@DavidRayAmosReplying to
@DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 othersMethinks Higgy et al should enjoy a little Deja Vu as they consider a snap election while their favourite welfare bum Chucky Leblanc plays the victim card again N'esy Pas? Brunswick premier won't rule out snap election call
Premier Blaine Higgs has said he hasn't made a decision about going to the polls sooner rather than later
Jordan Gill· CBC News
· Posted: Jul 02, 2020 9:17 PM AT |
Premier Higgs hasn't ruled out an early election, but none of the other parties seem keen on the idea. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
New Brunswick's political parties seem to have mixed views on the possibility of a snap election in the coming months.
The province has had a minority government for 19 months, which traditionally would be considered getting long in the tooth.
But COVID-19 has made the premise of holding any mass gathering, like voting, potentially hazardous.
In an interview on Information Morning Fredericton last Friday, Premier Blaine Higgs wouldn't rule out holding an election sooner rather than later.
"I haven't made a decision on that at this point," Higgs said.
Under the province's fixed-election date act, the government does not have to hold an election until October 2022
Few expect the minority government to last that long and the province does need to hold at least two byelections soon, with a third seat possibly opening up in the fall.
"My ability to stay in office is really at the desire of those who are supporting me in the opposition parties because I don't have numbers by myself to do so," said Higgs.
"That obviously plays a role in the decision as well. So there's a number of factors."
Opposition reacts
For his part Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers said he does not want an election this year and said his party would not force an election in 2020. It's a drastic shift from earlier this year when he swore to help bring down the government.
"No one's eyes should be on an election right now," Vickers said in an interview Thursday. "This is the last thing this province needs."
Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers says his party won't force an election in 2020. (CBC)
VIckers said he believes the two byelections should be held, and that Elections New Brunswck should use those as test cases for how to proceed is a general election is required later in the pandemic.
Green Party Leader David Coon also said this isn't the right time for an election and he would be surprised if Higgs chose to go that route.
"The people of the province I don't think have any appetite for an election during a pandemic," he said.
Green Party Leader David Coon said New Brunswickers don't want to go to the polls. (CBC)
"They want us to focus on keeping them safe and secure and healthy,"
In an email to CBC News a spokesperson for the People's Alliance said while leader Kris Austin did not think New Brunswickers want an election, if one is called, his caucus will be ready.
Uncharted waters
J.P. Lewis, a political scientist at University of New Brunswick Saint John, said the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and a lack of polling data make it difficult to determine what the governing Progressive Conservatives are likely to do, or if it's a good idea politically.
He said in normal circumstances he would say the likelihood of a snap election would be high, but these aren't normal circumstances.
"If we didn't have a pandemic I would say the odds are really good, if we were waging on this I would say I'll take that we're going to have an election," said Lewis.
Normally J.P. Lewis, a political scientist at the University of New Brunswick Saint John, would bet on an election happening now, but given COVID-19 there's too many unknowns to make a prediction (Graham Thompson/CBC)
"But just because of the situation we're in I think they almost need to wait and maybe the party will do a poll to figure that out because I think that's what they need to know."
Lewis said the fact the Liberals have said they wouldn't force an election makes it more difficult for the Tories to justify one to the public.
"If [the Liberals] had said, 'you know we're ready to go,' then if we have a general election anytime soon and it's unpopular you could say 'well the Liberals wanted this as well," said Lewis.
"Now [Higgs] is boxed in … if he decides to go it's his decision."
But a lot of that is predicated on the province's appetite for a vote, which Lewis said we really don't understand because not enough polling has been done on the subject.
"[For] someone who doesn't follow politics that closely if their next question is 'well do we have to have one?' And the answer is 'no.' Then they could say 'well why would we? Why don't we just keep trying to solve what's going on,'" said Lewis.
About the Author
Jordan Gill is a CBC reporter based out of Fredericton. He can be reached at
With files from Information Morning Fredericton & Jonathan Collicott
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2020 00:58:23 -0300
Subject: YO Blaine Higgs Merhinks Mary Wilson should certainly remember me
even though she may have no clue as to who Mr. Oickle is N'esy Pas?
To: "blaine.higgs"<>, "kris.austin"<>
"Kevin.Vickers"<>, "bruce.northrup"<>,
Nathalie Sturgeon <>,
Cc: premier <>,,
"rob.moore"<>, "David.Coon"<>,
"brian.gallant"<>, "Jacques.Poitras"<>, "steve.murphy"<>, Newsroom <>, Mike Therien <>, "macpherson.don"
<>, nmoore <>,
"jake.stewart"<>, "robert.gauvin"<>, "mary.wilson"<>, oldmaison <>,
andre <>, David Amos <>,
djtjr <>, washington field <>,
mdcohen212@gmail.comHere is just one of many reasons why Wilson and her boss Higgy should
have been paying attention at an interesting point in time Correct Mr Austin ? Brunswick village removes 'straight pride' flag amid backlash
Black-and-white flag flew over small community for roughly one day
Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: Oct 22, 2018 12:34 PM AT
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Wilson, Mary Hon. (ONB)"<>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2020 02:12:49 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Blaine Higgs Merhinks you should enjoy a
liitle Deja Vu as you consider a snap election while your favourite
welfare bum Chucky Leblanc plays the victim card again N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <>
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Anybody notice tha Chucky posted two comments and deleted one within
his pwn Youtube after I sent the email toyou all that Wilson's
computer acknowledged??? James Oickle from Fredericton goes after Blogger on a peaceful
Saturday morning!!!
•Jul 11, 2020
Charles Leblanc
1.8K subscribers
Lunatic James Oickle from Fredericton goes after Blogger on a peaceful
Saturday morning!!!
Charles Leblanc
1 hour ago
He came after me AGAIN tonight....told him to take a swing at me but
he wouldn't...I think I'm going to the cops this week to have them
sign papers that the citizens can take the law into their own
Charles Leblanc
1 hour ago will NOT remove video of confrontation with James Oickle. Why
Fredericton Police are silent?
•Jul 12, 2020
Charles Leblanc
Go Figure why Chucky Crybaby Leblanc seldom uses this blog anymore LeBlanc Political ADHD Activist
Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
Last week, I was approached by someone with an interesting story.
It's a tale of a guy who was on top of the world but came down pretty hard.
He used to be the owner of the City Motel in Fredericton.
His name is Jim.
Jim was doing ok until his whole world came crashing down. I mean REALLY DOWN!!!
Until his downfall, he used to mingle with the higher ups of society.
He leased the City Motel for 10 years. I might add that he also owned
the Lobster Hut which was attached to the Motel.
Many politicians would stay over night in that building. Ohhhhh???? If
walls could talk??? But Jim sure can!!!!
Jim took his business very seriously!
He told me that if he was still the owner of the Motel and he would
have seen this blogger in the building? He would have asked me to
leave the area. I wouldn't even be allowed in the parking lot. Only if
I was invited to the motel by the politicians in advance.
He made certain the MLA'S had privacy from the media.
Speaking of privacy? He went so far as building this back door so they
could maintain their privacy.
A meeting was arranged and I met with Jim.
He told me some very interesting tales raging from the politicians to
the way the Fredericton Police Force handled his case.
Especially the story he told the Government that he would go public
with some stories he seen in his motel?
The Government quickly reacted. It was sort of like my case of telling
our elected officials that I would go public with the murder? < This
is the only reason I was told that I was banned from the Legislature >
The Liberals quickly told me that they would haul me in court for Harassment!!!
I explained to Jim I was a blogger and anyone can become a journalist
by writing their story and I'll blog it.
Too bad my recorder is broken because I would have just interviewed
the guy. So we have to do it the hard way.
The interesting issue on this one? It was a Civil matter and the media
still managed to put the story on the front page.
Also added was the Fredericton Police Force supervised the eviction.
What's with this????
Once this hit the front page? Jim’s life began his downward spiral.
Jim was the type of guy who was involved in all kinds of political
events and he had a Carte Blanche to visit the P.C’S in their building
but all this came to a sudden halt once he was told - In the future,
he would have to make an appointment.
Jim didn't like the way he was treated so he threaten to go public
with his stories of going ons in his Motel.
Well, he ended up in a mental ward for three months because of other issues.
Well? After chatting with the guy, he didn't look coo coo to me?
He sounded very sincere with his emotional stories.
I'll be blogging the tales during the next few weeks.
Stay tuned....
P.S. I hope I'm not shot on the streets because of this one?
Truly stay tuned....
Posted by Blogger Charles LeBlanc at 7:54 PM
8 comments:Anonymous said...
I know Jim Oickle and have always thought of him as an honest and
sincere person. What happened to him was wrong wrong wrong, from the
way he was treated by the owners of the City Motel / Lobster Hut who
stole his business to him being thrown in the Restigouche Institution
in Campbellton because he wouldn't take the crap from anyone anymore.
It's amazing what can happen when you start to threaten the
establishment with their dirty little secrets. It's about time Jim's
story was told. He has suffered so much, I think that this might help
him by getting it off his shoulders. I bet a few people aren't going
to be happy about it though... his enemies will be out with their
knives soon brave Jim!
11:39 AM
Anonymous said...
Don't worry.
There will be no stories told.
Same as ,there were no stories by the hundreds in the know bout
kingsclear ,hatfield,mckenna,et all.
12:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Charles, I'm not sure if you have done a story on this but the
Woolastook Park situation with Fred (Paget) and him losing it under
"interesting circumstances". With camping season on the way, it will
be interesting.
By the way, I think he did a great job. the park was closed when
the Gov't owned it because they couldn't maintain it now he has put
his life savings into it, they want it back - ridiculous!
1:55 PM
Anonymous said...
i am glad you wrote a story about jim. i used to work in that
building for both the lobster hut and the motel and loved every minute
of it.
it's a shame, because the city motel and lobster hut was a good
place to go and i was actually proud to say that i worked there
instead of mcdonalds like everyone else my age, at the time.
i was there the day the cops all showed up at the motel. i went to
the front desk and asked what was going on and my supervisor told me
to go home. whoever took over the motel stopped giving me hours and
wouldn't give me a reason as to why they stopped scheduling me.
instead they said "we'll call you when we need you back", i figured i
would wait a bit, and i never got that call back. i was 19, living on
my own, paying my own bills and groceries and they didn't even care. i
had to move back home and to this day, i will not step foot into that
hotel or suggest anyone go there, because it isn't the same.
they ruined the look of the city motel and its not as inviting as
it used to be when jim was running it. its quite a shame, really, and
a stupid move on their part because now, all you see is an empty
parking lot.
i am happy to hear he is still kicking around.
4:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Now you've got my curiousity up. What happened at the City Motel /
Lobter Hut anyways? I remember seeing it in the paper, looked like a
big scam on the part of the owners to me. Wait until he's just about
to take over the lease and steal it from him. We never did hear Jim's
side of the story about how those creeps took his business away from
him. I used to like the way it looked too, it had character. I think
they even used to promote it on the tourism brochures because it was
so interesting. Now it looks like any old place on the side of a
highway. BORING. The empty parking lot tells it all. Didn't take them
long to ruin a good business.
