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Gerald Butts resigns as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's principal secretary



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David Mountain "Maybe RCMP is involved."

David Amos"Content disabled" I doubt it Methinks many would agree that Butts is just being the fall guy for the PM just like Wright was in the Duffy Affair N'esy Pas?



Gerald Butts resigns as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's principal secretary


Donald Lancaster 
Donald Lancaster
The best family day ever ever

Greg Lang
Greg Lang
@Donald Lancaster it is a good start. There are many others.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Donald Lancaster

Actually, it’s a shame. Trudeau and Gerald Butts have instilled so much integrity among Ministers, MPs, the PMO and party officials. It’s a disgrace how the witch-hunting opposition parties and the corporate media wolf pack that trumpets their smears and lies have taken such a toll. Butts served this country with great competence and honour.

All this over still unsubstantiated, anonymous claims of undue PMO interference, denied by the PM and Butts, and a relatively minor Cabinet shuffle which is the PM’s right, including to move the Justice Minister. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe JWR was offered the prestigious Indigenous Affairs portfolio, which would have been another historic first. But she refused and got all that was left, Veterans Affairs.

Jamie Gillis
Jamie Gillis
@Donald Lancaster

You can say that again! What a great day for Canada!

Larry Eason
Larry Eason
@Louisa Walker Sounds like you are another Trudeau groupie. Geez, you could have picked someone like Chris De Burg or Justin Beiber but no, the smarm has won you over.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Larry Eason

If someone in the PMO resigning makes it the best family day ever for you, you need to review your life and all aspects of it

Jamie Gillis
Jamie Gillis
@Louisa Walker "Sounds like you don’t have much of a life."
@Troy Mann "If someone in the PMO resigning makes it the best family day ever for you, you need to review your life and all aspects of it"

Sunny Ways, eh gang? Where's that Trudeau-brand positivity!? Ha!

Jamie Gillis
Jamie Gillis
@Donald Lancaster

If Scott Brison didn’t resign, Gerry would still have his job! LOL!

Jack Slate
Jack Slate
Finally the identity politic king is gone. Now we just need to wait for his marionette to follow suit..

Jamie Gillis
Jamie Gillis
@Richard Sharp "Trudeau and Gerald Butts have instilled so much integrity among Ministers, MPs, the PMO and party officials."

Amazing how you're still hanging on, when everything you're been "defending" them against is proving to be true before our very eyes. But this has nothing to do with the opposition parties. NOTHING! This is a mess created by and worsened by Liberals all on their own. Man that must sting.

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith
@Jamie Gillis

Oh he did the same with Dion, with Ignatieff etc etc

Stephen David
Stephen David
@Donald Lancaster

Sure is!!

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Donald Lancaster

Only a subversive or anarchists would find joy in watching a country as old as Canada suffer these losses

Jamie Gillis
Jamie Gillis
@david mccaig "Only a subversive or anarchists would find joy in watching a country as old as Canada suffer these losses"

Trudeau's loss is Canada's gain.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Donald Lancaster

We have people here that are nothing but rabble rousers

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Donald Lancaster

Political agitors should be ashamed of themselves for the sake of Canada

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig Surprise Surprise Surprise

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "Actually, it’s a shame. Trudeau and Gerald Butts have instilled so much integrity among Ministers, MPs, the PMO and party officials."

Cry me a river

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Donald Lancaster

For the well being of Canada , a democracy needs more than one party with a Doug Ford agenda of taking apart our healthcare

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Donald Lancaster

The Russian's want conservative governments in power , which doesnt say much for the integrity of their ideology.

Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Donald Lancaster
Taking one for the team and the Boss.

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith
@Art Rowe

Its public record that Gerald B was in all of of those SNC meetings. If there's substance to the allegations, hes in it up to his neck.

Carter Hayes
Carter Hayes
@david mccaig Why wouldn't they want conservatives in power? It's the left that wants a war with Russia. No one wants that.

Jamie Gillis
Jamie Gillis
@Art Rowe

I doubt very much that this is going to take any heat of Trudeau or his brand. But if THIS is what they decided was the best option for the Liberals now, imagine how bad they thought it would be if he stayed.

Stephen David
Stephen David
@david mccaig

So now it's the Russians fault?...lol.

