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Liberals risk 'brand damage' over Wilson-Raybould controversy, says former Martin government official



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Methinks the RCMP know I would love to tell the folks a lot about them hence my next lawsuit N'esy Pas?



Liberals risk 'brand damage' over Wilson-Raybould controversy, says former Martin government official

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David Amos
David Amos
I must say that Scott Reid has a lot of nerve to offer an opinion in light othe f fact that everybody knows he has been well aware of the file below since he worked for Paul Martin


Tim Mann
David Chambers
Risk? The brand is already severely damaged. That's what incompetence, arrogance and corruption will do.

Tim Mann
Tim Ma
@David Chambers

The brand hasn't changed since 1867.

Thomas Young
Thomas Young
@Tim Mann wrong. the Liberals have gradually swung to the right like everything else.

Moira Wilkinson
Moira Wilkinson
@David Chambers
That’s what the cons hope for.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@David Chambers

Quick vote for Conservatives. That’s what this is really about, right?

Bastions of morality, competence and humility that they are.

Karen O'malley
Karen O'malley
@Matt Thuaii Both the Libs and the Cons must be dumped. They no longer listen to the people they are supposed to represent.

steve wilson
steve wilson
@David Chambers .... severely? Well in the eyes of the right it was always severely damaged so they don't hold much sway with a bias of that magnitude.

David Amos
David Amos
@Karen O'malley "Both the Libs and the Cons must be dumped. They no longer listen to the people they are supposed to represent."

I Wholeheartedly Agree

James Holden
James Holden
@David Chambers

Their brand is not nearly as tarnished as the Conservatives.
4 years later and their damage to Canada is still evident.

david kirby
david kirby
@James Holden
I know here is a good idea---Lets re-elect Trudeau because of Harper four years ago

mo bennett
mo bennett
@David Amos hey! where's yer signature phrase? did the comment police make ya give it up?

Lee Hall
Lee Hall
@James Holden Their brand is not nearly as tarnished as the Conservatives.
4 years later and their damage to Canada is still evident.

Premier Ford's government for the wealthy and corporations is successfully turning off most in Canada's most populous province, that his government alone will greatly boost the Liberals re-election chances.

This is all in real time. No need for memories of Harper.

Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Karen O'malley
And then the NDP? OMG as if we were not in enough trouble already.
Look at their history and other than Jack Layton have not and will not have a leader who can be called that.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Karen O'malley

The Liberals do their best to represent all Canadians, but end up not pleasing everyone...the Conservatives represent corporate interests and foreign powers who want our resources (opps...I mean “old stock Canadians”)...and the NDP represent...hope and change? Maybe?

I’ll take the Liberals over the current alternatives every time.

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@David Chambers
Now that is different, my response gets cut while showing like it is up. ICUC is just full of new deceptions.

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@David Chambers
Harpercrites will beat on their desks for a few more weeks and then some sort of review will be conducted followed by them demanding said person in charge of the review to speak publicly only to express, if the PM had asked me if he should shuffle her position before doing so, I "probably" would have advised against it. Just like with Mary and the whole blown out of all proportion island visit.

Ed Marcetic
Ed Marcetic
@David Chambers

Absolutely... Voted Liberal all my life this coming go around nosiree ! Trudeau has been an utter disaster and huge disappoint to the middle class

James Holden
James Holden
@david kirby

Harper still controls the Conservative Party.
He controls their wallet.
His policies are still in place.
He holds Andy's strings.

William Ben
William Ben
@James Holden keeping the liberal brand alive?

James Holden
James Holden
@Ed Marcetic

Your posts indicate that you are a Trump fan.
It is highly doubtful that you are a lifelong Liberal voter.
Just more disinformation.

James Holden
James Holden
@William Ben

I don't have to.
It is still far stronger than the ReformaCon brand.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@mo bennett "hey! where's yer signature phrase? did the comment police make ya give it up?"

YO MO Nope just but tis all Methinks I should be Happy Happy Happy that you noticed N'esy Pas?

Glen robert
Glen robert
@David Chambers
You do know there is no difference between a conservative and a Liberal.
We just tend to forget

Chris Harris
Chris Harris
@David Chambers

The silver lining for the Liberals is that this catastrophe has nearly made us forget about the Liberals inept strained relations with China and India, short end of the stick trade agreement with the USA, the fact that hypocrite Bill Morneau used low tax business dollars to buy a French villa, instead of high tax personal dollars like you or I would have to do, and the fact that key Liberal fundraiser and Trudeau buddy Steve Bronfman' loaned himself' millions of dollars in the Caymans, to make a stock market windfall, paid back the principal, and currently uses the proceeds of that windfall to invest and funnel tax free money back to Canada (all of which is ok by Trudeua and Morneau, who have their boot heels on the throats of small business owners). A real distraction.

