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For Blaine Higgs, whether to grant status to small parties may be a political calculation




Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others
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Methinks I made Higgy nervous last weekend about the upcoming vote on the Throne Speech Hence he is sweet talking and playing nice with the little leaders now N'esy Pas?



Higgs says party status will continue for Greens and People's Alliance

Neither party meets legislative threshold, but both were granted status two years ago in minority legislature


Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Oct 26, 2020 5:29 PM AT


Two years ago, Premier Blaine Higgs said refusing to give the small parties official status would be a 'slap in the face' for those who voted for the Greens or People's Alliance. (CBC)

The Green Party and the People's Alliance will get to keep their spots in the political spotlight at the New Brunswick Legislature.

Premier Blaine Higgs said MLAs from his party, which won a majority in last month's election, will extend an exemption to a rule that would have limited the role of the two smaller parties.

Under the legislature's standing rules, a party must win five seats or 20 per cent of the vote to be recognized as an official party. 

Both the Greens and the Alliance fell short of both thresholds last month.

Two years ago, when no party had a majority, MLAs supported making an exception for the two upstart parties.

Higgs said to maintain the spirit of co-operation achieved on COVID-19, his party will support doing it again.

Green Leader David Coon watches as the results roll in on election night. The Green Party didn't reach the threshold for automatic party status, which is at least five seats or 20 per cent of the popular vote. (Mike Heenan/CBC News)

"I had said I would carry on with the all-party COVID-19 cabinet committee and we have," Higgs said in a statement by email.

"I am cognizant of the role each party has played in managing the pandemic thus far and I value their contribution.

"I think now it is more important than ever to work together to map out New Brunswick's post-COVID future. With that in mind, our party will recommend we continue recognizing the third parties with official party status."

The decision is officially up to the legislative administration committee, but given it has a PC majority, Higgs's recommendation makes the decision a foregone conclusion. 

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin at his campaign headquarters on election night. Both the Alliance and Greens were granted party status in the minority legislature two years ago. (CBC )

A separate decision by the same committee will determine how much funding each party gets for offices and support staff. 

Green Leader David Coon and former PC leader Dennis Cochrane both said last week that rather than continuing to make exceptions to it, MLAs should vote to lower the standing rule requiring five seats for party status.

About the Author

Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 


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David Amos 
"A separate decision by the same committee will determine how much funding each party gets for offices and support staff. "

Methinks the fat lady ain't sung yet N'esy Pas?





David Amos
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Surprise Surprise Surprise

Methinks I made Higgy nervous last weekend about the upcoming vote on the Throne Speech Hence he is sweet talking and playing nice with the little leaders now N'esy Pas?
Wayne Wright
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Reply to @David Amos: you scared Higgs no question!
David Amos
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Reply to @Wayne Wright: Yup




David Amos
Methinks much to Wayne Wright's chagrin I did make Higgy nervous last weekend about the upcoming vote on the Throne Speech because lots of people read what I posted before he changed his tune and offer a reason he is now playing nice with the little leaders N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Yeah , you have sooo much influence on this whole province . You provided them with a lot of laughs , nothing more !!
David Amos
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Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks you have partaken of too many of your own butter tarts and failed to read what BOTH you and I posted this weekend Clearly your buddy Cardy obviously did not fill you in about our emails about butter tarts and the Tims treats Higgy et al sent to me byway of Canada Post N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
Reply to @David Amos: Ha ! They had their own little " Pillsbury Doughboy " !!
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks little Lou forgot to read before she teased me again today but some folks may recall my consideration if 3 of the 5 disenchanted caucus members Higgy had booted from cabinet followed the former Deputy Premier's lead and sit as Independents or better yet form some sort of coalition with the PANB correct?

If perchance all 5 bailed on the PC Party Andrea Anderson-Mason, Jeff Carr. Jake Stewart Sherry Wilson and Ross Wetmore that would be truly special indeed. They could create a "Party" all by themselves by the rules has status Either way Higgy's mandate would be in serious jeopardy before the vote on the Throne Speech. I would lay odds all the political pundits of all stripes understand my reasoning last week Hence Higgy decided to play nice this week N'esy Pas?
Shawn Tabor
Reply to @Lou Bell: your one of the folks to keep ours eyes on. We already know who you are. Too funny.
David Amos
Reply to @Shawn Tabor: Methinks Higgy et al know that she has always been a few bricks shy of a load However what she posted the other day about baking butter tarts for me took the cake That was too too funny indeed N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: oh some fresh butter tarts. Great. Who are you "helping" i mean leeching off of these days?
David White
Reply to @David Amos: Your catchphrases are overused...I pass over anything that starts with Methinks end ends with N'esy pas. It's like watching a bad sitcom on too many years. "Dy-no-mite!" Eeeehhhhhhh! "Kiss my grits!""Up your nose with a rubber hose"... Just cancel the show.
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Nervous? He doesn't know who you are.
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks you made a rather big faux pas with your latest mindless BS because everybody in Fundy Royal knows that Higgy and his lawyers know me very well indeed N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David White: Methinks you forgot to consider the fact that I don't care what you think about anything but I do save your words for rather obvious reasons N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @David Amos: You go to the spam folder. Its a shame because if you ever had a real issue it'll never see the light of day

Marc Martin    
 *Higgs says party status will continue for Greens and People's Alliance* Bah !! no big news here, everyone knew this was gonna happen, he just wanted to make them sweat a little...
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Marc Martin: leave them as parties. All they do is steal votes from the liberal side. Its a smart move.

