Don Cameron
![David R. Amos]()
Brad Little
![Dan Armitage]()
![David R. Amos]()
![David R. Amos]()
Charles Beale
![David R. Amos]()
Jerry jordan
![David R. Amos]()
carl boben
![Art Rowe]()
![David R. Amos]()
Gil Murray
![Roland Godin]()
![Gil Murray]()
![David R. Amos]()
![David R. Amos]()
Ernie Zimmerman
![Elaine Hancock]()
![Rosco holt]()
![Darcy Wells]()
![Rosco holt]()
![David R. Amos]()
![David R. Amos]()
![David R. Amos]()
![David R. Amos]()
Manny Fredrick
![norman duck]()
![Ian Smyth]()
![David R. Amos]()
![David R. Amos]()
Werin Johnson
![David R. Amos]()
![Terry R Avante]()
Terry R Avante
![David R. Amos]()
New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant will be hosting the upcoming premiers meeting. (Ben Silcox/CBC)
N.B. Premier Gallant calls for unified First Ministers front as trade battle with U.S. heats up
Premiers to meet in New Brunswick next week for annual gathering
· CBC News· Posted: Jul 13, 2018 4:00 AM ET Comments

Don Cameron

David R. Amos
@Don Cameron Methinks Mr Gallant ain't fooling anyone particularly the other Premiers N'esy Pas?

Brad Little
This is the same premier that took the cross-border booze battle to the supreme court, right?

Dan Armitage
@Brad Little yup turncoat

David R. Amos
@Brad Little YUP

David R. Amos
@Dan Armitage Oh dear say it ain't so

Charles Beale
And Premier Gallant, while you're at it, tell the others premiers to push for removing barriers to interprovincial trade, eh?

David R. Amos
@Charles Beale Doug Ford Will Bring 'Buck-a-Beer' Back to Ontario. Why not down here too? Methinks it would be interesting if he sent few truckloads down here next week for his fellow Premiers to enjoy N'esy Pas?

Jerry jordan
if you want a unified country by all the premiers to take on the states during the phantom trade war, then start by dropping all the trade barriers that exist in Canada within our own provincial borders. there is no unity if each and every province has something to protect.

David R. Amos
@Jerry jordan Trust that the other Premiers don't give a hoot about trading with New Brunswick. Methinks that we don't have anything they want N'esy Pas?

carl boben
Lol isn't this the province who fined a guy for buying beer in Qc recently? These jokers can't even get inter provincial trade sorted out, but want to fight the good fight internationally?? Here's a tip for Mr. Gallant, clean up your own backyard before you go knocking on your neighbors door!

Art Rowe
@carl boben
Right on! I think that the only thing all provinces could ever agree on is that they want more money from the federal government. Other than that, each is way too self centered about just how everything affects THEM. NB isn't in the oil export business and AB produces no maple syrup.
This sort of reminds me of the peace talks about Vietnam and trying to agree on the shape of the table.
Right on! I think that the only thing all provinces could ever agree on is that they want more money from the federal government. Other than that, each is way too self centered about just how everything affects THEM. NB isn't in the oil export business and AB produces no maple syrup.
This sort of reminds me of the peace talks about Vietnam and trying to agree on the shape of the table.

David R. Amos
@Art Rowe "I think that the only thing all provinces could ever agree on is that they want more money from the federal government."
Me Too
Me Too

Gil Murray
New Brunswick giving economic advice to anyone is ridiculous. NB has not been able to balance its books since forever and they won't even allow you to buy booze in Quebec and bring it back. NB is truly stuck in the dark ages with leadership fit for those centuries. Only ever worried about patronage and language.

Roland Godin
@Gil Murray
Language is it the over used U$ians basic English dialect which has mostly replaced the UK English language, limiting the development of cognitive rationality and voilà.
Language is it the over used U$ians basic English dialect which has mostly replaced the UK English language, limiting the development of cognitive rationality and voilà.

Gil Murray
@Roland Godin
Sure, whatever you said. I don't care.
Sure, whatever you said. I don't care.

