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Donald Trump crashes the Canada Day party


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Methinks the LIEbrano propaganda machine commonly known as CBC must know the joke is on them. Other than for hockey games most Canadians don't watch CBC TV or listen to Radio Canada or read their bullshit about Dumb versus Dumber N'esy Pas? 


Donald Trump crashes the Canada Day party: Aaron Wherry

'It is as difficult a moment as we have ever faced as a country,' says Bob Rae

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David Amos
David Amos 
Methinks if folks seek true enlightenment they should find my first comments within CBC while I was running in the election of the 42nd Parliament and suing the Crown at the same time.. Just read this comment section then Google my my name and follow the yellow brick road if you Canada about Canada and fierce but ethical politicking.

Obviously I am the guy CBC failed to mention in five elections but the dude abides Enjoy


David Gloag 
David Gloag
A day to celebrate being Canadian and not American.

David Amos
David Amos
@David Gloag Methinks Trump and Trudeau are beginning to understand that I am a Proud Canadian who is also a Very Proud Father of two Yankees and that I have no respect for FATCA, NAFTA, NATO or TPP etc N'esy Pas?

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@David Amos

I'm celebrating Canada Day, with Canadian artists and icons? You?

David Amos
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David Amos 
@Kate Ferguson Me, Myself and I

Methinks you may wish to ask the "Icons" who own CTV why that is.


I have no doubt whatsoever that you know I don't respect the "Icons" you admire. On the other hand say Hey to the artists for me will ya? Everybody knows I respect them and farmers above all others. After all we all gotta eat to stay alive and we should all sing and dance as well in order to insure our Mental Health or life ain't worth living N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Me, Myself and I

Go Figure why CBC blocked my first reply

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson "I'm celebrating Canada Day, with Canadian artists and icons? You?"

Me Myself and I

Google it and my name if you truly care

William James
Moira Wilkinson
WHy we call Stephen Harper aConservative I’ll never understand. His brand is Republican Conservative. Right from his 1997 Speech to the Republican think tank in Montreal. He delighted by putting down Canada, as a Northern Welfare State and proud of it he was stumping for trump in Las Vegas May 2016. Speknding the weekend as the guest of one of the richest men in America. A casino mogul.

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Moira Wilkinson

Harper is a reformacon. Study the history of Harper - many of his statements throughout the years are anti-federalist, and to my mind, anti-Canadian - because I am a federalist.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Moira Wilkinson "His brand is Republican Conservative. Right from his 1997 Speech to the Republican think tank in Montreal. He delighted by putting down Canada, as a Northern Welfare State and proud of it"

Methinks a lot of liberal folks will agree with me in that I am grateful that you remembered Harper's evil speech to wealthy Yankees. Everybody knows it was that speech that caused me to study him closely before I ran against Rob Moore one of his lawyer pals in 2004 N'esy Pas?

Antonioni Forza
Antonioni Forza
@Kate Ferguson Kate, the Communist Warrior, in action. Hello Smith!

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Yea? Whereas you know so much then pray tell who just made the two threads below this one go "Poof" Putin or Trump?

Kate Ferguson 
Kate Ferguson
Trump and the Republicans pass a "tax reform" that rewards the upper 1-2% - and straddles everyone else in the US with trillions in debt - just on the tax cuts, nothing more. And they buy it, like it's going to make their lives better. This voodoo economics is counting on corporations to invest in jobs - meanwhile, like all publicly traded entities - they are taking the money and running.

Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee - and invest in our country, with a 1.8% return on investment, that goes into to our tax coffers. Happy Canada Day!

Wilbur Burton
Wilbur Burton
@Kate Ferguson Do you even know what you are talking about? Does CBC pay you for this blatant and misleading leftist propaganda?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Wilbur Burton Methinks so

Franc DeBois
Franc DeBois
@Kate Ferguson

Sounds like you're watching too much Maxine Waters on CNN. The U.S. currently leads all countries of the G7 in economic growth, unemployment, manufacturing confidence, and prosperity. Their current GDP growth is twice that of Canada's even after Justin spent all those billions on so-called 'infrastructure' that he promised you would stimulate the economy...

