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Methinks everybody knows lawyers are professional liars


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Methinks everybody knows lawyers are professional liars For them to advise anyone not to do what they do is a monumental joke N'esy Pas?



Thinking about lying to U.S. border agents about your pot use? 'Do not do that. Trust me,' says lawyer

Rather than lying or admitting pot use, experts suggest a third option: delay

Guy Quenneville· CBC News· Posted: Oct 30, 2018 8:20 PM CT


Rick Bailey 
Rick Bailey
Who's this lawyer kidding?
If you smoked a joint 30 yers ago in high school absolutely lie about it and say no. Trust me, says Rick Bailey.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rick Bailey Methinks everybody knows lawyers are professional liars for them to advise anyone not to do what they do is a monumental joke to anyone with two clues within their ears N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos 
 @David Amos BTW Does anyone remember the Yankee lawyer by the name of Clinton when asked if he ever smoked dope he said yes but he did not inhale How is that possible? The there the dude named Obama but I will let CBC tell the tale about lawyers and their BS


"It was a variation on Bill Clinton's not inhaling. Ridiculous, almost cowardly. Or Barack Obama, who admitted cocaine use in a memoir, then oversaw national crackdowns on pot."

BTW I don't smoke No Joke So I don't care if it is legal or not

Ray Davies
Bill Martin
Suddenly the 'devil may care' days of one's youth return decades later to bite you in the adze.

Ray Davies
Ray Davies
@Bill Martin
Only if you have family in the US or are required to do business there...otherwise it's not that big of a deal. Or you could just be sensible and not say yes or something equally stupid like try to avoid the question.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bill Martin What if pulled a Flip Wilson and confessed your sins to the Yankee border guards then told them that the devil made you do it? Do ya think they would laugh a let ya go?

Pierre Sylvan
Pierre Sylvan
@Bill Martin
Unless you want to get on the Supreme Court

Ray Davies
Ray Davies
@David Amos

Seems like they would but they might not...they have the right to detain you and you can't withdraw your intention to cross the border once they've got you. They'll have to let you go at some point but who knows how long that could be...

David Amos
David Amos
@Ray Davies Methinks I have the ticket out of trouble with nasty Yankee Border Guards Check out page 2 of this old file I am way above their pay grade N'esy Pas?


David Amos
David Amos
@Pierre Sylvan "Unless you want to get on the Supreme Court"

Funny you should say that I about to send the Supreme Court my lawsuit in short order . If you doubt me just Google David Amos Federal Court

Norm Cunningham
Norm Cunningham
@David Amos nope, i don’t think so!
I once took a box of Pot of Gold chocolates as a gift into the U.S.
their customs guy saw it, wrapped by manufacturer and demanded I open it to prove it was chocolates. . . I did, then offered him one, lol. He of course declined, but did let me through.

John Oliver
John Oliver
@Norm Cunningham
Lucky it wasn't a Kinder Surprise. They might have locked you up for 2 years.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Norm Cunningham Methinks I have a better one for ya. I am a Proud Candain citizen but I have permanent resident status in the USA because I am married to an American and the very proud Father of two children with dual citizenship.

Anyway one time I encountered a border guard with no sense of ha ha at all. who maintained that since I was an American resident that I could not cross the border with my antique Harley registered in Nova Scotia. I asked why because I am a Canadian not a Yankee and I still own property in Canada. He could not argue himself out of a wet paper bag with a dude who loves to sue lawyers so he upped the ante and threatened to seize my Harley if I dd not sign documents promising to register the bike in the in the USA ASAP. In the process of filling out forms he demanded that I prove that the old Harley was made in the USA on the spot or he was gonna make me pay a lots of duties as well.

Well I had bought in the USA years before and paid a lot of duty bringing it to Canada but I certainly should not have to pay any duty on bringing a product built in the USA back. Anyway even though everybody knows that Harleys are built in the USA try proving it on the spot to a jerk. Antiques don't come with EPA stickers etc. Anyway I thought a minute then pointed to the taillight lens. Caste in the plastic is "Made in the USA." The Jerk let me ride away because his cohorts were starting to laugh at his malicious nonsense.

True story

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Speaking of Border guards Trust that I gave this file to both the Canadian and Yankee border guards in 2004 when I came home to run in the Election of the 38th Parliament in the riding called Fundy Royal. i have run or public office 5 more times since then


Methinks page 2 should give Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen a stroke on All Hallows Eve Quite an "October Surprise" even if I do say so myself N'esy Pas?

Google "Fundy Royal Debate" sometime if you want a pretty good chuckle

Everett Mincey
Everett Mincey
There is a foolproof way to avoid border conflicts-stop going to USA. Unless there is an absolute reason involving significant business needs or personal tragedy this is a good time in our history with US to put leisure travel on hold until border laws change. A significant drop in Canadian visits will have a large effect on US border crossing laws. Recently, there has been a large drop in Chinese tourism due to measures by US to discourage Chinese tourists. Tourism and visitor-based businesses in America will put pressure on officialdom to change how border crossings are handled. Just be patient and things will change!

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Everett Mincey, nothing the US of A will change my mind about crossing their border. Their border officers have always been rude and ignorant. Nothing will change.
Eric Giesbrecht
Eric Giesbrecht
@Marguerite Deschamps .Strange i have always thought they were very polite etc , it's coming back that the hassles start with the Canadian guards

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks the nasty Yankee border guards remind many local folks of the snobby Quebeckers who think they know all about the Maritimes Trust that the Feds in Canada and the USA know that I have many Cajun and Acadian friends who no doubt agree with me N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Eric Giesbrecht, it was never the case out east. Canadian guards were always polite and respectful. But I have not been anywhere near a US border for decades.

Richard Mackay
Richard Mackay
@Marguerite Deschamps I have traveled extensively for business and I think it is a North American thing. Of all the Developed countries (EU, USA Canada, Japan and Korea) only two stand out as having ignorant, nasty, impolite and power trips, USA CBP and Canada's CBSA both are thoroughly unpleasant people to deal with! Actually the CBSA has been the most unpleasant of the two!

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, it depends on the Quebecker. Some are nasty while others are very nice people. Same goes for some US people as well. It's normally the ignorant from the boondocks that paint everyone with the same brush.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "ignorant from the boondocks "

Methinks you think I resemble your not so sly remark. However you were so busy knowing it all about everything that you did not bother to get the first clue about me before you opted to libel me N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks CBC must be protecting you from "a ghost of comments past" on All Hallows Eve N'esy Pas?

John Peters
John Peters
@Marguerite Deschamps
If you haven't been near a US border for decades, then you probably don't know if they are rude.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Peters Methinks the lady doth protest too much N'esy Pas?

The stinking hypocrisy over pot finally ending: Neil Macdonald

A look at Canada's damaging history with marijuana and what legalization might bring

Neil Macdonald· CBC News· Posted: Dec 14, 2016 5:00 AM ET

The government has promised to table legislation for the legalization of pot next spring, but it could take much more time for the bill to be studied and eventually passed into law. (Justin Tang/Canadian Press)

My late father was born early enough to remember mail-order catalogues offering THC capsules to people who were having trouble sleeping or eating.

It worked, obviously. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the active ingredient in cannabis, and while the term "the munchies" didn't exist in rural Ontario during the first two decades of the 20th century, that's what the catalogues were selling. That, and a nice buzz.

Anyway, Dad said it was elderly people, farmers worn out by a life of hard labour, who used the capsules, and no one connected the drug to murder, insanity, death or the rape of white women by members of other races.

Then, in 1923, Canada lost its mind, bought the murder, rape and insanity thing, and criminalized cannabis, and for the next 93 years — to this very day — has persecuted heaven knows how many people, ruining lives, ending careers, denying comfort to the ill, and actually sending people to the horror of prison, all for something most smart people knew all along is a piddling, victimless act.

Lives ruined

Of course, most victims of this were young people, who are more easily caught than adults with private homes. Or minorities, because they're shaken down far more often by police.

And the stinking hypocrisy was that plenty of politicians, including prime ministers, and plenty of police, and plenty of judges had, at one time or another, smoked a joint themselves, but remained willing to continue wrecking other people's lives for doing the same thing.

Few had the courage to speak out.

Twenty years or so ago, doing a documentary on cannabis, I spoke to a man who, as a university law student in 1979, had persuaded the Joe Clark government to propose decriminalization in the speech from the throne. (When I asked Clark many years later what happened to that initiative, he answered: "Ronald Reagan happened.")

Prime Minister Joe Clark mentioned the possibility of decriminalizing marijuana back in 1979. (Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press)
But would that former law student talk on the record? Umm, no. Because, you see, he'd become a Crown attorney, and although he assured me his views had not changed, the police wouldn't appreciate them.

I also called a judge (later to become a much more senior and famous judge) who, in her student days, had advocated for reform of marijuana laws. Would she speak? Please don't mention me, she said.
Ditto a federal public servant who'd once headed the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) in 1979. He was just plain scared by 1993; he hung up on me.

I even approached former justice minister Kim Campbell, running for prime minister at the time, to ask if she'd ever smoked pot. Yes, she said haughtily, but if you understand the law, Mr. Macdonald, you'll know I never violated it, because I never possessed the drug. It was passed to me. (The Mounties instantly disagreed with her legal opinion.)

During the 1993 campaign, Prime Minister Kim Campbell admitted she'd smoked marijuana before. (Tom Hanson/Canadian Press)
It was a variation on Bill Clinton's not inhaling. Ridiculous, almost cowardly. Or Barack Obama, who admitted cocaine use in a memoir, then oversaw national crackdowns on pot.

Which brings us to Justin Trudeau. Let's be clear here: He openly acknowledged having used cannabis, and decided not just to decriminalize it, but to outright legalize it.

Good for Justin Trudeau. That took guts. That's called courageous leadership.
Conservatives, of course, will screech about this, until they shut up and accept it, the way they've given up fighting gay marriage.

But the weird thing is that legalization of marijuana is, strictly speaking, a conservative idea. Conservatives are, or are supposed to be, laissez-faire.

It's liberals who desperately want to use government to protect people from themselves.

Disclosure here: I enthusiastically smoked cannabis for years, until I stopped. It weirds me out now, and I can't handle it. It never made me want to try heroin, though, or rape anybody, or steal to get my pot fix. I am 100 per cent sure alcohol and tobacco, the single most preventable cause of cancer, did me far more damage. Let the government outlaw tobacco if it's so concerned about public health.

Big money

We are still in bizzaro world, by the way. We're supposed to be so much more progressive than the Americans, and yet hundreds of millions of Americans live in states where possession of cannabis is completely legal, or an offence that merits nothing more than a traffic ticket. At the same time, the Americans will bar a Canadian from the U.S. for life for admitting ever having smoked dope, and may continue to do so, especially under their bizarro-world new president.

And don't forget, there's a hell of a lot of money at stake here. Police, who have for decades inflated their budgets by busting kids for pot during the "war on drugs," are no doubt having urgent discussions with their political masters about keeping those budgets intact.

Police raids on marijuana dispensaries made plenty of headlines in Canada this year. (Judy Trinh/CBC)
And of course other public servants are licking their chops at the prospect of enlarging their departments.

The Liquor Control Board of Ontario is already waving its hand around anxiously. The recommendation of the federal task force that marijuana be sold in a separate facility from alcohol is even better; new LCBOs (MCBOs?) can be built, and all sorts more staff hired, thereby grossly inflating the price of a joint. It's the Canadian way.

No doubt some LCBO executives are already planning glossy monthly magazines suggesting pairings of Thai-stick or Maui Wowee with a nice leg of lamb or a risotto. The governments that sent people to prison for pot will be promoting it. Shamelessness always pays.

Customers browse samples at Shango Cannabis shop on the first day of legal recreational marijuana sales in Portland, Ore., in October 2015. (Steve Dipaola/Reuters)
You can bet a month's pay that conservative corporate Canada is already planning to elbow aside the funky little shops selling things like "purple kush" and the "edibles" bakeries, the sort that operate in Colorado and Washington. We don't want to be having too much fun.

Here's something else you can count on: tax, and lots of it. This week's task force recommendations even proposed taxing more potent pot more heavily. For everyone's safety, of course.
Nothing ever really changes.

Oh, and one other thing: once legalization happens, anybody with a marijuana-related criminal record should be pardoned.
This column is an opinion. For more information about our commentary section, please read this editor's blog and our FAQ.

About the Author

Neil Macdonald
Opinion Columnist
Neil Macdonald is an opinion columnist for CBC News, based in Ottawa. Prior to that he was the CBC's Washington correspondent for 12 years, and before that he spent five years reporting from the Middle East. He also had a previous career in newspapers, and speaks English and French fluently, and some Arabic.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Thinking about lying to U.S. border agents about your pot use? 'Do not do that. Trust me,' says lawyer

Rather than lying or admitting pot use, experts suggest a third option: delay

Canadian defence lawyers advise against lying about your past cannabis use when crossing a U.S. border. (Elaine Thompson/AP Photo)

Al Larocque says he's always been truthful when crossing the border.

But if the Fruitvale, B.C., resident is asked by U.S. border agents if he's ever smoked marijuana, he knows what he's going to do.

"I'm going to lie," he said Tuesday.

Larocque lives just north of B.C.'s border with Washington state, a boundary he crosses several times a year to reach his winter home in Arizona.​
But a report Monday— about Estevan, Sask., residents being refused entry into North Dakota after admitting to past cannabis use — has Larocque spooked about his next southbound trip next month.

"I don't want to lie. And I'm going to lie. And that is unfortunate. Because I am a truthful person and I think most Canadians are," he said.

Larocque is worried about getting cut off from his second home.

Still, he should rethink his plan, say lawyers consulted by CBC News.

"Do not do that. Trust me," said Henry Chang, a partner at the Toronto law firm Blaney McMurtry LLP who specializes in immigration law and practises in both Ontario and California.

The repercussions of being caught lying to a U.S. border agent outweigh the potential gain of fibbing without detection, Chang said — namely, you could be permanently banned from entering the U.S.

'People don't understand' the rules: lawyer

There are two other things that could get you banned from the U.S. in the post-Canadian legalization age, according to Chang.

The first is a prior conviction for marijuana possession.

The second is admitting to having used marijuana before its recreational use was legalized by the Canadian government on Oct. 17.

Henry Chang, an immigration lawyer based in Toronto, says people can refuse to answer the question and seek American legal advice in the meantime. (Blaney McMurtry LLP)
"If you say, 'Yeah, I smoked marijuana when I was 18, but it's not a problem, right?'— it is problem. You are barred for life, as if you had been convicted back then. People don't understand that," said Chang.

"Legalization doesn't cure prior problems," he added.
Medical marijuana users with a valid prescription are exempt from this category, though they still can't import any marijuana into the U.S.

What about recreational users who admit to doing marijuana after it was legalized?
"It's not as black and white," said Chang.

If it was a one-time tryout by a curious newbie involving cannabis bought from a legal Canadian seller, "you should be OK," he said.

Medically examined for signs of addiction

But a person who admits to using cannabis repeatedly could still be barred from entering the United States, said Chang.

"If they conclude that you're a drug abuser [or addict], you're barred [on] that ground, separate and apart from whether it's legal or not."

That conclusion can't be reached, however, until a Canadian panel physician approved by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) examines someone following a detention.

"You will be temporarily banned until you get the medical exam done," said Chang, adding that the findings are shared directly with CBP, not with the patient.

"If they tell you [at your next border trip] you're not getting in, you know what the medical exam said," he said.

People barred on this ground aren't necessarily banned for life, however, thanks to what Chang called a "remission provision." The panel physician (either in Vancouver, Toronto or elsewhere) may re-examine someone and find they no longer meet the definition of addict or abuser.

"But it can bar someone for several years until they have proven that they no longer use drugs, including legal cannabis," said Chang.

Andrew Mason, a Saskatoon defence lawyer, said people with past convictions for pot possession can obtain a waiver but it's a costly and 'cumbersome' process. (CBC)
People with a prior pot possession conviction have an option too.

They can apply to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for a waiver (form I-192) that would essentially see the U.S. government overlook a past offence.
People have to provide a criminal record check and references, pay a $1,200 Cdn fee and periodically get their waiver renewed.

"It's a cumbersome process," said Andrew Mason, a Saskatoon-based defence lawyer.

And it's not to be confused with a pardon from the Canadian government, which may not do any good anyway, Mason added.

"It doesn't erase the fact that you had committed the offence in the past."

Their advice? Delay

Given all these strict rules, what should marijuana users do when questioned by border agents?

"That's a question I get a lot," said Chang. "It's a no-win situation for anyone who gets asked the question.

"If you admit to using controlled substances prior to legalization, you are barred," he continued. "If you lie and say you've never smoked it and they find out, it's a permanent bar for material misrepresentation, which is also quite serious."

Chang and Mason agree it's better to take a take a third, if imperfect, approach.


"Refuse to answer the question. Say it's irrelevant. Say you don't know why this question is being asked," said Chang.

It won't get people to their destinations — and they'll merely be confronted with the same question next time —  but at least they can consult a lawyer, he said.

That lawyer may even be able to resolve the situation directly with CBP "without you having to make an actual admission," said Chang.

"Because once you've admitted it, it's done. You're barred. Nothing anybody can do except apply for a waiver."

A diplomatic solution 

Mason is hopeful another solution can be worked out.

"I expect the governments of Canada and the U.S will get together and make it so that most people who have smoked it in the past but who are not likely to break U.S. drug laws will not be disallowed in the United States.

"But that's going to take a bit of negotiation and discussion."

About the Author


Guy Quenneville
Reporter and web writer for CBC Saskatoon
Story tips, ideas, complaints, just want to say 'Hi'? Write me at guy.quenneville@cbc.ca

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

RCMP victimized by $100,000 credit card cloning scam TOO TOO FUNNY INDEED


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks that now would be the perfect time to remind the RCMP of Bob Paulson's last published words before he exited stage left N'esy Pas?



RCMP’s Bob Paulson sounds alarm on organized crime in exit interview

Replying to and 49 others
Methinks the Banksters, the RCMP and Mr Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger all know why I was laughing so hard I was choking on my coffee as I listened to CBC"s revelation this morning N'esy Pas?



RCMP victimized by $100,000 credit card cloning scam

Fraudulent gas card used for months in Montreal area before crime detected

Elizabeth Thompson· CBC News· Posted: Nov 01, 2018 4:00 AM ET


Michael G. L. Geraldson
Michael G. L. Geraldson
You just have to wonder what else has been compromised that hasn't been audited yet.

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael G. L. Geraldson "Aaron Boles, vice-president communications for the Canadian Bankers Association, said new chip technology has resulted in a significant drop in the number of bank cards and credit cards being compromised by criminals."

Methinks the Banksters, the RCMP and Mr Prime ?inister Trudeau the Younger all know why I was laughing so hard I was choking on my coffee this morning N'esy Pas?

Michael G. L. Geraldson 
mo bennett
maybe we should get these guys to investigate adrienne clarkson and her gravy train.

David Amos
David Amos
@mo bennett YO MO Methinks you should finally read my lawsuit N'esy Pas?

Michael G. L. Geraldson 
James Holden
They should have caught the discrepancy far earlier.

David Amos
David Amos
@James Holden Dream on

Gabriel Matte
Gabriel Matte
Classic Union shop. If it's not my job then it's somebody elses job. And if there's nobody with that job description then guess what nobody will do it.

Seriously... 2 full years without an audit on staff credit cards??? Wow that is lazy.

Ralph Smyth
Ralph Smyth
@Gabriel Matte
RCMP isn't yet unionized there genius, and even if it were, this is entirely on some out of scope manager/bean counter not doing their job.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ralph Smyth "this is entirely on some out of scope manager/bean counter not doing their job."

Methinks the buck stops in the Commissioners Office I have no doubt whatsoever that this this is just one of the many reasons is why Bob Paulson got out while the getting was good last year Clearly the liberals knew everything. Why else would they slip this nonsense into the annual Public Accounts in Parliament instead of RCMP channels N'esy Pas?

Ralph Smyth 
Jane Beagle
"Eventually when we audited the card we realized that the card had been defrauded and we opened an investigation."

Eventually being the key word. One full year before they audited the card...that seems unacceptable to me.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jane Beagle Methinks everybody should ask why the delay EH?


Aaron Morris
Peter Boone
Cue old Ralph Goodale to tell us all that we have nothing to worry about yet again.

Pete Maurer
Pete Maurer
@Peter Boone
Ralph Goodale is pathetic

Aaron Morris
Aaron Morris
@Peter Boone

The police should just tell themselves that this is a civil matter and there's nothing they can do.

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Boone Methinks we should the old lawyer Goodale and his boss mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger what entity that is very powerful in Montreal has the where with all to run such a scam on the RCMP and get away with it N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Aaron Morris "The police should just tell themselves that this is a civil matter and there's nothing they can do."

Methinks a lot of Feds and Ralph Goodale above all know that is exactly what the RCMP told me in 2004 when I gave them many original wiretap tapes of the Mafia. That is just one of the may reasons why I sued the Queen in 2015 N'esy Pas?

Aaron Morris
Caren Roy
Now that's embarrassing!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Caren Roy Nope Its incredibly comical

Pete Maurer
Pete Maurer
Is it just me or does the RCMP seem to be rather incompetent.

Clayton Delaney
Clayton Delaney
@Pete Maurer

It's just you.

Annie Moffatt
Annie Moffatt
@Pete Maurer - It's you. This particular situation with the credit cards should have been picked up by the bank holding the card. That's been my experience and I can't figure out what happened here. It's not the RCMP, it's the bank.

David Amos
David Amos
@Pete Maurer "Is it just me or does the RCMP seem to be rather incompetent"

Methinks everybody knows that I have been making it my business to prove that obvious fact since my former friends in the RCMP attacked me in 1982 N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Annie Moffatt "It's not the RCMP, it's the bank."



James Conn Dean
Justin Thyme
Such an easy fix, too.

Every car has a computer terminal in it.

Every time the car is filled up, enter the details via the terminal into an app.

The bill comes in, reconcile the two immediately.

Except that the police union would probably object to the oversight

Lily O'Loughlin
Lily O'Loughlin
@Justin Thyme
You can get a receipt at the gas station when you fill up, no need to have a computer terminal in the car.

Alex Sobieski
Alex Sobieski
@Lily O'Loughlin

LOL - good point Lily. LOL @ JT talk about trying to confuse a simple situation. Believe it or not, expenses used to be tracked before computers...ha ha ha eyes roll. JT is obviously a young-en

James Conn Dean
James Conn Dean
@Alex Sobieski ...what part did you two miss of”every car has and has had a computer" for years now"

David Amos
David Amos
@James Conn Dean Trust that I didn't

David Amos
David Amos 
@James Conn Dean However not one of the RCMP vehicles the were torched in Kent County had a computer or even a spare tire Go Figure why they would not tell anything way back when the liberal Premier Gallant sat in opposition.


RCMP won’t disclose policing costs for shale gas protests
Opposition Leader Brian Gallant is seeking information on RCMP costs
CBC News · Posted: Jun 14, 2013 7:40 AM AT

Ivan Nozinski 
Ivan Nozinski
The obvious question is: who was doing the monthly credit card reconciliation? If so, that person is incompetent, but perhaps no one was doing that job due to cut backs in personnel ?????

David Amos
David Amos 
@David Amos Methinks that now would be the perfect time to remind the RCMP of Bob Paulson's last published words before he exited stage left N'esy Pas?


"Without being a fear monger, we've got to have political leaders understand what organized crime is, how [the perpetrators] get their advantage, how they corrupt individuals and institutions, how they get their hooks into people."

Andrew Hebda (NS)
Andrew Hebda (NS)
The problem was identified, rectified, and charges will follow. Is that not how a problem is to be dealt with?... and yet the majority of the posts are jeering and ridiculing the organization... Keep in mind, it could just as easily been anyone else.

This has to do with crime and criminals.... but somehow that is ignored for purposes of "cheap shots"

Michael MacKenzie
Michael MacKenzie
@Andrew Hebda (NS) Nonsense! Chip cards have been in use in Canada since 2008. Why on earth would the RCMP being still using antiquated technology in 2018? Despite what you state, it could not have been anyone else since virtually everyone in Canada uses a chip & PIN credit card.

Roy Nicholl
Roy Nicholl
@Michael MacKenzie wrote:
"Why on earth would the RCMP be still using antiquated technology in 2018?"

The answer to that could be that their credit card is a "fleet" fuel card. Most, if not all, fleet fuel cards (issued by the petrol companies or third-party fleet companies) are not EMV cards and have no cryptographic protection making them relatively easy to "skim".

Pete Maurer
Pete Maurer
@Michael MacKenzie

It does depend on what type of credit card they use. Bank cards are chip yes but gasoline credit cards like Petro Canada are not. That said the RCMP should have been able to catch this much sooner. Poor monitoring and investigation skills

Clayton Delaney
Clayton Delaney
@Michael MacKenzie As Roy Nicholl states - The majority corporations that use credit cards for gas purchases use fleet cards which - because of their nature and use - require a signature rather than a PIN.

Jim Palmer
Jim Palmer
@Andrew Hebda (NS)

"..... Keep in mind, it could just as easily been anyone else"

Ah, no; just about everyone else follows the basic 'Accounting 101' principle of matching 'invoice' to monthly 'statement' before payment.
The RCMP blew it (and our tax dollars along with it).

Michael MacKenzie
Michael MacKenzie
@Pete Maurer Thanks for the info.

Michael MacKenzie
Michael MacKenzie
@Roy Nicholl Thanks for the info.

Michael MacKenzie
Michael MacKenzie
@Clayton Delaney Thanks for the info.

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael MacKenzie Way back in the 1980s when the RCMP and I were buddies they knew I owned a gas station which had what might have been the first key lock pump in Canada Research the fact that solved the problem of Fleet's being ripped off byway of VERY old tech.

RCMP’s Bob Paulson sounds alarm on organized crime in exit interview

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson poses for a portrait in a 1956 RCMP Ford highway patrol car June 28, 2017 in Ottawa. Dave Chan/The Globe and Mail 
Canada's top cop – a police commander known for his hard stand on terrorism investigations – is heading for the exit gates saying that organized crime is the biggest threat facing Canadians.

While Bob Paulson, the exiting RCMP Commissioner, acknowledged the possibility of Islamic State-inspired attacks is now an ever-present reality in Canada, he said such national security risks are "significantly less" of a threat than organized crime.

"It's something that we're going to have to turn our minds to, and when I say we, I mean everybody," Mr. Paulson, who retires on Friday after 32 years in policing, said in an exclusive exit interview with The Globe and Mail.

Related: RCMP at a crossroads: Who will lead the charge in an age of sophisticated crime?
"Without being a fear monger, we've got to have political leaders understand what organized crime is, how [the perpetrators] get their advantage, how they corrupt individuals and institutions, how they get their hooks into people."

Mr. Paulson said the national police force has noticed a resurgence in outlaw motorcycle gangs, such as the Hells Angels, across Canada. Mr. Paulson himself is on the record saying he almost depleted the supply of federal detectives specializing in Mafia and biker-gang investigations to national-security squads following the 2014 slayings of Canadian soldiers near Parliament Hill in Ottawa and in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que.

"National security gets Canadians worried, right? But I think, objectively, the risk is significantly less of impacting a Canadian than is organized crime in terms of … its corrupting potential in politics, its pervasiveness across all areas of commerce," he said.

While Mr. Paulson said Islamic State terrorism remains a "viable, inspiring movement," he said he had not been briefed on any "active threats" for Canada Day festivities on Parliament Hill.

His replacement has yet to be named. The Liberal government announced on Thursday that former ambassador and premier Frank McKenna will chair the selection committee and make recommendations to Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale. In the meantime, Daniel Dubeau, the force's most senior deputy commissioner, will become interim commissioner.

Mr. Paulson, who turns 59 in September, believes the next leader should be a Mountie.

"I think it should be a cop from inside the organization," he said. "But nobody's asking me."

Sitting in the atrium of the RCMP headquarters in Ottawa's southwest a few days before his retirement, Mr. Paulson appeared unafraid to speak to his mind about his 5 1/2 years as commissioner of the 30,000-person force.

"It's a soul-destroying job," he said.

Mr. Paulson discussed the challenges he faced at the helm of a force that he contends is unfairly politicized.

"A government is arguably vulnerable to our conduct. And so many people see paths to the government through the organization, and that makes it very difficult."

He also spoke about the deaths of three RCMP officers, murdered by gunman Justin Bourque in June, 2014, in Moncton.

The RCMP is facing four labour-code charges relating to the deaths of the officers, with one RCMP corporal telling the media last week that he considers Mr. Paulson "personally responsible for the deaths of my friends."

The criticism came after Mr. Paulson testified at the trial that RCMP management had concerns about the possible militarization of the force as it prepared to arm officers with high-powered carbine rifles.

"I am accountable for the death of those officers," Mr. Paulson said. "There's only one person responsible for their death. And he was charged and convicted of three counts of murder.
"I didn't kill these people."

Mr. Paulson said it's "speculative, at best" to suggest the officers would have survived if they'd been armed with high-powered carbine rifles. He said the real issue is community-based policing, going so far as to suggest that tragedy may have been averted had the officers in the Moncton detachment known their community better.

"We ought to have known who Bourque was; we ought to have known what he was doing; we ought to have been positioned to be able to intercede before he came out of his trailer," he said.

Mr. Paulson questioned whether the Mounties should be prosecuted under the Labour Code at all.
"I have views about … the public interest being served by this. But I mean, that's okay. We charge people all the time. I'm sure they feel the same way."

He also shared his opinion about the government's plan to legalize marijuana, calling it "very enlightened"; the Mike Duffy investigation, which he said created a "salutary effect" on the Senate; and The Globe's Unfounded investigation, which he said changes the approach to sexual-assault victims.
"The challenge for our investigators is to stop having judgment [of the victims]," Mr. Paulson said. "We don't care that you have strong feelings about how much risk someone exposed themselves to. That's not your job."

He said he supports the push for significant changes to the structure of the force, including better labour representation for members and the move to put trained civilians in key operational roles.

"Being a police officer, a basic police officer, it's not that complicated," Mr. Paulson said. "Being a successful part of a team that's doing police work, that's a little more complicated."

Calling it a privilege and honour to have served with the RCMP, Mr. Paulson said: "It's a great, great place. By and large, the people are extraordinary. They do extraordinary work."

He gave himself a mark of 70 per cent for what he set out to do but admits he's "come up short" on cultural change. "I say in fairness to everybody in the force – that's generational," he said. "So maybe I'd give myself 10 extra points there up to 80, because it started."

Mr. Paulson came into the job at what he calls a "terrible time"– the height of the so-called harassment scandal.

Last October, he made a historic apology – one he says he wrote himself – to thousands of female members for the way they were treated for decades by the national police force. He also announced a $100-million settlement for two class-action lawsuits.

"I was always, always committed to making it right. But not just by saying it. It took us two years to get our act together, to make sure we had a good understanding of the full scope and scale of what we were talking about," he said.

But he pushes back on some characterizations of the issue. "There was not a systemic problem of sexual harassment in the RCMP. There were some terrible, public, disgraceful, embarrassing cases, and lawsuits, and that's all true," he said.

When asked why it took until 2016 to make the apology, Mr. Paulson said, "You think it's easy getting $100-million out of the government?"

Mr. Paulson said he has met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a couple of times to discuss the challenges facing the force and what the government plans to do about it. He calls Mr. Trudeau "very impressive."

"I think you underestimate him at your peril," Mr. Paulson said.

He said the Prime Minister has shown himself to be a proponent of the force. "As he said to me once, 'You don't forget commissioner – you guys raised me,'" Mr. Paulson said, referring to Mr. Trudeau's upbringing as the son of a prime minister.

"I think this government has expressed pretty clearly that they want to be supportive of the RCMP, that they want the RCMP to succeed, and I take them at their word."

But Mr. Paulson himself won't be around to see it.

The father of four children – including a 31-year-old daughter who is a Crown prosecutor in British Columbia, and a three-year-old son – said it is time to make way for new blood in the organization.
"I think it needs a bounce," he said.

"I wish I was the fresh commissioner coming in now, with all the things that are in place."

With a report from Colin Freeze

RCMP victimized by $100,000 credit card cloning scam

Fraudulent gas card used for months in Montreal area before crime detected

RCMP have changed their procedures after crooks cloned one of the force's gas credit cards. (CBC)

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has changed the way it handles credit cards for gasoline purchases after it fell victim to organized criminals and the fraud went undetected for months.

By the time the RCMP realized one of its gas cards had been cloned, the crooks had racked up $104,555 in purchases.

The force may not be the only victim.

"The way that cloning works, it could be hundreds of people whose information was cloned also," said Sergeant Camille Habel, spokeswoman for the RCMP's Quebec division.

The credit card company absorbed $14,555 of the charges — the amount the force was able to identify within the period provided in its agreement with the company. It hopes to recover another $9,930.

However, the force admits it is unlikely to recover the remaining $80,070.

Habel said investigators have determined that the crime was the work of an organized group. They have identified suspects and are consulting Crown prosecutors on charges.

The revelation that the RCMP had been defrauded was included in the annual Public Accounts tabled recently in Parliament.

Habel said it all began in the summer of 2016.

RCMP Sgt. Camille Habel said hundreds of others could have been hit by the same criminals. (CBC)
"Sometime in the summer of 2016, one of the credit cards that the RCMP uses to purchase gas at gas stations was cloned. Eventually when we audited the card we realized that the card had been defrauded and we opened an investigation."

The cards require a driver's code but don't have chip technology.

Habel said the purchases — mostly gasoline — were made in the Greater Montreal area.

Unlike personal credit cards, the bills for the RCMP's gas acquisition cards don't go to individual officers. There's also no predictable pattern when it comes to how often a car or acquisition card will be used, which made it harder for the people who handle the bills to spot the fraudsters until the card was routinely audited.

"For sure there was a delay between the time the card was cloned and the suspects started using the card and when we discovered that it was actually happening."

While Habel would not say when exactly the RCMP discovered the gas card had been cloned, losses are usually supposed to be reported in the Public Accounts in the year they are detected. That would put the discovery somewhere between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018.

The crooks racked up $104,555 in gas purchases in the Greater Montreal area before the RCMP discovered the fraud. (Jonathan Hayward/Canadian Press)
Habel said the RCMP has already made changes to avoid falling victim to a similar scheme.

"We reviewed our auditing system and the details that we look for every month, so now we audit more often in a different way and we're also working with the credit card company to see if there are ways that fraudulent purchases like that can be spotted faster and quicker so if it falls on a month that we didn't audit that we would get a signal from the company telling us that there were some transactions that are different or that are not similar to what we usually do."

Aaron Boles, vice-president communications for the Canadian Bankers Association, said new chip technology has resulted in a significant drop in the number of bank cards and credit cards being compromised by criminals.

"Skimming a card and cloning the magnetic strip is no longer a widespread problem in the Canadian market since the implementation of chip and PIN," he said. "This type of occurrence is at an all-time low."

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada said it received 106 complaints last year about credit card fraud.

Elizabeth Thompson can be reached at elizabeth.thompson@cbc.ca

About the Author


Elizabeth Thompson
Senior Reporter
Award-winning reporter Elizabeth Thompson covers Parliament Hill. A veteran of the Montreal Gazette, Sun Media and iPolitics, she currently works with the CBC's Ottawa bureau, specializing in investigative reporting and data journalism. She can be reached at: elizabeth.thompson@cbc.ca.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

In the words the Oh So Honourable Yankee Gomer Pyle Surprise Surprise Surprise


Replying to and 49 others
The words of the wiseguy and Oh So Honourable Fictional Yankee Gomer Pyle come to mind

Surprise Surprise Surprise



Green Party will support Liberal government's throne speech

Leader David Coon and 2 other MLAs announce intentions Thursday

Jacques Poitras· CBC· Posted: Nov 01, 2018

More to come


David Amos 
David Amos
The words of the wiseguy and Oh So Honourable Fictional Yankee Gomer Pyle come to mind

Surprise Surprise Surprise

Jim Moore 
Jim Moore
No matter what even with the greens they are still 2 seats short of forming a government with a confidence vote, when it fails, which it will, they will have to hold a confidence vote for the PC's who with the PA's who have aligned with them will get the 25 seats. Its over liberals, you have lost every election since the federal one and you will lost the federal on next fall and badly

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Moore Methinks the fat lady ain't sung yet N'esy Pas?

 Jim Moore 
John Connelly
Green Party will pay severely, whenever the election is eventually called, for caving in to unethical, politicial bribery of the Gallant to hang on to power and to go against the will of the people.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Connelly I disagree

Methinks many political pundits would agree that the party with a leader you can't name in CBC will win even more seats N'esy Pas?

 Jim Moore 
Jason banks
wow ..here i thought they were intelligent.. they just discredited their entire party.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jason banks Who cares?

 Michael durant 
Michael durant
Greens showing their true color, hey its politics after all.

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Michael durant

Greens backing the Liberals !!! Oh, what a surprise...... NOT !!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Mack Leigh Methinks we are on the same page again N'esy Pas?

 Michael durant 
Michael durant
So the tories have 22 votes and the Peoples Alliance has three. That adds to 25 should all 3 Alliance members not decide for Gallant.
25 to 24, Gallant falls.

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Michael durant You can do basic addition, you clearly arent a liberal

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Moore Methinks you dudes would not bet the farm on the possibility of no last minute turncoats like Wally Stiles and his wife or David Emmerson or Belinda Stronach did years ago N'esy Pas?

 Jim Moore 
Colin Seeley
When one supports Gallantism they deserve to be de-elected.

David Amos
David Amos
@Colin Seeley So you say

Jim Moore 
Lou Bell
So the Greens can be bought . Part of their platform I guess. Who'd a thunk ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell I did out of the gate Methinks a lot of folks did particularly when the Greens demanded that Gallant take back his big election promise to freeze NB Power's rates just like Alward did years ago N'esy Pas?

Jim Moore 
Jim Redmond
Wow --- New Brunswick is in big trouble.

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Jim Redmond your rite jim they are if you support the pa or the pc we are in big trouble..

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Redmond Not really If folks would only listen to what I said while running in this election My words can be found in the media if you know where to look.

Green Party will support Liberal government's throne speech

Leader David Coon and 2 other MLAs announce intentions Thursday

Green Party MLA Kevin Arseneau, with party leader David Coon and MLA Megan Mitton, talks to reporters Thursday in Fredericton. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
Three Green Party members of the New Brunswick Legislature will support the Liberal government's throne speech in a series of crucial confidence votes Friday morning.

Rookie MLAs Megan Mitton and Kevin Arseneau announced their intentions in the legislature Thursday morning. Party leader David Coon later told reporters he would vote the same way.

Their decision gives Liberal Premier Brian Gallant's government 23 votes on Friday. The legislature will vote on a motion to support the Oct. 23 throne speech.

A win for the Liberals would allow the party to continue to govern. A loss would lead to a Progressive Conservative government being sworn in.

The Green decision means the Liberals are still one vote short of the 24 votes they need in the 49-seat legislature. Speaker Daniel Guitard would likely follow parliamentary convention and keep the government alive if he has to break a 24-24 tie.

More to come
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Canada is a French country



Canada is a French country

COYNE: Stephen Harper has been playing up the province’s role in Canadian history

by   Jul 19, 2010

The most striking passage in David Johnston’s speech on being named Canada’s next governor general, apart from the reference to the Queen as “our head of state” (there seemed to be some doubt on his predecessor’s part), was his lengthy encomium to Samuel de Champlain, “Canada’s first governor.” In case anyone did not catch his drift, he ended by invoking the example of his predecessors, “from Samuel de Champlain to Michaëlle Jean.”

But wait a minute. Johnston is, as he says, the representative of the Queen of Canada, Elizabeth II, great-great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, granddaughter of George III, the first monarch to rule over what was then called British North America. Champlain served a different king, from an altogether different royal house: Louis XIII of France.

Yet Johnston seemed to be saying the two dynasties, British and French, were one, part of the same story. Just as he is the 71st in a line of governors going back to Champlain, so Elizabeth is not the sixth monarch to reign over Canada (since Confederation), or even the ninth (since the British Conquest), but the 18th, going back to Francis I, the king in whose name Jacques Cartier first landed in Canada in 1534.

I don’t know whether Johnston wrote his own speech, or whether someone in the Prime Minister’s Office wrote it for him. But it is certainly very much in keeping with a rhetorical strategy Stephen Harper has been deploying for some time: that is of speaking of Canada as if it were, at least in part, a French country. (Which, of course, it is.) He’s reaching back to a French heritage that predates Confederation, predates the Conquest, emphasizing that our roots were first planted in the soil of New France.

Just days before, at the Canada Day celebrations on Parliament Hill, the Prime Minister had spoken glowingly of “the steadfast determination and continental ambition of our French pioneers, who were the first to call themselves ‘Canadians.’ ” At other times he has spoken of Canada as having been “born in French,” of French as “Canada’s first language,” and, most famously, of Quebec City as “Canada’s first city,” its founding in 1608 as marking “the founding of the Canadian state.”

Harper is not the first to have taken this line—the “Champlain as first governor” theme seems to have been inspired by a portrait identifying him as such in Rideau Hall—but I can’t recall any prime minister placing such heavy emphasis, deliberate and repeated, on it. While the sentiment may seen anodyne, moreover, the implications are radical.

For 50 years we have been debating whether Quebec would remain a part of Canada. Harper’s formulation turns this on its head: Canada is, in a sense, a part of Quebec. By fusing Quebec’s history with Canada’s, both emanations of the same French colonial experience, it makes pride in Quebec coterminous with pride in Canada. Quebecers could no more reject Canada, on this reading, than they could their own French heritage: the one grew out of the other.

This is not a repudiation of Quebec nationalism so much as a subversion of it. Nationalist mythology has long emphasized the Conquest as the decisive break point in Canadian history, the trauma from which French-speaking Quebecers have never fully recovered, and never will unless “liberated” by secession. The psychiatrist and Péquiste minister Camille Laurin used to talk about Quebec as if it were quite literally a patient on his couch.

The nationalists’ conquêtisme, of course, was but a mirror to that of an earlier tradition of Anglo triumphalists, who also emphasized the Conquest (“Wolfe the dauntless hero came”) as the locus generis of the British ascendancy. As, in their own way, did a later generation of Canadian nationalists, for whom the British connection was a yoke to be thrown off, together with such colonial “relics” as the Crown, not merely to mollify Quebec but for the sake of our own psychological maturation as a people. You still hear a lot of that.

But if the history of Canada is an unbroken chain of sovereignty, Francis to Elizabeth, Champlain to Johnston; if what is important about it is not the change from French to British rule but the continuity between them—if we are not a British monarchy, or even a French monarchy and then a British one, but simply a monarchy, throughout—then the Conquest is not the pivotal event in our history: it is just an event. The effect, in turn, is to deracinate the British inheritance. What is valuable is the inheritance—Crown, Parliament, the common law, the Constitution—not its Britishness.

If that sounds like a lot to load onto a few words, it certainly didn’t strike Quebec nationalists that way. When Harper first started talking about Quebec City as the birthplace of Canada, around the time of the 400th anniversary, the nationalists were fairly purple with rage, accusing him in the most acrid terms of rewriting history for political ends.

But then, they should know. The nationalist project, notably in the use of the neologism “Québécois” in place of “French-Canadian,” was a conscious attempt to shunt the history of Quebec off onto a siding, separate and apart from the history of Canada, whose logical terminus was a separate Quebec. The logic of Harper’s language is to wrench it back on to the same track as the rest of us: while Champlain could hardly have known he was founding Canada, it is certainly true that the history of present-day Canada leads inexorably back to him.


Charles LeBlanc Political ADHD Activist

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Anonymous said... 
Only the crooks are scared that I am back in the Maritimers. A lot of ordinary folks like me are laughing at how I am poking holes in their stuffed shirts. This letter is wickedly funny, Both Adrienne Clarkson and Herménégilde Chiasson answered this one after my wife and I and a lawyer who wanted Rob Moore's seat in parliament visited the Police Commission in New Brunswick. Bev Harrison would not answer this letter or even return my calles even though he has represented me from my spot on the hill since I landed home last year. His assistants have affirmed to me several times that they received it. I am demanding an answer from Tanker now tha old Bev's assistant Bill Oliver refused to call me back for the last time on Friday. I do not care what the tough talking Danny Boy Bussieres says only the Speaker can authorize the Sergeant at Arms to ban a man from the legislature. Besides that the Governor General his ultimate boss told me I was doing the right thing before I returned to the USA and into Deputy Dog's buddy's jail. I wiil put this letter and the responses in the same email to Chucky and Deputy Dog

August 24th, 2004

Lieutenant-Governor of
New Brunswick,
Herménégilde Chiasson
Old GovernmentHouse
51 Woodstock Road
Fredericton, NB E3B 9L8
Phone (506) 453-2505
Fax (506) 444-5280

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly,
Bev Harrison
Constituency Office: Hampton-Belleisle
Room: Unit 4, 46 Keirstead Avenue
Hampton, NB E5N 5A4
Phone (506) 832-6464
Fax (506) 832-6466
RE: Corruption


Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Premier Lord and Frank McKenna on the day after Canada Day and a copy of Brad Green’s response. I have also enclosed a letter to Senator Joe Day that was to be forwarded to the Arar Commission. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as the Queen’s representatives of in order that it may be properly investigated. I ask New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor of, Herménégilde Chiasson to forward this material to the Governor General of Canada. I have already emailed her notice to expect this material and I will email her the text of this letter as well. 

Whereas the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick stands adjourned until Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at 1 o'clock p.m, perhaps you fellas can find a little time to answer me before I sue the Queen in the USA. My questions are as follows: Why did Sergeant-at-Arms, Dan Bussieres and the Fredericton Police Dept. ask me to step outside the Legislature Building and then forever ban me from re-entering the premises on June 24th, 2004? What will you do with your newfound knowledge of crime? 

It is only fair that I ask these questions. After all I am a Canadian Citizen and I do have the right to ask any question to those who represent me. Whether they are born to the position or elected or appointed or merely hired, they all must uphold the law and the public trust. The Queen of Canada, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is the official Head of State and is represented in New Brunswick by the Lieutenant-Governor. Therefore, the Lieutenant-Governor is the nominal Head of State at the provincial level, empowered with the responsibility of representing the Queen in the province. Thus I have asked him the aforesaid questions before I leave the jurisdiction of New Brunswick. 

The Ombudsman, Bernard Richard told me to take my matter up the Speaker of the House and thus far Mr. Harrison has ignored my phone calls and emails. Bev Harrison did have the opportunity to ask me any question he wished before he decided not to vote for me. It seems he would rather have the lawyer, Rob Moore speak for him in Parliament. I would not be surprised to learn that Bev Harrison was the same man I had spoken to months ago or that he had attended the debate in Hampton. I have no doubt that Mr Harrison knows exactly who I am and why I was in Fredericton that day. I am not a rebel just because I make inquiries and demand that people in public service uphold the law.

The problem is that on June 24th I was a candidate for the 38th Parliament. I was busy challenging those still in public service such as John Herron to do their jobs and uphold the law. I was merely in the legislative building looking for the Frenchman Charles Leblanc so he could witness me serve this material upon the lawyer, T J Burke next door. I had made certain that many politicians were made well aware of my concerns and allegations before coming home to run for a seat in the next Parliament. The local liberal, Leroy Armstrong was willing to debate me so I was giving this material to his liberal lawyer friends to review. Dan Bussieres offended me for political reasons not legal reasons. The Speaker of the House should not have allowed the Sergeant’s actions or at least responded to my inquiry. These must be irrefutable facts because after almost two months of asking everyone imaginable about the actions of the Sergeant-at-Arms, no one would even tell me his name let alone explain his actions, It appears that the Government of Canada would rather assist corrupt politicians within a country that had rebelled against the Queen than assist one of her subjects to escape their harassment. 

I must return to the USA because I have been summoned to court to argue more false allegations made against me. Whereas my country is willing to throw me back into Ashcroft’s clutches, I must complain of the Crown. It seems the Yankees may have been right long ago when they refused to pay taxes without proper representation. Perhaps Canada should follow suit. We all know what has been said about the evils of longstanding governments. What say you sirs? Am I speaking sedition or common sense? 

I have heard that Louis Riel once said that the French would take over Canada without firing a shot. Now many of the French wish to separate. Maybe true Canadians can reunite our country in the same fashion. There is no need of the cartridge box as long as we properly employ the soap box and ballot box. The tools of bloodless revolutions are the laws of the land. They are in the hands of people begging us for our vote every so often. Canada does not need to pay homage to a Queen who will not check the work of the people representing her and us. We need a new form of government. I agree with Louis Riel’s thinking when he proclaimed that the Metis were “loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen of England’. If we are rebels, we are rebels against the Company that sold us” Although he was labelled a rebel, Louis Riel was a Canadian patriot who did stop Western Canada from being absorbed by the USA. He was also elected to Parliament twice. He would abhor NFTA as much as I. The words in Riel’s diary are well worth heeding. 

“O my God! Save me from the misfortune of getting involved with the United States. Let the United States protect us indirectly, spontaneously, through an act of Providence, but not through any commitment or agreement on our part.” Riel stated in his diary this as well: “God revealed to me that the government of the United States is going to become extraordinarily powerful.”

Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton. MA. 02186

Anonymous said...
March 24, 2006

Bernard Shapiro
Ethics Commissioner
C/o Andre Arthur MP
325 de l'Eglise
Donnacona, Québec G3M 2A2

Jean T. Fournier
Senate Ethics Officer
C/o Senator Noel Kinsella and Michael Comeau
Holy Cross House Rm. 206
St. Thomas University
Fredericton NB

Kevin Lynch Clerkc/o Paul Shuttle
Director of Legal Operations
Privy Council Office
59 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A3

David Gourdeau
Commissioner for FederalJudicial Affairs
c/o Willa Doyle
District Administrator
Suite 100
82 Westmorland Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 3L3

Re: Public Corruption

Pursuant to my many phone calls and email to your offices please find enclosed the material I promised to you before I file my complaints in Federal Court in Fredericton. The CD which is a true copy of wiretap tape number 139 is served upon you all in confidence as officers of the court and or Parliamentarians in order that it may be investigated byway of my suing the Crown.
While Stevey Boy Harper is busy in New Brunswick today trying hard to shore up the shaky government of his little buddy, Bernie Lord with long delayed federal tax dollars. I am polishing off all my promises to crooked lawyers in the hope that the very corrupt House crumbles ASAP.
Shame on you all for forcing me to go to such lengths to protect my rights under the Charter. Methinks you have underestimated my diligence EH? Now ask yourselves why I don’t sue you after I sue the Crown? I fail to see any reason not to. That is the only way I know of to hold such people as you accountable. Stevey Boy Harper never will even though he talks the talk of such things. Everybody knows what I served upon his party’s lawyer Arthur Hamilton before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004.
Despite whatever Act our latest Prime Minister wishes to introduce to the Canadian people that he claims will compel our government to act with integrity, he can never deny my right to drag anyone into court. In fact he has done so himself in the past and I am no less of a man than he. Even a simple pigheaded Maritimer has the right to argue the law even with people who think themselves above it. How you all have failed to uphold the law and the public trust placed in your public office is either a matter of public record or soon shall be or my name ain’t Dave. There is no Democracy without Truth and Justice. It is just that simple.
Thats all for now fellas. I look forward to seeing you all in court someday or I will die trying to make it happen in an ethical fashion. It is just another one of those things I do that lawyers fail to appreciate. Ask your friends why that is if you don’t already know.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
PO Box 234
Apohaqui, NB. E5P 3G2

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Michaëlle Jean chosen as new head of la Francophonie

Jean's 4-year term as secretary-general gives Harper government more influence internationally

CBC News· Posted: Nov 30, 2014 9:12 AM ET

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Former governor general Michaëlle Jean has been chosen as secretary-general of la Francophonie, the organization announced today.

Jean was chosen by consensus at the summit of French-speaking nations in Dakar, Senegal, which began on Saturday. She becomes the first woman to hold the position.

The organization has 57 members or associate members, while another 20 jurisdictions have observer status.

"I am very excited to work with all these women and all these men who make and live the Francophonie daily," Jean said in a written statement following the announcement.

Jean also emphasized the important role of youth and women, and stressed the need to promote the use of the French language and strengthen economic action in the Francophone world.

The CBC's Rosemary Barton said Jean's appointment gives Canada and the Conservative government a much stronger level of influence internationally.

"It allows the prime minister, for instance, to continue to push his agenda of maternal and child health in a different organization within the very countries that he's been targeting," Barton said.

"And it also improves, let's be frank, our reputation internationally as well to have a Canadian head up an organization like this one. So certainly a coup for Jean today, but also a coup for the prime minister who backed this bid and for the country as a whole."

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who attended the summit with Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard and New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant, said in a statement that Jean was the ideal person for the job.

"She will embody the renewal and modernity that la Francophonie of the 21st century needs, and will listen to heads of state and government and their citizens," he said.

Laureen Harper, the prime minister's wife, tweeted, "Congratulations to my friend."
Gov. Gen. David Johnston also issued a statement.

"We are confident that she will fervently and passionately defend not only the French language and culture, but also respect for the shared values of peace, democracy and human rights that have solidified the belonging of each nation in la Francophonie," he said.

Jean lobbied hard for position

If the organization's members had any reticence about Jean, Barton said, it's because she's not from Africa.

"Most of the member of la Francophonie are African Nations and there was some concern whether a North American could well represent the needs of Africa," Barton said.

"But remember that Canada is the second biggest donor to la Francophonie and Jean has a background so well-known and she did a lot of work to try to win this. She lobbied countries very, very hard and travelled around to try to get them onside."

Jean's mandate will last four years. She was one of five candidates seeking to replace Abdou Diouf, who stepped down after more than 10 years on the job.

Jean, 57, was governor general between 2005 and 2010. She was born in Port-au-Prince on Sept. 6, 1957, during the era of the Duvalier dictatorships in Haiti. Her family moved to Thetford Mines, Que., in 1968.

The former Radio-Canada reporter has worked recently in Haiti as a special envoy for UNESCO and has been the chancellor of the University of Ottawa since 2012.


Michaëlle Jean under fire over expenses as she heads into Francophonie election

Former Canadian GG up for re-election as secretary general of the French-speaking nations' organization

As Canada's former governor general Michaëlle Jean is seeking re-election as leader of la Francophonie, an international organization of French-speaking nations. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

As Canada's former Governor General Michaëlle Jean seeks re-election as leader of la Francophonie, she has lost the support of France and is facing tough opposition from lawmakers in her home province of Quebec.

Jean was named secretary general of the French-speaking nations' organization in 2014, with a promise to promote economic development, gender equality and dialogue, especially among developing African nations.

In recent months she has been dogged by questions about her expenses, which include a $500,000 renovation to her rented Paris residence and a $20,000 piano, according to Quebecor media outlets.

"She needs to show some leadership," Quebec MP Alupa Clarke told As It Happens host Carol Off.

"It's a complete fiasco right now."

Jean's office did not respond to As It Happens' request for comment, but she defended her expenses in French-language interviews in 2017.

She told TFO the Canadian government assigned her a residence that was in dire need of renovations, and that items like the grand piano were necessary to create an atmosphere where she could host diplomatic receptions.

Conservative MP Alupa Clarke says Jean's expenses are harming Canada's international reputation. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

That explanation doesn't cut it for Clarke.

"I do not exactly agree with all those expenses for diplomatic reasons," he said. "She needs to come clear publicly at the mic and explain herself way more than just answering here and there."

'A problem for our reputation'

He said his constituents have contacted him to express their concerns about Jean.

Canada is the second biggest donor to the International Organization of la Francophonie (OIF).

"When I speak to Canadians in the street, they're embarrassed right now," he said. "It's a problem for our reputation."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is pictured with Jean at the OIF Headquarters in Paris in April. The federal government is standing behind the former governor general. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
Clarke's colleague, Gérard Deltell, also piled on, claiming that "only Liberals" could be proud of Jean's reign.

"Michaëlle Jean has become an embarrassment to Canada," he said in question period.

"She has managed the organization in a completely irresponsible way."

Bloc Quebecois MP Xavier Barsalou-Duval also suggested the Liberals should not support Jean given various "scandals" during her tenure.

Canada backs Jean as France drops support 

Also not supporting Jean this time is France, which dealt a blow to Jean's chances at a second term when President Emmanuel Macron said he would back Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo when the organization chooses a new leader in October.

But the governments of both Canada and Quebec have pledged to support Jean, while conceding there is room to improve the organization's financial management.

"Our government is determined to [ensure] that Canadians' money is used judiciously and rigorously," Justine Lesage, spokesperson for International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau, told As It Happens in an emailed statement.

"That is why our government is engaging with the OIF to helping modernize its management practices, achieve a more effective communication of results as well as a greater transparency."

Jean is pictured with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris in July 2017. He is now backing another candidate in the OIF leadership race. (Philippe Wojazer/Reuters)
Lesage also defended Jean's legacy as a champion of human rights and Canadian values, noting she is the only secretary general of the organization to have been invited to speak at the United Nations Security Council.

"We are proud to have a Canadian at the head of an important international organization such as the OIF," Lesage said.

A similar position was expressed by Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard, who said last week he is happy to see a Quebecer and Canadian leading the organization.

He added that concerns about its finances "have been heard," saying he believes Jean intends to present a plan to address the matter.

"Ms. Jean actively promotes our Canadian priorities such as gender equality and entrepreneurship among youth and women."

Jean, who was born in Haiti, was Canada's governor general from 2005 to 2010.

Written by Sheena Goodyear with files from Canadian Press. Interview with Alupa Clarke produced by Kevin Robertson.


Governor-General Julie Payette has been frequently at odds with the RCMP over security issues in the first year of her mandate, from her decision to go jogging without informing her protective detail to the fact that she lives off the protected grounds of Rideau Hall, current and former RCMP sources say.

The disputes highlight some of Ms. Payette’s struggles to fit into the vice-regal role as she enters the second year of her mandate on Oct. 2.

A former astronaut and public speaker, Ms. Payette was widely hailed as a good choice to replace David Johnston last year, with her nomination respecting the tradition of alternating between francophones and anglophones. In addition, her scientific background and ability to inspire young Canadians were in sync with the image that the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to project.

Still, current and retired officials from Rideau Hall and the RCMP, as well as one of her close friends, said Ms. Payette was not entirely ready for the public scrutiny that came with her nomination, as well as the constraints that would be placed on her personal movements. While mostly symbolic, the governor-general is the head of Canada’s military and fulfills a key role in the country’s democracy that goes from giving legislation royal assent to issuing election writs and summoning Parliament.

“She is used to being a public figure, but she was not used to the protocols and all of those things,” said John Fraser, a former master of Massey College in Toronto who has known Ms. Payette for years. “I don’t think anything could have prepared her for the shock of what being governor-general was. She hasn’t been immersed in that life.”

An expert on issues related to the monarchy, Mr. Fraser added that the first year of a mandate is typically hard for governors-general.

“I understand the essential loneliness of the job that she has taken on, which I don’t think she realized when she did it,” he said. “Security is one of the nightmares of any of these jobs, it must be a shock to realize that your whole life is bounded by this.”

The current and former RCMP officials spoke anonymously to The Globe and Mail on the matter because of the confidential nature of issues surrounding security. They expressed concerns that the Mounties are not in a position to offer traditional standards of protection for the Governor-General, adding that they are concerned that the RCMP will nonetheless be blamed in the event of an incident.

The RCMP is in charge of protecting the governor-general and family “at all times when in Canada or abroad, including during personal travels and visits,” according to federal rules.

Stéphanie Dumoulin, a spokeswoman for the RCMP’s National Division that is in charge of protecting all Canadian and foreign VIPs, said the force “cannot comment on specific details regarding the Governor-General’s security.”

Still, RCMP sources said there have been concerns over Ms. Payette’s personal activities, whether in Ottawa where she has gone out to jog by herself or in her hometown of Montreal where she likes to be in crowded parts of the city that are not easy to secure.

“I don’t know what the RCMP have as a threat risk on her but the reality is she is the Governor-General and we are not immune from potential terrorist attack. Because of that and her status, she could definitely be a target at some point,” former RCMP superintendent Garry Clement said.

The RCMP and the National Capital Commission (NCC), which is in charge of the government’s official residences, have also faced resistance in their efforts to enhance the security infrastructure at 7 Rideau Gate, where Ms. Payette is living while Rideau Hall is facing further renovations, the sources said.

Mr. Clement, who conducted a security review of the prime minister’s official residence and Rideau Hall after an intruder broke into 24 Sussex in 1995, said Rideau Gate is a “vulnerable” location because it is located so close to the street. Mr. Clement said that extensive security updates have been done at the Governor-General’s residence to protect the head of state from either a terrorist attack or a lone wolf.

“Look, you accept that appointment, that means you live at Rideau Hall. It’s not just tradition, it is done because we spent a lot of money securing Rideau Hall,” he said. “That is like saying the Prime Minister should live anywhere he wants and we don’t have to worry about it. It’s ridiculous.”

In recent months, the NCC changed the heating system, renovated a washroom, replaced lighting systems and upgraded furnishings and furniture layouts at Rideau Hall. There is continuing work at the official residence on the building’s foundations and three washrooms in the administrative building, according to the NCC. However, Ms. Payette’s office has said that she will continue to live at Rideau Gate to allow the government to complete a new round of renovations at Rideau Hall to make the location more accessible to people with mobility issues. There is no official timeline for the completion of the renovations.

Asked to comment on relations with the RCMP, a spokeswoman for Ms. Payette said that the Governor-General has no concerns related to her security.

“The Governor-General’s protective services are assessed continually and adapted, depending on the threat level and the environment. Her Excellency has full confidence in the RCMP competency and professionalism, and the relationship with her close protection team is excellent,” Josephine Laframboise said.

Ms. Laframboise said the Governor-General is keen to let Canadians know about her accomplishments in her first year in the position.

“In a few weeks, we will release our yearly assessment and we look forward to presenting the work we have done to Canadians. We have a few new outreach initiatives we are quite proud of and look forward to talking about,” Ms. Lafromboise said.

Mr. Fraser said Ms. Payette had initially been taken aback by some of the negative media coverage about her divorce and a fatal car crash that took place at the start of the decade. She also faced criticism for a speech in which she derided those who believe in divine intervention rather than natural evolution.

The key for Ms. Payette will be defining the issues that she will be promoting for the rest of her mandate, Mr. Fraser said.

“She is doing everything that is asked of her, and doing it with great charm,” Mr. Fraser said. “I think that now, in her second year, is the time where she will start flying a bit. She has a better measure of what it is the job involves.”


Roméo LeBlanc, the unassuming Governor General (YEA RIGHT)


Did You know?

  • Roméo LeBlanc was born in New Brunswick in 1927 and studied at universities in Moncton and Paris. He was a teacher in his home province for nine years before joining Radio-Canada, CBC's French service, in 1960. 
  • In 1967 he became press liaison for then-prime minister Lester Pearson and then for his successor, Pierre Trudeau. A Liberal, LeBlanc was elected as a New Brunswick member of Parliament in 1972 and was a minister under Trudeau in 1974-79 and 1980-84. He was appointed to the Senate in 1984. 
  • In November 1994, when then-prime minister Jean Chrétien announced LeBlanc as the next governor general, Reform Party leader Preston Manning criticized the choice as "unwise and inappropriate," given LeBlanc's strong Liberal ties. According to the Globe and Mail (Nov. 23, 1994), LeBlanc was not Chrétien's first choice; hockey's Jean Béliveau turned down the honour because he wanted to avoid politics. 
  • LeBlanc launched the Governor General's Caring Canadian Award in 1996 to celebrate the people who have made remarkable contributions within their families, communities and the nation. In 1999 he ushered in the Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts. 
  • In August 1999, just before departing the post, LeBlanc ordered a redesign of the governor general's crest. The crest depicted a golden lion wearing a crown, sticking out its tongue and brandishing a maple leaf in one paw. The new design removed the lion's claws, obliterated any hint of its maleness and withdrew its tongue. When she took over the office, governor general Adrienne Clarkson requested that the crest revert to its original appearance. 
  • Roméo LeBlanc passed away on June 24, 2009, after a lengthy illness. He was 81 years old.

The Story

He is Canada's 25th Governor General and the first of Acadian heritage. On Feb. 8, 1995, Roméo LeBlanc becomes the Queen's representative in Canada. A Radio-Canada journalist turned MP and then senator, LeBlanc has maintained a low profile despite his long history on Parliament Hill. In two back-to-back segments from Prime Time News, CBC Television shows the solemn investiture ceremony and then visits LeBlanc's proud fellow Acadians in New Brunswick's Memramcook Valley.
  • Medium:

  • Program:

    Prime Time News
  • Broadcast Date:

    Feb. 8, 1995
  • Guests:

    Susan Aglukark, Jean Chrétien, Leonard LeBlanc, Roméo LeBlanc
  • Host:

    Peter Mansbridge
  • Reporter:

    Paul Adams, Kas Roussy
  • Duration:



Georges Vanier became the second Canadian-born governor general (after Vincent Massey) and the first French Canadian one

Did You know?

  • Georges Vanier was not scheduled to command during the Arras assault, but was called up when the 22nd's commander lost an eye. He became the unit's senior officer when all his superiors were wounded or killed.
  • Vanier lead the remnants of the 22nd forward, placing himself at the centre of the attack. He was shot through the lung by a German bullet. As he was being carried off on a stretcher, a shell exploded beside him, killing the stretcher-bearer and shattering Vanier's leg. The leg was later amputated.
  • By the end of the battle, only 40 men of the 22nd Battalion were left walking – 660 were dead or wounded.
  • Vanier won the Military Cross in 1916. In 1919, he won the Distinguished Service Order and a bar to his Military Cross for his actions in 1918.
  • In 1942, Vanier was promoted to the rank of major general.
  • Like many of the soldiers of the 22nd Battalion, Georges Vanier was a very religious man. He was deeply offended by the profanity of the soldiers. He is said to have walked through the trenches asking his men, "What has Christ done to you for you to speak so?"
  • Almost 6,000 men enlisted with the 22nd Battalion during the First World War. Almost half of those were wounded, and 992 were killed.
  • On Aug. 1, 1959, Vanier became the second Canadian-born governor general (after Vincent Massey) and the first French Canadian one. He served as governor general until his death on March 5, 1967. He was only the second governor general to die in office since Confederation.
  • Vanier and his wife are buried in a special tomb at La Citadelle, the headquarters of the Royal 22nd Regiment and official Quebec residence of the governor general.

Van Doos: 22nd Battalion decimated at Arras

The Story

With costly victories at Vimy Ridge, Passchedaele and Amiens, the men of the 22nd Battalion have gone from green recruits to veteran soldiers. But now they are asked to spearhead an assault eastward from Arras, through a maze of German trenches and fortifications. When Maj. Georges Vanier arrives, he finds his men scattered in shell holes under a murderous rain of bullets and shells. Vanier rallies the men, but is wounded by a German bullet, then nearly killed by an exploding shell. In this CBC Radio clip, Vanier tells CBC Radio how he led the 22nd Battalion out of their trenches, "over the top," and into hell on earth.
  • Medium:

  • Program:

    Flanders' Fields
  • Broadcast Date:

    Feb. 14, 1965
  • Guest(s):

    Georges P. Vanier
  • Host:

    J. Frank Willis
  • Duration:


RE Softwoo versus David Coon's Weekly Review 3 Nov 2018


Weekly Review 3 Nov 2018 - Sommaire de la semaine 3 novembre 2018

Sat, Nov 3, 2018 at 7:00 AM

Shannon Carmont

To: David Amos

David --

Office of the Green caucus at the Legislature

 Le bureau du caucus Vert à l'Assemblée

On Friday, November 2nd, the Liberal Throne speech was defeated.  Here are the statements of all three Green MLAs on the Throne speech vote:

Megan Mitton, MLA for Memramcook-Tantramar

Kevin Arseneau, MLA for Kent North

David Coon, MLA for Fredericton South and leader of the Green party of NB
Vendredi le 2 novembre, le discours du Trône libéral a été rejetée. Voici les déclaration des trois députés verts au sujet du vote au discours du Trône : 

Megan Mitton, député de Memramcook-Tantramar

Kevin Arseneau, député de Kent nord
David Coon, député de Fredericton sud et chef du Parti vert du NB
Oct. 26 - David Coon
Oct. 26 - Megan Mitton
Oct. 30 - Kevin Arseneau
le 26 oct - David Coon
le 26 oct - Megan Mitton
le 30 oct - Kevin Arseneau
Oct. 30th: Make Savourey Report on Child Protection Public
Oct. 31st: The Loss of Extramural Services
Nov. 1st: Why Haven't We Taken the Nursing Shortage Seriously?
le 30 oct : Le raport Savourey sur la protection des enfants doit être rendu public
le 31 oct : La perte de services extramuraux
le 1 nov : Pourquoi la pénurie de personnel infirmier n'a-t-elle pas été prise au sérieux ?
Oct. 30th:
Oct. 31st:
Nov. 1st:
le 30 oct :
le 31 oct :
le 1 nov :

{ broadcaster.name }}

Parti Vert NB Green Party · 403 Regent St, Suite 102, Fredericton, NB E3B 3X6, Canada
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David Coon talks with Murray Munn about private woodlots


Published on Jul 27, 2018

1396 Route 8
Nashwaak Bridge, NB E6C 1T5, Canada


Wood marketing board taken over by Forest Products Commission

York-Sunbury-Charlotte group's involvement in $2M mill project deemed 'unsound business practice'

The New Brunswick Forest Products Commission has taken over the running of the York-Sunbury-Charlotte marketing board, whose mandate is to sell wood from private woodlots to forestry companies.

The commission says in a press release that the board’s involvement in Maritime Fibre and Energy Ltd. was an “unsound business practice” that could “prejudice the interests of the private woodlot owner producers” it is supposed to represent.

The involvement in the mill was also “outside the scope, purposes or powers” of the board, the release said.

But the lead investor in the plan says the initiative sprang from good intentions: a desire to revive the former M.L. Wilkins and Son Ltd. sawmill as a member-owned co-operative.

Murray Munn was the lead investor in a $2-million effort to establish Maritime Fibre and Energy at the former M.L. Wilkins sawmill near Fredericton. (Jacques Poitras / CBC)“I’m broken-hearted and sad,” says Murray Munn, the lead investor in the $2-million project. “It hurts. It does.”
I’m broken-hearted and sad. It hurts. It does.- Murray Munn, lead investor
Munn is a critic of provincial forestry policy that he says is designed to favour large forestry companies that hold leases to cut wood on public land — an arrangement that he says amounts to a massive subsidy.

He used his own woodlots as collateral to borrow money to invest because, he says, he wanted to help woodlot owners and other investors create an alternative buyer for wood from private woodlots, he says.

“I thought it was an excellent idea,” he says. “That’s why I was willing to invest in it.”

The 79-year-old businessman has worked in forestry for six decades and was instrumental in setting up the York-Sunbury-Charlotte marketing board decades ago.

The plan was to acquire the Wilkins mill, which closed in 2007, and let investors run it and eventually acquire it through a lease-to-own agreement. The co-op proposal attracted 52 member-buyers.

The mill ran for a few months last winter but lacked enough capital to keep going because not enough investors were willing to take a risk early in the game.

Other potential investors “want a sure thing. Their point is, `Yeah, we’d’ invest in it when you prove it’s running and making money. We’ll come on side.’ Really, that’s not when you need them.”

No one from the forest products commission was available for an interview Monday.

In a press release, the commission says it became “concerned” about the marketing board after an audit of its books last August. The commission oversees the seven marketing boards around the province.

It said its goal is to ensure the York-Sunbury-Charlotte marketing board is “financially secure” enough to protect the interests of its 7,100 woodlot owners.

Munn’s son Keith, one of the board’s directors, says the commission was aware of the Maritime Fibre plan all along, and didn’t object until things went bad.

“I, as the secretary of the marketing board, take the minutes, and they get the minutes every month,” he says. “They knew of the involvement and how deeply the marketing board was getting into the mill project.”

Keith Munn says it wasn’t clear to the board how hard it would be to persuade woodlot owners to invest. “We didn’t realize how poorly private owners were doing,” he says.

The Wilkins mill employed 70 people when it closed in 2007. Murray Munn says the new operation might have employed a hundred at full production.

He says it’s unlikely now it will run.

“We’ve looked at some options. There’s still some options, but they’re slim.”

About the Author


Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


149 Graveyard Hill
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Stanley, NB
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E6B 1V2
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520 Route 605
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Email: brody.sevek@gmail.com
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Phone: 363-3983
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43 Johnston Lane
Email: f.johnston@xplornet.ca
Durham Bridge, NB
Phone: 458-5325, 476-4291
E6C 1E2
3 years
165 Rockwood Way
Email: phughes@mcft.ca
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E3A 9L9
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Fredericton, NB
Phone: 260-4780
E3B 4T8
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Email: jessiecoburn@gmail.com
Harvey, NB
Phone: 366 8686
E6K 2L8
3 years
1240 Charter's Settlement Rd
Email: 49chidie@gmail.com
Charters Settlement, NB
Phone: 459-5531, 461-0681
E3C 1W4
3 years
198 Sand Brook Road
Wirral, NB
Phone: 687-4680
E5L 2K8
3 years
8961 Route 3
Email: carlmhovey@hotmail.com
Old Ridge, NB
Phone: 466-5144
E5L 4W4
3 years
3355 Route 3
Email: bgillespie.wr@gmail.com
Harvey, York Co, NB
Phone: 366 8133
E6K 0A2

Shawn McGrath
Joined YSC in 2017
Cell: 506-478-8446
Email: shawn.mcgrath@yscnb.ca

Office: 506-444-6644
Email:  yscfredericton@yscnb.ca


Andrew Clark Chosen as Green Party's Candidate in Carleton

17 APRIL 2014
Andrew Clark was selected as the Green Party's candidate for Carleton at a nomination meeting held in Woodstock on April 15. Mr. Clark is a well-known forestry contractor and woodlot owner in the area.

 He served as President of the New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners for 11 years. He also served as a President and Director of the Carleton-Victoria Wood Producer's Association.

Mr. Clark was born in Woodstock and raised on a farm in Simonds, outside Hartland. He is a graduate of the Maritime Forest Ranger School and has spent most of his career harvesting and trucking wood from private woodlots.

He lives in Simonds with his wife Linda. They have 3 sons and a daughter, and 11 grandchildren. He has served on the District Education Council and is active in his church.

"Andrew has served his community with distinction and has been a champion for rural New Brunswick through his work on behalf of the woodlot owners of this province ," said Green Party leader David Coon. "He brings a healthy dose of good sense to every challenge he has met and I am looking forward to working with him as our candidate in Carleton," said Coon.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2017 05:52:39 -0400
Subject: Rick this is the entire email I sent Andrew Clark byway of
NBFWO and his buddy David Coon just before I filed the lawsuit and ran
for a seat in Parliament again in 2015
To: rdoucett@nbpower.com, nbfwo@nbnet.nb.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 21:43:07 -0400
Subject: Attn Peter Milliken and Andrew Clark we just talked about
softwood and my being barred from parliamentry properties Now please
checkout my files and this evil bastard's blog What would you do if
this was published about your children
To: pmilliken@cswan.com, "jon.gerrard"<jon.gerrard@leg.gov.mb.ca>,
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, nbfwo@nbnet.nb.ca,
pecman.john@ic.gc.ca, Garneau.Alain@ic.gc.ca,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

Trust that there are lots more









What is the Competition Bureau?
The Competition Bureau, as an independent law enforcement agency,
ensures that Canadian businesses and consumers prosper in a
competitive and innovative marketplace. Headed by the Commissioner of
Competition John Pecman Phone 819-997-3304 and Alain Garneau Assistant
Deputy Commissioner Phone 514-283-7996

New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners Inc.
819 Royal Road
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E3G 6M1
Phone: 506-459-2990
Fax: 506-459-3515
Email: nbfwo@nbnet.nb.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Milliken <pmilliken@cswan.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 22:40:42 +0000
Subject: Re: WOW Is Linda McQuaig ever gonna be pissed off at Premier
Notley and her crew of corrupt cops EH Mr Harper and Jesse Brown?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>


I found a note with your phone number on it recently and tried to call
but it did not work.  902-800-0369.  Is that still good?  Should I try
another number?  I think you called me and left  a message but it was
some time ago.....


Peter Milliken

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 16:58:36 -0400
Subject: I must say that the Libertarian in Ontario at (416) 283-7589
picked an interesting day to jerk my chain Here is a little light
reading for him
To: info@libertarian.on.ca, contact@billmorneau.ca,
tomarmstronglibertarian@gmail.com, michaelharris@ipolitics.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 21:28:39 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn David McKie here is why I did not believe you tonight
To: ian.bron@canadians4accountability.org,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 19:10:44 -0400
Subject: Attn David McKie here is why I did not believe you tonight
To: david_mckie@cbc.ca, "ht.lacroix"<ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "justin.ling"<justin.ling@vice.com>,
leader <leader@greenparty.ca>, "Michael.Ferguson"
<Michael.Ferguson@oag-bvg.gc.ca>, "Marc.Mayrand"
<Marc.Mayrand@elections.ca>, "Yves.Cote"<Yves.Cote@elections.ca>,
Lampron.Raynald@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Friday.Joe@psic-ispc.gc.ca,
lachapelle.edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca, manon.hardy@chrc-ccdp.ca,
"Gilles.Moreau"<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

How could you forget this and make me explain your own work to you?


Digging into the former Integrity Commissioner's cases
February 8, 2011 1:18 PM |  By David McKie

"If you have any information or observations you'd like to share,
especially after studying the material in the attached spreadsheet,
please feel free to contact me at david_mckie@cbc.ca."


Clearly you are clever so why ask me questions then tell me you can't
look a your computer for a minute to verify what I am saying?

Clearly I saved your work. Michael FergusonI should understand why I
enjoyed this most of all


Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 10:14:45 -0400
Subject: Attn Anne-Marie Robinson, President, Public Service
Commission and Janice Charette Clerk of the Privy Council and
Secretary to the Cabinet
To: anne-marie.robinson@cfp-psc.gc.ca,
cfp.emplois-jobs.psc@cfp-psc.gc.ca, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
Janice.Charette@pco-bcp.gc.ca, Root.Gorelick@carleton.ca,
bjhobin@hobinarc.com, "“chriscarruthersmd@gmail.com"
<chriscarruthersmd@gmail.com>, dcraig@jlrichards.ca,
debra.armstrong@mbna.com, lindaanndaly@gmail.com,
oliver.javanpour@cyrusecho.com, pmerchant@ottawahospital.on.ca,
ronaldgjackson@gmail.com, rthompson@nac-can.ca,
tattersfield.anthony@rcgt.com, mmariano@toh.on.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
Michael.Wernick@pco-bcp.gc.ca, Chantale.Vachon@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
mediacentre@pco-bcp.gc.ca, radical <radical@radicalpress.com>,
"Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, merv <merv@northwebpress.com>, "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "ht.lacroix"<ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>,
"Robert. Jones"<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>

Yo Michael Wernick

How about you ask the sneaky lawyer Ward P.D. Elcock what the PCO should do
when the FEDS have a citizen locked up  without charges or even a
warrant after running for public office four times in an effort to
shut him up? Was that the tactics of Brownshirts or Maoists?




What if your family has been threatened and sexually harrassed etc for
13 years while the RCMP laughed at your concerns as they constantly
harrassed you for their own benefit?



David Raymond Amos ‏@DavidRayAmos
@GlenfordCanning @angelrehtaeh @pmharper @JulieSLalonde @RCMPNS
@edmontonpolice @RCMPNB Cops are well aware of this

Justice for Child Abusers Glenford Canning, and David Amos
by baconfatreport on May 22, 2015


Twenty E Mails Last Night From David Amos
by baconfatreport on May 24, 2015

I and hundreds of others it seems received about twenty mass
e-mailings from convicted and registered pedophile David Raymond Amos
of Halifax last night. These e-mails are totally unsolicited,
completely unwanted, poorly written, go on for ever and ever, and are…
spam. Damn, that’s a lot of spam! There is nothing David Raymond Amos
has to say or could say to anyone the planet… that anyone would want
to hear. David Raymond Amos is the product of incestuous sexual
congress betwixt his mother and  her brother a German Shepherd Dog.

Hey David! If you, little Glenford Canning, the boys at Frank
Magazine, and anonymous don’t like this humble blog…don’t read it!

Oh dear, call me “Maxwell” lol lol lol

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369


From: , Michael <Michael.Wernick@pco-bcp.gc.ca>
Date: Wednesday, 1 April, 2015 7:17 AM
To: “Root.Gorelick@CARLETON.CA” <Root.Gorelick@CARLETON.CA>,
bjhobin@hobinarc.com” <bjhobin@hobinarc.com>,
chriscarruthersmd@gmail.com” <chriscarruthersmd@gmail.com>,
dcraig@jlrichards.ca” <dcraig@jlrichards.ca>,
debra.armstrong@mbna.com” <debra.armstrong@mbna.com>,
lindaanndaly@gmail.com” <lindaanndaly@gmail.com>,
oliver.javanpour@cyrusecho.com” <oliver.javanpour@cyrusecho.com>,
pmerchant@ottawahospital.on.ca” <pmerchant@ottawahospital.on.ca>,
ronaldgjackson@gmail.com” <ronaldgjackson@gmail.com>,
rthompson@nac-can.ca” <rthompson@nac-can.ca>, Tony Tattersfield
<tattersfield.anthony@rcgt.com>, “mmariano@toh.on.ca
<mmariano@toh.on.ca>, “Vachon, Chantale”
Pam.GriffinHody@CARLETON.CA” <Pam.GriffinHody@CARLETON.CA>,
pres@gsacarleton.ca” <pres@gsacarleton.ca>, “tkunz@sce.carleton.ca
<tkunz@sce.carleton.ca>, “nfalvo@connect.carleton.ca
Subject: Re: 589th Meeting of the Board of Governors on 30 March 2015
With all respect you really are missing the point here.The physical
disruption and attempt to suppress the functioning of the lawful
governance of the university by shouting down speakers and breaking up
the meeting is the point.

It has no place in a lawful democratic society – it is the tactics of
Brownshirts and Maoists. It has no place in a university – it is the
antithesis of free speech and open debate.

What I would like to hear from the administration is what sanctions
will be brought upon the disruptors and how it proposes to protect the
peaceful lawful governance of the Board from being intimidated.


Anne-Marie Robinson
Public Service Commission
22 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0M7
Assistant: Lalig Papazian
Tel.: 819-420-6556

Christine Donoghue
Senior Vice-President
Policy Branch
Public Service Commission
22 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0M7
Assistant: Angela Viau-Lalonde
Tel.: 819-420-8505


Director's Office
Jurisdiction Directorate
Investigations Branch
22 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0M7

Telephone: 819-420-8924
Fax: 819-420-8801
E-mail: CFP.Enquetes-Investigations.PSC@cfp-psc.gc.ca

Atlantic Region

Includes New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and
Prince Edward Island

Maritime Centre Building
1505 Barrington Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K5

General questions on how to apply online: 1-888-780-4444
Information Line for Job Advertisements: 1-800-645-5605
TTY/TDD: 1-800-465-7735
Facsimile: 1-888-515-4447
E-mail: cfp.emplois-jobs.psc@cfp-psc.gc.ca


Anne-Marie Robinson, President

Photo of Anne-Marie Robinson

PDF Format, 480 kb

Ms. Anne-Marie Robinson was confirmed as President of the Public
Service Commission of Canada (PSC), effective February 15, 2012. She
had served as acting President since January 1, 2012. From June 2010
until her appointment as acting President of the PSC, she was
Associate Deputy Minister of Health Canada.

Ms. Robinson began her public service career in 1990 as an auditor for
Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise. In 1993, she joined the Management
Trainee Program and completed assignments at Industry Canada and
Indian Affairs and Northern Development. From 1995 to 1997, Ms.
Robinson held senior policy advisor positions related to Aboriginal
policy at the Department of Human Resources and the Privy Council
Office. In 1997, Ms. Robinson returned to Indian Affairs and Northern
Development where she served as Director of Policy for the Specific
Claims Program. In the fall of 2000, she joined the Accelerated
Executive Development Program and completed two assignments at Indian
Affairs and Northern Development: Director, Litigation Portfolio
Operations and Director General, Litigation Management Branch.


Opening Remarks by Anne-Marie Robinson, President, Public Service
Commission of Canada at Senate National Finance Committee regarding
2014-2015 Estimates
October 28, 2014

Mr. Chair, Honourable Members, I am pleased to be here to discuss the
Public Service Commission’s Estimates for 2014-2015.

The mandate of the Public Service Commission is to promote and
safeguard merit-based staffing and, in collaboration with other
stakeholders, to protect the non-partisan nature of the public


Nicole Jauvin, currently President of the Canada Public Service
Agency, becomes Senior Advisor to the Privy Council Office to
co-ordinate the establishment of the two new regional economic
development agencies, pending her next Deputy Minister assignment. -

Message from the President of the Canada Public Service Agency

As the policy centre for the Public Servants Disclosure Protection
Act, the Canada Public Service Agency is pleased to provide this
report on activities related to the Act as carried out by federal
public sector organizations during 2007–08.

A great deal of progress has been made during the first year of the
Act's implementation. Knowledge and understanding of the Act is
spreading throughout the public sector, thanks to innovative
communications activities and training for employees. We have also
seen organizations take significant steps toward establishing their
own codes of conduct. As this report shows, federal public sector
employees have also begun to use the Act.

We are off to a strong start. In 2008–09, we will continue to support
chief executives and their employees in building awareness of the Act
and finding ways to facilitate its administration. We will also
continue to provide organizations with leadership on values and ethics
and work with stakeholders to promote ethical practices throughout the
public sector.

The paper version was signed by

Nicole Jauvin, President Canada Public Service Agency


The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA) is a significant
part of the Government's actions to increase the trust and confidence
of Canadians in the public sector. While wrongdoing is rare in the
Canadian public sector, it is important to have mechanisms in place
that allow each case of suspected wrongdoing to be dealt with in a
manner that maintains the confidence of Canadians, while allowing
effective and efficient operation of public sector organizations.

The Act requires that public sector organizations report annually to
the Canada Public Service Agency on activities related to disclosures
made under the Act and that the Agency submit a report outlining these
activities to the Minister for tabling in each House of Parliament.
This is the first such report, and it presents an analysis of initial
activities under the Act.

During the first year since the Act came into force, there has been a
great deal of progress in implementation throughout the public sector.
Organizations have taken significant steps to embody the key concepts
of the Act in their activities, and are responding appropriately to
allegations of wrongdoing. Likewise, public sector employees have
responded by trusting and using the procedures established under the

Nevertheless, more work remains ahead to ensure that all public sector
employees are well informed of the protections provided by the Act,
and that leaders at all levels clearly understand their
responsibilities with respect to disclosure and, more generally, in
promoting ethical practices in the workplace.

The Agency will continue to support implementation of the PSDPA and
looks forward to the establishment of the new code of conduct for the
federal public sector and related codes in federal public sector




Janice Charette
Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet
•Michael Wernick
Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council and Associate Secretary to the Cabinet

•Stephen Rigby
National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister
◦Ward P.D. Elcock
Special Advisor on Human Smuggling
◦David McGovern
Senior Advisor to the Privy Council Office
Border Action Plan Implementation & regulatory Cooperation Council
■Bob Carberry
Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Regulatory Cooperation Council
■Kevin O'Shea
A/Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Border Action Plan Implementation

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 22:17:49 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Attn Christine Elliott as soon as I saw that Paul
Godfrey and Derek Burney were behind the lawyer Patrick Brown I
understood the game Did You?
To: kganley@mcgownjohnson.com, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, "peter.mackay"<peter.mackay@justice.gc.ca>, MulcaT
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, Glen Canning
<grcanning@gmail.com>, michael@frankmagazine.ca,
blake@frankmagazine.ca, comment@contrarian.ca,
andrew@frankmagazine.ca, "justmin@gov.ns.ca"<justmin@gov.ns.ca>,
andrewjdouglas@gmail.com, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
Mad Ape <chiefape@gmail.com>, "john.green"<john.green@gnb.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "ht.lacroix"
<ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>, GlenMuise1000 <GlenMuise1000@gmail.com>,
"bob.paulson"<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "steven.blaney"

 You received a new 0:12 minutes voicemail message, on
Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 04:55:27 PM in mailbox 9028000369
from 6139953708.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 13:13:06 -0400
Subject: RE The OGGO Committee and Commissioner Joe Friday I will be
calling some of your offices shortly to inform you of an important
response to this document from his office in Feb/08
To: greg.kerr@parl.gc.ca, Mark.Adler@parl.gc.ca, Wai.Young@parl.gc.ca,
chris.warkentin@parl.gc.ca, Tarik.Brahmi@parl.gc.ca,
Mathieu.Ravignat@parl.gc.ca, eddieorrell@bellaliant.com,
chuck@chuckporter.ca, JamieBaillie@gov.ns.ca, PREMIER
<PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, acampbell
<acampbell@ctv.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier
<premier@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gov.pe.ca>, premier
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, Clemet1
<Clemet1@parl.gc.ca>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Karine Fortin


Whereas political people pretend that they don't read my pdf files I
will offer them a photo of the response and read it to them over the
phone if they wish

Need I say why I retweeted this?


Mathieu Ravignat @MRavignat  ·  Mar 12
The interim Public Sector Integrity Commissioner refused to appear at
OGGO today, what a lack of transparency from the government!

Lets just say say I downloaded and saved then watched these webcasts
several times with great interest after I watched the webcast of April
28th. After my recent conversations with the OGGO clerk and several
others I suspect that you all know why by now.



Everybody knows that I have been calling Joe Friday and his many
cohorts liars for years and saved the proof of what I say is true
Correct? Check this out before you dare to disagree.


Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369


Greg Kerr
Hill Office Telephone: 613-995-5711
Constituency Office Telephone: 902-742-6808

Mark Adler
Hill Office Telephone: 613-941-6339
Constituency Office Telephone: 416-638-3700

Wai Young
Hill Office Telephone: 613-995-7052
Constituency Office Telephone: 604-775-5323

Chris Warkentin
Hill Office Telephone: 613-992-5685
Constituency Office Telephone: 780-538-1677

Tarik Brahmi
Hill Office Telephone: 613-992-5296
Constituency Office Telephone: 450-357-9100

Mathieu Ravignat
Hill Office Telephone: 613-995-3950
Constituency Office Telephone: 819-648-2003

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Elliott-co, Christine"<christine.elliottco@pc.ola.org>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 17:00:31 +0000
Subject: RE: RE I just called Pat Martin and Brad Butt about
Commissioner Joe Friday and his testimony before the OGGO Committee on
April 28th
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Mr. Amos.  I am writing to acknowledge receipt of the 2 emails that
you have forwarded to Ms. Elliott's office.  I will bring them to her
attention at the earliest opportunity.

Constituency Staff
Office of Christine Elliott
MPP, Whitby-Oshawa

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 9:32 AM
To: Elliott-co, Christine; christine@christineelliott.ca;
derek.burney@nortonrosefulbright.com; christina.blizzard@sunmedia.ca;
premier; pm; premier; premier; PREMIER; premier; premier; premier;
premier; premier
Cc: David Amos
Subject: Fwd: RE I just called Pat Martin and Brad Butt about
Commissioner Joe Friday and his testimony before the OGGO Committee on
April 28th

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 17:26:48 -0400
Subject: I just called Pat Martin and Brad Butt about Commissioner Joe
Friday and his testimony before the OGGO Committee on April 28th
To: pm@pm.gc.ca, Lampron.Raynald@psic-ispc.gc.ca,
Friday.Joe@psic-ispc.gc.ca, lachapelle.edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca,
brad.butt@parl.gc.ca, pat.martin@parl.gc.ca, OGGO@parl.gc.ca,
manon.hardy@chrc-ccdp.ca, "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "David.Coon"
<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 13:01:14 -0700
Subject: Mr Lampron can ya tell I hate it when people call me a liar?
Furthermore why would you ignore an email from your boss?
To: Raynald Lampron <Lampron.Raynald@psic-ispc.gc.ca>, "Dion.Mario"
<Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca>, Joe Friday <Friday.Joe@psic-ispc.gc.ca>,
"bob.paulson"<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Clemet1
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Randall.Garrison.c1"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mario Dion <Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 06:05:25 -0500
Subject: Re: Fwd: Yo Mario Dion it been over a year since your last
response and 7 years since I talked to the evil lawyer Manon Hardy so
tell me another one will ya?
To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>,
"Mackap@parl.gc.ca"<Mackap@parl.gc.ca>, "bourdap@halifax.ca"
<bourdap@halifax.ca>, "Helen.Banulescu@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca"
<Helen.Banulescu@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca>, Edith Lachapelle
<Lachapelle.Edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca>, "peter.dauphinee@gmail.com"
<peter.dauphinee@gmail.com>, "upriverwatch@gmail.com"
<upriverwatch@gmail.com>, "donald.bowser@smu.ca"
<donald.bowser@smu.ca>, "kedgwickriver@gmail.com"
<kedgwickriver@gmail.com>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "COCMoncton@gmail.com"<COCMoncton@gmail.com>,
Cc: "david.raymond.amos@gmail.com"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
Raynald Lampron <Lampron.Raynald@psic-ispc.gc.ca>, Joe Friday

I will ask my staff to verify your status and someone will get back to
you. I would appreciate it however if you could be a little bit more
polite when drafting emails adressed to me.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:23:59 -0700
Subject: Fwd: Yo Mario Dion it been over a year since your last
response and 7 years since I talked to the evil lawyer Manon Hardy so
tell me another one will ya?
To: Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca, manon.hardy@chrc-ccdp.ca, Clemet1
<Clemet1@parl.gc.ca>, Errington.john@forces.gc.ca,
Christine.Salt@forces.gc.ca, Mackap <Mackap@parl.gc.ca>,
bourdap@halifax.ca, Helen.Banulescu@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca,
lachapelle.edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca, "peter.dauphinee"
<peter.dauphinee@gmail.com>, upriverwatch <upriverwatch@gmail.com>,
Donald Bowser <donald.bowser@smu.ca>, kedgwickriver
<kedgwickriver@gmail.com>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, COCMoncton
<COCMoncton@gmail.com>, "Davidc.Coon"<Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>,
"stephen.horsman"<stephen.horsman@nbliberal.ca>, forest
<forest@conservationcouncil.ca>, "es. \"water\""<water@ccnbaction.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:18:03 -0700
Subject: Yo Mario Dion it been over a year since your last response
and 7 years since I talked to the evil lawyer Manon Hardy so tell me
another one will ya?
To: Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca, manon.hardy@chrc-ccdp.ca, Clemet1
<Clemet1@parl.gc.ca>, Errington.john@forces.gc.ca,
Christine.Salt@forces.gc.ca, Mackap <Mackap@parl.gc.ca>,
lachapelle.edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Jessica Hume
<jessica.hume@sunmedia.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>,
"Gilles.Moreau"<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, leader
<leader@greenparty.ca>, stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>, "james.goodman"
<james.goodman@forces.gc.ca>, louis-philippe.rouillard@forces.gc.ca,
maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>,
Helen.Banulescu@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, barbara.hayduk@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, bourdap
<bourdap@halifax.ca>, justmin <justmin@gov.ns.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca,
pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, alan.white@cbc.ca

Wednesday, 11 September 2013 YEA RIGHT Tell me another Mario Dion I
have been waiting to you crooks in Public Sector Integrity to act
honestly since 2004


Check the last page of thi file before your people call me a liar again


Better yet ask the crooked lawyer Manon Hardy where she his all the
documents and CD I sent your office in 2007


From: Mario Dion <Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 23:23:07 -0400
Subject: Out of Office: Re High Water AB, McBride BC and Fat Fred City
NB Clearly Landslide Annie McLellan, the RCMP and the CROWN do not
know common law is for common folks too EH?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

I will be away from the office until September 15th inclusively. In
case of emergency, please contact Monique Halloran at (613) 941-6400.

Je serai absent du bureau jusqu'au 15 septembre inclusivement. En cas
d'urgence, veuillez communiquer avec Monique Halloran au (613)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 15:23:15 -0400
Subject: WOW
To: Errington.john@forces.gc.ca, Christine.Salt@forces.gc.ca, Mackap
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, sunrayzulu <



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 15:00:39 -0400
Subject: Ms Lachapelle and her boss crook Mario Dion should understand
by now that I hate it when corrupt bureaucrats all me a liar
To: lachapelle.edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Jessica Hume
<jessica.hume@sunmedia.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>,
"Gilles.Moreau"<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, leader
<leader@greenparty.ca>, stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: maxnews <maxnews@astral.com>, "criminal.division"
<criminal.division@usdoj.gov>, David Amos
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, campaigns
<campaigns@democracywatch.ca>, calgary.mountainview@assembly.ab.ca

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
To: <lachapelle.edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca>;
<Maggie.Trudel-Maggiore@dfo-mpo.gc.ca>; <Neil.Yeates@cic.gc.ca>;
<elisabeth.nadeau@ps-sp.gc.ca>; <tpulcine@privcom.gc.ca>;
<dgrandmaitre@gg.ca>; "Mackap"<Mackap@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: <louis-philippe.rouillard@forces.gc.ca>; "maritime_malaise"
<maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>; <Helen.Banulescu@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>;
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 12:43 PM
Subject: Fwd: UNESCO should ask many of their associates about this
email starting with former Governor General Ms Jean and the ex CBC
dude Don Newman

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 May 2011 16:29:00 -0300
Subject: UNESCO should ask many of their associates about this email
starting with former Governor General Ms Jean and the ex CBC dude Don
To: David.Walden@unesco.ca, bairdj <bairdj@parl.gc.ca>, Mackap
<Mackap@parl.gc.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
"Frank. McKenna"<Frank.McKenna@td.com>, oldmaision
<oldmaision@yahoo.com>, webo <webo@xplornet.com>, drcarley
<drcarley@gmail.com>, generalportal55 <generalportal55@hotmail.com>,
nickysbirdy <nickysbirdy@yahoo.ca>, Alex Hunter <ahunter100@shaw.ca>,
craig batley <batleycraig@yahoo.ca>
Cc: LaytoJ <LaytoJ@parl.gc.ca>, leader@greenparty.ca, mourama
<mourama@parl.gc.ca>, "rick. skinner"<rick.skinner@dhs.gov>,
maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 May 2011 14:47:21 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
To: "greg.weston"<greg.weston@cbc.ca>, Don
<Don@blueskystrategygroup.com>, "info@pco-bcp.gc.ca"
<info@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, "info@gg.ca"<info@gg.ca>,
sweet_rob@hotmail.com, maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>,
tracy <tracy@jatam.org>, birgittajoy <birgittajoy@gmail.com>
Cc: "alan.white"<alan.white@cbc.ca>, "Wayne.Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, danfour <danfour@myginch.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 14:17:17 -0400
Subject: RE: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

This is to confirm that the Minister of National Defence has received
your email and it will be reviewed in due course. Please do not reply
to this message: it is an automatic acknowledgement.

Le ministre de la Défense nationale accuse réception de votre
courriel. Celui-ci sera examiné en temps opportun. Veuillez ne pas
répondre à ce courriel puisque la présente est une réponse

Clearly I coorected some of my spelling before I forwarded this emal to

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 13:55:30 -0300
Subject: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and the
War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still alive
To: DECPR@forces.gc.ca, Public.Affairs@socom.mil,
Raymonde.Cleroux@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca,
william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>,
dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, media@drdc-rddc.gc.ca, information@forces.gc.ca,
milner@unb.ca, charters@unb.ca, lwindsor@unb.ca,
sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, birgir <birgir@althingi.is>, smari
<smari@immi.is>, greg.weston@cbc.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
susan@blueskystrategygroup.com, Don@blueskystrategygroup.com,
eugene@blueskystrategygroup.com, americas@aljazeera.net
Cc: "Edith. Cody-Rice"<Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>, "terry.seguin"
<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>, whistleblower

I talked to Don Newman earlier this week before the beancounters David
Dodge and Don Drummond now of Queen's gave their spin about Canada's
Health Caree system yesterday and Sheila Fraser yapped on and on on
CAPACduring her last days in office as if she were eoh so
elthical.. To be fair to him I just called Greg Weston (613-288-6938)
I suggested that he should at least Google SOUCOM and David Amos It
would be wise if he check ALL of CBC's sources before he publishes
something else about the DND EH Don Newman? Lets just say that the fact that
your old CBC buddy, Tony Burman is now in charge of Al Jazeera English
never impressed me. The fact that he set up a Canadian office is
interesting though



Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.


The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not
a shy political animal

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

Enjoy Mr Weston


"But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
including a Canadian general.

That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk was
also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that helped
prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."


"I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
"veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
into the US policy.

At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation.There was
never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
were deployed WMD.

Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
(and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.

There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
upon."What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions are
to met before US troop can redeploy?

Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the PMO were even at the very
preliminary planning stages wary of Canadian involvement in an Iraq
operation....History would prove them correct. The political pressure
being applied on the PMO from the George W Bush administration was

American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
....not necessarily in that order. "

You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
Adams? of the CSE within the DND?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 20:42:46 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Response to your calls of April 9 and May 12, 2010
To: Raymonde.Cleroux@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, Barry Winters
<sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>, dean Ray
<deanr0032@hotmail.com>, dean <dean@law.ualberta.ca>, danadurf
<danadurf@hotmail.com>, Richard Harris
<injusticecoalition@hotmail.com>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "Edith. Cody-Rice"<Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>,
"terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, "john.adams"
<john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca>, "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"
<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles. Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Mackap <Mackap@parl.gc.ca>, toewsv1
Cc: "Harper.S@parl.gc.ca"<Harper.S@parl.gc.ca>, IgnatM
<IgnatM@parl.gc.ca>, LaytoJ <LaytoJ@parl.gc.ca>, "Duceppe. G"
<Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca>, "Frank. McKenna"<Frank.McKenna@td.com>,
"jack.macdougall"<jack.macdougall@greenparty.ca>, fundytides
<fundytides@gmail.com>, panb <panb@bellaliant.net>, carlbainbridge
<carlbainbridge@panb.org>, guergh <guergh@parl.gc.ca>,
"Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca"<Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca>, dthomas@mta.ca

Thanx for the response but you must be joking. My complaint was that
your chickenshit Military Police refused to investigate and thought my
troubles were funny. GET IT? However the sad but terrible part is I
know that you are not joking. If it were not for men such as David
Thomas speaking up in the Town where I was born i would not be a very
proud Canadian today.


Check out this blog from two years agoo. Howcome the CROWN CORP known
as the CBC does not show us a tally like that as they tell us who got
killed on our behalf on a regular basis? Notice Heather Reisman's


Now Google mine and Bernie Madoff. Here is a shortcut
Then Go Figure why I am pissed as I watch zionists threaten my famiily
and pound on the drums for war as their financial backers get awards
in my nativeland and attend Biliderberger meetings with none other
than the corrupt bankster Frank MacKenna and John Adams the boss of
the CSE?

Your lawyers can trust that the link I provide below are to a very
serious pdf file and that it is no joke. FYI if you bother to look you
will see that the Governor General as Commander in Chief of our Armed
Forces has already admitted to receiving two sets of the hard copy of
some of my documents and two CDs from me already and suggested that I
take my concerns to court long before we started losing people
overseas at quite a rate. Trust that legions of CROWN attornies
already have their fancy knickers in a knot.


Need I say that to me your Commission is just another bunch of
chickenshit bureaucrats like all the rest? So please allow me to
introduce you to the evil bastard himself He is purportedly Barry K.
Winters if not at least that is his email address.

I must say I find it interesting the the Russians care more about my
battles with a zionist than the very people in my nativeland who
employ him. Interesting EH Mr Harper and Iggy?

No need to enlist me into the Privy Council and swear me to secrecy,
It is not National Security I am concerned about it is the security
and well being of my family. I am gonna do my best to make sure the
Russians, Chinese and Iranians know EVERYTHING that you and the
Yankees know about my concerns as a whistleblower about financial
crimes etc. Why not if your employee can brag about planning wars and
advocating the m urder of my family talking about what I know of
banksters etc is small potatoes EH Franky boy McKenna, Jacky Boy
MacDougall and of cousr your pal arty Baby Mackay?

Just Dave
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That said I must ask Raymonde Cléroux the obvious question after what
you witnessed in "Barry K' Winters" blog howcome your did not call the
RCMP if not the Military Police yourself? Scroll down and try to
figure out a proper answer as to whether or not the evil zionist broke
an oath or two as it pertains to Canada's plans to make war with Iraq
in 2002.

(I inserted the text below)

And within the info many of my YOUTUBES
BTW the RCMP and the Edmonton PD have refused to do anything so rest
assured I will take care of the evil bastard myself in an ethical and
rather stylish fashion. As I said NOBODY sexually harasses and
threatens to kill my children. However I will file a lawsuit against
the CROWN to cover my butt before I kick his. Perhaps you should
worry about your pocketbook in the "Mean" time.

Perhaps your lawyers should review the CROWN Liabilty Act as if
pertains to the CSE and the DND then study every word of that
zionist's malicious blog to see if I am wrong about why the
commissioner of the Human Rights Commission would not defend her own
reputation.. No matter how secretive the CSE and the RCMP may be at
least you admitted to the knowledge of the death threats and sexual
harassment of my children after I have been complaining of your
associate for over a year. Tell me why I don't sue you dudes
personally starting with Colonel Pearson and his idiot assistant Lt
Col Tony Weber who think everything is too funny and don't wish their
military police to bother to act within the scope of their employment
just like you would not EH?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 12:31:32 -0300
Subject: Re: Yo Corey W. Joyce Then introduce me to YOUR lawyer ASAP
To: DECPR@forces.gc.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "john.adams"
<john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca>, IgnatM <IgnatM@parl.gc.ca>, LaytoJ
Cc: robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>, Barry Winters
<sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "john.logan"<john.logan@gnb.ca>

On 8/23/10, DECPR@forces.gc.ca<DECPR@forces.gc.ca> wrote:
> Please cease and desist any and all communications with this address. Your
> communications thus far have been inflamatory and constitute harassment.
>>Corey W. Joyce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, 23, August, 2010 11:10 AM
> To: +DECPR@ADM(PA)@Ottawa-Hull; Barry Winters; ndpaocal@nucleus.com;
> Ken.Zielke
> Cc: Mackap; IgnatM; john.adams; robin reid; tony; Robert. Jones; Eidt,
> (OAG/CPG); PATRICK. MURPHY; rick. skinner
> Subject: Yo Corey W. Joyce
> Then perhaps you should not read YOUR ASSOCIATE'S words EH pussy?
> *http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010_06_01_archive.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: DECPR@forces.gc.ca
> Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 10:55:01 -0400
> Subject: RE: Attn Corey Joyce how about an answer in WRITING just like I
> demanded on the phone Just now
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Your e-mail has been forwarded for action/response by another directorate.
> This e-mail constitutes all the response you will get from this office
and I
> respectfully advise you not to contact me again. Your tone and language
> were insulting and I will not converse with you when you speak to me with
> complete lack of respect and with vulgar language.
>>Corey W. Joyce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, 23, August, 2010 10:54 AM
> To: +DECPR@ADM(PA)@Ottawa-Hull; Edith. Cody-Rice; IgnatM;
> ndpaoatlantic@ns.aliantzinc.ca
> Cc: Mackap; john.adams
> Subject: Attn Corey Joyce how about an answer in WRITING just like I
> demanded on the phone Just now
> National Defence Headquarters
> MGen George R. Pearkes Bldg, 15NT
> 101 Colonel By Drive
> Ottawa, ON Canada K1A 0K2
> (613) 996-9266
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 11:17:00 -0300
> Subject: Re: FW: Response to your calls of April 9 and May 12, 2010
> To: "Weir, Sarah"<sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca>, Mackap <Mackap@parl.gc.ca
> "john.adams"<john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca>, commission@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca,
> media@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, "Ken.Zielke"
> <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, "peter.teasdale"<peter.teasdale@gov.ab.ca>,
> "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> "mike.mcdonell"<mike.mcdonell@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> Cc: robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>, tony <tony@peoplestandup.ca>,
> "PATRICK. MURPHY"<PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov>, "rick. skinner"
> <rick.skinner@dhs.gov>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
> Thanx for the SECOND Response but you bureaucrat really should learn to
> don't ya think?
> On 8/23/10, Weir, Sarah <sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca> wrote:
>> Good morning Mr. Amos,
>> Following your phone call of August 19, 2010, please note that we did
>> reply to your previous messages by e-mail (see below). Unfortunately
>> your complaint is not pertaining to the conduct of Military Police
>> members in the performance of policing duty or function.
>> As mentioned below, if your complaint pertains to a life threatening
>> matter, please contact your local police force.
>> Thank you,
>> Raymonde Cléroux
>> Registrar
>> From: Cleroux, Raymonde
>> Sent: May 14, 2010 11:51 AM
>> To: 'david.raymond.amos@gmail.com'
>> Subject: Response to your calls of April 9 and May 12, 2010
>> Good morning Mr. Amos,
>> The following is further to your telephone calls of April 9 and May
>> 12, 2010.
>> The mandate of the Military Police Complaints Commission is triggered
>> when a complaint is made pertaining to the conduct of Military Police
>> members in the performance of a policing duty or function as
>> prescribed in the Complaints About the Conduct of Members of the Military
>> Police Regulations.
>> Based on a review of the information you provided, it would appear
>> that you do not have a complaint against a Military Police member. As
>> such, it would seem that your complaint does not fall within the
>> Complaints Commission's mandate.
>> However if your complaint pertains to a life threatening matter, we
>> suggest that you contact your local police force.
>> For further information on the Military Police Complaints Commission
>> or to learn more about its mandate, please visit the Commission website
>> at:
>> **www.mpcc-cppm.qc.ca<**http://**www.mpcc-cppm.qc.ca/> .
>> Thank you,
>> Raymonde Cléroux
>> Registrar / Greffière
>> Military Police Complaints Commission
>> Commission d'examen des plaintes concernant
>> la police militaire

From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 15:14:50 -0300
Subject: Lt-Col. Tony Weber can't say I didn't warn him that Mr
Baconfat's blog would embarass him EH MacKay?
To: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, media@drdc-rddc.gc.ca,
information@forces.gc.ca, milner@unb.ca, charters@unb.ca,
lwindsor@unb.ca, "Tim.RICHARDSON"<Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>,
"info@gg.ca"<info@gg.ca>, stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>,
"info@pco-bcp.gc.ca"<info@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, jwilson@unb.ca, tracy
<tracy@jatam.org>, mptacek@unb.ca, staples.michael@dailygleaner.com,
Cc: Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, dean Ray
<deanr0032@hotmail.com>, danadurf <danadurf@hotmail.com>,
"oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, Richard Harris
<injusticecoalition@hotmail.com>, "bert. hudon"
<bert.hudon@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "PATRICK. MURPHY"
<PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov>, "rick. skinner"<rick.skinner@dhs.gov>


Interesting document Weber's boss wrote EH DRs Windsor and Charters?



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 08:25:13 -0600
Subject: Re: Yo Iggy Methinks Harper will read this email on a bad
day. Perhaps you should to EH? After all it is largely addressed to
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

April 10, 2010
Some where in the streets and alleys tonight
Some where in the alleys of New Brusnswick and Calgary are two uneducated
bums, another day closer to their demise. They are homeless, shiftless,
uneducated, loud, obnoxious and insane ...for these "people" death now is
better than another day of life...they have made nothing of their
lives...and are nothing but a burden to their families, "friends" and
the....tax payer.

David Amosis reduced now to the staus of bum, wandering about asking people
for spare change, and scouring the streets for ciggerrette butts to smoke.
When he gets some change he does this sort of thing.

I managed to talk to a Lieutenant-Colonel Tony Weber isActing Base Commander
of Base Gagetown 506 422 2000 ext 1410. He and one of his Sgt Majors even
looked at Barry Winter's blog forme.
We seemed to get along as we discussed their vague knowledge ofpoliticians,
Afganistan, other officers they claimed to have neverheard of, the CSE, our
missing emails and the words within BarryWinters blog. the Lt Col truly
seemed like an ok dude.

But the instanthe said that Barry Winters malicious words were of no
embarassment tohim I got pissed all over again. Imagine if such shit had
beenpublished by a former officer about him or his family? I bet he
wouldhave sued his bosses long ago if winters had not be locked

Anyway I told the Lt Col that I would see him in courtand hung up on the
snobby bastard and split before the RCMP attemptedto corner me in another
phone boooth like they did for another one ofHarper's former Minister Greggy
Baby Thompson's evil minions two yearsago. Small wonder he is quiting
politics EH IGGY?

Oh Dear....how far has the "real deal" the "ethical whistle blower" has
Posted by Seren at 7:03 AM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:31:51 -0700
Subject: Now Christine Melnick knows some of what Joe Anglin already knows
To: christine.melnick@leg.gov.mb.ca, "joe.anglin"
<joe.anglin@assembly.ab.ca>, pub@sasktel.net, premier
<premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2014 02:13:02 -0700
Subject: Fwd: The documents hereto attached and the text of this email
should put the lawyer/directors of the "Taxpauer" dudes and their pal
John Hilton-O'Brien a Founder and Past President of Alberta`s Wildrose
Party on the same page.
To: kas@karenselick.com, jhilton-obrien@triviewcapital.com,
dmh@bht.com, dfildebrandt <dfildebrandt@taxpayer.com>, Rhansen
<Rhansen@calgarypolice.ca>, pol7163 <pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>,
themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, "Staples, David (Edm Journal)"
<dstaples@edmontonjournal.com>, "Danielle.Smith"
<Danielle.Smith@assembly.ab.ca>, Rachel Notley
<Rachel.Notley@assembly.ab.ca>, "joe.anglin"
<joe.anglin@assembly.ab.ca>, "joe.oliver.c1"
<joe.oliver.c1@parl.gc.ca>, "Biage.Carrese"
<Biage.Carrese@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Frank.McKenna"
<Frank.McKenna@td.com>, Mackap <Mackap@parl.gc.ca>,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2014 01:44:43 -0700
Subject: The documents hereto attached and the text of this email John
Hilton-O'Brien a Founder and Past President of Alberta`s Wildrose
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

From: John Hilton-O'Brien (via Twitter)
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 7:16 PM
To: David Raymond Amos
Subject: John Hilton-O'Brien (@hiltonjohn) mentioned you on Twitter!

John Hilton-O'Brien @hiltonjohn
 HOB's Choice - Daily News Digest is out! paper.li/hiltonjohn/132
Stories via @Daorcey @jcmcintyre @DavidRayAmos


John Hilton-O'Brien
Founder and Past President of Alberta`s Wildrose Party.
Health, Disability Services, and Employment Background.

Editor's note
This paper uses articles pointed out by people I follow on
social media.  As I am involved with Alberta's Wildrose Party,
and live in Calgary's Bowness Community, there is a definite
bias towards those interests.

As "Hilton-O'Brien" is very long, my last name is usually
shortened to HOB -- hence the title of this digest.


John Hilton-O'Brien @hiltonjohn  ·  Nov 7
The unofficial leader of #Alberta's opposition - @Dfildebrandt - is
moving on.


John Hilton-O'Brien @hiltonjohn
Financier for small businesses, worker with homeless and disabled.
A founder and Past President of Alberta's Wildrose Party.

Bowness in Calgary, Alberta
Joined March 2009


John Hilton-O'Brien, BA, MA
#414, 815-1st Street SW
Calgary, Alberta, T2P 1N3
C: 587-229-9318
F: 403-984-6571




Posted by David Staples

Who are the Wildrose?
A party of old grudges and ideological purity? Or ready for prime time?
April 12, 2012. 9:59 am • Section: Edmonton Commons, The Edmonton Commons

The simple, common sense commitment Danielle Smith should make this week…
Who are the Wildrose? Are they ready for prime time?

Do they have the smarts and experience to lead Alberta into the
future? Or do they just want to re-fight a bunch of old battles and
culture wars where they’ve been nursing grudges because their side
didn’t win or get all it wanted?

Each of us will answer this question in our own way. I’ll be looking
at any number of issues myself, including the Wildrose stand on the
conscience rights and on the revisiting the Edmonton airport issue.

But another issue for me, right now,  is the construction of the new
Royal Alberta Museum.

Now, I know that not everyone loves museums as much as I do. When I go
to a new city, the major museum is invariably one of the first places
I visit. I’m a museum nerd.

But all my enthusiasm for museums aside, I’m going to suggest that the
building of the Royal Alberta Museum in a sane, economic manner is a
crucial test for the Wildrose.

The good news for the Wildrose …
The good news is that it’s easy for the Wildrose to pass this test.
All they have to do is let their common sense rule them and not be
guided by purist ideology or old scores to settle.

Here’s the issue: Wildrose leader Danielle Smith said last week that a
new Royal Alberta Museum building would be a “a fantastic new facility
to have in Edmonton’s downtown.”

But even in the wake of the Wildrose party leader’s praise for this
project, on Wednesday on Twitter, the past president of the Wildrose,
John Hilton-O’Brien, a Calgary political insider, lashed out at the
project, labeling it as “pork” for Edmonton.

Pork is a strong word. To me, in this context, it implies the Royal
Alberta Museum project has little or no worth, that it’s only being
done to please Edmontonians, and only being done because PC premiers
Ed Stelmach and Alison Redford were willing to sell out other
Albertans in Edmonton’s interest.

Use the federal funding or lose it …
Such notions about the museum projects are a bit odd, I must say.

The  fact is the old museum is too small. It’s also falling part. It’s
packed with asbestos and has most of its collection boxed up. There’s
no viewing areas for Albertans to see many of our most important
artifacts and treasures. Our top museum is second-rate and failing.

The need to build a new museum has been recognized by three levels of
government, each of them tight with their dollars, including Stephen
Harper’s federal Conservatives. Last fall, the feds and the province
came up with $340 million for the new project.

This federal money comes from a funding package put in place to get
the economy going during the economic downturn, so there’s some
strings attached to it.

This is stimulus money. It’s no good spending it a few years from now
when the economy might heat up. It’s supposed to be spent now.

So that’s why MP Laurie Hawn made it clear when he announced federal
support for the Royal Alberta Museum project that construction must
start by November 2012 or the federal funding will evaporate.

The project is now going full steam ahead. The funding is in place. An
architectural competition was held. A winner was picked. Contracts
have been signed.

Smith says museum project is “fantastic”
But then came the election campaign.

Danielle Smith has now made it crystal clear that if she were premier,
she would delay the project. Not kill it, delay it.

She wants to balance the budget and build other crucial infrastructure
before the museum project proceeds.

This is a fair enough position for Smith to take, though it will be
costly to break contracts and it’s also a waste of the millions
already spend on the project.

But a balanced budget is important. Schools, hospitals, C-Train and
LRT, and roads are important.

Still — and this is the crucial point — Smith wants to see this museum
built one day. Here’s what Smith said on the matter last week: “I
think Edmonton has already established itself as a major arts centre
in the province. … We have amazing arts infrastructure. It’s the
capital city so we have a lot of tourism that is coming to Edmonton.
We promised (the museum) to the Queen back in 2005 and it would be a
fantastic new facility to have in Edmonton’s downtown.”

That’s a strong endorsement and rightly so. Hundreds of thousands of
Albertans and tourists have enjoyed our many excellent museums. The
Royal Tyrrell Dinosaur Museum in Drumheller, the Remington Carriage
Museum in Cardston, the Reynolds in Wetaskiwin, the Head Smashed-In
Buffalo Jump Interpretive Centre near Fort McLeod, these are jewels of
Alberta’s culture.

A delight for generations to come
But the Royal Alberta Museum is the most important of  them all. A
great new building for our most important collection will inform and
delight Albertans for generations to come. It will especially have a
major impact on children. They’ve flocked to the old museum for

So I heartily agree with Smith’s enthusiasm for the project. I do
wonder, however, about delaying it. Smith says not to worry, she is
already at work seeing if she can get the federal government to agree
to keep the $122 million in place for when Alberta is finally ready to
build in a few years.

She may well succeed at that.

But what if she can’t? What if the feds won’t keep that money in place?

It makes no sense to throw away that $122 million in 2012, only to
have to come  up with it  on our own in 2014 or 2015. The sensible
thing for Smith to do is to try and get that commitment from the
Harper government, but to also make a commitment to Albertans right
now, during this election campaign, that if she can’t get the federal
money put on hold that she won’t throw away $122 million, that she
will build the Royal Alberta Museum right now with the help of that
massive Ottawa grant.

I wrote much of this already in my column on Wednesday.

“… promise pork like Redford.”
And that’s what set off Mr. John Hilton-O’Brien, a founding board
member of the Wildrose in 2007 and the vice-president of policy from

Said Hilton-O’Brien: “(David Staples) says if  (Danielle Smith) REALLY
loves Edmonton, she’ll promise pork like Redford.”

In response, I asked Hilton-O’Brien: “What ‘pork’ are you talking
about? Why say this?” And: “Does it make sense to chuck out $120
million in federal funding for Royal Alberta Museum? Sound Wildrose
money management?”

Hilton-O’Brien: “When someone actually comes out and demands money for
their pet project, is there a better name? #porkitis.”

Staples: “The money is ALREADY in place for Royal Alberta Museum. Is
it sound fiscal policy to throw away $122 million from Ottawa?”

Hilton-O’Brien: “Very likely that (Danielle Smith) will make that
happen. But a specific funding promise? That’s unseemly.”

Staples: “I am saying that the funding is there. Smith says she
desires this project. Prove it.

“Smith wants Calgary and Edmonton voters to trust her. If the Wildrose
can’t build major projects in sensible way, why should we?”

Who are the real Wildrose?
At that point, Rod Ladouceur, the Wildrose vice-president of policy,
entered the debate to remind me that Hilton O’Brien was the “past
president” of Wildrose.

He said this “pork” comment was Hilton O’Brien’s opinion, but wasn’t
something any of the candidates or Smith herself was saying.

“I do agree we shouldn’t toss out 120 million,” Ladouceur said of the
federal funding commitment. “I personally trust Danielle & Team to
make the right decisions.

“She’s very, very smart. I know that Danielle and caucus won’t be
foolish. Just need a chance to look at the books.”

I appreciate conversing with people like Ladouceur. It assures me that
the Wildrose has some reasonable and competent people.

At the same time, with Hilton O’Brien’s caustic comment to mind.

So just who are the Wildrose? The party of Hilton-O’Brien or the part
of Ladouceur?

Of course, the answer isn’t really either/or. The Wildrose is the
party of both Hilton-O’Brien and Ladouceur. And that’s why I have my
questions about it.

And that’s why it’s reasonable to ask Smith to clarify the Wildrose
position on the Royal Alberta Museum and to do it during the election
campaign, when such a clarification is meaningful.

The commitment …
Will she make a common sense commitment right now to:

a: if elected, seek out rock solid assurances that the $122 million in
federal funding for the Royal Alberta Museum can be held in place for
when Alberta is ready to build (no later than 2015).

b) if she fails in getting such an assurance, commit to start building
the Royal Alberta Museum in November 2012, when that $122 million is
in place from Ottawa.

This really is an slow, steady pitch for  Smith to hit.

Nonetheless, it will still be reassuring to see her knock it out of the

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 17:44:06 -0700
Subject: Tell it to Jimmy Prentice or the RCMP or the Alberta
Sheriff's MAYBE they will believe you EH Scotty Baby Hennig?
To: shennig@taxpayer.com, "Marianne.Ryan"
<Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Randy.McGinnis"
<Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "Jonathan.Denis"
<Jonathan.Denis@gov.ab.ca>, "tim.turner"<tim.turner@gov.ab.ca>,
"pej.prentice"<pej.prentice@gmail.com>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>
Cc: Kevin Lacey <klacey@taxpayer.com>, Derek Fildebrandt
<dfildebrandt@taxpayer.com>, Aaron Wudrick <awudrick@taxpayer.com>,
David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

On 11/8/14, shennig@taxpayer.com<shennig@taxpayer.com> wrote:
> ‎Like I said, we have that autoresponder set up. Thanks for forwarding the
> correspondence to our lawyers. They are reviewing it now. You can take all
> other CTF addresses off the list in order to maintain one set of
> documents.
> Regards,
> Scott Hennig
> Vice President, Communications
> Canadian Taxpayers Federation
>   Original Message
> From: David Amos
> Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 5:32 PM
> To: fiojdiw3s@taxpayer.com; derek@fildebrandt.ca; dmh@bht.com; shennig;
> greg.horton; Biage.Carrese; kas@karenselick.com; radical;
> t.wilson; paul; deborah.alexander; david.allgood; jennifer.warren;
> Frank.McKenna; joe.anglin@assembly.ab.ca;
> rimbey.rockymountainhouse.sundre@assembly.ab.ca; david.cournoyer@gmail.com
> Raj.Sherman; Rachel.Notley@assembly.ab.ca; Danielle.Smith; bbachrach;
> Gilles.Moreau; Paul.Fiander; GillesLee; Gilles.Blinn;
> Eric.Rosendahl@gmail.com; pej.prentice@gmail.com; DavidYurdiga;
> awudrick@taxpayer.com; dfildebrandt; John.Williamson.c1; jason.kenney.c1;
> Mackap; atlantic.director; Kevin.leahy; scott.macrae; Glen Canning;
> JAG.Minister; Rob.Merrifield@gov.ab.ca; dhowell@edmontonjournal.com;
> lgunter; serge.rousselle; Jonathan.Denis; Peter.Edge; Peter.Edge
> Cc: bob.paulson; premier; Geoffrey.McDonald; suzanne.anton.mla;
> shirley.bond.mla; frankffrost; The Disinfector; brad.anderson;
> Pete.Berndsen; David Amos; justin.trudeau.a1; MulcaT; leader; Davidc.Coon;
> jamiebaillie; Jacques.Poitras; nick.moore; oldmaison; andre; COCMoncton;
> peter.dauphinee; premier; PREMIER; premier
> Subject: Yo Scotty Baby Hennig I must say you are one sick little puppy
> I am gonna enjoy filing against
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>
> Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 00:29:36 +0000
> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
> To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
> fiojdiw3s@taxpayer.com
> Technical details of permanent failure:
> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the
> server for the recipient domain taxpayer.com by aspmx.l.google.com.
> [2a00:1450:400c:c04::1a].
> The error that the other server returned was:
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> 550 5.1.1 http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=6596
> gn9si10239742wib.62 - gsmtp
> On 11/8/14, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> How is your conscience doing after checking out my last email?
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: shennig@taxpayer.com
>> Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 17:22:46 -0700
>> Subject: Re: Yo Derek Fildebrand Whereas your mindless buddy Scott
>> Hennig wants me to sue him personally along with you I will assume
>> that these are your correct current addresses
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, derek@fildebrandt.ca, Aaron
>> Wudrick <awudrick@taxpayer.com>, Kevin Lacey <klacey@taxpayer.com>
>> ‎Please forward all correspondence to our lawyers at
>> fiojdiw3s@taxpayer.com.
>> You might‎ get a message that it has bounced, but ignore that, it's an
>> autoresponder that we set up.
>> Our lawyers will review all information you send to that address as
>> they prepare our court defense.
>> You can remove all other CTF email addresses from your correspondence,
>> as it will be vital to ensure there's only one copy on file.
>> Thank you,
>> Scott Hennig
>> Vice President, Communications
>> Canadian Taxpayers Federation
>> Original Message
>> From: David Amos
>> Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 4:54 PM
>> To: derek@fildebrandt.ca; dmh@bht.com; shennig; greg.horton;
>> Biage.Carrese; kas@karenselick.com; radical; jennifer.johnston;
>> t.wilson; paul; deborah.alexander; david.allgood; jennifer.warren;
>> Frank.McKenna; joe.anglin@assembly.ab.ca;
>> rimbey.rockymountainhouse.sundre@assembly.ab.ca;
>> david.cournoyer@gmail.com; Raj.Sherman; Rachel.Notley@assembly.ab.ca;
>> Danielle.Smith; bbachrach; Gilles.Moreau; Paul.Fiander; GillesLee;
>> Gilles.Blinn; Eric.Rosendahl@gmail.com; pej.prentice@gmail.com;
>> DavidYurdiga; awudrick@taxpayer.com; dfildebrandt; John.Williamson.c1;
>> jason.kenney.c1; Mackap; atlantic.director; Kevin.leahy; scott.macrae;
>> Glen Canning; justmin; JAG.Minister; Rob.Merrifield@gov.ab.ca;
>> dhowell@edmontonjournal.com; lgunter; serge.rousselle; Jonathan.Denis;
>> Peter.Edge; Peter.Edge
>> Cc: David Amos; justin.trudeau.a1; MulcaT; leader; Davidc.Coon;
>> jamiebaillie; Jacques.Poitras; nick.moore; oldmaison; andre;
>> COCMoncton; peter.dauphinee; premier; PREMIER; premier
>> Subject: Yo Derek Fildebrand Whereas your mindless buddy Scott Hennig
>> wants me to sue him personally along with you I will assume that these
>> are your correct current addresses
>> On 11/8/14, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> You smiling bastards in the RCMP have a lot of Ghosts to answer to
>>> along Highway 16 and they are not all Indian woman EH Bobby Baby
>>> Paulson???
>>> http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/02/19/canada-rcmp-closes-ranks-abuse
>>> In an email late last week discussing the Human Rights Watch report on
>>> police mistreatment of indigenous women and girls in northern British
>>> Columbia, Paulson reportedly told officers "My message to you today is
>>> – don't worry about it, I've got your back."
>>> "Commissioner Paulson's dismissive approach sets precisely the wrong
>>> tone, and illustrates the challenges RCMP victims face," said Meghan
>>> Rhoad, women's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. "His comments
>>> underscore the need for investigation of police abuse complaints by an
>>> independent civilian agency that won't leap into organizational
>>> defense mode the moment police abuse is exposed."
>>> Paulson further wrote that the RCMP has "tried to persuade [Human
>>> Rights Watch] to provide the names and specific details of these
>>> allegations in order that they can be investigated in accordance with
>>> our external investigation policy. If not to us then to any other
>>> investigative body. To date they have refused."
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26CrTLEVNvQ
>>> Deena Lyn BRAEM Murder of
>>> Quesnel RCMP Case No. 1999-7285
>>> http://www.unsolvedcanada.ca/index.php?topic=154.0
>>> http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/02/19/canada-rcmp-closes-ranks-abuse
>>> http://www.hrw.org/bios/meghan-rhoad
>>> http://www.hrw.org/reports/2013/02/13/those-who-take-us-away-0
>>> http://www.radicalpress.com/?m=201401
>>> Open Letter to the Federal & Provincial Honourable Members of
>>> Parliament from Lonnie Landrud
>>> To the Honourable Members:
>>> Stephen Harper, Prime Minister; Thomas Mulcair, Opposition Leader; Vic
>>> Toews, Federal Public Safety Minister; Rob Nicholson, Federal
>>> Solicitor General; Christy Clark, Premier of B.C.; Adrainne Dix,
>>> Leader, B.C. Opposition Party.
>>> I again find myself having to write to you the leaders of Canada and
>>> British Columbia to try and put a stop to the attempts on my life by a
>>> group of RCMP members and their paid informants.
>>> I have already sent letters to some of you Honourable Members and some
>>> of you I have never contacted. So I will repeat my situation to put
>>> everyone on the same page.
>>> I will start by stating I have contacted some of your Honourable
>>> predecessors before and was either ignored or told that the government
>>> operates separate from the RCMP and that they cannot interfere
>>> personally or by way of office s they have no mandate to do so.
>>> What I am asking is for someone outside the RCMP with the mandate to
>>> investigate the actions of all the RCMP members and their paid
>>> informants to do so.
>>> If there is no one with a mandate to physically collect evidence or
>>> interview witnesses, I ask that the laws be changed that gives someone
>>> office that can investigate outside the RCMP.
>>> I ask that this staff be given the rights and mandate to go back
>>> twenty-five years in order to look at all the relevant evidence. I
>>> have been stuck in this situation for over fourteen years personally
>>> however this has started way before then.
>>> If this cannot be done then I request a Public Inquiry into my
>>> accusations against the actions of the RCMP members involved.
>>> On January 19th, 2013 I had another attempt on my life. At this time I
>>> will not go into detail. I will state that this has been the eleventh
>>> of crimes committed against myself and my life in order to silence me.
>>> None of which have been investigated from outside the RCMP. Those of
>>> which that were investigated by the RCMP enabled them to tamper with
>>> evidence and they never interviewed me or my witnesses.
>>> I do know the more that these RCMP members do and fail the crazier
>>> that I sound.
>>> These police officers would like you to believe that I am delusional,
>>> however I ask for them to bring forth the evidence that can prove what
>>> I saw and what I have lived, wrong.
>>> The stress of this situation is incomprehensible. Then add the fact
>>> that the government's mandate has left me reliving it over and over
>>> again in order to try to get our of this alive.
>>> Then add the fact the amount of numerous physical injuries I have
>>> incurred during these attempts on my life to silence me.
>>> I will continue by stating that not one of these injuries has been
>>> treated by a physician due to the fact that they do not want to
>>> testify in court, for one reason that it would cost them money. For
>>> the second reason that they are friends to some of these RCMP members
>>> involved. Some of these member's wives are nurses.
>>> I will give one example of the many instances that left me feeling
>>> like my life is not worth a plugged nickel.
>>> I had gone to the emergency department at the local hospital and as I
>>> was having my temperature and blood pressure taken a Doctor Grapes
>>> walks over and picks up my medical records and starts to read and as
>>> he is doing this he looks at the nurse and states right in front of
>>> me. I quote: "Isn't that funny, me and the other doctors have a bet on
>>> who gets to pronounce him dead." I could not believe my ears. He then
>>> set down my file and walked out the door.
>>> I will expand on this by stating that the cop who tried to murder me
>>> in my hime and the one who I shot in the left arm with a 12 gauge shot
>>> gun loaded with #4 birdshot, his wife was a nurse here in Quesnel for
>>> years. She has worked with all these doctors and they all have seen my
>>> internet statement on YouTube. (Quesnel, RCMP, Corruption: The Lonnie
>>> Landrud Story – for those of you who haven't seen or heard about it).
>>> I will continue by stating that I am sitll suffering Post Traumatic
>>> Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that I cannot even get treated because the
>>> RCMP have stated that this event never happened, nor any of the
>>> others. I for one know when I shot someone in my home and even if I
>>> were in my home alone the RCMP members cannot prove me wrong. That
>>> night they had to radio out on a public channel because their ghost
>>> channels do not work or their cell phones due to my property's
>>> location. There are dozens of people who heard what was taking place
>>> and heard that Paul Collister was shot by me. There are a lot of
>>> scanners here in public hands that are monitored around the clock. I
>>> have spoken to some of these people. Perhaps someone should start to
>>> listen to the whole truth! Like I have stated in previous letters, if
>>> I could not prove my story I sure as hell would not be risking my
>>> life. The evidence can speak for itself. I can sure point to a lot of
>>> evidence, all's I need is for someone outside the RCMP to investigate
>>> and to interview the people that I have spoken with.
>>> Now at this point some of you Honourable Members might want to send me
>>> to the RCMP Complaints Commission or the Independent Investigations
>>> Office of B.C. (IIOBC). I have already tried and neither one has the
>>> mandate to investigate this situation. The Complaints Commission only
>>> reviews paperwork put forth by the RCMP. The other's mandate is to
>>> investigate only after September 12th, 2012. This is the date given by
>>> Shirley Bond, BC Solicitor General to the IIOBC and this was after the
>>> fact that she knew the situation that I have been trying to deal with
>>> (I have a letter from her that was handed to her by Kevin Falcon and
>>> the reply letter that she sent me). She too sent me to the Complaints
>>> Commission. Then she signed a twenty year deal with the RCMP shortly
>>> thereafter.
>>> There is not one thing that anyone of you Honourable Members can't
>>> tell me to do that I have not tried. I have had five legal advocates
>>> and not one could do anything. I have contacted hundreds of lawyers
>>> and cannot find one to represent me. They are all scared to be
>>> victimized by the RCMP. I've been to the media and had the same
>>> outcome with then. I have also tried a private investigator and he too
>>> was threatened with obstruction of justice charges which would destroy
>>> his credibility. I have sent a letter to Wally Opal, Supreme Court
>>> Justice who was looking into the murdered and missing women by way of
>>> Public Inquiry. I received no reply at all.
>>> I have in my possession enough evidence to prove that I have No Legal
>>> Rights, No Civil Rights and No Human Rights in Canada.
>>> The reason being the RCMP are above the law and will be until they no
>>> longer investigate themselves.
>>> Now I would hazard to guess you're asking why would I continue to
>>> expose myself to the danger that I face? My reply is these cops are
>>> not going to stop trying to murder me anyway so what do I have to
>>> lose? Then add the fact that I have survived this thus far. Unlike the
>>> thirteen people who have been murdered by these RCMP members and on
>>> top of all that the fifty girls that have came forward to the Human
>>> Rights watch dogs in Prince George, B.C., then you had better realize
>>> there is a lot more at stake than this. I've spoken to a few of them.
>>> There is no way in hell that I am going to sit back and let members of
>>> the RCMP murder people. Just like I am not going to let you Honourable
>>> Members hid behind your mandates and policies. Someone had better
>>> realize that I have nothing left to lose but I still have a means to
>>> expose this to the people of Canada and the world.
>>> Now I will tell you my story and I'm going to give the names of the
>>> RCMP members involved and expose what they have done to cover up the
>>> truth. I am not going to start with what led up to the first attempt
>>> on my life.
>>> I was house sitting for a friend's mom when I witnessed the murder of
>>> Deena Lynn Bream by Paul Collister and Bev Hosker, both members of the
>>> Quesnel RCMP. But there was a paid informant, Dianne Fuccenecco there
>>> also.
>>> I phoned the Quesnel detachment of the RCMP however their night calls
>>> go to Prince George dispatch. I told them about the gun shots that I
>>> was hearing, eight in all. It sounded like a twelve gauge shot gun. I
>>> never gave my name. I was told that they would dispatch the police to
>>> the location (Sugar Loaf Ball Park in West Quesnel). The next morning
>>> I had a surveillance team in a trailer next door. It consisted of the
>>> following RCMP officers: Constable Gill, Constable Gruending,
>>> Constable Hughs, Constable Hosker and later on Constable Collister.
>>> These are the names that I was giving to Sgt. Norrise of the Kamloops
>>> RCMP the morning after I shot Constable Collister in my home.
>>> Unknown to me I was recorded and after the tape was tampered with was
>>> used in court and with the Complaints Commission when I filed a
>>> complaint. I can prove it was tampered with. I had a witness sitting
>>> right next to me when I spoke to Sgt. Norrise and what I wait was a
>>> lot different than the tape. What my witness suggested I tell them
>>> (which I did) does not even appear on the tape. There are also other
>>> discrepancies that appear on the tape.
>>> At the time I did not know the names of the members that, with
>>> Constable Collister, came to my property. They were Constable Kinloch
>>> and Constable Coutier (the ones on top of my house and the ones who
>>> pursued me across my landing). Constable Barkman, Constable McMillan,
>>> Constable Anderson, these were the police officers that I saw at my
>>> gate. Constable McMillan and Constable Anderson were the ones who
>>> hunted me in my field. This was the third attempt.
>>> The second attempt was a few months earlier in which Constable
>>> McMillan, Constable Rogas came to my friend's home and arrested me for
>>> obstruction of justice. I committed no crime and had no idea why I was
>>> being arrested. I was severely beaten with a flashlight while in
>>> handcuffs and taken to the Quesnel detachment where Constable Paul
>>> Collister's old partner Constable Sardinea tried to murder me with a
>>> pressure point attack that has not healed to this day.
>>> The attempts in between were by paid informants or police officers
>>> that I could not get a good look at. I can identify some of the paid
>>> informants.
>>> The eighth attempt was by Constable Ray Kinloch of the Quesnel RCMP.
>>> He came to my rural home and property. He was dressed in camouflage
>>> and wearing the same fur hat as the night that I shot Constable
>>> Collister.
>>> It was an hour and a half after dark and he had to travel two
>>> kilometres through the bush to be where he was at. I felt a direct
>>> threat to my life and I shot at his head and then heard him run
>>> through the bush and trip and fall. I left and went to my mom's. When
>>> I returned a few days later I located where he tripped on a piece of
>>> blowdown and I found something that fell out of his pocket. I also
>>> have a witness to corroborate part of my story.
>>> The ninth attempt was by a paid informant. Again, severe injuries.
>>> The tenth attempt was by someone with a rifle with a silencer that
>>> tried to shoot me in the head in my own yard. As I stated to Christy
>>> Clark it was dumb luck that the bullet missed me. However I again did
>>> not escape injury.
>>> The eleventh attempt was on January 19th, 2013 when, after spending
>>> the night at my friend's trailer (the same one I phoned the police
>>> from years earlier when I witnessed the murder), someone during the
>>> night tampered with my propane ignition system in my truck by taking a
>>> hose clamp off and pulling the hose off the intake to my engine and
>>> also pulling a plug wire off the front spark plug.
>>> My truck also runs on gasoline and I was using that until my trip
>>> home. When I changed over I was moving and had travelled a few miles
>>> before the truck exploded. If I had been sitting still I would not
>>> have survived. However I was moving and the explosion occurred beneath
>>> the truck lifting it off the ground. The result was a near fatal
>>> accident with a family of four including two children. They were
>>> passing me and travelling in the same direction and were right next to
>>> me at the time.
>>> I'm in a quandary and have no understanding as to why this situation
>>> has been allowed to continue. I have tried everything humanly possible
>>> to have this investigated from outside the RCMP. There is a lot more
>>> information and witnesses that I can expose but for now I feel like
>>> this should prove that this is no delusion.
>>> To the Honourable Christy Clark: Re: The letter that was your response
>>> after the tenth attempt on my life. Here is what happened after you
>>> suggested going to pro-bono law, Access to Justice. In late December
>>> 2012 I tried five times to contact them and leaving messages. I
>>> received no replies.
>>> I tried again in late January 2013 and spoke to someone. He stated
>>> that he was the office manager. He never gave his name. I explained my
>>> situation and what was taking place and what I have done. He suggested
>>> that I run. I told him that I had nowhere to go. He gave me a phone
>>> number and said that they could help me. It turned out to be a
>>> homeless shelter. So I phoned him back leaving him a message. He
>>> returned my call four days later. I explained to him that I did not
>>> need a shelter, that I needed a lawyer to give me legal advice. To
>>> this day I've had no legal advice!
>>> I again explained my situation. He stated that he was a lawyer and he
>>> could not help me. I requested that in writing. His reply was, "We get
>>> 10,000 calls a day and we do not have the time to write letters to
>>> everyone." He went on to state that I should continue to deal with the
>>> Complaints Commission. This after I explained to him that I've been
>>> down that road before and they only review paperwork put forth by the
>>> RCMP. He went on again to state that I should run!
>>> A couple of days later I phoned the Complaints Commission to request
>>> the phone numbers of Bob Paulson, Head RCMP commissioner and Craig
>>> Cullen, Deputy Commissioner here in B.C. I spoke to a lady who stated
>>> she was a complaints commissioner and that I had no right to that
>>> information. That she, herself, could not contact them directly. She
>>> suggested that I try the RCMP website. I have no access to a computer.
>>> I however have had and the web sites that are connected to me are
>>> being stalked by the RCMP. I have exposed two such sites that have
>>> been created by the RCMP. I will also state that my mom's phone has
>>> been tapped and after contacting Telus I was told that I have no right
>>> to that information.
>>> On January 19th 2013 I went to the Native Friendship Centre and spoke
>>> to Criss Dunlope who handles legal aid and explained my situation to
>>> her. She asked, "Why are you coming to me?" I told her that I needed a
>>> lawyer and legal advice. She said that she was not a lawyer and
>>> everything she could suggest I have already done. She went on to state
>>> that I should go underground because my situation will not change
>>> until the RCMP quit investigating themselves.
>>> On February 6th, 2013 I again phoned the RCMP Complaints Commission. I
>>> asked the receptionist that answered if the commission's mandate has
>>> changed or do the RCMP still investigate themselves. She stated, "No,
>>> our mandate is still the same and the RCMP still investigate
>>> themselves." I told her my situation and she said, "I will have an
>>> analyst phone me back."
>>> I received a phone call twenty minutes later. It was a man's voice who
>>> asked, "Now what the fuck do you want?"
>>> Now I am a logger and used to such belligerence until he continued by
>>> stating, "We have been down this road in 2005 and we will not deal
>>> with this any further you fucking asshole." So I asked him, "Can I get
>>> that in writing?" He replied, "No, we have given you everything in
>>> writing we are going to give you!"
>>> So I asked, "So you're telling me I have no rights. I just had someone
>>> try to blow me up after I was at a friend's and some one tampered with
>>> my propane system."
>>> He asked, "Did anyone see who did it?" I replied, "Well the only
>>> enemies that I have been dealing with are cops and they are the ones
>>> I'm trying to get investigated." He said, "No, we cannot help you." So
>>> I said, "So you're telling me that you're going to do nothing just
>>> like when I shot Constable Paul Collister? I mean it would have been
>>> really simple to subpoena the medical records of Collister." I went on
>>> and said, "You know that I did shoot him in the left arm with a twelve
>>> gauge shotgun loaded with #4 birdshot! That he is still being treated
>>> for a blockage in his ulna." I then added, "I could implicate him in
>>> as many as thirteen murders." He then stated that they have done
>>> everything that they could and then told me again that I could go fuck
>>> myself.
>>> I understand why he treated me the way that he did. In my opinion he
>>> did an inadequate and inept job when asked for a review by the
>>> Complaints Commission. He went solely on the word of Sgt. Hildebrant
>>> who was Constable Collister's cohort for years and then add the
>>> tampered-with tape.
>>> I mean, would you not ask for proof that Collister was not shot? How
>>> hard would it have been to ask for medical reports?
>>> It's also my opinion that the Complaints Commission is just a cover-up
>>> organization for the RCMP and is a useless facet of our justice
>>> system.
>>> Something I do not understand is why do the RCMP have such control?
>>> They are just people like us.
>>> You know that I have been asked by lawyers why I was not dead yet and
>>> why are you trying to get us killed?
>>> I have also been told that I am a threat to national security by these
>>> same lawyers. I have always asked why? I'm just trying to deal with a
>>> system that has a crack in it that I've unknowingly fallen into. I'm
>>> just trying to stay alive. Is that too much to ask? I've had to relive
>>> this much too long.
>>> The stress and anxiety and the fear for my life, along with the
>>> physical injuries, has left me feeling like I'm being tortured to
>>> death.
>>> I ask all you Honourable Members what do I do, let them murder me? I
>>> have always stated to everyone that I may have to forfeit my life.
>>> That, I have always expected, but I ask you, am I not going to fight
>>> to defend my life?
>>> I mean I could go ballistic like the ex-L.A. police officer who was
>>> reported to have murdered other police officers. I can relate to some
>>> of the feelings but my no means can I understand why he did what he
>>> did. I believe there has been enough killing already. That is why I'm
>>> doing what I'm doing to prevent me from having to harm anyone. I have
>>> only asked for someone to investigate from outside the RCMP and I
>>> request to be put in protective custody till this is resolved. I also
>>> request medical treatment to see if my injuries can be treated.
>>> On the other hand, what do I do if you ignore my requests? Do I go to
>>> the United States and ask for asylum? These RCMP members are above the
>>> law and will not stop till I'm dead and there is no one who protects
>>> me from my supposed protectors. I always thought this was a free
>>> country to do what I want within the laws of Canada. Having to live in
>>> almost house arrest conditions for nine years has shown me that we
>>> live in a police state. I cannot even go to my own home, I have to
>>> live with my mother in order to feel any sort of safety and even then
>>> it's very little. There has been no way out of this. I have tried
>>> everything.
>>> I ask the Honourable Christy Clark about your letter dated November
>>> 28th, 2012. You stated that you could not get personally involved. Yet
>>> you sent my letter to the Quesnel RCMP detachment to be investigated.
>>> Your actions exposed every piece of personal identification that I
>>> possess to the people who are trying to murder me. These RCMP members
>>> have a computer system called C.P.E.C. and now can track me where ever
>>> I go in Canada. I ask you, is that not overstepping your mandate and
>>> in doing so exposing me to further threat?
>>> The RCMP officer who phoned me on your behalf was police officer Ray
>>> Kinloch. He asked me to go in and make a statement. I refused. Reason
>>> one is for fear of my life and reason two is I'm not going to give him
>>> the evidence so it can be altered or go missing.
>>> I realize that by stating this I'm not making friends or allies and I
>>> do apologize if I've offended you. That was never my intention, ever.
>>> I wish that I did not have to involve any of you Honourable Members
>>> but what choice do I have? The truth is the truth and life is like
>>> that. I have only tried to deal with what's been given to me.
>>> I believe that you are the people who look out for society's best
>>> interests. These RCMP officers murdering people and investigating
>>> themselves is a threat to society is it not? You Honourable Members
>>> are our representatives by way of legal election. I've never voted for
>>> who would be members of the RCMP and I sure never put them in a
>>> position where they are above the law. This has resided in the
>>> policies that government has mandated since the time of confederation.
>>> I believe that this arcane system has done nothing to protect myself
>>> or anyone from being victimized by members of the RCMP and in doing so
>>> has left these same RCMP members unaccountable for any crimes that
>>> they choose to commit.
>>> I will state that if someone from outside the RCMP with a mandate to
>>> investigate the RCMP does investigate and I am found not to be telling
>>> the whole truth I would expect to be charged with obstruction of
>>> justice with the full knowledge of the maximum sentence that can
>>> brought down upon me. I fully expect to be held in compliance with
>>> Canadian law.
>>> I ask you Honourable Members if the I.I.O. office in Ontario can
>>> investigate the members of the B.C. RCMP. They have been mandated for
>>> a longer period of time. I however do not know if they can be
>>> interprovincial. They are a federal branch are they not? I have no way
>>> to contact them.
>>> Look. I am not trying to destroy the RCMP. I just believe that they
>>> should be held accountable. I also know that they are a valuable
>>> organization with a lot of good people who are a benefit to society's
>>> safety. On the other hand there is a subculture within the RCMP that
>>> is a detriment to the safety of the Canadian public by being above the
>>> law and investigating themselves.
>>> Please do something. I cannot go on living in fear for my life when I
>>> know that the laws can be changed and I can feel free to live my life
>>> again.
>>> I do request a reply in writing from all you Honourable Members in
>>> regards to this matter.
>>> Thank you. God bless.
>>> Yours truly,
>>> Lonnie Gabriel Landrud
>>> April 24th, 2013
>>> FYI Frank Frost told me tonight that Lonnie Landrud amongst many
>>> others witnessed the CROWN prosecutor Geoffrey McDonald file HARD COPY
>>> of some of my documents into the PUBLIC RECORD of Frank Frost's matter
>>> in a fainthearted effort to make him appear to be crazy. However I had
>>> already kinda sorta figured it out byway of reading what the
>>> chickenshit neo nazi Arty Baby Topham had to say about it and hearing
>>> about the local cops in the Maritmes harassing my friends
>>> http://www.radicalpress.com/?p=4207
>>> "On Monday, February 3rd Frank Frost appeared in the Prince George
>>> Court House regarding an application which he had filed earlier
>>> demanding that his bail conditions be fully rescinded. When he arrived
>>> at the courthouse he had some additional evidence with him in his
>>> briefcase (which he affectionately refers to as his "Pandora's Box")
>>> that could prove to be a major blow to the guilty parties involved in
>>> his own arrest and the arrest of his partner Carrie Rupf. As well he
>>> was able to also present to the court another major case of federal
>>> government corruption with international repercussions that's been
>>> held back for close to fifteen years now and is one that former
>>> federal Attorney General Ann McClellan had recommended police
>>> investigate years ago.
>>> Appearing before Judge Gray and flanked by Crown Prosecutor Geoff
>>> McDonald, Frank Frost proceeded to present his arguments and his
>>> evidence to the court, all of which was accepted. Crown Counsel
>>> McDonald attempted to persuade the judge that Mr. Frost ought to have
>>> a "mental evaluation" rather than be taken seriously by the court but
>>> the judge was not prepared to grant any order of that nature and
>>> allowed Frost to carry on with his arguments. Crown Counsel had good
>>> reason to try that last ditch attempt to stop Frank Frost which will
>>> become all too apparent to readers."
>>> I bet that Jennifer.Johnston, Geoffrey McDonald and their RCMP buddies
>>> won't soon forget some very pissed off folks telling them off in a
>>> very public fashion this summer EH?
>>> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgtHZyCc-grAZ7G6YV2BZsw
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymonf Amos

[Message clipped]  View entire message

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 13:59:29 -0400
Subject: Attn Ricky Doucet and Brucey Northrup RE Windsor Energy suing
Brucey versus JDI suing SNB, my concerns about Hospira versus A-48-16
and Donald Trump, Trudeau "The Younger" and everyone else's concerns
about NAFTA etc these dayz
To: "bruce.northrup"<bruce.northrup@gnb.ca>,
"John.Pecman"<John.Pecman@cb-bc.gc.ca>, John.Pecman@canada.ca,
daniel.wilcock@canada.ca, arthur.carson@canada.ca,
keith.mary@jdirving.com, pfolkins@snbwc.ca, ckeating@snbwc.ca,
rwebster@snbwc.ca, nbfwo@nb.aibn.com, yscfredericton@yscnb.ca,
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, Krishna.K@avg.adityabirla.com,
pat.bourgoin@avg.adityabirla.com, mmsenb@nb.aibn.com,
lcsenb@nb.aibn.com, david <david@lutz.nb.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
 "serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, "denis.landry2"<denis.landry2@gnb.ca>,
HWetston@osc.gov.on.ca, "rick.hancox"<rick.hancox@nbsc-cvmnb.ca>,
curtis@marinerpartners.com, oig@sec.gov, oig@ftc.gov,
postur <postur@for.is>, "Andrew.Bailey"<Andrew.Bailey@fca.org.uk>,
darouse@porlaw.com, fmcelman@stewartmckelvey.com,
 bdysart <bdysart@smss.com>, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
 premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
Connell.Smith@cbc.ca, COCMoncton <COCMoncton@gmail.com>,
 andre <andre@jafaust.com>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
 "rick.doucet"<rick.doucet@gnb.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"jan.jensen"<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, "david.hansen"<david.hansen@justice.gc.ca>
Cc: president <president@whitehouse.gov>,
 "James.Comey"<James.Comey@ic.fbi.gov>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,

Does anyone Ricky Baby Doucet or anyone else recall this email???

