David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos@Kathryn98967631 and 49 others
Methinks everybody knows Gerald Butts doesn't hold a candle to me within Twitter N'esy Pas?
![David Amos]()
18 years later after he lost re-election, Dingwall looks back on political life
CBC News · Posted: Nov 09, 2015 7:00 AM AT
2. On Lying
Sutherland: "Is it ever OK to tell a lie?"
Dingwall: "Of course!"
9. On saying, 'I'm entitled to my entitlements'
"These guys were trying to deny me — and most important, my wife — of a pension. There are certain legal rights that you have as an individual, and when they're trying to take those things away … that's why I said what I said.
"It was an arrow which was going straight through to the prime minister of the day, to the clerk of the privy council of the day, opposition parties, anyone that wanted to listen … that I was going to get what I was entitled to. Should I have said it differently? Perhaps. But I said it."
![Richard Sharp]()
![David Amos]()
Methinks you should read what your hero just said about what his cohorts said yesterday N'esy Pas?
'Pay close heed' to words of top bureacrat on SNC-Lavalin affair, Trudeau says
"Wernick said he called Wilson-Raybould on Dec. 19, 2018, to discuss various issues — including the option of a remediation agreement.
During that call, Wernick said he spoke of the implications of prosecuting the company for employees, suppliers and communities. He said he told Wilson-Raybould that the prime minister and "a lot of her colleagues" were anxious about what they were hearing and reading in business media — articles warning that the company could close down or move if criminal proceedings went ahead."
"Wernick said Thursday he doesn't believe Wilson-Raybould is bound by solicitor-client privilege, but Trudeau said again on Friday that there are serious implications at play.
"This is something we do have to take very seriously because it's a fundamental part of our justice system and, indeed, in this case there are two ongoing court cases," he said.
Wilson-Raybould's successor, Justice Minister and Attorney General David Lametti, is reviewing the matter, but has offered no indication of when he could provide advice to the prime minister on privilege."
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Edward Water
![Jennifer McIsaac]()
![Edward Water]()
![Warren Otto]()
![Art Rowe]()
![William Joseph Westcott Sr.]()
![David Amos]()
![Art Rowe]()
Content disabled.
Cecil Row
![David Amos]()
Content disabled.
Kenneth Hewer
![David Amos]()
Rick Guthrie
![Stephen David]()
![Craig Macneil]()
![Jerry jordan]()
![Jennifer McIsaac]()
![Robin Mack]()
![Craig Macneil]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![Nico De Jong]()
![Neil Turv]()
![Tony Hill]()
Agree 100% on the omnibus bill thing.
This kind of law demonstrates the very worst aspects of "omnibus" budget implementation bills. Because it was buried so deep in the legislation it received only about half an hour of scrutiny at the very end of a 3+ hour Finance Committee meeting. The Conservative and NDP members of the committee were highly critical of the inclusion of this change as part of a budget implementation bill. They also brought up concerns that it could be used to let big corporations off with a "slap on the wrist". Of course they were overruled by the majority Liberals on the committee.
The timing of it is all highly suspect. DPA's only came into effect in Sept. 2018 and the SNC Lavalin case started being looked at in Oct. 2018.
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Bill Mickey
![David Amos]()
![Nico De Jong]()
Alex Norris
![Warren Otto]()
![John Smith]()
![David Amos]()
![John Smith]()
![David Amos]()
Bob Lashram
![Charles Beale]()
![Steven Arsenault]()
![Annabelle Murphy]()
![Warren Otto]()
![Perry Best]()
![David Amos]()
![Warren Otto]()
![Warren Otto]()
Elias Eliot
![Max Kaminsky]()
![David Amos]()
Philippe Cormier
![Michael Kachmar]()
![David Amos]()
Robin Mack
![David Amos]()
John Chow
![David Amos]()
![drew Currah]()
Cecil Row
![drew Currah]()
![David Amos]()
Ken Adams
![Jim Payne]()
![David Amos]()
![Don Cameron]()
Don Cameron
![John Smith]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
William Fromes
![David Amos]()
John Towler
![Alex Norris]()
![David Amos]()
![Mark Edmonson]()
![David Amos]()
18 years later after he lost re-election, Dingwall looks back on political life
CBC News · Posted: Nov 09, 2015 7:00 AM AT
2. On Lying
Sutherland: "Is it ever OK to tell a lie?"
Dingwall: "Of course!"
9. On saying, 'I'm entitled to my entitlements'
"These guys were trying to deny me — and most important, my wife — of a pension. There are certain legal rights that you have as an individual, and when they're trying to take those things away … that's why I said what I said.
"It was an arrow which was going straight through to the prime minister of the day, to the clerk of the privy council of the day, opposition parties, anyone that wanted to listen … that I was going to get what I was entitled to. Should I have said it differently? Perhaps. But I said it."
![David Amos]()
![Manny Fredrick]()
Manny Fredrick
![David Amos]()
david kirby
![David Amos]()
![Joyce Hope Shortell]()
Joyce Hope Shortell
![Jim Payne]()
![David Amos]()
Nelson Potter
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Al Kap
![Jim Payne]()
![Al Kap]()
![Jim Payne]()
![Michael Kachmar]()
![Al Kap]()
![Dwayne Hicks]()
![Warren Otto]()
![David Amos]()
![Lindsay Stephenson]()
Lindsay Stephenson
![David Amos]()
Bill Mickey
![David Amos]()
Rachael Saunders
![David Amos]()
![Mitchell Gant]()
Mitchell Gant
![John Darling]()
![David Amos]()
Richard Dover
![Erika Kreis]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Louisa Walker
![David Amos]()
![drew Currah]()
Jim Johnson
![David Amos]()
Michael West
![Nick Salva]()
![Curtis Harvey]()
