers Whereas the politicians ignore me >>> >>> maybe some fellow bloggers will listen to me eh? >>> >>> To:,,, >>> >>>,,, >>> >>>,,, >>> >>>,,, >>> >>>, >>> >>> Cc:,, >>> >>>, >>> >>>,,, >>> >>>,, >>> >>> >>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———- >>> >>> From: David Amos >>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 21:23:15 -0300 >>> >>> Subject: Fwd: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I >>> >>> smiled >>> >>> To: >>> >>> Cc: ”Jacques.Poitras” , Dan Fitzgerald >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> ———- Forwarded message ———- >>> >>> From: David Amos >>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:52:42 -0300 >>> >>> Subject: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled >>> >>> To:, >>> >>> >>> >>>> ———- Forwarded message ———- >>> >>>> From: David Amos >>> >>>> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:24:42 -0300 >>> >>>> Subject: Fwd: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious >>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years? >>> >>>> To:,,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>, >>> >>>>,,, >>> >>>>,,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>, >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Cc: webo ,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>> >>> >>>> I wonder if any lawyer will bother to read this email, understand >>> >>>> it >>> >>>> and call me back >>> >>>> >>> >>>> ———- Forwarded message ———- >>> >>>> From: >>> >>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000 >>> >>>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious >>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years? >>> >>>> To: David Amos >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Dear David Amos >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to >>> >>>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our >>> office. >>> >>>> >>> >>>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web >>> site >>> >>>> where we have gathered various practical >>> >>>> information >>> >>>> regarding the economic crisis in Iceland. >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance. >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024 >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Frá: David Amos >>> >>>> Dags: 29.01.2009 19:17:43 >>> >>>> Til:,, >>>, >>> >>>>,,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>,, >>>, >>> >>>>,,, >>> >>>>,, >>>, >>> >>>>,, ”” >>> >>>> , ”” , Dan >>> >>>> Fitzgerald , >>> >>>> Afrit:,,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>> Efni: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious question. >>> >>>> Why >>> >>>> have you people ignored me for three years? >>> >>>> ——————————————————— >>> >>>> >>> >>>> FYI Some folks in Canada are watching your actions or lack thereof >>> >>>> more closely than others. As you well know I am one. >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> You folks should not deny certain responses that I have received >>> >>>> over >>> >>>> the course of the last few months from your country CORRECT? >>> >>>> >>> >>>> From: David Amos >>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:57:55 -0300 >>> >>>> Subject: Re: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of >>> >>>> Iceland >>> >>>> To: >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Thanx >>> >>>> >>> >>>> On 10/8/08, wrote: >>> >>>> David Raymond Amos >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and >>> >>>> waits >>> >>>> attendance. >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Thank you. >>> >>>> >>> >>>> From: Fjármálaeftirlitið – Fyrirspurn >>> >>>> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:23:41 -0000 >>> >>>> Subject: Staðfesting á móttöku >>> >>>> To: David Amos >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið hefur móttekið erindi yðar. Erindinu verður >>> >>>> svarað >>> >>>> við fyrsta tækifæri. Vakin er athygli á heimasíðu >>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitsins, Þar má finna ýmsar >>> >>>> upplýsingar ásamt svörum við algengum spurningum: >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) of Iceland confirms the >>> >>>> receipt of your e-mail. Your e-mail will be answered as soon as >>> >>>> possible. We would like to point out our website, >>> >>>> >>> >>>> There you can find information and answeres to frequently asked >>> >>>> questions: >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Kveðja / Best Regards >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið / Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Sími / Tel.: (+354) 525 2700 >>> >>>> >>> >>>> From: David Amos >>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300 >>> >>>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the >>> >>>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy? >>> >>>> To:,,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>>, >>> >>>> Cc:,, >>> >>>>, >>> >>>>,, >>> >>>> >>> >>>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this >>> >>>> letter ASAP EH? >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at 506 >>> 756 >>> >>>> 8687 >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Veritas Vincit >>> >>>> David Raymond Amos >
Th snobby bastard doesn't fool mean me anymore than you or the ex cop Fantino orthe VERY corrupt lawyer Ward Elcock did in way back in 2003 as the War in Iraq was beginning and Harper wanted in on the fight? Remember when CSIS boss and the RCMP worked with the liberals and tried hardto help Ashcroft send me to Gitmo in order to shut me up? If not ask the DFAIT who kept their jobs to check their records closely.
How do you bastards sleep nights knowing about that you are covering up how the DND and the Liberals helped Bush plan the War on Iraq? I have been bitching about this for years and long before the CBC starting reading what Wikileaks wasrelasing CORRECT?
Ask your spindoctor Mr Baconfat why he bloggged about it AGAIN after I had proven to legions of people that I had been torturing the DND and the Military Police about his revelaions EH Petey Baby MacKay?
Remember when the lawyer Elock got the Deputy job to counsel the mindless Gordy Baby O'Conner in 2006? I made you and your former underlings in DEFAIT well aware I called and left the old CSIS bastard who lied at the Arar Inquiry and a personal message. Paul Dewar should remember it was about the same time Baird was tabling the Accountabily Act and Flaherty was putting his first budget in print. Dewar can't deny it. He answered me in writing. EH Dewar?
Anyway once I called our sneaky buddy maritime Brent Babock wasn't long calling me from Boston on his Blackberry and asking me many questions. I told him to talk to YOUR underlings in Beantown such as Josie Maguire and the CSIS agent who met in Sheriff Cabral's Jail LONG before when you were ever the Minister of Foreign Affairs EH Petey Baby Mackay?
What a snob Fonberg is he fires a bnch of people then tries to strut his stuff before Parliament and anyone watching CPAC must have noticed it
It was fun to watch tonight. Leave it to The Dark Lord of Subway Stop's old buddies in the National Post to put a neocon spin in things in order to pay back Jason Kenney for allowing a conviceted criminal who threw away his Canadian citizenship back into Canada. Some ethical journalist we have EH?
The money he and you neocons spent on your corrupt friends from many countries during the Olympics and the G8 and G20 meetings in 2010 should Never be forgotten by any Proud Canadian. However their are many gohost around the world that would love to have a little pow wow in an after life as he goes to meet his maker. Elcock is not investigating human smuggling after CSIS and the RCMP covered up such things for years. Of that I have no doubt. If you don't belive me ask the Indian folks Harper keeps trying to make amends with. Lots of kids were taken from their loving native Canadian parents and sent to religious schools NEVER to be seen again. How does Harper and Bush or anyone apologize to the dead?
BTW It is rather amazing how many Russians are checking my work lately. The Russians are not dumb and they love their money just like you do. However its more interesting that the Saudi's and Lookheed Maritn are often checking me out since I spoke all over the world about Prez Obama, zionists and Madoff on GCN etc in 2009.
Many Members of the Canadian House of Commons have been checking out yur spindoctor Mr Baconfat's evil blog since he pounced on me at the same point in time 2009. The Newfy lawyer Jack Harris and his old client Byron Prior must agree that there are no coincidences when it come to the actions of Mr harper and the te boyz in blue N'esy Pas?
QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 26,882 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 89.169.80.# (ZAO Infoline) ISP ZAO Infoline Location Continent : Asia Country : Russian Federation (Facts) State/Region : Moscow City City : Moscow Lat/Long : 55.7522, 37.6156 (Map) Language Russian ru Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Opera 9.80 Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; ru) Presto/2.8.131 Version/11.10 Javascript version 1.4 Monitor Resolution : 800 x 480 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Apr 29 2012 10:30:39 pm Last Page View Apr 29 2012 10:30:39 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Amos&lr=213 Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....liberal-premier.html Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....liberal-premier.html Out Click Time Zone UTC+3:00 Visitor's Time Apr 30 2012 12:30:39 am Visit Number 26,882
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 7,564 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 192.31.106.# (Lockheed Martin Corporation) ISP Lockheed Martin Corporation Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Colorado City : Denver Lat/Long : 39.8158, -105.0128 (Map) Language English (U.S. en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009011913 Firefox/3.0.1 Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1680 x 1050 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Apr 6 2009 10:05:02 pm Last Page View Apr 6 2009 10:05:02 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL name%22&btnG=Search Search Engine Search Words "nobody will say my name" Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-8:00 Visitor's Time Apr 6 2009 6:05:02 pm Visit Number 7,564
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 9,617 Domain Name ? (Saudi Arabia) IP Address 212.138.47.# (Internet Service Unit ISU) ISP Saudi Network Information Center, ISU Location Continent : Asia Country : Saudi Arabia (Facts) State/Region : Ar Riyad City : Riyadh Lat/Long : 24.6408, 46.7728 (Map) Language unknown Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) Javascript disabled Time of Visit Oct 31 2009 6:42:24 am Last Page View Oct 31 2009 6:42:24 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL unknown Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone unknown Visitor's Time Unknown Visit Number 9,617
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 9,567 Domain Name ? (Canada) IP Address 192.197.82.# (Canadian House of Commons) ISP Canadian House of Commons Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Ontario City : Ottawa Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) Language English (Canada)en-ca Operating System Microsoft WinNT Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; MDDR; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.30729) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 800 x 600 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Oct 26 2009 5:47:43 pm Last Page View Oct 26 2009 5:47:43 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-6:00 Visitor's Time Oct 26 2009 3:47:43 pm Visit Number 9,567
Mr Harper I made your cohorts well aware that I was playing fierce hard ball politicking with Yankee neocons BEFORE the nasty lawyer Ezy Levant let you take his chance to get a seat in Parliament CORRECT?
Better yet at part of this email doesn't Graham Thomson of Post Media and Premier Redford understand?
The Edmonton Journal has published this zionist spin doctor's words for years even when he was spinning for the liberals and putting down his latest hero Harper
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: BARRY WINTERS <> Date: Tue, 01 May 2012 09:49:31 -0600 Subject: A 7.62 solution for Robin Reid David Amos and Charles Leblanc, and Stephen Harper the GOOD To: David Amos <>
One year tomorrow! Amos the pig, his family and Robin the cunt on the demise! Stephen Harper the good. The blog proves his "goodness".
As my blog says "Canada's new natural governing party" Canada can only get better and better!
Trust that I remember you people The Dark Lord of a Subway Stop who once owned some of you gets out of jail on Friday and wants to return to Canada correct?
Edith Cody-Rice is the publisher of the Millstone. She recently retired from the position of Senior Legal Counsel to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation where she worked for twenty-nine years. Edith has worked extensively with journalists to help them publish their stories. She is currently a director of the Michener Foundation which grants awards and fellowships to outstanding journalists.
Edith is deeply interested in literature and for 19 years held literary luncheons at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa for many of Canada's outstanding writers. She was also on the board of directors of the Writers' Trust of Canada for 15 years and was its chair in the mid 1990's. She founded a very popular fundraising dinner for the Trust in Ottawa called Politics and the Pen which raises over $200,000 per year for the Writers' Trust. She was a founding director of the George Woodcock Fund which provides support to published writers who face financial need while completing a book project. Edith has also been a director of the Writers' Foundation of Canada, the Ottawa Valley Book Festival, the Ottawa International Writers' Festival, and is currently a board member of Puppets Up! International Puppet Festival. Edith has been a fund raiser for the Ottawa library.
Edith serves on the Millstone as publisher, reporter at large, book reviewer, legal counsel and web designer.
CBC personnel have contacted me concerning your calls and e-mails to them. As you are threatening legal action, would you kindly direct any further calls or correspondence to me. Other CBC personnel will not respond further to your correspondence or calls.
IMPORTANT NOTICE This communication is subject to solicitor/client privilege and contains confidential information intended only for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, other distribution of this communication or taking any action on its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately and delete this message without reading, copying or forwarding it to anyone.
AVIS IMPORTANT La présente communication est assujettie au privilège du secret professionnel de l'avocat et renferme des renseignements confidentiels intéressant uniquement leur destinataire. Il est interdit de divulguer, de copier ou de distribuer cette communication par quelque moyen que ce soit ou de donner suite à son contenu sans y être autorisé. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez nous en avertir immédiatement et le supprimer en évitant de le lire, de le copier ou de le transmettre à qui que ce soit.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ombudsman de Radio-Canada <> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 09:24:41 -0400 Subject: Faire suivre : Fwd: I tried to call you all The pdf files hereto attached prove that I am no liar and the mp3 and te wav files in the next two emails speak volumes To:
Dear David Amos:
I acknowledge receipt of you three e-mails attached. The Radio-Canada Ombudsman has a mandate to determine whether information programs of Radio-Canada has broadcast fully respect CBC/Radio-Canada*s journalism policy. Radio-Canada's Office of the Ombudsman is completely independent of Radio-Canada program management and thus does not intervene in the editorial process prior to the broadcast of information programs. You can read the mandate of the Ombudsmans web sites: and
Great. Thanks for the response. It saves time and unnecessary expense and redundancy because as I said, your local ATV Station is getting a hard copy and Mr. Pozen will receive his upon my return to the USA. I will attach hardcopy of this email to those documents so they will understand that I am serious about my complaints. But I will remain true to my word and not forward this email to anyone outside of your company. Trust that I am seeking friends not more foes. I truly believe that CTV should capitalize on this story but I am somewhat dubious after I saw how Bell Canada employed its media to slam the people striking against Aliant last night. Please never forget I have been compelled to play the wicked political game and I do understand the argument at the bottom of this email. I am very much against the huge mergers at the Global Level. I am certain every lawyer and politician knows why. Best Regards David R. Amos
Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We will then provide you with a reply.
Martine Turcotte Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique BCE Inc. / Bell Canada 1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700 Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7 Tel:(514) 870-4637 Fax: (514) 870-4877 email:
Executive Assistant / Assistante à la haute direction: Diane Valade Tel: 514) 870-4638 email:
I did not receive a response from you to the last email so I am not certain if you received it. I must inform you that I will be closing my briefcase in Yahoo for public view at the end of the week. I have a great deal of material to add and I only wish certain parties to view it. I opened it for you the other day as an act of good faith. Mr. Pozen can check my work in the dockets of the various courts around Boston they are a matter of Public Record my files are not. As you can see by this and some following emails. I am very busy dealing with criminal matters first before filing civil complaints in the USA. As I told you when you called a lot has been happening. I have made a lot of cops mad at me and I don't trust them a bit particularly after the Police Commission is willing to check their work so i have been busy watching my back and covering my butt. However that does not mean that I have not thought about our conversation and was curious about a few things.
I was glad to receive your call and impressed by the fact that you were more than willing to receive the material and a copy of the wiretap tape in particular. Your stated willingness to uphold the law was a rare statement to me. However I was curious why you only mentioned my voicemail to Mr. Pozen and not the email to your company and the news program that it owns. Did they not inform you as well? If they didn't I am not surprised because I have some other rather interesting denials from the Media. the most interesting would have to be from the PBS program called Frontline when I introduced its producer Michael Sullivan to the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan. Now that is a story well worth W5 telling. Too bad they showed me their ass. As a courtesy to you and a further act of good faith, I will not forward this email to anyone else until after I return to the USA and nothing has been resolved between BCE and I and I am compelled to name it in my complaint. I would find it very hard to believe that Mr, Pozen does not know everything he needs to know about me right now.
I had also called a lawyer, Steven Skurka who had a week long little special on CTV . I had tried to inform him that I knew my rights his assistant hollered at me. You from speaking to me yourself that I am not a rude character. I found it too funny to be treated that way and I had resolved to serve him this stuff byway of the local ATV Station that had presented his smiling talking head to me. That is why I was telling you that you could get this stuff from the local ATV station. I found it quite strange that you did not rely on them to send it on to you. Thus I must make an extra copy to comply with your request.
I know the date stamp on the forwarded email is incorrect but that is because my old laptop goes to the first year in it when I boot up and sometimes I am too busy or tired to bother changing it. However MSN tracks it with the true date. Brad Smith and I have a bone to pick as well and I have been checking his work rather closely since he ignored my letter to him last year. His boss Bill Gates is gonna be very angry and Brad Smith and Steve Balmer in the near future if I have anything to do with it. If you do act ethically and immediately I will settle with your company very cheaply in comparsion to the bottom lines of my first two complaints. In fact I will be so impressed I will immediatlely offer you a better job than the one you have now. Please study the material I will provide you closely and ask me any thing you wish.
I will do as I promised and send the material you requested as soon as I can put it all together. Right now I am on the move and far away from my printer. Is the following your correct address? Perhaps you should consider sending someone to the my meeting with the Police Commission in Fredericton next week in order to hear me speak of these matters to law enforcement before I return to the USA. Once I do return there I will serve the Mr. Pozen the material as promised and call him to testify in my pending trial. The following emails should explain some of my concerns to you. My wife will be in Canada next week as well to pick up our kids. I will allow you to speak to her if you wish. She has had a nervous breakdown over the legal crap and I do have her Durable Power of Attorney pursuant to M.G.L. 201 B. Mr. Pozen can ask Robert S. Creedon Jr. about that document. I argued it with him before the entire Judicuary Commitee on Sept. 18th 2003.
I will call you in a minute to make certain that you get this and the following emails.
David R. Amos
Martine Turcotte 1000 de la Gauchetiere Ouest Floor 41 Montreal, Quebec H3B 58H Canada Tel: (514) 870-4637 Fax: (514) 870-4877
I think is time to let a little something out of the bag for the benefit of a few Maritimers who think they know something about the Media.I did notify CBC, the Rogers crowd and Harry Steele's folks that I knew a little bit about the Media and that I had written a book about it. Problem is I need an editor and I believe I may have found one.He comes in the form of a disenchanted newspaper man. But the thing is I want to put it on the web for all to read for free so there is no money in it for him. So I guess I wiil sue some big company with a Prima Facia complaint and settle for a lesser amount out of court. Lets just say I am looking hard at you dudes. I had zeroed in on the Yankee media long ago and I am certain folks within the Ottawa Citizen and Democracy Watch had checked my work(Hey Duff say hey to Dan for me) I have crossed paths with many of Globemedia's people many times for many reasons and I can easily prove it. What I haven't bothered to tell them that I knew the reason Gobal etc never mentioned me was Frank McKenna and the Irving influence because basically that was a no brainer anyway. However If Globemedia and all their cohorts didn't think I knew about the influence Robert Pozen in Boston, you had best think again. then give Mr. Spitzer, Mr. Galvin, Mr. Shelby and Mr. Donaldson a call and drop my name along with Mr. Nesters and Mr. Koski's and tell them my stuff is off to the Arar Commission I am heading back to the USA to call Mr. Pozen and many folks he calls friends to court. Perhaps in Ottawa Bill Rowe will truly speak for the common man after all if the worm turns on his buddies. How do you people sleep at night? What say you? Why not get honest with the world and I will settle cheap? I will give one of your lawyers something real soon before I serve Mr. Pozen his just due byway of this lawyer Jeffrey N Carp MFS Investment Management 500 Boylston Street Boston MA 02116-3741 617-954-5747 Perhaps he should call Putnam investments or the Brookline Savings bank and say hey to Mr Chapman and Mr Tripp for me. I just called Bob Pozen at 617 954-5707 and introduced myself so that he can never say that he never heard my name. MFS set to agree to second settlement · MFS set to agree to second settlement By SINCLAIR STEWART
00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004
00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Sun Life Financial Inc.'s Boston-based mutual fund arm will agree to a $50-million (U.S.) settlement today with U.S. regulators over allegations the firm directed trading commissions to brokerages in exchange for preferential treatment, according to people familiar with the matter.
Sources said Massachusetts Financial Services Co. will announce a deal with the Securities and Exchange Commission this morning that will also include "compliance reforms," in addition to a token $1 disgorgement penalty.
Eric Morse, a spokesman for MFS, declined to comment. A spokesman for the SEC refused to discuss any talks with the firm.
The embattled fund company is hoping this settlement will enable it to move beyond the intense public and regulatory scrutiny it has endured in the past several months.
In early February, MFS agreed to a $350-million settlement with the SEC and New York State Attorney-General Eliot Spitzer for allegedly permitting improper trades in some of its bigger funds. That figure included $225-million in penalties and restitution to investors, along with $125-million in fee reductions spread out over the next five years.
The fallout within MFS, which manages about $140-billion in assets, was also considerable. Its two highest-ranking officials -- chief executive officer John Ballen and president Kevin Parke -- were each fined and slapped with temporary suspensions by the SEC, leading to their departures from the firm. Long-serving chairman Jeffrey Shames also retired in the aftermath of MFS's problems, and was replaced by Robert Pozen, formerly a senior executive at Fidelity Investments and onetime associate general counsel at the SEC.
Mr. Pozen has been charged with cleaning up the mess, and tightening the firm's internal controls.
He has already hired new legal and compliance officers, added monitoring staff, and imposed a ban on so-called "soft dollar" transactions. The firm also prohibited the practice of directing trading fees to brokerages in exchange for being placed on a preferred list of customers and receiving better visibility for its funds.
This latter arrangement, known in industry circles as "pay for play," is at the centre of MFS's pending settlement with the SEC. Sources said the current settlement talks advanced fairly quickly because of the voluntary compliance improvements MFS has undertaken.
In a recent interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Pozen attacked the basis of the regulator's case as "very weak" and said it should have raised this as a problem when it conducted audits of the company.
Nevertheless, he said he hoped to settle the matter quickly, in large part to avoid a costly legal battle and prevent nervous investors from pulling their money out of MFS funds. So far, the damage has been contained to one major client, the Illinois Teachers Retirement System, which fired MFS last month as lead manager on a $664-million portfolio.
The SEC is investigating about a dozen other fund companies for directed brokerage, although sources say MFS will settle individually, rather than as part of a group.
Last fall, brokerage powerhouse Morgan Stanley agreed to pay $50-million to settle charges it failed to tell investors it was promoting funds with which the firm had a special arrangement. Morgan Stanley had a "Partners Program" of 14 funds, including MFS, that paid "substantial" fees in return for the brokerage steering their funds to investors, the SEC claimed.
The regulator indicated a few months ago it would begin investigating a number of fund companies for directing commissions, but did not say which firms it would target.
Sun Life revealed in a filing that MFS was under investigation for this practice just a couple of weeks after its first settlement with the SEC and Mr. Spitzer. The news came as a surprise to most observers, some of whom criticized the insurer's CEO, Donald Stewart, for not disclosing this probe earlier.
MFS is hoping to recoup some of the $175-million it must repay investors under the terms of the first settlement by suing firms and individuals that engaged in market timing and late trading of its funds. Market timing involves making frequent trades in and out of funds in order to cash in on minor pricing discrepancies. It is not illegal, but is usually prohibited by many fund companies, since the quick trading can raise administrative costs and undermine returns to investors.
----- Original Message -----
From: R. S. Webb
To: Amos David
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 12:50 AM
Subject: Fw: possble story
----- Original Message -----
From: R. S. Webb
To: Amos David
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:15 PM
Subject: Fw: possble story
----- Original Message -----
From: W-FIVE Viewer Mail
To: 'R. S. Webb'
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 3:03 PM
Subject: RE: possble story
Dear Mr. Amos,
I would like to thank you for your email to W-FIVE, sorry for the delay in responding.
We review every email and story idea that we receive here at W-FIVE and give it serious consideration. Your email has been forwarded to our executive and senior producer for review. If we are interested in pursuing your idea further, you will be contacted by one of our researchers.
Thanks again for your input. Your interest in our program is much appreciated.
Production Coordinator
-----Original Message----- From: R. S. Webb [] Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 2:28 PM To: Subject: possble story
I am a Canadian Citizen who thus far, as a plaintiff, has two Lawsuits in the US District Court of Massachucetts they are numbered 02-11686- RGS and 02-11687-RGS. They were removed to that Court from the Norfolk Superior Court by the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan very improperly. However they shall remain there because of my status as a Canandian Citizen. Judge Sterns has not even held a Conference about the matters because he likely does not want to hear the matter because I have presented all Members of the Bar with their worst fear of a catch 22 problem. Accordinging to law he is late. I have complained of 47 defendants 34 of whom are State Defendants( the Attorney General, The Commission of Judicial Conduct Board of Bar Overseers etc) and 3 are Federal Treasury Agents. Some of the defendants are over two months late in their answer to the Summons. The smallest suit amounts to 188 million dollars in the form of relief. There is a lot to these matters and too much to briefly explain. But in a nutshell my wife's Aunt, who is buried beside Rose Kennedy, left my wife some money. It was stolen by her relatives in executing the estate. No news there. But the crooks are very well connected politically and every part of the old crony network in Boston covered for them. The crook and our cousin, Charles J. Kickham Jr of the Kickham Law Office on Beacon St, has been past President of Bar Associations. He has sat on the Board of Governors of Harvard Law School etc. I have given much information to many members of the press who have simply ignored some interesting facts. What should be somewhat newsworthy is how far a wild colonial boy has come in prosecuting Pro Se the most profund Yankee carpetbaggers. My next two lawsuits Under title 18 are wickedly righteous. I have left one copy of much information in Saint John New Brunswick at a lawyer's Office, Mosher and Chedore 33 Charlotte St if some one wishes to view them. I can be reached at this Cell number 506 434- 1379
David R. Amos
Canadian Media Deregulation Provides Insight Into FCC Proposal
Critics of consolidation say the integrity of the news is being undermined by the effects of concentrated ownership
Editor's Note: This story has been updated to correct inaccuracies. Please see the corrected version here.
The original version of this story (see below) posted on May 29, 2003 incorrectly stated that Canada's two national newspapers, The Globe and Mail and the National Post, recently laid off their online editorial staffs. According to editor Angus Frame, there have been no recent editorial layoffs at; the site's 18-person staff continues to write and edit stories that are published exclusively online. The National Post did not have dedicated online editorial staff, and did not have online editorial layoffs. The story also failed to acknowledge that the country's largest newspaper, the Toronto Star, also has a significant online operation.
The Federal Communications Commission is poised to unveil new media ownership rules June 2 that some experts believe may change the face of American journalism.
The new rules would allow media companies to own television stations and newspapers in the same cities.
The FCC barred companies from owning newspapers and TV stations in the same market in 1975, but big media owners like the Tribune Co., Knight Ridder, MediaNews Group and the New York Times say it's time to lift that ban.
They argue that cross-ownership makes for better journalism: Staffers working for companies that own newspapers and TV stations in the same market can work together to create richer, multimedia news reports that can then run in the company's paper and on their stations and Web sites.
Advocates say the synergies of convergence lead to cost savings, increased advertising revenues and greater efficiencies.
Cross-ownership already exists in some markets: The FCC granted about 40 exemptions to the cross-ownership rule in cases where a company already had television or radio stations and a newspaper in a single city. The FCC also granted exemptions in larger markets after media mergers produced cross-ownership situations.
‘The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian cities is of interest for a lot reasons, but mainly because it provides too much news coming through one pipeline.’ --Russ Mills, former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen
The Tribune Co., for example, owns television stations and newspapers in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Miami.
How further media consolidation and convergence would play out if the FCC does lift the ban on cross-ownership has been the subject of hot debate in the weeks leading up to the commission's June 2 vote.
Experts familiar with the rapid consolidation of media in Canada say the U.S. should look northward for some lessons on what loosening cross-ownership restrictions could mean to journalism in the U.S.
In Canada, the deregulation of cross-media ownership occurred gradually over the last 20 years. Within the past eight years, it has led to massive consolidation of media companies.
Most of Canada's news media -- including newspapers and broadcast stations in all of its major cities -- are in the hands of two media giants: CanWest Global Communications Inc., and Bell Globemedia -- a division of the country's largest telephone company, Bell Canada.
The rapid media consolidation in Canada has inspired an often-acrimonious debate over whether Canadian journalists are able to report objectively on social and political issues and whether the country's corporate media has allowed business interests to undermine the role of journalism in a modern democracy.
"Based on the experience in Canada, dropping restrictions on cross-ownership certainly hasn't worked out well," said Russ Mills, former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen in Canada's capital city, who was fired by CanWest in a fight over editorial independence.
"The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian cities is of interest for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it provides too much news coming through one pipeline," he said. "When companies use ownership to control the news, and they do have the ability to do so, it hurts everyone."
Though the two media conglomerates said cross-media consolidation would improve online journalism, many media observers say online journalism at local papers has gone downhill in the wake of consolidation.
The country's two national newspapers, the National Post, half-owned by CanWest, and The Globe and Mail, owned by Bell Canada's media wing, Globemedia, have laid off the online reporters and editors at the two papers that once produced copy separate from print editions.
The two papers, former online staffers said, were the only ones in Canada that were doing something other than simply repurposing content from newspaper pages into newspaper Web sites.
Executives at Bell Globemedia and CanWest have defended the cutbacks, saying they were a result of cost-cutting efforts and consolidations undertaken after spending billions of dollars to acquire newspaper and broadcasting properties.
Consolidation accelerated in 1990s
Canada's restrictions on cross-media ownership were carved largely from regulatory decisions on broadcasting licenses made since the 1950s by the Canadian Radio-Television Commission -- Canada's version of the FCC.
By the mid-1980s, Canadian media experts say, exceptions to cross-media ownership rules had eroded the cross-ownership ban to the point that it was unenforcable and largely ignored.
By the mid-1990s, consolidation of Canadian media companies had accelerated on the strength of economics. And in 2000, CanWest, the second largest broadcaster in the country, announced a $3.5-billion deal to purchase a majority of the nation's newspapers -- including papers in the nation's 12 largest cities.
Within weeks, Jean Monty, Bell Canada's CEO at the time, announced that Canada's largest phone company had set its sights on owning both content and the multimedia pipelines into consumers' homes.
The decision prompted Bell Globemedia to purchase the Globe and Mail and the nation's largest TV network, CTV, in 2001.
Despite the rising consolidation of media outlets, the massive purchases of newspapers by CanWest Global and Bell Globemedia took many Canadian journalists and media-watchers by surprise.
CanWest and Bell executives convinced Canada's CRTC that convergence was necessary to attract advertising revenue and reduce costs if newspapers in many Canadian communities were to survive. And they promised that resources from new revenues would be devoted to improving the quality and reach of journalism through the Internet.
When questions about convergence arose during CRTC hearings on both companies' broadcast licenses shortly after their newspaper purchases, they promised regulators that they would separate management of news-gathering operations by their television stations and newspapers.
Officials from the Canada National Newspaper Guild complained that keeping management separate would not prevent companies from forcing journalists to perform work for both newspapers and television, to the detriment of journalistic independence.
Critics -- including journalism professors, journalists, newspaper and broadcast union officials, and some government officials -- have argued that the quality of journalism has gone down, not up, as a result of convergence.
Joyce Smith, an assistant professor at Canada's Ryerson University, teaches online journalism and worked on the online staff at the Globe and Mail before those employees were laid off last year.
She said the one opportunity to see convergence succeed might have been missed by Bell Globemedia in its efforts to cut costs to recoup some of what it spent on media acquisitions.
"What I found interesting was that the actual idea of convergence wasn't a hit with people working with just the newspaper or just television," Smith said. "Where it really happened was with the online news team. There were things the TV folks could clearly do much better with the online newspaper. By pooling resources, it all did work much better.
"But in the tradition of journalism," she said, "reporters were asking, 'What does this mean for me? Does it mean that I have to file stories to the Web and then do stand-ups in newsroom, while doing my piece for the deadline at the end of the day?'
"Basically, (owners) wanted reporters to be one-man bands," Smith said. "That has been played and replayed here. It made sense from a business model, but journalists, especially those who have been around for a while, went into newspapers and TV for a reason. Some are great at doing both, but not everyone has the same aptitude. And no one has the time in the day to do it all. Some of the expectations were outrageous."
Canada reexamining changes
While U.S. media critics and media executives have been testifying over the past few weeks in Senate hearings on the proposed changes in the FCC's media ownership rules, Canada is busy reexamining what has come of its own cross-media consolidations.
Two inquiries are underway by Canadian government officials to explore the impact of cross-media ownership and consolidation on journalistic integrity and media responsibility.
The Canadian Senate's Committee on Transport and Communication began taking testimony at the end of April on those issues and is expected to report its findings within the next year.
A House of Commons committee on Canadian heritage is expected to release an 800-page report next month on its own yearlong investigation into the impact of media concentration and political efforts by corporations to ease restrictions on foreign ownership of Canadian media.
But media-watchers, who have a ringside seat on Canada's great media debate, say they are doubtful that government investigations will produce any new regulation on media conglomerates.
"The horse is out of the barn," said Arnold Amber, director of the National Newspaper Guild of Canada. "But the good news is that this has at least inspired a vigorous national debate on press freedom and responsibility."
Amber and other critics of media convergence said promises of more stories and better information from combining print and broadcast news staffs have largely failed in Canada.
"Bell Globemedia is talking about restructuring and selling off its media wing," Amber said. "The failure of convergence to bring in revenues was primarily responsible for the resignation of Bell Canada's CEO, Jean Monty," who stepped down in April 2002.
Geoffrey Elliot, vice-president of corporate affairs for CanWest, said that convergence has not led to revenues, or the reduced costs, the company had hoped for.
But Elliot, and other supporters of cross-media ownership, argues that all sides have benefited from consolidation.
"We are a family-owned business that saw an opportunity in which the whole was greater than the sum of the parts," Elliot said. "We saw substantial potential synergies on the sales side by putting television and newspaper assets together, since they both serve primarily advertising clients as sources of revenue, and serve a combination of local and national markets."
Amber said the companies likely saw their primary financial advantages from a convergence of back-office technologies -- combining circulation, sales, printing and management operations.
But it was something else that brought issues to a head in Canada over media consolidation and sharing newsroom resources: The loss of diversity of voices within the Canadian media took on new importance, observers say, after a series of events that led to accusations of censorship and political bias by CanWest's owners.
In December 2001, CanWest -- which owns 11 major dailies and 22 smaller papers in Canada -- issued a directive to its newspaper editors that they would be expected to run three editorials per week that reflected the position of CanWest’s owners on political or social issues.
The decision was met with a spate of criticism -- especially when editors were told that other local editorials were not to contradict those from corporate headquarters.
A byline strike ensued at the Montreal Gazette, and inquiries by the newspaper guild there led to findings that work by columnists and cartoonists was spiked when it conflicted with opinions from corporate headquarters.
Several journalists quit; some staffers published a protest Web site.
The furor finally boiled over into the public arena last June when Russ Mills, the publisher of the Ottawa Citizen, was fired by CanWest for running a series of stories and an editorial that outlined alleged political and financial irregularities in the administration of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
Elliot, the CanWest vice president, said the controversy arose because Mills failed to let CanWest's owners know in advance of the series or the editorial -- which called on Chretien, a friend of CanWest patriarch Israel Asper, to resign.
Mills said he had not sought permission for either the investigative series, or the editorial, because he believed in preserving "editorial independence."
The problem, Mills said, was that the new owners were trying to dictate local editorial policy from corporate headquarters.
Elliot described the concern over attempts at a national editorial policy -- which has since been largely abandoned –- as a tempest without substance.
He said CanWest’s owners were "well within their rights to propose national editorials," and that their actions were no different that those of other newspaper ownership groups prior to media consolidation.
"There has never been any effort to control what was published in news stories," he said.
Since his firing, Mills has become an outspoken critic of media consolidation in Canada, and he testified in April before the Canadian Senate committee conducting media hearings. He was also awarded a Neiman Fellowship at Harvard University and is the incoming dean of the journalism program at Algonquin College in Ottawa.
Meanwhile, Mills' firing prompted a public opinion poll by Canada's largest media union that found that the incident had caused the public to lose confidence in the media's editorial independence.
The results, union officials said, showed that Canadians were concerned about press freedom and wanted the government to look into problems associated with media concentration.
Peter Murdock, then vice-president of the communications union, told Canada Newswire that the poll "demonstrates that Canadians want their journalists protected from the whims and prejudice of media barons. It is a grim warning to media corporations and government that Canadians believe that the very integrity of the news that feeds our democracy is being undermined by the effects of concentrated media ownership."
It is clear that online journalism at Canada’s newspapers has changed dramatically under CanWest’s corporate control.
The company replaced independent newspaper Web sites with a common site,, which allows consumers to access local news by clicking on the community they are interested in.
Elliot said community news on the Web site comes from local newspapers and television stations, and said that consolidating that information on a single Web site provides consumers better access to local news across the country -- as well as reduces costs.
Bruce MacCormack, former head of interactive media at CanWest, said supplementing newspaper and television content with a common Web site has made access to news more efficient and allowed the corporation to serve consumers better.
"The consumers of online media … were also television viewers and newspaper readers, and at different points in the day, different media were the best way to reach those people," MacCormack said.
"Someone watching television in the evening could be told about stories being developed for the next day's newspaper, which is read on the commuter train as people go to work," he said. "Then, during working hours, the Internet was the most effective way to get them up to date on news, and tease them for television use at night."
"These were handoff mechanisms that worked to reach people, so consumers and the public were able to access services in the most appropriate media, for whatever method they could best be served."
CanWest recently filed testimony with the FCC to support the relaxation of cross-media regulations in the U.S. That testimony challenges media critics on their central objections to cross-media ownership.
"Today's media market is the richest and most diverse in the history of modern media," the document says. "Cross-ownership has strengthened media companies and encouraged greater diversity and more sources of information.
"Experience," it adds, "simply does not support the contention of some opponents of cross-media ownership, that consumers would have access to fewer point of view, or would see only repackaged versions of the same content across multimedia platforms."
Smith, the Ryerson professor -- despite her criticisms of the handling of online media opportunities in Canada -- said she sees differences between media ownership consolidation in Canada and in the United States.
"In the U.S., because of the size of the market, the chance of one or two owners gobbling up everything, I think, would be less than in Canada," she said. "But there is some caution in that.
"If you are thinking about journalists, there are wonderful things about operating in a converged environment. It was really exciting thinking we could potentially have video, and it may be good for news consumers in the sense that (online video) will be a faster way of converging types of media.
"But you get a lot of the same stuff. There is no alternative. You are going to lose some (editorial) voices in the process."
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All cases of COVID-19 in N.B. have recovered
All 120 cases have recovered and there are no new cases
Sarah Morin· CBC News· Posted: May 16, 2020 1:13 PM AT
Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health, said people should exercise caution this May long weekend to prevent transmission of COVID-19. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
All COVID-19 cases in New Brunswick have recovered, said a news release from the Department of Health on Saturday.
There are no active cases in the province and the number of recovered cases remains at 120. As of Saturday, 20,032 tests have been conducted.
The province is in the second phase of its recovery plan, which is aimed at reopening businesses and activities.
More Fredericton parks reopen
Some dog parks, disc golf courses and tennis courts at parks in Fredericton have reopened just in time for the Victoria Day weekend.
The Wilmot Park and Henry Park tennis courts reopened Friday and dog parks and disc golf courses reopened to the public Saturday morning.
Visitors must bring their own hand sanitizer, maintain two metres from others outside their bubble, not gather in groups and follow the posted rules.
If the public doesn't follow the rules, the facilities will be shut down for 48 hours.
Sports courts, fields, pickle ball courts, playgrounds and skateboard parks remain closed.
Several parks and playgrounds in Saint John have reopened for the long weekend.
Rainbow Park playground, Station One skate park, Rockwood Park playground, Forest Hills playground and Dominion Park playground and basketball court reopened Saturday, along with Shamrock Park tennis courts 1-5 and horseshoe pits.
Saint John will be sanitizing playground equipment twice daily and providing hand sanitizer at each location.
Libraries reopening over next few weeks
New Brunswick public libraries are preparing to reopen in the coming weeks, said a news release form the Government of New Brunswick on Friday.
Each library must have standards in place to protect staff and visitors when it reopens.
Services will be limited to returning and picking up books, CDs and DVDs. Programming, reference services and computer services will resume at a later date.
There are 64 public libraries across the province.
Buskers on the Bay Festival cancelled
The 30th annual Buskers on the Bay Festival has been cancelled because of COVID-19.
In a statement posted on Market Square's Facebook page, organizers said they were disappointed to pull the plug on one of the "oldest festivals in Canada."
Organizers said they're aware the region will miss the "working acts, children's activities and the extensive range of vendors" they had planned.
"But the safety of our community is our first priority and we understand the importance to cancel all large events and mass gatherings to help minimize the spread of the virus."
In April, the province ordered the cancellation of all events through to the end of the year.
"It is definitely disappointing to have to make this decision but we have big plans to celebrate both our 30th & 31st anniversaries of the Buskers on the Bay Festival in 2021," organizers said.
Buskers on the Bay was scheduled to take place from July 15 to 19.
What to do if you have symptoms
People concerned they might have COVID-19 can take a self-assessment on the government website. People with two of those symptoms are asked to:
David Amos Methinks many folks would like to know how many of their fellow New Brunswickers suffered and died during the past two months because of Higgy's lock down of our Health Care System N'esy Pas?
Winston Gray Reply to @David Amos: methinks you don’t know what you’re talking about and are just trying to create divide by making accusations you cannot prove N’esy Pas?
Carlson MacKenzie
Reply to @David Amos: Youthinks too much and the end result is nothing of any substance. Don't worry though, you're not alone, you've got lot's of company.
Chris McNee
Reply to @David Amos: sadly you are onto something. Putting off surgeries has effectively harmed some of our NB’ers
Chris McNee
Reply to @Winston Gray: this time he’s onto something. Postponement of critical surgeries causes loss of life.
mabel short
Reply to @David Amos: it is past time that all 3maritime provinces become one single and better educated doctors & nurses dual systems because of language should even exist in healthcare....otherwise those capable will continue their health care in the USA.
James Smith
Reply to @Winston Gray: No, it's a documented fact by now. We lost several cardiac patients who were too afraid to go to the hospital and died, not to mention the uptick in homicides and suicides. Prevention has been proved worse than the problem itself in this Hegelian Dialectic exercise.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @mabel short: Mable short of a few marbles!
Jos Allaire
Reply to @mabel short: Toopee fripper mon tchu!
Dave Corbin There are no active cases in the province" needs to be followed by the caution...that we know of.
David Amos
Reply to @Dave Corbin: Methinks folks are wasting their precious time following Higgy's orders N'esy Pas?
David Amos Methinks it would be a wonderful would if the Crown permitted Chantal LeBouthi to read my reply to her last comment this morning N'esy Pas?
Chantal LeBouthi 2 hours ago Higgs doesn’t mind Irving getting poeples from the two most infected provinces
Higgs politics bad politics
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to David Amos: Deja Vu Anyone?
David Amos Content disabled Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Methinks the ghosts Prime Ministers William Pitt "the Elder and "The Younger" would agree that bad politicking was around long before New Brunswick became part of the British Empire.I have no doubt the Irving Clan were just as familiar with the wicked game just like my Forefathers in Scotland were They came here on the same boat with one of mine after many of your ancestors were displaced N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
Lou Bell Content disabled 64 Public Libraries in the Province and an unqualified leader !
David Amos Content disabled Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should take that up with your hero Higgy N'esy Pas?
mabel short so, the saint john public library (the very first public library in all of canada) will be open....what about the historical items kept safe by the saint john library????
Reply to @mabel short: I don't think they risk being infected by COVID.
Reply to @mabel short: Not really sure to what you're referring Ms Short...what about those "historical items"? What has the re-opening of the library got to do with those items?
Fred Dee Dentists are back, but having troubles getting access to PPE!!! Why is the GNB not assisting them?? Do not give it to them, but help them get GOOD SAFE PPE!!!! Some dentists will be staying closed for an unknown time... while their patients are in PAIN!!!!!
Dr. John Dornan, chief of staff for the Horizon Health Network, said rapid COVID-19 turnaround results are important in situations where people can comply with isolation requirements or in facility settings where the disease could quickly spread. (Ed Hunter/CBC)
As New Brunswick recovers from COVID-19 and hospital services restart, last month's lab upgrades to provide faster test results continue to play an important role, according to the Horizon Health Network's chief of staff.
"And in the surgical world, sometimes the people need surgery very quickly."
The GeneXpert instruments, which reduce wait times to 45 minutes from as long as two days for some patients, are "an extremely valuable resource," he said.
The Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation's COVID-19 emergency fund paid for the upgrades at the Horizon and Vitalité hospital labs in Edmundston, Campbellton, Bathurst, Miramichi, Moncton, Fredericton and Saint John.
Previously, all of New Brunswick COVID-19 test swabs had to be driven in batches to the lab at the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre in Moncton. Those results, including travel time, take between 24 and 48 hours.
The GeneXpert upgrades came at "just the right time," as the province was ramping up its testing, said Dornan.
The combined capacity of the seven labs is about 200 tests a day, he said. "Thus far, the people that have needed to have a rapid turnaround, we've been able to meet that."
And now the GeneXpert will contribute to this next phase, during which the two regional health authorities are able to restart non-emergency surgeries, diagnostic procedures and health services.
"There's a long wait list in New Brunswick," acknowledged Dornan. "We're working our way gradually through increasing our ORs. We're quite excited about that," he said. "We want to help people get better through surgery."
GeneXpert will only be used for certain pre-op patients, but if they test negative, the faster results will save time and money because fewer precautions will be required, said Dornan. Not everyone in the operating room will have to fully gear-up in personal protective equipment, he said.
The capacity of the seven labs varies, with the smaller centres able to handle about 16 test results a day and the larger ones, about 84 daily. (Paul Chiasson/The Canadian Press)
The faster GeneXpert test results cost more than the Dumont lab, said Dornan. "As you've heard, you can't be quick, reliable and cheap at the same time."
But he couldn't say how much either analysis costs. Horizon spokesperson Kris McDavid was also unable to provide any estimates.
"Cost is not the factor," said Dornan. "It's the issue of getting a test back quick enough to have an impact on the care that people get."
GeneXpert has been used for prioritized groups, including: patients being admitted to intensive care, women in labour, people in level three nursing homes or adult residential facilities who are suspected of having COVID-19, people in correctional facilities and people who are homeless.
But others can be added on a case-by-case basis by contacting the microbiologists, said Dornan.
Crisis calls for quick decisions
Although some rapid testing efforts in other jurisdictions have run into problems, Dornan is undaunted.
"One of the things that I've learned in the COVID crisis is that you have to make rapid decisions," he said. "You cannot keep decisions in abeyance for weeks and months on end.
For example, when the GeneXpert upgrades were completed, their initial results were considered preliminary until they could be validated against the "gold standard" Dumont lab.
"So it doesn't trouble me that there's some hiccups along the way because … people's health are not put in jeopardy," said Dornan.
With any new equipment, appropriate precautions are always taken, he added.
There are no longer any active cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick, Public Health reported on Saturday.
The final of all 120 patients has now recovered, officials said in a news release.
A total of 20,032 tests have been conducted to date.
David Amos Content disabled Methinks some folks working for Horizon Health in Fat Fred City must recall the circus that occurred when RCMP and I visited their Looney Bin before the economy crashed in 2008. The fact that the shrinks and the DECH could not bill New Brunswick for their malicious actions because of a "Stay" that had put on my Medicare Card was too too funny indeed N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @David Amos: Methink Higgy et al cannot deny the reasons why I trust the heath of my bum ticker (and pay cash) to the doctors at Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre in Moncton and their related emergency rooms within the French side of our Health care system after being attacked by the Anglo dudes 12 years ago N'esy Pas?
Johnny Almar
Fake news
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @Johnny Almar: You should know
Rob Sense
This guy would say anything to cover up this waste of donor money. Couldn't stand that the tests going to that french hospital so they found a way to duplicate services like they always do. It takes one hour to send a sample from SJ to Moncton so his claim of 48 hours turn around is absurd. No consideration that is costs 10 times more than current tests. Luckily there are no more cases.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Rob Sense: Sure it does ! Do 50 tests in Fredericton , ship 'em IMMEDIATELY as\fter each test is done ! Same as other locations . So you have 205 to 250 INDIVIDUAL shipments ! You do realize the tests are over a 24 hour period don't you ? Think about it , then post ! Maybe we need to speak to Bizarro Rob , COMMON !!
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @Lou Bell: Please continue to cry me a river I need it for Federal Court
Terry Tibbs
One has to simply wonder what we are seeing here? Are we seeing "use it or lose it" criteria for government funding? Or Are we expecting a major influx of covid 19 cases, that may, or may not, be connected to opening daycares?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks what is far more important what we are not seeing N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos: Isn't it "funny" how announcements like this are ALWAYS covering something up?
Carlson MacKenzie
Really not much point in having an account here if nothing you say is allowed to remain.
David Amos
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: Go figure why I am laughing at your lament
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: Methinks your hero Higgy and the his buddies in the Irving Clan would not have one of mine that did not make the grade N'esy Pas?
Reply to @Chantal LeBouthi: Methinks the ghosts Prime Ministers William Pitt "the Elder and "The Younger" would agree that bad politicking was around long before New Brunswick became part of the British Empire.I have no doubt the Irving Clan were just as familiar with the wicked game just like my Forefathers in Scotland were They came here on the same boat with one of mine after many of your ancestors were displaced N'esy Pas?
The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail—its roof may shake—the wind may blow through it—the storm may enter—the rain may enter—but the King of England cannot enter! speech, March 1763, in Lord Brougham Historical Sketches of Statesmen in the Time of George III First Series (1845) vol. 1
Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it. speech, House of Lords, 9 January 1770
Lou Bell
Reply to @Carlson MacKenzie: Try social media . They'll allow you to say anything you want , including most things you realize after you've said it , you really didn't want to , although by then it's too late . here they help you out and do it for you !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should practice what you preach and checkout my twitter and Blogger accounts N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Lou Bell: Right. "here they help you out and do it to you !"
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: I don't follow false facts !
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Nope Methinks Mr Tibbs would agree that "Content disabled" hurts the truth N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Not enough time . The 17 people who support you in past Provincial elections do though.
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Two poofs thus far in just one thread Methinks its small wonder I am blogging it all already N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you should check your false claims then call your lawyer N'esy Pas?
Lou Bel
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Ne comprendez Senior .
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you wish to play dumb because you worked for Horizon when I was falsely imprisoned in the DECH in 2008 N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Truth hurts !! Methinks editing comments hurts the truth N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: I worked my whole life in private business , did my job , worked hard , and saved for retirement . Haven't a clue who you are , your past , or even care. Never worked for Horizon , Irving , or any others you appear to have it in for. Have no time for conspiracy theorists .
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yea Right Buggie
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: I would lay odds that you know Justice Richard Bell quite well
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell:" I don't follow false facts !" Lets see what facts you do know
Do tell Madame Bell who was the lawyer from Fat Fred City who began representing the Commissioner of the RCMP in the Arar Inquiry after the Deputy Prime Minister and Canada's first Minister of Public Safett finally admitted that the Yankee Department of Homeland Securtiy had acknowledged my concerns in 2003?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Question # 2 Can you name the lawyer Harper enlisted to run his campaigns in New Brunswick for the elections of the 39th and 39th Parliaments and how many votes did I get in each election and where did I run?
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Question # 3 Who was the first lawyer Harper appointed to sit on the bench as a judge as soon as he became Prime Minister in 2006?
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @Lou Bell: Question # 4 Who was the first judge I met In Federal Court in December of 2015 after I ran in the election of the 42nd Parliament and where did I run how many votes did I get that time?
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks Higgy et al cannot deny that the answer to all the questions is the same dude. Whereas the lawyer/judge is from Fat Fred city and shares your last name odds are you know the answers too and I have no doubt that is why you have attacked me so much over the years making false claims about voting records etc N'esy Pas?
David Peters
"It(publicly run healthcare) has a 15,000-patient backlog of surgery patients."
The system has failed, imo. Baseline budgeting and collective bargaining agreements made the collapse inevitable.
Time to let free market solutions meet demand, imo. Allow patients get the treatments they need in a much more timely manner, by removing barriers between doctor and patients.
