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Methinks that it is no coincidence that both Maritime Green Party Leaders are in the Limelight today N'esy Pas?


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Methinks that it is no coincidence that both Maritime Green Party Leaders are in the Limelight today N'esy Pas?


P.E.I. Greens and Liberals tied in latest CRA poll

 Commenting is now closed for this story.

George Brown 
Seamus Milligan
The sooner the PEI Liberals are voted out of office the better. As with the Federals Liberals. Incompetent barely describes them.

George Brown 
Jim Cyr
PEI actually LIKES its 9-10% unemployment rate, it seems.............

George Brown 
George Brown
Trudeaus dream for Canaistian is coming full circle...everybody stoned and on pogey

George Brown 
George Brown
Hey "Big wade" no new roads down East...awww that's right the population of PEI stops at Stratford...

David R. Amos
David R. Amos

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Methinks that it is no coincidence that both Maritime Green Party Leaders are in the Limelight today N'esy Pas?



David Coon's Greens benefiting from post-election turmoil, polls suggest


Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Most crying here about this province not having any money, then we have a Premier who bites the hand that feeds us, the feds. New Brunswickers will pay dearly for Higgs decisions to cut work in progress such as the twinning of route 11. The worst decision NB voters made was ousting the Liberals for the elusive Higgs Bozon.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "Most crying here about this province not having any money,"

Methinks you are the one doing all the crying merely because your beloved party got booted off the gravy train for awhile N'esy Pas?

Marc LeBlanc
Marc LeBlanc
@Marguerite Deschamps "Higgs Bozon" That's funny...but not in a humorous way

Marc LeBlanc 
Scott McLaughlin
After years of liberals mad spending it's no wonder they are at rock bottom.

Mark (Junkman) George
Mark (Junkman) George
@Scott McLaughlin

Maybe, just maybe, folks are realizing that the Liberals tend to buy their vote with their money............ of course the CONServatives will cut, and cut, until folks get sick of them (and the Irvings) and kick them out.
Back and forth, since 1867, and it seems to only get worse, not better.
After being a voter for over 50 years the only difference I notice is: the Liberals seem to leave a bit of change in my pocket come week's end, not so with the CONServatives, they want it ALL for themselves

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@Scott McLaughlin
One should always look at the Grants, subsidies, tax breaks and where the money went!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Paul Bourgoin Mais Oui

David R. Amos 
David R. Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Methinks folks my enjoy a little Deja Vu from nearly a year ago N'esy Pas?


David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Methinks that it is no coincidence that both Maritime Green Party Leaders are in the Limelight today N'esy Pas?


Lou Bell
Lou Bell
It states early on the Liberals and Conservatives are basically the same as in the election , 35 % Liberals / 30 % Conservatives , then further it states that the Conservatives averaged around 33 % in the three polls , then also indicating the Liberals averaged 33 % in the 3 polls since the election . Is this just poor math , or spin ????

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Lou Bell Analysis ? Analysis ?? Where did the author of this piece get his education ?? The figures DON'T ADD UP !! He states the Cons are the same , the Liberals are the same , the PA are the same , and the Greens gained greatly , and the Liberals are leading the Cons bye the same as that they did in the election. Later he states the Liberals lost percentages to the Greens. What kind of analysis is that ?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
 @Lou Bell "Is this just poor math , or spin ????"

Methinks it is both However trust that all the politician know that two Independent who ran in the last election are enjoying the Circus in Fat Fred City Everybody knows one Independent candidate is my friend Roger Richard. He ran against the Green Party's French Lieutenant Mr Arseneau after he had been rejected by the liberals. He was treated very porly in a debate organized by supporters of the Green Party. In the "Mean" time I ran again in...

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David R. Amos, "irrelevant" may be the word you were looking for?

