Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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SNC Lavalin affair: Philpott and Wilson-Raybould aren't lifelong Liberals, and some say that's the problem


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A senior government official said one of the options being discussed is for Trudeau to "show some ownership over the actions of his staff and officials"



SNC Lavalin affair: Philpott and Wilson-Raybould aren't lifelong Liberals, and some say that's the problem


David Amos
David Amos
"The prime minister refuted her testimony, saying "I completely disagree with the characterization of the former attorney general about these events."

Yea Right Methinks the dude may change his tune again N'esy Pas?


A senior government official said one of the options being discussed is for Trudeau to "show some ownership over the actions of his staff and officials" in their dealings with his former attorney general,
Jody Wilson-Raybould.

Grace Mann 
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Grace Mann
What a load of absolute tripe. "Philpott and Wilson-Raybould aren't lifelong Liberals, and some say that's the problem" - no stupid, it's the solution. Our political system is the mess it is because we put politicians in power! Canada ought to give JT at least some credit for choosing these upstanding women for service in his government. It's exposing how politics really works in Ottawa.

Marty Richards
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Marty Richards
@Grace Mann No. Our political system is not in a mess and it has served us well since 1867. The job of a politician, particularly one in government, is to seek the widest consensus possible, and that could mean compromising some of your values. If your the type of person that will never compromise your values, then politics is not for you. You're better off as an activist and join MiningWatch Canada, or Friends of the Earth, or the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, or the Fraser Institute, etc.

Brian Stephens
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Brian Stephens
@Marty Richards seek consensus but not use a whip, cattle prod and bat to get it.. Maybe if politicians were actually to vote their conscience rather then the party line they would be respected...

David Amos
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David Amos
@Grace Mann Welcome to the circus I am no politician but I did run 6 times thus far

Go Figure why nobody knows or cares


David Amos
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David Amos
@Marty Richards Methinks a lot of Proud Maritimers would love to see you run against me in the next election N'esy Pas?

Grace Mann 
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Colin Barrett
So lifelong liberals lack morals and integrity, got it. Thanks for the clarification CBC.

John Adams
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John Adams
@Colin Barrett And don't like to work.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Colin Barrett That was a rather telling thing

Grace Mann 
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Michael Dorosh
And here comes the spin.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Michael Dorosh Don't ya just love the circus?

Jack Knox
Jack Knox
Yesterday I predicted that it would take to CBC less than 24 hours to start spinning this story down in LPC favor and here we are.

Peter Kelly
Peter Kelly
@Jack Knox ... It's likely coming around this way because the overall consensus appears to find this isn't a game changer and Scheer is still seen as a larger threat to Canada than any of this. I've listened to a number of radio call in shows and this isn't flipping people over. CBC follows the trend. It's what media should do rather than influence the public.. Which is what American deregulated private media does deliberately do.. At least Canada hasn't deregulated the media.

daryl dixon
daryl dixon
@Jack Knox

Yesterday you were Al and not Jack or Cyrus.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jack Knox YUP

Grace Mann 
Keith Barry
"And long-time Liberals will tell you now you're seeing the problem of that."
Would that mean lifelong liberals naturally go with the flow when it comes to corruption?

Risteard O'Muireadhaig
Risteard O'Muireadhaig
@Keith Barry it would seem that is exactly the case.
However, I think CBC has flubbed this attempt to spin the story.

David Amos
David Amos
@Keith Barry Apparently so

David Amos
David Amos
@Risteard O'Muireadhaig YUP

Grace Mann 
Mark Stead
Oh CBC...how much for this op-ed? Did Katie Telford ask for this one? The ministers simply exercised integrity. Something that is completely foreign it seems to the other Liberal ministers and MP's.

Peter Kelly
Peter Kelly
@Mark Stead -- I think she exercised her commitment to friendship and set the nation aside. Still to be determined is what was scandalous. Discussing the prudence of a DPA (in which the defendant still may face ramifications for what has yet to even be determined.. here or in Libya) and the failure of a minister to adequately assess a situation and seek clarification within caucus... but hey, lets set the world on fire and get some attention. ---- I know this will sound sexist... but this wouldn't have happened if...

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Kelly Methinks some of Trudeau's beloved peoplekind should learn when to clam up N'esy Pas?

