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'I'm telling the truth': Flemming doubles down on Gauvin's departure


Replying to @alllibertynews and 49 others

Methinks because of my personal experiences with these people I should advise folks that only a fools would believe the words of a lawyer or a politician or a cop or a journalist Nesy Pas? 



'I'm telling the truth': Flemming doubles down on Gauvin's departure

Health minister alleges former PC MLA initially supported divisive health-care changes in six hospitals

Jacques Poitras· CBC News· Posted: Mar 02, 2020 5:11 PM AT

Health Minister Ted Flemming defended his public sharing of private conversations with his former PC colleague, Robert Gauvin. (CBC)

Health Minister Ted Flemming is defending his decision to reveal private conversations with former colleague Robert Gauvin, even while refusing to say whether a key decision by the Vitalité health board should be made public.

Flemming said Monday he stands by his version of the story of Gauvin's resignation from the Progressive Conservative cabinet and caucus over health reform — a version Gauvin himself has now denied.

The health minister said Gauvin promised to support the controversial health reforms announced Feb. 11 only if the government agreed to several spending projects in his riding.

"I'm only telling you that I'm telling the truth," Flemming said in an interview.

"My purpose was not to pick a fight with him. He was long gone. He had picked his pew and was sitting in it. I was simply taking people through the circumstances in which we find ourselves, and I stand by what I say."

Flemming told a Brunswick News editorial board last week that at a PC cabinet meeting, Gauvin initially supported the plans, which included the nighttime closure of six small-hospital emergency departments. The closures would include the hospital in Caraquet, used by many residents of Gauvin's riding.
Flemming repeated Monday that Gauvin backed the reforms at first, then called him and demanded the spending commitments in his riding.

Gauvin offers different account

Gauvin said in a statement Sunday that he hadn't used the riding projects as "bargaining chips" and withdrew his support for the reforms only when he realized there was a lack of clear answers about their impact in the affected communities.

"I discovered, amongst other things, that many health care professionals were not consulted," he said in a statement, listing potential effects on Ambulance New Brunswick and larger emergency departments already overflowing with patients.

"I realized then that this reform could not proceed as such and made it known," Gauvin said.

Robert Gauvin resigned as deputy premier and sits in the legislature as an independent. (CBC)

But Flemming said Gauvin was well aware the province was talking to health service providers such as Ambulance New Brunswick about how to handle the impact.

He said Gauvin's ultimatum was merely the latest in a series he issued since the PC government took power in November 2018.

"Mr. Gauvin has been on the edge of quitting for a long time. There was always an issue. There was always a line in the sand and so really it's kind of routine."

Gauvin publicly threatened to resign once before, when the Higgs government briefly planned to water down bilingualism requirements for ambulance paramedics in December 2018.

Board bickering

Despite his willingness to reveal internal discussions among PC government officials, Flemming wouldn't say whether a key record from the Vitalité health authority should also become public.

Three members of the Vitalité health board have now publicly contradicted claims by the network's board chair and CEO that the board supported the reforms announced Feb. 11.
The three members say there was no mention of emergency departments closing at night in the resolution they approved at a meeting last December.

Vitalité CEO Gilles Lanteigne described the resolution to MLAs at a meeting of the legislature's Public Accounts Committee Feb. 19, but he says it was voted on during an in camera meeting and can't be released publicly.

Last Friday Premier Blaine Higgs called it "concerning" that the resolution may not have been specific. "My understanding was that both boards, both CEOs, were on the same page," he said. "I guess it would be nice to get this resolved."

Flemming said Monday he hasn't looked at the resolution and doesn't know how specific it was about the reforms. "I wasn't present at their board meeting and I haven't seen the minutes."

Vitalité board chair Michelyne Paulin called for a special meeting of the board next week. (City of Dieppe)

He also wouldn't say if it should be released publicly to resolve the war of words. "I'd have to look into that," he said. "It's their board."

Vitalité's board chair Michelyne Paulin has called a special meeting of the board for March 13 to update members, "given the media attention of the last few days," spokesperson Thomas Lizotte said.

Calls to remove Flemming

Flemming also tried to reassure three Sussex-area mayors, who have called for him to be fired, that upcoming consultations will take place in good faith.

"That's their prerogative," he said. "There is no reason for them to think the plan is going ahead. We've stopped it. We are going to have a summit. We're going to consult with people. We're going to consult with experts."

The three mayors, Mark Thorne of Sussex, Steven Stackhouse of Sussex Corner and Juliana Booth of Norton, wrote to Higgs last week asking him to replace Flemming and the two health authority CEOs.

