---------- Original message ---------- From: Jason Kee jkee@google.com Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2017 14:14:51 -0700 Subject: Out of the Office Re: Re Your news articles and YouTube videos about Barry Winters To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
Thanks for your message. Please note that I am on vacation from July 17 to July 25 (inclusive) with very limited access to email. I'll respond to your email upon my return. If the matter is urgent, please contact my colleague Colin McKay at colinmckay@google.com.
Many thanks, Jason
[image: Inline image 1]
• Jason J. Kee • Public Policy and Government Relations Counsel • Google Canada • jkee@google.com • M: 613 513 9325
---------- Original message ---------- From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2017 17:14:48 -0400 Subject: Re Your news articles and YouTube videos about Barry Winters To: edmonton@globalnews.ca, Roberta.Bell@cbc.ca, psimons@edmontonjournal.com, patrick_doran1@hotmail.com, cps@calgarypolice.ca, pol7163@calgarypolice.ca Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, grcanning@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca, eps@edmontonpolice.ca, kwells@ualberta.ca, jkee@google.com, DDrummond@google.com, Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca
RIP BARRY WINTERS: Don't Let Free Speech Die With Him Mad Shangi Published on Jul 11, 2017
'Nobody was safe from it': Edmonton blogger charged with rare hate crime targeted individuals across Canada
Police say Barry Winters, 62, made derogatory remarks about race, gender, politics
By Roberta Bell, CBC NewsPosted: Jun 14, 2017 5:38 PM MT
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Edmonton police Sgt. Gary Willits of the hate crimes unit said the investigation into blog posts targeting numerous individuals took more than a year. (Scott Neufeld/CBC)
Baconfat Paper aka Barry Winters Charged w/ LGBT Hate Offence Against Dr. Kristopher Wells
---------- Original message ---------- From: Brian Gallant briangallant10@gmail.com Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 05:36:33 -0700 Subject: Merci / Thank you Re: Even though the evil Troll Barry Winters is dead his very nasty old Internet friends such as Patrick Doran, Dean Roger Ray, Brian Ruhe and Chucky Leblanc drone on and on To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
(Français à suivre)
If your email is pertaining to the Government of New Brunswick, please email me at brian.gallant@gnb.ca
If your matter is urgent, please email Greg Byrne at greg.byrne@gnb.ca
Thank you.
Si votre courriel s'addresse au Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick, svp m'envoyez un courriel à brian.gallant@gnb.ca
Pour les urgences, veuillez contacter Greg Byrne à greg.byrne@gnb.ca
---------- Original message ---------- From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 08:36:23 -0400 Subject: Even though the evil Troll Barry Winters is dead his very nasty old Internet friends such as Patrick Doran, Dean Roger Ray, Brian Ruhe and Chucky Leblanc drone on and on To: Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca, leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre@jafaust.com, grcanning@gmail.com, cps cps@calgarypolice.ca, eps@edmontonpolice.ca, pol7163@calgarypolice.ca, patrick_doran1@hotmail.com, paul@paulfromm.com, brian@brianruhe.ca, BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.com, briangallant10@gmail.com, Davidc.Coon@gmail.com, jbosnitch@gmail.com, Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, deanrogerray@hotmail.com, bluelightning_03@hotmail.com, smcintyre smcintyre@sylvanlake.ca, don.iveson@edmonton.ca, themayor@calgary.ca, mike.obrienfred@gmail.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, danadurnford danadurnford@hotmail.com Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, Michelle.Boutin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Cindy.Bruneau@edmonton.ca
For the PUBLIC Record of Federal Court Here are the latest comments within Patrick Dorans YouTube Channel before and after the demise of Barry Winters
Edmonton Police laid trumped up hate crime charges on Barry Winters in an attempt to silence him. It is true that The Baconfat Blog was full of offensive inflammatory writing, but should it really be a crime to be offend people?
Yo Patty Baby Need I remind you and your sick perverted fans that I want the corrupt cops known as the RCMP and their equally corrupt pals in Calgary to prosecute YOU and your pal Dean Roger Ray as well?
