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French immersion entry point remains at Grade 1 — for now


Replying to and 47 others
Methinks immersion will never work in school when folks speak English everywhere else the kids go N'esy Pas? 





French immersion entry point remains at Grade 1 — for now

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David R. Amos
Methinks David **** and some other politicians must recall the RCMP falsely arresting me in 2008 not long after I dealt with the concerns about French Immersion with the Language Commissioners and the lawyer Alison Menard the Green Party N'esy Pas?

Terrance Thomasen
Why do we keep perpetuating the myth that speaking French is required in Canada. Wake up people. The language and culture is dying. Tell your governments it's a waste of time.

John Cannothan
Reply to @Terrance Thomasen: LOL Terrance, you should write a thesis on the topic. You sound like a smart cookie.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @John Cannothan: Methinks you should check my work Perhaps then you would quit laughing N'esy Pas?

Craig Deleware
French is so important.....if you want to make $35K/year working as a flight attendant for Air Canada.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Craig Deleware: Methinks you set your sights too low. Your command of the French and English lingos can make you a big score if you manage to get a job as staffer for a politician such as all the Premiers of Canada except Quebec. Only the Premier of Quebec and our current Prime Minister from Quebec are bilingual N'esy Pas/

Leroy McCarthy
Immersion will never work in grade school.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Leroy McCarthy: Methinks immersion will never work in school when folks speak English everywhere else the kids go N'esy Pas?

Claude DeRoche
This is wasted money, get rid of bilingualism ! French only!

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Methinks if you want your wish to come true you should move back to Quebec N'esy Pas?

Claude DeRoche
Me smells an election coming.

The days of the COR Party Crown Prince of Bermuda are counted!

He's been in hiding since Kevin Vickers was nominated!
Hey Blaine you said you were going to court to oppose the carbon tax!
Put your money where your mouth is, our province needs to lose more millions.
How about another trip to Washington?

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: "Me smells an election coming."

Me Too

Lou Bell
Most kids drop out of French Immersion when they come to realize they don't need it and frank McKenna's " smoke and mirrors " propaganda was solely to get the Francophone vote, no matter who he had to sell out ! And he really stuck to everyone when with the Atcon Affair. Why help finance a failing family business when he can stick it to the people he had done it to so many times before ???

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Lou Bell: "frank McKenna's " smoke and mirrors " propaganda was solely to get the Francophone vote"

Google "Harper and Bankers"

Marguerite Deschamps
Come on Anglophones; you've smarter than that! Learn another language, it's good for the mind!

Mario Doucet 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
The problem is not learning another language but when we live in North America it is nearly impossible to retain and use what we learn.

Shawn McShane 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Might try learning Mi'kmaq, they may be the overlords over all of South East NB, Shediac, Moncton, Dieppe...

Dan Lee 
Reply to @Shawn McShane:
And so they should...........

Shawn McShane 
Reply to @Dan Lee: When they went to war with other tribes over territory what happened? When they sided with one group over the other, when they fought with the French over the British and then the British over the French and then the Americans and then the British again when the British were winning over the Americans...how is it so they should? If the Americans won? If the French won?

Dan Lee  
Reply to @Shawn McShane:
Read of most treaties......British would speak the treaty and write on paper differantly......i have a portrait of an old map which shows here native land was......

Daryl Doucette 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: ok marguerite...go learn Chinese. Be good for your mind.

Mark (Junkman) George
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:

Yes, and Mandarin Chinese should be anyone's first choice for a second language.

Shawn McShane 
Reply to @Dan Lee: To be brutal honest with you I don't disagree with the message, I disagree with the method. It should be all Canadians together. What we have is Divide and Conquer method by the Government of Canada ™️

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: "it's good for the mind!"

Methinks not if we wind up thinking like you N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: Methinks Chiac should be a Proud Maritimer's first choice N'esy Pas?

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Mario Doucet: nearly impossible ??? That is hard to process .... i suppose if people are a little enthusiastic about life they can learn and retain pretty much anything.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Shawn McShane: coulda, woulda, mighta, shoulda ...

Josef Blow 
Reply to @daryl doucette: does civility count as a subject in school? I’m sure there are people who could benefit from a little training on that subject. I wonder about natural aptitude though and how the lack thereof could prove to be a real hindrance.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @David R. Amos: minds are unfortunately a necessity that isn’t available to all. Lol

David R. Amos
Reply to @Josef Blow: I should ask when are you slated to get a mind with a conscience or at least some semblance of ethics? FYI I studied French and Latin in my High School years in Fat Fred City before the turncoat Minister Cardy and quite likely you were born. Furthermore some of my classmates are seated Judges now and hate it when we cross paths. Perhaps folks who truly care about democracy and justice should study the Federal Court File No T-1557-15 to understand why French has become irrelevant in Canada. Methinks if the British is Queen going to bar a man from public properties and public Inquires she should do it in two official languages just like she did once again with me within the latest NB Power Rate hearings which began last night in Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?

P.S. Anyone can check out the EUB files in the 357, 375 and 430 Matters from the Internent but in you must go to Federal court to read my files in the docket if you do not trust the one I present on the Internet

Daryl Doucette
Reply to @Josef Blow: Funny how people get irate when some one else disagrees with their take on things.

French immersion entry point remains at Grade 1 — for now

Education Minister plans summit on entire education system in October, but NBTA says that's too late

CBC News
Dominic Cardy announces French immersion entry point will remain at Grade 1

Here is what else Dominic Cardy had to say during the French immersion announcement. 0:44
Education Minister Dominic Cardy says the New Brunswick government will keep the French immersion entry point at Grade 1 for at least a year.

Cardy said public consultations revealed challenges with the program go beyond the entry point.

"The current system is failing to graduate bilingual students," Cardy said in a statement Thursday. "A change in the entry point at this time would only address one small part of a larger challenge facing our education system."

However, in the legislature later in the day, the Progressive Conservatives voted down a proposal that would have made the Grade 1 entry point more permanent.
French immersion is a program designed to help students learn French through language arts and other subjects.

According to Policy 309 of the Department of Education, the goal is to get students to an "advanced" level on the provincial second-language proficiency scale. The scale has nine levels, with advanced being the third highest.

The most recent data available from the province show only 10 per cent of students who entered early immersion in 2005 achieved the goal of advanced proficiency by the end of Grade 12 in 2017.

"Our goal is to be top ten in the Program for International Student Assessment rankings in reading, math and science," Cardy said. The rankings, a program of the OECD, are released after an exam taken every three years by 15-year-old students around the world.

Whole system under review

Cardy also announced a broader education review, which includes a plan to improve French second-language programming.

The provincial government will hold a summit Oct. 16 to 18 to get more input and ideas on how to improve the entire education system. The department is preparing a paper outlining where the education system currently stands and the goals for the future, which will be released next month, Cardy said.

A 'summit' of players in the francophone and education school sectors will be held Oct. 16-18 to get more input and ideas on how to improve the entire education system. (iStock)
Both anglophone and francophone school districts will participate, as well as international education experts.

This will be the first time the francophone and anglophone sectors will be brought together to talk about the education system in a comprehensive way, Cardy said.

"We need to hear from both sectors and we need to have both sectors talking more with each other."
The public will be invited to give input on all aspects of the system, including classroom composition, student engagement and the preparedness of graduating students.
Cardy said the responsibility for the province's education system isn't one-way.

"This is a societal project around education, and that means that parents have a responsibility to send their kids to school, they have to stay in school and once they are there, the responsibility on the government side we give them the world-class education."

Classroom composition, teacher shortages

George Daley, president of the New Brunswick Teachers' Association, said he's happy to hear the entry point isn't being changed this year.

"I think there will be some relief from a good deal of our membership knowing that we've got a bit of stability from the last two years."

Still, Daley said he thinks problems in education, including class composition and violence in the classroom, are too pressing to wait until the summit.

"The forum that they are talking about is a good idea, but I don't particularly want to wait until October to deal with these issues," Daley said.

"Whether it's French immersion or regular English classrooms, if we don't have effective class composition and appropriate learning environment no learning is going to go on in those rooms."

George Daley, the president of New Brunswick Teachers' Association, says October is too late to deal with pressing issues in education. (CBC)
Daley said the association will be looking to government to provide support for recruitment of both French and English teachers.

He said there were teaching positions this year that had to be filled by contracted local permit teachers, not enough certified teachers were available.

Local permit teachers are teachers who do not hold a Bachelor of Education degree but have a minimum of two years of post secondary education.

That was a first in his career, Daley said. Supply-teaching lists across the province also had to be opened up to local permit teachers.
Cardy said that recruiting more teachers is something the province is looking at, but the key issue is that there aren't enough students pursuing education degrees in the province.

He suggested the recruiting strategy will be part of a larger discussion around immigration and attracting teachers from outside the province.

With files from Shane Fowler and Shift

'Makes me angry': Big telcos' $10 service fees concern wireless customers and the CRTC


Replying to and 47 others
Methinks they are going have a tough time figuring out how to handle me Sophia Harris or anyone else can Google two names David Amos Martine Turcotte to see why N'esy Pas? 




'Makes me angry': Big telcos' $10 service fees concern wireless customers and the CRTC

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Michael G. L. Geraldson
I swear that the telcos have departments whose sole purpose is to figure out new ways to gouge customers.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Michael G. L. Geraldson: Methinks they are going have a tough time figuring out how to handle me Sophia Harris or anyone else can Google two names David Amos Martine Turcotte to see why N'esy Pas? 

Jerry Jordan
the crtc is totally useless.....all telecommunications needs to be directly under a minister of the government . every second week or so there is a complaint about the major players gouging their customers in one way or another. the big boys like rogers and bell can run roughshod over its customers anytime they want and there is nothing to protect them. the crtc is a third party just to deflect and protect the government of the day. the crtc also has absolutely no teeth in the matter.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Jerry jordan: "the crtc is totally useless"

YUP and many politicians know that I made it a point to prove it long ago.

David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David R. Amos: 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 10:30 AM
To: David Raymond Amos
Subject: CRTC Reference: 770193

Good morning Mr. Amos:

Further to your correspondence of May 19th, and after an extensive
review of the other issues you have raised, we have concluded that we
do not have jurisdiction over these matters.

Therefore, we consider all matters you have previously contacted this
office about to be closed. Please note that we will no longer respond
to any correspondence from you on these subjects.


Chantal Proulx
Client Services | Services à la clientèle
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Conseil
de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0N2
Telephone | Téléphone 1-877-249-2782 / TTY | ATS 1-877-909-CRTC (2782)
Outside Canada | Hors Canada 819-997-0313 / TTY | ATS 819-994-0423
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David R. Amos
Reply to @David R. Amos: Methinks I sang about CBC's sudden fit of integrity too quickly N'esy Pas/

George Myles
What a joke. For how many years have we all complained about the toothless oversight of the CRTC?

David R. Amos 
Reply to @George Myles: I have been pointing it out since 2004

David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @David R. Amos:

I must Say I am rather impressed at CBC's sudden fit of Integrity to allow my posts to stand the test of time for a few hours at least. (: Rest assured that I have been saving digital snapshots just in case they delete and block me as usual :)

In return here is an old scoop about CTV that CBC and everybody else and his dog has been ignoring for 15 very long years after I ran in the election of the 38th Parliament against the aptly named lawyer Rob Moore.


----- Original Message -----
From: martine.turcotte@bell.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Cc: bcecomms@bce.ca ; W-Five@ctv.ca
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: I am curious

Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is
no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the
documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the
process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it
in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We
will then provide you with a reply.

Martine Turcotte
Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique
BCE Inc. / Bell Canada
1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700
Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7

Tel: (514) 870-4637
Fax: (514) 870-4877
email: martine.turcotte@bell.ca

Executive Assistant / Assistante à la haute direction: Diane Valade
Tel: (514) 870-4638
email: diane.valade@bell.ca

David R. Amos
Reply to @David R. Amos: Go Figure


Helen Innamorato
Every other week, there is another CBC story on Rogers or Bell et. al. and their outrageous greed and abuse. It would be nice if CBC did a story on the real culprit which is the CRTC. Why is it so ineffective? Who is accountable? Who appoints these people? Are they impartial? etc. etc.
Even in this story .... what right does the CRTC have to not disclose to CBC News precisely how their practices may violate the code.
The CRTC needs to be revamped and must be transparent to the public

David R. Amos  
Reply to @helen innamorato: "The CRTC needs to be revamped and must be transparent to the public"


James Holden
We need a new agency to replace the CRTC.
It's primary function should be to protect consumers from telcos.
It needs to have sweeping powers of punishment for bad corporate behavior.
It should have no revolving door board members. No one who has ever worked in middle to upper management in telcos would be eligible.

David R. Amos   
Reply to @James Holden: "We need a new agency to replace the CRTC."

Methinks many would agree that the CRTC merely needs to learn how to uphold its mandate N'esy Pas?

Patrick Nugent
Sounds like some more price collusion starting.

David R. Amos    
Reply to @Patrick Nugent: YUP

Alain Le Brun
Pro tip: buy your own phone and just get the service from the provider of your choice. Then when there is a disagreement over something (a charge) you threaten to walk to another provider. That changes their attitude quick and charges disappear.

As long as you allow them to finance your phone via a 2 year contract, you are allowing them to keep their fingers in your pocket with little ability to force them to correct for random adventures in profiting on your back.

So: Get on top: bring your own phone.

(Pro tip 2: keep your phones for 4 - 5 years).

David R. Amos    
Reply to @Alain Le Brun: "Pro tip: buy your own phone"

Of Course 

Dan Chanos
THIS makes the top story on CBC yet I can’t find anywhere the story on Bombardier accused of corruption in Azerbaijan from the World Bank.

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Dan Chanos: Methinks this topic is of interest to a far greater number of folks for obvious reasons N'esy Pas?

Alex Johnston
The telcos have invented a new concept.

They believe that a contract is somehow separate from the money.

They'll say, "Yes, there's a year left on your contract, but we're now raising the monthly price on you."

Government is failing to control these bas74&0$.

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Alex Johnston: Methinks you have a very interesting name N'esy Pas?

Johnathan Wilcox
The CRTC is the biggest scam of all.Johnathan Wilcox

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Johnathan Wilcox: YUP

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Johnathan Wilcox: I have talked to Consumer advocate John Lawford Trust that he is pretty good at playing dumb

'Makes me angry': Big telcos' $10 service fees concern wireless customers and the CRTC

Fido joins Koodo and Bell in charging $10 when customers call to make certain account transactions

Fido customer Mary Marks of Montreal says the $10 charge for some account transactions made over the phone is unfair. (Mary Marks)

Canada's telecom regulator has joined angry customers in questioning the growing number of fees that wireless providers charge when people call customer service to make changes to their account.

The telcos' goal is to encourage customers to instead make their own changes online — using the free, self-serve option.

But the plan may backfire as customers who prefer the human touch, and the CRTC, raise concerns over the fees.

"It's a scam," said Fido customer Paul Doroshenko of Vancouver.

Starting on May 14, Fido, which is owned by Rogers, will charge $10 when customers call to request certain account transactions that can be done online. They include making a payment, updating contact information or one's payment method, and resetting a voicemail password.

"They're making so much money on me every month … and then they want to charge $10 for a simple service call?" said Doroshenko, whose preference is to call customer service rather than make changes online.

Fido used to be better. Fido once won the JD Power award for customer care. Nickel and diming your customer assures that Fido won’t win that award again.
Hey Zdravko, we'll still be here to help our customers! The fee only applies to a few transactions that can be easily completed through self-serve, find out more here: http://fido.ca/charges .. -Claudia

Rogers told CBC News that the "vast majority" of Fido customers already use its free online services, which allow them to easily manage their accounts at their convenience.

"As more Canadians choose self-serve options to manage their day-to-day needs, we're continually investing in digital services to give customers more control," spokesperson Bill Killorn said in an email.
Last August, the Rogers discount brand chatr began charging a similar $5 fee, and on May 2, Bell and its discount brand Virgin Mobile began charging $10 when customers call to change their rate plan or data package before their billing cycle is up.

Similar to Fido, Telus's discount brand, Koodo, charges $10 for various account changes when done over the phone. Telus didn't say when Koodo started charging the fee.

Telus and Bell's main brands also charge fees for a few different account changes when customers call in.

Customers can also do all these transactions online themselves, for free.

CRTC steps in

The growing list of service fees has raised eyebrows at the CRTC. Last month, the telecom regulator sent a letter to providers stating that it is "concerned that the practice may be inconsistent" with the Wireless Code— the mandatory code of conduct for wireless companies.

The CRTC wouldn't tell CBC News precisely how the practice may violate the code, but its letter asks companies charging the fees to provide details, including how customers are informed about them.
Rogers, Bell and Telus each told CBC News that their fees comply with the Wireless Code.

John Lawford, executive director of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, suggests the CRTC is taking action on service fees because it has likely received many complaints from customers. (CBC)

Consumer advocate John Lawford suggests the CRTC is stepping in because it has likely received many customer complaints about the fees.

"I think people were complaining in big numbers and fairly loudly because it seemed to them to be contrary to fairness and what they expected from a company," said Lawford, executive director of the Ottawa-based Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC).

"It should be a cost of doing business."

What about my contract?

Mary Marks of Montreal believes the new Fido fees are unfair. She signed up her husband with Fido years ago and manages her family's phone plans.

"I can do anything online; it's not a problem," she said. "But I like to call in."

The $10 charge isn't mentioned in the contract, she said.

"It's a change of contract. Do I have a choice about it? Do I not? None of this has been explained."
The Wireless Code states that providers can't change key terms in a contract without a customer's consent, and that all one-time fees must be spelled out.

In its CRTC submission, Rogers said account transaction charges don't need to be disclosed in a contract because they're simply "administrative fees" that apply only at certain times to certain customers.

Rogers, Bell and Telus each say customers are made aware of fees charged for certain account transactions done over the phone. (iStock)

Rogers, Bell and Telus each said in their submissions that they inform customers about the fees in various ways, including on their website and over the phone when customers make a request that will cost them.

"Our full disclosure of all fees is always in compliance with the Wireless Code," Bell spokesperson Nathan Gibson said in an email.

The three big telcos also said the fee can be waived for certain individuals, such as someone with special needs, and that customers are never charged when they call to simply request information.

End of paper billing?

The CRTC is also scrutinizing another service that wireless providers increasingly want customers to solely access online: their bills.

In June, PIAC and a seniors group filed a complaint with the CRTC after Koodo stopped mailing customers paper bills.

The CRTC has yet to rule on the matter.

Meanwhile, Telus went paperless in November and Fido followed suit last month.

The right to paper bills for wireless service is another issue the CRTC has yet to rule on. (Samuel Martin/CBC)

Telus told CBC News its customers can still request a paper bill. Rogers said Fido is investing in online services to better serve its customers, and that it is happy to work with those concerned about moving to online billing.

Customer Paul Doroshenko says he got nowhere when he complained to Fido about the end of his paper bills. The criminal lawyer runs his own law practice and said the bill's arrival by mail every month helped him keep track of one of his many business expenses.

"It makes me angry," Doroshenko said of the end of paper bills and the coming $10 fee.

"There's so little service being provided."

About the Author

Sophia Harris
Business reporter
Sophia Harris has worked as a CBC video journalist across the country, covering everything from the start of the annual lobster fishery in Yarmouth, N.S., to farming in Saskatchewan. She now has found a good home at the business unit in Toronto. Contact: sophia.harris@cbc.ca

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Federal minister wants province to work with Mi'kmaq and Ottawa on Aboriginal title in New Brunswick


Replying to and 47 others
Methinks most of the Mi'kmaq folks have no clue as to why I ran against Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett's predecessor Andy Scott for his seat in the 39th Parliament N'esy Pas?



Federal minister wants province to work with Mi'kmaq and Ottawa on Aboriginal title in New Brunswick

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David R. Amos
Methinks the Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett should explain to the folks in New Brunswick who Annie Mae Aquash, Leonard Peltier and Barry Bachrach are and why I ran against her predecessor Andy Scott in the election of the 39th Parliament N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
Methinks it's a waste of time and money to make a MOU with a desperate Cabinet Minister trying to buy a few votes before she loses her fancy job and the matter goes into the court system for many years N'esy Pas?

Craig O'Donnell
So is the federal government prepared to buy out the properties of every non-native living in that area?

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Craig O'Donnell: Methinks the lady speaks with a forked tongue her MOU will go nowhere fast N'esy Pas?

James Gladstone
Like it or not, this is 2019 not 1700's, so we either accept WE all live here, WE r not all native, such is the reality of 2019. Another reality, WE all must pay fair share of taxes and whatnots to take part in things like medicine and paved roads ect.... U want to hunt and fish like 1700's, u should b prepared to live like 1700's! So off the woods with their deer skin pants and axes made from rocks ect..... Maybe a bit xtreme on examples but none the less this is another something stupid to get headlines and keep people off kilter about real problems.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @James gladstone: Methinks its truly amazing what portion of out tax dollars directed to support the First Nations folks is squandered by wealthy lawyers gaming the system N'esy Pas?

Samual Johnston
some council members make $100,000 or more a year while others collect pennies. Some have poor housing while others have second homes on lakes. The system is broken and the majority do not benefit

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Samual Johnston: and the governments do absolutely nothing about it.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Why should it? Methinks its their business not ours Furthermore who are we to judge because it certainly appears that they run their governments just like we do N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Samual Johnston: "The system is broken and the majority do not benefit"

Methinks legions of political lawyers such as Bob Rae, TJ Burke and Kelly Lamrock will work hard to make certain the system is never fixed Jody Wilson Raybould talked the talk like her Father but once she had her chance she proved to be just another greedy lawyer N'esy Pas?

Bob Lashram
After countless waves of migrants, on every piece of land in the world, the argument of ownership based on first residence has no legitimacy. And how many times did the hundreds of tribes change locations themselves based on their own conflicts and migratory lifestyles. Politicians use this issue for purely partisan spin and ideological accolades, lawyers use it for profit and the judicial system remains a biased collection of partisan appointees who can't be trusted to demonstrate common sense.

Shawn McShane
Reply to @Bob Lashram: Very common sense of you. Now if only common sense could be taught. It can't.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Shawn McShane: common sense today is not the same as yesterday nor tomorrow.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Not true

Sandra Boudreau
Does it ever end? have we ever given enough????????

Reply to @Sandra Boudreau:
It all depends on who is in Ottawa and if they know how to say no.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @SteveRyan: True 

Ron Battiston
We have a few problems in Canada over land ownership. Lets start with our Queen. We all love our Queen. Our Queen legally owns Canada. As a Publisher I was a bit surprised when we did our book on Canadian real estate and found out that when you pay for a home and complete all the payments that you don't actually own it the Queen does. When I owned our 48 foot sailboat a Canadian registered vessel I was surprised to learn that even after I paid for it I was not the only owner of it our Queen owned a portion of it too. You might be surprised at what I am sharing with you and all I can suggest is that if you don't believe me check it out yourself. When we get to our First Nations they owned the property thousands of years ago until Canada was founded. But we didn't have a war with them over the property and take it into our ownership. Nor did we buy it. We entered into agreements most of which we neglected to follow. There are now over 640 First Nations Reserves in Canada. So where is the answer here? I don't have a clue. I like this Minister and she places her heart and soul into her job but I don't think she has the answer either. I do feel that our First Nations should have joint ownership of the non renewable resources in their areas. There is lots of money in that. But how do you set the portions? And once the resources are sold they are gone forever. Canada is over 150 years old and we still have been unable to solve this simple problem. I hope that it gets solved. I support our First Nations.


Reply to @Ron Battiston: Entitlements don't cut it anymore, respect has to be earned by all including the Royals. We need to convert to a republic.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Ron Battiston: I agree with everything you started, except that I don't love Your queen! What a malarkey!

David R. Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: "I don't love Your queen!"

Methinks common sense tells us all that one Queen would not love another N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos  

Content disabled
Reply to @Ron Battiston: Methinks the Queen is our de facto Head of State. She rule in name only. In return for homage she allows her face on our money and is a target for litigation etc. However she does not own Canada. WE DO. That "WE" includes the First Nations folks and the rest of Canada's citizens N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Ron Battiston: Oh my why was my reply blocked?

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Ron Battiston: Look up de facto

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Ron Battiston: "Honesty and Accuracy is what we are searching for!"

Perhaps you should check my work


Mark (Junkman) George
I'm kind of wondering, and looking around, to see if someone is lurking around to cue up a laugh track?
Sure JT, send a MP to NB to grovel for some votes, best make it quick though, don't want to ruin any summer holiday plans.
Beware of pale face (with forked tongue) bearing talk and apologies, who will be looking for a new line of work in October (he broke his promises to us too).

David R. Amos  

Content disabled
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: Enjoy 

Marguerite Deschamps
Thanks for saving us from fracking!

David R. Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Yea Right The price of natural gas went way down and SWN ran out of money Everybody knows that.

Shawn McShane
Reply to @David R. Amos: We are going to need that gas when global warming doesn't pan out.

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David R. Amos: that is true too. Never understood what SWN was going here for natural gas while the US is awash in it.

Chuck Steeves
CBC #ShameOnYou for reporting Jake Stewart knew but didn't show up. You know that the federal minister chose a date when the minority government minister had to be in the Legislature; no choice, the facts of a minority government. The federal Liberal Trudeau Minister knew this. And CBC is complicit with the Liberal Party of Canada political games. Shame.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Chuck Steeves: Welcome to the Circus

Roy Nicholl
If Jake Stewart was sent an invitation on April 25, how is it he's claiming to only have found out the night before?

Chuck Steeves
Reply to @Roy Nicholl: notice that the federal minister chose a date when the minority government minister had to be in the Legislature; no choice, the facts of a minority government. The federal Liberal Trudeau Minister knew this. And CBC is complicit with the Liberal Party of Canada political games. Shame.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Roy Nicholl: Methinks i should ask when was the last time you believed anything any politician said about anything N'esy Pas?
Roy Nicholl
Reply to @Chuck Steeves:

Having to be in the Legislature, still does not explain how he did not know about it in the intervening two weeks. If he could not attend, he had the opportunity to send a representative from his office.

Ian Scott
Well given state of NB as it exits guess they can have it. No money of course. So that might change their mind. What a ridiculous thing to bring up now.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Ian Scott: I concur

Ian Scott
Reply to @David R. Amos: Next 3 got disabled so pretty sensitive these Liberal are I guess.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Ian Scott: I'm blocked all the time

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Ian Scott: Methinks every political animal in Fredericton knows that Kevin Vickers managed to have his fellow Sgt at Arms bar me from all the parliamentary properties in Canada in 2005 for the benefit of all the political parties N'esy Pas?

Samual Johnston
Reply to @David R. Amos: David I follow your comments. Mostly agree. Just when reading a lot of them the repeated methinks and nesy pas get hard to read so many times. Just a friendly comment from a follower.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Samual Johnston: quite annoying ! He does it in spite.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks I am a raging success N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Samual Johnston: FYI If you understand how search engines work then were to surf those words you may understand the reason why I do what I do. BTW I laugh my **** off every time some Anglo snob corrects me.
Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David R. Amos: you can afford to do it given that you will never even get close to get elected.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Samual Johnston: FYI my reply was blocked

David R. Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you don't have the first clue about ethical conduct N'esy Pas?
Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David R. Amos: do tell us Mr. Reincarnation of ethical conduct!

Samual Johnston
This section is gonna end up in court in todays gender neutral world. "The section says treaty rights include rights arising from land-claim agreements and are guaranteed to males and females."

David R. Amos
Reply to @Samual Johnston: Good point

Samual Johnston
I know it is politically incorrect to say so but we all come from people who were booted out of someplace and have ancestors who were treated terribly. I honestly believe the time has come to call it quits and just do a lump sum payment to each one and let the cards fall where they may - well maybe not that drastic but it just makes no sense. I just hope JT does not give everything away because of the upcoming election.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Samual Johnston: he can't give away what did not belong to us. It was taken away from them. It must be restored.
Samual Johnston
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: well I dunno....sure they were here first - does not mean they own it. - at one time my ancestors owned part of the isle of Sky in Scotland but were chased out. time to adapt to today -

Jimmy Moore 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: To be fair they also took it from the tribe prior to them in the same manner we took it, and there were another three or 4 tribes wiped out prior by the following, its known archeologically, so who do we give it back to, none of the original land owners are around.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Cry me another river

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Jimmy Moore: Methinks you should define who "We" is because the French dudes were here before the English were and they were followed by many Scottish and the Irish folks and many more nationalities since then N'esy Pas? While you are at it please name the three or four other tribes you are oh so concerned about will ya?

Ian Scott
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Who says it belonged to them.? Wandering tribes with no known fixed address.

Samual Johnston 
Reply to @Jimmy Moore: ya know that is a pretty good point - so in their reality the last tribe who was on location X has claim to it. It would be interesting to see how territories changed hands.

Joe Campbell
Talk to Irving he owns the land

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Joe campbell: and all along they tried to make us believe that it belonged to the Crown.

Samual Johnston 
Reply to @Joe campbell: hate to say it but I'd prefer Irving own it if the Crown can't

Jimmy Moore
Reply to @Samual Johnston: Irving has done more damage to Atlantic Canada than anyone in history to be honest.

 Marguerite Deschamps Posted something nasty but it was gone when I refreshed the page

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you folks want to forget the little hoedown on the Plains of Abraham N'esy Pas?

Samual Johnston  
Reply to @Jimmy Moore: give it time I am sure others could do worse

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Jimmy Moore: "Irving has done more damage to Atlantic Canada than anyone in history to be honest.'

Methinks many folks are wondering what is with your sudden fit of honesty N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
The Crown never kept it's part of the bargain and always spoke with forked tongue.

Jimmy Moore
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Kind of like the current liberals, this is all just posturing, they can't give the land away legally, and even if they wanted to they don't have the time to do it as they will be out in October, Plus all the current land owners will have to be reimbursed for their lands that they legally own at market value, who is going to pay for it, NOT ME!

David R. Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks here are legions of ghosts who wish Samuel de Champlain never came to the "New World" and founded New France N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David R. Amos: neither, Samuel, neither Cabot, nor Cortez.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: They didn't mind my ancestors

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @David R. Amos: so you say!

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: A fact is a fact

Dan Lee
Reply to @Jimmy Moore
current land owners...hahagha.........legally own...haha good one........probably taken from Acadians who got along with the natives

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Dan Lee: yup!

David R. Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you have no clue as to why I ran against Andy Scott in Fat Fred City N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David R. Amos: if I were you, I would run towards the Bay of Fundy.

Marguerite Deschamps 
... as fast as you can!

Federal minister wants province to work with Mi'kmaq and Ottawa on Aboriginal title in New Brunswick

It's a waste of time and money to go through the court system to settle claims, says minister

Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett the memorandum of understanding is about implementing the rights that are protected in Section 35 of the Constitution Act. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett hopes the New Brunswick government will work with the federal government and the Mi'kmaq on Aboriginal title in New Brunswick.

"This is a bilateral arrangement and we have to do what we believe is the best way forward and with the government of New Brunswick, we really hope we can work with them as partners," Bennett said in an interview with Information Morning Fredericton.

"We would very much love for them to be at the table and for us to arrive at an agreement with them as well."

The federal government and Elsipogtog First Nation signed a memorandum of understanding Thursday to start discussions about the Mi'kmaq claim of Aboriginal title to a third of New Brunswick.

"We have to work together in collaboration, and that brings us here today," said Elsipogtog Chief Arren Sock at the announcement Thursday. "We must negotiate or come to some understanding."
Jake Stewart, aboriginal affairs minister for New Brunswick, did not attend Thursday's announcement even though he was invited. Stewart was sent an invitation on April 25 to be part of the memorandum of understanding.

He said Friday that the provincial government wasn't part of the memorandum of understanding discussions prior to that, but he knew discussions were taking place.

The announcement "kind of came as a surprise to me," Stewart said. "I found out the night before and I would have probably gone down and been a part of it, if I didn't have cabinet at 9 o'clock in the morning."

Stewart said he's happy for Elsibogtog and is willing to work with the federal government and the Mi'kmaq going forward.

"I'm totally open to having this discussion."

Elsipogtog Chief Arren Sock and Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett pose for photographs with the signed memorandums of understanding. (CBC)

Sparking a conversation

Bennett said the memorandum of understanding represents the beginning of conversations.

"It's the beginning of moving from an approach that has failed Canada forever in terms of denial of rights into an approach where we begin recognizing and affirming the rights," Bennett said.

Elsipogtog filed a claim in 2016 for Aboriginal title to a part of the province the Mi'kmaq call Sikniktuk, which encompasses the southeastern part of New Brunswick. That title would give the Mi'kmaq more say regarding the management of the land, resources and fisheries in the Sikniktuk region.

"This is what the original Peace and Friendship treaties were meant to do," Bennett said.

Peace and Friendship treaties were signed between Britain and Mi'kmaq, Wolastoqiyik, Abenaki, Penobscot and Passamaquoddy in the mid-1700s. The agreements recognized hunting, fishing and land-use rights to First Nations on the East Coast.

Bennett said it's a waste of time and money to go through the court system to settle land claims, and she said Canadians prefer a collaborative approach to working with First Nations, Inuit and Métis, rather than an adversarial one.

A map of the Sikniktuk Aboriginal title claim area. (CBC)
"Spending a lot of time and a lot of money in court to lose doesn't help anybody."

The memorandum of understanding is about implementing the rights that are protected in Section 35 of the Constitution Act, Bennett said. Section 35 affirms existing Aboriginal and treaty rights and defines Aboriginal peoples in Canada. The section says treaty rights include rights arising from land-claim agreements and are guaranteed to males and females.

"This is a reality now that Section 35 rights aren't optional and that we need to be able to work together, both as a federal government with all provincial and territorial governments and with the rights holders, the First Nations, Inuit and the Metis," Bennett said.

"We'd be in a lot better shape if we'd listened to First Nations and the first peoples of this land at the beginning."

With files from Information Morning Fredericton

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Kevin Vickers announces vision for Liberals at Miramichi rally


Replying to and 47 others
Methinks after reading all the comments while mine are blocked best I quit N'esy Pas?

If you want a little chuckle Google David Amos and the following 3 stooges Kevin Vickers Peter Milliken Justin Trudeau




Kevin Vickers announces vision for Liberals at Miramichi rally

Commenting is now closed for this story. 

David R. Amos

Content disabled
Methinks after reading all the comments the best thing to do is turn off the computer and watch a movie N'esy Pas?

If you wish to stay on line and want a little chuckle Google David Amos and the following 3 stooges

Kevin Vickers Peter Milliken Justin Trudeau

David R. Amos  
Content disabled 
Reply to @David R. Amos: Surprise Surprise Surprise

David R. Amos 
Methinks if folks want a little chuckle they should Google David Amos and the following 3 stooges N'esy Pas?

Kevin Vickers Peter Milliken Justin Trudeau

Marguerite Deschamps
Rid up of the two COR parties running the province, Kevin! 

Claude DeRoche
Higgs the first provincial Premier in Canadian history
to return grants to the federal government!

Next he wants to return our equalization payments if we don't accept fracking.
Proof that Higgs didn't quit his daytime job with the Irvings.

He even visited Washington DC on our dime to discuss items related to the Irvings. 

Claude DeRoche
Thanks MR Vickers, the NCP(New COR Party) will soon be history

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Like I said early Claude the COR party is sure eating at you,

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: YUP 

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Vickers has as much of a chance winning as i am getting a date with Miss Universe, So guess what,It will never happen,

Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant:
Guest what, Miss Universe just called me she wants to meet you!

Mark (Junkman) George
Reply to @Claude DeRoche:

What did she call you Claude?
(be truthful, try to forget your Liberal tendencies)

Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George:
Because I'm not Tony Gazebo! :-)

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: any more than he is Cleve Gallant.

Claude DeRoche
Only thing I respect from Higgs, he will limit fracking to his COR Party ridings.

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Methinks you are way past redundant with your long gone COR Party nonsense N'esy Pas?

Claude DeRoche
Reply to @David R. Amos:

You are SANB right! 

Gabriel Boucher
More empty promises made by the leader of the Liberal Party. Same strategy Gallant used in order to get elected. How surprising...

Claude DeRoche
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher:
So you don't believe Vickers when he says the war on science and Acadians is over.

Shawn McShane
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Only if he says he will ban clear cutting.

Claude DeRoche 
Let's hope the Liberals act, we must put pressure on them,
while there is zero hope with the Irving Boy you must agree.

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Who in NB is besties with Fed Liberal Dominic LeBlanc? His name rhymes with snerving. Zero hope with the Liberals you must agree..

Gabriel Boucher 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche:

"Hope" is a dangerous thing. Putting a blind trust on somebody with no knowledge of what their true intentions are can be devastating. We've seen this with previous governments. Hope is not what we should be using to base our decisions upon. We have to rely on past actions these candidates have done in the past on a political standpoint if we want to make a smart decision.

David R. Amos
 Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: Methinks its wise to vote for anyone you wish except the incumbent Then maybe some ethical folks will eventually find a seat in the the house N'esy Pas?

Claude DeRoche
Reply to @David R. Amos:
Agree Higgs is the incumbent . 

Brian Robertson 
As long as the Liberal Party pander to the French, the only way we can protect New Brunswick's future is to maintain a PC majority government.

Claude DeRoche
Reply to @Brian Robertson:
Agree the New COR party is the answer! LOL!

Brian Robertson 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche:
This COR thing is living rent free in your head.
You do know that, right?

Gabriel Boucher 
Reply to @Brian Robertson:

We've had many PC governments in the past and yet here we are. Another PC government will not change things for the better. If people really want change, they would let the 2 main parties go and vote for a new party instead.

David R. Amos    
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher: YUP

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Brian Robertson: nope they govern in Fredericton. .. for now.

Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @Gabriel Boucher:
Or vote for the Cardic NDP?

David R. Amos    
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Oh My Methinks you are truly behind the times Its 2019 N'esy Pas?

Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @David R. Amos:
Agree why do the Conservatives want to emulate the old COR party? 

Claude DeRoche 
"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first."
Charles de Gaulle

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: You sound like a preacher,

Shawn McShane
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Winston Churchill was often frustrated at what he perceived as de Gaulle's patriotic arrogance. Churchill tried to explain:

"He felt it was essential to his position before the French people that he should maintain a proud and haughty demeanour towards "perfidious Albion", although in exile, dependent upon our protection and dwelling in our midst. He had to be rude to the British to prove to French eyes that he was not a British puppet. He certainly carried out this policy with perseverance."

Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @Shawn McShane:
Churchill and De Gaulle united against the populist with a tiny mustache in Germany.

In your case and the other COR party supporters Churchill said:

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. - Winston Churchill

Marguerite Deschamps   
Reply to @Shawn McShane: and Cnhurchill, like PM John MacDonald was also a drunk.

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: That is not the point. Why did De Gaulle feel the need to denigrate the the British when they were the only ones supporting him? His country kicked him out, all other countries would not recognize him and he spoke on the BBC three times a week...

Shawn McShane 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Then you must like Trump. He never drinks alcohol. Ever.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Confucius said "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance"

Marguerite Deschamps  
Reply to @Shawn McShane: every person has qualities, even Trump. 

John Valcourt
I find it interesting how he referred to his "acadien friends", yet he wants to bring all New Brunsiwckers together. New Brunswickers don't stand a chance. You have the liberals and their loyalty to sanb and the irvings and the pc party and their loyalty to the irvings. the real New Brunswickers don't have a chance with these and what have the panb done. They have toed the line as the pc party expected them to do. their leader sold himself out. when all parties agreed to the new raise and expense increase they showed they were in it for themselves and nobdoy else.

David R. Amos
Reply to @John Valcourt: "I find it interesting how he referred to his "acadien friends",

Me Too

Marguerite Deschamps   
Reply to @David R. Amos: why, are we supposed to be enemies? 

Claude DeRoche 
The Irving Boy never campaigned as a COR Party,
now he is showing his true colors!
Shame on Cardy and the Greens who support them!

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: The COR partly is sure eating away at you, Good on them,

Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant:
Not for long their days are counted.
The Conservatives will pay dearly for a very long time for their error.
With Cardy the NDP are non existent in NB,
the same will happen with the Conservatives.

Cleve Gallant  
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Yup what ever you say Claude, We all believe you lol,

Marguerite Deschamps  
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: ... more than we believe that your real name is Cleve Gallant.

Cleve Gallant 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: And what makes you say that? Is it because you’re using a fake name or names? See just goes to show how much you know,

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: then you are reneging your roots.

Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
Vendu :-)  

David R. Amos     
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: "Is it because you’re using a fake name or names?"


Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Don’t think so,So see you’re assuming things again,

Nancy Alcox
Why do most NBers keep kidding themselves, new face, same loyalties to Irving. Red and Blue both get hefty donations from the Irving’s every election..wonder why?
While we keep election these career politicians in, our province will never change. Please take off your blinders and let’s stop letting the Irving run the show..
Furthermore, the french, English and First Nations bickering is playing right into their hands..keep up the good work.. :/

David R. Amos     
Reply to @Nancy Alcox: Welcome to the Circus

Marguerite Deschamps
Meet the new Premier of New Nouveau-Brunswick! David **** will be the opposition leader. Two leaders and parties working hard to unite New Brunswickers.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you missed your calling Clearly you are a better comedian than the current Minister of Heritage is N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David R. Amos: and you are drole, and not in the sense of comical. 

Brian Robertson
Same old Liberal strategy; split the English vote and sew up the French with promises of even more concessions.
It's worked well for them in the past.
But not so well for our Province.

Shawn McShane 
Reply to @Brian Robertson: But now we got Mi'kmaq Aboriginal title for all of South East New Brunswick competing for concessions, don't know how this will pan out vote wise, spin wise or other. This also won't go so well for our Province.

Brian Robertson
Reply to @Shawn McShane: The more we try to give our Country away, the more we invite others to take it from us.
Our ancestors would be ashamed of wht we have done with their Country.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Brian Robertson: YUP 

Eugene Peabody 
Now this is a leader who can help heal some of the divisions in NB . He seems a lot like the new PEI premier in that he wants to work with different types of people to move the province forward.At least he can see that climate change is a life changing challenge that must be addressed unlike the current NB premier .We need new ideas to deal with our challenges and the balanced budget is NOT our most important priority.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Eugene Peabody: "the balanced budget is NOT our most important priority"

Methinks I should beg to differ bigtime N'esy Pas? 


Dan Armitage
nothing like making it another language issue. Just had to throw in the heritage. Already made another bad liberal decision.
David R. Amos  
Reply to @Dan Armitage: Methinks the liberals wish to continue trying to split the vote on the right N'esy Pas? 

Claude DeRoche
Good we will act on climate change!

The war on science and Acadians will end very soon! 
 Good we will act on climate change!

The war on science and Acadians will end very soon!

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: They said they will ban clear cutting? When?

Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @Shawn McShane:
What are the chances the Irving Boy will.

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: They both have to. It is too obvious.
New Brunswick flooding pinned on deforestation. CBC News
Published on Jun 19, 2018

Cleve Gallant 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Maybe you should start speaking the truth for once,Who is at war with the Acadians anyways?

Claude DeRoche 
Reply to @Shawn McShane:
You didn't answer my question.
What are the chances the Irving Boy will.

Claude DeRoche  
Reply to @Cleve Gallant:
The new COR Party formally Progressive Conservatives.

Cleve Gallant  
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: FAKE News!!!! But what else can we expect from you !!!

Daryl Doucette 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: I think the " war " is on the unilinguals here in NB, and the " scientists" are well paid by the government to say what they want to hear.

Daryl Doucette 
Reply to @Shawn McShane: When all the trees are cut down.

Shawn McShane  
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: I told you the Liberals and the Conservatives will both have to act on banning clear cutting. Do you not find it strange that the Liberals are silent on this? Why are the Liberals silent on this and why do you defend them?

David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: NOPE
David R. Amos
Reply to @David R. Amos: Interesting

Claude DeRoche
Reply to @Shawn McShane:
OK who has the better chances of acting on this problem?

You place your bet on who?
Don't say both, pick one please!

David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Pick Me

Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate

Gabriel Boucher 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche:

Neither. They're both sleeping with Irving. We all know that.

David R. Amos
Reply to @David R. Amos: Why is it I am not surprised that went "Poof" ?
David R. Amos
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: 'OK who has the better chances of acting on this problem? You place your bet on who?"

Pick Me

Brian Robertson
What a puff piece.
Typical CBC coverage of a Liberal fog and pony show.
'Time to put the care back in health care'.
Can you ever imagine the CBC letting Blaine Higgs get a pass having said that?

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Brian Robertson: My sense is that you don't like this article one bit. However, I don't get what you have written in your comment … who said what and who might be otherwise criticized for saying the same thing?

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Brian Robertson: Its all just part of the circus we are paying for Methinks its best to just relax and enjoy it then vote accordingly N'esy Pas?

Roy Kirk
Has Mr. Vickers served in elected public office before assuming his new position?

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Roy Kirk: No

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Roy Kirk: Methinks it is a moot point you are trying to make because it was rather obvious that nobody else wanted to pay 20 grand to lead the liberals Furthermore he has yet to get a seat in the house Until he does he is just red window dressing N'esy Pas? 

Josef Blow
Reply to @David R. Amos: Mr. Kirk has not tried to make a point; not at all. He was merely asking a question. Many people who have yet to be elected to office; some have tried and failed, nest-ce pas? The bottom line is that they remain unelected. As for the window dressing, window dressing is a lot like fluffy commentary - it doesn't really serve a purpose rather than ego self-inflation ....

Josef Blow
I wonder if it would be reasonable and acceptable to ponder aloud the question as to whether everyone commenting on this article has actually read it. I can only hope - together with all those who are seeking to have a fair discussion on here - that all commentators are acting in good faith and that their purpose is to promote discourse rather than act as catalysts for discord and argument.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Haha … I think I know what had you scratching your head … are you are referring to the comment some guy said about everyone getting offer for everything … etc.? I was simply trying to point out that his comments were confusing …. ahem ...

David R. Amos 

Content disabled
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: "Thanks for the info,"

Here is some more


Alex Forbes
Typical Liberal promises: offering everything to everyone and someone else's expense.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Alex Forbes: Hmmmm, this is an intriguing comment: "… to offer everything to everyone at someone else's expense". If everyone received an offer from someone to get everything, how can "someone else" be expected to pay. Would not "someone else" necessarily be part of the "everyone" to whom you referred in the first place? And, assuming that "someone else" were to receive everything from "someone", why would "someone else" complain anyway ???

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Alex Forbes: YUP 

Josef Blow
Reply to @David R. Amos: A man of few words … mercifully

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Josef Blow: Are you a preacher? 

Josef Blow
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Haha No, I am not a preacher. Not that there s anything wrong with that ...

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: If you want a little chuckle Google David Amos and the following 3 stooges

Kevin Vickers Peter Milliken Justin Trudeau

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Josef Blow: Well it depends,If your trying to preach liberalism I know for sure I don’t believe, 

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @David R. Amos: Thanks for the info,

David R. Amos 
Content disabled
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: You are more than welcome Please enjoy this info


Josef Blow
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: If you wish to not believe something, Cleve, fill your boots. That is your right in a democracy, don't you think? I am not preaching liberalism. As a matter of fact, if you read what we've talked about today, you will agree that I've been trying to promote a civilized and balanced discussion. That''s not liberalism, is it?

David R. Amos

Content disabled
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: "Thanks for the info"
You are more than welcome If you seek more info Google the following

David Amos Scribd Integrity Yea Right

or Fundy Royal Debate

or CBC Fundy Royal then read that comment section

Josef Blow 
Reply to @David R. Amos: Boys, Dave, you are everywhere. You must be an important person in the USA and Canada, no less. Have you broken through to Europe yet?

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Josef Blow: And what I been saying all along is that the french and english would do find together if there weren’t a few radicals including politicians, 

Josef Blow
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: If you and I and anyone else so inclined truly want to see everyone get along and respect one another, then we should all try to use language and promote our ideas in a more constructive way, without resorting to name calling and shameless innuendo. I think you would agree, Cleve?
Cleve Gallant 
Reply to @Josef Blow: Again blame the politicians and the few radicals we have here in this province plain and simple,

Josef Blow
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: If you or I want to challenge someone or some party of doing or not doing something, then we should go ahead and do just that. But if we want to have a fair and sustained discussion on something, then we have a responsibility to ask, rather than assume and to establish points based on fact rather than to invoke anger and mere opinions.

Cleve Gallant 
Reply to @Josef Blow: Man you lost me on that comment,Sorry,

Josef Blow
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: It's getting late Cleve … my mind is clouding over.Haha What I meant is that if anyone wants to challenge an idea, then he or she should be able to do so freely. But if anyone challenges an idea, then he or she has a responsibility to explain his or her position. That's only fair, I think. 

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Josef Blow: populists never do that. They keep rerpeating the same thing over and over like a parrott. Then the uninformed will start to believe it as the truth.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: "They keep rerpeating the same thing over and over like a parrott. Then the uninformed will start to believe it as the truth."

Methinks that is exactly the reason you Doctors of Spin on the left keep pounding on the long gone COR Party while singing the praises of your beloved SANB N'esy Pas?

Rosco Holt
I hope he can deliver, unlike the past/ present government we have.
No vision or ideas, just the same old rise and repeat BS.

Josef Blow  
Reply to @Rosco holt: I agree Rosco. BS is not a partisan issue. Every party appears to have a deep affection and respect for the heaps of manure that they concoct and generously distribute to the masses.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Rosco holt: Dream On

Josef Blow 

Reply to @David R. Amos: Ditto (see above) 

Rosco Holt
Reply to @David R. Amos:
I did say hope, Dave.
Even if it's a stretch.

Right now, what we have is the same old actions from government. Auterity for you(taxpayer, employees, poor, disabled) and expanse boost for me(politicians, appointed hacks, etc....).

Claude DeRoche
At last a leader that include Acadians unlike the COR Party Irving Boy!

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Not a very helpful comment Claude. Stick to the subject instead of launching tired old cracks...

JJ Carrier
Reply to @Josef Blow: I covered the CoR party for a decade and they were like the UCP but without a coherent focus, as they thought the French were out to get them like the English were out to get the French at one time...Many of the DeRoche family in Quebec are Bloc and PQ supporters, BTW, so his comment is par for the course...all relative...Most CBC poseurs here have no idea what their views are, because they have never been on the hustings...

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Yea Right

Cleve Gallant 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: YOU should really give it up with the COR party! It’s getting tiresome,

David R. Amos 
Reply to @JJ Carrier: Methinks I should ask when was the last time your name was on a ballot N'esy Pas?

Josef Blow
Reply to @JJ Carrier: I don't know about the comment that some people have never been on the hustings, or that the "DeRoche family are Bloc and PQ supporters (and it it not a crime to be a Bloc or PQ supporter …) …People everywhere are entitled to their opinions; I'm certain you will agree. What is disheartening and maddening is to witness polarizing and empty commentary that serves no constructive purposes.

Josef Blow  
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: If only all were to practice what they preach, the world would be a better place.

Josef Blow  
Reply to @David R. Amos: Well, if ye thinks that you should, then you think should. Doesn't ye think that if you should, then you must? 

Claude DeRoche
I'm no separatist like the Reformers , UCP or Sask Party,
thanks for the cheap accusations of PQ or Bloc!

You sound like a COR Boy in hiding your bigotry shows! 

Pat Chambers-Dalpe
Welcome aboard Kevin .. Looking forward to voting for you when the time comes .. Bring back all the values we as Canadians hold dear and the Rebel Reform Conservatives are taking away .. I Will be voting PM Trudeau 2019

Marc Bourque
Reply to @Pat Chambers-Dalpe: liberals have valued??? Hahahaha don’t get me started surely you jest

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Marc Bourque: "surely you jest "

Methinks the lady doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

Rod McLeod
"growing the economy, fiscal responsibility, revamping education, improving health care and protecting the environment". Got anything new that the others haven't all tried. You'll need more than a positive media position. 

Josef Blow
Reply to @Rod McLeod: This can all be very frustrating. What else would you, if you were in his shoes, say in addition to crafting a positive media position ?

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Josef Blow: Interesting that a fair question is "disliked". This brings to mind the old saying: "When the going gets tough, the dislike button is there to save them … haha.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Josef Blow: I guess your silence speaks volumes ...
Mark (Junkman) George
Reply to @Josef Blow:

If it was me I would try the truth, just to be different, I *think* most folks are getting a little tired of rainbows and unicorns springing from their backsides.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: Rainbows and unicorns abound, Mark. Of course people are getting tired of things being promised - and then changed to the point of no longer being recognizable. There are often no rainbows and unicorns to be seen anywhere after policies and promises are deformed. But by attacking each other and not sharing positive progressive ideas about how to make things better, we ensure that all suffer. No one party has any more chance of observing its "promises" if the main goal and focus are to set re-election as a priority and if the powers that be refuse to stand up for what is they say they'd do.

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: YUP

Matt Steele
Kevin Vickers is a SANB controlled lapdog who is bought and paid for . After living away from N.B for over 40 years. ; it is doubtful that Vickers has any idea of the problems that the average N.B.er is facing 

Robert Brannen
Reply to @Matt Steele:

With his Irving connected background, I doubt the Blaine Higgs has any idea what problems the average New Brunswickan is facing as well.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Matt Steele: This comment is polarizing and of little help in promoting a balanced discourse. Of course it is an opinion. But that is all it is … it is only an opinion. All of this talk about Liberals being SANB lapdogs and Progressive Conservative being Irving lapdogs is a little tiring really. All it serves to achieve is making the writers somehow feel that they have something important to say, whereas, in fact, it demonstrates amply what little some writers have to contribute at all.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Robert Brannen: This Liberal SANB and PC Irving conspiracy is hardly very helpful. It's like kids throwing stones back and forth with name-calling. Fun at the time, maybe, but not constructive at all.

JJ Carrier
Reply to @Josef Blow: My sources say the McCain conspiracy run by the Rhinos...

Fay Briggs
Reply to @Matt Steele: And he does not care.

Fay Briggs 
Reply to @Josef Blow: Of course it is an opinion.

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Fay Briggs: As misguided and unsubstantiated as it it … it remains … an opinion.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Matt Steele: as if the CONservatives ever cared for the average New Brunswicker. Even less Higgs and his two COR parties.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks you SANB spin doctors are still quite bitter about the COR party N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @David R. Amos: not bitter of old frustrated halfwits. Most of them are now eating dandelions by the roots. May they rest in peace.

Marc Bourque
The vision of the liberal party this coming election,will see them on the unemployment line! I can envision that,cant you? Kev you are being used as cannon fodder!

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Marc Bourque: YUP

Ray Bungay
At least he won’t to worry about PM Boy Blunder! He should be hiding somewhere in shame over losing, up to now, all the Provinces that we’re Liberals when he won 4 years ago. As for me voting Liberal will never happen even they tripled my pensions.

David R. Amos
Content disabled
Reply to @Ray Bungay: Methinks many agree that the liberals will maintain their mandate on the Rock this week N'esy Pas?
David R. Amos 
Reply to @David R. Amos: Oh My My Ain't that a strange?

Reply to Graeme Scot, Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me, Fool me three times.....Not going to happen

David R. Amos  
Reply to @josephgallant: Good for you

Graeme Scott
Wasn't that the same vision Brian Gallant had (and Shawn Graham before him) How'd that work out for NB?

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Josef Blow: Pretty bad when a carpenter loses his job because he couldn’t speak french to his hammer!!!

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Cleve, that is a comical statement. But tell me Cleve, what do you think about the necessity of being qualified for a job. Do you think that qualifications are necessary ?
Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Josef Blow: You need to be qualified for a lot of jobs but SANB are taking it to far,

Josef Blow  
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: How far is too far and how far is not far enough ? This is always open to debate, Cleve, but the SANB is not the government and it does not make the rules.

To the best of my knowledge, and I'm sure you'll agree, EVERY job has requirements and if one does not meet those requirements, then one doesn't qualify for the job.

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Josef Blow: SANB is not the government? Well from what I see they sure think they are,
Josef Blow
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Well, that's your opinion. But an opinion does not a fact make ….

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: "SANB is not the government? Well from what I see they sure think they are, "

Me Too

Marguerite Deschamps  
Reply to @David R. Amos: says the hillbilly from Albert county..

Kelly Sherrard
Just a different head on the bobble head doll. Nothing will change. Party principles and agenda remain the same. If elected, we will have another 4 years of dictatorship like we had with the Gallant Liberals where we went from one crisis to another. We have just come out of a government that has costs NBers millions more for Extramural by signing off with Medavie, a government that saw nothing wrong with Medavie allowing ambulances to sit unmanned while people drove their sick family member to the hospital ER. We can not afford another irresponsible and wreckless Liberal government again in this province, one that signs contracts that enslave taxpayers for decades to come. 

Val Harris
Reply to @kelly sherrard: Kelly no one is ever good enough it’s funny when you left sunny corner there was no one crying

Josef Blow 
Reply to @kelly sherrard: I fear that you may not know what a "dictatorship" truly means, Kelly Sherrard. Please choose your words more carefully.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @kelly sherrard: YUP

Fred Dee
Sounds like our last liberal leader in NB!!!! Promise the world... do nothing!!!

The last this NB needs is another liberal government who is looking to look after the Acadians, and only the acadians, the heck with the MAJORITY of the population!!!!!!

Robert Brannen 
Reply to @Fred Dee:

The last thing that NB needed, or needs, is what they got in the fall, a government that is only looking after those who voted for their party rather than looking after the majority of citizens of New Brunswick.

David R. Amos   

Content disabled
Reply to @Robert Brannen: YUP

Daryl Doucette
Ahhh another true Liberal, scaring the day lights out of folks with the greatest scam ever, climate change. 

Robert Brannen
Reply to @daryl doucette: The colder temperatures lately are part of climate variability which is not climate change, climate change is overlaid on climate variability resulting in a trend toward warming within the climate variability. Deniers misperceived the variability to be an hiatus in warming rather recently.

Josef Blow  
Reply to @Robert Brannen: I do hope your point makes it and enlightens folks.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Robert Brannen: YUP

David R. Amos  
Reply to @daryl doucette: "Ahhh another true Liberal, scaring the day lights out of folks"


Claude DeRoche
Higgs the first provincial Premier in Canadian history
to return grants to the federal government!

Next he wants to return our equalization payments if we don't accept fracking.
Higgs didn't quit his daytime job with the Irvings.

Alex Forbes 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Equalization payments simply bloat the public sector and draw talent away from the private sector.

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Alex Forbes: Nope 

Greg Miller
Wow! Is there anything he isn't going to do? Promises, promises and more Liberal promises!

Mark (Junkman) George
Reply to @Greg Miller:

déjà vu

David R. Amos    

Content disabled
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: YUP 
Claude DeRoche
Canada adds 106,500 jobs , NB loses 3900!

The equivalent per capita would represent 182,000 loss in Canada!

Ray Bungay
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: why would that be? Oh no Gallant spent, Er, wasted all the money on big billionaire companies.

David R. Amos     
Reply to @Ray Bungay: YUP

Mark (Junkman) George
Did not we hear similar "great ideals" just about 4 years ago from the federal Liberals? And that is not going to end well, and, trust me, neither will this.
The rot is too deep, the smell too rotten, time for us to do better than either red, or blue.

Josef Blow
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: Are you speaking Green ?

Mark (Junkman) George
Reply to @Josef Blow:

Anybody but the same old, same old. This 2 party two step has to stop. If it so happens you align with the Greens, so be it, same for the NDP.
But to put forth a new shining face on the old party back room does not mean change, never did, never will.

Claude DeRoche 
The NDP with Dominic Cardy?

Mark (Junkman) George
Reply to @Claude DeRoche:

Good old DC has changed coats, don't you know, these days he wears a blue coat.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: Too Funny

Cleve Gallant
Another SANB, puppet, No thanks!!!

Josef Blow  
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: It's hard to imagine living life with such a burdensome obsession couched in speculation and unsubstantiated conspiratorial projection.

Claude DeRoche
Canada adds 106,500 jobs , NB loses 3900! Get the picture?
The COR Party Boy needs to cancel more projects and give us thousands more unemployed!
While the Irvings are hiring Temporary Foreign Workers!

The Irving Boy magic at work!
The Crown Prince of Bermuda is driving our economy to the ground.

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: You got it all wrong bud, Skilled people are leaving this province because of O,B, Sorry It’s the truth!!!

Josef Blow
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: O,B ?

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Josef Blow: Got me again,

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Haha … wasn't trying to catch you on spelling. I simply did not understand what O,B means ...

Rosco Holt 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant:
"Skilled people are leaving this province because of O,B, Sorry It’s the truth!!! "
Really!?, I don't believe so.
People move for better job opportunities, higher wages and better standard of life.

Mark (Junkman) George
Reply to @Rosco holt:

The English cleared out of Quebec in the '70s for the very same reason. European immigrants did the very same thing. Is it entirely true in NB? Not yet, but give it time.

David R. Amos 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: YUP 

Claude DeRoche
Way to go!
Vickers will send the COR Party Irving Boy packing to Bermuda

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: Your dreaming, Time to wake up,

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: You're dreaming ...

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Josef Blow: Ya i know my bad typing at it again,

Josef Blow
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: It''s not the spelling that caught my eye. I don't get these constant messages on here about people being SANB puppets, etc. Liberals are not any more SANB puppets than Progressive Conservatives are COR members.

Cleve Gallant
Reply to @Josef Blow: So in other words this province is screwed,

Josef Blow 
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: Your comment does not make sense to me.

Daryl Doucette 
Reply to @Claude DeRoche: No he will not. Not while Trudeau is in office.

Josef Blow  
Reply to @daryl doucette: He will not … what?

Val Harris 
Reply to @daryl doucette: Mr vickers will form a majority in about 12 months. Just watch the preacher mane this happen

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Cleve Gallant: it is not the province. It is you.

David R. Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: OH MY MY

Kevin Vickers announces vision for Liberals at Miramichi rally

Former ambassador says he wants to bring people together and promises to 'work tirelessly'

Liberal Leader Kevin Vickers announced his vision for the province Saturday. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)

Kevin Vickers announced his vision for the province Saturday, which includes growing the economy, fiscal responsibility, revamping education, improving health care and protecting the environment.

The leader of the provincial Liberals led a party rally on Saturday afternoon in Miramichi.

At the rally, Vickers recognized that climate change is one of the greatest dangers and threats, but he said there's no need for New Brunswick to be paying more carbon tax than Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

Still, he said the province must find a way to reduce carbon emissions.

"We need to think, act and live green."

About 300 people attended a Liberal Party rally in Miramichi on Saturday. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)
He also said it's time to "put the care back in health care."

"The sad situation with our nursing home workers could have been avoided if their concerns had been taken seriously much earlier in a spirit of collaboration and goodwill," said Vickers, regarding the ongoing tension between nursing home workers and the province.

Vickers said he's ready for the responsibilities that come with being party leader and promised to "work tirelessly" for the people in the province.

When Vickers said he would lead the Liberal Party to victory in the next election, he was met with applause and supporters chanted his first name.

Decision to lead

Vickers said many people have asked him why he wanted to become leader of the Liberal Party.

"My Acadian friends were worried as to what's happening in New Brunswick and ... they wanted me to run for the Liberal Party," he said.

"I thought how great this party can be French, English, promoting the co-operative movement, working co-operatively, valuing one another, respecting one another.... There was no question in my mind that I was leaving Ireland and coming home."
Vickers, 62, is a former sergeant-at-arms in the House of Commons and Canada's former ambassador to Ireland.

He became the Liberal Party leader on April 24, replacing former leader Brian Gallant, who resigned when his government lost its majority in the legislature in the the provincial election.

Vickers became the only candidate for leadership after Moncton's René Ephestion dropped out of the race.

Kevin Vickers won the leadership uncontested after Moncton's René Ephestion dropped out of the race. (Hadeel Ibrahim/CBC)
Ephestion, the executive director of Moncton's Nazareth House, attended the rally because he wanted to learn about Vicker's vision.

"For me it's really important to have a leader who understands that New Brunswickers, the population, is more important than their seats, than their money and their political career," Ephestion said.

Ephestion said he hopes Vickers meets his high expectations.
With files from Hadeel Ibrahim

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

RBC customer out of pocket after fraud: what you need to know if you e-transfer money


Replying to and 47 others
Methinks if the Crown won't prosecute the crook then the lady could sue them all N'esy Pas?




RBC customer out of pocket after fraud: what you need to know if you e-transfer money


David R. Amos 
Methinks the cops should visit the crook and ask a few questions. If he does not wish to give he money back they should make a report and ask the Crown to decide as to whether or not to prosecute him. If the Crown goes forward I am certain it will cost the crook more than what he stole to pay a lawyer to defend him N'esy Pas?

"The women called RBC's fraud department and a bank employee provided the name of the fraudster, his email, and says he'd transferred the money to a TD Bank account."  

Alex Tomev
Reply to @David R. Amos: It’s an email transfer so there’s likely no point getting involved. The funds were sent to an email address unlike cheque fraud that is sent to a person. An email address often doesn’t have a verified owner unless it was provided by an ISP like Rogers/bell/corporate email. So if the cops confront the “theif/opportunist” what’s to stop him/her from saying that’s his email since he has the password, and what’s to stop him from saying the funds were intact meant for him since he knew the transfers password due to the senders stupidity of including it in the question. Plenty of plausible stores that will never hold up in court where guilt is determined beyond a reasonable doubt. For $1000 it’s just a huge waste of time for everyone involved.  

David R. Amos
Reply to @Alex Tomev: If the Crown won't prosecute the lady could sue them all.

Jim Redmond
First of all, it was only $1,734 --- who goes to the media over such a small amount. Secondly, I 100% support RBC on this matter. It's not the bank's fault someone had hacked her email account and it's not the bank's fault she used a weak security question. I wouldn't have paid her anything.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Jim Redmond: "only $1,734" ???

Methinks if it was your $1,734 you would at least demand that the cops do their job N'esy Pas?

Jim Redmond
Reply to @David R. Amos: I don't consider $1,734 worth my time --- that's less than a half day's work. And the cops shouldn't bother with such small amounts.
David R. Amos  

Content disabled
Reply to @Jim Redmond: I strongly disagree.

I am a Senior and that amount is more than a month''s' income. However the point is a crook is a crook and a cop is a cop. Methinks if the cop won't do his job then he is assisting crooks N'esy Pas?
Al Zwikke 
Reply to @Jim Redmond: Then I say you are committing fraud on whoever pays you $1734 for 1/2 days "work"
David R. Amos   
Reply to @Al Zwikker: My reply was blocked
Andy Norbet
Reply to @Jim Redmond: Sounds like BS to me coming from someone who needs a walker to get into town for food and lives in a trailer park.

RBC customer out of pocket after fraud: what you need to know if you e-transfer money

'Transferring money by email is much more risky than people realize,' warns cybersecurity expert

Anne Hoover says misleading marketing made her think that Interac and RBC would protect her from fraud if something went wrong during an e-transfer, but they didn't. (John Badcock/CBC)

A system to transfer money online — used over a million times a day in Canada — is not as safe as it advertises, says a Royal Bank customer who had $1,734 stolen during an e-transfer.

The theft occurred after Anne Hoover of Peterborough, Ont., e-transferred money from her RBC account to her friend Fran Fearnley, only to have a fraudster intercept the transaction and divert the money to his own account at another bank.

"I always use e-transfer," says Hoover. "I thought it was a safe way to send money."

An RBC manager says an internal investigation indicated that Fearnley's email account had been hacked, and when Hoover sent the e-transfer, the fraudster figured out the answer for the security question necessary to deposit the money, and then redirected it to a different bank account.

Anne Hoover is angry RBC acknowledged a stranger redirected her e-transfer, but won't fully compensate her claiming her security question and password were too weak. (John Badcock/CBC)
An expert in online privacy protection and security says financial institutions have opted for convenience over security, which makes strong email passwords and equally strong e-transfer questions and passwords essential.

"How you manage those passwords is very important," says Claudiu Popa, author of The Canadian Cyberfraud Handbook and a cybersecurity expert who advises government and companies.

"Banks and financial institutions have made it very easy to transfer money via email. Unfortunately, with convenience, comes lack of security."

How it happened

Hoover and Fearnley had just returned from a trip to Mexico on March 18, when Hoover went online and used her bank's Interac e-transfer system to reimburse her pal for trip expenses.

It wasn't the sun on this Mexican holiday that burned Anne Hoover, centre, and Fran Fearnley, right, the women say, after a $1,734 e-transfer between them was intercepted by a fraudster. (Submitted by Anne Hoover)
But when Fearnley opened the email and tried to accept the payment, she got a message saying the e-transfer had already been deposited.

The women called RBC's fraud department and a bank employee provided the name of the fraudster, his email, and says he'd transferred the money to a TD Bank account.

"This is clearly a complete stranger," says Fearnley. "How could that possibly have happened?"

The two friends headed to their local RBC branch, where they are both customers — Hoover, for more than 30 years.

The bank blamed the theft on Fearnley's email security.

Hoover's security question to her friend was: "Who is my favourite Beatle?"

The fraudster would have had a one in four chance of getting it right — John, Paul, George or Ringo. In a test of RBC's Interac system, Go Public was given four chances to answer the security question correctly.

Hoover says she is disappointed by her local RBC branch in Peterborough, Ont., where she'd been a customer for 30 years. (John Badcock/CBC)
"The manager continued to insist ... that it wasn't really their problem. It was now our problem," Hoover says.

Eventually, the manager offered Hoover half the missing funds as a "gesture of goodwill."

Contacts police

Hoover filed a report with Peterborough police, but an officer told her that it's difficult to clamp down on online fraud and her fight to recoup the money could take ages and would likely be fruitless.

Hoover says she feels misled by the bank's website.

A webpage about RBC's digital security tells customers they're "fully protected" and will be reimbursed "for any unauthorized transactions."

But when Hoover pointed that out to bank officials, she was told customers aren't protected if they use weak passwords when transferring funds online.

RBC's website suggests in large font that customers are protected against fraud. Buried deep in the fine print are exclusions that prevented Hoover from claiming compensation. (RBC)
RBC declined an interview request from Go Public.

In a statement, AJ Goodman, RBC's director of external communications wrote: "As part of our electronic access agreement, clients commit to using passwords and security questions that are unique and cannot be easily guessed or obtained by others."

That information is on the bank's website, but only if a customer reading RBC's "Security Guarantee" clicks on a few different links to get to a clause in the fine print of a section called "Security."

Interac makes the same security promises online as RBC, telling customers in bold print that they are "protected from fraud losses."

No one from Interac would agree to an interview with Go Public, directing questions to RBC.

In a statement, the company's senior manager of external communications, Adrienne Vaughan, wrote that Canadians must "protect their email and passwords so they do not fall victim to cybercrime and they can safely transact online."

Woman loses $7,000 in e-transfer

In another, similar case, Dr. Sylvia Veith of Prince Albert, Sask., lost $7,000 when she used Interac to e-transfer money to her son's hockey league in June 2017.

That money was intercepted and her bank — RBC — blamed a weak password to a security question and told the physician there was nothing that could be done.
RBC would not comment on Veith's case, except to reiterate the importance of strong passwords. Police say an investigation is ongoing.

Security sacrificed for convenience

"This idea of transferring money by email is much more risky than people realize," says Popa.

"Companies don't report [incidents] because they don't want an investigation from the privacy commissioner, from other regulatory bodies."

Popa says people have been desensitized to the risk of email transfers "very quickly, almost too quickly" because they use email all the time, so they figure it's safe.

Cybersecurity expert Claudiu Popa says consumers need to demand better security features from their financial institutions, and switch if they won't provide them. (John Badcock/CBC)
What banks and other financial institutions have done, he says, is sacrifice security to get a high number of people using the system.

Last year in Canada, there were more than 371 million e-transfers worth more than $132 billion, according to Interac Corp., the biggest online funds transfer service in the country.

The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre told Go Public that it received 163 reports in 2018 involving e-transfers that were compromised, resulting in money being transferred to fraudsters.

Popa did a quick search of Fearnley's email on www.haveibeenpwned.com, a website that tracks data breaches and reports almost eight billion occasions when personal accounts have been exposed. The same email address could be acquired from several different sources.

Popa found her email was compromised on two sites when hackers attacked LinkedIn and Verification.io

"That means people have found those e-mail lists. They have sold them to others," says Popa.

"Different people have taken what they've needed from those lists, and that's how they got compromised, very likely."

Financial institutions resist solutions

The cybersecurity expert says financial institutions and Interac need to require something called "two-factor authentication" to better protect people's accounts.

"Every time you log into an account you need to use a second factor," explains Popa. "A code that arrives as a text message or as a separate email to a different email address that is only valid for a few seconds or a few minutes after it's received."

He says the financial industry knows more security is needed, but is more concerned about getting customers to use the e-transfer system.

Some financial institutions offer two-factor authentication as an option, not a requirement.

Go Public asked RBC and Interac why they don't require two-factor authentication. Both declined to address the question.

Leaving RBC

Hoover says she's learned the hard way that strong security questions and passwords are crucial.

She's escalating her case to the RBC Ombudsman, hoping to prompt the bank to better warn customers they could be liable for losses even if they're victims of fraud.

She's also closing her business account at RBC, after decades of loyalty.

"How can I feel confident [in RBC] when, in fact, I've had money stolen from me — clearly stolen," says Hoover.

"This isn't secure, and people need to know."


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About the Author

Erica Johnson
Investigative reporter
Erica Johnson is an award-winning investigative journalist. She hosted CBC's consumer program Marketplace for 15 years, investigating everything from dirty hospitals to fraudulent financial advisors. As co-host of the CBC news segment Go Public, Erica continues to expose wrongdoing and hold corporations and governments to account.
With files from Enza Uda

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl Urquhart hire Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in New Brunswick?

---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier <PREMIER@novascotia.ca>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 16:19:41 +0000
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Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 16:19:42 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl
Urquhart hire Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in
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Subject: Automatic reply: Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl
Urquhart hire Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in
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Monday, 13 May 2019

Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl Urquhart hire Alphonse
MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in New Brunswick?


Replying to and 47 others
Why is that I am not surprised to see Carl Urquhart hire Alphonse MacNeil to cover up the police corruption in New Brunswick?





Public Safety
Consultant to review New Brunswick Police Commission
13 May 2019

FREDERICTON (GNB) – An independent consultant will review the policies, practices and procedures of the New Brunswick Police Commission.

Alphonse MacNeil, a retired assistant commissioner with the RCMP, will conduct the review.

“I am pleased to have Mr. MacNeil committed to conducting this review,” said Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Carl Urquhart. “Through his distinguished career, he has earned the respect of the public, government and the policing community thanks to his commitment to integrity and his work as a leader and subject matter expert. His experience will serve him well, and we look forward to receiving his report this summer.”

The commission’s board of directors made a formal request to the minister in January to help identify an independent third party to perform such a review. The board requested the review to maintain public confidence in the commission as an independent oversight body responsible for protecting the public interest in matters of policing.

MacNeil’s review of the June 2014 shooting in Moncton that killed three Mounties and wounded two others led to the release of a comprehensive report, which included 64 recommendations to the RCMP.

Steve Roberge out as head of police watchdog

New Brunswick Police Commission declines comment, calling Roberge's departure a 'human resources matter'

Steve Roberge is no longer executive director of the New Brunswick Police Commission as of Wednesday, the commission confirmed. (CBC)

The province's independent police watchdog has had a change at the top.

New Brunswick Police Commission executive director Steve Roberge "is no longer employed by the Province of New Brunswick" as of Wednesday, the commission confirmed.

"The commission will not comment any further as this is a human resources matter," acting executive director Jill Whalen wrote in an emailed statement.

Roberge's departure comes less than a week after the association representing municipal police officers called for his removal, calling him a "dictator" who is "anti-police officer."

The New Brunswick Police Association has been critical of the way the commission, under Roberge's leadership, handled investigations into police officers.

That includes a Police Act investigation into former Saint John deputy police chief Glen McCloskey's conduct during the first Dennis Oland trial.

"The issue here, it's the mentality of this person who has an abusive, authoritarian way of trying to operate up there," association executive director Bob Davidson said.

He described McCloskey as a "casualty of this mentality."
"We do not want any more officers into this situation where he can destroy them," Davidson said.

CBC News was not able to reach Roberge last week to respond to the association's comments. Attempts to reach him on Wednesday have also been unsuccessful.

Commission breached privacy

The commission has asked Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart "to appoint an independent third party" to look into the association's allegations "on the commission's processes and procedures," the commission said in a statement.

"The commission will fully co-operate with this process and is committed to continually reviewing the way it provides quality services to citizens and the police community and meets its mandate with integrity and impartiality."

It's not clear whether that review will look at a privacy breach involving McCloskey.

Glen McCloskey, former deputy police chief in Saint John, speaks at a news conference held last week by the New Brunswick Police Association. (Roger Cosman/CBC)

The commission was found to have "breached [McCloskey's] privacy on two instances by disclosing his personal information to the [Oland trial] Crown Prosecutors and the Defence Team on July 4 and 12, 2017," according to a December report from Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes.

McCloskey's personal information was contained in the New Brunswick Police Commission file in relation to the Police Act complaint against McCloskey, the report says.

 The report doesn't specify what kind of personal information was disclosed. McCloskey filed a complaint, which prompted Deschênes's investigation.

"As with any case of a violation of privacy, we, unfortunately, cannot turn back the clock to prevent the breach from occurring," Deschênes wrote in his decision.

He did not make any recommendations arising out of his findings.

Roberge hired in 2014

Last week wasn't the first time the association has called for Roberge's removal.

The association threatened legal action against the commission in 2016 over comments Roberge made about the association.

The association and the watchdog group also clashed over high-profile Police Act investigations that ultimately led to Fredericton police officers losing their jobs.

The commission, an "independent civilian oversight body," is responsible for managing the "public complaints process into the conduct" of municipal and regional police officers in the province.

Roberge, a former RCMP officer, reported to a government-appointed commission in his role as executive director.

He'd been in the job since 2014.

About the Author

Karissa Donkin
Karissa Donkin is a journalist in CBC's Atlantic investigative unit. Do you have a story you want us to investigate? Send your tips to NBInvestigates@CBC.ca.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Changes to Senior Management Team

I am very pleased to announce changes to the structure and make up of the RCMP’s Senior Management Team. These changes follow broad consultations beginning last spring with contract partners and others, as part of our ongoing efforts to bring about positive change in the Force in order to better serve Canadians and better support our employees.

Two new senior executive positions are being created, Deputy Commissioner West and Deputy Commissioner East. Initially the Deputy Commissioner West will be located in Vancouver and the Deputy Commissioner East in Halifax. Effective immediately, Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass will assume responsibilities as Deputy Commissioner West andDeputy Commissioner Steve Graham will assume responsibilities as Deputy Commissioner East.

Once fully implemented, the important responsibilities of serving as the Commanding Officer for a Division will be separated from the responsibilities of Regional Deputy. This will allow each of our Commanding Officers across the country to focus on activities and issues within their Division, and to be supported by a Deputy Commissioner whose full time responsibilities are to support them and to contribute to the overall leadership of the Force as members of the Senior Executive Committee. The Commanding Officers of British Columbia (“E” Division), Alberta (“K” Division), Saskatchewan (“F” Division), Manitoba (“D” Division), Yukon (“M” Division), the Northwest Territories (“G” Division) and Nunavut (“V” Division) will report to the Deputy Commissioner West. The Commanding Officers of Ontario (“O” Division), the National Capital Region (“A” Division), National Headquarters, Québec (“C” Division), New Brunswick (“J” Division), Nova Scotia (“H” Division), Prince Edward Island (“L” Division) and Newfoundland and Labrador (“B” Division) will report to the Deputy Commissioner East.

The Deputy Commissioner positions Pacific Region, Northwest Region, Central Region and Atlantic Region have been eliminated. The responsibilities of the former Regional Deputy Commissioner positions are being assumed by the new Deputies East and West.

No further changes to our regional structure or reporting relationships are being made at this time, so for example, regional employees currently serving in the Northwest Region will now report to the Deputy Commissioner West.

Consultations with employees, contract partners and others on potential future changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the RCMP will be undertaken by the new Deputies. The Deputies will help strengthen links with Headquarters and between Regions and Divisions, and will champion and manage national and regional priorities and regional issues of national interest. The Deputies East and West will also play an important role in coaching and mentoring Commanding Officers and others. They will also facilitate and support Regional Councils of Commanding Officers to address common issues across Divisions, for example, in the Atlantic provinces or the three northern territories.

It is also anticipated that the Deputies will play a key role in the management of our Police Services Contracts and in our ongoing transformation activities.