They said public comments by Flemming and the two CEOs suggested they would not consider any alternatives for health reform "beyond what has already been done."

"Many citizens, many New Brunswickers, will have a hard time putting any credibility to the tour if all the suggestions are going to land back on the laps of those who said they don't want to listen," Thorne said in an interview.

"There's no trust because the minister has been very definite in his words. He has said they've done enough and the reaction by the public is the result of an emotional reaction and an entrenched mindset."

Premier Blaine Higgs says his government won't be 'ramming something down someone's throat' when it comes to making health-care reforms. (CBC)

But Flemming said the consultations, which are to culminate in a provincial health summit in June, are intended to hear local concerns and address them.

Premier Blaine Higgs said Friday he had no intention "of ramming something down someone's throat.
… I think the point is for us to put all of the information out there for people to see, and then we come up with a decision together."

Gauvin's alleged demands

Flemming also acknowledged Monday he made two mistakes in describing Gauvin's supposed demands.

He told Brunswick News that Gauvin wanted  "a bridge to Miscou," and a commitment to keep two courthouses open in his riding.

But there are no courthouses in Gauvin's riding, and the existing Miscou bridge is only 23 years old and doesn't need to be replaced.

The PC government allocated $1 million in last December's capital budget to start design work on replacing a 60-year-old bridge between Shippagan and Lamèque by 2025.

Flemming acknowledged those mistakes and said he was referring to the older bridge, and that Gauvin wanted the work to move faster.

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
Methinks because of my personal experiences with these people I should advise folks that only a fools would believe the words of a lawyer or a politician or a cop or a journalist Nesy Pas?

David Amos
Methinks "Justin Time" will have to find my last words to him elswhere N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Methinks Mr Flemming will enjoy the email I just sent to him and the 3 Mayors who are putting his down in this article N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks if the lawyer Flemming were wise he would finally send me my Medicare Card and reimburse me for my Health Care expenses within the system the oversees N'esy Pas? 

Diane Bellefleur
"I'm only telling you that I'm telling the truth," Flemming said in an interview. Wow Flemming and Higgs are getting into the same routine as Donald Trump....nobody knows when they are telling the truth. Shame on you.

David Amos 
Reply to @Diane Bellefleur: Shame on them all 

David Amos
I wonder what Gauvin would do if his old buddy Flemming put a "Stay"on his Medicare Card like they did to me because they don't like my politicking? 

David Stairs
the only tiny province in the world that has 2 health care systems and we cannot figure out what is wrong...these 2 are a joke

David Amos 
Reply to @David Stairs: YUP but the joke is on us

Mac Isaac
I don't really have a dog in this hunt because I'm in neither's riding but if there isn't a kernel of truth in either's story, then I would have to put my belief in M. Gauvin's story. Why? I simply do NOT believe anything coming out of the mouth of Mr. Flemming...it's simply my sense of the man and not based on anything other than that.

Fred Brewer 
Reply to @Mac Isaac: I mostly believe Mr. Flemming in this instance, but I understand why you would not. It is a bit like the boy who cried wolf. Many of us have stopped believing Mr. Fleming based on past history.

Mac Isaac
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Exactly! While M. Gauvin is an unknown "quantity" in terms of veracity, I don't think the same can be said for Mr.Flemming. As for Mr. Higgs, I actually like his "grandfatherly" persona but I'm not so sure about hid tenure with the late and, to me at least, unlamented demise of the C.O.R. Party. Changing your spots and then changing them again seems a bit opportunistic to me.

David Amos
Reply to @Mac Isaac: At least you have a Medicare Card 

Donna McArdle
I find it difficult to believe that an MLA would use the closing of health emergency health facilities as a bargaining chit for money being spent in his/her riding.

Fred Brewer
Reply to @Donna McArdle: I don't find it difficult to believe. It is called "making the best of a bad situation". Gauvin knew the emergency closures were a done deal, and tried to use his acceptance as a bargaining chip. Although loathsome, I understand that this is the way our political system works. What I find unforgivable is Mr. Gauvin's attempts of trying to keep the truth from coming out. Fess up Mr. Gauvin. Confession is good for the soul and good for respect from the public

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Donna McArdle:
The 'problem" is one of misdirection. Sure ER's closing merits attention, but the "real story" is the TOTAL closing of 6 hospitals, the almost TOTAL lay off of the staff, and their replacement by nursing home workers, likely part time nursing home workers (dodging the union and the paying of benefits).
In government, "votes" are bargained for ALL the time, that is how minority governments work, but the demand for a hundred million dollars worth of bargaining is really a bit over the top.