What Happened

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Wilbur Burton

I know what I'm talking about - however, you do not. I suggest you educate yourself.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Yea? Well who do you think I am?

Franc DeBois
Franc DeBois
@Kate Ferguson

Why are you so rude??

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Franc DeBois

Sounds like you don't know the difference between Canada's spending and the US' spending - to help you out, I suggest you read the budget details of our last budget - and the US budget. Both are available online.

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Franc DeBois

If facts are rude, I suggest you get over it.

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Wilbur Burton

Just a second - read Canada's budget spending - and then read the US's budget spending. And when you're done, get back to me.

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Franc DeBois

Since when are facts considered "rude"?

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson "I suggest you educate yourself."

Methinks its only fair that you should do the same N'esy Pas?

Google the following

Trump Cohen Bill Morneau NAFTA FATCA TPP

"And when you're done, get back to me."

Franc DeBois
Franc DeBois
Man! This dude could write for the PMO ...... oh wait

David Amos
David Amos
@Franc DeBois Exactly

Antonioni Forza
Antonioni Forza
It looks like Trudeau "doesn't remember anything from 2000". Poor guy, so many vacations definitely impacted his rosy memory ...

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@Antonioni Forza

Really lame.

David Amos
David Amos
@Antonioni Forza Methinks he was instructed to say that and CBC agreed last week N'esy Pas?

Felix Culpa 
Edna Knight
Drumpf is a disaster and best to keep our distance.

David Amos
David Amos
@Edna Knight Methinks you forgot that our loonie is tied to the Yankee petrodollar N'esy Pas?

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@Edna Knight

Keep our distance - let him play out his rhetoric, see where that gets his delivery of promises. The 'delivery of promises' is Trump's goal - no matter if it backfires, no matter if it actually hurts people, including his die hard supporters - Trump must be the man that Kept His Promises. Problem is, like everything - life gets in the way, events get in the way - which is why most leaders can't, and taking real life into account - shouldn't in many cases - deliver all of their promises.

David Amos
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David Amos
@Jan Anderson Methinks a lot of folks may find it more than interesting that you pick up right at the point where "Kate Ferguson" left off N'esy Pas?

Jan Anderson
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Jan Anderson
@David Amos

Kate Fegason is who for instance?

David Amos
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David Amos
@Jan Anderson Methinks its really dumb to play dumb at this point in time and deliberately spell your pal's name wrong in the process. Anyone can click on your name to see that you came to Kate Ferguson's defense earlier and insulted me in the process. Now you two are tag teaming me within the newest comments. Obviously I am more than game to debate with you political people but all I get is insults N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson Go figure why both replies were blocked

Felix Culpa 
Eva Walters

Ignore him.

Be strong, celebrate today all of you.

David Amos
David Amos
@Eva Walters Methinks that many would agree that the circuses overseen by "the Donald" and Trudeau "The Younger" are far to entertaining to be ignored by serious political animals camped on both sides of the 49th. After all CBC did publish this analysis today for a reason and I doubt that the Crown Corp wishes it to be ignored N'esy Pas?

Alexandra Northe
Alexandra Northe
Let’s not focus on Trump today of all days. Happy Canada Day! It’s a hot one hear in Ottawa.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Alexandra Northe

It's a beautiful evening on Lake Ontario. Fire works all around the bay coming up. Kids are full of excitement. Shrieks of joy and smiles all around.

Happy Canada Day!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp So you say EH?

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Richard Sharp

Wonderful weekend, despite the fact we're wondering if we're living in the Sahara - kids are loving it, they don't feel the heat at all, happy smiles, we're actually all saying - thank our lucky stars, or god, or whatever higher power - we live in Canada! Happy Canada Day!

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Do tell why would you ask me questions then fail to respond when I reply and ask a few of my own?

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@David Amos

I'm using the Mute button on you at this point, n'esy pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Methinks you are way past too late lady Everybody knows what to expect when you jerked the chain of a fierce political animal N'esy Pas?