I am also very pleased to announce the appointment of new Commanding Officers of “K” Division (Alberta), “F” Division (Saskatchewan) and “H” Division (Nova Scotia).
Assistant Commissioner Dale McGowan will assume responsibility as Commanding Officer of "K" Division, Chief Superintendent Russell Mirasty takes on the role of Commanding Officer of "F" Division, and Chief Superintendent Alphonse MacNeil will assume the duties of Commanding Officer of "H" Division.

Each of our three new Commanding Officers will be returning home to the province in which they were born and raised. Assistant Commissioner McGowan was born in Edmonton, Chief Superintendent Mirasty was born in La Ronge, and Chief SuperintendentMacNeil was born in Glace Bay.

Each of these individuals brings a wealth and diversity of experience to their new positions. I know that we can count on each of our new COs for their outstanding leadership, relationship and consensus building, and strong contributions to our ongoing efforts to bring about positive change.

Change is an integral component of our everyday operations and critical to ensuring we continue to be the national police force Canadians expect and deserve. Today's announcement is one more important step in improving the way we do business. Further announcements with respect to the effective dates of the appointments of our new Commanding Officers, details of the implementation of our new structure and additional changes to our Senior Management Team will be made in the near future.

As we move forward on a broad range of initiatives aimed at achieving our Vision for Change for the RCMP to be an adaptive, accountable, trusted organization of fully engaged employees demonstrating outstanding leadership and providing world-class police services, I would like to once again recognize the dedication, professionalism and expertise of RCMP employees across the country in all categories and at all levels. It is only through your hard work, continued support, innovation and passion for improving the RCMP, that we will earn and maintain the trust and confidence of Canadians and the communities we serve. Thank you for your ongoing contributions to the RCMP and to Canada.

William J.S. Elliott

Deputy Commissioner, East
Steve Graham, MBA

Deputy Commissioner Steve Graham joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in June 1975 in Halifax. His early service was spent on general police duties in British Columbia, serving at three central and northern interior communities, followed by a posting to the Musical Ride in Ottawa. He subsequently transferred to Nova Scotia, where he served in Sydney and Sydney Mines on Cape Breton Island. Mr. Graham also served in the Acadian District of Clare (Meteghan), Digby County. He was later posted to Headquarters in Ottawa, and then to “A” Division of the National Capital Region before moving to Prince Edward Island in 1997 as the Officer in Charge of Criminal Operations. He was then appointed Commanding Officer in 2001. During his career, Mr. Graham has worked in general policing, corporate and personnel management, protective and summit operations, corporate policy and planning as well as criminal operations.

Deputy Commissioner Graham served as Commanding Officer in New Brunswick from 2004 to 2008. In June 2008, he became the Commanding Officer in Nova Scotia and was subsequently appointed Deputy Commissioner, Atlantic Region, in June 2009 where he is currently serving.

Deputy Commissioner Graham holds a Bachelor of Arts from Mount Allison University, an advanced Graduate Diploma in Management and a Master of Business Administration from Athabasca University. Additionally, he has completed several programs from the Canadian Police College.

Deputy Commissioner, West

Gary Bass, O.O.M.

Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass joined the RCMP in New Brunswick in 1971 and, following training, was posted to Canada’s East Coast where he worked in general duties, Underwater Recovery Operations, National Criminal Intelligence Section and General Investigation Section. In 1992, he was transferred to British Columbia’s Provincial Serious Crime Section. Mr. Bass has investigated and overseen a multitude of complex investigations, including several hundred homicides.
Mr. Bass is currently serving as the Deputy Commissioner Pacific Region and Commanding Officer for the RCMP in British Columbia. He is responsible for all policing matters for the 5800 police officers serving hundreds of communities from 127 Detachments.

Deputy Commissioner Bass has a Master of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice as well as a Certificate in Criminology.

Deputy Commissioner Bass and his wife, Ruth, reside in Langley, B.C, and have two children.

Commanding Officer, "K" Division (Alberta)

Dale McGowan

Assistant Commissioner Dale McGowan joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 1978 in Edmonton. He has served in Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and all three northern territories. He has a wealth of operational, northern and First Nations policing experience. His career has included service in numerous operational units including general duty policing, serious and major crime sections, homicide units and as a Criminal Operations Officer. Mr. McGowan has been involved in and led a number of complex and high profile criminal investigations throughout his career. He is an accredited Emergency Response Team Incident Commander and Police and Public Safety Instructor.

Mr. McGowan has also held executive level positions in operations and corporate management positions within the RCMP. He currently is serving as the
Commanding Officer in Saskatchewan.

Assistant Commissioner McGowan is returning to Edmonton where he was born and raised. He and his wife Sheila have three children, all of whom are members of the Force.

Commanding Officer, "F" Division (Saskatchewan)

Russell Mirasty

Chief Superintendent Russell Mirasty joined the RCMP in 1976 in the province of Saskatchewan. He has served in six divisions across Canada in various duties including general detachment policing, highway patrol, police dog services and divisional Aboriginal Policing Services. He worked in the Division Aboriginal Policing Services in Saskatchewan and was then posted to Prince Albert where he was the Operations Officer for the North District. He then accepted a posting to Prince Edward Island where he served as the Criminal Operations Officer. He left the RCMP for a short period to work in his home community and upon re-engaging was posted to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan as the North District Commander. In this position, he was responsible for overseeing 38 detachments with over 500 members and employees.

Since 2009, Mr. Mirasty has been serving as the Director General of National Aboriginal Policing at Headquarters in Ottawa.

Chief Superintendent Mirasty is returning home to Saskatchewan. He is a member of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band in northern Saskatchewan, the largest First Nation in the province. He maintains a strong relationship with his home community and is fluent in the Cree language. He and his wife, Donna, have two children, one of whom is a member of the RCMP.

Commanding Officer, "H" Division (Nova Scotia)

Alphonse MacNeil
Chief Superintendent Alphonse (Phonse) MacNeil joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 1975 in Sydney, Nova Scotia. He has served in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland, as well as at Headquarters in Ottawa. Mr. MacNeil has served as the Officer in Charge of the Canadian Air Carrier Protective Program and in operational and strategic planning capacities in Ottawa and the Atlantic provinces. He has extensive operational policing experience and a strong background in consensus building among internal and external policing partners, government stakeholders and private industry partners.

He is currently stationed in Barrie, Ontario where he recently commanded the Integrated Security Unit responsible for providing security for the 2010 G8 and G20 Summits. These operations represented the largest deployment of security personnel in Canadian history.

Chief Superintendent MacNeil returns to Nova Scotia where he was born and raised. He is married to Patricia, who is also a member of the RCMP, and has 4 children.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 19:37:44 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Oh My So much for Mindless Mayor Rob Small of Amherst NS and his corrupt cohorts in the RCMP, town cops and even the Police Commission EH Dexter?
To: dcole , inaylor@amherst.ca
Cc: David Amos , "steve.murphy", acampbell


Ian Naylor, Acting Chief of Police
Amherst, NS. B4H 1X4
Phone: (902) 667-6332
Fax: (902) 667-0268.
Email: inaylor@amherst.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:17:49 -0300
Subject: Oh My So much for Mindless Mayor Rob Small of Amherst NS and
his corrupt cohorts in the RCMP, town cops and even the Police
Commission EH Dexter?
To: rsmall@amherst.ca, gherrett@amherst.ca, policeadmin@amherst.ca,
cfta@eastlink.ca, dcole@amherstdaily.com,
gdegannes@cumberlandcounty.ns.ca, info@ckdu.ca, info@caperradio.com,
jmartin@mta.ca, mail@mbsradio.com, ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca,
"Wayne.Lang", justmin ,
jamiebaillie , "Pierre.Beaudoin"
, "brent.blackmore"
, "scott.macrae"
, bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
"steve.graham", "Randy.McGinnis"
, "Dale.McGowan"
, police , andre
, Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jamiebaillie
, "Juanita.Peddle"
, "bernadine.chapman"
, "Robert.Trevors"
, "mckeen.randy",
"mclaughlin.heather", acampbell
, "Jacques.Poitras",
jacques boucher , oldmaison

Cc: David Amos ,
allan.carroll@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Mackay.P",
stoffp1 , "steve.murphy",

You received a new 0:21 minutes voicemail message, on Tuesday, June
11, 2013 at 07:57:43 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from "DOUGLAS NED"

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"
To: ; "sunrayzulu";
"rod.knecht"; "deanr0032"
; ;
; "Mackay.P";
; ; "ddexter"
; "Randy.McGinnis"
; "justin.trudeau.a1"
; "justmin";
; ;
; ;
; ;
; ;
"evelyngreene"; "sallybrooks25"
; "police";
"macpherson.don"; "joyce.murray.a1"
; "MulcaT"
Cc: ; "David Amos"
; "john.green";
"oldmaison"; "andre";
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 6:13 PM
Subject: Sgt. W.A. (Allan) CARROLL of RCMP recieved the same documents
Casey got byway of Acting Sgt Smith as soon as the Fat Fred City
Finest made false allegations against me in early August of 2012


W.A. (Allan) CARROLL, Sgt.
RCMP Cumberland Detachment
Amherst, Nova Scotia
Cell: (902) 664-6521


Friday, 12 April 2013

Fwd: RE Way Past High Time to sue Tell Steve Graham and Ross Laundry
they better talk to me before I talk to the Parsons

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 21:43:55 -0300
Subject: RE Way Past High Time to sue Tell Steve Graham and Ross
Laundry they better talk to me before I talk to the Parsons
To: "scott.macrae@rcmp-grc.gc.ca. \"bob.paulson\""
, "steve.graham"
, "Randy.McGinnis"
, "Dale.McGowan"
, "Wayne.Lang"
, police , andre
, Gary.Rhodes@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jamiebaillie
, "Juanita.Peddle"
, "bernadine.chapman"
, "Robert.Trevors"
, ddexter , justmin
, "mckeen.randy",
"mclaughlin.heather", acampbell
, "Jacques.Poitras",
jacques boucher , oldmaison

Cc: David Amos , "Pierre.Beaudoin"
, "brent.blackmore"



Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

January 30, 2007


Mr. David Amos

Dear Mr. Amos:

This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of
the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of
forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP
"J" Division in Fredericton.


Honourable Michael B. Murphy
Minister of Health


Cpl. Scott MacRae
Media Relations
Halifax District RCMP
Cell: (902) 488-2830

Just so you know

If I see my daughters' faces in the corporate media or on this French
bastard's blog I will sue everybody twice




15:00 Grace Amos might be Mrtrolicious
by Teslabrotherhood7 • 158 views

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 21:09:19 -0300
Subject: The decent folks in Amherst should say hey to the RCMP, theIr
corrupt town cops and the Mindless Mayor Small for me ASAP EH Dexter?
To: rsmall@amherst.ca, gherrett@amherst.ca, policeadmin@amherst.ca,
cfta@eastlink.ca, dcole@amherstdaily.com, john.keogh@crtc.gc.ca,
gdegannes@cumberlandcounty.ns.ca, info@ckdu.ca, info@caperradio.com,
jmartin@mta.ca, ckdh@mbsradio.com, mail ,
ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca, "Wayne.Lang"
Cc: David Amos , justmin
, jamiebaillie

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 18:40:29 -0300
Subject: The decent folks in Amherst should say hey to the RCMP, theIr
corrupt town cops and the Mindless Mayor Small for me ASAP EH Dexter?
To: rsmall@amherst.ca, gherrett@amherst.ca, policeadmin@amherst.ca,
cfta@eastlink.ca, dcole@amherstdaily.com, john.keogh@crtc.gc.ca,
gdegannes@cumberlandcounty.ns.ca, info@ckdu.ca, info@caperradio.com,
jmartin@mta.ca, ckdh@mbsradio.com, mail@mbsradio.com
Cc: ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca, "Wayne.Lang",
David Amos


Tantramar Community Radio Society
141-S Victoria St. E.
Amherst, N.S. B4H 1X9



Cumberland News Now

147 South Albion St.
Amherst, B4H 2X2
Telephone (902) 667-5102
Editorial Fax: (902) 667-0419
Fax Advertising: (902) 667-0419
Email: dcole@amherstdaily.com



From: David Amos
Subject: How does Harper, the RCMP and CRTC and Bell Canada etc
explain to anyone why I have police surveilance wiretap tapes?
To: konrad.vonfinckenstein@crtc.gc.ca, jones@unbsj.ca,
carleton@stu.ca, gdegannes@cumberlandcounty.ns.ca, info@ckdu.ca,
info@caperradio.com, jmartin@mta.ca, ckdh@mbsradio.com,
mail@mbsradio.com, michele.caron@umoncton.ca, dlegere@cupe.ca,
levesque.anne@gmail.com, marilynquinn@nbnu.ca, "rob"
, "kreicker",
rjcbrown@nbnet.nb.ca, bernard.montigny@crtc.gc.ca,
john.keogh@crtc.gc.ca, cgill@unb.ca, blaney@unb.ca, rinaa@unb.ca,
tsavage@unb.ca, customercare.ca@icicibank.com
Cc: "Harper.S@parl.gc.ca"
Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 12:00 PM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 14:58:29 -0400
Subject: I will lay odds that Rob Horwood knows T.J. Burke and that
you Yankees know of these mobsters EH?
To: liz.stockinger@avisbudget.com, Karen.Sclafani@avisbudget.com,
john.barrows@avisbudget.com, presidingdirector@avisbudget.com,
Cc: "oldmaison@yahoo.com"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 19:10:48 -0400
Subject: Feel free to lick T.J. Burke's nasty little arse and while
you are at it have him explain the sound files attached will ya?
To: nbpolitico@gmail.com, "t.j.burke@gnb.ca"
Cc: "oldmaison@yahoo.com",
"spinks08@hotmail.com", Dan Fitzgerald
, Richard Harris ,
gypsy-blog , "nb. premier"
, tim4nm

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 11:38:24 -0300
Subject: We just talked Mr. Hickey and Mr. Mellish shame on both of you lawyers
To: rjh@wob.nf.ca, rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca
Cc: emb.ottawa@mfa.is, sjs@althingi.is

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 07:17:23 -0300
Subject: What you are hearing in the attachments is for real. The cops
are crazy not I.
To: ken.ross@gnb.ca, Barbara.Whitenect@gnb.ca
Cc: rosaire.santerre@gnb.ca, Marc.Pitre@gnb.ca, Judy.Cyr@gnb.ca,
Carrie.Levesque@gnb.ca, anne.elgee@gnb.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 14:12:19 -0300
Subject: Have a little listen to the Yankee mobsters they may wish to
sue you crooks too
To: mohammna@nortel.com, nortel@computershare.com, investor@nortel.com

Thank you. We have received your e-mail to nortel@computershare.com
. We will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.

E-mail sent through the Internet is not secure and should not be used
to send us confidential information.  To send us an email securely,
use our online contact form available at

Register now for Investor Centre, an online suite of self-service
functions that will provide you with direct access to manage your
securities portfolio - sign up today!  Go to www.computershare.com.

Or, view your security holdings on-line at www.computershare.com -
just click on "Investors" and "Account Access".  After logging in,
you'll be provided view only access to your account details.  You will
require your Holder Account Number in order to complete your request.
Your Holder Account Number can be located on the front of any
statement, proxy, cheque or tax form and is generally 11 characters,
starting with the letter "C" (eg. C0000012345).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 08:52:00 -0300
Subject: Have alittle listen to the Yankee mobsters they may wish to
sue you crooks too
To: kmearn@townofmilton.org, cparis@mpdmilton.org,
pnolan@mpdmilton.org, rwells@mpdmilton.org, kfagan@townofmilton.org,
jshields@townofmilton.org, jmullen@townofmilton.org,
info@norfolksheriffma.org, marion@mcettrick.net

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 12:24:06 -0300
Subject: Attn David Emerson and Stockwell Day I just tried to call Mr
Skinner the IG of the DHS (1-800-323-8603) once again this is gettting
beyond ridiculous
To: DHSOIGHOTLINE@dhs.gov, day.s@parl.gc.ca, Emerson.D@parl.gc.ca,
BerniM@parl.gc.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca, Guergis.H@parl.gc.ca,
Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca, Obhrai.D@parl.gc.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca,
Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, danf@danf.net, alltrue@nl.rogers.com,
Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, porcupine007@gmail.com,
T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca,
info@commissionaires.ca, cccnbpei@nb.sympatico.ca,
Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca,
freddybeachsleuth@gmail.com, PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov,
Cc: injusticecoalition@hotmail.com, jonesr@cbc.ca, carl.davies@gnb.ca,
advocacycollective@yahoo.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
Investor.Relations@realogy.com, bruce.noble@fredericton.ca

For the record I wrote this email in a hurry while making many phone
calls. I make no apology whatsoever for any honest mistakes in a time
of great stress. My Farmer friend Werner Bock and  must go out and
secure the evidence of more of his cattle dying today while the RCMP
laugh at our concerns with the DHS and his persecution.

Whereas all my calls to the RCMP recently are always directed to some
noname Commissionaires  I just got off the phone with the purported
boss of the Commissionaires Mr. Driscoll in his National Office to ask
him why my concerns concern his people and not the RCMP. As usual he
was too busy to talk to me so I called to talk Ms. Clowater one of his
underlings in Saint John once again and she just tried to difer me to
someone else as usual.

To say that II am tired of people playing dumb would be an
understatement on quite possibly the last day 39th Parliament sits
this summer. It appears to me that your  first line of defence in your
support of public corruption boils down to retired RCMP and military
people EH Stockwell Day? If So then So be it. They will receive Hard
Copy of my material BEFORE we meet in Federal Court even though my old
classmate from High School Bruce Noble and every law society and court
in Canada have acknowledged that email and their attachments etc are
very legal and very binding evidence. That is why Fat fred city has
now web page email just like Mr. Harper's cohorts do N'est Pas Brucy

For the record the dude who calls himself "freddybeachsleuth" is NOT
me. The fact  that he steals my name and thunder like the nasty
bastard in Edmonton Alberta Dean Roger Ray did over a year ago should
be of great concern to the RCMP. Correct?

Here are some of the people I called just now.


Commissionaires National Office
100 rue Gloucester Street, Suite 201
Ottawa, ON K2P 0A4
T      613 688 0710
TF    888 688 0715
E      info@commissionaires.ca

I am doing as I just promised to the DHS and am posting this email on
the Internet in several places immediately. This will be the first


For the record the Irving media who are reporting the American
nonsense byway of cut and paste of the Canadain Press are ignoring the
fact that to Office of Inspector General of the Department of Homeland
Security  answered me in November of 2003 with a complaint numbered
C04-01448 and promised to investigate my concerns long before most
Canadians had ever heard the name of Arar.

Hell I complained to the DHS the instant Wayne Easter and the Office
of  Public Complaints Against the RCMP laughed at my concerns on
November 18th and 19th, 2003. Ask the long gone Liberal Lawyer
Landslide Annie.

Now it is over six years later and the Irving media comes out with
this BULLSHIT in their local rags?


For the Record I gave the Irving rag called the Gleaner in Fredericton
New Brunswick many documents supporting my concerns about my family's
safety and the lack of integrity of the US Treasury Dept in late
January of 2002 after my wife and I met SGT Boucher of the RCMP and
left our children in Canada for safe keeping while I took on many
Yankees including the FBI while my wife argued many nasty bastards in
court. This was long BEFORE the Yankee Department of Homeland Security
or the Canadian Department od Public Safety ever came into existence.
I began my private investigations into the abuse of my Clans' Rights
and Interests in the fall of 2000 BEFORE George W. Bush was ever
elected and long before September 11th, 2001 became a very important
date in World History. That is a very simple irrefuttable fact
affirmed in writng by the US Department of Treasury in February of
2002 over one year BEFORE the Yankees attempted to falsely imprison me
in their very questionable prison in Cuba supported by false
allegations of a presidential threat made against me by the crooks
within Quincy District Court of Massachusetts on April 1st, 2003.
These ARE the very same people who ordered my wife and children to be
evicted from our home in 2005 without warrants or due process of law
over a false claim of the lawyer Angel K. Troccoli about unpaid rent
owed to nobody. She is the same lawyer whose false claims that I was
stalking her while running for a seat in the 38th Parliament in Canada
had me falsely imprisoned in October of 2004 as soon as I returned to
the USA after explaining everything in great detail to the Police
Commision of New Brunswick with a lawyer and my American wife
witnessing it all.

My concerns are the concerns of the DHS and the Department of Publi
cSafety and WE THE PEOPLE of TWO purportedly profound democracies Rest
assured we will meet in cout or my name ain't "Just Dave".


Office of Inspector General Hotline Information
OIG Hotline
If you have knowledge of fraud, waste, abuse, or allegations of civil
liberties or civil rights abuses, or mismanagement involving
Department of Homeland Security programs or operations, you can:

DHS OIG Hotline Poster (PDF, 1 page - 1.80 MB)
DHS OIG Hotline: 1-800-323-8603
Fax DHS OIG Hotline at: (202) 254-4292
Email us at DHSOIGHOTLINE@dhs.gov
Or write:
Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
Attn: Office of Inspector General, Hotline
When making a report convey as much information as possible such as:
Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Complaints may be made anonymously
or you may request confidentiality.

For the record my concerns about rampant cross border public
corruption are not anonymous or confidential ask the Sergeant at Arms
of the US Senate whose lawyer I argued yesterday. I was suggesting
that he uphold his mandate and arrest the President of the USA.
Clearly some Yankees took my concerns seriously last night EH
Stockwell Day?

Just Dave
By Location  Visit Detail
Visit 4,553
Domain Name   cox.net ? (Network)
IP Address   68.10.32.# (Cox Communications)
ISP   Cox Communications
Location   Continent  :  North America
Country  :  United States  (Facts)
State  :  Virginia
City  :  Roanoke
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Monitor   Resolution  :  1280 x 800
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Time of Visit   Jun 5 2008 9:24:03 pm
Last Page View   Jun 5 2008 9:24:03 pm
Visit Length   0 seconds
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Referring URL  http://www.google.co...mos%22&start=30&sa=N
Search Engine  google.com
Search Words  "david r amos"
Visit Entry Page   http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html
Visit Exit Page   http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html
Out Click
Time Zone   UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time   Jun 5 2008 8:24:03 pm
Visit Number   4,553

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 19:03:41 -0300
Subject: I was not surprised when none of you called me back. You are
all as crooked as Bob Rae and all cop, lawyers and parliamentarians
To: Murray.J@parl.gc.ca, HallFindlay.M@parl.gc.ca,
Finley.D@parl.gc.ca, Clarke.R@parl.gc.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 19:47:02 -0300
Subject: Murder is still a capital crime correct John Foran? What
about the wiretap tapes in my saddlebags?
To: mail@rivergladespeedway.ca, John.Foran@gnb.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: May 16, 2008 11:27 AM
Subject: Murder is still a capital crime correct Ben? Perhaps you should
call the FBI and ask them if I am a liar
To: benjamin_mcmurray@ao.uscourts.gov, bob_burke@ao.uscourts.gov

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 08:53:37 -0300
Subject: Fwd: FwIt been over a year Chief Colicott and I received no
answer from you Murder is still a capital crime correct?
To: info.mayor@moncton.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 06:00:53 -0300
Subject: FwIt been over a year Chief Colicott and I received no answer
from you Murder is still a capital crime correct?
To: police.chief@town.woodstock.nb.ca, townhall@town.woodstock.nb.ca,
ken.harding@town.woodstock.nb.ca, ed.dickinson@town.woodstock.nb.ca
Cc: Sam.Zakrevsky@gnb.ca

From: David Amos
Subject: Interesting Times? That is an understatement EH Dr. Jones?
Hell the RCMP and the CRTC etc do not answer to anyone even Harper?
To: konrad.vonfinckenstein@crtc.gc.ca, jones@unbsj.ca,
carleton@stu.ca, gdegannes@cumberlandcounty.ns.ca, info@ckdu.ca,
info@caperradio.com, jmartin@mta.ca, ckdh@mbsradio.com,
mail@mbsradio.com, michele.caron@umoncton.ca, dlegere@cupe.ca,
levesque.anne@gmail.com, marilynquinn@nbnu.ca, "rob"
, "kreicker",
rjcbrown@nbnet.nb.ca, bernard.montigny@crtc.gc.ca,
john.keogh@crtc.gc.ca, cgill@unb.ca, blaney@unb.ca, rinaa@unb.ca,
Cc: "Harper.S@parl.gc.ca", leader@greenparty.ca,
Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 11:48 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 08:22:19 -0400
Subject: The lawyer Hubert Lacroix is on the people's airwaves right
now with you David MacDonald and I am on the phone you
To: dave.macdonald@cbc.ca, infomorning ,
Cc: "Moore. J", moorej


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 14:28:22 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Deb Woolway your malice was obvious and witnessed
May suggest you press print you will see I was calling on topic as
To: pierre_nollet , hubert_lacroix@cbc.ca,
pch-atlan@pch.gc.ca, moorej@parl.gc.ca, Reginald.Stuart@msvu.ca,
"MichaelB. Murphy", "Murphy. B"
, Dan Fitzgerald ,
"oldmaison@yahoo.com", "richard. dearden"
, "rick. miles",
Richard Harris
Cc: checkup , duffy , scurrie@upei.ca,
jacques_poitras , alan_white

I tried to call CBC many times today to register a complaint against
this Deb Woolway character and I could not get past some very very
nasty women who not identify themselves. So I told off them off in no
uncertain terms but they have no right whatsoever to begin to attempt
to falsely charge me with anything because they are nobody whatsoever
without a name furthermore the word i said can be found in the
dictionary Correct Pierre Nollet?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

For the record this is what started the battle with the crooks in CBC today.


If anyone bothers to read or print the pdf attached they will have a
true copy of a signed letter from the Yankee Senator John McCain to me
before I ran for a seat in Parliament for the second time. Lo and
behold!!!  Look what we were discussing according to the sneaky
Yankee.  Canadian politics?

It was easy to understand why CBC didn't want me to argue this dudes today  EH?

On Wednesday's Show

For Maritimers, the American Presidential Election could be seen as a
noisy, colourful spectator sport.

But from trade and tourism to military involvement in Afghanistan, our
lives are affected by the leadership of the person who lives in the
White House for the next four years.

Our question : "What do you expect from the new President-elect ?"

R. Bruce Craig, (Ph.D. The American University 1999) teaches a broad
range of courses on American History. He is a specialist in Cold War
history, the history of espionage, and public history. Craig's career
spans 25 years and includes stints with the American National Park
Service, National Parks and Conservation Association, Shepherd
University (West Virginia), and The American University (Washington
D.C.). Immediately prior to his arrival at UPEI in 2007, Craig was
executive director of the National Coalition for History, where he
served as the national advocate for the American historical and
archival communities on Capitol Hill. Craig is the author of over 100
scholarly and popular articles; his books include: Treasonable Doubt:
The Harry Dexter White Spy Case (University Press of Kansas, 2004) and
Freeman Tilden's Interpreting Our Heritage (4th edition) and Collected
Writings on Interpretation (forthcoming, University of North Carolina
Press, 2007). He is currently working on a biography of alleged Soviet
spy, Alger Hiss.

Reg Stuart is from Vancouver, BC, and taught at universities on Price
Edward Island and elsewhere in Canada before he came to the Mount as
Dean of Arts and Science in 1988.  Since then he has taught aspects of
American History and Politics, with a focus on Canadian-American
Relations, Comparative North American Politics, and Canadian Foreign
Policy.  He won awards at the University of PEI, various research
grants from each university and from Canadian and American granting
agencies.  In 2004 he held a Canada-U.S. Fulbright Fellowship at the
Canada Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in
Washington, D.C.  The same year he was the recipient of the MSVU Award
for Research Excellence.

Dr. Stuart has written, spoken and published widely on his various
research projects and current affairs for academic and private
audiences, local and national radio and television programmes, and
newspapers.  He has travelled in Canada, the United States and parts
of Western Europe on academic, research and sabbatical work.

His books include United States Expansionism and British North
America, 1775-1871 (1988; 1990 Albert Corey Prize winner); The First
Seventy-Five Years (1988); War and American Thought: From the
Revolution to the Monroe Doctrine (1982), and The Half-way Pacifist:
Thomas Jefferson's View of War (1978). His many articles and reviews
have appeared in The American Review of Canadian Studies, Diplomatic
History, Canadian Journal of History, and International History

His latest book is Dispersed Relations: Americans and Canadians in
Upper North America co-published by Woodrow Wilson Center Press,
Washington, DC, and Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, October
2007.  For more information click here.

At least some you CTV dudes are starting to pay attention EH Duffy?

Just Dave
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Time of Visit   Nov 5 2008 11:04:24 am
Last Page View   Nov 5 2008 11:11:20 am
Visit Length   6 minutes 56 seconds
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Time Zone   UTC-4:00
Visitor's Time   Nov 5 2008 11:04:24 am
Visit Number   6,061

Censurer General
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ISP   CTV Television Network Limited
Location   Continent  :  North America
Country  :  Canada  (Facts)
State/Region  :  Ontario
City  :  Scarborough
Lat/Long  :  43.75, -79.2 (Map)
Language   English (U.S.) en-us
Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
Browser   Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322;
.NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Javascript   version 1.3
Monitor   Resolution  :  1440 x 900
Color Depth  :  32 bits
Time of Visit   Nov 5 2008 3:56:30 pm
Last Page View   Nov 5 2008 3:56:30 pm
Visit Length   0 seconds
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Referring URL  http://www.google.ca...%22 PARLIAMENT&meta=
Search Engine  google.ca
Search Words  "david amos" parliament
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Visitor's Time   Nov 5 2008 10:56:30 am
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By Location  Visit Detail
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Location   Continent  :  North America
Country  :  Canada  (Facts)
State/Region  :  Ontario
City  :  Scarborough
Lat/Long  :  43.75, -79.2 (Map)
Language   unknown
Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
Browser   Internet Explorer 7.0
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.NET CLR 2.0.50727)
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Time of Visit   Nov 5 2008 9:40:17 am
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Visit Number   31,610

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 13:14:33 -0400
Subject: Attn Deb Woolway your malice was obvious and witnessed May
suggest you press print you will see I was calling on topic as usual.
To: marnoon@cbc.ca
Cc: Ombudsman , webo

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 16:32:42 -0400
Subject: Are you still havinf fun making fun of me?
To: adapt.pei@pei.sympatico.ca
Cc: annmerdon@pei.sympatico.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 19:14:27 -0400
Subject: BTW T.J. Burke are your people still falsely accusing me of
something? What say we argue these documents first?
To: nbpolitico@gmail.com, "t.j.burke@gnb.ca"
Cc: "oldmaison@yahoo.com", Dan Fitzgerald
, Richard Harris ,
"spinks08@hotmail.com", "nb. premier"
, gypsy-blog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 09:33:45 -0300
Subject: Are you people still falsely accusing me of something?
To: Brent.Taylor@vac-acc.gc.ca, Pierre.dugal@vac-acc.gc.ca, pjlamb@vac-acc.gc.ca


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:17:34 -0300
Subject: Are you still accusing me of playing games?
To: Jason.Godin@csn.qc.ca, Michel.Bouchard@csn.qc.ca,
Marie-Paule.Fauvel@csn.qc.ca, ucco-sacc@csn.qc.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 12:38:16 -0300
Subject: This is who I am Sarah
To: sarah@cela.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 10:12:46 -0300
Subject: I just called and left some voicemails once again
To: jrein@dfl.org

You can verify a lot of my documents beginning right here


or you can begin your web search of what others have to say of me in order
to stress test my integrity beginning with Danny Boy's blog.


Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 12:55:17 -0300
Subject: I just called AGAIN Mr Martin
To: darce@eastlink.ca, info@tommartinformayor.ca, mcneilc@halifax.ca
Cc: mgorman@herald.ca, bmedel@herald.ca, darsenault@herald.ca,
mooreb@halifax.ca, David Amos ,
"Wayne.Lang", "bob.paulson"




The RCMP needs a system of management and oversight that will ensure
transparency and accountability...
- Stockwell Day, Public Safety Minister of Canada

Darce Fardy, President

Right to Know Coalition of Nova Scotia
Telephone: (902) 422-1481
Email:  darce@eastlink.ca

Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

January 30, 2007


Mr. David Amos

Dear Mr. Amos:

This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of
the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of
forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP
"J" Division in Fredericton.


Honourable Michael B. Murphy
Minister of Health

Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:

Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
From: "Warren McBeath" warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,
John.Foran@gnb.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,
"Bev BUSSON" bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
"Paul Dube" PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n

Dear Mr. Amos,

Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over
the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not
ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.

As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.

As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and
theUS. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing
in Petitcodiac, NB.

It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.


Warren McBeath, Cpl.
GRC Caledonia RCMP
Traffic Services NCO
Ph: (506) 387-2222
Fax: (506) 387-4622
E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca



Nova Scotia RCMP Change of Command Ceremony, Halifax, N.S. 2011/2/23

February 23, 2011, Halifax, Nova Scotia...After serving 2 meritorious
years, from 2008 to 2010, as the Commanding Officer of RCMP "H"
Division (Nova Scotia) and Deputy Commissioner Atlantic Region, Steve
Graham has assumed the role of Deputy Commissioner East in December
2010, overseeing the RCMP operations in Eastern Canada. A change of
command ceremony will take place on Thursday, February 24th, 2011 to
mark his departure and the arrival of incoming Commanding Officer,
Chief Superintendent Alphonse MacNeil. RCMP Commissioner William
Elliott will witness the transfer of command from Deputy Commissioner
Steve Graham to Chief Superintendent Alphonse MacNeil.

A troop of members in Review Order, along with the "H" Division Pipes
and Drums, will be inspected during the official transfer of command.
Presentations and speeches will be done as part of the formal parade
and ceremony.

Chief Superintendent Alphonse MacNeil comes into this new leadership
role with 35 years of service in the RCMP and has held a wide array of
policing roles that include: front line policing in Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, the Canadian Air
Carrier Protective Program, and the Integrated Security Unit Commander
for the 2010 G8 and G20.

The media is invited to attend the formal ceremony:

DATE: Thursday, February 24th, 2011

TIME: Media is asked to arrive by 1:30 pm, ceremony will begin at 2:00 pm

LOCATION: Windsor Park Drill Hall (adjacent to the Mess)

Commissioner William Elliott, Deputy Commissioner East Steve Graham,
and Chief Superintendent Alphonse MacNeil will be available to the
media shortly after the ceremony.

Contact Person:
Cpl. Scott MacRae
Acting/ Provincial Media Relations Officer
RCMP 'H' Division
Cell: (902) 222-0154

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 23:40:01 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Fw: New VM (1) - 0:22 minutes in your magicJack mailbox
from 9022211228
To: Grant.Fiander@halifax.ca, "Wayne.Lang"
, uarb.polcom@gov.ns.ca,
mansfiw@halifax.ca, police@halifax.ca
Cc: David Amos , police
, police

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: haneyt@gov.ns.ca, uarb.polcom@gov.ns.ca,
william.corbett@elections.ca, dino.testa@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
helene.goulet@chrc-ccdp.ca, gsmith@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca
Cc: elisabeth.nadeau@ps.gc.ca, mmacpherson@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
toby.fyfe@ocol-clo.gc.ca, ppritchard@fja.gc.ca,
Marcel.Gibeault@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca, Rudin.Jemery@fin.gc.ca,
Aida.Warah@ec.gc.ca, Jarvis.GE@forces.gc.ca,
plourded@nafta-sec-alena.org, guy_chevalier@hc-sc.gc.ca,
fortinma@dfo-mpo.gc.ca, smcdonel@justice.gc.ca, LKOIV@psc-cfp.gc.ca,
JohnstonS@ainc-inac.gc.ca, sandra.conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Sent: Friday, May 9, 2008 at 4:36 PM
Subject: FW: RE: Telegram article Thank you Jackie

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: haneyt@gov.ns.ca; uarb.polcom@gov.ns.ca
Cc: Casey.B@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 4:30 PM
Subject: For the record Haney your office has had these emails for
years and you refused to call me back long ago

You as Police Commisioner should be also well aware of what happened
between the Cape Breton Police Force, at least two MPs and I last
January. They all received these emails and I did receive many
responses and false allegations since then Correct?

Unlike you I do my home work and I never play dumb. Thats your forte
not mine. Politics got you your fancy jobs. Of that I have no doubt.
Our conversation today was just malicious politicking that you were
practicing on behalf of Cecil Clarke and his malicious assistant
MacDonald CORRECT?

For the record if some nasty bastard hollers at me I holler back like
any proper Maritimer with any balls should. My father taught me that
and the ghost of the Old Lady From Hell who was one of my best friends
agrees. That is why he gave me his kilt. My father's ghost would be the
first to tell any military dude that his wild but ethical child don't
take orders from anyone and is fierce as hell without ever losing his
temper. I ain't in your god damned army and I hate those who prompt
WAR. Were peacekeepers my whole life and your new hero Petey Baby
MacKay is the latest Minister of DEFENCE NOT ATTACK that is why I wish
to run against him in the election of the 40th Parlaiment whilst suing
Her Magesty the Queen.

Also for the record my father named me after his friend David Hornell(a
military man should know who he was) and my mother named me after her
favorite brother both men died so that nasty bastards such as yourself
should not support the efforts of men in black who come at night and
try take decent man away in front of their children just because he had
proven that he had the evidence to impeach a Yankee President BEFORE
the War in Iraq started. GET IT YET? Ask your boss the latest Attorney
General to show you the hard copy of my material that has been in his
office since August of 2005 before you dare to call me a liar SIR.

Nonsense such as hollering etc don't work out to well with me EH? I
immediately raise the stakes and set up the nasty bastard for a
lawsuit. Perhaps you should contact you friends in the Police
Commission in Fredeicton or the lawyer Paul Kenendy of the Public
complaints Against Against the RCMP and ask them to forward to you
hard copy of my material so you can have lawyers check my work more
thoroughly if Cecil Clarke and his cohorts won't tell you shit. Perhaps
Nova Scotia should have a lawyer call me now EH Arsehole? I waited
until I got a response from the Halifax PD requesting my material
before I pounced on you once again. I will lays odd that you had a
lawyer listening in on our converstion that is why you would not
introduce me. CORRECT?

For the Record I just sent you and your buddies in Halifax PD and some
of their buddies evidence of murder once again. The Canadian Criminal
Code is still in effect in Nova Scotia. Correct? Say Hoka Hey to the
RCMP for me will ya? I will look forward to meeting you all in court
and then once again in hell someday if there truly is such a place.

Can ya tell ya pissed off the Wrong Maritimer Mr. Haney? You picked
this fight not me. Say Hoka Hey to my MP Billy Casey for me will ya? He
has had Hard copy for wway past too long too and the recent ghost of
far too many honourable Canadian soldiers are haunting me as they
should you.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Rest Assured we will be disputing this and the following emails in
court someday or my name ain't "Just Dave" As I watched somebody
studying my words yesterday on the web I called the Halifax PD many
times and nobody would talk to me or call back so I called you. A
Police Commissioner can Play Dumb but at least computers don't bullshit.

Just Dave
By Location Visit Detail
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Location Continent : North America
Country : Canada (Facts)
State/Region : Nova Scotia
City : Halifax
Lat/Long : 44.65, -63.6 (Map)
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Time of Visit May 8 2008 2:51:23 pm
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Visit Number 4,276


Thomas P. Haney – SBStJ, CD, BA, cdse, pcsc, plsc

Tom Haney took up his appointment as the Director, Nova Scotia Police
Complaints Commission on 21 August 2006.

Prior to this, he was the Director of the Police Leadership Program at
Dalhousie University, the CEO of Commissionaires of Nova Scotia and
CEO of the Nova Scotia Safety Council.

Tom has worked as a consultant in policy and democracy matters in
Jamaica, Ukraine and for the Iraqi Electoral Commission as well as an
advisor with the Haitian National Police. All of this followed a
career as a Military Police officer which spanned nearly 30 years and
included service in Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Egypt,
Israel, Somalia and Qatar.

He holds a BA from St. Mary's University and is a graduate of the
Executive Development Course of the Canadian Police College as well as
the Canadian Forces Staff College. He lives in Chester, Nova Scotia
with his wife Lynden and has three children.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 15:52:44 -0300
Subject: Re: Your email regarding Mr Neil Leblanc and KPMG
To: Frank Chambers chambef@halifax.ca


On 5/9/08, Frank Chambers chambef@halifax.ca wrote:

Dear Mr Amos,

I am in receipt of your messages sent to Halifax Regional Police staff
regarding the above subjects.

It is unclear what your specific allegations or complaints concern.
Could you please respond to me by email outlining the specifics of your
allegations and/or your specific request of the
Halifax Regional Police.