David Amos
David Amos
@mo bennett YUP and NOPE

Annabelle Murphy
Annabelle Murphy
@David Chambers There is no way to explain you way out of this debacle, and the more Trudeau speaks the deeper the hole becomes. Attempting to supress the truth by limiting who can be questioned is the fast track to a loss in the upcoming election.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Dirlik “Follow the money” remains a time-tested maxim.

Methinks that is just another one of those things I do that nobody seems to appreciate N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@André Carrel The problem is not in the risk, it is in the concept of "Brand".

I must say that Scott Reid has a lot of nerve to offer an opinion in light of the fact that everybody knows he has been well aware of the file below since he worked for Paul Martin


Dee Ray Ng
Dee Ray Ng
@Lee Hall

"Premier Ford's government for the wealthy and corporations is successfully turning off most in Canada's most populous province, that his government alone will greatly boost the Liberals re-election chances."

As I've said elsewhere, out of the frying pan and into the fire isn't a solution.

It's them vs us. Certainly most have figured that out by now.

Dee Ray Ng
Dee Ray Ng
@Art Rowe

"And then the NDP? OMG as if we were not in enough trouble already.
Look at their history and other than Jack Layton have not and will not have a leader who can be called that."

Ummm...miss Nathan Cullen's shining example of late?

Dee Ray Ng
Dee Ray Ng
@david mccaig

The Russians thank you for giving them more power than they even knew they had.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@david mccaig

I really think Trudeau is plain dumb, either that or he's clever beyond my ability to comprehend him. I say this because here he is not over morally offending the right of Venezuelans to sort out their own political problems by towing the line supporting the Americans , who have overthrown 60 governments since the end of WW2, and who have no regard for democracy anywhere in the world and only care what each targeted country can do for Americas billionaires that run their economy, BUT HERE WE HAVE Justin Trudeau who it seems is blindly supporting the US coup d'tat in Venezuela to get access to one of the worlds largest deposits of oil. GOOD LUCK to Alberta, because their tar sands will sure be dead after this brilliant piece of foreign strategy.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@David Chambers

yeah - and this thread well managed at source.... comments contrary to this sort of attack.... are just disappearing as fast as they are posted. Is anyone thinking we still have a democracy? I don't think it's the Russians - I think this tsunami of swarming faker headline news is all generated in the newsrooms and 'opposition''war rooms' getting to redefine what home grown means - slander attack fear destroy... it's why they call it a 'war room'.

David Amos
David Amos
@Carson Brook Methinks you should Google your name and mine in the same search line N'esy Pas?

Buford Wilson 
Buford Wilson
Justin needs to step aside.

For the good of the country.

Gerard Groenewegen
Gerard Groenewegen
@Buford Wilson No, Buford. I want him to stay in to be defeated at the polls. He has been too smug and condescending for too long. That'll bring him down a notch or two.

Stephen David
Stephen David
@Buford Wilson
I think many Canadians agree.....a resignation is in order.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Buford Wilson

He legalized marijuana in Canada, made Trump look like a fool and buried the separatism in Quebec that started under his dad.

Trudeau is the greatest Prime Minister in Canadian history.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Stephen David

What you think and reality are two different things.

Unlike the details of this “scandal”, that we know for certain.

Jamie Gillis
Jamie Gillis
@Buford Wilson

But Gerald would never let him. Justin has the name and image that Gerald desperately needed to carry out his agenda because he knows nobody would follow him. And Justin, likely unaware that he's being exploited by Gerald, just saw this as a chance to try look like his dad. A walk with his children along the great wall, a trip to India...he won't give that up.

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Thuaii "Unlike the details of this “scandal”, that we know for certain."

Methinks that is only because you refuse to read anything I have been telling you N'esy Pas?

James Holden
James Holden
@Buford Wilson

So says the American Ork.

James Holden
James Holden
@Stephen David

Conservatives don't need any actual evidence to convict Liberals.

John Dirlik
John Dirlik
@Buford Wilson

Trudeau is disappointing but prime minister Scheer? Scheerly you jest.

