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Decision on Trans Mountain pipeline's fate might not come until summer


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Methinks some folks will have their wish if Jody Wilson-Raybould quits the Liberal caucus and starts caring more about the whales N'esy Pas?



Decision on Trans Mountain pipeline's fate might not come until summer

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 Tyler Ward 
Ric Smith
At some point we're going to run out of money to borrow and have to decide if we are going to have an economy or not. It can't go on like this with nothing getting done.

Jim Redmond
Jim Redmond
@Ric Smith Capital has essentially vacated Canada since October 2015, so the game is already done. The Liberals have stopped the engine of Canada's economy.

Guillermo Maletero
Guillermo Maletero
@Jim Redmond

High and i am Justin and this is my friend Bill the finance Minister and we proudly put up the sign CANADA IS CLOSED FOR BUSINESS

Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne
@Ric Smith What are you talking about? The numbers don't lie. The economy is the best it's been in decades, or perhaps ever.

Dan Reid
Dan Reid
@Andrew Thorne sick the economy is

Scotty Davidson
Scotty Davidson
@Ric Smith Selling our resources for pennies while importing oil for full price will not fix our economy. We need refineries not pipelines. We need jobs making products from our resources not imports of refined goods.

Charly Vaughan
Charly Vaughan
@Ric Smith let’s hope it never gets built.....

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "Did you miss this?"

Methinks its in reaction to what Trump said and not anything the liberals did N'esy Pas?

"North American markets increased by as much as 1.7 per cent on continuing optimism about a trade deal with China after U.S. President Donald Trump told reporters he might extend the March 2 deadline for the imposition of tariffs, said Small."

Brett Blaikie
Brett Blaikie
@Guillermo Maletero oh they're open for business: can run a second set of books to keep debt off the public record using Canada infrastructure Bank and pay billionaire buddies triple the interest rates. And Quebec mafia, always plenty of time to entertain their lobbyists.

 Chris Maurier
Chris Maurier
@Ric Smith ( we are going to have an economy or not.) Who is this "we".. as far as I know Canada isn't a dictatorship yet despite Scheers ramblings.

 Mike Wynnyk 
Mike Wynnyk
If BC is really concerned about sea traffic’s effect on killer whales, ban cruise ships. Strangely, Victoria is working to attract more cruise ships.

Colin Sikora
Colin Sikora
@Mike Wynnyk ......another fact the govt of BC does not want the rest of Canada to think or hear about. Much like their sewage dump or exponential dirty coal shipments.

Guillermo Maletero
Guillermo Maletero
@Mike Wynnyk
Agreed , part time seasonal no benefit minimum wage job should not be a career aspiration

Steve Nevison
Steve Nevison
@Colin Sikora

Dirty coal shipments?

Al Millar
Al Millar
@Mike Wynnyk Hopefully the Cruise Ship Tourist industry will continue , as it provides $ Millions to the folks that work in it's network . Maybe just slowing the ships down once the enter the strait will protect the whales .

Guillermo Maletero
Guillermo Maletero
@Steve Nevison
Coal is king in BC....all going to Japan , S korea and China
200,000 DWT ships the standard

Al Millar
Al Millar
@Guillermo Maletero ; Part time jobs ? Sounds like the Tar Sand employees .

Guillermo Maletero
Guillermo Maletero
@Al Millar

How about a region odf 100,000 people not using the Ocean as a toilet with un treated human waste

Colin Sikora
Colin Sikora
@Mike Wynnyk ....and how much pollution do those Cruise Ships give off?.....it's staggering actually. And like you said, Victoria is in development of a port that will be bringing in 2-3 times the amount of Cruise Ships than they do now. The government said, they want to be the Cruise capital of North America. All those big ships, “bumping” into the whales is supposedly ok......lol
And the world can survive without Cruise Ships, the world cannot survive without Fossil fuels.........
But we do have Horgan at the helm so to speak........

Al Millar
Al Millar
@Colin Sikora ; Ban coal shipment fine , the USA and Alberta would be crying , but we here in BC are familiar with Alberta crying , so nothing new .

Guillermo Maletero
Guillermo Maletero
@Colin Sikora

a couple of dead ones show up on the bows of these ships every year

Colin Sikora
Colin Sikora
@Al Millar .....oh, good intelligent and insightful comeback!
Much like our provincial BC govt' here........you make a good team!

