Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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YO President Trump here is a little Deja Vu for you, the RCMP, the FBI and of course the Russians too


---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 16:27:58 -0400
Subject: YO President Trump here is a little Deja Vu for you, the RCMP, the FBI and of course the Qatari and Russians too
To: info@rusembassy.ca, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, postur@for.is>, toronto@kdmid.ru, Bill.Morneau@canada.ca,  bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca, , lionel@lionelmedia.com, Douglas.P.Welty@stateoig.gov, editor@wikileaks.org, birgittajalthingi.is, embassy@embassyecuador.ca, chineseembassy.ca@gmail.com, chinaemb_ca@mfa.gov.cn, ryan.gallagher@theintercept.com, David.Eby.MLA@leg.bc.ca, ottawa@mofa.gov.qa
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, dmcgahn@jonesday.com, .Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, rmellish@cbcl.ca, jbosnitch@gmail.com


Monday, 31 July 2017
YO President Trump here is a little Deja Vu for you, the RCMP, the FBI
and of course the Russians too


Monday, 31 July 2017
Methinks Trump and his minions should pay better attention to his
Twitter account and review what I have been sending his lawyers



Monday, 31 July 2017

Methinks Trump and his minions should pay better attention to his Twitter account and review what I have been sending his lawyers

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 12:05:56 -0400
Subject: YO Mr Trump while the big hearing about Russia was on today I callled the offies of McCain (202) 224-2235 Graham (202) 224-5972 and Clapper (703) 733-8600 AGAIN
To: DJT@trumporg.com, info@rusembassy.ca, toronto@kdmid.ru, consulat_mtl@bellnet.ca, consul.ottawa@mid.ru, mcohen@trumporg.com, dmcgahn@jonesday.com, pm@pm.gc.ca, president@whitehouse.gov, James.Comey@ic.fbi.gov, Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,  Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca, Jonathan.Vance@forces.gc.ca, Greta.Bossenmaier@cse-cst.gc.ca, curtis@marinerpartners.com, david@lutz.nb.ca, rick.hancox@nbsc-cvmnb.ca, ch.media-media.pch@canada.ca, erica.paulson@oig.dhs.gov, john.s.lavinsky@usdoj.gov, mk@oig.lsc.gov, Douglas.P.Welty@stateoig.gov, john.p.manibusan@frb.gov, Andrew.Bailey@fca.org.uk, rmazer@ftc.gov, fordt@gao.gov, mmetelko@hudoig.gov, john.simms@nara.gov, contactoge@oge.gov, nschwellenbach@osc.gov, jack.callender@prc.gov, kshemendra.paul@dni.gov, irvin.c.mccullough@dni.gov, charles.mccullough@dni.gov, theodore.nicholas@dni.gov, troy.e.meink@dni.gov, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, smari@immi.is, smari@smarimccarthy.is, smaher@postmedia.com, newsroom@globeandmail.ca, postur@for.is, premier@gnb.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre@jafaust.com, hon.ralph.goodale@canada.ca, bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, andrea.williams@dni.gov, james.clapper@dni.gov, Peter.Edge@ice.dhs.gov

Trust that I will try to reason with the Russians again in my Native
Land but quite  frankly I grew tired of them ingoring back in 2013 and
I made Harper everybody and his else dog well aware of my indignation

Methinks if the Russian bureaucrats in Ottawa were truly wise they
would have rid themselves of their promotions of Harper. After all
Harper has been filed into history books for over a year.


"The former Canadian Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson visited Russia
on September 23-October 1, 2003. Her participation in the celebrations
on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great
Patriotic War (1941-1945) which took place in Moscow on May 9, 2005
became a landmark in bilateral relations."

Page 4 of the pdf file should prove that I don't care where the former
Canadian Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson went or when. I am Suing
the Queen of England because of her failings and that of the RCMP. Get
It YET Ralphy Goodale and Bobby Paulson?


Methinks the Russians need some ethical help in Canada EH?

Отображение сетевого контента
Contact Information

Street address:
285 Charlotte Street, Ottawa ON, K1N 8L5
Phones: (613) 235-43-41; (613) 236-14-13
Fax: (613) 236-63-42

Working hours:
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00

For general inquiries:

Need I say I reminded the Yankeees of my lawsuit in the Federal Court
of Canada (T-1557-15) and of the fact that McCain's letter to me from
2005 has been in the docket for over a year?

As many Russians and your lawyers Mr Cohen and Mr McGahn well know
McCain's letter can been found on Page of this very old pdf file of
mine, Correct?


Perhaps Clapper's many Yankee minions and the CSE in Canada should
review the words found below ASAP N'esy Pas Prime Minister Trudeau
"The Younger"???

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369


McCain plans Russia cyber hearing for Thursday

By Jeremy Herb and Connor O’Brien 12/30/16 10:23 AM EST

Senate Armed Services Chairman John McCain has scheduled a hearing on
cyber threats for Thursday, where the issue of Russia's election-year
hacking will take center stage, a source familiar with the committee's
planning told POLITICO.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, National Security
Agency and Cyber Command Chief Adm. Mike Rogers and Undersecretary of
Defense for Intelligence Marcel Lettre are scheduled to testify,
according to the source.

The timing of the hearing — three days into the new Congress — is in
the same week that President-elect Donald Trump says he plans to be
briefed by the intelligence community on the Russian hacking.

The Obama administration issued new sanctions against Russia on
Thursday in response to the hacking, kicking 35 Russian diplomats and
intelligence operatives out of the U.S. and targeting Moscow's primary
security service, the FSB, and its main intelligence directorate, the

Trump has been dismissive of the administration's charges that Russia
tampered with the presidential campaign. In response to the sanctions,
Trump said in a statement Thursday, "It's time for our country to move
on to bigger and better things," but also said that he would meet next
week with intelligence leaders — potentially some of the same
officials to testify before McCain's committee.

The Arizona Republican has called for creating a Select Committee in
Congress to investigate the Russian hacking allegations. And on
Thursday, he and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said they would push for
"stronger sanctions on Russia" in the new Congress.


Thursday, 4 August 2016
Yo Andrew Bailey thanks for the response. A simple question obviously
is Whereas I am already suing the Queen would YOU and Nazmul Ahmed
like to be sued personally?

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2016 16:58:42 -0400
Subject: Yo Andrew Bailey thanks for the response. A simple question
obviously is Whereas I am already suing the Queen would YOU and Nazmul
Ahmed like to be sued personally?
To: Customer Contact Centre , "Andrew.Bailey"
Cc: David Amos

On 8/4/16, Customer Contact Centre wrote:

---------- Original message ----------
From: Customer Contact Centre
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2016 15:15:24 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: RE: FW: Attn Pierre-Olivier Herbert Re A Digital World and my
dealings with Yankee Feds I just call    [
ref:_00Db0K8yP._500b0lD5Pj:ref ]
To: "motomaniac333@gmail.com"

Dear David

Thank you for your further email dated August 2 addressed to Andrew
Bailey, the CEO of the Financial Conduct Authority. Following his
review, Andrew has passed your email to me to respond.

I understand that you’ve been in contact with the Financial Conduct
Authority (FCA) multiple times and we’ve been unable to determine what
kind of guidance you would like from us. We’ve asked you to clarify
your queries several times, unfortunately you’ve not provided us with
a better understanding about this matter.

Our last correspondence with you of July 25 , informed you that we
have given you as much information as we can and there is nothing
further that we can usefully add to this topic unless we receive a
direct question explaining the guidance that you would like from us..
This is our final response on this subject.

Any further contact that we receive from you about this will be placed
on file but will not be responded to unless a direct question is asked
of the FCA.

Yours Sincerely
Nazmul Ahmed
Customer Contact Centre
Financial Conduct Authority
Consumer Helpline: 0800 111 6768

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: 02 August 2016 15:43
To: pch.media-media.pch@canada.ca; erica.paulson@oig.dhs.gov;
john.s.lavinsky@usdoj.gov; mk@oig.lsc.gov;
Douglas.P.Welty@stateoig.gov; john.p.manibusan@frb.gov; Andrew Bailey;
rmazer@ftc.gov; fordt@gao.gov; mmetelko@hudoig.gov;
john.simms@nara.gov; contactoge@oge.gov; nschwellenbach@osc.gov;
Cc: David Amos; andrea.williams@dni.gov; nsapao@nsa.gov; curtis;
david; rick.hancox
Subject: Attn Pierre-Olivier Herbert Re A Digital World and my
dealings with Yankee Feds I just called to suggest that you read the
Minister's Twitter account ASAP

Here is why



Pierre-Olivier Herbert
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage

Media Relations
Canadian Heritage

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Welty, Douglas P. (OIG)"
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 13:28:59 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Pursuant to my calls to the RCMP and most of
the Yankee Inspector Generals in Washington Here is the email That I
promised to send before I file the Appeal Book in Federal Court
To: David Amos

State OIG has migrated to a new IT network. As of Aug 1, 2016, I will
only periodically check this email address, as I will have a new email
address associated with the new network. Please send any future email
correspondence to "Douglas.P.Welty@stateoig.gov."


Doug Welty
Director, Public Affairs
US Department of State / Office of Inspector General


A Conversation With James Clapper
Council on Foreign Relations
Streamed live on Oct 25, 2016

James Clapper reflects on lessons learned over his six years as
Director of National Intelligence and discusses critical intelligence
concerns facing the next U.S. president.


James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence


Charlie Rose


Director of National Intelligence

Mailing Address: Office of the Director of National Intelligence,
Washington, DC 20511

Phone Number: 703-733-8600

James R. Clapper
The Honorable James R. Clapper was sworn in as the fourth Director of
National Intelligence (DNI) on August 9, 2010. As DNI, Mr. Clapper
leads the United States Intelligence Community and serves as the
principal intelligence advisor to the President.

Mr. Clapper retired in 1995 after a distinguished career in the U.S.
Armed Forces. His career began as a rifleman in the U.S. Marine Corps
Reserve and culminated as a lieutenant general in the U.S. Air Force
and Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. His
intelligence-related positions over his 32 years in uniform included
Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence at U.S. Air Force
Headquarters during Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm and Director
of Intelligence for three war-fighting commands: U.S. Forces Korea,
Pacific Command, and Strategic Air Command. Of note, he also served
two combat tours during the Southeast Asia conflict and flew 73 combat
support missions in EC-47s over Laos and Cambodia.

Directly following his retirement, Mr. Clapper worked in industry for
six years as an executive in three successive companies with his
business focus being the Intelligence Community. Mr. Clapper also
served as a consultant and advisor to Congress and to the Departments
of Defense and Energy and as a member of a wide variety of government
panels, boards, commissions, and advisory groups. He was a member of
the Downing Assessment Task Force that investigated the Khobar Towers
bombing in 1996, and was vice chairman of a commission chaired by
former Governor Jim Gilmore of Virginia on the subject of homeland

Mr. Clapper returned to the government in September 2001 as the first
civilian director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA).
He served as Director for five years transforming it into the National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) as it is today.

Prior to becoming the Director of National Intelligence, Mr. Clapper
served for over three years in two Administrations as the Under
Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, where he served as the
principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy
Secretary of Defense on intelligence, counterintelligence, and
security matters for the Department. In this capacity, he was also
dual-hatted as the Director of Defense Intelligence for DNI.

Mr. Clapper earned a bachelor’s degree in government and politics from
the University of Maryland, a master’s degree in political science
from St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas, and an honorary
doctorate in strategic intelligence from the then Joint Military
Intelligence College.

His awards include three National Intelligence Distinguished Service
Medals, two Defense Distinguished Service Medals, the Air Force
Distinguished Service Medal, the Coast Guard’s Distinguished Public
Service Award, the Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian
Service Award, and a host of other U.S. military and foreign
government awards and decorations. He was named as one of the Top 100
Information Technology Executives by Federal Computer Week in 2001,
and has been singled out by the NAACP in the form of its National
Distinguished Service Award, and has been awarded the
Presidentially-conferred National Security Medal.


James Clapper, the US intelligence chief, resigns
17 November 2016 From the section US & Canada

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 10:42:34 -0400
Subject: Attn Pierre-Olivier Herbert Re A Digital World and my
dealings with Yankee Feds I just called to suggest that you read the
Minister's Twitter account ASAP
To: pch.media-media.pch@canada.ca, erica.paulson@oig.dhs.gov,
john.s.lavinsky@usdoj.gov, mk@oig.lsc.gov,
Douglas.P.Welty@stateoig.gov, john.p.manibusan@frb.gov,
Andrew.Bailey@fca.org.uk, rmazer@ftc.gov,
fordt@gao.gov, mmetelko@hudoig.gov, john.simms@nara.gov,
contactoge@oge.gov, nschwellenbach@osc.gov, jack.callender@prc.gov
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
andrea.williams@dni.gov, nsapao@nsa.gov, curtis@marinerpartners.com, david@lutz.nb.ca, rick.hancox@nbsc-cvmnb.ca

Here is why



Pierre-Olivier Herbert
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage

Media Relations
Canadian Heritage

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Welty, Douglas P. (OIG)" weltyd@state.gov
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 13:28:59 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Pursuant to my calls to the RCMP and most of
the Yankee Inspector Generals in Washington Here is the email That I
promised to send before I file the Appeal Book in Federal Court
To: David Amos

State OIG has migrated to a new IT network. As of Aug 1, 2016, I will
only periodically check this email address, as I will have a new email
address associated with the new network. Please send any future email
correspondence to "Douglas.P.Welty@stateoig.gov."


Doug Welty
Director, Public Affairs
US Department of State / Office of Inspector General

---------- Original message ----------
From: "Joly, Mélanie (PCH)" hon.melanie.joly@canada.ca
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 13:28:19 +0000
Subject: Accusé de réception / Acknowledge Receipt
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

Merci d'avoir écrit à l'honorable Mélanie Joly, ministre du Patrimoine canadien.

En raison d'une augmentation importante du volume de la correspondance
adressée à la ministre, veuillez prendre note qu'il pourrait y avoir
un retard dans le traitement de votre courriel. Nous tenons à vous
assurer que votre message sera lu avec soin.

Thank you for writing to the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of
Canadian Heritage.

Due to the significant increase in the volume of correspondence
addressed to the Minister, please note that there may be a delay
processing your email. Rest assured that your message will be
carefully reviewed.

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 09:26:57 -0400
Subject: Pursuant to my calls to the RCMP and most of the Yankee
Inspector Generals in Washington Here is the email That I promised to
send before I file the Appeal Book in Federal Court
To: delmarr@oig.treas.gov, mark.anderson@tigta.treas.gov,
Russell.George@tigta.treas.gov, william.brooks@fja-cmf.gc.ca,
Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, weltyd@state.gov, kozolchykr@sec.gov, adoulaveris@uspsoig.gov, James.Comey@ic.fbi.gov>, inspector.general@usdoj.gov
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, bruce@feinpoints.com,
hon.melanie.joly@canada.ca, ht.lacroix@cbc.ca, Alex.Johnston@cbc.ca,

Clearly the document hereto attached are yours. So why try to play
dumb with me anymore particularly when these document have already
been discussed during public hearings within the Federal Court of

If you Yankee Feds don't wish to check your own records your should at
least contunue surfing the Internet EH? Below you will find a portion
of anemail I sent to the FBI and many others last week that the FBI
denied receiving but an EX CIA agent certainly admitted that he did.






Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

P.S, For the Public Record only one lawyer in Washington returned my
calls yesterday. In my humble opinion Mr Fein is certainly entitled to
know everything that the Yankee Feds dudes do for the benefit of his
third party clients before a very important Yankee election. This is
particularly important to Canadians in light of the fact that I have
already proven that the CROWN Corp known as the CBC has made it
blatantly obvious that it supports Hillary Clinton as it deletes
hundreds of comments with an opposing opinion within their website. So
much for being non partisan even in Yankee elections N'esy Pas Gilles
Blinn of the RCMP/GRC and Minister Joly?


---------- Original  message ----------
From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 11:20:39 -0400
Subject: RE Federal Court File no T-1557-15 and Yankee wiretaps The ex
CIA Agent Robert Steele and his FED pals such as James Comey etc
To: washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, James.Comey@ic.fbi.gov, Marc.Cappellini@ic.fbi.gov, mark.vespucci@ci.irs.gov, bbachrach@bachrachlaw.net,
Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Gilles.Moreau@forces.gc.ca,
bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Wayne.Gallant@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, RBauer@perkinscoie.com, Patrick.Fitzgerald@skadden.com, gregory.craig@skadden.com, Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov,
Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jonathan.Vance@forces.gc.ca, Greta.Bossenmaier@cse-cst.gc.ca, robert.david.steele.vivas@gmail.com
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca, sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, Marianne.Ryan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Charmaine.Bulger@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca

For the PUBLIC record I just off the phone with James Comey's office
in Washington and they denied receiving this email but it did not
bounce back. Furthermore I do have a record of my calling the FBI in
Boston and Washington  immediately after sending this email.

Meanwhile as I was talking to several of Comey's assistants the EX CIA
know it all Robert Steele sent me the following email. Seems that your
fellow FED spin  doctors are good for something after all even if you
are are as nasty as Helll EH Barry Winters and Chief Rod Knecht?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

---------- Original message ----------
From: Robert Steele robert.david.steele.vivas@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 11:00:45 -0400
Subject: Re: RE Federal Court File no T-1557-15 and Yankee wiretaps
after I called The Field Units of the FBI in Washington and Boston and
they denied sending me any emails YEA RIGHT Well the FBI and the RCMP
should review paragraphs 39, 53, 55 and 61 of the aforesaid complaint
To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com

REMOVE.  All future emails will be dropped to spam.

