Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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Methinks its gonna be a long weekend for Harper 2.0 N'esy Pas?



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Methinks its gonna be a long weekend for Harper 2.0 N'esy Pas?



Maxime Bernier announces Thursday in Ottawa that he is leaving the Conservatives and will form his own party. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

MP Maxime Bernier quits 'morally corrupt' Conservatives, plans to start new party

Conservative leader says Bernier was more occupied with advancing his own profile than the needs of the party


David Amos
David Amos
Welcome to the Circus that has come down to the Maritimes

David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks that a desperate politician who had a secret meeting with Trump Tweets desperate things as his beloved party feuds once again N'esy Pas?

"It is clear that Max never accepted the result of the leadership vote and seeks only to divide Conservatives. His decision today allows the Conservative Party of Canada to move forward united behind our Leader Andrew Scheer." Stephen Harper

Kevin Graves (AKA Jaspersdad) 
Kevin Graves (AKA Jaspersdad)
Good luck to Bernier! Anything that splits the right in this country is a wonderful thing.

John Smith
John Smith
@Kevin Graves (AKA Jaspersdad)


David Amos
David Amos
@John Smith Me Too

Rick Bailey 
Rick Bailey
The right have the embarrassing position admitting they really didn't like Scheer after all.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rick Bailey YUP

 Bruce Nelson 
Bruce Nelson
The old reform party rises again, with Max shouting a elongated "Réforme."

John Smith
John Smith
@Bruce Nelson

The irony is hilarious!

David Amos
David Amos
@John Smith YUP


Kevin Delaney
Kevin Delaney
Does the comedy of conservatism get any funnier in Canada? Preston, can you get back in the game?
I think that some serious Reform is needed.

Colinda Bean
Colinda Bean
@Bill Mavin

Stock Well Day, hum... thought that was some kind of a shopping day like black friday.

Kevin Delaney
Kevin Delaney
@Bill Mavin
Nope, but Deb Grey can come back to help.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kevin Delaney Methinks Debbie still regrets calling me "Famous Amos" N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Colinda Bean Methinks lots of folks recall what went down between the RCMP, Peter Mackay, Stockwell Day and I in 2008 N'esy Pas?

 Albert Grove 
Albert Grove
Well, well, well...what a difference 8 hours make cons..LOL!

David Amos
David Amos
@Albert Grove Methinks its gonna be a long weekend for Harper 2.0 N'esy Pas?

Sylvius Salvarian 
Sylvius Salvarian
Good job, Max.

Americans might like to Feel the Bern, but Mad Max is even Bernier!

David Amos
David Amos
@Sylvius Salvarian Methinks thou doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

 Sylvius Salvarian 
Brent Mackenzie
Scheer has become Trudeau lite Zero options for centre right

Dan Stephan
Dan Stephan
@Ron Vollans Justin has the liberals left of the NDP not even close the conservatives.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dan Stephan I won't disagree


 Sylvius Salvarian 
Edward McNichol
Can't wait to vote for the new party. The 'progressive' Cons are just another lefty party.

David Amos
David Amos
@Edward McNichol Yea Right

 Albert Grove 
Albert Grove
He will have hundreds of votes......

David Amos
David Amos
@Albert Grove Methinks the Fat Lady ain't sung yet nor she even know what tune to sing N'esy Pas?

Eddie Brock 
Eddie Brock
I have mixed feelings about this. Bernier is on the right side of nearly every issue. But splitting votes off the conservative party won't help Canadians, it will just result in a Trudeau win.

The Conservative party failed Canadians when they missed their chance to choose Bernier to lead the party. He's a Quebecer who's widely popular out west. Imagine a politician electable in both Quebec and Alberta? 

It's too bad the Conservative party is afraid of the name calling by those that hate them anyway. They should have to courage to represent the right policy ideas, regardless of how much the SJWs howl at them.

Awistoyus Nahasthay
Awistoyus Nahasthay
@Eddie Brock

"Bernier is on the right side of nearly every issue."
Well, I suppose that's true, but only if you employ the term 'right' in a way I don't think you intended.

David Amos
David Amos
@Awistoyus Nahasthay And you are Bernier fan Right?

 Patrick Martin 
Patrick Martin
Not unexpected. I have not liked the Conservatives behind Scheer and Bernier is worse. When you have such nasty and unpleasant people, there is no way each would not want to be the top person.

It is unfortunate that Michael Chong was not acceptable to the reformist, far-right elements of the party - he is someone that I could get behind.

David Amos
David Amos
@Patrick Martin Methinks everybody knows that Michael Chong is just a player like all the rest N'esy Pas?

