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The ghosts of men such as old L.K. White would agree the term "U.S. Intelligence" always has been a huge joke on the world.


U.S. has plan to dismantle North Korea nuclear program within a year

But U.S. intelligence officials reportedly believe there will be no surrender of nuclear stockpile

Thomson Reuters· Posted: Jul 02, 2018 6:15 AM ET


First things first I must call out this all knowing Gord McPherson character


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks the ghosts of men such as ol L.K. White would agree the term "U.S. Intelligence" always has been a huge joke on the world N'esy Pas?



Replying to and 49 others
Gord McPherson Corrections You lost five elections
You also have not prevailed in a single "suing more lawyers"
Cohen? Big deal Every hood in Manhattan has called Cohen
Post Cohen's number I'll call him and use you as a reference



Tuesday, 14 February 2017

RE FATCA, NAFTA & TPP etc ATTN President Donald J. Trump I just got off the phone with your lawyer Mr Cohen (646-853-0114) Why does he lie to me after all this time???


Gord McPherson
Gord McPherson
@David Amos


You lost five elections.
You also have not prevailed in a single "suing more lawyers".

Cohen? Big deal. Every hood in Manhattan has called Cohen.

Post Cohen's number.
I'll call him and use you as a reference.


Gord McPherson
Joe Sinicrope
The US is doing all it can to avoid a war. Everyone knows you cannot trust the North Koreans. Kim said he wanted to denuclearise all of Korea, but we will see what happens. For all of you hoping that Trump fails, please remember this: if Trump fails, there will be war. There is no question that the entire region wants Kim to get rid of his nukes. I have no doubt that Trump told the Chinese president for life that there would be military action to wipe out Kim's nukes, if he does not give them up voluntarily. If they do not get all of his nukes, maybe Seoul, Tokyo, LA or some other city is wiped out. This is high stakes diplomacy. It is too bad that it had to get to this. Clinton, Bush and Obama did nothing to stop N Korea from getting nukes at a time that they did not have them. Now, the consequences of a war could be catastrophic.

Bertrum G.Gruff
Bertrum G.Gruff
@Joe Sinicrope - NKorea is China's proxy threat against American imperialism.
-American forces, missiles and war games on puppet SKorea is threat to China.

Basil Masse
Basil Masse
@Joe Sinicrope "Mad dog' Mattis has said a war with N.Korea is not an option. He fears casualties near 250,000 ...at least. Make no mistake, N. Korea is an extension of China. If China is forced to move onto the Korean peninsula again ,it won't stop at the DMZ. Read a little about the Korean war. The US ran off at the mouth and required a UN force to save it.

Gord McPherson
Gord McPherson
@Joe Sinicrope

The Chinese President for life also told the U.S. that if NK launched they would not intercede, but if the U.S. attacked ... they would.

Joe Sinicrope
Joe Sinicrope
@Basil Masse The question is would the Chinese rather have your scenario or have Kim get rid of his nukes? I believe China will want to avoid a war.

Unfortunately, a war in Korea would be lucky to have only 250,000 casualties. The casualties would be mush higher. The US will not allow Kim to keep nukes.

Zoe Mitchell
Zoe Mitchell
@Basil Masse Yes but Mad Dog is on the outs with DJT and will, on all accounts, be leaving soon.....he's already tasted just a little of the Kool-Aid...hopefully he'll get out before more.

Mark O'Brien
Mark O'Brien
@Joe Sinicrope It is always interesting to get the view of a junior high school student on world affairs! Not particularly helpful but interesting!

David Amos

Content disabled.
David Amos @Gord McPherson Corrections
"You lost five elections"

"You also have not prevailed in a single "suing more lawyers"

"Cohen? Big deal Every hood in Manhattan has called Cohen"

Post Cohen's number I'll call him and use you as a reference

Methinks that whereas you claim to know me well the you already have the number anyway but I will lay odds you will never dare to call MIkey or me for that matter N'esy Pas?

