Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Methinks Dominic Leblanc was very dumb to attack Ernie Steeves and allow the SANB Trolls Marc Martin and Marguerite Deschamps go on and on N'esy Pas?


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Methinks Dominic Leblanc was very dumb to attack Ernie Steeves and allow the SANB Trolls Marc Martin and Marguerite Deschamps go on and on N'esy Pas?




Minister defends new school for colleague's riding while other projects postponed


David R. Amos
David R. Amos
Welcome back to the Circus folks No doubt the SANB clowns will soon make an appearance in order to make their dubious opinions well known to all N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

Cry me a river...

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks Dominic Leblanc was very dumb to stick his nose i provincial business and attack Ernie Steeves while you and Marguerite Deschamps go on and on and on N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

Who cares...


Paul Bourgoin 
cheryl wright
maybe they can utilize some of the space at all the new francophone schools they have built in Fredericton that are sitting at well under max capacity. save all around

Rose Michaud
Rose Michaud
@cheryl wright There's only 2 french schools in Fredericton, only one of which is new. The K-12 school on south side was so over capacity and had more portable classrooms that you can imagine. The new k-8 school on the north side is not well under max capacity. Get your facts correct instead of spewing lies. Now, building a french school in Quispamsis was a complete waste of money, as both the English and French kids fit in the same school. Now they have two schools only being half used.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

Said like a true PANB cult follower.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Rose Michaud

Don't try to explain that to an anti-French group member, your wasting your time.

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Marc Martin oh there you are. actually I am not anti French as I have told you before. I am anti waste .

Alexandre Hilton
Alexandre Hilton
@cheryl wright I'm not going to agree with Marc Martin because he is a blind partisan with room temperature IQ, but Rose has it right. Both école des batisseurs and école Ste-Anne (south side, same building in the CCSA) are both over capacity, and it is not getting any better with the massive influx of refugees coming in on a monthly basis.

They built one school on the north side, les éclaireurs, because there was (and still is) a need to service that side of town, plus Douglas, Penniac, Noonan, etc...

I also know, for a fact, that French students from the Hanwell area are sometimes spending over an hour on the bus in the afternoons, but you do not see me blindly advocating for another French school in Fredericton. Insinuating that these schools are 'well under max capacity' is just plain ignorance.

Oh, and I don't want to pour salt on the wound, but they are building a brand new Francophone school in Oromocto. If you've ever seen their current school, Arc-en-Ciel, you would understand why.

Michael Hunt
Michael Hunt
@cheryl wright With the Liberal economic war on the English in the Fredericton region through language based government hiring we will need far less English schools and far more French schools soon. As a transfer payment province the majority of jobs are tied to government even outside the capital. This kind of targeting one social group would be illegal in any western country except Canada..

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Alexandre Hilton I will admit if the information I thought to be correct was misguided and incorrect . for that I am apologizing. And no salt in my wound. If a location needs a new school so be it. I come from a time when all cultures and languages all rode the same bus. I do not see any harm in sharing schools, and having separate sections if you may, but still sharing the same school. I don't see how that infringes on any rights or beliefs but I do see how it cuts down on costs. I am not anti French so to speak as some would lead people tp believe. I believe we all should have the same opportunities. No one is better or more entitled to anything because of language, culture or area where you live. we should all be treated in the same manner and all given the same rights ... nobody more .. nobody less. if that makes me a bigot as I have been called by some that's ok. I admit if/when I am wrong and think for myself and do not blindly follow political leaders or parties for the sake of doing so .. again... despite other peoples opinion.

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@cheryl wright don't bother replying to him, it's a lose-lose situation

Alexandre Hilton
Alexandre Hilton
@cheryl wright For the record - I do not consider you a bigot. I am a Francophone with multiple children in the Francophone school system. You are a fiscal conservative, as am I. In fact, I agree with your statements. Kids in Kent county, for instance, are 5-10 students in the bus, and could easily be in the same bus together to save costs, completely agree. However, I do not think they should be in the same schools.

I want you to reflect on one thing though, if I may. If we were to amalgamate these services, are you o.k. with a large portion of uni-lingual Anglophones losing their jobs? Because that's exactly what would need to happen. Lets say one of my sons is on the bus, and there's an accident, and that bus driver needs to tell everyone to stay calm and get off the bus. My kids are bilingual, so that's fine, but not all kids are. If the bus driver cannot speak french, how will he tell uni-lingual Francophone children to get off the bus?

