David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Luigi Rocca and I should have a long talk about many things but the top of the list is why there is a "Stay" on my Medicare Card N'esy Pas?
Protests erupted outside the hospitals at the centre of the now-halted health-care reforms. (Graham Thompson/CBC)
A former member of the Horizon Health Network board says New Brunswickers need to take a hard look at the health-care system and what he says was a sincere attempt to reform it by the Higgs government.
Moncton businessman Luigi Rocca says he's worried that the debate over changes announced, and quickly cancelled, by the Progressive Conservatives last month has become politically polarized.
"My fear is that people are digging in their heels now," he said.
On Monday night, Sackville town council joined mayors in Sussex, Sussex Corner and Norton in calling on Premier Blaine Higgs to replace Health Minister Ted Flemming and the CEOs of the two regional health authorities.
Four municipalities are now calling for Health Minister Ted Flemming, pictured, and the two health authority CEOs to be removed from their positions. (CBC)
The Sackville motion said council had "lost trust and confidence in the present leadership of these provincial health organizations."
Meanwhile, one of those authorities, Vitalité, has scheduled a special meeting of its board for March 13 to deal with complaints by three members that they never got to vote on the nighttime closure of emergency departments at small hospitals.
Several municipal councils in northeast New Brunswick have demanded the firing of Vitalité CEO Gilles Lanteigne.
In fact, the changes represented a shifting of resources to where the system is most in need.
"New Brunswickers have to view this and say, 'Why would these changes be made if they're not saving any money?'" Rocca said. "They're certainly not doing it to gain political capital. They're losing political capital.
Luigi Rocca sat on the Horizon Health Network board from 2012 to 2016. (Luigi Rocca/Submitted)
"To me, the only logical explanation is that the professionals running the system think we should make these changes to make the overall system more sustainable."
Without reforms, unplanned shutdowns, like the week-long closure of services at the Campbellton hospital last fall, will become more frequent, harder to manage and riskier to patients, he said.
"If we can't even make these relatively small decisions to re-divert resources — these are not cuts, they're a re-diversion of resources — I don't know how we're going to fix things."
Rocca said during his time on the board, members had a range of affiliations but never acted based on those loyalties.
As a former Liberal supporter himself, he said he's particularly upset that party leader Kevin Vickers criticized the reforms without offering a clear plan on how he'd tackle a staffing shortage and an aging population.
"When I see Kevin Vickers on social media inciting fear about what he calls cuts … it is absolutely disgusting to me," he said.
Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers says, if it came to it, he would ask House Speaker Daniel Guitard to step down and vote with the party to defeat PC government. (CBC)
The Liberal attacks are validating the sometimes irrational fears of New Brunswickers who aren't fully informed about the larger context, Rocca added. "They're pouring gasoline on the fire."
Vickers said Feb. 18 that he would develop a "comprehensive strategy" for health care that would include greater use of nurse practitioners and advanced paramedics, but he had few details on how a Liberal government would tackle the larger demographic challenges.
"You'll definitely have it during the election," he said.
During Rocca's time on the Horizon board, the Gallant government overruled a Horizon plan to close the surgery program at the Charlotte County Hospital in St. Stephen.
After then-Premier Brian Gallant said he wanted the program to stay open, Horizon complied — but soon had to deal with a shortage of nurses.
The Gallant Liberals also rejected a sweeping 2015 proposal that would have seen more sweeping changes than what the PCs proposed, including the complete shutdown of the six emergency departments on last month's list and two others.
"There's been an extraordinary reluctance to make decisions that absolutely have to be made to help our system not collapse under its own weight," Rocca said.
"Until the political interference is removed, and until governments allow the RHAs to do their job, we're going to have a really tough time."
Rocca pointed to the Saint John heart centre as an example of a top-quality service that can't realistically exist province-wide.
If he has a heart attack in Moncton, he said, he might not survive if he can't be stabilized en route to Saint John.
"Does that mean we have to have a heart centre in Moncton, too? And Fredericton? And Edmundston? And Campbellton? Absolutely not," he said. "We can't afford that. No one can afford that."
Last week, Vitalité board member Norma McGraw resigned, saying the board had not had a chance to vote on the emergency department changes before the plan was announced publicly.
That contradicted Lanteigne's comments to the legislature's public accounts committee on Feb. 19, where he said there had been a vote on a resolution at a Dec. 10 board meeting.
Since McGraw's resignation, two other Vitalité board members have backed her version of events.
Rocca said a lack of detailed information was never a problem when he was on the Horizon board.
"We were sent massive amounts of information to prepare for those meetings," he said.
"I had never had any issue whatsoever in the four years I was on the board in having too little information. I always had ample information to make decisions. I can't comment on the stories I've read about, but it's surprising to me that that happened."
David Amos
Methinks Luigi Rocca and I should have a long talk about many things but the top of the list is why there is a "Stay" on my Medicare Card N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Don't you worry the poor man David, he is likely all "spun out" after this bit of spin.
David Amos
Shawn Tabor
Hit the nail on the head, good article.

David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Replying to @DavidRayAmos @alllibertynews and 49 others
Methinks Luigi Rocca and I should have a long talk about many things but the top of the list is why there is a "Stay" on my Medicare Card N'esy Pas?
Discourse on health-care reform too politically charged, says former Horizon board member
Luigi Rocca says people are 'digging in their heels' when discussing changes to health-care system
· CBC News· Posted: Mar 04, 2020 5:00 AM AT
Protests erupted outside the hospitals at the centre of the now-halted health-care reforms. (Graham Thompson/CBC)
A former member of the Horizon Health Network board says New Brunswickers need to take a hard look at the health-care system and what he says was a sincere attempt to reform it by the Higgs government.
Moncton businessman Luigi Rocca says he's worried that the debate over changes announced, and quickly cancelled, by the Progressive Conservatives last month has become politically polarized.
"My fear is that people are digging in their heels now," he said.
On Monday night, Sackville town council joined mayors in Sussex, Sussex Corner and Norton in calling on Premier Blaine Higgs to replace Health Minister Ted Flemming and the CEOs of the two regional health authorities.

Four municipalities are now calling for Health Minister Ted Flemming, pictured, and the two health authority CEOs to be removed from their positions. (CBC)
The Sackville motion said council had "lost trust and confidence in the present leadership of these provincial health organizations."
Meanwhile, one of those authorities, Vitalité, has scheduled a special meeting of its board for March 13 to deal with complaints by three members that they never got to vote on the nighttime closure of emergency departments at small hospitals.
Several municipal councils in northeast New Brunswick have demanded the firing of Vitalité CEO Gilles Lanteigne.
'The only logical explanation'
Rocca, who was on the Horizon board from 2012 to 2016, said the rhetoric surrounding the reforms has left the impression that they were driven by spending cuts.In fact, the changes represented a shifting of resources to where the system is most in need.
"New Brunswickers have to view this and say, 'Why would these changes be made if they're not saving any money?'" Rocca said. "They're certainly not doing it to gain political capital. They're losing political capital.

Luigi Rocca sat on the Horizon Health Network board from 2012 to 2016. (Luigi Rocca/Submitted)
"To me, the only logical explanation is that the professionals running the system think we should make these changes to make the overall system more sustainable."
Without reforms, unplanned shutdowns, like the week-long closure of services at the Campbellton hospital last fall, will become more frequent, harder to manage and riskier to patients, he said.
"If we can't even make these relatively small decisions to re-divert resources — these are not cuts, they're a re-diversion of resources — I don't know how we're going to fix things."
Critical of Vickers
Rocca said during his time on the board, members had a range of affiliations but never acted based on those loyalties.
As a former Liberal supporter himself, he said he's particularly upset that party leader Kevin Vickers criticized the reforms without offering a clear plan on how he'd tackle a staffing shortage and an aging population.
"When I see Kevin Vickers on social media inciting fear about what he calls cuts … it is absolutely disgusting to me," he said.
Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers says, if it came to it, he would ask House Speaker Daniel Guitard to step down and vote with the party to defeat PC government. (CBC)
The Liberal attacks are validating the sometimes irrational fears of New Brunswickers who aren't fully informed about the larger context, Rocca added. "They're pouring gasoline on the fire."
Vickers said Feb. 18 that he would develop a "comprehensive strategy" for health care that would include greater use of nurse practitioners and advanced paramedics, but he had few details on how a Liberal government would tackle the larger demographic challenges.
"You'll definitely have it during the election," he said.
During Rocca's time on the Horizon board, the Gallant government overruled a Horizon plan to close the surgery program at the Charlotte County Hospital in St. Stephen.
After then-Premier Brian Gallant said he wanted the program to stay open, Horizon complied — but soon had to deal with a shortage of nurses.
The Gallant Liberals also rejected a sweeping 2015 proposal that would have seen more sweeping changes than what the PCs proposed, including the complete shutdown of the six emergency departments on last month's list and two others.
"There's been an extraordinary reluctance to make decisions that absolutely have to be made to help our system not collapse under its own weight," Rocca said.
"Until the political interference is removed, and until governments allow the RHAs to do their job, we're going to have a really tough time."
Rocca pointed to the Saint John heart centre as an example of a top-quality service that can't realistically exist province-wide.
If he has a heart attack in Moncton, he said, he might not survive if he can't be stabilized en route to Saint John.
"Does that mean we have to have a heart centre in Moncton, too? And Fredericton? And Edmundston? And Campbellton? Absolutely not," he said. "We can't afford that. No one can afford that."
Board dispute
Last week, Vitalité board member Norma McGraw resigned, saying the board had not had a chance to vote on the emergency department changes before the plan was announced publicly.
That contradicted Lanteigne's comments to the legislature's public accounts committee on Feb. 19, where he said there had been a vote on a resolution at a Dec. 10 board meeting.
Since McGraw's resignation, two other Vitalité board members have backed her version of events.
Rocca said a lack of detailed information was never a problem when he was on the Horizon board.
"We were sent massive amounts of information to prepare for those meetings," he said.
"I had never had any issue whatsoever in the four years I was on the board in having too little information. I always had ample information to make decisions. I can't comment on the stories I've read about, but it's surprising to me that that happened."
David Amos
Methinks Luigi Rocca and I should have a long talk about many things but the top of the list is why there is a "Stay" on my Medicare Card N'esy Pas?
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @David Amos:
Don't you worry the poor man David, he is likely all "spun out" after this bit of spin.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: He did not return my call
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: BTW I saved the thread that went "Poof"
Shawn Tabor
Hit the nail on the head, good article.
Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Shawn Tabor:
Just more spin.
Just more spin.
David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: YUP
David Amos
Reply to @Shawn Tabor: NOPE

Luigi Rocca
Portfolio Manager & Wealth Advisor
506-869-5444 |Email meLuigi was born and raised in Saint John, N.B. He received his Science and Law degrees from the University of New Brunswick during nine years spent in Fredericton.
In 1994, Luigi decided to start his investment career with RBC Dominion Securities as an Investment Advisor in the Moncton, N.B. branch. After just four years as an Investment Advisor, Luigi was appointed Branch Manager of the Moncton branch while continuing to manage his clients' financial affairs. In 2003, after five years in the dual role of Branch Manager and Investment Advisor, Luigi decided to step down from branch management and dedicate all of his time to helping his clients achieve their financial goals.
Since 2007 Luigi has held the Portfolio Manager designation. This designation allows Luigi to make the day-to-day investment decisions in his clients' portfolios, freeing them to focus on other priorities in their lives.
Luigi believes strongly in giving back to his community and dedicates much of his time to charitable endeavours. He has been an active member on the boards of The Northrup Frye Festival, Moncton Boys and Girls Club and the Autism Society of Canada. Luigi has served as the President of the Autism Society of NB, a cabinet member of the UNB Forging our Futures Campaign, co-chairperson of the Portage Atlantic Moncton Campaign and was a founding director of the Spencer Home Foundation. Most recently, Luigi was a member of the Board of Horizon Health Network between 2012 and 2016.
When he's not working, Luigi enjoys golf, hunting, and reading business and investing books. Luigi lives in Moncton with his wife Charlotte and their four children Noah, Hannah, Olivia and Isabella.
Harper and Bankers
Just Dave
May 10th, 2006
Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day,
President of the Treasury Board, John Baird,
Ministers James Flaherty, and Vic Toews
C/o Bill Casey MP
103 Albion Street South,
Amherst, NS, B4H 2X2
Franky Boy McKenna, Deputy Chair,
John Bragg and John Thompson, Directors
Chris Montague Legal Counsel
C/o Jill Crosby, Bank Manager
TD Financial Group
620 Main Street
Sussex, NB, E4E 5L4
W. Geoffrey Beattie, Director
David Allgood, Legal Counsel,
C/o Sharon Armstrong, Bank Manager
Royal Bank of Canada
644 Main Street
Sussex, NB, E4E 7H9
John Manley PC, Director and
E. Jennifer Warren, Legal Counsel
C/o Maria Cormie, Bank Manager
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
761 Main St,
Moncton, NB. E1C 1E5
RE: Blowing the whistle on big banks and corrupt politicians too.
Flaherty’s budget looming on the horizon tonight is gonna get the big OK from the Bloc EH? Well a mean old bike mechanic in the Maritimes has been waiting to chuck a wrench in the works of many a crooked beancounter. I just served your offices in hand some of the same material that Andre Arthur MP and Senator Kinsella received before the 39th Parliament began. I am also giving you other material and a political rant that they did not receive. The legal counsel of all the monstrous Canadian banks have shown me their arses, two for a month and three for almost two years. It is high time to boot you bankers out off bed with the corrupt politicians you depend on to cover up wrongs or sue you bastards too. N’est pas?
You can expect to see litigation against the Crown soon. The severe of lack integrity of people employed in public service to protect the public interests has caused me to prosecute a matter of public trust in Pro Se fashion. As is my right. I will do my best to hold accountable all those in public office, public service and the lawyers etc that have acted wrongfully against me. In the past I filed forms in the public record and in confidence, argued cops, sued treasury agents, lawyers, judges, an Attorney General who aspires to be a Governor and even a high priest. To no avail, I made thousands of phone calls, sent many more emails and sent mountains of letters proving my concerns and sincerity. To date no one has ever called me a liar but all of it was ignored all the same. If there were such a thing as an honest cop, lawyer or politician they could never deny that it is ridiculous that a whistleblower would have to go to such lengths to attempt to see Justice served in two purported Democracies. Pursuant to my quest for Justice, you will find enclosed hard copy of the material that I promised I would send to you before we meet in court. The copy of wiretap tape # 139 that all law enforcement authorities in Canada and the USA have refused investigate should be of the greatest concern to all of you right away. It is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court. Prepare to argue me about many more tapes and cases of other documents. The bankers and I may be arguing the Securities, Bank and Tax Fraud in the USA sooner than they think. The AT&T dudes should have known police surveillance tapes when they heard them. EH?
Whether you admit it or not, I know I have served upon you some of the irrefutable evidence that should have warranted the process to impeach George W. Bush years ago. All who sat in the 37th, 38th and now the 39th Parliament know why the Yankee DHS tried to take me away to Cuba on April 1st, 2003. It was because of my legitimate efforts to expose Bush and his cohorts BEFORE the War on Iraq began. For years legions of politicians, lawyers, cops, bankers and priests proved an Orwellian truth as they laughed at my ethical efforts to defend the rights and interests of my Clan. "In the time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" EH? Do you think your banks’ investors will laugh like your lawyers did? By law and the rules of your professions you must conduct yourselves ethically and hold matters in confidence. I do not. Now it is a rebel rouser’s turn to laugh as you turn page. Awful truths will put your fancy panties in a knot yet make me feel as free as my big balls do under my kilt. J
Please fell free to sue me if you disagree but you, Stevey Boy Harper got your party its mandate with rhetoric claiming to crack down on crime and hold the government accountable. Now that Conservatives have had the reigns of power for over three months, Stockwell Day at the very least must be well aware of all the secrets the two previous liberal governments kept from you and us Common Canadian Citizens. The secrets about me that most other Canadians do not give a damn about, do concern me greatly. Ask the Commissioner, John Reid, he must know of the cover up of my efforts to expose the well known rampant cross border public corruption that has caused my little Clan to suffer so. His office hung up on me on the very day he was speaking about the Conservatives’ new rules to Parliament. No doubt he knows of the evidence I have provided over the years to many Canadian law enforcement authorities that is considered a matter of public safety. Yet we all know it is not. Nevertheless it has caused three very corrupt Canadian Federal governments and all Provincial governments to willfully support the malice of Yankee State and Federal governments acting wrongfully against me. WHY?
Now Harper has shown us his true colours, too bad for you that the DHS did not manage to take me away to Cuba. EH Mr. Day? I must ask you in court someday soon if you have listened to the original wiretap tapes that I provided to CSIS and the RCMP before and after the federal election in 2004. It was done before I was falsely imprisoned in a Yankee jail. Why did the nasty Canadian Consulate officers in Boston refuse to accept any more of the Yankee wiretap tapes that my wife tried to give to them while I sat in jail held under the charges of "other" without bail or even being legally arrested or charged? As I sat in a jail in Beantown Eliot Spitzer, a Yankee in New York made the big score with my info. Yet he allowed Morgan Stanley to sue my wife? The 38th Parliament continued to ignore my plight throughout its mandate. As we all watched Bush pull off another very questionable election it appears only I saw Count Peter-Hans Kolvenbach fly to the USA to speak in aid of the very evil smoke and mirror show. EH?
Whereas all Canadian authorities have ignored my pleas for assistance for three years, I must sue the Crown to seek relief under the Charter for my government’s deliberate assistance in malicious prosecution and false imprisonment etc. Did you politicians think I was kidding when I said it in January on CTV News? The smirking newsman, Stevey Boy Murphy asked me clearly and I answered him plainly. It was watched live all over the Maritimes just minutes before the only time I was ever allowed to debate dumb Andy Scott in front of a live crowd as I ran against him for his seat in Parliament. Many common folks heard me say it and have commented about it in the months since. Some of them must have questioned some of their various MPs by now. I watched a friend confront his MP, Greg Thompson in front folks of two ridings. He gave all other candidates running against two seated Conservatives a copy of the letter he served upon Thompson in hand. Now you have your copy too. Thompson in front of witnesses promised to respond in writing to his constituent before polling day three months ago. Just as I suspected, the new Cabinet Minister broke his promise. I know for a fact in 2005 Greg Thompson, Bill Casey and Andy Scott ignored other constituents of theirs who brought hard copy of my material to their local offices personally while I was being illegally prosecuted in the USA. Obviously our MPs Liberal or Conservative have no respect for their own constituents if they are kin or friends of mine. EH?