John O'Brien
Reply to @Donna McArdle: The MLA in question is a Frenchman so displaying typical French values.

David Amos
Reply to @John O'Brien: Methinks many folks would agree that English dudes act every bit as poorly The lawyer Flemming is just one example N'esy Pas? 

Jake Newman
time for an election for a Higgs majority.

Marc Martin  
Reply to @Jake Newman: With what votes ? He has been fighting with unions, French people and now he lost his only upper north representation.

Kevin Cormier 
Reply to @Marc Martin: While Higgs won't make much inroads in the next election, don't be fooled that Uncle Kevin will make gains either. Someone will be a minority government.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Kevin Cormier:
ONLY if we can trust the folks of NB haven't completely lost their senses.

Jake Newman 
Reply to @Marc Martin: yep, and both of those need to be taken on. Prov is bankrupt.

Terry Tibbs  
Reply to @Jake Newman:
Bring on the bankruptcy. I would trust almost ANY appointed trustee to do a better, more competent AND HONEST job of running things than EITHER of the two choices presented to us.

Jake Newman
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: so that leaves the Greens and the People's Alliance.

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Jake Newman: You realize I pay taxes like you and am allowed to the same service as you right? Assimilation is not an option buddy.

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Jake Newman: PANB ? People with zero experience to run an administration ??? I am glad you only count for 1 vote...

Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Martin: That's an interesting point of view there Marc. If the world adopted your philosophy, we would never have doctors, lawyers, judges or teachers because they all start with ZERO experience. Need I remind you that all political parties at one time or another had ZERO experience; even your beloved Liberals.

Archie Levesque
Reply to @Marc Martin: So you want all anglophones to learn french . what is that called again? oh right - assimilation

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: I have no idea what you are referring too.

Marc Martin
Reply to @Archie Levesque: No one is forcing the English to learn French, where did you see that ? You didn't BUT you would want all French services to be eliminated to force us to learn English, its called assimilation.

Marc Martin
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Ah you mean this *PANB ? People with zero experience to run an administration ??? * At least doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers all have an education on the career, what can we say about your pastor ? What is his background in politics?

David Amos
Reply to @Jake Newman: Dream on Methinks many folks will agree that there will be no majorities for years to come N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @Kevin Cormier: Hows the new job at the library working out?

Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Martin: "No one is forcing the English to learn French"
Where have you been for the past 50 years? All school kids are forced to learn french. It is NOT an optional subject.

Fred Brewer
Reply to @Marc Martin: "What is his background in politics?"
Background does not matter. In fact it might be an advantage to not have the background that the red and blue parties have. The red and blue background consists of broken election promises, backroom deals, catering to large industry while shafting the little guys, and let's not forget NEPOTISM. So if you feel that kind of background is needed, then I am glad you only count as one vote. I for one, plan on voting for a party without that kind of background.... Purple or Green.

David Amos
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Cry me a river 


Billy Joe Mcallister
Fleming needs to resign or the very least a cabinet re-think is long overdue. Cardy also needs to go. Maybe if Kris Austin is not going to do anything else he can cross the floor, join his first love (the conservative party) and wait for a leadership convention

David Amos 
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister: Methinks you should finally let Bobbie Lee Gentry know that she should quit chucking flowers off the bridge Nesy Pas?

David Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Billy Joe Mcallister:

Ode to Billie Joe
Song by Bobbie Gentry

It was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta day
I was out choppin' cotton, and my brother was balin' hay
And at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eat
And mama hollered out the back door, y'all, remember to wipe your feet
And then she said, I got some news this mornin' from Choctaw Ridge
Today, Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge

And papa said to mama, as he passed around the blackeyed peas
Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense; pass the biscuits, please
There's five more acres in the lower forty I've got to plow
And mama said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhow
Seems like nothin' ever comes to no good up on Choctaw Ridge
And now Billy Joe MacAllister's jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge

And brother said he recollected when he, and Tom, and Billie Joe
Put a frog down my back at the Carroll County picture show
And wasn't I talkin' to him after church last Sunday night?
I'll have another piece-a apple pie; you know, it don't seem right
I saw him at the sawmill yesterday on Choctaw Ridge
And now ya tell me Billie Joe's jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge  
David Amos
Reply to @: Billy Joe Mcallister