Ed Riley
Ed Riley
@Donald Lancaster ....
Trudeau's next press conference....
"Harper made me do it.....no no wait it was the Russians......no no I'm wrong it was Trump...no no I got it , it was those damn Albertans, yes that's it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

Sally Ride
Sally Ride
@Richard Sharp Yes, obviously a big misunderstanding. Come back Gerald et al.

Sally Ride
Sally Ride
@Troy Mann My day was pretty crappy until I heard the news, I agree with Donald Lancaster.

Dee Ray Ng
Dee Ray Ng
@david mccaig

When all you have left is to blame the Russians, you know you've lost the argument (and any hope).

Sally Ride
Sally Ride
@david mccaig Canada stopped being Canada under Trudeau. Challenge that statement.

Brian Waite
Brian Waite
@Donald Lancaster Cassius: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” (Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene III, L. 140-141).

David Amos
David Amos
@Brian Waite Methinks the liberal pundits doth protest too much N'esy Pas?

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Donald Lancaster

I believe Trudeau when, in response to a media question, he stated he advised JWR in September that the decision on SNC-Lavelin was hers to make. I believe him when he stated that he reconfirmed that discussion directly with JWR just a week ago. That wasn’t throwing her under a bus, he was simply being truthful.

I also believe Butts when he states it was JWR who raised SNC-Lavelin with him, not the other way around, when he states that he advised her to talk to the Clerk of the Privy Council a,d when he says no one in the PMO put undue pressure on JWR. Again, no bus, just the truth in response to media enquires and opposition accusations.

This is an astounding series of events, all based on anonymous and unsubstantiated smears.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@david mccaig

Being fervently partisan whether not its right, just or good for the country, is what has destroyed Americas politics and perhaps forever made it ungovernable.
Anthony Kennedy
Anthony Kennedy
@Richard Sharp

Geez I was worried that you jumped off a bridge by now or something.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Donald Lancaster It's like Christmas in February.

Munroe Kelly
Munroe Kelly
@Anthony Kennedy
He's waiting for his Liberal expense cheque

Tina Falco
Tina Falco
@Anthony Kennedy


@Richard Sharp

No offense, but that WAS funny!

David Amos
David Amos
@Munroe Kelly I wonder how much it will cost us to move him out of Dodge


les misner
les misner
@Richard Sharp did you believe in santa

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Donald Lancaster

WHERE'S the NDP when you need them.

Donald Lancaster 
John Davis
If you are perfectly innocent, why resign?

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
@John Davis

Some people do that when they consider the position more important than their person . . .

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@John Davis

Read his resignation letter.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Tom Sawyer

The truth as per an anonymous source

Jay Henryk
Jay Henryk
@John Davis Maybe he just got tired of it all. I don't know how any of them last as long as they do. Life is too short to be involved in anything to do with politics.

Vinit Khosla
Vinit Khosla
@Richard Sharp Yes, most of us have read his resignation letter, and it does not add up. If he has done nothing wrong, why should he step away in the best interests of the office? Maybe you, with your keen insights into the working of the Liberal government, can educate us as to his reason for quitting.

Jay Henryk
Jay Henryk
@Vinit Khosla Maybe he wanted to go sit on a beach somewhere and watch the waves. If I had this guy's money, that is what I would be doing.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Jay Henryk

You couldn't pay me enough to be in politics and I make more than most of them already

Jay Henryk
Jay Henryk
@Troy Mann No kidding. I have no idea why they do it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "I make more than most of them already"

Tell me something I don't know

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

This proves nothing but our PM may be as petulant under stress and has infuriated some inne staff, so be it.

David Mountain
David Mountain
@John Davis Maybe RCMP is involved.

Karen King
Karen King
@John Davis

so guilty until proven innocent??

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Troy Mann That's fine , I doubt you'd stand a chance getting elected even WITH all your resources.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Thought of the return of another Stephen Harper conservative clone to the PM's office is enough to make physically sick.

todd reaker
todd reaker
@david mccaig

I have a bag if you need it

David Amos
David Amos
@todd reaker Lol

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

If Trudeau is found guilty of this he should be politically hung drawn and quartered for destroying the dreams of tens of millions of Canadians .

David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Mein "I doubt you'd stand a chance getting elected even WITH all your resources."

Oh So True

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

If the conservatives didn't of having such a bunch or incoherent climate science denying , American militarists in their party , this wouldn't be so tragic for Canada.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@David Mountain "Maybe RCMP is involved."

I doubt it Methinks many would agree that Butts is just being the fall guy for the PM just like Wright was in the Duffy Affair N'esy Pas?

