Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Mark Norman's defence team hits Trudeau, Butts with subpoenas


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks anyone can Google T-1557-15 then check out statement no 83 of my lawsuit to see why Mark Norman's lawyers should not have ignored my concerns for years N'esy Pas?



Mark Norman's defence team hits Trudeau, Butts with subpoenas


Troy Mann
Daryl McBride
Trudeau's non answers won't cut it in a court of law.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Daryl McBride

Conservatives will believe anyone even a guy arrested for giving out top secret information

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Troy Mann You don't give out information that is readily available in Ottawa circles. Out of curiousity, how did it get from Cabinet to the public?

Mark Walen Cooper
Mark Walen Cooper
@Daryl McBride - Remember this was during Harper's term or does that matter to you at all? Just saying. What were Norman's marching orders from the former Conservative government related to the $668-million leased supply ship project? The deal was hammered out on the eve of the 2015 election by the former Conservative government and grudgingly approved by the Liberals weeks after they took power. I guess this is also not important to you. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mark-norman-stephen-harper-breach-trust-navy-1.5002833

Bert Law
Bert Law
@Mark Walen Cooper

So, past PM's are responsible for the current PM's subpoena....

Makes perfect sense to No One else but the trudeau liberals.

Mark Walen Cooper
Mark Walen Cooper
@Bert Law - The subpoena will unseal documents from the Conservative era. You approach the government of the day for this. Remember the Liberals grudgingly approved this conservative deal and anything the current PM has on it is of great interest.

Keith Laughton
Keith Laughton
@Mark Walen Cooper

Perhaps you missed that the only charge is the leak from a Liberal Cabinet meeting of Mr Brison's plan - on behalf of his friends ar Irving - to cancel a contract with a competitor.

But like the SNC-Lavalin issue, the "Open and Transparent" Trudeau government is blocking access to the documents and information.


David Amos
David Amos 
@Keith Laughton "Perhaps you missed that the only charge is the leak from a Liberal Cabinet meeting of Mr Brison's plan - on behalf of his friends ar Irving - to cancel a contract with a competitor."

FYI All my political opponents know that I had a a rather profound legal argument with the Crown before the former General Counsel of Irving Ship Building in Federal Court on January 11th, 2016

Methinks anyone can Google T-1557-15 then check out statement no 83 of my lawsuit to see why Mark Norman's lawyers should not have ignored my concerns for years N'esy Pas?

Ryan Tasker
Ryan Tasker
@Bert Law
Nono, you have it backwards... CURRENT PM's are responsible for past PM's negligence and illegal activity.

Keith Laughton
Daryl McBride
Looks like the Mark Norman torpedo might just finish off the Liberals.

Neil Gregory
Neil Gregory
@Daryl McBride

One can hope.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Daryl McBride

Norman the illegal leaker who gave out top secret information is the hero of the conservatives

Mark Walen Cooper
Mark Walen Cooper
@Daryl McBride - Might finish any chance the cons had. Remember this was during Harper's term or does that not matter to you at all? What were Norman's marching orders from the former Conservative government related to the $668-million leased supply ship project? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mark-norman-stephen-harper-breach-trust-navy-1.5002833

Keith Laughton
Keith Laughton
@Troy Mann

Since when did the discussion on whether to delay an already announced contract become secret?

Other than embarrasing the Trudeau government, especially the Irvings friend Mr Brison, the leak by one of the many people in the know (including Mr Matchett who the PCO didn't have on their list) did not jeapodise National Security.

In fact it led to the contract being complete on time an don budget providing the Royal Canadian Navy an interim supply ship.


Keith Laughton
Keith Laughton
@Mark Walen Cooper

It is clear that the orders of the Harper government were to provide an interim supply ship capability to the Royal Canadian Navy.

It is also clear that the initial agenda of the Trudeau government was to cancel that capability on behalf of Mr Brison's friends at the Irving shipyards.

You do realise that the leak was from a Liberal Cabinet meeting?

And the entire article you site is about the "Open and transparent" Trudeau government blocking access to the documents that have been cleared for release by Mr Harper.


David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "Norman the illegal leaker who gave out top secret information is the hero of the conservatives"

Methinks you should take a stroll down to Federal Court and pull docket # T-1557-15 and share your newfound information with your friends N'esy Pas?

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@David Amos No he shouldn't. As a matter of fact, Troy and everyone else on this site should avoid your blog.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Daryl McBride

The Trudeau Libs are settlement kings. That they haven’t settled with Norman is telling.

David Amos
David Amos
@Darren MacDonald "No he shouldn't. As a matter of fact, Troy and everyone else on this site should avoid your blog."

Methinks you should read before you post I was directing him to Federal Court not my blog N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks that is an understatement N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Darren MacDonald "No he shouldn't. As a matter of fact, Troy and everyone else on this site should avoid your blog."

Whereas you brought up my blog perhaps folks should Google Mark Norman David Amos

Keith Laughton 
Jim Johnson
CBC do you feel like your gravy train is slipping away.