Douglas Fowler
Douglas Fowler
@Steve Nevison Yes. BC mines and ships coal to China. Some BC residents dont know that

Steve Nevison
Steve Nevison
@Guillermo Maletero

Mostly coal for the steel industry, not heating and I know all about the coal shipments. The trains go past my house every 30 to 45 minutes, 24 hours a day. You?

Douglas Fowler
Douglas Fowler
@Al Millar Cruise ships are a small part of the huge numbers of ships now. Tankers will make a very small difference.

Douglas Fowler
Douglas Fowler
@Al Millar Well Bob/Ralph/Al the tar sands provide thousands of union FT jobs at very healthy wages and benefits. Do you dislike unions?

Steve Nevison
Steve Nevison
@Douglas Fowler

Every one here knows it.

Steve Nevison
Steve Nevison
@Douglas Fowler

Douglas Fowler
Douglas Fowler
@Steve Nevison Good to hear. How do BC Greens and NDP support that?

Al Millar
Al Millar
@Guillermo Maletero New treatment plant on line soon . Just remember that first stage screening has been in effect since 1960's . Fish , whales , birds and other species also use the ocean .
Natural I would say , but improving the human aspect would be beneficial I think , I will that to the scientists . I could take anyone by boat to the end of the sewage pipeline using GPS and they will not be able to see any effluent .

Al Millar
Al Millar
@Douglas Fowler ; Please remind your Alberta friends that Alberta coal also gets exported from BC ports .

Al Millar
Al Millar
@Douglas Fowler ; WOW , Union jobs is now your reason to try and force a Diluted Bitumen Pipeline to Burnaby .
I am very pro-Union but what the heck does that have to do with getting CONSENT from the Real Landowners of BC .
Thousands of BC coastal livelihoods depend on a NON- Diluted Bitumen coastline .
Your Union people can continue to be employed by shipping your goo to the USA .
Even want to employ more good union jobs in Alberta , try refining your Bitumen into something all Canadians can use . ADD VALUE .

Bert Law
Bert Law
@Mike Wynnyk

Each cruise ship emissions equals about 1 million cars.

Victoria had 245 cruise ships in 2018.
Vancouver had 241 cruise ships in 2018.

That’s the equivalent of 286,000,000 cars.

More than all of the cars registered in North America.

Facts BC would rather not discuss.

Bert Law
Bert Law
@Bert Law

Oh boy. Sorry.

Obviously 486 million cars.

John Branscombe
John Branscombe
@Colin Sikora @Mike Wynnyk

Yes. Few people are aware that much of the coal shipped from the Tsawwassen coal terminal comes from Wyoming. Why? Because the states of Washington and Oregon refuse to build coal terminals there. They don't want the associated pollution and ecological costs. Some environmentalists there think that not building facilities there will stop the coal from going to China. Maybe we, in Canada, should impose a 25% import tax on US coal at least as long as there are tariffs on our steel and aluminum?

The reason the environmentalists in BC are so selectively against certain industries like oil and oil pipelines is that is what the mostly American funders of the opposition to them want them to focus on. There is not the same big money support fighting the dumping of raw sewage into the same water that the endangered killer whales swim in. Oil tanker traffic from BC with Alberta oil on board is "unacceptable", yet far more oil from Alaska bound for the Peugeot Sound area moving through the same waters is quite tolerable. A ban on a pipeline to the coasts from Alberta simply forces more use of railways to move the same oil. A larger pipeline terminal in Burnaby is not welcome, but it seems more rail cars full of oil and the associated inevitable derailments are fine.

God forbid the cruise lines to have a crimp in their plans to move their floating cities around at will!

Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
@Colin Sikora
Sewage treatment plant a building and thermal coal is Not burnt, its used in steel manufacture.

Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
@Al Millar
And that is already being done, on both sides of the border.

Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
@Guillermo Maletero
That’s only happened once in BC.

Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
@Al Millar
That effluent is 99.7% pure water out of the 200 ft diffusers, 200 feet deep, one mile out into JDF Strait.
No backwash, always out to sea.

Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
@Bert Law
Show us your credible sources for those outrageous numbers.

David Amos
David Amos
@Al Millar Methinks you will have your wish if Jody Wilson-Raybould quits the Liberal caucus and starts caring more about the whales N'esy Pas?



 Tyler Ward 
Ed Sager
The Liberal cabinet would be falling all over itself to approve the pipeline if it was in Quebec and having anything to do with SNC-Lavalin.