![Richard Sharp]()
![Michael West]()
![John Nelson]()
![Michael West]()
![Tamara Jae]()
![David Amos]()
Methinks you should read what your hero just said about what his cohorts said yesterday N'esy Pas?
'Pay close heed' to words of top bureacrat on SNC-Lavalin affair, Trudeau says
"Wernick said he called Wilson-Raybould on Dec. 19, 2018, to discuss various issues — including the option of a remediation agreement.
During that call, Wernick said he spoke of the implications of prosecuting the company for employees, suppliers and communities. He said he told Wilson-Raybould that the prime minister and "a lot of her colleagues" were anxious about what they were hearing and reading in business media — articles warning that the company could close down or move if criminal proceedings went ahead."
"Wernick said Thursday he doesn't believe Wilson-Raybould is bound by solicitor-client privilege, but Trudeau said again on Friday that there are serious implications at play.
"This is something we do have to take very seriously because it's a fundamental part of our justice system and, indeed, in this case there are two ongoing court cases," he said.
Wilson-Raybould's successor, Justice Minister and Attorney General David Lametti, is reviewing the matter, but has offered no indication of when he could provide advice to the prime minister on privilege."
![David Amos]()
![Ewan Cameron]()
Ewan Cameron
David Amos
![Ewan Cameron]()
![David Amos]()
![Ewan Cameron]()
![David Amos]()
Gerald Butts, former principal secretary to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, takes part in a Parliament Hill meeting in 2016. After his resignation Monday, Butts tweeted, 'Thanks for the notes of encouragement ... I appreciate the love and support.' (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
Key aides to a prime minister generally prefer to stay in the shadows, perhaps providing background information to Parliament Hill journalists, but rarely giving interviews or generating much of a public persona.
In some ways, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's former principal secretary Gerald Butts carried on that tradition, rarely quoted, speaking to journalists only on background.
But he was particularly outspoken on the social media site Twitter.
Butts, who resigned Monday in the wake of the SNC-Lavalin affair, garnered a reputation of being a prolific tweeter, never shy to express his opinions, or "personal views" as he referred to them.
He would promote and champion the Liberal Party and the prime minister's policy initiatives. But he would also defend the prime minister, sometimes lash out at critics, take partisan swipes at the Conservatives and engage in Twitter spats with politicians and journalists.
Even before Trudeau became prime minister in 2015, Butts was a presence on Twitter. In that year's election campaign, Butts went after one of his favourite targets, news media company Postmedia, over their articles about Trudeau's insistence that all new Liberal candidates must be pro-choice on abortion.
But after Trudeau became prime minister, Butts's criticism about the media company continued:
Sometimes in a more cheeky manner:
Butts would also tangle with journalists, as he did over a Vogue photo shoot of him and his wife Jodi Butts:
Or critiques of Trudeau's availability to the media:
In 2018, when the Liberals announced tax incentives for the news industry, some journalists expressed concerns about what they might mean for journalistic independence.
He certainly wasn't above scolding the media.
Here, he made a veiled critique of Canadian media for following stories on Russian websites raising questions about the grandfather of Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and his ties to the Nazis.
He also went after the Globe and Mail in 2016 over an editorial about questions surrounding the birthplace of Liberal cabinet minister Maryam Monsef, comparing the article to the birther movement that falsely claimed former U.S. president Barack Obama was not born in the U.S.
Which sparked its own backlash with some journalists.
Butts would also tangle with politicians. Conservative MP Erin O'Toole was a regular opponent.
So was Alberta's United Conservative Party Leader Jason Kenney.
Former Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall, as well, got into an exchange over his survey about pipeline politics.
Butts would also get involved in Twitter skirmishes with policy analysts. In February 2016, he debated with experts over the Liberals' ant-ISIS plan.
Twitter was also a tool to launch defences of his boss. He slammed critics who ridiculed Trudeau for using the term peoplekind instead of mankind during a town hall in Edmonton.
Although Trudeau later brushed it off as a "dumb joke," Butts would take a step further, suggesting those who were so offended by the term were alt-right Nazi sympathizers.
Butts regularly employed the alt-right characterization, and he used it again to label those he felt were prejudiced against asylum seekers.
That led to this exchange with Toronto Sun editor emeritus and columnist Lorrie Goldstein:
Naturally, the federal Tories were constant target. Whether it was the previous Harper government:
Or the current Conservative party:
Indeed, the former CEO of the World Wildlife Federation's Canadian office made his political opponents' climate change policies, or the lack thereof, a consistent topic.
It may be fitting that Butts, shortly after his resignation, used the forum to post his resignation letter and thank those who offered notes of encouragement.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos@Kathryn98967631 and 49 others
"This comment is awaiting moderation by the site administrators."
Methinks everybody knows Gerald Butts doesn't hold a candle to me within Twitter N'esy Pas?