Respectfully yours

Frank Chambers, D/Sgt
Integrated Special Investigation Section
Halifax Regional Police

--- On Thu, 10/11/12, magicJack wrote:

From: magicJack
Subject: New VM (1) - 0:22 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 9022211228
Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012, 8:21 AM

Dear magicJack User:

You received a new 0:22 minutes voicemail message, on Thursday,
October 11, 2012 at 11:21:17 AM in mailbox 9028000369 from 9022211228.

To access your voicemail:

Double click the attached ".WAV" audio file to play the message, or
dial your magicJack telephone number from any telephone and press the
"*" key at the welcome prompt. You will be asked to enter your
voicemail password.

You may also click on the "VMAIL" button on your computer's magicJack display.

Thank you,

magicJack Customer Care

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 23:59:34 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Say hello to Obama for me Bob
To: Grant.Fiander@halifax.ca, "Wayne.Lang"
, mansfiw@halifax.ca, David Amos
, police

From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 22:44:19 -0300
Subject: Perhaps michelle and I should talk?
To: michelle@michellewheelhouse.ca

From: info@geoffmaclellan.ca
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 21:41:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Your mail to info@geoffmaclellan.ca
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

Thanks so much for taking the time to touch base and offer your
support. I will be sure to get back to you from the campaign trail!

Please feel free to visit us online at www.geoffmaclellan.ca.  For a
lawn sign please call the headquarters at 849-8222.  Thanks again,
take care and spread the word to vote on June 22nd.

Geoff MacLellan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 22:41:47 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Lets see if the Russians will understand
To: zach@zachchurchill.com, yarmouth@atlanticaparty.ca,
glacebay@atlanticaparty.ca, johndeveau@nsndp.ca,
myrtlecampbell@nsndp.ca, info@geoffmaclellan.ca,
info@michellewheelhouse.ca, pcyarmouth ,
Cc: "ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca",
"graham@grahamsteele.ca", "Mayor.Mooney"
, mayor ,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 11:34:58 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Lets see if the Russians will understand Fwd: We just
talked this what I was trying to relate to the President of Mexico
while he was in Canada
To: producers@rttv.ru, RT-US@rttv.ru
Cc: OIG , oig , OIG
, "rick. skinner", "greg. byrne"
, Greg Fischer


U.S. bureau
Phone: + 1 202 775 2305/06
Fax: + 1 202 775 2309
E-mail: RT-US@rttv.ru

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:23:46 -0300
Subject: Lets see if the Russians will understand Fwd: We just talked
this what I was trying to relate to the President of Mexico while he
was in Canada
To: info@rusembassy.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:19:51 -0300
Subject: We just talked this what I was trying to relate to the
President of Mexico while he was in Canada
To: atperez_lee

The easiest way to check something about my concerns quickly is to go
to the US Senate Banking Committee hearing on November 18th and 20th
2003 and notice the webcasts and transcripts of a very important
hearing about the financial industry are missing. Please notice the
crook Eliot Spitzer testified on the 20th




Now look for Spitzer's answer to me on page 13 of this pdf file


The easy answer to your next question is YES I am the the guy nobody
will talk about. so perhaps you should for the benefit of your concerns and
pocketbook. (Google David Amos and Wendy Olsen to see how far down the
rabbbit hole I can take anyone)

I explained some of it a year ago on many talk shows and nobody cared.
Listen here if you wish then go figure whom you should trust.


If nothing else have laugh at my espense and Google this expression
"Nobody will say my name"

From: David R. Amos
Subject: This Dude just pissed me off
To: "Bachrach, Barry A."
Cc: kbar@nbnet.nb.ca, cei@nbnet.nb.ca, Ind80@aol.com, "moto maniac"
, myson333@yahoo.com,
Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 10:04 AM

      Barry expect a call from this Casabielle dude. Just as soon as
he had shown me his ass I sent the bastard information overload byway
of my fax machine. He can never play dumb about my concerns anymore. I
suspect that he is a nervous camper about now.

    Once I just mentioned your name he started playing dumb and only
wanted to talk to you. I did not give him your number but I have no
doubt he will find it out because I just took him down a garden path
straight to hell with me. I had called Casabielle because I was
worried about the health of his client Connolly in the the same jail
when H. Paul Rico was beat almost to death years ago after I had
predicted to the cops and the lawyers months before. I knew they were
all crooks when Sgt. Huff laughed at me imediately afterwards. I truly
think they sent Connoly there to be snuffed as well. I think
Casabielle is just a player and wil make it appear the Connolly was
being properly defended before a seemingly unpreventable demise.

      Connolly is an important witness for me to prove cross border
corruption of the FBI and the RCMP. It was Connolly who told the
bartenders daughter where her daddy's bones were buried in Nova Scotia
so that she could collect the insurance without a body or death
certicicate. On Sept 11th 2001  somebody's dog brought home some human
bones outside of Yarmouth and Colonel Foley sent some cops uphome to
shut everybody up. It is only me that has been investigating this shit
and everybody knows it.

   Now it appears to me that Connolly has lost all of his friends and
the Feds are going to get rid of him ASAP. Maybe he is willing to
spill the beans I don't know. However what is going on down in Florida
certainly looks like a strange case of double jeopardy to me that will
never go to trial. Connolley's Beantown lawyers have bailed out on
him. I see the writing on the wall don't you fellas?

Manuel L Casabielle
2420 Coral Way
Coral Gables, FL 33145
Phone 305 860-1558
Fax 305-860-1559

Ex-FBI agent denies role in mob slaying of Winchester man in '82

By Shelley Murphy, Globe Staff  |  July 19, 2005

MIAMI -- Dressed in a red prison jumpsuit worn by high-profile
inmates, retired FBI agent John J. Connolly Jr. pleaded not guilty in
a Miami-Dade County courtroom yesterday to charges of teaming up with
his longtime informants, James ''Whitey" Bulger and Stephen ''The
Rifleman" Flemmi, to kill a potential witness in 1982.

Once hailed as a star in the FBI's Boston office for his success in
recruiting high-level informants, Connolly, already serving 10 years
on federal charges of protecting Bulger and Flemmi, was given an Oct.
31 trial date in the first-degree murder case that could put him
behind bars for life.

He is charged with leaking confidential information that prompted the
gangsters to kill John B. Callahan, a Winchester financier and onetime
financial adviser to Bulger's gang.
Connolly, 64, looked a little thinner and grayer than he did when he
was last in court, in Boston three years ago. He was hastily moved
Friday from a jail in downtown Miami to solitary confinement at
another nearby jail known as ''The Stockade," after his lawyers in
Boston complained that Connolly had spent a night sleeping on the
floor in a cell with 50 other inmates, only to be awakened by a gang
fight at 3 a.m. His lawyers argued he was in ''extreme personal peril"
and should be returned to federal prison immediately.
Yesterday, however, Connolly told Miami-Dade County Judge Barbara
Areces that his move to solitary confinement was unnecessary, because
he had been relocated to a unit with inmates who were all over 40.

''I had no problems there," Connolly said in his only words in court
aside from his not guilty plea. ''There's no danger I was going to get
jumped up there or stabbed up there. They knew who I was."

But if Connolly's personal safety is no longer a question, his future
is. Miami-Dade Assistant State Attorney Michael Von Zamft said the
state has no plans to seek the death penalty for Connolly if he's
convicted, because two others who have admitted involvement in the
slaying -- Flemmi and confessed hitman John Martorano -- were both
given lesser sentences in exchange for cooperating.

''But if something arises during the course of the trial that made us
feel he was more deserving," Von Zamft said during an interview at the
courthouse, ''we'd probably consider it."

Connolly, who retired from the FBI in 1990 after 22 years, was
acquitted by a federal jury in 2002 of involvement in Callahan's
slaying, but the Florida case involves not just a different
jurisdiction but different charges. Connolly was convicted of
racketeering and obstruction of justice for tipping off Bulger and
Flemmi to investigations, alerting them in advance of their 1995
indictment on federal racketeering charges, and for lying to an FBI
agent. Bulger remains a fugitive and is one of the FBI's 10 Most

Connolly has accused federal prosecutors of withholding evidence at
his 2002 trial, and a judge is weighing his request to set aside his
conviction and order a new trial.
Manuel Casabielle, a Miami criminal defense lawyer, agreed yesterday
to represent Connolly, who has been declared indigent and can't afford
his own lawyer. Casabielle said he was looking forward to the
challenge and questioned why it's taken 23 years to charge Connolly.

Two years ago, Casabielle won an acquittal for a Miami police officer
who was among 11 officers charged in a high-profile case involving
allegations that police had planted evidence and lied about police

After his 2002 conviction, Connolly was pressured to cooperate by
prosecutors who were investigating further allegations of FBI
wrongdoing and had been grilling Bulger's brother William, former
president of the state Senate and the University of Massachusetts, and
other relatives about whether they had aided the fugitive's life on
the run.

Von Zamft, who has been working on the case since 1997, said
Connolly's indictment in May was ''a natural progression," after
Martorano and Flemmi admitted their roles in Callahan's murder and
became government witnesses. ''There's no further ulterior motive," he

Fred Wyshak, a federal prosecutor from Boston who spearheaded the
Bulger investigation, will help Von Zamft try the case. Von Zamft told
the judge yesterday that he intends to call more than 100 witnesses to
testify at the trial, which he expects will last at least three weeks.

Flemmi is expected to testify against Connolly, and Von Zamft said he
also plans to present FBI documents, written by Connolly, which he
doesn't believe were used in the federal case.

Callahan was killed Aug. 1, 1982, and his body was discovered in the
trunk of his leased Cadillac Fleetwood at Miami International Airport
two days later. Flemmi told authorities Callahan was killed because he
could have implicated Flemmi and Bulger in the 1981 slaying of Tulsa
businessman Roger Wheeler, who owned World Jai Alai and suspected that
Bulger's gang was skimming profits. Martorano has testified that
Callahan paid him $50,000 for killing Wheeler

From: David Amos Subject: Fwd: Good day to MacMaster, David and Dexter We all know howI love to argue taxmen, politicians, bureaucratc, cops, lawyers andbeancounters etc EH Prof Geist and Andy Baby Kyrstal?To: Mayor.Mooney@townofyarmouth.caDate: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 5:45 PM---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Tony Anderson Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 21:34:03 -0700Subject: Re: Good day to MacMaster, David and Dexter We all know how Ilove toargue taxmen, politicians, bureaucratc, cops, lawyers andbeanco unters etc EH    Prof Geist and Andy Baby Kyrstal?To: David Amos Dear David!Thank you for trying to help us this was very kind act you done for us. Iwas touch thank you and as Jeff said," which he understand  has beenseraching all what  can you  have internet!What  the RCMP did  to is unreal! "David have we lost our country?"  I knowwhat we are fighting is very big. 1  to make a point  to be made is theinsurance company is in same building as our MP Mr. G Keddy building andthe day I was in the office I caugfht a  guy at door listening to myconversation I got red handed. I think work Tories and our friends JWsworking in governement the machine how rotten it is!Take care Tony! Thanks all good Nova Scotia!=====================================================================================----- Original Message -----From: "David Amos" To: ; ;Cc: "tony" ; ;; "andrew.krystal"; "Andrew. Krystal"Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 8:01 AMSubject: Good day to MacMaster, David and Dexter We all know how I loveto argue taxmen, politicians, bureaucratc, cops, lawyers and beancounters etcEH Prof Geist and Andy Baby Kyrstal?So Dexter Baby I ask again why are you supporting the harassment of myfamily and of your former friends and politcal supporters of yourparty such as Tony Anderson? Methinks Yarmouth my become a greatembarassment to you if I elect to run in that ridig EH? After all olWhitey Bulger did buring some of his victims there the FBI AgentConnoly admitted it years ago CORRECT?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngCo9HJAjeY&feature=email---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 22:00:52 -0300Subject: we must be on the same wave length look what i sent earlier todayTo: robin reid ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 17:19:30 -0300Subject: it has been at least five years howcome your people keep ignoringme?To: tlanigan@shaw.cahttp://www.taxpayer.com/authors/troy-laniganTroy LaniganPresident and CEOOffice location:105-438 Victoria Ave East,Regina, SK S4N 0N7Ph: 1-800-667-7933Fax: 1-800-465-4464E-mail: tlanigan@shaw.ca---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 02:53:03 -0300Subject: Open Government? Wonderous concept. However I know for a factthat YOU people can't handle the Awful Truth.To: admin@taxpayer.com, campaign@opengovernment.ca,acpd@actioncommittee.ca, journal@interchange.ubc.ca, dwatch@web.net,imclean@cupe.ca, jimwilson@telus.net, aross@cope378.ca,maryagnes.welch@freepress.mb.ca, chairman ,elp@vcn.bc.ca, john@johngrasty.ca, tla-info@tlabc.org,council@bcpresscouncil.org, info@cna-acj.ca,coordinator@bchealthcoalition.ca, gsa@georgiastrait.org,admin@spec.bc.ca, info@ecojustice.ca, edjohn@fns.bc.caCc: wally.oppal.mla@leg.bc.cahttp://fipa.bc.ca/home/news/204http://www.opengovernment.ca/http://www.opengovernment.ca/content/view/15/36/http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/10826---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 19:43:33 -0300Subject: RE: Injured Worker looking help to sue police that kickeddown door without warrant and Georgia Straight and everyone elseplaying dumb.To: mcleod@straight.com, josh_thurston@hotmail.com, shui@straight.com,conniefogal@telus.net, Skhan@bcpiac.com,info@canadianconstitutionfoundation.ca, contact@straight.com,ccpans@policyalternatives.ca, bill.barisoff.mla@leg.bc.ca,info@electcarolejames.caCc: webo , bbuie@mnxltd.com, dennis_gbl@yahoo.ca,wcoady@accesswave.ca, drywallrocker@hotmail.com,empressm2000@hotmail.com, harvey_mccormick@hotmail.comDanny BoyI am still pissed off at your far from ethical nomind reporterslaughing at my concerns before I came home to run for a seatParliament in 2004. After all the times I called and sent you bastardsemails you play dumb with me today?  If you dudes had bothered tolisten to me I could have helped your with Campbell's tax finenonsense for a joke but you dudes had your own plan CORRECT?The following should at least prove to you strange people in BC thataome Maritimers know how to read and show some empathy towards afellow Canadian Citizen that Gordy Baby Campbell wants to shut upduring his bid for reelection.http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/straight.comThe Georgia Straight1701 West BroadwayVancouver, BC V6J 1Y3Canadamcleod@straight.comhttp://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2003/10/09/georgiastraight031009.htmlhttp://www.rickmcgrath.com/georgia_straight/staffers.htmlDan McLeod. Pen name: Paul Tarasoff. At founding meeting of theGeorgia Straight 1967. One of 20 contributors mentioned in the posterannouncing the launch of the paper in 1967. Dan graduated fromKitsilano High School, then studied mathematics and meteorology atUBC. Was a math teaching assistant there while working on his Mastersdegree. Still Owner/Publisher/Editor of The Georgia Straight. WithYolanda Stepien, Dan has two grown children. Stepien is distributiondirector of the Straight, and Matt is the current art director.Good Luck Mr Thurston perhaps you should give me a call ASAP. 506 756 8687Veritas VincitDavid Raymond Amos---------- Forwarded message ----------From: "J. Thurston" Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 08:18:22 -0700Subject: Injured Worker looking help to sue police that kicked downdoor without warrantTo: David Amos , Connie Fogal, Sarah Khan ,info@canadianconstitutionfoundation.ca, contact@straight.com,ccpans@policyalternatives.caCc: Brenda Buie , Dennis Goebel, wcoady , Derrick Fernie, Poosy Poo ,harvey_mccormick@hotmail.comInjured Worker looking for help to sue police that kicked down doorwithout warrantDear Sarha Khan Staff Lawyer, BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre,Canada Constitution Foundation, Connie Fogal, Mr. Amos, GeorgiaStraight and Canadian Policy AlternativesIt seems that if the powers that be want to shut someone up orselected  people they use the guise of the Mental Health Act to do it,especially just before a election.  I am talking about people with NOpsychiatric condition at all, but have used the preverbal "wrong tone"I guise we now have the Vancouver and Legislature Tone Police aka(VPD) and Legislature Security. They especially try to pick on peopleare recluses who speak out, like my persons, Hitler started this waytoo.Is the Legislative security and the Vancouver police the new BrownShits and Gestapo?This recently was tried on me, but unfortunately for them as theperson whom I was a guest of is also a registered nurse and oftendeals with persons that "Car 87" brings in.I was almost shot point blank while legally on private property as Ithought it was a home invasion from somebody other than the VPD, andthen I was hand cuffed naked in the rain  for two hours.  The policerefused to give their names or a incident number.Does anyone care?These events are outlined in the videos below on you tube ondrywallrocker, who was kind enough to post for me.These events transpired on March 30, 2009, and as my 60 day limitationperiod is running out and I am currently of person with little meansplease spread the word I need a lawyer. We all know there is no legalaid.The New North American Alliance now trying to infringe on free speechof the worker, am I one of many to follow does anyone care?See synopsis below.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear readers:Google: youtube,search drywallrocker, (Not me)1. video titled: and the vancouver cops come calling (three weeks ago)2. video titled: supplemant to the video of police raid (three weeks ago)3. video titled: the vancouver police raid on a injured worker (three weeksago)posted March 31, 2009, produced on March 30, 2009http://tr.youtube.com/watch?v=rO1ZykC35qs&feature=channel_pagehttp://tr.youtube.com/watch?v=UOHXndXecg8&feature=channel_pagehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPhlUhcrzvk&feature=channel_pageI believe either the BC Federation of Labour, or the BC Liberal CronieElisha Boyd phoned the goons and made up a slanderous story about JoshThurston in a effort to shut him up, but they may have come callingfrom some other order by somebody else.  The VPD had attended 5023Price Albert Street twice prior maybe more with no success, this wasrelayed by legislative security in Victoria a few days after eachattendance by VPD.Josh had apparently used the wrong tone (but without the use of foullanguage) when previously taking to various NDP MLAs about the plightof the injured worker, as they seem to care little if any, unless togarner votes.  Josh is also a strong advocate of; Don't vote for theleast of what you want, having the ballot selection of; None Of TheAbove, and taking ones name of the voters lists Federally,Provincially and Municipally so as hamper any equalization or transferpayments.Josh like many believes the only good system is a no party system orat the very least representative government similar to the NWT, were aindependent can be Premier or Prime Minister as the case may be inrunoff ballots by secret vote by the members of the elected governmentin the case of a elected senate the same could be done for GovernorGeneral.The main Question is;  why have a system where the leaders is selectedby a party and not by the people? Who is the main campaign donors andlobbyist to those parties, as that who they represent not the people,and in BC it's the Independent Contractors & Business Association(ICBA) and the BC Federation of Labour not WE THE PEOPLE. The policerepresent only those in power and in turn only those main campaigndonors, the aforementioned you tubes are proof of thatApparently the VPD cooked up the angle using the Mental Heath Act forthe justification of  kicking down a door when not answered so thecould have a look around and search through the owners personal stuffwithout a warrant.Strangely enough Josh has NO suicidal tendencies other that what thegovernment are seemingly driving him to.  Josh also has not lived atthat address for almost ten years and even at that time has kept apostal address for almost twenty years as a place of contact. The VPDcertainly like to know where every one is all the time just like theStasi (former East German Police) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stasi.I guess the Stasi model is something the North American governmentswill strive for.It seems that police and government flunkies don't like postaladdresses in case they want to serve or arrest you - we live in apolice state especially in large metropolitan cities, Canadians are ina coma and just don't know it yet.VPD pin 2577 confirmed the call came from a group in Victoria and Sgt,Rice of VPD professional conduct stated that the call came from theMinistry of Employment and Housing aka welfare, the head oflegislative security Sgt. Greg Nelson confirmed that there was no opensecurity complaint file on Mr. Thurston.Well someone in government or it's loyal opposition lying, who is it?All Mr. Thurston was doing in the past was trying to point out ideasof change with regards to WCB and how some workers may suffer that wasexplicitly stated that did not include him.WE LIVE IN A POLICE STATE and need bullet proof vests to protectourselves from the cops while we sleep or walk the streets.If the police had discharged the 12 gauge shotgun at a point blankrange with a bean bag round or not Mr. Thurston would be dead orpermanently blinded, at the very least left with severe trauma.Mr. Thurston now lives in constant fear of assassination by the VPD,that are just looking for a excuse to hurt of kill again, he can noteven get a bullet resistant vest to give him comfort,What will give Mr. Thurston peace of mine and comfort?I hope the VPD officer 2350 with the 12 gauge shotgun who alsoassaulted Mr. Thurston while hand cuffed, and the person or persons orgroup responsible are happy and feel good about themselves. Rememberwhat comes around goes around, Karma is a bitch, and I sincerely hopeall involved including there families, all get malignant cancer sufferthen die.PS  Regarding Civil Liberties.  Support is just not there. There needsto be something more than News Releases, Volunteering and Booklets andmere documentation and a bit of advice from; Legal Aid Society,Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS), BC Civil LibertiesAssociation,  Pivot Legal Society, Western Access to Justice, BCPublic Interest Advocacy Centre, ect..They maybe all well meaning, or a way of the legal profession of doingtheir pro bono every year as required, or just some funding theirorganization, but the end result is there is no justice and mostcertainly Civil Rights in this country unless one is one of means topay for justice or a criminal or a crack head, lets not forget aimmigrant with the threat of deportation or a hooker.Time to grab your dog, gun and beef jerky and head for the hills, Butthat's even hard to do since Gordo,The man that makes Steven Harperlook like Jack Layton,  the man with the social conscience of a flea,repealed the Homestead Act.Now tell me why I, or any other Canadian worth his or her salt shouldvote, take your name off all voters lists everywhere and tell themyou're moving so they don't get equalization payments or funding fromyou vote. The party system must go, and only have a consensusgovernment like the NWT.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Message -----From: "David Amos" To: ; Cc: "wally.oppal.mla" ;; ;; "josh thurston" ;"wcoady" Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:06 PMSubject: Fwd: Irene I am certain that the first three links willassist you folks in BC if you listen to me.---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 19:01:05 -0300Subject: Irene I am certain that the first three links will assist youfolks  in BC if you listen to me.To: ir3n3peace@gmail.comhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/7625653/Indian-Affairshttp://www.scribd.com/doc/2718599/andy-scott-indianshttp://www.scribd.com/doc/6342481/Maritime-Attorney-Generals---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:46:00 -0300Subject: I did try to talk to Dr Keith Martin MP, his pals in the RCMPand the  media dudes in BC before sending these emailsTo: MartiK@parl.gc.ca, vancouverletters@metronews.ca,MartiK1@parl.gc.ca, agclarke@istar.ca, "Gilles. Blinn"Cc: vanlop1 http://www.keithmartin.parl.gc.ca/contact.asp?lang=ehttp://www.metronews.ca/vancouver/contactushttp://www.mplegalfund.com/BoardofDirectors/tabid/55/Default.aspx---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 18:54:39 -0300Subject: Small wonder the Wall Street Jounal now blocks my comments EHPetey Baby Stoffer and Tommy boy YoungTo: MCarney , MCarney, berkshire@berkshirehathaway.com,jharrison@bankofcanada.ca, dalexander@bankofcanada.ca,cadamirault@bankofcanada.ca, louise.leger@rci.rogers.com,marc@dominion.ca, staff@dominion.ca, nburns@gov.pe.ca,alan.chan@abu.nb.ca, jsclark@auracom.com, brianfer@uoguelph.ca,mcdonough-l@rmc.ca, bmorriso@wlu.ca, louise.lemon@gnb.ca,dmay@morgan.usc.ca, dslade@acoa-apeca.gc.ca, jtuffour@stfx.ca,elizabeth.beale@apec-econ.caCc: Dan Fitzgerald , "oldmaison@yahoo.com", "victor. boudreau2" ,Richard Harris , webo, "graham@grahamsteele.ca", rmoir@unbsj.ca, stoffp1, "tomp. young"Everybody knows why I strongly disagree with Warren Buffett and MarkCarney EH? Small wonder that the Wall Street Journal now blocks mycomments in their blogs. Hell most of the big Media dudes except thosein New Brunswick News are employed by publiclly held companies. Nowonder none of them will ever mention my name or what i did sevenyears ago. All the greedy bastards are worried about keeping their owndamned jobs and pensions as the ecomomy goes into a tailspin. to hellwith their fellow common man CORRECT?http://www.newswire.ca/fr/releases/archive/March2009/12/c8088.htmlTORONTO, March 12 /CNW/ - Gloomy politicians and frightened economistscontinue to warn that the world could be slipping into another GreatDepression. But behind the steady drumbeat of chilling economic numbers andstaggering job losses, some of the world's most sophisticated and successfulinvestors are beginning to see signs of hope, and perhaps even the firststages of a turnaround. This week in Maclean's, senior writer Jason Kirbycutsthrough the confusion and gloom to explain why Warren Buffett, Mark Carneyandothers are making the case for optimism.For further information: Louise Leger, (416) 764-4125,louise.leger@rci.rogers.comMUCH TO CHUCKY LEBLANC'S CHAGRIN NEED I SAY BULLSHIT ONCE AGAIN???It certainly appears that I am not alone in that thinking EH?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_BuffettBuffett ran into criticism, [30] during the subprime crisis of2007–2008, part of the late 2000s recession, that he has allocatedcapital too early resulting in suboptimal deals.Buffett has called the 2007—present downturn in the financial sector"poetic justice".[31]Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway suffered a 77% drop in earnings during Q32008 and several of his recent deals appear to be running into largemark-to-market losses.[32]Berkshire Hathaway acquired 10% perpetual preferred stock of GoldmanSachs at $123[33] only for it to fall to below $60. Furthermore someof Buffett's Index put options (European exercise at expiry only) thathe wrote (sold) are currently running around $6.73 billionmark-to-market losses.[34] The scale of the potential loss promptedthe SEC to demand that Berkshire produce, "a more robust disclosure"of factors used to value the contracts.[34]Buffett also helped Dow Chemical pay for its $18.8 billion takeover ofRohm & Haas. He thus became the single largest shareholder in theenlarged group with his Berkshire Hathaway, which provided $3 billion,underlining his instrumental role during the current crisis in debtand equity markets.[35]In October 2008, the media reported that Warren Buffett had agreed tobuy General Electric (GE) preferred stock, when it was trading in themid 20s of dollar.[36] The operation included extra specialincentives: he received an option to buy 3 billion GE at $22.25 in thenext five years and also received a 10% dividend (callable withinthree years). However, shortly after, GE gave up tens of billions inmarket capitalization and just bounced off a low of $8.80 in February23, 2009, a price that has not been seen in over a decade. GE's stockprice continued to fall after that point, and by early May, forexample, it had declined to a 18 year low. Events like these haveprompted a wave of criticism against Berkshire Hathaway and WarrenBuffett. In February 2009, Warren Buffett unloaded part of Procter &Gamble Co and Johnson & Johnson shares from his portfolio.[37]Some have claimed that there is a financial incentive for BerkshireHathaway to keep the myth that Buffett is an “oracle” alive and thatthe company is dependent on the Warren Buffett myth: that exaggeratedsense of comfort investors share when it comes to Buffett’s beliefsand recommendations.[38] In addition to suggestions of mistiming,questions have been raised as to the wisdom in keeping some ofBerkshire's major holdings including The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO)which in 1998 peaked at $86. Buffett discussed the difficulties ofknowing when to sell in the company's 2004 annual report: "That mayseem easy to do when one looks through an always-clean, rear-viewmirror. Unfortunately, however, it’s the windshield through whichinvestors must peer, and that glass is invariably fogged."[39] InMarch 2009, Buffett stated in a cable television interview that theeconomy had "fallen off a cliff... Not only has the economy sloweddown a lot, but people have really changed their habits like I haven'tseen."[40] Additionally, Buffett fears we may revisit a 1970s level ofinflation, which led to a painful stagflation that lasted manyyears[1].For the record after I heard enough nonsense on the radio today Icalled Buffett and Carney's offices again and lots of you people tooCorrect? trust that you latest president Rob Moir the wannabe NDP MPknows everything but he and his politcal cohorts think I that am notworth talking to EH Graham Steele?http://www.unb.ca/econ/acea/members.htmlhttp://www.unb.ca/econ/acea/directory.htmlChairman and Chief Executive Officer: Warren E BuffettBerkshire Hathawaywww.berkshirehathaway.com1440 Kiewit PlazaOmaha NE, USA 68131Phone: 402-346-1400Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of CanadaBank of Canada234 Wellington StreetOttawa, Ontario, CanadaK1A 0G9Telephone: 1 800 303-1282Whenever I call the number quoted above a voicemail goes through a bigspiel about the Fed's website and then simply hangs up so as usual Icalled Carney's local dudes and his spokespersons for good measure.These federal emploees either played dumb or promptly told me thatthey only talk to the members of the media non Citizens of Canada. Gofigure why I am so pissed off as you read my next emails and studytheir attachments. Better yet why not call the Rogers and CBC talkshowdudes and talk about what an arsehole I am right after you call yourlawyer.Amirault, DavidBank of Canada1583 Hollis St., 5th FloorHalifax, NS   B3J 1V4902-420-4644David Amirault, Senior Regional Representative (Economics)Monique LeBlanc, Senior Regional Representative (Currency)http://www.bankofcanada.ca/en/media/media_contact.htmlJeremy HarrisonSenior Communications Consultant,Public Affairsjharrison@bankofcanada.caDale AlexanderCommunications Consultant,Public Affairsdalexander@bankofcanada.caTelephone:  613 782-8782---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Raymond Amos Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:00:48 -0700 (PDT)Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Harper and Bankers.To: David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.comDavid Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "Harper andBankers":Just DaveBy Location Visit DetailVisit 7,339Domain Name gs.com ? (Commercial)IP Address 12.47.208.# (GOLDMAN SACHS COMPANY)ISP AT&T WorldNet ServicesLocation Continent : North AmericaCountry : United States (Facts)State : New YorkCity : New YorkLat/Long : 40.7619, -73.9763 (Map)Language English (U.S.)en-usOperating System Microsoft WinXPBrowser Internet Explorer 7.0Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; (R1 1.1); .NET CLR1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NETCLR 3.5.21022; MS-RTC LM 8; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)Javascript version 1.3Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024Color Depth : 32 bitsTime of Visit Mar 16 2009 12:49:22 pmLast Page View Mar 16 2009 12:49:22 pmVisit Length 0 secondsPage Views 1Referring URLVisit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.htmlVisit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.htmlOut ClickTime Zone UTC-4:00Visitor's Time Mar 16 2009 12:49:22 pmVisit Number 7,339Just DaveBy Location Visit DetailVisit 7,340Domain Name (Unknown)IP Address 206.230.48.# (GOLDMAN SACHS COMPANY)ISP SprintLocation Continent : North AmericaCountry : United States (Facts)State : New YorkCity : New YorkLat/Long : 40.7619, -73.9763 (Map)Language English (U.S.)en-usOperating System Microsoft WinXPBrowser Internet Explorer 7.0Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322;InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR3.5.21022; CPT-IE401SP1; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729;MS-RTC LM 8)Javascript version 1.3Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024Color Depth : 16 bitsTime of Visit Mar 16 2009 12:53:22 pmLast Page View Mar 16 2009 1:14:04 pmVisit Length 20 minutes 42 secondsPage Views 3Referring URLVisit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.htmlVisit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.htmlOut Click David Raymond Amoshttp://www.blogger.c...06553336660119659315Time Zone UTC-4:00Visitor's Time Mar 16 2009 12:53:22 pmVisit Number 7,340From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.comSubject: Fwd: Perhaps Iceland should ask their Ambassador to Canada oryour various reps particularly the at Goodmans some hard question EH?To: elee@e-winslow.com, clientservices@e-winslow.com, gset-news@gs.com,GSWebSiteFeedback@gs.com, gs-investor-relations@gs.com,shrrelations@mellon.com, .exsultate@core-net.comCc: webo@xplornet.comDate: Monday, March 16, 2009, 8:44 AM---------- Forwarded message ----------From: "Johnson, Jon" jjohnson@goodmans.caDate: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 09:52:18 -0400Subject: Out of Office: Perhaps Iceland should ask their Ambassador toCanada or your various reps particularly the at Goodmans some hardquestion EHTo: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.comMy e-mail address has changed from jjohnson@goodmans.ca tojonrjohnson@rogers.com My address and telephone number remainunchanged. My address continues to be 2400 - 250 Yonge Street, Toronto,ON M5B 2M6 and my direct telephone number remains (416)597-4121. Please use my new e-mail address for all future e-mails.Many thanks. Jon***************************************ATTENTION*******************************-The information in this e-mail and in any attachments is confidentialand intended solely for the attention and use of the namedaddressee(s). This information may be subject to legal, professional orother privilege or may otherwise be protected by work product immunityor other legal rules. It must not be disclosedto any person without our authority. If you are not the intendedrecipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intendedrecipient, you are not authorised to and must notdisclose, copy, distribute, or retain this message or any part of it.*********************************************************************************----------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.comDate: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:52:16 -0300Subject: Perhaps Iceland should ask their Ambassador to Canada or yourvarious reps particularly the at Goodmans some hard question EH>To: infocenter@mfa.is, jjohnson@goodmans.ca,icecon.winnipeg@utn.stjr.is, jrisley@clearwater.ca,iceconsul@telus.net, j.o.jonsson@cableregina.com,irislana@hotmail.com, benedikt@ucalgary.ca, gord@rentcash.ca,nihm@mts.net, icemb.ottawa@utn.stjr.isCc: "rae. b" rae.b@parl.gc.ca, "Ignatieff. M"Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, dions1 dions1@parl.gc.ca, webowebo@xplornet.com, "Milliken.P" Milliken.P@parl.gc.caI just called the following number again when the woman asked my nameshe told me she wasn't interested and hung up the phone on me meAGAIN?Iceland Embassy , CanadaConstitution Square, 360 Albert Street, Suite 710Ottawa Ontario CanadaK1R 7X7Phone: +1-613-4821944Fax:+1-613-4821945Email: icemb.ottawa@utn.stjr.isWebsite URL:www.iceland.org/caYour many lawyers must remember this document and the rest of thematerial that came with it CORRECT?http://www.scribd.com/doc/4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etcBTW I also called Bob Rae and Mikey Levine's associate in Goodman'sagainIceland Consulate , CanadaSuite 2400, 250 Yonge StreetToronto Ontario CanadaPhone:+1-416-9796740Fax:+1-416-9791234Email:jjohnson@goodmans.ca---------- Forwarded message ----------From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.comDate: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 10:12:26 -0300Subject: Re: Information CentreTo: infocenter@mfa.isWhat is your name and why haven't you people learned how to use thephone since last October?On 3/16/09, infocenter@mfa.is infocenter@mfa.is wrote:Dear Mr. David Raymond AmosThank you for contacting the government of Iceland.Please send us your questions regarding Iceland's economy and we willdo our best to answer your questions.Best regards,Information CentreErindi:How many protests etc do the people in Iceland and around the worldparticipate in before someone acts within the scope of their employmentand asks me some ethical questions? Are you waiting to the RCMP andStevey Boy Harper to get rid of me?May I suggest that someone pick up the damned phone and call me back?506 756 8687Veritas VincitDavid Raymond AmosBTW In order to protect my butt from crooked bankers and their corruptcohorts I will publish this email in my blog and elsewherehttp://davidamos.blogspot.com/2006/05/harper-and-bankers.htmlPost a comment:https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=11475858&postID=114783709674881631&ext-ref=comm-sub-emailUnsubscribe to comments for this post:http://www.blogger.com/comment-unsubscribe.g?blogID=11475858&postID=114783709674881631Posted by David Raymond Amos to Just Dave at Monday, March 16, 2009Tell me something if ya dare. If Rupert Murdoch's people and folks inEurope are reading my blog in a tranlated form shouldn't you tooespecially when i am posting this email about you there?http://translate.google.lt/translate?hl=lt&sl=en&u=http://davidamosblogspot.com/2006/10/martha-stewart-and-me.html&ei=hsC-SfnoD4OZ_ga97Y31Bw&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=5&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dharvardcorp.com%2B%2Binstall%2Bengine%2Bmtu%26hl%3Dlt%26sJust DaveBy Location  Visit DetailVisit 7,343Domain Name   cgates.lt ? (Lithuania)IP Address   81.29.30.# (TELE2.INTERNET network)ISP   UAB Kabeliniai Rysiu TinklaiLocation   Continent  :  EuropeCountry  :  Lithuania  (Facts)State/Region  :  Vilniaus ApskritisCity  :  VilniusLat/Long  :  54.6833, 25.3167 (Map)Language   English (U.S.) en-usOperating System   Microsoft WinXPBrowser   Internet Explorer 7.0Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)Javascript   version 1.3Monitor   Resolution  :  1440 x 900Color Depth  :  32 bitsTime of Visit   Mar 16 2009 6:13:20 pmLast Page View   Mar 16 2009 6:13:20 pmVisit Length   0 secondsPage Views   1Referring URL  http://translate.goo...%2Bmtu%26hl%3Dlt%26sSearch Engine  translate.google.ltSearch Words  harvardcorp.com install engine mtuVisit Entry Page Exit Page ClickTime Zone   UTC+2:00Visitor's Time   Mar 17 2009 12:13:20 amVisit Number   7,343Just DaveBy Location  Visit DetailVisit 7,328Domain Name   (Unknown)IP Address   206.15.108.# (NEWS CORPORATION)ISP   NEWS CORPORATIONLocation   Continent  :  North AmericaCountry  :  United States  (Facts)State  :  New YorkCity  :  BronxLat/Long  :  40.8499, -73.8769 (Map)Language   English (U.S.) en-usOperating System   Microsoft WinXPBrowser   FirefoxMozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Firefox/3.0.7Javascript   version 1.5Monitor   Resolution  :  1024 x 768Color Depth  :  16 bitsTime of Visit   Mar 15 2009 2:18:21 pmLast Page View   Mar 15 2009 2:18:21 pmVisit Length   0 secondsPage Views   1Referring URLVisit Entry Page   http://davidamos.blogspot.com/Visit Exit Page   http://davidamos.blogspot.com/Out ClickTime Zone   UTC-4:00Visitor's Time   Mar 15 2009 2:18:21 pmVisit Number   7,328Just DaveBy Location  Visit DetailVisit 7,329Domain Name   (Unknown)IP Address   206.15.108.# (NEWS CORPORATION)ISP   NEWS CORPORATIONLocation   Continent  :  North AmericaCountry  :  United States  (Facts)State  :  New YorkCity  :  BronxLat/Long  :  40.8499, -73.8769 (Map)Language   English (U.S.)en-usOperating System   Microsoft WinXPBrowser   FirefoxMozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Firefox/3.0.7Javascript   version 1.5Monitor   Resolution  :  1024 x 768Color Depth  :  16 bitsTime of Visit   Mar 15 2009 2:57:11 pmLast Page View   Mar 15 2009 2:57:20 pmVisit Length   9 secondsPage Views   2Referring URLVisit Entry Page   http://davidamos.blogspot.com/Visit Exit Page   http://davidamos.blo...ankee-arseholes.htmlOut ClickTime Zone   UTC-4:00Visitor's Time   Mar 15 2009 2:57:11 pmVisit Number   7,329Free to speak campaignAG and Premier’s offices deny they have any documents on controversialElection Act provisionsCanadian Taxpayers Federation  BioEmail ArticleBy Canadian Taxpayers Federation  Monday, May 4, 2009VANCOUVER: – Is it possible that Attorney General Wally Oppal andPremier Gordon Campbell did not have any information related to one ofthe most repressive sections in the BC Election Act even though theywere amending it?The BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association filed requestsfor all background, briefing and communications documents related tos.239 of the Election Act. That section requires everyone who carriesout “election advertising” to register with the government, no matterhow little they spend. Failure to register can mean up to a year injail time and fines up to $10,000.Both the Ministry of the Attorney General and the Office of thePremier claimed no such documents existed. The only document releasedwas an issue note from the Public Affairs Bureau with responses to thecontroversy around the persecution of a small community group in late2008.“The section is on its face a violation of our constitutional right tofreedom of expression,” said FIPA’s Director of Policy andCommunications Vincent Gogolek. “It is inconceivable that the leadminister, who heads a department with hundreds of lawyers, would notbe briefed on the possible constitutional problems.”Ministers normally have large briefing binders which contain notes onall possible questions they could be asked. Bill 42, which amended theElection Act, was the subject of days of stormy debate in the springof 2008. AG Oppal was the minister who introduced the legislation andled the debate for the government side.“It seems the government was completely unaware, not to mentionuninterested, in the fact ordinary British Columbians have to registerbefore they can speak out during an election campaign,” Gogolek said.“We are amazed that they would admit this in responding to our FOIrequest.”freetospeak.comCONTACT: Kevin Scott, Campaign Director, 604-220-4106Canadian Taxpayers Federation Most recent columnsCanadian Taxpayers Federation can be reached at: admin@taxpayer.com<< BackFree to Speak Campaign takes on unfair BC election law, warns ofdanger to individuals and small groupsFebruary 13th, 2009 12:00am.Vancouver – A non-partisan coalition, including FIPA, the BC CivilLiberties Association, and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, has cometogether to warn British Columbians that it is not just big spenderswho are at risk under the new BC Election Act.The Election Act’s third party advertising restrictions have opened anightmare of arbitrary enforcement, fines and possible jail sentencesfor individuals and small community groups who comment on publicinterest issues. The Election Act was passed last May by the BClegislature and its constitutional validity is currently beingchallenged in BC Supreme Court.“The Act restricts ‘election advertising’, but the definition is sovague that if you put out anything even remotely related to whatparties or candidates are saying you could be facing penalties,” saidVincent Gogolek, Policy Director of the BC Freedom of Information andPrivacy Association.“Unlike the federal election law, there is no minimum amount, so evena few dollars of photocopying for neighbourhood flyers or puttinginformation on a website could require you to register with ElectionsBC,” said Gogolek. “This is an outrageous violation of freedom ofexpression.”FULL NEWS RELEASE:Click HereCAMPAIGN STATEMENT:Click HereBACKGROUNDER:Click HereCONTACTS:Vincent Gogolek, FIPA: 604-739-9788Maureen Bader, Canadian Taxpayers Federation: 604-608-6770Micheal Vonn, BCCLA: 604-630-975

Science behind NB Power's hydrogen venture too good to be true, critic says



Replying to and 47 others
Methinks folks should study all the files within the recent EUB Hearings about NB Power They are matters 430, 375 and 357 N'esy Pas? 