DJ Redfern
Premier Higgs needed those other parties to.... A. stay in Government and B. to help run the Corona virus committee......
Higgs is a man of principal and has therefore granted them party status.....plus he may need one or more of their votes in the future......
David Amos
Reply to @DJ Redfern: Yea right
Paul Bourgoin
I wonder if Higgs Could be the NB, thin Political controller or ????
David Amos
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: Methinks Higgy is finally learning what I advised him in early 2018 is still very true today and that is its impossible to herd cats unless you have an pile of treats that they wish to partake of N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You advised him? Hahahaha. Oh stop the comedy act
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks and can surt eh net with 3 words Higgs herd cats

Furthermore you claim to have studied blogs of mine Well you must have missed the one I posted Jan 22, 2018 in which I posted an email advising Higgy et al. However you cannot deny that Premier Gallant's computer acknowledged an email with the subject line that stated "RE: Mr Higgs and Dominic Cardy are trying to learn how to herd cats and even the clowns are laughing at the nonsense" N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Did you get a response? No. Always the automated ones. Send all you want no one ever opens them
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: WRONG Cardy answered me
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: he mocked you about butter tarts. Which i bet you have framed and hung in wherever you're dwelling. SOMEONE RESPONDED!!
Joseph Carrier
The Greens are a real party on the N.B. and fed level, but the PANB is not affiliated with the Bernier's PPC (at least officially), so it's half a dozen of one, six of the other...Five seats in a 49 house means some status is required under the purity of the Charter - something one of those two parties plays loose with on a constant basis...Ahh, covering NB politics is grand!
David Amos
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Reply to @Joseph Carrier: Guess who checking your work?
David Amos
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Reply to @Joseph Carrier: What Charter? New Brunswick does not have a constitution Hence we rely on Canada's constitution and it does not recognize political parties as having any standing whatsoever.
David Amos
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Reply to @Joseph Carrier: Speaking of local rules for allowing political parties to speak in the legislature methinks if 3 of the 5 disenchanted caucus members Higgy booted from cabinet joined the PANB then it would fit you oh so pure rules N'esy Pas?
Joseph Carrier
Reply to @Joseph Carrier: Tell David the new party, the Free Party Of Canada, ran its first candidate tonight in the Toronto Centre riding with a David Amos-like .3 per cent of the tally...
Joseph Carrier
Reply to @Joseph Carrier: And he is posting to dead air...He was blocked months ago
David Amos
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Reply to @Joseph Carrier: Yea right you read every word
David Amos
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Reply to @Joseph Carrier: Everybody knows I am like old Groucho Marx whom I do respect Hence I would never belong to any club that would have me for a member
David Amos
Reply to @Joseph Carrier: Methinks all the crickets in Canterbury must have kept you up all night trying to tease your conscience if you even have one that is N'esy Pas?
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Joseph Carrier: Yup, as usual the rest of canada is being held hostage by ontarioite in ses tual voting.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Joseph Carrier: How much did you get?
Joseph Carrier
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: If you mean politically speaking I got all the votes last time I ran as I was asked by a region of 2,000 people to put my name in for chair of the Chaleur LSD and we then put in, by working together, $20 million of infrastructure over 15 years or so...Street lights for 20 communities, three bridge improvement projects, a basketball court, 15 km of highway upgrades...You know, those old chestnuts...Take a drive from Mountain Brook to Belledune and tell me how you like what we did and get back to me...Tell David Amos I sent you... 
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Trust I already talked one mayor in particular last week about JJ's bragging and he had no clue who he was.

Methinks that was too too funny indeed N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Joseph Carrier: Amos hasn't seen it be a long hitchhike up there and back.. he would have to pack about 4 lunches of butter tarts. Methinks he is very familiar with the restigouche hospital though nestle crunch?
Greg Windsor
I have to give the Premier credit, he kept to his word. I would not have granted them party status according to the rules. They did not achieve the required number of votes or seats, so in my mind they are of little importance... they certainly owe Mr. Higgs, ... big time ...
David Amos
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Reply to @Greg Windsor: Methinks little Lou forgot to read before she teased me again today but some folks may recall my consideration if 3 of the 5 disenchanted caucus members Higgy had booted from cabinet followed the former Deputy Premier's lead and sit as Independents or better yet form some sort of coalition with the PANB correct?