How Gerald Butts's combative use of Twitter brought him out of the shadows

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David Amos
@Mark Edmonson Methinks entitlement always superseded common sense. The liberal lawyer David Dingwall who hails from the same neck of the woods that Mr Butts and Mr Lynch former Depupty Minister of Finance and Clerk of the PCO said it in no uncertain terms many years ago. Dingwall bragged a lot right after Trudeau the Younger won his big mandate N'esy Pas?
18 years later after he lost re-election, Dingwall looks back on political life
CBC News · Posted: Nov 09, 2015 7:00 AM AT
2. On Lying
Sutherland: "Is it ever OK to tell a lie?"
Dingwall: "Of course!"
9. On saying, 'I'm entitled to my entitlements'
"These guys were trying to deny me — and most important, my wife — of a pension. There are certain legal rights that you have as an individual, and when they're trying to take those things away … that's why I said what I said.
"It was an arrow which was going straight through to the prime minister of the day, to the clerk of the privy council of the day, opposition parties, anyone that wanted to listen … that I was going to get what I was entitled to. Should I have said it differently? Perhaps. But I said it."

Richard Sharp
@Michael West
The Cons have perpetrated the lies that Trudeau is an empty suit, incompetent, unable to think for himself, etc. for ten years now. They have attacked him personally a hundred thousand times and way more, if you include Twitter, FB and public forums like this one. The pure hate expressed is sickening and dangerous, yet he bravely attends more public events than any PM before him by a country mile.
I for one fear for his safety.
The Cons have perpetrated the lies that Trudeau is an empty suit, incompetent, unable to think for himself, etc. for ten years now. They have attacked him personally a hundred thousand times and way more, if you include Twitter, FB and public forums like this one. The pure hate expressed is sickening and dangerous, yet he bravely attends more public events than any PM before him by a country mile.
I for one fear for his safety.

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David Amos
@Richard Sharp "The Cons have perpetrated the lies that Trudeau is an empty suit, incompetent, unable to think for himself, etc. for ten years now."
Methinks you should read what your hero just said about what his cohorts said yesterday N'esy Pas?
'Pay close heed' to words of top bureacrat on SNC-Lavalin affair, Trudeau says
"Wernick said he called Wilson-Raybould on Dec. 19, 2018, to discuss various issues — including the option of a remediation agreement.
During that call, Wernick said he spoke of the implications of prosecuting the company for employees, suppliers and communities. He said he told Wilson-Raybould that the prime minister and "a lot of her colleagues" were anxious about what they were hearing and reading in business media — articles warning that the company could close down or move if criminal proceedings went ahead."
"Wernick said Thursday he doesn't believe Wilson-Raybould is bound by solicitor-client privilege, but Trudeau said again on Friday that there are serious implications at play.
"This is something we do have to take very seriously because it's a fundamental part of our justice system and, indeed, in this case there are two ongoing court cases," he said.
Wilson-Raybould's successor, Justice Minister and Attorney General David Lametti, is reviewing the matter, but has offered no indication of when he could provide advice to the prime minister on privilege."

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Edward Water
Gearld Butts's resignation letter confirmed to me that he was an extremist ideologue all along and not at all the even keeled temperate cool-headed sort of individual that should be required in order to be Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister.

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Jennifer McIsaac
Jennifer McIsaac
@Edward Water
And you think this is different for other Parties?????
And you think this is different for other Parties?????

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Edward Water
Edward Water
@Jennifer McIsaac: Butts was unique in that he revelled in the lime-light and actively engaged his opponents on Twitter.

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Warren Otto
Warren Otto
@Jennifer McIsaac Jennifer is correct. Any Principle Secretary to a PM who is not an extremist ideologue is not fit to be a Principle Secretary.

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Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Edward Water
AH yes, TWITTER. A prime example of supposedly intelligent individuals being able to unleash their actual "inner selves" and say what they really think, because in some way it seems they feel that they are simply "venting" to a machine. (cell phone)
Sort of like when one is alone and does something stupid and admonishes oneself out loud.
A great example is of course the Grand TWITter from our southern neighbor.
AH yes, TWITTER. A prime example of supposedly intelligent individuals being able to unleash their actual "inner selves" and say what they really think, because in some way it seems they feel that they are simply "venting" to a machine. (cell phone)
Sort of like when one is alone and does something stupid and admonishes oneself out loud.
A great example is of course the Grand TWITter from our southern neighbor.

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William Joseph Westcott Sr.
William Joseph Westcott Sr.
@Edward Water in other words, a real “piece of work “

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David Amos
David Amos
@William Joseph Westcott Sr. Methinks everybody knows a certain Gerald Butts doesn't hold a candle to me within Twitter N'esy Pas?

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Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Art Rowe
Ooops, Grant TWIT terer
Ooops, Grant TWIT terer

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Cecil Row
@Edward Water That's what happens when you hire your friends at the expense of qualifications.

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David Amos
David Amos
@Cecil Row YUP

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Kenneth Hewer
Butts and Junior have been conjoined for decades so what did the little rich kid do to make butts butt-out?

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David Amos
David Amos
@Kenneth Hewer Exactly

Rick Guthrie
So, according to the Liberals, it's ok for large companies to commit crimes as long as it saves jobs. Ridiculous. Not in my Canada. Time to resign Trudeau.

Stephen David
@Rick Guthrie

Craig Macneil
@Stephen David been happening for years,all one needs to do is google Harper conservatives and KPMG.

Jerry jordan
@Craig Macneil topic ...we are talking about Trudeau and butts. want to talk about chretien and paul martin about adscam?

Jennifer McIsaac
@Rick Guthrie
I find this comment interesting because it seems that many in Alberta who hate Trudeau and the Liberals, want the federal government to break the law to build the TMX pipeline to save jobs.
Yet, if it was the government breaking the law to save Quebec jobs, then it is a totally different matter.
Such is partisanship and wearing blinkers to prevent hypocrisy, I suppose.
I find this comment interesting because it seems that many in Alberta who hate Trudeau and the Liberals, want the federal government to break the law to build the TMX pipeline to save jobs.
Yet, if it was the government breaking the law to save Quebec jobs, then it is a totally different matter.
Such is partisanship and wearing blinkers to prevent hypocrisy, I suppose.