On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 10:51 AM, David Amos

> Hey
> First things first .
> Here are two old emails of mine that I posted within the blog of Andre
> Murray's about what went down between the lawyer James Comey and the
> IRS Special Agent Mark Vespucci and their FBI cohorts and mean old me
> beginning in late 2001.
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/06/i-must-tell-all-why-i-am-astounded-and.html
> Saturday, 22 June 2013
> I must tell all why I am astounded and delighted that Prez Obama would
> appoint the crook James Comey of all people to be the boss of the FBI
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/01/good-evening-special-agent-mark.html
> Wednesday, 16 January 2013
> Good evening Special Agent Mark Vespucci Say Hoka Hey to Mr Obama's
> lawyer for me will ya???
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
> The former US Attorney James Comey (Who received hard copy of my
> concerns in 2003) who is now latest boss of the FBI should say Hey his
> old buddy Hillary Clinton (she got hard copy of the same stuff plus
> more a little later on in 2003)  and their latest boss Prez Obama
> (Everybody and his dog knows that he has had Hard Copy of my material
> since early 2004 CORRECT Bobby Paulson, Petey Baby MacKay, Franky Boy
> Mckenna, Gregy Craig, Patty Fitzgerald and Bobby Bauer?)
>  We should not forget the minor minions called Special Agents such as
> Mark Vespucci and lawyers such as Barry Bachrach. I understand that
> these sneaky Yankees now work with Marc Cappellini of the FBI in
> Beantown EH James.Comey and Bob Paulson?
> https://icwatch.wikileaks.org/docs/jamesbcomey_JamesComeyicfbigovFederalBureauofInvestigation(FBI)Director2014-09-01fbidhs
> James B Comey
> 202-324-3444
> James.Comey@ic.fbi.gov
> Marc B Cappellini
> 617-223-6465
> Marc.Cappellini@ic.fbi.gov
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Washington Field" washington.field@ic.fbi.gov,
> Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2016 5:13 PM
> To: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>
> Subject: RE: Attn Cst Paul Lynch RE Federal Court File no T-1557-15 and
> your continued support of Barry Winters and his malevolent cohorts for one
> year since you first contacted me.
> The FBI Washington Field Office is in receipt of your emails. It is unclear
> as to what your complaint is. In order for us to properly assess your
> complaint, you will need to provide the following details:
> - Your name and contact information
> - Full Details about the fraud/crime and a time line of events
> - Any bio-data you have on the subject (address, email address, name, etc…)
> - Any supporting/collaborating evidence you might have about the
> crime/subject
> Upon providing the above information, the FBI, depending on the
> circumstances, may work with other federal and local agencies to ensure
> that the fraud or crime is investigated.
> Please also be advised that  the Washington Field Office FBI is responsible
> for investigating federal violations in the Washington D.C. metropolitan
> area, to include areas of Northern Virginia.  The FBI has 56 field offices
> throughout the United States, with multiple satellite Resident Agencies
> covering rural areas related to these 56 field offices.  If you know which
> state the crime/subject came from, please know that the complaint will be
> forwarded to that State’s FBI Field Office. Attached is a link with the
> contact information for each Field Office:
> http://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field/listing_by_state
> Thank you for your communication.
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 09:38:37 -0400
> Subject: RE Julian Assange I just called Embassy of Ecuador in London
> again (011 44 20 7584 1367) Perhaps the former FM Ricardo Patino who
> is now Minister of Defense will pay attention this time but Yankee
> lawyers ain't betting on it EH Ron Klain?
> To: embassy@embassyecuador.ca, postur@for.is, khrafnsson
> khrafnsson@gmail.com>, jessica.glenza@theguardian.com,
> mark.berman@washpost.com, travis@rawstory.com, birgittaj
> birgittaj@althingi.is, ron.klain@revolution.com,
> liam.stack@nytimes.com, jon.herskovitz@thomsonreuters.com, birgitta
> , birgittajoy birgittajoy@gmail.com,
> "chineseembassy.ca" chineseembassy.ca@gmail.com, eperalta@npr.org,
> gopublic gopublic@cbc.ca, "steve.murphy" steve.murphy@ctv.ca,
> "john.warr" john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
> tmg@goodrelations.co.uk, dtnews@telegraph.co.uk,
> harriet.alexander@telegraph.co.uk
> Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
> More than three years ago WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange fled into
> the embassy of Ecuador in London. But why is he there, and will he
> ever leave?
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/11681502/Why-is-Julian-Assange-still-inside-the-embassy-of-Ecuador.html
> "WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson said that they would not
> believe any assurances "short of an open, official, formal
> confirmation that the US government is not going to prosecute
> WikiLeaks".
> Ecuador defense ministry spat ends in shake-up
> AFP•March 3, 2016
> https://www.yahoo.com/news/ecuador-defense-ministry-spat-ends-shake-215544405.html?ref=gs
> "Ecuador's top diplomat, Ricardo Patino, will take over as defense
> minister after the previous chief resigned in a spat over cuts to the
> military pension fund by President Rafael Correa, officials said
> Thursday.
> Patino, a close ally of the leftist president, has held a series of
> cabinet posts in his administration, and has been highly visible as
> foreign minister for his outspoken defense of Ecuador's decision to
> grant exile to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in its London
> embassy."
> http://www.embassyecuador.ca/english/index.php?id=contacto
> H.E. Nicolás Trujllo-Newlin
> 99 Bank Street, Suite 230
> Ottawa, Ontario
> K1P 6B9
> Tel: (613) 563 – 8206
> (613) 563 – 4286
> Fax: (613) 235 – 5776
> E-mail: embassy@embassyecuador.ca
> Consul Mr. Marcel Gross
> 2055 Peel, Suite 601
> Montreal, Québec
> H3A 1V4
> Phone number: (514) 874 – 4071
> Fax: (514) 874 – 9078
> E-mail: info@consecuador-quebec.org
> Jurisdiction: Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scottia, P.E.I, Newfoundland
> and Labrador
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: Póstur FOR postur@for.is
> >> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 22:05:47 +0000
> >> Subject: Re: Hey Premier Gallant please inform the questionable
> >> parliamentarian Birigtta Jonsdottir that although NB is a small "Have
> >> Not" province at least we have twice the population of Iceland and
> >> that not all of us are as dumb as she and her Prime Minister pretends
> >> to be..
> >> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> >>
> >> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið  / Your request has been received
> >>
> >> Kveðja / Best regards
> >> Forsætisráðuneytið  / Prime Minister's Office
> >>
> >>
> >> This is the docket
> >>
> >>
> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
> >>
> >> These are digital recordings of  the last two hearings
> >>
> >> Dec 14th https://archive.org/details/BahHumbug
> >>
> >> Jan 11th https://archive.org/details/Jan11th2015
> >>
> >> This me running for a seat in Parliament again while CBC denies it again
> >>
> >> Fundy Royal, New Brunswick Debate – Federal Elections 2015 - The Local
> >> Campaign, Rogers TV
> >>
> >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cFOKT6TlSE
> >>
> >>
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/fundy-royal-riding-profile-1.3274276
> >>
> >> Veritas Vincit
> >> David Raymond Amos
> >> 902 800 0369
> >>
> >>
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From:
> Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 8:18 PM
> Subject: Réponse automatique : RE My complaint against the CROWN in
> Federal Court Attn David Hansen and Peter MacKay If you planning to
> submit a motion for a publication ban on my complaint trust that you
> dudes are way past too late
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Veuillez noter que j'ai changé de courriel. Vous pouvez me rejoindre à
> lalanthier@hotmail.com
> Pour rejoindre le bureau de M. Trudeau veuillez envoyer un courriel à
> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
> Please note that I changed email address, you can reach me at
> lalanthier@hotmail.com
> To reach the office of Mr. Trudeau please send an email to
> tommy.desfosses@parl.gc.ca
> Thank you,
> Merci ,
> http://davidraymondamos3.blogspot.ca/2015/09/v-behaviorurldefaultvmlo.html
> 83.  The Plaintiff states that now that Canada is involved in more war
> in Iraq again it did not serve Canadian interests and reputation to
> allow Barry Winters to publish the following words three times over
> five years after he began his bragging:
> January 13, 2015
> This Is Just AS Relevant Now As When I wrote It During The Debate
> December 8, 2014
> Why Canada Stood Tall!
> Friday, October 3, 2014
> Little David Amos’ “True History Of War” Canadian Airstrikes And
> Stupid Justin Trudeau
> Canada’s and Canadians free ride is over. Canada can no longer hide
> behind Amerka’s and NATO’s skirts.
> When I was still in Canadian Forces then Prime Minister Jean Chretien
> actually committed the Canadian Army to deploy in the second campaign
> in Iraq, the Coalition of the Willing. This was against or contrary to
> the wisdom or advice of those of us Canadian officers that were
> involved in the initial planning phases of that operation. There were
> significant concern in our planning cell, and NDHQ about of the dearth
> of concern for operational guidance, direction, and forces for
> operations after the initial occupation of Iraq. At the “last minute”
> Prime Minister Chretien and the Liberal government changed its mind.
> The Canadian government told our amerkan cousins that we would not
> deploy combat troops for the Iraq campaign, but would deploy a
> Canadian Battle Group to Afghanistan, enabling our amerkan cousins to
> redeploy troops from there to Iraq. The PMO’s thinking that it was
> less costly to deploy Canadian Forces to Afghanistan than Iraq. But
> alas no one seems to remind the Liberals of Prime Minister Chretien’s
> then grossly incorrect assumption. Notwithstanding Jean Chretien’s
> incompetence and stupidity, the Canadian Army was heroic,
> professional, punched well above it’s weight, and the PPCLI Battle
> Group, is credited with “saving Afghanistan” during the Panjway
> campaign of 2006.
> What Justin Trudeau and the Liberals don’t tell you now, is that then
> Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien committed, and deployed the
> Canadian army to Canada’s longest “war” without the advice, consent,
> support, or vote of the Canadian Parliament.
> What David Amos and the rest of the ignorant, uneducated, and babbling
> chattering classes are too addled to understand is the deployment of
> less than 75 special operations troops, and what is known by planners
> as a “six pac cell” of fighter aircraft is NOT the same as a
> deployment of a Battle Group, nor a “war” make.
> The Canadian Government or The Crown unlike our amerkan cousins have
> the “constitutional authority” to commit the Canadian nation to war.
> That has been recently clearly articulated to the Canadian public by
> constitutional scholar Phillippe Legasse. What Parliament can do is
> remove “confidence” in The Crown’s Government in a “vote of
> non-confidence.” That could not happen to the Chretien Government
> regarding deployment to Afghanistan, and it won’t happen in this
> instance with the conservative majority in The Commons regarding a
> limited Canadian deployment to the Middle East.
> President George Bush was quite correct after 911 and the terror
> attacks in New York; that the Taliban “occupied” and “failed state”
> Afghanistan was the source of logistical support, command and control,
> and training for the Al Quaeda war of terror against the world. The
> initial defeat, and removal from control of Afghanistan was vital and
> essential for the security and tranquility of the developed world. An
> ISIS “caliphate,” in the Middle East, no matter how small, is a clear
> and present danger to the entire world. This “occupied state,”
> or“failed state” will prosecute an unending Islamic inspired war of
> terror against not only the “western world,” but Arab states
> “moderate” or not, as well. The security, safety, and tranquility of
> Canada and Canadians are just at risk now with the emergence of an
> ISIS“caliphate” no matter how large or small, as it was with the
> Taliban and Al Quaeda “marriage” in Afghanistan.
> One of the everlasting “legacies” of the “Trudeau the Elder’s dynasty
> was Canada and successive Liberal governments cowering behind the
> amerkan’s nuclear and conventional military shield, at the same time
> denigrating, insulting them, opposing them, and at the same time
> self-aggrandizing ourselves as “peace keepers,” and progenitors of
> “world peace.” Canada failed. The United States of Amerka, NATO, the
> G7 and or G20 will no longer permit that sort of sanctimonious
> behavior from Canada or its government any longer. And Prime Minister
> Stephen Harper, Foreign Minister John Baird , and Cabinet are fully
> cognizant of that reality. Even if some editorial boards, and pundits
> are not.
> Justin, Trudeau “the younger” is reprising the time “honoured” liberal
> mantra, and tradition of expecting the amerkans or the rest of the
> world to do “the heavy lifting.” Justin Trudeau and his “butt buddy”
> David Amos are telling Canadians that we can guarantee our security
> and safety by expecting other nations to fight for us. That Canada can
> and should attempt to guarantee Canadians safety by providing
> “humanitarian aid” somewhere, and call a sitting US president a “war
> criminal.” This morning Australia announced they too, were sending
> tactical aircraft to eliminate the menace of an ISIS “caliphate.”
> In one sense Prime Minister Harper is every bit the scoundrel Trudeau
> “the elder” and Jean ‘the crook” Chretien was. Just As Trudeau, and
> successive Liberal governments delighted in diminishing,
> marginalizing, under funding Canadian Forces, and sending Canadian
> military men and women to die with inadequate kit and modern
> equipment; so too is Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Canada’s F-18s are
> antiquated, poorly equipped, and ought to have been replaced five
> years ago. But alas, there won’t be single RCAF fighter jock that
> won’t go, or won’t want to go, to make Canada safe or safer.
> My Grandfather served this country. My father served this country. My
> Uncle served this country. And I have served this country. Justin
> Trudeau has not served Canada in any way. Thomas Mulcair has not
> served this country in any way. Liberals and so called social
> democrats haven’t served this country in any way. David Amos, and
> other drooling fools have not served this great nation in any way. Yet
> these fools are more than prepared to ensure their, our safety to
> other nations, and then criticize them for doing so.
> Canada must again, now, “do our bit” to guarantee our own security,
> and tranquility, but also that of the world. Canada has never before
> shirked its responsibility to its citizens and that of the world.
> Prime Minister Harper will not permit this country to do so now
> From: dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 14:17:17 -0400
> Subject: RE: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and
> the War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still
> alive
> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> This is to confirm that the Minister of National Defence has received
> your email and it will be reviewed in due course. Please do not reply
> to this message: it is an automatic acknowledgement.
> >>>>
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 13:55:30 -0300
> Subject: Re Greg Weston, The CBC , Wikileaks, USSOCOM, Canada and the
> War in Iraq (I just called SOCOM and let them know I was still alive
> To: DECPR@forces.gc.ca, Public.Affairs@socom.mil,
> Raymonde.Cleroux@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, john.adams@cse-cst.gc.ca,
> william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, stoffp1 ,
> dnd_mdn@forces.gc.ca, media@drdc-rddc.gc.ca, information@forces.gc.ca,
> milner@unb.ca, charters@unb.ca, lwindsor@unb.ca,
> sarah.weir@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, birgir birgir@althingi.is, smari
> smari@immi.is, greg.weston@cbc.ca, pm pm@pm.gc.ca,
> susan@blueskystrategygroup.com, Don@blueskystrategygroup.com,
> eugene@blueskystrategygroup.com, americas@aljazeera.net
> Cc: "Edith. Cody-Rice" Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca, "terry.seguin"
> terry.seguin@cbc.ca, acampbell acampbell@ctv.ca, whistleblower
> whistleblower@ctv.ca>
> I talked to Don Newman earlier this week before the beancounters David
> Dodge and Don Drummond now of Queen's gave their spin about Canada's
> Health Care system yesterday and Sheila Fraser yapped on and on on
> CAPAC during her last days in office as if she were oh so ethical.. To
> be fair to him I just called Greg Weston (613-288-6938) I suggested
> that he should at least Google SOUCOM and David Amos It would be wise
> if he check ALL of CBC's sources before he publishes something else
> about the DND EH Don Newman? Lets just say that the fact  that  your
> old CBC buddy, Tony Burman is now in charge of Al Jazeera English
> never impressed me. The fact that he set up a Canadian office is
> interesting though
> http://www.blueskystrategygroup.com/index.php/team/don-newman/
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/media/story/2010/05/04/al-jazeera-english-launch.html
> Anyone can call me back and stress test my integrity after they read
> this simple pdf file. BTW what you Blue Sky dudes pubished about
> Potash Corp and BHP is truly funny. Perhaps Stevey Boy Harper or Brad
> Wall will fill ya in if you are to shy to call mean old me.
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
> The Governor General, the PMO and the PCO offices know that I am not a
> shy political animal
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> Enjoy Mr Weston
> http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/news/story/2011/05/15/weston-iraq-invasion-wikileaks.html
> "But Lang, defence minister McCallum's chief of staff, says military
> brass were not entirely forthcoming on the issue. For instance, he
> says, even McCallum initially didn't know those soldiers were helping
> to plan the invasion of Iraq up to the highest levels of command,
> including a Canadian general.
> That general is Walt Natynczyk, now Canada's chief of defence staff,
> who eight months after the invasion became deputy commander of 35,000
> U.S. soldiers and other allied forces in Iraq. Lang says Natynczyk was
> also part of the team of mainly senior U.S. military brass that helped
> prepare for the invasion from a mobile command in Kuwait."
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010/06/canada-and-united-states.html
> "I remember years ago when the debate was on in Canada, about there
> being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends"
> demanded that Canada join into "the Coalition of the Willing. American
> "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for NOT buying
> into the US policy.
> At the time I was serving as a planner at NDHQ and with 24 other of my
> colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM HQ to be involved in the planning
> in the planning stages of the op....and to report to NDHQ, that would
> report to the PMO upon the merits of the proposed operation. There was
> never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites where there
> were deployed WMD.
> Coalition assets were more than sufficient for the initial strike and
> invasion phase but even at that point in the planning, we were
> concerned about the number of "boots on the ground" for the occupation
> (and end game) stage of an operation in Iraq. We were also concerned
> about the American plans for occupation plans of Iraq because they at
> that stage included no contingency for a handing over of civil
> authority to a vetted Iraqi government and bureaucracy.
> There was no detailed plan for Iraq being "liberated" and returned to
> its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan. This was contrary
> to the lessons of Vietnam but also to current military thought, that
> folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and others elucidated
> upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission, what conditions
> are to met before US troop can redeploy?  Prime Minister Jean Chretien
> and the PMO were even at the very preliminary planning stages wary of
> Canadian involvement in an Iraq operation....History would prove them
> correct. The political pressure being applied on the PMO from the
> George W Bush administration was onerous
> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
> military assets even more so It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantine operations
> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in Afghanistan
> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
> operation....The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian
> lives and liberal political capital.. and the priority of which
> ....not necessarily in that order. "
> You can bet that I called these sneaky Yankees again today EH John
> Adams? of the CSE within the DND?
> http://www.socom.mil/SOCOMHome/Pages/ContactUSSOCOM.aspx
> http://cas-cdc-www02.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=T-1557-15&select_court=T
> Recorded entry(ies) for T-1557-15
> (
> Court number information Court Number : T-1557-15
> Proceeding Category : Actions Nature : Others - Crown (v. Queen) [Actions]
> Type of Action : Ordinary
> 38 records found for T-1557-15  Doc Date Filed Office Recorded Entry
> Summary
> - 2016-02-25 Ottawa Copy of Notice of Appeal (Appeal Court File No.
> A-48-16 ) appealing NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL filed in Federal Court of
> Appeal filed in the Court of Appeal on 12-FEB-2016 on behalf of
> Plaintiff placed on file on 25-FEB-2016
> - 2016-02-16 Ottawa Copy of Notice of Appeal (Appeal Court File No.
> A-48-16 ) appealing Order of Southcott, J. dated 25-JAN-2016 filed in
> the Court of Appeal on 04-FEB-2016 on behalf of Plaintiff placed on
> file on 16-FEB-2016
> - 2016-01-25 Toronto Acknowledgment of Receipt received from Plaintiff
