Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Methinks what remains of the Wild Rose Party should sit up and pay attention to what I have been telling them now EH?


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:38:08 -0700
Subject: Fwd: ATTN Shayne Saskiw Your email makes no sense whatsoever You just sent one of my emails back to me
To: David.Inscho@wildrose.ca
Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

David Inscho · David.Inscho@wildrose.ca · (780) 646-2107

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:06:53 -0700
Subject: ATTN Shayne Saskiw Your email makes no sense whatsoever You
just sent one of my emails back to me
To: LacLaBiche.StPaul.TwoHills@assembly.ab.ca, brian.hodgson@assembly.ab.ca, premier@gov.ab.ca, cypress.medicinehat@assembly.ab.ca, drumheller.stettler@assembly.ab.ca,
Don.scott@gov.ab.ca, david.yager@wildrose.ca, Danielle.Smith@assembly.ab.ca, Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jonathan.Denis@gov.ab.ca, David.Yurdiga.c1a@parl.gc.ca, livingstone.macleod@assembly.ab.ca,
calgary.fishcreek@assembly.ab.ca, joe.anglin@assembly.ab.ca, Raj.Sherman@assembly.ab.ca, Rachel.Notley@assembly.ab.ca,  sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, patrick_doran1@hotmail.com
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: LacLaBiche.StPaul.TwoHills@assembly.ab.ca
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:40:32 +0000
Subject: RE: ATTN Shayne Saskiw, Drew Barnes and Rick Strankman RE The
Wildrose crumbling bigtime Don't you think that we should have a long
talk ASAP before I leave Alberta? My number is 902 800 0369 I am still
in Fort MacMurray for a few days
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Dear Mr Amos, we received your phone message this morning.  We screen
our MLA's email, and your emails were deleted.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 1:19 PM
To: LacLaBiche StPaul TwoHills; Cypress MedicineHat; Drumheller
Stettler; Rick Strankman; Shayne Saskiw; Drew Barnes
Cc: David Amos
Subject: ATTN Shayne Saskiw, Drew Barnes and Rick Strankman RE The
Wildrose crumbling bigtime Don't you think that we should have a long
talk ASAP before I leave Alberta? My number is 902 800 0369 I am still
in Fort MacMurray for a few days


Shayne Saskiw (W)
MLA for Lac La Biche-St. Paul-Two Hills
Constituency Office Location
4331 50 Avenue
St. Paul, AB
Canada T0A 3A3
Phone: (780) 645-6999
Toll-Free: 1-866-674-6999
Fax: (780) 645-5787

Mr. Drew Barnes (W)
MLA for Cypress-Medicine Hat
Constituency Office
Trans Canada Place
#5, 1299 Trans Canada Way
Medicine Hat, AB
Canada T1B 1H9
Phone: (403) 528-2191
Toll-Free: 1-866-339-2191
Fax: (403) 528-2278

Rick Strankman (W)
MLA for Drumheller-Stettler
Constituency Office Drumheller
22, 170 Centre Street
Drumheller, AB
Canada T0J 0Y0
Phone: (403) 823-8181
Fax: (403) 823-6586


Wildrose floor-crossing goes to vote by Alberta Tories Progressive
Conservative members say they're willing to look beyond past
grievances CBC News Posted: Dec 17, 2014 11:09 AM MT|
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2014 11:58 AM MT

Alberta Premier Jim Prentice called the day 'a good day to be an
Albertan.' (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press)

■Floor-crossers and New Year's resolutions on Wednesdays with @Kady
The Alberta Progressive Conservatives are meeting this morning to vote
on accepting as many as seven members of the Wildrose Party, including
its leader Danielle Smith.

As Premier Jim Prentice walked into Government House, he would only
tell reporters the day was "a good day to be Albertan."

■Danielle Smith among Wildrose MLAs crossing to Alberta PCs ■Wildrose
members disappointed by planned MLA defection to PCs ■Wildrose caucus
meeting over merger with Alberta Conservatives Other caucus members
called it an exciting day, with Justice Minister Jonathon Denis saying
he is willing to put away past grievances.

Sources have told CBC News that at least six of the 14 Wildrose MLAs
are planning to cross the floor to the governing Tories.

The list includes:

■   Party leader Danielle Smith (Highwood).
■   House leader Rob Anderson (Airdrie).
■   Jeff Wilson (Calgary-Shaw).
■   Gary Bikman (Cardston-Taber-Warner).
■   Blake Pederson (Medicine Hat).
■   Jason Hale.(Strathmore-Brooks).
Wildrose Party president Dave Yager told CBC News this morning the
party will soldier on.

■Wildrose 'will soldier on,' party president says “This is a merger
between the PC caucus and the politically ambitious,” he said. “As you
may or may not know, when you're elected to public office your IQ
quadruples — ordinary people become experts in a great number of
things — so I guess for some it's incredibly important that they be in

“I guess they figure this is the only way to do it.”

Yager said he first heard of the idea a week ago, but hasn't talked
with Smith in the last few days.

So far, MLAs Shayne Saskiw, Drew Barnes and Rick Strankman said on
social media that they were planning to stick with the Wildrose, which
is the Official Opposition.

Currently, the PCs have 63 seats, the Liberals hold five, the NDP have
four, and there is one Independent MLA.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wildrose Executive Committee info@wildrose.ca
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:50:46 +0000
Subject: Wildrose Party Outlines Go-Forward Strategy
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Wildrose Party Outlines Go-Forward Strategy

David, at a meeting of the Executive Committee (“EC”) of the Wildrose
Party held yesterday, the EC and Caucus members unanimously reaffirmed
their commitment to the future of the party and providing Albertans
with a positive vision for the province and an effective opposition.

Resignation of Leader

Wildrose EC will consult with Caucus to determine who will be best
suited to fill the position of Interim Leader. Details of the process
to select a new Leader will be released early in 2015.

Merger with the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta (“PCAA”)

At no time has the Wildrose Party been approached by any
representative of the PCAA regarding a merger, combination,
partnership or alliance. Yesterday’s events are confined to nine
former Wildrose MLAs who opted to cross the floor without consulting
the Wildrose Party.

Request for “Reunification Resolution” From Former Leader

The Wildrose EC and Caucus have unanimously rejected the reunification proposal.

Future of Wildrose

The future of any political party is decided by its members and the
voters. The Wildrose EC has reaffirmed its commitment to maintain
Wildrose as a strong, independent political party to ensure Albertans
have a credible, principled and conservative option on the ballot
during the next provincial election. Contribute today to let us know
that you too are committed to the Wildrose future for Alberta.

Importance of Members

The choices made by the former Wildrose Caucus members to abandon
their principles, and cross the floor to the PCs were not endorsed by
the EC, our members, or the voters who elected them. We are committed
to our future, and we know you are as well.

It is imperative that we demonstrate to Albertans the resolute
strength of our membership, and we need you to make a contribution
today http://www.wildrose.ca/donate to keep Wildrose moving forward.

Wildrose Executive Committee

Click here for the full text of the news release

Wildrose Party - 10707 100 Ave Nw, #202, Edmonton, AB T5J 3M1, Canada
This email was sent to motomaniac333@gmail.com.  To stop receiving
emails: http://www.wildrose.ca/unsubscribe

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:03:02 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Yo David Yager and Joe Anglin RE Fw: Your Telephone Call
to Ft McMurray Constituency Office Monday 15th December 2014 Now I
understand why false allegations were made against me by the RCMP in
the wee hours of the morning of Dec16th
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Yo little David! "Ring me at my constituency office" lol lol lol.

"Methinks" you need to  whine to Linda Cook again!