If perchance all 5 bailed on the PC Party Andrea Anderson-Mason, Jeff Carr. Jake Stewart Sherry Wilson and Ross Wetmore that would be truly special indeed. They could create a "Party" all by themselves by the rules has status Either way Higgy's mandate would be in serious jeopardy before the vote on the Throne Speech. I would lay odds all the political pundits of all stripes understand my reasoning last week Hence Higgy decided to play nice this week N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Greg Windsor: BINGO
Gerald Celente
Reply to @Greg Windsor: They are serving at his pleasure.
David Amos
Reply to @Gerald Celente: Methinks you forgot to read before teasing me again today but some folks may recall my reasoning if 3 of the 5 disenchanted caucus members Higgy had booted from cabinet followed the former Deputy Premier's lead and sit as Independents or better yet form some sort of coalition with the PANB correct?

If perchance all 5 bailed on the PC Party that would be truly special indeed. They could create a "Party" all by themselves by the rules has status. Either way Higgy's mandate would be in serious jeopardy before the vote on the Throne Speech. I would lay odds all the political pundits of all stripes understood my posts last week Hence Higgy decided to play nice with the little leaders this week N'esy Pas?
Cheryl MacLeod
This is good for NB. Clearly, we need and want more than 2 party voices deciding our future and this will help party members do their job.
David Amos
Reply to @Cheryl MacLeod: I concur However...
Brian Robertson
And it won't take them long to stick him in the back for doing this favor for them.
David Amos
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Heres hoping thats true
Tim Trites
well as long as it ur money....guess u can doo as like
David Amos
Reply to @Tim Trites: Oh So True
Lou Bell
As in the vote on Vaccinations , the leader of the Greens will have a problem " making up his mime " !!! Another pass !!!!
Rob Sense
Reply to @Lou Bell: You obviously have a great "mime".
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Lou Bell: So Lou, while you seem to have a lot to say here today how come none of your comments actually address the article? It is about Higgs giving party status to the Greens and the Aliance.. So what is your thoughts on that? And what about this all party committee that Higgs says he is still going to mantain? You know, that commitee you continuously blamed whenever Higgs did his one step forward two steps back routine. Are you now on board with that now?
I know how the Greens vote (or don't vote) seem to be something that weighs heavy on you but how about a little of your wisdom on the actual article...
Lou Bell
Reply to @Dan Stewart: I didn't blame the Committee for any wrongs . In fact welcomed their participation . The only time I stated anything about the party was when Val and the other SANB Liberals tried to put the blame on Higgs over the " all party " decisions . But then they gave no credit to Higgs for all the good decisions he made . So don't try making false statements . I welcome them getting party status and funding . We sure need more than the self entitled pandering the Liberals will be demanding although I don't expect much from the leader of the Greens . " All mouth , no action " , like in the vaccinnating vote
Dan Stewart
Reply to @Lou Bell: Oh, Lou, talk about revionest history... The only false statement is your last one. Or maybe you just forgot what you posted... that must be it....
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Stewart: Methinks many would agree that you and little Lou deserve each other N'esy Pas?
Dan Stewart
Reply to @David Amos: LOL. and I suspect that both of us (and many more) don't much worry at all about what you think...
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Dan Stewart: not even his "clan" worries what he thinks.
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Stewart: Methinks that has been blatantly obvious for quite sometime Why not try telling the folks who read your malicious nonsense something they don't perhaps some may believe you N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: I love rereading your posts in a super villian tone of voice.. makes them that much more comical. You are a total joke.
Dan Stewart
Reply to @David Amos: What part was Malicious Dave? How can truth be malicious after all?
David Amos
Reply to @Dan Stewart: Would you dare to argue the truth with me before a judge?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: what? Argue a silly article on this site before a judge? You really don't get it do you?
David Amos
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Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks your RCMP buddies know as well as you do that I wish to argue libel because they failed to do their job since 2002 and investigate the many wrongs practiced against my Clan pursuant to Section 300 of the Canadian Criminal Code However they were not long arresting your hero Barry Winters in Edmonton AB when I pointed to Statement 83 of my lawsuit when I met 3 judges and 2 members of the RCMP in Federal Court in Fat Fred City in May of 2017 What your pals posted in Encyclopedia Dramatica the year before was truly wicked indeed N"esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: To bad so sad that you are not keeping up with what is going down today EH?
Dan Stewart
Reply to @David Amos: LOL... Sure would Dave... when you going to get some truth?
Lou Bell
As previous , the leader of the Greens will have lots to say , and yet when it comes time to vote on anything the fence sitter will just pass as usual !! Lots to say about nothin' !!
Rob Sense
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Your area of expertise...you could advise him on nothingness.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Rob Sense: Actually you're the one following David Coon's template , lots to say about nothing , nothing to say about what's important .
Lou Bell
Reply to @Rob Sense: Perhaps you can sit on his knee and lip everything he says Mortimer .
Rob Sense
Reply to @Lou Bell:
No wonder you have no friends. The basement dweller dishing out advice and knowledge of the world.
Rob Sense
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Like you do with Higgs, Charlie?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Rob Sense: Well you and Dave each have one ! Each other !!
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Lou Bell: DUHHH? Your buddy Rob hates me as much as you do
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks Higgy et al know why I am Happy Happy Happy that I am not that Dave N'esy Pas??
Matt Steele
A job well done by Premier Higgs . I may not agree with everything that politicians say , but I defend their right to say it , and be heard . Both the Peoples Alliance and the Greens have sitting MLAs , so their voices should be heard .
David Amos
Reply to @Matt Steele: So you say
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: yup. Thats why he typed it. And it's gotten alot of likes. Crawl back in your dumpster
Ben Haroldson
The higster has pronounced that. Good for him.
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Yea right
Emery Hyslop-Margison
A good move by our gracious premier. We are very fortunate to have such leadership.
Rob Sense
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison:
yes our kind and benevolent leader... all kneel.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Rob Sense: Watch out for that sword..
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let it be
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: so deep Dave. Are the tax payers going to have to cover your burial???
Harvey York
Reply to @David Amos: well I guess we'll be stuck with your evil for generations then
David Amos
Reply to @Harvey York: Methinks its the malice of likes of you that my grandchildren must continue suffering through long after I am history the RCMP cannot deny that once posted on the internet the 
many wrongs practiced against my Clan will never evaporate N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Trust that your Fed friends know that my burial expenses have already been covered by my own money
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: mommy's money?
David Amos:
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Methinks the RCMP well understand that just because wannabe phonelosers may live in their Mothers' basements it does not follow that a Grandfather they used to hire to investigate things before many of you were born does N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: so you're a rat
Marc Bourque
This is how a government should work. Now if only Ottawa would take heed.
Rob Sense
Reply to @Marc Bourque:
NB has nothing to teach to Ottawa...we should focus on getting out of the Dark Ages before we try and tell others what to do and how to act!
Lou Bell
Reply to @Rob Sense: Yes you try , but never succeed !
Rob Sense
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Kettle calling the pot black.
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @Marc Bourque: Partys mean nothing. dickie.
Rob Sense
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: you are playing 3D chess?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Rob Sense: Naw , you just lost your vote in the election and as much as the Liberals ( tail ) want to be the party wagging the dog ( Conservatives ) , it just ain't gonna happen ! In fact , the Greens are the new tail , the Liberals occupy the space just below the tail , if you know what I mean !