Robin Mack
@Rick Guthrie .... That's how Quebec works, Rick.

Craig Macneil
@Jerry jordan I vote green so i am always up to discuss con and lib scandals.

David Amos
@Rick Guthrie "Not in my Canada"
Nor mine
Nor mine

David Amos
@Craig Macneil Google David Amos KPMG
Then Google Harper and Bankers
Then Google Harper and Bankers

Nico De Jong
@Rick Guthrie
No, just Quebec companies.
No, just Quebec companies.

Neil Turv
@Rick Guthrie
I don't mind the addition of a deferment option as it does keep us competitive with US, UK.
I dislike the fact that it was buried in an omnibus bill despite their pledge to abandon this practice. And given how this whole thing is unfolding, it seems suspect that this is the piece of legislation that they used to break that promise.
I don't mind the addition of a deferment option as it does keep us competitive with US, UK.
I dislike the fact that it was buried in an omnibus bill despite their pledge to abandon this practice. And given how this whole thing is unfolding, it seems suspect that this is the piece of legislation that they used to break that promise.

Tony Hill
@Neil Turv
Agree 100% on the omnibus bill thing.
This kind of law demonstrates the very worst aspects of "omnibus" budget implementation bills. Because it was buried so deep in the legislation it received only about half an hour of scrutiny at the very end of a 3+ hour Finance Committee meeting. The Conservative and NDP members of the committee were highly critical of the inclusion of this change as part of a budget implementation bill. They also brought up concerns that it could be used to let big corporations off with a "slap on the wrist". Of course they were overruled by the majority Liberals on the committee.
The timing of it is all highly suspect. DPA's only came into effect in Sept. 2018 and the SNC Lavalin case started being looked at in Oct. 2018.

David Amos
@Neil Turv "I don't mind the addition of a deferment option as it does keep us competitive with US, UK."
Methinks many ethical Canadians would strongly disagree with crooks getting off the hook just because the Yankees and Brit allow such malicious nonsense. Thats why so many banksters were never prosecuted over they doings that caused the last economic collapse N'esy Pas?
Methinks many ethical Canadians would strongly disagree with crooks getting off the hook just because the Yankees and Brit allow such malicious nonsense. Thats why so many banksters were never prosecuted over they doings that caused the last economic collapse N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Tony Hill Methinks if they were truly on the up and up then there would have been no need to hide it N'esy Pas?

Bill Mickey
I don't recall he CBC saying anything disparaging about Butts and his influence in the previous 4 years, but now that he's gone...I wonder why that was/is?

David Amos
@Bill Mickey Good Point

Nico De Jong
@Bill Mickey
Something about $1.1 Billion cheques....?
Something about $1.1 Billion cheques....?

Alex Norris
I wish he'd just go away and stay away.
He's another example of how the liberal "backroom boys", people who have never been elected, actually run our country.
He helped to ruin Ontario and then he moved onto the federal arena.
Good riddance !!!!
He's another example of how the liberal "backroom boys", people who have never been elected, actually run our country.
He helped to ruin Ontario and then he moved onto the federal arena.
Good riddance !!!!

Warren Otto
@Alex Norris Sadly every party has 'backroom boys' who are the true power in government.

John Smith
@Alex Norris
what are the chances he gets a gig in the private sector with these multi billion dollar disasters?
what are the chances he gets a gig in the private sector with these multi billion dollar disasters?

David Amos
@John Smith Methinks Mr Butts has quite likely already lined up a job with Aga Khan Diversity is their game and it was well financed by Mr Harper N'esy Pas?

John Smith
@David Amos
Does he get a free vacation in the Bahamas? Who pays for the helicopter ride?
Does he get a free vacation in the Bahamas? Who pays for the helicopter ride?

David Amos
@John Smith Methinks nobody should care Mr Butts never was a public official just snob inside the PMO N'esy Pas?

Bob Lashram
That combative nature seems a common thread in Butt's party...We have witnessed their consistent use of deragatory labels for those disagreeing with their views...this lack of respect and bullying schoolyard demeanour is precisely what they profess to be against...rather low for the high offices they hold...

Charles Beale
@Bob Lashram # Have you ever seen/heard Parliament's Question Period?

Steven Arsenault
@Bob Lashram
So you would agree they claim to take the high road but display the same base traits of the conservatives?
So you would agree they claim to take the high road but display the same base traits of the conservatives?

Annabelle Murphy
@Charles Beale All Canadians should be ashamed of the decorum shown during Question Period. It should be straightforward, ask a question - answer a question. But each and every party chooses to use it as a ridicule, sarcasm and bullying session that is disgusting to watch.

Warren Otto
@Bob Lashram That happens across all parties.

Perry Best
@Warren Otto "That happens across all parties."
Trudeau campaigned that he would be different. Hypocrisy is the difference.
Trudeau campaigned that he would be different. Hypocrisy is the difference.

David Amos
@Warren Otto "That happens across all parties."

Warren Otto
@Perry Best They also all campaign on how they will be different. Recall Harper?

Elias Eliot
It is amazing how liberals promote "free press", as long as it is not critical of them.

Max Kaminsky
@Elias Eliot
Liberals have never, at any time, been a "friend" to the press.
Liberals have never, at any time, been a "friend" to the press.