Myke Lee
Myke Lee
@Ed Sager oh yea

Bart Roberts
Bart Roberts
@Ed Sager doesn't know SNC-Lavalin operates in Alberta and BC, too?

Of course they're falling all over themselves, and of course SNC-Lavalin is involved.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Ed Sager

This isn’t a Quebec thing, except to those who seek to divide us. The feds help GM workers in Oshawa, steel and aluminum and oil and gas workers wherever they are.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "This isn’t a Quebec thing, except to those who seek to divide us. The feds help GM workers in Oshawa, steel and aluminum and oil and gas workers wherever they are"

Yea Right Methinks you should tell it to the folks who are coming to the circus near you in the morning N'esy Pas?


Brett Blaikie
Brett Blaikie
@Richard Sharp last I checked Quebec is seeking to divide us, taking our tax dollars while shutting down our projects. do you know their sales of hydroelectricity is excluded from the "have/have not" formula?

 Chris Maurier
Chris Maurier
@Bart Roberts ..SNC. Lavalin has been at this longer than Trudeau.,Harper, Mulroney and Chretian.

 Tyler Ward 
Tyler Ward
Soooo as i predicted. No new movement on the pipeline. Trudeau sits and twiddles as usual.

Robert Morris
Robert Morris
@Tyler Ward
The liberals are following a path that was set-out by the Court. There are no short-cuts and all political parties know this.

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@Tyler Ward
So you don't want him pressuring the courts, now you want him pressuring the courts, make up your mind.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Robert Morris

I voted for you post. Not a single other CBC reader did until me. Says volumes about the readership these days, doesn’t it. It’s not so much who’s on this site. It’s whose left in disgust.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp I read both of your comments and did not vote up or down so what does the say of me?

Brett Blaikie
Brett Blaikie
@Robert Morris they are deliberately delaying the project, they could use both the notwithstanding clause and the national interest provision - and should have, the court decision was biased and arbitrary, if we could fire a judge that would be a good place to start

 Chris Maurier
Chris Maurier
@Tyler Ward Do you have the slightest idea on limits of the PM.or what the SCoC stands for?

Tyler Ward 
Bob Barino
I lost all respect for Trudeau when he rose in the house of commons and called CO2 pollution.
Something that every living thing needs to survive and grow. We humans are 16-19% carbon. We all exhale CO2. Trudeau can call himself a pollution ex-haler but he does not speak for me.

Mel Barrett
Mel Barrett
@Bob Barino
He probably should go back to University and take some Science courses. If he could pass any of them that is.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bob Barino "he does not speak for me"

Methinks he only speaks for peoplekind whoever they are N'esy Pas?

Brett Blaikie
Brett Blaikie
@David Amos Sir Umalot speaks for the Laurentian elites - when they tell him and what they tell him

 Tyler Ward 
Ric Smith
The present government will just keep putting off this pipeline project for as long as they can in order to harm AB and SK because they elect Conservative MPs. That's the "sunny ways" of the Trudeau family. I hope this country never has to put up with a third generation of this outfit.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
@Ric Smith

Silly and useless to the discussion at hand . . . . . .

John Oaktree
John Oaktree
@Ric Smith

Sure - why not rush it and have the courts order them to do it again...

Oh wait - that's how we got here in the first place.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@John Oaktree

Conservatives want to subvert the courts for Alberta but are outraged when it is a Quebec company.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Ric Smith

Trudeau and the Lib Cabinet have met, consulted and otherwise been out west and in Alberta hundreds and hundreds of time. They’ve bought a whole pipeline and are moving with diligence to get oil resources to tidewater and elsewhere. They’ve not interrupted additional use of the dangerous oil tanker cars, stepped up in emergencies, extended EI protections and on and on.

Your claim is simply unfounded. My response is not.

Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne
@Ric Smith The government spent billions of dollars of everyone else's money catering to AB and SK, and is risking all sorts of votes across the rest of the country with no real hope of gaining any there. But do the rest of us hear a "thank you" for the billions we've spent helping out? No... just complaints and sob stories.

Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
@Andrew Thorne
Typical of their Alberta First attitudes !

Robert Lee
Robert Lee
@Ric Smith

It's a conspiracy, isn't it?

The leftest bought off all the judges?

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "Conservatives want to subvert the courts for Alberta but are outraged when it is a Quebec company."