And mama said to me, child, what's happened to your appetite?
I've been cookin' all morning, and you haven't touched a single bite
That nice young preacher, Brother Taylor, dropped by today
Said he'd be pleased to have dinner on Sunday, oh, by the way
He said he saw a girl that looked a lot like you up on Choctaw Ridge
And she and Billy Joe was throwing somethin' off the Tallahatchie Bridge

A year has come and gone since we heard the news 'bout Billy Joe
And brother married Becky Thompson; they bought a store in Tupelo
There was a virus going 'round; papa caught it, and he died last spring
And now mama doesn't seem to want to do much of anything
And me, I spend a lot of time pickin' flowers up on Choctaw Ridge
And drop them into the muddy water off the Tallahatchie Bridge

Paul Bourgoin
Health Minister Ted Flemming defended his public sharing of private conversations with his former PC colleague, Robert Gauvin Health minister who alleges former PC MLA initially supported the divisive health-care changes in six hospitals. Well here we are again trying to establish what the Truth Is!

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Paul Bourgoin: Of course he is going to throw him under the bus the CoRservatives are losing ground in polls, its all about being in power.

Archie Levesque
Reply to @Marc Martin: It is all about power. Mr Vickers demonstrated that when he said he would bring down the gov't over the issue with no clear plan of his own to implement

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Archie Levesque: He is making a stand for every Nbers, everyone pay taxes so everyone is entitled to the same services. May I remind you we are not in Russia here.

Archie Levesque
Reply to @Marc Martin: If SANB LIbErals actually governed for the whole province I might agree with you. If they have a better plan - put it out there for people to see. Or do we have to wait until after the next election for another round of consultations?

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Archie Levesque: Another one who is using the term *SANB Liberals* If it was the case why did the Liberal elect MLAs in Fredericton, Saint john, Campbellton and Moncton ???

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks it would be very hard for you deny the fact that your are a SANB/Liberal camped in Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?

Archie Levesque 
Reply to @Marc Martin: Then why did the CORseravtives, as you cal them, elect a member in the northeast?

Gary MacKay
Mr. Flemming has dug a hole of mistrust and disbelief and continues to dig. Mr. Flemming should IMO stop digging. Time for a new health minister Mr. Higgs or please take away his shovel.

David Amos
Reply to @Gary MacKay: Methinks the lawyer should keep digging Some of us are enjoying the circus N'esy Pas?

Marcel Belanger
There will likely be an election this spring. Higgs and Flemming are pretty much setting the stage for it and seem to be trying to divide the province even further. How they did not see this coming is baffling and it seems they are trying to recoup the rural voters they alienated by smearing Gauvin and using white gloves on Northrup. As for Flemming’s truthfulness all I can say is one error in a statement is forgivable but 2 errors pretty much debunks it.

Marc Martin
Reply to @Marcel Belanger: Yep.

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Who cares?

Jeff Trueman
Gauvin is just like his old man. Shady.

David Amos 
Reply to @Jeff Trueman: YUP 

Dotty Gaudet
Gauvin has already threatened (promised) two weeks ago to retire from politics. Let him go. He's like a spoiled kid...if I don't get my way, I'm going home.

David Amos 
Reply to @Dotty Gaudet: Methinks whereas the SANB support him bigtime he is like a moth to the flame N'esy Pas? 

Terry Tibbs
On the topic of "truth" Mr Fleming, you have to excuse me, I am and old man, who has trouble understanding things sometimes:

The BIG question I have is:
If, as is claimed, we are short doctors and nurses (and first hand I have seen we are), we must not be having to pay 100? 200? 300? people? Right? (I can't be more specific, depending who is asked a different number pops out)
And it is claimed the budget is "over"?
Explain to me please how this adds up?
Where is the money going if we aren't paying it to doctors and nurses?
How can we blame doctors and nurses for the budget being "over"?
What good does it do closing ER's to save the salaries paid to doctors and nurses when it is not the money paid (or not paid) to doctors and nurses that causes the budget to be "over"?

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Terry Tibbs:
But that really wasn't the plan now, was it, Mr Fleming?
"The plan" was to close 6 hospitals, turning them into nursing homes, requiring a LOT less expensive staff, so you could simply lay off ALL but one RN per shift, put any doctors "on call", and staff the places with far, far, cheaper old age home workers.
The Liberal art of misdirection while continuing to pick our pockets.
Nice try.
Tell me again how much we are supposed to trust you................

Marc Martin
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Your not.

David Amos
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Methinks you Green dudes don't expect an answer from Flemming et al but it seems you may rely on a certain SANB/liberal from Fat Fred City and perhaps an Independent such as I to add our two bits worth N'esy Pas?