David Amos
@Max Kaminsky Methinks Canada's self-described "Natural Governing Party" think they control the corporate media and I would not disagree. I do know for a fact that the Social Media is the only way to get to the truth of any matter as evidenced by this article N'esy Pas?
Philippe Cormier
With all this twitter time used by politicians , who is running the country. Get off-line and get to work.

Michael Kachmar
@Philippe Cormier we must suffer double the loss for a politician preoccupied with selfies.

David Amos
@Philippe Cormier Methinks you should check my work in Twitter I'm retired but my fellow Maritimer Mr Butts knows that I do run for public office now and then much to the chagrin of all the political parties and the corporate media as well as Anglos who don't like my Chiac N'esy Pas?

Robin Mack
Twitter - the "vomitorium of social media". Well said Mr. Wernick.
We are well rid of Mr. Butts (hopefully). Has the Tide Foundation called yet?
We are well rid of Mr. Butts (hopefully). Has the Tide Foundation called yet?

David Amos
@Robin Mack Methinks Mr Butts et al are well aware of the battles between Mr. Wernick and his cohorts since I ran against Andy Scott in the election of the 39th Parliament N'esy Pas?

John Chow
Gerald Butts' Twitter history is deeply disturbing, especially considering the position of power that he held in the PMO.

David Amos
@John Chow Relax and enjoy the circus

Cecil Row
Butts: The unqualified disguised as a progressive, manipulating and bullying behind a facade.

drew Currah
@Cecil Row
Exceedingly apt description!!
Exceedingly apt description!!

David Amos
@Cecil Row Methinks this article proves that is an understatement N'esy Pas?

Ken Adams
While Gerry may have resigned, he will continue, no doubt, to influence Justin from the shadows.

Jim Payne
@Ken Adams
rofl, sure ?
rofl, sure ?

David Amos
@Ken Adams Methinks of that many people have no doubt N'esy Pas?

Don Cameron
Bu tts is a nasty piece of work. Very glad he is gone.
I suspect Trudeau still has him on speed dial so he knows what to say.
I suspect Trudeau still has him on speed dial so he knows what to say.

John Smith
@Don Cameron
how far is the signal in the earpiece?
how far is the signal in the earpiece?

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David Amos
@Don Cameron Methinks everybody knows Mr Butts is still pulling the strings N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Don Cameron Methinks its rather strange that I am forbidden to agree with again today N'esy Pas?

William Fromes
Don't promote this guy...he is not worthy

David Amos
@William Fromes Methinks its fun to put the spotlight on nasty people and it appears that CBC agrees today kinda sorta anyway N'esy Pas?

John Towler
Butts character is best described as a tree hugger and Trudeau's best friend. He kept his $330K job with world wildlife for some time while on our payroll. He charged $127k to move from To. to Ottawa. There is no mystery why liberals do not support oil sands.

Alex Norris
@John Towler
And somehow this career civil servant has amassed a net wealth of over $20 million.
And somehow this career civil servant has amassed a net wealth of over $20 million.

David Amos
@Alex Norris Good question perhaps the CRA can explain

Mark Edmonson
When entitlement supersedes common sense.

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David Amos
@Mark Edmonson Methinks entitlement always superseded common sense. The liberal lawyer David Dingwall who hails from the same neck of the woods that Mr Butts and Mr Lynch former Depupty Minister of Finance and Clerk of the PCO said it in no uncertain terms many years ago. Dingwall bragged a lot right after Trudeau the Younger won his big mandate N'esy Pas?
18 years later after he lost re-election, Dingwall looks back on political life
CBC News · Posted: Nov 09, 2015 7:00 AM AT
2. On Lying
Sutherland: "Is it ever OK to tell a lie?"
Dingwall: "Of course!"
9. On saying, 'I'm entitled to my entitlements'
"These guys were trying to deny me — and most important, my wife — of a pension. There are certain legal rights that you have as an individual, and when they're trying to take those things away … that's why I said what I said.
"It was an arrow which was going straight through to the prime minister of the day, to the clerk of the privy council of the day, opposition parties, anyone that wanted to listen … that I was going to get what I was entitled to. Should I have said it differently? Perhaps. But I said it."

David Amos
@Mark Edmonson YUP

Manny Fredrick
He must be very persuasive. His advice has steered both Ontario and federal liberals into disastrous waters. Hope he never gets to guide the good ship Canada again.

David Amos
@Manny Fredrick Me Too

david kirby
An analysis of his Twitter account will be a good thesis for a grad student and will give a real insight into the 'thinking' of Trudeau's Government

David Amos
@david kirby YUP
Joyce Hope Shortell
I can only surmise that Butts influence on Trudeau is part of the reason for Trudeaus poor performance as P.M.

Jim Payne
@Joyce Hope Shortell
The irony of your presumption when all Trudeau's poll shows disfavour, Scheer's still doesn't move.
The CPC should be thinking who will lead them next election, and try someone who isn't a career politician.
The irony of your presumption when all Trudeau's poll shows disfavour, Scheer's still doesn't move.
The CPC should be thinking who will lead them next election, and try someone who isn't a career politician.

David Amos
@Jim Payne Oh So True

Nelson Potter
We got rid of the bad guy, now Canadians can move along. That will be the narrative, meanwhile GButt is behind the curtain.

David Amos
@Nelson Potter Methinks at least you and me and a little dog named Toto obviously can't be fooled N'esy Pas?

Mitchell Gant
My favorite was b u t z calling Canadians a bunch of not-zees for mocking trudeau demnding the use of the word "peoplekind".