Surprise Surprise Surprise

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos 
@Richard Sharp "Trudeau and the Lib Cabinet have met, consulted and otherwise been out west and in Alberta hundreds and hundreds of time. They’ve bought a whole pipeline and are moving with diligence to get oil resources to tidewater and elsewhere. "


However methinks those facts don't amount to much to folks in Quebec and elsewhere as they consider the questionable actions of Trudeau and the Lib Cabinet that have now become common knowledge N'esy Pas?


"In February 2018, Morneau would deliver the budget item that SNC Lavalin wanted. The budget implementation bill contained changes to the Criminal Code that would bring DPAs to Canada.

It was a justice reform provision baked into a 500-page omnibus budget bill. The measures were discussed at the House finance committee without ever appearing on the justice committee's agenda.

In May 2018, Conservative finance critic Pierre Polievre asked Morneau why his budget bill included "a provision that would allow accused white collar criminals charged with bribery, fraud, insider trading and other offences to have all charges dropped."

David Amos
David Amos
@Ric Smith Methinks it was too bad that my reply to Mr Sharp was not permitted N'esy Pas?

 Tyler Ward 
Bob Barino
People think they are getting rid of oil. Realize you are only getting rid of Canada.

Here is the PLANETARY war on GLOBAL CO2 by attacking oil

annual OIL consumption
Dec. 31, 2017 98.19M
Dec. 31, 2016 96.49M
Dec. 31, 2015 94.84M
Dec. 31, 2014 92.99M
Dec. 31, 2013 92.09M
Dec. 31, 2012 90.51M
Dec. 31, 2011 89.56M
Dec. 31, 2010 88.53M
Dec. 31, 2009 85.59M
Dec. 31, 2008 86.52M
Dec. 31, 2007 87.10M
Dec. 31, 2006 85.63M
Dec. 31, 2005 84.47M
Dec. 31, 2004 83.16M
Dec. 31, 2003 80.31M
Dec. 31, 2002 78.57M
Dec. 31, 2001 77.68M
Dec. 31, 2000 76.80M
We are saved. Thank you Justin!
FYI last month (Nov 2018) world consumption broke for the first time 100million barrels,

jim miller
jim miller
@Bob Barino all we need to control it is more recessions.
That's the only time they went down.

Bob Barino
Bob Barino
@jim miller
Why I wrote the first line.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bob Barino Good Point

 Tyler Ward 
William James
So another five months without a plan? It's starting to look like the Trudeau government is deliberately trying to undermine the economy of Western Canada.

John Smith
John Smith
@William James Starting to! PET bestowed upon JT the same values, strangle western canada, placate the east and stay in power my son.

Jim Redmond
Jim Redmond
@William James Starting to --- it has been obvious from day one.

Raymond Williams
Raymond Williams
@William James
They bought this thing simply to stall it out indefinitely.
An absolutely inept government at every level.

John Gallant
John Gallant
@William James

So the economy of all of Western Canada depends upon a pipeline being expanded an extra 590,000 barrels per day? That is a current ($55 per barrel WTI price) of $11.8 billion total per year. How much of that does the Alberta government get? How much does the oil and gas industry get?

The economy of Western Canada depends upon this? Things are far worse than I thought.

Robert Morris
Robert Morris
@William James
Did you even bother to read the court decision.......if you had read it, then you would know the plan.....

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@William James
Alberta is way ahead on that score, one market to a customer who prefers to pay next to nothing. Way to go cons.

Dayton Funk
Dayton Funk
@William James ," it's starting to look like the Trudeau government is deliberately trying to undermine the economy of Western Canada?" Sorry he's already done it.

Robert Lee
Robert Lee
@William James

Another conspiracy theorist.

Was it the man in the grassy knoll?

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Lee Was it the man in the grassy knoll?

FYI James Earl Files aka James Sutton confessed he was the guy years ago.


Speaking of Yankee conspiracies, methinks a lot of ghosts are wondering why Robert Lee deliberately lost the war at Gettysburg N'esy Pas?

Brett Blaikie
Brett Blaikie
@William James they absolutely are, the differential has shrunk back to historical levels but that is mostly because the American syndicate has messed up their supply of heavy crude from Venezuela and Missus Notley imposed some curtailment (Americans using their influence at various large oil companies and pundits to try and get the curtailment lifted since things are a little sour down Caracas way these days

 Bert Law 
Bert Law
There are approximately 263,000 kms of coastline in the world.