5:55 PM said...
Charles I'm writing this comment to see if you get comments posted
on stories this old. If so I think its time we tell the rest of the
I will answer any questions your readers wish to put to me in
regards to what they have heard about me. I promise to tell only the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
You had a comment from a sister that I no longer see. Is it
possible to retrieve it?
9:46 PM
Blogger Charles LeBlanc said... told me to remove those stories...
3:27 PM
James said...
Good. Better that way, I'm sure an Anon will bring it up in
regards to another issue and I will deal with it then. Thanks for
taking it down when I asked. Love the Bedbug Story, this place needed
to be looked at back when I was in business 4 years ago. Keep up the
good work.
1:41 PM
However you people should study the aforementioned email because
nobody can deny that the words of his old pal Mr Oickle can be found
text of a long deleted blog of Chucky Leblanc's Correct?
> Wednesday, April 07, 2010
> I support Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight 100%!!!!
> During these past few months, there's lots of stories about battles
> between the Police Union and the Police Chief.
> The Union release a Poll among their members saying only 10% of the
> force supports their Chief.
> I first heard of problems a couple of years ago.
> I was surprise because the Cops are doing a fantastic job in keeping
> this City safe.
> Who's responsible for Fredericton to be a safe City?
> Our leaders at the top of the Fredericton Police Force?
> I would say - Yes!!
> I chatted with some Business owners during the past month and everyone
> is supporting the way the Cops are patrolling the Downtown area.
> They are walking the beat and clearing the troublemakers from the Downtown
> core.
> I have met Police Chief Barry MacKnight on a few occasion and found
> the Chief a nice pleasant gentlemen to chat with.
> I might add I was very surprise when he spoke Le Francais en Chiac!!!
> lol
> lol
> The chief chiac was proven when he launched the new cruiser....
> Here's a blog I wrote on this issue -
> I'm happy they never went with the Black and White Cruiser they have
> in Bathurst!
> But it sure reminds you for a nice cold Canadian eh???
> lol
> What's a Emergencie??? We chiac Acadians say - Emergency!!
> Urgence???
> Myself, I didn't like the new colors and Mayor Brad Woodside agreed!!!
> Click below for video -
> But seriously??? Why are so many members of our Police Force upset
> with the Chief?
> Is he demanding too much from the Union Members?
> His contract is up for renewal in July and the local media are pushing
> the issue.
> This is the very first time there's a contract renewal with a Police Chief.
> In the past, former Police Chiefs were there for 20 years.
> Who will decide Barry MacKnight future?
> The Councilors at City Hall?
> Will this be an open meeting?
> Will the public have a say?
> I tried to get some answers but everyone is keeping their mouth shut
> on this issue.
> Lets say that we do get a new chief and crime goes up? Who will we
> blame? The new Police Chief?
> So what's the problem?
> I know for a fact many members of the Police Force reads this Blog.
> Maybe they can tell the readers what the problem is???
> Myself? I support the Police Chief 100% and I hope his contract is
> renewed for another 5 years!!!
> P.S. I'm not kissing ass!! I'm just calling it as it is!!!
> Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 8:55:00 AM
> Anonymous said...
> How mixed up is Charles? He hates the RCMP who have never
> arrrested him and loves the Fredericton Police who have.
> 11:14 AM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Any complaints fabricated against the Fredericton Police are
> simply the quebec spreading organization trying to force french on
> everything by getting Fredericton policed by RCMP. But Moncton has had
> their fill!
> 11:22 AM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Do police cars in Fredericton real have EMERGENCIE instead of
> URGENCE for the french portion on their police cars?! I have noticed
> that but if this is the case, it is simply unbelievable!! How can this
> have happened?
> 11:29 PM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Hey Charles,Fredericton doesnt need 2 police forces,we have the
> R.C.M.P at the top of Regent street,the city force on Queen street. I
> think we should disband the chief and his car kicking bandits and
> replace mayor Woodside at the same time.Our chief hasnt the right to
> wear a badge or call himself a cop,he isnt anything more then a social
> worker
> 11:51 PM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Exactly what a Police Officer needs to be, A Social Worker. An
> educated Social Worker. Not a bilingual shortcake!
> 7:42 AM, April 08, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> I agree, our police officers should be trained as social workers
> and counselors and not the thugs we have today.
> Maybe throw in some non violent conflict resolution training as well.
> 10:32 AM, April 08, 2010
> said...
> My view of both Chief and Deputy Chief remains the same. I will go
> on a lie detector with them both any time. Deputy Chiefs brother was
> involved with stealing all the assets in a Civil Case from a truck
> parked as requested by City Police Officers. I have tried to have
> charges laid only to have them make me out to be the criminal. The
> witnesses are many upstanding citizens yet I can't even get police to
> discuss. They are a joke and MacKnight is the biggest joke. You may
> think I'm crazy but ask Conrad Mead of CKTP, his 3 sons, Robb
> Hartland(Double B), my father Norman Oickle, Tony Mcfaggen, Peter
> Keith, and they will confirm that this theft occurred. They saw the
> evidence and the way the police harassed me when I tried to press
> charges. This theft was done with the help of numerous officers and
> can be proven. Ten minutes on a lie detector for the chief and I would
> settle it. I deserve at least that for all I did for my community
> before these protectors of the Law got involved. I will sign my name
> and assure you Charles the others I mention will confirm the handling
> of my case was Criminal.
> 12:24 AM, April 09, 2010
> said...
> For the record...Up until this truck was broken into I never had a
> single problem with the City Police nor did I have a single thing on a
> Criminal Record over my 50 years as an upstanding citizen. I will put
> my record along side a few of the forces detectives any time. Lets
> fire up the Lie Detectors and then you will see some fired. Come on
> Barry you were the one who wanted all the newbie's on your force to
> take a Lie Detector Test. You and I can prove how well they work. If
> I'm wrong I pay all cost...if right give me back my eguipment and
> press charges against those who were paid to uphold the Law not twist
> it for their own purposes.
> 1:16 AM, April 09, 2010
> Magos said...
> Lie detectors don't work.
> 10:12 AM, April 09, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Barry thinks they do as he is the one that stated in Daily Garbage
> he would like to see all new recruits have to take one before being
> accepted into his Farce. Charles the next time you see Barry you
> should get him on video answering you in regards to his feelings on
> Lie Detectors and wether they work or not.
> 2:29 PM, April 10, 2010
> Fredericton police chief steps down
> Barry MacKnight is retiring on July 1
> CBC News
> Posted: Jun 20, 2012 3:02 PM AT
> Related Stories
> RCMP takes over Charles LeBlanc arrest probe
> Woodside concerned over handling of blogger's arrest
> Fredericton blogger's arrest attack on civil liberties
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight says he was planning to
> retire in 2013, but decided to step down next month instead. (CBC)
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight has announced that he will be
> stepping down on July 1.
> MacKnight, 49, said he was planning to retire in early 2013, but has
> come to an agreement with the city where the early retirement
> provisions of the contract will be honoured.
> "It was an opportunity that came up and I talked to the city
> administrator and the mayor and we came to an agreement, simple as
> that," he told CBC News Wednesday.
> “The time was right," MacKnight said earlier in a statement.
> "It is time for a change."
> MacKnight has been chief for seven years and on the force for 25 years.
> It's been "a satisfying run," he said in the statement, calling it an
> "honour" to work with so many professional police officers and a
> "privilege" to work with city council and staff.
> "I know I am leaving the city in the good hands of a very professional
> and dedicated police force, and I am proud of that," MacKnight said.
> 'I especially appreciate that he always worked with the city’s best
> interests at heart.'—Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside
> "I also want to thank the people of Fredericton for their support over
> my tenure."
> Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside says the process to choose a successor
> will be decided in the coming days after he discusses the matter with
> council and the chief administrative officer.
> MacKnight served the city well, Woodside said.
> "I especially appreciate that he always worked with the city’s best
> interests at heart and I wish him the very best in any future
> endeavours."
> On heels of blogger controversy
> MacKnight's retirement comes on the heels of difficulties between the
> force and controversial blogger Charles LeBlanc.
> LeBlanc, who faced charges of criminal libel earlier this year for
> allegedly damaging the reputation of a police officer on his website,
> was arrested at the legislature last month.
> Police said LeBlanc was arrested after a complaint of "assault by
> trespasser." LeBlanc has been banned from the legislature grounds
> since 2006.
> LeBlanc is scheduled to appear in court on June 25.
> The investigation has since been handed over to the RCMP.
> MacKnight, who plans to find another job, says his early departure
> from the force has nothing to do with LeBlanc's case.
> "It's an important issue, but we deal with important issues here every
> single day," he told CBC News. "It's what police officers do every day
> — they make very difficult decisions based on good faith and the
> information they have at the time.
> "I can't be any clearer about this," he said. "The past two months
> have been no harder than any few months I've ever been in this job.
> Yeah, this is a hard job, and somethimes the media is engaged in the
> issues we're dealing with and sometimes they're not."
> MacKnight said the investigation will continue with the city
> administrator. He declined to comment any further on the case.
> LeBlanc's arrest came just days after he and his lawyer called for a
> public inquiry into the Fredericton Police Force's handling of a raid
> at LeBlanc's home in January.
> LeBlanc, who writes a controversial blog that is often critical of
> police officers, politicians and the legislature's sergeant-at-arms,
> was accused of damaging the reputation of a city police officer in
> blog posts last summer.
> Police seized his computer and LeBlanc says he was told he would be
> facing charges of criminal libel.
> But on May 4, the provincial government announced it would not be
> proceeding with criminal libel charges against LeBlanc, saying that
> section of the Criminal Code has been deemed unconstitutional by other
> jurisdictions.
> From: "Mazerolle Stephens, Angela(JUS)"> Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 16:39:20 -0300
> Subject: RE: "I have to caution you, this is not a game." Karlheinz
> Schreiber
> To: David Amos>
> Mr. Amos:
> Receipt is acknowledged of the five pieces of e-mail you sent to me on
> May 14, 2009.
> Upon review, it is apparent that they do not relate to me either
> personally or professionally. Please note that your correspondence is
> unwanted and unwelcome.
> Please do not send me any more of your communications, as I find them
> harassing in nature.
> Sincerely,
> Angela Mazerolle Stephens
> Superintendent of Pensions
> Office of the Superintendent of Pensions Department of Justice and
> Consumer Affairs
> Province of New Brunswick
> Frederick Square, Ste. 450
> 77 Westmorland Street
> P.O. Box 6000
> Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1
> Ph: (506) 453-2055
> Fax: (506) 457-7266
> This e-mail and the information contained in it is confidential, may be
> privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the
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> veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par
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---------- Orignal message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2020 23:12:42 -0300
Subject: YO Blaine Higgs Merhinks you should enjoy a liitle Deja Vu as
you consider a snap election while your favourite welfare bum Chucky
Leblanc plays the victim card again N'esy Pas?
