Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Methinks this CBC "News" article speaks volumes about the selfish snobs in Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?


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Methinks this CBC "News" article speaks volumes about the selfish snobs in Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?


Some residents disgruntled by emergency shelter, says Fredericton doctor

A decision on whether a downtown shelter will continue to operate until March will take place Wednesday

Dr. Sara Davidson is hoping the winter shelter on Brunswick Street will stay in place until March. (CBC)

A Fredericton doctor says some people in the community are upset over the city's temporary out-of-the-cold shelter.

Although there haven't been any formal complaints about the Bishop's Court shelter, Dr. Sara Davidson, a local doctor who is involved with the shelter, said she was concerned when organizers learned someone wanted to shut it down.

"The person wasn't being terribly aggressive but they were saying very clearly that, 'This is my intent,'" she said.   

"We were all taken aback."

She said the complaint came in during the day last week while organizers were getting ready for the next group of people to stay the night.
Davidson said she hasn't heard about any complaints since then.

"It fortunately didn't happen when any of the guests were staying there," she said.

"It became obvious that there were some disgruntled people in the community, but it wasn't mounting to this big snowball."

Davidson took to Facebook to share her concerns and to encourage people to show their support for the shelter at a municipal committee meeting on Wednesday, which will determine whether the shelter will continue to run until March.

Sara Davidson
on Sunday
The Out of the Cold Shelter has housed 20 people per night. My patients who stay there describe having a coffee, a shower, then going to sleep. I heard today a small but likely well organized group of people from the neighbourhood are planning on 'shutting it down' at the PAC meeting this coming Wed Dec 12 at 7pm at City Hall, not because anything has gone wrong, not because damage has occurred to their property, but because they find the very idea of homeless people having s...
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"I heard today a small but likely well organized group of people from the neighbourhood are planning on 'shutting it down' … not because anything has gone wrong, not because damage has occurred to their property, but because they find the very idea of homeless people having shelter in their neighbourhood distasteful," read the Facebook post.

Since Sunday, the post has received more than 600 shares on Facebook.

The emergency shelter has been open for just over a week and has been at capacity the past few nights. Most of the guests have been women.

The shelter can house up to 20 people, who are invited to come inside, have a shower, grab a coffee and something to eat and then rest for the night.

An information session


The former Anglican bishop's house has been converted into an emergency shelter. (Philip Drost/CBC)
Davidson said organizers held a meeting for residents on Tuesday, and people in the area were able to ask questions about the shelter and organizers could explain what it's all about.

"It was a good chance for people in the neighbourhood who had questions," she said.

"They're actually walking a bit of a tightrope of, 'Well I actually don't want people freezing to death but I also have concerns and questions because it happened very quickly,'" she said.
It's a pretty quiet and sedate place overall.- Dr. Sara Davidson
Davidson said the shelter is working closely with police and a mental health action team, in case a person is harmful to themselves or others.

"We would handle just as we would anywhere involving the right authorities to support that person," she said.

But for the most part, Davidson said residents in the area haven't noticed the shelter is there.
"It's a pretty quiet and sedate place overall," she said.

With files from Information Morning Fredericton

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stephen blunston 
stephen blunston
I am so ashamed of my beautiful city , when people are against this temp winter shelter to keep people alive and well for no other reason than they think they are to good to have homeless in their area .. if they are not damaging anything or being rowdy just shut up and let these people be . must be a bunch of rich hypocrytes totally disgusting

Harold Benson 
Harold Benson
How come some of us stoners never ended up in those decision making jobs ?

Harold Benson
Harold Benson
@Harold Benson *you*

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Harold Benson Methinks "you" and Sam were simply not paying attention N'esy Pas?

 Cathy Stafford 
Cathy Stafford
""I heard today a small but likely well organized group of people from the neighbourhood are planning on 'shutting it down' Who did she hear it from? What did the person actually say? Just exactly what is everyone getting excited about? Heresay? Inuendo?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Cathy Stafford Methinks its good gossip N'esy Pas?

Cathy Stafford 
Fred Dee
sad to see the primary comment here is attack the person who is against it.

Find out what the issues are first! Maybe they can be easily solved.....

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Fred Dee Dream on

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@Fred Dee it's not sad, in fact the world needs less people who think that way. Wouldn't miss them one bit.

 Cathy Stafford 
Fred Knox
Identify those that want the shelter closed for all to see their neighbors true colors.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Fred Knox I will lay odds that we will never know

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Fred Knox I agree maybe we can all go stand outside there house and actually give them something to whine and complain about

 Cathy Stafford 
Pam McInnis McCann
People are upset (and rightfully so) when animals are left out in sub zero temperatures for too long. And some people think it's acceptable for people to sleep outside in the winter? This shelter is much needed in the winter. It opens at 8PM and closes at 7:30 AM each day. Guests must leave in the morning. No one hangs out in "the neighbourhood" all day. It's just hard to imagine someone wanting to close this place down.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Pam McInnis McCann Methinks you don't know Fat Fred City like I know Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?