Mark O'Brien
Mark O'Brien
@Joe Sinicrope No one is hoping Trump will fail. We simply know he will. Trump is no different than previous presidents except in style. NK and SK have legitimate beefs with the US and for geopolitical reasons no US president is going to recognise them and deal with them equitably. The US has no political or moral strength and can only rely on its overwhelming military might and even then there are limits. North and South Korea will solve their own problems in spite of the US and regardless of who is president.

David Amos
David Amos
@Gord McPherson "The Chinese President for life also told the U.S. that if NK launched they would not intercede, but if the U.S. attacked ... they would."

Methinks you already know why my reply to you was blocked again but no doubt you already read it anyway N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Gord McPherson "I'm Back"

Obviously I borrowed a phrase from Hollywood in order let you know I met your challenge this morning just as the sun was coming up in the Maritimes and another CBC comment section was closing while they were blocking as per their MO.

Methinks you are slow on the draw today so to keep folks laughing at the awful truth between you and I another phrase from Hollywood does apply "The Dude Abides" N'esy Pas?

Joe Sinicrope
Joe Sinicrope
@Mark O'Brien You also do not seem to understand that it was the Obama administration, Democrats, responsible for the fiasco in Libya and Syria.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Joe Sinicrope "it was the Obama administration, Democrats, responsible for the fiasco in Libya and Syria"

I agree

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Mark O'Brien "No one is hoping Trump will fail. We simply know he will. Trump is no different than previous presidents except in style. NK and SK have legitimate beefs with the US and for geopolitical reasons no US president is going to recognise them and deal with them equitably."

I agree

Kath Ayres
Kath Ayres
Maybe the U.S. could talk to Israel about dismantling their nuclear program, too. All you need is one bomb if deterrence is the issue.

Joe Sinicrope
Joe Sinicrope
@Kath Ayres Big difference here. Israel threatens no one with their nukes. It is a small nation that needs a real deterrent to the many larger nations that have threatened to push Israel into the sea many times in the past. Iran is only the latest.

Garry Moore
Garry Moore
@Kath Ayres Why should Israel disarm in the face of unlimited aggression?

Kath Ayres
Kath Ayres
@Joe Sinicrope

Israel threatens no one?
As for their not being popular, maybe changing their stance from aggressor to neutral neighbour would make a big difference.

@ Garry Moore

They don't need 50 nuclear bombs; the problem is that (I've read) some of those bombs are directed at European cities.

Garry Moore
Garry Moore
@Kath Ayres Directed at Europe....LOL!!!! Too funny.

Kath Ayres
Kath Ayres
@Garry Moore

Even the mention of it is not funny. You know that experts say there are between 200 and 400 nuclear warheads hidden in the Negev Desert?
Not funny, just very dangerous.

Joe Sinicrope
Joe Sinicrope
@Kath Ayres Israel is not an aggressor. Israel does not threaten anyone with those nukes as does N Korea. Do not attack Israel, and they will not attack you. Iran was building up forces in Syria, and that was for only one reason: to attack Israel. Israel has been hitting these Iranians regularly to disrupt whatever plans they have to attack. Israel has now been working with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States against Iran.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kath Ayres "Not funny, just very dangerous."

Oh So True

David Amos
David Amos
@Joe Sinicrope "Israel is not an aggressor"

Methinks you would not dare say that in person to the veterans of the USS Liberty N'esy Pas?"


Bryan Atkinson 
Bryan Atkinson
The Trump base would believe water isn't wet if that's what he & Fox told them. If the truth became self evident he would blame Democrats and the base would believe that too.

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig "john bolton is probably the only guy on this planet , that still thinks the invasion of iraq was a success."

Methinks we finally agree on something Amazing things never cease N'esy Pas?

cliff edwards 
cliff edwards
NK would never let the Americans in,who are they kidding.And if the states thinks its going to bring them to their knees is wont happen look at Cuba

david mccaig
david mccaig
@cliff edwards

john bolton has been been described not just a war hawk but a psychopath by his detractors.

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig "john bolton has been been described not just a war hawk but a psychopath by his detractors"

True in fact Bolton brags about how much he is held in contempt.

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig "john bolton has been been described not just a war hawk but a psychopath by his detractors"

True in fact Bolton brags about how much he is held in contempt.