Tom Barry
Tom Barry
@Matt Thuaii

"He legalized marijuana in Canada, made Trump look like a fool and buried the separatism in Quebec that started under his dad.

Trudeau is the greatest Prime Minister in Canadian history."

'Don't bogart that joint my friend' :)

Lee Hall
Lee Hall
@Buford Wilson <--- a="" an="" and="" br="" cor="" corporate="" country.="" have="" leader.="" leading="" ndp="" our="" parties="" party="" rupt="" two="" unelectable="" useless="" virtually="" we="" with="">
We will have another Liberal Government, no matter how co rupt they are, mostly because the majority of Ontario has already had a preview of the 'do as we say' Government for the wealthy and corporations under Doug Ford.--->

John Dirlik
John Dirlik
@Lee Hall

Very true. I can only wishfully dream about what Jack Layton could have accomplished if still alive.

Lee Hall
Lee Hall
@John Dirlik <---- a="" aid="" alienating="" alone="" be="" br="" effectively="" federal="" ford="" government="" greatest="" his="" is="" john="" liberals="" majority="" of="" ontarians="" ourside="" perhaps="" premier="" re-election.="" s="" so="" that="" the="" to="" will="">
I absolutely want to see the Liberals held accountable. But the Conservatives are even more dangerous for average Canadians.---->

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@John Dirlik

At this point I’ll take Liberal mediocrity over Conservative willingness to pander to the lowest common denominator...or their own brand of scandals...or their wooden, unlikeable leader...or their lack of a coherent platform (aside from “Socks!”)...tendancey to pander to American whims...corporate whims...repeated betrayals of the military...farmers...fishing industry...selling out half their party and their history for a power grab...

...other than those things the Conservative are pretty great though.

Lee Hall
Lee Hall
@Matt Thuaii <--- accept="" and="" any="" br="" conservatives="" consistently="" corporations.="" corporations="" donations="" far="" from="" fundamentally="" greater="" large="" matt="" other="" party.="" represent="" than="" the="" they="" very="" wealthy="">
It is absolutely impossible for a political party to have it both ways, work for the filthy rich, and look out for average Canadians as well.

It's another reason why Canadians have abhorrent choices politically.--->

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@David Amos

As usual, you seem confused. My thinking is based on the fact that I know each party is dirty, each one will pander to their base for power, and each one will dig into any “scandal” and stoke it forever over making good policy if it gets them one extra vote...

...I just happen to not mind Liberal dirt as much, I like their base more, and find their scandals far less offensive.

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@Buford Wilson
This actually looks like democracy, yet you want to go back to the dark decade??? Doesn't seeing Pierre Poliveau feign contempt remind you of those unhappy days??

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Tom Barry

Why would I do that? It’s legal now, and there’s plenty to go around...well, aside from the odd shortage here and there...

...but come harvest season that shouldn’t be a problem.

William Ben
William Ben
@Arlond Lynds come on only Trudeau has ever earned 5 ethics violations - 5 more than any other sitting PM

Tom Barry
Tom Barry
@William Ben

He walks on water.

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig "Sadly we've learned onecthing for sure Justin isn't his dad."

Who cares Papa Pierre was no better

harry richard
harry richard
@David Amos ... pet lite

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Buford Wilson I would also like him to stay and get defeated. Other options include firing his closet advisors in the PMO if they put any kind of pressure on WR, publicly acknowledge the wrong doing, apologize to WR, get the judicial committee members to vote for a real investigation, and offer WR her old job back at justice. Somehow I do r think he will do this but their is a chance. In any case the judicial committee needs to its job and investigate. I see a liberal caucus revolt coming

David Amos
David Amos
@harry richard YUP

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@Buford Wilson
Harper fans talking about the good of the country? PM Trudeau winning the election and finally freeing us of the completely undemocratic Harper Government™ was for the good of the country.

Scotty Davidson
Scotty Davidson
@Arlond Lynds Harper was deemed undemocratic for passing omnibus budgets changing our laws. Trudeau's are 200 pages longer that Harper's. With more benefits for corporations to break our laws without being prosecuted.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Matt Thuaii "As usual, you seem confused."

