High winds make fighting Baie-Sainte-Anne peat moss fire difficult, says fire chief
About 50 people on scene to bring fire under control

High winds Wednesday night made fighting a large peat moss fire at Theriault & Hachey Peat Moss in Baie-Ste-Anne difficult said local fire Chief, Ligouri Turbide.
It's believed the fire started in a large stacked pile of peat moss waiting to be moved and processed in the plant.
Turbide said heat builds up in the piles of peat moss and they can combust.
"It was like everything was on fire," Turbide said describing what he saw when the fire department arrived on scene at 11 p.m. "It was real high winds. It was windy all night. It was going fast."
The fire chief said he estimated the field that was on fire to be about a half a mile long, along with the stacks of peat moss that are about 20 feet high by 200 feet long.
"The whole thing was on fire just the way it looked when we got to the scene there."
Crews from the Department of Natural Resources and Energy and staff from at the peat moss plant and another plant battled the fire until it was under control at 5 a.m. Turbide said it took the efforts of about 50 people on site to get it under control.
"Now what needs to happen is they need to turn those piles of peat moss and apply water to it. Usually that takes anywhere from three to four days to turn one pile."
CBC News did not receive a response for comment from Theriault & Hachey Peat Moss Ltd.
Commenting is now closed for this story.
David Amos
Content disabled
That's funny, I was watching a large American news network call them "Climate Fires" all day long a couple of days ago.
James Risdon
Thanks for the report. Important to know when there are massive fires near home.
Justin Gunther
I called Natural Resources to inquire about the wildfire situation in NB yesterday at approximately 4:15PM.
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Did they return your call Dave?
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Those are English words and that is a proper English sentence but this is still not how you communicate in English.
You're writing like a schizophrenic.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Are you suggesting something? Please, tell the world in no uncertain terms.
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Justin Gunther: You'd know all about that
Justin Gunther
Reply to @Ray Oliver: Get help dude.
Al Clark
Reply to @Ray Oliver: O M G Too funny!!!!!
David Amos
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks our infamous turkey hunter and NB Power overseer knows I am not you. Trust that Higgy et al know I spoke personally to him and several others before and during an interesting nomination in April A2018 when he ousted a seated MLA and they were teasing me about sending me butter tarts in the mail. Trust that his minions and I have spoken many times about "Not So Smart" Meters etc since. However Mikey never calls back for obvious reasons known to the
dubious dude who accuses you of being me N'esy Pas?
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from Chris Duffie's troubles N'esy Pas Ernie Steeves?
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 18:40:43 -0400
Subject: Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from Chris Duffie's troubles
N'esy Pas Ernie Steeves?
To: "Dorothy.Shephard"<>, "Benoit.Bourque"<>, "Bernard.LeBlanc"<>, "Ross.Wetmore"<>, "Bill.Fraser"<>, "Brian.kenny"<>,
"Sherry.Wilson"<>, "Leanne.Fitch"<>, "martin.gaudet"<>, "john.logan"<>,
"Furey, John"<>, "Robert. Jones"<>, "Katherine.dEntremont"<>, "Bill.Oliver"<>,, "Ernie.Steeves"<>
Cc: David Amos <>
"Jack.Keir"<>, "greg.byrne"<>
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 22:28:28 +0000
Subject: RE: Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from Chris Duffie's troubles
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick. Please be
assured that your email will be reviewed.
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---------- Original message ----------
From: "Fitch, Bruce (LEG)"<>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 22:28:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from
Chris Duffie's troubles N'esy Premier Gallant?
To: David Amos <>
Thank you for the message. I am out of the office until Monday, April
30th. For all matters relating to the office, please contact
Merci pour votre message. Je suis hors du bureau jusqu'au Avril
30/18. Pour toutes les questions 506-869-6117
---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 18:28:19 -0400
Subject: Methinks a Resourceful Redneck learned from Chris Duffie's troubles
To: "brian.gallant"<>, premier <>,
"chris.collins"<>, "serge.rousselle"<>,
"Stephen.Horsman"<>, andre <>,
"David.Coon"<>, "randy.mckeen"<>,
Cc: David Amos <>
"Jacques.Poitras"<>, "jake.stewart"<>,
"brian.keirstead"<>, "bruce.northrup"<>,
Tories name nominee in Albert
DEREK HAGGETT Times & Transcript
April 15, 2018
Mike Holland, owner of Resourceful Redneck, is seen with one of his
inventions during his audition for Dragons' Den in Saint John last
year. Holland won the Albert Nominating Convention on Saturday in
Disqualified PC candidate considers independent run in 2018
After losing court decision, Chris Duffie says he'll reflect on running in Carleton-York anyway
Chris Duffie was hoping that Justice Judy Clendening would order the PC party to put him on the ballot for the nomination in Carleton-York.