Wednesday Morning At the Edmonton Public Library

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 12:55:13 -0700
Subject: Yo David Yager and Joe Anglin RE Fw: Your Telephone Call to
Ft McMurray Constituency Office Monday 15th December 2014 Now I
understand why false allegations were made against me by the RCMP in
the wee hours of the morning of Dec 16th
To: Danielle.Smith@assembly.ab.ca, sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, highwood@assembly.ab.ca, joe.anglin@assembly.ab.ca, Rachel.Notley@assembly.ab.ca, Raj.Sherman@assembly.ab.ca, premier premier@gov.ab.ca, tim.turner@gov.ab.ca, lgunter@shaw.ca,
"Staples, David (Edm Journal)" dstaples@edmontonjournal.com,
joshua.skurnik@hotmail.com, airdrie@assembly.ab.ca, shennig@taxpayer.com,
ed@wildrose.ca, Brad.Tennant@wildrose.ca, yager@telus.net, david.yager@wildrose.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, brian.hodgson@assembly.ab.ca, dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Bob.Couture@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Don.scott@gov.ab.ca


From: Brian Hodgson
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 3:57 PM
To: mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Subject: Your Telephone Call to Ft McMurray Constituency Office Monday
15th December 2014


Please ring me regarding the captioned.

Many thanks.


Brian Hodgson
Sergeant-at-Arms & Director,
Visitor, Ceremonial and Security Services
Legislative Assembly of Alberta
412 Legislature Building
10800-97 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5K 2B6
Tel: (780) 422-9259
Fax: (780) 415-5829

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 12:19:48 -0700
Subject: I managed to speak directly to Danielle Smith's assistant
After she read this email she claimed to have never heard of Barry
Winters before she hung up on me after I asked her to answer this
email in writing
To: Danielle.Smith@assembly.ab.ca, sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, highwood@assembly.ab.ca, joe.anglin@assembly.ab.ca, Rachel.Notley@assembly.ab.ca, Raj.Sherman@assembly.ab.ca,  premier@gov.ab.ca, tim.turner@gov.ab.ca, lgunter@shaw.ca,
"Staples, David (Edm Journal)" dstaples@edmontonjournal.com,
joshua.skurnik@hotmail.com, airdrie@assembly.ab.ca, shennig@taxpayer.com
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, ed@wildrose.ca,
Brad.Tennant@wildrose.ca, yager@telus.net, david.yager@wildrose.ca

On 12/1/14, David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
> Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:48:03 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: Clearly I let everybody and his dog know that your buddy
> Chucky Leblanc's blog went "Poof" before you had the first clue Now
> you know why I was ignoring you for a while EH Mr Baconfat?
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Sure little David!
> I talked with my friend Anne and she still has never heard of you.
> Safeway employee think you are crazy, and so do the office staff of
> the Wild Rose offices. You are a laughingstock at Marks and at CFB
> Edmonton Garrison. YOU have no voice and I do.
> Since "my blog went poof" in the last month and a half the wordpress
> stats for my blog state I have 5,923 page views or hits in the last
> month and a half. Here's to the next million hits in the next year.
> https://baconfatreport.wordpress.com/
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
> Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:06:42 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: Well I called Danielle Smith's offices AGAIN Mr Baconfat
> Nobody is working in Edmonton today and Smith is in Calgary Her people
> claim to have never heard of you but they certainly remember me
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> "Yo" little David, I didn't call Danielle Smith's offices in Edmonton.
> I spoke to Danielle Smith...who did you talk to?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
> Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:10:15 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: Well I called Danielle Smith's offices AGAIN Mr Baconfat
> Nobody is working in Edmonton today and Smith is in Calgary Her people
> claim to have never heard of you but they certainly remember me
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> I can get Danielle Smith on the phone when I need to. YOU get the
> runaround from the staff. David, Danielle Smith has my phone number,
> and YOU don't.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
> Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:14:25 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: Well I called Danielle Smith's offices AGAIN Mr Baconfat
> Nobody is working in Edmonton today and Smith is in Calgary Her people
> claim to have never heard of you but they certainly remember me
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Little David...and the staff in Calgary still calls you "a little off"
> in between giggles. Must be because you are what Albertans call an
> eastern bastard from eastern bastard land.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos" motomaniac333@gmail.com
> To: sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, premier@gov.ab.ca,
> emily.woods@gov.ab.ca, lgunter@shaw.ca,
> joshua.skurnik@hotmail.com, fnepi glen@glencanning.com,
> grcanning@me.com, "Glen Canning" grcanning@gmail.com,
> "Bernard.Valcourt.a1" Bernard.Valcourt.a1@parl.gc.ca, "dexterdyne"
> , "vanhorne.ryan" vanhorne.ryan@gmail.com,
> "oldmaison" oldmaison@yahoo.com, "hmc" hmc@mediacoop.ca,
> "ppalmater" ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca, "joe.anglin"
> joe.anglin@assembly.ab.ca, "Rachel Notley"
> Rachel.Notley@assembly.ab.ca, "david eggen"
> david.eggen@assembly.ab.ca, "David Staples (Edm Journal)"
> dstaples@edmontonjournal.com, Kenchapman46@gmail.com, "greg clark"
> greg.clark@albertaparty.ca, "edmonton goldbar"
> edmonton.goldbar@assembly.ab.ca, "david dear"
> david.dear@gov.ab.ca, "martin dupuis" martin.dupuis@gov.ab.ca,
> "tracy balash" tracy.balash@gov.ab.ca, "cynthia dunnigan"
> cynthia.dunnigan@gov.ab.ca, "clay buchanan"
> clay.buchanan@gov.ab.ca, "jessica l johnson"
> jessica.l.johnson@gov.ab.ca, "Marianne.Ryan"
> Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "brian mason"
> brian.mason@assembly.ab.ca, "Paul.Collister"
> Paul.Collister@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "frankffrost"
> frankffrost@hotmail.com, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
> Geoffrey.McDonald@gov.bc.ca, "t.wilson" t.wilson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> "radical" radical@radicalpress.com, "Dale.Morgan"
> Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "john.warr" john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> "roger.l.brown" roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "DavidYurdiga"
> DavidYurdiga@gmail.co, "david.alward" david.alward@gnb.ca,
> "ddarrow" ddarrow@gov.ns.ca, "bob.paulson" bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> Cc: "highwood" highwood@assembly.ab.ca, "David Amos"
> david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, "JAG.Minister"
> JAG.Minister@gov.bc.ca, "suzanne.anton.mla"
> suzanne.anton.mla@leg.bc.ca, "pm" pm@pm.gc.ca, "Mackap"
> Mackap@parl.gc.ca, "steven.blaney" steven.blaney.a1@parl.gc.ca
> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 11:44:45 AM
> Subject: Well I called Danielle Smith's offices AGAIN Mr Baconfat
> Nobody is working in Edmonton today and Smith is in Calgary Her people
> claim to have never heard of you but they certainly remember me
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/09/re-high-water-ab-mcbride-b
> c-and-fat.html
> https://www.assembly.ab.ca/net/index.aspx?p=mla_contact&rnumber=63&leg
> =28
> Legislature Office
> 501 Legislature Annex
> 9718 107 Street
> Edmonton, AB
> Canada T5K 1E4
> Phone: (780) 643-9110
> Fax: (780) 638-3506
> Okotoks
> Unit 5, 49 Elizabeth Street
> Box 568 Main
> Okotoks, AB
> Canada T1S 1A7
> Phone: (403) 995-5488
> Fax: (403) 995-5490
> highwood@assembly.ab.ca
> High River
> #4, 28 12th Avenue S.E.
> High River, AB
> Canada T1V 1T2
> Phone: (403) 652-7100
> Fax: (403) 652-7757
> highwood@assembly.ab.ca
> On 11/28/14, David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
> Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:17:53 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Re: At least the evil Mr Baconfat proves to us all that the
> RCMP work for Zionists rather than all the Canadian Citizens who pay
> their wages when Sections 300 & 319 do not apply to your buddy EH Mr
> Harper?
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> "Yo," little David! The "ethical people," at Safeway, Mark's
> throughout Edmonton, the Edmonton Police Service, Teddy's Bar and
> Grill, and cyber-space generally are laughing at you. People regard
> you as a pathetic sick joke, a semi-illiterate troll and goof. I just
> told Danielle Smith your e mails are coming from Halifax . She said
> you certainly seemed a "little off!"
> "Ethical people" don't listen to you little David...because NO ONE
> listens to you.
> Cheers numbnuts!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:52:34 -0700
Subject: Fwd: Yo Danielle Smith I must say that even as you stab your Wildrose pals in the back your fat dumb happy blogging buddy Mr Baconfat continues to publish funny edits of my work Seems that he has yet to understand the joke is on him
To: David.Inscho@wildrose.ca, .laclabiche.stpaul.twohills@assembly.ab.ca, cypress.medicinehat@assembly.ab.ca, drumheller.stettler@assembly.ab.ca, Rick.Strankman@assembly.ab.ca, Shayne.Saskiw@assembly.ab.ca, Drew.Barnes@assembly.ab.ca, jwood@calgaryherald.com, cvarcoe@calgaryherald.com, dbratt@mtroyal.ca,  dbratt@opencanada.org, dbraid@calgaryherald.com
Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com