Be careful what you wish for.

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Alexandre Hilton I absolutely get what you are saying about the unilingual loss of jobs being greater percentage that the francophone counterparts; but not if we utilize the language translation services or boxes. by using them I am sure we can not only keep jobs but fill in a lot of unoccupied jobs.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin "Don't try to explain that to an anti-French group member, your wasting your time."

Methinks i made a minor goof It appears that one SANB dude was already here N'esy Pas?

Fred Knox
Fred Knox
@Marc Martin Says a true SANB cult follower.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

PANB followers are anti-French.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Alexandre Hilton

Cry me a river...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

*I do not see any harm in sharing schools*

I do and so does the charter.

* I am not anti French so to speak *

All PANB members are.

*I admit if/when I am wrong *

Thanks for the good laugh...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Alexandre Hilton

* am a Francophone with multiple children in the Francophone school system.*

No you are not.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Knox

I am not even part of SANB try again.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Alexandre Hilton

*Kris Austin will always get my vote.*

Caret to comment what you posted 5 months ago? Like I said before fake name with a PANB agenda.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Alexandre Hilton

*You are a fiscal conservative, as am I.*

It would have been easier just say * I am a PANB member like you*

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

Who cares..........

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

*but not if we utilize the language translation services or boxes*

Why didn't Kris Austin want to use them for any interview with the French media ? Oh wait he declined all interviews....

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Alexandre Hilton

*@Shawn McShane I'm voting PA, and would suggest to everyone who is disillusioned with the big parties to do the same. They won't change their ways unless they are subjected to a massive wake-up call, and this is our chance to give it to them.

2 months ago*

Another one...a PANB member..........Care to comment anti-French fake name?

Alexandre Hilton
Alexandre Hilton @Marc Martin Je suis un Francophone qu'a voté pour l'Alliance des Gens. Je ne suis pas comme toi - Je ne suis pas un fanatique aveugle du parti libéral. J'ai bel et bien des enfants dans le district francophone sud, et je suis bel et bien un Francophone.

Oui, Kris aura toujours mon vote. J'ai faite en masse de bénévolat pour les frères Murphy, Roger Melanson et al. Les libérals n'ont pas ton bien-être en tête quand ils font leurs décisions (à moins que vous etes Syrien, bien sur, mais ça c'est un autre conversation).

T'a raison - ce n'est pas mon vrai nom. Je ne peux pas utiliser mon vrai nom pour des raisons qui excèderaient ta faible compréhension. Je ne suis pas le seul Francophone partisan de l'Alliance.

Believe it or not, some Francophones ARE smart enough to see through liberal/pc BS, and are looking for a better way. I know that is difficult for you to understand, but I suggest you take off your partisan blinders and look around you. NB is in massive debt and we need radical change FAST.


PCs dramatically cut infrastructure spending in capital budget

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Graeme Scott 
Graeme Scott
Seems like a pretty sound plan overall to me. We didn't get into this mess overnight and we won't get out of it during one term of a government either. Overall I'd say it's a good start.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Graeme Scott Methinks everybody know that I have no respect for Mr Higgs and his cohorts whatsoever However I must give the Devil his due, tip my hat and say that I agree with what has been announced today. At least I am fair N'esy Pas?

Paul Bourgoin 
Paul Bourgoin
Premier Higgs, what about Northern New Brunswick Schools, in Francophone North?

Eric Fowler
Eric Fowler
@Paul Bourgoin What about them?

Bob Smith
Bob Smith
@Paul Bourgoin I would suggest you look at the budget for the Francophone Games that Gallant's buddies have planned...might have built a school or two if not for them.

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Bob Smith I am sure the government will not pony up for more than the allotted 10M they had already agreed to and not a penny more. (the 10m is still too much in this day and age for this province and its debt load ). Higgs has a good head on his shoulder

Bob Smith
Bob Smith
@cheryl wright I truly hope so...but when multiple levels of government are involved and language is involved even tangentially, bad decisions can be made.

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@Bob Smith I have no political party loyalty! Only what is best for New Brunswick citizens. The back to the past Alliance & Conservative glued into one Party to travel to a Political mentality of 1864 will destroy New Brunswick's future or should I say our children's future and this is sad. It is not political parties teaming up that is needed here it is New Brunswick population working together as one. By the way when we are fighting division look seriously where the provincial crown-land profits go!!