To: "blaine.higgs"<>, Nathalie Sturgeon
<>, "Kevin.Vickers"
<>, "bruce.northrup"<>
Cc: premier <>, krisaustin <>,
"David.Coon"<>, "brian.gallant"<>,
"Jacques.Poitras"<>, "steve.murphy"<>,
Newsroom <>, Mike Therien
<>, "macpherson.don"
<>, nmoore <>,
"jake.stewart"<>, "robert.gauvin"<>, "mary.wilson"<>, oldmaison
<>, andre <>, David Amos
, djtjr <>, washington
field <>, "Boston.Mail"
<>, mdcohen212 <> Brunswick premier won't rule out snap election call
Premier Blaine Higgs has said he hasn't made a decision about going to
the polls sooner rather than later
Jordan Gill · CBC News · Posted: Jul 02, 2020 9:17 PM AT
On 10/28/18, David Amos <> wrote:
> Saturday, 27 October 2018
> Methinks Premier Gallant put his greedy liberal buddies over the pork
> barrel just before the Speech from the Throne so he could remain their
> leader N'esy Pas?
> 145 Comments After CBC was done deleting a bunch
> Commenting is now closed for this story.
> 145 Comments After CBC was done deleting a bunch
> Commenting is now closed for this story.
> Murray Brown
> Not sure why this is even a story... Having the support of his party
> members is not in question. The question is... Can he form a
> government and run the province and on Friday that answer will be NO.
> Not sure why he's bothering with the charade of being in power when he
> actually isn't. He should have stepped aside and let Higgs fail
> instead. Now he just looks desperate.
> David Amos
> @Murray Brown I repeat the fat lady ain't sung yet.
> David Amos
> Methinks if Gallant were a wise guy he would offer juicy cabinet
> positions to Dominic Cardy, Jake Stewart and the French Lieutenant
> Bobby Gauvin. Cardy already switched from the NDP and their lawyer
> buddy Kelly Lamrcok has only the Green Party or the PANB left to join
> if the Conservative tire of his snobby nonsense. Imagine what a Circus
> that would if either one or all 3 conservative stooges crossed the
> floor? It happened before when Shawn Graham sweet talked Wally Stiles
> and his wife. What worked once can work twice N'esy Pas?
> Anyone recall this Circus?
> Stiles, MacAlpine-Stiles deny spying allegations
> CBC News · Posted: Apr 18, 2007 5:08 PM
> Roy Kirk
> It's all about himself. Kinda like Trump
> .
> David Amos
> @Roy Kirk YUP
> David Amos
> @David Amos I am just curious if he is clever enough to make deal like
> Trump certainly would and have me sign an MOU before he is out of
> office.
> David Amos
> @Roy Kirk FYO If who wish to have a chuckle about "The Donald" and I
> just Google the following
> Trump Cohen Amos NATA FATCA TPP
> David Amos
> Page is closed to commenting.
> @Roy Kirk Check out page 2 of this file and you will know what Trump
> and legions of lawyers in Canada and the USA know about Mr Mueller and
> I
> Need I say there could be an October Surprise in the near future but I
> ain't betting on it because it should have already happened.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<>
> Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 12:38:06 +0000
> Subject: RE: YO Dominic Cardy have you or your cat "Puffin"seen my Harley
> with the Yankee wiretap tapes in its saddlebag up on the Hanwell lately?
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
> assured that your email will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your email to
>. Thank you!
> ******************************
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
> Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
media-medias@gnb.camed>. Merci!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dominic Cardy <>
> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2018 00:23:13 -0300
> Subject: Re: Whereas Chucky Leblanc is going down memory lane with
> Blaine Higgs tonight Methinks Dominic Cardy and his buddy Kelly Lamrock
> should remind their boss of a few things N'esy Pas?
> To: David Amos <>
> David,
> Would you like another butter tart?
> Best wishes,
> Dominic
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 20:51:37 -0400
> Subject: Whereas Chucky Leblanc is going down memory lane with Blaine
> Higgs tonight Methinks Dominic Cardy and his buddy Kelly Lamrock
> should remind their boss of a few things N'esy Pas?
> To: oldmaison <>, kelly <>,
> "Dominic.Cardy"<>, "blaine.higgs"
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <>, "serge.rousselle"
> <>, "Bill.Fraser"<>, andre
> <>, "David.Coon"<>, krisaustin
> <>, "dan. bussieres"
> <>, "Gilles.Blinn"<>,
> "Gilles.Cote"<>, "brian.gallant"
> <>, jbosnitch <>, "bruce.fitch"
> <>, "bruce.northrup"<>, Brian
> Gallant <>, "brian.keirstead"
> <>, "Bill.Oliver"<>, "carl.
> davies"<>, "carl.urquhart"<>,
>,, premier <>,
>, "denis.landry2"<>,
> "Stephen.Horsman"<>,
>, "wayne.easter"
> <>, "Brenda.Lucki"
> <>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
> <>, "Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc"
> <>, kedgwickriver
> <>, markandcaroline
> <>, "Wilfred.Roussel"
> <>,,
>, "Gilles.LePage"<>,
>,, "Gary.Crossman"
> <>, "Glen.Savoie"<>,
> jeannotvolpe2018 <>, "jeff.carr"
> <>, "Ross.Wetmore"<>,
> ""<>, MarcelDoiron
> <>,,
> votemarywilson <>, mikeholland4albert
> <>
>, "Trevor.Holder"<>,
> "Dorothy.Shephard"<>, Newsroom
> <>, news <>, news
> <>, "David.Raymond.Amos"
> <>
> Monday, 22 January 2018
> Mr Higgs and Dominic Cardy are trying to learn how to herd cats and
> even the clowns are laughing at the nonsense
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<>
> Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 05:35:32 +0000
> Subject: RE: Mr Higgs and Dominic Cardy are trying to learn how to
> herd cats and even the clowns are laughing at the nonsense
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
> assured that your email will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your email to
> media-medias@gnb.camedia-
medias@>>. Thank you!
> ******************************
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick. Soyez assuré(e) que votre courriel sera examiné.
> Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
> media-medias@gnb.camedia-
medias@>. Merci!
> Tuesday, 28 August 2018
> For people who haven't seen the interview I made with P.C. Leader
> Blaine Higgs....
> Posted by Charles Leblanc at 1:04 pm No comments :
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Cardy, Dominic (LEG)"<>
> Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2017 18:23:57 +0000
> Subject: RE: [Possible Spam/Pourriel] Yo Dominic Cardy Butter Tarts me
> arse.Give the all the the Fat Bastard Lamrock methinks the nasty
> neocons made a huge Faux Pas getting in bed with you two Fake Left
> dudes before an election N'esy Pas Donny Boy Arnenault?
> To: David Amos <>, "Wright, Hamish (LEG)"
> <>
> Dear David,
> I am so sorry that you are unhappy. I hope the butter tart will help.
> Sometimes when I feel sad I'll have two butter tarts. Because we are
> fiscal conservatives we can only send you one butter tart so, if you
> are very sad, maybe you have a special friend who can help you by
> buying the second one? That would be a great example of civil society
> in action, and a very real public/private partnership.
> There are so many things I want to say right now but, in the end, all
> that matters is that we are kind to each other, right?
> Yours, etc,
> Dominic
> ______________________________
> From: David Amos []
> Sent: November-03-17 3:14 PM
> To: Cardy, Dominic (LEG); Wright, Hamish (LEG); kelly; Higgs, Blaine
> (LEG); leanne.murray; Leanne.Fitch; martin.gaudet; oldmaison; andre;
> Coon, David (LEG); briangallant10; Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM);
> Stephane.vaillancourt; Tom.Mann; Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM);
> Jacques.Poitras; nmoore; jeremy.keefe; steve.murphy; newsroom; news
> Cc: David Amos;> Subject: [Possible Spam/Pourriel] Yo Dominic Cardy Butter Tarts me
> arse.Give the all the the Fat Bastard Lamrock methinks the nasty
> neocons made a huge Faux Pas getting in bed with you two Fake Left
> dudes before an election N'esy Pas Donny Boy Arnenault?
> Say Hey to the Fat Fred City Finest and their union for me will ya?
> Obviously it is the same one the Arseole Donny now work for N'esy Pas
> Chucky Leblanc and Andre Faust?
> Robert R. Blakely
> Canadian Operating Officer
> Phone: 613-236-0653 ex. 29
> Arlene Dunn
> Deputy Director
> Phone: 613-236-0653 ex. 26
> Cell 613 619 0653
> Government Relations Manager
> Phone: 613-236-0653 ex. 25
> Andrew Dawson
> Atlantic Canadian Representative
> Phone: 506-470-5435
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <>
> Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 05:49:51 -0300
> Subject: Re the Corrupt cops in the RCMP and the Fat Fred City Finest
> and their constant whining about pensions they don't earn
> To:,,
> "frederic.loiseau"<>, "Leanne.Fitch"
> <>, "leanne.murray"
> <>, "martin.gaudet"
> <>
, oldmaison <>, andre
> <>, andremurraynow <>,
> lmanzer <>, law <>,
> "peter.dauphinee"<>, jwambolt
> <>, sallybrooks25 <>,
> evelyngreene <>,,
> "david.kelly"<>, advocacycollective
> <>
, briangallant10
> <>, "Jimmy.Bourque"<>,
> "Ted.Hsu"<>, "flaherty.j"<>,
> freemanrobmenard <>, "victor.boudreau"
> <>, "Davidc.Coon"<>,
> leader <>, "ian.fahie"<>,
> "bernadine.chapman"<>, "lucie.dubois"
> <>, "Wayne.Lang"
> <>, "Juanita.Peddle"
> <>, "bob.paulson"
> <>, "bob.rae"
> <>, MulcaT <>,
> "Gilles.Moreau"<>
, "Gilles.Blinn"
> <>
> Cc: David Amos <>
, woodsideb
> <>,, "terry.seguin"
> <>, acampbell <>,
> "mclaughlin.heather"<>,
> "macpherson.don"<>, "greg.weston"
> <>, toewsv1 <>,
> "marie-claude.blais"<>, "Mike.Quigley"
> <>, "Marc.Leger"<>,
> "Robert.Trevors"<>, "dean.buzza"
> <>
> Good Evening Mr Banks
> How you pension plans doing looks like you have to work long than you
> planned for less. EH? Cry me a river.
> Better start putting something aside for a lawyer to defend you. I
> will be requesting a copy of all my conversations with you office.