Check the letter that Landslide Annie McLellan sent to me when she had Stockwell Day ‘s day job. Clearly she was compelled to answer me after so many high placed Yankees had already done so. She did what all Martinites have done in the past and blamed one of Chretien’s arseholes, Wayne Easter for my plight as a whistleblower. Stockwell Day did you get off your Jet Ski to follow the lead of liberals such as a dumb PEI farmer and a very malicious political lawyer from Nova Scotia? You will not provide me any assistance whatsoever as is required by the mandate of your office? None of your underlings even the nervous Marshal dude will do me the simple courtesy of calling me back just like your political cohorts never did? Your little Newfy buddy, Rob Moore forgot something just as Landslide Annie as the Minister of Justice did when Easter was Solicitor General. She did not have any idea what mechanism a layman would employ to hold many a corrupt Parliamentarian accountable. The answer is so simple to me. Sue the Bastards. Didn’t anyone notice I have done it in the past to many Yankees? I have changed my style and waited until some very corrupt public servants were out of public office so that they could not employ the weight of a corrupt justice system against me. Vic Toews will have his job cut out trying to defend the malice of all three recent government mandates two of them liberal against one Proud Canadian. EH? J
Whereas Federal Court in Canada does not allow me the right to a trial by jury and its Commissioner David Gourdeau has shown his arse too, I plan to do a double check in the USA. With luck, at about the same time my matters may begin in Fredericton, I will be seeking a jury in a Yankee Federal Court with a lawsuit against some very crooked Canadian political lawyers and their many Yankee associates acting against other Canadians, Yankees and me. In the "mean" time I have been lining up ducks while Jumping Jimmy Flaherty was drop kicking his wicked budget past the very confused corrupt clucking Chickenshits sitting as the opposition in the Chicken House. Tonight byway of the Bloc I am making my best fiercely political efforts to see that all Conservatives will be looking for a new day job far from the Hill in Upper Canada. Then I will give this material to other bankers when I judge the time is right. Any great mechanic knows that there is true magic in the timing of things. If a crook in opposition blinks and mentions me in a public forum even after the budget is allowed, it will be all over but the crying for George W, Bush and his lapdog, Stevey Boy Harper. Who may wish to mingle with the media soon is interesting. EH?
If the bankers who did not wish to call me back last month want this material explained, it is the task of the Thomson dudes, Jealous Johnny Manley and Franky Boy McKenna to do now. I did my best to make certain they knew everything over the years. The Thomson dudes claim to know everything that goes on in court in Canada and the USA. The Upper Canadian lawyer was Minister of Finance etc in the 37th Parliament, and the Maritimer was our Ambassador to the USA under the mandate of the 38th. They can explain the malice of Landslide Annie and her many cohorts in support of corrupt bankers etc. Better yet let the Yankee lawyer Michael Hefler and his Canadian counterpart Deborah Alexander explain their support of Putnam Investments, Brian Mulroney, Cendant Corp. and Franky McKenna’s old BMO crowd etc. Tell me, do ya think my name came up when they cooked a little deal between Citigroup and Scotia Bank recently? Jennifer Warren should be capable of explaining why Garfield Emerson quit the Rogers outfit recently. Geoffrey Beattie of Thomson Corp no doubt can explain why David Allgood is playing dumb. Need I say that the brotherhood of the bar and bankers make me as sick as politicians do?
The reason I ran against the aptly named lawyer, Rob Moore in 2004 should be painfully clear to all Canadians in recent days. Stevey Boy Harper is proving to all that he is a lapdog for Bush just like Franky Boy McKenna said of him years ago. I do not have put one word in the text of this letter in support of what many Proud Canadians are agreeing with in Frank Boy’s political dogma speech years ago in support of the reelection of Rotten Ralphy Goodale. The fact that Moore is now Canada’s Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister of Justice greatly offends me. All Canadians have the right to know why. If he or any other Canadian lawyer had acted as a proper officer of the court then my Clan would not be suffering from many wrongs right now. The Yankee Carpetbagger, David Lutz whom I had given this material to BEFORE Moore was elected in 2004 must agree. I am very curious what Rob Moore will say in Parliament in his own defense when I put him and Lutz in bed in a Canadian complaint.
Rob Moore can explain to all Canadians why I think the blood of four very honourable Canadian soldiers and countless others can be found on his hands and that of his cohorts. In June of 2004 during a debate at the Moss Glen Legion we were questioned in front of many people including David Lutz, I stated my position clearly with regards to War. In defense of our warriors I said that they must get the best training and weapons possible, then be kept home to defend our country. That is their job. Lutz a Yankee draft dodger nodded in agreement. Moore did not argue me because he did not need to. Less is more for Moore when matters are a sure thing. The Blue Coat got the seat he expected to win in Fundy just like my dog would have if she had worn his coat. However Moore and Lutz are lessor men than I because of their inaction as purportedly ethical men. If the lawyers in Moore and Lutz disagreed with all I wrote of them since, why didn’t they sue me to protect their reputations? The answer is the same as I have proven in the turncoat Bad Boy Billy Matthews versus Byron Prior matter in Newfoundland. Politically appointed Judges like Derek Green or lawyers like Bernard Roy controlling the show in court or Inquiry only cover up and delay awful truths. It is important that public corruption be argued in public view quickly. Thus I will sue Crown. Before anyone attempts to deny what I have just stated, study this material closely. Look how sending this material to any of you is truly redundant. The evidence that you or your associates and I crossed have paths many times in the past is irrefutable despite the fact that I can prove my many letters, phone calls and emails that I sent over the years. Turn the page, lawyers. It gets worse for you J
If any of you truly do not know who I am, it is the Fed’s fault, not mine. I can easily prove that the Feds have done no service whatsoever for the public they have an obligation to serve. The fact that the Feds have done their worst to keep my legitimate actions a whistleblower secret with false claims such as confidentiality or public security further serves to prove my point about rampant public corruption. To refute the false claims of secrecy, I must point out that much of my work can still be found in the public record of many courts in Canada, the USA and on the Internet as well. Last fall my wife saw a copy of wiretap tape # 139 in the docket of a Yankee court that anyone could listen to. I had filed that copy in a sealed envelope with that court in order to protect the Fourth Amendment Rights of the people recorded on it. As you can see by the documents I have provided that one year ago the District Attorney in Boston lost the many original wiretap tapes that I gave him in court in 2004. Nothing yet has been said about my lawyer in the USA sending 9 original wiretap tapes to the Senate Judiciary Committee in Congress this year on February 7th. So much for Yankees upholding the law EH? Canadians are no better.
As you can see despite my wife and my lawyer’s best efforts to stop them, the Yankees seized our home without warrants or due process of law. A couple more Yankee bankers and insurance dudes made out like the bandits they are. This was done while my children and I were in Canada last summer without a home. Nobody in Canada or the UN even bothered to care about our Human Rights. All of my pleas to the spendthrifts Adrienne Clarkson, Pierre Pettigrew and their replacements Michaelle Jean, Petey Baby MacKay were ignored despite our Canadian birthright and our rights under the Charter. Canada supported the theft of our property including many original wiretap tapes I had in my possession in our home.
I have been recently informed that Yankees have sold all of my possessions at a public auction including the wiretap tapes. However, much to chagrin of Yankees, I have proven that I have many more wiretap tapes in Canada and elsewhere. The aforesaid malicious auction of my property was done while my Clan is still awaiting a long delayed trial about the illegal actions against us. Our property was supposed to be safely stored according to the rules of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Safety until the matter was resolved. This latest malice begs the obvious question..
Whereas Yankee law enforcement authorities feel free to violate their Constitution and sell wiretap tapes of their citizens at public auction, why can’t I do the same? Interesting question. EH? Why should I as a Canadian Citizen care about the Civil Rights of Yankee mobsters and their families anymore when their evil government does not? Methinks I should sell a few on EBAY in Europe to see if I can recoup some of my losses ASAP. I could use the funds from the sale of the wiretap tapes to sue many lawyers etc in the USA and Canada. Look at the very dumb answers I got in 2003 from a crooked District Attorney in Massachusetts and the corrupt US Attorney in New Hampshire, before you try to claim that what I would be doing is illegal. The former is a good friend of Argeo P. Cellucci and the latter enforces federal code in the State where I now permanently reside. Both Yankees claim the tapes are not what I say they are but merely evidence in a probate action? What planet do Yankee lawyers come from?
I can’t be the only person on this planet who wishes to see George W. Bush impeached ASAP. Ask the fat dumb happy Yankee Michael Moore before you disagree. These tapes may fetch quite a price from story hungry dudes such as he. Truth is stranger than fiction and far more marketable and profitable with less money spent in production using real people instead of big name actors. Even clever lawyers must admit that wiretap tape # 139 makes one wonder what happened next. EH? Stay tuned dudes. Small portions of other tapes may be in your email inbox for you to listen to. Other politicians can read the text of this letter and listen to their Parliamentary email along with the rest of mine they have ignored for over three years. The many words of a fiercely political rant may be added as a postscript to the text of this letter and sent to the government’s opposition first. I must be fair. You dudes got this letter first. My next email may cause quite a stir amongst the clucking Chickenshits in the House. Canadians should find it very interesting indeed if one or more the smiling bastards decide to mention my name to the Speaker.
How they vote against the political pollution of hot air from the windbags of Baird and Flaherty that is stinking up the House is critical to our future. I see no need to let all the cats out of the bag in this letter to you but for fun just check my work. See me teasing Derek Burney and his boss Brian Mulroney? They know the Barbarian at the gate who is me knows what lawyers hold the keys that lock all political parties together on both sides of the 49th parallel. One nasty Yankee’s name is Harper too. J
That smiling bastard’s law office ain’t too far from the UN. EH? Depending how far left you are Michael Ignatieff,Canada’s Prince of Darkness or our Sexist Cerebral man knows the Yankee Harper quite well. Derek Burney and Karl Rove as aymen or Louis Freeh and the new General Counsel of the FBI as lawyers would likely agree with little ol me and on one thing. It is that bigassed Yankee lawyers like the one named Harper makes little liberal lawyers such as Humpty Dumpty, Land Slide Annie, Asinine Allan Rock, Franky Boy McKenna, and Johnny Jealous Manley look like the little lost puppies truly they are. Perhaps bankers etc will want Franky Boy McKenna to call some crooked cop he knows hanging out in his hometown to figure out how to handle me now. Before you do, check my work that I have provided to you to see what I have already given you many clues not to. I have had enough police harassment for any ten men to stand. My ghost or I will sue every cop that has tried to stop me from justifiably and legally seeking justice. There is no middle ground for any honest man to stand on in my battles against very corrupt justice systems in two purported Democracies. The interests of investors in many banks would be better served if the bankers chastised in public view a certain few employees who deliberately failed to uphold the law and protect the public’s interests invested in their bank and many other publicly held companies. From a Canadian’s perspective of the world I know that the interests of all Canadians are bought and sold on Yankee stock markets everyday. I know of many lawyers who should be knocked off their high horses ASAP. In fact I just named some them. EH?
Canadian politicians should know this before the vote on the budget becomes a matter of history. I truly believe that Conservatives will continue to follow Bush’s lead for the benefit of the bankers whose HQ’s surround Flaherty’s office. Like Bush he will try to take our country deep into debt. Bankers and politicians will do what they wish with the world, tis true. Trust that I don’t care the more the merrier for me in litigation. You dudes are about to meet a rather formidable layman in court. I have been studying and arguing law night and day for four years, all the while clearing each and every hurtle that rampant public corruption has thrown into my path to Justice. I will not pity any lawyer who chooses to stand in court beside the likes of Franky Boy, Landslide Annie and Humpty Dumpty. You can see that Harper has ignored the words of the Accountability Act with doubletalk if his pals need money for their party war chests. Our little Lord of NB and his buddy Brad Green affirmed that they knew the same truths that Rob Moore, Franky Boy and Landslide Annie did years ago. It was within a few days of the election and Humpty Dumpty’s Third World boat named after his wife was caught in Nova Scotia bringing cocaine to Canada along with more Blood Coal. Humpty Dumpty employed lawyer’s rhetoric and recused himself and Landslide Annie’s underlings made the matter evaporate. Harper just looked away in support even as Humpty Dumpty picked Franky Boy to be our Ambassador within the year to obviously support the Yankee’s malicious persecution of me rather than act within the scope of his employment as a public servant. If bankers do not understand my words, blame your own lawyers. David Allgood should have walked the talk of Chris Montague’s words about Red Flags in his speech on Feb 11th 2005 and called me back if he did not wish to argue me in court. When I called both of them Deborah Alexander, Ronald Sirkis and Jennifer Warren were past too late. They knew of wiretap tapes and Bank Fraud etc since 2004.
This year after the Conservative government accepted Franky Boy’s resignation and well before the TD Financial Group hired Franky Boy, I called his spokesperson Ruth McCrae. After a minor spit and chew ensued, she told me to sue her along with the law firm of McInnes and Cooper. A liberal talk show host Tom Young will soon affirm that I do not have to be asked twice to sue someone but I did call many partners of the aforesaid law firm to see if they agreed with Franky Boy and his outspoken gal. The words of the lawyer Costello, a partner who argues NB Power on behalf of the Venezuela and the silence of the rest affirmed that all apparently stood with McKenna including some of the former partners of Paterson and Palmer. Furthermore, Franky Boy should have disclosed everything about a potential lawsuit etc to the TD Financial dudes before accepting his new position. However I was very open and very honest with them as soon as I was aware of his new job. Now that Franky Boy and I are both back home in our old stomping grounds and I am on the warpath, John Manley may quit hustling the Ottawa Senators hockey team to CIBC. It would be wise to try to explain why Franky Boy praised Yankee success at pond hockey to the law partners of Burns and Levenson whom he partied with last fall instead of being a proper public servant and discussing with Yankees the failings of their partner, my Guardian Ad Litem Brian Bixby. J
For my benefit, I made it a point to look into Stevey Boy Harper’s pale blue eyes on June 19th, 2004 when he stopped in Sussex for ice cream the day after I debated Rob Moore the first time. We both knew each other at a glance. Lets just say I found nothing I admired behind Stevey Boy’s eyes. His soul is far meaner than Rob Moore’s. With luck on my side, this year my fellow Maritimers should be entertained and educated in a three-ring circus of a long awaited monumental hoe-down in court. Our little Lord’s justice system that his buddy, Cleveland Allaby was well paid to study in secret years ago will be the unwilling confused ringmaster to oversee the affair. When it comes to being showmen Franky Boy and I are on and even keel. We are both smiling bastards who crack a lot of jokes fearlessly in front of crowds. To his advantage, he is a lawyer whereas I am not. He is famous whereas I am not. Franky Boy is very wealthy, whereas I am not. On the other hand, I am honest whereas he is not. I have many friends that I can trust, whereas he does not. I have much evidence of many crimes he has covered up in his personal pursuit of lucre, whereas he has only fancy legal doubletalk. Franky Boy has climbed high up on the crooked totem pole of affluence pedaling his influence over common Maritimers without a common man’s conscience that is lost to all lawyers. Franky Boy and his many pals in banks and companies such as the Carlyle Group may gain the whole world at the expense of their own souls. However one pigheaded ethical soul will try hard to hold them all accountable by just knocking a few off their high horses. I also know there are many souls in the Maritimes who were entertained and understand the meaning of the old story of David versus Goliath or my name ain’t Dave. Watch me look into the eyes of the people I pick for a jury before I start chucking rocks in court.
Stevey Boy Harper and his little lawyer Rob Moore would not understand why I am humming the old tune sung the dude who loved to hang around mobsters but many other old farts like me will. They will understand why I am writing the letter in April and delivering it in hand to my MP Bill Casey in May. (I am sending Duccepe and Fortier the same material Allan Rock and Franky Boy received last May) To give the devil his due, that old dead Yankee Franky Boy sang "That’s Life" very well. Methinks that Stevey Boy’s big mistake was following the directions of Derek Burney and Karl Rove too closely. He really should learn to think for himself. He is flying too high in April for his own good in May. It seems that Harper don’t even know that what goes up always comes down. The higher they go the harder they fall. Ask Humpty Dumpty. The clucking chickens in opposition may shoot his government down in May without the effect he desires. To challenge the opposition to unseat him just because he is momentarily higher in the polls is dumb beyond belief. If Mulroney and his cohorts think Harper can win a majority in the House next time around simply by blaming the opposition for causing the election, they do not remember Humpty Dumpty’s big faux pas last year. I sincerely hope that next week holds a very bad day for many nasty political Maritimers who have kissed Upper Canadian fat fancy arses for years. It has always been Hard Times in the Maritimes and it is their fault. N’est Pas?