BTW Even though unlike the very nasty Lori Ink I do not mourn the demise of your evil blogging butt buddy Barry Winters aka Mr Baconfat. Even though my actions may have given the Evil Fat Bastard a stroke, he is of no use to me dead. In fact I did wish that he would have lived a long and miserable suitably steeped in deep shame. My emails to you bsince you first attacked me prove that simple fact in spades. Correct?
You know as well as I Barry Baby threatened to kill me and wished death upon my family and I on countless occasions for many years within his blogs and within countless emails. The RCMP know that I did save every word of Mr Baconfat's evil work and that of yours and your pals the Foster punk now in China in Dean Roger Ray Sylvan Lake and his butt buddies Eddie Achtem in Calgary and Dana Durnford in BC as well.
Your Encyclopedia Dramatic website about my lawsuit against the Crown will cook your goose in short order anyway N'esy Pas Patty Baby?
Barry Winters was a horridly abusive and damaged person. A dangerous online troll. And a pathological liar.The conditions for a charge of wilful promotion of hate Are very hard to meet, but he did indeed meet them.
Barry Winters was an old man that liked to stir the pot. He wrote words in a blog. If you're triggered by words, then don't read it. Alarmist bullshit to justify fascist suppression is weak sauce.
It is a crime to yell fire in a crowded theatre in order to cause a panic. But isn't that also free speech?
We live in a society where we have accepted that there IS a point where freedom of expression crosses the line. It is a very hard criteria to meet, but it is there nonetheless. Hiding you own ignorant hate filled foulness behind the banner of "protecting free speech" is simply disgusting.
I have read his blogs, and he was very deserving of being taken to court for it.
Barry Winters was not someone to be admired, nor was he a persecuted victim of "the man."
He was an abusive, pathological liar. The only sad thing here is that he died before he could finally face the consequences of some of his actions.
"It is a crime to yell fire in a crowded theatre in order to cause a panic." There is no comparison between yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater and typing words in a blog. How ridiculous to charge a blogger with a hate crime when Kathy Griffin can do a mock beheading of the current President and weep crocodile tears. If you don't like what someone writes in a blog, then don't read it. Then, maybe you'll have nothing to panic about, snowflake.
Kathy Griffin is in the unites states and has nothing at all to do with Barry Winters or Canada.
Since promoting hate leads to very real violence and persecution, not the whiny crying of hate filled bigots when people refuse to tolerate their shit, it is very apt to compare it to yelling fire in a crowded theatre.
Barry was not one to be admired. He wasn't just an old man trying to stir the pot. He was a mean, hate filled, broken, abusive, liar. Emphasis on abusive and liar
Did you know that he had 4 children who refused to have anything to do with him? That they were appalled by his actions? That much of his family for all intents and purposes disowned him?
And speaking as one of the few people who suffered very truly from his abuse and lies: who the fuck are you to gainsay me when speaking of Barry Winters?
Kathy Griffin was promoting the murder of a President. Barry Winters talked shit in a blog. The level of disingenuous hyperbole coming from you is laughable. Oh did you suffer because his words on his blog triggered you? Then, once again, don't read it you fucking idiot. Now go call Edmonton police and tell them my words hurt you.
Funny that you call people snowflake, when the source "fight club" was about the authoring saying of negative the cult of people who ended up adopting the term can really be.
Calling people who oppose you "snowflake" just insults yourself.
I call people snowflakes when they're so thin-skinned they feel victimized by words on a blog, and need to cry to the Gestapo to "silence the hate speech." If you don't like what's written in a blog. Don't read it. No one forced you to read an online troll's blog and you have shown your hand in bias, and outright petty gossip about Barry and his family, and you want to cry about hate speech? You're despicable.
Bullshit. Kathy griffen promoted nothing more than a commentary on how bad trump is for the states. And since all the people bitching about her were perfectly fine with burning onama in effigy, i would say you have no fucking leg to stand on there.
It is hyperbole when i call Barry an abusive liar.
I am imagining the times he would beat my mother. The time he almost blinded her. How he would steal her belongings to pawn them for booze while claiming he was out working.
I am imagining how he cheated on his second wife, and would lie about his past to her. Yep, thank god for small bigoted web trolls for showing me the truth of my own father. He wasn't such a bad guy after all.
I would say your hypocrisy has been exposed. Inciting violence against the President is "commentary" but words on a blog are violence. It makes no sense.