But Clendening ruled that the way the party notified party members of the May 19 convention, though "restrictive" in timing, did not break any rules.
Evidence filed in court "does not allow me to conclude" that the party was in the wrong, she said, dismissing Duffie's motion.
- Judge stops PC nomination after barred candidate files protest
- People's Alliance set to welcome unhappy PC party members
Considering independent run

Duffie told reporters after the hearing that he will "reflect" on whether to run in Carleton-York anyway.
"This may just be the beginning of looking at independent — of voting for a candidate, versus a party," he said.
But he also said he would ask Higgs to intervene.
Duffie said he didn't want to make a snap decision based on his emotions, and though it's "highly improbable" Higgs will step in, he planned to call the Tory leader by the end of the day.
"He may or may not give me a call back," Duffie said. "He hasn't called me back yet."
There was no immediate comment Monday afternoon from Higgs on whether he'd consider the move.
Higgs would have already signed his approval of Urquhart as a candidate for the nomination.
Missed deadline

That notice also set the clock ticking on a May 5 deadline for candidates wanting to run for the nomination to file their paperwork. Duffie said he missed that deadline because the party didn't send out proper notifications.
The convention was listed on the PC website but Duffie's lawyer, Kevin Toner, argued it was "buried" and required several clicks to find.
That got a skeptical response from the judge.
"If you were going to run, wouldn't you be reading that website backwards, forward, upside down, morning, noon & night?" she asked.
Lamrock, the party lawyer, cited several court precedents in which judges have been reluctant to interfere in internal disputes of political parties and other organizations with their own rules and mechanisms.
In fact, he said, if the party had let Duffie file his paperwork late, it would have been breaking rules approved by a vote of the membership.
"That is really the heart of it," Lamrock said.
The ruling means the PC convention can go ahead and Duffie remains disqualified.
The party hasn't set a new date for the event yet.
Challenger wins PC nomination in 'rare' upset over incumbent MLA
Mike Holland won a 'decisive' victory over Brian Keirstead to be candidate in N.B. riding of Albert

Mike Holland achieved a rare feat Saturday by capturing the Progressive Conservative nomination for the riding of Albert and ousting incumbent PC MLA Brian Keirstead.
Holland, a 47-year-old from Riverview, N.B., known for his entrepreneurial pursuits with outdoor gear, said he didn't realize how uncommon it is to upset a sitting MLA seeking re-election until after the outcome was announced at the convention in Hillsborough.
He said he'd have to check Wikipedia, but the online encyclopedia doesn't hold the answers. Records for riding by riding party nomination contests are scattershot at best. One known instance occurred 40 years ago.
Candidate Brian Keirstead and candidate Mike Holland at the Albert PC Nomination..
"Cases of these are so rare for a sitting MLA, an incumbent, to be upset in a nomination contest," said J.P. Lewis, an associate professor of political science at the University of New Brunswick Saint John.
"The drama of political parties can always be a bit of a mystery because they set their own rules and a lot of the ongoings are maybe happening between the small network of people running the political party."
Lewis said there could be many factors at play and he could only speculate as to why a respected MLA like Keirstead was defeated in a riding that's almost a lock for the PCs.

Keirstead, who was elected to his first term in 2014, said it came down a collection of individual decisions that weren't in his favour, instead of some orchestrated plot behind the scenes.
"As much as we like to we know what's going on, we've seen some extreme upsets politically on all levels of governments," he said. "It's part of the political game; it's part of the political process."
Compelled to run
After deciding to seek the nomination last fall, Holland had ample time to court Albert PC party members and raise his profile, which already comes with a tinge of celebrity. He appeared on the television show Dragon's Den to pitch his company, The Resourceful Redneck.
Holland is also known in PC circles, having worked and volunteered with the party for many years. He even served as executive assistant to PC ministers.