Time will tell the tale. Right now I can only wish that my efforts help knock Jumping Jimmy Flaherty out of his new jump boots and into the Newfy, Crosbie’s old mukluks from 1979. With any luck at all Luc Lavoie will not be so lucky anymore. He and all the other all clucking Conservatives will start singing for more Tequila from Sheila as Dominic LeBlanc learns how to play his Daddy’s kazoo. As I look towards the horizon in the direction of far off Upper Canada, I will dream of Petey Baby MacKay and his very punky hunky dory sinking beneath the waves of bullshit that has kept him afloat for years. There is no denying that I will chuckle as I imagine his very nasty ex sweetyfart Belinda Baby picking up the phone and calling Magna Entertainment’s Yankee VP Argeo P. Cellucci and its General Counsel Don Amos. Her Big Daddy Franky may want to rip them new arseholes for in order to shove each other’s head into. Clearly they did not do a good job protecting the interests of Stronach’s publicly held company from one pigheaded Maritimer who is serious gambling man in the big game called New World Order. I am still gambling that there is no honour amongst thieves and somebody will blink in order to protect their own butt. I too am wondering and ain’t betting on the ethics of any politician. For instance only a fool would bet on the ethics of Andre Arthur the Independent MP and if he will quit being as quiet as a mouse in the House. If the government goes down, I doubt he will get elected again. He had his chance to do the right thing just as Chucky Cadman did years ago. The Yankee midterm election is the biggest game in the world right now. Ask my Clan’s Senator Teddy Kennedy. J
I will wager that I do know why nobody wants to talk to or about me. The dark horse in this game is the one who will blink, when and where. Knowing who won’t say a word is easy. Strangely predicting who may be honest is tough. How sad is that? For instance Senator Kinsella’s malice against me was a nobrainer. I expected it about as much as that he would vote for Lynch in Fredericton. On the other hand Andre Arthur had no ethical reason whatsoever to ignore me particularly after reading things he has said in the past. His recent appointment to oversee the CRTC proves to me that he is a crooked as Hell. He must have known he was finally free from all the lawyers that had once chastised him in the past. They cannot hold him accountable for whatever he says in the House to a nationwide audience as an MP like they once did when he spoke on local radio. The chickenshit, Andre Arthur may be laying back and waiting for just the right point in time to start clucking into the Parliamentary record to make history in his own best interests. I don’t know. Nor do I care if he has a plan or is just holding to a backroom deal. I do know when we talked on the phone months ago, I could tell that he did not have any balls at all. The silence of a former big talking talk show host from Quebec spoke volumes to me months ago about why that Frenchman won’t mingle with the media he now oversees. His appointment to the committee that oversees the very dudes who once tortured him, stinks of backroom deal and a political payoff to me. All Andre Arthur or anyone else in the House had to do this month or in the years before was to have the sand to stand up and ask the Speaker in a question period on the record simply state the following. "Who the Hell is David Raymond Amos and what the Hell is talking about?" There I even wrote the script for him just in case he or anyone sprouts some testicles real soon. If anyone acts like an ethical Parliamentarian, it will be Rob Moore’s task to explain my affairs to the House. I will lay odds that if Andre Arthur or anyone else were certain that they could profit rather than suffer from such few words, they would. love to make history and become the hero who saved Democracy for us all.
Nobody will talk to me for the same reason Arthur is silent to everyone else. It is based in political deceit. Justice is always a matter of political will rather than the way that it should be. I am just wise enough to know I can be the most effective in finding a little justice when the political process is flux. Bernie Shapiro’s office and that of his fellow crook, Jean Fournier’s have denied receiving anything of mine from Andre Arthur or Noel Kinsella. That makes me understand that I am on the right track this time. When Shapiro’s office called me last year, they were nervous campers after I had made Parliament uphold an act and give Fournier a job so that I could complain to him about Senator Joe Day. The far from ethical parliamentary counselors are quite likely hiding under a rug somewhere in the House and praying Baird’s Accountability Act replaces them soon. Shapiro and Fournier are just playing dumb while waiting to duck out the back and scurry into the sunset with unearned severance pays in their purses. Once they are all out of public service, they will become just a few more paragraphs to me in a future complaint against many individuals out of public service I plan to sue. The rats abandoning Humpty Dumpty’s boat like David Dingwall and Howie Wilson should offend anyone with half a mind. Most ordinary folks have all but forgotten the Dingwall affair but I doubt most did not even know who the dude Howie Wilson was or how he assisted Landslide Annie in making Humpty Dumpty’s doings with Tainted Blood disappear on everyone else’s watch but mine. Does anyone but me remember where the bad blood came from and who made the deal with whom? I do. This brings me to why I find the Bloc so interesting these days. I know Ducceppe is a crooked as the rest but some other Bloc may want to fill his shoes. Humpty Dumpty’s loss was a given, to me. The loss of the Bloc and the Conservative gain was a surprise to everyone. It would be truly comical if their leader, Ducceppe were to act ethically on my behalf after all these years. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that he could be the next PM if the Bloc had the majority next time around. The other parties could be so decimated by his integrity that maybe a legion of Independents would inhabit the House. Less of a pipe dream would be that perhaps the Bloc could get the ten seats in Quebec from the Conservatives and truly make the Liberal history as well. C’est Vrai? I know what I just stated seems crazy but think about it for a minute. Ignore what crooked liberals such as the local talk show host, Tom Young may say of me being a nut. He retracted "the fool for a client spiel" in another matter when it suited his political agenda. He knows I was not nuts in my predictions about picking Speakers, the Tanker Malley affair or wiretap tapes too. Young was not wise to challenge a man such as I to sue him on live radio. I ain’t that foolish not to sue Jennifer Warren and Rogers Media J
. Whatever liberals such as Young and his cohorts in Rogers say about me negative or otherwise on the radio almost two years later is gravy after I had made my mission known byway of his own program. I openly declared that it was my Securities Fraud issues that should most concern my fellow Maritimers. Soon it is my turn to fall silent in the text of this letter anyway. However before I do become truly silent you may wish to know that some of you will receive this letter in your email and see it posted on the Internet at about the same time the budget vote becomes history. I cannot give you time to run political damage control. I have long understood your wicked game of hear, no evil, see no evil and speak no evil for your own benefit and not the people you claim to serve. I know that the things like Freedom and Justice that lawyers claim are so important in a Democracy are merely myths. Bankers and lawyers know as well as I that Freedom does not have prayer because Justice is bought and sold everyday to the highest bidder in the marketplace and the courts. Money is all the beancounters care about as they count the percentage points of gain and lawyers follow suit in their fees for assisting in the malice against us all. The corrupt Yankees that you people support have taught me a lot about how to deal with many crooked Canadians. The answer is simple. Make Justice a matter of political will particularly in a time of War.
Now that we all understand the wicked game, why mince words anymore? I am raising the stakes and laying some more of my cards on table before I summons you all to court. You do not have much time to decide if I am bluffing or not. Lets just say I have no doubt whatsoever why the blog in CTV W5 website was deleted recently after it had stood for almost a year. I save all blogs long before they are lost in cyber space. The words of the one within CTV’s W5 domain that was erased for the benefit of CIBC John Manley and the Thomson dudes will resurface somewhere else on the Internet in short order. Hard copy of the aforesaid blog and many others will be presented in various courts someday. Dempsey the lawyer, who has since fallen silent had apparently filed a complaint in BC about what anybody who has studied the banking profession knows to be true. Wise guys know the root of all evil is not exactly money but Filthy Lucre, the words that King James employed just once. Gain of control over the land is the name of the game. Money is just a clever paper tool that is based on nothing at all. The idea of money in the form of a banknote that is no longer based on gold but debt was invented and controlled by bankers and the same holds true for the notion of religion invented the banker’s cohorts the Roman who turned into priests of one god. It is money I must attack and seek because it is what the lawyers who made the rules for the benefit of bankers and priests claim I must do in order to play their wicked game. I did so out of the gate years ago. If you bother to check my work you will see that I employed my right to have the freedom to have no religion at all to attack what the smiling bastards hold most dear, their money.
The law is clear in matters of money and beancounters rely on such laws. It is against the law for a trustee to give money he holds in trust to any charity on his own accord. For a well-respected old lawyer to assist an ex FBI agent in his wrongs against the terms of a trust and without the knowledge and accent of the beneficiaries is interesting to say the least. To steal it and give it to a church that the beneficiaries have no faith in is particularly offensive especially when the Cardinal’s secretary is the offended person’s cousin. When I exposed to the Feds the fact that the crooks had also hid some of the stolen funds in a bank account in the name of a person whose estate was long closed, things got really bad. The people who are supposed to enforce the law turned against me for the benefit of crooked bankers. It took me awhile to understand why the Feds were behaving so poorly. The reason was all the pension funds of government employees controlled by Putnam Investments and the fact that they owned half of the Brookline Savings Bank, another publicly held company. Perhaps you dudes should read the fine print of the whistleblower form 211 that I filled out many years ago. Whereas bankers and priests employ many puppets in the form of politicians, lawyers, cops and priests to play their deadly game of World Control for them, it is the puppets I must deal with day to day. However I always knew who were sending the people to act against me. Bankers invented money and the miserable bastards known as Jesuits invented lawyers. Correct? The real nature of the wicked game is World Control or New World Order just as the carpetbaggers named Bush love to say. Before you dare to call me a liar, have the local liberal lawyer Dominic Leblanc and non elected Cabinet Minister Michael Fortier study the material I just sent to them. It is the same material Franky Boy McKenna, Deborah Alexander of the Scotia Bank and Petey Baby MacKay from Nova Scotia for example got back in 2004. As I said in the CTV blog it is just the tip of the iceberg. J
What I have just delivered in hand to the bankers and Bill Casey is different material than the liberals have ever received from me. Find the email within this material that the General Counsel of Bell Canada, Martine Turcotte sent me in 2004 and you will see that Bell Canada spent three days printing my files off the web. They still did not have it all by a long shot. Ask the serial killer and his cohorts the Feds about that simple fact. As I said earlier in this letter now that the Stevey Boy Harper, a lapdog for the Bush regime has shown all Canadians that his nasty arse is flying too high, it is high time that someone gives it a boot ASAP. I will take license and employ some of Franky Boy McKenna’s choice of words.
The only hope I see on the horizon in far off Parliament Hill to see that that our democracy is served can be found within the personal greed of members of the Bloc Quebecois. Yet that is the very party that wants to break up our country. Thus I think that what I see must be a mirage to give me false hope. All Canadians can see the Liberals are wandering around lost in the far from deserted halls of the House with no leader in sight. The Liberals crippled up old German Shepherd wants to talk to high school kids and the media in the Maritimes about the future of the liberal party but the kids and nobody else seems to care about Humpty Dumpty anymore. Everybody wants to talk to the Conservatives and they won’t talk to anybody unless Karl Rove and Derek Burney first bless the script. The annoying arsekissing terrier and boss of the NDP Jacky Jackass Layton is truly irrelevant. He has lost all credibility. Ask yourselves why the yapping little terrier is not willing to give the Conservatives the boot as he claims he did with the Liberals last year. Even Layton ‘s old buddy Bob Rae has quit the NDP and joined his old college roommate’s liberal crowd of wealthy thieves. Rae wants to lead liberals out of the desert for selfish reasons of his own. The first thing Rae, a pal of Landslide Annie bragged of on CTV the morning he announced he was running for leader was of his work within the Security Intelligence Review Committee. It seems he has chosen to forget my emails to him or the phone conversation we had late in the week before. I know Rae knows that Marion McGrath, the General Counsel of the SIRC has refused to do her god damned job just like Franky Boy’s old lieutenant Adleea Landry does. Because of that Bob Rae felt free pat to his own back about the work he did with the SIRC?
Marion MacGrath and many others whose names can be found within the enclosed documents have forever proven to me the malice of all politically appointed public servants. The cop, Dean Buzza of the arm of the RCMP known as IMET really pissed me off in March. I defy anyone to try to talk to the crooked lawyer, Paul Kennedy about him. IMET was created within a week or so of Ashcroft meeting with Easter in November of 2003. Amongst a host of public servants that know all too well what I say is true and ignore the law for personal gain is Rick Hancox and his cohorts within the New Brunswick Securities Commission. They are just like the lawyers of the Public Service Integrity Office, sneaky Howard Wilson, Bernard Shapiro, Jean T. Fournier and Paul Kennedy of the Public Complaints Against the RCMP crowd. All these people are worse than useless as tits on a bull. They are crooks. They should be fired and prosecuted immediately. At the very least the malicious public servants are definitely not entitled to severance pay a la David Dingwall.
There are many honest Canadians in the Maritimes looking for work. They could be hired to replace the corrupt politically appointed bureaucrats we have now. I am part of that public these bureaucrats etc are supposed to serve. I am also one of those over fifty folks that the CARP50 dudes hustle about where to invest our money. If the Cop Dean Buzza and his cohorts in IMET who had talked to CARP had done their job while I was running for a seat in Parliament and truly investigated the spike in Income Trust trading, many a banker etc would have had their panties in a knot for months. Instead the cops hush the CARP dudes up for the benefit of Rotten Ralphy Goodale and his banker buddies? Furthermore the far west Conservative M.K. Braaton deletes my words about Income Trusts from his blog after he allowed a Yankee Deputy Dog to attack my rep while running for a seat against his cohorts? Harper who claims Maritime roots and yet calls us defeatists has done a little service for all Canadians and unseated the wealthy corrupt liberals. More importantly he has proven in a timely fashion that he living is up to the Maritimer, Frank Boy’s description of him when he had a fine breakfast out west with the fancy former Minister of Finance two years ago. A true Maritimer who will never admit defeat has given many bankers who have a lot to lose fair warning that they should not side with Harper against me. J
Prior to printing this letter I will await the results of the budget vote. Just in case someone in the Bloc suprises me with a display of ethics. Yesterday and today I called many members of various entities known as Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc, US Congress, RCMP, FBI, CSIS, SRIC, the Fredericton Police Dept and New Brunswick Police Commission etc for the last time and waited one more day for someone honest to call me back. Nobody did and nobody ever will. Here is my humble opinion for what it is worth to the deaf ears of Upper Canadian bankers. Ed Clark should fire his new Deputy Chair of the TD Financial Group and his lawyer Chris Montague ASAP for the benefit of TD Bank’s shareholders. Lawyers and politicians are far easier to replace than repairing a bank’s damaged reputation. The same goes for the CIBC, John Manley and E. Jennifer Warren and of course the RBC and David Allgood.
Yea I know I am dreaming but at least you can never say that you did not know before I send the text of this letter in a email everywhere I can think of. That said guess who just played you all like fiddle? I not only made you litigants against me in my sad complaints but I may make this letter the introduction for a book that I have been writing for years. It is called "Pro Se Once Removed" as named in the first complaint that I ever filed. It is not a bad piece of work for a layman but I am far more proud of the second complaint I filed. I have not shown it to anyone other than litigants against me. It is a very rare Prima Facia complaint about legal malpractice that any lawyer should study. It has caused several Bills to be inspired in a very corrupt Yankee Statehouse. Thomson dudes should query it sometime. Two courts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must keep it in the public record forever. The matters began and ended in Dedham MA, hometown of Sumner Redstone and the stomping grounds of his old Harvard Law School pal, Charles J. Kickham Jr., my wife’s evil cousin. The matters were delayed and dismissed over a year after my opposition to Cardinal Law’s motion to dismiss was destroyed after the cases were removed illegally and doctored in federal court without any hearing whatsoever.
Clark Kent Irvin, the former Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security should know all about Truth Justice and the American Way. Ask him if US District Court docket # 02-CV-11686-RGS or Norfolk Superior Court docket # 02 01113 are worth checking out. I legally signed the complaint in my wife’s name as her attorney in fact after she had suffered a breakdown because of the wrongful actions against her by her kin and the justice system over mere matters of money. The Yankee Court accepted the sad complaint and filed in the last hour of work before July 4th, 2002. Within weeks I gave the US Secretary of State his copy byway of the Ambassador Argeo P. Cellucci to remind Yankees why their forefathers rebelled against the Crown (No taxation without proper representation). The rest is history.
Now that I have chucked my wrench, I must deal with a far more important matter I have at hand. Whereas my family needs a roof over their heads, I looked around to see which Maritime crooks live handy to where I’m camped right now. I decided there are Three Stooges in each big party that I should sue soon. To the left I see the easiest of all, Whining Wayne Easter. Landslide Annie confirmed her pal’s malice towards me during the 37th Parliament. Franky Boy McKenna is the very political banker/lawyer who worked against me in the USA under the mandate of the 38th Parliament for the benefit of Yankee banks. Plus he really pissed me off when he had too much fun with my G.A.L. while my wife and kids were in the streets around Beantown. Franky Boy’s old pal Andy Scot is a close tie with the Newfy Bad Boy Billy Matthews as the dumbest and nastiest of all Maritime Parliamentarians. It is the failure of the NDP and the Conservatives that they sit in the 39th Parliament today. To the right, are Rob Moore, Greg Thompson and Bill Casey for reasons I already explained. These Maritime Stooges have properties to fill the bill of my Clan’s needs. I will sue them along with my G.A.L., Bixby’s law firm in Canada in order to seek some immediate relief from the wrongs. I love teasing hostile laymen with a temper. Thus Wayne Easter and Greg Thompson will be a lot of fun in court. Ask the goddamned biblepounders Cardinal Law or Pat Robertson’s song and dance man Johnny Never Been Good Ashcroft why I love to argue lawyers.
Canadian lawyers should consider the following. Whereas the Crown stood with the USA and the Holy See against me it has caused the Queen to lose Sovereign Immunity in the USA on two counts. As soon as I crossed an international border with the former Governor General’s blessings in hand and into a Yankee jail, all MPs should have paid attention. Instead they ignored the fact I was held under the charges of "other" before Clarkson made her last Speech from the Throne to allow the 38th Parliament to begin. J
This is no conspiracy theory, as liberal talk show hosts like to suggest. You are looking at hard copy of the proof of what I say is true. Clearly before I went into the Yankee jail, I had notified many Canadian authorities and my Yankee lawyer etc that my US Mail to the Canadian Consulate in Boston had been blocked and directed elsewhere and that my Canadian Mail to the General Counsel of the RCMP had disappeared. That is Mail Fraud practised by two governments of two countries on the same day in order to cover up a conspiracy against me. The Canadian Consulate finally did come to visit me in jail after a few days with prodding from my friends and relatives but my Yankee lawyer friend never did. The Canadian public servants were bearing hard copy of more false allegations that have since disappeared from the public record. I told the Consulate off and went back to my cell and said Bingo to myself. The nut of Sovereign Immunity in regards to the Crown, the Holy See and the USA was cracked not once but twice in October of 2004. You hold the proof in your hands. Call me crazy and put it in writing in fact, I Double Dog Dare Ya To.