I am far from confused I am the guy suing the Crown (Federal Court File No T-1557-15) and you are the dude whining in a public forum

Dee Ray Ng
Dee Ray Ng
@David Amos

"Who cares Papa Pierre was no better"

I cares seeing he was way better.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Buford Wilson

weird eh? where are the voices for Jody Wilson-Raybould to step forward and be clear about her truth to power? nowhere - because she has powerful control over uncontrolled headlines attacking Justin Trudeau and our government in her name... without her actually putting her name to anything - except letting her name become a weapon in her silence.

david kirby
david kirby
@Dee Ray Ng
At least he was smart

David Amos
David Amos
@david kirby What good are smarts if you are not ethical?

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Thuaii "As usual, you seem confused."

Nope I am the guy who ran for public office six times thus far and sued the Crown in Federal Court and you are the dude whining about politicians on a webpage supported by taxation Correct?

Anthony Montana
Denis Dalore
I know I have lost all confidence in Trudeau and won't be voting for him again. He's definitely coming across as dishonest with his shifting stories at this point.

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Denis Dalore Ya, Andrew Scheenernonsense will solve all your unrealistic problems.

harry richard
harry richard
@Anthony Montana ... Miss May, Miss May, Miss May

Christopher Johnston
Christopher Johnston
@Denis Dalore You never voted for him. Somebody supporting Scheer didn't vote for Trudeau.

John Sollows
John Sollows
@Denis Dalore

All the adoration for Trudeau after the last election was over the top. He is a fellow imperfect human, who did some good things and made some mistakes even during his first month.

I do have confidence in a lot of his cabinet; he had better listen to them.

Jerry jordan
Jerry jordan
@John Sollows the cabinet does not act on their own .....they are like clapping seals in a lot of cases. i would agree with you if the cabinet would disagree with their prime minister more . this goes for any political party.

steve wilson
steve wilson
@Denis Dalore unlike many inhere I try to research a bit and the history of Denis makes it clear that he is passing himself off as a former liberal but his posting history show only a tirade of attacks on the Liberals. Hard to believe that after a long read through that history anyone would believe your ridiculous claim that you EVER voted liberal and certainly not in the last election.

Too bad people feel so emboldened as to completely fabricate things rather than making a cogent argument to support their views. Spreading falsehoods and division must be easier than the truth.

David Amos
David Amos
@Denis Dalore "I know I have lost all confidence in Trudeau and won't be voting for him again"

Methinks you are not alone but trust that many would agree that the Greens, the NDP, the Bloc, Harper 2.0 and Maxime are no better Nesy Pas?

James Holden
James Holden
@Denis Dalore

Your posts paint you as a fervent Conservative.

Conservatives seek to hobble the government and let the rich run things through their corporations.
Harper has Trump's back.
Harper controls the Conservative Party's money.
Harper controls Scheer.

Read Paul Wells informative articles on Harper in Maclean's.

Lee Hall
Lee Hall
@James Holden <--- above="" absolutely="" all="" are="" br="" correct="" immediately="" in="" james="" mine.="" of="" post="" statements="" with="" you="" your="">
A story like this one will attract Conservative supporters as they just pile on.

You can read 100s of Conservative posts, and not find one that outlines what, if anything, a Conservative government offers working Canadians.
They are the official party of corporate Canada and global neo-cons.

They have disdain for working Canadians, more than any party.--->

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@Denis Dalore
So you are going to vote Scheer? Ninty percent of what he told Atlantic Canadians during his last visit was untrue, Energy East is dead, because there is no business case for it with Keystone approved and it never was going to lessen East Coast reliance on foreign oil under any circumstance. Unless you want the tax payer to upgrade the Irving refinery for them, that is the only way it would ever happen. They won't even pay property taxes on the ship yard we built them.

William Joseph Westcott Sr.
William Joseph Westcott Sr.
@Jerry jordan you are so right...and that’s why Jody’s resignation was mind numbing for JT. She gave up 200+ k in salary plus perks etc. Not many seals would throw away susceptible tasty morsels...

Jennifer McIsaac
Jennifer McIsaac
@Denis Dalore

I am unclear how his explanation has shifted. He has maintained all along that neither he nor the PMO pressured JWR.

He has given more details over time but it is all consistent with his first statements.

Jennifer McIsaac
Jennifer McIsaac
@James Holden

Yes, indeed, A Scheer government would be many times worse given a complete lack of constructive ideas from the Conservatives, nearly everything he says is either factually challenged or completely ill informed.

They exist to be wannabe paparazzi and National Enquirer reporters who slither about trying to find slime to throw.

Jennifer McIsaac
Jennifer McIsaac
@Arlond Lynds

The other issue is that Quebec will be just as difficult for this pipeline as BC is over TMX.

