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Doctor shortage worsens after 4 family doctors leave Campbellton region





Replying to   @alllibertynews and 49 others 
Methinks whereas Ray Oliver said "So 4 more years of no Medicare card. Tough sledding ahead pal!" So Says Higgy et al N'esy Pas?




Doctor shortage worsens after 4 family doctors leave Campbellton region

5,000 patients were left with no primary care providers after departure of 4 doctors

CBC News· Posted: Sep 18, 2020 6:00 AM AT 

Campbellton Regional Hospital has lost four doctors since May, leaving only 21 family doctors in the region of 25,000 people. (Serge Bouchard/Radio-Canada)

The Restigouche region has lost four family doctors since May, leaving 5,000 people with no primary health-care provider.

Vitalité Health Network spokesperson Thomas Lizotte said Dr. Delbe Robichaud, Dr. Sylvie Mbala-Katanda, Dr. Catherine Benoît and Dr. Jean Robert Ngola all resigned. They were all family doctors who also worked at the Campbellton Regional Hospital.

Ngola was the person blamed for the COVID-19 outbreak in Campbellton, suffered racist and personal attacks and has since moved to Quebec to continue his practice.

Lizotte said Benoît and Mbala-Katanda resigned for "personal reasons," but said the doctors did not specify further. The two will be leaving their practices in November.

Dr. Robichaud retired, Lizotte said.

This leaves 21 family doctors in Restigouche County, which has a population of about 25,000.

Recruitment efforts

Lizotte said a little over 5,000 patients were being treated by these doctors.Two other doctors in the area, who were only working in the emergency room, agreed to take on some of the orphaned patients. 

"The number of 5,000 will therefore be considerably reduced in the coming weeks," he said in French on Thursday.

He said the health network is working to recruit 15 potential physicians, hoping to bring some of them to Campbellton in "the next few months."

The health authority is working to overcome this "recruitment problem," he said. It has struck up a recruitment committee made up of doctors and community leaders, and the Department of Health is offering financial incentives for doctors willing to relocate to the region.

Campbellton Mayor Stephanie Anglehart-Paulin says health-care workers in Campbellton rely on board members who 'aren't necessarily in tune with what's going on.' (CBC)

Health Department spokesperson Bruce Macfarlane said four doctors leaving has "intensified an already existing primary care provider access issue." 

He said physicians who their practices with minimal notice challenge the province's ability "to plan and prepare for upcoming retirements."

'It's been a tough go'

Campbellton Mayor Stéphanie Anglehart-Paulin said a centralized health authority "has a lot to do" with the employment and departure of some of the doctors. 

"It's been a tough go for this hospital and these employees, having a health authority that isn't in the region and not having local administration," she said.

She said the hospital and health-care workers in Campbellton rely on Vitalité board members who "aren't necessarily in tune with what's going on."

Dalhousie mayor Normand Pelletier says the health authority should work more closely with municipalities and local service districts. (Bridget Yard/CBC )

Anglehart-Paulin started a petition saying she's concerned about the departure of the doctors, asking the health authority to stop dismissing her concerns, and asking the province to dig into why these doctors are leaving. More than 2,800 people have signed it by Thursday afternoon.

"I understand there's a doctor shortage in Canada but not to the point there's empty floors," she said.

Dalhousie Mayor Normand Pelletier said he worries about his community members. His community, about 28 kilometres east of Campbellton, has one walk-in clinic, which had to reduce its hours last year because of a lack of doctors until nurse practitioners were recruited.

"I know for a fact a lot of citizens are extremely concerned," he said.

He said he'd like to see more collaboration between the health authority and municipalities and local service districts, as well as more communication about why doctors are leaving.

With files from Judy Trinh


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David Amos
Methinks whereas Ray Oliver said "So 4 more years of no Medicare card. Tough sledding ahead pal!" So Says Higgy et al N'esy Pas?
David Amos
Methinks Higgy et al wont be impressed by the following words N'esy Pas? 

Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: You did real well representing your pals in the EUB hearing you posted I was truly impressed!
David Amos
Methinks the Minister of Health is no doubt relieved that my very decent doctor is retiring as well N'esy Pas?
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: So 4 more years of no Medicare card. Tough sledding ahead pal!
Ray Oliver  
Reply to @David Amos: You did real well representing your pals in the EUB hearing you posted I was truly impressed!
Ray Oliver
Reply to @David Amos: Like my new pic. Its Sgt. Slaughter to you not Sgt. Oliver from now on..
Rick Firth
We typically get doctors from French colonies overseas who come here to get their feet. In time they move to bigger areas like Quebec City and Montreal because the money is better, the patient list fewer and they have family members there. At one time we had doctors who settled and spent their entire careers in our county. Nowadays, we are only a pitstop on the way to bigger and better things.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Rick Firth:
Don't limit yourself to just doctors. Quebec controls its own immigration, any French speaking immigrant, refused by Quebec, comes here, stays the required 3 months, then moves to Quebec.
David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Yup
valmond landry
terry tibbs supporting politician is not sustainable either with my tax dollars your friend two-step and Lola
Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @valmond landry:
Especially if they do bugger-all, in that you are 100% correct.
David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Yup 
Gabriel Boucher
"Health Department spokesperson Bruce Macfarlane said four doctors leaving has "intensified an already existing primary care provider access issue."