In closing I confess I have no false illusions. Any man with half a mind has understood for years why I must prosecute matters Pro Se. Ethical lawyers and politicians do not exist. They created the myth called Justice to suit their own selfish ends. I have no doubt whatsoever the weight of a corrupt justice system will try hard to smother my complaints. I expect all you to maintain standard operating procedure and ignore me as our government acts wrongfully on your behalf. I also know some common men like me will not. Some of us vote and invest money too. Some of us know our rights and interests are bought and sold on Yankee stock markets everyday for the benefit of crooks that ignore the public trust. Some of us are broke and can’t vote but are fierce political animals when the evils of longstanding governments are insufferable. It is not only our right but it is our duty to do so. I also know that many Canadians were raised to Hate War and are proud that much of the World recognizes us as Peacekeepers. Even the dumb as a post Stevey Boy Harper, a Canadian lapdog of the Yankee moron, George W. Bush and the Yankee Norfolk County Sheriff and his equally dumb Deputy Dog, Robert F. O’Meara must know at least that.
Cya’ll in Court:)
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
PO Box 234
Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2
May 10th, 2006
Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day,
President of the Treasury Board, John Baird,
Ministers James Flaherty, and Vic Toews
C/o Bill Casey MP
103 Albion Street South,
Amherst, NS, B4H 2X2
Franky Boy McKenna, Deputy Chair,
John Bragg and John Thompson, Directors
Chris Montague Legal Counsel
C/o Jill Crosby, Bank Manager
TD Financial Group
620 Main Street
Sussex, NB, E4E 5L4
W. Geoffrey Beattie, Director
David Allgood, Legal Counsel,
C/o Sharon Armstrong, Bank Manager
Royal Bank of Canada
644 Main Street
Sussex, NB, E4E 7H9
John Manley PC, Director and
E. Jennifer Warren, Legal Counsel
C/o Maria Cormie, Bank Manager
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
761 Main St,
Moncton, NB. E1C 1E5
RE: Blowing the whistle on big banks and corrupt politicians too.
Flaherty’s budget looming on the horizon tonight is gonna get the big OK from the Bloc EH? Well a mean old bike mechanic in the Maritimes has been waiting to chuck a wrench in the works of many a crooked beancounter. I just served your offices in hand some of the same material that Andre Arthur MP and Senator Kinsella received before the 39th Parliament began. I am also giving you other material and a political rant that they did not receive. The legal counsel of all the monstrous Canadian banks have shown me their arses, two for a month and three for almost two years. It is high time to boot you bankers out off bed with the corrupt politicians you depend on to cover up wrongs or sue you bastards too. N’est pas?
You can expect to see litigation against the Crown soon. The severe of lack integrity of people employed in public service to protect the public interests has caused me to prosecute a matter of public trust in Pro Se fashion. As is my right. I will do my best to hold accountable all those in public office, public service and the lawyers etc that have acted wrongfully against me. In the past I filed forms in the public record and in confidence, argued cops, sued treasury agents, lawyers, judges, an Attorney General who aspires to be a Governor and even a high priest. To no avail, I made thousands of phone calls, sent many more emails and sent mountains of letters proving my concerns and sincerity. To date no one has ever called me a liar but all of it was ignored all the same. If there were such a thing as an honest cop, lawyer or politician they could never deny that it is ridiculous that a whistleblower would have to go to such lengths to attempt to see Justice served in two purported Democracies. Pursuant to my quest for Justice, you will find enclosed hard copy of the material that I promised I would send to you before we meet in court. The copy of wiretap tape # 139 that all law enforcement authorities in Canada and the USA have refused investigate should be of the greatest concern to all of you right away. It is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court. Prepare to argue me about many more tapes and cases of other documents. The bankers and I may be arguing the Securities, Bank and Tax Fraud in the USA sooner than they think. The AT&T dudes should have known police surveillance tapes when they heard them. EH?
Whether you admit it or not, I know I have served upon you some of the irrefutable evidence that should have warranted the process to impeach George W. Bush years ago. All who sat in the 37th, 38th and now the 39th Parliament know why the Yankee DHS tried to take me away to Cuba on April 1st, 2003. It was because of my legitimate efforts to expose Bush and his cohorts BEFORE the War on Iraq began. For years legions of politicians, lawyers, cops, bankers and priests proved an Orwellian truth as they laughed at my ethical efforts to defend the rights and interests of my Clan. "In the time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" EH? Do you think your banks’ investors will laugh like your lawyers did? By law and the rules of your professions you must conduct yourselves ethically and hold matters in confidence. I do not. Now it is a rebel rouser’s turn to laugh as you turn page. Awful truths will put your fancy panties in a knot yet make me feel as free as my big balls do under my kilt. J
Please fell free to sue me if you disagree but you, Stevey Boy Harper got your party its mandate with rhetoric claiming to crack down on crime and hold the government accountable. Now that Conservatives have had the reigns of power for over three months, Stockwell Day at the very least must be well aware of all the secrets the two previous liberal governments kept from you and us Common Canadian Citizens. The secrets about me that most other Canadians do not give a damn about, do concern me greatly. Ask the Commissioner, John Reid, he must know of the cover up of my efforts to expose the well known rampant cross border public corruption that has caused my little Clan to suffer so. His office hung up on me on the very day he was speaking about the Conservatives’ new rules to Parliament. No doubt he knows of the evidence I have provided over the years to many Canadian law enforcement authorities that is considered a matter of public safety. Yet we all know it is not. Nevertheless it has caused three very corrupt Canadian Federal governments and all Provincial governments to willfully support the malice of Yankee State and Federal governments acting wrongfully against me. WHY?
Now Harper has shown us his true colours, too bad for you that the DHS did not manage to take me away to Cuba. EH Mr. Day? I must ask you in court someday soon if you have listened to the original wiretap tapes that I provided to CSIS and the RCMP before and after the federal election in 2004. It was done before I was falsely imprisoned in a Yankee jail. Why did the nasty Canadian Consulate officers in Boston refuse to accept any more of the Yankee wiretap tapes that my wife tried to give to them while I sat in jail held under the charges of "other" without bail or even being legally arrested or charged? As I sat in a jail in Beantown Eliot Spitzer, a Yankee in New York made the big score with my info. Yet he allowed Morgan Stanley to sue my wife? The 38th Parliament continued to ignore my plight throughout its mandate. As we all watched Bush pull off another very questionable election it appears only I saw Count Peter-Hans Kolvenbach fly to the USA to speak in aid of the very evil smoke and mirror show. EH?
Whereas all Canadian authorities have ignored my pleas for assistance for three years, I must sue the Crown to seek relief under the Charter for my government’s deliberate assistance in malicious prosecution and false imprisonment etc. Did you politicians think I was kidding when I said it in January on CTV News? The smirking newsman, Stevey Boy Murphy asked me clearly and I answered him plainly. It was watched live all over the Maritimes just minutes before the only time I was ever allowed to debate dumb Andy Scott in front of a live crowd as I ran against him for his seat in Parliament. Many common folks heard me say it and have commented about it in the months since. Some of them must have questioned some of their various MPs by now. I watched a friend confront his MP, Greg Thompson in front folks of two ridings. He gave all other candidates running against two seated Conservatives a copy of the letter he served upon Thompson in hand. Now you have your copy too. Thompson in front of witnesses promised to respond in writing to his constituent before polling day three months ago. Just as I suspected, the new Cabinet Minister broke his promise. I know for a fact in 2005 Greg Thompson, Bill Casey and Andy Scott ignored other constituents of theirs who brought hard copy of my material to their local offices personally while I was being illegally prosecuted in the USA. Obviously our MPs Liberal or Conservative have no respect for their own constituents if they are kin or friends of mine. EH?
Check the letter that Landslide Annie McLellan sent to me when she had Stockwell Day ‘s day job. Clearly she was compelled to answer me after so many high placed Yankees had already done so. She did what all Martinites have done in the past and blamed one of Chretien’s arseholes, Wayne Easter for my plight as a whistleblower. Stockwell Day did you get off your Jet Ski to follow the lead of liberals such as a dumb PEI farmer and a very malicious political lawyer from Nova Scotia? You will not provide me any assistance whatsoever as is required by the mandate of your office? None of your underlings even the nervous Marshal dude will do me the simple courtesy of calling me back just like your political cohorts never did? Your little Newfy buddy, Rob Moore forgot something just as Landslide Annie as the Minister of Justice did when Easter was Solicitor General. She did not have any idea what mechanism a layman would employ to hold many a corrupt Parliamentarian accountable. The answer is so simple to me. Sue the Bastards. Didn’t anyone notice I have done it in the past to many Yankees? I have changed my style and waited until some very corrupt public servants were out of public office so that they could not employ the weight of a corrupt justice system against me. Vic Toews will have his job cut out trying to defend the malice of all three recent government mandates two of them liberal against one Proud Canadian. EH? J
Whereas Federal Court in Canada does not allow me the right to a trial by jury and its Commissioner David Gourdeau has shown his arse too, I plan to do a double check in the USA. With luck, at about the same time my matters may begin in Fredericton, I will be seeking a jury in a Yankee Federal Court with a lawsuit against some very crooked Canadian political lawyers and their many Yankee associates acting against other Canadians, Yankees and me. In the "mean" time I have been lining up ducks while Jumping Jimmy Flaherty was drop kicking his wicked budget past the very confused corrupt clucking Chickenshits sitting as the opposition in the Chicken House. Tonight byway of the Bloc I am making my best fiercely political efforts to see that all Conservatives will be looking for a new day job far from the Hill in Upper Canada. Then I will give this material to other bankers when I judge the time is right. Any great mechanic knows that there is true magic in the timing of things. If a crook in opposition blinks and mentions me in a public forum even after the budget is allowed, it will be all over but the crying for George W, Bush and his lapdog, Stevey Boy Harper. Who may wish to mingle with the media soon is interesting. EH?
If the bankers who did not wish to call me back last month want this material explained, it is the task of the Thomson dudes, Jealous Johnny Manley and Franky Boy McKenna to do now. I did my best to make certain they knew everything over the years. The Thomson dudes claim to know everything that goes on in court in Canada and the USA. The Upper Canadian lawyer was Minister of Finance etc in the 37th Parliament, and the Maritimer was our Ambassador to the USA under the mandate of the 38th. They can explain the malice of Landslide Annie and her many cohorts in support of corrupt bankers etc. Better yet let the Yankee lawyer Michael Hefler and his Canadian counterpart Deborah Alexander explain their support of Putnam Investments, Brian Mulroney, Cendant Corp. and Franky McKenna’s old BMO crowd etc. Tell me, do ya think my name came up when they cooked a little deal between Citigroup and Scotia Bank recently? Jennifer Warren should be capable of explaining why Garfield Emerson quit the Rogers outfit recently. Geoffrey Beattie of Thomson Corp no doubt can explain why David Allgood is playing dumb. Need I say that the brotherhood of the bar and bankers make me as sick as politicians do?
The reason I ran against the aptly named lawyer, Rob Moore in 2004 should be painfully clear to all Canadians in recent days. Stevey Boy Harper is proving to all that he is a lapdog for Bush just like Franky Boy McKenna said of him years ago. I do not have put one word in the text of this letter in support of what many Proud Canadians are agreeing with in Frank Boy’s political dogma speech years ago in support of the reelection of Rotten Ralphy Goodale. The fact that Moore is now Canada’s Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister of Justice greatly offends me. All Canadians have the right to know why. If he or any other Canadian lawyer had acted as a proper officer of the court then my Clan would not be suffering from many wrongs right now. The Yankee Carpetbagger, David Lutz whom I had given this material to BEFORE Moore was elected in 2004 must agree. I am very curious what Rob Moore will say in Parliament in his own defense when I put him and Lutz in bed in a Canadian complaint.
Rob Moore can explain to all Canadians why I think the blood of four very honourable Canadian soldiers and countless others can be found on his hands and that of his cohorts. In June of 2004 during a debate at the Moss Glen Legion we were questioned in front of many people including David Lutz, I stated my position clearly with regards to War. In defense of our warriors I said that they must get the best training and weapons possible, then be kept home to defend our country. That is their job. Lutz a Yankee draft dodger nodded in agreement. Moore did not argue me because he did not need to. Less is more for Moore when matters are a sure thing. The Blue Coat got the seat he expected to win in Fundy just like my dog would have if she had worn his coat. However Moore and Lutz are lessor men than I because of their inaction as purportedly ethical men. If the lawyers in Moore and Lutz disagreed with all I wrote of them since, why didn’t they sue me to protect their reputations? The answer is the same as I have proven in the turncoat Bad Boy Billy Matthews versus Byron Prior matter in Newfoundland. Politically appointed Judges like Derek Green or lawyers like Bernard Roy controlling the show in court or Inquiry only cover up and delay awful truths. It is important that public corruption be argued in public view quickly. Thus I will sue Crown. Before anyone attempts to deny what I have just stated, study this material closely. Look how sending this material to any of you is truly redundant. The evidence that you or your associates and I crossed have paths many times in the past is irrefutable despite the fact that I can prove my many letters, phone calls and emails that I sent over the years. Turn the page, lawyers. It gets worse for you J
If any of you truly do not know who I am, it is the Fed’s fault, not mine. I can easily prove that the Feds have done no service whatsoever for the public they have an obligation to serve. The fact that the Feds have done their worst to keep my legitimate actions a whistleblower secret with false claims such as confidentiality or public security further serves to prove my point about rampant public corruption. To refute the false claims of secrecy, I must point out that much of my work can still be found in the public record of many courts in Canada, the USA and on the Internet as well. Last fall my wife saw a copy of wiretap tape # 139 in the docket of a Yankee court that anyone could listen to. I had filed that copy in a sealed envelope with that court in order to protect the Fourth Amendment Rights of the people recorded on it. As you can see by the documents I have provided that one year ago the District Attorney in Boston lost the many original wiretap tapes that I gave him in court in 2004. Nothing yet has been said about my lawyer in the USA sending 9 original wiretap tapes to the Senate Judiciary Committee in Congress this year on February 7th. So much for Yankees upholding the law EH? Canadians are no better.
As you can see despite my wife and my lawyer’s best efforts to stop them, the Yankees seized our home without warrants or due process of law. A couple more Yankee bankers and insurance dudes made out like the bandits they are. This was done while my children and I were in Canada last summer without a home. Nobody in Canada or the UN even bothered to care about our Human Rights. All of my pleas to the spendthrifts Adrienne Clarkson, Pierre Pettigrew and their replacements Michaelle Jean, Petey Baby MacKay were ignored despite our Canadian birthright and our rights under the Charter. Canada supported the theft of our property including many original wiretap tapes I had in my possession in our home.
I have been recently informed that Yankees have sold all of my possessions at a public auction including the wiretap tapes. However, much to chagrin of Yankees, I have proven that I have many more wiretap tapes in Canada and elsewhere. The aforesaid malicious auction of my property was done while my Clan is still awaiting a long delayed trial about the illegal actions against us. Our property was supposed to be safely stored according to the rules of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Safety until the matter was resolved. This latest malice begs the obvious question..
Whereas Yankee law enforcement authorities feel free to violate their Constitution and sell wiretap tapes of their citizens at public auction, why can’t I do the same? Interesting question. EH? Why should I as a Canadian Citizen care about the Civil Rights of Yankee mobsters and their families anymore when their evil government does not? Methinks I should sell a few on EBAY in Europe to see if I can recoup some of my losses ASAP. I could use the funds from the sale of the wiretap tapes to sue many lawyers etc in the USA and Canada. Look at the very dumb answers I got in 2003 from a crooked District Attorney in Massachusetts and the corrupt US Attorney in New Hampshire, before you try to claim that what I would be doing is illegal. The former is a good friend of Argeo P. Cellucci and the latter enforces federal code in the State where I now permanently reside. Both Yankees claim the tapes are not what I say they are but merely evidence in a probate action? What planet do Yankee lawyers come from?
I can’t be the only person on this planet who wishes to see George W. Bush impeached ASAP. Ask the fat dumb happy Yankee Michael Moore before you disagree. These tapes may fetch quite a price from story hungry dudes such as he. Truth is stranger than fiction and far more marketable and profitable with less money spent in production using real people instead of big name actors. Even clever lawyers must admit that wiretap tape # 139 makes one wonder what happened next. EH? Stay tuned dudes. Small portions of other tapes may be in your email inbox for you to listen to. Other politicians can read the text of this letter and listen to their Parliamentary email along with the rest of mine they have ignored for over three years. The many words of a fiercely political rant may be added as a postscript to the text of this letter and sent to the government’s opposition first. I must be fair. You dudes got this letter first. My next email may cause quite a stir amongst the clucking Chickenshits in the House. Canadians should find it very interesting indeed if one or more the smiling bastards decide to mention my name to the Speaker.
How they vote against the political pollution of hot air from the windbags of Baird and Flaherty that is stinking up the House is critical to our future. I see no need to let all the cats out of the bag in this letter to you but for fun just check my work. See me teasing Derek Burney and his boss Brian Mulroney? They know the Barbarian at the gate who is me knows what lawyers hold the keys that lock all political parties together on both sides of the 49th parallel. One nasty Yankee’s name is Harper too. J
That smiling bastard’s law office ain’t too far from the UN. EH? Depending how far left you are Michael Ignatieff,Canada’s Prince of Darkness or our Sexist Cerebral man knows the Yankee Harper quite well. Derek Burney and Karl Rove as aymen or Louis Freeh and the new General Counsel of the FBI as lawyers would likely agree with little ol me and on one thing. It is that bigassed Yankee lawyers like the one named Harper makes little liberal lawyers such as Humpty Dumpty, Land Slide Annie, Asinine Allan Rock, Franky Boy McKenna, and Johnny Jealous Manley look like the little lost puppies truly they are. Perhaps bankers etc will want Franky Boy McKenna to call some crooked cop he knows hanging out in his hometown to figure out how to handle me now. Before you do, check my work that I have provided to you to see what I have already given you many clues not to. I have had enough police harassment for any ten men to stand. My ghost or I will sue every cop that has tried to stop me from justifiably and legally seeking justice. There is no middle ground for any honest man to stand on in my battles against very corrupt justice systems in two purported Democracies. The interests of investors in many banks would be better served if the bankers chastised in public view a certain few employees who deliberately failed to uphold the law and protect the public’s interests invested in their bank and many other publicly held companies. From a Canadian’s perspective of the world I know that the interests of all Canadians are bought and sold on Yankee stock markets everyday. I know of many lawyers who should be knocked off their high horses ASAP. In fact I just named some them. EH?
