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Kris Austin 'shocked' by Green MLA's Nazi reference


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks its predictable that CBC is blocking many of my comments today for the benefit of the SANB We can only imagine how others are blocked as well N'esy Pas? 


Kris Austin 'shocked' by Green MLA's Nazi reference in rebuke of People's Alliance rhetoric

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
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David Amos
Methinks its predictable that CBC is blocking many of my comments today for the benefit of the SANB We can only imagine how others are blocked as well N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Go figure why I Tweeted this

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks I should reveal that my comment sense has always told me not to believe any of the political parties and their leaders in particular That is why so many folks don't vote and I always run as Independent N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
... and also why you receive so many votes.

Randy McNally
Randy McNally
@David Amos "comment sense" was this a genuine Freudian slip, or a literary gymnastics move? Either way it's brilliant. lol.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "and also why you receive so many votes."

Methinks if you had any common sense you should ask yourself why so many of our comments are blocked and or deleted N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
pete prosser

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@pete prosser

Why ?

pete prosser
pete prosser
@Marc Martin
Because it is the right thing to do.
That is what adults do.
Especially those who want to be role models for others, for their children.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you and your former beloved former President of the SANB would never understand common sense N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks I should not be surprised N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@pete prosser

But he cant express his right to speak ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks I should be allowed the same right N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
Gil Murray
Nazi comparisons are ridiculous and insulting. It amounts to fear mongering and has no substance. If this were reversed there would be no end to the calls for resignations.
However, there is no justification for threatening anyone and charges should be laid against those "radicals" if it is possible to find them.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Gil Murray Welcome to the Circus

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@David Amos Surprise Surprise Surprise

David Amos
David Amos
@Gil Murray "Nazi comparisons are ridiculous and insulting. "


 pete prosser 
george bath
"Kent North's Kevin Arseneau drew a parallel between Kris Austin's frequent use of the phrase "common sense" and a famous quotation by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda".

that sentence posted is confusing. "drew a parallel" Did MLA Green say this?
After reading the story, I declare Austin is the problem.

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@george bath

It’s not confusing,

There is zero reason ever to even mention a Canadian and a nazi in the same sentence/paragraph. Ever.

Ed Norton
Ed Norton
@Johnny Horton
Arseneau was playing with fire with his rhetoric. It was not appropriate for a democratic legislature.

That rhetoric completely eclipsed the point he really wanted to make.

Randy McNally
Randy McNally
@george bath As a supporter of Kris Austin, have to say that I am not a big fan of ambiguous terminology , but politics is full of it - always has been and that's just the way that it is. But realistically, if Arsenault was not trying to be intentionally inflammatory he might have used relatively recent Canadian example of Ontario premier Mike Harris who staged the "common sense revolution" 1995-2005. Mr Arsenaul in my opinion, when he says things like this, he is being intentionally decisive and is speaking to the hard - line Acadian population more than he is the "greens" per se.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ed Norton YUP

Roy Nicholl
Ian Scott
Arseneau should go to PQ for a bit . Must feel real good when you cannot go to English school as a choice unless your mother tongue was english for generations. If you want to talk about freedoms of language etc best start there.

Roy Nicholl
Roy Nicholl
@Ian Scott
That is not how access to English schools works in Québec, nor is it how access to French or English Schools works in NB.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane

6.1.2 The superintendent shall not admit a French speaking student or bilingual student to the French Immersion Program in English language schools.

Kent Lee
Kent Lee
@Roy Nicholl

students can only register in French schools if they speak French, are bilingual or speak neither... the only acception is if the student has ayant droit, meaning one of their parents attended a French school. If this is the case they don’t have to speak French.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

So French is denied education ? Why is it English student are allowed into French schools ?

David Amos
David Amos 
 @Ian Scott Methinks you should read this article that came out while I was running against Mr Arseneaus cohorts in the Sussex area N'esy Pas?

Common Sense certainly does not apply in this instance perhaps Minister Cardy can explain now that he is the temporary boss


11-year-old Sussex girl forced to attend school in Saint John

Education policy says French-speaking students cannot attend French immersion
connell smith · CBC News · Posted: Sep 10, 2018 11:58 AM AT

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
Admission to French Language Schools
(a) the student is proficient in French;
(b) the student is proficient in both official languages;
(c) the student is proficient in neither official language;

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

And yet my colleague has 6 English student in the same class as her kid in first grade in the French school in Fredericton, I think your making things up buddy.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you have no buddies in Fredericton N'esy Pas?

pete prosser
I am a full supporter of Kris Austin and his party. I do not believe that Arseneau's comments were "an invitation" to clarify what common sense means. I believe they were an invitation to engage in unnecessary and distracting political drama, and I hope Kris Austin can see through that measley attempt.

David Amos
David Amos
@ Methinks we should ask who you are N'esy Pas?


David Amos
This comment is awaiting moderation by the site administrators.
David Amos
@Angie Brideau Methinks it rather interesting that your name suddenly appeared N'esy Pas?

pete prosser 
Ed Norton
Arseneau definitely overreached in his comment. However, I agree with his opinion that the phrase "common sense" has become a mantra among some circles, a sort of catch all phrase to sooth political supporters. It is so over used it is essentially meaningless.

That said, Arseneau comments were loaded with inappropriate comparisons. Far too provocative.

Who would have ever thought provincial politics in NB could be interesting?

David Amos
David Amos
@Ed Norton "Who would have ever thought provincial politics in NB could be interesting?"

Methinks you should check my work N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
Natalie Pugh
"He suggested Austin has been invoking "common sense" to disguise an agenda to undermine francophone rights" LOL, what a joke!!!

Greens showing their true agenda!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Natalie Pugh YUP

 pete prosser 
Robert Brannen
"Austin said Arseneau's speech will make that more difficult.

'Comments like that will only further isolate Mr. Arseneau from a lot of the decision-making within the workings of government. I don't know what his strategy was. I don't know what he was looking to accomplish, if he was just trying to drum up his base'." ----- from CBC article.

Austin's response sounds very much like the political rhetoric issuing forth from politicians to our South.

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Brannen Methinks the MLAs may have been wise to bar Mr. Arneneau from the parliamentary properties years ago and the former Speaker Chris Collins was not a wiseguy to remove it when he became the President o the SANB N'esy Pas?

pete prosser 
Jeff Smith
Invoke Godwin's rule for the legislature. The first person to mention Nazi's loses the argument.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jeff Smith Methinks the Murphy's law applies in this instance N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
Charles van Duren
Invoking "common sense" as a political justification is a bit like claiming truth for something that "everybody is saying" or "everybody knows".

Sound familiar?

Invoking common sense means never having to clearly explain yourself.

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Charles van Duren invoking the Nazis does the same thing. Immediately lowers the discourse to the lowest common denominator. It is something that people, like Mr Areseneau here, do when they have nothing better to support an argument.

David Amos
David Amos
@Charles van Duren "Sound familiar?" Methinks everybody knows common sense is the ultimate oxymoron to employed by any politician. Its kinda like Hollywood expecting Yankees to believe "Love means never having to say you're sorry" Yet many Canadians say they are sorry all that time Hence they must think nobody loves them N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
Craig O'Donnell
Well Kris, the hard truth comes out. To an ultra-lefty like the Green MLA, anybody that does not agree with far left ideology, then under the current social climate, it's just fine to label them a "populist extreme right-winger", throw in the word Nazi or Fascist, and maybe racist to boot. It's appalling that people that make these kinds of accusations nowadays are not brought to task for them.

David Amos
David Amos
@Craig O'Donnell Methinks many would agree that it just a failed attempt at hard ball politicking before the confidence vote N'esy Pas?

pete prosser 
Randy McNally
I'm not surprised that Mr. Arseneau is unaware of the meaning of common sense as some may see this lack of knowledge is reflected in his expectations. Kris Austin said nothing in my opinion to warrant such attack on himself or his party. It appears to me that Mr. Arseneaul is using inflammatory language in an attempt to grab some national attention in order to bolster his perceptional distortions.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Randy McNally

* Kris Austin said nothing in my opinion to warrant such attack on himself or his party.*

Of course not he only participated in all the anti-French manifestation and reunions with all the anti-French groups in NB......

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks your beloved former President of the SANB, the French Lieutenant of the the Watermelon Party and former wannabe liberal MLA candidate put his foot in his mouth bigtime once again N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Surprise Surprise Surprise

Randy McNally
Randy McNally
@Randy McNally Why do you disable my comments when they are clearly not abusive, insulting or inflammatory. I merely asked Mr Martin to explain what he means by anti-French groups in NB because I know of none.

Vernon McPhee
Vernon McPhee
@Randy McNally Get used to it. Happens to mine sometimes as well for no particular reason I can ascertain.

David Amos
David Amos
@Vernon McPhee It happened to about 1/3 of mine tonight

pete prosser 
William Edwards
He should be forced to apologize for these bigoted comments, if the speaker doesn't reprimand Arseneau then the legislature will be nothing but a gong show this session. Arseneau should be ashamed of himself for comparing rejection of his Acadia viewpoints to the Jewish holocaust.

Charles van Duren
Charles van Duren
@William Edwards

"comparing rejection of his Acadia viewpoints to the Jewish holocaust."

You're the one making this assertion. The comparison to Goebbels and propaganda techniques does not in any way imply what you infer.

David Amos
David Amos
@William Edwards "if the speaker doesn't reprimand Arseneau then the legislature will be nothing but a gong show this session"

Methinks many folks agree that is what it already is N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
Johnny Horton
We needed four people to go to a meeting. A two hour drive,

We didn’t require all four to have a license to drive as a factor in who got to go,

Common sense,

David Amos
David Amos
@Johnny Horton Methinks My Common Sense tells me that it depends very much on whether or not they are all coming from the same location in the same vehicle N'esy Pas?

 Tristan Gummow 
Tristan Gummow
The issue isnt what he quoted but who he quoted and there lies the issue. On its face its a very tame quote and does not contain anything racist or even overtly bad. As a matter of fact that very premise has been used in advertising for years. Just drill people over and over until they believe or agree. Could he have chosen a better person to quote? Certainly. Are people blowing it out of context and proportion? Certainly

David Amos
David Amos
@Tristan Gummow I disagree

pete prosser 
Mario Doucet
Francophone rights, now that's something we never hear about in Nouvelle Quebec.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mario Doucet Methinks thou doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

pete prosser 
Thomas Imber
Arseneau is making it very clear to New Brunswickers that he is the one with extreme views.

**** better reign in his loose cannon MLA before he hurts the Green Party's chances in the next election. His comments show that he is completely out of touch with reality.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Thomas Imber

Arseneau is extreme because he spoke about an extreme group ?

* before he hurts the Green Party's chances in the next election. *

He got elected up north, the kind of people your party is against.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks thinks I should ask what kind of people are blocking my replies to your nonsense N'esy Pas?

pete prosser 
Pierre LaRoches
Mr Arseneau knew exactly what he was doing and the comparison he was making. You can see very clearly at the 20 min mark of the video of his speech. Not only did he raise Goebbels he immediately nods dramatically and says 'yeah, I'm going Joseph Goebbels'. He knew that was a comparison that the house would find shocking, he knew and he went there anyway and then he acknowledged himself that it was language unbecoming.

