----------Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<Blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 22:10:39 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Perhaps you
should check my work and tha of CBC to see who ethical and who is not
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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----------Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 22:10:40 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Perhaps you
should check my work and tha of CBC to see who ethical and who is not
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 22:12:10 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Perhaps you
should check my work and tha of CBC to see who ethical and who is not
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 19:10:36 -0300
Subject: Attn Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Perhaps you should check my work
and tha of CBC to see who ethical and who is not
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Cc: lbwilk@wm.edu, annette.nazareth@davispolk.com,
mackintoshs@group30.org, theharlemtimes@gmail.com,
pjackson@theharlemtimes.com, LANEYR@stifel.com,
pmason@rideauinstitute.ca, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
premier <premier@ontario.ca>, djtjr <djtjr@trumporg.com>,
press@trump.org, Erin.OToole@parl.gc.ca, "PETER.MACKAY"
< PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie.
< Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, Nathalie Sturgeon
< sturgeon.nathalie@
< steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, washington field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>,
"Brenda.Lucki"<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "sylvie.gadoury"
< sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.
Thursday, 1 October 2020
Massive military spending is turning America into a 'warfare state,'
warns ex U.S. Army Colonel
#cdnpoli #nbpoli
Trust that I will do my best to try to talk to Col. Lawrence Wilkerson personally
#cdnpoli #nbpoli
Massive military spending is turning America into a 'warfare state,' warns ex U.S. Army Colonel
'We are the merchants of death for seven billion people,' says Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
CBC Radio· Posted: Sep 28, 2020 5:28 PM ET
The Pentagon’s ever-expanding military budget ruins creativity and pollutes good leadership, argues retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson — a fierce critic of the 'military-industrial complex.' (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower cautioned the United States against "unwarranted influence"— what he saw as an alarming alignment of corporate interests with military operations, a relationship he famously called: "the military-industrial complex."
Since then, the term has largely been taken up by the political left in its critique of America's militarism, and how vast military expenditures end up creating conflicts they're supposed to resolve.
But Col. Lawrence Wilkerson is firmly on the political right. He spent over 30 years in the U.S. Army, was chief of staff for former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, and is a lifelong Republican.
Today we have become what Eisenhower's worst nightmare predicted in his farewell address.
- Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
He believes that Eisenhower was right, and is a fierce critic of the military-industrial complex. Or what he calls "the warfare state," an obvious play on "welfare state." He believes military spending has become an ideological article of faith on the political right —and it is ruining America.
"Today we have become what Eisenhower's worst nightmare predicted in his farewell address. We've become beholden to that complex, that this year [2019] marked its greatest year in history. It sold more weapons than anybody else in the world, at a greater total billion dollar figure than ever before," says Wilkerson in conversation with host, Nahlah Ayed.
"We are the merchants of death for seven billion people."

As we peer into society's future, we – you and I, and our government – must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow.’ From former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower’s 1961 farewell address. (Evening Standard/Getty Images)
Col. Wilkerson has seen firsthand how military expenditures create a devastating feedback loop with politics.
"The country marches on to yet another war, another trillion dollar fiasco, another bloodbath for young men and women who are signed up because they were bribed to do so," says Col. Wilkerson.
He says "bribed" unapologetically, as the U.S. military relies disproportionately on personnel from have-not states to fill its ranks.
The expenditures, however, don't benefit the troops.
"The divorce rate: off the charts in the services now. Suicide rate: off the charts in the services now. More post-traumatic stress then you'd ever imagine," Col. Wilkerson explains, adding that the expenditures end up benefiting the warfare state.
"We had never had a standing industrial base for war. Now it eats us alive. Not only does it produce F-35 strike fighters, that cost $135 million, a million dollars for the helmet the pilot wears, but they don't work."
Militarism hurts the military
Col. Wilkerson notes that many Americans believe that the U.S. is under perpetual threat. The result is that massive military spending gets justified publicly "on the backs of the soldiers, and the sailors, Marines, and airmen and so forth."
"That's why you see presidents array military tapestries behind themselves all the time … they like to have the military prop behind them."
But the astronomical costs aren't simply fiscal, according to Col. Wilkerson. They're also political.
"We are almost $22 trillion in debt right now. We've not been this far in debt since the last year of World War Two. We have printed trillions of dollars that have absolutely nothing behind them but the might of the U.S. military and our willingness to bash people who might object to buying our treasury bonds" Col. Wilkerson remarks.
"This is a comeuppance that is brewing.
Col. Wilkerson has become a vocal critic of the Iraq War since his own involvement working on the pro-war presentation at the U.N. with former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, pictured. ( Mario Tama/Getty Images)
He predicts massive reductions in the Defense Department's budget. Reports from the Congressional Budget Office suggest that by 2030, the defense budget will seriously impede expenditures for other fixed spending in the federal budget — like Medicare and Social Security — and that the impact will be catastrophic.
"By 2030, we'll have no federal dollars for anything other than the military and entitlements. That's a very foreboding future, fiscally."
A reforming Republican
As a lifelong member of the Republican party, just like his father, Col. Wilkerson has been criticized by fellow party members and Pentagon generals. But his hope for the future of the party lies in the growing number of younger Republicans he's met.
"That demographic is going to be most loudly heard in this coming election, for the first time in our history," Col. Wilkerson tells Ayed.
"We have the greatest maldistribution of wealth in America right now that we've ever had, worse than 1929. So this is an awakening within the Republican party. It's nascent right now."
The challenge is waking Americans up. We are losing our democracy, if we haven't already lost it.
- Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
The former aide to Colin Powell believes that political reform is needed across the board. Getting rid of the Electoral College. Overhauling Congress. And just as he'd like to see the future of the Republican party empowered by younger people, he suggests the same for the Democrats.
"I'd get rid of [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi. I'd get rid of [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer. I'd get rid of Mitch McConnell. I'd get rid of all the people who have been around far too long, garnered far too much power, have too much influence over their own parties."
But he's under no illusion how tough it will be to do all this.
"The challenge is waking Americans up. We are losing our democracy, if we haven't already lost it."
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson teaches government and public policy at The College of William and Mary in Virginia. This episode was based on a public talk he gave at the Peace Action Maine Spring Gathering in 2019.
* This episode was produced by Danielle Duval and Greg Kelly.
We are at a point where party leaders define what the party stands for, and, once in power, it is the party leader, with the PMO being the principle vehicle, who controls parliament.
Not as bad (yet) as the US, but travelling on the same track in terms of the concentration of power in the establishment of our major political parties, all of them.
Methinks he liked Ike too N'esy Pas?
Methinks Trump et el know why Col. Lawrence Wilkerson never returned my phone call or answered my emails or even my Tweet N'esy Pas?
Leroy Fletcher Prouty (January 24, 1917 – June 5, 2001)[1] served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy. A former colonel in the United States Air Force, he retired from military service to become a bank executive. He subsequently became a critic of U.S. foreign policy, particularly the covert activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) about which he had considerable inside knowledge. Prouty was the inspiration for the character "Mr. X" in Oliver Stone's film JFK.
Lawrence Wilkerson
Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Government and Public Policy
Office: Tyler 423, Mobile & txts (703) 624-9148
Email: lbwilk@wm.edu
Campus Office Hours: Mondays 8 - 11 am & 2 - 4 pm
Virtual Office Hours: email to book: Tuesdays - Fridays 8 am - 4 pm
Lawrence Wilkerson's last positions in government were as Secretary of State Colin Powell's Chief of Staff (2002-05), Associate Director of the State Department's Policy Planning staff under the directorship of Ambassador Richard N. Haass, and member of that staff responsible for East Asia and the Pacific, political-military and legislative affairs (2001-02). Before serving at the State Department, Wilkerson served 31 years in the U.S. Army. During that time, he was a member of the faculty of the U.S. Naval War College (1987 to 1989), Special Assistant to General Powell when he was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-93), and Director and Deputy Director of the U.S. Marine Corps War College at Quantico, Virginia (1993-97). Wilkerson retired from active service in 1997 as a colonel, and began work as an advisor to General Powell. He has also taught national security affairs in the Honors Program at the George Washington University. He is currently working on a book about the first George W. Bush administration.
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 09:25:46 -0300
Subject: Re: Attn Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Here is a little proof of what I said in my voicemail is true Ask Roger W. Ferguson Jr. and his cohorts He is found on Page 11 of my old file called "Cross Border
To: Peggy Mason <pmason@rideauinstitute.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Perhaps we should finally talk?
On 9/29/20, Peggy Mason <pmason@rideauinstitute.ca> wrote:
> Dear David,
> Thank you for sending the link to the CBC Ideas programme featuring Col.
> Wilkerson, which I had missed. He is an important voice.
> Onward!
> Peggy
> Peggy Mason
> President/ Présidente,
> L’Institut Rideau Institute,
> PO Box 11312, Ottawa H, Nepean ON K2H 7V1; Office Manager: 613-565-9449;
> MASON HOME OFFICE TEL: 613-722-5237; (Our covid-induced move to home offices
> was made permanent on 1 August 2020).
> cell: 613-612-6360
> pmason@rideauinstitute.ca; rideauinstitute.ca
> The only means we have right now to fight coronavirus is our own behaviour.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Sent: September 28, 2020 8:17 PM
> To: lbwilk@wm.edu; annette.nazareth@davispolk.com
> linda.thomsen@davispolk.com; cpeterson@tiaa-cref.org;
> mackintoshs@group30.org; theharlemtimes@gmail.com;
> pjackson@theharlemtimes.com; LANEYR@stifel.com; pmason@rideauinstitute.ca;
> blaine.higgs <blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>; premier <premier@ontario.ca>; djtjr
> <djtjr@trumporg.com>; press@trump.org; Erin.OToole@parl.gc.ca; PETER.MACKAY
> <PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie.