Canadian politicians should know this before the vote on the budget becomes a matter of history. I truly believe that Conservatives will continue to follow Bush’s lead for the benefit of the bankers whose HQ’s surround Flaherty’s office. Like Bush he will try to take our country deep into debt. Bankers and politicians will do what they wish with the world, tis true. Trust that I don’t care the more the merrier for me in litigation. You dudes are about to meet a rather formidable layman in court. I have been studying and arguing law night and day for four years, all the while clearing each and every hurtle that rampant public corruption has thrown into my path to Justice. I will not pity any lawyer who chooses to stand in court beside the likes of Franky Boy, Landslide Annie and Humpty Dumpty. You can see that Harper has ignored the words of the Accountability Act with doubletalk if his pals need money for their party war chests. Our little Lord of NB and his buddy Brad Green affirmed that they knew the same truths that Rob Moore, Franky Boy and Landslide Annie did years ago. It was within a few days of the election and Humpty Dumpty’s Third World boat named after his wife was caught in Nova Scotia bringing cocaine to Canada along with more Blood Coal. Humpty Dumpty employed lawyer’s rhetoric and recused himself and Landslide Annie’s underlings made the matter evaporate. Harper just looked away in support even as Humpty Dumpty picked Franky Boy to be our Ambassador within the year to obviously support the Yankee’s malicious persecution of me rather than act within the scope of his employment as a public servant. If bankers do not understand my words, blame your own lawyers. David Allgood should have walked the talk of Chris Montague’s words about Red Flags in his speech on Feb 11th 2005 and called me back if he did not wish to argue me in court. When I called both of them Deborah Alexander, Ronald Sirkis and Jennifer Warren were past too late. They knew of wiretap tapes and Bank Fraud etc since 2004.
This year after the Conservative government accepted Franky Boy’s resignation and well before the TD Financial Group hired Franky Boy, I called his spokesperson Ruth McCrae. After a minor spit and chew ensued, she told me to sue her along with the law firm of McInnes and Cooper. A liberal talk show host Tom Young will soon affirm that I do not have to be asked twice to sue someone but I did call many partners of the aforesaid law firm to see if they agreed with Franky Boy and his outspoken gal. The words of the lawyer Costello, a partner who argues NB Power on behalf of the Venezuela and the silence of the rest affirmed that all apparently stood with McKenna including some of the former partners of Paterson and Palmer. Furthermore, Franky Boy should have disclosed everything about a potential lawsuit etc to the TD Financial dudes before accepting his new position. However I was very open and very honest with them as soon as I was aware of his new job. Now that Franky Boy and I are both back home in our old stomping grounds and I am on the warpath, John Manley may quit hustling the Ottawa Senators hockey team to CIBC. It would be wise to try to explain why Franky Boy praised Yankee success at pond hockey to the law partners of Burns and Levenson whom he partied with last fall instead of being a proper public servant and discussing with Yankees the failings of their partner, my Guardian Ad Litem Brian Bixby. J
For my benefit, I made it a point to look into Stevey Boy Harper’s pale blue eyes on June 19th, 2004 when he stopped in Sussex for ice cream the day after I debated Rob Moore the first time. We both knew each other at a glance. Lets just say I found nothing I admired behind Stevey Boy’s eyes. His soul is far meaner than Rob Moore’s. With luck on my side, this year my fellow Maritimers should be entertained and educated in a three-ring circus of a long awaited monumental hoe-down in court. Our little Lord’s justice system that his buddy, Cleveland Allaby was well paid to study in secret years ago will be the unwilling confused ringmaster to oversee the affair. When it comes to being showmen Franky Boy and I are on and even keel. We are both smiling bastards who crack a lot of jokes fearlessly in front of crowds. To his advantage, he is a lawyer whereas I am not. He is famous whereas I am not. Franky Boy is very wealthy, whereas I am not. On the other hand, I am honest whereas he is not. I have many friends that I can trust, whereas he does not. I have much evidence of many crimes he has covered up in his personal pursuit of lucre, whereas he has only fancy legal doubletalk. Franky Boy has climbed high up on the crooked totem pole of affluence pedaling his influence over common Maritimers without a common man’s conscience that is lost to all lawyers. Franky Boy and his many pals in banks and companies such as the Carlyle Group may gain the whole world at the expense of their own souls. However one pigheaded ethical soul will try hard to hold them all accountable by just knocking a few off their high horses. I also know there are many souls in the Maritimes who were entertained and understand the meaning of the old story of David versus Goliath or my name ain’t Dave. Watch me look into the eyes of the people I pick for a jury before I start chucking rocks in court.
Stevey Boy Harper and his little lawyer Rob Moore would not understand why I am humming the old tune sung the dude who loved to hang around mobsters but many other old farts like me will. They will understand why I am writing the letter in April and delivering it in hand to my MP Bill Casey in May. (I am sending Duccepe and Fortier the same material Allan Rock and Franky Boy received last May) To give the devil his due, that old dead Yankee Franky Boy sang "That’s Life" very well. Methinks that Stevey Boy’s big mistake was following the directions of Derek Burney and Karl Rove too closely. He really should learn to think for himself. He is flying too high in April for his own good in May. It seems that Harper don’t even know that what goes up always comes down. The higher they go the harder they fall. Ask Humpty Dumpty. The clucking chickens in opposition may shoot his government down in May without the effect he desires. To challenge the opposition to unseat him just because he is momentarily higher in the polls is dumb beyond belief. If Mulroney and his cohorts think Harper can win a majority in the House next time around simply by blaming the opposition for causing the election, they do not remember Humpty Dumpty’s big faux pas last year. I sincerely hope that next week holds a very bad day for many nasty political Maritimers who have kissed Upper Canadian fat fancy arses for years. It has always been Hard Times in the Maritimes and it is their fault. N’est Pas?
Time will tell the tale. Right now I can only wish that my efforts help knock Jumping Jimmy Flaherty out of his new jump boots and into the Newfy, Crosbie’s old mukluks from 1979. With any luck at all Luc Lavoie will not be so lucky anymore. He and all the other all clucking Conservatives will start singing for more Tequila from Sheila as Dominic LeBlanc learns how to play his Daddy’s kazoo. As I look towards the horizon in the direction of far off Upper Canada, I will dream of Petey Baby MacKay and his very punky hunky dory sinking beneath the waves of bullshit that has kept him afloat for years. There is no denying that I will chuckle as I imagine his very nasty ex sweetyfart Belinda Baby picking up the phone and calling Magna Entertainment’s Yankee VP Argeo P. Cellucci and its General Counsel Don Amos. Her Big Daddy Franky may want to rip them new arseholes for in order to shove each other’s head into. Clearly they did not do a good job protecting the interests of Stronach’s publicly held company from one pigheaded Maritimer who is serious gambling man in the big game called New World Order. I am still gambling that there is no honour amongst thieves and somebody will blink in order to protect their own butt. I too am wondering and ain’t betting on the ethics of any politician. For instance only a fool would bet on the ethics of Andre Arthur the Independent MP and if he will quit being as quiet as a mouse in the House. If the government goes down, I doubt he will get elected again. He had his chance to do the right thing just as Chucky Cadman did years ago. The Yankee midterm election is the biggest game in the world right now. Ask my Clan’s Senator Teddy Kennedy. J
I will wager that I do know why nobody wants to talk to or about me. The dark horse in this game is the one who will blink, when and where. Knowing who won’t say a word is easy. Strangely predicting who may be honest is tough. How sad is that? For instance Senator Kinsella’s malice against me was a nobrainer. I expected it about as much as that he would vote for Lynch in Fredericton. On the other hand Andre Arthur had no ethical reason whatsoever to ignore me particularly after reading things he has said in the past. His recent appointment to oversee the CRTC proves to me that he is a crooked as Hell. He must have known he was finally free from all the lawyers that had once chastised him in the past. They cannot hold him accountable for whatever he says in the House to a nationwide audience as an MP like they once did when he spoke on local radio. The chickenshit, Andre Arthur may be laying back and waiting for just the right point in time to start clucking into the Parliamentary record to make history in his own best interests. I don’t know. Nor do I care if he has a plan or is just holding to a backroom deal. I do know when we talked on the phone months ago, I could tell that he did not have any balls at all. The silence of a former big talking talk show host from Quebec spoke volumes to me months ago about why that Frenchman won’t mingle with the media he now oversees. His appointment to the committee that oversees the very dudes who once tortured him, stinks of backroom deal and a political payoff to me. All Andre Arthur or anyone else in the House had to do this month or in the years before was to have the sand to stand up and ask the Speaker in a question period on the record simply state the following. "Who the Hell is David Raymond Amos and what the Hell is talking about?" There I even wrote the script for him just in case he or anyone sprouts some testicles real soon. If anyone acts like an ethical Parliamentarian, it will be Rob Moore’s task to explain my affairs to the House. I will lay odds that if Andre Arthur or anyone else were certain that they could profit rather than suffer from such few words, they would. love to make history and become the hero who saved Democracy for us all.
Nobody will talk to me for the same reason Arthur is silent to everyone else. It is based in political deceit. Justice is always a matter of political will rather than the way that it should be. I am just wise enough to know I can be the most effective in finding a little justice when the political process is flux. Bernie Shapiro’s office and that of his fellow crook, Jean Fournier’s have denied receiving anything of mine from Andre Arthur or Noel Kinsella. That makes me understand that I am on the right track this time. When Shapiro’s office called me last year, they were nervous campers after I had made Parliament uphold an act and give Fournier a job so that I could complain to him about Senator Joe Day. The far from ethical parliamentary counselors are quite likely hiding under a rug somewhere in the House and praying Baird’s Accountability Act replaces them soon. Shapiro and Fournier are just playing dumb while waiting to duck out the back and scurry into the sunset with unearned severance pays in their purses. Once they are all out of public service, they will become just a few more paragraphs to me in a future complaint against many individuals out of public service I plan to sue. The rats abandoning Humpty Dumpty’s boat like David Dingwall and Howie Wilson should offend anyone with half a mind. Most ordinary folks have all but forgotten the Dingwall affair but I doubt most did not even know who the dude Howie Wilson was or how he assisted Landslide Annie in making Humpty Dumpty’s doings with Tainted Blood disappear on everyone else’s watch but mine. Does anyone but me remember where the bad blood came from and who made the deal with whom? I do. This brings me to why I find the Bloc so interesting these days. I know Ducceppe is a crooked as the rest but some other Bloc may want to fill his shoes. Humpty Dumpty’s loss was a given, to me. The loss of the Bloc and the Conservative gain was a surprise to everyone. It would be truly comical if their leader, Ducceppe were to act ethically on my behalf after all these years. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that he could be the next PM if the Bloc had the majority next time around. The other parties could be so decimated by his integrity that maybe a legion of Independents would inhabit the House. Less of a pipe dream would be that perhaps the Bloc could get the ten seats in Quebec from the Conservatives and truly make the Liberal history as well. C’est Vrai? I know what I just stated seems crazy but think about it for a minute. Ignore what crooked liberals such as the local talk show host, Tom Young may say of me being a nut. He retracted "the fool for a client spiel" in another matter when it suited his political agenda. He knows I was not nuts in my predictions about picking Speakers, the Tanker Malley affair or wiretap tapes too. Young was not wise to challenge a man such as I to sue him on live radio. I ain’t that foolish not to sue Jennifer Warren and Rogers Media J
. Whatever liberals such as Young and his cohorts in Rogers say about me negative or otherwise on the radio almost two years later is gravy after I had made my mission known byway of his own program. I openly declared that it was my Securities Fraud issues that should most concern my fellow Maritimers. Soon it is my turn to fall silent in the text of this letter anyway. However before I do become truly silent you may wish to know that some of you will receive this letter in your email and see it posted on the Internet at about the same time the budget vote becomes history. I cannot give you time to run political damage control. I have long understood your wicked game of hear, no evil, see no evil and speak no evil for your own benefit and not the people you claim to serve. I know that the things like Freedom and Justice that lawyers claim are so important in a Democracy are merely myths. Bankers and lawyers know as well as I that Freedom does not have prayer because Justice is bought and sold everyday to the highest bidder in the marketplace and the courts. Money is all the beancounters care about as they count the percentage points of gain and lawyers follow suit in their fees for assisting in the malice against us all. The corrupt Yankees that you people support have taught me a lot about how to deal with many crooked Canadians. The answer is simple. Make Justice a matter of political will particularly in a time of War.
Now that we all understand the wicked game, why mince words anymore? I am raising the stakes and laying some more of my cards on table before I summons you all to court. You do not have much time to decide if I am bluffing or not. Lets just say I have no doubt whatsoever why the blog in CTV W5 website was deleted recently after it had stood for almost a year. I save all blogs long before they are lost in cyber space. The words of the one within CTV’s W5 domain that was erased for the benefit of CIBC John Manley and the Thomson dudes will resurface somewhere else on the Internet in short order. Hard copy of the aforesaid blog and many others will be presented in various courts someday. Dempsey the lawyer, who has since fallen silent had apparently filed a complaint in BC about what anybody who has studied the banking profession knows to be true. Wise guys know the root of all evil is not exactly money but Filthy Lucre, the words that King James employed just once. Gain of control over the land is the name of the game. Money is just a clever paper tool that is based on nothing at all. The idea of money in the form of a banknote that is no longer based on gold but debt was invented and controlled by bankers and the same holds true for the notion of religion invented the banker’s cohorts the Roman who turned into priests of one god. It is money I must attack and seek because it is what the lawyers who made the rules for the benefit of bankers and priests claim I must do in order to play their wicked game. I did so out of the gate years ago. If you bother to check my work you will see that I employed my right to have the freedom to have no religion at all to attack what the smiling bastards hold most dear, their money.
The law is clear in matters of money and beancounters rely on such laws. It is against the law for a trustee to give money he holds in trust to any charity on his own accord. For a well-respected old lawyer to assist an ex FBI agent in his wrongs against the terms of a trust and without the knowledge and accent of the beneficiaries is interesting to say the least. To steal it and give it to a church that the beneficiaries have no faith in is particularly offensive especially when the Cardinal’s secretary is the offended person’s cousin. When I exposed to the Feds the fact that the crooks had also hid some of the stolen funds in a bank account in the name of a person whose estate was long closed, things got really bad. The people who are supposed to enforce the law turned against me for the benefit of crooked bankers. It took me awhile to understand why the Feds were behaving so poorly. The reason was all the pension funds of government employees controlled by Putnam Investments and the fact that they owned half of the Brookline Savings Bank, another publicly held company. Perhaps you dudes should read the fine print of the whistleblower form 211 that I filled out many years ago. Whereas bankers and priests employ many puppets in the form of politicians, lawyers, cops and priests to play their deadly game of World Control for them, it is the puppets I must deal with day to day. However I always knew who were sending the people to act against me. Bankers invented money and the miserable bastards known as Jesuits invented lawyers. Correct? The real nature of the wicked game is World Control or New World Order just as the carpetbaggers named Bush love to say. Before you dare to call me a liar, have the local liberal lawyer Dominic Leblanc and non elected Cabinet Minister Michael Fortier study the material I just sent to them. It is the same material Franky Boy McKenna, Deborah Alexander of the Scotia Bank and Petey Baby MacKay from Nova Scotia for example got back in 2004. As I said in the CTV blog it is just the tip of the iceberg. J
What I have just delivered in hand to the bankers and Bill Casey is different material than the liberals have ever received from me. Find the email within this material that the General Counsel of Bell Canada, Martine Turcotte sent me in 2004 and you will see that Bell Canada spent three days printing my files off the web. They still did not have it all by a long shot. Ask the serial killer and his cohorts the Feds about that simple fact. As I said earlier in this letter now that the Stevey Boy Harper, a lapdog for the Bush regime has shown all Canadians that his nasty arse is flying too high, it is high time that someone gives it a boot ASAP. I will take license and employ some of Franky Boy McKenna’s choice of words.
The only hope I see on the horizon in far off Parliament Hill to see that that our democracy is served can be found within the personal greed of members of the Bloc Quebecois. Yet that is the very party that wants to break up our country. Thus I think that what I see must be a mirage to give me false hope. All Canadians can see the Liberals are wandering around lost in the far from deserted halls of the House with no leader in sight. The Liberals crippled up old German Shepherd wants to talk to high school kids and the media in the Maritimes about the future of the liberal party but the kids and nobody else seems to care about Humpty Dumpty anymore. Everybody wants to talk to the Conservatives and they won’t talk to anybody unless Karl Rove and Derek Burney first bless the script. The annoying arsekissing terrier and boss of the NDP Jacky Jackass Layton is truly irrelevant. He has lost all credibility. Ask yourselves why the yapping little terrier is not willing to give the Conservatives the boot as he claims he did with the Liberals last year. Even Layton ‘s old buddy Bob Rae has quit the NDP and joined his old college roommate’s liberal crowd of wealthy thieves. Rae wants to lead liberals out of the desert for selfish reasons of his own. The first thing Rae, a pal of Landslide Annie bragged of on CTV the morning he announced he was running for leader was of his work within the Security Intelligence Review Committee. It seems he has chosen to forget my emails to him or the phone conversation we had late in the week before. I know Rae knows that Marion McGrath, the General Counsel of the SIRC has refused to do her god damned job just like Franky Boy’s old lieutenant Adleea Landry does. Because of that Bob Rae felt free pat to his own back about the work he did with the SIRC?
