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Methinks nobody should be surprised when everybody knows the liberals control CBC N'esy Pas?

---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 10:34:34 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger Your buddies 
Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney can't say that they didn't know about you stealing 
my pension money N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.
You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.
There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
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response may take several business days.
Thanks again for your email.
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
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Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
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la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Merci encore pour votre courriel.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 06:34:29 -0400
Subject: YO Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger Your buddies Doug Ford and 

Caroline Mulroney can't say that they didn't know about you stealing my pension 
money N'esy Pas?
To: pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>,

 "andrew.scheer"<andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, 
caroline <caroline@carolinemulroney.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
 "greg.byrne"<greg.byrne@gnb.ca>, "serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>,
"Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, 
"David.Akin"<David.Akin@globalnews.ca>, "darrow.macintyre"<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, 
 jbosnitch <jbosnitch@gmail.com>, "david.eidt"<david.eidt@gnb.ca>, 
 "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, 
premier <premier@gov.sk.ca>, premier <premier@gov.pe.ca>, 
"blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "jeff.carr"<jeff.carr@gnb.ca>, 
 "Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gov.bc.ca>, 
premier <premier@gov.nl.ca>, premier <premier@gov.nt.ca>, 
 "hugh.flemming"<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "jody.carr"<jody.carr@gnb.ca>, 
 tj <tj@burkelaw.ca>, "chris.collins"<chris.collins@gnb.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
 "victor.boudreau"<victor.boudreau@gnb.ca>, "Ed.Doherty"<Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca>, 
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 10:24:16 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: So much for the Integrity of your buddies in the CBC 
N'esy Pas Chucky Crybaby Leblanc?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

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Thanks again for your email.

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ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Caroline Mulroney <caroline@carolinemulroney.ca>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 03:24:16 -0700
Subject: Thank you for your message! Re: So much for the Integrity of
your buddies in the CBC N'esy Pas Chucky Crybaby Leblanc?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for getting in touch with MPP Caroline Mulroney. This
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Thank you again for getting in touch with MPP Mulroney.


Office of Caroline Mulroney

MPP York-Simcoe
Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs

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procureure générale et ministre déléguée aux Affaires francophones

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2018 10:24:19 +0000
Subject: RE: So much for the Integrity of your buddies in the CBC
N'esy Pas Chucky Crybaby Leblanc?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.  Please be
assured  that your email will be reviewed.

If this is a media request, please forward your email to
>.  Thank you!


Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
Nouveau-Brunswick.  Soyez assuré(e) que votre  courriel sera examiné.

Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
media-medias@gnb.camedia-medias@gnb.ca>.  Merci!

On 8/3/18, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2018/08/methinks-nobody-should-be-surprised.html
> Thursday, 2 August 2018
> Methinks nobody should be surprised when everybody knows the liberals
> control CBC N'esy Pas?
> After the LIEbrano Propaganda Machine commonly known as the CBC had
> blocked enough comments of mine that I had deemed important I quit for
> the evening. Why waste my precious time arguing with evil bastards
> only to see my work evaporate even after it has been read and argued?
> Here are a few examples from 3 articles yesterday



After the LIEbrano Propaganda Machine commonly known as the CBC had blocked enough comments of mine that I had deemed important I quit for the evening. Why waste my precious time arguing with evil bastards only to see my work evaporate even after it has been read and argued? 


Here are a few examples from 3 articles yesterday


David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Nicolas Krinis I agree but for far different reasons

Methinks this is the best article I read today that proves my point in spades that CBC and the liberals are no better than the Conservatives they lament about N'esy Pas?


David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Rob Johnston Methinks we should all be grateful that your comment is the most liked one Perhaps the government will notice folks are upset N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Peter Parker "As a Canadian how do I "take advantage" of the low Canadian dollar?"

Beats me I truly believe the export argument is nonsense. If the loonie is worth less your stuff is worth less as well. Think of things in extremes. If the loonie was only worth 10 Yankee pennies would you sell you stuff for that exchange? How much would they sell your stuff for once they got it in their possession? Methinks the Banksters play a wicked games as they manipulate the money markets N'esy Pas?


David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam "I hope you get the treatment you need.

Methinks you are well aware that I have been treated rather poorly already Perhaps someday your teacher will read these documents and explain them to you N'esy Pas?



Replying to and  49 others
Trudeau The Younger's minions just cut my old age pension in half in order to keep illegal aliens in hotels no doubt While CBC continues to block my comments Need I say I am gonna sue the Crown AGAIN



David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to and  49 others

Methinks this is the best article I read today that proves my point in spades that CBC and the liberals are no better than the Conservatives they lament about N'esy Pas?



Doug Ford — wasting taxpayer money to own the libs: Robyn Urback

By using public dollars for partisan ads, Ford is breaking his own No. 1 rule

Robyn Urback· CBC News· Posted: Aug 02, 2018 4:00 AM ET

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Bob Charron
Nicolas Krinis
Great opinion and article. I don't care who's in charge, this is not right.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Nicolas Krinis I agree but for far different reasons

Methinks this is the best article I read today that proves my point in spades that CBC and the liberals are no better than the Conservatives they lament about N'esy Pas?


David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to and  49 others

Methinks Twitter and CBC just told me an interesting tale about the integrity of the socialist spin doctor and CBC Troll Kham Hammerschmam N'esy Pas?



Ontario minister admits Ford government broke election promise by scrapping basic income project

PCs axed program due to 'realities of when you're in government,' Lisa MacLeod says

The Canadian Press· Posted: Aug 01, 2018 8:46 PM ET

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks Premier Doug Ford should get John Baird and Kory Teneycke to explain this document and my lawsuit against the Crown to him real slow N'esy Pas?


David Amos
David Amos
Methinks Doug Ford's back room boys should Google the following and come up with a new plan ASAP N'esy Pas?

Trump Cohen Morneau FATCA NAFTA TPP Amos

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks the stunned Anti-poverty groups should Google the following names then say Hey to their MPPs and MPs for me ASAP N'esy Pas?

Bill Morneau Doug Ford Caroline Mulroney David Amos

Dawn MacNeill 
Dawn MacNeill
It's just the beginning folks. For those who put this rag tag team in I want to thank you all for putting the rest of us on anti depressants. Anger voting is so immature and uneducated. Thanks for not reading enough.

Kham Hammerschmam
Kham Hammerschmam
@Arr Dawkins

The fact that you call Wynne liberals "the left" demonstrates that you had a poor grasp of policies and platforms when you voted.

Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
@Kham Hammerschmam

They call anyone they don't like "left"

Democrats (further right than Harper), Merkel (Conservative propped up by the Christian party), Republicans against Trump like Comey, Mueller, etc

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael Murphy "Democrats (further right than Harper),"

Methinks that whereas you are such a wiseguy then you likely know where I stand when it comes to fierce politicking on both sides of the 49th N'esy Pas/?