 Sylvius Salvarian 
Brad Bopa
Judging from the views of many posters, Bernier should win by a landslide. Good move y'all!

David Amos
David Amos
@Brad Bopa Methinks you don't know the Bernier I know N'esy Pas?

MP Maxime Bernier quits 'morally corrupt' Conservatives, plans to start new party

Conservative leader says Bernier was more occupied with advancing his own profile than the needs of the party

Maxime Bernier announces Thursday in Ottawa that he is leaving the Conservatives and will form his own party. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
Divisive Quebec MP Maxime Bernier made a scorched earth exit from the Conservatives today, while announcing plans to start his own federal party.

Bernier, who represents the riding of Beauce, made the announcement Thursday in Ottawa as the party's policy convention kicks off in Halifax.

"I have come to realize over the past year that this party is too intellectually and morally corrupt to be reformed," he said, on the heels of controversial tweets he posted regarding diversity.

"I know for a fact that many in the caucus privately oppose supply management, but buying votes in a few key ridings is more important than defending the interests of Canadians."

Bernier said he plans to talk to Elections Canada on Friday and his goal is to head a party that runs candidates in all of Canada's 338 federal ridings.

"We'll have a lot of Canadians, and that new party will win the next election."

Bernier on why he quit Tories to start his own federal party

Former Conservative MP Maxime Bernier explains why he had to leave his "intellectually and morally corrupt" party to strike out in his own. 1:17
Canada's dairy supply management system has been a consistent sticking point for Bernier, but in his takedown of the party, he also attacked Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer for supporting retaliatory tariffs against the United States.

"I'm the only one in the House who is against a trade war and the only one in the House who is for Canadian consumers," he said.

Bernier has caused waves on the national scene — and within his own party — for recent tweets regarding Canada's diversity. They have been labelled xenophobic by some commentators, while others view them as the start of a much-needed debate over Canadian identity and the role of immigration.

Bernier said he spoke to Scheer nine days ago and made his decision to leave the party, adding the leader is consumed with "polls and focus groups."

Scheer, who narrowly beat Bernier at last year's leadership convention, said the former cabinet minister was more occupied with advancing his own profile than the needs of the party.

Andrew Scheer weighs in on Bernier's announcement today

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says Bernier decided to serve himself rather than the Conservative Party's efforts to unseat Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 0:49
"Today Maxime made a choice," he told reporters in Halifax. "He decided today to help Justin Trudeau."

"I always challenged him to put personal ambition aside and to concentrate on common ground that all Conservatives can rally around.… Not once did he come to me or my team with ideas for the issues he's raising."

Harper: Bernier 'seeks only to divide Conservatives​'

Leading up to Bernier's announcement, some prominent Conservatives rallied around Scheer.

Former prime minister Stephen Harper, who helped secure the historic merger of the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservatives that formed the modern-day Conservative Party, says the party needs to move forward.

"It is clear that Max never accepted the result of the leadership vote and seeks only to divide Conservatives. His decision today allows the Conservative Party of Canada to move forward united behind our leader," he tweeted.

It is clear that Max never accepted the result of the leadership vote and seeks only to divide Conservatives. His decision today allows the Conservative Party of Canada to move forward united behind our Leader @AndrewScheer.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford tweeted support for Scheer, while Kory Teneycke, the former director of communications for Harper and a Bernier supporter in the leadership race, penned an op-ed for the Toronto Sun backing Scheer for prime minister.

Rachel Curran, Harper's former director of policy, put it more bluntly.

"I hope Justin Trudeau and his cabinet colleagues are breaking out the champagne in Nanaimo this morning," she tweeted, saying that the Prime Minister's Office has "secured an easy win in 2019 despite a mostly terrible summer."

I hope Justin Trudeau and his cabinet colleagues are breaking out the champagne in Nanaimo this morning. Congratulations to @gmbutts& co. who have secured an easy win in 2019 despite a mostly terrible summer.

Earlier this summer, Bernier was banished from the Tories' front bench and stripped of his role as innovation critic.

At the time, a Conservative MP who spoke to CBC News on the condition he not be identified said Bernier was removed because of his decision to post a chapter from his book on his website. The MP wrote that Scheer's victory as party leader was owed to "fake Conservatives" who only joined the party to defend supply management in the dairy industry.  

I have known @AndrewScheer for nearly two decades. He is one of the most principled, decent people I know. Today’s Conservative Party is a mainstream, democratic coalition that is ready to govern. One man’s ego must not risk the imperative of defeating the Trudeau government.
Peter d'Entremont, who sits on the board of directors of the Libertarian Party of Canada, said it tried to court Bernier to leave the Conservative Party and join its cause, but he wasn't interested.
With files from J.P. Tasker


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