Bob Smith
Before anyone dismisses Fleming's remarks out of hand, keep in mind what Gerry Lowe wants for his budget vote. Names and dates may change but in NB, elected MLAs have a history of looking for perks/benefits to make themselves look better come election time.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Bob Smith:
Sorry, I don't think Mr Fleming knows what day of the week it is, what month we are in, and the year.

Jeff Trueman 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Ya. I cannot see a Gauvin doing anything shady..nahhhhh

Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Jeff Trueman:
Should we pretend then, that they are not tarred with the same brush?

David Amos
Reply to @Jeff Trueman: Surely you jest 

Michael durant
Fleming needs to resign or get fired.

David Amos 
Reply to @Michael durant: Methinks he is one of the best clowns in Higgy's circus many of us would miss him if he exited stage right the ECO and left Cardy with more butter tarts to gobble down N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Methinks the lawyer Flemming should fess up as to why he kept the "Stay" on my Medicare Card before I sue him N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Reply to @David Amos: We don't care.

David Amos 
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks "We" must mean you must you and Kelly N'esy Pas??

Marc Martin 
Reply to @David Amos: Who is Kelly ? Is he another imaginary person like the Sherriff ?

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: I thought she was a woman

Andrew Clarkson
Who ever would have imagined, a politician and an extortionist all in one!

David Amos 
Reply to @Andrew Clarkson: Methinks many would agree that they are as common as mud N'esy Pas?

Wayne Mac Arthur
I saw Me Gauvin's statements when he parted company with the party he was elected to support and have no doubt there was more to the story than he revealed.

Kyle Woodman
Reply to @Wayne Mac Arthur: Yup that's what I saw too. It wasn't hard to read between the lines.

David Amos
Reply to @Wayne Mac Arthur: There always is 


Ray Bungay
Politics is a dirty game. Even though Mr Woodman in says the "government is a lame duck" that wounded duck is far better than going through another election and the possiblity of another Liberal do nothing, but increase taxes for their friends, win. I am not ready for that scenario. When this mess about closing ERs in 6 regions and FAILED,Flemming also FAILED and should have offered his resignation he did not! At least Gauvin did and now unless a pot of gold in every home is in the upcoming budget, an election is sure to come this spring. How sad is dirty politics really! 

David Amos
Reply to @Ray Bungay: My My a retired Fed sure can cry quite a river in capital letters not less. Methinks you fail to understand we will always get the governments we deserve until people clue in on the wicked game Nesy Pas?

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Ray Bungay:
Bring on a bankruptcy, I've decided a trustee would do a better, more honest, job of running this place.

Kyle Woodman
This government is a lame duck.

Shawn McShane 
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: You would hope that even if the duck is lame it still has at least one ball?

Roy Kirk 
Reply to @Shawn McShane: a lame drake then?

Kyle Woodman
Reply to @Roy Kirk: hahaha. Great retort.

David Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Methinks it would not be wise to bet the farm on your opinion Many folks no doubt agree that the liberals or the PANB or the Greens are no better Don't overlook the 40 percent of us who don't bother to vote I am certain they agree N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
CoRservatives are in panic mode...

Shawn McShane
Reply to @Marc Martin: Na...just you.

David Amos
Reply to @Shawn McShane: Oh So True

Lou Bell
Reply to @Marc Martin: Gauvin upset the SANB . He couldn't d the job they expected him to do. He just confirmed all we expected of him. Another SANB pah pet , nothing more.

David Amos
Reply to @Lou Bell: Methinks many folks would agree that Gauvin followed SANB orders to the letter. Hence they are very happy with him and that is why he did not quit like he said would N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Lou Bell: Everyone is a SANB follower if we don't support your CoRservatives...

Marc Martin 
Reply to @David Amos: Who cares.

Archie Levesque  
Reply to @Marc Martin: And everyone is a CoR member if we don't kowtow to the SANB

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Archie Levesque: Nope only the people who support CoRservatives and PANB.

Archie Levesque  
Reply to @Marc Martin: So how French is French enough? According to the SANB president unless you are are born & raised as a francophone you will never be French enough for them.

Bryan Jones
Reply to @Archie Levesque: Remember that a previous incumbent of that position wanted to ban marriages between the English and the French.

Marc Martin
Reply to @Archie Levesque: I don't know what is French enough, and I don't even know who the SANB president is, but you do ? Its seems you need to stop focusing all your attention to the French its bad for your health.

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Bryan Jones: You mean they wanted to do the same as the English did for hundred of years ?