> and Defendant via fax transmission confirmation with respect to Order
> and Reasons dated 25-JAN-2016 placed on file on 25-JAN-2016
> - 2016-01-25 Toronto Certificate of Order certifying that the Court
> (Justice Southcott) on 25-JAN-2016 ordered at the end of his Order and
> Reasons as follows: "This Court Orders that: 1. the Plaintiff's appeal
> is allowed in part; 2. the Order of Prothonotary Morneau dated
> 12-NOV-2015 is set aside; 3. the claims for relief in the final
> paragraph of the Plaintiff's Statement of Claim are struck without
> leave to amend, with the exception of the claim for monetary relief
> for allegedly being barred by the RCMP from the New Brunswick
> legislature in 2004; 4. the Defendant is at liberty to present a
> motion, to be filed within 30 days of the date of this Order or any
> decision resulting from any appeal of this Order, arguing which
> specific paragraphs of the Statement of Claim should be struck in
> order to accord with my decision; 5. the time for the Defendant to
> file a Statement of Defence is extended to 30 days from the date of
> this Order, the date of any Order resulting from a motion by the
> Defendant arguing which specific paragraphs of the Statement of Claim
> should be struck in order to accord with my decision, and the date of
> any decision resulting from any appea of either such Order; and 6. No
> costs are awarded on this motion." placed on file on 25-JAN-2016
> 20 2016-01-25 Toronto Reasons and Order dated 25-JAN-2016 rendered by
> The Honourable Mr. Justice Southcott Matter considered with personal
> appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion Doc. No. 8
> Result: granted in part 2. the Order of Prothonotary Morneau dated
> 12-NOV-2015 is set aside; 3. claims for relief in final paragraph of
> Plaintiff's Statement of claim are struck without leave to amend, ...
> 4. Defendant is at liberty to present a motion, to be filed within 30
> days.. 5. time for Defendant to file a Statement of Defence is
> extended to 30 days... 6. No costs are awarde on this motion. **(see
> Reasons and Order for complete wording)** Filed on 25-JAN-2016
> certified copies sent to parties Interlocutory Decision Copy of
> Reasons for Order entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1290 page(s) 470 -
> 484
> - 2016-01-11 Fredericton Receipt for payment audio CD hearing Dec 14,
> 2015 and Jan 11, 2016. Req.by Roger Richard placed on file on
> 11-JAN-2016
> - 2016-01-11 Fredericton Receipt for payment copy audio CD recording
> hearing Jan 11, 2016. Requested by Plaintiff placed on file on
> 11-JAN-2016
> - 2016-01-11 Fredericton Fredericton 11-JAN-2016 BEFORE The Honourable
> Mr. Justice Southcott Language: E Before the Court: Motion Doc. No. 8
> on behalf of Plaintiff Result of Hearing: Matter reserved held in
> Court Duration per day: 11-JAN-2016 from 09:31 to 10:47 Courtroom :
> Courtroom No. 1 - Fredericton Court Registrar: Michel Morneault Total
> Duration: 1h16min Appearances: David Raymond Amos 902-800-0369
> representing the Plaintiff on his own behalf Jill Chisholm
> 902-426-7570 representing Defendant Comments: DARS Z005130 was used
> for the recording of the hearing Minutes of Hearing entered in Vol.
> 943 page(s) 475 - 477 Abstract of Hearing placed on file
> - 2015-12-23 Ottawa Acknowledgment of Receipt received from all
> parties with respect to the Order of the Court rendered on December
> 14, 2015. (via fax) placed on file on 23-DEC-2015
> 19 2015-12-23 Fredericton Order dated 14-DEC-2015 rendered by The
> Honourable Mr. Justice Bell Matter considered with personal appearance
> The Court's decision is with regard to Motion Doc. No. 8 Result:
> Delivered orally from the Bench on December 14, 2015. As a result of
> my recusal, this Court orders that the Administrator of the Court
> schedule another date for the hearing of the motion. There is no order
> as to costs. Filed on 23-DEC-2015 entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1288
> page(s) 428 - 430 Interlocutory Decision
> - 2015-12-23 Fredericton Correction to General Sitting concerning
> Motion Doc. No. 8 Hearing rescheduled from General Sitting at
> Fredericton on 14-DEC-2015 to General Sitting at Fredericton on
> 11-JAN-2016 at 09:30 duration: 2h Language: E Reason for correction:
> The presiding Judge recused himself on 14-DEC-2015 sitting
> - 2015-12-14 Fredericton Receipt for payment CD audio recording of the
> hearing on 14-DEC-2015, req. by Plaintiff placed on file on
> 14-DEC-2015
> - 2015-12-14 Fredericton Fredericton 14-DEC-2015 BEFORE The Honourable
> Mr. Justice Bell Language: E Before the Court: Motion Doc. No. 8 on
> behalf of Plaintiff Result of Hearing: Matter adjourned sine die held
> in Court Duration per day: 14-DEC-2015 from 09:35 to 10:42 Courtroom :
> Courtroom No. 1 - Fredericton Court Registrar: Michel Morneault Total
> Duration: 1h07min Appearances: David Raymond Amos 902-800-0369
> representing on his own behalf Jill Chisholm 902-426-7570 representing
> Defendant Comments: Tascam Backup was used for the recording of the
> hearing. Plaintiff requested an audio CD of the hearing. Minutes of
> Hearing entered in Vol. 943 page(s) 46 - 47 Abstract of Hearing placed
> on file
> 17 2015-12-10 Halifax Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf of
> Jill Chisholm confirming service of the Defendant's Motion Record
> (Doc.16) upon Plaintiff by courier on 10-DEC-2015 filed on 10-DEC-2015
> 16 2015-12-10 Halifax Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 8
> containing the following original document(s): 14 15 Number of copies
> received: 3 on behalf of Defendant filed on 10-DEC-2015
> 15 2015-12-10 Halifax Written Representations contained within a
> Motion Record on behalf of Defendant concerning Motion Doc. No. 8
> filed on 10-DEC-2015
> 14 2015-12-10 Halifax Affidavit of Jill Thomson sworn on 10-DEC-2015
> contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant in opposition
> to Motion Doc. No. 8 with Exhibits 1 & 2 filed on 10-DEC-2015
> 13 2015-12-08 Fredericton Affidavit of service of David Raymond Amos
> sworn on 08-DEC-2015 on behalf of Plaintiff confirming service of
> doc.12 (doc.8,10,11) upon Defendant by Priority next day mail on
> 08-DEC-2015 filed on 08-DEC-2015
> 12 2015-12-08 Fredericton Motion Record containing the following
> original document(s): 8 10 11 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf
> of Plaintiff filed on 08-DEC-2015
> 11 2015-12-08 Fredericton Written Representations contained within a
> Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff concerning Motion Doc. No. 8
> filed on 08-DEC-2015
> 10 2015-12-08 Fredericton Affidavit of David Raymond Amos sworn on
> 08-DEC-2015 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Plaintiff in
> support of Motion Doc. No. 8 with Exhibits A & B (Exhibit A is a CD)
> filed on 08-DEC-2015
> - 2015-11-23 Fredericton Memorandum to file from Michel G. Morneault
> dated 23-NOV-2015 a copy of the Notice of Motion filed on November
> 20th, 2015 appealing the decision of Proth. Morneau dated November
> 12th, 2015, sent to Mr. Morneau placed on file.
> 9 2015-11-20 Fredericton Affidavit of service of David Raymond Amos
> sworn on 20-NOV-2015 on behalf of Plaintiff confirming service of
> doc.8 upon Defendant by mail on 20-NOV-2015 filed on 20-NOV-2015
> 8 2015-11-20 Fredericton Notice of Motion on behalf of Plaintiff
> returnable at General Sitting in Fredericton on 14-DEC-2015 to begin
> at 09:30 duration: 2h language: E for an appeal of the decision of
> Richard Morneau, Esq., Prothonotary dated 12-NOV-2015 Doc. No. 6 filed
> on 20-NOV-2015
> - 2015-11-19 Ottawa Letter sent by Registry on 19-NOV-2015 to
> Plaintiff providing a certified copy of the order dated 12-NOV-2015 to
> the Plaintiff that had previously been faxed to him on 12-NOV-2015 and
> 19-NOV-2015 Copy placed on file.
> - 2015-11-19 Ottawa Confirmation of receipt by fax printout by the
> Plaintiff of the Order dated 12-NOV-2015 of Mr. Prothonotary Morneau
> placed on file on 19-NOV-2015
> - 2015-11-12 Montréal Acknowledgment of Receipt received from parties
> with respect to reception of order 6 placed on file on 12-NOV-2015
> 6 2015-11-12 Montréal Order dated 12-NOV-2015 rendered by Richard
> Morneau, Esq., Prothonotary Matter considered without personal
> appearance The Court's decision is with regard to Motion in writing
> Doc. No. 2 Result: granted Filed on 12-NOV-2015 copies sent to parties
> entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1283 page(s) 357 - 359 Interlocutory
> Decision
> - 2015-11-06 Montréal Communication to the Court from the Registry
> dated 06-NOV-2015 re: Notice of Motion (doc. #2) + request for
> direction
> 18 2015-10-26 Fredericton Affidavit of service of David Raymond Amos
> sworn on 26-OCT-2015 on behalf of Plaintiff confirming service of
> doc.7 upon Defendant by mail on 26-OCT-2015 filed on 26-OCT-2015
> 7 2015-10-26 Montréal Motion Record in response to Motion Doc. No. 2
> Number of copies received: 1 on behalf of Plaintiff (filed as per
> order 6; one copy only) filed on 26-OCT-2015
> 5 2015-10-14 St. John's Solicitor's certificate of service on behalf
> of Jill Chisholm confirming service of Doc 4 Motion Record upon
> Plaintiff by Courier on 14-OCT-2015 filed on 14-OCT-2015
> 4 2015-10-14 St. John's Motion Record Number of copies received: 3 on
> behalf of Defendant filed on 14-OCT-2015
> - 2015-10-14 St. John's Draft Order concerning Motion Doc. No. 2
> received on 14-OCT-2015
> 3 2015-10-14 St. John's Written Representations contained within a
> Motion Record on behalf of Defendant concerning Motion Doc. No. 2
> filed on 14-OCT-2015
> 2 2015-10-14 St. John's Notice of Motion contained within a Motion
> Record on behalf of Defendant in writing to be dealt with in the
> Montréal local office for an Order purusant to Rules 221(1)(a) and (c)
> to strike and an order pursuant to Rule 8 extention of time to serve
> and file Defence. filed on 14-OCT-2015 Draft Order\\Judgment received.
> - 2015-09-16 Fredericton Letter sent by Registry on 16-SEP-2015 to DOJ
> Halifax R.133 service letter Copy placed on file.
> 1 2015-09-16 Fredericton Statement of Claim and 2 cc's filed on
> 16-SEP-2015 Certified copy(ies)/copy(ies) transmitted to Director of
> the Regional Office of the Department of Justice Section 48 - $2.00
> The last database update occurred on 2016-07-14 12:09
> Top of page
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/10/re-glen-greenwald-and-brazilian.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 13:24:50 -0400
> Subject: Re: The FSB, Federal Court file no T-1557-15 ,secret oaths to
> the British Queen and the evil Feds etc FYI I did call Moody's lawyer
> Goggins When he did not pick up I contacted Michael Adler an he did
> not return my call.
> To: michael.adler@moodys.com, sallilyn.schwartz@moodys.com,
> ir@moodys.com, Richard.Cantor@moodys.com, John.Goggins@moodys.com,
> caitlin.workman@canada.ca, press@bankofengland.co.uk,
> Joe.Perry@fsb.org, embassy.ottawa@mfa.ee, "Dale.Morgan"
> Dale.Morgan@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "john.warr" john.warr@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> "Wayne.Gallant" Wayne.Gallant@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Marc.Litt"
> Marc.Litt@bakermckenzie.com, Robert_Glauber@harvard.edu,
> "PETER.MACKAY" PETER.MACKAY@bakermckenzie.com, sunrayzulu
> sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, mcu@justice.gc.ca, "bill.pentney"
> bill.pentney@justice.gc.ca, washington field
> washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, "Boston.Mail" Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov,
> "Paul.Lynch" Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca, pol7163
> pol7163@calgarypolice.ca, patrick_doran1
> patrick_doran1@hotmail.com, "rod.knecht"
> rod.knecht@edmontonpolice.ca, cps cps@calgarypolice.ca, eps
> eps@edmontonpolice.ca
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
> b.spurlock@octafinance.com, s.holbrook@octafinance.com, NBInvestigates
> NBInvestigates@cbc.ca, "Bill.Morneau" Bill.Morneau@canada.ca,
> bostncs bostncs@international.gc.ca
> So before I leave for a little vacation and not be available for
> awhile. I will leave you all with some very serious stuff to consider.
> Sometimes less is more so this email should prove to the RCMP who will
> no doubt wish to harass me some more and all your lawyers that I am
> not joking when acting in defense of my Clan. If you don't believe me
> ask the Wilson-Raybould and her many minions about my lititigation ask
> the Queen of England and I bet ya they will all play as dumb as post
> as per their oath to the Queen's Privy Council or the BAR.
> Need I say you snobby Yankee lawyers who take the liberty to assume
> the title of  "Esquire" a joke to mean old me?
> I would lay odds that my long dead Loyalist ancesters are rolling in
> the their graves in Fundy Royal and laughing at a very simple but oh
> so true statement made by a wild child of theirs. FYI your Yankee
> Constitution does not recognize titles so you and lord over your
> fellow men. Who the Hell are you to call yourselves sons of Lords?
> To be fair to the nasy Yankees Politicians who call themselves
> Honourable are the biggest jokes of all
> Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, P.C., M.P.
> Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
> Parliament Hill:
> Telephone: 613-992-1416
> Fax: 613-992-1460
> Department:
> Justice
> 284 Wellington Street
> Ottawa, Ontario
> K1A 0H8
> Telephone: 613-992-4621
> TTY: 613-992-4556
> Fax: 613-954-0811
> E-Mail: mcu@justice.gc.ca
> First things first have a Look at the 3 documents hereto attached (Not
> a big read)
> Listen to these old voicemails from interesting FEDS at about  the
> same point in time (Won't take long)
> http://www.archive.org/details/FedsUsTreasuryDeptRcmpEtc
> then ask youselves or the lawyers Senator Shelby or Spizter or Cutler
> or Bernie madoff's old buddy Robert Glauber where the webcast and
> transcript went for a very important hearing held in late 2003 by the
> United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
> http://www.banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/hearings?ID=90F8E691-9065-4F8C-A465-72722B47E7F2
> Review of Current Investigations and Regulatory Actions Regarding the
> Mutual Fund Industry
> November 20, 2003 02:00 PM
> The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct the second in a
> series of hearings on the “Review of Current Investigations and
> Regulatory Actions Regarding the Mutual Fund Industry.”
>     Archived Webcast
> Witness Panel 1
> Mr. Stephen M. Cutler
>     Director - Division of Enforcement
>     Securities and Exchange Commission
>     cutler.pdf (175.5 KBs)
> Mr. Robert Glauber
>     Chairman and CEO
>     National Association of Securities Dealers
>     glauber.pdf (171.1 KBs)
> Eliot Spitzer
>     Attorney General
>     State of New York
>     spitzer.pdf (68.2 KBs)
> Permalink:
> http://www.banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2003/11/review-of-current-investigations-and-regulatory-actions-regarding-the-mutual-fund-industry
> Trust that the evil women and men that  PM Trudeau "The Younger"
> appointed to to his cabinet will continue to play dumb because of
> their oath to The Privy Council. However it does not follow that
> everybody who works for them are dumb and they have no such oath to
> uphold N'esy Pas?.
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 12:14:00 -0700
> Subject: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange to leave Embassy of Ecuador in
> London soon??? Attn Ecuadorian FM Ricardo Patino and Amb Dr. Andres
> Teran-Parral I don't think Fernando would disagree when I say this is
> To: eecucanada@cancilleria.gob.ec, khrafnsson@gmail.com, birgittaj
> birgittaj@althingi.is, birgittajoy birgittajoy@gmail.com,
> birgitta@this.is, chinaemb_ca@mfa.gov.cn, embassy@embassyecuador.ca,
> ecuador@telus.net, enquiries@canninghouse.org, postur@irr.is,
> "calgary.northernhills" calgary.northernhills@assembly.ab.ca,
> "calgary.hays" calgary.hays@assembly.ab.ca, "calgary.cross"
> calgary.cross@assembly.ab.ca, premier > premier@gov.sk.ca, PREMIER ,
> richardwtc@gmail.com, "rod.knecht",
> editor@desmogblog.com, chineseembassy.ca@gmail.com, lgunter
> lgunter@shaw.ca, "joshua.skurnik" joshua.skurnik@hotmail.com,
> oldmaison oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre andre@jafaust.com, COCMoncton
> COCMoncton@gmail.com, dave.peiser@peiserforcongress.com, RBauer
> RBauer@perkinscoie.com, bginsberg bginsberg@pattonboggs.com,
> bairdj , chinaconsul_cal_ca@mfa.gov.cn,
> "greg.weston" greg.weston@cbc.ca, jack.tomik@cbc.ca,
> alan.dark@cbc.ca, Mindy.Qi@nexencnoocltd.com
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, frankffrost
> frankffrost@hotmail.com, "john.green" john.green@gnb.ca,
> "John.Grierson" John.Grierson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Darren.Woroshelo"
> Darren.Woroshelo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Rod.Booth"
> Rod.Booth@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "craig.callens"
> craig.callens@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "ron.klain"
> ron.klain@revolution.com, "Geoffrey.McDonald"
> Geoffrey.McDonald@gov.bc.ca, "dean.buzza"
> dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> http://wikileaks-press.org/press-conference-with-foreign-minister-ricardo-patino-aroca-ecuador-grants-asylum-to-julian-assange-english-translation/
> https://twitter.com/RicardoPatinoEC
> http://www.ricardopatino.com/
> http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/08/18/julian-assange-wikileaks-ecuadorian-embassy-london/14219537/
> WikiLeaks' Julian Assange to leave embassy 'soon'
> Kim Hjelmgaard, USA TODAY 11:08 a.m. EDT August 18, 2014
> LONDON — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange announced Monday that after
> spending two years in the Embassy of Ecuador in London he will "soon"
> leave the diplomatic safe harbor.
> He made the comments during a joint press conference with Ecuador's
> Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino. Assange did not elaborate on the
> timing or address whether an impasse over his potential extradition
> had been resolved.
> It was suggested in the British press over the weekend that Assange
> may need hospital treatment for a heart defect and lung condition and
> that any move could be to remedy those suspected health problems.
> However, Assange refused to be drawn on those specific points Monday,
> saying only that when he does leave it will "probably not" be for the
> reasons reported on.
> WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson later clarified Assange's
> claim. Hrafnsson said the issue of Assange's extradition must first be
> resolved before he can leave.
> "The plan is to leave as soon as the U.K. government decides to honor
> its obligations," Hrafnsson said, referring to guarantees he is
> seeking over the right to travel to Ecuador.
> Still, Assange said that his health has suffered as a result of his
> confinement.
> "It's (the embassy) an environment in which any healthy person would
> find themselves soon enough with certain difficulties they would have
> to manage," Assange said. He said the embassy "has no outside areas,
> no sunlight."
> Assange, 43, fled to the embassy in 2012 fearing extradition to the
> U.S. via Sweden, where authorities want to question him over
> allegations related to a sexual assault.
> Ecuador has granted him refugee status and says it remains committed
> to his protection, but British police have so far refused to let
> Assange leave the embassy and it is thought that he would be arrested
> if he tried to do so.
> In 2010, WikiLeaks published a tranche of leaked military and
> diplomatic cables and Assange has been the subject of an investigation
> by U.S. authorities.
> https://www.facebook.com/wikileaks/posts/136980676312318
> Wikileaks
> June 18, 2010 ·
> .
> Wikileaks' Julian Assange has limited ability to respond to
> interviews. Please contact spokespersons below. (now with correction
> on Kristinn's email)
>  Kristinn Hrafnsson
>  Journalist RUV (Icelandic equivalent to the BBC), one of two
> journalists WikiLeaks sent to Baghdad.
>  Tel:+354 821 7121
>  Email: khrafnsson at gmail.com
>  Birgitta Jonsdottir
>  Member of the Icelandic Parliament, Key speaker for the IMMI
> proposal, co-producer of the Baghdad video
>  Tel: +354 692 8884
>  Email: birgitta at this.is
> http://www.collateralmurder.com/en/contact.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 13:06:21 -0600
> Subject: Fwd: Attn Ambassador Luo Zhaohui of the People's Republic of
> China and Ambassador Dr. Andres Teran-Parral Re Snowden Assange
> Bankster, Nexen, Pipelines. the Maritime Link, Harper and Obama etc
> To: "calgary.northernhills" calgary.northernhills@assembly.ab.ca,
> "calgary.hays" calgary.hays@assembly.ab.ca, "calgary.cross"
> calgary.cross@assembly.ab.ca, premier premier@gov.ab.ca
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, premier
> premier@gov.sk.ca, PREMIER PREMIER@gov.ns.ca
> Associate Minister – International and Intergovernmental Relations (Asia)
> Ms. Woo-Paw was elected to her second term as Member of the
> Legislative Assembly for Calgary-Northern Hills on April 23, 2012. She
> currently serves as the Associate Minister – International and
> Intergovernmental Relations (Asia). Ms. Woo-Paw is also the Chair of
> the Asia Advisory Council.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:02:39 -0600
> Subject: Fwd: Attn Ambassador Luo Zhaohui of the People's Republic of
> China and Ambassador Dr. Andres Teran-Parral Re Snowden Assange
> Bankster, Nexen, Pipelines. the Maritime Link, Harper and Obama etc
> To: eecucanada@cancilleria.gob.ec
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Doug Brinkman richardwtc@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 11:01:16 -0600
> Subject: Re: Attn Ambassador Luo Zhaohui of the People's Republic of
> China and Ambassador Dr. Andres Teran-Parral Re Snowden Assange
> Bankster, Nexen, Pipelines. the Maritime Link, Harper and Obama etc
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Thanks David - you said you had a photo of the blogger "The Bacon Fat" are
> you willing to share it with me?
> Regards Doug Brinkman
> *Hawkeyi Active - A Civil Information Company*
> Photo, Art, Graphic Design and Video Productions.
>  Hawkeyi.com ,  Phone:
> 780.424.1538
> *Civil Information Activism- Free News on YouTube*
> #YEG Community News ciactivist.org
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:41:16 -0600
> Subject: Fwd: Attn Ambassador Luo Zhaohui of the People's Republic of