It is also very true that the Saint John refinery cannot handle heavy oil as a feed-stock so it will not stop light oil imports.

Scheer lives in some sort of dreamland.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Denis Dalore

If Trudeau is guilty and has damaged the liberal party at such a crucial time just before an election, he should be figuratively hung drawn and quartered politically.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@david mccaig

And i voted for the guy.

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig "And i voted for the guy."

Cry me a river

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@Denis Dalore
Yeah sure, like you voted for him last time. Sure didn't take your new entity long to get up to speed on all the talking points.

Rick Guthrie 
Rick Guthrie
So in Canada it's ok to allow a crime to occur as long as it saves jobs. I'll not allow that in my country. Will you? I don't care how many jobs are at stake.

Elma Fayerrly
Elma Fayerrly
@Rick Guthrie They use the same in the USA and UK. This is not unusual.

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Rick Guthrie hmmm...what crime?

Tom Smith
Tom Smith
@Rick Guthrie too late, the DPA assumes that there is a reasonable prospect of conviction among other requirements. And since the DPA is/was being considered, it would suggest that jobs, at least jobs in Quebec, outweigh criminal behaviour.

Rick Guthrie
Rick Guthrie
@Elma Fayerrly
So, it's still wrong. Why can only large corporations take advantage of 'prosecution agreements'. I can't, you can't.

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Rick Guthrie Cause, money talks, bs walks...

Rick Guthrie
Rick Guthrie
@Anthony Montana
Bribery to start with. Don't follow the news much, Ah.

Denis Dalore
Denis Dalore
@Anthony Montana Obstruction of justice.

harry richard
harry richard
@Rick Guthrie ... let the mighty fall and hard

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Rick Guthrie SNC yes for sure , sorry I wrongly interpreted your original statement. Government has done nothing criminal though.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Rick Guthrie

Actually in the UK and USA too...and anywhere that large companies operate...because DPAs are now standard when dealing with crimes SNC Lavalin is accused of...Scheer knew that when he met with them too...which all makes it seem strange the prosecution was so dead set against using one...oh well...

Go Conservatives!

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Thuaii Dream on

William Ben
William Ben
@Rick Guthrie Only if its in a tactical riding that keeps this level of deceit in power apparently - Alberta would not stand a chance

Richard Donald
Richard Donald
@Rick Guthrie There would be very very few jobs at stake. The talented people at SNC -- the engineers and workers would not miss a pay check when they started to work for Stantec or whatever other company would take on the SNC contracts.

There would be huge loss of investment in Quebec pension plans because they choose to invest in an obviously corrupt company,

Michael Gall
Michael Gall
@Rick Guthrie
The point is the people who are going to lose job did nothing wrong but they will suffer if the company goes down. Is that fair ?
I believe let the company survive but charge the ones who committed the crime is better way to deal with the case.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Rick Guthrie

"So in Canada it's ok to allow a crime to occur as long as it saves jobs."
How do know that, nothings been proven yet. This could be the RUSSIANS messing with our elections.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Rick Guthrie

One thing past liberal governments have known and respected , no one is above our system of government and the welfare of Canada.

John Chow
John Chow
@david mccaig

Do you think the 'Russians' infiltrated the Globe and Mail to set this in motion?

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig "How do know that, nothings been proven yet. This could be the RUSSIANS messing with our elections."

Yea Right Methinks desperate politcal pundits post desperate things N'esy Pas?

Lawrence Vickers
Lawrence Vickers
@Elma Fayerrly That doesn't make it right Elma!

Eric Meinert
Eric Meinert
@David Amos Those pesky Russians!

Felicia Kinzburg
Felicia Kinzburg
@Rick Guthrie Not so many jobs would be lost. Somebody needs to fulfill the building projects. So, many other contractors (not only Lavalin) will get the bids for those projects, will create healthy competition, and will hire engineers and workers with experience to get the job done.

Derek Gorman
Derek Gorman
@david mccaig I would think the Russians would WANT Trudeau in power. He is the perfect puppet. Destroying our oil economy, destroying our armed forces, dividing our regions..... Its not the Russians, it is our damn fool PM.

Derek Gorman
Derek Gorman
@david mccaig The Russians would WANT Trudeau in power. The perfect puppet who is destroying our oil economy, destroying our armed forces, dividing our country.

Felicia Kinzburg
Felicia Kinzburg
@Rick Guthrie Not so many jobs would be lost. Somebody needs to fulfill the building projects. So, many other contractors (not only Lavalin) will get the bids for those projects, will create healthy competition, and will hire engineers and workers with experience to get the job done.