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks you and Kelly obviously do N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Reply to @David Amos: Is Kellly another imaginary Sheriff ?

Archie Levesque 
Reply to @Marc Martin: Robert Melanson said he remains skeptical that Savoie will be able to step up to the plate.

"Mr. Savoie has been brought up in an English community, went to an English school…I don't think that the francophone of New Brunswick are going to accept that."

Here is a quote from a CBC article from Feb.

Jim Cyr
Jacques Poitras seems to be arguing for ultra-secrecy and backroom deals in provincial governance. Jacques is mad that Flemming brought Gauvin's extortion into the public spotlight. Jacques is a journalist, so it seems pretty strange, huh?? They call it "advocacy journalism"---the truth and transparency matter less than a reporter's "team" gaining power (and the team is always leftist....)

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Jim Cyr: How is the blue kool aid?

Shawn McShane 
Reply to @Marc Martin: HOw is the blue/red/French kool aid?

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Shawn McShane: There is French kool aid ?

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Marc Martin: But of course. It infects all of Canada.

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Shawn McShane: It has divided Canada since confederation.

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Shawn McShane: Canada is divided? Since when?

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Marc Martin: Since Confederation. Lower Canada asked to join.

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Marc Martin: Loyalist American settlers and British immigrants in Upper Canada had English laws. Lower Canada had French civil law and the Catholic Church. It was The Maritime Union... until Quebec ( Low Canada) asked to join.

David Amos
Reply to @Shawn McShane: YUP

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks your favourite SANB Kool Aid is red N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Shawn McShane: Is that why when Quebec wanted to separate Canada didn't want them too ?

Marc Martin 
Reply to @David Amos: When is the Sherriff going to come see me Davis ?

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks whereas who won't tell me perhaps Kelly may knows who Davis N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Reply to @David Amos: We don't care...

Jim Cyr
So what good would it do for Higgs to try to save some money on the wasteful emergency room hours, only to turn around and have to spend wastefully in Gauvin's riding in order to get his support?? Ridiculous. Higgs did the right thing and said, "NO WAY". And Gauvin showed that he has few principles. Hope he gets canned by the voters.

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Jim Cyr: yawnnn

David Amos
Reply to @Jim Cyr: Methinks many agree that if Gauvin chucks his hat in the ring again he will be elected again However win or lose it will be a circus to enjoy watching N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks if you keep typing and yawning in lieu of hitting the sack the love of your life may start wondering about your relationship N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin  
Reply to @David Amos: Where is the sheriff ?

Terry Tibbs 
Reply to @Jim Cyr:
Your attention is being misdirected. Sure ER's closing merits attention, but the "real story" is the TOTAL closing of 6 hospitals, the almost TOTAL lay off of the staff, and their replacement by nursing home workers, likely part time nursing home workers (dodging the union and the paying of benefits).

Jim Cyr 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: Terry, New Brunswick has been closing and consolidating almost all of its small, rural hospitals for decades. This is hardly a "Higgs thing". It IS a result of socialized medicine not working. (Here in Maine, our small, rural hospitals do NOT close).

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Do who want his number?

Marc Martin  
Reply to @David Amos: I dont need his number since you sent him to see me right?

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks Kelly must agree that your memory is very selective N'esy Pas? 

Don Smith
Anyone who feels it necessary to reinforce their words with "I am telling the truth" usually isn't't.

Shawn McShane
Reply to @Don Smith: I am telling the truth: If the hospital near me closes and my property tax halves with my income tax I will support it, otherwise what the hell am I paying for? Everything is going sky high. For Sale: No hospital, property tax as hi as a mortgage and u need to speak French. Please buy my house.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Shawn McShane: maybe if you learned French instead? And list you house with an agent. Unless you want to pay CBC a real estate fee?

David Amos
Reply to @Josef Blow: WOW

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Josef Blow: How does me speaking French lower my taxes? My home is not in a Francophone area where the taxes are half and the services are double.

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Shawn McShane: How does not speaking French makes you pay more taxes?

Shawn McShane 
Reply to @Marc Martin: We pay more taxes for duality. 2 of everything for 1/3

Marc Martin  
Reply to @Shawn McShane: So your solution is to make everything French only? You want to save no?

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks you need to learn to read English N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin  
Reply to @David Amos: Are you sure your talking to the right Marc Martin ?

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks thats kinda obvious Nobody else would pretend to be you N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin  
Reply to @David Amos: Are you sure your talking to the right Marc Martin? 

Robert Buck
I wonder if either one would be willing to take a polygraph test.

