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Mandatory mask order may — or may not — be coming by Oct. 8, says Higgs





Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks the secretive Oral decision of the EUB today about the raising of NB Power Rates should make all ethical folks opposed to Higgy's Police State sit and pay attention N'esy Pas?




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Mandatory mask order may — or may not — be coming by Oct. 8, says Higgs

Premier holds COVID-19 briefing, announces changes at borders within Atlantic bubble


Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon, Gail Harding· CBC News· Posted: Oct 02, 2020 9:02 AM AT 


Premier Blaine Higgs's position on mandatory masks was unclear during Friday's COVID-19 briefing in Fredericton. (CBC)

New Brunswick may — or may not — make wearing masks mandatory in public as early as next week, says Premier Blaine Higgs.

Early Friday morning, Higgs told CBC masks would soon be required, likely by mid-October, if not sooner.

"We're going to lead up to it, we're kind of building into it, working with the communities, working with the businesses, staging people to become more diligent and get into that program," he said.

During a COVID-19 briefing at 11 a.m., however, Higgs stepped back from that.

"Although I prefer not to make mask use mandatory in public spaces, I know that it may soon be necessary — even as early as Oct. 8," he told reporters, citing the recent surge in cases in Quebec and Maine.

Later, when asked to clarify, he said: "There is a possibility we will implement this next week. It could be a week or two out. … I guess the only clarity here I'll add, it could be as early as Oct. 8, or it could be delayed a few weeks, but I would suggest that mandatory masks are coming soon into our province."

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Jennifer Russell said more New Brunswick workers are getting into the habit of wearing a mask, which is encouraging. "But to protect our most vulnerable, we need to stay well ahead of the course of this pandemic.

"We will be monitoring mask use across the province, and I will not hesitate to recommend a mandatory order if this becomes necessary," she said.

Masks could be the rule as early as Oct. 8 in New Brunswick, says Premier Blaine Higgs, although he's reluctant to make the order. 1:17

In a subsequent news release, Higgs "reminded" New Brunswickers that wearing a face mask in public when physical distancing is not possible is mandatory under the province's state of emergency order.

If New Brunswickers do not comply with the emergency order by wearing masks when required, a mandatory mask policy "could be implemented" as soon as Oct. 8, according to the release.

"Staying in the Yellow level of recovery is essential to maintaining health, and keeping our economy and schools open," Higgs said in a statement.

This isn't the first time the government's messaging about masks has been unclear.

On June 5, the government announced face coverings would be required to enter buildings open to the general public, but it reversed the decision the next day.

"Cabinet has reviewed the decision and it was not the intent to place an additional expectation on businesses or the public regarding wearing a face covering in a public space," it said in a news release at the time.

Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador have already implemented mandatory orders.

Higgs acknowledged Friday he expects most New Brunswickers are anticipating the province will follow suit.

It was the first COVID-19 briefing in more than six weeks.

Higgs told CBC News earlier Friday morning that wearing masks in indoor public areas would be mandatory by mid-October if not sooner. (Submitted by Codiac Transpo)

No new cases of COVID-19 were recorded for the seventh day in a row Friday and one more case has recovered.

There are now five active cases of the respiratory disease in the province — three in the Moncton region (Zone 1), one is attributed to the Fredericton region (Zone 3), although the infected person is actually in Ontario recovering, and one is in the Bathurst region (Zone 6).

An infected Quebec resident who works in Campbellton is being counted in the Quebec numbers. Contact tracing is being conducted in New Brunswick.

A total of 661 COVID-19 tests were completed Thursday, bringing the total number of tests conducted since the pandemic began in March to 78,635.

There have been 200 cases of COVID-19 in the province to date, with 193 recoveries and two deaths.

Support for mandatory order

The premier said Friday the discussion about making masks mandatory was a big topic at COVID-19 all-party cabinet committee Thursday.

"It's being driven by the situation in our neighbouring provinces."