> Trust that nsty bastards laughing a tme and giving me their number
> just won’t do. One thing I for certain I know who you are and just
> exactly what you do with the RCMP thanks to Chucky Leblanc and your
> bragging. Tell me truly dirt the evil Brit Sally Brooks grab your
> balls? Too too funny whether it be true or false.
> Now this ridiculous
> This cop
> assaulted his guy on his bike
> Then this wacko does the same
> And the Fat Fred City arrest who?
> The recent news easily explains to even the mindless Chucky Leblanc
> why the corrupt Police Chief of Fat Fred City Finest quit after the
> election in 2012.EH?
> The real reason MacKnight went for early retirement was because he and
> his City Council buddies well understood retiring early was far more
> profitable for the crooked bastard.
> If anyone had been paying attention they would have known most pension
> plans were in deficit after the economy to a nose dive excluding that
> of the RCMP and their bankster buddies
> Victor Boudreau took care of all his provincial underlings in 2009
> byway of the Taxpayer dimes and taxing cigarettes etc even more whilst
> the socialist lawyer Tom Mann bitched about investing in smoking. I
> will wage Mann won’t won’t bite the hand that feeds now that the idiot
> David Alward gave him a big job.
> If MacKnight were to quit because of Chucky Leblanc’s nonsense it
> would have been back in 2007 or 2009
> In 2010 when many members of his own Police Force were making
> complaints against him or getting suddenly sick or quitting the City
> Council should had shitcanned him ASAP
> HOWEVER just like old J Edgar Hoover the corrupt Police Chief had the
> dirt on everyone in Fat Fred City so the smiling bastards under
> Woodside paid him off after he was reelected
> Anyone can call me a liar if you wish but put it in writing with a
> true name and signature.
> Everybody and his dog knows MacKnight and his pals attacked me in
> 2004, stole my old Harley in 2007 and have been covering up MURDER and
> Financial Crimes for way past too long’
> The fact that the CROWN had refused to prosecute Chucky Leblanc after
> the Fat Fred City Finest arrested him three times and twice at the
> CROWN’s request should have been an embarrassment for the CROWN and
> its corrupt politicians not MacKnight. He was slightly embarrassed
> that his Police Dept had more complaints against it than any other PD
> but that did not bother him because he knew he was protected by the
> CROWN. The proof that he was Woodside’s best btt buddy was when he
> tried to throw the wannbe lawyer Mark Darcy off of public property. As
> soon as Darcy quoted the Charter to MacKnight in front of the press
> and many witnesses MacKnight ran away and to hide in Woodside’s
> domain whilst Darcy continued yapping to the press inside City Hall.
> Need I say I loved saving Chucky Leblanc’s videos that night?
> Everybody know the Fat Fred City Finest have been illegally harassing
> me on public property since 2004 for the benefit of their political
> puppetmasters and not the people they purported serve.
> One month after MacKnight retired I let everybody and his dog know how
> pissed off I got when Acting Chief Leanne Fitch had her minions make
> false allegations against me on behalf of her nasty pal Rob Frenette
> only a month or so after the CBC exposed what a monumental liar he is.
> It has been many months and I have yet to receive and answer in
> writing or even a call back from Fat Fred City Finest, their lawyer
> Leanne Murray or the Police Commission. However that does not surprise
> me. The Police Commission has answered Chucky Leblanc and his friends
> many times since I made my complaint in 2004 yet I NEVER received an
> answer except one from Danny Copp telling me that I did not respond to
> his queries fast enough while I was falsely imprisoned in a Yankee
> jail. However I did receive MANY emails from Brad Woodside and his
> mindless Deputy David Kelly that they will have to argue in court
> someday.
> Murder is a capital crime so there is no statute of limitations. Thus
> I can litigate again anytime I wish. Need I say Chucky’s blogger buddy
> Mr Baconfat has not been helping New Brunswick or Fredericton’s case
> since 2009. With Idle No More heating up for the summer we may not
> have to wait long for some clever greedy Indian lawyers to finally
> read it. Furthermore the deliberate ignorance of my evidence of
> securities crimes and tax crimes by law enforcement people whose
> mandate is to investigate such things has had a direct effect on
> everybody’s pensions plans.
> Any cop or lawyer should confess that ignorance of the law is no
> excuse. What they won’t admit is that every cop should follow his
> mandate and lawyer who received my material should READ the first
> parts of the Law Society Act. As officers of the Queen’s court in
> order to keep their licenses to practice law for a fee they MUST
> protect the public interests and safety. When they receive evidence of
> murder and financial crimes cop should see that it is investigated
> ASAP. If a lawyer gets the same stuff from someone who is not a client
> even if they pretend to not understand it they still must report it to
> law enforcement ASAP. If a client asks them to do so and seeks
> protection and they don’t they are criminals as well. Need I say the
> legions of governmental lawyers and politicians are in deep shit with
> mean old me? That is why everybody plays dumb and nobody dares to say
> my name not even the tough talking Chucky Leblanc. It truly is that
> simple. I must ask the obvious question.
> Everybody knows I have many wiretap tapes of the mob and have given
> many to various cops, the RCMP, the FBI, CISNB, the US Senate
> Judiciary Committee and even the Arar Inquiry. Hell the Fat Fred City
> Finest willingly stole some wiretap tapes along with my old Harley.
> The very dumb cop Randy Reilly asked me to take my stuff out of my
> saddlebags and I refused. I had served him a pile of documents that he
> refused so it as my turn to say no. I simply told him if he was gonna
> steal my bike registered in the USA he can steal it all. I immediately
> called Martin Gaudet the cop supervising him that night and Gaudet was
> so ignorant he would not even give me the Tow Company contact
> information.
> For the record I also called the FBI and told them of the wiretap
> tapes in the saddlebag. I heard that in return the Yankees claimed my
> bike was stolen and it did disappear from SNB records. A !965 Harley
> Davidson completely original even the paint does not evaporate. I have
> heard of the arsehole Alan MacPhee bragging to women that he has a
> nice old Harley he is going to restore. He must be waiting for me to
> die first because if I or friends of mine see it on the streets in Fat
> Fred City there will be a call about a stolen Harley immediately. I
> sent his boss and several lawyers registered mail about my bike in
> 2007 as soon as the CROWN refused to press charges against me or
> provide any information at all. Since 2007 and as recently as December
> 2012 many cops have affirmed that there is no warrant for my arrest
> for any unpaid fines or anything else. However in 2012 the CROWN did
> send me some interesting information about my motorcycle and Judge
> Richards” involvement in the matter...I remember her when she was in
> charge of court documents when a pile of disappeared from the dockets
> in 2004 In 2005 she was the Sheriff who ignored me when I complained
> that one of her deputies had me illegally removed from court for the
> benefit of the lawyer David Lutz who was involved in the same matters
> involving the aforementioned missing documents .Whenever I ask about
> my Harley or their tickets now the Fat Fed City Finest only laugh and
> say what Harley or not my problem and end the conversation because the
> suddenly become to busy drinking free Tim’s coffee and eating donuts
> to talk anymore? Just how dumb are the Fat Fred City Finest, many
> other police depts. and Alward’s provincial minions to say such things
> and try to block my emails after you even the GOVERNOR GENERAL etc
> have already acknowledged getting Hard Copy from me and the cops and
> even the New Brunswick police Commission recorded our conversation
> since 2004 DUHHH????
> I began with you David Banks so I will end with you. As you no doubt
> know the CRTC wants to study 911 operations and new technology. Does
> that not include emails? You can bet that the CRTC already are well
> aware of the Fredericton Police and the RCMP and the 911 operators
> they have in common acting under the very nasty chickenshit named
> David Banks. Perhaps you should ask them if you can read the emails
> the Fat Fred City Finest blocked or ignored. BTW please notice who
> else got this email then tell you lawyer Leanne Murray to scroll down
> and go fine the Hard Copy of many document that the Attorney General
> Brad Green admitted they have had since 2004. That includes a true
> copy of a Yankee wiretap tap just like Chucky Leblanc’s buddies stole
> from me in 2004 and finally gave to the Fat Fred City Finest at Xmass
> time 2010 REMEMBER MacKnight sent Mikey Wilson out looking for me
> immediately afterwards merely because I call David Kelly about you
> dudes and his ex Bobbi too? He always speaks for you does he not? You
> cannot deny that he has sent us all the same emails. I doubt you are
> blocking his CORRECT???
> In closing I must say all the corrupt cops within the Fat Fred City
> Finest and the politicians they serve deserve not one red cent of
> their wages or pensions. In fact most should be in JAIL.
> What say you now Chucky Baby Leblanc? I bet you and all your crybaby
> associates will continue to play dumb as you call me names and pray
> that I die soon N’esy Pas?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> Fredericton police chief steps down
> Barry MacKnight is retiring on July 1
> CBC News
> Posted: Jun 20, 2012 3:02 PM AT
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight has announced that he will be
> stepping down on July 1.
> MacKnight, 49, said he was planning to retire in early 2013, but has
> come to an agreement with the city where the early retirement
> provisions of the contract will be honoured.
> MacKnight, who plans to find another job, says his early departure
> from the force has nothing to do with LeBlanc's case.
> Pension changes will ensure 'long-term integrity'
> Finance Minister Blaine Higgs says task force report will be released
> this session
> By Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon, CBC News
> Posted: Mar 27, 2012 3:57 PM AT
> Changes to provincial pension plans that will help address the plans'
> deficits and ensure their sustainability are coming soon, says the
> finance minister.
> The provincial task force on protecting pensions is expected to report
> to the government during this session, Blaine Higgs said Tuesday as
> part of his budget speech.
> The task force will recommend how to put the appropriate rules and
> regulations in place for the long-term sustainability of existing
> pension plans, both public and private, he said.
> “Our goal is to ensure that employee benefits that have been earned to
> date will not be negatively affected by future changes while we
> separate pension reform from the collective bargaining process," he
> said.
> The provincial government will seek ways to expand the coverage of
> affordable, sustainable pension plans in New Brunswick to residents
> who currently do not have adequate pension plan coverage, said Higgs.
> The changes will be fair to both employees and taxpayers, he said.
> “Our government’s vision is that New Brunswickers should have the
> opportunity for a safe and secure retirement," the finance minister
> said.
> "We must also provide assurance to pension contributors that the
> long-term integrity, due diligence and rigour necessary in the
> business and financial operations of the system are maintained at a
> high level."
> The Alward government launched a review of public sector plans in
> September. It is expected to include consultation with the public,
> including employees, contributing employers, union representatives and
> pensioners.
> The same task force is also reviewing private sector plans.
> Higgs said pension plans are facing deficits because people are living
> longer after retirement than previously predicted and market values
> have been lower than expected.
> "Those are the issues we're trying to address because if we don't, it
> will be a problem," he told reporters. "We will fix it...We have a
> program that will do just that."
> charles leblanc wrote:
> Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya?
> I'll sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now?