Johnny Horton 
Reply to @Robert Buck:
I always look st the potential sins and losses.
Flemming has zero to gain by lying. There is no potential benefit for doing so. He could harm himself if he is lying though,
Gauvin has everything to lose if he attempted blackmail. So his best option is to deny. He would gain little by coming clean and just semirrihg it.
Seems to me then in this particular case Flemming is probably the closest to the truth,

David Amos  
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Yea Right

Marc Martin
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Actualy he does, they are afraid to loose the election.

Johnny Horton  
Reply to @Marc Martin:
It if he is caught lying they lose. So that don’t wash as a reason he would lie.

Marc Martin
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Didnt you read? He said he did..

David Amos  
Reply to @Marc Martin: Who do you think your are fooling? Methinks everybody knows that neither of you can read N'esy Pas?
Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Its been a year since you said a sheriff would come se me, where is he?

David Amos 
Reply to @Marc Martin: BS its been about a week

Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: You told me the same thing last year... 


Johnny Horton
Gauvin, a politicisn, making demands to aid himself. Imagine that.

While Flemming might be a Gozo, there is no doubt Gauguin is just as guilty with making demands.

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Johnny Horton: A CoRservative supporter in denial defending Fleming...

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks Kelly no doubt agrees that you two should get a room N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin  
Reply to @David Amos: You would like for 2 guy to get a room together ? Why would even think about that ? Keep your wish list for yourself, that's personal.

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks I touched a nerve perhaps something in your past haunting you N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin  
Reply to @David Amos: I think you have a sick imagination...

David Amos
Reply to @Marc Martin: Methinks everybody knows why I think even less of you N'esy Pas? 

Roy Kirk
"Flemming also acknowledged Monday he made two mistakes in describing Gauvin's supposed demands."
One's left wondering how many other mistakes he's made on his files. Maybe he'd a mistaken impression of the bill of goods he bought from the Sr mgmt of the Boards?

He told Br

Johnny Horton
Reply to @Roy Kirk:
I’m sure you have never. Are an error in your career...

David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Who are you to judge anyone?

David Amos
Reply to @Johnny Horton: Has the cat got your tongue again? 

Kyle Woodman
I'd say Gauvin could start running his mouth any time now. I'm sure he has lots of stories to tell. Flemming is just trying to smear him before the next election. Gauvin will no doubt reveal more details about the soap opera that is team Higgs. Stay tuned. The best is yet to come.

David Amos 
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: C'est Vrai

Dianne MacPherson 
Reply to @Kyle Woodman:
Then the voters will get the true measure of Gauvin.
A showboat is Gauvin; Premier Higgs is well rid of him !!

Kyle Woodman 
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: The PC party is a divided party under higgs. It's highschool level pettiness amongst factions within the party. I predict they will have the same result as the old divided COR party.

Lewis Taylor
Flemming has never been known for accuracy. Wish we had smarter people in politics.

David Amos 
Reply to @Lewis Taylor: Starting with you

Matt Steele
It is a tough situation for everyone involved . Folks need to accept the fact that N.B. is now the poorest province in Canada , with a 14 BILLION plus debt , and nearly 2 MILLION per day just in interest payments . Higgs PCs are trying to get the debt and spending under control ; and that involves cuts . No doubt Gauvin has had a hard time as he has become the SANB punching bag ; and Flemming is in a tough spot as Health Care is the most costly dept. in the whole govt , and it's getting worse with out of control spending. ; yet no one wants to cut anything . Welcome to N.B. ; Canada's ONLY OFFICIALLY BILINGUAL PROVINCE , and FAILED social experiment !

Lewis Taylor 
Reply to @Matt Steele:
Better SANB than PANB. one fight for equality and the other wants to take thing away from minorities.

Lewis Taylor 
Reply to @Matt Steele:
Francophones were here long before you or your ancestors.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Lewis Taylor:
Correction: one wants the tail to wag the dog and the other one is tired of being dizzy.

Matt Steele 
Reply to @Lewis Taylor: ....The SANB fights for no one . The SANB is a very small group of individuals who wants to fill their own pockets with taxpayer cash , and nothing more . The SANB has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help N.B.ers , Francophones , or anyone else . If you haven't figured that out yet , then that is your problem , and no one elses .

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Matt Steele: You appear to be an angry and frustrated man, Mr. Steele. . Why don't you run for the Purples? Your usual display of fury towards anything or anyone associated with the French language and Acadian culture is bordering on the pathological

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Matt Steele: Your pet peeve is not going away even if you continue to stomp your foot … . And your use of Trump-like upper case is entertaining.