Then you are just blind to the difference between poltical commentary (whih again, people like you had no problem with as long as it wan't about YOUR guy. You are fine with burning obama in effigy) which is protected, and willful Promotion of hate, which is not. Blind and stupid.
Unless he directly called for the harm of others then it's freedom of speech, at least here in the States. It is not hate speech to say for instance "All Jews deserved to be gassed because of reasons" Saying: " Go out and abduct Jews and gas them or kill them" is NOT protected speech because of it directly insights to violence against a particular set of person.
Liberals honestly only have themselves to blame for the current level of anger and hatred toward them. Whites are the constant subjects of hate speech by people of color from everything from being told "Its good they are dying off" to telling little children in primary schools that they are racist and the cause of the world's ills. Liberals also feel it is their duty to foist their beliefs onto others when others may not share those beliefs and as an example, homosexuality. MOST people do not care, want to hear about, or want to be indoctrinated that they MUST accept that two men having sex is normal. It's NOT. Most people, 99% of the world's population is hetero, operate under the time proven millennia developed an instectual drive that sex is between a man and women and that THAT is normal, which it is. 1% of the population should not be fucking with and be demanding from 99% of the population anything but, the right to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit without percussion, but this is not good enough for liberals you must MAKE everyone believe in something that goes contradictory to their own beliefs, instincts, and desires.
The burning of an effigy goes back hundreds of years to Europe and it's political environment. Cutting off a person's head is a symbol of murderous intentions. In Europe, people could burn an effigy of a king and wind up in prison, but symbolically cutting of the Kings head would get you executed for treason. They are NOT the same. Griffen, by the way, went to jail for walking around in a public park with a bloodied mask of Trump on. She's a nut bar.
You are just delusional buddy. Or are you telling me that You were just as vehement in your decrying people burning obama in effigy as you are of kathy griffin?
No? Somehow i don't think you gave two fucks. So i am going to go ahead and say that you are full of shit.
I used Kathy Griffin as an example. She can do what she likes, but she is promoting the murder of a President. Barry, wrote words in a blog to offend people. If Barry really were inciting violence against people, who were these "thousands of people" that were seriously going to carry out these acts of violence because his blog told them to? Again, you have displayed nothing but hyperbole and projection. I would say you're the one full of shit.
Actually, I voted for Obama, and I did give a shit, but I understand the political context of effigy burning vs being a twit and showing off a severed head on national tv for his kids to see it. One is not the other, or are you and idiot? By the way the people that burned the effigy, were black.
I feel sorry for Canadians because restraints of free speech inhibit the ability to parse out problems afflicting society. In the U.S. we have a problem with Muslims raping little girls in the communities they are put in when they come here as refugees, not to mention their constant harassment of the gay community. Not being able to speak out about Islam would be a tragedy here.
Barry Winters was an abusive, lying piece of shit who had way too large an audience for his hate.
You can call natives "so-called people" and "subhuman" and "animals." You call someone out by name and say how you would love to see them "raped to death by a gorilla," simply for being what they are. You can say any number of things. But when it becomes a consistent pattern over a course of years, in a public forum, with thousands of followers; then it becomes a problem.
A problem, which is thankfully illgeal in this country.
But you can go ahead and disagree.
That doesn't change the fact that Barry Winters was an abusive, hate filled, narcissistic, bigoted, pathological liar that was in no what whatsoever worthy of esteem, admiration, or emulation.
While I don't agree with Barry's views of Natives, I support his right to free speech. He can talk all he wants about the Natives, you have the freedom to not read his words if they bother you so much. We're not going to start making having the wrong opinions illegal.
Oh yeah, the states are doing a bang up job of soothing their troubled society. "Islam is destroying our country!" They cry, incapible of seeing how its own christian extremists are every bit as dangerous is islamic ones. More so in fact, because they are tolerated and encouraged.
the joke is that the US is not some glowing bastion of glorious good examples for the world. It is a sewer that spits shit on the rest of thw word then complains about the smell.
I am done with you twisted fools. No wonder you loves Barry so much. At least you have a chance to come around and become a better person. Barry forever stuck being remebered as the hatefull shell he bacame.
Every bit hugh? I'll tell you what, let's play a game. You leave here every right wing white extremist Christian that has blown up people, gunned down people in malls etc and I'll mention the Muslim attacks in the U.S. and well see who's scorecard gets full.