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@cheryl wright they better not offer more for the games , why a great thing if the organisers cant give honest numbers the games should be cancel;d

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Paul Bourgoin it would be nice if we could get along to better the province unfortunately to many special interests looking out for nobody but themselves

Fred Knox
Fred Knox
Is this best for all New Brunswick citizens?

Fred Knox
Fred Knox
@Paul Bourgoin

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Paul Bourgoin to Bermuda.

Penny Kollar
Penny Kollar
@Marc Martin actually no I didn't but I see you being anti -anglo often.

Jann Dutch
Jann Dutch
@Paul Bourgoin How fast is the population growing up there? Because schools down here are full before they finish building them. They need to spend money on the most needed projects first

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Paul Bourgoin
The North will get what it always got?
Crumbs & beat up hand me downs.
Things that belong in a museum.

When a Northerner(working in civil services) ask Fredericton for new equipment, Fredericton's answer is "We don't care."

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Rosco holt, well put! Most high ranking civil servants in charge in Fredericton have never even set foot up north. They don't care. The south has all the four-lane highways and Higgs just cut the project for the only one heading only just a little way north.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Cry me a river

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Penny Kollar

Please point out where I am anti-anglophone.....

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jann Dutch

*They need to spend money on the most needed English projects first.*

Corrected you..

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin "Please point out where I am anti-anglophone....."

Methinks you should review all the comments of yours that have not been deleted thus far then check my blog again N'esy Pas?

Paul Bourgoin 
Billy Sturgeon
So.... 60.2 Million in new school infrastructure spending ... or 130 million for Francophonie Games. Or a better comparison should be: total spending is $600.6 million for the entire province but hosting a sporting event is 130 million. Anyone think this is a good idea needs to give there head a shake.

Bob Smith
Bob Smith
@Billy Sturgeon Thank Gallant..the gift that keeps on giving even after he leaves office.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Billy Sturgeon

Cry me a river..

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks that is what you have been doing for months Now that you are using the expression I used against you many times perhaps I should feel flattered N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Marc Martin, that David, full of himself, ain't he?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin what a witty retort.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Robert Mason, witty as the one from whom he borrowed the expression from. Guess who!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks I resemble that remark N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David R. Amos, if the hat fits you, wear it.

Paul Bourgoin 
Mario Doucet
The anti anglophone party is pro deficit spending.

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Mario Doucet yeah but they don't know any better cause the boss says budgets balance themselves

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Mario Doucet

Especially the " spending on themselves " part of the equation.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mario Doucet

There is no anti-Anglophone party there is only 2 anti French party in power PANB and the CoRservatives.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you are an Anti-Anglophone dude who is minor minion within the SANB N'esy Pas?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin show me a quote or an example where any political party in NB made an anti French statement or has something in their policy book that is anti French. @ Mario Doucet Same question to you only show me an example of where the Liberals are anti English. This low brow sniping does no good and is very telling of your motives and IQ.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin "Who cares what you think...."

Methinks Mr Higgs and Mr Trudeau and their many lawyers do N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

Cry me a river....

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

Fakes news...who cares..

Paul Bourgoin 
Richard Dunn
The concept of living within your means is foreign to most liberal leaders. I congratulate, and support, this government on making the tough choices that need to be made. We need to eliminate our deficit and that cannot be accomplished through reckless spending.
Failure to take these steps will result in decisions being made for NB, by our lenders, that will be very unpopular and drastic.

It is nice to see the adults running the province again.

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@Richard Dunn you just aged yourself big time with that post.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Richard Dunn
"It is nice to see the adults running the province again."

Adults where? I don't see any.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Richard Dunn, now if only they wouldn't give all our natural resources to the corporate welfare baum$.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks the Irving Clan doesn't care what you think any more that my Clan does N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David R. Amos, this is the second time you state this; it's getting redundant.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

Who cares...

Paul Bourgoin 
Rod McLeod
Perhaps they were given their marching orders on the Francophonie Games. The money has to come from somewhere.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you know as well as I that the Irving Clan don't care about your silly French games N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David R. Amos, one thing I have in common with the Irving clan then; I don't care either.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

Cry me a river...