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks you should read before you write N'esy Pas?

Kham Hammerschmam
Kham Hammerschmam
@David Amos

The person who perseverates and incorrectly writes "N'esy Pas" at the end of each sentence, while offering nothing substantive, has a lot of nerve.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks you should have took my advice However we all know why you would not N'esy Pas?

Kham Hammerschmam
Kham Hammerschmam
@David Amos

David, I don't think anyone knows what you're talking about...pretty much ever. I rarely read your comments because they're nonsense, but these were addressed to me, so here we are.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks you should show show some respect to your elder and at least address me as Mr Amos because everybody knows the last thing we are is friends N'esy Pas?

Kham Hammerschmam
Kham Hammerschmam
@David Amos

Sure, kiddo.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks you and many other folks should check your Twitter account and mine N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks Twitter just told me an interesting tale about Kham Hammerschmam's integrity N'esy Pas?

"You are blocked from following @Kyligula and viewing @Kyligula's Tweets"

Kham Hammerschmam
Kham Hammerschmam
@David Amos

I hope you get the treatment you need.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks the same should be said of you N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam "I hope you get the treatment you need.

Methinks you are well aware that I have been treated rather poorly already Perhaps someday your teacher will read these documents and explain them to you N'esy Pas?


Robert Bean 
Robert Bean
Ahhhh, the old " say what you need to , to get elected and then do what you want once you are elected scheme". I'm afraid we are in for lots more "Dofo realities of government" .....

Daniel McKay
Daniel McKay
@Robert Bean The state of politics in Canada is dumb-founding. I can't listen to a politician from any of the three major federal parties without thinking about how they are lying. It wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit to see a grassroots replacement for the blue, red, and orange, emerge.

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Bean YUP

David Amos
David Amos
@Daniel McKay "The state of politics in Canada is dumb-founding."

Methinks that you are not alone in that regard. So why not just sit back and enjoy the circus until there is another election. Then if you wish to assist in a true change just put your name on a ballot like I have done 5 times thus far N'esy Pas?

David Smith
David Smith
@David Amos
Indeed. Enjoy the decline.

David Amos
David Amos
@David Smith Methinks before you judge me you should read another comment section N'esy Pas?


Jon Holmes
Jon Holmes
@Robert Bean To be fair, this was the exact same excuse given, verbatim, when McGuinty broke his promise "not to raise taxes" and instituted the Health Care Surcharge....
No better now, but nobody should be surprised.

Robert Bean
Robert Bean
@Jon Holmes : They are all cut from the same cloth....

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Bean I agree

Dawn MacNeill 
mike potter
Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod blamed the "realities" the Progressive Conservatives faced,

The reality is that they aren't smart enough to understand how things really work.

David Amos
David Amos
@mike potter "The reality is that they aren't smart enough to understand how things really work."

Methinks you should check out who is advising Doug and his cohorts N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jon Van Lee Methinks there are so many issues and so little time before the next federal election no matter how many goofs Ford and his minions make Trudeau The Younger will lucky have a minority government to oversee in the near future. Nesy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jon Van Lee "And how well did your previous Liberal premier do driving Ontario into the ground ?"

Methinks the same question could be asked of the Liberal Premier Gallant The Conservatives are tied with the liberals in the polls 2 weeks or so before the writ is dropped. Even though the Conservatives have no money to campaign with and their leader id a former member of COR they could win the mandate in short order. Stranger things have happened in New Brunswick in the Past N'esy Pas?

Dawn MacNeill 
Jonas David Jones
This is nothing new for the Cons - just like Harper, and even Trump before them - take from the poor and give to the rich.
Cons have always been the party of the privileged class.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jonas David Jones "Cons have always been the party of the privileged class."

Methinks many folks would disagree However nobody should be surprised by the news CBC offers us today N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jonas David Jones "You must be referring to Harper, and how he was able to become a multi-millionaire on a civil servant's salary."

Methinks that was a rather telling thing N'esy Pas?

Dax Randall 
Dax Randall
Cons broke a promise.


David Amos
David Amos
@Dax Randall Methinks you are enjoying the circus as much as I N'esy Pas?

 Michael Murphy 
Michael Murphy
Conservatives believe only Corporations and banks get guaranteed income, that's why they always get bailouts

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael Murphy "Conservatives believe only Corporations and banks get guaranteed income, that's why they always get bailouts"

Methinks anyone as politically savvy as you should recall this article from six years ago N'esy Pas?



Dawn MacNeill 
Lee Hall
The reason why Conservatives (and Republicans) are always way ahead in fundraising is because they are 100% accountable to corporations, and not average people.

They are 100% bought already.

Ford wants to privatize everything as it will ensure large cash payments specifically supporting his party.

David Amos
David Amos
@Lee Hall "The reason why Conservatives (and Republicans) are always way ahead in fundraising"

Methinks you should check how well the Conservatives are doing raising funds in New Brunswick N'esy Pas?


Lee Hall
Lee Hall
@David Amos <--- bricklin="" fund="" greatest="" malcolm="" p="" probably="" raiser.="" was="" your=""><--- bricklin="" fund="" greatest="" malcolm="" p="" probably="" raiser.="" was="" your="">--->

David Amos
David Amos
@Lee Hall Methinks you mistake me for a conservative N'esy Pas?

Robert Williams 
Robert Williams
Time for right of recall legislation as well as proportional representation in order to force political parties to honour their words, even if a study or policy isn't something they are enamored with.

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Williams Dream on

Patrick Dool
Andy Bonn
You get what you vote for. This is just the beginning....

David Amos
David Amos
@Andy Bonn Methinks there a lot of truth in that old expression that we get the governments we deserve N'esy Pas?

Patrick Dool
Lee Hall
Ford has the same communications manager as Harper. Kory Teneycke.

Limit public access, limit reporter's questions. Avoid public debates. Scripted talking points throughout his entire cabinet.

No accountability for their actions.

Harper Majority Government 2.0

Joanne Smith
Joanne Smith
@Lee Hall

Even farther than that, they are creating their own-run media, highly scripted videos that are made to appear "news-like", with no accountability or fact-checking.
Propaganda 101 !
Not sure if Doug Ford has even read Orwell's 1984, but his puppet-masters ahem, managers, sure have it seems.

David Amos
David Amos
@Joanne Smith Methinks you consider where you are posting and consider the fact that 1984 was nearly 35 years ago N'esy Pas?

Lee Hall
 Richard Harding
One reason we have Ford is that Mike Harris cut education funding by +/- $400 million.