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

The Governor General should CANCEL ELECTIONS in 2019 for the sake of Canada.

Dee Ray Ng
Dee Ray Ng
@david mccaig

Cancel elections? We couldn't have a BETTER time to have an election!

We have more than one party you know?


Vinit Khosla
Vinit Khosla
@Karen King A non-sequitur. The question is why he resigned if he did nothing wrong.

Glen robert
Glen robert
@Dee Ray Ng
Again there is no difference between a Liberal and a Conservative.
Remember Nigel Wright.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Any thought of another 4 or more years living the oppressive backward ideology of Stephen Harper conservatives, is truly depressing.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Good thing Trudeau has millions , because after this no one would hire him in Canada.

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@John Davis I think Trudeau has not been listening to his advisor/handler (Butts) starting with the decision to demote WR. It has been distarous and Butts is now leaving a sinking ship.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Stephen Harper can't wait to fly down to FOX NEWS and berate and embarrass Canada like he did before.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Corporate media owned by self serving billionaires will crucify Trudeau on this.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Obviously takes more than a pretty face to run Canada.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Prime Minister Trudeau STEP DOWN so Canada can get on with its affairs.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis


Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@david mccaig

You are basing everything on zero proof and an anonymous source

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Gerald Butts was Justin Trudeau's BEST MAN at his wedding ,for him to resign like this, speaks volumes.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

For the Liberal Party of Canada, it'll be '"I am hurt, but I am not slain; I'll lay me down and bleed a while and get up and fight again'

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Mr Trudeau this aself inflicted wound.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@John Davis

Mr Trudeau for the good of CANADA and the Liberal Party STEP DOWN NOW.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@david mccaig

Actually I'll amend the statement i voted for Trudeau, i actually voted for was the Liberal Party of Canada and against the Stephen Harper administration.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@david mccaig @Troy Mann "You are basing everything on zero proof and an anonymous source"

Methinks you two should get a room N'esy Pas?

Samuel Spade
Samuel Spade
There appears to be panic in the PMO.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Samuel Spade

No panic. An honourable resignation despite having done nothing wrong.

John Chow
John Chow
@Richard Sharp

That does not make sense.

Dayton Funk
Dayton Funk
@Richard Sharp , seriously? That's what almost everyone in prison says. He was framed by the one armed man...

Bill Wilson
Bill Wilson
@Richard Sharp Sure Richard. Nothing to see here. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" as the wizard, in the Wizard of Oz said.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Dayton Funk

Funny you picked a movie where the guy was framed by a one armed man and I agree, every innocent person in prison said they did nothing wrong

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@John Chow

Those with honour understand.

Dave Hall
Dave Hall
@Richard Sharp resigning when you haven't done anything wrong, and have not been accused of doing anything wrong by anyone willing to go on the record is not honourable, it is bizarre. There wouldn't be a soul left in politics if that was the test.

No, I suspect there is more information to come that they know but we do not know. Only that would make this resignation reasonable.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Samuel Spade Full panic mode.

John Chow
John Chow
@Richard Sharp

I think my honour is just fine, thank you.

Samuel Spade
Samuel Spade
@John Chow
The innocent fall on their swords; the guilty remain?

Richard Harding
Richard Harding
@Richard Sharp

Will His, or Her, Honour understand?

David Allen Coe
David Allen Coe
@Richard Sharp

when you suspend reality....you can make statements like yours.

Jamie Gillis
Jamie Gillis
@Richard Sharp

Your party is a dumpster fire. There's no honour among thieves.

Samuel Spade
Samuel Spade
@Jamie Gillis
Black smoke from the PMO. No new pope yet.

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Richard Sharp Those with honour understand

So now disagreeing with you is a character flaw?

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "Those with honour understand."

Methinks you have that backwards as usual N'esy Pas?

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Samuel Spade

Most of these agitators who are getting great delight in the struggles of our government will live to regret it if the conservatives gain power again.

Tom Barry
Tom Barry
@Richard Sharp

"No panic. An honourable resignation despite having done nothing wrong."

How do you know that Richard?

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig Methinks a lot of folks appear to be Happy Happy Happy Its not nice to try to spoil their day off N'esy Pas?

Joe Rosco
Joe Rosco
@Richard Sharp --- Why would someone resign if they did nothing wrong? I would think that your repuration would suffer.