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Doucet, Rick (LEG)"<Rick.Doucet@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:07:58 +0000
Subject: RE: Final Docs
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Will get right on this.
Always look forward to your brilliant thoughts.

Hon.Rick Doucet
Legislative member for Charlotte-the isles
28 Mt.Pleasant Rd.
St.George, N.B. E5C 3K4

Phone / Téléphone : 506-755-4200
Fax / Télécopieur : 506-755-4207
E-mail / Courriel : rick.doucet@gnb.ca

This message is intended for the person to whom it is addressed and is
to be treated as confidential or private communications. It must not
be forwarded unless permission has been received from the originator.
If you have received this message inadvertently, please notify the
sender and delete the message. Then delete your response. Thank you
for your cooperation.
Ce message est destiné à la personne désignée dans la présente et il
doit demeurer confidentiel. Il ne doit pas être réacheminé sans la
permission de l’expéditeur. Si ce message vous a été envoyé par
erreur, veuillez aviser l’expéditeur et effacer le message. Effacez
ensuite votre réponse. Merci de votre collaboration.

Well the far from Honourble LIEbrano Rick Doucet, Canada's he latest
Commissioner of Competition, John Pecman, his lawyers, CBC, their
lawyers, your buddies such as Mary Keith, Pam Folkins and David Coon
and YOU know as well as I that just like the AV Group I have the right
to intervene.

Canadian Leads and Contacts for NAFTA Committees and Working Groups


Lead: Arthur Carson
Competition Law Officer, Competition Bureau
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Tel: 514-283-9946
Email: arthur.carson@canada.ca

Daniel Wilcock
Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Competition, International Affairs Directorate
Competition Bureau
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Tel: 819-934-5646
Email: daniel.wilcock@canada.ca



The International Committee keeps the Section members informed about
new laws, key cases, enforcement trends and policy developments of
interest in other jurisdictions, as well as foreign bar associations
and regulatory agency developments. The committee also coordinates the
preparation of comments and analyses of policy initiatives and
competition law developments in foreign countries with relevant

Daniel Wilcock
Email: daniel.wilcock@canada.ca
Website: www.cb-bc.gc.ca


J.D. Irving launches suit against woodlot groups
Legal action follows attempt by SNB board to assert authority over
wood purchases
By Connell Smith, CBC News Posted: Feb 02, 2017 6:30 AM AT

J.D. Irving Ltd. has launched a lawsuit against two groups
representing private woodlot owners in southern New Brunswick.

The outcome could have far-reaching implications for the way private
wood is bought and sold in New Brunswick and the price obtained by
individual woodlot owners.

The lawsuit asks the Court of Queen's Bench to declare a contract
between the SNB Forest Products Marketing Board and its sister group,
the SNB Wood Cooperative, unlawful.

At the root of the case is a 2015 order issued by the co-operative
declaring that wood from private woodlots can only be sold to the
marketing board, and wood purchasers can only buy from the board.

JDI stopped buying wood from SNB in 2012 but has been making deals
directly with woodlot owners within SNB's provincially designated

In its statement of claim, JDI says the SNB marketing board has
unlawfully delegated its powers to the SNB co-operative.

In issuing its order, SNB cited the province's Natural Products Act.

"JDI is directly and adversely affected by the unlawful delegation of
the SNB Board's powers and function to the Co-op," the company says in
its statement of claim.
Allegations not tested in court

The company's allegations have not been tested in court.

Another company, AV Group, with mills in Nackawick and Atholville, has
applied to be an intervener in the case, suggesting the implications
could be felt provincewide.

"It's going to be a challenging few years for the industry," said
Susannah Banks, manager of the New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot
Owners. "There is a move toward more direct contracts with brokers as
opposed to contracts with marketing boards."

Green Party Leader David Coon said woodlot owners are being hurt while
the province fails to enforce its own regulations specifying that a
fixed proportion of wood must be purchased from private woodlots
before Crown wood can be harvested.

"It's a classic case of injustice," said Coon.

"Can you imagine if family farmers were treated this way or lobster
fishermen were treated this way? There would be a revolution in parts
of New Brunswick."

It's an issue New Brunswick's auditor general, Kim MacPherson, waded
into in her 2015 report.

"We have concluded the Department of Natural Resources does not meet
its principal responsibilities under legislation respecting timber
supply from private forest lands," said the report.

"The Department's failure to comply with its own legislation and
provide leadership on private wood supply issues through a
well-defined role and clear objectives contributes to uncertainty for
private woodlot owners and conflicts within the marketing board

Both SNB's general manager, Pam Folkins, and J.D. Irving's Mary Keith
said they cannot comment on the lawsuit because the matter is before
the courts.

Mary Keith
Vice President Communications
J.D. Irving, Limited
Saint John, NB
Phone: (506) 632-5122
Email: keith.mary@jdirving.com

SNB Wood Co-op Ltd.,
P.O. Box 4473
Sussex, New Brunswick,
E4E 5L6
Phone: 1-506-433-9860 / 1-888-762-1555
Fax: 1-506-433-3623
email: snb@nb.aibn.com



Board Members

Rick Doucett, President
Jean Guy Comeau, Vice President
John Sabine, Secretary/Treasurer
Patrick Doucet
Marcel Maillet
Rodney Mott
Linda Bell
Dick Bellefleur

Phone: (506) 459-2990
Email: nbfwo@nb.aibn.com

Furthermore I still can intervene in this matter as well N'esy Pas
Premier Gallant?


Monday August 18, 2014
Connell Smith Has Details On Windsor Energy Suing Province
The president of Calgary's Windsor Energy is suing the provincial
government and former Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup for
over 100 million dollars.


Windsor Energy's $105M lawsuit against province suffers blow
Court rules many claims against government, Bruce Northrup fall
outside legal limits
CBC News Posted: Nov 10, 2015 11:32 AM AT


Bruce Northrup seeks appeal of ruling Windsor Energy's testing in
Sussex was legal
Former natural resources minister asking New Brunswick Court of Appeal
to hear appeal of Nov. 3 decision
By Alan White, CBC News Posted: Dec 01, 2016 3:43 PM AT

Former natural resources minister Bruce Northrup is asking New
Brunswick's highest court to hear an appeal of a recent decision that
Windsor Energy Inc.'s seismic testing in Sussex in 2011 was legal.

Northrup is being sued by the oil and gas company and its president,
Khalid Amin, for $105 million in damages for publicly stating the
company violated the provincial Oil and Natural Gas Act by carrying
out seismic testing in Sussex without permission from the

However, in a Nov. 3 decision, Court of Queen's Bench Justice Judy
Clendening ruled municipal permission wasn't needed because the
company's permit had the authorization of the provincial
Transportation Department to test within the right-of-way of Highway
1, which runs through Sussex and is where the testing was being
carried out.

    Windsor Energy's 2011 seismic testing in Sussex was legal: judge

"It is clear that the plaintiffs did not need prior written consent
from the municipality," Clendening said in her decision.

"The plaintiffs do not require consent unless the testing is carried
out on municipal land."
The word 'or' at issue

Clendening's ruling dealt with the interpretation of Section 17 (1) of
the Oil and Natural Gas Act. It states a company with a permit shall
not work:

    Within the bounds of a municipality unless it has the
municipality's consent in writing, or
    Within any highway right-of-way without the written consent of the
district transportation engineer.


Windsor Energy carried out seismic testing in the right-of-way for
Highway 1 in Sussex in 2011 with the authorization of the
transportation department.

Clendening ruled that because of the "or" in the subsection,
permission is needed from either the municipality or the
transportation department, not from both.

Northup's lawyers are now asking the New Brunswick Court of Appeal to
hear an appeal of that decision. They contend Clendenning made errors
in law by:

    Failing to read the words of Section 17 (1) of the Oil and Natural
Gas Act "in their grammatical and ordinary sense."
    Substituting "on municipal land" for the phrase "within the bounds
of a municipality
    Substituting the "New Brunswick Highway Corporation" for the
"district transportation engineer"
    Interpreting the word "or" between paragraphs (a)  and (b) of the
subsection as being exclusive and prioritizing (b) over (a).

Arguments on Northrup's motion seeking leave to appeal the ruling are
to be heard by a justice of the Court of Appeal on Dec. 12.
Amin not surprised

Windsor Energy Inc. president and CEO Khalid Amin is not surprised
Bruce Northrup is asking for an appeal to be heard of a recent ruling
that his company's seismic testing in Sussex in 2011 was legal. (CBC)

Northrup's request for an appeal to be heard doesn't surprise Amin.

"We certainly expected that," Amin said. "Obviously, I would say
[Clendening's ruling] is detrimental to their defence.

"If we didn't violate the Oil and Natural Gas Act as they allege, he's
gone out of his way to harm Windsor Energy by making statements and
then taking the file to the RCMP.

    Bruce Northrup stands by his actions in Windsor Energy dispute
    N.B. files RCMP complaint against Windsor Energy

"He was coming after us pretty heavy in the media and that made
national news, not just local New Brunswick news."

The initial lawsuit for defamation, injurious falsehood and
misfeasance in public office also named the provincial government as a
respondent, but Windsor Energy and Amin agreed to drop the province
from the lawsuit after another court ruling found their claims fall
outside the type of claims permitted under the Proceedings Against the
Crown Act.

Amin said dropping the province doesn't change the damages being
sought from Northrup, who was acting as a minister of the Crown.

"That doesn't change at all, but obviously that's up to a judge
ordering a judgment," said Amin.

"There's a lot of room between where we are today and what that would entitle."

The statement of claim in the lawsuit states negative publicity
resulting from the case drove away potential investors, which led to
the company losing its exploration licences.

I know that you people and CBC think I am joke. However I think even
less of you. It seems to me that you people wish forget that you draw
your fancy wages and later collect big pensions sourced from the tax
dollars of my fellow Canadains who you purportedly serve in an ethical
fashion YEA Right just like the old document hereto attached attests..


Monday August 18, 2014
Connell Smith Has Details On Windsor Energy Suing Province
The president of Calgary's Windsor Energy is suing the provincial
government and former Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup for
over 100 million dollars.



At leasty your hero Trump the lastest Yankee president  cannot deny
what the local Irving news rag reported about my words about NAFTA and
Forestry etc many moons ago EH Mr Wannabe jouralist Chucky Leblanc?

These words can still be found within your old blog about GOLD being
found in Sussex. N'esy Pas?

BTW Its funny how the Hollywood Movie called GOLD changes a Canadian
story about our crooked Stock Market and the corrupt RCMP and changes
it to a story about the Yankee Stock Market and the corrupt FBI EH
James Comey?



Does anyone recall what I said about gold during the last election?

Found Gold in New Brunswick!!!
Charles LeBlanc
Published on Jun 18, 2014



Thursday, September 29, 2005

Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd

By Erin Hatfield

"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your
world is all screwed up, rearrange it."

The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at
the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to
watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if
unofficial, theme song for the debate.

The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as
they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn.
Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue
chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent
left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty,
mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards
the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.

The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was
organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage
of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record
and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.

Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates
responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the
exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices.
Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each
other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders.
Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the
questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic
relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in
response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's
getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."

Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his
party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but
well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am
on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better
places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters
shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.

The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At
one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in
front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the
voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to
Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second
readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at
final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to
register sex offenders rather than register the property of law
abiding citizens."

The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and
women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman
yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron
spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.

Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy
Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong
yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of
post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged
Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time,
anyplace," Armstrong responded.

As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate,
candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and
fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making
process for the June 28 vote.

Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his
favourite possessions—motorcycles.


The Unconventional Candidate

David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….

By Gisele McKnight

FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his
wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone
that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.

The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife
and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from
running for office in Canada.

One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail
to meet Elections Canada requirements.

When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his
favourite place to do so—Fundy.

Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his
dissatisfaction with politicians.

"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he
said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in
1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he
needed to change his life.

"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that
sometimes in midlife."

So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners
motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952
Panhead motorcycle.

"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact)
experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you
renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask
for anything, but you take what they offer."

For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs
and conversation all over North America.

Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son
and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls

He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist
rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed
individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud
Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."

Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.

"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said.
"It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"

Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.

"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door
interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can
call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."

And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.

"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s
not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."

What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood,
the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to
name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing,
farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m
death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it
(NAFTA) out the window.

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an
easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.

"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me,
especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right.
Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."

Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have
your X by his name.

"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and
say, ‘what the hell.’"

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 16:49:33 -0400
Subject: BTW This by Justice Stratas et al decision was why I was calling
To: rraizenne@osler.com, Simon.Petit@justice.gc.ca, lscheim@osler.com,
ameghji@osler.com, marie-andree.legault@justice.gc.ca,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Diane.Lebouthillier"
<Diane.Lebouthillier@cra-arc.gc.ca>, "hon.jane.philpott"


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Legault, Marie-Andrée"<Marie-Andree.Legault@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 20:20:00 +0000
Subject: Réponse automatique : RE Hospira and A-48-16 I just called
you folks my concerns about the document hereto attached Please Enjoy
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Je serai absente du bureau jusqu'au 20 décembre 2016. Vous pouvez
contacter mon adjointe Marie-Laure Navay au 514-283-7866. I will be
out of the office until December 20,2016. You may contact my assistant
Nancy Madore at 514-283-7866

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 16:19:52 -0400
Subject: Fwd: RE Hospira and A-48-16 I just called you folks my
concerns about the document hereto attached Please Enjoy
To: rraizenne@osler.com, Simon.Petit@justice.gc.ca, lscheim@osler.com,
ameghji@osler.com, marie-andree.legault@justice.gc.ca,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Diane.Lebouthillier"
<Diane.Lebouthillier@cra-arc.gc.ca>, "hon.jane.philpott"

Federal Court of Appeal grants minister of health the right to be wrong
October 24, 2016


Federal Court of Appeal simplifies the standard of review of
prothonotary decisions



Justice Canada
Tax Litigation Directorate, Complexe Guy-Favreau,
9e étage
200 boul. René-Lévesque o.
Montréal, Québec H2Z 1X4
Phone: 514-283-8002
Fax: 514-283-3103

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 13:25:37 -0400
Subject: Fwd: RE Hospira and A-48-16 I just called you folks my
concerns about the document hereto attached Please Enjoy
To: warren@sprigings.com
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>


>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Póstur FOR
>>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
>>> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
>>> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
>>> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
>>> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
>>> to be..
>>> To: David Amos
>>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
>>> Kveðja / Best regards
>>> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
>>> This is the docket
>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
>>> These are digital recordings of  the last two hearings
>>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
>>> Jan 11th https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
>>> This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it again
>>> Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
>>> Campaign, Rogers TV
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cFOKT6TlSE
>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/fundy-royal-riding-profile-1.3274276
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> 902 800 0369

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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2016 11:13:28 -0400
Subject: OH MY MY I presume that the RCMP and the rest of you all
thought I was joking last year N'esy Pas Gilles Moreau, Gilles Blinn,
Serge Rousselle and Brucy Baby Northrup?
To: "Gilles.Moreau"<Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, sallybrooks25 <sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>,
markandcaroline <markandcaroline@gmail.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, COCMoncton <COCMoncton@gmail.com>,
fmcelman@stewartmckelvey.com, "serge.rousselle"
<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, "bruce.northrup"<bruce.northrup@gnb.ca>,
jmarks@stewartmckelvey.com, darouse@porlaw.com, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
"Davidc.Coon"<Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>, "Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc"
<Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc@canada.ca>, "hon.melanie.joly"
<hon.melanie.joly@canada.ca>, "Mark.Wright"
<Mark.Wright@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, david <david@lutz.nb.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, BrianThomasMacdonald
<BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.com>, "blaine.higgs"
<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, premier
<premier@gnb.ca>, "Paul.Lynch"<Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.ab.ca>, "graham.milner"<graham.milner@sussex.ca>,
bbachrach <bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net>, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov,
"Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, DJT <DJT@trumporg.com>, dgann
<dgann@vitp.ca>, mcohen <mcohen@trumporg.com>, Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca,
"randy.mckeen"<randy.mckeen@gnb.ca>, "mckeen.randy"
<mckeen.randy@gmail.com>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, briangallant10
<briangallant10@gmail.com>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, sunrayzulu <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>,

Davey Boy lutz and Brucey Baby Northrup and their  bible pounding pals
Rob Moore, Graham Milner and  Mark Wright the ex radio host/Town
Councilor/Liebrano.and their many buddies in the RCMP must recall what
I said on the local radio station in Sussex two days before polling
day las year N'esy Pas prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger" and Mr
President elect Donald Trump???


The CROWN Versus Mean Old Me
David Amos
Published on Oct 18, 2015

Just Listen or Read



After listening to the above please enjoy a little update since
October 19th, 2015 that the FBI and the RCMP and many other corrupt
cops cannot deny being made well aware of

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dale Morgan <dale.morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 16:26:57 -0400
Subject: Re: I must say that Tom Henheffer just called the wrong
Maritimer a liar just like you did a year ago EH Dale Morgan of the
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

I am AOL returning April 18th. Sgt. Alain DESROSIER (Grand Bay  -
Westfield) will be acting in my absence.  I will have my cell if you
need me. (506)435-4598.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2016 17:23:48 +0000
Subject: Re: Attn Dominic Leblanc whereas Prime Minister Sigmundur
David Gunnlaugsson does does not wish assistance from me perhaps you
can convince your boss PM Trudeau "The Younger" to explain my latest
blog, this email and the documents hereto attached to our fellow
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received

Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
to be..
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received

Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office

This is the docket


These are digital recordings of  the last two hearings

Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug

Jan 11th https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015

This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it again

Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
Campaign, Rogers TV



Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the most


83 The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
five years after he began his bragging:

January 13, 2015
This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate

December 8, 2014
Why Canada Stood Tall!

Friday, October 3, 2014
Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
Stupid Justin Trudeau

Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.

When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
campaign of 2006.

What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.

What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.

The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.

President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
essential for the security and tranquility of the developed world. An
ISIS “caliphate,” in the Middle East, no matter how small, is a clear
and present danger to the entire world. This “occupied state,”
or“failed state” will prosecute an unending Islamic inspired war of
terror against not only the “western world,” but Arab states
“moderate” or not, as well. The security, safety, and tranquility of
Canada and Canadians are just at risk now with the emergence of an
ISIS“caliphate” no matter how large or small, as it was with the
Taliban and Al Quaeda “marriage” in Afghanistan.

One of the everlasting “legacies” of the “Trudeau the Elder’s dynasty
was Canada and successive Liberal governments cowering behind the
amerkan’s nuclear and conventional military shield, at the same time
denigrating, insulting them, opposing them, and at the same time
self-aggrandizing ourselves as “peace keepers,” and progenitors of
“world peace.” Canada failed. The United States of Amerka, NATO, the
G7 and or G20 will no longer permit that sort of sanctimonious
behavior from Canada or its government any longer. And Prime Minister
Stephen Harper, Foreign Minister John Baird , and Cabinet are fully
cognizant of that reality. Even if some editorial boards, and pundits
are not.

Justin, Trudeau “the younger” is reprising the time “honoured” liberal
mantra, and tradition of expecting the amerkans or the rest of the
world to do “the heavy lifting.” Justin Trudeau and his “butt buddy”
David Amos are telling Canadians that we can guarantee our security
and safety by expecting other nations to fight for us. That Canada can
and should attempt to guarantee Canadians safety by providing
“humanitarian aid” somewhere, and call a sitting US president a “war
criminal.” This morning Australia announced they too, were sending
tactical aircraft to eliminate the menace of an ISIS “caliphate.”

In one sense Prime Minister Harper is every bit the scoundrel Trudeau
“the elder” and Jean ‘the crook” Chretien was. Just As Trudeau, and
successive Liberal governments delighted in diminishing,
marginalizing, under funding Canadian Forces, and sending Canadian
military men and women to die with inadequate kit and modern
equipment; so too is Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada’s F-18s are
antiquated, poorly equipped, and ought to have been replaced five
years ago. But alas, there won’t be single RCAF fighter jock that
won’t go, or won’t want to go, to make Canada safe or safer.

My Grandfather served this country. My father served this country. My
Uncle served this country. And I have served this country. Justin
Trudeau has not served Canada in any way. Thomas Mulcair has not
served this country in any way. Liberals and so called social
democrats haven’t served this country in any way. David Amos, and
other drooling fools have not served this great nation in any way. Yet
these fools are more than prepared to ensure their, our safety to
other nations, and then criticize them for doing so.

Canada must again, now, “do our bit” to guarantee our own security,
and tranquility, but also that of the world. Canada has never before
shirked its responsibility to its citizens and that of the world.

Prime Minister Harper will not permit this country to do so now

From: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 14:17:17 -0400
Subject: RE: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

This is to confirm that the Minister of National Defence has received
your email and it will be reviewed in due course. Please do not reply
to this message: it is an automatic acknowledgement.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 13:55:30 -0300
Subject: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and the
War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still alive
To: DECPR@forces.gc.ca, Public.Affairs@socom.mil,
Raymonde.Cleroux@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca,
william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>,
dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, media@drdc-rddc.gc.ca, information@forces.gc.ca,
milner@unb.ca, charters@unb.ca, lwindsor@unb.ca,
sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, birgir <birgir@althingi.is>, smari
<smari@immi.is>, greg.weston@cbc.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
susan@blueskystrategygroup.com, Don@blueskystrategygroup.com,
eugene@blueskystrategygroup.com, americas@aljazeera.net
Cc: "Edith. Cody-Rice"<Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>, "terry.seguin"
<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>, whistleblower

I talked to Don Newman earlier this week before the beancounters David
Dodge and Don Drummond now of Queen's gave their spin about Canada's
Health Care system yesterday and Sheila Fraser yapped on and on on
CAPAC during her last days in office as if she were oh so ethical.. To
be fair to him I just called Greg Weston (613-288-6938) I suggested
that he should at least Google SOUCOM and David Amos It would be wise
if he check ALL of CBC's sources before he publishes something else
about the DND EH Don Newman? Lets just say that the fact  that  your
old CBC buddy, Tony Burman is now in charge of Al Jazeera English
never impressed me. The fact that he set up a Canadian office is
interesting though



Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.


The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not a
shy political animal

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

Enjoy Mr Weston

"But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
including a Canadian general.

That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk was
also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that helped
prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."


"I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
"veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
into the US policy.

At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation. There was
never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
were deployed WMD.

Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
(and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.

There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions
are to met before US troop can redeploy?  Prime Minister Jean Chretien
and the PMO were even at the very preliminary planning stages wary of
Canadian involvement in an Iraq operation....History would prove them
correct. The political pressure being applied on the PMO from the
George W Bush administration was onerous

American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
....not necessarily in that order. "

You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
Adams? of the CSE within the DND?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 14:03:58 -0400
Subject: The RCMP, the FBI and the not so funny Yankee lawyer Barry
Bachrach should explain to Blaine Higgs why Byron Prior and I are not
crazy N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc?
To: Barry Bachrach <bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net>,
Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "john.warr"<john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Stephane.vaillancourt"
<Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>,
"Stephen.Horsman"<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, "Dale.Morgan"
<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, wayne.easter@parl.gc.ca,
john.thompson@mppac.ca, "steven.blaney"<steven.blaney.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
"steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, national@mppac.ca, MulcaT
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Arthur Topham <radical@radicalpress.com>,
oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, Barry Winters
<sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>,
"dan. bussieres"<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, brian.hodgson@assembly.ab.ca,

---------- Original message ----------
From: Barry Bachrach <bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 20:25:07 -0400
Subject: RE: RE My calls to the RCMP and the lawyer Rob Moore MP today
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, David Amos
Cc: "Dale.Morgan"<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, rob.moore.c1@parl.gc.ca,
wayne.easter@parl.gc.ca, "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, john.thompson@mppac.ca,
"steven.blaney"<steven.blaney.a1@parl.gc.ca>, acampbell
<acampbell@ctv.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
national@mppac.ca, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Arthur Topham
<radical@radicalpress.com>, oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>,
patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, "dan. bussieres"
<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, brian.hodgson@assembly.ab.ca, "blaine.higgs"


Barry Bachrach, Esquire

The Law Office of Barry Bachrach

62 Paxton Street

Leicester, MA 01524

Telephone No.: (508) 892-1533

Facsimile No.: (508) 892-1633

Email:  bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net
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Bachrach Logo 10-21-10

The information contained in this electronic message is legally
privileged and confidential under applicable law, and is intended only
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the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
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error, please notify The Law Office of Barry Bachrach at (508)
892-1533 and delete this communication immediately without copying or
distributing it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2016 12:48:46 -0400
Subject: YEA RIGHT Cearly the FBI in Beantown got my message anyway
EH? Remember my last calls to you nasty Yankee bastards? You recorded
them CORRECT? Now I repeat what the Hell to I do with YANKEE wiretap
tapes? Sell them on Ebay in Europe???
To: Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov, boston <boston@ic.fbi.gov>, washington
field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, probb@ottawacitizen.com,
mirichardson@postmedia.com, ccobb@ottawacitizen.com,
paul.godfrey@postmedia.com, Michael.Wernick@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
Root.Gorelick@carleton.ca, michael.macneil@carleton.ca,
stephen.saideman@carleton.ca, norean.shepherd@carleton.ca,
"sylvie.gadoury"<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, "bill.pentney"
<bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, "martine.turcotte"
<martine.turcotte@bell.ca>, DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>,
lmotley@postmedia.com, dave.breakenridge@sunmedia.ca, sunrayzulu
<sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "Marianne.Ryan"<Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
lgunter <lgunter@shaw.ca>, kgerein@postmedia.com,
kgerein@edmontonjournal.com, "Charmaine.Bulger"
<Charmaine.Bulger@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Paul.Lynch"
<Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "geoff.crowe"
<geoff.crowe@edmontonpolice.ca>, Cindy Bruneau
<Cindy.Bruneau@edmonton.ca>, kyleduggan@ipolitics.ca,
leslie.church@canada.ca, ben.carr@canada.ca,
christine.michaud2@canada.ca, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>,
investigations <investigations@cbc.ca>, pol7163
<pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>, markandcaroline
<markandcaroline@gmail.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, sallybrooks25
<sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>, almabrooks26 <almabrooks26@hotmail.com>,
"ron.tremblay2"<ron.tremblay2@gmail.com>, "steve.murphy"
<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "macpherson.don"
<macpherson.don@dailygleaner.com>, woodsideb
<woodsideb@fredericton.ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"
<Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "leanne.murray"
<leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com>, "don.iveson"
<don.iveson@edmonton.ca>, themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, "stephen.harper.a1"<stephen.harper.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, Ezra , radical
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
dstaples@edmontonjournal.com, mplatt@postmedia.com, Kris Wells
<kwells@ualberta.ca>, Glen Canning <grcanning@gmail.com>,
patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, lois

From: Boston <Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2016 06:21:33 -0400
Subject: RE: YO David Drummond of Google why do you, the FBI and the
RCMP ignore death threats, sexual harrassment and hate speech when it
is PUBLISHED by the evil Zionist Barry Winters who claims to work the
Canadian DND?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

This email address (boston@ic.fbi.gov) is no longer a valid address.
Future email correspondence should be directed to www.tips.fbi.gov.

FBI Boston

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Baumberg, Andrew"<Andrew.Baumberg@cas-satj.gc.ca>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 12:00:42 -0400
Subject: FW: Attn Andrew Baumberg and William Brooks Commissioner for
Federal Judicial Affairs RE Federal Court File no T-1557-15
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, "Baumberg, Andrew"

Good afternoon Mr. Amos

In response to your recent e-mail, please note:

·         I called you on Tuesday morning because you called and left
a voice mail for me on Monday. (I did not call you back right away on
Monday because I was at home helping to look after my daughter, who
came down with chickenpox over the week-end.)

·         I am not aware of anyone checking your work on the internet
last Friday.

·         I do not know who sent you an anonymous e-mail on Friday.

·         I have not contacted the RCMP in this regard.

·         I admit that I did not read your email and all its
attachments closely.

·         I “presumed” that you “wanted to talk about electronic
filing” during our call yesterday because (a) that is what you
indicated in your voice mail on Monday that you wanted to talk about
(in your voice-mail message of Monday, March 21, you say: “I want to
discuss what I have been researching about electronic filing, and I
see your name in these documents”), and (b) that is what you were
actually talking about on the call yesterday.

·         I do not deny my knowledge of your assertion that there is
evidence of your possession of police surveillance wiretap tapes filed
in the Public Record of Federal Court.

Best regards, Andrew

Andrew Baumberg
Legal Counsel / Conseiller juridique
Federal Court / Cour fédérale
(613) 947-3177


Roger Brown of the Crown Corp known and his CBC buddies

Chucky and everybody else and his dog have speculated about the
reasons behind Bourque's senselss rampage but I took a wide berth of
that madness. I have had nothing say about it just like with my friend
Dick Oland's murder. I was hoping that the truth would come out during
the trials.Now that his son has been denied bail I will say that I too
don't believe that Dennis was Dick's killer. As for young Bourque
nothing excuses what he defintely did. Many people would like to know
what caused him to go off like he did and no doubt legions of members
of the RCMP are curious as well.. but the evil Librano lawyer David
Lutz made certain that the truth will never be known to the chagrin of
many other lawyers..

I heard Cpl Horsmen confess Chucky that he gave his old boss Gary
Forward a fancy new job.


Somebody should ask me why that did not surprise me.

Codiac RCMP officers found not responsible for man's death
Fredericton Police Force investigation says Daniel Levesque, 30, died
as a result of stab wounds CBC News Posted: May 23, 2014 10:51 AM AT



June 15, 2014

The untold story of Justin Bourque

by Tamsin McMahon, Michael Friscolanti and Martin Patriquin

“I don’t know what caused this,” Victor Bourque, Justin’s father,
tells Maclean’s. “A gentle soul like him who wouldn’t hurt a fly all
of a sudden flips over, so there’s something there that’s unanswered
and we’ll only find out as time goes along. Everybody will have to be

In the meantime, one chilling possibility has emerged: that Bourque
was bent on revenge, seeking supposed “justice” for a dead Moncton
man, Dan Levesque, who was shot four times last July by a pair of RCMP
officers. At a press conference just two weeks before Bourque walked
out of his trailer for the final time, investigators cleared the two
Mounties of any wrongdoing.

At least one of Levesque’s friends seemed convinced that Bourque was
out for revenge that bloody night. “He’s doing this for us I love this
guy,” the friend posted on Facebook, while the drama was still
unfolding. “He’s righting all the wrongs.”

"If the ensuing investigation unearths any connection to Dan
Levesque’s death, May 23 was a critical day. The Fredericton Police
Service, called in to investigate last July’s shooting, held a press
conference that Friday, exonerating the RCMP officers who shot
Levesque. In fact, Insp. Gary Forward said none of the Mounties’ four
bullets struck a vital organ—and that Levesque ultimately died of the
knife wounds he sustained prior to being shot, not the bullets. (Who
stabbed Levesque, and why, is still under investigation.)

The same day as the news conference, Bourque’s mom and dad posted a
quote to their joint Facebook account. “Sometime you have to stop
worrying, wondering, and doubting,” it read. “Have faith that things
will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how it’s meant to

I heard your buddy Roger Brown yapping to your CBC pals this morning


Then I see this

Roger Brown to retire on 2nd anniversary of Moncton RCMP shootings
Suicide of Cpl. Ron Francis, violence at Rexton shale gas protest also
happened on commanding officer's watch By Alan White, CBC News Posted:
Apr 05, 2016 11:00 AM AT


I also heard you drop your buddy Roger Brown's name so the his minions
would give ya a hard time in Rogerville  N'esy Pas?



Saturday, 8 March 2014

Yo Woodside your buddy Chucky Leblanc suing the Fat Fred City Finest
is a joke but ME suing YOU and your cop pals about my old Harley will
be bigtime comical EH?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gaudet, Martin"<martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 14:05:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Re Federal Court file no T-1557-15 Now this
is interesting As soon as Brad Wall got reelected as Premier he began
blocking my email Go Figure EH David Drummond???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

I will be out of office until April 13, 2016.  I will respond to your
e-mail upon my arrival.  Thank you / Merci.

This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
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contact the sender and delete the original and any copy of this e-mail
and any printout thereof, immediately. Your co-operation is

Any correspondence with elected officials, employees, or other agents
of the City of Fredericton may be subject to disclosure under the
provisions of the Province of New Brunswick Right to Information and
Protection of Privacy Act.

Le présent courriel (y compris toute pièce jointe) s'adresse
uniquement à son destinataire, qu'il soit une personne ou un
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Toute correspondance entre ou avec les employés ou les élus de la
Ville de Fredericton pourrait être divulguée conformément aux
dispositions de la Loi sur le droit à l’information et la protection
de la vie privée.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Fitch, Leanne"<leanne.fitch@fredericton.ca>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 14:05:24 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Re Federal Court file no T-1557-15 Now this
is interesting As soon as Brad Wall got reelected as Premier he began
blocking my email Go Figure EH David Drummond???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Due to a very high volume of incoming email to this account there is
an unusual backlog of pending responses. Your query may not be repleid
to in a timely fashion. If you require a formal response please send
your query in writing to my attention c/o Fredericton Police Force,
311 Queen St, Fredericton, NB E3B 1B1 or phone (506) 460-2300.

This e-mail communication (including any or all attachments) is
intended only for the use of the person or entity to which it is
addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If
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Any correspondence with elected officials, employees, or other agents
of the City of Fredericton may be subject to disclosure under the
provisions of the Province of New Brunswick Right to Information and
Protection of Privacy Act.

Le présent courriel (y compris toute pièce jointe) s'adresse
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Toute correspondance entre ou avec les employés ou les élus de la
Ville de Fredericton pourrait être divulguée conformément aux
dispositions de la Loi sur le droit à l’information et la protection
de la vie privée.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Póstur IRR <postur@irr.is>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 14:07:49 +0000
Subject: Re: Re Federal Court file no T-1557-15 Now this is
interesting As soon as Brad Wall got reelected as Premier he began
blocking my email Go Figure EH David Drummond???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið. / Your request has been received.

Kveðja / Best regards
Innanríkisráðuneytið / Ministry of the Interior

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 14:07:48 +0000
Subject: Re: Re Federal Court file no T-1557-15 Now this is
interesting As soon as Brad Wall got reelected as Premier he began
blocking my email Go Figure EH David Drummond???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received

Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office


Saturday, 8 March 2014

Yo Woodside your buddy Chucky Leblanc suing the Fat Fred City Finest
is a joke but ME suing YOU and your cop pals about my old Harley will
be bigtime comical EH?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2014 15:53:26 -0400
Subject: Yo Woodside your buddy Chucky Leblanc suig the Fat Fred City
Finest is a joke but ME suing YOU and your cop pals about my old
Harley will be bigtime comical EH?
To: woodsideb <woodsideb@fredericton.ca>, oldmaison
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "Leanne.Fitch"<Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>,
"leanne.murray"<leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, sallybrooks25 <sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, frankffrost
<frankffrost@hotmail.com>, "Frank.McKenna"<Frank.McKenna@td.com>,
"bruce.northrup"<bruce.northrup@gnb.ca>, "Pete.Berndsen"
<Pete.Berndsen@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "roger.l.brown"



From: "MacKenzie, Lloyd (SNB)"lloyd.mackenzie@snb.ca
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:01:27 -0400
Subject: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)"Donald.Bastarache@snb.ca,
"Morrison, Bill (SNB)"bill.morrison@snb.ca,
"Levesque-Finn, Sylvie(SNB)"Sylvie.Levesque-Finn@snb.ca, "Pleadwell, Derek

Mr. Amos:
Upon your request I will inform Mr. Derek Pleadwell[(506)
444-2897], Chairperson SNB Board of Directors, of our extended
conversation regarding the issues surrounding the 1965 Harley-Davidson
motorcycle when he visits my office at approximately 3:30 P.M. today.

Also, as requested, I've copied in Ms. Sylvie Levesque-Finn[ (506)
453-3879 ],SNB President.

Lloyd D. MacKenzie, AACI, P. App, CAE
Regional Manager of Assessment - Beauséjour Region/Responsable
régional de l'évaluation - region Beauséjour
Assessment/ de l'évaluation
Service New Brunswick/ Service Nouveau-Brunswick
633 rue Main St.
4th floor/4ième étage
Moncton, NB E1C 8R3
Tel/Tél: (506) 856-3910
Fax/Téléc: (506) 856-2519

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca ; martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca ;
ken.cook@fredericton.ca ; carl.urquhart@gnb.ca ; john.foran@gnb.ca ;
jacques_poitras@cbc.ca ; T.J.Burke@gnb.ca ; mackay.p@parl.gc.ca ;
Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ; premier@gov.ns.ca ; leader@greenparty.ca ;
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 1:00 PM
Subject: Attn Det Louie LaFleur. Who in the Fredericton Police Force
is trying to claim that I do not own my motorcyle registered in New


DavidRaymondAmos (14 minutes ago)
Over my dead body will you ride my old bike Yankee. However I would
dearly love to see you come to my native land to try to steal it like
you did the rest of my property. I will call the Fredericton PD once
again on your behalf to warn them they should protect you from mean
old me. Cya'll in Court Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara. P.S I already
contacted Volkswagon America about their interest in your Yankee buddy
the Lemon Law lawyer Angela K. Troccoli

sowicked (29 minutes ago)
Get everything said that you want to say, because I'm taking you out
of the loop. Next time you see me, I'll be riding my 65'.N'est Pas,

sowicked (34 minutes ago)
What home????What inventory??? You must be talking about MY home. You
never had a home, stupid.N'est Pas??

DavidRaymondAmos (1 hour ago)
I heard that before from your buddies the Fredericton PD and their Tow
Trucking dude Alan MacPhee. How do you or they explain the title they
took their information from for their tickets that the Crown refused
to prosecute Depupty Dog? As far as all the other bikes etc go they
are clearly listed in thn Inventory of MY Clan's home when you and
your pals ripped us off.

sowicked (2 hours ago)
What motorcycles are you talking about? I know you had possesion of
some Harley that the Fredericton PD took possesion of because you
can't show proof of ownership of that bike.Could that be the "stolen"
bike or bikes you are refering to,EH? And that stolen bike was in your
possesion. That figures,EH?

sowicked (5 hours ago)
I don't think anyone other than yourself, really cares about you or
your history as a motorcyclist.You only saw the Harleys that I own,
not my other bikes. Everyone stands up to you, you pussy.Get it, N'est

DavidRaymondAmos (13 hours ago)

photofu (14 hours ago)
i am impressed with your resolve sir..carry on....
DavidRaymondAmos (18 hours ago)
For the record I was the first to view your buddy Dirty Dicky Dean's
latest video about me. Too funny EH Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara? It
appears that you forgot to tell your nasty pal of my true history as a
motorcyclist or about all the Kawasakis, Hondas, Yamahas and BMWs etc
that you Yankees stole from me N'est Pas? Hell he even thinks I drink
beer when in fact I never drank one in my life. On the other hand you
have drank enough beer for both of us and have only owned Harleys.

DavidRaymondAmos (1 day ago)
She is my minor child Yankee. What part of that fact don't you
understand Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara? Do you really think that you
could stand up against me?

From: David Amos
Subject: For the VERY PUBLIC RECORD This is the real cause of Cpl.
Randy Reilly's stress and PTSD
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, woodsideb@fredericton.ca, dkg@glenngroup.ca,
kadilman@glenngroup.ca, andremurraynow@gmail.com,
sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca, law@stevenfoulds.ca, police@fredericton.ca,
evelyngreene@live.ca, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com, macpherson.don@dailygleaner.com,
Cc: police@edmundston.ca, "dan. bussieres"<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>,
Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "MacKnightb"<MacKnightb@fredericton.ca>,
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 10:54 PM

Yo Danny Boy Bussieres

True or False?


It seems to me that all of Chucky's pals and half of your butt
buddies the Fat Fred City's Finest claim they are mentally ill When
in truth just like you they are just cry baby greedy crooks living off
the fat of the land.

Go figure



Then you nasty bastards violate my rights and my privacy and yet have
the gaul to call me crazy and even falsely claim that I am welfare as


Well Chucky Leblanc and his butt buddy Brad Woodside love listening to
cops on their scanners CORRECT?


Well they ahould LISTEN closely to the radio in the background of these videos




The mindless Cpl. Reilly was obviously acting against me under orders
from MacKnight. That is why I stopped the videos to listen to what
they were saying. No doubt later MacKnight blamed the circus on
Reilly. Small wonder the Fat Fred City Finest ignored my Freedom of
Information demands and made my Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes in
its saddlebag evaporate EH?

That said there was some interesting news yesterday though. Alan White
and his very corrupt CBC cronies already know I enjoyed it and pounced
on it in Twitter before I called three lawyers again. Now I will make
the most of it to the max in short order. You have my word on that.


Bruce Northrup seeks appeal of ruling Windsor Energy's testing in
Sussex was legal
Former natural resources minister asking New Brunswick Court of Appeal
to hear appeal of Nov. 3 decision
By Alan White, CBC News Posted: Dec 01, 2016 3:43 PM AT

Former natural resources minister Bruce Northrup is asking New
Brunswick's highest court to hear an appeal of a recent decision that
Windsor Energy Inc.'s seismic testing in Sussex in 2011 was legal.

Northrup is being sued by the oil and gas company and its president,
Khalid Amin, for $105 million in damages for publicly stating the
company violated the provincial Oil and Natural Gas Act by carrying
out seismic testing in Sussex without permission from the

However, in a Nov. 3 decision, Court of Queen's Bench Justice Judy
Clendening ruled municipal permission wasn't needed because the
company's permit had the authorization of the provincial
Transportation Department to test within the right-of-way of Highway
1, which runs through Sussex and is where the testing was being
carried out.

    Windsor Energy's 2011 seismic testing in Sussex was legal: judge

"It is clear that the plaintiffs did not need prior written consent
from the municipality," Clendening said in her decision.

"The plaintiffs do not require consent unless the testing is carried
out on municipal land."
The word 'or' at issue

Clendening's ruling dealt with the interpretation of Section 17 (1) of
the Oil and Natural Gas Act. It states a company with a permit shall
not work:

    Within the bounds of a municipality unless it has the
municipality's consent in writing, or
    Within any highway right-of-way without the written consent of the
district transportation engineer.


Windsor Energy carried out seismic testing in the right-of-way for
Highway 1 in Sussex in 2011 with the authorization of the
transportation department.

Clendening ruled that because of the "or" in the subsection,
permission is needed from either the municipality or the
transportation department, not from both.

Northup's lawyers are now asking the New Brunswick Court of Appeal to
hear an appeal of that decision. They contend Clendenning made errors
in law by:

    Failing to read the words of Section 17 (1) of the Oil and Natural
Gas Act "in their grammatical and ordinary sense."
    Substituting "on municipal land" for the phrase "within the bounds
of a municipality
    Substituting the "New Brunswick Highway Corporation" for the
"district transportation engineer"
    Interpreting the word "or" between paragraphs (a)  and (b) of the
subsection as being exclusive and prioritizing (b) over (a).

Arguments on Northrup's motion seeking leave to appeal the ruling are
to be heard by a justice of the Court of Appeal on Dec. 12.
Amin not surprised

Windsor Energy Inc. president and CEO Khalid Amin is not surprised
Bruce Northrup is asking for an appeal to be heard of a recent ruling
that his company's seismic testing in Sussex in 2011 was legal. (CBC)

Northrup's request for an appeal to be heard doesn't surprise Amin.

"We certainly expected that," Amin said. "Obviously, I would say
[Clendening's ruling] is detrimental to their defence.

"If we didn't violate the Oil and Natural Gas Act as they allege, he's
gone out of his way to harm Windsor Energy by making statements and
then taking the file to the RCMP.

    Bruce Northrup stands by his actions in Windsor Energy dispute
    N.B. files RCMP complaint against Windsor Energy

"He was coming after us pretty heavy in the media and that made
national news, not just local New Brunswick news."

The initial lawsuit for defamation, injurious falsehood and
misfeasance in public office also named the provincial government as a
respondent, but Windsor Energy and Amin agreed to drop the province
from the lawsuit after another court ruling found their claims fall
outside the type of claims permitted under the Proceedings Against the
Crown Act.

Amin said dropping the province doesn't change the damages being
sought from Northrup, who was acting as a minister of the Crown.

"That doesn't change at all, but obviously that's up to a judge
ordering a judgment," said Amin.

"There's a lot of room between where we are today and what that would entitle."

The statement of claim in the lawsuit states negative publicity
resulting from the case drove away potential investors, which led to
the company losing its exploration licences.


Sussex mayor denounces seismic testing company
Seismotion official says waiting for council vote would have cost $60,000

CBC News

October 19, 2011
Sussex councillors are upset that seismic testing went ahead in their
town before it was given approval. (CBC)

Sussex Mayor Ralph Carr is denouncing the tactics of a seismic
surveying company as a "monumental" mistake after it pushed ahead with
tests without the town's approval.

The Town of Sussex is now asking Premier David Alward and his
Progressive Conservative government to take action against Seismotion,
which performed tests inside Sussex boundaries on Monday.

"It's a blunder, a big blunder. They should not have done that," Carr said.

"For such a contentious issue and divisive issue that is taking place
in our province, especially southern New Brunswick, they should have
bowed out and said, 'We'll come back or we'll go by you.' Anything,
but do what they did."

Sussex is situated in an area that is believed to be a prime location
for the shale gas industry. But Carr said that some people in his
community are wary of the shale gas industry.

The mayor said the company's actions will make this already divisive
issue even worse in his town.

The Sussex council has sent an unanimous letter to the Alward
government requesting the provincial government take action against
the company.

Sussex Mayor Ralph Carr said the company's decision to perform the
testing was a monumental mistake. (CBC)

Sussex mayor’s stern reaction is being reinforced by many of his councillors.

Seismotion originally asked for town approval to do tests within the
community, and councillors arranged the Tuesday meeting just ahead of
the company's scheduled arrival.

But when Seismotion crews found themselves in Sussex two days ahead of
schedule, the company decided not to wait for town consent.

Marc Thorne, the town's deputy mayor, said it's unfortunate the
company pressed ahead with its work despite knowing when the local
council was going to hold its vote.

"They had decided that since the timeframe that they had established
with us wasn't accommodating their accelerated schedule they just went
ahead and did the work. We were angry. We were frustrated," Thorne

"It was done. It was in violation of the act. And there needs to be
consequences," said Coun. Mark Wright.

Coun. Shelley Bradley did not hold back her frustrations when a
Seismotion representative appeared at a council meeting on Tuesday

"When a company goes ahead and does this. Just like completely ignores
the rules, completely just basically says, ‘You know what? Screw you
guys,’" Bradley said.

Alek Dupras, the company's permit agent, said the company has permits
from the departments of Natural Resources and Transportation that
cover testing along highway one even within town limits.

"Waiting for this … meeting represented too much money so they chose
to go forward, understanding they had all the permits necessary for
that," Dupras said.

Seismotion is doing the testing for Windsor Energy.

Mario Levesque, the president of Seismotion, said waiting two days
would have cost $60,000 and he's running out of time to get the work
done. The trucks are going back to Alberta on Oct. 26.

Testing has now moved east between Sussex and Alma.
Latest shale gas controversy

This is the latest controversy in the contentious issue of shale gas

Last week, Hampton councillors voted to block seismic testing in town
limits after roughly 70 residents held a peaceful protest.

Hampton is about 40 kilometres southwest of Sussex.

There have been protests across southern New Brunswick against shale
gas exploration and hydro-fracking.

The largest anti-shale gas rally was at the legislature in the summer
when roughly 1,000 protesters amassed in Fredericton.

Alward has said he believes the industry is important to the province,
but he has committed to imposing the toughest standards on the
continent on companies operating in New Brunswick.

He's also said New Brunswickers need to embrace the industry as part
of a new approach to boosting the economy.


Canada Votes 2008
Results, Ridings and Candidates
Fundy Royal
2008 Results
[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Unofficial results were updated at the time shown following judicial
recounts in six ridings. For more recent results, visit Elections
Canada. The CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the
content of external sites. External links will open in a new window.
View these results in the interactive map »

    Riding Profile
    Candidate Profiles
    Riding Talk
    2006 Results

    Rob Moore (Incumbent)
    Erik Millett
    Mark Wright
    Rob Moir

Rob Moore

Party: Conservative Party of Canada
Birthdate: May 14, 1974
Age: 34
Birthplace: Gander, N.L.

Education: Bachelor's degree in business, University of New Brunswick;
law degree, University of New Brunswick. Called to the New Brunswick
Bar in 2000.

Profession: Lawyer

Career Background: Articled with the law firm Philip H. Pugsley in
Rothesay, N.B. Worked in the office of the leader of the official
opposition as a policy adviser on justice issues from 2001-2003.

Community Activities: Volunteer with the Boys and Girls Club and with
the March of Dimes.

Electoral History

Federal: Defeated as Canadian Alliance candidate in Fundy-Royal in
2000. Elected as a Conservative candidate in the riding in the 2004
and 2006 general elections.

Political History

Parliament: Was parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of Canada.

Committee: Member of the Justice and Homan Rights Committee in the
last Parliament, and member of the Legislative Committees on various
bills. Former member of the Legislative Committee on Bill C-38; the
Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure of the Legislative Committee on
Bill C-38; of the Subcommittee on the Process for Appointment to the
Federal Judiciary of the Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights,
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

Caucus: Member of the Conservative caucus.
Contact information:
Telephone: 888-926-6673


Erik Millett
Party: Green Party of Canada
Birthplace: Truro, N.S.

Education: Earned a master's degree in education from the University
of New Brunswick, a bachelor of education from St. Thomas University
and a bachelor of arts in international human rights from Carleton

Profession: Teacher

Career Background: He previously worked as a lead teacher and
administrator for New Brunswick's alternative education program, and a
contract consultant with the Katimavik national youth service program.
Currently works as a teacher and school administrator at Belleisle
Elementary School in School District 6.

Community Activities: He served two years as a residence don at the
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, mentoring and working with
student leaders. He also worked in an outdoor education environment
with Partners for Youth and was a project leader with Katimavik for
three years. He has recently been involved in the Basement Players
theatre group and currently is on the provincial board of directors
for the Conservation Council of New Brunswick.

Electoral History
Federal: Defeated in New Brunswick Southwest in 2004 and 2006.

Contact information:
Telephone: 506-832-2465

Mark Wright
Party: Liberal Party of Canada
Year of Birth: 1980
Age: 27
Birthplace: Sussex, N.B.
Profession: Salesman

Career Background: Has worked as a sales representative and estimator
with Fawcett Ace Building Centre in Petitcodiac, N.B.

Electoral History

Municipal: Elected as a municipal councillor in Sussex in 2004 and
re-elected in May 2008.

Mailing address:
77A Broad St.
Sussex, N.B.
E4E 2J7

Contact information:
Telephone: 506-432-6141
Fax: 506-432-6943

Rob Moir
Party: New Democratic Party of Canada
Profession: Economist; educator; woodlot operator
Marital Status: Married
Name of Spouse: Megan
Children: Three

Career Background: Professor of economics at the University of New
Brunswick in Saint John; has served on the University Senate and
several Senate committees. Member of the Canadian Economics
Association, the American Economics Association, the Economic Science
Association and the International Association for the Study of Common
Property. Vice-president of the Atlantic Canada Economics Association.
Woodlot owner and member of the Southern New Brunswick Woodlot

Community Activities: Has served on the board of the Clifton Royal
Recreation Council and Peninsula Heritage. Currently acts as chapel
warden and chair of the mission and outreach committee of All Saints'

Electoral History

Federal: Ran unsuccessfully in this riding in the 2006 general election.

Mailing address:

1031 Main Street
Hampton, N.B.
E5N 6E8

Contact information:
Telephone: 506-832-0570

CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of
external sites - links will open in new window.
2008 Results


By-Elections In Hampton And Sussex Today
Posted on Monday, December 8, 2014 05:58 AM

It will be a cold trek to the polls today with municipal by-elections
being held in Sussex and Hampton to fill vacant seats on the two town

The vacancy in Hampton is because Gary Crossman was elected as the
M-L-A for the Conservatives.

In Sussex, Mark Wright has left to join the RCMP.

The four candidates in Hampton are Chris Rendell, who unsuccessfully
tried to run for the NDP provincially, Mark Reid, who owns an
accounting firm, forester Todd Beach and businessman Robert

In Sussex, the candidates are former town councillor Kevin Black,
construction worker Melody McKnight, Carl McLellen, a carpenter,
former RCMP officer Graham Milner and life coach Matt White.


Mark Wright

After completing the Extreme Discipleship Program at Kingswood in
2000, Mark and his wife Rachel (Fenwick) lived in Sussex, where he
served on the town council and worked at the local radio station, 590
CJCW. He then joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. On March 23,
2015, Mark graduated as a Constable. Congratulations! His first post
is in Biggar, Saskatchewan.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Warr <john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 01:56:17 -0400
Subject: Re: Fwd: For the public record as soon as I read this I
called Julie Dammers Rakes' lawyer Anthony M. Cardinale introduced
myself and the pussy hung up on me (AOL)
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

I will be away on leave from Saturday August 3rd to August 18th
inclusive.  S/Sgt. Steve Gourdeau will be acting Operations Officer
for SE District in my absence.  In the event of an emergency from
August 3rd to 5th, I will have my bb on. (506) 608-7928

On 11/12/15, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do any of you recall the attachemnts or the email found below?
> Anyway there was Interesting news on CBC this week for your anti
> fracking buddies EH Chucky Baby?
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/windsor-energy-lawsuit-bruce-northrup-1.3312108
> Windsor Energy's $105M lawsuit against province suffers blow
> Court rules many claims against government, Bruce Northrup fall
> outside legal limits
> CBC News Posted: Nov 10, 2015 11:32 AM AT
> Even more interesting to mean old me is within the predictable rulling
> of Justice Terrence Morrison its seems that I disagree with the CBC
> spin on the matter. What say your wannabe lawyer pals? No doubt they
> are all too shy to respond to me as usual N'esy Pas Chucky Baby?
> http://www.canlii.org/en/nb/nbqb/doc/2015/2015nbqb199/2015nbqb199.pdf
> At least I tried to be fair to the lawyers involved in the Windsor
> Energy matter and called them before sending three more emails. After
> all their law firms have been well aware of my concerns for quite some
> time and obviously they cannot deny it. Josie Marks and her assistant
> did not pick up the phone but I spoke personally to Frederick C.
> McElman QC and he welcomed my emails and D. Andrew Rouse
> tried hard to play dumb so I called and left a voicemail for Mr Peters
> Correct?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> http://lexpert.ca/directory/practitioner/stewart-mckelvey-595/frederick-c-mcelman-14323/
> Diversified practice in banking and financial services, corporate
> commercial law, bankruptcy and insolvency, intellectual property,
> administrative law and corporate restructuring. Acts as counsel on
> legislation and professional discipline matters for several
> provincial, regional and national professional associations and as
> counsel to quasi-public/private corporations on governance issues.
> Trade-mark Agent; lecturer for Law Society Continuing Education
> programs and various professional associations. Past member of
> insurance management committee of NB Law Society; past director of New
> Brunswick Law Foundation; past director of Board of Governors of
> University of New Brunswick; past director and chairman of PLAN
> International Canada Inc. and PLAN International Inc., international
> development agencies. Admitted to the New Brunswick Bar in 1978; LLM
> Harvard Law School 1979; appointed member of Order of Canada 2002;
> appointed QC in 2006.
> Frederick C. McElman, CM, QC
> Partner Stewart McKelvey
> 77 Westmorland St, Suite 600, Frederick Square
> Fredericton, NB E3B 6Z3
> Phone: (506) 444-8979
> Fax: (506) 444-8974
> E-mail: fmcelman@stewartmckelvey.com
> http://www.stewartmckelvey.com/en/home/directory/details.aspx/jmarks/638
> Josie Marks (Associate)
> Creative problem-solver.
> A particular strength of Josie’s is her ability to identify creative
> solutions to novel and complex legal issues. Her strong analytical
> abilities and research skills allow her to identify straight-forward,
> simple solutions whenever possible. Josie is also highly pragmatic,
> which ensures that any solutions identified are practical and
> effective in light of the client’s situation.
> Suite 601, Blue Cross Centre
> 644 Main Street
> Moncton, NB, Canada
> E1C 1E2
> P 506.383.2304
> F 506.858.8454
> jmarks@stewartmckelvey.com,
> http://www.porlaw.com/andrewrouse.html
> While he specializes in Federal and Provincial Tax Litigation, Andrew
> also has extensive experience with Civil Litigation, Personal Injury,
> Labour and Employment, Wills, Trusts and Estates, Insurance
> Litigation, Commercial Litigation and Real Estate Litigation.
> D. Andrew Rouse
> Direct Line: 506-444-6581
> Email: darouse@porlaw.com
> Assistant: Kelly Constantine
> Tel: 506.444-6571
> Fax: 506.444.6550
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 14:19:02 -0600
> Subject: Fwd: RE The Chief's Big Motion and the 105 Million Loonie
> lawsuit (Plus costs) filed by Robert J. Peters on behalf of Khalid
> Amin & Windsor Energy against Brucy Baby Northrup and the Govenment of
> "The Place to Be" just before the writ is dropped
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Hey Chucky
> Remember this?
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/david-amos-vs-fat-fred-citys-finest.html
> Yesterday as I read the news on a fun day in my life as I was
> taking a break from the politcal madness that surrounds us all I
> could think of was my hero Crazy Horse's battle cry and an old Beatles
> song of my youth in Dorchester when the fine artists sang "OH Boy" as
> they read the news over forty seven years ago while down the road the
> nasty French bastard in Memramcook Chucky Leblanc was a big pain
> in the arse for his poor Scottish Mother. Clearly the Bealtes released
> Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band before Romeo Leblanc the
> sneaky Radio Canada reporter from Memramcook was an MP or a
> Senator or a Governor General or even had a son now known as The
> Honourable Dominic LeBlanc PC, BA, LLB, LLM, MP from Beauséjour
> who used to baby-sit his Librano Leader Justin Trudeau MP (but not
> "Honourable" yet because the Wannabe King Harper does not wish take
> secretive advice in the Queen's Privy Council from Trudeau the Younger
> like he must from the Librano/NDP turncoat lawyer Tommy Boy Mulcair)
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOcs0D5bZio
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sh9UFmg8eZI
> These days I resemble the old dude who sings this tune.
> I was so busy laughing and talking to friends in New Brunswick about
> Mr Baconfat bikes, buffalos and oil in Alberta that I did not bother
> calling or emailing any cops or the smiling bastards they support who
> are seeking to be elected in NB in September. This is all I am gonna
> say about certain lawsuits in New Brunswick until after the writ is
> dropped and more things no doubt will be revealed to us all. The news
> is obviously sinking the neo con's boat and I don't mind that at all
> but I fear the Liberanos will get the majority that they lust for in
> order to continue to screw the taxpayers some more.
> FYI I broke this email up in two parts in the order that the laments
> were file in court.
> Part One below has to do with the Chief's Big Motion
> Following that is Part Two with some tidbits about the 105 Million
> Loonie lawsuit. It appears that I must remind Windsor Energy's CEO
> Khalid Amin and his lawyers that they can't fool me because I am too
> stupid. However I am truly grateful that I am not as dumb as David
> Alward and his many Greasy Gassy Oily buddies or the evil journalists
> within the IRVING Media Empire or the Liberano, PANB, NDP and Green
> Meanie Leaders and their equally evil cohorts within the CBC.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> Whether anyone believes me or not. At least Rod Cumberland "The Wild
> Life Guy" cannot deny that his political pals were made well aware
> that a very fierce political animal was wise to their games before the
> malevolent Crown Corp commonly known as the CBC let us know that his
> Indian friends had filed an affidavit of his along with a motion
> asking for an injunction against Alward's sneaky deal with the IRVINGS
> etc that they already knew I would support wholelheartedly.
> Does their blogger hero Chucky Leblanc or anybody else remember this
> email amongst many others that I opted to post in within his old pal
> Andre Murray's half dead blog about injustices in New Brunswick???
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2014/03/david-coon-of-green-meanies-roberta.html
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/first-nation-chiefs-ask-court-to-block-forestry-agreements-1.2737519
> http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/1275139/0560-001.pdf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 15:09:11 -0600
> Subject: Re: Yo Chucky Baby Methinks that your buddies the IRVINGS and
> even the Feds are nervous now that your pal Charles Thériault has met
> my challenge and seeks public office Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas???
> To: Rod Cumberland <rcumberland@mcft.ca>
> I don't make sense??? Yea right I heard that before try something
> original for a change
> FYI I called all three of your numbers and you did not pick up (my
> number is 902 800 0369) so I talked to your boss Redmond if that how
> his name is spelled and he told me to take  up my concerns with  you
> On 8/14/14, Rod Cumberland <rcumberland@mcft.ca> wrote:
>> And call who?
>> What on earth is this?
>> Who are you?
>> None of this makes any sense to me.
>> Roderick E. Cumberland
>> BScF, Certified Wildlife Biologist
>> Wildlife Instructor
>> Maritime College of Forest Technology
>> 1350 Regent Street
>> Fredericton NB Canada
>> E3C 2G6
>> Office:   506 458 0678
>> Cell:       506 470 4728
>> Fax:       506 458 0679
>> rcumberland@mcft.ca
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 4:03 PM
>> To: Rod Cumberland
>> Cc: David Amos
>> Subject: Re: Yo Chucky Baby Methinks that your buddies the IRVINGS and
>> even
>> the Feds are nervous now that your pal Charles Thériault has met my
>> challenge and seeks public office Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas???
>> Why not pick up the phone???
>> On 8/14/14, Rod Cumberland <rcumberland@mcft.ca> wrote:
>>> ??
>>> Roderick E. Cumberland
>>> BScF, Certified Wildlife Biologist
>>> Wildlife Instructor
>>> Maritime College of Forest Technology
>>> 1350 Regent Street
>>> Fredericton NB Canada
>>> E3C 2G6
>>> Office:   506 458 0678
>>> Cell:       506 470 4728
>>> Fax:       506 458 0679
>>> rcumberland@mcft.ca
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:16 PM
>>> To: rcumberland@mcft.ca
>>> Cc: David Amos
>>> Subject: Fwd: Yo Chucky Baby Methinks that your buddies the IRVINGS
>>> and even the Feds are nervous now that your pal Charles Thériault has
>>> met my challenge and seeks public office Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas???
>>> http://www.qdma.com/directory/New-Brunswick
>>> Central New Brunswick Branch
>>> 507 Route 616
>>> Keswick Ridge, New Brunswick E6L 1S4
>>> Contact: Rod Cumberland
>>> (506) 363-3060 - Phone
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:14:25 -0600
>>> Subject: Yo Chucky Baby Methinks that your buddies the IRVINGS and
>>> even the Feds are nervous now that your pal Charles Thériault has met
>>> my challenge and seeks public office Surprise Surprise N'esy Pas???
>>> To: oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, kedgwickriver
>>> <kedgwickriver@gmail.com>, Donald Bowser <donald.bowser@smu.ca>,
>>> "Davidc.Coon"<Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>, "david.alward"
>>> <david.alward@gnb.ca>, "Paul.Harpelle"<Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>,
>>> "rick.doucet"
>>> <rick.doucet@gnb.ca>, Brian Gallant <briangallant@nbliberal.ca>,
>>> "mckeen.randy"<mckeen.randy@gmail.com>, "mclaughlin.heather"
>>> <mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com>,
>>> "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, acampbell
>>> <acampbell@ctv.ca>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, COCMoncton
>>> <COCMoncton@gmail.com>, markandcaroline <markandcaroline@gmail.com>,
>>> coordinator@nbfsan-rasanb.ca, madeleine <madeleine@berrevoets2014.ca>,
>>> "Bernard.Valcourt.c1"
>>> <Bernard.Valcourt.c1@parl.gc.ca>, "yvon.godin.a1"
>>> <yvon.godin.a1@parl.gc.ca>
>>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "roger.l.brown"
>>> <roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Wayne.Gallant"
>>> <Wayne.Gallant@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>>> http://vimeo.com/user13547312
>>>  4 days ago
>>> Charles Thériault tagged Campagne radio#7 with charlestheriault,
>>> kedgwick, candidatindépendant, restigoucheouest, 2014 and
>>> nouveaubrunswick
>>> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/12/methinks-that-charles-ther
>>> iault-should.html
>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2006/05/mariitime-and-yankee-arseholes.ht
>>> ml
>>> Just Dave
>>> By Location  Visit Detail
>>> Visit 21,285
>>> Domain Name   (Unknown)
>>> IP Address   198.164.72.# (Irving Oil Company)
>>> ISP   University of New Brunswick
>>> Location   Continent  :  North America
>>> Country  :  Canada  (Facts)
>>> State/Region  :  New Brunswick
>>> City  :  Fredericton
>>> Lat/Long  :  45.95, -66.6333 (Map)
>>> Language   English (U.S.) en-us
>>> Operating System   Microsoft WinNT
>>> Browser   Mozilla 6.1
>>> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
>>> Javascript   version 1.5
>>> Monitor   Resolution  :  1440 x 900
>>> Color Depth  :  24 bits
>>> Time of Visit   Aug 12 2014 12:50:26 pm
>>> Last Page View   Aug 12 2014 12:50:48 pm
>>> Visit Length   22 s

[Message clipped]  View entire message




“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” N'esy Pas Maxy Baby?



Bernier getting riding officials in his new party to sign 'no embarrassment' pledge

'We're trying to do whatever we can to avoid trouble,' says party spokesman

People's Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier is trying to avoid unwanted controversy by having riding association officials promise in writing not to 'embarrass' the party. (Justin Tang/Canadian Press)

In an effort to keep troublemakers at a distance, Maxime Bernier's new party is asking all riding association members to sign a pledge promising not to bring the fledgling People's Party of Canada into disrepute.

"I pledge that I have done or said nothing in the past, and will do or say nothing in the future, that would embarrass the party," reads a copy of the pledge provided to CBC News by the party.

While some parties do ask aspiring political candidates to sign similar oaths, the People's Party (PPC) is going a step beyond that by asking riding officials — people who typically have little or no official contact with the general public — to sign the pledge.

The document, described as a "safeguard" by one PPC official, speaks to the party's anxiety about the prospect of supporters with extreme views tarnishing its image.

"We're taking measures to make sure people who have done weird things in the past, or done bad things in the past, will stay away from us," PPC spokesperson Martin Masse told CBC News.

How do you define 'embarrass'?

The document itself doesn't say specifically what kind of actions might "embarrass" the party. Masse offered a few examples.

He cited Alberta United Conservative Party Leader Jason Kenney's recent move to boot a former campaign worker from the party after reports suggested the man had supported white nationalist and anti-Semitic views. One report said he was involved with an online store that sold memorabilia popular with white supremacists.

Masse also cited reporting by CBC News on the challenges the PPC has faced in keeping up with offensive and off-message comment online.

"We're trying to do whatever we can to avoid trouble," said Masse.

Keeping the party on track

The pledge also requires every riding association member to provide a resume, a criminal record check and list of social media accounts. It warns that a "specialized firm" will do background checks on everyone signing the pledge.

Another portion of the pledge reflects the unique nature of Bernier's new party. Since it's the brainchild of the Beauce MP himself — and not the product of a movement or a particular school of political thought — the PPC's policies are Maxime Bernier's policies. In signing the pledge, riding association members agree to not attempt to change those policies.
The pledge commits them to adhering to the party's fundamental values, principles "and most of its platform," and to not using their "position to steer the party in another direction."

Masse said the document is a tool to help the party avoid "unnecessary controversies."

"Mr. Bernier has been very clear since the beginning that he will not let groups of people who do not share the values and principles he has been defending for more than a decade hijack the party ..."

PPC members not troubled by pledge

CBC News spoke with three riding association members who signed the pledge when they took on leadership roles with the party in Saskatchewan.

The president of the Saskatoon-Grasswood PPC association, Jeff Jackson, said he'd been aware of the pledge since shortly after party meetings began and signed it without hesitation.

He said the PPC's project — putting a new party together in time for an election in less than a year — is hard to accomplish.
"I think what this pledge is doing is trying to help make sure that there's some quality control here," Jackson said.

He acknowledged the 'embarrassment' clause is quite open-ended, but added he thinks it simply commits association members to employing common sense and decency in everything they do.
Nigel Sharp, a south Saskatchewan PPC field organizer, said he sees the need to keep PPC officials from distracting from the party's message. As an example, he cited the party's stated goal of reducing the annual immigration total to 250,000.

"If we had a candidate that was talking about, you know, deporting all Hindus or something like that, that'd obviously be grounds for removal," Sharp said.

Victor Lau told CBC over Facebook that he signed the pledge, but admitted to not having read it over fully since he was in a rush at the time.

No 'embarrassment' clause for other parties

CBC News asked the three largest federal parties if their riding association members were being required to sign 'embarrassment' pledges.

The Conservatives do have a similar pledge — but it's only for potential candidates.

"Is there anything in your personal, professional or business background that could cause embarrassment for the Party, hinder your ability to perform, adversely affect your candidacy or the Party, or demonstrate a lack of integrity, if it became public knowledge during the campaign or if you should become a Member of Parliament?" reads the text provided by the party to CBC News.

A Conservative Party spokesperson said nothing similar exists for riding association members, although there has been some talk of drafting a code of conduct.

The Liberal Party does not require riding association members to sign any kind of pledge, but the party's bylaws for electoral district associations, or EDAs, do insist on good behaviour.

"The members of EDA Boards of Directors must behave in accordance with the Party Code of Conduct and, without limiting the foregoing, conduct themselves according to the highest standards and in a manner that will not be detrimental to the interests and reputation of the Liberal Party of Canada," says one bylaw.

As for political candidates, a Liberal spokesperson pointed to nomination rules that require a candidate to uphold the party's constitution and its "Respectful Workplace Policy."

The NDP said all of its members are required to abide by the party's constitution and principles. When potential candidates are screened, they're asked about their involvement in anything irregular or illegal, or anything that could reflect poorly on the NDP.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada gaining support in Sask.

Party has associations in nine of 14 ridings in the province

Mesa Komarevich, left, speaks with Cody Payant, middle, Dominick Lucyk and Gage Haubrich before one of Saskatoon-University's founding PPC meetings. (Chelsea Laskowski/CBC News)

Maxime Bernier's Saskatchewan supporters say they're well on the way to hitting their leader's big goal for 2018.

When Bernier filed the Elections Canada paperwork seeking official party status for his new People's Party of Canada in early October, he told reporters he wants to set up associations for his new People's Party of Canada in all of the country's 338 federal ridings.

Saskatoon Morning
A look inside Saskatchewan support of the People's Party of Canada

 They're mobilizing as fast as they can, all over Saskatchewan. But most action in our province's branch of the People's Party of Canada going on right here in Saskatoon. Associate producer Chelsea Laskowski has been looking into this for us. 8:33

It was a big ask for a party that just got its name in September, only a month after Bernier shocked conservatives across Canada by announcing he'd be leaving the party to create his own.

Bernier told CBC previously he expected about 70 founding meetings to have been held by now.
Saskatchewan already has nine out of 14 set up, including one in each of the six combined ridings in Saskatoon and Regina. Efforts are underway all of the remaining ridings.

Rural areas are lagging behind, according to Ethan Erkiletian, who has been key in forming PPC riding associations in the province. All ridings are pending registration under Elections Canada.

 Maxime Bernier mailed the required documents to Elections Canada Wednesday from a post office in Gatineau 0:43

The party claims to have signed up more than 22,477 members nationally but told CBC it won't be sharing regional membership statistics until November at the earliest. South Saskatchewan PPC field organizer Nigel Sharp said Regina's biggest riding association has nearly 100 members right now.

With Bernier's headquarters in Gatineau, QC housing only four paid PPC staffers, the heavy lifting — and credit for membership growth — lands on the shoulders of Bernier's loyal supporters, most of whom supported his failed Conservative leadership bid.

The Saskatoon-University riding has been a hotbed of PPC activity in the province. A newly-formed PPC club at the University of Saskatchewan is hosting an information panel on Thursday night to discuss the policies that Bernier is proposing.

'I've never felt this way about politics'

Saskatoon accountant Cody Payant spends 30 to 40 hours a week attending PPC meetings, organizing, recruiting and promoting the party in Saskatoon-University.

"Literally when I'm not at work I'm going full steam ahead," he said.

The PPC Saskatoon-University meeting on Oct. 6 was closed to media. Professor Charles Smith said the riding's heavy activity is not surprising given it's a mixed riding with many public servants. (Ethan Erkiletian/Twitter)

Payant's urgency is born from a sense of excitement that came the second Bernier left the Conservative Party after losing the leadership race to Andrew Scheer. Payant said he and many early PPC adopters lost faith in the Conservative Party even before Bernier's defeat.

When Bernier left the Conservatives he called the party "morally and intellectually corrupt." Payant said Bernier now represents a return to old Conservative values.

Mesa Komarevich, treasurer of the U of S's PPC club, said the party gives supporters something to rally behind instead of feeling forced to pick between the "lesser of two evils."

Many, including Sharp in Regina, are drawn to Bernier's anti-establishment attitude.

"I want bold ideas and I want somebody I can trust," Sharp said.

Bernier's party advocates smaller government, lower taxes and a reduction in immigration to Canada.
This position is arguably what's fueling racist parties everywhere else in the world so how is that not something that they're thinking about here? And I think they have to defend that.- Charles Smith, assistant prof in political science, St. Thomas More College
Payant said Bernier's leadership makes him feel proud to be Canadian.

"Just talking about it now I get chills. I've never felt this way about politics in my entire life," he said.

"I feel hopeful, and I think a lot of Canadians feel hopeful as well that there are other Canadians like me and everyone else who have their back."

Payant was the first in Saskatchewan to publicly state his intent to run for candidacy with the party.

His riding was ground zero for organizing efforts that have since branched out to the rest of the province.

The Saskatoon-University riding has long been home to outspoken Conservative MP Brad Trost, and the PPC sees it as key to its growth in Saskatchewan. (Chelsea Laskowski/CBC News)

For now, Saskatoon-University remains the core.

"That's where our groundswell of support is up here. All of this, remember, is quite spontaneous and quite self-actualized. So as we've seen support spring up it's really just completely self-motivated," Erkiletian said.

Few women were involved in the main Facebook page for building up the PPC in Saskatchewan but Payant and others said some of the women who are involved are quite active.

Much support in Saskatoon-University comes from 18 to 35-year-olds, said Payant. He's critical of baby boomers who are concerned about splitting the conservative vote.

Regina has more diversity in age, Sharp noted. One new member is Victor Lau, a former Saskatchewan Green Party leader. He said he's "shopping parties" right now and was impressed by the different people that are looking into what the party stands for.

The Regina-Lewvan elections for the PPC's riding association included provincial Progressive Conservative candidate and a former Libertarian Candidate. There are about 30 active volunteers in the city, said Nigel Sharp. (Photo submitted by Nigel Sharp)

Life on the ground floor has its perks.

"I can't recall ever having been able to simply access the party leader of a large political party just by firing off a message and asking to schedule a phone call. That's pretty unique," Erkiletian said.
"The answers [from Bernier] are all very unapologetic and real."

Controversy on multiculturalism

Bernier has made headlines for his comments on diversity and refugees, most notably in August when he tweeted asking where to draw the line on diversity in Canada.

2/ Ethnic, religious, linguistic, sexual and other minorities were unjustly repressed in the past. We’ve done a lot to redress those injustices and give everyone equal rights. Canada is today one of the countries where people have the most freedom to express their identity.
3/ But why should we promote ever more diversity? If anything and everything is Canadian, does being Canadian mean something? Shouldn’t we emphasize our cultural traditions, what we have built and have in common, what makes us different from other cultures and societies?

Bernier would like to drop immigration levels down to Harper era numbers, around 90,000 less than current projections for 2020. Another August tweet elaborated on that:

1/ Our immigration policy should not aim to forcibly change the cultural character and social fabric of Canada, as radical proponents of multiculturalism want. Of course, society is transformed by immigration. But this has to be done organically and gradually.

Quebec MP and former Conservative cabinet minister Maxime Bernier talks about immigration at the launch of the People's Party of Canada. 1:13

He said too much immigration becomes a burden to Canadians.

Charles Smith, assistant political science professor at the U of S's St. Thomas More College, has been eyeing those tweets closely. He said it echoes far-right populist movements in Brazil, France, Scandinavian countries and the United States.

"This position is arguably what's fueling racist parties everywhere else in the world so how is that not something that they're thinking about here? And I think they have to defend that," he said.

Erkiletian said people online have called him everything from xenophobe to a white supremacist.

"When you do draw yourself into the public debate people will resort to these tactics, especially if you are part of a movement such as Maxime Bernier's which is trying to speak openly and honestly about issues of contention," he said.

Payant said they're not racist, they're just not willing to pander to people, something he and Bernier say Trudeau does.

Everyone joining the PPC's riding associations are signing a pledge to "not say anything embarrassing to the party," Sharp said. He takes that to mean people are not to deviate from Bernier's platform, or to push things further by, for example, advocating for deportations of specific races.

The past few years in Saskatchewan have pulled at race relations, particularly with Indigenous people. Smith said the PPC will not have a good impact on the healing, inclusion and respect needed to move ahead.

Bernier tweeted the following in August on a story about creating a statutory holiday to mark the residential school legacy:

Why not celebrate instead the heritage and renewal of aboriginal cultures? That would unite us in positive way. Cult of victimhood and obsession with past wrongs instead of focus on the progress made and to come are another sick characteristic of extreme PC and multiculturalism.

View image on Twitter

Sharp is optimistic that Bernier is developing policy relating to First Nations and Mé​tis people, based on comments Bernier made at a meet and greet in Ottawa in September.

"I think it's important, based on property rights on reserves. And so we need to have something different, I'm working on that," Bernier said in the video.

What's next?

While the PPC seems to be gaining some support in Saskatchewan, Smith questions whether there's enough of an appetite in Canada for a party with far-right libertarian ideals. By his estimation, the PPC is capitalizing on a "generic anger" that tends to flame out as mainstream political parties respond.

The PPC in Saskatoon-University won't be recruiting Brad Trost, the Conservative MP who lost his last nomination and will no longer be running for that party in the next election. He told CBC he will not be involved with the PPC.

Payant is one of the few who has started door-knocking and Erkiletian said he's just received a letter from Elections Canada to confirm that he is a party member. It takes 250 confirmed members to officially be declared a party.

For now, members are willingly taking on expenses like booking meeting rooms and travel with no promise of being reimbursed until the party is official.


About the Author


Chelsea Laskowski
Chelsea Laskowski is a web writer with CBC Saskatoon.
with files from Eric Grenier and Andreanne Apablaza


Victor Lau steps down as Saskatchewan Green Party leader

Lau says decision came after discussions with his family and former party

Victor Lau had led the party since 2011. 
 Victor Lau has announced that he's stepping down as leader of the Green Party of Saskatchewan.
The announcement appeared on social media Saturday, and was confirmed by CBC Saskatchewan in an interview with Lau.
 The announcement appeared on social media Saturday, and was confirmed by CBC Saskatchewan in an interview with Lau.

BREAKING: Victor Lau steps down from being Leader of @GreenPartySK 2011-2016
Much Thanks to party faithful! pic.twitter.com/mFWmSZpz2v

Lau said he came to the decision following discussions with his family and his former party.

"We really needed something new, something to bring the party forward, right? I think I built as much infrastructure for the party as I can as leader," he said.

Lau has been leading the Green Party in Saskatchewan since 2011.

Results in last election

The Greens placed fourth in the April 4, 2016 provincial election, sliding back from their previous third place standing ahead of the Liberal Party of Saskatchewan.

The Green party slid nearly a full percentage point to 1.9 per cent of the vote from 2.8 per cent in 2011.
Lau said the Green's vote results in April are one reason he's stepping down.

"After the election, our results didn't turn out as well as we'd like," he said.

Lau got six per cent of the vote in his constituency of Regina Douglas Park, but didn't win the seat. This was a small increase of 0.1 percentage point from the previous election.

For now, Lau said he's hoping to put more time back into his family. As for the new leader of the provincial Green Party, Lau said that will be decided at a fall convention.

The interim party leader will be Shawn Setyo from Saskatoon, according to Lau. Setyo has been a Green candidate both provincially and federally.

With files from CBC's James Hopkin


Victor Lau

Victor Lau works as Constituency Assistant for House of Commons.
Victor can be reached at 306-790-4747

First name
Last name
Constituency Assistant
Telephone Number
Alternate Number

Fax Number

Street Address
229 Wellington Street (view on map)
Postal Code
K1A 0A6

House of Commons

Weir, Erin

---------- Origina; message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2018 17:35:02 -0400
Subject: Fwd: MP Kennedy Stewart - Thank you for your message
To: "Erin.Weir"<Erin.Weir@parl.gc.ca>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kennedy.Stewart@parl.gc.ca
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2018 19:45:46 +0000
Subject: MP Kennedy Stewart - Thank you for your message
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Many thanks for your message. Your concerns are important and help me
in my work as your MP.

Due to the high volume of emails received by our office, we are not
always able to respond immediately to every message. We ask for your

As our highest priority is to serve constituents in Burnaby South,
please make sure to include your full name, address, postal code, and
phone number. This information allows us to more efficiently
prioritize and respond to your message.

My community office located at 4540 Kingsway is also available to
serve you. Our hours are Tuesday to Thursday, 10am to 4pm and Friday,
10am to 3pm. The phone number is 604-291-8863.

If you are writing regarding a meeting request or invitation, thank
you in advance, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Kennedy Stewart
M.P. for Burnaby South
Official Opposition Critic for Science and Technology

Together we can make Burnaby even better!

---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2018 14:35:14 +0000
Subject: RE: Automatic reply: Attn Erin Weir hereto attached are some
documents that Rotten Ralphy Goodale and everybody else knew about
when you ran against that evil Librano lawyer in 2004
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2018 10:35:08 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Automatic reply: Attn Erin Weir hereto attached are some documents that 
Rotten Ralphy Goodale and everybody else knew about when you ran against that evil 
Librano lawyer in 2004
To: Erin.Weir@parl.gc.ca, "Erin.Weir.c1"<Erin.Weir.c1@parl.gc.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>, Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erin.Weir@parl.gc.ca
Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 15:57:29 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Erin Weir hereto attached are some documents that 
Rotten Ralphy Goodale and everybody else knew about when you ran against that 
evil Librano lawyer in 2004
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for contacting my Parliament Hill office.

My Ottawa assistant is away the week of May 9.

If your message requires attention before May 16, please call my
constituency office at (306) 790-4747.

Thanks again!

Erin Weir
MP for Regina-Lewvan

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Hon.Ralph.Goodale  (PS/SP)"<Hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2018 16:04:43 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Prof Darryl Davies I just called again
from 902 800 0369
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Merci d'avoir ?crit ? l'honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la
S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile.
En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adress?e au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un
retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Soyez assur? que votre
message sera examin? avec attention.
L'Unit? de la correspondance minist?rielle
S?curit? publique Canada

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note there could be a delay in
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.
Thank you!
Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Public Safety Canada

---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2018 16:04:30 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Prof Darryl Davies I just called again
from 902 800 0369
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.

This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.

To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.

Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
directly to the Department of Justice at
> or call 613-957-4222.

Thank you


Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
Vancouver Granville.

Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre
courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.

Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
votre adresse et votre code postal.

Veuillez prendre note que votre message sera transmis au minist?re de
la Justice s'il porte sur des sujets qui rel?vent du r?le de la
d?put?e en tant que ministre de la Justice et procureure g?n?rale du
Canada. Pour toute correspondance future adress?e ? la ministre de la
Justice, veuillez ?crire directement au minist?re de la Justice ?
mcu@justice.gc.ca ou appelez au 613-957-4222.



Erin Weir declares himself a member of the CCF - a party that no longer exists

The former NDP MP says the move will keep him close to the caucus he hopes to rejoin

The NDP claim that an independent investigation found one claim of harassment and three claims of sexual harassment against MP Erin Weir. (CBC)

Kicked out of the New Democrat caucus over harassment allegations, Saskatchewan MP Erin Weir said today that he's switching his official political affiliation to the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation— a party that has been defunct since 1961.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh expelled Weir from caucus earlier this month after stating that an investigation had substantiated harassment allegations against him.

Politics News
Power Panel on Saskatchewan MP Erin Weir's move to join the CCF

The former NDP MP says he's switching his political affiliation to the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. 7:06
Singh said that Weir was given the boot after he refused to take responsibility for his actions and lashed out through the media at the person who issued the complaint. Weir himself said he was punished for speaking out publicly about the case.

While Weir has said he still wants to rejoin the NDP caucus, he told CBC News that declaring himself a member of the CCF is a way to stay close to his social democratic values.

"Being designated a member of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation is a way of expressing commitment to social democracy while I remain outside of the NDP caucus," Weir said.
Certainly the CCF merged into the NDP in 1961, so perhaps it can happen again.- Saskatchewan MP Erin Weir
The CCF was the NDP's predecessor. Founded in Alberta in the 1930s to represent labour groups and farmers, the party was dissolved in 1961 when it joined forces with the Canadian Labour Congress to form the New Democratic Party.

Weir said those priorities are still relevant today.

"As a Saskatchewan MP, I'm trying to reflect the tradition that my family and many other Saskatchewan people were part of," Weir said.
 View image on Twitter

The CCF merged into the in 1961. Let’s do that again!

The CCF is not a registered federal party, according to the Parliament of Canada website. For the purposes of MPs declaring their affiliation, it doesn't need to be under Commons rules.
"I'm certainly not proposing to organize a new political party or anything like that. It's really just a way of identifying myself and the values that I aspire to represent in Parliament," Weir said.

Division gives rise to new parties

This is the second time this week that a member of Parliament has announced a switch in party affiliation.

Seven MPs who recently split from the Bloc Québécois in protest over the leadership of Martine Ouellet announced Wednesday the creation of a new party, Quebec Debout, and said it would prioritize defending Quebec's interests in Ottawa over the Bloc's program of promoting separatism.

The MPs will register the new party's name with the chief electoral officer next week before launching consultations across Quebec to learn how their constituents want to be represented in Ottawa, and how people will choose between them and their former party.


Challenger aims to replace Paulsen on council

Jeff Jackson, an IT consultant who lives in Ward 9, has announced he plans to try to get elected to city council by winning Tiffany Paulsen's vacated Ward 9 seat in October.

Jeff Jackson, an IT consultant who lives in Ward 9, has announced he plans to try to get elected to city council by winning Tiffany Paulsen's vacated Ward 9 seat in October.Supplied/ / Jeff Jackson

When Jeff Jackson heard about Coun. Tiffany Paulsen’s surprise retirement, he knew what he had to do.

On Friday, Jackson became the first non-incumbent to declare his intention to run in the October municipal election. He will try to become the first person other than Paulsen to represent Ward 9 in 16 years.

“I live in Ward 9, so I’ve been thinking about it for many years,” Jackson said. “Truly I respect everything Tiffany’s done and would never want to run against her.”

Paulsen stunned her council colleagues at Tuesday’s meeting by announcing she would not seek re-election.

Jackson, who turns 39 on Thursday, works as an IT consultant and owns a business in Saskatoon. He has also served on the City of Saskatoon’s municipal planning commission for the last three years.
Jackson’s experience on the planning commission has helped spark his entry into municipal politics.
“I want Ward 9,” he said. “I want to be the one fielding calls at 10 o’clock at night.”

Jackson’s Twitter account features this quote by Yoda from Star Wars: “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”



Jeff Jackson

Candidate Jeff JacksonJeff Jackson is running for Ward 9 Councillor

Jeff Jackson has lived in Ward 9 for 30 years and is a small business owner and I.T. consultant. Jeff is an active member of the Municipal Planning Commission, that advises City Council with respect to all matters pertaining to community planning and development gaining invaluable experience.

On the doorstep this year, as he introduced himself to Ward 9, Jeff and the ward discussed their priorities for Saskatoon:

Safer Streets - Ensuring the police service has the resources to investigate, apprehend and deter crime.
Increased planning for infrastructure & parks - Establish strategic planning for long term greenspace renewal.

Remove barriers and maximize opportunities to grow small & medium business - Leverage the expertise of both SREDA and Square One to help successfully establish new business and assist existing business with expansion.

Fiscal discipline to provide all this and keep taxes competitive.

On October 26th elect JEFF JACKSON for a better Saskatoon.

Contact information
Email: jeff@jeffjackson2016.ca
Primary Phone: (306) 881-6005
Website: www.jeffjackson2016.ca
Twitter: YXEguy
Facebook: jeffjackson2016

File / Global News

Saskatoon voters have named Bev Dubois their new Ward 9 city councillor. She represented Ward 10 before losing in the 2012 Saskatoon general election. Former councillor Tiffany Paulsen chose not to seek re-election in Ward 9.

David Cook
ward-9-david-cookOccupation: Retired
Quick Hit: David Cook immigrated from England and settled in Saskatoon to work as an electrician in the mining industry. He said with retirement comes an opportunity for him to focus his time on getting involved in his community.

Bev Dubois
Occupation: Business owner
Quick Hit: Bev Dubois aims to utilize her previous city council experience and background in the business and volunteer sectors to find solutions to the challenges facing a growing Saskatoon. She says she will be accountable for the efficient use of your tax dollars.
Website: www.bevdubois.com
Facebook: bevdubois1
Twitter: BevDubois

Thomas Hrynuik
Occupation: Financial administrator for a non-profit organization
Quick Hit: Equality is big to Thomas Hrynuik, who feels all people should be treated equally. He wants to be the voice for Ward 9 and speak for everyone, no matter a person’s race, religion, economic standing, sex or sexual orientation.
Website: www.thomashrynuik.ca
Facebook: thomashrynuikward9
Twitter: thomaswhrynuik

Jeff Jackson
Occupation: Small business owner and IT consulting specialist
Quick Hit: Jeff Jackson says he’s ready to build upon his strong voice on the Saskatoon municipal planning commission where he has been gaining insight and providing input in shaping the city.
Website: www.jeffjackson2016.ca
Facebook: jeffjackson2016
Twitter: YXEguy

Roxanne Kaminski
Occupation: Commercial manager for engineering and construction management firm

Quick Hit: Roxzanne Kaminski says her knowledge, experience and skillset are what city council needs to make more forward thinking, strategic decisions on its projects and spending. “I am a dedicated professional and mother and I will work hard, use common sense and get results for you.”
Website: www.roxannekaminski.ca
Facebook: votekaminski
Twitter: elect_kaminski

Aaron Kernaghan
Occupation: Linguistics student and evening hotel supervisor
Quick Hit: Aaron Kernaghan said he is running for council because of significant problems in the way the city is currently run and thinks he is the right person to help fix them.
Website: N/A
Instagram: gripitclimber

Robin Mowat
Occupation: Investigator and business consultant
Quick Hit: Robin Mowat pledges prudent budget management, active reinvestment in basic city infrastructure, strong community policing and strategic planning and development. For over two decades, Mowat was a reservist in the Canadian Armed Forces.
Website: www.robinmowat.ca
Facebook: robinmowat2016
Twitter: robinmowat

© 2016 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

Does Dominic Cardy or anyone else recall what Brian Gallant wrote and David Coon of the Watermelon Party said about NB Power's plan for a weather tax???


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks all the MLAs must recall what Brian Gallant wrote and David Coon of the Watermelon Party said about NB Power's plan for a weather tax N'esy Pas?



St. Dunstan’s Church held a candlelight only service Sunday morning. (Catherine Harrop/CBC)

Some N.B. residents could be without power for three days

High winds left more than 90,000 customers without power overnight

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2018 15:45:19 -0400
Subject: YO Domimic Cardy Now that the power is back on I must ask do you recall what 
Brian Gallant wrote and David Coon of the Watermelon Party said about NB Power's 
weather tax after your wife and I spoke at the EUB Hearing?
To: "Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin"<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, 
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<megan.mitton@gnb.ca>, 
 "ralph.goodale"<ralph.goodale@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"clare.barry"<clare.barry@justice.gc.ca>, "david.hansen"<david.hansen@justice.gc.ca>, 
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Dale.Morgan"<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "david.eidt"<david.eidt@gnb.ca>, "serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>,
"brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca, "jan.jensen"<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, 
"Nathalie.Drouin"<Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca>, "bill.pentney"<bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, "andrew.baumberg"<andrew.baumberg@fct-cf.gc.ca>
"Norman.Sabourin"<Norman.Sabourin@cjc-ccm.gc.ca>, "Gib.vanErt"<Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca>,
premier <premier@ontario.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, 
 Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>, 
"Jack.Keir"<Jack.Keir@gnb.ca>,  oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, 
 "greg.byrne"<greg.byrne@gnb.ca>, "len.hoyt"<len.hoyt@mcinnescooper.com>,
 "David.Akin"<David.Akin@globalnews.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
news919 <news919@rogers.com>, sfine <sfine@globeandmail.com>, 
newstips <newstips@cnn.com>

New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board 1
Commission de L'Énergie et des Services Publics N.-B. 2


IN THE MATTER OF an application by New Brunswick Power 7 Corporation
for approval of the schedules of the rates for the 8 fiscal year
commencing April 1, 2018. 9

Public Session 11
held at the Delta Hotel, Saint John, New Brunswick, on 12 February 7th
2018, at 6:00 p.m. 13

Henneberry Reporting Service 24

Ross Galbraith – page 12 2
David Amos – page 30 3
Margot Cragg – page 44 4
Stephen Hartley – page 50 5
Josee Bourque – page 55 6
Larry Shaw – page 65 7
David Beauvais – page 71 8
Keelen Gagnon – page 79 9

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2018 17:18:01 +0000
Subject: RE: Methinks CBC did me a favour illegally barring me again this morning I can't be 
blamed for fanning the flames of nastiness between French and English in its comment sections 
N'esy Pas?.
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.  Please be
assured  that your email will be reviewed.

If this is a media request, please forward your email to
>.  Thank you!


Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
Nouveau-Brunswick.  Soyez assuré(e) que votre  courriel sera examiné.

Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
media-medias@gnb.camedia-medias@gnb.ca>.  Merci!

On 11/2/18, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> Methinks whereas Dougy James worked CBC and CNN and ran for the Green
> Part in Saint John he and his blogging butt buddy Chucky Leblanc
> should know everything N'esy Pas?
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJaMuIDZLcY
> New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs sits down with Blogger!!!
> Charles Leblanc
> Published on Nov 1, 2018
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2AfRIOdmbk
> Former CBC Journalist Doug James is the new Saint John Lancaster Green
> Party Candidate!!!
> Charles Leblanc
> Published on Jul 20, 2018
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/new-brunswick-confidence-vote-liberals-gallant-1.4888347
> Roy Kirk
>  Douglas James
> Brian Gallant did not 'march' in the Saint John Pride parade. He sat
> on his throne on a fire truck and was carried the couple of blocks
> down St. Baaa-some's King Street . An appropriate ending today for his
> "buy support at any cost" regime. Unfortunately, the alternative is no
> better. Voters were warned of this during the campaign but, as usual
> went willingly to slaughter by voting same old, same old. They get
> what they deserve.
> Roy Kirk
> @Douglas James "They get what they deserve."? So you didn't vote?
> They get what they deserve? YEA RIGHT Anyone recall my messages 5 years
> ago?
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tipHN1HAHI8
> David Coon and the media know I am the guy saying that since 2004
> David Amos
> Published on Apr 1, 2013
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxuft6s-8Lk
> David Coon and I knew Sheeple Get The Governments They Deserve since 1969
> David Amos
> Published on Apr 1, 2013
> https://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.com/2018/11/in-words-oh-so-honourable-yankee-gomer.html
> https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/new-brunswick-confidence-vote-liberals-gallant-1.4888347
> Brian Gallant's minority government defeated after losing confidence vote
> Progressive Conservatives and People's Alliance teamed up to topple
> the Liberal minority government
> Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Nov 02, 2018 6:00 AM AT
>  Terri Cormier
> "Progressive Conservatives and People's Alliance teamed up to topple
> the Liberal minority government" umm.... really, CBC. When did that
> officially happen? CBC really having difficulty when it comes to
> accuracy covering the PA. Interesting.
> Douglas James
> Danika Scott
> Good.
> Liberal governments destroy societies.
> Get a Conservative government in there.
> Help us on the way.
> Douglas James
> @Danika Scott I'm sure you wouldn't have a clue how to support your
> statement.
> Douglas James
> Brian Gallant did not 'march' in the Saint John Pride parade. He sat
> on his throne on a fire truck and was carried the couple of blocks
> down St. Baaa-some's King Street . An appropriate ending today for his
> "buy support at any cost" regime. Unfortunately, the alternative is no
> better. Voters were warned of this during the campaign but, as usual
> went willingly to slaughter by voting same old, same old. They get
> what they deserve.
> Roy Kirk
> @Douglas James "They get what they deserve."? So you didn't vote?
> Marc Martin
> Id never tough id see the day again when it was dangerous for a French
> person to travel to English regions, I will advise all my friends not
> to go there anymore.
> Jim Moore
> @Marc Martin Whats dangerous is 8% french population wasting 500
> million a year and forcing segregation on the bulk of the population,
> also they get 4 times the funding per person than the english and wont
> allow any english into government jobs, this day couldn't have come
> sooner
> Marc Martin
> Lou Bell
> As provincial MLA's didn't have the in testinal fortitude to speak up
> at any time for Anglophones, the voters had to take it into their own
> hands . Gallant turned his back on fairness for all Anglophones in
> N.B. and was emboldened by his Francophone Lieutenants . This should
> be a lesson to Higgs and his Cons . No problem with bilingualism but
> fairness has gone out the door for anglophones throughout the
> province. A good example was the language police under D'Entremont
> which was solely in place to take away whatever language rights she
> could in her time in office from the Anglophones and hand it over to
> the Francophone minority.


Some N.B. residents could be without power for three days

High winds left more than 90,000 customers without power overnight

NB Power says some customers may be without power for more than 24 hours as crews assess the damage caused by high winds overnight.

But a statement issued by the province advises that people should be prepared for it to be longer.

"While most customers will be restored over the next 24-48 hours, it is possible that some customers will be without power for as long as 72 hours," the Department of Justice and Public Safety stated Sunday. "Residents are advised to prepare for a 72-hour outage."


'Major outage event' could last for more than 24 hours in N.B.

High winds left more than 90,000 customers without power overnight

Gail Harding· CBC News· Posted: Nov 04, 2018 11:51 AM AT

Cecile Cassista took this photo in Riverview of a large pine tree that fell across a car in the neighbourhood where she used to live. (Submitted by Cecile Cassista/Facebook)

NB Power says some customers may be without power for more than 24 hours as crews assess the damage caused by high winds overnight. 

Sheila Lagace, with NB Power communications, said restoration crews and contractors are working to restore power to the almost 85,000 customers across the province in what she described as a "major outage event."

NB Power has 120 crews and 29 damage assessors working Sunday. The utility said they will post preliminary restoration estimates on their website once the damage assessments are finished.

View image on Twitter
High winds have caused widespread outages across . Damage Assessment is currently in progress. Winds remain an issue. Restoration efforts have begun and may exceed 24 hours in some areas. Please make appropriate plans to keep your family safe.

"Most power outages are due to trees making contact with the lines so we have a lot of lines that are down because of trees that fell on them."

Shannon Savoy and neighbours in Burnt Church work to clear a tree that fell and blocked a road in the community during the wind storm. (Submitted by Sherry Savoy/Facebook)
Lagace says NB Power vegetation crews are out helping to clear the trees so lines can be repaired and power restored.

"We have crews assessing the damage and then crews working on power restoration."

Traffic lights are out all over Fredericton as NB Power works to restore power to that city and much of the province. (Catherine Harrop/CBC)
Meanwhile, Saint John Energy has restored service to the majority of its customers and expects to restore power to the remaining 157 customers in the Westfield Road area by late this afternoon. The utility had to pull crews from the area due to the high winds and danger of falling trees.

Winds have diminished in parts of the province, but strong west winds are still being forecast in the Acadian Peninsula with gusts up to 90 km/h expected until late in the afternoon.

The Fredericton fire department received more than 100 calls overnight.

"Multiple, multiple power lines down, transformers on fire, trees on power lines, trees across the road, trees on vehicles. We've been pretty steady all night with that," said Peter McMurtrie, Fredericton fire's platoon captain.

Robert Duguay, a spokesperson for New Brunswick's Emergency Measures Organization, advised people to not approach downed wires on roads.

This tree is one of many that blew down in Fredericton during the wind storm. (Catherine Harrop/CBC)
Duguay also warned against using generators indoors.

"People should be very careful using generators because they can produce carbon monoxide. We had bad experience in the past and we want to make sure people are going to use them properly."

St. Dunstan’s Church held a candlelight only service Sunday morning. (Catherine Harrop/CBC)
NB EMO advised there is a no travel advisory in effect for Highway 2 in the Tantramar area. The highway across the Tantramar Marshes was closed for four hours due to high winds.

NB EMO is also reminding people without power to keep their fridge doors closed to help reduce food spoilage.

CBC newsreader Colleen Kitts had a massive pine tree come down in the backyard of her Fredericton home, taking a power line with it. (Submitted by Colleen Kitts)
Warming and charging stations have been set up in a number of cities and communities:
  • Upper Nashwaak Lions Club, 1284 Route 107, Stanley.
  • Nashwaak Villa, 67 Lime Kiln Rd., Stanley.
  • Upper Kingsclear Fire Department, 22 Mazerolle Settlement Rd., Upper Kingsclear.
  • Estey's Bridge Community Centre, 1388 Route 620 Highway, Fredericton.
  • Civic Centre, 44 Salmon Blvd., Campbellton.
  • Upper Miramichi Fire Department, 6327 Route 8, Boiestown.
  • Upper Miramichi Lions Club, 6438 Route 8, Boiestown.
  • Willie O'Ree Place, Mabie Lane, Fredericton (charging station only).
  • Grant Harvey Centre, 600 Knowledge Park Dr., Fredericton (charging station only).
The Town of Sackville reported that Route 935 is closed due to partial flooding. Route 106 is closed until water subsides along with some St.James Street. Main Street from Salem to Bridge Street is closed until NB Power repairs pole.
The Confederation Bridge has restricted high-sided vehicles and vehicles towing trailers from crossing.

EUB will consider NB Power request to drop controversial 'weather tax'

Utility announced Friday it is seeking permission from the regulator to withdraw its application

Robert Jones· CBC News· Posted: Mar 23, 2018 11:12 AM A

'Bone-headed idea'

But Green Party Leader David Coon, a longtime defender of the independence of the EUB, disagreed that Gallant acted improperly.

"I don't have any problem with him writing that letter," Coon said.

"It's the most bone-headed proposal I've heard from them [NB Power] in years. It's no wonder the premier wrote to them suggesting this was a bad idea."

At least twice in the last year, the Gallant government has lectured opposition politicians in the legislature on the importance of government not interfering with the operation of NB Power.

'We do not meddle'

Last December, Energy Minister Rick Doucet denied a suggestion from Opposition Leader Blaine Higgs that he played a role in having NB Power install an electric car charging station in Charlotte County.
"We do not meddle in the day-to-day operations," Doucet said. "The utility can take care of its own situation and its own issues."

The government has known since last October that NB Power would be pursuing a way to charge customers directly for extraordinary storm damage expenses by adding some kind of a surcharge to bills.

No ministers, including the premier, expressed any concern about the idea, even when it was raised directly in question period six weeks ago.

On Tuesday, the utility was still pushing hard for approval of storm surcharges, with senior NB Power vice-presidents Darren Murphy and Lori Clark both testifying at the EUB in favour of their adoption.
Monday morning it will try to make the opposite point.

Obviously I am the ugly old dude that CBC is always too chicken to mention N'esy Pas?

Smart meter opponent Roger Richard, right, leads a group worried about human health problems caused by long term exposure to the devices. (Robert Jones/CBC NEWS)


Monday, 19 March 2018

NB Power seeks to impose weather tax

Residential, commercial customers could bear the brunt of NB Power's 'weather tax'

NB Power may seek to recover costs specifically from groups served by the damaged equipment

By Robert Jones, CBC NewsPosted: Mar 20, 2018 6:00 AM AT

Commenting is now closed for this story.

 David Amos 
David Amos
Mr. Jones knows I tried to warn the folks but apathy ruled the day as I was illegally barred from the hearing on All Hallows Eve.

"That's potentially bad news for NB Power's commercial and residential customers. They account for just two-thirds of NB Power's in-province sales but as distribution customers could be made to pay almost all storm-recovery expenses."

James Freney 
Freddy Rose
This has to be one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard come from the "leaders" of NB Power. It almost sounds like someone made a joke at a meeting and they took it seriously.

"Hey, let's shirk all of our preventative maintenance responsibilities and pass the buck to the end user!", Bob joked during a typical boring meeting.

"Hey, that's a great idea. Let's do it!" replied Dewey Cheatum, the CEO.
David Amos
David Amos 
@Freddy Rose "This has to be one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard come from the "leaders" of NB Power."

Methinks my friends Roger Richard and Gerald Bourque a lot of other folks would agree with me in that the "Not So Smart Meter Scheme" took the cake in this hearing N'esy Pas???


Opting out smart meter program could cost NB Power customers
Power customers in British Columbia, Quebec have faced fees for refusing the installation of smart meters
By Robert Jones, CBC News Posted: Feb 10, 2018 8:00 AM AT

Smart meter opponent Roger Richard, right, leads a group worried about human health problems caused by long term exposure to the devices. (Robert Jones/CBC NEWS)


Friday, 23 March 2018

NB Power seeks to impose weather tax Round Two

---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 15:20:48 +0000
Subject: RE: Methinks the Moncton lawyer Cyril Johnston and former vice-chair of the
EUB calling Gallant's letter to NB Power "ill advised" may be your quote of the year
N'esy Pas Mr. Jones?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos


After reading the news this weekend about Nova Scotia LIEbranos I did the lawyers Tilly Pillay and Adam Rodgers a favour told their assistants I would be publishing these emails etc


Replying to and 49 others
After reading the news this weekend about Nova Scotia LIEbranos I did the lawyers Tilly Pillay and Adam Rodgers a favour told their assistants I would be publishing these emails etc



Ex-N.S. Liberal president misappropriated client's money, says law firm

Lawyer Jason Boudrot has been suspended from practising law by the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society

Emma Smith· CBC News· Posted: Oct 31, 2018 5:53 PM AT

---------- Original message ----------
From: Tilly Pillay <tpillay@nsbs.org>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 16:57:54 +0000
Automatic reply: After reading the news this weekend about Nova Scotia LIEbranos 
I did the lawyers Tilly Pillay and Adam Rodgers a favour told their assistants I would be 
publishing these emails etc
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

I am out of the office on vacation until November 8. If your matter is
urgent, please contact my assistant, Anne Broughm, at
abroughm@nsbs.org or 902 422 1491. Thank you.


---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 16:57:51 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: After reading the news this weekend about Nova Scotia LIEbranos 

I did the lawyers Tilly Pillay and Adam Rodgers a favour told their assistants I would be 
publishing these emails etc
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.

Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.

Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.

---------- Original message ----------
From: Kennedy.Stewart@parl.gc.ca
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 16:57:55 +0000

Automatic reply: After reading the news this weekend about Nova Scotia LIEbranos 
I did the lawyers Tilly Pillay and Adam Rodgers a favour told their assistants I would be 
publishing these emails etc
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

Many thanks for your message. Your concerns are important to me. If
your matter is urgent, an invitation or an immigration matter please
forward it to burnabysouth.A1@parl.gc.ca or
burnabysouth.C1@parl.gc.ca. This email is no longer being monitored.

The House of Commons of Canada provides for the continuation of
services to the constituents of a Member of Parliament whose seat has
become vacant.  The party Whip supervises the staff retained under
these circumstances.

Following the resignation of the Member for the constituency of
Burnaby South, Mr. Kennedy Stewart, the constituency office will
continue to provide services to constituents.

You can reach the Burnaby South constituency office by telephone at
(604) 291-8863 or by mail at the following address: 4940 Kingsway,
Burnaby BC.

Office Hours:

Tuesday - Thursday: 10am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm
Friday 10am - 12pm

---------- Original message ----------
From: carolyn.bennett@parl.gc.ca
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 17:11:45 +0000
Subject: Thank you for contacting our office
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

Thank you very much for contacting our office.  Your message has been
received and will be reviewed as soon as possible.

Please note that, due to the high volume of correspondence that we
receive, priority is given to inquiries from constituents of
Toronto-St. Paul's.  If you have not done so already, please include
your full name, address, and postal code in your message.

If you are a constituent and this is a time-sensitive matter, please
also do not hesitate to contact our constituency office by phone at
416-952-3990.  We are more than happy to assist!

If your message is regarding Crown-Indigenous Relations, it will be
forwarded to the department office.  For all future correspondence
pertaining to Crown-Indigenous Relations, we request that you please
write directly to

or call 819-997-0002.

Thank you once again for taking the time to contact our office.  We
hope this information has been helpful, and look forward to connecting
with you again soon!


Hon. Carolyn Bennett
Member of Parliament for Toronto-St. Paul's


Merci beaucoup d'avoir communiqué avec notre bureau. Votre message a
bien été reçu et il sera traité dès que possible.

Veuillez noter qu'en raison du volume élevé de correspondance que nous
recevons, la priorité est accordée aux demandes provenant d'habitants
de Toronto-St. Paul's. Si ce n'est pas encore fait, nous vous prions
d'inclure votre nom complet, votre adresse et votre code postal dans
votre message.

S'il s'agit d'une question urgente et que vous êtes un électeur de la
circonscription susmentionnée, n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec notre
bureau de circonscription au 416-952-3990. Nous nous ferons un plaisir
de vous aider!

Si votre message porte sur les relations Couronne-Autochtones, il sera
acheminé au bureau du ministère approprié. Pour toute autre question
au sujet des relations Couronne-Autochtones, nous vous saurions gré
d'écrire directement au ministère à l'adresse
ou de l'appeler au 819-997-0002.

Merci encore une fois d'avoir pris le temps de communiquer avec notre
bureau. Nous espérons que ces informations vous sont utiles, et nous
nous réjouissons à la perspective d'échanger avec vous de nouveau!


L'honorable Carolyn Bennett
Députée de Toronto-St. Paul's

---------- Original message ----------
From: Birgitta Jonsdottir <birgitta@this.is>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 09:11:44 -0800
Subject: e-mail overload Re: Fwd: After reading the news this weekend about Nova Scotia
LIEbranos I did the lawyers Tilly Pillay and Adam Rodgers a favour told their assistants I 
would be publishing these emails etc
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

Thank you for writing to me. I get so many emails that it is
impossible for me to even read them all. If you have an urgent matter
to discuss. Please put Priority in the subject. Please refrain from
sending email to multitude of email addresses you might have for me.
Only send one email with priority in the subject. It means I will read
it and will do my very best to reply asap :)

---------- Original message ----------
From: Forsætisráðuneytið <for@for.is>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 17:11:43 +0000
Subject: Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime Minister's Office 
hereby confirms the receipt of your email.
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime Minister's
Office hereby confirms the receipt of your email.

Vinsamlega ekki svara þessum tölvupósti, hafið samband í gegnum
for@for.is / Do not reply to this email. Contact us with any queries
via for@for.is

Með bestu kveðju / Best regards


Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office

Stjórnarráðshúsinu, IS - 101 Reykjavík, Sími/Tel. +354 545 8400

www.stjornarradid.is<http://www.stjornarradid.is> -

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 13:11:37 -0400
Subject: Fwd: After reading the news this weekend about Nova Scotia LIEbranos I did the lawyers Tilly Pillay and Adam Rodgers a favour told their assistants I would be publishing these emails etc
To: abroughm@nsbs.org, nbd_cna@liberal.ca, "Gerald.Butts"<Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "gerry.lowe"<gerry.lowe@gnb.ca>, "ed.pilkington"<ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 12:57:43 -0400

Subject: After reading the news this weekend about Nova Scotia LIEbranos I did the lawyers 
Tilly Pillay and Adam Rodgers a favour told their assistants I would be publishing these emails etc
To: "Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin"<kris.austin@gnb.ca>,
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<megan.mitton@gnb.ca>,
"Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"<Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca>, "robert.gauvin"<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>,
"Furey, John"<jfurey@nbpower.com>, wharrison <wharrison@nbpower.com>,
premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>,
"Alex.Johnston"<Alex.Johnston@cbc.ca>, "darrow.macintyre"<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>, Hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, "Pierre.Paul-Hus.a1"<Pierre.Paul-Hus.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
"ralph.goodale"<ralph.goodale@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"clare.barry"<clare.barry@justice.gc.ca>, "david.hansen"<david.hansen@justice.gc.ca>, 
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Dale.Morgan"<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "david.eidt"<david.eidt@gnb.ca>, "serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>,
"brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca, "jan.jensen"<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, 
"Nathalie.Drouin"<Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca>, "bill.pentney"<bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, "andrew.baumberg"<andrew.baumberg@fct-cf.gc.ca>
"Gib.vanErt"<Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca>, "marc.giroux"<marc.giroux@fja-cmf.gc.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, 
premier <premier@ontario.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, 
Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>, 
"Jack.Keir"<Jack.Keir@gnb.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, 
"greg.byrne"<greg.byrne@gnb.ca>, "len.hoyt"<len.hoyt@mcinnescooper.com>, 
"David.Akin"<David.Akin@globalnews.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
news919 <news919@rogers.com>, sfine <sfine@globeandmail.com>, 
newstips <newstips@cnn.com>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, tpillay@nsbs.org,
Adam@boudrotrodgers.com, "lyle.howe"<lyle.howe@eastlink.ca>,

Monday, 5 November 2018

After reading the news this weekend about Nova Scotia LIEbranos I did
the lawyers Tilly Pillay and Adam Rodgers a favour told their
assistants I would be publishing these emails etc

Tilly Pillay is not in her office this week and things went as far as
they always do whenever I call or email her very questionable Law
Society Here hoping Adam Rodgers finally acts with some semblance of
Integrity. However after all this time I am not betting on it.

Tilly Pillay is not in her office this week and things went as far as they always do whenever I call or email her very questionable Law Society Here hoping Adam Rodgers finally acts with some semblance of Integrity. However after all this time I am not betting on it.


Tilly Pillay QC, Executive Director

Tilly Pillay QC joined the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society as Executive Director in January 2018. Previously, she was Executive Director of Legal Services for the Nova Scotia Department of Justice, where she also served as Acting Deputy Minister for 16 months in 2015-2016.
Tilly’s extensive volunteer involvement with the Society goes back more than a decade. She served as a member of Council in Halifax District from 2007 to 2009 and was elected to Council again as Second Vice-President in 2012, ultimately serving as President for the 2014-2015 Council term.
During her time on the Society’s Executive Committee, Tilly led the Society’s transforming legal regulation initiative as Chair of the Entity Regulation and then the Legal Services Regulation Steering Committees.
She was appointed in March 2017 to represent NSBS on the Council of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.
Through her years as a Society volunteer, Tilly chaired the Gender Equity and Professional Standards (Family Law) Committees, also serving on the Credentials, Finance, Governance and Nominating, Professional Responsibility Policies and Procedures, and Department of Justice Liaison Committees.
After completing her undergraduate education at Dalhousie University, Tilly earned two Masters of Arts degrees from Cambridge University and the University of Toronto, then completed her LLB at Dalhousie Law School in 1989. Upon her call to the Nova Scotia Bar in 1990, she worked for five years as a staff lawyer with Nova Scotia Legal Aid. In 1995, she joined the Nova Scotia Department of Justice and held varying positions as a solicitor and as a litigator, completing extensive management and leadership training. Tilly is functionally bilingual.
Her community work has included serving on boards for Bryony House, a transition house shelter, and the Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia, as well as the Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association (now known as the Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia). With her ESL training certificate, she has also volunteered as an English language teacher with Saint Mary’s University to assist international students. She has authored numerous papers for presentation at CLE conferences and published a Handbook for Lawyers relating to the Nova Scotia Maintenance Enforcement Program.
902 422 1491


Ex-N.S. Liberal president misappropriated client's money, says law firm

Lawyer Jason Boudrot has been suspended from practising law by the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society

Jason Boudrot reported he misappropriated money from trust funds belonging to clients of his firm earlier this week, the law firm said. (CBC)

A Port Hawkesbury, N.S., lawyer who admitted to misappropriating money from his clients' trust funds has been fired and suspended from practising law in Nova Scotia, according to his former firm.
Until this week, Jason Boudrot, a managing partner at Boudrot Rodgers Law Offices, was also president of Nova Scotia's Liberal Party.

He resigned from the party's board on Tuesday citing personal reasons and was suspended by the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society on Wednesday.

The society's complaints investigation committee has suspended Boudrot's practising certificate until further notice.

Boudrot's law partner, Adam Rodgers, said in a statement that Boudrot came clean to the society on Monday.

"Such a violation is among the most serious a lawyer can commit," Rodgers said. "Mr. Boudrot has been removed from our firm."

Firm contacting affected clients

Rodgers said the firm has been "diligently and thoroughly reviewing our operations to understand the full scope of the issue, and ensure that any missing funds are replaced forthwith."

The firm has been contacting clients about what happened and co-operating with the barristers society as it investigates Boudrot's conduct, he said.

"Our primary focus is protecting the interests of our clients. We are committed to making whole any affected client," he said.

Rodger's statement didn't say how much money Boudrot had taken or how long it had been going on.
According to the law firm's website, Boudrot was called to the bar in 1996, and handles mostly real estate, wills and estates, and corporate cases. 

About the Author


Emma Smith
Emma Smith is a journalist from B.C. who has covered rural issues and Indigenous communities. Before joining CBC Nova Scotia in 2017, she worked as the editor of a community newspaper. Have a story idea to send her way? Email emma.smith@cbc.ca 

Jason D. L. Boudrot
Called to the bar: 1997 (NS)
Boudrot Rodgers Law Inc.
1-301 Pitt St.
Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia B9A 2T6
Phone: 902-625-2800
Fax: 902-625-2801
Email: jason@boudrotrodgers.com

Lyle Howe disciplinary process prompted change at N.S. bar society

Of Nova Scotia's 1,994 lawyers, 2% identify as black

Tilly Pillay, the new executive director of the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society, says the society learned many lessons from disbarred lawyer Lyle Howe's disciplinary investigation and hearing. (Sherri Borden Colley/CBC)

The new head of Nova Scotia Barristers' Society says the disciplinary process that ultimately led to the disbarment of Halifax lawyer Lyle Howe has prompted the society to take more steps to address the lack of cultural diversity in the profession.

"I think even before the matter went to a hearing, the society learned from that process," Tilly Pillay, who became the bar society's new executive director on Feb. 1, said in an interview.

Last fall, the disciplinary panel disbarred Howe, who is black, after it found he lied judges and clients, overbooked himself in several courtrooms on the same day and kept poor records. Howe was also ordered to pay $150,000 in hearing costs.

In its 26-page decision on sanctions, the panel also criticized the society for requiring Howe to call many witnesses to speak about "actual, systemic and historical racism." The panel said the society should have "made admissions in this regard."

The panel concluded there was no failure by the barristers society to "accommodate Mr. Howe's racial, colour, or ethnic background."

First person of colour at the helm

Pillay graduated from Dalhousie's law school in 1989. The South Africa native is the first person of colour to hold the executive director's position. She served as the society president from 2014-2015.
For several years, the society — the regulatory body for close to 2,000 members across the province — has done cultural competence training for its hearing members and committees, Pillay said.

"Definitely, we can appreciate an all-white panel with an African-Nova Scotian lawyer facing that panel might seem daunting," Pillay said. "So we went out and actively recruited members from different communities onto our panels, so that we could appropriately put members on the panels who are representative of the individuals who they are adjudicating about."

Change won't happen overnight

The Howe matter also prompted the society to change its investigation process; it now makes sure that people of colour are supporting the society at the outset of investigations, instead of at the end of the process.

Still, Pillay knows change is not going to happen overnight.

"This is something that we will have to work on conscientiously, focused and intentional for a long time," she said.
In 2017, of the province's 1,994 practising lawyers, four per cent identified as Acadian, 2.1 per cent identified as African Nova Scotian/black and 2.8 as Mi'kmaq/Aboriginal.


  • An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the panel that disbarred lawyer Lyle Howe had made findings of racial bias against the Nova Scotia Barristers' Society. This is not the case. While there were findings that the society could have reduced the need for many witnesses by making an admission related to issues of "actual, systemic, and historic racism," the panel found, "We do not believe that there was any failure by the Society to accommodate Mr. Howe’s racial, colour, or ethnic background." We have updated the story to be more clear and regret our error.
    May 08, 2018 10:45 AM AT

About the Author


Sherri Borden Colley
Sherri Borden Colley has been a reporter for more than 20 years. Many of the stories she writes are about social justice, race and culture, human rights and the courts. To get in touch with Sherri email sherri.borden.colley@cbc.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Minister <Minister@cic.gc.ca>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 11:06:35 -0500
Subject: RE: Federal Court File no T-1557-15 Trust that a lot of your assistants and some of your cumputers cannot deny my attempt to contact parliamentarians today today N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

La version française suit.
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN/FIN)"
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 16:07:30 +0000
Subject: RE: Federal Court File no T-1557-15 Trust that a lot of your assistants and some of
your cumputers cannot deny my attempt to contact parliamentarians today today N'esy Pas?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 18:00:10 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Federal Court File no T-1557-15 Trust that a lot of your assistants and some of
your cumputers cannot deny my attempt to contact parliamentarians today today N'esy Pas?
To: info@cameronfriesen.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 17:23:39 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Federal Court File no T-1557-15 Trust that a lot of your assistants and some of your cumputers cannot deny my attempt to contact parliamentarians today today N'esy Pas?
To: reg.helwer@leg.gov.mb.ca, cliff.graydon@leg.gov.mb.ca,
kelvin.goertzen@leg.gov.mb.ca, cameron.friesen@leg.gov.mb.ca,
wayne.ewasko@leg.gov.mb.ca, ralph.eichler@leg.gov.mb.ca,
myrna.driedger@leg.gov.mb.ca, cliff.cullen@leg.gov.mb.ca,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 16:42:02 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Federal Court File no T-1557-15 Trust that a lot of your
assistants and some of your cumputers cannot deny my attempt to
contact parliamentarians today today N'esy Pas?
To: daryl.reid@leg.gov.mb.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

Hon. Daryl Reid
Email: daryl.reid@leg.gov.mb.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 12:06:16 -0400
Subject: Re: Federal Court File no T-1557-15 Trust that a lot of your assistants and som of
your cumputers cannot deny my attempt to contact parliamentarians today today N'esy Pas?
To: info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, "dominic.leblanc.c1"<dominic.leblanc.c1@parl.gc.ca>, Hon.Jane.Philpott@canada.ca, dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, info@infc.gc.ca,
min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca, Bill.Morneau@canada.ca,
 Karine Fortin <info@ndp.ca>, "stephen.harper"<stephen.harper.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
bdysart <bdysart@stewartmckelvey.com>, Braeden.Caley@vancouver.ca, robert.m.schuett@schuettlaw.com, jda@nf.aibn.com, eclark@coxandpalmer.com, office@liberal.ns.ca, president@lpco.ca, david@lpcm.ca, emerchant@merchantlaw.com,
Cc: richard.tardif@cas-satj.gc.ca, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, SpkrOff@parl.gc.ca, Geoff Regan <geoff@geoffregan.ca>, david <david@lutz.nb.ca>


OTTAWA, January 7, 2016 - In response to recent media reports
regarding the application of Order in Council PC 2015-1071, the Chief
Administrator of the Courts Administration Service (CAS) is releasing
the following statement on behalf of the Chief Justices of the Federal
Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of
Canada and the Tax Court of Canada: The Chief Justices share the
position conveyed today by the Chief Justice of Canada. They are also
encouraged by the federal government’s response to their concerns
about the impact of this Order in Council on judicial independence and
are expecting a satisfactory resolution of the issue shortly.

For further information contact:
Richard Tardif Deputy
Chief Administrator Judicial and
Registry Services Courts Administration Service
Tel: 613-943 -3458


Stephen Harper’s courts: How the judiciary has been remade

Sean Fine The Globe and Mail Published Friday, Jul. 24, 2015 3:08PM EDT


The power to appoint judges doesn’t mean Harper will get what he wants
On Insite, the cruellest blow against the feds’ case came from one of
the PM’s own appointees Paul Wells May 20, 2011


Harper v. The Judges
The biggest issues facing the country are being tackled not by
Parliament, but in court
Andrew Stobo Sniderman August 21, 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Britt Dysart <bdysart@stewartmckelvey.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 16:10:44 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Hey JP I just called RE "wondering if barred from all parliamentary properties in Canada" For the Public Record I did NOT email anyone between Dece 7th and 
Dec 17th 2015
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

I am out of the City due to a death in the fanmily, returning January
20th..  If the matter is urgent, please contact my assistant, Sonja,
at 506-443-9942, and she will re-direct your call.

Otherwise, I will contact you upon my return.  Thank you.

From: SpkrOff@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 11:51 AM
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Subject: wondering if barred from all parliamentary properties in Canada

Dear Mr. Amos:

Please find attached a letter signed from the Speaker of the House of
Commons in response  to your electronic message dated December 11,

Nicole Beaudin

Correspondence and Finance Officer, Speaker's Office/

Agent des finances et de la correspondance, La Présidence

Room 328-N, Centre Block/Pièce 328-N édifice du Centre

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Tel.:  613-996-0630

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2016 17:00:16 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 Did you order Harper
and the NDP to ignore me as well???
To: ratkey@rogers.com, kent.roach@utoronto.ca, cole@law.georgetown.edu
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>



Ronald G. Atkey
Called to the bar: 1969 (ON); Q.C.1979 (ON)
Atkey, Ronald G.
1019-330 Adelaide St. E.
Toronto, Ontario M5A 4T4
Phone: 416-368-4827
Fax: 416-862-6666
Email: ratkey@rogers.com

PC, QC, BA (Western), LLB (Western), LLM (Yale), of the Bar of Ontario.

Practiced law for over thirty years with Osler Hoskin Harcourt LLP
before his retirement in 2007. Currently senior counsel on security
intelligence and accountability matters. He has been a Member of
Parliament, Minister of Immigration and was first Chair of the
Security Intelligence Review Committee established in 1984 to review
activities of CSIS. He now serves as a Special Advocate on security
certificate hearings before the Federal Court and was amicus before
the Arar Commission in 2004-2007. He taught law full-time at
University of Western Ontario and Osgoode Hall Law School in the
period 1967-1974, and now gives a course on National Security Law at
Western in the month of January.

Kent Roach
Professor & Prichard Wilson Chair in Law and Public Policy

Flavelle House
Room 320
78 Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C5
Tel.: 416-946-5645
Email: kent.roach@utoronto.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 18:22:05 -0400
Subject: Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 Did you order Harper and the NDP to 
ignore me as well???
To: Liberal / Assistance <nbd_cna@liberal.ca>, cmunroe@glgmlaw.com
pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, 
 mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

How about Dizzy Lizzy May and the Bloc?

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Cmunroe (Liberal / Assistance)"<nbd_cna@liberal.ca>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2016 19:28:25 +0000
Subject: Re: Attn Dr. John Gillis Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15
Trust that I called and tried to reason with a lot of Liberals begore
I am before the cour...
To: Motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

RealChange.ca | DuVraiChangement.ca


Cmunroe, Jan 6, 14:28

Hello all,

I would ask that you please do not respond to this e-mail (in the
event that you were inclined to do so.)

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Craig Munroe
(Party Legal and Constitutional Advisor)

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 11:09 AM
To: Craig Munroe <cmunroe@glgmlaw.com>; nbd_cna@liberal.ca
 pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>; ljulien@liberal.ca; pmilliken <pmilliken@cswan.com>;
bdysart <bdysart@smss.com>; bdysart <bdysart@stewartmckelvey.com>;
Braeden.Caley@vancouver.ca; robert.m.schuett@schuettlaw.com;
jda@nf.aibn.com; eclark@coxandpalmer.com; office@liberal.ns.ca;
president@lpco.ca; david@lpcm.ca; emerchant@merchantlaw.com
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; assistance@liberal.ca;
Karine Fortin <info@ndp.ca>; stephen.harper <stephen.harper.a1@parl.gc.ca>
Subject: Re: Attn Dr. John Gillis Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15
Trust that I called and tried to reason with a lot of Liberals begore
I am before the court again on Monday Jan 11th

On 1/6/16, Cmunroe (Liberal / Assistance) <nbd_cna@liberal.ca> wrote:
> RealChange.ca | DuVraiChangement.ca
> ------------------------------
> Cmunroe, Jan 6, 14:28
> Hello all,
> I would ask that you please do not respond to this e-mail (in the event that
> you were inclined to do so.)
> Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
> Regards,
> Craig Munroe
> (Party Legal and Constitutional Advisor)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 11:09 AM
> To: Craig Munroe <cmunroe@glgmlaw.com>; nbd_cna@liberal.ca; pm
> <pm@pm.gc.ca>; ljulien@liberal.ca; pmilliken <pmilliken@cswan.com>; bdysart
> <bdysart@smss.com>; bdysart <bdysart@stewartmckelvey.com>;
> Braeden.Caley@vancouver.ca; robert.m.schuett@schuettlaw.com;
> jda@nf.aibn.com; eclark@coxandpalmer.com; office@liberal.ns.ca;
> president@lpco.ca; david@lpcm.ca; emerchant@merchantlaw.com
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; assistance@liberal.ca; Karine
> Fortin <info@ndp.ca>; stephen.harper <stephen.harper.a1@parl.gc.ca>
> Subject: Re: Attn Dr. John Gillis Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 Trust
> that I called and tried to reason with a lot of Liberals begore I am before
> the court again on Monday Jan 11th
> On 1/6/16, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> BTW the nice guys who talked to me and didn't dismiss me I put in the
>> BCC line
>> Dr. John Gillis
>> P.O. Box 723
>> 5151 George Street, Suite 1400
>> Halifax, Nova Scotia
>> Canada B3J 2T3
>> Tel: (902) 429-1993
>> Email: office@liberal.ns.ca
>> John Allan, President
>> Liberal Party of Newfoundland & Labrador
>> T: (709) 685-1230
>> jda@nf.aibn.com
>> Braeden Caley
>> Office of the Mayor, City of Vancouver
>>  604-809-9951
>> Braeden.Caley@vancouver.ca,
>> Britt Dysart QC
>> Suite 600, Frederick Square
>> 77 Westmorland Street
>> P.O. Box 730
>> Fredericton, NB, Canada
>> E3B 5B4
>> P 506.443.0153
>> F 506.443.9948
>> Evatt F. A. Merchant
>> Merchant Law Group LLP
>> First Nations Bank Bldg.
>> 501-224 4th Ave. S.
>> Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 5M5
>> Phone: 306-653-7777
>> Email: emerchant@merchantlaw.com
>> Ewan W. Clark
>> Montague
>> Phone: (902) 838-5275
>> Fax: (902) 838-3440
>> eclark@coxandpalmer.com
>> Robert M. Schuett
>> #200, 602 11th Avenue SW
>> Calgary Alberta T2R 1J8
>> Phone: (403) 705-1261
>> Fax: (403) 705-1265
>> robert.m.schuett@schuettlaw.com
>> http://www.liberal.ca/national-board-of-directors/
>> Who are we?
>> We are volunteers from across the country who care passionately about
>> Canada’s future and promoting Liberal values. We are community
>> leaders, parents, and professionals who volunteer our time in this
>> role. The board works together to provide oversight and guidance to
>> the Party in matters both fiduciary, and strategic. We meet regularly
>> in person and by phone with the objective of ensuring the Party is
>> prepared for the next federal election. It is an honour to work with
>> such a distinct and talented group of individuals. Please don’t
>> hesitate to reach out to us at nbd_cna@liberal.ca.
>> Anna Gainey
>> President, Liberal Party of Canada
>> T @annamgainey
>> Leader        Justin Trudeau
>> National President    Anna Gainey
>> Acting National Director      Christina Topp
>> National Vice-President (English)     Chris MacInnes
>> National Vice-President (French)      Marie Tremblay
>> National Policy Chair         Maryanne Kampouris
>> National Membership Secretary         Leanne Bourassa
>> Past National President       Mike Crawley
>> President, Liberal Party of Newfoundland & Labrador   John Allan
>> President, Liberal Party of Prince Edward Island      Ewan Clark
>> President, Nova Scotia Liberal Party  John Gillis
>> President, New Brunswick Liberal Association  Britt Dysart
>> President, Liberal Party of Canada (Québec)   Linda Julien
>> President, Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario)  Tyler Banham
>> President, Liberal Party of Canada (Manitoba)         Sachit Mehra
>> President, Liberal Party of Canada (Saskatchewan)     Evatt Merchant
>> President, Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta)  Robbie Schuett
>> President, Liberal Party of Canada (British Columbia)         Braeden
>> Caley
>> President, Federal Liberal Association of Yukon       Blake Rogers
>> President, Liberal Party of Canada (Northwest Territories)    Rosanna
>> Nicol
>> President, Federal Liberal Association of Nunavut     Michel Potvin
>> Caucus Representative         Francis Scarpaleggia
>> Co-Chair, Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission (Female)     Caitlin Tolley
>> Co-Chair, Aboriginal Peoples’ Commission (Male)       Kevin Seesequasis
>> President, National Women’s Liberal Commission        Carlene Variyan
>> President, Young Liberals of Canada   Justin Kaiser
>> Co-Chair, Senior Liberals’ Commission (French)        Anne Adams
>> Co-Chair, Senior Liberals’ Commission (English)       Kenneth D. Halliday
>> Chair, Council of Presidents  Veena Bhullar
>> Chief Financial Officer       Chuck Rifici
>> Chief Revenue Officer         Stephen Bronfman
>> CEO, Federal Liberal Agency of Canada         Mike Eizenga
>> National Campaign Co-Chair    Katie Telford
>> Constitutional and Legal Adviser (English)    Craig Munroe
>> Constitutional and Legal Adviser (French)     Elise Bartlett
>> Craig T. Munroe, Partner
>> Email: cmunroe@glgmlaw.com
>> Phone: (604) 891-1176
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 19:32:00 -0400
>> Subject: Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 the CBC, the RCMP, their
>> new boss Justin Trudeau and his Ministers of Justice and Defence etc
>> cannot deny their knowledge of Paragraphs 81, 82, 83, 84, and 85 now
>> To: Paul.Samyn@freepress.mb.ca, "carolyn.bennett"
>> <carolyn.bennett@parl.gc.ca>, Doug@dougeyolfson.ca,
>> doug.eyolfson@parl.gc.ca, fpcity@freepress.mb.ca,
>> w.kinew@uwinnipeg.ca, "Paul.Lynch"<Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>,
>> "Marianne.Ryan"<Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, sunrayzulu
>> <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca,
>> "john.green"<john.green@gnb.ca>, chiefape <chiefape@gmail.com>
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, gopublic
>> <gopublic@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, radical
>> <radical@radicalpress.com>, newsonline <newsonline@bbc.co.uk>,
>> newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>,
>> andre <andre@jafaust.com>
>> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2015/09/v-behaviorurldefaultvmlo.
>> html
>> David Raymond Amos Versus The Crown T-1557-15
>> 81.  The Plaintiff states that matters of harassment that the police
>> refuse to investigate would have entered the realm of ridiculous in
>> 2012 if the reasons behind the suicides of teenagers did not become
>> well known by the corporate media. In the summer of 2012 a new member
>> of the FPS who as a former member of the EPS had inspired a lawsuit
>> for beating a client in Edmonton called the Plaintiff and accused him
>> of something he could not do even if he wanted to while he was arguing
>> many lawyers byway of emails about a matter concerning cyber stalking
>> that was before the SCC.  The member of the FPF accused the Plaintiff
>> of calling the boss of Bullying Canada thirty times. At that time his
>> MagicJack account had been hacked and although he could receive
>> incoming calls, the Plaintiff could not call out to anyone. The
>> Plaintiff freely sent the FPF his telephone logs sourced from
>> MagicJack after his account restored without the Crown having to issue
>> a warrant to see his telephone records. He asked the FPF and the RCMP
>> where did the records of his phone calls to and from the FPF and the
>> RCMP go if his account had not been hacked. The police never
>> responded. Years later a Troll sent Dean Roger Ray a message through
>> YouTube providing info about the Plaintiff’s MagicJack account with
>> the correct password. Dean Roger Ray promptly posted two videos in
>> YouTube clearly displaying the blatant violation of privacy likely to
>> protect himself from the crime. The Plaintiff quickly pointed out the
>> videos to the RCMP and they refused to investigate as usual. At about
>> the same point in time the Plaintiff noticed that the CBC had
>> published a record of a access to information requests. On the list of
>> requests he saw his name along with several employees of CBC and the
>> boss of Bullying Canada. The Plaintiff called the CBC to make
>> inquiries about what he saw published on the Internet. CBC told him it
>> was none of his business and advised him if he thought his rights had
>> been offended to file a complaint. It appears the Plaintiff that
>> employees of CBC like other questionable Crown Corporations such as
>> the RCMP rely on their attorneys far too much to defend them from
>> litigation they invite from citizens they purportedly serve. The
>> employees of CBC named within the aforementioned and the CBC Legal
>> Dept. are very familiar with the Plaintiff and of the Crown barring
>> him from legislative properties while he running for public office.
>> 82.  The Plaintiff states that any politician or police officer should
>> have seen enough of Barry Winter’s WordPress blog by June 22, 2015
>> particularly after the very unnecessary demise of two men in Alberta
>> because of the incompetence of the EPS. Barry Winters was blogging
>> about the EPS using battering ram in order to execute a warrant for a
>> 250 dollar bylaw offence at the same time Professor Kris Wells
>> revealed in a televised interview that the EPS member who was killed
>> was the one investigating the cyber harassment of him. It was obvious
>> why the police and politicians ignored all the death threats, sexual
>> harassment, cyberbullying and hate speech of a proud Zionist who
>> claimed to be a former CF officer who now working for the Department
>> of National Defence (DND). It is well known that no politician in
>> Canada is allowed to sit in Parliament as a member of the major
>> parties unless they support Israel. Since 2002 the Plaintiff made it
>> well known that he does not support Israeli actions and was against
>> the American plan to make war on Iraq. On Aril 1, 2003 within two
>> weeks of the beginning of the War on Iraq, the US Secret Service
>> threatened to practice extraordinary rendition because false
>> allegations of a Presidential threat were made against him by an
>> American court. However, the Americans and the Crown cannot deny that
>> what he said in two courts on April 1, 2003 because he published the
>> recordings of what was truly said as soon as he got the court tapes.
>> The RCMP knows those words can still be heard on the Internet today.
>> In 2009, the Plaintiff began to complain of Barry Winters about
>> something far more important to Canada as nation because of Winters’
>> bragging of being one of 24 CF officers who assisted the Americans in
>> the planning the War on Iraq in 2002. In the Plaintiff’s humble
>> opinion the mandate of the DND is Defence not Attack. He is not so
>> naive to think that such plans of war do not occur but if Barry
>> Winters was in fact one of the CF officers who did so then he broke
>> his oath to the Crown the instant he bragged of it in his blog. If
>> Winters was never an officer in the CF then he broke the law by
>> impersonating an officer. The Plaintiff downloaded the emails of the
>> Privy Council about Wikileaks. The bragging of Barry Winters should
>> have been investigated in 2009 before CBC reported that documents
>> released by WikiLeaks supported his information about Canadian
>> involvement in the War on Iraq.
>> 83.  The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
>> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
>> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
>> five years after he began his bragging:
>> January 13, 2015
>> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
>> December 8, 2014
>> Why Canada Stood Tall!
>> Friday, October 3, 2014
>> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
>> Stupid Justin Trudeau
>> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
>> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
>> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
>> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
>> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
>> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
>> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
>> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
>> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
>> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
>> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
>> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
>> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
>> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
>> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
>> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
>> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
>> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
>> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
>> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
>> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
>> campaign of 2006.
>> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
>> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
>> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
>> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
>> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
>> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
>> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
>> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
>> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
>> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
>> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
>> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
>> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
>> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
>> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
>> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
>> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
>> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
>> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
>> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
>> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
>> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
>> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
>> essential for the security and tranquility of the developed world. An
>> ISIS “caliphate,” in the Middle East, no matter how small, is a clear
>> and present danger to the entire world. This “occupied state,”
>> or“failed state” will prosecute an unending Islamic inspired war of
>> terror against not only the “western world,” but Arab states
>> “moderate” or not, as well. The security, safety, and tranquility of
>> Canada and Canadians are just at risk now with the emergence of an
>> ISIS“caliphate” no matter how large or small, as it was with the
>> Taliban and Al Quaeda “marriage” in Afghanistan.
>> One of the everlasting “legacies” of the “Trudeau the Elder’s dynasty
>> was Canada and successive Liberal governments cowering behind the
>> amerkan’s nuclear and conventional military shield, at the same time
>> denigrating, insulting them, opposing them, and at the same time
>> self-aggrandizing ourselves as “peace keepers,” and progenitors of
>> “world peace.” Canada failed. The United States of Amerka, NATO, the
>> G7 and or G20 will no longer permit that sort of sanctimonious
>> behavior from Canada or its government any longer. And Prime Minister
>> Stephen Harper, Foreign Minister John Baird , and Cabinet are fully
>> cognizant of that reality. Even if some editorial boards, and pundits
>> are not.
>> Justin, Trudeau “the younger” is reprising the time “honoured” liberal
>> mantra, and tradition of expecting the amerkans or the rest of the
>> world to do “the heavy lifting.” Justin Trudeau and his “butt buddy”
>> David Amos are telling Canadians that we can guarantee our security
>> and safety by expecting other nations to fight for us. That Canada can
>> and should attempt to guarantee Canadians safety by providing
>> “humanitarian aid” somewhere, and call a sitting US president a “war
>> criminal.” This morning Australia announced they too, were sending
>> tactical aircraft to eliminate the menace of an ISIS “caliphate.”
>> In one sense Prime Minister Harper is every bit the scoundrel Trudeau
>> “the elder” and Jean ‘the crook” Chretien was. Just As Trudeau, and
>> successive Liberal governments delighted in diminishing,
>> marginalizing, under funding Canadian Forces, and sending Canadian
>> military men and women to die with inadequate kit and modern
>> equipment; so too is Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada’s F-18s are
>> antiquated, poorly equipped, and ought to have been replaced five
>> years ago. But alas, there won’t be single RCAF fighter jock that
>> won’t go, or won’t want to go, to make Canada safe or safer.
>> My Grandfather served this country. My father served this country. My
>> Uncle served this country. And I have served this country. Justin
>> Trudeau has not served Canada in any way. Thomas Mulcair has not
>> served this country in any way. Liberals and so called social
>> democrats haven’t served this country in any way. David Amos, and
>> other drooling fools have not served this great nation in any way. Yet
>> these fools are more than prepared to ensure their, our safety to
>> other nations, and then criticize them for doing so.
>> Canada must again, now, “do our bit” to guarantee our own security,
>> and tranquility, but also that of the world. Canada has never before
>> shirked its responsibility to its citizens and that of the world.
>> Prime Minister Harper will not permit this country to do so now
>> From: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca
>> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 14:17:17 -0400
>> Subject: RE: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
>> the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
>> alive
>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> This is to confirm that the Minister of National Defence has received
>> your email and it will be reviewed in due course. Please do not reply
>> to this message: it is an automatic acknowledgement.
>> ---------- Original message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 13:55:30 -0300
>> Subject: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and the
>> War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still alive
>> To: DECPR@forces.gc.ca, Public.Affairs@socom.mil,
>> Raymonde.Cleroux@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca,
>> william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>,
>> dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, media@drdc-rddc.gc.ca, information@forces.gc.ca,
>> milner@unb.ca, charters@unb.ca, lwindsor@unb.ca,
>> sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, birgir <birgir@althingi.is>, smari
>> <smari@immi.is>, greg.weston@cbc.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
>> susan@blueskystrategygroup.com, Don@blueskystrategygroup.com,
>> eugene@blueskystrategygroup.com, americas@aljazeera.net
>> Cc: "Edith. Cody-Rice"<Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>, "terry.seguin"
>> <terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>, whistleblower
>> <whistleblower@ctv.ca>
>> I talked to Don Newman earlier this week before the beancounters David
>> Dodge and Don Drummond now of Queen's gave their spin about Canada's
>> Health Care system yesterday and Sheila Fraser yapped on and on on
>> CAPAC during her last days in office as if she were oh so ethical.. To
>> be fair to him I just called Greg Weston (613-288-6938) I suggested
>> that he should at least Google SOUCOM and David Amos It would be wise
>> if he check ALL of CBC's sources before he publishes something else
>> about the DND EH Don Newman? Lets just say that the fact  that  your
>> old CBC buddy, Tony Burman is now in charge of Al Jazeera English
>> never impressed me. The fact that he set up a Canadian office is
>> interesting though
>> http://www.blueskystrategygroup.com/index.php/team/don-newman/
>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/media/story/2010/05/04/al-jazeera-english-
>> launch.html
>> Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
>> this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
>> Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
>> Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.
>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>> The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not a
>> shy political animal
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> Enjoy Mr Weston
>> http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/news/story/2011/05/15/weston-iraq-invasion-w
>> ikileaks.html
>> "But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
>> brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
>> says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
>> to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
>> including a Canadian general.
>> That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
>> who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
>> U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk was
>> also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that helped
>> prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."
>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010/06/canada-and-united-states.html
>> "I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
>> being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
>> demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
>> "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
>> into the US policy.
>> At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
>> colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
>> in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
>> report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation. There was
>> never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
>> were deployed WMD.
>> Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
>> invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
>> concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
>> (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
>> about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
>> that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
>> authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.
>> There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
>> its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
>> to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
>> folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
>> upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions
>> are to met before US troop can redeploy?  Prime Minister Jean Chretien
>> and the PMO were even at the very preliminary planning stages wary of
>> Canadian involvement in an Iraq operation....History would prove them
>> correct. The political pressure being applied on the PMO from the
>> George W Bush administration was onerous
>> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
>> military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
>> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
>> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
>> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
>> operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
>> lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
>> ....not necessarily in that order. "
>> You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
>> Adams? of the CSE within the DND?
>> http://www.socom.mil/SOCOMHome/Pages/ContactUSSOCOM.aspx
>> 84.  The Plaintiff states that the RCMP is well aware that he went to
>> western Canada in 2104 at the invitation of a fellow Maritimer in
>> order to assist in his attempt to investigate the murders of many
>> people in Northern BC. The Plaintiff has good reasons to doubt his
>> fellow Maritimer’s motives. The fact that he did not tell the
>> Plaintiff until he had arrived in BC that he had invited a Neo Nazi he
>> knew the Plaintiff strongly disliked to the same protest that he was
>> staging in front of the court house in Prince George on August 21,
>> 2014. The Plaintiff was looking forward to meeting Lonnie Landrud so
>> he ignored the Neo Nazi. Several months after their one and only
>> meeting, Lonnie Landrud contacted the Plaintiff and asked him to
>> publish a statement of his on the Internet and to forward it to anyone
>> he wished. The Plaintiff obliged Landrud and did an investigation of
>> his own as well. He has informed the RCMP of his opinion of their
>> actions and has done nothing further except monitor the criminal
>> proceedings the Crown has placed against the Neo Nazi in BC and save
>> his videos and webpages and that of his associates. The words the
>> Plaintiff stated in public in Prince George BC on August 21, 2014 were
>> recorded by the Neo Nazi and published on the Internet and the RCMP
>> knows the Plaintiff stands by every word. For the public record the
>> Plaintiff truly believes what Lonnie Landrud told him despite the fact
>> that he does not trust his Neo Nazi associates. Therefore the
>> Plaintiff had no ethical dilemma whatsoever in publishing the
>> statement Lonnie Landrud mailed to him in a sincere effort to assist
>> Lonnie Landrud’s pursuit of justice. The Crown is well aware that
>> Plaintiff’s former lawyer, Barry Bachrach once had a leader of the
>> American Indian Movement for a client and that is why he ran against
>> the former Minister of Indian Affairs for his seat in the 39th
>> Parliament.
>> 85.  The Plaintiff states that while he was out west he visited
>> Edmonton AB several times and met many people. He visited the home of
>> Barry Winters and all his favourite haunts in the hope of meeting in
>> person the evil person who had been sexually harassing and threatening
>> to kill him and his children for many years. The Crown cannot deny
>> that Winters invited him many times. On June 13, 2015 Barry Winters
>> admitted the EPS warned him the Plaintiff was looking for him.
>> On 12/21/15, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: "Rabson, Mia"<Mia.Rabson@freepress.mb.ca>
>>> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:45:36 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Wab Kinew
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> I will be out of the office until Monday, January 4.
>>> If you need immediate assistance please contact our city desk at 613
>>> 697 7292 or fpcity@freepress.mb.ca.
>>> Happy Holidays!
>>> Mia Rabson
>>> Parliamentary Bureau Chief
>>> Winnipeg Free Press
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: "Sarra R. Deane"<s.deane@uwinnipeg.ca>
>>> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:10:12 +0000
>>> Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Wab Kinew
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> I will be out of the office until Thursday, Nov. 12th.  I will
>>> respond to emails upon my return. Miigwech and all the best.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 16:45:29 -0400
>>> Subject: Fwd: Attn Wab Kinew
>>> To: mia.rabson@freepress.mb.ca, Paul.Samyn@freepress.mb.ca,
>>> "carolyn.bennett"<carolyn.bennett@parl.gc.ca>, Doug@dougeyolfson.ca,
>>> doug.eyolfson@parl.gc.ca
>>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/peacemaker-363019331.html
>>> Peacemaker
>>> Group pushes for Truth and Reconciliation chairman to get Nobel Prize
>>> By: Mia Rabson
>>> Posted: 12/19/2015 3:00 AM   | Last Modified: 12/19/2015 6:12 AM
>>> " Murray Sinclair already has an impressive resumé.
>>> He's the first aboriginal judge appointed to the bench in Manitoba,
>>> co-commissioner of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry and chairman of the
>>> Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
>>> But if a group of Canadians has its way, he will get one of the
>>> highest honours in the world to add to the list: Nobel Peace Prize
>>> recipient.
>>> "He and Phil Fontaine should share a Nobel Peace Prize," said Wab
>>> Kinew, associate vice-president for indigenous relations at the
>>> University of Winnipeg.
>>> Kinew said a group of people in Winnipeg, Toronto and Ottawa are
>>> collaborating to nominate the two men, who they believe are jointly
>>> responsible for giving back hope to Canada's indigenous people that
>>> hasn't existed in a long time.
>>> "They made it into something that is peace-building and
>>> nation-building," Kinew said. "It has really transformed our country."
>>> Mia Rabson, Ottawa Bureau Chief
>>> 613-369–4824
>>> Paul
>>>  Samyn, Editor
>>> 204–697–7295
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 16:05:01 -0400
>>> Subject: Attn Wab Kinew
>>> To: w.kinew@uwinnipeg.ca, "Paul.Lynch"
>>> <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>, "Marianne.Ryan"
>>> <Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> https://baconfatreport.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/why-do-canadians-need
>>> -to-know-anything-about-injuns/
>>> http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/about/administration/avp-igca.htmlAssociate
>>> Vice-President, Indigenous Affairs
>>> Wab Kinew
>>> phone: 204.789.9931
>>> email: w.kinew@uwinnipeg.ca
>>> Biography/Publications
>>> Executive Assistant
>>> Sarra Deane
>>> phone: 204.988.7121
>>> email: s.deane@uwinnipeg.ca
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> --------------------------------
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 ---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 11:42:03 -0400
Subject: Attn Adam Rodgers we just talked correct?
To: Adam@boudrotrodgers.com, "lyle.howe"<lyle.howe@eastlink.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>


Adam Rodgers was called to the Nova Scotia Bar in 2005. Prior to
joining Boudrot Rodgers, Adam completed his articles with a major
Atlantic Canadian law firm in Halifax, before returning to Guysborough
to practice in his home area. Adam practices Commercial and Personal
Injury Litigation, Municipal Law, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Family
Law, as well as Real Estate and Corporate Commercial.