> Nathalie Sturgeon <sturgeon.nathalie@
> <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>; washington field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>;
> Brenda.Lucki <Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; sylvie.gadoury
> <sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.
> Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
> Subject: Attn Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Here is a little proof of what I said
> in my voicemail is true Ask Roger W. Ferguson Jr. and his cohorts He is
> found on Page 11 of my old file called "Cross Border
> https://twitter.com/
> David Raymond Amos
> @DavidRayAmos
> Replying to
> @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
> Trust that I will do my best to try to talk to Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
> personally
> https://wm.edu/as/government/
> #cdnpoli #nbpoli
> https://www.cbc.ca/radio/
> Massive military spending is turning America into a 'warfare state,'
> warns ex U.S. Army Colonel
> 'We are the merchants of death for seven billion people,' says Col.
> Lawrence Wilkerson
> CBC Radio · Posted: Sep 28, 2020 5:28 PM ET
> Lawrence Wilkerson
> Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Government and Public Policy
> Office: Tyler 423, Mobile & txts (703) 624-9148
> Email: lbwilk@wm.edu
> https://www.scribd.com/doc/
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Michael Cohen <mcohen@trumporg.com>
>>> Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2018 05:54:40 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: ATTN Blair Armitage You acted as the Usher
>>> of the Black Rod twice while Kevin Vickers was the Sergeant-at-Arms
>>> Hence you and the RCMP must know why I sued the Queen Correct?
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Effective January 20, 2017, I have accepted the role as personal
>>> counsel to President Donald J. Trump. All future emails should be
>>> directed to mdcohen212@gmail.com and all future calls should be
>>> directed to 646-853-0114.
>>> ______________________________
>>> This communication is from The Trump Organization or an affiliate
>>> thereof and is not sent on behalf of any other individual or entity.
>>> This email may contain information that is confidential and/or
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>>> to be received, secure or error-free as emails could be intercepted,
>>> corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late, incomplete, contain viruses
>>> or otherwise. The Trump Organization and its affiliates do not
>>> guarantee that all emails will be read and do not accept liability for
>>> any errors or omissions in emails. Any views or opinions presented in
>>> any email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
>>> represent those of The Trump Organization or any of its affiliates.
>>> Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an electronic
>>> signature under applicable law.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Justice Website <JUSTWEB@novascotia.ca>
>>> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 14:21:11 +0000
>>> Subject: Emails to Department of Justice and Province of Nova Scotia
>>> To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Mr. Amos,
>>> We acknowledge receipt of your recent emails to the Deputy Minister of
>>> Justice and lawyers within the Legal Services Division of the
>>> Department of Justice respecting a possible claim against the Province
>>> of Nova Scotia. Service of any documents respecting a legal claim
>>> against the Province of Nova Scotia may be served on the Attorney
>>> General at 1690 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS. Please note that we will
>>> not be responding to further emails on this matter.
>>> Department of Justice
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)"<David.Eidt@gnb.ca>
>>> Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2017 00:33:21 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Mr Lutz howcome your buddy the clerk
>>> would not file this motion and properly witnessed affidavit and why
>>> did she take all four copies?
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> I will be out of the office until Monday, March 13, 2017. I will have
>>> little to no access to email. Please dial 453-2222 for assistance.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Marc Richard <MRichard@lawsociety-barreau.
>>> Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 13:16:46 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: RE: The New Brunswick Real Estate
>>> Association and their deliberate ignorance for the bankster's benefit
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> I will be out of the office until August 15, 2016. Je serai absent du
>>> bureau jusqu'au 15 août 2016.
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>>> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400
>>>> Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>>>> To: coi@gnb.ca
>>>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>>> Good Day Sir
>>>> After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and managed
>>>> to speak to one of your staff for the first time
>>>> Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady who
>>>> answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the Sgt
>>>> at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker
>>>> Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document.
>>>> These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I
>>>> suggested that you study closely.
>>>> This is the docket in Federal Court
>>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.
>>>> These are digital recordings of the last three hearings
>>>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/
>>>> January 11th, 2016 https://archive.org/details/
>>>> April 3rd, 2017
>>>> https://archive.org/details/
>>>> This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal
>>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.
>>>> The only hearing thus far
>>>> May 24th, 2017
>>>> https://archive.org/details/
>>>> This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity
>>>> Date: 20151223
>>>> Docket: T-1557-15
>>>> Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015
>>>> PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell
>>>> Plaintiff
>>>> and
>>>> Defendant
>>>> ORDER
>>>> (Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on
>>>> December 14, 2015)
>>>> The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by way of motion pursuant to
>>>> the Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106), from an Order made on November
>>>> 12, 2015, in which Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of Claim
>>>> in its entirety.
>>>> At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention a
>>>> letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then
>>>> capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian
>>>> Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen Quigg,
>>>> (now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal). In that letter
>>>> he stated:
>>>> As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check the
>>>> work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including you.
>>>> You are your brother’s keeper.
>>>> Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former
>>>> colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to
>>>> expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number of
>>>> people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be witnesses
>>>> or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to
>>>> me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime
>>>> Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper; former
>>>> Attorney General of Canada and now a Justice of the Manitoba Court of
>>>> Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore;
>>>> former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former
>>>> Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff
>>>> Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court
>>>> of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and, retired
>>>> Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted
>>>> Police.
>>>> In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my
>>>> personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many
>>>> potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am
>>>> of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should I
>>>> hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in
>>>> Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et al,
>>>> [1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding
>>>> allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party has
>>>> requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so.
>>>> AS A RESULT OF MY RECUSAL, THIS COURT ORDERS that the Administrator of
>>>> the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion. There
>>>> is no order as to costs.
>>>> “B. Richard Bell”
>>>> Judge
>>>> Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment
>>>> already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had sent
>>>> to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006.
>>>> I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the the Court
>>>> Martial Appeal Court of Canada Perhaps you should scroll to the
>>>> bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83 of my
>>>> lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada?
>>>> "FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the
>>>> most
>>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>>> From: justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca
>>>> Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM
>>>> Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in
>>>> Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to
>>>> submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you
>>>> dudes are way past too late
>>>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>>> Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre à
>>>> lalanthier@hotmail.com
>>>> Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à
>>>> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
>>>> Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at
>>>> lalanthier@hotmail.com
>>>> To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to
>>>> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Merci ,
>>>> http://davidraymondamos3.
>>>> 83. The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
>>>> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
>>>> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
>>>> five years after he began his bragging:
>>>> January 13, 2015
>>>> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
>>>> December 8, 2014
>>>> Why Canada Stood Tall!
>>>> Friday, October 3, 2014
>>>> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
>>>> Stupid Justin Trudeau
>>>> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
>>>> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
>>>> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
>>>> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
>>>> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
>>>> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
>>>> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
>>>> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
>>>> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
>>>> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
>>>> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
>>>> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
>>>> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
>>>> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
>>>> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
>>>> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
>>>> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
>>>> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
>>>> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
>>>> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
>>>> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
>>>> campaign of 2006.
>>>> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
>>>> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
>>>> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
>>>> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
>>>> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
>>>> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
>>>> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
>>>> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
>>>> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
>>>> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
>>>> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
>>>> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
>>>> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
>>>> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
>>>> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
>>>> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
>>>> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
>>>> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
>>>> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
>>>> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
>>>> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
>>>> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
>>>> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
>>>> P.S. Whereas this CBC article is about your opinion of the actions of
>>>> the latest Minister Of Health trust that Mr Boudreau and the CBC have
>>>> had my files for many years and the last thing they are is ethical.
>>>> Ask his friends Mr Murphy and the RCMP if you don't believe me.
>>>> Subject:
>>>> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
>>>> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
>>>> To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>>>> January 30, 2007
>>>> Mr. David Amos
>>>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>>>> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
>>>> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
>>>> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
>>>> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
>>>> Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
>>>> Minister of Health
>>>> CM/cb
>>>> Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:
>>>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
>>>> From: "Warren McBeath"warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>>> To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
>>>> nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
>>>> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>>>> CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,John.
>>>> Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,"Bev BUSSON"bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>>>> "Paul Dube"PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>>> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
>>>> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not
>>>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>>>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
>>>> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
>>>> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
>>>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
>>>> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
>>>> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
>>>> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
>>>> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
>>>> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
>>>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
>>>> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
>>>> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
>>>> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
>>>> and policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
>>>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
>>>> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
>>>> GRC Caledonia RCMP
>>>> Traffic Services NCO
>>>> Ph: (506) 387-2222
>>>> Fax: (506) 387-4622
>>>> E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>>> Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
>>>> Office of the Integrity Commissioner
>>>> Edgecombe House, 736 King Street
>>>> Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
>>>> tel.: 506-457-7890
>>>> fax: 506-444-5224
>>>> e-mail:coi@gnb.ca
>>> On 8/3/17, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> If want something very serious to download and laugh at as well Please
>>>> Enjoy and share real wiretap tapes of the mob
>>>> http://thedavidamosrant.
>>>> ilian.html
>>>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/
>>>>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must
>>>>> ask them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?
>>>>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>>>>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>>>>> cards?
>>>>> http://archive.org/details/
>>>>> 6
>>>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/
>>>>> http://www.archive.org/
>>>>> http://archive.org/details/
>>>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>>>> United States Senate
>>>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>>>>> raised in the attached letter.
>>>>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap
>>>>> tapes.
>>>>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>>>>> Very truly yours,
>>>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>>>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
>>> http://davidraymondamos3.
>>> Sunday, 19 November 2017
>>> Federal Court of Appeal Finally Makes The BIG Decision And Publishes
>>> It Now The Crooks Cannot Take Back Ticket To Try Put My Matter Before
>>> The Supreme Court
>>> https://decisions.fct-cf.gc.