 Cathy Stafford 
Jeff LeBlanc
Man I hope this group gets outed for all to see

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jeff LeBlanc Me Too

Mary MacKenzie
Mary MacKenzie
@Jeff LeBlanc So that some vigilantes can go harass them?

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@Mary MacKenzie wouldn't bother me one bit if they did. The world needs less people with mindsets like that. We would all be better off.

Darren J Taylor 
Darren J Taylor
What kind of miserable, self-absorbed human being takes issue with another human being given shelter in the dead of winter??

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@Darren J Taylor the kind that need to be outed for the world to make fun of

Cathy Stafford
Cathy Stafford
@Darren J Taylor Anonymous, no name people.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Darren J Taylor Welcome to the Circus

 Cathy Stafford 
John Haigh
I know where I'm headed on New Years when I can't find a cab ride home.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@John Haigh Methinks you just upset some folks N'esy Pas?

Cathy Stafford 
Jason Inness
Fredericton, the capital of NIMBYism for the entire maritimes.

Instead of putting effort into having a homeless shelter shut down, maybe these people should look into addressing the root causes of homelessness so the need for the shelter goes away.

Anybody campaigning against a homeless shelter a few weeks before Christmas should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jason Inness I agree

Mary MacKenzie
Mary MacKenzie
@Jason Inness It's government's responsibility, not the homeowners.

Eva McLaughlin
Eva McLaughlin
@Jason Inness Well said.

Lynn Ronan
Lynn Ronan
@Jason Inness Some people really don't give a **** about anyone but themselves.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lynn Ronan I agree

 Paul Richardson 
Paul Richardson
Not in back yard attitude.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Paul Richardson Its the way of the world

Lynn Ronan
Lynn Ronan
@David R. Amos Yes, there is a simple word for.....selfishness.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lynn Ronan True

 Cathy Stafford 
Howard Smith
Good story with lots of feelings but no facts? The reporter should do better.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Howard Smith YUP

 Cathy Stafford 
cheryl wright
i am hoping that the reason there has been no formal complaint issued that because when that person went to others to gather support they shut the person down and pointed out what a Grinch they are being

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@cheryl wright LOL

 Cathy Stafford 
Cathy Stafford
Not to be a party pooper here, I know how people like to jump to conclusions, but has anyone checked the facts on this story? So far Dr Davidson has said the a complaint came in from someone wanting to shut the shelter down. That's it. That's all. What kind of complaint? Written? Verbal? Has anyone asked the neighbors about this? Come on CBC. A little more meat on the bone please. An entire neighborhood is being condemned here.

Cindy Fordyce
Cindy Fordyce
@Cathy Stafford

It says right in the article that no formal complaint has been made yet. Appears the doc is just simply trying to stay ahead of the argument.

Ian Smyth
Ian Smyth
@Cathy Stafford yeah it seems kinda premature for a news article about it. but prevention is usually a better practice than reaction.

Cathy Stafford
Cathy Stafford
@Cindy Fordyce She said "the complaint came in during the day last week while organizers were getting ready for the next group of people to stay the night." That is the complaint I am talking about.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Ian Smyth Howcome you don't care that I am homeless?

Lynn Ronan
Lynn Ronan
@Cathy Stafford This is true. One person can reflect badly on everyone.

Cathy Stafford 
Addie lingley
There are bad things out there period in society, a shelter is to help people stay alive that do not have a place to go, people are just naive or ignorant to their situation. There are more dangerous people outside of shelters than inside, I hope it stays!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Addie lingley "I hope it stays!"

Me Too

Cathy Stafford 
Gary MacKay
Becoming homeless can happen to anyone at any time. How our society treats others in need is a reflection of it. There will always be self serving, self-righteous individuals and followers that have a holier than thou attitude which is most unfortunate when it comes to doing the right thing. IMO. I would hope the good citizens of NB's Capital City can set an example of understanding and caring and refute this attitude of NIMBY' ism.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Gary MacKay I have been homeless since 2005 and not once have i sought assistance from the government or anyone else for that matter

Mary MacKenzie
Mary MacKenzie
@David R. Amos Why not?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Mary MacKenzie Pride

Wally Manza 
Wally Manza
What a wonderful opportunity and cause for a neighborhood and community to shine!

Fred Dee
Fred Dee
@Wally Manza but some do have concerns,,, and with the voices here... they are afraid to come forward and talk, and should be. Sadly, talking things out can often get things cleared up...

Not in my back yard is a common thing, and reality is … that is what people want!!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Fred Dee Oh So True

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