David Inscho · David.Inscho@wildrose.ca · (780) 646-2107

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:17:55 -0700
Subject: Yo Danielle Smith I must say that even as you stab your
Wildrose pals in the back your fat dumb happy blogging buddy Mr
Baconfat continues to publish funny edits of my work Seems that he has
yet to understand the joke is on him
To: Danielle.Smith@assembly.ab.ca,  premier@gov.ab.ca, Jonathan.Denis@gov.ab.ca, Benoit.Giroux@parl.gc.ca, brian.hodgson@assembly.ab.ca, chestermere.rockyview@assembly.ab.ca,
Ray.Bodnarek@gov.ab.ca, sharon.g.jackson@gov.ab.ca, rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca, sunrayzulu@shaw.ca,
heather.bradley@parl.gc.ca, oldsdidsbury.threehills@assembly.ab.ca,
lacombe.ponoka@assembly.ab.ca, strathmore.brooks@assembly.ab.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com


Although I do love embarassing the CROWN with the words of a mindless
Zionist I must say the VERY questionable CBC rournalists revealed even
more devastating news for the Wildrose folks just as I was clicking
send on my last email. Within the hour I get one from the Wildrose


"The change leaves the PCS with 72 seats and Wildrose with five. The
Liberals hold five, the New Democrats have four and there is one
Independent MLA."

WOW What a difference in Jonny "Never Been Good" Denis  just a few days EH?

Even his comment quoted by CBC earlier today has gone "Poof"

"Justice  Minister Jonathan Denis saying he is willing to put away
past grievances."


But internal emails show Justice Minister Jonathan Denis’s office was
given more than a “heads-up.” The minister’s chief of staff, Mat
Steppan, the most senior political official in Denis’s office, was
allowed to vet and approve the final release of the documents.

Bodnarek also reviewed the documents. He was recently appointed as a
judge of the provincial court.

In a scrum at the legislature last week, Denis denied there was any
political interference.

“Actually, no one from my office has directly interfered with this
whatsoever,” Denis said. “What happened was that there was one email
sent from the FOIP coordinator (Sharon Jackson) to my office, which we
have no control over, and the reply back; we did not seek to interfere
with the process in any way, shape or form.”

Internal emails, however, clearly show there was ongoing
communications between Jackson and Steppan, and that Steppan was
directly involved in the processing of the request.

Denis declined several interview requests from CBC News over the past
several days.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Executive Committee connect@wildrose.ca
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:51:15 +0000
Subject: Wildrose Executive Committee update
To: David Amos


The Wildrose Party Executive Committee unanimously reaffirmed last
evening our continued commitment to Albertans and Wildrose Party
Members to continue moving Alberta forward.

We have begun the process to select the next leader of our party and
the next Premier of Alberta.

We remain fully committed to Albertans and to our membership.

To be a part of selecting the next leader of Wildrose and Alberta's
future Premier please visit our website  www.wildrose.ca
http://www.wildrose.ca/  or call 1-888-262-1888.

Yours in continued service,
The Executive Committee
David Yager, Jeff Callaway, Wendy Fulton, Tim Dyck, Rob Solinger,
David Gray, Cameron Bell, Broddy Olson, Lenore Eaton, Cheryl Phaff,
and James Lockhart
Wildrose Party - 10707 100 Ave Nw, #202, Edmonton, AB T5J 3M1, Canada
This email was sent to motomaniac333@gmail.com.  To stop receiving
emails: http://www.wildrose.ca/unsubscribe

From: Brian Hodgson
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 3:57 PM
To: mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Subject: Your Telephone Call to Ft McMurray Constituency Office Monday
15th December 2014


Please ring me regarding the captioned.

Many thanks.


Brian Hodgson
Sergeant-at-Arms & Director,
Visitor, Ceremonial and Security Services
Legislative Assembly of Alberta
412 Legislature Building
10800-97 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T5K 2B6
Tel: (780) 422-9259
Fax: (780) 415-5829

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kevin.vickers@parl.gc.ca
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:43:20 -0500
Subject: Out of Office: Here is a little more Deja Vu for the CIBC,
the RCMP, the CBC etc and the lawyers/MLAs Jim Prentice QC PC Jonathan
Denis QC, Don.Scott QC and their newfound EX Wildrose pals
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Please be advised that the Sergeant-at-Arms is currently away from the
office and will be returning on Monday, November 17, 2014.

If this is a business enquiry, please contact:

Benoit Giroux, Acting Sergeant-at-Arms:
Telephone: 613-995-1990| E-mail:
Benoit.Giroux@parl.gc.ca mailto: Benoit.Giroux@parl.gc.ca

If this is a media enquiry, please contact:

Heather Bradley
Director of Communications, Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons
Telephone: 613-995-7882 | E-mail:

Please expect a delay in receiving a response to personal
correspondence due to current volume.

Thank you.


Veuillez noter que le sergent d’armes est absent du bureau et sera de
retour le lundi 17 novembre 2014.

S’il s’agit d’une demande liée aux opérations, veuillez communiquer avec :
Benoit Giroux, sergent d'armes par intérim
Téléphone : 613-995-1990| Courriel :

S’il s’agit d’une demande de renseignements des médias, veuillez
communiquer avec :

Heather Bradley
Directrice des communications, Bureau du Président de la Chambre des communes
Téléphone : 613-995-7882 | Courriel :

En ce qui a trait aux réponses à la correspondance personnelle, vous
devez vous attendre à un retard en raison du volume actuel.


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:43:08 -0700
Subject: Here is a little more Deja Vu for the CIBC, the RCMP, the CBC
etc and the lawyers/MLAs Jim Prentice QC PC Jonathan Denis QC,
Don.Scott QC and their newfound EX Wildrose pals
To: Jonathan.Denis@gov.ab.ca, premier@gov.ab.ca, brian.hodgson@assembly.ab.ca, Don.scott@gov.ab.ca,
dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Bob.Couture@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Danielle.Smith@assembly.ab.ca, highwood@assembly.ab.ca,
david.yager@wildrose.ca, David.Yurdiga.c1a@parl.gc.ca, Rob.Anderson@assembly.ab.ca, calgary.shaw@assembly.ab.ca,
cardston.taberwarner@assembly.ab.ca, Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, medicine.hat@assembly.ab.ca, Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, lgunter@shaw.ca, "Staples, David (Edm Journal)" dstaples@edmontonjournal.com, joshua.skurnik@hotmail.com, gopublic@cbc.ca, Whistleblower@ctv.ca, ceeteevee123@yahoo.ca, ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca,
danny.copp@fredericton.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, kevin.vickers@parl.gc.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, jennifer.warren@cibc.com, OMBUDSMAN@cibc.com, rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca,

Clearly Danielle Smith's mindless Zionist blogging butt buddy Mr
Baconfat and his pal Chucky Leblanc are happy campers once again and
on the first day of Hanukkah nonetheless. Go Figure EH Kevin Vickers?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:14:27 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Attn Linda Cook apparently 8:30 AM this morning your evil
client Barry Winters was in the foyer of the Stanley Milner Branch of
the EPL and he wanted me to inform you of it
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Little David! "Apparently your evil client" was on the phone with
Danielle Smith congratulating her on her Cabinet post. That's more
than I can say for you David!