Felix Culpa 
Arlond Lynds
Canada has been a stalwart and trustworthy trading partner, always dealing in good faith. It is contemptible that Donald Trump has been so incredibly disengenous in his remarks regarding this relations. This is a low poInt in US history, and they are hurting our country for short term political gain and distraction.

Jasper Jones
Jasper Jones
@Arlond Lynds ---Canada was-----but Trudy was backdooring Chinese steel and auto parts ---trump ripped up the TPP----Trudy flew to manila to sign it ----china called and he ran

J. Allen Murray
J. Allen Murray
@Jasper Jones

your faux news only fools those who also believe the national inquirer,
Trumps propaganda arm, is to be taken as gospel..
your own offerings on the altar of trump can be seen with a click on your pic..all 68 of them..

David Amos
David Amos
@J. Allen Murray Although I have no respect for Trump and his fans methinks a lot of folks would agree that what the Jones dude posted is largely true. However Trudeau's fans are clever enough to know that the worst lies are ones with the truth mixed in or left out N'esy Pas?

J. Allen Murray
J. Allen Murray
@David Amos
facts numbers and data show any who look that Canada, Canadians and businesses, do better under liberal federal governments.. a mere 2 percent better, but still better.

facts numbers and data also show that the conservatives are responsible for 60 percent of Canada's debt since confederation, and were in charge only 40 percent of the time..Harper and Mulroney accrued almost one full quarter of Canada's debt between them.. while the conservative choir insists it is everyone other or else,...

if one lines up the politicos charge with crimes, the conservatives from local to provincial to the federal level also lead the pack...

facts matter.

David Amos
David Amos
@J. Allen Murray "facts matter."

Methinks you should check the record as to what our national was before Trudeau The Elder became the PM and what it was when he left office N'esy Pas?

Edward Peter
Edward Peter
@David Amos
Before The alder was in office it was a country, Lester Pearson got us a Flag that was distinct that we could be proud of, then with EXPO 67 we learned to wave the flag and we started not being an extension of the Britain or France, and we became Proud Canadians, of course there were mistakes made, which we are reminded of Continuously but Canada did things and we made our mark in those years, that we build on every year since. That flag is one of the most known in the world, and we are there.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Edward Peter Methinks you are preaching to the choir.

FYI I was at Expo 67 proudly wearing an Air Cadet uniform provided by Lord Beaverbook's 333 Squadron. I was a Proud Canadian the instant I understood the things my Father told me. He was in the RCAF in WWII and the soul survivour of a plane crash in which 8 others were killed. He named me after his friend David Hornell who was killed on my Mother's birthday in 1944 two weeks after Raymond her favourite brother was killed in Normandy and I am named after him as well.

Perhaps now some folks will understand why I ran for public office five times thus far N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@J. Allen Murray "facts matter."

Methinks you should check history to see how much economic peril Canada was in the dirty thirties before R.B Bennett became our Prie Minister and how well we did after he did his one term.. Thanks to him we did not go bankrupt and got the Bank of Canada , the Wheat Board and even CBC N'esy Pas?

Katy Rose
Katy Rose
@Wilbur Burton

You are mad because he’s right?

David Amos
David Amos
@J. Allen Murray "facts matter."


Felix Culpa 
Brent Grywinski
Every party Trump goes to, he crashes it. This is not the first party he has crashed and it won't be the last. The next one will be the NATO meetings where Trump will once again say how great Putin is and he should be welcomed back into the international community, no strings attached.

David Amos
David Amos
@Brent Grywinski Dream on

Felix Culpa 
Rudy Baker
It is Canada Day, so let’s just celebrate that without mention to anyone from anywhere else.
Have a great day Canadians!

David Amos
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David Amos
@Rudy Baker Methinks we all have the right is celebrate in our own way. In lieu of watching fireworks I wish to exercise my right to Free Speech by roasting Trump and Trudeau within a website financed my taxpayer dimes that is my right as well N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Rudy Baker Methinks CBC is having a bad day and taking it out on me N'esy Pas?