Bert Law
Bert Law
@Richard Sharp

Yeah sure GB is honourable. Wow, yes most Canadians do understand your statement is upside down.

First thing he did was submit moving expenses from TO to Ottawa of 127,000 dollars....A short 4.5 hour drive. He needs to pay that all back.

But first he took part in making Ontario the most indebted non nation in the world.

Yeah, he's a real gem.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Samuel Spade

Scheer of course using the plight of sincere Canadians who were losing their oil sector jobs as election props , will take great delight in millions of Canadians's suffering

William Ben
William Ben
@Richard Sharp comedy at its finest on a great afternoon

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Samuel Spade

This is a self inflicted coup dtat for the linberals unless Trudeau steps down.

Bill Hill
Bill Hill
@Richard Sharp

You don't resign because you have done nothing wrong.

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Samuel Spade will Katie Telford also resign? They need to clean house at the PMO

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Samuel Spade

Internationally this is a body blow for liberals everywhere.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Samuel Spade

For Canadians and the world who thought Canada would lead by example on climate change just had their hope dashed at tbe tbought of conservatives returning to power.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Samuel Spade

The hourable Prime Minister Trudeau Elliot Trudeau in his after life must be terribly disappointed .

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@david mccaig

Dude, speaking on behalf of a dead person is sick and disgusting

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann Why?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@David Amos

Because the dead cant defend themselves

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann Methinks you ain't met the ghosts I speak for N'esy Pas?

Lawrence Vickers
Lawrence Vickers
@Richard Sharp Who's next Richard?

Jim LaPalmier
Jim LaPalmier
@Samuel Spade

"There appears to be panic in the PMO"

Giving Trump and his gang a 'run for their money' ?

Louis Pelt
Louis Pelt
@Samuel Spade

Liberals are upset that their leader is a walking ethics violation.

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann Methinks you just figured out who my Forefathers are N'esy Pas?


Donald Lancaster 
Daryl McBride
Hopefully Trudeau does the same.

Douglas Henry
Douglas Henry
@Daryl McBride
Why would anyone want that?
Back in 1993 I felt cheated because Mulroney resigned and I couldn’t vote against him. I don’t want to feel cheated again.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Daryl McBride

He likely will in June 2023 as Prime Minister

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann Methinks many would agree that he may do so in October of this year N'esy Pas?

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryl McBride

No doubt the Liberal Party of Canada needs a leadeship review.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryl McBride

The Governor General should refuse an election this year, until the liberal party mortally wounded can offer Canadians a choice in the elections.

Kay McLeod
Kay McLeod
@david mccaig I'm wondering if that's the way this is going. Trudeau was chosen to get the Liberals elected and he couldn't function without people like Gerald Butts. They want to win most of all. Might they be leading up to throwing Trudeau out and getting Judy WR in fast, hoping to win again? It's a stretch, but they don't care who their leader is as long as they win.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryl McBride

Sending Canadians to the polls with one of Canada's oldest party's under a dark cloud such as this and only two what have now become fringe party's in the Greens and NDP , WILL NOT BE AN EXERCISE IN DEMOCRACY.

Munroe Kelly
Munroe Kelly
@david mccaig
Yes it will

leonard g MacAulay
leonard g MacAulay
@david mccaig
And the CPC as well.

Vinit Khosla
Vinit Khosla
@david mccaig Didn’t you just demand that Trudeau resign? It sounds like you’re going through the various stages of grief.

Guy Stone
Guy Stone
@Daryl McBride Trudeau never thinks he does anything wrong and cannot comprehend himself not being perfect... the female reporter - did exactly the opposite of his lecturing... CO2 production - does exactly the opposite of his lecturing. Scandals and corruption (Aga Khan, Trudeau foundation, Political gatherings for money) - does exactly the opposite of his lecturing... he can never understand himself not being perfect

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryl McBride

For liberals with ulcers this isn't good.

David Amos
David Amos
@Guy Stone Methinks you forgot what buddies Harper and Aga Khan are but I will lay odd Mr Butts has not N'esy Pas?


Donald Lancaster 
Jo Drake
I wish Harper was back. He was boring and stiff but had some statesmanship and a brain.

Zoe Mitchell
Zoe Mitchell
@Jo Drake He's too busy making covert trips to the WH - be careful what you wish for oh lawd.

Raymond Williams
Raymond Williams
@Zoe Mitchell
At least he's welcomed by foreign leaders.