David Amos
@Mitchell Gant Who is "Peoplekind" ???

Ken Morrison
Twitter is what got us into the dispute with Saudi Arabia . I believe in Old fashioned diplomacy using our Ambassador to send the same message. Had we done that we could still be demanding these girls release and an end to Yemen,s war.
So No I do Not think twitter is a good form for politicians
So No I do Not think twitter is a good form for politicians

David Amos
@Ken Morrison Methinks folks should check my work within Twitter N'esy Pas?

Al Kap
Politics by Twitter, whether it’s Trump or Trudeau, or the behind-the -scene players has become s symptom and perhaps a partial cause of the deterioration of civil discourse and informed argument. Sad.

Jim Payne
@Al Kap
ROFL, obviously if you can't differentiate between the President of the US and Canada's PM, then that in itself pigeonholes your character.
ROFL, obviously if you can't differentiate between the President of the US and Canada's PM, then that in itself pigeonholes your character.

Al Kap
@Jim Payne
You missed my point entirely. But that doesn’t surprise me.
You missed my point entirely. But that doesn’t surprise me.

Jim Payne
@Al Kap
the only point I see is your ability to link two and call them the same.
the only point I see is your ability to link two and call them the same.

Michael Kachmar
@Jim Payne just keep making his point for him.

Al Kap
@Jim Payne
Obviously Trump’s tweets are in a league of their own but I don’t think politicians should be using that platform.
Obviously Trump’s tweets are in a league of their own but I don’t think politicians should be using that platform.

Dwayne Hicks
@Al Kap
"the only point I see is your ability to link two and call them the same."
Link the two? He contrasted two of the most different politicians around to demonstrate just how corrosive social media based politics is across the spectrum. How could you not only miss such an obvious point but then read into it something that clearly wasn't there?
"the only point I see is your ability to link two and call them the same."
Link the two? He contrasted two of the most different politicians around to demonstrate just how corrosive social media based politics is across the spectrum. How could you not only miss such an obvious point but then read into it something that clearly wasn't there?

Warren Otto
@Jim Payne Jimmy - get a coffee and re-read the original post.

David Amos
@Al Kap Methinks it should be rather obvious why so many folks should wholeheartedly disagree with you N'esy Pas?

Lindsay Stephenson
It's a long fall from the high horse.

David Amoe
@Lindsay Stephenson Methinks a dude name Humpty Dumpty has crossed a lot of minds of peoplekind lately N'esy Pas?

Bill Mickey
"The lesson to take from this joke being torqued by Infowars and other alt-right nazi friends of the Rebel is they're paying attention. Game on, #TeamTrudeau." How did this tweet from #TeamTrudeau not end up in MSM or at least the CBC. Butts was more than just combative. If Trump tweeted this it would be on the front page of every paper in America. I guess the $650 million Trudy gave to the media was money well spent. The tumbling down of this house of cards is accelerating now.

David Amos
@Bill Mickey Welcome to the Circus

Rachael Saunders
Gerald Butt is/was Justin Trudeau's puppet master.

David Amos
@Rachael Saunders YUP

Mitchell Gant
Nothing will change. B u t z will simply not be getting paid (above the table) to pull the strings of PM socks. Business as usual. It is the liberal way.

John Darling
@Mitchell Gant

David Amos
@Mitchell Gant I concur

Richard Dover
Gerald Butts is the PM of Canada. The other guy is a proxy.

Erika Kreis
@Richard Dover Come on, Richard, did you ever think otherwise????

David Amos
@Erika Kreis Why should he?

Cecil Row
Twitter, the perfect medium for snakes.....

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David Amos
@Cecil Row Tut Tut Tut

David Amos
@Cecil Row Oh My My

Wow Butts! How does it feel being in league with the Big Carrot? You're not the first twit twitter tweeted to termination!

David Amos
@EliasAshmole Nor will he be the last

Trevor Smith
Where Gerald goes, trouble sure follows. Look at Ontario and McGuinty resigning in shame and now look at Ottawa and JT one step away from resigning in shame. He's a real piece of work.

David Amos
@Trevor Smith "He's a real piece of work"
I second that remark
I second that remark

Louisa Walker
Twitter, it really is for twits.

David Amos
@Louisa Walker Methinks in your opinion I would resemble that remark N'esy Pas?

Jim Johnson
Trudeau and Butts are the ones that are fear mongering, divisive in Canada.

David Amos
@Jim Johnson I agree but methinks the old lawyer who is now the Clerk of the PCO really stepped up their wicked game and raised the bar much higher yesterday N'esy Pas?

Michael West
He may have resigned but he still has Trudeau's ear. It's a fair assumption to make considering how disinterested JT is in assuming the responsibilities of being the PM preferring to outsource it to his aides to leave him more "personal days" for fun, travel, and selfies. Trudeau truly does have an "unserious mind" and is unfit to be PM. He needs others to tell him what to think and do because he's too intellectually lazy to do it himself. That's where Butts and Telford came in.
I wonder how many Canadians know it was Butts and his sidekick, Katie Telford, who were central in making Ontario one of the most indebted sub sovereign states in the world while driving up hydro costs with their ideologically driven green energy schemes that's helping to drive away business in the province while saddling Ontarions with the highest hydro rates in North America.
Now this dynamic duo has failed up into the PMO and considering their track record in Ontario should we be so surprised to see the current government in the state it's in? It was just a matter of time. What's amazing is they seemed to have achieved a personal best wreaking disaster within one term in the PMO whereas in Queen's Park it took them three. They should be so proud of themselves.
I wonder how many Canadians know it was Butts and his sidekick, Katie Telford, who were central in making Ontario one of the most indebted sub sovereign states in the world while driving up hydro costs with their ideologically driven green energy schemes that's helping to drive away business in the province while saddling Ontarions with the highest hydro rates in North America.
Now this dynamic duo has failed up into the PMO and considering their track record in Ontario should we be so surprised to see the current government in the state it's in? It was just a matter of time. What's amazing is they seemed to have achieved a personal best wreaking disaster within one term in the PMO whereas in Queen's Park it took them three. They should be so proud of themselves.