Jack Ruler 
Jack Ruler
parades dances and tonight fireworks
I did not hear 1 person mention politics or talk about tariffs at the beach or at the pool all long weekend
So Trump did not crash nothing
We are Canadians enjoying our birthday and not even Trump can take that away

David Amos
David Amos
@Jack Ruler Methinks CBC will affirm that you are not alone in that opinion while blocking many who would wish to disagree N'esy Pas?

Kate Ferguson 
Kate Ferguson
You can't buy happiness, but you can live in Canada... and that's pretty much the same thing. Happy Canada Day!

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Methinks you direct your well wishes to only those Canadians who are allowed to reply to you N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson "You can't buy happiness, but you can live in Canada"

BTW I have been stuck in Canada since I ran in the election of the 39th Parliament (Which I explained to you in the reply that CBC blocked) Hence I can't celebrate the 4th of July with my kids for the 13th time but my Yankee wife still does and travels around the world on the petrodollar which she call "Fun Coupons"

Methinks you won't get this message either N'esy Pas?

Richard Sharp 
Richard Sharp
Can't imagine how another federal government could have handled the Trump administration any better than the Trudeau Libs. Respectful, friendly, measured, restrained.... all Canadian.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Richard Sharp "Can't imagine how another federal government could have handled the Trump administration any better than the Trudeau Libs".

Methinks you know I would I recall you telling a story about you and the RCMP in a stairwell the evening Trudeau the Elder became Prime Minister. In fact I called you and we talked for quite some time after I read that little revelation correct?

Well in response to your latest declaration my humble opinion is that every mandate since the time of R.B. Bennett has been giving Canada away to the Yankees everyday all day long.. I say tear up NAFTA and FATCA and let Trump build his wall. However you know all this from our conversation and thats why you ignore me N'esy Pas?

Felix Culpa 
Jeremy Kemp
Americans are only our friends for as long as they can exploit us.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jeremy Kemp "Americans are only our friends for as long as they can exploit us."

Methinks Louis Riel warned us about that fact a long time ago N'esy Pas?

Felix Culpa
Paul Bourgoin
Donald Trump crashes the Canada Day party. This only goes to show the world that Donald Trump has no respect for any one other than DONALD TRUMP. Canada is more than an ally , it is family and what an insult for all Canadians on our NATIONAL BIRTHDAY, CANADA DAY!!!.

Glad to see you will be meeting with Putin, your new ally!

Kate Ferguson
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Kate Ferguson
@Paul Bourgoin

I've called the taxi, now let's be discreet and whisper in Donald's ear.... your taxi is here, nice seeing you, and have a goodnight.

micheal simon
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micheal simon
@Kate Ferguson get some help Kate.

David Amos
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David Amos
@micheal simon LOL

David Amos
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David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin Methinks either Trump or Putin just deleted every single reply to you because CBC would never do such a thing so as to inhibit free speech N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin BINGO

Maya Tikal 
Maya Tikal
Just ignore the TWIT ter-in-Chief. Canada has viable trading options. Trump has ruined the credibility and reputation of the US for decades to come.

Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
@Chan Sap

Lol, what a clown.

David Amos
David Amos
@Maya Tikal Methinks the minions who report to the TWIT ter-in-Chief are not ignoring my Tweets on Canada Day N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Chris Rogers YUP

 Jack Ruler 
Jack Ruler
keep up the tariffs on the Trump swing states
Take Trumps power away from him

David Amos
David Amos
@Jack Ruler I concur

Orest Zarowsky 
Orest Zarowsky
Not so bright Americans. The scary part is how short sighted the right wing crew are. Perhaps Trump could return his clothing manufacture back to America from China. Something about actually keeping your word. Oh wait.... Trump doesn't do that thing. Nor do his crew. Funny how that keeps working out. QED. Integrity - now there's a radical concept.

Edward Peter
Edward Peter
@Orest Zarowsky
Does anybody stay at a TRUMP hotel outside of America, if so WHY?

David Amos
David Amos
@Edward Peter Methinks that my Yankee wife has because no doubt the visit was free as part of the perks of her job as a travel agent She is paid to sell the bookings for the rooms etc so she has to know what they are like in order ethically inform her clients N'esy Pas?