Shawn Pieterson
Shawn Pieterson
@Jim Johnson
Harper should have axed it when he was in power.

sam cooper
sam cooper
@Jim Johnson the way you feel why are you here?

Kay McLeod
Kay McLeod
@sam cooper Because we know the national broadcaster paid for by ALL of us, has a lot of influence. We're paying for it and we'll come here to have a chance at demonstrating to Canadians that there are other views.

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Jim Johnson Hopefully this will be the last term for CBC as well.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Shawn Pieterson "Harper should have axed it when he was in power"

Ask yourself why he didnt
Ask yourself why Sheer has no policy on the CBC

Mark Walen Cooper
Mark Walen Cooper
@Jim Johnson - LOL, Best one today. What else can be said. Actually, what can be said is that you're actually getting thumbs up for such rubbish. Now why would someone come here if they dislike it? Self-flagellation? Do note that intelligent readers didn't even bother with this con propaganda by not voting you down.

Mohamed Khan
Mohamed Khan
@Troy Mann could be because literally every single person who has suggested axing the CBC has ended their political career shortly after, see the last Conservative leader nomination

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "Ask yourself why Sheer has no policy on the CBC"

Methinks you should ask yourself why Mr Sheer supported the liberals when they illegally barred me from Parliamentary properties as soon as Kevin Vickers retired from the RCMP and left Fredericton to become the Sgt at Arms in Ottawa N'esy Pas?

Mark Irvine
Mark Irvine
Can any sane person vote for Trudeau at this point?

Fred Leard
Fred Leard
@Mark Irvine I don't think any sane folkd voted for him last time.

Greg Steeden
Greg Steeden
@Mark Irvine Options ? give us the viable option. If you say Andrew Scheer, I'll tell you you are a dope. PCs put us in this glue financially in the first place. Next option. You are correct, we have no options that do not totally put us back into a bigger mess. The PCs haven't got a platform. "We'll reveal soon." BS ! Stand up and shout but have no plan to back up the shouting. Anyone can stand back and bleat. Have a plan !

Donald Patrick
Donald Patrick
@Greg Steeden In case you hadn't notice, Conservatives aren't required to have platform as they are the opposition. If you want to see a platform then get your "boy" to call an election. Nobody shows their cards until the bet is called!! Are you new here??

glen spryszak
glen spryszak
@Greg Steeden

Andrew tore Trudeau a new one in the H of C this week. Made Trudeau look like a fool.

Bort Smith
Bort Smith
@Mark Irvine
You can't vote for the Prime Minister...that is not how it works...

@Greg Steeden
Platforms are not legally binding documents and are by definition completely changeable. They are not and should not be a necessity for an electoral decision.

Keith Laughton
Keith Laughton
@Bort Smith

Your comment about not voting for the PM, unless you reside in his riding, is a distinction without a difference.

Canadians vote for MPs from the party they think will best represent them in parliament.

Those MPs are affiliated with a party and the party leader - the prospective PM - must approve their candidacy.

He also approves the platform they run on.


David Amos
David Amos
@Mark Irvine Define sane

Agnes Day
Agnes Day
@Mark Irvine

I won't be voting for Trudeau.
Not will I be voting for Sheer.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Mark Irvine

When compared to Harper retreads like Scheer, Poilievre and Rempel, the Trudeau Libs are an easy choice.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks ad hominem attacks do not help your beloved party N'esy Pas?

Josh Kasey 
Josh Kasey
So many scandals that the only way to keep track of them is to keep them on a spreadsheet.

Dennis Cooper
Dennis Cooper
@Josh Kasey

Scandal? How dare you use such disparaging remarks. There are no scandals, this is the liberal rewards program.

Aaron Morris
Aaron Morris
@Dennis Cooper

Nothing illegal here, it's just irregular with regards to the law.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Josh Kasey

Anonymous sources say something and conservatives shout SCANDAL

A guy on trial for giving out top secret information says conspiracy against him and conservatives shout SCANDAL

When did conservatives start to believe anonymous sources and people arrested by the RCMP?

Keith Laughton
Keith Laughton
@Troy Mann

The Clerk of the Privy Council Office testifies that he pressured the Minister of Justice and Attorney General by raising points that are invalid according to the actual law and confirmed the elements of the Globe and Mail Article.


"Factors not to consider

(3) Despite paragraph (2)‍(i), if the organization is alleged to have committed an offence under section 3 or 4 of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, the prosecutor must not consider the national economic interest, the potential effect on relations with a state other than Canada or the identity of the organization or individual involved."

The same PCO is trying to engineer the issues in the Norman trial.


As an aside when did embarrassing Mr Trudeau and Mr Brison for their naked partisan politics classify as Exceptionally Grave Injury to the national interest?

I am sure that you did know that is the definition of TOP SECRET. Feel free to see the definition according to the government at the link.