How about some stupid injun tricks?



Lets see if I can turn the worm on the evil plagarist once again thsi
year as Lori Ink's not so Hanukkah ends and Xmass day begins for his
Mother in Edmonton  Some folks have liked this blog in the past EH
Jimmy Prentice?


BTW the next cop I meet in Alberta who attempts to harass me again
gets a CD containing a true copy of the Yankee Police Survielance tape
Number 139

Hard Copy of the pdf hereto attached just like I did to the RCMP dudes
mentioned in these videos. The RCMP dudes who came knocking on a
basement door at 1:30 am claimed they knew about my doings up on the
Hanwell Hence they must know all about these videos Correct Bob Couture?




As the RCMP, the FBI and many other cops and lawyers etc are well
aware copies of both files mentioned above can be found and downloaded
from the Internet in several places such as this,



That said nobody in the RCMP in Fort MacMurray can claim that they
don't know now after I did tell them to do there homework and check
blogs such as this N'esy Pas Gilles Moreau and Gilles.Blinn?


Free free to scroll to the bottom of this email for a little Deja Vu
for the RCMP/GRC

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonathan Denis QC Jonathan.Denis@gov.ab.ca
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 21:48:28 +0000
Subject: RE: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in
Calgary (Tory ineptitude??? Methinks the Herald is no better EH Mr
Minister Denis?)
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

I've learned to ignore the noise and keep focused on the task at hand...

From: David Amos [motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 10:14 AM
To: mike@mikeellis.ca; Raj.Sherman@assembly.ab.ca;
brianmalkinson@albertandp.ca; bill.kaufmann@sunmedia.ca;
dbraid@calgaryherald.com; news1@beaconnews.ca;
thowell@calgaryherald.com; msmith@michaelsmithconsulting.ca; Office of
the Premier; Bruce.McAllister@assembly.ab.ca;
Chestermere.rockyview@assembly.ab.ca; sarah@theanchor.ca;
Cc: David Amos; ! Jonathan Denis; mnielsen; dfildebrandt@taxpayer.com;
atlantic.director@taxpayer.com; themayor; ezra.levant@sunmedia.ca;
Subject: Fwd: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in
Calgary (Tory ineptitude??? Methinks the Herald is no better EH Mr
Minister Denis?)



“The Wildrose, which has the most money to throw at this, is going to
throw everything they’ve got at it to gain some credibility, momentum
and publicity,” said Lori Williams, associate professor of political
science at Mount Royal University.

Since becoming PC leader Sept. 6, Prentice has tried to distance
himself from the Redford government, promising to sell the fleet of
government aircraft, introduce tougher accountability legislation, end
entitlements and review rural health care.

But opposition parties dismissed Prentice’s moves as mere
window-dressing from a party short on ideas, intent on
self-preservation and maintaining power after 43 years in government.

“Don’t forget that all these things we’re hearing now — change,
renewal, a new beginning — this is exactly what was rolled out when
Redford came onto the scene,” said Bruce McAllister, Wildrose MLA for
Chestermere-Rocky View.

“And we all know how that ended, don’t we.”
(403) 207-9889



News Coverage/Reporter Sarah Papke 403.775.7525



Derek Fildebrandt
Alberta Director
Office Location:
3625 Shaganappi Trail NW
PO Box 84171 Market Mall
Calgary, Alberta T3A 5C4
Phone: 1-800-661-0187
Cell: 403-690-4910
E-mail: dfildebrandt@taxpayer.com
Twitter @ DFildebrandt


(403) 219-8183


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:31:07 -0600
Subject: Fwd: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in Calgary
To: jwood@calgaryherald.com, plknowlt@ucalgary.ca,
jenniferburgess@albertandp.ca, michelle.glavine@teachers.ab.ca,
Rhansen@calgarypolice.ca, pol7163@calgarypolice.ca, highwood@assembly.ab.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com


“The PCs have been arrogant and out-of-touch,” said Macdonald.

“I’m sorry, but the last two weeks of good news announcements by the
new premier do not make up for the last several years of government
entitlement and mismanagement.”

Macdonald retired last year after 25 years on the Calgary Police
Service, where she specialized in cybercrime prevention and Internet

YEA RIGHT I bet Ms MacDonald worked with your fellow corrupt cop ICE
Staff Sgt. Steve Lorne EH Chief Hansen?



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:11:07 -0600
Subject: Here is some VERY serious gossip for the Left Wingers in Calgary
To: greg.clark@albertaparty.ca, mclean@svmlaw.ca,
Gwyneth.midgley@gmail.com, john.fletcher@shaw.ca, themayor@calgary.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
ezra.levant@sunmedia.ca, joshua.skurnik@hotmail.com, lgunter@shaw.ca,

I will lay odds that Col John Fletcher knows exactly who Mr Baconfat
is EH Ezzy Levant?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:53:36 -0600
Subject: Yo Jimmy Prentice the RCMP that you and your minions oversee
are well aware that my brother did not call Mr Baconfat HOWEVER
To: pej.prentice@gmail.com, Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca, sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, patrick_doran1@hotmail.com, Rhansen@calgarypolice.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, premier@gov.ab.ca, greg.weston@cbc.ca, Mackay.P@forces.gc.ca, mccalj@parl.gc.ca, McCallum.J@parl.gc.ca, Mackap@parl.gc.ca, birgir@althingi.is, birgittaj@althingi.is
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, james.goodman@forces.gc.ca, danielle@wildrosealliance.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com

Anyone recall this email?


Many cops including members and their Officers of Queen's Red Serge
cannot deny the fact that their blogging butt buddy  Mr Baconfat in
Edmonton and his pal Dirty Dicky Dean in Sylvan Lake in have been
threatening to kill members of my family for  nearly 8 years. Nor can
the corrupt cops deny the fact that I have the right to self defense
particularly when the law enforcement dudes refuse to act within the
scope of their employment. As far as I know duels are still legal as
long as they are done on the CROWN"s property.

If I opt to come to Edmonton AGAIN in order to file a lawsuit or two
then take up the nasty Fat Bastard's far from cordial invite to kick
his evil arse on parliamenty property is his buddy Rod Kniecht and the
dudes in the RCMP gonna arrest me or hold Mr Baconfat's coat and take
bet on the outcome?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369


Monday, August 25, 2014
Meet The Fucked Up Amos Brothers, Little Davey,And Dale
A few short weeks ago pathological liar, and convicted sex offender
David Amos tried to con Lori, myself and cyber-space that he came here
from his humble hovel in Halifax, to "get me." He was called out,
called bullshit on and he has ran off to ignominious obscurity and
silence. What's the old expression, "good riddance to bad rubbish?"

So now little Dale Amos 780 XXX XXXX Fort Mac Murray has written me,
and Lori twice to run the mouth and self aggrandize himself .

This is first little missive: " Those Amos videos of your apartment
are priceless. Are you going to meet him, or are you a gutless shit? I
personally hopes he kills you."

Then today little Dale Amos wrote this to Lori and me:

"You could call me at 780 XXX XXXX and we could have a pow wow. If of
course you have the sand the back up your words. My Brother is most
definitely ready to hand you a proper shit kicking, and I wouldn't
mind getting a piece of you after what you said about my nieces.....By
the way when they are town Gracie plans to visit Lori at work and ask
her personally about your blog. Heads up Dale Amos." END OF QUOTE

Dale Amos it appears YOU are as much a pathological liar as  little
Davey baby is. Little Davey baby nor his paste swallowing "children"
could ever rise to the purchase of bus fare, much less a plane ticket,
to get to Alberta. In fact none of your inbred "family" have the
intellectual capacity to find Edmonton on a map, on the very best day
they ever had.