Ross Johnson
Ross Johnson
@Jo Drake You wish Harper was back? Good for you. Most people certainly do not. If he was ever any good he would never have been beaten by a guy who 'just wasn't ready' would he?

Mike Fisto
Mike Fisto
@Jo Drake Remind us of what exactly Harper and his place-holder before Scheer scared them into electing him leader contributed to the New Nafta, after carefully getting themselves some press by claiming to be "helping". Results? Nil.

Jennifer McIsaac
Jennifer McIsaac
@Jo Drake

And abysmal policies let alone an aversion for democratic processes.

Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
@Jo Drake

A brain??? LOL

Ross Johnson
Ross Johnson
@Mike Fisto They helped a lot actually. Scheer helped Trump by slew-footing our NAFTA negotiating team as he ridiculed them after first publically promising Canadians that the CPC would present a united front with the Liberals to Trump's negotiators. How could Freeland and Co tell Uncle Sam that the Americans could never win that NAFTA battle because Canadians were solidly behind Canada when all Trump had to do was point to the division propagated by Scheer? The CONs will have that to answer for in October.

M Kevin Bishop
M Kevin Bishop
@Jo Drake

Yes, because nothing says good government like a bunch of tongue-talking Dominionist Christian fundamentalists running things....

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Jo Drake "I wish Harper was back."

Lol... so you kiss the decade of tough economic times and recessions...

Conservatives on here have a short term memory problem, the list of scandals under Harper was massive and never ending, not once was an anonymous source used as legitimate evidence... let's not forget the 2015 recession where Canada was lead into by poor economic policy by Harper and the only G20 nation in recession that year...

Harpers legacy is the worst economic growth of any PM since WWII and you miss that?

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann Methinks you picked a bad day to flog a dead horse N'esy Pas?

Ross Johnson
Ross Johnson
@David Amos For Pete's sake David....it's 'N'EST PAS'. Get it right or 'methinks' you might want to quit using it.

André Carrel
André Carrel
@Ross Johnson
Actually, it's n'est-ce pas. Shouldn't ignore the little dash thing.

Bill Wilson
Bill Wilson
@Ross Johnson " Most people certainly do not". So you are sure of that? I am not and I think that many who voted for Trudeau wish they could take back that vote. Canada has been messed up royally since 2015. Canadians who pay attention have noticed. Pretty bad when a PM can't even stay popular while spending the country into financial oblivion.

Greg Ustina
Greg Ustina
@Jo Drake,

Harper blew too much of our money fighting agianst us in the supremacy court, wouldn’t take questions from reporters, and that closet thing ?!? He was done. I am plenty disappointed with a lot of what JT has done, but not this, the SNC - Lavalin thing. An anonymous accusation does not a scandal make, and I don’t see why Canadian workers should suffer just because you need to pay bribes to do business in Lydia anyways. How many of us agree? Plenty.

Bill Wilson
Bill Wilson
@Ross Johnson Great imagination. Light on facts. No facts.

Greg Ustina
Greg Ustina
@Jo Drake,

Cons do not have leaders, just followers, followers of the oil industry, and that industry is in decline. In 10 years from now most new cars will be electric. We are better off with someone who realizes that and plans for it then we are with someone who resists this inevitable change and moves us into the past.

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Troy Mann He was handed a global economic meltdown , I'm sure back then, when Harper was praised for steering us through this you pointed to Liberal policies as the reason we faired better than any other country in the world during the 2008 collapse. The 2008 crash itself has nothing to do with Harper, his actions are easy to criticize in hindsight but your statement is disingenuous without taking into account all the facts. How's that self balancing budget by 2019 coming along, do we need to extend it past 2040 yet or are we on track to achieving this 21 years later than Trudeau's 2019 "promise"

Greg Ustina
Greg Ustina
@Phil Mein,

Paul Marten. His policies protected Canada from the meltdown, and being a lawyer with business experience prolly the best PM we never got a chance to have. JT, Sheer, Harper, none of those guys look too bright beside Marten.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ross Johnson "Get it right or 'methinks' you might want to quit using it."


Kevin Delaney
Kevin Delaney
@Jo Drake
Not sure why St Petersburg would want that nor American pretenders either.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Phil Mein

Harper lead us into the 2015 recession which if ignored as Harper wanted we would be crippled economically right now instead of the lowest unemployment rate in decades and strong growth record.