Only one place has a domestic tanker ban and it is Less than 1000 kms. In northern BC.

Maybe The trudeau liberals have an agenda.

Ahh, Ya think.....face palm.

Tony Belmore
Tony Belmore
@Bert Law Do you know why we have the ban, and want that ban?
Let alone why its a great idea?

Tony Belmore
Tony Belmore
@Bert Law And no, its not the world coast lines, that's not even Canada's coast line, 263,000 kms. Canada has 202, 000 kms alone!

Catherine Brown
Catherine Brown
@Tony Belmore "The Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band says it filed a civil claim in the Supreme Court of British Columbia Thursday against the federal and provincial governments. It seeks to declare Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s tanker ban “an unjustified infringement on the plaintiffs’ aboriginal rights and title.” 30 other First Nations that support the Eagle Spirit oil pipeline and energy corridor, which requires tankers to transport Alberta oil to Asia, are expected to file similar lawsuits.

Bert Law
Bert Law
@Tony Belmore


There are 620,000 kms of coastline in the world.

Which makes the liberal ban sound even more ridiculous.

Bart Roberts
Bart Roberts
@Bert Law has tried sailing into Russian waters lately? Chinese waters?

Maritime bans are commonplace, for a variety of reasons.

You're spouting not just gibberish, but Fossil Falsehood Firehose-level gibberish.

Bert Law
Bert Law
@Bart Roberts

" has tried sailing " ... speaking of gibberish. anyway.

Well then, feel free to tell us all where else in the world there are tanker bans such as this one trudeau implemented...

Google search comes up empty - ( well other than Canada ).


Robert Lee
Robert Lee
@Bert Law


How do you explain the pipeline failures when Harper & Co. was in business?

Twist that truth around.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Robert Lee "Twist that truth around"

Methinks this is an irrefutable document that has been made fun of for way past too long so that the truth could be twisted N'esy Pas?


David Amos
David Amos
@Catherine Brown The plot thickens

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Lee "Twist that truth around"

The evidence of that fact is within the reply to you that was blocked

Tyler Ward 
Arthur Gill 
Why does McKenna's approach to climate change focus on Canada instead of the globe?
McKenna bleats that climate recognizes no provincial borders but ignores it also recognizes no global borders.
Why does McKenna falsely bleat that those who oppose HER carbon tax want pollution to be "free"?
Why does McKenna bleat that those who oppose HER are climate change deniers?
Why does McKenna bleat that only SHE has the solution to climate change?
Why does McKenna suggest HER carbon tax will end floods, snow storms, tornados and other climate events that have been occurring for thousands of years?
Why doesn't McKenna and her liberal friends CONSULT with Canadians on solutions rather than imposing them?

Zbiginew Zalewski
Zbiginew Zalewski
@Arthur Gill
Human caused climate change skeptics/deniers are the same people that.
Denied lead in gasoline is bad for you
Denied Asbestus is bad for you
Denied PCB’s are bad for you
Denied Ozone depletion is not caused by humans
Denied Teflon is bad for you
Denied cigarettes cause lung cancer
Denied DTT caused any problems
Denied acid rain is harmful
Denied the benefits vaccines
- The list is endless

Skeptics/deniers would say all of the science that found these problems is suspect, unproven, unfounded.

Bart Roberts
Bart Roberts
@Arthur Gill must know Canada has gone from 1.6% of global emissions to 2.6% in just five years.

That's from 12th largest emitter to 8th -- we cracked the top ten of climate villains -- in the same five years, moving up the list at record speed for any country, ever.

It's from 6th per capita to 3rd per capita in half a decade.

Why does Canada have to stop doing wrong what Canada is doing wrong?

Because 197 other countries are doing that better than us.

Because 190 other countries aren't as bad as us.

Because we can do better than any of them, and our economy will improve if we do, and isn't it a shame to sink to the bottom while hurting yourself and others, like bitumen in sea water?

Arthur Gill
Arthur Gill
@Bart Roberts
"must know Canada has gone from 1.6% of global emissions to 2.6% in just five years. "

Please provide a link to that claim.
And you never disputed anything I wrote.

Arthur Gill
Arthur Gill
@Zbiginew Zalewski
"Human caused climate change skeptics/deniers are the same people that. "

Very nice but what does that have to do with my post as NONE of the political parties in Canada are climate change "deniers" and neither am I.