Adam is active in sports, having played competitive fastpitch softball
on a local and national level. He volunteers as President of the
Strait Pirates Jr. B Hockey team, and is Past-President of the Strait
Area Chamber of Commerce. Adam is a past executive member of the Board
of Directors of the Mulgrave Road Theatre in Guysborough.

Adam is the President of the Strait Area Barristers’ Society, and a
member of the Atlantic Provinces Trial Lawyers Association (APTLA) and
the American Association for Justice.

You can follow Adam on Twitter @adamrodgersNS

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400
Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
To: coi@gnb.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

Good Day Sir

After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and managed
to speak to one of your staff for the first time

Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady who
answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the Sgt
at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker
Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document.

These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I
suggested that you study closely.

This is the docket in Federal Court


These are digital recordings of  the last three hearings

Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug

January 11th, 2016 https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015

April 3rd, 2017


This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal


The only hearing thus far

May 24th, 2017


This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity

Date: 20151223

Docket: T-1557-15

Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015

PRESENT:        The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell








(Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on
December 14, 2015)

The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by way of motion pursuant to
the Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106), from an Order made on November
12, 2015, in which Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of Claim
in its entirety.

At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention a
letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then
capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian
Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen Quigg,
(now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal).  In that letter
he stated:

As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check the
work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including you.
You are your brother’s keeper.

Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former
colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to
expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number of
people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be witnesses
or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to
me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime
Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper; former
Attorney General of Canada and now a Justice of the Manitoba Court of
Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore;
former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former
Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff
Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court
of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and, retired
Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted

In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my
personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many
potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am
of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should I
hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in
Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et al,
[1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding
allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party has
requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so.

the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion.  There
is no order as to costs.

“B. Richard Bell”

Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment
already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had sent
to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006.

 I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the  the Court
Martial Appeal Court of Canada  Perhaps you should scroll to the
bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83  of my
lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada?

"FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the most


83 The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
five years after he began his bragging:

January 13, 2015
This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate

December 8, 2014
Why Canada Stood Tall!

Friday, October 3, 2014
Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
Stupid Justin Trudeau?

Vertias Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Kulik, John"<john.kulik@mcinnescooper.com>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 17:37:49 +0000
Subject: McInnes Cooper
To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>,

Dear Mr. Amos:

I am General Counsel for McInnes Cooper. If you need to communicate
with our firm, please do so through me.

Thank you.

John Kulik
[McInnes Cooper]<http://www.mcinnescooper.com/>

John Kulik Q.C.
Partner & General Counsel
McInnes Cooper

tel +1 (902) 444 8571 | fax +1 (902) 425 6350

1969 Upper Water Street
Suite 1300
Purdy's Wharf Tower II Halifax, NS, B3J 2V1

asst Cathy Ohlhausen | +1 (902) 455 8215

Notice This communication, including any attachments, is confidential
and may be protected by solicitor/client privilege. It is intended
only for the person or persons to whom it is addressed. If you have
received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by e-mail or
telephone at McInnes Cooper's expense. Avis Les informations contenues
dans ce courriel, y compris toute(s) pièce(s) jointe(s), sont
confidentielles et peuvent faire l'objet d'un privilège avocat-client.
Les informations sont dirigées au(x) destinataire(s) seulement. Si
vous avez reçu ce courriel par erreur, veuillez en aviser l'expéditeur
par courriel ou par téléphone, aux frais de McInnes Cooper.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2018 08:40:11 -0400
Subject: Re: Does anyone recall the email entitled "So Stephen McGrath if not you then 
just exactly who sent me this latest email from your office?"
To: Steve.Murphy@bellmedia.ca, atlanticnews@bellmedia.ca,
Alexander.Quon@globalnews.ca, hance.colburne@cbc.ca
"Robert. Jones"<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>,
mcgratst@gov.ns.ca, justmin <justmin@gov.ns.ca>, StephenMcNeil@ns.aliantzinc.ca
, "terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, 
 "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, 
"David.Akin"<David.Akin@globalnews.ca>, "Davidc.Coon"<Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>,
"Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, "Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "atlantic.director"<atlantic.director@taxpayer.com>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, BrianThomasMacdonald <BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.com>, 
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, dpink@nsbs.org,
michael.comeau@gnb.ca, JUSTWEB@novascotia.ca

I posted it here last year N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc and Andre Faust?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Murphy, Steve"Steve.Murphy@bellmedia.ca
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2017 12:02:52 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Well Mr Stever we spoke once again long ago
Now I will argue your City Solicitor Johanne Theriault and her buddies
working for the Crown
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Steve Murphy is away from the newsroom until October 10, 2017 and will
respond to your e-mail then.  In the meantime, if you wish to contact
CTV News please e-mail atlanticnews@bellmedia.ca or call (902)

On 10/7/17, David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 11:57:55 -0400
> Subject: So Stephen McGrath if not you then just exactly who sent me
> this latest email from your office?
> To: PREMIER PREMIER@gov.ns.ca, jamiebaillie
> jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca, mcgratst@gov.ns.ca, justmin
> justmin@gov.ns.ca, StephenMcNeil@ns.aliantzinc.ca
, "terry.seguin"
> terry.seguin@cbc.ca, "Jacques.Poitras"Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca,
> "steve.murphy"steve.murphy@ctv.ca, nmoore > "David.Akin"David.Akin@globalnews.ca, "Davidc.Coon"
> Davidc.Coon@gmail.co, "Bill.Morneau"Bill.Morneau@canada.ca,
> "Dominic.Cardy"Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca, "atlantic.director"
> atlantic.director@taxpayer.com, "blaine.higgs"
> blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, BrianThomasMacdonald
> BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.com, "mike.obrienfred"
> mike.obrienfred@gmail.com, premier premier@gnb.ca, briangallant10
> briangallant10@gmail.com, classaction@wagners.co, oldmaison
> oldmaison@yahoo.com, "leanne.murray"
> leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com, jbosnitch jbosnitch@gmail.com
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
> ronald.j.macdonald@novascotia.ca, dpink@nsbs.org,
> michael.comeau@gnb.ca, JUSTWEB@novascotia.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Justice Website
> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 14:21:11 +0000
> Subject: Emails to Department of Justice and Province of Nova Scotia
> To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Mr. Amos,
> We acknowledge receipt of your recent emails to the Deputy Minister of
> Justice and lawyers within the Legal Services Division of the
> Department of Justice respecting a possible claim against the Province
> of Nova Scotia.  Service of any documents respecting a legal claim
> against the Province of Nova Scotia may be served on the Attorney
> General at 1690 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS.  Please note that we will
> not be responding to further emails on this matter.
> Department of Justice
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2017 17:22:16 -0400
> Subject: Attn Stephen McGrath Heres a little Deja Vu about Emera
> To: mcgratst@gov.ns.ca, justmin justmin@gov.ns.ca,
> StephenMcNeil@ns.aliantzinc.ca, PREMIER PREMIER@gov.ns.ca
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 01:17:50 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Re NSP Maritime Link and the circus begins again for
> Emera during another election EH Mr Smellie?
> To: gretchenf@sierraclub.ca, wesley@teratrends.ca,
> jdalton@poweradvisoryllc.com, odenig@gov.ns.ca, holletjn@gov.ns.ca,
> millermn@gov.ns.ca, deckerga@gov.ns.ca, birdmw@gov.ns.ca,
> smccoom@gov.ns.ca, spencecc@gov.ns.ca, brothert@gov.ns.ca,
> mcgratst@gov.ns.ca
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
> maurice@theshorelinejournal.com, larry.hughes@dal.ca,
> peter.alien@dal.ca, patbates@ns.sympaticao.ca,
> brenden.haley@gmail.com, ismet.ugursal@dal.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 00:12:04 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Re NSP Maritime Link and the circus begins again for
> Emera during another election EH Mr Smellie?
> To: StephenMcNeil@ns.aliantzinc.ca, info@andrewyounger.ca,
> Baillijr@gov.ns.ca, portercg@gov.ns.ca, edgeja@gov.ns.ca,
> mcdonaci@gov.ns.ca, tdalgleish@davis.ca, david.landrigan@nspower.ca,
> nicole.godbout@nspower.ca, tim.wood@nspower.ca, lana.myatt@nspower.ca,
> robert.groves.taag@gmail.com, bclarke@burchells.ca,
> slewis@sternpartners.com, archiestewart@eastlink.ca, "steve.murphy"
> steve.murphy@ctv.ca, "steve.graham"
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, trussell
> trussell@nunatukavut.ca, "justin.trudeau.a1"
> justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca, justmin justmin@gov.ns.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Smellie, James"James.Smellie@gowlings.com
> Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 20:53:17 -0600
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Re NSP Maritime Link and the circus
> begins again for Emera during another election EH Mr Smellie?
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> I am away on business for an extended period. Please contact my
> assistant Brenda at 403-298-1950 or brenda.swales@gowlings.com, if you
> need immediate assistance.
> IMPORTANT NOTICE:  This message is intended only for the use of the
> individual or entity to which it is addressed. The message may
> contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt
> from disclosure under applicable law.  If the reader of this
> message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent
> responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient,
> you are notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of
> this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you have received
> this communication in error, please notify Gowlings immediately by
> email at postmaster@gowlings.com.  Thank you.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2017 11:59:18 -0400
> Subject: ATTN Ronald J. MacDonald RE Federal Court File No T-1557-15
> we just talked again
> To: ronald.j.macdonald@novascotia.ca, "ian.hanamansing"
> ian.hanamansing@cbc.ca, "Larry.Tremblay"Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, dcmurray@scclaw.ca,
> dpink dpink@nsbs.org, dcmurray@criminaldefence.com, "denis.landry2"
> denis.landry2@gnb.ca
> Ronald J. MacDonald
> Director:
> Called to the bar: 1985 (NS); Q.C.2002 (NS)
> Nova Scotia Serious Incident Response Team
> Ste. 203, Sir John Thompson Bldg.
> 1256 Barrington St.
> Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1Y6
> Phone: 902-424-2010
> Cell 902v718 9707
> Fax:
> Email: ronald.j.macdonald@novascotia.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 08:53:48 -0400
> Subject: Attn Michael Comeau RE Federal Court File No T-1557-15 After
> listening to you and your pal Sheriff George Oram talk on CBC about
> guns for your minions to your buddy Terry Sequin I gave you both one
> last call
> To: michael.comeau@gnb.ca, "denis.landry2"denis.landry2@gnb.ca,
> george.oram@gnb.ca, "serge.rousselle"serge.rousselle@gnb.ca,
> "blaine.higgs"blaine.higgs@gnb.ca, "Dominic.Cardy"
> Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca, "David.Coon"David.Coon@gnb.ca,
> "brian.gallant"brian.gallant@gnb.ca, briangallant10
> briangallant10@gmail.com, "Bill.Morneau"Bill.Morneau@canada.ca,
> "lisa.raitt"lisa.raitt@parl.gc.ca, media-medias@gnb.ca,
> "steve.murphy"steve.murphy@ctv.ca, "Jacques.Poitras"
> Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca, "David.Akin"David.Akin@globalnews.ca,
> gopublic gopublic@cbc.ca, "jeff.michaelson"
> jeff.michaelson@gnb.ca, peacock.kurt@telegraphjournal.com,
> "hance.colburne"hance.colburne@cbc.ca
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, jsauvageau@stu.ca,
> "terry.seguin"terry.seguin@cbc.ca, david david@lutz.nb.ca,
> "david.eidt"david.eidt@gnb.ca, "Larry.Tremblay"
> Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Liliana.Longo"
> Liliana.Longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "jan.jensen"
> jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca, "bill.pentney"
> bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca, washington field
> washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, mcu mcu@justice.gc.ca
> You wereno doubt too busy paying attention to dope and Jazz to talk to
> me and the very corrupt Sheriff is on vacation as usual Correct?
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/programs/informationmorningfredericton/jean-sauvageau-armed-courts-1.4269807
> Jean Sauvageau - Armed Courts
> Air Date: Aug 31, 2017 1:00 AM AT
> Information Morning - Fredericton
> Jean Sauvageau - Armed Courts
> 00:21 10:42
> Terry Seguin talks to a criminology professor who questions the
> Premier's decision to introduce sidearms to the court system.
> Jean Sauvageau
> Department of Criminology
> Assistant Professor (1999)
> Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice (Camosun College)
> Honours B.S.Sc. in Criminology (University of Ottawa)
> M.A. in Criminology (University of Ottawa)
> Ph.D. in Criminology (Université catholique de Louvain)
> Telephone (506) 452-0478
> Fax (506) 450-9615
> email:jsauvageau@stu.ca
> Deputy Minister
> Justice and Public Safety
> Phone : (506) 453-2208
> Fax : (506) 453-3870
> Email : michael.comeau@gnb.ca
> Regional Sheriff
> Saint John, Sheriff Services (Regional Office )
> Justice and Public Safety
> Phone : (506) 658-2569
> Fax : (506) 658-2126
> Email : george.oram@gnb.ca
> If want something very serious to download and laugh at as well Please
> Enjoy and share real wiretap tapes of the mob
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/10/re-glen-greenwald-and-braz
> ilian.html
>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/06/09/nsa-leak-guardian.html
>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must
>> ask them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vugUalUO8YY
>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>> cards?
>> http://archive.org/details/ITriedToExplainItToAllMaritimersInEarly200
>> 6
>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach-bush.html
>> http://www.archive.org/details/PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape139
>> http://archive.org/details/Part1WiretapTape143
>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>> Senator Arlen Specter
>> United States Senate
>> Committee on the Judiciary
>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>> Washington, DC 20510
>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>> raised in the attached letter.
>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>> Very truly yours,
>> Barry A. Bachrach
>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 16:24:46 -0300
Subject: Fwd: This is my latest email about my concerns Feral Court
right now and some more info for you
To: attorneygeneral@ontario.ca, pillaytp@gov.ns.ca,
tilly.pillay@novascotia.ca, lawreform@gov.mb.ca
Cc: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Gord Mackintosh got hard copy of my material in August of 2005 byway of
registered US Mail signature required

Minister of Justice and Attorney General NDP
Email:* minjus@leg.gov.mb.ca<minjus@leg.gov.mb.ca>*Office:

Room 104 Legislative Building
450 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8
Phone: (204) 945-3728
Fax: (204) 945-2517

*Law Reform Commission* <http://www.manitobalawreform.ca/>
432- 405 Broadway, Winnipeg MB R3C 3L6
204 945-2896
Email: lawreform@gov.mb.ca

Tilly Pillay QC

Ms. Pillay was appointed Acting Deputy Minister of Justice on May 1, 2015.
She also currently holds the position of Executive Director of the Legal
Services Division at the provincial Department of Justice.
Thilairani (Tilly) Pillay
*Executive Director, Legal Services Division*
*Called to the bar: *1990 (NS); Q.C.2008 (NS)
Justice (NS), Dept. of
Legal Services, 8th Flr., 1690 Hollis St.
PO Box 7, Stn. Central
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2L6
*Phone: *902-424-7567
*Fax: *902-424-1730
*Email: *pillaytp@gov.ns.ca
Nova Scotia Barristers' Society
800-2000 Barrington St.
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K1
*Phone: *
*Email: *

*Telephone Toronto: 416-326-2220 <416-326-2220>*

*E-mail* at attorneygeneral@ontario.ca

*Mailing address:*
Ministry of the Attorney General
McMurtry-Scott Building
720 Bay Street, 11th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 2S9

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ministre de la Justice Ministre de la Justice <
Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 3:06 PM
Subject: Rép. : Fwd: This is my latest email about my concerns Feral Court
right now and some more info for you (Accusé de réception)
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>


Nous accusons réception de votre courriel et vous remercions d'avoir
communiqué avec la ministre de la Justice.

Nous vous assurons que votre demande sera traitée avec toute l'attention
qu'elle mérite

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 3:05 PM
Subject: Fwd: This is my latest email about my concerns Feral Court right
now and some more info for you
To: minister <minister@justice.gov.sk.ca>, ministers <
ministers@hm-treasury.gov.uk>, ministre <ministre@justice.gouv.qc.ca>,
ministryofjustice <ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca>, "justmin@gov.ns.ca"<
Cc: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

*Kathleen Ganley*ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca
Phone: 780-427-2339
Fax: 780-422-6621

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 9:22 AM
Subject: Fwd: This is my latest email about my concerns Feral Court right
now and some more info for you
To: lstan@stfx.ca
Cc: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

*Lavinia Stan* <http://people.stfx.ca/lstan/Lala/Welcome.html>*,* *Ph.D.
(Toronto), Chair*

*Specialization:* Comparative politics, democratization, religion and
politics, transitional justice, and East European politics.

*Email:* lstan@stfx.ca
*Telephone:*(902) 867-5084
*Fax:* (902) 867-3243

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 16:31:49 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Yo Rob Moore I called all the candidates in the Governor
General's old stompiing grounds of Waterloo and asked for an answer to
this email in writing while most of their help just laughed at me
To: bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca, "peter.mackay"
<peter.mackay@justice.gc.ca>, "Dale.Morgan"
<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, jill.chisholm@justice.gc.ca, barry
bachrach <bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net>, Brian Bixby
<bbixby@burnslev.com>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>, "david.hansen"
Cc: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

William F. Pentney
*Deputy Minister of Justice & Deputy Attorney General*
*Called to the bar: *1985 (ON)
Justice Canada
Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney
284 Wellington St.
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8
*Phone: *613-957-4998

Jill Chisholm
*Called to the bar: *2009 (NS); 2008 (NL)
Justice Canada
Civil Litigation & Advisory, Duke Tower
1400-5251 Duke St.
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1P3
*Phone: *902-426-7570
*Fax: *902-426-2329

I just called thank you for your answer on the last minute of the last day.
As I said the first thing I will wish to argue before the court are the
Police Surveillance Wiretap Tapes.

I must ask where did you find my words within my statement of claim stating
that I was too busy since 2006 to address my concerns?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

On 10/8/15, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "The Campaign Office of Bill Casey, Cumberland-Colchester
> Liberal Candidate"<info@billcasey.ca>
> Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2015 13:28:07 -0400
> Subject: Thank you for your email re "Fwd: Here is my latest complaint
> about the SEC, Banksters and Taxmen"
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Thank you very much for taking the time to email the campaign office
> for Bill Casey, the Liberal candidate for Cumberland-Colchester.
> With the election campaign well under way, our office has gotten very
> busy.  Your input is, as always, very important to us.  If your email
> contains a question, we will make sure that you get a response as soon
> as we can, and we thank you for your patience with our process.
> If you have any questions about Bill's campaign or would like to
> contribute to the campaign by volunteering, ordering a lawn sign, or
> making a donation, please see Bill's campaign website at
> (billcasey.liberal.ca).
> Once again, thank you for your time, and we wish you a wonderful day.
> Sincerely,
> The Cumberland-Colchester Liberal Team
> Merci d'avoir communiqué avec le bureau de campagne électorale de Bill
> Casey, candidat du Parti libéral pour la circonscription de
> Cumberland-Colchester.
> Puisque la campagne électorale est bien entamée, notre bureau est en
> plein activité. Votre apport nous tient toujours à coeur. Si votre
> message nous posait une question, nous ferions de notre mieux à vous
> répondre aussitôt que possible, et nous vous remercions pour votre
> patience.
> Si vous avez des questions par rapport à la campagne électorale de
> Bill, ou si vous désirez appuyer la campagne comme bénévole, monter un
> placard ou offrir votre soutien financière, veuillez visiter notre
> site web, (billcasey.liberal.ca).
> Nous vous remercions encore pour votre intérêt et vous souhaitons une
> bonne journée.
> Cordialement,
> L'équipe du Parti libéral Cumberland-Colchester
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: <evan@brison.ca>
> Date: Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:39 AM
> Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Here is my latest complaint about the SEC,
> Banksters and Taxmen
> To: scott.brison.c1@parl.gc.ca
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: 2015-10-07T17:03:44-03:00
> Subject: Fwd: Here is my latest complaint about the SEC, Banksters and
> Taxmen
> To: no4promotions@eastlink.ca, edd@eddtwohig.ca,
> enfield@davidmorse.cahugh.curry@ndp.ca, will.cooper@greenparty.ca,
> comm@eatgoogle.comOffice@brison.ca
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Scott  Brison  Confirmed  Liberal Party of Canada  (902) 365-2588
> Shelley Bibby  Harry Mortimer
> Megan  Brown-Hodges  Confirmed  Rhinoceros Party  (902) 300-0103
> Andreè-Anne Bèdard  Ashley Doyle
> Will  Cooper  Confirmed  Green Party of Canada   Andrew Alan Horsnell
> Stacey Campbell
> Hugh  Curry  Confirmed  New Democratic Party  (902) 637-8683  Judy
> Swift  Brad Morse
> David  Morse  Confirmed  Conservative Party of Canada  (902) 375-3222
> Kevin MacDonald  Brad Morse
> Edd  Twohig  Confirmed  Independent  (902) 691-2866  Roland W. Hobbs
> Gerald Reigh Bustin
> Clifford James  Williams  Confirmed  Independent  (902) 223-7384
> Phillip John Zamora  Sheila Marie Doucette-Brison
> On 10/8/15, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Scott  Armstrong  Confirmed  Conservative Party of Canada  (902)
>> 893-8679  Graham Long  Myles Johnson
>> Jason Matthew  Blanch  Confirmed  Green Party of Canada  (902)
>> 694-2360  Bruce W. McCulloch  Stacey Campbell
>> Bill  Casey  Confirmed  Liberal Party of Canada  (902) 897-1727
>> Thomas Leonard MacLaren  Susan Jean McIsaac
>> Kenneth  Jackson  Confirmed  Independent  (902) 669-2019  Karen Anne
>> Jackson  Rhonda Lynn McIver
>> Richard Trueman  Plett  Confirmed  Independent  (902) 664-7275  Tanya
>> T.L. Johns  Michael G.L. Hunter
>> Wendy  Robinson  Confirmed  New Democratic Party  (902) 843-4390
>> Jamie Alcorn  Graham Sweet
>> Amherst man running as independent in Cumberland-Colchester
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 06:18:15 -0400
>> Subject: Here is my latest complaint about the SEC, Banksters and Taxmen
>> To: Andrew.Treusch@cra-arc.gc.ca, John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca,
>> Richard.Montroy@cra-arc.gc.ca, irussell@iiac.ca, bamsden@iiac.ca,
>> ministre@justice.gouv.qc.ca, public.integrity@oag.state.ny.us,
>> dmills@cra.ca, dfrancis@nationalpost.com, dsimon@stu.ca,
>> rick.hancox@nbsc-cvmnb.ca, DAmirault@bankofcanada.ca,
>> ZLalani@bankofcanada.ca, victor.boudreau@gnb.ca, ibruce@petersco.com,
>> rod.giles@osfi-bsif.gc.ca, tobin.lambie@cica.ca, jlisson@fasken.co.uk,
>> labe@fasken.com, george.greer@cica.ca, Rachel.degrace@payroll.ca,
>> Kerry-Lynne.Findlay@cra-arc.gc.ca, atip-aiprp@cra-arc.gc.ca,
>> atip-aiprp@bankofcanada.ca, jbutler@cppib.com, mmcdaid@cppib.com,
>> "roger.l.brown"<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
>> Karine Fortin <info@ndp.ca>, oig <oig@sec.gov>,
>> Kerry-Lynne.Findlay@parl.gc.ca, Philippe.Brideau@cra-arc.gc.ca,
>> Madonna.Gardiner@cra-arc.gc.ca, Bill.Blair@cra-arc.gc.ca,
>> Doug.Gaetz@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
>> gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>, "Robert. Jones"<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>,
>> "terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, whistle <whistle@fca.gov.uk>,
>> Whistleblower <Whistleblower@ctv.ca>, whistleblower
>> < whistleblower@finra.org>, "peter.mackay"
>> < peter.mackay@justice.gc.ca>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>, Raynald
>> Lampron <Lampron.Raynald@psic-ispc.gc.ca>
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "matt.taibbi"
>> < matt.taibbi@rollingstone.com>, "John.Lally"
>> < John.Lally@fredericton.ca>, jesse <jesse@jessebrown.ca>
>> https://www.scribd.com/doc/281544801/Federal-Court-Seal
>> https://www.scribd.com/doc/281442628/Me-Versus-the-Crown


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: JamieBaillie <JamieBaillie@gov.ns.ca>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 11:44:46 +0000
Subject: RE: It seems that folks up in Kent Co know about me and Jamie
Baillie and his take on (EI) reform EH?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Dear Mr. Amos:

On behalf of the Honourable Jamie Baillie, thank you for your emails
received on April 15, 2013.

Your correspondence has been logged and will be reviewed in a timely manner.

Once again, thank you for your correspondence.


Laraine Sleigh
Administrative Assistant
PC Caucus Office

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: April-12-13 8:14 PM
To: nsfl@ns.aliantzinc.ca; jim.david@pcparty.ns.ca; JamieBaillie;
Jimmy.Bourque; terry.seguin; Jacques.Poitras; acampbell
Cc: David Amos; briangallant10; execdirgen
Subject: It seems that folks up in Kent Co know about me and Jamie
Baillie and his take on (EI) reform EH?



Nova Scotia Federation of Labour, CLC (nsfl@ns.aliantzinc.ca)

April 11, 2013

Open letter to Jamie Baillie on Employment Insurance (EI) reform

On the evening of April 10th I, along with others; had the opportunity
to be in the gallery of the Legislature for the late debate on the
changes to the EI system and on the anticipated negative impact these
changes are or will have on unemployed workers their families and our

The debate was led by Gary Burrill, NDP MLA, Colchester-Musquodoboit
Valley; followed by Zach Churchill, Liberal MLA, Yarmouth and Alfie
MacLeod, PC MLA, Cape Breton West. The debate proved to be informative
and interesting and it would indeed be nice to see more similar
debates on this very important matter.

As you are aware, this issue is of great importance and concern to
workers and their families and we are indeed fearful of the negative
impact these changes will have on those in most need.

Although not the intent of this correspondence, we must again state
our concern that the public silence of you and your Caucus regarding
the legislated changes being pushed forward by the Federal
Conservative Government, is indeed deafening. Some in your party
accuse the NDP, the Liberals and the Labour movement of 'fear
mongering' by speaking out on these changes - yet aside from some
sniping - silence.

But as already stated, this concern about your silence is for another
day.  Today we wish to express our extreme concern and displeasure
with the actions of your Caucus, rather than their lack of same on
this matter.

On top of all the negative changes to the EI System, quite possibly
the most diabolical single change was that which saw the federal
government abolish the system of EI appeals based on a national
network of Boards of Referees, and replaced it with an appointed much
smaller and centralized appeal system lacking entirely in local
representation - those who have been or believe to have been wronged
have had their right to appeal undermined or eroded to at best but a
paper review? - a far cry from the balanced respected local Appeal
Board and process it replaces.

We have been informed that when a Resolution had been tabled by NDP
MLA Gary Burrill on this very matter during the Legislative sitting on
the 10th; your Caucus voted to refuse the unanimous consent required
for waver of notice and passage without debate.

The rejected resolution was far from a revolution from your party, but
merely spoke in favor of the tried and proven local representative
Board of Referees system, which provided a fair, thoughtful and
trusted review of claims the decisions of which were open for appeal
to an umpire.

The adoption of this resolution, the resolve of which states:

"THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this House of Assembly unreservedly
condemns the eradication of the Board of Referees appeal system by the
Government of Canada, and hereby registers its profound disagreement
with the removal of local labour and business leaders from the appeal
process available to EI claimants in Nova Scotia."

This may have little or no impact on the decision or direction of the
Harper Federal Government on this matter; but it would send a clear
unified message to all Nova Scotians, that the House of Assembly of
Nova Scotia believes in a fair, balanced and local appeal process - an
opportunity lost - but they will know that at least the majority of
the House is  supportive of this valued process and opposed to its


For more information, please contact Nova Scotia Federation of Labour
President Rick Clarke at 902.454.6735 (office)  or 902.434.5612 (home)

The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour is the provincial voice of the
Labour Movement, representing 70,000 members in over 400 union locals.

Joan Wark
NS Federation of Labour
3700 Kempt Road, Suite 225
Halifax, N.S., B3K 4X8
902.454.6735 (phone) 902.454.7671 (fax)

QSLS Politics
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Methinks all the MLAs recall that the sneaky SANB dude Kevin Arseneau of the Watermelon Party after being barred from the legislature wanted to be a LIEbrano MLA candidate N'esy Pas?


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks all the MLAs recall that the sneaky SANB dude Kevin Arseneau of the Watermelon Party after being barred from the legislature wanted to be a LIEbrano MLA candidate N'esy Pas?



Kevin Arseneau, président de la SANB

Kevin Arseneau sera candidat à l'investiture libérale dans Kent-Nord

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"<Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 05:14:46 +0000
Subject: RE: SO Chucky Leblanc have you asked your SANB buddy Kevin Arseneau,now of the Watermelon Party about being barred from the legislature then wanting to be a LIEbrano MLA candidate or the recent tip about him and SWN in YOUR blog?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.  Please be
assured  that your email will be reviewed.

If this is a media request, please forward your email to
>.  Thank you!


Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
Nouveau-Brunswick.  Soyez assuré(e) que votre  courriel sera examiné.

Si ceci est une demande médiatique, prière de la transmettre à
>.  Merci!

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2018 01:14:38 -0400
Subject: SO Chucky Leblanc have you asked your SANB buddy Kevin Arseneau,now of the Watermelon Party about being barred from the legislature then wanting to be a LIEbrano MLA candidate or the recent tip about him and SWN in YOUR blog?
To: "Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin"<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, 
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<megan.mitton@gnb.ca>, 
 "ralph.goodale"<ralph.goodale@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"clare.barry"<clare.barry@justice.gc.ca>, "david.hansen"<david.hansen@justice.gc.ca>, 
Newsroom <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Dale.Morgan"<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "david.eidt"<david.eidt@gnb.ca>, "serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>,
"brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca, "jan.jensen"<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>, "Nathalie.Drouin"
<Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca>, "bill.pentney"<bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, 
"Gib.vanErt"<Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca>, "marc.giroux"<marc.giroux@fja-cmf.gc.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, 
premier <premier@ontario.ca>, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, 
 Office of the Premier <scott.moe@gov.sk.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>, 
"Jack.Keir"<Jack.Keir@gnb.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, 
"David.Akin"<David.Akin@globalnews.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
news919 <news919@rogers.com>, sfine <sfine@globeandmail.com>, 
newstips <newstips@cnn.com>

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Kent North Green Party MLA Kevin Arseneau will support the Brian Gallant Government Throne Speech!!!

1 comment :

Next time you see this guy ask him why it was ok for him to work on the shale gas project for SWN. He was an employee with Peregrinne Ventures doing geochemistry


11 ridings to watch in the New Brunswick election

The New Brunswick election could be close with 5 parties hoping to gain seats on Monday

Daniel McHardie· CBC News· Posted: Sep 23, 2018 3:30 PM AT

Kent North


Green candidate Kevin Arseneau is the high-profile Green candidate running in Kent North. The Greens finished second in the eastern riding in 2014. (Tori Weldon/CBC)

Kent North, which takes in the eastern communities of Rexton, Richibuto, Rogersville and Saint-Louis-de-Kent, is a riding that has suddenly become a curious race to watch.

The riding was won by the Liberals in 2014, but Bertrand LeBlanc decided not to reoffer in this campaign.

Liberal candidate Emery Comeau is trying to hold onto the riding, but the Greens are hoping that Kevin Arseneau may be able to break through.

The Greens placed second in the riding in 2014, so there is a base of support for the party in the riding. Arseneau is a former president of the Acadian society and he had wanted to run for the Liberals in the riding. However, the Liberals did not approve his candidacy, so Arseneau switched to the Greens.

The Greens gave Arseneau's campaign a boost in the final days of the campaign by sending environmentalist David Suzuki to his riding.


ICI Radio-Canada Nouveau-brunswick

Kevin Arseneau sera candidat à l'investiture libérale dans Kent-Nord

Kevin Arseneau, président de la SANB
Kevin Arseneau, président de la SANB Photo : Radio-Canada

Moins d'un jour après avoir annoncé sa démission en tant que président de la Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick (SANB), Kevin Arseneau fait savoir qu'il sera candidat à l'investiture libérale dans la circonscription de Kent Nord, en vue des élections d'octobre 2018.
M. Arseneau n'a pas été approché par le parti libéral, mais il affirme que des résidents de la circonscription l'ont encouragé à se présenter.

Critique des libéraux

Il a milité, dans le passé, pour le Parti vert et s'est montré fort critique des libéraux dans certains dossiers, notamment lorsqu'ils ont défait un projet de loi qui aurait donné la préférence aux aliments locaux dans les établissements publics.

À titre de président de la SANB également, il a été critique envers le gouvernement Gallant sur des questions comme le financement du bureau provincial du commissaire aux langues officielles.
Malgré tout, il croit qu'il a sa place au sein du parti. « Je crois que c’est la meilleure place pour contribuer à faire avancer ma communauté actuellement. »

Il précise que les valeurs qu'il a défendues jusqu'ici demeurent siennes, comme le respect de l'environnement, le développement rural - il est copropriétaire d'une ferme dans la région de Rogersville - et la qualité de l'éducation, de la petite enfance jusqu'au niveau postsecondaire.

Contre l'épandage de glyphosate, Énergie Est

Il n'a pas l'intention, s'il est choisi candidat, puis député libéral, de suivre une ligne de parti stricte.
« [...] J’ai complètement l’intention de demeurer moi-même, de parler franchement. Y’a des décisions que je suis encore pas d’accord avec chez les libéraux. L’environnement reste un enjeu important pour moi, le glyphosate, je m’oppose à ça [...] Énergie Est, je crois qu’il y a d’autres façons de développer l’économie donc j’ai l’intention d’aller là et de continuer à être moi-même. »

Un pipeline
Kevin Arseneau ne croit pas que le projet Énergie Est soit la meilleure façon de développer l'économie de la province.  Photo : TransCanada 

S'il n'a pas discuté avec le premier ministre Brian Gallant de sa candidature, il affirme qu'un ancien ministre libéral très respecté, Bernard Richard, est un « grand mentor ».

Tout comme Bernard Richard, il estime appartenir au courant plus progressiste du parti. « Je me considère de l’héritage de Louis Robichaud », lance-t-il.

Le député actuel de Kent-Nord, Bertrand LeBlanc, a annoncé qu'il ne se représenterait pas aux prochaines élections.

La date de l'assemblée d'investiture de cette circonscription n'est pas encore connue. Le directeur général de l'Association libérale du Nouveau-Brunswick, Pete Belliveau, précise par courriel « qu'un certain nombre de personnes sont intéressées à briguer l'investiture dans [Kent-Nord] », mais que personne jusqu'ici - y compris Kevin Arseneau - n'a déposé de formulaire de candidature.

Kevin Arseneau était président de la SANB depuis octobre dernier. L'organisme de défense des intérêts des Acadiens doit annoncer une présidence intérimaire dans les prochaines heures.


ICI Radio-Canada Nouveau-brunswick

Expulsé puis réadmis à l'Assemblée législative : Kevin Arseneau ne regrette rien

Kevin Arseneau
Kevin Arseneau, nouveau président de la Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick  Photo : Twitter/@SANB2012

Kevin Arseneau, le nouveau président de la Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick (SANB), dit qu'il pourrait refaire un geste comme celui qui lui avait valu d'être expulsé et interdit de séjour à l'Assemblée législative, à Fredericton.
Au moment de l'incident, en avril 2015, il se trouvait dans la tribune de l'Assemblée législative en tant que membre de l'Union nationale des fermiers. Il s'est adressé publiquement aux députés durant leurs travaux, ce qui est interdit. Il explique avoir agi ainsi après avoir tenté pendant des mois et sans succès d'avoir une discussion avec son député et d'autres intervenants au sujet du projet de loi du Parti vert sur l'alimentation locale.

« J'étais extrêmement déçu. Donc, je me suis levé debout et j'ai rappelé à certains députés avec qui j'ai déjà parlé les engagements qu'ils avaient pris envers moi et envers les fermiers lorsqu'ils étaient en train de voter contre ce projet de loi », a souligné Kevin Arseneau en entrevue à l'émission Le réveil Nouveau-Brunswick, d'ICI Acadie.

L'agriculteur militant est devenu président de la SANB le 23 octobre dernier. Il croit toujours que son geste à l'Assemblée législative était nécessaire.
Cette journée-là, si c'était à refaire, je le referais probablement parce qu'il y avait des choses qui devaient être dites, et lorsque le peuple appelle les députés et qu'on ignore les gens pour des raisons purement idéologiques [...] les gens prennent la parole là où ils peuvent.

Kevin Arseneau, président de la Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick
Le président de la Chambre, Chris Collins, a envoyé récemment une lettre à Kevin Arseneau pour lui annoncer que sa présence était à nouveau autorisée à l'Assemblée législative.

« Dans le cadre de vos nouvelles fonctions en tant que président de la Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick, vous représentez un large segment de la population du Nouveau-Brunswick. Par conséquent, en vertu des pouvoirs qui me sont conférés en tant que président de l'Assemblée législative et avec vos nouvelles fonctions, j'ai décidé de faire une exception et d'annuler votre interdiction de séjour », peut-on lire dans la lettre de Chris Collins à Kevin Arseneau.

Les députés du Nouveau-Brunswick entreprennent mercredi après-midi une nouvelle session de travaux législatifs. Kevin Arseneau sera présent, mais les députés n'ont pas à craindre de sa part un nouveau geste d'éclat. « Aujourd'hui, on va écouter le discours du Trône et on commentera par après », dit-il.



A Fool with a Trumpet
No matter how many times a salesperson tells you that a pair of shoes look great and you should buy them, it doesn’t change the fact they hurt your feet.
In the fall of 2016, ex Premier Gallant presented a speech to the Chamber of Commerce in Saint John trumpeting how great bilingualism is. Today in his last speech in the legislature he states “ he is sorry he did not acknowledge that many NBers feel left behind by it”.
Just like those shoes, there are some problems with bilingualism and simply running around the province telling Anglophones that their concerns are not real, doesn’t fix it. You would not go back to that shoe salesman and we didn’t go back to Gallant.
Now, those shoes may be altered to fit by stretching or adding an insole, just as bilingualism can be altered a bit to give fair treatment to both linguistic communities but it ain’t goin to happen till you acknowledge the problem. Gallant couldn’t do it because he couldn’t set aside his bias and that would require leadership qualities.
Just like with certain serious health issues, you can only ignore the symptoms for so long. Don’t be surprised if Higgs and company continue to ignore Anglophone concerns just as the Liberals have, however, the consequences of that in the next election will likely push them to a third or fourth place party.
Higgs and Austin really should appoint a royal commission to review bilingualism. Make it honest and transparent. Don’t drag it on for years either. Six months and done.
We demand a bilingualism that ensures a place for the Anglophone community. It better happen or the Conservatives are going to find themselves a party of little significance after the next election.
Judy Clark Hudson Galbraith
Judy Clark Hudson GalbraithBilingualism is destroying New Brunswick. It discourages businesses and industries from locating here!

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· Reply· 2d
Joe Citizen
Joe CitizenFrench people in Canada have to learn English (and most want to) in order to participate in modern society, the same as Italian-Canadians, Spanish-Canadians, Chinese-Canadians etc.(who also speak at least one other language at home) do. The vast majoriSee More

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· Reply· 1d

N.B. , a province lacking leadership.
The paramedic fiasco has become a tragedy as a result of a super stubborn determination by a Gallant Liberal government to maintain a language position above anything including public safety.
Their policy seems to have become as follows;
“ a bilingual ambulance attendant on each ambulance or no ambulance at all.”
“ no use of translation devices under any circumstance”
It is a shocking and a clear declaration that sometimes lives may need to be placed at risked because of the perceived importance of language and language laws. No doubt there are other issues as well. All of which takes leadership that we have not and do not have from Gallant and company.
This situation has festered now for much too long which demonstrates the lack of leadership with this Gallant government. This is the same individual that is in a state of desperation trying to hang on to power.
Real leadership would have acted long before this with a sense of urgency. The people of New Brunswick desperately need Higgs and Austin in position to fix this mess.
Markus Harvey
Markus HarveyMaking martyrs of their own people over a battle they've already won. Ridiculous.
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· Reply· 6d
Joe Citizen
Joe CitizenJean-Claude Robichaud That's great! I look forward to you and the SANB sending money to the Italian-Canadian Association so that we can have the same rights as you.... and I look forward to you speaking to me in Italian paisano. Also, why do you call mSee More

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Will a minority government bring balance and fairness?
Now that we are in a new dawn in New Brunswick politics , it’s not going to be business as usual for the Higgs government. The Gallant government has been spending $40 million less per year on the Anglophone education system, that’s approx $1411 per student less in relation to the funding of the Francophone system.
So they need to bump up the spending for the Anglophone system by about $90 million in order create an equal amount per child. If they chose to continue this discrimination against our children and grand children , there is going to be a price to pay.
Because of the nature of the minority environment in the legislature, the Green and Alliance parties are going to share responsibility for correcting this injustice to the youth of our English speaking community through their public vote on the budget.
New Brunswick has one of the worst literacy rates in the country. Smaller class sizes, more teaching assistance, more teachers, assistance with learning disabilities all could go a long way to improve this. The Gallant government’s blatant discrimination in funding is soon over.
We’ll be forwarding the information to the three parties with a reminder that we shall hold them accountable should the budget not contain fairness and balance in the funding of our youth.
Glen Mccormack
Glen MccormackI agree with the reduction of the francophone funding money could be spent on hospitals

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· Reply· 1w
Kathleen Dael
Kathleen DaelThey will tie all of Higg’s reforms up in law suits over the bilingual issues that are at the root of many of the provinces financial problems, etc..not going to be cut & dried. Francophones have had easy sailing these past several years, suddenly the worm has turned. We shall all be watching.
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· Reply· 1w
This from one of the briefs in the language hearings in Ottawa.
From the
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Accountability in intergovernmental agreements for education
For more than 40 years, the Government of Canada has offered financial support to the provinces and territories to help them provide second-language instruction programs and fulfill their obligations with respect to minority-language education.
Every five years, the Government of Canada renew and sign the Protocol for Agreements for Minority-Language Education and Second-Language Instruction with the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada.
Following the signing of the Protocol, bilateral agreements are concluded with all provincial and territorial governments.
These agreements total more than
$235 million annually ($148.7 million for education in minority-language education and $86.8 million for second-language instruction).
It’s seems this may be in addition to the 2.7 billion Roadmap to Linguistic Duality program.
Lot of money in light of our debt, healthcare and literacy issues.
Dorene MacLong
Dorene MacLongWhat will it take to end the money trail for one group of people that won’t be satisfied until they have complete control of Canada and that won’t be enough either.

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· Reply· 3w
Just so you know.
There are hearings going on in Ottawa before the Senate committee on changes to the Canadian Official Languages Act. SANB have made the following presentation. Seems they don't mind talking about issues and solutions for their advantage but not about real issues that would mean fairness and peace in New Brunswick.
Any changes to the Official Languages Act will have profound consequences for us but yet only Francophone groups from New Brunswick have been invi...
Continue Reading
Mary MacIntyre Kamermans
Mary MacIntyre KamermansMore that 32% is francophone ?... but what percentage is pushing for change ?

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· Reply· 3w
Jim Kavanagh
Jim KavanaghEnds with a quote stating his loyalty is to “Acadie”, and is only a Canadian of convenience. That speaks volumes.
Isn’t it ironic that demanding immigration to match their culture is applauded by the government and media, but demonized by them when an See More

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Lets fix this, let’s try another approach.
I want my Anglophone community to adopt a new approach toward “duality”.
The English speaking community needs to respect the Francophone community’s wish to separate themselves from us in education. You cannot make a forced integration work.
...See More
Debra Harmer
Debra HarmerMy prayers are directed at the abolishment of duality, I believe that the most important part of all the differences is that we both speak languages that can be understood. Open up the school systems mix in all the children starting in K - 12 and let See More

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Maggy Thomas
Maggy ThomasAbolish duality or each group pay their own way. AND start referring to the Anglo 'Nation'.

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Understanding duality...why SANB don’t want to talk
Sorry that this is complicated but there are actually four types of duality:
• Education duality...
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Gary Russell
Gary RussellThats what its coming once everyone is Bilingual the goverment will say duality is to expensive we will make everything french

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Linda Jane
Linda JaneDuality in education was actually introduced by Robichaud in 1964. He betrayed the trust and it severed the friendship between himself and Edward Byrne, the man he hired to design a way for fairer taxation to municipalities. Byrne’s report calls for onSee More

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Interesting approach by SANB
We offered to meet with SANB in a private meeting to discuss their concerns and ours on the current language situation in the province.They turned it down.
My suggestion now is that the Francophones need someone they trust as an arbitrator to address their concerns. That arbitrator should be willing to hear our views as well.
One name that comes to mind is Frank McKenna. Not sure though, if he would be objective and willing to listen to both sides.
We just need cooler heads to prevail and sit down and have a sensible honest discussion. We have tried and been turned down. So someone respected by the Francophone community and willing to listen to our concerns is needed.
Michael Cain
Michael Cainsounds to me you don't have any political clout; just another special interest stirring the pot; you need solutions

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Joe Citizen
Joe CitizenFrank McKenna is anything BUT unbiased. He sold out the non-french for the mass block of voters who always vote for whoever will give them more power and control.

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A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.
Dalai Lama
The distrust and insecurity in the province today is the result of decades of hidden agendas. The exclusion of the English community from discussions on the amendments to the official languages act in 2012-13 has turned out to symbolize a concerted effort to exclude and ignore the concerns of the Anglophone community.
You would think that if the concerns of the English community are without justification that Gallant and Coon would be anxious to engage and show the public the facts that prove us wrong. Instead they chose to ignore in an effort to marginalize us and send the message that we are not worthy of recognition.
Since the election , we are seeing a significant rise in people contacting us to join the ARA. It is just more of that rising tide of discontent. There is absolutely no way in the world that the demand for an honest address of our concerns is going to go away by simply being ignored.
The reason it will not go away is , first , because the concerns and issues are real and true. And secondly, the main stream media has lost its ability to control the information getting to the people.
Gallant gave a speech in Saint John in September of 2016 on the topic of bilingualism in which he acknowledged that there is an increased tension between the two linguistic communities. He blamed that on the internet, where radicals ( those who dare question the application of bilingualism) were able to put out their message.
He was right, the internet is an avenue of information that is not controllable like the main stream media has been. So those like Gallant have a problem , their agenda can no longer escape scrutiny and the English issues are much harder to ignore.
Real leaders would just step up in an honest attitude and say “ let’s hear your concerns and we’ll see what can be done”. No, can’t do that. So the frustration continues to grow and they are surprised by it. It’s called arrogant, gutless, dishonest leadership.
The tension Gallant refers to is just going to grow without honest fair address. For those that want status quo, rest assured , it can’t last.
Mike T Voisine
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Sylvia Rosborough
Sylvia RosboroughIf we all moveout who will suppor them as there are too few to make

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Let us maintain our civility while all those around us lose theirs.
We of the Anglophone Rights Organization (ARA) need to rise above the emotion of the political up roar going on in the province today. Our objective is to have our issues heard. It will happen but not in an environment controlled by the main stream media. We can’t allow that.
So to our members, please keep your emotions in check. We don’t need stupid things said out of emotional responses to negative things stated by others in the French speaking community. Remember, most Francophones are just regular folks like us. So now is the time for us to rise above any name calling.
The actions and statements of Gallant and his gang (Party) shows a great disrespect for the Anglophone community. Their goal is to ignore us , to insinuate that our issues are invalid and to continue to place Francophone concerns ahead of ours.
Know that we are pushing forward. Discontent is rising within the English speaking community over barriers to employment and over lack of consultation, over government favouritism in spending and service provision. The leadership of the Francophone community is content to try to push us down, to discredit our concerns but history shows that it never succeeds for long. The anger within the Anglophone community will just continue to rise.
Let me repeat for the millionth time, our basic principles:
• We advocate for a fair and equitable application of bilingualism
• A fair proportional share of jobs, government spending and services.
• Government consultation on all issues affecting the English speaking community.
We are guided by these principles and we are ready to sit down and discuss our issues in a sensible , calm and professional manner. We do not want to participate in the present emotional chaos and we will wait till the dust settles and will then be ready to sit down with who ever is mature enough to respect us.
Ivan Tofukalot
Ivan TofukalotWe were actually very peaceful.The english called us french neutrals...we had great relationship with the natives.Then the english waited for the fall harvest to come in and stole everything we had,raped our woman and sent the men to the four winds manSee More
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Joe Citizen
Joe CitizenThe answer to this is to force SANB, Acadians and Quebecers to refer to the non-french population of Canada by their historical cultural ancestry... the same way they force everyone else to do with theirs. Do not allow them to simply call you "English"See More

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Two St. Stephen-area French immersion teachers have “limited English skills” and struggle to speak English, the school district confirmed this week.
Earlier this week, Zoë Watson, superintendent of Anglophone South School District confirmed two of the district’s French immersion teachers have limited English skills, saying the pair struggle “more so with spoken English, than with comprehension.” The teachers in question have a “mentor” teacher assisting them, will soon als...
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Sylvia Rosborough
Sylvia Rosboroughanother example of wasting money but moore important what university did they ggo too??
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Sam Weston
Sam Westonmy daughters a dealing with this in hartland now.
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You walk behind a mule, you risk getting kicked.
We have a number of legitimate issues with the application of bilingualism but
it turns out that “ bilingualism” is so sacred that no discussion is allowed. Is it so fragile that it cannot be examined?
The leadership of the Francophone community is very fearful of any discussion of bilingualism because they do not trust us. In their minds, our sole purpose is push back what they have gained. So in order to protect this program they automatically circle the wagons and defend any criticism with cries of “bigot” but that is getting old now.
The truth is that we do have legitimate concerns. By ignoring this and surpressing any criticism of bilingualism , it just fuels a building backlash within the English community.
Of course, those of this backlash are attracted to a party that acknowledges their legitimate concerns. If the program were easily defended, you would think French leadership would sit down and explain the so called misconceptions rather than yell bigot, bigot.
Sadly, Francophones’ lack of trust in us is mirrored in our English community’s lack of trust in the Francophone community. Overcoming this on both sides is the key to linguistic resolution.
Peter Barlow
Peter BarlowThe reason they don’t engage in discussions is that the English do not keep there word. Either in writing or verbally. We as native people know this. However bilingualism is not right native people and their language should also be the norm

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Nancy Stewart
Nancy StewartIts a shame it came to this , no trust, one thing I do know, even if there was a difference in lanquage, if there was a disaster in newbrunsick, I would help , someway , even by donations,its just a shame , for our children, that they have to be separaSee More

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Does it have to be this way?
What is the difference between a French speaking person and an English one? If you remove the language factor, what is the difference really? The answer, is just trivial stuff, unimportant stuff , the stuff of tradition, the stuff of culture, the stuff that is unimportant to you in your final hours, things like fashion and customs etc.
We can agree on that, but soon we fall back into the same old tug of war. Us and them. Arguing nonsense about grievances up to 300 years old. When will we ever learn? We won’t. It’s in the DNA of the human species to gather up into tribes and try to dominate the next tribe over.
We are not out to screw the French speaking community, instead, we want proportional sharing by ratio of population.
* 68% of jobs governed by the Official Languages Act at all levels, (plus or minus a reasonable variable)
* 68% of the funding dedicated to healthcare ( plus or minus a practical amount) ,
* 68% of the funding for Education ( plus or minus a reasonable variable),
* Agreement on curriculum of language testing, recording of language tests, third party verification of language tests, rewrite of failed tests.
* 68% of the government funding of culture
* Recognition that a lot of our people will never be bilingual and we do not accept that as a result , they must leave.
* 68% of the jobs as paramedics, firefighters, police, nurses, civil servants, etc.
* Consultation on issues that affect us.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, we just want our fair share , that’s all.
We don’t want French people and companies coming here taking jobs from our children and grand children simply because they speak French.
No, It doesn’t have to the way it is.
Clayton Baker
Clayton Bakerca irait po mal mieux si le nouveau-brunswick serait tout francais.il aurait po mal moins de marde avec les anglais braillards

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Mike Frontin
Mike FrontinBut if I live in Edmunston and grew up in Edmunston, and speak only French, why shouldn't I be able to get a job with Service NB in Edmunston? It's all about quality of life. I don't think the 68% model works. We are all NBers. We don't need segregation by percentage. We just need common sense so that English and French both get what they need.

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“All Christians should be advocates for fairness in all laws, both natural and man made.”
- Shenita Etwaroo
If you really want to understand bilingualism , you could take the time to tap on the attached link and read it. It is the government plan on how they wish to institute bilingualism. It is really a plan on how they shall impose it.
Is she right, is fairness a Christian
attribute? See if you can find where they consider the English speaking community concerns.
Marie Tracy-Gould
Marie Tracy-GouldI see very little equality in this plan.....
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Helen Stewart
Helen StewartWe had a enough of French pushed down our throats Lloyd Stewart

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The definition and the strategy of “fair”
Everyone of us have experienced circumstance where we felt unfairly treated. We automatically know the definition. It usually is a comparison of our treatment with the treatment of someone else where we receive less under similar circumstances.
During the establishment of ARA, it was decided that the basis of our basic principles was to be “fairness”. There were two reasons for that. First, it makes argument against us very difficult. Secondly, it is the only way to get a lasting resolution between the English and French communities. We have had literally hundreds of years of conflict between the two communities. We have to try to resolve that long term. Fairness has too be the key.
At some point , our ARA , the SANB and the presiding government will need to sit down and establish a fair resolution. That then brings in the meaning of “fair”.
A lot of people may not be aware that most of the Francophone leadership believe that because the Francophone community is only 32%, (a minority) they must have more than a fair share.
Judge Bastarache made a ruling that for the Francophone minority to be treated fairly “ equal is not necessarily equal”.
So when we see that the Francophone community receives $40 million more per year for their education system, they think that is fair. Where Francophones have their court challenges to language laws paid for by government and we don’t , they feel that is fair. Where they get $80 million per year from the Federal government for “minority support” and we get none for “majority support, they think that is fair. When we see the civil service is over 47% Francophone and increasing while they are only 32 % of the general population, they think that is fair.
So at some point we will have to decide if we need to continue to acquiesce to this imbalance in order to keep the peace or does the Francophone community need to change.
You would think that the money allotted to educate our children would be the distributed equally per child whether in the French system or English but that’s not case.
There is an old cliche “ fair is fair”. Today that is not necessarily so. That is our challenge in coming to resolution with our Francophone neighbours.
Geoffrey Estabrooks
Geoffrey EstabrooksWhen are the Liberals and Conservatives going to match the millions of taxpayers dollars that are sent annually to groups representing the french, to groups representing the English? And I don't mean on a dollar per dollar basis; I mean on a per capita basis. This is equality!!!

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Sonya Jewett
Sonya JewettBoycott Dieppe. If English speakers are not welcome then we should spend our money elsewhere.
It's been 15 years since I shopped in Dieppe.

A window into Francophone thinking.
We have said all along there is a distinction between the Francophone leadership and “everyday common Francophone folks” with whom we really have more in common than we have differences.
The following is a short piece by a member of the Francophone leadership. It is about four years old. It will give you a little glimpse into how our opposition thinks. It’s about French people coming here.
In this case , it shows two interesting points; one about us ( the English speaking community) and another about the image of New Brunswick
First that we are out on “ a horrible task” to assimilate them as though there is some planned conspiracy by us to do so. Secondly, this is not a place to come and speak English. That reveals their (the Francophone leadership) lack of belief in bilingualism.
So here it is:
Many French people who come to settle here find it very difficult to fully integrate. What’s worse, some become anglophone allies in the horrible task of our assimilation.
Unfortunately, some of our French friends who come to settle here act like “colonizers.” They don’t want to integrate into the Acadian community of “unfit, uncultured North American human beasts.”
. These people feel it’s better to integrate into the English-speaking community, of course for economic reasons. For instance, some – and not just anybody either – send their children to English school.
Going about things this way can be seen as an insult and affront to the Acadian community. It goes beyond stubbornness; it’s totally unacceptable and revolting. If these people want to live in English and raise their children in English, they should move to England, Australia, the United States or elsewhere in Canada.
Author - Jean-Marie Nadeau is an Acadian activist and former NDP candidate. He is currently president of the Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick.
This article was about four years ago, apparently he is now running for Dave Coon in the Green Party. Interesting eh.
We’re sick and tired of this. You should be too.
This from our Liberal government. They are cute enough to state “both official languages” but who is the focus on?
While our people have legitimate concerns about the consequences of the language laws we face, what do they focus on?
Read this piece of favouritism.
Program on the Provision of Official-Language Services 2014-2018 (POLS)
The Program on the Provision of Official-Language Services (POLS):
• Is designed first and foremost to support initiatives that allow the provincial government to improve services in French and to contribute to the equality of the two official linguistic communities;
• Recognizes the priority role of the provincial government and its departments in the delivery of services in both official languages while calling upon community organizations and structures to support the government in its objectives.
This orientation satisfies the requirements of the Canada-New Brunswick Agreement on the Provision of French-Language Services. Among other things, it seeks to develop a more strategic approach and to provide the means with which to measure the effectiveness of the activities selected.
The Government Plan on Official Languages seeks to address some of the community’s priorities as identified in the Plan de développement global de l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick (Société de l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick), when these priorities take the form of structuring initiatives that meet the government’s priorities as well.
The next government plan on official languages and the next Acadian New Brunswick global development plan, to be developed following the Acadian convention, held in October 2014, will be similarly aligned.
Dave Jones
Dave Joneswait till you are refused your english language rights in a court of so called law like I was .Thank judge Jolen and the attorney generals office .OLA still refuse's to let me have access to my own file of complaints and the refusal to support my english rights during the judicial procedure .This is even against the criminal code

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Our failure is our inability to explain to and convince our own.
We have 432,000 unilingual Anglophones in the province who live unaware of or in denial of, the bad situation building that shall block them from the job market and therefore remove them from the province. It is very difficult to convince Anglophones of such a thing.
Most will think to themselves when they read this , “ oh that’s just alarmist, just another group yelling the sky is falling”. So I’ll give you ev...
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Clayton Baker
Clayton Bakerwell go to school and learn your french you lazy people

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Clayton Baker
Clayton Bakermechante gang de mange marde icitte.all of you are so stupid

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The reason we’re in debt and how to fix it.
The provincial government is over 14 billion dollars in debt. When a government is elected , it’s because they received money and support from numerous people. Once elected , there is an obligation there.
The province’s financial system including budgeting is intentionally flawed so that elected parties can find ways to repay their supporters. There is no accountability. Any blatant payback spending can only come to light after the fact.
To correct that, it is important to legislate control on what is called “discretionary spending”. That is where parties are able to spend off the cuff, supposedly to meet unexpected expenses and opportunities. That’s got to go.
If a couple were having a tough time meeting the bills, they would likely sit down and try to figure a way to reduce debt and set up a written plan on how to do that, commonly referred to as a budget. If the husband were to come home one day ready to borrow money to build a new garage despite their financial hard ship, there would likely be opposition there to such a plan. That’s called accountability and discipline. Not so with a majority government.
To change the process so as to bring in accountability and discipline, the legislation must be changed to institute more power to the official opposition. First, the yearly provincial budget must always be within 10% of balance.
Once a budget is approved in the legislature, any extension over the approved amounts on department line item totals would need opposition approval. No discretionary spending without opposition approval.
The auditor general’s report would require official response of corrective action taken and a vote on approval of the response taken in the legislature requiring a 60% majority affirmation.
A digital accountability system must be put in place where all MLAs can see all department line item spending in real time. No more sneaky backdoor give aways.
It could be done but..........
Mike Collins
Mike CollinsSisson Mine will wipe out Approximately 2500 hundred Acres and wipe Four Brooks Off the Face of the Earth and will Poison our Nashwaak River Watershed, Let's Make Sisson Brook a Provincial Park?
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Doreen Thompson
Doreen ThompsonWhy do we need more Provincial Parks? Yes they are nice to have but with the financial state this province is in and GALLANT already bragging about all the money he is going to spend next term. someone has to realise that this Province has many more problems, serious problems that should be taken care of first.

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Enabling fund? Enabling who?
Anglos in New Brunswick don’t get any of this fund developed by the feds because we are not a minority. Here is an explanation and summary of said fund. Yes it is still in operation.
ENABLING Fund for Official Language Minority Communities.
...See More
Robert Jeffrey
Robert JeffreyThe 29% tail waging the 71% dog and strangely a lot of the 71% will vote Liberal-insanity I say? NB is going to the dogs so young people run before it bites you in the ass?

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Joe Cabins
Joe CabinsOur past governments have been voted in and honoured OUR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to the favourites. It's no secret. This is where the PANB WILL SAVE MONEY

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English Speaking Liberals, authors of their own demise.
The attached is a status report on "bilingualism" put out by Gallant's office in June. Pay particular attention to pages three and four. See if you can find any favoritism going on here.
It is really sad that good well meaning English speaking folks are caught up in this deplorable Liberal organization. They will need to answer to their families one day. Walk away, find a party that will stand up for fairness for both French and English. Join the ARA as well. Unite for a better future for your families. (Email anglophonerights@mail.com for info)
Hold your noses and read this:
Share like crazy.
Dave Peters
Dave PetersWhere is the 3rd report. This report evaluated until the end of March 2017. Can we find this?
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Natalie Pugh
Natalie PughThere it is again! A francophone saying "too bad, learn French" Why have we sat back so long as a majority and allowed such arrogance? To demand or expect a large majority to learn to speak an unused minority language just please a small group of eliSee More

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The day after the election will mark the end of democracy for four years.
A party getting a majority has no checks and balances for four years. That’s the reality the English speaking community faces. With the review and amendments to the Official Languages Act due in 2021, a Gallant Liberal government or a Volpe/ D’astous Conservative government will be very generous in greasing the skids under the English speaking community. If you thought d’Entremont had too much influence, babababy you ain’t seen nothin yet.
And you’re thinking “ah that wouldn’t happen”. Think again. Why did over half a million English speakers leave the townships of Quebec in the late 70’s and early 80’s? Because they were subjected to Bill101 , a restrictive language law. Even today, a recent poll declares that 60% of young Anglophones want out of Quebec.
So open your eyes English speaking New Brunswick. Of course, the Liberals and Conservatives are capable of negative actions toward the English speaking community. It’s been on going for heavens sake, wake up.
And who shall stop them? We have no mechanism in our governmental system to deal with abuse of power from a majority government. It is a flaw in our political system.
As an example, was there democracy in the Gallant’s government raising of the HST? No one could stop that.
Mr. Higgs has committed that the ARA will be at the table on any discussions pertaining to language and culture if elected. Will we see that in the platform?
We only practice democracy one day every four years. So be very careful with your vote on September 24 th.
Ralph Watson
Ralph WatsonI highly doubt that you will see a majority government in this election. ...

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Rick Amos

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The winds of change are blowing over the province.
Every so often circumstances occur where change really takes root. In New Brunswick, we now face a point where we have a possible third consecutive “one term” government. That means that New Brunswick voters have tried several times for change, only to find the same old crap from the Conservatives and Liberals.
Their failure to find that change they are looking for, combined with a deteriorating financial situation, terribl...
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Dorene MacLong
Dorene MacLongNot familiar with your case but did read something about it in the paper a few yrs ago so recognized your name when I saw it.Wishing you well as you proceed or has your case been closed?

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Dave Jones
Dave Jonesa new trial was appeal court ordered and the province refused and as far as I know the case has been sealed even the charter challenges ,this has been done to protect the system that knowingly set up false charges ,this includes protecting judges and tSee More
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Robert Jeffrey
Robert JeffreyTo little too late NB is going to hell in both official languages and when 29% overrules the majority every time it is time to leave this once wonderful province.

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8-11 minutes
A confidential document that Progressive Conservatives have provided to its candidates reveals how the party wants them to “pivot” away from tough questions they may face while campaigning, while also unveiling several platform commitments that the party has yet to publicly announce.
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EXCLUSIVE: Tory campaign strategy revealed in document
Gwen Burns
Gwen BurnsThe document states it won't create "any new taxes" but did not say it would not increase taxes we already have..

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Jocelyn Jaitner
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Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now, the Hour Is Getting Late.
The upcoming election will have significant consequences for the English speaking community. Their participation in the job market, in the civil service , in the police forces, as paramedics , as judges, as fire fighters, and in the management of all of government is “dwindling exponentially”. The result is a silent exodus. The move away from the province by the Anglophone youth and by their parents following them. It is...
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Tim Trecartin
Tim TrecartinHas no one heard of Google translate,every ambulance and every police car has a laptop now for Jesus sake let's higher people with the qualifications regardless what language they speak

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Greg Jardine
Greg JardineThe tale has been wagging the dog long enough
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David Stairs
David Stairsisn't it ironic how this was put before the courts at election time so as to keep the Libs and Cons from adderessing it..what a crock ...more manipulation buy government and the Language Police..

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Samantha Et Denis
Samantha Et DenisI live in Northern N.B I had to cross the bridge into Qc to take my LPN nursing in English lol
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The Federal and provincial governments are enablers. They are pushers in support of an addiction. An addiction to minority welfare and their drug of choice is money and lots of it. It is important for English New Brunswick to understand what is going on behind the scenes.
The link below takes you to a description of a multi billion dollar minority welfare program. English speaking Canadians are paying 82% of the cost and less t...
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Marlene Crandlemire
Marlene CrandlemireIt's a little confusing, over the last 50 years the percentage of ENGLISH who could speak french went from 15% to 17% a entire 2% in 50 years...it ain't going to happen then.To hope that NB becomes this UTOPIA of people mixing together, french and englSee More

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Keith Leavitt
Keith Leavitta lot don't speak french

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In the absence of a consensus among New Brunswick's political parties, ICI Acadie can not produce a debate of French leaders in the context of the provincial election campaign.
"Over the past few days, Radio-Canada Acadie has returned to the parties to ask them to agree on a format that would allow French-speaking voters to have the right to a real debate in French, as the public demanded. organizations. Unfortunately, the Liberal Party refused both options, while the other p...
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Katherine McCluskey Brinson
Katherine McCluskey BrinsonThe french are not ENTITLED to a debate where everyone speaks french...they are entitled to a translation just like the rest of us. I can see where this kind of hate talk is going...soon the french will be saying they are ENTITLED to a Canada with only french people in it!

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Gary Russell
Gary RussellKatherine that is the plan all French
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And here's WHY that bilingual, citizen's forum assisted by simultaneous translation was cancelled.
There is NO desire for a bilingual harmony in New Brunswick - only a desire for separation. SANB and others would not accept the proposed format and insisted on French-only debate.
2 SANB August 22, 2018
Mr. Joel REED
President New Brunswick Liberal Association
715 Brunswick Street Fredericton, NB E3B 1HB
Mr. On behalf of the Society of New Brunswick (SANB), we request that your party leader, Brian GALLANT, agree to participate in a French-language debate on Radio-Canada Acadie.
CBC Radio-Canada to cancel its bilingual citizen forum and return to the traditional feast of two leaders' debates, one French n and one in English, the SANB urges New Brunswick's political parties to quickly find a mechanism that will p to francophones in the province to hear the views of the various parties with respect to their issues, in their mother tongue
Our public broadcaster has already established that parties will have to agree on a formula that will allow for a debate on n French, which will be fair and which will respond to its journalistic names and practices.
The SANB is committed to its members to closely monitor the steps that will be taken by your party to propose a formula of debate that will be accepted by all parties to respect the linguistic rights of the Acadian and Francophone community of New Brunswick. Brunswick SANB takes this opportunity to ask for your commitment to the proposal that the SANB ask New Brunswick political parties to commit in the next provincial election to developing and implementing a rural development policy in New Brunswick. province
Please accept, Mr. President, the expression of our sentiments the best
Robert Melanson
President of the SANB
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Don Page
Don PageSANB concerned about their "linguistic rights" not being respected?
Demand a debate in French only? What a joke.

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Deborah MacMichael
Deborah MacMichaelTo the Francophone Elite this has nothing to do with " linguistic rights " and everything to do with Power and Control.... Language is their weapon of choice !!!

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Deborah MacMichael
Deborah MacMichaelI see that Michel Doucet, Katherine d'Entremont and the SANB are still running this province....Want to control the dialogue and election outcome by keeping the Francophone population in the dark so that they can continue to feed them their bigoted rhetoric........ Afraid that the Francophone community will have other choices and stop voting Liberal... Wake up people you are being used and manipulated....

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Rosemary St-Yves
Rosemary St-YvesSuch a simple solution...assign a translator....or better yet get rid of bilingualism throughout the country.

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This what we hear.
To hell with the English.
They were responsible for the expulsion in 1755 and they have had lots of chance to learn French but they haven’t. Just ask Dave Coon.
Furthermore, they are the majority, they have everything. It’s nonsense that they are discriminated against.
Their so called “issues” might look legitimate but when you look closer it’s just that they are anti French.
How dare the English question bilingualism. It’s in the constitution.
They just want to infringe on Francophone minority rights.
All the English seem to care about is money. They don’t care if the French culture survives. So what if the government spends a couple of hundred $million less on them. They don’t have to worry about being assimilated.
Judge Bastarache said it best; sometimes “equal” is not equal. Gallant understands that, Higgs understands that, now the English community has to accept that.
Marlene Crandlemire
Marlene CrandlemireHe is anti- english, who knew, eh?
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· Reply· 8w
Lesley Jardine
Lesley JardineYou lost the war!
Besides the Acadians don't speak proper french anyway. It's half assed english
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"He told me personally he doesn't want to change anything and he wants to fight for our rights," he said. "If I had any doubt in my soul that he was not going to respect me as a francophone, or me as an Acadian, I would never have ran for him."
Frances McConnachie
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· Reply· 10w
Lesley Jardine
Lesley JardineBring back the COR!!
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Hey Folks Members meeting tomorrow night Tue Aug 21,7PM Riverview Sobeys community room Findlay Blvd Lots to Share.
Another Wednesday Aug 22, 7pm, Mt Rd. Sobeys Moncton. Hope to see you there.
Rob Savard
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· Reply· 10w
Claire Dykeman
Claire DykemanIs there one tomorrow night at Sobeys in Saint John at 6:30???
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How do English speaking Liberals justify their party?
Perhaps one of the most important elections in 58 years is nearing. There is danger in it for the English community. Unfortunately, much of the English community are unaware.
The importance of language and the consequences of language laws and policies in the job market, is the absolute most important issue for English New Brunswick. Yet many are ignorant of the closing door to the job market for their children and grand children.
Complicit in maintaining this ignorance is the media and the political parties. Interestingly, the Irving media has recently broken step with the status quo and questioned the sacred program called “bilingualism”. They would not have done so without the approval of the Irving family so perhaps this signals a change in their thinking.
In terms of the Liberals , their treatment of Wayne Grant ( the commissioner at the legislature) illustrates their lack of concern and empathy not only for Wayne but for the English community. Their discrimination against English speaking citizens in the Paramedic occupation again illustrates their willingness to see the English community pushed out. The fact that Gallant has done so and that his cabinet is majority Francophone brings in a question of bias.
In Gallant’s recent review of his government’s progress in implementing d’Entremont’s version of bilingualism in the civil service , he brags that most of the ministers are Francophone. The Liberal government has been pushing forward in their effort to Frenchify the 328 senior management jobs in the civil service which has been a constant demand in d’Entremont’s annual reports.
Gallant has gleefully declared that duality in the school bus system has been maintained under his administration. This illustrates his belief in the segregation of French and English children in the bus system. He and his cabinet need to come up with legislation to ensure French and English kids don’t play together on the weekends.
The Gallant government is proceeding with its process of bilingualizing the civil service by designating over 70% of jobs as bilingual. Who shall take these jobs if not the English who are 90% unilingual? It is a Liberal government loading one side of the scale and increasing an already imbalance between the two linguistic communities in favour of his own Francophone community within the public service. It is a blatant anti English move.
I wonder about English Liberals. What do they think of their leader , his cabinet and his actions? What direction shall they take? Will they step up and demand a Liberal platform that corrects the injustice?
Gary Russell
Gary RussellNow there is a good idea stop paying taxes
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· Reply· 6w
Sha Carmichael
Sha CarmichaelAll they think of is their paycheques - they care about nothing else - certainly not us, the taxpayers. They'd sell their first born to get those dollars. Sickening, the whole bunch of them - their noses are brown for sure.

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They don't want bilingualism, and they make that more clear every day.
The Société de l'Acadie New Brunswick is categorically opposed to the program's bilingual format.
Acadia is a nation. She has the right to have a debate in her language. Acadians have the right to hear from people who want to represent them in Fredericton. And if these people do not speak French during the debate, it will be to their disadvantage. Language is also a qualification. Then it will be up to the...
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Barbara MacKenzie
Barbara MacKenzieNation? Really? Where is this nation? At best SANB and the rest is a small francophone community trying to out shout out vote with their acadian voice over the majority English population in NB. I am frankly tired of the silly squabbling the frangophoSee More

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· Reply· 9w
Tia Gallant
Tia GallantRadicals ruling out province.

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the SANB was very disappointed that the government took advantage of the press briefing to place a Liberal Party sign, rather than that of the Government of New Brunswick. In light of this highly partisan situation, the SANB feels the need to reaffirm that it is in no way associated with the New Brunswick Liberal Party or the other political parties in the province and that it is a non-partisan organization. Such a meeting is supposed to take place between the president of th...
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Gary Firlotte
Gary Firlottegallant needs all the help he can get

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· Reply· 11w
Marlene Crandlemire
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What! Questioning bilingualism?
Recently the Moncton Times and Transcript has run a couple of editorials questioning what has been a sacred cow in this province for 50 years, the application of bilingualism.
The latest one by a Mr. Ouellette of the University of Moncton is interesting as it advocates for more duality. Mr. Ouellette is a member of the Francophone community’s leadership. His goal therefore is a work place where Francophones work in French. He laments that such a goal has not been attained in the present set up despite the efforts of d’Entremont.
The piece confirms again that the leadership of the French community is aware and maybe even concerned about the increase in language tension in the province. He makes a statement that basically says that our concern that there is a real and increasing barrier to jobs for unilingual Anglophones is just our imagination. Our experience and the numbers tell a different story.
Our present Francophone Healthcare system is “dual” in management and bilingual in service with French being designated as the working language. Duplicating this in transportation, forestry, fisheries etc seems to be their prize here.
He talks about decentralizing the government in administration but not in services. The working language in French designated areas would be French but service to the public would be bilingual and vice versa for English areas.
The details of this are not clear but rest assured, the leadership of the French community are not concerned for our welfare. They are willing to talk about bilingualism now only when it’s to their benefit.
There are ways to change the application of bilingualism so that both French and English could share the job market in a fair and equitable way. I’m not convinced that the leadership of the French community are interested in that yet.
Jeff Barton
Jeff BartonDefinition means speaking two languages...doesnt mean English and French....

Fluently respectively

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· Reply· 11w
Marlene Crandlemire
Marlene CrandlemireThe non-francophones in the Province must take the lead, there is no reference in the CONSTITUTION about working in FRENCH .If there is note in the OLC that can be changed tout-suit and FAIRNESS WILL REIGN IN NB!

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A good listen about language and politics in NB.
Ironic that the Liberals are seen as the party of the French, and the PC's as the party of the English ... it was the PC's who gave us duality in the school system, Bill 88, the Active Offer of Service, the Commissioner of Official Languages, the extension of the Official Languages Act to contractors and professional associations, and so much more!
Brenda Steeves
Brenda SteevesI'd leave this province if I was younger.So fed up.

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· Reply· 12w
Faye King
Faye KingWe cannot give in that is what they want the Liberal government. I have wondered how these francophone elite groups even with the help from governments think they can displace 500,000 Anglophones. Its time to make big changes first by changing to a pSee More

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RCMP allege Vice-Admiral Norman fed cabinet secrets to Quebec shipbuilder


Irving Shipbuilding wades into court fight over Mark Norman documents

The federal government is under pressure to present cabinet secrets in court

The Royal Canadian Navy's first Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship, the future HMCS Harry DeWolf, at Irving Shipbuilding's Halifax Shipyard. (The Canadian Press)

Irving Shipbuilding wants a say in deciding which documents the federal government discloses in the criminal case against the country's former second-highest military commander.

Lawyers for Vice-Admiral Mark Norman told court today that lawyers for the powerful company are seeking standing in an upcoming hearing that will decide which confidential and secret cabinet records are turned over to the defence.

The shipyard has what's known as a third-party interest because some of the documents being sought by the defence team relate to a proposal it submitted to the federal government.

The Crown, the defence and a lawyer representing seven federal departments were before a judge Friday to update him on the battle over the release of cabinet documents relevant to the case — which has touched off a political fracas on Parliament Hill.

Vice-Admiral Mark Norman speaks briefly to reporters as he leaves the courthouse in Ottawa following his first appearance for his trial for breach of trust, on Tuesday, April 10, 2018. (Justin Tang/Canadian Press)
Norman was charged with one count of breach trust after being accused of leaking cabinet secrets related to a $668 million plan to lease a supply ship for the navy from the Davie shipyard in Levis, Que.

He denies the charge. In a court filing, his lawyers allege political interference in the file and claim that Treasury Board President Scott Brison tried to scuttle the leasing plan at the behest of the Irvings.
Both Brison and the company have denied the allegation.

Prior to a critical cabinet meeting — the one that Norman is accused of compromising — the Irvings sent a letter to four federal cabinet ministers asking them to give the company's own supply ship proposal a closer look before signing off on the Davie deal.
A spokesman for Irving Shipbuilding declined comment on the court case Friday.

The disclosure of documents has become a political flashpoint, with the Conservative opposition pressing the Liberal government every day in question period on the government's refusal to release memos, emails and briefing notes.

Robert MacKinnon, the lawyer representing the federal government, told the court today that the defence request could produce as much as 135,000 pages and officials are searching for the relevant records.

So far, none of the documents have been turned over to the defence. A lawyer for Norman said it's imperative that the defence team sees them before a full hearing in December, when the relevancy of the records to the case will be debated.

Cabinet confidences

"It's our position that documents should be produced ahead of the hearing as much as possible," said Christine Mainville.

"There are some that are very straightforward, from our perspective, that can and should be produced and readily available."

Some of the records the defence has requested contain cabinet secrets and the Privy Council Office has refused a demand from Norman's lawyers for a blanket waiver or the release of the information.

The Conservatives repeatedly have seized on that refusal, accusing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of obstructing Norman's right to a fair trial.

Today in court, it was agreed that the federal government will turn over the cabinet records for a judge to review and decide whether they're relevant to the case. After that, a decision will be made about whether they can be disclosed in public.

Legal experts have said the Crown is in a bit of a bind: in order to prove Norman leaked cabinet secrets, it will have to present those secrets in open court.

About the Author


Murray Brewster
Defence and security
Murray Brewster is senior defence writer for CBC News, based in Ottawa. He has covered the Canadian military and foreign policy from Parliament Hill for over a decade. Among other assignments, he spent a total of 15 months on the ground covering the Afghan war for The Canadian Press. Prior to that, he covered defence issues and politics for CP in Nova Scotia for 11 years and was bureau chief for Standard Broadcast News in Ottawa.

Robert B. MacKinnon

General Counsel
Called to the bar: 1990 (ON)

Civil Litigation Section, Ste. 500
50 O'Connor St.

Ottawa, OntarioK1A 0H8
Phone: 613-670-6288
Fax: 613-954-1920


Shipbuilding 'smoke and mirrors' unlikely to distract from Mark Norman case: experts

Splitting the work seems like a time-honoured political tactic. But for the Liberals, the stakes are higher.

Two of the three mega-blocks of the future Canadian naval ship HMCS Harry DeWolf are seen at the Halifax Shipyard in Halifax in July, 2017. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)

The Liberal government's plan to divide an enormous amount of maintenance work on the navy's frigates among three of the country's major shipyards likely won't calm a political brawl over the criminal case involving the military's former second-in-command, experts said Thursday.

It's also unlikely to do much to mollify the cutthroat competitive reflexes of the corporate interests involved — which also have been laid bare by the prosecution of Vice-Admiral Mark Norman.
The federal government's plan for up to $7 billion in maintenance work over the next few decades was announced today in a press release.

Public Services and Procurement Canada announced it intends to award repair and maintenance contracts on the 12 warships to Irving Shipbuilding of Halifax, the Davie Shipyard in Levis, Que. and Seaspan's Victoria Shipyards in British Columbia.

On the surface, the advance contract award notices that went out to the three yards look like an example of a tidy, time-honoured political solution to braying regional economic interests: spreading the money around.

But the stakes for the Liberals are higher, given their promise during the last election campaign to fix procurement and substantially invest in the navy.

Keeping up appearances

The Trudeau government also has a compelling political interest in demonstrating (at least for appearances' sake) that shipbuilding is not the bureaucratic and corporate gong show portrayed in recent court filings by Norman's defence team.

Norman, the former commander of the navy, was charged with one count of breach of trust after being accused of leaking cabinet secrets in 2015 to executives at the Davie shipyard in relation to a separate $668 million project to lease a temporary supply ship.

His case has been erupting in question period and before parliamentary committees ever since. Today, Treasury Board President Scott Brison faced an opposition grilling over suggestions of contacts between himself and Irving Shipbuilding.

He denied — again — having contact with the powerful company.

Treasury Board President Scott Brison denied again today having contact with Irving Shipbuilding over the supply ship project. (Sean Kilpatrick/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Norman's lawyers have asked the court to force the government to hand over documents related to the supply ship project. In the process, they have painted a picture of political corruption and a
procurement system where senior bureaucrats allegedly have worked to defy cabinet directives.

One defence expert said the Liberals are eager to dispense with that perception by playing up the billions of dollars that were going to be spent on vessel maintenance regardless, and by tying it to the national shipbuilding strategy.
"With the election now less than a year away, the Liberals have to have something where they can say, 'See, we're keeping to our promises,'" said Rob Huebert of the University of Calgary.

"Problem is, it's mostly smoke and mirrors. You need to maintain the navy."

The announcement, he said, also distracts from the modest progress the strategy has made in actually delivering ships to both the navy and the Canadian Coast Guard.

Irving Shipbuilding has made headway in construction of five Arctic ships and the federal government recently announced it preferred a Lockheed Martin-BAE Systems design for the new frigates.

As of last summer, Seaspan was working to correct welding defects in the first three fisheries science vessels.

Timelines on many projects have either slipped or have remained indefinite.

The coast guard's dire need for icebreakers prompted the Liberals earlier this year to direct a contract to Davie for the conversion of civilian icebreakers for coast guard use.

'Play nice'

The Quebec company is not one of the federal government's go-to shipyards for construction of new vessels and has been relentless in pitching unsolicited projects — much to the chagrin of both Irving and Seaspan.

Dave Perry, a procurement expert with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, said the new frigate maintenance project does not change the yardsticks for the shipbuilding strategy.

It also does not guarantee an end to the behind-the-scenes corporate warfare that has fuelled the criminal case against Norman.

The repair and overhaul contract "is a solid revenue stream" for the companies involved, Perry said. "Whether that will make everyone play nice with each other, I have learned not be optimistic about that."

There is also an uncomfortable (and as far as the Liberal government is concerned, unspoken) aspect of this matter — that the frigate repair announcement is directing billions of dollars toward a company that been accused of receiving illegally-leaked cabinet secrets.

Perry said he believes the publicity surrounding the Norman case has hurt Davie's attempts to drum up business elsewhere.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer's visit to Davie Shipyard was upstaged by the federal government's announcement of maintenance contracts. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)
Today's announcement also upstaged Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, who visited the Davie Shipyard on Thursday.

"It's interesting they chose today to make this announcement," Scheer told reporters in Quebec City. "We've been saying for some time they have been neglecting the Davie shipyard."

The Liberal government also is planning another big shipbuilding announcement at the Irving yard in Halifax for Friday morning — just as lawyers in the Norman case return to court to argue over the disclosure of documents. Maybe it's a coincidence.

About the Author


Murray Brewster
Defence and security
Murray Brewster is senior defence writer for CBC News, based in Ottawa. He has covered the Canadian military and foreign policy from Parliament Hill for over a decade. Among other assignments, he spent a total of 15 months on the ground covering the Afghan war for The Canadian Press. Prior to that, he covered defence issues and politics for CP in Nova Scotia for 11 years and was bureau chief for Standard Broadcast News in Ottawa.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2018 16:50:55 -0400
Subject: Who are they protecting? Well that is not rocket science to figure out is it?
To: candice.bergen.a1@parl.gc.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
 "Jonathan.Vance"<Jonathan.Vance@forces.gc.ca>, "scott.brison"<scott.brison@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
 "andrew.scheer"<andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, "maxime.bernier"<maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca>

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From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2018 17:18:26 -0400
Subject: I just called correct Colin?
To: dperry@cgai.ca, kogle@cgai.ca, crobertson@cgai.ca
Cc: "candice.bergen.a1"<candice.bergen.a1@parl.gc.ca>

Kelly J. Ogle - kogle@cgai.ca

Vice President
Colin Robertson - crobertson@cgai.ca

Vice President & Senior Analyst
David Perry - dperry@cgai.ca
613-288-2529 ext 102

Kelly J. Ogle - kogle@cgai.ca

Vice President
Colin Robertson - crobertson@cgai.ca

Vice President & Senior Analyst
David Perry - dperry@cgai.ca
613-288-2529 ext 102

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2018 16:39:06 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Well the ex cop Shelly Glover and her old boss Harper can't say that
the Libranos didn't know it all as well EH Billy Pentney QC?
To: candice.bergen.a1@parl.gc.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 14:45:34 -0400
Subject: Well the ex cop Shelly Glover and her old boss Harper can't
say that the Libranos didn't know it all as well EH Billy Pentney QC?
To: pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "info@pco-bcp.gc.ca"<info@pco-bcp.gc.ca>,
info <info@gg.ca>, Karine Fortin <info@ndp.ca>, minister@ec.gc.ca,
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Lynne.Yelich.a1@parl.gc.ca, ed.fast.a1@parl.gc.ca,
min.gosal@pch.gc.ca, ministre@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca, Min.Glover@pch.gc.ca,
mosst.industry@ic.gc.ca, gary.goodyear.a1@parl.gc.ca,
dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, denis.lebel@dec-ced.gc.ca,
kellie.leitch@labour-travail.gc.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca,
minister.industry@ic.gc.ca, information@acoa-apeca.gc.ca,
Joe.Oliver@fin.gc.ca, "rob.nicholson.a1"<rob.nicholson.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
"Erin.OToole.a1"<Erin.OToole.a1@parl.gc.ca>, pierre.poilievre@hrsdc.rhdcc.gc.ca,
Questions@tc.gc.ca, "lisa.raitt"<lisa.raitt@tc.gc.ca>,
greg.rickford.a1@parl.gc.ca, michelle.rempel.a1@parl.gc.ca,
Minister.Ministre@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca, min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca,
ritzg <ritzg@sasktel.net>, ritzg <ritzg@parl.gc.ca>, K.Sorenson@fin.gc.ca,
tim.uppal.a1@parl.gc.ca, InfoPubs@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>



Obviously I remained true to my word  ran for Parliament again whilst
suing the Queen. Then I call  you r office the PCO and all the offices
of your outgoing ministers on their last day in their positions and
everyone plays dumb as usual while I catch your people peeking at old
emails published on the Internet by the QSLS crowd of socialist
wacko??? WOW

You neo con dudes must truly want to be sued EH? Well at least I have
your phone numbers on my bill and this email to back up what I say is
true. Shame on you all.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369


Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
Campaign, Rogers TV

by Rogers TV • 3,281 views

Federal debate in Fundy Royal, New Brunswick riding featuring
candidates Rob Moore, Stephanie Coburn, Alaina Lockhart, Jennifer
McKenzie and David Amos. Rob Moore - Conservative Stephanie Coburn

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From: "Robb, Andrew (MP)"<Andrew.Robb.MP@aph.gov.au>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 15:23:50 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: TPP Yo Prime Minister John Key and Minister
Andrew Robb trust that the outgoing PM Harper and his buddy Ray Novak
read my emails too and they know my number is 902 800 0369 and so do
YOU N'esy Pas Justin Trudeau???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

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Yours sincerely,
Minister for Trade & Investment
Federal Member for Goldstein

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: min.glover@pch.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 09:58:44 -0500
Subject: Re: Yo Minister for Official Languages Shelly Glover, P.C.
You can bet that I will BUT in the Mean Time should not YOUR lawyers
have read my complaint???
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Shelly Glover, ministre du Patrimoine
canadien et des Langues officielles. On vous encourage à renvoyer votre
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Thank you for writing to the Honourable Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian
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correspondence once a new minister has been appointed.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 10:00:00 -0400
Subject: Yo Minister for Official Languages Shelly Glover, P.C. You
can bet that I will BUT in the Mean Time should not YOUR lawyers have
read my complaint???
To: Hubert T Lacroix <ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>, Jacques Poitras
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, "donald.arseneault"
<donald.arseneault@gnb.ca>, nelson.kalil@clo-ocol.gc.ca, premier
<premier@gnb.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, gopublic
<gopublic@cbc.ca>, Hugues.Beaulieu@gnb.ca,
executivedirector@commissionaires.ca, "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
mchepeka@commissionaires.ca, info@commissionaires.ca, "john.logan"
<john.logan@gnb.ca>, "Davidc.Coon"<Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>,
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Tim.RICHARDSON"
<Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"<Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>,
"hugh.flemming"<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "DBriscoe@commissionaires.ca
CRAIG.DALTON"<CRAIG.DALTON@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, "Marc. Leger"<Marc.Leger@gnb.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, Min.Glover@pch.gc.ca,
pierre.poilievre@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca, Graham.Fraser@ocol-clo.gc.ca,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: min.glover@pch.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 08:53:44 -0500
Subject: Re: Fwd: I presume that the Language Commissioner and their
lawyers wish to argue me FEDERAL Court EH Mr Fraser?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Shelly Glover, ministre du Patrimoine
canadien et des Langues officielles. On vous encourage à renvoyer votre
correspondance quand un nouveau ministre sera nommé.

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian
Heritage and Official Languages. We encourage you to resend your
correspondence once a new minister has been appointed.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Go public <gopublic@cbc.ca>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 05:29:57 -0800
Subject: Thank you Re: Fwd: I presume that the Language Commissioner
and their lawyers wish to argue me FEDERAL Court EH Mr Fraser?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Hi - and thanks so much for writing to Go Public.

We read all of our emails promptly - and we really appreciate your submission.

If your story is one we think we can tackle, we will get back to you
soon, by phone or email. In the meantime, you can really help us by
sending the following, if you haven't already:

-A brief but very specific description of what the story is
-Phone number where we can reach you (cell included please)
-The most relevant, key documentation/correspondence/pictures/video
(re the situation you want us to look into)

Please note:

Because we get a large number of submissions, we will only get back to
you if your story is something we can consider taking on.

Thanks so much for your understanding.


Rosa Marchitelli, Reporter
Manjula Dufresne, Producer


Exit interview: Shelly Glover wants to see the law in action
 Ian MacLeod, Ottawa Citizen
Published on: July 20, 2015

After seven years as the Conservative MP for Saint Boniface, Heritage
Minister Shelly Glover is returning to Winnipeg to resume her previous
career as a uniformed police patrol sergeant. She recently spoke with
the Citizen’s Ian MacLeod about her time in politics. Part of an
occasional series on MPs who will not run for re-election Oct. 19.

Q. Why did you get into politics in 2008?

A. I was a police officer for 18 1/2 years and saw the impact of laws
that weren’t written in a way that grassroots people who have to
implement them could actually benefit. And I saw victims falling
through the cracks. It was particularly bothersome when I was working
in the child abuse unit. So I decided to try to help rewrite the laws
so we can do a better job of protecting people and holding those who
are responsible to account.

Q. Why are you going back to police work?

A. I have always said I want to be exactly the same person leaving
politics as I was entering it, so I would like to go back to the
street. I was sergeant of a unit in the north end of Winnipeg; we were
tasked with reducing the prostitution and the crack houses. I want to
test those laws that we’ve put in place.

Q. Are there similarities between being a cop and being a politician?

A. There’s far more differences. Some of the similarities are that
people do look up to us for guidance and for wisdom. But
unfortunately, there is a difference in respect level. I felt very
much respected as a police officer.

But when there are partisan (political) lines, boy, the respect really
does stop at those partisan lines and that’s unfortunate. It is very
personal and you really do have to have a thick skin. By the time I’m
done, I’ll have titanium skin.

It’s not necessarily (just) the politicians. I was reading
(interviews) I’d given in the media and they were so wrong I stopped
doing media unless I absolutely had to because nine times out of 10 it
was wrong. My children have cried many times, asking, “Why are people
writing this about you?”

I worry about the future of our country when the media become the
official opposition. There is no accountability. I’ve had some great
interviews and I don’t want to taint (all journalists) with the same
brush but for those who really are out there to make up things and
make a name for themselves on the backs of working folks who are just
trying to do what they can for their communities and their country,
that is damaging.

Q. Are you leaving because you’re disillusioned?

A. No, I’ve said from the very beginning: 10 years. There have been a
few medical issues in my family and my family is ready for me to come
home and take that position of mother and wife. It did take me three
years to secure the candidacy and I’ve been MP for seven years, so
they’re saying, “Mom, it’s time to come home.”

Q. What was the most important lesson you learned?

A. One of them is to be very, very careful about what you say to the
media. It is a very difficult fishbowl to be living in.

The other is, we have the ability to work together regardless of party
lines. I made some very good friends on the other sides and we got a
lot more work done if you can just set that stuff aside. I really
believe that many of the politicians, they play to the cameras
(televising House committee hearings). If we could take the cameras
out of it, it allows us to do the work.

Q. What were your most important personal accomplishments in Ottawa?

A. I’m probably the only one in the House of Commons who’s ever done
undercover prostitution (posing as a sex-trade worker). It is
absolutely devastating to communities. And so I was very proud of our
government to stand up and say, “No, we’re not legalizing this.” So I
had a hand in helping to design the (2014 anti-prostitution) law and
am anxious to go back and test it out.

Any time we vote on bills dealing with (criminal) offences, sex
offences in particular, I’m proud to be able to stand there. I’ve been
to more autopsies of children than you can imagine and these kids need
protecting. Offenders who offend against children need absolutely to
be held to account.

– This interview has been edited for clarity and length.


The Shelly Glover file
Born in Saskatoon Jan. 2, 1967.

Studied justice and law enforcement at the University of Winnipeg.
Joined the Winnipeg Police Service, working on youth crime, gang and
child-abuse investigations. Became the service’s first female and
bilingual spokesperson.

Became an MP in 2008. Was named parliamentary secretary for official
languages and later parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development.

Re-elected in 2011 and named parliamentary secretary to then-finance
minister Jim Flaherty.

Appointed Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages in
2013.  Has overseen controversial files such as funding for CBC and
arts and culture and the renaming of the Canadian Museum of
Civilization to the Canadian Museum of History.


RelatedExit interview: Newfoundland MP Gerry Byrne on staying grounded

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 09:29:50 -0400
Subject: Fwd: I presume that the Language Commissioner and their
lawyers wish to argue me FEDERAL Court EH Mr Fraser?
To: Hubert T Lacroix <ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>, Jacques Poitras
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, "donald.arseneault"
<donald.arseneault@gnb.ca>, nelson.kalil@clo-ocol.gc.ca, premier
<premier@gnb.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, gopublic
<gopublic@cbc.ca>, Hugues.Beaulieu@gnb.ca,
executivedirector@commissionaires.ca, "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
mchepeka@commissionaires.ca, info@commissionaires.ca, "john.logan"
<john.logan@gnb.ca>, "Davidc.Coon"<Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>,
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Tim.RICHARDSON"
<Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"<Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>,
"hugh.flemming"<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "DBriscoe@commissionaires.ca
CRAIG.DALTON"<CRAIG.DALTON@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, "Marc. Leger"<Marc.Leger@gnb.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, Min.Glover@pch.gc.ca,
pierre.poilievre@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca, Graham.Fraser@ocol-clo.gc.ca,

The Honourable Shelly Glover, P.C.
Minister for Official Languages, Minister of Canadian Heritage
Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-0579
Fax: 613-996-7571

Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0M5
Telephone: 819-997-7788
Toll Free: 1-866-811-0055
TTY: 888-997-3123

E-Mail: Min.Glover@pch.gc.ca

> From: David Amos > Subject: Fwd: I presume that the Language Commissioner and their lawyers wish to argue me FEDERAL Court EH Mr Fraser?
> To: "hugues.beaulieu@gnb.ca"<hugues.beaulieu@gnb.ca>, ","<Katherine.dEntremont@gnb.ca>, ","<robin.cantin@OCOL-CLO.GC.CA>, "Graham.Fraser@ocol-clo.gc.ca"<Graham.Fraser@ocol-clo.gc.ca>
> Date: Friday, April 4, 2014, 10:08 AM
> Date: Tue, 20 May 2008
> 08:24:06 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "David Amos"
> Subject: Re: RE : What of the evidence of murder I just sent
> you?
> To: robin.cantin@OCOL-CLO.GC.CA
> CC:
carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca,
> bruce.northrup@gnb.ca,
> info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca,
> ken.cook@fredericton.ca,
> brad.green@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca,
> Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca,
> bruce.noble@fredericton.ca, Jody.CARR@gnb.ca,
> Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca,
> David.ALWARD@gnb.ca, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca,
> Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca,
> Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca,
> Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca,
> police@fredericton.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, info@gg.ca
>     Exactly
> May I suggest that you call the RCMP/GRC and the Office of
> Public Sector Integrity NOW?
> Then perhaps you should have your lawyer contact me.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond amos
> Subject: RE : What of the evidence of murder I just sent
> you?
> Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 10:58:37 -0400
> From: robin.cantin@OCOL-CLO.GC.CA
> To: David Amos
>     I fail to see how that is something the Commissioner of
> Official
> Languages could possibly investigate. Obviously, for
> criminal matters
> you need a police force, not a language ombudsman.
> Robin
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : David Amos
> Envoyé : 20 mai, 2008 10:49
> À : Cantin, Robin
> Objet : What of the evidence of murder I just sent you?
> Importance : Faible
> robin.cantin@OCOL-CLO.GC.CA wrote:
>  Ah yes, I did remember your message when you mentioned our
> Moncton office and court intervention on the phone.
> I
>  assume you are aware that the issue has already been taken
> to court -
> an application for judicial review has been filed to the
> Court of
> Queen's Bench in Saint John. See
> http://telegraphjournal.canadaeast.com/front/article/296686.
> I
>  believe the response you got from our office in Moncton
> makes sense. On
>  the topic of the AG's powers, jurisprudence is full of
> cases that went
> to court (and some were won) despite the opposition of a
> provincial AG.
> Cordially,
> Robin Cantin
> Manager, Media Relations / Gestionnaire, Relations avec les
> médias
> Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages /
> Commissariat aux langues officielles
> Phone / Téléphone : (613) 995-0374
> Cell. : (613) 324-0999
> robin.cantin@ocol-clo.gc.ca
> Please visit our Web site www.officiallanguages.gc.ca and
> read Beyond Words, Canada’s official languages newsletter.
> Veuillez
>  visiter notre site Web www.languesofficielles.gc.ca et lire
> Au-delà des
>  mots, le cyberbulletin des langues officielles du Canada.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : David Amos
> Envoyé : 20 mai, 2008 10:24
> À : Cantin, Robin
> Objet : Fwd: RE: Does the Language Commissioner suggest that
> I file something in Federal Court instead of him?
> From: tclaw@nb.aibn.com
> To: "David Amos"
> Subject: Re: Fwd: RE: Does the Language Commissioner suggest
> that I file something in Federal Court instead of him?
> Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 17:22:57 -0400
>     Mr. Amos, thank you for your telephone message and the
> email attached.
> Tom Christie
> From: David Amos
> Date: 2008/05/16 Fri PM 04:22:13 EDT
> To: bureau@acpi-cait.catclaw@nb.aibn.com
> Subject: Fwd: RE: Does the Language Commissioner suggest
> that I file something in Federal Court instead of him?
> Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 06:36:53 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "David Amos"
> Subject: For the Record I just called and tried to alk
>  to Graham Fraser and Gilbert Taylor and was not allowed to
> do so
> To: robin.cantin@ocol-clo.gc.ca
>     I was told by Taylor's assistant that he was in
> Ottawa today.
> whereas you people do not wish to dicuss the Act that you
> were hired to
> uphold we will argue it in Federal Court  as the
> commissioner of
> Languages in New Brunswick suggests. EH?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
>     On Thursday,
> November 10, 2011 7:03 PM, David Amos
> <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hey
> My my aren't you a truly nasty woman? I am no Dear of
> yours. Sir will
> do just fine.
> Forgot something didn't ya?
> http://hamlit2008.blogspot.com/2008/05/globe-and-mail-angry-parents-want-nb.html
> I will send you and the FEDS true digital copies of my
> records of our
> exchanges so that the CROWN counsel can compare my records
> to your
> questionable memory.
> Thanks anyway for answering me in writing. Byway of your
> bullshit at
> least you admit to knowing of my illegal banishment from
> parliamentry
> property and of your boss' knowledge of it as well. In
> my humble
> opinion Carrier is just another very snobby lawyer who has
> no
> understanding of the Charter or his mandate. You run tackle
> for him so
> that he can play dumb CORRECT? The taxpayers of this
> province could
> certainly afford to plow quite a few more roads this winter
> if they
> dismissed you all ASAP.
> Your obvious unwillingness to investigate the fact that the
>  to provide its malice in the TWO Official languages so
> that
> your French buddy Chucky Leblanc could understand ihis
> banishent is
> too too funny indeed. Perhaps you should read his UNSIGNED
> banishment
> paper as well. No doubt he willl want you to investigate it
> N'esy Pas?
> He always demands things from the CROWN in French ljust ike
> his
> demanded his tickets and his upcoming trial in FRENCH. Funny
> how he
> let the most important document of all pertainng to his
> rights that he
> constantly laments about slip past his five brains EH?
> (For the
> record Chucky Leblanc swears more than I do no matter how
> much he
> bullshits to the contrary)
> For the PUBLIC record your office NEVER did investigate any
> of my
> concerns you just kept sending your news releases until the
> RCMP tried
> hard to lock me up. Then you people palyed dumb on the phone
> ever
> since. However when I heard Yvon Godin, Bob Rae and the very
> nasty
> Graham Fraser
>  yipping about Mikey Ferguson's poor French instead of
> his severe lack of integrity I heard enough and reminded the
> Language
> Commissioners first on the phone and then in writing that I
> was still
> alive and paying attention to their nonsense.
> No doubt you are well aware that I did manage to talk to
> another woman
> in your office not long ago and that we got along just fine
> just like
> I did with a fella in Ottawa on the same day. You are about
> to hear
> his voicemail to mean old me. Anyway both folks working for
> the
> Commisssioners told me that there was no record whatsoever
> of my email
> exchanges with either the Federal and Provincial Language
> Commisioners
> in 2008 just before your political pals had me falsely
> arrested.  When
> that din't work out to well for the corrupt cops you
> likely deleted
> your records  not long aftewards just like your buddy
> Chucky Leblanc
> deleted his blogs violating my privacy in 2008.
>  Those facts are what I
> expect put your fancy knickers in a knot this week.
> Correct?
> For the public record this is how our last  and very
> brief
> conversation went this week I told you to see you in fucking
> court
> ONLY AFTER your were very nasty to me and would not even
> tell me your
> whole name after you made several FALSE allegations. FYI I
> had to
> check my records to figure out who the hell you were. Now I
> am looking
> forward to suing your very nasty arse and that of your
> lawyer/boss not
> too long after your French blogging butt buddy loses bigtime
> to your
> other buddies in Fat Fred City's Finest. Once Chucky
> reads this email
> I suspect that he will demand that the lawyer Carrier
> investigate his
> banishment docment ASAP.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> From: "Parent,
>  Patricia (OL-LO)"<Patricia.Parent@gnb.ca>
> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 15:58:12 -0400
> Subject: Commissioner of Official Languages for New
> Brunswick
> To: "david.raymond.amos@gmail.com"
> <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Dear Sir:
> Where you have on at least two occasions during telephone
> calls to our
> office used profanities in speaking to our staff we must
> inform you
> that from this point on, we will not take your telephone
> calls and we
> direct you to refrain from phoning our office.  While
> it is a part of
> our job to communicate with members of the public, our staff
> in no way
> should be subject to this kind of abuse.  Also be
> advised that
>  we will
> not respond to your emails, letters or fax communications
> unless we
> determine that they contain legitimate complaints or
> concerns related
> to our mandate.
> Yours truly,
> Patricia Parent
> Manager / Gestionnaire
> Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages for N.B.
> Bureau du Commissaire aux langues officielles du N.-B.
> 440 rue King Street
> Tour King Tower, Pièce/Suite 646
> Fredericton, N.B.  E3B 5H8
> telephone (TTY)/téléphone (ATS) : (506) 444-4229
> toll free (TTY)/sans frais (ATS) : 1-888-651-6444
> facsimile/télécopieur : (506) 444-4456
> www.officiallanguages.nb.ca<http://www.officiallanguages.nb.ca/>
> /
> www.languesofficielles.nb.ca<http://www.languesofficielles.nb.ca/>
> Français ou anglais..C'est votre choix!
> English or
>  French..It's your choice!
> ---------- Original  message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 10:23:12 -0400
> Subject: I presume that the Language Commissioner and their
> lawyers
> wish to argue me FEDERAL Court EH Mr Fraser?
> To: nelson.kalil@ocol-clo.gc.ca,
> Graham.Fraser@ocol-clo.gc.ca,
> complaints@officiallanguages.nb.ca,
> commissioner@officiallanguages.nb.ca,
> tclaw <tclaw@nb.aibn.com>
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>,
> Patricia.Parent@gnb.ca,
> "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
> thepurplevioletpress <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com>,
> danfour
> <danfour@myginch.com>,
> Richard Harris
> <injusticecoalition@hotmail.com>,
> "Jacques.Poitras"
> <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
> acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>
> Perhaps we should exchange our files ASAP? I will lay odds
> that mine
> are far more complete than yours and that you will receive
> mine before
> I see yours. N'esy Pas?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 08:51:19 -0400
> Subject: I am calling you again Mr.Carrier but it will be
> for the last
> time before we meet in FEDERAL court
> To: commissioner@officiallanguages.nb.ca,
> "David.ALWARD@gnb.ca"
> <David.ALWARD@gnb.ca>,
> godiny <godiny@parl.gc.ca>,
> "bob.rae"<bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>
> Cc: "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
> "dan.
>  bussieres"
> <dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>,
> thepurplevioletpress
> <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com>,
> chiefape <chiefape@gmail.com>,
> thenewbrunswicker <thenewbrunswicker@gmail.com>,
> danfour
> <danfour@myginch.com>,
> acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>,
> "Jacques.Poitras"
> <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
> "Barry.MacKnight"
> <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>,
> "Wayne.Lang"
> <Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2010/04/new-brunswicks-first-official-languages.html
> Ridiculous
> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2011/10/commissioner-of-official-languages-for.html
> You people talk to Chucky Leblanc but do not return my calls
> or answer
> me in writing WHY?
> Thus I must ask the Queen in Federal Court why are the
> banishments of
> French man Chucky Leblanc and mine
>  not written by the CROWN in the TWO
> OFFICIAL languages and published in the Royal Gazette if
> they were
> even remotely legal?
> Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages for New
> Brunswick
> 440 King Street
> King Tower, #646
> Fredericton NB E3B 5H8
> Telephone (TYY): (506) 444-4229
> Toll free (TYY): 1-888-651-6444
> Facsimile: (506) 444-4456
> Email: commissioner@officiallanguages.nb.ca


The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, P.C.
Minister for the Arctic Council, Minister of the Canadian Northern
Economic Development Agency, Minister of the Environment

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-2848
Fax: 613-996-9764

Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
10 Wellington Street, 28th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0H3
Telephone: 819-997-1441
Fax: 819-953-0279

E-Mail: minister@ec.gc.ca

Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
10 Wellington Street, 28th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0H3
Telephone: 819-997-1441
Toll Free: 1-800-668-6767
TTY: 819-994-0736
Fax: 819-953-0279

E-Mail: minister@ec.gc.ca

The Honourable Chris Alexander, P.C.
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-8042
Fax: 613-996-1289

Citizenship and Immigration
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1L1
Telephone: 613-954-1064

E-Mail: Minister@cic.gc.ca

The Honourable Rona Ambrose, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Health

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-9778
Fax: 613-996-0785

Brooke Claxton Building
Tunney's Pasture
Postal Locator: 0906C
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9
Telephone: 613-957-0200
Toll Free: 1-866-225-0709
TTY: 1-800-267-1245
Fax: 613-941-5366
Web contact form: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/contact/ahc-asc/minist-eng.php

The Honourable Candice Bergen, P.C., M.P.
Minister of State (Social Development)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-9511
Fax: 613-947-0313

Employment and Social Development
140 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0J9
Telephone: 819-953-2350
Fax: 819-953-2375

The Honourable Maxime Bernier, P.C., M.P.
Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism and Agriculture)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-8053
Fax: 613-995-0687

Small Business Tourism and Agriculture
C.D. Howe Building
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-943-6183
Fax: 613-990-4056
Web contact form:

The Honourable Steven Blaney, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-7434
Fax: 613-995-6856

Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
269 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0P8
Telephone: 613-991-2924
Toll Free: 1-800-830-3118
Fax: 613-952-2240
Web contact form:

The Honourable Tony Clement, P.C., M.P.
President of the Treasury Board

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-944-7740
Fax: 613-992-5092

Treasury Board
L'Esplanade Laurier
East Tower, 9th Floor
140 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G5
Telephone: 613-957-2666
Toll Free: 1-877-636-0656
Fax: 613-941-4000
Web contact form: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/contact/contact-eng.aspx

The Honourable John Duncan, P.C.
Minister of State and Chief Government Whip

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-2503
Fax: 613-996-3306

Prime Minister of Canada
Langevin Building
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A2
Telephone: 613-992-4211
Fax: 613-941-6900
Web contact form: http://pm.gc.ca/eng/contactpm

The Honourable Julian Fantino, P.C., C.O.M., O. Ont.
Associate Minister of National Defence

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-4971
Fax: 613-996-4973

National Defence
National Defence Headquartesr
MGen. G.R. Pearkes Building
North Tower, 13th Floor
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2

The Honourable Edward Fast, P.C., M.P.
Minister of International Trade

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-0183
Fax: 613-996-9795

International Trade
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G2
Telephone: 613-992-7332
Fax: 613-996-9709
Web contact form:

The Honourable Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, P.C., Q.C.
Minister of National Revenue

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-2957
Fax: 613-992-3589

National Revenue
Connaught Building, 7th Floor
555 Mackenzie Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0L5
Telephone: 613-995-2960
Web contact form:

The Honourable Diane Finley, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Public Works and Government Services

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-4974
Fax: 613-996-9749

Public Works and Government Services
Place du Portage, Phase III
11 Laurier Street, Room 18A1
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0S5
Telephone: 819-997-5421
Fax: 819-956-8382

E-Mail: ministre@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca

The Honourable Shelly Glover, P.C.
Minister for Official Languages, Minister of Canadian Heritage

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-0579
Fax: 613-996-7571

Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0M5
Telephone: 819-997-7788
Toll Free: 1-866-811-0055
TTY: 888-997-3123

E-Mail: Min.Glover@pch.gc.ca

The Honourable Doctor Gary Goodyear, P.C.
Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-1307
Fax: 613-996-8340

Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
14th Floor, 155 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-947-2956
Fax: 613-952-9026
Web contact form:

The Honourable Bal Gosal, P.C.
Minister of State (Sport)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-9105
Fax: 613-947-0443

Canadian Heritage

Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M5
Telephone: 819-934-1122
Toll Free: 1-866-811-0055
TTY: 1-888-997-3123

E-Mail: min.gosal@pch.gc.ca

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-4211
Fax: 613-941-6900

Prime Minister of Canada
Langevin Building
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A2
Telephone: 613-992-4211
Fax: 613-941-6900
Web contact form: http://pm.gc.ca/eng/contact.asp?featureId=10

The Honourable Ed Holder, P.C.
Minister of State (Science and Technology)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-6674
Fax: 613-996-6772

Science and Technology
C.D. Howe Building
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-943-6177
Fax: 613-943-7598

E-Mail: mosst.industry@ic.gc.ca

The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Defence and Minister for Multiculturalism

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-2235
Fax: 613-992-1920

National Defence
Major-General George R. Pearkes Building
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: 613-996-3100
TTY: 1-800-467-9877
Fax: 613-995-8189

E-Mail: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca

The Honourable Denis Lebel, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs,
Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions
of Quebec, President of the Queen's Privy Council

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-6236
Fax: 613-996-6252

Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Dominion Square Building
1255 Peel Street, Suite 900
Montreal, Quebec
H3B 2T9
Telephone: 514-496-1282
Toll Free: 1-866-385-6412
Fax: 514-283-3302
Web contact form:

Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Dominion Square Building
1255 Peel Street, Suite 900
Montreal, Quebec
H3B 2T9
Telephone: 514-496-1282
Fax: 514-496-5096

E-Mail: denis.lebel@dec-ced.gc.ca

Privy Council Office
Suite 800, 66 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A3
Telephone: 613-943-1838
Fax: (613) 957-5043

E-Mail: info@pco-bcp.gc.ca

The Honourable Doctor K. Kellie Leitch, P.C., O.Ont., M.P.
Minister of Labour, Minister of Status of Women

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-4224
Fax: 613-992-2164

165 Hôtel de Ville Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0J2
Telephone: 819-953-5646
Fax: 819-994-5168

E-Mail: kellie.leitch@labour-travail.gc.ca

Status of Women
22 Eddy Street 10th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec
J8X 2V9
Telephone: 613-995-7835
Toll Free: 1-855-969-9922
TTY: 819-420-6905
Fax: 819-420-6906

E-Mail: infonational@cfc-swc.gc.ca

The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, P.C., Q.C.
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-6022
Fax: 613-992-2337

284 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H8
Telephone: 613-992-4621
TTY: 613-992-4556
Fax: 613-954-0811

E-Mail: mcu@justice.gc.ca

The Honourable James Moore, P.C.
Minister of Industry

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-9650
Fax: 613-992-9868

C.D. Howe Building
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H5
Telephone: 613-995-9001
Fax: 613-954-2340

E-Mail: minister.industry@ic.gc.ca
Web contact form:

The Honourable Rob Moore, P.C.
Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-2332
Fax: 613-995-4286

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
60 Queen Street, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 1667 STN B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5R5
Telephone: 613-941-7241
Toll Free: 1-800-561-7862
TTY: 1-877-456-6500
Fax: 613-954-0429

E-Mail: information@acoa-apeca.gc.ca

The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., M.P.
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-1547
Fax: 613-992-7910

Foreign Affairs
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G2
Telephone: 613-995-1851
Toll Free: 1-800-267-8376
Fax: 613-996-9709
Web contact form:

The Honourable Joe Oliver, P.C.
Minister of Finance

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-6361
Fax: 613-992-9791

17th floor
90 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G5
Telephone: 613-369-5696
Fax: 613-369-3343

E-Mail: Joe.Oliver@fin.gc.ca

The Honourable Erin O'Toole, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Veterans Affairs

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-2792
Fax: 613-992-2794

Veterans Affairs
66 Slater Street, 14th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0P4
Telephone: 613-996-4649
Web contact form:

The Honourable Christian Paradis, P.C., LL.B.
Minister for La Francophonie, Minister of International Development

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-1377
Fax: 613-943-1562

The Honourable Pierre Poilievre, P.C., B.A., M.P.
Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister for
Democratic Reform, Minister of State (Democratic Reform)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-2772
Fax: 613-992-1209

Democratic Reform
Privy Council Office
Room 1000, 85 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A3
Telephone: 613-957-5153
TTY: 613-957-5741
Fax: 613-957-5043

E-Mail: info@pco-bcp.gc.ca

Employment and Social Development
140 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0J9
Telephone: 819-994-2482
Fax: 819-994-0448

E-Mail: pierre.poilievre@hrsdc.rhdcc.gc.ca

The Honourable Lisa Raitt, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Transport

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-7046
Fax: 613-992-0851

330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N5
Telephone: 613-991-0700
Toll Free: 1-866-995-9737
TTY: 1-888-675-6863
Fax: 613-954-4731

E-Mail: Questions@tc.gc.ca

The Honourable Michelle Rempel, P.C., M.P.
Minister of State (Western Economic Diversification)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-4275
Fax: 613-947-9475

Western Economic Diversification
Gillin Building
141 Laurier Avenue West
Suite 500
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5J3
Telephone: 613-952-2768
TTY: 1-877-303-3388
Fax: 613-952-9384
Web contact form: http://www.wd.gc.ca/eng/40.asp

The Honourable Greg Rickford, P.C.
Minister of Natural Resources, Minister of State (Federal Economic
Development Initiative for Northern Ontario)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-1161
Fax: 613-996-1759

Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario
CD Howe Building
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H5
Toll Free: 1-877-333-6673
Fax: 613-941-4553

E-Mail: mosst.industry@ic.gc.ca

Natural Resources
21st Floor, 580 Booth Street, Room C7-1
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0E4
Telephone: 613-996-2007
Fax: 613-943-0662

E-Mail: Minister.Ministre@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca

The Honourable Gerry Ritz, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-7080
Fax: 613-996-8472

Agriculture and Agri-Food
1341 Baseline Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0C5
Telephone: 613-773-1059
Toll Free: 1-855-773-0241
TTY: 613-773-2600
Fax: 613-773-1081
Web contact form:

The Honourable Gail Shea, P.C.
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-992-9223
Fax: 613-992-1974

Fisheries and Oceans
13th Floor, Station 13E228
200 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0E6
Telephone: 613-992-3474
TTY: 1-800-465-7735
Fax: 613-990-1866

E-Mail: min@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

The Honourable Kevin Sorenson, P.C., M.P.
Minister of State (Finance)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-947-4608
Fax: 613-947-4611

140 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G5
Telephone: 613-369-5696
Fax: 613-369-3343

E-Mail: K.Sorenson@fin.gc.ca

The Honourable Tim Uppal, P.C.
Minister of State (Multiculturalism)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-3611
Fax: 613-995-3612

Citizenship and Immigration
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1L1
Telephone: 613-954-1064

The Honourable Bernard Valcourt, P.C., Q.C.
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-0581
Fax: 613-996-9736

Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
North Tower, 10 Wellington Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0H4
Telephone: 819-997-0002
Fax: 819-953-4941

E-Mail: InfoPubs@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

The Honourable Peter Van Loan, P.C., M.P.
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-996-7752
Fax: 613-992-8351

Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
Room 1000, 85 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A3
Telephone: 613-957-5153
TTY: 613-957-5741
Fax: 613-957-5043

E-Mail: info@pco-bcp.gc.ca

The Honourable Alice Wong, P.C., M.P.
Minister of State (Seniors)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-2021
Fax: 613-995-2174

Employment and Social Development
140 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0J9
Telephone: 819-953-2350
Fax: 819-953-2375

The Honourable Lynne Yelich, P.C.
Minister of State (Foreign Affairs and Consular)

Parliament Hill:
Telephone: 613-995-5653
Fax: 613-995-0126

Foreign Affairs
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G2
Telephone: 613-944-2300
Fax: 613-996-9709
Web contact form:

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Former CBC reporter James Cudmore at heart of Commons exchange over shipbuilding leak

'Was his position created to reward for his great reporting or were the Liberals trying to shut Cudmore up?'

Vice-Admiral Mark Norman is on trial for breach of trust for allegedly leaking cabinet documents to CBC Journalist James Cudmore. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

Former CBC political reporter James Cudmore became a political football in question period Monday as the Conservative opposition pressed the Liberals over their decision to hire him as a policy adviser after he broke a sensitive story about a major shipbuilding contract for the navy.

"Mr. Speaker, I have a question for the minister of national defence. Can he tell us on what date former CBC journalist James Cudmore was offered a job in his office as his senior policy adviser?" asked Conservative House Leader Candice Bergen.

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan replied, saying that he did not know the exact date but would find out and get back to Bergen soon.

When Bergen asked whether Cudmore was offered the job before or after Nov. 20, 2015, Sajjan said he could not comment on an ongoing court case.

Further questions from Conservative MPs James Bezan and Alain Rayes were referred to Karen McCrimmon, parliamentary secretary to the minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, who took to reading into the record a passage of Commons procedure that prevents MPs from commenting on matters before the courts.

"Was his position created to reward for his great reporting or were the Liberals trying to shut Cudmore up?" Bezan asked.

CBC News
Conservative press Liberals over Mark Norman leak trial
 Conservative MPs question the Liberals over former CBC journalist James Cudmore's employment in Defence Minister Harjit Sajjans' office after the reporter broke a story about a cabinet leak. 0:53
The questions follow a line of inquiry the Conservatives have employed in recent weeks on the ongoing trial of Vice-Admiral Mark Norman.

The political, bureaucratic and corporate tug-of-war over acquiring a leased supply ship for the navy is underpinning the Crown's case against Norman.

He was charged last spring with a single count of breach of trust.

Working for Sajjan

Prosecutors allege Norman, the former vice chief of defence staff, favoured a $668 million proposal for the supply ship from the Quebec-based Davie shipyard. When the newly elected Liberal government wanted to pause the project, the prosecution alleges, Norman leaked word of the secret decision of the cabinet committee.

At the time, he was head of the navy.

Amid the ensuing political uproar over the possible cancellation, the Liberals backed down; the ship was eventually completed and has now entered service.

The leak to CBC News became the basis of an RCMP investigation. Cudmore, the reporter who wrote the story, left journalism shortly afterwards and went to work as a policy adviser in Sajjan's office.
With files from the CBC's Murray Brewster

'Who are they protecting?': Vice-Admiral Norman's trial erupts in Commons

Opposition suggests Brison's intervention may have benefited Irving Shipyard

Treasury Board President Scott Brison was grilled in the Commons today on his role in reviewing $668 million contract to provide the navy with a temporary supply ship. (Sean Kilpatrick/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

he criminal case facing the military's former second-in-command moved from the legal to the political arena Monday as the Conservative opposition accused the Liberal government of blocking Vice-Admiral Mark Norman's right to a fair trial.

Conservative House Leader Candice Bergen also put a senior Liberal cabinet on the hot seat, demanding to know whether Treasury Board President Scott Brison had authorization to lobby on behalf of Irving Shipbuilding in relation to a $668 million contract to provide the navy with a temporary supply ship.

The fireworks in the House of Commons follow a significant court filing last week. The legal team defending Norman against a single charge of breach of trust filed a motion asking the court to force the federal government to disclose a trove of secret and confidential documents.

Defence lawyers alleged the Crown has been cherry-picking the records it has already disclosed and is undermining the former vice chief of the defence staff's ability to defend himself.

Opposition House Leader Candice Bergen suggested the Liberals were undermining Vice-Adm. Mark Norman's right to a fair trial. (Adrian Wyld/THE CANADIAN PRESS)
"Vice Admiral Norman deserves a fair hearing, but shockingly the PMO refuses to hand over documents that are relevant," Bergen said. "Why is the prime minister's office not providing these documents? Who are they protecting?"

Bergen also accused the Liberal government of "singling (Norman) out with serious allegations of criminal misconduct," citing the alleged leak of cabinet secrets shortly after the last election.

The court filing alleged the RCMP have identified a federal government employee — other than Norman — who allegedly leaked documents to a lobbyist prior to a key federal cabinet committee meeting on Nov. 19, 2015.

That meeting was called to decide whether to proceed with a contract involving the Davie shipyard in Levis, Que., negotiated by the previous Conservative government.

The Liberals, newly elected, opted to put the agreement on a leased naval supply ship on hold while they studied it, but news of the decision leaked to the media.
The ensuing uproar prompted the government to back down and the deal proceeded — but the RCMP were called in to investigate how the decision, which was supposed to be secret, made its way to the public.

The Crown alleged Norman favoured the supply ship program and orchestrated the leak in order to embarrass the government into backing down.

Brison defended the government's initial approach to the file on Monday, saying the Liberals had a duty to examine the sole-source contract. He attempted to deflect accusations that he intervened at the cabinet meeting in order to benefit a rival shipyard.

"My mandate as president of the Treasury Board is to ensure due diligence in the expenditure of public funds and to perform a challenge function, particularly in terms of the procurement function," he said.
Brison said he did his job.

The Conservatives, however, said the minister did more than that — arguing his intervention could have benefited Nova Scotia-based Irving Shipbuilding, which had submitted a proposal rivalling the one cabinet was considering at the time.

Bergen demanded to know if Brison had been cleared by the ethics commissioner to lobby on behalf of the Irvings.

Vice-Admiral Mark Norman arrives at the courthouse in Ottawa on Tuesday, September 4, 2018. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
Following the court filing on Friday, Irving Shipbuilding issued a statement saying there was nothing improper in the company's communication with the Liberal government over the temporary supply ship program.

"We expressed our concerns with the procurement process to the new government as part of an ongoing transparent dialogue," Sean Lewis said in an email.

"Our outreach highlighted our concerns and requested that our proposal be fairly evaluated. Other shipbuilders who also participated in the process to provide a [supply ship] solution also expressed concern with the project and how the government made its decision."

Norman's lawyers, in their court submission, pointed to a letter the Irvings sent to Brison, Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan and former procurement minister Judy Foote prior to the controversial cabinet meeting.

The letter, which extolled the company's temporary supply ship pitch, ended up being leaked in the days following the meeting.

During their investigation, RCMP decided the letter was not a cabinet secret — but Norman's lawyers alleged that the bureaucratic arm of the prime minister's office has retroactively declared it a cabinet confidence.


Lawyers in Mark Norman case take aim at Liberal minister, court documents reveal

Prosecutors allege vice-admiral, who faces breach of trust charge, disclosed classified info to shipyard execs

Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, shown leaving an Ottawa courthouse after his first appearance on April 10, is charged with breach of trust. (Justin Tang/Canadian Press)

Lawyers defending Vice-Admiral Mark Norman have taken aim at one of the Liberal government's senior cabinet ministers in a court filing, alleging political interference in the program to deliver an interim supply ship to the navy.

The former second-in-command of the Canadian military faces one charge of breach of trust after being accused of leaking cabinet secrets to the Davie shipyard in ​Lévis, Que., which was proposing a $668 million lease arrangement with the federal government.

Treasury Board President Scott Brison will be among the Crown's most important witnesses, and lawyers for Norman went to court Friday to force the government to disclose documents pertinent to his defence.

Prosecutors allege the former vice-chief of the defence staff, when he was head of the navy, disclosed classified information to shipyard executives, which eventually found its way to the media and was published by CBC News reporter James Cudmore, who was later hired as a policy adviser to the defence minister.

The motion seeking the documents was filed in an Ottawa court. A copy of that motion was obtained by CBC News.

The MV Asterix, the navy's planned temporary supply ship, at the Davie shipyard in ​Lévis, Que., in early July 2017. The contract to lease the vessel to the federal government was at the centre of an RCMP investigation into the leak of cabinet secrets. 
The Liberal government, newly elected in November 2015, sought to delay the supply ship lease project, and Norman's lawyer Marie Henein wrote the defence believes "Brison was behind the effort to delay and potentially terminate the Davie agreement" and that he may have done so at the behest of corporate rival, Irving Shipbuilding, of Halifax.

"Minister Brison appears to be close to the Irvings," said the court filing. "He has frequently been lobbied by James Irving on behalf of the company."

Part of Brison's job as head of the Treasury Board is to examine and challenge government spending decisions.
None of the allegations have been proven in court.

A spokesperson for Brison would not comment on the court filing, but the minister has in the past denied any wrongdoing.

Similarly, a spokesperson for Irving Shipbuilding said Saturday that there was nothing improper in the company's communication with the Liberal government over the temporary supply ship program, in which it had also submitted a proposal.

"We expressed our concerns with the procurement process to the new government as part of an ongoing transparent dialogue," Sean Lewis said in an email.

"Our outreach highlighted our concerns and requested that our proposal be fairly evaluated. Other shipbuilders who also participated in the process to provide a [supply ship] solution also expressed concern with the project and how the government made its decision."

Upcoming trial begins during election

The motion provides a taste of the political minefield that's ahead for Liberals next year when Norman's case goes to trial, likely during the next federal election campaign.

Henein is demanding government disclose all communication between Brison's office and the Irvings prior to a crucial cabinet committee meeting on Nov. 19, 2015.

It was at that meeting the Liberal government decided to risk a multi-million dollar penalty and put the supply ship program on hold.

News of the pause leaked to the media, which the RCMP allege was orchestrated by Norman. The government eventually proceeded with the program.

The Liberals, however, were embarrassed. They ordered an RCMP probe and Brison told investigators the leak prevented cabinet from doing its job.

How the cabinet decision leaked

Henein pushed back, in the court filing on Friday, revealing — for the first time —  that the federal police investigation had identified how some documents prepared for cabinet made their way into the hands of lobbyists.

"The RCMP's investigation discovered that a government employee, Matthew Matchett, gave a lobbyist then working for Davie the classified Memorandum to Cabinet ("MC") and slide deck relating to the Liberal Government's November 19, 2015 … Cabinet committee meeting," said the court documents.
There is no allegation that [Vice-Admiral] Norman provided documents protected by cabinet confidences to anybody.- Court filing
The documents noted Matchett had not been charged, and that both a Davie executive and a lobbyist had been granted immunity from prosecution.

"There is no allegation that [Vice-Admiral] Norman provided documents protected by cabinet confidences to anybody."

CBC News reached out on Saturday to Matchett but received no response.

Defence lawyer Marie Henein wrote that, contrary to the prosecution's claim, Norman was leaned on by the previous Conservative government to deliver the program. (CBC)

'No evidence of any personal benefit'

The documents also alleged an internal government investigation into how the cabinet decision leaked found that there were in fact six separate leaks and 73 people within the bureaucracy knew the outcome of the meeting.

The RCMP alleges in a search warrant, released publicly last year, that Norman leaked the information in order to ensure that the interim supply ship program went forward and that it was his preferred option.

In order to prove breach of trust, the Crown must demonstrate that the accused had something personal to gain.

Henein wrote that, contrary to the prosecution's claim, Norman was leaned on by the previous Conservative government to deliver the program.
Former prime minister Stephen Harper's government signed the initial contract with the shipyard, but it was left to the Justin Trudeau's Liberals to implement it.
There is no evidence of any personal benefit to [Vice-Admiral] Norman or of any other 'dishonest, partial, corrupt, or oppressive purpose.'- Court filing
"There is no evidence of any personal benefit to [Vice-Admiral] Norman or of any other 'dishonest, partial, corrupt, or oppressive purpose,'" said the filing.

"He worked to deliver what elected government wanted, what the Navy needed, and what was in the interest of all Canadians. He obtained absolutely no personal benefit."

Defence's allegations

Norman's defence alleges that senior defence and public works officials, who opposed the leased supply ship program, worked to kill it, contrary to the direction of the previous Conservative government.

Henein has asked the Crown to waive cabinet secrecy on all documents related to the case and thus far has been rebuffed.

"The Prime Minister through the Office of the Privy Council has refused to waive any Cabinet confidences except those required to prosecute [Vice-Admiral] Norman," she wrote.

"The [Privy Council Office] initiated the RCMP investigation, yet it controls the entire flow of information and has to date refused to provide any transparency."

The defence team also alleged the government retroactively invoked secrecy on documents investigators had deemed not confidential.
They pointed to a letter sent to Brison, Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan and former procurement minister Judy Foote by the Irvings, prior to the controversial cabinet meeting, as proof.

"Although the RCMP asserted that the Irving letter was not classified, the PCO now claims that the letter would in fact be a Cabinet confidence," said the court documents.

About the Author

Murray Brewster
Defence and security
Murray Brewster is senior defence writer for CBC News, based in Ottawa. He has covered the Canadian military and foreign policy from Parliament Hill for over a decade. Among other assignments, he spent a total of 15 months on the ground covering the Afghan war for The Canadian Press. Prior to that, he covered defence issues and politics for CP in Nova Scotia for 11 years and was bureau chief for Standard Broadcast News in Ottawa.

 ---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 11:22:52 -0400
Subject: Fwd: A little Deja Vu about The greedy bosses of Canadian Forces and Irving Ship Building's former General Counsel Richard Southcott for you all to enjoy N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger'" ???
To: Andrew.Leslie@parl.gc.ca

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From: Póstur FOR
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 16:37:22 +0000
Subject: Re: Re: A little Deja Vu about The greedy bosses of Canadian Forces and Irving Ship Building's former General Counsel Richard Southcott for you all to enjoy N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger'" ???
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Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 16:34:54 +0000
Subject: RE: A little Deja Vu about The greedy bosses of Canadian Forces and Irving Ship Building's former General Counsel Richard Southcott for you all to enjoy N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger'" ???
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your comments.

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos commentaires.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 12:34:46 -0400
Subject: Re: A little Deja Vu about The greedy bosses of Canadian
Forces and Irving Ship Building's former General Counsel Richard
Southcott for you all to enjoy N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau
"The Younger'" ???
To: media@davie.ca, "Jonathan.Vance"<Jonathan.Vance@forces.gc.ca>,
Alain.Parent@forces.gc.ca, Mark.Norman@forces.gc.ca, "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, premier
<premier@gnb.ca>, DJT <DJT@trumporg.com>, dmcgahn
<dmcgahn@jonesday.com>, mcohen <mcohen@trumporg.com>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "CRAIG.DALTON"<CRAIG.DALTON@gnb.ca>,
michael.pearson@gnb.ca, andrew.leslie@parl.gc.ca, "marc.garneau.a1"
<marc.garneau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, sunrayzulu <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>,
Errington.john@forces.gc.ca, Christine.Salt@forces.gc.ca,
DECPR@forces.gc.ca, corey.joyce@forces.gc.ca, "Dale.Morgan"
<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, david <david@lutz.nb.ca>,
"Matt.DeCourcey"<Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca>, "Mark.Wright"
<Mark.Wright@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, BrianThomasMacdonald
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Bill.Morneau"
<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, "scott.brison"<scott.brison@parl.gc.ca>,
"PETER.MACKAY"<PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie.com>, ethics-ethique
<ethics-ethique@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Liliana.Longo"
<Liliana.Longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, postur <postur@for.is>, briangallant10
<briangallant10@gmail.com>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>,
"Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "murray.brewster"
<murray.brewster@cbc.ca>, dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, bcsmith@thestar.ca,
newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, "Greta.Bossenmaier"
<Greta.Bossenmaier@cse-cst.gc.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "Robert. Jones"<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>,
"hon.melanie.joly"<hon.melanie.joly@canada.ca>, "stephane.dion"
<stephane.dion@parl.gc.ca>, postur <postur@irr.is>, birgittaj

Nancee Filteau
Chantier Davie Canada Inc.
22, rue George-D. Davie
Lévis, Québec
Canada. G6V 0K4
Tel: +1 418 837-5841 ext 2110


CBC radio interview with Alex Vicefield, CEO of Inocea Group
Davie Shipbuilding
Published on May 30, 2016
Thursday 26th May 2016 - Susan Campbell, host of CBC Quebec AM
interviews Alex Vicefield, CEO of Inocea Group about Davie
Shipbuilding, Canada's largest and highest capacity shipbuilder.

This is getting pretty comical


RCMP allege Vice-Admiral Norman fed cabinet secrets to Quebec shipbuilder
RCMP detail cosy, back channel relationship in shipbuilding leaks,
with admiral referred to as 'our friend'
By Murray Brewster, CBC News Posted: Apr 26, 2017 9:00 AM ET

"Irving Shipbuilding may have wanted to kill the deal, but sources
tell CBC News the Liberals were also deeply interested in finding out
why former prime minister Stephen Harper's government rewrote the
procurement regulations and what sort of political landmines might
result from it.

An email from Fraser to his bosses, on Nov. 22, 2015, made reference
to a conversation in which former Defence Minister — and later Justice
Minister — Peter MacKay, "told Brison to get his head out of his ass."

The regulations were rewritten, multiple sources say, to prevent rival
companies in the national shipbuilding program — Irving and Seaspan —
from suing over the Chantier-Davie deal.

The navy was in desperate need of a supply ship since prematurely
retiring its old ones.

Project Resolve was, in the opinion of both the navy and the
Conservatives, a more complete proposal that met the military's
immediate needs.
But that was not how some in the defence and public works
establishment saw things.

They were opaquely referred in the court records as the "Knights of No."

"Cartoon concept," is how some senior officials took to describing the
Chantier-Davie proposal, which they initially dismissed internally as
not being complete, or fully costed."


Case against Vice-Admiral Mark Norman handed to prosecutors last
summer, investigation ongoing
'I think it's shocking it has taken 12 months to still have no
resolution,' says military expert
By Murray Brewster, CBC News Posted: Jan 09, 2018 5:00 AM ET

"The high-profile case was sparked in late 2015 when a series of
published reports detailed the newly elected Liberal government's
hesitation over a $668-million contract to lease a temporary supply
ship for the navy.

The leaks, Treasury Board President Scott Brison told the RCMP,
impeded the federal cabinet's ability to do its job.

Norman was accused in court documents of possibly being the source of
that leak. The information, police claim, was passed through a
shipyard executive to Ottawa lobbyists and eventually to the media.

Search warrants ordered released by a judge last spring said the
Mounties also suspected one other government official. Who that person
might be is still unknown."


Quebec shipyard shrugs off Norman controversy, touts benefits of new supply ship
Chantier-Davie is pitching other projects to Trudeau's Liberal government
By Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press Posted: May 01, 2017 5:08 PM ET

"John Schmidt, vice-president of Federal Fleet Services, which Davie
set up to manage the ship project, wouldn't comment on the RCMP's case
against Norman.

That includes an email submitted to the court in which Schmidt
suggests trying to "pressure" Treasury Board President Scott Brison as
part of an apparent effort to get the Liberals to stick with the Davie

"We certainly don't think there's anything wrong," Schmidt said of
Davie's actions in an interview with The Canadian Press. "Other than
that, I can't comment."

"No charges have been laid against Norman, who was appointed
vice-chief of the defence staff in August 2016, then abruptly
suspended without explanation on Jan. 16 by defence chief Gen.
Jonathan Vance.

Norman's lawyer, Marie Henein, said in a statement in February that
the admiral, a 36-year-veteran of the military, "unequivocally denies
any wrongdoing."


Ship that may have sunk admiral's career to be unveiled in Quebec
7 months after raiding the home of Vice Admiral Mark Norman, RCMP have
yet to lay any charges
By Murray Brewster, CBC News Posted: Jul 20, 2017 5:00 AM ET

"Alex Vicefield, CEO of Inocea, a global shipping conglomerate that
owns Chantier Davie, said that despite months of investigation the
RCMP have yet to lay charges.

"There's been a lot of noise and possibly some people have jumped a
bit too early on it," Vicefield told CBC News in an interview.

"I think it's been unfortunate for Admiral Norman, but it's been
positive for us. It's actually put into the public a lot of the
dealings in the background which have plagued this whole shipbuilding
program from the outset."

Shipyard rivalry

Vicefield has long been an outspoken critic of the national
shipbuilding strategy, which in 2010 established Halifax-based Irving
Shipbuilding Inc. and Seaspan, of Vancouver, as the federal
government's go-to yards for ship construction.

The RCMP search warrant used to seize Norman's computer, tablet and
cellphone from his Ottawa-area home was publicly released in April. It
points to an email exchange between Norman and the head of the company
shepherding the Asterix project.

Norman told Spencer Fraser, of Federal Fleet Services, in November
2015 that he believed rival Irving Shipbuilding wanted to kill the
lease program and suggested there might be political interference
from, what was at the time, the new Liberal government.

"The fact Admiral Norman came out and protested some of this is quite
admirable, and I think a lot of people have recognized that," said

Irving Shipbuilding was asked to comment, but declined.

Norman has never spoken about the controversy and the RCMP have
refused to discuss the investigation."


The Feds may have had one blog deleted after the arrest of Barry
Winters but the CSE and the NSA must know that my work can be found in
many places on the Internet EH Jonathan Vance and Gilles Moreau?

The Chronicle Herald and the Globe and Mail have their tales to tell
and so do I N'esy Pas?

Former Irving veteran made CEO at shipyard rival Davie


A tale of two shipyards



Wednesday, 13 April 2016
The CBC, the Canadian Forces and the RCMP can never deny that they
know all about it


Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Re: The greedy bosses of Canadian Forces can't keep secrets Hell I
proved that last year to Irving Ship Building's former General Counsel
Richard Southcott N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger'"

 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 12:34:46 -0400
Subject: Re: A little Deja Vu about The greedy bosses of Canadian Forces and Irving Ship Building's former General Counsel Richard Southcott for you all to enjoy N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger'" ???
To: media@davie.ca, "Jonathan.Vance", Alain.Parent@forces.gc.ca, Mark.Norman@forces.gc.ca, "Gilles.Moreau", "Gilles.Blinn", pm , premier , DJT , dmcgahn , mcohen , "bob.paulson", "CRAIG.DALTON", michael.pearson@gnb.ca, andrew.leslie@parl.gc.ca, "marc.garneau.a1", oldmaison , andre , sunrayzulu , Errington.john@forces.gc.ca, Christine.Salt@forces.gc.ca, DECPR@forces.gc.ca, corey.joyce@forces.gc.ca, "Dale.Morgan", david , "Matt.DeCourcey", "Mark.Wright", BrianThomasMacdonald
Cc: David Amos , "Bill.Morneau", "scott.brison", "PETER.MACKAY", ethics-ethique , "Liliana.Longo", "hon.ralph.goodale", postur , briangallant10 , "David.Coon", "Dominic.Cardy", "murray.brewster", dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, bcsmith@thestar.ca, newsroom , "Greta.Bossenmaier", "Jacques.Poitras", "Robert. Jones", "Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc", "hon.melanie.joly", "stephane.dion", postur , birgittaj


Nancee Filteau
Chantier Davie Canada Inc.
22, rue George-D. Davie
Lévis, Québec
Canada. G6V 0K4
Tel: +1 418 837-5841 ext 2110


CBC radio interview with Alex Vicefield, CEO of Inocea Group
Davie Shipbuilding
Published on May 30, 2016
Thursday 26th May 2016 - Susan Campbell, host of CBC Quebec AM
interviews Alex Vicefield, CEO of Inocea Group about Davie
Shipbuilding, Canada's largest and highest capacity shipbuilder.

This is getting pretty comical


RCMP allege Vice-Admiral Norman fed cabinet secrets to Quebec shipbuilder
RCMP detail cosy, back channel relationship in shipbuilding leaks,
with admiral referred to as 'our friend'
By Murray Brewster, CBC News Posted: Apr 26, 2017 9:00 AM ET

"Irving Shipbuilding may have wanted to kill the deal, but sources
tell CBC News the Liberals were also deeply interested in finding out
why former prime minister Stephen Harper's government rewrote the
procurement regulations and what sort of political landmines might
result from it.

An email from Fraser to his bosses, on Nov. 22, 2015, made reference
to a conversation in which former Defence Minister — and later Justice
Minister — Peter MacKay, "told Brison to get his head out of his ass."

The regulations were rewritten, multiple sources say, to prevent rival
companies in the national shipbuilding program — Irving and Seaspan —
from suing over the Chantier-Davie deal.

The navy was in desperate need of a supply ship since prematurely
retiring its old ones.

Project Resolve was, in the opinion of both the navy and the
Conservatives, a more complete proposal that met the military's
immediate needs.
But that was not how some in the defence and public works
establishment saw things.

They were opaquely referred in the court records as the "Knights of No."

"Cartoon concept," is how some senior officials took to describing the
Chantier-Davie proposal, which they initially dismissed internally as
not being complete, or fully costed."


Case against Vice-Admiral Mark Norman handed to prosecutors last
summer, investigation ongoing
'I think it's shocking it has taken 12 months to still have no
resolution,' says military expert
By Murray Brewster, CBC News Posted: Jan 09, 2018 5:00 AM ET

"The high-profile case was sparked in late 2015 when a series of
published reports detailed the newly elected Liberal government's
hesitation over a $668-million contract to lease a temporary supply
ship for the navy.

The leaks, Treasury Board President Scott Brison told the RCMP,
impeded the federal cabinet's ability to do its job.

Norman was accused in court documents of possibly being the source of
that leak. The information, police claim, was passed through a
shipyard executive to Ottawa lobbyists and eventually to the media.

Search warrants ordered released by a judge last spring said the
Mounties also suspected one other government official. Who that person
might be is still unknown."


Quebec shipyard shrugs off Norman controversy, touts benefits of new supply ship
Chantier-Davie is pitching other projects to Trudeau's Liberal government
By Lee Berthiaume, The Canadian Press Posted: May 01, 2017 5:08 PM ET

"John Schmidt, vice-president of Federal Fleet Services, which Davie
set up to manage the ship project, wouldn't comment on the RCMP's case
against Norman.

That includes an email submitted to the court in which Schmidt
suggests trying to "pressure" Treasury Board President Scott Brison as
part of an apparent effort to get the Liberals to stick with the Davie

"We certainly don't think there's anything wrong," Schmidt said of
Davie's actions in an interview with The Canadian Press. "Other than
that, I can't comment."

"No charges have been laid against Norman, who was appointed
vice-chief of the defence staff in August 2016, then abruptly
suspended without explanation on Jan. 16 by defence chief Gen.
Jonathan Vance.

Norman's lawyer, Marie Henein, said in a statement in February that
the admiral, a 36-year-veteran of the military, "unequivocally denies
any wrongdoing."


Ship that may have sunk admiral's career to be unveiled in Quebec
7 months after raiding the home of Vice Admiral Mark Norman, RCMP have
yet to lay any charges
By Murray Brewster, CBC News Posted: Jul 20, 2017 5:00 AM ET

"Alex Vicefield, CEO of Inocea, a global shipping conglomerate that
owns Chantier Davie, said that despite months of investigation the
RCMP have yet to lay charges.

"There's been a lot of noise and possibly some people have jumped a
bit too early on it," Vicefield told CBC News in an interview.

"I think it's been unfortunate for Admiral Norman, but it's been
positive for us. It's actually put into the public a lot of the
dealings in the background which have plagued this whole shipbuilding
program from the outset."

Shipyard rivalry

Vicefield has long been an outspoken critic of the national
shipbuilding strategy, which in 2010 established Halifax-based Irving
Shipbuilding Inc. and Seaspan, of Vancouver, as the federal
government's go-to yards for ship construction.

The RCMP search warrant used to seize Norman's computer, tablet and
cellphone from his Ottawa-area home was publicly released in April. It
points to an email exchange between Norman and the head of the company
shepherding the Asterix project.

Norman told Spencer Fraser, of Federal Fleet Services, in November
2015 that he believed rival Irving Shipbuilding wanted to kill the
lease program and suggested there might be political interference
from, what was at the time, the new Liberal government.

"The fact Admiral Norman came out and protested some of this is quite
admirable, and I think a lot of people have recognized that," said

Irving Shipbuilding was asked to comment, but declined.

Norman has never spoken about the controversy and the RCMP have
refused to discuss the investigation."


The Feds may have had one blog deleted after the arrest of Barry
Winters but the CSE and the NSA must know that my work can be found in
many places on the Internet EH Jonathan Vance and Gilles Moreau?

The Chronicle Herald and the Globe and Mail have their tales to tell
and so do I N'esy Pas?

Former Irving veteran made CEO at shipyard rival Davie


A tale of two shipyards



Wednesday, 13 April 2016
The CBC, the Canadian Forces and the RCMP can never deny that they
know all about it


Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Re: The greedy bosses of Canadian Forces can't keep secrets Hell I
proved that last year to Irving Ship Building's former General Counsel
Richard Southcott N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau "The Younger'"


22, rue George-D. Davie
Lévis, Québec, Canada
G6V 0K4
1 418 837-5841
Find us on the map
Latitude: 46.827675
Longitude: -71.158781
255 Albert Street, Suite 940
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1P 6A9
1 613-321-3760
1011 Fort Street, Suite 302
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
V8V 3K5
1 778-432-0887

Alex Vicefield

member, Advisory Committee

Prior to joining Inocea Group, Alex spent his career in the marine, and oil & gas markets specialising in project, investment and marine asset management and commercial contracting. Alex has been involved with several major ship, asset and business acquisitions and operations where he worked on behalf of some of the world’s leading financial institutions. He was a director of oil & gas services and asset management for V.Group (V.Ships), the world’s largest marine services company. He has also worked with several UK publicly listed companies in the ports and retail industries.

Opposition parties open to giving a Blaine Higgs government a try??? YEA RIGHT



Replying to and  49 others
Methinks you know as well as I that many people are calling your beloved party with the Green coats and the red lining the Watermelon Party N'esy Pas?


Shale gas exploration could get green light by Christmas, says MLA

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Greg Smith 
Greg Smith
This incredibly damaging industry is unfortunately all too easy of a sell to most New Brunswickers who live check-to-check and can't think any further ahead than the next 2 weeks and see nothing but short term gains to be had from this. The oil & gas industry is unique in Alberta, because it is geographically isolated from the most population dense part of the province. In NB, with a smaller footprint, we don't have the similar luxury to be able to gamble with our children's future. We will be selling off our natural resources for next to nothing, to large corporate interests who (you guessed it) will get a large tax break, leave with the profits, and all the jobs once the resource is gone.

