David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Methinks Trudeau's liberal puppet masters and his cabinet ministers are confused now that Gerry Butts has bailed on them again N'esy Pas?
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![David Amos]()
Treasury Board President Jane Philpott, seen here with then-justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould in 2016, has resigned from cabinet. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
Trudeau's story changes daily and won't come clean with Canadians. He needs to fully cooperate with any RCMP investigations and resign," he said.
During a news conference in Toronto late Monday, Scheer rejected Trudeau's claim that the government was working to protect jobs, insisting that the pressure was imposed for political gain.
He challenged other Liberal ministers to follow Philpott's example in response to what he called a disgraced prime minister and a government engulfed in scandal.
"Is this what you got into politics for, to prop up a prime minister who will subvert the law to win elections and benefit his friends?" he asked. "If not, it's time for them to stand up and be heard like Jane Philpott did today."
Scheer already has called for an RCMP investigation into possible obstruction of justice and has called on Trudeau to resign.
NDP ethics critic Charlie Angus called Philpott's resignation a "watershed moment."
"It is a sad day for Canada to lose a minister with such integrity. Nobody in government has done more to push reconciliation than Ms. Philpott. I have utmost respect for her," he tweeted.
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After Philpott announced her resignation, she was praised online by Ontario Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes, who announced Saturday she would not be seeking re-election this year.
Caesar-Chavannes posted on Twitter that she had informed the prime minister and whip of her "tremendously difficult" decision on Feb. 12, but stressed that it was not related to the SNC-Lavalin affair or Wilson-Raybould's testimony at the justice committee.
Today, Caesar-Chavannes tweeted that women in politics can be expected to "make correct decisions, stand for what is right and exit when values are compromised.
"Thank you @janephilpott for articulating this beautifully."
On Wednesday, the justice committee will hear testimony from Gerry Butts, Trudeau's close friend and former principal secretary.
When you add women, please do not expect the status quo. Expect us to make correct decisions, stand for what is right and exit when values are compromised. Thank you @janephilpott for articulating this beautifully. +1
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Butts resigned from the PMO on Feb. 18 amid allegations he and others exerted political interference on Wilson-Raybould to override the Public Prosecution Service director's decision to prosecute SNC-Lavalin.
"At all times, I and those around me acted with integrity and a singular focus on the best interests of all Canadians," Butts said in a statement at the time.
In her testimony to committee last week, Wilson-Raybould detailed a meeting with Butts on Dec. 5, 2018. She said she wanted to speak about several things, including the barrage of people "hounding" her and her staff about the impact of prosecuting SNC-Lavalin.
"Towards the end of the meeting I raised how I needed everyone to stop talking to me about SNC as I had made up my mind and the engagements were inappropriate," she testified. "Gerry then took over the conversation and said how we need a solution on the SNC stuff — he said I needed to find a solution."
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David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Methinks Trudeau's liberal puppet masters and his cabinet ministers are confused now that Gerry Butts has bailed on them again N'esy Pas?

Jane Philpott resigns from cabinet, citing loss of 'confidence' over government's handling of SNC-Lavalin

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Trudeau is in big, big trouble. Anyone with any degree of integrity should quit the Cabinet !

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David Amos
David Amos
@donchip Methinks to be fair to the liberals acting with integrity is not found in any political party's play book N'esy Pas?

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harry richard
harry richard
@donchip ... big pension, easy retirement, cushy directors appointments. lots of teggrity there.

bill chagwich
WAY TO GO, the feminist PM is losing his feminist MPs, and top notch ones

David Amos
@bill chagwich Surprise Surprise Surprise

Trevor Cole
@Brock Lester Oh my, we've got a true believer here!

Billy Burge
Uh oh. It's gonna be hard to keep gender parity at this rate.

Perry Best
@Billy Burge
Let's sit back and enjoy the parade!
I wonder if it will be all the women resigning first or if some men will join in earlier.
I can't wait to see what Monsef does? She's just so thrilled to be in cabinet!
Let's sit back and enjoy the parade!
I wonder if it will be all the women resigning first or if some men will join in earlier.
I can't wait to see what Monsef does? She's just so thrilled to be in cabinet!

David Amos
@Billy Burge "Uh oh. It's gonna be hard to keep gender parity at this rate"
Thats because its 2019.
Thats because its 2019.

Jay Henryk
This is much bigger than Wilson-Raybould. Much bigger.