Dale Amos YOU are a gobshite! Your Brother is a gobshite! If YOU feel
so emotionally committed to "handing me a proper shit kicking," I
cordially invite you try and do so before waiting for help to do so.

Dale, send my love to your hooker nieces!

Posted by Seren at 6:40 PM


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

To sum up!

It is Tuesday, September 3.  I am back still  traipsing the  shallow
end of  bureaucratic government, DND officialdom. David Amos is still
unemployed and Mr. Canning, and Leah Parsons is still trying to extend
and parlay their "fifteen minutes of infamy" into something more
profitable. "For the love of God do something..." they cry. Which
translates to, what can we get out of all this.

Since Mr. Canning threatened me with "going national" on his blog,
nothing has occurred. There has been no deluge of e mails to my home,
none actually. NO torrent of comments to by blog, no promised calls
from the "media" or outraged articles or other news stories,
"methinks" Mr. Canning has overstated or exaggerated his importance,
and influence. I am not over surprised.

Rehtaeh Parsons is still dead, a victim of her selfish, addled and
negligent "parents", to allow a fifteen year old child to be a drunk
and promiscuous. According police there are still outstanding photos
or at least one out there.

David Raymond Amos still infects cyber-space threatening retribution,
spam and imaginary litigation upon anyone that annoys or irks him.
From Alison Menard, Robert F. O'Meara, Dan Fouts, Werner Bock, Mark
Carney and the rest of the "snobby British Banksters and politicians,
to our own "Stevie Boy Harper. Honourable mention goes to the unnamed
security constable who David wants his name so he can sue him, for
some arcane reason known only to, and understood by Amos.  David Amos'
e communications are blocked and ignored, as the products of

David Amos'"children" Max, and Laura are still hard working
prostitutes, swallowing paste and giving rim jobs for thirty bucks, a
pack of smokes in a pinch. And our "friend" David Amos is still
calling Cruise line a gay chat site for thrills.

Oh dear....The more things change the more they stay the same.

Posted by Seren at 4:23 PM


Monday, June 7, 2010
Canada and the United States
Our friend convicted sex offender David Amos post a few sentences of a
previous post of mine that was accurate then and still is.

Friday, August 14, 2009 What does Amerika, the "Truther" movment,
"God" and retards have to do with Canada?

We do not have to worry about comment from Little Dean and Dave...they
are to uneducated to understand most posts. So have you seen them,
been annoyed or insulted by them, have you smelled their disease? Have
you ever crossed the "medicine line" and seen some Yank being taken
into custody because he just has..."this constitutional right to bear
arms"...in Canada.

I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
"veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
into the US policy.

At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation.There was
never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
were deployed WMD.

Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
(and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.

There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
upon."What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions are
to met before US troop can redeploy?

Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the PMO were even at the very
preliminary planning stages wary of Canadian involvement in an Iraq
operation....History would prove them correct. The political pressure
being applied on the PMO from the George W Bush administration was

American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
....not necessarily in that order.

Essentially Canada was determined to stay out of Iraq, paid the price,
of a larger role in Afghanistan to enable US military assets to
redeploy to Iraq. The US op in Afghanistan evolved from a US op, to a
UN op, to a NATO /ISAF op. NATO countries other than Canada and the UK
shun combat operations in Afghanistan..their rules of deployment and
engagement mitigate against NATO troops engaging the Taliban. By
design I am quite sure.

But now the American Iraq op, is a great success. The "surge" worked.
But alas now 127 Canadian soldiers are dead. The 2011 deadline is
coming nigh....and President Barak Obama and NATO want Canada to
consider extending the deployment of Canadian troops.

The motives are different. The US wants to... needs to, as matter of
national security, to defeat insurgency in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Our European allies want Canada to remain and continue to "punch above
its weight" so European soldiers do not have to actually fight or die.

That begs a few questions: "Nations do not have friends, nations have
interests" -Henry Kissinger. Is American national security re
terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan compatible with Canadian
national interests? If this country, Canada is going to be a
continuing ally in "the war against terror"....should not our "friends
"and neighbours across the medicine line be more amenable in matters
of trade, or just living up to their free trade agreements.

If our"friends and neighbours" to the south want Canadians to fight
side by side...maybe that 7 % Softwood lumber tariff was a
mistake...or the buy American provision in the currant stimulus plan
ought to be rethought. Our American "friends" give Israel roughly 3
billion dollars a year to be spent buying weapons systems from US
defense contractors...to survive. (both Israel and US defense
industries) Perhaps US dollars should flow to Canada to buy weapons
systems and patrol aircraft and naval platforms...after all, aren't we
your "friends and allies"?

There is nothing similar with American culture, and politics between
Canada and the US. Canada evolved into nation status and the
US,revolted violently. This difference in the means we became
nations...has greatly defined who and what we are. Our American
"friends" look upon Canada as cultural, economic and political

Now to their great consternation they are finding out... that is NOT
the case . Nothing good came to Canada by way of America. Canada's
military "schewir punct" should be defense of our continental shelf
and the arctic.

Canada also needs to stop shipping unrefined bitumen to the US and
totally refine it here and start building a pipeline for bitumen to
Canada's west coast to sell to Asian and the Chinese market. It is
more than past time to understand ..our American "friends" are not our
friends at all.

Or else it is: Bend over here it comes again.....KY anyone? Posted by
Seren at 11:27 AM'
Posted by Seren at 6:24 PM

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 10:26:07 -0600
Subject: I just called Jim Prentice's number back and got a Fax Machine???
To: wanderson89@gmail.com, info@jimprentice.ca, pej.prentice@gmail.com, OMBUDSMAN@cibc.com, thomas@lukaszuk.ca, fortmcmurray.woodbuffalo@assembly.ab.ca, fortmcmurray.conklin@assembly.ab.ca, premier@gov.ab.ca,
highwood@assembly.ab.ca, info@ricmciver.com
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, John.Grierson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Rhansen@calgarypolice.ca, pol7163@calgarypolice.ca, rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca

So I called this guy and left a voicemail I strongly suggested that
his "media" fella Google the following words

info@jimprentice.ca david amos


Bill Anderson, Press Secretary
Campaign Office of Jim Prentice


Obviously I got strange message from your "Fax Machine" that I would
like to discuss with Jim Prentice

You received a new 0:30 minutes voicemail message, on Thursday, July
24, 2014 at 04:11:15 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from "JIM PRENTICE"

These are the numbers I called on Monday and I talked to real people
both very nice ladies if my memory serves me correctly

You can also call us at 403-617-3404 (780-756-3629 in Edmonton) or email us
directly at info@jimprentice.ca. Calgary Office Jim Prentice Campaign

However I certainly did call Jim Prentices'a personal number yesterday
and left a voicemail. CORRECT???

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 11:44:48 -0600
Subject: I just called the CSA, Jim Prentice the CIBC again from 902
800 0369 and nobody picked up the phone as usual
To: csa-acvm-secretariat@acvm-csa.ca, Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, pej.prentice@gmail.com, inquiries@asc.ca, jennifer.warren@cibc.com,
Kimberley.McVittie@cibc.com, joe.oliver.a1@parl.gc.ca,
OMBUDSMAN@cibc.com, david.allgood@rbc.com, Frank.McKenna@td.com, deborah.alexander@scotiabank.com, inquiries@bcsc.bc.ca, mclellana@bennettjones.com, frankffrost@hotmail.com,
Cc: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com, MulcaT@parl.gc.ca,
justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, hugh.flemming@gnb.ca, Peter.Klohn@fcnb.ca, Inquiries@osc.gov.on.ca, NSSCinquiries@gov.ns.ca, securities@gov.mb.ca, Don.Murray@gov.mb.ca

https://www.securities-administrators.ca/aboutcsa.aspx?id=80 recieved

However I also called a lot of the various provincial regulators some
picked up the phone found my files and some did not.

For the PUBLIC RECORD they should have exactly the same documents that
Mr Harper and his bankster pals recieved in 2006.