Koffi Babone
Reply to @David Peters: What do you mean by "Time to let free market solutions meet demand, imo"? Do you privatization of health care? Because there is a very good example of how that worked out in QC.... Most the Covid-19 infections and deaths in Qc occurred in private long term health care facilities, where the seniors paid between $ 3000 to 10,000 a month for care and the workers taking of care of them were paid barely above minimum wage.
David Peters
Reply to @Koffi Babone:
One 'company' owning 15 huge long term care homes is more like crony capitalism than it is a free market solution.
A free market solution involves competition, consumer choice, innovation helping to lower costs. The owners of the care home should be on-site, directly involved of the day to day goings on, imo.
A free market solution, though, is not perfect. We are talking about better, faster and cheaper, not perfection.
Marco Bernardo
Reply to @David Peters: I guess you haven't seen the people in the United States that lost their jobs and no longer have medical insurance. The ones particularly troubling were the sick people, who documented their troubles on social media, trying to get the free Covid-19 testing that was promised. That turned out to be an empty promise that ran in bureaucratic circles to nowhere. The one guy couldn't afford his upcoming rent and didn't have money for the paid testing, and he was in rough shape. Yea, the free market is good for most products and services, and for meeting materialistic needs, but cannot be relied upon for the social responsibility that is health care. The only thing that you are going to allow is for the insurance companies to get wealthier and for people in financial difficulty to not get proper treatment. Yea keep looking at the United States to see how well that system is working out for their society during this pandemic.
David Peters
Reply to @Marco Bernardo: The US system is not an example of a free market system, you have highlighted in your own comment. Bureaucratic circles to nowhere and insurance companies taking over from doctors is an example of a monopolized healthcare system that has driven costs so high...that good healthcare becomes less attainable for many.
A better example of how a freer healthcare system can provide comparable, sometimes better quality service for 10% of the cost, is India.
David Peters
Reply to @Marco Bernardo: In India, there are virtually no surgery wait times. Sometimes they are done the same day of the diagnosis....all for 10% of the cost of how it's done in the US. In many cases the service is said to be excellent, as well.
Marco, how can your really defend a system that there is a surgery wait list of 15000 patients? When you need surgery, can you really afford to wait for many months, or even years?
Also, wouldn't you rather be in a position where healthcare were affordable enough that you could pay for it yourself, and there wasn't any obstacles between you and your doctor?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Peters: Oh , minimum wages for Doctors / Nurses ! How do you think that'll work out in recruiring ??
Mary Smith
Reply to @David Peters: "a surgery wait list of 15000 patients"
This happened because we pressed pause on most surgeries because of a global pandemic. Whether we had another sort of healthcare system, we still would have pressed pause, and a backlog of surgeries would have happened no matter the system. It just wasn't safe, so we made a decision to halt surgeries temporarily, and now we're going to un-pause and start tackling the backlog.
Allocate more funds, more operating room time, potentially open up for night surgeries if we have staff to do so. Hire more. If the budget is too low to meet demands, it means the budget is not enough and the money allocated was insufficient so we have to adjust the budget to meet the demands.
We don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's a backlog because we purposely pressed pause so we can brace and deal with a global pandemic, and now we need to allocate more resources so we can meet demands.
Mary Smith
Reply to @Mary Smith: A backlog existed before this pandemic, meaning we were always not allocating enough resources. This shines light on a problem that already existed, and the government needs to have supply meet demands. Healthcare is a fixed cost, and we can look for savings, but having people sit endlessly on wait list is not healthcare - an increase in resources are necessary, and were necessary before, and even more necessary moving forward.
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Peters: Monies such as those wasted in EMPTY Emergency rooms in 6 small hospitals for 8 hours each evening around the Province are examples ofr wasted monies not being put WHERE THEY'RE MOST NEEDED !!!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Mary Smith: So right Mary . David thinks he has all the answers , although they're usually wrong
Mary Smith
Reply to @Mary Smith: “Dr. Doucet has confirmed she is leaving NB due to a lack of resources and support for pediatric ophthalmology. Dr. Leblond [orthopedic surgeon] has confirmed that he will be taking a one year leave of absence that allows for the option of returning to New Brunsiwck should resources for his wife’s practice allow her to do so”
Resources need to be increased. In this scenario, Erica Doucet said that operating rooms sat empty when she needed them desperately to try to tackle her over 1000 patient wait list. Government simply is not allocating enough resources, and the cost is that patients are suffering and doctors are stressed and sometimes leave.
Mary Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: I know you read those statistics, but please, I assure you those were intentionally misleading statistic on purpose to paint the picture that those rural wait rooms were empty - I assure you, they are not.
Those numbers only counted new patients that arrived after 10/12, and did not reflect all the patients still in outpatients from the day that stay until the early morning hours waiting to be seen. It does not account for those who are admitted into the hospital before that cut off to be counted, or account for those who are in hospital for care.
Those rural hospitals are vital. Even if they were empty - and they are not - shutting them down would only cause overcrowding in urban hospitals that are routinely at or over capacity. Do you know how many people from urban areas go into rural areas to take advantage of our hospitals? It's so many. It means longer wait times for rural areas, and we sometimes have to wait 6-9+ hours now because of the people from urban areas bypassing their hospitals to use our services.
Even if the rural hospitals were empty, we need it open and a doctor onsite for emergencies - because time is everything and otherwise patients would be DOA. Ambulances often have to stop at the hospital to stabilize a critical patient in order for them to survive transport to a larger hospital.
Shutting down rural hospitals just pushes problems around, increasing time for ambulances transporting patients like mad and will cause overflow into urban hospitals.
Having rural hospitals and putting them to better use by embracing tele-health services, so they can tele-health to where the highest demand is - like an urban hospital - so they can work to empty out that wait room of lower triage cases. Win, win. Rural and Urban united.
Mary Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: Most emergencies happen at night - breathing difficulties, strokes, heart attacks, care accidents. And how would patients from those rural hospitals be transported to urban hospitals? Would the all be jammed onto an ambulance bus, in close quarters, spreading germs around? What would that do to already over crowded and usually over capacity urban hospitals? Not to mention all the viruses sent to one hospital is not good hospital etiquette, as witnessed by centralized hospitals in Italy. If an outbreak happens in one hospital, it's best to have rural hospitals that can step up if need be.
If we shut down rural hospitals, we'd create dead zones. Literal pockets of this province where if an emergency happened, in all likelihood those people there would be dead on arrival.
Better utilize all hospitals, embrace tele-health (look up PEI and their experience with tele-health - it's been really positive for them), and ensure that all NB'ers have access to healthcare.
This is not an urban vs rural issue - even though they released manipulated data and stats to paint a picture that rural hospitals are sitting there, unused and empty, because it is absolutely false - they just wanted to scapegoat rural hospitals. If you shut down rural hospitals it will just shift the problems and cause longer wait times for everyone, for everyone in need of an ambulance, cause overcrowding in urban hospitals where they're usually at or over capacity, and lead to more and more NB'ers DOA.
Mary Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: Not to mention shutting rural hospitals would't save money. Rural hospitals run on really balanced budgets, especially compared to urban hospitals. They do a lot of fundraising and are vital to their communities.
Without them, it's so counter-intuitive: rural areas work really hard to get seniors into old folks homes and our of hospitals. Sackville is setting itself up to be a seniors living community, but who in their right minds would want to be a senior in a healthcare dead zone and be 45 minutes away from a hospital, and that's not including the time it takes for an ambulance to come to you. Not to mention highway conditions in Sackville often mean that the highway is un-passable, either due to white outs conditions or due to strong Fundy winds.
We do not have the transit system other areas have. There are people who are landlocked here. Students and international students without cars or transit. There are so many factors, none of which were taken into account with the rash attempt to shut down 6 hospitals just days before schools were to be shut for this global pandemic.
Rural hospitals can raise funds so well. Have chase the ace sort of fundraising, you'll see rural hospitals flourish. We should not shut hospitals down and kill towns and communities, but lean on them harder, use tele-care/tele-health to optimize doctors time, and not sacrifice one portion of the province for another because if those hospitals shut, we all suffer as a result.
Koffi Babone
Reply to @Mary Smith: "You wrote hire more..." FYI there is currently no agreement between NB doctors and the provincial government for this pandemic. All other provinces have agreed to compensate doctors to some extend. All doctors paid as a "fee for service" currently still have expenses (staff, utilities, rental etc), cannot close shop but have decreased income.
How do you intend on recruiting if the NB government is not compensating our doctors for their losses?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Mary Smith: I know Oromocto Hospital , serving a MUCH LARGER population and MANY MORE people each evening a year or two ago had their Emergency hours cut off at 10 o'clock each evening . Where were al the naysayers then ?? Figures don't lie ! These are small village / town hospitals and Oromocto should have been the last of any of those shut down . Most of these places are no larger than McAdam , Harvey , Minto/ Chipman , Boiestown/ Doaktown , Nackawic , TriCounty, and many others who lost their services years ago ! Next door service for small communities DOES NOT trump 6 hour wait times in larger urban areas .
Mary Smith
Reply to @Koffi Babone: NB should follow suit if the other provinces "have agreed to compensate doctors to some extend". NB should be "compensating our doctors for their losses".
Mary Smith
Reply to @Mary Smith: First step is treating the doctors and healthcare workers we already have well. That will help with recruitment.
David Amos
Reply to @Mary Smith: Methinks I should not be surprised to see that you are still pounding on your keyboard while ignoring my questions N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Mary Smith: Oromocto Hospital serving a MUCH LARGER population and area was shut down over two years ago . Where were the naysayers then ? Small town / village Hospitals servicing 3 to 10 people in an evening SHOULD NOT trump 6 hour wait times in other areas . These midnight to 8 a.m. services were cut to areas just aas large such as Minto/ Chipman , Boiestown / Doaktown , McAdam/ Harvey, Nackawic, and TriCounty years ago ! And they all have had to deal with major accidents. Curb service is a thing of the past !
Lou Bell
Reply to @Mary Smith: Most areas like Sackville have ambulances on standby in their commumities , they don't come fro 50 miles away. Amherst has a hospital and Moncton isn't 45 minutes away unless one's a Sunday driver .
Mary Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: When one ambulance is called, it causes a domino effect and other ambulances have to shift and adjust to cover areas. So you never know if your ambulance is coming from the closest area or further away, or if multiple ambulances are needed at the same time.
Sackville Hospital covers a wide surrounding area, not just within town limits. Moncton hospital is 35 minutes from the exact center of town, but there's traffic to take into account and people live further away than just the center of town.
Mary Smith
Reply to @David Amos: I have no idea about your specific situation. Honestly, it's strange that you think people would know about your exact circumstance. Contact a lawyer if you have difficulties accessing a healthcare card, asking random people on the internet will get you no where.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Mary Smith: Sackvile is at the far end of the spectrum when it comes to distance from Moncton. Nothing beyond , everything would be between Sackville and Moncton . I also don't believe traffic is much a problem in Sackvile any time after 9 o'clock at night . All the examples I used are further away than Sackville from their servicing hospital , most 45 minutes to more than an hour away. and they DO service areas beyond , so the " Sackville exception " doesn't really hold much water .
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Peters: " Free Market " would mean even tighter competition dollars which would mean worse NOT better service , and even larger companies running them ! I smell Bombardier / SNC scenarios , only this time in Healthcare , although I suspect it's already happening in Quebec !
Mary Smith
Reply to @Lou Bell: I'm not saying Sackville's an exception, it's just what I know. It's fine, we have differing opinions and that's okay.
David Peters
Reply to @Lou Bell: "Oh , minimum wages for Doctors / Nurses ! How do you think that'll work out in recruiring ??"
In a free market healthcare system, the doctor runs his/her own doctors office and is responsible for the financial side of things as well. No insurance company interference. This includes the freedom for doctors to charge patients according to what their income is, and being able to find lesser expensive treatments, where appropriate..
David Peters
Reply to @Lou Bell: You're thinking of crony capitalism...and horrible examples at that, of long term cronyism that have been going on, and continue to occur. This is the opposite of doctor run doctor offices. In a free market, you don't have one 'company' control a number of doctors, you have each doctor in charge of their own practice.
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Peters: Pharmaceutical payoffs in the U.S. as an example is the norm ! Why do you think their drug prices are so high and Obamacare was so popular by most , other than the rich and the Trumpers , who've been fooled for over 4 years now ? For them , being CHEAP and gambling with their health is the norm !
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos: Speaking of ignoring questions, you still haven't answered mine about when and where the eub meetings are? If they are secret, why do you think a public board, in charge of making rules for the business world, needs to be secret?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Mary Smith: I agree , but " what's good for the goose should be good for the gander " and the politicians involved don't see it that way . Being fair to all should be the norm , not just a select few .
David Peters
Reply to @Lou Bell: Once again you're citing the cause of the healthcare systems big problems, but blame the wrong thing. Gov't, big pharma and insurance companies have gotten in-between the doctor and patient. Healthcare should only be between a doctor and patient.
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @David Peters: Methinks Higgy et al cannot deny that I answered you several times about the EUB and yet you are still denying it today You can feel free to tell me WHY? if my last reply to you was not right on the money N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @Mary Smith: "Contact a lawyer if you have difficulties accessing a healthcare card, asking random people on the internet will get you no where."
Methinks your strange friends in cyberspace should have explained to you why i sued the Queen in 2015 because of this malice and the fact that I have quite likely sued more lawyers in the USA than anyone else in history BEFORE i first ran for a seat in Parliament in 2004. .At the very least Higgy et al cannot deny the fact that people should surf the Internet before they opt to insult me about needing the service of a lawyer N'esy Pas?
Your account has been banned until July 15, 2020. Reason: We have banned this account for 60 because we believe it is in violation of our Terms of Use, specifically long, off-topic posts. For more information, please visit:
Methinks VIAFOURA and the CBC in Fat Fred City really showed their nasty arses today over their cover up of a bunch of nonsense about a load of garbage N'esy Pas?
Culprit of illegal dumping gets his trash returned
Land owner found a shipping receipt in the strewn garbage and delivered it back to the owner
Gary Moore· CBC News· Posted: May 15, 2020 5:30 PM AT
Chris White said it's not the first time someone left garbage in front of his family's property, but it's the first time he was able to return it to the culprit. (Submitted/Barb Jackson)
Someone who illegally dumped garbage in Fredericton found themselves picking their trash back up earlier this week.
Chris White had about 30 to 40 pieces of garbage strewn across the grass in front of his family's farm on quiet Springhill Road.
"Toys, an old barbecue burner, a new barbecue box," said White.
White said a family friend noticed the trash, and shared some pictures of the garbage online.
Early Monday morning, White went to clean up the mess, and while he was picking up the trash, he noticed something — a shipping receipt.
Chris White says returning the illegally dumped garbage should be a lesson to the culprit. (Gary Moore/CBC)
"I was picking up a Nike box and it was so wet that the lid actually tore off of it when I grabbed it, and, inside of it was a slip with his name and address," White said.
"So, I decided that maybe he should get his garbage back."
White packed up all the trash into the back of his truck, and drove to the address he found on the receipt.
"It was fairly early — 7:30 in the morning, and knocked on his door quite abruptly," White recalled adding that he didn't think twice about going there.
According to White, the person denied the act at first, but quickly changed his mood when White showed him the evidence — the shipping receipt.
Chris White said a family friend noticed the garbage and posted the pictures online. (Submitted/Barb Jackson)
"He immediately admitted to it. So, I kindly asked him to get his garbage back off of my truck."
White said the person unloaded the garbage from his truck within a few minutes, and he hasn't heard from him since.
This Fredericton man found illegally dumped trash in his property. But with the help of a disposed shipping label, trucked it back to the culprit’s front yard. 1:22
Recurring issue
White said it's not the first time someone has illegally dumped near the family farm, and it seems to be a recurring issue in the spring.
"There was some TVs and old microwaves last year that were dumped here — and just random garbage."
The street is also a popular place for people to watch the sunset. And White said it's not uncommon to have a dozen cars parked along the side of the road.
It's not just illegal dumping that Chris White cleans up near his family's farm. He said he picks up empty cans, bottles and other litter several times a week. (Gary Moore/CBC)
But he said those people often leave trash behind.
"Obviously if the garbage gets into the fields and into our hay it's not real good for the cows' stomachs," said White.
White said he doesn't regret taking matters into his own hands and returning the dumped garbage to the culprit.
He said he could have gone to the authorities, which might have led to a costly fine, but chose to teach a lesson instead.
272 Comments Commenting is now closed for this story.
Atticus Winch Chris White has considerably more class and dignity than I could have summoned. Good for him.
David Amos
Reply to @Atticus Winch: I concur
Lieschen Mueller
Great story, but sadly the trash will likely just end up either on someone else's property or in some ditch.
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @Lieschen Mueller: YO oh Ye of little faith Methinks Higgy's Police State has allowed the dump in Fat Fred City is open up again N'esy Pas?
michael hatch
Reply to @David Amos: I bet that joke was great, before it got written down.
Lieschen Mueller
Content disabled Reply to @David Amos: Wow, it is a mite early in the day for you to be either drunk or stoned, no?
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @Lieschen Mueller: my my aren't you a funny dude?
Methinks I should expect no less from somebody who shares the same last name as the director of the FBI whom I took on in 2003LONG BEFORE I ran for a seat in Parliament 7 times and sued your Queen as well Trust that Higgy and the RCMP ain't laughing they know I seldom drink and I definitely don't smoke dope be it legal or not N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @michael hatch: Now the joke is on you
Chris Van Ihinger
And the Officer Obie award for most imaginative solution to the problem of bad neighbours dumping trash on good neighbours' land (especially at the bottom of cliffs) goes to farmer Chris White for finding an envelope at the bottom of the pile of trash with the perpetrator's name and address on it. Happy Thanksgiving.
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @Chris Van Ihinger: Methinks many old folks such as i are humming Arlo's great old song as we read this new N'esy Pas?
Man Wanted, Gerald Brummell, 57, Photograph released
Broadcast time: 18:10 Friday, May 15, 2020
53 Division 416-808-5300
Case #: 2020-734154
The Toronto Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance in locating a man wanted on warrant.
Gerald Brummell, 57, is wanted for:
1. two counts of Engage in Conduct to Impede Performance of Justice Duties
He is described as 5'7", 165 lbs., with white hair and blue eyes.
His photograph has been released.
He is known to frequent the Quinte West area.
Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 416-808-5300, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477), online at, online on our Facebook Leave a Tip page, or text TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637). Download the free Crime Stoppers Mobile App on iTunes or Google Play.
Constable Caroline de Kloet, Corporate Communications, for Detective Constable Francisco Jimenez, 53 Division
---------- Original message ---------- From: CabalCookies Date: Sun, 17 May 2020 18:23:33 +0000 Subject: Re: Tell Gerry I just called the Toronto cops and introduced myself To: David Amos
Agent M asked that I ask you:
“ how big did Davy smile when you saw that statement by Chief Justice Marocco and that Margaritaville offered the good judges email address in the comments, for people who might take issue to reach out to the judge, and countless others for clarification of meaning and the opinion of others.”
I think that is sort of what he said.
Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
---------- Original message ----------
From: CabalCookies
Date: Sun, 17 May 2020 00:18:13 +0000
Subject: Re: Tell Gerry I just called the Toronto cops and introduced myself
To: David Amos
I know he will be thankful for your effort.
His email account is down and he gave me a list of people to contact.
Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
---------- Original message ----------
From: CabalCookies
Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 23:15:26 +0000
Subject: Re: Margaritaville Why So Secretive?
To: David Amos
Not him.
Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
---------- Original message ----------
From: CabalCookies
Date: Sat, 16 May 2020 20:54:27 +0000
Subject: Margaritaville
To: ""
Cops after your buddy hard!
Facts are:
1. He contacted Metro Toronto Police to report that he had discovered a conspiracy, including judges in the kidnap of his daughter.
They told him the law society investigated judges.
2. He was laughed at by the law society.
3. He called the judge who granted an injunction against him, who’s number he found online Canada 411 and spoke to him about what he had found.
4. Judge promised an investigation by Toronto police and did so after claiming he was working as a judge.
5. Judge double crossed Brummell, not knowing that a really damning 30 minute recording of the call is apparently available which I’ve heard has the judge calling other judges “esteemed associates” after Brummell said he had evidence of their involvement in child trafficking.
Looking for recording.
Might be time to ask Justice Morocco and the entire court a question, wouldn’t you say David?
Morocco told the entire court on a zoom conference what Margaritaville put in this video:
Would you like the code to the email addresses of the judges David?
They killed his father with blood, murdered his nephew and kidnapped his daughter.
Enjoy the words of Superior Court Justice Victor Paisley, as he ducks questions about pedophiles in the court. Listen also, as THE COURT promises an CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into justices Ken Hood, Freya "KrislyCreamAss" Kristjansen, and lawyers who knowingly used Victor as their little puppy to engage in kidnapping and child trafficking.
THE COURT instead, ran to the "Pakastani ISI and Pedophile controlled police," and cried that it was 'Intimidated" by questions about integrity, and pedophilia.
Clearly Victor has tested positive for 🍕!
The cop who is going to try to cover-up this promised criminal investigation into pedophile judges, is "Johnny Chan," a suspected Chinese spy, connected wth the massive Chinese infiltration of the 🍕RCMP, and who's people have: 1. committed genocide in BC against Native Families, while stealing their land, 2. infiltrated Canada and murder thousands of Canadians, with Corona Virus and weaponized 5G (Covid -19) emissions, 3. Sent a Trannyboy to tell us we all need to stay home, as the Chinese protect the pedophiles in the courts while they install 5G towers.
Johnny Chan was inspired massive: "Canadian Anti Pedophile Judge Protests," which will gather at the homes of Paisley and Marocco and ESTEEMED pedophile judges across Canada.
Dates to be announced on this, and other Chanels.
The #COVID19PedophileJudgeProtest will be an opportunity for you to engage with other Children's Army members, buy t shirts, hats and mugs and gather evidence on the remaining pedophile judges, (over 200) that Paisley and Johnny Chan are desperate to protect. Maybe Vic or Freya will make coffee? (Don't expect any donuts left at Freya's).
Under USMCA, these pedophiles (and Chan's people) will be investigated to the depth of their digital history, arrested and prosecuted.
Article 27.4: Promoting Integrity among Public Officials
1. To fight corruption in matters that affect trade and investment, each Party should promote, among other things, integrity, honesty and responsibility among its public officials. To this end, each Party shall, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its legal system, adopt or maintain:
(a) measures to provide adequate procedures for the selection and training of individuals for public positions considered by the Party to be especially vulnerable to corruption;
(b) measures to promote transparency in the behaviour of public officials in the exercise of public functions;
(c) appropriate policies and procedures to identify and manage actual or potential conflicts of interest of public officials;
(d) measures that require senior public officials, and other public officials as considered appropriate by the Party, to make declarations to appropriate authorities regarding, among other things, their outside activities, employment, investments, assets, and substantial gifts or benefits from which a conflict of interest may result with respect to their functions as public officials; and (e) measures to facilitate reporting by public officials of any facts concerning offences described in Article 27.3.1, 27.3.2, or 27.3.6 (Measures to Combat Corruption) to appropriate authorities, if those facts come to their notice in the performance of their functions.
2. Each Party shall adopt or maintain codes or standards of conduct for the correct, honourable and proper performance of public functions, and measures providing for disciplinary or other measures, if warranted, against a public official who violates the codes or standards established in accordance with this paragraph.
3. Each Party shall, to the extent consistent with the fundamental principles of its legal system, establish procedures through which a public official accused of an offence described in Article 27.3.1 (Measures to Combat Corruption) may, as considered appropriate by that Party, be removed, suspended, or reassigned by the appropriate authority, bearing in mind respect for the principle of the presumption of innocence.
4. Each Party shall, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its legal system and without prejudice to judicial independence, adopt or maintain measures to strengthen integrity, and to prevent opportunities for corruption, AMONG MEMBERS OF THE JUDICIARY in matters that affect international trade or investment. These measures may include rules with respect to the conduct of members of the judiciary.
The Court received numerous evidence covered by this law, and wiped their asses with it (Freya took 135 rolls of paper!) With Justice denied: "Should we just post links to where these pedophiles asleep?” After all, THEY, like ALL CANADIANS: "Have no absolute right to justice" according to these pedophile protecting practitioners of ..... well "listen to 🍕ictor!"
Music: "Curtain Call"& "Club Scene" by the extraordinary Michael Sherwood (1959 - 2019) who filed an affidavit however these judges, but they were too busy eating their pizza to read it.
Thanks to the pedophile protectors and #penisnose for the thumbs down!
All questions about your lack of GUARANTEED rights, ... the fact that the COURT holds Pedophiles and criminals in "high Esteem" or the failure of the court to prosecute crimes of judges (including pedophilia) against the USMCA, can be addressed to the SHUT DOWN COURT and their Chief Justice, at (thanks to Johnny Chan and his Communist Terrorist / Pakastani ISI controlled Pizzagate clan).If you wish to snail mail Justice Marrocco email for his address.
Hey AM I thought you might want to take a look at this you may know about this already but not sure. It's about the dumbs under Canada and Mexico and what is happening there.
Skyblu I just watched this. Wholly shit the tunnels are all over Canada. 🤦♀️ remember there was just an earth quake in Alberta a few days ago? Taking out the DUMBS. Some have been taken out but more are still in operation by the Black Hats. Unbelievable
Debbie Debbie with this recording and the actions of the police, they have just denied justice promised under USMCA and will not permit the FBI or Marines to investigate Vic and his life.Emails, phone records, texts.... they cannot hide.
@L LamanWe're watching. AgentCoco 0wned Google months ago. we showed them on here when the Pedo MacKay video showed 170K viewers and Google showed 1400
Debbie Debbie NOT unless Donald Trump lets them.His job is to exterminate them as stated in the 2012 tweet.No exceptions.Nobody walks.USMCA is clear.... organized crime in authority will not be tolerated and these assholes don’t even pretend anymore.That’s why we needed new laws.That’s why I suggested what I did. Thank Darryl and Ben, they are the ones who made me do what I’ve done.
Putting the Abel Danger nonsense in the rear view mirror, we begin to open the door to #giveblood, which is the plan to bring to justice, everyone who had a part in the largest mass murder of Canadians, during our lifetime.
7000 Canadians were murdered by The Clintons, and our own Crown, via the Bank of Canada's "sister corp" The Canadian Red Cross.
These pedofaggots murdered my father in 1989 and yet Druggie Dougie Ford, is kissing Mulroney Family ass today.....
This documentary is one that is continually taken down by the powers that be.
Methinks whereas Big Bad Billy Blair is in the news a lot these with fellow evil dudes such as my old Yankee Billy Barr and is deep shit over pissed off Natives as well as the mindless Civilian Review and Complaints Commission Its a small he trying to overlook about mean old me and my lawsuits N'esy Pas?
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Gerry Butts at least Ralph Goodale's replacement Bill Blair can never claim that he didn't know all about my lawsuits on boths sides of the 49th EH?
CBC News · Posted: Sep 18, 2019 9:51 PM AT Anti-shale gas activists are calling for the release of an independent investigation into RCMP action during violent protests in Rexton six years ago.Dozens were arrested during months of protests near Elsipogtog First Nation that saw a blockade erected on Route 134 to stop gas exploration in the area.In October 2013, RCMP officers used force to disperse protesters and six RCMP vehicles were burned during the clashes.The independent Civilian Review and Complaints Commission investigated complaints about police conduct during the protests. Commissioners held public meetings in the Kent County area in 2015. Indigenous leaders warn of protests, halting developments over shale gas exemptionThe New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance says it has heard nothing from the commission since that time, and it's tired of waiting. It's calling on RCMP and government officials to release the commission's findings.Alliance spokesperson Denise Melanson says it's important to know the truth.Denise Melanson, a spokesperson for the New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance, said the group is becoming impatient and wants to see the report. (Radio-Canada)"What happened was so anti-democratic and, you know, when governments use force and the secret state to impose things on the public, we're not talking about a democracy anymore," Melanson said. "This is really, really important. And it's not just that I need to prove that I was right about what happened. It's more that we really need to know that our government isn't behaving like this."Report delivered to RCMPIn an email, a spokesperson for the commission confirmed the Rexton riot report was delivered to the RCMP last March.When the RCMP commissioner's office reacts, the commission will prepare its final report, the spokesperson said.The report contains testimony from 130 witnesses, 50,000 records and thousands of video files.The evidence gathered is voluminous: 130 civilian witnesses were heard, 50,000 records and thousands of video files collected, which may explain why the investigation lasted so long.The Council of Canadians is circulating a petition to ask Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale to release the report.CBC News also contacted Public Safety Canada. The department referred the query back to the complaints commission.With files from Radio-Canada17 CommentsDavid AmosMethinks the RCMP and everybody else knows that Roger Richard and I have been beating on that drum for years N'esy Pas? Buddy BestIt would have to be white washed first. Who do they really work for? I used to have a lot of respect for law enforcement.David AmosReply to @Buddy Best: Methinks folks truly care about police corruption should ask the RCMP why they picked a fight with me in 1982 AFTER they had hired me to testify as an expert in a Coroner's Inquiry N'esy Pas? Nancy AlcoxIf you really want to know what’s going on in our country at protests like this one, read this book. You will be shocked or not..all of the information is documented. AmosReply to @Nancy Alcox: Better yet go to Federal Court and pull my file Shawn TaborMost folks don’t know what happened there, and what the true motive was behind it. To funny. Whatever, LOLDavid AmosReply to @Shawn Tabor: You know I do and its not one bit funny Johnny JakobsLol... can't be anything positive in that report.David AmosReply to @Johnny Jakobs: Methinks everybody knows the lawyer who wrote the report was dismissed long ago N'esy Pas?
CBC would not lie to us like Big Bad Billy does would they???
Complaints commissioner says RCMP sitting on year-old report into alleged abuses of power
Response addresses alleged unlawful RCMP actions against anti-pipeline protesters in Wet'suwet'en territory
Karin Larsen · CBC News · Posted: Feb 20, 2020 8:58 AM PT
Ta’Kaiya Blaney, upper left, Delee Alexis Nikal, upper right, Stewart Phillip, lower right, and David Suzuki, lower left, speak to media regarding a report by the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission into the actions of the RCMP in Wet'suwet'en and the exclusion zone in Vancouver, British Columbia on Thursday, February 20, 2020. (Ben Nelms/CBC)
The official responsible for addressing civilian complaints against the RCMP says she will not investigate claims that the RCMP have been acting unlawfully in Wet'suwet'en territory, because recommendations addressing identical issues were sent to the force almost a year ago.
Michelaine Lahaie, Chair of the RCMP Civilian Review and Complaints Commission, said a report into public complaints around 2013 and 2014 police action at shale gas protests in Kent County, New Brunswick contained recommendations to the RCMP on matters such as use of arrest, detention and search powers, and use of force.
Lahaie said the RCMP has had the report since March 2019, however has yet to respond or make the findings public.
According to Lahaie, conducting a separate investigation into the current situation in B.C. would "possibly delay the resolution of he issues being raised... " and that the Commission "...has already provided extensive guidance to the RCMP... about the very issues you raise with regard to the current situation in British Columbia." B.C. RCMP say they'll leave outpost on Wet'suwet'en territory if road is kept clear
Last month, Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs, the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs and the B.C. Civil Liberties Association filed complaints with the CRCC over the RCMP's implementation and enforcement of a checkpoint and exclusion zone in traditional Wet'suwet'en territory in northern B.C. as officers were sent in to clear anti-pipeline protesters to make way for crews building the $6.6 billion Coastal GasLink natural gas pipeline.
A checkpoint is seen at a bridge leading to a Coastal GasLink worksite on a remote logging road near Houston, B.C., on Jan. 17, 2019. (Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press)
In her letter, Lahaie outlined the Kent County findings relevant to the Wet'suwet'en situation, including:
The RCMP had no legal authority to require passengers to produce identification at check points.
The RCMP had no legal authority to conduct stop checks for the purposes of information gathering. Stop checks went beyond the limited purposes for which courts have approved them and were found to be inconsistent with the Charter rights of vehicle occupants. Routine searches of vehicles and individuals entering protester camps were not authorized by law.
The power for police to create buffer zones is not a general power. Blocking public and media access to roadways may have been unreasonable.Harsha Walia, executive director of the BCCLA said Lahaie's letter is proof the RCMP has been granting itself discretionary and unjustified powers.
Why Coastal GasLink says it rejected a pipeline route endorsed by Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs
"The RCMP, we see, has continued to engage in the very similar pattern of unlawful policing operations in Wet'suwet'en territories," said Walia. "What is incredibly disturbing is that the RCMP has been aware of these very same issues since March 2019."
Complainant Delee Alexis Nikal says Wet'suwet'en community members and invited guests continue to have their rights infringed upon by the RCMP through unlawful stop checks.
"There's human rights violations that are occurring," she said. "We have elders that are scared to go out on their own territories, territories that they were raised on.
They know that the RCMP are there to basically escort CGL in."Lahaie said she could use her discretion as CRCC chair to initiate an investigation into the Wet'suwet'en related complaints in the future.
Baba 4everDavid Amos just curious about the connection between Vance and Moreau. Vance is Chief of National Defense and Moreau is Assistant Commissioner in the RCMP. Just how did Vance become Moreau's boss. Was Moreau seconded to the military? I have never heard of that happening.I have interest in Vance and Moreau that I won't share as ships might get sunk.Just asking for information. Not making accusations.
David Amos, you must have a cold or a deviated septum. Your folksy french lessens your credibility along with the pissing. Wrong. The electorate in Fundy Royal are not so dumb.
Baba 4everDavid Amos, boy do we have a lot of things in common. The Ministry of Indian Affairs was my first employer. Boy can I shed light on the shit that goes on. Lived and worked in First Nations Communities more than once over the years. Walked freely where white beta males fear to tread. Can I piss in the tall grass now?David Amos@Baba 4ever Perhaps when the RCMP permit to you to grow some balls and get a real name and a real phone number you could piss in the tall grass without my permission. Until such time you will remain just another noname shill trolling for the FEDS trying to distract me and waste my precious time So Tah Tah BITCH.
David Amos, not asking permission just telling you that I earned that right the hard way and no one and I mean no one gets to tell me I can't.Just watched the 2015 debate performance. Lack luster. How many times have you tried? Kind of like a steer. Keep trying.Too bad Agent Margaritaville isn't out with Norman tonight....they would be having a hoot. He'll probably like it anyway. Having fun yet? On the payment front you know what that makes you?I apologized and you would not play nice. Have a wonderful day.
@Baba 4everI had a pony as a kid. Named Prince of all things. As todays news tells of the #PizzagatePrince lawyering up to fight extradition. You never forget the smell of your own pony.All are welcome in Margaritaville. We have two rules. 1. (is private)and2. No Assholes.
Agent Margaritaville, you never forget holding your child for the first time either. I trust that with God's help the bastards that hurt them will pay. We know patience and strategy and set ego aside. We will win and it will be glorious. Praying for protection for you and yours.
Agent Margaritaville, in His name nothing is impossible. Few are chosen as many seek the glory. Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil....God is with you and the select warriors that have shown their resolve. Prayers...
Out of The Shadows - A Documentary About Pedophiles (Like Judge Robert Spence of the OCOJ) 1,967 views •Premiered Apr 27, 2020 Agent Margaritaville
Enjoy this wonderful and controversial documentary about one man's journey to the knowledge of the horrible ugly darkness which parades in front of our faces, as Satan's (w)bitches prowl.
We must exterminate this vermin, from our societies, our courts and our system of authority.
The only acceptable pedophile is a room temperature one and any cop who stands before a pedophile, and protects them, (whether they be a Superior Court Judge or Not) needs "two hot ones in the mellon" and a shovel of dirt over their useless face.
That means you PO'PO in the 6! Protect the pedos.... and you might as well pull a Mike Eby! Because we are coming for all you pedophile protectors.... like that child rapist from 32 Division - Sgt Bishop who can count his final days, as we will be dragging that pedofaggot to justice one day soon.
Music: "Swifty's Bizarre II" by the extraordinary Michael Sherwood (1959 - 2019) and Andy R.
On 5/9/20, AgentMargaritaville <> wrote: > Hey David Amos > > Did you see that members of the Superior Curt of Justice have come to us in > an attempt to save them for the pedophile mafia which has run the court for > the past 50 years? > > They want us to expose the pedophiles across Canada. > > Would you like to help David? > > > > > Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. >
---------- Original message ---------- From: Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 22:59:16 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: YO Jim Karahalios When the Toronto Star attacks why not call the Globe and Mail or Dougy Ford or your buddy Ezy Levant? To:
Thank you very much for reaching out to the Office of the Hon. Bill Blair, Member of Parliament for Scarborough Southwest.
Please be advised that as a health and safety precaution, our constituency office will not be holding in-person meetings until further notice. We will continue to provide service during our regular office hours, both over the phone and via email.
Due to the high volume of emails we receive, our office prioritizes requests on the basis of urgency and in relation to our role in serving the constituents of Scarborough Southwest.
Should you have questions related to COVID-19, please see:
Thank you again for your message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
MP Staff to the Hon. Bill Blair Parliament Hill: 613-995-0284 Constituency Office: 416-261-8613
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris contact avec le bureau de l'Honorable Bill Blair, D?put? de Scarborough-Sud-Ouest.
Veuillez noter que par mesure de pr?caution en mati?re de sant? et de s?curit?, notre bureau de circonscription ne tiendra pas de r?unions en personne jusqu'? nouvel ordre. Nous continuerons ? fournir des services pendant nos heures de bureau habituelles, tant par t?l?phone que par courrier ?lectronique.
En raison du volume ?lev? de courriels que nous recevons, notre bureau classe les demandes par ordre de priorit? en fonction de leur urgence et de notre r?le dans le service aux ?lecteurs de Scarborough Sud-Ouest.
Si vous avez des questions concernant COVID-19, veuillez consulter le site :
Merci encore pour votre message, et nous vous r?pondrons d?s que possible.
Personnel du D?put? de l'Honorable Bill Blair Colline du Parlement : 613-995-0284 Bureau de Circonscription : 416-261-8613
---------- Original message ---------- From: Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:57 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT To:
Please be advised that the Constituency Office of Bill Blair will be closed from December 24th to January 1st. The office will re-open on January 2nd, 2019. During this time I will have limited access to email.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all the best for 2019.
Jessica Bozzo
---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <> Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 17:42:52 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks if Higgy' were wise he would stop Daniel Arefi from boarding the plane in Fat Fred City and send him home to his parents ASAP N'esy Pas? Mr Prime Minister Trudeau? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days.
Thanks again for your email. ______
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Did you see that members of the Superior Curt of Justice have come to us in an attempt to save them for the pedophile mafia which has run the court for the past 50 years?
They want us to expose the pedophiles across Canada.
Would you like to help David?
Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Friday, May 8, 2020 1:42 PM, David Amos <> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: David Amos > Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 14:39:04 -0300 > Subject: Methinks if Higgy' were wise he would stop Daniel Arefi from > boarding the plane in Fat Fred City and send him home to his parents > ASAP N'esy Pas? Mr Prime Minister Trudeau? > To: David Amos, >,, > > Cc:, pm, >,,, >,, >,, >,,, >,,, >,, >,, >,, >,, >,, >,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >, Norman Traversy >, david eggen, > "david.eby.mla",, > "jagmeet.singh", "andrew.scheer" >, "Anderson-Mason, Andrea Hon. (JAG/JPG)" >, "PETER.MACKAY" >, "Katie.Telford" >, "blaine.higgs", > Newsroom, "Ian.Shugart" >, "Bill.Morneau", > "Bill.Blair" > > > > David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos > > Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others > > Methinks Higgy et al and their RCMP cohorts ain't laughing about my > having long talk with Hossein Arefi today N'esy Pas? > > > > #nbpoli #cdnpoli > > > > Man moving to Moncton to appear in court after being detained n airport > Daniel Arefi's father said misunderstanding led officials to believe > his son just wanted to visit > > CBC News · Posted: May 08, 2020 10:00 AM AT > > 151 Comments > > David Amos > Methinks Higgy et al and their RCMP cohorts ain't laughing about my > having long talk with Hossein Arefi today N'esy Pas? > > Belladonna Took > Reply to @David Amos: Methinks you're tiresome. I got the gist of what > you're saying here, but why does everything you say have to be a > riddle? Believe it or not, we don't keep up to date with every detail > of your life. > > David Amos > Reply to @Belladonna Took: Methinks spindoctors should get real names > if they wish to insult me on behalf of Higgy et al N'esy Pas? > > Belladonna Took > Reply to @David Amos: Why do you spell N'est-ce pas wrong? > > Belladonna Took > Reply to @David Amos: I'm just asking, you always allude to things > without saying them and 90% of the time, a lot of us (I would guess > almost all of us, except that perhaps there's a small chance that > someone understand something you're alluding to), have no clue what > you're talking about. We don't follow your court cases and we don't > know about every interaction in your life. > > David Amos > Methinks Higgy et al kow why I would like to have a long talk with > Hossein Arefi ASAP N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @David Amos: Go Figure > CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 (80) > > CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS > > Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy > of God and the rule of law: > Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms > Marginal note:Rights and freedoms in Canada > > 1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights > and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits > prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and > democratic society. > > 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: > > (a) freedom of conscience and religion; > > (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including > freedom of the press and other media of communication; > > (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and > > (d) freedom of association. > > Merry Brandybuck > Reply to @David Amos: In a, b , c, or d I don't see anything about the > right to travel across provincial jurisdictions during a pandemic when > restrictions are in place. > > Billy Joe Mcallister > Reply to @Merry Brandybuck: You sound a lot like Lou Bell. > > David Amos > Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks all of Higgy's spindoctors > sing the same tune N'esy Pas? > > Merry Brandybuck > Reply to @David Amos: Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a spin > doctor for the premier you know. > > Hossein Arefi > Reply to @David Amos: > > Hossein Arefi > Reply to @David Amos: Yes, Just now during my call with Mr. Amos I > became aware that my sons plead guilty under duress of poor advice > from duty council > > David Amos > Reply to @Hossein Arefi: YES SIR Rest assured I will call the the > lawyers mentioned in this updated article and the Fredericton Airport > as well > > Hossein Arefi > Reply to @Hossein Arefi: He is on his way to Fredricton. > > Amajor Hall > Reply to @Hossein Arefi: Freddy's a nice town, too bad he won't get to > see it! Ridic! > > Hossein Arefi > Reply to @Amajor Hall: i hope to see you in ame situation very soon. > I am fasting and I will pray for that > > David Amos > Reply to @Amajor Hall: Methinks comedians should Google Luc Labonte > and David Amos N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > Reply to @Hossein Arefi: Turst that I called both lawyers and the > Fredericton Airport just like I said I would Nobody picked up but left > them all blistering voicemails > > Carlson MacKenzie > Reply to @David Amos: 10 pounds in a 5 pound bag. > > On 5/6/20, David Amos wrote: > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > > From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)" > > Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 12:59:42 +0000 > > Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Canadian Constitution Foundation > > should and Ontario Libertarian Party should get along like a house on > > fire N'esy Pas? > > To: David Amos > > Thank you for taking the time to write to us. > > Due to the high volume of emails that we receive daily, please note > > that there may be a delay in our response. Thank you for your > > understanding. > > If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please > > visit > > If this is a Media Request, please contact the Premier’s office at > > (506) 453-2144. > > Thank you. > > Bonjour, > > Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. > > Tenant compte du volume élevé de courriels que nous recevons > > quotidiennement, il se peut qu’il y ait un délai dans notre réponse. > > Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension. > > Si vous recherchez des informations à jour sur le coronavirus, > > veuillez visiter > > > > S’il s’agit d’une demande des médias, veuillez communiquer avec le > > Cabinet du premier ministre au 506-453-2144. > > Merci. > > Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre > > P.O Box/C. P. 6000 > > Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick > > E3B 5H1 > > Canada > > Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144 > > Email/Courriel: > > > > David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos > > Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others > > Methinks the RCMP running amuck in Higgy's Police State would be wise > > not to harass me any further as I return to the emergency room for > > more tests under my Doctor's' orders N'esy Pas? > > > > #nbpoli #cdnpoli > > > > N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Province to hold last minute news briefing Tuesday > > The province initially said it would only hold news conferences on > > Monday, Wednesday and Fridays > > Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: May 05, 2020 11:46 AM AT > > 133 Comments > > Commenting is now closed for this story. > > David Amos > > Methinks Higgy et al would not be wise to deny getting my email today N'esy > > Pas? > > David Amos > > Content disabled > > Methinks the RCMP running amuck in Higgy's Police State would be wise > > not to harass me any further as I return to the emergency room for > > more tests under my Doctor's' orders N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Content disabled > > "Saillant said the economy could further be hurt by demographics." > > Surprise Surprise Surprise > > David Amos > > Methinks Higgy et al should agree that Saillant's words are the > > understatements of the year N'esy Pas? > > "Saillant said the province has put the economy into an induced coma, > > hoping it will be healthy when awakened — but no one is really sure > > what will happen." > > Greg Miller > > Saillant, typical economist "black wallpaper" hanger. Ok, so the > > Province is in dire straights as are most if not all provinces and > > certainly the Federal Government -- an your recommended solutions or > > approach?? However, given your statement, " the economy could further > > be hurt by demographics" -- I'm not sure I want your solution for > > that! > > Marguerite Deschamps > > Reply to @Greg Miller: The Province is in dire straights as are most > > if not all provinces and certainly the Federal Government as are most > > other countries. We are all in this together. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Who is we? > > David News > > If there ever is a time that governments should be spending money and > > going into a deficit. During a crisis is the right time. > > While it may not be ideal, the consequence of not doing so would have > > a much worse outcome. > > I suspect that there will be more spending announced by the government > > in the coming months to deal with the harsh realities of this crisis. > > We will agree with some of them and disagree with others. But if at > > the end of the day this deficit financing helps us get through the > > rough patches and brings a semblance of normalcy then that is a good > > thing. > > David Amos > > Reply to @David News: Methinks you and I disagree as to whether this > > is a crisis or not N'esy Pas? > > Leslie Russell > > Reply to @David News: Yes, BUT we didn't SAVE during good times. > > David News > > Reply to @Leslie Russell: Leslie that should not be the point. The > > point is there is a need caused by things beyond the control of the > > people and the government. So assistance is warranted > > Mary Smith > > Reply to @David News: Not to mention all the events/festivals/etc that > > will not be going forward this year due to the pandemic. There's a lot > > of savings in certain areas from cancellations that can be shifted > > towards assistance to individuals and businesses alike. > > Preferably in the form of UBI, causing a trickle up economy to help > > support local businesses and communities, because this year we are all > > going to not be traveling and staying local - a Staycation for the > > Nation - where we'll all be able to support our local communities > > thrive. > > Leslie Russell > > Reply to @David News: Keep borrowing and let the next generation pay. > > Leslie Russell > > Reply to @David News: SAVING for the rainy day is EXACTLY the point. > > Bruce Sanders > > Reply to @David News: It's a crisis because of the governments, they > > shut down the economy for the most part. There are many jurisdictions > > that did not do this. Sweden (same outcomes as Quebec), Brazil (Same > > outcomes as Nova Scotia, and then the 6 US States that did not shut > > down and their outcomes are the same as States of the same population. > > Closing down did not do any good because it was too late everywhere > > (an observation, not a complaint). I plan to travel at the end of the > > month, can't stay here and be locked up. I like Alberta's plan. I will > > spend my money there and visit family and they do not have any > > self-isolation orders form within Canada. > > On your deficit financing. Yeah, that's what PET, John Turner, > > Chertien and Don MacDonald all said in the 1970s. We are still paying > > for that. Yeah, I'm old and I remember those days. The 1970s added > > more real debt than any other decade. > > David News > > Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Bruce, hilarious is all that I can say to your > > response > > David News > > Reply to @Leslie Russell: So yelling for emphasis is brilliant. Why > > didn't I think of that for those that are OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY! > > Bruce Sanders > > Reply to @David News: And yet you provide no new information. Got it. > > David News > > Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Repeating history from 50yrs ago or overlying > > results for different countries with different climates, health > > systems, rules of law and adherence to laws that are different does > > not provide a template for what has just occurred nor does it provide > > a clear path forward. All it does is provide the opportunity to look > > at issues with a historical lens and keep the blinders on to what is > > possible > > Brent Harris Blizzard > > If I ever get out of NB again I will cry FREEDOM! like Wiliam Wallace. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: Me Too > > DJ Redfern > > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: > > C-ya! > > Dan Lee > > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: > > FREEDOM.....bahaha...lot of good it did him........... > > Andrew Clarkson > > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: > > How does that go, "Don't let the screen door hit you on the ..... on > > your way out" > > David Amos > > Content disabled > > Reply to @Dan Lee: Methinks many would agree that History already > > remembers Wallace in afar better light that it will ever remember > > Higgy's Police State N'esy Pas? > > SarahRose Werner > > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: You can leave any time you want, > > Brent. See the story posted this morning about the guy who drove from > > NB to BC to plant trees. Now getting back in, that might be a > > problem for you. > > David Amos > > Content disabled > > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks folks should ask why you left the > > USA to settle here in Benedict Arnold's town just like our Loyalist > > ancestors did after you Yankees rebelled from our Crown just like > > Wallace did N'esy Pas? > > Sarah Brown > > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: You and me both...enough is enough.. > > Sarah Brown > > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: We actually cannot leave whenever we > > want....but, hopefully this will change soon. We should not have to > > live in a police state . > > SarahRose Werner > > Reply to @David Amos: I left the States because my Canadian girlfriend > > didn't want to move down there. Also, very few of my ancestors were > > already in North America as of 1776. Most of them arrived in the 19th > > and early 20th centuries. > > Paul Estey > > Reply to @Sarah Brown: a police state???? Maybe you should understand > > exactly the type of virus we are fighting here and how this so called > > ¨Police State¨ is in place to keep as many people healthy and > > alive.....If you cant understand the concept of ¨Isolation¨ and how it > > will help us at this time, move to the US where they are basically > > playing the ¨Herd Immunity¨ card.... > > Mary Smith > > Reply to @Paul Estey: It's sort of the equivalent of not bothering to > > put of a wildfire, but instead letting the whole forest burn thinking > > it will prevent future forest fires - but maybe it won't, because herd > > immunity isn't proven yet - so maybe by letting the fire run wild it > > will just continue to burn for the second wave, and the third, and so > > on. > > Sarah Brown > > Reply to @Paul Estey: I am very well aware of the type of virus thta > > COVID 19 is. What many people have oct sight of is that our civil > > liberties have been eroded day by day with the ongoing restrictions > > with little in the way of checks and balances for those imposing these > > restrictions. It is beyond my comprehension that so few people seem to > > think that this is acceptable when it is completely unacceptable. > > David Amos > > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks you forgot to ask me if I cared > > after you witnessed many of my words go "Poof" N'esy Pas? > > Bruce Sanders > > Reply to @Brent Harris Blizzard: LOL, good share! > > > > David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos > > Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others > > Methinks the many liberals who dealt with Parliament on May 16th, 2016 > > would agree that Higgy's ban on temporary foreign workers is purely > > political in nature N'esy Pas? > > > > #nbpoli #cdnpoli > > > > N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Distance learning plan coming, also aimed at > > future school disruptions > > There are no active cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick > > CBC News · Posted: May 04, 2020 11:54 AM AT > > Hello David, > > In response to the COVID emergency, provincial and municipal > > governments have made several orders that violate the Canadian Charter > > of Rights and Freedoms, and the International Covenant on Civil and > > Political Rights. It is the Ontario Libertarian Parties position that > > all Canadian citizens and permanent residents have the right to travel > > and to work during the current COVID crisis and these rights are > > guaranteed by existing law. These existing laws need to be enforced > > and penalties for violations of the law by government needs to be > > increased. As such, we are calling for: > > > > 1. the immediate repeal of all government orders that violate the > > charter, the UN covenant, and the quarantine act, and > > > > 2. The introduction of administrative penalties against politicians > > and government employees who enact or enforce any order that violates > > the charter or the covenant. > > > > > > Since 1988, the declaration of an emergency does not authorize any > > government to override the charter or the covenant. From the pre-amble > > to the Emergencies Act: > > "AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary > > measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and > > Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the > > International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly > > with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or > > abridged even in a national emergency;" > > 28(d)(i) of the Quarantine Act authorizes the federal government to > > detain people travelling to Canada from other countries if they have > > reasonable grounds to believe they are sick, or if they refuse to > > cooperate. They can order you to get assessed by a medical > > professional and place you in quarantine. But they do not have the > > authority to quarantine healthy people as they have done by ordering a > > 14 day manditory quarantine for all people returning from other > > countries. > > 28(1)(d) A quarantine officer may detain any traveller who the > > quarantine officer has reasonable grounds to believe has or might have > > a communicable disease or is infested with vectors, or has recently > > been in close proximity to a person who has or might have a > > communicable disease or is infested with vectors, and is capable of > > infecting other people; > > Section 6(2) of the charter guarantees your right to move and to work > > in Canada. The current restrictions on travel to secondary residences, > > travel within Canada are a violation of your charter rights as a > > Canadian citizen. Ordering the closure of “non-essential businesses” > > and the resultant laying off of “non-essential workers” are a > > violation of your rights by the government: > > (2) Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a > > permanent resident of Canada has the right: > > move to and take up residence in any province; and > > pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province. > > Article 12(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political > > Rights also guarantees our right to move within Canada and to choose > > our own residence. The lockdown and stay at home orders violate your > > civil rights and should be repealled immediately. > > > > 1. Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within > > that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to > > choose his residence. > > > > > > Some defenders of government COVID overreach claim that the > > not-withstanding clause can be invoked and that the lockdown is > > justified. Please refer to R v Oakes which sets out the conditions the > > government must follow to invoke the not-withstanding clause. > > > > 1. the measures adopted must be carefully designed to achieve the > > objective in question. They must not be arbitrary, unfair or based on > > irrational considerations. In short, they must be rationally connected > > to the objective; > > > > 2. the means, even if rationally connected to the objective in this > > first sense, should impair "as little as possible" the right or > > freedom in question; > > > > 3. Third, there must be a proportionality between the effects of the > > measures which are responsible for limiting the Charter right or > > freedom, and the objective which has been identified as of "sufficient > > importance". > > > > > > The quarantining of healthy uninfected people does not prevent the > > spread of communicable diseases. It is only reasonable to quarantine > > sick people. > > The theory of “flattening the curve” is an unproven hypothesis based > > on models rather than facts. There are many reasons to doubt the > > validity of these models and emerging data is showing that districts > > that remained economically open have similar death rates to regions > > that banned work and travel. An unproven methodology should never have > > been tried on such a large scale. > > The government has assumed and is using models that assume that > > individuals and companies will not privately and voluntarily choose to > > take reasonable actions to prevent the spread of COVID, they went > > straight to coercion without even considering voluntary action. > > The government has made several irrational, unfair and arbitrary > > orders. For example: > > 1.The closure of public spaces and parks but not Walmart or grocery stores > > 2.Walking is allowed in public parks but not standing, rollerblading > > or bicycling > > 3.The banning of the use of motor boats as a means of transportation > > but not kayaks or canoes > > 4.People can travel and go grocery shopping in other communities but > > cannot access their secondary residences in those same communities > > The government has not considered the increase in death rates from > > heart disease, suicide, and other chronic health conditions caused by > > the economic lockdown, which are substantial. > > The government initially justified its lockdown by claiming that ICU > > capacity would be overwhelmed, however this has not come to pass. Many > > hospitals are operating at 50%-70% of capacity at the peak of this > > epidemic. Despite this, the government refuses to loosen its > > restrictions on our economic freedom. > > The Ontario Libertarian Party remains the only political party that > > supports your right to live and work while taking voluntary > > precautions to protect yourself and others against viral infections. > > Please support us so we can continue to grow. > > How To Volunteer > > If you have an interest to help support libertarianism in Ontario, > > help behind the scenes within the party, or just volunteer in your > > community, give us an email or call and we will gladly put you in > > touch with a regional coordinator near you. Or if you want something > > simple anyone can do to help, tell a friend! > > Thanks for your continued support! > > Click on this link >> Join / Renew: << to view your status and/or > > renew your membership. > > Ontario Libertarian Party > > > > Other Action Links: > > View / update your coordinates: (click on this link to review / update > > your contact details) > > Donate: (click on this link to make a one-time Donation or Sign up for > > the "Monthly Savings Plan") > > Party Contact Information: > > Ontario Libertarian Party > > 7-91 Rylander Blvd. > > Box 121 > > Toronto, ON M1B 5M5 > > Canada > > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > > From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario > > > > Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 12:59:42 +0000 > > Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Canadian Constitution Foundation > > should and Ontario Libertarian Party should get along like a house on > > fire N'esy Pas? > > To: David Amos > > Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly > > valued. > > You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, > > reviewed and taken into consideration. > > There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the > > need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your > > correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a > > response may take several business days. > > Thanks again for your email. > > ______ > > Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de > > nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. > > Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en > > considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. > > Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère > > responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de > > la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours > > ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre. > > Merci encore pour votre courriel. > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > > From: Newsroom > > Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 12:59:41 +0000 > > Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Canadian Constitution Foundation > > should and Ontario Libertarian Party should get along like a house on > > fire N'esy Pas? > > To: David Amos > > Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail. > > If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical > > support, please contact our Customer Service department at > > 1-800-387-5400 or send an email to > > If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to > > > > Letters to the Editor can be sent to > > This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and > > press releases. > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > > From: "Anderson-Mason, Andrea Hon. (JAG/JPG)" > > Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 12:59:42 +0000 > > Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Canadian Constitution Foundation > > should and Ontario Libertarian Party should get along like a house on > > fire N'esy Pas? > > To: David Amos > > Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly > > valued. > > The Government of New Brunswick has discontinued all non-critical > > services until further notice. No regular business will take place > > during this period. When regular operations resume, please contact us > > with your request. > > My constituency office will be closed until further notice. We will be > > checking the voicemail regularly (506) 755-2810. Please stay at home > > if you can and continue to check the website > > regularly for > > more information. > > Thanks again for your email. > > Hon. Andrea Anderson-Mason, Q.C. > > ______ > > Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de > > nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. > > Tous les services non essentiels du Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick > > sont interrompus jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Les activités régulières du > > gouvernement cesseront durant cette période. Lorsque les activités > > régulières reprendront, veuillez communiquer avec nous pour nous faire > > part de votre demande. > > Mon bureau de circonscription sera fermé jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Nous > > vérifierons régulièrement la boîte vocale (506) 755-2810. > > Veuillez rester à la maison si pouvez et continuez à consulter le site > > web > > regulièrement pour plus d’informations. > > Merci encore pour votre courriel. > > L’hon. Andrea Anderson-Mason, c.r. > > > > David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos > > Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others > > "Content disabled" > > Methinks Higgy et al must be curious if I saved all the comments > > before they went ""Poof" N'esy Pas? > > Survey Says? > > > > #nbpoli #cdnpoli > > > > Quispamsis student braves COVID-19 in cross-Canada trek to tree > > planting job in B.C. > > Jacob Delaquis, 21, surprised to find only 2 border 'check-ups' > > CBC News · Posted: May 05, 2020 6:00 AM AT > > 81 Comments > > Commenting is now closed for this story. > > David Amos > > Methinks the RCMP running amuck in Higgy's Police State would be wise > > not to harass me any further as I return to the emergency room for > > more tests under my Doctor's' orders N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Content disabled > > Methinks Higgy et al must be curious if I saved all the comments > > before they went ""Poof" N'esy Pas? > > Survey Says? > > David Amos > > Methinks some folks must have heard this political science student at > > the University of Montreal talking on Information Morning in Fat Fred > > City today N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Methinks Higgy et al know why Jacob Delaquis quite likely did not vote > > for me in the last election N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: Ask Higgy > > BruceJack Speculator > > would that be the same reason 7000 or more others did not vote for U > > Harvey York > > Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: hahahahaha...awesome > > David Amos > > Reply to @Harvey York: So you say > > David Amos > > Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: Say Hey to Higgy and your buddy Tom > > Bambadil for me will Ya? > > Harvey York > > Reply to @David Amos: actually, yes I did say. You can't fool the fine > > folks of Fundy Royal, or the rest of New Brunswick for that matter, > > N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Harvey York: Methinks you should ask yourself who is fooling > > who Higgy and your buddy Tom Bambadil or the RCMP in Fundy Royal who > > have had the wiretap tapes since 2004 N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @David Amos: The only votes you got must've been the fellas > > in your wing of the N u t House N'esy Pas? The same crowd that > > believes cows get killed by laser beams > > Harvey York > > Reply to @David Amos: Oh well that changes everything! If the people > > had of known about those darn wiretaps and spent more time reading > > your conspiracy theory blogs and followed along intently to all of > > your failed lawsuits, then maybe, just maybe, the 7000 or so folks who > > didn't vote for you might have been reduced to a mere 6095 or so. > > P.S. - I don't know any Tom Bambadil > > P.P.S. - please don't sue me > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks everybody can that you are back with > > different ID N'esy Pas the former Mr Jones etc etc etc ? > > Harvey York > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Go easy now Ray, there's a high probability > > he'll try to sue you now > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @Harvey York: He has. Old news. He thinks I'm some lawyer guy > > he did try to sue. And a cop. And Higgys buddy. And now that you throw > > him a little shot I jump in on just wait we will be best buddies > > working against him too. Same old game with this w h a c k o > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @Harvey York: Sorry he's threatened to sue. It's all achieved > > in his clearly legible blog he refers too > > Harvey York > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Not here to work against anybody, I like to read > > constructive debates and opinions...not the "off your rocker" stuff > > that he continually regurgitates. After a while though it's like > > driving past a car don't want to look but you can't help > > yourself > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @Harvey York: Couldnt have said it better lol > > David Amos > > Reply to @Harvey York: Methinks the RCMP et al now know that you are > > way past too late N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Harvey York: "P.S. - I don't know any Tom Bambadil" > > Methinks the RCMP and everybody else in the know knows your buddy > > pretending to be a RCMP dude by the name of Ray Oliver was Tom > > Bambadil earlier within this thread and many others N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @David Amos: Too funny. The edibles are hitting hard today it > > seems. You think I run multiple accounts when this one works just fine > > for what I want it for. Lol > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks the RCMP is well aware that desperate > > people do make desperate claims N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: BTW Your Methinks Higgy's RCMP buddies should at > > least be decent enough to verify that I don't do dope or drink beer be > > it legal or not N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @David Amos: I'd at least claim I did if I were you maybe as > > an excuse for the gibberish that spews daily. Think about it. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: There is no need to try to change the simple truth. > > David Amos > > Methinks Higgy et al cannot deny that they know that the Public Record > > of my concerns about the actions of the RCMP against me goes back > > to1982 which was long before he was a wannabe CoR Party Leader or the > > lawyer McKenna dreamed that he would become a Premier N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Further Mr Pretend Constable how to you explain > > my having so many wiretap tapes of the mob that your RCMP buddies have > > refused to investigate since 2004 particularly after 3 Justices of the > > Federal Court of Appeal admitted I filed one in the public record of > > their docket years ago and then discussed it with me on the RECORD > > while 2 members of the RCMP sat in the peanut gallery behind me and > > three of friends bore witness to it all two of whom later ran for > > public office against Higgy et al? > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @David Amos: Pretend Constable. I like it. Sarcasm is a > > concept that's above your room temperature IQ isnt it > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks the RCMP are not laughing at your > > malicious nonsense because its against the law to pretend to be a cop > > N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @David Amos: You Google everyones name on here that > > challenges you. World class detective work David keep it up the RCMP > > may hire you yet. > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @David Amos: Your buddies in the RCMP are smart enough to > > know I know nothing of any Ray Oliver a cop and if you dig hard enough > > on Google you'll discover why i run with it as a handle.. dork > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks there is no need for you to Google > > anything My Tweets are making you and your buddy Higgy rather infamous > > N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks the RCMP already know who you really > > are N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: FYI Its Mr Amos to you BTW the RCMP did hire me > > to investigate things back in the early 80s. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Harvey York: "If the people had of known about those darn > > wiretaps and spent more time reading your conspiracy theory blogs" > > Methinks I would rather know what YOU thought of the wiretap tapes N'esy > > Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @David Amos: Methinks Higgy et al and everybody else knows > > that Harvey is a town in York County N'esy Pas? > > Ray Oliver > > Reply to @David Amos: Niiiice catch Sherlock. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks the Minister of Public Safety Carl > > Urquhart and his cop cohorts figured out it is in his riding after > > Dominic Cardy quit sharing the butter tarts with them N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Content disabled > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: More importantly I truly believe that you "Cst > > Oliver" and your buddy "Sgt York" are just two more corrupt cops > > harassing me for the benefit of Higgy et al and your beloved Police > > State > > David Amos > > Reply to @David Amos: BINGO > > David Amos > > Reply to @Ray Oliver: "If you dig hard enough on Google you'll > > discover why i run with it as a handle.. dork " > > Methinks the Crown should check the rules of this forum that the > > taxpayers are funding N'esy Pas? > > BruceJack Speculator > > Hard to believe all the negative attitudes towards a young person > > making an effort to take care of himself. Some people seem to believe > > being negative in a warped way makes them seem important. > > David Amos > > Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: Methinks you should review your own > > words against me It should be a small wonder to Higgy et al that you > > don't use a real name N'esy Pas? > > SarahRose Werner > > "the pay in B.C. is more than double" - This is why we can't get > > people to work on farms and fish processing plants in New Brunswick. > > The people who could do the work get paid more to plant trees in BC. > > David Amos > > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Methinks you hero Higgy knows that Its not > > rocket science to understand why many of our young folks have gone > > west since the great depression before WW2 N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: Yea Right > > Johnny Almar > > Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Well JD Irving can't bring in foreigners > > so now they have to up the pay to compete. > > Right! Who am I kidding? In my mind, they will probably get the > > government to submit to their requests soon enough. Will they play the > > "If we don't get our way we will close a mill" card? > > Michael G. L. Geraldson > > It's tough and grueling work, but it sounds like he has the right > > mindset for it and he knows what he's getting into, having done it > > before. Be safe, stay healthy and have a great summer. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: Methinks you must work for the Irving Clan N'esy > > Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: Why is it that I am not laughing? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Tom Bambadil: No its because you are the same little evil > > dude who has been harassing me with a brand new ID > > David Amos > > Reply to @Tom Bambadil Methinks everybody should wonder why you went > > "Poof" so fast N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @David Amos: Methinks it was kinda obvious why I was not > > surprised N'esy Pas? > > Tom Bombadil is a character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He > > first appeared in print in a 1934 poem called The Adventures of Tom > > Bombadil, which also included the Lord of the Rings characters .. > > Billy Joe Mcallister > > My nephew has done this for years and did it again this year. It's > > very much a non news story > > Michael G. L. Geraldson > > Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: > > The "news" part about it that he's doing it in the middle of a > > pandemic with widespread restrictions across the country which he's > > trying to adapt to. Hopefully your nephew is doing the same. > > Billy Joe Mcallister > > Reply to @Michael G. L. Geraldson: He's been there for a while > > now....weeks. He is very self sufficient and has travelled to many > > places in the world> I am quite confident that he would do whatever > > was necessary to make the journey > > David Amos > > Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: " It's very much a non news story" > > Oh So True > > Gerry Ferguson > > Makes it sound like it's supposed to be dangerous to drive by yourself > > in a car. I don't get it. This histeria is nuts. > > Tom Campbell > > Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: He's not going to deive to BC without > > getting out of his car for a variety of reasons. Fuel, food, > > accomodations, bathroom. Over 4000 miles, just think for a moment in > > the middle of a pandemic. Think about if you are able to. > > Michael G. L. Geraldson > > Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: > > Maybe you should ask some of the families of the hundreds of thousands > > worldwide who have lost loved ones if a certain amount of "hysteria" > > is justified or not. > > James Smith > > Reply to @Michael G. L. Geraldson: People die everyday, in Africa, > > Syria, and all over the world for non-pandemic related causes. You > > only pretend to care because this time it's Caucasian Canadians, some > > of whom you might be distantly related to. Welcome to 50% of the > > world's reality, who live on $3/day, with no infrastructure, clean > > water, septic, or health care access. Covid is the great equalizer. > > Michael G. L. Geraldson > > Reply to @James Smith: > > You don't know me and shouldn't judge me. Just for the record, I care > > because this week I lost my best friend, and last week I lost my > > brother. Maybe if it hits closer to home you'll care a bit more too, > > although I don't wish that on you or anybody else. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: BINGO > > Beverley Kernan > > Reply to @Michael G. L. Geraldson: > > I am very sorry for your sad losses. > > Norman Hall > > Good luck, Jacob. I followed much the same path when I was 21 years > > old, only without a car or a job waiting. My father told me to go to a > > sawmill and tell them I was from the Maritimes. I did just that and > > had a job the same day l arrived in BC, also at three times the pay > > that I was making in NB. There is no bad time for an adventure if you > > do it responsibly, as this young man is doing. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Norman Hall: My Uncle Raymond did the Hobo thing and rode > > the trains out west during the depression before the war to help > > harvest wheat He saved his money but on the way back the other Hobos > > rolled him and even took his coat so he landed back home in the > > Maritimes with less than he left with in he first place. > > Marguerite Deschamps > > Truckers as essential workers are on the road most of the time. This > > young man is travelling once to go and once to get back and he's going > > to be confined in the woods. So what's the big deal. Who says the > > youths of today are afraid of hard work? Go west young man! And all > > the best! > > David Amos > > Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you should have went with the > > young wannabe political scientist You could have educated him about > > the SANB on the way N'esy Pas? > > Marguerite Deschamps > > Reply to @David Amos: He's attending l'Université de Montréal. I'm > > sure we could converse en français. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks yiou SANB dudes should > > understand why I suggested it it More importantly the wannabe > > political scientist lives in Higgy's riding and I doubt he voted for > > Higgy either N'esy Pas? > > David Amos > > Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks much to Higgy's chagrin its > > taught in political science 101 who to approach in order to be lined > > up to be a parliamentary guide in Ottawa N'esy Pas? > > Marguerite Deschamps > > Reply to @David Amos: Hard to deny the patronage David. It's part of > > human nature. > > Jim Calvert > > Did something similar in 1977, but I had a 1962 Buick Le Sabre so I > > could sleep across the back seat. Good to see the generation coming up > > is not afraid of a little adventure. Stay Safe. > > David Amos > > Reply to @Jim Calvert: I owned two 1962 Buicks in my life they were > > both Invicta models One was owned by Colin B MacKay the former boss of > > UNB
On March 17, enough MLAs to make quorum attended the House sitting to pass essential legislation. But now the legislature is reorganizing to allow for the safe return of all MLAs later this month. (Twitter/David Coon)
New Brunswick will soon have a two-tier legislature — literally.
Nineteen MLAs will sit upstairs in the public galleries, looking down on 28 colleagues on the floor of the chamber, when the legislature gets back to work next week.
That's to allow all 47 current members to take part in debates while physically distancing from each other.
"Voting, when it occurs, will involve everyone," Green Party Leader David Coon told reporters Tuesday.
"The way the seating will be arranged, everyone will be able to get where they need to get without having to climb over anybody or come within two metres."
Progressive Conservative government house leader Glen Savoie said he's comfortable that, combined with precautions they take individually, elected members will be protected.
Glen Savoie, PC Government House leader, says he's comfortable individual measures coupled with new House rules will ensure MLAs are protected. (Radio-Canada)
"I believe that the people who work at the legislative assembly, the clerks, everyone involved, have done their utmost to make sure that each one of us can have a safe work environment," he said.
What's on the agenda
Savoie confirmed that Education Minister Dominic Cardy's bill to eliminate non-medical exemptions to the mandatory vaccination policy for school children will be debated and come to a vote before the summer break.
Three other government bills introduced earlier, and two new pieces of legislation about COVID-19, should also come up for debate, along with departmental budget estimates that were postponed in March.
Other than two abbreviated sittings with a skeleton crew of 14 MLAs, the legislature hasn't sat since March 13, when the Higgs government's budget was passed in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
During those two shortened sitting days, there was no Question Period and no debate on legislation that was rushed to a vote in record time.
The leaders of the three opposition parties have been sitting on an all-party cabinet committee with Premier Blaine Higgs and key cabinet ministers.
But those meetings are confidential, and the Liberals and Greens began chafing recently to publicly debate some policies, especially those outside the realm of the immediate health emergency.
All parties agreed to resume quasi-normal business May 26 at 1 p.m.
The exact details for frequency and length of the sittings this session have yet to be decided. (CBC)
The all-party cabinet committee will continue to operate even as the legislature resumes its work.
"The opposition parties have shown a willingness to work within this new normal that we have … so I think we can continue to work on that new way of doing things, while we also do the work that's already in the system, as it were," Savoie said.
The daily sittings will include normal business such as Question Period, committee hearings, debates on legislation, and time set aside once a week for opposition business.
Details to come
It remains to be worked out how many hours MLAs will sit each day, how many days per week and how many weeks the session will last before it ends for the summer.
Coon said 2-3 days per week for 3-4 weeks looks likely now, but those negotiations are still going on.
Coon said his party also hopes to force a debate on the government's ban on temporary foreign workers, which farms and seafood processing plants say have left them with labour shortages.
Coon says it's "possible" the government can be persuaded to change its mind and allow foreign workers by July, especially since Higgs acknowledged last week it's been harder to fill the vacancies with New Brunswickers.
The impetus for the ban was the pending arrival last month of 175 foreign workers, all at once on short notice, to work in fish plants, Coon said.
"We now are in a different reality and I think we can think about this very differently," he said, suggesting there's now time to set up a system to house the workers so they can isolate for 14 days.
There are two vacancies in the legislature, for the ridings of Saint Croix and Shediac Bay-Dieppe. By-elections for both had been scheduled for June 15, but under legislation passed in March, those votes were put off. They must be held no later than 30 days before the legislature starts a new session this fall.
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.
Education Minister Dominic Cardy says teachers will be returning to school on June 1 to look after details from the current school year and prepare for the next one. (Submitted by the Government of New Brunswick)
New Brunswick teachers will gradually return to school at the beginning of June, Education Minister Dominic Cardy said Tuesday.
The province closed schools March 13 to slow the spread of the coronavirus, and online learning sessions were eventually established.
New Brunswick hasn't had an active case of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, in 13 days, but Cardy is looking ahead to September.
"We have to be ready in case the virus comes back, and we can't afford any more disruptions to students' learning," Cardy told reporters Tuesday afternoon.
Teachers will gradually return to school between June 1 and June 5 to finish school work from this year and start planning for fall.
Cardy said school will resume in September, but he doesn't know what that will look like yet. Classes could resume inside the schools, but they could also be taught online.
"We don't know whether classes will be back or online because we don't decide what happens to the coronavirus," he said.
What will teachers be doing in June?
Once teachers return to school, they will be preparing for the 2020-2021 school year. They could also be working on professional development, which could include online webinars or in-person with colleagues to learn how to teach during a pandemic.
"It's a good time to get teachers in and get them ready for a difficult year to come," Cardy said.
Some teachers will also be finalizing report cards and learning about new safety protocols for the classroom, such as physical distancing.
"So when they come back in September, it's not new to them," said George Daley, deputy minister of the anglophone education system.
Cardy said this will also allow teachers to address some of the challenges they've been experiencing while teaching at home, such as issues pertaining to internet connection.
Students haven't been riding the school bus since New Brunswick schools were forced to close in March because of the pandemic. (Ingrid Blakey/Submitted)
"It's like snow days on steroids, we don't know what's coming on any given day."
Rick Cuming, president of the New Brunswick Teachers' Association, said it's going to be a lot more challenging for teachers at larger schools to return to work.
He used the example of Leo Hayes High School and Fredericton High School in Fredericton, which have at least 100 people on staff.
"Some of our huge schools, there's no way that all of those teachers are going to be able to return on the same day and in the same way," Cuming said. "Versus some of the smaller schools that would have four or six teachers. They could probably have everybody return easily."
Supply teachers also impacted by COVID-19
Cuming said supply teachers have also been affected by the pandemic because they have had no employment since schools shut down, unless they were booked to teach following the closure announcement.
"They received some of the pay even though they weren't working," he said.
An Anglophone West School District sign indicating sports fields, courts and play areas are closed because of COVID-19. (Ingrid Blakey/Submitted)
Cuming said it will also be important to consider how supply teachers will be affected by the changes come fall.
"When teachers are out and supply teachers jump in, it's already a challenge for our supply teachers to step into a building and figure out all of the routines that exist in some of these buildings," Cuming said.
"But then to have all the health and safety routines, it's going to be a huge consideration."
Students learn at home
Since the closure, students have been doing varying levels of school work sent home by their teachers.
Because some students lacked suitable access to the internet, the province also bought and is distributing 1,000 iPad tablets with data plans, 500 laptop computers and 300 mobile internet hubs so that children can get access to materials posted online.
The total cost was $860,000, which comes from the Department of Education budget.
Cardy said the province has heard from students that were missed and didn't receive the technology they needed to continue with their studies. He said the province is working to make sure those students, as well as any new students coming in, have the technology they need.
The last day of classes is June 12 for students and June 28 for teachers. But Cardy said he expects teachers will be heading into school over the summer months to continue planning for teaching during a possible pandemic.
"Teachers have not had any training in doing this," he said.
David Amos Methinks Cardy and his deputy George Daley a former president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association and co-president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Federation can never say that I talk behind their Back N'esy Pas?
David Amos POOF????
Surprise Surprise Surprise
David Amos
Content disabled
"Rick Cuming, president of the New Brunswick Teachers' Association, said it's going to be a lot more challenging for teachers at larger schools to return to work.
He used the example of Leo Hayes High School and Fredericton High School in Fredericton, which have at least 100 people on staff."
Yea right I wonder how many of the aforementioned staff remember me running in the election of the 39th Parliament in Fat Fred City. Methinks folks may rest assured that Cardy certainly does N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Content disabled
Methinks Rick Cuming the president of the New Brunswick Teachers' Association should not deny that I tried to talk to him again N'esy Pas?
Johnny Jakobs For less than a month? With no kids? Must be for the internet connection cause Bell ain't got no rural internet.
Winston Gray
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: not even all schools have high speed. The old French school in Oromocto shares 1 DSL line with the whole school!
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @Winston Gray: wow!! That's ridiculous.
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Go figure why millions of things go "Poof" in cyberspace whether there be high speed access or not
Ben Haroldson Gov't desperately trying to save face. Don't buy it, they sold out your health and your economy.
Michael Hatfield
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: all over the world ?
David Amos
Reply to @Michael Hatfield: YUP
Cindy Cooper Parents are teaching dangerous things about gender and capitalism. Urgent that schools get back in charge.
James Risdon
Reply to @Cindy Cooper: What "dangerous things"?
David Peters
Reply to @Cindy Cooper: In other words, the brainwashing is wearing off.
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: Trust that you would never understand
David Amos
Content disabled Reply to @David Peters: Do Tell Have you ever bothered to Google "Amos Higgs Cardy Butter Tarts" YET???
Rob Sense Not many people were paid to stay at home...just saying.
Emery Hyslop-Margison
Reply to @Rob Sense: Actually, a lot of people were paid to stay at home. Teachers didn’t ask for this.
Graham McCormack:
Reply to @Rob Sense: I know a lot of people who aren't teacher who were paid or are still being paid to work from home.
David Amos
Reply to @Graham McCormack: Me Too
Junior Simpson I wonder how much time those kids will use there new iPads doing school work and how much time they will spend playing games and watching videos?
David Amos
Reply to @Junior Simpson: Me Too
Matt Steele It is great to see teachers returning to work ; but thinking that learning from home via the internet will work for kids is a bit of a joke . Education works because schools are structured , and provide a structured learning environment . Cardy squandered $840,000 of the taxpayers cash on computer equipment that was not needed . Not to mention , who does Cardy think will be taking care of these kids at home in the fall when their parents have returned to work . Stay at home education for kids is a non starter
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @Matt Steele: We agree on this point, Matt. Buying computer equipment was a way of throwing technology at a problem that was caused only partly by lack of technology. The only way learning from home works is when parents have both the ability and the time to support children by filling in the gaps in Internet-based learning. It doesn't work when the parent lacks the ability to do this or when the parent is busy working - even if they're working from home, let alone working outside the home.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Matt Steele: And you're suggesting to just ignore the disadvantaged ! If we have a recurrence , somethging will need to be done. I'm sure you've all the answers . Do tell !!
Lou Bell
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Fifty years of failed bilingualism and inclusion has left a lot of parents who went through our education system with a 3rd rate education at best . Too many resources spent on smaller self interest groups by self interest politicians .
David Amos
Reply to @Matt Steele: Welcome back to the circus
SarahRose Werner This might be a good opportunity for teachers to get some training in adjusting their teaching methods for an online platform and also to trade information with each other as to what's working, what isn't and what to do about it.
Fay Briggs
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Also be a good time for the internet providers to fix whatever problems they may have with the network. So that it will be able to carry the extra loads that will be needed to provide internet service to the rural communities. Otherwise, Cardy wasted the money he invested in computer equipment.
Lou Bell
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: That's a lot of the reasoning for them returning . Preparation for the fall , under whatever scenario COVID throws at them
David Amos
Reply to @Fay Briggs: I concur
---------- Original message ---------- From: "OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX"<> Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 18:52:37 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: YO Kriisy Austin Methinks Cardy and his deputy George Daley a former president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association can never say that I talk behind their back N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for taking the time to write.
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. If the tool advises you are demonstrating relevant symptoms, please call 8-1-1 to speak with a healthcare professional.
---------- Original message ---------- From: "Moore, Rob - M.P."<> Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 19:05:24 +0000 Subject: Thank you for your email To: David Amos <>
On behalf of the Honourable Rob Moore, P.C., M.P. thank you for your email. Our office appreciates the time you took to get in touch with our office. Due to the high volume of email correspondence our office receives, below is a guide on how your email will be responded to:
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If you have sent meeting request or an event invitation, we sincerely appreciate the kind request and we will check his availability to see if his schedule can accommodate.
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If you are not a Fundy Royal resident, given the high volume of emails we receive, your email will be reviewed and filed as INFORMATION. If the email is Critic portfolio in nature, it will be responded to as necessary.
Again, we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to contact the office of the Honourable Rob Moore.
---------- Original message ---------- From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <> Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 19:05:23 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Too too funny Indeed Methinks Higgy's Police State is out of control N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
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There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days.
Thanks again for your email. ______
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.
Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
---------- Original message ---------- From: "Austin, Kris (LEG)"<> Date: Tue, 19 May 2020 01:28:33 +0000 Subject: Automatic reply: Too too funny Indeed Methinks Higgy's Police State is out of control N'esy Pas? To: David Amos <>
Thank you for your email.
Please be assured that all emails and letters are read carefully.
Should your issue be Constituency related, please contact Janet at my constituency office at or by calling 444-4530 or 440-9542.
Thanks again for taking the time to reach out to me with your concerns or input.
Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick Assemblée législative du Nouveau-Brunswick Office of Kris Austin, MLA Bureau de Kris Austin, député 506-462-5875 506-462-5875
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others Methinks Cardy and his deputy George Daley a former president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association can never say that I talk behind their back N'esy Pas?
Teachers are being sent back to class in June, while students stay home
The province announced the closure of schools March 13 to slow the spread of coronavirus Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: May 19, 2020 5:03 PM AT
David Amos Methinks Cardy and his deputy George Daley a former president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association and co-president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Federation can never say that I talk behind their Back N'esy Pas?
David Amos POOF???? Surprise Surprise Surprise
David Amos Content disabled "Rick Cuming, president of the New Brunswick Teachers' Association, said it's going to be a lot more challenging for teachers at larger schools to return to work.
He used the example of Leo Hayes High School and Fredericton High School in Fredericton, which have at least 100 people on staff."
Yea right I wonder how many of the aforementioned staff remember me running in the election of the 39th Parliament in Fat Fred City. Methinks folks may rest assured that Cardy certainly does N'esy Pas?
David Amos Content disabled Methinks Rick Cuming the president of the New Brunswick Teachers' Association should not deny that I tried to talk to him again N'esy Pas?
Johnny Jakobs For less than a month? With no kids? Must be for the internet connection cause Bell ain't got no rural internet.
Winston Gray Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: not even all schools have high speed. The old French school in Oromocto shares 1 DSL line with the whole school!
Johnny Jakobs Reply to @Winston Gray: wow!! That's ridiculous.
David Amos Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Go figure why millions of things go "Poof" in cyberspace whether there be high speed access or not
"It's a good time to get teachers in and get them ready for a difficult year to come," Cardy said.
Some teachers will also be finalizing report cards and learning about new safety protocols for the classroom, such as physical distancing. "So when they come back in September, it's not new to them," said George Daley, deputy minister of the anglophone education system."
"George Daley becomes the deputy minister of Education and Early Childhood Development (anglophone sector). Daley was recently president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association and co-president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Federation, and is currently a teacher and vice-principal in Bathurst."
News Release
Executive Council Office Office of the Premier
Changes announced to senior government leadership
07 November 2019FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier Blaine Higgs today announced changes to the senior ranks of the provincial public service.
“Our government recently laid out a roadmap for the future of New Brunswick that focuses on key priorities and the importance of public accountability,” said Higgs. “To achieve our goals as a government, we must have a high-performing public service. An important element of this is creating a strong team of senior public servants to lead the organization and support ministers so they can continue to focus on New Brunswick’s priorities and drive results.”
Effective Nov. 12, Jean-Marc Dupuis becomes the secretary to cabinet. This appointment is in addition to his current responsibilities as chief operating officer, clerk of the Executive Council and head of the public service.
Gérald Richard, currently deputy minister of Education and Early Childhood Education (francophone sector), becomes the deputy minister of Health. He replaces Tom Maston who recently retired. Marcel Lavoie becomes the deputy minister of Education and Early Childhood Development (francophone sector). Lavoie is currently the assistant deputy minister for francophone educational services with the department.
George Daley becomes the deputy minister of Education and Early Childhood Development (anglophone sector). Daley was recently president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association and co-president of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Federation, and is currently a teacher and vice-principal in Bathurst.
Kelly Cain, currently deputy minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, becomes the deputy minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and deputy minister responsible for the Women’s Equality Branch.
John P. Logan becomes the acting deputy minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. He is currently a senior advisor with the department.
Cade Libby becomes the acting deputy minister of Aboriginal Affairs and acting president of the Regional Development Corporation. He is currently the vice-president of the Regional Development Corporation. Hélène Bouchard, currently acting deputy minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and acting president of the Regional Development Corporation, will be moving to another key senior role within the civil service.
Cathy LaRochelle, currently the acting deputy minister, becomes the deputy minister of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries.
Judy Wagner, formerly the secretary to cabinet and deputy minister of Aboriginal Affairs, is now the principal secretary and chief of staff at the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor.
In addition to Tom Maston retiring following 28 years in the civil service, John McLaughlin, currently deputy minister of Education and Early Childhood Development (anglophone sector), will be retiring after 30 years in the civil service, effective Dec. 31. McLaughlin will remain as special advisor to the department until Dec. 31.
“We thank both these gentlemen for their years of service and dedication to New Brunswickers and hope they enjoy their well-earned retirement,” said Higgs.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a complete list of deputy ministers, deputy heads and presidents of Part 1 Crown corporations. The changes take effect on Nov. 12 (* denotes a change or addition):
Jean-Marc Dupuis*, chief operating officer, clerk of the Executive Council, secretary to cabinet and head of the public service;
Louis Léger, deputy minister and chief of staff of the Office of the Premier;
Cade Libby*, deputy minister of Aboriginal Affairs (acting) and president of the Regional Development Corporation (acting);
Cathy LaRochelle*, deputy minister of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries;
George Daley*, deputy minister of Education and Early Childhood Development (anglophone sector);
Marcel Lavoie*, deputy minister of Education and Early Childhood Development (francophone sector);
Thomas MacFarlane, deputy minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development;
Kelli Simmonds, deputy minister of Environment and Local Government;
Cheryl Hansen, deputy minister of Finance and Treasury Board and secretary of Treasury Board;
Gérald Richard*, deputy minister of Health;
Kelly Cain*, deputy minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and deputy minister responsible for the Women’s Equality Branch;
John B. D. Logan, deputy minister of Justice and Office of the Attorney General;
Sadie Perron, deputy minister of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour;
Michael Comeau, deputy minister of Public Safety;
Eric Beaulieu, deputy minister of Social Development;
Alain Basque, deputy minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture (acting);
John P. Logan*, deputy minister of Transportation and Infrastructure (acting);
Alan Roy, CEO of Service New Brunswick;
Stephen Lund, CEO of Opportunities NB/Economic Development and Small Business; and
Paul Greene, deputy minister responsible for communications, Executive Council Office.
Premier says bid to fill labour gap with N.B. workers coming up short
Colin McPhail· CBC News· Posted: May 20, 2020 8:50 PM AT
Premier Blaine Higgs says the inability to fill jobs normally done by temporary foreign workers with local labourers may force a change to the current ban. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
Premier Blaine Higgs is considering lifting the ban on temporary foreign workers as efforts to fill vacant jobs with New Brunswickers are falling short.
The ban, announced in late April, rocked the province's agricultural and seafood-processing industries, which rely on the arrival of hundreds of migrant workers each year and are now facing a labour shortage.
"I said I wouldn't let them go without employees and I meant that. I won't," Higgs said during Wednesday's briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic.
"If we don't fill the roster in the next few days … then there will be the decisions made to ensure we meet the needs."
The risk in permitting "more people to enter the province is simply too great," Higgs said on April 28 when declaring a ban on any new temporary foreign workers coming into the province. At that time, the province hadn't had a new case of COVID-19 in 10 days.
Coming up short
To fill the roughly 600 vacancies, Higgs worked with the federal government to allow workers already in Canada to switch jobs. The province also launched a program encouraging unemployed New Brunswick residents to take on those positions.
On Wednesday, the premier said the volume of applicants was underwhelming.
Higgs said about 220 New Brunswick workers have been brought in and another 100 are being interviewed.
New Brunswick brought in nearly 1,700 temporary foreign workers in 2019. (CBC News)
"Given the magnitude of unemployment in the province... I would have expected it to be much higher," he said.
He later told CBC's As It Happens that fewer than 50 temporary foreign workers had been reassigned. Higgs said the federal CERB program, which provides furloughed Canadian workers $500 a week for 16 weeks, is creating an incentive for people to stay home.
"We've had companies tell us that they can't get people to come back to work," he said. "You know, this has been great to get the help in order ... to help our economy get back up and running, but there has to be a connection with [the] ability to contribute."
Higgs, who during the briefing reiterated the importance of securing the food supply and what the affected sectors represent to the province's economy, suggested the ban could be altered to address the shortage of labour — if New Brunswickers don't "step up" and answer his call.
"It's likely we're going to have to relax some of those rules, but we aren't in the height of the pandemic that we were a month ago or so," he said.
The premier also announced Wednesday New Brunswick will enter the next phase of recovery — the yellow phase— on Friday. The province's recovery plan guide does not list any changes to the ban or border restrictions under the yellow phase, and the section on temporary foreign workers, as of Wednesday evening, still states the ban is in place with no end date.
Opposition MLAs favour change
The Opposition critic for agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries said lifting the ban or making exemptions has come too late.
"We suggested weeks ago the premier should reconsider his position on this matter. Unfortunately, this decision comes a bit late for the seafood processing plant owners," said Liberal MLA Isabelle Thériault, who represents Caraquet, in an emailed statement.
"He promised he would find people to fill positions in our plants and on our farms, and he has been unable to fulfill that promise. This has created a lot of difficulty for the fishing and agriculture sector."
After Premier Blaine Higgs banned temporary foreign workers to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in New Brunswick, farmers lost some of their best workers and are struggling to keep up. 4:50
Thériault said the province missed out on some of the 175 workers destined for the province on a flight from Mexico to Halifax the same day the ban was announced, saying "now most of those workers are employed in Nova Scotia."
On Wednesday, the Green Party called for an exemption to the ban for farms that can meet health and safety requirements, including a two-week isolation upon entry into the province.
Green Leader David Coon said farms are "particularly in dire straits" at the moment and other sectors, like seafood, could be phased in at a later date.
The exemption is part of several new supports for small business and the self-employed the party proposed Wednesday, including targeted grant programs, property tax forgiveness for the most-affected sectors and a plan to develop government procurement targets to expand the market for local producers.
"Our small businesses and our cities and towns are just being hammered," Coon said, explaining how some businesses are having difficulty reopening and dealing with staff and customers too nervous to return.
Premier Blaine Higgs said New Brunswick borders will remain closed to protect residents from the spread of COVID-19. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
Residents still refusing to follow public health guidelines
Province reveals front-line workers who will receive top-up funding
Province won't allow 'bubbling' with regions in Quebec
More than 50% of child-care facilities reopen
People reminded to stay vigilant to help loosen restrictions
Riverview author writes children's book about COVID-19
What to do if you have symptoms
The province is expecting to move into the third phase of its COVID-19 recovery plan Friday, Premier Blaine Higgs announced at a news briefing Wednesday.
Today marks two weeks since the province confirmed a new active case of COVID-19 in New Brunswick.
According to the government website, the next phase would include:
Family and friends bubble
Gatherings with physical distancing of 50 or fewer
Increase in elective surgeries and other non-emergency health care services
Non-regulated health professionals/businesses
Personal services businesses
Swimming pools, saunas and water parks
Gyms, yoga and dance studios
Rinks and indoor recreational facilities
Pool halls and bowling alleys
Low-contact team sports
"As we continue to move through the phases of our recovery plan, it is important to remember COVID-19 still poses a risk to our communities," Higgs said.
Although the province might be easing more restrictions, Higgs stood firm on his decision to keep New Brunswick borders closed.
All unnecessary travel into New Brunswick is prohibited and peace officers are authorized to turn visitors away when they attempt to enter.
There haven't been any active cases of COVID-19 reported in two weeks. (CBC News)
"It is our main line of defence so we need to be sure that we're doing it properly," Higgs said.
At the news briefing, Higgs made mention of Nova Scotia, Quebec and the state of Maine, all of which have active cases of COVID-19.
"Now is not the time for New Brunswick to take unnecessary risks, undoing all the hard work to get us to this point."
Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, made a point Wednesday to tell reporters she had been receiving a lot of questions about her hair recently. Russell said she cut her own hair over the weekend with the help of YouTube videos. (Government of New Brunswick/Submitted)
Higgs said he recognizes travel is necessary for some. This includes residents of other provinces who must enter New Brunswick to work or to receive medical treatment, and commercial vehicle drivers delivering goods.
Residents still refusing to follow public health guidelines
Although the province expects to move into the third phase by the end of the week, Premier Blaine Higgs was disheartened Wednesday when asked about some residents who are still refusing to follow guidelines set out by public health, particularly over the long weekend.
"The new found freedom we have is one that we have earned together collectively," Higgs said.
"It's one that we can lose individually. Because someone who feels they're immune. It's not their problem—'I don't need to pay attention to this'— could be the one that reintroduced COVID back into our province. And we end up shutting things down again because we lose control of it."
Both Higgs and Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick's chief medical officer of health, said the decision to shut down the province in March has come at a cost, including the closure of local businesses and the New Brunswick borders, and the requirement to stay at home. Russell applauded New Brunswickers for this achievement and offered her "undying gratitude."
"As we move forward, we will need to continue to adapt, learn and prepare for the next phase of our recovery," she said.
The Picaroons Roundhouse in Fredericton saw hundreds of visitors who sat outside the taproom over the long weekend. (Shane Fowler/CBC News)
"With each step we take, we are building resiliency, as individuals and as a province. As we adjust to each phase, there will be challenges that will test this resiliency. But as we figure out how to get through each situation, we will be stronger for the experience and better prepared for the challenges ahead."
There are 120 recovered cases and no known active cases of the respiratory illness in the province. As of today, the province said 21,144 tests have been conducted.
Province reveals front-line workers who will receive top-up funding
The province has sent a written request to the federal finance minister outlining a program to provide a monthly top-up of approximately $500 for 16 weeks for front-line workers in a number of sectors."
Those eligible for the funding include employees in:
early learning and child care facilities
home support
special care homes, community residences and group homes
homeless shelters and food banks
domestic violence outreach and transition homes
Workers must earn $18 per hour or less to be eligible.
The top-up will be paid by employers every four weeks. The exception will be child care facilities, which will split the first and last payments to align with existing payment schedules.
Workers at early learning and child care facilities will receive their top-up retroactive to May 19 and it will continue for 16 weeks. This is in recognition of their return to work as the child care sector reopened.
Essential workers who earn less than $18 a day to get government top-up 1:19
All other sectors will be paid retroactively from March 19 to July 9.
Employers will be reimbursed by the departments of Education and Early Childhood Development or Social Development.
Province won't allow 'bubbling' with regions in Quebec
Premier Blaine Higgs said Wednesday he won't allow visitors from New Brunswick's closest Quebec communities of Pointe-à-la-Croix and Listuguj First Nation.
"If we start introducing sections of one province to another ... it then becomes a greater risk."
New Brunswick's emergency declaration bans all non-essential travel into the province to protect the province from COVID-19 spread . But Pointe-à-la-Croix and Listuguj residents are included as an exception in the order, allowing them to enter Campbellton to access essential goods like groceries and pharmacy. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)
More than 400 people marched against New Brunswick's travel restrictions, which organizers say are inconsistently applied and separates the community unfairly. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)
More than 400 people marched against New Brunswick's travel restrictions, which organizers say are inconsistently applied and separates the community unfairly. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)
12 years of deepening debt limit N.B.'s response to virus-ravaged economy
Calls build for province to spend its way out of pandemic-caused economic woes, but the debt limits options
Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: May 21, 2020 5:00 AM AT
New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs said Wednesday he understands there is a 'thirst' for the province to spend its way out of current economic troubles but suggested that will create more problems later. (Philip Drost/CBC)
No one is saying "told you so," but growing calls for New Brunswick to spend more to support economic recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis are running up against the reality of the province's heavy debt load and its already limited fiscal capacity.
That could impede New Brunswick's ability to respond like other provinces to the economic wreckage caused by the pandemic, a financial weakness policy makers from both major parties helped create and have been warned about repeatedly for more than a decade by successive auditor generals.
"When I look at the key messages on the province's fiscal situation from the past number of years out of this office we were concerned about the long stretch of deficits year after year after year and the growth in net debt of the province," said auditor general Kim MacPherson in an interview last week.
Beginning in 2008, MacPherson's predecessor, Michael Ferguson, started issuing warnings that growing debt levels in the province could make the province financially vulnerable and reduce its "flexibility" to respond to future events. MacPherson repeated the warnings in her own reports when she took over in 2010. Former New Brunswick auditor general Michael Ferguson warned in 2008 New Brunswick could compromise its ability to act in the future if it took on debt faster than its economy grew. (Chris Wattie/Reuters)
She said the last two months have confirmed the validity of those concerns
"No one anticipated anything as significant as this world pandemic," said MacPherson.
"But I would say getting a handle on the fiscal situation of the province in normal times is a wise thing to do and be better prepared for when these very unanticipated events occur. We'd be better able to handle them."
Next week the New Brunswick legislature reopens and a key issue to be debated is whether the province should borrow and spend more to supplement federal efforts to carry the economy through the pandemic.
'This is not a time to be timid'
The Liberal and Green parties are both calling for New Brunswick to match at least some programs launched in other provinces to support households and businesses not fully covered by a myriad of multibillion-dollar initiatives launched by Ottawa.
Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers is advocating New Brunswick spend heavily to help businesses and households survive the COVID-19 pandemic. 'This is not a time to be timid,' he says. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)
"I have no hesitation in saying this is going to require a significant amount of money to reinvigorate our economy and get our economy back", said Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers in an interview last week.
'This is not a time to be timid or to not tackle this head on."
The New Brunswick government has offered some targeted assistance during the last two months but less than other provinces overall, and Premier Blaine Higgs has been reluctant to spend more freely, citing the long-term implications of adding to the provinces debt problem
"I will put the money of the province in the places that are needed the most to have us recover the best," Higgs said on Wednesday at his regular COVID-19 press conference.
"It's not about today. It's about the next five, 10,15, 20 years."
The difficulty for New Brunswick is it used up a lot of its borrowing room in recent years already.
Running up debt
The province's net debt was last audited March 31, 2019, and had reached $13.9 billion. For the size of New Brunswick's economy, it's the largest debt load among the Maritime provinces and about 25 per cent higher than the Canadian average of all provinces.
Just over half of that liability — $7.2 billion — was run up over a 12-year period between 2006 and 2018 by the three one-term governments of Shawn Graham ($2.9 billion), David Alward ($3.5 billion) and Brian Gallant ($853 million).
Former New Brunswick Premier David Alward, pictured with his wife, Rhonda, promised to end deficit spending and balance New Brunswick's books but instead played a leading role in the province piling up $7.2 billion in new debt over 12 years. (The Canadian Press)
Combined, New Brunswick's debt grew 107 per cent over those 12 years, nearly three times faster than the province's economy.
Ferguson and MacPherson sounded alarm bells about what was happening during the entire time.
"Any growth in New Brunswick's debt must remain in line with growth in the economy to ensure that our Province can sustain its programs and services," Ferguson wrote in 2008 in what was the first of 12 straight years of debt growth.
"If debt is growing faster than the economy, New Brunswick will suffer reduced capacity for sustainability."
Situation different elsewhere
Other provinces, like Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba, also underwent steep increases in their debt levels in those years but, in each case, had stronger economic growth than New Brunswick to support the borrowing and more fiscal capacity to afford the payments.
New Brunswick does not raise enough money to pay its own bills already and relies more than any province other than Prince Edward Island on equalization grants from Ottawa to make ends meet.
This year it is scheduled to receive $2.2 billion in equalization to help it cover more than 20 per cent of its expenses.
Other provinces, like Saskatchewan, which is spending among the most to supplement federal COVID-19 recovery efforts, and which New Brunswick is being encouraged by Kevin Vickers to emulate, are in significantly better financial shape.
Saskatchewan carries $2 billion less debt than New Brunswick, has an economy twice the size and has the fiscal capacity to pay its bills without equalization.
New Brunswick auditor general Kim MacPherson warned against the province's rising debt for years and says the province would be in better shape to deal with the pandemic if it had gotten its fiscal problems under control years ago. (CBC)
MacPherson said it is up to the legislature to decide how to proceed but did make the point New Brunswick's weaker economy and dependence on federal funding makes taking on debt a bigger and more long-term problem than it is for wealthier provinces.
"New Brunswick's ability to get a handle on our fiscal situation is more challenging because of our demographics, our aging population. Our unemployment rate is higher than the national average and the slow economic growth — it makes it that much more difficult to turn things around."
David Amos Alas i remember my dealings with the former New Brunswick Auditor General Ferguson very well and my email accounts and various blogs still verify the encounters. Methinks you and Higgy et al know why Mikey continued to play dumb even after he took Harper's job offer but none of you will never talk about it N'esy Pas Mr Jones?
Lou Bell Reply to @David Amos: Ferguson did agreat job ? You ? Not so much .