>>> Federal Court of Appeal Decisions
>>> Amos v. Canada
>>> Court (s) Database
>>> Federal Court of Appeal Decisions
>>> Date
>>> 2017-10-30
>>> Neutral citation
>>> 2017 FCA 213
>>> File numbers
>>> A-48-16
>>> Date: 20171030
>>> Docket: A-48-16
>>> Citation: 2017 FCA 213
>>> CORAM:
>>> WEBB J.A.
>>> NEAR J.A.
>>> Respondent on the cross-appeal
>>> (and formally Appellant)
>>> and
>>> Appellant on the cross-appeal
>>> (and formerly Respondent)
>>> Heard at Fredericton, New Brunswick, on May 24, 2017.
>>> Judgment delivered at Ottawa, Ontario, on October 30, 2017.
>>> Date: 20171030
>>> Docket: A-48-16
>>> Citation: 2017 FCA 213
>>> CORAM:
>>> WEBB J.A.
>>> NEAR J.A.
>>> Respondent on the cross-appeal
>>> (and formally Appellant)
>>> and
>>> Appellant on the cross-appeal
>>> (and formerly Respondent)
>>> I. Introduction
>>> [1] On September 16, 2015, David Raymond Amos (Mr. Amos)
>>> filed a 53-page Statement of Claim (the Claim) in Federal Court
>>> against Her Majesty the Queen (the Crown). Mr. Amos claims $11 million
>>> in damages and a public apology from the Prime Minister and Provincial
>>> Premiers for being illegally barred from accessing parliamentary
>>> properties and seeks a declaration from the Minister of Public Safety
>>> that the Canadian Government will no longer allow the Royal Canadian
>>> Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canadian Forces to harass him and his clan
>>> (Claim at para. 96).
>>> [2] On November 12, 2015 (Docket T-1557-15), by way of a
>>> motion brought by the Crown, a prothonotary of the Federal Court (the
>>> Prothonotary) struck the Claim in its entirety, without leave to
>>> amend, on the basis that it was plain and obvious that the Claim
>>> disclosed no reasonable claim, the Claim was fundamentally vexatious,
>>> and the Claim could not be salvaged by way of further amendment (the
>>> Prothontary’s Order).
>>> [3] On January 25, 2016 (2016 FC 93), by way of Mr.
>>> Amos’ appeal from the Prothonotary’s Order, a judge of the Federal
>>> Court (the Judge), reviewing the matter de novo, struck all of Mr.
>>> Amos’ claims for relief with the exception of the claim for damages
>>> for being barred by the RCMP from the New Brunswick legislature in
>>> 2004 (the Federal Court Judgment).
>>> [4] Mr. Amos appealed and the Crown cross-appealed the
>>> Federal Court Judgment. Further to the issuance of a Notice of Status
>>> Review, Mr. Amos’ appeal was dismissed for delay on December 19, 2016.
>>> As such, the only matter before this Court is the Crown’s
>>> cross-appeal.
>>> II. Preliminary Matter
>>> [5] Mr. Amos, in his memorandum of fact and law in
>>> relation to the cross-appeal that was filed with this Court on March
>>> 6, 2017, indicated that several judges of this Court, including two of
>>> the judges of this panel, had a conflict of interest in this appeal.
>>> This was the first time that he identified the judges whom he believed
>>> had a conflict of interest in a document that was filed with this
>>> Court. In his notice of appeal he had alluded to a conflict with
>>> several judges but did not name those judges.
>>> [6] Mr. Amos was of the view that he did not have to
>>> identify the judges in any document filed with this Court because he
>>> had identified the judges in various documents that had been filed
>>> with the Federal Court. In his view the Federal Court and the Federal
>>> Court of Appeal are the same court and therefore any document filed in
>>> the Federal Court would be filed in this Court. This view is based on
>>> subsections 5(4) and 5.1(4) of the Federal Courts Act, R.S.C., 1985,
>>> c. F-7:
>>> 5(4) Every judge of the Federal Court is, by virtue of his or her
>>> office, a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal and has all the
>>> jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court of
>>> Appeal.
>>> […]
>>> 5(4) Les juges de la Cour fédérale sont d’office juges de la Cour
>>> d’appel fédérale et ont la même compétence et les mêmes pouvoirs que
>>> les juges de la Cour d’appel fédérale.
>>> […]
>>> 5.1(4) Every judge of the Federal Court of Appeal is, by virtue of
>>> that office, a judge of the Federal Court and has all the
>>> jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court.
>>> 5.1(4) Les juges de la Cour d’appel fédérale sont d’office juges de la
>>> Cour fédérale et ont la même compétence et les mêmes pouvoirs que les
>>> juges de la Cour fédérale.
>>> [7] However, these subsections only provide that the
>>> judges of the Federal Court are also judges of this Court (and vice
>>> versa). It does not mean that there is only one court. If the Federal
>>> Court and this Court were one Court, there would be no need for this
>>> section.
>>> [8] Sections 3 and 4 of the Federal Courts Act provide
>>> that:
>>> 3 The division of the Federal Court of Canada called the Federal Court
>>> — Appeal Division is continued under the name “Federal Court of
>>> Appeal” in English and “Cour d’appel fédérale” in French. It is
>>> continued as an additional court of law, equity and admiralty in and
>>> for Canada, for the better administration of the laws of Canada and as
>>> a superior court of record having civil and criminal jurisdiction.
>>> 3 La Section d’appel, aussi appelée la Cour d’appel ou la Cour d’appel
>>> fédérale, est maintenue et dénommée « Cour d’appel fédérale » en
>>> français et « Federal Court of Appeal » en anglais. Elle est maintenue
>>> à titre de tribunal additionnel de droit, d’equity et d’amirauté du
>>> Canada, propre à améliorer l’application du droit canadien, et
>>> continue d’être une cour supérieure d’archives ayant compétence en
>>> matière civile et pénale.
>>> 4 The division of the Federal Court of Canada called the Federal Court
>>> — Trial Division is continued under the name “Federal Court” in
>>> English and “Cour fédérale” in French. It is continued as an
>>> additional court of law, equity and admiralty in and for Canada, for
>>> the better administration of the laws of Canada and as a superior
>>> court of record having civil and criminal jurisdiction.
>>> 4 La section de la Cour fédérale du Canada, appelée la Section de
>>> première instance de la Cour fédérale, est maintenue et dénommée «
>>> Cour fédérale » en français et « Federal Court » en anglais. Elle est
>>> maintenue à titre de tribunal additionnel de droit, d’equity et
>>> d’amirauté du Canada, propre à améliorer l’application du droit
>>> canadien, et continue d’être une cour supérieure d’archives ayant
>>> compétence en matière civile et pénale.
>>> [9] Sections 3 and 4 of the Federal Courts Act create
>>> two separate courts – this Court (section 3) and the Federal Court
>>> (section 4). If, as Mr. Amos suggests, documents filed in the Federal
>>> Court were automatically also filed in this Court, then there would no
>>> need for the parties to prepare and file appeal books as required by
>>> Rules 343 to 345 of the Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106 in relation
>>> to any appeal from a decision of the Federal Court. The requirement to
>>> file an appeal book with this Court in relation to an appeal from a
>>> decision of the Federal Court makes it clear that the only documents
>>> that will be before this Court are the documents that are part of that
>>> appeal book.
>>> [10] Therefore, the memorandum of fact and law filed on
>>> March 6, 2017 is the first document, filed with this Court, in which
>>> Mr. Amos identified the particular judges that he submits have a
>>> conflict in any matter related to him.
>>> [11] On April 3, 2017, Mr. Amos attempted to bring a motion
>>> before the Federal Court seeking an order “affirming or denying the
>>> conflict of interest he has” with a number of judges of the Federal
>>> Court. A judge of the Federal Court issued a direction noting that if
>>> Mr. Amos was seeking this order in relation to judges of the Federal
>>> Court of Appeal, it was beyond the jurisdiction of the Federal Court.
>>> Mr. Amos raised the Federal Court motion at the hearing of this
>>> cross-appeal. The Federal Court motion is not a motion before this
>>> Court and, as such, the submissions filed before the Federal Court
>>> will not be entertained. As well, since this was a motion brought
>>> before the Federal Court (and not this Court), any documents filed in
>>> relation to that motion are not part of the record of this Court.
>>> [12] During the hearing of the appeal Mr. Amos alleged that
>>> the third member of this panel also had a conflict of interest and
>>> submitted some documents that, in his view, supported his claim of a
>>> conflict. Mr. Amos, following the hearing of his appeal, was also
>>> afforded the opportunity to provide a brief summary of the conflict
>>> that he was alleging and to file additional documents that, in his
>>> view, supported his allegations. Mr. Amos submitted several pages of
>>> documents in relation to the alleged conflicts. He organized the
>>> documents by submitting a copy of the biography of the particular
>>> judge and then, immediately following that biography, by including
>>> copies of the documents that, in his view, supported his claim that
>>> such judge had a conflict.
>>> [13] The nature of the alleged conflict of Justice Webb is
>>> that before he was appointed as a Judge of the Tax Court of Canada in
>>> 2006, he was a partner with the law firm Patterson Law, and before
>>> that with Patterson Palmer in Nova Scotia. Mr. Amos submitted that he
>>> had a number of disputes with Patterson Palmer and Patterson Law and
>>> therefore Justice Webb has a conflict simply because he was a partner
>>> of these firms. Mr. Amos is not alleging that Justice Webb was
>>> personally involved in or had any knowledge of any matter in which Mr.
>>> Amos was involved with Justice Webb’s former law firm – only that he
>>> was a member of such firm.