Green Party Leader David Coon and Roger Melanson, Interim Leader of the Liberal Party said they both supported the mandatory mask requirement. 

"We've got to move to the point where where everyone's wearing masks in indoor public spaces with cases of COVID-19 surging on the other side of the Atlantic bubble and the incredible success we've had in New Brunswick and throughout the Atlantic bubble, we don't want to jeopardize that," said Coon. 

Melanson, who didn't attend Thursday's meeting said his party will support it.

"Wearing a mask, if public health has made that recommendation in public spaces, we would support that."  

But People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin said he's not sure the timing is right on mandatory masks, seeing that New Brunswick is doing exceptionally well right now.

"My take on it is look if, you know, we see an uptick in cases and government has to clamp down a little bit harder and make them mandatory, I would certainly support that."

Changes to bubble border screening

New Brunswick officials will no longer screen travellers entering the province from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island in vehicles, starting Oct. 8, Higgs announced on Friday.

Instead, some of the peace officers will be redeployed to the borders with Quebec and Maine, which currently pose a bigger threat, he said.

"We have been able to reopen businesses and reopen our schools in an effective manner. The threat, however, is once again literally at our doorstep."

Quebec was "making good progress" just over a month ago, said Higgs. But two days ago, that province reported 933 new cases in a single day, and 12 deaths occurred between Sept. 24 and Sept. 29.

Premier Blaine Higgs says New Brunswick is abandoning the screening checkpoints for travellers from P.E.I. and Nova Scotia Brunswick 1:13

In Baileyville, Maine, just across the St. Stephen border, a mill worker at Woodland Pulp tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday morning. Earlier this week, seven out-of-state contractors who were working on the fibre line during the mill's annual maintenance operation also tested positive.

The worker who tested positive lives in Maine, but seven New Brunswick residents work at the mill, a company spokesperson confirmed to CBC News.

All the workers at Woodland and its two sister companies, St. Croix Tissue and St. Croix Chipping, are now being tested for the virus.

"These situations drive home how close the virus still is and how quickly things can change," the premier said.

To that end, some of the redeployed peace officers will focus on other efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as ensuring compliance with 14-day self-isolation requirements and guidelines regarding gatherings and business operations, he said.

Border measures will remain in place for travellers from outside Atlantic provinces, he added.

Trick or treat or not?

While no specifics were revealed during the panel discussion, Coon said Halloween would be a happy one for everyone. 

Austin agreed, saying it was important to allow society to carry on as much as possible as long as the recommendations of Public Health were followed. 

"I think right now it's just important that society continues on, you know, with in mind that we are still in a pandemic and to do the right thing." 

Melanson said if the recommendation is to go ahead with Halloween, all precautions will have to be taken. 

"And at the end of the day, it's the parents' decisions to and with their children to decide if yes or no they would want to do trick or treating, if that's the decision to be allowed." 

When rules are violated

When a member of the audience complained that some young people are holding large gatherings and ignoring the precautions laid down by Public Health, Higgs said it seems some people have forgotten there is a pandemic. 

"We have seen this in other provinces and we've seen the result. We've seen Quebec locked down, essentially in lockdown now, for the next 28 days." 

Higgs said the province will intervene when the mandatory emergency order is being violated, but this will be done in a way that persuades people to be part of the solution rather than a bigger problem. 

Melanson said people still have to take precautions. 

"We're starting to see that around us outside New Brunswick. We're not isolated totally from what's happening outside."