May 17, 2008 7:25 PM David Raymond Amos said... ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Sat, May 17, 2008 at 10:47 PM Subject: Thanks for finally responding to me Mr Christie perhaps you should call me back EH? 1 506 756 8687 To:,,, Cc:,, "",, ""
I must say that was an interesting response from you Mr. Christie about a rather minor issue to me after your ignoring my very serious concerns for so long. It was kinda polite particularly in light of the fact that my voicemail was deadnuts serious in nature. Could it be that your strange response was prompted by the fact I sent the email to many others and then blogged it as well in order to make you acknowledge that I at least existed?
With that in mind I have decided to introduce you to the First Canadaian folks whose parent company should settle with me ASAP about a very fraudulent Real Estate transaction in the USA after they have ignored my concerns about their severe lack of integrity for four long years. May they will take me seriously as well EH? Let just say I find it hard to take you peopel seriously because I found it far more than comical when they beat your law society in court and won the right to edge you lawyers out of their very lucrative game. I am certain Mr Townsend QC and the Real Estate Association of New Brunswick that he represents understands the joke but Chucky Leblanc never will.
When we do finally have a chance at a little pow wow Mr Christie I will point out the fact tha your law society supported my false imprisonment in the USA in 2004 after I ran in the election of the 39th Parliament and ask you why this is. When everyone in Fredericton either laughed at me or ignored me or harassed me before and during and after I ran in their riding during the election of the 39th Parlaiment, rest assured I was not one bit surprised.
FYI Over the long weekendI will forward this email to others and blog it as well in a sincere effort to resolve some of my concerns ASAP. For you benefit you got it first and I have included an email freshly sent to some interesting Yankees that you should study rather closely. However please allow me to be quite likely the first to introduce you to Eddy Greenspan and Andrew Frey. But then again you could be related to his associate Ms. Christie which would only go to prove my point that it is a small world after all. Whichever way the cookie crumbles I will lay odds that Andy and Eddy and their friends and clients within the Paul Weiss law firm hate me more than you Christie lawyers do. Scroll down and check my work to see why.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos wrote:
From: To: David Amos Subject: Re: Fwd: RE: Does the Language Commissioner suggest that I file something in Federal Court instead of him? Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 17:22:57 -0400
Mr. Amos, thank you for your telephone message and the email attached.
Tom Christie
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Amos Date: Sat, May 17, 2008 at 6:50 PM Subject: I just called some of you Independent folks please call me back sometime soon 1 506 756 8687 To:,,,,,, Cc: Richard Harris,, "",,, "", "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)"
Please read page 66 of the Spitzer file found within the link above and then surf within my file from there.
If you do not trust the link I have provided then if nothing else please check the link below from the US Senate website when Spitzer testified 5 very long years ago for many people and ask yourselves why the transcripts of that hearing and the one two days before have evaporated from the public record. I am a very serious man who is trying to tell you folks something you really need to know if you are serious about Democracy.
Rest assured I made some pretty big people in Washington and New York nervous last week after the Office of the Auditor General of Canada called me trying hard to play dumb.
FYI did not call Sheila Fraser and her cohorts when I kicked at the can of worms in the Big Apple this time around. I did call the Office of Public Sector Integrity right afterwards and demanded an answer to the same material that Eddy Greespan had received and answered BEFORE Lord Conrad Black was found quilty. I truly beleive that somebody blew the whistle last week and my name came up in many offices of low people in high places.
I must say I laughed when I read this morning my mean old enemy the political/lawyer Yankee Teddy Kennedy had a stroke. I grin to think it may have been brought on by my doings last week. My Clan's Senator Teddy Boy answered me in a very malicious fashion before the hearing about Putnam Investments took place in 2003 He has had the same material was sent to Eddy Greenspan and then on to the Yankee lawyer Andy Frey whom I talked to personally months ago before he announced that he was seeking a presidential pardon for the Dark Lord of a Subway Stop. Could andy Frey be using my material to get the Dark Lord out of jail just like Frank quatrone did over a year ago? Ask Andy Frey if I am a liar or not I double dog dare ya to, Mr. Thomas Christie QC. As you can see he received the very same email as you and he did receive largely the same material that your law soiety received and answered in 2004. It seems that it is a small world after all N'est Pas? Here is his info he sometimes picks up the phone himself on the weekends.
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,349 Domain Name ? (U.S. Government) IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice) ISP US Dept of Justice Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : District of Columbia City : Washington Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; DI60SP1001; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 16 bits Time of Visit May 15 2008 4:54:03 pm Last Page View May 15 2008 5:07:41 pm Visit Length 13 minutes 38 seconds Page Views 2 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time May 15 2008 3:54:03 pm Visit Number 4,349
Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,351 Domain Name ? (Commercial) IP Address 208.226.153.# (Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton) ISP Verizon Business Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : New York City : New York Lat/Long : 40.7619, -73.9763 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit May 15 2008 6:04:59 pm Last Page View May 15 2008 6:04:59 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Amos&FORM=MSNH Search Engine Search Words david raymond amos Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time May 15 2008 5:04:59 pm Visit Number 4,351
Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 21:20:41 -0700 (PDT) From: "David Amos" Subject: For the record Danny Boy Fitzgerald are you goon try to deny receiving this email before chucky built his short live blog about me? To:,, "Dan Fitzgerald", "Richard Harris",,, CC:,
I inserted Chcuky Leblancs old blog about me that he erased over top of this comment and prior email about Byron Prior and a goose that didn't matter two years ago. It was an obvious goof but I don't have time to fix it and as you will know it will do just fine f for blogging purposes. Nobody reads my work anyway Correct?
Take careful notice I gave you and your nasty pals in Fat Fred City the affidavit of the Newfy lawyer Stevey Boy May about Byron Prior and I once again long BEFORE Hoeg came out with her interesting judgement and the Telegram made the Big Faux Pas.
FYI the "Porcupine Prique" arsehole is Cpl Kevin Jackson of the National Security Arm of the RCMP/GRC the very same dude that made those funny Youtubes about me. the more the FEDS were in a hurry for me to sue them the more I slowed down until the time was politcally correct to do so. It was that when Danny Boy Millions was pissed about a budget and a bunch of honourable soldiers from Base Gagetown were killed overseas. That is why I came to Fat Fred City last April. That is also why the cops pounced on me bigtime trying hard to lock me up as a madman so there would be no trial to expose the truth of the matter. The truth is while your "Blogger General" was falsely claiming in the media last May that I was stalking him the reverse was true.
The RCMP/GRC forever proved their malice with their own ridiculous videos. some of my friends from the phone booth had caught them on private property a couple of times taking photos etc and everybody saw their helicopter teasing me. Yet the nast bastards kept on boldly calling my buddies and asking as to my whereabout and ignoring my right to privacy because once I killed my cell phone they lose track of me now and then. .I proved to the world the Feds studied and worried about my every move when theRCMP/GRC came to Werner's farm asking about me not long after I posted the video about the demise of his cattle. Werener did not call them that time. We spooked the spooks byway of Youtube. LOL on a bad as you buddy Chucky Leblanc would say. EH?
You really should quit playing dumb Danny Boy can't you see that Byron Prior your heros T.J. Burke, Chucky and many of their cop pals etc and some of my friends such Werner and Paul Perrier's Daddy received this email too? You were the only one to call me a liar. And you watched Chucky block my comments in his blog about me then said nothing when I forced him to delete it because he stole my photograph..
Who is the Bullshitter now Danny Boy Me or you?
Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos
David Amos wrote: Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 00:29:25 -0300 From: "David Amos" To:,,,,,,,,,, "Dan Fitzgerald", "Richard Harris",,,,,, Subject: Hey Chucky perhaps you and the Fat Fred City Finests or Porky Prick can explain this old email to Danny Boy Fitzgerald and Richy Baby CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Sam Perrier",,
Hey Chucky if you are not to busy torturing Quebecers about town or if Spinksy Baby ain't too busy staying up all night deleting my words from his blogs don't ya think ya really should explain this email to your other busy blogger buddies such as Richy Baby who is busy taking pictures of houses in Fat Fred City or Danny Boy who is constantly attacking Windmills overseas so they can be heroes.
My spit and chew really happened with Bernie Lord and his buddies in Fat Fred City and ya can't say it didn't. I was right behind you Chucky You took pictures of the fools marching in and I argued with them after they came out. While you and the very nasty CBC dudes gossiped about what was happening with the liberals out front me and Bernie were having some interesting words. Remember?.
Now that they are all fighting and calling each other liars bigtime inside the Old Maison shouldn't you or the CBC dudes say something honest for a change Chucky?
If this is too long for your simple mind to read then just look at the pictures One of them is of you so you should like at least that. EH?
To jog your memory I am gonna resend you and you buddies an old email of mine from 2006 with some of the obvious minor spelling and grammar errors corrected and I will add just two pictures to prove I was in Fat Fred City and right behind you and the CBC dudes before I had an argument with the little lawyer Bernie Lord and some of his former Cabinet Ministers. Perhaps Richy will read this one but I doubt it. (FYI I am setting you dudes up as witnesses for Federal court) If you am Richy Baby wish to remain hostile it is fine by me if fact methinks it will be more fun dealing with you as you are. If Richy does read this and the following emails he should understand how easy I could have helped him last year when I called him just before I came to Fat Fred City and your strange wannabe lawyer buddy Vaughn Barnett went to jail. You dudes must understand that your malice towards me got you nowhere at all as you lose a lot of friends daily. Surprise Surprise after all these years you finally post some of my comments in order to make yourself somehow righteous. Bullshit.
Forget trying to make friends with this pigheaded Maritimer now. Your little statement about the Scottish blood in me said it all in spades. Ask your new hero Byron Prior or one of wives about that simple fact. I will be done with blogging in other people's websites in short order and quite possibly done with the Internet all together. there is not much point to it since even one on one emails to friends and myself are being blocked. tis time to come to court once more within many digital documents to support important complaints. This email is merely one on thousands. Trust that you did not get the lions share of them Chucky. You would never have understood them when even your buddy Danny Boy Fitzgerald can't read as well as he writes. You are one of the few people who actually met me in person Chucky and like you buddy Rashid your were scared to death of me Remember? It ain't because I am big or mean or rude it is because I am as serious as a heart attack correct? One cannot fake the look in my eyes. Any man with common sense knows at least that. When the whimp of a cop in Fat Fred City, Randy Reilly claimed that I did not intimidate him I just laughed because I had said nothing that should have if he were an honest man. The fact that he said it met that I did. why else would he feel the need to say it? That dumb dude should never play poker with serious gamblers.
I will also put in brackets some interesting updates (as I am right now) as they relate to this great day in May of Canadian history(oops its only April I thought it must be May the way everyone was getting shot down like Franky sinatra sang about after the flew too high in April) . No doubt even you are aware of the near riots inside the Old Maison you love to haunt and of the shit hitting the fan in Harper's HQ too. What better day for me to deal bigtime in the blogs of New Brunswick with all the smiling bastards you support. I notice your buddy Spinksy Baby (or should I say Brent Taylor ain't said shit yet and I am back in the woods typing this in my laptop to send out later just when the time is right) Obviously the top of my hit list in your blog and that of the Gypsy's today was your snotty wordsmiths and blogger buddies Mikey Archibald and Danny Boy Fitzgerald and of course your old pals Danny Boy Busierres, Scotty Baby Agnew , the Fat Fred City Finests and the RCMP too EH? I see that you are still playing games with my words. Trust that it does you no good. I am proving to many that you are a liar at the very same time byway of emails. Why not just post my comments now you have lost most of your friends and let the political cards fall where they may? There is no sense editing my words or just posting the ones you like anymore. the cops will have your locked up in short order if you don't wise up quickly. Your buddy Richy Baby was confused as to why I included him in the emails to everybody else and wanted me to call him privately again. Is he from the same planet you are from? Perhaps you should tell him to read what I sent. Perhaps the light will dawn on his marblehead if and when you go to jail but I doubt it. You never wised up when Byron Prior and I were falsely imprisoned did ya?
For the record I thought you incredibly dumb not to post my emails about the Charter and French Immersion after I had proved to you that I got conflicting answers from the Language commissioner and Scotty Baby Agew's lawyer/wife. The only reason you didn't was t protect you corrupt buddies Bernie Richard, Abey Baby Leblanc and Ivan Court Correct? Are you expecting to get a get job in saint John if Ivan Court gets elected. Didn't anyone tell you you can vote down there? You collect and spend your welfare in Fat Fred City correct? How come you don't say dick about Brad Woodside and his cohorts? Don't want to bite the dirty hand that feeds ya?
Clearly you and Spinksy Baby got this email first on October 4th, 2004 I got no comment from either of you but clearly the RCMP in Fat Fred City (Norm Plourde and Kevin Jackson) were paying attention scroll to the bottom and see if you don't recall. what you may not know is I forwarded it on the lawyer named William Corbet who had replaced Laundry as the Commissioner of Elections Canada before Kingsley got shitcanned. I must say I found it interesting that you and your buddy Richy just started singing Byron Prior's praises after I told him to go to hell and you have been well aware of my support of his efforts to find justice since early 2004.
That said have a little Deja Vu Chucky Baby.
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 08:36:38 -0700 (PDT) From: "David Amos" Subject: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town To:,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,
That includes little old me.and I took pictures to prove it was true. Ask porcupine.(Since Cpl. Kevin Jackson of the RCMP has finally struck himself dumb Chucky Leblanc should at least see himself and the CBC dudes in the attached photo. While all the liberals dogs were sniffing and licking each other's arses in front of the Legislature buildings, I was having a rather interesting conversation with Bernie Lord (more like a little lawyer doing a lot of double talking) in front of several witnesses (his former Cabinet Ministers) beside the Centennial Building where my father used to work for many Finance Ministers in the past. Rest assured my father's ghost was laughing at the nonsense of it all. However my son is not. (Sad but true)
Alas my poor father I knew him well. I have had a thousand times more fun than he ever did. I have no doubt whatsoever that he is (his ghost that is) impressed at how far his wild child had come in his efforts at poking holes in the stuffed shirts that he had to obey. My father toiled in an ethical fashion for a corrupt government in order to put supper on the table and keep a roof over our heads. I do the same but against the public corruption. My father knew me well as well. He knew I would never follow orders and was far too dumb to know fear yet just clever enough to do exactly what I wished in my own personal pursuit of happiness. On his death bed my father admitted he was jealous of my chosen lifestyle and sometimes wished he had chosen that path as well. I thanked him for his blessing and for being a very honourable father. Even though my father and I argued tooth and nail most of our lives, he and I held a great respect for each other despite of it all. My father left this wonderful old world knowing he had the respect and love of a very different man whom he had raised as a son and friend. All men should be so lucky EH?
My father, Max had five sons. I have only one. I named him after my father. I know him well as well I raised him as a Mr. Mom. My son, Max is more clever than my father and I put together. I made my son my best friend out of the gate because that is the way it should always be even though I am his boss for 18 years. Methinks my boy is on the right path and he has witnessed and understands much already. I do all of this for him in a similar fashion as what my father did for me. (In case you haven't figured this out this was personal note to my son he is in the USA and the Bcc line of this email. He checks my work and stress tests my ethics all the time and I am proud that he does. We argue a lot as well but with respect and joy. They say sons of strange fathers go far in life EH? If my boy can ethically deal with me with success, it follows that he will have an easy time with the likes of you N'est Pas?
(P.S.I talked yesterday to that nasty old bureaucrat, Tiny Tim Andrew who wants to Mayor of Fat Fred City. He was having fun with me and I allowed it for a bit so that he would understand he was making fun of the wrong pissed off Maritimer. Tiny Tim with the grey beard said he remembered my Honourable Farmer Friend Werner Bock and also claimed that he knew my father and Lloyd Nickerson, the Conservative dude who married my mother after my father had died. When he joked while munching his on supper that I had named my son after Mad Max I was all done talking to that bastard outside of a court of law and let him know in no uncertain terms as only I can do.)
Whereas you all claim to know so much, why should I brag of my prowess at connecting dots? (Danny Boy Fitzgerald does that enough for both of us N'est Pas?) Why not just save the fun for court? Sometimes less is more so I will prove to Hollies and his boss why Johnny Crosbie needs to sing for more booze because his powers to smooze are fading fast. (Looks like I was kinda sorta wrong for a bit anyway but it must really rot Byron Prior's socks that another devil he made a deal with within the very same law firm that your buddy Richy hates so much is now a Lieutenant Governor too. It appears to me that some Newfy's truly are that dumb. and Patterson Palmer must have figured if it worked once with Prior it would work twice) Press print on the attachment Mr. Hollies look your new boss in the eye and talk of his pal and the Newfy lawyer Crosbie. (I did not include it this time because sometimes less is more EH?) Perhaps you have some interesting pillow talk with your wife ASAP. She has already displayed to me that she does not understand the meaning of the expression "non partisan". Tell me honestly, do you think she will remain as Chief Electoral Officer now that the liberal boys are back in town or will Barbara Laundry get her old post back? I have not forgotten the tricks that that woman pulled on me in the last federal election. Do you think the new Commissioner Mr. Corbet ( I believed that was his name and I was correct)will overlook just as the other Laundry dude did?
If I confuse you please understand that I am kinda sorta speaking in riddles as any court jester or fool worth his sand would. Why let the cat out of the bag too soon EH? (I am still the same you dudes will never understand ethical thinking outside the box anyway) I am still busy lining up my ducks. Never forget yesterday was only the second day of duck season around home. I still have a whole month before the Yankee federal election is a matter of important history. (Now we are facing another one in short order) Perhaps the Maritimer in Stevey Boy MacKinnon (notice he got shitcanned for opening his piehole and Doug Tyler's sneaky plays for more gold keep backfiring on him too too too funny EH?) Perhaps Johnny Crosbie is clever enough to explain the following poem to the very dumb porcupine. He don't understand that he is the goose the doesn't matter right now (his big day was today)as he tries hard to pick a fight with me. I know my son will understand because he longs to come to Canada to come hunting with me. After that perhaps you dudes should give Greg Byrne's former law firm partner the Newfy lawyer Stevey Boy May a call and ask him to explain the following affidavit he wrote about a fool taking on Johnny Crosbie's crowd of goofy Newfy's. Perhaps my fellow loser in this past election Mr. Bruno Roy can explain the following email to y'all. (You are gonna love the next two email Chucky baby one is a response from Greggy Byrne and another is a response from Carl Davies that I have been saving from four years ago it is time to send them to Stevey Boy Harper to make the liberals sit up and pay attention to a pigheaded Maritimer with a long memory and good records) Rest assured your old lawyer pal Mr. Turner never will. (Do you even remember him Chucky? Rest assured Brian Mulroney does.
----- Original Message ----- From: "May, Steve"; To: "David Amos" Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me
Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527 or if you require immediate assistance.
SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENT Court File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010 Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005 Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. May Application to which Document being filed relates: Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it's entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.
I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John's, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:
THAT I am a Partner in the St. John's office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George's in the Parliament of Canada.
THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called "My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret". In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior's sister.
THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "1" to my Affidavit.
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts' letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit "2".
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit "3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts' receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.
THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.
THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews' intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "4" to this Affidavit.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.
THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews' claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews' solicitor. I attach as Exhibit "7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit "8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts' letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.
THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior's counterclaim.
SWORN to before me at St. John's, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador this 24th day of January, 2005.
Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature STAMP DELLA HART A Commissioner for Oaths in and for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. My commission expires on December 31, 2009
The Goose that Didn't Matter
I guess at least eight hundred ducks have fallen to my gun, And Charlie's always been right there retrieving every one. But somehow, try as we might,no matter what our ruse, We failed, that old Black Lab and I, to ever get a goose.
The vet had said it must be done, so bring him in on Monday. His eyesight's weak and he's too old to brave the Bay of Fundy. I'd picked him from the litter even though his was the runt. And now fourteen years later, this would be our final hunt. And so I asked a friend that night, who grew some corn and barley If I could hunt his field next day, to get a goose for Charlie.
No bird came to our blind, alas, because of bluebird weather, But still we enjoyed the day, because we were together, While driving home with heavy heart, I rubbed the grizzled head, And looking in those big brown eyes, to him, I softly said, "You know a man can only do the best that he is able, It don't appear there'll be a roasted honker on our table, But Charlie, we'll have porkchops, since that is your favourite treat, And you'll not just have one or two, but all that you can eat"
And so that night, by lantern light, we shared our final meal, I talked to him of days gone by, of Mallards, Scaup and Teal, Old Charlie wagged his tail with joy, beside his heaping platter, And missing from the menu was, a goose - that didn't matter.
Bill Foster
Posted by
As soon as I had my pow wow with the little lawyer Bernie Lord on Oct 3rd Cpl Kevin Jackson intoduced himself.
Porcupine Prique wrote: Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 14:50:32 -0300 From: "Porcupine Prique" To: Subject: Wimp
Sue, sue, sue...c'yall in court....blah, blah, blah
That is all you do, idiot. Why dontcha grow some gonads and put your money where your mouth is? Sue everyone you have threatened to sue.
Sue 'em all. Don't let any of 'em off the hook.
You're tough....we're scared
Sue Sue Sue
You're a loud mouth, a wimp, a girlieman
A gurlieman named "Sue"
He continued to haunt even though I clearly explained that he was a goose that didn't matter at the time. When I started looking into him after Cpll Warren MacBeath and the new Minister Mikey Murphy got nervous the bastards stared killing my email accounts etc and quit sending emails as well. but started to harrass me in person. Thus far it hasn't worked out to well for them especially when the Crown refused to prosecute me about Fat Fred City's Finest motor vehilce tickets. Taking my old Harley and the roadblock nonsense etc were just an effort to piss me off and try to make me do the wrong thing. However as you well know Chucky Baby I suckered the Fed bastards bigtime by leaving some Yankee police surveilance wiretap tapes in my old saddlebags and it was not long afterwards that I started getting calls from the FBI in Chicago and only then did you want to talk to me EH?
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:50:42 -0400 From: "Porcupine Prique" To: "David Amos" Subject: Re: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town
Pffft.... The pussy farted again. You all-talk-and-no-action, bitch. You couldn't sue yourself out of a wet paper bag. Hey, don't drop the soap, eh? PP
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 21:59:03 -0400 From: "Porcupine Prique" To: "David Amos" Subject: Unhook
Are you trying to lose ALL your internet access? It can probably be arranged if you keep at it hard enough. Crybabies have free speech but eventually even their mommies stop listening. Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:09:06 -0400 From: "Porcupine Prique" To: "David Amos" Subject: Re: I got tired of waiting for some Yankee lawyees to call me back for obvious reasons EH Porky Prick?
We should reveal ourselves to you. What is the worst that could happen. You sue us? Yes, right. Oops, wait a minute, no you don't sue anyone. You just blow air. The list of people you hate is already long enough. We are already on your list anyway, but you do not know where.
One problem of the internet is it has allowed freaks to play around and use up the time and energy of the real people. Get a new hobby and save us the bother. Our mail filter is being loaded now, and any more of your crap will be automatically clunked. We are tired and need to do the real work of the land.
charles leblanc wrote:
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 19:56:33 -070(PDT) From: charles leblanc Subject: Re: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I would try to make him famous To: David Amos
Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya? I'll sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now? Don't get all exicted and send this all over the
Charles Leblancs Other Blog Friday, April 18, 2008
Another chap ban for life from the New Brunswick Legislature by Dan Bussieres!!!
14 Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 11:46:00 AM 17 Comments
At 12:46 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said... What's Charles Manson doing in front of the Legislature?
At 4:05 PM, April 18, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... Hitler? I don't see any Hitler pictures?
Speaking of Hitler? You people are narrow minded.
When I think of Hitler? Yes, I also think of the 20 million people that died but my goal is freedom.
When Hitler took power he took control of the media to brinwash the citizens of Germany. The same is happening here in New Brunswick with the Irving monopoly.
Fascism? That's Hitler. When party members spoke out against Hitler? They were beat up. The same that could have happen to me at Sweetwaters at the Liberal Christmas Party.
I wish you narrow minded people would just ignore this blog!!!
At 4:22 PM, April 18, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... Opps..forgot one more issue.
To convict people without providing the evidence is pure FASCISM!!!
All we know is I was ban because of the murder of a young girl.
Fascism indeed!!
New Brunswickers should demand that all the Quebec Security Staff be remove from the Legislature.
At 8:47 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said... hello charles
thanks for finally doing the right think and showing david amos as the other man to be banned from the legislature. i happend to be there with him. he never even had entered the grounds, and never gave them a reason for a ban, except that he had been digging up to much dirt of people in high places, including in the new brunswick government, and that made them nervos, so they send their pinchers to serve him with the ban. when he showed it to me i went back and asked a comissionar why mr amos had been banned, when he apparently had done nothing wrong. the answer was, that they were not allowed to tell. so much for open and accountable government in the pictureprovince.
comparing david with charles manson showes either ignorance on the side of the commentator, or he or she is one of those creeps from the dark side of humanity. as far as i know david, i only can say that i think, that he is as straight as an arrow, and people of good will better pay some attention to what he has to say. it is complicated, but who says that live is simple, and only simple and shallow individiums pass on rush judgements. never judge a book by its cover, and never assume a man with a big beard to be of the kind of a charles manson. neither should be assumed that everybody who drives a harley is a hellsangel.
charles, i am new at this blogging, but i had to get this off my chest. hope that i click the mouse at the right places and you get the comment.
werner bock
At 10:11 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said... Werner Its a wonder you'r not banned from the legislature yourself being sucj a good frient of Amos Mr Email to everyone about everything but the kitchen ink. Why are you backing Member of Parliament elect Amos and What's your beef & cattle with the Goverment anyway ?
At 5:34 AM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said... David Amos is a menace to society that needs to have a permanent ban against use of the Internet imposed upon him!!
At 7:05 AM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said... Amos harasses everyone he meets. Banning him is common sense.
At 5:04 PM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said... David Amos and Childish Leblanc, just like two peas in a pod isn't it...Your only making the case for your banning that much easier to swollow.
At 6:13 PM, April 19, 2008 , David Raymond Amos said... The words of no minds with no names are worth less than nothing in cyber space and far less than one of Werner cows farts in downtown Hillsboro.It is what I file in the public record of Federal Court that truly counts. Once I sign my name all the nominds with no names can get a number and stand in line to argue me if they dare to do so.
With respect to Werner, why the RCMP refuse to investigate who has been burning his hay bales for the past year is what I want to know right NOW. Rest assured Cst Britt of the GRC's telling him to move just won't do. I explained that to the nasty Federal buggers last week as I complained of the false allegations of Scotty Baby Agnew of the Irving Empire and his wife the lawyer to them
The ex RCMP dude Danny Boy Busierres and his associates T.J. Burke, the cops in Fat Fred City and the National Security dudes such as Norm Plourde and Kevin Jackson know that I am as serious as a heart attack that is why all the dudes with no names pounced so quickly on this blog in a faint hearted effort to impeach my character.
FYI they are way past too late to stop me now. The very illegal banishment of me from the Leg four years ago was a breach of my Section 2 Charter rights whilst I was running against the current parliamentry secretary for the Minister of Justice. rest assured that nonsense will backfire on them bigtime in short order or my name ain't "Jusat Dave"
At 10:20 PM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said... ...faint hearted effort to impeach my character.
Naw, you do a fine job of that yourself Dave. You need no assistance.
At 11:21 AM, April 20, 2008 , Scott Agnew said... David, can you give me the court docket number of one single case you've filed in ANY Canadian court in the last five years. Just one. You rant and rave about your proclivuty to sue anyone and anything you dislike and yet I cannot find a single reference to a court case filed by you in New Brunswick. If you are a man of integrity and of your word, please just let us all know the docket number of a single filing. If you cannot provide that, why then should anyone listen to anything you have to say? Empty words my friend. Empty words. BTW, two more emails from you to a particular email account and I will be able to provide a docket number to you for charges laid against you for criminal harassment.
At 11:29 AM, April 20, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... I don't know what scares people the most?
See ya in court???
You'll be blogged in 15 minutes!!!!
At 2:45 PM, April 20, 2008 , Anonymous said... Considering how worthless you feel no minds with no names are you sure seem to spend a lot of your time talking to them...Could it be as long as you get to rant and rave your usual sillyness it really doesn't matter all that much after all?
At 3:11 PM, April 20, 2008 , Anonymous said... Neither Charles. The loony ramblings of David Raynmond Amos. The non-sensical ramblings would scare anyone.
At 11:12 AM, April 21, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... I don't know what you mean David?
I print your comment.
Everyone knows we can't email you because you're so happy in receiving an email that you sent it to everyone.
So? There's no way to get your message out because you don't believe in privacy.
WE just have to do it in here I guess?
At 7:00 AM, April 22, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... Sorry David...foul language won't mke it in this blog.
This blog will soon be in the archives soon enough.
WE can't send ya an email so I'm telling ya right here.
If I want to use the word- Shithead?
I can but I won't!!!
You want to debate issues in a good and polite way? Go for it!!!
Date: Sat, 31 May 2008 17:06:06 -0300 From: "David Amos" To:,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: Hey Chucky no doubt all three Maritime Stooges from Fat Fred City whom I call Danny Boy should find this interesting N'est Pas? CC:,,,,,,,,
Even if you fail to do so as usual Rest assured I already posted it somewhere in my blog for the true record of course. It is just another one of those things that I do that nasty French bloggers fail to appreciate EH?
Love and Kisses Dave
Se I am still being kinds sorta nice EH arseholes?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Raymond Amos Date: Sat, 31 May 2008 12:42:01 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [QSLS Politics] New comment on David Amos open letter to Ottawa - May 22nd 2008. To:
David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "David Amos open letter to Ottawa - May 22nd 2008":
Well well Danny Boy you and Chucky are too funny sometimes. As you well know I have to post my two bits worth about Chucky and you because in other blogs because Chucky is blocking me as usual.
I must ask why (as if I didn't already know) you have ignored what I point out in your blog about me last night while your hero Harper is overseas with you but jump to Chucky Lelanc's defence within his blog first thing today in Fat Fred City?
Need I say BULLSHIT once again? It seems to me that you are acting just like his WCIE, Mikey Archibald does. He couldn't get any comments or many people to read his Blogcast last year so he went so far as to invite me byway of an anon comment the Gypsy's domain to post within his domain in cyberspace after blocking me prior to that time.
Within days of my making a comment or two Mikey Baby quit blogging on his own and resorted to only commenting in other people's blogs like I have been doing for years since the Feds tried to delete me from the world wide web.
Here is how that shit went down if you don't already know.
Anonymous said... David, try Blogcast NB. They will probably run your stuff.
4:22 PM David Raymond Amos said... Nope I stress tested them long ago it was only the Gypsy who allowed my words to remain and add at least made some comment on them however brief.
8:17 PM Anonymous said... Try again.
5:42 AM Charles LeBlanc said... Good comment David....Too bad that you cannot always write polite opinions?
Now it appears that Chucky has lost popularity and suffers the same fate as you and Mikey Baby do. He is stuck with an audience that only cares to look at pictures because he has blocked too many comments in the past people don't bother with him mush now. He should have left thing wide open like you do or only allow people with IDs to comment like I do then let free speech have it way with the blogger world.
Now the only comments Chucky can inspire these days are when he attacks his old pal the Sergeant-At-Arms then you pounce to your hero's defence. You dudes are rather redundant about the same old same old while ignoring the fact that my battles are picking up steam. N'est pas?
At 9:49 AM, May 31, 2008 , Dan F said... "Geez Charles how long ago was this"
Charles is still banned from our legislature, no?
The courts have allowed police to single him out for physical brutality and destroy his rightfully obtained material.
This whole story has to be seen as atate of ongoing warfare. Where the statists and corporatocrats have dominated the show-trial legal skirmishes. I firmly believe that Charles will win the battle for hearts and minds, if he is allowed his liberty and New Brunswickers have an ounce of character left in them.
Keeping the heat on these dudes is a no-brainer, it'll make it obvious what's happening the next time some badge-totting fiat debt-slave hothead takes our favorite blogger to the ground and tries to obstruct and deride our most basic human freedoms.
At 12:37 PM, May 31, 2008 , Anonymous said... Please danf the only no brainer in here is you. This has nothing to do do with anything more than Charles Leblanc's hate for a single man. If anyone deserves admiration it's Mr. Bussieres at least he conducts himself with some kind of dignity. Get your head out of the sand danf and join the real world if you can handle it.
For the record it was I who pointed out the violations to my Section 2 Charter Rights to the Attorney General Brad Green when I was banished from the Legislative Assmebly in 2004 while exersing my Section 3 Charter rights and running for a seat in the 39th Parliament. Chucky only teased me about it for two years until it happened to him in 2006.
Perhaps you should have somebody read you this particular blog of chucky's that I posted within the the Gypsy's after chucky old blog went poof. I think it would be wise before you attack me some more for Chucky's benefit EH Danny Boy? Within it was posted the affadavit about Byron Prior and I and that comment was made on April 1st 2006
IS ELVY ROBICHAID SEEING THE LIGHT???? by Charles LeBlanc Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:56 AM Fredericton
updates from Charles
I got a few late stories that I want to bring up. They had a protest at the Legislature on Wednesday and I would say about 400 people showed up. I made my own little investigation in the crowd and I soon found out that many people from the Northern Part of the Province knew about my protest. These Acadians read about my protest in L'Acadie Nouvelle! A few weeks earlier, I found out that the English Population from the Miramichi area didn't know about my fight so this shows me that it's so important to have the media covering your issues. During the protest, I felt like I was in a police state. There were cops are over the place. I approached three of them and said -My God? We need violence, bricks going through windows, people being shot and tear gas!!! This is the only way that the Government will listen. One cop said - If I have to use my gun? I know exactly where my first bullet is going to go!! Pretty scary…lol…. Speaking of violence? That guy from the Sackville area who went to Toronto with his vehicle full of guns! Very scary Stuff!!! What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is going to crack up one of these days and I know for a fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.
There's always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it's just a matter of time till someone is push over the edge. I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal. I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our political bureaucrats. I admire people fighting for what they believe in but you can't get carried away. I guess in this case? He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that's a big faux pas!
Also for the record I kept going back to the Leg whenever necessary and was filmed on CTV news by Chucky's pal Andy Baby Campbell when I had a little pow wow with his latest hero Stevey Boy Murphy.
Everytime I encountered Danny Boy Busierres and his polite malice I told him to shit or get off the pot and put something in writing because the Fat Fred City Finest and the Police Commission refused to admit that I was ever barred at all in 2004.
As soon as the Fat Fred City Finest and Danny Boy Busierres served me my walking papers in front of my farmer friend Werner Bock in June of 2006 while I was running against the Attorney General of Nova Scotia I told the world about it and sent the proof before all the wannbe liberal leaders came to Moncton to debate that weekend.
Here is a printable copy of document affirming my banishment in 2006 . take careful notice that Danny Boy signed mine whereas he did no such thing with Chucky's. He learned from his prior Boo boo with me. EH?
For the record Chucky can only complain of the the long gone Tanker because he as the current Speaker at the time was the only dude who would even admit that he had barred Chucky. Little Lord Bernie and his buddy Shawny "Baby Irving" Graham played Chucky and Tanker like a fiddle and it appears that I was the only one who understood their joke. After all it was I that suggested to the talk show idiot Tom Young if parliamentarians were wise they would make an Independent parliamentarian a speaker in order to shut him up. Then if a speaker waxed political after that he would shoot himself in the foot. That is just exactly what Tanker did.
Everybody else since then has just having fun with Chucky and playing dumb with Anon IDs while the Irvings are lining him up to be prosecuted by their far from clever "Blogger General" you buddy T.J. Burke
LOL as chucky loves to write. N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos
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Posted by David Raymond Amos to QSLS Politics at May 31, 2008 12:42 PM
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:56:39 -0300 Subject: Select Committee - Tax Review - Comité special - Examen de la fiscalité To: David Amos
Thank you for your interest in the Discussion Paper on New Brunswick's Tax System. The Select Committee on Tax Review will review your comments as part of the mandate to conduct public consultation and report to the House with recommendations on the options contained in the discussion paper.
Public Hearings: Individuals or organizations wishing to make a presentation to the Committee should advise the Office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly by June 20th, 2008. Presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes. (See Schedule)
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:56:22 -0300 From: "David Amos" To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: Document that Conservatives should study on the last days of summer in the Old Maison CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Danny Boy
Please post these documents in you Blog ASAP to aid in defence of our fleeting democracy in "The Place to BE". I am knida wondering why you haven't posted the one from Elections Canada yet. Trust that it is wicked poison for Stevey Boy Harper for swallow.
These are two of the smiling bastards documents and one of mine. All are irrefuttable. Signed sealed delivered and witnessed. I got some rather interesting challenges in Youtube ( I inserted them and my response within this email because the cop claim they don't look at Youtube even though they have created their own.
For the record after I called and talked to some liberals lately they made more false allegations against me to the Fat Fred City Finest and the RCMP as well. When the cops refused to answer me in writing in order to resolve the obvious malice I called and emailed the Police Commisssion of New Brunswick in order to make a complaint yesterday. It seems that someone wanted me to come to the see the tough talking cops of Fat Fred City Finests in the lobby of their HQ. I answered the dummy's chalenge and he quickly bailed out of Youtube I may take the cops up on it soon. But I will pick the date and time and who my witnesses are not them. I ain't that dumb yet..
The first document is what I served the Jan 20th, 2006 to the liberals seated in opposition in the Leg while I was running against Andy Baby Scott in Fat Fred City. aI had a friend take pictures to prove it was done. The guy who was protesting in a military uniform about the plight of his kids while they lived on the base in Gagetown witnessed it all on the very day Paul Martin (Humpty Dumpty) came to Fat Fred City and had fancy pow wow up on the Hanwell in his last days as Prime Minister. I told the ex soldier about the meeting and he went up there and protested with the same documents and that Chucky Leblanc has had for four years in his hand with a perosnal note to from me to the Chief of Police Barry Mcknight on the outside of the envelope so the cops would not harass him. This is a fact.
Months later I brought my friend the farmer Werner Bock to Fat Fred City and Shawny Baby sent him his letter later but Werner witnessed the Sgt at Arms and the Fat Fred City Finest illegally deny me my Charter Section 2 rights with a signed document that nobody wants to talk about to this very day. Although it was Bernie Lord's mandate that did it. Shawny Baby Graham and some of his liberal cohorts such as Kelly Lamrock sat on the panel that voted to attack my legal and civil rights and Freedoms under the Charter.
Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos
First off the cops definitely know what Youtube is. hell they use it.
Here is an open invitation to you David Appear at the Fredericton City Police station at high noon June 18th .
All that can should attend to see if David Raymond Amos is the man he claims , if he will honor his clan and back up his statements . Or will he dishonor his father and brothers memory and that of his clans by showing himself to be the spineless fake coward he is . I paid to see a high divin act , and Im a gonna see a high diving act .....David
DavidRaymondAmos (14 hours ago)
Now you have truly proven yourself to be a Yankee or a lover of them at least. The Fat Fred City Finest are arseholes of that I have no doubt. Methinks they at least know how to spell honour correctly. For the record the Dead men I do honour are whispering to me that you maybe none other than Norfolk County Depupt Dog Robert F. O'Meara best butt buddy of Dirty Dicky Dean and the Fat Fred City Finest N'est Pas? What are the odds do ya think the smiling bastards will retun my Harley? Slim to none?
I open an invitation to you Davis Raymond Amos . Show yourself June 18th at high noon , at the Fredericton City Police station lobby . If you are what you say you are you will be present , if you are but a bullshitter and a fake you will not have the balls to show .
DavidRaymondAmos (14 hours ago)
As I said I called PAULINE PHILIBERT and ARNOLD HADLEY of the Police Commission today and complained about you. After reading your latest bullshit I just called Fat Fred City's Finest (506 460-2300) I was not shy and asked for the arsehole commenting in here. The woman pretended not to know what I was talking about and falsely claimed that you arseholes don't have internet access. Everybody knows its free in Fat Fred City the far from wisest town in Canada. So what is your name chickenshit?
time to tak your med Fed. As Kevin Baby Jackson of National Security quite likely already knows I dealt with the malicious bullshit of T.J. Burke and his liberal cohorts in a heartbeat with the quebecer Frederic Loiseau of Fat Fred City's Finest and Cst David Kenny of the GRCs in Moncton. My next call is of course to the malicious Police Commission of New Brunswick once again. We all know what'll happen next EH donut muncher?
At least I have no false illusions grandeur like you do N'est PAS?
First you must have a legit reason then have the balls to have a name to sign a bullshit complaint. then you must argue me in a court in front of a jury of my peers EH ya not so tough guy with no name?
bigolcanoworms (15 hours ago)
You want tough , come to fredericton police station tomorrow (june 18th) at 12:00 noon (high noon ) . Lets see if you are man enough to show your face David . Or if you will turn and run , maybe hide at an old saw mill for awhile , or maybe you can hide behind your mamas skirt .
DavidRaymondAmos (14 hours ago)
Perhaps I may accomadate you sooner than you wish. When I do have your laywr buddy Brucy Baby Noble on hand and I will give him some Yankee pPolice wiretap tapes in front of some witnesses of my mine. Perhaps you should talk to the Police Commission first and tell everybody your name arsehole first to keep everything on the up and up EH?
If you doubt I contacted the Police Commission about your malice Google the latest QSLS Dummy and say Hoka Hey to Johnny "Never Been Good" Foran for me too.
So much for tough talking hit and run chickenshit cops EH? One call the the Fat Fred City Finest 506 460 2300 and ask for the nasty bastard and poof the arsehole is gone. EH?
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 14:06:39 -0300 From: "David Amos" To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: Hey Abe Baby LeBlanc has your arse kissing blogger buddy Chucky Leblanc or his "Blogger General" Jacky Boy Keir told ya the GAME is Still On? CC:,,,,,,,,
I heard that you brag about enjoying a good scrap Abey Baby. Consider this about round five in a four year battle with you corrupt smiling bastards. I ain't done not by a long shot. We ain't even met in court yet. I am just playing hard ball politics until i judge the time is right. T.J. Burke and his cops can't rush me into doing something I don't wish to do until i want to do it. Even a dumb French man on meds with Sctish roots should understand at least that EH Chucky Leblanc?
Check me work in at least two places on the Internet Abey Baby if Chucky or your idiot pal Ivan Court hasn't told ya all about it by now.
Have a look at these blogs too arsehole. Just inc ase ya don't know the bloggers Danny Boy and Richy Baby Harris and I have made friends of sorts and the Gypsy and the snb Mikey Archibald have remaied silent as the grave but at least ethical and allowed my posts to stand the test of time. Despite our differences I do admire their styles and tenacity and words in their personal pursuits against the wall of public corruption..The well paid corporate controled media and their severe lack of integrity pales in comparison even if do say so myself.
Rest assured the Fake Left Whimps in Fat Fred City such as David Coon and his crowd won't say shit to offend the hand that feeds. After I heard Werner trying to Roly Hache and Mikey Murphy's people into acting with the scope of their employment today, I overheard Coon trying to argue a farmer about things they both agree on. I just shook my head at the nonsense of it all and kept on writng my little rants against the malicious sytem you people have created for your benefit not "WE THE PEOPLE" who elected you to protect our best interests and uphold the laws of the land.. The problem is Coon and you people are on the Gravy Train and the Common folk are not. They just pay the taxes to fuel you out of control rigging.
For the record as I said at the Uranium meeting last week in Peticodiac that is why the Fake will NEVER do the right thing Methinks they doth protest too much and yet do nothing all to back up their fancy words EH? Yet they think me call them Bullshitters? So be it. But at least I am ethical in my words and deeds as Werner is as well. Call us liars and put in writing and sign your name to it. I have Double Dog Dared Anyone To Take me on in Federal Court or elsewhere in a Pro Se fashion many times and not once has any lawyer or cop or politcian or Fake Left whiner accepted an honest chalenge but the Irvings are quick to try to covertly deny that I haven't sued many lawyers in my time in this Wonderful Old World.
Well guess who is back in the "Place to BE" for awhile longer at least? Guess who WILL file some lawsuits in Federal Court in Fat Fred City before he leaves for the USA once again? Do ya hear me talking. do I sound shy in Werner's Youtubes Abey Baby? Wanna call me on a phone with a restricted number and call me some more names Abey Baby? 506 756 8687 Rest assured I will relish the call. It will be witnessed just like the last time you called just before Tanker became the Speaker and you had to kiss his nasty arse in orser to remain in the Old Maison and on the the Gravy Train. It must rot your socks to see the dummy Wally Stiles cross the floor and become a Cabinet Minister while you still warm the back bench and merely vote in support of whatever Dougy Tyler and the rest of the boyz tells Shawny Baby and his fella arseholes what to do. Tell me honestly if ya dare have ever think of sitting as an Independant Abey Baby and speaking from the heart instead of your wallet, Abey Baby?
BTW the honourable immigrant farmer Werner Bock is still waiting for you and the big dummy Leroy Armstrong to show up at the farm like Shawny Baby Graham promised you would do two god damned years ago.
Whats the matter Abey Baby are ya too scared of crossing paths with me? Some tough guy you are on the phone EH? Too bad ya didn't have the balls to back up your mouth years ago if only for the memory of all the dead cattle in the killing fields of the "Place TO BE" who died over the past thirty three years trying to stuff your big belly in all the barbecues this summer and in summers long past. You and you arse kissing blogger cousin Chucky Leblanc bullshit your fellow sheeple in order to sooth their greedy little souls as they all kow tow to the Irving Empire that you whorship night and day EH Frenchy?
If nothing else I have the balls to call a spade a spade N'est Pas Frenchy?
That said I must say I feel better ALREADY. It is good to get the poison out one's system now and then. Tis time for me to finsih writng a few lawsuits and enjoy my summer. Say Hoka Hey to the RCMP for me will ya? There is lots of time for me to raise some Hell with the FBI south of the 49th this fall. The bastards have delayed John Grahm's trial that was supposed to start yesterday until the fall now.
You smailing bastards do recall that the sneaky Yankee Barry Bachrach was my wife's lawyer too EH? Think about how graham's trial may turn out if my name breaks the surface of your scum this summer.
----- Original Message ----- From: Angela Pepper Davis To: Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:38 PM Subject: Re: Ethical Concerns sent to Terry Begay
My name is Pepper Davis. Since I cannot get into your briefcase without a password and since you have raised our interest in your concerns (mine and Terry's), would you be so kind as to explain further what it is that you sent to Stephanie Herseth, William Janklow, et al .
Do you have information posted at a website? Is Jeralyn Merritt assisting you and if so in what way?
Any further information you feel comfortable in sharing would be appreciated.
In the "MEAN" time WHILE THE US PRESIDENTIAL RACE HEATS UP AND THE DUMMY DENNIS kUCINCICH IS HAVING HIS VERY LATE MOTION TO IMPEACH BUSH ARGUED everybody and his dog such as Lord Conrad Black, folks who support Ron Paul and even the folks suing over Agent Orange should find the text of a letter sent out by certified mail last year along with many documents and a CD a very interesting read on the Intertnet nearly one year later. Now that Black is looked up Ron Paul is aloser and an intersting trial is beginning in Newfoundland EH?
FYI Dizzy Lizzy May of the Green Meanies got exactly the same material signature required. Now does anyone understand why I hate lawyers and Fake Left whining wannabes? Ask me if I care if ya don't.
August 17th, 2007
Andrew Frey 1675 West Broadway New York, New York 10019-5820 Phone 212 506-2635
Ron Paul 3461 Washington Blvd. Suite 200 Arlington, Virginia 22201 Phone 703 248-9115
Mike Gravel PO Box 948, Arlington, Virginia 22216-0948 Phone 703 652-4698
Tony Merchant 83 St. Paul Ouest Montréal, Québec H2Y 1Z1 Phone 866 982 7777
RE: Public Corruption
Hey Fellas
Remember me? I am the guy with no name worth mentioning or who even does not deserve a call back. EH? That said here is the hard copy of the material you must have forgot that I promised to send your way.
Out of the gate I must ask you dudes the same question I asked Eddy Greenspan, Mr. Frey's pal and many others over the years. After bragging so much about your sense of ethics and deeds in order to catch people's attention in order to solicit their vote or to hire you for your legal prowess, why did you dudes choose to play dumb with me?
If you do not support the public corruption that you have made a fine living within, the common courtesy of calling me back to ask a few legitimate questions about our common concerns and to stress test my integrity would have went a very long way towards convincing me that you were the honest men I have been seeking for years. A little effort on your part to try to understand what I was trying to share with you would have saved me the time and expense of putting you over a barrel and busting ya in front of my peers, the common folk you claim to respect.
The lawyers, Frey and Merchant do not even have to respond. I suspect they know that they should wait to see if summons to court comes from me first before deciding how to appear ethical. N'est Pas?
I already understand their game quite well. If they doubt me they should mention my name to their pals, Patrick Fitzgerald and Eddy Greenspan or any other lawyer named within these documents. In my humble opinion the dumb Maritimer in me played all those very snobby lawyers like fiddle. I have enough angles on the Lord Conrad Black matter to embarrass everybody involved. Tis time for the political animal in me to pounce and growl a bit to see if haughty Lord Conrad Black is ready and willing to ignore his lawyers and listen to me in order to try to not going to jail like the dumb Martha Stewart and Frank Quattrone did years ago.. If the Hollinger executives were truly wise and acting for the best benefit of their shareholders, they would reconsider everybody's doings in the matter, particularly the lawyers. I received Eddy Greenspan s comical answer yesterday thus Andy Frey his associate in the defence of the Dark Lord of the media, Conrad Black as well as a lawyer suing the nasty old snob gets my stuff just as I promised. Don't say you don't know who I am Andy Baby, I caught you peeking at my blog. Remember?
The same holds true for you Tony Merchant you as a lawyer and your wife as a Canadian Senator. I have made certain that you both have known who I am for over three goddamned years now. If you have any doubts about my tenacity in the pursuit of Justice ask your wife to give the elusive Stevey Boy Harper or the crook Jean T. Fournier a call and tell them I said Hoka Hey and seek their so called Ethical Counsel. Quite Frankly, it is hightime for everybody to shit or get off the pot.
As for the two Yankee politicians I have sent this stuff to, I am still somewhat confused by both of you. You both say largely the right things about the sad state of Yankee affairs of state. However the word of Ron Paul don't ring true because as a seated congressman from Texas of Georgey Boy Bush's ilk he has had lots of opportunity to speak up in Congress just like Jim Traficant had the balls to do not too long ago. You double talk far too much to suit me which is no surprise for a politician to do but your motives truly escape me To put it simply, Ron Paul I have come to understand that you are just another bullshitter. Feel free to prove me wrong. In truth I would welcome it and quickly apologize.
On the other hand Mike Gravel you do seem to be a very straight up dude. The fact that the corporate controlled media is trying hard to ignore you just like they did with me speaks well of the sincerity of your efforts. I love it when you tell the media dudes in no uncertain terms what you think of them. The facts about what you did with the Pentagon Papers many years ago speak volumes about your integrity anyway. You could have easily rested on your laurels as an honest politician who did the right thing. The fact that you suddenly burst upon the scene and speak plainly about awful truths adds to my respect of you. Your age alone dictates that you do not have much to gain other than securing your proper place in history someday as a very rare ethical politician indeed. My hat is off to you sir. I mean you no disrespect but I have some doubts because the words of your assistants to me on the phone. If you truly mean what you say why don't you call me back personally rather than allow your assistants to continue to piss me off? You may not know a thing about me and I truly hope that is true. However from this point in time forward you can never say that you did not know that I exist and I try hard to impeach Georgey Boy Bush all by myself. If you are the man I certainly hope you are methinks it is high time for you to just mention my name in a pubic forum after you checked hard copy of some of my work. Failing that just crawl back under the rock that you said you hid under for years after you spoken of all the other things you know for a fact to be true for the benefit of the rest of us. You claim that government should be run by the people. Why not let them decide who is a lair and who is not and how the political cards should fall? Please just ask the people who do listen to you to check my work posted on the internet ( or under the user name DavidRaymondAmos in YouTube) and let them decide for themselves whether I am crazy or not. After all I did run for public office in the Maritimes four times in the past three years and I have sued more lawyers than anybody else I have ever heard of and yet nobody has ever dared to sue me let alone even say my name. That fact alone makes my name worth repeating. Read on before any of you dare to call me a liar. What I just spoke of is merely the tip of the very malevolent iceberg. As you listen to the CD of a copy of the Yankee police surveillance tape # 139 and read my letters to Georgey Boy Bush lawyers shouldn't somebody ask Alberto Gonzales what he has thought about all the illegal wiretap tapes I have had in my possession for many years?