Marion MacGrath and many others whose names can be found within the enclosed documents have forever proven to me the malice of all politically appointed public servants. The cop, Dean Buzza of the arm of the RCMP known as IMET really pissed me off in March. I defy anyone to try to talk to the crooked lawyer, Paul Kennedy about him. IMET was created within a week or so of Ashcroft meeting with Easter in November of 2003. Amongst a host of public servants that know all too well what I say is true and ignore the law for personal gain is Rick Hancox and his cohorts within the New Brunswick Securities Commission. They are just like the lawyers of the Public Service Integrity Office, sneaky Howard Wilson, Bernard Shapiro, Jean T. Fournier and Paul Kennedy of the Public Complaints Against the RCMP crowd. All these people are worse than useless as tits on a bull. They are crooks. They should be fired and prosecuted immediately. At the very least the malicious public servants are definitely not entitled to severance pay a la David Dingwall.
There are many honest Canadians in the Maritimes looking for work. They could be hired to replace the corrupt politically appointed bureaucrats we have now. I am part of that public these bureaucrats etc are supposed to serve. I am also one of those over fifty folks that the CARP50 dudes hustle about where to invest our money. If the Cop Dean Buzza and his cohorts in IMET who had talked to CARP had done their job while I was running for a seat in Parliament and truly investigated the spike in Income Trust trading, many a banker etc would have had their panties in a knot for months. Instead the cops hush the CARP dudes up for the benefit of Rotten Ralphy Goodale and his banker buddies? Furthermore the far west Conservative M.K. Braaton deletes my words about Income Trusts from his blog after he allowed a Yankee Deputy Dog to attack my rep while running for a seat against his cohorts? Harper who claims Maritime roots and yet calls us defeatists has done a little service for all Canadians and unseated the wealthy corrupt liberals. More importantly he has proven in a timely fashion that he living is up to the Maritimer, Frank Boy’s description of him when he had a fine breakfast out west with the fancy former Minister of Finance two years ago. A true Maritimer who will never admit defeat has given many bankers who have a lot to lose fair warning that they should not side with Harper against me. J
Prior to printing this letter I will await the results of the budget vote. Just in case someone in the Bloc suprises me with a display of ethics. Yesterday and today I called many members of various entities known as Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc, US Congress, RCMP, FBI, CSIS, SRIC, the Fredericton Police Dept and New Brunswick Police Commission etc for the last time and waited one more day for someone honest to call me back. Nobody did and nobody ever will. Here is my humble opinion for what it is worth to the deaf ears of Upper Canadian bankers. Ed Clark should fire his new Deputy Chair of the TD Financial Group and his lawyer Chris Montague ASAP for the benefit of TD Bank’s shareholders. Lawyers and politicians are far easier to replace than repairing a bank’s damaged reputation. The same goes for the CIBC, John Manley and E. Jennifer Warren and of course the RBC and David Allgood.
Yea I know I am dreaming but at least you can never say that you did not know before I send the text of this letter in a email everywhere I can think of. That said guess who just played you all like fiddle? I not only made you litigants against me in my sad complaints but I may make this letter the introduction for a book that I have been writing for years. It is called "Pro Se Once Removed" as named in the first complaint that I ever filed. It is not a bad piece of work for a layman but I am far more proud of the second complaint I filed. I have not shown it to anyone other than litigants against me. It is a very rare Prima Facia complaint about legal malpractice that any lawyer should study. It has caused several Bills to be inspired in a very corrupt Yankee Statehouse. Thomson dudes should query it sometime. Two courts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must keep it in the public record forever. The matters began and ended in Dedham MA, hometown of Sumner Redstone and the stomping grounds of his old Harvard Law School pal, Charles J. Kickham Jr., my wife’s evil cousin. The matters were delayed and dismissed over a year after my opposition to Cardinal Law’s motion to dismiss was destroyed after the cases were removed illegally and doctored in federal court without any hearing whatsoever.
Clark Kent Irvin, the former Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security should know all about Truth Justice and the American Way. Ask him if US District Court docket # 02-CV-11686-RGS or Norfolk Superior Court docket # 02 01113 are worth checking out. I legally signed the complaint in my wife’s name as her attorney in fact after she had suffered a breakdown because of the wrongful actions against her by her kin and the justice system over mere matters of money. The Yankee Court accepted the sad complaint and filed in the last hour of work before July 4th, 2002. Within weeks I gave the US Secretary of State his copy byway of the Ambassador Argeo P. Cellucci to remind Yankees why their forefathers rebelled against the Crown (No taxation without proper representation). The rest is history.
Now that I have chucked my wrench, I must deal with a far more important matter I have at hand. Whereas my family needs a roof over their heads, I looked around to see which Maritime crooks live handy to where I’m camped right now. I decided there are Three Stooges in each big party that I should sue soon. To the left I see the easiest of all, Whining Wayne Easter. Landslide Annie confirmed her pal’s malice towards me during the 37th Parliament. Franky Boy McKenna is the very political banker/lawyer who worked against me in the USA under the mandate of the 38th Parliament for the benefit of Yankee banks. Plus he really pissed me off when he had too much fun with my G.A.L. while my wife and kids were in the streets around Beantown. Franky Boy’s old pal Andy Scot is a close tie with the Newfy Bad Boy Billy Matthews as the dumbest and nastiest of all Maritime Parliamentarians. It is the failure of the NDP and the Conservatives that they sit in the 39th Parliament today. To the right, are Rob Moore, Greg Thompson and Bill Casey for reasons I already explained. These Maritime Stooges have properties to fill the bill of my Clan’s needs. I will sue them along with my G.A.L., Bixby’s law firm in Canada in order to seek some immediate relief from the wrongs. I love teasing hostile laymen with a temper. Thus Wayne Easter and Greg Thompson will be a lot of fun in court. Ask the goddamned biblepounders Cardinal Law or Pat Robertson’s song and dance man Johnny Never Been Good Ashcroft why I love to argue lawyers.
Canadian lawyers should consider the following. Whereas the Crown stood with the USA and the Holy See against me it has caused the Queen to lose Sovereign Immunity in the USA on two counts. As soon as I crossed an international border with the former Governor General’s blessings in hand and into a Yankee jail, all MPs should have paid attention. Instead they ignored the fact I was held under the charges of "other" before Clarkson made her last Speech from the Throne to allow the 38th Parliament to begin. J
This is no conspiracy theory, as liberal talk show hosts like to suggest. You are looking at hard copy of the proof of what I say is true. Clearly before I went into the Yankee jail, I had notified many Canadian authorities and my Yankee lawyer etc that my US Mail to the Canadian Consulate in Boston had been blocked and directed elsewhere and that my Canadian Mail to the General Counsel of the RCMP had disappeared. That is Mail Fraud practised by two governments of two countries on the same day in order to cover up a conspiracy against me. The Canadian Consulate finally did come to visit me in jail after a few days with prodding from my friends and relatives but my Yankee lawyer friend never did. The Canadian public servants were bearing hard copy of more false allegations that have since disappeared from the public record. I told the Consulate off and went back to my cell and said Bingo to myself. The nut of Sovereign Immunity in regards to the Crown, the Holy See and the USA was cracked not once but twice in October of 2004. You hold the proof in your hands. Call me crazy and put it in writing in fact, I Double Dog Dare Ya To.
In closing I confess I have no false illusions. Any man with half a mind has understood for years why I must prosecute matters Pro Se. Ethical lawyers and politicians do not exist. They created the myth called Justice to suit their own selfish ends. I have no doubt whatsoever the weight of a corrupt justice system will try hard to smother my complaints. I expect all you to maintain standard operating procedure and ignore me as our government acts wrongfully on your behalf. I also know some common men like me will not. Some of us vote and invest money too. Some of us know our rights and interests are bought and sold on Yankee stock markets everyday for the benefit of crooks that ignore the public trust. Some of us are broke and can’t vote but are fierce political animals when the evils of longstanding governments are insufferable. It is not only our right but it is our duty to do so. I also know that many Canadians were raised to Hate War and are proud that much of the World recognizes us as Peacekeepers. Even the dumb as a post Stevey Boy Harper, a Canadian lapdog of the Yankee moron, George W. Bush and the Yankee Norfolk County Sheriff and his equally dumb Deputy Dog, Robert F. O’Meara must know at least that.
Cya’ll in Court:)
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
PO Box 234
Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2
From: "David Amos"
Subject: Re: Fwd: Scary Dean Roger Ray, the FBI, and the RCMP
To: "Warren McBeath",,,,,
Again Hell No Mr. McBeath. It goes under the heading of Integrity and by now you cops must understand that nobody can scare me away from my necessary and very justifiable task. For the benefit of my little Clan no can do. Quite asking such nonsense and just act within the scope of your employment, especially when so many crooks are worried and wondering what to do. It seems to me that ethical conduct ain't crossed anybody's mind yet. Surprise Surprise N'est Pas? Look for yourself.
Heres hoping that somebody gets enough sand to at least mention my name in Parliament during question period or in the media within the next two weeks or better yet some smart civil servant calls the dude that is supposed to assist whistleblowers whose job was created by Johnny Never Been Good's Accountability Act. Rest assured I already called his office and he will receive hard copy.
Toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble. Drink the witches brew or fess up and sooth your own soul. Sprout some balls and blow the whistle will ya Warren before you are transferred off to Ottawa because your French ain't so good? Yea right. Or could it be that you are just smart enough to realize you are in deep shit and are demanding to exit stage left or you will spill the beans? I must confess you were the smartest cop that I have talked to to date. Too bad you don't have a conscience too EH? I had high hopes for you last Xmass.. Now tell me honestly are you related to the McBeath character who is the boss of Grant Thornton in Toronto whom I was spitting and chewing with at the same time?
I will lay odds that you dudes could not have suffered through two Xmass' like I just did let alone all that has happened during the past six years without blowing your top. I swear i have never lost my temper. What you bastards are saying of me is pure malice. Warren you know for a fact that I am no liar you even watched your own not so honourable police force block three emails to you whilst we were talking on the phone just after your mean olf boss Zack had been replaced by Busson. Remember?
I heard that after I left Peticodiac your cop pals pulled over Werner and Kathleen and asked them where the hell I went. Why didn't you crooks just call me like the dumb Frenchman Cst Daigle did? Everybody knows I am not a shy man. Furthermore I have done nothing wrong . However the RCMP certainly has many wrongs to stand accountable for in court aor at least in public on the World Wide Web. EH? I have no problem whatsoever telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to everyone. Why are you replying only to me if were wrong about you? you had no problen forwarding your first answer to me to Busson etc to cover your arse. Correct?
Again I must ask why did you and your fellow cops support the many false allegations made against me over the years, allowed that wacko Dean Roger Ray and his friends to threaten me and most importantly laugh and ignore the demise of all the cattle on Werner's farm over the years? Last but not least tell the crook Allan MacFee of Capital Towing in Fat Fred City to give me my Harley back. He has no right whatsoever to demand that I return to the States and buy NH tags and insurance before he will release my property to me. I don't care what the dumb as a post cop Randy Reilly of Fat Fred Finest may wish to claim. It quite simply is not true what he claims to have the right to demand. From his Chief, Barry McKnight on down the cops are to chicken to even come to the phoine since the FBI in Chicago called me weeks ago.
Guess who is blogging this email right now Warren? Just Google your name and mine.
Cya'll in Court or Hell. C'est la meme chose N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. Tell me are the Feds planning to kill my Yahoo Account now like ya did with my email through Werner? Better ask their General counsel Mikey Callahan about the material that I sent him two god damned years ago
Warren McBeath wrote:
Again, please remove me from your e-mail list.
Warren McBeath, Cpl.
GRC Caledonia RCMP
Traffic Services NCO
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Fax: (506) 387-4622
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Better yet if you dumb cops had bothered to read what I gave you nearly four years ago you should know who H. Marshall Jarrett is if he is a nervous camper you should be too.
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Last but not least Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara should certainly wonder who is looking into his girlfriend Wicked Wanda's doings and why the Yankee bank that held the stolen funds is suddenly blinking bigtime EH?
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Visitor's Time May 24 2007 2:16:44 pm
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From: "David Raymond Amos"
Subject: Are you old liberals prepared to argue me Pro Se or whine about me like TJ Burke?
I am sendng this email from a different email address than my usual one because the Green Party has been blocking the other one and I want to make certain that Dizzy Lizzy May and some of her pals get some of the same emails that Petey Baby MacKay got while he and his boss, Shrub are in Germany showing others how they love to lick Bush's nasty arse. With luck maybe I can cause a bit of a stir in the Hill while the bad boys are overseas advising others on how to screw us common folk
Whereas you liberals are supporting May's run against MacKay to the chagrin of the NDP, I may run against MacKay as well if Lizzy don't wise up fast. Whose side will you be on then? MacKay's, May's or Me. Rest assured I will side with the NDP lady if she acts nice. We all know I will never be elected but perhaps I can help her N'est Pas?
If any of you have any doubts as to my sincerity, perhaps you all should reread some of the other emails I have sent over the years ( or better yet confer with your other Maritime Senator liberal lawyer pal Joey Day I seen no need to send the lawyer Moore Hard Copy now that I see them on the same Committee once again. Joey answered my hard copy in early 2005 just before I was compelled to jump bail in the USA in order to return to Canada and attempt to make Anne McLellan and Pierre Pettigreww act with integrity ASAP. It has been two long lonely years since then without my little Clan or our home and I strongly doubt that Stevey Boy Harper will defend the wrongs of the 37th and 38th Parliaments against me while he tries to stop the 39th mandate from going down in flames.
After I heard Colleen Swords speak before you dudes on a rerun of CPAC I called your clerk (Gaëtane Lemay - 613-993-8968 and Swords' office (613 944-4228) and her ex boss V. Peter Harder in order to register my indignation before sending thes emails. Everybody tried to play as dumb as Dizzie Lizzie May did this morning and Senator Moore's assistant did this afternoon excepting of couse the nice lady who called me back on behalf of your clerk. I thank that lady for her genuine display of empathy
Methinks the crooks are all way past too late to act ethically within the scope of their employment now. I also think it should bee fun run against Petey Baby MacKay whilst suing him and her. Sounds like a hoot to me anyway. What say you? Nothing I suspect, thus I'll Cya'll in Court EH?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. It is a hell of a tape that is playing in the background of this eemail EH?
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 15:57:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: Fwd: Hey Landslide Annie, Franky Boy and your old pal Al remember me? Are you old liberal lawyers prepared to argue me Pro Se or whine about me like TJ Burke?
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 10:48:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: Hey Landslide Annie, Franky Boy and your old pal Al remember me? Are you old liberal lawyers prepared to argue me Pro Se or whine about me like TJ Burke?
Here is a well mixed crowd of political crooks to curse my name along with you N'est Pas?
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 22:43:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: After you all read real slow and listen closely say Hoka Hey to Stockwell Day and Petey Baby MacKay for me will ya?
Subject: RE: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 15:45:08 -0500
From: "McLellan, Anne - M.P."
To: "David Amos"
Dear Mr. Amos,
On behalf of Ms. McLellan I would like to thank you for your email message concerning the current federal election. I regret that the volume of messages prevented me from responding sooner.
Your message has been brought to Ms. McLellan`s attention, as she is always pleased to receive comments, both positive and negative.
Again, thank you for bringing this matter to Ms. McLellan`s attention.
Kirsten Odynski
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
From: David Amos
Sent: December 16, 2005 6:05 PM
To: McLellan, Anne - M.P.; Cotler, Irwin - M.P.; Martin, Paul - P.M.; Solberg, Monte - M.P.; Duceppe, Gilles - député;;;;;;;;; Rep.ChristopherSperanzo@Hou.State.MA.US; Rep.LindaDorcenaForry@Hou.State.MA.US; Rep.MichaelMoran@Hou.State.MA.US;;;;;
Cc:; Siksay, Bill - M.P.; Julian, Peter - M.P.; Desjarlais, Bev - M.P.; Comartin, Joe - M.P.;;; Masse, Brian - M.P.; Martin, Tony - M.P.; Christopherson, David - M.P.; Angus, Charlie - M.P.; O'Brien, Pat - M.P.; Parrish, Carolyn - M.P.; Stoffer, Peter - M.P.; McDonough, Alexa - M.P.; Martin, Pat D. - M.P.; Wasylycia-Leis, Judy - M.P.; Blaikie, Bill - M.P.; Crowder, Jean - M.P.; Cullen, Nathan - M.P.; Davies, Libby - M.P.
Subject: Fwd: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 14:25:25 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos
Subject: Fwd: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight
To: "Alex J. Walling",
Merry Xmas AJ?
Bah Humbug. Liar, liar panties on fire, your parting wish proves that you must have read something of mine. However I had a pretty good idea that you would not read the latests email I sent ya so I played you like a fiddle again. It seems that your porch lights are on but nobody is home. EH? Perhaps you should read it now real slow or have your lawyer explain it to you. .
I must thank you for being so dumb. It was not wise for you to bounce it back to me in its entirety without reading it first. You proved for me what the smiling bastards debating once again in BC tonight have received today. As they no doubt go about pounding on their chests bout their personal integrity and honesty please allow me to add a few more gleaned from your buddies' online news outfit and on top of what you bounced back to further prove that not only do the political leaders understand the Canadian Charter neither do our public servants.
In closing I must say you are far too boring to read for long and not near as funny as your buddy the self described "Fibber". Methinks that boy is still stuck in Wonderland. I would be willing to lay odds that he is Halifax Dead in the Water's webmaster of Disaster.What say you Herr Frank Streicher of 25562 Bloomfield St Halifax, NS B3K 1S9 or has the Cheshire Cat got your tongue too?
To be fair to Halifax Dead in the Water I will insert your buddies's online news report about the debate last night and then add a couple of email exchanges between me and some very fancy public servants who failed to uphold my rights under the Charter. Integrity at its finest. EH? Go ask Shirley Heafey why she quit. she is alot like Alice the Mad Hatter in me confused her out of the gate. So she quit and took her toys home. I am chasing Mr. Kennedy's nasty arse now.To me all politicians and their appointed underlings look like a bunch of pigs at the trough. I see are a bunch very nasty arses. I know what I must do with my boot.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. The Fibber will find this funny. It appears that some politician's computers know
more integrity than their owners or AJ EH?