We're currently giving away Albertan crude at almost a $40/barrel discount, so for those of you who think that everything will be rosy here if we start fracking for natural gas, you need to look no further than the current struggle of the oilsands industry for concrete proof that this is nothing but a bandaid solution to a much larger problem at hand.

David Amos
 Page is closed to commenting.
David Amos
Methinks many folks know that is one of the many reasons I have been against NAFTA just like the liberals were when they were led by the lawyer Turner N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks the Watermelon Party and their cohorts no doubt regret barring me from debating Northrup during the last election N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos


Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos That sounds racist. And you wonder why you lost.

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Samuel Porter
Indeed it does.

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@Samuel Porter Methinks

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "That sounds racist. And you wonder why you lost."

What planet are you from? Methinks you know as well as I that many people are calling your beloved party with the Green coats and the red lining that N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter BTW please justify why you call me a racist real slow

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos You know the answer to that nesypas? Thing is did you think no one would notice?

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos Another reason why you lost. You don't listen, or read well. I said " that " not " you " .

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Colin Seeley Indeed Methinks you know as well as I that you can't even write post the name of the leader of the Watermelon Party without being considered a racist by CBC N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "Thing is did you think no one would notice?"

Notice what?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter I presume you hold to CBC rules and that is your real name Correct?

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos Yes. What rules? The ones that let you delete your account if you want? It is the only site I know of that doesn't allow that.

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "You don't listen, or read well."

Nope it is you who does not does listen, or read well however I have no doubt whatsoever that you are well aware of my lawsuit in Federal Court Furthermore I heard Charles Leblanc a great friend of the Party Leader calling it that within his Youtube videos Obviously it was not my original thought N'esy Pas?

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos Sounds like a threat. Guess i need to make a phone call. You are scary. Is that what you wanted to hear?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "Guess i need to make a phone call."

Please do Trust that the RCMP know exactly who I am It is you I am wondering about

Methinks you just went from bad to worse No you are accusing me of a criminal act N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "Sounds like a threat. Guess i need to make a phone call."

Methinks anyone can Google David Amos RCMP in order to come to an understanding as to why I am suing the Crown and ran for public office 6 times thus far N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter 'You are scary. "

Methinks its not my fault that you cannot read all my replies N'esy Pas?


Dylan Raven
Dylan Raven
I find this debate so trivial. NBers are so stupid. No to fracking because its harmful to the environment, but hey let's continue to allow spraying the forests with a dangerous chemical. If we were truly concerned about the environment why haven't we put a stop to spraying glyphosate?

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@Dylan Raven We need to stop it all. Why do people think you need to trash the earth to make a living.. Very narrow minded, start thinking outside the box.

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "start thinking outside the box"

Methinks you should follow your own advice N'esy Pas?

 Fred Brewer 
Fred Brewer
Irving Empire - A big proponent of fracking
Mr. Higgs - A big proponent of fracking

Coincidence? You decide.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer Nope

Dylan Raven 
Mario Doucet
Le Parti Liberal had no business placing a moratorium on fracking, some people were looking forward to the development of this resource.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mario Doucet

*some people were looking forward to the development of this resource.*

Yeah like the Irving's.

Fracking wont bring any money to the province and require small labor.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin. I agree.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Well that's a first. :)

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin. Sometime I even surprise myself.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Me Too

 Dylan Raven 
Marc Martin
Higgs and PANB already started doing cuts to save money this week end they turned the power of at NB Power....

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks a lot of folks don't find that even remotely funny N'esy Pas/

 Dylan Raven 
David Stairs
I see all the fear mongers are commenting...read up on what this is and get an informed opinion...I was around fracking for 30 years and never saw any of these things happening...it's been put in the same boat as duality being against the Acadie..

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Stairs, but there is no $$$$ in it at this time.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Stairs Just because you yourself never seen any of those things happen doesn't mean they don't happen, Mishaps have been documented about fracking that haven't had good results.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Stairs

*I see all the fear mongers are commenting*

I see them cry every day how much life is unfaire and that they are treated so poorly compared to the Francophones, ohh wait your one of them....

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin the francophone's were treated far better than the Celtic people in the past but they don't expect other people to pay for their culture and language's as with other races of people in N.B.

Dylan Raven
Dylan Raven
@David Stairs you are correct however people only believe what they want to believe. Truth or not.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Its not about culture its about official languages, there are 2 in Canada that needs to be respected English and French you didn't know ?

*but they don't expect other people to pay for their culture and language's *

But if we go with your theory, then why am I paying for your culture and language?

Arthur John
Arthur John
@Marguerite Deschamps You need to check the price of natural gas in Boston during winter months, that is one of the markets for NB natural gas.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin. Your not paying for my culture or language. I am not of either francophone or anglophone just like you don't pay for the other races of people. This is 2018 but you seem to live in the past. Why should only 2 races of people have languages rights. are the rest of races 2nd class citizen's?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Arthur John. That's the problem. We sell our resources at a lower price then N.Ber's pay a much higher price for our own resources.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre "This is 2018 but you seem to live in the past."

Plus its 3 long years past the being of the mandate of Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger. With regards to language rights, Methinks you should ask the ghosts of Prime Minister Trudeau The Elder and Premier Hatfield why they made New Brunswick Canada' ONLY bilingual province quite likely before the Quebecker you are arguing was born N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
I am not against using our natural resourse's but what I am against is wasting it, It will take Billions of liters of water for these fracking wells. what are they going to do with the waste water . Throw it into the river systems and pollute like other people do. If we are going to waste the water then why not filter it, bottle or by other means and then sell it N.B would probably make more money by doing this than depend on royalties from big business in which some cases we pay to have our resourse's used.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks many folks know I have said that many times already N'esy Pas?


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks everybody knows I don't believe one word any of them say Obviously that is why I ran against all of them as an Independent N'esy Pas?



Opposition parties open to giving a Blaine Higgs government a try

MLAs from 3 parties say they believe in co-operation, although they could draw line

Jordan Gill· CBC News· Posted: Nov 06, 2018 1:42 PM AT

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks everybody knows I don't believe one word any of them say Obviously that is why I ran against all of them as an Independent N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks all my political foes know why I am looking forward to running in two elections next year N'esy Pas?


David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks everybody knows this story appeared in the Kings County Record on June 22, 2004 and that I have run for public office 5 more times since I definitely mentioned natural gas then N'esy Pas?

The Unconventional Candidate
By Gisele McKnight

"FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada."

"Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

"What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico

David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks Ms Mitton and everybody else knows that my Mother is a Mitton from the Sackville area which is where I was born and raised until I was 15 because my Father was the County Administrator of Westmorland County When Little Louie centralized the government my Father moved us to Fredericton and became the the Supervisor of Taxation of this province util the day he died One of his political bosses was the Father of French Leutenant of the the PC Party. Mr Higgs certainly knows that after my Father died my Mother married and CoR party member who was once the Chief Electoral officer of New Brunswick N'esy Pas?

 David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks its high times that folks quit pounding on the drums of war over the French versus English nonsense and pay attention to how much money we ALL owe N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Maybe you should tell that to your Anglo Friends...

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks my French friends are not impressed with you either N'esy Pas?

Ernesto Rafael
Ernesto Rafael
Turf Bryan Gallant should be the first order of business.

Fred Dee
Fred Dee
@Ernesto Rafael

That is up to the liberal party.

I am sure it will not take long for him to step down...………

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Dee Methinks the liberals would not be wise to go into the next election leaderless N'esy Pas?

Junkman George
Junkman George
@David Amos

Would it matter? They did the last election clueless.

David Amos
David Amos
@Junkman George Not really Methinks everybody knows I know the ex RCMP dude who was driving their campaign bus quite well. I have no doubt whatsoever that he filled them in about who I was and what I have been up to since 1982 while they toured the province during the last two elections I bet Chretien did too N'esy Pas?

 Fred Dee 
Marc Martin
Irving's and big business are happy they are going to be less taxed !! It a total victory for them. The loser will be the average worker, get ready for cuts in education and health. NB be ready to pay an extra taxe since we will be paying for the loss of the corporate one. This Is what you get when you have CoR party in power in NB.

Tony Chamberlain
Tony Chamberlain
@Marc Martin Funny the Gallant government increased our taxes by 2% to pay down our debt and yet they spent even more money. They still did the cuts to goverment pensions. We have been worst off by the liberal government. It is about time the english has a voice in this province with panb.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin NB is the highest taxed province in Canada...the highest taxed in all of North America and the debt keeps growing.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tony Chamberlain

And if the Cons cut the second house taxe and lower taxes to big business who do you think will pay the price ?

* It is about time the english has a voice in this province with panb.*

It is about time the anti-French groups has a voice in this province with panb. I corrected your error.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

Maybe if the English would have let the government sell NB power to Quebec we wouldn't be in this trouble, you remember right ? I heard it so many time the English population didn't want to sell NB power to Quebec. We would have 4.5 less on our current depth not counting the million a day we are losing each time Point Lepreau goes offline, and how much will the dam costs us again ? Yeah ty to you and your friends fake name boy.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Shawn McShane
The issue is some (mostly big businesses) don't pay their fair share of taxes and receive huge subsidizes and freebies( more access to our natural resources, forgiven loans, low rates for utilities, etc....).

Someone has to pay.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you should move back to Quebec if you are not already there N'esy Pas?

Tony Chamberlain
Tony Chamberlain
@Marc Martin According to you any group who has a problem with the way bilingualism is implemented they are anti french . Keep being blind and dismiss the issues. We will have our say with our vote.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Tony Chamberlain, about 12% of the vote, that's it!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Someone did not feed you yet Davis ? I have lived in NB all my life in fact my family is one of the first settled in NB.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

12% of anti-French I might add.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tony Chamberlain

They way its implemented its the way it should be. Tell me again what rights you don't have that the French population has ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Yea Right

 Fred Dee 
Fred Dee
I have my doubts that the liberals will support anything....

They need to become a party of the people of NB, not just the FRENCH party!!

reginald churchill
reginald churchill
@Fred Dee -------agreed 100%

David Amos
David Amos
@reginald churchill Me Too

 Fred Dee 
Bob Smith
"The economic development that has been shown to be associated with fracking is not all what it's cracked up to be." Funny...the US has been doing extensive fracking during the years the Liberals banned it and they seem to be doing just fine, economically and environmentally. Wasn't quite the "sky is falling/wells are drying up" scenario the anti frackers dished out to farmers up here before....

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Bob Smith You don't hear about the failures and payouts. Confidentiality clause. This is an ironic one tho...Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson (who was secretary of state for a while under Trump) joined an anti-fracking lawsuit, Tillerson sat for a three-hour deposition and protested the project at a town council meeting. He won't have it in his backyard.

David Amos
David Amos
@Shawn McShane "Tillerson sat for a three-hour deposition and protested the project at a town council meeting. He won't have it in his backyard."

Methinks amazing things never cease N'esy Pas?

 Fred Dee 
Rosco holt
Yep, give Higgs enough rope so he can hang himself with it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt Methinks his French Lieutenant rules the roost right now but that could change in a heartbeat if the intruding Quebeckers keep it up N'esy Pas?

 Fred Dee 
Joseph Vacher
give him a try? not like they had any other choice lols

David Amos
David Amos
@Joseph Vacher I am giggling too

 Fred Dee 
daryl doucette
Gee that's awful nice of the opposition to give the man that WON the election " a try"...

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen
@daryl doucette

In a democratic system the "winner" of the election is that party which tallies the greatest number of votes. Democracy was founded on votes not seats.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Robert Brannen "Democracy was founded on votes not seats."

Democracy is a myth in a dog eat dog world. The Powers That Be in all jurisdictions worldwide control all the political parties byway of the almighty buck. New Brunswick does not have the pollination of a medium sized city. Countless mayors have more political power than our Premier. However we have tremendous wealth in our natural resources any mayor and many other politicians should be jealous of. However methinks it is rather easy for the billionaire Irving and McCain Clans to control the politicians and exploit our resources to the max N'esy Pas?

Fred Dee 
Roy Kirk
Shale gas development is and should remain a non-starter as long as the market price of gas is less than $US5 per GJ. Work should be done on the file before that time to establish a safe and well-regulated approach to shale gas exploitation once the price is high enough to provide a decent direct return to the province, which I'd suggest is 20% of the hub price or 1US$ per GJ, whichever is greater.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roy Kirk I agree about fair royalties however what are they going to do with the wastewater from the fracking?

 Fred Dee 
Mario Doucet
Le Parti Liberal is now irrelevant. Good time to abolish the OLA.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mario Doucet

Your the irrelevant one fake name boy.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin So you say

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

How is you conversation with the other Marc Martin going Davis? :)

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you know I am dealing with his outgoing political boss BTW it is Mr Amos to you Everybody knows we are not friends N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

*you know I am dealing with his outgoing political boss *

This makes no sense...

*BTW it is Mr Amos to you *

for me to Say Mr. to him he must deserve it Davis.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you should say hey to your boss for me N'esy Pas?

Fred Dee 
SarahRose Werner
I agree that giving Higgs a try is the mature thing to do in this situation. But he's going to be walking a fine line. Each new throne speech, each new budget is going to be a test of the other parties' willingness to work with Higgs and the PC minority government.

Junkman George
Junkman George
@SarahRose Werner

I *suspect* Mr Higgs is too arrogant to get along with anybody other than himself.

David Amos
David Amos
@Junkman George I don't *suspect* it I know it

Fred Dee 
herbie harris
Sherry Wilson is very humorous they didn't support the throne speech because of the past 4 years what about the 4 before that higgs was a disaster as a finance minister always fighting with mr alward and the caucus its the reason why most of the caucus didn't support him at the leadership.. He will survive the throne speech but not the first budget the peoples alliance will finally see that they are puppets to higgs like the rest of his caucus... Higgs will be out as leader by summer and we will be into another election...

Junkman George
Junkman George
@herbie harris

You are being more than generous.......... I would not give him that long.

David Amos
David Amos
@Junkman George Nor I


 Fred Dee 
Robert Brannen
Hoping that shale gas will be an economic saviour for the New Brunswick economy is a mug's game, as outlined in the linked article on the development of shale gas in the U.S..


David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Brannen Methinks everybody knows that ship has sailed but the Irving Clan wants the cheap gas for their benefit Higgs claims it will help get the potash mine running again but Potash was rolling long before Corridor ever came to town. The Potash Mine will start up again if and when the world price climbs high enough to make it pay with or without the assistance of Higgs and his Irving and Corridor cohorts in the "Mean" time N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks i should have read this earlier Obviously the potash dudes don't need out natural gas now so the only leaves the Irving Clan in need of our resources N'esy Pas?


Nutrien permanently closes New Brunswick potash facility

Company will take $1.8B writedown
The Canadian Press · Posted: Nov 06, 2018 8:20 AM CT

 Fred Dee 
Paul Bourgoin
Looks like Higgs was instructed to reopen the controversial debate over shale gas development in the province but by who? To benefit who? Also at what cost to our Environment, Fish and Wildlife habitat and citizen populations!

Junkman George
Junkman George
@Paul Bourgoin

Can you guess? Who will benefit from shale gas? And a pipeline? Both things Higgs intends to revisit.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Paul Bourgoin

Of course he pro-big industry cutting their taxe will cutting everything else like healthcare and education he's also anti-French which will reflect on the next election.

David Amos
David Amos
@Junkman George "Can you guess? "

No need to guess Everybody know you are referring to the Irving Clan. No need to be afraid to state oh ye who CBC allows to post with a without with a real name

Tony Chamberlain
Tony Chamberlain
@Marc Martin Next election you will see more peoples alliance get elected. This is just the beginning and fairness will return.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tony Chamberlain

Yeah right !!! Thank for the laugh !!

Tony Chamberlain
Tony Chamberlain
@Marc Martin Trust me the last laugh is mine when we elected 3 peoples alliance MLAS and more to come. eh voila

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tony Chamberlain

Be honest, do you really think PANB will ever be in power in NB ?

Archie Levesque
Archie Levesque
@Marc Martin Very doubtful they would ever form the government but I do believe you were on here continuously before the election saying they wouldn't even elect 1 person

David Amos
David Amos
@Archie Levesque Oh So true

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Be honest"

Methinks you should do so first N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Archie Levesque

Actually I said they would elect one Kris A. but I didn't saw the 2 other coming.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

I am always honest, you should try it sometime.

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos 
@Marc Martin "I am always honest, you should try it sometime."

I am no liar

Methinks you should say hey to your fellow Quebeckers for me. If you ever do come down to Fundy feel free to look me up. Better yet why not put you name on ballot and run against me so you can debate me in public.?

Everybody knows his story appeared in the Kings County Record on June 22, 2004 and that I have run for public office 5 more times since N'esy Pas?

The Unconventional Candidate
By Gisele McKnight

"FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada."

"Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

"What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@David Amos Shame on CBC for blocking that reply

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "I am always honest, you should try it sometime."

YEA RIGHT Methinks it was a small wonder that my reply was blocked N'esy Pas?

 Fred Dee 
Pete Lang
Good luck to Mr. Higgs! Hope he succeeds where so many others have not! As for shale gas...we don't know if it will pay for itself yet, but maybe there will be a few hundred jobs looking for it! Bonne chance!

David Amos
David Amos
@Pete Lang Dream on

 Brian Robertson 
Brian Robertson
Only because it would be political suicide if the opposition forced another election on New Brunswickers this soon. But, give it a year. By then, the Liberals will be so desperate to get back in power, that they will try anything.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Brian Robertson

The Liberals are stronger now after CoR leader Higgs united with the anti-French party. Let there be another election you will see.

David Amos
Content disabled. after 4 likes
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks most folks have your number by now Hence you should quit beating the drum and fanning the fires of contempt between the French and English in New Brunswick because you are only making matters worse for your beloved liberals N'esy Pas Mr Quebecker???

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Who pulled on your chain today Davis? I don't think my posts create any divide more then any other person on this website. Its a free country I am allowed to post my opinion N'esy Pas Mr American ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks you are replying to a ghost N'esy Pas"

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Are you saying your using a fake name Davis ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks CBC and everybody else knows that I only post in my true name Its not rocket science to understand that there would be no point for me to act politically anonymously like Quebeckers do N'esy Pas/

Fred Dee 
Robert Brannen
On the panel, PC Sherry Wilson, the MLA for Moncton Southwest, echoed her leader's views.

"Mr. Higgs was not against the throne speech as such," she said. "We did not have confidence that Mr. Gallant could manage the government." ---- CBC

It appears that the Liberals are being led by the bigger of the two leaders.

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Brannen Bigger what?

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen
@David Amos

A man of greater character. The bigger man of the two.

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Brannen Methinks you don't know the Mr Higgs I know. Trust that many of my political foes know that the only thing he and his buddies Cardy Lamrock and Northrup are good for is to send me Butter Tarts to feed a stray cat I named after him. Anyone can "Mr Higgs""Butter Tarts" to verify what I state is true N'esy Pas?

Matt Steele 
Matt Steele

Higgs certainly has a tough job to do after Brian Gallant and his U de M buddies practically destroyed the Province through mismanagement . Luckily Higgs does not need the Liberals or the Green Party's support as the PCs 22 seats and the Peoples Alliance 3 seats total 25 . Higgs will have to move fairly quickly as the Province is in crisis on a number of issues ; and the province's credit rating is in danger of being downgraded as the Provincial debt spins out of control due to Gallants wasteful spending ; and excessive tax scams .

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Steele How many did your beloved NDP win?

Samuel Porter 
Samuel Porter

A good start would be to fire the head of NB power, and get someone running the outfit who has actually dealt with a personal multi-day power outage. Then maybe you would cut some trees before you give yourself and your harem a raise.

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter Why stop at the head?

Ray Bungay
Ray Bungay
@Samuel Porter That would be nice! Today Thomas said getting power back after storms like Arthur is much better. Tell that the 20+K customers still in the dark! Some of his managers should also either be shown the door or forced to takepay cuts to say I’m sorry!

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Ray Bungay, the result of global warming!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Samuel Porter

I actually agree with this.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Yea Right

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks the cat must have got your tongue all of a sudden Perhaps it was my latest phone call that done the trick N'esy Pas?

Ray Bungay 
Ray Bungay

I address this to three greenparty MLAs. If fracking is a concern then I implore you to think seriously about the state of the NB debts, select areas to allow fracking could be a god send as well as select mining and forestry that could easily turning around the money issues of NB. The “green” economy will arrive indue course but I don’t “green ” industries beating down the doors, maybe 25 years from now but not today!

David Amos
David Amos
@Ray Bungay The potash mine is history so Higgs lost that angle

Junkman George
Junkman George
@David Amos

Maybe Higgs could buy that mine and operate it? What could possibly go wring?

David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks its high times that folks quit pounding on the drums of war over the French versus English nonsense and pay attention to how much money we ALL owe N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Maybe you should tell that to your Anglo Friends...

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks my French friends are not impressed with you either N'esy Pas?

Higgs in midst of fast transition, cabinet to be sworn in this week

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Doug Leblanc 
Doug Leblanc
Hopefully Higgs reviews the health department and tourism as it appears some civil servants were acting in a partisan manner in regards to water quality at Parlee Beach and liberal retirement projects

David Amos
David Amos
@Doug Leblanc Don't hold you breath waiting for that to happen, Methinks his French Lieutenant would bail on Higgs immediately if he did such a thing against his pals N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc 
Gerry Ferguson
A breath of fresh air in New Brunswick for sure. Hope he can straighten out a few messes.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Gerry Ferguson, a breath of polluted air is what we will get!

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks many folks smell a lot of methane coming from your general direction N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, ah and I thought most of that methane came from the Sait John area?

Doug Leblanc 
John Young
Mr Higgs - Do whatever is necessary to balance the books.

Budget will NOT balance itself!

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@maude windsor, you cannot ignore 33% of the population and hope to remain in power.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks ignoring the other 67% has worked for like charm for a long time Its time for the worm to turn N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos that 67% you are talking about has always been very well taken care of and still is.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@maude windsor

I think the hospital for *special* people are looking for you, you fit the right description.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "I think the hospital for *special* people are looking for you, you fit the right description."

Methinks you are cyber stalking the lady N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc 
maude windsor
Higgs you can be another ralph klein who was able to get voters onboard to save the province after debt grew too high...it takes getting everyone onboard to pay down the debt. Higgs has to amglmate the 2healthcare systems, the 2education k-12 systems, privatize school bus operations, support saint john to bring back its economic engine as only english speaking city designed to attract businesses. fyi french language is no benefit to todays business. privatize all registries, review history curriculum in k-12....bring patridge island into restored historic place...take universities french to graduate curriculum..focus on making maritime universities provide a higher academic level (which they do not have today-especially UofM) privitatization of senior health services & homes..all unified under one governing council (today french speaking homes&people have more rights to services)....MAKE NEW BRUNSWICK EQUAL AGAIN!........make sure mr Higgs , that your cabinet focuses on areas of province that won you the election...give loyalists/irish/scots.military heritage the most numbers of cabinet appointees. make sure all french appointees to cabinet are from acadian heritage..not people who come from quebec ...KEEP NEW BRUNSWICK EQUAL AGAIN!.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@maude windsor, a sure recipe to go down on a nonconfidence vote.

David Amos
David Amos
@maude windsor Dream on

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@maude windsor

I think you should move in an English only province, all the things you mention will not happen.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "I think you should move in an English only province, all the things you mention will not happen."

Methinks many would agree that you should keep your Quebecker politics in the French only province N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, we prefer a bilingual province such as New Nouveau-Brunswick given that we are fluent in both official languages and are not confined to "N'esy Pas" ... whatever that means.

Matt Steele 
Matt Steele
Higgs has a very tough job , with a lot of hard decisions to make . One of his priorities should be looking at the early french immersion program , and the mess that Gallant made of it . Anglophone students should be taught in English only for K through to the end of grade 4 ; and only start learning french in grade 5 . The N.B. Education system is in crisis with the lowest standardization test scores in Canada ; and the french immersion program is a big part of that problem .

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Matt Steele

Jim Irving is that you ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Jim Irving is that you ?"

Methinks that even a Quebecker must know that the Irving Clan would never support the NDP let alone accuse Jimmy of pretending to be an NDP N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
I have been arguing Higgs since he was the Finance Minister about how to pay off our debt, balance the budget and provide more services with less taxes. I have explained here in the comment sections blogged about it and even argued Higgs about in in public in 2015 after one of my debates with his buddy Rob Moore. This year explained to an audience as i debated his buddy Bruce Northrup during this election and said it in a 3 minutes speech on Rogers TV not long afterwards. Not one soul can argue it or even try to the solution just that simple. The awful truth is nobody cares. Hence we get the governments we deserve. N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc 
Paul Bourgoin
Higgs like every Prime Minister before him will talk rough and tough but at the end of the day will serve those who financially supported his election campaign. Leaving New Brunswick residents footing the provincial subsidies, operation costs and the expanding Provincial DEBT!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin YUP

David Amos 
David Amos
I wonder who is gonna be Minister of Finance Higgs or Cardy? And Attorney General Flemming or Anderson?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Higgs, Flemming, Fitch, Cardy etc... same old bunch that we kicked out of office in 2014. What else is new?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Everybody knows Cardy never won a seat until now Methinks Quebeckers playing politics in New Brunswick should do their homework N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, which Quebecker are you talking about? - Cardy has been around for a while switching from NDP to CONservative trying to get elected.

Doug Leblanc 
Bob Smith
Whoever takes on Finance, they have to be better than Cathy Rogers, the most unqualified person to ever hold the job.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bob Smith Methinks I should agree that Higgs does not have to look a hard to find someone to be her better. Everybody knows my pick of litter would be the turncoat Mr Cardy N'esy Pas?

Buford Wilson 
Buford Wilson
Blaine is wasting no time in taking charge of the situation.

As he confronts the enormous task of turning around the dire economic outlook.

The pride is back in New/Nouveau-Brunswick.

David Amos
David Amos
@Buford Wilson Speak or yourself Methinks many folks are disgusted by the malicious nonsense N'esy Pas?

Brian Gallant urged to ask for Liberal leadership review to 'clear air'


Paul Bourgoin
Harold Fitzgerald
Maybe Gallant can be replaced with a leader that realizes NB has English as well as French residents

Alex Forbes
Alex Forbes
@Paul Bourgoin Unfortunately the French get a disproportional amount of government funding. But they know where their money comes from.

David Amos
David Amos
@Alex Forbes As do we all

Doug Leblanc 
Joseph Vacher
lol i can't believe that he thinks he lost the election for not promoting bilingualism enough. He should know that he lost because he ignored the majority of the province to please a special interest group.

you made the last 4 years about language, and it came back to bite you in the a$$

all you did was split the province even further

David Amos
David Amos
@Joseph Vacher Methinks many would agree he lost because he and his backroom boys figured they world play the French vs English card and split the vote on the right. and it backired on him bigtime N'esy Pas?

Matt Steele 
Matt Steele
Brian Gallant had two primary goals as Premier ; one was to fill his own pockets with taxpayer cash via travel and expense accounts ; and the second was the total frenchification of N.B. . After his conduct over the past 4 years ; and especially over the last couple of months , Gallant has proven to be a total write off as Premier , and has ZERO chance of ever being Premier again . Gallant's political career is finished .

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Steele So says the NDP

Doug Leblanc 
AJ Maisey
If it is the Liberals wish to alienate every Anglophone in this province then keep him as leader.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
Every Anglo[phone???........man a few hospital have a room for you......

David Amos
David Amos
@Dan Lee A French or an English one?

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@David Amos
hmmm...hmmm probably an ex Cor......put him to bed in Saint John

AJ Maisey
AJ Maisey
@Dan Lee Half English, half Acadian according to DNA. I can go to any hospital my friend and will gladly speak English.

Doug Leblanc 
James Johnstone
Brian Gallant lost the election. He was rejected by the voters in New Brunswick. When will he understand he is finished and just go away? You can fool some of the people some of the time but karma will get you in the end. It will be interesting to see how long Blaine Higgs lasts, he has one foot in and isn't even premier yet.

David Amos
David Amos
@James Johnstone Methinks many agree that Mr Higgs won't last long as Premie either N'esy Pas?

Alex Forbes
Alex Forbes
What benefits are there of bilingualism? Two health care and educational systems. Longer wait times. Longer and more expensive labels on food products. More expensive to do business and government with translation and translators.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Alex Forbes, let's make everything French then!

Alex Forbes
Alex Forbes
That isn't even an exhaustive list of the detriments.

Alex Forbes
Alex Forbes
@Marguerite Deschamps If they were the majority, I would agree...

Evelyn Gaudreau
Evelyn Gaudreau
@Alex Forbes would you really? Tell that to the anglos in Québec and see what they say.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Alex Forbes, be careful what you wish. Let 2% of the population of Quebec move here and the French would be the majority.

reginald churchill
reginald churchill
@Marguerite Deschamps ------the rest of the real world working language is English.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@reginald churchill, if you think so.

Joseph Vacher
Joseph Vacher
@Evelyn Gaudreau we should give them just as much respect as we get when in quebec, see how they like that

Joseph Vacher
Joseph Vacher
@Marguerite Deschamps math skills are not strong with this one

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Joseph Vacher, 3.25% then:
Population of Quebec: 8.18 million
Population of New Brunswick: 754 thousand

265 850 + 242 000 = 507 850 to 505 180.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marguerite Deschamps
If you Google the Top Ten Languages in the world, English is third most common and French is not on the list. So I agree with Reginald and it is a fact that English is accepted as the international language for business.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Let 2% of the population of Quebec move here and the French would be the majority

Methinks many would agree that far too many moved down here for the cushy government jobs many moons ago N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Fred Brewer, third is not first and not even second. However the more language one speaks the better. One is quite handicapped in this world with only one language when some in Europe speak 4,5 even up to 12. Quite embarrassing!

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marguerite Deschamps
So do you want Chinese as our only official language? Chinese is the language spoken by the most people in the world. Or to be fair, perhaps we take the top three languages, Chinese, English and Hindustani as NB's official languages. We would hardly be handicapped if we all spoke the most popular languages of the world.

Alex Forbes
Alex Forbes
@Evelyn Gaudreau The Anglophones in Quebec have no guaranteed rights like Francophones do in NB

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Fred Brewer as I am sure you speak all these languages eh?

David Amos
David Amos
@Alex Forbes "The Anglophones in Quebec have no guaranteed rights like Francophones do in NB"

Oh So True

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
I will tell you what the problem is with Gallant; his name. Not too many Premiers with such a name had a lot of success down south, even when they won the election. It dates way back from Peter John Veniot, Jos Daigle, Camille Theriault, even Louis Robichaud struggled to get votes south of Moncton.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Yea Right

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, right!

Doug Leblanc 
Paul Bourgoin
Brian, you are lucky it is not the month of March, if you wonder why, ask Cesar! POLITICS : - (

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin The Ides of March crossed my mind as well Methinks the lawyer Mr Richard wants folks to forget that he took a cushy job from Bernie Lord years ago for his benefit and that of Conservatives not his party N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc 
Doug Leblanc
He was a pathetic premier. Parlee Beach, property tax scandal, health contracts, carbon tax, conflict of interest concerns etc. Then he lost the election and dragged it out for 2 months for purely selfish reasons. At the last minute it sounded like he was encouraging MLA’s with promises of money for their riding to vote a certain way. Pathetic. He needs to go back to tennis.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Doug Leblanc
I agree but you missed a lot on your list.
How about the firing of Dr. Cleary?
Caraquet Shipyard?
People dying while waiting for ambulances?
NB government hiring a private company to make sure Irving gets best tax deal possible on LNG plant?
His failure to revoke the Cons sweetheart forestry deal?
Not taking responsibility for the property tax fiasco?
There is a lot more, but this is just what springs to mind. Anyone else please feel free to continue the list.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer Survey Says?

Jack Forester
Jack Forester
@Fred Brewer I must also add that Brian and his crew also reneged on the promise of significant tuition rebates for university students who were already enrolled, and stayed in NB for at least a year after graduation. Oh right, then they gave that money to select other people to go to university but they said the two actions weren't linked. Ya right!.

Anne Bérubé
Anne Bérubé
@David Amos Well, the results have proven all those facts.

Layton Bennett 
Layton Bennett
Politically speaking, having a leadership review/race right now, is suicide. Higgs will only be able to maintain the confidence of the House for so long. Once he loses it, we go to an election and the Liberals will have no leader, Higgs will run essentially unopposed. OR... the Liberals will end up backing whatever Higgs puts forward because they can't run an election with an interim leader. Neither situation will end well for the province.

Gallant would be better served by listening to the majority of the people who are tired of being served by a person whose English is comparable to baby talk, while they are not even 'qualified' for a government job. The staggering majority of the civil service in this province is francophone, many of them can barely speak English, but are considered 'bilingual'. The untenable situation must change, but not at the expense of selling our province for pennies to billionaires

David Amos
David Amos
@Layton Bennett I agree

Doug Leblanc 
Bernard McIntyre
I didn't think it was up to Gallant to ask. I thought it was in the liberal constitution for it to happen automatically if the leader does not win or get a majority. So are the liberal's not going to abide by their own constitution?

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks they would not be wise to at this point in time There could be another election in short order and the caucus has already pledged their loyalty because of that possibility N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Amos it doesn't matter what the caucus says. it's the Liberal Association that has to make that decision.

Doug Leblanc 
Lou Bell
Over 50 years of failed benefits of bilingualism , and Gallant wants to tell us more . Time to give his head a shake ! Other provinces and territories are doing just fine , in fact BETTER than we are ! It's jobs , jobs, jobs , nothing else ! About time the best and brightest were hired as number one priority . 50 years OF FAILURE is not the answer !!

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks Higgs and his French Lieutenant ain't gonna brighten your new year if he last that long N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc 
Jim Cyr
Are you not entertained???!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Cyr I certainly am

Doug Leblanc 
Jack Forester
Never mind the leadership review (I think we just had one). Instead, I think we should all see a forensic audit of NB gov't spending by the purposefully underfunded AG office. Lets see what they were all hiding once and for all before the shredders get busy. Mr. Higgs, please increase the funding to the NBAG's office so they can finally do the work that's needed.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jack Forester I concur

Doug Leblanc 
Richard Dunn
Brian will be remembered for being very good at math. It has been said that......
He multiplied our misery
He divided the province
He subtracted the number of young people staying in NB
and he added to the debt

And we only thought he was good at tennis......

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Dunn Very well put sir

Blaine Higgs set to resurrect debate over shale-gas development

Premier-designate says a PC minority will also focus on softwood lumber agreement, health-care wait times

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
David Amos
"Blaine Higgs set to resurrect debate over shale-gas development "

Interesting title I wonder if anyone recalls where I often run for public office and what I said back in 2004 about natural gas etc ? Does anyone recall my encounters with Bruce Northrup during this last election?

This story appeared in the Kings County Record on June 22, 2004

The Unconventional Candidate
By Gisele McKnight

"FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada."

"Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

"What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico

Doug Leblanc 
Robert Edward Cox
The usual "Irving hugs and kisses" by this journalist, using "shale gas" as a euphemism for fracking. "More than 8,600" customers is a joke, right? Hoping for "more" to be considered as "a very large amount" or something? Writers from New Brunswick should always mention that it is "Irving country".

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Edward Cox Writers from New Brunswick should always mention that it is "Irving country"

Methinks you forgot the McCain Clan that the federal Minister of Finance married into N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@David Amos
NB is mostly an Irving country these days.

Greg Smith
Greg Smith
Explore shale gas for the benefit of 8,600 customers, in a province with a population of 750,000. So we're considering doing this for 1% of the province's population? Not even a week in office and you can already hear Higgs depositing that Irving money into his own piggy bank. Despicable.

David Amos
David Amos
@Greg Smith Methinks we should give the devil his due he said he would do this during the election Hence we get the government we deserve N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc 
Joseph Vacher
and that's how you guarantee another 1 term government...... do you not remember why you lost the election in 2014

David Amos
David Amos
@Joseph Vacher Apparently not

Doug Leblanc 
Neil MacLean
I believe Mr. Higgs does have the good of the province at heart and I do believe he is a more principled person than his predecessor. But with respect to shale gas he seems to have a blind spot, if not to the public health and safe water supply issues, then very much to the voodoo economics of the shale gas business which has been studied a lot and just isn't profitable. It has largely profited by industry executives bamboozling shareholders, misrepresenting reserves and economics even as they destroy roads and create all sorts of other damage including air quality, health impacts not to mention worsening global warming through heightened stray emissions of methane. Higgs is no doubt intelligent but with respect to shale gas he seems to suffer willful blindness brought on by an overwhelming desire to find some kind of non-existent economic magic from a rascal industry.

Bob Smith
Bob Smith
@Neil MacLean I believe you are erroneous and biased in your viewpoint. If it was such a scam, please explain the fracking that has been undertaken in the United States in multiple areas. I understand this might undermine the extreme points you have raised but please rationalize this...

David Amos
David Amos
@Bob Smith Why should he?

Alex Forbes
Alex Forbes
I would like to know what the benefits to the province are. Will we live like Albertans with low tax rates? Will the royalties be used to pay down our onerous debt? Give me some numbers then I will consider it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Alex Forbes 'Give me some numbers then I will consider it."

We get hardly any royalties at all

Michael durant 
Michael durant
Definitely a good idea to ressurect energy east and hold trude to account by asking just one question, why does he insist energy east need account for both upstream and downstream carbon emmissions when oil being imported into this country is not subject to those additional costs?

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael durant Good point

Doug Leblanc 
daryl doucette
The " Royalty Rate" should be at least 50 %. If big oil does not like it, tough. The average joe is sick and tired of government " giving away" our resources to billionaires here in Canada.

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette "The average joe is sick and tired of government " giving away" our resources to billionaires here in Canada"

Me Too

Doug Leblanc 
Paul Bourgoin
Now that New Brunswick's Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs has been Crowned as our Premier it looks like he also has received his instructions abolish the NB moratorium on shale gas exploration. : - ( What a sad environmental decision that would be for New Brunswick environment!!

Bob Smith
Bob Smith
@Paul Bourgoin Ok, so here's the counter to this point. Rather than scream "No!" that anti frackers love to shout when the media is present, present an alternative source of income that will help this province AND makes financial sense at the same time. Present your plan to business and government as the people in this province need action and not words to make things better.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Bob Smith, one thing for sure; fracking is not the plan that will save New Brunswick.

I suggest investing in high tech jobs and artificial intelligence for one.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Bob Smith
You're a fool if you believe that fracking will create thousands of jobs and bring prosperity to the province.

You want to make things better for the province.

Stop subsidize, if a business can't operate on it's own, let it fail.

Get big businesses pay their fair share of taxes.

Remove obsticles placed on small medium businesses.

Use our natural resources to create jobs for NBers and not feed manufacturing in other jurisdictions.

Prioritizes NB companies on everything except when there isn't a business offering that service.

Having politicians held accountable for their decisions.

Having government dealings with businesses fully transparent, no hiding behind privacy laws because of corporate secrets.

Bob Smith
Bob Smith
@Marguerite Deschamps What jobs..? You can put a buzz word or phrase like that out any day, any time but without details or substance, it lacks as an alternative. As I say, it's easy to yell "No!" than give a viable alternative.

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Marguerite Deschamps

Of course you would. Have you seen where high tech jobs are located?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Colin Seeley, so; they are available to anyone who is qualified!

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "I suggest investing in high tech jobs and artificial intelligence for one."

Methinks that could be because you are the one with "artificial intelligence" particularly about politicking in New Brunswick N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Colin Seeley "Have you seen where high tech jobs are located?"

Fat Fred City and Beantown

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
If the New Brunswick boss tells him that fracking is in; then fracking is on.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps True

Doug Leblanc 
Jason Kincade
Who likes earthquakes?!?

I know... I must be a zany conspiracy theorist.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jason Kincade "I must be a zany conspiracy theorist"

Methinks everybody knows that my political foes say that of me too N'esy Pas?

Samuel Porter 
Samuel Porter
I guess he's toast too. Why is it that everyone thinks you need to trash the ground to make a living?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter Not everybody

Samuel Porter 
Samuel Porter
#1 job for Higgs should be to fire the head of NB power and put someone in that job that realizes that electricity in NB is not a privilege, but a matter of life and death in the winter. Spend your profit on cutting trees, not paying bonuses.

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter Why stop at the just the top dude?

Doug Leblanc 
Dan Lee
im a fisherman....keep your......polluted water out of my area......

David Amos
David Amos
@Dan Lee Its everybody's area

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@David Amos
Except for the area's property owners wells, which most likely be destroyed(drained or polluted).

Layton Bennett 
Layton Bennett
Dark times ahead in this province.

David Amos
David Amos
@Layton Bennett Methinks its already been dark a few times since the wind blew across the province and the power has been out for quite sometime in the Fredericton area since so a lot of folks are still in the dark N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc 
Lou Bell
As the rest of Canada develops and lives off their resources , New Brunswick has become a " have not " province . As our young people move away to all the better jobs elsewhere in Canada , there are those who have nothing better to do than to whine and criticize those who look to move our province into a " have province ". They have all kinds of questions , but absolutely NO ANSWERS ! Fracking may be problematic, but there are so many other resources to develop , and the " professional whiners " ( a minority in fact ) will do their best to hinder any and all development .

June Arnott
June Arnott
@Lou Bell kill more people! Frack and poison more water !

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Lou Bell
If we had royalties the province might have some money, but politicians gave it all away a long time ago.

David Amos
David Amos
@June Arnott Relax and enjoy the circus Higgs yaps too much to keep his mandate for very long. Watch his French Lieutenant bail on him in the near future.

Marguerite Deschamps 
Marguerite Deschamps
No fracking way!

Ernesto Rafael
Ernesto Rafael
@Marguerite Deschamps - No chiac way!

David Amos
David Amos
@Ernesto Rafael Methinks the lady doth protest too much about our chiac N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc 
Joe campbell
I want to give an honest view from someone from New Brunswick who has worked in this business for 30 years. There is both pro's and con's.1. Shawn Graham and the Liberals brought SWN into New Brunswick and SWN bragged about the sweet deal with low royalities based on what they paid in the US. 2. Corridor has invested over a half a Billion dollars in the Sussex area in a small land area. 3. When we did the geochemistry work we hired local First Nations, geoligist students from UNB an even Green MLA Kevin Arseneau and everyone became good friends.4. I convinced the US company to suport local and we stayed at Ponds Chalets and everyone in the area loved us, the areas that looked promising were places were Irving had logged out and we had good access.5.There is no rocket science to exploration and New Brunswick could set strong rules and we could do this in a good way.

David Amos
David Amos
@Joe campbell Where are you going to get rid of the fracking wastewater?


Fracking wastewater to be banned from municipal treatment systems

Province to introduce legislative changes to force industry to look elsewhere for wastewater disposal
CBC News · Posted: Nov 14, 2016 2:12 PM AT


Cities optimistic PCs will follow pledges of greater municipal power


Ernesto Rafael 
Ernesto Rafael
Whether needed or not, I have always found it odd that translation was mandatory during council meetings. Cut and paste in the google url window, eh voila Godin :-)

David Amos
David Amos
@Ernesto Rafael Methinks everybody knows they would not bother to read it because the deal had already been made in the backroom before the council meeting began N'esy Pas?

Roland Godin 
Lou Bell
Perhaps the cities could also look at how they could contribute to infrastructure their citizens use in the outlying municipalities . And perhaps a rebate for all the business done by outsiders in their cities . After all , in spite of what they may think ,the cities AREN'T the center of the universe !

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell It that were permitted how is the Mayor in Saint John gonna save any money for his dental work?

Michael durant 
Michael durant
We got to at least balance our provincial budget. That has to be priority number one, priority number two is building the old age homes we need so our hospitals can be hospitals once again.

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael durant YUP

Roland Godin 
Norman Albert Snr
"Saint John councilors vote themselves a 10% pay increase. !!!!"
#METOO I want a raise. Criminal intent??

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Go Figure

Roland Godin 
Norman Albert Snr
"Cities optimistic>>>>>>>>>>>>""
How does an in-animated object show optimism or disappointment?
Is this for the next do over. CBC loves Blaine?

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks CBC loves the circus as much a I do N'esy Pas?

Roland Godin 
Paul Bourgoin
New Brunswick a have not province can't grow money, our Crown forests are being harvested faster than what nature can keep up with . Our wildlife and fish populations are disappearing at the same speed that our crown land wildlife habitat is being over harvested. Our Forest can't grow faster than Natures speed. Our Children are moving out west to survive and Premier Higgs wants to go back to the idea of Fracking will be lucrative for US. What he forgets to mention is that our drinking water like all over the world where when the Fracking profits were gone the local populations were drinking water that could burn. Premier Higgs you have quite a mess to clean up and may God Bless You while you do it!!

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin "Premier Higgs you have quite a mess to clean up and may God Bless You while you do it!!"

Dream on

Buford Wilson 
Buford Wilson
Blaine is on it.

The pride is back.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Buford Wilson
Pride, an emotion from the intelligent brawn side of the brain, nothing new it's past on for generations by our fore mother and father and inflates politicians egonomics 101...et voilà.

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Buford Wilson When does he do the "walk on water" Thing?
What's another flunky when you have a closet full.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Norman Albert Snr: "When does he do the "walk on water?"
- When it freezes over in January.

David Amos
David Amos
@Buford Wilson Proud of what?

Stanley Beemish
Stanley Beemish
@Buford Wilson
Well, Blaine might be "on it" and the "pride" might be back for you and him, but TMI for most of us. Thanks for sharing tho Buffy!

Ernesto Rafael
Ernesto Rafael
@Buford Wilson - Straight if I am not clear, I understood "pride" was in reference of pride of lions and that you were back on the team of cats, that being Irvings.

Norman Albert Snr 
Mario Doucet
Moncton wants the power to suck tax dollars from outlying communities to pay for their over the top projects.

Axel Roosevelt
Axel Roosevelt
@Mario Doucet

Hard to suck tax dollars out of people on EI 9 months of the year.

David Amos
David Amos
@Axel Roosevelt They do it all the time

Norman Albert Snr 
Rosco holt
"Adam Lordon, Miramichi mayor and president of the Cities of New Brunswick Association, says the group wants the province to look at how people who live outside municipal boundaries could help pay for the services they use in urban areas. (CBC)"

Rural communities are already paying for urban stupidity and they want to make them pay more. Screw Lordon.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt Welcome to the Circus

Stanley Beemish 
Stanley Beemish
Tax and spend? Hmmm, where have I heard that before?

David Amos
David Amos
@Stanley Beemish Ottawa perhaps?

Stanley Beemish

Stanley Beemish

David Amos
David Amos
@Stanley Beemish Me Too

Roland Godin 
Miles Long
Don't be surprised if they download a lot of costs to the municipalities.

David Amos
David Amos
@Miles Long I won't be

Shale gas exploration could get green light by Christmas, says MLA

Progressive Conservative Bruce Northrup says moratorium would be lifted in areas where there is public support

Anti-fracking activist Willi Nolan calls opening up the shale-gas debate in New Brunswick ridiculous. (CBC)

Bruce Northrup, the Progressive Conservative MLA for Sussex-Fundy-St Martins, said the PCs will make a move to lift the moratorium on shale gas exploration by Christmas in areas where there is public support.

The controversy over fracking in New Brunswick last came to a head in October 2013, when 40 protesters were arrested and five police cars were burned in Rexton. A temporary moratorium was put in place, then made permanent under Brian Gallant's Liberal government.

Premier-designate Blaine Higgs has said he is willing to open the debate surrounding the natural resource.

Higgs expects he and his cabinet will be sworn in on Friday, a week after the Liberals were defeated on a confidence vote.

On Tuesday, Northrup, a former minister of natural resources, one-upped Higgs on the shale gas issue by providing a timeline.

"We will have to go through the process through the legislation and I'm hoping we'll be able to do that before Christmas," he said.

"We lift the moratorium and be in constant contact with Corridor Resources and look at that in the future and start it as soon as we can, as soon as possible."

Protesters against shale gas exploration faced a line of police officers in Rexton in October 2013. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)
Northrup said his constituents support hydraulic fracking, and there are others in favour as well.

"The Boiestown-Doaktown area, they've seen the exploration on their area where the motels were full and the restaurants were full."

Northrup was quick to add that fracking will only be welcome in communities where there is public support.

But activist and anti-shale gas protester Willi Nolan-Campbell disagrees with Northrup, arguing people in New Brunswick were clear during what she called "the fracking wars" five years ago.
She said people who protested put in the effort to protect the environment and believed fracking was unsafe.

"Does this new minority government have that evidence because all I'm seeing is the case against fracking getting worse and worse as the years go by," she said.

"Why would they ever bring up fracking in New Brunswick? It's ridiculous."

MLA Bruce Northrup was minister of natural resources from 2010 to 2013 in the Progressive Conservative government of David Alward. (CBC)
Nolan-Campbell said allowing some communities to frack while others opt out doesn't make sense. Water is a resource shared by all, she said.

"I don't see how there could possibly be a place in the province where there's not going to be somebody downstream or close by that is not interested."

And if a PC government does lift the ban, Nolan-Campbell said protesters will organize again. This time they'll be even better at it, she said.

Higgs has said he is open to loosening restrictions imposed by the Liberal government but has not discussed a timeline.

About the Author


Tori Weldon
Tori Weldon is a reporter based in Moncton. She's been working for the CBC since 2008.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Opposition parties open to giving a Blaine Higgs government a try

MLAs from 3 parties say they believe in co-operation, although they could draw line

MLAs from three parties say they won't dismiss Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs's plans out of hand when a new throne speech is read. (CBC)

MLAs from three parties have signalled they are willing to consider supporting a Progressive Conservative government and won't dismiss a new throne speech without at least listening to it.

"I am concerned about certain things I'm hearing, but I hope that we can work together to make sure that we do prioritize those things," Megan Mitton, the Green MLA for Tantramar-Memramcook, said Tuesday on Information Morning Moncton

Members of all four political parties in the legislature appeared on a panel to discuss recent political events in New Brunswick after no party won a majority in the September election.

Premier Brian Gallant and his Liberals have already lost a confidence vote in the House, and Blaine Higgs will now give governing a try.

But if a PC government is to survive a confidence motion on its upcoming throne speech, it will need the support of at least one other party.
Mitton pointed to the declaration of intent she and the other two Green MLAs signed, promising to work "collaboratively" with all MLAs who were "committed to finding common ground that reflects the foundational principles upon which our society is built."

Michelle Conroy, the People’s Alliance MLA for Miramichi, says she thinks the parties shouldn't have problems working together on common issues. (Radio-Canada)

Michelle Conroy of Miramichi riding, one of three People's Alliance MLAs, also stressed the importance of co-operation.

"I believe that we can have no problem working together on the common issues that we have," she said.

'Not going to close the door'  

Liberal MLA Rob McKee says the party won't preemptively dismiss a PC throne speech, something he says Higgs did to the Liberal speech last month. (Kate Letterick/CBC News )

As for whether the PCs can count on the Liberals, Rob McKee, the Liberal MLA for Moncton Centre, said his party would look at the throne speech and not dismiss it out of hand.

This is a courtesy, he said, that Higgs didn't extend to the Liberals when they presented their vision for the province two weeks ago.

"We're not going to close the door like we got from Mr. Higgs," McKee said.

"He didn't want to even see our speech from the throne before deciding whether to support it or not."
Higgs told reporters on Oct. 17, six days before Gallant's throne speech was presented, that his party would not support the speech, regardless of what it contained.

"It's not about the throne speech," HIggs said at the time. "This is about the last four years of a government that has failed our province. … It doesn't matter what the throne speech says."

The PCs and the Alliance brought down the government when the throne speech came to a vote last Friday.

Progressive Conservative MLA Sherry Wilson says Higgs's position on the Liberal throne speech had to do the Liberal record of the past four years, not with the merits of the throne speech. (Natalie Sturgeon/CBC )

On the panel, PC Sherry Wilson, the MLA for Moncton Southwest, echoed her leader's views.

"Mr. Higgs was not against the throne speech as such," she said. "We did not have confidence that Mr. Gallant could manage the government."

Still, Wilson stressed the need for collaboration.

"We're going to have to work together, which we should have been doing all along," Wilson said.

"That way you do come up with the best solutions."

Shale gas development

Higgs is set to reopen the controversial debate over shale gas development in the province. (Stephen Puddicombe/CBC)

While Higgs has signalled his willingness to reopen the debate over shale gas development, the opposition parties had reservations about it.

McKee said he was in favour of retaining the moratorium on shale gas development and expected the party would remain opposed to fracking.

"The Liberal platform was to continue the ban, or moratorium, on fracking," said McKee.

"I would submit that our caucus would continue with that position."

Information Morning - Moncton
Local MLAs discuss the next minority government

 Jonna Brewer is joined by Michelle Conroy of the People's Allience, Liberal Rob McKee, PC Sherry Wilson, and Green Party member Megan Mitton. 16:03

Wilson said new regulations would be put in place and only areas that actively wanted development would have it.

"We want to develop natural gas in the areas people want it," said Wilson.

"Sussex wants it. They need the jobs. We need natural gas."

That assurance didn't assuage Mitton's concerns because, she said, the impact of shale gas development isn't restricted by riding boundaries.

"Watersheds go across borders and so does the air," she said.

Megan Mitton says she has concerns over what impact shale gas development could have on the environment. (Pierre Fournier/CBC News)

"The economic development that has been shown to be associated with fracking is not all what it's cracked up to be."

Conroy didn't dismiss outright the idea of shale gas development but did have concerns about the process.

"We believe economically it will help," said Conroy.

"But it has to be with absolute assurance that there's nothing to harm the environment."

Higgs said he hopes he and his cabinet will be sworn into office on Friday and said a throne speech should be coming later in November.
With files from Information Morning Moncton and Jacques Poitras

Higgs in midst of fast transition, cabinet to be sworn in this week

PC leader plans to balance budget by 2020-21, avoid credit rating downgrade

Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs answers questions from the news media after meeting with Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau at Government House in Fredericton on Friday. (James West/Canadian Press)

Blaine Higgs and his Progressive Conservative cabinet will be sworn into office Friday.

Higgs confirmed the day on Monday and said the fast transition to power, just one week after Premier Brian Gallant's Liberal government lost a confidence vote, will allow him to get down to work promptly.
"Our target is still on track for what we said in terms of a quick plan, a quick move to government," the premier-designate told reporters during a break in briefings from the civil service. "I'm excited about that."

The PC leader spent part of the weekend and most of Monday getting presentations from public servants, including on the state of the province's finances.

That followed his visit to Government House on Friday, where Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau asked him to form a government following the Liberal defeat.

"For me, this is the exciting part. This other stuff, I didn't find very exciting," he said, referring to the election campaign and its aftermath. "And it wasn't what I came to do. What I came to do was work with people to get results. So for me now, it's the fun part."

Alarmed at government spending

Higgs said he didn't learn anything about the province's finances in his transition briefings that was any worse than what he'd been expecting.

But he said he is still alarmed that government spending is growing at more than twice the rate of inflation.

He said his goal remains to balance the budget by the 2020-21 fiscal year and persuade bond rating agencies to not downgrade the province's credit rating.

"I want to stop the bleeding."

A credit downgrade would lead to higher borrowing costs, which would in turn mean larger interest payments on the government's debt.
Higgs will need the support of at least one other party in the legislature for his minority government to pass a throne speech and, eventually, a budget.

The PCs hold 22 of 49 seats. The three People's Alliance MLAs have said they'll vote to keep the Tories in office for at least 18 months.

What to do with Liberal projects?

Higgs said the current fiscal year looks like it will end up where the Liberals budgeted, but some of their projects will only come to fruition — and hit the books as an addition to the debt — in 2021 or 2022.

He did not say whether he'd cancel any of them.

"We haven't got into the details of projects. We've just gotten into the overview."

He's asking the civil service to go through where the new spending is going and tell him and his team whether it's needed.

Premier-designate Higgs speaks to reporters on Monday. He and his cabinet are scheduled to be sworn in Friday. (CBC)

"Now if there are new programs that are getting results, and we're seeing that, and they can validate that, OK, there it is — you've got a justification," he said. "But we aren't at that phase yet."

The premier-designate said he'll rely on the advice of civil servants as he takes office.

"I don't come with a pre-packaged solution. I come with a plan on how to engage with people to help us fix the province."

Cabinet clues

He also said laughingly that, given his own four years as finance minister and his keen interest in the province's books, he asked during his briefings whether he could take on the cabinet position himself while premier.

"I thought, 'Why couldn't I do both?' I said, 'I could do that.' But I don't think that'll be the path forward. Let's just say it'll be good for me to be close to my finance minister."

Higgs also said he would stick with his promise to develop a solution to the problem of ambulance response delays within a week of taking office.
The PC leader wouldn't give many clues about who his cabinet choices will be, though he said he will look at which MLAs will be able to speak in both English and French.

"Being able to communicate to all the voters will indeed be an important part of our government, so that obviously is a consideration," he said.

Higgs also said he expects to see political staffers in Gallant's office depart by Friday, but other than that he is not planning a major house cleaning of people hired by the Liberals.

"I just want to know that people have a commitment to New Brunswick and they're not going to play politics with me. That's all I want to know. I often give people the benefit of the doubt, and I want to do that here."

About the Author

Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit.

Brian Gallant urged to ask for Liberal leadership review to 'clear air'

Another prominent party member calls for review after Liberals lose confidence of legislature

Former New Brunswick cabinet minister Bernard Richard says there have been questions about some of Brian Gallant's decisions as premier for the past two or three years. (Michael Mcarthur/CBC)

Another prominent New Brunswick Liberal is calling for a review of Brian Gallant's leadership of the provincial party.

"If he decides that he wants to stay, if I were him, I would insist on a leadership review," said Bernard Richard, longtime party insider, former MLA and cabinet minister and New Brunswick's former ombudsman and child and youth advocate.

Richard returned to New Brunswick in late August after working for a little over a year as British Columbia's representative for children and youth.

Even members of his caucus have told me that they, in the last campaign, had difficulty campaigning in some parts of the province while mentioning Mr. Gallant by name.- Bernard Richard, former MLA and ombudsman
But he said during an interview on Information Morning Fredericton on Monday that he kept in touch with friends in New Brunswick while he was away.

Richard said there have been questions for two or three years now about some of Gallant's decisions.

"The fact that he has isolated himself ," Richard said. "He talked about that ... and that was the case.

He was consulting less and less — more isolated advice by a very limited number of advisers and insiders."

"Even members of his caucus have told me that they, in the last campaign, had difficulty campaigning in some parts of the province while mentioning Mr. Gallant by name."

Richard said he wouldn't speculate on whether Gallant would survive a leadership review and noted the Liberal defeat in the legislature was "by the narrowest margin possible," but he still feels it's a necessary process.
"He has to clear the air on the trust he has from party membership," Richard said.

Richard's comments echo those made by current MLA and former cabinet minister Roly MacIntyre last week.

MacIntyre said the party's poor showing in southern New Brunswick requires a look at whether Gallant should remain at the helm.

MLAs pledged their loyalty

He said so despite a pledge of loyalty to Gallant made by all 20 Liberal MLAs.

Gallant admitted on Friday that he had made some mistakes.

"I blame myself for some of it, and I regret some things that I think now I could have done better," he said.

He apologized for not doing more as premier to unite the province, specifically by promoting bilingualism and addressing concerns about it, and reiterated his commitment to protecting minority rights.

"As long as I'm leader, our party is always going to stand up for the rights of all New Brunswickers, including linguistic rights," he said in French.

Lots of reasons to stay on

Gallant spoke to the news media before going into Government House on Friday to offer his resignation to the lieutenant-governor. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Gallant said he would take some time to consider his future and what's best for the party and asked for patience.

"I can tell you I'll be a part of moving this province forward in some shape or form, and it may very well be as the leader of the Opposition."

"There's lots of reasons as to why one could say that I should decide to stay.

"But certainly I just want to make sure that we take some time and honestly rest up a little bit so I have a bit of a clearer head making these very important decisions."

Liberal Party rules say the party's board of directors must decide within three months of an election in which the party "has not formed a government" whether to schedule a leadership review.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Blaine Higgs set to resurrect debate over shale-gas development

Premier-designate says a PC minority will also focus on softwood lumber agreement, health-care wait times

New Brunswick Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs answers questions from the news media Friday after the Liberal government was defeated in the legislature. (James West/Canadian Press)

Premier-designate Blaine Higgs expects his new minority government will start talking about issues that have been avoided lately or seemed settled, including shale gas development.

The Progressive Conservative platform for the election last month called for allowing resource development in areas such as Sussex where there's public support for it.

Higgs feels this is a compromise approach to shale gas.
"We're not imposing this on anyone in any region," Higgs told Information Morning Fredericton.

"But to keep saying no to economic development at a time when we're going to see in the next year or two the gas prices significantly increase because we're going to be bringing everything in from the U.S. We just keep saying, 'No' and expect we can tax people more."

New Brunswick is the largest consumer of natural gas in the Maritimes, with more than 8,600 homeowners, businesses and government buildings using the fuel.

Shale gas an election issue

Shale gas was a bigger issue in the 2014 provincial election won by the Liberals under Brian Gallant.

His government was defeated in a confidence vote on Friday, almost six weeks after another provincial election.

The Liberals kept a moratorium on shale gas exploration, which had provoked protests by First Nations groups and others, culminating in a violent clash in Rexton in the fall of 2013.

Fracking is the process of injecting fluids — like propane or mixtures of water, sand and chemicals — at high pressure deep into underground shale formations containing natural gas. The process forces cracks to open in the rock allowing the gas to be extracted.

In September, almost half the people who responded to Vote Compass, an online election tool offered by CBC News, said they would support a ban on fracking. (Brennan Linsley/Associated Press)

Higgs said his goal was to develop the economy across New Brunswick.

Although he'd rather lead a majority government, he said he's excited about getting down to work on issues.

"We may not agree on all the solutions and how we get there, but once we know there is an opportunity to fix, we have to find a solution," he said.

CBC News
Brian Gallant loses confidence vote

 New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant lost the confidence vote in the legislature 25-23. 1:34


Higgs said he also wants to address wait times in health care and possibly try to revive the Energy East pipeline proposal, since Ontario and Quebec, where there was opposition to the now-dropped project, both have new governments.

"My goal is to serve the entire province and my goal is to show that through actions," he said. "I can talk about a lot of things but it's through actions."

Cannabis NB retail model

Once he officially becomes premier, Higgs said, he wants to look at Cannabis NB's retail model and the economics behind it. (Photo: Ed Hunter/CBC)

Higgs said he'll also be studying Cannabis NB, its retail model and the economics behind it.
"It's implemented, the stores are built," he said. "But we think it's the most expensive retail model you could possibly have."
With files from Information Morning Fredericton

Cities optimistic PCs will follow pledges of greater municipal power

The PC Party's platform had several commitments for cities, including support for a hotel tax

Blaine Higgs, New Brunswick's premier-designate, promised a number of changes to municipal powers in the recent provincial election. (CBC )

Municipal leaders are hopeful the incoming provincial government delivers on promises to provide community governments greater power.

Adam Lordon, mayor of Miramichi and president of the Cities of New Brunswick Association, said he's optimistic the Progressive Conservatives will act on reforms the group representing the province's eight cities have sought.
Several Moncton council members also spoke Monday about their hopes for change, including a share of cannabis tax revenue and a hotel room tax. The levy on hotel room bills can be applied if approved by the regional marketing authority, but politicians and tourism groups have pushed for it to be made mandatory.

Mayors from New Brunswick's eight cities outlined their wants from the next provincial government in August. (Connell Smith/CBC)
Moncton's mayor and deputy mayor both pointed to the city's loss of the Brier men's curling championship as an example of the need for a hotel tax that could generate revenue to bid on large events.
"This would allow Moncton to be competitive in attracting large events without depending so heavily on taxpayer dollars," Coun. Greg Turner said. "Hopefully we can lobby and work with them to see this come to fruition."

PC Leader Blaine Higgs told Saint John councillors Aug. 20 that the party is "committed to municipal tax reform" and expressed an openness to sharing cannabis revenue.

Former Liberal minister Rick Doucet speaks with Saint John Mayor Don Darling prior to a council meeting in August. (Joseph Tunney/CBC)
The party's election platform is sprinkled with commitments that echoed demands from the province's cities.

It included support for a hotel tax, looking at what provincial regulations should instead be controlled by municipalities and overhauling the Local Governance Act to give communities more powers over taxation and assessment.
The act, passed by the Gallant Liberals, replaced the decades-old Municipalities Act and came into force at the start of this year.

Lordon said it was a welcome change, but "we didn't think it went quite far enough."

The PCs also promised to gradually end double taxation. Non-owner occupied properties such as apartment buildings or cottages are taxed municipally and by the provincial government, something landlords have sought to end.
The platform also committed to establish "provincial standards for rental properties." The party pledged to give municipal governments power to enforce those standards through expropriation, renovations or demolition of problem properties.

The platform also supports "regionalization."

Calls for 'regionalization'

Moncton Coun. Blair Lawrence on Monday said he wants the province to look at that.

"Whether or not that's a political regionalization, we need to think more and more about economic regionalization," Lawrence said. "At every step of the way, when there's an opportunity, the regions need to get together."

Unsaid, though, was the contentious 'a' word: amalgamation.

Adam Lordon, Miramichi mayor and president of the Cities of New Brunswick Association, says the group wants the province to look at how people who live outside municipal boundaries could help pay for the services they use in urban areas. (CBC)
Lordon said it's too soon to say whether amalgamation of more than 300 cities, towns, villages and unincorporated local service districts will be pushed by the province.

He said the province faces a number of structural issues, including the local governance model.
He said the association wants a "conversation" about how people outside municipal boundaries could help pay for services they use inside those communities, such as city roads.

Funding concerns

But there was also concern expressed Monday in Moncton about whether equalization payments the city receives may face cuts as the PCs seek to balanced the provincial budget.

The city received $6.9 million worth of equalization and core funding grants from the province in 2018.

"If there's higher pressure on health care or other requirements — affordable housing, things like that — money may go there, thereby less money goes to the cities whether through equalization or other areas they may support," Gregg Houser, Moncton's acting chief financial officer, told reporters after the council meeting.

Gregg Houser, Moncton's acting chief financial officer, says there's a concern payments the city receives from the province may face cuts as the PCs seek to balance the budget. (Kate Letterick/CBC)
This week, Higgs reiterated a pledge to return to a balanced budget by the 2020-21 fiscal year.
The new cabinet is expected to be sworn in Friday with a Throne Speech outlining the new government's plans on Nov. 20.

A request for information from a party spokesperson was not returned Tuesday.

About the Author


Shane Magee
Shane Magee is a Moncton-based reporter for CBC.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Methinks New Hampshire's employees will continue to play dumb just as Gov. Chris Sununu and his buddy Trump will continue to ignore me while the FBI and the other FEDS pretend to investigate them N'esy Pas?


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Sununu wins reelection in New Hampshire governor race

Sununu wins reelection in New Hampshire governor race

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From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2018 08:39:59 -0400
Subject: Methinks New Hampshire's employees will continue to play dumb just as
Gov. Chris Sununu and his buddy Trump will continue to ignore me while the FBI
and the other FEDS pretend to investigate them N'esy Pas?
To: Campaign@jillettajarvis4nh.com, Jilletta Jarvis <jarvis-Jilletta@comcast.net>,
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Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Methinks New Hampshire's employees will continue to play dumb just as
Gov. Chris Sununu and his buddy Trump will continue to ignore me while
the FBI and the other FEDS pretend to investigate them N'esy Pas?

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Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 14:46:15 +0000
Subject: RE: We just talked Mr Snyder then you got to busy to deal with me Well Perhaps
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Clearly the letter above from the evil Taxman is the real thing. The ghosts of Whitey Bulger, his pal  Cardinal Law plus every lawyer and his dog in Massachusetts and New Hampshire know that I sued the nasty bastard and his many cohorts twice because they covered up for crooks and tried to lock me up. Then I  and files 3 more lawsuits in US District Court in New Hampshire before I was illegally evicted from my family home and was forced to move there.

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From: OIGCounsel <OIGCounsel@oig.treas.gov>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 14:46:23 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: We just talked Mr Snyder then you got to busy to deal with me
Well Perhaps Molly Kelly or the Taxman or Trump's ex lawyer Michael Cohen and his
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Office of Counsel


Sununu wins reelection in New Hampshire governor race

Sununu wins reelection in New Hampshire governor race
© Creative Commons
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) won re-election on Tuesday.

The Republican incumbent beat Democratic challenger and former state senator Molly Kelly for a second term. Sununu, who was the state’s youngest governor when he was elected to his first term in 2016, was unopposed in the Republican primary election.

His first term, however was not without controversy. Sununu came under fire in July when he signed a controversial voter registration law that requires people to prove they really lived where they vote, according to New Hampshire Public Radio.

The state Supreme Court allowed the new law to remain in place throughout the election despite opposition from Democrats and civil rights groups, according to multiple media reports.


Press release: Molly Kelly for Governor

Rich Molly

September 26, 2018
Contact: Melissa Moriarty
(603) 271-3411 ext. 105

Concord, NH– Today, the SEA/SEIU Local 1984 Board of Directors announced its endorsement of Molly Kelly for Governor at a press conference.

“Molly knows the struggles working families in our state face because she’s lived them,” said SEA President Richard Gulla. “Molly was a strong supporter of state employees throughout her five terms in the State Senate, consistently voting against efforts to limit our ability to organize. We know we can count on her to improve the lives of SEA members and to always oppose so called right to work legislation. We need a governor who will stand with working families over corporate special interests. Molly will be that governor, and we will do everything we can to elect her on Nov. 6.”

“My priority as Governor will be standing up for working families, because I know firsthand the challenges they face,” said Kelly. “We need to put the best interests of the people of New Hampshire ahead of the corporate special interests once again. I will never sign right to work legislation, or any bill that hurts working families. Instead, I will improve people’s lives by making paid family and medical leave a reality, strengthening public education, expanding job training, making college affordable, and defending access to health care for Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions.”  
SEA/SEIU Local 1984 represents thousands of public and private-sector employees across the Granite State.  First formed in 1940 as a social organization, the SEA won passage of New Hampshire’s Public Employee Labor Relations Law in 1975. Since then, the union has negotiated hundreds of contracts with state, county, municipal and private-sector employers.  The SEA affiliated with the Service Employees’ International Union in 1984. With two million members, SEIU is the fastest-growing union in the Americas.

---------- Orignal message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 09:25:21 -0400
Subject: I see you are at it again Say hey to Mikey Gill, and his old pals Molly Kelly, Chris Sununu
and Aaron Day for me will ya? My computer's MagicJack # is still 902 800 0369
To: Campaign@jillettajarvis4nh.com, Jilletta Jarvis <jarvis-Jilletta@comcast.net>, stateofcorruptionnh1 <stateofcorruptionnh1@gmail.com>,
washington field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, mmoriarty@seiu1984.org,


On 5/21/16, Jilletta Jarvis <jarvis-Jilletta@comcast.net> wrote:

> This is quite a bit of information here and I see you've sent it to all of
> the candidates for NH Governor.  I'm trying to go through all of this
> information, but I am wondering if you could give me a little summary about
> what this is? The formatting is a bit difficult and if you want some sort of
> timely reply, I need to know a little about what you are asking from me?
> Once I know that I will be more than happy to reply!
> Thank you.
> Jilletta
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 12:49 PM
> To: markc@markconnollynh.com; jarvis-jilletta@comcast.net;
> governordextraze@gmail.com; jonathan11984@hotmail.com; mgill
> <mgill@themortgagespecialists.com>; info@cvostern.wpengine.com;
> ju.registrator@gov.se; ju.birs@gov.se; postur <postur@for.stjr.is>; postur
> <postur@irr.is>; Kenneth.Drexler@ci.irs.gov; Ken.Drexler
> <Ken.Drexler@ci.irs.gov>; Josee.Labelle@taxpayersrights.gc.ca; mcu
> <mcu@justice.gc.ca>; Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1
> <Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1@parl.gc.ca>; bill.pentney
> <bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>; Gilles.Moreau <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
> Gilles.Blinn <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; Bill.Morneau
> <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>; Sherra.Profit@taxpayersrights.gc.ca; mark.vespucci
> <mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov>; Nina.Olson@ci.irs.gov; Russell.George
> <Russell.George@tigta.treas.gov>; MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>; Craig Munroe
> <cmunroe@glgmlaw.com>; rona.ambrose.A1 <rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>;
> Stephen.Horsman <Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>; Stephane.vaillancourt
> <Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; leanne.murray
> <leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; Maggie
> <Maggie@maggiehassan.com>; pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>; justin.trudeau.a1
> <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>; premier <premier@gnb.ca>; briangallant10
> <briangallant10@gmail.com>; David.Coon <David.Coon@gnb.ca>; Davidc.Coon
> <Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>; Frank.McKenna <Frank.McKenna@td.com>; oldmaison
> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>; andre <andre@jafaust.com>; Jacques.Poitras
> <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>
> Subject: Yankee Tax Men or Anyone running for Governor of NH or for anything
> else can call me anytime I am not shy but rather hard to locate. Call me and
> I will get back to anyone ASAP My computer's MagicJack # is 902 800 0369
> http://www.markconnollynh.com/
> http://jillettajjarvis.doodlekit.com/
> http://www.chrissununu.com/
> http://derekdextraze.com/
> http://jonlavoie.org/
> http://www.tedgatsas.com/
> http://www.frankedelblut.com
> http://jeanieforgovernor.com/
> http://vanostern.com/
> http://www.stateofcorruption.org/2015/05/mike-gill-issues-statement-on-joining.html
> Attn Mike Gill some more info
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 19:44:28 -0400
> Subject: Attn Mr Day show the pdf files hereto attached to Mike Gill
> (603) 819-3419 for me will ya? My number is 902 800 0369
> To: ardventures@gmail.com
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 06:37:34 -0400
> Subject: Mike Gill mentioned Stephen O'Malley in this video and I
> smiled Check the file call Inspector General Treasury
> To: ardventures@gmail.com
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Corruption in the IRS Caught on Tape
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwc1C-boYYA
> Published on Apr 22, 2016
> Listen to these voicemails and smile as well
> http://www.archive.org/details/FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Kelly, Molly"<molly.kelly@leg.state.nh.us>
> Date: Sun, 15 May 2016 14:16:09 +0000
> Subject: Thank you for your email
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Thank you for taking the time to write me a message.
> I appreciate knowing your thoughts and concerns on issues of state
> importance.  Due to the volume of e-mail I receive I want you to know
> that I am reading your message and will take your thoughts into
> consideration.  I cannot, however, reply directly to all the e-mails I
> receive.
> If you are a constituent living in Senate District 10, which includes
> Alstead, Chesterfield, Gilsum, Harrisville, Hinsdale, Keene,
> Marlborough, Nelson, Roxbury, Sullivan, Surry, Swanzey, Walpole,
> Westmoreland, and Winchester, I am glad to you receive your input.  If
> you have written about a particular problem, I will do my best to
> reply and resolve the issue promptly.
> For those who do not live in District 10, I encourage you to also
> contact your senator directly by calling (603) 271-2111 or go online
> at http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/senate/members/wml.aspx
> to find out who represents you.
> If you are writing with regard to an invitation, an urgent or
> time-sensitive issue, that needs immediate attention, please call my
> office and speak to my assistant, Marlene Taylor at (603) 271-3207 or
> email her at marlene.taylor@leg.state.nh.us
> Thank you again.
> Molly Kelly
> Senator Molly Kelly - District 10
> 107 North Main Street
> Room 120,SH
> Concord, NH  03301
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 16 May 2016 17:18:59 -0400
> Subject: Why not ask Maggie who is blocking my emails
> To: Kevin@avard4nh.com, Maggie <Maggie@maggiehassan.com>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Kevin.Avard@leg.state.nh.us
> Technical details of permanent failure:
> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the
> server for the recipient domain leg.state.nh.us by
> gencourt1.gencourt.state.nh.us. [].
> The error that the other server returned was:
> 554 rejecting banned content
> Mike Gill Gives Update on NH Banking Commission Lawsuit
> Kevin Avard
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oTyvaEs4B4
> Published on May 5, 2013
> The obvious Question is..where is the Media? Nashua Telegraph? Concord
> monitor? Union Leader ?WMUR Channel 9 News? why would they not be
> interested in this story? Are they connected with the power brokers
> who want to kill the story?
> Category News & Politics
> License Standard YouTube License
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 16:17:51 -0400
> Subject: Attn Ken Drexler I just got a call from an anonymous number
> from a man who claimed to your associate He claimed to have not read
> the files hereto attached and said you would do nothing
> To: Kenneth.Drexler@ci.irs.gov, "Ken.Drexler"
> <Ken.Drexler@ci.irs.gov>, Josee.Labelle@taxpayersrights.gc.ca, mcu
> <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1"
> <Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "bill.pentney"
> <bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
> MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Craig Munroe <cmunroe@glgmlaw.com>,
> "rona.ambrose.A1"<rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> With that in mind I will send you more info as he requested before I
> sue you personally. (Scroll down)
> Out of the gate here is some stuff many people already know ( My next
> email has a LOT MORE info for you Yankee Feds to review)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 12:18:49 -0400
> Subject: Attn Josee.Labelle Pursuant to our conversation today below
> you will find links to sound files etc of the hearings in Federal
> Court that I mentioned
> To: Josee.Labelle@taxpayersrights.gc.ca, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
> "Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1"<Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
> "bill.pentney"<bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"
> <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, Sherra.Profit@taxpayersrights.gc.ca,
> "mark.vespucci"<mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov>, Nina.Olson@ci.irs.gov,
> "Russell.George"<Russell.George@tigta.treas.gov>,
> AMcCormick@cpacanada.ca, msessa-lipsey@cpacanada.ca,
> Stephen.Kish.Chair@adcs-adsc.ca, jarvay@farris.com,
> Kenneth.Drexler@ci.irs.gov, Ken.Drexler@ci.irs.gov, "Frank.McKenna"
> <Frank.McKenna@td.com>, "david.allgood"<david.allgood@rbc.com>,
> "deborah.alexander"<deborah.alexander@scotiabank.com>,
> "jennifer.warren"<jennifer.warren@cibc.com>, inform@cba.ca
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, MulcaT
> <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Craig Munroe <cmunroe@glgmlaw.com>,
> "rona.ambrose.A1"<rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"
> <fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
> Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 16:12:45 +0000
> Subject: RE: Attn Josee.Labelle We just had a conversation about my
> next lawsuit involving the CRA and the IRS correct?
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
> comments.
> Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
> électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
> commentaires.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
>>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
>>> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
>>> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
>>> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
>>> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
>>> to be..
>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
>>> Kveðja / Best regards
>>> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
>>> This is the docket
>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
>>> These are digital recordings of  the last two hearings
>>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
>>> Jan 11th https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
>>> This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it again
>>> Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
>>> Campaign, Rogers TV
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cFOKT6TlSE
>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/fundy-royal-riding-profile-1.3274276
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> 902 800 0369

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 12:03:43 -0400
Subject: Attn Victor Viggiani 905-278-1238.Say Hey to Paul Hellyer for me Will Ya?
To: zland@sympatico.ca
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Finance Public / Finance Publique (FIN)"
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 14:46:15 +0000
Subject: RE: We just talked Mr Snyder then you got to busy to deal
with me Well Perhaps Molly Kelly or the Taxman or Trump's ex lawyer
Michael Cohen and his new FBI pals will explain the document hereto
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos

 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Forsætisráðuneytið <for@for.is>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 14:45:41 +0000
Subject: Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime
Minister's Office hereby confirms the receipt of your email.
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Forsætisráðuneytið hefur móttekið tölvupóst þinn / Prime Minister's
Office hereby confirms the receipt of your email.

Vinsamlega ekki svara þessum tölvupósti, hafið samband í gegnum
for@for.is / Do not reply to this email. Contact us with any queries
via for@for.is

Með bestu kveðju / Best regards


Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office

Stjórnarráðshúsinu, IS - 101 Reykjavík, Sími/Tel. +354 545 8400

www.stjornarradid.is<http://www.stjornarradid.is> -

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 10:45:43 -0400
Subject: We just talked Mr Snyder then you got to busy to deal with me
Well Perhaps Molly Kelly or the Taxman or Trump's ex lawyer Michael
Cohen and his new FBI pals will explain the document hereto attached
To: Campaign@jillettajarvis4nh.com
, Jilletta Jarvis
<jarvis-Jilletta@comcast.net>, stateofcorruptionnh1
<stateofcorruptionnh1@gmail.com>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>,
<fin.financepublic-financepublique.fin@canada.ca>, OIGCounsel
<OIGCounsel@oig.treas.gov>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, rgulla@seiu1984.org, editor
<editor@wikileaks.org>, news-tips <news-tips@nytimes.com>,
"ed.pilkington"<ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
birgitta <birgitta@this.is>, birgittajoy <birgittajoy@gmail.com>,
postur <postur@for.is>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
"Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
"brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, krisaustin
<krisaustin@peoplesalliance.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "dan.
bussieres"<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
"Robert. Jones"<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, "Robert.E.Lighthizer"
<Robert.E.Lighthizer@ustr.eop.gov>, "robert.mckee"
<robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov,
Russell.George@tigta.treas.gov, Sherra.Profit@taxpayersrights.gc.ca,
Kenneth.Drexler@ci.irs.gov, Nina.Olson@ci.irs.gov, "benoit.bourque"
<benoit.bourque@gnb.ca>, "serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>,
"hugh.flemming"<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "Erin.Weir"
<Erin.Weir@parl.gc.ca>, "brad.butt"<brad.butt@parl.gc.ca>, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Gerald.Butts"<Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>,
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, mmoriarty@seiu1984.org,
MCherry@hearst.com, gsnyder@seiu1984.org, mdcohen212



Tuesday, 14 February 2017
RE FATCA, NAFTA & TPP etc ATTN President Donald J. Trump I just got
off the phone with your lawyer Mr Cohen (646-853-0114) Why does he lie
to me after all this time???

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Finance Public / Finance Publique (FIN)"
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:52:33 +0000
Subject: RE: RE FATCA, NAFTA & TPP etc ATTN President Donald J. Trump
I just got off the phone with your lawyer Mr Cohen (646-853-0114) Why
does he lie to me after all this time???
To: David Amos

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos

On 11/6/18, David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://www.seiu1984.org/2018/09/26/press-release-molly-kelly-for-governor/
> On 5/21/16, Jilletta Jarvis <jarvis-Jilletta@comcast.net> wrote:
>> This is quite a bit of information here and I see you've sent it to all
>> of
>> the candidates for NH Governor.  I'm trying to go through all of this
>> information, but I am wondering if you could give me a little summary
>> about
>> what this is? The formatting is a bit difficult and if you want some sort
>> of
>> timely reply, I need to know a little about what you are asking from me?
>> Once I know that I will be more than happy to reply!
>> Thank you.
>> Jilletta
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 12:49 PM
>> To: markc@markconnollynh.com; jarvis-jilletta@comcast.net;
>> governordextraze@gmail.com; jonathan11984@hotmail.com; mgill
>> <mgill@themortgagespecialists.com>; info@cvostern.wpengine.com;
>> ju.registrator@gov.se; ju.birs@gov.se; postur <postur@for.stjr.is>;
>> postur
>> <postur@irr.is>; Kenneth.Drexler@ci.irs.gov; Ken.Drexler
>> <Ken.Drexler@ci.irs.gov>; Josee.Labelle@taxpayersrights.gc.ca; mcu
>> <mcu@justice.gc.ca>; Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1
>> <Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1@parl.gc.ca>; bill.pentney
>> <bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>; Gilles.Moreau
>> <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
>> Gilles.Blinn <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; Bill.Morneau
>> <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>; Sherra.Profit@taxpayersrights.gc.ca;
>> mark.vespucci
>> <mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov>; Nina.Olson@ci.irs.gov; Russell.George
>> <Russell.George@tigta.treas.gov>; MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>; Craig
>> Munroe
>> <cmunroe@glgmlaw.com>; rona.ambrose.A1 <rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>;
>> Stephen.Horsman <Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>; Stephane.vaillancourt
>> <Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; leanne.murray
>> <leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com>
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; Maggie
>> <Maggie@maggiehassan.com>; pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>; justin.trudeau.a1
>> <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>; premier <premier@gnb.ca>; briangallant10
>> <briangallant10@gmail.com>; David.Coon <David.Coon@gnb.ca>; Davidc.Coon
>> <Davidc.Coon@gmail.com>; Frank.McKenna <Frank.McKenna@td.com>; oldmaison
>> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>; andre <andre@jafaust.com>; Jacques.Poitras
>> <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>
>> Subject: Yankee Tax Men or Anyone running for Governor of NH or for
>> anything
>> else can call me anytime I am not shy but rather hard to locate. Call me
>> and
>> I will get back to anyone ASAP My computer's MagicJack # is 902 800 0369
>> http://www.markconnollynh.com/
>> http://jillettajjarvis.doodlekit.com/
>> http://www.chrissununu.com/
>> http://derekdextraze.com/
>> http://jonlavoie.org/
>> http://www.tedgatsas.com/
>> http://www.frankedelblut.com
>> http://jeanieforgovernor.com/
>> http://vanostern.com/
>> http://www.stateofcorruption.org/2015/05/mike-gill-issues-statement-on-joining.html
>> Attn Mike Gill some more info
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 19:44:28 -0400
>> Subject: Attn Mr Day show the pdf files hereto attached to Mike Gill
>> (603) 819-3419 for me will ya? My number is 902 800 0369
>> To: ardventures@gmail.com
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 06:37:34 -0400
>> Subject: Mike Gill mentioned Stephen O'Malley in this video and I
>> smiled Check the file call Inspector General Treasury
>> To: ardventures@gmail.com
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Corruption in the IRS Caught on Tape
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwc1C-boYYA
>> Published on Apr 22, 2016
>> Listen to these voicemails and smile as well
>> http://www.archive.org/details/FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Kelly, Molly"<molly.kelly@leg.state.nh.us>
>> Date: Sun, 15 May 2016 14:16:09 +0000
>> Subject: Thank you for your email
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Thank you for taking the time to write me a message.
>> I appreciate knowing your thoughts and concerns on issues of state
>> importance.  Due to the volume of e-mail I receive I want you to know
>> that I am reading your message and will take your thoughts into
>> consideration.  I cannot, however, reply directly to all the e-mails I
>> receive.
>> If you are a constituent living in Senate District 10, which includes
>> Alstead, Chesterfield, Gilsum, Harrisville, Hinsdale, Keene,
>> Marlborough, Nelson, Roxbury, Sullivan, Surry, Swanzey, Walpole,
>> Westmoreland, and Winchester, I am glad to you receive your input.  If
>> you have written about a particular problem, I will do my best to
>> reply and resolve the issue promptly.
>> For those who do not live in District 10, I encourage you to also
>> contact your senator directly by calling (603) 271-2111 or go online
>> at http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/senate/members/wml.aspx
>> to find out who represents you.
>> If you are writing with regard to an invitation, an urgent or
>> time-sensitive issue, that needs immediate attention, please call my
>> office and speak to my assistant, Marlene Taylor at (603) 271-3207 or
>> email her at marlene.taylor@leg.state.nh.us
>> Thank you again.
>> Molly Kelly
>> Senator Molly Kelly - District 10
>> 107 North Main Street
>> Room 120,SH
>> Concord, NH  03301
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Mon, 16 May 2016 17:18:59 -0400
>> Subject: Why not ask Maggie who is blocking my emails
>> To: Kevin@avard4nh.com, Maggie <Maggie@maggiehassan.com>
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Kevin.Avard@leg.state.nh.us
>> Technical details of permanent failure:
>> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the
>> server for the recipient domain leg.state.nh.us by
>> gencourt1.gencourt.state.nh.us. [].
>> The error that the other server returned was:
>> 554 rejecting banned content
>> Mike Gill Gives Update on NH Banking Commission Lawsuit
>> Kevin Avard
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oTyvaEs4B4
>> Published on May 5, 2013
>> The obvious Question is..where is the Media? Nashua Telegraph? Concord
>> monitor? Union Leader ?WMUR Channel 9 News? why would they not be
>> interested in this story? Are they connected with the power brokers
>> who want to kill the story?
>> Category News & Politics
>> License Standard YouTube License
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 16:17:51 -0400
>> Subject: Attn Ken Drexler I just got a call from an anonymous number
>> from a man who claimed to your associate He claimed to have not read
>> the files hereto attached and said you would do nothing
>> To: Kenneth.Drexler@ci.irs.gov, "Ken.Drexler"
>> <Ken.Drexler@ci.irs.gov>, Josee.Labelle@taxpayersrights.gc.ca, mcu
>> <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1"
>> <Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "bill.pentney"
>> <bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
>> MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Craig Munroe <cmunroe@glgmlaw.com>,
>> "rona.ambrose.A1"<rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> With that in mind I will send you more info as he requested before I
>> sue you personally. (Scroll down)
>> Out of the gate here is some stuff many people already know ( My next
>> email has a LOT MORE info for you Yankee Feds to review)
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 12:18:49 -0400
>> Subject: Attn Josee.Labelle Pursuant to our conversation today below
>> you will find links to sound files etc of the hearings in Federal
>> Court that I mentioned
>> To: Josee.Labelle@taxpayersrights.gc.ca, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
>> "Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1"<Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
>> "bill.pentney"<bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"
>> <Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, Sherra.Profit@taxpayersrights.gc.ca,
>> "mark.vespucci"<mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov>, Nina.Olson@ci.irs.gov,
>> "Russell.George"<Russell.George@tigta.treas.gov>,
>> AMcCormick@cpacanada.ca, msessa-lipsey@cpacanada.ca,
>> Stephen.Kish.Chair@adcs-adsc.ca, jarvay@farris.com,
>> Kenneth.Drexler@ci.irs.gov, Ken.Drexler@ci.irs.gov, "Frank.McKenna"
>> <Frank.McKenna@td.com>, "david.allgood"<david.allgood@rbc.com>,
>> "deborah.alexander"<deborah.alexander@scotiabank.com>,
>> "jennifer.warren"<jennifer.warren@cibc.com>, inform@cba.ca
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, MulcaT
>> <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, Craig Munroe <cmunroe@glgmlaw.com>,
>> "rona.ambrose.A1"<rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"
>> <fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
>> Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 16:12:45 +0000
>> Subject: RE: Attn Josee.Labelle We just had a conversation about my
>> next lawsuit involving the CRA and the IRS correct?
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
>> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
>> comments.
>> Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
>> électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
>> commentaires.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
>>>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
>>>> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
>>>> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
>>>> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
>>>> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
>>>> to be..
>>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
>>>> Kveðja / Best regards
>>>> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
>>>> This is the docket
>>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
>>>> These are digital recordings of  the last two hearings
>>>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
>>>> Jan 11th https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
>>>> This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it
>>>> again
>>>> Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
>>>> Campaign, Rogers TV
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cFOKT6TlSE
>>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/fundy-royal-riding-profile-1.3274276
>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>> 902 800 0369
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 16:05:58 -0400
>> Subject: Re: ATTN Minister for Justice Morgan Johansson Imagine if you
>> saw this LIBEL published about YOU on a Swedish website???
>> To: ju.registrator@gov.se, ju.birs@gov.se, "Gilles.Moreau"
>> <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
>> <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
>> <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>,
>> cps <cps@calgarypolice.ca>, "Paul.Lynch"
>> <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>, pol7163 <pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>,
>> gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>, investigations <investigations@cbc.ca>,
>> newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, news <news@hilltimes.com>,
>> news-tips <news-tips@nytimes.com>, "ed.pilkington"
>> <ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>, postur <postur@for.stjr.is>,
>> "george.osborne.mp"<george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk>, "George.Soros"
>> <George.Soros@opensocietyfoundations.org>
>> Cc: David Amos <myson333@yahoo.com>, birgittaj
>> <birgittaj@althingi.is>, birgittajoy <birgittajoy@gmail.com>, smari
>> <smari@immi.is>, RBauer <RBauer@perkinscoie.com>, mcu
>> <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
>> Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 19:59:48 +0000
>> Subject: Re: ATTN Minister for Justice Morgan Johansson Imagine if you
>> saw this LIBEL published about YOU on a Swedish website???
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
>> Kveðja / Best regards
>> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
>> On 4/23/16, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Trust that I will try to call your office on Monday
>>> Please check my first email to you today. If you wish to ignore my
>>> concerns, can you think of any reason why I should not sue YOU and
>>> Sweden in the USA???
>>> U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder meets Sweden Minister for Justice
>>> Beatrice Ask. In a recent speech, Holder pressed for Sweden’s
>>> continued collaboration in the struggle for inclusion and equality.
>>> Read more:
>>> http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/article/2014/02/20140204292304.html#ixzz46gLT7ZWT
>>> http://www.government.se/contact-information/#2079
>>> Morgan Johansson
>>> Minister for Justice and Migration
>>> Phone +46 8 405 10 00 (Switchboard)
>>> email ju.registrator@gov.se
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> https://encyclopediadramatica.se/David_Raymond_Amos
>>> "David Raymond Amos AKA Gandalf The Kray-zay (born 1600 A.D.) is an
>>> old-ass troll from way, wayyyy back in the pen and paper days of
>>> trolling; writing to various authority figures and officials in Canada
>>> and The United States about shit nobody cares about. Now that he has
>>> upgraded to the internet, he is a constant fucking nuisance to
>>> everyone in existence who just happen to get their e-mail address
>>> collected by this sick loony fuck. Everyone from Stephen Harper, to
>>> the RCMP, to Justin Trudeau has added David Amos's e-mail address to
>>> the block list. David contacts them for various transgressions ranging
>>> from a conspiracy involving slaughtered cows being killed by vampires
>>> to a shitty racist old geezer's blog because he said mean things about
>>> him. (No really!) The many lengthy e-mails he sends are filled with
>>> various idiosyncrasies ranging from saying "HOKA HAY" to calling
>>> everybody by some odd pet name. For example: John Smith would be
>>> "Johnny-Baby Smith." Clearly the thought process of an unmedicated
>>> retard. Google his phone number: (because he just LOVES posting that
>>> the fucking idiot) 1-902-800-0369 and see the number of people
>>> complaining about being crank called by this fucking moron. It's
>>> hilarious."
>>>  David Amos In A Televised Fundy Royal Debate
>>> "Stand in awe of this sketchy motherfucker; as what looks like a
>>> homeless drifter just walked into a Fundy Royal debate and just
>>> started talking at a podium. This complete nutcase actually ran as an
>>> Independent during a Federal Election in New Brunswick. The looks on
>>> the faces of those candidates is priceless as you can clearly see them
>>> trying not to laugh or even address the elephant in the room: the fact
>>> that Gandalf from Lord of the Rings is running in a serious election."
>>> The Musical PWNage of David Raymond AmosHere's a musical tribute to
>>> this fucking retard.
>>> An Example of This Guy's Fucking StupidityTaken directly from this
>>> crackhead's blog [The David Amos Rant]:
>>> FW Methinks Harper, his lawyer Hamilton, Duffy and his lawyers, the
>>> RCMP, Mulcair and Trudeau the Younger should sit and pay attention
>>> ASAP what say you now Ministers MacKay and Blaney
>>> His Delusional Litigation David Amos has created another elaborate and
>>> imaginary construct to pathetically attempt to self-aggrandize
>>> himself. This following "document" is NOT a law suit. These are NOT
>>> the papers that would constitute a petition to the Federal Court of
>>> Canada. A check of the Federal Court of Canada Data base shows NO
>>> petition by a David Raymond Amos ever been filed. A check of the
>>> Federal Court of Canada shows file T-1557-15... DOES NOT EXIST.
>>> Edmonton Law Enforcement authorities also checked with the Federal
>>> Court and NO SUCH petition exists. The so-called documents and stamp
>>> are available at Staples and Office Depot. David Amos' imaginary
>>> petition to the court isn't even coherent or written as a lawyer
>>> would. Even the picture of the Harley motorcycle on his Twitter page
>>> does NOT exist anywhere but within the confines of David's deluded
>>> mind. Several years ago, his bike was seized by police because of
>>> being uninsured and auctioned off. David Amos' litigation is asking
>>> for 11 million dollars. David Amos' vital organs aren't worth $11
>>> million dollars.
>>> That begs the question: Do these fake documents constitute the CC of C
>>> offense...uttering false documents?
>>> David Raymond Amos Versus The Crown T-1557-15
>>> External Links David Amos
>>>  DavidRayAmos
>>>  David Raymond Amos
>>>  David Raymond Amos Round 3
>>> E-mail address: motomaniac333@gmail.com
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> 902 900 0369
>>> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
>>> ---------- Original message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 15:48:46 -0400
>>> Subject: ATTN Morgan Johansson Minister for Justice and Migration for
>>> Sweden please have your lawyers study this email and the documents
>>> hereto attached closely
>>> To: ju.registrator@gov.se, ju.birs@gov.se
>>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> http://www.government.se/contact-information/#2079
>>> Morgan Johansson
>>> Minister for Justice and Migration
>>> Phone +46 8 405 10 00 (Switchboard)
>>> email ju.registrator@gov.se
>>> . To Morgan Johansson via senior registry clerk
>>> . In principle, all post and email sent to the Government and
>>> Government Offices are public documents. This means that the general
>>> public and mass media are entitled to demand access to the contents.
>>> Central Authority
>>> Ministry of Justice
>>> Phone 0046-8-405 10 00 (Switchboard),
>>> 0046-8-405 45 00 (Office)
>>> Fax 0046-8-405 46 76
>>> Visiting address Jakobsgatan 24
>>> Address 103 33 Stockholm
>>> Email ju.birs@gov.se
>>> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
>>> . In principle, all post and email sent to the Government and
>>> Government Offices are public documents. This means that the general
>>> public and mass media are entitled to demand access to the contents.
>>> . To Morgan Johansson via senior registry clerk
>>> . In principle, all post and email sent to the Government and
>>> Government Offices are public documents. This means that the general
>>> public and mass media are entitled to demand access to the contents.
>>> Central Authority
>>> Ministry of Justice
>>> Phone 0046-8-405 10 00 (Switchboard),
>>> 0046-8-405 45 00 (Office)
>>> Fax 0046-8-405 46 76
>>> Visiting address Jakobsgatan 24
>>> Address 103 33 Stockholm
>>> Email ju.birs@gov.se
>>> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
>>> . In principle, all post and email sent to the Government and
>>> Government Offices are public documents. This means that the general
>>> public and mass media are entitled to demand access to the contents.
>> On 5/4/16, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> http://geds.gc.ca/en/GEDS?pgid=014&dn=ou=OTO-BOC,%20o=GC,%20c=CA
>>> Labelle, Josée M; 613-946-2975; Director;
>>> FYI this email can be found at the following web address and I will be
>>> publishing some older ones  I sent to your office to your office in
>>> short order.
>>> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2016/05/i-must-say-that-cra-irs-and-rbc-picked.html
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *TIGTA Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman
>> <WhistleblowerProtection@tigta.treas.gov>
>> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 11:37:08 +0000
>> Subject: RE: Hey Paul Samyn Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 I
>> wonder after January 11th if the fancy dudes over in the UK or way
>> down under will continue to ignore me as well??? After we share the
>> same Queen N'esy Pas Stevey Boy harper?
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Good morning,
>> We have received your e-mail to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax
>> Administration (TIGTA) Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman.  This
>> e-mail account and TIGTA’s Ombudsmen are available to Internal Revenue
>> Service (IRS) employees and applicants as well as contractors who have
>> been subjected to retaliation as a result of engaging in
>> whistleblowing activities (i.e., efforts on your part to report fraud,
>> waste, and abuse).  Based upon the information in your e-mail, it does
>> not appear that your inquiry falls within these parameters.
>> Thank you.
>> http://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/about/our-leadership
>> Nina E. Olson, the National Taxpayer Advocate (NTA), is the voice of
>> the taxpayer within the IRS and before Congress. She leads the
>> Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS), an independent organization inside
>> the IRS that helps taxpayers resolve problems and works for systemic
>> change to mitigate problems experienced by groups of taxpayers.
>> TAS is an independent organization within the IRS. Our job is to
>> ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and that you know and
>> understand your rights.
>> http://blogs.wsj.com/expat/2015/04/01/on-the-trail-of-the-elusive-u-s-expat-taxpayer/
>> On the Trail of the Elusive U.S. Expat Taxpayer
>> By Helen Burggraf Apr 1, 2015 1:00 am ET
>> For TAS questions and issues, please contact Ken Drexler at (202)
>> 317-3520 or Maryclaire Ramsey at (202) 317-6802.
>> https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-news/ir02-115.pdf
>> 1111 Constitution Ave NW
>> Rm 3031,
>> Washington DC 20224-0001
>> For IRS questions and issues, please contact an IRS media relations
>> office.
>> JFK Building
>> 15 New Sudbury St.
>> Room 725
>> Boston, MA 02203
>> Phone: (617) 316-2690
>> Fax: (855) 836-9625
>> http://www.labellecpa.com/daily-news
>> Next Public Forum on taxpayer service needs and preferences to be held
>> in Baltimore MD on May 13
>> Tue, May 03, 2016
>> National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson and Sen. Ben Cardin, a member
>> of the Senate Committee on Finance, will hold a public forum to
>> discuss what taxpayers want and need from the IRS to comply with their
>> tax obligations. The public forum will be held Friday, May 13, at
>> 10:30 am at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of
>> Law in Baltimore, Maryland. Members of the public and the
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 6:23 PM
>> To: Paul.Samyn@freepress.mb.ca; george.osborne.mp;
>> J.Key@ministers.govt.nz; SpeakersOffice3@parliament.govt.nz;
>> Andrew.Robb.MP@aph.gov.au; George.Soros; stephen.harper.a1;
>> elizabeth.may; David.Coon; gopublic; whistle; washington field; *TIGTA
>> Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman; whistleblower; Whistleblower;
>> crof@shaw.ca; justin.ling; editor@thetyee.ca; Karine Fortin;
>> carolyn.bennett; Doug@dougeyolfson.ca; doug.eyolfson@parl.gc.ca;
>> fpcity@freepress.mb.ca; w.kinew@uwinnipeg.ca; Paul.Lynch;
>> Marianne.Ryan; sunrayzulu; dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca; john.green; chiefape;
>> Catherine.Harrop@cbc.ca; redmond.shannon; Joe Friday;
>> loyalistlaw@gmail.com; steve.roberge; robert.stoney; Leanne.Fitch;
>> tj@burkelaw.ca; lou.lafleur; jeddy@coxandpalmer.com; oldmaison; andre;
>> greg.byrne; paulzed@zed.ca; smay@coxandpalmer.com; nbpc
>> Cc: David Amos; Greta.Bossenmaier; Jonathan.Vance; jon.gerrard
>> Subject: Hey Paul Samyn Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 I wonder
>> after January 11th if the fancy dudes over in the UK or way down under
>> will continue to ignore me as well??? After we share the same Queen
>> N'esy Pas Stevey Boy harper?
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 19:44:28 -0400
>> Subject: Well at least Paul Samyn of the Free Press has finally
>> admitted what the Free Press in Louis Riel's old stomping gronds has
>> been ignoring for 11 years EH Justin Trudeau
>> To: pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>> <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, Paul.Samyn@freepress.mb.ca,
>> "carolyn.bennett"<carolyn.bennett@parl.gc.ca>, Doug@dougeyolfson.ca,
>> doug.eyolfson@parl.gc.ca, fpcity@freepress.mb.ca,
>> w.kinew@uwinnipeg.ca, "Paul.Lynch"<Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>,
>> "Marianne.Ryan"<Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, sunrayzulu
>> <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>, dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca,
>> "john.green"<john.green@gnb.ca>, chiefape <chiefape@gmail.com>
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, gopublic
>> <gopublic@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, radical
>> <radical@radicalpress.com>, newsonline <newsonline@bbc.co.uk>,
>> newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>,
>> andre <andre@jafaust.com>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Samyn,Paul"<Paul.Samyn@freepress.mb.ca>
>> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 23:40:17 +0000
>> Subject: RE: Re Federal Court File No: T-1557-15 the CBC, the RCMP,
>> their new boss Justin Trudeau and his Ministers of Justice and Defence
>> etc cannot deny their knowledge of Paragraphs 81, 82, 83, 84, and 85
>> now CORRECT G$?
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> David;
>> We are in receipt of your emails as well as your voice mail messages.
>> At this point, we will not be following up on this story.
>> Paul
>> Paul Samyn  | Editor
>> 204.697.7234  | 1355 Mountain Ave.  |  R2X 3B6
>> winnipegfreepress.com  |  @paulsamyn
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 08:53:00 -0400
>> Subject: Fwd: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier I just called Commissioner
>> Andrew Treusch and his Deputy John Ossowski and they would not come to
>> the phone.
>> To: Sherra.Profit@taxpayersrights.gc.ca, "mark.vespucci"
>> <mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov>, Nina.Olson@ci.irs.gov, "Russell.George"
>> <Russell.George@tigta.treas.gov>, AMcCormick@cpacanada.ca,
>> msessa-lipsey@cpacanada.ca, Stephen.Kish.Chair@adcs-adsc.ca,
>> "bill.pentney"<bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, jarvay@farris.com
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "Frank.McKenna"
>> <Frank.McKenna@td.com>, "david.allgood"<david.allgood@rbc.com>,
>> "deborah.alexander"<deborah.alexander@scotiabank.com>,
>> "jennifer.warren"<jennifer.warren@cibc.com>, inform@cba.ca
>> http://isaacbrocksociety.ca/
>> Witnesses with FATCA REPORTABLE ACCOUNTS > $US 50,000
>> Posted on March 9, 2016 by Stephen Kish Posted in Issues regarding US
>> persons abroad        802 Comments
>> U.S.-born Canadian citizens, never IRS compliant, no meaningful
>> history with U.S. except by birth in U.S., never U.S voting, never
>> U.S. passport, never relinquished, but you must have a FATCA
>> reportable account >U.S.$ 50,000
>> Reportable accounts can be, for example, non-registered investment
>> accounts — but CANNOT be RRSP, RESP, RDSP, TFSA etc. registered
>> accounts. We also seek witnesses who have accounts less than $50,000
>> U.S. but who know or suspect e.g. from a bank FATCA letter that their
>> account info has inappropriately been turned over to CRA/IRS. You will
>> describe your harm in a written affidavit which will be made public.
>> If interested contact stephen.kish.chair@adcs-adsc.ca See our website
>> at www.adcs-adsc-ca
>> Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
>> https://adcsovereignty.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/a-407-15_20150930_reasons-for-order.pdf
>> https://adcsovereignty.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/t-1736-14-decision-sept-16-2015.pdf
>> https://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Corporations/Foreign-Account-Tax-Compliance-Act-FATCA
>> FATCA and the Canada-U.S. Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA):
>> Information for Clients
>> http://www.cba.ca/en/consumer-information/40-banking-basics/597-fatca-and-the-canada-us-intergovernmental-agreement-iga-information-for-clients-
>> U.S. tax for the Canadian tax practitioner
>> https://www.cpacanada.ca/en/career-and-professional-development/professional-development/courses/2015/november/us-tax-for-the-canadian-tax-practitioner-2015
>> Andrew McCormick, manager, Tax Education
>> Tel: 416-204-3335
>> Email: AMcCormick@cpacanada.ca
>> Mary Sessa-Lipsey, manager, Tax Education
>> Tel: 416-204-3476
>> Email: msessa-lipsey@cpacanada.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 16:34:47 -0400
>> Subject: Attn Diane.Lebouthillier I just called Commissioner Andrew
>> Treusch and his Deputy John Ossowski and they would not come to the
>> phone.
>> To: "Andrew.Treusch"<Andrew.Treusch@cra-arc.gc.ca>,
>> John.Ossowski@cra-arc.gc.ca, "Diane.Lebouthillier"
>> <Diane.Lebouthillier@cra-arc.gc.ca>, "Diane.Lebouthillier.a1"
>> <Diane.Lebouthillier.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "rona.ambrose.A1"
>> <rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>,
>> cbcnewsvancouver <cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca>, cbcinvestigates
>> <cbcinvestigates@cbc.ca>, investigations <investigations@cbc.ca>,
>> "Russell.George"<Russell.George@tigta.treas.gov>, "inspector.general"
>> <inspector.general@usdoj.gov>
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, MulcaT
>> <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
>> ElenaChurikova <ElenaChurikova@ifac.org>, "elizabeth.may"
>> <elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca>
>> Whereas I am not allowed to file with CRA I will file my Tax Return in
>> Federal Court
>> Who are your CRA people to call a liar today as I try to my tax return?
>> On one document hereto attached is in YOUR records and that was once
>> my SIN number CORRECT?
>> On the other document which a Yankee form 211 is my American Social
>> Security Number You people do business across borders because of FATCA
>> so it follows you have known exactly who I am for years.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/01/good-evening-special-agent-mark.html
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
>> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/06/re-teddy-baby-olson-and-j-russell.html
>> From: Elizabeth May <leader@greenparty.ca>
>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 13:28:01 -0700
>> Subject: Thank you for your message / Merci pour votre courriel Re: Re
>> Teddy Baby Olson was on Fox News today yapping about Presidential
>> enemies list as he represents the crooks in Koch Industries??? If
>> anyone should know about such things it is Olson after all he assisted
>> Ashcroft and Bush against me
>> To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Thank you for your email. We will work to ensure that a response is
>> sent to you as soon as possible.
>> For invitations or meeting requests, please email ea@greenparty.ca.
>> For media inquiries, please email media@greenparty.ca.
>> Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de nous écrire. Nous ne
>> ménagerons aucun effort pour vous transmettre notre réponse dans les
>> meilleurs délais.
>> Leader's Office Correspondence Team
>> Équipe de correspondance du Bureau de la chef
>> --
>> Green Party of Canada
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 17:27:53 -0300
>> Subject: Re Teddy Baby Olson was on Fox News today yapping about
>> Presidential enemies list as he represents the crooks in Koch
>> Industries??? If anyone should know about such things it is Olson
>> after all he assisted Ashcroft and Bush against me
>> To: pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, Office@tigta.treas.gov, RBauer@perkinscoie.com,
>> mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov, "Gilles.Moreau"
>> <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, ron.klain@revolution.com,
>> dboies@bsfllp.com, tolson@gibsondunn.com, bginsberg@pattonboggs.com,
>> "ed.pilkington"<ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>, news
>> <news@thetelegraph.com.au>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
>> rtalach@ledroitbeckett.com, gregory.craig@skadden.com,
>> Patrick.Fitzgerald@skadden.com
>> Hey
>> As Harper sits and bullshits his cohorts in the Council of Foreign
>> Relations in the Big Apple today I bet he was listening to what was
>> happening with Obama and the IRS and Holder and his DOJ minions
>> in Washington.
>> Everybody and his dog knows Harper knew about my battles with the US
>> Treasury and Justice Depts way back when he was the boss of the
>> opposition in Canada's Parliament. Two simple files easily found on
>> the Internet cannot be argued.
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
>> http://www.archive.org/details/FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
>> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Office of Chief Counsel, Treasury.
>> Inspector General for Tax Administration, (202) 622-4068.
>> When Teddy bitches about polticians using the IRS to attack their
>> enemies because he knows it true because he helped Bush the IRS
>> against me when Obama was just a State Senator . The proof was
>> when I sent him the documents that came along with the letter found
>> on page 13 of this old file Teddy Baby Olson quit as Solicitor General.
>> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
>> Harper and every body else knows It was no coincidence that I sent the
>> lawyers Olson as Solicitior General, Ferguson as the co chair of the
>> Federal Reserve Bank, and J Strom Thurmond Jr the youngest US
>> Attorney the same pile of documents on April Fools Day 2004.
>> The sad but terrible truth is that legions of cops, lawyers polticians
>> and bureaucrats in Canada and the USA knew about the US Secret Service
>> coming to my home after dark on April Fools Day 2003 bearing false
>> allegations of a presidential threat and threatening to use their
>> implied right to use exta ordinary rendition against me as a non
>> citizen less than two weeks after the needless War in Iraq began and
>> no WMD were ever found.
>> You can bet dimes to dollars i called some Yankee Inspector Generals
>> (starting with 202 622 4068) and reminded them that I am still alive
>> and kicking and reminding the world of their malicious incompetence
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> PS Below you can review some emails I sent you and your Yankee cohorts
>> such asTeddy Baby Olson before Obama was reelected EH Harper? In truth
>> I would rather settle in confidence with Obama then sue the Hell out
>> of the CROWN and the Holy See Trust that the evil old Judge Bastarache
>> has known why for a very long time.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> To: "Rob Talach"<rtalach@ledroitbeckett.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
>> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my suing
>> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
>> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should mean
>> a lot to you
>> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> To: <gregory.craig@skadden.com>; <Patrick.Fitzgerald@skadden.com>
>> Cc: <pm@pm.gc.ca>; <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>;
>> <NewsTips@turner.com>; <patrick.j.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov>;
>> <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; <bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>;
>> "MulcaT"<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>; <erin@issaforcongress.com>;
>> <john@issaforcongress.com>; <darrell@issaforcongress.com>;
>> <RBauer@perkinscoie.com>; <MElias@perkinscoie.com>;
>> <aculvahouse@omm.com>; <counsel@barackobama.com>;
>> <granthuihi@garyjohnson2012.com>; <icnucnwecan@yahoo.com>;
>> <Rathika.Sitsabaiesan@parl.gc.ca>; <riho.kruuv@mfa.ee>;
>> <george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk>;
>> <public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk>; <j.kroes@interpol.int>;
>> <michael.geller@rbs.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 10:22 PM
>> Subject: Re: Mr Obama and his lawyer Mr Bauer are no doubt well aware
>> of why the US Treasury Dept in Alanta and many others are nervous EH
>> Mr Harper?
>> Why am I not surprised? We all know Chicago aint my kind of town EH
>> Greg Craig???
>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/9092510/Chicago
>> Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald will join Skadden, Arps,
>> Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP on Oct. 29 as a partner
>> From: Fitzgerald, Patrick J. (USAILN) <Patrick.J.Fitzgerald@usdoj.gov>
>> Subject: Automatic reply: Mr Obama and his lawyer Mr Bauer are no
>> doubt well aware of why the US Treasury Dept in Alanta and many others
>> are nervous EH Mr Harper?
>> To: "David Amos"
>> Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 5:45 PM
>> I have retired from the government and will no longer have access to
>> this email. If you need to contact the US Attorneys Office about a
>> matter, please contact the following phone number for directions as to
>> where to address your inquiry: 312-353-6742.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos
>> To: pm@pm.gc.ca ; david.raymond.amos@gmail.com ;
>> motomaniac333@gmail.com ; NewsTips@turner.com ;
>> patrick.j.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov ; bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;
>> bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net ; MulcaT ; erin@issaforcongress.com ;
>> john@issaforcongress.com ; darrell@issaforcongress.com
>> Cc: RBauer@perkinscoie.com ; MElias@perkinscoie.com ;
>> aculvahouse@omm.com ; counsel@barackobama.com ;
>> granthuihi@garyjohnson2012.com ; gregory.craig@skadden.com ;
>> icnucnwecan@yahoo.com ; Rathika.Sitsabaiesan@parl.gc.ca ;
>> riho.kruuv@mfa.ee ; george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk ;
>> public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk ; j.kroes@interpol.int ;
>> michael.geller@rbs.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:44 PM
>> Subject: Mr Obama and his lawyer Mr Bauer are no doubt well aware of
>> why the US Treasury Dept in Alanta and many others are nervous EH Mr
>> Harper?
>> QSLS Politics
>> By Location Visit Detail
>> Visit 29,156
>> Domain Name qwest.net ? (Network)
>> IP Address 65.126.23.# (US TREASURY)
>> ISP Qwest Communications
>> Location Continent : North America
>> Country : United States (Facts)
>> State : Georgia
>> City : Atlanta
>> Lat/Long : 33.6222, -84.5231 (Map)
>> Language English (U.S.) en-us
>> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
>> Browser Firefox
>> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1
>> Javascript version 1.5
>> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
>> Color Depth : 24 bits
>> Time of Visit Oct 24 2012 3:34:48 pm
>> Last Page View Oct 24 2012 3:34:48 pm
>> Visit Length 0 seconds
>> Page Views 1
>> Referring URL http://www.google.co...zsAQlGzG9stxwNllgwig
>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....ling-led-to-911.html
>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....ling-led-to-911.html
>> Out Click
>> Time Zone UTC-5:00
>> Visitor's Time Oct 24 2012 9:34:48 am
>> Visit Number 29,156
>> QSLS Politics
>> By Location Visit Detail
>> Visit 29,155
>> Domain Name qwest.net ? (Network)
>> IP Address 65.126.23.# (US TREASURY)
>> ISP Qwest Communications
>> Location Continent : North America
>> Country : United States (Facts)
>> State : Georgia
>> City : Atlanta
>> Lat/Long : 33.6222, -84.5231 (Map)
>> Language English (U.S.) en-us
>> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
>> Browser Firefox
>> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1
>> Javascript version 1.5
>> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
>> Color Depth : 24 bits
>> Time of Visit Oct 24 2012 3:14:46 pm
>> Last Page View Oct 24 2012 3:14:46 pm
>> Visit Length 0 seconds
>> Page Views 1
>> Referring URL http://www.google.co...zsAQlGzG9stxwNllgwig
>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....ling-led-to-911.html
>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....ling-led-to-911.html
>> Out Click
>> Time Zone UTC-5:00
>> Visitor's Time Oct 24 2012 9:14:46 am
>> Visit Number 29,155
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/10/nsa-claims-bumbling-led-to-911.html
>> Just go back six more years in case you forgot EH Harper???
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
>> Bob Bauer a former blogger for Huffington Post returned to Perkins $
>> Coie after a period of service to President Barack Obama as his White
>> House Counsel from December of 2009 until June of 2011.
>> He is now General Counsel to the President's re-election committee, to
>> Obama for America, and General Counsel to the Democratic National
>> Committee. He has also served as co-counsel to the New Hampshire State
>> Senate in the trial of Chief Justice David A. Brock (2000); general
>> counsel to the Bill Bradley for President Committee (1999-2000); and
>> counsel to the Democratic Leader in the trial of President William
>> Jefferson Clinton (1999).
>> He has co-authored numerous bipartisan reports, including "Report of
>> Counsel to the Senate Rules and Administration Committee in the Matter
>> of the United States Senate Seat From Louisiana" in the 105th Congress
>> of the United States (March 27, 1997); "Campaign Finance Reform," A
>> Report to the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the United States
>> Senate (March 6, 1990); and "The Presidential Election Process in the
>> Philippines" (1986), a bipartisan report prepared at the request of
>> the Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on
>> Foreign Relations.
>> Too bad so sad the lawyer Obama didn't ignore his legal counsel and
>> check my work for himself long ago. It is clear to me that Bob Bauer
>> never studied Maritimers and their lawsuits as closely as I studied
>> his work over the years.
>> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
>> If Obama does not finally simply say my name and expose what he knows
>> about Romney and I way back before he was even a Governor then he
>> deserves to lose this election.
>> However even though I would NOT wish to see another GOP president you
>> and your Bankster buddies won't mind that a bit but I doubt the NDP
>> and the Liberals will agree EH Mr Prime Minister?
>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2006/05/harper-and-bankers.html
>> Some wise should scroll to the botom of this email and unserstand that
>> it was Fidelity that knowly sold the Title Insurance on the fruldulent
>> sale of my family's home in 2005 then Citizens Bank illegally recorded
>> the discharge of a mortage long after the deal was done and I heve the
>> records from the Registry of Deeds. Clearly the Royal Bank Of Scotland
>> and British FSA has ADMITTED knowing all this for wat past too long.
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> 902 800 0369
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> To: <mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov>; "RBauer"<RBauer@perkinscoie.com>;
>> "bginsberg"<bginsberg@pattonboggs.com>; "Gilles.Moreau"
>> <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>> Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; "andre"
>> <andre@jafaust.com>; "andremurraynow"<andremurraynow@gmail.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 1:03 AM
>> Subject: Good evening Special Agent Mark Vespucci Say Hoka Hey to Mr
>> Obama's lawyer for me will ya???
>> You dudes can find this email right here
>> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca//
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
>> QSLS Politics
>> By Location Visit Detail
>> Visit 29,933
>> Domain Name (Unknown)
>> IP Address 173.76.211.# (Unknown Organization)
>> ISP Unknown ISP
>> Location Continent : Unknown
>> Country : Unknown
>> Lat/Long : unknown
>> Language English (U.S.) en-us
>> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
>> Browser Internet Explorer 9.0
>> Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
>> Javascript version 1.3
>> Monitor Resolution : 1441 x 810
>> Color Depth : 32 bits
>> Time of Visit Jan 16 2013 3:41:42 am
>> Last Page View Jan 16 2013 3:47:08 am
>> Visit Length 5 minutes 26 seconds
>> Page Views 4
>> Referring URL http://www.google.co...fELbGdsNRjYH6IUV866Q
>> Search Engine google.com
>> Search Words mark vespucci
>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....nk-fraud-payout.html
>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....nk-fraud-payout.html
>> Out Click
>> Time Zone UTC-5:00
>> Visitor's Time Jan 15 2013 9:41:42 pm
>> Visit Number 29,933
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
>> Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
>> the USDOJ for me will ya?
>> To: RBauer <RBauer@perkinscoie.com>, sshimshak@paulweiss.com,
>> cspada@lswlaw.com, msmith <msmith@svlaw.com>, bginsberg
>> <bginsberg@pattonboggs.com>, "gregory.craig"
>> <gregory.craig@skadden.com>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
>> <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bob.rae"
>> <bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, leader
>> <leader@greenparty.ca>
>> Cc: alevine@cooley.com, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
>> michael.rothfeld@wsj.com, remery@ecbalaw.com
>> QSLS Politics
>> By Location Visit Detail
>> Visit 29,419
>> Domain Name usdoj.gov ? (U.S. Government)
>> IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
>> ISP US Dept of Justice
>> Location Continent : North America
>> Country : United States (Facts)
>> State : District of Columbia
>> City : Washington
>> Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
>> Language English (U.S.) en-us
>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
>> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
>> CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2;
>> DI60SP1001)
>> Javascript version 1.3
>> Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
>> Color Depth : 32 bits
>> Time of Visit Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
>> Last Page View Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
>> Visit Length 0 seconds
>> Page Views 1
>> Referring URL http://www.google.co...wwWJrm94lCEqRmovPXJg
>> Search Engine google.com
>> Search Words david amos bernie madoff
>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
>> Out Click
>> Time Zone UTC-5:00
>> Visitor's Time Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
>> Visit Number 29,419
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Sr. Haukur S. Magnússon"<hauxotron@gmail.com>
>> Date: Wed, 11 May 2016 03:23:15 +0000
>> Subject: Re: In case Iceland forgot they were part of the "Coalition
>> of the Willing" in 2003 Trust that I don't miss a snobby Icelander who
>> brags to me that he moved to the US and i just call him to prove it
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Missed u, mang. How u been? How's mr baconfat?
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> Subject: Your friends in Corridor or the Potash Corp or Bruce Northrup
>>> or the RCMP should have told you about this stuff not I
>>> To: "khalid"<khalid@windsorenergy.ca>, "Wayne.Lang"
>>> <Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bruce.northrup@gnb.ca"
>>> <bruce.northrup@gnb.ca>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
>>> "thenewbrunswicker"<thenewbrunswicker@gmail.com>, "chiefape"
>>> <chiefape@gmail.com>, "danfour"<danfour@myginch.com>, "evelyngreene"
>>> <evelyngreene@live.ca>, "Barry.MacKnight"
>>> <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>, "tom_alexander"
>>> <tom_alexander@swn.com>
>>> Cc: "thepurplevioletpress"<thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com>,
>>> "maritime_malaise"<maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
>>> Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 4:16 PM
>>> http://www.archive.org/details/PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape139
>>> http://www.archive.org/details/FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/
>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>>> Senator Arlen Specter
>>> United States Senate
>>> Committee on the Judiciary
>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>>> Washington, DC 20510
>>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>>> raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
>>> these are illegal
>>> FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you
>>> about this previously.
>>> Very truly yours,
>>> Barry A. Bachrach
>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
>>> Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
>>> the USDOJ for me will ya?
>>> To: RBauer <RBauer@perkinscoie.com>, sshimshak@paulweiss.com,
>>> cspada@lswlaw.com, msmith <msmith@svlaw.com>, bginsberg
>>> <bginsberg@pattonboggs.com>, "gregory.craig"
>>> <gregory.craig@skadden.com>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
>>> <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bob.rae"
>>> <bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, leader
>>> <leader@greenparty.ca>
>>> Cc: alevine@cooley.com, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
>>> michael.rothfeld@wsj.com, remery@ecbalaw.com
>>> QSLS Politics
>>> By Location Visit Detail
>>> Visit 29,419
>>> Domain Name usdoj.gov ? (U.S. Government)
>>> IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
>>> ISP US Dept of Justice
>>> Location Continent : North America
>>> Country : United States (Facts)
>>> State : District of Columbia
>>> City : Washington
>>> Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
>>> Language English (U.S.) en-us
>>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
>>> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
>>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
>>> CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2;
>>> DI60SP1001)
>>> Javascript version 1.3
>>> Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
>>> Color Depth : 32 bits
>>> Time of Visit Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
>>> Last Page View Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
>>> Visit Length 0 seconds
>>> Page Views 1
>>> Referring URL http://www.google.co...wwWJrm94lCEqRmovPXJg
>>> Search Engine google.com
>>> Search Words david amos bernie madoff
>>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
>>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
>>> Out Click
>>> Time Zone UTC-5:00
>>> Visitor's Time Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
>>> Visit Number 29,419
>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
>>>> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
>>>> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
>>>> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
>>>> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
>>>> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
>>>> to be..
>>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>>> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
>>>> Kveðja / Best regards
>>>> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
>>>> This is the docket
>>>> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
>>>> These are digital recordings of  the last two hearings
>>>> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
>>>> Jan 11th https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
>>>> This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it
>>>> again
>>>> Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
>>>> Campaign, Rogers TV
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cFOKT6TlSE
>>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/fundy-royal-riding-profile-1.3274276
>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:37:08 -0400
>>>> Subject: To Hell with the KILLER COP Gilles Moreau What say you NOW
>>>> Bernadine Chapman??
>>>> To: Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, phil.giles@statcan.ca,
>>>> maritme_malaise@yahoo.ca, Jennifer.Nixon@ps-sp.gc.ca,
>>>> bartman.heidi@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Yves.J.Marineau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>>>> david.paradiso@erc-cee.gc.ca, desaulniea@smtp.gc.ca,
>>>> denise.brennan@tbs-sct.gc.ca, anne.murtha@vac-acc.gc.ca, webo
>>>> <webo@xplornet.com>, julie.dickson@osfi-bsif.gc.ca,
>>>> rod.giles@osfi-bsif.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca, toewsv1
>>>> <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "Nycole.Turmel"<Nycole.Turmel@parl.gc.ca>,
>>>> Clemet1 <Clemet1@parl.gc.ca>, maritime_malaise
>>>> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, oig <oig@sec.gov>, whistleblower
>>>> <whistleblower@finra.org>, whistle <whistle@fsa.gov.uk>, david
>>>> <david@fairwhistleblower.ca>
>>>> Cc: j.kroes@interpol.int, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
>>>> bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "justin.trudeau.a1"
>>>> <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "Juanita.Peddle"
>>>> <Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
>>>> "Wayne.Lang"<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Robert.Trevors"
>>>> <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>, "ian.fahie"<ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>>>> http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/nb/news-nouvelles/media-medias-eng.htm
>>>> http://nb.rcmpvet.ca/Newsletters/VetsReview/nlnov06.pdf
>>>> From: Gilles Moreau <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>>>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:22 -0500
>>>> Subject: Re: Lets ee if the really nasty Newfy Lawyer Danny Boy
>>>> Millions will explain this email to you or your boss Vic Toews EH
>>>> Constable Peddle???
>>>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>>> Please cease and desist from using my name in your emails.
>>>> Gilles Moreau, Chief Superintendent, CHRP and ACC
>>>> Director General
>>>> HR Transformation
>>>> 73 Leikin Drive, M5-2-502
>>>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
>>>> Tel 613-843-6039
>>>> Cel 613-818-6947
>>>> Gilles Moreau, surintendant principal, CRHA et ACC
>>>> Directeur général de la Transformation des ressources humaines
>>>> 73 Leikin, pièce M5-2-502
>>>> Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
>>>> tél 613-843-6039
>>>> cel 613-818-6947
>>>> gilles.moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>>>>>> David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> 2012-11-21 00:01 >>>
>>> Could ya tell I am investigating your pension plan bigtime? Its
>>> because no member of the RCMP I have ever encountered has earned it
>>> yet
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 00:46:06 -0400
>>> Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Cst Peddle ask the
>>> nasty Newfy lawyer Tommy Boy Marshall why that is
>>> To: "Wayne.Lang"<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, toewsv1
>>> <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, georgemurphy@gov.nl.ca, tosborne@gov.nl.ca,
>>> william.baer@usdoj.gov, randyedmunds@gov.nl.ca, yvonnejones@gov.nl.ca,
>>> gerryrogers@gov.nl.ca
>>> Cc: Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, tommarshall@gov.nl.ca,
>>> "bob.paulson"<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, David Amos
>>> <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:36:04 -0400
>>> Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Randy
>>> To: randyedmunds <randyedmunds@gov.nl.ca>
>>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> In a nutshell my concerns about the actions of the Investment Industry
>>> affect the interests of every person in every district of every
>>> country not just the USA and Canada. I was offering to help you with
>>> Emera because my work with them and Danny Williams is well known and
>>> some of it is over eight years old and in the PUBLIC Record.
>>> All you have to do is stand in the Legislature and ask the MInister of
>>> Justice why I have been invited to sue Newfoundland by the
>>> Conservatives
>>> Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
>>> link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
>>> Here is why
>>> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
>>> Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
>>> Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
>>> Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
>>> following file
>>> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt.pdf
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca
>>>>>> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 14:17:17 -0400
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
>>>>>> the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
>>>>>> alive
>>>>>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>>>>> This is to confirm that the Minister of National Defence has received
>>>>>> your email and it will be reviewed in due course. Please do not reply
>>>>>> to this message: it is an automatic acknowledgement.
>>>>>> Le ministre de la Défense nationale accuse réception de votre
>>>>>> courriel. Celui-ci sera examiné en temps opportun. Veuillez ne pas
>>>>>> répondre à ce courriel puisque la présente est une réponse
>>>>>> automatique.
>>>>>> Clearly I corrected some of my spelling before I forwarded this emal
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> others
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 13:55:30 -0300
>>>>>> Subject: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and the
>>>>>> War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still alive
>>>>>> To: DECPR@forces.gc.ca, Public.Affairs@socom.mil,
>>>>>> Raymonde.Cleroux@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca,
>>>>>> william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>,
>>>>>> dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, media@drdc-rddc.gc.ca,
>>>>>> information@forces.gc.ca,
>>>>>> milner@unb.ca, charters@unb.ca, lwindsor@unb.ca,
>>>>>> sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, birgir <birgir@althingi.is>, smari
>>>>>> <smari@immi.is>, greg.weston@cbc.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
>>>>>> susan@blueskystrategygroup.com, Don@blueskystrategygroup.com,
>>>>>> eugene@blueskystrategygroup.com, americas@aljazeera.net
>>>>>> Cc: "Edith. Cody-Rice"<Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>, "terry.seguin"
>>>>>> <terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, acampbell <acampbell@ctv.ca>, whistleblower
>>>>>> <whistleblower@ctv.ca>
>>>>>> I talked to Don Newman earlier this week before the beancounters
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> Dodge and Don Drummond now of Queen's gave their spin about Canada's
>>>>>> Health Caree system yesterday and Sheila Fraser yapped on and on on
>>>>>> CAPACduring her last days in office as if she were eoh so
>>>>>> elthical.. To be fair to him I just called Greg Weston (613-288-6938)
>>>>>> I suggested that he should at least Google SOUCOM and David Amos It
>>>>>> would be wise if he check ALL of CBC's sources before he publishes
>>>>>> something else about the DND EH Don Newman? Lets just say that the
>>>>>> fact
>>>>>> that your old CBC buddy, Tony Burman is now in charge of Al Jazeera
>>>>>> English
>>>>>> never impressed me. The fact that he set up a Canadian office is
>>>>>> interesting though
>>>>>> http://www.blueskystrategygroup.com/index.php/team/don-newman/
>>>>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/media/story/2010/05/04/al-jazeera-english-launch.html
>>>>>> Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
>>>>>> this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
>>>>>> Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
>>>>>> Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.
>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>>>>>> The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not
>>>>>> a shy political animal
>>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>>> 902 800 0369
>>>>>> Enjoy Mr Weston
>>>>>> http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/news/story/2011/05/15/weston-iraq-invasion-wikileaks.html
>>>>>> "But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
>>>>>> brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
>>>>>> says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
>>>>>> to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
>>>>>> including a Canadian general.
>>>>>> That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
>>>>>> who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
>>>>>> U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that
>>>>>> helped
>>>>>> prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."
>>>>>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010/06/canada-and-united-states.html
>>>>>> "I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
>>>>>> being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
>>>>>> demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing.
>>>>>> American
>>>>>> "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
>>>>>> into the US policy.
>>>>>> At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
>>>>>> in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
>>>>>> report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation.There was
>>>>>> never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where
>>>>>> there
>>>>>> were deployed WMD.
>>>>>> Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
>>>>>> invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
>>>>>> concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the
>>>>>> occupation
>>>>>> (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
>>>>>> about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
>>>>>> that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
>>>>>> authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.
>>>>>> There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
>>>>>> its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was
>>>>>> contrary
>>>>>> to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
>>>>>> folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
>>>>>> upon."What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> to met before US troop can redeploy?
>>>>>> Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the PMO were even at the very
>>>>>> preliminary planning stages wary of Canadian involvement in an Iraq
>>>>>> operation....History would prove them correct. The political pressure
>>>>>> being applied on the PMO from the George W Bush administration was
>>>>>> onerous
>>>>>> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
>>>>>> military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
>>>>>> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
>>>>>> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
>>>>>> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
>>>>>> operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
>>>>>> lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
>>>>>> ....not necessarily in that order. "
>>>>>> You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
>>>>>> Adams? of the CSE within the DND?
>>>>>> http://www.socom.mil/SOCOMHome/Pages/ContactUSSOCOM.aspx
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 20:42:46 -0300
>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: Response to your calls of April 9 and May 12, 2010
>>>>>> To: Raymonde.Cleroux@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, Barry Winters
>>>>>> <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>, dean Ray
>>>>>> <deanr0032@hotmail.com>, dean <dean@law.ualberta.ca>, danadurf
>>>>>> <danadurf@hotmail.com>, Richard Harris
>>>>>> <injusticecoalition@hotmail.com>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
>>>>>> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "Edith. Cody-Rice"<Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>,
>>>>>> "terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, "john.adams"
>>>>>> <john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca>, "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"
>>>>>> <william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles. Blinn"
>>>>>> <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Mackap <Mackap@parl.gc.ca>, toewsv1
>>>>>> <toewsv1@mts.net>
>>>>>> Cc: "Harper.S@parl.gc.ca"<Harper.S@parl.gc.ca>, IgnatM
>>>>>> <IgnatM@parl.gc.ca>, LaytoJ <LaytoJ@parl.gc.ca>, "Duceppe. G"
>>>>>> <Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca>, "Frank. McKenna"<Frank.McKenna@td.com>,
>>>>>> "jack.macdougall"<jack.macdougall@greenparty.ca>, fundytides
>>>>>> <fundytides@gmail.com>, panb <panb@bellaliant.net>, carlbainbridge
>>>>>> <carlbainbridge@panb.org>, guergh <guergh@parl.gc.ca>,
>>>>>> "Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca"<Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca>, dthomas@mta.ca
>>>>>> Thanx for the response but you must be joking. My complaint was that
>>>>>> your chickenshit Military Police refused to investigate and thought
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> troubles were funny. GET IT? However the sad but terrible part is I
>>>>>> know that you are not joking. If it were not for men such as David
>>>>>> Thomas speaking up in the Town where I was born i would not be a very
>>>>>> proud Canadian today.
>>>>>> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/new-brunswick/story/2010/05/14/nb-mount-allison-university-heather-reisman-609.html?ref=rss
>>>>>> Check out this blog from two years agoo. Howcome the CROWN CORP known
>>>>>> as the CBC does not show us a tally like that as they tell us who got
>>>>>> killed on our behalf on a regular basis? Notice Heather Reisman's
>>>>>> name?
>>>>>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/06/netherlands-prime-minister-visits.html
>>>>>> Now Google mine and Bernie Madoff. Here is a shortcut
>>>>>> http://www.google.ca/search?q=bernie+madoff+david+amos&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&redir_esc=&ei=Qd7tS9beD8KC8gar2dX9Cg
>>>>>> Then Go Figure why I am pissed as I watch zionists threaten my
>>>>>> famiily
>>>>>> and pound on the drums for war as their financial backers get awards
>>>>>> in my nativeland and attend Biliderberger meetings with none other
>>>>>> than the corrupt bankster Frank MacKenna and John Adams the boss of
>>>>>> the CSE?
>>>>>> Your lawyers can trust that the link I provide below are to a very
>>>>>> serious pdf file and that it is no joke. FYI if you bother to look
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> will see that the Governor General as Commander in Chief of our Armed
>>>>>> Forces has already admitted to receiving two sets of the hard copy of
>>>>>> some of my documents and two CDs from me already and suggested that I
>>>>>> take my concerns to court long before we started losing people
>>>>>> overseas at quite a rate. Trust that legions of CROWN attornies
>>>>>> already have their fancy knickers in a knot.
>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>>>>>> Need I say that to me your Commission is just another bunch of
>>>>>> chickenshit bureaucrats like all the rest? So please allow me to
>>>>>> introduce you to the evil bastard himself He is purportedly Barry K.
>>>>>> Winters if not at least that is his email address.
>>>>>> I must say I find it interesting the the Russians care more about my
>>>>>> battles with a zionist than the very people in my nativeland who
>>>>>> employ him. Interesting EH Mr Harper and Iggy?
>>>>>> No need to enlist me into the Privy Council and swear me to secrecy,
>>>>>> It is not National Security I am concerned about it is the security
>>>>>> and well being of my family. I am gonna do my best to make sure the
>>>>>> Russians, Chinese and Iranians know EVERYTHING that you and the
>>>>>> Yankees know about my concerns as a whistleblower about financial
>>>>>> crimes etc. Why not if your employee can brag about planning wars and
>>>>>> advocating the m urder of my family talking about what I know of
>>>>>> banksters etc is small potatoes EH Franky boy McKenna, Jacky Boy
>>>>>> MacDougall and of cousr your pal arty Baby Mackay?
>>>>>> Just Dave
>>>>>> By Location Visit Detail
>>>>>> Visit 10,914
>>>>>> Domain Name (Unknown)
>>>>>> IP Address 212.44.145.# (Moscow Russia)
>>>>>> ISP EDN Sovintel
>>>>>> Location Continent : Asia
>>>>>> Country : Russian Federation (Facts)
>>>>>> State/Region : Moscow City
>>>>>> City : Moscow
>>>>>> Lat/Long : 55.7522, 37.6156 (Map)
>>>>>> Language unknown
>>>>>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
>>>>>> Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
>>>>>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR
>>>>>> 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1)
>>>>>> Javascript disabled
>>>>>> That said I must ask Raymonde Cléroux the obvious question after what
>>>>>> you witnessed in "Barry K' Winters" blog howcome your did not call
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> RCMP if not the Military Police yourself? Scroll down and try to
>>>>>> figure out a proper answer as to whether or not the evil zionist
>>>>>> broke
>>>>>> an oath or two as it pertains to Canada's plans to make war with Iraq
>>>>>> in 2002.
>>>>>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2009/08/what-does-amerika-truther-movment-god.html
>>>>>> (I inserted the text below)
>>>>>> And within the info many of my YOUTUBES
>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-y5femNycE
>>>>>> BTW the RCMP and the Edmonton PD have refused to do anything so rest
>>>>>> assured I will take care of the evil bastard myself in an ethical and
>>>>>> rather stylish fashion. As I said NOBODY sexually harasses and
>>>>>> threatens to kill my children. However I will file a lawsuit against
>>>>>> the CROWN to cover my butt before I kick his. Perhaps you should
>>>>>> worry about your pocketbook in the "Mean" time.
>>>>>> Perhaps your lawyers should review the CROWN Liabilty Act as if
>>>>>> pertains to the CSE and the DND then study every word of that
>>>>>> zionist's malicious blog to see if I am wrong about why the
>>>>>> commissioner of the Human Rights Commission would not defend her own
>>>>>> reputation.. No matter how secretive the CSE and the RCMP may be at
>>>>>> least you admitted to the knowledge of the death threats and sexual
>>>>>> harassment of my children after I have been complaining of your
>>>>>> associate for over a year. Tell me why I don't sue you dudes
>>>>>> personally starting with Colonel Pearson and his idiot assistant Lt
>>>>>> Col Tony Weber who think everything is too funny and don't wish their
>>>>>> military police to bother to act within the scope of their employment
>>>>>> just like you would not EH?
>>>>>> Veritas Vincit
>>>>>> David Raymond Amos
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 12:31:32 -0300
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Yo Corey W. Joyce Then introduce me to YOUR lawyer ASAP
>>>>>> To: DECPR@forces.gc.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "john.adams"
>>>>>> <john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca>, IgnatM <IgnatM@parl.gc.ca>, LaytoJ
>>>>>> <LaytoJ@parl.gc.ca>
>>>>>> Cc: robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>, Barry Winters
>>>>>> <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "john.logan"<john.logan@gnb.ca>
>>>>>> On 8/23/10, DECPR@forces.gc.ca<DECPR@forces.gc.ca> wrote:
>>>>>>> Please cease and desist any and all communications with this
>>>>>>> address.
>>>>>>> Your communications thus far have been inflamatory and constitute
>>>>>>> harassment.
>>>>>>>>Corey W. Joyce
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, 23, August, 2010 11:10 AM
>>>>>>> To: +DECPR@ADM(PA)@Ottawa-Hull; Barry Winters; ndpaocal@nucleus.com;
>>>>>>> Ken.Zielke
>>>>>>> Cc: Mackap; IgnatM; john.adams; robin reid; tony; Robert. Jones;
>>>>>>> Eidt,
>>>>>>> David (OAG/CPG); PATRICK. MURPHY; rick. skinner
>>>>>>> Subject: Yo Corey W. Joyce
>>>>>>> Then perhaps you should not read YOUR ASSOCIATE'S words EH pussy?
>>>>>>> *http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010_06_01_archive.html
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: DECPR@forces.gc.ca
>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 10:55:01 -0400
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Attn Corey Joyce how about an answer in WRITING just
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> demanded on the phone Just now
>>>>>>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>>>>>> Your e-mail has been forwarded for action/response by another
>>>>>>> directorate.
>>>>>>> This e-mail constitutes all the response you will get from this
>>>>>>> office
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> I respectfully advise you not to contact me again. Your tone and
>>>>>>> language
>>>>>>> were insulting and I will not converse with you when you speak to me
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> a complete lack of respect and with vulgar language.
>>>>>>>>Corey W. Joyce
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, 23, August, 2010 10:54 AM
>>>>>>> To: +DECPR@ADM(PA)@Ottawa-Hull; Edith. Cody-Rice; IgnatM;
>>>>>>> ndpaoatlantic@ns.aliantzinc.ca
>>>>>>> Cc: Mackap; john.adams
>>>>>>> Subject: Attn Corey Joyce how about an answer in WRITING just like I
>>>>>>> demanded on the phone Just now
>>>>>>> National Defence Headquarters
>>>>>>> MGen George R. Pearkes Bldg, 15NT
>>>>>>> 101 Colonel By Drive
>>>>>>> Ottawa, ON Canada K1A 0K2
>>>>>>> (613) 996-9266
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 11:17:00 -0300
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: FW: Response to your calls of April 9 and May 12, 2010
>>>>>>> To: "Weir, Sarah"<sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca>, Mackap
>>>>>>> <Mackap@parl.gc.ca>,
>>>>>>> "john.adams"<john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca>, commission@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca,
>>>>>>> media@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, "Ken.Zielke"
>>>>>>> <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, "peter.teasdale"<peter.teasdale@gov.ab.ca>,
>>>>>>> "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
>>>>>>> "mike.mcdonell"<mike.mcdonell@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>>>>>>> Cc: robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>, tony
>>>>>>> <tony@peoplestandup.ca>,
>>>>>>> "PATRICK. MURPHY"<PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov>, "rick. skinner"
>>>>>>> <rick.skinner@dhs.gov>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
>>>>>>> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>>>>>>> Thanx for the SECOND Response but you bureaucrat really should learn
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> read don't ya think?
>>>>>>> On 8/23/10, Weir, Sarah <sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Good morning Mr. Amos,
>>>>>>>> Following your phone call of August 19, 2010, please note that we
>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>> reply to your previous messages by e-mail (see below).
>>>>>>>> Unfortunately
>>>>>>>> your complaint is not pertaining to the conduct of Military Police
>>>>>>>> members in the performance of policing duty or function.
>>>>>>>> As mentioned below, if your complaint pertains to a life
>>>>>>>> threatening
>>>>>>>> matter, please contact your local police force.
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Raymonde Cléroux
>>>>>>>> Registrar
>>>>>>>> From: Cleroux, Raymonde
>>>>>>>> Sent: May 14, 2010 11:51 AM
>>>>>>>> To: 'david.raymond.amos@gmail.com'
>>>>>>>> Subject: Response to your calls of April 9 and May 12, 2010
>>>>>>>> Good morning Mr. Amos,
>>>>>>>> The following is further to your telephone calls of April 9 and May
>>>>>>>> 12,
>>>>>>>> 2010.
>>>>>>>> The mandate of the Military Police Complaints Commission is
>>>>>>>> triggered
>>>>>>>> when a complaint is made pertaining to the conduct of Military
>>>>>>>> Police
>>>>>>>> members in the performance of a policing duty or function as
>>>>>>>> prescribed in the Complaints About the Conduct of Members of the
>>>>>>>> Military Police Regulations.
>>>>>>>> Based on a review of the information you provided, it would appear
>>>>>>>> that you do not have a complaint against a Military Police member.
>>>>>>>> As
>>>>>>>> such, it would seem that your complaint does not fall within the
>>>>>>>> Complaints Commission's mandate.
>>>>>>>> However if your complaint pertains to a life threatening matter, we
>>>>>>>> suggest that you contact your local police force.
>>>>>>>> For further information on the Military Police Complaints
>>>>>>>> Commission
>>>>>>>> or to learn more about its mandate, please visit the Commission
>>>>>>>> website
>>>>>>>> at: www.mpcc-cppm.qc.ca<**http://**www.mpcc-cppm.qc.ca/> .
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Raymonde Cléroux
>>>>>>>> Registrar / Greffière
>>>>>>>> Military Police Complaints Commission
>>>>>>>> Commission d'examen des plaintes concernant
>>>>>>>> la police militaire
>>>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 15:14:50 -0300
>>>>>> Subject: Lt-Col. Tony Weber can't say I didn't warn him that Mr
>>>>>> Baconfat's blog would embarass him EH MacKay?
>>>>>> To: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, media@drdc-rddc.gc.ca,
>>>>>> information@forces.gc.ca, milner@unb.ca, charters@unb.ca,
>>>>>> lwindsor@unb.ca, "Tim.RICHARDSON"<Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>,
>>>>>> "info@gg.ca"<info@gg.ca>, stoffp1 <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>,
>>>>>> "info@pco-bcp.gc.ca"<info@pco-bcp.gc.ca>, jwilson@unb.ca, tracy
>>>>>> <tracy@jatam.org>, mptacek@unb.ca, staples.michael@dailygleaner.com,
>>>>>> "jonesr@cbc.ca"<jonesr@cbc.ca>
>>>>>> Cc: Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, dean Ray
>>>>>> <deanr0032@hotmail.com>, danadurf <danadurf@hotmail.com>,
>>>>>> "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, Richard Harris
>>>>>> <injusticecoalition@hotmail.com>, "bert. hudon"
>>>>>> <bert.hudon@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "PATRICK. MURPHY"
>>>>>> <PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov>, "rick. skinner"<rick.skinner@dhs.gov>
>>>>>> http://dailygleaner.canadaeast.com/search/article/940651
>>>>>> Interesting document Weber's boss wrote EH DRs Windsor and Charters?
>>>>>> www.cfc.forces.gc.ca/papers/amsc/amsc7/pearson.doc
>>>>>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010/04/some-where-in-streets-and-alleys.html
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 08:25:13 -0600
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Yo Iggy Methinks Harper will read this email on a bad
>>>>>> day. Perhaps you should to EH? After all it is largely addressed to
>>>>>> you.
>>>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>> April 10, 2010
>>>>>> Some where in the streets and alleys tonight
>>>>>> Some where in the alleys of New Brusnswick and Calgary are two
>>>>>> uneducated
>>>>>> bums, another day closer to their demise. They are homeless,
>>>>>> shiftless,
>>>>>> uneducated, loud, obnoxious and insane ...for these "people" death
>>>>>> now
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> better than another day of life...they have made nothing of their
>>>>>> lives...and are nothing but a burden to their families, "friends" and
>>>>>> the....tax payer.
>>>>>> David Amosis reduced now to the staus of bum, wandering about asking
>>>>>> people for spare change, and scouring the streets for ciggerrette
>>>>>> butts
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> smoke. When he gets some change he does this sort of thing.
>>>>>> I managed to talk to a Lieutenant-Colonel Tony Weber is Acting Base
>>>>>> Commander of Base Gagetown 506 422 2000 ext 1410. He and one of
>>>>>> his Sgt Majors even looked at Barry Winter's blog forme.
>>>>>> We seemed to get along as we discussed their vague knowledge of
>>>>>> politicians,
>>>>>> Afganistan, other officers they claimed to have neverheard of, the
>>>>>> CSE,
>>>>>> our
>>>>>> missing emails and the words within BarryWinters blog. the Lt Col
>>>>>> truly
>>>>>> seemed like an ok dude.
>>>>>> But the instanthe said that Barry Winters malicious words were of no
>>>>>> embarassment tohim I got pissed all over again. Imagine if such shit
>>>>>> had
>>>>>> beenpublished by a former officer about him or his family? I bet he
>>>>>> wouldhave sued his bosses long ago if winters had not be locked
>>>>>> upimmediately.
>>>>>> Anyway I told the Lt Col that I would see him in courtand hung up on
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> snobby bastard and split before the RCMP attemptedto corner me in
>>>>>> another
>>>>>> phone boooth like they did for another one ofHarper's former Minister
>>>>>> Greggy
>>>>>> Baby Thompson's evil minions two yearsago. Small wonder he is quiting
>>>>>> politics EH IGGY?
>>>>>> Oh Dear....how far has the "real deal" the "ethical whistle blower"
>>>>>> has
>>>>>> fallen.
>>>>>> Posted by Seren at 7:03 AM
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> From: Haukur S Magnusson <haukur@grapevine.is>
>>>>>> Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 02:50:58 +0000
>>>>>> Subject: Re: OK allow me to be brief then Tell Julian Assange and
>>>>>> your
>>>>>> bullshitting pals in Iceland to go fuck themselves
>>>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Dude, I really have no idea who you are or why you are so upset with
>>>>>> this Julian person.
>>>>>> Hope it all works out for you.
>>>>>> Haukur
>>>>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 2:43 AM, David Amos wrote:
>>>>>>> On 4/6/10, Haukur S Magnusson <haukur@grapevine.is> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Pardon me sir,
>>>>>>>> why do you keep signing your crazy e-mails with a Reykjavík
>>>>>>>> Grapevine
>>>>>>>> footer? It is disturbing, and we would appreciate it if you stopped
>>>>>>>> doing it.
>>>>>>>> Also, if you want people to read what you have to say, make it less
>>>>>>>> long and all over the place.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Haukur S. Magnússon
>>>>>>>> Editor // Reykjavík Grapevine
>>>>>>>> haukur@grapevine.is
>>>>>>>> Tel. (+354) 695-8158 / (+354) 540-3602
>>>>>>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 2:24 AM, David Amos wrote:
>>>>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/user/AndyCobbonUTube#p/u/14/dk4rBQDxOEE
>>>>>>>>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010_04_01_archive.html
>>>>>>>>> This should be some sort of Fucking Secret BULLSHIT in order to
>>>>>>>>> protect the reputations of many a corrupt politician even a few
>>>>>>>>> Icelanders EH?
>>>>>>>>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2009/08/what-does-amerika-truther-movment-god.html
>>>>>>>>> Friday, August 14, 2009
>>>>>>>>> What does Amerika, the "Truther" movment, "God" and retards have
>>>>>>>>> to do with Canada
>>>>>>>>> We do not have to worry about comment from Little Dean and
>>>>>>>>> Dave...they are to uneducated to understand most posts
>>>>>>>>> So have you seen them, been annoyed or insulted by them, have you
>>>>>>>>> smelled their disease? Have you ever crossed the "medicine line"
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> seen some Yank being taken into custody because he just
>>>>>>>>> has..."this
>>>>>>>>> constitutional right to bear arms"...in Canada. I remember years
>>>>>>>>> ago
>>>>>>>>> when the debate was on in Canada, about there being weapons of
>>>>>>>>> mass
>>>>>>>>> destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends" demanded that Canada
>>>>>>>>> join into "the Coalition of the Willing.
>>>>>>>>> American "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for
>>>>>>>>> NOT buying into the US policy. At the time I was serving as a
>>>>>>>>> planner
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> NDHQ and with 24 other of my colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM
>>>>>>>>> HQ to be involved in the planning in the planning stages of the
>>>>>>>>> op....and
>>>>>>>>> to report to NDHQ, that would report to the PMO upon the merits of
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> proposed operation.
>>>>>>>>> There was never at anytime an existing target list of verified
>>>>>>>>> sites
>>>>>>>>> where there were deployed WMD. Coalition assets were more than
>>>>>>>>> sufficient for the initial strike and invasion phase but even at
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> point in the planning, we were concerned about the number of
>>>>>>>>> "boots on the ground" for the occupation (and end game) stage of
>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>> operation in Iraq.
>>>>>>>>> We were also concerned about the American plans for occupation
>>>>>>>>> plans
>>>>>>>>> of Iraq because they at that stage included no contingency for a
>>>>>>>>> handing over of civil authority to a vetted Iraqi government and
>>>>>>>>> bureaucracy. There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated"
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> returned to its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan.
>>>>>>>>> This was contrary to the lessons of Vietnam but also to the
>>>>>>>>> military
>>>>>>>>> thought, that folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and
>>>>>>>>> others
>>>>>>>>> illucidated upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission,
>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>> conditions are to met before US troop can redeploy?
>>>>>>>>> Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the PMO were even at the very
>>>>>>>>> preliminary planning stages wary of Canadian involment in an Iraq
>>>>>>>>> operation....History would prove them correct. The political
>>>>>>>>> preesure
>>>>>>>>> being applied on the PMO from the George W Bush administration was
>>>>>>>>> onerus
>>>>>>>>> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and
>>>>>>>>> Canadian
>>>>>>>>> military assets even moreso It was proposed by the PMO that
>>>>>>>>> Canadian
>>>>>>>>> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantene
>>>>>>>>> operations
>>>>>>>>> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in
>>>>>>>>> Afghanistan
>>>>>>>>> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
>>>>>>>>> operation....
>>>>>>>>> The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian lives and
>>>>>>>>> liberal political capitial.. and the priority of which ....not
>>>>>>>>> neccessarily in
>>>>>>>>> that order. Essentially Canada detemined to stay out of Iraq, paid
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> price, of a larger role in Afghanistan to enable US military
>>>>>>>>> assets
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> redeploy to Iraq.
>>>>>>>>> The US op in Afghanistan evolved from a US op, to a UN op, to a
>>>>>>>>> NATO
>>>>>>>>> /
>>>>>>>>> ISAF op. NATO countries other than Canada and the UK shun combat
>>>>>>>>> operations in Afghanistan..their rules of deployment and
>>>>>>>>> engagement
>>>>>>>>> mitigate against NATO troops engaging the Taliban. By design I am
>>>>>>>>> quite sure.
>>>>>>>>> But now the American Iraq op, is a great success. The "surge"
>>>>>>>>> worked.
>>>>>>>>> But alas now 127 Canadian soldiers are dead. The 2011 deadline is
>>>>>>>>> coming nigh....and President Barak Obama and NATO want Canada to
>>>>>>>>> consider extending the deployment of Canadian troops. The motives
>>>>>>>>> are different. The US wants to... needs to, as matter of national
>>>>>>>>> security, to defeat insurgency in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Our
>>>>>>>>> European allies want Canada to remain and continue to "punch above
>>>>>>>>> its weight" so European soldiers do not have to actually fight or
>>>>>>>>> die.
>>>>>>>>> That begs a few questions: "Nations do not have friends, nations
>>>>>>>>> have interests" -Henry Kissinger. Is American national security re
>>>>>>>>> terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan compatable with Canadian
>>>>>>>>> national interests? If this country, Canada is going to be a
>>>>>>>>> continuing ally in "the war against terror"....should not our
>>>>>>>>> "friends
>>>>>>>>> and neighbours across the medicine line be more amenable in
>>>>>>>>> matters of trade, or just living up to their free trade
>>>>>>>>> agreements.
>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>> "friends and neighbours" to the south want Canadians to fight side
>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>> side...maybe that 7 % Softwood lumber tariff was a mistake...or
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> buy American provision in the currant stimulus plan ought to be re
>>>>>>>>> thought.
>>>>>>>>> Our American "friends" give Israel roughly 3 billion dollars a
>>>>>>>>> year
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> be spent buying weapons systems from US defense contactors...to
>>>>>>>>> survive (both Israel and US defense industries) Perhaps US dollars
>>>>>>>>> should flow to Canada to buy weapons systems and patrol aircraft
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> naval platforms...after all, aren't we your "friends and allies"?
>>>>>>>>> There is nothing similar with American culture, and politics
>>>>>>>>> between
>>>>>>>>> Canada and the US. Canada evolved into nation status and the US,
>>>>>>>>> revolted violently. This difference in the means we became
>>>>>>>>> nations...has greatly defined who and what we are.
>>>>>>>>> Our American "friends" look upon Canada as cultural, economic and
>>>>>>>>> political satrap.... Now to their great consternation they are
>>>>>>>>> finding
>>>>>>>>> out... that is NOT the case . Nothing good came to Canada by way
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> America. The military "schewir punct" should be defense of our
>>>>>>>>> continental shelf and the arctic.
>>>>>>>>> Canada does need to stop shipping unrefined bitumen to the US and
>>>>>>>>> totally refine it here and start building a pipeline for bitumen
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> Canada's west coast to sell to Asian and the Chinese market. It is
>>>>>>>>> more than past time to understand ..our American "friends" are
>>>>>>>>> not our friends at all.
>>>>>>>>> Or else it is: Bend over here it comes again.....KY anyone?
>>>>>>>>> Posted by Seren at 11:27 AM
>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>> From: Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
>>>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 08:33:09 -0600
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: The Reykjavík Grapevine Al Jazeera Iceland WikiLeaks
>>>>>>>>> and British Banksters etc
>>>>>>>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> Tuesday, April 6, 2010
>>>>>>>>> David Amos is a RCMP rat
>>>>>>>>> Police Constables the world over call informants...cocksuckers.
>>>>>>>>> David Raymond Amos is a RCMP rat, a cocksucker, and he admits it.
>>>>>>>>> Just a few days ago David Raymond Amos admit he informed on and
>>>>>>>>> gave evidence in a murder case involving Gillies Moreau.
>>>>>>>>> David Amos has never sued or blown the whistle on anyone. There is
>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>> citation of any case involving David Raymond Amos in the New York
>>>>>>>>> Law Reporting Service, Shepards, or the Mass. Law reporting
>>>>>>>>> society
>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>> for that matter any state citation reporting service
>>>>>>>>> anywhere...you
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> places lawyers go to precedents for their briefs.
>>>>>>>>> Wikileaks will have NOTHING to do with David Amos. DavidAmos
>>>>>>>>> routinely plagerizes wikileaks material and then says he had
>>>>>>>>> everything
>>>>>>>>> to do with its exposure. David Raymond Amos is not an "ethical
>>>>>>>>> whistle
>>>>>>>>> blower" he has no record of having any information regarding
>>>>>>>>> public
>>>>>>>>> corruption whatsoever.
>>>>>>>>> But David Raymond Amos has a record of being a rat! A snitch for
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> "feds" he claims to hate. His kids are rats and assets of the RCMP
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> FBI because they are low low level snitches that inform on the
>>>>>>>>> lower
>>>>>>>>> rungs of minor organized crime organizations.
>>>>>>>>> But David Raymond Amos is also a pedophile or a "skinner" and a
>>>>>>>>> "goof".....
>>>>>>>>> Time will eventually run out for David as it always does for rats
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> skinners. So much for being an "ethical whistleblower" eh!
>>>>>>>>> Posted by Seren at 7:07 AM
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> To: "whistleblower"<whistleblower@ctv.ca>; "Dan Fitzgerald"
>>>>>>>>> <danf@danf.net>; "terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>; "Edith.
>>>>>>>>> Cody-
>>>>>>>>> Rice"<Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>; "Barry Winters"
>>>>>>>>> <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>;
>>>>>>>>> "eachtem"<eachtem@hotmail.com>; "danadurf"
>>>>>>>>> <danadurf@hotmail.com>;
>>>>>>>>> "dean Ray"
>>>>>>>>> <deanr0032@hotmail.com>; "dean"<dean@law.ualberta.ca>; "dean.law"
>>>>>>>>> <dean.law@mcgill.ca>; "Dean.Buzza"<Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
>>>>>>>>> <kevin.Jackson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>>>>>>>>> Cc: <oldmaison@yahoo.com>; "tracy"<tracy@jatam.org>;
>>>>>>>>> <David.ALWARD@gnb.ca>;
>>>>>>>>> "Richard Harris"<injusticecoalition@hotmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 11:06 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: The Reykjavík Grapevine Al Jazeera Iceland
>>>>>>>>> WikiLeaks and British Banksters etc
>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 01:58:58 -0300
>>>>>>>>> Subject: RE: The Reykjavík Grapevine Al Jazeera Iceland WikiLeaks
>>>>>>>>> and British Banksters etc
>>>>>>>>> To: grapevine@grapevine.is,
>>>>>>>>> Cc: editor@wikileaks.org,
>>>>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r879_ZTqaY8
>>>>>>>>> From: "Julian Assange)"editor@wikileaks.org
>>>>>>>>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 3:15 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven
>>>>>>>>> FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven
>>>>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbGiPjIE1pE
>>>>>>>>> More info http://immi.is/
>>>>>>>>> Julian Assange Editor WikiLeaks http://wikileaks.org/
>>>>>>>>> From: "David Amos"david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> To: "Julian Assange)"editor@wikileaks.org
>>>>>>>>> Cc: "Dan Fitzgerald"danf@danf.net; "Byrne. G"Byrne.G@parl.gc.ca
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 8:35 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Al Jazeera on Iceland's new plan Thanx Here is
>>>>>>>>> something about Iceland and Banksters Al Jazeera would enjoy
>>>>>>>>> Checkout this old pdf file from 2005 at about page two or three
>>>>>>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etc
>>>>>>>>> Then read on and chuckle
>>>>>>>>> From: postur@fjr.stjr.is
>>>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>>>>>>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
>>>>>>>>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> Dea...