12:23 PM · Apr 15, 2018
His decision to run had nothing to do with anything Keirstead did or didn't do as MLA, Holland said, but rather that he felt compelled to run.
"An intersection of opportunity and preparedness had come up where I felt like it was time for me to exercise that experience and, of course, incredible desire to be involved in bringing a PC government to power here in New Brunswick," Holland said.
'Will of the people'
Both the PC party president, Rick Lafrance, and the riding association president, Karen Jackman, said nomination contests are a "democratic process" and open to challenges from party members.
"What happened there was the democratic process and the will of the people," said Lafrance, while thanking Keirstead for his work for the party.
He said there have been no other incumbents challenged and, as of Tuesday, 26 PC candidates have been acclaimed.

Jackman said the exact results of the secret ballot vote were not released, but it was a "decisive" victory for Holland.
"I think Mike Holland has a very charismatic personality," she said. "I think he worked hard in the county. He knows a lot of people and has a lot connections, and people responded very, very well to him."
It happened before
In 1978, a sitting MLA was defeated for the party nomination when John Munn beat Sterling Hambrook to be the PC candidate for Southwest Miramichi. Munn then lost to Liberal Morris Green in the provincial election.
Keirstead said at this time he's not sure what's next for him, but he will remain a PC party member and support their bid to return to power. He also remains the Albert riding MLA until the writ drops.
"Whether it's politics or business or anything else, often times life isn't without some kind of setback," he said. "You take it in stride and you look forward and you look positive on things."
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 10:23:39 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin doctor "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as funny as they think they are N'esy Pas???
To: David Amos <>
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Nathalie Sturgeon <>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 03:23:37 -0700
Subject: Out of the office Re: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin doctor "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as funny as they think they are N'esy Pas???
Thank you for your message.
I am currently out of the office and not responding to emails at this time.
I will respond to any messages upon my return on Monday, Sept. 21.
All the best,
*Nathalie Sturgeon *
Reporter, Telegraph-Journal | Brunswick News Inc.
Mobile: 506-466-8150
---------- Original message ----------
From: "Perry, Brad"<>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 10:23:37 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks CBC and your spin doctor "Ray Oliver" aka "Mr Jones" aka "Brandon Manitoba" ain't as funny as they think they are N'esy Pas???
To: David Amos <>
Hello there,
Thank you for your email. I'm out of the office until Friday, September 25th, with no access to email.
If this is a news-related item, please email or call (506) 648-3000. Otherwise, I will get back to you once I return.
Have a great day!
Brad Perry
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THINK GREEN! before printing this email.
On 9/18/20, David Amos <> wrote:
> High winds make fighting Baie-Sainte-Anne peat moss fire difficult,
> says fire chief
> About 50 people on scene to bring fire under control
> Gail Harding · CBC News · Posted: Sep 17, 2020 2:19 PM AT
> David Amos
> Content disabled
> James Risdon
> Thanks for the report. Important to know when there are massive fires near
> home.
> Justin Gunther
> I called Natural Resources to inquire about the wildfire situation in
> NB yesterday at approximately 4:15PM. Weird timing.
> Ray Oliver
> Reply to @Justin Gunther: Did they return your call Dave?
> Justin Gunther
> Reply to @Ray Oliver: Those are English words and that is a proper
> English sentence but this is still not how you communicate in English.
> You're writing like a schizophrenic.
> Justin Gunther
> Reply to @Ray Oliver: Are you suggesting something? Please, tell the
> world in no uncertain terms.
> Ray Oliver
> Reply to @Justin Gunther: You'd know all about that
> Justin Gunther
> Reply to @Ray Oliver: Get help dude.
> Al Clark
> Reply to @Ray Oliver: O M G Too funny!!!!!
> David Amos
> Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks our infamous turkey hunter and NB
> Power overseer knows I am not you. Trust that Higgy et al know I spoke
> personally to him and several others before and during an interesting
> nomination in April A2018 when he ousted a seated MLA and they were
> teasing me about sending me butter tarts in the mail. Trust that his
> minions and I have spoken many times about "Not So Smart" Meters etc
> since. However Mikey never calls back for obvious reasons known to the
> dubious dude who accuses you of being me N'esy Pas?
> Roger Richard
> Pour votre information. Voici comment notre processus décisionnel est
> brisé. Ces gens ne sont plus en contacte avec la réalité!