Rob Sense
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Not sure...you mean where you hang out?
Lou Bell
Reply to @Rob Sense: Well at least when i'm talking to you ! Not the most pleasant smell there Bobby , you need to do somethin' about it !
David Amos 
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Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks your fans should enjoy a little Deja Vu from yesterday It was Too Too Funny when you posted about Trudeau and vaccines and got busted immediately by yours truly and then later by one of your cohorts N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Well I guess at least we didn't msee the name Bombardier or SNC or Pomerleau so at least there's a minimal chance this is on the up and up . Slight , but there is a chance !

Gerald Celente
Reply to @Lou Bell: Wow, look at you making anti government slurs. Now that takes some getting used to. 
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: True
Fred Garrett
Our Prime Minister could take some lessons from Mr. Higgs. Even if you don't agree with all of his politics, you have to admit that his style is respectful to all members of the legislature.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Fred Garrett: I would agree and it is nice to see, instead of the muck and mire we see from all federal politicians
Rob Sense
Reply to @JOhn D Bond:
There is more than enough muck to go around in NB. Just because PCs got a majority we all have a brief reprieve from the benevolent master. It will soon change.
Ben Haroldson 
Reply to @Fred Garrett: MG why is it only libs and cons.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Rob Sense: I will take the optimistic view and hope you are wrong.
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Garrett: Dream on
Joseph Vacher
smart move, PANB will give its votes back to the conservative party, and the greens will keep taking votes away from the liberals. Good move Higgs
David Amos
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Surely you jest
Ray Oliver
Cut them and move closer to the dictatorship! Hail Higgs!!! LOL
Emery Hyslop-Margison
Reply to @Ray Oliver: you’re watching too many westerns.
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @Emery Hyslop-Margison: doo littleeee dooooooo....
Waa whaaa
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @Ray Oliver: great night for patrolling property lines....
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: done the point tour with a lefty?
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: I paid my two bits to see a High Diving Act at Higgy's Circus so I am gonna see a High Diving Act Jump Rabbit
David Amos
Reply to @Ray Oliver: "Lefty he can't sing the blues all night long like he used to.The dust that Pancho bit down south ended up in Lefty's mouth The day they laid poor Pancho low Lefty split for Ohio Where he got the bread to go there ain't nobody knows.
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Whats a lefty?
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @Ray Oliver: bank says we bought it. Talking over your head again.
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: don't quit your day job!
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: The poets tell how Pancho fell and Lefty's livin' in cheap hotels. The desert's quiet, Cleveland's cold and so the story ends we're told.
Pancho needs your prayers it's true. Save a few for Lefty too. He only did what he had to do and now he's growin' old. All the Federales say 'We could have had him any day" They only let him go so long out of kindness, I suppose
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: "bank says we bought it."
I disagree may I suggest that you find what I said about Vestcor on Rogers TV when Higgy and I ran in the 2018 provincial election after Cardy teased me about their fondness for butter tarts and silly cats for months.
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @Ray Oliver: lol... thanks for the life tip!
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @David Amos: I pay rent to the crown. He's right. I own no property, but neither does he. That's the part he doesn't get.
David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: Methinks Higgy et al cannot deny that I pay NB property taxes my NB Power bill my emergency room bills and doctor's fees on time as well Trust that Minister Patty Hajdu ain't laughing about Higgy refusing to give me my Medicare Card etc. while I was running in the last federal election in Fundy Royal and going in and out of emergency rooms at the same time N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: oh yeah the "man" owns everything and we are all just pawns right. I wish I was as smart as you
Johnny Jakobs
Reply to @Ray Oliver: MENSA
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Johnny Jakobs: too bad it never got applied to anything.







