Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Ottawa gives New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equality money to study pay inequity and educate workers


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks nobody should be surprised to see Mr Prime Minster Trudeau The Younger using our taxpayer funds to buy votes from the ladies in the Maritimes N'esy Pas?

Group gets $335,000 federal grant to study pay for caregivers

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David Amos
David Amos
Methinks nobody should be surprised to see Mr Prime Minster Trudeau The Younger using our taxpayer funds to buy votes from the ladies in the Maritimes N'esy Pas?

Anne Bérubé
Anne Bérubé
@David Amos Yes, just in case his nice hair does not do the trick...

David Amos
David Amos
@Anne Bérubé Methinks that all he had going for hi last time around but it was Harper and Mulcair and their antics that secured his victory. Now Trudeau The Younger has our piggy bank to serve lots of pork from in order to help to secure a second mandate while Maxime and Harper 2.0 split the vote on the right N'esy Pas?

Tim Astle 
Tim Astle
"Maryam Monsef, the minister of the status of women, said the money is going toward the project proposed by the group, rather than straight into an increase of caregiver wages because the government wants to address system barriers."

I find it a bit ironic that the problem is recognized enough to allocate funds to address it, but by spending the money on a study instead of the caregivers, the study itself becomes a barrier.

David Amos
David Amos
@Tim Astle Methinks Maryam Monsef's ERRE buddies will never forget crossing paths with me in Fredericton just before Thanksgiving in 2016 N'esy Pas?


Words that I deeply regret': Maryam Monsef apologizes for accusations against MPs


Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
The issue isn’t the pay to the caregivers,

It’s the amount of money thst all these little beusineesses and non profits that hire the caregivers, takes off the top to cover “administrative” costs.

For example. Two people higher caregivers from a company we will call Carez

Person one pays Carez $18 an hour to supply a caregiver. They are paying privately with their own money. The caregiver makes $14 an hour. Carez pockets $4 an hour.

Person 2 is a disabled veteran. They have government funding to cover the cost of the caregiver. Carez charges $55 an hour to the government. The caregiver still only makes $13 an hour. Carez makes $42 an hour.

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@Johnny Horton

And I just saved taxpayers $335000.

David Amos
David Amos
@Johnny Horton Nope

 Harold Benson
Harold Benson
So that group is going to give that money to the caregivers......, right?

Colin Seeley
@Harold Benson

Nope. It will go to some liberal hacks to study.

Anne Bérubé
Anne Bérubé
@Colin Seeley And we all know the liberal hacks get the money.

David Amos
David Amos
@Harold Benson YO Sammy Methinks you have yet to explain how you managed to change your ID N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Anne Bérubé "And we all know the liberal hacks get the money."

Methinks to be fair we should acknowledge the fact that the Conservatives do the same every chance they get N'esy Pas?


Dianne MacPherson
Dianne MacPherson
God help us......all that money
for a 'STUDY' !!!!
I'd love to know how much money has gone
into 'studies' over the years in NB.
We've been studied to death !!
The only 'winners' are those doing this 'work'.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dianne MacPherson Remember how long and how much the government spent studying the Petitcodiac River before they simply opened the gate just as I suggested for free in 2004 when I was running in that riding for the a seat in the 38th Parliament?

Dianne MacPherson 
Gerry Ferguson
Unbelievable! No other words to describe it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Gerry Ferguson Why Methinks this sort thing happens every day all day long before an election N'esy Pas?

Dianne MacPherson 
Johnny Horton
I understand the myoptics but come on,

That 335000 wouldn’t even add a dollar per YEAR salary to the caregivers in the province. I’m not talking hourly boost, I’m talking less than a dollar increase in Annual salary.

David Amos
David Amos
@Johnny Horton Whats that got to do with the political pork barrel?

Dianne MacPherson 
Roland Godin
Another case of the cash flaming friendly three headed dragon(municipal, provincial, federal) dancing on each other’s projects, programs and services, plus charging horrendous administration fees mostly used for political capital, and it’s tail end feeding on one source, la mienne and yours. Cost of administration fees 100 of B$, cost of garateed income of 18,000$ approximately 80B$...et voilà.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roland Godin Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose N'esy Pas?