Science behind NB Power's hydrogen venture too good to be true, critic says


Wally Manza
Why do I not have any confidence in Gaeten Thomas nor believe much what he says?

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Wally Manza: I could tell you why just like many posters on here. But it will not get published, I'm afraid.

David Amos
Reply to @Wally Manza: Methinks folks should study all the files within the recent EUB Hearings about NB Power they are matters 430, 375 and 357 N'esy Pas?


David Amos  
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Surprise Surprise Surprise

Bernard McIntyre
And this statement he believes this prosses work from the experiments, coming from the person who believes electric cars has no maintenance to be preformed on them. No wonder N.B Power is in such a mess. Has he never heard of the Bricklin. Why would these people come to N.B power, well I just said it.

Marc LeBlanc 
Reply to @Bernard McIntyre: You nailed it when you said "why would they come here?
For the same reason Bricklin did.

BruceJack Speculator 
Reply to @Bernard McIntyre: And there was "orimulsion" . . . spending millions to change a generating plant without a contract to provide the special fuel. There also used to be a scam called "electricity amplification" from I believe Australia . . . they never provided a working example either but promised more energy out than in. Embarrassing and expensive for all of us.

Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @BruceJack Speculator: the orimulsion was the works of the CONservatives under Bernard Lord.

David Amos   
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: YUP

Dianne MacPherson
Why all the skepticism?
Many ratepayers don't think highly of Mr. Thomas
as we tend to blame him for everything wrong that
happens in that taxpayer-funded Company.
Give him the benefit of the doubt and hope
that the Govt. is keeping on top of this endeavor !!!

David R. Amos    
Reply to @Dianne MacPherson: Yea Right

Larry Larson
P.T. Barnum was so right!

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Larry Larson: YUP

Daryl Doucette
Another Atcon type deal...lots of our tax dollars mysteriously disappear.....into some ones back pocket.

David R. Amos    
Reply to @daryl doucette: YUP

Brian Robertson
This has a definite Bricklyn feel about it.

David R. Amos 
Reply to @Brian Robertson: If it looks like a duck walks like a duck etc etc

Ian Scott
"If it does not work NB will not be repaid" , that is because the money has gone to its board of directors?

Debi Mcdonald
Reply to @Ian Scott: Would be interesting to see who/whom are on that very board.

Ian Scott 
Reply to @debi mcdonald: Well one of them is Gaetan Thomas.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @debi mcdonald: A few Yankees

Murray Brown
Ok... So it is too good to be true, but they watched some magical stuff and they said... Hey..... Here's millions and there's plenty more where that came from because we're NB Power and we have plenty of money to throw away. Just look at our fleet of electric cars that cost more money to operate and maintain than our regular fleet of cars. Or check out that deal with Venezuela that cost us tons of money. We never run out of money.

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Murray Brown: it's a well known fact that electric vehicles are much cheaper to maintain than those wirh internal combustion engines. Electric motors are simple with hardly no moving parts. The whole car has less moving parts and needs little maintenance.

David Amos 
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Nope

Marguerite Deschamps
Just a minute. No one is disputing that you cannot violate one of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics: that in a closed system, energy can only be transformed, not created or destroyed.

As with combustibles, the energy is already stored in the fuel. All you need is a spark to get the fire going. The hydrogen is stored in sea water. Who knows if this technology is not able to release it? If we had listened to the naysayers, we would still be travelling by horse and buggy.

Like the blacksmiths before, the fossil fuel proponents will have none of it like the CONservatives who cater to them.

David R. Amos  
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Methinks everybody knows how to have fun with sodium hydride N'esy Pas?

Fred Brewer
What is next? NB Power investing in cold fusion? This whole scheme smacks of smoke and mirrors and in the end the ratepayers have no choice but to fund it. The EUB needs to shut this whole project down immediately.

Marguerite Deschamps 
Reply to @Fred Brewer: would you rather support fracking while the US is awash in natural gas?

David R. Amos   
Reply to @Fred Brewer: Check out their plan to sell mini nukes

David R. Amos 
Golly Gosh Batman CBC has just revealed one of the many reasons the EUB has barred me

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Carr, Jeff Hon. (ELG/EGL)"<Jeff.Carr@gnb.ca>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 10:01:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Golly Gosh Batman CBC has just revealed one
of the many reasons the EUB has barred me
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

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effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the
appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take
several business days. If your issue is Constituency related, please
contact Roseann at my Constituency office in Fredericton Junction at
roseann.smith@gnb.ca or 368-2938. Thanks again for your email. ______
Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
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certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
Si votre courriel est lié à une issue de circonscription, veuillez
contacter Roseann à mon bureau de circonscription à Fredericton
Junction à roseann.smith@gnb.ca ou 368-2938. Merci encore pour votre

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 12:53:58 -0400
Subject: Re: Golly Gosh Batman CBC has just revealed one of the many
reasons the EUB has barred me
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca,
Robert.Jones@cbc.ca, David.Akin@globalnews.ca,
Newsroom@globeandmail.com, steve.murphy@ctv.ca, gthomas@nbpower.com,
jfurey@nbpower.com, bplummer@nbpower.com, Marc.Belliveau@gnb.ca
Cc: Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca, tj@burkelaw.ca, kelly@lamrockslaw.com,
mike.holland@gnb.ca, robert.mckee@gnb.ca, robert.gauvin@gnb.ca,
kris.austin@gnb.ca, rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca, michelle.conroy@gnb.ca,
David.Coon@gnb.caKevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca, megan.mitton@gnb.ca,
blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, brian.gallant@gnb.ca, denis.landry2@gnb.ca,
greg.byrne@gnb.ca, Jack.Keir@gnb.ca, jeff.carr@gnb.ca,
hugh.flemming@gnb.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca, Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca,
andre@jafaust.com, oldmaison@yahoo.comandrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca,
maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca, leader@greenparty.ca,


Science behind NB Power's hydrogen venture too good to be true, critic says
Social Sharing

Clean-energy company says its 'major' technology has to stay secret for now
Jacques Poitras, Karissa Donkin · CBC News · Posted: May 13, 2019 6:00 AM AT


Wally Manza
Why do I not have any confidence in Gaeten Thomas nor believe much what he says?

David Amos
Awaiting moderation
Reply to @Wally Manza: Methinks folks should study all the files
within the recent EUB Hearings about NB Power they are matters 430,
375 and 357 N'esy Pas?


Marguerite Deschamps
Reply to @Wally Manza: I could tell you why just like many posters on
here. But it will not get published, I'm afraid.

David Amos
Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Surprise Surprise Surprise

On 5/13/19, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/nb-power-gaetan-thomas-1.5131620
> Science behind NB Power's hydrogen venture too good to be true, critic says
> Clean-energy company says its 'major' technology has to stay secret for now
> Jacques Poitras, Karissa Donkin · CBC News · Posted: May 13, 2019 6:00 AM
> AT
> https://www.nuclearsafety.gc.ca/eng/pdfs/REGDOC-comments-received/REGDOC-1.2.1-Comments-NB-Power.pdf
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 10 May 2019 12:41:05 -0400
> Subject: YO Mikey Holland Methinks my little speech and the EUB
> hearing last night has had an effect N'esy Pas?
> To: "Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, tj <tj@burkelaw.ca>, kelly
> <kelly@lamrockslaw.com>, "Holland, Mike (LEG)"<mike.holland@gnb.ca>,
> "robert.mckee"<robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
> <robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin"<kris.austin@gnb.ca>,
> "rick.desaulniers"<rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>, "michelle.conroy"
> <michelle.conroy@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Arseneau,
> Kevin (LEG)"<Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"
> <megan.mitton@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
> "brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "denis.landry2"
> <denis.landry2@gnb.ca>, "greg.byrne"<greg.byrne@gnb.ca>, "Jack.Keir"
> <Jack.Keir@gnb.ca>, "jeff.carr"<jeff.carr@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming"
> <hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
> "Katie.Telford"<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, andre
> <andre@jafaust.com>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "andrew.scheer"
> <andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, "maxime.bernier"
> <maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>,
> "elizabeth.may"<elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca>
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/statistics-canada-job-rates-1.5130670
> Jimmy Moore
> Reply to @: David Amos isn't qualified to fix anything in my opinion,
> he isn't even allowed at most hearing and all his legal challenges
> have amounted to nothing but a waste of taxpayer money
>  David R. Amos
> Reply to @Jimmy Moore: Is that your real name?
> On 5/10/19, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Holland, Mike Hon. (ERD/DER)"<Mike.Holland@gnb.ca>
>> Date: Fri, 10 May 2019 13:00:08 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Dominic Cardy are your ears burning today?
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Thank you for your email.  Your thoughts, comments and input are
>> greatly valued.  You can be assured that all emails and letters are
>> carefully read, reviewed and taken into consideration.
>> If your issue is Constituency related, please contact Cheryl Layton at
>> my constituency office in Albert at (506) 856-4961 or
>> Cheryl.Layton@gnb.ca.
>> Thanks again for your email!
>> Mike Holland
>> Minister
>> MLA, Albert
>> ------------------------------
>> Merci pour votre courriel.  Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.  Nous
>> tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.
>> Si votre courriel est lié à un enjeu de circonscription, veuillez
>> contacter Cheryl Layton à mon bureau de circonscription dans Albert au
>> (506) 856-4961 ou Cheryl.Layton@gnb.ca.
>> Merci encore pour votre courriel!
>> Mike Holland
>> Ministre
>> Député, Albert
>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/french-immersion-grade-one-1.5129070
>> French immersion entry point remains at Grade 1 — for now
>> Aaron Allison
>> My Little Girls school does not have French Immersion. Time to hold a
>> Referendum on Bilingualism.
>>     23 hours ago
>> Reply to @Aaron Allison: yes, lets get rid of it
>>     21 hours ago
>> Reply to @Aaron Allison: Maybe you should do like every has too when a
>> school is not available for their kids they move where there is one.
>>     19 hours ago
>> Reply to @Joseph Vachier: you cannot. It's enshrined in the Constitution.
>>     16 hours ago
>> Reply to @Aaron Allison: the French extremists that wrote the
>> "Official Languages Act" of New Brunswick " back in the day" made sure
>> that " bilingualism" would be exempt from any " referendum" issues in
>> the future. In other words, we cannot have a referendum on
>> bilingualism, unless we open the constitution of Canada , which will
>> not happen because Quebec would have to agree to it. they got us good
>> folks!
>>     13 hours ago
>> Reply to @daryl doucette:
>> Vendue!
>>     13 hours ago
>> Reply to @daryl doucette: No they don't. Amos says NB doesn't have a
>> constipation.
>>     25 minutes ago
>> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Good word..."enshrined"...dug in like
>> an Alabama tick....
>>     24 minutes ago
>> Reply to @Shawn McShane: you have a point there....I forget but yeah
>> maybe Quebec did not sign it in '82....some one please clarify
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Carr, Jeff Hon. (ELG/EGL)"<Jeff.Carr@gnb.ca>
>> Date: Fri, 10 May 2019 13:00:08 +0000
>> Subject: Automatic reply: YO Dominic Cardy are your ears burning today?
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly
>> valued.
>>  You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
>> reviewed and taken into consideration. There may be occasions when,
>> given the issues you have raised and the need to address them
>> effectively, we will forward a copy of your correspondence to the
>> appropriate government official. Accordingly, a response may take
>> several business days. If your issue is Constituency related, please
>> contact Roseann at my Constituency office in Fredericton Junction at
>> roseann.smith@gnb.ca or 368-2938. Thanks again for your email. ______
>> Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
>> nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations. Nous
>> tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
>> considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons. Dans
>> certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
>> responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
>> la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
>> ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.
>> Si votre courriel est lié à une issue de circonscription, veuillez
>> contacter Roseann à mon bureau de circonscription à Fredericton
>> Junction à roseann.smith@gnb.ca ou 368-2938. Merci encore pour votre
>> courriel.
>> On 5/10/19, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/french-immersion-grade-one-1.5129070
>>> French immersion entry point remains at Grade 1 — for now
>>> Marguerite Deschamps
>>> Come on Anglophones; you've smarter than that! Learn another language,
>>> it's good for the mind!
>>>     18 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
>>> The problem is not learning another language but when we live in North
>>> America it is nearly impossible to retain and use what we learn.
>>>     17 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: Might try learning Mi'kmaq, they may
>>> be the overlords over all of South East NB, Shediac, Moncton,
>>> Dieppe...
>>>     16 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Shawn McShane:
>>> And so they should...........
>>>     16 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Dan Lee: When they went to war with other tribes over
>>> territory what happened? When they sided with one group over the
>>> other, when they fought with the French over the British and then the
>>> British over the French and then the Americans and then the British
>>> again when the British were winning over the Americans...how is it so
>>> they should? If the Americans won? If the French won?
>>>     16 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Shawn McShane:
>>> Read of most treaties......British would speak the treaty and write on
>>> paper differantly......i have a portrait of an old map which shows
>>> here native land was......
>>>     16 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: ok marguerite...go learn Chinese. Be
>>> good for your mind.
>>>     16 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps:
>>> Yes, and Mandarin Chinese should be anyone's first choice for a second
>>> language.
>>>     15 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Dan Lee: To be brutal honest with you I don't disagree with
>>> the message, I disagree with the method. It should be all Canadians
>>> together. What we have is Divide and Conquer method by the Government
>>> of Canada ™️
>>>     12 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Marguerite Deschamps: "it's good for the mind!"
>>> Methinks not if we wind up thinking like you N'esy Pas?
>>>     12 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Mark (Junkman) George: Methinks Chiac should be a Proud
>>> Maritimer's first choice N'esy Pas?
>>>     11 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Mario Doucet: nearly impossible ??? That is hard to process
>>> .... i suppose if people are a little enthusiastic about life they can
>>> learn and retain pretty much anything.
>>>     10 hours ago
>>> Reply to @Shawn McShane: coulda, woulda, mighta, shoulda ...
>>>     10 hours ago
>>> Reply to @daryl doucette: does civility count as a subject in school?
>>> I’m sure there are people who could benefit from a little training on
>>> that subject. I wonder about natural aptitude though and how the lack
>>> thereof could prove to be a real hindrance.
>>>     10 hours ago
>>> Reply to @David R. Amos: minds are unfortunately a necessity that
>>> isn’t available to all. Lol
>>>     Just now
>>> Reply to @Josef Blow: I should ask when are you slated to get a mind
>>> with a conscience or at least some semblance of ethics? FYI I studied
>>> French and Latin in my High School years in Fat Fred City before the
>>> turncoat Minister Cardy and quite likely you were born. Furthermore
>>> some of my classmates are seated Judges now and hate it when we cross
>>> paths. Perhaps folks who truly care about democracy and justice should
>>> study the Federal Court File No T-1557-15 to understand why French has
>>> become irrelevant in Canada. Methinks if the British is Queen going to
>>> bar a man from public properties and public Inquires she should do it
>>> in two official languages just like she did once again with me within
>>> the latest NB Power Rate hearings which began last night in Fat Fred
>>> City N'esy Pas?
>>> P.S. Anyone can check out the EUB files in the 357, 375 and 430
>>> Matters from the Internent but in you must go to Federal court to read
>>> my files in the docket if you do not trust the one I present on the
>>> Internet

Science behind NB Power's hydrogen venture too good to be true, critic says

Clean-energy company says its 'major' technology has to stay secret for now

NB Power has struck a deal with Joi Scientific, a Florida-based clean-energy startup, to develop power stations that would convert seawater to hydrogen electricity. (Michael Heenan/CBC)

Two partners in what they claim is a revolutionary new clean-energy technology are sounding different notes about just how revolutionary it is.

The CEO of Florida company Joi Scientific, which has sold the technology to NB Power, says while the new hydrogen-energy process could lead to "the world's first zero carbon grid" in New Brunswick, it doesn't break the laws of physics.

But NB Power CEO Gaëtan Thomas said after seeing firsthand seawater turned into hydrogen energy, he believes the process lives up to its hype.

Thomas told CBC News that he and his colleagues "came out of there actually believing that it's possible, this energy in-and-out, based on what we see in the lab."

'Too good to be true'

Critics are warning that Joi's claims that its secret process can produce more energy than what's required to power it is not realistic.

"This sounds too good to be true," said Vancouver energy consultant Michael Barnard. "And it is."
This is Nobel Prize-winning stuff and it's obviously not viable.-Michael Barnard
It's impossible for ratepayers to know for sure because both the utility and Joi say revealing how it works now would tip off competitors.

Barnard said several of the claims would violate one of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics: that in a closed system, energy can only be transformed, not created or destroyed.

Among the assertions: A promotional video on Joi's website said the process "takes a tiny amount of energy to start a chemical process, making enough hydrogen to power the process itself and generate plenty more for use in fuel cells and engines and boilers."

More energy out than in

One of Joi's patents claims the process generates "200 per cent" of the energy put into it.

"For one watt of input energy, two watts of energy in the form of hydrogen gas is achieved," the patent says.

And NB Power vice-president Brett Plummer told a Senate committee last month that the research and development is focused on "making sure that we can get more energy out of the process than goes into the process."

Michael Barnard, chief strategist for TFIE Strategy Inc., is skeptical of Joi's claims that its secret process can produce more energy than what's required to power it. (CBC)

Barnard likens Joi's claims to "saying you have a machine that works on cake. You have a cake, you put it in the machine, you press a button, it produces not only the cake you had, but a new cake. So you sell or eat the cake, and you put the cake back in the box.

"This is Nobel Prize-winning stuff and it's obviously not viable."

NB Power first revealed in December 2017 it was working with a private company on hydrogen, though it waited until February of this year to identify Joi.

The laws of physics 

Willy Cook, who teaches chemical engineering at the University of New Brunswick, visited Joi's Florida lab and said he was impressed by what he saw, but "whether that substantiates the claims that they're getting a two-for-one, I can't go into that.

"From what I've seen I do not believe Joi Scientific is breaking any laws of thermodynamics."

A caption from Joi's promotional video on the company's website. 

Traver Kennedy, CEO of Joi Scientific, told CBC News said that "if you're only going to count the electricity, it would certainly appear" to violate those laws.

"But just to clarify, we do not believe that in doing this, we're breaking any laws of physics. Especially not the first law of thermodynamics. We're just not that clever, and we don't think that can be done or that it's true."

Some sceptical of new technology 

Willy Cook teaches chemical engineering at the University of New Brunswick. He says he visited Joi's Florida lab and was impressed by what he saw. (University of New Brunswick)

But Thomas said the claim of more energy out than in is legit.

"We have seen results indicating, clearly indicating, independently witnessed, that it does produce more energy than in," Gaëtan Thomas said in an interview.

Thomas said people are skeptical because the technology is so new. He said it's not a chemical process, like existing and better-known methods for generating hydrogen power.

But Joi's video calls it a chemical process.
This is new technology that could benefit the whole country.-Gaëtan Thomas, NB Power CEO 
Kennedy will only say that Joi uses the "the latent energy" in seawater, which is impossible in a conventional process like electrolysis.

The details, along with third-party verifications, remain secret for now.

"We can't talk about the technology in a public forum without eliminating our ability to file new patents because it would be in the public domain," Kennedy said.

"In order to keep all of our licensees, including New Brunswick Power, safe and to have their licences have meaningful value, we need to be careful about what we divulge."

Expert cautions EUB

Barnard said Kennedy's comments about using the "latent energy" in seawater doesn't change his assessment of the claims.

"It doesn't matter whether it's heat or electricity, you can't get more energy out than you put in," he said. "Yes, there is hydrogen in water, but it's stably bonded to oxygen and requires more energy, of any type, to extract than you get."

A U.S. energy expert has also sounded a cautious note, telling the Energy and Utilities Board that NB Power should not be funding the research out of its own budget.
Robert Knecht, a Massachusetts energy consultant hired by public intervener Heather Black, writes that with NB Power already planning annual rate increases of two per cent in its 10-year plan, "it becomes problematic to ask ratepayers to fund these research projects."

He said the research may be worthwhile but the provincial government should be funding it.
Kennedy says NB Power has paid Joi $10 million US or $13 million Cdn in licensing fees for the technology.

Of that, $6.7 million came from the Regional Development Corporation and the remainder from NB Power's own research budget.

Thomas said there is a potential impact on rates, "but when the risk of doing nothing causes a bigger impact on rates, we have to take the steps."

NB Power CEO Gaëtan Thomas says there's still some debate about the technology because it remains to be seen if the small experiments in Joi's lab can be reproduced on a large scale. (CBC)

He said with the federal carbon tax set to increase every year until 2022, the relatively small expense on the research is worth the risk if it leads to lower carbon dioxide emissions.

The $13 million licensing fee will give NB Power the first right to use the technology for power generation. It can then market the technology outside New Brunswick and share in the profits.

If the technology works on a large enough scale, the coal-fired Belledune plant could be converted to partly run on seawater from the nearby Bay of Chaleur.

The other alternative would be multiple smaller hydrogen generating plants — as many as 20 or 30 — around the province.

NB Power is talking to a manufacturer in Asia that would build the units. Thomas said it may take federal funding, or outside investment, to make it possible.

"This is new technology that could benefit the whole country," he said.

Testing still going on

Bruce MacFarlane, a spokesperson for the Regional Development Corporation, said "no other future payments are planned at this time" to NB Power for hydrogen.

Thomas said there's still "some debate" on the technology because it remains to be seen if the small experiments in Joi's lab can be reproduced on a large scale.

In written answers to the Energy and Utilities Board, NB Power's plans for having a prototype ready within two or three years are blacked out.

The document says that "advances in the laboratory prototype have been achieved and validated. Testing continues on the further development and scale-up of the prototype to a commercial prototype."

Under the heading "seawater to hydrogen," NB Power says in written answers that it forecasts "capital expenditures of this nature in the amount of $5 million in each year of the [10-year] plan" for the "referenced technology."

Utility won't get money back if testing fails

That would total $50 million, but NB Power spokesperson Marc Belliveau said that money is a "placeholder for unplanned/unexpected capital projects that may come up" in a given year and the money "has not been designated to Hydrogen."

But Thomas said some of it could be allocated to hydrogen if it becomes commercially viable.
NB Power is paying Joi what it calls a "reimbursable" licensing fee to become the first user of the company's technology in generating stations.

 "When it [the technology] works, it will be reimbursable to NB Power," Thomas said.
If it doesn't work, Thomas said, NB Power won't be repaid, but the amount is small relative to the potential benefit.

Thomas has been named to Joi's board of directors, but neither he nor NB Power owns any stake in Joi, and Thomas isn't paid for his board duties.

Kennedy said Thomas was put on the board to have "direct insight into the goings-on of the company, what we're doing, how we're spending our time, how we're spending our money."

But Thomas said it's his experience with managing large projects that brings "value" to the Joi board and helps him grow that company.
With files from Alyssa Gould

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


EUB punts rate hearing as NB Power studies $122M smart meter plan

EUB agrees to suspend hearing so it can deal first with NB Power's proposed $122M purchase of smart meters

NB Power wants to purchase and install smart meters before it has a rate design hearing. (Ryan Pilon/CBC)

An effort to redesign the way NB Power charges customers for electricity — generally viewed as bad news for those who heat with electricity — has been suspended by the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board for one year.

The EUB has agreed to consider an upcoming NB Power application to spend $122 million on new "smart meters" for homes and businesses first.

"The Board finds that the AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) application should precede the rate design hearing and therefore it is in the public interest to grant an adjournment," ruled EUB chairman Raymond Gorman in a brief hearing last week.

Energy and Utilities Board chair Raymond Gorman says the board has delayed the rate design hearing for one year. (Pat Richard/CBC)

NB Power has been under pressure from the EUB to better match prices it charges for electricity to the cost of producing and distributing power. That could see consumers paying substantially different prices for power between summer and winter — even between day and night.

But the utility has argued there is little room to make substantial changes like that until its entire inventory of power meters is upgraded.

"It is NB Power's submission that the rate design proceeding is … premature because it does contemplate discussion of rate design options that might not be available depending on … (smart meter) deployment," NB Power's senior legal counsel John Furey said during arguments for the suspension.

Tracking more frequent

Unlike current units that have to be physically visited to be read, smart meters will connect directly to NB Power computers, allowing individual customers to have electricity consumption tracked several times an hour instead of once a month.

The utility says this will allow it to charge a variety of rates for electricity — more when consumption is higher, such as in the mornings, on weekends and during winter — and less when consumption is lower.

"We are going from reading a customer's meter once a month, so 12 times a year, up to 12 times an hour," former NB Power executive Neil Larlee said during testimony in front of the EUB last February.

Smart meters for $122M

But the new meters are expensive, an estimated $92 million to acquire one for each customer and another $30 million to have them installed and made operational.

It's an expense that largely requires EUB approval, something the regulator is expected to hear evidence on this winter and rule on by next spring.  NB Power said without that decision being made first, redesigning rates made little sense.

John Furey, NB Power's senior legal counsel, argued for the delay in the rate design hearing until the utility installs smart meters, which record power usage more frequently. (LinkedIn)

"I don't see how we can have a meaningful process … because we don't know what rate design options are available or might be precluded in the event the (smart meter) decision is not to deploy or to deploy," said Furey.
Because those who heat with electricity consume large amounts of power during high-demand cold snaps, the rate design process is generally expected to result in higher costs for that group.

However, NB Power has argued smart meters will allow for enough discount periods that electric heat customers who move activities such as laundry, dishwashing and showers into the evening will be able to offset some or all of the increases they experience.

NB Power is expected to formally apply to buy and install smart meters provincewide within the next two weeks as part of its next general rate increase application.

The rate design hearing will resume next fall.


NB Power's smart meters plan not so smart, 2 expert reviews find

$122M-plan is poorly thought out, should be rejected by EUB, separately commissioned reports conclude

NB Power plans to spend $122.7 million over three years to deploy smart meters for all its residential and commercial customers. (Ryan Pilon/CBC)

 NB Power's plan to spend $122.7 million over three years to deploy smart meters for all its residential and commercial customers is poorly thought out and should be rejected by the Energy and Utilities Board at hearings next month, according to separate experts hired to review the strategy.

"As currently proposed, the AMI [advanced metering infrastructure] project could commit NB Power and its customers to a heavy cost burden without fully defining and quantifying the future benefits to be gained," wrote Edmund Finamore, a smart meter consultant from Pennsylvania commissioned by public intervener Heather Black to scrutinize the plan.

"It is not clear that NB Power has implemented sufficient project management controls methods to execute a firm plan, achieve firm project milestones and control project costs."

A second review of the proposal by a Boston-area energy consultant hired separately by the Energy and Utilities Board also found significant flaws.

"NB Power has significantly understated the costs and overstated the benefits of its AMI proposal," says the analysis by a group of five authors working for Synapse Energy Economics out of Cambridge, Mass.

"We recommend that the board reject the company's AMI proposal."

'Essential' to cleaner, more reliable grid

NB Power has been working toward upgrading its distribution system to a "smart grid" over the past six years and the wholesale installation of smart meters and other AMI to serve every customer has long been a centrepiece of the utility's plan.

Unlike current units that have to be physically visited to be read, smart meters will connect directly to NB Power computers, allowing individual customers to have electricity consumption tracked several times an hour instead of once a month.

The utility says this will allow it to charge a variety of rates for electricity — more when consumption is higher, such as in the mornings, on weekends and during winter — and less when consumption is lower.

That in turn will encourage consumers to shift demand to underutilized parts of the day, it says.

"We are going from reading a customer's meter once a month, so 12 times a year, up to 12 times an hour," former NB Power executive Neil Larlee said during testimony in front of the EUB last February.

The meters will also allow customers to sell electricity back to NB Power if they install solar or other power generating capability on their property and will give the utility instant information on outages, including the individual homes affected.

"This communication network along with the AMI meters is essential to a building smarter, cleaner, more reliable and efficient power grid and will lay the foundation for many of the long-term customer benefits that NB Power will deliver through its Energy Smart NB plan," said the utility in its application to the EUB to acquire the units.

Cost outweighs savings

But even NB Power acknowledges the cost of buying, installing and operating 355,000 new smart meters to blanket the province in a three-year rollout is high without enough savings to completely pay for it.

The utility has detailed 15 ways the new meters will cut expenses but the combined benefits total just $121.4 million  That's $1.3 million less than the program is budgeted to cost.
Spending so much money on an initiative that is not essential and not cost effective is unwise.- Synapse report
Both Finnamore and Synapse Energy disputed the value of several of the claimed savings as inflated and Synapse further argued since NB Power's own numbers show the investment in smart meters will cost money in the long run the case is too weak to proceed.

"The company's own analysis suggests that the proposal is not cost effective and that analysis suffers from some fundamental flaws," concluded the Synapse report.

"Spending so much money on an initiative that is not essential and not cost effective is unwise."

Proposal needs refining

Both consultants suggested if properly handled, the introduction of smart meters could benefit both NB Power and its customers, but each separately concluded the utility's plan lacks detail and a convincing rationale.

Both called for the application to be denied so the utility can offer a more refined proposal.

NB Power is facing a 12-day hearing in front of the Energy and Utilities Board beginning Feb. 8.

In addition to seeking permission to invest in smart meters, it is also attempting to win approval for an average two per cent rate increase it has proposed for April 1 and is asking for the flexibility to employ special rate increases when large unexpected weather or market events cause its costs to jump unexpectedly.


Opting out smart meter program could cost NB Power customers

Power customers in British Columbia, Quebec have faced fees for refusing the installation of smart meters

NB Power Senior VP Operations Lori Clark speaks during the EUB hearings Friday in Saint John. (Robert Jones/CBC NEWS)

NB Power customers who do not want a smart meter installed on their home could be facing a stiff fee for that decision, but so far the utility is not saying how much it might be.

"It will be based on the principles of cost causation, but we have not gotten into the detail of what that fee would be at this point," said NB Power Senior Vice President of Operations Lori Clark at Energy and Utilities Board hearings on Friday.

In other jurisdictions that have already adopted smart meters, customers not wanting to participate have faced hundreds of dollars in extra charges.

Thousands of pages of evidence on a number of issues, including smart meters, have been submitted for the 12-day hearing. 

In British Columbia, power customers are charged a meter reading fee of $32.40 per month if they refuse a smart meter, or $20 per month if they accept a smart meter but insist its radio transmitter be turned off. That's a cost of between $240 and $388.80 per year for customers to opt out.

In Quebec, smart meters were installed beginning in 2012. Customers who refused the devices were initially charged $98 to opt out plus a meter reading fee of $17 per month. That was eventually cut by Quebec's energy board in 2014 to a $15 refusal fee and a $5 per month meter reading surcharge.
NB Power said it may be a year or more before it settles on its own fee.

"The opt out policy will be developed and implemented as part of the roll out.  It will be one of the last things we do," said Clark.

Customers need to be on board

NB Power is in front of the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board seeking permission to spend $122.7 million to install 350,000 smart meters province wide.

Smart meter opponent Roger Richard, right, leads a group worried about human health problems caused by long term exposure to the devices. (Robert Jones/CBC NEWS)

The meters are capable of transmitting consumption data of customers back to NB Power in real time, which the utility said will allow for a number of innovations in pricing and service.

The meters require near universal adoption by customers to maximize their financial benefit — like eliminating more than $20 million a year NB Power currently spends to read meters manually. The utility has said the switch will not succeed if too many customers opt out.

"We certainly wouldn't be looking at making an investment of this size without having the customer with us," said Clark.

On Thursday, Kent County resident Daniel LeBlanc, who along with Roger Richard, is opposing the introduction of smart meters for health reasons, predicted a cool reception for the technology in many parts of the province.

"If one were to ask most of the people in the rural areas, I'm not sure you would get a lot of takers for this infrastructure," said LeBlanc, who is concerned with the long-term effect microwave frequencies used by the meters to transmit data may have on human health.

That issue is before the EUB next week.

Haven't tested the waters

NB Power acknowledged it has not measured public opinion on adopting smart meters but is confident it can convince customers it is a good idea for them and the utility.

"People don't understand what the smart meter is," said Clark. "We need to educate our customers first to allow them to make an informed decision so that will be part of the roll out plan."

Clark noted that smart meters, helped by stiff opting out penalties, were eventually accepted by 98 per cent of customers in British Columbia and by 97.4 per cent of customers in Quebec.

"We will check and adjust along the way if there are issues with customer uptake," said Clark.

"This is very similar to what has been done in other jurisdictions and they haven't had those challenges."

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

About the Author

Robert Jones
Robert Jones has been a reporter and producer with CBC New Brunswick since 1990. His investigative reports on petroleum pricing in New Brunswick won several regional and national awards and led to the adoption of price regulation in 2006. 

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Norman was told by Harper cabinet to talk to Quebec shipyard about leasing deal


Replying to and 47 others
Methinks greedy lawyers drag out such things in order to keep on milking the matter for all it was worth in legal fees N'esy Pas? 




Norman was told by Harper cabinet to talk to Quebec shipyard about leasing deal


TWO TOP threads went missing before I could save them

Cap Harlock
You can't save the Liberals this time CBC!

David Amos  
Reply to @Cap Harlock: Yes they can Peter MacKay answered my lawsuit before polling day 2015 and everybody knows it 

David Amos 
Reply to @Cap Harlock: Gee I wonder where two of the top threads went already  

Jamie Gillis
Reply to @david mccaig: "Appears the cons were behind all of this all along."

And yet Mr. MacKay is happy to speak publicly about this. And The Admiral and his legal team said nothing about a lack of cooperation from former Conservative minister and took strips off the Liberals. Seems rather odd, don't you think. Well, if you're a Trudeau supporter.  

David Mccaig 
Reply to @David Amos:
David you and I know this happens all the time.

David Mccaig 
Reply to @David Amos:
Missing top comments, thats not at all thats been added or taken. 

Reul Boivin
McKay was on Question Period yesterday and said he talked extensively with Norman's lawyer over a year ago. The liberals were withholding information that cleared Norman.Terrible stuff.
Mark (Junkman) George
Reply to @Reul Boivin:

Just more "honest and transparent" government. Thanks JT for showing us how its done. 

Bill Dixon 
Reply to @Reul Boivin: Did he say whether or not he'd volunteered that information to the prosecution? Because if he hadn't, why not? Why, as a former Minister of Justice, just stand by and watch this train wreck chug down the tracks?

My bet is that the Conservatives selectively provided the information to the defence, in hopes that eventually it would all blow up in the face of the Liberals. No mind how much time, money, and resources at Justice Canada were wasted.

David Amos
Reply to @Reul Boivin: "McKay was on Question Period yesterday and said he talked extensively with Norman's lawyer over a year ago"

Ask yourself why she held back for so long 

Mathieu Fortier
Reply to @David Amos: How is the investigation her responsibility here?

Don Smith 
Reply to @Bill Dixon:

I'm wondering why Norman's Defence team didn't disclose this last year before he was formally removed from his post. Hell! Why didn't Norman??

Phil K'Mee 
Reply to @David Amos:

Because smart defence lawyers do not reveal their ace in the hole until the time of maximum effect; like, say, right after the government team of lawyers is giving their carefully rehearsed version of events. 

David Amos 
Reply to @Mathieu Fortier: There was nothing for her to investigate She already knew the truth because MacKay told her

David Amos 
Reply to @Phil K'Mee: Methinks greedy lawyers do such things in order to keep on milking the matter for all it was worth in legal fees N'esy Pas? 

Norman was told by Harper cabinet to talk to Quebec shipyard about leasing deal

'Mark Norman was acting ... with cabinet authority,' says ex-defence minister Peter MacKay

Vice-Admiral Mark Norman walks with his lawyers Marie Henein (right) and Christine Mainville as they leave court in Ottawa on Wednesday, May 8, 2019. (Sean Kilpatrick/THE CANADIAN PRESS) 

Vice-Admiral Mark Norman not only had the blessing of the former Conservative cabinet to deal with a Quebec shipyard, he was authorized to speak with it directly in the run-up to the signing of a $668 million leasing contract, CBC News has learned.

The revelation raises further questions about the handling of the RCMP's investigation into allegations the military's former second-in-command leaked sensitive cabinet information about the contract.

It also peels back the curtain on some of the thinking that may have gone into the Crown's decision to stay the single breach-of-trust charge against Norman, who at one time commanded the Royal Canadian Navy.

"Mark Norman was acting within his authority and with cabinet authority," Peter MacKay, who held both the justice and defence portfolios under then-prime minister Stephen Harper, told CBC News.

"Having taken the decision that we did via cabinet committee, and therefore giving Mark Norman the green light to proceed, he would have had [the] authority to speak to the Davie shipyard."

Former federal defence minister Peter MacKay: "Yes, (Mark Norman) was very often speaking to Davie shipyard." (CBC)

The vast majority of the 12 alleged leaks of cabinet information that were the focus of Norman's court case took place under the former Conservative government, which scrambled in the run-up to the 2015 election to secure a temporary supply ship for the navy over the opposition of some parts of the public service and the military.

It isn't clear whether the Mounties or the Crown knew before laying the breach-of-trust charge that Norman had clear marching orders from the Harper government.

That information would have been contained in a pile of Conservative-era cabinet documents that the current Liberal government fought to keep secret.

"The RCMP didn't have it, and didn't look for it," said Norman's lawyer Marie Henein last week at a news conference after the Crown stayed the charge against her client.

"I don't think they were suppressing anything. I think the full picture of how these very complicated contracts are negotiated, and what the life of this particular contract was ... It was far more complicated, far more sophisticated and was not completely looked at."

The RCMP last week defended the thoroughness of its investigation. When contacted by CBC News on Monday about the latest information, the federal police force declined to comment.

"We are not in a position to provide further comments on the matter," said the unsigned email statement from the RCMP.

'Full faith in our institutions'

In the Commons on Monday, Justice Minister David Lametti turned aside opposition attacks and persistent allegations of political interference in the case by expressing "full faith in our institutions," including the Mounties.

"The charges in question were laid by the [director of public prosecutions]," he said. "The process was managed by the DPP and the stay was decided by the prosecution service. Evidence was gathered by the RCMP, turned over to the prosecution. DPP and prosecutor have both stated there was no government interference or contact."

The case against Norman, who was relieved last year as the vice chief of the defence staff, came apart last week when the Crown said it did not have a reasonable chance of conviction based upon new information submitted in a brief by the defence team.

The lead prosecutor refused to say what that information was, conceding it was new evidence that the prosecution had not seen before.