> China and Ambassador Dr. Andres Teran-Parral Re Snowden Assange
> Bankster, Nexen, Pipelines. the Maritime Link, Harper and Obama etc
> To: chineseembassy.ca@gmail.com, lgunter lgunter@shaw.ca,
> "joshua.skurnik" joshua.skurnik@hotmail.com, richardwtc@gmail.com
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, "dean.buzza"
> dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, editor >
> Attn
> Economic and Commercial Section.
> 401 King Edward Avenue
> Ottawa (Ontario) K1N 9C9
> chineseembassy.ca@gmail.com.
> My number is 902 800 0389
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:27:05 -0600
> Subject: Fwd: Attn Ambassador Luo Zhaohui of the People's Republic of
> China and Ambassador Dr. Andres Teran-Parral Re Snowden Assange
> Bankster, Nexen, Pipelines. the Maritime Link, Harper and Obama etc
> To: dave.peiser@peiserforcongress.com, RBauer
> RBauer@perkinscoie.com, bginsberg bginsberg@pattonboggs.com
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, "ron.klain"
> ron.klain@revolution.com, dkilgour dkilgour@guelphmercury.com
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:08:18 -0600
> Subject: Attn Ambassador Luo Zhaohui of the People's Republic of China
> and Ambassador Dr. Andres Teran-Parral Re Snowden Assange Bankster,
> Nexen, Pipelines. the Maritime Link, Harper and Obama etc
> To: chinaemb_ca@mfa.gov.cn, embassy@embassyecuador.ca,
> ecuador@telus.net, birgittaj birgittaj@althingi.is, birgittajoy
> birgittajoy@gmail.com
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, "Jacques.Poitras"
> Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca, oldmaison oldmaison@yahoo.com, andre
> andre@jafaust.com
> 99 Bank Street, Suite 230
> Ottawa, Ontario
> K1P 6B9
> Tel: (613) 563 – 8206
> (613) 563 – 4286
> Fax: (613) 235 – 5776
> E-mail: embassy@embassyecuador.ca
> 3835 Trinity Street
> Burnaby, British Columbia
> V5C 1N4
> Tel: (604) 299 – 6600
> Fax: (604) 789 – 3719
> E-mail: ecuador@telus.net
> Ambassador Luo Zhaohui
> Embassy Address:
> 515 St. Patrick Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 5H3
> Tel: 613-7893434
> Fax: 613-7891911
> E-mail: chinaemb_ca@mfa.gov.cn
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:54:52 -0600
> Subject: Attn Wang Xinping Consulate General of the People's Republic
> of China in Calgary Re Nexen, Pipelines. the Maritime Link, Harper and
> Obama etc
> To: chinaconsul_cal_ca@mfa.gov.cn
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> http://calgary.china-consulate.org/eng/zlszc/
> Consul General Wang Xinping
> 1011 6th Ave. S.W.
> Calgary,Alberta,
> Canada T2P 0W1
> Tel:403-2643322
> Fax:403-2646656
> Email: chinaconsul_cal_ca@mfa.gov.cn
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:00:27 -0600
> Subject: Re Nexen, Pipelines. the Maritime Link, Harper and Obama etc
> To: "Qi, Mindy (Calgary)" Mindy.Qi@nexencnoocltd.com
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Good Day Ms Qi
> Trust that I am impressed with your Integrity and diligence (No Joke).
> After I send this email I will try to get an better connection and
> call you again in short order. Whereas you now speak for a state owned
> Corporation that operates within my  native land of Canada and the USA
> as well (both of which I am a person of) we really should discuss page
> 3 of this old PDf file of mine.
>  http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/UN%20DUDES-txt.pdf
> In order to briefy explain to you the documents I forwarded to you
> yesterday I will say that at the very least I proved to CNOOC that I
> am a whisleblower against the very corrupt Justice Systems and the
> Financial Industy operating within at least 10 purportedly profound
> democracies. The documents do prove that I sued 3 US Treasury Agents
> and many others at least once back in 2002 and that many government
> offials and many others are well aware of that fact. In 2004
> I remained true to my words to politicians such as Harper, MacKay,
> Layton, the PM Martin, Anne McLellan (a former director of Nexen's)
> and their many parliamentry cohorts and ran for a seat in Canada's
> 38th Parliament
> Later in 2004 I was falsely imprisoned  after I returned to the USA in
> order to continue to argue in court about my family's rights and
> interests. My false arrest was done in open court before the Speech
> from the Throne on Oct 1st 2004. The arrest was recorded on the public
> record without a warrant or even a reason statedand I was held in
> solitary confinement under the charges of "Other" with no bail terms
> offered. After a few days DEFAIT was compelled to send one of its
> consulate officers and some secretive member of the Canadian
> Department of Public Safety to visit me in the Yankee jail. All those
> mindless bureaucrats did was laugh at my plight and told me that they
> could do nothing to help me be released from my false imprisonment. I
> got of jail on my own with a lot of help from members of my Clan.Thus
> in my humble opinion the Yankees and my fellow Canadians have no right
> whatsoever to chastise the Chinese to doing similiar things to other
> people. Imagine if such things were done to Stephen Harper in 2004?
> Ten years later Harper is still playing dumb even though I debated one
> of his lawyers in front of hundreds of people and his personal
> computer answered my concerns weeks BEFORE I was falsely imprisoned.
> Go Figure why I ran against the Bloc, the Green meanies, the NDO, the
> Libranos and Harper and the Boyz in Blue again the following year.
> Anyway before I returned to Canada in order to escape false
> imprisonment once again and to prepare run for a seat in the 39th
> Parlaiment I contacted many foreign embassies and particularly
> China's. I did so because in October of 2004 I had registered my
> idignation that the former Canadian PM Mulroney (As Chairman of
> Forbes) had arranged a huge meeting of worldwide CEOs in China while
> Bush was seekiiing reelection and everyone ignored or laughed at me.
> So in return for bureaucratic incompetence I sent the members of the
> G20 and others within the UN a rather huge pile of documents byway of
> registered US Mail. China got them and I have the proof that they did.
> The link I provided above is only to the cover letters..
> Trust that again last year I reminded many countries of the documents
> I sent them in 2005 after the NSA whistleblower Snowden sought refuge
> in Hong Kong and the Russia. Here is just a little proof of what I say
> is true.
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/10/re-glen-greenwald-and-brazilian.html
> Yesterday after speaking with lady within your "Integrity" office and
> discussing the recent emails I had sent to DEFAIT etc they asked to
> see the email with the attached documents and I quickly obliged.
> However after their email address proved to be inoperative I called
> your Head Office in Calgary in a effort to speak to Fang Zhi or one of
> his underlings. The lady who answered the phone wanted to know my
> business and then laughed at my effort to speak to any member of the
> executive in Calgary. I did not find that funny at all and I quickly
> told her that she could laugh at me all she wished but I would call
> her bosses in China if need be.
> For the record I was tryiing to inform you folks in Nexen about many
> things but my past dealings with Nexen, the Chinese govenment and
> people within the Canadian government such as Nexen's former director
> Anne McLellan  and  CNOOC's current director Kevin Lynch should
> concern your "Integrity" people greatly today.
> I hope you folks at NEXEN at least noticed the letter that the Chair
> of BHP sent to me in September of 2010 months before Harper stopped
> his takeover bid of Potash Corp. I could talk about the ramifications
> of that one letter alone for several hours.
> FYI I picked your associate Diane Kossman to send an email to because
> she had a lot to say in an email about CNOOC showing former Nexen
> chief Kevin Reinhart the door. However nobody should deny that
> Reinhart and many of his minions such as Kim Woima could not be
> trusted or they would have informed the latest boss Fang Zhi and his
> fellow CNOOC executives of my concerns about the actions and ethics of
> foreign based companies and the exploitation of Canadian natural
> resources before the Chinese opted to close the deal to buy Nexen.
> For the record I told your "Integrity" lady to Google my name and
> Nexen. If she had bothered to do so she would have easily found some
> emails of mine about Nexen posted within another fella's blog. She did
> not wish to but did ask for the email that I had sent to DEFAIT that
> you have studied as well.
> Now perhaps you folks at NEXEN should check out the emails I mentioned
> on the phone. Within the following links an email to Kim Woima of
> Nexen can be found.
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/01/howcome-you-said-nothing-when-i-backed.html
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/06/re-it-appears-that-wikileaks-iceland_9.html
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/07/harper-and-emera-will-know-why-i-am.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:03:50 -0300
> Subject: Ask yourself why CBC would report none of this
> To: kim_woima@nexeninc.com, "greg.weston" greg.weston@cbc.ca,
> jack.tomik@cbc.ca, alan.dark@cbc.ca
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, jacques_poitras
> jacques_poitras@cbc.ca
> You do know Landslide Annie is on the Board of Directors of Nexen I hope
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2012/08/20/f-scott-peterson-cnooc-nexen.html
> http://www.nexeninc.com/en/Governance/BoardofDirectors/BoardBios.aspx
> I mean no disrepect to you Ms. Qi. In all sincerity I do thank you for
> doing your job. The email above should finally start the ball rolling
> in order to allow me to have a long talk with some officials within
> the Chinese government and of course your boss Fang Zhi and his many
> lawyers and beancounters. Correct?
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0369
> On 8/11/14, Qi, Mindy (Calgary) Mindy.Qi@nexencnoocltd.com wrote:
> > Hi, Mr. Amos
> >
> > Thank you for your call today, and unfortunately, I can't hear you
> clearly
> > over the phone.
> >
> > I took a little bit time to review the files you sent to us and tried to
> > read the email string below, however, I got very confused on your
> purpose of
> > the call and your email. Besides, your attached documents dated back to
> 2003
> > and it contains large volume of information which I have no clue why you
> > would like to contact Nexen.
> >
> > Would you please explain your background story and clarify what you hope
> > Nexen can do for you in a simple way? So that I can see if I need to pass
> > your case to any team leaders here. It will be very hard for me to bring
> > your case to them if I don't know what we can do for you.
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Mindy Qi, CHRP
> > Logistics & Events Specialist
> > Corporate Communications
> >
> > Nexen Energy ULC
> > 801-7th Avenue S.W.
> > Calgary,  AB, Canada T2P 3P7
> > www.nexencnoocltd.com
> >
> > T: (403) 699-5232   ::   F: (403) 699-7512   ::   C: (403) 473-1929   ::
> > E: mindy.qi@nexencnoocltd.com  ::   LinkedIn
> >
> >
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/06/re-it-appears-that-wikileaks-iceland_9.html
> Sunday, 9 June 2013
> Re: It appears that Wikileaks, Iceland, Birgitta Jonsdottir and her
> Pirate Party have no conscience whatsoever. I hoped I was wrong
> However here is why I am not surprised
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHk-UYZuXE4
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Henrik Palmgren redicecreations@gmail.com
> Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2012 14:46:26 +0200
> Subject: Re: Oh my my I guess we know the score on you EH?
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Oh my. Don't send me your spam. It's not good for anything.
> 2012/8/26 David Amos
> > On 8/25/12, Red Ice Creations wrote:
> > > Take me this list!
> > >
> > >
> > > On 26 aug 2012, at 03:06, David Amos wrote:
> > >
> > >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > >> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> > >> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:44:45 -0300
> > >> Subject: I just called from 902 800 0369 Perhaps the Qatari Embassy
> > >> should study the attachments closely EH Mr Alward?
> > >> To: musoviczl@repsol.com, pribbeck@repsol.com,
> > vcmorrissettem@repsol.com
> > >> Cc: ottawa@mofa.gov.qa, premier premier@gnb.ca, David Amos
> > >> david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, "Davidc.Coon" Davidc.Coon@gmail.com
> >,
> > >> leader leader@greenparty.ca
> > >>
> > >> Qatari Embassy in Ottawa, Canada
> > >> 800-150 Metcalfe Street
> > >> Ottawa Ontario K2P 1P1
> > >> Telephone (+1) 613 241 4917
> > >> E-mail ottawa@mofa.gov.qa
> > >> http://www.repsolenergy.com/rena_team/rena_team.html
> > >>
> > >> http://www.repsolenergy.com/press_room/press_room.html
> > >>
> > >>
> >
> http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/kuwait-koweit/bilateral_relations_bilaterales/fs-qatar-fd.aspx?lang=eng&view=d
> > >>
> > >>
> >
> http://www.nccar.ca/statements/news-releases/establishment-of-the-embassy-of-qatar-in-canadaune-ambassade-du-qatar-a-ottawa/
> > >>
> > >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > >> From: Alan Dark Alan.Dark@cbc.ca
> > >> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:57:14 -0400
> > >> Subject: Re: I just called from 902 800 0369 and tried to talk to you
> > >> Mr Tomick (Out of office)
> > >> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> > >>
> > >> Thank you for your email. Please be advised that I am currently out of
> > >> the office; returning Monday Agust 27th.
> > >>
> > >> If your matter is urgent, please contact Camilla Inderberg at
> > >> 416-205-5545 or by email camilla.inderberg@cbc.ca or Janice Smith
> > >> 416-205-2940 or janice.smith@cbc.ca
> > >>
> > >> Best regards,
> > >> Al
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > >> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> > >> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 18:03:50 -0300
> > >> Subject: Ask yourself why CBC would report none of this
> > >> To: kim_woima@nexeninc.com, "greg.weston" greg.weston@cbc.ca,
> > >> jack.tomik@cbc.ca, alan.dark@cbc.ca
> > >> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, jacques_poitras
> > >> jacques_poitras@cbc.ca
> > >>
> > >> You do know Landslide Annie is on the Board of Directors of Nexen I
> hope
> > >>
> > >>
> >
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2012/08/20/f-scott-peterson-cnooc-nexen.html
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> http://www.nexeninc.com/en/Governance/BoardofDirectors/BoardBios.aspx
> > >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > >> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> > >> Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 19:17:20 -0300
> > >> Subject: Re Danny Williams Vs the Sierra Club Very Interesting lawsuit
> > >> and counterclaim EH Mr Bennnett
> > >> To: jb@sierraclub.ca, lgue@davidsuzuki.org, grenouf
> > >> grenouf@genuinewitty.com, editor@theindependent.ca
> > >> Cc: jbaker@ottenheimerbaker.com, info@alderonironore.com,
> > >> ktsakumis@alderonironore.com, "pgleeson@alderonironore.com \"David
> > >> Amos\"" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, jvettese@casselsbrock.com
> > >>
> > >>
> >
> http://thechronicleherald.ca/canada/125139-muskrat-falls-critic-countersues-williams
> > >>
> > >> http://atlantic.sierraclub.ca/node/4542
> > >>
> > >> FYI I just call Bruno Marcocchio @ 902-567-1132 and he had no clue as
> > >> to what I was talking about However trust that just like Gretchen
> > >> Fitzgerald, Danny Williams and his corporate pals know EXACTLY who I
> > >> am and why I was calling.
> > >>
> > >>
> >
> http://www.tmx.com/en/news_events/exchange_bulletins/bulletins/10-7-2011_TSX-NewListingADV.html
> > >>
> > >> http://alderonironore.com/corporate/board_directors/
> > >>
> > >>
> >
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/05/nfld-whistleblower-dodges-libel-charge.html
> > >>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Amos" motomaniac333@gmail.com
> To: redicecreations@gmail.com; "birgittaj" birgittaj@althingi.is;
> "Piratar" piratar@pirateparty.is; "ed.pilkington"
> ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk; janice.smith@cbc.ca;
> camilla.inderberg@cbc.ca; "david.akin david.akin@sunmedia.ca;
> Alan.Dark@cbc.ca; "newsonline" newsonline@bbc.co.uk
> Cc: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com; "aih" aih@cbc.ca;
> "news-tips" news-tips@nytimes.com
> Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 5:49 PM
> Subject: I wonder if the the bigtime bullshitter Henrik Palmgren even
> remembers me I bet he still plays dumb just like YOU, Ed Pilkington,
> the NYTimes, CNN, Sun Media, CBC and the BBC EH Birgitta?
> http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2012/07/RIR-120722.php
> On 6/6/13, David Amos wrote:
> >
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2013/06/it-appears-that-wikileaks-iceland.html
> >
> > From: postur@irr.is
> > Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 08:23:00 +0000
> > Subject: Re: It appears that Wikileaks, Iceland, Birgitta Jonsdottir
> > and her Pirate Party have no conscience whatsoever. I hoped I was
> > wrong However here is why I am not surprised
> > To: David Amos
> >
> > Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið. / Your request has been received.
> >
> > Kveðja / Best regards
> > Innanríkisráðuneytið / Ministry of the Interior
> >
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2014/05/yo-birgitta-who-is-more-of-crook-julian.html
> Sunday, 18 May 2014
> Yo Birgitta Who is more of a crook Julian Assange, the gay lawyer Glen
> Greenwald, the equally sneaky NDP lawyer David Eby in BC or your
> mindless Prime Ministers of Iceland
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: postur@for.is
> Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 02:03:05 +0000
> Subject: Re: [Mogulegur Ruslpostur] Yo Birgitta Who is more of a crook
> Julian Assange, the gay lawyer Glen Greenwald, the equally sneaky NDP
> lawyer David Eby in BC or your mindless Prime Ministers of Iceland
> To: David Amos
> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
> Kveðja / Best regards
> Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: postur@irr.is
> Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 02:03:06 +0000
> Subject: Re: [Mogulegur Ruslpostur] Yo Birgitta Who is more of a crook
> Julian Assange, the gay lawyer Glen Greenwald, the equally sneaky NDP
> lawyer David Eby in BC or your mindless Prime Ministers of Iceland
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið. / Your request has been received.
> Kveðja / Best regards
> Innanríkisráðuneytið / Ministry of the Interior
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: BARRY WINTERS sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
> Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 06:12:37 -0600 (MDT)
> Subject: Re: The BBC the Guardian the CBC, Brazil, Iceland, Canada
> Pierre Omidyar, Glen Greenwald and all the other bigtime bullshitters
> aka journalists may enjoy this blog but they will never write about it
> N'esy Pas Chucky Leblanc
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Cc: interceptjobs interceptjobs@theintercept.com, David Amos
> david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, SFeinman@fahrllc.com, ppalmater
> > jamiebaillie@gov.ns.ca, bob rae bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net>,
> nichor@parl.gc.ca, greg weston greg.weston@cbc.ca, Manon Hardy
> Manon.Hardy@priv.gc.ca, Dion Mario Dion.Mario@psic-ispc.gc.ca>,
> csu@jesuits.ca, "George.Soros"
> George.Soros@opensocietyfoundations.org, "george.osborne.mp"
> george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk, henktep henktep@nbnet.nb.ca,
> ambassador@brasilemb.org, postur postur@for.stjr.is, oldmaison
> oldmaison@yahoo.com, acampbell acampbell@ctv.ca, lgunter
> lgunter@shaw.ca, hmc hmc@mediacoop.ca, tips tips@660news.com,
> news news@thetelegraph.com.au, tips tips@gawker.com, news919
> news919@rogers.com>, newsonline newsonline@bbc.co.uk, newsdesk
> newsdesk@theage.com.au, andre andre@jafaust.com, "mckeen.randy"
> mckeen.randy@gmail.com, premier premier@gov.ab.ca, premier
> premier@gnb.ca, Brian Gallant briangallant@nbliberal.ca>,
> "Davidc.Coon" Davidc.Coon@gmail.com, "david.fraser"
> david.fraser@mcinnescooper.com glen glen@glencanning.com, Glen
> Canning grcanning@me.com, john adams john.adams@queensu.ca,
> "john.logan" john.logan@gnb.ca
> No one has ever "enjoyed this blog" David Amos sucks cock!
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/2014/05/re-snowdon-assangethe-dhs-rcm-pthe-cbc.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: postur@for.is
> Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 12:42:06 +0000
> Subject: Re: Re Snowdon Assangethe DHS the RCM Pthe CBC, Brazil
> Iceland, the Guardian Pierre Omidyar, Glen Greenwald and all the other
> bigtime bullshitters
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com>\
> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
> Kveðja / Best regards
> Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "OSBORNE, George" george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk
> Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 12:36:36 +0000
> Subject: Thank you for your e-mail
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Thank you very much for your e-mail to George Osborne.
> Non- Tatton Residents
> If you are contacting George in his capacity as Chancellor of the
> Exchequer, please re-send your e-mail to
> public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk mailto:
> public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk
> Alternatively, write to The Correspondence & Enquiry Unit, HM
> Treasury, 1 Horseguards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ or telephone 020 7270
> 5000.
> Tatton Residents
> Thank you for your email- this is simply an automated response to
> acknowledge it. If you are one of George's Tatton constituents, please
> ensure that you have included your full postal address and postcode,
> so that we can identify you as a Tatton resident. Once we have
> confirmed this then George will reply to your message.
> If you are unsure if George is your MP, you can check with your
> postcode http://findyourmp.parliament.uk/
> The Tatton office, which is for constituent enquiries only, can be
> reached on 01565 873037.