>>> [14] During his oral submissions at the hearing of his
>>> appeal Mr. Amos, in relation to the alleged conflict for Justice Webb,
>>> focused on dealings between himself and a particular lawyer at
>>> Patterson Law. However, none of the documents submitted by Mr. Amos at
>>> the hearing or subsequently related to any dealings with this
>>> particular lawyer nor is it clear when Mr. Amos was dealing with this
>>> lawyer. In particular, it is far from clear whether such dealings were
>>> after the time that Justice Webb was appointed as a Judge of the Tax
>>> Court of Canada over 10 years ago.
>>> [15] The documents that he submitted in relation to the
>>> alleged conflict for Justice Webb largely relate to dealings between
>>> Byron Prior and the St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador office of
>>> Patterson Palmer, which is not in the same province where Justice Webb
>>> practiced law. The only document that indicates any dealing between
>>> Mr. Amos and Patterson Palmer is a copy of an affidavit of Stephen May
>>> who was a partner in the St. John’s NL office of Patterson Palmer. The
>>> affidavit is dated January 24, 2005 and refers to a number of e-mails
>>> that were sent by Mr. Amos to Stephen May. Mr. Amos also included a
>>> letter that is addressed to four individuals, one of whom is John
>>> Crosbie who was counsel to the St. John’s NL office of Patterson
>>> Palmer. The letter is dated September 2, 2004 and is addressed to
>>> “John Crosbie, c/o Greg G. Byrne, Suite 502, 570 Queen Street,
>>> Fredericton, NB E3B 5E3”. In this letter Mr. Amos alludes to a
>>> possible lawsuit against Patterson Palmer.
>>> [16] Mr. Amos’ position is that simply because Justice Webb
>>> was a lawyer with Patterson Palmer, he now has a conflict. In Wewaykum
>>> Indian Band v. Her Majesty the Queen, 2003 SCC 45, [2003] 2 S.C.R.
>>> 259, the Supreme Court of Canada noted that disqualification of a
>>> judge is to be determined based on whether there is a reasonable
>>> apprehension of bias:
>>> 60 In Canadian law, one standard has now emerged as the
>>> criterion for disqualification. The criterion, as expressed by de
>>> Grandpré J. in Committee for Justice and Liberty v. National Energy
>>> Board, …[[1978] 1 S.C.R. 369, 68 D.L.R. (3d) 716], at p. 394, is the
>>> reasonable apprehension of bias:
>>> … the apprehension of bias must be a reasonable one, held by
>>> reasonable and right minded persons, applying themselves to the
>>> question and obtaining thereon the required information. In the words
>>> of the Court of Appeal, that test is "what would an informed person,
>>> viewing the matter realistically and practically -- and having thought
>>> the matter through -- conclude. Would he think that it is more likely
>>> than not that [the decision-maker], whether consciously or
>>> unconsciously, would not decide fairly."
>>> [17] The issue to be determined is whether an informed
>>> person, viewing the matter realistically and practically, and having
>>> thought the matter through, would conclude that Mr. Amos’ allegations
>>> give rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias. As this Court has
>>> previously remarked, “there is a strong presumption that judges will
>>> administer justice impartially” and this presumption will not be
>>> rebutted in the absence of “convincing evidence” of bias (Collins v.
>>> Canada, 2011 FCA 140 at para. 7, [2011] 4 C.T.C. 157 [Collins]. See
>>> also R. v. S. (R.D.), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 484 at para. 32, 151 D.L.R.
>>> (4th) 193).
>>> [18] The Ontario Court of Appeal in Rando Drugs Ltd. v.
>>> Scott, 2007 ONCA 553, 86 O.R. (3d) 653 (leave to appeal to the Supreme
>>> Court of Canada refused, 32285 (August 1, 2007)), addressed the
>>> particular issue of whether a judge is disqualified from hearing a
>>> case simply because he had been a member of a law firm that was
>>> involved in the litigation that was now before that judge. The Ontario
>>> Court of Appeal determined that the judge was not disqualified if the
>>> judge had no involvement with the person or the matter when he was a
>>> lawyer. The Ontario Court of Appeal also explained that the rules for
>>> determining whether a judge is disqualified are different from the
>>> rules to determine whether a lawyer has a conflict:
>>> 27 Thus, disqualification is not the natural corollary to a
>>> finding that a trial judge has had some involvement in a case over
>>> which he or she is now presiding. Where the judge had no involvement,
>>> as here, it cannot be said that the judge is disqualified.
>>> 28 The point can rightly be made that had Mr. Patterson been
>>> asked to represent the appellant as counsel before his appointment to
>>> the bench, the conflict rules would likely have prevented him from
>>> taking the case because his firm had formerly represented one of the
>>> defendants in the case. Thus, it is argued how is it that as a trial
>>> judge Patterson J. can hear the case? This issue was considered by the
>>> Court of Appeal (Civil Division) in Locabail (U.K.) Ltd. v. Bayfield
>>> Properties Ltd., [2000] Q.B. 451. The court held, at para. 58, that
>>> there is no inflexible rule governing the disqualification of a judge
>>> and that, "[e]verything depends on the circumstances."
>>> 29 It seems to me that what appears at first sight to be an
>>> inconsistency in application of rules can be explained by the
>>> different contexts and in particular, the strong presumption of
>>> judicial impartiality that applies in the context of disqualification
>>> of a judge. There is no such presumption in cases of allegations of
>>> conflict of interest against a lawyer because of a firm's previous
>>> involvement in the case. To the contrary, as explained by Sopinka J.
>>> in MacDonald Estate v. Martin (1990), 77 D.L.R. (4th) 249 (S.C.C.),
>>> for sound policy reasons there is a presumption of a disqualifying
>>> interest that can rarely be overcome. In particular, a conclusory
>>> statement from the lawyer that he or she had no confidential
>>> information about the case will never be sufficient. The case is the
>>> opposite where the allegation of bias is made against a trial judge.
>>> His or her statement that he or she knew nothing about the case and
>>> had no involvement in it will ordinarily be accepted at face value
>>> unless there is good reason to doubt it: see Locabail, at para. 19.
>>> 30 That brings me then to consider the particular circumstances
>>> of this case and whether there are serious grounds to find a
>>> disqualifying conflict of interest in this case. In my view, there are
>>> two significant factors that justify the trial judge's decision not to
>>> recuse himself. The first is his statement, which all parties accept,
>>> that he knew nothing of the case when it was in his former firm and
>>> that he had nothing to do with it. The second is the long passage of
>>> time. As was said in Wewaykum, at para. 85:
>>> To us, one significant factor stands out, and must inform
>>> the perspective of the reasonable person assessing the impact of this
>>> involvement on Binnie J.'s impartiality in the appeals. That factor is
>>> the passage of time. Most arguments for disqualification rest on
>>> circumstances that are either contemporaneous to the decision-making,
>>> or that occurred within a short time prior to the decision-making.
>>> 31 There are other factors that inform the issue. The Wilson
>>> Walker firm no longer acted for any of the parties by the time of
>>> trial. More importantly, at the time of the motion, Patterson J. had
>>> been a judge for six years and thus had not had a relationship with
>>> his former firm for a considerable period of time.
>>> 32 In my view, a reasonable person, viewing the matter
>>> realistically would conclude that the trial judge could deal fairly
>>> and impartially with this case. I take this view principally because
>>> of the long passage of time and the trial judge's lack of involvement
>>> in or knowledge of the case when the Wilson Walker firm had carriage.
>>> In these circumstances it cannot be reasonably contended that the
>>> trial judge could not remain impartial in the case. The mere fact that
>>> his name appears on the letterhead of some correspondence from over a
>>> decade ago would not lead a reasonable person to believe that he would
>>> either consciously or unconsciously favour his former firm's former
>>> client. It is simply not realistic to think that a judge would throw
>>> off his mantle of impartiality, ignore his oath of office and favour a
>>> client - about whom he knew nothing - of a firm that he left six years
>>> earlier and that no longer acts for the client, in a case involving
>>> events from over a decade ago.
>>> (emphasis added)
>>> [19] Justice Webb had no involvement with any matter
>>> involving Mr. Amos while he was a member of Patterson Palmer or
>>> Patterson Law, nor does Mr. Amos suggest that he did. Mr. Amos made it
>>> clear during the hearing of this matter that the only reason for the
>>> alleged conflict for Justice Webb was that he was a member of
>>> Patterson Law and Patterson Palmer. This is simply not enough for
>>> Justice Webb to be disqualified. Any involvement of Mr. Amos with
>>> Patterson Law while Justice Webb was a member of that firm would have
>>> had to occur over 10 years ago and even longer for the time when he
>>> was a member of Patterson Palmer. In addition to the lack of any
>>> involvement on his part with any matter or dispute that Mr. Amos had
>>> with Patterson Law or Patterson Palmer (which in and of itself is
>>> sufficient to dispose of this matter), the length of time since
>>> Justice Webb was a member of Patterson Law or Patterson Palmer would
>>> also result in the same finding – that there is no conflict in Justice
>>> Webb hearing this appeal.
>>> [20] Similarly in R. v. Bagot, 2000 MBCA 30, 145 Man. R.
>>> (2d) 260, the Manitoba Court of Appeal found that there was no
>>> reasonable apprehension of bias when a judge, who had been a member of
>>> the law firm that had been retained by the accused, had no involvement
>>> with the accused while he was a lawyer with that firm.
>>> [21] In Del Zotto v. Minister of National Revenue, [2000] 4
>>> F.C. 321, 257 N.R. 96, this court did find that there would be a
>>> reasonable apprehension of bias where a judge, who while he was a
>>> lawyer, had recorded time on a matter involving the same person who
>>> was before that judge. However, this case can be distinguished as
>>> Justice Webb did not have any time recorded on any files involving Mr.
>>> Amos while he was a lawyer with Patterson Palmer or Patterson Law.