> At the NBEUB, our tax money is paying for a public intervener to look
> into our interests. CBC is interviewing her in this podcast about
> smart meters:
> Nicole Marshall
> thank you for running in this election again ❤ I asked the poor lady @
> the polls what I should do if I dont want to vote for any of them on
> the ballot, she told me I had no choice and I had to pick one!!!! So I
> asked if she pick one for me? She then showed me the names I had to
> pick from, I saw your name on there ❤ Again thank you Roger
> 🙂 Meant alot to me to see your name on that list 🙂
> David Raymond Amos
> How could folks miss the news about the "Not So Smart meter nonsense
> when CBC said nothing about it?
> Roger Richard
> They, CBC and l’Acadie Nouvelle, are doing “fake news” when they are
> withholding them. It is very difficult to know the truth.
> David Raymond Amos
> Methinks it would be a good day to remind folks of the ERRE Committee
> coming to Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?
> Mr. David Amos (As an Individual) at the Electoral Reform Committee |
> Mr. David Amos (As an Individual) at the Electoral Reform Committee |
> Roger Hachey
> Just for starters lots of bull shit going on behind ppls backs , but
> they will be exposed sooner than later I hope !!!
> Matter 458
> IN THE MATTER OF an application by New Brunswick Power Corporation for
> approval of the schedules of rates for the fiscal year commencing
> April 1st 2020.
> Held via web conference on September 10th 2020.
> Before:
> Francois Beaulieu - Acting Chairman
> John Herron - Member
> Michael Costello - Member
> Board Staff:
> Matthew Letson - Counsel
> John Lawton
> David Young
> Michael Dickie
> Susan Colwell
> Chief Clerk: Kathleen Mitchell
> ............................................................
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. So the Board has received a second motion
> that was filed by Dr. Richard. I am going to start addressing this in
> French.
> The commission received a second notice of motion. The notice of
> motion was tabled yesterday by Dr. Richard. And then, if I understand
> Dr. Richard correctly, your motion asks the commission to cancel
> proceedings 458 which requests the increase in electricity prices for
> the year 2020-2021 and I also believe that your request is is that we
> start from scratch with the 477 instance which will be filed by New
> Brunswick Power in the coming months. So does that sum up your request
> well?
> DR. RICHARD: Yes, Mr. President.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Ok. So maybe, Dr. Richard, just for the record, can
> you summarize your request in question and what are your reasons for
> both of your requests.
> DR. RICHARD: We are in the middle of an election campaign and then it
> is the new government that we will have that will give New Brunswick
> Power the new mandate. In this mandate, that can change the year 2027,
> because if I'm not mistaken, the year 2027 we will see 20 percent
> equity. This is to renovate the Mactaquac dam. But, if you think about
> the Mactaquac dam, I wish Government x hadn't started spending on this
> project yet. Do not repeat errors at Site C Dam in British Columbia or
> Muskrat Falls Dam in Newfoundland and Labrador. This Mactaquac
> renovation project needs to be studied in depth for several reasons.
> Let’s not repeat the mistake of advanced metering infrastructure by
> signing contracts and spending 10 percent of the project before
> considering the project. For the few times that I have participated in
> these bodies, New Brunswick Power has told us that their production of
> Mactaquac is insufficient because there is not enough water in the
> Saint John River to turn the turbids. . This is only one reason.
> That’s why it’s important to reread NB Power’s mandate, which tells us
> to eliminate investment and then research until we get 20 percent
> equity. But it is obvious that with our current financial situation,
> we will not have it in 2027. Unless we unduly increase the electricity
> bill rates. And also, we are in the midst of a pandemic. We see it
> with all the restrictions. There is fear in the eyes of people. These
> impacts of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 are important for the
> health system, the economy of Canada and especially for our province.
> As I told you earlier, I see in my company, people are afraid to go
> out. And then they don't have any money to spend. Because a lot of
> them lost their jobs. New Brunswick is now recognized to be the
> poorest province in Canada. Electricity is important to us. It affects
> the price of all things. And then, before the pandemic we were told
> that the cost of fuel for our electricity production was less
> expensive than the beginning. Just this reason justifies not
> increasing electricity rates. And then, for instance 452 for the
> advanced metering infrastructure. We learned that it was costing us a
> million less. That's already a reason to eliminate 458. One of the
> reasons. During the proceeding, we received an unprecedented number of
> letters from the public. Everyone except the union letter was in favor
> of expressing people's dismay at this new increase in the cost of
> electricity. Remember, these letters only represent the people who
> bothered to write. Many have not written but are of the same opinion.