For Blaine Higgs, whether to grant status to small parties may be a political calculation

When Higgs had a minority government, granting party status made sense, now it may not


Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Oct 23, 2020 8:00 AM AT



 Two years ago, Blaine Higgs spoke repeatedly about how marginalizing the Greens and the Alliance would be a slap in the face to voters who opted against the two traditional mainstream parties. Now, the premier is non-committal. (CBC)

For New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs and his Progressive Conservative government, last month's majority election victory means more than just full control of the legislative agenda.

It also gives them an opportunity to hamstring the two smaller parties in the legislature, the Greens and the People's Alliance.

With a majority, the PCs now control the committees that decide whether those parties get a major role in legislative business and how much funding they receive to hire support staff.

"The premier's choice appears like a pretty straightforward political calculation," said Erin Crandall, a political scientist at Acadia University in Wolfville, N.S.

"During the minority government, he needed the support of these third parties to govern, hence was incentivized to grant official party status.

"With a majority government, he no longer requires the support of these third parties and has a very different incentive, to make it more difficult for them to grow and build support moving towards the next election."

Political calculations

Of course, Higgs prides himself on his reputation for not making straightforward political calculations.

Just two years ago, he spoke repeatedly about how marginalizing the Greens and the Alliance would be a slap in the face to voters who opted against the two traditional mainstream parties.

Green Party Leader David Coon, left, and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin, right, benefited from Higgs's decision to grant their parties status during a minority government. He may not see a need to do so during a majority regime. (James West/Canadian Press)

"They've elected two other parties that cannot and should not be shut out of this process," he said when there was a proposal for a PC-Liberal coalition that would have shut out the two upstarts.

Now the premier is non-committal.

"We will hold discussions with the other parties over the next week or two in relation to the Green and PANB parties' status," Higgs said in a written statement.

The legislature is scheduled to start a new session with a speech from the throne on Nov. 17.

Assembly's rules and exceptions

Technically, the Greens and the Alliance had no right to any formal status in the legislature back in 2018.

The assembly's rules say a party must win five seats, or 20 per cent of the vote in an election, to be "recognized" as an official party.

That status gives the party's MLAs the right to make statements every day and to respond to statements from ministers.

But several times in the last three decades, different governments and legislatures have made exceptions to that rule.

It happened for NDP leader Elizabeth Weir after she was first elected in 1991. It was repeated for Green Leader David Coon in 2014 and most recently for the two small parties in 2018.

Former Progressive Conservative leader Dennis Cochrane, who won three seats in 1991 but gained official party status by winning more than 20 per cent of the popular vote, predicts Higgs will extend the exception for the two small parties. (Shane Magee/CBC)

By law, the leader of a registered party elected to the legislature, such as Weir and Coon, gets a small office budget, even if they're a caucus of one. Changing that rule would require legislation.

But how frequently they get to speak hinges on a simple motion of the legislature to suspend the five-MLA rule. 

"The precedent's been in place now for a while and I don't see why he'd make any change to that," Coon said of Higgs's looming decision.

Former Progressive Conservative leader Dennis Cochrane, who won three seats in 1991 but gained official party status by winning more than 20 per cent of the popular vote, predicts Higgs will extend the exception for the two small parties.

But rather than continue making exceptions, he said the government should simply change the standing rule to lower the five-MLA threshold.

"You can't keep making exceptions," Cochrane said.

Looking forward

Beyond the automatic budget for a registered party leader, the all-party legislative administration committee determines exactly how the funding for all 49 MLAs is carved up, depending on their numbers and their status.

In 2019, the committee agreed to a per-MLA formula for funding levels. Officials at the legislature refused to release it publicly on Thursday.

Coon said he expects Higgs will support the status quo on funding and on party status, and isn't concerned about the premier's hesitation to commit to it so far.

"I'm sure if he was thinking of doing something different, he'd have told me," Coon said.

The day he was sworn in as premier, Higgs promised all MLAs they'd have a bigger role in decision-making.

"You will have an unprecedented say in shaping the future of this province," he told them. "You will have real power that will be shared and will not simply be held by members of cabinet."

'If he doesn't follow through on what he did in the minority government and removes that party status now, it's going to speak a lot to his character,' Austin says. (CBC News)

Alliance Leader Kris Austin said it would be hypocritical for Higgs to now act differently. 

"If he doesn't follow through on what he did in the minority government and removes that party status now, it's going to speak a lot to his character," he said.