With files from Information Morning Fredericton



David Amos 
Methinks the secretive Oral decision of the EUB today about the raising of NB Power Rates should make all ethical folks opposed to Higgy's Police State sit and pay attention N'esy Pas?
David Peters
Reply to @David Amos:
The eub helping themselves again?
David Amos
Reply to @David Peters: YUP
Bruce Sanders
Although I prefer not to make mask use mandatory in public spaces"
Why is any of this being discussed? This is all going the wrong way. You ought to be discussing how to do test on arrival and open the province. This is not April, the death rate on Canada is extremely low; It's 96% lower than May. 99% lower if one is in New York State. Idiocy.
David Amos
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Welcome Back to the Circus

Methinks over the course of the course of the next four years it should become commonly known as Higgy's State N'esy Pas?
Kat Jo
Good grief people, we're being asked to wear a mask in public places. Let's be kind and help protect each other.
We are so fortunate to live where we do, the rest of Canada is envious of the Atlantic bubble.
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Kat Jo: Who has exactly told you anywhere they are envious? I have not heard that from anyone in the 4 Provinces in which I have been the previous 3 months, never minding other countries.
Kat Jo
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Friends and family living in other Canadian provinces have told me. We are living in one of the safest locations in the world.
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Kat Jo: We are not living, we are "existing".
Errol Willis
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: That's a pretty sad statement. You must not have much joy
Mighty Mediocre Mediocre Man
Reply to @Errol Willis: It's true, the future is tyranny, and covid-19 is the vector to bring it. Don't believe me, just wait...
Matthew Smith
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: oh please....
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Kat Jo:
No, we are not being asked, we are being told.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: BINGO
James Risdon
It would be idiotic to make the wearing of face masks mandatory in northern New Brunswick right now. There is ONE case of Covid-19 in the entire Bathurst region.


Who the heck are we protecting ourselves from or who are we protecting from us if we wear face masks?

You can't catch Covid-19 from someone who doesn't have it.
David Amos
Reply to @James Risdon: Explain that to your buddy Higgy not us
Fred Brewer 
Reply to @James Risdon: "You can't catch Covid-19 from someone who doesn't have it." Thank you Captain Obvious. If only we could see Covid-19 then I could agree with your position on masks but we can't. Therefore any person you meet could be infected and you would have no idea.

I take it you would like to gamble and roll the dice and hope that we don't get a super spreader that would send the entire province back into a lockdown. Me, I don't want to take that chance and will happily wear a mask 
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
How much sickness can you hide behind a mask?
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: What the heck is your point? Infected persons are typically perfectly healthy while still contagious. This has nothing to do with hiding and if you are sick most people don't want to go out, nor should they.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Lots Methinks the truly evil ones often wear a mask of virtue N'esy Pas?
James Risdon 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Risks need to be evaluated based on the best available evidence.

It is possible that an asteroid will crash into the Earth in the coming days, destroy a nuclear power plant or weapons facility, and trigger a chain of events that will lead to the destruction of almost all human life on the planet.

But it's very unlikely based on the best available evidence and so we do not hunker down in concrete bunkers carved into the sides of mountains with everything needed to survive a nuclear winter and restart human civilization later.

We roll the dice. The odds are with us.

Ditto for Covid-19 planning. It only makes sense to plan for the reasonable dangers and not every single possible far-fetched contingency.

In northern New Brunswick where there is only one case of Covid-19, the risk of catching the sickness through casual contact in public spaces is as close to zero as it can come without actually being zero.

That's why mandating face masks in public in northern New Brunswick at this time is idiotic. It would only fuel fear and anxiety and lead people to conclude the situation is much worse than it actually is
Fred Brewer
Reply to @James Risdon: Show me the odds calculation James. Odds are not based on the present, they are based on future probabilities and the outcome if things go wrong. I have seen no calculations that says the odds show that it is worth the risk that you would take.
June Arnott
No matter what anyone says, you CANNOT social distance in a store. Doesn’t happen EVER. So that would make masks mandatory in any store
David Amos
Reply to @June Arnott: Go Figue
JOhn D Bond
It is quite amazing when reading the comments on the board, the number of folks that think they will not be subject to the mandatory mask rules if the government makes the rule a mandatory requirement.
While we are in a free democratic society, that means we either follow the rule of law or we face the consequences. Next election, you can extract your pound of flesh by not voting for the party that imposed the order, until then, To bad!
So for those die hard anti maskers ( excluding folks with medical conditions that would cause peril) get over yourself. You will not have a choice.
But yes, you can refuse, be fined, fight the fine in court and lose at the end of the day.
If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious. 
David Amos
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: What rule of law?
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @David Amos: Government health order under the emergency measures act
Jeff LeBlanc
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: go tell that to Matt Steele lol. I am in agreement with you and you don't have to look any further than Nova Scotia to see people complying. The minute this becomes law 95 percent of that bravado will go away.
David Amos
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Methinks Higgy et al forgot that 3 Justices of the Federal Court of Appeal pulled Rule 55 on me years ago. That malicious direction forever to proved to me that whereas judges can legally ignore the rules then the rule of law does not exist N'esy Pas?
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: "You will not have a choice"
Sure we do, we leave and return when the lunacy ends.

