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Peter MacKay 'not happy' with tweet needling Trudeau over yoga expenses


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks folks should never forget that Mackay answered my lawsuit (Federal Court File No. T-1557-15 while he was our Attorney General and Trudeau was well aware of statement 83 N'esy Pas?




Peter MacKay 'not happy' with tweet needling Trudeau over yoga expenses

Conservative leadership candidate says he wants his campaign to have a more 'civilized' tone

Hannah Thibedeau· CBC News· Posted: Feb 03, 2020 3:01 PM ET

Conservative leadership candidate Peter MacKay greets supporters at a meet and greet event in Ottawa Jan. 26, 2020. (Justin Tang/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Peter MacKay was "not happy" with a tweet issued by his leadership team poking fun at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's yoga habit, the Conservative leadership candidate told CBC News today.

The tweet — from MacKay's verified account — shows a photo of Trudeau performing a yoga move on a desk on Parliament Hill. The caption says that "while running for leader of the Liberal Party,

Trudeau's campaign expensed $876.95 in yoga sessions and spa bills for Justin Trudeau. Liberals can't be trusted."

While running for leader of the Liberal Party, Trudeau’s campaign expensed $876.95 in yoga sessions and spa bills for Justin Trudeau.

Liberals can’t be trusted.

Embedded video
10:55 AM - Feb 1, 2020

MacKay said he wants to maintain a "civilized" tone in his campaign for the Conservative leadership and thinks that tweet crossed a line. But he said he won't apologize for it or take it down.

"Well, it's factual, but I want to keep the tone civilized," he said. "I want to keep the tone about solutions. I want to move to a better place and a better discourse. And so ... I am not happy at the way that was put up on my site. And I voiced that to my team.

"I didn't have eyes on that (tweet). And you know, that happens in the early days of a campaign. We're getting our messaging and our communication down. I'm travelling about the country and we have people on the ground making certain decisions, and so we've tightened that up now to a better approval process."

MacKay himself has been attacked in the past over spending decisions. In July 2010, when he was the minister of defence, MacKay was airlifted by a search and rescue helicopter from a private fishing lodge near Gander, N.L. so he could catch a flight back for a government announcement. The Cormorant helicopter used to transport MacKay cost $32,000 an hour to operate; MacKay's trip to the airport took 25 minutes, including a 15-minute hoist exercise.

Aggressive messaging

MacKay insisted again today that was an appropriate use of government resources. "The reality is I was a government minister using a government asset to do government work, and that's an entirely different scenario than the one that was pointed out," he said.

Since the leadership race got underway, both MacKay's campaign and the one supporting Ontario MP Erin O'Toole's leadership run have been sending out some pugnacious messages online.

O'Toole, for example, has been urging his supporters to "take Canada back" and is accusing the Trudeau Liberals of seeking to "control news you read online" — an apparent reference to an expert panel's report on streaming services and media licensing.

Trudeau wants to control what you see on Netflix.

Trudeau wants to control news you read online.

This is wrong. This is dangerous.

Let’s take back Canada. Join our fight: https://erinotoole.ca

Embedded video

3:29 PM - Feb 2, 2020

Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault appeared before reporters today to walk back comments he made over the weekend that seemed to indicate the government plans to license media outlets. "Our government has no intention to impose licensing requirements on news organizations, nor will we try to regulate news content," Guilbeault said Monday.

Michelle Austin, head of government and policy relations at Twitter Canada, said an aggressive tone online won't serve leadership candidates in the long run.

"I think Canadians want from the Conservative Party a bigger conversation and a more inclusive conversation. I believe that is the message that they received from the 2019 election," she said. "So I think, if it was me advising them, I would use platforms like Twitter to launch themselves but also to engage in a conversation.

"Talk about new ideas, talk about new strategies, talk about how you're going to win. I wouldn't go as negative as fast."

MacKay is considered the frontrunner in the leadership race. A recent Léger poll of Conservative voters (though not necessarily of all party members) gives MacKay 42 per cent support, against just six per cent for Michelle Rempel Garner, four per cent for O'Toole and two per cent for Marilyn Gladu. (Gladu and O'Toole have confirmed they're running; Rempel Garner has not.)
MacKay said he does not expect to receive former leader Stephen Harper's endorsement, even though he and Harper were instrumental in the merger of the Progressive Conservative and Canadian Alliance parties that created the modern Conservative Party in 2003.