Harper did nothing to steer us through the 98 recession. In fact he spoiled a 16 billion surplus before it arrived and then got lucky when oil hit $100 a barrel. Once the oil boom busted he was out of options other than selling off assets at below market value.

Worst PM in history and his economic record prove that fact.

Walter Mitton
Walter Mitton
@Jo Drake

Ah, I guess you slept through the decade of darkness?

He did have some political savvy, but zero sense of statesmanship and an appallingly warped sense of values.

Just as one example: permanently destroying years of scientific research purely based on political ideology.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Jo Drake

Liberals everywhere its time to jump the sinking Trudeau Ship.

James Holden
James Holden
@Jo Drake

Why do you hate Canada?

Anthony Kennedy
Anthony Kennedy
@James Holden

Remember this: Ford will be wasting Provincial money campaigning for Scheer.

Ford will not be needed now..
david mccaig
david mccaig
@Jo Drake

The euphoric Cinderfella story , the son of one of our longest serving and admired Prime Ministers ,becoming prime minister, Canada's Camelot is crashing.

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig Cry me a river

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Jo Drake

yup if it smells bad , something is definitely rotten.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Jo Drake

yup if it smells bad , something is definitely rotten.

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Troy Mann The surplus you speak of came from the 32 BILLION Marten took from EI, over looking that is ,again disingenuous, that's why I doubt every word you say, you're so hyper partisan you can't rationally look at anything political.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Phil Mein

That had been proven false, Harper sued to continue the accounting adjustment Chretien brought in. Creating a false narrative is, again disingenuous...

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Troy Mann You are right, I was mistaken, they took 54 billion. Though deemed not illegal, it's morally bankrupt and something both Liberals and Conservatives seem to now do. But My point is the surplus WAS from EI , it's out there for all to see,( do you not know Google exists?!) so enough with your nothing arguments.

Jack Black
Jack Black
@Troy Mann

Libs took the money.

Cons kept it.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Phil Mein

Stop the re-writing of history Phil... if there was a lump sum taken from EI it would have been a single year accounting move and since Chretien and Martin had multiple years of surplus budgets the idea they took 54 billion a year is simplistic and false.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
"@Jo Drake "I wish Harper was back."  

This sums up the faux outrage here on CBC, a bunch of Harper apologist who haven't stopped missing Harper since he was fired so they create faux outrage over a witch hunt based on an anonymous source and not one single piece of evidence. These same people all supported Harper when scandal after scandal occurred, they supported Harper when Wright resigned in shame, and they supported Harper as he led us into a recession in 2015

Vaino Lund
Vaino Lund
@Jo Drake Not yet I don't. Ten years with him as Prime Minister was a torture for me, I was in uniform for half of them, and it wasn't very cool. No thank you to the CONS. I am voting Liberal, warts and all.

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Troy Mann You see there you go yet again , claiming that somehow you KNOW what others support . I voted for Harper, but at least have enough moral integrity to admit I didn't agree with everything he did. How many ethics violations are you willing to endure before you question Trudeau's integrity?

Leslie Rowe
Leslie Rowe
@Ross Johnson

It's funny, that it bugs you so N'esy Pas?.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Phil Mein

I don't care about the Aga Khan vacation, no one does but hardcore conservatives... 

He did nothing wrong on this, I fully support deferred prosecution agreements and cant understand why conservatives aren't supporting them. 

As for having a discussion with his Minister of justice about what the government of Canada prefers as a route for prosecution that is a no brainer, he is obligated to tell the Minister of justice that. 

Anyway, back to all you funny people missing Harper and supporting him even with his scandals, his contempt of parliament and subversion of justice and here you all are "outraged" for no reason what so ever

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "I don't care about the Aga Khan vacation, no one does but hardcore conservatives"

I am no Conservative but I certainly do in fact I bet you do too because of the Harper connection .

Donald Lancaster 
Rick March
Trudeau’s resignation to follow? Well, in less than a year he’ll be voted out anyway.

Agnes Dorey
Agnes Dorey
@Rick March

By who?

Rick March
Rick March
@Agnes Dorey Smart Canadians.

Agnes Dorey
Agnes Dorey
@Rick March

No (sigh) - who will win? Scheer or Bernier?

Michael MacNeil
Michael MacNeil
@Agnes Dorey Anyone but Trudeau. Face the facts. Time's up for Justin the Incompetent.