"Harper, Stephen - M.P." wrote:
Subject: RE: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:32:54 -0500
From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P."
Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.
*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.
If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:
Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.
You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310
Martin Demands That Harper Must Come Clean on Notwithstanding Clause
by LPC Friday, 16 December 2005
Prime Minister Paul Martin demanded Conservative Leader Stephen Harper come clean that he intends to use the notwithstanding clause to overturn the Charter right to same-sex marriage.
Mr. Harper said during tonight’s leader’s debate in Vancouver on the topic of abolishing same-sex marriage: "I will never use the notwithstanding clause on that issue."
Prime Minister Martin asked that he be honest with the Canadian people regarding his intention to override a Charter right.
"We're talking about integrity. That means being honest. Either Mr. Harper is going to try to change the law of the country that protects the rights and freedoms of gays and lesbians or he's not going to," said Prime Minister Martin.
"If he's going to use the notwithstanding clause, he should say so, and the people will at least know what his position is."
The Prime Minister said Mr. Harper’s proposal would require the use of the notwithstanding clause because it is not possible to have a vote in the house that will overrule the Constitution and the courts without using the notwithstanding clause.
This is borne out by a January 25 open letter from more than 100 legal experts from across Canada to Mr. Harper regarding same-sex marriage legislation.
Mr. Martin called on Mr. Harper to be "honest."
He made clear that the Liberal government does not believe that you can pick and choose which Charter rights you will protect and he affirmed that he will respect the Charter as a whole.
The Prime Minister said Mr. Harper’s proposal would require the use of the notwithstanding clause because it is not possible to have a vote in the house that will overrule the Constitution and the courts without using the notwithstanding clause.
This is borne out by a January 25 open letter from more than 100 legal experts from across Canada to Mr. Harper regarding same-sex marriage legislation.
Mr. Martin called on Mr. Harper to be "honest."
He made clear that the Liberal government does not believe that you can pick and choose which Charter rights you will protect and he affirmed that he will respect the Charter as a whole.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: ; ;
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 8:55 PM
Subject: Mr. Pettigrew I have contacted your people for the last time Now I sue the Crown and you
Consular Affairs Bureau
Foreign Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
K1A 0G2
Tel.: (613) 996-8885 (call collect where available)
Fax: (613) 943-1054
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 07:17:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: Fwd: Please allow me to remind you of the Charter before I sue you and your cohorts
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 06:15:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: Please allow me to remind you of the Charter before I sue you and your cohorts
Hey Lady
I very tired of the double talk of mandates etc. that you public servants employ to duck doing your job. Perhaps you should have a long talk with all those within your Dept that assisted the Yankees in my false imprisonment last year. Methinks the right one to start with would be Josie Macguire in Beantown. Don't you?
Legal Rights
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.
9. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.
10. Everyone has the right on arrest or detention
a) to be informed promptly of the reasons therefor;
b) to retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informed of that right; and
c) to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus and to be released if the detention is not lawful.
11. Any person charged with an offence has the right
a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offence;
b) to be tried within a reasonable time;
c) not to be compelled to be a witness in proceedings against that person in respect of the offence;
d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;
e) not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause; wrote:
Mr. Amos,
thank you for your phone message and several email messages. As the Director of Values and Ethics in the departments of Foreign Affairs Canada and International Trade Canada, my current mandate applies only to internal management issues. For example, establishing a code of conduct for our employees as well as providing advice to staff on conflict of interest and conflict resolution.
As such I don't think I could be in a position to assist you. Please remove my name from your distribution list.
Thanks in advance
Maggie Trudel-Maggiore
A/Director, Values and Ethics
From: David Amos
Sent: September 18, 2005 1:53 PM
To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Trudel-Maggiore, Maggie -ZVE;;;;;;;;
Subject: I have many documents for Dan Rather to review ask Brian Mulroney or his buddy Bernard Roy
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 04:42:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: Fwd: RE: Just so you know
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 04:33:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: RE: Just so you know
No need to Bitch.
I am about to sue ya anyway but you did receive the same material that everybody else got by email anyway. However now I will now forward the other emails that various silly servants got after I had had many talks with your incompetant and malicious assistants within the Commission over the past two years. It seems that I had to insult you and bust you in front of your friends to finally get a response from you.
Furthermore on August 2nd I sent you your material byway of the US Mail which was received and signed for. It was hard copy of my concerns and allegations about you being in bed with the corrupt old bastard Zack of the RCMP. I also sent a copy of wiretap tape # 139. Instead of you acting within the scope of your employment you go on vacation and bury your head in the sand while the RCMP assisted the Yankees in throwing my wife and kids into the street without due process of law?
Well your head may be in still the sand but you just stuck your arse high up in the air. It is high time for me to give it a boot before you stick it up Zack's ass in a vain effort to appear that you have integrity after all. The following is the text of that letter and after that is the US Mail's confirmation of when it was sent and received by you.
Say hey to McLachlin for me will ya? Tell her I will be suing her too. She has been covering up for the crooked Newfy Judge Dereck Green for way past too long. To hell with lawyers appointed as commissioners and other lawyers appointed as judges. From my point of view they were only appointed to cover up public corruption. I look forward to meeting the likes of you in court and arguing you on the public record. You just proved for me that most lawyers ain't that smart. You should have continued to play dumb Bitch. At least then you could have blamed your assistants for not telling you what you obviously know. however if you had done so, I would have pointed to the fact that you are their supervisor and therefore ultimatly responsible. Everybody else knows that the RCMP are as crooked as hell, so do you. call me a liar now. I double dog dare ya.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
July 31st, 2005
Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Shirley Heafey Chair of Commission
C/o Norman Sabourin General Counsel and for Public Complaints against the RCMP
Andrew Grant and Renée Maria Tremblay P.O. Box 3423 Station "D"
Canadian Judicial Council Ottawa, ON K1P 6L4
150 Metcalfe Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W8
RE: Rampant Public Corruption
Pursuant to my recent phone calls to Norman Sabourin and various underlings of Shirley Heafey within the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP over the years plus my many faxes and emails please find enclosed exactly the same material received by every Attorney General in Canada over the past year. The CD which is a copy of a police surveillance wiretap tape # 139 is served upon you as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. As you can see I have enclosed a copy of a letter sent to the latest Attorney General Mr. Wally Opal in BC. Perhaps he should take a little trip to Surrey and ask your office some hard questions. Perhaps the ghost of my fellow Independent politician, Chuck Cadman may wish to answer few questions now as well. Hard telling not knowing.
I will not bother you with the details of what I am sending to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will be serving identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in hand and tell them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy of this letter. All that is important to me right now is that I secure proof that this mail was sent before I make my way back home to the Maritimes. However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material than what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact the same material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky Boy McKenna in particular received, while I was up home running for Parliament last year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so I have also included a few recent items to spice thing up for you. I am tired of trying to convince people employed in law enforcement to uphold the law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience and be careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me.
Veritas Vincit
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave
Milton, MA. 02186
Label/Receipt Number: ED71 7170 484U S
Detailed Results:
Delivered Abroad, August 11, 2005, 6:49 am, CANADA
Out of Foreign Customs, August 08, 2005, 2:37 pm, CANADA
Into Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 1:52 pm, CANADA
Arrived Abroad, August 04, 2005, 1:52 pm, CANADA
International Dispatch, August 03, 2005, 8:32 am, KENNEDY AMC
Enroute, August 03, 2005, 8:30 am, JAMAICA, NY 11499
Acceptance, August 02, 2005, 10:40 am, QUINCY, MA 02169
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 08:07:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: This dude is a big time liar his own complaint number proves it
May 23, 2007 File No. PC-2005-1291
Mr. David R Amos
Dear Mr. Amos:
On a number of occasions you have called or sent e-mails our office to raise matters which are of pressing concern to you.
Each time we have tried to respond by explaining to you the relatively narrow mandate of this Commission and the limits of our powers to deal with the matters which are of concern to you. I must stress, once again, that the purpose of this Commission is to provide the public with an opportunity to make complaints concerning the conduct of members of the RCMP in the performance of their duties. We have neither the expertise nor the legal authority to permit us to become involved in issues beyond the scope of this mandate.
While it is clearly not the intention of the Commission to prevent you from making complaints against members of the RCMP, an analysis of your numerous contacts with the Commission indicates that your concerns fall well outside the confines of our mandate. Further, your frequent e-mails have been disruptive and unproductive for both you and for the staff of this office.
Should you determine that some point in the future you have a complaint concerning the conduct of a member of the RCMP in the performance of his or her duties, please submit it to the Commission by Canada Post only. As of now, your e-mails will be deleted unread.
Yours truly,
Andrée Leduc
Enquiries and Complaints Analyst
"Heafey, Shirley" wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: "Heafey, Shirley"
Sent: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 14:10:00 -0400
To: "David Amos"
Subject: Re: Just so you know
Just so you know, there was no message attached to the e-mail sent to me. SO, in fact, I don't know what you think I should now know. Try again.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 1:24 PM
Cc: Zeman, Arnold;; Taillon, Nancy;;;;;;;;;;;;; Heafey, Shirley
Subject: Just so you know
CSIS can never say they didn't know. This should put Shirley Heafey's panties in a knot when she get back from her vacation. I can only wonder what Ms. Longo of the RCMP is saying about now.
"Zeman, Arnold" wrote:
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: For the record Joan I did talk to your boss Abrahamson yesterday and more people you know today
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:16:11 -0400
From: "Zeman, Arnold"
To: "David Amos"
This is an automatic reply. I'm away froom the office and will return on Monday September 26,2005. If you need information before then, please contact Marie-France Kingsley at 990-6306.
Ceci est une réponse automatique. Je serai de retour au bureau le lundi 26 septembre 2005. Si vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez communiquer avec Marie-France Kingsley au 990-6306.
A. W. Zeman
Assistant Inspector General of CSIS /
Inspecteur général adjoint du SCRS
340 Laurier Avenue West / 340, avenue Laurier ouest
Ottawa ON K1A 0P8
phone / tél : (613) 990-8274
fax / télécopieur : (613) 990-8303
email / courriel :
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 13:31:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: Say hey to Arthur Hamilton and Peter Mackay for me will ya?
I remember you Mr Deardon. Remember me? You were the Auditor General, Sheila Fraser's lawyer in the Gomery matter. The last thing you are is ethical EH? I also remember quite a crowd of you dudes from McCarthy over the years as well. Need a I say you are all less honourable than "AL" If you think I am a liar sue me, will ya. One thing I know for certain Stevey Boy Harper won't have Parliamentry immunity when I sue him.
PM invokes immunity to avoid testifying at ex-candidate's libel trial
Tim Naumetz, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Prime Minister Stephen Harper is claiming parliamentary immunity to avoid giving evidence in a libel lawsuit launched by a prominent Ottawa lawyer who stepped aside as an election candidate to make way for sponsorship whistleblower Allan Cutler.
Mr. Harper's lawyer, Richard Dearden, told court yesterday sections of the Constitution and the Parliament of Canada Act prevent the prime minister from being compelled to testify in the legal action by lawyer Alan Riddell as long as Parliament is in session.
Mr. Dearden served notice of the immunity claim in legal documents he filed before he and a lawyer for the Conservative party, Robert Houston, convinced a judge yesterday to postpone a trial that was to begin this week on a claim related to the libel action.
"It's absolute," Mr. Dearden said after presenting his arguments to Justice Monique Metivier.
"Any member of Parliament can invoke parliamentary privilege when Parliament is in session. No reasons need be given."
Allan Riddell has sued Mr. Harper and Don Plett, the president of the Conservative party, over their claims in November 2005 there was no agreement between Mr. Riddell and the party for him to step aside to let Mr. Cutler run in the campaign that fall.
The agreement, which a Superior Court judge ruled last year had been reached between Mr. Riddell and the Conservatives, included a promise that Mr. Riddell would be compensated for expenses he incurred while campaigning for the Conservative nomination in Ottawa South.
But the Conservative party claims the agreement also included an unstated term of confidentiality, which it says Mr. Riddell breached when he publicly disclosed its existence.
The trial Judge Metivier postponed to an unscheduled date was to have decided whether the agreement included a clause of confidentiality.
Superior Court Justice Denis Power ruled last year that, even if there was a confidentiality clause, the agreement continued to exist even though Mr. Riddell disclosed its existence. The trial of Mr. Riddell's libel claims against Mr. Harper and Mr. Plett is not scheduled to begin until February.
But the acrimonious atmosphere of the legal proceedings that have taken place behind close doors so far, primarily in examinations of discovery to gather evidence, surfaced as Mr. Houston, Mr. Dearden and Tom Conway, Mr. Riddell's lawyer, exchanged barbs before the judge.
Mr. Dearden told Judge Metivier he had been "ambushed" by Mr. Conway with last-minute information.
Meanwhile, Mr. Houston reacted angrily to statements Mr. Conway made about the Conservative party's wish to keep the agreement with Riddell "a secret."
Mr. Conway claimed the Conservatives wanted to delay the trial over the confidentiality clause because they had "painted themselves in a corner."
The claim of secrecy creates an unwholesome image of "cigar-smoking backroom boys" cutting a political deal behind closed doors, Mr. Conway said.
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 11:18:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos <
Subject: Hey Brad do ya think that the Arseholes at Capital Towing or their lawyer will get a grip on this when i serve them hard copy?
Subject: RE: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 13:49:47 -0400
From: "Dewar, Paul - M.P."
To: "David Amos"
Hi David. My name is James and I have been asked to send this message onto you from Paul…
Dear Mr. Amos,
Thank you for informing me of your concerns regarding Canada 's role in Afghanistan after February 2007.
The NDP voted against this motion because we believe it is the wrong mission for Canada . It does not reflect the peace-making values that Canadians want to see our forces undertake on the world stage. This forced motion essentially ties our aid and development funds to war-making, and we cannot support that.
It is quite clear that Harper's Conservatives aren't interested in due diligence. They're interested in dragging us further into a US-style combat role and away from our traditional peace keeping role. Much like the Liberals before them, the Conservatives have failed to tell Canadians:
- What the chain of command and control will be for this mission.
- What the definition of success will be for our troops.
- What our exit strategy will be.
Many Canadians have written me wanting answers and it is our duty as representatives of our constituents, to get answers before committing to any new missions overseas. As any soldier knows, time spent on reconnaissance is never wasted.
New Democrats recognize that Canada does have a role in assisting Afghanis in rebuilding their country. Afghanistan is the largest recipient of Canadian overseas development aid and we fully support the continuation of that funding - outside of this mission.
Thank you again for the time and effort you have taken to share your thoughts with me, and for bringing your opinion on this matter to my attention.
Paul Dewar, MP Ottawa, Ontario
From: David Amos []
Sent: May 16, 2006 8:13 PM
To: Allen, Mike - M.P.;;; Angus, Charlie - M.P.; Atamanenko, Alex - M.P.; Bell, Catherine - M.P.; Bevington, Dennis - M.P.; Black, Dawn - M.P.; Blaikie, Bill - M.P.; Charlton, Chris - M.P.; Chow, Olivia - M.P.; Christopherson, David - M.P.; Comartin, Joe - M.P.; Crowder, Jean - M.P.; Cullen, Nathan - M.P.; Davies, Libby - M.P.; Dewar, Paul - M.P.; Julian, Peter - M.P.; Marston, Wayne - M.P.; Martin, Pat D. - M.P.; Martin, Tony - M.P.; Masse, Brian - M.P.; Mathyssen, Irene - M.P.; Nash, Peggy - M.P.; Priddy, Penny - M.P.; Savoie, Denise - M.P.; Siksay, Bill - M.P.; Wasylycia-Leis, Judy - M.P.; Emerson, David - M.P.
Cc: Simms, Scott - M.P.; Russell, Todd - M.P.; Manning, Fabian - M.P.; Hearn, Loyola - M.P.; Doyle, Norman - M.P.; Byrne, Gerry - M.P.; McGuire, Joe - M.P.; MacAulay, Lawrence - M.P.; D'Amours, Jean-Claude - M.P.; Hubbard, Charles - M.P.; Murphy, Brian - M.P.; Thibault, Robert - M.P.; Savage, Michael - M.P.; Regan, Geoff - M.P.; Keddy, Gerald - M.P.; Eyking, Mark - M.P.; Cuzner, Rodger - M.P.; Brison, Scott - M.P.
Subject: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow
Before all the Parliamentarians argue and then vote to support further Canadian deaths in one of George W. Bush's Wars for Global Control for the benefit of his corporate cohorts perhaps, you should at least listen to the attachments if you do not wish to bother to read what Billy Casey and the Bankers got on May 12th. If I can assist in preventing the demise of just one more Canadian warrior in a malicious foreign war, all of my work will have been worth it EH?
If everyone ignores me as usual, I will not be surprised. At least I will sleep well with my conscience tonight because I know I have done my very best to stop the nonsense since early 2002 long before the War in Iraq began. None of you deserve to sleep well at all because you all supported Harper's orders to send our people to war even before the 39th Parliament sat this year. As far as I am concerned the blood of four very honourable soldiers can be found on your hands. Shame on all of you for not even bothering to honour our dead by lowering the flag on the Peacetower. As long as I have been aware and could consider myself a Proad Canadian, I thought we were peacekeepers rather than poorly paid hired guns for crooked corporations, corrupt politicians and their wicked Yankee bible pounding buddies.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 00:00:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos"
Subject: Jumping Jimmy Flaherty's jump boots versus Crosbie's old mukluks in a liberal Senate
Deja Vu Anyone? Anyone?
That's what John Crosbie wore
tHe mAdd pRoFeSsOr wrote:
Passing this around. (2nd pass)
It is a little lengthy
The audiotape is a little raunchy
However since this concerns an illegal FBI wiretap, I thought you might like to see this ?
This David Amos is a colorful character.
Whether you think he is a nut, or whether you think he's whatever you think.
He is a Canuk with brass balls, and although not himself a Christian, he and I do share a common enemy.
Both of us are are as anti new world order as anybody could be.
And so he cooperates with me and I him to the degree we are able.
And this tape was pulled out of a dumpster behind one of the FBI offices.