> Social peace or the well-being of people is essential in all
> societies. If we change a little our mentality or our direction that
> the NB Power company is taking, such as at the board level or at the
> management level or in government. Assuming the government changes,
> the government, which will change in a few days, may change the
> mandate of NB Power. Or suddenly the Mactaquac power plant is more of
> a project. That’s why I wonder if it’s safe to make a decision on our
> rates right now without knowing what the government expects from us.
> We can buy, for example, we can buy electricity from Quebec, from
> renewable sources at a lower price than we can produce. We can rent
> our transmission lines so that neighboring jurisdictions can transport
> their electricity. It would be a source of income. Also learned that I
> believe in four unions its due for new contracts. Where are we in this
> discussion?
> There is too much confidential document in the evidence. It must
> change. And then, it's often complicated for normal people who aren't
> accountants or they aren't lawyers. The common people may have the
> chance to participate in these discussions. It's kinda important these
> things because we're all affected by it. You know salaries over $
> 100,000 all of us, probably we have. But we represent very little of a
> small percentage of the population. I can't remember, I know it's hard
> to run these meetings but I can only remember twice that Mr. Amos has
> been showing the door. That’s a shame. Yet he is a good citizen.
> The cost of electricity must represent the real cost of production and
> not just a part. It is important that if the tariffs do not include
> all the costs in the present moment, it is the future generations who
> will pay for the mistakes of our generation. We see an example of this
> with the recent approval of the IMA and its costs which are reported
> in the future. And we have come to a point where environmental issues
> in the province require thoughtful decisions. The IMA approval and dam
> renovation is not good for the environment. As soon as I think of the
> glyphosate sprinkles. Paragraph 131 of the law tells us that the
> commission.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: What are you referring to, Dr. Richard? Are you
> referring to the law on electricity?
> DR. RICHARD: Yes that must be it, 131 of the law. Any order or
> decision made by the commission under this Act or the regulations has
> such terms or conditions as it considers necessary in the public
> interest. Public interest are the most important words. I know that
> all of our corporate rights are just an illusion. Each commission or
> government has too much power over us and the environment. To come
> back to my point two, we are in the middle of an election campaign.
> Remember that during the 2018 election campaign, Mr. Gallant promised
> to freeze electricity rates for 3 years. And then it was his
> government that had refused the smart meters at that time. This is to
> say that the mandate of NB Power may change. That’s why we shouldn’t
> make decisions now. We have to wait and see that it will be the next
> government. And then like Mr. Furey said, we can't cancel the 458
> instance, but maybe we can say that there is no rate increase, until
> the 477 instance. And then we study it again at that time. I believe,
> Mr. President, that these are the most important points of my
> concerns. Thank you.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much Dr. Richard. Just to go back to
> your last point you made regarding the quashing of the 458 proceeding.
> And then maybe I'll ask Ms. Mitchell to put section 103.6 on the
> screen so everyone can see. this provision on the law of electricity.
> Until she does that, the point that Maitre Furey was making this
> morning, Dr Richard. It was because he questioned the jurisdiction of
> the commission. I'm not going to rephrase what he was saying, it was
> that we didn't have the jurisdiction to set aside a proceeding and
> then if you look at section 103.6 or section 103.6 of the Electricity
> Act. Just wondering if Mrs. Mitchell can put it a big bigger. Then I
> will read the section in French, Dr. Richard. Said, once the section
> 127 hearing is concluded, the commission approves the tariffs. If you
> read the English section, the English section says that the commission
> must approve the rates. So I think I'm just trying to understand your
> position with respect to whether the commission has that jurisdiction
> to be able to quash a proceeding when it has heard all the evidence.
> Based on the law, I believe Maitre Furey's point of view is that we do
> not have that jurisdiction to overrule the proceeding based on that
> section. Could I have your, and if you need a little time to read
> section 103.6, take the time needed but I think it's very clear at
> 103.6 when a hearing is over, we have to either approve reasonable
> rates or fix other rates. That after that, set a date. After that, ask
> the company to file with us the schedule or an update of the rate
> schedules.