Chun Ming
@Jay Henryk
Party/self interest versus Rule of Law. Trudeau finds it difficult to choose.
Party/self interest versus Rule of Law. Trudeau finds it difficult to choose.

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David Amos
@Chun Ming Methinks it Trudeau's liberal puppet masters who are confused now that Gerry Butts has bailed on them again N'esy Pas?

Edward Vella
@Jay Henryk The Treasury is responsible for all the money coming in and going out. Brison stepped down remember.

David Amos
@Jay Henryk "This is much bigger than Wilson-Raybould. Much bigger".
Federal Court File No T-1557-14 statement no 83 is wicked
Federal Court File No T-1557-14 statement no 83 is wicked

David Amos
@David Amos opps T-1557-15

Kura Tiarney
Kudos to Jane Philpott for putting integrity, morals and Canadians' best interests first.

Tony Hill
@James Alexander
It didn't really take that long. It has only been about 2 weeks since Justin Trudeau threw Jody Wilson-Raybould under the bus and even less than that since Cabinet has been able to hear WHY Ms. Wilson-Raybould is being thrown under the bus.
A week or so isn't that much time to wait to make a major career decision.
It didn't really take that long. It has only been about 2 weeks since Justin Trudeau threw Jody Wilson-Raybould under the bus and even less than that since Cabinet has been able to hear WHY Ms. Wilson-Raybould is being thrown under the bus.
A week or so isn't that much time to wait to make a major career decision.

David Amos
@Joanne Smith "Strategic?"

Dade Murphy
Who's going to be our Prime Minister next week? I'm betting it won't be Trudeau.

Norman Albert Snr
@Dade Murphy We should contact Kissinger to find out who is next up or does that go to David or Bibi?

David Amos
@Dade Murphy "Who's going to be our Prime Minister next week? I'm betting it won't be Trudeau."
Methinks it would not be wise to bet the farm on your wish coming true N'esy Pas?
Methinks it would not be wise to bet the farm on your wish coming true N'esy Pas?

Jim Clark
She knows the truth.Trudeau is sunk.Resign now for the sake of Canada JT.

Jack O Hill
@Neil Turv
"Harper was quite upfront about his love for omnibus bills"
Not while he was in opposition. Only after he became PM.
Much like Trudeau.
"Harper was quite upfront about his love for omnibus bills"
Not while he was in opposition. Only after he became PM.
Much like Trudeau.

David Amos
@David Allan "Patience. We have fixed election dates now. Do you know who made that law?"
YUP and I am running again Whereas you know so much about our democracy methinks you should too N'esy Pas?
YUP and I am running again Whereas you know so much about our democracy methinks you should too N'esy Pas?

Ric Smith
Uh-oh. There starting to figure out that JT is a complete disingenuous phony. Sunny Ways indeed.

Aaron Morris
@Ric Smith
They knew the whole time... but just now they know that we all know it too, so they can no longer be associated with the mad man at the helm.
They knew the whole time... but just now they know that we all know it too, so they can no longer be associated with the mad man at the helm.

David Amos
@Aaron Morris Its just politics no more no less

Thomas Collins
"There can be a cost to acting on one's principles, but there is a bigger cost to abandoning them."
Not much reading between the lines needed on that statement.
Not much reading between the lines needed on that statement.

Rich Fitzgerald
@Thomas Collins one of the best quotes I have ever read from a politician!

@Rich Fitzgerald Methinks you should read more N'esy Pas?

Tyler Earl
Another cabinet minister resigns. The walls are closing in on Trudeau. Can he survive?

Erika Harrison
@Scotty Davidson And thank goodness for that! Jag is too evangelican tv salesman for me, and as an Albertan, my vote will only help fund future elections (assuming that was brought back after Harper killed it), but not impact local results.

David Amos
@Tyler Earl "The walls are closing in on Trudeau. Can he survive?"
Methinks you should check out his opposition then you decide just like the rest of u will in October N'esy Pas?
Methinks you should check out his opposition then you decide just like the rest of u will in October N'esy Pas?

Richard Dekkar
Read her letter of resignation from Cabinet: it's a scathing indictment on Trudeau's world.
How much more can the Liberals endure?
How much more can the Liberals endure?

Bob Ols
@Tony Belmore
Probably just as good and decent Leader! No gender preference.
Probably just as good and decent Leader! No gender preference.

Toni McMahon
@Richard Dekkar It is surprising what one can endure for the sake of Power and Money!