Ivan Nozinski 
Ivan Nozinski
“[false]Patriotism is the refuge of the scoundrel” J.Boswell attributed to Dr. Samuel Jonson.
It is impossible to celebrate Canada Day when some of our compatriots are living in sub humans conditions just a few blocks away from our house and in a different galaxy of our conscience.
Impossible to celebrate when 860.000 Canadians are forced to eat from food banks every month in order to sustain their lives; and our elderly parents are left in hospitals hallways waiting endless hours for medical attention; and we have to endure years waiting for a knee replacement or seeing a specialist. Our government claims poverty, yet, finds the resources to embark in militaristic adventures in Latvia, Ukraine, Estonia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the latest myth-creating “peace-keeping” adventure in Mali.
Canadians are justified in proudly celebrating the achievement of our communities, but must critically voice and condemn the many inadequacies that the Canadian ruling elite, represented by either political

David Amos
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David Amos
@Ivan Nozinski Methinks all Proud Canadians should thank you for posting that comment but sadly we all know why the Canadian ruling elite never will N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Ivan Nozinski I agree wholeheartedly

 Felix Culpa 
James Watson
And Bob Rae knows a thing or two about difficult moments - LOL!

David Amos
David Amos
@James Watson "And Bob Rae knows a thing or two about difficult moments - LOL!"

Oh So True

Felix Culpa
I wonder if any Americans will have the guts to call out Donald Trump on July 4?

David Amos
David Amos
@HankBurnaby Methinks Trump's new buddy Mitt Romney must have informed him what Trudeau The Younge's minions have not told the boss. In a nuyshell ol Mitt was well aware before he became a Governor as to why I filed a lawsuit in the USA in 2002 late in the day of July 3rd 2002 in which I sued 3 US Treasury Agents, the Massachusetts Attorney General and legion of crooked Yankee lawyers Romney is well acquainted with N'esy Pas?

Felix Culpa 
pat fisher
Is it new bot training day in St. Petersburg today?

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@pat fisher

They've mentioned the "West" and "Western hegemony" a few times, testing out the waters. On Canada Day.
David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson You should know


William James 
William James
Putting most of our eggs in the "Yankee Basket" has come crashing down on us. Throughout recent history, we have had an American president to understands the concept of an alliance is more than just trade, until now. We need to develop foreign markets quickly and use this time as a lesson that we cannot ever again trust the US as a sound ally and partner.

Ken Douglas
Ken Douglas
@William James
That is where CETA comes in, yes.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ken Douglas Nope

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
Too funny, Cons are getting like really paranoid and weird now. lol

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Methinks you and your friend who shares her name with a comedian will finally read this and get a laugh to share with the rest of us. I shared this same info with both of you earlier this evening and she was quick to come to your defense continues to tease me N'esy Pas?

@Jan Anderson Whereas you are oh so knowledgeable ask Bill Morneau if I have been whistling dixie about the financial industry since 2002 or better yet ask Trump's lawyer personally if you know his cell number you can wake him up.

If not Google the following and tell Mikey Cohen I said Hey

Trump Cohen Bill Morneau NAFTA FATCA TPP

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@David Amos


David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Read it

Gord McPherson
Gord McPherson
@David Amos

Every Republican President since Roosevelt has presided over at least one recession.

Harper PM'd over two, yet people still seem to think he had a clue when he said, "What recession? Canada? Bah!"

David Amos
David Amos
@Gord McPherson You know who I am correct?

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@David Amos

I did read it, care to clarify just wtf you're talking about here?

David Amos
David Amos
@Gord McPherson You know who I am correct?

Katy Rose
Katy Rose
@David Amos

Donald is that you?

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Katy Rose

I Muted it, too weird.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Read it again lady

Jack Richards
Jack Richards
This Liberal government will be remembered as the worst government in Canadian history.

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Jack Richards

Still blaming our government for Trump's actions?

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson I have every reason to because I sued the Crown before Trudeau was elected and Trump knows it.

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@David Amos

Hmm, anyone know what you're on about? Too much Canada Day libations maybe?