This doesn't surprise as he was past president of the SANB, an organization that exists only to wedge us all further apart. They have no argument just outrage and when that won't work they result to name calling like Mr Areseau did here. Shameful.

David Amos
David Amos
@Pierre LaRoches I wholeheartedly Agree Sir

 pete prosser 
Colin Seeley
He’s “ Green “.

Doesn’t get it.

What he does get is “ Power “.

Green’s will do & say anything to get to be in Power !

I heard one say GM closing Oshawa is good for the Climate.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Colin Seeley Methinks some folks may remember that the leader of the Watermelon Party who can't be named in CBC said on Rogers TV long ago that we get the governments we deserve N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos It appears the CBC is rethinking a few things N'esy Pas?


Shane MacDonald
Shane MacDonald
This is the challenge the Green party will face in each province. They have some good ideas, but their platform and ethos tends to attract those who are lass politically savvy. Some see that as a good thing, but the byproduct is that you get gaffes like this one that can really damage the credibility of the party among mainstream voters. It is a fine line to walk - be radical enough that you are seen as a breath of fresh air, but not so radical that people think you are full of... radicals.

Gisele Grignet
Gisele Grignet
@Shane MacDonald I'm not sure where that idea comes from. When reading the green policies - fed and provincial - I find them to be fiscally conservative. I'm quite surprised they don't have more conservative followers.

Shane MacDonald
Shane MacDonald
@Gisele Grignet

As I said, it isn't the ideas - it is the people. The professional politicians tend to align with the traditional parties. That means that the Greens tend to get people who are more prone to making errors of judgement like this (think May at the press dinner a few years ago).

David Amos
David Amos
@Shane MacDonald "The professional politicians tend to align with the traditional parties. "

Methinks many Maritimers would agree that politicians should not be professionals N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
Mario Doucet
Defund SANB now. What does the green party policies have to do with language rights? The never ending story of NB is language issues. All government decisions are made based on how it will affect our minority.

Gisele Grignet
Gisele Grignet
@Mario Doucet WOW. There are SOOOO many more issues to be tackled in NB. Language seems like a grand distraction in my opinion. That said, no party is ignoring the language issue.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mario Doucet "Defund SANB now"

I agree

 pete prosser 
Shawn McShane
Common sense: The ability to use good judgment in making decisions to live in a reasonable and safe way.

The opposite of common sense: Emotion overrules logic, language comes before life and safety and an emotional person invokes a dreadful quotation.

David Amos
David Amos
@Shawn McShane So you say

pete prosser 
Tim Raworth
We like to vent our frustations on the comments dont we. Lets start venting them to David ****, Arsenault himself and the provincial Ombudsman.

David Amos
David Amos
@Tim Raworth I second that emotion

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Man up and define "common sense" Austin! - I bet you can't.

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Marguerite Deschamps all you have to do is go to panb.ca and you will see what they mean by common sense. No great surprises or Nazi propaganda. But you would rather spout off gibberish than look.

Jim Reid
Jim Reid
@Marguerite Deschamps let me hear your version

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

Totally true !!!!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

PANB who has no French candidates who doesn't run into any French regions and does not want any interview with any French media, that PANB ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks the lady doth protest too much once again N'esy Pas?

pete prosser 
Stephen Wood
It seems Arseneau and his SANB followers fear equality, change and working along side Anglophones in New Brunswick . Thank God NOT all French Acadians are of this twisted mindset Arseneau chooses to follow.

David Amos
David Amos
@Stephen Wood Mais Oui

 pete prosser 
Roy Kirk
Propaganda is increasingly used by all sides in our political 'debates'. It is a dangerous game. A good primer on the topic can be found here: https://www.scribd.com/document/216582785/Age-of-Propaganda-Anthony-R-Pratkanis-Elliot-Aronson

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Roy Kirk Methinks I should ask what you think of CBC controlling the spin in the comment forum N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Why is is that I could predict this so easily?

 pete prosser 
Tim Raworth
I blame the English for all this mess, myself included. We sit back for years, said and did nothing pretending that "it doesent effect me" or "there is nothing we can do about it" well here we are. The question is. What are we going to do about it now?

David Amos
David Amos
@Tim Raworth I hope you are speaking only for yourself because the RCMP/GRC knows for a fact that I have done a lot about this issue since 1982

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@David Amos Most of the English. I was talking to a co worker a few months ago and she admitted that OB was the biggest mistake NB has made. Then yesterday she told me she voted green. That's my point.

 pete prosser 
Gisele Grignet
The People's Alliance are oddly silent on many issues.

David Amos
David Amos
@Gisele Grignet YUP

 pete prosser 
Will Leeson
Typical distortion of language. The word “Nazi” is starting to mean “anyone I don’t agree with”, which is a shame.

David Amos
David Amos
@Will Leeson Kinda sorta

Peter Maestro 
Peter Maestro
Here we go again.

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Maestro Welcome Back to the Circus

 pete prosser
Content disabled.
I am a full supporter of Kris Austin and his party. I do not believe that Arseneau's comments were "an invitation" to clarify what common sense means. I believe they were an invitation to engage in unnecessary and distracting political drama, and I hope Kris Austin can see through that measley attempt.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@ Methinks we should ask who you are N'esy Pas?

Jon Pop 
Jon Pop
Arseneau is Canada's new Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jon Pop NOPE

 pete prosser 
Bernard McIntyre
No wonder N.B in in such a mess with MLA'S making statements like this.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

NB is such a mess and that's why MLA must make comments like these..

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks that nonsense like this make the Circus very entertaining for the common folks who vote N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Amos working good today.

Bernard McIntyre
Content disabled.
Bernard McIntyre
@David Amos Doing good today, did a high 5 so far.


pete prosser 
Edwin Kelley
Definition: Common sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things, which is shared by ("common to") nearly all people, and can be reasonably expected of nearly all people without any need for debate.

A concept Mr. Arseneau claims he doesn't understand. Sad that the Greens agenda may be driven by this man's views.

Charles van Duren
Charles van Duren
@Edwin Kelley

You forgot the part of the definition that says that common sense is not at all common.

Charles van Duren
Charles van Duren
@Edwin Kelley

So if the government claims that a measure they propose is "common sense" then no debate is required?

Please clarify?

David Amos
David Amos
@Charles van Duren "You forgot the part of the definition that says that common sense is not at all common"

Methinks that is why I consider it to be the ultimate oxymoron when applied by politicians speaking for the rest of us in the House of Commons N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Edwin Kelley

It is more than evident that Arseneau is defining Mr. Austin's words by his own mindset... After all is it not exactly what the Francophone Elite along with government has been doing for decades .... Incessantly repeating and extoiling all of the " benefits " of forced official bilingualism.....Not everyone has your warped mindset Mr. Arseneau and not everyone is convinced that there are any benefits to your quest or forced social engineering....

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mack Leigh

*Francophone Elite *

I'm still looking for them..........

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Mack Leigh
Who's the francophone elites?

Steve Gordon
Steve Gordon
@Marc Martin After reading many of your comments, I'd say you simply need to look in a mirror to see one.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Rosco holt

I have no idea...they always bring them up...
Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Steve Gordon

I'm an elite ? If im an elite pretty much everyone in NB is....

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks your kingdom is only within your mean little mind N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Yea Right

pete prosser 
Richard Dunn
Maybe the Libs were smarter than we thought to not let this guy in the party. Arseneau has proven to be more radical, and less informed, than one would like to see in a politician. He let down, and upset, many in his riding by supporting the Liberal throne speech, and appears to continue to talk out of both sides of his mouth.
Threats are not acceptable, but his own conduct, decisions, and language may require more thought.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Richard Dunn Methinks many folks are beginning to see the Watermelon Party for what it truly is N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Richard Dunn

Letter sent from the Liberals to Kevin Arseneau regarding their decision to not accept him as a Liberal candidate states the following... " Your personal opinions as well as your public positions do not fit ideologically with the legislative action line, the platform and the values of the provincial Liberal Party...The committee is also of the opinion that the actions you have taken in the past do not meet the criteria of conduct expected of a party candidate " The letter was signed by Victor Boudreau.... It is also interesting to note that Arseneau was ejected from the legislature at least once , : in April of 2015 while a member of the National Farmers Union , for inappropriate behavior.... This guy is definitely a loose cannon , in my opinion .....

Jonas Smith
Jonas Smith
@Mack Leigh I could agree, but Victor Boudreau saying that doesn't instill confidence.

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Jonas Smith

However it is definitive proof as to what they thought of Arseneau and why they rejected his application...... It was not only decided by Victor Boudreau but a full committee.....

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Richard Dunn

They should have hired him, a French right defender, I applaud M. Arseneau.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Marc Martin .
me too...talk to the man twice.......very intelligent

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Mack Leigh They dodged a bullet with that one.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Pierre LaRoches "They should have hired him, a French right defender, I applaud M. Arseneau."

Methinks some folks must understand why I am keeping a tally of my replies but you never will N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Clearly CBC does N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
daryl doucette
Mr. Arseneau is simply using a tactic that has worked very well for francophone extremists here in New Brunswick. And that tactic is simple. ATTACK anyone who DARES question bilingualism, and its negative effect on unilingual New Brunswickers. But Mr. Austin will not be intimidated by this. Common sense is what is needed in these discussions. There is simply no need to have all government employees bilingual here in New Brunswick, which seems to be the ultimate goal of people like Mr. Arseneau.

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette YUP

John O'Brien
John O'Brien
@Marc Martin how would you classify Catherine D'Entrement, Michel Doucet,Michel Bastarache, Pierrette Ringuette?
Dobn't forget that the Constitution was changed to allow biligualism and it can be changed again.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marc Martin what about the "rights" of unilingual New Brunswickers to gainful employement?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@John O'Brien wouldn't that be nice!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@daryl doucette

They already have 46% of the provincial government jobs in NB, while the French unilingual have access to less then 11%. So again what's your point?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@John O'Brien

What about them ? Just because the extremist anti-French groups your part of says they are anti-English it doesn't mean they are.

*Dobn't forget that the Constitution was changed to allow biligualism and it can be changed again.*

Good luck with that. Even the Cons wont go that far with a CoR member at their helm.

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@John O'Brien

And Melanson, Jeanne-d' Arc , Jean Marie Nadeau and , and , and, and...This will not stop until they have a complete take over of our province and country or we have a government with enough go...ds. to shut them down...

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin living in the past again?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mack Leigh

....You watch too many conspiracy movies...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Not at all im living in the present you should try it, its wonderful !!!

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marc Martin a " french unilingual".... never met one in New Brunswick

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin been here still here unlike some people.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@daryl doucette
"what about the "rights" of unilingual New Brunswickers to gainful employement?"

People can get a job if they look hard enough, but if you're not qualified for the job you apply for that's another issue.

The province already have incompetent political hacks in key places, not fulfilling their job properly and lowering hiring standards to those lazy individuals isn't helping any.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@daryl doucette

You should go up north there are thousand of them.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Marc Martin "You watch too many conspiracy movies

Methinks you know why I don't have to N'esy Pas?


pete prosser 
Charles van Duren
Anyone who thinks "common sense" is a sufficient justification for anything is part of the problem.

David Amos
David Amos
@Charles van Duren YUP

pete prosser
 Tim Astle
Wow. Just... wow....

David Amos
David Amos
@Tim Astle Exactly

Ross Piercey 
Ross Piercey
When asked how long was the 100 year war, using common sense you would think it was a 100 years, so, much for common sense heh.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ross Piercey YUP

 pete prosser 
Steve McCready
If you don't have it you won't be able to understand it regardless how it is presented.That just makes common sense

David Amos
David Amos
@Steve McCready True


Sonya Jewett
Sonya Jewett
Saul Alinsky.. Rules For Radicals
The Rules Edit
"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
"Never go outside the expertise of your people."
"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
"Keep the pressure on."
"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"
"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

David Amos
David Amos
@Sonya Jewett Methinks folks should ask what your point is N'esy Pas?


pete prosser 
Shawn McShane
I wonder if NB Green Party leader cringed.

( Experienced an inward shiver of embarrassment or disgust )

David Amos
David Amos
@Shawn McShane I doubt it

pete prosser 
Aaron Allison
A House divided cannot stand.

David Amos
David Amos
@Aaron Allison Methinks the divided Houses of Commons have survived for hundreds of years Only Frank McKeenna broke that mold the first time he won a mandate and had to appoint his own opposition N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
John Connelly
Mr. Arseneau, Common sense in this circumstance clearly illustrates, that you owe Mr. Austin a public apology.

David Amos
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David Amos
@John Connelly Methinks I should wish you good luck applying common sense this this Circus N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks that was unnecessary N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
Mack Leigh
How ironic that in the past any politician who even questioned the value of bilingualism as it is now implemented was either forced to apologize or was ejected from the legislature... Dr. Parrott comes to mind however there were several others...... Yet the Legislature seems to have no problem with Arseneau going on a raving, lunatic-like rant with no concern or consequences...... What a disgrace Kevin Arseneau is to the Legislature, the Green Party and to all politicians...... He is an embarrassment to true democracy and to this province, in my opinion.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mack Leigh I concur

Brian Robertson 
Brian Robertson
Greens and liberals alike see anyone with different political opinions as Nazis.
There's nothing new in that.
It's their go to tactic; a knee jerk when they cannot articulate a thoughtful response.

David Amos
David Amos
@Brian Robertson YUP


pete prosser 
Corbin Spark
Mr **** should hurry and get his members under control. I am a green party supporter but what Kevin said was completely false. I hope for cooperation, not destruction.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Corbin Spark Methinks its incredibly comical that you cannot post your party leader's name N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Corbin Spark Methinks you should ask yourself why I am laughing N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
Corbin Spark
Mr David should hurry and get his members under control. I am a green party supporter but what Kevin said was completely false. I hoped for cooperation, not destruction.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Corbin Spark
Well said!

David Amos
David Amos
@Corbin Spark Dream on


 pete prosser 
Mario Doucet
When the provincial government openly funds radical groups like the SANB what would you expect?

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Mario Doucet

Sadly SANB receives millions in funding from both the provincial and federal governments including Heritage Canada ..... All such funding should be fully investigated and then stopped......

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mack Leigh

Millions as do all the non-profit organizations across NB, how did the Beaver Brook museum get again for renovation ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Mario Doucet Methinks the fact that Feds fund them too makes this little local Circus a really big show N'esy Pas?

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Marc Martin Beaver Brook museum at least is arguably for us all to use and benefit from. SANB is a divisive organization that even sane Acadians don't like.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Pierre LaRoches

I have lived for 9 years in Fredericton, I have never visited it, its an English museum with English culture, why would I want to visit that ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Pierre LaRoches

Should I have access to organize the Jazz and Blues festival in Fredericton, I mean I pay for that non-for profit organization with my money right ?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin "I have lived for 9 years in Fredericton, I have never visited it, its an English museum with English culture, why would I want to visit that ?"

Methinks nobody missed you N'esy Pas?

pete prosser 
Bernard McIntyre
And some people say the PANB are the radical group in N.B. Not no more.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Yeah they still are, the member have their own Facebook site. The hatred on that site concerning the French population is shameful.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks you should study the history of the SANB N'esy Pas?

pete prosser 
Shawn Tabor
It is Truly a Circus. Really sad.

David Amos
David Amos
@Shawn Tabor I am happy you agree

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
We may be witnessing the destruction of the Green Party of NB just as it was beginning to make real progress.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

So you voted for PANB truths comes out ?

Aaron Allison
Aaron Allison
@Fred Brewer The Liberals made the right Choice by not letting Kevin run for them

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer Methinks many would agree that the Circus tent is unfolding just as it should N'esy Pas?

Douglas James
Douglas James
@Fred Brewer Gimme a break!

David Amos
David Amos
@Douglas James Methinks common sense dictates that I would not give you a break for obvious reasons N'esy Pas?

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
"So you voted for PANB"

Still guessing, eh Marc? Just because I have made favourable comments about PA does not mean I voted for them.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

So you voted for Davis ? Your running out of options...

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks I would be honoured if he did N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
Marc Martin
*Austin said Arseneau, a former student leader at the University of Moncton and a former president of the Acadian Society of New Brunswick, has been "a radical most of his life."*

So its ok for the PANB anti-French leader to call M. Arseneau a radical but not the opposite ? I can see what Mr. Arseneau was talking about.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin some people would.

Ben Robinson
Ben Robinson
@Marc Martin ... To compare Austin to a radical is laughable. Austin deals in logic, reason ... common sense.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
So you see no difference in the words "radical" and "Nazi"? How sad.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks I should why you are not promoting my lawsuit against the Crown today N'esy Pas?

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin The Liberals thought he was too radical to run for them. Your party did not want him. He said in the French press that he listens to punk rock music.

Personally I like him after reading all about him. He should apologize, put this behind him and get on with the show.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Ben Robinson

Yeah he deal with *his* logic which is English only, he has proven that by attending all the anti-French rally's and reunions across the province of NB.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

They would take him now, they didn't like his *green* ways, he's a farmer.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks the "farmer" forgot my lawsuit N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Harold Wood

I am not anti-English at all, in fact I can bet 100$ I have more English Friends then you have French ones., I am anti hate groups PANB is one of them.

*For a change how about you backing up you comments with proof.*

I always do, you ignore them all.....

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Again, no idea what your talking about...

Archie Levesque
Archie Levesque
@Marc Martin Well where is the proof and not just your words?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Archie Levesque

Google them, stats are available via government site...But even if you find them you wont believe them.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin "Again, no idea what your talking about..."

Methinks you are trying hard to forget that you posted the link to my lawsuit at least five times in one comment forum last week N'esy Pas?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin "Google them, stats are available via government sit"

Methinks you should do the same with your name and mine N'esy Pas?

 pete prosser 
cheryl wright
i have listened to this speech by Mr. Arseneau and he is clearly off his rocker. He absolutely owes not on an apology to Mr. Austin but to his constituents for looking like such a fool in front of his peers .

David Amos
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David Amos
@cheryl wright Methinks such common sense would never cross the mind of such a narcissistic character N'esy Pas?

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@cheryl wright he gets progressively angrier and less coherent as he continues.

David Amos
David Amos
@cheryl wright "i have listened to this speech by Mr. Arseneau and he is clearly off his rocker."

Methinks many would agree that the French Lieutenant of the Greens knows exactly what he is doing and so does his leader who can't be named N'esy Pas?

tom Basil
tom Basil
Wow....now the word "common sense" is all of a sudden a nazi term. It's people like Mr. Arsenaeau who is a danger to democracy. It is Mr. Arsenau who is creating divides and it is Mr. Arsenau who does not deserve to have a seat in a place that represents the people of New Brunswick. If an apology isn't forthcoming from this communist hack....censure him.

David Amos
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David Amos
@tom Basil "Wow....now the word "common sense" is all of a sudden a nazi term"

Methinks amazing things never cease to be said at the Circus N'esy Pas?.

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Amazing things never cease

reginald churchill
Ben Robinson
'a former student leader at the University of Moncton and a former president of the Acadian Society of New Brunswick

That truly does say it all. U de M and its alumnae/alumni have far too much influence in how this province is run.

reginald churchill
reginald churchill
@Ben Robinson ---------agreed

David Amos
David Amos
@reginald churchill Me Too

David Peters 
David Peters
Why not do away with "rights" for special interest groups, based on identity politics, and, instead, simply have basic Individual Rights for everyone?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Peters my thoughts also.

David Amos
David Amos
@David Peters Methinks that makes too much sense N'esy Pas?

Barbara White 
Barbara White
Without any foresight to understand the consequences, official bilingualism disenfranchised a whole generation of english-only speakers coming of age on the cusp of this laudable, well intentioned policy. If you did not live in a french speaking community, you could never really become truly bilingual. This is not a skill that can effectively be learned in a classroom. It requires immersion. Those not lucky enough to have had that serendipitous experience during their formative years (children have no control over where they are born and raised) were ultimately doomed.

A whole generation of english-only speakers bereft of french immersion had to reconcile themselves to the futility of applying for ANY government job or indeed most jobs in central and eastern Canada.

Fast forward 40 years later and the lessons learned must surely mandate a return to common sense (particularly given the multiplicity of languages now spoken in the home): not all job candidates should have to be french-english bilingual. Too strict an adherence to official bilingualism is tantamount to economic discrimmination if you factor in the consequences of marginalizing english-only speakers in the broader workforce.

Acknowledging the sustained and unequivocal merits of official bilingualism whilst simultaneously recognizing unintended harm is not heretical to the goals of sound policy, it is urgently necessary given the principles of fairness and equality of opportunity - and our aging demographics and workforce needs.

Returning to the topic at hand: isn't the government's "duty of care" to defend the public health an international language?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Barbara White

Its 2018, there is internet, radio and TV and classes to learn French, you either want to learn French or you don't, no more excuses.

*not all job candidates should have to be french-english bilingual*

They are not, 56% are currently unilingual only.

*Too strict an adherence to official bilingualism is tantamount to economic discrimmination if you factor in the consequences of marginalizing english-only speakers in the broader workforce. *

There is currently 46% of the provincial job that are unilingual English and the bilingual English natives fill out over 18% of the 44 % bilingual jobs. So you already have 64% of all the government job in NB. The thing is *your kind* wants them all.

David Amos
David Amos
@Barbara White "Returning to the topic at hand: isn't the government's "duty of care" to defend the public health an international language?"

Methinks you forgot the government does not understand common sense N'esy Pas?

Tom Wright 
Tom Wright
Things will never change. The province is broken. And for the Green Party member "Common sense" is a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things, which is shared by ("common to") nearly all people, and can be reasonably expected of nearly all people without any need for debate. From this I can only conclude, there is NO common sense in NB. Usually the discussion gets dominated by people who have the most extreme and divisive ideas on the matter, it's happening now.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Tom Wright The no common sense in NB reminded me of the story where nothing was being done about dangerous pot holes so an NBer who is in the business took it upon himself to fill the dangerous pot holes and then he was made to dig out the pot holes he had filled. - New Brunswick man told to unfix potholes

David Amos
David Amos

Pierre LaRoches
Roy Kirk
M. Arseneau's attitude, it seems, best summed up by that old saw: 'Come the Revolution!'
Mr. Austin's? I don't know, 'Come the Revelation!', perhaps?

I'm not sure which is scarier. ;-)

David Amos
David Amos
@Roy Kirk Methinks both are pretty funny to most folks N'esy Pas?

Pierre LaRoches 
Gary Purcell
Remember the "Common Sense Revolution" that the Ontario PC's initiated under Mike Harris? We need that here!!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Gary Purcell Yea Right

Pierre LaRoches 
Mario Doucet
The people of Kent north really deserve better, they thought they voted for a green party candidate.

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen
@Mario Doucet

The people of many ridings in New Brunswick deserve better, many of them thought they had voted for Progressive Conservative candidates.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Brannen

They actually voted PANB the story is out !!

David Amos
David Amos
@Mario Doucet Methinks everybody knows why the Greens had me barred from a debate in Sussex during the last election. However they may not know that my friend Roger Richard ran against this Arseneau character in the last election. When he tried to speak during a debate basically hosted by the Green Party people yelled at him Trust that I would have fun if they tried that with me N'esy Pas?

Pierre LaRoches 
John Valcourt
and this was the party that campaigned on inacting the quebec sign law for New Brunswick. Sound like the green party are the ones with the issues.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@John Valcourt

*and this was the party that campaigned on inacting the quebec sign law for New Brunswick*

Sounds like something PANB and their radical groups would do.

David Amos
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David Amos
@John Valcourt Years ago when I was touring around France I noticed the stop signs were spelled STOP However in Sussex NB where there are hardly any French folks at all and all that are there speak and read English the same signs are spelled ARRET.

Methinks the SANB should Go Figure why I knew in a heartbeat that their bilingualism nonsense had gone too far in New Brunswick N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks folks can be far too sensitive about signs N'esy Pas?

Pierre LaRoches 
Mario Doucet
Green MLA Kevin Arseneau is the perfect example of what is really going on the NB politics.

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Mario Doucet Mr **** brought Arseneau on thinking it would attract more Francophone votes. It may have, but now it is back firing.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mario Doucet YUP

Pierre LaRoches 
linda stoddard
reading all these hateful comments and distortions makes my point. Austin and the panb are playing the trump game- US vs THEM.. That game never ends well.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@linda stoddard This game has been going on in N.B long before Trump was around in politics.

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@linda stoddard So you agree with Arsenaults propaganda?

reginald churchill
reginald churchill
@linda stoddard ----------why blame poor old trump for New Brunswick's problems this all started with forced bilingualism.

linda stoddard
linda stoddard
@reginald churchill - I didn't blame trump- I blamed Austin.

linda stoddard
linda stoddard
@Tim Raworth - YES

Mike Bookman
Mike Bookman
@Bernard McIntyre
You don't get it Bernie. Trump capitalizes on this type of rhetoric, that's all she means.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Mike Bookman I believe your self and this lady don't understand that this has been going on in N.B far far longer than Trump Or Austin.

Ralph Green
Ralph Green
@Bernard McIntyre lefties always blame trump or harper when they are losing an argument or have nothing useful to say.

Ken Dwight
Ken Dwight
@reginald churchill
You said this: "in 2017 above and beyond everyone else in the Atlantic Canada the Acadian communities received 1,000,000 tax dollars to promote Acadian day. to show case their culture and language . waste of tax money"
Quite obvious what you are fella.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Ken Dwight

*1,000,000 tax dollars to promote Acadian day*

And the Ontario English people was given over 25 million $ to promote their English games, so whats your point ?

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Marc Martin
Means he is backing you up Marc...............

David Amos
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David Amos
@Ken Dwight "Quite obvious what you are fella."

Methinks many folks are not wondering about you as well N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre True

Pierre LaRoches 
Bernard McIntyre
Any MLA who makes a statement like this Green MLA should not be allowed to be an MLA.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks Mr Aseneau was duly elected by folks who were too easily duped by many screaming self righteous members of the Green Party who raised hell over fracking years ago but I doubt it will happen twice N'esy Pas?

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@David Amos
And how do you think Conroy got in for PA....duped...it wont happen again............

Dan Lee
Heather Wood
Arseneau added: "What exactly does 'common sense' mean? The people of New Brunswick, be you francophone, anglophone, First Nations or newcomer, deserve a straight and honest answer."--- I fyou don't know what common sense is, then I strongly suggest you sue your educational system because buddy, even my 14 yr old grandson knows what common sense is.

Charles van Duren
Charles van Duren
@Heather Wood

Common sense is neither common, nor is it a sense. It is an opinion. No more, no less.

David Amos
David Amos
@Charles van Duren Methinks most folks have enough common sense to come in out of the rain but I have my doubts about Mr Arseneau if he needs it to be defined N'esy Pas?

Dan Lee 
Frank Campbell
I find it difficult to believe that someone doesn't understand what common sense is..... It is common sense to fix the holes in the roof and the cracks in the foundation before you spend all your money on two stoves in the kitchen or the color of paint on the walls..... We are all in this dwelling together...

Charles van Duren
Charles van Duren
@Frank Campbell

Common sense is a political slogan and tactic to stop debate.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Charles van Duren No it isn't. I will give you an example of someone lacking common sense. It was a few days before Christmas, the mom asked one of her kids to take the turkey out of the deep freeze and put it in the basement sink On Christmas morning my mom found a small chicken in the sink. My sibling also voted for Trudeau, but won't ever again.

Charles van Duren
Charles van Duren
@Shawn McShane

I rest my case. Your argument is overwhelming.

David Amos
David Amos
@Charles van Duren LOL

Dan Lee 
Paul Bourgoin
Green MLA Kevin Arseneau has openly been critical of People's Alliance. Behind closed doors so has Leader Kris Austin done the same thing with regards to bilingualism. Who is guilty? Now who is going to benefit from this school yard quarrel, definitely not the tax paying citizens of New Brunswick? As a senior citizen who has lived in NB all my life, raised my bilingual family with no problems with any language discord and at the end of the day I ask you who wins? Neither English nor French because they both are blinded by culture differences. Those who orchestrate these dividing games are those who win. English and French should work as team not adversaries while protecting our NATURAL RESOURCES, COLLECTING THE TAXES DUE FROM WHO BENEFIT FROM SUBSIDIES, TAX BREAKS, THOSE WHO BENEFIT FROM SUCH ORCHESTRATED SCHEMES!! 

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Paul Bourgoin Leader Kris Austin never hid behind closed doors regarding bilingualism/duality. You have exposed your bias.

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@Shawn McShane
And so have you!!
I hope you understand there are no winners here, just a scheme for division!!

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Paul Bourgoin Do you honesty believe SANB is interested in working with the English?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

Why would they be ? SANB is a non for profit organization that works towards defending French rights. You have your own organization PANB and ARANB.

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Paul Bourgoin Cultural differences aside, its all about the financial health of this province. We spend millions of tax payers dollars to prop up a culture / language when people are loosing homes, pensions and cant get decent medical care and the debt we will be leaving our next generation. If language is more important than this, shame on anyone who thinks this way.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Paul Bourgoin There are more than Anglophone's and Francophone's that live in N.B. That's the problem Anglophone's and Francophone's think they are the only two that have rights in N.B.

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Marc Martin

What a complete farce...non-profit.... SANB .. millions of taxpayers money poured into it every year..... Your comments are hilarious..

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Tim Raworth

Exactly !!!

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Marc Martin ARA is not funded by the tax payers and SANB is. Tax prayer dollars well spent eh.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

*We spend millions of tax payers dollars to prop up a culture / language *
I pay for your culture and your language everyday, what do you suggest?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

*That's the problem Anglophone's and Francophone's think they are the only two that have rights in N.B.*

There is only 2 official langue in Canada, you didn't know ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mack Leigh

Millions are poured into your museums festival etc...What do you suggest we do ?

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@Shawn McShane
I fail to understand your positioning and I respect it.
This is how I feel; "I am proud being a New Brunswicker"

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

Its funded by heritage Canada, they don't fund hate groups.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin that's the problem in N.B. there should be no official( and it's languages) in N.B. There are more than two languages in N.B.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin Don't you mean our museums and festivals?

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Paul Bourgoin I respect your position also and agree that the English and French should work as a team while protecting our natural resources, collecting the taxes due from those who benefit from subsidies while receiving huge tax cuts. The cultures are not so different.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

There is 2 official language in *Canada* that's not a problem at all since these 2 language where the ones who created this country.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Yes those too.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin

Methinks you are Too Too Funny Indeed I bet you even laugh at your own nonsense as well N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos


Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin So it was only 2 races and 2 languages. Boy some people are so out of touch with reality here. first there were First Nation People plus Scots, Irish. German. Danish, Ukrainian. etc, etc. That's the problem some people think it was only 2 races Who believe they are better than the other people.

Dan Lee 
Richard Dunn
I would make a prediction that Arseneau will not finish his term as MLA.....he will be kicked out, or resign.
I think he is the radical culture we are trying to eliminate in politics. NB needs to work together and his words are not helpful.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Dunn Methinks there will be another election in the near future and I am considering running against to see if the former President of the SANB dares to debate a man who loves to argue lawyers N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

No one will vote for you there.

Dan Lee 
Albert Wade
What about the right to free speech Kevin Arsenault?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mack Leigh

Actually the way I see it its the PANB leader who wants to shut down the Greeen MLA not the opposite.

David Amos
David Amos
@Albert Wade Methinks we should be all for his right to free speech furthermore whatever he say is the house he cannot be sued for. More importantly the more Mr. Arseneau yaps the more the Circus entertains us all The number comments about this article which is about such a dumb issue proves that to be a fact in spades N'esy Pas?

Mike Bookman 
Mike Bookman
I know some people who belong to the 'Peoples alliance' party and I wouldn't put it past them. These people I know are fervently opposed to any French people they encounter, they hate to hear people even speak the language. Like most right wing fringe parties, there's more than meets the eye to them.

But looking at this situation I think the former Society of Acadian's representative is being paranoid. I don't think the context was the same as he's hoping it is. The Society of Acadian's aren't too friendly towards the English in a lot of cases either, so let's be fair here.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mike Bookman Methinks hard ball politicking ain't got nothing to do with being fair particularly before a confidence vote N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mike Bookman

*The Society of Acadian's aren't too friendly towards the English in a lot of cases either*

Please state where SANB has not been friendly with any English sir? You wont find any, but if you take a look at all the hatred comments that are made towards them on their own website by your English colleagues that's a fact.

Marc Martin 
John Hurley
From day 1 when I heard this phrase out of PA platform communications I was saddened by a clear example of moving backward NOT forward. To be honest I wished our Green Party MLA did NOT take the bait. This type of exchange is dangerous politics and only widens the divide - I'm not saying we avoid the elephant in the room but this is NOT a good strategy for NBers to witness. Use the courts to address existing rights challenged by policy change.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@John Hurley 2000 Supreme Court of Canada decision explicitly stated that school buses should not be considered “educational facilities." The Gallant government abandoned the school bus duality court case because the NB court said it wasn't persuaded it should even hear the case at all. This all because Education Minister Serge Rousselle was angry to find out Francophone students were sharing a bus with Anglophone students.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

Maybe the English families up north should not have requested it first in 2018 ?

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Shawn McShane
Better to check on some forefathers and foremothers on sharing busing, social clubs and opportunities...eh!/voilà.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin Education Minister Serge Rousselle told the two school districts in Kent County, one English and one French, that their sharing of a school bus run wasn't allowed.


David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Maybe the English families up north should not have requested it first in 2018 ?"

Methinks you would have no hope of understanding English folks no mater where they live in this province because you constantly claim we are not your kind of peoplekind N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

Dual busing was asked to be removed upper north in 1988 by the English population. Research real facts.

Marc Martin 
Samual Johnston
common sense. any ambulance is better than no ambulance

David Amos
David Amos
@Samual Johnston Mais Oui

Charles van Duren
Charles van Duren
@Samual Johnston

False dichotomy.

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Charles van Duren tell that to the people that dies the past year while Galant and company fumbled this file badly. I dare you to tell their families it didn't happen. Ambulances parked for lack of drivers and people died. An ambulances would have been better than no ambulance in their cases.

Marc Martin 
Albert Wade
What will we all say when NB is put under third party management for poor financial decisions. The feds fo it to First Nations all the time.

David Amos
David Amos
@Albert Wade YUP

Pierre LaRoches 
Douglas James
Anyone who really wants to understand what Mr. Arsenault was saying...and I do include the CBC journalist in this...might want to read this article from the BBC.


As the header clearly points out 'Repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. Understanding this effect can help you avoid falling for propaganda, says psychologist Tom Stafford.

Douglas James
Douglas James
@Douglas James From the immediate dislikes given to my comment, it is clear where the problem lies. People have little or no interest in the facts.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Douglas James Are you saying that "Diversity is our Strength" isn't true? Or that Theresa May harping on and on that the Brexit deal is good is propaganda? Come on all stripes engage in this tactic including SANB, the Liberals, the cons....

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Douglas James How about trying to think for yourself.

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Douglas James

The irony here is the fact that Arseneau points this out as a negative when it is exactly what successive governments, politicians , the Elite and groups like the SANB have been doing for decades...... Repeatedly extolling all of the " benefits " of forced official bilingualism, forced social engineering while at the same time marginalizing the majority which is comprised of every other language...... How much more two-faced could someone be ??

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

*How about trying to think for yourself.* Exactly the way *your kind* thinks...

David Amos
David Amos
@Douglas James "People have little or no interest in the facts."

Methinks my former political opponent in Saint John knows that is not true N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Mack Leigh
Mr. C did you not know any better ?? The writing was on the wall the minute Mr. C and the Green Party allowed both ex SANB presidents Kevin Arseneau and Jean Marie Nadeau to run as candidates... Did Mr. C. actually believe that they were going to follow the Green Party platform and agenda ?? This was just a move to get into the legislature and further their agenda in my opinion....

David Amos
David Amo
@Mack Leigh I agree

John O'Brien
John O'Brien
@Mack Leigh I could not agree more; I am told that legislation already passed will ensure progressive enlargement of bilingual requirements to many , many more segments of New Brunswick life. If all goes according to Acadian plans , one will not be able to hold any type of high-end employment without speaking French- officially, bilingualism will be required but only fluency in French will be tested.
It is a given that the French have placed politicians, judges, bureaucrats and law enforcement in positions to defeat any uprising of Anglo power

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@John O'Brien
Wow....psssst who is the leader of this fearless gang

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@John O'Brien

You have voted for PANB and are a member of ARANB...Both language are tested

Matt Steele
Matt Steele
@Mack Leigh ....Very true . Mr. Arseneau wanted to run for the Liberals , but they refused to have him . Now Mr. Arseneau will destroy the Green Party .

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Matt Steele

They would take him now that they see his stance toward language.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks even the liberals ain't that dumb N'esy Pas?

Claude DeRoche 
Claude DeRoche
CBC News · Posted: Nov 09, 2018
Higgs ran for the leadership of the COR party.
The party Higgs wanted to lead in 1989, the Confederation of Regions, was anti-bilingualism.
Higgs says he no longer subscribes to the COR worldview. "I believe that all New Brunswickers, French and English, have the opportunity to speak their own language and to learn another one," he said in August. "My opinion has changed over the last 30 years."

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Claude DeRoche

I don't believe that. He is still for CoR, proof he did a coalition with PANB the replacement of CoR.

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Marc Martin of course you don't. Keep feeding the fire bud.

David Amos
David Amos
@Tom Wright We are of like mind

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Amos more than just you two.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin And take a look ! All who were the SANB are now Liberal ! Believe it !

Daniel Rawlins 
Daniel Rawlins
'Common Sense' can be defined as: Good sense and sound judgement in practical matters; something that, from the outside looking in, would seem to be totally alien to 99% of politicians. Having common sense does not make one a Nazi it makes one practical in common matters. Common Sense would also be something Mr. Arseneau is lacking. If he would like to know what it means might I suggest a dictionary....

David Amos
David Amos
@Daniel Rawlins 'Common Sense' can be defined as: Good sense and sound judgement in practical matters; something that, from the outside looking in, would seem to be totally alien to 99% of politicians."

Methinks common sense is totally alien to 100% of the politicians purportedly protecting the rights and interests of New Brunswickers N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
philippe m martin
monsieur Austin said it without malice , i feel mr. arsenault should apoplogize his extreme comments . philippe m martin french canadian from the republique

John O'Brien
John O'Brien
@philippe m martin very diplomatic of you. I just wish more voters could be as unbiased as you. I moved to Moncton in the 1970's BECAUSE of the French. I loved the metropolitan feel of Moncton; the two cultures vibrantly played off each other. Bit by bit I have come to distrust the actions of Acadian politicians because they always seem to be about the same thing. More French rights/power/money/priveledges. All I , and most Anglos want is equality. Back in the 60's when Louis Robichaud started the Equal Opportunity proposals, he never intended it as a dividing line. Politicians have made it that way to further their own interests by pretending to play to these differences.

David Amos
David Amos
@philippe m martin Well put

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@John O'Brien

*most Anglos want is equality*

What do we have you don't have ?

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin Cultural centers in every city. Where are the Cultural Centers for the Anglophones ? And the Anglophones aren't the group that pushed the segegation issue into law . Call it what you want, but it is exactly what Rosa Parks fought against.

Jamie Roc
Jamie Roc
@philippe m martin Ah, I see Philippe M Martin is "one of the good ones". Good for you Philippe. I hope these upvotes are worth it.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

* Cultural centers in every city*

What ? Your starting to sound like Davis.

*Cultural Centers for the Anglophones ?*

If they do exist why don't you create your own ?

*that pushed the segegation issue into law*

You need to go take a look at what segregation means.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you know my name is Mr Amos because you found and read my lawsuit N'esy Pas?
David Amos
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David Amos
@David Amos Figures

Marc Martin 
Tim Raworth
So many people downplay this as a minor issue of language . A clever disguise of the true issues. Anyone who follow all the news stories knows how bad things are becoming in NB. We are spending millions of tax payers dollars on a luxury. Thats all it is. And that money would be better spent on healthcare, education etc that would benefit all people.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Tim Raworth
Could you clarify the word, luxury, meaning or finger pointing who, or maybe bashing who...eh/voilà.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks the SANB is finger pointing in the pursuit of more power and luxury that should be clear to you N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

*We are spending millions of tax payers dollars on a luxury.* What is that luxury that your kind is talking about ?

Marc Martin 
Mark Bishop
I was talking to a friend of mine, he stated the government is what is dividing us. Then an official makes this kind of a comment driving another stake between the province. I have to day I agree it is the government.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mark Bishop Methinks it was a liberal plan to divide the vote on the right but it backfired bigtime and divided the province along linguistic lines The nonsense also made the two French Lieutenants Deputy Premier Gauvin and the former SANB president Mr Arseneau very powerful within their own parties N'esy Pas?

Daniel Rawlins
Daniel Rawlins
1969 Official Languages Act came into being for the federal government. Nearly 50 years ago, 1993 NB passed the French Services Act; 25 years and yet here we are, pretty much in the exact same place ... well except that the provinces population has decreased and grown older, the provincial deficit has ballooned to from $494 million to $14,3 billion in that same 25 years and continues to grow $2,000.00 a minute. I agree that emergency situations call for a bilingual first response by ambulance services but is it really necessary for patient transfers? This is where the 'Common Sense' thing comes in. Or we could just simply allow the provinces debt to be called and each and every one of us chip in our $18,500 to bring the province back to a '0' deficit provincial debt.... 

Brian Robertson
Brian Robertson
@Daniel Rawlins
If it is essential for French speaking citizens to have French speaking ambulance attendants, what is being done for other citizens that speak neither English or French?
Are they in danger?
A significant number of patients are unconscious or incapable of communicating at all.
Paramedics are trained to react to a patients vital statistics and observation of the patients behavior.

This issue has nothing to do with essential health care and everything to do with French activism to expand the use and influence of the French language in our Province.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Daniel Rawlins Methinks you should ask Mr Higgs about what I explained to him and his cohorts in 2013 concerning getting rid of the provincial debt before he broke the contract with all the retired bureaucrats and school teachers etc. I explained it again during this election at a debate in Sussex and nobody could argue the obvious "common sense" Furthermore anyone can review what I said about it on the Rogers TV YouTube channel as well N'esy Pas?

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Daniel Rawlins Language translation devices are used all over the world buy SANB would never go for that.

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Brian Robertson Language translation devices would solve all the problems.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

Why don't we make everything French and use these devices ?

Daniel Rawlins
Daniel Rawlins
@Brian Robertson
Common sense dictates that if the deficit is not addressed all services in the province will have to be cut back no matter which language you speak. Which is why playing the blame game will never improve the state of the province we are all in this together and if we cannot find a way to make it work no one can.

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Oh My My Why am I not surprised at the obvious malice towards simple truths?

George Smith 
George Smith
I'm just glad that we are starting to have the conversations that we should have had 50 years ago. I believe that I as an English speaker was basically left out of the conversation back then. Or at least felt left out.
The new ambulance policy is a positive step in the right direction, now let's sort out the School transportation problem next and then keep moving forward.

Claude DeRoche
Claude DeRoche
@George Smith
The only solution is French only
bilinguism cost to much.

William Reed
William Reed
@George Smith

Our side lost the right to a conversation when it was abusing the civic rights of francophones. That government had to step in and force equality is completely on one side's shoulders. what was common in the 1970s was no common sense and Arseneau is smart to point it out from the get go now. His political career will be short but he can make a difference in calling out the reinvigorated rabble that is frothing at the mouth in these conservative times. It is a perfect time to reimpose the reasoning of past times onto this new generation so they don't have to take their ancestors' views as "common sense positions".

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

Maybe you should move to a English province only !! problem solved !!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@William Reed

Well said.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@William Reed I wasn't alive back then. It is 2018. The only frothing at the mouth I witnessed was the speech Arseneau made. It was creepy.

Mike Frontin
Mike Frontin
In the 70's, Francophones were at a disadvantage for sure. The SANB deserves a lot of credit for fighting for Acadian rights. Presently, I don't know any Acadians whose rights are currently being abused. When does this all stop? When do we just work together and resolve our differences and find solutions that benefit all NBers? Our young people are pushing for an an all inclusive society. The SANB will soon be a dinosaur.

David Amos
David Amos
@George Smith "I'm just glad that we are starting to have the conversations that we should have had 50 years ago"

Me Too

Alex Forbes 
Alex Forbes
How many fallacies can Arseneau lump together? Apparently some people don't like me pointing that out...

David Amos
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David Amos
@Alex Forbes Methinks if you point out simple truths you are often blocked N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Thanks for proving my point

Marc Martin 
Lou Bell
Who's guiding this guy, Gallants SANB buddies ? Methinks Arseneau ran for the wrong party.

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell "Who's guiding this guy, Gallants SANB buddies ? Methinks Arseneau ran for the wrong party."

Methinks everybody knows Arseneau wanted to run for Gallant and was refused Afterwards the other parties courted him but he picked the Greens because they are closet liberals N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
tom Basil
So according to Mr. Arseneau using common sense is now nazism. Mr. Arenseau, I'm not nazi but common sense would tell me that referring to anyone as a nazi who clearly is not and only recommending policy changes for a very dire issue in New Brunswick is something a complete crackpot would say. I guess from now on if I ever say to anyone such as an employee, family member or friend to use common sense in any decision they make I'll have to be cognizant that I may be condemning them to a horrific fate. I find it disgusting this elected official would use the Holocaust as a reference for trying to figure out how to save lives of people on the basis of who can and can't treat a patient because of the language they speak. Again, disgusting

David Amos
David Amos
@tom Basil The former SANB President Mr. Arseneau was just blowing hot air for his own benefit. Relax and enjoy the circus

Marc Martin 
Lou Bell
So he approves of segregation , like was rejected in Amurica years ago.

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell YUP

Marc Martin 
William Reed
This guy is going to be crucified for pointing out the deceitful campaign workings of our current coalition government. Who here doesn't already understand that the old COR party is now rebranded as the PA? It's truth hiding in plain sigh to me. And to have Austin claim that is all news to him is beyond the pale. I can personally vouch for the fact that his base is the one who is most aggressive in bringing the old hatred to the front again. Not since years ago have I encountered more open desire of bi-polar language divide as I do now.

What we have in power now is not only pro business elite, it is pro fostering of the language divide. We are without much hope today because we have favored industrialists over people by allowing money traveling to offshore trust fun paradises and inheritance tax avoidance. That is all. The sum of all our public debts are about the size of the Irving Empire's private wealth. Give that some thought. Who ended up capturing and sheltering wealth in NB over the years? It was not the French who have it under their pillows., IMHO. And it is not to be found chasing ambulances either.

David Amos
David Amos
@William Reed Methinks as we consider workings of our current coalition government who do you think Mr Higgs will have appointed as Speaker when Daniel Guitard gives up the chair? Smart money is riding on Mr Fitch but the PCs could surprise us N'esy Pas?

Tom Simmons 
Tom Simmons
welcome to the "green" party...

David Amos
David Amos
@Tom Simmons Meethinks you should say welcome to the Circus the Greens and the PANB only offer three stooges from each party Higgs and Gallant are still the Ringmasters and they have lots of Clowns Nov 30th should be quite a day N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Lou Bell
Didn't take the Greens long to put themselves back into irrelevance !

David Amos
David Am
@Lou Bell Oh So True

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

They actually attracted the French ones who voted PC, they are now going to vote green instead.

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Marc Martin I realize you refuse to believe this but whole families with Acadian roots and last names voted for Austin in his riding.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Pierre LaRoches

No they did not, well the French ones didn't.

Sonya Jewett
Sonya Jewett
@Pierre LaRoches Yes, I know of many Acadians who voted PANB.

Sonya Jewett
Sonya Jewett
@Marc Martin.. Pierre LaRoches is correct.I personally know of a large number of Acadians who voted PANB.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Sonya Jewett, Acadians who were assimilated and can no longer speak French. If all those with Acadian roots spoke French, they would be the majority.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
David Stairs
this guy needs to be expelled from the Legislature for his rhetoric and ordered to take a few courses on how to properly debate an issue...ridiculing your opposition with personal attacks does nothing to get you point across..these newbies need to be educated on how to critic constructively.. it's time to change the system...and stop the Grandstanding..

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Stairs

But why ? He does not have a right to speak ?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin Mais Oui Methinks he is far more entertaining that you are N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@David Stairs
If he gets expelled, Austin should be expelled also.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Rosco holt

I agree, well said.

Dave Peters
Dave Peters
@Rosco holt On what grounds?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin "But why ? He does not have a right to speak ?"

Methinks you hope he keeps yapping just like I do but for different reasons N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Dave Peters On what grounds?

How about pretending to be ethical and possessing common sense?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Dave Peters Methinks its rather comical that the all knowing SANB dude Mr Martin does not know you were one of my PANB opponents in the Sussex area N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Mike Frontin
My belief is that Aseneau's remarks are a shot across the bow at the French community. Anyone who is considering joining the PANB will be considered an outcast by the SANB. It is an attempt by the SANB to be relevant again.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mike Frontin Methinks that may be true but I don't believe Arseneau thinks that deeply No doubt many would agree that he is doing this for his own benefit N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mike Frontin

They have always been relevant, they still are.

Mike Frontin
Mike Frontin
@Marc Martin Maybe for now, but the young people in this province (the few remaining) are pushing for a society that includes everyone. French and English. The times are changing. Dinosaurs like me (and you) and the SANB are becoming irrelevant.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mike Frontin

I don't know where you get your information from, but I have 3 kids all under 23 and they all support SANB....

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Marc Martin way to go.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tom Wright

Yes !!!

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Mike Frontin

Along the line of Jean Marie Nadeau stating that any francophone who partnered with or married an anglophone was an outcast and totally irrelevant....Seems that Arseneau has indeed learned some tricks from one of his mentors..

Mike Frontin
Mike Frontin
@Marc Martin Haha!! Why am I not surprised? :D

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Mack Leigh My grandmother was Acadian and she married an Irishman. She had 14 Kids raised Catholic. I guess that makes me Acadian. I would say to Madame Nadeau and I will be polite. As my Grandmother would say " Les gens qui divisent les gens ne peuvent pas faire confiance."If she was alive today she would say some things to Nadeau that would make her have to go to confession. Peace.

Mike Frontin
Mike Frontin
@Mack Leigh

There is no doubt that there is a lot of pressure within the Acadian community to present a united front.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tom Wright

*Les gens qui divisent les gens ne peuvent pas faire confiance.*

No offence but this makes no sense....

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mike Frontin

We have no choice unfortunately, you can see by the comment above people want to hire unilingual paramedics but only if the yare English.

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Marc Martin no offence taken. Basically People who divide people can't be trusted. My mom told me that about 20 years ago. Passed down from my Grandmother.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "I don't know where you get your information from, but I have 3 kids all under 23 and they all support SANB"

Methinks everybody knows I have 3 kids over the age of 23 and we never speak of SANB because they are irrelevant However an SANB dude practicing libel against me now that is a different kettle of fish N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Kevin Bowman
Common sense is just that... I do not support the PA, but when peoples lives are at risk due to restrictions on who can or can't deliver live saving services because of language is nuts... I don't care if the ambulance paramedic spoke russian, if they could save my life then great - opposed to waiting 60+ minutes... I am all for bilingualism, and agree hiring priorities can be set, but if recruitment fails they need paramedics in those seats... These were ignorant comments made by an inexperienced MLA... he should not be threatened tho... The green party went 2 steps back with this as he represents a 33% of their collective voice...

David Amos
David Amos
@Kevin Bowman Methinks the Greens went a bridge too far when they supported the failed plan for Smart Meters and then forced Gallant to take back his election promise to freeze NB Power rates just like Alward did years before N'esy Pas?
William Reed
William Reed
@Kevin Bowman

That's not the issue. The positions aren't being filled regardless of the language requirement.

Kevin Bowman
Kevin Bowman
@William Reed
yes there is a shortage, some of the issues were paramedics not being put on shift because their language did not match up to a shift where it was deemed French and they only spoke english...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Kevin Bowman

But when Medivie offered to resolve the problem by hiring more people from Quebec the English population refused why is that ?

Kevin Bowman
Kevin Bowman
@Marc Martin
I myself would have supported that as a temporary solution, but with our province having one of the worse unemployment rates in Canada a long term agenda should have been presented to fill these positions with New Brunswickers... My preference would be to have all new hires bilingual, that needs to start in our schools. Our health system pays huge amounts to attract doctors and and other health professionals, paramedics should fall into this as well, if higher pay is needed to fill positions, than pay it... This is only the start of these types of issues as our government continues to out source and contract out positions and departments to save money. These third parties will make a nice profit before sharing it with the workforce... ServiceNB another example, as well in both health corporations

Derek Miller
Derek Mille
@Marc Martin Maybe because there are so many people in NB that are out of work and need these jobs.... Its not like Quebec would welcome workers from here..

Marc Martin
Marc Mart
@Kevin Bowman

*I myself would have supported that as a temporary solution*

But why a temporary solution ? People are supposedly dying and the English population is all for the translation devices !!

*but with our province having one of the worse unemployment rates in Canada a long term agenda should have been presented to fill these positions with New Brunswickers*

And there is the answer !!! Its all about bitterness and jealousy for a few government jobs...again...

Marc Martin
Marc Marti
@Derek Miller

*Its not like Quebec would welcome workers from here*

So hiring unilingual is only good when it applies to English people, do we need to say more why SANB is needed more then ever ?

Jake Devries
Jake Devrie
@Marc Martin why would we hire from Que when there are trained paramedics looking for work in NB ??

Kevin Bowman
Kevin B
@Marc Martin

Kevin Bowman
@Marc Martin
Jealousy... please read my posts again, I never once speak of being jealous... I also said I don't care what language someone is who is there to help me, I said I prefer bilingual as a hiring initiative... if unable then I don't care if French or English, russian, german... just fill the seats... Are you from New Brunswick? It is true that quebec workers can work here, but we can not in quebec, thats not a language thing, its a protectionism thing...

*And there is the answer !!! Its all about bitterness and jealousy for a few government jobs...again...

Please expand on how I am being bitter and jealous... I just don't see it in my posts... NB has many more issues than just language do we not?

Sonya Jewett
Sonya Jewett
@Kevin Bowman I agree with your comment that lives should come before language but I do support PANB. After years of voting for the two party tyranny it's refreshing to have a new party that supports all New Brunswicker's.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Kevin Bowman Yes we do. But some people seem to want to live in the past and want to keep N.B divided instead of making N.B the great place to live that it should be.

Kevin Bowman
Kevin Bowman
@Sonya Jewett
It has been a mess the last 3 governments, I agree, both parties to blame! I'm not anti PANB, don't agree with 100% of their message, some I do... I'm glad they have three seats and can offer a different debate and speak on some issues that are political suicide for other parties... They are good in this minority government. The Green has the same chance to do the same... but, I do believe overall that to govern, a party must be represented in all parts of the province, something neither party currently has the ability to do.. This language debate is nasty, hurtful and as this article describes brings out the worse in NewBrunswickers.. Hoping we can all move forward together.

Sonya Jewett
Sonya Jewett
@Marc Martin Why would New Brunswick hire people from Quebec or other provinces when they can hire skilled people in NB? You'd never see the Quebec government looking for skilled people to fill positions outside of Quebec.

Kevin Bowman
Kevin Bowman
@Bernard McIntyre
i agree, we need to progress... we are a have not province because we are to busy fighting each other at times...

Sonya Jewett
Sonya Jewett
@Marc Martin With all due respect sir every New Brunswicker has the right to earn a living and provide for their families.
Would it make you happy to see all uni-lingual people standing in the welfare line? If that's your mind set then the universe probably has some bad karma coming your way.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Kevin Bowman, the reason these positions are not filled have nothing to do with bilingualism just like not all government jobs require bilingualism. These are just falsehoods perpetrated by a few extremists who have an aversion for anything French just like the same people continuously harping these canards on here.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "the same people continuously harping these canards on here."

Methinks that is exactly what you do every day all day long N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Sonya Jewett Methinks that many would agree that Mr Martin is not due any respect whatsoever N'esy Pas?

Murray Brown 
Murray Brown
A typical response from the far left. When they lose an argument... They revert to name calling. It's childish and displays their lack of skill in a debate format. They associate anybody with a conservative attitude as being fascist. They should lean history. Look up the NAZI in the dictionary. It is English acronym for NSDAP, or in English... The National Socialist German Workers Party.

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen
@Murray Brown

The use of the word Socialist in its name does nothing to change the fact that it was a far-right party.

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Brannen Oh So True

Matt Steele 
Matt Steele
Not really sure if Mr. Arseneau is just uninformed of what happened during WW Two , or if he is just completely ignorant . During WW Two , Anglophones played a major roll in defeating Nazi Germany , and many Anglophones SACRIFICED their lives in doing so . Now too Have Mr. Arseneau start comparing Anglophones to Nazi's is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE . At least we now know what the Green Party stands for .

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Matt Steele uninformed and Green party go hand in hand

Emilen Forest
Emilen Forest
@Matt Steele

Of the first waves of landing craft to hit Juno Beach were men of the North Shore Regiment mostly French speaking...

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Matt Steele
YEA.....Royal dukes were on which side again??

Sonya Jewett
Sonya Jewett
@Matt Steele My uncle died in that war he was only 21 years old.

Sonya Jewett
Sonya Jewett
@Emilen Forest My 21 year old uncle was with the North Shore Regiment and he was English.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Matt Steele "At least we now know what the Green Party stands for" .

Methinks you NDP dudes are easily played like fiddle N'esy Pas?
Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Matt Steele
Freedom of choice was part of the sacrifice of WW1-2, alors respectez le choix de ma langue officielle...eh!/voilà.

David Amos
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David Amos
@David Amos Methinks I have special person assigned to watch me ce soir N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos YUP

Marc Martin 
Mario Doucet
SANB true colors have finally been shown as anti-English.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mario Doucet

What does SANB have to do with anything in this subject?

John O'Brien
John O'Brien
@Marc Martin Obviously Kevin Leblanc

John O'Brien
John O'Brien
@John O'Brien sorry too many French people here Kevin Arsenault

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@John O'Brien

Again..What does SANB have to do with anything in this subject?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks everybody who knows how to read English knows Arseneau was the President of SANB N'esy Pas?

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Mario Doucet
Self reliance is for me, for me, formidable, mes excuses if some sees it as a reason not to explore their potentials...et voilà.

Jake Devries
Jake Devries
@Marc Martin SANB are the puppet-masters, Arseneau is the puppet

Marc Martin 
Roland Godin
PANB have played their only trump card...eh!/voilà.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Roland Godin

Well said ...eh!/voilà.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Roland Godin
At least give me a hand for a good shuffle...et voilà.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks you don't play poker very well Anyone with half a clue can see that you are bluffing N'esy Pas?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks somebody didn't like me exposing your play on words N'esy Pas?

David Amos
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David Amos
@David Amos YUP

David Amos
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David Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks you are bluffing N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Joe campbell
Time to get Elizabeth May down here and host a wine party and then we will see what the Green's can do moving forward.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Joe campbell

Elisabeth May is Federal...You didn't know ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Joe campbell YUP

Claude DeRoche 
Claude DeRoche
We don't need bilingualism , French only!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Claude DeRoche

That would resolve it all !! I mean the English wants to use the translation devices !!!

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Claude DeRoche Hey bud, I think that 70 percent of the province might feel different.

Emilen Forest
Emilen Forest
@Claude DeRoche

I'm totally in agreement...

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Claude DeRoche I guess we know now how it would be if France won the wars in the 1700's. No one else would have rights by they way some people see it.

Angie Brideau
Angie Brideau
@Claude DeRoche
Don't forget whose picture is engraved on the coins in your pocket - the Queen of ENGLAND

Dave Grosvenor
Dave Grosvenor
@Bernard McIntyre
Seems some think they DID win, since in their home province they won't even allow various aspects of their society to even make a sign in their own language.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Angie Brideau
Angie Brideau

@Claude DeRoche
Don't forget whose picture is engraved on the coins in your pocket - the Queen of ENGLAND
Is she the one that was saluting a certain bunch when young

David Amos
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David Amos
@Claude DeRoche So You Say EH?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Not once but twice? Now that really funny N'esy Pas?

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Jake Devries ....oh, it's coming....expect it.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Angie Brideau, a democracy with the vestige of a despotic system on its coins; sure something to be proud of!

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you take a purse full of them on your fancy trips to Europe N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos That just spoke volumes to me

Claude DeRoche 
Claude DeRoche
What does the Irving Boy COR Party Premier has to say?

CBC News · Posted: Nov 09, 2018
Higgs ran for the leadership of the COR party.
The party Higgs wanted to lead in 1989, the Confederation of Regions, was anti-bilingualism.
Higgs says he no longer subscribes to the COR worldview. "I believe that all New Brunswickers, French and English, have the opportunity to speak their own language and to learn another one," he said in August. "My opinion has changed over the last 30 years."

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Claude DeRoche

**What does the Irving Boy COR Party Premier has to say? *

He wont say anything he agrees with his new party member..

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marc Martin So you say EH?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Now thats funny

Jake Devries
Jake Devries
@Claude DeRoche In a far away land, a long time ago, there was a nation called South Africa where the minority ruled over the majority..we all know how that turned out. Be very careful SANB et all..you just might get something you don't expect..

Marc Martin 
capilano dunbar
It's all very well to talk about language rights as the Greens do but, the fact of the matter is there are not enough bilingual paramedics in New Brunswick! The choice is between a unilingual paramedic or no paramedic at all. It sure seems to me M. Arsenau was making a direct inference to the Nazis. I am puzzled why Austin didn't raise a motion of privilege at the time. Rookie mistake on both their parts I guess.

David Amos
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David Amos
@capilano dunbar Methinks that are making no mistakes but in fact what this to be an issue particularly before the confidence vote at he end of the week. Where was Austin last week when Arseneau was saying this stuff in the House? Whys did he or one of his caucus speak in his defense? If the liberal Speaker thought that Arseneau was being improper last week then should have stopped him If he were made to apologize now then who would be making a major faux pas? I doubt this will be posted N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks I figured correctly once again N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Brent Thompson
Definition of "common sense" from Merriam Webster online dictionary: "sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts".
I think it was perfectly OK for Mr. Arseneau to ask Mr. Austin to clarify what he meant by the term common sense but Mr. Arseneau definitely used poor judgement (i.e., a lack of common sense) by choosing to include the Nazi reference in making his point.

Tom Wright
Tom Wright
@Brent Thompson He should pay attention. Austin has explained what he means by common sense almost every week. He used it and phrased it that way as a fear tactic. But he represents the old school that wont let go. Nothing more nothing less.

David Amos
David Amos
@Brent Thompson Methinks most folks common sense is telling them that this argument makes no sense at all There are far more important things to be concerned about N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
daryl doucette
There is an easy solution to this continuous and seemingly never ending conflict here in New Brunswick re " Official Bilingualism". Just get rid of it. Declare New Brunswick " an English province", just as " Quebec" has declared itself a " French" province. Then, as is done in Quebec, New Brunswick will provide government services to the minority francophones in areas where the population of the minority is 50% or greater. If this system is good enough for the English minority in Quebec, then certainly it should be good enough for the French minority here in New Brunswick.

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette Methinks you cannot change the Charter that easy N'esy Pas?

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@daryl doucette
Don't mess around with Irish, Scottish and Welsh heritage and tartens calling Number Brunswick English...et voilà.

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Roland Godin ....huh? I guess you passed that test you never had to write....welcome to N.B.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@daryl doucette
Be respectable, Québec like Ontario are a nation, the remaining lot have the statue of franchises at best...EH!/Voilà.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@David Amos well, they got it put into the constitution, maybe we can " take it out"...the ORIGIONAL intent was to give the French minority access to government services in " the language of their choice" but the extremists in the SANB have taken it to be a " carte blanche" excuse to eliminate unilinguals from employement in the work place in government here in New Brunswick, and increasingly so in the private sector.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@daryl doucette
The original intent and it still is, a country with deux langues offielles(1867)...eh!/voilà.

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette Methinks you should check my work in Federal Court Everybody knows it is a Charter argument about this very issue N'esy Pas?

Joe Citizen 
Joe Citizen
French people in Canada have to learn English (and most want to) in order to participate in modern society, the same as Italian-Canadians, Spanish-Canadians, Chinese-Canadians etc.(who also speak at least one other language at home). The vast majority of the "English" in Canada that the french like to demonize are NOT of British heritage and English is not their first language. They speak English because it is the defacto Internationally standard language (and certainly is in Canada) used to communicate efficiently between people of different linguistic backgrounds. The french continually disrespect all other linguistic minorities in Canada by calling them “English” in order to inflate their cause and give the impression that it is simply English vs french (hypocritically even while speaking English themselves and yet demanding to be recognized as french). To yell and scream that everyone else (including all other linguistic minorities) now need to learn french in order to "even things up and be equal" with "English" is twisted, distorted and narcissistic discrimination against all non-french people (including all other linguistic minorities). I speak three languages already and yet I can’t get a government job unless I learn french? Are the french willing to learn the languages of all the other Canadian linguistic communities?? Also, the Canadian government claims that all people/cultures/minorities are equally important and equally respected in Canada, but then singles out just one linguistic minority (French) and gives them special status above all others as well as all the money, power and attention. Obviously, the hypocritical government is really telling us that no minority is anywhere near as equal/respected/important as the french.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Joe Citizen Methinks I should ask how could such a name register with CBC according to their rules N'esy Pas?

David Amos
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David Amos
@David Amos Methinks I touched another nerve N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos YUP

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Joe Citizen wow....great comment!

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Joe Citizen
Arseneau is not afraid of losing any language rights... Arseneau is afraid of the gravy train ending that has been going on for decades.... Pandering to the demands, threats and wants of one minority over and above everyone else no matter who else has to suffer or go without.... Time for Arseneau and his ilk to realize that this province cannot afford to provide them with their own country within a country... Makes one think that their real goal might be to have us become Quebec Part Deux.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mack Leigh "Arseneau is afraid of the gravy train ending that has been going on for decades"


Methinks he wants more more more N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Seamus O'hern
You're out numbered.....time's running out....time for New Brunswick to take back New Brunswick.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Seamus O'hern Dream on

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos WOW

Ernesto Rafael 
Ernesto Rafael
When the barnacle scales are tipped, a revolution certainly make sense, common sense enough for any linguistic New Brunswik'er to grasp.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ernesto Rafael Nay not so

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@David Amos ....aye, tis so.

Joe Citizen 
Joe Citizen
The french will then say "well, bilingualism is the law!"...... but it's only the "law" because two french people (Pierre Trudeau federally and Louis Robichaud provincially) abused the trust placed in them to unilaterally install this illegal "law" against the will of the people. Let's have a referendum on this important issue and decide it fairly.
Finally, they will say "you need to speak french because of our history" .... but if that's the case then we should all be speaking a First Nation's language should we not? Even the Vikings were in Canada before the French and of course it was an Italian who set foot on the American continent in 1492.
So, as you can see, there is NOT ONE valid reason for government-enforced bilingualism. I'm all in favor of speaking multiple languages of your own free will (I'm tri-lingual) but not this government-enforced discrimination masquerading as "equality".

Ernesto Rafael
Ernesto Rafael
@Joe Citizen - Agreed 100%, First Nations Canadian citizens deserve our undivided attention and respect for their culture as they long inhabited the land before the rest of us ne'er-do-well European outcasts.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Ernesto Rafael
Be respectable, First Nations are not to be used for our diatribes...et voilà.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Ernesto Rafael, well they certainly were not too well respected by the conquerors of North America. And we all know from which island they hailed.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you don't know that Spain is not an island or the fact that France conquered and controlled most of what is now Canada from Toronto to Nova Scotia until the Wolfe and Montcalm had a little hoedown in Quebec N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Norman Albert Snr
This will make one of the top issues and focus of the MSM and party elite going into the next election(Possibly Feb.) Real issues are much less fixable or even manageable under the current system of Taxation and governing.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr If Higgs loses on Friday methinks we will be voting again in January N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos However as soon as I say that I recall them adding an extra month to the election period for the 39th Parliament because of the date the writ was dropped perhaps the local liberals are praying for the same thing. If so I stand corrected it could be February after all.

 Joe Citizen 
Joe Citizen
Forcing all other people to speak french is not a "right" and does not make for "equality". It is the exact opposite. And don't start to argue that English is forced on you by the "English". English is an Internationally standard language spoken by people of many linguistic communities and backgrounds as a common way of communicating. The vast majority of "English" speakers are not of British heritage and identify with other linguistic communities (the same as the french do). The french are no different and many want to speak English because they want to participate in the world. Only the acadian leadership try to distort this reality into an imaginary "persecution" for economic and political advantage for themselves. There is no other group in the world who speaks English and sees it as some sort of wrong against them. I was in Germany a while ago and was worried my Italian may not get me by....everyone spoke English and I got along just fine. Not one German thought speaking English harmed them because they are smart enough to recognize it as simply a standard language for common communication.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Joe Citizen Methinks if you got a real name it may add to your credibility N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Incredible

 Marc Martin 
Kevin Hicks
And to think that the Green Party bragged that the arrival of minority parties was a sign that the people of New Brunswick wanted a different political process. Big improvement, guys! Big improvement!

David Amos
David Amos
@Kevin Hicks I enjoy it

Joe Citizen 
Joe Citizen
Here are some interesting facts for those who are fixated on the acadian “expulsion” of 1755 (as ridiculous as it is to fixate on this in order to justify bilingualism today). It was in the time of war. Many terrible things happen in war (to everyone and by everyone in history), many things much worse than an expulsion. Acadia was formerly First Nation's territory (Mikmaq and Maliseet primarily) before it was taken from them by the "acadians". French priests of the Jesuit order first "converted" First Nations to Catholicism. I am Catholic so that’s not meant as a slur, just a fact. The acadians like to portray themselves as allies of the First Nations and the land grab of “Acadia” as a friendly takeover because of the “common” religion between them. Fact is that some First Nations warred against the British and some warred against the french and the allegiances changed from time to time. Research the acadian alliance with the Wabanaki Confederation.... acadians don't talk about this because it shows the acadians repeatedly attacking the British behind their lines while the British were facing the other direction fighting the french army. They were told to stop and swear an oath to be peaceful. Instead they continued the attacks and many were captured bearing arms in skirmishes. This is why they were deported. You can’t have an enemy attacking you from behind while you are facing the other direction.
So, the acadians are not as innocent and “wronged” as they like to portray themselves. They imposed their religion on the First Nations, then took their land, and then attacked the British from behind. Now they complain they want bilingualism as restitution for being so poorly treated and they want “their” Acadia back. Wow! How warped and hypocritical can you get?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Joe Citizen, who else but you brought up the subject of the expulsion of the Acadians? I see that you are also trying to rewrite history"

Al. Dunn
Al. Dunn
@Joe Citizen funny how some people downvote a fact if it doesn't fit their agenda.

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Joe Citizen

Guess they also conveniently forgot that Cardinal Richelieu ordered all of the French trappers, settlers, etc. to and I quote " Breed the natives out "....

Joe Citizen
Joe Citizen
@Marguerite Deschamps If you read the comments below there are some of the usual comments about the acadians being poorly treated in the past.

Joe Citizen
Joe Citizen
@Marguerite Deschamps No, actually I am reciting historical facts and they are available to anyone who cares to look. The acadians are the ones who seem to want to gloss over the facts that are inconvenient to them. And, again, it is the acadians who continually bring up the expulsion as some warped kind of justification for the discriminatory policy of bilingualism that was unilaterally imposed on non-french people by JLouis.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks you and "Joe" deserve each other N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Al. Dunn
And so there's Minister Goodale claiming the firearms law C-71, which restricts only law abding gun owners as a "common sense" law.... though it does absolutely nothing to hinder gangs or other criminals
Given the reference in this story..what does that make the federal Liberals?

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Al. Dunn
« what does that make the federal Liberals? »
Politicians, what else may I help you with...et voilà.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks you should explain to your mindless fan that you were joking about the "Trump" card earlier N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Lou Bell
Shouldn't Arseneau and most of the Liberal members be running under the SANB banner ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell They do Methinks you should look at the flags in and over the Legislature sometime N'esy Pas?

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Lou Bell
And the 2 other sides should be running under the COR banner

Kris Austin 'shocked' by Green MLA's Nazi reference in rebuke of People's Alliance rhetoric

Kevin Arseneau says Austin's rhetoric is a disguised bid to undermine francophone rights

Green MLA Kevin Arseneau has been critical of People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin's use of the phrase "common sense," suggesting it disguises an agenda to undermine francophone rights. (CBC)

The leader of the People's Alliance says he was shocked to hear a Green Party MLA compare his rhetoric to Nazi propaganda during a speech in the legislature last Friday.

Kent North's Kevin Arseneau drew a parallel between Kris Austin's frequent use of the phrase "common sense" and a famous quotation by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda.

He suggested Austin has been invoking "common sense" to disguise an agenda to undermine francophone rights.

The Goebbels quotation says that with "sufficient repetition," people can be convinced "that a square is in fact a circle." It continues: "They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise."
Arseneau added: "What exactly does 'common sense' mean? The people of New Brunswick, be you francophone, anglophone, First Nations or newcomer, deserve a straight and honest answer."

"I'll tell you, I was shocked," Austin said Monday. "It's certainly some radical viewpoints coming from his way of thinking, no doubt about that."

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said he's discussing with his caucus whether to ask the Speaker of the legislature to order Arseneau to apologize for the comment. (James West/Canadian Press)

Austin said he's discussing with his caucus whether to ask the Speaker of the legislature to order Arseneau to apologize.

"It was so far out there and so out in left field, I don't even know how to respond to it," Austin said.

'I wouldn't say it's a comparison'

Arseneau said he wasn't suggesting a parallel between Nazis and the Alliance.

"I wouldn't say it's a comparison," he said. "I would say it's an invitation to the parties to explain themselves, to provide clarity on the words 'common sense.'"

He said "some political discourse" in the province "is trying to make big, complex problems look like really easy stuff to fix by attacking minorities. It wasn't a comparison to what happened at all, but it was a strong quote."

Arseneau made the comments during the debate on the Progressive Conservative government's throne speech, which will be put to a vote this Friday.

Threats made against Arseneau

He posted on social media Monday that two threats had been made against him, and he told CBC News they may have been connected to the speech.

All threats to me or my family will be treated seriously and will be reported to the RCMP

Toutes menaces envers moi ou ma famille seront pris au sérieux et rapporté à la GRC

"I can't say that that was what the people were referring to but definitely everything happened after that," he said. One threat was on social media and the other was shouted by someone in a passing car.

He said he received many comments on social media about the speech. Some disagreed with him but were civil, "some were less civil but non-threatening," but two were definitely threats of assault, he said.

He posted Monday that any threats "will be treated seriously" and said the RCMP are investigating.

'Dangerous and totally unacceptable'

In his speech Friday, the first-term Green MLA referred to last week's ambulance announcement by the new Higgs government, where Austin was given a speaking spot at the lectern.
"While we must respect the right of both francophone and anglophone citizens to receive service in their language of choice," Austin said at the event, "we must not allow unnecessary language requirements to supersede common sense and the health and safety of all New Brunswickers."

Kris Austin, leader of the People's Alliance, spoke during a government announcement on Ambulance New Brunswick on Nov. 19. (Jacques Poitras)
Arseneau said it was "dangerous and totally unacceptable" that the leader of what he called "a populist right-wing party" was able to talk about overriding some rights at a government press conference.

Austin said Arseneau, a former student leader at the University of Moncton and a former president of the Acadian Society of New Brunswick, has been "a radical most of his life."

"They keep pointing the finger to us on the language tension, but you hear comments like this, official comments on the floor of the house. At the end of the day, who's inflaming the tensions here?"

But Arseneau said Austin's suggestion that bilingualism shouldn't be a job requirement for paramedics is what's inflammatory. "It's very radical to say we should not follow the Constitution," he said.

Throne speech calls for tolerance

The Alliance and the Greens each won three seats in September's election, giving both parties pivotal roles in passing legislation in the legislature. But they're diametrically opposed on many issues.

Arseneau (middle) said he would like Austin to define what he means by "common sense" when speaking about language issues. (James West/Canadian Press)
Last week's Progressive Conservative throne speech called on all MLAs to compromise and "accept the discomfort of diverse opinions" in order to make the legislature work without any party holding a majority of seats.

Austin said Arseneau's speech will make that more difficult.

"Comments like that will only further isolate Mr. Arseneau from a lot of the decision-making within the workings of government. I don't know what his strategy was. I don't know what he was looking to accomplish, if he was just trying to drum up his base."
Arseneau called on Austin to clarify what he means by "common sense."

"I think what his supporters are saying is that we shouldn't be paying for anything for francophones, we shouldn't be paying to help minorities to live their lives," he said.

"If that's the route they want to go down, that should be clarified, instead of hiding behind this general thing called 'common sense.'"

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