David Amos
@Toni McMahon YUP
Jane Philpott resigns from cabinet, citing loss of 'confidence' over government's handling of SNC-Lavalin
Treasury Board president leaves as controversy over political interference in criminal case intensifies

Jane Philpott, one of Justin Trudeau's most trusted ministers, announced today she has resigned from cabinet as the Liberal government's crisis over the SNC-Lavalin affair deepens.
"I must abide by my core values, my ethical responsibilities and constitutional obligations," she said in a written statement.
"There can be a cost to acting on one's principles, but there is a bigger cost to abandoning them."
Philpott, the MP for Markham-Stouffville, said she has been considering the events that have shaken the federal government in recent weeks and, after "serious reflection," concluded she must quit.
She said the constitutional convention of cabinet solidarity means ministers are expected to defend all cabinet decisions and other ministers publicly, and must speak in support of the government and its policies.
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"Given this convention and the current circumstances, it is untenable for me to continue to serve as a cabinet minister," she wrote.
"Unfortunately, the evidence of efforts by politicians and/or officials to pressure the former attorney general to intervene in the criminal case involving SNC-Lavalin, and the evidence as to the content of those efforts, have raised serious concerns for me. Those concerns have been augmented by the views expressed by my constituents and other Canadians."
A statement from the PMO said Trudeau accepted Philpott's resignation and thanked her for her dedication and years of service to Canadians. Public Service and Procurement Minister Carla Qualtrough will immediately take over her duties as acting president of the Treasury Board.
"The Prime Minister will have more to say at his event in Toronto this evening," reads the statement.
Philpott is a close ally of Jody Wilson-Raybould, the former justice minister and attorney general at the centre of the SNC-Lavalin scandal. Wilson-Raybould testified before a Commons committee last week that 11 officials in the Prime Minister's Office and other offices inappropriately pressured her to override a decision to prosecute SNC-Lavalin on bribery charges related to contracts in Libya.
The Quebec-based global engineering and construction firm faces a 10-year ban on federal contracts if it's convicted.
Philpott said the principles that maintain an independent justice system are at stake in the SNC-Lavalin affair. A fundamental doctrine of the rule of law is that the attorney general not be subjected to political pressure or interference regarding the exercise of prosecutorial discretion in criminal cases.
"Sadly, I have lost confidence in how the government has dealt with this matter and in how it has responded to the issues raised," Philpott said in the statement.
Wilson-Raybould tweeted her response to Philpott's resignation late this afternoon.
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"For almost 4 years our country has witnessed your constant & unassailable commitment to always doing what is right & best for Cdns. You are a leader of vision & strength & I look forward to continuing to work alongside you," the Twitter post reads.
Wilson-Raybould resigned from cabinet on Feb. 12, just days after a Feb. 7 Globe and Mail report that said she was pressured as attorney general to overturn the decision to prosecute SNC-Lavalin.
She remains in the Liberal caucus, and confirmed on the weekend that she intends to seek re-election under the Liberal Party banner.
Today, Trudeau said he is still considering whether to allow Wilson-Raybould to remain in the caucus.
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Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer tweeted that Trudeau's government "is in chaos."
"He wouldn't allow the former attorney general to speak freely, so we don't know her full story.
"I must abide by my core values, my ethical responsibilities and constitutional obligations," she said in a written statement.
"There can be a cost to acting on one's principles, but there is a bigger cost to abandoning them."
Philpott, the MP for Markham-Stouffville, said she has been considering the events that have shaken the federal government in recent weeks and, after "serious reflection," concluded she must quit.
She said the constitutional convention of cabinet solidarity means ministers are expected to defend all cabinet decisions and other ministers publicly, and must speak in support of the government and its policies.
It grieves me to resign from a portfolio where I was at work to deliver an important mandate. I must abide by my core values, my ethical responsibilities, constitutional obligations. There can be a cost to acting on one’s principles, but there is a bigger cost to abandoning them.
"Given this convention and the current circumstances, it is untenable for me to continue to serve as a cabinet minister," she wrote.
"Unfortunately, the evidence of efforts by politicians and/or officials to pressure the former attorney general to intervene in the criminal case involving SNC-Lavalin, and the evidence as to the content of those efforts, have raised serious concerns for me. Those concerns have been augmented by the views expressed by my constituents and other Canadians."