Without those resources, Austin said, "We lose funding, we lose the ability to research, we lose the ability to point out issues that government refuses to acknowledge or the Official Opposition has overlooked or doesn't want to acknowledge themselves."

Coon agrees: "We want to fully participate in the work of the legislature and that means ensuring that our MLAs have the opportunities to speak on issues that are important to their constituents or fall within their responsibilities as critics."

Little say anyway

The Official Opposition Liberals haven't decided yet whether to support or oppose continued recognition of the two smaller parties. In 2014, newly-elected Premier Brian Gallant ensured Coon was given that status.

"So far we haven't considered the issue," said interim Liberal Leader Roger Melanson.

But unlike 2018, when MLAs from the three opposition parties outnumbered the government, the Liberals — like the Alliance and the Greens — have little say in the matter.

The Official Opposition Liberals haven't decided yet whether to support or oppose continued recognition of the two smaller parties, said interim Liberal Leader Roger Melanson. (CBC)

With a majority in the legislature, the PCs also have a majority on the committees that will make the decisions.

"Even though the premier is not on those committees necessarily, he will be making the decisions about what those Progressive Conservative members on those committees are going to do," Crandall said.

"The work of those committees that have a majority of government members on them can more or less be a foregone conclusion."

About the Author

Jacques Poitras

Provincial Affairs reporter

Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.


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David Amos
Too Too Funny Indeed

"If he doesn't follow through on what he did in the minority government and removes that party status now, it's going to speak a lot to his character,' Austin says."
David Amos
Methinks the dubious "polical scientists' should have an understanding that politicking in the Maritimes is not as tough to fathom as rocket science is and that the rules never apply to any action done by the party in power. Anyone with two clues between their ears does not need a university degree to understand what (SANB) and more importantly who (the Irving and McCain Clans and their bankster buddies) motivates all politicians in New Brunswick N'esy Pas?
David Amos
"If he doesn't follow through on what he did in the minority government and removes that party status now, it's going to speak a lot to his character,' Austin says."

Methinks Higgy et al are well aware that I spoke of health care with that character on live TV not too long ago and his reaction spoke volumes of his N'esy Pas?
David Amos 
"The Official Opposition Liberals haven't decided yet whether to support or oppose continued recognition of the two smaller parties, said interim Liberal Leader Roger Melanson"

Yea Right

David Amos
"Former Progressive Conservative leader Dennis Cochrane, who won three seats in 1991 but gained official party status by winning more than 20 per cent of the popular vote, predicts Higgs will extend the exception for the two small parties"

Nay not I
David Amos
Oh My My Whereas he cannot read my words methinks I should talk to Dennis Cochrane again N'esy pas?
David Amos 
Content disabled
Methinks Maggy and everybody else knows that Dennis Cochrane was a much different party leader than Higgy a former wannabe CoR leader is N'esy Pas?

"Former Progressive Conservative leader Dennis Cochrane, who won three seats in 1991 but gained official party status by winning more than 20 per cent of the popular vote, predicts Higgs will extend the exception for the two small parties"
David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: "If he doesn't follow through on what he did in the minority government and removes that party status now, it's going to speak a lot to his character,' Austin says."