What we are seeing know are the fruits of that policy using their votes.

Conservatives are all about building their base one ignoramus (or one million) at a time.

Lin Geary
Lin Geary
@Dave Singh... One of the pundits on MSNBC, (our own David Frum, senior ed. The Atlantic) said recently that small "c" conservatives generally trust religion while small "l' liberals generally trust education when redistributing wealth. So conservatives give far more money to charity, and liberals give far more money to the taxman, and both happily believe they are making the right decision. He may have hit the nail on the head.

Derek Madge
Derek Madge
@Lin Geary IF I had any faith in the slightly mellowed but still rabidly right wing David Frum ( G.W. Bush's wingman in seducing the American Right) ... well, I would still want to see some kind of data on his assertion. Starting with how conservatives don't pay the same taxes that liberals do , or that trusting religion or education has anything to do with redistributing wealth. Frum is not "one of ours" any more than Ted Cruz is.

David Amos
David Amos
@Derek Madge "IF I had any faith in the slightly mellowed but still rabidly right wing David Frum ( G.W. Bush's wingman in seducing the American Right) ... well, I would still want to see some kind of data on his assertion. "

Methinks many would agree that you just hit the nail on the head N'esy Pas?

Lee Hall
Emil George
Basic Income has demonstrated by a study in the 1970s to
reduce welfare administration costs,
reduce medical costs,
Reduce alcoholism
improve mental health
reduce homelessness

But the Right Wing doesn't care. They know the cost of everything but the value of nothing.

Steve Bottrell
Steve Bottrell
@karel zyma I would say you don't know what basic income is. But it all comes down to a definition people hold that seems to be different more often than it is the same.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Steve Bottrell "I would say you don't know what basic income is."

Methinks as a Canadian senior citizen who has never collected welfare or EI but is now relying on the federal income supplement to my CPP and old age pension to make ends meet I know exactly what basic income is. The problem is that Trudeau the Younger byway of his CRA minions just scooped nearly 1000 loonies from my meager monthly stipend. Nobody should blame me for giving every politician in Canada a headache over it Trust that the overpaid unionized bureaucrats jerking my chain right now would whine and cry a lot harder than I am if it such a thing happens to them when they are retired N'esy Pas?

 Ray Stas
Why do wealthy Conservatives seem to enjoy kicking the poor in the teeth when in power?

David Amos
David Amos
@Ray Stas Methinks the simple answer is because they can N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks you have no idea what hard work is until you have worked on a farm that provides the food that poor folks serve on fancy plates to wealthy crybabies N'esy Pas?

Kham Hammerschmam
Kham Hammerschmam
@David Amos

As someone who's done both farm and kitchen work, they're both hard work.

Everything looks like a nail to a hammer, though.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks I should inform you that an old farmer taught me long ago that you can't drive a six inch spike with a tack hammer. Clearly nobody bothered to inform you until now N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks it was not so clever to tease an Old Maritimer about hammers when using a fictitious name such as yours. Anyone can employ Google to see that it only exists cyberspace within CBC and Twitter domains and not the real world N'esy Pas?

Lynn Charman 
Lynn Charman
This was a completely irresponsible move.

Francis Culligan
Francis Culligan
@Lynn Charman Especially with NO back-up plan.

David Amos
David Amos
@Lynn Charman YUP

John Locke 
John Locke
Who didn't expect this?
Meanwhile in other news, here comes the gravy train for those that have too much already.
Now before you start praising your idols, think about it. You are about to say they deserve the govt handout. Irony at it's best.

Derek Madge
Derek Madge
@John Locke Gravy train is a great slogan. It doesn't exist but as long as there are people who see someone with something THEY did not get, there will be jealousy and slogans.

David Amos
David Amos
@Derek Madge "Gravy train is a great slogan. It doesn't exist "

Methinks thou doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

Lee Hall
Alan Smithee
The first of what will likely be many broken promises to come.

David Amos
David Amos
@Alan Smithee YUP

Methinks it is just more of the same old same old N'esy Pas?

Patrick Dool 
Kham Hammerschmam
Welcome to the Conservative world order. Big on bluster, little on research and knowledge.

Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
@Kham Hammerschmam

And proud of it!

Jon Van Lee
Jon Van Lee
@Kham Hammerschmam

Yup... Why don't you research the failed socialist experiments on those bankrupt Communist Bloc countries.

Hypocrites big on bluster, little on research and no knowledge.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jon Van Lee Methinks Mr Hammerschmam ain't big on researching matters that defeat his arguments N'esy Pas?

Kham Hammerschmam
Kham Hammerschmam
@Jon Van Lee

My first undergraduate degree was in history, with specific specialization in Soviet history. I think I've got this.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks not one soul who has read your malicious nonsense would be surprised by that revelation N'esy Pas?

Kham Hammerschmam
Kham Hammerschmam
@David Amos

I would have no idea what anyone else thinks. If you think I'm supportive of the Soviet Union, though, you would be wrong.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kham Hammerschmam Methinks you have no idea what anyone else thinks because you do not even bother to research people before you attack them. BTW Trump and everybody else knows that you can't block someone from reading your Tweets and Tweeting about you. Now you do too N'esy Pas?

Joanne Smith
Todd Skinard
Doug Ford:
Are my supporters getting smarter or dumber?

Ford Assistant:
Dumber, sir.

Doug Ford:

Joanne Smith
Joanne Smith
@Stephen Piazze

Seriously, everyone knows the ability to understand humour is a sign of intelligence, usually developed in our early years. I realize it is hard to have a sense of humour and ability to reflect on world changes when you are busy with your head in the sand, only coming up to spout hard-line rhetoric.

David Amos
David Amos
@Joanne Smith Welcome to the Circus

Francis Culligan 
Francis Culligan
The best way to grow an economy is to increase aggregate demand. The only way to increase aggregate demand is for people (even poor folk) to have money to buy goods and services. No money, no demand, no growth. That's another reason why increasing the minimum wage is a no-brainer.

David Amos
David Amos
@Francis Culligan "No money, no demand, no growth. That's another reason why increasing the minimum wage is a no-brainer."

Good Point

Francis Culligan 
Lisa Carleton
It's a bit weird hearing on CBC radio that some of those participating in the BI pilot, voted Conservative. Every adult in Ontario must know and understand Cons always, always attack the poorest first, and with vigour.

David Amos
David Amos
@Lisa Carleton Go figure


David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to and  49 others

 "Content disabled"  Archibald Mac Donald Methinks out of the gate I should ask you what you said to "Fred Rogers" in the "Most Liked" comment thread that caused a bunch of comments to go "Poof" N'esy Pas? 