He said physicians who their practices with minimal notice challenge the province's ability "to plan and prepare for upcoming retirements.""

I'm sorry, but don't blame "minimal notice" as an excuse for not tackling the doctors and nurses shortages in this province sooner. This issue was known for years ahead of time and our past governments have been sweeping this issue under the rug over and over again. This is not on the practitioners who left their practices to take on the blame. This is on our healthcare providers and our current government.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher:
Nice spin eh?
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks the lawyer acting like a Minister of Health wisely left it to an over paid bureaucrat hire to do the spin that way he is not accountable N'esy Pas? FYI my doctor is my age He has easily proven. to me that he is of the old school of very decent family doctors. After he had a heart attack a while back he retired. However the doctor who replaced him did not stay and moved to Quebec I suspect. So he came back from retirement to take care of his friends and neighbours until a replacement could be found. However I hear it wasn't to be and he is about to retire again. I wish him well and takes care of himself just as he did for me and so many others soon to be without a family doctor.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Sooner, or later, it is going to dawn on the folks we elect to run this place that educated young folks do not desire to work/live in backwoods anywhere. Only the possible offering of incentives, be they education subsidies, or outright tax free bribes, might change the situation.

Donald Gallant
I’m still hearing locol’s demanding Govt to build a 4- Lane highway to Bathurst.

Theo Lavigne
Reply to @Donald Gallant: And this has what to do with doctors leaving?
Dan Lee
Reply to @Donald Gallant: you builded one to st Stephen for one family
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Dan Lee: It was builded because its the closest gateway to I-95. And strings thru 2 major cities and to Nova Scotia
Ray Oliver
Reply to @Dan Lee: "builded"
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Ray Oliver:
Lets not forget the federal funding for the "trans-Canada highway" vs the wholly provincial funding for highways to nowhere.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks spin doctors have convenient memories N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Or none.  
Graeme Scott
Given the shortages in a variety of healthcare professions and their seeming inability to attract and hold onto people maybe it is time for both of NB's health authorities to take a long hard look at relations with healthcare professionals? Not just wages and recruitment techniques but also how to improve working conditions and overall job satisfaction. Happy, content and satisfied workers don't leave in droves for greener pastures.
Justin Gunther 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: Perpetually poisoned people are incapable of being happy, content and satisfied workers for reasons that have nothing to do with the workplace environment or salary. Plus, there are "public safety concerns"in NB that have absolutely nothing to do with any particular job site or workplace.

NB is one giant public safety concern but thanks for chiming in anyway Graeme.
JOhn D Bond 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Please elaborate on "Public Safety Concerns" that is preventing NB from recruiting and retaining health care professionals.

Graeme Scott
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Yeah, that whole comment made me go "huh?""perpetually poisoned" ???
Justin Gunther 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: I have "schizophrenia." Everybody gets it.
Justin Gunther
Reply to @JOhn D Bond: Please review my posting history for various elaborations. Although I have a feeling you've already read them.
JOhn D Bond
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Will pass.
Ray Oliver 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Start a blog like someone else on here and start building some real cases
David Amos 
Reply to @Justin Gunther: Methinks you should take your critic's advice N'esy Pas? 
Matt Steele
Unfortunately , there seems to be a shortage of Doctors everywhere in Canada , and with Campbellton being in a fairly remote area , it is understandable that professionals do not want to stay in the area . Campbellton and Dalhousie has been depopulating for the last several years , so there is really no solution to the problem as the area seems to be a place of last resort for Doctors 
Terry Tibbs.
Reply to @Matt Steele:
You can't make folks go to places they don't want to be and work for folks who do not appreciate them. Seems being Canada's only official bilingual province it a bit of a tough sale to some?  
Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: "Folks who do not appreciate them", such as the COR Premier we have with his gratuitous comment about Dr Jean Robert Ngola. Anyone smart enough to be a doctor has no problem being bilingual.
David Webb NB 
Reply to @Matt Steele: I know professionals who have left the province. Their primary reason is the highest taxed jurisdiction in the land and changes to their student loans incentives, have made other provinces and the USA much more attractive to them. They didn't say anything about the ever increasing need to be able to communicate in both official languages, however these were all english only speaking professionals, so it makes me wonder if lack of future opportunities comes into play.
Billy Buckner 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: thank goodness the PA was able to get rules relaxed about ambulance drivers and how bilingual they needed to be. How moronic to turn away first responders because of language.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
The $100 question:
They, as you say, might be smart enough to be bilingual, but do they want to be, or is it just an added time wasting expense?
Theo Lavigne: 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You can see how many likes you received for that statement lol...
Theo Lavigne 
Reply to @Matt Steele: You make sound like it's on the shores of James Bay . I see it wasn't that remote enough that a person from Moncton recently got caught with over 300,000 illegal cigarettes'
Fredd Tone
Reply to @Jos Allaire: DREAM on!!! they need to work. pay off large debt.... not learn a second language and go live in the middle of nowhere!! They have spent at least 8 years in university... generally in larger cities... why would they want to go to Northern nb??