David R. Amos
@Gil Murray Therein lies the rub. Nobody does. However methinks we should N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
@Gil Murray "New Brunswick giving economic advice to anyone is ridiculous."
Methinks most folks agree with you N'esy Pas?
Methinks most folks agree with you N'esy Pas?

Ernie Zimmerman
The sooner canada is rid of trudeau and the trudeau government the better canada will be. Until that happens, canada will be in rough shape.

Elaine Hancock
@Rosco holt Can you please explain how the Conservatives are a ‘Reform’ party? Also what is wrong with ‘reform’?

Rosco holt
@Elaine Hancock
The conservative party died when the PC and reform joined.
Highly religious, warp ideology and their vision is similar to the republicans.
The conservative party died when the PC and reform joined.
Highly religious, warp ideology and their vision is similar to the republicans.

Darcy Wells
@Gordon MacFarlane No, the reform party is exactly like the republicans and they bought out the conservatives from Mackay with a promise a cushy ministerial position.
There are no conservatives in the federal running. Reformists and CDN alliance... that is the only alternative we have to the liberals and NDP.
None are a good choice at this point but I would vote NDP or LIB before voting for these regressives.
There are no conservatives in the federal running. Reformists and CDN alliance... that is the only alternative we have to the liberals and NDP.
None are a good choice at this point but I would vote NDP or LIB before voting for these regressives.

Rosco holt
@Darryl Smith
The US might be going well now, but Trump has started a global trade war. In which most countries target republican held states with tariffs of their own.
Harley Davidson is the first to fall and other will follow.
The US might be going well now, but Trump has started a global trade war. In which most countries target republican held states with tariffs of their own.
Harley Davidson is the first to fall and other will follow.

David R. Amos
@Rosco holt "The conservative party died when the PC and reform joined."

David R. Amos
@Elaine Hancock Methinks the list would be shorter if you informed us what is right about it N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
@Darcy Wells "No, the reform party is exactly like the republicans and they bought out the conservatives from Mackay with a promise a cushy ministerial position"
Methinks many would agree that the Reform Party was even further to the right than the GOP N'esy Pas?
Methinks many would agree that the Reform Party was even further to the right than the GOP N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
@Rosco holt "Harley Davidson is the first to fall and other will follow."
Methinks Polaris aka Indian is setting up a factory overseas as well N'esy Pas?
Methinks Polaris aka Indian is setting up a factory overseas as well N'esy Pas?

Manny Fredrick
I can't imagine a worse handling of the economy than by this Trudeau government. Even if they had done nothing it would be better than it is now.

norman duck
@Manny Fredrick
What do you mean they done nothing , Trudeau has been instigating a fight with Trump since day one and now Canadians will have to pay for it .
Please someone tell me I am wrong
What do you mean they done nothing , Trudeau has been instigating a fight with Trump since day one and now Canadians will have to pay for it .
Please someone tell me I am wrong

Ian Smyth
@norman duck
I'm laughing at how ridiculous your statements are right now lol
I'm laughing at how ridiculous your statements are right now lol

David R. Amos
@Ian Smyth "I'm laughing at how ridiculous your statements are right now lol"
Methinks the political people who understand the wicked game would be laughing at all of you if they bothered to read this comment thread N'esy Pas?
Methinks the political people who understand the wicked game would be laughing at all of you if they bothered to read this comment thread N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
@norman duck "Please someone tell me I am wrong"
Welcome to the Circus
Welcome to the Circus

Werin Johnson
Given Trudeau has done nothing but divide us as a country I think you should start with him.

David R. Amos
@Werin Johnson "Given Trudeau has done nothing but divide us as a country"
Methinks your hero Harper did the same All you have to do is read the other comments to see that is true N'esy Pas?
Methinks your hero Harper did the same All you have to do is read the other comments to see that is true N'esy Pas?

Terry R Avante
Half of NB shops over the border because they cannot afford the cost of duality and eat too.