Loonie could brace for a return to 'Dutch disease' if oil stays strong: Don Pittis

GDP and other indicators show Canadian currency could be set to strengthen

Don Pittis· CBC News· Posted: Aug 02, 2018 4:00 AM ET

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Rob Johnston 
Rob Johnston
Gotta love how the price at the pump has little relation to the price of a barrel.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Rob Johnston Methinks we should all be grateful that your comment is the most liked one Perhaps the government will notice folks are upset N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Rob Johnston NOPE

Jack O Hill
Archibald Mac Donald
Why does Don say that heatwaves and forest fires are caused by burning gas ?
The world had heat waves and forest fires long before the world had cars
The world is always changing would people prefer another ice age ?

Jack O Hill
Jack O Hill
@Archibald Mac Donald

Interestingly, I was listening to an article on CBC yesterday. An "Ice Age" on earth is defined by a timer period where there is still ice at the poles. We are just emerging from the last one.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Archibald Mac Donald Methinks out of the gate I should ask you what you said to "Fred Rogers" in the "Most Liked" comment thread that caused a bunch of comments to go "Poof" N'esy Pas?


David Amos
David Amos
@Karen King "says the newbie wb, nice fake run up there as well"

Methinks you tell that to all the guys you don't like N'esy Pas?

Johny Ng 
Johny Ng
What a Liberal propaganda article. The price of Barrel of oil is less than half the price it was in 2014, the rising cost at the pump is 100% due to Trudeau's pipeline policies, his buyout of Kinder Morgan, his Carbon Taxes, his lack of spine (or interest or brain or all of the above) dealing with pressing homemade issues. Harper had the admiration of the world, Trudeau, the opposite.

David Amos
David Amos
@Johny Ng Methinks the price at the pumps has everything to do with the greedy oil companies knowing they can get away with it because the government's piece of the action grows as well N'esy Pas?

Buford Wilson 
Buford Wilson
Our beloved loonie busted through parity under PM Harper.

Canada needs a strong PM again.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jack O Hill Your pal said "Martin as FM changed the banking regulations to prevent the rise of what collapsed the US industry. "

Methinks this is a little Deja Vu for the both of you to enjoy reviewing N'esy Pas?


Jack O Hill
Jack O Hill
@David Amos

Yeah, that worked extremely well. All of that was paid back, with about a $5 billion profit.

Too bad the government can't earn money like that more often!

richard andre 
richard andre
If you read these comments you would think that the only use for oil is the automobile. Oil is used for much more than gasoline.

David Amos
David Amos
@richard andre Methinks its kinda hard to think of something oil ain't involved with these days N'esy Pas?

Archibald Mac Donald 
Archibald Mac Donald
Why does Don say that heatwaves and forest fires are caused by burning gas ?
The world had heat waves and forest fires long before the world had cars
The world is always changing would people prefer another ice age ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Karen King "says the newbie wb, nice fake run up there as well"

Methinks you tell that to all the guys you don't like N'esy Pas?

Roland Reimer 
Roland Reimer
Isn't it somewhat ironic that the recent increase in the GDP is coming from the very sector that the Liberals are strangling?

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "You are spouting alt right wrongs based in no evidence and against our confederation."

Oh My My Methinks that you are admitting that we have a constitution that should be upheld N'esy Pas?

Ernest Warnielius 
Ernest Warnielius
Economists have a virtually unblemished record in getting everything completely wrong.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ernest Warnielius Oh so true

jean george 
jean george
Canada is blessed with lots of natural resources and an over supply of low intellect politicians!

David Amos
David Amos
@jean george YUP

Jack O Hill 
Jack O Hill
Got to love to short term time periods that Don uses to "prove" his points.

The reality is that the Canadian dollar has been undervalued since PET drove out debt up by over 700% (adjusted for inflation, he added $1 trillion in 2018 dollars) and destroyed our credit rating (rates in Canada were double the rates in Europe, for example). Prior to that, it had usually been quite close to the US dollar, and often worth more (I remember a Canadian dollar being worth $1.10 US).

After PET crashed our dollar, Canadian manufacturers got lazy. Rather than maintaining their competitive edge, they relied on the cheap dollar. Now, every time the dollar rises back to historic norms, they scream that they can't compete. Well, guess what. Suck it up, and start learning how to be competitive again.

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "It only proves you are a partisan hack, carry on"

Methinks that you just proved the same thing about yourself to the rest of us N'esy Pas?

Peter Parker 
Peter Parker
As a Canadian how do I "take advantage" of the low Canadian dollar?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Peter Parker "As a Canadian how do I "take advantage" of the low Canadian dollar?"

Beats me I truly believe the export argument is nonsense. If the loonie is worth less your stuff is worth less as well. Think of things in extremes. If the loonie was only worth 10 Yankee pennies would you sell you stuff for that exchange? How much would they sell your stuff for once they got it in their possession? Methinks the Banksters play a wicked games as they manipulate the money markets N'esy Pas?


David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to and  48 others
YO Methinks nobody should be surprised when everybody knows the liberals control CBC N'esy Pas?


'It's not news': Doug Ford's Ontario News Now attempts to muzzle media, experts say

Social media channels chronicling premier's success pull page from Stephen Harper's skip-the-media strategy

Amara McLaughlin· CBC News· Posted: Aug 02, 2018 4:00 AM ET


David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks nobody should be surprised when everybody knows the liberals control CBC N'esy Pas?

Fred Rogers
Jim Moore
I don't blame Premiere Ford, the media is a joke now, no one trusts them anymore, they make stuff up, they leave all the information out of stories intentionally to try and push an agenda or an approved narrative, Lately with a lot of questionable articles I honestly don't see CBC as any better than CNN, they are both setting a very low standard for journalism, and now CBC who get 1.2 Billion a year to feed us propaganda are also bombarding us with advertising which they shouldn't be. I hope they get completely defunded of tax payer money and have to survive like the other media outlets and make it an even playing field

Scott Campbell
Scott Campbell
@Jim Moore I am just looking forward to the day when the "fake news" is reporting on the arrest of agent orange.

Fred Rogers
Fred Rogers
@Jim Moore The is what the right wing does constantly.
They make stuff up.
And then they complain it's others making stuff up.

David Amos
David Amos
@Scott Campbell Methinks Agent Orange has retired well and is living on some beach under an assumed name It that Cowboy Kid of his they call Roundup who is causing a lot of trouble these days N'esy Pas?

Jon Van Lee
Jon Van Lee
@Fred Rogers

And the regressive left wing does not allow anyone to question them, especially on Liberal propaganda arm CBC !