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Methinks that may be your problem not mine because I rarely have a drink and honestly can't recall the last time I had one. Plus I don't smoke dope hence don't care whether it will be legal or not.
All you had to do was Google my name before you opted to insult me in several threads that have since gone "POOF" N'esy Pas?

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@David Amos

Okay well I have never insulted you, have no idea what you're on about at this point, can't make heads nor tails of it to be honest. Happy Canada Day!

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson Methinks you are clever enough to know that Just because the comment sections containing your insults went "POOF" it does not follow that they are off the Internet N'esy Pas?

Victor Roth 
Victor Roth
Really, Bob? That's a pile of HS. Don't flatter Trump like that.

His time, Trump's time, is pipsqueak time in comparison to the rich history of this proud nation.

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@Victor Roth

Events can turn on a dime - I think at this point, we'd be fools to not recognise that it is so.

Gord McPherson
Gord McPherson
@Jan Anderson

Capitulation should take much, much longer than the diameter of a dime.

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Victor Roth

Hopefully so, American conservatives however, seems to be hell bent on retaining power, even if that means giving up on democracy in order to retain power. Looks like it is now "whatever it takes to win".

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson "I think at this point, we'd be fools to not recognise that it is so."

Methinks that you were rather foolish to insult someone before knowing who they were N'esy Pas?

Harri Henshaw
Harri Henshaw
Why would Scheer let Poilievre do his usual act of badmouthing the PM on Canada Day.
Poilievre was referred to, by his own colleagues, as the pip squeak.
Regrettably, the timing for his squeaks is off.

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@Harri Henshaw

The Cons want to cover all bases, take in those that oppose our PM regardless of whether it harms themselves.
Send in a few 'dissenters' in the party, take up the slack. Politics is such a dirty game, what kind of people would make a career of it? They aren't normal everyday people as far as I can tell.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson "Politics is such a dirty game, what kind of people would make a career of it? They aren't normal everyday people as far as I can tell."

Oh my my ain't that a telling thing?

Andy G Baker
Andy G Baker
I think Trump will kick Harper out from the USA because under Harper management was celebrated the 200 years anniversary in 2012. LOL ... I AM NOT SURE WHAT HARPER WANT TO PROVE in the US visit.

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@Andy G Baker

Harper is trying to present some kind of face of Canada that is amenable to Trump - but he's making a fool of himself, and our country. Trump doesn't care - he is using Canada as meat for his base - calling our PM "Justin" is no mistake, it's calculated - just like it was calculated by Harper and the CPC in the last election. Harper called our PM by his first name - then goes to Washington thinking he and Trump are on some kind of "wavelength".
Yeah, our former PM is basically showing up in Washington with his beggar's bowl. Guess what Harper - Trump's psyops are not calling our PM by his first name by accident - they studied your (Harper) campaign.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson Do tell have you called Mikey Cohen on his cell yet?


Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@David Amos

Cohen is in legal jeopardy, by his own actions. What has that got to do with Harper making a fool of himself in Washington?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson Scroll down I told you where to look the instant you challenged me Remember?

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
Great time here, just back from the fireworks and celebrations in my locale (took a good hour to travel a few km, should have walked it!) , happy faces, kids having a ball, so proud, lots of fun. No one and nowhere was anyone talking about Trump - come on CBC, are you hard up for clicks this weekend? Trump has crashed the World's party - tell us something we didn't know. chuckle

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson "tell us something we didn't know. chuckle"

Methinks what I would like to know is what is your real name because I suspect that a lot of folks find awful hard to believe that you are the comedian Jan Anderson even though you like to chuckle a lot N'esy Pas?

Jan Anderson 
Jan Anderson
Getting my hazmat suit on, on Canada Day no less - let's go! chuckle

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson Methinks we should be overjoyed that you are enjoying the circus as much as I N"esy Pas?

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@David Amos

You can be overjoyed or take a nap, your move.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson Seems that you can't read


Joe Green 
Joe Green
Trump starts a trade war with Canada and then sends us "birthday wishes" filled with empty clichés.

I would rather he stay at home on his golf course and keep his birthday wishes to himself.

It insults our intelligence.