Obviously the pdf file hereto attached at least proves that the
corrupt cop Dean Buzza and his former boss Landslide Annie know

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Prentice, Jim" Jim.Prentice@cibc.com
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:39:00 +0000
Subject: Leave of Absence
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com, pej.prentice@gmail.com

Thank you for your email.

Please note that I have formally begun my Leave of Absence from CIBC.
My CIBC email address and CIBC-issued mobile number are both inactive.

Effective immediately, please contact me at
pej.prentice@gmail.com and (403) 370-5628.
Thank you.


Hon. Jim Prentice, P.C., Q.C.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: OMBUDSMAN Mailbox OMBUDSMAN@cibc.com
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:39:36 +0000
Subject: Ombudsman Mailbox
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for contacting CIBC.
We received your message and will reply to you within 48 hours or 2
business days.
CIBC Office of the Ombudsman

Merci d'avoir communiqué avec la Banque CIBC.
Nous avons bien reçu votre message. Nous vous répondrons d'ici les 48
prochaines heures ou deux jours ouvrable.
CIBC Bureau de l'ombudsman


Tour de la Bourse
800, Square Victoria
Suite 2510
Montreal Quebec H4Z 1J2

Tel: (514) 864-9510
Fax: (514) 864-9512
E-mail: csa-acvm-secretariat@acvm-csa.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:26:44 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Attn Linda Cook apparently 8:30 AM this morning your evil
client Barry Winters was in the foyer of the Stanley Milner Branch of
the EPL and he wanted me to inform you of it
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Little Davis! "apparently" your son Max is a faggot pig. But what the
hell you still "love" him right!


“Trans*”Faggot Shoppers And Corporal Belleck

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:17:56 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Attn Linda Cook apparently 8:30 AM this morning your evil
client Barry Winters was in the foyer of the Stanley Milner Branch of
the EPL and he wanted me to inform you of it
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Little David! I forgot, how're the kiddies, still fucking and sucking
for smokes? Why don't you "give my constituency office a call" lol lol

Little David,you need to know that you're still the greatest source of
mirth, ridicule, and laughter for all the employees of Safeway.

Get a job, there laddie!

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" motomaniac333@gmail.com
To: lcook@epl.ca, sunrayzulu@shaw.ca,
bill.clark@edmontonpolice.ca, eps@edmontonpolice.ca, don.iveson@edmonton.ca,
dave.loken@edmonton.ca, scott.mckeen@edmonton.ca, Dave.Donley@edmontonpolice.ca, Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, Laurie.Blakeman@assembly.ab.ca, Jonathan.Denis@gov.ab.ca, patrick_doran1@hotmail.com, paul@avoiceformen.com, girlwriteswhat@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 1:58:54 PM
Subject: Attn Linda Cook apparently 8:30 AM this morning your evil
client Barry Winters was in the foyer of the Stanley Milner Branch of
the EPL and he wanted me to inform you of it

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:03:02 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Yo David Yager and Joe Anglin RE Fw: Your Telephone Call
to Ft McMurray Constituency Office Monday 15th December 2014 Now I
understand why false allegations were made against me by the RCMP in
the wee hours of the morning of Dec16th
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Yo little David! "Ring me at my constituency office" lol lol lol.

"Methinks" you need to  whine to Linda Cook again!


Wednesday Morning At the Edmonton Public Library

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:17:59 -0700
Subject: Attn Edmonton Public Library CEO Linda Cook your evil client
Barry Winters just asked me to forward his latest blog as well This no
doubt will spoil your other client Lori Ink's Hanukkah
To: lcook@epl.ca, bill.clark@edmontonpolice.ca, don.iveson@edmonton.ca, dave.loken@edmonton.ca, scott.mckeen@edmonton.ca,
rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca, Kyle.Friesen@justice.gc.ca, jason@gratlandcompany.com, jeff@pivotlegal.org, cward@cameronward.com, traceymatters@bigpond.com, JAG.Minister@gov.bc.ca,
Chris.Alexander.c1@parl.gc.ca, Minister@cic.gc.ca, Anita.Biguzs@cic.gc.ca, Denis.Lefebvre@cic.gc.ca,  Karine Fortin info@ndp.ca, jason.kenney.a1@parl.gc.ca,
John.Williamson.c1a@parl.gc.ca, David.Yurdiga.c1a@parl.gc.ca,
Katherine.Parker@cic.gc.ca, denis.egglefield@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca,
dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Craig.MacMillan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Mackap@parl.gc.ca, paul.vickery@iustice.gc.ca, david.hansen@justice.gc.ca, sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Cc: david.eby.mla@leg.bc.ca, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, Lampron.Raynald@psic-ispc.gc.ca, kevin.vickers@parl.gc.ca,
Friday.Joe@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Jean.Chretien@dentons.com,
Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca, klaudiosmustakas@pacelawfirm.com, pm@pm.gc.ca, thomas.mulcair.a1@parl.gc.ca, john.adams@queensu.ca, Bryan.Bailey@rmc.ca, justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, brent.rathgeber.a1@parl.gc.ca


Anybody but Mean Old Me bother to notice that the mindless Zionist Mr
Baconfat relies on me to send him the records of his old blog that I
had GOOGLE remove on October 23rd of this year? How stupid is that?
Better yet how stupid is it for him to republish his malicious
nonsense in wordpress? As the wiseguy Forest Gump said long ago
"Stupid is as Stupid does". Another wiseguy in further back in time
said "By their fruits ye shall know them"  Well ain't that a fact EH
Mr Baconfat???

FYI I posted this in Andre Murray's blog one year ago proving that Mr
Baconfat is  a bigtime  PLAGARIST ONCE AGAIN.  I did it so that he and
his many very nasty Zionist Pals would not have such a Happy Hanukkah.
If it worked once it should work twice


BTW I also just tweeted it to your politcal pals


Chrystia Freeland ‏@cafreeland 2h2 hours ago
Tonight, Jewish families in #Toronto, Canada, and around the world
will be celebrating the first night of #Chanukah. Chanukah Sameach!

David Raymond Amos ‏@DavidRayAmos
@cafreeland @pmharper @JustinTrudeau @ThomasMulcair @ElizabethMay
@RCMPNB @CBCPolitics BAH Humbug!!!
… #Chanukah.
8:52 PM - 16 Dec 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:53:59 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Attn Chief Rod Knecht As per the simple question I asked
Staff Sgt Bill Clark this weekend about your client Barry K Winters'
and his big talk about homicides
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Oh dear, what homicides? lol lol lol

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 16:27:01 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Attn Edmonton Public Library CEO Linda Cook I just called
Perhaps you should ask the EPS if they or the RCMP at least understand
Sections 300 and 319 of the Canadian Criminal Code
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Oh dear, you better send this to Lind Cook also!


Little David Amos Is Crying Again!

 Little David Amos in Halifax is crying again about my blog. He has
harassed, spammed, telephoned, argued with Edmonton City cops,
Military Police, the RCMP, the “US Marshall dudes in DC,” the FBI “in
Beantown,” Prime Minister Harper, and the publican that runs Lori, and
my favourite tavern about my humble blog. Now little David has sent a
e mail copy of the last post here to the Edmonton Chief of Police
because he is outraged! Oh dear!

Little David really didn’t like this rather old effort, of a year ago.

Sunday, October 27, 2013
 Dead Injin in the Dumpster?

This evening Lori sent me to take the garbage out. In the alley is a
 dumpster for garbage and one for recyclables. In the dumpster for
 paper, cardboard, glass etc, was a passed out hopefully dead “proud
 native.” He was covered with urine and excreta, and was absolutely
 still. I did not give a shit if he were breathing or not. So instead
 of throwing my garbage in the other dumpster, I threw it on him, and
 there was nary a sound or movement.

I told Lori of my discovery and she suggested we call 911. Why bother?
 I answered. It would be far better for everyone, including our “proud
 native” if he were deceased. His death some small relief on the burden
 of real Canadian taxpayers.

Some thirty minutes later I looked, and our “noble aboriginal” was
 still there, still in the same position.