>>> [22] Mr. Amos also included with his submissions a CD. He
>>> stated in his affidavit dated June 26, 2017 that there is a “true copy
>>> of an American police surveillance wiretap entitled 139” on this CD.
>>> He has also indicated that he has “provided a true copy of the CD
>>> entitled 139 to many American and Canadian law enforcement authorities
>>> and not one of the police forces or officers of the court are willing
>>> to investigate it”. Since he has indicated that this is an “American
>>> police surveillance wiretap”, this is a matter for the American law
>>> enforcement authorities and cannot create, as Mr. Amos suggests, a
>>> conflict of interest for any judge to whom he provides a copy.
>>> [23] As a result, there is no conflict or reasonable
>>> apprehension of bias for Justice Webb and therefore, no reason for him
>>> to recuse himself.
>>> [24] Mr. Amos alleged that Justice Near’s past professional
>>> experience with the government created a “quasi-conflict” in deciding
>>> the cross-appeal. Mr. Amos provided no details and Justice Near
>>> confirmed that he had no prior knowledge of the matters alleged in the
>>> Claim. Justice Near sees no reason to recuse himself.
>>> [25] Insofar as it is possible to glean the basis for Mr.
>>> Amos’ allegations against Justice Gleason, it appears that he alleges
>>> that she is incapable of hearing this appeal because he says he wrote
>>> a letter to Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien in 2004. At that time,
>>> both Justice Gleason and Mr. Mulroney were partners in the law firm
>>> Ogilvy Renault, LLP. The letter in question, which is rude and angry,
>>> begins with “Hey you two Evil Old Smiling Bastards” and “Re: me suing
>>> you and your little dogs too”. There is no indication that the letter
>>> was ever responded to or that a law suit was ever commenced by Mr.
>>> Amos against Mr. Mulroney. In the circumstances, there is no reason
>>> for Justice Gleason to recuse herself as the letter in question does
>>> not give rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias.
>>> III. Issue
>>> [26] The issue on the cross-appeal is as follows: Did the
>>> Judge err in setting aside the Prothonotary’s Order striking the Claim
>>> in its entirety without leave to amend and in determining that Mr.
>>> Amos’ allegation that the RCMP barred him from the New Brunswick
>>> legislature in 2004 was capable of supporting a cause of action?
>>> IV. Analysis
>>> A. Standard of Review
>>> [27] Following the Judge’s decision to set aside the
>>> Prothonotary’s Order, this Court revisited the standard of review to
>>> be applied to discretionary decisions of prothonotaries and decisions
>>> made by judges on appeals of prothonotaries’ decisions in Hospira
>>> Healthcare Corp. v. Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, 2016 FCA 215,
>>> 402 D.L.R. (4th) 497 [Hospira]. In Hospira, a five-member panel of
>>> this Court replaced the Aqua-Gem standard of review with that
>>> articulated in Housen v. Nikolaisen, 2002 SCC 33, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235
>>> [Housen]. As a result, it is no longer appropriate for the Federal
>>> Court to conduct a de novo review of a discretionary order made by a
>>> prothonotary in regard to questions vital to the final issue of the
>>> case. Rather, a Federal Court judge can only intervene on appeal if
>>> the prothonotary made an error of law or a palpable and overriding
>>> error in determining a question of fact or question of mixed fact and
>>> law (Hospira at para. 79). Further, this Court can only interfere with
>>> a Federal Court judge’s review of a prothonotary’s discretionary order
>>> if the judge made an error of law or palpable and overriding error in
>>> determining a question of fact or question of mixed fact and law
>>> (Hospira at paras. 82-83).
>>> [28] In the case at bar, the Judge substituted his own
>>> assessment of Mr. Amos’ Claim for that of the Prothonotary. This Court
>>> must look to the Prothonotary’s Order to determine whether the Judge
>>> erred in law or made a palpable and overriding error in choosing to
>>> interfere.
>>> B. Did the Judge err in interfering with the
>>> Prothonotary’s Order?
>>> [29] The Prothontoary’s Order accepted the following
>>> paragraphs from the Crown’s submissions as the basis for striking the
>>> Claim in its entirety without leave to amend:
>>> 17. Within the 96 paragraph Statement of Claim, the Plaintiff
>>> addresses his complaint in paragraphs 14-24, inclusive. All but four
>>> of those paragraphs are dedicated to an incident that occurred in 2006
>>> in and around the legislature in New Brunswick. The jurisdiction of
>>> the Federal Court does not extend to Her Majesty the Queen in right of
>>> the Provinces. In any event, the Plaintiff hasn’t named the Province
>>> or provincial actors as parties to this action. The incident alleged
>>> does not give rise to a justiciable cause of action in this Court.
>>> (…)
>>> 21. The few paragraphs that directly address the Defendant
>>> provide no details as to the individuals involved or the location of
>>> the alleged incidents or other details sufficient to allow the
>>> Defendant to respond. As a result, it is difficult or impossible to
>>> determine the causes of action the Plaintiff is attempting to advance.
>>> A generous reading of the Statement of Claim allows the Defendant to
>>> only speculate as to the true and/or intended cause of action. At
>>> best, the Plaintiff’s action may possibly be summarized as: he
>>> suspects he is barred from the House of Commons.
>>> [footnotes omitted].
>>> [30] The Judge determined that he could not strike the Claim
>>> on the same jurisdictional basis as the Prothonotary. The Judge noted
>>> that the Federal Court has jurisdiction over claims based on the
>>> liability of Federal Crown servants like the RCMP and that the actors
>>> who barred Mr. Amos from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004
>>> included the RCMP (Federal Court Judgment at para. 23). In considering
>>> the viability of these allegations de novo, the Judge identified
>>> paragraph 14 of the Claim as containing “some precision” as it
>>> identifies the date of the event and a RCMP officer acting as
>>> Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor (Federal Court Judgment at
>>> para. 27).
>>> [31] The Judge noted that the 2004 event could support a
>>> cause of action in the tort of misfeasance in public office and
>>> identified the elements of the tort as excerpted from Meigs v. Canada,
>>> 2013 FC 389, 431 F.T.R. 111:
>>> [13] As in both the cases of Odhavji Estate v Woodhouse, 2003 SCC
>>> 69 [Odhavji] and Lewis v Canada, 2012 FC 1514 [Lewis], I must
>>> determine whether the plaintiffs’ statement of claim pleads each
>>> element of the alleged tort of misfeasance in public office:
>>> a) The public officer must have engaged in deliberate and unlawful
>>> conduct in his or her capacity as public officer;
>>> b) The public officer must have been aware both that his or her
>>> conduct was unlawful and that it was likely to harm the plaintiff; and
>>> c) There must be an element of bad faith or dishonesty by the public
>>> officer and knowledge of harm alone is insufficient to conclude that a
>>> public officer acted in bad faith or dishonestly.
>>> Odhavji, above, at paras 23, 24 and 28
>>> (Federal Court Judgment at para. 28).
>>> [32] The Judge determined that Mr. Amos disclosed sufficient
>>> material facts to meet the elements of the tort of misfeasance in
>>> public office because the actors, who barred him from the New
>>> Brunswick legislature in 2004, including the RCMP, did so for
>>> “political reasons” (Federal Court Judgment at para. 29).
>>> [33] This Court’s discussion of the sufficiency of pleadings
>>> in Merchant Law Group v. Canada (Revenue Agency), 2010 FCA 184, 321
>>> D.L.R (4th) 301 is particularly apt:
>>> …When pleading bad faith or abuse of power, it is not enough to
>>> assert, baldly, conclusory phrases such as “deliberately or
>>> negligently,” “callous disregard,” or “by fraud and theft did steal”.
>>> “The bare assertion of a conclusion upon which the court is called
>>> upon to pronounce is not an allegation of material fact”. Making bald,
>>> conclusory allegations without any evidentiary foundation is an abuse
>>> of process…
>>> To this, I would add that the tort of misfeasance in public office
>>> requires a particular state of mind of a public officer in carrying
>>> out the impunged action, i.e., deliberate conduct which the public
>>> officer knows to be inconsistent with the obligations of his or her
>>> office. For this tort, particularization of the allegations is
>>> mandatory. Rule 181 specifically requires particularization of
>>> allegations of “breach of trust,” “wilful default,” “state of mind of
>>> a person,” “malice” or “fraudulent intention.”
>>> (at paras. 34-35, citations omitted).
>>> [34] Applying the Housen standard of review to the
>>> Prothonotary’s Order, we are of the view that the Judge interfered
>>> absent a legal or palpable and overriding error.
>>> [35] The Prothonotary determined that Mr. Amos’ Claim
>>> disclosed no reasonable claim and was fundamentally vexatious on the
>>> basis of jurisdictional concerns and the absence of material facts to
>>> ground a cause of action. Paragraph 14 of the Claim, which addresses
>>> the 2004 event, pleads no material facts as to how the RCMP officer
>>> engaged in deliberate and unlawful conduct, knew that his or her
>>> conduct was unlawful and likely to harm Mr. Amos, and acted in bad
>>> faith. While the Claim alleges elsewhere that Mr. Amos was barred from
>>> the New Brunswick legislature for political and/or malicious reasons,
>>> these allegations are not particularized and are directed against
>>> non-federal actors, such as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Legislative
>>> Assembly of New Brunswick and the Fredericton Police Force. As such,
>>> the Judge erred in determining that Mr. Amos’ allegation that the RCMP
>>> barred him from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004 was capable of
>>> supporting a cause of action.
>>> [36] In our view, the Claim is made up entirely of bare
>>> allegations, devoid of any detail, such that it discloses no
>>> reasonable cause of action within the jurisdiction of the Federal
>>> Courts. Therefore, the Judge erred in interfering to set aside the
>>> Prothonotary’s Order striking the claim in its entirety. Further, we
>>> find that the Prothonotary made no error in denying leave to amend.