> DR. RICHARD: Yes, I understand and accept that, that's for sure. So, I
> would ask that you accept at that time a zero percent tariff increase.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: So are you withdrawing your request for point A that
> you have when you indicate that you are asking the commission to quash
> the proceeding?
> DR. RICHARD: That's an interesting question. I think the points I am
> making with my motion are very important.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: I don't want to insist you make a decision without
> having, I'm just trying to understand your position on the
> cancellation of the proceeding but if you take a good look at 103.6. I
> question whether the commission has the right to do that or not.
> DR. RICHARD: Yeah, maybe I should have chosen other words in my
> motion. Perhaps I should have said instead to cancel the proceeding to
> give a zero percent increase in electricity tariffs.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Ok, I understand your position. Mr. Herron, do you
> have any questions for Dr. Richard?
> I didn't hear you Mr. Herron. I apologize. Maybe you nodded no, but I
> didn't see you, that's why.
> MR. HERRON: Is it fine now?
> MR. HERRON: No question.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Mr. Costello, any questions?
> MR. COSTELLO: No questions.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Okay. Thank you. Thanks, Dr. Richard. Mr. Furey, do
> you have any comments to make regarding Dr. Richard’s notice of
> motion.
> MR. FUREY: Yes, thank you, Mr. Vice-Chair. Just a few very brief
> comments. I think the Board understands our position that the motion
> as filed should not be granted based on the appropriate interpretation
> of section 103 sub (6) in particular the Board has an obligation to
> render a decision with respect to all applications that are brought
> before it. And so on that basis alone, the motion should be dismissed.
> It strikes me though that as Dr. Richard has amended it orally this
> afternoon, that that is a matter that was the substance of the
> hearing, and the Board will make the decision it is going to make with
> respect to the appropriate rate increase.
> If I may, Mr. Vice-Chair, I am going to ask for permission to sort of
> speak a little bit out of turn. Mr. Herron had asked with respect to
> the first motion if I could provide a reference of a transcript to
> where the financial impact was discussed in this year’s transcript,
> and I have that if the Board would give me leave to refer to it.
> MR. FUREY: So at page 371 and 372 of the transcript, this is
> cross-examination by Mr. Stoll and the response provided, at the top
> of page 372 indicates that the delay in - monthly delay in the rate
> increase would be between 2 and 3 million dollars per month.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Furey. Anything further regarding the
> motion of Dr. Richard, Mr. Furey?
> MR. FUREY: No, thank you, Mr. Vice-Chair.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Mr. Stewart, anything?
> MR. STEWART: Nothing to add, Mr. Vice-Chair.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Mr. Stoll, anything to add?
> MR. STOLL: Nothing, sir.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. And Ms. Black, anything to add?
> MS. BLACK: No, nothing. Thank you.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Dr. Richard, I'll give you final words if
> you have any other things you want the committee to consider in
> relation to your motion.
> DR. RICHARD: No, neither does his. It’s just caution because we are
> changing governments. It’s more.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Ok, I appreciate your comments, Dr. Richard. Thanks
> for the motion.
> Mr. Letson, is there anything further that the Board should consider
> regarding either the motion that was filed by NB Power and the motion
> that was filed by Dr. Richard?
> MR. LETSON: No, Mr. Chair, I believe all procedures are complete.
> ACTING CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you. So having heard all the submissions,
> the Board will take that into deliberations and as soon as we have a
> decision regarding both motions, we will be filing our ruling on
> motion to the parties.
> So the matter is now adjourned. Thank you.
> (Adjourned)
> Certified to be a true transcript of the
> proceedings of this hearing, as recorded
> by me, to the best of my ability.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<>
> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 17:40:58 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy Methinks since your blogging buddy
> Chucky Leblanc and his IT Guy Faust have revealed their election
> predictons it should be my turn N'esy Pas???
> To: David Amos <>
> Thank you for writing the Office of the Premier. Due to the ongoing
> election, your e-mail, if warranted, will be forwarded to the
> appropriate department for a response.
> If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
> visit<>.
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au Cabinet du
> premier ministre. En raison de l’élection en cours, votre courriel
> sera, le cas échéant, transmis au ministère compétent pour qu’il y
> réponde.