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Matt Steele: So everyone who disagrees with your CoRservatives are working for SANB now ?

Marc Martin 
Reply to @Matt Steele: * The SANB is a very small group of individuals who wants to fill their own pockets with taxpayer cash* but yet each time anyone disagrees with your CoRservatives they work for SANB, looks like a pretty big minority there buddy...

Matt Steele 
Reply to @Josef Blow: ....It is odd with all your f ake accounts , that you never have any up votes ; you must be a small minded friendless person . Enjoy your sad little life....lol

Matt Steele
Reply to @Marc Martin: ....You should know with all your f ake accounts.......how many accounts do you have now ?

David Amos 
Reply to @Matt Steele: The one he using right now ain't fake

David Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: "Oh My, Oh My............. a whole section went "poof".

Nope it lives on in my blog BTW that comment section is still open

Marc Martin  
Reply to @Matt Steele: *that you never have any up votes * That's because he didn't click on his own votes...

Marc Martin  
Reply to @Matt Steele: Yeah right...Says the guy with a fake account...

Marc Martin  
Reply to @David Amos: who cares...

David Amos 
Reply to @Marc Martin: Clearly you do

Marc Martin 
Reply to @David Amos: Not really and I am a very caring person...

Roland Stewart
They are like actors without a script.

Terry Tibbs
Reply to @Roland Stewart:
It's good to know that "inclusion" is not limited to our schools.

David Amos
Reply to @Roland Stewart: Relax and enjoy the circus 


Terry Tibbs
In the "just kidding" province of NB we elect folks to spend our money for us while they play musical chairs. If the law of surprise comes into play Mr Trudeau will stop by and give them all awards at a $50,000 a plate dinner.
We deserve to be broke for electing these clowns.

David Amos 
Reply to @Terry Tibbs: You but methinks they give us quite a circus to enjoy N'esy Pas? 

Justin Time
Two politicians both telling the truth, highly unlikely. Sounds like "alternative facts" from both.

David Amos 
Reply to @Justin Time: "And they might want to check the results of this famous lawsuit, file A-48-16 in the federal court."

Methinks you posted this just in time before to comment section closed but failed to point paragraph 22 which is particularly important for folks to check out N'esy Pas?

[22] Mr. Amos also included with his submissions a CD. He stated in his affidavit dated June 26, 2017 that there is a “true copy of an American police surveillance wiretap entitled 139” on this CD. He has also indicated that he has “provided a true copy of the CD entitled 139 to many American and Canadian law enforcement authorities and not one of the police forces or officers of the court are willing to investigate it”. Since he has indicated that this is an “American police surveillance wiretap”, this is a matter for the American law enforcement authorities and cannot create, as Mr. Amos suggests, a conflict of interest for any judge to whom he provides a copy.

Reply to @David Amos: And this is relative in what way???? Continuous quoting of this failed lawsuit is not helping you. Let it go.

David Amos
Reply to @Justin Time: The fat lady ain't sung on that matter yet. I must ask what did you think about the wiretaps in the docket?

Justin Time 
Reply to @David Amos: I don't really understand their relevance to the rest of the case I guess. I even went as far as listening to some of it in another location and while the tapes may be genuine I don't see how they relate to any of the stories you quote them on. Just my opinion.

David Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Justin Time: Perhap I suspect most folks should understand why i would believe what you say is sincere if and when you finally acted ethically and obeyed the rules within this domain by posting your real name before you challenge my integrity anymore That said methinks anyone should understand the Canadian Criminal Code particularly the 3 judges who composed the document you tease me about N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @Justin Time: The article is about Is Flemming a lawyer and a Health Minister Correct? Was the former wannabe liberal leader Mike Murphy a lawyer and a Health Minister in 2007 before he became our Attorney General? Methinks you should read my lawsuit again real real slow N'esy Pas? 

Kyle Woodman
David Amos
Reply to @Kyle Woodman: Methinks some folks may agree that the lawyer Flemming is finally telling some truths to save his butt Nesy Pas? 

Clive Gibbons
In figuring out who is telling the truth, one has to ask "who has the most to lose?". That is usually the side most likely to lie. Sorry, Mr. Flemming, but Mr. Gauvin hasn't got much to lose...

David Amos 
Reply to @Clive Gibbons: I strongly disagree Methinks you should ask the SANB if the they wish to argue me about that simple fact N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Reply to @David Amos: Have you noticed no one wants to talk to you ? I wonder why...

David Amos 
Reply to @Marc Martin: Why are you?

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