Pursuant to my phone calls and emails please find enclosed the material that I promised to send to you before we may meet in a court someday. The list of the material and a brief explanation as to why I am providing it to you is listed as follows:
I have attached directly to this letter copies of three letters of mine, two to me one from the US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and the other from Senator John MaCain. The is the letter from me that I am certain the Barack Obama used to become the keynote Speaker in Beantown in July of 2004. Thus far it has gone unanswered just like the one to Hillary Clinton and several others who wanted to be President in 2003. However as you study my documents you will see that Johnny Boy Edwards and Dumb Dennis Kucinich and many of Mitt Romney's underlings certainly answered me over the years. I am very comfortable that my past works stands on its own without further input from me. Sooner or later some of the truth always leaks out. Ask Dick Cheney and his buddies. EH Mr. Frey?
I have also enclosed exactly the same material that Eddy Greenspan and some prominent Canadian Feds just acknowledged that they received before I start filing my first complaint in Canadian courts. I do not feel the need to say much more other than to say I think that you would be wise to study every word I have sent you. And do with your newfound knowledge in the best interest of the public trust place in your chosen professions.
In closing I make no apologies whatsoever for any mistakes I may have made in the wording or the text of this letter. It was written in a great hurry under circumstance that anyone would find hard to believe. There is no denying that I am very pissed off but I have never lost my temper yet and I am of no threat to anyone at despite what some crooked lawyer or cop may wish to claim in order to cover up their own wrongs. I truly hope that any of you or all of you call me back to make some sort of amends.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos 121 McLaughlin Rd. Acworth, NH 03607 Phone 506 434 1379 C/o Werner Bock 3345 Route 890 Hillgrove, NB E4Z 5W3
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Raymond Amos Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 07:24:31 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Just Dave. To:
David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "Just Dave":
Hey Arsehole Amos,,,,,it's your favorite brother-in-law. How come you keep me blocked from your "Youtube' site? Guess you're afraid people will hear the truth from me, EH? Now you have your new best friend, Werner, blocking me. Now we all know who is really running Werner's Youtube site. I'm wondering,,,,,you said I was stalking your kids. Did you even know that one of your kids quit sckool, back in February? All because of you. Another thing you can put on your list of accomplishments. Something a real papa can be proud of doing. What a real piece of shit you are, EH? signed,,,,,,,,your bro-in-law,,,,,,,,,,,,Bob O'Meara.
No heat down here for anyone, except for you. And I'll repeat myself, arsehole,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fuck you, I'll talk to anyone I want to.I guess you have nothing intelligent to say to any of your fans, about destroying your kids lives, EH? I hear Laura is pretty sick of you, too.Has Werner finally figured out that it is you who is killing his cattle. Don't worry,,,,,,,,,,,,I'll be in touch with him. Cya,,,,,,
Hells Angels EH Chucky Leblanc? When was the last time you or the Irvings or the RCMP saw one ride a Panhead alone? FRom: David Amos SEnt: Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:08 AM To:,,,,, Cc:,,,
Remeber these old emails of yours Chucky Baby? Post this photo of my nasty arse I Double Dog Dare Ya to Frenchy. At least my baby boy's little arse is far more innocent looking than Shawny Baby Grahams black eye EH Frenchy?
Small wonder that I didn't allow him anywhere near and of Cardinal Law's nasty Boyz in Beantown EH?
You must I figured out by now that I hate diddlers and especiallly the ones who pretend to be oh so pious and above us all. By now you must at least understand one of the reasons I supported Byron Prior years ago in his quest for justice but I was always more concerned about about what he knows about Johnny Crosbie, the Haliburton dudes and our dead fish. But you don't know the first thing about that do ya. It must be because not one of your five brians knows how to read Nest Pas?
HELL ANGELS FROM MONTREAL LOOKING FOR CHARLES LEBLANC???? by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26 AM
Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to use the computer at the Library. I was told by security that two rough looking individuals walked through the doors and asked for a Charles Leblanc? They described the guys as rough looking and one of them had a long gray beard with aleather jacket! At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming down from Montreal for a hit on Charles.
Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and he was in front of the Legislature with his blowhorn. For you people who don't know the bigot? He's the one who started the Anglo Society. I seen him preaching to three young kids and of course I butt in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don't you bigot go home?
Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and they asked politely –Where can we locate a Charles LeBlanc??? In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at me. I said to myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!!
At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I guess that he's running at an independent in the riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have been living in the area of Boston and he's been following my updates on the internet. I'm telling you that the information highway is a great way to spread the message to the rest of the world!
We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating our own little concern issue. We all have our own issues and it's too bad that we cannot unite and fight but that's the way Canadians do things. They remind silent until the Government really pissed them all and go out and vote the party in power out of office. (You Stole my words Chucky)
Two weeks later you wrote this Chucky
What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is going to crack up one of these days and I know for a fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.
There's always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it's just a matter of time till someone is push over the edge.
I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal. I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our political bureaucrats. I admire people fighting for what they believe in but you can't get carried away.
I guess in this case? He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that's a big faux pas!
After you continued to make fun of me throughout the summer of 2004 amongst the other things I forwarded to you was an old joke about my drunken Irish Catholic in laws in Beantown. N'est Pas? It must have pissed you off as I tortured the Hell out of your buddy Bernie Richard the nasty Ombudsman too before my wife and I and a lawyer visited the Police Commission. In response you sent photos of your old soon to be dead dog comparing it to me. I laughed the photos were taken by your Fake Left friends and emailed to you. Your big Faux Pas was that you were so dumb you sent me their email address too. Thus in a wink of an eye I knew and had the proof of who was behind you and pulling your strings. Do they remember my conversations with them last year? I do. The question is did I record them as they made liars out of themselves. LOL EH? Stay tuned Frenchy. When you saw that I was falsely imprisoned in Boston on October 1st, 2004 you largely shut up and never responded to my emails over the course of the past four years because you knew what I did with them after that. As the old Joke goes many a true word is said in jest and you did not like other people reading your nonsense to me. Correct?
Years after that old joke I sent you went around. The Yankees made a movie starring Jack Nicholson based on Whitey's life and times. It is entitled "The Departed". Perhaps the drunken Catholic in you should rent it sometime with your welfare dimes. Listen closely to what ol Jacky Boy says about your Church and their very corrupt doings. My Keith ancestors and I were not alone in our contempt towards your church EH? Did your Mama tell you that the Keiths came out of northern Germany to settle in Scotland in order to escape your nasty Popes and their cohorts? Do you understand that after the shit was settled in 1755 the Frenchmen in Canada who did not wish to be shipped out to other French holdings swore allegiance to the British Crown? What makes you dudes think that you can change the deal now especially in light of the fact every Indian demands that we hold up to all the other deals our ancestors made long before any of us were born? The Scottish part of you should shove that Acadian flag along with its flagpole up your French arse Chucky Baby. Is that clear or COR enough for you?
To rub it in I will tell you that after my father died my Mama married Loyd Nickerson a member of the COR Party who was also the Chief Electoral Officer of New Brunswick. One big reason I ran in Fundy is that there are damn few French men registered to vote and not many Catholic churchs in Kings County. I ain't a bigot. I love French Catholic women. Hell I was the first of my family that I know of who married a Catholic woman. It is their greedy Catholic brothers that I hate be they either French or Irish or whatever. I believe they call this shit conflict of colours Orange versus Green not biker bullshit as you claimed about me. I don't wear Biker colours I where the colours of My Clan and I have many friends. Quite possibly many more true French ones than you do. How can you have true friends at all if they can't trust you. Do your even believe yourself and your obvious Bullshit? How do you sleep at night knowing yourself as you do? Why to do make fun of a fellow Maritimer whose family was destroyed by the very people you pretend to complain about? Never forget I am from Dorchester Frenchy and Ivan Cormier (AKA the Beast) was on my paper route and I liked and admired him and his friends and their art particularly Killer Karl Krupp and the Cuban. Their Bullshit was flat out entertaining and not malicious at all. Yours definitely is malicious and not funny at all. No Class Bobby Bass had way more class in his worst fart than you do in your whole soul. I must say venting some of my venom towards you is definitely good for my savage soul. As a southern friend of mine would say when I was feeling mean years ago "Ya gots to get the poison out or ya die just don't spit out in my direction. Save it for somebody who deserves it."
BTW, the man who sold me that old Panhead that your cop buddies in Fat Fred City stole from me last summer was a of French Cathlolic heritage out of Quebec. He was a really good friend of mine and I named my bike after him and his wife. His family moved from Quebec to Vermont about a hundred years ago when your greedy priests demanded that the poor folks build another big fancy church across the road from the one they just built. So they crossed the border, built a simple church and went about the pursuit of happiness in a country that is supposed to keep church and state separate and have only one official language. Go try your crybaby French welfare nonsense in New Hampshire or Vermont sometime Chucky and see if you come back in one piece. I would pay money I don't have to watch that circus tent unfold. The Pope's mission is to keep you dudes poor and dumb. Get it Frenchy? If not ask your hero Spinksy Baby to argue me as if I care what any of you think. I would argue him right after that chickenshit IDs himself and proves to me and everyone else that he is not Brent Taylor.
I Double Dog Dare Ya to post this email in his blog. I am posting it deep in your buddy the Gypsy's blog before I post it in mine. That is if he has still maintained his integrity after all my stress tests last week. You dudes kissing the "The General Blogger" nasty arse was too much for me to stand. It was too funny that T. J Burke blocked my defence of your blatant stupidity N'est Pas?
BTW one of my wife's cousins Robert T. Kickham you remember the evil ex banker who turned into the evil priest is still Cardinal O'Malley's secretary in Beantown as far as I know. Why don't you sing their praises on the Internet this Easter and ask that all the corrupt Catholics to pray that I be crucified by the RCMP soon? I must ask you Chucky why did you support diddlers for years and then suddenly turn coat and support Byron Prior's pursuit of justice after ignoring the fact that I introduced you two to each other four years ago?
Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos
P.S. For the record Chucky this joke is still funny to me and my arse and my balls are as big as ever. Ain't it funny how time slips away and yet some things remain the same? Everybody knows I find you contemptible and why that is so. I do wish you a long life so that you can recall all your sins countless times with your five brains. However I must turn the page my personal history and go back to how I once was before I am dust once more. Life is too short to argue with liars for long or dance with ugly women so to speak. My Baby Boy turns 18 this year thus my job of raising him is largely done. He and his sisters are my best piece work. They all have the records of all my work including this email. (Obviously I sent it from one of my other email accounts to one of my son's for safe keeping before I save it digitally and print it as well.) Before long my son will be the Chief of our Clan and it will be his job to defend my integrity and my deeds for the benefit of my seed as I grin proudly from the grave. He is quite simply the best man I ever met and truly a man of his word. Never underestimate my darling daughters they are tigers in their own right and I raised them not to take shit from anyone. They may prove to be the most trouble for the unethical smiling bastards that are the powers that be right now.
Between men I asked my son to piss on the graves of my enemies someday if I could not do so and he promised that he would. I would not ask my little Darlins to do such a thing out of respect to their gender. As part of my Blood Feud you made the list Chucky Baby. Your Mama will understand why I told my son that in order to pay proper respect to from Whence We Came he really should drink a lot of Keiths beer before he does so. Whereas neither of us like the taste of beer I will leave him to his own chosen poison as long as he enjoys the in and out of it all.
As for me I plan to Rest in Peace in Dorchester someday happy in knowing the fact that I have left at least four very decent folk behind me on this planet. My skull like Yorick's of old will grin like Hell thinking about the fact that the prevailing winds will blow the smell of my rotting corpse towards your old stomping grounds where you no doubt will be buried without any children at all to visit your bones. If you do have kids or an ex wife or two I never read where you admitted it. Dudes like you and your fans such as Dean Roger Ray and the Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara are too selfish to make decent loving fathers anyway. If there truly is a Hell like in your dreams Chucky, I will look for you there. I suspect the Devil would promote me to Sergeant at Arms and give me a Black Rod as soon as I landed in order to cram it up your nasty French arse. I have no doubt its hard to get good help in Hell and Satan will need a lot of help pounding on all the evil priests, bankers, lawyers, cops, politicians and the liars like you who supported their malice in this wonderful old world. N'est Pas?
Can one of your five brains tell that you have an ethical pigheaded Maritimer you hates you with a very justifiable passion Chucky Baby? Whereas your buddy Shawny Baby Graham enjoys jokes maybe he will enjoy this one since it is on you. It is not my joke and I give credit where credit is due. I hate it when you or your buddies Dean Roger Ray or the Yankee Stevey Boy Erickson steal my words and claim them as their own while you try to impeach my character at the same time. If anyone doubts that I am the first Chief of the Amos Clan who has every right and duty to defend it fiercely perhaps he should query the dockets of the US District Court in Concord New Hampshire if he knows how. Whereas everything in the Catholic's heaven and hell is down in three I file My Clan's declaration of Independence for the Keiths within three affidavits in three different matters. I do not file nuisance lawsuits as Yankee blogger hero claims. Danny Boy can post the photo of my nasty arse, my boy and my panhead on the Internet with my knowledge and assent and my blessings and thanx as well. However I still own the rights to it. I need it for my book about you Fake Left Creeps in Fat Fred city and elsewhere. It may be the only thing that I leave my kids that could be worth something someday. Maritimers do love juicy gossip N'est Pas?
From: David Amos Subject: RE Blogger woes To:, "" ,
Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 7:22 PM
No problem Mr. Melle. I am glad that you listened to me.
Say hey to your very corrrupt Attorney General and your Governor for me. You now have some of the very same emails that they had had for quite sometime before Bernie Madoff pled guilty.
I also served them both and many other public officials and lawyer in New Hampshire hard copy of my material beginning way back in 2003 and 2004. They have all continued to fail to uphold the law and their oaths of office etc ever since.
One day maybe with Lady Luck on my side I will manage to hold them accountable in a court of law that understands the meaning of the term public corruption.
In the "mean" time be careful sir.
You are in a pit of snakes that will do their worst and ignore the law and your
right to justice in order to make you stop defending your rights
under the US Constitution so that you cannot embarrass them out of public
Offices and off the gravy train.
Please allow me to introduce to two Canadians you are in the same fix as you. Both of these men hate me and have stabbed me in the back for no other reason than political gain.
That said their rights as citizens in a purportedly
"Just" Democracy are nevertheless offended whether they hate me or not. At least I admit they exist and there concerns about public corruption are legit. In return these nasty little bastards are too chicken to even admit publicly that I exist other than to have their friends attack me.
I can introduce you to a few others that have had similar concerns’ about the rampant public corruption that I have crossed paths with as well on the Internet over the years but they can do nothing for you because they are already in jail or prison.
Please check the work of Byron Prior and chucky Leblanc and that of mine as well for your benefit Mr Melle as well as that of my children stuck in th USA without me to defend them.
David Amos the pedophile has cracked. David Raymond Amos has NOT been banned from the Alberta Legislature, as I have checked. I challenge Mr. Amos to provide documentation authenticating his claims of been banned from any legislative assembly in Canada save than the New Brunswick Legislature. Davis Amos has outstanding US arrest warrants but he is on NO UN watch-list nor the no-fly list.
Do ya think your bloggger buddy the dumb bastard Barry Baby Winters even knows how to read his own words??? What make Alberta any better than New Brunswick i am banished from EVERY Legislative Assembly in Canada including the House of commons and air travel as well. All thecops and parliamentarians know I have no criminal record whatsoeverand the dumb Fed knows it.
Hell Barry Baby has boasted about it inother blogs as he falsely claims that I am a pedophile etc..If therewas ever a walking talking oxymoron it is this far western wackoHarper's. the liberal in Fat Fred city can never say that I didn'twarn them what was comming before the CONSERVATIVE Tanker Malleybanished Chucky two years after his cohorts Bev Harrison, Danny BoyBusssieres and the Fat Fred City Finest illegally banished mean old meand you teased me about it for years until it happenedd to you. N'esyPas Chucky Baby?
Would someone please like to tell me what this e mail to me from Crazy Dave actually says? No one here "sings the praises" of Charles LeBlanc. He is NOT a journalist. He is but a semi-literate, unbalanced ersatz activist with a computer blog. But I do defend his right to blog, David. Anywho someone explain this shit: While watching the nonsense unfold in "The Place To BE" while my Clan suffered the trials of Job I just shook my head and tortured thepoliticians, Chucky and his nasty blogger buddies as best I could inand ethical fashion from afar. I did no harm to anyone whatsoever as Istressed tested their integrity on a daily basis. I left you out ofthe fray Mr Feenstra because you also kept you name out of Chucky;'snonsense .
However now that CBC is singing Chucky's praises and youopted to waltz into the limelight and the wacko Barry Winters begansinging your praises today, I said to myself enough BULLSHIT is enoughpreacher. It is time for me to try to bust you in front of your biblepoundingFake Left friends in Fat Fred City and elsewhere as well. Perhapsthen you will consider telling the truth, the whole truth and nothingbut the truth about what yu know to be true instead of leaving thingsout for your on advange. You yip about the homeless but do not careabout my homelessness as youyr cop buddies harass me constantly inorder to try to cover up their many wongs EH? Is it because I am not aChristian and to crude and rude to have human, civil and leal rightslike the biblepaounding little you?
I figured a good place to start my inqusition of you was from whenceyou came in 2004. It appears to me that while I was raising a a littleHell during the election of the 38th Parliament and afterwards in "ThePlace To BE" you were doing the same in BC So I called David Dawesdude to ask about his take on you. After we came to an understandingthat we may have went to High School together in I could tell in aheartbeat that he did not want to know me anymore. It seems that likeyou and everybody else Dawes did not give a damn about my concernsabout the severe lack of integrity and rampant apathy everywhere inthe this wonderful old world if talk of it would spoil his day.
So I let him go about his busy day publishing his take on the world and resorted to my style of emailing my concerns after attempting tointroduce myself to someone who obviously didn't want to know meany way. I have not doubt most of you dudes will merely just pressurize. Trust that I truly don't care that you dudes are too dumb toread and address what will be proprerly recorded published about you someday. The Irvings, CBC and Chucky Leblanc ain't the only dudes in the Maritimes who know how to blog or my name ain't "Just Dave"Veritas VincitDavid Raymond Amos
Built in 1882, the present Legislative Assembly Building in Fredericton is the seat and symbol
of democracy in New Brunswick....
In the inmortal words of Gene Autry...Nope! Thomas Jefferson said: "Government governs with the consent of the governed". Not in New Brunswick. How many people are banned from the New Brunswick Legislature? The Speaker of this "legislature" Roy Boudreau in secret meetings with a few "legislators" and the Sergeant at Arms can and do ban people
from "the people's house" in secret. Why?
I would like the faggots Dan Bussieres, Roy Boudreau and the rest of you little inbred bastards to tell Canadians in Alberta that foot the bill in equalization for your little "police state" many of you "people" are banned from your "ersatz legislature"?
Why are the "people" banned from your legislature.
Why is a United Church Minister banned from the "people's house"? There is a growing constituency here in Alberta that WE ought not foot the bill for other province's government and social programmes.
That we ought to leave this unworkable federation. Canada gives foreign aid to corrupt, thieving parsitic African governments that abuse it's citizens.... It seems New Brunswick is NO different. Roy Boudreau, fag boy Dan Bussieres and any so called "legislator" that enabled this....are sub human pieces of shit. If these bastards were here in Alberta...they'd be hanged and carted off to boot hill
So Mr. Bussieres, how many times have you and "legislators" met in secret to ban "people" from New Brunwick Legislature?
Some secret "star chamber" where you ignorant Atlantic
kanadians ban your little inbred family members from the "people's" place .
New Brunswick Liberal MLA says it's time for the legislative assembly to lift its ban on a controversial Fredericton blogger and activist.
No one has ever been given the full details of why Charles LeBlanc was banned from the
grounds of the legislature, including the lawn in front of the building, in 2006.
Legislature officials say it was to ensure employees could work in a secure environment
free of harassment.
LeBlanc began his blog as a crusade against Ritalin. He now uses it to write about social issues and to hurl insults at provincial politicians. In April, he defied the prohibition and was arrested on the legislature's grounds. Police charged him with mischief and assault.
Saint John-Lancaster Liberal MLA Abel LeBlanc, who is no relation to Charles LeBlanc, said the ban should be reversed at least in part, arguing that banning the blogger from the main building is one thing, but he should have the right to protest outside the assembly and take photos. "I don't think Charles LeBlanc did anything that drastically that he has to be barred, period. But if he's barred from in here, he should be allowed to go out there, take pictures as a blogger, like anyone else. That's my position," LeBlanc said.
The Liberal MLA said even if banning the blogger from inside the building is justifiable, it shouldn't be indefinite. And he said if Charles LeBlanc asks him to, he'll try to get the committee of MLAs that approved the ban to amend it.
The original ban was approved by the all-party legislative administration committee, which meets in secret, and was imposed by Daniel Bussières, the legislature's sergeant-at-arms. However, not everyone agrees with the idea of allowing the blogger back in the legislature. Most Liberal and Progressive Conservative MLAs don't question Bussières's decision, including Opposition house leader Paul Robichaud. "Mr. Bussières is a former member of the RCMP. We have to trust him and believe in his judgment, and I'm not in a position to discuss his recommendation and his decision. And I would rather follow his recommendation than argue his recommendation because of his expertise," Robichaud said.
LeBlanc often showed up at legislature, despite ban LeBlanc's recent arrest was probably inevitable. Despite being banned from the legislature, LeBlanc has been showing up on the grounds more often. The blogger admits he irritates politicians but he doesn't think he should be banned for being irritating. "The bottom line here is democracy and to start convicting people without providing the evidence? I'm sorry. I don't agree with that," LeBlanc said.
Bussières declined an interview request to discuss the criteria for banning someone from the legislature because he may have to testify when LeBlanc goes on trial. Don Forestell, a clerk assistant, wouldn't talk about LeBlanc specifically. He said in an email that the decision to ban someone is never taken lightly and is made to ensure legislature employees have a secure, healthy workplace.
Forestell said the legislature recognizes peoples' rights to visit the building, watch debates and protest peacefully and a ban is always a last resort.
Now your two "cousins" David Amos and Charches LeBlank probably deserve it. But United Church Minister? George Feenstra, a United Church minister, is another person who would like to see LeBlanc's ban eased. Feenstra and LeBlanc have one thing in common, they have both run afoul of Bussières and ended up banned from the legislature. He was a bit too theatrical one day in the legislature when a commissionaire asked him to move out of a VIP seat in the public gallery. "At that point in time, I caught the eye of a member of the legislature on the floor who had been watching this little interaction, and I gestured with my hands, spreading them open like, 'What's going on here?'" Feenstra said. "And I took my clown nose and put it on my nose and pointed to it and suggested, 'What kind of foolishness is this?'— in pantomine, of course — which caused the member of the legislature to give me a bit of a smile." After he put on his red nose, Feenstra was asked to leave the legislative assembly. A few weeks later, Feenstra said, he was just inside the main door to the building, listening to a politician talking to reporters. "A member of security came, noticed me and told me I was not to be there. And I questioned that, in a very quiet voice, not to be obtrusive. And at that point they took hold of me and began to bodily evict me," he said. After that, Feenstra joined LeBlanc on the legislature's banned
There is NO equality in this life ...none at al. The man who drives a "beater" is NOT equal to the man that drives "Beamer" (BMW). "The man who defends himself in a court of law, does have a fool for a client". And if you can afford a "top drawer" tax lawyer, that 225,000 dollar CASH "retainer fee" is tax free until you use it as income. Just ask Brian Mulroney and the other folks "equal under the law" that afford the best tax advice. Well there's THE argument for our Alberta flat tax to be a federal policy! So what is the difference? Brian Mulroney's lawyers that represented him in the course of the Oliphant inquiry are being paid by the Canadian taxpayer. Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC pay for the equalization payments that pay for the government and social programmes of inbred and pur laine provinces like New Brunswick and Quebec. Canadian taxpayers are going to pail out 75.00 hr and 10 spa days a year, union workers in Ontario. International NGOs and rockers Bono, and Bob Geldof want Canada to increase its 5 BILLION DOLLAR foreign aid budget to Africa to 0.7% of Canada's GDP to let Black dictators and theives steal most of it to the poor, black poor people. Oh dear what about the poor of pore ole nigger eastern kanada. How about NO FOREIGN AID? Before Parliament was perogued the politicans of all the parties save the Tories were wild with fear that tax payers may well no longer fund their parties...their "little rice bowls". Health-care is constitutionally a provincial matter yet the provinces get a Canadian Social and Health Transfer payment to better provide health-care in each province, that is good. But if health-care is sub-standard in New Brunswick or Quebec, why should I as an Albertan pay more federal tax to better their health-care. "Maritime" kanada is the lay-about pogy kapital of Canada that sucks at the teat of "equalization" what is the difference between you lazy "thieves" and Brian Mulroney, and Chretien and adscam or shawinigate or Chuck Guite? Or all the federal politcal parties that want tax dollars to operate....except the Tories. Sounds like equality to me....NOT
I am an absolutist, regarding freedom of expression. You can write whatever you want on your computer blog. There is a complete freedom of expression. You may hold whatever views you wish, beat any drum you want, champion any cause you wish. You have complete freedom to expouse conspricay theories, be a "truther", exposes crooks and graft or any ideology you want. And on this world-wide web that is what happens. But a blogger does NOT a journalist make. Journalists work for accredited media outlets. Media outlets have critical duty in a liberal democracy and it is to REPORT the truth, the facts, to chronicle the events of the day inpartially and dis-passionately. Mr. Charle BeBlanc may well be a blogging activist, but his concern for the "rights of the poor", his "protesting cops investigating cops" at the legislature or carrying a "bull-horn ...certainly dis-qualifies" him from being considered a journalist.
Charles LeBlanc embroidering "Blogger" on articles of his clothing will not get him a press pass, not at high school, athletics, a Montreal Canadiens game or even the Special Olympics. Mr. Le Blanc works for NO media outlet Mr. Leblanc is not a journalist. Mr. LeBlanc is NOT a freelance journalist with credentials....he is semi-iliterate old fart with a computer blog.
Too bad the "flu he was battling" wasn't killer swine flu.
I invite all to read this example of what Charles LeBlanc calls journalism. He writes and spells poorly and like David Amos it is "all about him".
I have been blogging this issue for years!!!!If something happens at the Legislature and Andrew MacDonals harms a New Brunswicker?Who will be responsible for this action?I said it before and will say it again!!!!What are the Fredericton Police Force doing at the New Brunswick Legislature?
The Legislature with Dan Bussieres in charge is known to support a Fascist agenda against New Brunswickers.Did Dan Bussieres succeed in brainwashing the Police Force?
The Fredericton POlice Force refuse to reply to my complaint so I guess I will have to asked my questions in this blog.I apologize if this issue tarnish the image of this City but Fascism must be confronted!!!!!Are the Citizens in this City safe from the Fredericton Police Force????Is this the reason Dan Bussieres was at City Hall? Did the City accept his Fascist agenda against the Citizens of Fredericton???
What are, where are the five ws. What "fascist agenda"? Where is the evidence of a "fascist agenda". Who is perpetrating this "fascist agenda". LeBlanc is like the child drawing mustaches on that is what he does on his blog. That is NOT journalism that is insanity akin to that of David Amos'Mr. Here again is a sample of Charles LeBlanc's blog I have been debating this issue ever since the arrest.I'm going to pay a visit to the Police Force this week.I made a complaint two weeks ago but never received a reply.If Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight agrees that once a citizen makes a complaint against a certain officer?That same officer can arrest the complainant the next day!!!!If this is the new style of Policing in Fredericton? This means the Force has accepted Fascism!!!
Unlike MR LeBlanc I AM A VETERAN ... he is not...... Mr. LeBlanc is not a journalist, is not veteran nor is he very bright. Just where is this "fascism"..... a real journalist shows the correct English.
David Amos is a spammer and a convicted sex offender with outstanding warrant
for his arrest in the US. Charles Leblanc is a convicted criminal with a bull-horn
and a camera...a very small one. David Amos is a spammer that claims to be "antebellum blogger" and Charles LeBlanc, a semi-literate protesting blogger that claims to be a journalist. Now, David Amos is not permitted in the New Brunswick Legislature, and Charles LeBlanc
is not permitted in the New Brunswick Legislature nor it's grounds, and environs...
alas "birds of a feather". David Amos is ignored, has been for years. He has been banned from every radio talk show
in North America save the whack job conspirasy and racist shows like Liberty Radio or
Storm Front. (on the web) So Mr Amos has compiled an e mail listand spams these
addresses with old posts, American issues and news reports or parts thereof .
In fact Mr. Amos in furtherance of his own stupidity spams, everyone. Charles LeBlanc has an agenda, he has issues that he protests...thus he is NOT a journalist. Journalists report, describe, and chronical...they do not have an agenda save the truth. they do not carry bull-horns...they do NOT take on causes. Their impatiality is critical to democracy as we...we the people get the facts and not bias.
Thus real journalist get access, press passes and a degree of respect.
Charles LeBlanc is an employee of NO media outlet and is a journalist..
.yet he tries to get into sporting events for free. Indeed David Amos and Charles LeBlanc.....they grow em dumb in New Brunswick
In a few short years David Amos has got himself banned from several radio talks show, banned from scores of blogs because
he spams them to death and has outstanding warrants for his arrest in the US. He has now been forced by neccessity to disseminate his " message" by other means. He is still sort of like on You Tube.
But now he collects E mail adress and he spams and cyber-stalks these people with his masses of unwanted, unintelligent gibberish...that is "at the end of the day" all about ...him and his insanity. He sends his on-line terrorism to MPs. MLA, senior military officers,
those he dislikes, Premiers, the Prime Minister, the Ambassador from Iceland, Charle LeBlanc, ad infinity.....And still no one listens to him...
.could that because he is nuts? His posts e mails, blog entries and e mail lists that serve to spam and try to intimidate whoever his annoyed with. To wit: I just saw someone in Upper Canada (RBC people no doubt) Googling meanold me and a
dude named Jeff Hayward in Toronto who thinks he knowseverything about money . for shits and giggles a mean old Maritime called him to ask why someone found us interesting and the bastard's assistant hung up on meas soon as he figured out who I was. When I called back even the operator would not pick up the phone. Too too funny that happens a lotthese days.
People are afraid I am taping the conversations. It seems to me that good gossip about
big money gets around quickly when a lot of people are losing it. It appears to me a lot of smiling
bastardy afraid of losing their jobs because they failed to act within the scope of their employment and pratice due diligenece.
Need I say it looks good on them?Verina VincitDavid Raymond Amos---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos
Fwd: I called The Governor's office again and was bounced back to (518-408-3976) and talked to Cherkasky's associate Mr Shay tosay that Yankees are corrupt is an understatement
The Oliphant inquiry will have cost Canadian taxpayers many millions of dollars and will have found out only, Brian Mulroney has excellent tax law advice. An failed attempt to further villify a politcal leader for politcal gain by the "other party". And Karl-Heinz Schrieber will still be deported. The bar WAS low for Brian Mulroney and no matter how old or pathetic he appears ...he came out unscathed. I must say treating Schrieber's 250,000 cash as a retainer fee not taxable until he uses it as income,,,was brilliant. Ahh you get the legal advice you pay for.
At a time when this federal government is going to bailout Canadian auto manufacturers and their unionized work-force to the tune of billions of dallars. Canadian taxpayers in every province in Canada are paying for a failing industry with a failed business plan in Ontario and Quebec. Ontario and Montreal law firms get hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fee to acomplish......nothing. Thatis what they call good liberal, socialist governemnt.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This was written by Tom Mountain. I wish I had. I have been opining this same premise for decades. President Obama wants to engage (corece) Israel into a "two state solution" not ever accepted by the Arabs ever any way. I wish I had wrote this.
"Show me a history book of the Palestinians," retorted Miriam Levinger to this novice student journalist over two decades ago in Kiryat Arba, in Judea, otherwise known as the southern half of the West Bank.
In 1968, Mrs. Levinger, wife of Rabbi Moshe Levinger, the leader of the Gush Emunim movement, had, with the tacit support of the Israeli government, spearheaded the return of Jews to the Hebron area. And thus came Kiryat Arba, a thriving modern Jewish township overlooking Hebron, that sacred Biblical city where Arabs had massacred the centuries-old Jewish community in 1929. The Levingers had moved there to try to set things right by reestablishing a Jewish presence in Hebron.
By the time I met her in 1983, Miriam Levinger, once of Brooklyn, had already been in Judea for over fifteen years. She was there to stay. Not only that, but, she assured me, her children - she eventually had eleven - would inevitably branch out to help create more settlements in Judea and Samaria (the northern half of the West Bank). Back to the Palestinian history book, or lack there of.
Mrs. Levinger elaborated on the premise that a Palestinian history book did not exist because the very concept of a Palestinian people did not exist until the Arab nations and their proxy, the PLO, chose to invent the Palestinian national movement in 1964. It was all a propaganda ploy to attack Israel and challenge Jewish claims to the land.
Tough, no-nonsense rhetoric from an Orthodox mother who was compelled to walk through Hebron with a Uzi submachine gun for protection. Miriam Levinger was absolutely correct in her simple analysis of the situation. But she was not alone. "Palestine is a term the Zionists invented.... Our country for centuries was part of Syria," remarked Arab leader Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi to the British Peel Commission in 1937. Mr. Abdul-Hadi knew what he was talking about.
In the decades before the founding of modern Israel in 1948, during the long reign of the British-sponsored Palestine Mandate, Jews and Palestine were synonymous; the very term "Palestine" was attached to the Jews and the Jewish yishuv, or community. Jews created the Palestine Post, the Palestine Symphony Orchestra, the Palestine Electric Company. They even represented Palestine in the 1936 Olympics. "Palestine" and "Jews" became interchangeable.
The Arabs, although also residents, were generally referred to as "Arabs", not "Palestinians". Even among themselves. Most had moved to Palestine only after the Jews had re-cultivated the land - over 100,000 migrated to the region from 1922-46. They were a part of the greater Arab nation, former subjects of the old Ottoman Empire and destined to become official citizens of various nation states created by Britain and France.
The British Mandate administered the present territory of Jordan, Israel and the West Bank from 1920-48, and for the first few years dictated that Jews could settle in all areas of the mandate. After 1923, when the British established Jordan for the exiled Hashemite dynasty from the Arabian peninsula, they forbade Jews from crossing the Jordan River to settle there. However, recognizing the historical Jewish claim to the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, they actively encouraged Jews to settle that region, especially in Judea and Samaria, where Jews had maintained a presence for centuries. In 1947 the British further subdivided Palestine, thus depriving the Jews of these historical Jewish provinces.
The historical term "Palestine" went out of use when the Jewish State of Israel was reborn in 1948. Palestine had become Israel. Palestinians were now Israelis. Only decades later, in the 1960s, when Gamal Abdel-Nasser of Egypt decided to raise the Palestinian Liberation Organization, was the term resurrected. And even then, it wasn't until well after Israel had conquered the west bank of the Jordan River that those previous loyal subjects of the Jordanian king suddenly become "Palestinians". From 1948 to 1967, no one called for a Palestinian state in this Jordanian territory (until, of course, after Israel moved in).
Thus began the myth of the poor, oppressed Palestinians. A whole group of people was created overnight. A people with neither a collective ethnic identity nor a historical identity. A people whose primary allegiance was to their religious group, Muslim or Christian, Shiite or Sunni, rather then the artificial label of "Palestinian" foisted upon them by subsequent generations. As Miriam Levinger said over two decades ago, "Show me a history book of the Palestinian people."
The Committee to Protect Bloggers wrote to David Amos and banned his submisions. They told him that there are places people are inpisoned for their bloggs and his and Charles LeBlanc's complaits were frivolous to say the least. Now as I suggested earlier, Mr. Amos has started to spam the e mails of serving Canadian Forces officers. ( I now imagine the RCM Police will soon be involved) He has long spammed Michael Ignatief's e mail, Peter McKay, the Premiers of all the Atlantic provinces, assorted lawyers. In fact I have posted here some folk's e mails demanded he stop...forwarded from him me and everyone on his e mail list. It is, for lack of a better phrase "too cool" to "blog", to write and try to makes sense of the world around you. It is cool to read the "views"because thats all they are, of others and make sense of the world around you. Charles LeBlanc wants to be journalist, or wants the "access" of a journalist , yet he does not want the responsiblity of impartialality required to be a journalist. There is NO difference between the behaviour of the two New Brunswick "bloggers". Hey lads...been the "leg grounds" recently?
In the lay about province of New Brunswick there are two bloggers. Charles LeBlanc and David Amos. Both are delusional. Mr. Amos says he is "a hell of a blogger" and has been arrested by the RCM Police and sent to Chalmers Hospital as well. One is not surprised see on blogs everywhere David Amos trumpeting about conspiracy and crooks on both sides of the Canada/US border. Charles LeBlanc says he is a journalist. Mr LeBlanc had "blogger" embroidered on his jacket and stalks the streets of "Fat Fred City" and Bathhurst, etc with his bull-horn and camera. Both these bloggers have arrest and or criminal records. It appears that both Charles Leblanc, and David Amos are banned from the Legislature and its environs. Mr. LeBlanc has once again been arrested there. Charles LeBlanc produces a blog and posts material on You Tube. His blog is poorly written, poorly spelled and NOT in any way objective reporting. Mr LeBlanc has an agenda. He routinely violates copyright law by using pieces of reportage of others, posts altered magazine covers, which he uses to abuse the Sergeant at Arms and the Speaker of the New Brunswick Legislature in an ongoing harassment of them. Charles LeBlanc has the ABOSLUTE RIGHT to post whatever opinion he chooses. He has NO RIGHT falsely accuse MLAs of assault or commit any act contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada , nor to infringe on anyone's copyright protections. Charles Leblanc routinely claims he is a journalist. A member of the working media, a representative of a media outlet. And he is just as routinely is refused media credentials...because he is a blogger and not a journalist. Journalists are consumed by "the story", by the facts, by the truth and by....scooping the other media guys. So we get or hope to get...the truth. Charles Leblanc calls his opinions facts, his suspicions are then accusations and his agenda regarding the poor and ADHD are parmount to the truth. And that is why Mr. LeBlanc has a gossip blog and is not a journalist. Journalists do NOT carry electronic bull-horns to the legislature. It is NOT impartial.
David Amos said, "I am a helluva blogger". But Mr. Amos has no active blog. He infects the blogs of others. And then he spams them to death or to his being banned. He calls everyone, "chucky baby", "dana-baby", barry-baby" or he will "double dawg dare ya", and "c'yawl in court". Alas Mr. Amos is no "maritimer" but a dual citizen of the United States. It figures, Mr. Amos delight is that great American past-time...litigation. Or at least threatening to do so. Because you see...he has no money.
Mr. Amos prefaces his posts with e mail lists and posts from years past, irrelevant topics, vitirol and vituperation so much is impossible to see exactly what this great conspiracy is, or who the crooks are, and why we as Canadians should care.
Today, Mr. Amos phoned or e mailed officers of 1PPCLI to inquire about a retired senior Of course they told him they are NOT permitted to disclose anything about retired or past military personel. Or would really know anything.
"Shame on you", Mr Amos wrote to them, and then posted their phone numbers,names, ranks and added their e mail addresses to his e mail list. Now each day he spams these hard working officers e mail accounts with his delusional nonsense and bleatings about a conspiracy. Is this indicative of the New Brunswick "blogging community"? Do they "grow em dumb" in New Brunswick? David Amos is banned from most of the radio talk shows in Atlantic Canada and Charles LeBlanc embroiders blogger on his coat carries a camera and bull-horn and can't get a press pass. Having said all that...these retards have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to post what ever they want on their blogs, within the perametres of law. But David Amos is not a "hellufa blogger" he is a convicted criminal. CharlesLeBlanc is NOT a journalist but a gossip blogger....and a criminal. Here endth the lesson
Perhaps the greatest legacy of the Conservative Party of Canada is, the existance of Canada from sea to sea. Sir John A MacDonald understood that Canada would exist only if a railroad was built across Canada and the mountains to British Columbia. Sometimes we forget the monumental national and engineering challenge it was, to build the railway. To physically connect all of Canada before the Americans divested us of some, or all of it. That same challenge confronts us today, maintaining Canadian sovereignty of the Arctic . A six week sonar and oceanographic survey has been completed that appears to strengthen Canadian claims of sovereignty to the United Nations Convention on the Law ofthe Sea extending Canada's claim of the Arctic being Canada's territorial waters . This is still hardly enough. Days ago a Russian government report raised the spectre of war over sovereignty of the Arctic and its riches. NOW as in the early times ofthis nation the international convention ....effective control is the major criteria of sovereignty. The Tory government of Sir John A Macdonald understood the threat to Canada's existance if the west was not effectively controled by Ottawa and Canada. Hence the building of the railroad the NorthWest Mounted Police and insitutions in the west... before the "North West Territories" Alta, Sask, Man.) became provinces in 1905. It is the same tremendous national challenge for Canada today to invest in building NEW institutions and maintaining effective control of the Arctic today. Canada must GO to the Arctic, Drill in the Arctic, build the ships to control the Arctic as well as ALL of Canada's continental shelf . As these are NOT international waters but Canadian territorial waters. Canada's government in the 1870's and so on pushed Canada's engineering and economic capacities to the limit to guaranttee the survival of Canada. I suggest such an effort is NOW required to build the Arctic deep water ports, the sattelite surveillance systems, the ships, the mines, policing...and the military maitain what is ours ...Arctic sovereignty. After all , every bit of it is Canada. The returns on these investments are beyond value. The resourses so unlimited that would provoke the theft of them by other nation-states. Canada is evoloving. Atlantic Canada lost its economic importance with Confederation. The economic centre of gravity is shifting from Central Canada to the new big west of Canada as we speak. And the future...the future of the Canadian federation is in the Arctic. Today's Canadian governments need to be as insightful and farseeing as Sir John A MacDonald's governments.
"Nations do not have friends, nations have interests". Henry Kissinger said that. From 1935 until the end of the war western nations the UK, Canada and the US had an unwritten but very rigid policy regarding the immigration of Jews from Europe; "one was too many".
During the war the Catholic Church, did not oppose Hitler. Eastern European Catholic priests did not aid Jews, in fact many actively assisted in the genocide of Jews. As an insitution, the Roman Catholic Church was far more concerned with its survival and wealth than the threat to all human kind Hitler and the Third Reich presented. Yesterday Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with President Barak Obama. President Obama's political captial is increased with "peace in the Middle East" or a "two state solution". America will claim prestige for "solving" the morass in the Middle East . So America and the Obama adminstration quietly cajoles, and threatens, but not too much because of the "Jewish Lobby". Biby Netanyahu is concerned with the contimued survival of Eretz Israel and the survival of his own government. The Israeli electorate have despaired of the "two state solution". HAMAS rejects the "two state solution". The HAMAS "Charter" rejects the existance of Israel. The reality is: The HAMAS Charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of "the Jews". That is an undenied and undisputed aim of HAMAS. Former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said: "The two state solution is dead, and only the Holy Land is good for only one resurrection." Nations do NOT have friends, the Roman Catholic Church does not have friends and institutions do not have friends or values for that matter ....they have interests, self-interests. Iran is building nuclear weapons. Iran has the delivery systems for those nuclear weapons. In fact the Shihab 4 can target EU capitals. The President of Iran has called for and committed his nation to the "wiping out" of Israel. So President Obama wants a "two state solution" The Prime Minister of Israel wants the continued survival of Israel and the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church wants to be a big shot in the Holy Land and everyone to forget. Nations and institutions do not have friends or values...they have interests. And "one is too many". As President Obama talks about the "two state solution" and a "palestinian state" I am reminded of two things. First; in all of recorded human history there has never been a "palestinian state". But two-thousand years previous the Birth of Christ there was a Jewish State. In fact, Islam's third most Holy Place, Mosque al Aqsa is built on the ruins of the Jewish Great Temple. And secondly...Texas was once Mexico. After several years and a few US incursions, and an occupation of Mexico City...Texas is American. Is the United States of America going to give it back? What is the difference? Is the security fence the Americans are building to keep out illegal aliens any different from what Jimmy Carter called the "apartheid wall" Israel is building along its border ? "One is too many", and nations and institutions have no survival.
Charles LeBlanc thinks he's a real journalist and David Amos thinks he's a blogger.Charle LeBlance is a member or employee of NO news media organization and David Amos is banned from news organizations and blogs. Charles LeBlanc is banned from the New Brunswick legislature and surrounding area. Mr Amos is banned from Mr. LeBlanc's blog. Both the "blogger" and the "journalist" have police records, Mr. LeBlanc has a jacket with "blogger" on it, but NO press pass because he is not a member of the press and Mr. Amos has the attention span of a gnat. What a pair of pathetic pissants from a province where the legislature bans and censors, the "bloggers" rant and rave, and ersatz "journalists" censor. Ersatz "journalists" plagerize news material from other outlets and whines for a "press pass".
David Amos just threatens folks:
BTW Barry Baby I called these fellas today and strongly suggested thatthey read your blog and see what they think of you.First Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry PO Box10500 Station Forces Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4J5 Tel: (780) 973-4011Rest assured that I will call ext 5409 and ext 5401 in the morning.tosee if a dude named Barry Winters was truly ever an officer of theirs.BARRY WINTERS <> wrote: I am a participant on MSN boards. Canadian poltical discussion group(rhoditroopie)What is up with a certain whack job named copernicus?It seems I need to deal with him...I live in Edmonton Alberta. I amTory Canadian former serving CF Officer (1PPCLI)....any intel would beappreciatedB Winters
The National Post's John Ivison has it right! At the end of the day. After all the kash the kraut boy and Thysissen gave to Brian Mulroney with a smile and a wink ...hoping he would decide to extend a little grace and favour: It was Brian Mulroney that killed the Bearhead project. Brian Mulroney killed the Bearhead project because it was a bad deal for Canada. Unfortunately, the unfortunate truth is: Brian Mulroney nothing different than Jean Chretien did with ad scam or Shawin-igate, or Trudeau's patronage , McKenzie King's wartime contracts all the way to Sam Hughes and the Great War. Whilst in the end I would call it all patronage rather than corruption beause the good ofthe country always came was and is a very fine line. In the end, there is and will be in this political comedy the Mulroney hearings, very little political milage for the liberals.
Our American cousins take graft and corruption to new heights it seems. Congressmen require to constantly raise money to gain re-election in the American system. "Soft money", pacs, and pork for special interest groups are the "grease" of democracy there. Patronage was not "invented" here in Canada or in the US, but in Britain, and is I think a "by-product" of our democratic systems.
When you look at the United Nations or the European Union you see corruption on a dizzying scale. Kofi Anan, his son, the entire oil for food scam...third world animals in control of billions of dallars. The EU is negotiating a "free trade agreement" with Canada that we really must look at carefully.....but there is no conspiracy here. There are... but a myriad of self-interests. There is the rich, and the poor. And I wonder if society is in many ways essentually "darwinian"....survival of the fittest, the most educated, the most entrepurnureal, the hardest working.... But indeed "Lyin Brian" looked and sounded pathetic indeed. .
Last Tuesday in the BC provincial election the STV (single tranferable vote) or porportional representation was defeated for the second time. A 60 % acceptance of the initiative was required and only 39 % of the BC electorate wants porportional representation. The entire concept of porportional representation is dead in Canada. That will cause the immediate demise of the Green Party of Canada. Notwithstanding the life-support of federal tax dollars the greens get (a per vote sitpend) the lack of political hope or relevance will kill Dizzy Mae and the Greens. But what about treasonous "Taliban" Jack Layton and the rest of the "chow chow chow" curs of the NDP? The NDP have long "championed" the cause of STV or proportional representation as a means to become more relevant in the House of Commons and give "aid and comfort" to the "taliban". There are NO NDP members of the Commons in Saskatchewan, one in Alberta and a handful in both BC and Manitoba. The only politcal parties that desire the STV are the parties that are so unpopular they can not elect members. What does the defeat and death of the STV mean for the NDP in the long term? People know now that NDP will never be a relevant or influential voice in the Commons beause of numbers, or the lack thereof. When federal funding of political parties cease, and it eventually will... combined with the death of the STV, I think it will spell the end of the NDP.
Just like David Raymond Amos..."Taliban Jack" and the NDP curs will never get to sit at "the cool kids table"
Some one should tell Charles Le Blanc that a "puter"and a camera does NOT a journalist make. Bloggers are not journalists and do not have the same "access"as accredited journalists. In the new wide "cyber-world" there are a is a myriad of ersatz radio shows each with no regard for the truth, but an agenda. There are the "Christian" shows, "Liberty Radio", GCN live et al. These "radio shows" bleat nonsensical conspiracy theories to any retard that will listen to them. Or as Dr Bill Deagal or Neagal says, "there is not a conspiracy theory, merely a world-wide conspiracy agenda". Liberty Radio says the Catholic Church started world war two and communisim and the Society of Jesus wants to rule the world...and Charles (frenchy) Le Blanc and David Amos think the Irvings and the New Brunswick legislature want to. These are part of a small group of little people whose agenda or addled conspiracy beliefs determine what they say on their "puters" rather what the truth or facts say. They claim an inportance or an import of their "message" that is not merrited.
For David Amos whining about Bernie Madoff or quoting today, from blogs posted years ago. To Charles Le Blanc crying about the poor and taking pictures of people in "Fat Fred City"....It is all about them...and certainly not the truth whatever it may be. Charles Le Blanc censors comment on his "news" blog and David Amos gets banned from it and others yet whilst they say their "rights" are being abused and few listen to them......I wonder why. But to suggest bloggers are journalists or serve any purpose but expressing their own "opinions", promoting their agenda or anything else save nonsense. That is why any normal folks if there are any in the "maritimes", move to Alberta and get a real job
However before another wicked little blog goes "Poof " I should saveit in its entirety to use ask the the CROWN. N'esy Pas Iggy andChucky?Veritas VincitDavid Raymond Amos
YOU have NOT the power to make any blog go "poof" except your own. Here endeth the lesson
There really is not a lot of differences between the the Liberal Party of eastern kanada and the Bloc Quebecois. Neither are Pan-Canadian political parties. Both rely on support in Quebec and western Canadian tax dollars for their political existances. There are but three liberal MPs in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, none in Alberta and four in BC ......The Liberal party of eastern kanada is not a "national brand". In fact, it is despised in the Prairie Provinces.
