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The LIEbrano lawyer is a divisive, irresponsible, fearmongering ARSEHOLE


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The LIEbrano Propaganda Machine is still working overtime deleting and editing comment sections in order to make Trudeau The Younger and his minions Appear To Be Ethical N'esy Pas? Compare our records 


'Not Canadian': Hussen, MacLeod exchange sharp words over asylum seeker 'crisis'

Ontario's immigration language is 'irresponsible, divisive ... fearmongering,' says Hussen

Peter Zimonjic· CBC News· Posted: Jul 13, 2018 5:23 PM ET


George Hancock 
George Hancock
I don't think we need someone from Somalia lecturing us on what is and what is not Canadian.

em tae
em tae
@George Hancock

Lets discuss this further George...what is YOUR defiinition of Canadian then because i want to see if i fit into your mold so that i can join the discussion. Can i join the club George? Let me know

Gerry Ferguson
Gerry Ferguson
@George Hancock
well said

George Hobbs
George Hobbs
@em tae We have regular Canadians and irregular Canadians.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@George Hancock "I don't think we need someone from Somalia lecturing us on what is and what is not Canadian."

CBC allows you to post this but blocks my words? Methinks everybody knows why this Cooment thread was put into an email and sent to Trudeau the Younger the lawyer Ahmed Hussen in a heartbeat N'esy Pas?

---------- Original message ----------
From: Ahmed.Hussen@parl.gc.ca
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2018 04:25:46 +0000
Subject: Autoreply / Réponse automatique
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for contacting the Parliamentary Office of the Hon. Ahmed Hussen. Please be advised your matter will be dealt with promptly or forwarded to the respective office/department.
Please be advised for all Immigration, Refugee, Citizenship Canada related matters it is best to contact your Member of Parliament first. If you're unaware who your M.P. is please use this link:


Once again thank you for contacting our office. Have a nice day.


Merci d’avoir communiqué avec le bureau parlementaire de l’honorable Ahmed Hussen. Soyez assuré que votre message sera traité ou transmis au bureau ou ministère concerné dans les meilleurs délais. Veuillez noter que pour toutes questions concernant Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada, il est préférable de communiquer d’abord avec votre député. Si vous ne savez pas qui est votre député, veuillez utiliser le lien suivant:


Nous vous remercions pour votre intérêt, bonne journée.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2018 04:25:44 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO PM Trudeau the Younger need I say I have had my fill of CBC and your Propaganda?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.

Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.

Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.

William Ben
William Ben
Mr Hussein is out of step with Canadians but in lock step with Trudeau’s post national nation agenda.

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos 
@William Ben Methinks everybody knows that Minister Ahmed Hussen is just another sneaky liberal lawyer to me. I know for a fact he has failed to make me understand how these people coming from the USA can seek asylum here when they are already in a country that should already be dealing with them fairly byway of the same international obligations that Canada agreed to. I bet many more Canadians agree with me rather than Hussien's rhetoric on the topic Correct? I suspect that its a very rare soul who leaves Canada to seek asylum in the USA when we threat the immigrant folks so well. However I as a Canadian citizen I had to battle the my government tooth and nail for years to secure my CPP and old age benefits. In fact I sued the Crown about another issue before it finally gave me my first CPP dime back. Then I threaten to sue it again to secure my old age benefits before the Crown did the right thing by me at the very last minute before I filed . Trust that the lawyer Hussein and all his cohorts have never answered a single one of my questions on any topic. However they won't have parliamentary immunity forever and everybody knows that I love to sue lawyers Nesy Pas?

David R. Amos

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David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Methinks CBC is gonna regret blocking that comment come Monday morning or my name ain't "Just Dave" N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@William Ben Imagine if a well known liberal or conservative had replied to your comment with a true statement on topic and CBC blocked it. What do you think would happen next?

Alexandra Northe 
Alexandra Northe
Calling a fellow Canadian un- Canadian is as un-Canadian as you can get.