In the last several years over half of the injins of Canada’s 633
“first nation’s” reserves have joined the diaspora and left
“traditional native territory” to join mainstream Canadian society, or
 perhaps more accurately leech off it. None of these “people” are
 educated, or equipped for life in mainstream Canada. They have no
 marketable skills Less than forty percent of “natives” betwixt ages of
 18 and 26 have graduated from High School. These “people” are destined
 to failure, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, and crime form the get go.

It seems that the Assembly of First Nations and the rest of the “big
 chiefs” are more concerned with the propagation of their culture in
 schools, than the education, and preparation of the younger generation
 top succeed.

These uneducated, criminals and addicts are fast leaving reserves in
 Canada and coming to a urban centre near you.

That brings us back to the alley here in Oliver community in Edmonton.
 It is getting colder now, and it appears the numbers of injin homeless
 with their shopping carts has decreased in recent weeks. The residents
 of Oliver still “feed the animals” by putting out their bottles and
 cans, but alas the Autumn migration of injins to the shelters has

It appears our “aboriginal Canadian” is still in the garbage. No one
 in this block in Oliver has yet called the emergency services.

That speaks volumes! Here’s hoping our injin “friend” is still there
 come morning, dead as a mackerel.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" motomaniac333@gmail.com
To: lcook@epl.ca, sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, patrick_doran1@hotmail.com, eps@edmontonpolice.ca, rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca, don.iveson@edmonton.ca, Dave.Donley@edmontonpolice.ca, Jonathan.Denis@gov.ab.ca, dave.loken@edmonton.ca,
Laurie.Blakeman@assembly.ab.ca, scott.mckeen@edmonton.ca, Rhansen@calgarypolice.ca, Bob.Couture@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
"David Staples (Edm Journal)" dstaples@edmontonjournal.com, lgunter@shaw.ca
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 4:18:57 PM
Subject: Attn Edmonton Public Library CEO Linda Cook I just called
Perhaps you should ask the EPS if they or the RCMP at least understand
Sections 300 and 319 of the Canadian Criminal Code

Linda C. Cook Chief Executive Officer Phone: 780.496.7050. Fax: 780.496.7097.
Email: lcook@epl.ca. Pilar Martinez Deputy CEO Phone: 780-496-5522

Your client's name is obviously Barry Winters His phone number is 780
425 5075 Trust that he iand his buddy Patrick Doran are not worth
talking to. See for yourself


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 1:19:41 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Shame on us all if Chris Alexander pays any heed to the
advice of his evil blogging buddy Mr Baconfat
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Hey little David, why not gimme a call sometime, or perhaps visit
Patrick Doran and myself. Oh dear no money and no balls!

Oh well, blog this numbnuts!


A 61.7 Million Dollar Shit Hole

 Last week Mayor Don “the vacuous” Iveson and Council has approved the
City of Edmonton’s 6.2 billion dollar annual budget. This budget
raises taxes by 5.7 %, of the average homeowner will pay roughly 112
dollars a year more in tax. The Edmonton Police Service extorted 292
million dollars for next year’s operations from council, and Chief of
Police Rod Knecht is still pissed he didn’t get a new twin-engine
helicopter (they already have two choppers) and 84 new police
constables. Edmonton’s vociferous, and obnoxious Chief of Police Rod
Knecht rather than telling Edmontonian’s he and the Edmonton Police
Service will carry out their orders, mandate, and job to the very best
of their ability with the resources available, Chief Knecht and the
Police Union shill whine, cry, commiserate and claim they can’t do
their jobs. I would suggest that if the “Chief” or any “brave” police
constable doesn’t have the requisite “intestinal fortitude” to the
job, by all means find another line of work.

Edmonton’s “esteemed” Mayor did what he always does. He cried, whined,
and begged for more money for policing from the federal and provincial
governments, claiming Edmonton will never be a “world caliber class
city” without provincial and federal largess.

Last year then Mayor Stephen Mandel, and City Council increased taxes
by 4.92 percent, claiming “we’re all in this together.” Are we now?
This year City Council amongst other extravagances committed itself to
a 61.7 million dollar renovation, and face lift of the Stanley Milner
Downtown Branch of the Edmonton Public Library. Edmonton Public
Library CEO Linda Cook has singlehandedly turned the 50 year old
library, and building into a shit hole. Linda Cook unilaterally took
the decision that the downtown branch of the Edmonton Public Library
was no longer a public institution, but a public space, more akin to a
public park. That’s important distinction, where bums, addicts, drug
dealers, violent, drunk injuns, and the rest of Edmonton’s assorted
vermin are precluded from infecting a public institution… they are
most welcome at the downtown branch of the Edmonton Public Library.

The Stanley Milner Branch of the Edmonton Public Library is imbued
with a permanent stench of mouthwash, stale alcohol, stale cigarette
smoke, and unwashed bodies from eight AM when the doors open to the
foyer of the library. Edmonton’s homeless animals kick out the animals
at six AM. This human garbage migrates to the food court of the City
Centre Mall to kill time and use the washroom facilities until they
can get into the library and sleep on the floor.

The library opens at nine AM and City of Edmonton Police Constables,
the City’s Peace Officers and the EPL’s own security guards patrol the
“stacks” incessantly and stand on stag at the entrance to keep the
animals from going into the Children’s Library. In the past there have
several instances of sexual touching of children at the Shelly Milner
Children’s Library. There’s garbage on the shelves with the “stacks.”
Injuns relieve themselves and smoke in the corners of the library. The
carpet is stained with urine, vomit and regurgitated mouthwash.
Warrants are routinely executed by police and CBSA officials, searches
for fugitives are commonplace. Edmonton Public Library CEO Lind Cook
has with one decision has turned the downtown branch of the public
library into a shit hole that decent Edmontonians by in large avoid.

Edmonton Public Library CEO Linda Cook has authorized the employment
of two full time social workers, permits social agency outreach, and
has de facto turned the Stanley Milner Library and the Shelly Milner
Children’s Library into a cesspool and a large homeless shelter.
Parents DO NOT take their children to the Shelly Milner Children’s

Now City Council has acquiesced to the Edmonton Public Library’s
request to renovate, or have a 61.7 million tax payer funded
“facelift” to 50-year-old building that is now a complete shit hole.
Well “that makes perfect sense” right? So beautiful, nay stunning
representations or renderings of the new library downtown presented to
Edmontonians to admire. But alas no matter what beautiful stunning
edifice is built, unless the policy regarding the library being a
public space as opposed to a public institution is reversed, this
beautiful edifice in thirty days or less in once again a cesspool or
shit hole.

Someone ought explain two things to our socialist do-gooder Linda
Cook: A homeless shelter is a homeless shelter. A public library is a
public institution of enlightenment. And never the t’wain shall meet.

Also if the Edmonton’s scum are not at the library, cops at the
library can be redeployed elsewhere.

A 6.2 billion dollar budget that throws senior citizens out of their
homes due to taxes! Just to hire more cops, buy another chopper, and
let drunk injuns sleep in the Library.

Why don’t you just Fuck yourselves!


Sunday, 27 October 2013

Yo Rod Knecht Perhaps somebody should call 911 in Edmonton Alberta
because your corrupt cops won't believe me

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 02:36:46 -0300
Subject: Yo Rod Knecht Perhaps somebody should call 911 in Edmonton
Alberta because your corrupt cops won't believe me
To: ezra.levant@sunmedia.ca, warren@daisygroup.ca, lisa@daisygroup.ca, jessica.hume@sunmedia.ca, joshua.skurnik@sunmedia.ca, news@timestranscript.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, nbombud@gnb.ca, advocacycollective@yahoo.com, brad.green@gnb.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, CustomerService@nemoves.com, dean.delmastro.c1@parl.gc.ca, john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, david.alward@gnb.ca, premier@gnb.ca,
anita-sharma@rogers.com, lauramaebrown@gmail.com
Cc: rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca, eps@edmontonpolice.ca, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, police@fredericton.ca, don.iveson@edmonton.ca,
justice@mail.gov.nl.ca, John.Furlong@cbc.ca, hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com, radical@radicalpress.com, merv@northwebpress.com, waterwarcrimes@gmail.com, water@conservationcouncil.ca, mikeduffy@sen.parl.gc.ca, wallinp@sen.parl.gc.ca, brazep@sen.parl.gc.ca, ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca


Sunday, October 27, 2013
Dead Injin in the Dumpster?