My concern is solutions and I am far from sold on Trudeau's agenda.

Mel Barrett
Mel Barrett
@Arthur Gill
Because she did not study Science at University?

Phil K'Mee
Phil K'Mee
@Arthur Gill

Arthur, Arthur, Arthur......facts and logic only confuse Liberals. Sunny ways glasses will fix everything for you.

Robert Lee
Robert Lee
@Arthur Gill

I give up, why?

David Amos
David Amos
@Arthur Gill Methinks you should another McKenna those question Everybody knows he is Ralph Goodale's buddy Frank N'esy Pas?


David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Arthur Gill "Please provide a link to that claim. "

Go Figure


Brett Blaikie
Brett Blaikie
@Arthur Gill the lack of depth in this cabinet is showing pretty bad these days: Sir Umalot and Uncle Bill have been unable to impose their agenda with respect to SNC Lavalin, Bombardier and Canada Infrastructure Bank

Decision on Trans Mountain pipeline's fate might not come until summer

Cabinet won't decide pipeline's fate until new round of consultations with Indigenous communities is complete

Cabinet likely won't decide the fate of the Trans Mountain pipeline until closer to the start of the next federal election. (CBC)

Canada's energy regulator will tell the federal government this week whether it still thinks the Trans Mountain pipeline should be expanded but cabinet's final say on the project's future is still several months away.

The National Energy Board is reconsidering the project's impact on marine life, including highly endangered southern resident killer whales, after the Federal Court of Appeal ruled last year that the NEB's 2016 approval failed to properly take into account how the whales would be affected by having additional oil tankers in their waters.

The report's delivery will start the clock on a 90-day deadline for cabinet to decide whether the controversial project will proceed, a deadline officials are already signalling could be pushed back.

In addition to the NEB review, Natural Resources Minister Amarjeet Sohi has ordered a new round of consultations with Indigenous communities to satisfy the court.

A team of 60 people has been assigned to consultation teams that have met with 70 communities since October, but that leaves more than 60 affected communities still waiting for a meeting.

There is no deadline for those consultations to wrap up but officials in Sohi's office have told The Canadian Press a final decision on whether the pipeline proceeds won't be made until they are complete.

Meantime, cabinet is under immense pressure to decide the fate of the pipeline before the federal election in the fall.

There is also pressure to get the expansion built because Ottawa bought the existing pipeline from Kinder Morgan for $4.5 billion last August, after political opposition to the expansion left the company's shareholders reluctant to proceed.

Impact on killer whales key to discussion

The impact of the expansion on the southern resident killer whales — of which only 74 survive — is key to the discussion. Conservationists say the pipeline will make their recovery nearly impossible.

"The decision really comes down to: Will the federal government say that the economic interests associated with the pipeline outweigh the presence of having southern resident killer whales on the landscape," said Misty MacDuffee, a biologist with the Raincoast Conservation Foundation.

The whales started the year on a high note with the birth of a new calf, and two more females in the population are pregnant. But the happy news comes with a major caveat: no southern resident baby has survived more than a year since 2015.

The whales are being harmed by everything from boat noise and the decline in chinook salmon to contaminants in the water from sewage. The National Energy Board in 2016 did conclude the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion would "further impede" the recovery of the whales, but still gave the project the go-ahead because it said its mandate was to consider the impacts of the pipeline itself, not from project-related marine shipping.

Southern resident killer whales are pictured off the coast of B.C. (C. Emmons/NOAA Fisheries)

Fisheries Minister Jonathan Wilkinson said he won't prejudge what the National Energy Board will say, but he is confident the government has put in place enough new protections for whales and other marine life to mitigate the impact of the pipeline.

"No government has ever taken these kind of steps to try to address a critical species like the southern resident killer whale," he said.

The Oceans Protection Plan, a $1.5 billion federal policy unveiled in 2016, includes new protected areas for the whales; attempts to recover their main food source, Chinook salmon; new research on water contaminants; and plans to reduce noise from the thousands of boats that travel near the whales each year.

The plan was not in place when the National Energy Board first reviewed the project, and Wilkinson notes the court didn't take it into account either.

MacDuffee said there is nothing that can currently be done to reduce the effects of boat noise on the whales. She adds that while the government says only six more tankers a week will be added, those six tankers will mean the whales will go from being in the presence of boats about 85 per cent of the time, to more than 95 per cent of the time.

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