Methinks Higgy et al are well aware that after dealing with the PANBl Leader and his many cohorts for 10 years I have every right to say that Austin should speak to his own character first N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: BINGO
Marc Martin 
Reply to @David Amos: ..............
Jos Allaire
Since the table turned, all deals are off the table now, eh Higgs?
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Surprise Surprise Surprise
Ben Haroldson
Them bumscag politicians are always weighing out what's best for themselves, unlike what they tell you before they get elected. And the sheep herd electorate buys it, every time.
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Methinks its par for the course but Higgy made a huge faux pas back stabbing a few cabinet ministers in the back who stuck with him when times were thin ans constantly sang his praises. the fact that they were replaced with newbies must have srung like wicked whipping. Trust that it would make my day to see the the denchanted right wingers join the PANB and give it official party status much to Higgy's and the green meanies chagrin while the liebranos no doubt would dance with glee N'esy Pas?
Gary MacKay 
IMO it really does not matter what he decides as the two leaders of the smaller parties are better speakers and have better presence with the media. The media will run to them regardless of what the Conservatives do. The only way that people will be represented for their vote is to have a proportional system like New Zealand. IMO
Steve McCready 
One of the reasons we had this last election was the only people's work that could get passed in the legislature was( Only if we say so )basis on the 2 smaller party's opinion. Their line was we will support the Gov on a case by case basis. I believe a strong opposition makes for a stronger Gov.However a government cannot govern properly or plan properly if they know they can get tripped up every time they walk into the legislature.It is one thing to have a voice but without your hand on the guillotine
Paul Bourgoin 
The Pirates in their Olden Days resolved such a sensitive situations from the ship with the Famous, " Walking of the the PLANK!" So ,be warned Greens and the Peoples Alliance!
Lou Bell
Melanson and his Liberals should welcome the minimal participant bill. They'll be in that position shortly .
val harris
Reply to @Lou Bell: Hhahahahaha you crack me up Lou
Ben Haroldson
Reply to @val harris: I don't think she's funny..
David Amos
Reply to @Ben Haroldson: Nor I
Lou Bell
David Coon feels he deserves funding so he can pass on such important votes as the vaccination bill ! Do we really need to fund irrelevant leaders who have NO OPINION on such important votes ? Quite shameful .
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Cry me a river after your lawyer gives you his bill
Lou Bell
David Coon couldn't even do the right thing and vote , as he was elected to do , on the vaccination bill . If he can't do the job then he shouldn't be funded at all !
val harris
Reply to @Lou Bell: Yes Lou support Cardy hes your next leader...
Lou Bell
Reply to @val harris: Who's your party Val ? What / who is their priority ? Don't be silent . Tell all the Anglophones what your party will do for the Anglophones to get them back in their fold . Oh, forgot , they don't represent Anglophone NBers !
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Nor do you
Brian Robertson
It would devastate the CBC if the Greens and the NDP didn't get recognized.
But regardless, they will ensure they get lots of coverage.
David Amos
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Of course
Amajor Hall
How to create vote splitting, allow anyone and anything to form a party! Covid doesn't care!
Réal Lavergne
Reply to @Amajor Hall: How to prevent vote splitting. Bring in a proportional voting system.
David Amos
Reply to @Amajor Hall: Political parties don't exist in our Constitution
Mack Leigh
Every New Brunswicker who voted should have the right to full representation of their elected official no matter which party they belong to.
val harris
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Have some sense.. so if one person decided to run in a certain riding under a new party and won, they should have the money to be called a official party .... ahahahah
Réal Lavergne
Reply to @val harris: How about, if a party gets 10% of the vote, they should get 10% of the air time in the legislature and 10% of the resource pie for research, staff support and the like? 5% gets you 5% etc.
Frederick Graham 
Reply to @val harris: They should absolutely have 1/49th of the money... hahahaha
David Amos
Reply to @Mack Leigh: Dream on
Tim Trites 
Reply to @Mack Leigh:
New Brunswickers get smarter as time goes on
Réal Lavergne
This whole issue further illustrates how our political system underrepresents voters who choose to support smaller parties over the mainstream parties. To take the example of the Greens, our first-past-the-post voting system converted their 15% of the popular vote into only 6% of the seats, while converting the Conservatives' 39% of the vote into a false majority. To pour salt on the wounds of Green Party voters, the regular "rules of the game" would now further disenfranchise these voters by starving the representatives they did manage to elect of resources and and stifling their voices. How Higgs responds to this challenge will indeed be a test of his values.
Lou Bell
Reply to @Réal Lavergne: Still hurtin' after then big Liberal letdown are we ?
val harris
Reply to @Lou Bell: No one is hurt just laughing so far at what will happen over the next 4 years.. Hang onto your old age Lou
Réal Lavergne
Reply to @Lou Bell: More importantly, not giving up on democracy.
David Amos
Reply to @Réal Lavergne: Thats the spirit However methinks the green meanies ain't got a ghost of a chance changing the first past the post system for their benefit. I believe many folks would like it there would be no political parties whatsoever. UST have democracy served like it is way up north. That is what I told the useless ERRE Committee when they were in Fat Fred City just before Thanksgiving in 2016. Anyone can check the hansard N'esy Pas?
Gerry Ferguson
Tired of listening to David Coon. Reduce the greens to sitting in the back benches and listening.
David Amos
Reply to @Gerry Ferguson: I would rather not see him there at all
SarahRose Werner
"But rather than continue making exceptions, he said the government should simply change the standing rule to lower the five-MLA threshold." - This makes good sense.
David Amos
Reply to @SarahRose Werner: Why? Your beloved Yankees don't do that do they?
James Reed
We should either apply the rule as written or don’t have it at all… the fact is we haven’t followed that rule at all in the last several decades. The rule was put in place so these sorts of questions wouldn’t be subject to political interference, but because an exception has been made so often , following the actual rule now looks like political opportunism. The standard has been set by past actions - you win one seat you get official party status and funding... it was done for over a decade for Weir and for Coon when he first got elected, we stuck with it now regardless of the rules.
David Amos
Reply to @James Reed: Well???
Frederick Graham
5 seats or 20% seems like a high bar. Just 1 seat deserves recognition, as well as 19% of the popular vote.
David Amos
Reply to @Frederick Graham: Who cares?
val harris
Do the right thing Premier Higgs and dont give them official status... there are rules for a reason so obey them .... Its time for these 2 leaders to understand to run a full slate and try to win an election not just run for a job...
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: I concur but for different reasons
David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks it would make my day to see the disenchanted former cabinet ministers Anderson, Wetmore and Stewart follow former Deputy Premier Gauvin's lead and bail on Higgy ASAP i they were to join the PANB then Higgy would have no choice but to obey the rules and give them party status to debate the Throne Speech. I bet the liberals and their green meanies buddies would love that and form a coalition with the PANB in a heartbeat and possibly make Humpty Dumpty fall and his police state fade into history before the Yuletide season N'esy Pas?
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @val harris: There apparently is no reason for this particular rule, as it's consistently been ignored for the past couple of decades with no ill effects.
val harris
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
There is a need for this rule Sarah... and its because of right wing parties like the PA that are only there for a few jobs, not for the people of NB... Yes they saved one license plate and cleaned a few ditches but at 80 k per year... come on
SarahRose Werner
Reply to @val harris: The rule affects parties on both sides of the political spectrum equally. If the PA have no voice, neither do the Greens.
James Reed 
Reply to @SarahRose Werner:
no ill effects other than costs - it costs about an additional 400K to recognize the two smaller parties because alone with that recognition comes money, an extra pay boost for both leaders, office space, staff salaries and so on... they would not be entitle to that money if they didn't have that recognition. I'm all for them having a bigger role in the house business but not the extra money.
Jason Inness
There is a long precedent of smaller parties being given official status in the legislature, and I think democracy is better served by it.
Elizabeth Wier was the only NDP MLA for about 15 years, and the NDP was officially recognized. When only their leader was MLA, the Green Party was recognized officially. And of course, during the last session, both the Green Party and the People's Alliance were officially recognized.
David Amos
Reply to @Jason Inness: Methinks although i have trouble with all politicians receiving party funding and perks I do believe that everyone who is duly elected should be allowed equal time to speak in the legislature because the folks who voted for them have a right to spoken for and heard N'esy Pas?
val harris
Reply to @David Amos: The folks that voted for them well you get what you voted for is the old saying...