> Si vous souhaitez obtenir les renseignements les plus récents sur le
> coronavirus, veuillez consulter le
> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
> P.O Box/C. P. 6000
> Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
> E3B 5H1
> Canada
> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
> Email/Courriel:
> On 9/14/20, David Amos <> wrote:
>> First enjoy dumb and dumber
>> Predictions of the 2020 New Brunswick Election are made by Blogger and
>> Andre Faust!!
>> •Sep 14, 2020
>> Now feel free to laugh at mine
>> PED 01 - Restigouche West
>> Gilles LePage Liberal (Charles Thériault Green maybe)
>> PED 02 - Campbellton-Dalhousie
>> Guy H. Arseneault Liberal
>> PED 03 - Restigouche-Chaleur
>> Daniel Guitard Liberal
>> PED 04 - Bathurst West-Beresford
>> René Legacy Liberal
>> PED 05 - Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore
>> Denis Landry Liberal
>> PED 06 – Caraquet
>> Isabelle Thériault Liberal
>> PED 07 - Shippagan-Lamèque-Miscou
>> Eric Mallet Liberal
>> PED 08 - Tracadie-Sheila
>> Keith Chiasson Liberal
>> PED 09 - Miramichi Bay-Neguac
>> Lisa Harris Liberal
>> PED 10 – Miramichi
>> Michelle Conroy People's Alliance
>> PED 11 - Southwest Miramichi-Bay du Vin
>> Jake Stewart Progressive Conservative Art O'Donnell People's Alliance
>> (maybe)
>> PED 12 - Kent North
>> Arsehole Arsenault Green Meanie Bertrand LeBlanc Liberal (maybe)
>> PED 13 - Kent South
>> Benoit Bourque Liberal
>> PED 14 - Shediac Bay-Dieppe
>> Robert Gauvin Liberal
>> PED 15 - Shediac-Beaubassin-Cap-Pelé
>> Jacques LeBlanc Liberal
>> PED 16 - Memramcook-Tantramar
>> Megan Mitton Green Maxime Bourgeois Liberal (maybe)
>> PED 17 – Dieppe
>> Roger Melanson Liberal
>> PED 18 - Moncton East
>> Daniel Allain Progressive Conservative Monique LeBlanc Liberal
>> (maybe)
>> PED 19 - Moncton Centre
>> Rob McKee Liberal
>> PED 20 - Moncton South
>> Tyson Milner Liberal Greg Turner Progressive Conservative (maybe)
>> PED 21 - Moncton Northwest
>> Ernie Steeves Progressive Conservative
>> PED 22 - Moncton Southwest
>> Sherry Wilson Progressive Conservative
>> PED 23 – Riverview
>> R. Bruce Fitch Progressive Conservative
>> PED 24 – Albert
>> Mike Holland Progressive Conservative
>> PED 25 - Gagetown-Petitcodiac
>> Ross Wetmore Progressive Conservative
>> PED 26 - Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins
>> Tammy Scott-Wallace Progressive Conservative
>> PED 27 – Hampton
>> Gary E. Crossman Progressive Conservative
>> PED 28 – Quispamsis
>> Blaine M. Higgs Progressive Conservative
>> PED 29 – Rothesay
>> Hugh J. (Ted) Flemming Progressive Conservative
>> PED 30 - Saint John East
>> Glen Savoie Progressive Conservative
>> PED 31 - Portland-Simonds
>> Trevor A. Holder Progressive Conservative
>> PED 32 - Saint John Harbour
>> Arlene Dunn Progressive Conservative
>> PED 33 - Saint John Lancaster
>> K. Dorothy Shephard Progressive Conservative
>> PED 34 - Kings Centre
>> Bill Oliver Progressive Conservative
>> PED 35 - Fundy-The Isles-Saint John West
>> Andrea Anderson-Mason Progressive Conservative
>> PED 36 - Saint Croix
>> Kathy Bockus Progressive Conservative Rod Cumberland People's
>> Alliance (maybe)
>> PED 37 - Oromocto-Lincoln-Fredericton
>> Steven Burns Liberal
>> PED 38 - Fredericton-Grand Lake
>> Kris Austin People's Alliance
>> PED 39 - New Maryland-Sunbury
>> Jeff Carr Progressive Conservative
>> PED 40 - Fredericton South
>> David Coon Green
>> PED 41 - Fredericton North
>> Jill Green Progressive Conservative Stephen horseman Liberal (maybe)
>> PED 42 - Fredericton-York
>> Rick DeSaulniers People's Alliance
>> PED 43 - Fredericton West-Hanwell
>> Dominic Cardy Progressive Conservative
>> PED 44 - Carleton-York
>> Richard Ames Progressive Conservative
>> PED 45 – Carleton
>> Bill Hogan Progressive Conservative
>> PED 46 - Carleton-Victoria
>> Andrew Harvey Liberal Margaret Johnson Progressive
>> Conservative (maybe)
>> PED 47 - Victoria-La Vallée
>> Chuck Chiasson Liberal Roland Michaud Independent (maybe
>> PED 48 - Edmundston-Madawaska Centre
>> Jean-Claude (JC) D'Amours Liberal
>> PED 49 - Madawaska Les Lacs-Edmundston
>> Francine Landry Liberal
>> 20 Liberals
>> 23 Progressive Conservatives
>> 3 PANB
>> 3 Green
>> On 9/11/20, David Amos <> wrote:
>>> Roy Wiggins wins Liberal Fredericton-South Nomination by one Vote!!!