Paul Bourgoin 
Luke Armstrong
With a debt of over 14 Billion, NB should welcome the PC's agenda with open arms. Congrats people!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Luke Armstrong Methinks his boss Mr Higgs should had acted ethically years ago but at least Mr Steeves fixed a few things today N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

Who cares...

Marc Martin 
Paul Bourgoin
New Brunswick, the Family owned province!

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Paul Bourgoin

Perhaps Quebec is the place for you.

Where Major cities shrug while poring millions of litres of raw sewage into the St. Lawrence.

And they brag about sustainable hydro power, a significant percentage robbed from Newfoudland and Labrador which they sell at significant profit in the US.

The James Bay project covers huge areas whose forests once sequestered carbon dioxide and provided refuge for wildlife.

Even after the Megantic tragedy, they militate against the safer transport of oil by pipeline rather than rail.

Trudeau and company kowtow to and participate in this hypocrisy and provide billions in transfer payments at the expense of Alberta.

In any event thousands of New Brunswicker’s have employment thanks to the McCains and Cookes and Irving’s.

Merry Christmas.

reginald churchill
reginald churchill
@Colin Seeley ----agreed, good comment

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@Colin Seeley
To know so much about Quebec Colin, you have to be a QUEBEC-COR!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin "You bigotry is out this morning eh little Colin."

Methinks that many would agree that yours certainly is N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

Who cares what you think...

Paul Bourgoin 
Rosco holt
When will Higgs & Austin revise the subsidize that the province hands out?

Michael McFadden
Michael McFadden
@Rosco holt What would that be ?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Michael McFadden, what would that be he says; sheesh!

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Michael McFadden
Subsidize that stay long after the reasons for implementation have past, electricity deal, forestry give away, taxpayer paying for construction and up keep of logging roads, lower tax rate for corps., paying businesses to extract our resources just to name a few.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Who cares?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

You do..

Minister defends new school for colleague's riding while other projects postponed

Finance Minister Ernie Steeves says new school needed, or kids may be bused to Oromocto, Nackawic

Finance Minister Ernie Steeves defended cuts to capital spending in an interview with Information Morning Fredericton. (Michel Corriveau/Radio-Canada)

Finance Minister Ernie Steeves is defending his government's plan to postpone school projects in eastern New Brunswick but allow a proposed school in the education minister's riding to go ahead.

Steeves told Information Morning Fredericton the new Hanwell school, which will be located in Education Minister Dominic Cardy's Fredericton West-Hanwell riding, is needed because there's no more space for students at existing Fredericton schools and no more portable classrooms can be added.

Without a new school, children would have to be bused up to 40 minutes away.

"Those kids were going to face being bused out of the Hanwell region to either Oromocto or Nackawic," said Steeves.

"That school has been number one on the DEC's hit list if you will … for the last three years," Steeves said. "I remember Brian Macdonald, when he was MLA, going on about that a lot and the Liberal government had totally ignored it. Probably or maybe because it was in a Conservative riding. I don't know."

Steeves said the theory the project was saved because it's in a minister's riding doesn't hold water. He pointed to plans to build a new school for 1,300 students in Moncton, although he seemed to think the school was planned for nearby Dieppe. 

"We don't have any MLA there, nor do we have much chance of ever having an MLA there," said Steeves.

Moncton has three Liberals MLAs and two Progressive Conservative MLAs, including Steeves.
Construction has not started on the Hanwell school, and a decision hasn't been made about where to put it.

The tight capital budget Steeves delivered on Tuesday postponed planning for a new K-8 school in Moncton to replace Bessborough and Hillcrest schools and for the design of a new K-8 school in Campbellton

Concerns about Playhouse, plows


Steeves said people shouldn't expect money this year for Fredericton's proposed new performing arts centre. (Philip Drost/CBC)
Steeves didn't bring good news for Fredericton residents looking for money for several projects in the city.

The city was expecting provincial money to rebuild the Playhouse and build a new pool.
But Steeves didn't inspire hope.

"It's not going to be this year," he said.

The People's Alliance has said it will support the capital budget but is concerned about a lack of funding to upgrade the  winter snow removal fleet in the province.

While Steeves said the concern was "legitimate," he didn't pledge more funding for it.

"We're doing what we can with what we have and [we] really are trying to do the best and make the best decisions for New Brunswick."