Bryan Doehler
Bryan Doehler
@Jim Moore "... no one trusts them anymore ..." - I for one do so your statement is incorrect.
"... they make stuff up..." Have any evidence or is that statement something you made up?
"...they leave all the information out of stories..." Demonstrably untrue, how could you even have a story if you left out ALL of the information?
"Lately with a lot of questionable articles..." - Care to link to one example and say why it is questionable?
"...bombarding us with advertising which they shouldn't be..." - The subsidy given to the CBC has never fully covered its expenses, it has always had to advertise to make up the difference.

Scott Campbell
Scott Campbell
@David Amos agent orange south of the border. I could not really understand your text at all.

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Jim Moore And the glaring proof is anytime someone doesn't agree with the approved narrative they are typically called a right winger now, and labeled a racist.

David Amos
David Amos
@Scott Campbell Methinks that you would never understand if I tried to explain Monsanto N'esy Pas?

Louisa Walker
Louisa Walker
@Jim Moore
The biggest joke going is dictator Dougie, watch and learn.

Walter Vrbetic 
Martin Mueller
What difference would it be if he youtubes or twitters the message? As taxpayers, you are still paying for it, there isnt any difference, just the medium.

Bryan Doehler
Bryan Doehler
@Martin Mueller What they are putting out in not "the message" it is Fords message. If Ford wants editorial control then he can pay for it.

Walter Vrbetic
Walter Vrbetic
@Martin Mueller

Why's the Ontario taxpayer paying for political messaging?

David Amos
David Amos
@Walter Vrbetic "Why's the Ontario taxpayer paying for political messaging?"

Methinks we all are byway of what you are reading right now N'esy Pas?

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Walter Vrbetic they were under the Wynne Liberals, Ford doing it on social media with his own staff is not the same as when the liberals spent tens of millions on media adds trying to convince everyone they weren't destroying the province economically

Louisa Walker
Louisa Walker
@David Amos
Once a fool, always a fool, just like dictator Dougie n’est ce pas.

Louisa Walker
Louisa Walker
@Jim Moore
Harper’s 500 million spent in action plan signs goes down in history as the greatest propaganda gimmick of all times. If conservatives had shame they would hide their heads, or at least stop telling everyone they’re virtuous.

David Amos
David Amos
@Louisa Walker Methinks the liberals oaught to know N'esy Pas?

 Fred Rogers 
Fred Rogers
'The Conservatives think the public is stupid'

The public voted in Doug Ford.
I think that's proof that they are.

Fred Rogers
Fred Rogers
@Archibald Mac Donald How stupid do you have to be to consider Fox News a real news site?

steve waddell
steve waddell
@Fred Rogers lol, most watched news in north america.

Mike Hamilton
Mike Hamilton
@steve waddell After Jon Stewart and Colbert retired from their comedy shows a lot of people switched to Fox for their satire.

Gia Trieste
Gia Trieste
@Fred Rogers Bravo Doug! Give them hell, all these CBC Fake news, elitists, globalists, liberals, Communists and Socialists. Don't even bother to argue with those leftist saboteurs and provocateurs, just stay your Right Course and fix the mess left by those divisive liberals.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Rogers Methinks I should ask the obvious question what did Mr MacDonald say to make you call him names? Clearly he upset as well CBC N'esy Pas?

Manny Fredrick
Manny Fredrick
@Fred Rogers The leftie way of thinking, if democracy doesn't go their way the everybody else must be stoopid.

Gerard Rosen
Gerard Rosen
@Manny Fredrick
You almost got it.
It's the fact that the nation's most intelligent citizens are left leaning.

Trevor Greene
Trevor Greene
@Fred Rogers "The public voted in Doug Ford. I think that's proof that they are."
It appears the public is stupid. Wynne was voted in. The public disliked McGuinty yet foolishly thought that Wynne would be different despite her being in McGuinty's cabinet and backing him and promising to stay the course.

Ford got voted in because the public realized their mistake. That they were played for fools by Wynne.

I don't blame Doug for distancing the media. The media has demonstrated that it is biased against conservative values and will find fault, if not create it, to manipulate the public against him. Look what they did to Rob because he was overly friendly, open and trusting. Why keep backstabbers close?

Richard Jay
Richard Jay
@Fred Rogers

When the media and the opposition are freaking out you know you're doing something right. All they really have left now is insults and insults are useless when it comes to politics. We've seen how useless they are with Trump.

Keep it up Doug.

Ethan Beaver
Ethan Beaver
@Gerard Rosen
If you factor in the young and recent graduates, you could make an argument that the "left leaning" have more paid forma; education, certainly more Bachelor of Arts degrees, but that is more indoctrination that education and certainly not to be confused with IQ.

Doug Ford — wasting taxpayer money to own the libs: Robyn Urback

By using public dollars for partisan ads, Ford is breaking his own No. 1 rule

Robyn Urback· CBC News· Posted: Aug 02, 2018 4:00 AM ET 

In a minute-long back rub to the new premier published Monday, Ontario News Now — a partisan machine funded by taxpayers — documented Doug Ford's activities during his first month in office. (Nathan Denette/Canadian Press)

Trigger warning: This is a CBC News column about using taxpayers' money to fund partisan propaganda.

I recognize that certain heads will explode over the supposed irony. So in the interest of getting past this, do allow me to pre-emptively relieve the burden of my friends in the comment section:

This is rich coming from a CBC hack.
The CBC is the biggest waste of taxpayer money on the planet.
Hey, look! Another CBC writer with Ford Derangement Syndrome.

Apologies if I've missed anything, but after years of writing columns as a supposed Conservative puppet obsessed with Ontario Liberal waste, I'm struggling to embrace my new position as a Liberal stooge.

Indeed for years the misuse of taxpayer funds by the former Kathleen Wynne government has been documented by both myself and, yes, my CBC colleagues.

Some of that waste — millions of dollars of public money, in fact — had gone toward thinly veiled partisan advertisements with little practical purpose other than making the Ontario Liberals look good.

There were the ads informing Ontarians about cuts to their hydro bills (imagine the panic that would have ensued if people suddenly started saving a couple of dollars on their electric bills without explanation!). And the ads touting the province's short-lived Ontario Retirement Pension Plan — an $8-million marketing scheme that included advertisements for the enhanced federal Canada Pension Plan, which aired even after the ORPP was scrapped.

They were self-congratulatory ads, barely pretending to be non-partisan.

Gutting the Government Advertising Act

Why were the Liberals allowed to blatantly misuse public funds in this way? Simple: They kneecapped the province's auditor general by amending the Government Advertising Act, eliminating the office's ability to veto advertisements deemed to be partisan.

The Act — which was enacted in 2004, ironically in response to partisan advertising by the Harris Progressive Conservative government — placed strict guidelines on government-funded advertisements, allowing the auditor general the discretion to determine what constituted a partisan advertisement.