Since then, three former Conservative cabinet ministers have acknowledged they gave interviews to Norman's lawyers, providing details and context regarding was going on when the Harper government approved the lease of the MV Asterix from the Davie shipyard in Levis, Que.
The leasing plan was opposed by federal shipbuilding and defence bureaucrats, who wanted to either compete the lease proposal with other shipyards or wait and force the navy to make do until the eventual delivery of permanent supply ships, expected some time in the 2020s.

The Harper cabinet decided to do an end-run around those opposed to the short-term lease — including the former chief of the defence staff, the now-retired Gen. Tom Lawson.

MacKay said Norman "had a unique and important role to play in this procurement, which was made on an emergency basis."

He said Norman acted as so-called "super project manager" tasked with delivering the lease deal.

"Cabinet would have given Mark Norman and the defence department the authority to move forward on this procurement. So, yes, he was very often speaking to Davie shipyard," MacKay said.

About the Author

Murray Brewster
Defence and security
Murray Brewster is senior defence writer for CBC News, based in Ottawa. He has covered the Canadian military and foreign policy from Parliament Hill for over a decade. Among other assignments, he spent a total of 15 months on the ground covering the Afghan war for The Canadian Press. Prior to that, he covered defence issues and politics for CP in Nova Scotia for 11 years and was bureau chief for Standard Broadcast News in Ottawa.

Nursing home workers' union, province reach 'impasse' in contract dispute talks


Replying to and 47 others
Methinks the infamous blogging buddy of CBC, CTV, Global, Mr Higgs and CUPE is gonna love the impending Circus N'esy Pas? 




Nursing home workers' union, province reach 'impasse' in contract dispute talks


David Amos
Methinks the infamous blogging buddy of CBC, CTV, Global, Mr Higgs and CUPE is gonna love the impending Circus N'esy Pas?

Nursing home workers' union, province reach 'impasse' in contract dispute talks

There is no timetable for negotiations to resume

The provincial government said Tuesday talks with the union representing thousands of nursing home workers have reached an impasse. (CBC)

Talks have broken down again between the union representing New Brunswick nursing home workers and the provincial government, according to the minister of social development.

Dorothy Shephard said in a statement issued Tuesday night the sides reached "an impasse" after several days of negotiations.

"Discussions throughout the talks have been respectful and collegial, but unfortunately this afternoon, we reached an impasse," Shephard said. "Although we are open to returning to the table to talk, no further negotiations are scheduled at this time."

Shephard said they're optimistic that a negotiated agreement "will eventually be reached that is fair to nursing home employees and to residents."

But in a revised statement issued minutes later, the optimism was followed by a note of fiscal restraint.

Social Development Minister Dorothy Shephard said Tuesday there is no date for talks to resume. (CBC)
"However, we must also take into account that as a government we are restricted by our province's fiscal reality and must also be fair to New Brunswick taxpayers," read the revised statement.
The minister did not mention binding arbitration.

CUPE officials said prior to the renewed talks that if a contract couldn't be reached, they wanted binding arbitration. However, the parties are at odds on that front as well. The Blaine Higgs government offered binding arbitration with conditions, but the union rejected it, calling for unrestricted proceedings.

Union representatives were not immediately available for comment Tuesday night.
About 4,000 nursing home workers, including licensed practical nurses, resident attendants and support service workers, have been negotiating a contract since 2016, seeking higher wages.

In early March, workers voted 90 per cent in favour of a strike, but on April 26, the Court of Appeal stayed a labour board decision that would have allowed the workers to walk off the job.

The three-justice panel ruled there will be no strike until a judicial review of the labour board decision is completed or until further orders from the Court of Queen's Bench. A judicial review is set to begin on May 24 in Moncton.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Stanton Friedman, famed UFO researcher, dead at 84


Stanton Friedman, famed UFO researcher, dead at 84

Friedman credited with bringing Roswell Incident to mainstream conversation

Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist devoted to uncovering what he could about alien life, has died. He was 84. (Submitted/Melissa Friedman)

Stanton Friedman, the famed UFO researcher based in Fredericton, has died.

Friedman was returning from a speaking engagement in Columbus, Ohio, when he died suddenly at the Toronto Pearson Airport on Monday night, according to his family.

He was 84.

A nuclear physicist by training, Friedman had devoted his life to researching and investigating UFOs since the late 1960s.

He was credited with bringing the 1947 Roswell Incident — the famous incident that gave rise to theories about UFOs and a U.S. military coverup — back into the mainstream conversation.
Friedman "officially" retired last year but still booked speaking engagements "because he loved talking about UFOs," said his daughter, Melissa Friedman, who works for CBC News.

"Dad was curious about anything he didn't know about. He was always asking questions about how things worked.

Stanton Friedman, second from right, posing for a photo with his wife Marilyn, far right, his daughter Melissa Friedman and her husband David Parsons. (Submitted/Melissa Friedman)
"I think it's rare for someone to stay so engaged and curious and open-minded for a life that's that long."

She remembered her father as encouraging, proud and caring and said she was fortunate to have one last visit a week ago in Nova Scotia.

'He did his homework'

Friedman was an accomplished writer, publishing dozens of papers about UFOs and writing or co-writing several books. Three of those books were written in tandem with Kathleen Marden.

"He will be greatly missed," Marden, a UFO researcher, said in an interview from Florida.

Stanton Friedman, a leading authority on UFOs, is pictured taking part in a parade in McMinnville, Ore., in 2013. (CBC)
His qualifications, intelligence and diligence made him irreplaceable in the research field, she said.
"He did his homework," Marden said.

"He went further than most researchers in that he did on-site investigations. He went to actual physical archives to do his research. He was an outstanding researcher, highly intelligent and had a great sense of humour."

He was also a familiar face in documentaries, radio and television, including multiple appearances on Larry King Live, and lectured about UFOs for hundreds of colleges and professional groups across the United States, Canada and many other countries.

Friedman was also inducted into the UFO Hall of Fame in Roswell, N.M.

Stanton Friedman is survived by his wife of 44 years, Marilyn. (Submitted/Melissa Friedman)
Marden said he remained firm in his conviction that aliens exist and have visited our planet because he had "more than ample evidence."

"He doubted everything until he had the evidence," she said. "He was skeptical himself.

"Once he had the evidence and it was not just speculation — it was confirmatory evidence — he went with it."

'Trying to lift the laughter curtain'

In a 2011 interview with CBC News, Friedman said most people agree with him once they hear the evidence.

"Despite the false claims of a small group of nasty, noisy negativists, most people accept ET reality even though they think most others don't," he said.

"I check my audiences and find at the end of my lecture that about 10 per cent of the attendees have had a sighting. But 90 per cent didn't report it because of a fear of ridicule.

"I am trying to lift the laughter curtain."
His work was celebrated in New Brunswick, and the City of Fredericton declared Aug. 27, 2007, Stanton Friedman Day.

Friedman, who was born in New Jersey and had dual citizenship, lived in Fredericton with his wife of 44 years, Marilyn, mother to Melissa Friedman. He also had three children from a previous marriage.

Funeral arrangements have yet to be made.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


David Amos
Whether you agreed with Stanton Friedman or not his opinions on UFOS etc added to the spice of life. When we talked he was always a gentleman even when we disagreed in our opinions of CBC. May he rest in peace  



Canadian has devoted life to proving existence of alien life

Canada's foremost ET hunter says 'We are not alone'

Stanton Friedman, who is from New Brunswick, is recognized around the world as one of the leading authorities on UFOs and aliens. Here he takes part in a parade in McMinnville, Oregon. 
Canadian Stanton Friedman is a superstar in the UFO world, a man who can walk into a conference about aliens and be recognized the way that golf fans recognize Tiger Woods prowling the fairways of the Masters.

Roswell, Area 51, UFOs, aliens — the New Brunswick resident can cite fine details about each.
A nuclear physicist by training, Friedman keeps busy writing books, doing interviews and attending numerous conferences (he's lectured in 18 countries so far), as well as appearing in documentaries, all geared to one of the great mysteries of the human experience: do aliens exist and have they visited Earth?

Friedman will quickly tell you they have, and he will quickly tell you it is being covered up on a grand scale. Doubters beware: he will also tell you he has not lost a debate yet about the existence of extraterrestrial life.


The bio

  • A nuclear physicist who lives in Fredericton.
  • Became interested in UFOs in 1958.
  • Has published more than 90 UFO papers and appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including Larry King Live.
  • Credited with bringing 1947 Roswell, N.M., incident back to forefront in the 1970s.
  • Has provided written testimony to U.S. congressional hearings, appeared twice at the UN.
  • Inducted into Roswell's UFO Hall of Fame for his long-term investigative efforts.
"I have had only 11 hecklers of whom two were drunk. In addition, I have appeared on hundreds of TV and radio shows, been involved in five books, numerous documentaries and won several debates, and lost none," Friedman responded in an emailed answer to questions from CBCNews.ca.

One of the main lecturers this year at the annual UFO conference in Roswell, which starts July 1, he clearly doesn't shrink from defending his great quest, more than 40 years in the making, as you can see in this interview with CBCNews.ca.

Do you remember the moment, or moments, that you looked at the skies and thought, 'There's life out there?' 

There were no epiphany moment. I read a lot of science-fiction stories when I was young and pretty much assumed there was other life out there. I read my first serious book, The Report On UFOs by air force captain Edward J. Ruppelt, former head of United States Air Force project Blue Book, in 1958.

I was a 24-year-old nuclear physicist working at the General Electric Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Department in Cincinnati. The USAF was co-sponsor with the Atomic Energy Commission and we spent $100 million that year and employed 3,500 people of which 1,100 were engineers or scientists.

In the next three years I read about a dozen other books, some of which were trash.

Then, to my surprise, in about 1961, at the library of the University of California, Berkeley, I found a copy of a privately published version of the largest study ever done for the U.S. government — Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14.

It hadn't been mentioned in any of the books I had read and had over 200 charts, tables, graphs and maps about the more than 3,200 UFO cases studied.

Most astonishing was the widely distributed press release of Oct. 25, 1955, in which the secretary of the air force, Donald Quarles, flat out lied when he said: "Even the unknown three per cent could have been identified as conventional phenomena or illusions if more complete observational data had been available."

In reality, 21.5 per cent of the cases couldn't be explained, completely separate from the 9.3 per cent listed as "insufficient Information." Thus began my crusade in the early 1960s.

How do people react to you in a social setting when they find out what you do?


The big events, places

Roswell, N.M.:

In 1947, something crashed in the desert. The U.S. military said it was a surveillance balloon, but there are many others who believe that what crashed was an alien spacecraft. The Roswell Army Air Field issued a press release saying a flying disc had been recovered near a ranch. They later said it was a balloon.

Area 51:

A remote military base in Nevada where some believe technology from alien ships is being tested, and where aliens have been held for testing. The U.S. military confirms the location of Area 51 but will say nothing more about it.
No, I don't get taken to be a nut. Many people have seen me on TV and heard me on radio. Some have even read one of my books. Most people agree with me once they hear the evidence.

Fewer than two per cent have read any of the five large-scale scientific studies on which I focus. I raise the objections of the debunkers and then demolish them. It is a complete myth that most people, especially professionals, think the subject is nonsense.

I have spoken to many professional groups. There is an entire chapter in my 2008 book Flying Saucers and Science about the actual opinion poll results.

Despite the false claims of a small group of nasty, noisy negativists, most people accept ET reality even though they think most others don't. I check my audiences and find at the end of my lecture that about 10 per cent of the attendees have had a sighting. But 90 per cent didn't report it because of a fear of ridicule.

I am trying to lift the laughter curtain.

What will happen to the Earth when we discover for certain that aliens exist? And will the aliens be friendly or will they do harm to us?

I have no idea how the world will respond. I believe it will depend entirely on how the information is presented.

Cars coming from the A27 highway take the Houten exit and ride their vehicles around a UFO landing pad on the outskirts of Houten, central Netherlands. (Reuters)
If we are told the visitors are evil and plan to destroy us, that would give a very different reaction from what would happen if we find out they are here primarily to make sure that we don't go out there until we learn to behave in a civilized fashion.

Clearly, from an alien viewpoint, we are a primitive society whose major activity is tribal warfare. In the Second World War, we earthlings killed 50 million of our own kind and destroyed 1,700 cities. This year we will spend $1 trillion on things military, while more than 25,000 children die needlessly of preventable disease or starvation every day.

Roswell, Area 51 and other U.S. locations play a big role in what you and others are investigating. Are there any Canadian connections to the UFO mystery?

I am the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident and will once again be there in early July for the annual festival.

Area 51 is not a primary focus at all despite a new book with an outlandish explanation for Roswell. [The book suggests the Russians were behind UFO sightings.]

There is real evidence from all over the world including more than 4,000 physical trace cases from more than 70 countries. The Mutual UFO Network receives more than 300 reports per month.

Some interesting (Canadian) cases include the Shag Harbor, N.S., crash, in October 1967. I will be there in early August for their conference. The Stephen Michalak case of Falcon Lake, Man., was an excellent case. Chris Rutkowski of Winnipeg collects reports from all over the country.
Seek and ye shall find.

When people doubt that there are aliens and doubt they have visited here, what do they say is needed to convince them?

There aren't many doubters. The four primary rules for the debunkers are: (A) Don't bother me with the facts, my mind is made up. (B) What the public doesn't know, I won't tell them. (C) If one can't attack the data, attack the people. (D) Do one's research by proclamation, because investigation is too much trouble. All together the attitude is to put down what one is not up on.

I deal with such silly objections as governments can't keep secrets, or one can't get here from there in Flying Saucers and Science and also in Science Was Wrong, co-authored by Kathleen Marden. We also wrote Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. Marden is Betty's niece. Again, the skeptics haven't done their homework. Their disbelief is primarily a result of ignorance of the evidence.

There are some who insist that religion teaches there are no aliens. I refer them to Dr. Barry Downing's excellent book The Bible and Flying Saucers.

It seems more people believe these days that life is out there in the stars. Are they getting sucked in by the hype of popular  movies or is it something more?

I think most people have come to realize that we live in an enormous universe, which is not only huge but billions of years old and there seems to be nothing special about Earth that would lead us to believe our situation is unique.

It is easy to forget that it was less than 90 years ago that we realized that there is more than one galaxy. It is less than 20 years since we discovered many exoplanets.

The Kepler spacecraft in just a short part of its life seems to have found more than 1,200 exoplanets in a relatively tiny portion of the heavens. Many more will follow. We didn't realize until less than 75 years ago that nuclear fusion provides 10 million times as much energy per reaction as does chemical combustion. I worked on a study of fusion rockets.

We are slowly beginning to realize that technological progress comes from doing things differently in an unpredictable way and the future is not an extrapolation of the past.

Until Copernicus, we thought we were at the centre of the universe and all the heavenly bodies including the sun revolved around the Earth. Now we know the sun isn't in the centre either, and we are clearly not the big shots we would like to think we are.

People aren't being sucked in by science fiction, but a growing awareness of our relative unimportance in the larger scheme of things.

Some say the world will change more than we can understand if aliens reveal themselves to us. Do you think this is true? How might things change?

Again I can't predict how people will react since it will depend upon how information about alien reality is presented and what facts are given.

It is easy to forget that from the viewpoint of many governments of alien visitation, there is a strong national security concern. Namely how can we duplicate the alien technology for military benefit and not permit our "enemies" to know what we have learned.

I talk about this in my paper to be presented at the 42nd annual Mutual UFO Network symposium in Irvine, Calif., on July 31.
It is time for a wake-up call. We are not alone.
The biggest problem is with nationalism. No government wants its citizens to owe their allegiance to the planet instead of that individual government.

People in power want to stay in power. Governments have a past history of often not taking courageous steps for the benefit of their people, but rather looking out for themselves first. The wave of unrest in the Middle East suggests some things are changing and more freedom is being sought.

One more thing that certainly needs to change is for the press to do its job and dig out the facts. One of a dozen PhD theses about UFOs (By Dr. Herbert Strentz) has some strong comments to make about the inadequacy of the press efforts. For example, how could the New York Times blindly accept the crazy notion that crash test dummies dropped in New Mexico were the explanation for bodies supposedly seen in Roswell in 1947.

In fact, none were dropped until at least six years later and all were the size and weight of pilots (175 pounds and six feet tall) and were in pilot uniforms. Witnesses talked of short skinny guys with big heads. Hardly the same thing.

It is time for a wake-up call. We are not alone.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


UFOlogist getting hometown honour for alien pursuits

Stanton Friedman, who has spent years speaking about lifein other worlds, will get some hometown recognition Monday.

The City of Fredericton, where Friedmanmaintains his home base,has declared Monday as Stanton Friedman Day.

Friedman, a nuclear physicist, is considered one of the world's leading experts on aliens and UFOs,and has spent much of his life travelling the world, giving lectures on so-called "alien visitations."

According to his biography on his website, since 1967 he has lectured on the topic "Flying Saucers ARE Real!" at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in 50 states,nine provinces and16 other countries.

He has published more than 80 UFO papers, and appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs.
Friedman believes some UFOs are alien spacecraft, and the subject of flying saucers has been covered up by the government, representing a "Cosmic Watergate."

Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside said Friedman is being honoured not only because of his tireless efforts in spreading the word about UFOs, but also because of his enthusiastic promotion of the city.
"Stanton has lived here for 27 years," Woodside said.

"He's not only a nuclear physicist, but also a world-renowned UFOlogist. In just the past few months, he has appeared on Larry King Live, Fox NewsLive, and he appeared on CBS Sunday Morning. He could live anywhere in the world but he has chosen to live in Fredericton.…We believe it is worth celebrating his celebrity."
With files from the Canadian Press
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Polls close in Newfoundland and Labrador


Replying to and 47 others
YO This comment is in Richard Dekkar's most like thread Methinks everybody knows I have no respect for the liberals whatsoever but I still predict they will win another mandate much to your chagrin N'esy Pas?



Polls close in Newfoundland and Labrador


Richard Dekkar
I have every faith that the good people of Newfoundland and Labrador will make the right decision and toss their Liberals today.

George Bayley 
Reply to @Richard Dekkar: in favour of who, parasite number 1, 2 or 3 ?

Steve Dueck 
Reply to @Richard Dekkar: but we don't want the cons either...it's the lesser of two evils

David Amos
Reply to @Richard Dekkar: Its 10 minutes before its all over but the crying time.

Methinks everybody knows I have no respect for the liberals whatsoever but I still predict they will win another mandate much to your chagrin N'esy Pas?

John Reid
Reply to @Richard Dekkar: It will happen! I have foreseen it!

Praise kek!

David Amos 
Reply to @John Reid: Its 30 minutes past curtain time and the tally is 24 Liberals to 13 Conservatives 2 Ind and 1 NDP Ches is only 16 votes ahead in his riding 

David Amos
Reply to @Richard Dekkar: Well its all over but the crying now

Polls close in Newfoundland and Labrador

Voters deciding whether Liberals have a 2nd term


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Newfoundland and Labrador voters cast ballots in the general election 0:00

Polls are closed and the people of Newfoundland and Labrador are waiting to see their next provincial government.In what has been billed as anybody's race, the Progressive Conservatives are seeking to end the reign of the Liberals under Dwight Ball.

If successful, it would be the first time the province has ousted a government after one term.

The PCs are led by Ches Crosbie, a lawyer who entered provincial politics slightly more than a year ago.
New Democrat Alison Coffin, who won her party's leadership uncontested in March, and NL Alliance Leader Graydon Pelley, who formed his party just a month before the election was called, are also on the ballot for their first elections.
There are a number of districts where the races will be interesting to watch, including two popular independents — and former Liberals — running as incumbents.

By early evening, Ball and his team of Liberal contenders were set up at the Greenwood Inn and Suites in Corner Brook, a short drive from his hometown of Deer Lake, and prepared for a party.

Before polls closed, the room was mostly empty aside from media and some party volunteers.

 View image on Twitter
So. Was very intrigued by these balloons. Turns out they did it this way because there’s a helium shortage. They’re not planning to drop the balloons/giant net and trap the unsuspecting crowd underneath.

Ball, who cast his ballot in his district of Humber–Gros Morne on Thursday morning, said he feels great and asked for the support of voters to continue his work in government

"Everyone recognizes the challenges that we've faced, and this campaign has been about a lot of that," he said.

"But [Newfoundland and Labrador] is a better place today, it's a better province today with a brighter future because of what we've been doing in the last three and half years."

Liberal Leader Dwight Ball casts his vote in Deer Lake on Thursday. (CBC)

Ball said that the province's political landscape has changed in that time, and that he was happy with how the Liberals ran their campaign.

"In reflecting on this campaign, however, there's been probably some of the dirtiest politics I've ever seen," he said.

"We've ran a good, clean campaign with a great, experienced team. People have a choice today."

Crosbie staying as leader 

Meanwhile, the PCs are posted up in a small conference room at the Holiday Inn Express in St. John's.
Crosbie told reporters earlier in the day he had prepared two speeches — one for a victory, and one in the event of a loss.

Progressive Conservative Leader Ches Crosbie speaks with reporters after casting his ballot. (Mark Quinn/CBC)

After casting his ballot this morning, he said he was happy with his party's campaign, and was indignant when asked if he would stay on as leader even if the party failed to form the government.

"Absolutely," he told reporters. "This is not a short-term gig. I promised to rebuild the party and bring the party into power. That is what I will do."

View image on Twitter
.@CBCNL is live at the PC watch party. @GarrettBarry will bringing you updates all night long from the Holiday Inn Express in St. John’s

The NDP set up its headquarters at the Benevolent Irish Society in St. John's, where Coffin is expected to speak later Thursday night.

The party is only running 14 candidates after fractures inside the NDP left them scrambling for a leader in the weeks before the campaign launched.

In the 2015 election, the NDP ran candidates in all 40 districts provincewide.

Helen Walsh cast a ballot at St. Pius X Parish in St. John's. (Lukas Wall/CBC)

As the polls opened in the morning, a number of voters turned out at St. Pius X Parish in St. John's East-Quidi Vidi.

Helen Walsh said it was tough to pick a candidate.

"They're all much the same to me, and you don't know who to believe," she said.

"[I'm] kind of saying eeny, meeny, miny, moe."

Kelly Davis says the provincial election was called too quickly. (Lukas Wall/CBC)
Kelly Davis voted in the district of Mount Scio. She said she was "not impressed" with Ball's mid-April election call and felt it was unfair to both voters and candidates.

"It just feels kind of sneaky to me, to be honest. I'm usually very optimistic and I'm a concerned citizen. This time I just feel apathetic and under-informed about the election," she said.

"I feel a bit duped, you know? I just feel like it was sprung [on voters]."
Davis said the election came so quickly that she wasn't able to get to know her candidates or study the platforms.

"I feel like I'm kind of going in and voting quite blindly."

In Corner Brook, Pansy Caines said she only voted on principle — not because any party's campaigning caught her interest.

"I didn't see anybody; nobody came to the door. I had one little poster in my mailbox," she said. "[But] you've got no right to speak if you don't have a vote."

In Happy Valley–Goose Bay, Karen Best marked her vote with the intention of shifting the status quo.

She said violence against women and Indigenous land issues were her two biggest priorities, and she didn't feel the previous Liberal government had done enough to rectify them.

"We're in dire need of change," she said. "Absolutely."

Amazing feeling

Odily Onyia became a Canadian citizen last year and said it felt amazing to cast his vote in Canada for the first time.

Onyia said voting is much different in this province than where he grew up in Nigeria, and he's glad to know that his vote will make a difference.

"It seemed that [a] vote doesn't count because of a lot of corruption. Sometimes people lose their life in polling booths or go to cast votes and come home [after going] through hospital, it's quite disencouraging," he said.

"But look at it here, no police, no military, nobody hanging around."

Onyia encouraged people in Newfoundland and Labrador to cast their vote as well, saying it makes a difference.

Karen Best cast a vote for change on Thursday in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. (Jacob Barker/CBC)

Back in the November 2015 election, the total number of votes cast was 200,834 with a voter turnout of 55.3 per cent.

Elections Newfoundland and Labrador opened polling stations at 8 a.m. NT, giving people 12 hours to mark their ballots.

CBC Newfoundland and Labrador will have live coverage on all platforms tonight.

Here & Now starts at 6 p.m. NT on TV, on CBCNews.ca and YouTube, and will continue into the evening with extended, live election coverage. The election special will also be on radio.

Online streaming on Facebook started at 7 p.m. NT.

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Follow our editorial team for complete coverage of Newfoundland and Labrador's election. Click here for a mobile version. 

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Jackie Vautour's fight for Indigenous rights continues



Supreme Court refuses to hear New Brunswick illegal fishing appeal

Jackie Vautour's fight for Indigenous rights continues with class-action over Kouchibouguac expropriation

Jackie Vautour, pictured here with his wife Yvonne, is disappointed by the Supreme Court's decision not to hear his illegal fishing appeal, but remains resolved about the class-action lawsuit, his lawyer said. (Amélie Gosselin/Radio-Canada)

The Supreme Court of Canada has refused to hear the appeal of a New Brunswick man and his son, convicted of illegally harvesting clams in Kouchibouguac National Park nearly 20 years ago — but Jackie Vautour's legal fight for Indigenous rights is far from over, says his lawyer.
"It's unfortunate. However, the struggle continues and we will redouble our efforts in the [class-action lawsuit] we have in the [New Brunswick] Court of Queen's Bench, which deals with Aboriginal title," and the expropriation of Kouchibouguac National Park, said Michael Swinwood.
On Thursday, Canada's top court dismissed the application by Vautour and his son Roy for leave to appeal, bringing an end to their criminal proceedings.

The case began in 1998 when they were charged for contravening the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations and the Canada National Parks Act.
As is customary, the Supreme Court gave no reasons for its decision.
The Vautours, who admitted harvesting the clams in the park but argued they are of Métis descent and had a constitutional right to do so, are disappointed but not deterred, said Swinwood.
"It's not the end, it's just really the beginning for us because we have this parallel case and it is a little bit more deep and profound than the fishing charge and so that's what we have to go forward with."
Vautour, who is in his late 80s, is one of the lead plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit against the federal and provincial governments over the expropriation of land in 1969-70 to create Kouchibouguac National Park in Kent County.

Michael Swinwood expects the class-action lawsuit over the expropriation of Kouchibouguac National Park will be heard by the New Brunswick Court of Appeal within the next year. (Micki Cowan/CBC)
An estimated 1,200 people of Mi'kmaq and Métis Acadian origin saw their homes bulldozed to the ground, as 10 Acadian villages were destroyed to create the park, north of Moncton.
Vautour still lives in the park with his wife and and continues to fight for the right to live off the land.
The class-action, which involves 110 families, is "extremely important," according to Swinwood, because it is the first title case for Indigenous people in New Brunswick.
He anticipates it will be heard within the next year and feels confident.
Although the Vautours were convicted after the provincial court ruled they failed to establish the presence of a historic Métis community in the area, Swinwood will argue that requirement is "an absurdity," given what he described as "acts of genocide."
The expulsion of the Acadians in 1755, also known as the Great Upheaval, "was in fact a complete destruction of community and there was fear thereafter to establish oneself within the territory, although this was their traditional territory," he said.
"And I say the expropriation that occurred in 1969 was just a repetition of the grand dérangement."
Vautour was given an absolute discharge for the illegal fishing charge. His son was fined $800.
The New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench dismissed their appeal in 2015 and the Court of Appeal of New Brunswick refused to hear their appeal in 2017, prompting the application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.
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John Bolton, the Saudis and the hawkish forces pushing the White House toward a war with Iran


Replying to and 48 others
Methinks the stupidity of Trump and all the other leaders truly astounds many people blessed with a conscience, a sense of honour and a little common sense N'esy Pas? 



John Bolton, the Saudis and the hawkish forces pushing the White House toward a war with Iran

Commenting is now closed for this story.

John Sollows
The clerics pulling strings in Iran are no angels, but the U.S. is the bad guy in this tale. ALL American allies should unite and nix the direction the Trumpists are taking.

David Amos
Reply to @John Sollows: At the risk of being redundant I will quote then respond

"We're talking about somebody who makes Dick Cheney look like Mother Teresa."

Bolton holds sway, too. Under his counsel, Trump reneged on his promise to withdraw troops from Syria. Although Trump objected to regime change in Venezuela, he heeded Bolton's advice to push for an uprising to oust dictator Nicolas Maduro. When that uprising failed, a peculiar thing happened: The president told reporters he needed to rein in his national security adviser.

"He has strong views on things, which is OK," Trump said of Bolton. "I'm the one who tempers him."


Allan Campbell
Canada needs to distance itself from the u.s. madness. 

David Amos
Reply to @Allan Campbell: YUP

Jack Richards
15 of the 19 Sept 11th hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

Lorraine Karuse
Reply to @David Allan: Check PBS Frontline series - Who created ISIS - the shia getting upper hand after US destroyed the Sunni stronghold and leaving

David Amos  
Reply to @lorraine karuse: FYI obviously I crossed paths bigtime with the PBS Frontline dudes in Beantown before I ran in the election of the 38th Parliament enjoy


Jeremy Kemp
Iran has done nothing to deserve being attacked by The US, The rest of the world had better get involved and get the US off the ledge. 

David Amos 
Reply to @Jeremy Kemp: I have been doing my best since 2001


James Rockford - ( Spaceman )
The U.S. is the most warring nation on earth. Of it's 239 years in existence, it's been in a war 222 of those years.

John Oaktree
Reply to @James Rockford - ( Spaceman ):

War is what makes the US economy run.

James Rockford - ( Spaceman ) 
Reply to @John Oaktree:

Only because industry runs the White House.
David Amos   
Reply to @John Oaktree: "War is what makes the US economy run"

David Amos 
Reply to @James Rockford - ( Spaceman ): "Only because industry runs the White House. "


Richard Dunphy
When Trump comes across as the voice of reason, you just know there is something bizarre going on.

David Amos  
Reply to @Richard Dunphy: I concur

Gerry Podbielski
"Netanyahu has claimed credit for convincing Trump to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal."

Indeed, through powerful lobby groups like AIPAC, Israel is running the show in the US.

David Amos  
Reply to @Gerry Podbielski: "Indeed, through powerful lobby groups like AIPAC, Israel is running the show in the US."

Everybody knows that

Stan Smith
The world is getting sick of the US going around the world and attacking and destroying relatively defenceless countries. No one, including Canada, should trust them anymore.

David Amos  
Reply to @Stan Smith: "No one, including Canada, should trust them anymore."

Methinks everybody knows why my Loyalist ancestors never did N'esy Pas?

Matt Evans
I'm getting tired of being best friends with the world's biggest bully 

David Amos
Reply to @Matt Evans: Me Too

Robert Borden
Bolton knows Trump only believes in one side "winning", so he's doing everything possible to force a situation where Trump will have to take action, or at least force Iran to do something first.

With this lot in charge, not much good can come from what they are doing. 

David Amos
Reply to @Robert Borden: It don't look good. Methinks the stupidity of Trump and all the other leaders truly astounds many people blessed with a conscience, a sense of honour and a little common sense N'esy Pas? 

John Bolton, the Saudis and the hawkish forces pushing the White House toward a war with Iran

Bolton, the president's national security adviser, once endorsed a plan to 'bomb Iran'

U.S. national security adviser John Bolton, left, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, right, are considered key influencers of U.S. President Donald Trump, centre. Bolton is known for his aggression toward Iran, as are Sunni states such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. (Reuters)

Asked by a reporter on Thursday if the U.S. would go to war with Iran, President Donald Trump, a leader whose aggressive bluster sometimes belies his more isolationist impulses, answered simply: "I hope not."

It was a less-than-reassuring response amid intensifying tensions.

This week, the U.S. dispatched an aircraft carrier and several B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf. The U.S. is reportedly drawing up plans to deploy 120,000 troops to the Middle East in the event that Iran attacks American forces in Iraq. The New York Times reports that intelligence officials have declassified a photo of a purported Iranian missile on a boat in the Persian Gulf.

In another ominous development, the U.S. State Department this week ordered all non-emergency staff out of Baghdad, a move interpreted by analysts as a precaution ahead of possible fighting in the region.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, centre, and Bolton form part of what Iran specialist Trita Parsi calls Trump's 'war cabinet' on Iran. (Evan Vucci/Associated Press)

How this fragile situation came to pass, Iran specialists say, is tied to the motivations of bellicose actors in the White House, as well as Mideast powers that cheered on the U.S. exit from the Iran nuclear deal last year.

If not for Trump withdrawing from the nuclear pact; if not for U.S. national security adviser John Bolton's hawkish position toward Tehran; and if not for Sunni states and Israel wielding influence with this administration, the U.S. might not be in this crisis, they say.

The region is becoming a tinderbox, with the risk of miscalculation — a patrol boat firing a warning shot that accidentally kills an American, for example — potentially igniting a full-blown war.

Trita Parsi, the founder of the Washington, D.C.-based National Iranian American Council, a non-profit representing the Iranian-American community, laments what he sees as "manufactured" peril of the White House's own making.

Bolton, shown listening to Trump, has espoused hawkish views on Iran for years. He was also one of the architects of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)

"This is an unnecessary crisis," Parsi said of the U.S. now seemingly moving toward the brink of possible armed conflict, despite Iran's continued compliance in curbing its nuclear activity in exchange for sanctions relief from other countries.

"This conflict is only here because John Bolton wants this conflict."

'Makes Dick Cheney look like Mother Teresa'

Bolton has a long history of displaying hawkish tendencies. He has endorsed regime change in Iran, calling for "the overthrow of the mullahs' regime" in a July 2017 address to the Mujahedin-e Khalq, a militant group that advocates achieving that end through violence.

He championed the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the disastrous aftermath of which continues to this day.
He also pushed for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea, laying out his case in a 2018 Wall Street Journal op-ed that warned that the U.S. "should not wait until the very last minute" for North Korea to obtain a nuclear weapon.
Before his appointment as Trump's chief adviser on national security, Bolton authored a 2015 op-ed in The New York Times articulating his solution for preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb: "Bomb Iran."

Bolton served with Vice-President Dick Cheney in George W. Bush's administration in the aughts. If Cheney was known for his "hard-line" influence over Bush while pushing the Iraq War and defending waterboarding interrogation techniques, then Bolton was a hard-liner among hard-liners, Parsi said.

"We're talking about somebody who makes Dick Cheney look like Mother Teresa."

Bolton holds sway, too. Under his counsel, Trump reneged on his promise to withdraw troops from Syria. Although Trump objected to regime change in Venezuela, he heeded Bolton's advice to push for an uprising to oust dictator Nicolas Maduro. When that uprising failed, a peculiar thing happened: The president told reporters he needed to rein in his national security adviser.

"He has strong views on things, which is OK," Trump said of Bolton. "I'm the one who tempers him."

Trump meets with Mohammed bin Salman in the Oval Office. The Saudis and Trump have enjoyed close ties. (Evan Vucci/Associated Press)
While Trump has long criticized Iran and campaigned for president on a promise to leave the Iran nuclear deal, his opposition to the Islamic republic has veered toward more militaristic measures since Bolton's appointment last year, said retired army lieutenant-colonel Danny Davis, a fellow with the Defense Priorities think-tank in Washington.

Trump's policy of "maximum pressure" has escalated to the point where Iran is now in a chokehold. The U.S. aims to stop Iran's exports of oil to other nations, threatening penalties for Iran's customers. Applying such pressure without offering a release valve could cause the Iranians to lash out in a way that could spark a war, Davis said.

"If you push somebody into a corner, then push them into a cage, then into a corner of that cage, they'll eventually come to a decision of letting themselves be crushed, or using the military power they have," Davis warned.

The prospect of cutting off oil exports would be tantamount to "an act of war," said Barbara Slavin, director of the Future of Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council, a geopolitical think-tank in D.C.

"We're really at a very dangerous moment now," she said. "I call that cruel and counterproductive. Many of us are scratching our heads because I don't think there's any real strategy behind it."

A giant election billboard shows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump shaking hands. Netanyahu has claimed credit for convincing Trump to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. (Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images)

If there is a plan, she said, it might be a bid by Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to see their regime-change dreams come true by inflicting so much misery on the Iranian people that economically starved resisters rise up and topple their rulers.

"That's delusional," Slavin said.

Speaking in Moscow this week, Pompeo said the U.S. is not seeking war with Iran.

Influential allies

But Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Sunni states with historical enmity for Iran's Shia Muslim-majority population, are engaged in a proxy war with Iran. Both countries have pushed the U.S. to take a more aggressive stance against Iran.

The Saudis and Emiratis have been close regional allies for the Trump administration, with the White House showing deference to the Saudis by siding with the kingdom on the Qatar blockade, and offering a tame response to the slaying of a Washington Post journalist by assailants believed to have taken orders from the Saudi crown prince.

"And let's not leave out Israel," Slavin said. The Jewish state wants the Iranian government contained and to have less money to fund groups like Hezbollah, which the U.S. classifies as a terrorist organization.

A damaged Andrea Victory ship is seen near the Port of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates on May 13. The U.S. blamed Iran for sabotaging oil tankers, a claim that Iran has denied. (Satish Kumar/Reuters)

This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told an event in Jerusalem that Israel had enjoyed renewed relations with Arab neighbours because "we are united in our desire to stop Iranian aggression."

Last year, Netanyahu claimed credit for ending U.S. participation in the Iran nuclear deal, boasting: "We convinced the U.S. president [to exit the deal] and I had to stand up against the whole world and come out against this agreement."

Slavin was not surprised to hear analysts like Davis and Parsi speculate that alleged Iranian attacks on four oil tankers— among them Saudi and Emirati vessels — might be "false flag" incidents staged to incite war.

"I think there are various parties interested in fomenting a war and creating an incident that can be blamed on Iran," Slavin said. "But there are a lot of hotheads in Iran, too. And they're very angry with what the Trump administration has done."

Iran denied responsibility for the attacks.
Meanwhile, a top British general's assessment that there has been no threat increase from Iran in the region drew rebuke from the Pentagon, a rare statement of disagreement from a fellow member of the Five Eyes nations that supposedly share intelligence information.

Such discrepancies have roused questions about whether the administration's intelligence on Iran should be trusted, reviving echoes of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a conflict cheered on by Bolton and justified using false or overstated evidence of Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction.

With discrepancies on intelligence arising once again, this time with Iran, Parsi warned against history repeating itself.

"We should be skeptical," he said. "Bolton has blatantly lied before."

About the Author

Matt Kwong
Matt Kwong is a Washington-based correspondent for CBC News. He previously reported for CBC News as an online journalist in New York and Toronto. You can follow him on Twitter at: @matt_kwong
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Canada, U.S. reach deal to lift steel and aluminum tariffs within 2 days


Replying to and 48 others
Travis Ladwin: " If your political affiliation dictates your patriotism then you need to re-evaluate your decisions."

Well Put Sir 



Canada, U.S. reach deal to lift steel and aluminum tariffs within 2 days


Travis Ladwin
Amazing how many people here want to see Canada fail just because of their disdain for the current leadership. If your political affiliation dictates your patriotism then you need to re-evaluate your decisions. 

David Amos
Reply to @Travis Ladwin: " If your political affiliation dictates your patriotism then you need to re-evaluate your decisions."

Well Put Sir

Canada, U.S. reach deal to lift steel and aluminum tariffs within 2 days

Deal applies to the tariffs the U.S. imposed last June by citing national security concerns

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces Canada and the U.S. have agreed to remove their steel and aluminum tariffs during a stop on May 17, 2019 at the Stelco plant in Hamilton, Ont. (Samantha Craggs/CBC)

The nearly year-long tariff war between Canada and the U.S. is almost over.

The Canadian government released a statement Friday saying the two sides have agreed to eliminate the tariffs within two days.

"This is pure good news," said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a stop at the Stelco plant in Hamilton, Ont.

The deal applies to the tariffs the U.S. imposed last June by citing national security — 25 per cent on imports of steel and 10 per cent on aluminum — as well as Canada's retaliatory tariffs on steel, aluminum and as other consumer products.

Canada has long argued last summer's tariffs were illegal. As part of the deal, the Trudeau government has agreed to end its legal challenge against the U.S at the World Trade Organization on the section 232 tariffs.
The deal also includes:
  • A monitoring system to watch out for any potential surges in the metals markets.
  • A commitment to stop the importation of aluminum and steel that is unfairly subsidized or sold at 'dumped' prices.
  • A promise to prevent the transshipment of aluminum and steel made outside of Canada or the United States to either country.
It makes no mention of quotas, an American proposal the Canadian side fought against.