Karin Bougie
Karin Bougie
@Alexandra Northe


Marie Price
Marie Price
@Alexandra Northe Not when you have Trumpish bullies calling our own Minister unCanadian.

Claire Davis
Claire Davis
@Marie Price

I don’t care about Trump. Sorry.

Alexandra Northe
Alexandra Northe
@Claire Davis
Nor I.

Alexandra Northe
Alexandra Northe
@Marie Price
We’re talking about Canadians right now. Last I checked, Trump is American. So I’m not sure if he has anything at all to do with this. At all.

Karin Bougie
Karin Bougie
@Marie Price
How on earth does Trump enter this conversation?

LiAngelo Fisher
LiAngelo Fisher
@Alexandra Northe

Liberals love accusing others and labelling them as racists, sexists, bigots, xenophobes, deplorables, un-Canadian... the list goes on. It's all they do.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Alexandra Northe "Calling a fellow Canadian un- Canadian is as un-Canadian as you can get."

I agree. Methinks only a rather desperate lawyer would try that nonsense on a fellow Cabinet Minister and a Lady at that. Seems that Trudeau the Younger is never around when he is needed N'esy Pas?

Gordon MacFarlane
Gordon MacFarlane
@Karin Bougie

The same way Harper usually does

In an obvious and desperate attempt to tie a can around the Conservatives.

Thankfully most Canadians are smart enough to see it for the greasy political thingy that it is

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Gordon MacFarlane

And people who are fleeing for their lives are the pawns in this.

Canadians I know open up their hearts to the weak and vulnerable, protect them from tyranny and ultimate death.

I think we can help people and it's silly to say we will go broke by helping these people. They are coming here because they fear being anywhere else.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@LiAngelo Fisher "Liberals love accusing others"

i agree just look at the names they call me within CBC and elsewhere on the Internet. Methinks its just because I ran against them five times and had the nerve to sue the Crown before Trudeau The Younger won his big mandate and his lawyers were not wise enough to side with me before polling day 2015 Well we are already half way through 2018 N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Troy Mann Methinks the liberal spin doctors and their lawyers wish to forget the fact that these people are "fleeing' from the oh so great USA which has the very same international obligations that Canada signed on to N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Gordon MacFarlane "Thankfully most Canadians are smart enough to see it for the greasy political thingy that it is"

Methinks most folks don't give a damn Hence we get the governments we deserve N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Karin Bougie "How on earth does Trump enter this conversation?'

Methinks many political people would agree that its just desperate liberal spin doctors doing desperate things N'esy Pas?

William Ben
William Ben
Having an opposing view in a democracy is not un-Canadian, it is very much Canadian Mr Hussein you are terribly wrong in your assessment.

Ginny Boots
Ginny Boots
@William Ben -Nope. Not when that view is ....I’m not going to say it

Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
@William Ben

Next you rightists will be arguing that marching with tiki torches is as Canadian as a Canada Day parade.

Keith Laughton
Keith Laughton
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)

Please provide your definition on Canadian values so we can see if it has anything of value to add to the discussion on the article.


William Carver
William Carver
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)

I march daily with them. Well only during mosquito season, and I'm planning on enjoying the backyard.

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy) "Next you rightists will be arguing that marching with tiki torches is as Canadian as a Canada Day parade."

How long do you think your comments will last?

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Ginny Boots "Nope. Not when that view is ....I’m not going to say it"

Methinks only liberals are allowed to reply even if their comments make no sense whatsoever N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Keith Laughton Well put

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@William Carver Methinks tikis may be remembered fondly non political types too. No doubt a few old folks would agree that naked tiki dancing was fun around a bonfire under a full moon in our youth. Many old liberal immigrants from the sixties and seventies some were just hippies and many were Yankee draft dodgers just like an old liberal lawyer I love to hate know exactly what I am talking about. Now as I recall tiki dancing I bet that all the old Yankee immigrants can think about is their pensions etc and whether or not they should go to Florida this winter because of Trump and FATCA etc. At least if the must stay home their latest fearless leader Trudeau The Younger has succeeded in making their dope smoking legal soon N'esy Pas?