"We've had a couple of brief conversations and I spoke to him in anticipation of my decision, and so he has encouraged me to do it. He's been supportive. I don't expect he will be actively involved in anyone's campaign," MacKay said.

Mackay spent time in Montreal this weekend doing media interviews in French and meeting organizers and business leaders. He said he's getting good reviews for his French skills so far, even though he is being lambasted in Quebec media for not being bilingual.

"So my ability to communicate in both official languages — they can mock, but the reality is it's there, it's improving, it will continue to improve," he said.

"I've been away from politics and public life for over four years and haven't had the necessity to use French to the degree that I did when I was a member of Parliament. So I'm confident in my ability to bring it back to an acceptable level."

About the Author

Hannah Thibedeau
Parliament Hill
Hannah Thibedeau is a veteran political reporter having covered the Hill for more than 15 years, both behind the scenes and in front of the camera. She covers politics for CBC TV, CBC Radio and CBC Politics online.
With files from Doug Beazley


David Amos
Methinks folks should never forget that Mackay answered my lawsuit (Federal Court File No. T-1557-15 while he was our Attorney General and Trudeau was well aware of statement 83 N'esy Pas?

Brian Sexsmith
What an obvious game - his team issues derogatory statements, then he thinks he's absolving himself by saying he's not happy about it. Pathetic - even the blind could see through this one.

David Amos
Reply to @Brian Sexsmith:  Methinks that is why so many comments about the wicked game are being blocked N'esy Pas?

Charlie Mason
So 4 days later the tweet that he disapproves of is still there. Wow, what a great leader, he can't even control his own Twitter feed.

David Amos
Reply to @Charlie Mason: Methinks MacKay wishes to remain in the news making fun of Trudeau and it certainly appears to be working N'esy Pas?

John Valente
An exercise of power that an auditor general will eventually comment on. Peter Mackay has acknowledged yoga tweet. It seems that his team was too eager to measure up to Justin.

David Amos
Reply to @John Valente: Welcome to a Tempest in a Teapot created by a silly little Tweet

Alex McNiven
Mackay allows a post made in his name to to stay on his site even when he disagrees with it. What kind of leader is that? If he doesn't like it, he should take it down. Otherwise, someone else is in charge, not him.

David AmosContent diabled
Reply to @Alex McNiven: Methinks if the Maritime lawyer I call Petey Baby were truly a wiseguy he would have read my Tweets about this nonsense by now N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @Alex McNiven: Methinks everybody knows his boss is still Harper N'esy Pas?

Jeff Munroe
It seems every time the Conservatives decry some freedom of speech issue they claim to experience the wrong end of, they're more than happy to squash freedom of the press to do their jobs. Mackay's damage control seems disingenuous, given he could have ordered his own staff to stand down given it was a valid question. He is in charge, isn't he?

David Amos
Reply to @Jeff Munroe: Methinks folks should watch MacKay's interview with the little lady from CTV to see who is truly the boss N'esy Pas?

Rick R Fontaine
If Peter MacKay was a real conservative and wanted them in power he would have been backing Andrew Sheer instead of attacking him.I cannot support somebody like that

David Amos
Reply to @Rick R Fontaine: Cry me a riverr

Robert Williamson
The Cons are just like Trump. They will mock anything liberal i.e. anyone who is part of the 66% who voted against them. It's part of their DNA.

Troy Murschell
Reply to @Robert Williamson: how else would Libs know how dumb they are unless they’re mocked? You can’t smack people upside the head over the internet.
David Amos
Reply to @Troy Murschell: I disagree Methinks everybody knows I poke holes in stuffed shirts all day long. A lawyer who was once our Minister of Defence should at least admit that the word is far more powerful than the sword particularly after all the hoopla he has raised over one silly tweet N'esy Pas?

Loran Hayden
So, Peter, what was the price on those f-35's again?