But Liberal tinkering with the Act in 2015, according to current Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk, "opened the door to publicly funded partisan and self-congratulatory government advertising on television and radio, in print and online."

The AG was essentially powerless to stop them.

It was all pretty grotesque, and the Opposition Progressive Conservatives howled with disapproval. Rightfully so.
Now those same Progressive Conservatives — today in government and headed by a different leader — have embraced their own grotesque misuse of taxpayer dollars through an operation called "Ontario News Now." It looks and sounds like a media outlet, but is actually a taxpayer-funded propaganda machine, where a PC staffer poses as a "reporter."

(Yes, I know: Taxpayer-funded propaganda machine — you mean the CBC, right? Har!)

In a minute-long back rub to Doug Ford published Monday, Ontario News Now documented the new premier's activities during his first month in office, including a meeting with the prime minister and handshakes with police college grads.

There is no purpose to the video other than to hail the congeniality of Ford — and the whole thing was paid for using taxpayer money, as the government confirmed to Global News.

Conservative partisans will insist that whatever money spent on this ad is trifling compared to the many millions wasted by the Liberals. And while that is certainly true (I'd be very impressed if the PCs could waste millions of dollars in ads in the first month of their governance), it is also beside the point.

Ford campaigned on a promise of respect for taxpayers; of rooting out every cent of government waste and putting it back in the pockets of everyday Ontarians.

This is not respect for each cent of taxpayers' dollars — this is the PCs adopting the same abuse of taxpayers' money they decried when the Liberals were in power.

But, OK, perhaps you think a counter-narrative is necessary — even a worthy use of taxpayer dollars — because of the supposed bias against Conservatives in mainstream media. To that I say, yes, plenty of news organization have political slants, but most stop short of being partisan.

Every single major news organization in Ontario covered the Wynne Liberals' many scandals, and all of them publish at least the occasional opinion piece that is incongruous with their institutional slant. (By the way, if you don't like the coverage, you can write to the editor, or the ombudsman, or submit your own op-ed.)

Ontario News Now, on the other hand, is a strictly partisan operation.

There will be no attempt at balance. It is propaganda made all the more sinister by a weak attempt to pass itself off as news — literally fake news. I suspect the closest it will come to critical coverage will be something like: "Premier Doug Ford's smile too bright for Nuit Blanche: report."

Maybe you still think this is all too ironic coming from the taxpayer-funded CBC. And that's fine. But surely the answer here is not for the public to fund another "news" operation.

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Thank you, Ontario! The party with the taxpayers' money is over. Together, we will get this province back on track.

In any case, the Ford government is quite shamelessly breaking its own No. 1 rule: Respect for taxpayers. This is public funding of partisan nonsense. All for what? To own the libs?

Perhaps when Ford said "the party with the taxpayers' money is over," he meant to say that the Liberals'party with taxpayers' money is over.

The PCs' party with taxpayers' money is apparently just beginning.

This column is part of CBC's Opinion section. For more information about this section, please read this editor's blog and our FAQ.

About the Author


Robyn Urback
Robyn Urback is an opinion columnist with CBC News and a producer with the CBC's Opinion section. She previously worked as a columnist and editorial board member at the National Post. Follow her on Twitter at:

Ontario minister admits Ford government broke election promise by scrapping basic income project

PCs axed program due to 'realities of when you're in government,' Lisa MacLeod says

Asked by reporters Wednesday about the decision to scrap the project, MacLeod had this to say: 'So look, [there's] the decision in the campaign and then you find the realities of when you're in government. ' (CBC)
An Ontario minister admits the new government has backtracked on a campaign promise to keep the province's basic income pilot project in place.

Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod blamed the "realities" the Progressive Conservatives faced, upon coming into power last month, for the decision she announced on Tuesday.

"[There's] the decision in the campaign and then you find the realities of when you're in government," MacLeod told reporters on Wednesday, restating her intent to "come up with a better plan in 100 days."

It marks the first broken promise of Premier Doug Ford's government.
"My commitment to the people of Ontario, particularly the people who are most vulnerable, is that we will get it right," MacLeod said.

"I, in good conscience, could not proceed on the patchwork of systems that the Liberals had in place."

'A disincentive' 

The remarks come as anti-poverty advocates denounced the government's decision to scrap the project while the province defended the move Wednesday by suggesting the program discouraged participants from finding work.

Though the Progressive Conservatives had promised to preserve the pilot project, MacLeod said the government reversed course after hearing from ministry staff that  the program didn't help people become "independent contributors to the economy.

"It really is a disincentive to get people back on track," she said Wednesday.
"When you're encouraging people to accept money without strings attached, it really doesn't send the message that I think our ministry and our government wants to send. We want to get people back on track and be productive members of society where that's possible."

A source involved in the pilot, however, said it had not been active long enough to generate the data required to gauge its success.

The government announced Tuesday it was "winding down" the project and cutting a planned three per cent increase in social assistance to 1.5 per cent — the first steps in its plan to revamp  the social assistance system.

Anti-poverty groups stunned

The basic income pilot project, which launched last year and was set to run for three years, provided payments to 4,000 low-income people in communities including Hamilton, Brantford, Thunder Bay and Lindsay. Single participants receive up to $16,989 a year while couples receive up to $24,027, less 50 per cent of any earned income.

Statistics released by the previous government showed two thirds of those enrolled had a job.
News of the project's cancellation stunned anti-poverty groups and those who received support through the initiative, some of whom said they'd be left scrambling to make up for income they had counted on in making future plans.

Jody Dean, a Hamilton resident who participated in the program, said the financial stability granted by the project allowed her to go back to school part-time and to buy parking passes to the hospital where one of her three children receives care.

It also relieved a lot of the stress that comes from struggling to make ends meet, she said.

"I knew it was coming every month," she said. Now, the family will have to go back to living day-to-day, Dean said, adding she won't be able to enrol in fall classes.


She called the minister's comments "ridiculous," saying everyone she knows on the program has done better because of it.

"I know several girls that are working poor who have walked to work because they couldn't afford the bus. Did they quit their jobs because they got basic income? Hell, no," she said.

"Another is still working her job but now it allows her the freedom to take the bus instead of walking an hour and a half. She may lose her housing now."

Participants in the program received an email Wednesday saying their payments would continue through August but got no further details about how the project would be phased out, said Tom Cooper, director of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction.
"It's reprehensible, reprehensibly irresponsible to announce the end of the pilot without thinking those things through about how they're going to wind up the program and how they are going to support people," he said.

"This is the government taking a political course of action without thinking through the ramifications (for) these real

people who have huge stresses in their lives now."