Nick Salva
@Michael West Yes the bug in Justin's ear, the WWF bug GB is still receiving money from them.

Curtis Harvey
@Nick Salva - No doubt they will Hand him over $100,000 “AGAIN “ to haul his c—p back to Tranna.

Richard Sharp
@Michael West
The Cons have perpetrated the lies that Trudeau is an empty suit, incompetent, unable to think for himself, etc. for ten years now. They have attacked him personally a hundred thousand times and way more, if you include Twitter, FB and public forums like this one. The pure hate expressed is sickening and dangerous, yet he bravely attends more public events than any PM before him by a country mile.
I for one fear for his safety.
The Cons have perpetrated the lies that Trudeau is an empty suit, incompetent, unable to think for himself, etc. for ten years now. They have attacked him personally a hundred thousand times and way more, if you include Twitter, FB and public forums like this one. The pure hate expressed is sickening and dangerous, yet he bravely attends more public events than any PM before him by a country mile.
I for one fear for his safety.

Michael West
@Richard Sharp
""I don't read the newspapers, I don't watch the news. If something important happens, someone will tell me"
Justin Trudeau in Sherbrooke, February 26 2001.
Your move.
""I don't read the newspapers, I don't watch the news. If something important happens, someone will tell me"
Justin Trudeau in Sherbrooke, February 26 2001.
Your move.

John Nelson
@Richard Sharp It's not a lie. The evidence speaks for itself in every utterance by the PM. You need to take the blinders off.

Michael West
@Richard Sharp
Furthermore it was former Liberal MP and ex-card carrying LPC member Dan McTeague who said Trudeau has an "unserious mind." Ex-LPC MP Michelle Simson was taken aback over how uninterested Trudeau was in politics caring more about having his picture in the papers than what the issues were of the day or how the party was voting.
You can listen to it on the Roy Green show if you want.
Furthermore it was former Liberal MP and ex-card carrying LPC member Dan McTeague who said Trudeau has an "unserious mind." Ex-LPC MP Michelle Simson was taken aback over how uninterested Trudeau was in politics caring more about having his picture in the papers than what the issues were of the day or how the party was voting.
You can listen to it on the Roy Green show if you want.

Tamara Jae
@Richard Sharp
well duh
He never passes up a photo op
well duh
He never passes up a photo op

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David Amos
@Richard Sharp "The Cons have perpetrated the lies that Trudeau is an empty suit, incompetent, unable to think for himself, etc. for ten years now."
Methinks you should read what your hero just said about what his cohorts said yesterday N'esy Pas?
'Pay close heed' to words of top bureacrat on SNC-Lavalin affair, Trudeau says
"Wernick said he called Wilson-Raybould on Dec. 19, 2018, to discuss various issues — including the option of a remediation agreement.
During that call, Wernick said he spoke of the implications of prosecuting the company for employees, suppliers and communities. He said he told Wilson-Raybould that the prime minister and "a lot of her colleagues" were anxious about what they were hearing and reading in business media — articles warning that the company could close down or move if criminal proceedings went ahead."
"Wernick said Thursday he doesn't believe Wilson-Raybould is bound by solicitor-client privilege, but Trudeau said again on Friday that there are serious implications at play.
"This is something we do have to take very seriously because it's a fundamental part of our justice system and, indeed, in this case there are two ongoing court cases," he said.
Wilson-Raybould's successor, Justice Minister and Attorney General David Lametti, is reviewing the matter, but has offered no indication of when he could provide advice to the prime minister on privilege."

David Amos
@Michael West Too bad you cannot read my reply to Mr Sharp

Ewan Cameron
Subpoena just issued to him by the Mark Norman defence team helps to explain why he resigned suddenly. The walls are closing in.

@Ewan Cameron Who Cares?

Ewan Cameron
@David Amos

David Amos
@Ewan Cameron Perhaps we should talk?

David Amos
@Ewan Cameron I believe you saw my name on your ballot in the last federal election correct?

Ewan Cameron
@David Amos
Do you live in BC David?
Do you live in BC David?

David Amos
@Ewan Cameron Nope you are not the fella I thought you were
FYI I ran here in two federal elections including the last one
FYI I ran here in two federal elections including the last one
How Gerald Butts's combative use of Twitter brought him out of the shadows
Traditional reticence of PM's ex-principal secretary melted in the glare of social media