"If it wasn't so sad it would be hilarious."
Agreed, and it's hilarious the so many restrictions remain given the extensive data that now exists. The way the government is acting, one would think its still March.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @David Amos: Except that the courts will rule in favour of the Provinces use of the emergency act as they are acting in the Public good. While that may be debatable and I am certain someone will challenge it. My point really is, if the government issues the order, people that do not follow it will face the consequences in the short term and will end up spending time, money and effort in court to have the highest court of the land eventually rule against the challenge. Just my opinion.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Of course you can leave the province. Not sure where you will go in Canada, they will likely be imposing the same restrictions and if you want to go to the US , well by means I would never suggest that you shouldn't that is your choice of course. Except that here in NB if the order comes, your choice is temporarily suspended.
David Amos
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Did you forget that I have permanent resident status in the US of A?
David Amos
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: You do know who I am Correct?
Errol Willis
Reply to @David Amos: Enjoy yourself - don't let the door hit ya on the way out
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Is that why you're afraid to ever go back?
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @David Amos: Didn't know that but that is fine
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Bruce Sanders: Where will you leave to? Ontario? Quebec? Drop us a note when you get back....if you get back.
David Amos
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Perhaps you should look up Rule 55 of the Federal Court Rules before you expound about "the rule of law" anymore?
val harris
Yes no no I mean no really I am just not sure. Higgs can really answer a question
David Amos
Reply to @val harris: He never could
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Do you remember T shirts that you could once get that said "I'm with stupid"?
We should print up some blue ones that say "I voted stupid".
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Yes you should In 1971 I was instantly smitten on Parlee Beach by a sweet young lady from your old stomping grounds who wore a "Fuddle Duddle" T Shirt Perhaps they would be a hit again?
David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: FYI in 2005 while Belinda was dumping Petey Baby and crossing the floor to become a liberal cabinet minister a sneaky little liberal working for the former MP for Miramichi at the time told me they were selling my old company T shirts at a motorcycle show in Ottawa Apparently they are collector's items and pone to being ripped off 
Marilyn Carr
Why? If we had community cases but all cases are travel related....If there was a significant uptick in cases I would see it but until that time I dont think MANDATORY masks are needed.
David Amos
Reply to @Marilyn Carr: Everybody knows that mask don't work anyway
June Arnott
Reply to @David Amos: they do when used properly to protect OTHERS I know, a hard concept thinking of others
David Amos
Reply to @June Arnott: Methinks they can stop bacteria etc but any doctor should inform you that a virus can go through a mask just tlike a mosquito can go through a chain link fence N'esy Pas?
James Smythe
Mandatory or not, I won’t be wearing a mask Blaine, this is just getting silly at this point.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @James Smythe: I thank you for adding to NB's coffers with the fines you will be paying. But hey, you can always hide in your basement.
Gerry Ferguson
Reply to @James Smythe: That makes 2 of us
charles davis livitus
Reply to @James Smythe: I don't
Jeffrey Finnamore
Reply to @James Smythe: absolutely agree. Still our choice
David Amos
Reply to @James Smythe: I concur
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Jeffrey Finnamore: ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching. With this much civil disobedience, the fines alone will help stabilize our finances.
Errol Willis
Reply to @James Smythe: Such a rebel you are. Why are you so afraid of a piece of cloth on your face? And don't start with "my rights and freedoms..."
David Amos
Reply to @Errol Willis: Are you afraid of rebels?
Errol Willis