Gabriel Boucher
Gabriel Boucher
@Lou Bell: There's some people in the polls that are undecided and were taken into account. What's happening is that these undecided voters switched their support towards the Greens, which gave them more points.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks my friend Roger Richard will not think what I wrote about him was "irrelevant" which a word I was NOT looking for. However you are certainly "irrelevant" until you have put your name on the ballot and sued as many lawyers as I have N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Chris McNee
As soon as the last election was going to that whole mess of the numbers game, I will never forget how the Green Party jumped onto the coat tales of the liberals. Spineless, it’s just my opinion however but I will look at this party as a waste of what could have been potential.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Chris McNee "I will never forget how the Green Party jumped onto the coat tales of the liberals."

Methinks many folks will never forget that fact N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Bob Smith
Uh huh...and the polls predicted Gallant winning a majority in the last election.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bob Smith

They were close, if it wasn't for the anti-French party of NB they would be the minority government right now.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin Cry me a river

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
@Marc Martin who is this anti-french party you speak of?

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Marc Martin I guess you can call the Liberals Anti English eh. Desole man.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin "Poof"

@Marguerite Deschamps "Most crying here about this province not having any money,"

Methinks you are the one doing all the crying merely because your beloved party got booted off the gravy train for awhile N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Charles Dunton
I wish the Greens much success but doubt that it can survive the embrace of Dan Weston. He intimately involved in the Strax affair. He then led the Fredericton anti-poverty group which didn't look right. His history would suggest a place in the NDP but it is likely they rejected him. Perhaps the Green Party should ask why.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Charles Dunton Methinks not many folks remember Norman Strax You must be at least as old as I am N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Craig O'Donnell
CRA polls have become nothing more than a joke.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Craig O'Donnell Methinks many believe they always were N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Tim Raworth
Someone once said "polls are for dogs"

Marc LeBlanc
Marc LeBlanc
@Tim Raworth former Prime Minister John Diefenbaker said "Polls are for dogs to relieve themselves on" I think he was bang on!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc LeBlanc Me Too

Jim Joe Jackson 
Jim Joe Jackson
This is why I don't understand Gallant stepping down? He crushed Higgs in the popular vote, but those votes were too concentrated. The Liberals are still polling the highest. The Greens are the only non-Irving MLAs so naturally the electorate is waking up. After a year of endless cuts and language fights in 2019, there will be appetite for a new election.

Harold Benson
Harold Benson
@Jim Joe Jackson Hopefully.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jim Joe Jackson "After a year of endless cuts and language fights in 2019, there will be appetite for a new election"

Methinks many liberals would would love to have another election ASAP before too many French folks wake up and smell the stink of the Frankophony games N'esy Pas?

Jim Joe Jackson 
John O'Brien
When it comes to actually voting, I think Liberals will only hold the French vote in the next election.Who else would vote for a party with a mission to bankrupt the province,I think PCs will stay about the same and the Alliance will get many more seats. Greens have not distinguished themselves from Liberals so they will follow the same decline as the Liberals.I see a PC minority with a larger Alliance contingent. And I foresee a growing decline in French influence and a rewriting of the onerous clauses of the OLA by 2025.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@John O'Brien . "Greens have not distinguished themselves from Liberals so they will follow the same decline as the Liberals.I see a PC minority with a larger Alliance contingent. "

Me Too

Tom Wright 
Tom Wright
Not sure what the point of this article is. The election just ended recently and he's quoting poll numbers from the CRA. CRA polls are wrong 78 percent of the time according to BSPN polls.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Tom Wright Methinks some folks call it propaganda N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Most crying here about this province not having any money, then we have a Premier who bites the hand that feeds us, the feds. New Brunswickers will pay dearly for Higgs decisions to cut work in progress such as the twinning of route 11. The worst decision NB voters made was ousting the Liberals for the elusive Higgs Bozon.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Just drop the "n" on Bozon.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks I should welcome you and Bozo back to the Circus N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marguerite Deschamps Someone has to be quite naive to think that highway will not be twinned , most likely in next year or two. Getting control of the " spend like a drunken sailor " mentality of the previous government is the first priority. Most of these projects were not eliminated , just postponed. The Francophone Games fiasco is a great example of having an incompetent Premier and his controllers steering the the province over fiscal cliff solely to suit their own agenda !