Albert Ford Upton 
Albert Ford Upton
Kim Jong-un has said he will not become another Gaddafi or Hussein. Given the US's record of meddling in foreign countries to affect regime change, and add to the mix Trump's volatility and unpredictability, does anyone really expect NK will simply give up its insurance polity?
NK may scale it back but total denuclearization would be foolhardy on their part unless they really trust Trump. Don't hold your breath.

David Amos
David Amos
@david mccaig Trusting Trudeau "The Younger" is very dumb too

JBTW ust in case folks thought I was joking about "Harper and Bankers" its easy to check to see that I am not. Just Google it and follow the yellow brick road. so to speak.

I repeat

"Harper and Bankers"

Please Enjoy

Kevin Delaney 
Kevin Delaney
Trump got what he wanted out of the NK meeting... headlines.
Kim got what he wanted out of the NK meeting... headlines. World peace... LOL.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kevin Delaney Methinks that you enjoy the circus nearly as much as I do N'esy Pas?

Albert Ford Upton 
James Watson
"White House national security adviser John Bolton has said he believes the bulk of North Korea's weapons programs could be dismantled within a year, as the United States and North Korea resumed working-level talks."


"Siegfried Hecker, a nuclear scientist and Stanford University professor, has predicted it would take around 10 years to dismantle and clean up a substantial part of North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear site"

Given Bolton's past performance I am going to go with Hecker on this one.

David Amos
David Amos

Hubert Ling 
Hubert Ling
Unless North Korea wants to end up like Libya, they will never give up their nuclear weapons.

David Amos
David Amos
@Hubert Ling Methinks the North Koreans still have a hell of an artillery force and lots of boots on the ground too plus China is still backing them up N'esy Pas?

Albert Ford Upton 
Paul Bourgoin
This news story sounds more like a damage control article. North Korea will do what it wishes while Trump is milking the press on this act of charity, his five minutes of fame, but at the end of the day , Kim Jong-un, does not intend to fully surrender or destroy its nuclear stockpile!!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin I agree


Albert Ford Upton 
John Thompson
Although I applaud the efforts made for lasting peace with N. Korea I think Bolton is living in a
dream world if he thinks they will de-nuclearize.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Thompson Bolton is just an evil lawyer who will say anything. He wants more wars or rumours of war because its good for the bankers supporting him and his latest boss Trump.

Albert Ford Upton 
James Watson
"But U.S. intelligence officials reportedly believe there will be no surrender of nuclear stockpile"?

Given past US military actions against other countries - and North Korea for that matter- North Korea would be wise to maintain some guarantees against American aggression

David Amos
David Amos
@James Watson Methinks the term "U.S. intelligence" Is a joke on us all. Listen to the inquisition in Congress lately In my humble opinion Clapper took the cake N'esy Pas?

Albert Ford Upton 
Steve Nevison
Mr. Kim played Mr. Trump like a freshly caught trout and landed him handily on the bank of the River of Dreams.

Joe Kelly
Joe Kelly
@Steve Nevison A trout??? I seriously thought it was a sucker

Rob Douglas
Rob Douglas
@Joe Kelly

Lets just call him a "freshly caught" bottom feeder and leave it at that.

Zoe Mitchell
Zoe Mitchell
@Steve Nevison or how about the Bank of Denial aka The Nile

David Amos
David Amos
@Zoe Mitchell Methinks the North Koreans would consider Trump to be more like pufferfish great to eat but ya gotta be careful N'esy Pas?

Albert Ford Upton 
John Conrad
There is something fundamentally out of whack with a place where the ranking order of countries to be annihilated is contingent upon whether the US has a Democratic or a Republican administration.
Remember the good old days when Sadam's Iraq was a great pal of the US who armed Iraq to the teeth, or when the leaders of the Taliban were being given the VIP treatment during their tour of the US?
Being the next door neighbor of this demented volatile behemoth is as relaxing as being an unwilling passenger in a stage coach hauled at breakneck speed by a bunch of neighing horses on loco weed.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Conrad Methinks that old horse the Yankees call "The Donald" is just starting to feel his oats. Heres hoping for the benefit of all our children the circus he oversees south of the 49h does not start a war and an economic collapse at the same time N'esy Pas?