> http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/06/05/james-whitey-bulger-jury-selection-process-enters-second-day/KjS80ofyMMM5IkByK74bkK/story.html
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/06/09/nsa-leak-guardian.html
> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vugUalUO8YY
> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
> cards?
> http://archive.org/details/ITriedToExplainItToAllMaritimersInEarly2006
> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach-bush.html
> http://www.archive.org/details/PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape139
> http://archive.org/details/Part1WiretapTape143
> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
> raised in the attached letter.
> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> To: "Rob Talach" rtalach@ledroitbeckett.com
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my suing
> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should mean
> a lot to you
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:37:08 -0400
> Subject: To Hell with the KILLER COP Gilles Moreau What say you NOW
> Bernadine Chapman??
> To: Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, phil.giles@statcan.ca,
> maritme_malaise@yahoo.ca, Jennifer.Nixon@ps-sp.gc.ca,
> bartman.heidi@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Yves.J.Marineau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> david.paradiso@erc-cee.gc.ca, desaulniea@smtp.gc.ca,
> denise.brennan@tbs-sct.gc.ca, anne.murtha@vac-acc.gc.ca,
> webo@xplornet.com, julie.dickson@osfi-bsif.gc.ca,
> rod.giles@osfi-bsif.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca,
> toewsv1@parl.gc.ca, Nycole.Turmel@parl.gc.ca,
> Clemet1@parl.gc.ca, maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca, oig@sec.gov,
> whistleblower@finra.org, whistle@fsa.gov.uk, david@fairwhistleblower.ca
> Cc: j.kroes@interpol.int, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
> bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca,
> Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
> Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca,
>  ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/nb/news-nouvelles/media-medias-eng.htm
> http://nb.rcmpvet.ca/Newsletters/VetsReview/nlnov06.pdf
> From: Gilles Moreau Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:22 -0500
> Subject: Re: Lets ee if the really nasty Newfy Lawyer Danny Boy
> Millions will explain this email to you or your boss Vic Toews EH
> Constable Peddle???
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Please cease and desist from using my name in your emails.
> Gilles Moreau, Chief Superintendent, CHRP and ACC
> Director General
> HR Transformation
> 73 Leikin Drive, M5-2-502
> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
> Tel 613-843-6039
> Cel 613-818-6947
> Gilles Moreau, surintendant principal, CRHA et ACC
> Directeur général de la Transformation des ressources humaines
> 73 Leikin, pièce M5-2-502
> Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
> tél 613-843-6039
> cel 613-818-6947
> gilles.moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>>> David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com 2012-11-21 00:01 >>>
> Could ya tell I am investigating your pension plan bigtime? Its
> because no member of the RCMP I have ever encountered has earned it
> yet
> Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
> link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
> Here is why
> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
> Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
> Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
> Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
> following file
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt.pdf
> NONE of you should have assisted in the cover up of MURDER CORRECT???
> http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2011/2011-06-22/html/sor-dors122-eng.html
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:  david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> To: Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca; Rob.Renaud@cbc.ca
> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:45 PM
> Subject: Question # 1 who the hell is Rob Renaus and di Robert Jone
> and Jaques Poitra and Alan white etc forward you my latest emails
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Edith Cody-Rice Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca
> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 16:53:07 -0500
> Subject: Calls and E-mails to CBC
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Cc: Rob Renaud Rob.Renaud@cbc.ca
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> CBC personnel have contacted me concerning your calls and e-mails to
> them. As you are threatening legal action, would you kindly direct any
> further calls or correspondence to me. Other CBC personnel will not
> respond further to your correspondence or calls.
> Edith Cody-Rice
> Senior Legal Counsel
> Premier Conseiller juridique
> CBC/Radio-Canada
> 181 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1K9
> Postal Address: P.O. Box 3220, Station C, Ottawa K1Y 1E4
> Tel: (613) 288-6164
> Cell: (613) 720-5185
> Fax/ Télécopieur (613) 288-6279
> This communication is subject to solicitor/client privilege and
> contains confidential information intended only for the person(s) to
> whom it is addressed. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, other
> distribution of this communication
> or taking any action on its contents is strictly prohibited. If you
> have received this message in error, please notify us immediately and
> delete this message without reading, copying or forwarding it to
> anyone.
> La présente communication est assujettie au privilège du secret
> professionnel de l'avocat et renferme des renseignements confidentiels
> intéressant uniquement leur destinataire. Il est interdit de
> divulguer, de copier ou de distribuer cette communication par quelque
> moyen que ce soit ou de donner suite à son contenu sans y être
> autorisé. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez nous en
> avertir immédiatement et le supprimer en évitant de le lire, de le
> copier ou de le transmettre à qui que ce soit.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
> Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
> the USDOJ for me will ya?
> To: RBauer@perkinscoie.com, sshimshak@paulweiss.com,
> cspada@lswlaw.com, msmith@svlaw.com, bginsberg@pattonboggs.com
> gregory.craig@skadden.com, pm@pm.gc.ca, bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net, MulcaT@parl.gc.ca, leader@greenparty.ca
> Cc: alevine@cooley.com, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
> michael.rothfeld@wsj.com, remery@ecbalaw.com
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> QSLS Politics
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 29,419
> Domain Name usdoj.gov ? (U.S. Government)
> IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
> ISP US Dept of Justice
> Location Continent : North America
> Country : United States (Facts)
> State : District of Columbia
> City : Washington
> Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
> CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2;
> DI60SP1001)
> Javascript version 1.3
> Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
> Last Page View Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL http://www.google.co...wwWJrm94lCEqRmovPXJg
> Search Engine google.com
> Search Words david amos bernie madoff
> Visit Entry Page
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> Visit Exit Page
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
> Visit Number 29,419

----- Original Message -----
From: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: eachtem@hotmail.com; alltrue@nl.rogers.com; deanr0032@hotmail.com; dean@law.ualberta.ca; sunrayzulu@shaw.ca; injusticecoalition@hotmail.com; Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca; terry.seguin@cbc.ca; kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca; oldmaison@yahoo.com; Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca; john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca; mackay01@canada.com; IgnatM@parl.gc.ca; deanray98@yahoo.ca; Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; ahunter100@shaw.ca; t.j.burke@gnb.ca;
jackblood@hotmail.com; jack.keir@gnb.ca; David.ALWARD@gnb.ca; drywallrocker@hotmail.com; shawn.graham@gnb.ca; shawn.howard@wildrosealliance.ca
Cc: td.ombudsman@td.com; christopher.montague@td.com; Frank.McKenna@td.com; John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:07 PM
Subject: Lets see if John Adams the current the CSE is clever enough
to put two and two together about the TD EH Franky Boy McKenna

----- Original Message -----
From: Ombudsman, Td
To: 'david.raymond.amos@gmail.com'
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 6:11 PM
Subject: your e-mails dated November 3, 2008

November 4, 2008

David Amos
P.O. Box 234
Apohaqui, NB
E5P 3G2


Dear Mr. Amos:

We acknowledge receipt of your e-mails dated November 3, 2008, which
we received in our office on November 4, 2008.

We would like to thank you for providing our office with your feedback
surrounding the various issues. We have reviewed the numerous pieces
of correspondence that you e-mailed to us. It is our understanding
that you have a number of concerns surrounding politics and the
actions of the government within North America.

We appreciate the effort you have taken to express your views
surrounding these issues, however we do not believe we can be of any
assistance as this falls outside the mandate of this office.

Thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention.

Yours truly,

Paul W. Huyer


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