> Don't get all exicted and send this all over the
> Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 07:56:09 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "David Amos"> Subject: Who says they are ignoring me Chucky? Ask Barry McKnight why
> the Yankees are researching him
> To:,,
>> CC:,,
> Just Dave
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 1,013
> Domain Name (Unknown)
> IP Address 206.15.101.# (NEWS CORPORATION)
> Location Continent : North America
> Country : United States (Facts)
> State : New York
> City : New York
> Lat/Long : 40.7605, -73.9933 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft Win2000
> Browser Firefox 2.0
> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:
> Gecko/20070309 Firefox/> Javascript version 1.5
> Monitor Resolution : 800 x 600
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit May 23 2007 6:17:17 pm
> Last Page View May 23 2007 6:17:17 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL
22barry mcknight%22
> Search Engine> Search Words fredericton police department "barry mcknight"
> Visit Entry Page> Visit Exit Page> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time May 23 2007 5:17:17 pm
> Visit Number 1,013
> Survey of Fredericton police officers finds poor morale within
> forcePublished on February 11, 2010
> Published on February 25, 2010
> The Canadian Press ~ The News Topics : Fredericton
> FREDERICTON - Mayor Brad Woodside has told police Chief Barry
> MacKnight to improve morale within his department following the
> release of a survey that showed a lack of confidence by officers in
> the abilities of upper management.
> "What I am saying to the police is sit down, clean it up and deal with
> it," Woodside said Wednesday.
> The report, prepared for the Fredericton police union, found that only
> 10 per cent of survey respondents had confidence in MacKnight, while
> 26 per cent had confidence in Deputy Chief Leanne Fitch.
> It also questioned the chief's accessibility, his vision for the
> future, and his ability to communicate effectively.
> "Labour management seems to be a problem there," Woodside said. "I
> have spoken to the city administrator. I have spoken to the chief and
> I want morale back where it should be and I want these issues dealt
> with."
> MacKnight said he takes responsibility when things go wrong in the
> police department.
> "We are going to address the issues that can be addressed and should
> be addressed," he said. "This is an important issue for us (but) we
> are not going to make any snap decision."
> The survey suggested that a climate of fear exists within the force
> and that members feel MacKnight believes all public complaints made
> against officers.
> MacKnight said the past year was a tough one for officers with respect
> to public complaints.
> "One of the major themes I am taking away from this is anxiety about
> internal investigations," he said.
> He said he's accessible to members of the force but admitted some
> people may feel he isn't.
> MacKnight said morale is always a concern because it has a direct
> impact on the provision of good services to citizens.
> He said he will go over the report and identify what its major themes
> are and what can be done to address them.
> Wednesday, April 07, 2010
> I support Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight 100%!!!!
> During these past few months, there's lots of stories about battles
> between the Police Union and the Police Chief.
> The Union release a Poll among their members saying only 10% of the
> force supports their Chief.
> I first heard of problems a couple of years ago.
> I was surprise because the Cops are doing a fantastic job in keeping
> this City safe.
> Who's responsible for Fredericton to be a safe City?
> Our leaders at the top of the Fredericton Police Force?
> I would say - Yes!!
> I chatted with some Business owners during the past month and everyone
> is supporting the way the Cops are patrolling the Downtown area.
> They are walking the beat and clearing the troublemakers from the Downtown
> core.
> I have met Police Chief Barry MacKnight on a few occasion and found
> the Chief a nice pleasant gentlemen to chat with.
> I might add I was very surprise when he spoke Le Francais en Chiac!!!
> lol
> lol
> The chief chiac was proven when he launched the new cruiser....
> Here's a blog I wrote on this issue -
> I'm happy they never went with the Black and White Cruiser they have
> in Bathurst!
> But it sure reminds you for a nice cold Canadian eh???
> lol
> What's a Emergencie??? We chiac Acadians say - Emergency!!
> Urgence???
> Myself, I didn't like the new colors and Mayor Brad Woodside agreed!!!
> Click below for video -
> But seriously??? Why are so many members of our Police Force upset
> with the Chief?
> Is he demanding too much from the Union Members?
> His contract is up for renewal in July and the local media are pushing
> the issue.
> This is the very first time there's a contract renewal with a Police Chief.
> In the past, former Police Chiefs were there for 20 years.
> Who will decide Barry MacKnight future?
> The Councilors at City Hall?
> Will this be an open meeting?
> Will the public have a say?
> I tried to get some answers but everyone is keeping their mouth shut
> on this issue.
> Lets say that we do get a new chief and crime goes up? Who will we
> blame? The new Police Chief?
> So what's the problem?
> I know for a fact many members of the Police Force reads this Blog.
> Maybe they can tell the readers what the problem is???
> Myself? I support the Police Chief 100% and I hope his contract is
> renewed for another 5 years!!!
> P.S. I'm not kissing ass!! I'm just calling it as it is!!!
> Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 8:55:00 AM
> Anonymous said...
> How mixed up is Charles? He hates the RCMP who have never
> arrrested him and loves the Fredericton Police who have.
> 11:14 AM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Any complaints fabricated against the Fredericton Police are
> simply the quebec spreading organization trying to force french on
> everything by getting Fredericton policed by RCMP. But Moncton has had
> their fill!
> 11:22 AM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Do police cars in Fredericton real have EMERGENCIE instead of
> URGENCE for the french portion on their police cars?! I have noticed
> that but if this is the case, it is simply unbelievable!! How can this
> have happened?
> 11:29 PM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Hey Charles,Fredericton doesnt need 2 police forces,we have the
> R.C.M.P at the top of Regent street,the city force on Queen street. I
> think we should disband the chief and his car kicking bandits and
> replace mayor Woodside at the same time.Our chief hasnt the right to
> wear a badge or call himself a cop,he isnt anything more then a social
> worker
> 11:51 PM, April 07, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Exactly what a Police Officer needs to be, A Social Worker. An
> educated Social Worker. Not a bilingual shortcake!
> 7:42 AM, April 08, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> I agree, our police officers should be trained as social workers
> and counselors and not the thugs we have today.
> Maybe throw in some non violent conflict resolution training as well.
> 10:32 AM, April 08, 2010
> said...
> My view of both Chief and Deputy Chief remains the same. I will go
> on a lie detector with them both any time. Deputy Chiefs brother was
> involved with stealing all the assets in a Civil Case from a truck
> parked as requested by City Police Officers. I have tried to have
> charges laid only to have them make me out to be the criminal. The
> witnesses are many upstanding citizens yet I can't even get police to
> discuss. They are a joke and MacKnight is the biggest joke. You may
> think I'm crazy but ask Conrad Mead of CKTP, his 3 sons, Robb
> Hartland(Double B), my father Norman Oickle, Tony Mcfaggen, Peter
> Keith, and they will confirm that this theft occurred. They saw the
> evidence and the way the police harassed me when I tried to press
> charges. This theft was done with the help of numerous officers and
> can be proven. Ten minutes on a lie detector for the chief and I would
> settle it. I deserve at least that for all I did for my community
> before these protectors of the Law got involved. I will sign my name
> and assure you Charles the others I mention will confirm the handling
> of my case was Criminal.
> 12:24 AM, April 09, 2010
> said...
> For the record...Up until this truck was broken into I never had a
> single problem with the City Police nor did I have a single thing on a
> Criminal Record over my 50 years as an upstanding citizen. I will put
> my record along side a few of the forces detectives any time. Lets
> fire up the Lie Detectors and then you will see some fired. Come on
> Barry you were the one who wanted all the newbie's on your force to
> take a Lie Detector Test. You and I can prove how well they work. If
> I'm wrong I pay all cost...if right give me back my eguipment and
> press charges against those who were paid to uphold the Law not twist
> it for their own purposes.
> 1:16 AM, April 09, 2010
> Magos said...
> Lie detectors don't work.
> 10:12 AM, April 09, 2010
> Anonymous said...
> Barry thinks they do as he is the one that stated in Daily Garbage
> he would like to see all new recruits have to take one before being
> accepted into his Farce. Charles the next time you see Barry you
> should get him on video answering you in regards to his feelings on
> Lie Detectors and wether they work or not.
> 2:29 PM, April 10, 2010
> Fredericton police chief steps down
> Barry MacKnight is retiring on July 1
> CBC News
> Posted: Jun 20, 2012 3:02 PM AT
> Related Stories
> RCMP takes over Charles LeBlanc arrest probe
> Woodside concerned over handling of blogger's arrest
> Fredericton blogger's arrest attack on civil liberties
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight says he was planning to
> retire in 2013, but decided to step down next month instead. (CBC)
> Fredericton Police Chief Barry MacKnight has announced that he will be
> stepping down on July 1.
> MacKnight, 49, said he was planning to retire in early 2013, but has
> come to an agreement with the city where the early retirement
> provisions of the contract will be honoured.
> "It was an opportunity that came up and I talked to the city
> administrator and the mayor and we came to an agreement, simple as
> that," he told CBC News Wednesday.
> “The time was right," MacKnight said earlier in a statement.
> "It is time for a change."
> MacKnight has been chief for seven years and on the force for 25 years.
> It's been "a satisfying run," he said in the statement, calling it an
> "honour" to work with so many professional police officers and a
> "privilege" to work with city council and staff.
> "I know I am leaving the city in the good hands of a very professional
> and dedicated police force, and I am proud of that," MacKnight said.
> 'I especially appreciate that he always worked with the city’s best
> interests at heart.'—Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside
> "I also want to thank the people of Fredericton for their support over
> my tenure."
> Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside says the process to choose a successor
> will be decided in the coming days after he discusses the matter with
> council and the chief administrative officer.
> MacKnight served the city well, Woodside said.
> "I especially appreciate that he always worked with the city’s best
> interests at heart and I wish him the very best in any future
> endeavours."
> On heels of blogger controversy
> MacKnight's retirement comes on the heels of difficulties between the
> force and controversial blogger Charles LeBlanc.
> LeBlanc, who faced charges of criminal libel earlier this year for
> allegedly damaging the reputation of a police officer on his website,
> was arrested at the legislature last month.
> Police said LeBlanc was arrested after a complaint of "assault by
> trespasser." LeBlanc has been banned from the legislature grounds
> since 2006.
> LeBlanc is scheduled to appear in court on June 25.
> The investigation has since been handed over to the RCMP.
> MacKnight, who plans to find another job, says his early departure
> from the force has nothing to do with LeBlanc's case.
> "It's an important issue, but we deal with important issues here every
> single day," he told CBC News. "It's what police officers do every day
> — they make very difficult decisions based on good faith and the
> information they have at the time.
> "I can't be any clearer about this," he said. "The past two months
> have been no harder than any few months I've ever been in this job.
> Yeah, this is a hard job, and somethimes the media is engaged in the
> issues we're dealing with and sometimes they're not."
> MacKnight said the investigation will continue with the city
> administrator. He declined to comment any further on the case.