The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, which had been critical of the project, said cancelling it only a year in "demonstrates a reckless disregard for the lives of nearly 4,000 people… who planned their lives on the assurance of having a set income for three years."

The group predicted the government's pledge to reform social assistance was nothing but a thinly veiled return to cuts brought in by former Tory premier Mike Harris, and vowed to oppose what it called Premier Doug Ford's "war on the poor."
With files from CBC News

Loonie could brace for a return to 'Dutch disease' if oil stays strong: Don Pittis

GDP and other indicators show Canadian currency could be set to strengthen

Canadians have their own way of watching the surge in the oil sector: Pump prices heading for — or in some places exceeding — what they paid when the global oil price was close to $100 a barrel. (Mark Blinch/Reuters)

This week's startling jump in economic growth was due to just one thing.

As economists and commentators fretted over a trade war with the United States and concerns that Europe and Mexico might be making deals that excluded Canada, the Canadian oil industry was on a tear.

Almost exactly four years since the Canadian petroleum industry went from hero to zero as oil prices plunged, investment in the Alberta oilsands and the Atlantic offshore industry are on the rise again.

And despite a stubborn unwillingness of the Canadian dollar to budge off its lows, there are reasons to think it may follow oil up.

Oil on the rise

According to figures released this week by Statistics Canada, construction was still the biggest driver of the Canadian economy — but remained relatively flat.

A surge in oil and gas investment, meanwhile, meant the sector beat out the sagging banking and insurance industries to take second place at seven per cent of the economy.
Investment in the oilsands is up 14 per cent in the last year, hitting an all-time high.

There are, of course, many qualifications, including a statistical quirk in the comparison between sectors. But Canadians have their own way of confirming the surge in global demand for oil: the cost of a tank of gas is heading back toward 2014 levels.

Select industries as a proportion of GDP. (Robson Fletcher/CBC)
There are no guarantees in the oil and gas business. As has been observed many times in the past, an industry that cannot foresee a decline in prices — from about $100 in 2014, to about $30 two years later — cannot be trusted to know the future.

Oil has been off its recent highs of more than $70 US, but since hitting its 2016 lows, the trend is undeniable: In the last year alone, oil prices have marched steadily higher.

In its latest Global Risk Radar report, the Swiss banking giant UBS contemplated the global economic impact of oil prices at $120 US a barrel, giving such an event a 20 to 30 per cent probability in the next six to 12 months.

"During previous episodes of large oil supply shocks, global equities fell about 15 per cent on average, but recovered within six months," said the UBS report.

Running out?

That kind of supply shock would require a major collapse in output by a large supplier, caused by something like an outbreak or escalation of conflict in the Middle East. (As one commentator pointed out, such scary events are for scenario planners and risk testers.)

But fresh evidence suggests oil demand and prices will remain strong.

From a low of about $45 last summer, the price of oil has rallied and risen steadily higher ever since. (Kevin Lacroix/CBC)
Several reports suggest that Saudi oil — the bottomless pit for satisfying global demand — cannot expand production quickly or easily. Data crunched yesterday from Bloomberg News shows crude output from both Saudi Arabia and Russia neared record peak levels in July.

China and India, meanwhile, are consuming record amounts of oil from Iran. And the huge reserves in Venezuela lay idle as the country's economy continues its tailspin, with its inflation rate heading toward 1 million per cent.
It is a well-accepted fact that the earth has plenty of oil. Even as oil prices and investment in new production declined, output continued to grow.

What we are seeing now may be a sign that as underdeveloped economies catch up with Europe and North America in energy use, and the developed world heads into a U.S.-led economic growth spurt, production just hasn't been keeping pace.

At any moment, supply and demand are in balance. Under-producing by just a little pushes prices up, giving the signal it is time to invest.

Back on track

If this analysis proves true, the Canadian oil industry is back on track. If it can be finished before the next oil slump, the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion will be a great taxpayer investment — purely in financial terms.

Ironically — and painfully, for some — this new oil-and-gas boom comes just as forest fires and deadly heat waves offer new evidence of the impact of burning fossil fuels.

But even countries committed to fighting climate change are somehow caving into the economic pressure to produce and consume more oil.

An employee looks over Aramco's Ras Tanura oil refinery in Saudi Arabia on May 21, 2018. (Ahmed Jadallah/Reuters)
As my colleague Pete Evans reported last month, fears of the effects of trade sanctions have so far cured Canada's Dutch disease — the tendency that the currency of a small economy, like ours, will rise as oil exports grow.

Interestingly, a similar phenomenon has been observed among other so-called petrocurrencies.

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Dislocation between and oil linked currencies is getting wider

As well as sparking debate, the widening spread between the price of oil and oil-linked currencies has some forex traders rubbing their hands, imagining the killing to be made once the individual forces holding the loonie and its companions down begin to weaken.
Currencies share with oil a reputation for refusing to follow any analytical script, instead heading off with minds of their own. But it would seem reasonable that anyone wanting to do something that benefits from a low loonie — selling a company to a foreign buyer or moving cash to Canada to invest — should consider doing it while they have the chance.

In the longer run, the prediction that worsening climate damage to our one and only Earth will convince people to leave fossils fuels in the ground may finally prove true.

Despite the latest blast of heat and flame, the current political and economic trend seems to be heading in the opposite direction.

Follow Don Pittis on Twitter: @don_pittis

About the Author


Don Pittis
Business columnist
Don Pittis was a forest firefighter, and a ranger in Canada's High Arctic islands. After moving into journalism, he was principal business reporter for Radio Television Hong Kong before the handover to China. He has produced and reported for the CBC in Saskatchewan and Toronto and the BBC in London. He is currently senior producer at CBC's business unit.

'It's not news': Doug Ford's Ontario News Now attempts to muzzle media, experts say

Social media channels chronicling premier's success pull page from Stephen Harper's skip-the-media strategy

Political policy experts and Ontario party leaders are blasting Premier Doug Ford's 'Ontario News Now.' The social media-driven content is just public relations, they say, 'but in the hands of political parties that is then quickly turned into propaganda.' (Christopher Katsarov/The Canadian Press)

The Progressive Conservative government's production of a TV-news-style video under the banner of "Ontario News Now" is a "pure example of fake news" that aims to undercut the pillars of democracy and muzzle media, political policy experts say.

"Having a separate news channel kind of corrodes the function of the democratic media, because it assumes that the media isn't able to fulfil the function that is assigned to them," said Jonathan Rose, a political science professor at Queen's University.

The partisan channel launched on Monday via social media with a minute-long video that served as a highlight reel of Ontario Premier Doug Ford's photo ops during his first month in power and chronicled his alleged campaign successes.