Agnes Dorey
Agnes Dorey
@Michael MacNeil

So even Singh?

Btw - I don't care - being Progressive Conservative I've not had a party to vote for federally since the 90s.

But seriously? Who?

Michael MacKenzie
Michael MacKenzie
@Rick March Not with opponents like Scheer & Singh!

Karen King
Karen King
@Rick March

huh guilty until proven innocent??

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Rick March pleas stay around as opposition leader Justin

Peter Boone
Peter Boone
@Rick March It's a same that the ventriloquist didn't take his dummy with him.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rick March "Well, in less than a year he’ll be voted out anyway."

Methinks it would not be wise bet the farm on your opinion N'esy Pas?

Kevin Delaney
Kevin Delaney
@Rick March
Scheer & his team must table something of merit or JT will form a minority.

mia stalling
mia stalling
@Kevin Delaney
Scheers group smell blood and are wallowing in it in glee to table any thing of merit. They can only wallow in doom and gloom, they have no plan, no new ideas beyond 1950. Hopefully JWR will confirm the bully has resigned thing will get better now

Richard McDonell
Richard McDonell
@Kevin Delaney
Amazing on this forum. A comment that is common sense as opposed to partisan drivel.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kevin Delaney "Scheer & his team must table something of merit or JT will form a minority."

I agree

Donald Lancaster 
Jack Black
JTs best buddy... better keep a lid on that scandal... wouldnt want Canadians to learn the truth.

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith
@Jack Black

Not only best buddy, but is known to have been at all of those SNC meetings & so far is protected / blocked by the Liberal party from being forced to testify. Now that he's resigned, he can't be forced to give testimony at the committee at all

David Amos
David Amos
@Jeff Smith "Now that he's resigned, he can't be forced to give testimony at the committee at all"

I am not so sure about that

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Jack Black

This ISN'T Americas Royal Presidency, this our democracy. Americas refusal to hold past presidents accountable for their past crimes, UNDERMINED the whole democratic system, that's why politically America is a basket-case.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Jack Black

Being the head of a countries government in a democracy doesn't give you permission to commit crimes IF a crimes been committed .

Lawrence Vickers
Lawrence Vickers
@Jeff Smith Time for the RCMP to get him to talk!

David Amos
David Amos
@Lawrence Vickers Good luck with that

Stephen David
Stephen David
Well, well would you looky there....the liberals are self destructing right in front of our eyes. Must grab another bag of popcorn.

Dennis Regan
Dennis Regan
@Stephen David
Guess you can give a breakdown? More Libs will quit? Something big you know and we need to know? Or simply one guy looking for a new job?

Dennis Regan
Dennis Regan
@Stephen David
Those who immediately know the results are the ones who refuse to study and think about what's going on or "may" be going on. For now, I'm sitting on the fence, thinking and thinking.

Jim Cohoon
Jim Cohoon
@Dennis Regan : You are a strange oddity in this hyper-partisan age.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Cohoon Tut Tut Tut I resemble that remark

Bill Wilson
Bill Wilson
@Jim Cohoon You need to be partisan to be sitting on the fence about this. There is definitely a stink emanating from the PMO. We all smell it. Can't you?

harry richard
harry richard
@Dennis Regan ... new job yeah, building the fence between himself and the pm

harry richard
harry richard
@Dennis Regan ... no time for sitting it's flight time.

David Amos
David Amos
@harry richard "new job yeah, building the fence between himself and the pm"


Donald Lancaster 
Steve Kirby
The party is over for Trudeau.

David Amos
David Amos
@Steve Kirby YUP

Jonny Elleven
Jonny Elleven
@Steve Kirby

The citizens are over corrupt politicians in all parties. Our whole system of government is set up to cater only to the wealthy. They have bought our politicians and they will control everything until we get PR and very strict campaign funding rules. Even when we get a corrupt bunch out, the new government still says they only want to look forward, and the previous corruption is given a free pass. There are never any consequences.

Donald Lancaster 
chris bowdler
Ok Gerald..lets hear U deny all this under oath....

David Amos
David Amos
@chris bowdler LMAO

Jane Beagle
Evan Guest
Pay your own moving expenses on your way out

Jane Beagle
Jane Beagle
@Evan Guest
Expect another 6 figure bilking.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jane Beagle YUP

Gerald Butts resigns as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's principal secretary

Denies allegations he or anyone in PMO pressured Wilson-Raybould on SNC-Lavalin

Gerald Butts has resigned from his position as senior political adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

In a major shakeup to the highest ranks of the Prime Minister's Office, Gerald Butts resigned Monday as Justin Trudeau's principal secretary.