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@Joe Green

"It insults" is precisely the point of his Tweet.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson You are one to talk

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@David Amos

I am one to talk? Ha, I'm not the president of the United States of America.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson Methinks that the understatement of the year in light of the fact that you are too afraid to call his lawyer. Whereas I ran for public office five time after suing more lawyers the Trump can name plus I talked to his favourite lawyer Mikey Cohen twice before the Mueller and his old crew in the FBI pounced on him and once since then I have the right to talk N'esy Pas?

Gord McPherson
Gord McPherson
@David Amos


You lost five elections.
You also have not prevailed in a single "suing more lawyers".

Cohen? Big deal. Every hood in Manhattan has called Cohen.

Post Cohen's number.
I'll call him and use you as a reference.

Kevin Graves (AKA Jaspersdad)
Kevin Graves (AKA Jaspersdad)
Republicans always crash the economy. How this simple truth—verifiable on the state as well as the national level—has not become a political truism is one of the great mysteries of our time.

Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
@Kevin Graves (AKA Jaspersdad)

It's what they do, who's surprised? Oh right - the angry and resentful gullibles.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kate Ferguson It's what they do, who's surprised? Oh right - the angry and resentful gullibles.

Oh My aren't you on a roll?

Jan Anderson
Jan Anderson
@David Amos

My, aren't you without knowledge. The angry and resentful put Trump in power - and all that Trump can do for them is feed their anger and resentment. Not much else.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson "My, aren't you without knowledge."

Do you know who I am?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jan Anderson Whereas you are oh so knowledgeable ask Bill Morneau if I have been whistling dixie about the financial industry since 2002 or better yet ask Trump's lawyer personally if you know his cell number you can wake him up.

If not Google the following and tell Mikey Cohen I said Hey

Trump Cohen Bill Morneau NAFTA FATCA TPP

Gord McPherson
Gord McPherson
@David Amos

I do.

William James 
Brian Epstien
Canada needs to turn it's economy on a dime like Communist China.

David Amos
David Amos
@Brian Epstien Interesting name you have


William James  
Brian Epstien
Trump will size up Putin in the first minute he sees him in mid July in Finland like he did when he met Kim and If he doesn't see what he likes he'll get into an arms race with the Russians which is good news for Canada.

Gord McPherson
Content disabled.
Gord McPherson
@Brian Epstien

He's gonna feel him up?

Rick Nash
Content disabled.
Rick Nash
@Brian Epstien Trump and Putin are already BFFs. Don't worry, they'll play-act a pretend fight so that everyone is impressed.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rick Nash Methinks everybody knows that Putin is by far the most clever politician on the planet. The Donald ain't got a prayer trying to outwit him. Hell even Trump's his son in law's and Julian Assange's or their old pal George Soros would have to admit that N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks that folks in the know would agree that men such as Colonel Lawrence Kermit "Red" White (Agent Blue) are likely rolling in their graves watching how just dumb the Yankee "Intelligence" system has become particularly after the testimonies in Congress for the past two year However Clapper took the cake recently N'esy Pas?

Donald Trump crashes the Canada Day party: Aaron Wherry

'It is as difficult a moment as we have ever faced as a country,' says Bob Rae

U.S. President Donald Trump, left, is greeted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the G7 Summit in La Malbaie, Que., last month. The Canada-U.S. relationship is in rough shape as Canada celebrates its birthday today. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

"It is as difficult a moment as we have ever faced as a country," Bob Rae wrote last week.
So, uh, Happy Canada Day.

The former NDP premier of Ontario and federal Liberal leader is referring here, of course, to Donald Trump. And the trade wars, tantrums and global instability the American president entails.

It is because of Trump that Canada's birthday will be rung in this weekend with a round of retaliatory tariffs, raising prices on goods like American licorice, handkerchiefs and mattresses.

It is because of Trump that everything seems that much more tenuous.
Historians might note that Canada has had its share of difficult moments before now. Two world wars, the Great Depression, the Conscription Crisis, the October Crisis, Oka, two Quebec referendums. And whether this moment is any more or less trying is perhaps worthy of debate.
But this is not a passing trifle.