>>> •Jun 9, 2014
>>> Charles LeBlanc
>>> 1.83K subscribers
>>> New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs is confronted by blogger during
>>> media scrum and afterwards!!!
>>> •Sep 4, 2020
>>> Charles Leblanc
>>> 1.86K subscribers
>>> On 9/11/20, David Amos <> wrote:
>>>> Now Wiggins and Cullins know some of what everybody else knows
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: "Higgs, Premier Blaine (PO/CPM)"<>
>>>> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 11:31:27 +0000
>>>> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Higgy whereas Roland Michaud said he
>>>> still has respect for YOU it explains why he did not call me back to
>>>> discuss the EUB hearing yesterday and why I no longer wish to speak to
>>>> him N'esy Pas???
>>>> To: David Amos <>
>>>> Thank you for writing the Office of the Premier. Due to the ongoing
>>>> election, your e-mail, if warranted, will be forwarded to the
>>>> appropriate department for a response.
>>>> If you are looking for current information on Coronavirus, please
>>>> visit<>.
>>>> Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps d’écrire au Cabinet du
>>>> premier ministre. En raison de l’élection en cours, votre courriel
>>>> sera, le cas échéant, transmis au ministère compétent pour qu’il y
>>>> réponde.
>>>> Si vous souhaitez obtenir les renseignements les plus récents sur le
>>>> coronavirus, veuillez consulter le
>>>> Office of the Premier/Cabinet du premier ministre
>>>> P.O Box/C. P. 6000
>>>> Fredericton, New-Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
>>>> E3B 5H1
>>>> Canada
>>>> Tel./Tel. : (506) 453-2144
>>>> Email/Courriel:
>>>> Roland Michaud says he misunderstood the meme that got him scrubbed
>>>> from PC slate
>>>> Former PC candidate blames sexual abuse as child for transphobic post
>>>> Roland Michaud says he misunderstood the meme that got him scrubbed
>>>> from PC slate
>>>> Elizabeth Fraser · CBC News · Posted: Sep 10, 2020 6:37 PM AT
>>>> Deja Vu Anyone?
>>>> Thursday, 10 September 2020
>>>> PC candidate Roland Michaud asked to withdraw after transphobic post
>>>> David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
>>>> Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others
>>>> Methinks much to Higgy's chagrin I manged to speak to Roland Michaud
>>>> personally and liked the guy so it should be obvious why I hope he
>>>> wins the seat as an Independent N'esy Pas?
>>>> #nbpoli #cdnpoli
>>>> PC candidate Roland Michaud asked to withdraw after transphobic post
>>>> WARNING: This story includes details some people might find offensive
>>>> Alexandre Silberman, Gail Harding · CBC News · Posted: Sep 07, 2020
>>>> 3:19
>>>> PM
>>>> AT
>>>> Unknown 10 September 2020 at 20:08
>>>> WTF is with these guys?
>>>> Instead of, at least, pretending he is a "man" and owning what he
>>>> posted, just tonight Roland Michaud claims he was abused, and that is
>>>> his reason for posting what he did. Could a politician get any more
>>>> slippery?
>>>> MotorcycleManiacLtd 11 September 2020 at 07:41
>>>> I was wondering the same thing