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Lou Bell, the naive are those who think the money supposedly saved will not be funnelled by big corporations into outshore tax havens and we will not be left with anything, except holding the bag.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marguerite Deschamps You mean like ATCON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marguerite Deschamps Someone was gonna fill their pockets with that 10 million dollar security contract BIG TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos I just got my first "Content disabled." Very interesting indeed

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks you would agree that it awful funny that you cannot read my replies in this thread to the very questionable lady N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps 
Marguerite Deschamps
With the elusive Higgs Bozon, New Brunswickers get nothing and big corporations get everything, the CORservative way.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you have been doing all the crying for months merely because your beloved party got booted off the gravy train for awhile N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marguerite Deschamps Someone always reaps the benefits. With Gallant and his caucus it was the SANB !

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David R. Amos, and you got 54 votes.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you know as well as I ran again in Fundy to make certain that the liberal Ian Smyth, and his buddies in the Greens and the PANB lost thus I was a raging success N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks the dude you refer to as Bozon would be the first to affirm that the liberals tried very hard to win a quite a few ridings by spitting the vote between the PANB and the PC parties. The NDP were irrelevant. However the Red Coat's plan clearly backkfired bigtime and the attacks on the PANB by all the other parties gave them more credibility than they deserved.. History proves that first the 3 stooges in green coats gave the Red Coats their marching orders but that didn't work out. Now the 3 stooges in purple coats are giving Bozon orders at the Circus. It appears that common sense has prevailed for now as they are doing just fine cutting the needless spending the Red Coats had big plans for N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
Whew ! Thank goodness ! We may not be going bankrupt after all !

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks before that happens folks should listen to what I explained to Higgs and many lawyers in 2013 and again during a debate in Fundy and on Rogers TV this year N'esy Pas?

Harold Benson
Harold Benson
Can we have another election already?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Harold Benson Methinks Sam would agree the sooner the better for all N'esy Pas?

P.E.I. Greens and Liberals tied in latest CRA poll

Undecided vote increases over August

The CRA poll, based on phone calls to 604 Islanders from Nov. 2 to 19, showed little movement from August, except in government satisfaction, which increased. (The Canadian Press)

The Green and Liberal parties on Prince Edward Island are separated by one percentage point in the latest poll by Corporate Research Associates.

The results show only minimal movement compared to the company's poll in August.

The CRA poll, based on phone calls to 604 Islanders from Nov. 2 to 19, puts the Green Party on top with the support of 37 per cent of decided voters, one point ahead of the governing Liberals.

The Progressive Conservatives sit at 20 per cent, with no change from the last poll. The NDP has six per cent support.

Among decided voters, the poll is considered accurate within 6.7 percentage points.

According to the poll, 32 per cent of Island voters are undecided, refused to state their voting preference or don't plan to vote. The number of undecided increased by three percentage points since August.


Government satisfaction increases

The poll found 57 per cent of Islanders are satisfied with the current Liberal government under Premier Wade MacLauchlan, which is up from 49 per cent three months ago.

The percentage of Islanders dissatisfied with government decreased to 38 per cent in November, from 48 per cent in August.

The poll also shows Green Party leader Peter Bevan-Baker remains Islanders' preference for premier over MacLauchlan.

The poll was done after James Aylward stepped down as PC leader.

The margin of error for party satisfaction and preference for premier is four percentage points.

David Coon's Greens benefiting from post-election turmoil, polls suggest

Latest polls find the PCs, People's Alliance holding, Liberals sliding and Greens gaining

The only party to make gains in every poll since the September provincial election has been the New Brunswick Greens under David Coon. (James West/Canadian Press)

After all the jockeying in the New Brunswick legislature between the Liberals and the Progressive Conservatives, it is the Green Party under David Coon that appears to have come out the better for it in public opinion.

Three surveys conducted after the September provincial election suggest that both the PCs and the People's Alliance have not seen any significant shift in their support since the last vote, while the Liberals have taken a step back to the benefit of the Greens.