A geographic half of Canada despises the Liberals. In some countries that all but guaranttees inserection. And yet former Prime Minister Trudeau did not care, Paul Martin did not care, Stephan Dion did not care, and now that "proud kanadian" Michael Ignatief does not care either. Former Liberal MP Garth Turner doesn't, current Liberal Member of Parliament Ken Boshcoff certainly doesn't care. The Liberal Party of eastern kanada gave the scam, Shawinni-gate, the long gun registry, the national energy plan, the green shaft, Chuck Guite...and the list of sins goes on ad infinitum....and the Liberal Party of eastern kanada does not care. Because they know that for NOW electorially they do not need western Canada. That begs the question: Does kanada as we know it, work? Within a few short years the second most populated province will be BC. Quebec will not gain seats in the House of Commons and the Red Chamber and BC will. Indeed the population of the new big west is growing, and the economic centre of gravity of Canada is shifting west. But not political discourse, at least not yet ...much to the great glee of the Toronto Globe and Mail and the Liberal party of eastern kanada. The first campaign slogan of the Reform Party of Canada was: The West wants in! Now the west may very well "want out". I suggest kanada ...simply does not work anymore and I wonder if it ever did? Michael Ignateif is NOT a Canadian and neither is the convicted child fucker...David Raymond Amos.
The BC electorate voted only 39 % (60%) is required to ratify the single transferable vote or PR. This isthe second time the question has been put and the second time it has failed. The BC electorate also soundly rejected the NDP ....again. Carole James and her party are as much a poltical joke as the Green Party in BC specifically and Canada generally.
Does the death of the STV or proportional representation sound the death knell of the Green Party. Even with a significant amout of political skullduggery Lizzie Mae (an American) could not get elected in Nova Scotia in the last federal election. Not a single Green candidate could get elected nationally. Is that not the will of the people? In Saskatchewan there NO, NDP Members, and one Liberal Member of Parliament. In Alberta there are NO liberal members, and one NDP Member of Parliament. In the three Prairie Provinces, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta ....there are three Liberal Members of Parliment.
So, is there a national brand or pan-Canadian political party save the Conservative Party of Canada, Or merely a collection of regional rump organizations....trying their best to fuck western Canada?
There are three letters to never put together if you visit Western Canada. Those letters are NEP. In Alberta those letters stand for National Energy Program. This was the plan put together by the federal Liberal government by then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. In Alberta, as a result of the federal plan to shift some of the wealth from Western Canada to assist those living in the east cope with high energy prices, the housing market crashed, and bankruptcy rates in Alberta soared. At the time, in Alberta talks about western separation started.
Thunder Bay Rainy River MP didn't use the three letters NEP in his recent Leader's Ledger. But Mr. Boshcoff stated, "The Liberal Party’s Green Shift announced on June 19th marked the most aggressive anti-poverty program in 40 years. The ‘shift’ will transfer wealth from rich to poor, from the oil patch to the rest of the country, and from the coffers of big business to the pockets of low-income Canadians".
Mr. Boshcoff's words have caused a stir of controversy across Western Canada. The Edmonton Journal reports, "Ken Boshcoff, MP for Thunder Bay-Rainy River, rekindled memories of the controversial national energy program when he stated on a blog post that the Grits' Green Shift program will inflict financial pain on Alberta and its oil and gas industry."Failing to say much about any environmental benefits of the plan, Boshcoff proudly proclaimed on a political news blog that the Green Shift is the "most aggressive anti-poverty program in 40 years," which will target wealthy provinces -- particularly Alberta". Please sir...can we steal more for eastern kanada?
David Amos a convicted sex offender and spammer near you in New Brunswick.david Raymond Amoss sent this to me and entered iton his Blog "Thoughts" of David Amos child molester. ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Raymond Amos <>Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 15:26:43 -0700 (PDT)Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Martha Stewart and me.To: David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.comDavid Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "Martha Stewartand me":YOUR MAMA WILL BE COLLECTING HER PENSION SOON EH DANNY BOY?HENCE YOU WON'T BE BITCHING ABOUT THIS BULLSHIT WILL YA?IN THE WORDS OF ANTHONY COOPER THE GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN GYPSY WANNABEA JOURNALIST CHICKENSHIT IN THE "THE PLACE TO BE"ENJOY YA BASTARDSFrom: Edith Cody-Rice Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.caDate: Wed, 13 May 2009 18:08:13 -0400Subject: Re: Seems that the conservative Campbell dude working for theFeds put what I have been saying in the print or an Irving newsrag EHShawny Baby? (Absence)To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.comI am away from the office until Tuesday May 19 . If you need assistancefor journalism matters, please contact Sarah Maywood in Toronto at416-205-6258 or at 1-151-6258 . If you require other assistance, pleasecontact Jacques Gaboury in Toronto at 1-151-2790Je serai absente du bureau jusqu' au mardi le 19 mai. Si vous avezbesoin d’assistance pour les questions journalistique pendant monabsence, veuillez contacter Sarah Maywood a Toronto à 416-205-6258 ou1-151-6258. Si vous avez besoin d'autre assistance, veuillez contacterJacques Gaboury a Toronto a 151- 2790Thank you/merci,Edith Cody-RiceSenior Legal CounselPremier Conseiller juridique181 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1K9Postal Address: P.O. Box 3220, Station C, Ottawa K1Y 1E4Tel: (613) 288-6164Cell: (613) 720-5185Fax/ Télécopieur (613) 288-6279IMPORTANT NOTICEThis communication is subject to solicitor/client privilege andcontains confidential information intended only for the person(s) towhom it is addressed. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, otherdistribution of this communication or taking any action on its contentsis strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error,please notify us immediately and delete this message without reading,copying or forwarding it to anyone.AVIS IMPORTANTLa présente communication est assujettie au privilège du secretprofessionnel de l'avocat et renferme des renseignements confidentielsintéressant uniquement leur destinataire. Il est interdit de divulguer,de copier ou de distribuer cette communication par quelque moyen que cesoit ou de donner suite à son contenu sans y être autorisé. Si vousavez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez nous en avertir immédiatementet le supprimer en évitant de le lire, de le copier ou de letransmettre à qui que ce soit.---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.comDate: Wed, 13 May 2009 19:07:48 -0300Subject: Seems that the conservative Campbell dude working for the Fedsput what I have been saying in the print or an Irving newsrag EH ShawnyBaby?To:,, "shawn. graham", "carl. davies", "",,,, "bruce.fitch", "bruce.alec", "rick.hancox", "Baird.J", "Ignatieff. M", dions1dions1@parl.gc.caCc: "",, "nb. premier",,, "", "Robert.Jones", "Edith. Cody-Rice",jacques_poitras, "Duceppe. G"Duceppe.G@parl.gc.caMethinks that this Fed is way past too late. Its kinda like a Neo Concracky pot calling a corrupt little lliberal kettle black N'esy PasMr John Baird?Remember YOUR Accountability Act and all the documents I have beensending you people for over five years and counting?I do declare the Feds party colours were showing when he failed tocapitalize "premiere" but did so with "Opposition Leader" Now that isfunny EH Iggy? finally, both the premier and Opposition Leader David Alward needto stop thinking about a couple of ridings in Fredericton and moreabout the collective interest of the province."I am referring specifically to the pension liability issue.Three-hundred million dollars of this year's $740 million deficitcomes from topping up provincial pension plans. That amounts to $6,500for each of the 46,000 pensioners and active civil servants.Three-hundred million dollars is more than the combined expendituresfor agriculture, fisheries, Business New Brunswick, environment,justice, natural resources and tourism.""In a province with long wait times for health care, one of the lowestliteracy scores in the country and where most residents don't even havea pension, this expenditure hits a raw nerve."Stephen Campbell serves as chairman of the Saint John Port Authority.He can be reached at a comment: to comments for this post: by David Raymond Amos to Just Dave at Wednesday, May
What is the point to it all? Oneof the "documents" listed is a complaint re an eleven dollar shipping charge! Most of any David Amos post is the E mail list. But what is most concerning is his great delight in posting the personal information of people he does not like. His enemies. I one asked him as many others have before, for summary a concise summary of the crimes or corruption without the hyperbol that exists in Canada generally and New Brunswick specifically. He has NOT. As Canadians we care NOT about graft in Boston or Bernie Maddof ....or the point to all this.
Brian, says! German reunification is due the efforts of! Brian, says! Newfoundland is now prosperous because ! United Nations peacekeeping is "effective" because! When Brian Mulroney left office, his approval rating amongst Canadians was less than number of Canadians who thought "Elvis was still alive." The GST was and is the most hated tax in Canadian history, derided and reduced by his own party. Free Trade ....or NAFTA was in whole good. Very good, an ulitmate business success. Meech Lake was very very bad. Bombardier (of Quebec) got contract tenders they lost to Bristol Areospace of Winnipeg...because Brian Mulroney and Marcel Masse said it was "good for Quebec". Brian Mulroney said this yesterday: — look out Stephen Harper! “You can't form a government without seats in Quebec and if you do, you can't govern in this country. And you shouldn't govern,” he said. That was an unmistakable broadside at the prime minister, who's sinking rapidly in the polls in that province. (close quote) This statement is from the man that alienated the entirety of Western Canada, and thus so enabled and hastened the birth of the Reform Party of Canada. Can you remember that first election slogan?..."THE WEST WANTS IN!" The Reform Party of Canada would have NOT been born if it was not for Brian Mulroney. They say that perception is everything in politics. Perception is everything in anything, probably. And the bulk of Canadians still perceive "lyan Brian" a crook. I mean just ask Stevie Cameron? I believe Brian Mulroney when he said yesterday: “My business relationship with Mr. Schreiber was legal, and involved no wrongdoing of any kind at any time on my part,” he declared. (close quote) The fact is just doesn't anyone but the liberals. And heaven knows there enough "skeltons in the closet" for them. The more things change ...the more they stay the same The Toronto Globe and Mail speaks for Eastern Kanada, and eastern Kanada's goal from the time of confederation is to screw western Canada. That was "Lyan Brian's " goal too, Nothwistanding his "singlely" re-uniting Germany.
Wow!!!!! After twenty years NO repreat NO proof has ever been found about and bribes or irregularities in the AirBus scandal. Karl Schriver, a little man talking a big game to keep to avoid extradition to Germany....Sounds like David Amos doesn't it? It is funny that Mother Corp thinks some beautiful, pakkie bitch and her family abusing the help ( the immigration committee hearings)....should pre-empt the Mulroney Inquiry....whatever are Canadian politics turning into? Notwithstanding twenty of liberals fanning the fires of inuendo re Brian Mulroney ...the whole "scandal" is far to complcated, to complex and to Canadians too irrelevant to create any outrage or political damage. Yet the Dhalla afair is juicy, tawdry and crooked. But in poltical terms does NOT have legs. And YES just as the liberals have been fanning the fires of scandal with the Mulroney fiasco... so have the Tories been sewing the same for political advantage with the Dhalla shit. And David Amos cries out about Canadian politics. He is a wanted man, a sex offendey, a spammer, and a YANK.
I am, I am an unabashed conservative. I know that one is obligated and must take care of himself, his family and NOT be a burden to anyone. I know that, you are, what, owe. YOU are defined by what you do. What you do is defined by your education. And whether we like it or not our education is defined by that little piece of sheepskin we earn...or that we do not earn. In High School we learn, how to memorize, to hopefully think, to colate material, to find out facts and to remember and use those facts. In short we learn, how to learn. Because our education will have only begun. Whilst everyone has the right to an opinion few are educated or knowlegable enough to have valid opinions. YOU have the right to speak...but no one has to listen to you. That is very much the case with David Amos. Look at the "Blue Collar Manifesto" the thought and opinion of the "little guy". Has dawned upon the "little guy", he is a "little guy for a reason. Human"Darwinism" for lack of a better way of putting it. The "blue collar" are "blue collar" for reason. They choose to be "blue collar" as the "homeless" choose to be destitute, and the drunk to be a drunk. No one is going to listen to a "cabbie in Fat Fred City" about economics, government and or investing...and no one takes seriously the views of the great unwashed. Perhaps our British cousins are more enlightened with their more overt acceptance and recognition of this with their class system. There was a picture in one of the national dailies a few weeks ago: Where a fat father with two fat sons, employees of Chrysler in Windsor at a union meeting. These fat wops wanted or were lobbying the rest of Canada, the taxpayers of bailout Chrysler.
In the real world, business' fail, farms fail, shops fail, bars and resturaunts fail and there is NO government charity We are indeed what we owe, know and the education we have, and the assets we have. So much for the "little guy".
Mr. Dan Bussieres....were your Maman et Papa brother and sister? You ignorant cunt!
When he was barred from the legislative assembly’s grounds in 2006,LeBlanc posted a notice on his website that he received from DanBussières, the legislature’s sergeant-at-arms.The notice accused LeBlanc of demonstrating “unacceptable behaviourwithin the legislative precincts, which has included harassment anddisrespectful behaviour toward legislative staff, members of theSecurity Detail and members of the public.”The notice includes a map of the district, with lines drawn around thestreets where LeBlanc is prohibited from walking.If LeBlanc refuses to stay away, the notice says, he will be chargedwith assault under the Criminal Code of Canada.
Can we call my remarks to you personally..."disrespectful behaviour" to members of the "security detail"? Imagine this: A Canadian citizen with streets or portions thereof that he is prohibbited from walking. It is an afront to democracy that a citizen is banned from legislative grounds for "harassment and dis-respectful behaviour"! To the Speaker of New Brunswick Legislative Assembly:YOU suck cock! YOU cowardly piece of shit for allowing this travesty of "democracy" in your province. YOU suck cock better than your Mother and wife, but not as good as your Father. To the "people" the craven scum of New Brunwick....shame on you for tolerating this shit. YOU fuckers reinforce what we in Alberta have always known" you can tell fuckers in eastern Kanada...just not much".
Unions and Unionized workers are all thieves and assholes. Ken Lewenza and the rest of his gangsters want the Canadian taxpayer to bailout auto manufacturers and save thweir 75.00 an hour jobs. Meet "L". "L" is 46 years old and a single mother. Twenty -four years ago "L" became pregnant as a result of "a one night stand". After much anguish and soul searching "L" decided that she could NOT terminate the pregancy. Most men do not want a ready made family, and so "L" remained single and her son was or is much loved, adored, well raised...and now at twenty-four that young man is about graduate (this month) from the University of Alberta.
"L" and her much loved son lived in the same two bedroom basement suite for twenty years. "L" has never made more than thirteen dollars an hour...but her son always played sports was educated had a wonderful life and THEY never asked for anything. Every year "L" takes an extra job and to pay for buying RRSPs to reduce her federal tax, to increase her refund which is well needed. She sews on the side.
Now...the "little guys" the "blue collar" guys have their hands out to"L" and the millions of "L"s in Canada....Bailout their 75.00 an hour jobs. Canadian Auto Workers take their kids to Diseny Land..."L" and millions of others could not and can't take their kids to "the magic kingdom" The taxpayers of Saskatchewan (next year country) Alberta and the single mothers of Canada have to pay to bail out the "little guys" the blue collar family guys" so they can make up to 75.00 an hour and have ten spa days, or have their legal bills taken care of. The Lay-abouts of New Brunswick or the social programmes of Ontario and eastern Kanada. I hope you little guys, you family guys, you blue collar maifesto guys...are proud of yourselves.
David Amos is a convicted sex offender. But his greatest sin in this personal computer age is....he is a spammer. He infects blogs, radio talk shows, personal e mail, with insane incomprehensible....spam. When David Raymond Amos e mails you he sends page after page of e mail cc lists, pages of irrelevant previous e mails to other people, "location data", shit about "Deputy Dawg O'Meara from Boston, Bernie Madoff and assorted "butt fuckers." And why?...No one knows, not even David Amos. Then ...he "double dog dares you". There are outstanding warrants for the arrest of David Raymond Amos. Mr. Amos is banned from several radio talk shows in Atlantic Canada, because he inundates them with useless spam e mails, and phone calls that are all about....him. David Amos is a dual citizen of the US and Canada in name only. He is here in Canada because there are arrest warrants for him in the United States. He was "educated" in America, he is another loud, ignorant, obnoxious Yank from Milton Mass. David Amos when he is not molesting children, or sponging off his Nazi neighbours Werner Bock...tries to run for public office, or claims the authorities are killing Werner Bocks cattle or there is a vast criminal conspiracy...but where he is not sure. David Amos is banned by the Committe to Protect Bloggers. Charles Le Blanc in New Brunswick does, whilst being a bit of a renegade does some good, some charity, some "keeping them honest". Charles Le Blanc is a maritimer. David Amos is an American, a child molester, a virus. It is for David Raymond Amos..."all about me." But his greatest sin is...he is a spammer.
Canada is changing. Immigration is changing the demographics of Canada. It is projected in less than ten years the second most populated province will no longer be Quebec, but British Columbia. Canada seems to be moving to the "right". Ideological boundries are becoming blurred but Canada is becoming "socalized" for lack of a better word. Canada's public sector unions are losing their influence and many of the conccessions they have won from government in recent years. The auto industry and its unions are not going to be happy with lack of support thy will recieve from government.
Eastern Kanada is being eclipsed by the new big west. Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC are growing, due to a flat tax more right of centre policies....and potash, oil sands and the olympics.
People are leaving New Brunswich and eastern Kanada and coming west.all "the scums bums and criminals" (Ralph Klein) The Liberal Party of Eastern Kanada is just that...not a national brand. Nor is the NDP, so what does the old attitudes, the old failed policies the same old failed concept of Kanada has to offer anone...nothing.
"Taliban" Jack Layton last fall wanted to sit at the "grown-ups" table, and he wanted to save federal funding of his party at the same time. He, Stephan Dion and Gilles Dueceppe succceeded only at being able to stay at the public trough. The very open coup d' etat was only partially successful. Parliament was perogued. Dion is gone, Taliban Jack has no seat at the cabinet table and Bloc Quebecois members still every day in Question Period whine a"demand" for more, for that "great nation" Quebec. The educated, the entrepenures and the hard working in western Canada still pay for the social programmes of the lay abouts and the lay about provinces of eastern Kanada. The social programmes for the "blue collar" losers of New Brunswick and the great unwashed "cabbies" of "fat fred city". In eastern Kanada there is provincial sales tax, the GST and or the harmonized tax and in Alberta there is the FLAT TAX. Success is not punnished. Some years ago Premier Ralph Klein REFORMED social assistance...he lowered the rated and cut off those that did not find a job in a reasonable short he stopped lazy folks from having their parents and kids abusing the hard work of decent people. Some say all that did was send the scum to BC where social assistance is generous and more tolerant of life's losers. If that was the case....good. Whilst the reccession is hitting Canada, we do NOT have the problems the US and the EU have. In Canada the banks are the strongest in the world due to our regulation of them. There is NOT sub-prime morgage issues....because there is no such thing as sub-prime morgages in Canada. The reccession is affecting eastern Kanada far more than Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC . Notwithstanding that, polls show that the liberals have NOT made substantive gains in popularity. Indeed polls show eastern Kanadians APPROVE of the Harper government's handling of the economy. Here in western Canada we have never approved of the Liberals, nor the NDP.
The economy shows minute signs of recovery......And still the "blue collar" little guys and their provinces in eastern Kanada...still have their hand out. And "Taliban Jack....still sits at the kiddies table.
There are the educated. There are the uneducated, the stupid and then there are, the blue collar "guys".
You are what you do. You are defined by your education. You are what you owe. You know only what a paper with your educational CV says you know.That is reality. Reality is NO ONE wants their kids to or blue collar or anything resembling that.Reality is..... NO ONE can succeed as "blue collar" anywhere but Alberta.
There something "Darwinian" about societies, provinces in Canada and unionized workers. Thousands of CAW workers in Eastern Kanada want us in the west to pay for their "blue collar" 75 dollar an hour jobs.
Imagine the "blue collar" loser "cabbie" in Fat Fred City paying the wages of some fat wop in Oshawa.I have two children, one is at McGill Law and one at the faculty of business at U Vic....thank God they will not be "blue collar" or a "little guy" on the lower rungs of the food chain. May 10, 2009 10:22 AM Post a Comment Older PostHome Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) The brother is...
Do all folks in the Clan Keith suck cock, or just David Raymond Amos? In the Nova Scotia provincial election in 2006. our little member of the "clan keith" ran for public office in Nova Scotia. ( a long way from obergruppenfurher Bocks death camp farm) It seems even the clan keith...deserted our ersatz "maritimer" friend at the ballot box. He got 13 votes.
Now, "they ain't human". They are sub-human, under-evolved animals....."Taliban" Jack Layton, Dawn "Burka" Black and Olivia "dog chow" Chow and David Amos! These "people" with orgamsic delight with death of every brave Canadian in Afghanistan.
"Dizzy" Mae, the Green Hornets and the NDP are committed to change the electoral system because as it exists now ....they have none or very few seats. Nor will they get any more, with the current "first past the post" system.
Two things: Proportional representation does not really work. At least in my view. I spend about eight months a year in Israel. They call theirs a "pure democratic" system. As lists are compiled by each party (many parties) and seats to the Knesset are allocated by percentage of total vote. A very unwieldy system in a place where political and geo-political decision making needs to be simple and quick. The second thing is: Our system or the American system is based on a man, a good man standing for Parliament, or the legislature. Accountable to his constituents, and neighbours. The party, Parlimentary system here in Canada works! Sir Winston Churchill once said....." (our democratic) democracy is the worst system imaginable, except when you compare it with all the others." Canada is a federation of of provinces. Most of the jurisdictiions of government are in the hands of the provinces as deliniated in sections 90 through 93 of the BNA Act. Equalization or the concept thereof is constitutionally mandated. The maritime provinces at ther time of confederation would NOT join unless their existing debts were paid and they received a stipend to provide "comparable government services" to their citizens.... These folks were parasites at the "get go" it seems". There is NO comparable concept or mechanism to equalization in the American system. Jack Layton, Dizzy Mae would not nor can not exist in America. In fact, there are no NDP retards elected in Saskatchewan, one in Alberta . There are only one liberal MP in Saskatchewan, none in Alberta and precious few anywhere in western Canada. Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition is no more a national party or national brand than the Bloc Quebecois, and the NDP is not much more. That begs the question why? The provinces that actually contribute to this federation do NOT vote liberal or NDP. The lay about provinces do ....but the healthy societies, economic viable provinces do NOT....why is that? That brings us back to the stupid and ignorant and dishonest NDP and it's supporters. In the last election campaign ole "Taliban" Jack winged his way over Alberta and the oil sands. He didn't land here because no one wanted him to. He complained about the smell of the oil sands some thirty-thousand feet over them and remarked how "his government" would stop or slow down their development. Ther constutional reality is: Cunt girl dizzy Mae nor Taliban Jack or any federal government has any power or jurisdiction to slow down the deveopment of resources ....anywhere, in any province in Canada. The hated national energy programme was the means used to steal money from western Canada and transfer it and pay for the government and social programmes of the "lay about" provinces. So ....for parasites like Zorro fag Boy and child fucking David Amos....the more things change....the more they stay the same.
Indeed ....the sub-human NDP and liberals are out to steal the wealth of western Canada.....again.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Canadian Army has a wonderful lexicon of nicknames for it's regiments. The Hasting and Prince Edward County Regiment are, The Hasty Pees. The Seventh Toronto Field Artillery are Seven Gun... well you get the idea. It's all about pride ....Canadian Pride! I need Corb Lund now to write some kick ass music for this.....
To Lundy’s Lane Yankees came, a country to steal Nothin to stop them but farm boys with musket and cold steel
The faint rattle of musketry over yon hill, came the enemy to kill. In the line scared but steady, ready aye ready they cried.
The invaders came, and came, by the score they died Forever more in Canadian army lore Ready aye ready! Rocky Mountain Rangers, Lake Superior Snake Rapers, Hasty Pees and Loyal Eddies Ready Aye Ready!
From Prairie fields to Flanders Fields, to the muddy bloody Somme. At the mercy of the gas and guns of the hun.
That hill the Canadian Corps to take sworn. Up Vimy Ridge they advanced at the steady crying Ready aye ready!
Through the smoke, clouds the Red Ensign flying and a nation born. With shot and shell they sent em to hell... leaving corpses to bury Crying Ready aye ready!
Five Tribe, Seven Gun, Black Watch, Crazy Eights, and Kings Own Calgary.... Ready Aye Ready!
The RCAF over the cliffs of Dover flew fightin as part of the few.
Smashed into the enemy, ready aye ready, to few owed much, by so many.
Standin fast at El Alamein to Dieppe, Bloody Dieppe in France we came. always ready aye ready!
From Caen, the Falaise cauldron and the Causeway at Walcheren.
To Ka Pyong and nameless Korean hills so many.
With shock, fire, maneuver and shell they sent the fuckers to hell! Canadian soldiers always ready aye ready!
Lincs and Winks, Eeks and Squeaks, Canadian Grenadier Guards, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry....Ready aye ready! Whenever Canada must make a stand even in a place like Afghanistan
Whatever place Canadian soldiers journey to keep us safe.You mess with the best, you die like the rest! Ready aye ready!
Our fightin regimental fathers that gave us our country and so much more. Our freedom and liberty, forever Canadian soldiers have foreswore.
Ready aye ready!
We sleep in peace at night because Canadian soldiers are ready to fight. The enemy isn’t in our backyard , thy sons are on guard, and you are free. Ready aye Ready!
Grey and Simcoe Foresters, Princess Louise Fusliers , Hussars and Dragoons. Fort Garrys, Blue Puttees and the Glamour Boys of the 48 th Highlanders. Ladies from Hades...and Loyal Eddies!Ready aye ready! Van Doos, Gunners, Zipper Heads, Highlanders, Little Black Devils and infantry always...........ready aye ready!
To the people of you know where your kids are? Little Zorror fag Boy and and Davey are pole greasers, dinky likkers...theysuck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
At least that is what they do when they don't waste memory, and time "blogging".
From the Commitee to Protect Bloggers to Davey baby.
Given the fact that there are kids being tortured in Iranian prisons for innocuous posts on their blogs, you and all your little pals are the ones who should be ashamed. Curt HopkinsDirector.
David Amos was whining about being "blocked" to the Committee to Protect Bloggers. As I read the articles, there was one about the web being monitored in the UK and that was a "call to arms" for one blogger. The "web" in entire world has been monitored for a long time. The UK, Australia, New Zealand, the US and Canada have employed ECHELON for quite some time. Canada's CSE ( communications security establishment) has particular responsiblity for Western Hemishere and South American communications of all kinds.
Whereas Canada is not as "security conscience" as the UK. The UK has long been a nation where CCTV is used everywhere monitored everywhere as all forms of communications. That is mainly to decades of terrorist attacks in the UK by the IRA, UDF and so on. For well over ten years in the seventy's and eighty's Arab terrorists operated in Europe angainst European targets and IDF and Mossad operated in Europe against the PLO, Black September and a myriad of half baked Arab organizations. Europe generally and the UK specifically was well on the way to being a surveilled society long previous to 9/11. ECHELON has long been used to monitor the web using it's key word system. About ten years ago the EU accused the US and UK of using ECHELON to give business interests intel on EU business interests...toUK / US companies. It may appear NOW that this coutry is headed in the same direction allbeit NOW subsequent the Air India bombing and 9/11. But what may be most concerning is Canadian security is more orientated to assuring our American cousins their NORTHERN BORDER is secure. Even today most Americans are under the mis-guided belief the 9/11 terrorists entered the US from Canada. They didn't. That is an issue to all Canadians because what....1.3 billion dollars of trade crosses the Medicine Line each day?
That may present a concern or a threat to Canadian liberty and freedom in the long run. It is indeed interesting to see how far that in a nation known for the "Canadian compromise" willing to compromise freedoms... for trade and dollars with our American cousins. Then of course no ones interests are served by the whining of fuck cunts like David Amos and little Zorro fag Boy.
I believe in blogging the freedom of blogging,to transmitin formation and valid accurate information. If anyone would deem to dispute my ideas ....please do so. There is NOcensorship here, except for spam. There will be no long mail lists. location data or regurjitated posts from before..... Robin Reid aka Zorro fag boy and David Raymond Amos debate or express nothing save e mail threats and vituperation...because "they just ain't that bright" To wit Robin Reid HEY ASSHOLE, YOU WRITE REALLY BAD. I BELIEVE BARRY YOU ARE UNSTABLE, I THINK YOU BEST SEE ONE OF THOSE PHSYCO BABBLE BULLSHIT PEOPLE. THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT ASSHOLES LIKE YOU, THE ROBERT PICTONS, PAUL BERNARDO'S AND THIS CORRUPT SYSTEM. COUP DETATASSHOLEROBIN REID David Amos decided to whine to the Committee to Protect Bloggers... And this was the response. don't know what you're talking about. Block you? Each comment needs to be approved due to the type of comment we sometimes get. I have not seen a subsequent comment from you, aside from this whining note. We covered the arrest because that's what we do. We're not supporting anyone in your fey little pillow fight. As I said on my comment, we've had enough of the ad hominem rubbish. If you leave a comment that isn't personal, we will publish it, if not, we won't. If any of you waste our time again with the fiction that we belong in your elementary school recess fist-fight, you will indeed be blocked. Given the fact that there are kids being tortured in Iranian prisons for innocuous posts on their blogs, you and all your little pals are the ones who should be ashamed. Curt HopkinsDirector Close quote "By their fruits, ye shall know them.
So, I say tax the poor.......give the animals poor schools,substandard health-care and with-hold swine flu vacine from them andwe will all be (or me) better off. David Raymond Amos (close quote) Education in Canada is again a matter of provincial purview. I have no idea how the education system in Canada's call centre empire, New Brunswick works, but here in Alberta I know of NO poor schools. I know of NO denial of swine flu vaccine from the "animals". Here in Edmonton, Edmonton Public Schools is enlightened, unlike their ignorant and inbred counterparts in Atlantic Canada. Parents and kids are looked upon as "consumers" of education. Thus EPS offers many different kinds of education and educational services. Everything from accademic enriched programmes to athletic based programmes to preparation for vocational trades training is offered. Home schooling services are offered. There are private schools, Charter Schools. There are German, Ukrainian and yes David even Jewish schools.
So David Raymond Jews are not going to climb aboard the "cattle cars" to our extinction matter how much YOU and Werner Bock wish it so.
For two years I rode the bus here in Edmonton. The fare is high, the schedules bad, too many drunks, ersatz disabled and retards. There is NO reason any intelligent person in Edmonton would use public transit for any reason.
Last week it was -25C and at 6:15 PM on one of the city's busiest thoroughfares, I waited 23 minutes for a bus. During that time,three "sorry Out of Service buses trundled past and one "Out of Service" bus stopped and the driver raced out to the adjacent KFC for the Tooney Tuesday special.
No one in their right mind would use public transit if they had an option. I can not recount how many times I have relinquished my seat for a some old guy or gal with a "walker". Always this "walker" is piled high with shopping and the person pushing the damned thing is healthier than I.
Yes, there must be some disabled transit system....but these folks using the same system as the rest of public simply is not working. No one is going to leave their cars at home to take a bus, to stand so some poor guy with a motorized apparatus the size of a Toyota truck take the space of a dozen other folk. That is the simple truth. You have welfare mamas with prams the size of Volkswagen mowing folks down, whilst their "little darlings" are screaming. If it isn't the "white trash" making your daily commute the "bus ride from Hell", it is the unwashed, stale beer infused Indian that just has to sit beside you.
Yes indeed, there is something egalitarian as hell about all this but NO ONE will pay to "save the planet" and leave their car at home, to enjoy this little slice of heaven. Nor should they!
Then you have your "droolers" and "gobbers". Some years ago there were some billboards. Prominently pictured was some mongoloid...with the caption, "my place is in the community with you." On the one bus route I used to take there was a couple of folks from a group home that regularly used this transit route. One would sit on the front seats and spit on the seat beside him...every day.
There was the one, forty year old "young mother" with the toy doll in the pram she had on the bus ...every day. Whilst indeed their place is "in the community" it is not on public transit. So now I am "drivin agin"! Why should I use public transit, or care about "saving the planet" if the powers that be can't run public transit in a business-like, efficient and manner that satisfies and serves the customer?
I am an "absolutist" in my views regarding the freedom of expression, And I realize that may be a minority opinion. Canadian libel and slander laws are well crafted as legally; a recognizable and measureable harm (in dollars) to the reputation of someone due to willfull and malicious prevarication must occur.
I have the right to express any view I so desire. But perhaps the most important stricture with this freedom be the intellectual "morality" that I support or validate this "point of view" with some sort of logic, or facts, or "truth".
Notwithstanding that: there those like Mr. Amos that have no point of view. They claim a "conspiracy" of upper classes, lawyers, criminals and keep himself and "decent men down". Their view of the entire world is all about them..their faliures, their past and what annoys them now. It is of supreme importance to them "if something pisses them off" Alas the mentalities of two year olds. Blogging is being abused by folks like David Amos, NOT by what he writes but by theie incredible amount of harassment and spam, he produces. There is NO need for long E mail lists, headers, location data and links that have relation to his "message" at the time. He does this simply to look important. He is functionally iliterate, he reads nothing, and sees conspiracy in everything...even this. January 23, 2007 It's ten o"clock do you know where Granny is?It's ten PM and do you know where your granny or Mama is? Try the local McDonald's, she may well be there drinking "senior's priced" coffee and trying to get picked up! Have you been to McDonalds and watched the same seniors at 9 AM returning at 10 PM to socialize, drink cheap coffee and probably get laid? Screw going to the bar, church groups or even senior celibacy for that matter! Just go to McDonalds swill coffee, free refills for seniors, and engage in a "menage et fifteen or twenty"! Here in Edmonton when one patronizes those "golden arches" one does not go to the can and leave their breakfast or Edmonton Sun unattended. Your hash browns and newspaper are long gone before you can get back. Once I did catch some obstreperous, obdurate and unrepentant geriatric thief in the act. She looked at me and said "what"? I love the peace of leaving the little lady and family asleep on Saturdays and hitting Rotten Ronnie's for breakfast and the week-end editions of both the National Post and the Globe and Mail. So here I am at peace with the world and the Globe and Mail and this frail looking thief is reaching over my breakfast to snag my National Post. I look at the miscreant and say," excuse me, that is mine". This elderly Jabba the Hut looking guy looks at me and says,"that's allright I'll give it back to you when I'm done". I look at "Big Al" and say, "OK gimme yer car keys, I'll give "em" back to ya when I'm done"! Gramps has no sense of humour! There is always the imperious lady butting herself in front of you in line, and tapping her soggy coffee cup on the counter saying, "refill"! They are never alone. They are all "ganged up"! Many of the women "dress" for the occasion. It is ten PM at McDonalds and there's granny in her best jewellery, her fur coat and a condom in her purse, humming to herself "I'm lovin it"!.
What Mr. Madoff, corruption graft and illegal wire taps in the State of Mass, and the USA have to do with Canada or a "proud Canadian" is irrelevant and meaningless. It is merely the frenzied rantings of man who wants attention. The H1N1 virus is here in Canada. Health-care is not a matter of federal purveiw is wholly under provincial jurisdiction. Now while David Amos, ther man from Milton Mass, "is going to head for the hills" most of us Canadians are going to stay and try to keep their families and extended families healthy and alive. Running, for most I assume will not be an option. I have a daughter who has a thyroid deffincency. People with chronic illness would be at greater risk. As would the very young, the elderly and infirm. They say, public health officalls in Alberta say, "they have the plans and protocols in place". But did they NOT say the same thing with the SARS situation in the Greater Toronto Area, years ago. Can people out run a virus? Logic and education would say Is the health-care systems in your province ptrepared and equiped for an event that could occur? You would hope that if a pandemic really occurs, people will help people. Doe the "greater good" mean anything for the "man from Milton Mass". David Raymond Amos, would he leave friends and family for his own perceived safety? What dio you expect from a Yank?
I deliberately use provocative words to discuss ideas. Here is the post plagerized and altered by David Raymond Amos. Please understan every post David Raymond Amos makes is either a lie ao altered, or the facts altered...just like he did to mine. Therefore NOTHING he says is worthy of perusalor consideration. A liar is a liar is a liar is a liar David Raymond Amos is,,,,,,a liar. Here is the proof. Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Are they? Are they, really human? There is an artist's rendering, of a homeless man with his shopping cart and the caption......"I am, human!" A take off of the "elephant man" declaration. So are the homeless "human"?It has been estimated up to 25 % of the "homeless" have been institutionalized for mental health issues and decided to leave the facilities.A full 60 % of "homeless" have some sort of, or multiple substance abuse problems.
Many "homeless" have outstanding warrants for their arrest. (as does David Amos)Historically there has always been those for one reason or another have rejected society. The "homeless" population of Edmonton has been estimated by several NGOs at about 3,200. Yet Mayor Mandel and several "activist groups" think that spending 1 billion dollars over ten years for housing for the "homeless" is cost effective, affordable and or feasable. The facts would say NO.
Here in Edmonton the first serious case H1N1 (swine flu) has occurred. A child. Historically, the very young,very old, infirm and the "homeless" are those that succomb to flu epidemics (spanish flu 1918). The human version of Darwin's survival of the fittest notion. Nature's weeding out process?
The reality is: "The more things change...the more they stay the same." The Winnipeg riots, (20s) the clamp down in the depression of people wanting work and food riding the top of box cars to beseech the RB Bennet government in Ottawa (1930s) the "social cleansing of drug addicts, the homeless of East Vancouver with the coming of the Olympics. Or as some say:The
People VS The City of VancouverContributed by blackandred on Wed, 2009-04-22 04:54.Since the Olympic Bid of 2003 the City of Vancouver has waged a violent war on the community of the [Downtown Eastside]. As homelessness has risen 373 per cent the City boasts 'revitalization' and it's 'Civil City' campaigns as progressive, while such activities in fact terrorize and displace those most marginalized in our neighbourhoods...The City of Vancouver has literally criminalized the poverty it has created. (CLOSE QUOTE)
I say the "homeless" or most thereof have made the choice to be "homeless"...and they made this decision several times over in their lifetimes. Every time a kid doesn't apply himself at school, cuts class. Every time a junkie shoots up, a drunk goes on a bender, a patient leaves an institution nauseum.Poverty and "homeless" are two separate issues. The "silver bullet" for poverty is education...but "homeless" is the back-end or result of lifestyle choices over a lifetime.So I do NOT care...about the "homeless" I certaily do NOT think tax dollars should go to that problem after all...that is what Churches are for, NGOs are for or charity is for....and every now then an epidemic it seems.
Indeed the "final solution" for homelessness"? Posted by Seren at 7:
Mr. Amos is banned fron several radio talk shows in Atlantic Canada be cause he lies, and is crazy as a loon. I stand by every word that I write. I do. But alas Mr. Amos attributed words to me that I did NOT write. Every word he has quoted by me is HERE, so I trust that you will compare my words here and the words he "says" I wrote. So, I say tax the poor.......give the animals poor schools,substandard health-care and with-hold swine flu vacine from them andwe will all be (or me) better off. That was NOT written by me. It was written by David Raymond Amos. So much for the integrity of an dual citizen and so called "maritimer". Or are all you folks in Atlantic Canada that way?
David Raymond Amos Esq. of Milton Mass USA wrote: Did I not warn you to check your own history before you dug yourowngrave Barry Baby? Why you opted to piss me off is way beyond mysimplemind to understand but I can easily prove in court what i sentyou thepast week or so and two years ago as well. You are one snake inthegrass if there ever was one. The only thing I have yet to resolveisexactly who hired you. But clearly it was the Federal CROWN or VanLoanand the RCMP/GRC would have denied it by now.Just because your Fedbuddy's had my old email accounts deleted BarryBaby it does not followthat I did not save many things. Nor should yoududes deny the the factthat I have an excellent memory and am avindicative as hell as anyproper son of the Kieth Clan should be EHpussy? May I humbly suggestthat you crawl back under your rock and eatshit but don't die beforewe cross paths in real life someday OK?When you and your sick littleprick of buddy the Newfy Diddler DanaDurnford published your falseallegations accusing my friend of being aNazi and me of being a childmolestor again lets just say if you dudeswere incredibly dumb. Clearlyyour pal Byron Prior do not let you knowhow Proud Maritimers settleoffenses against their childrenEH pussy? No matter what the RCMP/GRCmay do or not do about you andyour very criminal slander and HateSpeech. I will settle with youpersonally you can take that to theFederal Reserve Bank and trade itfor pure gold.Lets just say that youhave a hell of a justifiable shit kickingcoming your way Barry Baby ormy name ain't "Just Dave"? By what youbastards said of my father andmother and brothers I quite likely willnot be alone when I turn up. Iam very proud to be named after myFather's friend David who died on myMother's birthday two weeks afterher favorite brother Raymond waskilled in Normandy. It does notmatter that David was awarded theVivtoria Cross, my mother'sbrother's ghost Raymond and all of my otherforefathers are screamingat me to settle accounts with all you nastylittle bastards. I willfirst do it in an ethical fashion for thebenefit of my children bywayof the court of public opinion and then incourts of purported justiceThen I will handle you all man to man tosoothe the anger in my savagesoul. This email will be published ASAPMany of my family and manyfrinds will read it someday if I fail to domy job for reasons beyondmy control I am certain that someone elsewill settle the score for me.I will lay odds that I have more friendsand kin than you do. They willall be pissed off to read what you dudespublished. We can only hope that Davey baby gets the help he so desperately needs ( and spell check) of course
Just say no to the "two state solution", after all the under-evolved animals of the Arab League said no to the original two state solution in the Middle East in 1948. These "sons of Mohammad" said no to the two state solution at the Khartoum Summit after the "67" war. HAMAS rejects the Oslo Accords that created the Palestinian Authority, and its Charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews. That is fact, not opinion, speculation, interpretation or conjecture. But fact. These animals called "palestinians" never did want to live in peace with the indiginous people of the Holy Land....the Jews. The prophet mohammad walked the earth five-hundred years subsequent the death of Christ. Two-thousand years previous the the birth of Christ there was a Jewish State. The indiginous people of the Holy Land is the Jews. That is fact. Fatima, Mohammad and the kiddies "gotta go" from the Holy Land. Give the animals a sandwich and road map and make "em", "hit the bricks". That is how there will eventually be peace. There is no an alternative to a two-state peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Wednesday Why would that be the case now? Indeed why would the nation that murdered and then burned six million Jews have an opinion, policy or should be listened to about anything regarding the Middle East? Former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said. "The two state solution is dead, HAMAS killed it, and even the Holy Land is good for only one ressurection." Never in recorded human history was there a nation-state called "palestine", never was there a "palestinian ethnicity" nor people". That is fact. I would suggest any claim to a nation the Arab animals of the region may have had....was forfeited over sixty years ago. There are twenty-four Arab states in the Middle East, and fifty-two self proclaimed entirely Muslim and Islamic Republics in the world. I think there is room for one Jewish State in the world.
David Amos....the animal of Milton Mass. USA in June of 2006 was banned from the Legislature grounds of New Brunswick, because he threatened to kill MLAs, and harassed them. Mr Amos threatens and harrasses many people...He is the animal from Milton Mass USA.
Canada evolved mostly, into nation state-status. Whereas our American cousins became a society and nation-state by a cataclysmic event...violent revolution. The population of the "thirteen colonies" at the time of the War of "Independence" is estimated at being about 2 million and support at anytime for "independence" was about 53 %. Events, the geo-political history of the world is often that way. Events "snowball" and nations, societies and history is created and made. Canada evolved into a nation-state, notwithstanding or perhaps because, the American invasion and attempted occupation of Canada and the War of 1812. But the way Canada came to be bespeaks to the differences between American society and culture and ours. Americans, American society has this intrinsic need to be "protected" from government and authority due to perceived notions they Americans were "repressed" by the "King" and Britain. Thus millions of Americans are without health-care and have the idea they must have guns.
I think the original British North America Act was a seminal document and brilliant design that has been much ignored. The US is a Union and Canada a federation. Sections 90 through 93 deliniate the separation of provincial and federal jurisdictions. The bulk of the powers of government rest in provincial hands. That however has been "diluted" by the federal spending authority and their right to tax. The National health care transfer and the formed national energy programme are examples of that.
All in all I, I this traditional Canadian / British Tory likes this hybrid, this Canadian version of a parilamentary system modified for existance in the "Americas".
I dislike American culture, I dislike American "values". I disagree with the notion that the US are our brothers or kindred culture, or their way is necessarialy the right way.
Remember "Nations do not have friends, nations have interests" and so do the individule YANKS like David Amos that live here to hide from US authorities........
No country' system or society is perfect but here in Canada works and is evolving....and that is good.
Thursday, April 23, 2009 David Raymond Amos E-mail Mr. AmosPlease stop communicating with me immediately by telephone, cellular,and email and/or by any other means of communication. Your contacts with me are unsolicited and unwanted and I am asking you to cease and desist.Please also take this as your notice that should you continue toharass me, I will make a complaint to the police and pursue thismatter through the criminal courts. I am a criminal lawyer and I am very aware of what constitutes criminal harassment and/or threats.I also have an understanding of how you operate because of information provided to me by my husband, Scott Agnew. I can tell you that I will not tolerate it.Yours trulyAlison Ménard
On a quiet New Brunwick farm David Amos and "obergruppenfuher" Bock pound their respective keyboards, spam web sites, harass folks on the computer to the point the police are called and when they are done doing that ...they fuck Werner's cows. An idyllic life indeed.
Now, what any of these people have to do with Mr. Amo's e mails, threats agaimst women, or prevarications on hundreds od wb sites he lost on everyone.
Saturday, January 27, 2007"Its all about me"Mr. Paul N McCulloch once wrote this about Remembrance Day:Remembrence Day...Posted on 2004.11.11 at 12:25I for one HATE remembrance day. It is a day of Hypocracy.the overtmessege: Lest we forget, never again, etc... they push that war isterrible, look at what these people had to go through for your freedom,never let that happen again, honour them for their sacrifice.
TheUnderlaying messege: Look at what these men went through for you? ifthe situation arose, you should go as well. They gave their lives foryou, we honour them for that, why won't you give your life when thetime comes? war is glorious, people who die in war are honoured fordecades to come. dying in war is heroic.We all see the overt messege,but the REAL messege is almost subliminal, we don't quite know it isthere, or if we do we mostly brish it off. I used to hate remembranceday services, i hated the damned poem in flanders fields for themindless repetitive ritual of it. Now i hate the day all together...for the hypocracy, and mindless repetitive ritual of it all.
I wrote this to the young man.
Mr. McCulloch, before you blaze up, and toke up this evening inpeaceful, tranquil bliss, please remember this:It is gratifying to receive all those appreciative messages backing ourforces in Afghanistan. The men at the sharp end.The Paras put it succinctly;"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night, because rough men standby to do violence on their behalf"(close quote Barry Winters)
Twenty-five Canadians were murdered on 9/11. Dozens of aircraft, allpotential flying bombs were diverted to Canadian airfields, that day,each one a potential catastrophe.Canadian trade, Canadian markets and millions of Canadians livelihoods,their ability to feed their families was impacted by this very real act of war.
This attack, strike, "cassus belli" was planned, co-ordinated,and launched by Al Quida from a failed state run for terrorist by theTaliban.Denying Afghanistan and other failed states to terrorists and thosethat have issued a fatwah and declared global jihad against us, is what will keep us all safe here at home. As surely as my Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry and ParaRegimental forefathers fought and died to protect Canada in generations past.....our troops do the very same now.
Whence, no girls and few boys attended school in Afghanistan, sixmillion boys and little girls attend school. Six million children witha future thanks to the sacrifice of Canada, Canadians and fightingCanadian soldiers.Your thoughts about "subliminal" and "overt message" bespeak of your very small world.
Your world is all about you. An Alberta ranch boy, a cowboy, lied about his age in 1943 to join the Canadian Army and on June 6, 1944 Walter Clifford Winters and his brother Delbert Winters landed on Juno Beach. Your grandfather andgreat-uncle. They did so because ....their worlds were large.
I have served. I have no time for people and folks for whom it is "allabout me".It is indeed a good thing that I have decided that we shall never meet,nor speak.God Bless our soldiers and our Battle Group.Posted by snipernco at 11:50 AM 0 commentsThursday, January 25,
I wrote this humorous article , yet alas it has offended Little David"
2007Viva la difference....noWomen are from Venus, men are...regular. Men are happy. Men are welladjusted. Men are at peace. Men are regular.Women eat fibre every day. Concern themselves greatly with the cleanliness of the commode or facility. Hell, some of them turn on thebathroom faucet.
They worry about their health, and the prepare for the moment. And after all of that.....women are still mal-adjusted and weird.On the other hand once a day "everday" a man goes into the "readin room", with a cupa coffee and twenty minutes later...the place smellslike a well enjoyed dump. Out walks a well adjusted well evacuated man.
The late Dr. MacIntirethe first heart surgeon in Edmonto said it best. "A good cigar, a pairof shoes and a good BM 'everday'"
PM 0 commentsWednesday, January 24, 2007Public Transit and retards!This morning for the first time in two years I started up my truck. Itis a new truck, newly purchased, registered and insured. It is a bigtruck. It is a big ole diesel Dodge 3/4 ton Alberta screw you greenfreaks truck.
For two years I rode the bus here in Edmonton. The fare is high, theschedules bad, too many drunks, ersatz disabled and retards. There isNO reason any intelligent person in Edmonton would use public transitfor any reason.Last week it was -25C and at 6:15 PM on one of the city's busiestthoroughfares, I waited 23 minutes for a bus. During that time,three "sorry Out of Service buses trundled past and one "Out ofService" bus stopped and the driver raced out to the adjacent KFC forthe Tooney Tuesday special.
No one in their right mind would use public transit if they had anoption. I can not recount how many times I have relinquished my seatfor a some old guy or gal with a "walker". Always this "walker" ispiled high with shopping and the person pushing the damned thing is healthier than I.Yes, there must be some disabled transit system....but these folks using the same system as the rest of public simply is not working. No one is going to leave their cars at home to take a bus, to stand sosome poor guy with a motorized apparatus the size of a Toyota trucktake the space of a dozen other folk.
That is the simple truth. You have welfare mamas with prams the size of Volkswagen mowing folksdown, whilst their "little darlings" are screaming. If it isn'tthe "white trash" making your daily commute the "bus ride from Hell",it is the unwashed, stale beer infused Indian that just has to sitbeside you.Yes indeed, there is something egalitarian as hell about all this butNO ONE will pay to "save the planet" and leave their car at home, toenjoy this little slice of heaven. Nor should they!Then you have your "droolers" and "gobbers".
Some years ago there weresome billboards. Prominently pictured was some mongoloid...with the caption, "my place is in the community with you." On the one bus route I used to take there was a couple of folks from a group home that regularly used this transit route. One would sit on the front seats and spit on the seat beside him...every day. There was the one, forty year old "young mother" with the toy doll in the pram she had on thebus ...every day. Whilst indeed their place is "in the community" it isnot on public transit.So now I am "drivin agin"! Why should I use public transit, or careabout "saving the planet" if the powers that be can't run publictransit in a business-like, efficient and manner that satisfies andserves the customer?
January 23, 2007It's ten o"clock do you know where Granny is?It's ten PM and do you know where your granny or Mama is? Try the localMcDonald's, she may well be there drinking "senior's priced" coffee andtrying to get picked up!
Have you been to McDonalds and watched the same seniors at 9 AMreturning at 10 PM to socialize, drink cheap coffee and probably getlaid? Screw going to the bar, church groups or even senior celibacy forthat matter! Just go to McDonalds swill coffee, free refills for seniors, and engage in a "menage et fifteen or twenty"!
Here in Edmonton when one patronizes those "golden arches" one does notgo to the can and leave their breakfast or Edmonton Sun unattended.Your hash browns and newspaper are long gone before you can get back.Once I did catch some obstreperous, obdurate and unrepentant geriatric thief in the act. She looked at me and said "what"?