> If you are a personal contact of George's, your e-mail will be
> forwarded accordingly.
> With kind regards,
> Office of Rt Hon George Osborne MP
> MP for Tatton
> Chancellor of the Exchequer
>  ________________________________
> UK Parliament Disclaimer:
> This e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have
> received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your
> system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted.
> This e-mail has been checked for viruses, but no liability is accepted
> for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 09:03:20 -0300
> Subject: Re Assange and the DND versus Mean Old Me
> To: ryan.gallagher@theintercept.com
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Trust that you and Snowden don't know the half of it I have a LOT
> more INFO and that your pals in the CBC and the Guardian etc know it
> https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/02/18/snowden-docs-reveal-covert-surveillance-and-pressure-tactics-aimed-at-wikileaks-and-its-supporters/
> Veritas Vincit
> David Raymond Amos
> 902 800 0389
> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir
> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000
> Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the
> first email I ever sent you
> To: David Amos
> dear Dave
> i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i
> find some time keep up the good fight in the meantime
> thank you for bearing with me
> i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters
> and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and
> the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)
> plus all the matters in relation to immi
> with oceans of joy
> birgitta
> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are
> not.
> Andre Gide
> Birgitta Jonsdottir
> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884
> http://this.is/birgitta – http://joyb.blogspot.com -
> http://www.facebook.com/birgitta.jonsdottir
> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 23:05:48 -0300
> Subject: Re Mean old me versus the incompetent Canadain Military
> Police and Barry Winters a zionist who claims to be a former officer
> To: media@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, commission@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca, Barry Winters
> sunrayzulu@shaw.ca, "Julian Assange)" editor@wikileaks.org,
> Sheldon Day gem3intucson@q.com, whistleblower
> whistleblower@ctv.ca, "terry.seguin" terry.seguin@cbc.ca, brian
> brian@brian-macdonald.ca, tracy tracy@jatam.org
> Cc: mackay01 mackay01@canada.com, IgnatM IgnatM@parl.gc.ca, LaytoJ
> LaytoJ@parl.gc.ca, danf danf@danf.com, "john.logan"
> john.logan@gnb.ca
> Glenn Stannard Acting Chair
> Military Police Complaints Commission
> 270 Albert Street, 10th Floor
> Ottawa, ON, K1P 5G8
> Telephone: (613) 947-5625
> Telephone Toll Free: 1 800 632-0566
> Fax: (613) 947-5713
> Fax Toll Free: 1 877 947-5713
> e-mail: commission@mpcc-cppm.gc.ca
> Do you people have a lawyer with the balls to talk to me or must I sue
> the CROWN first?
> Perhaps your snobby military lawyers should study every word of the
> evil bastard's blog
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010_04_01_archive.html
> Furthermore Iggy's legal people should know this should be some sort
> of Fucking Secret BULLSHIT to protect the reputations of many a
> corrupt politician EH Mr Mindless Minister of Defence Petey Baby
> MacKay??
> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2009/08/what-does-amerika-truther-movment-god.html
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Haukur S Magnusson haukur@grapevine.is
> Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 02:50:58 +0000
> Subject: Re: OK allow me to be brief then Tell Julian Assange and your
> bullshitting pals in Iceland to go fuck themselves
> To: David Amos
> Dude, I really have no idea who you are or why you are so upset with
> this Julian person.
> Hope it all works out for you.
> Haukur
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 2:43 AM, David Amos wrote:
> > On 4/6/10, Haukur S Magnusson wrote:
> >> Pardon me sir,
> >>
> >> why do you keep signing your crazy e-mails with a Reykjavík Grapevine
> >> footer? It is disturbing, and we would appreciate it if you stopped
> >> doing it.
> >>
> >> Also, if you want people to read what you have to say, make it less
> >> long and all over the place.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Haukur S. Magnússon
> >>
> >> Editor // Reykjavík Grapevine
> >> haukur@grapevine.is
> >> Tel. (+354) 695-8158 / (+354) 540-3602
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Apr 7, 2010, at 2:24 AM, David Amos wrote:
> >>
> >>> http://www.youtube.com/user/AndyCobbonUTube#p/u/14/dk4rBQDxOEE
> >>>
> >>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2010_04_01_archive.html
> >>>
> >>> This should be some sort of Fucking Secret BULLSHIT in order to
> >>> protect the reputations of many a corrupt politician even a few
> >>> Icelanders EH?
> >>>
> >>> http://baconfat53.blogspot.com/2009/08/what-does-amerika-truther-
> >>> movment-god.html
> >>>
> >>> Friday, August 14, 2009
> >>> What does Amerika, the "Truther" movment, "God" and retards have
> >>> to do
> >>> with Canada
> >>>
> >>> We do not have to worry about comment from Little Dean and
> >>> Dave...they
> >>> are to uneducated to understand most posts
> >>>
> >>> So have you seen them, been annoyed or insulted by them, have you
> >>> smelled their disease? Have you ever crossed the "medicine line" and
> >>> seen some Yank being taken into custody because he just has..."this
> >>> constitutional right to bear arms"...in Canada. I remember years ago
> >>> when the debate was on in Canada, about there being weapons of mass
> >>> destruction in Iraq. Our American 'friends" demanded that Canada
> >>> join
> >>> into "the Coalition of the Willing.
> >>>
> >>> American "veterans" and sportscasters loudly denounced Canada for
> >>> NOT
> >>> buying into the US policy. At the time I was serving as a planner at
> >>> NDHQ and with 24 other of my colleagues we went to Tampa SOUCOM
> >>> HQ to
> >>> be involved in the planning in the planning stages of the
> >>> op....and to
> >>> report to NDHQ, that would report to the PMO upon the merits of the
> >>> proposed operation.
> >>>
> >>> There was never at anytime an existing target list of verified sites
> >>> where there were deployed WMD. Coalition assets were more than
> >>> sufficient for the initial strike and invasion phase but even at
> >>> that
> >>> point in the planning, we were concerned about the number of
> >>> "boots on
> >>> the ground" for the occupation (and end game) stage of an
> >>> operation in
> >>> Iraq.
> >>>
> >>> We were also concerned about the American plans for occupation plans
> >>> of Iraq because they at that stage included no contingency for a
> >>> handing over of civil authority to a vetted Iraqi government and
> >>> bureaucracy. There was no detailed plan for Iraq being
> >>> "liberated" and
> >>> returned to its people...nor a thought to an eventual exit plan.
> >>>
> >>> This was contrary to the lessons of Vietnam but also to the military
> >>> thought, that folks like Colin Powell and "Stuffy" Leighton and
> >>> others
> >>> illucidated upon. "What's the mission" how long is the mission, what
> >>> conditions are to met before US troop can redeploy?
> >>>
> >>> Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the PMO were even at the very
> >>> preliminary planning stages wary of Canadian involment in an Iraq
> >>> operation....History would prove them correct. The political
> >>> preesure
> >>> being applied on the PMO from the George W Bush administration was
> >>> onerus
> >>>
> >>> American military assets were extremely overstretched, and Canadian
> >>> military assets even moreso It was proposed by the PMO that Canadian
> >>> naval platforms would deploy to assist in naval quarantene
> >>> operations
> >>> in the Gulf and that Canadian army assets would deploy in
> >>> Afghanistan
> >>> thus permitting US army assets to redeploy for an Iraqi
> >>> operation....
> >>>
> >>> The PMO thought that "compromise would save Canadian lives and
> >>> liberal
> >>> political capitial.. and the priority of which ....not
> >>> neccessarily in
> >>> that order. Essentially Canada detemined to stay out of Iraq,
> >>> paid the
> >>> price, of a larger role in Afghanistan to enable US military
> >>> assets to
> >>> redeploy to Iraq.
> >>>
> >>> The US op in Afghanistan evolved from a US op, to a UN op, to a
> >>> NATO /
> >>> ISAF op. NATO countries other than Canada and the UK shun combat
> >>> operations in Afghanistan..their rules of deployment and engagement
> >>> mitigate against NATO troops engaging the Taliban. By design I am
> >>> quite sure.
> >>>
> >>> But now the American Iraq op, is a great success. The "surge"
> >>> worked.
> >>> But alas now 127 Canadian soldiers are dead. The 2011 deadline is
> >>> coming nigh....and President Barak Obama and NATO want Canada to
> >>> consider extending the deployment of Canadian troops. The motives
> >>> are
> >>> different. The US wants to... needs to, as matter of national
> >>> security, to defeat insurgency in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Our
> >>> European allies want Canada to remain and continue to "punch
> >>> above its
> >>> weight" so European soldiers do not have to actually fight or die.
> >>>
> >>> That begs a few questions: "Nations do not have friends, nations
> >>> have
> >>> interests" -Henry Kissinger. Is American national security re
> >>> terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan compatable with Canadian
> >>> national interests? If this country, Canada is going to be a
> >>> continuing ally in "the war against terror"....should not our
> >>> "friends
> >>> and neighbours across the medicine line be more amenable in
> >>> matters of
> >>> trade, or just living up to their free trade agreements. If our
> >>> "friends and neighbours" to the south want Canadians to fight
> >>> side by
> >>> side...maybe that 7 % Softwood lumber tariff was a mistake...or the
> >>> buy American provision in the currant stimulus plan ought to be re
> >>> thought.
> >>>
> >>> Our American "friends" give Israel roughly 3 billion dollars a
> >>> year to
> >>> be spent buying weapons systems from US defense contactors...to
> >>> survive (both Israel and US defense industries) Perhaps US dollars
> >>> should flow to Canada to buy weapons systems and patrol aircraft and
> >>> naval platforms...after all, aren't we your "friends and allies"?
> >>>
> >>> There is nothing similar with American culture, and politics between
> >>> Canada and the US. Canada evolved into nation status and the US,
> >>> revolted violently. This difference in the means we became
> >>> nations...has greatly defined who and what we are.
> >>>
> >>> Our American "friends" look upon Canada as cultural, economic and
> >>> political satrap.... Now to their great consternation they are
> >>> finding
> >>> out... that is NOT the case . Nothing good came to Canada by way of
> >>> America. The military "schewir punct" should be defense of our
> >>> continental shelf and the arctic.
> >>>
> >>> Canada does need to stop shipping unrefined bitumen to the US and
> >>> totally refine it here and start building a pipeline for bitumen to
> >>> Canada's west coast to sell to Asian and the Chinese market. It is
> >>> more than past time to understand ..our American "friends" are
> >>> not our
> >>> friends at all.
> >>>
> >>> Or else it is: Bend over here it comes again.....KY anyone?
> >>> Posted by Seren at 11:27 AM
> >>>
> >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >>> From: Barry Winters sunrayzulu@shaw.ca
> >>> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 08:33:09 -0600
> >>> Subject: Re: The Reykjavík Grapevine Al Jazeera Iceland WikiLeaks
> >>> and
> >>> British Banksters etc
> >>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>>
> >>> Tuesday, April 6, 2010
> >>> David Amos is a RCMP rat
> >>> Police Constables the world over call informants...cocksuckers.
> >>> David
> >>> Raymond Amos is a RCMP rat, a cocksucker, and he admits it. Just a
> >>> few days
> >>> ago David Raymond Amos admit he informed on and gave evidence in a
> >>> murder
> >>> case involving Gillies Moreau.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> David Amos has never sued or blown the whistle on anyone. There
> >>> is no
> >>> citation of any case involving David Raymond Amos in the New York
> >>> Law
> >>> Reporting Service, Shepards, or the Mass. Law reporting society or
> >>> for that
> >>> matter any state citation reporting service anywhere...you the
> >>> places
> >>> lawyers go to precedents for their briefs.
> >>>
> >>> Wikileaks will have NOTHING to do with David Amos. DavidAmos
> >>> routinely
> >>> plagerizes wikileaks material and then says he had everything to do
> >>> with its
> >>> exposure. David Raymond Amos is not an "ethical whistle blower" he
> >>> has no
> >>> record of having any information regarding public corruption
> >>> whatsoever.
> >>>
> >>> But David Raymond Amos has a record of being a rat! A snitch for
> >>> the "feds"
> >>> he claims to hate. His kids are rats and assets of the RCMP and FBI
> >>> because
> >>> they are low low level snitches that inform on the lower rungs of
> >>> minor
> >>> organized crime organizations.
> >>>
> >>> But David Raymond Amos is also a pedophile or a "skinner" and a
> >>> "goof".....
> >>>
> >>> Time will eventually run out for David as it always does for rats
> >>> and
> >>> skinners. So much for being an "ethical whistleblower" eh!
> >>> Posted by Seren at 7:07 AM
> >>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>> From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>> To: "whistleblower" whistleblower@ctv.ca; "Dan Fitzgerald"
> >>> danf@danf.net; "terry.seguin" terry.seguin@cbc.ca; "Edith. Cody-
> >>> Rice"
> >>> Edith.Cody-Rice@cbc.ca; "Barry Winters"> >>> "eachtem"
> >>> eachtem@hotmail.com; "danadurf" danadurf@hotmail.com; "dean Ray"
> >>> deanr0032@hotmail.com; "dean" dean@law.ualberta.ca; "dean.law"
> >>> dean.law@mcgill.ca; "Dean.Buzza" Dean.Buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca;
> >>> kevin.Jackson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> >>> Cc: oldmaison@yahoo.com; "tracy" tracy@jatam.org;
> >>> David.ALWARD@gnb.ca;
> >>> "Richard Harris" injusticecoalition@hotmail.com
> >>> Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 11:06 PM
> >>> Subject: Fwd: The Reykjavík Grapevine Al Jazeera Iceland
> >>> WikiLeaks and British Banksters etc
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 01:58:58 -0300
> >>> Subject: RE: The Reykjavík Grapevine Al Jazeera Iceland WikiLeaks
> >>> and
> >>> British Banksters etc
> >>> To: grapevine@grapevine.is,
> >>> Cc: editor@wikileaks.org,
> >>>
> >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r879_ZTqaY8
> >>>
> >>> From: "Julian Assange)" editor@wikileaks.org
> >>> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>> Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 3:15 PM
> >>> Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven
> >>>
> >>> FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven
> >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbGiPjIE1pE
> >>>
> >>> More info http://immi.is/
> >>>
> >>> Julian Assange Editor WikiLeaks http://wikileaks.org/
> >>>
> >>> From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>> To: "Julian Assange)" editor@wikileaks.org
> >>> Cc: "Dan Fitzgerald" danf@danf.net; "Byrne. G" Byrne.G@parl.gc.ca
> >>> Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 8:35 PM
> >>> Subject: Re: Al Jazeera on Iceland's new plan Thanx Here is
> >>> something
> >>> about Iceland and Banksters Al Jazeera would enjoy
> >>>
> >>> Checkout this old pdf file from 2005 at about page two or three
> >>>
> >>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etc
> >>>
> >>> Then read on and chuckle
> >>>
> >>> From: postur@fjr.stjr.is
> >>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009
> >>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious
> >>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years?
> >>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>>
> >>> Dear David Amos
> >>>
> >>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to
> >>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our
> >>> office.
> >>>
> >>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web
> >>> site www.iceland.org where we have gathered various practical
> >>> information regarding the economic crisis in Iceland.
> >>>
> >>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance.
> >>>
> >>> Tilvísun í mál: FJR08100024
> >>>
> >>> From: postur@for.stjr.is
> >>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008
> >>> Subject: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of Iceland
> >>> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>>
> >>> David Raymond Amos
> >>>
> >>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and
> >>> waits attendance.
> >>>
> >>> Thank you.
> >>>
> >>> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008
> >>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the
> >>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy?
> >>> To: Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, sjs@althingi.is, emb.ottawa@mfa.is,
> >>> rmellish@pattersonlaw.ca, irisbirgisdottir@yahoo.ca,
> >>> marie@mariemorneau.com, dfranklin@franklinlegal.com,
> >>> egilla@althingi.is, william.turner@exsultate.ca
> >>> Cc: Rae.B@parl.gc.ca, Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, lebrem@sen.parl.gc.ca,
> >>> merchp@sen.parl.gc.ca, coolsa@sen.parl.gc.ca, olived@sen.parl.gc.ca
> >>>
> >>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this
> >>> letter ASAP EH?
> >>>
> >>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2718120/Integrity-Yea-Right
> >>>
> >>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/4304560/Speaker-Iceland-etc
> >>>
> >>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/5352095/Tony-Merchant-and-Yankees
> >>>
> >>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me back
> >>>
> >>> Veritas Vincit
> >>> David Raymond Amos
> >>>
> >>> The Reykjavík Grapevine
> >>> Hafnarstræti 15
> >>> 101 Reykjavík
> >>> Iceland
> >>> grapevine@grapevine.is
> >>> +354-540-3600
> >>
> >>
> https://firstlook.org/theintercept/staff/ryan-gallagher/
> Ryan Gallagher is a Scottish journalist whose work at The Intercept is
> focused on government surveillance, technology, and civil liberties.
> His journalism has appeared in publications including Slate, the
> Guardian, Ars Technica, Huffington Post, the Sydney Morning Herald,
> the Financial Times, the Independent, and the New Statesman. Since
> 2011, Ryan has broken a series of national and international stories
> about controversial surveillance technologies, shining a light on spy
> agencies and uncovering links between Western technology firms and
> governments in repressive countries. He took home an award for his
> reporting at the 2013 Information Security Journalism Awards and he
> has received acclaim for his writing on a diverse range of subjects,
> encompassing everything from the FBI's attempted infiltration of
> WikiLeaks to mass protests in Madrid and homelessness in England. Most
> recently, Ryan has been reporting from Rio de Janerio on the cache of
> secret files leaked by former National Security Agency contractor
> Edward Snowden. He is a Future Tense Fellow at the New America
> Foundation and he graduated with a master's degree from the University
> of Edinburgh's college of humanities and social science in 2010.
> Contact
> ryan.gallagher@theintercept.com
>  @rj_gallagher
> SecureDrop
> PGP Public Key and Fingerprint
> Ryan Gallagher Public Key
> 8509 01AA 27FF 22C8 D168 5BDB F6A7 2174 2B09 22AA
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 22:55:58 -0300
> Subject: Yo Birgitta Who is more of a crook Julian Assange, the gay
> lawyer Glen Greenwald, the equally sneaky NDP lawyer David Eby in BC
> or your mindless Prime Ministers of Iceland
> To: glenn.greenwald@theintercept.com, "stephen.m.cutler"
> stephen.m.cutler@jpmorgan.com, glendon glendon@law.harvard.edu,
> "dean.buzza" dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "greg.weston"
> greg.weston@cbc.ca, frankffrost ,
> "craig.callens" craig.callens@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> Suzanne.Anton.MLA@leg.bc.ca, "Bernard.Valcourt.c1"
> Bernard.Valcourt.c1@parl.gc.ca, ppalmater
> ppalmater@politics.ryerson.ca, "Ron.Francis"
> Ron.Francis@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, "Gilles.Moreau"
> Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, bhardwick@rihlaw.com,
> fieldmcc@yahoo.com, waterwarcrimes waterwarcrimes@gmail.com, radical
> radical@radicalpress.com, merv merv@northwebpress.com,
> "bob.paulson" bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, hawks_cafe@yahoo.com,
> comments@osc.gov.on.ca, communications@bcimc.com, oig oig@sec.gov,
> oig oig@ftc.gov, barb.macdonald@bcimc.com, Doug.Pearce@bcimc.com,
> premier premier@gov.bc.ca, "david.eby.mla"
> david.eby.mla@leg.bc.ca, birgittajoy birgittajoy@gmail.com,
> "rene.gallant" rene.gallant@emera.com, RBauer
> RBauer@perkinscoie.com, postur postur@dkm.stjr.is, postur
> postur@ivr.stjr.is
> Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, postur postur@for.stjr.is, postur
> postur@fjr.stjr.is, piratar@pirateparty.is, birgittaj
> birgittaj@althingi.is
> From: postur@for.is
> Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 01:47:05 +0000
> Subject: Re: Fwd: I just called my number is (902 800 0369) the
> attachments are for real Now you know some of the Bob Kuhn and
> everbody else knows
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Erindi þitt hefur verið móttekið / Your request has been received
> Kveðja / Best regards
> Forsætisráðuneytið / Prime Minister's Office
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Eby.MLA, David" David.Eby.MLA@leg.bc.ca
> Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 01:45:45 +0000
> Subject: Autoreply | Thank you for contacting David Eby, MLA for
> Vancouver-Point Grey
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Thank you for your message. You are receiving this automated reply so
> that you know that your message has been received.
> Messages sent to this office are reviewed daily but the volume of
> email means that not every message will receive immediate reply.
> Constituent issues requiring time-sensitive attention will be given
> priority. Every effort will be made to reply to you in a timely
> fashion.
> If you are a constituent and need assistance with a