And contains rather damning information as I expect you will hear and see.
Where I expect Mr Amos was visiting from Canada as he does have business in the US as well.
Subject: Fwd: After you all read real slow and listen closely say Hoka Hey to Stockwell Day and Petey Baby MacKay for me will ya?From: "tHe mAdd pRoFeSsOr"
Subject: Get a grip on this?
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 09:07:12 -0600
For those of you who wanna stir the pot, I offer the above link to contact regarding this. It is an FBI (illegal?) wiretap you are listening to, where it is evident the FBI is lying and covering up some black op with ovbious complicity of the FBI itself. Research this at the below website..........
The letter I sent Specteor is below. I don't really expect that there would be much improvement even if we got rid of bush, (the democrats are thick as thieves with the idea of the new world order and betrayal of all America once stood for too, but at least it is a stand for the truth, and it will make them squirm a little. As well as increase their guilt whenever they do face judgement for their actions, which all men will answer to our Lord sooner or later anyways after its all over.
FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Mr. Specter:
I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
This sent to Specteor today.....
Could you please inform me of the results of your disposition regarding the following matter.
I am concerned over the information presented by this Mr. David Amos fellow regarding illegal wiretaps, and the treachery and deceit practiced by the present Administration, all under the guise of "Homeland Security" ? Would you please be kind enough to show me where David Amos has made false allegations, or if not, then explain to me what actions have been taken to remedy this situation. It seems to me that if indeed our present Administration is guilty of half of the things Mr. Amos presents on his website, then there should have already been some action taken by any honest person, by you or your collegues to get that lying deciever out of office, along with his consort Cheney too? Or if those allegations are false and baseless that were made by David Amos, then could you explain that to me as well?
I refer to the matter addressed below...........
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 07:56:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos"
Subject: Who says they are ignoring me Chucky? Ask Barry McKnight why the Yankees are researching him
Just Dave
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charles leblanc wrote: Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya? I'll sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now? Don't get all exicted and send this all over the
----- Original Message ----
From: David Amos
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:37:04 PM
Subject: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I would try to make him famous
A man is only as good as his word EH? To bad priests, bankers, politicians, lawyers and cops can't claim the same N'est Pas
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 19:01:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: Now everybody and his dog knows TJ Burke and his cop buddies allegations against me are false and you had the proof all along EH Chucky?
Methinks your liberal pals just made a major faux pas N'est Pas? Scroll down Frenchie and go down?.
Threat against Burke taken seriously
Published Thursday May 24th, 2007
Appeared on page A1
An RCMP security detail has been guarding Justice Minister and Attorney General T.J. Burke because of threats made against him recently.
Burke, the Liberal MLA for Fredericton-Fort Nashwaaksis, wouldn't explain the nature of the threats.
"I have had a particular individual or individuals who have made specific overtures about causing harm towards me," he told reporters Wednesday.
"The RCMP has provided security to me recently by accompanying me to a couple of public functions where the individual is known to reside or have family members in the area," said Burke. "It is nice to have some added protection and that added comfort."
The RCMP provides protection to the premier and MLAs with its VIP security unit.
Burke didn't say when the threat was made but it's believed to have been in recent weeks.
"When a threat is posed to you and it is a credible threat, you have to be cautious about where you go and who you are around," he said. "But again, I am more concerned about my family as opposed to my own personal safety."
Burke said he doesn't feel any differently and he has not changed his pattern of activity.
"It doesn't bother me one bit," he said. "It makes my wife feel awful nervous."
Burke served in an elite American military unit before becoming a lawyer and going into politics in New Brunswick.
"(I) have taken my own precautions and what I have to do to ensure my family's safety," he said. "I am a very cautious person in general due to my background and training.
"I am comfortable with defending myself or my family if it ever had to happen."
Burke said it is not uncommon for politicians to have security concerns.
"We do live unfortunately in an age and in a society now where threats have to be taken pretty seriously," he said.
Since the terrorism attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, security in New Brunswick has been
beefed up.
Metal detectors were recently installed in the legislature and all visitors are screened.
The position of attorney general is often referred to as the province's "top cop."
Burke said sometimes people do not differentiate between his role as the manager of the justice system and the individual who actually prosecutes them.
"With the job sometimes comes threats," he said. "I have had numerous threats since Day 1 in office."
Burke said he hopes his First Nations heritage has nothing to do with it.
"I think it is more of an issue where people get fixated on a matter and they believe you are personally responsible for assigning them their punishment or their sanction," he said.
Is the threat from someone who was recently incarcerated?
"I probably shouldn't answer that," he replied.
Reporters asked when the threat would be over.
"I don't think a threat ever passes once it has been made," said Burke. "You have to consider the credibility of the source."
Bruce Fitch, former justice minister in the Conservative government, said "every now and again there would be e-mails that were not complimentary."
"I did have a meeting with the RCMP who are in charge of the security of the MLAs and ministers," said Fitch.
"They look at each and every situation."
Fitch said he never had bodyguards assigned to him although former premier Bernard Lord and former health minister Elvy Robichaud did have extra security staff assigned on occasion.
He said if any MLA felt threatened, he or she would discuss it with the RCMP.
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: After you all read real slow and listen closely say Hoka Hey to Stockwell Day and Petey Baby MacKay for me will ya?
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 06:29:37 -0700
From: "Fitzgerald, Patrick (USACAC)"
To: "David Amos"
I will be out of the Office until Monday June 4, 2007. If you need to contact someone immediately, please call AUSA Eileen Decker at 213-894-0721 or my assistant Joan Moon at 213-984-4699.
From: "David Amos"
Subject:Fwd: Re: Fwd: Scary Dean Roger Ray, the FBI, and the RCMP,,,,,, Send an Instant Message,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CC:,,, Send an Instant Message,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Send an Instant Message
I appears that Bad Billy Boy Casey blinked and got the boot because he wants to appear somewhat ethical and will not support Jumping Jimmy Flaherty's budget again this year. Too funny from my point of view. Methinks I can pickem EH? Could it be because Billy and Jimmy have been receiving these same emails these days? I will lays odds Petey Baby MacKay is shitting bricks now that he went back on his word once again and gave one of his few Maritime buddies the boot from his Hunky Fundy Skunky Dorry. Hell even the even Johnny Never Been Good Crosbie is writing advice against the Conservative Party now. Could it be that too many people have read the text of the cover letter I served upon Casey's office just over a year ago and smart Conseratives are leaving Harper's ship before they go down with him too? Casey just has to remember the the Hell I raised with the cops and his politcal cronies in Amherst just before I put my name on the ballet against his old ex cop pal in Nova Scotia the latest soon to be ex Attorney General Murray Scott. It seems that his party is in the toilet as well and the NDP may opt to topple them sometime soon. EH?
If any you haven't bothered to read that letter to Harper, Flaherty and Baird byway of Casey that I referred to, you can find it in my blog along with the text of this email inserted within the comments. Just go to then check out Harper and Bankers and the comments you will find yourself there along the Dirty Dicky Dean and his many corrupt cop pals.
Stockwell Day keep blaming the past liberal mandates any time the RCMP is caught with their pants down lately. I strongly doubt that Harper will defend the wrongdoings of Chretien and Martin against me in Federal Court this summer. Do you? Rest assured some liberal lawyers and some of the Bloc should find this particular email interesting even if the nominds in the NDP continue to ignore me as usual.
Interesting EH Cpl Warren McBeath? I am glad I am not in your shoes and have to rely on all the other corrupt RCMP dudes to not spill the beans and embarass you after what I have sent you for the past few days EH? What of Dean Roger Ray's Bullshit? Why support such nonsense by merely trying to ignore it. You are a cop correct? Get your head out of the sand and do your god damned job. Let the politcal cards fall were they may. Hell afterwards you can quit the RCMP and make fine living touring colleges and giving speeches about ethical conduct just like the crooked Conservative Allan Cutler does now.
Dirty Dicky Deany Baby on the other hand even though I enjoyed playing you and your obvious malice towards me like a fiddle, I must say you have sunk to a new low in attacking the demise of my marriage. Even your nasty pals would not appreciate you slamming my very innocent kin. Does your Mama know how many enemies you make out of decent people during the course of a day? Or is she even more nuts than you?
Now that you have attacked my family's reputation and Parliamen is all but done for the summer. I will pounce on you like there is no tommorw on the internet. Live by the sword die by the sword Dirty dicky Dean.. Soon I will blog every word of yours that II have saved of yours so that others may see you for who you truly are before i sue you fat arse along with some of your cop friends and Landslide Annie to sweeten the stew.. Say hey to the corrupt Fed Sean Lowe hiding in his office at the Edmonton airport for me will ya. The next time he comes knocking on your door i will lay odds he will be really pissed off EH? Perhaps in the "mean" timeI will have my wife give your mama a call when she and the kids get up here next month. It should provide some comic relief for us if your Mama opts to slap you silly on our behalf while we listen in over the phone. I don't think you deserve any peace at home as you bitch to the world about the plumbing etc. Why not just grow up and move out of your Mama's apartment and give her some relief from you?
You may rest assured that my wife will not enjoy talking to your Moma nearly as much as I will enjoy crossing paths with you in person someday in order to shove your head up your arse just you truly deserve. Say hey to your nasty Yankee buddy too. My wife's brothers and the crook the Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara in particular have a little payback going their way if there is any justice at all in the fine old World. It appears that Wicked Wanda may already be raising a little hell and I bet Depupty Dog's lawyers have instructed him to shut his piehole since February of this year when he teamed up with you for a bit Eh Dirty Dicky Dean?
Now it appears to me that you have lost even more friends and associates EH Diurty Dicky Dean? If not how come you cut down on your fan base when slandering me with you emails? Doesn't everybody deserve to know what an arsehole you are? I will blog this email just like you do. Howver I do not need to pretend to be me. I am me after all. Correct? At least you are correct about one thing. I am a son of the Keith Clan but I seperated from them years ago and founded my own in order to declare a Blood Feud in US District Court in the Live Free or Die State commonly known as New Hampshire. It is you who are a fake. Tis you who has cut and pasted my words and assumed my ID as you took it upon yourself to threaten others in my name just as you did with the crooked Upper Canadain politcal lawyer Bob Rae. Some christian you are Dean Roger Ray. Why the RCMP did not investigate the facts about you and you pals after I reported it and you sent them the evidence forever proved to me that they were licking Stevey Boy Harper's nasty arse as much as you do. N'est Pas?
More important that the shitkicking that Dirty Dicky Dean deserves is the fact that the local RCMP are no doubt more curious than I as to whom the local boys from Glassvile and Bon Accord that are checking out my Blog today EH? I know who I contacted today do they? Seems that i may encounter some serious Maritimers instead of a a flatulent arsehole in Alberta blowing hot air my way EH? Do ya think that the cops may think that the Mob may want the tapes that the Dirty Dicky Dean claims are not for real? That is what I think. If it is true, what should I do? Is it ethical to sell some of the tapes to the Mob in order to hire some crooked lawyers to sue some crooked cops? Everybody knows not to trust lawyers Correct? So perhaps I should just give the tapes to the Mob ASAP so that they may begin suing the law enforcement community themselves and let the shit hit the fan that way? But why should the Mob and their crooked lawyers profit from my integrity? One young liberal supporter in Fredericton claimed that if the Mob or the Feds wanted me dead then i would be just that and I agreed with with a smile. He asked who was protecting me as he refused to accept a copy of a wiretap tape. Should i tell him about the big horse shoe up my arse or just leave him wondering if his buddy TJ Burke can get rid of me.
Decisions Decisions. What about my old bike I confess I do miss it more than my wife. The fact that the crooked little local Crown Attorney Billy Corby ain't even got the sand to call me back just like all the cops within Fat Fred City's Finest is beginning to irratate me. What kind of Maritimers are these men? Hell they can't even put up a good scrap after they went ahead and picked the fight. I remain the Proud Maritimer with no name or no old bike even within the Frenchman, Chucky Leblanc's Blog. It seems that the chickenshit Frenchmen roll around in id rubbing off on other Maritimers as well.
In closing I must ask Chucky Leblanc What about the tapes in my old Harley's saddlebags? Are they even still there? I doubt it too. They likely went poof just like the ones I gave to the RCMP, the Suffolk County District Attorney in Beantown, the ones stolen from my home in Milton MA years ago and the ones the Yankee, my ex lawyer buddy Barry Bachrach sent to Arlen Spector in Washington last year. Rest assured nobody will get them all. Ever. Do ya think the Fat Fred City Finest has pilfered through my saddlebags and stolen the evidence of their malice yet? Do ya think a sneaky French Blogger will pedal his bike across to the North side of the river to find out and ask the idiot boss of Capital City Towing for an nterveiw about the old Harley he has locked up? That old bike is no doubt older and far more worldly wise than Allan MacFee or his incompetent cop pal Cpl Randy Reilly of Fat Fred City Finest could ever be. There is your clue Chucky that is if one of your five French brains are paying any attention at all.. Never forget Chucky you have complete copy of wiretap tape # 139 that you failed to give to Brad Green as you promied almost exactly three very long years ago. N'est Pas?
I am tired I am not even going to try to proof read this. I am just going to click send and blog it then go to buddy's couch for a nap. I must thank him for the use of his internet connection. He has to pay for it whereas Chucky gets his for free along with all his bureaucrat pals. My friend works hard in order to help pay for Chucky Leblanc's welfare support and share his family's supper with me sometimes. I am honoured that a decent Maritimer thinks that well of me. The ones I don't like can go to Hell. They could not pay me to break bread with them no matter how hungry I get. I will be damned if I will beg for welfare from the smiling bastards. If I can't earn my supper then it is time for me to die. If the cops or the Mob or Dean roger Ray and all his pals hate a Free man defending his family's rights then they will have to make me stop breathing. I will do my best to not make it too easy for them if they wish to try.
for the record once more I did not threaten or stalk TJ Burke or anyone else ever. The cops and the lawyers and the politicians are the liars not me.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
dean Ray wrote:
From: "dean Ray"
Subject: Re: Fwd: Scary Dean Roger Ray, the FBI, and the RCMP
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 05:44:53 -0600
David Amos you talk like your some sort of scottish hero out of the Histoy books protecting your clan.
In truth your wife left you and you are a court weasle working for a very corrupt system kicked out of politics because you got frustrated no one voted for you.
Your wiretap tapes that are so amazing are of a mafia hit and may not be legal due to severe fbi corruption. Ifthose tapes exposed perps like you discussing how to harm targeted individuLS EVERYONE WOULD WANT TO LISTEN
Warren McBeath wrote:
Again, please remove me from your e-mail list.
Warren McBeath, Cpl.
GRC Caledonia RCMP
Traffic Services NCO
Ph: (506) 387-2222
Fax: (506) 387-4622
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 21:04:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos"
Subject:Re: Fwd: Scary Dean Roger Ray, the FBI, and the RCMP
To:"Warren McBeath",,,,,
CC:,,, Send an Instant Message,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Send an Instant Message,,,,,,,,,,
Again Hell No Mr. McBeath. It goes under the heading of Integrity and by now you cops must understand that nobody can scare me away from my necessary and very justifiable task. For the benefit of my little Clan no can do. Quite asking such nonsense and just act within the scope of your employment, especially when so many crooks are worried and wondering what to do. It seems to me that ethical conduct ain't crossed anybody's mind yet. Surprise Surprise N'est Pas? Look for yourself. Heres hoping that somebody gets enough sand to at least mention my name in Parliament during question period or in the media within the next two weeks or better yet some smart civil servant calls the dude that is supposed to assist whistleblowers whose job was created by Johnny Never Been Good's Accountability Act. Rest assured I already called his office and he will receive hard copy.
Toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble. Drink the witches brew or fess up and sooth your own soul. Sprout some balls and blow the whistle will ya Warren before you are transferred off to Ottawa because your French ain't so good? Yea right. Or could it be that you are just smart enough to realize you are in deep shit and are demanding to exit stage left or you will spill the beans? I must confess you were the smartest cop that I have talked to to date. Too bad you don't have a conscience too EH? I had high hopes for you last Xmass.. Now tell me honestly are you related to the McBeath character who is the boss of Grant Thornton in Toronto whom I was spitting and chewing with at the same time?
I will lay odds that you dudes could not have suffered through two Xmass' like I just did let alone all that has happened during the past six years without blowing your top. I swear i have never lost my temper. What you bastards are saying of me is pure malice. Warren you know for a fact that I am no liar you even watched your own not so honourable police force block three emails to you whilst we were talking on the phone just after your mean olf boss Zack had been replaced by Busson. Remember?
I heard that after I left Peticodiac your cop pals pulled over Werner and Kathleen and asked them where the hell I went. Why didn't you crooks just call me like the dumb Frenchman Cst Daigle did? Everybody knows I am not a shy man. Furthermore I have done nothing wrong . However the RCMP certainly has many wrongs to stand accountable for in court aor at least in public on the World Wide Web. EH? I have no problem whatsoever telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to everyone. Why are you replying only to me if were wrong about you? you had no problen forwarding your first answer to me to Busson etc to cover your arse. Correct?
Again I must ask why did you and your fellow cops support the many false allegations made against me over the years, allowed that wacko Dean Roger Ray and his friends to threaten me and most importantly laugh and ignore the demise of all the cattle on Werner's farm over the years? Last but not least tell the crook Allan MacFee of Capital Towing in Fat Fred City to give me my Harley back. He has no right whatsoever to demand that I return to the States and buy NH tags and insurance before he will release my property to me. I don't care what the dumb as a post cop Randy Reilly of Fat Fred Finest may wish to claim. It quite simply is not true what he claims to have the right to demand. From his Chief, Barry McKnight on down the cops are to chicken to even come to the phoine since the FBI in Chicago called me weeks ago.
Guess who is blogging this email right now Warren? Just Google your name and mine.
Cya'll in Court or Hell. C'est la meme chose N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. Tell me are the Feds planning to kill my Yahoo Account now like ya did with my email through Werner? Better ask their General counsel Mikey Callahan about the material that I sent him two god damned years ago
Just Dave
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