I love the peace of leaving the little lady and family asleep on Saturdays and hitting Rotten Ronnie's for breakfast and the week-endeditions of both the National Post and the Globe and Mail.So here I am at peace with the world and the Globe and Mail and this frail looking thief is reaching over my breakfast to snag my NationalPost. I look at the miscreant and say," excuse me, that is mine".This elderly Jabba the Hut looking guy looks at me and says,"that's allright I'll give it back to you when I'm done".
I look at "Big Al" andsay, "OK gimme yer car keys, I'll give "em" back to ya when I'm done"!Gramps has no sense of humour!There is always the imperious lady butting herself in front of you inline, and tapping her soggy coffee cup on the counter saying, "refill"!They are never alone.
They are all "ganged up"! Many of thewomen "dress" for the occasion. It is ten PM at McDonalds and there'sgranny in her best jewellery, her fur coat and a condom in her purse,humming to herself "I'm lovin it"!
Posted by snipernco at 8:48 AM 0 comments"Ready aye ready"The motto of the Canadian Army is "ready aye ready"! At Lundy's Lane itwas first uttered when a young British officer asked a frightened southern Ontario farm boy if he were ready for the night engagement.
TheCanadian Army has a wonderful lexicon of nicknames for it's regimentsThe Hasting and Prince Edward County Regiment are, The Hasty Pees. TheSeventh Toronto Field Artillery are Seven Gun...well you get theidea.It's all about pride ....Canadian Pride! I need Corb Lund now towrite some kick ass music for this
To Lundy’s Lane Yankees came, a country to steal Nothin to stop them but farm boys with musket and cold steel The faint rattle of musketry over yon hill, came the enemy to killIn the line scared but steady, ready aye ready they criedThe invaders came, and came, by the score they died Forevermore in Canadian army lore Ready aye ready!
Rocky Mountain Rangers, Lake Superior Snake Rapers, Hasty Pees andLoyal EddiesReady Aye Ready!From Prairie fields to Flanders Fields, to the muddy bloody SommeAt the mercy of the gas and guns of the hun.That hill the Canadian Corps to take swornUp Vimy Ridge they advanced at the steady crying Ready aye ready!
Through the smoke, clouds the Red Ensign flying and a nation born.With shot and shell they sent em to hell leaving corpses to bury Crying Ready aye ready!Five Tribe, Seven Guns, Black Watch, Crazy Eights, and Kings OwnCalgary.... Ready Aye Ready!The RCAF over the cliffs of Dover flew fightin as part of the few. Smashed into the enemy, ready aye ready, to few owed much, by so many.
Standin fast at El Alamein to Dieppe Bloody Dieppe in France we came.always ready aye ready!From Caen, the Falaise cauldron and the Causeway at WalcherenTo Ka Pyong and nameless Korean hills so many.With shock, fire, maneuver and shell they sent the fuckers to hell!Canadian soldiers always ready aye ready!Lincs and Winks, Eeks and Squeaks, Canadian Grenadier Guards, PrincessPatricia’s Canadian Light InfantryReady aye ready!
Whenever Canada must make a stand even in a place like AfghanistanWhatever place Canadian soldiers journey to keep us safe.You mess with the best, you die like the rest! Ready aye ready!Our fightin regimental fathers that gave us our country and so muchmore.Our freedom and liberty, forever Canadian soldiers have foreswore.Ready aye ready!We sleep in peace at night because Canadian soldiers are ready to fight.
The enemy isn’t in our backyard , thy sons are on guard, and you are free.Ready aye Ready!Grey and Simcoe Foresters, Princess Louise Fusliers , Hussars and Dragoons.Fort Garrys, Blue Puttees and the Glamour Boys of the 48 thHighlanders.Ladies from Hades...and Loyal Eddies!Ready aye ready!Van Doos, Gunners, zippers, Highlanders Little Black Devils andinfantryalways...........ready aye ready!Posted by snipernco at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Where is the line between "pre-moderation" and censorship? Where does "whistle-blowing" become libel or slander?Where doe tenacity and grit become bloodymindedness? In some posts here I have deliberately chose provative language to ellicit a response, are the "homeless"human, is a good example, as is "social cleansing". But others deliberately choose to post lengthy and irrelevant headers, e mail lists and the same "documents" over and over ad nauseum. Why?
Some people it's about ideas, the debate, thinking, writing and above all reading...the ideas of others and thinking about them.
Then there are the others: Like the "nottobenamed" David Amos. Who says this:
Oh and one more thing. I thought you clamed to blocked my emails? If so then how did you know about this blog Werner Baby?Whereas you obvioulsy googled me bigtime to find an negative comment did you view my Youtubes and check my documents in SCRIBD and the files stored within the Internet Archives yet? Whereas you have recieved all my emails that the corrupt old German judge did the other day and I secured the proof that it was done, do you realize yet just how truly screwed you are pussy? Tell me have you bothered to call one your RCMP plas to say Hoka Hey to them for me yet? If so introduce will ya whimpy?In my humble opinion you have had this coming for a long time It is not too bad or so sad for you Werner Baby that you had no idea what a hell of a blogger I am. Blame your pals in the corrupt governments for making me such a secret for so long.Veritas VincitDavid Raymond Amos
For some, its all about them. So do you censor them? Mr. Amos has threatened people, their mothers, calls people "baby", spams (a mortal sin to bloggers) harassed individuals, has outstanding arrest warrants, and so on......but what if there is scintilla of truth, some undescovered "fact" , even some idea SOMEONE has not thought of?........What if?
I despise those with no ideas, those that do not think, those that blather, those that bully......but do you censor them?
All Canada needs know that David Raymond Amos, a man who may be living near you and your children in New Brunswick is.....a registered sex offender. This "man" for some unknown reason will not "shut up". He has nothing to say. He spams blogs and is removed from them and he stalks women and other folks that do NOT listen to him. Thank you for your “correspondence”, but I have had to unpublish your comment for several reasons:1) As the footer of your long email excerpts clearly indicates, this is all confidential and privileged information and therefore not for public consumption.2) Publicly posting all those email addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers is certainly an issue under privacy laws – what is more, those people could come back to me for posting their contact information, which would expose them to a spate of unsolicited telemarketing calls and/or emails.3) Your comment had absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the post to which you posted it and was therefore utterly irrelevant in that place.I have not deleted your comment for the time being; it’s merely been unpublished. I will need time to look it through in greater detail to find out whether it contains any factual content or only unsubstantiated allegations.Of course, you’re free to contact me in order to explain yourself and the purpose/nature of your comment.Regards,Werner Patels
This was his response. To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.comStop sending your emails. This is becoming harassment. If you don't stop, I'll be forced to contact the authorities. Your emails are complete nonsense, and I have absolutely nothing to do with any of your deranged rants against this or that.I have blocked your emails but I advise you, in your own interest, to take me off your mailing list, or you'll be facing charges for harassment.
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.comDate: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 12:55:56 -0300Subject: Fwd: Whereas KarlHeinz Schreiber claimed he cared about the well being of kids yesterday here is a bunch of shit I bet he don't know.allow me to do so for you arseholeFYI the sneaky little spin doctor did not block my emails as he falsely claimed and anyone is entitled to receive the emails the US Attorney filed under seal last month and that KarlHeinz Schreiber recieved this week.
All ya have to do is ask. Everybody know I am not a shy politcal animal I ran for seats in various Parliaments four times thus far and "Nobody Will Syy My Name" Ask yourselves why after you lsten to these For shits and giggles I am sending the Wacko Werner Patels a link to this blog. It should put his nasty knickers in a knot and no doubt he will try to respond Please allow our comments to stand so that you fans can enjoy the circus too.Veritas VincitDavid Raymond Amos By David Raymond Amos, at 1:19 PM's a warrant out for Amos' arrest:could the good ole U.S. of A. do a little better job at keeping undesirable Canadiens like Dave R Amos out of the this country. Should be easier now since there is a warrant out for his arrest from Dorchester District Court in Dorchester, MA. Mr Amos continues to prove what a low life he is by running out on his family to hide in the woods in Canada. CANADA,,,,,,,,,,do your best to keep him, he is an “ass”et to your country. Remember last year when he was running for Parliment. I guess no one remembers that he owes your country big money in back taxes. Oh well.Good luck.He's also wanted by Canadian authorities, it seems. By Werner Patels, at 2:30 PM Wrong spin doctor there is not one warrant for my arrest There is three. Everybody and his dog know eveything in heaven and hell is done in threes.I must say that I was not surprised that a neocon spindoctor working for Harper wants to impeach my character by quoting the word of the very Corrupt Norfolk County Depeupty sheriff who had the warrants created so I could not stay in the USA and sue him and his lawyer.
I think the folks are entitled to see what I published in your blog that people read and that deleted very quickly don't you. In my humble oinion it h=is hell in ahanbasket for both Iggy and Harper Now matter what you and your corrupt lawyer pals may falsely claim I have every right to publish my emails and the responses thereto.
This is a "man" who has threatened people, stalked, harassed people and tries to hunt down their relatives.
There is an artist's rendering, of a homeless man with his shopping cart and the caption......"I am, human!" A take off of the "elephant man" declaration. So are the homeless "human"?It has been estimated up to 25 % of the "homeless" have been institutionalized for mental health issues and decided to leave the facilities. A full 60 % of "homeless" have some sort of, or multiple substance abuse problems. Many "homeless" have outstanding warrants for their arrest. (as does David Amos)Historically there has always been those for one reason or another have rejected society. The "homeless" population of Edmonton has been estimated by several NGOs at about 3,200. Yet Mayor Mandel and several "activist groups" think that spending 1 billion dollars over ten years for housing for the "homeless" is cost effective, affordable and or feasable. The facts would say NO. Here in Edmonton the first serious case H1N1 (swine flu) has occurred. A child. Historically, the very young,very old, infirm and the "homeless" are those that succomb to flu epidemics (spanish flu 1918). The human version of Darwin's survival of the fittest notion. Nature's weeding out process? The reality is: "The more things change...the more they stay the same." The Winnipeg riots, (20s) the clamp down in the depression of people wanting work and food riding the top of box cars to beseech the RB Bennet government in Ottawa (1930s) the "social cleansing of drug addicts, the homeless of East Vancouver with the coming of the Olympics. Or as some say: The People VS The City of Vancouver Contributed by blackandred on Wed, 2009-04-22 04:54. Since the Olympic Bid of 2003 the City of Vancouver has waged a violent war on the community of the [Downtown Eastside]. As homelessness has risen 373 per cent the City boasts 'revitalization' and it's 'Civil City' campaigns as progressive, while such activities in fact terrorize and displace those most marginalized in our neighbourhoods...The City of Vancouver has literally criminalized the poverty it has created. (CLOSE QUOTE) I say the "homeless" or most thereof have made the choice to be "homeless"...and they made this decision several times over in their lifetimes. Every time a kid doesn't apply himself at school, cuts class. Every time a junkie shoots up, a drunk goes on a bender, a patient leaves an institution nauseum. Poverty and "homeless" are two separate issues. The "silver bullet" for poverty is education...but "homeless" is the back-end or result of lifestyle choices over a lifetime. So I do NOT care...about the "homeless" I certaily do NOT think tax dollars should go to that problem after all...that is what Churches are for, NGOs are for or charity is for....and every now then an epidemic it seems. Indeed the "final solution" for homelessness"?
Mr. David Raymond Amos wrote this: liked what Nathan Bedford Forest did on behalf of his homeland during the War of Northern Agression not afterwards dummy. you do know my father's friend David was the first Canadian to be awarded the VC in WW II and Raymond was killed on June 7th, 1944 a mere two weeks before I was accepted to Saint Jean Quebec before finishing High School. (close quote)
That would make our friend about 80 years old. But alas he is 56. Told ya he was a lying child molester.
There has been one idea, one policy floated by members of the Opposition of the House of Commons that makes sense on a multitude of levels. That is the "carving out" out of the proposed free trade agreement with members of the EU.....of shipbuilding or the the shipbuilding industry in Canada. Why not, "our American cousins" have done that for generations? But more than, that we need to build more ships, from ice breakers and patrol vessels for the Coast Guard to re-equipping the Royal Canadian Navy with the ships needed to assert Canadan sovereignty in the arctic, and the continental shelf. While the Canadian government is spending billions of dollars on economic stimulis, why not modernize, guaranttee contracts and "lay a new keel"every three years in each of the three major Canadian shipyards in Victoria, Quebec City and Halifax? Sir John A MacDonald recognized the necessity of building a railroad to BC to guranttee the existanceof Canada. This government must in my view, see the same priority building ships, preserving and re-vitalizing a dying shipbuilding industry, creating permanent jobs, and most importantly maitaining Canada's maritime sovereignty. The Government of Ontario, and the Government du Canada are or are willing to invest millions of dollars to "save the auto industry". This industry is dead. Dead due to coerced union agreements, dead due to a failed business plan and dead due to the fact they build cars that no longer sell. But re-building, retro-fitting and building ships the federal government, the Coast Guard and the Navy requires, rather than having them built in Norway or Korea is just good sense. The Netherlands with a comparable sized navy has done this for generations. Canada has one of the longest maritime coastlines in the world....we need ships and jobs. This does both.
You Tube, My Space, Twitter, and a plethoria of blogs give new voice to the once voiceless, stupid and hypocritical. How many bloggers, You Tubers et al, pre-moderate orcensosr comment? How many bloggers cry unto the heavens that YOU MUST LISTEN to their message that their is corruption and conspiracy in high places...and yet ban folks from their blogs or web sites?
How many of society's sociopaths spam discussions with page after page of old recycled posts, e mailing lists, IPS information, silly nick-names and vituperation....and NOT a WHIT of new information, real data or even plausable hypothisis?
Every conspiracy theory no matter how silly should and must be expressed, blogged and then exposed if itis false. About two years ago a polled commissioned by the Lebanon Daily Star showed that 64 % of the Arab World or Arab street believed that Mossad perpetrated 911.
The anti-mason crowd, the crook-catching crowd et al must realize two things: If they do not want to be censored, if they want to be listened to, or be taken seriously...they must not censor or censure opinion contrary to their own.
The David Amos' and Ray Deans et al of this world must stick to facts, verifiable facts and lose the hyperbol or they are regarded as jokes.
Blogs are a service to free thought, individual free thought and the ultimate human right to think, and read and write......But there are those that indeed chose to be "hoisted by their own petard"
Mr. Amos wrote this on a blog: FYI I liked what Nathan Bedford Forest did on behalf of his homeland during the War of Northern Agression not afterwards dummy. you do know my father's friend David was the first Canadian to be awarded the VC in WW II and Raymond was killed on June 7th, 1944 a mere two weeks before I was accepted to Saint Jean Quebec before finishing High School. (close quote) Mr. Amos ran in the last federal election in the Fuday Royal riding as an independent. The media reported his age in the fifties.
If his story is the "truth" he is in his eighties...
Two things: Everything Mr. Amos tells you, writes in blogs or publishes is...a lie.
And....Mr.Amos is in the pay of the RCM Police as an informant.
Computers isolate, security systems isolate viruses...people on David Amos' mailing lists need to block him from their need to isolate YOURSELVES from Mr. Amos.
His deceit has called into question anything he says and his history of child molestation.....lebels him as a damaged personality.
In Alberta there is a bus company...Red Arrow Transport. It was started thirtyor so years ago as an luxury or executive "greyhound" express service between Edmonton and Calgary for businessmen. City centre Calgary to city centre in Edmonton. It became a success and when it expanded its service for oil patch workers to get to and from "Fort Mac" really took off. Now as I write this, downtown at the Red Arrow office/station there will be five to twenty men waiting for their connection from Edmonton to Calgary with the assorted other passengers. (oil patchworkers at Fort Mac) They will be in work clothes, work boots, dirty and wearing Rolex watches. Alberta is entirely different from the "lay about" mentality, the government will make right mind-set of eastern Canada. Government does not fuel the success of western Canada business and people do. Albertahas a no sales tax, a flat tax income tax and government does NOT get into the business of business. In New Brunswick and the maritimes "pogy" is a way of life, social assistance is gerational and everyone expects "government" to lift them to theglorious andlofty heights of...mediocraty! Yes indeed New Brunswick,,,fishing forestry agriculture and government funded call centres. The new big west is growing and the "Quebec model" and maritime pride is being cast upon the "dung heap of history". Eastern Canada stagnates and the new big west prospers...why? Western Canada is another world from the lay about east. The answer these questions is NOT ....just oil, but self-suffency, reliance FROM government and low taxes. Equalizationis the crutch and dope of the lay about east.......It makes one wonder. Here today in Alberta notwithstanding lower commodity prices...workers work in the patch or downtown or the ranch, have a low flat tax....and wear Rolexs
Canada is comprised of two solitudes, but they are NOT, are NOT, along French, English divisions or history. The Upper and Lower Canada dymamic was settled mostly with Confederation, with the pre-1867 negotiations that transformed a colony or group of colonies into an embyronic nation-state. Sir John A MacDonald understood that Canada could not survive without BC having province status quickly and being geo-politcally connected with Eastern Canada via a railroad. The conditions re resources, ownership thereof, or the conditions of "Confederation" were different or more liberal for the "Northwest Territories", Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta when they became provinces in 1905 than they were for the provinces previous. The deal was changed, the deal was made sweeter. The effect was, Canada became polarized, along an east west axis ratherthan French english...thus diminishing the importance of Quebec in the minds of many Quebeckers...that exists to some degree even today. Is there more that divides Canadians than what binds them? There is but one Liberal MP in Saskatchewan, none in Alberta few in BC and few in Manitoba. Is the Liberal Party of Canada any longer a "national brand"? Or is it a mere, another regional interest akin to the Party Quebecois? The NDP are represented by one MP in Alberta, and precious few anywhere else in the west, including none in Saskatchewan....are the NDP merely a regionalized socialist rump? Maritime governments and their social programmes are entirely subsidized by Alberta, Saskatchewan, and BC...even now Ontario is "on the dole". No wonder socialism is popular in these "lay a bout" provinces and not in the west. Western provinces and their societies have always been more self-sufficent. Two things even now in the recession are quite clear: The western provinces are withstanding the economic storm better than their eastern "brothers". And once again the Liberal party of Eastern Canada are contemplating another "national energy programme" to steal funds from western Canada to further prop up the social programmes of 'lay about provinces" like Quebec and the Maritimes. Hense the liberal "green shaft" or Dizzie Mae and Jack Layton wanting to restrict or regulate the western Canadian oil patch. But the fact is: The Canadian Constitution guaranttees or stitpulates ownership and complete jurisdiction of the resources of the provinces. Not to the people of Canada. I wonder if we are seeing a greater polarization of Canada? In less than twenty years projections are that Quebec will NO longer be the second most populace province in Canada...BC will be. Canada is changing....and not. The new big west is growing and prospering and the "lay about provinces" of eastern Canada are NOT. It does make one wonder.
Mr.Amos e mailed me a short time ago to tell me found my dispicable past. He has indeed done this to others over a period of some years. Must be an American thing which he is. So here is the past he emailed to me.....Yes Istand by every word. HuntedIt is hoped that one lives ones life honourably, well and well enoughto avoid skeletons in one's closet. For most of us that is not thecase. I am fifty-one years old. I have a successful small business. Ihave a rich and wonderful life filled with rugby, rugby friends, and arugby playing son, who will one day soon play for Team Canada.I was once married in the seventies, a marriage doomed from the veryoutset. Two twin boys and a girls were spirited away. Their mother didnot keep in touch with me, fine, nor the children's dottinggrandparents, unforgivable. Nor did the children ever contact thegrandparents.Bill is dead, never knowing those grand kids. Now one son feelscompelled to meet his father. He has contacted and threatened myMother with hiring an investigator. He says "give me" the contactinformation! He did or does not ask, he demands. He now experiencesthe imperative to "speak just once to his father". Does he, and why?Why now? Does he have a "right" meet or demand a meeting with hisfather now after two decades of not feeling this overwhelmingimperative to meet "Daddy"It is not a problem to meet this young man. everyone in my life knowsmy past, but why after all these years, would I want to? I feel noimperative to meet him or them. I did for many many years, and I didstand-by for a call that never came. In time the children left theirmother and were "adopted" by her father and his wife.I felt no hurt,animosity, ill will, or any feeling at all. I am ambivalent.So I findthe young man's blog and I see his picture and read some of his viewsand "musings". I see his picture and read his views re RemembranceDay. I served, my father and his brother landed on Juno Beach onD-Day. My "son" says he "hates" Remembrance Day. He feels outragedthat it is all a sham, all hypocrisy and meant solely to shame him andothers into guilt about service or sacrifice for something greaterthan ones self.It seems to me this young man is what I call "an all about me guy". It is always, all about me. It is always, about what I want, what I think what I think, what I want at any given moment in time.
I see his picture and I see his mother. I read his musings and I see poor writing, a poor grasp of history, anger and abject selfishness. I ask myself why? I ask myself, why do I want to meet this stranger? I donot want to meet this stranger. But do I have a duty to meet this stranger?I do not want to be ever surprised by a call, a letter, a knock on the door, as I do not trust myself to be civil or welcoming. Do I write or e mail him and say, sorry
I has been so long and what's the point? I have a son, with whom I play rugby and we drink together and we fight the Godless Druids together (hated rugby rivals)who may wonder will I love him less. I have also daughter who always thinks she is bringingup the rear, and may well have a case.
The problem is, I just don't care anymore, after well over twenty years. If anything I feel anger that these children and their adoptedparents did not keep in touch with my parents if they didn't want tosee me.Damn, I hate folks that, for them. it's always about them.
As Nathan Bedfrord Forest use to say, "let's put the skear into em". Formany years David Raymond Amos has attempted to harass or embarass people into submission in the mis-begotten notion that he is exposing corruption or has something "important" to say. Mr. Amos has been wanted by the police, has outstanding warrents for his arrest,and hated by the people whom's blogs he infects...... Mr. Amos is no maritimer. He is a dual citizen mongrel. He calls himself a "poltical animal" but he isn't he is just ananimal child molester. He says he is of the Klan Keith... As I said in my first political speech I am a son of the Keith Clan whoseroots can be found in Fundy. Although I have separated myself from that Clanand founded my own in order to declare a Blood Feud in my own name, I willalways honour from whence I came. I simply don’t care what lawyers orpoliticians think of me Although I have no religion, I have faith in myforefather’s motto "Veritas Vincit".
Well that sounds normal and sane Did I not warn you to check your own history before you dug your owngrave Barry Baby? Why you opted to piss me off is way beyond my simplemind to understand but I can easily prove in court what i sent you thepast week or so and two years ago as well. You are one snake in thegrass if there ever was one. The only thing I have yet to resolve isexactly who hired you. But clearly it was the Federal CROWN or Van Loanand the RCMP/GRC would have denied it by now.Just because your Fed buddy's had my old email accounts deleted BarryBaby it does not follow that I did not save many things. Nor should yoududes deny the the fact that I have an excellent memory and am avindicative as hell as any proper son of the Kieth Clan should be EHpussy? May I humbly suggest that you crawl back under your rock and eatshit but don't die before we cross paths in real life someday OK?When you and your sick little prick of buddy the Newfy Diddler DanaDurnford published your false allegations accusing my friend of being aNazi and me of being a child molestor again lets just say if you dudeswere incredibly dumb. Clearly your pal Byron Prior do not let you knowhow Proud Maritimers settle offenses against their childrenEH pussy? No matter what the RCMP/GRC may do or not do about you andyour very criminal slander and Hate Speech. I will settle with youpersonally you can take that to the Federal Reserve Bank and trade itfor pure gold.Lets just say that you have a hell of a justifiable shit kickingcoming your way Barry Baby or my name ain't "Just Dave"? By what youbastards said of my father and mother and brothers I quite likely willnot be alone when I turn up. I am very proud to be named after myFather's friend David who died on my Mother's birthday two weeks afterher favorite brother Raymond was killed in Normandy. It does notmatter that David was awarded the Vivtoria Cross, my mother'sbrother's ghost Raymond and all of my other forefathers are screamingat me to settle accounts with all you nasty little bastards. I willfirst do it in an ethical fashion for the benefit of my children bywayof the court of public opinion and then in courts of purported justiceThen I will handle you all man to man to soothe the anger in my savagesoul. This email will be published ASAP Many of my family and manyfrinds will read it someday if I fail to do my job for reasons beyondmy control I am certain that someone else will settle the score for me.I will lay odds that I have more friends and kin than you do. They willall be pissed off to read what you dudes published.
The is NOTHING David Amos can do to stop me from posting this TRUTH. He has tried to enlist the few friends he has to "avenge" him. Robin Reid is basically a functional illiterate....has jumped to the defense of Mr. Amos. The people of New Brunswick....know what Mr. Amos is.
It seems every one hates David Amos; On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Eidt, David (OAG/CPG) wrote:Mr. Amos,You sent me two pieces of email on March 24, 2008. They have nothing to do with me either personally or professionally. Please note that your correspondence is unwanted. Any further such communications will be considered harassing in nature. Please do not send me any more of your communications.Regards,David EidtLegal ServicesOffice of the Attorney General
From: "Paul Dugas" dugasp28@hotmail.comTo: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.comSubject: Re: Moma and Max and Happy Birthday CardsDate: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 12:36:14 -0300Please remove me from your email list thank you
From: twomech@nb.sympatico.caTo: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.comSubject: Re: Hey Duffy I know why Dr. Hamm quit and why dog MacKay don't hunt in Nova ScotiaDate: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 20:00:42 -0400Please remove me from your mailing list. Thank you.
"Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:28:40 -0300Subject: Re: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this. From: Hélène Lapointe helenel@nb.sympatico.caTo: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.comI DON'T WANT TO RECEIVE YOUR E-MAIL ANYMORE. PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM YOUR MAILING LIST!!! David Raymond Amos is an ersatz "Canadian", wannabe biker, and a child molester. No one wants to hear what he has to say, not because of whathehas to say...but what he is.
Meet Robin Reid. He is not very bright. He can not write, spell nor keep a single thought is his mind for very long. But Robin Reid like "Pinky and the Brain" wants to rule the world, for the sake of "humanity" of course. mr. winter, my my why don't you write the truth. david amos writes the truth, many of us do, it's people like you who like to hang onto this greedy system of killing human life by human rights abuse in every area the asses in this phony gov't claim to protect. who's rule do you believe we are under mr. winter???? does not the out of control society speak for it self?????? when this system pays killers for info and leave children, women and men in harms way something is wrong with the system. do you condone pedophilia like the government???????write me backcoup detatrobin reid
and this
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.EC_hmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;} ATTENTION ALL CANADIANS
Veterans, Seniors, Disabled, Homeless, Working Poor
This whole system is built on a racist lair by government, religion, pedophiles, criminal & organization who are protected by the charter for the filth that they are who have killed enough human life from children, women & men, all left in harms way by this created lair. This has been going on forever. As people we will never find justice in this injustice system created on human rights abuse on source of income, not to mention all the other areas we are abused in, when we were to be protected, we are not people, this system is a joke on human life. All the organizations are no better than the government cuz they are the evil government. They have become rich by human suffering & death, designed, this is so bad. Governments are the legalized dealers of alcohol, medical drugs,crack cocaine, crystal meth, they have allowed all this in the name of thair laws. For governments to condone pedophilia, we have a sick corrupt government. This alone governments should be charged with crimes against humanity, not to mention all the other abuses from invasion of privacy to minimum wage.
Government, Religion & the system they created have stolen time, money, life, self worth. they will keep taking if we as people don't stop them.
As people we are under DICTATORS, DESPOTIC, ABUSING POWER OF GOVERNMENT, RELIGION & THE SYSTEM THEY CREATED. Human life suffers from chemical & biological warfare just as our earth, water & air.
The Canadian Charter is illegal & any government who would purposely set out to destroy human life, something is wrong with government. I say they should be going to thair SPY NET, MENTAL HEALTH cuz this department sure has not helped people, people walk away & opt for the government suicide plan. I have known far too many now in my life.
Lets end racial discrimination, violence & the new world order (own), we have been under the rule of someone called GOD, who the hell is GOD, God is just bad government taken from the british lords, these fat cats need thair asses kicked right out of government world wide.
We as people are abused in every area & have been since the start of this bad godly government. I detest the government, the way they protect themselves by thair charter with association with every piece of filth on this earth, all for money, greed & power. I detest the white power groups who are protected also by the charter. Thair hidden human rights office is a joke if you find it before you die
Gods temple is a bank, don't forget that people.
I would like to see capital punishment, youthinasia, self respect-something we all lost in this created lair. We must teach our children respect, we must have government who will respect human life, this should have been the very first job as government & as I have learnt, they have never had this towards human life, they lack compassion, ethics & they always get to walk free after creating death of human life, usually with a nice fat pocket full of money.
THANK YOU COUP D'ÉTAT CHOW ROBIN REID Like David Amos.... the bugs come out!
Tax the poor. In this time of recession why not tax the poor and the stupid. Natural selection on steroids. The poor get poorer, the rich get richer and society's "sick lame and lazy" are eventially eliminated. Is not life "Darwinian" survival of the fittest or richest? So Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan's economies are slowing down some but strong.... But Ontario auto workers have their hands out to the people of Canada to rescue and protect their ten "spa days" per anum and their renummeration packages that are about 75. 00 per hour. In Maritime "society" a cab driver is considered "skilled labour", it is normal to marry your cousin and your Klan is just that, "the Klan". 'Taliban' Jack Layton, Dawn "Burka"Black and the NDP semi-trained monkees claim to care about "ordinary Canadians" but fought made a dealwiththe devil to keep Canadians paying for their parties operation". The mind reels .....In Quebec roughly 2 million dollars was given to a Hell's Angels informer. Two weeks ago there 113"full patch" members of the Hell's Angels in Quebec, today 111 are in jail ...yet the drug trade in Quebec merely blipped for a very short time. Is that good or bad...who knows?
So, I say tax the poor.......give the animals poor schools, substandard health-care and with-hold swine flu vacine from them and we will all be (or me) better off. (tongue in cheek)
As I said in my first political speech I am a son of the Keith Clan whose roots can be found in Fundy. Although I have separated myself from that Clan and founded my own in order to declare a Blood Feud in my own name, I will always honour from whence I came. I simply don’t care what lawyers or politicians think of me Although I have no religion, I have faith in my forefather’s motto "Veritas Vincit". Oh Dear, Blood Feuds! In the last election 198 "people" voted for David Raymond Amos, the riding was won by a count over 19,000. Laddie....did you get your deposit back?
Educated people, quote others all the time. To illustrate opoints, to remind folks of what has been said......and to show just what kind of people are being dealt with
Your cut and paste edit game is really rather dumb don't ya think?But then desperate neocons do do despetate things N'esy Pas?
Did I not warn you to check your own history before you dug your owngrave Barry Baby? Why you opted to piss me off is way beyond my simplemind to understand but I can easily prove in court what i sent you thepast week or so and two years ago as well. You are one snake in thegrass if there ever was one. The only thing I have yet to resolve isexactly who hired you. But clearly it was the Federal CROWN or VanLoan and the RCMP/GRC would have denied it by now.Just because your Fed buddy's had my old email accounts deleted BarryBaby it does not follow that I did not save many things. Nor shouldyou dudes deny the the fact that I have an excellent memory and am avindicative as hell as any proper son of the Kieth Clan should be EHpussy? May I humbly suggest that you crawl back under your rock andeat shit but don't die before we cross paths in real life someday OK?When you and your sick little prick of buddy the Newfy Diddler DanaDurnford published your false allegations accusing my friend of beinga Nazi and me of being a child molestor again lets just say if yoududes were incredibly dumb. Clearly your pal Byron Prior do not letyou know how Proud Maritimers settle offenses against their childrenEH pussy? No matter what the RCMP/GRC may do or not do about you andyour very criminal slander and Hate Speech. I will settle with youpersonally you can take that to the Federal Reserve Bank and trade itfor pure gold.. (close quote)
First of all there is no such thing as "criminal slander". Hatespeech or promulgating hate is a crime if it is done to incite violence or hate against a visable minority. I would also submit the New Brunswick Human Rights Commisssion is well interested in you.
YOU remind me of an old movie...YOU ARE THE DISEASE AND I AM THE CURE.
So Mr. David Raymond Amos, can you cross the "medicine line" (US/Canada border) legally? Is there a warrant for your arrest with US authorities, perhaps something about being unlawfully at large or perhaps not attending court. Hardly the behaviour of a "decent man". How many blogs, re discussion sites, etc have YOU been banned from? Is that because of what youhave to say, or perhaps more because of ...what you are? Would people like Steven Downie or others say you are a "decent man"? Is this the behaviour of a "decent man"..... Mr. AmosPlease stop communicating with me immediately by telephone, cellular,and email and/or by any other means of communication. Your contacts with me are unsolicited and unwanted and I am asking you to cease and desist.Please also take this as your notice that should you continue to harass me, I will make a complaint to the police and pursue thismatter through the criminal courts. I am a criminal lawyer and I am very aware of what constitutes criminal harassment and/or threats.I also have an understanding of how you operate because of information provided to me by my husband, Scott Agnew. I can tell you that I will not tolerate it.Yours trulyAlison Ménard (close quote) Is this evidence of the behaviour of a "decent man" My Name is Lou LaFleur and I am a Detective with the Fredericton Police Major Crime Unit. I would like to talk to you regarding files that I am investigating and that you are alleged to have involvement in.Please call me at your earliest convenience and leave a message and a phone number on my secure and confidential line if I am not in my office.yours truly,Cpl. Lou LaFleurFredericton Police Force311 Queen St.Fredericton, NB (close quote)
Then there's this: Anyway I was so pissed off by your pals stalking me and putting theproof of their malice in Youtube that i sent you some emails from myson's email address (your cop pals killed my other email accounts)just to see if they would get through. Surprise surprise some did and some did not. However I knew that you got yours Methinks there is some defections in your ranks.
Whats next "decent man"? You sound like "little Dean" whining about those terrible Freemasons infiltrating the RCM Police. Or those terrible Jesuits...... Little Dean even thinks your Klan was started by the Freemasons and Jesuits. But we know the truth about you, we know who you are and more importantly .... what you are, a garden variety racist, and child molester.
"Equalization" is Constitutionally mandated from the original British North America Act 1867 (consolidated) It basically mandates that us hard working Canadians in Western Canada pay the freight or for the social programmes of New Brunswick and Quebec. No such programme ormeasure exists in the United States.
I just read a well written article about the 'Lord Government" by Steven Downie. It was well written, thoughtful and reasoned. Immediately thereafter David Amos appeared, to infect this blog. At first he was respectful, polite then Mr. Amos chastened at being ignored started with the same tactics he has employed over several years, to destroy scores of blogs. David Raymond Amos is a paid RCM Police informant and New Brunswick's own Clifford Sleigh.........The one blog this under-evolved animal can not destroy is this one.
Meet the madness, meet the disease and insanity that is David Amos. Today is Friday the 13th. I am expected to stand in court in Boston and argue allegations of criminal harassment made against me by a lawyer who has practiced crimes against me. Clearly I am not making an appearance. My kids and I will remain in this jurisdiction. I suspect foul play and that it is a ploy to make me return to the USA. I have little doubt that agents of the DHS would never allow me to appear in that court. I notified everyone down in Boston that I look forward to trial. Monday will tell the tale.......
I am very upset that Dr. Ward Dean, a very important witness of mine against the public corruption was scooped off the street in front of his wife by federal agents who would not say who they were or where or why they were taking her husband away. This happened as he was coming home from an Grand Jury hearing against the IRS in Florida. This was an overt act against his Constitutional Rights and clearly done by those acting under the Patriot Act. I must ask everyone what of my friend and am I next? I have called many people today in Canada and the USA that I have already received signed answers from. All they do is play dumb or deny or defer me to some other bad acting bastard or worse yet laugh at me. Shame on all of you. You may think you are free but just wait the lawyers may have bastards do it to you someday to protect their mask of virtue. At least none of you can ever say you that didn't know. Why you failed to do anything to protect your own civil rights is way beyond my simple mind to understand. Do you all think you are above the law and the rights of ordinary people ain't worth a tinkers damn? Well guess ain't being took away without a fight? All the bells and whistles are going off like they did the last time they illegally sent me to jail on October 1st. I am staying far away from anyone and am a threat to no one. If they attack me I will die protecting my freedom from the wrongs of lawyers rather than go to jail or Cuba so they can get rid of me there. If the worst happens I want the world to know that my blood can be found on your hands. (close quote) It is indeed a tesiment to Canada's free society that people like David Amos are legally permitted to procreate.
David Raymond Amos is guilty of the same crimes as: Clifford Sleigh re punky Gustavson...but he free as an RCM Police informant. I have NO problem....... "having your blood on my hands"
Meet Charles Le Blanc and David Amos, they are both recognized anti-semites and racists. The both are prominent "bloggers" in New Brunswick. Both censor blogs, both spam each others blog....and both are inbred "maritimers". New Brunswick sucks upon the teat of "equalization" if you live in BC or Alberta or subsidize the social programmes and government of New Brunswickers...just like Charle Le Blanc and David Amos. These two typical New Brunswickers should illict pause in places like Alberta and contributor provinces to this Federation called Canada . As the swine flu may strike Canada hope it will eliminate the stupid first...New Brunswick first...but alas "God looks after drunks and fools"
David Raymond Amos is in the final end stages of venerial disease. He exhibits the final symptoms of dementia and paranoia. He is a well known but not respected blogger in New Brunswick. He infects web sites and censors others.He use sspam as a means of intimidation and he posts people's personal info. What people need to know about Mr. Amos is two things: He is a paid informant of the RCM Police. And he is a convicted child molester. Mr. Amos has written this amongst other insanities: Better yet pick up the phone and call me pussy. 506 756 8687Maybe I will opt to send someone to see you if you are not with the RCMP. and this David Raymond Amos said... DUHHH Barry Baby you quoted a comment about Chucky Leblanc's ridiculous blog in an effort to impeach my character? I asked you if I was confused but it is you who is too confused as to know not to answer a rhetorical question when a mean old Maritmer is baiting you and playing you like a fiidle to boot.You say I have no credibility Correct? Well then how do you explain this email i recieved the other day and responded to in a heartbeat???From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.comDate: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 19:43:33 -0300Subject: RE: Injured Worker looking help to sue police that kicked down door without warrant and Georgia Straight and everyone else playing dumb.
mDanny BoyI am still pissed off at your far from ethical nomind reporterslaughing at my concerns before I came home to run for a seatParliament in 2004. After all the times I called and sent you bastards emails you play dumb with me today? If you dudes had bothered to listen to me I could have helped your with Campbell's tax fine nonsense for a joke but you dudes had your own plan CORRECT?The following should at least prove to you strange people in BC that aome Maritimers know how to read and show some empathy towards a fellow Canadian Citizen that Gordy Baby Campbell wants to shut up during his bid for reelection. If this is indicative of the "New Brunswick blogging community" It indeed must be true that maritimers are inbred. Censorship is indeed nasty.
David Raymond Amos said...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sat, May 17, 2008 at 10:47 PM
Subject: Thanks for finally responding to me Mr Christie perhaps you should call me back EH? 1 506 756 8687
Cc:,, "",, ""
I must say that was an interesting response from you Mr. Christie about a rather minor issue to me after your ignoring my very serious concerns for so long. It was kinda polite particularly in light of the fact that my voicemail was deadnuts serious in nature. Could it be that your strange response was prompted by the fact I sent the email to many others and then blogged it as well in order to make you acknowledge that I at least existed?
With that in mind I have decided to introduce you to the First Canadaian folks whose parent company should settle with me ASAP about a very fraudulent Real Estate transaction in the USA after they have ignored my concerns about their severe lack of integrity for four long years. May they will take me seriously as well EH? Let just say I find it hard to take you peopel seriously because I found it far more than comical when they beat your law society in court and won the right to edge you lawyers out of their very lucrative game. I am certain Mr Townsend QC and the Real Estate Association of New Brunswick that he represents understands the joke but Chucky Leblanc never will.
When we do finally have a chance at a little pow wow Mr Christie I will point out the fact tha your law society supported my false imprisonment in the USA in 2004 after I ran in the election of the 39th Parliament and ask you why this is. When everyone in Fredericton either laughed at me or ignored me or harassed me before and during and after I ran in their riding during the election of the 39th Parlaiment, rest assured I was not one bit surprised.
FYI Over the long weekendI will forward this email to others and blog it as well in a sincere effort to resolve some of my concerns ASAP. For you benefit you got it first and I have included an email freshly sent to some interesting Yankees that you should study rather closely. However please allow me to be quite likely the first to introduce you to Eddy Greenspan and Andrew Frey. But then again you could be related to his associate Ms. Christie which would only go to prove my point that it is a small world after all. Whichever way the cookie crumbles I will lay odds that Andy and Eddy and their friends and clients within the Paul Weiss law firm hate me more than you Christie lawyers do. Scroll down and check my work to see why.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos wrote:
To: David Amos
Subject: Re: Fwd: RE: Does the Language Commissioner suggest that I file something in Federal Court instead of him?
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 17:22:57 -0400
Mr. Amos, thank you for your telephone message and the email attached.
Tom Christie
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sat, May 17, 2008 at 6:50 PM
Subject: I just called some of you Independent folks please call me back sometime soon 1 506 756 8687
Cc: Richard Harris,, "",,, "", "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)"
Please read page 66 of the Spitzer file found within the link above and then surf within my file from there.
If you do not trust the link I have provided then if nothing else please check the link below from the US Senate website when Spitzer testified 5 very long years ago for many people and ask yourselves why the transcripts of that hearing and the one two days before have evaporated from the public record. I am a very serious man who is trying to tell you folks something you really need to know if you are serious about Democracy.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S This is the law blog I told you to look at Richard
Rest assured I made some pretty big people in Washington and New York nervous last week after the Office of the Auditor General of Canada called me trying hard to play dumb.
FYI did not call Sheila Fraser and her cohorts when I kicked at the can of worms in the Big Apple this time around. I did call the Office of Public Sector Integrity right afterwards and demanded an answer to the same material that Eddy Greespan had received and answered BEFORE Lord Conrad Black was found quilty. I truly beleive that somebody blew the whistle last week and my name came up in many offices of low people in high places.
I must say I laughed when I read this morning my mean old enemy the political/lawyer Yankee Teddy Kennedy had a stroke. I grin to think it may have been brought on by my doings last week. My Clan's Senator Teddy Boy answered me in a very malicious fashion before the hearing about Putnam Investments took place in 2003 He has had the same material was sent to Eddy Greenspan and then on to the Yankee lawyer Andy Frey whom I talked to personally months ago before he announced that he was seeking a presidential pardon for the Dark Lord of a Subway Stop. Could andy Frey be using my material to get the Dark Lord out of jail just like Frank quatrone did over a year ago? Ask Andy Frey if I am a liar or not I double dog dare ya to, Mr. Thomas Christie QC. As you can see he received the very same email as you and he did receive largely the same material that your law soiety received and answered in 2004. It seems that it is a small world after all N'est Pas?
Here is his info he sometimes picks up the phone himself on the weekends.
Correct Andy Baby?
Andrew L. Frey
New York
Ph: +1 212 506 2635
Fax: +1 212 849 5635
Washington, D.C.
Ph: +1 202 263 3291
Fax: +1 212 849 5635
Just Dave
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Vertias Vincit
David Raymond Amos
May 17, 2008 8:02 PM
From: "David Amos"
Subject: For the record Danny Boy Fitzgerald are you goon try to deny receiving this email before chucky built his short live blog about me?
To:,, "Dan Fitzgerald", "Richard Harris",,,
I inserted Chcuky Leblancs old blog about me that he erased over top of this comment and prior email about Byron Prior and a goose that didn't matter two years ago. It was an obvious goof but I don't have time to fix it and as you will know it will do just fine f for blogging purposes. Nobody reads my work anyway Correct?
Take careful notice I gave you and your nasty pals in Fat Fred City the affidavit of the Newfy lawyer Stevey Boy May about Byron Prior and I once again long BEFORE Hoeg came out with her interesting judgement and the Telegram made the Big Faux Pas.
FYI the "Porcupine Prique" arsehole is Cpl Kevin Jackson of the National Security Arm of the RCMP/GRC the very same dude that made those funny Youtubes about me. the more the FEDS were in a hurry for me to sue them the more I slowed down until the time was politcally correct to do so. It was that when Danny Boy Millions was pissed about a budget and a bunch of honourable soldiers from Base Gagetown were killed overseas. That is why I came to Fat Fred City last April. That is also why the cops pounced on me bigtime trying hard to lock me up as a madman so there would be no trial to expose the truth of the matter. The truth is while your "Blogger General" was falsely claiming in the media last May that I was stalking him the reverse was true.
The RCMP/GRC forever proved their malice with their own ridiculous videos. some of my friends from the phone booth had caught them on private property a couple of times taking photos etc and everybody saw their helicopter teasing me. Yet the nast bastards kept on boldly calling my buddies and asking as to my whereabout and ignoring my right to privacy because once I killed my cell phone they lose track of me now and then. .I proved to the world the Feds studied and worried about my every move when theRCMP/GRC came to Werner's farm asking about me not long after I posted the video about the demise of his cattle. Werener did not call them that time. We spooked the spooks byway of Youtube. LOL on a bad as you buddy Chucky Leblanc would say. EH?
You really should quit playing dumb Danny Boy can't you see that Byron Prior your heros T.J. Burke, Chucky and many of their cop pals etc and some of my friends such Werner and Paul Perrier's Daddy received this email too? You were the only one to call me a liar. And you watched Chucky block my comments in his blog about me then said nothing when I forced him to delete it because he stole my photograph..
Who is the Bullshitter now Danny Boy Me or you?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
David Amos wrote:
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 00:29:25 -0300
From: "David Amos"
To:,,,,,,,,,, "Dan Fitzgerald",
"Richard Harris",,,,,,
Subject: Hey Chucky perhaps you and the Fat Fred City Finests or Porky Prick can explain this old email to Danny Boy Fitzgerald and Richy Baby
"Sam Perrier",,
Hey Chucky if you are not to busy torturing Quebecers about town or if Spinksy Baby ain't too busy staying up all night deleting my words from his blogs don't ya think ya really should explain this email to your other busy blogger buddies such as Richy Baby who is busy taking pictures of houses in Fat Fred City or Danny Boy who is constantly attacking Windmills overseas so they can be heroes.
My spit and chew really happened with Bernie Lord and his buddies in Fat Fred City and ya can't say it didn't. I was right behind you Chucky You took pictures of the fools marching in and I argued with them after they came out. While you and the very nasty CBC dudes gossiped about what was happening with the liberals out front me and Bernie were having some interesting words. Remember?.
Now that they are all fighting and calling each other liars bigtime inside the Old Maison shouldn't you or the CBC dudes say something honest for a change Chucky?
If this is too long for your simple mind to read then just look at the pictures One of them is of you so you should like at least that. EH?
To jog your memory I am gonna resend you and you buddies an old email of mine from 2006 with some of the obvious minor spelling and grammar errors corrected and I will add just two pictures to prove I was in Fat Fred City and right behind you and the CBC dudes before I had an argument with the little lawyer Bernie Lord and some of his former Cabinet Ministers. Perhaps Richy will read this one but I doubt it. (FYI I am setting you dudes up as witnesses for Federal court) If you am Richy Baby wish to remain hostile it is fine by me if fact methinks it will be more fun dealing with you as you are. If Richy does read this and the following emails he should understand how easy I could have helped him last year when I called him just before I came to Fat Fred City and your strange wannabe lawyer buddy Vaughn Barnett went to jail. You dudes must understand that your malice towards me got you nowhere at all as you lose a lot of friends daily. Surprise Surprise after all these years you finally post some of my comments in order to make yourself somehow righteous. Bullshit.
Forget trying to make friends with this pigheaded Maritimer now. Your little statement about the Scottish blood in me said it all in spades. Ask your new hero Byron Prior or one of wives about that simple fact. I will be done with blogging in other people's websites in short order and quite possibly done with the Internet all together. there is not much point to it since even one on one emails to friends and myself are being blocked. tis time to come to court once more within many digital documents to support important complaints. This email is merely one on thousands. Trust that you did not get the lions share of them Chucky. You would never have understood them when even your buddy Danny Boy Fitzgerald can't read as well as he writes. You are one of the few people who actually met me in person Chucky and like you buddy Rashid your were scared to death of me Remember? It ain't because I am big or mean or rude it is because I am as serious as a heart attack correct? One cannot fake the look in my eyes. Any man with common sense knows at least that. When the whimp of a cop in Fat Fred City, Randy Reilly claimed that I did not intimidate him I just laughed because I had said nothing that should have if he were an honest man. The fact that he said it met that I did. why else would he feel the need to say it? That dumb dude should never play poker with serious gamblers.
I will also put in brackets some interesting updates (as I am right now) as they relate to this great day in May of Canadian history(oops its only April I thought it must be May the way everyone was getting shot down like Franky sinatra sang about after the flew too high in April) . No doubt even you are aware of the near riots inside the Old Maison you love to haunt and of the shit hitting the fan in Harper's HQ too. What better day for me to deal bigtime in the blogs of New Brunswick with all the smiling bastards you support. I notice your buddy Spinksy Baby (or should I say Brent Taylor ain't said shit yet and I am back in the woods typing this in my laptop to send out later just when the time is right) Obviously the top of my hit list in your blog and that of the Gypsy's today was your snotty wordsmiths and blogger buddies Mikey Archibald and Danny Boy Fitzgerald and of course your old pals Danny Boy Busierres, Scotty Baby Agnew , the Fat Fred City Finests and the RCMP too EH? I see that you are still playing games with my words. Trust that it does you no good. I am proving to many that you are a liar at the very same time byway of emails. Why not just post my comments now you have lost most of your friends and let the political cards fall where they may? There is no sense editing my words or just posting the ones you like anymore. the cops will have your locked up in short order if you don't wise up quickly. Your buddy Richy Baby was confused as to why I included him in the emails to everybody else and wanted me to call him privately again. Is he from the same planet you are from? Perhaps you should tell him to read what I sent. Perhaps the light will dawn on his marblehead if and when you go to jail but I doubt it. You never wised up when Byron Prior and I were falsely imprisoned did ya?
For the record I thought you incredibly dumb not to post my emails about the Charter and French Immersion after I had proved to you that I got conflicting answers from the Language commissioner and Scotty Baby Agew's lawyer/wife. The only reason you didn't was t protect you corrupt buddies Bernie Richard, Abey Baby Leblanc and Ivan Court Correct? Are you expecting to get a get job in saint John if Ivan Court gets elected. Didn't anyone tell you you can vote down there? You collect and spend your welfare in Fat Fred City correct? How come you don't say dick about Brad Woodside and his cohorts? Don't want to bite the dirty hand that feeds ya?
Clearly you and Spinksy Baby got this email first on October 4th, 2004 I got no comment from either of you but clearly the RCMP in Fat Fred City (Norm Plourde and Kevin Jackson) were paying attention scroll to the bottom and see if you don't recall. what you may not know is I forwarded it on the lawyer named William Corbet who had replaced Laundry as the Commissioner of Elections Canada before Kingsley got shitcanned. I must say I found it interesting that you and your buddy Richy just started singing Byron Prior's praises after I told him to go to hell and you have been well aware of my support of his efforts to find justice since early 2004.
That said have a little Deja Vu Chucky Baby.