The latest poll, conducted by Corporate Research Associates throughout November and published on Tuesday, still gives the Liberals a five-point lead over the PCs, with the two parties standing at 35 and 30 per cent support, respectively.

The Greens follow with 17 per cent and the People's Alliance with 12 per cent.

The numbers paint a similar picture to two other polls taken at the end of October and early November by Mainstreet Research and MQO Research. Though there are some differences between the polls, the broad trends are the same.

For the PCs, support has hardly budged. The party averaged 33 per cent across the three polls, little different from the 31.9 per cent the party captured on Sept. 24.

Premier Blaine Higgs has also seen no shift in his support — 22 per cent of New Brunswickers said he is the best person to be premier in the CRA poll (out of a list that still included Brian Gallant), similar to where he stood in the polls before the election.

Gallant, who has announced plans to resign when a new Liberal leader is chosen, was favoured by 25 per cent of respondents.

The People's Alliance has not progressed, despite its new position as the kingmaker. The three polls put the party between 11 and 13 per cent, identical to its 12.6 per cent share of the vote in the election.
Kris Austin's victory, however, has awarded the Alliance leader more credibility. Austin scored 10 per cent from poll participants on the best premier question, his best result in any survey by CRA. Nevertheless, there hasn't been any corresponding increase in Alliance support.

Greens gain at Liberal expense

The biggest shifts have been between the Liberals and the Greens. The Liberals have averaged 33 per cent support in the three post-election surveys, a drop of about five points.

CRA had the best results for the party and still put them down three points. Mainstreet suggested a drop of four points while MQO a drop of nine.

The Greens have been the beneficiaries, averaging 18 per cent support — a gain of six points since the election. All three pollsters said they found gains for the Greens since the last vote, ranging between four and nine points.

Coon is now seen as the best person to be premier by 17 per cent of New Brunswickers polled, only five points behind Higgs and Coon's best result in any poll since he became leader in 2012.

But the Greens should not be measuring for the curtains in the premier's office just yet. The party is not yet scoring anywhere close to the results its cousin in Prince Edward Island is putting up — polls there suggest the P.E.I. Greens are neck-and-neck with the governing Liberals.

And the New Brunswick Greens need to make up more ground before they can turn these poll numbers into tangible results.

The party might have won three seats in September, but it finished second in just two others — a distant second. The Liberals beat the Greens by 21 points in Restigouche West and 54 points in Restigouche-Chaleur. The Greens will need more than an 11-point swing between them and the Liberals to see even a fourth seat fall their way.

Little incentive for pulling plug

The trend line is heading in the right direction for the Greens, but these aren't numbers that should embolden Coon to try to pull the plug on the Higgs government just yet.

The People's Alliance could have more to gain — it is easier to identify a fourth or fifth seat for the Alliance than it is to spot the Greens' next pickup — but it might be difficult for the Alliance to improve upon its balance-of-power position.

While such numbers could produce another minority legislature if they were replicated at the ballot box, the PCs were still only three seats short of a majority government, despite losing the popular vote by about six points to the Liberals.

If the Greens are bleeding support away from the Liberals while the People's Alliance has yet to make similar inroads among PC supporters, a snap election could just as easily produce a narrow PC majority — reducing whatever clout the Greens and People's Alliance have in the legislature to virtually nothing.

About the Author


Éric Grenier
Politics and polls
Éric Grenier is a senior writer and the CBC's polls analyst. He was the founder of ThreeHundredEight.com and has written for The Globe and Mail, Huffington Post Canada, The Hill Times, Le Devoir, and L’actualité.

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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 08:20:38 -0400
Subject: Re: YO Alex Johnston can you please explain this notice from CBC to me real slow?
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 03:15:53 +0000
Subject: RE: YO Alex Johnston can you please explain this notice from CBC to me real slow?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

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From: Green Party of Canada | Parti vert du Canada <info@greenparty.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 03:16:00 +0000
Subject: Re: YO Alex Johnston can you please explain this notice from CBC to me real slow?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

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On 12/21/17, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:

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---------- Original message ----------
From: "Coon, David (LEG)"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 01:02:20 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks David Coon and his boss Dizzy Lizzy May will enjoy my
comment about a "Not So Happy Dentist" on PEI the Xmass N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email.