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Methinks CBC loves the sneaky lawyer Dizzyy Lizzy May and her Watermelon Party N'esy Pas?



Replying to and  49 others
Methinks CBC loves the sneaky lawyer Dizzyy Lizzy May and her Watermelon Party N'esy Pas?



The Pollcast: Elizabeth May and the rising Green tide


David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks before I listen Mr Grenier and Madame May Prehaps I should remind folks of an older article of his N'esy Pas?


Gorden Feist 
Gorden Feist
I have far more faith in Peter Bevan-Baker than I do in Wade MacLauchlan.

David Amos
David Amos
@Gorden Feist Methinks the "Happy Dentist" is no better than the liberal he supports Nobody should deny that I went out of my way to prove it last Xmass when he got himself chucked out of the house N'esy Pas?

 Buford Wilson 
Buford Wilson
Elizabeth knows every cliché in the book.

It's time for her to go away.

David Amos
David Amos
@Buford Wilson YUP

 Mike Hamilton 
mo bennett
the greens supporting horgan has been a disaster, and the jury's still out on NB, but, hey, they're politicians, so they will likely make a mess in New Brunswick's pants too!

David Amos
David Amos
@mo bennett YO MO Methinks we agree once again N'esy Pas?

 Mike Hamilton 
Doug Leblanc
The Green’s sold out in NB to support a liberal government with a dismal environmental record. Fortunately, the liberals lost the confidence vote and the green’s won’t be getting any of the promised goodies. Green is not for the environment but for the nausea you experience once you realize you were scammed by their “green agenda”. Never again.

David Amos
David Amos
@Doug Leblanc I am glad that you saw the light Methinks it should be a small wonder to many folks why I have been calling them the Green Meanies since 2004 particularly after they barred me from debating Bruce Northrup in the last election N'esy Pas?

William Ben 
William Ben
The greens over the LPC any day of the week.

David Amos
David Amos
@William Ben Methinks everybody knows they are one and the same N'esy Pas?


 Mike Hamilton 
Colin Seeley
Without a doubt she the worst ideas for these times.

There is only one thing worse than Trudeau and that is E. May.

Wonder how she would costume herself.


george bath
george bath
@Colin Seeley
what Green ideas are you against? as for the anti May narrative? Ugh

David Amos
David Amos
@george bath "what Green ideas are you against?"

Carbon Tax is a big one

Mike Hamilton 
Roger Tank Wilson
Will never vote green as long as May is the leader.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roger Tank Wilson Wise idea

 Mike Hamilton 
Colin Seeley
May Greens are only for the power to destroy the Canadian economy and virtue-fleck to all the usual folks who think they are so specialized.

george bath
george bath
@Colin Seeley
destroy the economy? where Airdrie?

David Amos
David Amos
@george bath New Brunswick too

 Jamie Gillis 
Jamie Gillis
"rising Green tide"? Oh, that's adorable.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jamie Gillis In 2011 it was an Orange Tide Then 2015 a Red one now Madame May thinks its her turn.

Methinks Madame May and the CBC forgot what I said to her and all the other Parliamentarians seated on the ERRE Committee just before Thanksgiving in Fredericton NB in 2106 I was correct N'eys Pas?

Bort Smith 
Bort Smith
The "green tide" you mean like the "Blue Tide" that was supposed to take the US Senate while the republicans kept The House?????? And that overall turned into more of a ripple?

Poll casters and election predictors are todays equivalent of shamans with chicken bones and tea leaves.

george bath
george bath
@Bort Smith
Trump failed
end of the conversation

David Amos
David Amos
@george bath "end of the conversation"

How so? Other folks have the right to offer their two bits worth

Methinks you try to end the conversation because merely because you can't argue N'esy Pas??

Mike Hamilton 
Dallas Mcquarrie
The Greens are the only federal party that is serious about dealing with climate change and the corporate sector's constant corrupt attempts to put profit before life. Perhaps the biggest lie of all is that we have no alternative to fossil fuels, and it is a lie that is already killing people while providing a false sense of security to the hard of thinking. Voting Green is voting to put life before profit and giving the well-being of people a much higher priority than corporate agendas that serve economies of death.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dallas Mcquarrie Yea Right

David Amos
David Amos
@Dallas Mcquarrie Methinks you know as well as I that even Chucky the infamous blogging buddy the local Green Leader who can't be named is calling it the Watermelon Party (Green on the outside and Red on the inside) because of their support of the liberals. This is no surprise to many folks because the leader before him was Frank McKenna's pal Jack MacDougall N'esy Pas?


 Mike Hamilton 
Geoffrey May
Only one Canadian political party has a fully costed platform, Vision Green . Only the Green Party has a credible climate plan, and only Greens can be counted on to push real solutions to avoid catastrophic climate change, A few Greens holding balance of power would have kept Trudeau from spending $4.5 billion on an old leaky pipeline .https://www.greenparty.ca/en/vision-green

David Amos
David Amos
@Geoffrey May Methinks many folks agree that the contemptible lawyer/parliamentarian got off the hook too easy At least she could not be chucked out of her caucus N'esy Pas?


David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks before I listen Mr Grenier and Madame May Prehaps I should remind folks of an older article of his N'esy Pas?


Mike Hamilton 
Jordan Talbot
A vote for the Green Party is a wasted vote. Your call, it's your vote.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jordan Talbot Methinks no vote is a wasted vote Its all the votes that were never cast are the true waste N'esy Pas?

Kevin Delaney 
Kevin Delaney
The Greens need a new Leader. It could be a place to park a vote given the lack of credibility found in all the other parties. Looking forward to all the platforms. Looking for one with a sense of truth and some reality.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kevin Delaney "Looking for one with a sense of truth and some reality."

Methinks everybody knows that such a party does not exist That is why so many folks do not even bother to vote N'esy Pas?

Mike Hamilton 
Catherine Haigh
The value of Ms. May's clarity of facts and clarity of opinion will disappear the closer she gets to winning more seats. IF she ever gets close to being a contender, her communication managers will teach her to be more vague with her words.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Catherine Haigh She has been that way for many years Methinks many folks will never forget that she used to work for Brian Mulroney and supported Agenda 21 after she lost a big lawsuit many moons ago N'esy Pas?

Furthermore the liberals did not put up anyone to run against her in 2008 in Nova Scotia Correct?


Could the queen of green be mean?
"Supporters call Elizabeth May driven, generous and inspirational. But even some in her own party call her duplicitous, a bully and a sellout. Meet Canada’s wackiest politician."

 Mike Hamilton 
Brent Grywinski
It is not a surprise that the Greens are getting more popular and winning more seats across Canada. Environments are getting worse all over the world and the more established parties are not doing much to stem the tide. People are finally noticing that. People are also looking at other parties for different solutions for other problems as well.

David Amos
David Amos
@Brent Grywinski Methinks many folks would agree they are winning more seats because they support liberals so they are getting promoted by CBC this article iis a fine example N'esy Pas?

 Mike Hamilton 
Art Rowe
Man, what gibberish this story produced. Barely a legible thought amongst the current 33 posts.
Greens are certainly different and May is simply holding on to a decent job but has no real meaning in the big picture.
Basically status quo.

David Amos
David Amos
@Art Rowe I agree

David Amos
David Amos
@Art Rowe "Basically status quo."

Methinks that means that you would never vote for me as well N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Art Rowe Do tell did I speak gibberish yesterday? Here is just one comment


Methinks everybody knows this story appeared in the Kings County Record on June 22, 2004 and that I have run for public office 5 more times since I definitely mentioned natural gas then N'esy Pas?

The Unconventional Candidate
By Gisele McKnight

"FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada."

"Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

"What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico

David Amos
David Amos
@Art Rowe "Man, what gibberish this story produced"

Do tell did I speak gibberish yesterday?


Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@David Amos
Please note in my post I said "Barely a legible thought..."
To clarify, most were gibberish, but not necessarily all.

Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Art Rowe
I should add that the spectacle of a Party Leader pontificating while polluted certainly lowers the general opinion of said party.

Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@David Amos
I also humorously note the headline " .... the rising Green tide", in that Green Tides are usually caused by Toxic Algae.

David Amos
David Amos
@Art Rowe I like your style Sir

 Mike Hamilton 
John Haigh
Enough with the oceanic references.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Haigh Why? Such things help to make me laugh at the nonsense of it all.

Ron Wilton 
Ron Wilton
CBC goes on at length discussing politics in over-represented PEI with it's meagre population of 147 thousand souls having 4 MP's, 4 Senators, 25 mla's, 1 LG and god knows how many municipal politicos representing them.
Does anybody there even work for a living?
With that many mouths at the trough they still manage to wrestle up $7 million of our tax dollars in equalization payments every year not to mention the $40 the rest of us plebes have to pay each time we cross the $billion bridge we built for them and another $million or so we give to prop up Anne's house.
I'll bet half of them don't even watch or listen to CBC.
Now take BC with it's 5 million souls paying their own way fighting off Tarberta and the feds from their hellbent determinations to desecrate our shores and mountain vistas and all we have for the benefit of of foreign corporations and what do 'we' get from the CBC?
The same stuff they give to mushrooms.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ron Wilton "The same stuff they give to mushrooms."

Methinks if you read page one of this old document about Wayne Easter and I in 2003 you should consider how much folks have been mushroomed since N'esy Pas?


 Mike Hamilton 
Pierre Filion
Something the Greens do not understand about PEI. Islanders are people who believe in keeping things simple. I really think no matter what happens. Liberals and Conservatives on the Island are not very impressed with the Green party and will vote the Liberals back in. For one reason only because the Conservatives on the Island do not seem to be getting their act together. So the Conservatives will hold their noses and vote Liberal.

David Amos
David Amos
@Pierre Filion "Conservatives on the Island do not seem to be getting their act together"

Methinks that is an understatement to say the least N'esy Pas?

Cyril Hurd 
Cyril Hurd
It's unsurprising that the Greens are seeing an uptick. Some disaffected Liberals and NDPers are parking their support there, rather than with the Conservatives, who are rife with prudes, nativists, and climate change deniers.

Pierre Filion
Pierre Filion
@Cyril Hurd
Get pregnant then wait 8 1/2 months and grab a plane to Canada give birth and life is FREE Forever . That is the way I think a lot of Canadians see it that way. Think about it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Cyril Hurd Methinks "The Power That Be" need explain to me ASAP why they took away my right to vote, deleted my SIN, my health Care Card and my drivers license? At least I still have my old birth certificate and passport to use against them in Federal Court N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Pierre Filion "Think about it."

Methinks we should also welcome them to the Circus N'esy Pas?


Don Cameron 
Don Cameron
It will be interesting to see if the improvement in Green party successes provincially, translate to growth in support federally.

May will need to do a much better job of getting out the message about what the Greens bring to the Canadian political landscape. Time for a new leader perhaps?

David Amos
David Amos
@Don Cameron "Time for a new leader perhaps?"

Methinks the lady lawyer was considering the same thing last year N'esy Pas?

Mike Hamilton 
jim mika
Well, the green party in europe fizzled n died - primarily due to their ideological pursuits.

I certainly hope Canada doesn't make the same mistake - we already have enough trouble with the current incompetent govt.

David Amos
David Amos
@jim mika Oh So True

 Mike Hamilton 
Mario Doucet
CBC polls are wrong 19 times out of 20.

Kent Clarke
Kent Clarke
@Kyle Billing This is true as elections are the only polls that matter.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kent Clarke YUP I agree with Superman

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Kent Clarke Polls/ballots are only the results obtained by PR firms. The reality is elections are just for show. It gives the little people "HOPE" where little now exists. "Better luck with this new government"!!!
Exactly how is this government any better then the last 10-15?
Hope is finding a good job in the west and clear roads to getting there.
Trick now is to find people (off shore) that are far worse off then low paid NBers that will stick it out for 2-5 years before they see greener grass out west as well.

David Amos
David Amos
@Norman Albert Snr Methinks that has been a Maritimer's sad lament for many years not just New Brunswick's However the Charter made it a little worse for us N'esy Pas?


Mike Hamilton 
Pierre Filion
I believe that a lot of Canadians this includes an amount people from BC . That the 3 Green Party Members appeared to hold Canada and Canadians hostages when it came to our natural resources. The Greens played right into Trudeau's hands and what did all Canadians get for this? Well we are still selling our oil for almost nothing and this allowed Trudeau to spend 4.5 Billion Dollars have tax payers money that should never have happened.

David Amos
David Amos
@Pierre Filion Well Put Sir

Karin Bougie 
Karin Bougie
Green Party policies would desecrate a country like Canada, that is why they dwindle at 6%. Whether Trudeau believes it or not, Canada is a resource rich country and we are also a immigrant rich country. You need the one to be able to have the other.

David Amos
David Amos
@Karin Bougie Methinks the natural resources were always here long before Mother Nature gave peoplekind enough brain cells to create greedy political parties N'esy Pas?

 Mike Hamilton 
Cameron James
The chance of any Green Party ever governing the country or a province is very unlikely so why waste your vote?

David Amos
David Amos
@Cameron James Methinks every vote for them scares "The Powers That Be" N'esy Pas?

Gregg Kehoe
Gregg Kehoe
@Cameron James

Once Trudeau fixes the election rules like he promised it'll be fine.

Anyhow, a vote for something you believe in is not wasted.

David Amos
David Amos
@Gregg Kehoe 'Anyhow, a vote for something you believe in is not wasted."

I wholeheartedly agree However Methinks one should be wary of Pied Pipers N'esy Pas?

Mike Hamilton 
Kent Clarke
The Green Party might make more inroads with a new leader.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kent Clarke I concur

Mike Hamilton 
Dale Verigan
This "green tide" is the same as the blue sprinkle down south. Much ado about nothing.

David Amos
David Amos
@Dale Verigan Methinks you are as fond of the old bard as I N'esy Pas?

 Mike Hamilton 
Ryann everett
lol right, the algae slime wont rise to anything, unless its rising for a toast.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ryann everett True

 keith rodgers 
keith rodgers
The Pollcast: Elizabeth May and the rising Green tide
Good...Rather them than the Liberals

David Amos
David Amos
@keith rodgers "Good...Rather them than the Liberals"

Methinks that everybody in New Brunswick just noticed that they are the same N'esy Pas?



Steven Scott
Bob Lashram
If May is an example of green credibility and integrity, I'll pass...Just another extremist who justifies their breaking of the law with virtious rhetoric and inibriared slurs...

David Amos
David Amos
@Bob Lashram "If May is an example of green credibility and integrity, I'll pass"

Me Too

 Gary Wheeler 
Gary Wheeler
It would be hard to have less support. Another fringe party that can not win Canada. It is good for watering down the NDP/Liberal votes. Green will never win Ontario or Quebec.

David Amos
David Amos
@Gary Wheeler "It is good for watering down the NDP/Liberal votes"

True Methinks thats why her buddy Lisa is grinning a lot lately N'esy Pas?


John Nelson
Steven Scott
I like Ms. May she ain't afraid to say sh*t when it is warranted, she has no hidden agendas and it's funny how she keeps her seat election after election must be doing something right .......

John Nelson
John Nelson
@Steven Scott All Ms. May ever says is sh*t.

Steven Scott
Steven Scott
@John Nelson
No she drops F bombs on a regular basis also and mostly directed at the conservatives ........

Rob Unrau
Rob Unrau
@Steven Scott Swearing a lot shows the lack of intelligence and a lazy mind.

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
@John Nelson
She probably doesn't swear when she preaches in churches.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rob Unrau "Swearing a lot shows the lack of intelligence and a lazy mind."

So you say


Steven Scott
Alex Hrech
The Greens will say anything to get at those lucrative salaries, pensions, and benefits. Prime example is here in B.C. Raping old growth trees, some over 150 yrs. old. Polluting fish farms given the ok, MEGA gas tankers coming to the future gas plant running over the small population of whales. Voters need to shake their heads when thing of GREEN.

Steven Scott
Steven Scott
@Alex Hrech
Wouldn't one think the Green Party would champion the environment and curtail the operations of the polluters and environment destroyers, You are looking in the wrong direction to lay blame, Canada got rid of the conservatives who couldn't care one iota about the health and environment of its Citizens or Country ........

David Amos
David Amos
@Steven Scott Methinks my political foes know that I blame all politicians and their legions of greedy lawyers and bureaucrats N'esy Pas?

Steven Scott
Gary Drummond
May is a failure as leader and should have stepped down after the last federal election. She celebrated the victory of Trudeau like a giddy schoolgirl, then made statements describing her lack of interest in being a political leader. She also failed to reign in antisemitism in her party. I quite my membership, as a result of all this. Greens need a new federal leader. CBC can whitewash all they want, truth matters.

David Amos
David Amos
@Gary Drummond "CBC can whitewash all they want, truth matters."

So you say

John Chow 
John Chow
One of the problems that holds back the Green Party is that in many respects they are a bit of a one trick pony.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Chow Methinks that is one tired old pony N'esy Pas?

Barbara Leblanc
Barbara Leblanc
Sorry, not on my radar as an electable party.

David Amos
David Amos
@Barbara Leblanc Nor mine

Barbara Leblanc 
Shirley Witt
No use for her, she is a vote splitter, she is an opportunist, all the money she is making on our dime, take care of you face Ms.May!

David Amos
David Amos
@Shirley Witt You tell her


Dave Hall
Dave Hall
I see all the people who oppose the Green Party think May has to go. Pretty strong vote of confidence in her from my perspective.

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Dave Hall

Confidence to do what.

Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa
@Dave Hall
A lot of Green supporters feel the same way. The party got a smaller % of votes each time in the last 3 elections.

David Amos
David Amos
@Felix Culpa Methinks Madame May is more popular in the media than she is within her own party N'esy Pas?

Kathleen Maduro
Kathleen Maduro
Rising green tide as in algae choking waterways and making people sick.

Anne Bérubé
Anne Bérubé
@Kathleen Maduro Yes and just ask the City of Moncton...

David Amos
David Amos
@Anne Bérubé Methinks folks should talk to Bruce Northrup, The Irving Clan and the Corrridor Resources people about the Green Tide rising on them down in Fundy N'esy Pas?

Colin Seeley
Nico De Jong
What's that - Lizzy May tooting her own horn?

Well, we've never seen that movie before, have we?

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Nico De Jong

Tootie Loopie.

Anne Bérubé
Anne Bérubé
@Colin Seeley I remember that episode which I am sure she wants to forget. And she had a conservative helping her from falling...

David Amos
David Amos
@Anne Bérubé You do know why her and Lisa are pals correct?


Replying to and  49 others
Methinks you know as well as I that many people are calling your beloved party with the Green coats and the red lining the Watermelon Party N'esy Pas?


Shale gas exploration could get green light by Christmas, says MLA

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Greg Smith 
Greg Smith
This incredibly damaging industry is unfortunately all too easy of a sell to most New Brunswickers who live check-to-check and can't think any further ahead than the next 2 weeks and see nothing but short term gains to be had from this. The oil & gas industry is unique in Alberta, because it is geographically isolated from the most population dense part of the province. In NB, with a smaller footprint, we don't have the similar luxury to be able to gamble with our children's future. We will be selling off our natural resources for next to nothing, to large corporate interests who (you guessed it) will get a large tax break, leave with the profits, and all the jobs once the resource is gone.

We're currently giving away Albertan crude at almost a $40/barrel discount, so for those of you who think that everything will be rosy here if we start fracking for natural gas, you need to look no further than the current struggle of the oilsands industry for concrete proof that this is nothing but a bandaid solution to a much larger problem at hand.

David Amos
 Page is closed to commenting.
David Amos
Methinks many folks know that is one of the many reasons I have been against NAFTA just like the liberals were when they were led by the lawyer Turner N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks the Watermelon Party and their cohorts no doubt regret barring me from debating Northrup during the last election N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos


Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos That sounds racist. And you wonder why you lost.

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Samuel Porter
Indeed it does.

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@Samuel Porter Methinks

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "That sounds racist. And you wonder why you lost."

What planet are you from? Methinks you know as well as I that many people are calling your beloved party with the Green coats and the red lining that N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter BTW please justify why you call me a racist real slow

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos You know the answer to that nesypas? Thing is did you think no one would notice?

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos Another reason why you lost. You don't listen, or read well. I said " that " not " you " .

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Colin Seeley Indeed Methinks you know as well as I that you can't even write post the name of the leader of the Watermelon Party without being considered a racist by CBC N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "Thing is did you think no one would notice?"

Notice what?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter I presume you hold to CBC rules and that is your real name Correct?

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos Yes. What rules? The ones that let you delete your account if you want? It is the only site I know of that doesn't allow that.

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "You don't listen, or read well."

Nope it is you who does not does listen, or read well however I have no doubt whatsoever that you are well aware of my lawsuit in Federal Court Furthermore I heard Charles Leblanc a great friend of the Party Leader calling it that within his Youtube videos Obviously it was not my original thought N'esy Pas?

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@David Amos Sounds like a threat. Guess i need to make a phone call. You are scary. Is that what you wanted to hear?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "Guess i need to make a phone call."

Please do Trust that the RCMP know exactly who I am It is you I am wondering about

Methinks you just went from bad to worse No you are accusing me of a criminal act N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "Sounds like a threat. Guess i need to make a phone call."

Methinks anyone can Google David Amos RCMP in order to come to an understanding as to why I am suing the Crown and ran for public office 6 times thus far N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter 'You are scary. "

Methinks its not my fault that you cannot read all my replies N'esy Pas?


Dylan Raven
Dylan Raven
I find this debate so trivial. NBers are so stupid. No to fracking because its harmful to the environment, but hey let's continue to allow spraying the forests with a dangerous chemical. If we were truly concerned about the environment why haven't we put a stop to spraying glyphosate?

Samuel Porter
Samuel Porter
@Dylan Raven We need to stop it all. Why do people think you need to trash the earth to make a living.. Very narrow minded, start thinking outside the box.

David Amos
David Amos
@Samuel Porter "start thinking outside the box"

Methinks you should follow your own advice N'esy Pas?

 Fred Brewer 
Fred Brewer
Irving Empire - A big proponent of fracking
Mr. Higgs - A big proponent of fracking

Coincidence? You decide.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer Nope

Dylan Raven 
Mario Doucet
Le Parti Liberal had no business placing a moratorium on fracking, some people were looking forward to the development of this resource.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mario Doucet

*some people were looking forward to the development of this resource.*

Yeah like the Irving's.

Fracking wont bring any money to the province and require small labor.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin. I agree.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Well that's a first. :)

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin. Sometime I even surprise myself.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Me Too

 Dylan Raven 
Marc Martin
Higgs and PANB already started doing cuts to save money this week end they turned the power of at NB Power....

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks a lot of folks don't find that even remotely funny N'esy Pas/

 Dylan Raven 
David Stairs
I see all the fear mongers are commenting...read up on what this is and get an informed opinion...I was around fracking for 30 years and never saw any of these things happening...it's been put in the same boat as duality being against the Acadie..

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Stairs, but there is no $$$$ in it at this time.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Stairs Just because you yourself never seen any of those things happen doesn't mean they don't happen, Mishaps have been documented about fracking that haven't had good results.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Stairs

*I see all the fear mongers are commenting*

I see them cry every day how much life is unfaire and that they are treated so poorly compared to the Francophones, ohh wait your one of them....

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin the francophone's were treated far better than the Celtic people in the past but they don't expect other people to pay for their culture and language's as with other races of people in N.B.

Dylan Raven
Dylan Raven
@David Stairs you are correct however people only believe what they want to believe. Truth or not.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Its not about culture its about official languages, there are 2 in Canada that needs to be respected English and French you didn't know ?

*but they don't expect other people to pay for their culture and language's *

But if we go with your theory, then why am I paying for your culture and language?

Arthur John
Arthur John
@Marguerite Deschamps You need to check the price of natural gas in Boston during winter months, that is one of the markets for NB natural gas.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin. Your not paying for my culture or language. I am not of either francophone or anglophone just like you don't pay for the other races of people. This is 2018 but you seem to live in the past. Why should only 2 races of people have languages rights. are the rest of races 2nd class citizen's?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Arthur John. That's the problem. We sell our resources at a lower price then N.Ber's pay a much higher price for our own resources.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre "This is 2018 but you seem to live in the past."

Plus its 3 long years past the being of the mandate of Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger. With regards to language rights, Methinks you should ask the ghosts of Prime Minister Trudeau The Elder and Premier Hatfield why they made New Brunswick Canada' ONLY bilingual province quite likely before the Quebecker you are arguing was born N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
I am not against using our natural resourse's but what I am against is wasting it, It will take Billions of liters of water for these fracking wells. what are they going to do with the waste water . Throw it into the river systems and pollute like other people do. If we are going to waste the water then why not filter it, bottle or by other means and then sell it N.B would probably make more money by doing this than depend on royalties from big business in which some cases we pay to have our resourse's used.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks many folks know I have said that many times already N'esy Pas?

The Pollcast: Elizabeth May and the rising Green tide

This week: Elizabeth May's strategy for the 2019 election and the latest in P.E.I. politics

Though Green Party Leader Elizabeth May remains the only Green MP in the House of Commons, a number of new Green provincial legislators were elected in the past year. Will she be joined by more Greens in Ottawa in 2019? (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
In a series of provincial elections, the Greens have made new breakthroughs and, in British Columbia and New Brunswick, hold the balance of power in minority legislatures. But can the Green Party of Canada replicate these provincial successes in next year's federal election?
Elizabeth May is the longest-serving leader of any federal or provincial party with elected representatives in the country, having become leader of the Greens just over 12 years ago. She got a seat in the House of Commons in 2011 when she won the B.C. riding of Saanich–Gulf Islands.

Though May was re-elected in 2015, the party was unable to win any other ridings despite some hopes for new seats, particularly on Vancouver Island.

But provincial parties have increased their clout since then. In 2017, the B.C. Greens won three seats and entered into an arrangement with the New Democrats to prop up their minority government. Later in the year, the Greens in P.E.I. won a second seat in a byelection, doubling their representation. The party has since moved into a neck-and-neck race with the governing Liberals in the polls, while leader Peter Bevan-Baker is the most popular provincial leader in P.E.I.

In 2018, the Greens won their first seat in the Ontario provincial election in June and in September the Greens went from one to three MLAs in New Brunswick, giving them lots of sway in a divided minority legislature.

The federal Greens have seen an uptick in support in B.C. and in Atlantic Canada, suggesting that their provincial successes are beginning to rub off on the federal party. Nevertheless, the Greens remain at around six per cent in the polls nationwide.

On this week's episode of the Pollcast, host Éric Grenier is joined by the Green Party leader to discuss her strategy for the 2019 federal election.

Then, the CBC's Kerry Campbell breaks down the provincial political scene in P.E.I., where the Greens likely will be put to the electoral test next.

The CBC Election Pollcast
Elizabeth May and the rising Green tide

 Green Party Leader Elizabeth May discusses strategy for the 2019 election, and the CBC's Kerry Campbell breaks down what could be the next political test for the Greens in PEI. 31:16

Listen to the full discussion above — or subscribe to the CBC Pollcast and listen to past episodes of the show.

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Shale gas exploration could get green light by Christmas, says MLA

Progressive Conservative Bruce Northrup says moratorium would be lifted in areas where there is public support

Anti-fracking activist Willi Nolan calls opening up the shale-gas debate in New Brunswick ridiculous. (CBC)

Bruce Northrup, the Progressive Conservative MLA for Sussex-Fundy-St Martins, said the PCs will make a move to lift the moratorium on shale gas exploration by Christmas in areas where there is public support.

The controversy over fracking in New Brunswick last came to a head in October 2013, when 40 protesters were arrested and five police cars were burned in Rexton. A temporary moratorium was put in place, then made permanent under Brian Gallant's Liberal government.

Premier-designate Blaine Higgs has said he is willing to open the debate surrounding the natural resource.

Higgs expects he and his cabinet will be sworn in on Friday, a week after the Liberals were defeated on a confidence vote.

On Tuesday, Northrup, a former minister of natural resources, one-upped Higgs on the shale gas issue by providing a timeline.

"We will have to go through the process through the legislation and I'm hoping we'll be able to do that before Christmas," he said.

"We lift the moratorium and be in constant contact with Corridor Resources and look at that in the future and start it as soon as we can, as soon as possible."

Protesters against shale gas exploration faced a line of police officers in Rexton in October 2013. (Andrew Vaughan/Canadian Press)

Northrup said his constituents support hydraulic fracking, and there are others in favour as well.

"The Boiestown-Doaktown area, they've seen the exploration on their area where the motels were full and the restaurants were full."

Northrup was quick to add that fracking will only be welcome in communities where there is public support.

But activist and anti-shale gas protester Willi Nolan-Campbell disagrees with Northrup, arguing people in New Brunswick were clear during what she called "the fracking wars" five years ago.
She said people who protested put in the effort to protect the environment and believed fracking was unsafe.

"Does this new minority government have that evidence because all I'm seeing is the case against fracking getting worse and worse as the years go by," she said.

"Why would they ever bring up fracking in New Brunswick? It's ridiculous."

MLA Bruce Northrup was minister of natural resources from 2010 to 2013 in the Progressive Conservative government of David Alward. (CBC)

Nolan-Campbell said allowing some communities to frack while others opt out doesn't make sense. Water is a resource shared by all, she said.

"I don't see how there could possibly be a place in the province where there's not going to be somebody downstream or close by that is not interested."

And if a PC government does lift the ban, Nolan-Campbell said protesters will organize again. This time they'll be even better at it, she said.

Higgs has said he is open to loosening restrictions imposed by the Liberal government but has not discussed a timeline.

About the Author


Tori Weldon
Tori Weldon is a reporter based in Moncton. She's been working for the CBC since 2008.
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


Could the queen of green be mean?

Supporters call Elizabeth May driven, generous and inspirational. But even some in her own party call her duplicitous, a bully and a sellout. Meet Canada’s wackiest politician.

by Oct 29, 2007 

Green party leader Elizabeth May reacts to a supporter during stop at the VIA Rail station in Edmonton, Alta., on Monday, September 22, 2008. May is on a cross country whistle-stop tour which will take her from Vancouver to Toronto and from Montreal to Truro, Nova Scotia. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Elizabeth May bustles through her crowded living room mother-hen-like, carrying a fish-shaped glass platter laden with canapés. Everything’s ecologically correct, she jokes—the bread is homemade, the devilled eggs free-range, the smoked salmon and lobster wild. The occasion is May’s annual Twelfth Night party in January 2007; her cozy, ramshackle house in Ottawa’s New Edinburgh neighbourhood is packed. Former colleagues from May’s 17 years heading the Sierra Club of Canada mingle with new associates from the Green Party of Canada, of which she was elected leader in August 2006. May’s 15-year-old daughter, Victoria Cate, herself newly elected as an organizer of the Green’s youth wing, mingles with parishioners from May’s parish, St. Bartholomew’s Anglican, who chat with politicians of various stripes, among them Liberal MP John Godfrey and NDP MP Paul Dewar. And, of course, there’s a smattering of media who’ve covered May’s headline-grabbing crusades over the years, including her 17-day hunger strike on Parliament Hill in 2001 which drew attention to the high cancer rates near Cape Breton’s Sydney tar ponds.

May’s transition from non-partisan to partisan appears imperceptible save one absence. “Where’s Jack?” a number of guests ask, referring to NDP Leader Jack Layton, an attendee in years past. May shrugs, her eyes wide. “He won’t return my calls,” she says in her girlish sing-sing voice. May has made it no secret she’s furious with Layton for helping to bring down the Liberal government in December 2005, on the first day of the international climate change conference in Montreal. It diverted media attention from the cause to which she’s dedicated her life. That Layton wouldn’t return her calls became a mantra for May, even though it’s a version disputed by Layton’s chief of staff. Still, the protestation’s vintage May—presenting herself the wronged innocent when the truth is more complex.
The house is filled with mementoes from May’s activist past. At the top of the stairs, there’s a mock newspaper front page of her meeting Prince Charles. In one of many photographs, May, holding Victoria Cate as a baby, stands beside Bill Clinton, a family friend, in the Oval Office; on Clinton’s other side is May’s mother, Stephanie May, once a well-known American activist with deep connections to the Democratic party. Nature imagery abounds—a batik of a zebra adorns one wall, sea shells line shelves, lobster lights surround a kitchen window. Books lie everywhere; the latest thinking on ecological devastation sits next to tomes by May’s close friends—David Suzuki, who has called her an “eco-hero,” Farley Mowat, Victoria Cate’s godfather, and Margaret Atwood. Over the years, this place has served as a commune of sorts for friends and colleagues. Crowding became so bad that Victoria Cate once asked her mother if they could limit the number of guests to the number of beds. Such generosity is typical, say friends for whom May is a saintly figure—known to give everything, never thinking of herself.

At midnight, per tradition, the Balsam fir is stripped of decorations—of the angel fashioned from a Sunlight bottle, of the Star of David made of pipe cleaners—and tossed out the front door. Circulating among her guests, a glass of white wine in hand, May describes her recent appearance on The Rick Mercer Report in which she chopped down a dead birch tree. “Maybe it should have remained for habitat reasons,” she frets. In a flash, her mischievous humour appears as she spies two guests ready to leave. “You guys are such losers,” she yells out. “The sex orgy doesn’t start until after midnight.”
It’s not the parting salvo one would expect from the leader of a Canadian political party, particularly one who teaches Sunday school, but then again, since taking over the Green Party of Canada, Elizabeth May has confounded expectations. Back then, she appeared primed to vitalize a party that’s been but a blip on the political radar, winning only 4.5 per cent of the vote in the 2006 federal election. Green parties have made ground in more than 30 countries, but the Green Party of Canada, founded in 1983, has yet to elect a candidate to the House of Commons. A charismatic orator and a media magnet, May appeared ideal to deliver the Green message—an ideological hybrid who’s rightward leaning in terms of endorsing marketplace solutions and tax-shifting from income to fossil fuels, but more to the left in social policy.

Climate change of another kind—in the political landscape—also bodes well for a Green breakout. No federal party holds a commanding lead in the polls. Loyalties are shifting, as seen most recently in Quebec. Voters say the environment tops their list of concerns. In her first outing as a Green candidate in the London North Centre by-election last November, May surprised, placing second to Liberal Glen Pearson with 26 per cent of the vote, the party’s best federal result.

Yet since entering the partisan fray, the 53-year-old cherubic, self-described “eco bitch” has proven a polarizing force of nature herself—announcing plans to run against Conservative cabinet minister Peter MacKay in the next federal election, dissing Prime Minister Stephen Harper at every turn and, most notoriously, backing another party’s leader, Stéphane Dion, as the best prospect for prime minister. Under May, the party has never been more popular: membership has more than doubled, to 11,000, in a year; a September Decima poll showed support at 14 per cent, a new high. Behind the scenes, however, the Greens are a phosphate-free soap opera, riven by backbiting, infighting, and defections, including the departure of four executive directors since May has taken over. The Greens’ new leader is alternatively heralded as the best or the worst thing to happen to the party. Her many acolytes praise her charm, her cunning, her drive, her selflessness. Her critics portray her as duplicitous, conniving, and a bully who’s more interested in self-promotion than party-building. They call her E-Me, and paint a picture of a Machiavellian St. Francis of Assisi—the plucky underdog who’s also a consummate Ottawa insider, a skilled negotiator willing to do whatever it takes to save The Planet. As a politician, she’s a conundrum—less interested in acquiring power than harnessing the change power can effect. Mowat doesn’t regard his longtime friend a politician at all. “I would say she’s a politician in quotes—ironically,” he says. “She’s a dedicated goddamned visionary. That’s what she is first and foremost.” With a federal election looming, May’s goddamn vision is destined to find its place centre stage, affecting both the political landscape and the Green party’s very sustainability.
Elizabeth May came by her activism genetically. Her mother took pride in appearing on Richard Nixon’s “enemies” list. Her father, John May, an insurance executive, was equally committed to social change. Peace marches and anti-nuclear demonstrations were routine outings during her posh Connecticut childhood. Together her parents founded a grassroots group credited with convincing president Kennedy to ban atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. In How to Save the World in Your Spare Time, her 2006 activism primer, May recalls being used as a “media prop” at the Washington press launch: “I represented all the poisoned innocents of the world,” she writes. So sensitive was she to environmental violation as a child that, according to family lore, she once expressed alarm at jet vapour trails overhead. “Mommy, who’s scratching the sky?” she asked. At nursery school, she warned other children not to eat the snow because it contained radioactive strontium 90. As a teenager she founded a group that won statewide bans on non-returnable bottles and phosphates.

May’s crusading shifted to Canadian soil after her parents moved the family to Nova Scotia in 1972, fed up with their tax dollars buying napalm. On a whim, they sunk their life savings into property in Baddeck and a money-losing restaurant in Magaree Harbour. May took leave from first year at Smith College to cook, wait tables and agitate. Her successful 1976 campaign to end aerial spraying of the spruce budworm with a toxic insecticide inspired an NFB documentary. In 1980, newly minted as a Canadian citizen, May ran against incumbent Liberal Alan MacEachan in Cape Breton-Canso as an independent. Her goal wasn’t to win — which she didn’t—but to force discussion of the issues. A subsequent effort to stop a provincial plan to destroy non-commercial hardwood trees with a herbicide, waged while she studied law at Dalhousie in the early ’80s, was fought out in the courts. May’s group lost, and was ordered to pay court costs; her family had to sell their house and 70 acres of property. In 1983, May took a job at a Halifax law firm but quickly became frustrated by environmental law’s emphasis on procedure over substance. “Erin Brockovich would have been an unknown poor legal assistant forever in Canada,” she once quipped.

Over the next two decades, May morphed into this country’s Brockovich—less grassroots militant than master of the procedural banality of board-sitting, government advisories, and political conciliation. Some friends expressed disapproval when she went to work as senior policy adviser to environment minister Tom McMillan in the Mulroney government in 1986. While there, May was credited as a pivotal force in turning South Moresby, in B.C.’s Queen Charlotte Islands, into a national park and negotiating a 1988 international treaty to protect the ozone layer. Her 1988 resignation over the government illegally granting permits for dams in Saskatchewan was given wide media play as an act of conscience.

The matter was more complicated. May admits to playing both sides to push her agenda. After taking the government job, she remained on the Pollution Probe board for months, a conflict of interest, though McMillan had agreed she could keep ties to the movement. In a 1989 interview, May said she leaked government secrets to environmental groups against McMillan’s instruction. She also went to Liberal and NDP environmental critics behind the minister’s back to keep them informed on South Moresby developments. “It seemed unorthodox but it worked,” she said. Various groups, including Pollution Probe, accused May of threatening to pull funding if they didn’t support a 1986 environmental protection act, an allegation May denied. (After the bill passed, May agreed it was flawed but “better than having nothing at all.” Other environmentalists disagreed.) Angered at May’s telling, McMillan called her a liar. May insisted she bore no malice to McMillan yet she managed to twist the knife. “He had the heart for it,” she said. “But his will was weak.” Her final verdict on the man who hired her: “He had no personal judgment.”

Moral certitude has always underlined May’s crusade. Her wilfulness was evident in her decision to join a church at age 13, long after her mother had taken the family out of their Episcopalian parish because the minister wouldn’t sign a petition against weapons testing. She flirted with Judaism until a friend’s father, a rabbi, suggested she explore her own roots. May went off and got herself confirmed. Her affinity for the metaphysical is profound, and has extended to the use of crystals. She has also used visualization techniques as a way to focus, revealing in a 1989 interview, “I used to put premier [Bill] Vander Zalm in a love light” as a means to pave the path for concessions on South Moresby. She also admitted she consulted psychics to determine weather conditions before one of McMillian’s trips to the Arctic. Currently, she’s studying for her masters in theology.

Yet there’s nothing airy-fairy or sanctimonious about May. She’s earthy, possessed of a wicked wit and the capacity for instant intimacy. She has discussed her anguish trying to reconcile her belief that all life is sacred with her conviction that abortion should be legal, lest women die. She wasn’t married to the father of her daughter, the prominent climate change scientist Ian Burton, though she does refer to him as her “ex-husband,” a fact that bemuses Burton, though he doesn’t object. The two are on good terms. “We lived together for less than two years without being legally married,” he says. “I guess it’s a matter of definitions.” Burton views the roots of May’s activism as complex and mysterious. “Elizabeth wants to change the world into a better place, and if it were not the environment that led to her activism then it would be something else,” he says.

By the early 1990s, May’s desire to change the world engaged her in so many organizations it was difficult to keep track. Her work with a group to preserve the Brazilian rainforest propelled her into the eco-celebrity orbit of Sting and Body Shop founder Anita Roddick. Meanwhile, she was busy building the Sierra Club of Canada into a national presence. While heading that NGO, she participated in an advance governmental delegation planning the 1992 Rio Summit. In Elaine Dewar’s 1993 book Cloak of Green, a critical look at the internecine relations between business, government and environmentalists, getting May onside for business or government is described as the equivalent of “one-stop shopping.” Dewar writes: “Information or a position could be generated anywhere—in an embassy in Brazil, in a meeting room in Washington, in a boardroom in Switzerland—and, if fed to May, end up touted on the pages of the Globe and Mail.” Adrian Carr, now deputy leader of the Greens, recalls May taking her on a tour of government offices during the 1990s. “She knew everybody—from ministers to their assistants—by their first names.” Behind the scenes, May wrote speeches on confidential contract for people in high places, says a friend. In How to Save the World in Your Spare Time, one of her five books, May lists “Ten Lessons Learned at My Mother’s Knee.” Number two: “You can accomplish anything you want if you don’t care who gets the credit.”

During the ’90s, May’s Sierra Club worked closely with the Liberals to get the Kyoto Protocol ratified. Her colleague Louise Comeau, now president of the board of the Sierra Club, provided the research for Dion’s controversial 2005 Kyoto plan. May applauded it, though other environmental groups, along with the Bloc and the NDP, condemned it as too weak. In Dead Centre, published in early 2007, former NDP strategist Jamey Heath calls May “the most reliable validator of Liberal policy for years.”
Heath upbraids May for not being more critical of the Liberals, particularly given their minority government status at the time. “People see her as non-partisan, let’s all get along, etc. And to an extent that is correct,” he says. “But the dividing line isn’t partisan but establishment. She will work with anyone in power. What she’s done less well is working with people not in power . . . the NDP and, ironically, the Greens. She is the poster child for playing Ottawa’s inside game.”

The threat of a Stephen Harper Conservative government galvanized May politically. Harper was, after all, the man who once referred to the Kyoto Protocol as a “job-killing, economy-destroying, socialist scheme.” John Godfrey recalls May trying to broker an arrangement during the 2006 election between the Liberals and Greens that would see Greens throw support to the Liberals in return for them endorsing electoral reform. It didn’t happen. The Harper victory pushed May over the partisan edge. “I saw 20 years of work falling away,” she says. “She felt the opposition to Harper was not loud enough,” says one friend, who notes May was frustrated no one was speaking out clearly on climate change. Godfrey said there was talk of May joining the Liberals, then mired in a leadership race Dion showed little sign of winning. The Greens, she concluded, offered more traction and exposure.
May won the leadership on the first ballot with 65 per cent of the vote. Hope ran high she’d become Canada’s answer to Petra Kelly, the German Green leader who turned a marginal group of bickering tree-huggers into the world’s most successful environmental party. The party May inherited is a fractious bunch, differing in opinion on whether they belong to a political party or social movement: on one side, the moderates, many decamped from other parties, intent on building the Greens into a parliamentary presence; on the other, the “deep greens,” who hold power suspect and measure success in terms of shaking up the status quo from the outside. A right-left divide also exists. Jim Harris, the party’s former leader, was derided by some members as being a suit-wearer who was too “pro-business.”

May attempts to straddle this uneasy gulf. She shuns pollsters, spin doctors and focus groups. “I refused to be packaged like toothpaste,” she likes to say. She models herself as a new-style politician, a “truth-teller” who can be counted on for candour. The urgency of global warming calls for new collaborative measures, she says. “Short-term partisan advantage is not my goal, which is why sometimes I’ll say things that may be perceived as against self-interest—which of course makes even Greens mad at me.” She faults Layton for not bringing up Kyoto at the last leaders’ debate. “The calculation then was not ‘What’s good for the environment,’ but ‘What’s good for winning seats,’ ” she says. May maintains that progress requires putting aside the “primitive tribalism” that precludes politicians from working together. “If you want to step out of line and say something respectful about someone in another party it’s like the world falls on your head, and that surprised me since I’ve been leader,” she says.

This kind of talk can drive those working with her batty. Dan Baril, a strategist brought in to advise during May’s run in London North Centre, recalls one conversation: “She tapped me on the shoulder one day and said, ‘I want you to know if it ever came down to a choice of winning seats or doing the right thing, I’m always going to do the right thing.’ And I looked at her and said, ‘That’s great, as long as you understand that in order to do the right thing you also have to win some seats.’ ”
The inevitable collision between those two desires came with May’s announcement she’d be running against MacKay in Central Nova. Party numbers suggested she look elsewhere—London North Central, Halifax, even elsewhere in Cape Breton—for the best odds of winning a seat in the House. May says she chose the riding because of her roots in the region. More, it commanded media spotlight, which in turn could aid her quest to be included in the televised leaders’ debates. Then there was the added bonus of potentially taking out MacKay, a Harper cabinet minister whom she blames for “cannibalizing” the Tories by brokering their merger with the Canadian Alliance.

Victory appeared a long shot when May made her announcement in March. In 2006, MacKay won with 41 per cent support, followed closely by NDP candidate Alexis MacDonald. The Liberals placed third, with the Green candidate finishing in the far distance with a mere 1.6 per cent of the vote. What wasn’t known was that May had been talking to the Liberals about them not running a candidate since early February. Ridings other than the Conservative stronghold were discussed. Meanwhile, May contacted Stephen Lewis, an old friend, in early March, just before announcing she’d run in Central Nova, to act as emissary with Layton to “discuss some kind of deal around seats,” says Layton’s chief of staff Bob Gallagher. Lewis and Layton dismissed the idea. On April 12, May held a press conference with Dion to announce they wouldn’t run candidates in each other’s ridings, which freed up an estimated 10,000 votes in Central Nova, far from enough to assure victory. May praised Dion, saying her work with him convinced her he is the best choice to lead Canada.

Layton and Harper blasted the arrangement, which also ticked off many Liberals and pushed Greens to the blogosphere to vent their fury. Though technically the agreement sacrificed only a few hundred Green votes in Dion’s Saint-Laurent-Cartierville riding, the optics were confusing — vote Green but support Dion as prime minister. For Dion to achieve a minority, according to this reasoning, May was saying 124 Greens should not hold seats. There was also concern the deal would undermine Green momentum, cost votes in other ridings, and inhibit the attacks Green candidates could mount against Liberals. And that could result in lost revenue to Green coffers. (Under new rules introduced in 2003, parties achieving two per cent of the popular vote receive $1.75 per vote from the federal treasury.) “There is a take that she made that deal and sold 307 candidates out for her benefit, and that’s where we get into the ‘It’s all about Elizabeth thing,’ ” says one party member. Yet if one looks back to the position May voiced in the 2005 election, before being elected Green leader, it’s consistent. “I wouldn’t take the risk of voting Green if I thought I might elect someone who would help destroy Kyoto,” she said.

A more overriding concern among Greens was that it set them up as a branch plant of the Liberals, whose record on emissions was worse than that of George W. Bush. May’s Sierra Club ranked the Liberal party fourth on environmental issues in 2004 and 2006; the NDP was ranked A+ in 2004, and A in 2006, taking a back seat to the Greens’ A+. On the Green party website, Andrew Lewis, May’s “shadow cabinet” critic for natural resources, blasted the agreement: “What Elizabeth Mayis implying is that yes, we should vote strategically, for the Liberals if necessary, and that Dion is green enough.”
May claims the agreement was a one-off with Dion, not the Liberals. “Stéphane Dion has done better on a range of things than his predecessors, that’s what I said when I was at the Sierra Club. I can’t pretend I didn’t say it,” she says. Before the arrangement was announced, it was suggested to May that if she wanted to support Dion, she should jump to the Liberals. She shot the idea down, noting her differences with Liberal policies—most vigorously on NAFTA, which she opposes. Her antipathy was clear in an email sent to party members on April 1 in which Dion is described as “a fine person”: “I have worked with him. He is honest and has a lot of integrity. He was not the choice of the corrupt Liberal Establishment and I suspect they will not be unhappy if he crashes and burns and they can go back to someone whom they can better control.”

Green senior deputy leader David Chernushenko, who ran against May for the leadership, disagreed with the deal, noting it reflects May’s conciliatory activist MO.
“But unfortunately, party politics is a zero-sum game—it’s all or nothing, either you get a vote or I do,” he says. For May, however, the game has higher stakes. She’s unwilling to pretend that Greens have any shot at toppling the government in the next election. She’s also sensitive to accusations she could become Canada’s Ralph Nader—fragmenting votes on the left to pave way for a Harper majority. Nader’s mistake, she says, was in suggesting there was no difference between Bush and Gore. “It’s a statement of the obvious to advance an agenda I’d rather be working with prime minister Dion when I’m in the House of Commons than with Prime Minister Harper,” she says. Should Dion form a government and she’s elected an MP, she says, there’s nothing ruling out her assuming a cabinet post.
May’s praise of Dion rankles many Greens. As does her constant vilification of Harper. Her comment last March that Harper’s stance on the environment is “a grievance worse than Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of the Nazis” created a furor. May said she was just paraphrasing a British journalist. A party insider sees the incident as telling of May’s intransigence. “She threw gas on it. She could have smoothed it over as any professional politician would have, but she prefers to fight. She turned a three- or four-day story into a three-week story by not finding her graceful exit and moving on.”

May’s constant criticism of Harper is “a blind spot,” says Chernushenko, one that’s problematic for the party in Alberta where polls show Greens running second to the Conservatives. “When you demonize Harper you demonize everyone who voted for him. But really, in what way is Harper more evil than the Liberals, who promised they’d do something on the environment and climate change for 12 years and didn’t, than someone who says, ‘I don’t believe the science and it’s not worth doing’ and then says ‘I kind of believe the science and we’re going to do something’?” A former party organizer laughs at May’s talk of fostering dialogue rooted in respect: “For somebody who professes not to like to talk about herself she’s very good at it, and for somebody who refuses not to mudsling, she’s perfected it to a level Karl Rove would envy.”

May says the Green executive was in accord over the arrangement with Dion: “By the time we decided to go ahead I had unanimous support from my council and shadow cabinet and local greens in Quebec.” Members of the 21-person Green national council say the arrangement was never discussed at a council meeting; many were phoned a day ahead of the announcement by the party’s executive director or May. “I don’t want to appear to be a critic of Elizabeth but I think the truth is important,” says council member Christopher Bennett, who supported May for leader. “You can’t talk about transparency when you’ve made the deal and consult after the fact.” Dan Baril says he resigned due to the deal, which he opposed, along with other frustrations that he wasn’t being listened to. “I want to be careful. It’s a sensitive topic,” he says. “But as a strategist, I have a problem if there’s a disconnect between what they’re saying privately and what they’re saying publicly. And when it crosses that line, I resign.” (May says Baril resigned after she told him they could no longer afford his salary.) May’s comments about the Dion arrangement is not the only example of a mixed message, says a party insider: “The fact is that she can, with wide-eyed persuasive sincerity, look into a camera or speak into a microphone and say something that you have been discussing in the backroom the week before and know flat out it’s the antithesis of what was said.”

May’s approach has created friction within a party that publicly celebrates inclusiveness. “She exercises absolute total dominance of the party council and party meetings,” says one who has worked with her. “She can be abrasive and aggressive; she can swear like a trooper in a closed room. The switch goes on and off—out of the public eye she can be some kind of bully to some devoted activists.” During open votes, May is said to pick up the phone and “browbeat” people until they change their vote. She is known to shift style to suit her purpose: “She is unilateral when she needs it, and turns to grassroots consensus when she wants to stop something or slow something down.” One member of the executive observes that May likes to mock Harper’s unilateral governance of the Conservatives: “But compared to Elizabeth, Stephen Harper is Mother Teresa.”

Internal party conflict was made public last spring when a confidential email May wrote to the party executive was posted on the party website. May was responding to advice put forward by party strategist David Scrymgeour that spending be slashed and that May step down from the budget review committee. Scrymgeour, a former national director of the Progressive Conservatives, was concerned the party was a quarter of a million dollars in debt as the result of new staff hires and other expenditures. May maintained spending cuts would hurt the party’s ability to fight an election. “In my experience, it’s not politically intelligent for the leader to be dominating the budget committee,” says Scrymgeour. “The leader’s job is to put forward the message. Don’t let there ever be an impression that policy and financing are happening through the same person.” In her response, May described her job as “gruelling,” and herself as “bone-weary” and “broke.” If governing council dumped her from the budget group, she wrote, “I would have a hard time staying on as leader.” May remained on the committee. “Elizabeth doesn’t step down from anything,” says an insider. “On one hand she’s absolutely saving the planet, but on the other hand, when things don’t go her way, she’s pulling out the martyr shtick. She flips back and forth between a messiah-martyr thing; it’s part of her makeup.”

As happens with any management shift, there have been defections. Thomas Goodman, a Winnipeg lawyer who supported May’s leadership bid, left the party in November after he and May disagreed over direction. He recommended a moderate course that excluded extremists whom he found “dangerous”; she endorsed a big-tent approach. May consulted him over a press release advocating that every Canadian worker should be given four weeks’ paid holiday; it said that currently, Canadian workers were being treated like serfs in the Middle Ages. “I wasn’t sure it was constitutional, in that paid holidays are provincially regulated,” Goodman says. He also found the language inappropriate. “To call workers of Canada serfs suggests employers are feudal lords.” When he told May so, he says he received a flippant reply: “I think Elizabeth’s a good person, a sharp person, a wonderful orator, but she’s politically naive. To my mind there are a lot of lessons to be learned by a political neophyte, and to my mind she hasn’t learned them.”

In July, Chernushenko announced he was leaving, frustrated his talents weren’t being used fully. A three-time Green candidate, Chernushenko was seen as one of the few Greens who might win a seat in the next election. Chernushenko says he tried to work with May but found it difficult. “Elizabeth’s style is very focused on her. It’s a very singular leadership style and that’s what she’s always done and that’s who she is.” Before he left the party, he says, he advised that “one thing that needs to happen and that would be for her own good too—both her own pace and health—would be to have a broad and deep team. I want to see more of that depth consulted and their views being given serious consideration. And I want to see more of the great people in the party visible so people know we’re there, but most importantly because that’s a motivator for people.” Still, Chernushenko says he hasn’t ruled out running again for the Greens. John Bennett, who worked with May at Sierra Club and now runs climateforchange.ca, says May does nurture staff. “She’s a huge powerhouse, she can easily run over you but it’s never with the intention of running over you; she’s seen the objective and is heading toward it,” he says. “Everyone has opportunity when you work for Elizabeth. All you have to do is take it.” Carr, a May ally, says May has brought new blood to the party—not household names, but people respected in academe and the environmental community. Soon after she was elected, May said her old pal Suzuki might run for the party. Suzuki refuses comment.

Building the Greens is a long-term game. And that has redirected some high-profile potential candidates to establishment parties. May courted former Conservative MP Garth Turner after he was kicked out of caucus last fall, but he went to the Liberals. “Elizabeth Maywill never be prime minister but Stéphane Dion has a possibility,” he says. “He can implement climate change strategy and Elizabeth can’t; she can only influence it.” Vancouver Island environmentalist Briony Penn, a long-time Green, came to a similar conclusion, announcing last March she’d run for the Liberals against Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn in Saanich-Gulf Islands. Penn says that she respects May, and was influenced by her support for Dion. “The counsel people gave me is that there was no way I could get elected as a Green. Maybe that’s wrong.” May expresses annoyance that Penn is suggesting she condoned the defection. “It’s very unhelpful and not based in reality,” she says.

Turner is sympathetic: “Elizabeth is in a more difficult position than other party leaders. She’s earning in salary what Preston Manning spent on suits. She’s got a party that can afford a train ticket not an airplane ticket, and she’s going around the country on a shoestring.” May’s schedule is gruelling. Not only are there party machinations to deal with, but she must build a base in Central Nova, where she bought a house this summer—taking out a line of credit on her Ottawa house when the local credit union refused her a mortgage. When she had hip replacement surgery in mid-October she refused general anaesthetic, opting instead for an epidural. Toxicity was a factor, she says, but she wanted to limit recovery time. Four days later she was being interviewed on CBC.

There’s much work to be done. Though the party has jumped to 14 per cent in the polls, from eight per cent before May’s leadership, Green support has historically not translated into votes—in part due to the party’s lack of an organized ground game. That has not been abetted by staff turnover. There has been loss of institutional memory, says one former organizer who mentions that an email recently went out for signage suppliers. “Are they going to reinvent the wheel?” he asks. “We have that list.” The party also has to transcend its one-issue identity. Most Canadians don’t have a clue what the Greens stand for. A policy bible platform on everything from Afghanistan to work-life balance has been produced but has yet to be distributed.

Whether May’s agreement with Dion was an act of political brilliance or suicide remains to be seen. Her endorsement—”I see in Mr. Dion a true leader for this country”—was used on a Liberal brochure during the September by-election in Quebec in which the party was trounced in three ridings. Green support fell to half of 2006 election levels. The Greens are at a make-or-break juncture, says a former organizer concerned a poor showing in the next election could undermine the party: “We’re no longer the cute upstart given a free pass by the media. We’ve got cachet and a media-savvy leader; if it doesn’t happen this time out, the air will go out of the tires.” Turner believes May is a “strategic thinker.” “I think she knows exactly what she’s doing,” he says. That’s precisely what concerns some Greens who grumble May is using the party. “The question is whether Elizabeth hasn’t completely sold out the Green party for her next big step, whatever that’s going to be,” says one former organizer who notes people are taking bets as to where she’ll land in “Liberal patronage heaven.” Meanwhile, the ozone layer thins, the Great Lakes shrink, and ice shelves snap free from the North Pole. And Elizabeth May, ever the pragmatic idealist, cleaves to lesson number 10 of “Lessons learned at my mother’s knee”: “My mommy changed the world. So can I.”

Methinks CBC had fun making it a bad day for perverted Conservatives and their bosses So why not add my two bits worth N'esy Pas?


Replying to and  49 others
Methinks CBC had fun making it a bad day for perverted Conservatives and their bosses So why not add my two bits worth N'esy Pas?



Scheer asks Tony Clement to leave Conservative caucus over sexting scandal

Tory MP shared sexually explicit images and video, says he's facing extortion attempt

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has asked Ontario MP Tony Clement to leave the Conservative caucus after sharing sexually explicit images with someone online. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

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David Amos
David Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise

Xavier Crément
Xavier Crément
@David Amos, not sure why but Gomer Pyle comes to mind ...

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos Methinks folks should wonder why Van Loan quit N'esy Pas?

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has asked longtime MP Tony Clement to leave the Conservative caucus after he shared sexually explicit images and a video with an individual online — a transgression that has resulted in an alleged extortion attempt.

Scheer said Wednesday new evidence has come to light to suggest this incident was not isolated — and that Clement is alleged to have engaged in similar behaviour in the past.

Scheer had said earlier Wednesday that Clement was still a member of his caucus, despite his disappointment with the MP's actions, and that he believed Clement when he said this was an isolated incident.

By mid-afternoon, shortly before question period, new developments had made Scheer's previous position untenable.

"I took him at his word that this was an isolated incident. Since then, there have been numerous reports of other incidents, allegations, so in that respect I've asked Tony to resign from caucus so that he can respond to these allegations," Scheer said.

"New information became available today to suggest this was not an isolated incident."
Scheer said he was made aware of an RCMP investigation into the alleged extortion last week and then subsequently met with Clement face-to-face on Monday, when he was "brought up to speed about what was going on."

It was then mutually decided, Scheer said, that Clement should resign his justice critic role and positions on a number of Commons committees — including a top secret national security and intelligence committee.

It is Clement's membership on this special committee in particular that raises red flags for high-level security operatives.

Politics News
Scheer on Clement's resignation
 Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer spoke to reporters as he arrived for his weekly Caucus meeting. His Justice Critic Tony Clement resigned last night after being the alleged victim of a blackmail attempt. 2:22

Parliamentarians on this committee — MPs and senators alike — are privy to the nation's most guarded secrets as they review the work of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Communications Security Establishment, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canada Border Services Agency.

Scheer said he would leave it to national security agencies to determine if Clement has been compromised as a result of this sexting scandal.

"I will leave it to them. Those are the experts," Scheer said.

Other members of the committee were tight-lipped today about what Clement's sexting dilemma might mean for the reputation of the committee. The Liberal chair, Ontario MP David McGuinty, did not respond to a request for comment.

Liberal Quebec MP Emmanuel Dubourg, another committee member, said people chosen for a position on the committee must go through the most thorough of security clearances.

"In that context, I can't say much about the situation. I can't say anything more," Dubourg said in French, adding that he was concerned.

Rennie Marcoux, the director of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, said that because the matter is under investigation, there isn't much the committee can say about it.

Marcoux said all members had to obtain a top secret security clearance from the government before being appointed to the committee. They also had to swear an oath of loyalty and secrecy, Marcoux said in a statement to CBC News.

Trudeau has no comment

Sources told CBC News Clement flagged the alleged extortion attempt a few days ago to the Privy Council Office — the branch of the bureaucracy that supports the prime minister and cabinet — and the special national security committee. The precise timeline of events was not immediately clear.

Unlike other parliamentary committees that have to report to the House of Commons, this joint committee would respond directly to the prime minister. Trudeau told reporters Wednesday he had no comment on Clement.

On Tuesday night, Clement sent out a statement saying he shared sexually explicit images and a video of himself with someone he believed was a consenting female. Clement said he had shared the images "over the last three weeks."

"The recipient was, in fact, an individual or party who targeted me for the purpose of financial extortion," he wrote.

Sources told CBC News that the would-be extortionist asked Clement to pay €50,000 ($75,200 Cdn) or risk seeing the images and video released publicly.
"The RCMP are currently investigating the matter to determine the identity of the party responsible for the extortion attempt," Clement said.

Earlier today, Scheer did not answer questions about whether Clement can run under the Conservative banner in 2019.

"I don't have anything further to add to that dynamic, or to anything about … internal caucus matters, but I think we can all agree that this was a very poor decision," he told reporters Wednesday.

When asked if Conservative leadership has warned other Tory MPs against this sort of behaviour, Scheer said he shouldn't have to remind elected officials to refrain from obviously inappropriate conduct.

"I don't know that too many people would have to be told not to share explicit images and videos with people that you haven't met, but obviously this is a terrible decision."

The Parry Sound-Muskoka MP was first elected to the House of Commons in 2006 after making the jump from provincial politics. Stephen Harper picked Clement for a number of senior cabinet positions in his government, including president of the Treasury Board and minister of industry.

The U.K.-born Clement was elected to Queen's Park in 1995. He held a number of cabinet portfolios under former Ontario premier Mike Harris, including minister of health, before the ruling PCs were voted out of office in 2003.

In 2004, he placed third in the leadership race, ultimately placing behind Harper and auto parts mogul Belinda Stronach.

He dropped out of the 2016 leadership race after three short months, having failed to raise enough money to continue his efforts.

About the Author


John Paul Tasker
Parliamentary Bureau
John Paul (J.P.) Tasker is a reporter in the CBC's Parliamentary bureau in Ottawa. He can be reached at john.tasker@cbc.ca.


Doug Ford says he hid sexual misconduct allegation against Jim Wilson to protect accuser

Ontario premier says former minister forced to resign is now in rehab

Premier Doug Ford said his former economic development minister, Jim Wilson, was forced to resign after an allegation of sexual misconduct. (Liam Richards/Canadian Press)

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David Amos 
David Amos
Why is it that I don't believe Premier Ford?

Joe Desantis
Joe Desantis
@David Amos
when you figure it out, let us know

Art McCarthy (Key Bored)
Art McCarthy (Key Bored)
@David Amos
Because of his history with the truth, I would suggest.

Anthony Shrubb
Anthony Shrubb
@David Amos Because he lies without compulsion .

David Amos
David Amos
@Joe Desantis Perhaps Perhaps if I Google david amos doug ford caroline mulroney something will jog my old memory

Joe Desantis
Joe Desantis
@David Amos
do that, and if you figure it out, let us know

David Amos
David Amos
@Joe Desantis I did and agree that Anthony Shrubb is correct

Ontario Premier Doug Ford said he withheld the fact that his ex-economic development minister was facing an allegation of sexual misconduct to protect the staffer who made the complaint.

Speaking for the first time since Jim Wilson resigned from his cabinet post and the Progressive Conservative caucus last Friday and announced he would seek treatment for addiction issues, Ford said his government has launched an investigation into the situation.

Initially, the premier's office said nothing about the sexual misconduct allegation. That information emerged on Monday, after Ford reshuffled his cabinet behind closed doors.

The premier clarified Wednesday that Wilson was forced to resign, telling reporters "I have zero tolerance for this behaviour" and vowing to protect government staff.

Ford didn't disclose what Wilson said when confronted with the allegation, but said the veteran politician "understands the situation."

However, the results of the ongoing investigation into the allegation won't be made public, he said.

Accusers 'trump the media,' Ford says

When pressed by reporters about the secrecy surrounding the departure of Wilson and one of his former top staffers, Andrew Kimber, Ford said his government is protecting those who made the allegations.

Asked who is conducting investigation into Jim Wilson: police officers who deal with these situations. Says investigation started right away

Ford said the person who made the allegation against Wilson asked him repeatedly not to alert the media to the story.

"I commend them for coming forward and having that courage," Ford said, adding that he's respecting the request.

"They're a priority. They trump the media."

Ford said Wilson has gone to rehab in the wake of the incident, and said addiction is a real issue.

Government plans hotline for military families


Premier Doug Ford, speaking Wednesday at the National Air Force Museum Canada, said his government will create a hotline to help military families moving to the province. ( Frederic Pepin/CBC)

Ford, speaking at the National Air Force Museum Canada, near Trenton, Ont., vowed to create a new hotline service for military families moving to Ontario that will help them with everything they need to get established in the province.

"We need to make sure they're taken care of," Ford said.

The government is set to launch a three-month consultation process to set up the hotline.

Days before Remembrance Day, Ford also thanked those stationed at military bases across Ontario as well as their loved ones, calling himself a "huge supporter" of those who serve.

About the Author


John Rieti
John Rieti covers city hall and city issues for CBC Toronto. Born and raised in Newfoundland, John has worked in CBC newsrooms across the country in search of great stories. Outside of work, catch him running or cycling around, often armed with a camera, always in search of excellent coffee.


Conservatives name Richard Lehoux to run against Maxime Bernier in 2019

'Together we will achieve great things for our riding,' former mayor tells cheering supporters Saturday

Richard Lehoux is the former president of the Quebec federation of municipalities (FQM) and he served as mayor of Saint-Elzéar for near two decades before retiring last year. (Marc-Antoine Lavoie/Radio-Canada)

Richard Lehoux has been picked to run for the Conservatives in the Quebec riding of Beauce — taking on MP Maxime Bernier, who quit the party this summer.

During a Saturday morning rally in the riding, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer announced Lehoux's candidacy as supporters chanted his name.

Scheer called Lehoux a "remarkable" candidate who knows the riding well.
Lehoux is the former president of the Quebec federation of municipalities (FQM) and he served as mayor of Saint-Elzéar, Que., for nearly two decades before retiring last year.

Scheer said Lehoux will defend the interests of the region, noting he has a strong understanding of agricultural issues given his history as a dairy farmer.

Watch: Scheer told reporters that Lehoux has the support of 20 mayors from the region

CBC News
Scheer announces Richard Lehoux as Conservative candidate
 Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer announces Richard Lehoux's candidacy in the Quebec riding of Beauce, where he will take on MP Maxime Bernier, who quit the party this summer. 0:50
 While speaking before the crowd, Lehoux told Scheer he is proud to join such a "formidable team."
He said, after years of defending the interests of the area, he will take local issues to the federal level, defending agriculture, forestry and the people.

"I believe the rural economy is essential for developing our country," Lehoux said.

"Together we will achieve great things for our riding."
Conservative leader Andrew Scheer announced Richard Lehoux’s candidacy during a Saturday morning political rally. (Radio-Canada)

Bernier, now the leader of the People's Party of Canada which he founded in September, reacted to the candidature on Twitter earlier this week, saying he wasn't surprised Scheer has chosen a dairy producer to face him. Bernier has taken a prominent stance against supply management.

He again took to Twitter Saturday morning, criticizing Scheer and his "dairy cartel candidate."

In the tweet, he says he hopes Scheer will explain why the people of Beauce must keep paying hundreds of dollars more per year "to maintain a socialist system."

Welcome to Beauce @AndrewScheer.

I hope you and your DAIRY CARTEL candidate will tell the people of Beauce why they must keep paying 100s of $ more per year to maintain a socialist system adopted by Pierre Trudeau in the 70s. https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/maxime-bernier-will-have-a-strong-conservative-opponent-in-his-riding/ 

With files from The Canadian Press

Wanna know just how bad the Canadian Justice system truly is? Read the wicked email I just got

Methinks my political foes have some very nervous campers who did not bother investigating the RCMP since I first complained of them in 2003 N'esy Pas?

Obviously I just received the dumbest unsigned email I ever got in which they bounce back just one email in its entirety but they mentioned I sent three. Its not rocket science to figure out what the bureaucrats are to In a nutshell they are pretending to be ethical and provided enough of my work to embarrass their political bosses at the same time it case their sneaky plan backfires  Well  I won't play their wicked game Furthermore they are well aware that I publish all email I deed important in their entirety and let the political cards fall where they may This is a fine example the emails they refer to were already published and can be found within the link below.


Monday, 29 October 2018

Methinks Madame Mulroney and legions of lawyers must remember this email N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger?

However until today p only got responses from ethical computers Now I have one from a crooked bureaucrat with with no name. I will lay odds it was the evil lawyer Gunther Schonfeldt who dreamed this up and no doubt sent it

---------- Original message ----------
From: Complaints <complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 21:30:14 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Wanna know just how bad the Canadain Justice
sytem truly is? Read the wicked email I just got
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

This automated email is being sent to acknowledge receipt of your
recent correspondence to the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission
for the RCMP.
The material you have provided will be reviewed and actioned as
necessary, which may include additional follow-up.
Thank you
The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP
Ce courriel automatique confirme la réception de votre correspondance
envoyée récemment à la Commission civile d’examen et de traitement des
plaintes relatives à la GRC.
Les documents que vous avez fournis seront examinés et les mesures
nécessaires seront prises, ce qui pourrait comprendre un suivi
La Commission civile d’examen et de traitement des plaintes relatives à la GRC

---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 21:30:21 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Wanna know just how bad the Canadain Justice
sytem truly is? Read the wicked email I just got
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.

This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.

To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.

Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
directly to the Department of Justice at

> or call 613-957-4222.

Thank you


Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
Vancouver Granville.

Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre
courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.

Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
votre adresse et votre code postal.

Veuillez prendre note que votre message sera transmis au minist?re de
la Justice s'il porte sur des sujets qui rel?vent du r?le de la
d?put?e en tant que ministre de la Justice et procureure g?n?rale du
Canada. Pour toute correspondance future adress?e ? la ministre de la
Justice, veuillez ?crire directement au minist?re de la Justice ?
mcu@justice.gc.ca ou appelez au 613-957-4222.


---------- Original message ----------
From: Caroline Mulroney <caroline@carolinemulroney.ca>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 13:30:19 -0800
Subject: Thank you for your message! Re: Wanna know just how bad the
Canadain Justice sytem truly is? Read the wicked email I just got
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

Thank you for getting in touch with MPP Caroline Mulroney. This
account is no longer being routinely monitored.

If your matter is related to the Ministry of the Attorney General,
please email attorneygeneral@ontario.ca. For all other inquiries,
please email caroline.mulroneyco@pc.ola.org and a member of our team
will be happy to assist you.

Thank you again for getting in touch with MPP Mulroney.


Office of Caroline Mulroney

MPP York-Simcoe
Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs

Députée pour York-Simcoe
procureure générale et ministre déléguée aux Affaires francophones

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carolinemulroneyPC/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/C_Mulroney
Instagram: www.instagram.com/carolinemulroney/

---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 21:30:19 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Wanna know just how bad the Canadain Justice
sytem truly is? Read the wicked email I just got
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.

Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.

Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Finance Public / Finance Publique (FIN)"
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 21:30:23 +0000
Subject: RE: Wanna know just how bad the Canadain Justice sytem truly
is? Read the wicked email I just got
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos

---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 21:30:25 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Wanna know just how bad the Canadain Justice
sytem truly is? Read the wicked email I just got
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

Thank you for contacting The Globe and Mail.

If your matter pertains to newspaper delivery or you require technical
support, please contact our Customer Service department at
1-800-387-5400 or send an email to customerservice@globeandmail.com

If you are reporting a factual error please forward your email to

Letters to the Editor can be sent to letters@globeandmail.com

This is the correct email address for requests for news coverage and
press releases.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 17:30:13 -0400
Subject: Wanna know just how bad the Canadain Justice sytem truly is?
Read the wicked email I just got
To: Campaign@jillettajarvis4nh.com, Jilletta Jarvis
<jarvis-Jilletta@comcast.net>, stateofcorruptionnh1
<stateofcorruptionnh1@gmail.com>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>,
<fin.financepublic-financepublique.fin@canada.ca>, OIGCounsel
<OIGCounsel@oig.treas.gov>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, rgulla@seiu1984.org, editor
<editor@wikileaks.org>, news-tips <news-tips@nytimes.com>,
"ed.pilkington"<ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>,
birgitta <birgitta@this.is>, birgittajoy <birgittajoy@gmail.com>,
postur <postur@for.is>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
"Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
"brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, krisaustin
<krisaustin@peoplesalliance.ca>, "robert.gauvin"
<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"
<kevin.a.arseneau@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "dan.
bussieres"<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
"Robert. Jones"<Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, "Robert.E.Lighthizer"
<Robert.E.Lighthizer@ustr.eop.gov>, "robert.mckee"
<robert.mckee@gnb.ca>, mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov,
Russell.George@tigta.treas.gov, Sherra.Profit@taxpayersrights.gc.ca,
Kenneth.Drexler@ci.irs.gov, Nina.Olson@ci.irs.gov, "benoit.bourque"
<benoit.bourque@gnb.ca>, "serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>,
"hugh.flemming"<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "Erin.Weir"
<Erin.Weir@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Gerald.Butts"
<Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "maxime.bernier"
<maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca>, zland@sympatico.ca, dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca,
Diane.Lebouthillier@cra-arc.gc.ca, michael.comeau@gnb.ca,
Cc: motomaniac333 <motomaniac333@gmail.com>, mmoriarty@seiu1984.org,
MCherry@hearst.com, gsnyder@seiu1984.org, mdcohen212
<mdcohen212@gmail.com>, complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca,
Kate.McDerby@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca, Anna.VanDusen@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca,
"Liliana.Longo"<Liliana.Longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, mcu
<mcu@justice.gc.ca>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"
<Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca>, caroline
<caroline@carolinemulroney.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>,
attorneygeneral@ontario.ca, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Trust that these ladies know why I am publishing this ASAP

 Kate McDerby

Anna Van Dusen

---------- Original message ----------
From: Complaints <complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 20:33:51 +0000
Subject: RE: Attn Madame Mulroney say hey to sneaky assiant Nabeel and
your many Crown Counsels for me will ya?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Good afternoon David Amos,

The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP (the
"Commission") is in receipt of your three emails of October 29, thank

Your emails were thoroughly reviewed, but no information on a new
public complaint against a member of the RCMP could be located. The
only RCMP interaction about which you may have wanted to lodge a
complaint which was identified, appears to have occurred in 2004, when
RCMP members removed you from the New Brunswick legislature. Due to
the time which has passed, and your several opportunities to bring
this up with Commission staff in the past (and with staff from the
Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP, which the current
Commission replaces), a public complaint will not be accepted
regarding this incident.

Should you have a complaint you would like to make regarding the
conduct of an on-duty RCMP member, for an incident occurring within
the last year, the Commission invites you to submit a complaint using
our online complaint form at
https://www.crcc-ccetp.gc.ca/en/make-complaint-form. Alternatively,
you may contact our Intake Office at our toll-free number listed

Your October 29th emails will be kept on file for information purposes only.


Intake Office, Operations
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP / Government of Canada
complaints@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca / Tel: 1-800-665-6878

Bureau de réception des plaintes, Opérations
Commission civile d’examen et de traitement des plaintes relatives à
la GRC / Gouvernement du Canada
plaintes@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca / Tél : 1-800-665-6878

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 14:12:32 -0400
Subject: Attn Madame Mulroney say hey to sneaky assiant Nabeel and
your many Crown Counsels for me will ya?
To: attorneygeneral@ontario.ca, matthew.giovinazzo@ontario.ca, paul
<paul@paulfromm.com>, michael.p.gibbs@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
"crm@murphyslegal.ca \"caroline\""<caroline@carolinemulroney.ca>,
premier <premier@ontario.ca>, "daniel.gosselin"
<daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc.ca>, "andrew.baumberg"
<andrew.baumberg@fct-cf.gc.ca>, Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca,
Beatriz.Winter@cas-satj.gc.ca, "Gib.vanErt"<Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, info@murphyslegal.ca,
cbcinvestigates@cbc.ca, "darrow.macintyre"<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>,
ian.mcphail@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Gunther.Schonfeldt@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, gopublic@cbc.ca, "lorri.warner"
<lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca>, "jan.jensen"<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>,
czwibel <czwibel@ccla.org>, "w mail@ccla.org. mbryant@ccla.org.
\"bill.pentney\""<bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, "Nathalie.Drouin"
<Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"
<Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"clare.barry"<clare.barry@justice.gc.ca>, "david.hansen"
<david.hansen@justice.gc.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
"brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "Liliana.Longo"
<Liliana.Longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "hon.ralph.goodale"

---------- Original message ----------
From: Michael GIBBS <michael.p.gibbs@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2017 18:56:59 -0400
Subject: Re: Fwd: On all Hallows Eve many FEDS and many ghosts knew I
saw RED not just the ghosts of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash and her old
lover boy Dennis Banks (Out of Office)
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

I will away from my office until Nov 13th.  In my absence Insp John
Sutherland will be the acting District Commander.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2017 18:56:50 -0400
Subject: Fwd: On all Hallows Eve many FEDS and many ghosts knew I saw
RED not just the ghosts of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash and her old lover
boy Dennis Banks
To: info@murphyslegal.ca, "Gunther.Schonfeldt"
<Gunther.Schonfeldt@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>, "ian.mcphail"
<ian.mcphail@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca>, "dean.buzza"
<dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Frank.McKenna"<Frank.McKenna@td.com>,
angelina.irinici@bellmedia.ca, Michael.p.gibbs@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
"Kevin.leahy"<>, "hon.ralph.goodale"<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, gopublic
<gopublic@cbc.ca>, cbcinvestigates <cbcinvestigates@cbc.ca>, aih


Member conduct

•Conduct process overview
•Conduct hearing schedule
•Amended RCMP Act
•Annual report
•Report on Allegations of Harassment and Sexual Misconduct at the
RCMP's Canadian Police College Explosives Training Unit - July 14,

Public trust is essential for the RCMP to effectively serve and
protect Canadians. As a result, RCMP employees must conduct themselves
in a manner that not only meets, but exceeds, the rightfully high
expectations of Canadians.

RCMP members are subject to the same laws as all Canadian citizens. In
addition, member conduct is guided by the Code of Conduct of the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police (Code of Conduct). RCMP members are subject to
this Code of Conduct both on and off-duty, in Canada and abroad.
Contraventions of the Code of Conduct are taken seriously and the RCMP
is committed to handling conduct issues in a timely, efficient and
fair manner.

A new Code of Conduct and conduct process were developed in support of
the amended RCMP Act which came into force on November 28, 2014. The
new conduct process allows misconduct to be addressed in a more
responsive, timely and effective manner, and at the lowest appropriate
level. Emphasis is placed on identifying remedial, corrective and
educative solutions, rather than being limited to applying punitive

Conduct hearings
Conduct hearings are initiated in cases where the member's dismissal
is being sought based on the overall circumstances of the allegations.
Conduct hearings are formal, court-like processes that are held before
a board of one or more persons. Boards have the legal authority to
hear evidence, such as sworn testimony, to make determinations as
required and, if the contravention(s) is established, to administer
various conduct measures including dismissal.

Conduct hearings are open to the public. Hearing dates, times, and
locations, are available on the hearing schedule site.

Written board decisions
To request a copy of a written board decision, send an email to:

Please note that requests are generally addressed in order in which
they are received.


RCMP clears itself of misconduct in Colten Boushie investigation
Family lawyer vows to appeal, says Mounties were wrong to surround family home

By Charles Hamilton, CBC News Posted: Nov 02, 2017 9:53 AM CT

"The family's lawyer said he plans to appeal to the Civilian Review
and Complaints Commission for the RCMP.

Boushie, 22, was killed on a farm near Biggar, Sask. in August 2016. (Facebook)

"There would have been other ways for the RCMP to notify Debbie
Baptiste of the death of her son," Chris Murphy said.

Murphy said the search of Baptiste's home was based on "complete
speculation" that an armed individual was inside.

"The police [didn't] have any reliable information," he said. "


When victims’ families hire lawyers: Chris Murphy’s role in the Boushie case
 Angelina Irinici,  Published Friday, April 7, 2017 7:09PM CST


As a criminal lawyer, drug prosecutor and civil litigator, I have
conducted hundreds of trials. Since becoming a criminal defence lawyer
in Toronto in 2004, I have successfully defended clients charged with
first-degree murder, and have earned dismissals on less serious
charges such as attempted murder, criminal negligence causing death,
impaired operation of a motor vehicle causing bodily harm, aggravated
assault, and multi-kilogram-level drug trafficking. I have appeared at
the Supreme Court of Canada, and have conducted numerous appeals at
the Ontario Court of Appeal.

I am a former drug prosecutor with the Department of Justice Canada.
Before becoming a prosecutor, I acted as a judicial law clerk at the
Supreme Court of British Columbia and assisted Superior Court justices
in deciding the issues raised during criminal proceedings. I also
practiced civil litigation at a firm of some 150 lawyers in Calgary,
Alberta. In addition, I served as a special constable with the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police.

I received a Bachelor of Laws with Distinction from the University of
Saskatchewan in 2000. In 1997, I graduated from the University of
British Columbia with a Masters of Arts degree. I had previously
graduated from the U of S in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with
High Honours. In 2004, I received a Certificate in International
Criminal Law from Salzburg Law School.

161 Bay St.,
Suite #2900
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2S1

t. 416.306.2956
f. 416.362.8410


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2017 16:21:31 -0400
Subject: On all Hallows Eve many FEDS and many ghosts knew I saw RED
not just the ghosts of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash and her old lover boy
Dennis Banks
To: PREMIER@novascotia.ca, OAA@novascotia.ca, bbachrach
<bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net>, jamiebaillie <jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca>,
"carolyn.bennett"<carolyn.bennett@parl.gc.ca>, "Larry.Tremblay"
<Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.Morgan"
<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "dale.drummond"
<dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>,
washington field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail"
<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, bostncs <bostncs@international.gc.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, gopublic
<gopublic@cbc.ca>, newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, news
<news@kingscorecord.com>, news-tips <news-tips@nytimes.com>, law
<law@stevenfoulds.ca>, "bob.rae"<bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, leader
<leader@greenparty.ca>, "PETER.MACKAY"
<PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie.com>, "Marc.Litt"


Thursday, 2 November 2017

On all Hallows Eve many FEDS and many ghosts knew I saw RED not just
the ghosts of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash and her old lover boy Dennis

Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Methinks the RCMP, the FBI, the DHS and a lot of lawyers should be
concerned about this transcript

"Now I have a bone to pick with many judges in federal court and a lot
in the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick, but not all. And not
every judge or every lawyer is a crook. Some of them are actually
friends of mine. Only problem I have with them is they think I can't
pull this off. That the system is just too powerful. Well could be.
Call me crazy if you wish, I can be as crazy as I want to be. How do
you explain my having FBI wiretap tapes of the mob and three weeks
after he mentioned about me being in federal court, the outgoing
Commissioner of the R.C.M.P. said beware of the mob. Bob Paulson said

---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom newsroom@globeandmail.com
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2017 19:33:26 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Yo Premie Stevey Boy McNeil RE the Demise of
Anna Mae Pictou Aquash's lover boy Dennis Banks Say Hoka Hey to my
former Yankee friend Barry Bacjrach for me will ya?
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

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On 10/22/18, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:

> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Jensen, Jan"<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>
> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2018 15:01:54 +0000
> Subject: RE: Please Notice that nothing has been filed yet even though
> It was supposed to have been done on the 18th?
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Cc: "Warner, Lorri"<Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca>
> Good morning Mr. Amos
> Attached is a pdf copy of the court-stamped rebuttal materials.
> Jan Jensen
> Counsel
> Atlantic Regional Office
> Suite 1400, Duke Tower
> 5251 Duke Street
> Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1P3
> National Litigation Sector
> Department of Justice Canada
> Government of Canada
> jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca
> tel:  (902) 426-8177
> fax:  (902) 426-2329
> This communication contains information that may be confidential,
> exempt from disclosure, subject to litigation privilege or protected
> by the privilege that exists between lawyers or notaries and their
> clients.  If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read,
> rely on, retain, or distribute it.  Please delete or otherwise destroy
> this communication and all copies of it immediately, and contact the
> sender at (902) 426-8177 or by email at jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca
> Jan Jensen
> Avocat
> Bureau régional de l’Atlantique
> pièce 1400, tour Duke
> 5251 rue Duke
> Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse)  B3J 1P3
> Secteur national du contentieux
> Ministère de la Justice Canada
> Gouvernement du Canada
> jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca
> tél : (902) 426-8177
> téléc : (902) 426-2329
> Ce message contient des renseignements qui pourraient être
> confidentiels, soustraits à la communication, ou protégés par le
> privilège relatif au litige ou par le secret professionnel liant
> l’avocat ou le notaire à son client.  S’il ne vous est pas destiné,
> vous êtes priés  de ne pas le lire, l’utiliser, le conserver ou le
> diffuser.  Veuillez sans tarder le supprimer et en détruire toute
> copie, et communiquer avec l’expéditeur au (902) 426-8177 ou par
> courriel à jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 11:55 AM
> To: daniel.gosselin <daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc.ca>; andrew.baumberg
> <andrew.baumberg@fct-cf.gc.ca>; Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca;
> Beatriz.Winter@cas-satj.gc.ca; Gib.vanErt <Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca>;
> marc.giroux <marc.giroux@fja-cmf.gc.ca>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; Warner, Lorri
> <Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca>; Jensen, Jan <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>;
> bill.pentney <bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>; Drouin, Nathalie (BRQ)
> <Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca>; Jody.Wilson-Raybould
> <Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca>; Ministerial Correspondence Unit -
> Justice Canada <mcu@justice.gc.ca>; Barry, Clare
> <Clare.Barry@justice.gc.ca>; Hansen, David
> <David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca>; Brenda.Lucki
> <Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; Longo, Liliana (RCMP)
> <liliana.longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; hon.ralph.goodale
> <hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>
> Subject: Please Notice that nothing has been filed yet even though It
> was supposed to have been done on the 18th?
> http://apps.fct-cf.gc.ca/pq/IndexingQueries/infp_queries_e.php?stype=party&select_court=All
> Recorded entry(ies) for A-48-16
> (Close)
> Court number information Court Number : A-48-16 Style of Cause : DAVID
> RAYMOND AMOS v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN Proceeding Category : Appeals
> Nature : Appeal (S.27 - Interloc.) - Others Type of Action :
> Non-Action
> 101 records found for court number A-48-16 Doc Date Filed Office
> Recorded Entry Summary
> 47 2018-10-01 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
> Appellant/Respondent on Cross Appeal sworn on 01-OCT-2018 confirming
> service of Doc. 46 on Respondent/Apellant on Cross-Appeal by Canada
> Post - Xpresspost on 01-OCT-2018 filed on 01-OCT-2018
> 46 2018-10-01 Fredericton Response of David Amos to the costs
> submissions of Her Majesty the Queen on behalf of Appellant/Respondent
> on Cross-Appeal in response to Doc. 43 filed on 01-OCT-2018
> - 2018-09-10 Toronto Memorandum to file from Toronto Registry dated
> 10-SEP-2018 further to Mr. Amos' email dated 10-SEP-2018 acknowledging
> receipt of the Direction from the Assessment Officer (Mr. Bruce
> Preston) dated 10-SEP-2018, and indicating that he has questions, Mr.
> Amos was contacted for procedural advice. The client was not reached
> by phone and a voicemail was left. placed on file.
> - 2018-09-10 Toronto Acknowledgment of Receipt received from both
> parties by email with respect to Direction rendered by the Assessment
> Officer (Mr. Bruce Preston) dated 10-SEP-2018 placed on file on
> 10-SEP-2018
> - 2018-09-10 Toronto Oral directions of assessment officer received
> from Preston, B. dated 10-SEP-2018 directing that "Further to the
> request of counsel for the Appellant on the Cross-Appeal (the
> Appellant), the assessment of the Appellant's Bill of Costs will
> proceed by way of written submissions. As the Appellant has served and
> filed an Affidavit and Costs Submissions it is directed that: (a) The
> Respondent on the Cross-Appeal may serve and file any reply materials
> by October 1, 2018; (c) The Appellant may serve and file any rebuttal
> materials by October 22, 2018." placed on file on 10-SEP-2018
> - 2018-08-31 Halifax Covering letter from Appellant dated 31-AUG-2018
> concerning Doc. Nos. 42 43 44 placed on file on 31-AUG-2018
> 45 2018-08-31 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
> Heidi Collicutt confirming service of docs 42 to 44 as well as
> Judgment and Reasons for Judgment of FAC dated 30-OCT-2017 upon
> Respondent by email and registered mail on 31-AUG-2018 filed on
> 31-AUG-2018
> 44 2018-08-31 Halifax Affidavit of Lorri Warner on behalf of the
> appellant sworn on 31-AUG-2018 in support of Bill of Costs doc #42
> with attached exhibit(s) "A" to "O" filed on 31-AUG-2018
> 43 2018-08-31 Halifax Cost submissions on the Cross-Appeal on behalf
> of the appellant in support of Bill of Costs doc #42 filed on
> 31-AUG-2018
> 42 2018-08-31 Halifax Bill of costs of the appellant on the
> Cross-Appeal filed on 31-AUG-2018
> - 2018-07-18 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from from
> parties (e-mail) with respect to the corrected page 1 of the Judgment
> and pages 1 and 2 of the Reasons for Judgment of the Court dated
> October 30, 2017, placed on file on 18-JUL-2018
> - 2018-07-16 Ottawa Corrections to page(s) 1 2 of the Reasons of The
> Honourable Mr. Justice Webb The Honourable Mr. Justice Near The
> Honourable Madam Justice Gleason that were dated 30-OCT-2017 received
> on 16-JUL-2018 Corrected pages sent to parties
> - 2018-07-16 Ottawa Correction to page 1 of the Judgment of the Court
> (Webb, J.A.) dated 30-OCT-2017, correction sent to parties, placed on
> file on 16-JUL-2018
> - 2018-02-27 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from the
> Appellant (David raymond Amos) and the Respondent(Jan Jensen) via
> email. with respect to ID 87 placed on file on 27-FEB-2018
> - 2017-12-01 Ottawa Corrections to page(s) 13 of the Reasons of The
> Honourable Mr. Justice Webb The Honourable Mr. Justice Near The
> Honourable Madam Justice Gleason that were dated 30-OCT-2017 received
> on 01-DEC-2017 Corrected pages sent to the appellant(David Raymond)
> and the Respondent (Jan Jensen).
> - 2017-11-01 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from the
> Appellant (sent by email & confirmed on voicemail) and the Respondent
> (by email) with respect to the Judgment and Reasons for Judgment dated
> October 30, 2017. placed on file on 01-NOV-2017
> - 2017-10-31 Ottawa Memorandum to file from the Registry of the FCA
> dated 31-OCT-2017 transmitting a copy of the Judgment and Reasons for
> Judgment to Justice Southcott, Prothonotary Morneau and the Actions
> section of the FC. placed on file.
> 41 2017-10-30 Ottawa Reasons for Judgment of the Court/ The Honourable
> Mr. Justice Webb The Honourable Mr. Justice Near The Honourable Madam
> Justice Gleason dated 30-OCT-2017 The Court's decision is with regard
> to Appeal The Court's decision is with regard to Cross-appeal Filed on
> 30-OCT-2017
> 40 2017-10-30 Ottawa Judgment dated 30-OCT-2017 rendered by The
> Honourable Mr. Justice Webb The Honourable Mr. Justice Near The
> Honourable Madam Justice Gleason Matter considered with personal
> appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Appeal Result:
> dismissed The Court's decision is with regard to Cross-appeal Result:
> granted Filed on 30-OCT-2017 entered in J. & O. Book, volume 300
> page(s) 440 - 440 (Final decision)
> - 2017-10-30 Ottawa Written directions of the Court: The Honourable
> Mr. Justice Webb dated 30-OCT-2017 directing " ... The Court considers
> the solicitor of record for the respondent to be Nathalie G. Drouin,
> Deputy Attorney General of Canada." received on 30-OCT-2017
> - 2017-07-19 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
> Administrator dated 19-JUL-2017 re: forwarding the parties'
> submissions in response to the Court's direction dated June 8, 2017.
> 39 2017-07-14 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
> the appellant sworn on 14-JUL-2017 confirming service of doc.38 on the
> respondent by Xpresspost on 14-JUL-2017 filed on 14-JUL-2017
> 38 2017-07-14 Fredericton Written submissions on behalf of the
> appellant in reply to doc.34 filed on 14-JUL-2017
> - 2017-07-10 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from the
> Appellant by email and the Respondent by fax with respect to the
> Directions dated July 7, 2017 placed on file on 10-JUL-2017
> - 2017-07-10 Ottawa Written directions of the Court: The Honourable
> Mr. Justice Webb dated 07-JUL-2017 directing "Mr. Amos' summary
> received on June 26, 2017 in response to the Direction of the Court of
> June 8, 2017 is to be accepted for filing." received on 10-JUL-2017
> Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)
> - 2017-07-10 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Catharine M. Wilson
> dated 10-JUL-2017 On June 26, 2017 the Registry received further
> written submissions from the Appellant/Respondent on Cross-Appeal on
> the issue of conflict of interest as per the direction of Webb, JA
> dated June 8, 2017. The direction allowed for a summary of the issue,
> not to exceed 5 pages and any additional documents relevant to the
> issue, to be submitted on or before June 23, 2017. I sent the
> Appellant's summary/further submissions to the Court for direction
> with respect to the document being submitted late, and that it
> exceeded 5 pages. I now realize that the direction of Webb, JA,
> provided for "any additional documents that are relevant to the issue"
> and that the Appellant's document did not in fact exceed the number of
> pages. We await the direction of the Court with respect to the
> lateness. The Court has been informed of my error. placed on file.
> 35 2017-07-06 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
> Jan Jensen confirming service of Respondent's Written Submissions
> (Doc.34) upon Appellant by facsimile and courier on 05-JUL-2017 filed
> on 06-JUL-2017
> 34 2017-07-06 Halifax Written submissions on behalf of the respondent
> further to Direction of the Court dated June 8, 2017 filed on
> 06-JUL-2017
> - 2017-07-05 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
> Administrator dated 05-JUL-2017 re: for direction regarding documents
> received from the appellant on June 26, 2017
> 37 2017-06-26 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
> the appellant sworn on 26-JUN-2017 confirming service of doc.36 on the
> respondent by Xpresspost on 26-JUN-2017 filed on 26-JUN-2017
> 36 2017-06-26 Ottawa Written representations on behalf of the
> appellant in response to the Direction of the Court dated June 8,
> 2017, filed on 26-JUN-2017
> - 2017-06-26 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Catharine M. Wilson
> dated 26-JUN-2017 On June 26, 2017, the Appellant/Respondent on
> Cross-Appeal submitted a post hearing brief per the direction of Webb,
> J.A., dated 08-JUN-2017, which is being sent to the FCA for direction
> as the document was submitted late and exceeds the number of pages.
> placed on file.
> - 2017-06-08 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from both
> parties by email with respect to the Directions dated June 8, 2017
> placed on file on 08-JUN-2017
> - 2017-06-08 Ottawa Written directions of the Court: The Honourable
> Mr. Justice Webb dated 08-JUN-2017 directing "Please advise the
> parties that Mr. Amos has the right to submit a brief summary (not to
> exceed 5 pages) to explain the exact conflict that, in his view,
> arises in this matter with any of the judges assigned to this appeal
> and to submit any additional documents that are relevant to this
> issue. This summary and documents are to be submitted on or before
> June 23, 2017. [...]" received on 08-JUN-2017 Confirmed in writing to
> the party(ies)
> - 2017-05-26 Fredericton Letter from the respondent to Appellant,
> provided by Appellant (copy of the letter) dated 26-MAY-2017 The
> Respondent mentions they want communication from Appellant in written
> letters by mail only, from now on. received on 26-MAY-2017
> - 2017-05-24 Fredericton Request received from MR. Roger Richard for
> CD audio of the hearing on 24-MAY-2017. Tarriff: $15 paid placed on
> file on 24-MAY-2017
> - 2017-05-24 Fredericton Request received from Appellant for CD audio
> of the hearing on 24-MAY-2017 for transcript. Tarriff: $15 paid placed
> on file on 24-MAY-2017
> - 2017-05-24 Fredericton This matter comes on for hearing on
> 24-MAY-2017 at Fredericton before The Honourable Mr. Justice Webb The
> Honourable Mr. Justice Near The Honourable Madam Justice Gleason
> Appearances: David Raymond Amos (self-litigant) 902-800-0369 for the
> appellant Jan Jensen 902-426-8177 for the respondent Language of
> Hearing: E Court Usher: Jason Kennedy Duration: on 24-MAY-2017 from
> 14:03 to 15:58 Courtroom : Courtroom No. 1 - Fredericton Court
> Registrar Michel Morneault Total duration: 1h55min Before the Court:
> Cross-appeal Result: reserved Comments: DARS Z005130 was used for the
> recording of the hearing Minutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 222
> page(s) 411 - 413 Abstract of Hearing placed on file
> 33 2017-04-24 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
> Appellant/Respondent on cross-appeal sworn on 24-APR-2017 confirming
> service of doc.32 on Respondent/Appellant on cross-appeal by
> Xpresspost on 24-APR-2017 filed on 24-APR-2017
> 32 2017-04-24 Fredericton Book of Authorities with copy on DVD
> consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of Appellant/Respondent on
> cross-appeal Filed on 24-APR-2017 3 copy(ies) for the Court stored in
> Ottawa One copy placed in Annex
> 31 2017-04-20 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
> Jan Jensen confirming service of doc #30 upon Appellant by courier on
> 20-APR-2017 filed on 20-APR-2017
> 30 2017-04-20 Halifax Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on
> behalf of HMQ (cross-appeal) Filed on 20-APR-2017 3 copy(ies) for the
> Court stored in Ottawa
> - 2017-04-19 Fredericton Letter from Appellant/Respondent on
> cross-appeal dated 12-APR-2017 Fax from the Respondent/Appellant on
> cross-appeal to the Appellant/ Respondent on cross-appeal about not
> reaching an agreement on the contents of a joint book of authorities.
> received on 19-APR-2017
> - 2017-04-13 Ottawa Covering letter from Respondent dated 12-APR-2017
> concerning the enclosed DVD containing the Respondent's Memorandum of
> Fact and Law placed on file on 13-APR-2017
> - 2017-04-12 Fredericton Communication by email between parties
> concerning the Joint Book of Authorities, received by the Appellant
> received on 12-APR-2017
> - 2017-04-04 Ottawa Acknowledgements of receipt of an electronic copy
> of the hearing date order, e-mailed to: Mr. Jensen (for the
> Cross-Appellant) and to Mr. Amos (the Cross-Respondent) placed on file
> on 04-APR-2017
> 29 2017-03-31 Ottawa Order (time and place) dated 30-MAR-2017 rendered
> by S. Bazinet, Judicial Administrator and signed by Judicial
> Administrator fixing the Cross-Appeal to be heard at Special Sitting
> in Fredericton on 24-MAY-2017 to begin at 14:00 Filed on 31-MAR-2017
> cc's sent to parties entered in J. & O. Book, volume 298 page(s) 409 -
> 409 Transmittal letters placed on file
> - 2017-03-22 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
> Administrator dated 22-MAR-2017 re: setting the Hearing date
> 28 2017-03-13 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
> Jan Jensen confirming service of Requisition for Hearing upon
> Appellant (Respondent by Cross-Appeal) by facsimile and courier on
> 13-MAR-2017 filed on 13-MAR-2017
> 27 2017-03-13 Halifax Requisition for hearing - Appeal from Respondent
> (Appellant on Cross-Appeal) filed on 13-MAR-2017
> - 2017-03-08 Fredericton Letter from the appellant dated 08-MAR-2017
> Email received from Appellant in regards of the Communication to the
> Court in response to the registry received on 08-MAR-2017
> - 2017-03-07 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Michel G. Morneault
> dated 07-MAR-2017 According to the Appellant/Respondent on
> Cross-appeal after discussion, he received the doc.23 from Appellant
> on Cross-Appeal on 2-FEB-2017. He said the fax copy sent to him prior
> was incomplete and received the hard copy on 2-FEB-2017. placed on
> file.
> 26 2017-03-07 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
> Appellant/Respondent on Cross-Appeal sworn on 07-MAR-2017 confirming
> service of doc.25 on Respondent/Appellant on Cross-Appeal by
> Xpresspost on 06-MAR-2017 filed on 07-MAR-2017
> 25 2017-03-06 Fredericton Memorandum of fact and law on behalf of
> Appellant/Respondent on Cross-Appeal filed on 06-MAR-2017 3 judges'
> copies stored in Ottawa
> - 2017-02-02 Halifax Memorandum to file from Adam Young, Halifax dated
> 02-FEB-2017 further to Crown Counsel's letter dated 02-FEB-2017 the
> recorded entry for the R's Memo of F&L(Doc 23) was amended to reflect
> that it was on behalf of the Respondent(APPELLANT ON CROSS-APPEAL)
> placed on file.
> - 2017-02-02 Halifax Letter from Jan Jensen, Responsdent on main
> appeal (Appellant on cross-appeal) dated 02-FEB-2017 providing
> clarification as to the Respondent's Memo of Fact and law filed on
> 30-JAN-2017 (Doc 23) received on 02-FEB-2017
> 24 2017-01-30 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
> Jan Jensen confirming service of Doc. 23 upon Appellant by telecopier
> on 30-JAN-2017 filed on 30-JAN-2017
> 23 2017-01-30 Halifax Memorandum of fact and law on behalf of the
> respondent (appellant)on cross-appeal as per order of Webb, JA dated
> 19-DEC-17 (doc.20) filed on 30-JAN-2017 3 judges' copies stored in Ottawa
> - 2016-12-20 Ottawa Memorandum to file from the Registry of the FCA
> dated 20-DEC-2016 transmitting a copy of the Order dated December 19,
> 2016 to Justice Southcott, Prothonotary Morneau and the Actions
> section of the FC. placed on file.
> - 2016-12-20 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from both
> parties (by email) with respect to the Order of the Court dated
> December 19, 2016 placed on file on 20-DEC-2016
> 20 2016-12-20 Ottawa Order dated 19-DEC-2016 rendered by The
> Honourable Mr. Justice Webb The Honourable Mr. Justice Rennie The
> Honourable Mr. Justice de Montigny Matter considered without personal
> appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Status Review
> Result: dismissed "...the Appellant's appeal is dismissed and the
> Respondent's memorandum of fact and law in respect of the cross-appeal
> shall be served and filed on or before January 31, 2017." Filed on
> 20-DEC-2016 entered in J. & O. Book, volume 297 page(s) 381 - 384
> - 2016-12-15 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
> Administrator dated 15-DEC-2016 re: seeking the Court's Direction
> regarding the filing of the Appellant's Rule 382.3(1) submissions and
> response to the Status Review.
> 19 2016-12-01 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
> Jan Jensen confirming service of doc #18 upon Appellant by telecopier
> on 30-NOV-2016 filed on 01-DEC-2016
> 18 2016-12-01 Halifax Submissions (Rule 380) on behalf of Respondent
> filed on 01-DEC-2016
> - 2016-12-01 Halifax Memorandum to file from Elizabeth Caverly,
> Director, dated 01-DEC-2016 The HFX Registry in receipt of the
> Respondent's R.380 subs in response to the Appellant's R.380 subs,
> which were sent to Court for Directions re: filing. The Court has not
> yet issued Directions regarding their filing. The Respondent indicated
> they were served with the A's subs on 25-NOV-2016. placed on file.
> 22 2016-11-21 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
> the appellant sworn on 21-NOV-2016 confirming service of doc.21 on the
> respondent by priority mail on 21-NOV-2016 filed on 21-NOV-2016
> 21 2016-11-21 Ottawa Submissions (Rule 380) on behalf of Appellant
> filed on 21-NOV-2016
> - 2016-11-21 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Michel G. Morneault
> dated 21-NOV-2016 Today, I received the Response by the Appellant to
> the Notice of Status Review with proof of service under the Order
> issued by Justice Pelletier on 17-OCT-2016. It seems the document is
> late according to the time limit specified in R.382.3(1). Document
> sent to Court for directions. placed on file.
> - 2016-10-18 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from Appellant
> with respect to document 17. placed on file on 18-OCT-2016
> - 2016-10-17 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from Respondent
> with respect to the Notice of Status Review filed 17-OCT-2016. placed
> on file on 17-OCT-2016
> 17 2016-10-17 Ottawa Notice of Status Review by The Honourable Mr.
> Justice Pelletier to the parties and their solicitors requiring the
> Appellant to show cause by written submissions why this appeal should
> not be dismissed for delay Filed on 17-OCT-2016 cc's sent to parties
> - 2016-10-13 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
> Administrator dated 13-OCT-2016 re: Status Review to be issued
> 16 2016-08-11 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
> the appellant sworn on 11-AUG-2016 confirming service of Doc. 15 on
> the respondent by mail on 10-AUG-2016 filed on 11-AUG-2016
> 15 2016-08-11 Fredericton Appeal Book consisting of 1 volume(s)
> prepared by the appellant filed on 11-AUG-2016 3 judges' copies stored
> in Ottawa
> - 2016-07-06 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from all
> parties by way of reply e-mail with respect to Order of the Court
> (Stratas J.A.) dated 4-JUL-2016 placed on file on 06-JUL-2016
> 14 2016-07-05 Ottawa Order dated 04-JUL-2016 rendered by The
> Honourable Mr. Justice Stratas Matter considered without personal
> appearance The Court's decision is with regard to the motion /
> document number 7 Result: dismissed Appellant to prepare Appeal within
> 60 days of present Order Filed on 05-JUL-2016 copies sent to parties
> Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book, volume
> 295 page(s) 353 - 354
> - 2016-06-29 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Michel G. Morneault
> dated 29-JUN-2016 The Appellant advised me today over the phone that
> he will not file a Reply to the Motion in response to Motion doc.7
> placed on file.
> - 2016-06-29 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
> Administrator dated 29-JUN-2016 re: for direction regarding
> appellant's letter dated May 25, 2016 and motion doc. 7
> 13 2016-06-20 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
> Jan Jensen confirming service of Motion Record (Doc. 12) upon
> Appellant by courier on 20-JUN-2016 filed on 20-JUN-2016
> 12 2016-06-20 Halifax Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 7
> containing the following original document(s): 11 Number of copies
> received: 3 on behalf of Respondent filed on 20-JUN-2016
> 11 2016-06-20 Halifax Written submissions contained within a Motion
> Record on behalf of the respondent in opposition to motion doc. 7
> filed on 20-JUN-2016
> 10 2016-06-10 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
> the appellant sworn on 10-JUN-2016 confirming service of
> doc.9(doc.7,8,id18) on the respondent by priority mail on 10-JUN-2016
> filed on 10-JUN-2016
> 9 2016-06-10 Fredericton Motion Record containing the following
> original document(s): 7 8 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of
> Appellant filed on 10-JUN-2016
> - 2016-06-10 Fredericton Draft Order concerning the motion / document
> number doc.7 received on 10-JUN-2016
> 8 2016-06-10 Fredericton Written representations contained within a
> Motion Record on behalf of the appellant in support of doc.7 filed on
> 10-JUN-2016
> 7 2016-06-10 Fredericton Notice of motion contained within a Motion
> Record on behalf of the appellant to determine content of appeal book
> in writing filed on 10-JUN-2016 DRAFT ORDER received
> 6 2016-05-26 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos on behalf of
> the appellant sworn on 26-MAY-2016 confirming service of doc.5 on the
> respondent by priority mail on 26-MAY-2016 filed on 26-MAY-2016
> 5 2016-05-26 Fredericton Letter from the appellant dated 25-MAY-2016
> Letter of proposal of the content of the Appeal book as per Order
> dated 12-MAY-2016 by Justice Trudel filed on 26-MAY-2016
> - 2016-05-13 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from both
> parties (by email) with respect to the Order of the Court dated May
> 12, 2016 placed on file on 13-MAY-2016
> 4 2016-05-13 Ottawa Order dated 12-MAY-2016 rendered by The Honourable
> Madam Justice Trudel Matter considered without personal appearance The
> Court's decision is with regard to Letter from Appellant dated
> 27-APR-2016 re: requesting an oral hearing of his Motion Result:
> dismissed The Court's decision is with regard to Letter from
> Respondent dated 05-MAY-2016 requesting that this Appeal be case
> managed Result: dismissed "... The appellant shall, in the next 10
> days serve and file his proposal as to teh contents of the Appeal Book
> unless he agrees with the respondent's proposal contained in a letter
> dated March 3, 2016; if the parties disagree, the appellant shall
> serve and file a proper Notice of Motion under Rule 369 to request
> that the Court determine teh contents of the Appeal Book....." Filed
> on 13-MAY-2016 entered in J. & O. Book, volume 295 page(s) 29 - 31
> - 2016-05-11 Ottawa Communication from Registry to Judicial
> Administrator dated 11-MAY-2016 re: forwarding the Appellant's letter
> dated April 27, 2016, and the Respondent's letter dated May 5, 2016,
> for the Court's consideration.
> - 2016-05-05 Halifax Letter from the respondent dated 05-MAY-2016
> "....The Respondent requests that this appeal be case managed. ....We
> anticipate that, without case management, there will be considerable
> procedural difficulties that will prevent the Appeal from proceeding
> in the most expeditious and least expensive manner." received on
> 05-MAY-2016
> - 2016-04-27 Fredericton Letter from the appellant dated 27-APR-2016
> Informal request letter R.35 for oral motion. Attached to the letter,
> a draft notice of motion received on 27-APR-2016
> - 2016-03-08 Fredericton Copy of a fascimile of a letter from the
> Respondent to the Appellant discussing the content of an Appeal book
> and the requirements of the Respondent concerning the agreement of the
> Appeal book dated 03-MAR-2016 received on 08-MAR-2016 by email from
> Appellant
> - 2016-03-01 Fredericton Copy of a letter from the Respondent to the
> Appellant dated February 24, 2016 discussing about the appeal and
> cross-appeal placed on file on 01-MAR-2016 Original placed on Court
> File No. A-48-16
> - 2016-02-18 Ottawa Memorandum to file from the Registry of the FCA
> dated 18-FEB-2016 transmitting a copy of the Notice of Cross-Appeal to
> Justice Southcott, Prothonotary Morneau and the Actions section of the
> FC. placed on file.
> 3 2016-02-12 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
> Jan Jensen confirming service of Notice of Cross-Appeal upon Appellant
> by courier on 12-FEB-2016 filed on 12-FEB-2016
> 2 2016-02-12 Halifax Notice of cross-appeal on behalf of the
> respondent against a decision of Southcott, J. dated January 25, 2016
> filed on 12-FEB-2016
> - 2016-02-09 Ottawa Memorandum to file from the FCA Registry dated
> 09-FEB-2016 transmitting a copy of doc 1. to Justice Southcott,
> Prothonotary Morneau, and the actions section of the Federal Court.
> placed on file.
> - 2016-02-04 Fredericton Letter sent by Registry on 04-FEB-2016 to the
> respondent R.133 service letter Copy placed on file.
> 1 2016-02-04 Fredericton Notice of Appeal and 2 copies filed on
> 04-FEB-2016 against a decision of Justice Southcott dated January
> 25th, 2016 Certified copy(ies)/copy(ies) transmitted to Director of
> the Regional Office of the Department of Justice Tariff fee of $50.00
> received: yes
> The last database update occurred on 2018-10-22 09:49
> On 10/19/18, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 11:05:27 -0600
>> NO. A-48-16
>> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
>> From: Warner, Lorri
>> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2018 7:46 AM
>> To: mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> Cc: Jensen, Jan
>> A-48-16
>> Good morning Mr. Amos
>> Please find attached the Appellant’s Record that is being sent to the
>> Federal Court and is being copied to you on behalf of Jan Jensen. A
>> hard copy of the Record will be sent to you by registered mail in due
>> course.
>> Thank you,
>>           Lorri Warner
>>            Legal Assistant
>>            Atlantic Regional Office
>>            Suite 1400, Duke Tower
>>            5251 Duke Street
>>            Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1P3
>>            National Litigation Sector
>>            Department of Justice Canada
>>            Government of Canada
>>       lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca
>>       tel:  (902) 407-7461
>>       fax:  (902) 426-2329
>>       This communication contains information that may be
>> confidential, exempt from disclosure, subject to litigation privilege
>> or protected by the privilege that exists between lawyers or notaries
>> and their clients.  If you are not the intended recipient, you should
>> not read, rely on, retain, or distribute it.  Please delete or
>> otherwise destroy this communication and all copies of it immediately,
>> and contact the sender at (902) 407-7461 or by email at
>> lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca.
>>      Lorri Warner
>>       Assistante Juridique
>>       Bureau régional de l’Atlantique
>>       pièce 1400, tour Duke
>>       5251 rue Duke
>>       Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse)  B3J 1P3
>>       Secteur national du contentieux
>>       Ministère de la Justice Canada
>>       Gouvernement du Canada
>>       lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca
>>       tél : (902) 407-7461
>>       téléc : (902) 426-2329
>>       Ce message contient des renseignements qui pourraient être
>> confidentiels, soustraits à la communication, ou protégés par le
>> privilège relatif au litige ou par le secret professionnel liant
>> l’avocat ou le notaire à son client.  S’il ne vous est pas destiné,
>> vous êtes priés  de ne pas le lire, l’utiliser, le conserver ou le
>> diffuser.  Veuillez sans tarder le supprimer et en détruire toute
>> copie, et communiquer avec l’expéditeur au (902) 407-7461 ou par
>> courriel à lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca.
>> Please consider the environment before printing this email.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:14:16 -0400
Subject: Fwd: At least the computers Premier Ford and his AG have
remaied ethical Methinks Madame Mulroney and legions of lawyers must
remember this email N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger?
To: caroline.mulroneyco@pc.ola.org, postur <postur@for.is>, birgitta
<birgitta@this.is>, "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@parl.gc.ca>, RT-US
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "boris.johnson.mp"
<boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk>, birgittajoy <birgittajoy@gmail.com>,
editor <editor@wikileaks.org>, sfine <sfine@globeandmail.com>

Address not found
Your message wasn't delivered to michael.p.gibbs@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 15:09:59 -0400
Subject: At least the computers Premier Ford and his AG have remaied
ethical Methinks Madame Mulroney and legions of lawyers must remember
this email N'esy Pas Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger?
To: pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Gerald.Butts"<Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>,
"Katie.Telford"<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "maxime.bernier"
<maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca>, "andrew.scheer"
<andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, attorneygeneral@ontario.ca,
matthew.giovinazzo@ontario.ca, paul <paul@paulfromm.com>,
michael.p.gibbs@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "crm@murphyslegal.ca \"caroline\""
<caroline@carolinemulroney.ca>, premier <premier@ontario.ca>,
"daniel.gosselin"<daniel.gosselin@cas-satj.gc.ca>, "andrew.baumberg"
<andrew.baumberg@fct-cf.gc.ca>, Bruce.Preston@cas-satj.gc.ca,
Beatriz.Winter@cas-satj.gc.ca, "Gib.vanErt"<Gib.vanErt@scc-csc.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, info@murphyslegal.ca,
cbcinvestigates@cbc.ca, "darrow.macintyre"<darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca>,
ian.mcphail@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Gunther.Schonfeldt@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, gopublic@cbc.ca, "lorri.warner"
<lorri.warner@justice.gc.ca>, "jan.jensen"<jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>,
czwibel <czwibel@ccla.org>, "w mail@ccla.org. mbryant@ccla.org.
\"bill.pentney\""<bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca>, "Nathalie.Drouin"
<Nathalie.Drouin@justice.gc.ca>, "Jody.Wilson-Raybould"
<Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca>, mcu <mcu@justice.gc.ca>,
"clare.barry"<clare.barry@justice.gc.ca>, "david.hansen"
<david.hansen@justice.gc.ca>, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
"brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "Liliana.Longo"
<Liliana.Longo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "hon.ralph.goodale"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Caroline Mulroney <caroline@carolinemulroney.ca>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 11:16:45 -0700
Subject: Thank you for your message! Re: Attn Madame Mulroney say hey
to sneaky assiant Nabeel and your many Crown Counsels for me will ya?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for getting in touch with MPP Caroline Mulroney. This
account is no longer being routinely monitored.

If your matter is related to the Ministry of the Attorney General,
please email attorneygeneral@ontario.ca. For all other inquiries,
please email caroline.mulroneyco@pc.ola.org and a member of our team
will be happy to assist you.

Thank you again for getting in touch with MPP Mulroney.


Office of Caroline Mulroney

MPP York-Simcoe
Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs

Députée pour York-Simcoe
procureure générale et ministre déléguée aux Affaires francophones

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carolinemulroneyPC/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/C_Mulroney
Instagram: www.instagram.com/carolinemulroney/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Premier ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 18:12:38 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Madame Mulroney say hey to sneaky
assiant Nabeel and your many Crown Counsels for me will ya?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email. Your thoughts, comments and input are greatly valued.

You can be assured that all emails and letters are carefully read,
reviewed and taken into consideration.

There may be occasions when, given the issues you have raised and the
need to address them effectively, we will forward a copy of your
correspondence to the appropriate government official. Accordingly, a
response may take several business days.

Thanks again for your email.

Merci pour votre courriel. Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants de
nous avoir fait part de vos idées, commentaires et observations.

Nous tenons à vous assurer que nous lisons attentivement et prenons en
considération tous les courriels et lettres que nous recevons.

Dans certains cas, nous transmettrons votre message au ministère
responsable afin que les questions soulevées puissent être traitées de
la manière la plus efficace possible. En conséquence, plusieurs jours
ouvrables pourraient s’écouler avant que nous puissions vous répondre.

Merci encore pour votre courriel.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 18:12:39 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Madame Mulroney say hey to sneaky
assiant Nabeel and your many Crown Counsels for me will ya?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
of Parliament for Vancouver Granville.

This message is to acknowledge that we are in receipt of your email.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence, there
may be a delay in processing your email. Rest assured that your
message will be carefully reviewed.

To help us address your concerns more quickly, please include within
the body of your email your full name, address, and postal code.

Please note that your message will be forwarded to the Department of
Justice if it concerns topics pertaining to the member's role as the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. For all future
correspondence addressed to the Minister of Justice, please write
directly to the Department of Justice at
mcu@justice.gc.camcu@justice.gc.ca> or call 613-957-4222.

Thank you


Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
Vancouver Granville.

Le pr?sent message vise ? vous informer que nous avons re?u votre
courriel. En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de
correspondance, il pourrait y avoir un retard dans le traitement de
votre courriel. Sachez que votre message sera examin? attentivement.

Pour nous aider ? r?pondre ? vos pr?occupations plus rapidement,
veuillez inclure dans le corps de votre courriel votre nom complet,
votre adresse et votre code postal.

Veuillez prendre note que votre message sera transmis au minist?re de
la Justice s'il porte sur des sujets qui rel?vent du r?le de la
d?put?e en tant que ministre de la Justice et procureure g?n?rale du
Canada. Pour toute correspondance future adress?e ? la ministre de la
Justice, veuillez ?crire directement au minist?re de la Justice ?
mcu@justice.gc.ca ou appelez au 613-957-4222.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Warner, Lorri"<Lorri.Warner@justice.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 18:12:43 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Madame Mulroney say hey to sneaky
assiant Nabeel and your many Crown Counsels for me will ya?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

I will be away from the office until October 30, 2018.  Please contact
Annette Hartlen at 902-426-7040 or
annette.hartlen@justice.gc.ca<mailto:annette.hartlen@justice.gc.ca> if
you require assistance. Thank you.

---------- Original  message ----------
From: Caroline Mulroney <caroline@carolinemulroney.ca>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 05:53:12 -0800
Subject: Thank you for your message! Re: Trust that TVO, Billy Morneau
and the Mulroney lawyers know why Tanya Granic Allen is the Lady I
would like to see become the next PC leader and everybody know I am
NOT religious
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com


Thank you for getting in touch with the Caroline Mulroney for Leader
campaign. We’ve heard from hundreds of people like you who are excited
about the change that Caroline will bring to Ontario as the Leader of
the PC Party and the next Premier.

We wanted to let you know that we have received your message and that
we will be in touch shortly to follow up with you.

In the meantime, if you haven’t had the opportunity to get a
membership, please visit carolinemulroney.ca to sign up and vote for
Caroline on March 2nd.


The Caroline Mulroney for Leader Campaign


Caroline Mulroney Campaign

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Brown, Patrick"<patrick.brown@pc.ola.org>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 13:58:32 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: FWD Whereas the purported "Progressive
Conservatives" Tim Hudak and Christine Elliott never felt that I was
worth talking to perhaps they should talk to each other about your
pals Jenni Byrne, Paul Godfrey and Derek Burney EH Stevey Bo...
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you very much for getting in touch. Due to the large volume of
mail that I receive, please allow time for a response. If it is a
pressing issue, please call my Queen’s Park office at 416-325-3855.
Otherwise, I will respond as soon as possible.


Patrick Brown, MPP
Simcoe North
Leader of the Official Opposition

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 09:53:52 -0400
Subject: FWD Whereas the purported "Progressive Conservatives" Tim Hudak
and Christine Elliott never felt that I was worth talking to perhaps
they should talk
to each other about your pals Jenni Byrne, Paul Godfrey and Derek Burney
EH Stevey Boy Harper?
To: asktvo@tvo.org, caroline@carolinemulroney.ca,
campaign@tanyagranicallen.com, bmulroney
<bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com>, dbutler <dbutler@postmedia.com>,
"Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>,
newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>,
"sylvie.gadoury"<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, info@ipolitics.ca,
"Melanie.Joly"<Melanie.Joly@parl.gc.ca>, david@policyalternatives.ca,
elizabeth.thompson@cbc.ca, michaelharris@ipolitics.ca,
KadyOMalley@ipolitics.ca, StephenMaher@ipolitics.ca,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>,
"Marc.Litt"<Marc.Litt@bakermckenzie.com>, "
Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>, bbachrach <bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net>
washington field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>,


Debate proves Tanya Granic Allen will be a factor in Ontario PC leadership race
Allen promises to speak for people who oppose 'the Kathleen Wynne sex-ed agenda'

By Mike Crawley, CBC News Posted: Feb 16, 2018 6:00 AM ET


The CROWN Versus Mean Old Me
David Amos
Published on Oct 18, 2015

Just Listen or Read



Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
Campaign, Rogers TV
Rogers tv
Published on Oct 1, 2015
Federal debate in Fundy Royal, New Brunswick riding featuring
candidates Rob Moore, Stephanie Coburn, Alaina Lockhart, Jennifer
McKenzie and David Amos.


David Amos Federal Court Date is today at 2:00pm at the Federal Building!!!
Charles Leblanc
Published on May 23, 2017


Me,Myself and I
David Amos
Published on Oct 27, 2015

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 15:54:44 -0400
Subject: Whereas the purported "Progressive Conservatives" Tim Hudak
and Christine Elliott never felt that I was worth talking to perhaps
they should talk to each other about your pals Jenni Byrne, Paul
Godfrey and Derek Burney EH Stevey Boy Harper?
To: tim.hudakco@pc.ola.org, christine.elliottco@pc.ola.org,
premier <premier@ontario.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
derek.burney@nortonrosefulbright.com, aradwanski@globeandmail.com,
kmcparland@nationalpost.com, ggiorno@fasken.com,
"ht.lacroix"<ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>, jesse <jesse@jessebrown.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>


Harper’s enforcer: Meet Jenni Byrne, the most powerful woman in Ottawa
Add to ...
Adam Radwanski The Globe and Mail Published Friday, May 29, 2015 8:00PM EDT

"As Tim Hudak prepared for his second and final shot at becoming
Ontario’s premier, the word went out through Conservative circles in
the nation’s capital: Do not help this man.

Mr. Hudak, then the leader of the provincial Progressive
Conservatives, was a kindred spirit set to run on a right-wing agenda.
He had a decent shot at knocking off a Liberal incumbent with whom
Stephen Harper had a frosty relationship. And after more than a decade
in the political wilderness, his Tories badly needed organizational
support from federal cousins who had recently been in the business of

Before Mr. Hudak’s first election leading his party, in 2011, such
support was forthcoming. The federal Conservatives lent experienced
campaign managers for target ridings, shared their volunteer lists,
and helped raise money. They even let the provincial Tories use a
campaign bus.

But on the final day of that election campaign, before the votes were
even counted, Mr. Hudak made a bad mistake that went a long way toward
souring his relationship with the federal party: He fired his chief of
staff, Lynette Corbett.

Mixed views about whether Ms. Corbett deserved to be let go, after a
behind-the-scenes power struggle among Mr. Hudak’s senior officials,
are beside the point.

What matters is that she’s among the very best friends of Jenni Byrne.

There are only a few backroom operators in this country whose bad side
needs to be avoided at all costs. And Ms. Byrne – the Prime Minister’s
campaign manager, his enforcer, his primary connection to his party’s
grassroots, and one of his longest-serving loyalists – is most
emphatically one of them.

“Pretty much from the day Lynette was fired, we couldn’t get a phone
call returned,” recalls a senior member of Mr. Hudak’s campaign team.
“It pretty quickly became clear this wasn’t an issue to be managed. It
was a fact to be accepted.”

Never mind central support; all but the bravest federal Conservatives
were reluctant even to be seen at a Hudak fundraiser, for fear of what
it would do to their careers.

It is unclear whether Mr. Harper was fully aware that his party was
choking off resources to Mr. Hudak; if he was, he didn’t much care.
Such is the leeway afforded to the woman who claimed credit for
steering the Prime Minister to majority government, and whom he will
be counting on to help him hold on to it in this year’s federal

----- Original Message -----
From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 14:17:21 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Attn Christine Elliott as soon as I saw that Paul Godfrey and
Derek Burney were behind the lawyer Patrick Brown I understood the game
Did You?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Cc: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>,
annette boucher <annette.boucher@novascotia.ca>, boucheam@gov.ns.ca,
Dana doiron <Dana.doiron@novascotia.ca>, blake@frankmagazine.ca,
comment@contrarian.ca, HANSENCE@gov.ns.ca,
Parker Donham <parker@donham.ca>, mail@trinetraproductions.com,
Glen Canning <grcanning@gmail.com>, Glen Muise <glenmuise1000@gmail.com>,
obsceneworks@gmail.com, gord@gordgamble.com, greenhkh@gov.ns.ca,
"jim.david"<jim.david@pcparty.ns.ca>, Legc office
<Legc.office@novascotia.ca>, Neil Ferguson

To all addressees. Please be advised David Amos is a wanted sex
offender with outstanding warrants in the United States

On 5/13/15, Elliott-co, Christine < christine.elliottco@pc.ola.org> wrote:

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Elliott-co, Christine"<christine.elliottco@pc.ola.org>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 17:00:31 +0000
Subject: RE: RE I just called Pat Martin and Brad Butt about
Commissioner Joe Friday and his testimony before the OGGO Committee on
April 28th
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Mr. Amos.  I am writing to acknowledge receipt of the 2 emails that
you have forwarded to Ms. Elliott's office.  I will bring them to her
attention at the earliest opportunity.

Constituency Staff
Office of Christine Elliott
MPP, Whitby-Oshawa

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos < motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, May 13, 2015 at 10:31 AM
Subject: Attn Christine Elliott as soon as I saw that Paul Godfrey and
Derek Burney were behind the lawyer Patrick Brown I understood the
game Did You?
To: christine.elliottco@pc.ola.org , christine@christineelliott.ca ,
derek.burney@nortonrosefulbright.com , christina.blizzard@sunmedia.ca
, premier < premier@ontario.ca>, pm < pm@pm.gc.ca>, premier <
premier@gov.ab.ca>, premier < premier@gnb.ca>, PREMIER <
PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier < premier@gov.bc.ca>, premier <
premier@leg.gov.mb.ca>, premier < premier@gov.pe.ca>, premier <
premier@gov.sk.ca>, premier < premier@gov.nl.ca>
Cc: David Amos < david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

FYI I just got off the phone with Brown's office in Ottawa on his last
day as an MP and his staff rememberd me.


My big question to you is do you even remember me?

Here is a clue


-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 9:32 AM
To: Elliott-co, Christine; christine@christineelliott.ca;
derek.burney@nortonrosefulbright.com; christina.blizzard@sunmedia.ca;
premier; pm; premier; premier; PREMIER; premier; premier; premier;
premier; premier
Cc: David Amos
Subject: Fwd: RE I just called Pat Martin and Brad Butt about Commissioner
Joe Friday and his testimony before the OGGO Committee on April 28th

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 17:22:09 -0400
Subject: RE I just called Pat Martin and Brad Butt about Commissioner
Joe Friday and his testimony before the OGGO Committee on April 28th
To: pm@pm.gc.ca, Lampron.Raynald@psic-ispc.gc.ca,
Friday.Joe@psic-ispc.gc.ca, lachapelle.edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca,
brad.butt@parl.gc.ca, pat.martin@parl.gc.ca, OGGO@parl.gc.ca,
manon.hardy@chrc-ccdp.ca, "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "David.Coon"
<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>



---------- Original message ----------
From: Premier of Ontario | Première ministre de l’Ontario <Premier@ontario.ca>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 13:49:57 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Trust that TVO, Billy Morneau and the
Mulroney lawyers know why Tanya Granic Allen is the Lady I would like
to see become the next PC leader and everybody know I am NOT religious
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thanks for your email. I value your input and appreciate your taking
the time to get in touch with me.

Every email and letter I receive is carefully read and reviewed. Given
the volume of emails and letters I receive, and because I may need to
share your message with one of my Cabinet ministers or the appropriate
government officials for more information, a response may take several
business days.

Thanks again for contacting me.

Kathleen Wynne

Please note that we are not able to receive replies at this email
address, so please do not respond directly to this email.

* * *

Je vous remercie de votre courriel. Votre avis est important pour moi
et je vous suis reconnaissante d’avoir pris le temps de m’écrire.

Toutes les lettres et tous les courriels que je reçois sont lus
attentivement, un par un. Sachez, cependant, qu’en raison du volume
important de correspondance que je reçois et parce qu’il se peut que
j’aie à consulter l’un de mes collègues du Conseil des ministres ou un
fonctionnaire compétent en la matière, il pourrait s’écouler plusieurs
jours avant que je puisse donner suite à votre courriel.

Meilleures salutations,

Kathleen Wynne
Première ministre de l’Ontario

Veuillez ne pas répondre directement à ce courriel, car aucun courriel
ne peut être reçu à cette adresse.

---------- Original  message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2018 09:26:57 -0400
Subject: Trust that TVO, Billy Morneau and the Mulroney lawyers know
why Tanya Granic Allen is the Lady I would like to see become the next
PC leader and everybody know I am NOT religious
To: asktvo@tvo.org, caroline@carolinemulroney.ca,
campaign@tanyagranicallen.com, bmulroney
<bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com>, dbutler <dbutler@postmedia.com>,
"Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"
<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>, newsroom
<newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre
<andre@jafaust.com>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "ht.lacroix"
<ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>, "sylvie.gadoury"
<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, "Melanie.Joly"
<Melanie.Joly@parl.gc.ca>, david@policyalternatives.ca,
info@ipolitics.ca, elizabeth.thompson@cbc.ca,
michaelharris@ipolitics.ca, KadyOMalley@ipolitics.ca,
StephenMaher@ipolitics.ca, "patrick.brown"<patrick.brown@pc.ola.org>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, premier
<premier@ontario.ca>, "martine.turcotte"<martine.turcotte@bell.ca>,
"steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>, nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>,



Lisa de Wilde, C.M.
Chief Executive Officer

As a well-known Canadian media executive, Lisa de Wilde is a leader of
innovation and transformative change. An advocate of leveraging
digital technology to create moments of learning for people of all
ages, as Chief Executive Officer since 2005 Lisa has steered TVO’s
transformation into Ontario’s digital learning organization.

Prior to leading TVO, Lisa was President and CEO of Astral Television,
and has also been legal counsel for the Canadian Radio-Television and
Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). Lisa also serves the community
in volunteer roles on the Board of Directors of Toronto Global, the
Strategic Advisory Group for the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education (OISE), the Advisory Board for the Mowat Centre, and
previously with the Board of Directors of the Toronto International
Film Festival (TIFF), which she chaired from 2013-2016. She is
currently on the Boards of Directors of TELUS and Enercare Inc.

Lisa is a member of the Order of Canada, a recipient of the Queen’s
Diamond Jubilee Medal, has received honourary degrees from Ryerson
University and Brandon University, and was recognized with the WXN
Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award. She holds Bachelors of
Arts and of Laws degrees from McGill University, and is a member of
the Law Society of Upper Canada.


TVO launches 3rd-party investigation into Steve Paikin over sexual
harassment allegations
Allegations date back to 2010 lunch
CBC News Posted: Feb 05, 2018 10:36 AM ET

The Ontario PC Leadership Debate
The Agenda with Steve Paikin
Published on Feb 15, 2018
The Ontario PC leadership is up for grabs. The Agenda welcomes the
candidates to debate the issue


Tanya Granic Allen Campaign
PO Box 40514, RPO Six Points Plaza
Etobicoke, ON M9B 6K8
Media Contact
Phone 905-459-0082

---------- Original message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 21:07:13 +0000
Subject: RE: Has TVO figured out who I am yet?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 17:06:59 -0400
Subject: Has TVO figured out who I am yet?
To: asktvo@tvo.org, premier <premier@ontario.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"
<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, "ht.lacroix"<ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 16:21:57 -0400
Subject: Please forward this email to Peter Bleyer and David Macdonald
for me will ya?
To: ccpasask@sasktel.net, christine@policyalternatives.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

Simon Enoch, Director
CCPA Saskatchewan
2nd Floor, 2138 McIntyre Street
Regina, SK S4P 2R7

Telephone: 306-924-3372
Fax: 306-586-5177
Email: ccpasask@sasktel.net

For media inquiries, please contact Christine Saulnier, Director,
(902) 240-0926 or christine@policyalternatives.ca.

PO Box 8355
Halifax, NS B3K 5M1
Email: ccpans@policyalternatives.ca
Telephone: (902) 240-0926

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2018 18:22:21 -0400
Subject: Yo Bill Morneau before Trump causes the markets to crash
Methinks I should remind folks of the Bank of Canadas long lost
mandate, Harper's Bankster bail out 10 years ago and Trudeau The
Younger's recent Bankster Bail-In plan
To: "Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, "Andrew.Bailey"
<Andrew.Bailey@fca.org.uk>, postur <postur@for.is>, postur
<postur@dmr.is>, postur <postur@irr.is>, smari <smari@immi.is>,
david@policyalternatives.ca, info@ipolitics.ca,
elizabeth.thompson@cbc.ca, michaelharris@ipolitics.ca,
KadyOMalley@ipolitics.ca, StephenMaher@ipolitics.ca,
info@canadachristiancollege.com, "zach.dubinsky"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, press
<press@bankofengland.co.uk>, "boris.johnson.mp"
<boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk>, "herb.wiseman"
<herb.wiseman@gmail.com>, paul.slansky@bellnet.ca,
stuart@policyalternatives.ca, ccpa@policyalternatives.ca,
steve.silva@globalnews.ca, steve@stevesilva.ca, "David.Akin"

Whereas nobody listens to me I will attempt to do so byway of other
people's words and videos.

Does anyone recall this nonsense on Youtube 5 years ago when young
Justin was charging big bucks for speeches but having fun yapping it
up bigtime in malls for free? Obviously even bald mall guards loved
Trudeau "The Younger" back then Nesy Pas?


Justin Trudeau: Fluoride/Bilderberg/Bank of Canada Are Conspiracy Theories
Terry Wilson
Published on Feb 8, 2013

However this far important stuff was also put up on YouTube after it
appears CBC had aired it first and nobody seemed to care.

Please note I truly do appreciate David MacDonald's work. However I am
very tired of his old buddies such as the turncoat NDP?Conservative
Dominic Cardy laughing at me while sending me butter tarts and talking
mindlessly of ardvarrks, puffins and pussy cats etc.

Study Reveals Secret Bailouts to Canadian Banks

Published on Apr 30, 2012


"Our politicians are on the global stage touting the soundness of
Canada's banking system, where at the same time three of Canada's
banks were at some point underwater."

David Macdonald of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
explains the think tank's report that found Canadian banks received
secret bailouts during the 2008-2010 financial crisis.

(PDF) The Big Banks' Big Secret: Estimating Government Support for
Canadian Banks During the Financial Crisis


Need I say that I contacted these NDP/union/beancounter/spindoctors long ago?



“Canada’s corporate executives were among the loudest critics of a new
fifteen dollar minimum wage in provinces like Ontario and Alberta,
meanwhile the highest paid among them were raking in record-breaking
earnings,” says the report’s author, CCPA Senior Economist David

Climbing Up and Kicking Down: Executive pay in Canada is available on
the CCPA website. For more information contact Alyssa O’Dell, CCPA
Media and Public Relations: 613-563-1341 x307,
alyssa@policyalternatives.ca or cell 343-998-7575.

Here is a little proof of an email of mine from 2012 that the CCPA,
the NDP, the Conservatives, Dizzy Lizzy May, Trudeau "The Younger",
his many mindless minions and even YOU should recall N'esy Pas David

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 13:09:54 -0400
Subject: Fwd: RE Potash Corp, The NEB, Nexen, Pipelines and MP Nathan Cullen
To: ccpa@policyalternatives.ca, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "marc.garneau.a1"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "dean.delmastro.c1"
<dean.delmastro.c1@parl.gc.ca>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>, leader
<leader@greenparty.bc.ca>, "adrian.dix.mla"<adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca>

That said

Does anyone remember what this crooked Bankster had to say to CBC the
following year before he split for a far fancier job in Not So Merry
Old England???

Bank 'bail-in' plan shouldn't worry Canadians, Carney says
Bank of Canada head says it's 'hard to fathom' Canadian deposits would
be touched
The Canadian Press Posted: Apr 18, 2013 5:03 PM ET


Since then the Liebranos put the Bankster 'bail-in' plan in the books.
While CBC has played dumb lawyers and many others have had an opinion
about it. I for one  particularly enjoy the ones I view on YouTube.

So who is the liar of these two? an unnamed lawyer on the CBA website
who does not offer a name to back up its opinion or a biblepounder
that claims to be a "Dr" or both?

FAQ: What is a “bail-in regime” and are my bank deposits safe?