I have 4 separate mall shootings by Muslims that I sat and watched live on the news and on police blotters just this last winter, but I'll let you have a go first.
You generously assume this dipshit had the money to see Fight Club or can read something as complex as a book by Pahlaniak. He can't string a cogent thought together. Reminds me of a fish taking a shit, swimming away, then eating the same shit 30 seconds later. 🤣
samples of the blog were sent by Us to the Premier's office, the EPS, the UofA, Marnie Panas, numbers of blog views were mass boosted by multiple Anon accounts, then turned over. Barry Fairy Winters set himself up to be exposed for the hate speech spewing pig he was. Only you mourn him, cockholster. His "wife" has been playing facebook flashgames nonstop, hasn't even posted an obit, and he knew he was guilty, which helped hasten the inevitable. No one will care about him, or remember him, though a few of us will be getting together soon to celebrate his end. We'll likely meet at Teddy's in Edmonton. Irony.
Well, that was a nice story. Again, the irony of you bitching about the hate that Barry spewed, which is not so different from the crap you write. And what is your purpose here again? To try and bully me somehow using a dead guy? You're weak shit, David.
LMAO, I'll take barking up the wrong tree for 1000, Alex. Talk about deflection, no wonder you're such a failure. Are you crying about bullying now. What a puss. Again, not David Anus, but whatever, Dean Ray though I was a number of his sworn enemies too, then just before he cracked, I was doing a bit of business in Sylvan Lake, and he lost his tiny mind, kind of like you're showing a few chinks in the armour now, my whinging and whining little weak ass troll. I'll sign off with your fave Amos quote, N'esy Pas, Patty baby! LMAO
Well well at least the RCMP and this pervert know that I ALWAYS post my MY WORDS IN MY REAL NAME. However this anonymous Internet tough guy is well aware that I am tracking him down as well. I have a pretty good idea who he is but I can't prove it just yet. Furthermore this a cop's job not mine. Correct? BTW Good for you Paul I was happy to see you tell these nasty little bastards off
When it come times to celebrate and chow down in an ironic fashion say Hey to Nasty ol Naz for me will ya? He knows that while he was on vacation I ate at Teddy's Place too (and took pictures inside to prove it was true to Mr Baconfat)
Clearly I was more than merely hungry was after I made the videos of Mr Baconfat's abode in the summer of 2014. You must recall that your old butt buddy Dean Roger Ray loved my videos so much he made his own videos about then the whimped out a took them down. However you must remember this video of Dirty Dicky Dean's that is still available in YouTube? Obviously the mindless fat bastard you call teabag does not recognize a wannabe PhoneLoser when he meets one N'esy Pas?
The RCMP and the EPS knew that I was zeroing in on Mr Baconfat bigtime when I had Google and the Fat Fred City Finest put an end to Chucky Lebanc's blog before I headed out to BC to look into some of the murders on Highway 16 When the RCMP attacked me on his behalf after I had Mr Baconfat's deleted just before Xmass 2014 that was major Faux Pas N'esy Pas? The cops tried hard to ignore the fact I had Wordpress kill Mr Baconfat's blog after Xmass 2015. I bet ever you were curious as to why i did nothing about his next two blog EH?
ROT in PIECES Barry. Still far nicer than anything you ever wrote. And fucking learn the difference between free speech, hate speech, and inviting / inciting violence. Pick up a copy of the criminal code and a fucking dictionary. Then get some speech therapy before opening your trailer park fed basement dwelling middle aged mouth. You sound painfully stupid for those of us capable of discourse on an intelligent level.
Yeah. What grade? Too high for a slack jawed trog to understand, so I'll just call you a dumb, uneducated, working class fuck sponging off daddy while "working" and leave it at that. Your fat assed dead friend was a waste of breathable air and a sponge. Also too dumb to check his meds. His pharmacy was right on Jasper ave you know? You're an idiot Patrick John Doran, truly on of the least evolved of all time. Learn to speak and write, perhaps read, then we'd waste our time debating you. In the meantime, I had a lot of Mexican at lunch and now need to take a wet smelly Mad Shangi.
and you're clearly some loser in your pa's basement who has his tiny penis tucked between his thighs and is outgunned, outmanned and clearly aware enough that you are pretty much fucked. Keep mourning your fat friend. Your MGTOW tears sustain us. LMAO. Now who got pwned, Johnnie Patty Doran? you know.