> LeBlanc's arrest came just days after he and his lawyer called for a
> public inquiry into the Fredericton Police Force's handling of a raid
> at LeBlanc's home in January.
> LeBlanc, who writes a controversial blog that is often critical of
> police officers, politicians and the legislature's sergeant-at-arms,
> was accused of damaging the reputation of a city police officer in
> blog posts last summer.
> Police seized his computer and LeBlanc says he was told he would be
> facing charges of criminal libel.
> But on May 4, the provincial government announced it would not be
> proceeding with criminal libel charges against LeBlanc, saying that
> section of the Criminal Code has been deemed unconstitutional by other
> jurisdictions.
> From: "Mazerolle Stephens, Angela(JUS)"> Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 16:39:20 -0300
> Subject: RE: "I have to caution you, this is not a game." Karlheinz
> Schreiber
> To: David Amos>
> Mr. Amos:
> Receipt is acknowledged of the five pieces of e-mail you sent to me on
> May 14, 2009.
> Upon review, it is apparent that they do not relate to me either
> personally or professionally. Please note that your correspondence is
> unwanted and unwelcome.
> Please do not send me any more of your communications, as I find them
> harassing in nature.
> Sincerely,
> Angela Mazerolle Stephens
> Superintendent of Pensions
> Office of the Superintendent of Pensions Department of Justice and
> Consumer Affairs
> Province of New Brunswick
> Frederick Square, Ste. 450
> 77 Westmorland Street
> P.O. Box 6000
> Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1
> Ph: (506) 453-2055
> Fax: (506) 457-7266
> This e-mail and the information contained in it is confidential, may be
> privileged and is intended for the exclusive use of the
> addressee(s). Any other person is strictly prohibited from using,
> disclosing, distributing or reproducing it. If you have received this
> communication in error, please reply by e-mail to the sender and delete
> or destroy all copies of this message.
> Le présent courriel et les renseignements qu'il contient sont
> confidentiels, peuvent être protégés par le secret professionnel et
> sont à l'usage exclusif du (des) destinataire(s) susmentionné(s). Toute
> autre personne est par les présentes avisée qu'il lui est strictement
> interdit d'en faire l'utilisation, la diffusion, la distribution ou la
> reproduction. Si cette transmission vous est arrivée par erreur,
> veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par
> courriel, puis effacer ou détruire toutes les copies du présent
> message.
> Boudreau defends pension plans' $21M investment in big tobacco
> Last Updated: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 | 9:10 AM AT
> CBC News
> Related
> N.B. pensions have $21M in tobacco companies
> N.B. moving ahead in lawsuit against big tobacco
> Anti-smoking group cheers N.B. lawsuit against tobacco companies
> External Links
> New Brunswick provincial pension investments
> (Note: CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of
> external sites - links will open in new window)
> Finance Minister Victor Boudreau said tobacco companies that are being
> sued by the province have proven to be strong investments for the New
> Brunswick Investment Management Corp.
> 'The New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation has a mandate of
> getting a maximum return on their investments so that our pension
> funds can continue to grow.'— Finance Minister Victor Boudreau
> When the Liberal government launched the lawsuit against tobacco
> companies in 2006, two cabinet ministers said it was about holding
> them accountable for the soaring health-care costs attributed to those
> who used their products.
> But Boudreau said on Tuesday when it comes to making money on the
> province's pension plans, it's important for investment managers to
> earn revenue any way they can.
> "The New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation has a mandate of
> getting a maximum return on their investments so that our pension
> funds can continue to grow," he said.
> The pension funds lost almost $2 billion in the markets last year,
> including on its tobacco stocks. But the finance minister said over
> the years the tobacco industry has proved to be a strong money maker.
> The records released last week by the New Brunswick Investment
> Management Corp. show heavy investments in Imperial Tobacco, Rothmans,
> British American Tobacco, Philip Morris, its parent company Altria
> Group and R.J. Reynolds.
> The provincial government agency that manages the pension funds of
> public servants, teachers and judges had holdings in those companies
> worth about $21.2 million on March 31, 2008.
> Those same companies are all targets in a lawsuit launched in December
> 2006 by the province. New Brunswick alleges the companies failed to
> warn consumers of the dangers of smoking, marketed light cigarettes as
> safe and targeted children in their advertising campaigns. It argues
> those actions all led to widespread health problems and public medical
> costs for those who began smoking.
> N.B. union wants tobacco companies snuffed out of pensions
> N.B. pension holdings on March 31, 2008
> • $10.6 million in Phillip Morris and its parent, Altria Group.
> • $4.9 million in British American Tobacco.
> • $2.7 million in Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd.
> • $2.4 million in Rothmans Inc.
> • About $600,000 in R.J. Reynolds.
> The New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees, one of the
> largest contributors to the province's pension funds, is joining the
> Canadian Cancer Society and New Brunswick Lung Association in calling
> for the province to dump its investments in tobacco companies.
> Tom Mann, the union's executive director, said his 5,800 members don't
> like it being invested with cigarette manufacturers.
> And he said because of the amount the union contributes to the
> pensions that it should have some sway in where that money is parked
> by the pension plan.
> "Certainly the people who own that money should have a say in how it's
> invested," Mann said.
> Kenneth Maybee, the president of the New Brunswick Lung Association,
> said on Tuesday that the province's pension fund managers must stop
> investing in tobacco companies, calling the revelation an "eye-opener"
> that was "disconcerting."
> "It's perhaps one of these cases where one arm [of the government]
> doesn't know where the other arm is. But I think the message will be
> very clear … that it's not the right thing to do," Maybee said.
> Fredericton police morale at 7-year low, union rep says
> Shared-risk pension dispute latest in a string of issues
> CBC News
> Posted: Apr 2, 2013 12:09 PM AT
> Pension experts eye changes to save benefits
> A leader with the union representing Fredericton police officers says
> morale on the force is at a seven-year low with the unresolved pension
> issue the latest in a string of issues.
> Andrew Dawson says officers have been without a collective agreement
> for more than two years, without a permanent chief since last summer,
> have faced criticism over their handling of a blogger's case, and are
> now facing the possible loss of pension benefits as the city moves to
> a shared-risk plan.
> "We have one member with nearly 25 years of service who, when it
> became clear that the city was going down this road, he just went in
> and tendered his resignation and said, ‘No, you know what? Enough is
> enough. I'm going home,'" said Dawson.
> Police union leader Andrew Dawson said the lack of information about
> the city's pension plans is troubling. (CBC)
> "And there are many who are nearly as distressed about what exactly it
> is the city is doing. The lack of information is the big thing.”
> Fredericton council had unanimously approved a plan on March 18 to
> convert the city’s pension plan to a shared-risk model, which has been
> promoted by the provincial government.
> Under the new plan, city employees will have to work longer with fewer
> guarantees. Pensioners will also see changes to their cost-of-living
> adjustment.
> Dawson says the police union was only officially notified of the plan
> six days before the city took action.
> "It seems the city has been moving this way for a long time, but we
> haven't been part of the process at all," he said.
> The Labour and Employment Board ruled switching to the new plan would
> have to be delayed for the police and fire departments until both
> groups have gone through arbitration hearings.
> The police union is not planning any job action, said Dawson.
> Two weeks have been set aside for an arbitration hearing in mid-June,
> he said. "We know we'll be able to present our case and get a fair
> answer finally."
> Firefighters are expected to go into an arbitration hearing with the
> city later this month.
> Meanwhile, city officials have said they will continue informal
> pension talks with the two unions, hoping they will agree to the
> shared-risk model.
> The city's current plan has a $60-million deficit.
> CRTC seeks public input on 911 emergency service
> Commission looking to improve service by utilizing new technologies
> The Canadian Press
> Posted: Dec 17, 2012 5:07 PM AT
> The CRTC is conducting a public consultation on ways it can improve
> Canada's 911 emergency service. (Darren Staples/Reuters)
> Canada's telecom regulator is asking for the public’s input on how to
> improve the 911 emergency service in light of changing technology.
> The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission said
> Monday it will review the findings of the public consultation which
> asks for Canadians' input in the following areas:
> • The performance and adequacy of the technology currently employed by
> 911 services, such as that used to locate a caller using a cellphone.
> • The issues related to the provision of 911 services on
> next-generation networks, including how systems should be designed and
> the appropriate institutional arrangements.
> • Policy considerations on 911 matters.
> "Each year, the 911 system is relied upon by thousands of Canadians
> during emergency situations," national commissioner Tim Denton said in
> a news release. "As telecommunications networks evolve and adopt new
> technologies, we all have an interest in ensuring that the system
> continues to meet Canadians' needs."
> The CRTC said Denton will conduct research on 911 services in light of
> the telecommunications system's evolution to next-generation networks
> based on Internet Protocol.
> "In particular, I would encourage first responders, call centre
> operators and governmental bodies to share their ideas on how the 911
> system could help them better respond to emergency situations," Denton
> said.
> The commissioner's recommendations will be presented before May 2013
> and consulted when the CRTC begins its formal review of the regulatory
> framework for Canada’s 911 system.
> The formal consultation will be completed in 2014-15.
> With files from CBC News
> Anti-bullying advocate faces questions over tactics
> Bullying Canada co-founder defends handling of complaints
> By Jacques Poitras, CBC News
> Posted: Jun 21, 2012 7:53 AM AT
> Rob Frenette, who was given the Order of New Brunswick for his
> community service in 2011, is facing questions over his tactics. (CBC)
> A high-profile anti-bullying activist in New Brunswick is being
> criticized for the way he challenges institutions and organizations.
> A school superintendent says Rob Frenette was not realistic in
> demanding District 14 respond within hours to a complaint about
> bullying at a Woodstock school.
> And NB Power says it has not been able to substantiate Frenette’s
> allegations of 400 to 500 bullying complaints at the Crown
> corporation.
> Frenette is standing by his actions in both cases. He would not agree
> to an interview but sent CBC a prepared statement responding to the
> criticisms.
> “I've been asked not to do any further interviews on these topics,” he
> said about District 14, “as some are now escalated to the Minister of
> Education/Superintendent. As for NB Power, that file won't be
> discussed any further, unless a employee comes forward.”
> Frenette, a victim of bullying himself as a child, co-founded Bullying
> Canada, a national lobbying group, in 2006. He was successful in
> pressuring the New Brunswick government to create an Anti-Bullying
> Day.
> Last year, he was named a member of the Order of New Brunswick, the
> province’s highest recognition for community service.
> The citation said he was honoured “for his tireless devotion to and
> passionate commitment to ending the spectre of bullying in our
> province and all across Canada."
> Former premier Shawn Graham praised Frenette as “a strong voice
> against bullying and a role model” and current premier David Alward
> has also lauded his efforts.
> Bullying Canada is a non-profit organization that has applied for
> charitable status with Revenue Canada. Starting in September, it will
> be required to file some financial information, which will be made
> public.