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 08:36:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos"
Subject: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town
That includes little old me.and I took pictures to prove it was true. Ask porcupine.(Since Cpl. Kevin Jackson of the RCMP has finally struck himself dumb Chucky Leblanc should at least see himself and the CBC dudes in the attached photo. While all the liberals dogs were sniffing and licking each other's arses in front of the Legislature buildings, I was having a rather interesting conversation with Bernie Lord (more like a little lawyer doing a lot of double talking) in front of several witnesses (his former Cabinet Ministers) beside the Centennial Building where my father used to work for many Finance Ministers in the past. Rest assured my father's ghost was laughing at the nonsense of it all. However my son is not. (Sad but true)
Alas my poor father I knew him well. I have had a thousand times more fun than he ever did. I have no doubt whatsoever that he is (his ghost that is) impressed at how far his wild child had come in his efforts at poking holes in the stuffed shirts that he had to obey. My father toiled in an ethical fashion for a corrupt government in order to put supper on the table and keep a roof over our heads. I do the same but against the public corruption. My father knew me well as well. He knew I would never follow orders and was far too dumb to know fear yet just clever enough to do exactly what I wished in my own personal pursuit of happiness. On his death bed my father admitted he was jealous of my chosen lifestyle and sometimes wished he had chosen that path as well. I thanked him for his blessing and for being a very honourable father. Even though my father and I argued tooth and nail most of our lives, he and I held a great respect for each other despite of it all. My father left this wonderful old world knowing he had the respect and love of a very different man whom he had raised as a son and friend. All men should be so lucky EH?
My father, Max had five sons. I have only one. I named him after my father. I know him well as well I raised him as a Mr. Mom. My son, Max is more clever than my father and I put together. I made my son my best friend out of the gate because that is the way it should always be even though I am his boss for 18 years. Methinks my boy is on the right path and he has witnessed and understands much already. I do all of this for him in a similar fashion as what my father did for me. (In case you haven't figured this out this was personal note to my son he is in the USA and the Bcc line of this email. He checks my work and stress tests my ethics all the time and I am proud that he does. We argue a lot as well but with respect and joy. They say sons of strange fathers go far in life EH? If my boy can ethically deal with me with success, it follows that he will have an easy time with the likes of you N'est Pas?
(P.S.I talked yesterday to that nasty old bureaucrat, Tiny Tim Andrew who wants to Mayor of Fat Fred City. He was having fun with me and I allowed it for a bit so that he would understand he was making fun of the wrong pissed off Maritimer. Tiny Tim with the grey beard said he remembered my Honourable Farmer Friend Werner Bock and also claimed that he knew my father and Lloyd Nickerson, the Conservative dude who married my mother after my father had died. When he joked while munching his on supper that I had named my son after Mad Max I was all done talking to that bastard outside of a court of law and let him know in no uncertain terms as only I can do.)
Whereas you all claim to know so much, why should I brag of my prowess at connecting dots? (Danny Boy Fitzgerald does that enough for both of us N'est Pas?) Why not just save the fun for court? Sometimes less is more so I will prove to Hollies and his boss why Johnny Crosbie needs to sing for more booze because his powers to smooze are fading fast. (Looks like I was kinda sorta wrong for a bit anyway but it must really rot Byron Prior's socks that another devil he made a deal with within the very same law firm that your buddy Richy hates so much is now a Lieutenant Governor too. It appears to me that some Newfy's truly are that dumb. and Patterson Palmer must have figured if it worked once with Prior it would work twice) Press print on the attachment Mr. Hollies look your new boss in the eye and talk of his pal and the Newfy lawyer Crosbie. (I did not include it this time because sometimes less is more EH?) Perhaps you have some interesting pillow talk with your wife ASAP. She has already displayed to me that she does not understand the meaning of the expression "non partisan". Tell me honestly, do you think she will remain as Chief Electoral Officer now that the liberal boys are back in town or will Barbara Laundry get her old post back? I have not forgotten the tricks that that woman pulled on me in the last federal election. Do you think the new Commissioner Mr. Corbet ( I believed that was his name and I was correct)will overlook just as the other Laundry dude did?
If I confuse you please understand that I am kinda sorta speaking in riddles as any court jester or fool worth his sand would. Why let the cat out of the bag too soon EH? (I am still the same you dudes will never understand ethical thinking outside the box anyway) I am still busy lining up my ducks. Never forget yesterday was only the second day of duck season around home. I still have a whole month before the Yankee federal election is a matter of important history. (Now we are facing another one in short order) Perhaps the Maritimer in Stevey Boy MacKinnon (notice he got shitcanned for opening his piehole and Doug Tyler's sneaky plays for more gold keep backfiring on him too too too funny EH?) Perhaps Johnny Crosbie is clever enough to explain the following poem to the very dumb porcupine. He don't understand that he is the goose the doesn't matter right now (his big day was today)as he tries hard to pick a fight with me. I know my son will understand because he longs to come to Canada to come hunting with me. After that perhaps you dudes should give Greg Byrne's former law firm partner the Newfy lawyer Stevey Boy May a call and ask him to explain the following affidavit he wrote about a fool taking on Johnny Crosbie's crowd of goofy Newfy's. Perhaps my fellow loser in this past election Mr. Bruno Roy can explain the following email to y'all. (You are gonna love the next two email Chucky baby one is a response from Greggy Byrne and another is a response from Carl Davies that I have been saving from four years ago it is time to send them to Stevey Boy Harper to make the liberals sit up and pay attention to a pigheaded Maritimer with a long memory and good records) Rest assured your old lawyer pal Mr. Turner never will. (Do you even remember him Chucky? Rest assured Brian Mulroney does.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
----- Original Message -----
From: "May, Steve";
To: "David Amos"
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me
Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527 or if you require immediate assistance.
2005 01 T 0010
Court File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010
Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005
Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. May
Application to which Document being filed relates: Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it's entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.
I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John's, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:
THAT I am a Partner in the St. John's office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George's in the Parliament of Canada.
THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called "My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret". In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior's sister.
THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "1" to my Affidavit.
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts' letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit "2".
THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit "3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts' receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.
THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.
THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews' intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "4" to this Affidavit.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.
THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews' claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews' solicitor. I attach as Exhibit "7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit "8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts' letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.
THAT I attach as Exhibit "10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.
THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior's counterclaim.
SWORN to before me at
St. John's, Province of Newfoundland
and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.
Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
My commission expires on December 31, 2009
The Goose that Didn't Matter
I guess at least eight hundred ducks have fallen to my gun,
And Charlie's always been right there retrieving every one.
But somehow, try as we might,no matter what our ruse,
We failed, that old Black Lab and I, to ever get a goose.
The vet had said it must be done, so bring him in on Monday.
His eyesight's weak and he's too old to brave the Bay of Fundy.
I'd picked him from the litter even though his was the runt.
And now fourteen years later, this would be our final hunt.
And so I asked a friend that night, who grew some corn and barley
If I could hunt his field next day, to get a goose for Charlie.
No bird came to our blind, alas, because of bluebird weather,
But still we enjoyed the day, because we were together,
While driving home with heavy heart, I rubbed the grizzled head,
And looking in those big brown eyes, to him, I softly said,
"You know a man can only do the best that he is able,
It don't appear there'll be a roasted honker on our table,
But Charlie, we'll have porkchops, since that is your favourite treat,
And you'll not just have one or two, but all that you can eat"
And so that night, by lantern light, we shared our final meal,
I talked to him of days gone by, of Mallards, Scaup and Teal,
Old Charlie wagged his tail with joy, beside his heaping platter,
And missing from the menu was, a goose - that didn't matter.
Bill Foster
Posted by
As soon as I had my pow wow with the little lawyer Bernie Lord on Oct 3rd Cpl Kevin Jackson intoduced himself.
Porcupine Prique wrote:
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 14:50:32 -0300
From: "Porcupine Prique"
Subject: Wimp
Sue, sue, sue...c'yall in court....blah, blah, blah
That is all you do, idiot. Why dontcha grow some gonads and put your money where your mouth is? Sue everyone you have threatened to sue.
Sue 'em all. Don't let any of 'em off the hook.
You're tough....we're scared
Sue Sue Sue
You're a loud mouth, a wimp, a girlieman
A gurlieman named "Sue"
He continued to haunt even though I clearly explained that he was a goose that didn't matter at the time. When I started looking into him after Cpll Warren MacBeath and the new Minister Mikey Murphy got nervous the bastards stared killing my email accounts etc and quit sending emails as well. but started to harrass me in person. Thus far it hasn't worked out to well for them especially when the Crown refused to prosecute me about Fat Fred City's Finest motor vehilce tickets. Taking my old Harley and the roadblock nonsense etc were just an effort to piss me off and try to make me do the wrong thing. However as you well know Chucky Baby I suckered the Fed bastards bigtime by leaving some Yankee police surveilance wiretap tapes in my old saddlebags and it was not long afterwards that I started getting calls from the FBI in Chicago and only then did you want to talk to me EH?
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:50:42 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique"
To: "David Amos"
Subject: Re: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town
Pffft.... The pussy farted again. You all-talk-and-no-action, bitch. You couldn't sue yourself out of a wet paper bag. Hey, don't drop the soap, eh? PP
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 21:59:03 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique"
To: "David Amos"
Subject: Unhook
Are you trying to lose ALL your internet access? It can probably be arranged if you keep at it hard enough. Crybabies have free speech but eventually even their mommies stop listening.
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:09:06 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique"
To: "David Amos"
Subject: Re: I got tired of waiting for some Yankee lawyees to call me back for obvious reasons EH Porky Prick?
We should reveal ourselves to you. What is the worst that could happen. You sue us? Yes, right. Oops, wait a minute, no you don't sue anyone. You just blow air. The list of people you hate is already long enough. We are already on your list anyway, but you do not know where.
One problem of the internet is it has allowed freaks to play around and use up the time and energy of the real people. Get a new hobby and save us the bother. Our mail filter is being loaded now, and any more of your crap will be automatically clunked. We are tired and need to do the real work of the land.
charles leblanc wrote:
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 19:56:33 -070(PDT)
From: charles leblanc Subject: Re: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I would try to make him famous To: David Amos
Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya? I'll sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now? Don't get all exicted and send this all over the
Charles Leblancs Other Blog
Friday, April 18, 2008
Another chap ban for life from the New Brunswick Legislature by Dan Bussieres!!!
Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 11:46:00 AM 17 Comments
At 12:46 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said...
What's Charles Manson doing in front of the Legislature?
At 1:03 PM, April 18, 2008 , A Jewish Male. said...
At 4:05 PM, April 18, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
Hitler? I don't see any Hitler pictures?
Speaking of Hitler? You people are narrow minded.
When I think of Hitler? Yes, I also think of the 20 million people that died but my goal is freedom.
When Hitler took power he took control of the media to brinwash the citizens of Germany. The same is happening here in New Brunswick with the Irving monopoly.
Fascism? That's Hitler. When party members spoke out against Hitler? They were beat up. The same that could have happen to me at Sweetwaters at the Liberal Christmas Party.
I wish you narrow minded people would just ignore this blog!!!
At 4:22 PM, April 18, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
Opps..forgot one more issue.
To convict people without providing the evidence is pure FASCISM!!!
All we know is I was ban because of the murder of a young girl.
Fascism indeed!!
New Brunswickers should demand that all the Quebec Security Staff be remove from the Legislature.
At 8:47 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said...
hello charles
thanks for finally doing the right think and showing david amos as the other man to be banned from the legislature. i happend to be there with him. he never even had entered the grounds, and never gave them a reason for a ban, except that he had been digging up to much dirt of people in high places, including in the new brunswick government, and that made them nervos, so they send their pinchers to serve him with the ban. when he showed it to me i went back and asked a comissionar why mr amos had been banned, when he apparently had done nothing wrong. the answer was, that they were not allowed to tell. so much for open and accountable government in the pictureprovince.
comparing david with charles manson showes either ignorance on the side of the commentator, or he or she is one of those creeps from the dark side of humanity. as far as i know david, i only can say that i think, that he is as straight as an arrow, and people of good will better pay some attention to what he has to say. it is complicated, but who says that live is simple, and only simple and shallow individiums pass on rush judgements. never judge a book by its cover, and never assume a man with a big beard to be of the kind of a charles manson. neither should be assumed that everybody who drives a harley is a hellsangel.
charles, i am new at this blogging, but i had to get this off my chest. hope that i click the mouse at the right places and you get the comment.
werner bock
At 10:11 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Its a wonder you'r not banned from the legislature yourself being sucj a good frient of Amos Mr Email to everyone about everything but the kitchen ink. Why are you backing Member of Parliament elect Amos and What's your beef & cattle with the Goverment anyway ?
At 5:34 AM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said...
David Amos is a menace to society that needs to have a permanent ban against use of the Internet imposed upon him!!
At 7:05 AM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Amos harasses everyone he meets. Banning him is common sense.
At 5:04 PM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said...
David Amos and Childish Leblanc, just like two peas in a pod isn't it...Your only making the case for your banning that much easier to swollow.
At 6:13 PM, April 19, 2008 , David Raymond Amos said...
The words of no minds with no names are worth less than nothing in cyber space and far less than one of Werner cows farts in downtown Hillsboro.It is what I file in the public record of Federal Court that truly counts. Once I sign my name all the nominds with no names can get a number and stand in line to argue me if they dare to do so.
With respect to Werner, why the RCMP refuse to investigate who has been burning his hay bales for the past year is what I want to know right NOW. Rest assured Cst Britt of the GRC's telling him to move just won't do. I explained that to the nasty Federal buggers last week as I complained of the false allegations of Scotty Baby Agnew of the Irving Empire and his wife the lawyer to them
The ex RCMP dude Danny Boy Busierres and his associates T.J. Burke, the cops in Fat Fred City and the National Security dudes such as Norm Plourde and Kevin Jackson know that I am as serious as a heart attack that is why all the dudes with no names pounced so quickly on this blog in a faint hearted effort to impeach my character.
FYI they are way past too late to stop me now. The very illegal banishment of me from the Leg four years ago was a breach of my Section 2 Charter rights whilst I was running against the current parliamentry secretary for the Minister of Justice. rest assured that nonsense will backfire on them bigtime in short order or my name ain't "Jusat Dave"
At 10:20 PM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said...
...faint hearted effort to impeach my character.
Naw, you do a fine job of that yourself Dave. You need no assistance.
At 11:21 AM, April 20, 2008 , Scott Agnew said...
David, can you give me the court docket number of one single case you've filed in ANY Canadian court in the last five years. Just one. You rant and rave about your proclivuty to sue anyone and anything you dislike and yet I cannot find a single reference to a court case filed by you in New Brunswick. If you are a man of integrity and of your word, please just let us all know the docket number of a single filing. If you cannot provide that, why then should anyone listen to anything you have to say? Empty words my friend. Empty words. BTW, two more emails from you to a particular email account and I will be able to provide a docket number to you for charges laid against you for criminal harassment.
At 11:29 AM, April 20, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
I don't know what scares people the most?
See ya in court???
You'll be blogged in 15 minutes!!!!
At 2:45 PM, April 20, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Considering how worthless you feel no minds with no names are you sure seem to spend a lot of your time talking to them...Could it be as long as you get to rant and rave your usual sillyness it really doesn't matter all that much after all?
At 3:11 PM, April 20, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Neither Charles. The loony ramblings of David Raynmond Amos. The non-sensical ramblings would scare anyone.
At 11:12 AM, April 21, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
I don't know what you mean David?
I print your comment.
Everyone knows we can't email you because you're so happy in receiving an email that you sent it to everyone.
So? There's no way to get your message out because you don't believe in privacy.
WE just have to do it in here I guess?
At 7:00 AM, April 22, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said...
Sorry David...foul language won't mke it in this blog.
This blog will soon be in the archives soon enough.
WE can't send ya an email so I'm telling ya right here.
If I want to use the word- Shithead?
I can but I won't!!!
You want to debate issues in a good and polite way? Go for it!!!
Foul language will only be deleted!!!
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From: "David Amos"
Subject: Hey Chucky no doubt all three Maritime Stooges from Fat Fred City whom I call Danny Boy should find this interesting N'est Pas?
Even if you fail to do so as usual Rest assured I already posted it somewhere in my blog for the true record of course. It is just another one of those things that I do that nasty French bloggers fail to appreciate EH?
Love and Kisses
Se I am still being kinds sorta nice EH arseholes?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Raymond Amos
Date: Sat, 31 May 2008 12:42:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [QSLS Politics] New comment on David Amos open letter to
Ottawa - May 22nd 2008.
David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "David Amos open letter to Ottawa - May 22nd 2008":
Well well Danny Boy you and Chucky are too funny sometimes. As you well know I have to post my two bits worth about Chucky and you because in other blogs because Chucky is blocking me as usual.
I must ask why (as if I didn't already know) you have ignored what I point out in your blog about me last night while your hero Harper is overseas with you but jump to Chucky Lelanc's defence within his blog first thing today in Fat Fred City?
Need I say BULLSHIT once again? It seems to me that you are acting just like his WCIE, Mikey Archibald does. He couldn't get any comments or many people to read his Blogcast last year so he went so far as to invite me byway of an anon comment the Gypsy's domain to post within his domain in cyberspace after blocking me prior to that time.
Within days of my making a comment or two Mikey Baby quit blogging on
his own and resorted to only commenting in other people's blogs like I have been doing for years since the Feds tried to delete me from the world wide web.
Here is how that shit went down if you don't already know.
Anonymous said...
David, try Blogcast NB. They will probably run your stuff.
4:22 PM
David Raymond Amos said...
Nope I stress tested them long ago it was only the Gypsy who allowed my
words to remain and add at least made some comment on them however
8:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Try again.
5:42 AM
Charles LeBlanc said...
Good comment David....Too bad that you cannot always write polite
That would be really good from your part.
10:06 AM
Clearly I met Mikey's challenge EH?
Now it appears that Chucky has lost popularity and suffers the same fate as you and Mikey Baby do. He is stuck with an audience that only cares to look at pictures because he has blocked too many comments in the past people don't bother with him mush now. He should have left
thing wide open like you do or only allow people with IDs to comment like I do then let free speech have it way with the blogger world.
Now the only comments Chucky can inspire these days are when he attacks his old pal the Sergeant-At-Arms then you pounce to your hero's defence. You dudes are rather redundant about the same old same old while ignoring the fact that my battles are picking up steam. N'est pas?
At 9:49 AM, May 31, 2008 , Dan F said...
"Geez Charles how long ago was this"
Charles is still banned from our legislature, no?
The courts have allowed police to single him out for physical brutality and destroy his rightfully obtained material.
This whole story has to be seen as atate of ongoing warfare. Where the
statists and corporatocrats have dominated the show-trial legal
skirmishes. I firmly believe that Charles will win the battle for
hearts and minds, if he is allowed his liberty and New Brunswickers
have an ounce of character left in them.
Keeping the heat on these dudes is a no-brainer, it'll make it obvious
what's happening the next time some badge-totting fiat debt-slave
hothead takes our favorite blogger to the ground and tries to obstruct
and deride our most basic human freedoms.
At 12:37 PM, May 31, 2008 , Anonymous said...
Please danf the only no brainer in here is you. This has nothing to do
do with anything more than Charles Leblanc's hate for a single man. If
anyone deserves admiration it's Mr. Bussieres at least he conducts
himself with some kind of dignity. Get your head out of the sand danf
and join the real world if you can handle it.
For the record it was I who pointed out the violations to my Section 2 Charter Rights to the Attorney General Brad Green when I was banished from the Legislative Assmebly in 2004 while exersing my Section 3 Charter rights and running for a seat in the 39th Parliament. Chucky only teased me about it for two years until it happened to him in 2006.
Perhaps you should have somebody read you this particular blog of
chucky's that I posted within the the Gypsy's after chucky old blog
went poof. I think it would be wise before you attack me some more for Chucky's benefit EH Danny Boy? Within it was posted the affadavit about Byron Prior and I and that comment was made on April 1st 2006
by Charles LeBlanc Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:56 AM
updates from Charles
I got a few late stories that I want to bring up.
They had a protest at the Legislature on Wednesday
and I would say about 400 people showed up. I made my own little investigation in the crowd and I soon found out that many people from the Northern Part of the
Province knew about my protest.
These Acadians read about my protest in L'Acadie Nouvelle!
A few weeks earlier, I found out that the English Population from the Miramichi area didn't know
about my fight so this shows me that it's so important to have the media covering your issues.
During the protest, I felt like I was in a police state. There were cops are over the place. I
approached three of them and said -My God? We need violence, bricks going through windows, people being
shot and tear gas!!!
This is the only way that the Government will listen.
One cop said - If I have to use my gun? I know exactly where my first bullet is going to go!! Pretty
Speaking of violence?
That guy from the Sackville area who went to Toronto with his vehicle full of guns! Very scary
What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is going to crack up one of these days and I know for a
fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.
There's always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it's just a matter of time till someone is push over the edge.
I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as
an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal.
I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our political bureaucrats.
I admire people fighting for what they believe in but you can't get carried away. I guess in this case?
He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that's a big faux pas!
Also for the record I kept going back to the Leg whenever necessary and was filmed on CTV news by Chucky's pal Andy Baby Campbell when I had a little pow wow with his latest hero Stevey Boy Murphy.
Everytime I encountered Danny Boy Busierres and his polite malice I
told him to shit or get off the pot and put something in writing
because the Fat Fred City Finest and the Police Commission refused to admit that I was ever barred at all in 2004.
As soon as the Fat Fred City Finest and Danny Boy Busierres served me my walking papers in front of my farmer friend Werner Bock in June of 2006 while I was running against the Attorney General of Nova Scotia I told the world about it and sent the proof before all the wannbe liberal leaders came to Moncton to debate that weekend.
Here is a printable copy of document affirming my banishment in 2006 . take careful notice that Danny Boy signed mine whereas he did no such thing with Chucky's. He learned from his prior Boo boo with me. EH?
For the record Chucky can only complain of the the long gone Tanker because he as the current Speaker at the time was the only dude who would even admit that he had barred Chucky. Little Lord Bernie and his buddy Shawny "Baby Irving" Graham played Chucky and Tanker like a fiddle and it appears that I was the only one who understood their joke. After all it was I that suggested to the talk show idiot Tom Young if parliamentarians were wise they would make an Independent
parliamentarian a speaker in order to shut him up. Then if a speaker
waxed political after that he would shoot himself in the foot. That is just exactly what Tanker did.
Everybody else since then has just having fun with Chucky and playing
dumb with Anon IDs while the Irvings are lining him up to be prosecuted by their far from clever "Blogger General" you buddy T.J. Burke
LOL as chucky loves to write. N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
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Posted by David Raymond Amos to QSLS Politics at May 31, 2008 12:42 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:56:39 -0300
Subject: Select Committee - Tax Review - Comité special - Examen de la fiscalité
To: David Amos
Thank you for your interest in the Discussion Paper on New Brunswick's Tax System. The Select Committee on Tax Review will review your comments as part of the mandate to conduct public consultation and report to the House with recommendations on the options contained in the discussion paper.
Public Hearings: Individuals or organizations wishing to make a presentation to the Committee should advise the Office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly by June 20th, 2008. Presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes. (See Schedule)
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:56:22 -0300
From: "David Amos"
Subject: Document that Conservatives should study on the last days of summer in the Old Maison
Danny Boy
Please post these documents in you Blog ASAP to aid in defence of our
fleeting democracy in "The Place to BE". I am knida wondering why you haven't posted the one from Elections Canada yet. Trust that it is wicked poison for Stevey Boy Harper for swallow.
These are two of the smiling bastards documents and one of mine. All are irrefuttable. Signed sealed delivered and witnessed. I got some rather interesting challenges in Youtube ( I inserted them and my response within this email because the cop claim they don't look at Youtube even though they have created their own.
For the record after I called and talked to some liberals lately they
made more false allegations against me to the Fat Fred City Finest and the RCMP as well. When the cops refused to answer me in writing in order to resolve the obvious malice I called and emailed the Police Commisssion of New Brunswick in order to make a complaint yesterday. It seems that someone wanted me to come to the see the tough talking cops of Fat Fred City Finests in the lobby of their HQ. I answered the dummy's chalenge and he quickly bailed out of Youtube I may take the cops up on it soon. But I will pick the date and time and who my
witnesses are not them. I ain't that dumb yet..
The first document is what I served the Jan 20th, 2006 to the
liberals seated in opposition in the Leg while I was running against
Andy Baby Scott in Fat Fred City. aI had a friend take pictures to
prove it was done. The guy who was protesting in a military uniform
about the plight of his kids while they lived on the base in Gagetown
witnessed it all on the very day Paul Martin (Humpty Dumpty) came to
Fat Fred City and had fancy pow wow up on the Hanwell in his last days as Prime Minister. I told the ex soldier about the meeting and he went up there and protested with the same documents and that Chucky Leblanc has had for four years in his hand with a perosnal note to from me to the Chief of Police Barry Mcknight on the outside of the envelope so the cops would not harass him. This is a fact.
Months later I brought my friend the farmer Werner Bock to Fat Fred
City and Shawny Baby sent him his letter later but Werner witnessed
the Sgt at Arms and the Fat Fred City Finest illegally deny me my
Charter Section 2 rights with a signed document that nobody wants to talk about to this very day. Although it was Bernie Lord's mandate that did it. Shawny Baby Graham and some of his liberal cohorts such as Kelly Lamrock sat on the panel that voted to attack my legal and civil rights and Freedoms under the Charter.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
First off the cops definitely know what Youtube is. hell they use it.
Here is what was said to me yesterday in Youtube and my responses.
bigolcanoworms (14 hours ago)
Here is an open invitation to you David Appear at the Fredericton
City Police station at high noon June 18th .
All that can should attend to see if David Raymond Amos is the man he
claims , if he will honor his clan and back up his statements .
Or will he dishonor his father and brothers memory and that of his
clans by showing himself to be the spineless fake coward he is . I
paid to see a high divin act , and Im a gonna see a high diving act
DavidRaymondAmos (14 hours ago)
Now you have truly proven yourself to be a Yankee or a lover of them
at least. The Fat Fred City Finest are arseholes of that I have no
doubt. Methinks they at least know how to spell honour correctly. For
the record the Dead men I do honour are whispering to me that you
maybe none other than Norfolk County Depupt Dog Robert F. O'Meara best
butt buddy of Dirty Dicky Dean and the Fat Fred City Finest N'est Pas?
What are the odds do ya think the smiling bastards will retun my
Harley? Slim to none?
bigolcanoworms (15 hours ago)
I open an invitation to you Davis Raymond Amos . Show yourself June 18th at high noon , at the Fredericton City Police
station lobby .
If you are what you say you are you will be present , if you are but a bullshitter and a fake you will not have the balls to show .
DavidRaymondAmos (14 hours ago)
As I said I called PAULINE PHILIBERT and ARNOLD HADLEY of the Police Commission today and complained about you. After reading your latest bullshit I just called Fat Fred City's Finest (506 460-2300) I was not shy and asked for the arsehole commenting in here. The woman pretended not to know what I was talking about and falsely claimed that you
arseholes don't have internet access. Everybody knows its free in Fat Fred City the far from wisest town in Canada. So what is your name chickenshit?
bigolcanoworms (23 hours ago)
Almost time to have you arrested , yes I think so
DavidRaymondAmos (18 hours ago)
time to tak your med Fed. As Kevin Baby Jackson of National
Security quite likely already knows I dealt with the malicious
bullshit of T.J. Burke and his liberal cohorts in a heartbeat with the quebecer Frederic Loiseau of Fat Fred City's Finest and Cst David Kenny of the GRCs in Moncton. My next call is of course to the malicious Police Commission of New Brunswick once again. We all know what'll happen next EH donut muncher?
At least I have no false illusions grandeur like you do N'est PAS?
bigolcanoworms (22 hours ago)
Must be June , a perfect time to arrest a lone
DavidRaymondAmos (18 hours ago)
First you must have a legit reason then have the balls to have a name
to sign a bullshit complaint. then you must argue me in a court in
front of a jury of my peers EH ya not so tough guy with no name?
bigolcanoworms (15 hours ago)
You want tough , come to fredericton police station tomorrow (june 18th) at 12:00 noon (high noon ) . Lets see if you are man enough to show your face David . Or if you will turn and run , maybe hide at an old saw mill for awhile , or maybe you can hide behind your mamas skirt .
DavidRaymondAmos (14 hours ago)
Perhaps I may accomadate you sooner than you wish. When I do have your laywr buddy Brucy Baby Noble on hand and I will give him some Yankee pPolice wiretap tapes in front of some witnesses of my mine. Perhaps you should talk to the Police Commission first and tell everybody your name arsehole first to keep everything on the up and up EH?
If you doubt I contacted the Police Commission about your malice
Google the latest QSLS Dummy and say Hoka Hey to Johnny "Never Been
Good" Foran for me too.
DavidRaymondAmos (13 hours ago)
"This account is closed."
So much for tough talking hit and run chickenshit cops EH? One call
the the Fat Fred City Finest 506 460 2300 and ask for the nasty
bastard and poof the arsehole is gone. EH?
From: "David Amos"
Subject: Hey Abe Baby LeBlanc has your arse kissing blogger buddy Chucky Leblanc or his "Blogger General" Jacky Boy Keir told ya the GAME is Still On?
I heard that you brag about enjoying a good scrap Abey Baby. Consider this about round five in a four year battle with you corrupt smiling bastards. I ain't done not by a long shot. We ain't even met in court yet. I am just playing hard ball politics until i judge the time is right. T.J. Burke and his cops can't rush me into doing something I don't wish to do until i want to do it. Even a dumb French man on meds with Sctish roots should understand at least that EH Chucky Leblanc?
Check me work in at least two places on the Internet Abey Baby if
Chucky or your idiot pal Ivan Court hasn't told ya all about it by now.
Have a look at these blogs too arsehole. Just inc ase ya don't know the bloggers Danny Boy and Richy Baby Harris and I have made friends of sorts and the Gypsy and the snb Mikey Archibald have remaied silent as the grave but at least ethical and allowed my posts to stand the test of time. Despite our differences I do admire their styles and tenacity and words in their personal pursuits against the wall of public corruption..The well paid corporate controled media and their severe lack of integrity pales in comparison even if do say so myself.
Rest assured the Fake Left Whimps in Fat Fred City such as David
Coon and his crowd won't say shit to offend the hand that feeds. After I heard Werner trying to Roly Hache and Mikey Murphy's people into acting with the scope of their employment today, I overheard Coon trying to argue a farmer about things they both agree on. I just shook my head at the nonsense of it all and kept on writng my little rants against the malicious sytem you people have created for your benefit not "WE THE PEOPLE" who elected you to protect our best interests and
uphold the laws of the land.. The problem is Coon and you people are
on the Gravy Train and the Common folk are not. They just pay the
taxes to fuel you out of control rigging.
For the record as I said at the Uranium meeting last week in
Peticodiac that is why the Fake will NEVER do the right thing
Methinks they doth protest too much and yet do nothing all to back up their fancy words EH? Yet they think me call them
Bullshitters? So be it. But at least I am ethical in my words and
deeds as Werner is as well. Call us liars and put in writing and sign your name to it. I have Double Dog Dared Anyone To Take me on in Federal Court or elsewhere in a Pro Se fashion many times and not once has any lawyer or cop or politcian or Fake Left whiner accepted an honest chalenge but the Irvings are quick to try to covertly deny that I haven't sued many lawyers in my time in this Wonderful Old World.
Well guess who is back in the "Place to BE" for awhile longer at least? Guess who WILL file some lawsuits in Federal Court in Fat Fred City before he leaves for the USA once again? Do ya hear me talking. do I sound shy in Werner's Youtubes Abey Baby? Wanna call me on a phone with a restricted number and call me some more names Abey Baby? 506 756 8687 Rest assured I will relish the call. It will be witnessed just like the last time you called just before Tanker became the Speaker and you had to kiss his nasty arse in orser to remain in the Old Maison and on the the Gravy Train. It must rot your socks to see
the dummy Wally Stiles cross the floor and become a Cabinet Minister
while you still warm the back bench and merely vote in support of
whatever Dougy Tyler and the rest of the boyz tells Shawny Baby and
his fella arseholes what to do. Tell me honestly if ya dare have ever think of sitting as an Independant Abey Baby and speaking from the heart instead of your wallet, Abey Baby?
BTW the honourable immigrant farmer Werner Bock is still waiting for you and the big dummy Leroy Armstrong to show up at the farm like Shawny Baby Graham promised you would do two god damned years ago.
Whats the matter Abey Baby are ya too scared of crossing paths with
me? Some tough guy you are on the phone EH? Too bad ya didn't have the balls to back up your mouth years ago if only for the memory of all the dead cattle in the killing fields of the "Place TO BE" who died over the past thirty three years trying to stuff your big belly in all the barbecues this summer and in summers long past. You and you arse kissing blogger cousin Chucky Leblanc bullshit your fellow sheeple in
order to sooth their greedy little souls as they all kow tow to the
Irving Empire that you whorship night and day EH Frenchy?
If nothing else I have the balls to call a spade a spade N'est Pas
That said I must say I feel better ALREADY. It is good to get the
poison out one's system now and then. Tis time for me to finsih writng a few lawsuits and enjoy my summer. Say Hoka Hey to the RCMP for me will ya? There is lots of time for me to raise some Hell with the FBI south of the 49th this fall. The bastards have delayed John Grahm's trial that was supposed to start yesterday until the fall now.
You smailing bastards do recall that the sneaky Yankee Barry Bachrach was my wife's lawyer too EH? Think about how graham's trial may turn out if my name breaks the surface of your scum this summer.
----- Original Message -----
From: Angela Pepper Davis
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: Ethical Concerns sent to Terry Begay
My name is Pepper Davis. Since I cannot get into your briefcase
without a password and since you have raised our interest in your
concerns (mine and Terry's), would you be so kind as to explain
further what it is that you sent to Stephanie Herseth, William
Janklow, et al .
Do you have information posted at a website? Is Jeralyn Merritt
assisting you and if so in what way?
Any further information you feel comfortable in sharing would be
DUMMY DENNIS kUCINCICH IS HAVING HIS VERY LATE MOTION TO IMPEACH BUSH ARGUED everybody and his dog such as Lord Conrad Black, folks who support Ron Paul and even the folks suing over Agent Orange should find the text of a letter sent out by certified mail last year along with many documents and a CD a very interesting read on the Intertnet nearly one year later. Now that Black is looked up Ron Paul is aloser and an intersting trial is beginning in Newfoundland EH?
FYI Dizzy Lizzy May of the Green Meanies got exactly the same material signature required. Now does anyone understand why I hate lawyers and Fake Left whining wannabes? Ask me if I care if ya don't.
August 17th, 2007
Andrew Frey
1675 West Broadway
New York, New York
Phone 212 506-2635
Ron Paul
3461 Washington Blvd. Suite 200
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Phone 703 248-9115
Mike Gravel
PO Box 948,
Arlington, Virginia
Phone 703 652-4698
Tony Merchant
83 St. Paul Ouest
Montréal, Québec H2Y 1Z1
Phone 866 982 7777
RE: Public Corruption
Hey Fellas
Remember me? I am the guy with no name worth mentioning or who even does not deserve a call back. EH? That said here is the hard copy
of the material you must have forgot that I promised to send your way.
Out of the gate I must ask you dudes the same question I asked Eddy Greenspan, Mr. Frey's pal and many others over the years. After
bragging so much about your sense of ethics and deeds in order to
catch people's attention in order to solicit their vote or to hire you for your legal prowess, why did you dudes choose to play dumb with me?
If you do not support the public corruption that you have made a fine living within, the common courtesy of calling me back to ask a few legitimate questions about our common concerns and to stress test my integrity would have went a very long way towards convincing me that you were the honest men I have been seeking for years. A little effort on your part to try to understand what I was trying to share with you would have saved me the time and expense of putting you over a barrel and busting ya in front of my peers, the common folk you claim to respect.
The lawyers, Frey and Merchant do not even have to respond. I suspect they know that they should wait to see if summons to court
comes from me first before deciding how to appear ethical. N'est Pas?
I already understand their game quite well. If they doubt me they
should mention my name to their pals, Patrick Fitzgerald and Eddy
Greenspan or any other lawyer named within these documents. In my
humble opinion the dumb Maritimer in me played all those very snobby
lawyers like fiddle. I have enough angles on the Lord Conrad Black
matter to embarrass everybody involved. Tis time for the political animal in me to pounce and growl a bit to see if haughty Lord Conrad Black is ready and willing to ignore his lawyers and listen to me in order to try to not going to jail like the dumb Martha Stewart and Frank Quattrone did years ago.. If the Hollinger executives were truly wise and acting for the best benefit of their shareholders, they would
reconsider everybody's doings in the matter, particularly the lawyers. I received Eddy Greenspan s comical answer yesterday thus Andy Frey his associate in the defence of the Dark Lord of the media, Conrad Black as well as a lawyer suing the nasty old snob gets my stuff just as I promised. Don't say you don't know who I am Andy Baby, I caught you peeking at my blog. Remember?
The same holds true for you Tony Merchant you as a lawyer and your wife as a Canadian Senator. I have made certain that you both have known who I am for over three goddamned years now. If you have
any doubts about my tenacity in the pursuit of Justice ask your wife to give the elusive Stevey Boy Harper or the crook Jean T. Fournier a call and tell them I said Hoka Hey and seek their so called Ethical Counsel. Quite Frankly, it is hightime for everybody to shit or get off the pot.
As for the two Yankee politicians I have sent this stuff to, I am still somewhat confused by both of you. You both say largely the right things about the sad state of Yankee affairs of state. However
the word of Ron Paul don't ring true because as a seated congressman from Texas of Georgey Boy Bush's ilk he has had lots of opportunity to speak up in Congress just like Jim Traficant had the balls to do not too long ago. You double talk far too much to suit me which is no surprise for a politician to do but your motives truly escape me To put it simply, Ron Paul I have come to understand that you are just
another bullshitter. Feel free to prove me wrong. In truth I would
welcome it and quickly apologize.
On the other hand Mike Gravel you do seem to be a very straight
up dude. The fact that the corporate controlled media is trying hard to ignore you just like they did with me speaks well of the sincerity of your efforts. I love it when you tell the media dudes in no uncertain terms what you think of them. The facts about what you did with the Pentagon Papers many years ago speak volumes about your integrity anyway. You could have easily rested on your laurels as an
honest politician who did the right thing. The fact that you suddenly burst upon the scene and speak plainly about awful truths adds to my respect of you. Your age alone dictates that you do not have much to gain other than securing your proper place in history someday as a very rare ethical politician indeed. My hat is off to you sir. I mean you no disrespect but I have some doubts because the words of your assistants to me on the phone. If you truly mean what you say why
don't you call me back personally rather than allow your assistants to continue to piss me off? You may not know a thing about me and I truly hope that is true. However from this point in time forward you can never say that you did not know that I exist and I try hard to impeach Georgey Boy Bush all by myself. If you are the man I certainly hope you are methinks it is high time for you to just mention my name in a pubic forum after you checked hard copy of some of my work. Failing that just crawl back under the rock that you said you hid under for years after you spoken of all the other things you know for a fact to be true for the benefit of the rest of us. You claim that government should be run by the people. Why not let them decide who is a lair and
who is not and how the political cards should fall? Please just ask
the people who do listen to you to check my work posted on the internet ( or under the user name
DavidRaymondAmos in YouTube) and let them decide for themselves
whether I am crazy or not. After all I did run for public office in
the Maritimes four times in the past three years and I have sued more lawyers than anybody else I have ever heard of and yet nobody has ever dared to sue me let alone even say my name. That fact alone makes my name worth repeating. Read on before any of you dare to call me a liar. What I just spoke of is merely the tip of the very malevolent iceberg. As you listen to the CD of a copy of the Yankee police surveillance tape # 139 and read my letters to Georgey Boy Bush
lawyers shouldn't somebody ask Alberto Gonzales what he has thought about all the illegal wiretap tapes I have had in my possession for many years?
Pursuant to my phone calls and emails please find enclosed the
material that I promised to send to you before we may meet in a court someday. The list of the material and a brief explanation as to why I am providing it to you is listed as follows:
I have attached directly to this letter copies of three letters of
mine, two to me one from the US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and the
other from Senator John MaCain. The is the letter from me that I am
certain the Barack Obama used to become the keynote Speaker in
Beantown in July of 2004. Thus far it has gone unanswered just like
the one to Hillary Clinton and several others who wanted to be
President in 2003. However as you study my documents you will see that Johnny Boy Edwards and Dumb Dennis Kucinich and many of Mitt Romney's underlings certainly answered me over the years. I am very comfortable that my past works stands on its own without further input from me. Sooner or later some of the truth always leaks out. Ask Dick Cheney and
his buddies. EH Mr. Frey?
I have also enclosed exactly the same material that Eddy Greenspan and some prominent Canadian Feds just acknowledged that they received before I start filing my first complaint in Canadian courts. I do not feel the need to say much more other than to say I think that you would be wise to study every word I have sent you. And do with your newfound knowledge in the best interest of the public trust place in your chosen professions.
In closing I make no apologies whatsoever for any mistakes I may
have made in the wording or the text of this letter. It was written in a great hurry under circumstance that anyone would find hard to believe. There is no denying that I am very pissed off but I have never lost my temper yet and I am of no threat to anyone at despite what some crooked lawyer or cop may wish to claim in order to cover up their own wrongs. I truly hope that any of you or all of you call me back to make some sort of amends.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
121 McLaughlin Rd.
Acworth, NH 03607
Phone 506 434 1379
C/o Werner Bock
3345 Route 890
Hillgrove, NB E4Z 5W3
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Raymond Amos
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 07:24:31 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Just Dave.
David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "Just Dave":
I repeat stay awy from my kids Yankee.
FRom: David Amos
SEnt: Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:08 AM
Remeber these old emails of yours Chucky Baby? Post this photo of my
nasty arse I Double Dog Dare Ya to Frenchy. At least my baby boy's
little arse is far more innocent looking than Shawny Baby Grahams
black eye EH Frenchy?
Small wonder that I didn't allow him anywhere near and of Cardinal
Law's nasty Boyz in Beantown EH?
You must I figured out by now that I hate diddlers and especiallly the
ones who pretend to be oh so pious and above us all. By now you must
at least understand one of the reasons I supported Byron Prior years ago in his quest for justice but I was always more concerned about about what he knows about Johnny Crosbie, the Haliburton dudes and our dead fish. But you don't know the first thing about that do ya. It must be because not one of your five brians knows how to read Nest Pas?
by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26 AM
Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to use the computer
at the Library. I was told by security that two rough looking individuals walked through the doors and asked for a Charles Leblanc? They described the guys as rough looking and one of them had a long gray beard with aleather jacket!
At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming down from Montreal for a hit on Charles.
Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and he was in front
of the Legislature with his blowhorn.
For you people who don't know the bigot? He's the one who started the
Anglo Society. I seen him preaching to three young kids and of course
I butt in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don't you bigot go home?
Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and they asked politely
–Where can we locate a Charles LeBlanc???
In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at me. I said to
myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!!
At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I guess that he's
running at an independent in the riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have
been living in the area of Boston and he's been following my updates
on the internet. I'm telling you that the information highway is a
great way to spread the message to the rest of the world!
We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating our own little concern issue. We all have our own issues and it's too bad that we cannot unite and fight but that's the way Canadians do things. They remind silent until the Government really pissed them all and go out and vote the party in power out of office. (You Stole my words Chucky)
Two weeks later you wrote this Chucky
What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is going to crack up one of these days and I know for a
fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.
There's always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it's just a matter of time till someone is push over the edge.
I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the
Legislature. This guy is running as an Independent candidate in the
riding of Fundy Royal. I met the guy over the net and he has a beef
with our political bureaucrats. I admire people fighting for what they believe in but you can't get carried away.
I guess in this case? He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that's a
big faux pas!
After you continued to make fun of me throughout the summer of 2004
amongst the other things I forwarded to you was an old joke about my drunken Irish Catholic in laws in Beantown. N'est Pas? It must have pissed you off as I tortured the Hell out of your buddy Bernie Richard the nasty Ombudsman too before my wife and I and a lawyer visited the Police Commission. In response you sent photos of your old soon to be
dead dog comparing it to me. I laughed the photos were taken by your Fake Left friends and emailed to you. Your big Faux Pas was that you were so dumb you sent me their email address too. Thus in a wink of an eye I knew and had the proof of who was behind you and pulling your strings. Do they remember my conversations with them last year? I do. The question is did I record them as they made liars out of
themselves. LOL EH? Stay tuned Frenchy. When you saw that I was
falsely imprisoned in Boston on October 1st, 2004 you largely shut up and never responded to my emails over the course of the past four years because you knew what I did with them after that. As the old Joke goes many a true word is said in jest and you did not like other people reading your nonsense to me. Correct?
Years after that old joke I sent you went around. The Yankees made a
movie starring Jack Nicholson based on Whitey's life and times. It is entitled "The Departed". Perhaps the drunken Catholic in you should rent it sometime with your welfare dimes. Listen closely to what ol Jacky Boy says about your Church and their very corrupt doings. My Keith ancestors and I were not alone in our contempt towards your church EH? Did your Mama tell you that the Keiths came out of northern Germany to settle in Scotland in order to escape your nasty Popes and their cohorts? Do you understand that after the shit was settled in
1755 the Frenchmen in Canada who did not wish to be shipped out to
other French holdings swore allegiance to the British Crown? What makes you dudes think that you can change the deal now especially in light of the fact every Indian demands that we hold up to all the other deals our ancestors made long before any of us were born? The Scottish part of you should shove that Acadian flag along with its flagpole up your French arse Chucky Baby. Is that clear or COR enough for you?
To rub it in I will tell you that after my father died my Mama married Loyd Nickerson a member of the COR Party who was also the Chief Electoral Officer of New Brunswick. One big reason I ran in Fundy is that there are damn few French men registered to vote and not many Catholic churchs in Kings County. I ain't a bigot. I love French Catholic women. Hell I was the first of my family that I know of who married a Catholic woman. It is their greedy Catholic brothers that I hate be they either French or Irish or whatever. I believe they call
this shit conflict of colours Orange versus Green not biker bullshit as you claimed about me. I don't wear Biker colours I where the colours of My Clan and I have many friends. Quite possibly many more true French ones than you do. How can you have true friends at all if they can't trust you. Do your even believe yourself and your obvious Bullshit? How do you sleep at night knowing yourself as you do? Why to do make fun of a fellow Maritimer whose family was destroyed by the very people you pretend to complain about? Never forget I am from Dorchester Frenchy and Ivan Cormier (AKA the Beast) was on my paper route and I liked and admired him and his friends and their art particularly Killer Karl Krupp and the Cuban. Their Bullshit was flat out entertaining and not malicious at all. Yours definitely is malicious and not funny at all. No Class Bobby Bass had way more class
in his worst fart than you do in your whole soul. I must say venting
some of my venom towards you is definitely good for my savage soul. As a southern friend of mine would say when I was feeling mean years ago "Ya gots to get the poison out or ya die just don't spit out in my direction. Save it for somebody who deserves it."
BTW, the man who sold me that old Panhead that your cop buddies in Fat Fred City stole from me last summer was a of French Cathlolic heritage out of Quebec. He was a really good friend of mine and I named my bike after him and his wife. His family moved from Quebec to Vermont about a hundred years ago when your greedy priests demanded that the poor folks build another big fancy church across the road from the one they just built. So they crossed the border, built a simple church and went
about the pursuit of happiness in a country that is supposed to keep
church and state separate and have only one official language. Go try
your crybaby French welfare nonsense in New Hampshire or Vermont sometime Chucky and see if you come back in one piece. I would pay money I don't have to watch that circus tent unfold. The Pope's mission is to keep you dudes poor and dumb. Get it Frenchy? If not ask your hero Spinksy Baby to argue me as if I care what any of you think. I would argue him right after that chickenshit IDs himself and proves
to me and everyone else that he is not Brent Taylor.
I Double Dog Dare Ya to post this email in his blog. I am posting it
deep in your buddy the Gypsy's blog before I post it in mine. That is if he has still maintained his integrity after all my stress tests last week. You dudes kissing the "The General Blogger" nasty arse was too much for me to stand. It was too funny that T. J Burke blocked my defence of your blatant stupidity N'est Pas?
BTW one of my wife's cousins Robert T. Kickham you remember the evil ex banker who turned into the evil priest is still Cardinal O'Malley's secretary in Beantown as far as I know. Why don't you sing their praises on the Internet this Easter and ask that all the corrupt Catholics to pray that I be crucified by the RCMP soon? I must ask you Chucky why did you support diddlers for years and then suddenly turn coat and support Byron Prior's pursuit of justice after ignoring the fact that I introduced you two to each other four years ago?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. For the record Chucky this joke is still funny to me and my arse and my balls are as big as ever. Ain't it funny how time slips away and yet some things remain the same? Everybody knows I find you contemptible and why that is so. I do wish you a long life so that you can recall all your sins countless times with your five brains. However I must turn the page my personal history and go back to how I once was before I am dust once more. Life is too short to argue with liars for long or dance with ugly women so to speak. My Baby Boy turns 18 this year thus my job of raising him is largely done. He and his sisters are my best piece work. They all have the records of all my work including this email. (Obviously I sent it from one of my other
email accounts to one of my son's for safe keeping before I save it
digitally and print it as well.) Before long my son will be the Chief of our Clan and it will be his job to defend my integrity and my deeds for the benefit of my seed as I grin proudly from the grave. He is quite simply the best man I ever met and truly a man of his word. Never underestimate my darling daughters they are tigers in their own right and I raised them not to take shit from anyone. They may prove to be the most trouble for the unethical smiling bastards that are the powers that be right now.
Between men I asked my son to piss on the graves of my enemies someday
if I could not do so and he promised that he would. I would not ask my little Darlins to do such a thing out of respect to their gender. As part of my Blood Feud you made the list Chucky Baby. Your Mama will understand why I told my son that in order to pay proper respect to from Whence We Came he really should drink a lot of Keiths beer before he does so. Whereas neither of us like the taste of beer I will leave him to his own chosen poison as long as he enjoys the in and out of it
As for me I plan to Rest in Peace in Dorchester someday happy in
knowing the fact that I have left at least four very decent folk
behind me on this planet. My skull like Yorick's of old will grin like
Hell thinking about the fact that the prevailing winds will blow the
smell of my rotting corpse towards your old stomping grounds where you
no doubt will be buried without any children at all to visit your
bones. If you do have kids or an ex wife or two I never read where you admitted it. Dudes like you and your fans such as Dean Roger Ray and the Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara are too selfish to make decent loving fathers anyway. If there truly is a Hell like in your dreams Chucky, I will look for you there. I suspect the Devil would promote me to Sergeant at Arms and give me a Black Rod as soon as I landed in order to cram it up your nasty French arse. I have no doubt its hard to get good help in Hell and Satan will need a lot of help pounding on all the evil priests, bankers, lawyers, cops, politicians and the liars like you who supported their malice in this wonderful old world. N'est Pas?
Can one of your five brains tell that you have an ethical pigheaded
Maritimer you hates you with a very justifiable passion Chucky Baby? Whereas your buddy Shawny Baby Graham enjoys jokes maybe he will enjoy this one since it is on you. It is not my joke and I give credit where credit is due. I hate it when you or your buddies Dean Roger Ray or the Yankee Stevey Boy Erickson steal my words and claim them as their own while you try to impeach my character at the same time. If anyone doubts that I am the first Chief of the Amos Clan who has every right and duty to defend it fiercely perhaps he should query the dockets of
the US District Court in Concord New Hampshire if he knows how.
Whereas everything in the Catholic's heaven and hell is down in three I file My Clan's declaration of Independence for the Keiths within three affidavits in three different matters. I do not file nuisance lawsuits as Yankee blogger hero claims. Danny Boy can post the photo of my nasty arse, my boy and my panhead on the Internet with my knowledge and assent and my blessings and thanx as well. However I still own the rights to it. I need it for my book about you Fake Left Creeps in Fat Fred city and elsewhere. It may be the only thing that I
leave my kids that could be worth something someday. Maritimers do
love juicy gossip N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos