Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Day 1 of the election in the LIEbrano's idea of the "Place to Be"


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks I am one of the irrelevant ones Mr Martin is referring to N'esy Pas?



Day 1 of the election: Where party leaders will be across the province

Thursday marks official start of countdown to vote Sept. 24

CBC News· Posted: Aug 23, 2018 10:08 AM AT

New Brunswick's 39th provincial election is officially underway.

Today marks the official countdown to the vote on Sept. 24 and party leaders will be making their way across New Brunswick throughout the day, launching their campaigns.
Liberal Party Leader Brian Gallant opened his campaign at the Fairfield Inn in Moncton at 26 Marriott Dr., at 9 a.m.

Moncton's five ridings have been held by two Progressive Conservatives and three Liberals, including Cathy Rogers, New Brunswick's finance minister, in Moncton South and Speaker of the Legislature Chris Collins, the MLA for Moncton Centre.

Earlier this year, Collins was suspended from the Liberal caucus, pending an independent investigation of harassment allegations against him. The investigation concluded the allegations were "founded in part." Collins later announced he would run as an independent.

What you need to know about the New Brunswick elections
 Voters will be heading to the polls on Sept. 24 to elect members of the New Brunswick Legislature. 1:43

The Liberal leader will be making his way to Saint John, St. Stephen and Fredericton later in the day.
Gallant is looking to become the first premier to win a second term in 15 years.

Meanwhile, Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs will make his first stop at Marwood, a wood products company in Tracyville, 28 kilometres south of Fredericton. The riding has been held by PC MLA Jeff Carr.

Higgs will then make his way to Moncton, where he will continue his campaign.

Green Party Leader David Coon, whose Fredericton South seat was the only one the Greens held, will be touring York Nursing Home in Fredericton North. In the evening, he is scheduled to meet with local artists and vendors at the Garrison Market in the city's downtown.

Jennifer McKenzie, leader of the provincial NDP, will kick off her campaign outside the legislative assembly in Fredericton at noon.

Day 1: Election campaign launch
 Thursday marks the official start of countdown to vote Sept. 24. Here’s how party leaders launched their campaigns. 0:51
She will then make her way to Saint John where she, along with local NDP volunteers, will be going door-to-door to meet with voters.

Kris Austin, leader of the People's Alliance of New Brunswick, doesn't have any events planned for Thursday. But the party will be holding a campaign kickoff on Saturday in Fredericton.
With files from Information Morning Fredericton

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David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks David **** and his cohorts will no doubt be relieved to be informed that after encountering Them at the Stepping Stone forum this week I decided not to run in Fredericton South. It would be far too frustrating for me to argue political people deliberately playing dumb about my lawsuit that has been before the Federal Court since 2015 N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks it is interesting that CBC blocks the name of the Green Party Leader N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos BTW anyone can read the lawsuit simply Google the following

David Amos Federal Court

Samuel Porter 
Samuel Porter
Atcon 6 have not paid their dues, and never will in court. Make them pay with your vote. Stop spraying NB forests and co called "wild" blueberries. It's making people ill. Make a difference this time.

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter Good Luck

 Jeff Smith 
Jeff Smith
Higgs at least has some financial knowledge and a fresh approach. I haven't seen anything special from the Gallant and the provincial Liberals - except of course all the road work is finally getting done as it's an election year.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jeff Smith "Higgs at least has some financial knowledge and a fresh approach"

Methinks it must be a fresh approach when an old COR dude is advised by the former leader of the NDP and an ex Liberal Attorney General N'esy Pas?

 Jeff Smith 
Gabriel Boucher
This election isn't about who's going to win the election. We all know that's going to be Irving either way. The main focus is how many people are going to ditch our 2 party system this election year. For those people, keep in mind that you have 2 other choices out there. Vote for a third party, or spoil your ballot. Whatever you do, don't sit at home and call it a protest vote. Staying home actually plays in the hands of both main parties. And for those who are casting a vote towards the PCs just to get Gallant out of office, please rethink your strategy. We've been playing ping pong with the red and blue for decades now and nothing's changed for the better. Vote for the party you want to govern our province instead. If you don't care for any of them, spoil your ballot. Simple as that.

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Gabriel Boucher If you use the MSM as a source there are only 2 parties running again. Time to shake things up and at least put the fear into them.
In my next life I want to come back totally ignorant of politics and life in general like most other people today. Vid games, FB and min wage jobs.

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Gabriel Boucher That Ping Pong is exactly the way corporate interests have this set up. My team against your team. No one else matters. Can let X beat Y. Played like sheep.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr YUP

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos "Simple as that"

Methinks it ain't that simple. Some of us run as independents with no hope of governing or even winning a seat for that matter. However somebody must challenge the "The Powers That Be" in the the liberal idea of the "The Place to Be" N'esy Pas?


 Jeff Smith 
William Reed
Here we go with focusing on personalities again. Never mind where the party leaders are. You shouldn't be focusing on them. Spend some time looking at what their parties would do to this province if elected instead. It's pretty clear to me that this is another election that is about fracking, global climate change, local environmental issue and not much else, and all parties have taken the same side as before with the exception of the Cons who are going to approach fracking with the new idea of having your local government force it on you by scoring sweetheart "deals' with municipalities who will gladly speak for you without a referendum, presumably. Keep your eye on the prize before more of this province gets converted to corporate profits. More than 20% of this province is still irresponsibly (never did due diligence first) leased to resource companies, with plenty of that right under NBers communities.

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@William Reed You make it sound like the platforms really matter. That they will really mean something after they have one in the win column. It is all smoke and mirrors. A promise today means absolutely nothing.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr True

 Jeff Smith 
Dan Armitage
I'm gonna go off topic CBC theres more than two parties so if your gonna show polls include all parties thank you.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Dan Armitage

That's because the others are irrelevant.

Natalie Pugh
Natalie Pugh
@Marc Martin Irrelevant in what way and to whom?

David Amos
David Amos
@Natalie Pugh Methinks I am one of the irrelevant ones Mr Martin is referring to N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin They are only relevant because the public decides they are.

Methinks I may not be so irrelevant now N'esy Pas?

 Rick Given 
Rick Given
I don't really care where the party leaders will be across the province...what I do care about is their lemmings out banging signs in the ground at 2 o'clock in the damn morning. My wife thought someone was building a deck in our neighborhood this morning!!!

Hey CBC what are the rules about that...or are there any?

David Amos
David Amos
@Rick Given Methinks its open season on lemmings and everything is legal if you don't get caught N'esy Pas?

 Jeff Smith 
Dan Armitage
I hope all New Brunswickers are wearing there chest waders. It's gonna get deep until Sept 24th

David Amos
David Amos
@Dan Armitage Welcome to the Circus

 Jeff Smith
Allan J Whitney
Almost everybody has a device which can translate (by voice) between French and English (and many other languages).
How can this be leveraged to help communication?
I expect that the use of this tool can make learning another language relatively painless, and custom designed for your own situation, UNLIKE the dreadful experience it typically is.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Colin Seeley
Scraping English as a langue officielle, nice to offer but non merci...et voilà.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roland Godin "Scraping English as a langue officielle"

Methinks thou doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

 Jeff Smith 
Colin Seeley
Higgs first stop should be in Shediac .

Ain’t it great to have New 4 Lane highways to serve tourists who come for Parlee and then become too scared to death to go anywhere near the water.

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Dan Armitage Election Campaign under way and Rothesay ave is like a goat path. Guess Gallant has already been told the future is his or the pavers would be out in force.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks Gallant cares deeply for Saint John and no doubt believes that goat paths through the city are a quaint tourist attraction N'esy Pas?

 Jeff Smith 
Marc LeBlanc
I like the fact that a surplus is now projected.The timing might be questionable,but the AG's integrity is not

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Marc LeBlanc
It's more to do with creative accounting than actually having a real surplus.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt "It's more to do with creative accounting"


 Jeff Smith 
Ian Smyth
I wonder who will win this time, Blue Irving or Red Irving?

David Amos
David Amos
@Ian Smyth Methinks if we are lucky both gangs of Irving cohorts won't win a majority this time around N'esy Pas??

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