Trudeau's Bail-In Now Law to Allow Banks to Confiscate Your Deposits
Canadian Times NEWS
Published on Aug 11, 2016


Perhaps both the lawyer and the "Dr" may enjoy the email found within this blog
 I published today for their benefit

Sunday, 21 January 2018

As soon as Mark Carney is appointed Govenor of the Bank of England I
get a call from the SEC (202 551 2000)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 21:51:00 +0000
Subject: RE: Unbelieveable I actually agree with these Doug Draper and
Jack Gibbons characters and what they opt to publish while I was at
the NBEUB hearing yesterday and yet they think i am not worth talking
to just like the lawyers do?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 17:29:05 -0400
Subject: Unbelieveable I actually agree with these Doug Draper and
Jack Gibbons characters and what they opt to publish while I was at
the NBEUB hearing yesterday and yet they think i am not worth talking
to just like the lawyers do?
To: jack@cleanairalliance.org, drapers@vaxxine.com,
premier@ontario.ca, doug <doug@fordnation.ca>,
christine@christine2018.ca, info@fordforleader.ca,
ahorwath-qp@ndp.on.ca, Angela@cleanairalliance.org,
rsvp@jakeskinner.ca, media@christine2018.ca, newsroom
<newsroom@globeandmail.ca>, leblanc.daniel.m@gmail.com,
Dave.Young@nbeub.ca, twoolf@synapse-energy.com,
rzarumba@ceadvisors.com, rdk@indecon.com,
efinamore@valutechsolutions.com, patrick.brown@pc.ola.org,
"Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, paul.heroux@mcgill.ca,
chris_r_31@hotmail.com, wharrison <wharrison@nbpower.com>,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "brian.gallant"
<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "rick.doucet"<rick.doucet@gnb.ca>, ecdesmond
<ecdesmond@nbeub.ca>, "Furey, John"<jfurey@nbpower.com>, sstoll
<sstoll@airdberlis.com>, hsegal <hsegal@airdberlis.com>, jtodd
<jtodd@elenchus.ca>, ddale <ddale@thestar.ca>, "darrow.macintyre"

Go Figure EH Dougy Ford?


Matter No. 0375

Title NB  Power  2018-2019  General  Rate  Application  /  Énergie  NB
 Demande  générale  de  tarifs  pour  2018-2019

Description Electricity

Summary         IN  THE  MATTER  OF  an  application  by  New  Brunswick
Power  Corporation  for  approval  of  the  schedules  of  the  rates
for  the  fiscal  year  commencing  April  1,  2018.

Status Open


When Will The Light Come On?
Posted on February 13, 2018 by dougdraper | 2 Comments
Urge Ontario’s Party Leaders To Embrace a ‘Real Solution’ to Rising
Electricity Costs

A Call-Out from the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, a citizens advocacy
group in the province

Posted February 13th, 2018 on Niagara At Large

We are now just a few months away from a provincial election and we
know that rising electricity costs are sure to be a big issue on the
campaign trail. So why have none of the parties at Queen’s Park
embraced the real solution to lowering bills – buying power from

Quebec just signed a deal with Massachusetts to supply power at 3 to
5.5 cents per kWh. That’s less than one-third of the projected cost of
power from rebuilt reactors at the Darlington Nuclear Station. Yet our
leaders seem more interested in accounting tricks and finger pointing
than in grabbing Quebec’s sensational offer to make a similar deal
with Ontario.

Right now, all our leaders (and leadership candidates) seem to be
stumbling around in the dark on the electricity issue (with the
exception of the Green Party, which has called for a deal with
Quebec). To make a real difference for voters, they need to quickly
flip the switch from dangerous high cost nuclear to clean affordable
power from Quebec. Voters have had enough of non-solutions and the
blame game. Now it is time for real answers.

Please tell the leaders and leadership candidates that you want
answers, not empty promises.

    Premier Kathleen Wynne: premier@ontario.ca
    NDP Leader Andrea Horwath: ahorwath-qp@ndp.on.ca
    PC Leadership candidate Christine Elliott: christine@christine2018.ca
    PC Leadership candidate Doug Ford: info@fordforleader.ca
    PC Leadership candidate Caroline Mulroney: christine@christine2018.ca

Thank you, Angela Bischoff, Director

P.S. We have sent the PC leadership candidates the following question:
“Should the Government of Ontario seek to negotiate a long-term
electricity supply contract with Hydro Quebec to lower our electricity
rates?” We’ll let you know what they have to say. Stay tuned.

Share this with your social media networks:

NIAGARA AT LARGE encourages you to join the conversation by sharing
your views on this post in the space below the Bernie quote.

A reminder that we only post comments by individuals who also share
their first and last names.

For more news and commentary from Niagara At Large – an independent,
alternative voice for our greater bi-national Niagara region – become
a regular visitor and subscriber to NAL at www.niagaraatlarge.com .

 “A politician thinks of the next election. A leader thinks of the
next generation.” – Bernie Sanders

Jack Gibbons, Chair
Former Toronto Hydro Commissioner
(416) 260-2080,  ext. 2

Doug Draper
(905) 227-7951
32 Collier Rd N Thorold ON L2V 2X1

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Brown, Patrick"<patrick.brown@pc.ola.org>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 19:47:56 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn David Butt and Matthew Garrow I just
called from 902 800 0369
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you very much for getting in touch. Due to the large volume of
mail that I receive, please allow time for a response. If it is a
pressing issue, please call my Queen’s Park office at 416-325-3855.
Otherwise, I will respond as soon as possible.


Patrick Brown, MPP
Simcoe North
Leader of the Official Opposition

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 15:22:57 -0400
Subject: Attn David Butt and Matthew Garrow I just called from 902 800 0369
To: dbutt@barristersatlaw.ca, matthew.garrow@bellmedia.ca,
"sylvie.gadoury"<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, "ht.lacroix"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "David.Akin"
<David.Akin@globalnews.ca>, "patrick.brown"<patrick.brown@pc.ola.org>

Interesting news to say the least EH David Akin?


'You lied. You defamed me': Patrick Brown blasts CTV News after sexual
misconduct accuser changes timeline
One of Brown's accusers now says she was wasn't underage at time of
alleged sexual misconduct
Amara McLaughlin · CBC News · Posted: Feb 14, 2018 2:45 PM ET |

"CTV 'stands by its reporting': spokesperson

Matthew Garrow, spokesperson for Bell Media, also responded to Brown's
Facebook post on Wednesday in an email to CBC News.

"CTV News continues to stand by its reporting," Garrow said.

"Patrick Brown's allegations regarding our reporting are false. As we
reported once again last night, the two women have reiterated their
allegations of sexual misconduct by Patrick Brown."

Matthew Garrow, Bell Media, 416-384-5258 or matthew.garrow@bellmedia.ca;

Mr Butt here is where I published the email I sent you last year


There rest of this email should bring you up to date

>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 02:23:24 -0300
>> Subject: ATTN FBI Special Agent Richard Deslauriers Have you talked to
>> your buddies Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly about the wiretap tapes YET?
>> To: boston@ic.fbi.gov, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov,
>> bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> Brian.Kelly@usdoj.gov, us.marshals@usdoj.gov, Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov,
>> jcarney@carneybassil.com, bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, birgittaj@althingi.is,
>> shmurphy@globe.com, redicecreations@gmail.com
>> FBI Boston
>> One Center Plaza
>> Suite 600
>> Boston, MA 02108
>> Phone: (617) 742-5533
>> Fax: (617) 223-6327
>> E-mail: Boston@ic.fbi.gov
>> Hours
>> Although we operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our normal
>> "walk-in" business hours are from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday
>> through Friday. If you need to speak with a FBI representative at any
>> time other than during normal business hours, please telephone our
>> office at (617) 742-5533.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 01:20:20 -0300
>> Subject: Yo Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly your buddy Whitey's trial is
>> finally underway now correct? What the hell do I do with the wiretap
>> tapes Sell them on Ebay?
>> To: Brian.Kelly@usdoj.gov, us.marshals@usdoj.gov,
>> Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov, jcarney@carneybassil.com,
>> bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net, wolfheartlodge@live.com, shmurphy@globe.com, >> jonathan.albano@bingham.commvalencia@globe.com
>> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>> PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov, rounappletree@aol.com
>> http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/06/05/james-whitey-bulger-jury-selection-process-enters-second-day/KjS80ofyMMM5IkByK74bkK/story.html
>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/06/09/nsa-leak-guardian.html
>> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
>> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vugUalUO8YY
>> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
>> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
>> cards?
>> http://www.archive.org/details/FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
>> http://archive.org/details/ITriedToExplainItToAllMaritimersInEarly2006
>> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach-bush.html
>> http://www.archive.org/details/PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape139
>> http://archive.org/details/Part1WiretapTape143
>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
>> Senator Arlen Specter
>> United States Senate
>> Committee on the Judiciary
>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
>> Washington, DC 20510
>> Dear Mr. Specter:
>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
>> raised in the attached letter.
>> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
>> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
>> Very truly yours,
>> Barry A. Bachrach
>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
>> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "David Amos"david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> To: "Rob Talach"rtalach@ledroitbeckett.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
>> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my suing
>> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
>> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should mean
>> a lot to you
>> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:37:08 -0400
>> Subject: To Hell with the KILLER COP Gilles Moreau What say you NOW
>> Bernadine Chapman??
>> To: Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, phil.giles@statcan.ca,
>> maritme_malaise@yahoo.ca, Jennifer.Nixon@ps-sp.gc.ca,
>> bartman.heidi@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Yves.J.Marineau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> david.paradiso@erc-cee.gc.ca, desaulniea@smtp.gc.ca,
>> denise.brennan@tbs-sct.gc.ca, anne.murtha@vac-acc.gc.ca,
>> webo@xplornet.com, julie.dickson@osfi-bsif.gc.ca,
>> rod.giles@osfi-bsif.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca, toewsv1@parl.gc.ca,
>> Nycole.Turmel@parl.gc.ca,Clemet1@parl.gc.ca, maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca, >> oig@sec.gov, whistleblower@finra.org, whistle@fsa.gov.uk,
>> david@fairwhistleblower.ca
>> Cc: j.kroes@interpol.int, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
>> bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.cajustin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca,
>> Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>> Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca,
>> ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>> http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/nb/news-nouvelles/media-medias-eng.htm
>> http://nb.rcmpvet.ca/Newsletters/VetsReview/nlnov06.pdf
>> From: Gilles Moreau Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:22 -0500
>> Subject: Re: Lets ee if the really nasty Newfy Lawyer Danny Boy
>> Millions will explain this email to you or your boss Vic Toews EH
>> Constable Peddle???
>> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
>> Please cease and desist from using my name in your emails.
>> Gilles Moreau, Chief Superintendent, CHRP and ACC
>> Director General
>> HR Transformation
>> 73 Leikin Drive, M5-2-502
>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
>> Tel 613-843-6039
>> Cel 613-818-6947
>> Gilles Moreau, surintendant principal, CRHA et ACC
>> Directeur général de la Transformation des ressources humaines
>> 73 Leikin, pièce M5-2-502
>> Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
>> tél 613-843-6039
>> cel 613-818-6947
>> gilles.moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 09:36:42 -0400
Subject: Yo Norman.Sabourin Need I say that the noname assistant of
your buddy Chief Justice David D. Smith just pissed of the wrong
Maritimer today?
To: "Norman.Sabourin"<Norman.Sabourin@cjc-ccm.gc.ca>,
david.d.smith@gnb.ca, "denis.landry2"<denis.landry2@gnb.ca>,
Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca, "serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>,
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "hugh.flemming"
<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, "david.eidt"<david.eidt@gnb.ca>,
caroline.lafontaine@gnb.ca, crystal.critch@gnb.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, george.filliter@gnb.ca,
michael.bray@fosterandcompany.com, "Jacques.Poitras"
<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "Larry.Tremblay"


New Brunswick chief justice announces retirement
J. Ernest Drapeau was appointed to the office in 2003
CBC News Posted: Feb 01, 2018 5:32 PM AT


Sitting judge calls on chief justice to resign for defying transfer law
Chief Justice David Smith transferred a judge in December in a
challenge of new Judicature Act changes
By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: Feb 02, 2018 4:00 AM AT

The Hon. George S. Rideout
Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick
Judges Chambers
145 Assumption Blvd.,
PO Box 5001, Stn. LCD 1
Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 8R3
Phone: 506-856-2301

Bell, Drapeau and Smith should have done the right thing LONG AGO


New Brunswick
The Honourable Ernest Drapeau, Chief Justice of New Brunswick
The Honourable David D. Smith, Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's
Bench of New Brunswick

Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada
The Honourable B. Richard Bell, Chief Justice of the Court Martial
Appeal Court of Canada

Need I remind the Justice Dept that I am about to make an application to
the Supreme Court because of this wicked decision?  Please enjoy


Sunday, 19 November 2017

Federal Court of Appeal Finally Makes The BIG Decision And Publishes
It Now The Crooks Cannot Take Back Ticket To Try Put My Matter Before
The Supreme Court


Federal Court of Appeal Decisions

Amos v. Canada
Court (s) Database

Federal Court of Appeal Decisions

Neutral citation

2017 FCA 213
File numbers

Date: 20171030

Docket: A-48-16
Citation: 2017 FCA 213


Respondent on the cross-appeal
(and formally Appellant)
Appellant on the cross-appeal
(and formerly Respondent)
Heard at Fredericton, New Brunswick, on May 24, 2017.
Judgment delivered at Ottawa, Ontario, on October 30, 2017.


Date: 20171030

Docket: A-48-16
Citation: 2017 FCA 213


Respondent on the cross-appeal
(and formally Appellant)
Appellant on the cross-appeal
(and formerly Respondent)

I.                    Introduction

[1]               On September 16, 2015, David Raymond Amos (Mr. Amos)
filed a 53-page Statement of Claim (the Claim) in Federal Court
against Her Majesty the Queen (the Crown). Mr. Amos claims $11 million
in damages and a public apology from the Prime Minister and Provincial
Premiers for being illegally barred from accessing parliamentary
properties and seeks a declaration from the Minister of Public Safety
that the Canadian Government will no longer allow the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canadian Forces to harass him and his clan
(Claim at para. 96).

[2]               On November 12, 2015 (Docket T-1557-15), by way of a
motion brought by the Crown, a prothonotary of the Federal Court (the
Prothonotary) struck the Claim in its entirety, without leave to
amend, on the basis that it was plain and obvious that the Claim
disclosed no reasonable claim, the Claim was fundamentally vexatious,
and the Claim could not be salvaged by way of further amendment (the
Prothontary’s Order).

[3]               On January 25, 2016 (2016 FC 93), by way of Mr.
Amos’ appeal from the Prothonotary’s Order, a judge of the Federal
Court (the Judge), reviewing the matter de novo, struck all of Mr.
Amos’ claims for relief with the exception of the claim for damages
for being barred by the RCMP from the New Brunswick legislature in
2004 (the Federal Court Judgment).

[4]               Mr. Amos appealed and the Crown cross-appealed the
Federal Court Judgment. Further to the issuance of a Notice of Status
Review, Mr. Amos’ appeal was dismissed for delay on December 19, 2016.
As such, the only matter before this Court is the Crown’s

II.                 Preliminary Matter

[5]               Mr. Amos, in his memorandum of fact and law in
relation to the cross-appeal that was filed with this Court on March
6, 2017, indicated that several judges of this Court, including two of
the judges of this panel, had a conflict of interest in this appeal.
This was the first time that he identified the judges whom he believed
had a conflict of interest in a document that was filed with this
Court. In his notice of appeal he had alluded to a conflict with
several judges but did not name those judges.

[6]               Mr. Amos was of the view that he did not have to
identify the judges in any document filed with this Court because he
had identified the judges in various documents that had been filed
with the Federal Court. In his view the Federal Court and the Federal
Court of Appeal are the same court and therefore any document filed in
the Federal Court would be filed in this Court. This view is based on
subsections 5(4) and 5.1(4) of the Federal Courts Act, R.S.C., 1985,
c. F-7:

5(4) Every judge of the Federal Court is, by virtue of his or her
office, a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal and has all the
jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court of

5(4) Les juges de la Cour fédérale sont d’office juges de la Cour
d’appel fédérale et ont la même compétence et les mêmes pouvoirs que
les juges de la Cour d’appel fédérale.
5.1(4) Every judge of the Federal Court of Appeal is, by virtue of
that office, a judge of the Federal Court and has all the
jurisdiction, power and authority of a judge of the Federal Court.

5.1(4) Les juges de la Cour d’appel fédérale sont d’office juges de la
Cour fédérale et ont la même compétence et les mêmes pouvoirs que les
juges de la Cour fédérale.

[7]               However, these subsections only provide that the
judges of the Federal Court are also judges of this Court (and vice
versa). It does not mean that there is only one court. If the Federal
Court and this Court were one Court, there would be no need for this
[8]               Sections 3 and 4 of the Federal Courts Act provide that:
3 The division of the Federal Court of Canada called the Federal Court
— Appeal Division is continued under the name “Federal Court of
Appeal” in English and “Cour d’appel fédérale” in French. It is
continued as an additional court of law, equity and admiralty in and
for Canada, for the better administration of the laws of Canada and as
a superior court of record having civil and criminal jurisdiction.

3 La Section d’appel, aussi appelée la Cour d’appel ou la Cour d’appel
fédérale, est maintenue et dénommée « Cour d’appel fédérale » en
français et « Federal Court of Appeal » en anglais. Elle est maintenue
à titre de tribunal additionnel de droit, d’equity et d’amirauté du
Canada, propre à améliorer l’application du droit canadien, et
continue d’être une cour supérieure d’archives ayant compétence en
matière civile et pénale.
4 The division of the Federal Court of Canada called the Federal Court
— Trial Division is continued under the name “Federal Court” in
English and “Cour fédérale” in French. It is continued as an
additional court of law, equity and admiralty in and for Canada, for
the better administration of the laws of Canada and as a superior
court of record having civil and criminal jurisdiction.

4 La section de la Cour fédérale du Canada, appelée la Section de
première instance de la Cour fédérale, est maintenue et dénommée «
Cour fédérale » en français et « Federal Court » en anglais. Elle est
maintenue à titre de tribunal additionnel de droit, d’equity et
d’amirauté du Canada, propre à améliorer l’application du droit
canadien, et continue d’être une cour supérieure d’archives ayant
compétence en matière civile et pénale.

[9]               Sections 3 and 4 of the Federal Courts Act create
two separate courts – this Court (section 3) and the Federal Court
(section 4). If, as Mr. Amos suggests, documents filed in the Federal
Court were automatically also filed in this Court, then there would no
need for the parties to prepare and file appeal books as required by
Rules 343 to 345 of the Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106 in relation
to any appeal from a decision of the Federal Court. The requirement to
file an appeal book with this Court in relation to an appeal from a
decision of the Federal Court makes it clear that the only documents
that will be before this Court are the documents that are part of that
appeal book.

[10]           Therefore, the memorandum of fact and law filed on
March 6, 2017 is the first document, filed with this Court, in which
Mr. Amos identified the particular judges that he submits have a
conflict in any matter related to him.

[11]           On April 3, 2017, Mr. Amos attempted to bring a motion
before the Federal Court seeking an order “affirming or denying the
conflict of interest he has” with a number of judges of the Federal
Court. A judge of the Federal Court issued a direction noting that if
Mr. Amos was seeking this order in relation to judges of the Federal
Court of Appeal, it was beyond the jurisdiction of the Federal Court.
Mr. Amos raised the Federal Court motion at the hearing of this
cross-appeal. The Federal Court motion is not a motion before this
Court and, as such, the submissions filed before the Federal Court
will not be entertained. As well, since this was a motion brought
before the Federal Court (and not this Court), any documents filed in
relation to that motion are not part of the record of this Court.

[12]           During the hearing of the appeal Mr. Amos alleged that
the third member of this panel also had a conflict of interest and
submitted some documents that, in his view, supported his claim of a
conflict. Mr. Amos, following the hearing of his appeal, was also
afforded the opportunity to provide a brief summary of the conflict
that he was alleging and to file additional documents that, in his
view, supported his allegations. Mr. Amos submitted several pages of
documents in relation to the alleged conflicts. He organized the
documents by submitting a copy of the biography of the particular
judge and then, immediately following that biography, by including
copies of the documents that, in his view, supported his claim that
such judge had a conflict.

[13]           The nature of the alleged conflict of Justice Webb is
that before he was appointed as a Judge of the Tax Court of Canada in
2006, he was a partner with the law firm Patterson Law, and before
that with Patterson Palmer in Nova Scotia. Mr. Amos submitted that he
had a number of disputes with Patterson Palmer and Patterson Law and
therefore Justice Webb has a conflict simply because he was a partner
of these firms. Mr. Amos is not alleging that Justice Webb was
personally involved in or had any knowledge of any matter in which Mr.
Amos was involved with Justice Webb’s former law firm – only that he
was a member of such firm.

[14]           During his oral submissions at the hearing of his
appeal Mr. Amos, in relation to the alleged conflict for Justice Webb,
focused on dealings between himself and a particular lawyer at
Patterson Law. However, none of the documents submitted by Mr. Amos at
the hearing or subsequently related to any dealings with this
particular lawyer nor is it clear when Mr. Amos was dealing with this
lawyer. In particular, it is far from clear whether such dealings were
after the time that Justice Webb was appointed as a Judge of the Tax
Court of Canada over 10 years ago.

[15]           The documents that he submitted in relation to the
alleged conflict for Justice Webb largely relate to dealings between
Byron Prior and the St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador office of
Patterson Palmer, which is not in the same province where Justice Webb
practiced law. The only document that indicates any dealing between
Mr. Amos and Patterson Palmer is a copy of an affidavit of Stephen May
who was a partner in the St. John’s NL office of Patterson Palmer. The
affidavit is dated January 24, 2005 and refers to a number of e-mails
that were sent by Mr. Amos to Stephen May. Mr. Amos also included a
letter that is addressed to four individuals, one of whom is John
Crosbie who was counsel to the St. John’s NL office of Patterson
Palmer. The letter is dated September 2, 2004 and is addressed to
“John Crosbie, c/o Greg G. Byrne, Suite 502, 570 Queen Street,
Fredericton, NB E3B 5E3”. In this letter Mr. Amos alludes to a
possible lawsuit against Patterson Palmer.
[16]           Mr. Amos’ position is that simply because Justice Webb
was a lawyer with Patterson Palmer, he now has a conflict. In Wewaykum
Indian Band v. Her Majesty the Queen, 2003 SCC 45, [2003] 2 S.C.R.
259, the Supreme Court of Canada noted that disqualification of a
judge is to be determined based on whether there is a reasonable
apprehension of bias:
60        In Canadian law, one standard has now emerged as the
criterion for disqualification. The criterion, as expressed by de
Grandpré J. in Committee for Justice and Liberty v. National Energy
Board, …[[1978] 1 S.C.R. 369, 68 D.L.R. (3d) 716], at p. 394, is the
reasonable apprehension of bias:
… the apprehension of bias must be a reasonable one, held by
reasonable and right minded persons, applying themselves to the
question and obtaining thereon the required information. In the words
of the Court of Appeal, that test is "what would an informed person,
viewing the matter realistically and practically -- and having thought
the matter through -- conclude. Would he think that it is more likely
than not that [the decision-maker], whether consciously or
unconsciously, would not decide fairly."

[17]           The issue to be determined is whether an informed
person, viewing the matter realistically and practically, and having
thought the matter through, would conclude that Mr. Amos’ allegations
give rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias. As this Court has
previously remarked, “there is a strong presumption that judges will
administer justice impartially” and this presumption will not be
rebutted in the absence of “convincing evidence” of bias (Collins v.
Canada, 2011 FCA 140 at para. 7, [2011] 4 C.T.C. 157 [Collins]. See
also R. v. S. (R.D.), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 484 at para. 32, 151 D.L.R.
(4th) 193).

[18]           The Ontario Court of Appeal in Rando Drugs Ltd. v.
Scott, 2007 ONCA 553, 86 O.R. (3d) 653 (leave to appeal to the Supreme
Court of Canada refused, 32285 (August 1, 2007)), addressed the
particular issue of whether a judge is disqualified from hearing a
case simply because he had been a member of a law firm that was
involved in the litigation that was now before that judge. The Ontario
Court of Appeal determined that the judge was not disqualified if the
judge had no involvement with the person or the matter when he was a
lawyer. The Ontario Court of Appeal also explained that the rules for
determining whether a judge is disqualified are different from the
rules to determine whether a lawyer has a conflict:
27        Thus, disqualification is not the natural corollary to a
finding that a trial judge has had some involvement in a case over
which he or she is now presiding. Where the judge had no involvement,
as here, it cannot be said that the judge is disqualified.

28        The point can rightly be made that had Mr. Patterson been
asked to represent the appellant as counsel before his appointment to
the bench, the conflict rules would likely have prevented him from
taking the case because his firm had formerly represented one of the
defendants in the case. Thus, it is argued how is it that as a trial
judge Patterson J. can hear the case? This issue was considered by the
Court of Appeal (Civil Division) in Locabail (U.K.) Ltd. v. Bayfield
Properties Ltd., [2000] Q.B. 451. The court held, at para. 58, that
there is no inflexible rule governing the disqualification of a judge
and that, "[e]verything depends on the circumstances."

29        It seems to me that what appears at first sight to be an
inconsistency in application of rules can be explained by the
different contexts and in particular, the strong presumption of
judicial impartiality that applies in the context of disqualification
of a judge. There is no such presumption in cases of allegations of
conflict of interest against a lawyer because of a firm's previous
involvement in the case. To the contrary, as explained by Sopinka J.
in MacDonald Estate v. Martin (1990), 77 D.L.R. (4th) 249 (S.C.C.),
for sound policy reasons there is a presumption of a disqualifying
interest that can rarely be overcome. In particular, a conclusory
statement from the lawyer that he or she had no confidential
information about the case will never be sufficient. The case is the
opposite where the allegation of bias is made against a trial judge.
His or her statement that he or she knew nothing about the case and
had no involvement in it will ordinarily be accepted at face value
unless there is good reason to doubt it: see Locabail, at para. 19.

30        That brings me then to consider the particular circumstances
of this case and whether there are serious grounds to find a
disqualifying conflict of interest in this case. In my view, there are
two significant factors that justify the trial judge's decision not to
recuse himself. The first is his statement, which all parties accept,
that he knew nothing of the case when it was in his former firm and
that he had nothing to do with it. The second is the long passage of
time. As was said in Wewaykum, at para. 85:
            To us, one significant factor stands out, and must inform
the perspective of the reasonable person assessing the impact of this
involvement on Binnie J.'s impartiality in the appeals. That factor is
the passage of time. Most arguments for disqualification rest on
circumstances that are either contemporaneous to the decision-making,
or that occurred within a short time prior to the decision-making.
31        There are other factors that inform the issue. The Wilson
Walker firm no longer acted for any of the parties by the time of
trial. More importantly, at the time of the motion, Patterson J. had
been a judge for six years and thus had not had a relationship with
his former firm for a considerable period of time.

32        In my view, a reasonable person, viewing the matter
realistically would conclude that the trial judge could deal fairly
and impartially with this case. I take this view principally because
of the long passage of time and the trial judge's lack of involvement
in or knowledge of the case when the Wilson Walker firm had carriage.
In these circumstances it cannot be reasonably contended that the
trial judge could not remain impartial in the case. The mere fact that
his name appears on the letterhead of some correspondence from over a
decade ago would not lead a reasonable person to believe that he would
either consciously or unconsciously favour his former firm's former
client. It is simply not realistic to think that a judge would throw
off his mantle of impartiality, ignore his oath of office and favour a
client - about whom he knew nothing - of a firm that he left six years
earlier and that no longer acts for the client, in a case involving
events from over a decade ago.
(emphasis added)

[19]           Justice Webb had no involvement with any matter
involving Mr. Amos while he was a member of Patterson Palmer or
Patterson Law, nor does Mr. Amos suggest that he did. Mr. Amos made it
clear during the hearing of this matter that the only reason for the
alleged conflict for Justice Webb was that he was a member of
Patterson Law and Patterson Palmer. This is simply not enough for
Justice Webb to be disqualified. Any involvement of Mr. Amos with
Patterson Law while Justice Webb was a member of that firm would have
had to occur over 10 years ago and even longer for the time when he
was a member of Patterson Palmer. In addition to the lack of any
involvement on his part with any matter or dispute that Mr. Amos had
with Patterson Law or Patterson Palmer (which in and of itself is
sufficient to dispose of this matter), the length of time since
Justice Webb was a member of Patterson Law or Patterson Palmer would
also result in the same finding – that there is no conflict in Justice
Webb hearing this appeal.

[20]           Similarly in R. v. Bagot, 2000 MBCA 30, 145 Man. R.
(2d) 260, the Manitoba Court of Appeal found that there was no
reasonable apprehension of bias when a judge, who had been a member of
the law firm that had been retained by the accused, had no involvement
with the accused while he was a lawyer with that firm.

[21]           In Del Zotto v. Minister of National Revenue, [2000] 4
F.C. 321, 257 N.R. 96, this court did find that there would be a
reasonable apprehension of bias where a judge, who while he was a
lawyer, had recorded time on a matter involving the same person who
was before that judge. However, this case can be distinguished as
Justice Webb did not have any time recorded on any files involving Mr.
Amos while he was a lawyer with Patterson Palmer or Patterson Law.

[22]           Mr. Amos also included with his submissions a CD. He
stated in his affidavit dated June 26, 2017 that there is a “true copy
of an American police surveillance wiretap entitled 139” on this CD.
He has also indicated that he has “provided a true copy of the CD
entitled 139 to many American and Canadian law enforcement authorities
and not one of the police forces or officers of the court are willing
to investigate it”. Since he has indicated that this is an “American
police surveillance wiretap”, this is a matter for the American law
enforcement authorities and cannot create, as Mr. Amos suggests, a
conflict of interest for any judge to whom he provides a copy.

[23]           As a result, there is no conflict or reasonable
apprehension of bias for Justice Webb and therefore, no reason for him
to recuse himself.

[24]           Mr. Amos alleged that Justice Near’s past professional
experience with the government created a “quasi-conflict” in deciding
the cross-appeal. Mr. Amos provided no details and Justice Near
confirmed that he had no prior knowledge of the matters alleged in the
Claim. Justice Near sees no reason to recuse himself.

[25]           Insofar as it is possible to glean the basis for Mr.
Amos’ allegations against Justice Gleason, it appears that he alleges
that she is incapable of hearing this appeal because he says he wrote
a letter to Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien in 2004. At that time,
both Justice Gleason and Mr. Mulroney were partners in the law firm
Ogilvy Renault, LLP. The letter in question, which is rude and angry,
begins with “Hey you two Evil Old Smiling Bastards” and “Re: me suing
you and your little dogs too”. There is no indication that the letter
was ever responded to or that a law suit was ever commenced by Mr.
Amos against Mr. Mulroney. In the circumstances, there is no reason
for Justice Gleason to recuse herself as the letter in question does
not give rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias.

III.               Issue

[26]           The issue on the cross-appeal is as follows: Did the
Judge err in setting aside the Prothonotary’s Order striking the Claim
in its entirety without leave to amend and in determining that Mr.
Amos’ allegation that the RCMP barred him from the New Brunswick
legislature in 2004 was capable of supporting a cause of action?

IV.              Analysis

A.                 Standard of Review

[27]           Following the Judge’s decision to set aside the
Prothonotary’s Order, this Court revisited the standard of review to
be applied to discretionary decisions of prothonotaries and decisions
made by judges on appeals of prothonotaries’ decisions in Hospira
Healthcare Corp. v. Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, 2016 FCA 215,
402 D.L.R. (4th) 497 [Hospira]. In Hospira, a five-member panel of
this Court replaced the Aqua-Gem standard of review with that
articulated in Housen v. Nikolaisen, 2002 SCC 33, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235
[Housen]. As a result, it is no longer appropriate for the Federal
Court to conduct a de novo review of a discretionary order made by a
prothonotary in regard to questions vital to the final issue of the
case. Rather, a Federal Court judge can only intervene on appeal if
the prothonotary made an error of law or a palpable and overriding
error in determining a question of fact or question of mixed fact and
law (Hospira at para. 79). Further, this Court can only interfere with
a Federal Court judge’s review of a prothonotary’s discretionary order
if the judge made an error of law or palpable and overriding error in
determining a question of fact or question of mixed fact and law
(Hospira at paras. 82-83).

[28]           In the case at bar, the Judge substituted his own
assessment of Mr. Amos’ Claim for that of the Prothonotary. This Court
must look to the Prothonotary’s Order to determine whether the Judge
erred in law or made a palpable and overriding error in choosing to

B.                 Did the Judge err in interfering with the
Prothonotary’s Order?

[29]           The Prothontoary’s Order accepted the following
paragraphs from the Crown’s submissions as the basis for striking the
Claim in its entirety without leave to amend:

17.       Within the 96 paragraph Statement of Claim, the Plaintiff
addresses his complaint in paragraphs 14-24, inclusive. All but four
of those paragraphs are dedicated to an incident that occurred in 2006
in and around the legislature in New Brunswick. The jurisdiction of
the Federal Court does not extend to Her Majesty the Queen in right of
the Provinces. In any event, the Plaintiff hasn’t named the Province
or provincial actors as parties to this action. The incident alleged
does not give rise to a justiciable cause of action in this Court.

21.       The few paragraphs that directly address the Defendant
provide no details as to the individuals involved or the location of
the alleged incidents or other details sufficient to allow the
Defendant to respond. As a result, it is difficult or impossible to
determine the causes of action the Plaintiff is attempting to advance.
A generous reading of the Statement of Claim allows the Defendant to
only speculate as to the true and/or intended cause of action. At
best, the Plaintiff’s action may possibly be summarized as: he
suspects he is barred from the House of Commons.
[footnotes omitted].

[30]           The Judge determined that he could not strike the Claim
on the same jurisdictional basis as the Prothonotary. The Judge noted
that the Federal Court has jurisdiction over claims based on the
liability of Federal Crown servants like the RCMP and that the actors
who barred Mr. Amos from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004
included the RCMP (Federal Court Judgment at para. 23). In considering
the viability of these allegations de novo, the Judge identified
paragraph 14 of the Claim as containing “some precision” as it
identifies the date of the event and a RCMP officer acting as
Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor (Federal Court Judgment at
para. 27).

[31]           The Judge noted that the 2004 event could support a
cause of action in the tort of misfeasance in public office and
identified the elements of the tort as excerpted from Meigs v. Canada,
2013 FC 389, 431 F.T.R. 111:

[13]      As in both the cases of Odhavji Estate v Woodhouse, 2003 SCC
69 [Odhavji] and Lewis v Canada, 2012 FC 1514 [Lewis], I must
determine whether the plaintiffs’ statement of claim pleads each
element of the alleged tort of misfeasance in public office:

a) The public officer must have engaged in deliberate and unlawful
conduct in his or her capacity as public officer;

b) The public officer must have been aware both that his or her
conduct was unlawful and that it was likely to harm the plaintiff; and

c) There must be an element of bad faith or dishonesty by the public
officer and knowledge of harm alone is insufficient to conclude that a
public officer acted in bad faith or dishonestly.
Odhavji, above, at paras 23, 24 and 28
(Federal Court Judgment at para. 28).

[32]           The Judge determined that Mr. Amos disclosed sufficient
material facts to meet the elements of the tort of misfeasance in
public office because the actors, who barred him from the New
Brunswick legislature in 2004, including the RCMP, did so for
“political reasons” (Federal Court Judgment at para. 29).

[33]           This Court’s discussion of the sufficiency of pleadings
in Merchant Law Group v. Canada (Revenue Agency), 2010 FCA 184, 321
D.L.R (4th) 301 is particularly apt:

…When pleading bad faith or abuse of power, it is not enough to
assert, baldly, conclusory phrases such as “deliberately or
negligently,” “callous disregard,” or “by fraud and theft did steal”.
“The bare assertion of a conclusion upon which the court is called
upon to pronounce is not an allegation of material fact”. Making bald,
conclusory allegations without any evidentiary foundation is an abuse
of process…

To this, I would add that the tort of misfeasance in public office
requires a particular state of mind of a public officer in carrying
out the impunged action, i.e., deliberate conduct which the public
officer knows to be inconsistent with the obligations of his or her
office. For this tort, particularization of the allegations is
mandatory. Rule 181 specifically requires particularization of
allegations of “breach of trust,” “wilful default,” “state of mind of
a person,” “malice” or “fraudulent intention.”
(at paras. 34-35, citations omitted).

[34]           Applying the Housen standard of review to the
Prothonotary’s Order, we are of the view that the Judge interfered
absent a legal or palpable and overriding error.

[35]           The Prothonotary determined that Mr. Amos’ Claim
disclosed no reasonable claim and was fundamentally vexatious on the
basis of jurisdictional concerns and the absence of material facts to
ground a cause of action. Paragraph 14 of the Claim, which addresses
the 2004 event, pleads no material facts as to how the RCMP officer
engaged in deliberate and unlawful conduct, knew that his or her
conduct was unlawful and likely to harm Mr. Amos, and acted in bad
faith. While the Claim alleges elsewhere that Mr. Amos was barred from
the New Brunswick legislature for political and/or malicious reasons,
these allegations are not particularized and are directed against
non-federal actors, such as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Legislative
Assembly of New Brunswick and the Fredericton Police Force. As such,
the Judge erred in determining that Mr. Amos’ allegation that the RCMP
barred him from the New Brunswick legislature in 2004 was capable of
supporting a cause of action.

[36]           In our view, the Claim is made up entirely of bare
allegations, devoid of any detail, such that it discloses no
reasonable cause of action within the jurisdiction of the Federal
Courts. Therefore, the Judge erred in interfering to set aside the
Prothonotary’s Order striking the claim in its entirety. Further, we
find that the Prothonotary made no error in denying leave to amend.
The deficiencies in Mr. Amos’ pleadings are so extensive such that
amendment could not cure them (see Collins at para. 26).

V.                 Conclusion
[37]           For the foregoing reasons, we would allow the Crown’s
cross-appeal, with costs, setting aside the Federal Court Judgment,
dated January 25, 2016 and restoring the Prothonotary’s Order, dated
November 12, 2015, which struck Mr. Amos’ Claim in its entirety
without leave to amend.
"Wyman W. Webb"
"David G. Near"
"Mary J.L. Gleason"


JANUARY 25, 2016; DOCKET NUMBER T-1557-15.





New Brunswick


May 24, 2017




October 30, 2017

David Raymond Amos

For The Appellant / respondent on cross-appeal
(on his own behalf)

Jan Jensen

For The Respondent / appELLANT ON CROSS-APPEAL

Nathalie G. Drouin
Deputy Attorney General of Canada



Thursday, 21 December 2017

Attn Simon Fish of the BMO and Robert Kennedy of Dentons I just called
from 902 800 0369 Play dumb all you wish The BMO has had my documents
for years



While I was publishing this in my blog the lawyer Bobby Baby Kennedy called
back from (416) 846-6598 and played as dumb. Hell he even claimed that he
did not know who Frank McKenna was  No partner even a lowly collection
dude within Dentons is allowed to be THAT stupid.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:32:09 -0400
> Subject: Attn Integrity Commissioner Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
> To: coi@gnb.ca
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Good Day Sir
> After I heard you speak on CBC I called your office again and managed
> to speak to one of your staff for the first time
> Please find attached the documents I promised to send to the lady who
> answered the phone this morning. Please notice that not after the Sgt
> at Arms took the documents destined to your office his pal Tanker
> Malley barred me in writing with an "English" only document.
> These are the hearings and the dockets in Federal Court that I
> suggested that you study closely.
> This is the docket in Federal Court
> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
> These are digital recordings of  the last three hearings
> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
> January 11th, 2016 https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
> April 3rd, 2017
> https://archive.org/details/April32017JusticeLeblancHearing
> This is the docket in the Federal Court of Appeal
> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=A-48-16&select_court=All
> The only hearing thus far
> May 24th, 2017
> https://archive.org/details/May24thHoedown
> This Judge understnds the meaning of the word Integrity
> Date: 20151223
> Docket: T-1557-15
> Fredericton, New Brunswick, December 23, 2015
> PRESENT:        The Honourable Mr. Justice Bell
> Plaintiff
> and
> Defendant
> (Delivered orally from the Bench in Fredericton, New Brunswick, on
> December 14, 2015)
> The Plaintiff seeks an appeal de novo, by way of motion pursuant to
> the Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106), from an Order made on November
> 12, 2015, in which Prothonotary Morneau struck the Statement of Claim
> in its entirety.
> At the outset of the hearing, the Plaintiff brought to my attention a
> letter dated September 10, 2004, which he sent to me, in my then
> capacity as Past President of the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian
> Bar Association, and the then President of the Branch, Kathleen Quigg,
> (now a Justice of the New Brunswick Court of Appeal).  In that letter
> he stated:
> As for your past President, Mr. Bell, may I suggest that you check the
> work of Frank McKenna before I sue your entire law firm including you.
> You are your brother’s keeper.
> Frank McKenna is the former Premier of New Brunswick and a former
> colleague of mine at the law firm of McInnes Cooper. In addition to
> expressing an intention to sue me, the Plaintiff refers to a number of
> people in his Motion Record who he appears to contend may be witnesses
> or potential parties to be added. Those individuals who are known to
> me personally, include, but are not limited to the former Prime
> Minister of Canada, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper; former
> Attorney General of Canada and now a Justice of the Manitoba Court of
> Queen’s Bench, Vic Toews; former member of Parliament Rob Moore;
> former Director of Policing Services, the late Grant Garneau; former
> Chief of the Fredericton Police Force, Barry McKnight; former Staff
> Sergeant Danny Copp; my former colleagues on the New Brunswick Court
> of Appeal, Justices Bradley V. Green and Kathleen Quigg, and, retired
> Assistant Commissioner Wayne Lang of the Royal Canadian Mounted
> Police.
> In the circumstances, given the threat in 2004 to sue me in my
> personal capacity and my past and present relationship with many
> potential witnesses and/or potential parties to the litigation, I am
> of the view there would be a reasonable apprehension of bias should I
> hear this motion. See Justice de Grandpré’s dissenting judgment in
> Committee for Justice and Liberty et al v National Energy Board et al,
> [1978] 1 SCR 369 at p 394 for the applicable test regarding
> allegations of bias. In the circumstances, although neither party has
> requested I recuse myself, I consider it appropriate that I do so.
> AS A RESULT OF MY RECUSAL, THIS COURT ORDERS that the Administrator of
> the Court schedule another date for the hearing of the motion.  There
> is no order as to costs.
> “B. Richard Bell”
> Judge
> Below after the CBC article about your concerns (I made one comment
> already) you will find the text of just two of many emails I had sent
> to your office over the years since I first visited it in 2006.
>  I noticed that on July 30, 2009, he was appointed to the  the Court
> Martial Appeal Court of Canada  Perhaps you should scroll to the
> bottom of this email ASAP and read the entire Paragraph 83  of my
> lawsuit now before the Federal Court of Canada?
> "FYI This is the text of the lawsuit that should interest Trudeau the most
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca
> Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM
> Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in
> Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to
> submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you
> dudes are way past too late
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre à
> lalanthier@hotmail.com
> Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à
> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
> Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at
> lalanthier@hotmail.com
> To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to
> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
> Thank you,
> Merci ,
> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2015/09/v-behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html
> 83.  The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
> five years after he began his bragging:
> January 13, 2015
> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
> December 8, 2014
> Why Canada Stood Tall!
> Friday, October 3, 2014
> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
> Stupid Justin Trudeau
> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
> campaign of 2006.
> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
> P.S. Whereas this CBC article is about your opinion of the actions of
> the latest Minister Of Health trust that Mr Boudreau and the CBC have
> had my files for many years and the last thing they are is ethical.
> Ask his friends Mr Murphy and the RCMP if you don't believe me.
> Subject:
> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
> To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
> January 30, 2007
> Mr. David Amos
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
> Graham of the RCMP “J” Division in Fredericton.
> Sincerely,
> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
> Minister of Health
> CM/cb
> Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:
> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
> From: "Warren McBeath"warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
> nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
> CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,John.Foran@gnb.ca,
> Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,"Bev BUSSON"bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> "Paul Dube"PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have not
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada
> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
> and policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>  Sincerely,
> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
> GRC Caledonia RCMP
> Traffic Services NCO
> Ph: (506) 387-2222
> Fax: (506) 387-4622
> E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> Alexandre Deschênes, Q.C.,
> Office of the Integrity Commissioner
> Edgecombe House, 736 King Street
> Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
> tel.: 506-457-7890
> fax: 506-444-5224
> e-mail:coi@gnb.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 10:35 AM
> Subject: RE My complaint against the CROWN in Federal Court Attn David
> Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to submit a motion for a
> publication ban on my complaint trust that you dudes are way past too late
> To: David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca, peter.mackay@justice.gc.ca
> peacock.kurt@telegraphjournal.com, mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com,
> david.akin@sunmedia.ca, robert.frater@justice.gc.ca, paul.riley@ppsc-sppc.gc.ca,
> greg@gregdelbigio.com, joyce.dewitt-vanoosten@gov.bc.ca,
> joan.barrett@ontario.ca, jean-vincent.lacroix@gouv.qc.ca,
> peter.rogers@mcinnescooper.com
, mfeder@mccarthy.ca, mjamal@osler.com
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, gopublic@cbc.ca,
> Whistleblower@ctv.ca
> https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/14439/index.do
> http://www.scc-csc.gc.ca/WebDocuments-DocumentsWeb/35072/FM030_Respondent_Attorney-General-of-Canada-on-Behalf-of-the-United-States-of-America.pdf
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/10/re-glen-greenwald-and-brazilian.html
> I repeat what the Hell do I do with the Yankee wiretapes taps sell
> them on Ebay or listen to them and argue them with you dudes in
> Feferal Court?
> Petey Baby loses all parliamentary privelges in less than a month but
> he still supposed to be an ethical officer of the Court CORRECT?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
> Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
> the USDOJ for me will ya?
> To: RBauer@perkinscoie.com, sshimshak@paulweiss.com,
> cspada@lswlaw.com, msmith@svlaw.com, bginsberg@pattonboggs.com,
> gregory.craig@skadden.com, pm@pm.gc.ca, bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net, MulcaT@parl.gc.caleader@greenparty.ca
> Cc: alevine@cooley.com, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
> michael.rothfeld@wsj.com, remery@ecbalaw.com
> QSLS Politics
> By Location Visit Detail
> Visit 29,419
> Domain Name usdoj.gov ? (U.S. Government)
> IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
> ISP US Dept of Justice
> Location Continent : North America
> Country : United States (Facts)
> State : District of Columbia
> City : Washington
> Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
> CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2;
> DI60SP1001)
> Javascript version 1.3
> Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
> Last Page View Nov 17 2012 6:33:08 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL http://www.google.co...wwWJrm94lCEqRmovPXJg
> Search Engine google.com
> Search Words david amos bernie madoff
> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
> Visit Number 29,419
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> Could ya tell I am investigating your pension plan bigtime? Its
> because no member of the RCMP I have ever encountered has earned it yet
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:36:04 -0400
> Subject: This is a brief as I can make my concerns Randy
> To:  randyedmunds@gov.nl.ca
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> In a nutshell my concerns about the actions of the Investment Industry
> affect the interests of every person in every district of every
> country not just the USA and Canada. I was offering to help you with
> Emera because my work with them and Danny Williams is well known and
> some of it is over eight years old and in the PUBLIC Record.
> All you have to do is stand in the Legislature and ask the MInister of
> Justice why I have been invited to sue Newfoundland by the
> Conservatives
> Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
> link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
> Here is why
> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
> Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
> Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
> Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
> following file
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt.pdf
> http://occupywallst.org/users/DavidRaymondAmos/
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Hansen, David"David.Hansen@justice.gc.ca
> Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 19:28:44 +0000
> Subject: RE: I just called again Mr Hansen
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Hello Mr. Amos,
> I manage the Justice Canada civil litigation section in the Atlantic
> region.  We are only responsible for litigating existing civil
> litigation files in which the Attorney General of Canada is a named
> defendant or plaintiff.  If you are a plaintiff or defendant in an
> existing civil litigation matter in the Atlantic region in which
> Attorney General of Canada is a named defendant or plaintiff please
> provide the court file number, the names of the parties in the action
> and your question.  I am not the appropriate contact for other
> matters.
> Thanks
> David A. Hansen
> Regional Director | Directeur régional
> General Counsel |Avocat général
> Civil Litigation and Advisory | Contentieux des affaires civiles et
> services de consultation
> Department of Justice | Ministère de la Justice
> Suite 1400 – Duke Tower | Pièce 1400 – Tour Duke
> 5251 Duke Street | 5251 rue Duke
> Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nouvelle- Écosse
> B3J 1P3
> david.hansen@justice.gc.ca
> Telephone | Téléphone (902) 426-3261 / Facsimile | Télécopieur (902)
> 426-2329
> This e-mail is confidential and may be protected by solicitor-client
> privilege. Unauthorized distribution or disclosure is prohibited. If
> you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us and delete
> this entire e-mail.
> Before printing think about the Environment
> Thinking Green, please do not print this e-mail unless necessary.
> Pensez vert, svp imprimez que si nécessaire.

---------- Original  message ----------
From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2018 21:04:23 +0000
Subject: Re: Before the Next Yankee election methinks folks in
Massachusetts may pay attention to my recent posting in CBC of my talk
about their Pirate Party and the Election in Iceland to the ERRE
Committee of the Canadian Parliament in October of 2016
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received

Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office

---------- Original  message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"<fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2018 21:03:34 +0000
Subject: RE: Before the Next Yankee election methinks folks in
Massachusetts may pay attention to my recent posting in CBC of my talk
about their Pirate Party and the Election in Iceland to the ERRE
Committee of the Canadian Parliament in October of 2016
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos

---------- Original  message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2018 17:03:13 -0400
Subject: Before the Next Yankee election methinks folks in
Massachusetts may pay attention to my recent posting in CBC of my talk
about their Pirate Party and the Election in Iceland to the ERRE
Committee of the Canadian Parliament in October of 2016
To: press@masspirates.org, postur <postur@for.is>, smari
<smari@immi.is>, smarim <smarim@althingi.is>, smaher
<smaher@postmedia.com>, "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>,
oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
"andrew.scheer"<andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, "Bill.Morneau"
<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.ca>,
"Dominic.Cardy"<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, David Amos
Cc: maltpoet@gmail.com, Joseph.P.Onoroski@gmail.com,
srevilak@masspirates.org, msukin11@gmail.com, jokeefe@jamesokeefe.org,

---------- Original message ----------
From: Póstur FOR <postur@for.is>
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2016 19:30:11 +0000
Subject: Re: Re Federal Court file no T-1557-15 Methinks that the
Pirates and even your minions in the RCMP, CSIS, and their pals in CSE
FBI, NSA, DHS and INTERPOL made fun the last of "Barrett's Privateers"
for way past too long EH Mr Minister Rotten Ralpy Goodale?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received

Kveðja / Best regards
Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office


FOIA For Fun and Liberation
by Massachusetts Pirate Party

Publication date 2016-06-25
Usage http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Topics Massachusetts, Public Records, Secretary of the Commonwealth, FOIA
Language English
Maya Shaffer is a reporter for the Bay State Examiner, and someone
who's used Massachusetts public records law enough to know it inside
and out.  This is a great talk, where Maya tells her stories of public
records requesters in Massachusetts.  Highlights include:

    The time Maya made an in-person FOIA request to NEMLEC -- the
Northeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council.  NEMLEC wasn't
sure how to respond to an in-person request, so they called 911.
    An agency proposed a $400 fee to process a public records request.
The agency takes the $400, but never produces the records.
    How the city of Boston wanted to charge $10,000 to produce emails
between the city, and the Massachusetts Municipal Association
    How Massachusetts public records laws aren't "real laws", in the
sense that they're routinely violated, and the violating party is
never punished.
    The level of apathy and disdain that the Secretary of the
Commonwealth has for Massachusetts public records laws.
    The really neat things you can find out, if you manage to get your
public records request fulfilled.

Maya's talk was record on June 25, 2016, during PirateCon 2016.

Identifier foia-for-fun-and-liberation
Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3
Taped by Steve Revilak
Year 2016




The Massachusetts Pirate Party was formed in May, 2010 by James
O’Keefe, Chris Reynolds and Erik Zoltan.  We are active in promoting
privacy, transparent government, and innovation by reining in
copyright laws and eliminating patent laws.  We ran candidates for
State Representative in 2014 and 2016 and elected our first office
holder in 2015.

Pirate Council

Captain – James O’Keefe / jokeefe@jamesokeefe.org / 617-447-0210 /
@jpokeefe / Key Id: 0xAAFF1FEC
First Officer – Noelani Kamelamela / noeseek@gmail.com / 617-901-4076
/ Key Id: 0x358758A8
Quartermaster – Joseph Onoroski / Joseph.P.Onoroski@gmail.com
PR/Media Director – Open
Activism Director – Sam Capradae / maltpoet@gmail.com
Swarmwise Director – Open
Web/Info Director – Open

Council of Arbitrators

    Steve Revilak / srevilak@masspirates.org / 781-648-1083 /
@Purple_Bandanna / Key Id: 0x28C2A300
    Moses Sukin / msukin11@gmail.com / 585-748-9347
    Sam Capradae / maltpoet@gmail.com

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    Sam Capradae / maltpoet@gmail.com
    Joseph Onoroski / Joseph.P.Onoroski@gmail.com

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A year later, Trudeau will only revisit electoral reform if pushed by
other parties — something MPs don't buy
PM says proportional representation would divide MPs, be harmful to Canadians
By Elise von Scheel, CBC News Posted: Feb 01, 2018 11:53 AM ET

Commenting is now closed for this story.

bill chagwich
bill chagwich
YES FOLKS, I was elected to help you,but to my own interest electoral
reform will not work for me or my voter base, therefore take my
promise and kinda forget about it,

the honorable Justin Trudeau
better know as what I promise means nothing,just a election plot

bill chagwich
bill chagwich
@bill chagwich we all know what this is all about,CAMPAIGNING on the
middle class tax payers dime
Darryl McBride
Darryl McBride
@bill chagwich

Reinforcing, how can one have credibility with no ethics.
David Amos
David Amos
@bill chagwich
Friday, October 7, 2016 Friday, Oct. 7, 2016
Electoral Reform Meeting 39

The Chair:
Thank you very much.
Mr. David Amos, the floor is yours.

Mr. David Amos (As an Individual):
Mr. Chair, I ran for public office five times against your party.

That said, I ran against Mr. DeCourcey's boss right here in
Fredericton in the election for the 39th Parliament.

I was not aware of this committee meeting in Fredericton today  until
I heard Mr. DeCourcey speaking on CBC this morning. I don't  pretend
to know something I don't, but I'm a quick study. I thought I
had paid my dues to sit on the panel. I notified the clerks in a
timely fashion, but I received no response. At least I get another
minute and a half.

The previous speaker answered the $64,000 question: 338. I can  name
every premier in the country. Governor Maggie Hassan is my  governor
in New Hampshire. The people there who sit in the house get  paid $100
a year plus per diem expenses. I think that's the way to run  a
government. There are lots of seats in the house for a very small

My understanding of this hearing is that you have to report to Mr.
Trudeau by December 1, because he said during the election that if he
were elected Prime Minister, the 42nd Parliament, which I also ran in,
 would be the last first-past-the-post election. You don't have much
time, so my suggestion to the clerks today, which I published and sent
 to the Prime Minister of Iceland and his Attorney General, was to do
what Iceland does. Just cut and paste their rules. They have no first
past the post. They have a pending election.
David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos
           A former friend of mine, Birgitta Jónsdóttir, founded a
party there, for which there is no leader. It is the Pirate Party.
It's high in the polls right now with no leader. That's interesting. I
tweeted this. You folks said that you follow tweets, so you should
have seen  what I tweeted before I came here this evening.

          That said, as a Canadian, I propose something else. Number
one, my understanding of the Constitution and what I r...

[Message clipped]  View entire message

3 attachments — Scan and download all attachments
  Mulroney Chretien.pdf
96K View as HTML Scan and download

  Mulroney and his pal Karl.pdf
74K View as HTML Scan and download

  Melanie Joly vs Hubby Lacroix.pdf
29K View as HTML Scan and download

This was the document I attached


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2018 11:38:58 -0400
Subject: ATTN Senator Bev Busson I just called your office to make
certain that you would remember me
To: Beverley.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca, "Brenda.Lucki"
<Brenda.Lucki@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
"serge.rousselle"<serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, "Stephen.Horsman"
<Stephen.Horsman@gnb.ca>, "hon.ralph.goodale"
<hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Mark.Blakely"
<Mark.Blakely@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.Morgan"
<Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "dale.drummond"
<dale.drummond@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Ian.McPhail"
<Ian.McPhail@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>, "Larry.Tremblay"
<Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, washington field
<washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, "Boston.Mail"<Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>,
"martin.gaudet"<martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"
<Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "ian.fahie"<ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
"ian.mcphail"<ian.mcphail@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca>, "Frank.McKenna"
<Frank.McKenna@td.com>, "brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>,
"blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "Dominic.Cardy"
<Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "greg.byrne"<greg.byrne@gnb.ca>,
"Gerald.Butts"<Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
"Katie.Telford"<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "andrew.scheer"
<andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca>, "maxime.bernier"
<maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca>, "charlie.angus"
<charlie.angus@parl.gc.ca>, "Murray.Rankin"<Murray.Rankin@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>, news

Please enjoy the attachment and say Hey to Ralph Goodale and Frank
McKenna for me will ya?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Hon.Ralph.Goodale  (PS/SP)"<Hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2018 15:27:06 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: ATTN Senator Bev Busson Remember me?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Merci d'avoir ?crit ? l'honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la
S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile.
En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adress?e au ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir un
retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Soyez assur? que votre
message sera examin? avec attention.
L'Unit? de la correspondance minist?rielle
S?curit? publique Canada

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note there could be a delay in
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.
Thank you!
Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Public Safety Canada

On 10/9/18, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> Senator Bev Busson
> Province: British Columbia (British Columbia)
>     Affiliation: Non-affiliated
>     Telephone: 613-944-3453
>     Fax: 613-992-7959
>     Email: Beverley.Busson@sen.parl.gc.ca
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vugUalUO8YY
> RCMP Sussex New Brunswick
> David Amos
> Published on Apr 4, 2013
> January 30, 2007
> Mr. David Amos
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
> Graham of the RCMP °J" Division in Fredericton.
> Sincerely,
> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
> Minister of Health
> CM/cb
> Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:
> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
> From: "Warren McBeath"warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
> nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
> CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,
> John.Foran@gnb.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,
> "Bev BUSSON"bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> "Paul Dube"PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off
> over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I
> was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear
> that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and
> the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment
> policing in Petitcodiac, NB.
> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
> Sincerely,
> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
> GRC Caledonia RCMP
> Traffic Services NCO
> Ph: (506) 387-2222
> Fax: (506) 387-4622
> E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> https://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2018/09/24/prime-minister-announces-appointment-two-senators
>     rime Minister announces the appointment of two Senators
> Ottawa, Ontario - September 24, 2018
> The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that the Governor
> General appointed the following independent Senators to fill vacancies
> in the Senate:
>     Beverley Busson (British Columbia)
>     Martin Klyne (Saskatchewan)
> Mrs. Busson is a champion of women in the workforce and enjoyed a
> distinguished career in the RCMP. Her efforts to push gender-based
> barriers and her expertise in security led to her becoming the first
> woman to lead the RCMP, when she was named Commissioner in 2006.
> Mr. Klyne is a proud member of the Cree Métis with extensive business
> experience. He focused much of his career and volunteer efforts on
> advancing the economic development of Indigenous communities.
> Both of these individuals were recommended by the Independent Advisory
> Board for Senate Appointments and chosen using the process open to all
> Canadians. This process ensures Senators are independent, reflect
> Canada’s diversity, and are able to tackle the broad range of
> challenges and opportunities facing the country.
> Quote
>     “I am pleased to welcome two new members to the Senate who have
> done tremendous work in their professional lives and as active members
> of their communities. I am confident that they will work diligently
> and with integrity to serve the best interests of the country and all
> Canadians.”
>     —The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
> Quick Facts
>     There have been 40 appointments to the Senate made on the advice
> of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
>     Under the Canadian Constitution, the Governor General appoints
> individuals to the Senate. By convention, Senators are appointed on
> the advice of the Prime Minister.
>     Once appointed by the Governor General and summoned to the Senate,
> the new Senators join their peers to examine and revise legislation,
> investigate national issues, and represent regional, provincial, and
> minority interests –important functions in a modern democracy.
> Biographical Notes
>     Beverley Busson
>     Martin Klyne
> Associated Links
>     Frequently Asked Questions – Senate appointments process
>     Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments
> https://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2018/09/24/beverley-busson
> Beverley Busson is a champion for women in the workforce. With a law
> degree from the University of British Columbia, her career as a law
> enforcement officer was a career of firsts. A member of the first
> class of women to enter the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), she
> has worked in various positions, including investigating frauds,
> drugs, and serious crimes, and she was among the first women to work
> in plain clothes and undercover.
> Mrs. Busson rose steadily through the ranks, becoming the first woman
> commissioned officer, the first woman criminal operations officer, the
> first woman commanding officer, and the first woman deputy
> commissioner of a region. Her efforts to push gender-based barriers
> and her increasing expertise in security led to the pinnacle of her
> career in law enforcement when she was named Commissioner of the RCMP
> in 2006. She was the first woman to hold the position.
> Following her retirement from the force, Mrs. Busson served as a
> member of the RCMP Reform Implementation Council. She has also
> volunteered her time as a director with the Justice Institute of
> British Columbia and the Okanagan College Foundation, as well as with
> the Women’s Executive Network mentorship program.
> For her long-standing contributions to Canadian security and advancing
> women in the workforce, Mrs. Busson was invested as a Commander of the
> Order of Merit of Police Forces, awarded the Canadian Forces Vice
> Chief of Defence Staff Commendation and the Order of British Columbia,
> and appointed as a Member of the Order of Canada.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 20:28:55 -0400
Subject: Fwd: YO Ian McPhail Re: The Commission for Public Complaints
against RCMP - #2013-2824
To: cward@cameronward.com, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
<Geoffrey.McDonald@gov.bc.ca>, "Barry.Kennedy"
<Barry.Kennedy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "lesley.smith"
<lesley.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Claude.Tremblay"
<Claude.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, mnielsen <mnielsen@pgcitizen.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "shirley.bond.mla"
<shirley.bond.mla@leg.bc.ca>, enquiries@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 16:33:08 -0400
Subject: Fwd: YO Ian McPhail Re: The Commission for Public Complaints
against RCMP - #2013-2824
To: john.knox@gov.bc.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 03:44:52 -0300
Subject: YO Ian McPhail Re: The Commission for Public Complaints
against RCMP - #2013-2824
To: PCC Complaints <complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>, "Ian.McPhail"
<Ian.McPhail@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, warren <warren@daisygroup.ca>, jacques
boucher <jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
Gunther.Schonfeldt@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, rusun@un.int,
john.adams@queensu.ca, John.Forster@cse-cst.gc.ca,
td.ombudsman@td.com, christopher.montague@td.com,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, Glenn.Greenwald@guardian.co.uk,
info@praxisfilms.org, birgittaj@althingi.is
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "justin.trudeau.a1"
<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>,
enquiries@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk, sarah.chapman@fsa.gov.uk,
ambassador@brasilemb.org, slrc@itamaraty.gov.br

WOW Ya think somebody within the "Five Eyes" would finally do their
job now EH Glen Greenwald and the  President Rousseff'?


---------- Original message ----------
From: PCC Complaints <complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 17:59:52 +0000
Subject: The Commission for Public Complaints against RCMP - #2013-2824
To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Dear Mr. Amos:

This is further to your recent communications with the Commission.
From September 18, 2013 to the present, our office has received 6
electronic messages from you. Many of these e-mails are not related to
RCMP conduct.

On October 1, 2013, you called our office and spoke with an Intake
Officer.  You wished to enquire about three complaint files. When the
Intake Officer attempted to inform you that you have three enquiry
files with the Commission, you became agitated and insisted otherwise.
You raised your voice and spoke over the Intake Officer.  You then
demanded the name of the Intake Officer, and subsequently yelled "see
you in federal court" and hung up the telephone line.

As a reminder, we request that all future correspondence with our
office must be courteous in tone and that you are respectful of the
requests that are made of you.  While it is clearly not the intention
of the Commission to prevent you from making complaints against
members of the RCMP, your recent emails and telephone call have been
unproductive for both you and for Commission staff.  In the future, we
request that all communication with our office be respectful in
language and related to our mandate.   In the event that this request
is not respected, the Commission will consider imposing restrictions
on how you may communicate with our office.

Should you have a complaint about a specific RCMP member surrounding a
specific incident, I invite you to visit the Commission's website
(www.cpc-cpp.gc.ca<http://www.cpc-cpp.gc.ca>) to submit an online
complaint, rather than to send an email that is difficult to follow or
a copy of a letter you have sent to many others. The complaint form
will guide you through the information required that will enable the
Commission to process your complaint. Should you have difficulty in
accessing the complaint form and wish to have one sent to you, you may
provide your mailing address and a form will be mailed to you via
Canada Post.

I would also invite you to send your correspondence regarding any new
or existing complaints (quoting the appropriate Commission file
number) by letter mail to:

Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
National Intake Office
PO Box 88689
Surrey, BC  V3W 0X1

Yours truly,

Günther Schönfeldt
Intake Officer / Agent d'information de liaison
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP /
Commission des plaintes du public contre la Gendarmerie royale du Canada
Tel/Tél : 1-800-665-6878 | Fax/Téléc : (604) 501-4095

[Description: Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CCF6DA.65AE7FE0]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: !enquiries <enquiries@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 10:56:26 +0100
Subject: IPCC Reference: 2013/015918
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Dear Mr Amos

I acknowledge receipt of 4 emails at the Independent Police Complaints
Commission (IPCC) earlier today.

I note from our records that you have been advised on the IPCC remit,
as well as spoken with one of my colleagues in the customer contact
team. It remains unclear from your emails what your complaint against
the police is. This may be because you refer to a number of other
organisations, or matters outside of the IPCC's remit.

If you wish to make a complaint against the police you should provide
these details to either the IPCC or the relevant police force's
professional standards department (PSD).

The IPCC does not investigate allegations of crime(s) committed by
members of the public, nor can we direct a police force to commence an
investigation into such.

If you have any queries about the IPCC's remit or the complaints
process please contact us. However, emails to the IPCC that fall
outside of our remit will be read and filed, but may not be responded

Kind regards

Elly Goodman
Customer Contact Adviser
Independent Police Complaints Commission
Tel: 0300 020 0096
Email: enquiries@ipcc.gsi.gov.uk

The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government
Secure Intranet virus scanning service supplied by Vodafone in
partnership with Symantec. (CCTM Certificate Number 2009/09/0052.) On
leaving the GSi this email was certified virus free.
Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored
and/or recorded for legal purposes.

Talk about pissing a guy off. EH Ian McPhail? What planet do CROWN's
bureaucrats come from anyway?

Need I say BULLSHIT once again??? The other CROWN Corp commonly know
as the CBC often puts that word over our airwaves so that can't be
offensive. That said I bet the call was recorded If so I demand a copy
ASAP. Next time I call I will record the call myself.

 I must ask did the oh so silent boss Ian MacPhail and his buddy Bob
Paulson about the Yankee wiretap tapes being evidence of MURDER?
Better check the Canadian Ciminal Code about assisting in the cover up
of such crimes EH?

As for the call I remember it like it was yesterday. Howcome it took
Günther Schönfeldt three weeks to dream up the same sort of response I
got in 2007??? The first thing I did was ask for him  and the woman
claimed he was not avaible and offered to help. She started out quite
nice but as soon as she admited that there was only a faxed complaint
in November of 2003 and that it did not warrant an answer I told her
to look some more. She got fairly argumentive and did not wish to
discuss the complaint I sent in August of 2005 (It appeared to me that
she read something in my file) I gave up and asked her name when she
got to snarky and she refused to give other than "Nora" So I said Cya
in Federal Court and hung up. The I sent your buddy Bob Paulson and
YOU Ian McPhail a Motherload of emails but I did only sent your
mindless bureaucrats six that were largely unrelated if they did not
know how to read deep.

However your Commission should not deny that I argued with its former
lawyer/boss Shirley Heafey about the aforesaid compliant in 2005
within emails sent to many Parliamentarians months for a I ran for a
sent Parliament again and she was replaced by the lawyer Paul Kennedy.
(The lawyer Heafey and your Commission always denied that complaint
existed until your office sent me a similar bullshit email after Mike
Murphy a former Minister of Health and later another former Attorney
General asked Deputy Commissioner Steve Graham to investigate my

In return the Graham got transferred to Nova Scotia and RCMP falsely
arrested REMEMBER Stevey Boy Harper?

As I said Cya'll in Federal Court

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
1 902 800 0369




FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Specter:

I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in
contact with you about this previously.

Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lisa Porteous <lporteous@kleinlyons.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 14:46:22 +0000
Subject: RCMP
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>


Thank you for your email inquiring about our class action against the
RCMP. As you may know, the Notice of Claim was filed in the British
Columbia Supreme Court on March 27, 2012. The lawsuit has been
brought by former RCMP constable Janet Merlo on behalf of female RCMP
members. Unfortunately, we cannot assist you with your claim.

We recommend that you contact Mr. Barry Carter of Mair Jensen Blair
LLP to discuss any claim you may have against the RCMP for harassment.
His contact information is as follows:

Mr. Barry Carter
Mair Jensen Blair LLP
1380-885 W. Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3E8
Phone: 604-682-6299
Fax 1-604-374-6992

This is not intended to be an opinion concerning the merits of your
case. In declining to represent you, we are not expressing an opinion
as to whether you should take further action in this matter.

You should be aware that there may be strict time limitations within
which you must act in order to protect your rights. Failure to begin
your lawsuit by filing an action within the required time may mean
that you could be barred forever from pursuing a claim. Therefore, you
should immediately contact another lawyer ( as indicated above) to
obtain legal advice/representation.

Thank you again for considering our firm.

Yours truly,

Lisa Porteous
Case Manager/Paralegal


Suite 400-1385 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver BC V6H 3V9 Canada
Office 604.874.7171
Fax 604.874.7180
Direct 604.714.6533

This email is confidential and may be protected by solicitor-client
privilege. It is intended only for the use of the person to whom it is
addressed. Any distribution, copying or other use by anyone else is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please
telephone us immediately and destroy this e-mail.

üPlease consider the environment before printing this email.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
To: <Ian.McPhail@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>; <complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>; "toewsv1"
<toewsv1@mts.net>; "danfour"<danfour@myginch.com>
Cc: <nelson.kalil@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>; "rmordenassoc"
<rmordenassoc@rogers.com>; <warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "warren"
<warren@daisygroup.ca>; "warren.dosko"<warren.dosko@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
"Paulette. Delaney-Smith"<Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
"WaterWarCrimes"<waterwarcrimes@gmail.com>; "robin reid"
<zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>; "tony"<tony@peoplestandup.ca>;
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 4:18 PM
Subject: Attn Commissioner Ian McPhail QC I called again and tried to
speak to you twice today my number is 902 800 0369


As I said I am very serious and have no wish to speak to the likes of
Ms Leduc EVER again FYI I see that the gossip about my concerns is
leaking out here there an everywhere following this note is just
couple of the reasons why I called an tried hard to speak to you again

Please don't try to tell me that your office does not know what
happened between the RCMP and I within weeks of my sending the email
immedialy below this note.

If perhaps you people should read some blogs an watch some YOUTUBES ASAP?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos






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Time of Visit   Aug 18 2010 1:50:29 pm
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Visitor's Time   Aug 18 2010 7:50:29 am
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Just Dave
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Domain Name   (Unknown)
IP Address   199.212.215.# (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE)
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State/Region  :  Ontario
City  :  Ottawa
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Time of Visit   Aug 13 2010 12:50:37 pm
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Visitor's Time   Aug 13 2010 8:50:37 am
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Just Dave
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IP Address   199.212.150.# (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
ISP   Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Location   Continent  :  North America
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State/Region  :  Ontario
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Time of Visit   Aug 13 2010 5:52:40 pm
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Visitor's Time   Aug 13 2010 4:52:40 pm
Visit Number   11,638

Just Dave
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IP Address   199.212.215.# (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE)
Location   Continent  :  North America
Country  :  Canada  (Facts)
State/Region  :  Ontario
City  :  Ottawa
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Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
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Javascript   version 1.3
Monitor   Resolution  :  1466 x 916
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Time of Visit   Aug 13 2010 5:52:51 pm
Last Page View   Aug 13 2010 5:52:51 pm
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Visitor's Time   Aug 13 2010 1:52:51 pm
Visit Number   11,639

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 17:34:30 -0300
Subject: Attn PAULINE PHILIBERT and ARNOLD HADLEY of the New Brunswick
Police Commission
To: nbpc@gnb.ca, arnold.hadley@gnb.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca,
premier@gnb.ca, Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
Cc: webo@xplornet.com

New Brunswick Police Commission
435 King Street
Fredericton,  New Brunswick
E3B 1E5

A letter to support my complaint about various police forces in New
Brunswick will follow these emails just as I promised on the phone to
you people today.

 I have no understanding as to why the Police Commission nor anyone
else holding a governmental mandate in the Province of New Brunswick
has never called me back or answered one email in nearly four years.
Shawn Graham should at least recognize his own documents to my framer
friend, Werner Bock from the time when he sat in opposition and was
the agricutural critic at the same time .

It appears to me that I am not the only one to get mad at the
malicious incompetence of John Foran and the cops of New Brunswick.
What is even more interesting though is the fact that John Foran was
once mad at the Police Commission and they way they investigated
things so secretly against the public's best interests.  EH Mr. Volpe?
Rest assured that I ain't holding my breath for the police to continue
to harass me anymore after their nonsense yesterday. Nor will I wait
to see Wayne Steeves say or do the right thing after he has covered up
my concerns about the severe lack of police integrity for his politcal
party's benefit for four god damned years.


For the recod these Youtubes that are this arseholes favoutites were
created by the RCMP and I have no doubt whatsoever the people
slandering me are cops as well.



At least his ID is correct. This is a big old can of worms. N'est Pas?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 16:17:05 -0300
Subject: Perhaps Paul Kennedy the current Commissioner of Public
Complaints Against the RCMP will call us back now EH?
To: Hermenegilde.Chiasson@gnb.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca,
scotta@parl.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca,
Hubbard.C@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, nbombud@gnb.ca,
Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca,
aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca, brian.kenny@gnb.ca,
roy.boudreau@gnb.ca, donald.arseneault@gnb.ca, danf@danf.net,
injusticecoalition@hotmail.com, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
stuart.jamieson@gnb.ca, Margaret-Ann.BLANEY@gnb.ca,
victor.boudreau@gnb.ca, rick.brewer@gnb.ca,
John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, Ivan.Court@saintjohn.ca
Cc: complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, nouvelle@acadienouvelle.com,
newsroom@nbpub.com, carl.davies@gnb.ca, janet.trail@gnb.ca,
Akoschany@ctv.ca, jtravers@thestar.ca, alan_white@cbc.ca,
Tim.Porter@gnb.ca, Trevor.HOLDER@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca,
Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca, Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca,
David.ALWARD@gnb.ca, bruce.noble@fredericton.ca,

Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 13:36:41 -0400
From: "PCC Complaints"complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

May 23, 2007

File No. PC-2005-1291

Mr. David R Amos

Dear Mr. Amos:

On a number of occasions you have called or sent e-mails our office to
raise matters which are of pressing concern to you.

Each time we have tried to respond by explaining to you the relatively
narrow mandate of this Commission and the limits of our powers to deal
with the matters which are of concern to you. I must stress, once
again, that the purpose of this Commission is to provide the public
with an opportunity to make complaints concerning the conduct of
members of the RCMP in the performance of their duties. We have
neither the expertise nor the legal authority to permit us to become
involved in issues beyond the scope of this mandate.

While it is clearly not the intention of the Commission to prevent you
from making complaints against members of the RCMP, an analysis of
your numerous contacts with the Commission indicates that your
concerns fall well outside the confines of our mandate. Further, your
frequent e-mails have been disruptive and unproductive for both you
and for the staff of this office.

Should you determine that some point in the future you have a
complaint concerning the conduct of a member of the RCMP in the
performance of his or her duties, please submit it to the Commission
by Canada Post only. As of now, your e-mails will be deleted unread.

Yours truly,

Andrée Leduc
Enquiries and Complaints Analyst

Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Say hey to Shawn Murphy for me will ya Brian?
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 15:25:45 -0400
From: "REVIEWS"reviews@cpc-cpp.gc.ca
To: "David Amos"motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

The Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP has received
your e-mail message and will be responding in due course.

La Commission des plaintes du public contre la GRC a reçu votre
courriel et vous rendra une réponse au moment opportun.

Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

January 30, 2007


Mr. David Amos

Dear Mr. Amos:

This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.

Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton.


Honourable Michael B. Murphy
Minister of Health


Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:

Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
From: "Warren McBeath"warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,
John.Foran@gnb.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,
"Bev BUSSON"bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
"Paul Dube"PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n

Dear Mr. Amos,

Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over
the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not
ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.

As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.

As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that
Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and the
US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in
Petitcodiac, NB.

It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.


Warren McBeath, Cpl.
GRC Caledonia RCMP
Traffic Services NCO
Ph: (506) 387-2222
Fax: (506) 387-4622
E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 04:33:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: Just so you know
To: HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, gemerson@tor.fasken.com, jgrant@baseconsulting.ca,
rabrahamson@baseconsulting.ca, mdesouza@baseconsulting.ca, csae@csae.com,
kim.keith@rci.rogers.com, jduncan@tor.fasken.com, Moore.R@parl.gc.ca,
ahamilton@casselsbrock.com, jm@jmellon.com, treasurer@casis.ca,
jbronskill@cp.org, RTRiley6@cs.com, pborbey@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
dlepage@pco-bcp.gc.ca, Allan.Kimpton@psc-cfp.gc.ca,
linda.gobeil@psc-cfp.gc.ca, janette.hamilton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
barbara.george@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, danielle.brunet-paquin@tpsgc.gc.ca,
robert.brule@cse-cst.gc.ca, Julie.Birch@cse-cst.gc.ca,
arnold.zeman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca, nancy.taillon@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca
CC: info.com@chrc-ccdp.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca,
radionews@mpbc.org, publisher@whatsup.nb.ca, kjamerson@wagmtv.com,
kbabin@globaltv.ca, jfoster@globaltv.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca, cmorris@cp.org,
info@ccna.ca, kbissett@broadcastnews.ca, bdnmail@bangordailynews.net,
ehutton@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, argosy@mta.ca,
sylvain.martel@csn.qc.ca, events@cpac.ca, mmacdonald@cp.org,
crgeditor@yahoo.com, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca

No need to Bitch.
     I am about to sue ya anyway but you did receive the same material
that everybody else got by email anyway. However now I will now
forward the other emails that various silly servants got after I had
had many talks with your incompetant and malicious assistants within
the Commission over the past two years. It seems that I had to insult
you and bust you in front of your friends to finally get a response
from you.
       Furthermore on August 2nd I sent you your material byway of the
US Mail which was received and signed for. It was hard copy of my
concerns and allegations about you being in bed with the corrupt old
bastard Zack of the RCMP. I also sent a copy of wiretap tape # 139.
Instead of you acting within the scope of your employment you go on
vacation and bury your head in the sand while the RCMP assisted the
Yankees in throwing my wife and kids into the street without due
process of law?
    Well your head may be in still the sand but you just stuck your
arse high up in the air. It is high time for me to give it a boot
before you stick it up Zack's ass in a vain effort to appear that you
have integrity after all. The following is the text of that letter and
after that is the US Mail's confirmation of when it was sent and
received by you.
    Say hey to McLachlin for me will ya? Tell her I will be suing her
too. She has been covering up for the crooked Newfy Judge Dereck Green
for way past too long. To hell with lawyers appointed as commissioners
and other lawyers appointed as judges. From my point of view they were
only appointed to cover up public corruption. I look forward to
meeting the likes of you in court and arguing you on the public
record. You just proved for me that most lawyers ain't that smart. You
should have continued to play dumb Bitch. At least then you could have
blamed your assistants for not telling you what you obviously know.
however if you had done so, I would have pointed to the fact that you
are their supervisor and therefore ultimatly responsible. Everybody
else knows that the RCMP are as crooked as hell, so do you. call me a
liar now. I double dog dare ya.
                                                 Veritas Vincit
                                                        David Raymond Amos

July 31st, 2005

Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin,
C/o Norman Sabourin General Counsel and
Andrew Grant and Renée Maria Tremblay
Canadian Judicial Council
150 Metcalfe Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W8

Shirley Heafey
Chair of Commission
for Public Complaints against the RCMP
P.O. Box 3423
Station &quo t;D"
ON K1P 6L4

                                        RE: Rampant Public Corruption

            Pursuant to my recent phone calls to Norman Sabourin and
various underlings of Shirley Heafey within the Commission for Public
Complaints against the RCMP over the years plus my many faxes and
emails please find enclosed exactly the same material received by
every Attorney General in Canada over the past year. The CD which is a
copy of a police surveillance wiretap tape # 139 is served upon you as
officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.
As you can see I have enclosed a copy of a letter sent to the latest
Attorney General Mr. Wally Opal in BC. Perhaps he should take a little
trip to Surrey and ask your office some hard questions. Perhaps the
ghost of my fellow Independent politician, Chuck Cadman may wish to
answer few questions now as well. Hard telling not knowing.

         I will not bother you with the details of what I am sending
to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will be serving
identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in hand and tell
them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy of this letter.
All that is important to me right now is that I secure proof that this
mail was sent before I make my way back home to the Maritimes.
However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material
than what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact
the same material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky
Boy McKenna in particular received, while I was up home running for
Parliament last year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so
I have also included a few recent items to spice thing up for you.

       I am tired of trying to convince people employed in law enforcement
to uphold the law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience
and be careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest
assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse to
the law or me.

        Veritas Vincit

                 David R. Amos

                 153 Alvin Ave

                 Milton, MA. 02186

Label/Receipt Number: ED71 7170 484U S
Detailed Results:

    Delivered Abroad, August 11, 2005, 6:49 am, CANADA
    Out of Foreign Customs, August 08, 2005, 2:37 pm, CANADA
    Into Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 1:52 pm, CANADA
    Arrived Abroad, August 04, 2005, 1:52 pm, CANADA
    International Dispatch, August 03, 2005, 8:32 am, KENNEDY AMC
    Enroute, August 03, 2005, 8:30 am, JAMAICA, NY 11499
    Acceptance, August 02, 2005, 10:40 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

"Heafey, Shirley"<HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: "Heafey, Shirley"<HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>
Sent: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 14:10:00 -0400
To: "David Amos"<motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Just so you know

Just so you know, there was no message attached to the e-mail sent to
me.  SO, in fact, I don't know what you think I should now know.

Try again.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 1:24 PM
>To: gemerson@tor.fasken.com; jgrant@baseconsulting.ca;
rabrahamson@baseconsulting.ca; mdesouza@baseconsulting.ca;
csae@csae.com; kim.keith@rci.rogers.com; jduncan@tor.fasken.com;
Moore.R@parl.gc.ca; ahamilton@casselsbrock.com
Cc: Zeman, Arnold; jm@jmellon.com; Taillon, Nancy; treasurer@casis.ca;
jbronskill@cp.org; RTRiley6@cs.com; pborbey@pco-bcp.gc.ca;
dlepage@pco-bcp.gc.ca; Allan.Kimpton@psc-cfp.gc.ca;
linda.gobeil@psc-cfp.gc.ca; janette.hamilton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca;
barbara.george@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; danielle.brunet-paquin@tpsgc.gc.ca;
robert.brule@cse-cst.gc.ca; Julie.Birch@cse-cst.gc.ca; Heafey, Shirley
Subject: Just so you know

CSIS  can never say they didn't know. This should put Shirley Heafey's
panties in a knot when she get back from her vacation. I can only
wonder what Ms. Longo of the RCMP is saying about now.

"Zeman, Arnold"<Arnold.Zeman@PSEPC-SPPCC.gc.ca> wrote:

Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: For the record Joan I did talk to
your boss Abrahamson yesterday and more people you know today
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:16:11 -0400
From: "Zeman, Arnold"<Arnold.Zeman@PSEPC-SPPCC.gc.ca>
To: "David Amos"<motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
This is an automatic reply.  I'm away froom the office and will return
on Monday September 26,2005.  If you need information before then,
please contact Marie-France Kingsley at 990-6306.
Ceci est une réponse automatique.  Je serai de retour au bureau le
lundi 26 septembre 2005.  Si vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez
communiquer avec Marie-France Kingsley au 990-6306.
A. W. Zeman
Assistant Inspector General of CSIS /
Inspecteur général adjoint du SCRS
340 Laurier Avenue West / 340, avenue Laurier ouest
Ottawa ON  K1A 0P8
phone / tél :   (613) 990-8274
fax / télécopieur :     (613) 990-8303
email / courriel :      arnold.zeman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca


Paul Kennedy

What Happened
Paul Kennedy was removed as head of the Commission for Public
Complaints (CPC) regarding the RCMP after he advocated a more powerful
and independent Commission. He sought adequate funding for
investigations, increased accountability and improved service
standards. The Harper government appointed a Conservative Party ally
to replace him.


Paul Kennedy was appointed Chair of the Commission for Public
Complaints (CPC) Against the RCMP in 2005. He was re-appointed for
three more one-year terms in 2006, 2007 and 2008.

Throughout his tenure, Kennedy was known as a relentless advocate for
a more independent CPC. He believed that the CPC relied too heavily on
the cooperation of senior RCMP officials, and was too limited in
independent power to probe the RCMP’s activities, or to inquire into
witnesses’ testimonials and to demand the production of documents as

Kennedy also advocated for better funding to oversee the RCMP so that
the CPC could investigate more cases and investigate them thoroughly.
He argued that the CPC’s budget of $5.2 million paled in comparison to
the RCMP’s $4.1 billion budget.

Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan cut Kennedy’s budget by $600,000
in 2009, seriously limiting the scope of the CPC’s investigations.

Kennedy did get funding for the high-profile investigation into RCMP
involvement in the tasering death of Polish immigrant Robert
Dzienkanski at the Vancouver International Airpoirt in 2007, and his
work to reform RCMP policies on taser use. But that funding was only
made available temporary. Similar investigations in future might not
get the funding they need given the small size of the CPC’s budget.

Media sources have reported clashes between Kennedy and the
Conservative government during Kennedy’s time as head of CPC. He was
ridiculed by Conservative officials for his stance that Mounties’ work
requires proper review and that access to evidence and witnesses was
necessary in order to ensure accountability. Although the government
has promised reform monitoring of the RCMP, this promise was not kept
during Kennedy’s tenure.

Kennedy had other successes: during his tenure, the RCMP was under
public pressure to modify training and operational procedures. The
commission now regularly conducts reviews of RCMP activities and their
policies in self-investigation. Kennedy also addressed investigations
of death and verbal abuse involving RCMP officers, and proposed
legislative and policy changes to avoid conflicts of interest.

Kennedy’s final weeks in office were marked by the release of a report
strongly critical of the conduct of the RCMP officers involved in the
death of Robert Dziekanski. The RCMP would go on to accept all but one
of the findings in Kennedy’s CPC report, and address the report’s
recommendations, eventually creating an Office of Professional
Integrity, as well as a new policy to ensure independent and impartial
investigation of RCMP employees.

However, in November 2009, Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan’s
office notified Kennedy that he would not be re-appointed after his
contract terminated that December. Kennedy had been prepared to serve
another term.

In January 2010, Ian McPhail, a long-time contributor to the
Conservative Party, was appointed interim chair of the CPC. McPhail
was a real-estate lawyer with some limited experience on other
commissions. Observers felt McPhail lacked the experience required
head the CPC. McPhail’s appointment was seen by Paul Kennedy and
others as a wholly partisan move, that placed a strong Conservative
ally in an important watchdog position. The replacement of Kennedy
with McPhail has been criticized as an attempt to silence Kennedy’s
criticism of the RCMP, thereby reducing accountability of the RCMP to
the government and the public.

In January 2010, Kennedy made an appearance on Parliament Hill to
express concerns about the fate of civilian oversight bodies under the
Harper government. He was joined by two other watchdogs who the
government had removed for dubious reasons: Peter Tinsley, who had
been the Military Police Complaints Commissioner; and Linda Keen,
former President of Canada’s nuclear safety regulator.

Kennedy has said the government was not willing to let the CPC fulfill
its intended purpose. He has also called on the government to
institute a fixed term for which a commissioner is appointed, so that
people who have a job to do on behalf of the public don’t end up
essentially working for the governing party.

In 2011 the new Minister of Public Safety, Vic Toews, re-appointed
McPhail as head of the CPC for another year.

Relevant Dates:
October 2005: Paul Kennedy is appointed Chair of the Commission for
Public Complaints (CPC) against the RCMP.
October 2007: Robert Dziekanski dies after being tasered by an RCMP
officer at the Vancouver International airport; Kennedy strongly
criticizes the way the situation was handled.
December 2008: Paul Kennedy is reappointed for another 1-year term as
Chair of the CPC, until December 31, 2009
August 11, 2009: Kennedy calls for policy changes to enhance
accountability of the RCMP.
November 18 2009: The government tells Kennedy his contract will not
be renewed.
December 8, 2009: Kennedy publishes a report criticizing some of the
RCMP’s actions.
January 24, 2010: The government appoints Ian McPhail as interim Chair
of the CPC.
January 26, 2010: Paul Kennedy, Peter Tinsley and Linda Keen hold a
press conference, expressing their concern over the government’s
silencing of watchdogs.
February 4, 2010: The RCMP announces a new policy to ensure
independent and impartial investigations of its employees.
Role or Position
Paul Kennedy was Chair of the Commission for Public Complaints (CPC)
Against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) from 2005 to 2009.

Implications and Consequences
Transparency: The removal of Kennedy means the loss of a qualified
civil servant with over thirty five years experience in public
service, with a proven track record of creating change for increased
Democracy: The effectiveness and independence of watchdog
organizations are compromised when leaders are appointed to short
one-years terms and removed at will by politicians. The slashing of
the CPC budget means in practice that there will be minimal oversight
of the RCMP.
Democracy: If public officials are removed and replaced whenever they
threaten to hold the government to account, the strength of our
democracy is diminished.
Photo: CTV News

“CPC Chair responds to the RCMP Commissioner's letter...,” Paul
Kennedy, CPC against the RCMP, 16 December 2009
“CPC Report on the death of Mr. Dziekanski,” William Elliott, RCMP, 10
February 2011
“Former RCMP watchdog warns commission heads liable to sway,” Janice
Tibbests, CanWest News Services, 4 January 2010
“Former watchdogs speak out on Harper government,” Susan Delacourt,
The Star, 26 January 2010
“Harper Government Names Realtor as RCMP Watchdog,” Nathan Griffiths,
InformedVote.ca, 1 February 2010
“Ottawa names interim RCMP watchdog,” Colin Freeze, The Globe and
Mail, 24 January 2010
“Minister Toews announces re-appointment of Ian McPhail as Interim
Chair of the CPC,” Public Safety Canada, 14 January 2011
“New civilian watchdog agency will oversee RCMP,” RCMP Watch, 4 February 2010
“Police Oblivious to pain Tasers inflict: RCMP Complaints
Commissioner,” CBC News, 25 June 2008
“RCMP response to CPC regarding its report into Robert Dziekanski's
in-custody death,” William Elliott, RCMP, 7 December 2009
“RCMP should limit self-investigations,” CBC News, 11 August 2009
“RCMP to implement all watchdog recommendations on Robert Dziekanski
case,” CPC against the RCMP, 10 February 2011
“RCMP watchdog won’t be reappointed,” CBC News, 27 November 2009
Report on death of Robert Dziekanski (PDF), CPC, 8 December 2009
“Report slams RCMP in airport Taser death,” CBC News, 8 December 2009
“Tories drop RCMP complaints commissioner,” Tonda MacCharles, The
Star, 27 November 2009

Tuesday, December 17, 2002 12:00 pm
John Cummins’ office replies ‘Get a life’ when invited to Maher Arar vigil

Ottawa, Canada – 17/12/02) – CAIR-CAN is calling on Canadians to demand
that John Cummins, member of Parliament of Delta-South Richmond, B.C.,
offer a public apology for recent remarks made by his office when Cummins
was invited to a silent vigil for Maher Arar. In response to the
invitation, Cummins’ office replied by email, “Get a life.”

Maher Arar is the Canadian citizen who was detained illegally in the United
States en route to Canada and deported to Jordan and then to Syria. Arar
was denied access to Canadian officials, prevented from calling his family,
tried through a non-transparent process without a lawyer present, and
deported to his country of birth in violation of international law. He is
currently being held in a Syrian jail.

The statement follows recent comments by Stephen Harper, Diane Ablonczy,
and Stockwell Day of the Canadian Alliance which condemn Arar without any
regard to his illegal deportation, the lack of a fair trial process, and in
the absence of any definitive evidence linking him to terrorism.

(See CAIR-CAN action alert # 84:

The remark made by John Cummins’ office is deeply insulting and a clear
breach of his duties as a public official,” said CAIR-CAN Executive
Director Riad Saloojee.

He should immediately offer an unqualified apology to the Arar family and
to all Canadians,” he added.

ACTION REQUESTED (Be firm, but polite):

CONTACT Steven Harper and John Cummins.

E-mail: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Cummins.J@parl.gc.ca

Telephone or Fax:

Stephen Harper
Tel: (613) 996-6740
Fax: (613) 947-0310

John Cummins
Tel: (613) 992-2957
Fax: (613) 992-3589

DEMAND an immediate apology from John Cummins for the remarks made by his
office yesterday.

INFORM Canadian Alliance leader Steven Harper that his party has failed in
its duty as the official opposition to defend the rights of a Canadian
citizen. Recent comments by his party indicate a troubling trend of
treating Maher Arar, a Canadian Muslim and Arab, as a second class citizen.

COPY Canada@cair-net.org on all correspondence.

Colin Mayes, Conservative

This rookie B.C. MP made headlines this year after he defended the PM's new
restrictions on media access in a column to his local paper. Mayes went
further and suggested journalists would be more responsible if they faced
jail terms for professional misconduct. "Boy, would the public get accurate
and true information if a few reporters were hauled away to jail! Maybe it
is time that we hauled off in handcuffs reporters that fabricate stories,
or twist information and even falsely accuse citizens." Mayes quickly
retracted his comments.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: "pm"<pm@pm.gc.ca>; <deb@debgrey.com>; <debgrey@gmail.com>;
<valerielmeredith@aol.com>; <RathgB0@parl.gc.ca>; "MulcaT"
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>; "Heather Martin"<martinhea39@gmail.com>;
"bob.paulson"<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "kevin.violot"
<kevin.violot@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Wayne.Lang"
<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "toewsv1"<toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>; "bob.rae"
<bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>; "Bob.Kerr"<Bob.Kerr@cbc.ca>;
"terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>; "mckeen.randy"
<mckeen.randy@gmail.com>; "mcknight.gisele"
<mcknight.gisele@dailygleaner.com>; "mclellana"
Cc: <Whistleblower@ctv.ca>; <martine.turcotte@bell.ca>; "oldmaison"
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>; "stop_codex"<stop_codex@hotmail.com>; "josh
steffler"<canuckfanjosh@yahoo.com>; <webmasterlawrence@gmail.com>;
"xtofury"<xtofury@gmail.com>; "grenouf"<grenouf@genuinewitty.com>;
"hiddenfromhistory1"<hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com>; "J Bowman"
<canada.acp@gmail.com>; "leader"<leader@greenparty.ca>;
"maryann4peace"<maryann4peace@gmail.com>; "john.green"
<john.green@gnb.ca>; "police"<police@fredericton.ca>; "David Amos"
<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; "greg.weston"<greg.weston@cbc.ca>;
<Billa.MEDHURST@vpd.ca>; "mark.lord"<mark.lord@fredericton.ca>;
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2012 12:17 AM
Subject: So Debby Baby Grey "Famous Amos" would like to know if Harper
and the RCMP in BC are paying attention YET???

Some Deja Vu for you and Val



VAls minority report!

Heritage Front Affair Val's Minority Reports


Presented by Val Meredith, M.P.


It was nineteen months ago when the Sub-Committee on National Security
began its consideration of the Security Intelligence Review
Committee's Heritage Front Affair report. Finally, after a long and
often arduous effort, the Sub-Committee has tabled its report.

At this point in time, it is important to clarify a couple of
significant issues: The delays in producing the Sub-Committee report
have nothing to do with the activities of the opposition parties, but
rather are due solely to delays caused by membership changes and
disagreements among the government members.

Secondly, the so-called report of this Sub-Committee has little input
from the opposition members. The joint dissenting opinion of the Bloc
Quebecois and the Reform Party more accurately reflects the
multi-party consensus of the majority of members of this Sub-Committee
who actually participated in most of the Sub-Committee's hearings.
While the joint dissenting opinion does not fully reflect the Reform
Party's position on this issue, it is included to illustrate the
changes to the report imposed by the government members.

It must be noted that the major changes to this report did not occur
during a Sub-Committee meeting, and neither opposition member was
present. It is clear that the Liberal government was not prepared for
the Sub-Committee to table the more critical report that is now the
joint dissenting opinion. With regard to the official report of the
Sub-Committee, the current government members of the Sub-Committee
have produced an extremely emasculated version of the original report.

Their report is just an extension of SIRC's Heritage Front Affair
report which did not provide a sufficiently critical review of the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service's investigation.

THE SIRC REPORT SIRC claims to be the "eyes and ears of the public and
Parliament on the Canadian Security Intelligence Service." Yet after
months of consideration of the Heritage Front Affair report, it is
clear that SIRC has been not only negligent in this role, but
deliberately dishonest as well. Instead of providing Parliament with a
thorough and objective review of CSIS' use of a human source in its
investigation of the Heritage Front, SIRC's report exonerates CSIS and
the Source of any wrongdoing.

In its exoneration of CSIS, SIRC ignored or suppressed any evidence
that was inconsistent with their conclusion that the Service did no
wrong. SIRC has wilfully mislead Parliament and the Canadian people.
The exoneration of CSIS by SIRC is a betrayal of SIRC's role as a
review committee. While the Reform Party is deeply concerned with the
wrongdoings of CSIS, SIRC's refusal to address these transgressions in
an open and honest manner is cause for even greater concern.

After nineteen months of reviewing the SIRC report and obtaining
additional information, it is clear that SIRC is not fulfilling the
function that Parliament intended. Originally the Reform Party had
planned to do a thorough and critical review of the SIRC report,
pointing out numerous inaccuracies and omissions. However, because the
original version would have been too lengthy, we have chosen to focus
on two main issues: Grant Bristow - CSIS Source, and the CSIS
investigation concerning Preston Manning, that formed Chapter VIII of
the Heritage Front Affair. ; GRANT BRISTOW - CSIS HUMAN SOURCE Unlike
the government members of the Sub- Committee, I have no hesitancy in
identifying Grant Bristow as the CSIS Source who infiltrated the
Heritage Front.

This position is not an assumption, nor speculation. In August 1994, I
was contacted by an individual who had first-hand knowledge of Grant
Bristow as a CSIS Source. A former police source, this individual was
approached by Bristow, who offered to introduce him to a CSIS

In September 1994 I accompanied this individual to a SIRC interview.
The information this individual provided is faithfully recorded in the
SIRC report at section 3.1.3, although it does not identify Bristow as
the Source.

In addition, at his appearance before the Sub- Committee on May 27,
1996, the Director of CSIS, Mr. Ward Elcock, inadvertently confirmed
that Bristow was indeed the CSIS Source. In his opening statement,
which was also provided in writing, the Director made the following
comment: "What about our source's arrest in Toronto, along with
American white supremacist Sean Maguire? That was a co-ordinated
operation with law enforcement agencies. Mr. Maguire was expelled from
Canada. Our source was released. No criminal offence was committed."

Now contrast the Director's above comments with the relevant passage
in SIRC's Heritage Front Affair report: "On September 20, 1991, Sean
Maguire and Grant Bristow were travelling in the latter's car, when
they were stopped at gunpoint by the heavily armed Metro Toronto
Emergency Task Force. Sean Maguire was arrested on an Immigration
warrant. RCMP and Immigration officials were on hand for the arrest,
as was a CSIS investigator from Toronto Region.

Grant Bristow, when he was stopped, had guns in the trunk of his car.
Both men were taken to police station 41." (emphasis added) It is
obvious from the above-mentioned information that Bristow is the CSIS
Source in question. It is an issue, because the way that SIRC wrote
their report, many of the questionable activities were committed by
Bristow, as opposed to the Source. So it is important to acknowledge
that Bristow was indeed the Source.

As expressed in paragraph 28 of the joint dissenting opinion ("Having
concluded that the placement of a human source was acceptable,
although for a shorter time than this Source was actually in place,
the opposition members of the Sub-Committee then asked themselves
whether the Service should have recruited and put in place this
particular Source?"), there were serious questions about using Bristow
as the Source. While SIRC made all efforts to downplay Bristow's role
in the creation and operation of the Heritage Front, clearly he was
responsible for much of the success of the organization.

The best indication of Bristow's role in the Heritage Front was the
video that the Front put out with excerpts of Bristow's speeches, that
had been edited out of the previously released videos. The excerpts
from this video show that Bristow was the main administrator of the
Heritage Front. He was responsible for the raising of money, for
selling memberships, literature and paraphernalia, and for getting
people out to Heritage Front rallies and demonstrations. His
questionable contributions can be best summarized from the one video
where he bragged that the Heritage Front in Toronto raised more money
to assist incarcerated members of the white supremacist terrorist
organization, The Order, than any other group in North America. ;
Bristow under police investigation.

There is one other aspect of Bristow's history that SIRC chose to
ignore, despite the fact that this incident was in the original
newspaper story that spawned their investigation. In 1993, the Metro
Toronto Police Force investigated Heritage Front members Carl Fischer,
Elkar Fischer and Andrew Maynard, for the kidnapping and assault of
Tyrone Mason, another Heritage Front member. During the course of
their investigation the police began to actively investigate Grant

The police investigators were so convinced that Bristow was involved
in witness tampering, that they applied to the courts and obtained a
Criminal Code Part VI warrant to intercept his communications. When
the Mason case finally made its way to trial in the fall of 1995, a
plea bargain was arranged. As a result of plea bargaining all charges
were dropped against Maynard, and though convicted, the Fischer
brothers received only a thirty day sentence to be served

Interestingly, a lawyer representing the federal government was
involved in the negotiations. It would appear that Bristow's role in
the incident prevented the Crown from aggressively prosecuting the
case. Despite frequently referring to this case in their testimony as
an example of the heinous activities that Heritage Front members were
capable of committing,

SIRC completely ignored the police investigation of Bristow's role in
the case. ; Bristow and the Reform Party. The Reform Party is also
deeply concerned about Bristow's activities within the Reform Party.

As reported in the SIRC report, CSIS was aware that Heritage Front
leader Wolfgang Droege "wanted to discredit Preston Manning and the
Reform Party before the general election in 1993. This idea would be
accomplished by the Movement publicly identifying itself and its
security relationship with the Reform Party's senior executive level.

Among those who allegedly knew of the Droege plan were Gerry Lincoln,
James Dawson, Ernst Zundel, Terry Long, Jurgen Neumann, Peter
Mitrevski, and Grant Bristow (emphasis added)." Not only was Bristow
aware of this plan to discredit the Reform Party, but he was one of
the major players in it. Bristow, along with Alan Overfield, were the
two individuals who made all the security arrangements.

While it was Overfield who originally offered the services of his
bailiff company to the Reform Party, he was not aware of Droege's plan
to discredit the party. Thus it was left to Bristow, a CSIS source, to
create the relationship.

According to the representative for the Reform Party, Andrew Flint,
Grant Bristow did a very effective job in creating the security
relationship between the Reform Party and the Heritage Front. In an
affidavit sworn on May 1, 1995, Flint described the June 1991 meeting
with Bristow and Overfield in the following manner: "The meeting was
dominated by Grant Bristow who did most of the talking regarding the
security for the event. I was certainly very impressed by his
immaculate dress which included an elegant suit and highly polished
shoes. This was the only meeting I attended involving security for the
up-coming rally."

Flint also mentioned that "at the meeting of the security team for the
June 1991 event at the International Centre, Grant Bristow requested a
letter from me stating that he and Al Overfield were authorized to
handle the security for this event. I was told he needed it to present
to the Regional Police which operated a sub-station on the premises of
the International Centre."

This letter is also mentioned in the SIRC report. However, the report
stated "Overfield asked for the letter in order to receive recognition
and to show that he was appointed. Grant Bristow's name was included
in the letter because he said: #145;Unless we have a letter of
understanding, there could be legal liabilities if there was a
confrontation with protesters at a Reform Party event.'

" Naturally, Bristow is the source of this information. It is
interesting that Bristow claimed that Overfield asked for the letter
to receive recognition, and that his own name appeared only for
liability purposes. If Bristow's name was necessary for liability
purposes, then why were the names of the other individuals who were
providing security not included as well?

In reality, the most useful application of this letter would have been
to prove a security arrangement between the Heritage Front and the
Reform Party. Yet, according to the SIRC report, Overfield was unaware
of the plan to discredit the Reform Party, so there is little reason
for him to request the letter. Bristow on the other hand, would
certainly have pleased Droege by providing him with a letter to
demonstrate that the security arrangement between the Reform Party and
the Heritage Front actually existed. SIRC's willingness to accept
Bristow's version of events is typical of their report.

Much of the report is based on the evidence of Bristow. He is cited as
the source of information 135 times; 96 times as the Source and a
further 39 times as Grant Bristow. In addition, the source handler is
cited 20 times as the basis of information.

SIRC has basically provided the public with Grant Bristow's version of
events, while contradictory information was generally dismissed. While
SIRC denied any wrongdoing by Bristow or CSIS, they failed to address
a very important issue - the entire operation was conducted in
violation of a 1989 Ministerial Direction.

On October 30, 1989 then Solicitor General Pierre Blais issued the
following Ministerial Direction on #145;CSIS' Use of Human Sources' to
the Director of CSIS. The Direction states in part: "that special care
is required in regard to investigations which impact on, or which
appear to impact on, the most sensitive institutions of our society. I
am primarily thinking in this regard of institutions in the academic,
political, religious, media or trade union fields.... I am writing
that you personally, or a Deputy Director designated by you in
writing, approve the use by the Service of confidential sources in
such investigation."

It is obvious that Bristow's role as one of two individuals who was
"jointly responsible for the security of all present and future Reform
Party Events that are planned for this region," would be part of a
human source operation that "impacted, or appeared to impact on a
political institution."

According to the Ministerial Direction, this would have required that
either the Director or the Deputy Director (Operations) approve
Bristow's role as part of the security team. In reality, Toronto
Region only sought out CSIS Headquarters' advice in August, two months
after the Mississauga rally, and even then the file did not go to the
Director or the Deputy Director.

SIRC goes on to great lengths to point out that CSIS was careful that
only Droege's activities as they related to the Reform Party were
investigated, not the Reform Party itself. But they do not address the
issue of a CSIS source operation that impacted on, or at least
appeared to impact upon a sensitive political institution, namely the
Reform Party. SIRC's refusal to address this issue is somewhat
mystifying, considering that was one of the questions that the Reform
Party specifically wanted answered when we put forth a series of
questions to SIRC in a letter, presented to them at the September 13,
1994 Sub-Committee meeting:

Question 73: Given the 1989 Ministerial Directive by then Solicitor
General Pierre Blais, concerning CSIS utilizing sources in sensitive
institutions such as political parties, religious groups and the
media, was the Director's approval required prior to Bristow's
attendance at the Reform Party meeting?;

Question 74: If yes, did the Director approve of this operation?
Bristow's role in the security group was indeed crucial in forming the
link between the Heritage Front and the Reform Party. As Andrew Flint
stated, he was impressed with Bristow's "knowledge of security
procedures and technical terminology...", as well as his "elegant suit
and highly polished shoes." Grant Bristow was the one member of the
Heritage Front who had the respectability and the expertise to make
Flint believe that he was dealing with a legitimate group of
individuals. It is extremely unlikely that Flint would have ever used
this group if he had met with skinheads or other Heritage Front

In the final analysis, Wolfgang Droege had a plot to discredit the
Reform Party by linking the party to the Heritage Front through its
security arrangement.

Grant Bristow played a pivotal role in this conspiracy, if in no other
way than by providing the security group with the respectability and
expertise they could not have gotten elsewhere within the Heritage

When the story broke in 1992 the Reform Party was indeed discredited,
although there are no objective means to measure to what extent. It is
bad enough that Droege, an individual deemed to be a threat to the
security of Canada, devised a plot to discredit a legitimate political
party and CSIS did nothing about it. It is much worse when Grant
Bristow, a CSIS source, played an integral role in accomplishing this
task, in violation of a Ministerial Direction. But it is a complete
travesty when SIRC, the body that Parliament established to monitor
CSIS, fails to even address the issue. CSIS INVESTIGATION OF PRESTON
MANNING While compiling its report on the Heritage Front Affair, SIRC
included a chapter that had nothing to do with the Heritage Front. It
was about the Reform Party and a foreign government, subsequently
identified as South Africa. SIRC wanted us to believe that by
including this chapter they could allay any fears amongst Reformers
that CSIS had investigated the party, or the leadership.

In the SIRC report, the CSIS investigation is portrayed as a
by-the-book, straight-forward operation. Upon closer inspection this
investigation proved to be anything but straight- forward. Rather than
allaying any of our concerns about CSIS investigations, SIRC's
willingness to lie about the facts has made the Reform Party even more

Through a Privacy Act request by Preston Manning, CSIS released its
documents on this investigation. Although they are heavily censored,
the documents show that SIRC withheld information and misrepresented
the facts in their report, so that they could demonstrate that CSIS
conducted a proper investigation. Any evidence that was contradictory
to their conclusion was suppressed.

 In the following pages, we will review the actual investigation,
SIRC's version of the investigation, and the bizarre fallout from this
chapter of their report. In exchanges of correspondence and testimony
that occurred after the tabling of the report, we learned that CSIS
documents were altered and misdated.

We observed SIRC make admissions, and then subsequently retract these
admissions, completely contradicting their earlier statements and
testimony. The Director of CSIS also provided a version of events that
not only contradicted his earlier testimony, but also required him to
admit that almost everyone who touched this file made mistakes.

In the final analysis, the Reform Party is convinced that CSIS
launched an insupportable investigation of Preston Manning in 1989,
and tried to cover it up five months later. Both the current
management at CSIS and SIRC have continued that cover-up, frequently
changing their story when confronted with facts that did not fit their
version of the events. ;

A dubious source sparks an investigation. As SIRC reported, and the
CSIS documents confirm, this investigation began with a tip from a
source who was described by the CSIS investigator as "self-serving and
very opportunistic, particularly if it benefited himself." This
dubious source informed CSIS about a conversation that he had with a
board member of an association that promoted links between South
Africa and Canada. This source then stated that the board member said
that his group was giving money to Preston Manning's campaign, as
Manning was running against External Affairs Minister Joe Clark.

This information by itself should not have been of interest to CSIS.
In democracies, citizens can financially support whoever they want in
an election, for whatever reason. For CSIS to investigate they needed
information that South Africa was actually providing the money. During
the first meeting between CSIS and this dubious source, the source
stated that he thought the board member meant that the money was
coming from South Africa. When the source realized that he did not
have the key piece of evidence that CSIS required, he miraculously
obtained it less than three weeks later. The source stated that he had
been talking to an unidentified, close associate of the board member,
who supposedly told him that the South Africans may have contributed
as much as $45,000 to Preston Manning and the Reform Party in trying
to defeat Joe Clark in his riding of Yellowhead. This is the extent of
CSIS' information about the Manning campaign receiving money from a
foreign government.

Third-hand information from a source who is not only of unknown
reliability, but who had been identified by the CSIS investigator as
"self-serving and opportunistic", should not be the basis of a CSIS
investigation of any Canadian citizen, much less the leader of a
legitimate political party. ; CSIS analyst stated, basis for
investigation "difficult to support"! We are not the only ones to
question the validity of this investigation.

After the regional investigator sent two reports to CSIS Headquarters
in November 1988, a response from the HQ analyst on the South Africa
desk was sent to the region in January 1989. As the SIRC report
acknowledged, the analyst stated that in HQ's opinion, the source of
the alleged funding was most likely the group of Canadian businessmen
who belonged to the association. But when the analyst addressed the
possibility of foreign funding, SIRC did not accurately portray the
analyst's comments. The analyst did state that, "if it were shown that
South Africa indeed contributed as much as $45,000 to Manning's
campaign, HQ could in time attempt to make the argument that South
Africa is unduly influencing Canadian politics." However, SIRC chose
not to include the following sentence by the analyst in their report:
"To say the least, this kind of argument would be difficult to

Since the analyst had stated that there was no basis for a CSIS
investigation, contradicting SIRC's conclusion that it was a
legitimate investigation, SIRC chose to suppress this line. It is the
only line in that section of the report that SIRC did not include in
the Heritage Front Affair report. The HQ analyst concluded this
January 10, 1989 message by requesting that the region keep "HQ
apprised of any forthcoming information which you may obtain in light
of the above."

There was no further information forwarded by the region. Rather, the
next document that appears in Manning's file is an authorization of a
TARC Level 1 investigation, dated October 17, 1989. ; Lead up to the
TARC Level 1 investigation - January 10, 1989 to October 17, 1989.
While there is a great deal of controversy over what happened between
October 17, 1989 and March 30, 1990, we are equally perplexed about
what happened between January 10, 1989 and October 17, 1989.

The Reform Party has never received a logical answer to why an analyst
on the South African desk in CSIS HQ stated that there was no basis
for an investigation into the alleged contribution to Preston Manning
on January 10, 1989, and yet without any additional, or new,
information, an analyst on the South African desk in CSIS HQ submitted
a request for a TARC Level 1 investigation on October 17, 1989? SIRC
attempted to provide the following as an answer: A reliable source
provided CSIS with information that a foreign country (read South
Africa) had transferred over a quarter of a million dollars to Canada,
to try to influence 24 Members of Parliament from other political
parties (read Progressive Conservatives and Liberals).

When asked, SIRC stated that CSIS did not take any steps to
investigate these M.P.s. If the information about South Africa funding
these 24 M.P.s did indeed inspire the investigation, why was there no
mention of this on the form (REQUEST FOR AND APPROVAL OF COLLECTION
LEVELS 1, 2 AND CATEGORY A aka 4002) authorizing the investigation?

 It is therefore unlikely that this information played any role in the
investigation. SIRC would still have us believe that CSIS received
information from a reliable source that the South African Government
was using over a quarter of million dollars to influence 24
Conservative and Liberal M.P.s, but did not investigate them. Instead,
CSIS proceeded to launch an investigation of Preston Manning, who was
neither an M.P., nor a Progressive Conservative nor a Liberal.

We find SIRC's logic to be less than satisfying. ; The Actual
Investigation: Who, What, When, Why? >From the moment the Solicitor
General tabled the Heritage Front Affair report, one particular
passage has caused a great deal of grief for the Sub-Committee, SIRC
and CSIS. This passage resulted in a number of admissions,
explanations, contradictions, retractions and accusations.

The Reform Party believes that the best way to present this complex
subject is in the following chronological manner:

December 15, 1994 The Solicitor General tabled SIRC's report, the
Heritage Front Affair, in the House of Commons. Included in section
VIII, at paragraph 8.3 is the following passage: "On October 17, 1989,
the Service decided to formally investigate the alleged $45,000
contribution. CSIS said that they could not go back to the informant
as all contacts had ended on December 31, 1988.

The Service authorized a three-month Level 1 investigation entitled:
#145;LNU FNU (Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral
Campaign)'. The Service cited section 12 and paragraph 2 (b) of the
CSIS Act as the legal basis for the investigation." ;

December 16, 1994 ;SIRC appeared before the Sub-Committee on National
Security. Having been advised that the above-mentioned passage was
inaccurate, the Reform Party made the following request:

Ms. Meredith: "Can you have your officials go back to CSIS and have
them examine the hard copy of the original authorization of the Level
one investigation on the Reform Party and a foreign government, not
just the corrected copies? Specifically, can your employees examine
the caption on the file?"

Summary - After the meeting, the Reform Party was approached by SIRC
research officials. They asked what they should be looking for
specifically. This led the Reform Party to believe that SIRC was not
aware of a changed caption. ;

January 27, 1995 In a letter from Maurice Archdeacon, the Executive
Director of SIRC, to Derek Lee, M.P., the Chairman of the
Sub-Committee on National Security, Val Meredith's request was
answered in the following manner:

"Ms. Meredith, M.P. requested that SIRC have its officials re-examine
the original authorization of the Level I investigation on the Reform
Party and a foreign government. Specifically, Ms. Meredith asked to be
told what the caption was on the file.

The nature of Ms. Meredith's question suggests that the answer may
well already be known to her. Nevertheless, the caption she referred
to for the targeting authority dated October 17, 1989 was #145;Preston
Manning.' The caption was revised on March 30, 1990 to state,
#145;LNU/FNU (Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral

I would be remiss if I did not point out that, aside from the amended
caption, there were no other changes to the text of the targeting
requests/authorizations. That is, the text in each of the documents
was identical, and clearly stated that the investigation was to
determine whether a #145;foreign influence' threat existed. CSIS did
not suspect Mr. Manning of complicity..."

Summary - Mr. Archdeacon admitted that the name on the targeting
authority dated October 17, 1989 was #145;Preston Manning.' He also
mentioned that "there were no other changes to the text of the
targeting request/authorizations. That is, the text in each of the
documents was identical." It is quite apparent that Mr. Archdeacon is
stating that there were two versions of the same document, with the
only change being to the caption. From his choice of words being the
#145;targeting request/authorizations', there is no doubt that Mr.
Archdeacon is referring to the form 4002. ;

March 30, 1995 The Solicitor General appears before the Standing
Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, for the Main Estimates. He is
accompanied by his Deputy Minister and the heads of the various
agencies under his control, including Mr. Ward Elcock, Director of
CSIS. The Reform Party asked Mr. Elcock a number of questions about
this particular investigation.

The following excerpts are from the transcript of this meeting: (Page 15)

Ms. Meredith: "Can you explain then why Mr. Manning's name was used
for a TARC level one investigation and why that investigation was not
conducted under the foreign government?"

Mr. Elcock: "I don't know why that name was used. I suspect that, as
much as anything else, it may have been just used as a convenient tag.
I don't know the precise reason why it was used, but there is no
question from the file that at any time the subject of the
investigation was ever Mr. Manning himself."

Ms. Meredith: "Why was that file named under Mr. Manning, then, and
not under #145;unknown contributor?'"

Mr. Elcock: "I said, Mr. Chairman, that I didn't know the reason why
that name was used. It clearly was in error, because in substance, the
investigation at all times was an investigation of the actions of a
foreign government, not an investigation of Mr. Manning."

(Page 17) Ms. Meredith: "So Mr. Manning's name never came up under a
requisition or a request for a TARC Level One investigation?"

 Mr. Elcock: "It was in the sense, Mr. Chairman, that the title of the
TARC was initially in Mr. Manning's name. His name was there. Was
there an investigation of Mr. Manning? Absolutely not."

Ms. Meredith: "I didn't ask if there was an investigation of Mr.
Manning. I asked if a TARC Level was ever instituted under Mr.
Manning's name?"

Mr. Elcock: "The answer, Mr. Chairman, was that there was a TARC Level
in Mr. Manning's name. But as I have said, the subject of that TARC
was not Mr. Manning at any time, ever."

(Page 34) Ms. Meredith: "I have your policy manual here, the
declassified version of the CSIS Operational Manual. For a TARC Level
one authority, an investigator must submit a request for an approval
form, CSIS form 4002. There's a space for the name of the individual
to be investigated. Can you tell me whose name was in that spot on the
form 4002 in question, signed on October 17, 1989?"

Mr. Elcock: "As I think I said earlier, there was in the TARC title
Mr. Manning's name. However, as I said quite clearly, the subject of
that file was at all times an investigation of contributions in terms
of the possibility of contributions having been made by a foreign
government to a Canadian political party. It was at no time an
investigation of Mr. Manning himself, notwithstanding the title. I
would that (sic) the title had been otherwise, but it wasn't. That's
the fact."

Summary - During this meeting, the Director of CSIS made it quite
clear that on October 17, 1989 the TARC Level 1 authorization, the
form 4002, was on Preston Manning. Mr. Elcock did not once suggest
that the caption was "Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's
Electoral Campaign." (Nor did Mr. Elcock suggest that the error
occurred with a different document known as a FILE OPENING REQUEST -
PEOPLE FILES form.) At this same meeting the Reform Party also
questioned the Director as to why SIRC was not made aware that the
original 4002 was in the name of #145;Preston Manning'.

That led to the following exchange: (Page 17)

Ms. Meredith: "Can you explain to me why that information wasn't
provided to SIRC? In their report, they reported very thoroughly on
that investigation, with the exception of the original TARC level?"

Mr. Elcock: "Why what information?"

Ms. Meredith: "That the TARC level on Mr. Manning was excluded from
the SIRC report, that SIRC was unaware of that having happened?"

Mr. Elcock: "I don't know that in fact SIRC was unaware. I don't know
why they would not have put it in their report or would have chosen
not to do that. That's SIRC's business, and you would have to address
that question to SIRC."

Ms. Meredith: "When we brought it to SIRC's attention, they were
unaware of that fact. It was only by it being brought to their
attention that they were able to go back and find out the information.
So I assumed from that they did not know that information was not
provided to them, and I would like to know why it wasn't?"

Mr. Elcock: "I don't know that that assumption is correct; I would
have to check. In fact, my belief is that they did have that
information, but I'll certainly check that for the hon. member."

Summary - This was the first information that the Reform Party
received that SIRC was aware that the original TARC Level was on
Preston Manning. ;

March 31, 1995 In response to Mr. Elcock's testimony, Val Meredith
wrote to SIRC, seeking clarification of what SIRC knew and when. "Was
any member or employee of SIRC aware that the original TARC
investigation launched on October 17, 1989 (was) in the name of
Preston Manning and not "LNU FNU (Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston
Manning's Electoral Campaign), when the Heritage Front Affair report
was tabled on December 9, 1994?" Summary - The Reform Party
specifically asked SIRC if they knew prior to the tabling of their
report that the TARC investigation was in the name of #145;Preston
Manning.' ;

April 7, 1995 In a letter, under the name of Jacques Courtois, P.C.,
Q.C., but signed by Maurice Archdeacon, Val Meredith's letter was
responded to in the following fashion: "You asked whether any member
or employee of SIRC was aware of the TARC investigation launched on
October 17, 1989 in the name of Preston Manning and not the corrected
title. SIRC staff saw the original title of the targeting
authorization, as well as the corrected title and all other documents
pertaining to the investigation. As I mentioned in my letter dated
January 27, 1995 to Mr. Derek Lee, M.P. Chairperson of the
Sub-Committee on National Security, the description (narrative text)
of the authorization never changed... The original caption was seen
for what it was - an error, and the Service corrected that error five
years ago."

Summary - Once again SIRC admitted that the caption on the TARC on
October 17, 1989 was in the name of Preston Manning. They also
admitted that they knew this prior to tabling their report. Although
Mr. Archdeacon does not specifically state why SIRC chose to exclude
this information from their report, the only possible explanation they
offer for its exclusion is that the original caption was seen as an
error, and that CSIS corrected that error in 1990. ;

June 20, 1995 SIRC appeared before the National Security Sub-Committee
for the Main Estimates. The Reform Party asked SIRC a number of
questions about this particular investigation.

The following excerpts are from the transcript of this meeting: (Page 7)

Ms. Meredith: "Are you trying to tell this committee that there was
not a TARC Level one investigation opened on Preston Manning?"

Mr. Archdeacon: "No, I'm not, obviously, because we're repeating
discussions we had over several hours earlier. You know very well that
I'm not doing so. Someone - and we admitted it was sloppy work, and
I'm sure the Director of CSIS would admit that - instead of taking the
trouble to write on the TARC title #145;Unknown Contributor to Preston
Manning's campaign' just wrote #145;Preston Manning.' The text,
however, in the TARC report makes it absolutely clear - and you read
the text - that Mr. Manning was not being investigated. We can't say
it any more than this. It's question asked and answered."

(Page 20)

Mr. Archdeacon: "The fact is at the moment you're looking at the form
- I understand your point - and saying the form of that 4002 gave the
impression, because the name Preston Manning was there, that the TARC
was on Preston Manning. That is the form of it."

Summary - SIRC once again confirmed that the 4002 was in the name of
Preston Manning. Mr. Archdeacon went so far as to state that he
obviously wasn't denying that there was a TARC Level one investigation
opened on Preston Manning. ;

June 21, 1995 to November 7, 1995 During this time period, the
Sub-Committee on National Security considered its report on the
Heritage Front Affair. During these meetings, the Sub-Committee was
operating on the understanding that the original 4002 was in the name
of "Preston Manning" and this was altered to "LNU/FNU (Unknown
Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral Campaign" on March 30,
1990. ; November 9, 1995 To clarify questions about alterations to
4002, and who knew about the caption "Preston Manning", the
Sub-Committee sent a letter to the Director of CSIS. The following are
the key excerpts from this letter: "On January 27, 1995, SIRC advised
the Subcommittee, in response to its questions, that the caption on
the October 17, 1989 targeting authority dealt with in Chapter VIII of
the SIRC Report was originally #145;Preston Manning.' The Review
Committee went on in the same letter to advise us that the caption was
changed on March 30, 1990 to read #145;LNU-FNU (Unknown Contributor(s)
to Preston Manning's Electoral Campaign).' How was the caption change
made on the Form 4002 - was the original form altered or was the
original form destroyed and a new, back-dated, re-signed or
re-initialled form created? Another of the documents contained in the
file obtained by Mr. Manning is a November 10, 1989 Transit Slip (Form
3040) from the Chief of Counter Intelligence - General Desk to the
Director General of Counter Intelligence. I would like to draw your
attention to item 5 on this document where it is asserted #145;caption
is considered appropriate under policy provision.' Can you provide the
Subcommittee with an explanation of this assertion in light of the
fact that at the time the caption read #145;Preston Manning' and was
not changed until March 30, 1990? If the caption was appropriate as it
was on November 10, 1989, what made it unacceptable on March 30,
1990?" Summary - These questions challenged SIRC's and CSIS'
contention that #145;Preston Manning's' name appearing in caption was
just a #145;clerical error.' It would be difficult for CSIS to
maintain the #145;clerical error' excuse if the Director General of
Counterintelligence was aware of the caption, and agreed with it. ;

March 29, 1996 According to CSIS, they did not receive the November 9,
1995 letter from the Sub-Committee until this date. There is no
explanation as to what happened to the letter during the intervening 4
1/2 months. ;

April 15, 1996 The Director of CSIS responded to the Sub-Committee's
letter of November 9, 1995. In a complete departure from previous
statements and testimony from CSIS and SIRC, the Director contended
that the Form 4002 never read #145;Preston Manning', but the original
caption was #145;Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral
Campaign.' Key excerpts from his letter are as follows: "In response
to your query regarding the #145;REQUEST FOR AND APPROVAL OF
COLLECTION LEVELS 1, 2 AND CATEGORY A' form, dated October 17, 1989, I
am satisfied that this is the original document associated with this
file. As is shown on this form, the original caption was #145;Unknown
Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral Campaign'. The
collection authority and a second form, #145;FILE OPENING REQUEST -
PEOPLE FILES', is required by the Service's Information Management
branch, in order to create a file. It was at this stage in the process
that the clerical error occurred regarding this file caption. In an
effort to facilitate the electronic opening and future retrieval of
this file and the relevant documents, the caption that was erroneously
entered on the #145;FILE OPENING REQUEST - PEOPLE FILES' form was
#145;Preston Manning'. This error caused the creation of an automated
hard copy file under this incorrect caption. It was during the latter
part of March, 1990, while preparing this assessment report, that the
file caption error was corrected. Item 5 on the #145;TRANSIT SLIP'
(Form 3040), dated November 10, 1989, discusses the appropriateness of
the caption as presented originally - #145;Unknown Contributor(s) to
Preston Manning's Electoral Campaign' and the comments indicate that
the author believed the caption to be appropriate."

Summary - This was an astounding development. The Director totally
contradicted 15 months of statements and testimony from both SIRC and
himself. According to the January 27, 1995 letter from Maurice
Archdeacon to Derek Lee, M.P., the targeting authority (form 4002)
read #145;Preston Manning' on October 17, 1989 and was changed on
March 30, 1990. Mr. Elcock made no reference to this fact in his
letter. Nor does the Director address his own testimony before the
Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs on March 30, 1995,
where the following exchange took place:

Ms. Meredith: "So Mr. Manning's name never came up under a requisition
or a request for a TARC Level One investigation?"

Mr. Elcock: "It was in the sense, Mr. Chairman, that the title of TARC
was initially in Mr. Manning's name. His name was there. Was there an
investigation of Mr. Manning? Absolutely not."

Ms. Meredith: "I didn't ask if there was an investigation of Mr.
Manning. I asked if a TARC Level was instituted under Mr. Manning's

Mr. Elcock: "The answer Mr. Chairman, was that there was a TARC Level
in Mr. Manning's name."

There is no explanation of why Mr. Elcock would state on March 30,
1995 that "the title of the TARC was initially in Mr. Manning's name,"
and then on April 15, 1996 he would write that "the original caption
was #145;Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral

It must also be noted that in none of the correspondence or testimony
from CSIS or SIRC, between December 16, 1994 and April 14, 1996, was
there even a single mention of a "FILE OPENING REQUEST - PEOPLE FILES"
form. This particular form was certainly known to CSIS, as it was
included in Preston Manning's Privacy Act request. However, subsequent
investigation and testimony would show that Mr. Elcock was not
completely forthcoming in this letter. ;

May 15, 1996 SIRC appeared before the Sub-Committee on National
Security for the Main Estimates. While there was little discussion
about this issue at this meeting, the following exchanges occurred:
(page 30)

Mr. Discepola: "I'd like to know, then, in your opinion why in the
world Preston Manning's name was used at all in any of the
documentation that related to the investigation of the suspected third
country contribution to the election campaign."

Mr. Archdeacon: "I've forgotten the exact date but the original title
was #145;Unknown Contributor to Preston Manning's Election Campaign.'
It should of had more on it then that, but that was the exact title.
It was not titled #145;Preston Manning', and Mrs. Meredith has a copy
of the sheets of paper. Here it is, and the title on it is
#145;Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral Campaign.'
Then there's the text of what is to be looked at, which is whether
somebody, some country, was going to contribute money to Preston
Manning's electoral campaign. When you have a TARC like that you must
open a file, and this TARC was sent down to the management information
section in CSIS. Because it didn't have LNU/FNU in front of the
#145;Unknown Contributor(s)', which means last name unknown, first
name unknown, the only name the clerk down there could see was Preston
Manning, and you have to have a name on a file. So he didn't write
#145;Unknown Contributor(s)' , he wrote #145;Preston Manning'. That
was an error. He shouldn't have done that. That error remained like
that for at least three months without being corrected. It wasn't
corrected until about March, when the assessment was being done. There
have been allegations that the title on the TARC was changed. Written
in ink was #145;LNU/FNU' ahead of what had always been there and had
never been changed. Because Mrs. Meredith was so sure of this, and
because we knew she had our information from somewhere else, we
decided to have the original TARC X-rayed. We have exact evidence that
everything Mrs. Meredith has said about this - about it having been
titled #145;Preston Manning', about things having been typed around
it, and about all those sorts of things - is completely and totally
incorrect. The file was mistitled and the file does not give anybody
any reason to investigate anybody. A file title does not authorize
anybody to investigate anybody. There was never any time when every
CSIS agent across the country could have investigated Mr. Manning.
That is a figment of someone's imagination." (page 32)

Ms. Meredith: "Then I would like to put something on the record, Mr.
Chair. I'd like to put on the record, Mr. Archdeacon, that the
comments you just made are in complete contradiction to a letter on
January 27, 1995, addressed to Mr. Derek Lee, and in testimony you've
given before this committee. It's a complete contradiction."

The Chairman: "I'm sure SIRC would want to address that. Perhaps this
is something that can be clarified later. Can I take it, Mr.
Archdeacon, Mr. Courtois, that you would differ?"

Mr. Archdeacon: "We would differ with that characterization." ;

Summary - Mr. Archdeacon's comments are a complete departure from
SIRC's previous correspondence and testimony.

First of all, it was not Ms. Meredith who stated that the original
TARC was captioned #145;Preston Manning', it was Mr. Archdeacon
himself who first made this statement in his letter of January 27,
1995, when he stated:; "The caption she referred to for the targeting
authority dated October 17, 1989 was #145;Preston Manning'.

The caption was revised on March 30, 1990 to state, #145;LNU/FNU
(Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral Campaign).'"

Then there is the letter that Mr. Archdeacon signed on April 7, 1995,
in which he stated:; "You asked whether any member or employee of SIRC
was aware of the TARC investigation launched on October 17, 1989 in
the name of Preston Manning and not the corrected title. SIRC staff
saw the original title of the targeting authorization, as well as the
corrected title and all other documents pertaining to the

Once again Mr. Archdeacon confirmed that the original title was
"Preston Manning", and admitted that SIRC staff saw both the original
title of the targeting authorization, as well as the corrected title.
If, as Mr. Archdeacon maintained on May 15, 1996, the original title
was "Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral Campaign",
why would he state in two pieces of correspondence that the caption
was "Preston Manning".

Furthermore, during SIRC's appearance before the National Security
Sub-Committee meeting on June 20, 1995, there was this exchange:;

Ms. Meredith: "Are you trying to tell this committee that there was
not a TARC Level one investigation opened on Preston Manning?"

Mr. Archdeacon: "No, I'm not obviously, because we're repeating
discussions we had over several hours earlier. You know very well that
I'm not doing so. Someone - and we admitted it was sloppy work, and
I'm sure the Director of CSIS would admit that - instead of taking the
trouble to write on the TARC title #145;Unknown Contributor to Preston
Manning's Campaign' just wrote #145;Preston Manning.'"

Mr. Archdeacon made no effort to explain why, on May 15, 1996, he told
the Sub-Committee that there was not a TARC Level one investigation
opened on Preston Manning, when on June 20, 1995 he stated the exact

 Clearly, Mr. Archdeacon and SIRC have fully endorsed the April 15,
1996 letter from the Director of CSIS. Like Mr. Elcock, they make no
effort to explain the contradictions.

There is one comment of Mr. Archdeacon that would be contradicted by
the CSIS Director two weeks later. Mr. Archdeacon made a definitive
statement that the error was caused by a clerk in the Management
Information Section, who wrote "Preston Manning." As we will see in
the next section, this statement has no basis in fact, but is rather a
figment of Mr. Archdeacon's imagination. ;

May 27, 1996 Mr. Elcock appeared before the Sub-Committee to answer
questions about the Heritage Front Affair. During his appearance the
Reform Party asked him about a number of discrepancies contained in
his letter of April 15, 1996.

Four of the specific subjects that were broached, included:

I) The Altered #145;FILE OPENING REQUEST - PEOPLE FILES' Form. In his
letter, Mr. Elcock stated, "the caption that was erroneously entered
on the #145;FILE OPENING REQUEST - PEOPLE FILES' form was #145;Preston
Manning.'" However, the copy of that form that Mr. Manning received in
his Privacy Act request did not read #145;Preston Manning', but rather
#145;Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston Manning's Electoral Campaign'.
It is obvious that the section of the form for the subject's name has
been altered, as have the sections for #145;Present Address' and

The following exchange took place in relation to this form:

Ms. Meredith: "Mr. Elcock, your letter clearly states that it was on
this file, this PEOPLE FILES form here, and if people look carefully
you can see where there has been alterations made to this document.
The alterations have been made not only on the subject line, but on
the #145;Occupation' line and the #145;Present Address' line. Your
letter states that it was this form that Preston Manning's name was
put on by mistake. I'm asking you why does this form not have Preston
Manning's name on it? It has #145;Unknown Contributor(s) to Preston
Manning's Electoral Campaign."

Mr. Elcock: "Mr. Chairman, Mr. Sundstrom reminds me that although it
doesn't show here underneath, it was just Preston Manning when the
form was first completed."

Ms. Meredith: "So, if you agree, or if you read Mr. Archdeacon's
comments where he noted it had been a clerk and it was a clerk in the
Management Information Section that changed the document from
#145;Unknown Contributor to Preston Manning' and put Preston Manning's
name in it. It's obvious that #145;Occupation' and #145;Present
Address' have also been altered, changed, whited-out. Did this clerk
also put Preston Manning's address and his occupation in there? Do
they have the right to just add that in as they saw fit?"

Mr. Elcock: "Mr. Chairman, it compounded the clerical error, but
there's nothing that prevents them from adding those details."

Summary - While Mr. Elcock confirmed that the #145;Subject Name',
#145;Occupation' and #145;Present Address' sections were all altered,
he maintained that it was a "clerical error". Well it might be
possible that a CSIS clerk would not use the proper caption in this
case, it is ludicrous to suggest that the clerk would, on his or her
own initiative, add Mr. Manning's address and occupation. Besides, if
as CSIS and SIRC maintain, Mr. Manning was never investigated, how did
CSIS even know his present address. In any event, as we shall see in
section #145;IV', the story of the clerk making a mistake is soon
retracted. ;

II) Citing a document two weeks before it existed. In the form 4002,
which authorized the TARC Level 1 investigation on October 17, 1989,
there is a reference to a proposed meeting between Mr. Manning and an
unidentified Ambassador. The reference goes on to state that the
meeting was canceled at the last minute by the Embassy. Only one
N.S.R. (CSIS database) message in the package obtained by Mr. Manning
in his Privacy Act request contained this information. It was dated
November 1, 1989, two weeks after the form 4002 was supposedly

Questions about this discrepancy went as follows:

Ms. Meredith: "Can I get you to go to tab #145;L' in the documents
that we've provided for you? This document is the only document that
was received under the access, under the Privacy Act, to Mr. Manning,
that makes any reference to an Ambassador and Preston Manning meeting,
and the meeting being canceled by the Embassy. Can you give me the
date of that message?"

Mr. Elcock: "The date at the top is 89- 11-01."

Ms. Meredith: "What does that equate to... November 1, 1989?"

Mr. Elcock: "Yes, it should do."

Ms. Meredith: "How is it possible that this message number and this
date can be an additional background on a document that is dated
October 17, 1989? How is it possible that this information is on a
document when it didn't exist at the time?"

Mr. Elcock: "The honourable member is concluding that it's the same
reference; I don't know that it is."

Ms. Meredith: "If that is not the report, then why was the report not
included in the Privacy request by Mr. Manning? This is the only
document that was in the information provided to him."

Mr. Elcock: "I will check and see what the date is and advise the
committee what the date of the document was."

Summary - The Reform Party did ask, in writing, for CSIS to confirm
the date of this message. At the time this dissenting opinion was
written, CSIS had not responded to our request. If this is the report
in question, then it lends credence to the suggestion that this form
4002 was re-written some time after October 17, 1989. It also suggests
that someone believed that the original justification for the
investigation was so weak, that additional information had to be
provided. If, on the other hand, there was documentation withheld from
Mr. Manning's Privacy request, one wonders what else has been
withheld. ;

III) The Altered Form 4002. If the inclusion of information from a
message that was not yet reported suggested that the form 4002 had
been re-written, another fact that supported this suggestion was that
the date on the top right corner of the document had been altered. The
Reform Party employed the services of forensic consultant, an expert
in the examination of questioned documents, who stated "as a matter of
information it should be noted that within the questioned handwritten
digital date #145;1989-10-17' on exhibit A1 (a), partially within and
immediately above the handwritten numbers there exist undecipherable
fragmentary markings foreign to the handwritten #145;1989-10-17'

This information led to the following exchange:

Ms. Meredith: "Mr. Elcock, I want to bring your attention back to the
first page of form 4002 and I want you to look at the handwritten date
at the top, right-hand corner. That handwritten date was altered,
wasn't it? Tab #145;B'."

Mr. Elcock: "And it goes back, I think, to the piece that you had
asked... I noted that Mr. Archdeacon had indicated the piece had been
X-rayed and in fact there was another date underneath."

Ms. Meredith: "Can you tell the committee what the date was that was

Mr. Elcock: "The date was 1990...March 29, 1990."

Ms. Meredith: "Thank you, Mr. Elcock. I think that just proves what I
have considered, that this document was typed up in full with a
changed subject-matter on March 29, 1990; that this document did not
originate on October 17, 1989."

Mr. Elcock: "No, Mr. Chairman, I don't agree that it does."

Ms. Meredith: "Can you explain how the date March 29, 1990 would be at
the top of that file if that was not the case?"

Mr. Elcock: "At the time, often the dates on those files, on those
documents are left open and completed later when the documents are
first issued because they don't have a file number either when they're
first issued."

Ms. Meredith: "Mr. Elcock, so you want me to believe, you want this
committee to believe that they filled in the form, that the effective
date was put in at the bottom, the expiry date was put in at bottom,
that it was signed off and the date was put in at the bottom, but that
at the top it wasn't. Is that what you want this committee to

Mr. Elcock: "I believe there was a mistake made. We believed that at
the time the typist entered the date and subsequently crossed out
because she had mistakenly entered it and they put back in the
appropriate date."

Summary - Although Mr. Elcock admitted that the form 4002 carried the
date March 29, 1990, he maintained that this was the original 4002
filled out on October 17, 1989. His argument that the date wasn't put
in because the document did not have a file number is extremely weak,
since the FILE OPENING REQUEST - PEOPLE FILES form that was signed on
October 17, 1989 was filled out specifically to obtain a file number.

In the documents obtained by Mr. Manning under his Privacy Act
request, we know that the first N.S.R. message that was sent on this
file was dated October 17, 1989, and since a message can not be sent
without a file number, a file number was obviously assigned on this
date. It is highly unlikely that CSIS would wait an additional five
months to fill in the rest of this form. This admission also calls
into question the testimony of Mr. Archdeacon from May 15, 1996, who
first brought up the subject of having the form X-rayed, and then
stated the form was never changed. ;

IV) Both Documents filled out by the Same Individual. The last area of
questioning concerned the contention put forth by CSIS and SIRC, that
the error in captions occurred not with the form 4002, but when a
clerk made an error in filling out a second form, a FILE OPENING
REQUEST - PEOPLE FILES form. Mr. Elcock called this a "clerical

In his May 15, 1996 testimony, Mr. Archdeacon went even further when
he stated, "this TARC was sent down to the Management Information
Section in CSIS... The clerk down there thought that the only name
that he had, and you've got to have a name on a file, the only name he
could see was Preston Manning. So he didn't write #145;Unknown
Contributor', he wrote #145;Preston Manning'. That was an error. He
shouldn't have done that." Again these sound like plausible
explanations. Plausible that is until one examines the forms.

The Reform Party and the Sub- Committee were somewhat hampered because
of the censoring of the documents, which deleted the names of the CSIS
employees who filled out these forms. We were instead forced to
examine the handwritten dates on both the form 4002 and the FILE
OPENING REQUEST - PEOPLE FILES form. It is apparent that they were
written by the same person. The Forensic Consultant, an expert in the
examination of questioned documents confirmed the similarities.

While it may have been plausible that a clerk put in the wrong caption
on the second form, it is absolutely ludicrous to suggest that an
intelligence officer in CSIS HQ would fill out a form 4002 to
authorize an investigation in one name, and then on the very same day
he would fill out a second form to obtain a file number, and use a
different caption. As absurd as that sounds, that is what the Director
of CSIS wanted us to believe.

Witness the following exchange:

Ms. Meredith: "And that this unit head authorized a TARC Level
investigation on #145;Unknown Contributor to Preston Manning's
Electoral Campaign?' Is that right? That is in essence what this is
all about, right, is that they authorized a TARC one on an
#145;Unknown Contributor.'"

Mr. Elcock: "An Unknown Contributor to Preston Manning's Electoral
Campaign, yes."

Ms. Meredith: "And that the problem originated or the problem was
picked up when somebody filled out the FILE OPENING REQUEST - PEOPLE
FILES, and then wrote in #145;Preston Manning.'"

Mr. Elcock: "Yes." Ms. Meredith: "It wasn't a clerk who filled out
those forms, was it?"

Mr. Elcock: "No, Mr. Chairman. I'm not sure what the honourable
member's point is."

Ms. Meredith: "My point is that if you look at the date in the top
right- hand corner of the FILE OPENING REQUEST and you look at the
date under the authority section on the same form, the PEOPLE FILE,
FILE OPENING REQUEST - PEOPLE FILES, and then you look at the date
which is hand-written in at the top of the form 4002, I would suggest,
Sir, that it's the same person that wrote these two documents, that
worked with these two documents. How is it possible that the same
person on one file can put #145;Unknown Contributor to Preston
Manning's Electoral Campaign' and on the other file, the very same
day, put #145;Preston Manning.' And that his unit head, in reviewing
these on the same day, wouldn't pick up the mistake."

Mr. Elcock: "I'm not -- the honourable ...."

Ms. Meredith: "These are things that, I'm sorry, how is it possible
that a Counterintelligence officer can mistakenly, this is who filled
out this form, is an intelligence officer in Counterintelligence. How
could he look at a TARC form that he also filled in and filled it in
with #145;Unknown Contributor to Preston Manning' and on the very same
day on another form put Preston Manning's name down?"

Mr. Elcock: "These things happen. Names are sometimes left in
documents when they ought not to be." Ms. Meredith: "And his unit
chief who is authorizing and okaying these didn't notice that one of
the forms was under Preston Manning's name?" Mr. Elcock: "I'm sure as
the honourable member will know, these things happen from time to

Summary - Mr. Elcock's defence, given this information is simply that
these things happen. That is even more frightening than a planned
investigation of Mr. Manning. The Director of CSIS stated that he
wanted to re-assure the Reform Party that nothing untoward happened
with this file. Yet, the only explanation Mr. Elcock offers for the
conduct of his department, is that the employees who were involved in
this investigation were grossly incompetent?

However, the Reform Party has more faith in the ability of working
level staff at CSIS than the Director does. However, the Director did
confirm that the FILE OPENING REQUEST - PEOPLE FILES form was never
filled out by a clerk in the Information Management Section of CSIS.
That begs the question: Why did the Executive Director of SIRC, Mr.
Archdeacon, make up his story to mislead the Sub-Committee? ;

CONCLUSIONS The Reform Party regrets having to present such a
painstakingly, detailed review of the Preston Manning investigation,
but it was necessary to demonstrate the extreme lengths that we have
had to go to in our attempts to find the truth in this matter.

The documents obtained by Mr. Manning through his Privacy Act request
afforded us the opportunity to challenge SIRC's version of events
directly. SIRC has demonstrated that their word cannot be accepted at
face value. But what does this all mean in the final analysis?

Two issues need to be resolved. The first is what initiated the
October 17, 1989 TARC Level 1 investigation. Since the South African
desk in CSIS HQ wrote off any investigation on January 10, 1989, what
suddenly spawned interest nine months later. One would think that it
would be logical for someone to have something in writing suggesting
that an investigation be opened. But that didn't happen.

The questions that remains unanswered, are:

Who ordered this matter re-opened, and why? The other issue that must
be answered is: Why are CSIS and SIRC going to such extreme lengths to
mislead the Sub-Committee, Parliament, and Canadians? If they had
maintained their original explanation that the file caption was
inappropriately opened in the name of #145;Preston Manning', and
subsequently changed, the Reform Party would have little to complain
about. But for CSIS and SIRC to retract all their previous admissions
without explanations, and to out-and-out lie to a Parliamentary
Sub-Committee, it is clear that there is something important they are

The question is: What? Contrary to the assurances from SIRC and CSIS,
the Reform Party has learned that from October 17, 1989 to January 17,
1990, it was recorded in CSIS' main database, N.S.R., that there was a
TARC Level 1 on Preston Manning. There was no restricted security on
this file, so this information was available to any CSIS employee who
had access to N.S.R.

Any employee who came across this information would have believed that
there was a legal TARC Level on Manning, and could have legitimately
carried out a Level 1 investigation. If the government members of the
Sub-Committee weren't so intent on burying this report, the Sub-
Committee itself may have been able to produce some of its own

However, it became apparent, especially after the Liberals changed the
membership of the Sub-Committee, that government members are just as
interested in covering up the truth, as are CSIS and SIRC. This is
typified by the member from Windsor - St. Clair's vociferous objection
to the Bloc Quebecois attempting to give their time to question the
Director of CSIS to the Reform Party at the May 27, 1996 meeting. Why
else would they object to the Reform Party having a few extra minutes
to ask questions?

It is clear to the Reform Party that SIRC's Heritage Front Affair
report is a complete whitewash. SIRC was able to divert what should
have been a review of the activities of a CSIS Source into a review of
the Heritage Front itself. Both SIRC and CSIS champion this case as a
great success for the Service, but the mere fact that the Source's own
actions made this case public, should suggest it was a failure. But
what this case has done is to show that the review system established
by the CSIS Act does not work.

The government has joined with CSIS and SIRC in covering up the truth.
Why? What are they afraid of? This government has expressed no concern
that the leader of a legitimate political party had his name on a
document authorizing a CSIS investigation on him. They have expressed
no concern that all the original documents authorizing that
investigation were altered in one manner or another. They have shown
no concern that both CSIS and SIRC admitted that originally the TARC
level was on Preston Manning, then fifteen months later proceeded to
deny it, with absolutely no explanation.

It would appear that this government is not interested in holding the
bureaucracy accountable. How is it possible that the government is not
concerned that one of its agencies operates without accountability.
Was that not why a civilian intelligence agency was formed? Did not a
previous Liberal administration pass the CSIS Act, to make Canada's
intelligence community accountable to Parliament?

Those Canadians who care about the truth will have to wait until this
country has a government committed to Parliamentary accountability,
before the true version comes out. In the meantime, the Reform Party
hopes that those journalists, researchers or academics who are
interested in pursuing security issues continue their search for the
real story. The truth is out there!

RECOMMENDATIONS In light of the negligent performance of the Security
Intelligence Review Committee in reviewing this investigation, it is
clear that there is no place in the review process for a group of
patronage appointees who believe that they do not have to answer to

To find an alternative we need look no further than to our neighbours
to the south. The Americans utilize not only a House Select Committee
on Intelligence, but a Senate Committee as well. Given the immense
Intelligence network in the United States with the CIA, the NSA and
the Intelligence Division of the FBI, the Americans have demonstrated
that review by elected representatives is not only workable, but in
the Reform Party's opinion is preferable. ;

Reform Party Recommendation The Reform Party recommends that this
government introduce legislation in Parliament that would amend the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, deleting all references to
the Security Intelligence Review Committee. All references to the
Security Intelligence Review Committee should be replaced by the
Standing Committee on National Security. ;

; Created by Maurice Murphy Revised: December 01, 1996

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 04:02:33 -0300
Subject: RE Yo Bobby Paulson how long should I wait this time for the
mindless lawyer Ian McPhail to get back to me???
To: ABrander@highriver.ca, highwood <highwood@assembly.ab.ca>, premier
<premier@gov.ab.ca>, mclellana <mclellana@bennettjones.com>,
"Ian.Shardlow"<Ian.Shardlow@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Ian.McPhail"
<Ian.McPhail@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "calgary.acadia"
<calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca>, "calgary.northwest"
<calgary.northwest@assembly.ab.ca>, Calgarynews <Calgarynews@ctv.ca>,
calgarynewstips <calgarynewstips@cbc.ca>, cal-news
<cal-news@sunmedia.ca>, eblokland <eblokland@highriver.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>, gunfighter@fritze.com, Sheldon@nfa.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PCC Complaints <complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 21:14:53 +0000
Subject: RE: Oh my did the Office of the Mayor of High River piss me
off today EH Staff Sgt Ian Shardlow? Say Hey to Ms Smith at the
Townhall Meeting tonight for me will ya...
To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Hello Mr. Amos:

This e-mail is to acknowledge your recent communication with our
office about the RCMP.

If you wish to submit a complaint regarding the on-duty conduct of a
member(s) of the RCMP, you can do so through our online complaint form
located at:


Alternatively, we can also be reached by:

Telephone : 1-800-665-6878
E-mail: complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca
Fax : 604-501-4095


Günther Schönfeldt
Intake Officer / Agent d'information de liaison
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP /
Commission des plaintes du public contre la Gendarmerie royale du Canada
Tel/Tél : 1-800-665-6878 | Fax/Téléc : (604) 501-4095

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: September-07-13 11:38 PM
To: gunfighter@fritze.com; Sheldon@nfa.ca; bob.paulson; ORG; McPhail, Ian
Cc: David Amos; Cogan, Tim
Subject: Fwd: Oh my did the Office of the Mayor of High River piss me
off today EH Staff Sgt Ian Shard low? Say Hey to Ms Smith at the
Townhall Meeting tonight for me will ya


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Al Brander <ABrander@highriver.ca>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 07:36:10 -0600
Subject: RE: Yo Bobby Paulson how long should I wait this time for the
mindless lawyer Ian McPhail to get back to me???
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

For the record, these current missive are the only ones I have seen.