Agnes Day
Agnes Day
@Josh Kasey

to keep track of Conservative scandals one needs a database.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Troy Mann "When did conservatives start to believe anonymous sources and people arrested by the RCMP?"

Methinks everybody in the political arena New Brunswick knows that the RCMP illegally arrested me and then assaulted me in the DECH in 2008 Even though the Crown still denies it ever happened to this very day I filed the proof of the malice practiced against by the RCMP and the Fredericton PD in Federal Court long ago N'esy Pas?

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Josh Kasey

Wernick destroyed two weeks of opposition parties’ unfounded character assassinations and jackal-like attacks from Canadian journos in just three hours.

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "When did conservatives start to believe anonymous sources and people arrested by the RCMP?"

Methinks folks should ask the RCMP or their overseer Mr Goodale N'esy Pas?

Keith Laughton 
bill chagwich
j heads up to Mr Trudeau and Mr Butts, you can't run, spin and hide, the law will catch up eventually

David Amos
David Amos
@bill chagwich Heres hoping thats true

Andrew Szollos
Andrew Szollos
Ahhh, Errrr, Ughhhh, Uhmmmm...Gerald???

Richard B
Richard B
@Andrew Szollos hahahaha

Bort Smith
Bort Smith
@Andrew Szollos

"He's gone Mr. Prime Minster!"

David Amos
David Amos
@Andrew Szollos All I hear is crickets from Gerry's neck of the woods but methinks there sure are a lot turkeys making quite a fuss everywhere else N'esy Pas?

Dayton Funk 
Dayton Funk
Scandals are coming out so fast the media can't keep up. Good for the media. Not so good for the country.

Fred Leard
Fred Leard
@Dayton Funk If it gets rid of this circus of clowns it will be great for the country.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Leard Relax Kick back and enjoy the circus your tax dollars already paid for it anyway EH?

Keith Laughton 
Mike Cardinal
Justin better get his snowboard ready, his credibility is going down a slope.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mike Cardinal Methinks he should book another helicopter and seek Aga Khan's Counsel ASAP N'esy Pas?

Keith Laughton 
Dave MacDonald
It only keeps getting better and better . Except if you are a Liberal .

David Amos
David Amos
@Dave MacDonald Welcome to the circus

Mark Norman's defence team hits Trudeau, Butts with subpoenas

Lawyers seeking emails, texts and notes related to vice-admiral's criminal case

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leaves his office with his principal secretary Gerald Butts to attend an emergency cabinet meeting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday, April 10, 2018. Butts recently resigned amid allegations that the Prime Minister's Office interfered to prevent criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin. (Justin Tang/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Subpoenas have been issued to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his former and current top officials — including ex-principal secretary Gerald Butts — for any notes, emails or texts they may have related to the criminal case against Vice-Admiral Mark Norman.

The notes are being sought by the legal team defending the former vice chief of the defence staff against a single charge of breach of trust. Norman is accused of leaking cabinet secrets in relation to a shipbuilding deal.

The subpoenas were issued earlier this month as Toronto lawyer Marie Henein was preparing a motion to dismiss the case on the basis of alleged political interference.

The court order for notes includes both the prime minister and Butts, and also Trudeau's Chief of Staff Katie Telford, Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick and Zita Astravas, chief of staff to Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan.

Henein told the court Friday she views obtaining those notes as a "high priority" for the defence.
"These requests have been outstanding for some time," she said. "I just want to make sure we're moving to the top of list the material that may be relevant to the abuse of process motion."
Judge Heather Perkins-McVey noted that Wernick "has been quite busy this week"— a reference to the clerk's testimony Thursday before the House of Commons justice committee, which is investigating allegations of political interference in the prosecution of SNC Lavalin.
At a pretrial hearing on Friday, the Department of Justice indicated officials are still in the process of collecting the notes and could not say when they will be turned over.

"We've made it a priority, along with some other priority tasks," said Robert MacKinnon, the Department of Justice lawyer who is shepherding the disclosure of federal government documents. "I think you can appreciate everyone is working at full speed."

Henein asked the court last October to force the government to deliver up communications between the Prime Minister's Office and the Privy Council, which supports and advises Trudeau.

The demand for documents was narrowed on Feb. 1 after Astravas testified at the pretrial hearing last month that she could not recall the substance of any conversations within the PMO about the Norman case while she was a senior official there.

The former commander of the navy is accused of leaking cabinet secrets related to a $668 million shipbuilding deal in 2015. He is one of two people charged in the case; federal procurement official Matthew Matchett also faces a single count of breach of trust.

About the Author


Murray Brewster
Defence and security
Murray Brewster is senior defence writer for CBC News, based in Ottawa. He has covered the Canadian military and foreign policy from Parliament Hill for over a decade. Among other assignments, he spent a total of 15 months on the ground covering the Afghan war for The Canadian Press. Prior to that, he covered defence issues and politics for CP in Nova Scotia for 11 years and was bureau chief for Standard Broadcast News in Ottawa.

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