Derek Gorman
Derek Gorman
@david mccaig I would think the Russians would WANT Trudeau in power. He is the perfect puppet. Destroying our oil economy, destroying our armed forces, dividing our regions..... Its not the Russians, it is our damn fool PM.

Derek Gorman
Derek Gorman
@david mccaig The Russians would WANT Trudeau in power. The perfect puppet who is destroying our oil economy, destroying our armed forces, dividing our country.

David Amos
David Amos
@Derek Gorman Its not the Russians, it is our damn fool PM"

Relax everybody knows the Russians are laughing at the nonsense.

Michael Gall 
Ron Wilson
Bottom line guy here... Trudeau has not answered one single question straight up. And, now, if the PMO is limited the people whom the inquiry people can speak to, that proves they are hiding something.

Simple as that.

harry richard
harry richard
@Ron Wilson .... woah woah woah Ron commonsense doesn't work here

Ron Wilson
Ron Wilson
@harry richard

You're right, I guess I kinda got carried away...

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Ron Wilson He answered, no reason for time wasting inquiries. This issue is a factless based political election stunt by the conservatives as they are trailing in the polls and will continue to do so...

Jerry Eldridge
Jerry Eldridge
@Anthony Montana
Well there will not be a majority either with the 2 main ones, and the other possibly looking for a new leader. What's left?

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Ron Wilson

Bottom line...Canadian jobs were saved and the marijuana industry is booming...

...and that’s all true conservatives really care about.

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Thuaii Yea Right

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Anthony Montana

Um...all those downvotes mean you’re wrong. Unless of course they’re made up...

...just like most of the details of this story so far.

david kirby
david kirby
@Anthony Montana
Well Trudeau is certainly doing his best to give the Cons a leg-up

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Ron Wilson

Its a great day for the usual culprits who come here and everyday spout Trudeau is bad, blah , blah.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Ron Wilson

If the conservatives had any integrity and truly cared about Canada , they would see this a blow to our system of government and not use it as tool to just regain power, but of course, i would think thats asking too much from this breed of right wingers.

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig "If the conservatives had any integrity and truly cared about Canada , they would see this a blow to our system of government "

Methinks you should scroll up and down check my work and take it up with the NDP N'esy Pas?

Jim Gurtle
Jim Gurtle
It’s no longer a risk, it is an issue, as his brand is already irreparably damaged. Between Creston and SNC, he can no longer claim feminism, aboriginal reconciliation, transparency or integrity.

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Jim Gurtle Save the whales and Polar bears...Climate change is real and its coming to kick our butts.

Matthias Fiene
Matthias Fiene
@Anthony Montana , you on the wrong page , buddy

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Matthias Fiene Anyone with a "axe the carbon tax" sign, is on mother nature's "naughty" list and will be butt kicked by her...soon enough!

James Holden
James Holden
@Jim Gurtle

Conservatives love to blow things out of all proportion when then perceive a political advantage can be had.

Doug McComber
Doug McComber
@James Holden replace “Conservatives” with “partisans” and you’d have a more accurate statement. That is the nature of politics.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Gurtle "he can no longer claim feminism, aboriginal reconciliation, transparency or integrity."

Methinks even the Conservatives should agree that no political party had the right to employ the word integrity since I ran in the election of the the 38th Parliament N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Go figure why this file can be in the public records of courts on both sides of the 49th parallel


Bort Smith
Bort Smith
I wouldn't call it brand damage so much as the mask has slipped and we see the Liberals's true face.

Nothing has REALLY changed since the sponsorship scandal.

This party believes that it has a God given right to do what ever it wants because little things like right versus wrong and basic principles don't matter.

Pierre Filion
Pierre Filion
@Bort Smith
When someone as been convicted of being Unethical. What would you expect.

Bort Smith
Bort Smith
@Pierre Filion

Well, I go even further.

I don't think the fault is just the PM's, I think the problem is in the whole of the Liberal party. The PM is just the head of the cyst.

Hamish lawrence
Hamish lawrence
@Bort Smith

Trudeau himself is only a pawn of the liberal power brokers.

Jim conor
Jim conor
@Bort Smith They have yet to try and bribe a sitting senator. Have also not had people including MP's sent to jail for election fraud. And they have not threatened bird watching clubs with tax audits. I could go on.........