Reply to @David Amos: I more afraid of ignorance and stupidity - very common here. My rights, my freedoms, my life - what a bunch of whiners. If they were ever asked to do anything significant, what would they do?
Mighty Mediocre Mediocre Man
Reply to @Errol Willis: It IS about rights and freedoms.
Errol Willis
Reply to @Mighty Mediocre Mediocre Man: How silly and childish you are
Mighty Mediocre Mediocre Man
Reply to @Errol Willis: Your opinion.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Fred Brewer: We sure could use it, hopefully it will rake in enough to hire a few dozen doctors
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @JOhn D Bond:
That wouldn't change they would still refuse to pay them.
David Amos
Reply to @Errol Willis: Do you consider me one of them?
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Lol Terry that actually make me chuckle.. Good one you could be right on the money with that.
David Amos
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Do you chuckle at the fact that IDavid Amos have to pay emergency room bills and doctor fees because Higgy et al have a "stay" on my right to a Medicare card?
Fred Brewer
I am definitely going to do this... well maybe I am going to do this.... I think I will do this... and eventually..... I have decided not to do this (for now).
This is the old tried and true Higgy Waffle Dance. How many times has he done this before? He Waffle Danced his way around Hospital ER closures and a bunch of other things that don't come to mind at this moment but I am sure some folks out there can help me out. Can you name any other Higgy Waffle Dances?
David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Cry me a river
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Fred Brewer:
Not fit to lead a boy scout troop. 
Murray Brown
Should have told us before the election... Then we could have voted him out.
Mighty Mediocre Mediocre Man
Reply to @Murray Brown: I didn't vote for him this time, simply because he seems like another UN stooge.
Steven Mallaley
Reply to @Murray Brown: I didn't vote for him or Liberals. Would be a cold day before I would ever vote either.
David Amos
Reply to @Murray Brown: YUP
Lorelei Stott
now that Higg's won a majority look out.... power tripping
David Amos
Reply to @Lorelei Stott: Welcome to the Circus
Michel Forgeron
Top 5 excuses for not wearing a mask:
5-You already have something that protects you from others called “your personality.”
4-You want to try one of those cool new ventilators at the hospital.
3-You’re a millennial, and you got tired of constantly having to remove your mask to take your 5,000 daily selfies.
2-It makes it hard to use the breathalyzer that starts your car.
1-You’re a Kardashian. What’s one more virus?
Stephan Sommers
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: #6 having a real health condition that’s enables wearing one.
Fred Brewer
Reply to @Stephan Sommers: Hmmm. A health condition that enables someone to wear a mask? Oh, I know. Its called common sense
Bruce Sanders
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: #1, there is no definitive proof a face mask makes lone bit of difference
David Amos
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: Say Hey to your hero Higgy for me will ya?
Michel Forgeron
Reply to @David Amos: Higgs isn't my hero, you are
David Amos
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: Yea Right that why you and you buddies laughed at Higgy et al denying me the the right to free Health Care while i was constantly visiting the emergency rooms and having to pay for their services and the doctor fees
Michel Forgeron
Reply to @David Amos: I've never laughed at you David. I (and others) asked you a simple question which I don't believe you have ever answered - why don't you have a Medicare card?
David Amos
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: I answered many times There is no reason it was and still is politics
Michel Forgeron
Reply to @David Amos: How so, exactly?
David Amos
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: Ask Higgy i told you many times they won't give me a reason
David Amos
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: FYI This malicious nonsense has been going on since 2005 when i got suuck here after running for a seat parliament the second time.They bared me from collecting my CPP until I sued the Queen in 2015 while running for public office again but still don'thave my passport drivers license or social insurance numbe Hence i am about to sue the Crown again
David Amos
Reply to @Michel Forgeron: FYI I just told you again


















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