> Frenette says he does not earn a salary from the organization.
> Disputed numbers
> Frenette says he first contacted NB Power last September. He went
> public in December, then brought it up again in April.
> In the legislature, a Liberal MLA, Brian Kenny, repeated Frenette’s
> claim that Bullying Canada had received 400 to 500 complaints of
> bullying from employees of the utility.
> But NB Power says it has been unable to verify those numbers.
> “What we need in order to investigate these and follow through is to
> know locations, know particulars, know names of the people involved,
> and that's been one of the challenges that we have when we've been
> dealing with Bullying Canada,” says Lori Clark, the head of human
> resources at the utility.
> “We've not been able to get the information that would allow us to
> deal with the situations.”
> Clark says she was surprised by the number.
> “It's not realistic in terms of what we're dealing with,” she says.
> “There's less than 10 cases [at the moment]. In the single digits, in
> fact.”
> Ross Galbraith, the manager for the union representing most NB Power
> employees, is also skeptical of the number.
> “I've not seen any volume of complaints like that, four or 500,” says
> Galbraith, who adds that his members are never reticent about letting
> him know when they have a problem.
> “It's just a very, very high number. It's an unbelievably high number for
> me."
> He says eight to 10 complaints is the number in a normal year and they
> range from outright bullying to harassment to anything else related to
> an employee’s discomfort in the workplace.
> Galbraith says when he heard Frenette’s number, “I met with my staff,
> and met with our executive board members, and I asked, 'Is there
> something going on here?' Because I'm not seeing an increase. It's
> about steady—the same type of thing you would get every year.”
> Frenette said in an e-mail on June 4 the number is “a log of the
> amount of phone calls and emails we received between September of last
> year and April of this year. We still as of today are receiving calls
> from NB Power staff about concerns.”
> In an earlier e-mail response on May 24, Frenette said Bullying Canada
> has decided to direct any NB Power employees to take their complaints
> to their union or the corporation’s ombudsman.
> “Our charity’s information and resources are targeted at youth /
> parents,” he said.
> “Our work was never really in to the workplace.
> He said he took that decision in light of a fight he is having with
> the utility over several Right to Information requests he made.
> Frenette released portions of the material he received, showing that
> communications officials at the utility were upset about his
> description of the bullying complaints.
> He is also appealing NB Power’s refusal to release any documents under
> the Right to Information Act that name him or Bullying Canada.
> “NB Power has made it clear that they are not interested in the
> assistance we could offer them,” he added in the e-mail.
> “We offered company-wide workshops etc but they declined.”
> Frenette says he offered the workshop at no charge, though Bullying
> Canada normally charges $500 per session.
> Kathleen Duguay, a NB Power spokeswoman, says Frenette offered both
> for-fee and no-fee workshops, but “at that time NB Power had already
> engaged in workshop development and/or was delivering
> workshop/awareness session with employees.”
> Superintendent says release was damaging
> The other organization pushing back against Frenette’s tactics is
> District 14, the school district covering most of the St. John River
> Valley.
> The district will no longer exist after this week as a result of a
> provincial reorganization of districts.
> In May, Theresa Blackburn, a Woodstock town councillor and community
> college instructor, criticized Frenette in a newspaper column for how
> he handled a bullying complaint at Woodstock Middle School.
> Frenette had issued a press release April 29 accusing administrators
> at the school of not acting on a case of bullying.
> He issued the release around noon, after contacting the school early
> that morning to advise them he was going public.
> Blackburn says that wasn’t nearly enough time for a busy principal or
> superintendent to respond.
> “In one fell swoop, I felt that Bullying Canada had ruined the
> reputation of an administration that had worked so hard for the last
> three or four years,” says Blackburn, who dealt with the same school
> officials when her son was bullied.
> She says the officials did everything right in her son’s case, but it
> wasn’t quick, as Frenette seemed to be demanding in the new case.
> “My son's issues were not resolved in five days. When you're dealing
> with people, it's complex. It's really complex. And it takes more than
> just a couple of emails and the demand of action,” she says.
> “Mediation has to take place. There are meetings that have to take
> place. Press releases aren't going to solve what's going on.”
> John Tingley, the acting district 14 superintendent, says he was
> visiting schools in the northern part of the district that morning,
> and it was unfair of Frenette to expect a response within a few hours.
> “The relationship is more difficult now between the school and the
> parent” as a result of Frenette’s press release, Tingley said.
> Frenette says he only issued the release because the family asked for it.
> “That’s a practice that we’ve always had in place,” he said in an
> e-mail statement.
> “We as an organization did not make the decision to issue the media
> release.”
> He says in previous cases, the school principal has not returned his
> calls, and has made it clear in this case “that she would not be
> interested in working with us on this matter.”
> He says officials at the Department of Education are now involved and
> until they respond to him, he won’t comment further on the case.
> FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2012
> How come SGT Andrew MacDonald from the Fredericton Police Force
> received a huge pension after arresting Blogger????
> How come this Cop who grabbed me from the streets received a huge
> pension and my complaint was denied???
> Once again??? The Bad Cops gets away with another one and at the
> Taxpayers expense!!!
> Yes...the Citizens in Fredericton are in great danger for these VERY bad
> Cops!!!
> Here's the story - < We need a Provincial Inquiry on the way the Less
> fortunate are being treated in this Province!!!! >
> Just received this letter today!!!! So I guess with the retirement of
> Andrew MacDonald? My complaint is officially over!!!
> Click below for story -
> Here's the letter!!!
> You newcomers can watch the video!!
> The confrontation -
> Part one
> Part two
> The Arrest -
> Part one -
> [youtube]
> Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 6:51:00 PM
> Anonymous said...
> Well, more video's of unreasonable behaviour by public servants and
> proof of a complete waste of public funds giving these morons jobs.
> Good for you keeping your cool Charles.
> 7:23 PM, May 18, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> "Huge pension" lol...My god you are one simple person .... And how
> much is he getting please tell ?? Or maybe simply because he worked 37
> years for the City of Fredericton ?? Yes Charles, people that work for
> a living can have a pension if they want. You may not know this
> because I understand you dont work at all ...
> 8:21 PM, May 18, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> gPaBecause he EARNED it. When someone works for the same organization
> and contributes to a pension fund for at LEAST 30 years, they have
> EARNED a pension. It's NOT a reward!! Now if they have had to deal
> with people like YOU for all those years, they SHOULD get Monetary
> Award or BONUS just for the added headache. I hope you are enjoying a
> wonderful retirement, Andrew!!
> Post it if you have the balls, Charles!
> 11:56 AM, May 19, 2012
> Anonymous said...
> It is part of having a job, you would not understand.
> 9:40 PM, May 19, 2012
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: David Amos> To:;;
>> Cc:;;
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:37:04 PM
> Subject: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I
> would try to make him famous
> A man is only as good as his word EH? To bad priests, bankers,
> politicians, lawyers and cops can't claim the same N'est Pas
> Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 19:01:11 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David Amos> Subject: Now everybody and his dog knows TJ Burke and his cop buddies
> allegations against me are false and you had the proof all along EH
> Chucky?
> To:,,,
>,> CC:,,,
> Methinks your liberal pals just made a major faux pas N'est Pas?
> Scroll down Frenchie and go down?.
> Threat against Burke taken seriously
>> Published Thursday May 24th, 2007
> Appeared on page A1
> An RCMP security detail has been guarding Justice Minister and
> Attorney General T.J. Burke because of threats made against him
> recently.
> Burke, the Liberal MLA for Fredericton-Fort Nashwaaksis, wouldn't
> explain the nature of the threats.
> "I have had a particular individual or individuals who have made
> specific overtures about causing harm towards me," he told reporters
> Wednesday.
> "The RCMP has provided security to me recently by accompanying me to a
> couple of public functions where the individual is known to reside or
> have family members in the area," said Burke. "It is nice to have some
> added protection and that added comfort."
> The RCMP provides protection to the premier and MLAs with its VIP security
> unit.
> Burke didn't say when the threat was made but it's believed to have
> been in recent weeks.
> "When a threat is posed to you and it is a credible threat, you have
> to be cautious about where you go and who you are around," he said.
> "But again, I am more concerned about my family as opposed to my own
> personal safety."
> Burke said he doesn't feel any differently and he has not changed his
> pattern of activity.
> "It doesn't bother me one bit," he said. "It makes my wife feel awful
> nervous."
> Burke served in an elite American military unit before becoming a
> lawyer and going into politics in New Brunswick.
> "(I) have taken my own precautions and what I have to do to ensure my
> family's safety," he said. "I am a very cautious person in general due
> to my background and training.
> "I am comfortable with defending myself or my family if it ever had to
> happen."
> Burke said it is not uncommon for politicians to have security concerns.
> "We do live unfortunately in an age and in a society now where threats
> have to be taken pretty seriously," he said.
> Since the terrorism attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001,
> security in New Brunswick has been
> beefed up.
> Metal detectors were recently installed in the legislature and all
> visitors are screened.
> The position of attorney general is often referred to as the
> province's "top cop."
> Burke said sometimes people do not differentiate between his role as
> the manager of the justice system and the individual who actually
> prosecutes them.
> "With the job sometimes comes threats," he said. "I have had numerous
> threats since Day 1 in office."
> Burke said he hopes his First Nations heritage has nothing to do with it.
> "I think it is more of an issue where people get fixated on a matter
> and they believe you are personally responsible for assigning them
> their punishment or their sanction," he said.
> Is the threat from someone who was recently incarcerated?
> "I probably shouldn't answer that," he replied.
> Reporters asked when the threat would be over.
> "I don't think a threat ever passes once it has been made," said
> Burke. "You have to consider the credibility of the source."
> Bruce Fitch, former justice minister in the Conservative government,
> said "every now and again there would be e-mails that were not
> complimentary."
> "I did have a meeting with the RCMP who are in charge of the security
> of the MLAs and ministers," said Fitch.
> "They look at each and every situation."
> Fitch said he never had bodyguards assigned to him although former
> premier Bernard Lord and former health minister Elvy Robichaud did
> have extra security staff assigned on occasion.
> He said if any MLA felt threatened, he or she would discuss it with the
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: After you all read real slow and
> listen closely say Hoka Hey to Stockwell Day and Petey Baby MacKay for
> me will ya?
> Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 06:29:37 -0700
> From: "Fitzgerald, Patrick (USACAC)"> To: "David Amos">
> I will be out of the Office until Monday June 4, 2007. If you need to
> contact someone immediately, please call AUSA Eileen Decker at
> 213-894-0721 or my assistant Joan Moon at 213-984-4699.
Last week, I was approached by someone with an interesting story.
It's a tale of a guy who was on top of the world but came down pretty hard.
He used to be the owner of the City Motel in Fredericton.
His name is Jim.