Key aides to a prime minister generally prefer to stay in the shadows, perhaps providing background information to Parliament Hill journalists, but rarely giving interviews or generating much of a public persona.
In some ways, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's former principal secretary Gerald Butts carried on that tradition, rarely quoted, speaking to journalists only on background.
But he was particularly outspoken on the social media site Twitter.
Butts, who resigned Monday in the wake of the SNC-Lavalin affair, garnered a reputation of being a prolific tweeter, never shy to express his opinions, or "personal views" as he referred to them.
He would promote and champion the Liberal Party and the prime minister's policy initiatives. But he would also defend the prime minister, sometimes lash out at critics, take partisan swipes at the Conservatives and engage in Twitter spats with politicians and journalists.
Read @cselley mock The Star, then guess how many breathless op-eds his paper published on Trudeau's pro-choice policy.
But after Trudeau became prime minister, Butts's criticism about the media company continued:
Postmedia has done to Canadian journalism what Harper's party has done to Canadian politics. Discuss.
Sometimes in a more cheeky manner:
Your country is red.
Postmedia is blue.
They can't figure out what happened.
So they blame you.#cdnpoliValentines
Postmedia is blue.
They can't figure out what happened.
So they blame you.#cdnpoliValentines
Butts would also tangle with journalists, as he did over a Vogue photo shoot of him and his wife Jodi Butts:
Did Mandela's wife borrow a $5,600 dress for the photo shoot? …
Or critiques of Trudeau's availability to the media:
Really? PM Trudeau has done more open media availabilities in 3 months than PM Harper did in 3 years. …
In 2018, when the Liberals announced tax incentives for the news industry, some journalists expressed concerns about what they might mean for journalistic independence.
I don’t agree with this thinking, obviously.
This public policy is not immune from being debated, by you or me or anyone else. Its content should analyzed according to historical and current global democratic norms, and it should be compared on its merits to the alternatives.
This public policy is not immune from being debated, by you or me or anyone else. Its content should analyzed according to historical and current global democratic norms, and it should be compared on its merits to the alternatives.
He certainly wasn't above scolding the media.
The (Stadler &) Waldorf school of journalism.
Here, he made a veiled critique of Canadian media for following stories on Russian websites raising questions about the grandfather of Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and his ties to the Nazis.
Keep this for reference the next time a Russian foreign officer pitches you a story, Canadian journos. …
He also went after the Globe and Mail in 2016 over an editorial about questions surrounding the birthplace of Liberal cabinet minister Maryam Monsef, comparing the article to the birther movement that falsely claimed former U.S. president Barack Obama was not born in the U.S.
The Globe and Mail endorses a homegrown Canadian birther movement. Breathtaking.
Which sparked its own backlash with some journalists.
No, that was definitely not the Obama birthers' thing. They had many things, but their main thing was racism.
Butts would also tangle with politicians. Conservative MP Erin O'Toole was a regular opponent.
Nice to see you at our kids’ swim meet too, Erin. Up early for Ava’s Friday morning practice and just catching this. Happy #FamilyDay.
So was Alberta's United Conservative Party Leader Jason Kenney.
Trolling from his twitter team is no surprise, but a candidate for Premier should be above it. I left QP in spring of 2008, which he knows.
Former Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall, as well, got into an exchange over his survey about pipeline politics.
So you don’t need to waste any more of your Saturday worrying about my survey. But if you have some spare time..maybe you could help get the pipeline built.
Butts would also get involved in Twitter skirmishes with policy analysts. In February 2016, he debated with experts over the Liberals' ant-ISIS plan.
We've only been making this argument for 18 months. We've owned it a long time. …
@gmbutts but it is an incoherent argument. Why support combat but not do combat? Is Trudeau a pacifist?
We've only been making this argument for 18 months. We've owned it a long time. …
Twitter was also a tool to launch defences of his boss. He slammed critics who ridiculed Trudeau for using the term peoplekind instead of mankind during a town hall in Edmonton.
The lesson to take from this joke being torqued by Infowars and other alt-right nazi friends of the Rebel is they're paying attention. Game on, #TeamTrudeau.
Butts regularly employed the alt-right characterization, and he used it again to label those he felt were prejudiced against asylum seekers.
Enough is enough. It’s time to stand up to this divisive fear-mongering about asylum seekers. Let’s not allow the alt-right to do here what they’re doing elsewhere. #thread
That led to this exchange with Toronto Sun editor emeritus and columnist Lorrie Goldstein:
I’m old enough to remember when it would have been remarkable to see a journalist give direction to a political party.
Our borders are secure, and it’s irresponsible to suggest otherwise.
Our borders are secure, and it’s irresponsible to suggest otherwise.
Naturally, the federal Tories were constant target. Whether it was the previous Harper government:
If the Conservatives were still in power, the government of Canada would have folded like a cheap tent to Trump by now. Remember this next year. #NAFTA#TeamTrudeau
Another Harper law gets cut to pieces in court. Managerial competence indeed. …
Or the current Conservative party:
On economic policy as on climate change, Mr Scheer and his party are just making stuff up. Canadians are smarter than this brand of CPC politician thinks they are.
Indeed, the former CEO of the World Wildlife Federation's Canadian office made his political opponents' climate change policies, or the lack thereof, a consistent topic.
The Conservative Party has been taken over by the far-right fringe on the environment, in Ontario and nationally. There’s no room for sensible ideas. That’s why neither Ford nor Scheer has a climate plan.
Ontario passes the buck (and a much larger bill) on #climatechange to my kids and yours.
It’s an abdication of national leadership that would embarrass most Premiers in the history of that great province.
It’s an abdication of national leadership that would embarrass most Premiers in the history of that great province.
It may be fitting that Butts, shortly after his resignation, used the forum to post his resignation letter and thank those who offered notes of encouragement.
Thanks for the notes of encouragement to all who have reached out. @jodilhbutts and I appreciate the love and support. But public institutions are bigger and more important than any of their temporary occupants. Please see my statement.
Please see this statement from @gmbutts. As someone who has worked closely with Gerry, I know how deeply he believes in public service and this country. We are lucky to have had him serve it in this capacity for so long.

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