David R. Amos
@Terry R Avante Methinks there is a lot of truth said in jest N'esy Pas?
N.B. Premier Gallant calls for unified First Ministers front as trade battle with U.S. heats up
Premiers to meet in New Brunswick next week for annual gathering
· CBC News· Posted: Jul 13, 2018 4:00 AM ETDespite the conflicting policy views held by some of Canada's premiers, New Brunswick's Premier Brian Gallant is urging them to remain united as Canada faces an onslaught of trade challenges from the U.S.
Tensions between the provinces have been high in the past year — especially out west, where British Columbia and Alberta have been feuding over a thwarted expansion project for the Trans Mountain pipeline. Ottawa ended up buying the pipeline from Kinder Morgan for $4.5 billion.
Gallant, who is hosting next week's annual premiers meeting in New Brunswick, said he fully expects that topic to come up, along with the perennial irritant of interprovincial trade.
No matter what the dividing issues are this year, however, he said he's hoping all premiers keep an open mind.
"I think it's going to be very important as premiers to be as united as possible," he told CBC Radio's The House on Wednesday.
"There's a lot more that binds us together than divides us."
Remaining cohesive is key, given the trade war percolating between Canada and the U.S., Gallant said.
"Trade in all of its aspects will be top of mind next week."
Canada moved forward at the beginning of the month with $16 billion in tariffs against our southern neighbour — retaliation for U.S. tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum imposed a month before.
Gallant is advocating a "quicker" approach to getting an interprovincial free trade agreement up and running and said he expects his counterparts will agree, given the sour atmosphere hanging over trade talks with the U.S.
International and interprovincial trade aren't the only topics that have been causing friction in the federation lately.
The federal government has been under fire recently for renewing the existing equalization formula for another five years despite strong objections from some provinces. The extension kicks in next year.
Equalization, which is based on a highly complex formula, is designed to help poorer provincial governments provide public services that are reasonably comparable to those in other provinces.
Saskatchewan has expressed its displeasure with the federal government's methods for calculating equalization payments and its government has suggested an alternative plan.
Premier Scott Moe made a formal request to add equalization to the meeting's agenda, Gallant said, but that schedule was solidified weeks ago.
He told guest host Katie Simpson he'd invited Moe to bring it up in the open portion of the meeting.
The premiers will be in St. Andrews, N.B., from July 18-20.
Tensions between the provinces have been high in the past year — especially out west, where British Columbia and Alberta have been feuding over a thwarted expansion project for the Trans Mountain pipeline. Ottawa ended up buying the pipeline from Kinder Morgan for $4.5 billion.
Gallant, who is hosting next week's annual premiers meeting in New Brunswick, said he fully expects that topic to come up, along with the perennial irritant of interprovincial trade.
No matter what the dividing issues are this year, however, he said he's hoping all premiers keep an open mind.
"I think it's going to be very important as premiers to be as united as possible," he told CBC Radio's The House on Wednesday.
"There's a lot more that binds us together than divides us."
Remaining cohesive is key, given the trade war percolating between Canada and the U.S., Gallant said.
"Trade in all of its aspects will be top of mind next week."
Canada moved forward at the beginning of the month with $16 billion in tariffs against our southern neighbour — retaliation for U.S. tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum imposed a month before.
Gallant is advocating a "quicker" approach to getting an interprovincial free trade agreement up and running and said he expects his counterparts will agree, given the sour atmosphere hanging over trade talks with the U.S.
Equalization on the table — unofficially
International and interprovincial trade aren't the only topics that have been causing friction in the federation lately.
The federal government has been under fire recently for renewing the existing equalization formula for another five years despite strong objections from some provinces. The extension kicks in next year.
Equalization, which is based on a highly complex formula, is designed to help poorer provincial governments provide public services that are reasonably comparable to those in other provinces.
Premier Scott Moe made a formal request to add equalization to the meeting's agenda, Gallant said, but that schedule was solidified weeks ago.
He told guest host Katie Simpson he'd invited Moe to bring it up in the open portion of the meeting.
The premiers will be in St. Andrews, N.B., from July 18-20.
Kinda crazy that these exist at all in this day and age.