>>> The deficiencies in Mr. Amos’ pleadings are so extensive such that
>>> amendment could not cure them (see Collins at para. 26).
>>> V. Conclusion
>>> [37] For the foregoing reasons, we would allow the Crown’s
>>> cross-appeal, with costs, setting aside the Federal Court Judgment,
>>> dated January 25, 2016 and restoring the Prothonotary’s Order, dated
>>> November 12, 2015, which struck Mr. Amos’ Claim in its entirety
>>> without leave to amend.
>>> "Wyman W. Webb"
>>> J.A.
>>> "David G. Near"
>>> J.A.
>>> "Mary J.L. Gleason"
>>> J.A.
>>> JANUARY 25, 2016; DOCKET NUMBER T-1557-15.
>>> A-48-16
>>> Fredericton,
>>> New Brunswick
>>> May 24, 2017
>>> WEBB J.A.
>>> NEAR J.A.
>>> DATED:
>>> October 30, 2017
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> For The Appellant / respondent on cross-appeal
>>> (on his own behalf)
>>> Jan Jensen
>>> For The Respondent / appELLANT ON CROSS-APPEAL
>>> Nathalie G. Drouin
>>> Deputy Attorney General of Canada
>>> For The Respondent / APPELLANT ON CROSS-APPEAL
> https://www.banking.senate.
> Annette Nazareth
> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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> Annette Nazareth
> Annette Nazareth.jpg
> Personal details
> Born January 27, 1956 (age 64)
> Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.
> Political party Democratic
> Spouse(s) Roger W. Ferguson Jr.
> Education Brown University (BA)
> Columbia University (JD)
> Annette LaPorte Nazareth (born January 27, 1956) is an American
> attorney who served as a Commissioner of the U.S. Securities and
> Exchange Commission from August 4, 2005 to January 31, 2008. She is
> currently a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, where she works on
> regulatory matters and transactions in the firm's Washington, D.C.
> office.[1]
> Contents
> 1 Education and personal life
> 2 Early career
> 3 Securities and Exchange Commission
> 3.1 SEC Commissioner
> 3.2 Consolidated Supervised Entity
> 4 References
> Education and personal life
> Born on January 27, 1956, in Providence, Rhode Island. In 1978,
> Nazareth graduated from Brown University with an A.B., magna cum laude
> and Phi Beta Kappa. She went on to receive a Juris Doctor from
> Columbia Law School, where she was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar.
> She is married to Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., former vice chairman of the
> Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and current President and
> CEO of TIAA-CREF. They have two children.
> https://www.davispolk.com/
> https://www.davispolk.com/
> Annette L. Nazareth
> Partner
> Washington DC
> New York
> annette.nazareth@davispolk.com
> +1 202 962 7075
> +1 212 450 4804
> Ms. Nazareth is head of Davis Polk's Washington DC office and leads
> the trading and markets practice within the firm’s Financial
> Institutions Group. She advises clients across a broad range of
> complex regulatory matters and transactions. She also works closely
> with Davis Polk’s SEC enforcement practice, counseling nonfinancial
> sector corporations that are subject to government regulatory and
> enforcement actions.
> Ms. Nazareth has been a key player in financial services regulatory
> reform for much of her career. She currently advises domestic and
> international clients on financial regulatory and legislative issues.
> Ms. Nazareth was a highly regarded financial services policymaker for
> more than a decade. She joined the SEC Staff in 1998 as a Senior
> Counsel to Chairman Arthur Levitt and then served as Interim Director
> of the Division of Investment Management. She served as Director of
> the Division of Market Regulation (now the Division of Trading and
> Markets) from 1999 to 2005. As Director, she oversaw the regulation of
> broker-dealers, exchanges, clearing agencies, transfer agents and
> securities information processors. In 2005, she was appointed an SEC
> Commissioner. During her tenure at the Commission, she worked on
> numerous groundbreaking initiatives, including execution quality
> disclosure rules, implementation of equities decimal pricing, short
> sale reforms and modernization of the national market system rules.
> Ms. Nazareth also served as the Commission’s representative on the
> Financial Stability Forum from 1999 to 2008.
> Since leaving the SEC in January 2008, she has served as Rapporteur
> for the Group of Thirty’s report, The Structure of Financial
> Supervision: Approaches and Challenges in a Global Marketplace and as
> Project Director for their report, Enhancing Financial Stability and
> Resilience: Macroprudential Policy, Tools and Systems for the Future.
> Earlier in her career, she held a number of senior legal positions at
> several investment banks.
> https://www.banking.senate.
> Full Committee Hearing
> Review of Current Investigations and Regulatory Actions Regarding the
> Mutual Fund Industry
> Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 Time: 10:00 AM
> The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct the first in a
> series of hearings on the “Review of Current Investigations and
> Regulatory Actions Regarding the Mutual Fund Industry.”
> Witness Panel 1
> Mr. William H. Donaldson
> Chairman
> Securities and Exchange Commission
> Witness Panel 2
> Mr. Matthew P. Fink
> President
> Investment Company Institute
> Mr. Marc Lackritz
> President
> Securities Industry Association
> https://www.banking.senate.
> Full Committee Hearing
> Review of Current Investigations and Regulatory Actions Regarding the
> Mutual Fund Industry
> Date: Thursday, November 20, 2003 Time: 02:00 PM
> Witness Panel 1
> Mr. Stephen M. Cutler
> Director - Division of Enforcement
> Securities and Exchange Commission
> Mr. Robert Glauber
> Chairman and CEO
> National Association of Securities Dealers
> Eliot Spitzer
> Attorney General
> State of New York
> Linda Chatman Thomsen Named Director of the Division of Enforcement
> 2005-73
> Washington, D.C., May 12, 2005 — Securities and Exchange Commission
> Chairman William H. Donaldson today named Linda Chatman Thomsen as the
> Director of the Division of Enforcement. Thomsen has been at the
> Commission since 1995 and has served as the Division’s Deputy Director
> since 2002. Thomsen succeeds Stephen M. Cutler, who in April announced
> that he would leave the Commission.
> “I am pleased that Linda has agreed to take on this new role at the
> Commission,” said Chairman Donaldson. “Linda is a highly accomplished
> attorney with a proven record of effective advocacy on behalf of the
> nation’s investors. The skills Linda has exhibited during her tenure
> at the Commission instill great confidence in her ability to lead this
> important division.”
> Enforcement Director Linda Chatman Thomsen to Leave SEC
> 2009-22
> Washington, D.C., Feb. 9, 2009 — The Securities and Exchange
> Commission announced today that Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director of the
> Division of Enforcement, plans to return to the private sector. Ms.
> Thomsen led a historic period of SEC law enforcement during which the
> Commission brought more than 2,000 enforcement actions and returned
> billions of dollars to harmed investors. In the past two years, the
> Commission has brought the second and third-highest number of
> enforcement actions in agency history.
> Among the many precedent-setting enforcement actions led by Ms. Thomsen
> were:
> The Enron investigation and the resulting actions against a number
> of large financial institutions including Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase,
> and Merrill Lynch.
> https://www.davispolk.com/
> Linda Chatman Thomsen
> Counsel
> Washington DC
> linda.thomsen@davispolk.com
> +1 202 962 7125
> Ms. Thomsen, who was the first woman to serve as the Director of the
> Division of Enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission, is
> counsel in Davis Polk’s Litigation Department and practices in the
> Washington DC office. Her practice concentrates in matters related to
> the enforcement of the federal securities laws.
> She has represented clients in SEC enforcement investigations and
> inquiries, in enforcement matters before other agencies, including the
> Department of Justice (various U.S. Attorneys Offices) and the
> Commodity Futures Trading Commission, in investigations and inquiries
> from self-regulatory agencies, including FINRA, and in internal
> investigations.
> These matters, which are typically nonpublic, have covered a broad
> range of securities-related subject matters, including insider
> trading, foreign corrupt practices, financial reporting, manipulation
> and regulatory compliance. Her clients have included major financial
> institutions, regulated entities, public companies and senior
> executives.
> Ms. Thomsen returned to Davis Polk in 2009 after 14 years of public
> service at the SEC. While there she held a variety of positions and
> ultimately served as the Director of Enforcement from 2005 through
> February 2009. During her tenure as the Director of Enforcement, she
> led the Enron investigation, the auction rate securities settlements,
> the stock options backdating cases and the expansion of the
> enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
> roger.ferguson@tiaa.org, mackintoshs@group30.org,
> cpeterson@tiaa-cref.org, rferguson@tiaa-cref.org,
> theharlemtimes@gmail.com, pjackson@theharlemtimes.com,
> Marwan.Tabbara@parl.gc.ca
> https://www.un.org/
> Amid worsening climate crisis, UN Secretary-General sets out top ten
> climate action priorities for 2020, vows to stay on frontlines
> Report on 2019 Climate Action Summit cites need for major emitters to
> step up, urgency of no new coal, and jobs and a just transition, among
> other key priorities
> Madrid, 1 December—With the latest data showing global warming-causing
> emissions still on the rise, UN Secretary-General António Guterres
> today set out ten priority areas where much more action is needed to
> keep a 1.5C future within reach.
> In his report on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the road ahead,
> the Secretary-General said he would work to ensure climate change
> remains on the forefront of the international agenda, including
> through:
> Convening high-level platforms for countries to present
> strengthened national climate plans
> Pushing financial actors to speed up the shift from the grey to
> the green economy
> Facilitating dialogue between countries and stakeholders
> Coordinated engagement of the UN System, among other key steps
> September’s Climate Action Summit delivered important new actions, a
> surge in climate momentum, and a clear destination: 45% emissions cuts
> by 2030, on the way to a carbon neutral world by 2050. The gathering,
> which drew leaders from across government, business and civil society,
> also highlighted where much more action is needed.