Tom Kelly
Bruce Rieger
I see no reason why we can't believe mr Trump when he says it's a done deal.

kathy powell briand
kathy powell briand
@Bruce Rieger
Upvote just for the sarcasm which so many won't appreciate/

David Amos
David Amos
@Bruce Rieger Methinks he doth jest too much Hence he must have his friend beg for votes N'esy Pas?

kathy powell briand
kathy powell briand
@David Amos
Please learn how to spell "n'est-ce pas".

David Amos
David Amos
@kathy powell briand Nope

David Amos
David Amos
@kathy powell briand "Upvote just for the sarcasm which so many won't appreciate"

Tom Kelly
Tom Kelly
The con man got conned. Anyone who thinks that anything is going to come out of this, I have some lake front property for sale. Trump supporters are so naive and gullible.

David Amos
David Amos
@Tom Kelly YUP

Tom Kelly 
Brian Hughes
North Korea has no intention of dismantling its nuclear arsenal. Trump and gang are blowing smoke in order to fool gullible Americans that something meaningful has occurred in the hope of boosting their mid-term elections results. They'll also be playing the tough on immigration card for the same purposes. Trump is willing to say anything to keep power.

David Amos
David Amos
@Brian Hughes YUP

Jim Gammon 
Jim Gammon
Former Obama hirelings and unaccredited beltway think tank sources are hardly credible.
A peaceful Korean peninsula is bad for the arms business.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Gammon "A peaceful Korean peninsula is bad for the arms business."

Methinks you just hit the nail on the head N'esy Pas?

Tom Kelly 
Bob Lyall
This is an article that should automatically be re-posted one year from today to remind us of the hubris and overall idiocy of the current powers that be in Washington.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bob Lyall YUP

Tom Kelly 
Dave Singh
John Bolton's credibility is similar to that of Donald, it doesn't exist.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dave Singh I concur

Tom Kelly 
Steph Millar
The Trump Administration, led by John Bolton, got royally clowned and they still don't know it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Steph Millar The truly comical part is that they don't care Methinks that is what makes the circus rather special N'esy Pas?

Chris Jones 
Chris Jones
More important than the details of disarmament, for now, is an actual treaty of peace, to end the war.


David Amos
David Amos
@Chris Jones The Yankee created this monster with all their sanctions over the years and Canada went along with the stupid idea. . Methinks the Fat Lady won't sing about the malicious nonsense for many more years to come. N'esy Pas?

Tom Kelly 
murray murray
they are dreaming in the WH. won't happen. in fact Trump has accomplished very little since in office except great PR.

David Amos
David Amos
@murray murray "great PR" ???

Methinks you must be joking about the fact that The Donald has managed to offend a lot of nations that were once good friends of the USA N'esy Pas?
Tom Kelly 
Rudy Baker
The one thing I have a hard time understanding the hoopla about making America great again is; Doesn't something have to have been great at one time before it can be made great again?

David Amos
David Amos
@Rudy Baker Methinks the USA is still great in the rural areas in particular Ya just have to look past the evil rhetoric of politicians and the mindless follws and talk to the common folks many of whom don't even bother to vote. N'esy Pas?

U.S. has plan to dismantle North Korea nuclear program within a year

But U.S. intelligence officials reportedly believe there will be no surrender of nuclear stockpile

U.S. National security adviser John Bolton says North Korea's nuclear arsenal could be dismantled in a year if Pyongyang co-operates and fully discloses all of its ballistic missile sites. (Alexander Zemlianichenko/Associated Press)

White House national security adviser John Bolton has said he believes the bulk of North Korea's weapons programs could be dismantled within a year, as the United States and North Korea resumed working-level talks.

Bolton told CBS's Face the Nation on Sundaythat Washington has devised a program to dismantle North Korea's weapons of mass destruction — chemical, biological and nuclear — and ballistic missile programs in a year, if there is full co-operation and disclosure from Pyongyang.