Please delete my from your address book since it appears you only want
a platform to rant from.

Al Brander

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 9:46 PM
To: Al Brander; Ian.Shardlow; bob.paulson; mclellana; premier; Ian.McPhail
Cc: David Amos; highwood
Subject: Re: Yo Bobby Paulson how long should I wait this time for the
mindless lawyer Ian McPhail to get back to me???

My question would obviously be:

Why did you and Ian Shardlow your new local top cop ignore me for
nearly a month?

Obviously I am the guy who answered Greg Kvisle's quandry about why
the RCMP ignored the Charter and felt free to invade his home three
time in order to find and take his old 303 and shotgun but he did not
believe me. I suspect you know as wel as I Correct?

As far as who I am scroll down this is lots of info that you had a
month to check out. If you don't believe it ask Ian Sharlow or his
bosses Dale McGowan and Bob Paulson or the lawyers Landslide Annie
McLellan or Alison Redford if I am a liar or not.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

On 9/8/13, Al Brander <ABrander@highriver.ca> wrote:

> Mr. Amos: Is there a question for me here?? If so please present it and
> will you then also identify who you are please.
> Thank you;
> Al Brander

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2013 9:45 PM
> To: Emile Blokland; christopher@diarmani.com; brian.topham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca;
> bill.kaufmann@sunmedia.ca; Josee.Valiquette@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; Dale.McGowan;
> bob.paulson; steven.blaney; Sylvain.Roussel@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; bloke@shaw.ca;
> premier; highwood; airdrie; mclellana; finditherefirst@gmail.com;
> Doug.Potts@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; Ian.Shardlow@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; ppalmater; xchief;
> gunfighter
> Cc: Ian.McPhail; David Amos; James Thackray; kevin.rushworth@sunmedia.ca; Al
> Brander; Jessica Hume; greg.weston; pm; MulcaT; justin.trudeau.a1
> Subject: Yo Bobby Paulson how long should I wait this time for the mindless
> lawyer Ian McPhail to get back to me???
> http://nfa.ca/news/video-analysis-reveals-rcmp-targeting-houses-firearms
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: ORG <ORG@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>
> Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2013 03:38:08 +0000
> Subject: CPC AutoResponse / Réponse préenregistrée de la CPP
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Thank you for contacting the Commission for Public Complaints Against
> the RCMP. Your message has been received and if necessary, we shall
> respond as soon as possible.
> Thank you for your interest and comments.
> Nous vous remercions d'avoir communiqué avec la Commission des
> plaintes du public contre la GRC. Nous avons reçu votre message et y
> donnerons suite, si nécessaire, dans les plus brefs délais.
> Nous vous remercions de l'intérêt que vous manifestez à l'égard de la
> Commission et de vos commentaires.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Emile Blokland <eblokland@highriver.ca>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 18:38:46 -0600
Subject: Out of Office: Oh my did the Office of the Mayor of High
River piss me off today EH Staff Sgt Ian Shardlow? Say Hey to Ms Smith
at the Townhall Meeting tonight for me will ya
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Thank you for your email.

I am away from the office August 30, until September 16, 2013
inclusive. In my abscence please contact Deputy Mayor Al Brander at

Mayor Emile Blokland

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Josee VALIQUETTE <josee.valiquette@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 20:38:36 -0400
Subject: Re: Oh my did the Office of the Mayor of High River piss me
off today EH Staff Sgt Ian Shardlow? Say Hey to Ms Smith at the
Townhall Meeting tonight for me will ya (Sgt. Valiquette is  Away on
September 5th, 2013)
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Hello, I am  away today.   For any inquiries in regards to "K"
Division Media Relations, please contact S/Sgt. Ron Campbell  at

Thank you

On 9/5/13, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: <eblokland@highriver.ca>; <christopher@diarmani.com>;
<brian.topham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; <bill.kaufmann@sunmedia.ca>;
<Josee.Valiquette@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>; <Sylvain.Roussel@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
<bloke@shaw.ca>; "premier"<premier@gov.ab.ca>; "highwood"
<highwood@assembly.ab.ca>; "airdrie"<airdrie@assembly.ab.ca>;
"mclellana"<mclellana@bennettjones.com>; <finditherefirst@gmail.com>;
<Doug.Potts@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; <Ian.Shardlow@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
"ppalmater"<ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>; "xchief"
Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>;
<jthackray@highriver.ca>; <kevin.rushworth@sunmedia.ca>;
<abrander@highriver.ca>; "Jessica Hume"<jessica.hume@sunmedia.ca>;
"greg.weston"<greg.weston@cbc.ca>; "pm"<pm@pm.gc.ca>; "MulcaT"
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>; "justin.trudeau.a1"
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 9:38 PM
Subject: Oh my did the Office of the Mayor of High River piss me off
today EH Staff Sgt Ian Shardlow? Say Hey to Ms Smith at the Townhall
Meeting tonight for me will ya


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 02:51:37 -0300
Subject: The latest top cop in High River Staff Sgt Ian Shardlow and
his boss Bob Paulson should be able to explain this email to Greg
Kvisle and the other pissed off folks
To: eblokland@highriver.ca, christopher@diarmani.com,
brian.topham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, bill.kaufmann@sunmedia.ca,
Josee.Valiquette@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Dale.McGowan"
<Dale.McGowan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>, Sylvain.Roussel@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
bloke@shaw.ca, premier <premier@gov.ab.ca>, highwood
<highwood@assembly.ab.ca>, airdrie <airdrie@assembly.ab.ca>, mclellana
<mclellana@bennettjones.com>, finditherefirst@gmail.com,
Doug.Potts@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ian.Shardlow@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, ppalmater
<ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca>, xchief <xchief@bell.blackberry.net>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, jthackray@highriver.ca,
kevin.rushworth@sunmedia.ca, abrander@highriver.ca, Jessica Hume
<jessica.hume@sunmedia.ca>, "greg.weston"<greg.weston@cbc.ca>, pm
<pm@pm.gc.ca>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, "justin.trudeau.a1"

FYI I called Greg Kvisle after I saw him on Sun TV he said he didn't
need any help but he wanted to know who took his guns I told him I
knew but he didn't believe me. Clearly Ken Braat knows Greg Kvisle and
the cops very well. He should be able to tell Kvisle who took his


I bet Harper and the RCMP remembers what this Maritimer said about his
old 303s and shoguns when I ran for seat Parliament the first time
after the Maritimers Landslide Annie Mclellan Wayne Easter and a
boatload of corrupt cops pissed me off. If a don't feel free to scroll
down N'esy Pas?

I bet Danielle Smith, Bobby Baby Paulson remembers Robin Reid. Clearly
Insp Dougy Potts and Sgt Ian Shardlow pissed her and a bunch of
Indians off bigtime last year EH?

----- Original Message -----
From: robin reid
To: bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; pm@pm.gc.ca ; people stand up ;
david.raymond.amos@gmail.com ; dominic ; calgary.west@assembly.ab.ca ;
toewsv1@mts.net ; jspottedbear@yahoo.com ; jimsisson@inac.gc.ca ;
hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com ; admin@turnervalley.ca ;
aimggc@worldnet.att.net ; alex@globalmedicaltourism.com.mx ;
amyrae4@hotmail.com ; archbishop@archtoronto.org ;
barry.shaw@forces.gc.ca ; bewerbung@rothschild.com ;
bishopfh@rcdiocese-calgary.ab.ca ; calgary@jasonkenney.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 11:44 PM

Bob Paulson,
Commissioner of RCMP

Mr. Paulson,

I write once again after the disappointing bullshit letter I received
from Inspector Potts, and then my discussion with Sgt. Shardlow
yesterday in Okotoks over assaults, false arrest, murder, all kinds of
nasty things you are responsible for setting people up using your "
interception of private communication ".
You people neglect doing your duty here and as I see what is coming
out in the media, makes one wonder just how much death you have
covered up over the years.
Afraid the truth is coming out is what it seems,hmmmm.  And as far as
your arresting officer Degroot goes he seems to have a lot of contact
with Juiliann Barna Reid, as I
asked Shardlow - does this abusing woman work for you????????? Perhaps
you could look into this and get back to me.

Honestly for men you have no balls, just like Harper - has god got
your balls also??????? And then you have your women godly agents who I
am thinking took your balls cuz they are as cruel as you men. Now is
that not shameful.?????? Just as Alison Redford ignored me when she
was justice minister.

You people do not care about children, woman or men in your game of
human abuse for
profit. You always have the same excuse.

Now Mr. Paulson, since you are at the top, do you condone these lies
and abuse of children, woman and men ???????

I do have some other concerns from many years ago involving the
okotoks RCMP putting the blame on 1 officer, an Indian, are you racist
Mr. Paulson, do you condone white supremacy and genocide upon the
Indian people and then every other race by thair own ????? Just as the
security guard who assaulted me - thair excuse was he just got out of
security school.

Also Mr. Paulson do you carry the dead peasant insurance upon your
workers???????? how does one find out if this type of insurance is on
people and who has used it?????????

And let's not forget the abuse on human life by religion, sit's at the
top on the abuse game for profit, would you not say???????

Now Mr. Paulson, do you feel this is right what has been done, the
medical abuse, assaults, false arrests and so much more I would like
to discuss in person.????????????


Thank you
Robin Reid
Red Nations



RCMP revealed Thursday that officers have seized a "substantial ...
that we control, simply because of what they are," said Sgt. Brian


Some Alberta RCMP Disciplinary Cases in 2005-06 (Year to Date)

- Sgt. Brian Topham -- reprimand and forfeiture of 10 days' pay.

Topham, who served at the Fox Creek detachment between 2002 and 2004,
made insensitive and degrading comments about women in the presence of
a female civilian employee.

On another occasion, Topham said "1974 was the worst year in the RCMP
because that is when the RCMP let women in the force."

The allegations also involved stereotypical comments about aboriginals
and people from Newfoundland made in the presence of officers who had
those backgrounds.



Greg Kvisle. CENTURY 21 Foothills Real Estate. Bldg. F, 1103 18 Street
SE. High River, ABT1V 2A9. Office: 403-652-2121. Cell: 403-601-3533

Ken Braat Associate,Realtor. Century 21 Foothills Real Estate 1103 F
18 Street SE, T1V 2A9 High River, Alberta 403-601-2070.

High River homeowner upset police entered his home three times after
flood hit and seized antique firearms

By Bill Kaufmann ,Calgary Sun

First posted: Friday, August 09, 2013 03:42 PM MDT | Updated: Friday,
August 09, 2013 04:59 PM MDT

The RCMP's post-flood seizure of two family heirloom firearms that
were hidden in his home is an outrageous trespass, says a High River

The Mounties made three trips into the home of Greg Kvisle before
seizing the guns, a 1912 Winchester long-barreled shotgun and a
50-year-old .303 rifle in the days following June's deluge.

"My grandfather passed them down to my dad and when he passed away we
brought them here for safekeeping," said Kvisle, adding neither weapon
has been fired in decades.

"It's a sentimental thing for me."

He said both guns were stashed in a corner of his basement in a
storage area beneath boxes and far from any ammunition.

"They weren't visible and were secure as far as I saw it," said Kvisle.

His street wasn't impacted by the flooding and hadn't been evacuated,
but Kvisle said he was in Calgary when the water hit its height, and
was barred from returning home for nine days.

Once home, his suspicions that the two weapons might have been seized
were quickly confirmed.

About half of his neighbours had remained home, including those next
door who kept an eye on his property and helped Mounties enter his
home three times, said Kvisle.

"I just don't understand why they were searching for them," he said.

"They're supposed to be protecting our home, not looting it."

Kvisle said he had no trouble getting back his weapons from RCMP
officers, whom he called courteous and professional.

But the fact Mounties had taken hidden guns from his home on a
partly-populated street police were patrolling rankles him.

"What's next?" he said.

The Mounties said they seized firearms to prevent them from falling
into the hands of burglars in vacated, unsecured areas.

Kvisle's guns were situated in open view because it would have taken
very little to uncover them, said RCMP Sgt. Josee Valiquette.

"It could be in plain view under a bed, in a closet -- somewhere
somebody could hide," said Valiquette.

"If they happened to open a closet, it is in plain sight...these
firearms were inappropriately secured."

Kvisle said he's been told a civilian group that oversees the RCMP is
reviewing his case.

"I hope we get some answers," he said.


Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd

By Erin Hatfield

"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your
world is all screwed up, rearrange it."

The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at
the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to
watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if
unofficial, theme song for the debate.

The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as
they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn.
Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue
chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent
left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty,
mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards
the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.

The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was
organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage
of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record
and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.

Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates
responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the
exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices.
Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each
other on their answers and criticizing eachothers' party leaders.
Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the
questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic
relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in
response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's
getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."

Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his
party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but
well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am
on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better
places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters
shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.

The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At
one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in
front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the
voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to
Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second
readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at
final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to
register sex offenders rather than register the property of law
abiding citizens."

The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and
women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman
yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron
spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.

Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy
Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You're out of touch," Armstrong
yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of
post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged
Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time,
anyplace," Armstrong responded.

As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate,
candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and
fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making
process for the June 28 vote.

Cutline - David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his
favourite possessions--motorcycles.


The Unconventional Candidate

David Amos Isn't Campaigning For Your Vote, But....

By Gisele McKnight

FUNDY--He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his
wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone
that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot--David Amos.

The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife
and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from
running for office in Canada.

One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail
to meet Elections Canada requirements.

When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his
favourite place to do so--Fundy.

Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his
dissatisfaction with politicians.

"I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he
said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in
1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he
needed to change his life.

"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that
sometimes in midlife."

So Amos, who'd lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners
motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952
Panhead motorcycle.

"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact)
experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you
renew your faith in mankind - you help anyone you can, you never ask
for anything, but you take what they offer."

For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs
and conversation all over North America.

Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son
and a daughter and become a house-husband - Mr. Mom, as he calls

He also describes himself in far more colourful terms--a motorcyclist
rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed
individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud
Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."

Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.

"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said.
"It's alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"

Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.

"I didn't appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door
interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can
call me. I'm not going to drive my opinions down their throats."

And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.

"I won't take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It's
not about money. It goes against what I'm fighting about."

What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues - tainted blood,
the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to
name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs - fishing,
farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm
death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it
(NAFTA) out the window.

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an
easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.

"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me,
especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right.
Don't necessarily vote for me, but vote."

Although...if you're going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have
your X by his name.

"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and
say, 'what the hell.'"

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: rmordenassoc@rogers.com ; info@gg.ca ; brian.macdonald@bellaliant.net ;
James.Spurr ; Randy.McGinnis ; rob.lafrance@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;
Wayne.Gallant@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Gilles. Blinn ;
gilles.moreau ; danfour ; JAF@UNB.ca ; oldmaison@yahoo.com ; mcappe@irpp.org
Cc: Mackap ; david.alward@gnb.ca ; DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca ; pm ; robin reid
; tim. porter ; tony ; infomorning ; treasurer@do.treas.gov ;
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 7:33 PM
Subject: I bet the GG David Johnston and his RCMP members remember this
email EH Reid M

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:48:06 -0400
Subject: Professor Johnston I suspect I will be suing the Crown before
you can advise Mr Harper to finally act ethically
To: president@uwaterloo.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Nov 7, 2007 11:10 PM
Subject: Fwd: Brian My cell # is 506 434 1379 feel free to use it ASAP
or say Hoka Hey to Petey Mackay for me will ya?
To: damian.brooks@gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Nov 7, 2007 6:56 PM
Subject: Brian My cell # is 506 434 1379 feel free to use it ASAP or
say Hoka Hey to Petey Mackay for me will ya?
To: brian@brian-macdonald.ca

Contact Brian
Cellular: 440-5566

Office: 472-4894, 472-7426 (140 King St, Fredericton)

Email: brian@brian-macdonald.ca

For information:
Fredericton: 472-4894
Minto: 327-3996
Oromocto: 357-8878

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos < david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Oct 17, 2007 7:30 PM
Subject: I tried to talked to you today lady before you were well paid
to preach to Canadian kids
To: info@helencaldicott.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos < david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 16:05:11 -0500
Subject: This just a small portion of one wiretap tape Ralph my
matters are pretty serious eh?
To: racarr@nbnet.nb.ca

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 19:59:52 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Welcome to the Big Big Game Det. Louie LaFleur of Fat
Fred City Finest Do ya think Mr. Dion and his pal Dizzy Lizzie May are
paying attention yet?
To: impolitic@rogers.com, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca ,
lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca , days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Raymond Amos < davidramos333@yahoo.ca>
Date: Jun 16, 2007 2:40 AM
Subject: Welcome to the Big Big Game Det. Louie LaFleur of Fat Fred City
Finest Do ya think Mr. Dion and his pal Dizzy Lizzie May are paying
attention yet?
To: fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca ,
day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca ,
Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca,
Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca,
Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca , complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, kennyco@sen.parl.gc.ca,
gautht@sen.parl.gc.ca, zimmer@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca ,
leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, atkinn@sen.parl.gc.ca,
dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca,
kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca , juan.behrend@europeangreens.org
Cc: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com ,
John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com,
arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca,
Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca , Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca,
Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca ,
forest@conservationcouncil.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca

I am not within your jurisdiction nor do I plan to come back until it is
time to argue mr harper and his cohorts in Federal Court however I may drag
some of you dudes or your lawyers back down to the USA with me to answer me
in the Second Circuit of the USA as to your involvement in the cover up of
many Yankee crimes.

   I do not have to answer any questions put to me by Fat Fred Fity 's
Finest about whatever it is you may wish to know about my doings with the
RCMP but you corrupt city cops must certainly answer someday to your support
and cover up of my false imprisonment in the USA years ago.

     Louie tell me honestly if you can find it in your soul to do so, why
did you laugh and make fun of my plight? I gave you a fair and square chance
to act ethically. i sent you a lot of material byway of this email address
and i sent it only to you just in case you would act ethically. Now I must
ask were you born an arsehole or did you work at it your whole life? What if
this shit had happened to you? What would you think of you if you were I?
Do you and Chucky Leblanc and the crook Alan MacFee have that sinking
feeling that you pissed off the wrong Maritimer yet or do you think i am the
ultimate loser? If i do lose bigtime I will you sleep at night knowing the
part you played in my demise? If a sudden fit of integrity overcomes you
say hey to your bosses Barry MacKnight, Insp Kelly and S/Sgt Copp for me
will ya and have them provide you with the file that the Police Commission
gave your god damned police force three years ago and start doing some
serious work for a change, will ya? Rest assured a lot has happened since.

  The chickenshit  S/Sgt Kathy Alchorn can say hey to the not so scary
spooks Norm Plourde and Kevin Jackson and Mikey Guitar and the Louie
Lefebvre character (his name sounds like yours Louie) for me as well. The
very shy S/Sgt. Kim Quartermain can tell the crook MacPhee that I will send
a buddy around to pick up my bike. I will look forward to meeting all you
in court someday but I must remain true to my word and sue Harper first.

     Whereas Herménégilde Chiasson, Lieutenant Governor of New
Brunswick, just appointed Acting S/Sgt. Kim Quartermain, S/Sgt. Kathy
Alchorn, S\Sgt. Brian Ford and D/Chief Leanne Fitch of the Fredericton
Force, as Honorary Aides-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick
to guard him and the mean old Maison from the likes of me and Chucky
they should have no trouble locating all the documents and CDs that I have
serving upon all the crooks in and around that house for years.

If you don't believe me just scroll down and find the words of
the former Governor General. While you are reading and listening to this
crap consider what "Al" may do next. As you listen again to the portion of
just one police surveilance tape know that I will him and a couple of his
friends a complete copy of 139 and a few more even if I am falsely
imprisoned again A buddy or two jusst has to drop my material into the mail.
Never forget the nutbag blogger Chucky Leblanc has a complete set of
documents and a CD from 2004 that he did not give to Brad Green as he
promised. Depupty Dog in one of his rants has already informed me that "Al"
is pissed off. It is likely just his usual bullshit but if it were true I
would say Good. Shame on you all and Cya'll in Court.
                                               Veritas Vincit
                                                   David Raymond Amos

Whereas Mr Scott the spin doctor for NB Power and John Ferguson of Saint
John both commented that they enjoyed what I said on the dumb Tom Young's
talk radio show over a year ago on Ground Hog Day I will send it again.
Maybe Andre Arthur will enjoy it too. N'est Pas?

*David Raymond Amos <davidramos333@yahoo.ca>* wrote:

Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 23:37:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Raymond Amos <davidramos333@yahoo.ca>
Subject: Fwd: I called you again today Gilmour. Who is more of a chickenshit
you or your new cop client Ken Smith? Sprout some balls will ya and call me
To: Christopherson.D@parl.gc.ca , Williams.J@parl.gc.ca,
Wrzesnewskyj.B@parl.gc.ca , Doyle.N@parl.gc.ca, Jennings.M@parl.gc.ca

*David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>* wrote:

Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 22:56:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: I called you again today Gilmour. Who is more of a chickenshit you
or your new cop client Ken Smith? Sprout some balls will ya and call me back
To: wGilmour@ProuseDash.ca, dohertylaw@rogers.com, premier@gnb.ca,
abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, t.j.burke@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca ,
pierre_nollet@cbc.ca, susan_king@cbc.ca, dan_goodyear@cbc.ca,
allan_white@cbc.ca, mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com,
execdir@nblib.nb.ca, mleger@stu.ca , jwalker@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca,
carleton@stu.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca , oldmaison@yahoo.com,
John.Foran@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, Byron < alltrue@nl.rogers.com>,
CC: bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca , day.s@parl.gc.ca,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com ,
bill.corby@gnb.ca, police@fredericton.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca,
fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca

506 434 1379

Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 20:59:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos < motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: So much for the Integrity of the RCMP EH Bevy Baby Busson?
To: bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com ,
kmdickson0308@yahoo.com, deanr0032@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca,
police@fredericton.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, t.j.burke@gnb.ca,
John.Foran@gnb.ca, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca,
alan_white@cbc.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, Ivan.Court@saintjohn.ca,
Christopher.Titus@saintjohn.ca, thespur@hotmail.com, lisah@whooshnet.com,
dougchristie@shaw.ca , lawald@web.net
CC: xzone@xzone-radio.com, brinson6@telus.net, wespenre@illuminati.ca,
choose2reason@yahoo.com, rwnicholson@rwnicholson.com,
starchamber@sasktel.net, JDHOOK@cox.net, Tim.Porter@gnb.ca,
news@politicswatch.com, investor@dundeebancorp.com,
webadmin@justice.gc.ca, info@tbs-sct.gc.ca, dtennant@mccarthy.ca ,
2026@gnb.ca, Brendan.Langille@gnb.ca, Martin.Paul@parl.gc.ca,
Owen.S@parl.gc.ca, Steckle.P@parl.gc.ca, steckp@parl.gc.ca,
McGuire.J@parl.gc.ca, Peterson.J@parl.gc.ca, Bonin.R@parl.gc.ca,
Karetak-Lindell.N@parl.gc.ca, Chamberlain.B@parl.gc.ca , dbrown@dwpv.com,
BCarr-Harris@blgcanada.com, McTeague.D@parl.gc.ca,
info@politicswatch.com, Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca, Baird.J@parl.gc.ca,
Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, McGuinty.D@parl.gc.ca, Dhalla.R@parl.gc.ca,
Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, madd_professor@cox.net, Iolmisha@cs.com ,
derrickcrobinson@gmail.com, khr909@hotmail.com, erniemusic2@yahoo.com,
kevin_annett@hotmail.com, radical@radicalpress.com

Just Dave <http://davidamos.blogspot.com/>
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Lat/Long  :  45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
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Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
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Time of Visit May 30 2007 9:29:25 am
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N.B. government to await federal probe into possible RCMP wrongdoing May 30,
2007 - 19:47

FREDERICTON (CP) - New Brunswick Attorney General T.J. Burke declined
comment Wednesday on allegations of wrongdoing within the provincial RCMP.
At least two current and former Mounties in the province are among more than
a dozen officers across the country who have alleged wrongdoing within the
force, including abuse of power, harassment and the coverup of evidence.
One of the published allegations was made by Daniel Bernier, a former RCMP
corporal who lives near Fredericton. He claims he was removed from an
investigation in which he said he found evidence of the misuse of federal
funds by New Brunswick government officials in 1999.
He alleges grants were wrongly approved to farmers.
Once he was removed from the case, Bernier said an internal investigation by
the RCMP was called into his conduct.
"Our government doesn't respond to allegations," Burke said Wednesday when
asked by reporters about the claims published this week.
"We respond to factual information that is provided to us, information that
we need to investigate and look at."
William Gilmour, an Ontario lawyer representing some of the Mounties who
made the allegations, said the current and former members are anxious to
tell their stories, but there must be protection from reprisal.
"We're actively seeking the government to afford a venue in the nature of a
parliamentary committee, where there's some protection for these people,
where they have agreed to come forward and tell their stories," he said
Gilmour, who is an ex-Mountie, said he has been trying to get the federal
government to call his clients before such a committee for a year, but so
far nothing has happened.
In the Commons on Wednesday, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day was
accused by the opposition of ignoring the turmoil.
"The Conservative public safety minister's response is to shrug his
shoulders, plug his ears and see no evil, hear no evil," said Liberal Sue
"Is this wilful blindness or gross negligence? When it comes to protecting
the integrity of Canada's national police, why is the public safety minister
thwarting real action?"
Day responded by saying the government is "taking action to get to the
bottom of some of the concerns that have been raised."
Another New Brunswick Mountie, Staff Sgt. Ken Smith, is suing senior
officers at J Division in Fredericton for alleged harassment, but the New
Brunswick government has stepped in and stayed proceedings.
The province has asked the Fredericton police force to fully investigate the
Smith case, which includes allegations of unauthorized use of tracking
devices on his police vehicle.
"For the 30 years that I have had with the police force, my job has been to
go out and investigate crime," Smith said. "To find that we have just as
much crime happening within our organization, which is stopping us from
doing our job, is very troubling for me and for the individuals who have
come forward."
Bernier said he's not surprised to hear that as many as 30 current and
former Mounties would be willing to testify before a parliamentary
"The country of Canada is quite vast and the RCMP is all over the place, and
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been treated like a piece of shit,"
Bernier said.
Gilmour said the appointment of a new RCMP commissioner with the mandate to
fix the problems in the force could prevent having to launch an inquiry or
royal commission.
In the meantime, he said, the reputation of the force is taking a beating.
"That's really quite unfair to the members on the street who are performing
such a valuable function and putting their lives at risk every day," said
Gilmour. "They don't deserve that and it needs to be dealt with far sooner
than later."

Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 16:56:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos < motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: Dirty Dickie Dean hates us all for one reason Sam. Methinks it is
because he is the FED. What say you Bev Busson?
To: samperrier@hotmail.com , alltrue@nl.rogers.com, kmdickson0308@yahoo.com,
deanr0032@hotmail.com, bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca, police@fredericton.ca,
carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, t.j.burke@gnb.ca, John.Foran@gnb.ca,
Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca,
days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, alan_white@cbc.ca,
jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, Ivan.Court@saintjohn.ca,
Christopher.Titus@saintjohn.ca , lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca
CC: xzone@xzone-radio.com, brinson6@telus.net, wespenre@illuminati.ca,
choose2reason@yahoo.com, rwnicholson@rwnicholson.com,
starchamber@sasktel.net, JDHOOK@cox.net, Tim.Porter@gnb.ca,
news@politicswatch.com, investor@dundeebancorp.com,
webadmin@justice.gc.ca, info@tbs-sct.gc.ca, dtennant@mccarthy.ca ,
2026@gnb.ca, Brendan.Langille@gnb.ca, Martin.Paul@parl.gc.ca,
Owen.S@parl.gc.ca, Steckle.P@parl.gc.ca, steckp@parl.gc.ca,
McGuire.J@parl.gc.ca, Peterson.J@parl.gc.ca, Bonin.R@parl.gc.ca,
Karetak-Lindell.N@parl.gc.ca, Chamberlain.B@parl.gc.ca , dbrown@dwpv.com,
BCarr-Harris@blgcanada.com, McTeague.D@parl.gc.ca,
info@politicswatch.com, Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca, Baird.J@parl.gc.ca,
Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, McGuinty.D@parl.gc.ca, Dhalla.R@parl.gc.ca,
Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, madd_professor@cox.net, Iolmisha@cs.com ,
derrickcrobinson@gmail.com, khr909@hotmail.com, erniemusic2@yahoo.com,
kevin_annett@hotmail.com, radical@radicalpress.com, thespur@hotmail.com,
lisah@whooshnet.com , dougchristie@shaw.ca, lawald@web.net

  I must say your silence has been deafening for a lady acting as the
Commissioner for the Crown Corp commonly know as the RCMP. It has been six
months since you took over from the mean nasty old Zack and you are not one
bit more ethical. How else can you be so quiet particularly with all the
scandals breaking out daily about the RCMP?

    I hear that the crook Rod Smith who was supposed to advise everyone
how to be ethical retired just in a nick of time after he and I had a little
pow wow on the phone. I was not surprised that you shitcanned Zack's old
assistant Mikey MacDonald in your office and that you replaced him with your
own nomind assistant Pierre Leduc. It was too funny that he has the same
last name as the nasty dude that finally answered me from the Commission of
Public Complaints Against the RCMP after five long years of pure hell for my
little Clan. Why don't one of you just tell the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth just like you are supposed to do and let the political
cards fall where they may? Qiut the false allegation game will ya? It is
getting a little redundant, don't ya think?

      I sure hope some cop blows the whistle bigtime real soon but I ain't
betting on it. However I will lays odds that the only ones to respond to
this email will be the nasty Yankee Depupty Dog and his little buddy Dirty
Dickie Dean with more of their Bullshit. That said I have no doubt you
crooks are just wondering who I send this email to next and when i will Blog
it. Right? (Its already done scroll down to the bottom do ya think the new
Accountability Commissioner will find it first?

   Say hey to the crooked NSIS agents Norm Plourde, (AKA "Porcupine
Prique" ) and his pals, Cpl Jackson and Sean Lowe for me will ya Dirty
Dickie Dean?

Veritas Vincit
 David Raymond Amos
506 434 1379

Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 13:36:41 -0400
From: "PCC Complaints"< complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>
To: <motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>

May 23, 2007
File No. PC-2005-1291

Mr. David R Amos


Dear Mr. Amos:

On a number of occasions you have called or sent e-mails our office to raise
matters which are of pressing concern to you.

Each time we have tried to respond by explaining to you the relatively
narrow mandate of this Commission and the limits of our powers to deal with
the matters which are of concern to you.  I must stress, once again, that
the purpose of this Commission is to provide the public with an opportunity
to make complaints concerning the conduct of members of the RCMP in the
performance of their duties.  We have neither the expertise nor the legal
authority to permit us to become involved in issues beyond the scope of this

While it is clearly not the intention of the Commission to prevent you from
making complaints against members of the RCMP, an analysis of your numerous
contacts with the Commission indicates that your concerns fall well outside
the confines of our mandate.  Further, your frequent e-mails have been
disruptive and unproductive for both you and for the staff of this office.

Should you determine that some point in the future you have a complaint
concerning the conduct of a member of the RCMP in the performance of his or
her duties, please submit it to the Commission *by Canada Post only*.  As of
now, your e-mails will be deleted unread.

Yours truly,

Andrée Leduc
Enquiries and Complaints Analyst

Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Say hey to Shawn Murphy for me will ya
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 15:25:45 -0400
From: "REVIEWS"<reviews@cpc-cpp.gc.ca>
To: "David Amos"<motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com<

The Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP has received your
e-mail message and will be responding in due course.

La Commission des plaintes du public contre la GRC a reçu votre courriel et
vous rendra une réponse au moment opportun.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 03:29:59 -0300
Subject: Re Glen Greenwald and the Brazilian President Rousseff's
indignant tweets So Stevey Boy Harper your CSEC dudes and their NSA
pals no doubt know all about my conversation with the dudes from
Brazil last month Wheras the CBC and the Guardian etc want to know it
all we should share EH?
To: pm@pm.gc.ca, dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, rusun@un.int,
john.adams@queensu.ca, John.Forster@cse-cst.gc.ca,
td.ombudsman@td.com, christopher.montague@td.com,
Frank.McKenna@td.com, Glenn.Greenwald@guardian.co.uk,
info@praxisfilms.org, birgittaj@althingi.is,
ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk, steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca,
roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, ambassador@brasilemb.org,
slrc@itamaraty.gov.br, cuba@un.int, protocol@dn.mofa.go.jp,
japan.mission@dn.mofa.go.jp, protocol@s1.mofa.go.jp,
j.kroes@interpol.int, craig.dalton@forces.gc.ca, bairdj@parl.gc.ca,
MulcaT@parl.gc.ca, leader@greenparty.ca,
shy.winkfield@guardiannews.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca, justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca,
bginsberg@pattonboggs.com, RBauer@perkinscoie.com, justmin@gov.ns.ca,
rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca, rmordenassoc@rogers.com, merricra@gov.ns.ca,
stephen.m.cutler@jpmorgan.com, boston@ic.fbi.gov,
washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, prenquiries@eiu.com,
mailbox@brasembottawa.org, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca,
newsroom@theguardian.pe.ca, criminal.division@usdoj.gov,
lachapelle.edith@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Janet.MacLean@international.gc.ca,
dfildebrandt@taxpayer.com, ezra.levant@sunmedia.ca,
themayor@calgary.ca, atlantic.director@taxpayer.com,
premier@gov.ab.ca, premier@gnb.ca, Newsroom@globeandmail.com,
jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca, bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net,
nichor@parl.gc.ca, greg.weston@cbc.ca, Manon.Hardy@priv.gc.ca,
Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca, csu@jesuits.ca
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, Julian.Borger@guardian.co.uk





---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 03:14:34 -0300
Subject: Fwd: I just called Re the Boss of DFAIT John Baird Versus the
Boss of Russia Shame on all you Warmongers EH Stephen Harper?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>


The sneaky ex CSIS dude Michelle Juneau-Katsuya was not wise to call
the President of Brazil a Prima Donna but what he said is true about
her merely playing politcs  Everybody who wants to know can know what
happened between Brazil and I since early 2005. All they have to do is
ask me. If they don't believe me they can call the Boys from Brazil
and ask them if what I said in the video hereto attached or the
documents I to them and many other UN dudes long ago is true or false.
Trust that Stevey Harper, Franky McKenna and the rest of the
IMF/Bilderberger crowd ain't gonna tell anyone anything. EH Bobby
Bauer and Stevey Cutler?

The video is just a clip from a longer conversation with a good friend
weeks ago. Perhaps your snoopy minions in the RCMP/DND should be wise
to listen to it all if they haven't already EH?

Anyone can find that chat saved here


It is entitled as follows

2013-09-21 time 16_34_08 Incoming Peer-to-Peer Call david.raymond.amos


These are  the cover letters for the documents I sent to the UN Dudes


BTW Perhaps the times are a changing now that the stock market is
falling bigtime once again. Believe or not I am kinda sorta impressed
by the words of the latest Pope. I can'tbelieve a Jesuit would say
such things. Amazing things never cease.

The Dec 12th,2002 date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of
mine and the name of Cardinal Bernard Francis Law should mean a lot to
him if he truly has an ethical soul and is wise enough to ignore his
many lawyers.



Law resigned as Archbishop of Boston on December 13, 2002, in response
to the Roman Catholic Church sex abuse scandal after church documents
were revealed which suggested he had covered up sexual abuse committed
by priests in his archdiocese.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
1 902 800 0369

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: <ambassador@brasilemb.org>
Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 7:04 PM
Subject: Fwd: I just called Re the Boss of DFAIT John Baird Versus the
Boss of Russia Shame on all you Warmongers EH Stephen Harper?

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: <slrc@itamaraty.gov.br>
Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 1:06 AM
Subject: Re A call back from the Embassy for Brazil in Washington from
(202 238 2770)

I just got your message now and called back I know it is off hours so
I left a voicemail attempting to explain my concerns. I am kinda hard
to get ahold of ask the NSA people listening to your Embassy and
reading this why that is necessary

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: magicJack <voicemail@notify.magicjack.com>
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 10:07 AM
Subject: New VM (2) - 0:23 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 2022382770

Dear magicJack User:

You received a new 0:23 minutes voicemail message, on Friday,
September 06, 2013 at 09:07:46 AM in mailbox 9028000369 from

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 18:52:55 -0300
Subject: Fwd: I just called Re the Boss of DFAIT John Baird Versus the
Boss of Russia Shame on all you Warmongers EH Stephen Harper?
To: slrc@itamaraty.gov.br
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: <braun@delbrasonu.org>
Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 6:39 PM
Subject: Fwd: I just called Re the Boss of DFAIT John Baird Versus the
Boss of Russia Shame on all you Warmongers EH Stephen Harper?

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: <cuba@un.int>
Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 6:32 PM
Subject: Fwd: I just called Re the Boss of DFAIT John Baird Versus the
Boss of Russia Shame on all you Warmongers EH Stephen Harper?

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: <protocol@dn.mofa.go.jp>; <japan.mission@dn.mofa.go.jp>;
<protocol@s1.mofa.go.jp>; "j.kroes"<j.kroes@interpol.int>
Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; "bob.paulson"
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 6:31 PM
Subject: Fwd: I just called Re the Boss of DFAIT John Baird Versus the
Boss of Russia Shame on all you Warmongers EH Stephen Harper?

The Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
866 U.N. Plaza, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10017
E-mail : japan.mission@dn.mofa.go.jp

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 18:11:03 -0300
Subject: Fwd: I just called Re the Boss of DFAIT John Baird Versus the
Boss of Russia Shame on all you Warmongers EH Stephen Harper?
To: jicc@ws.mofa.go.jp
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 18:06:03 -0300
Subject: I just called Re the Boss of DFAIT John Baird Versus the Boss
of Russia Shame on all you Warmongers EH Stephen Harper?
To: rusun@un.int, bairdj <bairdj@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, MulcaT
<MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>,
"justin.trudeau.a1"<justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, bginsberg
<bginsberg@pattonboggs.com>, RBauer <RBauer@perkinscoie.com>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "craig.dalton"
<craig.dalton@forces.gc.ca>, dnd_mdn <dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca>

The document hereto attached is very real and I made certain that the
Russians remember what I sent all the G20 people in the UN within
August of 2005 Ask the warmongers John McCain if and his buddy Obama
or their lawyers Mr Bauer and Mr Ginsberg I am a liar or not

Address: 136 East 67 Street,
New York, N.Y. 10065
Phone: 1(212)861-4900;
FAX: 1(212)628-0252;

E-mail: rusun@un.int

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: <ambassador@brasilemb.org>
Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 8:07 PM
Subject: Brazil and I just got cut off again here is what I was trying
to tell you folks

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: <Glenn.Greenwald@guardian.co.uk>; <info@praxisfilms.org>;
"birgittaj"<birgittaj@althingi.is>; "ed.pilkington"
<ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>; "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>; "roger.l.brown"
<roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "shy.winkfield"
<shy.winkfield@guardiannews.com>; "oldmaison"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>;
"sallybrooks25"<sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>; "Mordaith"
<Mordaith@gmail.com>; <wayne.lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>; <david.alward@gnb.ca>; <nancy.forbes@gnb.ca>;
<judith.keating@gnb.ca>; <luc.labonte@gnb.ca>;
<marie-claude.blais@gnb.ca>; <wishart.john@dailygleaner.com>;
"macpherson.don"<macpherson.don@dailygleaner.com>; "ian.fahie"
<ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; <david.eidt@gnb.ca>;
<Richard.Williams@gnb.ca>; <ddelaquis@cldglaw.com>;
<cfawcett@lawsoncreamer.com>; "Mackap"<Mackap@parl.gc.ca>; "premier"
<premier@gnb.ca>; "bernadine.chapman"
<bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "john.warr"
<john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "jennifer.johnston"
<jennifer.johnston@gov.bc.ca>; "t.wilson"<t.wilson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
"radical"<radical@radicalpress.com>; "maryann4peace"
<maryann4peace@gmail.com>; "police"<police@fredericton.ca>;
Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>; "glen"
<glen@glencanning.com>; "ddexter"<ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca>; "justmin"
<justmin@gov.ns.ca>; "rmellish"<rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca>;
"rmordenassoc"<rmordenassoc@rogers.com>; "merricra"
<merricra@gov.ns.ca>; "stephen.m.cutler"
<stephen.m.cutler@jpmorgan.com>; "StephenMcNeil"
<StephenMcNeil@ns.aliantzinc.ca>; "jamiebaillie"
<jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca>; <Brian.Topham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>;
"Ian.Shardlow"<Ian.Shardlow@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; "msegal"<msegal@murraysegal.com>;
<DANIEL.POULIN@chrc-ccdp.ca>; <abromberg@bnaibrith.ca>;
<habrams@pacificcoast.net>; "ndesrosiers"<ndesrosiers@ccla.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: Snowden ain't got nothing on mean old me when it comes to
dealing with corrupt Feds and keeping one's Integrity as well



On 8/18/13, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<motomaniac333@gmail.com>
To: <Glenn.Greenwald@guardian.co.uk>; <info@praxisfilms.org>;
"birgittaj"<birgittaj@althingi.is>; "ed.pilkington"
<ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>; "steven.blaney"
<steven.blaney@parl.gc.ca>; "roger.l.brown"
Cc: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>;
<DANIEL.POULIN@CHRC-CCDP.CA>; <abromberg@bnaibrith.ca>;
<habrams@pacificcoast.net>; "ndesrosiers"<ndesrosiers@ccla.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:54 PM
Subject: Snowden ain't got nothing on mean old me when it comes to
dealing with corrupt Feds and keeping one's Integrity as well

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 02:40:18 -0300
Subject: YO FBI Special Agent Richard Deslauriers I just called your
office and the nasty Yankee played dumb as usual
To: boston@ic.fbi.gov, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, "bob.paulson"
<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Kevin.leahy"
<Kevin.leahy@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Brian.Kelly@usdoj.gov,
us.marshals@usdoj.gov, Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov, jcarney
<jcarney@carneybassil.com>, bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, birgittaj
<birgittaj@althingi.is>, shmurphy@globe.com, Red Ice Creations

Clearly I am not joking

Just Dave
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Visitor's Time   Jun 12 2013 4:00:01 pm
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On 6/15/13, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> FBI Boston
> One Center Plaza
> Suite 600
> Boston, MA 02108
> Phone: (617) 742-5533
> Fax: (617) 223-6327
> E-mail: Boston@ic.fbi.gov
> Hours
> Although we operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our normal
> "walk-in" business hours are from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday
> through Friday. If you need to speak with a FBI representative at any
> time other than during normal business hours, please telephone our
> office at (617) 742-5533.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 01:20:20 -0300
> Subject: Yo Fred Wyshak and Brian Kelly your buddy Whitey's trial is
> finally underway now correct? What the hell do I do with the wiretap
> tapes Sell them on Ebay?
> To: Brian.Kelly@usdoj.gov, us.marshals@usdoj.gov,
> Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov, jcarney <jcarney@carneybassil.com>,
> bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net, michael wolfheart
> <wolfheartlodge@live.com>, jonathan.albano@bingham.com,
> shmurphy@globe.com, mvalencia@globe.com
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, oldmaison
> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov, rounappletree@aol.com
> http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/06/05/james-whitey-bulger-jury-selection-process-enters-second-day/KjS80ofyMMM5IkByK74bkK/story.html
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/06/09/nsa-leak-guardian.html
> As the CBC etc yap about Yankee wiretaps and whistleblowers I must ask
> them the obvious question AIN'T THEY FORGETTING SOMETHING????
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vugUalUO8YY
> What the hell does the media think my Yankee lawyer served upon the
> USDOJ right after I ran for and seat in the 39th Parliament baseball
> cards?
> http://archive.org/details/ITriedToExplainItToAllMaritimersInEarly2006
> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach-bush.html
> http://www.archive.org/details/PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape139
> http://archive.org/details/Part1WiretapTape143
> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
> raised in the attached letter.
> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> To: "Fred.Wyshak"<Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov>; "jcarney"
> <jcarney@carneybassil.com>; <Brian.Kelly@usdoj.gov>;
> <us.marshals@usdoj.gov>
> Cc: <edit@thr.com>; "maritime_malaise"<maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>;
> "Wayne.Lang"<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 11:50 AM
> Subject: So Fred Wyshak has Brian Kelly and the rest of the corrupt
> Feds practiced the spirit of fill disclosure with Jay Carney??
> If so then why didn't Mr Carney return my phone calls last July???
> http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2012/01/09/bulger_lawyers_due_in_court_for_update_on_evidence/
> http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/lawyer_known_as_patron_saint_of_hopeless_cases_is_representing_whitey_bulge/
> http://bostonherald.com/news/regional/view/2011_0625lawyer_tab_is_in_billys_court_feds_believe_brother_should_shell_out_for_defense
> http://articles.boston.com/2011-07-01/news/29726987_1_jay-carney-bulger-brookline-clinics
> http://carneybassil.com/team/carney/
> Truth is stranger than fiction. Perhaps Ben Affleck and Matt Damon  a
> couple of boyz from Beantown who done good will pay attention to mean
> old me someday EH?
> http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/ben-affleck-matt-damon-whitey-bulger-254994
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> WHY was Byron Prior and I banned from parliamentry properties while I
> running for a seat in parliament in 2004 2 whole YEARS before the
> mindless nasty French Bastard Chucky Leblanc was barred in NB and yet
> the CBC, the Fat Fred City Finest and  the RCMP still deny anything
> ever happened to this very day even though Chucky and his pals have
> blogged about it???
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/story/2006/06/20/nb-bloggerbanned20060620.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/david-amos-vs-fat-fred-citys-finest.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/04/david-amos-nb-nwo-whistleblower-part-3.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/07/feds-institutionalize-determined-nb.html
> Did anybody bother to listen to me explain things to the Police
> Commissioners in 2004?
> http://archive.org/details/NewBrunswickPoliceCommission
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2013 21:56:57 -0300
> Subject: Re Yankee Feds Please allow me to be brief with the crooks in
> Wikileaks and the Guardian EH Birgitta and Ed Pilkington?
> To: "Fred.Wyshak"<Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov>, "john.warr"
> <john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, redicecreations@gmail.com, birgittaj
> <birgittaj@althingi.is>, Piratar <piratar@pirateparty.is>,
> "ed.pilkington"<ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>, janice.smith@cbc.ca,
> camilla.inderberg@cbc.ca, "david.akin"<david.akin@sunmedia.ca>,
> Alan.Dark@cbc.ca, newsonline <newsonline@bbc.co.uk>, "John.Williamson"
> <John.Williamson@parl.gc.ca>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, aih <aih@cbc.ca>,
> news-tips <news-tips@nytimes.com>, "bob.paulson"
> <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
> <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/09/edward-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-surveillance
> "Snowden will go down in history as one of America's most
> consequential whistleblowers, alongside Daniel Ellsberg and Bradley
> Manning. He is responsible for handing over material from one of the
> world's most secretive organisations – the NSA."
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To: ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 4:04 PM
> Subject: Ed Here is your ticket to keep you out of hot water Just send
> this to Hugh Grant and he can raise hell for you
> Byway of the US FTC the Feds in many countries can never deny that
> they did not know the truth long ago
> From: Ed Pilkington <ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>
> Subject: GUARDIAN
> To: myson333@yahoo.com
> Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 11:42 AM
> hi
> here's my email and my cell number is below
> all best
> Ed
> --
> Ed Pilkington
> New York bureau chief
> The Guardian
> www.guardian.co.uk
> twitter.com/Edpilkington
> Cell: 646 704 1264
> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Visit guardian.co.uk - newspaper of the year
> www.guardian.co.uk  www.observer.co.uk
> On your mobile, visit m.guardian.co.uk or download the Guardian
> iPhone app www.guardian.co.uk/iphone
> To save up to 30% when you subscribe to the Guardian and the Observer
> visit www.guardian.co.uk/subscriber
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> be privileged. If you are not the named recipient, please notify
> the sender and delete the e-mail and all attachments immediately.
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> Registered in England Number 908396
> Click on this link
> http://50states.ning.com/video/rcmp-sussex-new-brunswick
> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2006/05/wiretap-tapes-impeach-bush.html
> http://www.archive.org/details/PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape139
> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
> raised in the attached letter.
> Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes.
> I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
> http://joyb.blogspot.ca/2010/11/my-statement-from-nato-parliamentary.html
> http://50states.ning.com/video/rcmp-sussex-new-brunswick
> http://www.nycga.net/members/davidraymondamos/
>> From: David Amos
>> Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:22:00 -0300
>> Subject: i just called from 902 800 0369 (Nova Scotia)
>> To: 9.17occupywallstreet@gmail.com
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-...
>> I am the guy the SEC would not name that is the link to Madoff and
>> Putnam Investments
>> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hear...
>> Notice the transcript and webcast of the hearing of the US Senate
>> banking Commitee is missing? please notice Eliot Spitzer and the Dates
>> around November 20th, 2003 in te following file
>> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-righ...
>> From: ”Julian Assange)”
>> Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT)
>> Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland’s plan for a press safe haven
>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> FYI: Al-Jazeera’s take on Iceland’s proposed media safe haven
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbGiPjIE1pE
>> More info http://immi.is/
>> Julian Assange
>> Editor
>> WikiLeaks
>> http://wikileaks.org/
>> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir
>> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000
>> Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the
>> first email I ever sent you
>> To: David Amos
>> dear Dave
>> i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i
>> find some time
>> keep up the good fight in the meantime
>> thank you for bearing with me
>> i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters
>> and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and
>> the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)
>> plus all the matters in relation to immi
>> with oceans of joy
>> birgitta
>> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are
>> not.
>> Andre Gide
>> Birgitta Jonsdottir
>> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884
>> http://this.is/birgittahttp://joyb.blogspot.com -
>> http://www.facebook.com/birgitta.jonsdottir
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Henrik Palmgren <redicecreations@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 14:46:26 +0200
> Subject: Re: Oh my my I guess we know the score on you EH?
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Oh my. Don't send me your spam. It's not good for anything.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 17:27:53 -0300
> Subject: Re Teddy Baby Olson was on Fox News today yapping about
> Presidential enemies list as he represents the crooks in Koch
> Industries??? If anyone should know about such things it is Olson
> after all he assisted Ashcroft and Bush against me
> To: pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, Office@tigta.treas.gov, RBauer@perkinscoie.com,
> mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov, "Gilles.Moreau"
> <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, ron.klain@revolution.com,
> dboies@bsfllp.com, tolson@gibsondunn.com, bginsberg@pattonboggs.com,
> "ed.pilkington"<ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>, news
> <news@thetelegraph.com.au>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
> rtalach@ledroitbeckett.com, gregory.craig@skadden.com,
> Patrick.Fitzgerald@skadden.com
> Hey
> As Harper sits and bullshits his cohorts in the Council of Foreign
> Relations in the Big Apple today I bet he was listening to what was
> happening with Obama and the IRS and Holder and his DOJ minions
> in Washington.
> Notice the Inspector General of the IRS Dudes within this old file?
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/9092510/Chicago
> Everybody and his dog knows Harper knew about my battles with the US
> Treasury and Justice Depts way back when he was the boss of the
> opposition in Canada's Parliament. Two simple files easily found on
> the Internet cannot be argued.
> Notice how old the letter and Form 211 are?
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
> Here the Inspector Generals calling me 7 years ago?
> http://www.archive.org/details/FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Office of Chief Counsel, Treasury.
> Inspector General for Tax Administration, (202) 622-4068.
> When Teddy bitches about polticians using the IRS to attack their
> enemies because he knows it true because he helped Bush the IRS
> against me when Obama was just a State Senator .
> The proof was when I sent him the documents that came along with the letter
> found on page 13 of this old file Teddy Baby Olson quit as Solicitor General.
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
> Harper and every body else knows It was no coincidence that I sent the
> lawyers Olson as Solicitior General, Ferguson as the co chair of the
> Federal  Reserve Bank, and J Strom Thurmond Jr the youngest US
> Attorney the same pile of documents on April Fools Day 2004.
> The sad but terrible truth is that legions of cops, lawyers polticians
> and bureaucrats in Canada and the USA knew about the US Secret Service
>  coming to my home after dark on April Fools Day 2003 bearing false
> allegations of a presidential threat and threatening to use their
> implied right to use exta ordinary rendition against me as a non
> citizen less than two weeks after the needless War in Iraq began and
> no WMD were ever found.
> You can bet dimes to dollars i called some Yankee Inspector Generals
> (starting with 202 622 4068) and reminded them that I am still alive
> and kicking and reminding the world of their malicious incompetence
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> PS Below you can review some emails I sent you and your Yankee cohorts
> such asTeddy Baby Olson before Obama was reelected EH Harper? In truth
> I would rather settle in confidence with Obama then sue the Hell out
> of the CROWN and the Holy See Trust that the evil old Judge Bastarache
> has known why for a very long time.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> To: "Rob Talach"<rtalach@ledroitbeckett.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Attn Robert Talach and I should talk ASAP about my suing
> the Catholic Church Trust that Bastarache knows why
> The date stamp on about page 134 of this old file of mine should mean
> a lot to you
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:37:08 -0400
> Subject: To Hell with the KILLER COP Gilles Moreau What say you NOW
> Bernadine Chapman??
> To: Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, phil.giles@statcan.ca,
> maritme_malaise@yahoo.ca, Jennifer.Nixon@ps-sp.gc.ca,
> bartman.heidi@psic-ispc.gc.ca, Yves.J.Marineau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> david.paradiso@erc-cee.gc.ca, desaulniea@smtp.gc.ca,
> denise.brennan@tbs-sct.gc.ca, anne.murtha@vac-acc.gc.ca, webo
> <webo@xplornet.com>, julie.dickson@osfi-bsif.gc.ca,
> rod.giles@osfi-bsif.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca, toewsv1
> <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "Nycole.Turmel"<Nycole.Turmel@parl.gc.ca>,
> Clemet1 <Clemet1@parl.gc.ca>, maritime_malaise
> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, oig <oig@sec.gov>, whistleblower
> <whistleblower@finra.org>, whistle <whistle@fsa.gov.uk>, david
> <david@fairwhistleblower.ca>
> Cc: j.kroes@interpol.int, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
> bernadine.chapman@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "justin.trudeau.a1"
> <justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca>, "Juanita.Peddle"
> <Juanita.Peddle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
> "Wayne.Lang"<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Robert.Trevors"
> <Robert.Trevors@gnb.ca>, "ian.fahie"<ian.fahie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/nb/news-nouvelles/media-medias-eng.htm
> http://nb.rcmpvet.ca/Newsletters/VetsReview/nlnov06.pdf
> From: Gilles Moreau <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 08:03:22 -0500
> Subject: Re: Lets ee if the really nasty Newfy Lawyer Danny Boy
> Millions will explain this email to you or your boss Vic Toews EH
> Constable Peddle???
> To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Please cease and desist from using my name in your emails.
> Gilles Moreau, Chief Superintendent, CHRP and ACC
> Director General
> HR Transformation
> 73 Leikin Drive, M5-2-502
> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
> Tel 613-843-6039
> Cel 613-818-6947
> Gilles Moreau, surintendant principal, CRHA et ACC
> Directeur général de la Transformation des ressources humaines
> 73 Leikin, pièce M5-2-502
> Ottawa, ON K1A 0R2
> tél 613-843-6039
> cel 613-818-6947
> gilles.moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>>>> David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> 2012-11-21 00:01 >>>
> Could ya tell I am investigating your pension plan bigtime? Its
> because no member of the RCMP I have ever encountered has earned it
> yet
> Obviously I am the guy the USDOJ and the SEC would not name who is the
> link to Madoff and Putnam Investments
> Here is why
> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
> Notice the transcripts and webcasts of the hearing of the US Senate
> Banking Commitee are still missing? Mr Emory should at least notice
> Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in the
> following file
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt.pdf
> NONE of you should have assisted in the cover up of MURDER CORRECT???
> http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2011/2011-06-22/html/sor-dors122-eng.html
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> To: <Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>; <Rob.Renaud@cbc.ca>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:45 PM
> Subject: Question # 1 who the hell is Rob Renaus and di Robert Jone
> and Jaques Poitra and Alan white etc forward you my latest emails
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Edith Cody-Rice <Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>
> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 16:53:07 -0500
> Subject: Calls and E-mails to CBC
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Cc: Rob Renaud <Rob.Renaud@cbc.ca>
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> CBC personnel have contacted me concerning your calls and e-mails to
> them. As you are threatening legal action, would you kindly direct any
> further calls or correspondence to me. Other CBC personnel will not
> respond further to your correspondence or calls.
> Edith Cody-Rice
> Senior Legal Counsel
> Premier Conseiller juridique
> CBC/Radio-Canada
> 181 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1K9
> Postal Address: P.O. Box 3220, Station C, Ottawa K1Y 1E4
> Tel: (613) 288-6164
> Cell: (613) 720-5185
> Fax/ Télécopieur (613) 288-6279
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> avertir immédiatement et le supprimer en évitant de le lire, de le
> copier ou de le transmettre à qui que ce soit.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 14:10:14 -0400
> Subject: Yo Mr Bauer say hey to your client Obama and his buddies in
> the USDOJ for me will ya?
> To: RBauer <RBauer@perkinscoie.com>, sshimshak@paulweiss.com,
> cspada@lswlaw.com, msmith <msmith@svlaw.com>, bginsberg
> <bginsberg@pattonboggs.com>, "gregory.craig"
> <gregory.craig@skadden.com>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "bob.paulson"
> <bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "bob.rae"
> <bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>, MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, leader
> <leader@greenparty.ca>
> Cc: alevine@cooley.com, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>,
> michael.rothfeld@wsj.com, remery@ecbalaw.com
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> QSLS Politics
> By Location  Visit Detail
> Visit 29,419
> Domain Name   usdoj.gov ? (U.S. Government)
> IP Address   149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
> ISP   US Dept of Justice
> Location   Continent  :  North America
> Country  :  United States  (Facts)
> State  :  District of Columbia
> City  :  Washington
> Lat/Long  :  38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
> Language   English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
> Browser   Internet Explorer 8.0
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> Search Words  david amos bernie madoff
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> Out Click
> Time Zone   UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time   Nov 17 2012 12:33:08 pm
> Visit Number   29,419

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
To: <eachtem@hotmail.com>; <alltrue@nl.rogers.com>;
<deanr0032@hotmail.com>; <dean@law.ualberta.ca>; <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>;
<injusticecoalition@hotmail.com>; "Edith. Cody-Rice"
<Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>; "terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>;
"kelly. lamrock"<kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca>; <oldmaison@yahoo.com>;
"Duane.Rousselle"<Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca>; "john.adams"
<john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca>; <mackay01@canada.com>;
<IgnatM@parl.gc.ca>; <deanray98@yahoo.ca>; "Dean.Buzza"
<Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>; <ahunter100@shaw.ca>; <t.j.burke@gnb.ca>;
"jackblood"<jackblood@hotmail.com>; "jack. keir"<jack.keir@gnb.ca>;
<David.ALWARD@gnb.ca>; "drywallrocker"<drywallrocker@hotmail.com>;
"shawn. graham"<shawn.graham@gnb.ca>; "shawn.howard"
Cc: <td.ombudsman@td.com>; "christopher. montague"
<christopher.montague@td.com>; "Frank. McKenna"
<Frank.McKenna@td.com>; "John.DeWinter"<John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:07 PM
Subject: Lets see if John Adams the current the CSE is clever enough
to put two and two together about the TD EH Franky Boy McKenna

----- Original Message -----
From: Ombudsman, Td
To: 'david.raymond.amos@gmail.com'
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 6:11 PM
Subject: your e-mails dated November 3, 2008

November 4, 2008

David Amos
P.O. Box 234
Apohaqui, NB
E5P 3G2


Dear Mr. Amos:

We acknowledge receipt of your e-mails dated November 3, 2008, which
we received in our office on November 4, 2008.

We would like to thank you for providing our office with your feedback
surrounding the various issues.  We have reviewed the numerous pieces
of correspondence that you e-mailed to us.  It is our understanding
that you have a number of concerns surrounding politics and the
actions of the government within North America.

We appreciate the effort you have taken to express your views
surrounding these issues, however we do not believe we can be of any
assistance as this falls outside the mandate of this office.

Thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention.

Yours truly,

Paul W. Huyer


This communication including any information transmitted with it is
intended only for the use of the addressees and is confidential.
If you are not an intended recipient or responsible for delivering
the message to an intended recipient, any review, disclosure,
conversion to hard copy, dissemination, reproduction or other use
of any part of this communication is strictly prohibited, as is the
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pouvez le consulter à www.td.com/francais/legale

Mr Bush thanked the Netherlands for its cooperation during his time in
office and particularly praised the Dutch presence in Afghanistan.
After the meeting, Mr Balkenende said he had spoken freely about
matters on which the two countries disagree, including climate policy
and the US detention facility for terrorist suspects at Guantánamo

Mr Verhagen will also hold meetings with US Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice and close aides of presidential candidates John
McCain and Barack Obama. Mr Balkenende is attending the Bilderberg
Conference, the highly secretive annual meeting of the world's most
influential people, which is this year being held in Chantilly outside
Washington DC.
Article Continues
(Source: Infowars):
BILDERBERG MEETING - "Chantilly, Virginia, USA" - 5-8 June 2008 - LIST

Honorary Chairman
BEL "Davignon, Etienne""Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel"

DEU "Ackermann, Josef""Chairman of the Management Board and the Group
Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG"
CAN "Adams, John" Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence and
Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada
USA "Ajami, Fouad""Director, Middle East Studies Program, The Paul H.
Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins
USA "Alexander, Keith B.""Director, National Security Agency"
INT "Almunia, Joaquín ""Commissioner, European Commission"
GRC "Alogoskoufis, George" Minister of Economy and Finance
USA "Altman, Roger C.""Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc."
TUR "Babacan, Ali " Minister of Foreign Affairs
NLD "Balkenende, Jan Peter" Prime Minister
PRT "Balsemão, Francisco Pinto""Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.;
Former Prime Minister"
FRA "Baverez, Nicolas""Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP"
ITA "Bernabè, Franco""CEO, Telecom Italia Spa"
USA "Bernanke, Ben S.""Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System"
SWE "Bildt, Carl" Minister of Foreign Affairs
FIN "Blåfield, Antti ""Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat"
DNK "Bosse, Stine""CEO, TrygVesta"
CAN "Brodie, Ian ""Chief of Staff, Prime Minister's Office"
AUT "Bronner, Oscar""Publisher and Editor, Der Standard"
FRA "Castries, Henri de ""Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA"
ESP "Cebrián, Juan Luis""CEO, PRISA"
CAN "Clark, Edmund""President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group"
GBR "Clarke, Kenneth" Member of Parliament
NOR "Clemet, Kristin""Managing Director, Civita"
USA "Collins, Timothy C.""Senior Managing Director and CEO,
Ripplewood Holdings, LLC"
FRA "Collomb, Bertrand""Honorary Chairman, Lafarge"
PRT "Costa, António" Mayor of Lisbon
USA "Crocker, Chester A." James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies
USA "Daschle, Thomas A." Former US Senator and Senate Majority Leader
CAN "Desmarais, Jr., Paul""Chairman and co-CEO, Power Corporation of Canada"
GRC "Diamantopoulou, Anna" Member of Parliament
USA "Donilon, Thomas E.""Partner, O'Melveny & Myers"
ITA "Draghi, Mario""Governor, Banca d'Italia"
AUT "Ederer, Brigitte""CEO, Siemens AG Österreich"
CAN "Edwards, N. Murray""Vice Chairman, Candian Natural Resources Limited"
DNK "Eldrup, Anders ""President, DONG A/S"
ITA "Elkann, John""Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A."
USA "Farah, Martha J.""Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience;
Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of
USA "Feldstein, Martin S.""President and CEO, National Bureau of
Economic Research"
DEU "Fischer, Joschka" Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA "Ford, Jr., Harold E.""Vice Chairman, Merill Lynch & Co., Inc."
CHE "Forstmoser, Peter""Professor for Civil, Corporation and Capital
Markets Law, University of Zürich"
IRL "Gallagher, Paul " Attorney General
USA "Geithner, Timothy F. ""President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank
of New York"
USA "Gigot, Paul ""Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal"
IRL "Gleeson, Dermot ""Chairman, AIB Group"
NLD "Goddijn, Harold""CEO, TomTom"
TUR "Gögüs, Zeynep ""Journalist; Founder, EurActiv.com.tr"
USA "Graham, Donald E.""Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company"
NLD "Halberstadt, Victor""Professor of Economics, Leiden University;
Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings"
USA "Holbrooke, Richard C. ""Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC"
FIN "Honkapohja, Seppo""Member of the Board, Bank of Finland"
INT "Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de""Secretary General, NATO"
USA "Hubbard, Allan B.""Chairman, E & A Industries, Inc."
BEL "Huyghebaert, Jan""Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group"
DEU "Ischinger, Wolfgang" Former Ambassador to the UK and US
USA "Jacobs, Kenneth""Deputy Chairman, Head of Lazard U.S., Lazard
Frères & Co. LLC"
USA "Johnson, James A.""Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC" (Obama's man
tasked with selecting his running mate)
SWE "Johnstone, Tom ""President and CEO, AB SKF"
USA "Jordan, Jr., Vernon E.""Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC"
FRA "Jouyet, Jean-Pierre " Minister of European Affairs
GBR "Kerr, John ""Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal
Dutch Shell plc."
USA "Kissinger, Henry A.""Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc."
DEU "Klaeden, Eckart von""Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU/CSU"
USA "Kleinfeld, Klaus""President and COO, Alcoa"
TUR "Koç, Mustafa ""Chairman, Koç Holding A.S."
FRA "Kodmani, Bassma""Director, Arab Reform Initiative"
USA "Kravis, Henry R.""Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co."
USA "Kravis, Marie-Josée""Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc."
INT "Kroes, Neelie ""Commissioner, European Commission"
POL "Kwasniewski, Aleksander " Former President
AUT "Leitner, Wolfgang""CEO, Andritz AG"
ESP "León Gross, Bernardino""Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister"
INT "Mandelson, Peter""Commissioner, European Commission"
FRA "Margerie, Christophe de""CEO, Total"
CAN "Martin, Roger""Dean, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management,
University of Toronto"
HUN "Martonyi, János""Professor of International Trade Law; Partner,
Baker & McKenzie; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs"
USA "Mathews, Jessica T. ""President, Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace"
INT "McCreevy, Charlie ""Commissioner, European Commission"
USA "McDonough, William J.""Vice Chairman and Special Advisor to the
Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc."
CAN "McKenna, Frank""Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group"
GBR "McKillop, Tom ""Chairman, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group"
FRA "Montbrial, Thierry de""President, French Institute for
International Relations"
ITA "Monti, Mario""President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi"
USA "Mundie, Craig J. ""Chief Research and Strategy Officer,
Microsoft Corporation"
NOR "Myklebust, Egil""Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS,
Norsk Hydro ASA"
DEU "Nass, Matthias""Deputy Editor, Die Zeit"
NLD "Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the"
FRA "Ockrent, Christine""CEO, French television and radio world service"
FIN "Ollila, Jorma""Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc"
SWE "Olofsson, Maud " Minister of Enterprise and Energy; Deputy Prime Minister
NLD "Orange, H.R.H. the Prince of"
GBR "Osborne, George" Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
TUR "Öztrak, Faik" Member of Parliament
ITA "Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso " Former Minister of Finance; President
of Notre Europe
GRC "Papahelas, Alexis""Journalist, Kathimerini"
GRC "Papalexopoulos, Dimitris""CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A."
USA "Paulson, Jr., Henry M." Secretary of the Treasury
USA "Pearl, Frank H.""Chairman and CEO, Perseus, LLC"
USA "Perle, Richard N.""Resident Fellow, American Enterprise
Institute for Public Policy Research"
FRA "Pérol, François" Deputy General Secretary in charge of Economic Affairs
DEU "Perthes, Volker""Director, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik"
BEL "Philippe, H.R.H. Prince"
CAN "Prichard, J. Robert S.""President and CEO, Torstar Corporation"
CAN "Reisman, Heather M.""Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc."
USA "Rice, Condoleezza" Secretary of State
PRT "Rio, Rui " Mayor of Porto
USA "Rockefeller, David ""Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank"
ESP "Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias""Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander"
USA "Rose, Charlie""Producer, Rose Communications"
DNK "Rose, Flemming""Editor, Jyllands Posten"
USA "Ross, Dennis B.""Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The
Washington Institute for Near East Policy"
USA "Rubin, Barnett R.""Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center
for International Cooperation, New York University"
TUR "Sahenk, Ferit ""Chairman, Dogus Holding A.S."
USA "Sanford, Mark" Governor of South Carolina
USA "Schmidt, Eric""Chairman of the Executive Committee and CEO, Google"
AUT "Scholten, Rudolf ""Member of the Board of Executive Directors,
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG"
DNK "Schur, Fritz H. " Fritz Schur Gruppen
CZE "Schwarzenberg, Karel " Minister of Foreign Affairs
USA "Sebelius, Kathleen" Governor of Kansas
USA "Shultz, George P.""Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished
Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University"
ESP "Spain, H.M. the Queen of"
CHE "Spillmann, Markus""Editor-in-Chief and Head Managing Board, Neue
Zürcher Zeitung AG"
USA "Summers, Lawrence H.""Charles W. Eliot Professor, Harvard University"
GBR "Taylor, J. Martin""Chairman, Syngenta International AG"
USA "Thiel, Peter A.""President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC"
NLD "Timmermans, Frans" Minister of European Affairs
RUS "Trenin, Dmitri V.""Deputy Director and Senior Associate,
Carnegie Moscow Center"
INT "Trichet, Jean-Claude""President, European Central Bank"
USA "Vakil, Sanam""Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies, The
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins
FRA "Valls, Manuel " Member of Parliament
GRC "Varvitsiotis, Thomas""Co-Founder and President, V + O Communication"
CHE "Vasella, Daniel L.""Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG"
FIN "Väyrynen, Raimo""Director, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs"
FRA "Védrine, Hubert" Hubert Védrine Conseil
NOR "Vollebaek, Knut""High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE"
SWE "Wallenberg, Jacob""Chairman, Investor AB"
USA "Weber, J. Vin""CEO, Clark & Weinstock"
USA "Wolfensohn, James D. ""Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC"
USA "Wolfowitz, Paul""Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
for Public Policy Research"
INT "Zoellick, Robert B. ""President, The World Bank Group"

GBR "Bredow, Vendeline von""Business Correspondent, The Economist"
GBR "Wooldridge, Adrian D.""Foreign Correspondent, The Economist"

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
To: <aefa@sen.parl.gc.ca>; "bairdj"<bairdj@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: <db26@queensu.ca>; "maritime_malaise"<maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2011 12:08 AM
Subject: Fwd: Brazil understands the Global Economy far better than PM
Harper or Robert Wood of the EIU does

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 23:33:48 -0300
Subject: Brazil understands the Global Economy far better than PM
Harper or Robert Wood of the EIU does
To: prenquiries@eiu.com, mailbox@brasembottawa.org,
"flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca"<flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca>, "Harris. J"
<Harris.J@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>
Cc: newsroom <newsroom@theguardian.pe.ca>, Newsroom
<Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, maritime_malaise



Foreign Affairs (September 29, 2011)

The committee continued its study of political and economic
developments in Brazil and the implications for Canada.

Robert Wood, senior editor and economist of the Economist Intelligence
Unit, and Douglas Bland, former chair of Defence Management Studies at
Queen's University, testified.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 20:34:59 -0300
Subject: For the record the so callled "expert" Kevin O'Leary yapping
on CBC right now is pretending that he has no clue about this
To: exchange@cbc.ca, tonis.saar@riigikontroll.ee,
sarah.chapman@fsa.gov.uk, W-Five@ctv.ca,
bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net, nichor@parl.gc.ca, toewsv1@parl.gc.ca,
greg.weston@cbc.ca, thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com,
Cc: maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca, jacques.nasser@bhpbilliton.com,
Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov, chiefape@gmail.com, nbpc@gnb.ca

It looks Estonia is gonna suffer like Iceland did because its
political bosses were too dumb to read or worse


"The EFSF doesn't solve problems, it only takes money," lawyer and
member of parliament Legal Affairs Committee Igor Grazin from the
ruling Reform Party told parliament.

Mailis Reps, of the left-leaning opposition Centre Party, said it was
unfair for Estonia to have to dip into its coffers.

"When we look at the salaries of teachers, the state support for
children and so on, it's all many times smaller here than in the
countries Estonia is now going to support financially," she said.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 15:06:31 -0300
Subject: Thanks again Mr Kruuv I see the folks in Estonia are still
debating Thats good
To: Riho Kruuv <riho.kruuv@mfa.ee>
Cc: maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca, tonis.saar@riigikontroll.ee, "Saatkond
Ottawas üldaadress (e-mail)"<embassy.ottawa@mfa.ee>


In answer to your question you will find the following words within
the email you responded to. For the benetit of the taxpayers in
Estonia your government and I should discuss them ASAP.

I tried hrd to explain my concerns on the phone to you but you wanted
me to prove that my IP connection was ok for some reason. FYI I
already knew that it was because I was calling you through the Inernet

Please read and click on the links

I am the unamed Whistleblower that Mr Nester of the SEC mentioned
in 2009 who is the link from Putnam investments and Madoff matter
To support , my allegations first and foremost Eric Schneiderman
should see that Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day he thanked me
for the info in November of 2003.

Please notice the transcripts and webcasts went of th Senate hearings
"poof' not long after I made the congressman Ron Paul and legions of
others well aware of their existence as he bitched about such things
whilst running for the GOP endorsement to run for president in 2007.
The records of the hearings were deleted in late fall 2007 just as all
the subprime mortgages began to smell bad.


Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in particular


A portion of the email below can be found within the following link or
simply Google Amos and Madoff and anyone can find it
This is not my blog


Notice Mr Nestor of the SEC?

These are more informative blogs of his about me



On 9/29/11, Riho Kruuv <riho.kruuv@mfa.ee> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> Now that we have made sure that your e-mails aren't blocked by Estonian mail
> servers, please specify, where do you see an issue or problem or what do you
> expect Estonian authorities to do (differently)?
> Kind regards,
> Riho Kruuv
> Chargé d'Affaires
> Embassy of Estonia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
> Sent: 29. september 2011. a. 12:07
> To: Riho Kruuv; Saatkond Ottawas üldaadress (e-mail);
> tonis.saar@riigikontroll.ee
> Cc: maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca
> Subject: Thanks Mr Kruuv As far as I know Austria, Estonia, Malta, the
> Netherlands and Slovakia have yet to vote to support Greece
> Thus there maybe some time yet
> http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/09/29/bloomberg_articlesLSAF5V0UQVI9.DTL
> "Estonia votes on the measures later today followed by Austria tomorrow."
> Estonian Embassy
> 260 Dalhousie Street,
> Suite 210 Ottawa,
> Ontario K1N 7E4
> Canada
> tel. (1 613) 789 42 22
> fax: (1 613) 789 95 55
> embassy.ottawa@mfa.ee
> Read more:
> http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/09/29/bloomberg_articlesLSAF5V0UQVI9.DTL#ixzz1ZMCF6S77
> From: Riho Kruuv <riho.kruuv@mfa.ee>
> Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 10:45:04 -0500
> Subject: Communication check
> To: David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.com
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> I hope that you received this e-mail and can pass the information you
> spoke about to me.
> Sincerely,
> Riho Kruuv
> Chargé d'Affaires
> Embassy of Estonia in Canada
> www.estemb.ca<http://www.estemb.ca/>
> From: "OSBORNE, George"<george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk>
> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 13:56:26 +0100
> Subject: Thank you for your e-mail
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Thank you very much for your e-mail to George Osborne.
> If you are contacting George in his capacity as Chancellor of the
> Exchequer, please re-send your e-mail to:
> public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.ukpublic.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk>.
> Alternatively, write to The Correspondence & Enquiry Unit, HM
> Treasury, 1 Horseguards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ or telephone 020 7270
> 4558.
> If you are one of George's Tatton constituents, please ensure that you
> have included your full postal address and postcode, so that we can
> identify you as a constituent.  The Tatton office, which is for
> constituent enquiries only, can be reached on 01565 873037.
> If you are a personal contact of George's, your e-mail will be
> forwarded accordingly.
> With kind regards,
> Office of Rt Hon George Osborne MP
> Chancellor of the Exchequer
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 09:46:12 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: ISS10441377
> To: public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk, ministers@hm-treasury.gov.uk
> Cc: pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Dean.Buzza"<Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> "j.kroes"<j.kroes@interpol.int>, maritime_malaise
> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 09:17:07 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: ISS10441377
> To: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, "Dean.Buzza"
> <Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 09:03:32 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: ISS10441377
> To: info@hermitagefund.com, "flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca"
> <flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "bert. hudon"
> <bert.hudon@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, michael.geller@rbs.com,
> Barbara.Cottam@citizensbank.com, "shahtx(gmail)"<shahtx@gmail.com>,
> "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> "j.kroes"<j.kroes@interpol.int>, oig <oig@sec.gov>
> Cc: "alfred.smithers"<alfred.smithers@fco.gov.uk>,
> MIMEsweeper@fsa.gov.uk, maritme_malaise <maritme_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 08:53:14 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Re: ISS10441377 Perhaps You or your Ambassador in Ottawa
> or Halifax should call me back? 902 800 0369
> To: info@hermitagefund.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: MIMEsweeper@fsa.gov.uk
> Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 16:34:51 +0100 (BST)
> Subject: RE: Re: ISS10441377 Perhaps You or your Ambassador in Ottawa
> or Halifax should call me back? 902 800 0369
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Dear customer,
> Thank you for your email. If your query is urgent, or you think you
> have been contacted by a SCAM do not wait for a reply. Instead, please
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> telephone interview. If you do receive a phone call you are under no
> obligation to complete the survey.  Please rest assured that your
> details will remain confidential and will not be used for any other
> purposes; we are not trying to sell you any financial products or
> service, and no sales call will result from this.
> If you do not wish to take part in any of our surveys, please call the
> Customer Contact Centre on 0845 606 1234 (call rates may vary), or
> email consumer.queries@fsa.gov.uk and we will ensure that your details
> are not passed on to the research agency.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:  sarah.chapman@fsa.gov.uk
> Date Sent: 31/08/2011 16:54:39
> To: Consumer.Queries@fsa.gov.uk
> Subject: RE: ISS10441377
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
> Sent: 28 August 2011 01:40
> To: michael.geller@rbs.com; Barbara.Cottam@citizensbank.com; oig;
> whistleblower; Whistle
> Cc: Dean.Buzza; maritime_malaise
> Subject: Do your people at RBS think I am joking?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 14:08:24 -0300
> Subject: i just called you again Mr O'Donnell perhaps you should review
> the Homestead Act and check your work
> To: registerodonnell@norfolkdeeds.org
> Cc: "Fred.Wyshak"<Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov>, maritime_malaise
> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 13:57:12 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: I just called and tried to reason with you people whilst
> the Stock Markets tumble AGAIN Correct JIM?
> To: Jim.Hughes@citizensbank.com
> Cc: D.Jones@citizensbank.com, oig <oig@sec.gov>, OIG <OIG@ftc.gov>, ir
> <ir@landsbanki.is>, ir <ir@statestreet.com>, jrogers <jrogers@nhpr.org>
> I saw you checking my work on the web now check your bank's malicious
> work in the attachment
> Just Dave
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> Time of Visit   Aug 5 2011 1:38:08 pm
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> Visitor's Time   Aug 5 2011 12:38:08 pm
> Visit Number   14,733
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> Time of Visit   Aug 5 2011 6:39:44 pm
> Last Page View   Aug 5 2011 6:39:44 pm
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> Search Words  amos david madoff
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> Out Click
> Time Zone   UTC-6:00
> Visitor's Time   Aug 5 2011 11:39:44 am
> Visit Number   22,067
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 09:59:29 -0300
> Subject: i just called and tried to reason with you people whilst the
> Stock Markets tumble AGAIN Correct?
> To: david.barry@nbsc-cvmnb.ca, kptummon@gov.pe.ca, obrienhl@gov.ns.ca,
> slattejw@gov.ns.ca, atkinssj@gov.ns.ca, gsinfo@gov.nl.ca,
> harryharding@gov.nl.ca, "terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>,
> "jonesr@cbc.ca"<jonesr@cbc.ca>
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, oig <oig@sec.gov>,
> ministerofstate <ministerofstate@acoa-aperca.gc.ca>, "Dean.Buzza"
> <Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, newsroom <newsroom@telegraphjournal.com>,
> "Barry.MacKnight"<Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>,
> "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>
> Since you won't speak to me, why not talk about your deliberate
> incompetence to the foreign newsmen contacting me?
> csa-acvm-secretariat@acvm-csa.ca
> http://www.nbsc-cvmnb.ca/nbsc/LanguageRH.do?type=english
> http://www.gov.pe.ca/securities/index.php3?number=48628&lang=E
> http://www.gov.ns.ca/nssc/contactnssc.htm
> http://www.gs.gov.nl.ca/
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <myson333@yahoo.com>
> Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 12:04:33 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Ed Here is your ticket to keep you out of hot water Just send
> this to Hugh Grant and he can raise hell for you
> To: ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Byway of the US FTC the Feds in many countries can never deny that they
> did not know the truth long ago
> From: Ed Pilkington <ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk>
> Subject: GUARDIAN
> To: myson333@yahoo.com
> Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 11:42 AM
> hi
> here's my email and my cell number is below
> all best
> Ed
> --
> Ed Pilkington
> New York bureau chief
> The Guardian
> www.guardian.co.uk
> twitter.com/Edpilkington
> Cell: 646 704 1264
> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
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> app www.guardian.co.uk/iphone
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> --- On Tue, 8/2/11, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re Rupert Murdoch and his associates Perhaps Ms Curtis should
> show this email to the actor Hugh Grant
> To: polly.curtis@guardian.co.uk
> Cc: jhenderson@newscorp.com, rnolte@newscorp.com, jdorrego@newscorp.com,
> "maritime_malaise"<maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 2:21 PM
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jul/12/hugh-grant-phone-hacking-inquiry
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: OIG <OIG@ftc.gov>
> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:29:48 -0400
> Subject: RE: I just called again and tried to speak with John Seeba and
> Cynthia Hogue of the FTC
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Mr Amos. I just talked to you.  Our office only has jurisdiction over
> internal matters like if an FTC employee is involved in fraud.  We also
> report to congress to notify them how the FTC utilizes funds.
> What can we do for you?
> Thanks. Zisa Walton
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 4:23 PM
> To: OIG; maritime_malaise
> Cc: Fred. Pretorius; Fred.Wyshak
> Subject: I just called again and tried to speak with John Seeba and
> Cynthia Hogue of the FTC
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:56:13 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp I am on the phone to you right now
> To: jhorner@newscorp.com, teverett@newscorp.com,
> jhenderson@newscorp.com, rnolte@newscorp.com, jdorrego@newscorp.com,
> "Marc.Litt"<Marc.Litt@usdoj.gov>
> Cc: oig <oig@sec.gov>, maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>,
> "Dean.Buzza"<Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> http://www.newscorp.com/management/newscor.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 22:05:59 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp
> To: aarti.maharaj@thecrossbordergroup.com, bpollack@milchev.com,
> emma.gilpin-jacobs@ft.com, saltschuller@foleyhoag.com
> Cc: newsroom <newsroom@wnyc.org>
> http://www.corporatesecretary.com/articles/11949/newscorp-searches-legal
> -help-help-combat-us-lawsuits/
> http://www.corporatesecretary.com/articles/11928/corporate-social-respon
> sibility-and-role-board-directors/
> http://www.csrandthelaw.com/sarah-a-altschuller.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:45:11 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp Opps ol Rupert would be pissed that I
> forgot to send the oh so important attachments
> To: jacques.nasser@bhpbilliton.com, clerks@oeclaw.co.uk,
> asiskind@newscorp.com, investor-relations@bskyb.com,
> investor@newscorp.com, "Rupert.Murdoch@fox.com"
> <Rupert.Murdoch@fox.com>, "James.Murdoch@fox.com"
> <James.Murdoch@fox.com>, Edith Cody-Rice <Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>,
> Jacques Poitras <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, Robert Jones
> <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, Terry Seguin <Terry.Seguin@cbc.ca>, "richard.
> dearden"<richard.dearden@gowlings.com>, maritime_malaise
> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, "Carol.Coristine@cbc.ca"
> <Carol.Coristine@cbc.ca>, "Bob.Kerr@CBC.CA"<danfour@myginch.com>
> Cc: newsdesk@theage.com.au, jbrowning9@bloomberg.net,
> athomson6@bloomberg.net, kwong11@bloomberg.net,
> frank.pingue@thomsonreuters.com, editor <editor@newsday.com>, news-tips
> <news-tips@nytimes.com>, newsonline <newsonline@bbc.co.uk>, newshour
> <newshour@pbs.org>, newsroom <newsroom@theguardian.pe.ca>, Newsroom
> <Newsroom@globeandmail.com>, foreigneditor
> <foreigneditor@independent.co.uk>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Grant.McCool@thomsonreuters.com
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:23:36 -0400
> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser
> Howcome or the trusted lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell
> the Murdochs I was still alive and kicking like hell?
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> I am out of the office until Monday, August 8. I will not be reading
> email until then. Regards
> This email was sent to you by Thomson Reuters, the global news and
> information company. Any views expressed in this message are those of
> the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them
> to be the views of Thomson Reuters.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:23:30 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser Howcome or the
> trusted lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell the Murdochs I
> was still alive and kicking like hell?
> To: jbrowning9@bloomberg.net, athomson6@bloomberg.net,
> kwong11@bloomberg.net, frank.pingue@thomsonreuters.com,
> grant.mccool@thomsonreuters.com, juan.lagorio@thomsonreuters.com,
> vasilescua@sec.gov, friedmani@sec.gov, krishnamurthyp@sec.gov,
> "Dean.Buzza"<Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>,
> newsdesk@theage.com.au, bruce.alec@gmail.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:41:59 -0300
> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser Howcome or the trusted
> lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell the Murdochs I was
> still alive and kicking like hell?
> To: jacques.nasser@bhpbilliton.com, clerks@oeclaw.co.uk,
> asiskind@newscorp.com, investor-relations@bskyb.com,
> investor@newscorp.com, "Rupert.Murdoch@fox.com"
> <Rupert.Murdoch@fox.com>, "James.Murdoch@fox.com"
> <James.Murdoch@fox.com>, Edith Cody-Rice <Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca>,
> Jacques Poitras <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, Robert Jones
> <Robert.Jones@cbc.ca>, Terry Seguin <Terry.Seguin@cbc.ca>, "richard.
> dearden"<richard.dearden@gowlings.com>, maritime_malaise
> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, "Carol.Coristine@cbc.ca"
> <Carol.Coristine@cbc.ca>, "Bob.Kerr@CBC.CA"<Bob.Kerr@cbc.ca>
> Cc: pm@pm.gc.ca, LaytoJ <LaytoJ@parl.gc.ca>, info <info@bobrae.ca>,
> oldmaison@yahoo.com, danfour <danfour@myginch.com>
> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-07-25/bskyb-directors-face-4-2-billio
> n-quandary.html
> Interesting quandary you bskyb dudes have. Seems it just got worse EH Jac?
> Clearly you and I crossed paths bigtime before TWO IMPORTANT elections
> in Canada last year and obviously News Corp and Bloomberg's pal Joel
> Klein's old buddies in the US Justice Dept and the SEC etc pissed me off
> way back in 2002 EH?
> Need I say iIdid not like it when and heard of corrupt cops in seven
> cars pounced on my son and I at 2;30 in the morning about two weeks
> after i received this email from you with the attached letter. Small
> wonder Stevey Boy Harper stopped the BHP take over bid of Potash when he
> could not get th RCMP to shut me up EH?
> BTW the pdf file hereto attached that should refresh Siskind's and
> Jacobs memories can be found here as well the letter you sent to me last
> September
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/60818237/FCC-News-Corp
> Altough my contempt towards greedy publicly held companies is well known
> my desire to expose corrupt law enfocement people is far higher on my
> list of offensive things. If old Rupert were wise and his son is clever
> perhaps they should have somebody finally call me back ASAP.
> Perhap Ruper Murdoch can figure how to deal with an honest man ethically
> for the benefit of many shareholders and the chagrin of the SEC and
> Barack Obama EH?
> News Corp has the media and I have the evidence. Why not pretend I am
> Monte Hall and lets make a deal for the benefit of all. Try leaving the
> dark side and ignoring your crooked lawyers for a change. What say you
> Rupert? Dickens wrote books about such things.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> The links to newsrags etc at the bottom of this email prove that
> obviously I have been reading many things lately. Your lawyers should
> study some of my work within this one email alone As you well know i
> will be forwarding this email to many people in short order.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:36:47 -0300
> Subject: RE the Email from BHP Billiton's Chairman Perhaps your lawyers
> and I should talk ASAP? 902 800 0369
> To: Jane.McAloon@bhpbilliton.com
> Cc: jacques.nasser@bhpbilliton.com
> Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS
> Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in
> July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as Company
> Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited.
> Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon held
> the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and
> Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She previously
> held various State and Commonwealth government positions, including
> Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities and Deputy
> Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as working in
> private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered
> Secretaries.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)"<Susan.J.Collins@bhpbilliton.com>
> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000
> Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP
> Billiton
> Susan Collins
> Company Secretariat
> BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia
> T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290
> E: susan.j.collins@bhpbilliton.comjane.mcaloon@bhpbilliton.com>
> <>
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM
>> To: pr@potashcorp.com; Podwika@potashcorp.com;
>> fosterd@bennettjones.ca; corporate.relations@potashcorp.com;
>> lgold.blcanada@b-l.com; shawn. graham; David.ALWARD@gnb.ca;
>> krisaustin; jacques_poitras@cbc.ca; cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca;
>> tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com; nmiller@corridor.ca;
>> bruce.northrup@gnb.ca; atlbf@nb.aibn.com; akapoor@globeandmail.com;
>> nmacadam@globeandmail.com; vepp@globeandmail.com;
>> potash@mackenziepartners.com; contactus@kingsdaleshareholder.com;
>> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre;
>> mclellana@bennettjones.com; MooreR; danfour; oldmaison@yahoo.com;
>> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn
>> Cc: wcoady; michel.desneiges@sade-els.org; producers@stu.ca;
>> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques
>> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack
>> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before
>> you people buy much stock in their stock eh?
>> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my
>> issues again about  the exploitation of our natural resources to a
>> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto
>> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie
>> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and
>> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many
>> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369
>> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's
>> now)
>> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential
>> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spilling the beans
>> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that
>> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians
>> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
> This message and any attached files may contain information that is
> confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use by
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> forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information therein. If you have
> received this message in error please notify the sender immediately and
> delete the message.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:05:02 -0300
> Subject: Mr Lee I just called you from 902 800 0369 after listening to
> you on CAPAC last night perhaps we should talk ASAP
> To: ian_lee@carleton.ca
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> First and foremost do you see Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day he
> thanked me for the info?  I ask again where did the transcripts and
> webcasts go not long after I made the congressman Ron Paul and legions
> of others well aware of their existence as he bitched about such things
> whle running for the GOP endorcement to run for president in 2007? For
> the PUBLIC Record the records of the hearings were deleted in late fall
> 2007 just as all the subprime morigages began to smell bad.
> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&H
> earing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
> Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in particular
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-tx
> t.pdf
> Then read ths old email exchange
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.ht
> ml
> Get it? If not call me will ya?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 22:56:05 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Wheras ol Whitey Bulger is now in custody Perhaps the FEDS
> should review this old file ASAP EH Assange?
> To: jcarney@carneybassil.com, "jacques.boucher"
> <jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov,
> "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> "Wayne.Lang"<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, dean <dean@law.ualberta.ca>,
> Daniel.Conley@massmail.state.ma.us, dboeri@wbur.bu.edu,
> wburnews@wbmur.org, birgittajoy <birgittajoy@gmail.com>, "Julian
> Assange)"<editor@wikileaks.org>, "Bathurst, News Max"
> <maxnews@astral.com>, "mckeen.randy"<mckeen.randy@gmail.com>, "Frank.
> McKenna"<Frank.McKenna@td.com>, "mclaughlin.heather"
> <mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com>
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, danfour
> <danfour@myginch.com>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
> editorial <editorial@thedailybeast.com>, "terry.seguin"
> <terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, nickysbirdy <nickysbirdy@yahoo.ca>, webo
> <webo@xplornet.com>, "Loiseau, Frederic"
> <frederic.loiseau@fredericton.ca>, "Barry.MacKnight"
> <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>
> http://www.wbur.org/2011/07/06/bulger-arraignment
> http://carneybassil.com/team/carney/
> From: magicJack <voicemail@notify.magicjack.com>
> Subject: New VM (16) - 0:47 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from
> 7097728272
> Date: Monday, July 4, 2011, 6:16 AM
> Dear magicJack User:
> You received a new 0:47 minutes voicemail message, on Monday, July 04,
> 2011 at 09:16:24 AM in mailbox 902 800 0369 from 709 772 8272.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 20:02:45 -0300
> Subject: Wheras ol Whitey Bulger is now in custody Perhaps the FEDS
> should review this file ASAP?
> To: "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> "Wayne.Lang"<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, dean <dean@law.ualberta.ca>,
> maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
> "greg.preston"<greg.preston@police.edmonton.ab.ca>, acampbell
> <acampbell@ctv.ca>, LaytoJ <LaytoJ@parl.gc.ca>, godiny
> <godiny@parl.gc.ca>, Ashfik1a <Ashfik1a@parl.gc.ca>
> Cc: "terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>, danfour <danfour@myginch.com>,
> "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "richard. dearden"
> <richard.dearden@gowlings.com>
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
> Beginning on page 56 All of Whitey's lawyers will get the jitters
> Notice Andrew Bulger?
> http://www.bostonmagazine.com/articles/the_martyrdom_of_john_connolly/pa
> ge4
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 19:18:17 -0300
> Subject: Thanx for the call back
> To: dboeri@wbur.bu.edu
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 13:35:19 -0300
> Subject: "He looks forward to facing the charges against him," said
> Bulger lawyer Peter Krupp
> To: pkrupp@luriekrupp.com
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, "Daniel.Conley"
> <Daniel.Conley@massmail.state.ma.us>, "Daniel.Conley"
> <Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 09:43:17 -0300
> Subject: Thanx for listening to me I will call WBUR's David Boeri in
> short order (617 353 1059)
> To: wburnews@wbur.org, maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> Cc: Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov, oldmaison@yahoo.com, danfour
> <danfour@myginch.com>, "jonesr@cbc.ca"<jonesr@cbc.ca>
> I called and tried to talk to David Boeri because of what he said
> recently within this video and what he wrote about Whitey na the Feds
> over the years
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8mQTMZts0U
> http://www.wbur.org/contact
> FYI After I called a lot of parliamentarians, the RCMP and the FBI I
> noticed this hit on a blog about me this morning. I have no doubt the
> following emails is what they were reading so I called Fred Wyshak and
> read him the riot act once again byway of his voicemail within the US
> Attorney's Office and then called the WBUR newsroom
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/04/david-amos-nb-nwo-whistleblower
> -part-3.html
> QSLS Politics
> By Location  Visit Detail
> Visit 21,300
> Domain Name   (Unknown)
> IP Address   98.27.50.# (Unknown Organization)
> ISP   Unknown ISP
> Location   Continent  :  Unknown
> Country  :  Unknown
> Lat/Long  :  unknown
> Language   English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System   Macintosh MacOSX
> Browser   Safari 1.3
> Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us)
> AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148
> Safari/6533.18.5
> Javascript   version 1.5
> Monitor   Resolution  :  768 x 1024
> Color Depth  :  32 bits
> Time of Visit   Jun 26 2011 4:45:39 am
> Last Page View   Jun 26 2011 4:45:39 am
> Visit Length   0 seconds
> Page Views   1
> Referring URL  http://www.google.co...1xsTVXbAU1_dhPR2fb0w
> Search Engine  google.com
> Search Words  fred wyshak
> Visit Entry Page   http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-3.html
> Visit Exit Page   http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-3.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone   UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time   Jun 25 2011 10:45:39 pm
> Visit Number   21,300
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Date: Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2:09 PM
> Subject: Attn Fred Wyshak and Stockwell Day Here is some proof that I
> was not joking with you last week
> To: Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov, USAMA.MEDIA@usdoj.gov, W-Five@ctv.ca,
> day.s@parl.gc.ca, "Harper.S@parl.gc.ca"Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, "Duceppe.
> G"Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, dions1@parl.gc.ca, "layton. j"
> Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, "lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca"
> lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, "fbinhct@leo.gov"fbinhct@leo.gov,
> webo@xplornet.com, "wally.stiles@gnb.ca"wally.stiles@gnb.ca
> Cc: josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, "moore.r@parl.gc.ca"
> moore.r@parl.gc.ca, kmearn@townofmilton.org, kmunro@yahoo-inc.com, Ryan
> Johnson nelsonresisters@gmail.com, Alfonso Carcamo
> alfonso@canucklinks.com, robin reid zorroboy@live.com, Byron Prior
> alltrue@nl.rogers.com, "t.j.burke@gnb.ca"t.j.burke@gnb.ca,
> thompson.g@parl.gc.ca, townhall@town.woodstock.nb.ca,
> ted.tax@justice.gc.ca, townofsussex@sussex.ca, "thibault.
> r"Thibault.R@parl.gc.ca, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"oldmaison@yahoo.com,
> "bruce.noble@fredericton.ca"bruce.noble@fredericton.ca,
> "faye.rammage@pcnb.org"faye.rammage@pcnb.org, Dan Fitzgerald
> danf@danf.net, "danny.copp@fredericton.ca"danny.copp@fredericton.ca>
> Some of the docments within this file are signed by your boss the US
> Attorney Michael Sullivan and it was me he was trying to argue about a
> great deal of money as he covered up for the actions of corrupt US
> Treasury Agents Correct?
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2619437/CROSS-BORDER-
> And this is a true copy of one of many American Polce surveilance
> wiretap tapes that I have in my pssession many law enforcement
> authorities in Canada and the USA have received and acknowledged
> Correct?
> http://www.archive.org/details/PoliceSurveilanceWiretapTape139
> Who the Hell do you think chucked them in the garbage in Boston many
> years ago? Here is your clue.
> http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2008/09/16/conno
> lly_portrayed_as_corrupt_agent/?page=full
> Furthermore Didn't Connoly tell the bartender's daughter Whitey Bulger
> buried some of his victims just outsife Yarmouth in the crooked
> politician Robert Thibault's riding in Nova Scotia?
> Must I sue you too Fred???
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 4:20 PM
> Subject: Hey Fred Wyshak Say hey to your boss the US Attorney Michael J.
> Sullivan for me will ya? In return I will say hey to Callahan's family
> for you, Deal?
> To: Fred.Wyshak@usdoj.gov, USAMA.MEDIA@usdoj.gov, w-five W-Five@ctv.ca,
> "
> t.j.burke@gnb.ca"t.j.burke@gnb.ca, oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com, "
> bruce.northrup@gnb.ca"bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, "bev.harrison@gnb.ca"
> bev.harrison@gnb.ca, "bruce.noble@fredericton.ca"
> bruce.noble@fredericton.ca, bmosher@mosherchedore.ca
> Cc: "moore.r@parl.gc.ca"moore.r@parl.gc.ca, "
> william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "
> ken.cook@fredericton.ca"ken.cook@fredericton.ca, "
> Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca"Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca,
> kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, kmearn@townofmilton.org, kmunro@yahoo-inc.com, "
> wayne.steeves@gnb.ca"wayne.steeves@gnb.ca, "wally.stiles@gnb.ca"
> wally.stiles@gnb.ca, josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, Ryan Johnson
> nelsonresisters@gmail.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Raymond Amos noreply-comment@blogger.com
> Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:49 PMy Hey to
> Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Just Dave.
> To: David.Raymond.Amos@gmail.com
> David Raymond Amos http://www.blogger.com/profile/06553336660119659315
> has left a new comment on the post "Just Dave
> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/2006/04/just-dave.html?ext-ref=comm-sub-email":
> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:47 PM
> Subject: Attn Willi Burgess perhaps you should read what i just posted
> in my blog or other people's wesites
> To: j.ford@shaw.ca, newbobjoy@shaw.ca, donna.clarkson@shaw.ca,
> edphclarke@shaw.ca, tkiers@shaw.ca, kristiansen@shaw.ca,
> chalko@liberalalberta.ca, info@timuppal.ca, info@voterona.ca,
> RajotJ1@parl.gc.ca, info@mikelake.ca, info@brentrathgeber.com,
> info@voterahimjaffer.com, info@lauriehawn.ca, info@petergoldring.com,
> info@votejasonkenney.ca, info@jimprentice.ca, info@votedianeablonczy.ca,
> info@votelee.ca, info@reelectdeepakobhrai.com, info@devindershory.com,
> info@robanders.com, info@robmerrifield.ca, info@kevinsorenson.ca,
> blake@voteblake.ca, info@blainecalkins.ca, info@brianstorseth.ca,
> info@voteleonbenoit.ca, earl.dreeshen@shaw.ca,
> vote4warkentin@canada.com, vote4ted@tedmenzies.ca, casson@rickcasson.ca,
> info@brianjean.ca
> Cc: lindaduncan@ndp.ca, daveburkhart@ndp.ca, chughes@albertandp.ca,
> barbphillips@ndp.ca, nevc@shaw.ca, anand47@yahoo.com, hanarazga@ndp.ca,
> pricerg@telus.net, raymartin@ndp.ca, braunmw@telusplanet.net,
> donnamartyn@shaw.ca, cameronwakefield@shaw.ca, marie.read@greenparty.ca
> My concerns are far from confidential never mind what I know about
> BANKERS and the US Treasury Dept etc
> MURDER is a capital crime CORRECT? Connoly the ex FBI Agent's long
> delayed trial started today and I am the guy with the wiretap tapes that
> he threw out long ago. Why the Hell do you think I took such a chance
> with the corrupt RCMP last week and recorded me serving a copy of one
> wiretap tape upon them in Youtube before your boss Stevey Boy Harper had
> his buddy the Governor General drop the writ?
> Scroll down you will see that I am no liar. I posted this email there as
> well.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> Just Dave By Location
> *Visit Detail**
> Visit 5,486*
> Domain Name verizon.net
> IP Address 71.184.227.# (Verizon Internet Services)
> ISP Verizon Internet Services
> Location
> Continent : North America
> Country : United States
> State : Massachusetts
> City : Winchester Lat/Long : 42.4547, -71.1502 (Map)
> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows
> NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR
> 3.0.04506)
> Javascript version 1.3
> Monitor
> Resolution : 1152 x 864
> Color Depth : 32 bits
> Time of Visit Sep 15 2008 3:06:40 pm
> Last Page View Sep 15 2008 3:06:40 pm
> Visit Length 0 seconds
> Page Views 1
> Referring URL http://www.google.co...ess winchester%2C ma
> Search Engine google.com
> Search Words "john b. callahan" address winchester, ma
> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html
> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time Sep 15 2008 2:06:40 pm
> Visit Number 5,486
> FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
> Senator Arlen Specter
> United States Senate
> Committee on the Judiciary
> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
> Washington, DC 20510
> Dear Mr. Specter:
> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named,
> David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in
> the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are
> illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with
> you about this previously.
> Very truly yours,
> Barry A. Bachrach
> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
> Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/60818237/FCC-News-Corp
> http://www.newscorp.com/news/news_499.html
> http://www.oeclaw.co.uk/contact.asp
> http://corporate.sky.com/about_sky/our_board_and_management/board.htm
> http://www.businessinsider.com/newscorp-loses-general-counsel-when-ruper
> t-murdoch-needs-legal-help-the-most-2011-7
> http://www.corporatesecretary.com/articles/11943/governance-issue-may-lo
> om-newscorp/
> http://www.corporatesecretary.com/articles/11949/newscorp-searches-legal
> -help-help-combat-us-lawsuits/
> http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/politics/66-want-murdoch-to-sell-bsky
> b-shares-1.1113963
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/09/business/media/09newscorp.html
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/24/business/media/joel-klein-ex-schools-c
> hief-leads-internal-news-corp-inquiry.html
> http://www.newscorp.com/news/news_499.html
> http://corporate.sky.com/about_sky/our_board_and_management/board.htm#9d
> 3732f5b0f343aaab547a63163df246
> http://www.newscorp.com/corp_gov/bod.html
> http://www.newscorp.com/news/news_228.html
> http://www.deadline.com/2011/06/surprise-at-news-corp-general-counsel-la
> wrence-jacobs-leaves/
> http://www.thesoaprevolution.com/documents/SOSFOXCONTACTS.pdf
> We would ask you to treat any communication from us as confidentially
> as you would want us to treat communication from you.  If you are not
> an intended recipient, please notify postmaster@fsa.gov.uk
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> intended nor should it be taken to create any legal relations,
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> Registered as a Limited Company in England and Wales No.1920623.
> Registered Office as above
> Switchboard: 020 7066 1000
> Web Site:   http://www.fsa.gov.uk
> This communication and any attachments contains information which is
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> The FSA reserves the right to monitor all email communications for
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> This email is not intended to nor should it be taken to create any
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> Registered Office as above
> Switchboard: 020 7066 1000
> Web Site: http://www.fsa.gov.uk
> *****************************************************************
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <myson333@yahoo.com>
> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 07:09:06 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Lets see if the folks in Estonia receive this email
> To: tonis.saar@riigikontroll.ee, David Amos <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, davidc.coon@gmail.com,
> leader@greenparty.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:19:52 -0300
> Subject: I am calling Environmental Auditing In Estonia right now
> To: tonis.saar@riigikontroll.ee, kaire.keskula@riigikontroll.ee,
> tuuli.rasso@riigikontroll.ee, margit.lassi@riigikontroll.ee
> Cc: maritme_malaise <maritme_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> http://www.environmental-auditing.org/Default.aspx?tabid=198
> http://www.environmental-auditing.org/tabid/127/CountryId/406/Default.aspx
> QSLS Politics
> By Location  Visit Detail
> Visit 23,153
> Domain Name   (Unknown)
> IP Address   161.203.19.# (U.S. General Accounting Office)
> ISP   U.S. General Accounting Office
> Location   Continent  :  North America
> Country  :  United States  (Facts)
> State  :  District of Columbia
> City  :  Washington
> Lat/Long  :  38.8981, -77.0177 (Map)
> Language   English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
> Browser   Internet Explorer 7.0
> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727;
> .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
> Javascript   version 1.3
> Monitor   Resolution  :  1280 x 1024
> Color Depth  :  32 bits
> Time of Visit   Sep 27 2011 6:42:04 pm
> Last Page View   Sep 27 2011 6:42:04 pm
> Visit Length   0 seconds
> Page Views   1
> Referring URL  http://www.google.co...rtIndex=&startPage=1
> Search Engine  google.com
> Search Words  david raymond amos, madhoff
> Visit Entry Page   http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
> Visit Exit Page   http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone   UTC-5:00
> Visitor's Time   Sep 27 2011 12:42:04 pm
> Visit Number   23,153
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:07:03 -0300
> Subject: Mr Baconfat I am not surprised that Shaw and and the RCMP
> support your malice
> To: maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca, danfour <danfour@myginch.com>,
> gretchenf@sierraclub.ca, tracy@jatam.org, todd@forestethics.com,
> raffej0@parl.gc.ca, dodarog@gao.gov, elsteins@gao.gov,
> daltonp@gao.gov, "davidc.coon"<davidc.coon@gmail.com>, we
> <leader@greenparty.ca>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
> thepurplevioletpress <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com>,
> "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, info@wgea.org
> Cc: investor.relations@sjrb.ca, "Gilles. Blinn"
> <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Raf.Souccar"
> <Raf.Souccar@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"
> <william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Wayne.Lang"
> <Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, chiefape <chiefape@gmail.com>,
> "Barry.MacKnight"<Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>, "Loiseau,
> Frederic"<frederic.loiseau@fredericton.ca>,
> freddybeachsleuth@gmail.com, porcupine007 <porcupine007@gmail.com>
> Nothing much surprises me anymore and you can always expect a lawyer
> or a cop to ignore the law. Hell everybody knows the Shaws can be
> every bit as nasty and greedy as you are. The fact that their Fat
> Daddy is on the board of directors of Suncor is a very telling thing
> to me. Harper and everybody else wants to shut me up before ethical
> enviromentalists start checking my work EH? Thats why i contacted the
> people based in Estonia
> http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/jim-shaws-16000-a-day-pension/article1913638/
> Hell I watched Shaw's legal dept check me out on the web before they
> called me then the weasels played as dumb as post on their speaker
> phone I got tired of their nonsense and hung up. I will explain your
> death threats etc real slow to the Publicly Held Company and the CROWN
> in a couple of courts ( I suspect that many people will want to sue
> Shaw and the RCMP and You because of your Blog)I bet this happens long
> before you quit boozing to much and sending mindless threats and
> writing incredible slander
> QSLS Politics
> By Location  Visit Detail
> Visit 23,152
> Domain Name   (Unknown)
> IP Address   204.209.209.# (Shaw Communications)
> ISP   Shaw Communications
> Location   Continent  :  North America
> Country  :  Canada  (Facts)
> State/Region  :  Alberta
> City  :  Calgary
> Lat/Long  :  51.0833, -114.0833 (Map)
> Language   English (U.S.) en-us
> Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
> Browser   Internet Explorer 8.0
> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0;
> chromeframe/14.0.835.186; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET
> CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.1)
> Javascript   version 1.3
> Monitor   Resolution  :  1440 x 900
> Color Depth  :  32 bits
> Time of Visit   Sep 27 2011 4:47:02 pm
> Last Page View   Sep 27 2011 4:47:02 pm
> Visit Length   0 seconds
> Page Views   1
> Referring URL  http://www.google.ca...NEJ2IL7cj1xsTVXbAU1_
> Search Engine  google.ca
> Search Words  david amos new brunswick
> Visit Entry Page   http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-3.html
> Visit Exit Page   http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-3.html
> Out Click
> Time Zone   UTC-7:00
> Visitor's Time   Sep 27 2011 8:47:02 am
> Visit Number   23,152
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 04:59:05 -0600
> Subject: Re: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other folks
> know of your evil blog and your IP address
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> save the world....kill your kids and then blow your brains out!  bang!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:47 pm
> Subject: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other folks know
> of your evil blog and your IP address
> To: sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, "Barry.MacKnight"
> <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>, Dean Ray <deanray98@yahoo.ca>, dean
> Ray <deanr0032@hotmail.com>, "Dean.Buzza"<Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> "dean.law"<dean.law@mcgill.ca>, dean <dean@law.ualberta.ca>,
> thepurplevioletpress <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com>,
> "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, danfour
> <danfour@myginch.com>, webo <webo@xplonet.com>, tracy
> <tracy@jatam.org>, tony <tony@peoplestandup.ca>, "Wayne.Lang"
> <Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, chiefape@gmail.com, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>
> Cc: "Gilles. Blinn"<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, maritime_malaise
> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, "jacques.boucher"
> <jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
>> Proof of the pudding N'esy Pas Gilles Blinn and Jacques Boucher?
>> http://mindprod.com/jgloss/spam.html
>> Obvious Shaw knows where to send their bills and the RCMP know
>> how to get a warrant. What you must ponder is whether or not they do
>> their do  I know where you live as well EH pervert?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 13:35:21 -0300
> Subject: Attn Mr JR Shaw and Mr Gene Dodaro I am on the phone to your
> offices right now
> To: dodarog@gao.gov, elsteins@gao.gov, daltonp@gao.gov,
> maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, danfour
> <danfour@myginch.com>, gretchenf <gretchenf@sierraclub.ca>, tracy
> <tracy@jatam.org>, todd <todd@forestethics.com>
> Cc: investor.relations@sjrb.ca, raffej0 <raffej0@parl.gc.ca>,
> "Raf.Souccar"<Raf.Souccar@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> If nothing else this email should prove that it is not a crank call
> even though I have every right to be very cranky.
> http://www.shaw.ca/Corporate/Investors/Senior-Leadership/
> http://www.environmental-auditing.org/tabid/127/CountryId/406/Default.aspx
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> Perhaps the U.S. Government Accountability Office should check this
> email exchange first before they atempt to dismiss my concerns.
> From: Gary Aguirre <gary@aguirrelawfirm.com>
> Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 07:18:07 +0200
> Subject: RE: Mr Aguirre I just called from 902 800 0369
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Dear Mr. Amos:
> I will be back in the US after Labor Day and will look over the
> material you forwarded at that time.
> Regards,
> Gary Aguirre
> The Aguirre Law Firm
> 501 W. Broadway, Suite 800
> San Diego, CA 92101
> Tel: 619-400-4960
> Fax: 619-501-7072
> www.aguirrelawfirm.com
> This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the individuals to which
> it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged,
> confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
> Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the
> attorney-client or any other privilege. If you have received this
> communication in error, please do not distribute it and notify us
> immediately by email to maria@aguirrelawfirm.com
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 21:14:11 -0300
> Subject: Mr Aguirre I just called from 902 800 0369
> To: Gary@aguirrelawfirm.com
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>,
> NYAG.Pressoffice@oag.state.ny.us, "matt.taibbi"
> <matt.taibbi@rollingstone.com>
> FYI I am the unamed Whistleblower that Mr Nester of the SEC mentioned
> in 2009 who is the link from Putnam investments and Madoff matter
> To support , my allegations first and foremost Eric Schneiderman
> should see that Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day he thanked me
> for the info in November of 2003.
>  Please notice the transcripts and webcasts went of th Senate hearings
> "poof' not long after I made the congressman Ron Paul and legions of
> others well aware of their existence as he bitched about such things
> whilst running for the GOP endorsement to run for president in 2007.
> The records of the hearings were deleted in late fall 2007 just as all
> the subprime mortgages began to smell bad.
> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
> Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in particular
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt.pdf
> BTW I just discovered you and your client Darcy Flynn byway of these
> news reports
> http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/nyts-dealbook-comes-to-the-secs-defense-20110823
> "My first clue came when I called the SEC before the story came out
> and asked them about the allegations by SEC attorney/whistleblower
> Darcy Flynn. I sent them a detailed questionnaire, both about the
> document disposal and the mini cover-up among SEC higher-ups like
> former Goldman executive Adam Storch (who was not sure he should "take
> on this exposure voluntarily," because the SEC FOIA officer told him
> there "might be criminal liability"). Then, when I called back, I
> expected them to deny the whole thing and trash Flynn as an unreliable
> disgruntled employee.
> They did none of that. Instead, to my amazement, SEC spokesperson John
> Nester copped to the document destruction right away when I got him on
> the phone. When I asked him how long it had been going on, Nester not
> only offered that it had been "at least the early nineties," but
> volunteered, without my even asking about it, that he couldn't be sure
> it hadn't "always been the policy." He didn't deny any of Flynn's
> allegations at all. It was a very weird call - I kept waiting for the
> other shoe to drop, and it never did."
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/18/business/sec-illegally-destroyed-documents-whistle-blower-alleges.html
> http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/is-the-sec-covering-up-wall-street-crimes-20110817
> http://aguirrelawfirm.com/lawyer/Gary-Aguirre_cp3221.htm
> I can be found all over the web as well but I am latgely mentioned by
> people trying hard to impeach my character. However it is the
> docmentation that is truly important not the malicious spin on them.
> A portion of the email below can be found within the following link or
> simply Google Amos and Madoff and anyone can find it
> This is not my blog
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> Notice Mr Nestor of the SEC?
> These are more informative blogs of his about me
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/04/david-amos-nb-nwo-whistleblower-part-3.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:38:13 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Does John JcCallum read anything or does he just write
> letters to the Interim Auditor General?
> To: stuetzgg@oag-bvg.gc.ca, kimberley.leach@oag-bvg.gc.ca,
> "terry.seguin"<terry.seguin@cbc.ca>
> Cc: info@wgea.org, maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>,
> birgittajoy <birgittajoy@gmail.com>, birgir <birgir@althingi.is>
> http://www.environmental-auditing.org/tabid/127/CountryId/405/Default.aspx
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:31:34 -0300
> Subject: Fwd: Does John JcCallum read anything or does he just write
> letters to the Interim Auditor General?
> To: wiersej@oag-bvg.gc.ca
> Cc: "william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"<william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
> Clemet1 <Clemet1@parl.gc.ca>, maritime_malaise
> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:14:40 -0300
> Subject: Does John mcCallum read anything or does he just right
> letters to the Interim Auditor General?
> To: John@johnmccallum.ca, John.McCallum@parl.gc.ca
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, stoffp1
> <stoffp1@parl.gc.ca>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:01:31 -0300
> Subject: Yo Mr Baconfat you and Kenny Baby Zielke should call Shaw
> (888 262 1484) mention Complaint # 1857598
> To: Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"
> <Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "bob.rae"
> <bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>, nichor <nichor@parl.gc.ca>, toewsv1
> <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, "greg.weston"<greg.weston@cbc.ca>
> Cc: investor.relations@sjrb.ca, maritime_malaise
> <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, chiefape <chiefape@gmail.com>, danfour
> <danfour@myginch.com>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
> "Wayne.Lang"<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Barry.MacKnight"
> <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>, thepurplevioletpress
> <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com>, "Jacques.Poitras"
> <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, raffej0 <raffej0@parl.gc.ca>,
> "Nycole.Turmel"<Nycole.Turmel@parl.gc.ca>
> BTW Mr Baconfat Harper and everybody else knows for a fact YOU are the Joke.
> Methinks you should review your own work when yo sober up sometime.
> Clearly in June of 2004 whilst I was running as an Independent against
> the corrupt liberals and the evil consevatives you admitted in the
> Edmonton Journal that you were mad at Martin and his fellow crooks but
> terrified of Stevey Boy Harper and his Fanboyz in Blue because they
> wanted in on the War on Iraq amongst other things. Seems that if you
> were even remotely sincere we may have agreed about a few things at
> one time CORRECT?
> http://ensign.ftlcomm.com/editorials/LTE/thornton/thorntonlist/thornton_200/thornton215/LTEwinters.pdf
> However five years later while you were threatening to kill my kids
> and I you were even bragging that you were one of the 24 Canadian
> Officers who went from the DND HQ to SOCOM in Tampa to plan the War on
> Iraq in 2002??? If you were ever a soldier you should know the job
> title of the people you purportedly answered to over the years is
> Minister of Defense NOT ATTACK. SO Who attacked us and when?
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2009/08/what-does-amerika-truther-movment-god.html
> in 2010 after I had proved to many that I had taken up your Obvious
> Treason with the DND and the Military Police  etc you republish your
> malice and then raise the stakes about Israel etc while Layton and his
> mindless minions ignore everything including what you published about
> them for years.
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010/06/canada-and-united-states.html
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010_06_01_archive.html
> All the politicians played as dumb as posts until 2011 then they
> suddenly find Harper in contempt of parliament. After the wicked
> election was history I reminded the CBC that I am still alive and
> paying attention not long after they started writng about what my
> former friends in Wikileaks had released about the exact same thing
> then everybody and his dog shuts up and the RCMP attack me bigtime
> once again. (Scroll down before you attempt to call me a liar again)
> http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/news/story/2011/05/15/weston-iraq-invasion-wikileaks.html
> All that said Mr Baconfat you certainly cannot deny that I made you
> quit blogging last Xmass. I just busted you in front of your Zionist
> Butt Buddies and forever proved you to be the plagarist that you truly
> are and you immediately deleted some of the stolen work and quit
> blogging while falsely claiming you flew off to the Zionist's so call
> "Promised Land"
> Shaw, the RCMP and their pals in Cybertip have been fully informed of
> your wrongful actions against my family and friends and many others
> since you began in 2009. Instead of them acting within the scope of
> their employment and having you prosecuted they allowed you to
> continue and attacked me instead. They all deserve to be sued ASAP
> particularly after my conversation with a lot of mindless dudes
> yesterday. The dude in Shaw thought your work and that of your buddy
> Dean Roger Ray was appaulling and clearly illegal but they were not
> going to do a thing about it anyway. So I CALLED THEIR LAWYERS AND
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> From: magicJack <voicemail@notify.magicjack.com>
> Subject: New VM (9) - 0:32 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 4037504500
> Date: Monday, September 26, 2011, 2:39 PM
> Dear magicJack User:
> You received a new 0:32 minutes voicemail message, on Monday,
> September 26, 2011 at 05:39:28 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from
> 4037504500.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: BARRY WINTERS <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>
> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 14:29:08 -0600
> Subject: Re: Fwd: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other
> folks know of your evil blog and your IP address
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> "Harper knows" and I know YOU ARE A JOKE
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:56 pm
> Subject: Fwd: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other folks
> know of your evil blog and your IP address
> To: investor.relations@sjrb.ca, Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>,
> ezra <ezra@westernstandard.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "Nycole.Turmel"
> <Nycole.Turmel@parl.gc.ca>, danfour <danfour@myginch.com>, chiefape
> <chiefape@gmail.com>, nichor <nichor@parl.gc.ca>
> Cc: "Wayne.Lang"<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, toewsv1
> <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>, maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
>> Mtr Harper knows that I am not joking
>> Just Dave
>> By Location  Visit Detail
>> Visit 15,091
>> Domain Name   (Unknown)
>> IP Address   199.212.215.# (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE)
>> Location   Continent  :  North America
>> Country  :  Canada  (Facts)
>> State/Region  :  Ontario
>> City  :  Ottawa
>> Lat/Long  :  45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
>> Language   English (Canada)en-ca
>> Operating System   Microsoft WinXP
>> Browser   Internet Explorer 8.0
>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
>> CLR 2.0.50727)
>> Javascript   version 1.3
>> Monitor   Resolution  :  1344 x 840
>> Color Depth  :  32 bits
>> Time of Visit   Sep 22 2011 2:55:16 pm
>> Last Page View   Sep 22 2011 2:55:16 pm
>> Visit Length   0 seconds
>> Page Views   1
>> Referring URL  http://www.bing.com/...earchBox&Form=IE8SRC
>> Search Engine  bing.com
>> Search Words  harper retains consultant 90 000
>> Visit Entry Page   http://davidamos.blo...per-and-
>> bankers.htmlVisit Exit Page
>> http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.html
>> Out Click
>> Time Zone   UTC-5:00
>> Visitor's Time   Sep 22 2011 1:55:16 pm
>> Visit Number   15,091
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 15:47:16 -0300
>> Subject: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other folks know
>> of your evil blog and your IP address
>> To: sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, "Barry.MacKnight"
>> <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>, Dean Ray
>> <deanray98@yahoo.ca>, dean
>> Ray <deanr0032@hotmail.com>, "Dean.Buzza">> grc.gc.ca>,"dean.law"<dean.law@mcgill.ca>, dean
>> <dean@law.ualberta.ca>,thepurplevioletpress
>> <thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com>,"Jacques.Poitras"
>> <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, danfour
>> <danfour@myginch.com>, webo <webo@xplonet.com>, tracy
>> <tracy@jatam.org>, tony <tony@peoplestandup.ca>, "Wayne.Lang"
>> <Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, chiefape@gmail.com,
>> "CAGCpcuqVQiXGgiBzLS7HyE+tyyPaVjPsR+ZhC3P7N7Kjc4mZ4g@mail.gmail.com>Content-type:
>> multipart/alternative; boundary=--6277dcec1a1b555c74063
>> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>> ----6277dcec1a1b555c74063
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> Content-Disposition: inline
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>> See you next week ....wave to me  bang
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:06 am
>> Subject: Yo Mr Ruby just how dumb are your fans such as the Mad Apes
>> (anarchists) lurking in the alleys around Fat Fred City?
>> To: chiefape <chiefape@gmail.com>, "ruby@ruby-edwardh.com,
>> SGTreport@gmail.com. abuse@bankofamerica.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com"
>> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "Wayne.Lang"<Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
>> "Barry.MacKnight"<Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>, nbpolitico
>> <nbpolitico@gmail.com>, nbpc <nbpc@gnb.ca>,
>> "

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Amos"<david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
To: <Ruth.Ross@christianlegalfellowship.org>;
<thannigan@ropesgray.com>; <csu@jesuits.ca>; <plocatelli@scu.edu>;
<elliottx@nb.sympatico.ca>; <bishop@dioceseofsaintjohn.org>;
<nenprvsj@bc.edu>; <curia@sjcuria.org>; <tsmolich@calprov.org>;
<noprovsj@norprov.org>; <moprov@jesuits-mis.org>; <nykprov@nysj.org>;
<oregonprov@nwjesuits.org>; <wisprov@jesuitswisprov.org>;
<sjdet@aol.com>; <chgprov@jesuits-chi.org>; <joseph.herlihy.1@bc.edu>;
Cc: "IgnatM"<IgnatM@parl.gc.ca>; "pm"<pm@pm.gc.ca>;
<oldmaison@yahoo.com>; "danfour"<danfour@myginch.com>; "Richard
Harris"<injusticecoalition@hotmail.com>; "advocacycollective"
<advocacycollective@yahoo.com>; "krisaustin"<krisaustin@panb.org>;
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:49 PM
Subject: "From a little spark may burst a mighty flame." Dante from
The Divine Comedy

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Ruth.Ross@christianlegalfellowship.org
Cc: thannigan@ropesgray.com ; csu@jesuits.ca ;
robmoore@atrueconservative.ca ; Correspondance Deputy Prime
Minister/Vice premier ministre ; plocatelli@scu.edu ;
elliottx@nb.sympatico.ca ; bishop@dioceseofsaintjohn.org ;
nenprvsj@bc.edu ; curia@sjcuria.org ; tsmolich@calprov.org ;
noprovsj@norprov.org ; moprov@jesuits-mis.org ; nykprov@nysj.org ;
oregonprov@nwjesuits.org ; wisprov@jesuitswisprov.org ; sjdet@aol.com
; chgprov@jesuits-chi.org ; joseph.herlihy.1@bc.edu
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 8:24 PM
Subject: one hell of an Email

"From a little spark may burst a mighty flame." Dante from The Divine Comedy

Heres hoping but I ain't praying I am doing something about it.

Sent after Midnight December 25th, 2004 in Rome

David McMath and Walter Kubitz

Ruth Ross Executive Director

Christian Legal Fellowship

790 Franklinway Crescent,

London, ON, Canada. N6G 5C8

RE: Corruption of the Church State and Justice System

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 22:35:54 -0300
Subject: One more thing Mr Brame this is the one dude who has the
legal power to arrest Obama ask yourself why he and the Jesuits are
checking my work today
To: paulzed@zed.ca, Keith_Thompson09@hotmail.com,
eric.brame@knights.ucf.edu, bcc@rcav.bc.ca, editor@tribunenb.ca,
moniteur@rogers.com, tnf@nbnet.nb.ca, editor@catholicregister.org,
drcarley <drcarley@gmail.com>, Sheldon Day <gem3intucson@q.com>
Cc: Barry Winters <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, dean Ray
<deanr0032@hotmail.com>, "Dean.Buzza"<Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
dean <dean@law.ualberta.ca>, robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>,
tony <tony@peoplestandup.ca>

Just Dave
By Location  Visit Detail
Visit 11,739
Domain Name   senate.gov ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address   156.33.90.# (U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms)
ISP   U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms
Location   Continent  :  North America
Country  :  United States  (Facts)
State  :  Maryland
City  :  Annapolis
Lat/Long  :  38.9861, -76.5137 (Map)
Language   English (U.S.) en-us
Operating System   Microsoft WinNT
Browser   Internet Explorer 8.0
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Javascript   version 1.3
Monitor   Resolution  :  1680 x 1050
Color Depth  :  32 bits
Time of Visit   Aug 24 2010 1:07:36 pm
Last Page View   Aug 24 2010 1:18:15 pm
Visit Length   10 minutes 39 seconds
Page Views   4
Referring URL  http://www.google.co...i=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
Search Engine  google.com
Search Words  "nobody will say my name"
Visit Entry Page   http://davidamos.blogspot.com/
Visit Exit Page   http://davidamos.blo...-stewart-and-me.html
Out Click   View my complete profile
Time Zone   UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time   Aug 24 2010 12:07:36 pm
Visit Number   11,739

Just Dave
By Location  Visit Detail
Visit 11,741
Domain Name   i95.net ? (Network)
IP Address   208.118.160.# (Allied Telecom Group, LLC)
ISP   Allied Telecom Group, LLC
Location   Continent  :  North America
Country  :  United States  (Facts)
State  :  District of Columbia
City  :  Washington
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Language   English (U.S.) en-us
Operating System   Microsoft WinNT
Browser   Internet Explorer 8.0
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GTB6.5; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729;
.NET CLR 3.0.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.5; OfficeLivePatch.1.3;
Javascript   version 1.3
Monitor   Resolution  :  1680 x 1050
Color Depth  :  16 bits
Time of Visit   Aug 24 2010 3:12:56 pm
Last Page View   Aug 24 2010 3:12:56 pm
Visit Length   0 seconds
Page Views   1
Referring URL  http://www.google.co...m1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
Search Engine  google.com
Search Words  "tsmolich@jesuit.org"
Visit Entry Page   http://davidamos.blo...3/ides-of-march.html
Visit Exit Page   http://davidamos.blo...3/ides-of-march.html
Out Click
Time Zone   UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time   Aug 24 2010 2:12:56 pm
Visit Number   11,741

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 22:25:38 -0300
Subject: Re: I just called all of you here is the email as promised to
those who picked up the phone
To: Eric Brame <eric.brame@knights.ucf.edu>

Check your own history. I did succeed in the american courts against
such opponents as Cardinal Bernard Francis Law before crazy Yankees
tried to take me to Cuba in 2003 just before your second religious war
in this century started. Now I will take on the Protector of the Faith
of the Church of England in her court in my nativeland while running
for public office for the fifth time

On 8/24/10, Eric Brame <eric.brame@knights.ucf.edu> wrote:
> Greetings Mr. Amos,
> I have read through some of your material. At this time I regret to inform
> you that I am not a scholar of Law and less so of International law. My
> specialty is Occult Literary History. I don't know what you desire from me
> at this time. Hopefully, if your argument is righteous, that you fully
> succeed in the courts if that is what the documents entail. If you need a
> lawyer, check out the Christian Lawyer's Union which should assist you.
> At this time I am extremly busy in the academic field and working on four
> major documents. If you need help in the realm of Literary History in
> relation to the area of Christian and Judaic literature, I will be able to
> help you greatly. I apologize for not being of any more help.
> God Bless!
> Eric M. Brame, A.A.
> University of Central Florida
> English Literature Major
> Judaic Studies Minor
> History Researcher
>> Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 20:06:13 -0300
>> Subject: I just called all of you here is the email as promised to those
>> who picked up the phone
>> From: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
>> To: paulzed@zed.ca; Keith_Thompson09@hotmail.com;
>> eric.brame@knights.ucf.edu
>> CC: bcc@rcav.bc.ca; editor@tribunenb.ca; moniteur@rogers.com;
>> tnf@nbnet.nb.ca; editor@catholicregister.org
>> Perhaps Keith Thompson or Eric Brame should call me (902 800 0369) or
>> send me their phone numbers?
>> All the Catholics are trying to ignore me as usual so say Hoka Hey to
>> Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, the nasty old priest Bill Elliot in
>> Saint John and Henrik Tonning for me sometime will ya Paul Zed?
>> Clearly your blogger buddy Chucky's Leblanc's rumours of my demise are
>> not true EH? Everybody and his dog knows I am to mean to die N'esy
>> Pas Franky Boy McKenna?
>> Jim O’Leary, publisher and editor
>> The Catholic Register
>> 416-934-3410
>> editor@catholicregister.org
>> Paul Schratz, editor
>> The B.C. Catholic
>> 604-683-0281
>> bcc@rcav.bc.ca
>> New Freeman
>> 1 Bayard Drive
>> Saint John New Brunswick E2L 3L5
>> Phone (506) 653-6806
>> E-mail tnf@nbnet.nb.ca
>> Language English
>> Contact Margie Trafton
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 12:58:32 -0300
>> Subject: I just called Acadie Nouvelle AGAIN and asked them about my
>> right to privacy and why they do not respond to my emails while I run
>> for public office
>> To: "philippe.murat"<philippe.murat@acadienouvelle.com>,
>> nouvelle@acadienouvelle.com, danfour <danfour@myginch.com>,
>> advocacycollective <advocacycollective@yahoo.com>
>> Cc: "Byrne. G"<Byrne.G@parl.gc.ca>, "Bernard.Richard"
>> <Bernard.Richard@gnb.ca>, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"<oldmaison@yahoo.com>,
>> "Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca"<Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca>
>> This nonsense about secretive pension money with Greggy Byrne whining
>> and crying is truly funny. That corrupt lawyer should know that the
>> public are entitled to know such things. Jeannot Volpe on the other
>> hand was one of the secretive MLAs who illegally banished me from the
>> the LEG while i was ruing in the election of the 38th Parliament and
>> LONG BEFORE that liberal lawyer was ever reeelected the sick part is
>> the mindless Ombudsman and his blogging buddy Chucky Leblanc knew
>> everthing two years before that nasty french man was banished from the
>> Old Maison as well
>> FREDERICTON - Finance Minister Greg Byrne asked the Ombudsman to
>> investigate an "apparent violation of the Act on the Protection of
>> Personal Information in connection with documents submitted Tuesday to
>> the media about the pension paid to Jacqueline Robichaud, the widow of
>> former Prime Minister Louis J. Robichaud. Robichaud.
>> C'est par lettre que le ministre a répondu, hier, à l'ultimatum de
>> Jeannot Volpé qui sommait le gouvernement Graham de s'expliquer dans
>> ce dossier avant la fin de la journée de mercredi. That by letter that
>> the Minister responded yesterday to the ultimatum that Volpé summoned
>> the Graham government to explain in this issue before the end of the
>> day Wednesday. La missive n'y va pas par quatre chemins pour signifier
>> à l'ancien ministre conservateur qu'il aurait dû faire ses devoirs
>> avant de convoquer la presse parlementaire au sujet de la pension en
>> question. The letter does not beat around the bush to serve on the
>> former Conservative cabinet minister he should have done his homework
>> before calling parliamentary press about the pension.
>> Le document explique les raisons et la façon dont on a résolu
>> l'impasse qui empêchait le versement d'une prestation de conjoint
>> survivant à Mme Robichaud. The document explains why and how you
>> resolved the deadlock that prevented the payment of a survivor's
>> benefit to Ms. Robichaud. Il précise qu'il a été décidé de donner au
>> Conseil de gestion le pouvoir d'étudier au cas par cas les demandes de
>> pension. He said it was decided to give the Board of Management the
>> authority to consider on a case by case pension claims. Les détails de
>> ces décisions ne sont pas rendus publics afin de protéger la vie
>> privée des Néo-Brunswickois. The details of these decisions are not
>> made public to protect the privacy of New Brunswickers.
>> M. Byrne termine en écrivant qu'il demandera à l'ombudsman Bernard
>> Richard d'enquêter, puisqu'il croit que M. Volpé aurait divulgué
>> illégalement de l'information confidentielle. Mr. Byrne concluded by
>> saying that he will ask the ombudsman Bernard Richard to investigate,
>> since he believes that Mr. Volpe had illegally disclosed confidential
>> information.
>> De son côté, Jeannot Volpé persiste que les choses n'ont pas été
>> faites selon les règles. For its part, Jeannot Volpe persists that
>> things were not done according to the rules. Il soutient que même si
>> le Conseil de gestion pouvait décider d'accorder une dérogation à Mme
>> Robichaud, il fallait tout de même que cette décision fasse l'objet
>> d'un arrêté en Conseil (des ministres). He argues that even if the
>> Management Board could decide to grant a waiver to Ms. Robichaud, it
>> was still that this decision be an Order in Council (Cabinet).
>> http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.capacadie.com/actualites-regionales/2010/8/19/les-liberaux-ripostent&ei=MuJzTLubLsL6lwf52fzHCA&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dphilippe.murat%2540acadienouvelle.com%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-ca:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7GFRE_en
>> But are you still laughing at me Chucky Leblanc
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/07/feds-institutionalize-determined-nb.html
>> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2008/07/david-amos-picked-up-by-rcmp.html
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 20:56:25 -0300
>> Subject: Hey Jennifer Warren of the CIBC formerly of Rogers say Hoka
>> Hey for me to PANB and their pal David Hay formerly of Merrill Lynch
>> and NBPOWER will ya?
>> To: "philippe.murat"<philippe.murat@acadienouvelle.com>, "jennifer.
>> warren"<jennifer.warren@cibc.com>, fundytides <fundytides@gmail.com>,
>> "scott. agnew"<scott.agnew@canadaeast.com>, h.davies@lse.ac.uk,
>> "George. Bentley"<George.Bentley@fin.gc.ca>,
>> desautels@telfer.uottawa.ca, phogg@osgoode.yorku.ca,
>> joan.monahan@fin.gc.ca, g.tree@lse.ac.uk, info@telfer.uottawa.ca,
>> adam.dodek@uottawa.ca, mbehiel@uottawa.ca, mjackman@uottawa.ca,
>> president@uottawa.ca, bmiazga@uottawa.ca, dawn.russell@dal.ca,
>> DAmirault@bankofcanada.ca, MCarney@bankofcanada.ca,
>> tsalman@salmanpartners.com, ZLalani@bankofcanada.ca, "victor.
>> boudreau2"<victor.boudreau2@gnb.ca>, editor
>> <editor@sylvanlakenews.com>, dean Ray <deanr0032@hotmail.com>, dean
>> <dean@law.ualberta.ca>, "john. conyers"<John.Conyers@mail.house.gov>,
>> carlbainbridge <carlbainbridge@panb.org>, "carl. davies"
>> <carl.davies@gnb.ca>, krisaustin <krisaustin@panb.org>,
>> "Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca"<Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca>, Jason Keenan
>> <jason.keenan@icann.org>, "jack. keir"<jack.keir@gnb.ca>,
>> "Jody.CARR@gnb.ca"<Jody.CARR@gnb.ca>
>> Cc: jacqueline.meere@jpmorgan.com, JPMCinvestorrelations@jpmchase.com,
>> joseph.evangelisti@jpmchase.com, paul.hartwick@chase.com,
>> lauren.m.francis@jpmorgan.com, brian.j.marchiony@jpmorgan.com,
>> stephen.m.cutler@jpmorgan.com
>> I bet you Bankters and Stevey Boy Harper rmember the document that
>> came with this letter long before th economy took a nosedive EH lady?
>> Sdo ya care to recall why I am pissed at Merrill Lynch, David Hay and
>> all the media people you used to work with? The pdf files hereto
>> attached should jog any crooked lawyer's memory particularly when
>> their name is on them. N'esy Pas Arty Baby MacKay and Carl Bainbridge?
>> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/2006/05/harper-and-bankers.html
>> Former New Brunswick Power boss joins CIBC
>> .Barry Critchley August 19, 2010 – 1:03 pm
>> David Hay, the former president and chief executive at New Brunswick
>> Power Holding Corp, is joining CIBC World Markets as a vice-chairman
>> in the firm’s investment banking group.
>> Hay starts after Labour Day and will have senior coverage
>> responsibilities for the bank’s major corporate clients in Canada.
>> Hay spent about six years at NB Power. Prior to that he spent about a
>> decade working with Merrill Lynch in both London and Canada.
>> Read more:
>> http://business.financialpost.com/2010/08/19/former-new-brunswick-power-boss-joins-cibc/#ixzz0xHo04Wf9
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 18:55:36 -0300
>> Subject: The unethical reporters within Acadie Nouvelle and their pals
>> in the Irving media are just as funny as the CBC are sometimes N'esy
>> Pas Kelly Lamrock?
>> To: philippe.murat@acadienouvelle.com.com, "kelly. lamrock"
>> <kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca>, llewellyn.stephen@dailygleaner.com,
>> "oldmaison. wcie"<oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com>, mail@ccla.org,
>> office@fairvote.ca, dwatch@web.net
>> Cc: artmackay <artmackay@savenbpower.org>, SterlingWright
>> <SterlingWright@panb.org>, "David.ALWARD@gnb.ca"
>> <David.ALWARD@gnb.ca>, sophia@themanproductions.com
>> http://www.democracyfornb.com/en/
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 16:18:04 -0300
>> Subject: Attn Commissioner Ian McPhail QC I called again and tried to
>> speak to you twice today my number is 902 800 0369
>> To: Ian.McPhail@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, toewsv1
>> <toewsv1@mts.net>, danfour <danfour@myginch.com>
>> Cc: nelson.kalil@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, rmordenassoc
>> <rmordenassoc@rogers.com>, "warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca"
>> <warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, warren <warren@daisygroup.ca>,
>> "warren.dosko"<warren.dosko@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Paulette.
>> Delaney-Smith"<Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, WaterWarCrimes
>> <waterwarcrimes@gmail.com>, robin reid <zorroboy2009@hotmail.com>,
>> tony <tony@peoplestandup.ca>, "Ken.Zielke"<Ken.Zielke@gov.ab.ca>
>> http://www.cpc-cpp.gc.ca/nrm/nr/2010/20100126-eng.aspx
>> As I said I am very serious and have no wish to speak to the likes of
>> Ms Leduc EVER again FYI I see that the gossip about my concerns is
>> leaking out here there an everywhere following this note is just
>> couple of the reasons why I called an tried hard to speak to you again
>> today
>> Please don't try to tell me that your office does not know what
>> happened between the RCMP and I within weeks of my sending the email
>> immedialy below this note.
>> If perhaps you people should read some blogs an watch some YOUTUBES ASAP?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/
>> http://charlesotherpersonality.blogspot.com/2008/07/david-amos-picked-up-by-rcmp.html
>> http://govinjustice.blogspot.com/2008/07/david-amos-picked-up-by-rcmp.html
>> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/07/feds-institutionalize-determined-nb.html
>> http://www.leadershipdirectories.com/images/promo/FTC.pdf
>> QSLS Politics
>> By Location Visit Detail
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>> Monitor Resolution : 1920 x 1200
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>> Time of Visit Aug 18 2010 1:50:29 pm
>> Last Page View Aug 18 2010 2:01:49 pm
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>> Visitor's Time Aug 18 2010 7:50:29 am
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>> Just Dave
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>> IP Address 199.212.215.# (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE)
>> Location Continent : North America
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>> City : Ottawa
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>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
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>> Time of Visit Aug 13 2010 12:50:37 pm
>> Last Page View Aug 13 2010 12:52:15 pm
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>> Visitor's Time Aug 13 2010 8:50:37 am
>> Visit Number 11,630
>> Just Dave
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>> Visit 11,638
>> Domain Name (Unknown)
>> IP Address 199.212.150.# (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
>> ISP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
>> Location Continent : North America
>> Country : Canada (Facts)
>> State/Region : Ontario
>> City : Ottawa
>> Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
>> Language English (U.S.) en-us
>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
>> Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
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>> Time of Visit Aug 13 2010 5:52:40 pm
>> Last Page View Aug 13 2010 5:52:40 pm
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>> Time Zone UTC-5:00
>> Visitor's Time Aug 13 2010 4:52:40 pm
>> Visit Number 11,638
>> Just Dave
>> By Location Visit Detail
>> Visit 11,639
>> Domain Name (Unknown)
>> IP Address 199.212.215.# (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE)
>> Location Continent : North America
>> Country : Canada (Facts)
>> State/Region : Ontario
>> City : Ottawa
>> Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
>> Language English (Canada) en-ca
>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
>> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
>> CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
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>> Monitor Resolution : 1466 x 916
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>> Time of Visit Aug 13 2010 5:52:51 pm
>> Last Page View Aug 13 2010 5:52:51 pm
>> Visit Length 0 seconds
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>> Out Click
>> Time Zone UTC-8:00
>> Visitor's Time Aug 13 2010 1:52:51 pm
>> Visit Number 11,639
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 17:34:30 -0300
>> Subject: Attn PAULINE PHILIBERT and ARNOLD HADLEY of the New Brunswick
>> Police Commission
>> To: nbpc@gnb.ca, arnold.hadley@gnb.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca,
>> premier@gnb.ca, Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
>> Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca
>> Cc: webo@xplornet.com
>> New Brunswick Police Commission
>> 435 King Street
>> Fredericton, New Brunswick
>> E3B 1E5
>> A letter to support my complaint about various police forces in New
>> Brunswick will follow these emails just as I promised on the phone to
>> you people today.
>> I have no understanding as to why the Police Commission nor anyone
>> else holding a governmental mandate in the Province of New Brunswick
>> has never called me back or answered one email in nearly four years.
>> Shawn Graham should at least recognize his own documents to my framer
>> friend, Werner Bock from the time when he sat in opposition and was
>> the agricutural critic at the same time .
>> It appears to me that I am not the only one to get mad at the
>> malicious incompetence of John Foran and the cops of New Brunswick.
>> What is even more interesting though is the fact that John Foran was
>> once mad at the Police Commission and they way they investigated
>> things so secretly against the public's best interests. EH Mr. Volpe?
>> Rest assured that I ain't holding my breath for the police to continue
>> to harass me anymore after their nonsense yesterday. Nor will I wait
>> to see Wayne Steeves say or do the right thing after he has covered up
>> my concerns about the severe lack of police integrity for his politcal
>> party's benefit for four god damned years.
>> http://www.canlii.org/eliisa/highlight.do?text=JOHN+FORAN+WILSON+MacINTOSH&language=en&searchTitle=Search+all+CanLII+Databases&path=/en/nb/nbqb/doc/1995/1995canlii3862/1995canlii3862.html
>> For the recod these Youtubes that are this arseholes favoutites were
>> created by the RCMP and I have no doubt whatsoever the people
>> slandering me are cops as well.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0NdNtvC-YI#GU5U2spHI_4
>> http://www.youtube.com/user/bigolcanoworms
>> At least his ID is correct. This is a big old can of worms. N'est Pas?
>> Veritas Vincit
>> David Raymond Amos
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:26:28 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: Perhaps Paul Kennedy the current Commissioner of Public
>> Complaints Against the RCMP will call us back now EH?
>> To: info.legal@moncton.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 16:17:05 -0300
>> Subject: Perhaps Paul Kennedy the current Commissioner of Public
>> Complaints Against the RCMP will call us back now EH?
>> To: Hermenegilde.Chiasson@gnb.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca,
>> scotta@parl.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca,
>> Hubbard.C@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, nbombud@gnb.ca,
>> Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca,
>> aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca, brian.kenny@gnb.ca,
>> roy.boudreau@gnb.ca, donald.arseneault@gnb.ca, danf@danf.net,
>> injusticecoalition@hotmail.com, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
>> stuart.jamieson@gnb.ca, Margaret-Ann.BLANEY@gnb.ca,
>> victor.boudreau@gnb.ca, rick.brewer@gnb.ca,
>> John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, Ivan.Court@saintjohn.ca
>> Cc: complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, nouvelle@acadienouvelle.com,
>> newsroom@nbpub.com, carl.davies@gnb.ca, janet.trail@gnb.ca,
>> Akoschany@ctv.ca, jtravers@thestar.ca, alan_white@cbc.ca,
>> Tim.Porter@gnb.ca, Trevor.HOLDER@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca,
>> Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca, Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca,
>> David.ALWARD@gnb.ca, bruce.noble@fredericton.ca,
>> lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca
>> Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 13:36:41 -0400
>> From: "PCC Complaints"complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca
>> To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> May 23, 2007
>> File No. PC-2005-1291
>> Mr. David R Amos
>> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>> On a number of occasions you have called or sent e-mails our office to
>> raise matters which are of pressing concern to you.
>> Each time we have tried to respond by explaining to you the relatively
>> narrow mandate of this Commission and the limits of our powers to deal
>> with the matters which are of concern to you. I must stress, once
>> again, that the purpose of this Commission is to provide the public
>> with an opportunity to make complaints concerning the conduct of
>> members of the RCMP in the performance of their duties. We have
>> neither the expertise nor the legal authority to permit us to become
>> involved in issues beyond the scope of this mandate.
>> While it is clearly not the intention of the Commission to prevent you
>> from making complaints against members of the RCMP, an analysis of
>> your numerous contacts with the Commission indicates that your
>> concerns fall well outside the confines of our mandate. Further, your
>> frequent e-mails have been disruptive and unproductive for both you
>> and for the staff of this office.
>> Should you determine that some point in the future you have a
>> complaint concerning the conduct of a member of the RCMP in the
>> performance of his or her duties, please submit it to the Commission
>> by Canada Post only. As of now, your e-mails will be deleted unread.
>> Yours truly,
>> Andrée Leduc
>> Enquiries and Complaints Analyst
>> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Say hey to Shawn Murphy for me will ya
>> Brian?
>> Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 15:25:45 -0400
>> From: "REVIEWS"reviews@cpc-cpp.gc.ca
>> To: "David Amos"motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> The Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP has received
>> your e-mail message and will be responding in due course.
>> La Commission des plaintes du public contre la GRC a reçu votre
>> courriel et vous rendra une réponse au moment opportun.
>> Subject:
>> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400
>> From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)"MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca
>> To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> January 30, 2007
>> Mr. David Amos
>> Dear Mr. Amos:
>> This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29,
>> 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.
>> Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have
>> taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve
>> Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton.
>> Sincerely,
>> Honourable Michael B. Murphy
>> Minister of Health
>> CM/cb
>> Warren McBeath warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500
>> From: "Warren McBeath"warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> To: kilgoursite@ca.inter.net, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca,
>> nada.sarkis@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, dwatch@web.net,
>> motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
>> CC: ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com,
>> John.Foran@gnb.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,
>> "Bev BUSSON"bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
>> "Paul Dube"PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
>> Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has
>> forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n
>> Dear Mr. Amos,
>> Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over
>> the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not
>> ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns.
>> As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position
>> is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process
>> testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the
>> Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these
>> services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this
>> instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done.
>> As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false
>> imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that
>> Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and the
>> US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in
>> Petitcodiac, NB.
>> It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on
>> December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.
>> Sincerely,
>> Warren McBeath, Cpl.
>> GRC Caledonia RCMP
>> Traffic Services NCO
>> Ph: (506) 387-2222
>> Fax: (506) 387-4622
>> E-mail warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Fracking poised to be key issue in new legislature


Replying to and  49 others
Methinks Mr Higgs picked an interesting hill for his new mandate to die on He can no longer claim that the potash mine needs natural gas so his actions must be for the benefit of the Irving Clan N'esy Pas?




Fracking poised to be key issue in new legislature

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks Mr Higgs picked an interesting hill for his mandate to die on out of the gate He can no longer claim that the potash mine would need natural gas so it must be for his Irving Clan buddies benefit It also be interesting to see what we get in royalties and where they plan to send the wastewater N'esy Pas?

David Amos 
David Amos
Methinks everybody knows why I am laughing about the fact that Bruce Northrup did not get a Cabinet job this time Mr Higgs knows as well as I that its a fact if anyone steps on the toes of the Irving Clan they never forget it but then again neither do I N'esy Pas?


Natural resources minister in Alward government says Irving letter got him fired

'I have a strong feeling that did it,' PC MLA Bruce Northrup says of shuffle out of portfolio
Connell Smith · CBC News · Posted: Jan 08, 2018 6:00 AM AT

David Amos 
David Amos
HMMM Trust that I talked to this Beth Nixon and several of her pals around the time I ran for Parliament in Fundy Royal in 2004. That was 2 years before Bruce Northrup became an MLA.