Steve Thomson
Steve Thomson
@Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy) The only Canadian value is freedom . And that includes freedom from the predations of left wing fascists and their big governments .

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Steve Thomson Oh my how many of your comments made it by the left wing moderators thus far? Methinks I should just give up trying to post anything. After watching a couple of entire comment threads go "Poof" l will wager that lots of others folks must be pissed at CBC too So much for Friday the 13th Need I say Shame on CBC? Oh I already said that but nobody will read it at least in here anyway N'esy Pas?

Floyd Robertson
Floyd Robertson
@William Ben

Kelly Leitch, is that you?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Floyd Robertson Methinks you are the one playing the name game in CBC contrary to the rules N'esy Pas?

George Abbott 
George Abbott
Hussen has lots of money for asylum seekers but no money for the monthly disability pensions for Canadian veterans. Puzzling?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@George Abbott As a Canadian senior born and raised and a former small business man I had to fight tooth and nail to no avail then threaten to sue the Crown in order to get my CPP and my old age benefits. Methinks my monthly stipend is a lot less than what the liberals are giving these so called "Asylum Seekers" N'esy Pas?

Patrick Ko
funny how people not born in Canada are calling Canadian born citizens "un-Canadian"

@Patrick Ko - to thr liberals, unCanadian is anyone who disagrees with the liberals. Sometimes I think Trudeau is shocked that anyone would disagree with him.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@BobbyTaylor Methinks Trudeau The Younger is to thick to be shocked by anything but he sure can cry crocodile tears at the drop of a hat N'esy Pas?

Bert Law 
Bert Law
This government is wrong on so many levels.

Their repeated talking points based on ideological entitled ego driven fantasies are purely embarrassing.

As hussen himself has said last year, if you are not coming into the country through the proper controlled crossings....you are here illegally.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bert Law Methinks many would agree that the rules are irrelevant to the liberals and the conservatives as well N'esy Pas?

Patrick Ko 
Patrick Ko
So called "asylum seekers' are nothing of the sort, as they cross the border from the USA. They don't need asylum from America.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Patrick Ko "They don't need asylum from America."


Methinks everybody knows it excepting of course Trudeau the Younger and his mindless minions N'esy Pas?

Jim Smith 
Jim Smith
In fairness to the Ontario P.C. government and the minister, the high-ended way that Hussen chose to play this is exactly what gives people like Donald Trump traction.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jim Smith I concur

David James 
David James
Well fellow CANADIANS, I hope you will remember the insolence of this federal minister and his Trudeau Liberal cohorts come 2019.

Leslie Ward
Leslie Ward
@David James Educate yourself, Ford and his minister clearly do not know the law and lie about it.

Peter While
Peter While
@Leslie Ward - Canada is under no obligation to accept migrants coming from another country that is deemed safe.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David James Methinks I will remember you when I debate my political opponents this summer N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Peter While True

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Leslie Ward False

Federico Pena
Richard Dekkar
Only one of the 2 was actually born in Canada and she is most certainly Canadian.

Federico Pena
Federico Pena
They are both Canadian. What's your point?

Richard Riel
Richard Riel
@Federico Pena I would have said un-Canadian.

Steven Scott
Steven Scott
@Richard Dekkar
Macleod immigrated here there are no Scot Clans indigenous to Canada .....

Michael Brown
Michael Brown
@Steven Scott That "there are no Scot Clans indigenous to Canada" does not mean she immigrated here.

Chris Young
Chris Young
@Michael Brown If she did, she didn't walk across the boarder.

Keith Laughton
Keith Laughton
@Michael Brown

In your opinion, when did migration stop and immigration begin?


William Carver
William Carver
@Steven Scott

and those that migrated cross the Bering Straight land bridge?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@William Carver What of the Vikings?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Methinks the Vikings would never allow a liberal on their boats N'esy Pas?