A statement from the PMO said Trudeau accepted Philpott's resignation and thanked her for her dedication and years of service to Canadians. Public Service and Procurement Minister Carla Qualtrough will immediately take over her duties as acting president of the Treasury Board.
"The Prime Minister will have more to say at his event in Toronto this evening," reads the statement.
The Quebec-based global engineering and construction firm faces a 10-year ban on federal contracts if it's convicted.
Philpott said the principles that maintain an independent justice system are at stake in the SNC-Lavalin affair. A fundamental doctrine of the rule of law is that the attorney general not be subjected to political pressure or interference regarding the exercise of prosecutorial discretion in criminal cases.
'Lost confidence' in government's response
"Sadly, I have lost confidence in how the government has dealt with this matter and in how it has responded to the issues raised," Philpott said in the statement.
Wilson-Raybould tweeted her response to Philpott's resignation late this afternoon.
To the incomparable @janephilpott, truly the #MOC...For almost 4 years our country has witnessed your constant & unassailable commitment to always doing what is right & best for Cdns. You are a leader of vision & strength & I look forward to continuing to work alongside you.U.
"For almost 4 years our country has witnessed your constant & unassailable commitment to always doing what is right & best for Cdns. You are a leader of vision & strength & I look forward to continuing to work alongside you," the Twitter post reads.
Wilson-Raybould resigned from cabinet on Feb. 12, just days after a Feb. 7 Globe and Mail report that said she was pressured as attorney general to overturn the decision to prosecute SNC-Lavalin.
She remains in the Liberal caucus, and confirmed on the weekend that she intends to seek re-election under the Liberal Party banner.
Today, Trudeau said he is still considering whether to allow Wilson-Raybould to remain in the caucus.
Justin Trudeau’s government is in chaos. He wouldn’t allow the former Attorney General to speak freely, so we don’t know her full story. Trudeau’s story changes daily and won’t come clean with Canadians. He needs to fully cooperate with any RCMP investigations and resign.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer tweeted that Trudeau's government "is in chaos."
"He wouldn't allow the former attorney general to speak freely, so we don't know her full story.
Trudeau's story changes daily and won't come clean with Canadians. He needs to fully cooperate with any RCMP investigations and resign," he said.
During a news conference in Toronto late Monday, Scheer rejected Trudeau's claim that the government was working to protect jobs, insisting that the pressure was imposed for political gain.
He challenged other Liberal ministers to follow Philpott's example in response to what he called a disgraced prime minister and a government engulfed in scandal.
'Stand up and be heard'
"Is this what you got into politics for, to prop up a prime minister who will subvert the law to win elections and benefit his friends?" he asked. "If not, it's time for them to stand up and be heard like Jane Philpott did today."
Scheer already has called for an RCMP investigation into possible obstruction of justice and has called on Trudeau to resign.
NDP ethics critic Charlie Angus called Philpott's resignation a "watershed moment."
"It is a sad day for Canada to lose a minister with such integrity. Nobody in government has done more to push reconciliation than Ms. Philpott. I have utmost respect for her," he tweeted.
News that @janephilpott quit cabinet over interference by PMO in SNC prosecution is a watershed moment.
It is a sad day for Canada to lose a minister with such integrity.
Nobody in government has done more to push reconciliation than Ms. Philpott.
I have upmost respect for her.
After Philpott announced her resignation, she was praised online by Ontario Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes, who announced Saturday she would not be seeking re-election this year.
Caesar-Chavannes posted on Twitter that she had informed the prime minister and whip of her "tremendously difficult" decision on Feb. 12, but stressed that it was not related to the SNC-Lavalin affair or Wilson-Raybould's testimony at the justice committee.
Praise for Philpott
Today, Caesar-Chavannes tweeted that women in politics can be expected to "make correct decisions, stand for what is right and exit when values are compromised.
"Thank you @janephilpott for articulating this beautifully."
On Wednesday, the justice committee will hear testimony from Gerry Butts, Trudeau's close friend and former principal secretary.

Butts resigned from the PMO on Feb. 18 amid allegations he and others exerted political interference on Wilson-Raybould to override the Public Prosecution Service director's decision to prosecute SNC-Lavalin.
"At all times, I and those around me acted with integrity and a singular focus on the best interests of all Canadians," Butts said in a statement at the time.
In her testimony to committee last week, Wilson-Raybould detailed a meeting with Butts on Dec. 5, 2018. She said she wanted to speak about several things, including the barrage of people "hounding" her and her staff about the impact of prosecuting SNC-Lavalin.
"Towards the end of the meeting I raised how I needed everyone to stop talking to me about SNC as I had made up my mind and the engagements were inappropriate," she testified. "Gerry then took over the conversation and said how we need a solution on the SNC stuff — he said I needed to find a solution."