Pierre Cyr 
Pierre Cyr
More studies and more delays. Its become an art form in government to delay implementing effective measures now.

David Amos
David Amos
@Pierre Cyr It gave them a good news article though


Dianne MacPherson 
David Stairs
another study that was studied to study the previous study that was studied...and on and on...lip service ..and vote buying..and yet nothing is being done..the government admits they know the wages are low in this industry and yet misdirect funds to where it is not needed..

David Amos
David Amos
@David Stairs Methinks studies are just another one of those things liberals do that tax paying folks don't seem to appreciate N'esy Pas?

 Dianne MacPherson 
Jake Quinlan
It's at least federal dollars (yes NBers paid a bit into it) from all canadians being spent in NB.

Anne Bérubé
Anne Bérubé
@Jake Quinlan There is a lot of that going on...

David Amos
David Amos
@Anne Bérubé YUP

Dianne MacPherson   
Anne Bérubé
Another $350,000 which could have been better spent. What a waste, I could have told them free of charge, wouldn't you as well?

David Amos
David Amos
@Anne Bérubé Trust that I tell them all on daily basis byway of comment sections, Twitter, emails blogs and phone calls etc Just like Harper et al the liberals don't care and nobody should be surprised N'esy Pas?

 Dianne MacPherson 
Rod McLeod
I'm not seeing mention of who will do the study. Unless the study is done in NB there won't be much of it spent here. $335K will pay a lot of caregivers.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rod McLeod Methinks the money bought the liberals some pretty good press today N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos BTW CBC is talking about it on "Shift" right now and they seem puzzled too Ol Harry tells us to tune in to his news a Supper Time which right after this comment section closes Surprise Surprise Surprise

 Dianne MacPherson 
Jeremy Rickards
Yet another study on this topic !! Has the Minister not been advised of the excellent study completed by Ruth Rose in 2014 " Pay Equity in Care Giving Services in NB". There are also several others on the same subject between 2012 and 2015. Another waste of tax payers money.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jeremy Rickards "Another waste of tax payers money"

Methinks that depends on whether or not you are a liberal N'esy Pas?

Group gets $335,000 federal grant to study pay for caregivers

Ottawa gives New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equality money to study pay inequity and educate workers

Johanne Perron of the New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity, says caregivers in private facilities are not currently being paid a fair wage.

The minister for the status of woman was in Moncton on Tuesday to announce a grant of $335,000 for the New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity to address low wages being paid to women who work as caregivers in the private sector.

The New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity advocates education and legislation that would create the groundwork for implementing pay equity in both public and private sectors.

At the funding announcement, the group's executive director, Johanne Perron, said the money will go toward education and studies.

"We want the population to understand the value of caregiving work, we want the caregivers to understand what is pay equity so they can use pay equity justifications to get better wages and we also want to do job evaluations."

Perron said caregivers are often overlooked, because too many people see the work as a continuation of work historically done by women in the home, for free.

"Right now these women are not being paid fairly when you compare the value of their work with the value of jobs that are mostly done by men," she said.

MP Maryam Monsef, federal minister of the status of women, says the coalition will address the root causes of the pay equity problem for caregivers. (Pierre Fournier/CBC)
She said caregivers are paid between $12 and $15 an hour, a wage she calls "insufficient" for the work done.

Maryam Monsef, the minister of the status of women, said the money is going toward the project proposed by the group, rather than straight into an increase of caregiver wages because the government wants to address system barriers.

"The solutions that we are looking for at status of women and the federal government are solutions that take into account the systemic barriers that prevent people, whether it's employees or employers, from reaching their full potential," Monsef said.
"Barriers can include the undervaluing of work done by woman, and that's not a problem that goes away by throwing money at it."

The announcement was made at the Autumn Lee Retirement Home, where Martha Demmons has lived for three years. She would like to see wages increased for the people who work there.

Martha Demmons lives at the Autumn Lee Retirement Home in Moncton, where the announcement was made, and she believes a fair wage for the people work there is important. (Tori Weldon/CBC)
"It's very important ... of course, it should be to everybody."

Perron said her group relies heavily on the work of volunteers, but this grant will help to ensure more work is paid for.

"You do need some real, hard money sometimes to get things moving to ensure people can talk to each other, meet each other and do the work."

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