I’m out of the office and will be back on January 2nd, 2018. During
this period I will not be responding personally to my emails.

If you are looking for assistance of a personal nature & live in the
riding of Fredericton South, please contact my Constituency
Coordinator by email at Taeyon.Kim@gnb.caTaeyon.Kim@gnb.ca
or 455-0936.

For media inquiries, please contact Shannon at
Best Regards,

David Coon
MLA Fredericton South & Leader of the Green Party

Merci pour votre courriel.
Je suis hors du bureau et reviendrai le 31 juillet 2017. Pendant cette
période, je ne répondrai pas personnellement à mes courriels.
Si vous êtes à la recherche d'une aide personnelle et habitez la
circonscription de Fredericton South, veuillez contacter ma
coordonnatrice de circonscription par courriel à
Taeyon.Kim@gnb.caTaeyon.Kim@gnb.ca>  ou 455-0936.
Pour toute question concernant les médias, veuillez contacter Shannon
à Shannon.carmont@gnb.caShannon.carmont@gnb.ca>

Meilleures salutations,
David Coon
MLA Fredericton South et chef du Parti Vert

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 01:02:20 +0000
Subject: RE: Methinks David Coon and his boss Dizzy Lizzy May will enjoy my comment
about a "Not So Happy Dentist" on PEI the Xmass N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
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Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 01:02:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks David Coon and his boss Dizzy Lizzy May will enjoy my
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From: "Harpelle, Paul  (ENB)"<Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 01:02:20 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks David Coon and his boss Dizzy Lizzy May will enjoy my
comment about a "Not So Happy Dentist" on PEI the Xmass N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

I am away from my office until January 3, 2018. I will be checking my
e-mails on occasion.

Je suis absent de mon bureau jusqu'au 3 janvier 2018. Je vérifierai
mon courriel occasionnellement.

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From: Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 01:02:18 +0000
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Thank you for contacting me. This response is to assure you that your
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 21:02:15 -0400
Subject: Methinks David Coon and his boss Dizzy Lizzy May will enjoy my comment
about  a "Not So Happy Dentist" on PEI the Xmass N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
To: oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>,
"elizabeth.may"<elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca>, "David.Coon"
<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, markandcaroline <markandcaroline@gmail.com>,
andre <andre@jafaust.com>, COCMoncton <COCMoncton@gmail.com>,
upriverwatch <upriverwatch@gmail.com>, jbosnitch
<jbosnitch@gmail.com>, "Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>,
"blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, briangallant10
<briangallant10@gmail.com>, "brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
premier <premier@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gov.pe.ca>,
BrianThomasMacdonald <BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.com>, "randy.mckeen"
<randy.mckeen@gnb.ca>, "kirk.macdonald"<kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca>,
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<jeremy.keefe@globalnews.ca>, "David.Akin"<David.Akin@globalnews.ca>,
Ezra , "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "darrow.macintyre"
<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>, "Paul.Harpelle"<Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>


Thursday, 21 December 2017
How boring is politicking in the Maritimes when a Green Meanie Leader
gets booted out of the House and nobody cares?


Green leader turfed from P.E.I. Legislature as sitting comes to dramatic close
Bevan-Baker escorted from chamber after referring to 'farcical' debate
over legislation
By Kerry Campbell, CBC News Posted: Dec 20, 2017 9:28 PM AT

11 Comments According to CBC however five comments were blocked N'esy Pas?
Commenting is now closed for this story.

 What would that be if not my real name???

 Your account has been banned until 12/22/2017. Reason: Your username
is not keeping within our Submission Guidelines, for more information
please visit: http://www.cbc.ca/aboutcbc/discover/submissions.html.
When your account reactivates in 1 day, please change your username to
something that adheres to our Submission Guidelines.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
Are you sick little dudes still finding joy in blocking me for
unethical political reasons within a Crown Corp's website owned by we
the people?