Beth Andrews
Reply to @Loran Hayden:
Also known as cooking the books.
Repeated Duplicity on Costing of F-35 Fighter Jets
"An auditor general’s report revealed serial deceptive practices used by the Conservatives in misleading the public and Parliament on the projected cost of the fighter jets."
David Amos
Reply to @Beth Andrews: FYI your words to me can be found in my latest blog byway of Twitter 

Loran Hayden
Reply to @Beth Andrews: And they say Trudeau taking a helicopter ride from the Aga Khan should mean he resigns, pays the cost of the trip and goes to prison. :oD

Aaron Lane 
Reply to @Loran Hayden:
You mean the F-35s the Liberals promised not to buy, and then allowed to take part in the competition to replace the CF-18s, which the Liberals launched four years later than they had promised? Those F-35s?
David Amos
Reply to @Aaron Lane: YUP
Aaron Lane 
Reply to @Beth Andrews:
Where is that quote from? Why use a quote if you don't cite the source? 

David Amos
Reply to @Aaron Lane: Methinks folks should check out my lawsuit etc then feel free to quote me all day long N'esy Pas?

Tim Wolfe
Why would he be upset as the tweet clearly stated FACTS but then Libs hate the truth!

David Amos 
Reply to @Tim Wolfe: Oh So True but so do Conservatives

Beth Andrews
Reply to @Tim Wolfe:
About ten years ago the Liberal Party paid 876 bucks for yoga.
So what?

David Amos
Reply to @Beth Andrews: As long as it wasn't taxpayer funds who cares?

Beth Andrews 
Reply to @David Amos:
Yes, that is my point.
I don't understand why Pete would even bother with it.

David Amos
Reply to @Beth Andrews: Cleary you don't know the Pete I know

Beth Andrews
Reply to @David Amos:
I just know Pete from what I have read about him, his little helicoptor rides and paying millions for a ship blueprint.
Shipbuilding contract holds $250M mystery
Cost of Arctic patrol ships' design sparks warning of another procurement 'fiasco'
(CBC May 4, 2013)

David Amos
Reply to @Beth Andrews: Trust that much to Brison's chagrin MacKay and Admiral Norman know I met Irving Shipbuilding's former General Counsel in Federal Court on January 11th, 2016 and we had quite a hoedown to say the least

Loran Hayden
Reply to @Beth Andrews: don't forget appointing friends as judges

David Amos 
Reply to @Loran Hayden: Methinks you must know Richard Southcott too N'esy Pas? 
Beth Andrews
Reply to @Loran Hayden:
The list is long..
Harper, Serial Ab user of Power: The Evidence Compiled
The Tyee’s full, updated list of 70 Harper government assa ults on democracy and the law.

Loran Hayden
Reply to @Beth Andrews: yeah, I keep the link handy to remind the CPC followers why they won't be elected to run Canada again any time soon.

David Amos
Methinks MacKay enjoyed my Tweets N'esy Pas?

Claude Marcotte
Reply to @David Amos: Not according to his "French" launch.

David Amos
Reply to @Claude Marcotte: Methinks you are just another dude from Quebec who does not appreciate Maritimers and our use of Chiac N'esy Pas?

Beth Andrews
Reply to @David Amos:
I'm reading your blog. It's...interesting.

David Amos 
Reply to @Beth Andrews: Thanks

Beth Andrews
Reply to @David Amos:
A lot to take in, though.

David Amos 
Reply to @Beth Andrews: Google my name and wiretap and prepare to sit back and laugh for 40 minutes or so

Beth Andrews 
Reply to @David Amos:
I will.

Ronda Schone
Happy Ending Yoga class on behalf of tax payers!!

Claude Marcotte
Reply to @Ronda Schone: Liberal party picks up the tab,...there fixed.
Tim Wolfe 
Reply to @Claude Marcotte:
Beth Andrews
Reply to @Tim Wolfe:
Yes, yes, yes.
Even Pete's tweet says the Liberal Party paid for it.
David Amos
Reply to @Beth Andrews: YUP Methinks its just like when the Conservative Party paid for Scheer's private school expenses for his children N'esy Pas?

Loran Hayden
someone Nesy Pas'd himself in mutey pas land.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Loran Hayden: Methinks certain liberals members of Trudeau's beloved peoplekind must be wondering if MacKay and his minions are reading my comments and tweets about this nonsense Clearly you did N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Loran Hayden: Oh My My 

Dave Yash
I’m glad he has time for yoga on top of all his other weekly holidays
Doesn’t anyone think maybe should be trying to run the country
Write some more cheque’s even though we’re bankrupt

Any company if audited tried to write off 0.001% of the things he gets away with they’d probably get put away, yet Canadians continually put up with it

Robert Lee
Reply to @Dave Yash: "...even though we’re bankrupt "

Tell that to Haperman, the guy who ran up the $160 billion dollar debt in 9 years.