"We stayed strong because that's what workers were asking for, but also that's what Canadians were saying," said Trudeau.

Trudeau spoke to U.S. President Donald Trump earlier today, their third conversation this week. The Prime Minister's Office said the pair discussed the tariff issue.

Last June, the U.S. Department of Commerce slapped tariffs of 25 per cent on imports of steel and 10 per cent on aluminum, citing national security interests. Canada, Mexico and a number of other countries were affected. (Tara Walton/Canadian Press)

Trump was looking for a win: source

The tariffs have disrupted supply chains and added extra costs for consumers and businesses across a wide range of industries on both sides of the border, and were becoming a barrier to ratifying the new North American free trade pact.

Watch: Trudeau on U.S. lifting of steel and aluminum tariffs

Politics News
Trudeau on US lifting of steel and aluminum tarifs
 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke to reporters at the Stelco steel works in Hamilton Friday afternoon 1:58
A senior source with direct knowledge of the negotiations said the Canadian side had been quietly insisting that Canada wasn't going to ratify that deal until the tariffs were lifted. The source added that President Trump is looking for a trade win, given escalating tension with China.

Trudeau had been using his phone calls with Trump to point out that Canada poses no credible national security risk to the United States, said the source.

Trudeau said Friday's agreement followed a series of conversations between Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland,  Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Canadian and American negotiators.
"There was no one breakthrough moment ... Lots of conversations with the president over the past week and an understanding as well that these tariffs were harming workers and consumers on both sides of the border," he said in Hamilton.

"As we look at moving forward with the new NAFTA, it didn't make a lot of sense to continue to have tariffs on steel and aluminum between our countries. That's where we got to."

Mexico's chief North American trade negotiator, Jesus Seade — who said on Wednesday the U.S. and Mexico were close to a deal and were waiting on Canada — tweeted Friday that the deal followed bilateral talks between Mexico and the U.S.

This is the result of hard work between U.S. and Mexico to strengthen the bilateral relationship in favor of free trade and the economic integration of the region. We are delighted Canada joined and was able to make an agreement with the US. https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2019/may/united-states-announces-deal-canada-and 

However, a source with knowledge of the talks said Canada and the U.S. negotiated the list of products that would be monitored and the mechanisms to investigate dumping — key U.S. concerns that will also apply to Mexico.

The source told CBC News that Mexico had been ready to sign on to a deal earlier in the week before those specifics were hammered out.

Industry reacts 

Jean Simard, spokesperson for the Aluminum Association of Canada, said the deal comes as a relief for workers in both countries.

"We think it's a great victory for Canada, for the industry and the North American industry as a whole," he said.

"It's everything we've always asked for."

Friday's announcement followed a week of intensified pressure.

Freeland was in Washington, D.C., earlier this week to sit down with her American counterpart and held a series of meetings with members of Congress.
Her trip followed on two phone conversations Prime Minister Trudeau had with President Trump within the past week, during which he asked for an end to U.S. steel tariffs and additional diplomatic assistance with Canada's ongoing dispute with China.

Pence coming to Canada

The ratification of the revised North American trade agreement by the U.S. Congress has proved to be difficult.

In the House of Representatives, the Democratic majority wants to change several parts of the deal, including its labour provisions (following the lead of American unions saying Mexico has not yet done enough to raise its standards) and the deal's longer protection period for certain pharmaceuticals, which they argue will result in unacceptably high drug prices for Americans.

That's prompting U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence to head north at the end of the month to meet with Trudeau to discuss moving the trade deal along.
While ratification remains in doubt in Washington, there has been little incentive for Canada to rush its ratification process.

Watch: Trudeau speaking to steel workers in Hamilton before announcing deal

Politics News
Trudeau announces tariff deal in Stelco lunchroom
 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the deal Friday at the Stelco works in Hamilton 0:54
Trade treaties in Canada are ratified by cabinet. Usually, the date of ratification cannot be fixed until laws and regulations are changed to bring Canada into compliance with the new deal.

With only a few weeks to go before summer recess and the fall election, there's likely not enough time on the parliamentary calendar to pass implementation legislation before next fall. The drafting of that bill may also be on hold until it's certain the text of the agreement won't be changing.

The Conservative Party expressed broad support for the text Canada signed last Nov. 30. There's little reason to conclude it could not be ratified in Canada even if the government changes hands next fall, but Trudeau's current Liberal government may prefer that the deal it negotiated be ratified on his watch.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford released a statement applauding the deal and saying that his government is looking forward to getting more details.

"We are relieved (the tariffs) have finally come to an end," Ford said.

Watch: Andrew Scheer reacts to news of a possible deal on steel and aluminum tariffs

Scheer reacts to news of a deal on steel and aluminum tariffs
Speaking before details of the deal were released, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said he was disappointed a deal could not have been reached during NAFTA renegotiations. 1:24

With files from Chris Hall and Janyce McGregor

With Trudeau's leadership under fire, Liberals try to regroup before October


Replying to and 48 others
Reply to Garry Walton: Methinks Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger enlisting Ben Chin as a senior adviser was a major faux pas N'esy Pas? 



With Trudeau's leadership under fire, Liberals try to regroup before October


Garry Walton
I can't stand the sight of him and we all rush to turn the channel or mute it so we don't have hear that condescending drivel.

David Amos
Reply to @Garry Walton: Methinks Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger enlisting Ben Chin as a senior adviser was a major faux pas N'esy Pas? 

Stan Smith
Reply to @Garry Walton: my multi-term conservative MP recently told me he thought Mr. Chrétien was the best PM in recent decades. Strong fiscal management, smelled a rat on Iraq and didn’t get drawn in to that, great judgement. I found the MP’s candour refreshing. I may even vote for them because of it.

David Amos 
Reply to @Stan Smith: "smelled a rat on Iraq and didn’t get drawn in to that"

Dream on


Richard Dekkar
Never have I seen Canada so united in its anger towards a Prime Minister. Never have I seen a Prime Minister be so vindictive to Canada.

David Amos  
Reply to @Richard Dekkar: Methinks you have a convenient memory I bet many folks will agree that Trudeau won such a big mandate not because he was oh so wonderful but because Harper was oh so awful N'esy Pas?

Bill Edward Goate
I've made a helpful list of why Canadians have lost patience with Trudeau:

• A leadership style that values nauseating virtue signalling and displays of symbolism and diversity over actual substance, ability and achievement.
• The constant embarrassment on the world stage
• The constant embarrassment on the domestic stage
• The non-stop apologies and payout to dead people for actions by other dead people usually under the guise of "reconciliation" (occurring most frequently when he needs an easy win after a string of cringeworthy incidents)
• His treatment of dissenting voices, be they Christians wanting to participate in a summer jobs program or strong female cabinet members with real concerns about the morality and legality of government actions
• His cooperation/collusion with social media to stifle unwelcome criticism under the guise of cracking down on "h8 speech" (nobody buys it)
• His getting our collective posterior handed to us by the Americans during NAFTA renegotiations
• His complete and total disinterest in even pretending to be interested in a balanced budget
• His low view of our armed forces, from veterans seeking care to snuffing out the career of an accomplished Admiral in and effort to conceal his own government's incompetence.

I think that about covers it. 

David Amos 
Reply to @Bill Edward Goate: Pretty decent list Now whats your real name?

Jon Hurt
Well it’s pretty obvious that the PMO and Telford are quite busy sending out talking points to their preferred media outlets... CBC takes the bait...

David Amos  
Reply to @Jon Hurt: "CBC takes the bait.."

Methinks you are not reading the same article I am N'esy Pas?

Stephen David
The writing is on the wall for the Liberals.....there will be no second term. The sun is setting on the whole Sunny ways thing come October.

David Amos   
Reply to @Stephen David: "there will be no second term"

Methinks October is a long way away when it comes to hardball politicking but it is getting more interesting by the day N'esy Pas?

Jason Martin
Trudeau's arrogance is what has sunk the Liberal brand. He promised to do politics differently, and he didn't keep his promise.

David Amos    
Reply to @Jason Martin: "He promised to do politics differently, and he didn't keep his promise."

Surprise Surprise Surprise

Al Newman
I am absolutely sick of this guy...
Can't hit the mute button quick enough

David Amos    
Reply to @Al Newman: "I am absolutely sick of this guy... "

Methinks Alfred E Newman would agree that you are not alone N'esy Pas? 


Garry Walton
A trust fund kid raised in an environment of privilege, sprinkled with a large dose of arrogance does not a Prime Minister make.

The best thing that could come out of this fiasco would be a sit-com and undoubtably it would be the funniest comedy on TV.

David Amos     
Reply to @Garry Walton: "A trust fund kid raised in an environment of privilege, sprinkled with a large dose of arrogance does not a Prime Minister make. "

Methinks it interesting that he managed to run Harper out of office N'esy Pas? 

Kevan Cleverbridge (Hill 70)
Among the so many gaffes,the one that will sink him ,is a Carbon Tax.
David Amos     
Reply to @Kevan Cleverbridge (Hill 70): Methinks Carbon Tax is a dilly of that I have no doubt but he has made so many other goofs it appears to be the total of them all that put him on the reef N'esy Pas?

Tom Douglas
Its said that if someone isn't angry at you then you are not doing your job as a leader.
What does it mean when EVERYONE including teenagers are angry with you?

David Amos    
Reply to @Tom Douglas: Methinks if you are not angry then you are not paying attenuation N'esy Pas?

With Trudeau's leadership under fire, Liberals try to regroup before October

The SNC-Lavalin affair helped turn the party's best political asset — the prime minister — into a burden

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has become a drag on the Liberal Party's re-election chances, prompting some soul-searching in party circles. (Geoff Robins/The Canadian Press)

Justin Trudeau was elected in 2015 in part because he changed the way many Canadians felt about politics. But if Trudeau is going to be reelected in 2019, party insiders admit he needs to change the way many Canadians feel about him now.

Federal and provincial Liberals who spoke to CBC News concede what was unthinkable just months ago — that in the wake of the SNC-Lavalin controversy, Trudeau's leadership has gone from one of the party's greatest strengths to one of its biggest liabilities.

It's even an issue in Atlantic Canada, the region the party swept in 2015. Provincial candidates in Newfoundland and Labrador — where the Liberals were reduced to a minority government on Thursday — were surprised at the amount of anti-Trudeau sentiment they encountered while going door-to-door.

Many voters in the energy-reliant and financially-challenged province were worried about the impact Trudeau's environmental agenda would have on the local offshore oil sector. Others were angry about the Liberals' approach to immigration. Those issues, combined with the SNC-Lavalin controversy, have transformed voter attitudes about Trudeau.

What a difference three months made

"Three months ago he would have been an asset for us," said one senior Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal. "Now, not so much."

That dynamic is showing up in private focus groups that are reinforcing the public polls: Trudeau's reputation as a strong leader has been badly damaged by the SNC-Lavalin affair — a public conflict between Trudeau and his then-justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould that saw both the minister and her colleague, Jane Philpott, resign from cabinet to protest what they alleged was high-level pressure to secure a deal to allow the Quebec-based engineering company to avoid a trial on corruption and fraud charges.

Independent Members of Parliament Jane Philpott and Jody Wilson-Raybould speak with the media before question period in the foyer of the House of Commons in Ottawa, Wednesday April 3, 2019. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

The collapse of the Crown's case against Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, with its accusations of political interference on the part of the government, merely compounded the party's image crisis.

"I don't think something happened in the broader environment that forced the change. I think it was what happened here in Ottawa with SNC-Lavalin," said David Coletto, CEO of polling firm Abacus Data, in a recent interview.

"That was a moment that seems to have completely reset people's impressions of the prime minister and now he's living with the consequences of that."

Pharmacare, finances over climate change

One of the consequences of that "reset" is an effort by Liberals to recalibrate how they're positioning themselves to seek re-election. The Liberal climate plan is an important part of that. But there is a deep recognition in party circles that talking about climate change alone won't be nearly enough to save the government.

Many Liberals acknowledge that the Conservatives have smartly tapped into the issue of affordability and economic anxiety. This was reflected in the Ontario Liberal caucus's ranking of platform priorities, leaked to CBC News, that put personal financial security ahead of climate and reconciliation. At the top of the Ontario MPs' list was a national pharmacare plan, which is certain to be a centrepiece of the Liberal platform.

But a platform can only work if the leader can sell it. There is a hope among senior Liberals who spoke to CBC News — both elected officials and political staff — that a busy slate of international travel over the next few months can help rehabilitate Trudeau's reputation as a leader.

'A desire for change still requires an acceptable alternative'

The prime minister is expected to attend the G20 in Japan in June and the G7 in France in August. Trudeau was in Paris this week sharing the global spotlight with French President Emmanuel Macron and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at a summit to denounce online extremism.

(From left) French Culture Minister Franck Riester, French chief architect of Historical Sites Philippe Villeneuve, Notre Dame cathedral rector Patrick Chauvet and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stand together after visiting the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral in Paris on May 15, 2019. (Philippe Lopez/AFP/Getty Images)

The Liberals hope that events like this will help strike a contrast between Trudeau and Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, whom the Liberals have accused of cosying up to extreme political elements here in Canada — a claim the Conservatives angrily deny.

That direct contrast with Scheer is a key factor in Liberal re-election hopes in the face of dismal polling. Many Liberals point to past victories by Ontario Liberal premiers Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne — two leaders who entered election campaigns trailing their Conservative opponents but won in the end.

The theory is that turning the election into a choice between Scheer's agenda and Trudeau's favours the Liberals. But if the election becomes a referendum on Trudeau alone, it favours the Conservatives.

"You either have to get people to reconsider their views of the prime minister or, what's more likely ... get them to think differently about the alternative that's waiting in the wings, and that's Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives," said Coletto. "A desire for change still requires an acceptable alternative."

PMO staff changes

But to get there, multiple Liberal insiders say they need to improve the performance of the Prime Minister's Office as well. The hope is that the recent addition of Ben Chin as a senior adviser will add some urgency to the PMO's communications and issues-management efforts — work that some Liberals say needs to accelerate from a think-tank's pace to war-room speed.
Senior Liberals also concede that the party needs to sharpen its pitch to suburban swing voters while it attempts to deepen the contrast between Trudeau and Scheer. Seats in British Columbia, and in that the wide band of ridings that run between Windsor, Ont. and Quebec City, are key to the Liberals' re-election hopes. But the party finds itself fighting a mood of economic uncertainty, in spite of blistering job growth numbers in many of these areas.

In the party's plus column, Liberals like to point to a solid party infrastructure that ought to serve them well in the upcoming campaign. The appointment of Jeremy Broadhurst as campaign director has rallied some Liberals who have grown disillusioned during recent months.

And while the Conservatives have raised more money at the national level (the party enjoyed a massive first quarter this year), the Liberals have raised significantly more funds at the local riding level than in 2015. This, party insiders say, will allow candidates to open their headquarters months before the official start of the campaign.

Of course, this entire strategy depends on an assumption that the fallout from the SNC-Lavalin and Mark Norman controversies are largely over, the government avoids any more self-inflicted wounds and public opinion stabilizes to the point where the Liberals can see a possible path back to government.

"If we're within the margin of error, bring it on," said one Liberal.

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ER wait times in Fredericton 4 times longer than national standard


Replying to and 48 others
Methinks the doctors responded rather quickly when the RCMP brought me to the ER of the DECH in order to have me falsely imprisoned in its mental ward for the benefit of their political bosses N'esy Pas? 



ER wait times in Fredericton 4 times longer than national standard

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Shawn McShane
Meanwhile we can afford to give CEO of NB Power $13 Million for his company in Florida..

David Amos
Methinks its strange that these same doctors were quick to respond and lock me up when the RCMP brought me to the ER of the DECH in order to have me falsely imprisoned in their looney bin for the benefit of their political bosses N'esy Pas? 

Graeme Scott
When medicare was introduced I believe Ottawa provided nearly half the funding. The last I read the federal portion of healthcare spending had fallen into the low 20's% range, leaving the provinces to carry the burden

David Amos 
Reply to @Graeme Scott: Perhaps that is why the province won't give me a healthcare card
Shawn McShane

Reply to @Graeme Scott: Conservative PM Brian Mulroney cut federal health transfers by 25 per cent. Liberal PM Paul Martin cut federal health transfers by 40 per cent and eliminated legislation that ensured provinces spent those dollars on health care.


Joseph Vacher
At least my corpse can be served in the language of my choice

David Amos  
Reply to @Joseph Vacher: Methinks its wise to plan to not bother talking to any of them ever again It will be our turn to ignore the politicians and their bureaucrats N'esy Pas?

ER wait times in Fredericton 4 times longer than national standard

Some patients can wait up to 20 hours to see a doctor at the Chalmers emergency room

Emergency room physicians at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital in Fredericton are asking for additional hours for doctors to cut down on long wait times for patients. (Shutterstock)

Eighteen emergency department doctors in Fredericton are speaking out about "dangerously long" wait times and under-staffing at Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital.

Some patients wait up to 20 hours to see a physician, the doctors said in a commentary published this week in the Daily Gleaner. 

"We cannot safely serve the people who need our care, because there are not enough physicians to see patients."

Dr. Graeme Young, chief of the hospital's emergency room, said funding for doctors now covers 46 hours a day, a number that hasn't changed since 2004. Before that, doctors had 43 hours.
"We're having a hard time keeping up with that crisis, and it's a true crisis on a day-to-day basis," Young said in an interview on Information Morning Fredericton.

The 46 doctor hours in the ER are made up of five eight-hour shifts throughout the day and one six-hour shift.
We are seeing more complicated patients and many more of them.- Dr. Graeme Young
Doctors are now asking for enough funding to cover 57 hours of work per day.

Young said this would allow them to see each patient that comes into the ER in a more timely fashion.
"We would have physician hours allocated at times when the need is there," he said.

The largest group of ER patients falls into the category of triage three, which includes patients who come in with abdominal pains, pregnancy complications or a child with a fever.

Triage one patients need immediate assistance, while triage five patients are those needing non-urgent care.

More than 19,000 patients 

In 2004, the Chalmers ER saw 10,000 triage three patients. Today, that number has jumped to more than 19,000 a year.

"If there's no physician available to pick a patient, see a new patient because they're tied up with the current patient they have in the emergency department, then the patients just simply end up waiting," Young said.

According to the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale, the national standard for triage three patients is 30 minutes.

But triage three patients at the Chalmers wait up to two hours — four times longer than the national standard.

Dr. Graeme Young says the Chalmers ER is seeing more patients than 15 years ago, the last time doctor hours were increased, and the issues are more complex. (CBC)

"It's a big group of patients that are really important," Young said. "These are sick patients that cannot be cared for in a community environment."

Young said funding has been based on an outdated Medicare formula created in the 1980s that measures how  many physicians are required to keep the facility open 24 hours a day.

But the formula doesn't properly assess the severity of problems in patients coming into the emergency room.

"As we progress through 2019, our patients are very much more complex now than they were in 2004, when we had the last increase in physician hours," he said.

"We are seeing more complicated patients and many more of them."

Doctors criticized for being 'too slow' 

The hospital was built to handle 35,000 ER patients a year. Now, Young said, it sees more than 51,000.
"We're in the same building, in the same platform, with the same nursing resources, with the same physician resources,  and we're being criticized because we're too slow continuously," he said.

The commentary was sent as a letter to the province at the end of April. Young said doctors haven't received any response from Health Minister Ted Flemming.

Doctors have been pushing for additional hours since 2004.

CBC News has asked New Brunswick's Department of Health for an interview.

Meanwhile, Young said Horizon Health Network is continually assessing the ability of the ER to see more patients.

CBC News has also asked for an interview with hospital administration, who said they would provide a statement.
With files from Information Morning Fredericton

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

'Typical Liberal desperation': Scheer insists he won't reopen abortion debate

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Sunday, 19 May 2019

'Typical Liberal desperation': Scheer insists he won't reopen abortion debate


Replying to and 48 others
"Abortion is not restricted by law"
Reply to Brian Duog "fearmongering about the abortion debate, not once in all Harper years did they move on it neither will Sheer" 

Somebody should cause a debate on it



'Typical Liberal desperation': Scheer insists he won't reopen abortion debate

The Opposition leader is fending off claims the Conservatives would reopen the abortion debate

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer stands during question period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on May 8, 2019. (The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick)

Andrew Scheer is moving to shut down the Liberals' new line of attack after several of his MPs attended an anti-abortion rally and some American states moved to criminalize abortions.

On Thursday, the Liberal Party of Canada sent a fundraising email to supporters calling it "alarming" that dozens of Conservative MPs had attended the recent March for Life, a yearly anti-abortion rally on Parliament Hill.

The email, which listed the Conservative MPs who attended the rally, accused them of "working to roll back women's rights."

The Conservative opposition leader is taking heat in a week when multiple U.S. states — Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio and Utah — passed new anti-abortion laws.
Scheer responded to the Liberals' claims in the House of Commons foyer Friday afternoon, insisting that the only one bent on reopening the debate on abortion is the prime minister.

WATCH: Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says he won't reopen the debate on abortion in Canada.

Andrew Scheer says he won't reopen abortion debate
 Andrew Scheer insisted today that the Conservatives won’t reopen the debate on abortion. 'This is typical Liberal desperation politics to distract from their record of failure and ongoing scandals. They are lashing out and inventing issues to try (to) fearmonger and divide Canadians.' 0:26

"The only person who is bringing up this issue time and time again is Justin Trudeau," Scheer said. "I've made it very, very clear. Canadians can have absolute confidence that a Conservative government after the election in October will not reopen this issue.

"This is typical Liberal desperation."

Abortion is not restricted by law in Canada at any stage of a woman's pregnancy. The Supreme Court of Canada found the law that governed the procedure violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Since the law was struck down, no other law has replaced it.

Judy Rebick, a Toronto writer and veteran pro-choice activist, said she doesn't believe Scheer, and women's rights activists need to be on their guard.

"We have to be vigilant," Rebick said. "We have to make sure they know how strong women across the country, including in the Conservative party, feel about our right to abortion."
With files from Hannah Thibedeau and Kathleen Harris

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Brian Duog
Trudeau must be desperate now . he is starting the fearmongering about the abortion debate, not once in all Harper years did they move on it neither will Sheer 

David Amos
Reply to @brian duog: Somebody should cause a debate on it  

---------- Original message ----------
From: "ACTION (from Liberal.ca)"<reply@action.liberal.ca>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 11:02:16 -0600
Subject: A woman’s right to choose
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

There’s something we need to talk about, David.

It’s her body, and her choice.

Justin Trudeau and the Liberal team understand that women
unequivocally have the right to decide what to do with their bodies.
That’s why it’s so alarming that 12 Conservative MPs attended last
week’s anti-choice “March for Life” rally on Parliament Hill –
11 men, and their Status of Women critic. It’s a rally that Andrew
Scheer himself has also previously attended as well.

While some Conservative MPs are trying to reopen that debate by
speaking at anti-choice events, screening anti-choice films, or
empowering conservative politicians who “pledge to make abortion
unthinkable in our lifetime,” Liberals know that women in Canada have
the right to make their own health decisions.

Women’s rights are human rights, and we need to send a message that no
one – including Andrew Scheer or any member of his caucus
– has the authority to dictate to women what they can and cannot
do with their own bodies.

Here’s the list of the Conservative MPs who were there one week ago
today, and links to where you can go to donate and support the local
Liberal riding associations working to elect Liberal MPs instead.
Together, we’ll help ensure these Liberal campaign teams have the
necessary tools to share our positive message once the campaign kicks off:

David Anderson
Cypress Hills–Grasslands , Saskatchewan

Harold Albrecht
Kitchener Ontario

Ted Falk
Provencher , Manitoba

Rachael Harder
Lethbridge , Alberta

Glen Motz
Medicine Hat, Alberta

Dane Lloyd
Sturgeon River, Alberta

Phil McColeman
Brantford, Ontario

Bev Shipley
Lambton, Ontario

Kevin Sorenson
Battle River, Alberta

Brad Trost
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Arnold Viersen
Peace River, Alberta

Dave Van Kesteren
Chatham-Kent, Ontario

While these Conservative MPs have been busy working to roll back
women’s rights, Justin Trudeau and the Liberal team are focused on
making real progress for women and all Canadians. That includes the
Liberal government’s action to ensure that safe and legal abortion
services are available to all Canadian women, and a Feminist
International Assistance Policy that ensures our aid dollars support a
comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

That’s real progress at work – and there’s much more to do. With
an election just five months away, we need to defend this progress,
send a message to Conservatives who want to roll back women’s rights,
and continue our work together to build a better future for all Canadians.

Chip in now to support Justin Trudeau and our the Liberal team to help
earn another mandate this fall.


Give $5

Give $25

Give $50
Give $100
Or give another amount

Thank you for your support,

Liberal Party of Canada

Privacy policy

350 Albert Street,
Suite 920
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1P 6M8,

Authorized by the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada, registered agent for the
Liberal Party of Canada.

Go Figure


Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
Campaign, Rogers TV .

Published on Oct 1, 2015
Federal debate in Fundy Royal, New Brunswick riding featuring
candidates Rob Moore, Stephanie Coburn, Alaina Lockhart, Jennifer
McKenzie and David Amos.


Fundy Royal campaign targets middle class with focus on jobs

Fundy Royal voters have elected Conservatives all but 1 time in 28 elections over 101 years

Four candidats are running in the federal riding of Fundy-Royal. Green candidate Stephanie Coburn, NDP candidate Jennifer McKenzie, Liberal candidate Alaina Lockhart and Conservative candidate Rob Moore. (Courtesy of Stephanie Coburn, Jennifer McKenzie/Facebook, Alaina Lockhart/Facebook, CBC)

----------Original  message ----------
From: Ministerial Correspondence Unit - Justice Canada <mcu@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 17:58:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: C'yall in Court
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for writing to the Honourable David Lametti, Minister of
Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay in
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.


Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable David Lametti, ministre de la
Justice et procureur général du Canada.

En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adressée à la ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir
un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous
assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.


Provincial or Territorial Association
New Brunswick Liberal Association:
715 Brunswick StreetFredericton
NB E3B 1H8

Riding Chair
Sheri Shannon

Liberal Party of Canada
350 Albert Street, Suite 920
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 6M8

Toll free: 1 888 LIBERAL (542-3725)




Sheri Shannon
Business Development Manager - NB
Email: sheri.shannon@mcinnescooper.com
Office: Moncton
Language(s): English, French

About Sheri
Twitter @SheriShannon

A dean’s list graduate from St. Thomas University, Sheri has spent
most of her career working in politics and has held several positions
over the years. She has an extensive network of contacts both
provincially and beyond and is fully bilingual. Sheri is eager to
showcase her interpersonal skills by building and expanding customer
relations in a business development context within the professional
services industry. Prior to joining McInnes Cooper, Sheri held many
different roles in the political spectrum,  from a Field Worker with
the New Brunswick Liberal Association, to an Executive Assistant to a
former Premier of New Brunswick. Sheri has also served as a Program
Manager to a federal Member of Parliament. She also has experience in
the non-profit sector, having worked as a Development Coordinator for
both the New Brunswick Association for Community Living and the Stan
Cassidy Foundation. Sheri hails from Fredericton and currently resides
in Sussex, NB. She sits on the board of directors at Crosswinds
Occupational Activity Center Inc. (Sussex) and is a member of the
Sussex Rotary Club.


Sheri Shannon Liberal Candidate for Fredericton-Grand Lake is
confronted by the Blogger!
Charles Leblanc
Published on Sep 8, 2014


Candidate, Sheri Shannon
Liberal Party, Fredericton-Grand Lake, NB

CLC rating: Unknown
Rating Comments: Has not answered CLC's election questionnaire.
However, it is unlikely this person would ever vote in favour of
pro-life legislation due to the fact New Brunswick's Liberal Party
Leader, Brian Gallant, announced during the 2014 campaign trail that
all Liberal MLAs must vote pro-abortion, even if it means violating
their consciences and/or religious beliefs. Under this anti-democratic
edict, it stands to reason that no Liberal MLA will dare go against
the Party's pro-abortion policy for fear of being thrown out of
caucus. All Liberal MLAs will presumably be whipped to vote in favour
of killing pre-born children and forcing taxpayers to fund it. The
Liberal Party leader has been clear that if elected Premier, his
government would support funnelling public tax dollars towards
abortions committed at Morgentaler's private, for-profit, killing
centre, and to other private abortion businesses that may pop up in
future at the prospect of being able to feed at the public trough. The
Liberal leader has also stated quite clearly that his government will
repeal the existing rule that requires a sign off by two-doctors,
certifying that the abortion is 'medically necessary' before it can
qualify for funding by taxpayers.

On 1/18/19, Sherri Shannon <JMckee@liberal.ca> wrote:
>   (le français suit)
>  David -
>  We're now in an election year, with less than 300 days until Canadians from
> coast to coast to coast will head to the polls. Together, we've made so much
> progress to strengthen our middle class and offer real help to Canadian
> families, but we can't slow down. To continue our progress for all
> Canadians, it's going to take a lot of hope and hard work from supporters
> like you.
>  On Wednesday night, Alaina Lockhart will be celebrating her nomination as
> our Team Trudeau 2019 candidate in Fundy Royal and we'll be joined by a very
> special guest: Justin Trudeau.
>  Will you be able to join us, David?
>  Here are the details:
>  Team Trudeau 2019 Nomination Event in Fundy Royal
>  With Alaina Lockhart and special guest Justin Trudeau
>  Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019 - 7:00PM-8:00PM
>  Q-Plex
>  20 Randy Jones Way, Quispamsis, New Brunswick
>  Click here to RSVP
>  Supporters from all ridings are welcome to join us. Please note that large
> bags and backpacks will not be permitted and a mandatory coat check will be
> available on site.
>  Justin Trudeau and the Liberal team are focused on a strong plan for New
> Brunswick and Atlantic Canada:  to grow the economy, strengthen the middle
> class, create well-paying new jobs, and make life better for families. We're
> making important progress together, so let's keep working to earn a second
> mandate for Justin Trudeau and all of our Liberal team in 2019!
>  I hope we'll see you there,
>  Sherri Shannon
>  Fundy Royal Liberal Association President
> ______________________________
>  David,
>  L'année électorale est commencée et il reste moins de 300 jours avant que
> les Canadiennes et les Canadiens d'un océan à l'autre se rendent aux urnes.
> Ensemble, nous avons réalisé d'importants progrès pour renforcer la classe
> moyenne et offrir une aide concrète aux familles canadiennes, mais nous ne
> pouvons relâcher nos efforts. Pour poursuivre nos progrès au nom de tous les
> Canadiens, il faudra que des sympathisants comme vous redoublent d'espoir et
> de travail acharné.
>  Mercredi soir, Alaina Lockhart célébrera son investiture à titre de
> candidate de l'Équipe Trudeau de 2019 dans Fundy Royal. De plus, un invité
> très spécial sera des nôtres : Justin Trudeau.
>  Pourrez-vous vous joindre à nous, David?
>  Voici les détails :
>  Événement d'investiture de l'Équipe Trudeau de 2019 dans Fundy Royal
>  En compagnie d'Alaina Lockhart et de notre invité spécial, Justin Trudeau
>  Mercredi 23 janvier 2019 - de 19 h à 20 h
>  Q-Plex
>  20, chemin Randy Jones, Quispamsis (Nouveau-Brunswick)
>  Cliquez ici pour confirmer votre présence
>  Des sympathisants de toutes les circonscriptions sont invités à se joindre
> à nous. Veuillez noter que les grands sacs et les sacs à dos ne seront pas
> autorisés et qu'il sera obligatoire d'utiliser le vestiaire disponible sur
> place.
>  Justin Trudeau et l'équipe libérale cherchent avant tout à mettre en ouvre
> un plan solide pour le Nouveau-Brunswick et le Canada atlantique : stimuler
> l'économie, renforcer la classe moyenne, créer de nouveaux emplois bien
> rémunérés et améliorer la qualité de vie des familles. Ensemble, nous
> réalisons des progrès importants. Par conséquent, poursuivons nos efforts
> pour que les Canadiens accordent un deuxième mandat à Justin Trudeau et à
> l'ensemble de l'équipe libérale en 2019!
>  Au plaisir de vous y voir,
>  Sherri Shannon
>  Président d'association fédéral de Fundy Royal
>  This email was sent to: motomaniac333@gmail.com
>  Update profile | Unsubscribe
>  To contact the Liberal Party of Canada, please
> email assistance@liberal.ca . Our mailing address: 350 Albert Street, Suite
> 920 Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6M8, CA. Authorized by the Federal Liberal Agency
> of Canada, registered agent for the Liberal Party of Canada.
>  We respect your right to privacy - go here to view our policy.
> -

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 03:08:54 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Methinks that after arguing Manon Hardy's buddies in
Federal Court for over 3 years they cannot deny the obvious The
documents hereto attached are properly filed in the docket N'esy Pas?
To: mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, Manon.Hardy@justice.gc.ca,
olad-dlo@justice.gc.ca, David.Lametti.a1@parl.gc.ca, "maxime.bernier"
<maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca>, "andrew.scheer"
<andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, "charlie.angus"
<charlie.angus@parl.gc.ca>, "PETER.MACKAY"
<PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie.com>, "tony.clement.a1"
<tony.clement.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "scott.bardsley"
<scott.bardsley@canada.ca>, "scott.brison"<scott.brison@parl.gc.ca>,
"scott.macrae"<scott.macrae@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "warren.mcbeath"
<warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Beverley.Busson"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Hardy, Manon"<Manon.Hardy@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 18:33:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks that after arguing Manon Hardy;s
buddies in Federal Court for over 3 years they cannot deny the obvious
The documents hereto attached are properly filed in the docket N'esy
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>


Please note that I will be back to the office on January 3, 2019.

Veuillez noter que je serai de retour au bureau le 3 janvier 2019.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 14:33:07 -0400
Subject: Methinks that after arguing Manon Hardy;s buddies in Federal
Court for over 3 years they cannot deny the obvious The documents
hereto attached are properly filed in the docket N'esy Pas?
To: Manon.Hardy@justice.gc.ca, Samantha.Boorman@justice.gc.ca,
Melissa.Chan@justice.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca, JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca,
"Mark.Blakely"<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "martin.gaudet"
<martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Liliana.Longo"
<Liliana.Longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca,
"greg.thompson2"<greg.thompson2@gnb.ca>, "carl.urquhart"
<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming"<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>,
"andrea.anderson-mason"<andrea.anderson-mason@gnb.ca>, "david.hansen"
<david.hansen@justice.gc.ca>, Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>,
sfine <sfine@globeandmail.com>, daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc.ca,
andrew.baumberg@fct-cf.gc.ca, Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca,
Beatriz.Winter@cas-satj.gc.ca, Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca,
marc.giroux@fja-cmf.gc.ca, Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca,
jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca, bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Original message ----------
From: Manon Hardy <Manon.Hardy@priv.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:37 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Je vous remercie pour votre message.  Veuillez noter qu'? partir du 12
nov. 2018, je travaillerai au minist?re de la Justice du Canada.
Veuillez communiquer avec  Ewelina Frackowiak ou Julia Barss pour
toute assistance.
Thank you for your message.  Please note that starting on Nov. 12,
2018, I will be joining the Department of Justice of Canada.  Please
contact Ewelina Frackowiak or Julia Barss for assistance.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:25:01 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.

This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.

To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.

Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
directly to the Department of Justice at
> or call 613-957-4222.

Thank you


Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
Vancouver Granville.

Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre
courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.

Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
votre adresse et votre code postal.

Veuillez prendre note que votre message sera transmis au minist?re de
la Justice s'il porte sur des sujets qui rel?vent du r?le de la
d?put?e en tant que ministre de la Justice et procureure g?n?rale du
Canada. Pour toute correspondance future adress?e ? la ministre de la
Justice, veuillez ?crire directement au minist?re de la Justice ?
mcu@justice.gc.ca ou appelez au 613-957-4222.


---------- Original message ----------
From: "Barry, Clare"<Clare.Barry@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Je serai absente du bureau entre le 27 decembre et le 2 janvier.  Dans
mon absence, veuillez contactez Sam Boorman ou Melissa Chan dans le
bureau regional.

I will be away from the office from December 27, 2018 to January 2,
2019. In my absence, kindly contact Sam Boorman or Melissa Chan of the
Atlantic Regional Office.

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Jensen, Jan"<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

I will be away from the office and not returning until Tuesday
December 27th, 2018.   If you require immediate assistance, please
contact my assistant at (902) 407 7461.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Bill.Blair@parl.gc.ca
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:57 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Please be advised that the Constituency Office of Bill Blair will be
closed from December 24th to January 1st. The office will re-open on
January 2nd, 2019. During this time I will have limited access to

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all the best for 2019.


Jessica Bozzo

---------- Original message ----------
From: Justice Minister <JUSTMIN@novascotia.ca>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 17:37:27 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Facing a divided province, a non-profit
strives for 'social cohesion' in New Brunswick ??? YEA RIGHT
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email to the Minister of Justice. Please be assured
that it has been received by the Department. Your email will be
reviewed and addressed accordingly. Thank you.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 22:02:31 -0400
Subject: YO Brenda Lucki You know as well as I that the Civilian
Review and Complaints Commission has not done anything ethical since
we crossed paths in 2003 and obviously never will
To: daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc.ca, andrew.baumberg@fct-cf.gc.ca,
Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca, Beatriz.Winter@cas-satj.gc.ca,
Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca, marc.giroux@fja-cmf.gc.ca,
Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca, jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca,
bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca, Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca,
Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca,
Clare.Barry@justice.gc.ca, David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca,
Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, liliana.longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca,
Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, pm@pm.gc.ca, andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca,
maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca, "Michael.Wernick"
<Michael.Wernick@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Larry.Tremblay"
<Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.Morgan"
<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, "David.Raymond.Amos"

- Hide quoted text -

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Complaints <complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 17:56:32 +0000
Subject: Civilian Review and Complaints Commission 2018-2861 David Amos
To: "david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com"<david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

David Amos:

Please see the attached letter regarding your complaint against the RCMP.

Intake Office, Operations
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP / Government of Canada
complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca<mailto:complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca> / Tel:
1-800-665-6878 /  TTY: 1-866-432-5827/

Bureau de réception des plaintes, Opérations
Commission civile d'examen et de traitement des plaintes relatives à
la GRC / Gouvernement du Canada
plaintes@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca<mailto:plaintes@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca> / Tél :
1-800-665-6878 / ATS : 1-866-432-5827/



"Harper, Stephen - M.P."Harper.S@parl.gc.ca wrote:

Subject: RE: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the
Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:32:54 -0500
From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P."Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the
Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they
have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.

*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.

If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:

Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.

You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310
Martin Demands That Harper Must Come Clean on Notwithstanding Clause
by LPC Friday, 16 December 2005
Prime Minister Paul Martin demanded Conservative Leader Stephen Harper
come clean that he intends to use the notwithstanding clause to
overturn the Charter right to same-sex marriage.

Mr. Harper said during tonight’s leader’s debate in Vancouver on the
topic of abolishing same-sex marriage: "I will never use the
notwithstanding clause on that issue."

Prime Minister Martin asked that he be honest with the Canadian people
regarding his intention to override a Charter right.
"We're talking about integrity. That means being honest. Either Mr.
Harper is going to try to change the law of the country that protects
the rights and freedoms of gays and lesbians or he's not going to,"
said Prime Minister Martin.

"If he's going to use the notwithstanding clause, he should say so,
and the people will at least know what his position is."
The Prime Minister said Mr. Harper’s proposal would require the use of
the notwithstanding clause because it is not possible to have a vote
in the house that will overrule the Constitution and the courts
without using the notwithstanding clause.

This is borne out by a January 25 open letter from more than 100 legal
experts from across Canada to Mr. Harper regarding same-sex marriage

Mr. Martin called on Mr. Harper to be "honest."

He made clear that the Liberal government does not believe that you
can pick and choose which Charter rights you will protect and he
affirmed that he will respect the Charter as a whole.
The Prime Minister said Mr. Harper’s proposal would require the use of
the notwithstanding clause because it is not possible to have a vote
in the house that will overrule the Constitution and the courts
without using the notwithstanding clause.

This is borne out by a January 25 open letter from more than 100 legal
experts from across Canada to Mr. Harper regarding same-sex marriage

Mr. Martin called on Mr. Harper to be "honest."

He made clear that the Liberal government does not believe that you
can pick and choose which Charter rights you will protect and he
affirmed that he will respect the Charter as a whole.