> The Climate Action Summit produced 42 multi-partner initiatives in 12
> critical areas, and many more commitments and announcement from
> countries, business and civil society organizations. According to the
> report, the Summit provided a clear direction of travel for action
> while reinforcing the goal of limiting climate change to 1.5°C by 2050
> as a long-term objective, with countries needing to articulate what
> they will achieve by 2020 and in the mid-term, by 2030.
> In addition to youth leaders participating directly in the Summit
> alongside global leaders, the Secretary-General also convened the
> first ever Youth Climate Summit, proving a platform at the UN for
> young people to share their concerns, ideas and solutions for greater
> climate action.
> The Summit also demonstrated political leadership with 70 countries
> committing to deliver more ambitious climate plans, or NDCs, in 2020.
> While these countries represent a significant portion of the world’s
> population, they account for less than 10 percent of the world’s GHG
> emissions. If none of the major emitters formally committed to more
> ambitious NDCs, some of them “committed to commit” by the end of 2020.
> Finally, 75 countries committed to deliver 2050 net zero emissions
> strategies by 2020.
> Many of the strongest outcomes from the Summit came from the private
> sector. Coalitions of leading companies also stepped up, across key
> sectors such as shipping, food and beverage, urban transport and
> building, and the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, which comprises 12
> Asset Owners, allocating more than US$2.4 trillion globally committed
> to the full transition of all investment portfolios to net zero by
> 2050, with strong intermediate targets every 5 years.
> The Summit highlighted how climate action can have meaningful impacts
> on people’s lives, including on their jobs and health, and therefore
> showed the need to align policies and systems to speed up the
> implementation of both the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable
> Development Goals (SDGs), leaving no-one behind.
> Setting priorities for 2020
> Much more needs to be done. In his report, the Secretary-General
> highlights ten priority areas for 2020:
> Securing commitments from the main emitters of more ambitious
> national commitments
> All countries coming forward with 2050 carbon neutrality commitments.
> Increasing the ambition of national commitments in sectors that
> were not fully taken in account in the past, such as the use
> nature-based solutions
> Tackling the social dimension of climate change by ensuring that
> national commitments include a just transition for people whose jobs
> and livelihoods are impacted
> Curtailing current coal capacity and ensuring no more new coal
> power plants are built after 2020.
> Accelerating the transition to 100% renewable energy
> Accelerating the shift of the financial flows, pushing on carbon
> pricing to tax pollution not people, and ensuring access to
> sustainable finance
> Stepping-up support for people affected by climate change and
> making the shift towards a resilient future.
> Delivering on commitments made at the Summit to Small Islands
> Developing States and Least Developed Countries.
> Implementing the Summit’s initiatives aiming at the deep
> decarbonization of key economic sectors
> The report is being released during the UN Climate Conference in
> Madrid, where the international community is working on key issues
> relating to implementation of the Paris Agreement, so it can reach its
> full potential.
> “It is five minutes to midnight in the global climate emergency.
> Carbon pollution must stop rising in 2020 and start falling to keep
> the Paris Agreement goals within realistic reach,” Secretary-General
> Guterres said. “We are a very long way behind, but there is still
> reason to believe we can win this race. The next 12 months will be
> crucial.”
> The latest data from United Nations Environment show that emissions
> must stop rising in 2020 and fall in the order of 7.6 percent every
> year to 2030 to keep the 1.5°C goal within reach.
> On the eve of the Summit the Secretary-General announced the
> appointment of Mr. Mark Carney as his Special Envoy on Climate Action
> and Finance. Mr. Carney will have a focus on ambitious implementation
> of climate action, with special attention to significantly shifting
> public and private finance markets and mobilizing private finance to
> the levels needed to achieve the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.
> For further information, please contact Dan Shepard, UN Department of
> Public Information, 1 212 963 9495, M 646 675 3286 email
> shepard@un.org, or Matthew Coghlan, Climate Action Summit Team,
> matthew.coghlan@un.org
> https://www.
> https://www.tiaa.org/public/
> Roger Ferguson
> President and Chief Executive Officer
> B.A., J.D., and Ph.D, Harvard University
> Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., is President and Chief Executive Officer of
> TIAA, the leading provider of retirement services in the academic,
> research, medical, and cultural fields and a Fortune 100 financial
> services organization.
> Mr. Ferguson is the former Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of
> the U.S. Federal Reserve System. He represented the Federal Reserve on
> several international policy groups and served on key Federal Reserve
> System committees, including Payment System Oversight, Reserve Bank
> Operations, and Supervision and Regulation. As the only Governor in
> Washington, D.C. on 9/11, he led the Fed’s initial response to the
> terrorist attacks, taking actions that kept the U.S. financial system
> functioning while reassuring the global financial community that the
> U.S. economy would not be paralyzed.
> Prior to joining TIAA in April 2008, Mr. Ferguson was head of
> financial services for Swiss Re, Chairman of Swiss Re America Holding
> Corporation, and a member of the company’s executive committee. From
> 1984 to 1997, he was an Associate and Partner at McKinsey & Company.
> He began his career as an attorney at the New York City office of
> Davis Polk & Wardwell.
> Mr. Ferguson is a member of the Smithsonian Institution’s Board of
> Regents and serves on the New York State Insurance Advisory Board. He
> is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and co-chairs
> its Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education. He serves on
> the boards of Alphabet, Inc.; General Mills, Inc.; and International
> Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.
> He serves on the boards of The Conference Board, the American Council
> of Life Insurers, the Institute for Advanced Study and Memorial Sloan
> Kettering Cancer Center. He is a fellow of the American Philosophical
> Society and a member of the Economic Club of New York, the Council on
> Foreign Relations, the Group of Thirty and the National Association
> for Business Economics.
> Mr. Ferguson served on President Obama’s Council on Jobs and
> Competitiveness as well as its predecessor, the Economic Recovery
> Advisory Board, and he co-chaired the National Academy of Sciences’
> Committee on the Long-Run Macro-Economic Effects of the Aging U.S.
> Population.
> Mr. Ferguson holds a B.A., J.D., and a Ph.D. in economics, all from
> Harvard University.
> https://www.businesswire.com/
> TIAA-CREF Names Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. President and Chief Executive
> Officer, Succeeding Herbert M. Allison, Jr.
> TIAA Appoints Ronald L. Thompson Chairman
> Ferguson former head of financial services at Swiss Re, member of
> executive committee and chairman of Swiss Re America Holding
> Corporation; former vice chairman of Federal Reserve Board of
> Governors
> Thompson TIAA board member since 1995; former chairman and chief
> executive officer of Midwest Stamping and Manufacturing Company
> Company manages more than $435 billion in assets; serves 3.4 million
> individuals and more than 15,000 institutions
> April 03, 2008 10:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time
> NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Trustees of the Teachers Insurance and
> Annuity Association (TIAA) have named Roger W. Ferguson, Jr.,
> president and chief executive officer and appointed Ronald L. Thompson
> chairman of the TIAA board. Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Thompson succeed
> Herbert M. Allison, Jr., who is retiring. All changes become effective
> April 14, 2008.
> “Roger’s experience and expertise make him a superb choice to lead
> TIAA-CREF’s work to uphold its mission by focusing on clients’ needs”
> Tweet this
> Mr. Ferguson comes to TIAA-CREF from Swiss Re where he was head of
> financial services, a member of the executive committee and chairman
> of Swiss Re America Holding Corporation. He was responsible for Swiss
> Re's proprietary asset management unit, which managed approximately
> $200 billion in assets, and oversaw the capital management and
> advisory group, as well as the credit risk underwriting unit. Prior to
> Swiss Re, Mr. Ferguson was vice chairman of the Board of Governors of
> the U.S. Federal Reserve System.
> Mr. Thompson joined the TIAA Board of Trustees in 1995 and currently
> serves as its Presiding Trustee. He served as chairman and chief
> executive officer of Midwest Stamping and Manufacturing Company from
> 1993 to 2005.
> TIAA-CREF is the leading retirement system for people who work in the
> academic, research, medical and cultural fields with more than $435
> billion in combined assets under management. The company serves 3.4
> million active and retired employees of more than 15,000 institutions.
> Beyond the choices available through retirement plans, TIAA-CREF
> offers the Intelligent Life series of easy-to-understand life
> insurance products; traditional and Roth IRAs; and flexible,
> premium-deferred variable annuities and single-premium immediate
> annuities. TIAA-CREF is number 80 on Fortune’s list of America’s
> largest corporations (as of April 30, 2007).
> Speaking on behalf of the TIAA board, Ronald L. Thompson, Presiding
> Trustee, said, “TIAA-CREF is transforming to meet the current and
> future needs of its individual and institutional clients. Under Herb
> Allison’s strong leadership, the company has substantially broadened
> products and advisory services, continued to achieve outstanding
> investment performance, and further strengthened its financial
> position. Herb also instituted an extensive risk management program,
> which the company is currently benefitting from during this period of
> great market volatility. I am honored to accept the chairmanship of a
> company with such rich history and a tradition of excellence. Roger
> Ferguson, by virtue of his broad experience in strategic management,
> financial services and economic policy, is the ideal person to build
> on the company’s progress. Together with the trustees and TIAA-CREF’s
> employees, Roger will lead the organization and its expanded
> possibilities for service and growth in fulfillment of the company’s
> mission.”
> “Roger’s experience and expertise make him a superb choice to lead
> TIAA-CREF’s work to uphold its mission by focusing on clients’ needs,”
> said Herb Allison. “He assumes leadership of our company at a pivotal
> moment. The organization has made important changes that are producing
> significant results. These advances will allow the company to
> accelerate growth opportunities and ultimately provide greater value
> to clients. I would like to thank TIAA-CREF’s employees, whose
> creativity, dedication and professionalism have enabled us to progress
> so rapidly. Their values are what most differentiate TIAA-CREF’s
> service to clients.”