David Peters
David Peters
'Life-long' liberals are not expected to think for themselves. They are to be seen, but not heard.

David Amos
David Amos
@David Peters It in their DNA

Jack Knox 
Jack Knox
Political spins like this are exactly the reason why people do not trust the CBC.

John Nelson
John Nelson
@Jack Knox The funny part is that the CBC and the Liberal party think they can talk their way out of this. The more they try and spin with stories like this, the deeper the hole gets. Canadians aren't buying it CBC and Liberals. If either one paid attention to Canadians, they would know this.

Ken Sonnenberg
Ken Sonnenberg
@John Nelson Liberals breed ignorance or does ignorance breed liberals?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jack Knox Oh So True

Grace Mann 
Cathy Bowslaugh
Ohhhhh that must be the reason. Eye roll.

David Amos
David Amos
@Cathy Bowslaugh LMAO

Grace Mann 
Graham Green
What a lame excuse. They aren't longtime Liberals so they aren't able to overlook the Liberals' dodgy ethics? You're saying it would have been much better for them to have thrown aside their principles for the good of the party? The CBC needs to hitch their wagon to another party because this one's going down

David Amos
David Amos
@Graham Green Methinks CBC should check their mandate N'esy Pas?

SNC Lavalin affair: Philpott and Wilson-Raybould aren't lifelong Liberals, and some say that's the problem

Trudeau 'wanted the best and brightest from outside politics' for his cabinet, says Susan Delacourt

Jody Wilson-Raybould, left, and Jane Philpott have both resigned from the cabinet over the SNC-Lavalin affair. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

As the SNC-Lavalin affair prompts another cabinet resignation and intensifies scrutiny on political conduct, one commentator notes that the two women questioning political integrity aren't lifelong party politicians themselves.

"Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott are not long-time Liberals. They were not working in the trenches back in the day," said Susan Delacourt, national columnist and Ottawa bureau chief with the Toronto Star.

Before entering federal politics, Wilson-Raybould was Crown prosecutor for British Columbia and an Indigenous leader in the province. Philpott was a physician and academic. Both were first elected in 2015, and appointed to the justice and health portfolios, respectively, in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's first cabinet.

Delacourt said putting them in prominent positions "sent a signal that Trudeau wanted the best and the brightest from outside the world of politics."
"This is not a government of long-time Liberals," she told The Current's Anna Maria Tremonti.
"And long-time Liberals will tell you now you're seeing the problem of that."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Philpott at a cabinet reshuffle in Ottawa, Jan. 19, 2019. In assembling his first cabinet, Trudeau 'wanted the best and the brightest from outside the world of politics,' Susan Delacourt said. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
Philpott resigned as president of the Treasury Board Monday, saying she has "lost confidence" in how the government has dealt with the SNC-Lavalin affair.

The Current requested an interview with Philpott, but she was not available.
Her departure followed that of Wilson-Raybould, who resigned from cabinet on Feb. 12. Last week, she testified before the Commons justice committee, saying she faced intense political pressure and veiled threats to intervene in the case of SNC-Lavalin. The Quebec engineering company is facing allegations of fraud and corruption in Libya, but has pleaded not guilty.

The prime minister refuted her testimony, saying "I completely disagree with the characterization of the former attorney general about these events."

The National
How deep a political crisis is the SNC-Lavalin affair? | At Issue
 In a matter of weeks, the Liberal cabinet has lost two key ministers, and things don't seem to be getting any better for Justin Trudeau and the PMO as the SNC-Lavalin scandal deepens. So, what do we make of these cabinet losses? How deep a political crisis is this? And what is the damage? The panel is here for another special edition of At Issue. 9:36

To discuss what the deepening crisis means for the federal Liberals, Tremonti was joined by:
  • Jason Markusoff, Alberta correspondent for Maclean's magazine.
  • Susan Delacourt, national columnist and Ottawa bureau chief with the Toronto Star.
  • Maureen Mancuso, professor of political science at the University of Guelph and author of A Question of Ethics: Canadians Speak Out.
Click 'listen' near the top of the page to hear the full conversation.

Produced by Samira Mohyeddin, Danielle Carr and Imogen Birchard.

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