Methinks that Northrup, his latest boss Mr Higgs and the Irving Clan know as well as I did my part helping him unseat Leroy Armstrong while I ran in Saint John Harbour against his buddy Ed Doherty and Intervened in the NEB Hearings about the Irving and Repsol plan for an LNG. pipeline down to the USA

Now it appears to me that Madame Nixon has changed her tune


"Beth Nixon has had wells on her property since approximately 2004, but she doesn't want them there. She says she makes less than $7,000 a year from leasing the land, and would happily give up the money if it meant having the wells removed. "

David Amos
David Amos 
@David Amos Methinks Bruce Northrup and a lot of other folks in Fundy raised their eyebrows when Leroy quit the Liberal Party and ran for the PANB N'esy Pas?


"Upstart party feels 'validated'

Armstrong says he likes the Alliance's opposition to linguistic duality and its "common sense" approach to changing how government works.

Liberal MLA Victor Boudreau, who sat with Armstrong in the legislature, says he's surprised and disappointed his former party colleague has joined another party.

He says this is the first time he's heard Armstrong question bilingualism.

"I don't ever remember him raising it as a concern, but obviously it must have been something that was brewing inside, if this is the decision that he's made today," Boudreau said.

Alliance Leader Kris Austin says the upstart political party has been validated by having Armstrong join its ranks.

"He knows the things that are broken and the things that can make it better and he's validated, you know, the policies that we have put forward," he said.

This is the second defection by an ex-Liberal MLA this year. Last month former cabinet minister Kelly Lamrock joined the NDP."

David Amos 
David Amos
On the subject of fracking check this out Methinks Corridor Resources, Mr Higgs and definitely Bruce Northrup know why i share this story which appeared in the Kings County Record a local newsrag owned by the Irving Clan on June 22, 2004 I definitely mentioned natural gas then N'esy Pas?

The Unconventional Candidate
By Gisele McKnight

"FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada."

"Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

"What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico

Lou Bell 
Lou Bell
Probably nothing will happen . Too many want to see N.B. continue to be a " have not " province !

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks the Banksters love our interest payments on our debt N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell 
Paul Bourgoin
All it is, is cheap oil with practically no transportation cost but a lot of environmental consequences and property impact.

I wonder if there will also be subsidies, Tax breaks, and will at the end of the day New Brunswick residents have a tab to pay?

Will the province impose a law protecting drinking water?

Where will the wasted Fracking-water be disposed of?

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin Methinks Mr Higgs has forgotten how little Corridor Resources has paid us in royalties thus far N'esy Pas?

Rick Jenkins 
Rick Jenkins
The province is moving rapidly towards bankruptcy. How can anything be off the table? I am all for looking towards sustainable energy sources but we also need to consider other industries that are current and feasible.

I don't personally stand to gain anything from Natural gas extraction but the province needs to consider everything and make some hard decisions....NOW.

Eric Katruk
Eric Katruk
@Rick Jenkins How about we stop letting certain corporations get away with tax fraud?

David Amos
David Amos
@Eric Katruk Methinks we should start with KPMG's customers N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell 
Bernard Dovington
I'm Saying NO to fracking!! Not now, Not Ever. Not in my back yard.

*Tell us what chemicals are being put into our ground would be the starting point of you being honest

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard Dovington "Not in my back yard."

Methinks that Mr Higgs' neighbours in his riding would not want it in their back yards either N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt 
Marc Martin
People wanted a Conservative and PANB alliance you have one now stop whining and live with your errors.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks some folks voted otherwise More importantly some folks such as my French Friend Dr Roger Richard and I ran against against all the political parties N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt 
Paul Bourgoin
The Fox is in the hen house and they are banking their profits in off-shore accounts avoiding paying their taxes. In 1982 there were 35,000 forestry jobs. Today there are around 9,000 left and more wood is being harvested from crown-land than ever while the Crown is losing money!

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin Methinks the awful truth is that nobody in government cares because they are afraid of the Irving Clan N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt 
Paul Bourgoin
Those tax funded subsidies in forestry, electricity rates, special secret deals, subsidies brokered behind closed doors, deals with secrecy clauses tolerating the decline our fish, wildlife, their habitat because too many sportsmen witness their abuse so the Department of Natural Resources staff and offices were slashed down to nearly none and the Forestry Foxes are now running the forestry show. Where are the Crown Forestry Profits?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Paul Bourgoin The " crown forestry profits" are in Bermuda.

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette "The " crown forestry profits" are in Bermuda."


Lou Bell 
Paul Bourgoin
Well it is not hard figure out who This Conservative party is representing!! Fracking was a dead issue now being resurrected to benefit who? New Brunswick, yeah right then ask yourself why? Talk of debts, we’ll let us talk about those in Industry who get all those tax breaks, income tax subsidies, special electricity rates, control of our crown land forest, slacking environmental regulations that should be laws to benefit their bank accounts.

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Bourgoin "Well it is not hard figure out who This Conservative party is representing!! Fracking was a dead issue now being resurrected to benefit who?"

I will give you same answer I did the last time you asked this question

The Irving Clan

Fred Brewer 
Fred Brewer
How does Mr. Higgs define "community support" for fracking? It had better be by plebiscite of all voters in the affected county and not simply by a vocal minority.

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@Fred Brewer
Wasn't that discussion tabled and settled!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

You voted for fracking, now live with your error.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Paul Bourgoin
"Wasn't that discussion tabled and settled!"
If it was, I never heard the result. Do tell.
But regardless, it is a new government and then can do whatever the H*LL they want and it appears they will try.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
Wrong again Marc. Repeating an untruth multiple times does not make it the truth. I did not vote for fracking.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer "It had better be by plebiscite of all voters in the affected county and not simply by a vocal minority."

Methinks a plebiscite is the only way to go in an "Open and Just Democracy" N'esy Pas?

David Peters 
David Peters

David Amos
David Amos


Mario Doucet 
Mario Doucet
It look like the le parti liberal side of the province doesn't want gas development, probably because they don't have any resource in their areas.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mario Doucet Methinks the Liberals know they will lose too many votes if they go back on their word and support it N'esy Pas?

Mario Doucet 
Dan Lee
Fracking ....no
more extreme weather .....no

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Dan Lee simple to say no no no but how about suggesting how NB is suppose to pay for Hospitals Education and Public Pensions?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Samual Johnston

Public Pensions? that's Federal bud.

Jean Cormier
Jean Cormier
@Samual Johnston , can you explain how you figure fracking will pay that bill? The same way forestry does? Oh right, it doesn't: international companies come here and rape our forests and we see nothing in return. Same thing with fracking, no doubt.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Marc Martin true they are - provincial employee pensions then...bud

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Jean Cormier never said it would pay the bill - but people have the right to decide and if a region wants it they have the right to do it. regardless of how poorly the natural resource industry is run in NB it is and will be the future for NB - issues are how to run it - that is politics -

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Samual Johnston
Technically even NB civil service pensions are public pensions. They used to call it the Public Service Superannuation pension.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Fred Brewer there ya go Marc Martin

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer YUP

Mario Doucet 
Colin Seeley
Fracking Yes.

David Amos
David Amos
@Colin Seeley NOPE

Eric Katruk 
Eric Katruk
Doesn't Higgs realize that fracking was one of the polarizing issues that lead to his party losing to Gallant in the 2014 election? I honestly cannot recall any other issue that was more divisive.

Rick Jenkins
Rick Jenkins
@Eric Katruk Fracking is a very important issue to a vocal minority. Alward wasn't ousted because of Fracking.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Rick Jenkins
It didn't help.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rick Jenkins Methinks Alward was ousted because of Alward N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell 
Eric Plexe

David Amos
David Amos
@Eric Plexe Methinks you should research what My friend Dr Roger Richard and I I have been doing in the EUB Hearings The 375 matter is over but the 357 is just beginning again so you have lots of time N'esy Pas?


David Amos
David Amos 
 @David Amos Trust that my rind is very much against fracking


Kent North candidates call for better health care, improved roads and more power for LSDs
Written by Dallas McQuarrie on September 16, 2018

"Independent candidate Dr. Roger Richard, a prosthodontist, stated he was “very concerned about the environmental state of our province” and New Brunswick’s deficit, which is now more than $17 billion, costing taxpayers close to two million dollars a day in interest. Throughout the evening, he attacked the so-called “smart meters” that NB Power wants to install across the province, saying the meters are “very dangerous to our health because of the pulsating radiation they produce.”

Choosing not to participate in the town hall meeting, the Liberal Party and Progressive Conservative Party (PC) candidates, Emery Comeau and Katie Robertson respectively, avoided having to dialogue with voters publicly.

Robertson’s absence was predictable given the promise by PC leader Blaine Higgs to allow fracking for shale gas if the PCs are elected. Fracking is extremely unpopular in Kent County, and Robertson’s campaign is burdened by the fact that many people have very bitter memories of the Conservatives sending in the RCMP to brutalize peaceful shale gas protesters four years ago when Higgs was Minister of Finance in the Alward government."

Lou Bell 
Nancy Alcox
Higgs was there with Alward back in the day so he saw what went down firsthand. Why would he want a sequel? Does he think we’ve all forgotten about it? Is his job creation for the province going to be rent a cops and the RCMP?

David Amos
David Amos
@Nancy Alcox Apparently so Methinks most folks don't know exactly how much the RCMP billed us for the last round of nonsense N'esy Pas?

 Marguerite Deschamps 
Marguerite Deschamps
Frigg Higgs! No fracking!

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Marguerite Deschamps

And NB also has no money and no hope .

Dominique will be gone soon. Then what ?

Find money fast or it’s also NO to you.

Eric Fowler
Eric Fowler
@Colin Seeley Show me one place that has solved it's money problems by fracking?

David Amos
David Amos
@Eric Fowler "Show me one place that has solved it's money problems by fracking?"

Good question but all I hear is crickets

 Matt Steele 
Matt Steele
N.B. is in a tough spot . After several years of reckless spending , and punishing tax hikes ; the Province is backed into a corner as the Prov. credit rating is on the edge of being downgraded . With a 14.5 BILLION dollar debt ; and interest payments of nearly 2 MILLION per day , N.B. is quickly running out of options .

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen @Matt Steele

New Brunswick.

Graham government 2006-1010:

Fiscal year Deficit (-) or surplus (millions of dollars)
2006-07 277
2007-08 241
2008-09 -152
2009-10 -695

Alward government 2010-2014:

Fiscal year Deficit (-) or surplus (millions of dollars)
2010-11 -617
2011-12 -244
2012-13 -533
2013-14 -600

Gallant government 2014-2018:

Fiscal year Deficit (-) or surplus (millions of dollars)
2014-15 -361
2015-16 -261
2016-17 -117
2017-18 67

Source: Public Accounts New Brunswick

I ask, which political brand racked the most deficit spending?

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Robert Brannen

And which Provincial Brand raisedfees and taxes the most ?

As well as doctored the books ?

Steve Gordon
Steve Gordon
@Robert Brannen And I trust that $67m surplus number about as much as I trust brian gallant. It was very convenient that he had 3 years of deficit, a sudden last minute surprise surplus with more planned years of deficits if re-elected.

gallant took in a $billion in extra taxes and still only managed one small, very questionable surplus.

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen
@Steve Gordon

A net $1.994 billion in deficits under Alward. ( With a Mr. Higgs as Finance Minister)

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Robert Brannen look a little closer how that + 67 materialized over a weekend. deficit is one thing debt is another unrelated but related. time to cut the civil service and the pension obligations. both political parties lack the will to make the bog decisions

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Robert Brannen this view is part of the problem - the deficits exist because politicians refuse to make the hard decisions to lay off employees raise taxes etc etc . In the end the people get what they vote for. We live for today and tomorrow not 10 years from now. We just keep passing the problem down the road in hopes we can make it to retirement - and NB most retired people worked for the government and are sitting pretty with their pensions the province cannot afford.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Brannen

Well said Robert.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Brannen

*A net $1.994 billion in deficits under Alward. ( With a Mr. Higgs as Finance Minister)*

Robert Brannen this is so true.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Samual Johnston

*cut the civil service*

Where ? The are already understaffed.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Marc Martin perhaps get rid of the agreement with the teachers union that prevents any layoffs even if the student population drops - which it is.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Robert Brannen how many hundreds of millions of that was used to top up the provincial pension fund when the economy tanked? we needed a government willing to change those plans from defined benefit and both parties dropped the ball on that - at least there was some improvement made but not enough.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
Civil service understaffed? You have to be joking Marc.

Back in 1960's the civil service totally about 3,000. Today it is over 30,000.
Has our population increased ten times? Nope, it has stayed virtually the same. We should lay off about 28,000 civil servants given that computers and the internet have made jobs so much easier and faster than in the 1960's.

Samual Johnston
Samual Johnston
@Fred Brewer Nb has lowered its civil service and we are now much lower Per Capita than NS and PEI but we are still about 6000 to 10,000 too high

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer I agree

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Yea Right

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Brannen "A net $1.994 billion in deficits under Alward. ( With a Mr. Higgs as Finance Minister)"

Good Point Sir

Lou Bell 
daryl doucette
New Brunswick should do what Norway does. It taxes the oil/gas companies 78%....but we will not, and just collect a mere pittance of what we should be collecting from OUR resource!

Eric Katruk
Eric Katruk
@daryl doucette We can't even get our oil company to pay their proper property taxes. What makes you think any government we could elect would dare hike corporate income tax on dirty industries?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Eric Katruk Make them pay their property taxes. If they do not, treat them like you and I would be treated. Seize the property and auction it off.

David Amos
David Amos 
@Eric Katruk "We can't even get our oil company to pay their proper property taxes"

Exactly My Father was Max Amos and he was the Tax Supervisor of this province from 1967 until he was stricken with cancer and died in 1984 at the age 64 the same age Higgs is now ( I am a little older) Anyway I recall my Father sending the Sheriff down to put chains on the gates of the Irving refinery in order to make old KC pay his taxes. Lets just say I inherited my contempt towards the Irving Clan.

Methinks Mr Higgs no doubt knew my Mothe's second husband when he was a wannabe CoR leader because not only was he a former Chief Electoral Officer but also a proud member of the CoR Party N'esy Pas?

Fracking poised to be key issue in new legislature

CBC New Brunswick Political Panel discusses upcoming Tory throne speech

The CBC New Brunswick Political Panel Podcast discussed the upcoming throne speech from Blaine Higgs' Tories. (James West/Canadian Press)

In less than two weeks, a Progressive Conservative throne speech will be read in the New Brunswick legislature, and representatives from the four political parties are in agreement about some elements they expect and hope to hear.

For instance, the speech will likely address the priorities of all parties and strike a collaborative tone. It will touch on a new style of governance, a less centralized version of previous governments. It will promise solutions to ongoing health-care issues, such as staff shortages, improved seniors care and better ambulance response times.
But one topic is poised to create division in the house: the environment — specifically fracking and climate change

PC Leader Blaine Higgs has said the Tory government would be open to lifting the moratorium on shale gas for communities that supported fracking, and PC MLA Bruce Northrup said this week they hope to allow fracking by Christmas.

Green Party Leader David Coon said for the Tories to express a desire for collaboration and then plan to permit fracking is like "poking a stick in the eye" of the Greens and their supporters.

New Brunswick politicians are well aware of how socially divisive fracking is in the province. 

"With something that was so socially divisive and led to so much social unrest in this province, in the face of climate change, concerns over water quality, I can't for the life of me imagine why Blaine Higgs, in a minority government, is pursuing this," Coon said on the CBC New Brunswick Political Panel Podcast.

Liberal MLA Robert McKee suggested fracking could even turn into a "confidence issue." He walked back his comment somewhat but said it's an issue that can't be "rammed through" and should be put to the house.

Tory MLA Jeff Carr disagreed with the notion that it would be a confidence issue.
"I think we have to make sure we make decisions in the legislature based on the facts and how things are written, not on a motion," he said.

The Political Panel from CBC News New Brunswick
Nov. 8: What will be in the Higgs government's throne speech?

 Blaine Higgs and the Progressive Conservatives are poised to form a minority government. What will be in the new government's throne speech as the PCs try to avoid defeat? PC MLA Jeff Carr, Liberal MLA Robert McKee, Green Leader David Coon and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin joined the weekly political panel. 25:43

Coon predicted any pro-fracking legislation would be defeated.

The Tories hold 22 seats and need three more votes for a majority in the 49-seat legislature. The People's Alliance, which holds three seats, has said it will prop up a Tory government for 18 months.
Alliance Leader Kris Austin said his MLAs have a free vote on the issue of fracking.
Austin himself said on the podcast he's not opposed to allowing fracking in specific areas and that it would be "irresponsible" to defeat a throne speech on a "vague" notion of shale gas.

The party leader added that market conditions indicate it probably isn't the best time to extract shale gas anyway.

The Tories hope to allow fracking in certain areas, like Sussex, by Christmas. 

Opposition parties are also interested to hear whether the throne speech will touch on climate change.

"We've got 12 years now to actually significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels," said Coon.

The deadline Coon mentioned is from a damning United Nations report that suggests the planet will reach the crucial temperature that would precipitate extreme weather and food shortages.

McKee said he wants to hear what the Tories have in store to address climate change. Higgs was critical of the federal carbon tax plan, describing it as a job killer during the provincial election campaign.

The Liberals' own carbon pricing plan failed to meet Ottawa's standards, so the federal backstop was imposed on New Brunswick.


Community of Penobsquis divided over MLA's push to revive fracking

Bruce Northrup says he has community support to bring fracking back, but some residents say no way

Beth Nixon is a landowner in Penobsquis with gas wells on her property. She is paid to have the wells on her land, but would rather forego the money and get rid of the wells. (Tori Weldon)

The long-time MLA for Sussex-Fundy-St. Martins has made headlines this week with a push to have fracking revived in his riding by Christmas but his claims to have community support for his efforts are being questioned.

The Gallant government placed what was then called a temporary moratorium on fracking in December 2014, but extended it to an indefinite ban earlier this year after failing to meet its own requirements.

Corridor Resources has a number of gas wells on Stephen Moffett's land. He said he was approached about 20 years ago to have it turned into wells. (Pierre Fournier/CBC)

With a new PC government set to take power later this week, Bruce Northrup said it's time to lift the ban in communities that want it — like his.

"Constituents are saying they want it, the Chamber of Commerce wants it," he said. "It's been there since 1999."
But finding consensus in the eastern New Brunswick town of Sussex and nearby village of Penobsquis, where there are currently dozens of gas wells may not be as straightforward as Northrup suggests.

For example, while some members of the board of the Chamber of Commerce may be in favour of extracting natural gas in the area, others are not.

"We're remaining neutral," said CEO Paul Bedford.

Two landowners in Penobsquis, living a short distance from each other, both with gas wells on their property, have two very different takes on what should be allowed in their village. Both have deep roots in the community.

Beth Nixon has had wells on her property since approximately 2004, but she doesn't want them there. She says she makes less than $7,000 a year from leasing the land, and would happily give up the money if it meant having the wells removed.

Moffett said if the government feels fracking is safe, he's comfortable having it developed in his area. (Pierre Fournier/CBC)

"There is a lot of worry about it and it was a pretty big decision to even stay in this community and one that I re-evaluate all the time because of these wells."

Nixon is an environmental activist, and said it's frightening to hear her MLA say he has permission to allow fracking in her community.

"(It) is very concerning because there is no social licence here," she said. "As near as I can tell they are telling fibs.

"He seems to have gone to very few businesses and decided that … he can go ahead with this in Penobsquis."

Nixon said the issue courts controversy in the region, and has been divisive in the village as well as in nearby Sussex.

"You know, we were just starting to heal from all that and recover," she said. "And now to bring up this issue that isn't probably even economically viable and to be out there telling stories about it it is very, very frustrating."

At a nearby farm, Stephen Moffet disagrees. He said the issue of fracking hasn't gone anywhere, it was just put on hold by the former Liberal government.

Corridor Resources has dozens of wells around the village of Penobsquis. CEO Steve Moran wouldn't comment on the local MLA's recent campaign to revive fracking in the area. (Pierre Fournier/CBC)

"The reality is this has been ongoing for something like 20 years, it's been going well," he said. "Unless there is some reason not to I think it's time we let these people go to work."
Moffet also has wells on his land, but he's happy to have them put there by Corridor Resources.
"They've been nothing but good to work with, they've treated us well."

Moffett understands that people have concerns and not everyone is on board for more gas wells in the area. But given a chance to have their say, he believes a majority of Sussex residents would be in favour of fracking.

"If the government is satisfied the oversight is in place, then you know, let's let them go ahead and do it," he said.

Northrup hopes to have fracking back in the region by Christmas.

Corridor Resources CEO Steve Moran said he had no comment at this time.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


Liberal LeRoy Armstrong defects to People's Allianc

Defection is second for Liberals this year

Former Kings East Liberal MLA LeRoy Armstrong has announced he is joining the People's Alliance of New Brunswick — a party that has never won a seat in the legislature.

Armstrong said in a People's Alliance press release that it's a big change for him, but a necessary one if politics is going to change in New Brunswick.

He says he believes the People's Alliance has the right policies to fix how New Brunswick is governed.
Armstrong was first elected as a Liberal in 1995 when then-premier Frank McKenna won his third majority government.

He lost his Kings East riding four years later, won it back in 2003 under leader Shawn Graham, and lost again in 2006.

Armstrong told CBC News he can't accept traditional Liberal policies, such as support for bilingualism.
There were also problems with ineligible voters in last year's Liberal leadership race, Armstrong said.

"For any intended leader to buy into that process, it certainly doesn't bode well for what I believe in," he said.

Upstart party feels 'validated'

Armstrong says he likes the Alliance's opposition to linguistic duality and its "common sense" approach to changing how government works.

Liberal MLA Victor Boudreau, who sat with Armstrong in the legislature, says he's surprised and disappointed his former party colleague has joined another party.

He says this is the first time he's heard Armstrong question bilingualism.

"I don't ever remember him raising it as a concern, but obviously it must have been something that was brewing inside, if this is the decision that he's made today," Boudreau said.

Alliance Leader Kris Austin says the upstart political party has been validated by having Armstrong join its ranks.

"He knows the things that are broken and the things that can make it better and he's validated, you know, the policies that we have put forward," he said.

This is the second defection by an ex-Liberal MLA this year. Last month former cabinet minister Kelly Lamrock joined the NDP.

The People's Alliance, which was founded in 2010, attracted the support of one per cent of respondents in a poll released last December, the fifth of five parties.

Armstrong, 77, says he's willing to run for the Alliance in next year's election.

But he says there's probably someone younger who could do a better job than him.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Higgs tells 16 fellow cabinet ministers they have to give straight answers YEA RIGHT


Replying to and  49 others
Methinks that there is no doubt the Irving Clan is pleased with their former employee N'esy Pas?



Premier Blaine Higgs cabinet includes all 4 women in caucus, lone francophone

Higgs tells 16 fellow cabinet ministers they have to give straight answers

CBC News· Posted: Nov 09, 2018 9:00 AM AT

Commenting is now closed for this story.

Buford Wilson 
Buford Wilson
First order of business: remove the ball and chain from the economy by rescinding Brian’s foolish moratorium on resource development.

Blaine is on it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Buford Wilson Methinks that there is no doubt the Irving Clan is pleased with their former employee N'esy Pas?

Buford Wilson
Buford Wilson
Blaine has taken power. A momentous day for the people of New/Nouveau-Brunswick.

The pride is back.

David Amos
David Amos
@Buford Wilson I repeat proud of what?

Paul Bourgoin 
Jeff LeBlanc
Ernie Steeves, Finance...the man famous for fart jokes on C-103's morning show is now running finance.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jeff LeBlanc Ain't that special?

Paul Bourgoin 
Mario Doucet
Higgs will probably leave finance open in case Cathy Rogers wants it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Mario Doucet The job is taken

Paul Bourgoin 
Laurie Clark
So now NB has changed from being run by the Irving owned Liberals to the Irving owned Conservatives! Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!!

Clive Gibbons
Clive Gibbons
@Laurie Clark

The last election the Irvings lost was to Louis Robichaud.

David Amos
David Amos
@Clive Gibbons Methinks many would agree that Little Louie and old KC were buddies too.N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Clive Gibbons Have a listen


Paul Bourgoin 
Robert Brannen
The growth in the New Brunswick Public Debt, as a percentage of the Debt at the time of gaining power; of Premiers Lord, Graham, Alward and Gallant:

Lord, 13.6 % growth over seven years,
Graham, 43.2 % growth over four years, (major recession through 19 months of his term of office)
Alward, 36.3 % growth over four years,
Gallant, 12.3 % growth over four years. (projected)

Source: Public Accounts of New Brunswick.

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Brannen Interesting

Paul Bourgoin 
maude windsor
why, has Brian Northrup who represents the agriculture, dairy , education centers of new brunswick left out of cabinet?? time for Sussex to rise up and protest!!!
also, what departments have mirror image francophone ministers & departments? what about zero budgets for all departments of education and healthcare...that is attaching budget dollars to programs that are actually beneficial..bring ) budgets to bureaucrats who then have to provide evidence that tax dollars are providing useful to all NBers !!!!!

David Amos
David Amos

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
I am sure the COR party aka the PA will rejoice to the appointment of the Francophone comedian Robert Gauvin as Deputy Premier and Minister of Tourism.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps I know I am

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, so am I! The CORservatives are on a head-on collision course with the other COR party.

Stephen Long
Stephen Long
@Marguerite Deschamps Bitter much?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Stephen Long, nope, just stating the facts.

Billy Hachey
Billy Hachey
@Marguerite Deschamps nope, an opinion, one lonely one all by itself, yours.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Billy Hachey

Nope its actually a fact, the only people that are bitter and jealous are the anti-francophone group you are part of.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin 
@Marguerite Deschamps 
I agree.

George Smith 
George Smith
Sorry I forgot the Premier in my prior comments. That means we the taxpayer will be paying 17 MLA's extra money leaving 5 of the governing party out of the money. It is too many in our current financial situation. That's around a third of the elected officials getting a large pay increase before they even start the job. Would Higgs former employer top up that many new hires on the first day of work. I think not, nor should we.

herbie harris
herbie harris
@George Smith What a shame that higgs had to appoint 16 plus 1 to cabinet just trying to make sure they all get a little extra before the next election in a few months... Northrup wasn't given a cabinet post as there is a email send from irving to tell higgs who to and not who to appoint.. Gauvin deputy premier that should make the north happy now higgs is making fun of the French.. Election soon

David Amos
David Amos
@herbie harris "Election soon"

Methinks that depends very much on how the Kingmakers in the Watermelon Party and the PANB react to the pending Throne Speech/ I believe if the liberals were wiseguys they would vote against it on principla just like Higgs did because they still have lots of money to campaign again with and Higgs has none N'esy Pas?

Paul Bourgoin 
James Johnstone
I watched with interest the ceremony on CBC.ca. I have no love for Blaine Higgs and less for Brian Gallant. Gallant seemed broken hearted and bored while he twirled his pen all throughout the proceedings. He looked like a spoiled little boy who didn't get his way. Pathetic.

David Amos
David Amos
@James Johnstone I enjoyed watching the Circus

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, well they now have a comedian... and many buf foons. All they need now is a magician and the circle will be complete.

George Smith
George Smith
22 MLA's and 16 of them get higher paying jobs. Only 6 don't. How is that okay in a province with debts that have it bordering on bankruptcy. Cut some of these cabinet jobs it isn't a responsible thing to have so many at this or any time. If not then why not make every MLA a minister of something, How about Ministers of Convenience don't they deserve the same pay as the other 16? Shameful but that's politics in New Brunswick.

David Amos
David Amos
@George Smith My tally comes 5 Bruce Fitch, Bruce Northrup, Gary Crossman, Glen Savoie and Stewart Fairgrieve

Methinks you are forgetting Mr Higgs is in Cabinet too and one of the remaining five will be the Speaker N'esy Pas?

Paul Bourgoin 
Lou Bell
Quite obvious the Liberals are the " new " Parti Acadienne.

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks many would agree that they alawys were N'esy Pas?

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Lou Bell
No, they usually try to avoid discussing the issue upfront and can be more part of the problem than the solution. PANB=Partie Acadien N.-B., Peoples Alliance N.B., interesting...eh/voilà.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

Maybe I didn't get the memo, but one thing is for sure PANB is the CoR replacement party.

Paul Bourgoin 
Lou Bell
But will there finally be someone to speak for the oppressed majority ? Doubt it .

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

The majority ? They voted the last election, I think they are represented. Now if you mean the anti-French majority they got 3 elected.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin From the anti anglo minority .

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin Will Gallant remain leader of the Acadian Party ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Lou Bell I always do.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

How can a majority can oppressed by a minority you dont make any sense.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

I guess Kris Austin will remain leader of the CoR party?

Paul Bourgoin 
Lou Bell
Wonder if Higgs has a new " buddy " who needs a convenience store and Liquor outlet ( or maybe a Cannabis store ) like he gave the last time to one of his buddies ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

You didn't know his new buddy is the PANB leader.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Jim Reid, the hate is by the same majority of anti-French posters on here harping the same issue to death.

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Marguerite Deschamps Harping to death, I bet you don't even know who Wayne Grant is, and many others like him in the province. You wonder why people are upset. People talk about us getting along, well try having a look from the other side of the fence for a change. Or perhaps you are the Acadian Party don't care? Ill bet that it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Yea Right

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Tim Raworth, I know who Wayne Grant is. He's the guy who met Katherine d'Entremont in the parking lot!

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Why the thumb's down? Wayne wasn't the guy who met Katherine in the parking lot?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks its because you are wrong N'ey Pas?

BTW I talked to Wayne Grant personally after he retired and gave him some document to prove what I was telling him was true about Katherine d'Entremont and her cohorts However he no longer cared and i certainly understand. For the record the nasty lady who taught school in Sussexx where I usually run for public office met Mr Grant at the desk of Chancery Place. He complaint caused his hours to be cut and sent to watch the parking lot across the street until he retired.

How do you explain my barring document being written in only ONE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE and signed by FRENCH EX RCMP member who now works for the Commissionaires?


Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, ok, I was wrong but close enough. He was sent to the parking lot.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jim Reid

Not a disturber im just stating facts, truth hurts doesn't it?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

Talking about Wayne Grant again ? He was hired by a private business not the province. They sent the wrong person for the job, inform yourself.

Paul Bourgoin 
Roland Godin
For generations, we have prefered the pied piper most likely to mismanange public policies, administration, resources and finances, why, possibly a cause study by academic. Will the new fluteur change the political rhétorique on that question, not for sure there is already a cut and paste comment faulting the last pied piper...eh/voilà.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks everybody knows I used "the pied piper" example yesterday you should give the devil his due N'esy Pas?

Paul Bourgoin 
Mario Doucet
The leader of the CoR party became premier after all.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Mario Doucet But will Gallant stay head of the Acadian Party ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

What is the Acadian party ?

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Martin Pretty well all of Gallants southeastern caucus. ( or all those who pointed him in the direction they wanted and said " fetch " ! )

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Mario Doucet, you are dead right on this one!

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks he is not I believe that Higgs lost his attempt to be the CoR Party Leader N'esy Pas/

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "What is the Acadian party ?"

The Liberals DUHHH???

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Mario Doucet King maker if you want to look at it that way. That line in the sand took on new meaning when Brian and David chose their sides. Mr. Austin did become assistant Premier by default and far more important to Higgs then either Green or Liberal. PANB is the second most powerful party in NB today.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mario Doucet

I agree with you on this....His mentor Kris Austin must be proud.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Lou Bell

Its better that then having Barney as a premier....Well he is the leader of a children's groups...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

But they elected MLAs in Saint John, Moncton and in Fredericton...You make no sense I tough the Acadians where all up north.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Norman Albert Snr

*Mr. Austin did become assistant Premier by default *

Why is that ? Higgs will still have to appoint a speaker. The greens are now the most powerfull party.

Paul Bourgoin 
Clive Gibbons
Looks like Higgs will be both the Premier and Finance minister...

David Amos
David Amos
@Clive Gibbons Methinks you may have hurt the feelings of Ernie Steeves if he has any N'esy Pas?

Paul Bourgoin 
Marc LeBlanc
Northrup and Fitch get nada....Wow,what a kick in the crockies....(for all you gen exr's out there a crocky is a large marble)

David Amos
David Amos 
@Marc LeBlanc Methinks Mr Fitch will get the best job of all as Speaker but Northrup stepped on the Irving Clan's toes bigtime and that will never be forgotten N'esy Pas?


Natural resources minister in Alward government says Irving letter got him fired

'I have a strong feeling that did it,' PC MLA Bruce Northrup says of shuffle out of portfolio
Connell Smith · CBC News · Posted: Jan 08, 2018 6:00 AM AT

Paul Bourgoin 
Miles Long
Will Higgs be releasing his income tax filings like they do in US, one always wonders about emoluments.

David Amos
David Amos
@Miles Long Methinks that thou doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

Paul Bourgoin 
herbie harris
16 cabinet ministers plus higgs is he ever cutting the deficit .. unreal first step...

herbie harris
herbie harris
@herbie harris with only 6 members left why didn't he give them all one

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@herbie harris I know of two people in Miramichi who will lose their "jobs" Next week. They are a husband and wife who worked on Gallant's election campaign the first time he was elected. All of a sudden a couple of "jobs" appeared for them in the civil service complete with government vehicles. Funny how that works eh? I am personally going to make sure they are outed and fired.

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Barry Odonnell that's quite a threat to them 2 people I suppose you have an inside track eh... hahahahahaha your in the clouds pal

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Barry Odonnell

So many nice people who voted for PANB they are all in the same model.

David Amos
David Amos
@herbie harris "with only 6 members left why didn't he give them all one"

My tally comes 5 Bruce Fitch, Bruce Northrup, Gary Crossman, Glen Savoie and Stewart Fairgrieve

Methinks its far more interesting as to whom Higgs did not appoint to his temporary cabinet N'esy Pas?

That said I bet Higgs has his beancounting buddy Bruce Fitch slated for the Speaker's Chair

David Amos
David Amos
@Barry Odonnell Methinks the list is truly huge N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Barry Odonnell

*I am personally going to make sure they are outed and fired.*

What a nice group of people PANB is, maybe we should ask the Federal government to remove the 1100 Federal jobs and move them to Moncton, anti-French groups do not deserve that kind of economy revenu in the region.

Paul Bourgoin 
herbie harris
dominic cardy new minister of education WOW... what is higgs thinking

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@herbie harris Cardy is a JOKE! Could not even get a seat as NDP leader then switches teams to the Cons. Kinda goes whichever way the wind blows.

Mary MacKenzie
Mary MacKenzie
@Barry Odonnell People voted for him.

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Barry Odonnell NDP went from greatest share of vote ever under Cardy, to least share of vote ever under whatshername. If the party communists hadn't pushed him Cardy likely would have got seats for NDP this time around.

David Amos
David Amos
@herbie harris Methinks Mr Higgs thinks if he didn't pacify the EX NDP Leader with a cabinet position that he would quite likely cross the floor and join Kelly Lamrock's old buddies N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Mary MacKenzie "People voted for him."

Methinks that many would agree that folks voted for the colour of Cardy's latest coat N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, speaking of "coat", how about "turncoat"?

Paul Bourgoin 
Jim Moore
Bye Bye Liberals, and it couldn't have come sooner, and next fall they will be gone federally too.

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Jim Moore I hope you like eating crow jim.. higgs will go down as one of the worst premiers of all time.. Northrup and fitzzii will make sure of that, they look some happy today hahahahah

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@herbie harris Hardly, Gallant and the Liberals already have that title.

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Jim Moore you in the clouds jim

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jim Moore

The Liberals are currently leading and the Cons took another hard hit with Clement. Who can dethrone them.....No one.

David Amos
David Amos
@herbie harris "Northrup and fitzzii will make sure of that, they look some happy today hahahahah"

Methinks Higgs and Fitch and everybody else "in the know" knows why I ran against Bruce Northrup instead of the leader who can't be named who overesees the Watermelon Party (Green on the outside Red on the inside) like I had initially planned N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Dream on Mr Quebecker

Tony Chamberlain
Tony Chamberlain
@Marc Martin Me thinks there is a pattern happening here. First Ontario, then Quebec and now New Brunswick has been voting out the Liberals. Andrew is leading in the polls.

Marguerite Deschamps
FMarguerite Deschamps
@Tony Chamberlain, Andrew who?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Tony Chamberlain
The conservatives didn't win per say. They need support from another party.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Davis someone yanked your chain or did feed you yet?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tony Chamberlain

*Andrew is leading in the polls.*

No he is not, Libs are ahead at 37% heading upwards and Cons are at 32% . If the lection would be held right now Trudeau would be elected.

Paul Bourgoin 
Gerry Ferguson
A great day for New Btunswick

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Gerry Ferguson Will be one of the worst day for our province In its history...

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@herbie harris You must have been one of the several hundred buddies that Gallant created a government job for

herbie harris
herbie harris
@Barry Odonnell How did you know that

David Amos
David Amos
@herbie harris Its not rocket science

David Amos
David Amos
@Gerry Ferguson Welcome to the Circus

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, here comes the clown.

Matt Steele 
Matt Steele
Higgs certainly has his work cut out for him cleaning up Gallant's mess . A 14.5 BILLION debt ; 2 MILLION PER DAY interest payments , ; a school system that ranks at the bottom Canada wide ; one of the oldest populations in Canada ; a very low birth rate ; a dead economy ; an over bloated and ineffective civil service , and the list goes on . What a mess Higgs has inherited !

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Matt Steele

* A 14.5 BILLION debt *

I didn't know Gallant was in power for the past 50 years ?? I tough he was only 40 something years old....interesting...

*a school system that ranks at the bottom Canada wide *

Links ?

*one of the oldest populations in Canada *

Not much to do about that since a lot of people come to retire in NB where its among the cheapest to live for a retiree.

*a very low birth rate *

That's what you get when you elect a Conservative government.

*a dead economy*

Its no has bad as you think there is still 5000 unapointed jobs in NB.

*an over bloated and ineffective civil service*

Really ? Says who ? Your degree at subway makes you educated enough to say that ?

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Marc Martin You realize only 46% of adult New Brunswick residents are considered literate, in either language, and it is the worst in Canada by a long shot, less than half the population of New Brunswick is considered literate enough to function in professional society, Ie; function adequately in the work force, less than half are considered literate.

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Jim Moore You can thank your Liberals for that.

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Marc Martin He was 100% right on all points, New Brunswick is the Armpit of Canada when it comes to Employment, healthcare, quality of living, and education, the wages are on average less than half that in other provinces. And the majority of residents aren't even considered literate in any language and wouldn't pass a grade school literacy test

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Jim Moore
Having the one of the oldest populations in Canada will do that.

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen
@Matt Steele

Here are the Alward governments charges on the debt

Fiscal Year Debt charges (millions of dollars)

2011-12 662 ($1.8 million per day)
2012-13 660 ($1.8 million per day)
2013-14 662 ($1.8 million per day)
2014-15 677 ($1.9 million per day)

Source: Public Accounts of New Brunswick

Can you see a significant difference from those of Gallant?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jim Moore

Links ?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jim Moore

Links ? You cant provide anything and I am supposed to listen to an anti-French voter?

Archie Levesque
Archie Levesque
@Robert Brannen What about the fact that Alward was premier when the was a worldwide recession and Gallant was premier when the economy is booming?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Archie Levesque, a recession affects New Brunswick very little. New Brunswick is in a recession most of the time.

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Steele Methinks everybody but you knows how I enjoy watching the NDP dude in you trying to argue the political pundits of the other parties This thread is a fine example N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Links ?"

Your wish is my command


Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Robert Brannen you are missing some years there, and the worst one, you also don't include the whole atcon mess

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Marc Martin No you claim to be a smart boy, go look for yourself, I am confident everything I said is based in reality and not emotional babble

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen
@Archie Levesque

The so called *Great* Recession began in December of 2007 and ended in June 2009. Premier Graham had to deal with that.

Robert Brannen
Robert Brannen
@Jim Moore

Alward years were from September 27, 2010 to September 22, 2014.
Fiscal years run from April 1 through to March 31. Alward would be responsible for those fiscal years ending on March 31 of 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Archie Levesque
Didn't we have Trump giving us ( and Gallant) trouble for the last 2 years and the economy wasn't booming from what I saw.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

No one want to read your stories Davis, they are not interesting and irrelevant.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jim Moore

See no link, no proof. Next!!

Paul Bourgoin 
Mario Doucet
How many thousands of dollars were collected in pay since the election by le parti liberal members delaying the election results? Fake cabinet ministers like Cathy Rogers and Premier wages for Gallant. Gallant thinks it's his decision to remain parti leader, guess he still don't get it.

Roy Nicholl
Roy Nicholl
@Mario Doucet
No one delayed the election results. Things are unfurling in accordance to the Westminster Parliamentary system.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roy Nicholl True

Paul Bourgoin 
Marc Martin
so the leader of the Conservatives who affiliated themselves with an anti-French group is going to be sworned in, lets ee how it goes....

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Marc Martin "Sworn in" not swarned in, please refer to my other statements about most residents of New Brunswick being illiterate. This is a perfect example of more than half of the provinces ability to read and write in either language. Not even at a grade school level, and the Liberals are to blame for that 100%

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@Marc Martin By "Anti French" If you mean that they will no longer bend over and give the minority whatever they want then you are correct sir. Bonne Chance.

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@Jim Moore Exactly! Look I will not make fun of Marc Martin's English. It is much better than my French. However Monsieur Martin would be called "Fluently Bilingual" in the silly service and handed a government job over someone more qualified that was English. There is a huge double standard

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Barry Odonnell
The double standard is having standards being lowered to serve the lazy whiners who don't bother to get the qualifications. While those who did get penalized.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jim Moore

Grammar correction on a french person...you want a cookie for this ? Yu would blame everything of what's any French people will do, your point is invalid.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Barry Odonnell

The 2 language are both treated equally, If you didn't get a job its because you simply do not qualify for it.

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Marc Martin My point is pretty valid considering you can't even form a basic sentence even when you are trying to, and it directly proves my point one the average education level and literacy rate in New Brunswick, its the worse in the country and by a long shot

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Marc Martin They aren't equal at all, if they were then the french would be held to the same standards the english are when it comes to testing for bilingual literacy, as it stands now the French have a very simplified oral exam consisting of a couple extremely simple questions in english only they barely need to answer, the english are subjected to a written and oral exam in both french and english that they are graded to a very high standard on. That and the french in general can have horrible english and barely able to communicate, yet get all the government jobs, and are classified as bilingual when they are barely literate if at all in either language, and the english are outright refused jobs for not having perfect french with no accent. As well per person the french receive 4 times the funding the english get. Its a very unfair and slanted system. Hopefully its fixed and soon, along with abolishing segregation, or what the french love to call duality

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Jim Moore Gotta love auto correct, i mean of and worst, not one and worse, thanks apple

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt "The double standard is having standards being lowered to serve the lazy whiners who don't bother to get the qualifications. While those who did get penalized."

Methinks the only standard that matters in government is not what you know but who you know N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Jim Moore, he did not write "swarned", but "sworned". Although both are incorrect, how about you; you can't even copy correctly. Although we should try to make as few errors as possible, none of us is perfect, including you. If you wish to nitpick, you failed to put an apostrophe to "more than half of the province's ability".

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Jim Moore, furthermore, if you pronounced "sworned" or "sworn", you would not even notice the difference in pronunciation. Talk about cutting hair!
I can give you examples of French correspondence from so-called bilingual Anglophones in the public sector. It is just brutal! Yet they still hold bilingual positions.

Jim Moore
Jim Moore
@Marguerite Deschamps What are you talking about Sworn and Sworned don't sound even remotely the same at all. Not even close, the E is not silent. Stop making excuses for a complete lack of ability. A missing apostrophe, is nowhere near a completely butchered spelling that isn't even in the english language. And I am so sorry I didn't copy a word that doesn't exists in any language improperly, I couldn't spell it that bad if I tried. But this goes directly to my point that the french and english are held to different standards when it comes to literacy and what would be considered acceptable, one side is held to university level standards in both languages, and the other side is not even held to grade school proficiency levels and given all the jobs even though they make up less than one quarter the population.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Jim Moore, keep going, you are just proving that all these allegations you keep making is total BS.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@David Amos
"matters in government is not what you know but who you know N'esy Pas?"

Yes, there is that too.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
If you ask me, from my experience dealing with government employees, about all you need is toddler French for an Anglophone to get a government job.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jim Moore

* as it stands now the French have a very simplified oral exam consisting of a couple extremely simple questions in english only they barely need to answer*

Not true again, educate yourself :


*the english are subjected to a written and oral exam in both french and english that they are graded to a very high standard on*

Again another lie.

* As well per person the french receive 4 times the funding the english get.*

Again stated by a French hater with no proof.

NEXT !!!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

The thing is most of the time I write on these blogs on my phone, and I dont even take time to correct anything, I mean most people here are the lowest of the lowest so there is no need for me to put any effort into this.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jim Moore

Poor Jim....Corrected by an incompetent francophone, you are right the anglophones are also illiterates, so they are not even qualified in their own language.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

Actually most of bilingual jobs in the Federal government and provincial are deemed French essentiel and requires a B in French which any 5th grader can achieve. In Jim's its not his fault he probably finished school at grade 4.

Premier Blaine Higgs cabinet includes all 4 women in caucus, lone francophone

Higgs tells 16 fellow cabinet ministers they have to give straight answers

CBC News· Posted: Nov 09, 2018 9:00 AM AT

Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs is sworn in as New Brunswick's 34th premier by Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy Vienneau on Friday. (James West/Canadian Press)

Blaine Higgs has become New Brunswick's 34th premier and has sworn in a cabinet that he says will get right to work solving the province's problems.

Higgs appointed 16 members to cabinet, including all four women Progressive Conservative MLAs, the party's lone francophone member as deputy premier, and a former leader of the NDP as education minister.

The members of the Higgs cabinet are:
  • Robert Gauvin, deputy premier, Tourism Heritage and Culture
  • Andrea Anderson-Mason, Justice and Attorney General
  • Ross Wetmore, Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
  • Mary Wilson, Economic Development and Small Business
  • Dominic Cardy, Education and Early Childhood Development
  • Mike Holland, Energy and Resource Development
  • Jeff Carr, Environment and Local Government
  • Dorothy Shephard, Social Development
  • Trevor Holder, Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
  • Sherry Wilson, Service New Brunswick
  • Carl Urquhart, Public Safety and Solicitor General
  • Jake Stewart, Aboriginal Affairs
  • Ted Flemming, Health
  • Bill Oliver, Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Ernie Steeves, Finance
  • Greg Thompson, Intergovernmental Affairs

Progressive Conservative MLA Mike Holland is sworn in as minister of energy and resource development. (James West/Canadian Press)

It also sees the return of Ted Flemming as health minister, a post he held in the last PC government, and the promotion of Moncton Northwest MLA Ernie Steeves to the post of finance minister.

In a speech after the swearing-in, Higgs put his cabinet on notice that he is serious about his promise to do politics differently.

"I want each of you to recall my promise, made during the throne speech debate, that we would hold ourselves to a higher standard," he told his ministers.
"When we are asked a sincere question, we will give a straight answer. When we  are given a job to do, we will measure the results and share them without spin. When we make mistakes, we will humbly own them and work to do better.

"When we defend our choices, we will do so with evidence and facts, not talking points and personal attacks. And we will always remember that results, not image, are the things that will keep the New Brunswick dream alive."

CBC News
Here's what you need to know about Blaine Higgs
 Blaine Higgs will be sworn in as the province’s new Progressive Conservative premier on Friday. Here are eight things you need to know about him. 1:40

The swearing-in took place one week after Brian Gallant's Liberal minority government was defeated in a confidence vote. Higgs will also have to govern without a majority in the legislature.

Higgs's choice of Steeves as finance minister comes just days after he acknowledged to reporters he was tempted to keep the job for himself. Higgs was finance minister in the previous PC government from 2010 to 2014.

"I thought, 'Why couldn't I do both?'" he told reporters on Monday. "Let's just say it'll be good for me to be close to my finance minister."

Conspicuous in their absence from the new cabinet were Bruce Fitch and Bruce Northrup, who both held senior ministerial positions in the previous Tory government of David Alward.

All 4 female MLAs are ministers 

One of the women appointed to cabinet, Andrea Anderson-Mason, brushed off questions about all four female PC MLAs becoming ministers.

"I'm also a lawyer," she said. "Let's not forget that. I'm happy to be here and to be a woman in a cabinet position, but I'm also happy to be here as a lawyer as well."

Progressive Conservative MLA Greg Thompson shakes hands with former premier Brian Gallant after being sworn in as minister of intergovernmental affairs on Friday. (James West/Canadian Press)

Higgs said the four women — Sherry Wilson, Dorothy Shephard, Mary Wilson and Anderson-Mason — will bring an important perspective.

"Women need to be part of our democratic process," he said. "We can learn a lot from our colleagues and we need a diversification within our group to do that."

Language division

Gauvin, the MLA for Shippagan-Lamè​que-Miscou, was seen as an inevitable cabinet choice after he was elected as the only PC MLA from a northern francophone riding.

He said part of his job would be to work to repair language divisions in the province.
"We have to roll up our sleeves, talk to each other, find ways to respect each other, and get the job done," he said.

Gauvin said he wasn't bothered that office-space limitations in the anterooms adjacent to the legislative chamber led the Tories to have the three People's Alliance MLAs sit with them on the government side of the house.
He said he has been urged by at least one francophone lobby group to get to know the Alliance members and better understand their opposition to some aspects of official bilingualism.

Asked if the Alliance members were making similar efforts to understand him, he said: "Not yet, because we've just started speaking. They're not monsters. We'll start from there."

Higgs also said there's no message in letting the Alliance members sit on the government side.
"I would like to spend more time on the actual messages that are real, because of what we accomplish," he said.

Many policy questions unanswered

Among the immediate issues on the government's agenda is a fix for the shortage of paramedics and nurses, legislative changes to WorkSafeNB to halt spiralling rate increases paid by employers, and a clash with Ottawa on carbon taxes.

Neither Flemming nor new attorney-general Anderson-Mason would comment on how they'll keep Higgs's promise to address the paramedic shortage and ambulance delays without running afoul of a consent order that requires bilingual service.
"Today is not the day to discuss policy," Anderson-Mason said.

Flemming said the consent order doesn't have the same weight as legal precedent but wouldn't discuss it much more than that.

"I believe the matter should be resolvable if we put the best interests of New Brunswickers first," he said.

Higgs, centre, stands with members of the executive council after the swearing-in. (James West/Canadian Press)

Education Minister Dominic Cardy, who left the NDP last year to join the PCs, likewise didn't want to discuss whether the new government will undo the previous Liberal decision to return the French-immersion entry point to Grade 1.

Higgs had criticized the Liberals for making the move before there was any evidence that the previous Grade 3 entry point was hurting educational outcomes.

"Amazingly, having been sworn in less than an hour ago, I'm not going to be making policy announcements today," Cardy said.
With his cabinet in place, Higgs will aim to bring in a throne speech the week of Nov. 20. It will face a confidence vote after two weeks of debate.

The three Alliance MLAs have already said they will vote to keep the PC government in power for at least 18 months.

That gives the PCs a total of 25 votes, a bare majority to pass legislation. The Liberals have 20 seats and the Greens have three.

Speaker Daniel Guitard, elected as a Liberal, said Friday he will stay in the position for now — removing one vote from his party's benches — but will rethink if the PCs do anything that forces him to abandon his neutrality.

"The day there's something that happens that will [prevent] me from being impartial will be the day I leave," he said.

Liberals defeated last week

On Nov. 2, the house voted 25-23 for a throne speech motion amended by the PC Opposition to declare no confidence in the government.

Three People's Alliance MLAs joined the 22 PC MLAs in voting to defeat the government. Meanwhile, 20 Liberals and three Greens voted to keep it alive.

Higgs told reporters earlier that he wanted a speedy transition of power.

"Our target is still on track for what we said in terms of a quick plan, a quick move to government," he said.

"I'm excited about that."

The PCs hold 22 of 49 seats in the legislature. The three People's Alliance MLAs have said they'll vote bill-by-bill to keep the Tories in office for at least 18 months.


8 things you need to know about New Brunswick's next premier, Blaine Higgs

Several factors make Higgs one of the more unusual politicians to hold the office in recent memory

Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs answers questions from the news media after defeating the Liberal government in the New Brunswick Legislature on Nov. 2. (James West/Canadian Press)

He's going to be the next premier of New Brunswick — and he'll also be one of the more unusual politicians to hold the office in recent memory.

Blaine Higgs will be sworn in as the province's new Progressive Conservative premier on Friday, an unconventional choice for the job after an unconventional election.

Here are eight things you need to know about Blaine Higgs.

1. He'll be the oldest premier of New Brunswick, ever


Higgs will be the first New Brunswick premier from the Saint John area in 83 years. 
Six of the last seven premiers who won power through elections were in their 30s. The exception, David Alward, was 50. Higgs is 64.

But that's more than just a break from the recent pattern. Higgs will be the oldest premier to take office ever — since the advent of responsible government in 1854. (Leonard Tilley, sworn in at age 63 in 1933, is the current record-holder.)

Higgs made a virtue of his age when the Liberals attacked him for having run for the leadership of the Confederation of Regions Party in 1989. Higgs was 35 at the time, the same age as Premier Brian Gallant when the negative ads were launched last year.
"I've been attacked about decisions I might have made when I was premier's age," Higgs said, "and that's why I can understand some of the decisions the premier's been making now."

2. He's from the smallest 'city' in the province


Higgs, a former finance minister, speaks to the leadership convention in Fredericton in 2016. (Julianne Hazlewood/CBC)
Higgs grew up in Forest City. The name is a bit of a misnomer: the remote community on a lake on the New Brunswick-Maine border is the farthest thing you can imagine from an actual city.

Last year Higgs estimated the year-round population of Forest City at seven people. "It survives because of the summer activity, not because of any industry or economic development," he said.

That gives him a perspective on small-town life, he said. "There are a lot of rural communities that are challenged, and kids are leaving. Let's not pretend otherwise. Let's lay it all out there and say, 'What collectively are we going to do?'"

3. He worked for the Irvings

Higgs spent 33 years of his career working for Irving Oil ltd. (CBC)

Critics of the Irvings joke that every premier "works" for the billionaire family, but Higgs actually did. He spent 33 years with Irving Oil.

When the Liberals used that to attack him as a pawn of big business, Higgs responded that working for Irving Oil allowed him to do what many New Brunswickers dream of.

"I would like that opportunity for anyone coming out of university, or coming out of high school … to have an opportunity to find a job and have a career right here," he said.

He has also said the Irving ethos — cost efficiency and measurable targets — would help him as premier. "I learned a lot working for that company," he said.

"It's ironic to me that someone would say because I have had broad experience throughout my career, that's not a plus to being in the middle of an $8 billion expenditure of taxpayer money."

4. He ran for the leadership of another party


Higgs also ran for the leadership of the COR party. This photo was taken in 1989. (CBC Archives )

There's a long history of party-switching and floor-crossing among New Brunswick politicians, but Higgs may be the first person to run for the leadership of one party and then become premier as the leader of another.

Although he moved from a protest party to a mainstream one, he seems to like that the Greens and the People's Alliance are shaking up the traditional way of doing politics, a system he says he disdains.

For example, he ruled out a PC-Liberal coalition, he said, because voters "have elected two other parties that cannot and should not be shut out of this process."

5. … and not just any other party

The party Higgs wanted to lead in 1989, the Confederation of Regions, was anti-bilingualism, while the PC party he now leads lists official bilingualism as one of its key principles.
Higgs says he no longer subscribes to the COR worldview. "I believe that all New Brunswickers, French and English, have the opportunity to speak their own language and to learn another one," he said in August. "My opinion has changed over the last 30 years."

Even so, many Acadian organizations are wary about what his COR past means for his approach to language rights.

6. He's the first unilingual premier elected since 1970

Higgs's ability to overcome suspicions about his COR past will be hampered by his inability to speak French well.

The PC leader started taking lessons after he won the PC leadership and has gamely made small talk with francophones. He has also delivered two major speeches entirely in French.

CBC News
Here's what you need to know about Blaine Higgs
 Blaine Higgs will be sworn in as the province’s new Progressive Conservative premier on Friday. Here are eight things you need to know about him. 1:40

But he remains unable to do substantial interviews in the language, making it harder for him to address francophone concerns in his own words. He said this week that he didn't have time for his lessons during the busy campaign but will restart them soon.

7. He won the party leadership despite his fellow MLAs, not because of them

Higgs signals to the gallery prior to the closure of the throne speech debate. (James West/Canadian Press)

In the 2016 leadership race, most PC MLAs, including former ministers who had worked closely with him in the Alward cabinet, chose to support candidates other than Higgs. Only two current MLAs backed him.

Portland-Simonds MLA Trevor Holder, who supported Mel Norton, said at the time that Higgs's vocal dislike of politics was misplaced, because elected officials should respond to their constituents and communities. "When it's done right … politics is what makes things happen."

And Rothesay MLA Ted Flemming, who supported Monica Barley, took an apparent swipe at Higgs's focus on the deficit.

"New Brunswick isn't just a balance sheet," he said. "I'm from the Progressive Conservative Party. That word means something to me. That word has history."

8. He's in a hurry, but he may not be able to hurry

Higgs says the campaign kept him busy, but he plans to start up his French lessons again soon. (Radio-Canada)

Higgs promised quick action to tackle the province's problems if he became premier.

He's asking that proposals to address a shortage of paramedics be on his desk next week, he plans to join a legal challenge of the federal climate plan by the end of this month, and PC MLA Bruce Northrup says a moratorium on fracking could be lifted in the Sussex area before the end of the year.
But Higgs has acknowledged he'll be forced to scale back some of his ambitions in the first legislature since 1920 in which no party won a majority.

The People's Alliance has promised to support him on confidence votes for 18 months, but will decide how to vote on other legislation one bill at a time.

That may make it difficult for Higgs to do all the things he feels are necessary — making him the first premier to take office in that position in a century.

Methinks its Mikey Holland's turn to argue me as the latest Minister of Energy and Resource Development for the LIEbrano idea of "The Place To BE" N'esy Pas?



Replying to and  49 others
Methinks its Mikey Holland's turn to argue me as the latest Minister of Energy and Resource Development for the LIEbrano idea of "The Place To BE" N'esy Pas?


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2018 00:38:00 -0400
Subject: Now its Mikey Holland's trurn to argue me as minister of energy and resource development N'esy Pas?
To: "Holland, Mike (LEG)"<mike.holland@gnb.ca>, "David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin"<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>,
 "brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "Jack.Keir"<Jack.Keir@gnb.ca>,
 "greg.thompson2"<greg.thompson2@gnb.ca>, "robert.gauvin"<robert.gauvin@gnb.ca>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
"Furey, John"<jfurey@nbpower.com>, "bruce.northrup"<bruce.northrup@gnb.ca>,
wharrison <wharrison@nbpower.com>, "len.hoyt"<len.hoyt@mcinnescooper.com>, 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Doucet, Rick (LEG)"<Rick.Doucet@gnb.ca>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:07:58 +0000
Subject: RE: Final Docs
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

Will get right on this.
Always look forward to your brilliant thoughts.

Hon.Rick Doucet
Legislative member for Charlotte-the isles
28 Mt.Pleasant Rd.
St.George, N.B. E5C 3K4

Phone / Téléphone : 506-755-4200
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---------- Original  message ----------
From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2018 19:31:36 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: The MLA's who had a meeting with Chris
Collins on Oct 17th must have read the news todays about Health
Canada's concerns about Monsanto N'esy Pas Mikey Holland?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

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---------- Original  message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2018 15:31:25 -0400
Subject: The MLA's who had a meeting with Chris Collins on Oct 17th must have read the 
news todays about Health Canada's concerns about Monsanto N'esy Pas Mikey Holland?
To: "Holland, Mike (LEG)"<mike.holland@gnb.ca>, "Ross.Wetmore"<Ross.Wetmore@gnb.ca>, "kris.austin"<kris.austin@gnb.ca>, "rick.desaulniers"<rick.desaulniers@gnb.ca>, 
 "michelle.conroy"<michelle.conroy@gnb.ca>, "Andrew.Harvey"<Andrew.Harvey@gnb.ca>,
"David.Coon"<David.Coon@gnb.ca>, "Arseneau, Kevin (LEG)"<Kevin.A.Arseneau@gnb.ca>, "Mitton, Megan (LEG)"<megan.mitton@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, 
"brian.gallant"<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, "Jack.Keir"<Jack.Keir@gnb.ca>, 
 tj <tj@burkelaw.ca>, kelly <kelly@lamrockslaw.com>
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, kedgwickriver <kedgwickriver@gmail.com>, Rod Cumberland <rcumberland@mcft.ca>, markandcaroline <markandcaroline@gmail.com>, 
COCMoncton <COCMoncton@gmail.com>, "Furey, John"<jfurey@nbpower.com>,
"bruce.northrup"<bruce.northrup@gnb.ca>, wharrison <wharrison@nbpower.com>, 

SSNB's Public forum (Oct.17'18) with elected MLAs on drafting a model bill to #StopSprayingNB


Published on Oct 17, 2018
Video from today's public forum to draft a model motion to stop the spraying of glyphosate and other herbicides on public forests, by NB Power, Base Gagetown and CN Rail. The big news for us and our supporters should be that all 4 political parties sent elected members to participate. David Coon was the only party leader in attendance. 
MLAs in attendance: - 
NB Liberal Party: Andrew Harvey - 
NB PC Party: Ross Wetmore and Mike Holland - NB 
Green Party: David Coon - 
People's Alliance Party: Rick DeSaulniers and Michelle Conroy 
SSNB had invited Rod E. Cumberland and Charles Theriault to attend as resources to give input. 
There were a few other groups, who were not invited present (not sure who invited them, because we only sent invitations to the leaders of the elected parties):
 - Mike Leger from Forest Info
 - Agricultural Aliance NB.
Stop Spraying in New Brunswick (SSNB) is a NON-PARTISAN group focused on stopping the spraying of Glyphosate and other herbicides on public land, which includes forest spraying and NB Power spraying in New Brunswick. This includes raising awareness of the harmful effects of Glyphosate on eco-systems and animals in New Brunswick. Website: www.stopsprayingnb.ca Facebook public group: Stop Spraying in New Brunswick Facebook info Page: Stop Spraying NB info page SSNB Inc. 
Board Members: - 
Dr. Caroline Lubbe-D'Arcy (Chair) - 
Donald Bowser (Vice-Chair) - 
Charles Doucet (Secretary/Treasurer) - 
Matthiew Vienneau (SSNB FoundingFather)


'Troubling allegations' prompt Health Canada review of studies used to approve popular weed-killer

Maker of Roundup denies any hidden influence on studies used in approval process

Health Canada says its scientists are reviewing hundreds of studies used during the approval process for glyphosate, the active ingredient in Canada's most popular herbicide, Roundup. 

Health Canada says in light of "troubling allegations," its scientists are reviewing hundreds of studies used during the approval process for glyphosate, the active ingredient in Canada's most popular herbicide, Roundup.

The decision comes after a coalition of environmental groups claimed Health Canada relied on studies that were secretly influenced by agrochemical giant Monsanto, the maker of Roundup, when it re-approved use of glyphosate in 2015 and confirmed that decision in 2017.

The coalition, which includes Equiterre, Ecojustice, Canadian Physicians for the Environment and others, says academic papers looking at whether the herbicide causes cancer were presented to Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency as independent, when in fact Monsanto had a hand in writing them.

At the time, Health Canada decided the risks of glyphosate to human health were acceptable, if used as directed in updated product labels. Now it's taking another look.

"Health Canada scientists are currently reviewing hundreds of studies to assess whether the information justifies a change to the original decision, or the use of a panel of experts not affiliated with Health Canada," the health agency told CBC-Radio Canada in an email response to the coalition's claims.

But Sidney Ribaux, the head of Equiterre, isn't satisfied.

He says Health Canada should launch an independent review immediately and suspend use of the herbicide, which is commonly applied to corn, soy, wheat and oats, as well as chickpeas and other pulses.

"This does not in any way meet our demands. Health Canada approved a dangerous product based ... on these studies."

Monsanto Papers

The coalition's contention that Monsanto had an uncredited role in producing some of the studies comes from court documents made public in the case of Dewayne "Lee" Johnson.

In August, a California jury ordered Monsanto to pay Johnson $289 million US in damages after the former groundskeeper alleged Roundup gave him non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.
He was diagnosed in 2014 at age 42.

A judge upheld the verdict last month, although Johnson's payout was slashed to $78 million US.
The documents filed in the case, including emails between Monsanto and scientific experts, have become known as the Monsanto Papers. The revelations they contain have received worldwide attention.

Plaintiff Dewayne 'Lee' Johnson, seen here during his trial on July 9, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2014 at age 42. A former pest control manager at a San Francisco-area school district, he blames exposure to glyphosate for his illness. (Josh Edelson/Reuters)
The coalition of Canadian groups says those documents prove that important scientific studies were either co-written or reviewed and edited by Monsanto without properly disclosing the company's role.

"Monsanto has been playing around with scientific studies," said Equiterre's Ribaux. "[It's] making these studies look like they are independent, when in fact they were written or heavily influenced by Monsanto.

"What we found is that some of these studies were key in the Government of Canada's decision to give a permit to Monsanto to continue selling glyphosate in Canada.
"Obviously this is very problematic."

In a statement to CBC, German-based Bayer AG which now owns Monsanto says it has an "unwavering commitment to sound science transparency" and did not try to influence scientific outcomes in any way.

The company says in each case where it sponsored a scientific article, that information was disclosed.

U.S. plaintiff calls for more testing

Lee Johnson, the plaintiff in the landmark American case, wants to see glyphosate research re-evaluated and expanded.

"Hopefully the conversation is big enough to where they have to do more testing, more research," Johnson told CBC-Radio-Canada in an exclusive interview during a recent visit to Toronto.

Johnson said he was thrilled to win his suit, but he knows his fight is far from over. He expects years of appeals.
 I'm not scared to die. You know, but if I have to die, at least I'll die for something.- Dewayne "Lee" Johnson
Bayer has already announced its intention to appeal the ruling. Bayer now faces more than 8,000 lawsuits in the U.S. over its glyphosate-based products.

In a post on its website last month, Bayer said it continues "to believe that the liability verdict and damage awards are not supported by the evidence at trial or the law."

The company told CBC-Radio Canada "its product is safe and has been used successfully for more than 40 years."

It also says there is an extensive body of research on glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides, including more than 800 studies required by regulators in Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere, that confirms these products are safe when used as directed.

Many government regulators, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2017, have determined there is no conclusive link between glyphosate and cancer.

But the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded in 2015 that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen.

Johnson, who sprayed Roundup and a similar Monsanto product, Ranger Pro, as part of his job as a groundskeeper at a San Francisco Bay Area school district, says he has found a certain consolation in his struggle against Monsanto.

"I was there to defend the truth," he said. "I'm not scared to die. You know, but if I have to die, at least I'll die for something."

About the Author


Gil Shochat
Investigative producer
Gil Shochat is an award-winning investigative producer-director with CBC/Radio-Canada. He's worked in Canada and internationally on subjects including the coal industry, the Russian mafia, TD Bank, the global war on terror, as well as Canada's role in the international asbestos trade. 

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices


David Coon and the media know I am the guy saying that since 2004


Published on Apr 1, 2013


Me,Myself and I


Published on Apr 1, 2013


Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local Campaign, Rogers TV

Published on Oct 1, 2015
Federal debate in Fundy Royal, New Brunswick riding featuring candidates Rob Moore, Stephanie Coburn, Alaina Lockhart, Jennifer McKenzie and David Amos. Rob Moore - Conservative Stephanie Coburn - Green Party Alaina Lockhart - Liberal Jennifer McKenzie - New Democratic Party David Amos - Independent


Thursday, September 29, 2005


The Unconventional Candidate

David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….

By Gisele McKnight

FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.

The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada.

One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail to meet Elections Canada requirements.

When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his favourite place to do so—Fundy.

Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians.

"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he needed to change his life.

"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that sometimes in midlife."

So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 Panhead motorcycle.

"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask for anything, but you take what they offer."

For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs and conversation all over North America.

Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls himself.

He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."

Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.

"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. "It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"

Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.

"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."

And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.

"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."

What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window.

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.

"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."

Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have your X by his name.

"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and say, ‘what the hell.’"


Member Directory

Alain Bosse – Groupe Savoie
Andy Barrieau – Fornebu Lumber
Duane Woods– Chaleur Sawmills
Gilbert Carre – Twin Rivers Paper Company
Donald Crabbe – H.J. Crabbe & Sons Ltd.
Drew English – Arbec Forest Products
Glen Warman – Marwood Ltd.
Jacques Cormier – Delco Forest Products Ltd.
Kevin Larlee – AV Group Inc.
Luc Ouellet – Acadian Timber Limited Partnership
Mike Legere – Forest NB
Mike O’Blenis – AV Group Inc.
Serge Landry – A.L.P.A. Equipment Co. Ltd.
Terry Noble – Twin Rivers Paper Company
Tim Lowe – Twin Rivers Paper Company
Arbec Forest Products
AV Group Inc.
Chaleur Sawmills
Delco Forest Products Ltd.
Fornebu Lumber
Goguen Lumber
Groupe Savoie
H.J. Crabbe & Sons Ltd.
John W. Jamer Ltd.
Marwood Ltd.
Seacoast Fishing Suppliers
Twin Rivers Paper Company
W.F. Tompkins & Sons Ltd.
Brunswick Valley Lumber
Toromont Cat (Maritimes)
Liebherr Canada Ltd.
North American Forest Products Ltd.
Envirem Organics Ltd.
Acadian Timber Limited Partnership
Hub International
A.L.P.A. Equipment Co. Ltd.
Cain Insurance
National Leasing
Urquhart-MacDonald & Associates
W & R Gillespie Ltd.
Forest Protection Limited
Great Northern Timber Inc.
NB Forest Industry Safety Association

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 12:54:32 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Softwood Tariffs etc Perhaps the Dumb LIEbranos and many
ethical Maritimers should get the evil Yankee lawyer David Wilkins to
explain the words within this old blog to them real slow N'esy Pas Mr
MONEY Minister Morneau?
To: Shirley.Pegler@canada.ca, mlegere@forestnb.com,
Hon.Chrystia.Freeland@canada.ca, Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc@canada.ca,
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>


5 April 2017                                               
For Immediate Release   
Statement from New Brunswick Lumber Producers Regarding Countervailing
Duties on Exports of Lumber to the United States

FREDERICTON, N.B. - The announcement of a 19.88% countervailing duty
(CVD) by the US Department of Commerce (US DOC) for NB softwood lumber
producers is very tough news – not only for our mills but for the
rural communities where we live and work.

The assessment of a 3.02% duty for J.D. Irving, Limited we believe
proves the case for all New Brunswick softwood lumber producers.

We want Ottawa to start negotiations immediately. Our mills and
communities cannot afford prolonged delays. Over 4100 direct and
indirect jobs in rural New Brunswick depend on these sawmills and we
are critical to the 20,000+ jobs in the entire NB forest sector.

We are calling on a unified approach by all federal and provincial
elected officials to support our mill communities and stand up for the
historic Maritime exclusion which has existed for over 35 years. We
need a united Maritime voice.

New Brunswick Lumber Producers is a coalition of 11 companies that
represent 95% of the lumber produced in New Brunswick.

Mike Legere

Media Contacts:
Mike Legere
Executive Director, Forest NB
(506) 452-6939

Shirley Pegler
Manager Regional Communications,
Atlantic Region, Natural Resources Canada
(506) 451-2616

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2017 17:11:12 -0400
Subject: Re: Softwood Tariffs etc Perhaps the Dumb LIEbranos and many
ethical Maritimers should get the evil Yankee lawyer David Wilkins to
explain the words within this old blog to them real slow N'esy Pas Mr
MONEY Minister Morneau?
To: premier <premier@gnb.ca>, rick.doucet@gnb.ca, "brian.gallant"
<brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, duane.woods@chaleursawmills.ca,
derrickrussell@nb.aibn.com, peterdegraaf@xplornet.ca,
delfor@nbnet.nb.ca, sgriffith@akingump.com,
lawrence.schneider@apks.com, efeldman@bakerlaw.com,
deen.kaplan@hoganlovells.com, msdavenport@djtradelaw.com,
mmoran@steptoe.com, matthew.clark@arentfox.com,
matthew.nicely@hugheshubbard.com, dyocis@pkrllp.com,
dharrison@gibsondunn.com, tbeline@cassidylevy.com,
khm@mowrygrimson.com, wspak@whitecase.com, dcameron@mmmlaw.com,
rweiner@sidley.com, yohai.baisburd@dentons.com,
Joel.Junker@tradelawcounsel.com, wbarringer@curtis.com,
jcail@akingump.com, devonlumber@devonlumber.ca,
joel.maclaggan@eacantimber.ca, william.amos@parl.gc.ca,
Steven.MacKinnon@parl.gc.ca, Alaina.Lockhart@parl.gc.ca,
michael.godin@fornebulumber.com, jean@goguenlumber.com,
sales@langevinfp.com, premier@gov.bc.ca, blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca,
bostn@international.gc.ca, Davidc.Coon@gmail.com, David.Coon@gnb.ca,
terry.seguin@cbc.ca, keith.mary@jdirving.com, pfolkins@snbwc.ca,
woodlot@nbnet.nb.ca, nsfpmb@nbnet.nb.ca, odvdm@nbnet.nb.ca,
info@cvwpa.ca, Bruce.Northrup@gnb.ca, PREMIER@gov.ns.ca,
jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca, steve.murphy@ctv.ca, Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca,
oldmaison1 <oldmaison1@yahoo.ca>, darouse <darouse@porlaw.com>,
fmcelman <fmcelman@stewartmckelvey.com>, kelly
<kelly@lamrockslaw.com>, "chris.collins"<chris.collins@gnb.ca>, "dan.
bussieres"<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>, "brian.hodgson"
<brian.hodgson@assembly.ab.ca>, "Michael.Duheme"
<Michael.Duheme@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Roger.L.Melanson"
<Roger.L.Melanson@gnb.ca>, "Larry.Tremblay"
<Larry.Tremblay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Bobbi-Jean.MacKinnon"
<Bobbi-Jean.MacKinnon@cbc.ca>, Kevin.Brosseau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
"ian.mcphail"<ian.mcphail@crcc-ccetp.gc.ca>, peter.kraska@eku.edu,
MulcaT <MulcaT@parl.gc.ca>, "maxime.bernier"
<maxime.bernier@parl.gc.ca>, leader <leader@greenparty.ca>,
"Gerald.Butts"<Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "Katie.Telford"
<Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca>, "Michael.Wernick"
Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, "nick.brown"
<nick.brown@gnb.ca>, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>, mdcohen212@gmail.com,
publicaffairs@doc.gov, david.wilkins@nelsonmullins.com, "Jim.Carr"
<Jim.Carr@parl.gc.ca>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>, markandcaroline
<markandcaroline@gmail.com>, "Matt.DeCourcey"
<Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca>, "Bill.Casey"<Bill.Casey@parl.gc.ca>,
"Bill.Morneau"<Bill.Morneau@canada.ca>, "Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc"
<Hon.Dominic.LeBlanc@canada.ca>, "hon.melanie.joly"
<hon.melanie.joly@canada.ca>, jbosnitch <jbosnitch@gmail.com>,
"bob.paulson"<bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau"
<Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca>, "Gilles.Blinn"
<Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "ht.lacroix"<ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca
Date: Fri, 26 May 2017 13:26:14 +0000
Subject: RE: Re MONEY Adisory and Mean Old Me versus legions of
crooked lawyers such as the evil Yankee Davd Wilkins who conning NB
right now
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your

Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos

On 5/26/17, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://money.ca/news/2017/05/25/media-advisory-minister-carr-to-hold-media-availability/
> Need i say that after I listened to Minister Jumping Jimmy Carrr,
> Trudeau The Younger's mindless minion from Manitoba yap on CBC this
> morning with the nasty bastard Terry Seguin and say nothing at all, I
> called Harry Gill who was too busy to come to the phone again before I
> sent this email? Need i say that this email is to remind you all that
> at least one Maritimer is paying attention and plenty pissed off  and
> reminding Trump's lawyer Mikey Cohen of the amount of money his GOP
> buddy David Wilkins is sucking out off the dumb liberals in NB to do
> nothing worthwhile at all in Washington as his boss Trump plays with
> WAR, NAFTA and Tariffs etc?.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Doucet, Rick (LEG)"Rick.Doucet@gnb.ca
> Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:07:58 +0000
> Subject: RE: Final Docs
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Will get right on this.
> Always look forward to your brilliant thoughts.
> R
> Hon.Rick Doucet
> Legislative member for Charlotte-the isles
> 28 Mt.Pleasant Rd.
> St.George, N.B. E5C 3K4
> Phone / Téléphone : 506-755-4200
> Fax / Télécopieur : 506-755-4207
> E-mail / Courriel : rick.doucet@gnb.ca
> This message is intended for the person to whom it is addressed and is
> to be treated as confidential or private communications. It must not
> be forwarded unless permission has been received from the originator.
> If you have received this message inadvertently, please notify the
> sender and delete the message. Then delete your response. Thank you
> for your cooperation.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Ce message est destiné à la personne désignée dans la présente et il
> doit demeurer confidentiel. Il ne doit pas être réacheminé sans la
> permission de l’expéditeur. Si ce message vous a été envoyé par
> erreur, veuillez aviser l’expéditeur et effacer le message. Effacez
> ensuite votre réponse. Merci de votre collaboration.
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/softwood-tariff-envoy-new-brunswick-david-wilkins-1.4127368
> N.B.'s softwood lumber envoy will seek return of border tax exemption
> David Wilkins, who is getting paid about $658,000, says exemption
> 'just makes good sense'
> CBC News Posted: May 23, 2017 6:36 PM AT
> "David Wilkins, who was in Saint John on Tuesday afternoon with
> Premier Brian Gallant, said his goal is to get a return of the
> long-standing exemption on border taxes on softwood lumber exports
> from the province."
> David H. Wilkins
> Partner
> david.wilkins@nelsonmullins.com
> T: 864.373.2231
> Poinsett Plaza, Suite 900
> 104 South Main Street
> Greenville, SC 29601
> 101 Constitution Avenue, NW
> Suite 900
> Washington, D.C. 20001
> T: 202.689.2829
> The ghost of the former LIEbrano Minister of Indian Affairs Andy Scott
> who I ran against in the election of the 39th Parlaiment and everybody
> else and his dog knows that after the sneaky lawyers David Wilins and
> Brian Gallant were talking tough about Trump in Saint John I had a lot
> to say in Federal Court in Fat Fred City the very next day EH Minister
> Morneau, Matt DeCourcey, Chucky Leblanc and Andre Faust?
> Your buddy Stevey Boy Murphy of CTV must recall this interview EH Chucky
> Baby?
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1azdNWbF3A
> Me,Myself and I
> David Amos
> Published on Apr 1, 2013
> Although the Crown Corp commonly known as the CBC/RadioCanada sent its
> sneaky reporters to watch Brucy Northrups lawyers whine and cry and
> the RCMP?GRC do the same in court in Moncton on the 24th at least the
> other Crown Corp the RCMP/GRC sent two of its chickenshit French
> members who would not even identify themselves to me in order to
> listen to every word and take notes N'esy Pas Bobby Paulson and Hubby
> Lacroix?
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/bruce-northrup-windsor-lawsuit-1.4129938
> MLA's lawyers ask for dismissal of Windsor Energy defamation suit
> Former cabinet minister's lawyers say judge's ruling on seismic
> testing permission should also be thrown out
> By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: May 24, 2017 6:14 PM AT
> "Northrup's lawyer, Fred McElman, argued Wednesday that when the
> provincial highway passes inside municipal boundaries — as Route 1
> does where Windsor was testing — then permission from both is
> required.
> Windsor's lawyer Andrew Rouse said the law doesn't mention that scenario.
> "If the municipality is to have jurisdiction over that highway, it
> must be done explicitly," he said.
> "They should have provided for that" in the law."
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/rcmp-labour-code-trial-moncton-shootings-1.4127878
> Status quo deemed 'unacceptable' years before Moncton Mountie
> shootings, trial hears
> Police force charged in connection with shooting deaths of 3 Moncton
> officers, wounding of 2
> By Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon, CBC News Posted: May 24, 2017 9:00 AM AT
> "On Tuesday, an expert on police militarization in the United States,
> testified that arming police with high-powered rifles, such as
> carbines, can actually reduce safety for the public and officers.
> Peter Kraska, a professor at Eastern Kentucky University, said if
> citizens see officers as occupiers, it can result in more violence."
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 13:58:50 -0400
> Subject: Fwd: Here ya go folks please enjoy the hearing today in
> Federal Court and the notes I read from as I argued the Queen's sneaky
> little minions who think they are above the law and the rest of us as
> well
> To: "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>, "Dominic.Cardy"
> <Dominic.Cardy@gnb.ca>, "bruce.northrup"<bruce.northrup@gnb.ca>,
> "hugh.flemming"<hugh.flemming@gnb.ca>, BrianThomasMacdonald
> <BrianThomasMacdonald@gmail.com>, "carl. davies"<carl.davies@gnb.ca>,
> "carl.urquhart"<carl.urquhart@gnb.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
> <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "Paul.Lynch"<Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>,
> "Paul.Collister"<Paul.Collister@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Paul.Harpelle"
> <Paul.Harpelle@gnb.ca>, "peacock.kurt"
> <peacock.kurt@telegraphjournal.com>, news <news@kingscorecord.com>,
> sfine <sfine@globeandmail.com>, newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.ca>,
> "nick.brown"<nick.brown@gnb.ca>, "nick.moore"
> <nick.moore@bellmedia.ca>, "dan. bussieres"<dan.bussieres@gnb.ca>,
> "Tim.RICHARDSON"<Tim.RICHARDSON@gnb.ca>, "randy.mckeen"
> <randy.mckeen@gnb.ca>, premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "brian.gallant"
> <brian.gallant@gnb.ca>, PREMIER <PREMIER@gov.ns.ca>, premier
> <premier@gov.ab.ca>, "brian.hodgson"<brian.hodgson@assembly.ab.ca>,
> premier <premier@gov.bc.ca>, "suzanne.anton.mla"
> <suzanne.anton.mla@leg.bc.ca>, "serge.rousselle"
> <serge.rousselle@gnb.ca>, "david.eidt"<david.eidt@gnb.ca>, Brian Ruhe
> <brian@brianruhe.ca>, paul <paul@paulfromm.com>, sunrayzulu
> <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>, patrick_doran1 <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, cps
> <cps@calgarypolice.ca>, "theresa.may.mp"
> <theresa.may.mp@parliament.uk>, themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>,
> "sylvie.gadoury"<sylvie.gadoury@radio-canada.ca>, "ht.lacroix"
> <ht.lacroix@cbc.ca>, "steve.murphy"<steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
> "don.marshall"<don.marshall@edmonton.ca>, "don.iveson"
> <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>
> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, brian
> <brian@murphygroup.ca>, david <david@lutz.nb.ca>, "michael.comeau"
> <michael.comeau@gnb.ca>
> May 24th
> https://archive.org/details/May24thHoedown
> April 3rd
> https://archive.org/details/April32017JusticeLeblancHearing
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: NATALIA OLIVEIRA JOHNSTON natalia.johnston@cbc.ca
> Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 17:13:10 -0700
> Subject: Out of office Re: Here ya go folks please enjoy the hearing
> today in Federal Court and the notes I read from as I argued the
> Queen's sneaky little minions who think they are above the law and the
> rest of us as well
> To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Please note that I'm on annual leave and will return on May 29.
> If your matter is urgent, please contact the reception line at
> 416-205-3216.
> --
> *Natalia Johnston*
> Legal Assistant
> to Dustin Milligan, Katarina Germani and Azim Remani
> Tel. (416) 205-2306
> Fax (416) 205-2723
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)"
> <fin.minfinance-financemin.fin@canada.ca
> Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 00:14:35 +000
> Subject: RE: Here ya go folks please enjoy the hearing today in
> Federal Court and the notes I read from as I argued the Queen's sneaky
> little minions who think they are above the law and the rest of us as
> well
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
> comments.
> Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
> électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
> commentaires.
> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2017/04/attn-wilbur-l-ross-jr-i-just-called.html
> Friday, 28 April 2017
> Attn Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. I just called about Softwood Tariffs
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: Premier
> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 19:02:21 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: [PROBABLE-SPAM]  Attn Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. I
> just called about Softwood Tariffs
> To: David Amos
> Thank you for your email to Premier McNeil.
> This is an automatic confirmation your email has been received.
> Warmest Regards,
> Premier's Correspondence Unit
> For the Public record these are the documents I attached to my email
> about Softwood Tariffs .
> https://www.scribd.com/document/346747066/Arnold-and-Porter-Response
> https://www.scribd.com/document/346746903/Arnold-and-Porter
> https://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/integrity-yea-right
> Final-Recipient: rfc822; yohai.baisburd@dentons.com
> Action: failed
> Status: 5.0.0
> Remote-MTA: dns; eu-smtp-inbound-2.mimecast.com. (, the
> server
>  for the domain dentons.com.)
> Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 554 Email rejected due to security policies -
> https://community.mimecast.com/docs/DOC-1369#554
> Last-Attempt-Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 12:02:18 -0700 (PDT)
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 15:02:12 -0400
> Subject: Attn Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. I just called about Softwood Tariffs
> To: publicaffairs@doc.gov, sgriffith@akingump.com,
> lawrence.schneider@apks.com, efeldman@bakerlaw.com,
> deen.kaplan@hoganlovells.com, msdavenport@djtradelaw.com,
> mmoran@steptoe.com, matthew.clark@arentfox.com,
> matthew.nicely@hugheshubbard.com, dyocis@pkrllp.com,
> dharrison@gibsondunn.com, tbeline@cassidylevy.com,
> khm@mowrygrimson.com, wspak@whitecase.com, dcameron@mmmlaw.com,
> rweiner@sidley.com, yohai.baisburd@dentons.com,
> Joel.Junker@tradelawcounsel.com, wbarringer@curtis.com, pm ,
> jcail@akingump.com
> Cc: "David.Raymond.Amos" , Premier , "blaine.Higgs" ,
> PREMIER@gov.ns.ca, jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca, steve.murphy@ctv.ca,
> Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca
> https://www.commerce.gov/news/press-releases/2017/02/wilbur-l-ross-jr-sworn-secretary-commerce-vice-president-mike-pence
> Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
> Secretary of Commerce and "King of Bankruptcy"
> C/o
> Office of Public Affairs
> 202-482-4883
> publicaffairs@doc.gov
> The documents hereto attached to and from Arnold & Porter and others
> should refresh the memories of your Canadian clients and my Yankee
> opponents as well.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 12:18:29 -0400
> Subject: I just called about Softwood Tariffs
> To: dkoschik@whitecase.com, vdesantis@whitecase.com
> Cc: "David.Raymond.Amos"
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/j-d-irving-advantage-tariff-trade-softwood-lumber-1.4087231
> J.D. Irving Ltd. had advantage in fighting for lower tariff, says Roger
> Melanson
> Irving denies advantage over other companies because of operation in Maine
> By Jacques Poitras, CBC News Posted: Apr 26, 2017 6:03 PM A
> "The company uses a top Washington law firm, White and Case, that
> specializes in international trade."
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 10:41:14 -0400
> Subject: Fwd: FYI I called Mr Stillwell then I listened to the Green
> Meanie David Coon on CBC yapping about the Maritime Lumber Bureau and
> I called them too
> To: duane.woods@chaleursawmills.ca, derrickrussell@nb.aibn.com,
> peterdegraaf@xplornet.ca, delfor@nbnet.nb.ca,
> devonlumber@devonlumber.ca, joel.maclaggan@eacantimber.ca,
> michael.godin@fornebulumber.com, jean@goguenlumber.com,
> sales@langevinfp.com
> Cc: "David.Raymond.Amos" , mdcohen212@gmail.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 08:16:56 -0400
> Subject: FYI I called Mr Stillwell then I listened to the Green Meanie
> David Coon on CBC yapping about the Maritime Lumber Bureau and I
> called them too
> To: Bill.Casey@parl.gc.ca, kmerriam@mlb.ca, Premier ,
> premier@gov.bc.ca, blaine.Higgs@gnb.ca, bostn@international.gc.ca,
> Davidc.Coon@gmail.com, David.Coon@gnb.ca, Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca,
> terry.seguin@cbc.ca, keith.mary@jdirving.com, pfolkins@snbwc.ca,
> brian.gallant@gnb.ca, rick.doucet@gnb.ca, woodlot@nbnet.nb.ca,
> nsfpmb@nbnet.nb.ca, odvdm@nbnet.nb.ca, info@cvwpa.ca,
> Bruce.Northrup@gnb.ca
> Cc: "David.Raymond.Amos" , william.amos@parl.gc.ca,
> Steven.MacKinnon@parl.gc.ca,
> Alaina.Lockhart@parl.gc.ca
> Maritime Lumber Bureau
> P.O. Box 459
> Amherst, Nova Scotia
> B4H 4A1
> Phone: 902.667.3889
> Hainesville Sawmill Ltd.
> 2779 Rte. 104
> Middle Hainesville, NB
> E6E 1H3
> (506) 463-2261
> Stillwell didn't know me from Adam and didn't much care and disagreed
> with me about Trump's actions. So I told him to cantact the Maritime
> Lumber Bureau because they have had my documents since 2005 and they
> and the Feds are the ones who dropped the ball dealing with Trump
> about softwood tariffs. It was not all Gallant's fault this time but a
> lot of the blame can be shouldered by Blaine Higg's and his old buddy
> David Alward who is now our top Fed in Beantown.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7c4VjtY3-M
> Maritime Lumber Bureau
> David Amos
> REPublished on Apr 4, 2013
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7Ir55k6kMY
> Maritime Lumber Bureau 2
> David Amos
> REPublished on Apr 4, 2013
> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2017/02/re-fatca-nafta-tpp-etc-attn-president.html
> Tuesday, 14 February 2017
> RE FATCA, NAFTA & TPP etc ATTN President Donald J. Trump I just got
> off the phone with your lawyer Mr Cohen (646-853-0114) Why does he lie
> to me after all this time???
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos
> Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 10:51:14 -0400
> Subject: RE FATCA, NAFTA & TPP etc ATTN President Donald J. Trump I
> just got off the phone with your lawyer Mr Cohen (646-853-0114) Why
> does he lie to me after all this time???
> To: president , mdcohen212@gmail.com, pm ,
> Pierre-Luc.Dusseault@parl.gc.ca, MulcaT , Jean-Yves.Duclos@parl.gc.ca,
> B.English@ministers.govt.nz, Malcolm.Turnbull.MP@aph.gov.au,
> pminvites@pmc.gov.au, mayt@parliament.uk, press , "Andrew.Bailey" ,
> fin.financepublic-financepublique.fin@canada.ca, newsroom ,
> "CNN.Viewer.Communications.Management" , news-tips , lionel
> Cc: David Amos , elizabeth.thompson@cbc.ca, "justin.ling@vice.com,
> elizabeththompson" , djtjr , "Bill.Morneau" , postur ,
> stephen.kimber@ukings.ca, "steve.murphy" , "Jacques.Poitras" ,
> oldmaison , andre
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: Michael Cohen
> Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 14:15:14 +0000
> Subject: Automatic reply: RE FATCA ATTN Pierre-Luc.Dusseault I just
> called and left a message for you
> To: David Amos
> Effective January 20, 2017, I have accepted the role as personal
> counsel to President Donald J. Trump. All future emails should be
> directed to mdcohen212@gmail.com and all future calls should be
> directed to 646-853-0114.
> ________________________________
> This communication is from The Trump Organization or an affiliate
> thereof and is not sent on behalf of any other individual or entity.
> This email may contain information that is confidential and/or
> proprietary. Such information may not be read, disclosed, used,
> copied, distributed or disseminated except (1) for use by the intended
> recipient or (2) as expressly authorized by the sender. If you have
> received this communication in error, please immediately delete it and
> promptly notify the sender. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed
> to be received, secure or error-free as emails could be intercepted,
> corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late, incomplete, contain viruses
> or otherwise. The Trump Organization and its affiliates do not
> guarantee that all emails will be read and do not accept liability for
> any errors or omissions in emails. Any views or opinions presented in
> any email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
> represent those of The Trump Organization or any of its
> affiliates.Nothing in this communication is intended to operate as an
> electronic signature under applicable law.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Finance Public / Finance Publique (FIN)"
> Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 22:05:00 +0000
> Subject: RE: Yo President Trump RE the Federal Court of Canada File No
> T-1557-15 lets see how the media people do with news that is NOT FAKE
> To: David Amos
> The Department of Finance acknowledges receipt of your electronic
> correspondence. Please be assured that we appreciate receiving your
> comments.
> Le ministère des Finances accuse réception de votre correspondance
> électronique. Soyez assuré(e) que nous apprécions recevoir vos
> commentaires.
> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/
> Thursday, 27 April 2017
> YO Jean-Pierre Blais the Smiling Bastards in Google had my old
> Faithful Motomaniac333 deleted today Right after I sent an email to
> Dick Tracy and the FEDS
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"
> Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 00:32:01 +0000
> Subject: RE: YO Jean-Pierre Blais the Smilling Bastards in Google had
> my old Faithfull Motomaniac333 deleted today Right after I sent an
> email to Dick Tracy and the FEDS
> To: David Amos
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.  Please be
> assured  that your email will be reviewed.
> If this is a media request, please forward your email to
> media-medias@gnb.ca.  Thank you!
> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2017/02/yo-chucky-leblanc-re-latest-jdi-lawsuit.html
> Monday, 6 February 2017
> Yo Chucky Leblanc RE latest JDI lawsuit Here is scoop for ya the media
> won't touch BTW I called your old pal Jeannot Volpe at (506) 737 4436
> and left voicemail just so he can't say I talked behind his back N'esy
> Pas?
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: "Gallant, Premier Brian (PO/CPM)"
> Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2017 16:10:07 +0000
> Subject: RE: Yo Chucky Leblanc RE latest JDI lawsuit Here is scoop for
> ya the media won't touch BTW I called your old pal Jeannot Volpe at
> (506) 737 4436 and left voicemail just so he can't say I talked behind
> his back N'esy Pas?
> To: David Amos
> Thank you for writing to the Premier of New Brunswick.  Please be
> assured  that your email will be reviewed and if a response is
> requested, it will be forthcoming.
> Nous vous remercions d’avoir communiqué avec le premier ministre du
> Nouveau-Brunswick.  Soyez assuré(e) que votre  courriel sera examiné
> et qu’une réponse vous parviendra à sa demande.
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/softwood-lumber-tariff-irving-united-states-1.4088004
> 'I was pretty sure it was coming': Hainesville sawmill prepares to
> close over tariff
> Hainesville Sawmill Ltd. will close next week but owner hopeful
> business will resume in 6 months
> CBC News Posted: Apr 27, 2017 12:12 PM AT


Maritime Lumber Bureau


Published on Apr 4, 2013


Maritime Lumber Bureau 2


Published on Apr 4, 2013

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 05:44:24 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE Ms Blenkhorn knows lots about the exploitation of our
Natural Resources and Foreign Affairs
To: dblenkhorn@mlb.ca, nbfwo@nbnet.nb.ca,
mark.arsenault@nbforestry.com, daniel@nbforestry.com
Cc: probichaud@cwfcof.org, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, Troy.Lifford@gnb.ca

--- On Tue, 1/25/11, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> wrote:

From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Subject: Attn MR Paradis Pursuant to my many calls It seems that I
must demand writing all record of my doings with the NEB
To: paradc0@parl.gc.ca, paradc1@parl.gc.ca, paradc2@parl.gc.ca,
"dions1"<dions1@parl.gc.ca>, "IgnatM"<IgnatM@parl.gc.ca>,
"David.ALWARD@gnb.ca"<David.ALWARD@gnb.ca>, "ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca"
Cc: kmann@nrcan.gc.ca, "maritime_malaise"<maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
Received: Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 7:08 PM

Consider it done EH?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RathgB0@parl.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 09:52:39 -0500
Subject: RE: Re Wikileaks and Pfc Manning etc I just called you Mr
Coombs my number is 902 800 0369 Correct?
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

Dear Mr. Amos,

On behalf of Mr. Rathgeber, we acknowledge receipt and thank you for your email.

Please be assured that we will apprise Mr. Rathgeber of your
correspondence at our earliest opportunity.

Thank you for taking the time to contact Mr. Rathgeber.


Verena Baxter

Legislative Assistant
Brent Rathgeber, Q.C., M.P.
Edmonton-St. Albert
(613) 996 4722
(613) 863 8477

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
Sent: January 23, 2011 10:45 AM
To: Rathgeber, Brent - Assistant 1; Rathgeber, Brent - Riding 1;
Rathgeber, Brent - M.P.; fortsaskatchewan.vegreville;
mansona@queensu.ca; maritime_malaise; Fast, Ed - M.P.
Cc: info@pco-bcp.gc.ca; Prime Minister's Office; Ignatieff, Michael - M.P.
Subject: Fwd: Re Wikileaks and Pfc Manning etc I just called you Mr
Coombs my number is 902 800 0369 Correct?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 23:26:39 -0400
Subject: Re Wikileaks and Pfc Manning etc I just called you Mr Coombs
my number is 902 800 0369 Correct?
To: info@armycourtmartialdefense.com, "birgittaj@althingi.is"
<birgittaj@althingi.is>, "Julian Assange)"<editor@wikileaks.org>,
julian <julian@sunshinepress.org>, julian <julian@wikileaks.org>,
marcia@eff.org, rainey@eff.org, cindy@eff.org, mattz@eff.org,
pde@eff.org, chris@eff.org, postur@serstakursaksoknari.is,
postur@irr.is, postur@for.stjr.is, president@president.is
Cc: "rick. skinner"<rick.skinner@dhs.gov>,
"john.adams"<john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca>, rls@rls.is, maritime_malaise



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wayne_Boone <Wayne_Boone@carleton.ca>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 09:51:21 -0500
Subject: RE: I noticed you report about Assange etc but not about my
friend Birgitta Jonsdottir Howcome?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

I am not certain why you sent this to me, David.

Wayne Boone CD PhD
Assistant Professor, Infrastructure Protection and International
Security (IPIS) Program
The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA)
Deputy Director, Canadian Centre of Intelligence and Security Studies (CCISS)
Room 1315 Dunton Tower
Tel:  +1 613-520-2600 ext. 6672
Cell: +1 613 863-2993
Fax: +1 613-520-2889

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:david.raymond.amos@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 9:43 AM
To: wayne_boone@carleton.ca; dcarment@ccs.carleton.ca;
Melissa_Haussman; jeremy_littlewood@carleton.ca; RICHARD_NIMIJEAN
Cc: maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca; amy_guest@carleton.ca; danfour; plee; pleebooks
Subject: Fwd: I noticed you report about Assange etc but not about my
friend Birgitta Jonsdottir Howcome?


From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 23:33:32 -0400
Subject: Notice that I knew Assange before he got World Famous?
To: CLG_News <clg_news@legitgov.org>

From: "Julian Assange)"<editor@wikileaks.org>
Date: Sun,  7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven

More info http://immi.is/

Julian Assange

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 23:00:16 -0400
Subject: I noticed you report about Assange etc but not about my
friend Birgitta Jonsdottir Howcome?
To: CLG_News <clg_news@legitgov.org>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Birgitta Jonsdottir <birgittajoy@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 22:37:13 +0000
Subject: Re: RE Canada, the USA, Iceland, Wikileaks, IMMI and Bankers
etc the US Attorney Marc Litt no doubt remembers me EH Wendy?
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>

got your letter David
will try to find time to read all the information soon

all my best

On Jan 8, 2011, at 4:06 PM, David Amos wrote:

> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> --- On Fri, 1/7/11, Hancox, Rick (NBSC/CVMNB) <Rick.Hancox@nbsc-cvmnb.ca> wrote:
> From: Hancox, Rick (NBSC/CVMNB) <Rick.Hancox@nbsc-cvmnb.ca>
> Subject: Out of Office: FYI pursuant to the voicemails from Joyce I
> talked to her and Laura in Clarke's offices
> To: "David Amos"<maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> Received: Friday, January 7, 2011, 10:19 PM
> G'Day/Bonjour, Thanks for your e-mail. I am out of the office until
> Monday 10 January, at which time I should be able to respond to your
> email. If you need more immediate assistance, please call Gisele
> Allard at 506 658-2696. Thanks/Merci Rick
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 14:19:39 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: FYI pursuant to the voicemails from Joyce I talked to her and
> Laura in Clarke's offices
> To: Clarkr@parl.gc.ca, pm <pm@pm.gc.ca>,
> william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, goodale@sasktel.net, "Randy.McGinnis"
> <Randy.McGinnis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, duncan.babchuk@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> duncal@parl.gc.ca, "rick. skinner"<rick.skinner@dhs.gov>,
> rick.hancox@nbsc-cvmnb.ca, murphb1@parl.gc.ca, "PATRICK. MURPHY"
> <PATRICK.MURPHY@dhs.gov>, birgitta@this.is
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca,
> kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, mike.wilson@fredericton.ca, "jack.macdougall"
> <jack.macdougall@greenparty.ca>, jody.carr@gnb.ca,
> ychoukri@wstephenson.com, toewsv1 <toewsv1@parl.gc.ca>,
> Travis.ndp@gmail.com, robert.trevors@gnb.ca,
> roberttrevors@nbnet.nb.ca, "Gilles. Blinn"
> <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "gilles.moreau"
> <gilles.moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
> http://www.robclarkemp.ca/contact.asp?menuID=168
> --- On Fri, 1/7/11, David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com> wrote:
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Subject: I am on the phone to Mr Cullen right now
> To: Cullen@parl.gc.ca
> Cc: "maritime_malaise"<maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> Received: Friday, January 7, 2011, 7:27 PM
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 14:29:28 -0400
> Subject: Attn Rebbecca Regan 1 415 436 9333 ext 135
> To: info@eff.org, information@eff.org
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Facebook <notification+zz2y6stc@facebookmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 04:35:07 -0800
> Subject: Birgitta Jonsdottir confirmed you as a friend on Facebook...
> To: David Raymond Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Hi David,
> Birgitta confirmed you as a friend on Facebook.
> Thanks,
> The Facebook Team
> To view Birgitta's profile or write on her Wall, follow this link:
> http://www.facebook.com/birgitta.jonsdottir
> =======================================
> This message was intended for david.raymond.amos@gmail.com. If you do
> not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future,
> please follow the link below to unsubscribe.
> http://www.facebook.com/o.php?k=a60002&u=1320128968&mid=38a6e29G4eaf91c8G274b21eG1b
> Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 11:32:28 -0400
> Subject: Birgitta I don't know if you will get my message in Facebook
> so I also sent it this way as a doublecheck
> To: birgittajoy@gmail.com
> Cc: maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>, ingaorama@gmail.com,
> agnyrose@hotmail.com, stjani79@hotmail.com, birgitta@this.is
> Happy New Year Birgitta
> My foes have been fairly wicked as of late and attacking my friends as
> well. I may head the smiling bastards off at the pass so to speak go
> into the woods again with no internet etc before I get a bums rush and
> possibly lose another good friend.
> Thus I am passing around the world many email exchanges of mine over
> the years before I am out of touch with everyone. One of them is ours
> from December 8th. I will forward you one example byway of gmail so
> you will see I did not put you down and that accurate  I felt you were
> entitled to know so that you would not think I was using your name
> behind your back.
> I understand that you must be busy particulary over Xmass. Trust that
> I am still a fan of yours but I must defend my butt fromany cops etc
> and try to keep out of jail the best way I know how with what little
> assets I have.
> I truly do wish you well but I do wish Iceland and then later IMMI had
> checked my work and got back to me long ago.
> If nothing else please check out this old blog. It contains a very
> rare document that should be of interest to IMMI or any whistleblower
> that as an interest in money. The nasty left wing blogger dude does
> like me at all but at least he created it one month before the RCMP
> falsely arrested me and many months before Iceland lost its shirt to
> the very corrupt banksters. His blog seems to have certain crooks
> quite nervous. If the Yankees, Brits,  Saudis and zionists  etc are
> reading his old blogs about mean old me perhaps IMMI should save them
> before they go "Poof" too?
> Here is just one that somebody intereting was checking ot yesterday.
> lets just say that Jullian Assange is not the only guy who knows his
> way around the Internet. Hell he probably does not even know what the
> CSE is. Do you?
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
> Verita Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> P.S. My phone number is 902 800 0369 and I attempted to befriend you
> Skpe last spring in order to try to talk to you but you must have
> opted to ignore a stranger
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 09:41:41 -0400
> Subject: Most folks do not know this lady or what IMMMI is YET. But
> Wikileaks certainly does EH Wayne Lang of the GRC?.
> To: arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, danfour <danfour@myginch.com>,
> advocacycollective <advocacycollective@yahoo.com>, carole@nbu.ca,
> carole <carole@libertymedia.com>, "Wayne.Lang"
> <Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "Barry.MacKnight"
> <Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca>
> Cc: "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, acampbell
> <acampbell@ctv.ca>, maritime_malaise <maritime_malaise@yahoo.ca>,
> Alex@nbu.ca
> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000
> Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the
> first email I ever sent you
> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> dear Dave
> i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i
> find some time
> keep up the good fight in the meantime
> thank you for bearing with me
> i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters
> and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and
> the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)
> plus all the matters in relation to immi
> with oceans of joy
> birgitta
> On Dec 8, 2010, at 1:35 AM, David Amos wrote:
>> I truly enjoyed talking to you. More to the point I am happy you took
>> the time to listen to mean old me. I was impressed with your openess
>> and honesty. In return I took  a bit of time to study you more closely
>> on the Internet and I am now even more impressed to view the artist in
>> you. To hell with the politics and the money for a minute. At  the
>> risk of sounding odd your sincere soul  that I sensed in your voice
>> came shining through the various webpages. An honest person practicing
>> the wicked art of politicking is a rare thing indeed. I must confess
>> that I grinned at the possibility of crossing paths with another
>> kindred soul when I saw you employ the expression Me Myself and I
>> because I often use that expresssion
>> I also sent you another email to your politcal email address on June
>> 24th, 2010 right after you spoke on CBC. (I can resend it if you wish)
>> When you folks ignored that and my calls and only sent me nasty
>> responses I gave up on Iceland and IMMI because I had made everyone
>> well aware I had no respect for Assange and corrupt parliamentarians
>> whatsoever. Assange became the big celebrity after releasing the video
>> from Iraq but I felt sorry for the kid who went to jail that had given
>> him the stuff. Obviously I sent you folks the email below long before
>> Assange made the scene in Iceland. Rest assured that I sent him
>> evidence of my concerns about Iceland or he would not had sent me his
>> bragging emails the following March.
>> Now that Assange is in jail with no hope of bail like I was a couple
>> of times after CBC has been yapping about him for weeks I was feeling
>> a little vindictive so I opted to tease some of his friends and fans
>> (such as McCarthy and CBC) by reminding them that I was still alive,
>> not in jail and kicking like hell. (A host of cops in seven cars
>> pounced on my son (who was visiting me) and I at 2;30 in the morning
>> right after the results of the recent election was annnounced Although
>> I managed to run them off this time need I say it really pissed me off
>> and saddend me to put him on a bus back to Boston)
>> I did not send you that email with the pdf files attached from my new
>> Yahoo address but you will get  it  in a bit. Heres hoping you will
>> enjoy it.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:33:10 -0300
>> Subject: RE: Iceland and Bankers Whereas the politicians ignore me
>> maybe some fellow bloggers will listen to me eh?
>> To: jong@althingi.is, kristjanj@althingi.is, olofn@althingi.is,
>> petur@althingi.is, rea@althingi.is, ragnheidurr@althingi.is,
>> sdg@althingi.is, sij@althingi.is, siv@althingi.is,
>> tryggvih@althingi.is, ubk@althingi.is, vigdish@althingi.is,
>> thkg@althingi.is, thorsaari@althingi.is
>> Cc: margrett@althingi.is, thorgerdur@thorgerdur.is, saari@centrum.is,
>> ha030002@unak.is, svanurmd@hotmail.com, baddiblue@gmail.com,
>> dominus@islandia.is, birgitta@this.is, einar@smart.is
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 21:23:15 -0300
>> Subject: Fwd: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled
>> To: johanna@althingi.is
>> Cc: "Jacques.Poitras"<Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, Dan Fitzgerald <danf@danf.net>
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:52:42 -0300
>> Subject: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled
>> To: wmreditor@waynemadsenreport.com, lenbracken@hotmail.com
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:24:42 -0300
>>> Subject: Fwd: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>> question. Why  have you people ignored me for three years?
>>> To: vasilescua@sec.gov, friedmani@sec.gov, krishnamurthyp@sec.gov,
>>> horwitzd@dsmo.com, wrobleskin@dsmo.com, wolfem@dicksteinshapiro.com,
>>> Lisa.Baroni@usdoj.gov, ssbny@aol.com, service@ssbla.com,
>>> rwing@lswlaw.com, rriccio@mdmc-law.com, lmodugno@mdmc-law.com,
>>> griffinger@gibbonslaw.com, mmulholland@rmfpc.com, kmalerba@rmfpc.com,
>>> tlieverman@srkw-law.com
>>> Cc: webo <webo@xplornet.com>, John.Sinclair@nbimc.com,
>>> Norma.Kennedy@nbimc.com, jan.imeson@nbimc.com, mc.blais@pcnb.org
>>> I wonder if any lawyer will bother to read this email, understand it
>>> and call me back
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: postur@fjr.stjr.is
>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000
>>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> Dear David Amos
>>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to
>>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our office.
>>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web site
>>> www.iceland.org where we have gathered various practical information
>>> regarding the economic crisis in Iceland.
>>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance.
>>> Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024
>>> Frá: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> Dags: 29.01.2009 19:17:43
>>> Til: johanna.sigurdardottir@fel.stjr.is, postur@for.stjr.is, aih@cbc.ca,
>>> Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, sjs@althingi.is, emb.ottawa@mfa.is,
>>> rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca, irisbirgisdottir@yahoo.ca,
>>> marie@mariemorneau.com, dfranklin@franklinlegal.com, egilla@althingi.is,
>>> william.turner@exsultate.ca, klm@althingi.is, mail@fjr.stjr.is,
>>> Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca, wendy.williams@landsbanki.is, cdhowe@cdhowe.org,
>>> desparois.sylviane@fcac.gc.ca, plee@stu.ca, "oldmaison@yahoo.com"
>>> <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, "t.j.burke@gnb.ca"<t.j.burke@gnb.ca>, Dan
>>> Fitzgerald <danf@danf.net>, jonina.s.larusdottir@ivr.stjr.is
>>> Afrit: fyrirspurn@fme.is, audur@audur.is, fme@fme.is,
>>> info@landsbanki.is, sedlabanki@sedlabanki.is, tif@tif.is
>>> Efni: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious question. Why
>>> have    you people ignored me for three years?
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>> FYI Some folks in Canada are watching your actions or lack thereof
>>> more closely than others. As you well know I am one.
>>> http://www.topix.com/forum/world/canada/TJHJ5HP501LN7C4MV#lastPost
>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etc
>>> http://davidamos.blogspot.com/2006/05/harper-and-bankers.html
>>> You folks should not deny certain responses that I have received over
>>> the course of the last few months from your country CORRECT?
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:57:55 -0300
>>> Subject: Re: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of Iceland
>>> To: postur@for.stjr.is
>>> Thanx
>>> On 10/8/08, postur@for.stjr.is<postur@for.stjr.is> wrote:
>>> David Raymond Amos
>>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and waits
>>> attendance.
>>> Thank you.
>>> From: Fjármálaeftirlitið - Fyrirspurn <fyrirspurn@fme.is>
>>> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:23:41 -0000
>>> Subject: Staðfesting á móttöku
>>> To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið hefur móttekið erindi yðar. Erindinu verður svarað
>>> við fyrsta tækifæri. Vakin er athygli á heimasíðu
>>> Fjármálaeftirlitsins, http://www.fme.is. Þar má finna ýmsar
>>> upplýsingar ásamt svörum við algengum spurningum:
>>> http://www.fme.is/?PageID=863.
>>> The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) of Iceland confirms the
>>> receipt of your e-mail. Your e-mail will be answered as soon as
>>> possible. We would like to point out our website, http://www.fme.is.
>>> There you can find information and answeres to frequently asked
>>> questions: http://www.fme.is/?PageID=864.
>>> Kveðja / Best Regards
>>> Fjármálaeftirlitið / Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland
>>> Sími / Tel.: (+354) 525 2700
>>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300
>>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the
>>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy?
>>> To: Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, sjs@althingi.is, emb.ottawa@mfa.is,
>>> rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca, irisbirgisdottir@yahoo.ca,
>>> marie@mariemorneau.com, dfranklin@franklinlegal.com,
>>> egilla@althingi.is, william.turner@exsultate.ca
>>> Cc: Rae.B@parl.gc.ca, Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, lebrem@sen.parl.gc.ca,
>>> merchp@sen.parl.gc.ca, coolsa@sen.parl.gc.ca, olived@sen.parl.gc.ca
>>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this
>>> letter ASAP EH?
>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etc
>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/5352095/Tony-Merchant-and-Yankees
>>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at 506 756
>>> 8687
>>> Veritas Vincit
>>> David Raymond Amos
>> I am listening to RBN right now.
>> I explained a bit of my concerns to people down your way but either
>> the talk shows are never aired or I am now banished from their
>> talkshow forums.
>> Do I sound like that bad a fellow?
>> http://www.archive.org/details/JimTalkshow
>> http://www.archive.org/details/DarCarleyTalkshowPart1
>> http://www.archive.org/details/MrBaconfatTheMindlessZionistCookAndSpinDoctor
>> http://www.archive.org/details/DrBillDeagleAndINumberOne
>> http://www.archive.org/details/DrBillDeagleAndINumberTwo
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
>> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 23:36:32 -0300
>> Subject: RE the Fed and my whistle blowing efforts in that regard
>> To: thecommonsenseshow <thecommonsenseshow@yahoo.com>
>> These are the missing hearings I am trying to tell you about
>> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=102e41a1-f540-4ce5-a701-b6d09b7606b1
>> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
>> Me talking about a bit Spitzer the year before he got arrested
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M9iF1-AeCo&feature=channel_page
>> Me talking about Spitzer briefly after he got arrested
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPkRu0dNPUc&feature=channel_page
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kO9wiq7ytM&feature=channel_page
>> This is the first page of where I store of my files for public view.
>> http://www.scribd.com/people/view/554842-that-is-my-name-i-am-not-a-shy-political-animal
>> This is some of my Spitzer stuff as it pertains to New York Do you
>> know of dr Ward Dean?
>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2900409/Spitzer-and-Martha-Stewart-if
>> You can find some of my stuff pertaining to the Fed within this file
>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2619437/CROSS-BORDER-
>> Anyone can see the email between the US Attorney in New York and many
>> other lawyers etc before and after Madoff plead guilty. I posted it
>> right here beginning in comment #327 within a wicked little forum
>> about corrupt lawyers and judges on Long Island New York
>> http://www.theschwartzreport.com/vb/showthread.php?t=9236&page=33
> Birgitta Jonsdottir
> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884
> http://this.is/birgitta - http://joyb.blogspot.com -
> http://www.facebook.com/birgitta.jonsdottir
> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
>                            Andre Gide

Birgitta Jonsdottir
Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884
http://this.is/birgitta - http://joyb.blogspot.com -

Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

                            Andre Gide

On 1/13/11, CLG_News <clg_news@legitgov.org> wrote:
> Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
> 13 Jan 2011
> http://www.legitgov.org
> All links are here:
> http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news
> US Teenager on 'No-Fly' List Grilled by F.B.I. After Invoking Right to
> Counsel 13 Jan 2011 A US teenager detained in Kuwait said he underwent a
> heated interrogation by F.B.I. agents for several hours on Wednesday, in a
> case that has renewed debate over the Obama administration’s expansion of
> the no-fly list after the attempted bombing of a passenger plane bound for
> Detroit in 2009. The interrogation grew steadily more hostile when the
> agents pressed the teenager, Gulet Mohamed, on his travels to Yemen and
> Somalia and began calling him an "embarrassment to his country," he said.
> Mr. Mohamed, whom American officials said is on a no-fly list, said the
> F.B.I. agents interrogated him even after he refused to answer their
> questions without a lawyer, and after they gave him a paper listing his
> Miranda rights.
> European politicos protest DOJ WikiLeaks-Twitter probe 11 Jan 2011 An
> influential group of European politicians is protesting the U.S.
> government's attempt to pry WikiLeaks-related information out of Twitter,
> saying that EU privacy rules may have been violated. The parliamentary
> maneuver expected tomorrow comes as London-based lawyers for WikiLeaks
> editor Julian Assange warned that their client could face illegal rendition
> to the United States, execution, or indefinite detention "at Guantanamo Bay
> or elsewhere," and a U.K. judge set a two-day extradition hearing to start
> on February.
> WikiLeaks gives 15K for accused leaker defense-group 13 Jan 2011 WikiLeaks
> has contributed $15,100 to help defend a junior U.S. soldier accused of
> leaking to it hundreds of thousands of sensitive diplomatic cables and other
> secret documents, a support group said on Thursday. The website's
> contribution would help pay lawyers representing U.S. Army Specialist
> Bradley Manning, a former intelligence analyst suspected of obtaining the
> classified video of a 2007 helicopter attack that killed a dozen people in
> Baghdad, including two Reuters employees, and downloading more than 250,000
> U.S. State Department documents.
> Wikileaks volunteer detained and searched (again) by US agents --'I
> requested access my lawyer and was again denied. They stated I was I wasn't
> under arrest and so I was not able to contact my lawyer.' 12 Jan 2011 Jacob
> Appelbaum, a security researcher, Tor developer, and volunteer with
> Wikileaks, reported today on his Twitter feed that he was detained,
> searched, and questioned by the US Customs and Border Patrol agents at
> Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on January 10, upon re-entering the US
> after a vacation in Iceland. He experienced a similar incident last year at
> Newark airport.
> Senators say US military cyber ops not disclosed --Cyber experts suggest
> possible secret US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and possibly Yemen or
> Somalia 12 Jan 2011 The Pentagon failed to disclose clandestine cyber
> activities in a classified report on secret military actions that goes to
> Congress, according to a Senate document that provides a public peek at
> oversight concerns surrounding the government's computer war capabilities.
> The U.S. military's use of offensive cyber warfare has only rarely been
> disclosed, such as the electronic jamming of Iraqi military and
> communications networks just before the [illegal] strike against Saddam
> Hussein's army in 2003.
> Mullen says violence in Afghanistan likely to rise 13 Jan 2011 Violence in
> Afghanistan is likely to rise as Spring comes, and the country remains the
> focus of U.S. national security strategy, said Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman
> of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Wednesday. In a Washington press briefing,
> the top U.S. military officer said violence in many parts of Afghanistan
> will likely be worse in 2011 than it was in 2010.
> Afghan campaign caused $100 million damage: inquiry --Violence is at its
> worst since U.S.-backed Afghan forces overthrew the government in 2001. 11
> Jan 2011 Afghan and foreign forces have caused more than $100 million damage
> to fruit crops and homes during 'security' operations in southern Kandahar
> province, a government delegation said on Tuesday. Tens of thousands of
> foreign and Afghan troops are deployed in Kandahar, a traditional stronghold
> of the Afghan Taliban, where they have been conducting military offensives
> over the past year.
> Afghan girl raped, killed by US troops 13 Jan 2011 The daughter of an Afghan
> politician has reportedly died of her injuries after being raped by American
> soldiers stationed in Afghanistan's southwestern province of Farah. US
> forces aboard five Toyota Hiace vans transferred the teenage girl along with
> several other Afghan women and girls to a military base in the province.
> They then sexually assaulted them, Afghan sources, who requested anonymity,
> told Iran Newspaper on Network on Wednesday.
> Four Nato troops and six Afghan intelligence officers killed in bloody
> Taliban attacks --Killings come day after U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
> visits country 12 Jan 2011 Four Nato troops were killed in two roadside
> bombings in Afghanistan today, bringing to 15 the number of international
> troops killed this year already. Three of them died in an attack in eastern
> Afghanistan and the other was killed in the south of the country. Elsewhere
> in the country, six members of the Afghan intelligence services were also
> assassinated in two separate attacks that left 30 wounded.
> US-led soldiers killed in Afghan blasts 12 Jan 2011 Five US-led soldiers
> have been killed in two separate bomb blasts in Afghanistan, the
> International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) says. Three of the US-led
> soldiers were killed in an attack in eastern Afghanistan while the fourth
> lost his life in a separate assault in the south. A fifth was killed in an
> insurgent attack in the east, NATO said.
> Pakistan police base raided, many dead 12 Jan 2011 At least 18 people have
> been killed and 15 others wounded in a terrorist attack against a police
> station in northwestern Pakistan. An explosive-laden car struck the Miryan
> police station on the outskirts of the town of Bannu on Wednesday. The
> attack badly damaged a nearby mosque as well, AFP reported.
> Arms Dealer Gets 4 Yrs in Pentagon Fraud 04 Jan 2011 An arms dealer whose
> company once boasted a $300 million Pentagon munitions contract was
> sentenced Monday to four years in federal prison for trying to ship millions
> of rounds of prohibited Chinese-made ammunition to Afghan forces fighting
> alongside U.S. troops. U.S. District Judge Joan Lenard imposed the sentence
> on 25-year-old Efraim Diveroli after pleading guilty in 2009 to a fraud
> conspiracy charge. Three other executives in Diveroli's AEY Inc. are
> awaiting sentencing.
> 'US behind instability in Lebanon' 12 Jan 2011 Iran's ambassador to Beirut
> says Washington's interferences resulted in the failure of Saudi Arabian and
> Syrian efforts to stabilize Lebanon. The US did not want Lebanon to achieve
> peace and stability, and therefore tried to impede efforts made to establish
> security in Lebanon, Ghazanfar Roknabadi said on Wednesday. "The US and
> Israel have always tried to disturb peace in the region," Roknabadi said.
> '14 Israeli jets breach Lebanon airspace' 13 Jan 2011 Lebanon's army says 14
> Israeli war planes have breached the country's airspace in a flagrant
> violation of a United Nations Security Council resolution. An army statement
> said on Thursday that the Israeli aircraft entered Lebanon's airspace over
> the country's southern border. This is the third incursion since the
> beginning of the week. On Tuesday, two Israeli warplanes crossed into
> Lebanese airspace over the southern border town of Alma al-Shaab and
> conducted several sorties in the area, according to a statement released by
> the Lebanese military.
> Judge says government need not disclose air traveler security images 12 Jan
> 2011 A federal judge in Washington has ruled the Department of Homeland
> Security can keep from public view 2,000 "whole-body" images taken at
> airport checkpoints. The decision is a setback for the Electronic Privacy
> Information Center, which had sued the government for release of material to
> determine how the technology would impact privacy and civil liberty
> concerns. But Judge Ricardo Urbina, in a 15-page opinion issued Wednesday,
> said the Homeland Security Department has no obligation under the Freedom of
> Information Act to disclose the images or related training materials.
> *Five days after the event:* Black bag found may be tied to Giffords
> shooting, authorities say 13 Jan 2011 An 18-year-old man walking his dog on
> Thursday found a black bag that authorities believe may belong to the
> suspect in the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
> Authorities have been on the hunt for a bag that Jared Loughner is believed
> to have hidden hours before Saturday's Tucson-area shooting spree that
> killed six people and injured 13, including Giffords.
> Gabrielle Giffords' Arizona shooting prompts resignations 11 Jan 2011 A
> nasty battle between factions of Legislative District 20 Republicans and
> fears that it could turn violent in the wake of what happened in Tucson on
> Saturday prompted District Chairman Anthony Miller and several others to
> resign. Miller, a 43-year-old Ahwatukee Foothills resident and former
> campaign worker for U.S. Sen. John McCain, was re-elected to a second
> one-year term last month. He said constant verbal attacks after that
> election and Internet blog posts by some local members with Tea Party ties
> made him worry about his family's safety.
> California judge to hear Ariz. mass shooting case 12 Jan 2011 A federal
> judge from southern California has been appointed to the case against the
> man accused of shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, a federal judge and other
> federal employees. The appointment of Judge Larry A. Burns came Wednesday
> after all federal judges in Arizona recused themselves. The recusal order
> says the Arizona judges' impartiality could be questioned because U.S.
> District Judge John Roll was killed during the rampage. Roll was the chief
> federal judge for Arizona.
> 9/11 flag heralds funeral service for youngest Arizona shooting victim 13
> Jan 2011 A flag that was nearly destroyed in the terror attacks of September
> 11, 2001, was raised outside of the funeral service Thursday for 9-year-old
> Christina Green, who was born on that fateful day. The banner, which
> measures 20 feet high and 30 feet wide, was draped between the extended
> ladders of two fire trucks outside the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic
> Church in Tucson, Arizona, forming an arch under which Christina's family
> passed as they arrived ahead of the 1 p.m. (3 p.m. ET) service.
> President Obama: Giffords opened eyes for first time since shooting 12 Jan
> 2011 A somber President Barack Obama delivered to an overflow audience
> inside the University of Arizona's McKale Center a stirring tribute to the
> fallen and the living after last weekend's massacre near Tucson. The most
> emotional moment came midway through the address, when Obama strayed from
> the script to tell the crowd that Giffords had opened her eyes for the first
> time. The line was met with a sustained roar from a tearful crowd, while the
> first lady and Giffords' astronaut husband Mark Kelly embraced. [See: Text
> of President Obama's Tucson Memorial Speech 12 Jan 2011.]
> John Boehner, House speaker, picks RNC cocktail party over Tucson, Arizona
> shooting memorial 13 Jan 2011 House Speaker John Boehner is taking heat from
> some Democrats after skipping out on Wednesday's memorial service for the
> shooting victims in Arizona and instead hosting a cocktail party for the
> Republican National Committee. The Ohio Republican turned down President
> Obama's invitation to travel on Air Force One to Tucson, Politico reported.
> Blood libel comment by Sarah Palin sparks rebuke from Dems, Sen. Gillibrand:
> 'This is unhelpful' 12 Jan 2011 Far from backing down, Sarah Palin defended
> herself today against critics who linked her rhetoric to the Arizona
> shootings, accusing them of the long-condemned anti-Semitic slur "blood
> libel." Palin opponents noted soon after the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle
> Giffords (D-Ariz.) that left six people dead that Palin had posted a map on
> her website last fall with gun sights on 20 districts, including Giffords'.
> She announced it with a tweet: "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!"
> Sarah Palin charges critics with 'blood libel' 12 Jan 2011 Sarah Palin
> released a video statement Wednesday calling the rush to pin blame on
> conservatives for the shooting in Tucson, Ariz., a "blood libel.""Acts of
> monstrous criminality stand on their own," she said. "They begin and end
> with the criminals who commit them." Palin’s use of the charged phrase
> "blood libel" touched off an immediate backlash. [See: Full text of Sarah
> Palin's statement.]
> Obama in Tucson: Providing an amnesty for the right wing By Patrick Martin
> 13 Jan 2011 In his remarks Wednesday night to a memorial service for the
> victims of last Saturday’s massacre in Tucson, Arizona, President Obama
> refused to offer any political explanation for the attempted assassination
> of Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. On the contrary, his entire
> speech was an argument against such an analysis, as he declared the causes
> of the massacre to be unknowable. It was a statement of intellectual
> bankruptcy, carried out, as usual in modern American politics, amid nonstop
> invocations of religion.
> More evidence of right-wing links to Tucson attack By Patrick Martin 13 Jan
> 2011 While right-wing pundits and politicians continue to claim that it is
> illegitimate to hold them morally or politically responsible for the
> massacre carried out in Tucson, Arizona last Saturday, more evidence has
> emerged that the gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, drew inspiration from the
> political language and invective of the ultra-right. The Los Angeles Times
> published a detailed summary of the ideological roots of the attack, in
> which Loughner killed six people, including a federal judge, and severely
> wounded Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. The analysis was
> headlined, "Loughner’s Ramblings Appear Rooted in Far Right."
> FBI Arrests Calif. Man For Threatening Democratic Congressman 11 Jan 2011
> The FBI arrested a 32-year-old man Wednesday on charges of threatening
> Congressman Jim McDermott, a Washington Democrat, during two expletive-laden
> phone calls in December 2010. The suspect, Charles Turner Habermann of Palm
> Springs, California, is also alleged to have made threatening phone calls to
> at least one other political representative. In the messages to McDermott,
> both of which took place in December 2010 and were left on the line of his
> district office, Habermann allegedly threatened to kill the congressman, his
> family and acquaintances.
> 8 students at MLK Middle School in SF treated after ingesting rat poison 13
> Jan 2011 Six students at Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Middle School in
> San Francisco are being treated after accidentally ingesting rat poison.
> According to San Francisco Fire Department spokesperson Mindy Talmage, six
> students found what they thought were pieces of candy and ate them. When
> they realized it was rat poison they notified school officials, who called
> the fire department.
> Republicans eye a return to George. W. Bush's budget [And Barack Obama will
> be *more than happy* to comply with his corporate/GOP overlords, as he's
> done from the get-go. He serves them well.] 13 Jan 2011 To the surprise of
> even themselves, the Republicans’ battle cry in the budget wars this year
> comes down more and more to one refrain: "Bring back Bush." Already, George
> W. Bush’s signature high-end tax cuts have been extended through the life of
> President Barack Obama’s first term. And having blocked a bipartisan
> compromise, Republicans now want Obama to roll back domestic appropriations
> to the 2008 levels set in a Christmas omnibus bill three years ago -- truly
> the last major budget measure of the Bush presidency [sic].
> Flooded Australia city "like war zone", fresh rains feared --Brown sea
> covers Australia's Brisbane city, residents in shock --Risk of more flooding
> in Queensland, cyclone forming 13 Jan 2011 Floods left parts of Australia's
> third-biggest city on Thursday looking like a war zone in need of years of
> reconstruction, the state premier said, while fresh threats loomed with a
> cyclone forecast offshore. The floods across the state of Queensland have
> killed at least 19 people, 12 of whom died in the Toowoomba area inland, and
> 61 were missing, the state government said. Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley
> region, west of state capital Brisbane, were devastated by tsunami-like
> flash flooding on Monday.
> Australian state premier says Brisbane like war-zone --Flooding has smashed
> infrastructure, including roads and railways in Brisbane. 13 Jan 2011
> Queensland State Premier Anna Bligh has said her city of Brisbane looks just
> like a war-zone. She has also said the rest of the flood-devastated state of
> Queensland will need an army of people to be involved in reconstruction and
> clean-ups. Speaking on ABC Radio, she said the state of Queensland was in
> for a long recovery.
> Flood-Stricken Australia Sets Up Temporary Morgue 11 Jan 2011 As Brisbane
> braces for more flooding today, authorities have set up at least one
> temporary morgue west of Australia's third largest city in anticipation of
> bodies floating downstream from areas devastated in flash floods earlier
> this week... The severity of the disaster increased this week as surges of
> water devastated several towns outside Brisbane.
> Former Marine colonel rallies to get donkey to U.S. from Iraq 13 Jan 2011 A
> former Marine colonel is fighting to bring home a little four-legged piece
> of Iraq. John Folsom, who was Camp Taqaddum's commandant in 2008, hopes to
> bring Smoke the donkey home to Nebraska to brighten the lives of children
> whose parents are serving overseas. Folsom and Smoke first met when a Marine
> under Folsom's command decided to catch one of the many donkeys wandering
> the base outside of Fallujah.
> CLG needs your support.
> http://www.legitgov.org/donate.html
> Or, please mail a check or money order to CLG:
> Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG)
> P.O. Box 1142
> Bristol, CT 06011-1142
> Contributions to CLG are not tax deductible
> Previous lead stories: Israeli PM calls for 'credible military option' led
> by US, against Iran 12 Jan 2011 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
> has called for "a credible military option against Iran" to force Tehran to
> end its nuclear energy program. On Tuesday, Netanyahu said that military
> action should be taken by the international community and headed by the
> United States. "You have to ratchet up the pressure and... I don't think
> that this pressure will be sufficient to have this regime change course
> without a credible military option that is put before them by the
> international community led by the United States," he stated.
> In Kabul, Biden promises U.S. support beyond 2014 12 Jan 2011 Vice President
> Biden on Tuesday pledged long-term American support for Afghanistan,
> offering a commitment to help occupy the war-torn nation beyond the 2014
> target both countries have set to have Afghans fully in charge of their own
> security. NATO, including the United States, has pledged ongoing economic
> and security assistance [billion$ for Blackwater and DynCorp] beyond 2014,
> and the United States is separately negotiating its own long-term strategic
> accord with Afghanistan. It is unclear whether any such agreement would
> involve an ongoing U.S. troop presence.
> The term 'control orders' to disappear, replaced with 'terrorism prevention
> powers' --Terror suspects - who are unable to be tried in court - will be
> allowed to use a 'designated computer', as long as they allow police to
> install surveillance software on it. 11 Jan 2011 The cabinet will today
> approve the wholesale reform of control orders, including the end of house
> arrest and a lifting of the ban on computer and mobile phone use. The time
> limit on holding terrorist suspects without charge will fall from 28 days to
> 14 days, and there will also be new curbs on police stop-and-search powers.
> The term "control order" itself will also disappear, being replaced with the
> term "terrorism prevention powers". Subjects will now only be banned from
> particular addresses or buildings where surveillance cannot be carried out
> easily.
> Those who wish to be added to the list can go here:
> http://www.legitgov.org/#subscribe_clg and add your name. Those who wish to
> unsubscribe can go here:
> http://lists.people-link.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/legitgov - you do NOT
> need a password to unsubscribe! If your email provider has marked this
> newsletter as spam, please mark it as 'not spam' and do not delete from a
> spam or 'junk' folder, as such actions trigger false spam complaints against
> the CLG. If you have any inquiries/issues with your subscription, please
> write: signup at legitgov dot org.
> CLG Editor-in-Chief: Lori Price. Copyright © 2011, Citizens For Legitimate
> Government ® All rights reserved.

Methinks Mr Trump and his new Attorney General know more about Canada and Frank McKenna in particular when he was our man in Washington N'esy Pas?


Replying to and  49 others
Methinks if folks only knew the LIEbrano lawyers Franky Boy McKenna and Melanie Joly as well as I do they would easily understand what a monumental joke this is on us all N'esy Pas?




Liberals planning national tourism strategy as part of election-year economic pitch


Charles Beale 
Charles Beale
Given the difficulties of our neighbour to the South and the attitude of its 'president' towards Canada, every Canadian should think about seeing parts of this great country they have never seen before in 2019.

David Amos
David Amos
@Charles Beale Methinks Mr Trump and his new Attorney General know more about Canada and Frank McKenna in particular when he was our man in Washington N'esy Pas?

Charles Beale 
Scott Norman
Would this "pitch" be classified as a unicorn or a rainbow?

You realize this is just the liberals grasping at straws.

David Amos
David Amos
@Scott Norman "You realize this is just the liberals grasping at straws."

Methinks if folks knew the lawyers Frank McKenna and Melanie Joly as well as I do then they would easily understand what a monumental joke this is to me N'esy Pas?

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Scott Norman

The Lib government is leaving no stone unturned in its efforts to grow the middle class. You must have noticed. Most Canadians have.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp Welcome back to the Circus

Charles Beale 
Dave MacDonald
Come visit Canada and pay our carbon tax ,you'll love it .

David Amos
David Amos @Dave MacDonald Methinks many a true word is said in jest Everybody knows I am married to an American woman, the proud Father of 2 Yankees and have a great many friends south of the 49th. The first thing they notice when visiting Canada for the first time is how expensive things are up here. They stay because they are visiting me and our friends. However I know for a fact that many American tourists turn around and go back to Maine when they see the price of groceries, smokes, beer and gas etc because their hard earned vacation dollars can go much farther in the pursuit of happiness south of the 49th That is why so many of us shop down there any chance we get N'esy Pas?

Charles Beale 
Michael G. L. Geraldson
They should take a look at how Atlantic Canada does things. We have a vibrant and growing tourism industry here, and many of us depend on it to make a living.

Junkman George
Junkman George
@Michael G. L. Geraldson

Sadly, it's seasonal work, mostly at little better than minimum wage. I *suspect* the only benefit will be the patronage jobs paying big bucks.
Hold onto your hats folks, we have an election coming, take a step back and watch how our money is used to buy our votes.

David Amos
David Amos
@Junkman George We agree once again

Anthony Kennedy 
Anthony Kennedy
We are getting thousands of tourists a day at the Quebec border and they even stay for years. Thanks for that Justin.

Anthony Kennedy
Anthony Kennedy
@Anthony Kennedy

To be fair it is thousands per year not day.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Anthony Kennedy

Outright lie. The total for all of 2018 is around 15,000 as of September, country wide, about the same as last year.


Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Anthony Kennedy

Fast and loose with the truth there, Anthony. The real number is about 20k a YEAR, hardly a crisis:


David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "Outright lie."

Yea Right

How many have the liberals told?

Survey Says?

William Ben
William Ben
Justin as our economy changes due to the imposition of stopping carbon based fuels in our society, what alternative industry should we promote - Let’s promote Tourism wow a game changer brilliant, so brilliant. Sigh

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Don Luft

Ford is the greatest misinformer of them all.
David Amos
David Amos
@William Ben "Let’s promote Tourism wow a game changer brilliant, so brilliant. Sigh"

Methinks its just another one of those things that Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger does that peoplekind fail to appreciate N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "Ford is the greatest misinformer of them all."


Methinks many Maritimers and Yankees would agree that Billy Clinton's old buddy Frank "Bilderburger" McKenna takes the cake N'esy Pas?

Dave MacDonald
Dave MacDonald
@Richard Sharp Don't sell yourself short Richard. You are the champ when it comes to that.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Don Luft

Nobody misrepresents carbon taxes like Ford.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "Nobody misrepresents carbon taxes like Ford."

Methinks thou doth jest too much Everybody knows its Trudeau who wants carbon taxes not Ford N'esy Pas?

Kimmy Smith 
Kimmy Smith
This is a good idea. We can attract lots of tourists who don't want to go south of the border. We should also encourage more domestic tourism. We have a beautiful country and every Canadian should get out there and see it.

Scott Norman
Scott Norman
@Kimmy Smith

"We have a beautiful country and every Canadian should get out there and see it."

We can't afford it. Since 2015 the middle class is paying over $2000 more in taxes so that Justin can waste it.

David Amos
David Amos 
 @Scott Norman "We can't afford it. Since 2015 the middle class is paying over $2000 more in taxes so that Justin can waste it."

Methinks there is not of a Middle Class in left to tax in Fundy since I ran there in 2015 The potash mine closed, we are dealing lots of flooding nearly every time it rains because Irving Clan mowed down our forests, Trump's softwood tariffs have nailed the little guys in the lumber industry but not the Irvings and Trudeau keeps selling out the Dairy Farmers with his Free Trade deals.

Soon there will be only the wealthy few and a bunch of old folks hanging around Tims while the poor folks happy to get minimum wage job lug us coffee and donuts as we yap about greedy liberals and great days gone by.

So much for Trudeau's Sunny Ways EH? At least I warned folks to watch out for their pensions long before Trump causes the stock market to crash N'esy Pas?


"Candidates running in Fundy Royal are appealing to the middle class in the typically Tory-dominant riding, with a focus on jobs"

Charles Beale 
Dave MacDonald
Best way to boost the economy is to build the Energy East pipeline .

David Amos
David Amos
@Dave MacDonald Methinks they would need lots of luck getting it through The Prime Ministers' home province particularly after that last circus within the NEB N'esy Pas?

Charles Beale 
Kathy Altenhofen
Perhaps make it cheaper to fly from Calgary to TO than it is to fly from Calgary to GB.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kathy Altenhofen How would that help the tourists come to Canada?

Charles Beale 
Peter Boone
Vacations is something this government actually knows and does well, especially when someone else is paying for it.

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Boone YUP Methinks the PM is on a big one right now N'esy Pas?

Charles Beale 
Ray Thomas
Are people that naïve as to think that an extra $40M a year is going to make a huge difference? May not even cover the costs of the new advisory panel. Anyways, if it doesn't work, the Liberals can blame Harper. My mistake, they already did that.

David Amos
David Amos
@Ray Thomas YUP

Kathleen Maduro 
Kathleen Maduro
Liberal marketing strategy promotion funded by the Canadian taxpayer. Ouch!

David Amos
David Amos
@Kathleen Maduro I second that emotion

Charles Beale 
David Frank
why cant a multi billion dollar a year industry promote themselves on their own dime?

Keith Newcastle
Keith Newcastle
@David Frank : Because the Liberals will take credit for anything in their desperation for votes. Besides that tourism is normally a provincial matter.

David Amos
David Amos
@Keith Newcastle True

Liberals planning national tourism strategy as part of election-year economic pitch

The sector is seen as a reliable job-generator in an age of automation

Nicole Freeman of Montreal wears two Canadian flags in her hair while visiting the lighthouse in Peggy's Cove, N.S., on Canada Day, July 1, 2016. The Trudeau government is planning a national tourism strategy as part of its election-year economic message. (Darren Calabrese/Canadian Press)

The federal government is creating an advisory council on tourism to help develop a national strategy in a bid to boost the role of tourism in Canada's economy.

Frank McKenna — ex-premier of New Brunswick, former Canadian ambassador to the U.S. and now deputy chairman of TD Bank — is to chair the new council.

He will be joined by McKinsey & Company global managing partner emeritus Dominic Barton, who chairs the government's council on economic growth. McKinsey also won a recent federal contract to study barriers in the tourism industry.

Jerry Dias, president of the general trade union Unifor, joins industry experts, local politicians, former hotel CEOs and tourism business owners on the council.

"There is absolutely no doubt that tourism has the potential to boost the economy based on what many other countries do … There's no doubt it can be a much larger contributor to our economy than it is at present," said McKenna in an interview with CBC News.

In 2017, the tourism industry accounted for 2.06 per cent of the country's GDP. The Liberal government is eyeing tourism for its untapped potential for economic and job growth.

"This is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Many, many countries are investing in their tourism sectors to really grab a piece of the pie," said Mélanie Joly, minister for tourism, official languages and la Francophonie, in an interview with CBC News. "We need to make sure that we're competitive."

Dropped from the Top 10

The Trudeau Liberals see tourism as at the core of their middle-class economic message, according to one senior government source who spoke on background.

Being labour-intensive, tourism is one of the few fast-growing sectors where jobs are not being wiped out by automation. Unlike manufacturing, for example, it's a prime candidate for job growth.
Canada used to be a Top 10 destination for international tourists, but since 2000 has slipped to 17th place.

The Liberals are quick to blame the previous Conservative government for the slide, pointing to its cuts to the budget of Destination Canada, the Crown corporation tasked with promoting Canadian tourism worldwide. In the last federal budget, the Liberals upped Destination Canada's annual budget to $97.8 million from $57.8 million.

In 2017, the country's 150th birthday, Canada saw a record 20.8 million visitors. In just the first eight months of 2018, 14.8 million international tourists came to Canada.

This year is the Canada-China year of tourism — a joint initiative. Visitors from China are coveted by many nations because they're seen as 'high yield' tourists: they stay longer and spend more money.

Last year, Canada saw an increase of 2.7 per cent in the number of tourists from China. There are high hopes that 2018, with its special designation, will see even better numbers.

A tourist steps off the glass-floored walkway of the Glacier SkyWalk near the Columbia Icefields in Jasper National Park, Alta., on Wednesday, May 7, 2014. (Jeff McIntosh/Canadian Press)
But while Canada's numbers are up, so are the numbers of competing nations. The tourism industry around the world is growing by more than four per cent annually, according to industry statistics. Canada's slice of the pie is not increasing, which is why it has not regained its top 10 spot.

"Canada is doing well. We have one of the best reputations in the world, but we only see about two per cent of the global visits every year so we're not growing as fast as our competitors," said Vince Accardi, director of policy and stakeholder relations for the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC).

An advisory council and the promise of a national strategy are being welcomed by the industry and business leaders. But there's already a general consensus abroad on where some key investments could be made.

Tourism Minister Mélanie Joly announces the creation of a national advisory council on tourism in Niagara Falls, Ont. Nov. 12, 2018. ( Robert Krbavac\CBC)
The president of TIAC went before the House of Commons finance committee at the end of September to argue the government needs to work on better visa processing and marketing, and on solving labour shortages.

Perrin Beatty, president and chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, said he's never understood why the sector has been taken for granted.

"We're talking about a sector here that could be bigger than the automotive sector or bigger than agriculture," he said.

"If you were to say what sector could we have where every single community in Canada could benefit, tourism is at the top of the list."

In an election year, any push on tourism is likely to have a political angle. Tourism is a part of both rural and urban Canada, generating revenue in small villages and big cities alike.

Ridings stand to benefit

That means a lot of federal ridings stand to benefit from a change in government policy and funding.
Joly began a cross-country tour Monday to hear from some of the 1.8 million tourism workers the Liberals see as part of their target audience: the middle class "and those working hard to join it."

Joly said she expects the national strategy to include both short-term easy wins as well as long-term goals that will take some coordination with other departments, such as Transport, CBSA,
 Infrastructure and Immigration.

The national strategy is expected to be ready by spring 2019, just months before the next election.

About the Author


Karina Roman
Senior Reporter, Parliamentary Bureau
Karina Roman joined CBC's parliamentary bureau in 2008. She can be reached on email karina.roman@cbc.ca or on Twitter @karinaroman1
CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

Methinks everybody said enough about the Tar Sands so I made 3 comments and let it go Sometimes less is more N'esy Pas?


Replying to and  49 others
Methinks everybody said enough about the Tar Sands so I made 3 comments and let it go Sometimes less is more N'esy Pas?




Economic cost of Canadian oil price discounts counted in billions of dollars

The impact was estimated as high as $13 billion Cdn so far in 2018

The Suncor mine facility along the Athabasca River as seen from a helicopter tour of the oilsands near Fort McMurray, Alta. (Jeff McIntosh)

Imagine producing a bumper crop of a product in high demand around the globe, only to learn you must settle for a discounted price because there's no easy way to get your product to market.

Canadian grain farmers experienced that situation in 2013 and again last winter when their harvest outstripped the transport capacity of Canada's rail companies. Western Canada's oil companies are now in the same boat thanks to production gains that have not been matched by export pipeline capacity gains.

Like those farmers, oil producers have filled storage to bursting while they wait for a solution to appear. The price discounts or "differentials" that had mainly affected heavy oil have spread to light oil and upgraded synthetic oilsands crude as pipeline space tightens.

Estimates on the cost to the economy vary wildly, but the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers officially estimates the impact as at least C$13 billion in the first 10 months of 2018.

$50 million cost per day

It estimates the cost at about $50 million Cdn per day in October as discounts for Western Canadian Select bitumen-blend crude oil versus New York-traded West Texas Intermediate peaked at more than $52 US per barrel.

"The differential has blown out to such an extreme level for two reasons, the lack of access to markets and the fact we really have only one customer (the United States)," said Tim McMillan, CEO of CAPP.

Getting an exact number on how much discounts are costing Canada is all but impossible thanks to ingrained sector secrecy about transportation and marketing, he said, adding it's entirely possible the real costs could be as high as $100 billion per year.
We're losing hundreds of millions of dollars that's going to subsidize drivers in the United States.-Tim  McMillan , CEO of  CAPP
Producers' exposure to WCS prices differ depending on what kind of oil they produce, where they sell it and how they transport it.

Calgary-based Imperial Oil Ltd., for instance, says about one-quarter of its output of 300,000 barrels of bitumen per day is influenced by WCS pricing — the rest is used in its Canadian refineries or shipped by pipe or rail to the U.S. Gulf Coast where it gets close to WTI prices.

The company announced last week it will build a 75,000-bpd oilsands project, going on faith that pipelines will be in place for when production begins in about four years (a prospect that took a hit Thursday when a U.S. judge put TransCanada Corp.'s Keystone XL pipeline on hold until more environmental study is done).

Meanwhile, it is ramping up rail shipments from its co-owned Edmonton terminal as fast as it can.
Other oilsands producers including Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. and Cenovus Energy Inc. are cutting production to avoid selling at current prices.

The industry's problems receive little sympathy from environmentalists like Keith Stewart of Greenpeace.

"The root of the problem is that companies kept expanding production even when they knew there was no new transport," he said.

But McMillan pointed out it takes years to plan, win regulatory approval and build projects.

For example, producers would have had no way of knowing ahead of time that the 525,000-barrel-per-day Northern Gateway pipeline project approved in 2014 by a Conservative government would then be rejected by a Liberal government in 2016, he said.

"If Northern Gateway had come on as planned, we wouldn't be in this situation," said McMillan.
In a report last February, Scotiabank analysts estimated the differential would shave $15.6 billion Cdn in revenue annually, with a quick ramp up in crude-by-rail expected to shrink the hit to $10.8 billion Cdn by the fall.

At that time, discounts had widened to about $30 US per barrel from an average of around $13 US in the previous two years.

A depot used to store pipes for the planned Keystone XL pipeline is seen in Gascoyne, North Dakota, in 2017. (Terray Sylvester/Reuters)
Crude-by-rail shipments increased to a record 230,000 bpd in August but haven't reduced the differential.

According to Calgary-based Net Energy, the WCS-WTI differential averaged $45.48 US per barrel in October and has averaged $43.75 US so far in November.

In an analysis last March, Kent Fellows, research associate at the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary, estimated the differential would translate into a $13-billion economic loss if it persisted for a year — $7.2 billion to the Alberta government, $5.3 billion to industry and $800 million to the federal government.

The differential has gotten much worse, he said in an interview this week, which means the lost opportunity is proportionately worse.

Higher differentials hit provincial governments in the form of lower-than-expected royalties — their cut of every barrel produced from land where mineral rights are Crown owned — while the federal government will see lower corporate income taxes, Fellows said.

"If this keeps up and we start to see either a lack of growth or more shutting in some of this production ... you're losing jobs and even personal income tax as well," he said.

The Alberta government estimates that every annual average $1 increase in the WCS-WTI differential above $22.40 US per barrel costs its treasury $210 million Cdn.

In Saskatchewan, Western Canada's other major oil-producing province, each $1 change in the differential is equivalent to about $15 million in revenue, based on an assumed WTI price of $58 US per barrel, the government says.
Finance Minister Donna Harpauer said in an interview that if current discounts continued for a year, the Saskatchewan industry's lost revenue would be about $7.4 billion Cdn.

Part of the reason WCS discounts were wider in October is that WTI, which opened the year at $60.37 US per barrel, jumped to more than $76 US. Producers exposed to WCS didn't get the benefit of the higher U.S. oil prices.

McMillan said the differentials are being noticed by potential energy investors — CAPP expects capital investment of $42 billion in the Canadian oilpatch in 2018, down from $81 billion in 2014.

"We're losing hundreds of millions of dollars that's going to subsidize drivers in the United States."

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Tuomo Taivainen
Tuomo Taivainen
So, why dont we build more refineries and just use the product here?

Riley Mitchell
Riley Mitchell
@Tuomo Taivainen
That would be way too forward thinking

David Amos
David Amos
@Riley Mitchell YUP

Al Millar
Al Millar
@Tuomo Taivainen : agreed , produce a safer produce that all of Canada can use , but CAPP likes importing " Blood " oil , as the Tar Sanders call it .

Riley Mitchell
Riley Mitchell
@Tuomo Taivainen
Thing is - we can’t even get a pipeline in this country, how will all the snow flakes let us build a refinery?

Henri Bianchi
Henri Bianchi
@Tuomo Taivainen

Does not solve the transportation problem.

Bob Holgate
Bob Holgate
@Tuomo Taivainen This is why.Read it below.We have no way to get the product from existing refinerys.Gas go's stale in a month and China wants oil.


David Amos
David Amos

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos https://business.financialpost.com/commodities/chinese-firms-and-indigenous-groups-propose-major-new-refinery-in-alberta
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