How the Liberals spent the week blaming everyone else for the Mark Norman fiasco


Replying to and 48 others
Methinks whereas it began in court after Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger offered a legal opinion he is responsible for the circus N'esy Pas? 



How the Liberals spent the week blaming everyone else for the Mark Norman fiasco


David Amos
Methinks whereas it began in court after Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger offered a legal opinion he is responsible for the circus N'esy Pas? 

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks my political foes want folks to forget statement number 83 of the lawsuit I filed in Federal Court ( File No T-1557-15) when Harper was the Prime Minister N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Reply to @David Amos: Hmmm "Chief of the Defence Staff Jonathan Vance participates in an interview with The Canadian Press in his office in Ottawa on Friday, Jan. 11, 2019"

Google two names to see an interesting coincidence on a a date

Richard Southcott David Amos

Methinks it was awful interesting that Vance did not mention that on January 11, 2016 I had encountered Justice Richard Southcott the former General Counsel of the Irving Shipbuilding Company whom Harper had appointed to the bench just before the writ was dropped. Trust that I contacted Admiral Norman's lawyers the instant I knew of his prosecution and everybody has played dumb ever since

Stephen David
Reply to @David Amos:

Why the fake French?

David Amos 
Reply to @Stephen David: Why not learn to read? 

Jp White
Hey Wayne Easter

David Amos 
Reply to @jp white: Methinks his failings are mentioned on the first page of this old file N'esy Pas?


David Amos 
Methinks Murray Brewster must have read some of the emails I sent him over the years Anyone can Google two names Murray Brewster David Amos N'esy Pas?  

David Amos 
Reply to @David Amos: Methinks Googling Admiral Mark Norman David Amos is enlightening as well N'esy Pas?

Jeff Hunt
Reply to @David Amos: your horse is well and truly flogged.

David Amos  
Reply to @Jeff hunt: Behold its a pale horse 

Jeff Hunt
WHAT? The most ethical, open transparent and honest government in the history of Canada does a 180 and blames everyone else. Fake news right there!

David Amos   
Reply to @Jeff hunt: Yea Right Tell us another one 
Jeff Hunt
Reply to @David Amos: No need to, enough evidence has been laid bare to sink the Liberal ship, N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
Reply to @Jeff hunt: What about all the evidence I filed in the lawsuit against the Crown when Harper was the Prime Minister? 
Jeff Hunt

Reply to @David Amos: Filing a lawsuit means jack, get back to us when the case has been heard and you have a ruling in your favour. If it has been heard link us to the settlement.
David Amos  
Reply to @Jeff hunt: Its heading to the Supreme Court in short order and I will file 3 more lawsuits before I run in the election of the 43rd Parliament. Methinks you should Google your name and mine sometime N'esy Pas? 

Jeff Hunt
Reply to @David Amos: Well good luck on all of your endeavors. I don't need to google my name, I know who I am thank you.

David Amos  
Reply to @Jeff hunt: So do many others


How the Liberals spent the week blaming everyone else for the Mark Norman fiasco

Who was at fault? According to the government, nobody — or maybe everybody


Suspected laser strike on Gander plane a first for the airport


Replying to and 48 others
Methinks there is far more to this story for the folks in Gander and many Yankees than what first meets the eye N'esy Pas? 



Suspected laser strike on Gander plane a first for the airport

Local RCMP are investigating a strange light reported in a cockpit, say a laser attack is assumed

1 Comment

David Amos
Methinks there is far more to this story for the folks in Gander and many Yankees than what first meets the eye N'esy Pas? 


Gander, NF

1985 – Aircraft Crash at Gander – Charles M Byers

airforce.dnd.ca Honorable Portor Goss                                               February, 14 , 1998 

House Intelligence Oversight Committee
US House of Representatives
Washington, D.C.
Subject: My knowledge of CIA involvement in the crash of the Gander Arrow Air DC-8 and PAN AM 103
Dear Chairman Goss, 

My specialized knowledge of ordinance, explosives and pyrotechnics may provide the missing insights needed to solve several major terrorist crimes. For 15 years my company ACCURACY SYSTEMS ORDINANCE CORPORATION, provided specialized explosive devices to law enforcement, the military, Special Forces and the Central Intelligence Agency. 

As you read this letter Accuracy Systems' former munitions manufacturing facilities in New River, Arizona are under occupation of the BATF who moved onto the property Sept. 20, 1997 and have been occupying the facilities there at considerable expense to the tax payers ever since. Their intent from the start has been to "blow up" the explosives magazines and burn our former research and development workshop and its contents --- and in the process --- destroy certain evidence that can link U S aircraft bombings to the CIA, a former client of Accuracy Systems. 

Specifically, I wish to bring your attention to a device that Sgt. Arleigh McCree, the renowned head of the Los Angeles Police Bomb Squad Unit, felt certain was the device responsible for blowing up the US Army chartered ARROW AIR DC-8 passenger transport that crashed in Gander, Newfoundland December 12, 1985. All of the 248 servicemen and the 8 person flight crew died when the bomb exploded immediately after take-off. The plane then traveled a short distance in the air before it crashed and burned. Our firm designed and manufactured the responsible device exclusively for, and sold it only to, the Central Intelligence Agency.

This crash, which was the worst military air disaster in United States history, involved more strange occurrences than any other crash on record. While the wreckage still burned on the ground, White House Spokesperson Larry Speaks announced that the plane had crashed "probably as a result of icing on the wings." This was the official cause that the US government forced on the Canadians, who have subsequently repudiated it. 

There are compelling reasons to believe that this air crash involved a nuclear accident. Within hours of the "crash", U S Army General John Crosby arrived with a Broken Arrow Nuclear Disaster Team, and, without conducting any normal investigation, ordered the area bulldozed over with 6 feet of soil. There was a glowing white-hot object the size of a large grapefruit that had burned through the plane and through the body of a stewardess. 

This object continued to glow "white-hot" for 16 hours even after fire hoses were trained on it. This is NOT chemical behavior. It is what can only be expected of a sub-critical core of a nuclear bomb whose explosive shell had burned but did not detonate. The presence of this white-hot glowing object is the key to the motive for the bombing. 

Most of the military victims had been part of the 101st Airborne who were returning from Cairo, Egypt, where they were part of the U. N. peacekeeping mission enforcing the Camp David Accords. However, in addition to these troops, there was also a small group of Special Operations personnel who boarded the plane at the last minute. Sources found to be reliable told me that these personnel smuggled a nuclear backpack bomb aboard in Cairo because they had discovered the true nature of their recently cancelled hostage rescue mission. 

Their mission included surreptitiously transporting and detonating a small, man-portable nuclear backpack bomb at an Iraqi nuclear weapons development facility to make it seem like an Iraqi nuclear accident. This mission seems to have been under the direction of Lt. Col. Oliver North who frequently utilized Arrow Air to smuggle arms and other contraband in conjunction with the Iran-Contra operation. The soldiers were not told that they would not have the chance to outrun the blast that would destroy them. Thank God it is the duty of every soldier to disobey an unlawful order or the world would have seen its third intentional tactical nuclear detonation and the mass destruction of innocent civilians by a nuclear bomb.
Orders were given by U S Government personnel that this plane be destroyed before it reached the United States of America. A bomb was planted during a stop at Gander and remotely detonated shortly after the landing gear retracted upon takeoff. Enclosed color photos of the downed Gander plane show internal damage from an explosive. The blast holes are clearly from the inside to the outside. 

I have since been informed that there was a completely new water system installed in Gander--- courtesy of the US taxpayers. Was this because of nuclear contamination from the crash? 

Three weeks after this disaster, Arleigh McCree, head of the LAPD bomb squad and a professional friend of mine, was visiting with me in Phoenix and examining items in our museum. This was where we kept samples of all of the different "Special Ordnance Devices" that we had produced over the previous twenty-something years. When Sgt. McCree saw one these items, he excitedly proclaimed that it was the device that blew up a plane. He said he would need to get federal clearance to discuss this in more detail with me. He did not reveal the exact plane at the time. Just four weeks later Arleigh McCree and his partner were killed disarming a pipe bomb that was booby-trapped. You will see from the enclosed article on this tragedy that these two deaths were also very unusual. In fact these are the only two members of the LAPD bomb squad to ever die this way. 

Sometime later when I began asking questions in professional circles I started to develop serious difficulties with certain agencies of the federal government. I was framed and convicted for a crime I did not commit. An attempt was made to implicate me in a plot to assassinate Corizon Aquino. On the same day that a sophisticated assassination weapon arrived in Australia for this purpose a bomb arrived in the mail addressed to me. It killed my plant manager instead. Certainly I would like to investigate the wrongs by these federal agencies. However, the real reason I am sending you the reports of federal efforts to silence me is to emphasize the value of the specialized knowledge that I possess. As a second example, I present photos of the detonator that initiated the bomb on PAN AM 103. I know where this circuit board was manufactured in Florida, not Europe, and that it was sold exclusively to the CIA--- not to the Libyans! 

As you can see from the letters of support attached to this letter there are persons in key positions willing to stick their necks out to proclaim my innocence. But there are far greater issues here than the fate of Chuck Byers. I am ready to provide all that I know whenever and wherever you think best. 

Literally hundreds of American citizens and soldiers have been blown out of the sky. These mass murders need to be investigated and the guilty persons brought to justice! 

I am sending this letter to every member of Congress in the hope that each of you will support my efforts to find answers to the haunting questions raised by the facts presented in this letter. 

All of my current efforts to have local and federal law enforcement agencies (including their parent agencies in DC) investigate these matters have been unsuccessful. In fact, our US Attorney has actually defended the perpetrators and local US District Court judges have refused to act on my requests, or, in most cases, simply Dismissed them or ruled in favor of the U S Attorney. In spite of overwhelming evidence that not only am I telling the truth, but the Federal Agents are lying, filing False Affidavits or otherwise knowingly misleading the Court.
Since this matter represents a situation of extreme national importance, I am requesting you to immediately initiate hearings before the HOUSE INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE to thoroughly investigate these charges and to bring the guilty perpetrators to justice. 

Charles M Byers
CC: All Members of the House Intelligence Oversight Committee

1233 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 205105
February 23, 1998
 Subject: My knowledge of CIA involvement in the crash of the Gander Arrow Air DC-8 and PAM AM 103 

Dear Congressman Abercrombie,
I explained in my letter of 2-14-98 to Porter Goss and Bob Kerrey, the chairmen of the Intelligence Committees in the House and Senate, how my specialized knowledge of ordinance, explosives and pyrotechnics provides the missing insights needed to solve several major terrorist crimes. For 15 years my company ACCURACY SYSTEMS ORDNANCE CORPORATION, provided specialized explosive devices to law enforcement, the military, Special Forces and the Central Intelligence Agency. In my letters to Congressman Goss and Senator Kerrey I requested full hearings before their committees. 

As you read this letter Accuracy Systems' former munitions manufacturing facilities in New River, Arizona are under occupation of the BATF who moved onto the property Sept. 20, 1997 and have been occupying the facilities there at considerable expense to the taxpayers ever since. Their intent from the start has been to "blow up" the explosives magazines and burn our former research and development workshop and its contents and in the process --- destroy certain evidence that can link U S aircraft bombings to the CIA, a former client of Accuracy Systems. 

Since this matter represents a situation of extreme national importance, I am requesting that you examine the attached compelling exhibits and then examine your conscience --- and then exert your influence to initiate proper hearings. I will send the full 62 pages of exhibits that I sent to the above mentioned chairmen on your request. 

Charles M Byers
CC: All members of Congress
Clear Evidence of a Bomb in the Gander Crash
There was a Dissenting Opinion written by four members (Norm Bobbitt, Les Filotas, Dave Mussallem and Ross Stevenson) of the Canadian Aviation Safety Board (CASB) in 1988. These four members found enough evidence against the "wing icing" theory (supported by the other 5 members) to produce this document which details their theory of an on-board explosion.  Their web site, GANDER THE UNTOLD STORY is linked to the official web site of the 101st Airborne Division.

Figure DO11. Hole apparently ripped by explosion
Figure DO12. Interior view showing extensive battering

My company, ACCURACY SYSTEMS ORDNANCE, Inc., (unknowingly) designed and manufactured the device which caused this damage and sold it exclusively to the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY.  Charles Byers 602-705-9769 

The Daily NewsVan Nuys, California
Bomb Squad Pair Respected for Skills at Jobs:McCree had worldwide renown By Tony Knight Daily News Staff Writer Sunday, February 9th, 1986
Arleigh McCree and Ronald Ball, the bomb-squad officers killed Sunday were two of the most experienced and highly respected explosive technicians in the LAPD.  McCree, 46, the bomb-squad chief, was in charge of the multi-agency bomb detail assembled for the 1984 Olympics. He had helped investigate the 1983 bomb blast at the Marine Barracks in Beirut and had testified on terrorism before Congress.  His international reputation was such that Libyan leader Moammar Khaddafy once offered him a job training terrorists. It was one job he turned down. 


Arliegh McCree
Ron Ball

Ball, 43, a 17-year-police veteran, also was considered an expert on explosives and terrorism and had lectured nationally on the subjects.  McCree, a 21-year- police veteran and Ball were killed Saturday after the bomb they tried to diffuse in a N. Hollywood garage exploded in their hands. The deaths shocked a police force, it had never had a bomb-squad officer killed before, and nearly brought Chief F. Daryl Gates to tears.  "Arleighs been a friend of mine for years," said Gates, his voice trembling.  "I can't ever remember having two of our bomb technicians killed before. There haven't been any in my 36 years at the department." 

McCree had a reputation of being extremely cool and scientific under pressure. Fellow officers said he was the last man they expected to be killed in an explosion.   "I used to call him "Mother McCree".  It always left us awestruck just how cool he seemed to be. He always knew what he was doing, and he never let his guard down. 

McCree had a human side and wasn't afraid to show it.  "I remember one time someone asked him, "How can you be so cool in that situation?" and he said "I'm not cool My hands shake just like any one else's" Cook said he always knew what he was doing."  "Arleigh McCree is one of the best bomb technicians anywhere in the world," Gates said. "He's a veteran. He's been doing this for the better part of twenty years" 

McCree had written a text on explosive devices, and in 1982 he testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on security and Terrorism. He said government manuals on how to make bombs were too easy for terrorists to get.  In 1981, LAPD officials confirmed reports that Khadafy had offered McCree $140,000 to train terrorists. "They wanted me to be the team leader and recruit the rest of the guys." McCree was quoted as saying.  

Ball was remembered by fellow officers as a cheerful man who liked to laugh.  "We all worked together. We trained together," Deputy Ronald Ablott of the LA County Sheriff's bomb squad said. He was a real outgoing fellow. He always had a smile on his face."  "Ron Ball was probably in his own right a very good bomb technician and an excellent officer. He was very knowledgeable in his field." Ablott said. 

Editor's note: Recently discovered evidence indicates that there is more to Sgt. McCree's untimely death than was first supposed.  In Mid January 1986, Sgt. McCree met with Charles M. Byers, the President of Accuracy Systems in Phoenix, AZ.  During the course of this meeting, Sgt. McCree noticed one of Accuracy's Special Ordinance Devices in their Product Museum.  Apparently this device was what Sgt. McCree had just determined was used to blow up the Arrow Air DC 8 at Gander, Newfoundland on Dec. 12, 1985, with the resulting deaths of 256 American citizens and soldiers.  Upon returning home, Sgt. McCree made a report of his findings and sent it home to Washington.  Unfortunately, the wrong persons became aware of this report, and to protect themselves, set up Sgt. McCree and his partner, to be killed with a booby-trapped pipe-bomb.  In a resulting trial, evidence was suppressed to insure the onviction of homeowner where the bomb was found, in order to protect the perpetrators.

  The PAN AM 103 Electronic Timer
These 3 photographs are of an identical model of the electronic timer used to detonate the bomb that blew up PAN AM 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on Dec. 21, 1988.  A one inch square partial section of this timer was found in the PAN AM 103 wreckage.  It is adjustable from 0 to 99 minutes or 0 to 99 hours with the flip of a switch.  It is a high quality, 

professionally assembled timer whose design includes both circuit (hook-up/connection) and output (function/activation) test lights.  I know where it was manufactured in Florida --- again exclusively for the CIA!!   Charles Byers  602-705-9769



                                            Gander: The Untold Story


Events in Gander -- An Overview

In the wee hours of December 12, 1985, a military chartered Arrow Air DC-8 crashed into the cold, damp landscape at the end of runway 22 at Gander International Airport in Gander, Newfoundland. Two-hundred and forty-eight military personnel and eight crew members lost their lives in the accident. As members of the 101st Airborne division stationed in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, the servicemen were assigned to rotation as a peacekeeping force in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, enforcing the Camp David Accords of 1978. (4:50) The accepted theory at the time of the crash was that the plane had crashed due to ice accumulation on the leading surfaces of the wings.

However, recent discoveries and investigations have shown that this crash may not have been caused by ice, but rather by some type of incendiary device placed on the plane. Although the United States and Canadian governments have stood firmly behind their icing theories, many of the unusual events during the preparation for flight, governmental investigations, and toxicology reports point toward a deeper, more hidden, cause behind this tragic accident.

Prelude: Soldiers in the Sinai

Annex I to the Treaty of Peace between Egypt and Israel of 1979 provided for U.N. forces to occupy a portion of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, as observers, between Egypt and Israel. (7:345) The 101st Airborne division from Fort Campbell, Kentucky was one of four divisions that constituted the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO). The sole purpose of the MFO was to "operate checkpoints, reconnaissance patrols and observation posts along the international boundary." (7:345)

Although the MFO was designated solely as a peacekeeping force, many times they were targets of hostile acts by the Islamic Jihad, or Islamic "Holy War," a religious fundamentalist group responsible for various terrorist acts against the United States, such as the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, and the hijacking of TWA flight 847 in June of 1985. In February of 1984, the MFO's director, Leamon "Ray" Hunt was gunned down in his car in the streets of Rome, Italy. Officials investigating Hunt's murder pointed the finger of guilt at Lebanese terrorists. (2:12-20)

As a result of the Marine barracks bombing, the U.S. began withdrawing its troops from Lebanon, leaving the largest collection of United States troops in the Middle East, concentrated in the Sinai. (2:20) The rotation of these troops every six months involved a massive, cooperative effort between the Egyptians and the U.S. The movement of these troops around the region would require that the utmost of security precautions be taken, or would it?

Troop Movement and Security

From the moment the troops were destined to leave for home from the Sinai, an unusual sequence of events occurred that have been dismissed as irrelevant. Before this particular movement of troops, all troops serving in the Sinai had departed from the Ras Nasrani airport in the southern part of the Sinai, relatively close to the South Camp set up for the MFO. Yet on this flight, Army officials were notified that this airport would not be available for use by large planes due to construction on the main runway. This meant that the soldiers would be flown by Egypt Air Boeing 737s to the Cairo International Airport, where they would then depart on the larger Arrow Air DC-8. (2:133) Although this may have seemed but an inconvenience to the troops and to the Army, it required that all baggage be transported by way of truck to the airport in Cairo. Customs officials from Egypt and the U.S. participated in searching all unit and stores equipment, which included only baggage stored in a cargo compartment and not carry-on gear. The trucks were loaded and an Egyptian Customs Seal was placed on the sealed trailers. The trucks arrived in Cairo on December 10, a whole day before the troops even began to leave the South Camp in the Sinai. (5:1) 

Upon arrival at the airport in Cairo, the trucks were parked in the streets outside the airport before being moved to a guarded area of the airport. Two U.S. soldiers guarded the baggage round the clock until around 4:00 p.m. On December 11, the truck drivers took over the guard themselves and allowed the guards to prepare for departure. At approximately 8 p.m., the seal on the baggage trucks was broken by an Army official, and the loading began 30 minutes later by an Egyptian-contracted loading firm. (7:404-405)

The unusual events begin to unfold further here, when the pilot of the plane noticed that the Egyptian guard stationed on the ground outside the aircraft would "disappear from his post several times, sometimes for as long as an hour." Captain Arthur Schoppaul also noted that the baggage workers got into a fist fight outside the aircraft, which struck him strangely since Arabs rarely touch one another due to religious beliefs. (7:418) There was a time when there was no light around the aircraft due to a power cord that had been pulled out on the tarmac. (2:145) During the loading, there were no U.S. personnel in the cargo holds supervising the contracted Egyptian workers, none of whom had been screened by the U.S. officials. (7:182)

When the cargo bays of the DC-8 were full, an interesting situation arose; there were still 41 of the soldiers' duffel bags that could not be loaded. Many of the bags were bumped off the plane due to several "large, wooden crates" that were loaded onto the plane first. (7:182) An Arrow Air manager recalled that Lieut. Colonel Marvin Jeffcoat, the battalion commander, insisted that the boxes be loaded first, and if necessary, that duffel bags be removed to accommodate the boxes, as they contained "very important, military material." (2:146) This struck many of the crew members oddly since it is "unusual to separate a soldier from his equipment." One of the 10 to 20 of these crates had not been transported on the baggage truck with the other baggage and boxes, but had been flown in the belly of one of the 737s to Cairo. (2:147) Where was this box kept while the other baggage in the trucks was being guarded? Despite attempts to identify the contents of these boxes through Army records, no official records of the boxes, or their contents, have been found.

Post - Crash Investigation

The Arrow Air DC-8 departed from the terminal at 6:40 a.m. Gander local time, crashing six minutes later less than a half-mile from the end of runway 22. (1:5) Army Major Gen. John Crosby arrived in Gander at 3:00 p.m. local time, along with Army personnel to assist the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in their investigative efforts. However, the Army's only role was to assist, and not investigate, at the scene of the accident; this would be done solely by the RCMP. Representatives from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the FBI were also dispatched to the site within hours of the crash.

The disturbing part about the investigation lies in the cooperative efforts between the Canadian and U.S. governments. Many of the officials sent to the crash site were told that they had no jurisdiction there, as the crash did not take place on U.S. territory. In most accidents that involve U.S. citizens, officials probe further to uncover details. In this case, however, many of the officials accepted whatever theories were laid before them by the Canadian officials. The FBI officials were put up in a hotel room for several days, at which time they were informed about the RCMP's findings and told to go home. Information in hand, they departed, leaving a possible crime scene with only the information they were provided -- unprecedented for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (6:34)

Two separate eyewitnesses remember General Crosby ordering the "immediate bulldozing of the crash site." Although General Crosby denies mentioning the bulldozing operation in December, records show that less than 10 days following the accident, Crosby was in touch with officials in Gander and Ottawa regarding the site cleanup, which was to be performed with "a representative of the Army present at all times." (2:83-85) The immediate bulldozing of a crash site removes all traces of wrongdoing, and seems especially intriguing in light of the Pan Am 103 investigation which took place after that flight was brought down by an explosion over Lockerbie, Scotland. Investigators in the Pan Am case reconstructed the aircraft piece by piece until the source of the explosion was found: a detonator small enough to fit in the lock of a suitcase was found among the 747's wreckage. (2:431) No meticulous investigation such as this was made in the Gander accident. The bodies of the deceased were the only hard evidence examined for an in-flight explosion, and even they were hurriedly examined.

The Toxicology Reports: Burned Alive

The crash of the Gander flight posed a particular problem for recovery and examination of the bodies of the deceased. Colonel Robert McMeekin, director of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) received notification of the accident at 6:30 a.m. on the morning of December 12. He arrived in Gander at 3:30 p.m. that day. The role of the AFIP was solely identification of U.S. personnel. Under a Memorandum of Understanding signed by Canadian and U.S. officials, the RCMP agreed to release the bodies of the victims to the United States for identification and pathological examination. Any toxicology samples would be taken and shipped to Canada for testing; no testing was to be done in the U.S. Thus, the bodies were moved to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware for examination. (7:355) The examination and x-rays revealed that none of the bodies showed any signs of a pre-impact explosion. All deaths were listed as "instantaneous" and due to "plane crash." According to many pathologists, an accident cannot be listed as a cause of death, but only as a contributor to death. Actual death can only be by decapitation, etc. Listing the deaths as "instantaneous" would appease many of the families -- that is, until the Elcombe report was released.

Dr. David Elcombe, director of the Canadian Aviation Safety Board (CASB), released the Canadians' toxicological findings on March 5, 1986, although they were not presented at any public hearings. These results presented problems for the "instantaneous" death theory posed by Dr. McMeekin. The consensus between the two governments was that there was no pre-impact explosion. Therefore the story went something like this: everyone was alive, then several seconds later, all aboard perished immediately when the plane contacted the ground as a result of wing icing, and erupted in a ball of fire. This is where Dr. Elcombe's findings pose a problem. Many of the bodies contained high levels of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide, both products of combustion. (1:37-38) An accepted guideline used by pathologists is that these products cannot enter the tissue of the body by any means other than respiration. So according to Dr. Elcombe, 256 people who died "instantaneously" have high levels of combustion products which they would have had to have inhaled. To make this important piece of evidence fit into the accepted "no explosion" theory, the survival time after the crash was increased from zero seconds to almost five minutes. The families were being asked to deal with the nightmarish possibility that their loved ones sat living, within a fiery inferno of jet fuel for almost five minutes. Interestingly, many of the bodies that had high levels of combustion products in their lungs were also decapitated, yet according to the official report, they somehow kept breathing five minutes after being dismembered. This could be exactly why Dr. Elcombe sent a memo to Dr. McMeekin dated June 20, 1986 stating: "Some of the carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide values are striking ... and I look forward to meeting with you ... to consider their significance." (2:167)

Arms to Iran: Enter One Oliver North

Many people have questioned the true mission of the 3rd battalion of the 101st Airborne deployed to the Sinai. There are some theories surrounding the contents of the mysterious "wooden boxes" loaded into the DC-8 in Cairo, and their relation to the Iran-Contra affair involving Oliver North. Others will point out that almost 20 members of the 101st were members of an elite Special Forces group known as Task Force 160. The significance of this fact is great, considering that the role of the Multinational Force and Observers is peacekeeping. In contrast, Task Force 160's main objectives are covert missions and rescues, as demonstrated by their suggested involvement in the Italian cruise liner, Achille Lauro, hostage situation. The forces were poised and ready to pounce, although the hijackers surrendered first. (6:34)

The only possible logic surrounding the entrance of such highly specialized personnel in a peacekeeping force, is that the MFO itself was used as a base for other, more covert, activity in the region. One must look at the events that were taking place at the time in the Middle East, although the public was unaware at the time. Colonel Oliver North had been negotiating with Iran for some time for the release of American hostages being held in that country. As an exchange for the release of the hostages, North was selling the Iranians TOW anti-tank missiles for use in its ongoing war with Iraq. In late November, 1985, the Iranians paid over $24 million for the purchase of 18 HAWK anti-aircraft missiles. However, upon delivery and testing of one of the HAWKs, the Iranians realized that they had received an older, less technologically advanced version of the HAWK which had a much lesser range that the new ones. The Iranians, already carrying a great distrust of the U.S., felt double-crossed. Oliver North was told by one of his advisors that there was a "good chance of condemning some or all of the hostages to death in a renewed wave of Islamic Jihad." Oliver North responded saying that the deaths of the hostages would be our "minimum losses." (8:182-196)

Realizing his position, the possibility exists that Oliver North planned a covert hostage rescue attempt. North knew the position of the hostages to the exact room of the barracks they were being held in. (6:34) If this attempt failed and there were casualties in the Special Operations group, this might explain the contents of the "coffin sized" boxes being loaded into the plane in Cairo. Also, if a rescue mission had failed several days earlier, retaliation by an angered Iran could have been focused on U.S. military maneuvers taking place in the region, most notably the transport of military personnel back to the U.S. An aircraft explosion over the North American continent would prove effective in showing the U.S. that the arm of terrorism can reach to any area of the globe.

The Governments' Lines

Although there have not been any governmental investigations which have sufficiently satisfied the family members and others who would like to know what actually happened in Gander, the government of the United States has conducted inquiries that examine the U.S. government's involvement in the investigation. In December of 1990, the House of Representatives conducted a two-day hearing on the accident. Many top governmental officials presented their testimony concerning their agencies' roles in the post-crash investigation. Gen. Crosby and Col. McMeekin were present, and answered most questioning with military precision. However, on several occasions when congressmen drilled for answers, Crosby would interrupt and speak on behalf of McMeekin, when McMeekin seemed to be verbally cornered. The subcommittee adjourned on December 5, concluding nothing of great proportions. The hearings had been the result of growing pressure from families and a select few congressmen, the final verdict stating that the "Subcommittee is dismayed and troubled by the failure of the U.S. Government to pursue an active role in the investigation of the Gander accident." (7:902)

On October 28, 1988, the Canadian Aviation Safety Board concluded its internal investigation into the accident, although it resulted in no single conclusion. A group of nine board members split 5 to 4 on the ruling of the cause of the accident. The majority concluded that the crash was due to ice accumulation on the wings, which may have caused the aircraft to stall. The minority concluded differently, stating that the crash could have been caused by an "on-board fire, possibly due to a detonation in the cargo compartment." (3:107) Later, in 1989, Canadian Judge WIlliam Estey, a former Justice of the Canadian Supreme Court, was asked to review the findings of both the majority and minority, in hope that he might order a reopening of the investigation. Judge Estey, however, determined that both sides had plausible support for their respective arguments, but added that "further investigation is not ... warranted." (7:763) 


Over ten years have passed since the crash of the homeward-bound DC-8 in 1985. Still, may questions remain unanswered. Although many details of the accident have remained a mystery, many more have been uncovered which may provide insight into the true cause of the disaster. However speculative, it is important that the postulation continue, and that all possible causes be explored. The icing proponents continue to produce credible statistics concerning the effects of ice on aircraft lift and drag. But as these facts are produced, they are challenged by stronger facts discounting them.

Theories abound in a case such as
 this, and I would like to offer my own theories behind this crash.
  • The mysterious wooden boxes were the bodies of Special Forces soldiers killed in a hostage rescue attempt.
  • A bomb, or some other incendiary device, was placed into the "B" cargo hold of the plane at one of its two stops before heading back to the U.S. The lax security would allow such an act to take place.
  • The explosion onboard the aircraft did not cause it to explode in mid-air, but rather rendered it uncontrollable and caused a massive system failure before crashing.
  • The Special Forces units on the aircraft were sent to rescue the hostages held in the Middle East. Oliver North realized that the hostages would probably be killed in retaliation for the bad shipment of HAWK missiles sent to Iran. He knew that he could face serious consequences for his actions if the hostages were harmed. The peace keeping agenda in the Sinai would provide an innocent platform from which to launch such an operation.
It is important that the public know about governmental wrongdoings. Although it may seem that there was no intentional or blatant cover-up, further investigation proves that the inadequate and incomplete investigation of this incident means substantially more than coincidence. A complete investigation is needed that will examine all aspects of the crash, including the pre-crash events, the post-crash investigation, toxicological findings, as well as the "arms for hostages" connections. Unlike the Kennedy assassination, another famous potential governmental conspiracy, the players in this game are still alive and within the population and should be probed for answers. Our servicemen and women are not expendable, for along with the 248 servicemen and women, 248 sons and daughters died as well. 

List of Sources

  1. Canadian Aviation Safety Board. 1988. Aviation Occurrence Report: Douglas DC-8-63 N50JW, Gander International Airport, Newfoundland, 12 December 1985. In Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary. 1991. Fatal Plane Crash in Gander, Newfoundland, December 12, 1985. Washington D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office. 766-882.
    This portion of the Subcommittee report provides the CASB's majority opinion that ice accumulation on the wings caused the crash. This document supports an opinion different from the minority opinion and provides an alternative theory.
  2. Filotas, Les. 1991. Improbable Cause. Toronto:McClelland-Bantam, Inc.
    This book provides a detailed account of the CASB's investigation and the cover-up involved from the point of view of a member of the CASB.
  3. Fotos, Christopher, P. 1988. "Minority Faction Faults Arrow Air Crash Analysis". Aviation Week and Technology. December 19: 107.
    This gives insight into the turmoil that this investigation caused within the Canadian government.
  4. McDonald, Marci. 1990. "Elusive Truths". McClean's. December 12: 50.
    Another investigative report from a Canadian magazine.
  5. Richardson, Joseph L. MFO Internal Memo Regarding U.S. Batallion Rotation. U.S. Army. 17 December 1985. 1-2.
    This is a memo written in regard to the movement of troops within the Sinai region.
  6. Rowan, Roy. 1992. "Gander: Different crash, same questions". Time 139 (April 27): 33-34.
    This article details specific solider classification and raises the issue about the involvement of special task forces in relation to an "arms for hostages" deal.
  7. Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary. 1991. Fatal Plane Crash in Gander, Newfoundland, December 12, 1985. Washington D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office.
    This is a report conducted over a two day period in Washington D.C. to specifically determine the U.S. government's extent of negligence in the investigation.
  8. Tower, John; Muskie, Edmund, and Scrowcroft, Brent. 1987. Tower Commission Report, The. New York: Bantam Books. 182-196.
    This is the account of many of the dealings of Oliver North and his involvement with the Iranians.


Wilson-Raybould, Philpott to announce their political plans Monday


Replying to and 48 others
Methinks only Trudeau and these two ladies know the whole story but everybody loves the circus the three drama queens have created N'esy Pas? 


Wilson-Raybould, Philpott to announce their political plans Monday

2291 Comments Before I refreshed the page now its 2259

Ben Smith
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So disgusting how Trudeau and his minions treated these 2 strong women.

Dawn MacNeill 
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Reply to @Ben Smith: Are you and that Castiglione twin brothers?
Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy)
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Reply to @Ben Smith:

CONs never think women being strong is a good thing unless they can score political points.
Dale Prokop 
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Reply to @Jason Tremblay (JasonDiggy): ummmm....the only woman ever to be PM in Canada? She was a conservative....
Jody Melsom 
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Reply to @Dale Prokop: She was a fall guy for Mulroney that new he was going to lose the election, appointed, not elected.
Bill Dixon 
Content disabled 
Reply to @Dale Prokop: Well... a *progressive" conservative. In today's conservative parlance, being a "progressive" is pretty much the mark of the devil to a "real" conservative.

The spectrum of beliefs of today's Conservatives would be unrecognizable to the Old PC Party.
David Amos 
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Reply to @Jody Melsom: YUP
David Amos
Content disabled 
Reply to @Ben Smith: Methinks only Trudeau and these two ladies know the whole story but everybody loves the circus the three drama queens have created N'esy Pas? 
David Sampson
Please go away, you are getting truly tiresome. You both once had something to say and we all wanted to hear it but please, enough, we are tired of your continuing publicity stint.
Jack Slate
Man the liberal bots are out in full force today trying to smear these two women who have done nothing wrong. Yet, where is the investigation into Trudeau and the liberal like we saw for trump? In the US they hired a top special prosecutor and 12 other experienced prosecutors. Here in Canada its been crickets so far.

Robert Lewis
Reply to @Jack Slate: No one is smearing anyone, the only person who may have broken the law (secretly tapping a private conversation) was JRW.....
Jack Slate 
Reply to @Robert Lewis:

That was not illegal. Trudeau's advisors saying that 'legalities dont matter''its just a harper law so its not important' in addition to 'trudeau made up his mind on this' and even said that " we MUST come to a solution'.

Any lawyer looking at this knows that this is very questionable behaviour and certainly warrants an investigation wrt obstruction just like we saw in the states. It would seriously harm the credibility of the justice system if nothing was done.
Lloyd Jones
Reply to @David Sampson:
I think two principled, accomplished women who acted out of principle (one to preserve non-partisan nature of the justice system) rather than just shutting up and doing what they're told by the PMO likely have a great deal of sympathy across Canada.
If they have the support within their ridings, I would hope they run as independents, if nothing else but to show it is possible for MPs to represent their ridings in Ottawa, not The Party in their ridings. I would be happy to see them take seats from either the Liberals or the Conservatives. Wilson-Raybould would not only represent her riding, but Indigenous Canadians, who could be confident she would speak up for them and not be gagged by Head Office.  
Dawn MacNeill
Reply to @Jack Slate: Maybe not illegal but really underhanded, sneaky, sly, you name it. Wouldn't want a friend or co-worker that would do that, would you?
Jenna Collins 
Reply to @David Sampson: Wow!!!!!! The only people that want this to go away are the Liberals and their supporters. The rest of us don't like it when our government attempts to interfere in the justice system.
Bill Dixon 
Reply to @Dawn MacNeill: "really underhanded, sneaky, sly, you name it"

Okay, so what do you call Trudeau and his minions trying to interfere in the independence of the prosecution of SNC-Lavalin?
Richard Sharp
Reply to @Bill Dixon:

ZERO interference. Never even communicated with Prosecution Services. JWR was the one who WITHHELD a memo to the privy council clerk (Wernick), an act of malice.
David Amos
Reply to @Richard Sharp: Cry me a river
Mo Bennett
Reply to @David Sampson: actually, we need all politicians to go away, not just these 2 !! 
David Amos 
Reply to @mo bennett: YO MO Methinks we can always rely on your wisdom first thing in the morning N'esy Pas?
Al Jamison
Their 15 minutes being over......they think they're still in the limelight.....as off of the wall as last year's calendar.  
Robert Samson
Reply to @Al Jamison: Says the Liberal boiler room all voting in unison. LOL Is that you Ralph?
Ryan Tulson 
Reply to @Al Jamison: disguting
David Amos  
Reply to @Al Jamison: Welcome to the Circus that will go on and on until at least October
Bob Gillies
I really don't care which party they choose to run for as long as they run.
Abandoning politics would be letting Trudeau off the hook and he doesn't deserve to be let off.
Bill Dixon
Reply to @Bob Gillies: Leaving politics would also simply reinforce the sort of corruption that the SNC-Lavalin affair underlines, and that going against the party line is professional suicide, even that party line involves sacrificing the independence of criminal prosecutions for the short-term benefit of the party.

All the Liberal hacks here refuse to admit that this was a serious assault on our democracy and constitution.
David Amos
Reply to @Bob Gillies: 'I really don't care which party they choose to run for as long as they run.'

Me Too

Nancy Van Der Meulen
Those two shot just quietly recede into whatever place they came from.
They achieved their purpose which was to destroy the Liberal Party.
Nobody respects backstabbers with their sense of entitlement.

Dawn MacNeill 
Reply to @Nancy van der Meulen: Well said!
Ethan Lamb
Reply to @Dawn MacNeill: I don’t agree, grammar seems lacking.
Lloyd Jones
Reply to @Nancy van der Meulen:
Classic partisan reaction.
The PM and at his direction the PMO and PCO and various MPs were caught trying to influence the Attorney General in favor of a large company who had previously made significant illegal contributions to the Liberal party (refunded when caught, of course) and based in a province where they desperately needed to pick up seats.
This is not much different to Harper's PMO with Nigel Wright quietly contributing $90k to get Senator Mike Duffy off the hook when he was caught playing fast and loose with Senate residence allowances.

This kind of stuff has happened since Moses was a boy because it goes on behind closed doors and Members do what they're told and keep their mouths shut. Wilson Raybould put Canada before the Liberal Party - which is the ultimate crime in party politics - disloyalty. So here you are calling her a "backstabber". I hope Philpott and Wilson-Raybould both stand as independents and take the seats they previously won for the Liberal Party.

IMHO both are accomplished, independent minded people who stand a better chance of doing the right thing for Canada and their constituents than your typical party franchisee.
Jenna Collins
Reply to @Nancy van der Meulen: Wrong! Whistleblowers deserve our respect.
David Amos
Reply to @Jenna Collins: What am I chopped liver?

Rick Poulter 
Reply to @Jenna Collins: The point missed in this fiasco is that JWB did not follow the law by refusing to get an opinion on the legality of offering SNC-Lavalin a deferred prosecution agreement. Her legal career is 2 years as a junior prosecutor in BC and for the rest of her life was an aboriginal activist. We don't even know if she ever argued a case in front of a judge. With her credentials, she should have never been Attorney General or Minister of Justice.
David E Linkletter 
Reply to @Jenna Collins: When whistle blowrs act in the public interest, yes. JWR is only working in her interest.
Brett Blaikie 
Reply to @Rick Poulter: and whose fault is that? the legal "opinion" in question in fact came from the Director of Public Prosecution. JWR merely backed her up. Against a powerful and corrupt lot of puppet-masters we all know exists but seldom get a chance to see (and they still haven't faced any consequences for bribing government officials in Canada) 

Wilson-Raybould, Philpott to announce their political plans Monday

Still no news on whether Philpott and Wilson-Raybould will run for Greens in next election

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