The bombshell departure — Butts, along with chief of staff Katie Telford, are the two most senior staffers in Trudeau's inner circle — comes amid allegations that senior members of the PMO pressured former justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould to help Quebec-based multinational engineering firm SNC-Lavalin avoid criminal prosecution on bribery and fraud charges in relation to contracts in Libya.

In a statement to reporters, Butts said he categorically denies allegations that he or anyone else in the PMO put this sort of pressure on Wilson-Raybould. He said the accusation is "simply not true."

"At all times, I and those around me acted with integrity and a singular focus on the best interests of all Canadians," Butts said Monday.

"Canadians are rightly proud of their public institutions. They should be, because they work. But the fact is that this accusation exists. It cannot and should not take one moment away from the vital work the prime minister and his office is doing for all Canadians.

"My reputation is my responsibility and that is for me to defend. It is in the best interests of the office and its important work for me to step away," he said.

It was not immediately clear who would replace Butts.
Wilson-Raybould announced last week she was quitting the Liberal cabinet just days after a Globe and Mail report claimed she was pressured to direct the Public Prosecution Service of Canada to sign a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) — a legal tool resembling a plea deal — with SNC-Lavalin.

The prime minister has denied any wrongdoing.

The House of Commons justice committee has agreed to study the matter. Opposition members of that body have insisted that Butts should be among the witnesses called to testify about what exactly went on inside the PMO on the SNC-Lavalin matter. Last week, Liberal members defeated an NDP motion that would have compelled Butts and Wilson-Raybould to appear.

Wilson-Raybould has taken the highly unusual step of retaining Thomas Cromwell, a recently retired Supreme Court justice, as her legal counsel as the scandal enters a new phase.

Trudeau loses long-time political ally

In a tweet, Trudeau said Butts served Canada with "integrity, sage advice and devotion."

In addition to the political partnership, the prime minister is close friends with Butts — a relationship that dates back to their time as students at McGill University in Montreal where they were members of the campus debating club.

Born in Glace Bay, N.S., a coal-mining town on Cape Breton Island, Butts worked on public policy in Ontario before becoming a senior staffer under former Liberal premier Dalton McGuinty at Queen's Park.

While in provincial politics, Butts crafted policies designed to bolster the party's progressive credentials. Among the actions, the government phased out coal-fired power
plants, implemented full-day kindergarten and increased Ontario's minimum wage.

After working as a campaigner at the World Wildlife Fund, Butts then made the leap to federal politics and helped chart Trudeau's political future as leader of the Liberal Party and later prime minister.
The prime minister thanked Butts and Telford by name after clinching power in the 2015 federal election.

"Katie and Gerry are two of the smartest, toughest, hardest-working people you will find anywhere," Trudeau said at his Montreal-area victory party on the night the Liberals captured a majority government.

"They share with me the conviction that politics doesn't have to be negative and personal to be successful."

Trudeau chats with Butts after the Liberal leadership debate in Mississauga, Ont., on Feb. 16, 2013. (Chris Young/Canadian Press)

Praised by his allies as a brilliant mind, and vilified by Liberal foes as the political puppet master behind the prime minister, Butts said Monday he is proud of his time as Trudeau's right-hand man.

"While it is fashionable sometimes in some quarters to denigrate politicians and public servants, my experience is that the women and men who serve Canadians in elected office and the professional public service are honest, decent, hard-working people who put service of country beyond self every day," he said.

A well-known policy wonk, Butts has been a vocal defender of the government's Canada Child Benefit and an advocate for carbon pricing as a solution to climate change.

He was also intimately involved in the NAFTA renegotiation efforts— working closely with U.S. President Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, in particular — that produced a new tripartite trade agreement last fall.

In his resignation letter, Butts said he hoped fighting global warming "becomes the collective, non-partisan, urgent effort that science clearly says is required. I hope that happens soon."

Butts'past comments on the energy industry— said before he made the leap to Trudeau's political team — have provoked the ire of oilpatch boosters.

About the Author

John Paul Tasker
Parliamentary Bureau
John Paul (J.P.) Tasker is a reporter in the CBC's Parliamentary bureau in Ottawa. He can be reached at john.tasker@cbc.ca.

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