Jim was doing ok until his whole world came crashing down. I mean REALLY DOWN!!!
Until his downfall, he used to mingle with the higher ups of society.
He leased the City Motel for 10 years. I might add that he also owned the Lobster Hut which was attached to the Motel.
Many politicians would stay over night in that building. Ohhhhh???? If walls could talk??? But Jim sure can!!!!
Jim took his business very seriously!
He told me that if he was still the owner of the Motel and he would have seen this blogger in the building? He would have asked me to leave the area. I wouldn't even be allowed in the parking lot. Only if I was invited to the motel by the politicians in advance.
He made certain the MLA'S had privacy from the media.
Speaking of privacy? He went so far as building this back door so they could maintain their privacy.
A meeting was arranged and I met with Jim.
He told me some very interesting tales raging from the politicians to the way the Fredericton Police Force handled his case.
Especially the story he told the Government that he would go public with some stories he seen in his motel?
The Government quickly reacted. It was sort of like my case of telling our elected officials that I would go public with the murder? < This is the only reason I was told that I was banned from the Legislature >
The Liberals quickly told me that they would haul me in court for Harassment!!!
I explained to Jim I was a blogger and anyone can become a journalist by writing their story and I'll blog it.
Too bad my recorder is broken because I would have just interviewed the guy. So we have to do it the hard way.
The interesting issue on this one? It was a Civil matter and the media still managed to put the story on the front page.
Also added was the Fredericton Police Force supervised the eviction.
What's with this????
Once this hit the front page? Jim’s life began his downward spiral.
Jim was the type of guy who was involved in all kinds of political events and he had a Carte Blanche to visit the P.C’S in their building but all this came to a sudden halt once he was told - In the future, he would have to make an appointment.
Jim didn't like the way he was treated so he threaten to go public with his stories of going ons in his Motel.
Well, he ended up in a mental ward for three months because of other issues.
Well? After chatting with the guy, he didn't look coo coo to me?
He sounded very sincere with his emotional stories.
I'll be blogging the tales during the next few weeks.
Stay tuned....
P.S. I hope I'm not shot on the streets because of this one?
Truly stay tuned....
Clearly you did not vote for mean old me when I ran against your old pal Andy Baby Scott in 2006 EH Andre?
Trust that Curtis and even Andy Scott’s postman told me lots of interesting stories about the north side when they signed my nomination forms before Xmass 2005. its kinda funny to me that your all knowing buddies such as Davey Coon or Chucky Leblanc or your Liebrano pals such as Andy Scott or DougyTyler or Lenny Hoytwhom I believe is still Leanne Murray’s law firm partner didn’t tell you some things about mean old me before you strange “Occupy” dudes decided to pick fight with me. Anyway I doubt a couple of other dudes of mcInnes in Cooper Richard Bell or Franky Boy McKenna would not have said much though. However you people must have at least read the documents Chucky stole from me in 2004 and gave to your pals Rashid and Barnett instead of giving them to his buddy Brad Green like he promised. Correct?.
And as far as Occupy, I have no knowledge of anyone having picking a fight with you. That isn’t to say that there wasn’t any conflicts between you and some members of occupy. If so I was not aware.
People don’t necessarily tell me everything … 🙂
I knew Charles just before Occupy, The first time I met Charles was on a story he did on a child with aspergers, being confined to the library rather than the class room.
Furthermore READ paragraph 83 of the lawsuit you people in Fat Fred City make fun of then ask your hero Trudeau “The Younger” about his sunny ways and why he didn’t speak up as soon as Chucky Leblanc’s old blogging buddy Mr Baconfat first published those words in 2009
83. The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over five years after he began his bragging:
January 13, 2015
This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
December 8, 2014
Why Canada Stood Tall!
Friday, October 3, 2014
Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And Stupid Justin Trudeau
Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute” Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind. The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic, professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway campaign of 2006.
What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent, support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
This is very serious stuff!!!! The Irvings are always printing lying stuff about me in their papers and now this???
I hope that Jamie Irving knows that I can continue a battle without a blog???
The Irvings use my ordeal in their paper and I can’t blog it???
Old Germany again???
Here’s the email-
Charles, I’m afraid you have been warned. We have repetitively asked you NOT to violate copyright laws by republishing articles from CanadEast without permission. At each warning you have thumbed your nose at our request and flagrantly continued to violate the law. At each instance we have kept detailed records and screen shots of your violations and your comments about them. There are no more chances.
We are now in contact with Goggle, who take copyright violation very seriously, and I’m afraid you can probably expect them to revoke your Blogger access. Please DO NOT even try to rant that its the Irvings out to bring you down again because you have nobody to blame but yourself. You have violated our copyrights over ten times in the past year and we simply cannot tolerate this unlawful behaviour anymore. You were politely warned and chose not to rectify the situation. Now you will have to suffer the consequences just like everybody else.
Scott Agnew
Web Services Manager
CanadaEast Interactive
—– Original Message —–
From: Agnew, Scott
To: David Amos
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:38 PM
Subject: RE: regarding your emails and phone calls to Yahoo! Inc
Executive staff (KMM58965988V19364L0KM)
David, David, David. I thought you had learned your lesson about
sending unsolicited email. I DO NOT want to go through this with you
Remove me immediately from your email list. Failure to do so will
result in my contacting your email provider (Google this time) and
will likely result in your account being shut down again, just like
last year at Yahoo. Also, since this is not the first time you have
pulled this stunt and since you have been asked nicely several times
to remove me from your list, another email from you will be regarded
as harassment and I will be contacting the RCMP this time. Considering
your past history and all the previous emails I’ve saved, I don’t
think you want that to happen.
This is the only warning I will send you. Do NOT reply to this email.
K. Scott Agnew
Publisher, Kings County Record
Phone: (506) 433-1070
Fax: (506) 432-3532
Cell: (506) 850-4939
Group studies its legal options
Early immersion | Reversal of decision wanted ASAP
Published Tuesday April 8th, 2008
Appeared on page A1
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Alison J. Menard wrote:
Mr. Amos
Please stop communicating with me immediately by telephone, cellular,
and email and/or by any other means of communication. Your contacts with me are unsolicited and unwanted and I am asking you to cease and desist.
Please also take this as your notice that should you continue to harass me, I will make a complaint to the police and pursue thismatter through the criminal courts. I am a criminal lawyer and I am very aware of what constitutes criminal harassment and/or threats.
I also have an understanding of how you operate because of information provided to me by my husband, Scott Agnew. I can tell you that I will not tolerate it.
Yours truly
Alison Ménard
A little Deja Vu for Chucky Cry Baby Leblanc and his Liebrano pals
Mar 14 2008
These former high profile Liberals are confuse when I say – The New Brunswick Liberal Party might become the first Fascist Party in Canada???
I never had any problem with party members from any political parties.
Not until the confrontation at Sweetwaters.
This is very serious stuff.
Once you sent people to beat up members of the Party because they have a different point of view from the rest?
Well? I have a problem with that one.
Frank McKenna would have fired anyone who would even think of doing such an act.
One thing is certain? Right after the LIberals tells me that nothing will be done?
I’m going right to the Police and I might find myself a good lawyer and sue the Party.
This is a very serious matter and Fascism must be defeated here in Canada!
Stay tuned!!!
My God?? Did I just pull a David Amos???
—– Original Message —–
From: Agnew, Scott
To: David Amos
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:38 PM
Subject: RE: regarding your emails and phone calls to Yahoo! Inc
Executive staff (KMM58965988V19364L0KM)
David, David, David. I thought you had learned your lesson about
sending unsolicited email. I DO NOT want to go through this with you
Remove me immediately from your email list. Failure to do so will
result in my contacting your email provider (Google this time) and
will likely result in your account being shut down again, just like
last year at Yahoo. Also, since this is not the first time you have
pulled this stunt and since you have been asked nicely several times
to remove me from your list, another email from you will be regarded
as harassment and I will be contacting the RCMP this time. Considering
your past history and all the previous emails I’ve saved, I don’t
think you want that to happen.
This is the only warning I will send you. Do NOT reply to this email.
K. Scott Agnew
Publisher, Kings County Record
Phone: (506) 433-1070
Fax: (506) 432-3532
Cell: (506) 850-4939
The following year for shits and giggles i posted the text of the news articla within one Chucky’s Cry Baby Leblanc’s first blogs and there it remains to this very day
Enjoy Mr Faust. if nothing else the Irvings will explain me and my bikes to you N’esy Pas?
Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd
By Erin Hatfield
“If you don’t like what you got, why don’t you change it? If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it.”
The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if unofficial, theme song for the debate.
The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron’s Liberalswent left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.
The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.
Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders. Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic relief with quirky answers. “I was raised with a gun,” Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. “Nobody’s getting mine and I’m not paying 10 cents for it.”
Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his party’splatform with regard to gun control. “It was ill advised but well intentioned,” Herron said. “No matter what side of the house I am on, I’m voting against it.” Pat Hanratty agreed there were better places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters shouldn’t have been penalized by this gun registry,” he said.
The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in front of Moore. “Read that,” Herron said to Moore, referring to the voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second readings of the bill in 1995. “He voted against it when it counted, at final count,” Moore said. “We needa government with courage to register sex offenders rather than register the property of law abiding citizens.”
The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and women heckling from the Conservative side. “Shut up John,” one woman yelled. “How can you talk about selling out?” a man yelled whenHerron spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.
Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy Armstrong weighed in at one point. “You’re out of touch,” Armstrong yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged Armstrong to a public debate of their own. “Talk is cheap. Any time, anyplace,” Armstrong responded.
As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making process for the June 28 vote.
Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his favourite possessions—motorcycles.
The Unconventional Candidate
David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….
By Gisele McKnight
FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of “Yankee Doodle.”
Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada.
One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail to meet Elections Canada requirements.
When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians.
“I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries,” he said. “The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum.”
The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he needed to change his life.
“I lost my faith in mankind,” he said. “People go through that sometimes in midlife.”
So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 Panhead motorcycle.
“Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) experiencing the milk of human kindness,” he said. “This is how you renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask for anything, but you take what they offer.”
For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs and conversation all over North America.
Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls himself.
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist rather than a biker, a “fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed individual,” a “pissed-off Maritimer” rather than an activist, a proud Canadian and a “wild colonial boy.”
Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
“But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name,” he said. “It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?”
Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
“I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door interrupting my dinner,” he said. “If people are interested, they can call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats.”
And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
“I won’t take any donations,” he said. “Just try to give me some. It’s not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about.”
What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.
“The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues,” he said. “I’m death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
“There are no wasted votes,” he said. “I want people like me, especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote.”
Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have your X by his name.
“I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and say, ‘what the hell.’”
I mean I don’t sit all day in front of my blogs and youTubes, there are times that I can go several months without looking at either. If I haven’t uploaded something chances are I won’t view it until the next upload.