Hard sell


Steeves said several funding arrangements are still going ahead, including a $130 million five-year refurbishment project at the Chaleur Regional Hospital in Bathurst. (Vitalité Health Network)
Steeves said the cuts to spending were difficult to present to caucus.

"That was a hard sell, yes, I will say that," said Steeves.

"Nobody wants to deliver tough news, but I had to deliver it to them."

And it's not all doom and gloom, he said. Many projects are still underway, including a $130-million, five-year refurbishment at the Chaleur Regional Hospital in Bathurst, and the capital budget overall is more than $600 million.

"We're still doing the upgrades," said Steeves.

"I don't want people to think that this is just about going away."
With files from Information Morning Fredericton

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PCs dramatically cut infrastructure spending in capital budget

PCs propose spending $60.2M on schools, down from $105.8M the Liberals budgeted for 2018-19

Finance Minister Ernie Steeves presented a capital budget on Tuesday, saying the province had 'failed to curtail' infrastructure spending. (Michel Corriveau/Radio-Canada)

The new Progressive Conservative government is dramatically scaling back spending on infrastructure with a capital budget almost one-third lower than what the previous Liberal government had planned.

There is a smattering of new projects in the spending plan, including new kindergarten-to-Grade 8 schools for Moncton and Hanwell, but the overall belt-tightening is clear.

The government is postponing several major, high-profile projects, including:

  • A new Centennial Building and courthouse complex in Fredericton.
  • A new New Brunswick Museum in Saint John.
  • Route 11 upgrades between Cocagne River and Little Bouctouche River and between Glenwood and Miramichi.
  • Planning for a new school in Moncton to replace Bessborough and Hillcrest schools.
  • The design of a new K-8 school in Campbellton.
  • Renovations to the Memramcook Institute.
Total spending is $600.6 million in 2019-2020, far below the $865.5 million the Liberals had forecast for the same year.

Finance Minister Ernie Steeves told the legislature that while a burst of stimulus money a decade ago stabilized the economy after a global market crash, "we have failed to curtail our infrastructure spending as the economy started to improve."
He called the continued large-scale deficit spending on infrastructure "a large factor in the near doubling of our net debt" and warned that debt could grow more quickly if interest rates rise as a result of a downgrade of the province's credit rating.

In education, the PCs will spend $60.2 million in schools next year, down from the $105.8 million the Liberals budgeted for 2018-19.

That includes a new anglophone K-8 school for the rural community of Hanwell, outside Fredericton, in the riding of Education Minister Dominic Cardy. The school location has been the subject of a long local lobbying campaign.

Cuts in Liberal ridings

Cardy was jeered by opposition MLAs as he told the house the decision was a sign of the Higgs government taking politics out of school-funding decisions.

"In terms of schools and renovations to schools, the majority of projects that have been eliminated are in Liberal ridings, and at the same time the minister of education sees a new school being built in his own riding," said Liberal MLA Roger Melanson.

Steeves disputed that, noting the Moncton area is getting a new school for 1,300 students.
"I don't think that's founded at all," Steeves said.
He also told reporters that some of the postponed projects could be revived once the province has a chance to evaluate them.

"A lot of the projects are deferred and we'll see where they are next year," Steeves said. "For this year, we're focused on balancing the budget, on keeping that bond rating steady. If that goes down, our interest rates go up and we just spend so much more money."

The new Moncton school is a francophone K-8 school. The previous Liberal government had announced plans for the school to take pressure off two overcrowded schools in the city, École Le Sommet and École Champlain.

The Anglophone West district education council has proposed a new Hanwell K-8 school. PCs have set aside money for this project in their proposed budget. (Anglophone School District West)
On roads and bridges, the Tories will spend $321.1 million, a reduction from the $458.1 million the Liberals allocated for this year.

The PC capital budget also includes $123.8 million for health-care infrastructure, an increase from the $99.9 million by the Liberals — but all but $32 million of the PC total is to continue work on projects already underway.
That includes a new maternity and newborn unit at the Moncton Hospital, a surgical suite addition at the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre, additions and renovations at the Chaleur and Dr. Everett Chalmers regional hospitals and a mental health treatment centre for youth in Campbellton.

The budget includes a five-year spending plan that projects similar amounts of spending in all areas for the fiscal years through 2023-2024.

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