Ontario News Now was launched on Twitter and Facebook on Monday, with its sole video to date chronicling Premier Doug Ford's first month in office. (Ontario News Now/Twitter)
Ontario News Now bills itself as "news" and "timely exclusive content on the PC government's priorities for the people of Ontario," according to its descriptions on Facebook and Twitter.
"The use of the word news is what this all boils down to," said Lisa Taylor, a former lawyer and broadcaster who now teaches journalism at Ryerson University.

"It's not news.… The content being created is to further the interest of the political viability of the current premier. It's for a very specific interest."
Having a separate news channel kind of corrodes the function of the democratic media.- Jonathan Rose, Queen's University
Taylor says the PCs are looking to eradicate the need for a middleman, or reporters, by covering their own political moves, further creating a climate of secrecy.

"Once those who are a legitimate subject for journalism decides to cut out the journalists and communicate directly, there is very little reason for them to disseminate information to journalists, who, in turn, disseminate it to the public," she said.

"There's every incentive in the world to hold this information and just disseminate it through their own propaganda machine."

Premier Doug Ford claimed on his partisan channel he cut gas prices by 10 cents a litre. But he has yet to deliver on that campaign promise. (Alan Diaz/Associated Press)
The Ontario News Now video is fronted by PC staffer Lyndsey Vanstone, who says that "Premier Ford attended dozens of events in 30 days, and he managed to keep a few campaign promises, too."

The frame then transitions to an interview-style clip, where Ford lists a litany of provincial issues he says he fixed, including slashing gas prices by 10 cents a litre.

Despite his claim, Ford has yet to deliver on that campaign promise.
"The concern is the sound bites that are given through this partisan channel might be picked up and used as a substitute to real media because of the inaccessibility of the premier," said Rose.

"The effect is to marginalize the role of the traditional media in liberal democracies, which is to hold the government to account. And if you allow selected exposure to staffers who are going to highlight your successes and ignore your failures, then it does an end run around the traditional media."

Ford Nation Live

Ford's staff produced similar TV-style videos ahead of the PCs considerable victory in the June 7 election.

"Ford Nation Live" also featured Vanstone, who, with microphone in hand, enthusiastically covered Ford's every move during the campaign through a series of partisan messages.

Vanstone was then-executive assistant to Ford and his senior communications adviser. She is now listed as the deputy director of communication for PC Caucus Services, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Lyndsey Vanstone, a former executive assistant to Doug Ford and now a communications director with PC Caucus Services, also served as his 'reporter' in Ford Nation Live videos that offered the campaign's view of events. (Facebook)
The premier's office declined an interview on Wednesday about Ontario News Live and Ford didn't attend question period at the Ontario Legislature.

The premier's office previously told CBC News that Vanstone isn't employed by them. Instead, she is employed through PC Caucus Services, which is a separate, taxpayer-funded arm of Ontario's Legislative Assembly.
It's just public relations, but in the hands of political parties, that is then quickly turned into propaganda.- Chris Waddell , Carleton University
Christine Van Geyn, the Ontario director of the Canadian Taxpayers Foundation, said in an email "there are very few disclosure rules associated with the taxpayer-funded Caucus Services budget."

This loophole, she said, allows the Tories to continue branding Ontario News Now as news without breaking any government advertising rules.

"Taxpayer money should never be used for partisan purposes," Van Geyn said. "If politicians want to self-promote, go out and raise money. Don't use money that could otherwise be spent improving hospitals or fixing bridges to tell voters how awesome you are."

Harper's 24/Seven channel

Ontario News Now seemingly rips a page from Stephen Harper's skip-the-media strategy to get the PCs' messages out. The only difference: Harper's weekly video diary never billed itself as news.

Stephen Harper's weekly YouTube videos, called 24/Seven, chronicled the then-prime minister's governance. The videos were produced by PMO staffers. (pm.gc.ca)
In 2014, Harper's in-house media team created 24/Seven, which produced flattering features about the then-prime minister and his Conservative government.

It was later revealed that up to three public servants were involved in publishing the weekly video, as part of their regular duties. The filming, production and editing, meanwhile, was left to political staff inside Harper's office — the cost of which was never divulged.
"There's no evidence it had any real impact on Mr. Harper's popularity. Or it certainly didn't have an impact on the success of the Conservatives in the 2015 election because they lost," said Chris Waddell, a journalism professor at Carleton University.

"It's just public relations, but in the hands of political parties, that is then quickly turned into propaganda. Or as advertising people might say, [it's] to control the message."

Harper's 24/Seven video diary was scrubbed from Google when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took office in 2015.

'The Conservatives think the public is stupid'

In just three days, the sole Ontario News Now video racked up thousands of views and generated considerable engagement online — something which shocked news and policy experts.

"The underlying message in doing this is clearly that the Conservatives think the public is stupid," said Waddell. "The Conservatives are relying on the assumption that the public is too stupid to differentiate between information, advertising and propaganda."
This puts a "greater onus" on voters and the opposition to scrutinize the video as a partisan advertisement that masquerades as news, said Rose.

"That's a challenge when you're inundated with all sorts of images and news clips on social media feeds," he said.

Media keeps 'democracy functioning,' Horwath says

NDP Leader Andrea Horwath slammed Ontario News Live outside Queen's Park on Wednesday, saying it's not a news site and that a "free press" is paramount for holding a government to account.

"It's our job as the Opposition, but it's also the media's job — and that's what keeps our democracy functioning. To suggest that one political party controls the news, controls what people hear or don't hear about what happens here in the Legislature, is a slippery slope into a very dangerous place," she said.

Horwath added that not a single public tax dollar should be spent for partisan purposes.
"The fact that the government is thumbing their nose at the taxpayers of Ontario and using the taxpayer's dollars to undertake this partisan broadcasting effort is absolutely wrong," she said.

Interim Liberal Leader John Fraser accused the Ford government of attempting to 'muzzle' reporters by not allowing the 'media to ask them questions.' (CBC)
Interim Liberal Leader John Fraser echoed this, saying the PCs are deliberately undermining the media by attempting to  "muzzle" their role.

"They don't want the media to ask them questions," he said. "You need to be asked tough questions so you can provide good government. [They're] trying to take them out of the equation by limiting their access, just like they did in the campaign.

"We need to be asked hard questions. We may not always like those questions, but we need to be asked those questions."

With files from Farrah Merali and Claudine Brule

About the Author


Amara McLaughlin
Online reporter, CBC Toronto
Amara McLaughlin is a digital journalist at CBC Toronto. Originally from Alberta, she began her journalism career in Calgary but now calls Toronto home. She has also worked in Jerusalem, Washington, D.C. and Hamilton, Ont. amara.mclaughlin@cbc.ca

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