David Amos 
Reply to @Robert Lee: Methinks you should check my work N'esy Pas?

John McInerney
More evidence of major fault lines (fractures) in the CPC(Canada's Phoney Coalition) !

David Amos
Reply to @John McInerney: Trust that nobody cares

Wilhelm Mux
They're still running this for two days? Thibodeau total right wing patsy...

David Amos 
Reply to @Wilhelm Mux: Naw she is just having fun

Pat Fisher
If Erin is so keen to join the fight, he should first join the gym.

David Amos 
Reply to @Pat Fisher: Methinks he loves losing N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Methinks CBC is coming from behind the eight ball with this story N'esy Pas?

Matthew Smith
I just dont understand how any Canadian could trust McKay after what he did the last time he was elected leader.

Loran Hayden 
Reply to @Matthew Smith: Trudeau to MacKay - hey, Pete, you liked that Cabinet position as Justice Minister last time, how about Deputy PM this time?

David Amos
Reply to @Matthew Smith: Methinks everybody knows one of the lawyers who helped MacKay con David Orchard was my Brother in Law's law firm partner and the VP for the PC Party for the Maritimes in 2003 N'esy Pas?

Troy Murschell
Reply to @Matthew Smith: No fan of faux Liberal MacKay, but compared to the current occupant of the PM’s office, he’s a scholar and a gentleman - a rare digit in the third column of IQ compared to JT and his Cabinet.

David Schokman
Come next election the Liberals are done, NDP are not viable, the Conservatives would be an alternative until this display of arrogance of communication staff of Peter Mackay pulling the plug on a relatively simple question, someone who is not yet even the leader of his party let alone the country. Secretive and crooked now, what can you expect if they were in power? Anyone got a helicopter to pick me up from a fishing trip on the tax payers dime? Mesmerizing!

Robert Lee
Reply to @David Schokman:
Weird you get the crystal ball,j Zampanò the Greek?

Matthew Smith 
Reply to @Robert Lee: No crystal ball...just not senile and do in fact recall the last time he was elected to lead the Conservatives...

David Amos
Reply to @David Schokman: Say what you wish Methinks there will be a lot of water over the dam before the fat lady sings a tune about the results of the next election N'esy Pas?

Claude Marcotte
Reply to @David Schokman: The presumed death of the Liberal party is greatly exaggerated.

Claude Marcotte
Reply to @David Amos: He didn't get off to a good start with "J'ai sera le candidate".
David Amos
Reply to @Claude Marcotte: Methinks you dudes from Quebec can't take a joke N'esy Pas?

Robert Lee
Google search, in images...

Pierre Poilievre flipping a 500 lbs. tire

Robert Lee
Promo pic gone bad.

David Amos
Reply to @Robert Lee: Google my name and that of Mackay's

Loran Hayden
conservatives talking civilization or even civility should be viewed with extreme skepticism.

David Amos
Reply to @Loran Hayden: Methinks the same could be said of you N'esy Pas?

Carl Gustaf Hubertus
So when you send out a nasty Tweet and there is blowback ........ blame some low level staffer.

Great leadership McKay.

Edward (E) Merij
Good for McKay for having some integrity. Another reason he'll make a great leader for the Conservatives. As for "low level staffer", sadly, McKay has a point. More and more, it seems, political output is being governed by staff, not politicians. Part and parcel of this whole crazy work-world where there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything. Makes one wonder about who really wrote Trump's ridiculous tweet yesterday claiming that Kansas City, Missouri, is actually in Kansas ... not Missouri.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Carl Gustaf Hubertus: Methinks that should be no surprise. Remember Robo calls and who went to jail? Everybody knows that to blame the little guy is par for the course for the Conservative Party N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Reply to @Edward (E) Merij: Dream on

Carl Gustaf Hubertus
A more civilized tone? Well then don't hire any Conservatives to work on your campaign and send your own Tweets.

Michael Brown
Reply to @Mark Tynthof: Not true.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Carl Gustaf Hubertus: Methinks that would spoil all the fun in watching the circus N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Reply to @Carl Gustaf Hubertus: I repeat Dream on

Don Cheer
I'm not happy but yet I am not taking it down

Ok Pete ok

David Amos 
Reply to @Don Cheer: Welcome to the circus

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