William Carver
William Carver
@David R. Amos

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Steven Scott "Macleod immigrated here there are no Scot Clans indigenous to Canada"

Methinks that many of my Scottish forefathers had Viking blood coursing through their veins N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Michael Brown "there are no Scot Clans indigenous to Canada"

Methinks you overlooked one Clan in particular N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Keith Laughton "In your opinion, when did migration stop and immigration begin?"

In my humble opinion many Loyalists began their migration up here in 1776 about 20 years after Wolfe and Montcalm killed each other settling who controlled the turf N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Richard Riel What do you say of Louis Riel and his Metis pals? Were they un-Canadian or byway of being of mixed blood more Canadian than most folks?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Keith Laughton I know for a fact some of my Scottish kin did not migrate or immigrate here. They assisted the British to take the county by force of arms. Afterwards some marred French ladies others married indigenous ones.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
 @Federico Pena My point is we are a well mixed crowd but Canadians all the same. That said. In my humble opinion the liberal lawyer quoted in this article has no class whatsoever. He certainly does not speak on my behalf as a Cabinet Minister. Be he be born here or not he is still just another snobby liberal lawyer to me. I know for a fact that that lawyer nor any other liberal or conservative or NDP or BLOC or the Green Party leader would never ever dare to even same my name in public just like the CBC people were never allowed to until the elections were over. N'esy Pas?


George Hobbs
steve jackson
I was never a Conservative until Justin and his Liberal Party of Canada proved who they really are by using the nation's population to push their social agenda which is going to cripple us.

Sunny ways!!

George Hobbs
George Hobbs
@steve jackson SUNNI ways IS their social agenda.

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@George Hobbs Tut Tut Tut

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@George Hobbs HMMMM

Charles Farley 
Charles Farley
Hussen is an absolute failure. He has done nothing to stop the ILLEGAL border crossing that is occurring. All he wants to do is throw taxpayer money at them once they have crossed the border.
He should be fired.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Charles Farley YUP

Don Cameron 
Don Cameron
Hussen doesn't get to decide who and what is 'unCanadian'.

Asylum seekers illegally entering Canada is a 'made in Ottawa' problem.
Just more arrogance from a minister of the Trudeau Liberals.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Don Cameron YUP

John Spartan 
John Spartan
If someone with the name of Mr. Hussein called me un-Canadian I wouldn't be too concerned.

Unless my uncontrollable laughing caused me to wet myself or choke.

Jeramy Keest
Jeramy Keest
@John Spartan is canadian-ness predicated on having the right kind of name?

Pat Smith
Pat Smith
@Jeramy Keest
Nothing to do with a name. For someone who was not born in Canada (i.e. Hussein) to call a Canadian-born person "un-Canadian" is laughable.

em tae
em tae
@Pat Smith

do you have to be born in Canada to be Canadian by your definition?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Pat Smith Methinks if the snobby lawyer's name were Smith it would still be insulting to most folks particularly the French political dudes from Quebec named Trudeau or Chretien or the ones down in the Maritimes named Leblanc or Gallant etc N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@em tae Methinks a lot of folks would doubt that is your real names as per CBC's rules N'esy Pas?

Otto Wevers
Grace King
I agree with our Ontario minister 100% ! Mr Premier of Ontario is keeping his promises and I praise HIM for it.
Please respect us the voters who voted and spoke !!!
Mr Ford you are doing the GREAT JOB in ONTARIO! Thanks.

Otto Wevers
Otto Wevers
"HIM" is usually referencing a diety like god. Scary thought if people think ford is now godlike.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Otto Wevers Be Afraid Very Afraid

'Not Canadian': Hussen, MacLeod exchange sharp words over asylum seeker 'crisis'

Ontario's immigration language is 'irresponsible, divisive ... fearmongering,' says Hussen

Lisa MacLeod, Ontario's minister responsible for women's issues and minister of children, community and social services, left, and federal Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen exchanged sharp words Friday over Ontario's demand that Ottawa pick up more of the costs associated with irregular border-crossers. (Canadian Press photos)

A meeting between Canada's federal and provincial immigration ministers ended bitterly Friday, with federal Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen openly criticizing the Ontario government for what he called a dangerous and un-Canadian approach to the issue of asylum seekers.