'Perfectly reciprocal'

It is a measure of the current tension that significant intrigue has surrounded Stephen Harper's decision to meet with White House officials next week without notifying Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office, as if he had been caught cavorting with the administration of a hostile state.

While announcing Canada's summer offensive on Friday, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland was diplomatic on the question of Harper's choice of meetings.
"He is a person we all need to respect as the former prime minister of Canada. The remarks he made on Fox News recently, I think were helpful. And we wish him well in all his endeavours," she said, standing in a steel factory in Hamilton, Ont.

She was only slightly less diplomatic in explaining what the Trudeau government was about to do to the price of American exports to Canada.

Politics News
Freeland 'We won't back down'

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland tells reporters in Hamilton that Canada's reponse to US tariffs is firm and measured 0:41
Flanked by people in hard hats, Freeland described the American tariffs that started the dispute as "illegal" and "unjust" and "absurd" and "hurtful." The Canadian reaction, she said, would be "perfectly reciprocal."

"I cannot emphasize enough the regret with which we take these countermeasures," Freeland said. "We are acting very much in sorrow than in anger."

Of course, the Canadian public could be moved to anger if this situation drags on.

'Moments of drama'

Was she worried, Freeland was asked, about the possibility of further American action in response to the Canadian retaliation?

"As I said, the day before our NAFTA negotiations began, we expected that there would be moments of drama," she said. "And I think that prediction has been borne out."

Politics News
Freeland 'There will be moments of drama in the future'

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland tells reporters in Hamilton that Canada's reponse to US tariffs is firm and measured 1:16
Behind her, Labour Minister Patty Hajdu smiled.

"And I think all of us, at this point, fully anticipate there will be some moments of drama in the future," Freeland said.

A few hours passed without a presidential tweet in response, which at least made for a relatively calm Friday afternoon.

Freeland continues to speak with the American trade ambassador, she reminded everyone. And the Mexican presidential election is today. The Canadians anticipate NAFTA discussions will enter "a renewed, intensive phase" soon thereafter.

U.S. Republicans have shown little to no interest in constraining Trump to this point, but the combination of punitive tariffs and midterm elections might put new pressure on Trump to end this fight and move on, even if only to reduce the likelihood that he will face a Democrat-controlled Congress for the next two years.
"I am absolutely confident that common sense will prevail," Freeland said. "I am an economic determinist and I think economic reality is a very powerful thing. And the economic reality is our relationship with the United States is balanced and mutually beneficial."

So it's possible this trade war is over by the fall.

But that wouldn't allow Canadians to stop thinking about Trump.

The ramifications of Trump

Chances are, people fleeing U.S. immigration policy will continue showing up at the Canadian border. And the tumult of the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, Que., could be a preview of every major international gathering for the foreseeable future. Trump might drop tariffs on Canadian products, but continue his trade wars with Europe and China.

In any number of ways, the spectre and ramifications of Trump could continue to frame Canadian politics.

In unofficially launching his party's re-election campaign this week, Trudeau mentioned neither Trump nor the trade war, but the subtext was clear.

"We've seen it, around the world, the politics of division, of polarization, of populism, are taking more and more hold," Trudeau said at a rally in Mississauga, Ont. "And we have to demonstrate, here in Canada, for ourselves, for our communities, for our kids, but also for the world, that those don't always work."

Trump looms large over Canadian politics these days and is likely to continue to do so during the next federal election. (Evan Vucci/Associated Press)
At a news conference in Ottawa on Friday, Conservative finance critic Pierre Poilievre segued from a condemnation of American trade policy to a wide-ranging argument against Liberal domestic policy.
"Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau enters this trade war in a position of weakness," he said, criticizing the government's decision to run budget deficits, lamenting a lack of foreign investment and calling on the Liberals to cut taxes.
So this Canada Day won't pass without some thought of Trump.
And we'll likely still be thinking about him at our next birthday.
It could, in fact, be a long while before this moment passes.

About the Author

Aaron Wherry
Parliament Hill Bureau
Aaron Wherry has covered Parliament Hill since 2007 and has written for Maclean's, the National Post and the Globe and Mail.

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