If I'm just some loser in my pa's basement, then what are you getting your panties in a bunch for? And why are you fantasizing about my penis? Homosexual much? Sorry, but I just don't see myself getting PWNED by faggots. Sounds like something ass boy David Amos likes, so I wouldn't be surprised if you're him on another sock account. Seriously, get a life. I'm a winner, you're a loser.
LMAO, I'll sit in the house I own and tell the various women who come by to keep trolling your homophobe ass. You're troll is bad and you should feel bad, like I'm sure you do. Had to resort to faggot insults (only an insult among closet gays, which is why you're living in pa's basement raging against marriage and crying over an asshole who claimed to own child porn, advocating raping the Premier, killing a number of people and bragging about assaulting people himself. AMOS? Holy fuck, you haven't a clue. I've taken out Dean Ray (hospitalized), Winters (dead as FUCK), last ones left are Amos and you, cockholster. See you soon, I'll be flying into Calgary next month. Still got that shit job for monkeys at Dafco, or you get fired for being a tard? I'll drop in.
You don't own a house, nor do you know any women, David? You must have got a lobotomy or something. Is that it? Is that why you named yourself after a hero from a Ken Kesey novel? How many times have you been locked up, David? Do you think I'm Nurse Ratched?
googled Kesey all by yourself, there, moron, what mad skills? And it's not Amos, but your paranoia over that dirty Santa/homeless wizard is sad. Though he'll be the last one of you dicks left standing in my rogues gallery. And you aren't even close to smart enough to be a nurse, much less a psych nurse, cock boy.
Not paranoia, it's just hard to imagine anybody else that sounds just as pathetic as him. So let's get this straight. You're an anonymous keyboard warrior using a fictional character's name as your alias. And you think I'm impressed by you talking shit? You call that PWNING me? I use my real name and show my face on here and I don't give a fuck. What are you going to do? Talk more shit and call me more names? And you have the audacity to complain about what a hateful person Barry is. You mad, brah? Sucks to be you.
Your words: "AMOS? Holy fuck, you haven't a clue. I've taken out Dean Ray (hospitalized), Winters (dead as FUCK), last ones left are Amos and you, cockholster. See you soon, I'll be flying into Calgary next month. Still got that shit job for monkeys at Dafco, or you get fired for being a tard? I'll drop in." Now mine Come see me anytime. Better yet why not do so before flying to Calgary?
At least these words of yours were true "And it's not Amos, but your paranoia over that dirty Santa/homeless wizard is sad. Though he'll be the last one of you dicks left standing in my rogues gallery."
Glad the fuck is dead, and for Our part in aiding in his charges, arrest, and stress that took the final blow in his horrid, hate filled life. Bye Felicia. Shangi, you're on notice. Fuck you too.
"His horrid, hate filled life." Oh the irony. Complaining how hate-filled the guy was while taking enjoyment out of his death. Thanks for proving me right through your hypocrisy.
hardly hypocrisy, dickweed. More like a well developed assessment of some piece of shit who should have been exterminated like the vermin that he was. Barry Winters was nothing but a consumer of taxpayer money (glorified welfare recipient as a lifelong civil servant, sans civil), wife beater, criminal and all round asshole. Assessment: waste of skin and resources. Some others, barely up the food chain, still live in their dad's basement in a crap neighbourhood in Calgary. Don't worry, We'll get to that asshole soon too. Loser. Get an fucking education and a clue, then we'd debate you. You're about as articulate as the morons on /B/, except they don't sound brain injured when they talk, and most of them are 15, and likely have touched a boob in their lifetime, unlike you. Get fucked, though I doubt you will, you're far too ugly, poor and stupid to get laid. Pwnage, 2010 wants it's video gaming word back. You're in your 40s, aren't you? You retarded or something?
Yeah it is hypocrisy. You whine and cry about what a hateful person he is, while spewing nothing but hate yourself. In fact, that hateful screed you just posted on this video proves how unintelligent and absurd you are. You're an idiot. What grade are you supposed to be in?
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