> “I am honored to assume leadership of an organization with such an
> inspiring mission and legacy of performance for clients,” said Mr.
> Ferguson. “This is a challenging time for individuals, who want
> assurance that their retirement plans can stay on course through
> economic uncertainty and for retirement-plan sponsors, who are
> providing benefits to their employees while fulfilling more exacting
> obligations in managing their retirement plans. In the years ahead, we
> will remain focused on clients’ needs by building on TIAA-CREF’s 90
> years of helping individuals achieve financial security and aiding
> institutions as they uphold their fiduciary obligations. We also will
> build upon the advantages of choice, value, objective advice,
> investment performance, staying power and integrity that together
> distinguish TIAA-CREF from other financial companies and that have
> been so effectively nurtured by Herb Allison and his predecessors.”
> Important changes producing significant results
> In recent years, TIAA-CREF has taken steps to offer clients a wider
> range of financial products and services that broaden their investment
> choices and help them make sound financial decisions. As a result of
> these steps:
> TIAA-CREF is satisfying retirement plan sponsors’ need for
> expanded funds and accounts, with nearly 1,000 plans having added
> non-proprietary mutual funds on TIAA-CREF’s platform, in addition to
> TIAA-CREF annuity accounts and funds.
> The company’s proprietary fund/account offering has expanded from
> 19 in 2003 to 73 today, in addition to institutional separate
> accounts, and to 297 third-party funds from 72 fund families.
> 98 percent of TIAA-CREF institutional clients who have moved their
> plans to the company’s new open investment platform have taken
> advantage of TIAA-CREF’s expanded offerings.
> The company is positioned to help plan sponsors meet expanded
> reporting requirements that take effect in 2009 as a result of new
> regulations governing the operation of 403(b) plans.
> TIAA-CREF has created several new annuity products, such as a
> stable value annuity and an annuity with features that provide
> institutional clients greater control over their fund offering. In
> addition, the company has developed best-in-class lifecycle funds that
> are continually enhanced.
> TIAA-CREF also offers planned giving services for colleges,
> universities and other non-profits via Kaspick & Company, the nation’s
> leading provider of such services, which TIAA-CREF acquired in October
> 2006.
> TIAA-CREF also is more accessible to clients, who can speak with a
> TIAA-CREF consultant in one of 60 local offices or via telephone.
> TIAA-CREF has developed one of the leading retirement plan advisory
> services.
> More than 80 percent of individual clients who have used
> TIAA-CREF’s Wealth Management service, launched in 2004, rate the
> service “better or much better” than comparable services offered by
> competitors.1
> For individual investors, TIAA-CREF now features personalized,
> holistic investment advice, which Forbes magazine called “the most
> extensive personalized workplace advice,” which TIAA-CREF delivers via
> consultants who receive no sales commissions as part of their total
> compensation.2
> The company continues to strengthen its commitment to consistent,
> long-term investment growth.
> More than 70 percent of TIAA-CREF’s funds and annuity accounts
> have exceeded their Morningstar median for the past three and five
> years (as of December 31, 2007).3
> The company has maintained effective risk management that has
> helped TIAA-CREF to largely avoid losses in the debt markets that
> other financial firms have experienced.
> Since 2002, TIAA-CREF has added to its financial strength.
> This has allowed the company to remain one of only three U.S.
> insurance companies to receive the highest rating from all major
> insurance rating agencies.4
> Overall, assets under management grew from $264 billion in 2002 to
> more than $435 billion (as of December 31, 2007), while legacy costs
> companywide were reduced more than $300 million (through 2006).
> In addition, since 2002, TIAA-CREF has won more institutional mandates
> than ever before, in direct competition with other firms.
> Biographical information about Roger W. Ferguson, Jr.
> Mr. Ferguson, 57, was appointed chairman of Swiss Re America Holding
> Corporation in June 2006. In October 2006 he was appointed head of
> financial services at Swiss Re and became a member of the company’s
> executive committee.
> Before joining Swiss Re, Mr. Ferguson served as vice chairman of the
> Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System. He joined the
> Federal Reserve in 1997, and became Vice Chairman in 1999. He was a
> voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee, served as chairman
> of the Financial Stability Forum, and chaired Federal Reserve Board
> committees on banking supervision and regulation, payment system
> policy and reserve bank oversight. In 2001, Mr. Ferguson led the
> Federal Reserve’s immediate response to the terrorist attack on
> September 11.
> Prior to joining the Federal Reserve Board, Mr. Ferguson was an
> Associate and Partner at McKinsey & Company from 1984 to 1997. From
> 1981 to 1984, he was an attorney at the New York City office of Davis
> Polk & Wardwell, where he worked on syndicated loans, public
> offerings, mergers and acquisitions, and new product development.
> Mr. Ferguson received a Ph.D. in economics in 1981, a J.D. in 1979 and
> a B.A. in economics in 1973, all from Harvard University.
> He is a member of the Board of Overseers of Harvard University and of
> the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Advanced Study. He is also
> a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Group of Thirty.
> TIAA-CREF is a national financial services organization with more than
> $435 billion in combined assets under management (as of December 31,
> 2007) and is the leading provider of retirement services in the
> academic, research, medical and cultural fields. Further information
> can be found at www.tiaa-cref.org.
> 1 TIAA-CREF internal customer survey data, 2007.
> 2 “Got to Have a Plan,” Forbes, December 10, 2007. TIAA-CREF
> consultants are compensated through a salary plus incentive program
> that emphasizes client service excellence.
> 3 The Morningstar median represents the midpoint of an index of
> comparable funds/accounts (grouped according to factors such as
> objective and asset class). Relative performance over other periods
> may vary. For more complete information about TIAA-CREF performance
> and rankings, visit our website at www.tiaa-cref.org/performance.
> 4 A++, A.M. Best Company (as of 6/07); AAA, Fitch Ratings (as of
> 5/07); Aaa, Moody’s Investors Service (as of 5/07); AAA, Standard &
> Poor’s (as of 7/07) – the highest possible ratings from these
> independent analysts. These ratings do not apply to variable
> annuities, mutual funds, or any other product or service not fully
> backed by TIAA’s/TIAA-CREF Life’s claims-paying ability.
> All TIAA-CREF investment products are subject to market risk and other
> risk factors, including the possible loss of principal. Past
> performance is no guarantee of future results.
> You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and
> expenses carefully before investing. Please call 877-518-9161, or go
> to www.tiaa-cref.org for a current prospectus that contains this and
> other information. Please read the prospectus carefully before
> investing.
> TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC and Teachers
> Personal Investors Services, Inc., members FINRA, distribute
> securities products. Advisory services are provided by Advice and
> Planning Services, a division of TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional
> Services, LLC, a registered investment advisor. Insurance and annuity
> products issued by TIAA (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association),
> New York, NY and TIAA-CREF Life Insurance Co., New York, NY.
> Contacts
> Chad Peterson, 212-916-4808
> cpeterson@tiaa-cref.org
> Group of Thirty
> 1701 K Street, NW, Suite 950,
> Washington, DC 20006, USA
> PHONE: 202-331-2472
> Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., Trustee
> Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., is President and Chief Executive Officer of
> TIAA, the leading provider of retirement services in the academic,
> research, medical, and cultural fields and a Fortune 100 financial
> services organization.
> Mr. Ferguson is the former Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of
> the U.S. Federal Reserve System. He represented the Federal Reserve on
> several international policy groups and served on key Federal Reserve
> System committees, including Payment System Oversight, Reserve Bank
> Operations, and Supervision and Regulation. As the only Governor in
> Washington, D.C. on 9/11, he led the Fed’s initial response to the
> terrorist attacks, taking actions that kept the U.S. financial system
> functioning while reassuring the global financial community that the
> U.S. economy would not be paralyzed.
> Prior to joining TIAA in April 2008, Mr. Ferguson was head of
> financial services for Swiss Re, Chairman of Swiss Re America Holding
> Corporation, and a member of the company’s executive committee. From
> 1984 to 1997, he was an Associate and Partner at McKinsey & Company.
> He began his career as an attorney at the New York City office of
> Davis Polk & Wardwell.
> Mr. Ferguson is a member of the Smithsonian Institution’s Board of
> Regents and serves on the New York State Insurance Advisory Board. He
> is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and co-chairs
> its Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education. He serves on
> the boards of Alphabet, Inc.; General Mills, Inc.; and International
> Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.
> He is Chairman of The Conference Board and serves on the boards of the
> Institute for Advanced Study and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
> Center. He is a fellow of the American Philosophical Society and a
> member of the Economic Club of New York, the Council on Foreign
> Relations, and the Group of Thirty.
> Mr. Ferguson served on President Obama’s Council on Jobs and
> Competitiveness as well as its predecessor, the Economic Recovery
> Advisory Board, and he co-chaired the National Academy of Sciences’
> Committee on the Long-Run Macro-Economic Effects of the Aging U.S.
> Population.
> Mr. Ferguson holds a B.A., J.D., and a Ph.D. in economics, all from
> Harvard University.
> https://www.world-economics-
> Stuart P.M. Mackintosh
> Email: mackintoshs@group30.org
> Stuart P.M. MackintoshStuart P.M. Mackintosh is the executive director
> of the Group of Thirty, an international financial and economic think
> tank composed of the world’s leading central bankers and financial
> sector leaders. He oversees all aspects of the Group of Thirty’s
> annual work programme of studies, project development, event planning
> and annual fundraising. He has a BA and a PhD from Newcastle
> University and an MSc from the University of Edinburgh.
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> Stifel Financial Advisor
> Robert Laney, JD
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> LANEYR@stifel.com
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