"If they have the strategic decision already made to do that and they're co-operative, we can move very quickly," he said. "Physically we would be able to dismantle the overwhelming bulk of their programs within a year."

He said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will likely discuss that proposal with the North Koreans soon. The Financial Times reported that Pompeo was due to visit North Korea this week but the U.S. State Department has not confirmed any travel plans.

Planning for Pompeo visit

South Korea media reported on Sunday that Sung Kim, the U.S. ambassador to the Philippines, met with North Korean officials on Sunday at the border village of Panmunjom, within the demilitarized zone separating the two Koreas, to co-ordinate an agenda for Pompeo's next visit to North Korea.
It would be physically possible to dismantle the bulk of North Korea's programs within a year.- Arms control expert Thomas Countryman
Kim's delegation delivered Pompeo's letter to Kim Yong-chol, a top Pyongyang official who met Pompeo and U.S. President Donald Trump ahead of last month's historic summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore, Yonhap news agency said, citing an unnamed diplomatic source.

Some experts disputed Bolton's optimistic time frame for decommissioning the North's weapons.
"It would be physically possible to dismantle the bulk of North Korea's programs within a year," said Thomas Countryman, the State Department's top arms control officer under former president Barack Obama.

"I do not believe it would be possible to verify full dismantlement within a year, nor have I yet seen evidence of a firm DPRK decision to undertake full dismantlement."

Expanded missile production?

North Korea is completing a major expansion of a key missile-manufacturing plant, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday, citing researchers who have examined new satellite imagery from San Francisco-based Planet Labs Inc.

Images analyzed by the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California show North Korea was finishing construction on the exterior of the plant around the time Kim Jong-un held a summit with Trump last month, the report said.

A Washington Post report on the weekend said U.S. intelligence officials have concluded North Korea, under Kim Jong-un, does not intend to fully surrender its nuclear stockpile and is preparing to deceive the U.S. about its size. (Korea Summit Press Pool via AP)

The Chemical Material Institute in Hamhung makes solid-fuel ballistic missiles, which could allow North Korean to transport and launch a missile more quickly, compared to a liquid-fuel system that requires lengthy preparation.

Last week, 38 North, a website run by the Johns Hopkins University, said satellite imagery showed the North had been upgrading its Yongbyon nuclear complex.

"None of this activity technically violates any agreement Kim may have made," said Vipin Narang, an associate professor at MIT's security studies program.
"What it suggests is that Kim has no intention of surrendering his nuclear weapons."

Kim agreed at the June 12 summit to "work toward denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula," but the joint statement released after the meeting gave no details on how or when Pyongyang might forsake its nuclear and missile programs.

As negotiations progress, the North could try to trade sites and technology that have relatively low values in exchange for sanctions relief, while covertly operating facilities required to advance key capabilities, Narang said.

"It is perfectly rational for North Korea to shift the emphasis to developing solid-fuel missiles now that it already has a suite of liquid-fuel missiles to deter an attack," he said.

Prediction of 10-year plan

Siegfried Hecker, a nuclear scientist and Stanford University professor, has predicted it would take around 10 years to dismantle and clean up a substantial part of North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear site.

U.S. intelligence is not certain how many nuclear warheads North Korea has. The Defense Intelligence Agency is at the high end, with an estimate of about 50. But all the agencies believe Pyongyang is concealing an unknown number, especially smaller tactical ones, in caves and other underground facilities around the country.
The U.S. intelligence agencies believe North Korea has increased production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months and may try to hide these while seeking concessions in nuclear talks with the United States, NBC News quoted U.S. officials as saying on Friday.

The Washington Post reported Saturday that U.S. intelligence officials have concluded that North Korea does not intend to fully give up its nuclear arsenal and is considering ways to hide the number of weapons it has. It also reported Pyongyang has secret production facilities, according to the latest evidence they have.

Bolton refused to comment on intelligence matters but the United States was going into nuclear negotiations aware of Pyongyang's failure to live up to its promises in the past.

"There's not any starry-eyed feeling among the group doing this," he said. "We're well aware of what the North Koreans have done in the past."

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