I would not!!
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Theo Lavigne:
Does it matter? I'm certainly not upset............
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Webb NB:
Or the opportunities that simply are not there for any children they might have?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
Sometimes something is more bother than it is worth.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: And It's not a good idea to base the wit of doctors on your half-wit.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @David Webb NB: Worry pas, these are your usual COR supporters on here always blaming everything on bilingualism.
Jos Allaire 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: I'm sure there are not too many COR doctors wasting time on here harping against bilingualism although I know many whose first language is English who are fluently bilingual.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Jos Allaire:
My "half-wit" tells me that for 70% to learn the language of 30%, strictly for appeasement, because there is no other reason, is the best example I could come up with for the tail wagging the dog, and one of the biggest wastes of time anyone could possibly imagine. Thank you for that.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks many would agree that for a junkman pretending to be Brit comedian you are far more witty than Maggy's reincarnation ever dreamt of being N'esy Pas?
Lou Bell
1500 doctors signed the petition supporting Doctor Ngola . Was it because of his treatment by those commenting online or that they felt he wasn't guilty ?
OIbvious it was because of what was said and done online . That's where he was outed and all the denigrating comments and threats . Higgs had nothing to do with any of it so the people better look within and at themselves and quit trying to put blame where blame doesn't belong ! Time to look in the mirror !! 1500 doctors don't like what you may see ! 
James Smythe 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Lou, this what you’re experiencing is called “cognitive dissonance”. On the one hand you think there’s a super deadly pandemic spreading and all borders should be closed, yet on the other hand your unwavering support of Higgs even after his treatment of Dr. Ngola (and the subsequent community overreaction by the public) almost certainly influenced the resignation of these physicians. I hate to criticize your dear leader but his running mouth has now compromised our health care system, and this wouldn’t be the first time either.
Jos Allaire
Reply to @James Smythe: Higgs COR colours are showing through and through.
Lou Bell 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Says the SANB Liberal .
Lou Bell 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Segregation is alive and well with the SANB Liberals around . Or should I say Partie Acadienne ?????
Lou Bell 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: The re yh zi sts in the area denigrated the doctor after they outed him and now want to blame someone else . Like their votes ! Lost their power and still expect the usual handouts . The " woe is me crowd " at their true best , as always !
Lou Bell 
Reply to @Jos Allaire: The usual " Woe is me " rants of the segregationists !
David Amos
Reply to @Jos Allaire: Too Too Funny 
Michael durant
its going to be hard to recruit non white doctors to this region now. What happened there including the Premiers irresponsible and unfactual allegation has gone global.
Billy Buckner
Reply to @Michael durant: what happened there had nothing to do with anything the premier did. And the premier did not name anyone nor did he say anything that was not factual.
Lou Bell  
Reply to @Michael durant: It was the people of the area themselves who outed and denigrated the Doctor , not Higgs ! Look no further than the locals and quit trying to put blame where it doesn't belong !
Michael durant 
Reply to @Lou Bell:
Higgs had told New Brunswickers the outbreak in Campbellton was the result of a irresponsible medical professional who did not self isolate despite the fact many health professionals in that hospital cross the quebec border daily without being required to self isolate.
Lou Bell  
Reply to @Michael durant: And yet it was HE AND HIS DAUGHTER who contracted the disese ! Very strange, huh ? Did any of the others contract the virus ?? Please answer !!!
Lou Bell  
Reply to @Lou Bell: Disease not disese . As well , his reason for crossing WASN'T Health related . And HE DIDN'T isolate as required . The others were supposed to be for health related reasons , unless they l.. d .
Dan Armitage
Reply to @Michael durant: they cross the border for essential services. Make no mistake unfortunately for the doctor at hand his only mistake was to not self isolate after a personal trip. But damage done and it wasn't done by Blaine but your locals in the area. Look at how the locals were treated when they tried to go outside thier infected area others wanted them tarred and feathered just like they did to thier own doctor.
Lou Bell  
Reply to @Lou Bell: Mikey has no response , as expected !!
David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks many would agree that Mr Durant wasted his precious time answering you the first time N'esy Pas?

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