David Peters
Questions that could be asked of Higgs:

In regards to covid 'cases'...the hype about 'cases' is what's being used to shut down economies all over the place.

How many false positives have there been?

How many 'cases' are asymptomatic?

What's the comorbidity rate?

In regards to how hospitals are dealing with this virus scare. Let's look, seriously, at how they are dealing with this virus scare...specifically, within the hospitals.

How many people have missed treatments because of the gov't reaction to this virus scare?

There's lot's of reason to question gov't on this file, imo.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: methinks while you at why not ask Higgy et al why they have kept "Stay' on my medicare card and whether I have the right to sue the Crown to get all money i spent on emergency room and doctors fee since i ran in the election of the 43rd Parliament one very long year ago N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:
In general, as a Canadian citizen, don't you have a constitutional right to a health card?

But, you know, India has very good healthcare that's affordable. They do treatment on the same day as diagnosis. No wait time. Quality is also same/better than ours. Just saying.

Might be better to go get looked after than to fight with this crazy, insulated bureaucracy, that we're all stuck with.
Michel Forgeron 
Reply to @David Peters: I don't know what this person's issue(s) would be, but there are several specific requirements to get an NB Medicare card. If a person cannot meet them, no card will be issued.
john smith
mr higgs were is the tam isolation facility being built
john smith
Reply to @john smith: the paperwork says fredericton is currently being used
Chris Jones
Reply to @john smith: Stop with the disinformation. Do you believe everything that's on the internet?
David Amos
Reply to @Chris Jones: FYI This was published by the Feds recently
Trade Agreement: CETA / CFTA
Request for Information regarding Service Provider(s) for Federal Quarantine / Isolation sites for The Government of Canada

The Government of Canada (GoC) is considering engaging a Third Party Service Provider for Federal Quarantine / Isolation sites that will be used to house and care for people for public health and other related federal requirements associated with the COVID-19 pandemic response. The Government is seeking feedback from current service providers about potential options for standing up, operating and managing all of the services associated with these sites. The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to seek feedback from potential service providers in order to develop a strategy for the potential future management of these sites going forward.

Should the Government of Canada determine that a third-party managed solution going forward is a viable strategy, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) may issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide suppliers the opportunity to bid on the services required as per the schedule contained in this document.

This RFI seeks industry’s feedback to:
i. Obtain supplier feedback, with advice and guidance on the operation of these sites;
ii. Assess industry’s interest in bidding on a potential the contemplated RFP;
iii. Identify and minimize any potential competitive barriers where possible; and
iv. Ensure that potential suppliers can deliver the type of services being requested in a possible upcoming RFP.
john smith
Reply to @Chris Jones: not always but when its posted on service canada it would seem reputable
David Peters
Gov't has grown to an unsustainable size, has become largely insulated from real transparency and accountability, has become way too intrusive and taxes are way, way, way to high.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Methinks it has been that way as long I have been alive It just continues to grow N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:
...like an expanding balloon...an expanding balloon that taxes everyone exorbitantly and is in everyone's business.
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: Everybody but the irving Clan
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:
One and the same, imo.
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David Amos: Trust that back in the eighties I upset the Irving Clan as I honoured my Father's Ghost and would not sell them my gas station but talked some friends/customers of mine into buying it instead.
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:
It would be interesting to hear more stories from NBers who have either been steam rolled by the monopoly, or had a steam roll attempt against them. Would make for an interesting book...
David Amos 
Reply to @David Peters: yhou will have to find my blog because my words went "Poof' as usual
Ronald Parker
Higgs talks like he is a different politician but is no different .
David Amos
Reply to @Ronald Parker: Oh So True









































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