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled.
David Raymond Amos
I will lay odds that Jesse' minions within Viafoura are wondering if I
have their names?

Survey Says???

YUP Methinks they brag too much for their own good. N'esy Pas?


David Raymond Amos
Content disabled.
David Raymond Amos
Methinks that Jesse S. Moeinifar. Founder & CEO.of Viafoura has earned
a not so honourable mention N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled.
David Raymond Amos
Methinks CBC should be ashamed of themselves bigtime N'esy Pas Prime
Minister Trudeau "The Younger", Minister Joly and Hubby Baby Lacroix?

David Raymond Amos
Content disabled.
David Raymond Amos
Well my comment stood for about ten minutes or so N'esy Pas?

David Raymond Amos
This comment stood for about ten minutes or so until I Tweeted and
emailed about it
Content disabled.
David Raymond Amos
For the public record what is truly "farcical" to me is that this spit
and chew is about a Whistleblower Protection Act of all things.

Perhaps the "Not So Happy" Dentist and his parliamentary cohorts
should check htheir email records over the Yuletide Season and dig
into their memories as well to see if they recall any conversations
with a certain whistleblower who has been falsely imprisoned in Canada
and the USA. Steve Murphy of ATV and everybody else knows since 2006
that he was denied the right to vote but still managed to run for
public office five times thus far. Nobody will admit that same
whistleblower has been suing the Crown in Federal Court since 2015 for
being illegally barred from all parliamentary properties in Canada
including PEI. Yet there have been 9 decisions in the matter thus far
that can be easily verified from the public record. The decision
exactly 2 years ago of Justice Richard Bell (the first judge Harper
appointed) should have been front page news across the country.
However not even the crickets will comment about it.

Do tell does that statement ring any bells over the Xmass season while
I prepare to try put the matter before the Supreme Court of Canada and
file some more lawsuits ASAP? Or will CBC block me again and nobody
gets to even read it?

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
Methinks I already mentioned how much I love the circus N'esy Pas?

Janet Gaudet
Janet Gaudet
Peter spoke the truth and he got punished for it. How ironic is that.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Janet Gaudet The irony is that Bevan-Baker should have asked the Sgt
at Arms and the Speaker why I have been suing PEI since 2015. Instead
he had himself evicted in the the last minutes in order to look like
some kind of hero. In a nutshell he is a player like all the rest.
Democracy is a myth.

Holly Pinkham
Holly Pinkham
Buck Watts can do what he likes, as speaker, I suppose, but I
certainly don't agree with this unnecessary drama. Mr. Bevan used a
perfectly understandable and non-vulgar term to describe proceedings
that were clearly objectionable.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Holly Pinkham Ask yourself why the Green Party Leader only opted to
say the oh so terrible word in the eleventh hour?

Better ask yourself why so few folks bothered to make comment about
the nonsense? I said nothing all day waiting to see if anything would
develop and now in mere minutes I have added my two bits worth matched
the total tally of the comments about the article.

 Sandy Brace
Sandy Brace
Mr Devon Baker is a man of integrity and cares about people more than
about his ego and his bank account. He will not last in government
with those attributes I am afraid. You need to be unethical sheep to
stay within the click and have a place at the trough.

Janet Gaudet
Janet Gaudet
@Sandy Brace : I hope he will be re-elected. We need him in the
Legislature as this government is a farce. I'm completely disgusted
and fed up with what we've got running this province.

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Sandy Brace That not the Baker I know

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Sandy Brace "Mr Devon Baker is a man of integrity and cares about
people more than about his ego and his bank account."

I meant the response above to be directed to you

David Raymond Amos
David Raymond Amos
@Janet Gaudet "I'm completely disgusted and fed up with what we've got
running this province."

Good for you for speaking up

Green leader turfed from P.E.I. Legislature as sitting comes to dramatic close
Bevan-Baker escorted from chamber after referring to 'farcical' debate
over legislation
By Kerry Campbell, CBC News Posted: Dec 20, 2017 9:28 PM AT

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