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
hmmm...Stephen Harper is gone dude!

Bart Browning
Bart Browning
@Anthony Montana So why bring him up?

Bort Smith
Bort Smith
@Anthony Montana


Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Bort Smith You mentioned being unethical..so I thought you were talking about Harper. First and only PM to be convicted of influence peddling in parliament.

Bort Smith
Bort Smith
@Anthony Montana
Really can you provide an RCMP report on the matter?

David Amos
David Amos
@Bort Smith Methinks the RCMP know I would love to tell the folks a lot about them hence my next lawsuit Then you can read a report N'esy Pas?

Freddie Philpott
Freddie Philpott
@Anthony Montana
JT, first and only PM to be found guilty of 4 ethics violations.

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Bort Smith Hollywood and the liberal party both need a “me too” awaking. They both talk up feminism but in the end their actions speak louder

David Amos
David Amos
@Hamish lawrence "Trudeau himself is only a pawn of the liberal power brokers."

Methinks even a pawn should be clever enough to quit yapping after he Googles the following N'esy Pas?

Jody Wilson-Raybould Federal Court file no T-1557-15

David Amos
David Amos
@Anthony Montana "Stephen Harper is gone dude!"

Nope that dude hangs his hat at the Denton's law firm right beside Jean Chretien's

david kirby
Leslie Rowe
"Liberals risk 'brand damage' over Wilson-Raybould controversy, says former Martin government official"

All on Justin Trudeau's watch. Who didn't see this coming? Unfortunately, with this incompetent, in 2015 Canadians chose fashion and pop culture over brains and common sense.

Heave Ho In-com-pe-tent Tru-deau 2019

Ron Wilson
Ron Wilson
@Leslie Rowe

Yep, and we got tons of "selfies" and "he's SO hot" from all the 20 year old females.

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Ron Wilson yes true but I guess you are more into Scheernonsense Pillsbury dough-boy looks...hey, to each his/hers own!

Leslie Rowe
Leslie Rowe
@Ron Wilson

Oh, and let's not forget pot. Because of him, youth now have more access to pot than ever before. They got "their guy" plus the Trudeau-endorsed "legal" supply chain.

Anthony Montana
Anthony Montana
@Leslie Rowe Ya mon, herb is life! Thank you Justin!

Karen O'malley
Karen O'malley
@Leslie Rowe Trudeau wasn't voted *for*, he was voted in because there were no viable alternatives and promised electoral reform. It was a vote against this type of politics, rather than a vote for him.

David Amos
David Amos
@Karen O'malley Methinks many would agree he got more votes over the promise to legalize dope so he made certain that he kept that promise N'esy Pas?

Charles Smith 
Rod Poirier
The damage alreafy started in 2015.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rod Poirier Methinks many would agree that it started with Trudeau the Elder in 1968 N'esy Pas?

Charles Smith
Charles Smith
Harper was not well known for transparency but even he immediately waived attorney client privilege during the Duffy affair. The PM may be totally innocent in this but he is sure making himself look guilty.

Robert Swanson
Robert Swanson
@Charles Smith
Former P.M. Harper also agreed to waive privilege in the Adm. Norman affair with ties to P.M.O. and Privy Council interference... jus' sayin'...

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Swanson Methiinks thats saying a lot N'esy Pas?

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@David Amos Methinks? Jar Jar Binks..? is that you?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Phil Mein Nope I am who I say I am


David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Mein Google Fundy Royal Debate

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@David Amos You bring up soe very well thought out points, not once did you say "Methinks" though! Unfortunately , even though I think you would have been a fine choice in the election, you had no chance due to your appearance , as shallow as it is, the long hair and beard probably didn't help.

David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Mein You forgot my lawsuit

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@David Amos Lawsuit ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Mein Federal Court File no T-1557-15

David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Mein Google David Amos wiretap

David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Mein Still think I am shallow?

David Amos
David Amos
@Phil Mein Google RCMP Sussex David Amos

Liberals risk 'brand damage' over Wilson-Raybould controversy, says former Martin government official

Scott Reid: Government 'knew it was headed for trouble' with comments about former attorney general

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould during a swearing-in ceremony at Rideau Hall, Wednesday Nov. 4, 2015 in Ottawa. She resigned from cabinet earlier this week. (CP/Adrian Wyld)

In the week since the SNC-Lavalin story broke, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has changed his talking points several times.