"They've chosen to use false language with respect to so-called queue-jumping, when we have told them over and over again there is no such thing," Hussen told reporters in Winnipeg at the closing press conference.

"Asylum seekers are processed in a separate queue at the IRB and all the other regular immigration programs are processed by IRCC, and conflating the two knowingly is irresponsible, it's divisive, it's fearmongering and it's not Canadian, and it's very dangerous."

Hussen criticized Ontario's Minister of Children, Community and Social Services Lisa MacLeod — who is also responsible for the immigration file — for walking away from discussions between the other immigration ministers and for refusing to sign the official communique issued after the meetings.
MacLeod did not take the attack lightly, telling reporters after Hussen left the podium that it was the federal minister who did not want to collaborate on the issue of irregular migration.

"I am not going to get into a debate on semantics with the minister," she said, "but I did request that he take into consideration these exorbitant costs which ... is about $174 million on top of the $3 million that Ontario provided to the Red Cross.

"I was expecting that we would be able to collaborate on that. Instead, what I saw here today was ... him calling me un-Canadian, which I take great offence to. And I so hope he will apologize and reconsider his language.

"There is a problem at the border, the border must be enforced and ... Ontario should be made whole for all of the costs that we've incurred."

A broad discussion

The ministers did speak about asylum seekers from the U.S. crossing the border into Canada irregularly, but they also met to discuss economic immigration, francophone immigration, settlement and integration and how to attract new workers to Canada, Hussen said.

"So we talked about all those issues, but unfortunately Ontario has chosen to walk away from the table. They have failed their municipalities because they are saying they do not have anything to do with this," he said. "The fact is that temporary housing and housing issues are a shared responsibility and we have to work together, and we are committed to working together.

"I've spoken to Mayor (John) Tory of Toronto and I have told him that the government of Canada will have the backs of all municipalities affected by this and we will be there for Ontario."

Hussen said the number of irregular border crossers has fallen steadily over the past several months. According to official numbers published Friday, the number of irregular migrants crossing the border to claim asylum has gone from 2,560 in April, to 1,869 in May and 1,263 in June.

Federal dollars needed

MacLeod wasn't the only one who didn't sign the communique released after the ministerial meeting. Saskatchewan's Jeremy Harrison, the minister responsible for immigration in that province, also kept his name off it.

"It is the Government of Saskatchewan's position that the government of Canada fully fund supports for asylum seekers that have arisen from recent federal policy decisions," Harrison said in a statement.

"The Government of Saskatchewan also calls on the Government of Canada to fully fund health, social assistance and employment supports for asylum seekers and recently arrived government-assisted-refugees."

MacLeod said her province supports refugees but she is concerned she will not have enough funds to meet housing, health and other demands for asylum seekers without federal help.

"I have a large provincial ministry to run that includes children with autism, it includes children in care, it includes women fleeing domestic violence, It includes human trafficking," she said.

"It keeps me up at night when I think of the resources that I have to expend elsewhere and I can't help those people as well. I am simply asking them to fix the problems that they have created with their federal policies."
Hussen told Canada's premiers that "the government of Canada will have your back" on backstopping the resources needed to deal with the spike in the number of asylum seekers arriving at unofficial border crossing points between Canada and the U.S.

He said $50 million has been set aside for that and the money will begin flowing at the end of the month. In the meantime, he said, Canada is obligated to adhere to the law.

"On the issue of calling these people illegal," Hussen said, "asylum seekers have a legal right, and Canada has signed international obligations ... we have the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

"Once someone is on Canadian soil and claims asylum, we have an obligation domestically and internationally to grant them a fair hearing."

Hussen said the Ontario government's suggestion that irregular border crossers are illegal serves to demonize them in the eyes of other newcomers and Canadians at large.

"I can assure you on behalf of Canadians I will fight back against that narrative of fear with facts."

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