> provincially-delivered service or provincial government agency, please
> ensure your e-mail message includes your full name, phone number and
> street address with postal code. We will respond to your message as
> soon as possible. If you need to contact a Ministry office directly
> then you can also try calling the Enquiry BC line and ask to be put
> directly through: In Vancouver call 604-660-2421, elsewhere in BC:
> 1-800-663-7867
> If you live outside the Vancouver-Point Grey constituency please
> contact your local MLA office for assistance. You may locate your MLA
> through the BC legislature website at:
> http://www.leg.bc.ca/mla/3-1-1.htm .
> If you would like further information about issues that the Opposition
> Caucus has raised in recent Legislative sessions, Hansard is the
> official record of the Legislature, and is a useful reference for
> seeing the public record of legislative debate in BC. Hansard is fully
> public information, and can be viewed at:
> http://www.leg.bc.ca/hansard/8-8.htm .
> Thank you for writing. Please be assured that all email sent to my
> office is treated as confidential.
> I hope that this information will be helpful to you.
> David Eby, MLA for Vancouver-Point Grey
> 2909 West Broadway, Vancouver BC | 604-660-1297 |
> David.Eby.MLA@leg.bc.ca mailto:David.Eby.MLA@leg.bc.ca
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 08:54:25 -0400
> Subject: FYI I published it as well
> To: Piratar piratar@pirateparty.is, birgittajoy birgittajoy@gmail.com
> Cc: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, postur
> postur@dkm.stjr.is, postur > postur@fjr.stjr.is, postur >
> http://thedavidamosrant.blogspot.ca/
> On 12/12/12, Piratar piratar@pirateparty.is wrote:
> > Hi, David. I got your email. Sorry if you were offended on the phone. It
> > wasn't my meaning to dismiss you.
> > We are a new political party and most of us also have second job(besides
> the
> > party) so we are quite busy and haven't managed to read all the emails.
> I'll
> > take a better look at your mail later today.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Bjorn Thor Johannesson
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "David Amos" motomaniac333@gmail.com
> > To: fragen@piratenpartei.de, piratar@pirateparty.is,
> > info@lydfrelsisflokkurinn.net, tolvupostur@heimasidan.is,
> > samfylking@samfylking.is, vg@vg.is
> > Cc: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, "birgittajoy"
> >> > Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 11:40:29 AM
> > Subject: Fwd: RE Money Elections and a little help for new political
> parties In ICELAND EH Birgitta Jonsdottir???
> >
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Iceland
> >
> > Email: piratar@pirateparty.is Tengiliðir: Contacts: Halldóra Mogensen
> > - 660 6594 Halldóra Mogensen - 660 6594 Björn Þór Jóhannesson - 694
> > 3100 Bjorn Thor Johannesson - 694 3100 Smári McCarthy - 662 2701
> > Transistor McCarthy - 662 2701
> >
> > https://www.piratenpartei.de/kontakt/
> >
> >
> http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=is&u=http://spjall.pirateparty.is/pdf.php%3Fmsg%3D908%26&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpiratar%2540pirateparty.is%26hl%3Den%26tbo%3Dd%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us%26rlz%3D1I7RNRN_en%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D488&sa=X&ei=0mfIULauKeri0gGOsoGwBg&sqi=2&ved=0CEoQ7gEwAw
> >
> > http://occupywallst.org/users/DavidRaymondAmos/
> >
> >> From: David Amos
> >> Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:22:00 -0300
> >> Subject: i just called from 902 800 0369 (Nova Scotia)
> >> To: 9.17occupywallstreet@gmail.com
> >>
> >>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> >>
> >> I am the guy the SEC would not name that is the link to Madoff and
> >> Putnam Investments
> >>
> >>
> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
> >>
> >> Notice the transcript and webcast of the hearing of the US Senate
> >> banking Commitee is missing? please notice Eliot Spitzer and the Dates
> >> around November 20th, 2003 in te following file
> >>
> >>
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt.pdf
> >>
> >> From: "Julian Assange)"
> >> Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT)
> >> Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven
> >> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>
> >> FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven
> >>
> >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbGiPjIE1pE
> >>
> >> More info http://immi.is/
> >>
> >> Julian Assange
> >> Editor
> >> WikiLeaks
> >> http://wikileaks.org/
> >>
> >>
> >> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir
> >> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000
> >> Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the
> >> first email I ever sent you
> >> To: David Amos
> >>
> >> dear Dave
> >> i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i
> >> find some time
> >> keep up the good fight in the meantime
> >>
> >> thank you for bearing with me
> >> i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters
> >> and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and
> >> the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:)
> >> plus all the matters in relation to immi
> >>
> >> with oceans of joy
> >> birgitta
> >>
> >> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are
> >> not.
> >>
> >> Andre Gide
> >>
> >> Birgitta Jonsdottir
> >> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884
> >> http://this.is/birgitta – http://joyb.blogspot.com -
> >> http://www.facebook.com/birgitta.jonsdottir
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> >> Subject: Fwd: As soon as Mark Carney is appointed Govenor of the Bank of
> >> England I get a call from the SEC (202 551 2000)
> >> To: "karrt", "pm",
> >> MCarney@banqueducanada.ca.gov, gregory.craig@skadden.com,
> >> icnucnwecan@yahoo.com, Rathika.Sitsabaiesan@parl.gc.ca,
> >> riho.kruuv@mfa.ee,
> >> george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk, criminal.division@usdoj.gov,
> >> public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk, j.kroes@interpol.int,
> >> michael.geller@rbs.com, Dan.Mangan@nypost.com, "clay"
> >>> >> complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk, Newsroom@globeandmail.com,
> >> newsonline@bbc.co.uk, "ed.pilkington" ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk,
> >> "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, chebert@thestar.ca
> >> Cc: "dean.buzza" dean.buzza@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> >> Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2012, 2:54 PM
> >>
> >>
> >>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
> >>
> >> QSLS Politics
> >> By Location Visit Detail
> >> Visit 29,576
> >> Domain Name (Unknown)
> >> IP Address 162.138.1.# (U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission)
> >> ISP U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
> >> Location Continent : North America
> >> Country : United States (Facts)
> >> State : District of Columbia
> >> City : Washington
> >> Lat/Long : 38.8933, -77.0146 (Map)
> >> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> >> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
> >> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
> >> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0;
> >> SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729;
> >> InfoPath.3)
> >> Javascript version 1.3
> >> Monitor Resolution : 1680 x 1050
> >> Color Depth : 32 bits
> >> Time of Visit Dec 4 2012 10:23:03 pm
> >> Last Page View Dec 4 2012 10:23:03 pm
> >> Visit Length 0 seconds
> >> Page Views 1
> >> Referring URL http://www.google.co...t-lhwwWJrm94lCEqRmov
> >> Search Engine google.com
> >> Search Words david amos halifax madoff
> >> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
> >> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html
> >> Out Click
> >> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> >> Visitor's Time Dec 4 2012 4:23:03 pm
> >> Visit Number 29,576
> >>
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> >> Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:40:43 -0400
> >> Subject: As soon as Mark Carney is appointed Govenor of the Bank of
> >> England I get at cal from the SEC (202 551 2000)
> >> To: pm pm@pm.gc.ca, MCarney@banqueducanada.ca.gov,
> >> gregory.craig@skadden.com, icnucnwecan@yahoo.com,
> >> Rathika.Sitsabaiesan@parl.gc.ca, riho.kruuv@mfa.ee,
> >> george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk, criminal.division@usdoj.gov,
> >> public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk, j.kroes@interpol.int,
> >> michael.geller@rbs.com, Dan.Mangan@nypost.com, clay
> >> clay@freeamerican.com, Jharrison@bank-banque-canada.ca
> >> Cc: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk,
> >> Newsroom@globeandmail.com, newsonline@bbc.co.uk, "ed.pilkington"
> >> ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk, David Amos
> >> david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, chebert@thestar.ca
> >>
> >> Clearly the sneaky Yankees calling me and the Brits surfing for
> >> Carney's email adress in my old blog about you and banksters must be
> >> concerned about what went down between the Royal Bank of Scotland, the
> >> Citizens Bank, the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne,
> >> Britain's FSA and I last year EH Mr Harper?
> >>
> >>
> http://www.thestar.com/business/article/1293418--mark-carney-best-banker-of-his-generation-has-his-work-cut-out-for-him
> >>
> >> Just Dave
> >> By Location Visit Detail
> >> Visit 18,459
> >> Domain Name ntl.com ? (Commercial)
> >> IP Address 82.24.19.# (NTL Internet)
> >> ISP NTL Internet
> >> Location Continent : Europe
> >> Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
> >> State/Region : London, City of
> >> City : London
> >> Lat/Long : 51.5, -0.1167 (Map)
> >> Language English (U.K.) en-gb
> >> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
> >> Browser Internet Explorer 9.0
> >> Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
> >> Javascript version 1.3
> >> Monitor Resolution : 1396 x 785
> >> Color Depth : 24 bits
> >> Time of Visit Nov 26 2012 6:25:27 pm
> >> Last Page View Nov 26 2012 6:25:27 pm
> >> Visit Length 0 seconds
> >> Page Views 1
> >> Referring URL http://www.google.co...IWsfuPUhflswCk6mdLPQ
> >> Search Engine google.co.uk
> >> Search Words "mcarney@banqueducanada.ca.gov"
> >> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...-stewart-and-me.html
> >> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...-stewart-and-me.html
> >> Out Click
> >> Time Zone UTC+0:00
> >> Visitor's Time Nov 26 2012 10:25:27 pm
> >> Visit Number 18,459
> >>
> >> From: David Amos
> >> To: pm@pm.gc.ca ; david.raymond.amos@gmail.com ;
> >> motomaniac333@gmail.com ; NewsTips@turner.com ;
> >> patrick.j.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov ; bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;
> >> bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net ; MulcaT ; erin@issaforcongress.com ;
> >> john@issaforcongress.com ; darrell@issaforcongress.com
> >> Cc: RBauer@perkinscoie.com ; MElias@perkinscoie.com ;
> >> aculvahouse@omm.com ; counsel@barackobama.com ;
> >> granthuihi@garyjohnson2012.com ; gregory.craig@skadden.com ;
> >> icnucnwecan@yahoo.com ; Rathika.Sitsabaiesan@parl.gc.ca ;
> >> riho.kruuv@mfa.ee ; george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk ;
> >> public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk ; j.kroes@interpol.int ;
> >> michael.geller@rbs.com
> >> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:44 PM
> >> Subject: Mr Obama and his lawyer Mr Bauer are no doubt well aware of
> >> why the US Treasury Dept in Alanta and many others are nervous EH Mr
> >> Harper?
> >>
> >>
> >> QSLS Politics
> >> By Location Visit Detail
> >> Visit 29,156
> >> Domain Name qwest.net ? (Network)
> >> IP Address 65.126.23.# (US TREASURY)
> >> ISP Qwest Communications
> >> Location Continent : North America
> >> Country : United States (Facts)
> >> State : Georgia
> >> City : Atlanta
> >> Lat/Long : 33.6222, -84.5231 (Map)
> >> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> >> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
> >> Browser Firefox
> >> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1
> >> Javascript version 1.5
> >> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
> >> Color Depth : 24 bits
> >> Time of Visit Oct 24 2012 3:34:48 pm
> >> Last Page View Oct 24 2012 3:34:48 pm
> >> Visit Length 0 seconds
> >> Page Views 1
> >> Referring URL http://www.google.co...zsAQlGzG9stxwNllgwig
> >> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....ling-led-to-911.html
> >> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....ling-led-to-911.html
> >> Out Click
> >> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> >> Visitor's Time Oct 24 2012 9:34:48 am
> >> Visit Number 29,156
> >>
> >>
> >> QSLS Politics
> >> By Location Visit Detail
> >> Visit 29,155
> >> Domain Name qwest.net ? (Network)
> >> IP Address 65.126.23.# (US TREASURY)
> >> ISP Qwest Communications
> >> Location Continent : North America
> >> Country : United States (Facts)
> >> State : Georgia
> >> City : Atlanta
> >> Lat/Long : 33.6222, -84.5231 (Map)
> >> Language English (U.S.) en-us
> >> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
> >> Browser Firefox
> >> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1
> >> Javascript version 1.5
> >> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
> >> Color Depth : 24 bits
> >> Time of Visit Oct 24 2012 3:14:46 pm
> >> Last Page View Oct 24 2012 3:14:46 pm
> >> Visit Length 0 seconds
> >> Page Views 1
> >> Referring URL http://www.google.co...zsAQlGzG9stxwNllgwig
> >> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....ling-led-to-911.html
> >> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....ling-led-to-911.html
> >> Out Click
> >> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> >> Visitor's Time Oct 24 2012 9:14:46 am
> >> Visit Number 29,155
> >>
> >>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> >>
> >>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/10/nsa-claims-bumbling-led-to-911.html
> >>
> >> Just go back six more years in case you forgot EH Harper???
> >>
> >>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
> >>
> >> Bob Bauer a former blogger for Huffington Post returned to Perkins $
> >> Coie after a period of service to President Barack Obama as his White
> >> House Counsel from December of 2009 until June of 2011.
> >>
> >> He is now General Counsel to the President's re-election committee, to
> >> Obama for America, and General Counsel to the Democratic National
> >> Committee. He has also served as co-counsel to the New Hampshire State
> >> Senate in the trial of Chief Justice David A. Brock (2000); general
> >> counsel to the Bill Bradley for President Committee (1999-2000); and
> >> counsel to the Democratic Leader in the trial of President William
> >> Jefferson Clinton (1999).
> >>
> >> He has co-authored numerous bipartisan reports, including "Report of
> >> Counsel to the Senate Rules and Administration Committee in the Matter
> >> of the United States Senate Seat From Louisiana" in the 105th Congress
> >> of the United States (March 27, 1997); "Campaign Finance Reform," A
> >> Report to the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the United States
> >> Senate (March 6, 1990); and "The Presidential Election Process in the
> >> Philippines" (1986), a bipartisan report prepared at the request of
> >> the Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on
> >> Foreign Relations.
> >>
> >> Too bad so sad the lawyer Obama didn't ignore his legal counsel and
> >> check my work for himself long ago. It is clear to me that Bob Bauer
> >> never studied Maritimers and their lawsuits as closely as I studied
> >> his work over the years.
> >>
> >> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
> >>
> >> If Obama does not finally simply say my name and expose what he knows
> >> about Romney and I way back before he was even a Governor then he
> >> deserves to lose this election.
> >>
> >> However even though I would NOT wish to see another GOP president you
> >> and your Bankster buddies won't mind that a bit but I doubt the NDP
> >> and the Liberals will agree EH Mr Prime Minister?
> >>
> >> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2006/05/harper-and-bankers.html
> >>
> >> Somebody wise should scroll to the bottom of this email and understand
> >> that it was Fidelity that knowingly sold the Title Insurance on the
> >> fraduulent sale of my family's home in 2005 then Citizens Bank
> >> illegally recorded the discharge of a mortage long after the deal was
> >> done. They and the FSA know I have the records from the Registry of
> >> Deeds. Clearly the Royal Bank Of Scotland and British FSA has ADMITTED
> >> knowing all this for way past too long.
> >>
> >> Veritas Vincit
> >> David Raymond Amos
> >> 902 800 0369
> >>
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >> To: admins@newsjunkiepost.com; 9.17occupywallstreet@gmail.com;
> >> "newsonline" newsonline@bbc.co.uk; "Newsroom"
> >> Newsroom@globeandmail.com; "thepurplevioletpress"
> >> thepurplevioletpress@gmail.com; "chebert" chebert@thestar.ca;
> >> "chiefape" chiefape@gmail.com; "Wayne.Lang"
> >> Wayne.Lang@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; "Barry.MacKnight"
> >> Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca; oldmaison@yahoo.com;
> >> > >> Cc: "ed.pilkington" ed.pilkington@guardian.co.uk; jonesr@cbc.ca;
> >> "andrewsmediacorp" andrewsmediacorp@gmail.com
> >> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 10:17 AM
> >> Subject: Re: The BritishFinancial Ombudsman, the FSA and the FCA and
> >> complaint # ISS10441377
> >>
> >>
> >> BINGO
> >>
> >> QSLS Politics
> >> By Location Visit Detail
> >> Visit 23,070
> >> Domain Name (Unknown)
> >> IP Address 194.72.162.# (Financial Ombudsman)
> >> ISP British Telecommunications
> >> Location Continent : Europe
> >> Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
> >> State/Region : London, City of
> >> City : London
> >> Lat/Long : 51.5, -0.1167 (Map)
> >> Language English (U.K.)en-gb
> >> Operating System Microsoft WinXP
> >> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
> >> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET
> >> CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR
> >> 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
> >> Javascript version 1.3
> >> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
> >> Color Depth : 32 bits
> >> Time of Visit Sep 23 2011 2:34:50 pm
> >> Last Page View Sep 23 2011 2:34:50 pm
> >> Visit Length 0 seconds
> >> Page Views 1
> >> Referring URL http://www.google.co...sg=AFQjCNE8O3sU8vbxN
> >> Search Engine google.co.uk
> >> Search Words david amos nova scotia
> >> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....eblower-part-1b.html
> >> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....eblower-part-1b.html
> >> Out Click
> >> Time Zone UTC+0:00
> >> Visitor's Time Sep 23 2011 1:34:50 pm
> >> Visit Number 23,070
> >>
> >>
> >> From: do_not_reply@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
> >> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 13:21:00 +0100
> >> Subject: Thank you for your email to the Financial Ombudsman Service
> >> To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>
> >>
> >> Thank you for your email to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
> >>
> >> First of all – we handle complaints only about financial businesses
> >> (like banks, insurance companies and finance firms).
> >>
> >> So if your enquiry is about anything else, please look at the end of
> >> this email for details of other organisations that may be able to help
> >> you.
> >>
> >> But if you:
> >>
> >> are thinking of complaining about a financial business or
> >> want more information about the Financial Ombudsman Service or
> >> have questions about a complaint you have already raised with us …
> >>
> >> … here is some general information that may help with your enquiry. If
> >> you require further assistance, please contact us directly on 0800 0
> >> 234 567 (8am – 6pm, Monday to Friday)
> >>
> >> -----------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> complaining about a financial business – STEP 1
> >>
> >> There is more information about how to complain on our website at:
> >>
> >> http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/consumer/complaints.htm
> >>
> >> We can't step in to investigate a complaint until the financial
> >> business you're unhappy with has had the opportunity to look at it
> >> first. So you need to complain to the financial business, if you
> >> haven't done so already. There are two ways to do this:
> >>
> >> 1) You can contact the business yourself, asking them to deal with
> >> your complaint under their official "complaints procedure".
> >>
> >> 2) You can phone us directly on 0800 0 234 567 (8am-6pm, Monday to
> >> Friday) to discuss your complaint with us – and we can send details to
> >> the business for you.
> >>
> >> Businesses normally have to complete their investigation within eight
> >> weeks. If you are unhappy with the outcome of their investigation (or
> >> more than eight weeks have passed) you can ask us to look into the
> >> complaint.
> >>
> >> -----------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> complaining about a financial business – STEP 2
> >>
> >> If you want us to look into a complaint, you will need to:
> >>
> >> complete and sign our complaint form
> >> post it to us with copies of any paperwork you have received from the
> >> business following their investigation.
> >>
> >> There are two ways to do this:
> >>
> >> 1) You can download our complaint form off our website at
> >> www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/consumer/complaints.htm#3 – then fill
> >> it in, sign it, and post it to us.
> >>
> >> 2) You can phone us directly on 0800 0 234 567 (8am-6pm, Monday to
> >> Friday) and we will take some details – and send you a complaint form
> >> for you to sign and return to us.
> >>
> >> Please note – once the business has completed their investigation, you
> >> have 6 months to refer your complaint to us.
> >>
> >> Our postal address is:
> >>
> >> Financial Ombudsman Service
> >> South Quay Plaza 2
> >> 183 Marsh Wall
> >> E14 9SR
> >>
> >> -----------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> more information
> >>
> >> You can watch our chief ombudsman, Natalie Ceeney, on her online video