After the story first hit, Trudeau insisted that the allegation in the Globe and Mail story — that Jody Wilson-Raybould had been pressured by the Prime Minister's Office while serving as minister of justice to help the Quebec-based engineering firm SNC-Lavalin avoid criminal prosecution in a bribery case — was false.

He said Wilson-Raybould's continued presence in cabinet, as minister for Veterans Affairs, spoke for itself.

Then she quit — and the message changed. Wilson-Raybould, Trudeau said, had never raised with him the suggestion that the PMO was pressuring her to go easy on SNC-Lavalin, and he made it clear to her that any decisions on the file were hers alone to make.
The shifting nature of Trudeau's explanations suggests a recognition that the government's messaging has gotten out of hand and a correction was needed to contain some of the blowback, said one member of former prime minister Paul Martin's inner circle.

Scott Reid, who served as the director of communications to Martin during the sponsorship scandal that led to a public inquiry, said that if enough voters conclude that Wilson-Raybould was thrown under the bus, it could leave a stain on the Liberals that would be hard to shed in an election year.

"If a conclusion was reached that that suggests that the only way to defend the actions and the integrity of the government is to put the boots to a former cabinet minister — who is a woman, who is Indigenous, who is from British Columbia, who's very sympathetic — then I think that would have brand damage," he told host Chris Hall on CBC Radio's The House.

"And I think that's why you've seen the government shift its tone over the course of the week, because I think it knew it was headed for trouble on that front."

Wilson-Raybould has yet to speak publicly on the matter. Reid said the story is so murky at this point that it might be worth calling in a former Supreme Court justice to do a month-long investigation and release its conclusion publicly.

The Globe and Mail reported last week that officials in Trudeau's office pressured Wilson-Raybould to tell the director of public prosecutions to draft a 'deferred prosecution agreement' that would allow SNC-Lavalin to avoid trial on bribery and fraud charges in relation to contracts in Libya.

Treasury Board President Jane Philpott took to Twitter after news of the resignation emerged to express her support for Wilson-Raybould.

Liberal government insiders have said in the past that Wilson-Raybould was difficult to work with.

Procurement Minister Carla Qualtrough told The House she didn't share that point of view, but also said she believed the prime minister's explanation of the SNC-Lavalin affair.

The National
SNC-Lavalin affair timeline key to claims of PMO pressure on Jody Wilson-Raybould

 In the SNC-Lavalin affair, one of the key questions remaining is who exactly said what to then-Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould, and did it amount to pressure to treat the company lightly. 3:26

Qualtrough said she's never felt any pressure from the PMO in her portfolio — a file which touches on the administration side of corporate wrongdoing — adding that if she felt any of her fellow ministers were being pushed one way or another, she'd report it to Trudeau herself.

Trudeau said Friday that Wilson-Raybould at one point asked him if he was going to encourage her to make a particular decision on the SNC-Lavalin file.

"There were many discussions going on, which is why Jody Wilson-Raybould asked me if I was directing her or going to direct her to take a particular decision," Trudeau said. "And I of course said no, that it was her decision to make and I expected her to make it."

Qualtrough said she wouldn't speculate on why Wilson-Raybould and Trudeau spoke about the matter or what was discussed, but said it's not unusual to have talks about a massive company like SNC-Lavalin, or a new legal tool like the deferred prosecution agreements.

A comms strategy

Reid said that if he were advising Trudeau now, he'd tell him to stanch the bleeding by answering media questions as clearly as possible and to find a way to wrap the controversy up quickly.

He admitted, however, that it's not as easy as it sounds.

"If you work in the Prime Minister's Office, you'd prefer it to not have to peel the onion completely," Reid said. "Sausage-making is ugly."

The National
How is the SNC-Lavalin affair impacting the Liberal Party brand ahead of the election? | At Issue

 The SNC-Lavalin affair has sparked two government-related probes and led to the resignation of a cabinet minister. What’s been the impact on the Liberal Party brand? Our At Issue panel is here to discuss. 11:46

On Wednesday, an emergency meeting of the House of Commons justice committee was called to discuss a proposal from the Conservatives and New Democrats to hear from nine witnesses — including PMO officials and Jody Wilson-Raybould herself.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Liberals tabled their own motion that severely limited the witness list, leaving only three names. Attempts to amend the motion failed.
Reid admitted it doesn't look good when a government shuts down lines of inquiry, but he argued that, due to solicitor-client privilege and cabinet confidence issues, it's almost impossible to have those conversations in committee without the dialogue descending into a "political gong show."

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