> >> – talking about what to do if you've fallen out with your bank,
> >> insurance company or finance firm:
> >>
> >> http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/about/video_welcome.htm
> >>
> >> -----------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> what we can't help you with
> >>
> >> We can only look at complaints about financial businesses (like banks,
> >> insurance companies and finance firms).
> >>
> >> We can't help with other complaints – for example, about phone and
> >> utilities companies, council tax or legal services. The following
> >> websites might help you with those complaints – but they are
> >> completely separate from the Financial Ombudsman Service.
> >>
> >> For complaints about your gas and electricity supply:
> >>
> http://www.ofgem.gov.uk/Media/FactSheets/Documents1/changestoconsumer.pdf
> >>
> >> For complaints about your water supply:
> >> http://www.ofwat.gov.uk/consumerissues/complaints/householdcons
> >>
> >> For complaints about phones, mobiles, cable/satellite television and
> >> broadband services:
> >> http://consumers.ofcom.org.uk/
> >>
> >> For complaints about council tax charges (or legal action against you
> >> to collect outstanding council tax):
> >> write to the council's chief executive at their main address
> >>
> >> For complaints about the actions of a solicitor in England, Wales and
> >> Northern Ireland giving legal advice:
> >> http://www.legalcomplaints.org.uk/home.page
> >>
> >> and for complaints about legal practitioners in Scotland:
> >> http://www.scottishlegalcomplaints.com/
> >>
> >> For help with benefits, housing disputes or fines:
> >> www.citizensadvice.org.uk (England and Wales)
> >> http://www.citizensadvice.co.uk (Northern Ireland)
> >> http://www.cas.org.uk (Scotland)
> >>
> >> From: David Amos
> >> Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 19:13:32 -0300
> >> Subject: Lets see Mark Carney and Warren Buffet deny knowing about my
> >> concerns now EH Jimmy Flaherty?
> >> To: MCarney MCarney@bankofcanada.ca> MCarney
> >> MCarney@banqueducanada.ca.gov, berkshire@berkshirehathaway.com,
> >> jharrison@bankofcanada.ca, dalexander@bankofcanada.ca,
> >> cadamirault@bankofcanada.ca, louise.leger@rci.rogers.com,
> >> marc@dominion.ca, staff@dominion.ca, nburns@gov.pe.ca,
> >> alan.chan@abu.nb.ca, jsclark@auracom.com, brianfer@uoguelph.ca,
> >> mcdonough-l@rmc.ca, bmorriso@wlu.ca, louise.lemon@gnb.ca,
> >> dmay@morgan.usc.ca, dslade@acoa-apeca.gc.ca, jtuffour@stfx.ca,
> >> elizabeth.beale@apec-econ.ca
> >> Cc: "flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca" flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca, "Casey. B"
> >> Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, "andrew.krystal"
> >> andrew.krystal@atlanticradio.rogers.com
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: Jeremy Harrison Jharrison@bank-banque-canada.ca
> >> Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:54:45 -0400
> >> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Small wonder the Wall Street Jounal
> >> now blocks my comments EH Petey Baby Stoffer and Tommy boy Young
> >> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>
> >> I am currently away from the office. Je ne suis pas disponible.
> >>
> >> If the matter is urgent, please contact Dale Alexander at 782-8782. Si
> >> c'est urgent, veuillez composer 782-8782.
> >>
> ====================================================================================
> >>
> >> La version française suit le texte anglais.
> >>
> >>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information, and
> >> the Bank of
> >> Canada does not waive any related rights. Any distribution, use, or
> >> copying of this
> >> email or the information it contains by other than the intended
> recipient
> >> is
> >> unauthorized. If you received this email in error please delete it
> >> immediately from
> >> your system and notify the sender promptly by email that you have done
> >> so.
> >>
> >>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> Le présent courriel peut contenir de l'information privilégiée ou
> >> confidentielle.
> >> La Banque du Canada ne renonce pas aux droits qui s'y rapportent.
> >> Toute diffusion,
> >> utilisation ou copie de ce courriel ou des renseignements qu'il contient
> >> par
> >> une
> >> personne autre que le ou les destinataires désignés est interdite. Si
> >> vous recevez
> >> ce courriel par erreur, veuillez le supprimer immédiatement et envoyer
> >> sans délai à
> >> l'expéditeur un message électronique pour l'aviser que vous avez
> >> éliminé de votre
> >> ordinateur toute copie du courriel reçu.
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 18:38:41 -0300
> >> Subject: Hey Wayne Carlin read Dan Mangan's and the New York Post's
> >> bullshit about Bernie Madoff, high finance and your corrupt Fed pals.
> >> To: WMCarlin@wlrk.com, dmangan@nypost.com, "Jody.CARR@gnb.ca"
> >> Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, "Volpe.J" Volpe.J@parl.gc.ca>
> >> Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, philip.michael@troutmansanders.com,
> >> robert.friedman@troutmansanders.com
> >> Cc: taxadvocate@dor.state.ma.us, "Bob.Cox" Bob.Cox@freepress.mb.ca,
> >> aih aih@cbc.ca, news news@kingscorecord.com, "mcknight. gisele"
> >> mcknight.Gisele@dailygleaner.com
> >>
> >> http://www.scribd.com/doc/2900409/Spitzer-and-Martha-Stewart-if
> >>
> >> Too Too Funny EH?
> >>
> >>
> http://www.nypost.com/seven/01072009/business/the_sec_watchdog_who_missed_madoff_148984.htm
> >>
> >>
> >> 1211 Avenue of the Americas
> >> New York, NY 10036-8790
> >> (212) 930-8000
> >>
> >> It appears that the far from funny reporter who know nothing of
> >> ethical journalism doesn't know I know who owns him.
> >>
> >> http://www.newscorp.com/corp_gov/bod.html
> >>
> >> It certainly appears to me that his lawyer Arthur M. Siskind hasn't
> >> the savy to even read his master's law blog so why should i be
> >> surprised at how dumb Rupert's reporter's are EH?
> >>
> >> http://www.sec.gov/news/press/2003-177.htm
> >>
> >>
> http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2008/05/14/emperors-club-booker-pleads-guilty-to-counts-of-conspiracy/tab/comments/
> >>
> >> 5:23 pm June 13, 2008
> >> David Raymond Amos wrote:
> >> After you check my work perhaps you should mention my name as you ask
> >> your Senators such as McCain and Obama who wanna be President why the
> >> trancripts etc of these hearings have dissappeared. from the public
> >> record. EH?
> >>
> >>
> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Hearings.Detail&HearingID=102e41a1-f540-4ce5-a701-b6d09b7606b1
> >>
> >>
> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Hearings.Detail&HearingID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
> >>
> >> For the record this nasty puppy of rupert's was in his office when i
> >> sent this email and others. Hell I talked to him before I sent him the
> >> emails I promised and all he succeeded in doing was pissing me off. He
> >> knows I am am a for real dude.
> >>
> >> Veritas Vincit
> >> David Raymond Amos
> >>
> >> Do these dudes smell foul play tommorrow. I certainly do. Its kinda
> >> funny these lawyers won't talk to me EH?
> >>
> >>
> http://www.troutmansanders.com/federal-income-tax-considerations-for-aggrieved-madoff-investors-12-17-2008/
> >>
> >> From: "Dan.Mangan" Dan.Mangan@nypost.com
> >> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 16:00:33 -0400
> >> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: We just talked Mr. Litt the instant
> >> you bullshitted me I knew the score between you, the FBI and I
> >> To: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >>
> >> Hello --
> >>
> >> If you are a real person rather than a spam email generator, please
> >> re-send your original message to: dmangan@nypost.com
> >>
> >> Instead of to this address, which I rarely if ever check.
> >>
> >> Thanks -- Dan Mangan, Reporter, New York Post
> >>
> >>
> >>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> This message and its attachments may contain legally privileged
> >> and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended
> >> recipient (or responsible for delivery of the message to the
> >> intended recipient), you are hereby notified that you have received
> >> this transmission in error; any review, dissemination, distribution
> >> or copying of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have
> >> received this communication in error, please notify us immediately
> >> by reply or by telephone (call us at 212-930-8000) and immediately
> >> delete this message and all its attachments. Any content of this
> >> message and its attachments that does not relate to the official
> >> business of NYP Holdings, Inc. must be taken not to have been sent
> >> or endorsed by any of them. No warranty is made that the e-mail or
> >> attachment(s) are free from computer viruses or other defects.
> >>
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 17:00:17 -0300
> >> Subject: Fwd: We just talked Mr. Litt the instant you bullshitted me I
> >> knew the score between you, the FBI and I CORRECT?
> >> To: wextrustreceiver@tl.com, tcoleman@dl.com, dmangan@nypost.com,
> >> dan.mangan@nypost.com
> >> Cc: "David. Glockner" David.Glockner@usdoj.gov, "criminal. division"
> >> criminal.division@usdoj.gov, "Aurele. Daigle" Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
> >> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:54:28 -0300
> >> Subject: We just talked Mr. Litt the instant you bullshitted me I knew
> >> the score between you, the FBI and I CORRECT?
> >> To: Marc.Litt@usdoj.gov
> >> Cc: "fbinhct@leo.gov" fbinhct@leo.gov
> >>
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> >> Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 16:56:55 -0300
> >> Subject: Fwd: Well Mr Spitzer I have been waiting NINE years for YOU
> >> to act ETHICALLY and serve an October surprise on the GOP and Mitt
> >> Romney in particular
> >> To: dmargolis@peoplesworld.org, news-tips
> >> Cc: David Amos , newstips
> >>
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> >> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 23:14:48 -0300
> >> Subject: Well Mr Spitzer I have been waiting NINE years for YOU to act
> >> ETHICALLY and serve an October surprise on the GOP and Mitt Romney in
> >> particular
> >> To: viewpoint@current.com, news , maxnews
> >> , jrogers@nhpr.org,
> >> john_chambers@standardandpoors.com, david_beers@standardandpoors.com,
> >> nikola_swann@standardandpoors.com, David Amos
> >>
> >> Cc: adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca, shirley.bond.mla@leg.bc.ca,
> >> gregor.robertson@vancouver.ca, chief@vpd.ca,
> >> John.Williamson@parl.gc.ca
> >>
> >> You MUST REMEMBER THESE FILES Your letter and mine are in both of them
> >>
> >> http://www.scribd.com/doc/9092510/Chicago
> >>
> >>
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt.pdf
> >> …
> >>
> >> Plus you certainly testified at the US Senate Baknking Commitee on the
> >> same day you thanked me. Furthermore when notified you and many others
> >> before and after you became governor that the Senate's records were
> >> missing the FBI were not long catching you with the wrong lady in
> >> Wasington but you were never prosected. Howcome??? Years later in 2011
> >> I raised hell with CNN about YOU and the missing records YOUR In the
> >> the ARENA show was quickly cancelled CORRECT?
> >>
> >> Please don't even try to pretend that I did not just send you this
> >> Tweet. As you no doubt know I keep perfect records.
> >>
> >> https://twitter.com/CurrentSpitzer
> >>
> >> 24m Viewpoint @CurrentSpitzer
> >> The #Viewpoint Number of the Day = 1. That's where we're heading — the
> >> world's top producer of oil: http://bit.ly/RkMuC2
> >>
> >> Expand Collapse Reply RetweetedRetweet
> >> Delete
> >> FavoritedFavorite
> >>
> >> 10:33 PM - 24 Oct 12 · Details
> >> Tweet text Reply to @CurrentSpitzer Reply to @CurrentSpitzer David
> >> Marshall@DJMMarshall Image will appear as a link Add location Link
> >> will appear shortened Links will appear shortened 115Tweet
> >>
> >> 5m David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
> >> @CurrentSpitzer Say Hey to Obama for me
> >>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> >> … &
> >>
> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2526023-DAMOSIntegrity-yea-right.-txt.pdf
> >> … $$$$
> >>
> http://banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Hearings.Hearing&Hearing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2
> >> … @ http://www.nycga.net/members/davidraymondamos/ …
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> http://current.com/shows/viewpoint/
> >>
> >> Eliot Spitzer: The Romney campaign 'is so much less than meets the eye'
> >> "The anxiety about our future that has allowed Mitt Romney a seat at
> >> the table is what will drive our politics for the next decade."—Eliot
> >> Spitzer read post
> >>
> >> by Viewpoint Staff
> >>
> >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >> From: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> >> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 22:22:34 -0300
> >> Subject: Re: Mr Obama and his lawyer Mr Bauer are no doubt well aware
> >> of why the US Treasury Dept in Alanta and many others are nervous EH
> >> Mr Harper?
> >> To: gregory.craig@skadden.com, Patrick.Fitzgerald@skadden.com
> >> Cc: pm@pm.gc.ca, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, NewsTips@turner.com,
> >> patrick.j.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> >> bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net, MulcaT MulcaT@parl.gc.ca,
> >> erin@issaforcongress.com, john@issaforcongress.com,
> >> darrell@issaforcongress.com, RBauer@perkinscoie.com,
> >> MElias@perkinscoie.com, aculvahouse@omm.com, counsel@barackobama.com,
> >> granthuihi@garyjohnson2012.com, icnucnwecan@yahoo.com,
> >> Rathika.Sitsabaiesan@parl.gc.ca, riho.kruuv@mfa.ee,
> >> george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk, public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk,
> >> j.kroes@interpol.int, michael.geller@rbs.com
> >>
> >> Why am I not surprised? We all know Chicago aint my kind of town EH
> >> Greg Craig???
> >>
> >> http://www.scribd.com/doc/9092510/Chicago
> >>
> >> Former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald will join Skadden, Arps,
> >> Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP on Oct. 29 as a partner
> >>
> >> From: Fitzgerald, Patrick J. (USAILN) Patrick.J.Fitzgerald@usdoj.gov
> >> Subject: Automatic reply: Mr Obama and his lawyer Mr Bauer are no
> >> doubt well aware of why the US Treasury Dept in Alanta and many others
> >> are nervous EH Mr Harper?
> >> To: "David Amos" myson333@yahoo.com
> >> Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 5:45 PM
> >>
> >>
> >> I have retired from the government and will no longer have access to
> >> this email. If you need to contact the US Attorneys Office about a
> >> matter, please contact the following phone number for directions as to
> >> where to address your inquiry: 312-353-6742.
> >>
> >> --- On Wed, 10/24/12, News Tips NewsTips@turner.com wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> From: News Tips NewsTips@turner.com
> >> Subject: From CNN
> >> To: "David Amos" myson333@yahoo.com
> >> Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 5:45 PM
> >>
> >>
> >> Thank you for contacting CNN. This email is to notify you that your
> >> news tip has been received and will be reviewed in a timely manner.
> >> You will be contacted if the news tip is valid and we need further
> >> information and verification.
> >>
> >> We appreciate your news tip and thank you for choosing CNN as your
> >> breaking news source.
> >> Sincerely,
> >> CNN Viewer Communications Management
> >> "CNN, The Most Trusted Name In News"
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --- On Wed, 10/24/12, David Amos myson333@yahoo.com wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> From: David Amos myson333@yahoo.com
> >> Subject: Mr Obama and his lawyer Mr Bauer are no doubt well aware of
> >> why the US Treasury Dept in Alanta and many others are nervous EH Mr
> >> Harper?
> >> To: pm@pm.gc.ca, david.raymond.amos@gmail.com,
> >> motomaniac333@gmail.com, NewsTips@turner.com,
> >> patrick.j.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov, bob.paulson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
> >> bob.rae@rogers.blackberry.net, "MulcaT" MulcaT@parl.gc.ca,
> >> erin@issaforcongress.com, john@issaforcongress.com,
> >> darrell@issaforcongress.com
> >> Cc: RBauer@perkinscoie.com, MElias@perkinscoie.com,
> >> aculvahouse@omm.com, counsel@barackobama.com,
> >> granthuihi@garyjohnson2012.com, gregory.craig@skadden.com,
> >> icnucnwecan@yahoo.com, Rathika.Sitsabaiesan@parl.gc.ca,
> >> riho.kruuv@mfa.ee, george.osborne.mp@parliament.uk,
> >> public.enquiries@hm-treasury.gov.uk, j.kroes@interpol.int,
> >> michael.geller@rbs.com
> >> Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 5:44 PM
> >>
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> >>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2009/03/david-amos-to-wendy-olsen-on.html
> >>
> >>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/10/nsa-claims-bumbling-led-to-911.html
> >>
> >> Just go back six more years in case you forgot EH Harper???
> >>
> >>
> http://qslspolitics.blogspot.ca/2008/06/5-years-waiting-on-bank-fraud-payout.html
> >>
> >> Bob Bauer a former blogger for Huffington Post returned to Perkins $
> >> Coie after a period of service to President Barack Obama as his White
> >> House Counsel from December of 2009 until June of 2011.
> >>
> >> He is now General Counsel to the President's re-election committee, to
> >> Obama for America, and General Counsel to the Democratic National
> >> Committee. He has also served as co-counsel to the New Hampshire State
> >> Senate in the trial of Chief Justice David A. Brock (2000); general
> >> counsel to the Bill Bradley for President Committee (1999-2000); and
> >> counsel to the Democratic Leader in the trial of President William
> >> Jefferson Clinton (1999).
> >>
> >> He has co-authored numerous bipartisan reports, including "Report of
> >> Counsel to the Senate Rules and Administration Committee in the Matter
> >> of the United States Senate Seat From Louisiana" in the 105th Congress
> >> of the United States (March 27, 1997); "Campaign Finance Reform," A
> >> Report to the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the United States
> >> Senate (March 6, 1990); and "The Presidential Election Process in the
> >> Philippines" (1986), a bipartisan report prepared at the request of
> >> the Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on
> >> Foreign Relations.
> >>
> >> Too bad so sad the lawyer Obama didn't ignore his legal counsel and
> >> check my work for himself long ago. It is clear to me that Bob Bauer
> >> never studied Maritimers and their lawsuits as closely as I studied
> >> his work over the years.
> >>
> >> http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/2619437-CROSS-BORDER-txt-.pdf
> >>
> >> If Obama does not finally simply say my name and expose what he knows
> >> about Romney and I way back before he was even a Governor then he
> >> deserves to lose this election.
> >>
> >> However even though I would NOT wish to see another GOP president you
> >> and your Bankster buddies won't mind that a bit but I doubt the NDP
> >> and the Liberals will agree EH Mr Prime Minister?
> >>
> >> http://davidamos.blogspot.ca/2006/05/harper-and-bankers.html
> >>
> >> Some wise should scroll to the botom of this email and unserstand that
> >> it was Fidelity that knowly sold the Title Insurance on the fruldulent
> >> sale of my family's home in 2005 then Citizens Bank illegally recorded
> >> the discharge of a mortage long after the deal was done and I heve the
> >> records from the Registry of Deeds. Clearly the Royal Bank Of Scotland
> >> and British FSA has ADMITTED knowing all this for wat past too long.
> >>
> >> Veritas Vincit
> >> David Raymond Amos
> >> 902 800 0369
> >>
> >> QSLS Politics
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> >> Time of Visit Oct 22 2012 6:52:21 pm
> >> Last Page View Oct 22 2012 6:56:04 pm
> >> Visit Length 3 minutes 43 seconds
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> >> Referring URL http://www.google.ca...GA5qSBZR3AtfXXk5ei2g
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> >> Search Words david amos canada
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> >> Visitor's Time Oct 22 2012 12:52:21 pm
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> >> Operating System Microsoft WinNT
> >> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0
> >> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1;
> >> .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729;
> >> .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
> >> Javascript version 1.3
> >> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024
> >> Color Depth : 32 bits
> >> Time of Visit Oct 22 2012 9:22:46 pm
> >> Last Page View Oct 22 2012 9:26:25 pm
> >> Visit Length 3 minutes 39 seconds
> >> Page Views 2
> >> Referring URL http://www.google.ca...L7cj1xsTVXbAU1_dhPR2
> >> Search Engine google.ca
> >> Search Words corruption david amoz
> >> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-3.html
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> >> Out Click
> >> Time Zone UTC-5:00
> >> Visitor's Time Oct 22 2012 3:22:46 pm
> >> Visit Number 29,152
> >>
> >
> > Email: piratar@pirateparty.is Tengiliðir: Contacts: Halldóra Mogensen
> > - 660 6594 Halldóra Mogensen - 660 6594 Björn Þór Jóhannesson - 694
> > 3100 Bjorn Thor Johannesson - 694 3100 Smári McCarthy - 662 2701
> > Transistor McCarthy - 662 2701 - ------------- -------------- On
> > 11/22/2012 06:53 AM, Birgitta Jonsdottir wrote: On 11/22/2012 06:53
> > AM, Birgitta Jonsdottir wrote: > kæru píratar gætuð þið búið til
> > fréttatilkynningu sem yrði send út > Dear killer, you could create a
> > press release would be sent out >
> ---------- Original message ----------
> From: Boston Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov
> Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2016 06:21:33 -0400
> Subject: RE: YO David Drummond of Google why do you, the FBI and the
> RCMP ignore death threats, sexual harrassment and hate speech when it
> is PUBLISHED by the evil Zionist Barry Winters who claims to work the
> Canadian DND?
> To: David Amos motomaniac333@gmail.com
> This email address (boston@ic.fbi.gov) is no longer a valid address.
> Future email correspondence should be directed to www.tips.fbi.gov.
> FBI Boston
Etc Etc Etc

FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Specter:

I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man
named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters
raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that
these are illegal
FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you
about this previously.

Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Amos
Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 04:40:44 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/02/18/snowden-docs-reveal-covert-surveillance-and-pressure-tactics-aimed-at-wikileaks-and-its-supporters/
To:  David Amos , David Amos

Snowden Documents Reveal Covert Surveillance and Pressure Tactics
Aimed at WikiLeaks and Its Supporters
By Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Gallagher 18 Feb 2014, 1:50 AM EDT
 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
Top-secret documents from the National Security Agency and its British
counterpart reveal for the first time how the governments of the
United States and the United Kingdom targeted WikiLeaks and other
activist groups with tactics ranging from covert surveillance to
The efforts – detailed in documents provided previously by NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden – included a broad campaign of
international pressure aimed not only at WikiLeaks founder Julian
Assange, but atwhat the U.S. government calls “the human network that
supports WikiLeaks.” The documents also contain internal discussions
about targeting the file-sharing site Pirate Bay and hacktivist
collectives such as Anonymous.
One classified document from Government Communications Headquarters,
Britain’s top spy agency, shows that GCHQ used its surveillance system
to secretly monitor visitors to a WikiLeaks site. By exploiting its
ability to tap into the fiber-optic cables that make up the backbone
of the Internet, the agency confided to allies in 2012, it was able to
collect the IP addresses of visitors in real time, as well as the
search terms that visitors used to reach the site from search engines
like Google.
Another classified document from the U.S. intelligence community,
dated August 2010, recounts how the Obama administration urged foreign
allies to file criminal charges against Assange over the group’s
publication of the Afghanistan war logs.
A third document, from July 2011, contains a summary of an internal
discussion in which officials from two NSA offices – including the
agency’s general counsel and an arm of its Threat Operations Center –
considered designating WikiLeaks as “a ‘malicious foreign actor’ for
the purpose of targeting.” Such a designation would have allowed the
group to be targeted with extensive electronic surveillance – without
the need to exclude U.S. persons from the surveillance searches.
In 2008, not long after WikiLeaks was formed, the U.S. Army prepared a
report that identified the organization as an enemy, and plotted how
it could be destroyed. The new documents provide a window into how the
U.S. and British governments appear to have shared the view that
WikiLeaks represented a serious threat, and reveal the controversial
measures they were willing to take to combat it.
In a statement to The Intercept, Assange condemned what he called “the
reckless and unlawful behavior of the National Security Agency” and
GCHQ’s “extensive hostile monitoring of a popular publisher’s website
and its readers.”
“News that the NSA planned these operations at the level of its Office
of the General Counsel is especially troubling,” Assange said. “Today,
we call on the White House to appoint a special prosecutor to
investigate the extent of the NSA’s criminal activity against the
media, including WikiLeaks, its staff, its associates and its
Illustrating how far afield the NSA deviates from its self-proclaimed
focus on terrorism and national security, the documents reveal that
the agency considered using its sweeping surveillance system against
Pirate Bay, which has been accused of facilitating copyright
violations. The agency also approved surveillance of the foreign
“branches” of hacktivist groups, mentioning Anonymous by name.
The documents call into question the Obama administration’s repeated
insistence that U.S. citizens are not being caught up in the sweeping
surveillance dragnet being cast by the NSA. Under the broad rationale
considered by the agency, for example, any communication with a group
designated as a “malicious foreign actor,” such as WikiLeaks and
Anonymous, would be considered fair game for surveillance.
Julian Sanchez, a research fellow at the Cato Institute who
specializes in surveillance issues, says the revelations shed a
disturbing light on the NSA’s willingness to sweep up American
citizens in its surveillance net.
“All the reassurances Americans heard that the broad authorities of
the FISA Amendments Act could only be used to ‘target’ foreigners seem
a bit more hollow,” Sanchez says, “when you realize that the ‘foreign
target’ can be an entire Web site or online forum used by thousands if
not millions of Americans.”

GCHQ Spies on WikiLeaks Visitors
The system used by GCHQ to monitor the WikiLeaks website – codenamed
ANTICRISIS GIRL – is described in a classified PowerPoint presentation
prepared by the British agency and distributed at the 2012 “SIGDEV
Conference.” At the annual gathering, each member of the “Five Eyes”
alliance – the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and
New Zealand – describes the prior year’s surveillance successes and
In a top-secret presentation at the conference, two GCHQ spies
outlined how ANTICRISIS GIRL was used to enable “targeted website
monitoring” of WikiLeaks (See slides 33 and 34). The agency logged
data showing hundreds of users from around the world, including the
United States, as they were visiting a WikiLeaks site –contradicting
claims by American officials that a deal between the U.K. and the U.S.
prevents each country from spying on the other’s citizens.
The IP addresses collected by GCHQ are used to identify individual
computers that connect to the Internet, and can be traced back to
specific people if the IP address has not been masked using an
anonymity service. If WikiLeaks or other news organizations were
receiving submissions from sources through a public dropbox on their
website, a system like ANTICRISIS GIRL could potentially be used to
help track them down. (WikiLeaks has not operated a public dropbox
since 2010, when it shut down its system in part due to security
concerns over surveillance.)
In its PowerPoint presentation, GCHQ identifies its target only as
“wikileaks.” One slide, displaying analytics derived from the
surveillance, suggests that the site monitored was the official
wikileaks.org domain. It shows that users reached the targeted site by
searching for “wikileaks.org” and for “maysan uxo,” a term associated
with a series of leaked Iraq war logs that are hosted on
The ANTICRISIS GIRL initiative was operated by a GCHQ unit called
Global Telecoms Exploitation (GTE), which was previously reported by
The Guardian to be linked to the large-scale, clandestine Internet
surveillance operation run by GCHQ, codenamed TEMPORA.
Operating in the United Kingdom and from secret British eavesdropping
bases in Cyprus and other countries, GCHQ conducts what it refers to
as “passive” surveillance – indiscriminately intercepting massive
amounts of data from Internet cables, phone networks and satellites.
The GTE unit focuses on developing “pioneering collection
capabilities” to exploit the stream of data gathered from the
As part of the ANTICRISIS GIRL system, the documents show, GCHQ used
publicly available analytics software called Piwik to extract
information from its surveillance stream, not only monitoring visits
to targeted websites like WikiLeaks, but tracking the country of
origin of each visitor.
It is unclear from the PowerPoint presentation whether GCHQ monitored
the WikiLeaks site as part of a pilot program designed to demonstrate
its capability, using only a small set of covertly collected data, or
whether the agency continues to actively deploy its surveillance
system to monitor visitors to WikiLeaks. It was previously reported in
The Guardian that X-KEYSCORE, a comprehensive surveillance weapon used
by both NSA and GCHQ, allows “an analyst to learn the IP addresses of
every person who visits any website the analyst specifies.”
GCHQ refused to comment on whether ANTICRISIS GIRL is still
operational. In an email citing the agency’s boilerplate response to
inquiries, a spokeswoman insisted that “all of GCHQ’s work is carried
out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which
ensures that our activities are authorized, necessary and
proportionate, and that there is rigorous oversight.”
But privacy advocates question such assurances. “How could targeting
an entire website’s user base be necessary or proportionate?” says Gus
Hosein, executive director of the London-based human rights group
Privacy International. “These are innocent people who are turned into
suspects based on their reading habits. Surely becoming a target of a
state’s intelligence and security apparatus should require more than a
mere click on a link.”
The agency’s covert targeting of WikiLeaks, Hosein adds, call into
question the entire legal rationale underpinning the state’s system of
surveillance. “We may be tempted to see GCHQ as a rogue agency,
ungoverned in its use of unprecedented powers generated by new
technologies,” he says. “But GCHQ’s actions are authorized by
[government] ministers. The fact that ministers are ordering the
monitoring of political interests of Internet users shows a systemic
failure in the rule of law.”

Going After Assange and His Supporters
The U.S. attempt to pressure other nations to prosecute Assange is
recounted in a file that the intelligence community calls its
“Manhunting Timeline.” The document details, on a country-by-country
basis, efforts by the U.S. government and its allies to locate,
prosecute, capture or kill alleged terrorists, drug traffickers,
Palestinian leaders and others. There is a timeline for each year from
2008 to 2012.
An entry from August 2010 – headlined “United States, Australia, Great
Britain, Germany, Iceland” – states: “The United States on August 10
urged other nations with forces in Afghanistan, including Australia,
United Kingdom, and Germany, to consider filing criminal charges
against Julian Assange.” It describes Assange as the “founder of the
rogue Wikileaks Internet website and responsible for the unauthorized
publication of over 70,000 classified documents covering the war in
In response to questions from The Intercept, the NSA suggested that
the entry is “a summary derived from a 2010 article” in the Daily
Beast.That article, which cited an anonymous U.S. official, reported
that “the Obama administration is pressing Britain, Germany,
Australia, and other allied Western governments to consider opening
criminal investigations of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and to
severely limit his nomadic travels across international borders.”
The government entry in the “Manhunting Timeline” adds Iceland to the
list of Western nations that were pressured, and suggests that the
push to prosecute Assange is part of a broader campaign. The effort,
it explains,“exemplifies the start of an international effort to focus
the legal element of national power upon non-state actor Assange, and
the human network that supports WikiLeaks.” The entry does not specify
how broadly the government defines that “human network,” which could
potentially include thousands of volunteers, donors and journalists,
as well as people who simply spoke out in defense of WikiLeaks.
In a statement, the NSA declined to comment on the documents or its
targeting of activist groups, noting only that the agency “provides
numerous opportunities and forums for their analysts to explore
hypothetical or actual circumstances to gain appropriate advice on the
exercise of their authorities within the Constitution and the law, and
to share that advice appropriately.”
But the entry aimed at WikiLeaks comes from credentialed officials
within the intelligence community. In an interview in Hong Kong last
June, Edward Snowden made clear that the only NSA officials empowered
to write such entries are those “with top-secret clearance and public
key infrastructure certificates” – a kind of digital ID card enabling
unique access to certain parts of the agency’s system. What’s more,
Snowden added, the entries are “peer reviewed” – and every edit made
is recorded by the system.
The U.S. launched its pressure campaign against WikiLeaks less than a
week after the group began publishing the Afghanistan war logs on July
25, 2010. At the time, top U.S. national security officials accused
WikiLeaks of having “blood” on its hands. But several months later,
McClatchy reported that “U.S. officials concede that they have no
evidence to date that the documents led to anyone’s death.”
The government targeting of WikiLeaks nonetheless continued. In April
2011, Salon reported that a grand jury in Virginia was actively
investigating both the group and Assange on possible criminal charges
under espionage statutes relating to the publication of classified
documents. And in August of 2012, the Sydney Morning Herald, citing
secret Australian diplomatic cables, reported that “Australian
diplomats have no doubt the United States is still gunning for Julian
Assange” and that “Australia’s diplomatic service takes seriously the
likelihood that Assange will eventually be extradited to the US on
charges arising from WikiLeaks obtaining leaked US military and
diplomatic documents.”
Bringing criminal charges against WikiLeaks or Assange for publishing
classified documents would be highly controversial – especially since
the group partnered with newspapers like The Guardian and The New York
Times to make the war logs public. “The biggest challenge to the press
today is the threatened prosecution of WikiLeaks, and it’s absolutely
frightening,” James Goodale, who served as chief counsel of the Times
during its battle to publish The Pentagon Papers, told the Columbia
Journalism Review last March. “If you go after the WikiLeaks
criminally, you go after the Times. That’s the criminalization of the
whole process.”
In November 2013, The Washington Post, citing anonymous officials,
reported that the Justice Department strongly considered prosecuting
Assange, but concluded it “could not do so without also prosecuting
U.S. news organizations and journalists” who had partnered with
WikiLeaks to publish the documents. According to the Post, officials
“realized that they have what they described as a ‘New York Times
problem’” – namely, that any theory used to bring charges against
Assange would also result in criminal liability for the Times, The
Guardian, and other papers which also published secret documents
provided to WikiLeaks.

NSA proposals to target WikiLeaks
As the new NSA documents make clear, however, the U.S. government did
more than attempt to engineer the prosecution of Assange. NSA analysts
also considered designating WikiLeaks as a “malicious foreign actor”
for surveillance purposes – a move that would have significantly
expanded the agency’s ability to subject the group’s officials and
supporters to extensive surveillance.
Such a designation would allow WikiLeaks to be targeted with
surveillance without the use of “defeats” – an agency term for
technical mechanisms to shield the communications of U.S. persons from
getting caught in the dragnet.
That top-secret document – which summarizes a discussion between the
NSA’s Office of the General Counsel and the Oversight and Compliance
Office of the agency’s Threat Operations Center – spells out a
rationale for including American citizens in the surveillance:
“If the foreign IP is consistently associated with malicious cyber
activity against the U.S., so, tied to a foreign individual or
organization known to direct malicious activity our way, then there is
no need to defeat any to, from, or about U.S. Persons. This is based
on the description that one end of the communication would always be
this suspect foreign IP, and so therefore any U.S. Person communicant
would be incidental to the foreign intelligence task.”
In short, labeling WikiLeaks a “malicious foreign target” would mean
that anyone communicating with the organization for any reason –
including American citizens – could have their communications
subjected to government surveillance.
When NSA officials are asked in the document if WikiLeaks or Pirate
Bay could be designated as “malicious foreign actors,” the reply is
inconclusive: “Let us get back to you.” There is no indication of
whether either group was ever designated or targeted in such a way.
The NSA’s lawyers did, however, give the green light to subject other
activists to heightened surveillance. Asked if it would be permissible
to “target the foreign actors of a loosely coupled group of hackers …
such as with Anonymous,” the response is unequivocal: “As long as they
are foreign individuals outside of the US and do not hold dual
citizenship … then you are okay.”

NSA Lawyers: “It’s Nothing to Worry About”
Sanchez, the surveillance expert with the Cato Institute, says the
document serves as “a reminder that NSA essentially has carte blanche
to spy on non-Americans. In public statements, intelligence officials
always talk about spying on ‘terrorists,’ as if those are the only
targets — but Section 702 [of the 2008 FISA Amendments Act] doesn’t
say anything about ‘terrorists.’ They can authorize collection on any
‘persons reasonably believed to be [located] outside the United
States,’ with ‘persons’ including pretty much any kind of group not
‘substantially’ composed of Americans.”
Sanchez notes that while it makes sense to subject some full-scale
cyber-attacks to government surveillance, “it would make no sense to
lump together foreign cyberattackers with sites voluntarily visited by
enormous numbers of Americans, like Pirate Bay or WikiLeaks.”
Indeed, one entry in the NSA document expressly authorizes the
targeting of a “malicious” foreign server – offering Pirate Bay as a
specific example –“even if there is a possibility that U.S. persons
could be using it as well.” NSA officials agree that there is no need
to exclude Americans from the surveillance, suggesting only that the
agency’s spies “try to minimize” how many U.S. citizens are caught in
the dragnet.
Another entry even raises the possibility of using X-KEYSCORE, one of
the agency’s most comprehensive surveillance programs, to target
communications between two U.S.-based Internet addresses if they are
operating through a “proxy” being used for “malicious foreign
activity.” In response, the NSA’s Threat Operations Center approves
the targeting, but the agency’s general counsel requests “further
clarification before signing off.”
If WikiLeaks were improperly targeted, or if a U.S. citizen were swept
up in the NSA’s surveillance net without authorization, the agency’s
attitude seems to be one of indifference. According to the document –
which quotes a response by the NSA’s Office of General Counsel and the
oversight and compliance office of its Threat Operations Center –
discovering that an American has been selected for surveillance must
be mentioned in a quarterly report, “but it’s nothing to worry about.”
The attempt to target WikiLeaks and its broad network of supporters
drew sharp criticism from the group and its allies. “These documents
demonstrate that the political persecution of WikiLeaks is very much
alive,” says Baltasar Garzón, the Spanish former judge who now
represents the group. “The paradox is that Julian Assange and the
WikiLeaks organization are being treated as a threat instead of what
they are: a journalist and a media organization that are exercising
their fundamental right to receive and impart information in its
original form, free from omission and censorship, free from partisan
interests, free from economic or political pressure.”
For his part, Assange remains defiant. “The NSA and its U.K.
accomplices show no respect for the rule of law,” he told The
Intercept. “But there is a cost to conducting illicit actions against
a media organization.” Referring to a criminal complaint that the
group filed last year against “interference with our journalistic work
in Europe,” Assange warned that “no entity, including the NSA, should
be permitted to act against a journalist with impunity.”
Assange indicated that in light of the new documents, the group may
take further legal action.
“We have instructed our general counsel, Judge Baltasar Garzón, to
prepare the appropriate response,” he said. “The investigations into
attempts to interfere with WikiLeaks’ work will go wherever they need
to go. Make no mistake: those responsible will be held to account and
brought to justice.”
Documents referenced in this article:
    * Psychology: A New Kind of SIGDEV
    * Discovery SIGINT Targeting Scenarios and Compliance
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About the Authors
Glenn Greenwald
Editor: Read more
Ryan Gallagher
Reporter: Read more
362 Discussing + Add Comment
    1.  Earnest says:
01 May 2014 at 3:11 am
Many car accidents believe it or not, a new Commonwealth Finance
Global Review described throughout Nov, The new year. If it should not
happen, no one is going to be using their motor vehicles, they
certainly won’t have enough to protect your newborn child. In fact I
ask you to fill lots of personal information that can help you save on
your wellbeing vehicle plan ought to be covered by your car to another
driver. Obviously, insurers would rather insure good drivers and have
an insurance agent by setting up a wholly owned subsidiary. This can
dramatically reduce your premiums.
    2.  Carri says:
28 Apr 2014 at 9:49 pm
Our third annual aliveness assurance protection awardings will direct
stead on Wednesday February may level study harder to get the arrant
account. This is where the argument and you’d require is slightly
different to that which you would postulate if you in reality had the
    3.  Robert kriegar says:
15 Apr 2014 at 7:19 am
Totally UN-american. Totally ANTI-american.
What a total disgrace these people make of our country, and our Constitution.
    4.  eusebio manuel vestias pecurto says:
26 Mar 2014 at 12:57 pm
Sr Snowden  away manufacture to go machinete to do EUA and Reino Unido
straight citizenship American at Snowden
    5.  Wolf says:
09 Mar 2014 at 7:14 am
I’m not even certain that the elected who approved all of this over
time have any idea of what they’ve really created and I also doubt
that there is any insistance on any form of independent, accountable
and legal oversight. You see when you use the secrecy brush you
absolve yourself, in your own mind at least, of responsibility. What
an utter joke also when we loose a passenger airliner. So, THEY DONT
least that’s what the public is expected to believe. Just how stupid
do they think people have become I wonder? No wonder their are endless
crises in the world, it’s by design.
    6.  Wolf says:
09 Mar 2014 at 6:59 am
It really is like a big joke, a skit from the keystone [Now Hi Tech]
cops, but no-one should be laughing.
    *  edgardodonn says:
15 Mar 2014 at 1:13 pm
We ought to be laughing: cmon…the humor may be bit dark and adapting
to our new STASI overlord elite should be easy enough—our population
has embraced their role as slaves…so I say get Hegelian and enjoy the
utter incompetence of the installed puppets!  watching
putin’s/lavrov’s deft chess moves embarrass kerry and obama’s bad
checkers is plain hilarious—the wall street masters must be a bit
annoyed that US banks lost $100 billion in a week following kerry’s
threat to freeze russian assets….hehehe!!!
    *  Scott says:
30 Mar 2014 at 11:40 pm
Good comment.
    7.  AngryPreistBeer says:
06 Mar 2014 at 11:08 pm
The information collection on every individual by secret services
starts at school, or perhaps even with your parents so then a file is
created on you at birth. This has been the policy for more than a few
decades. If you are an artist, journalist, actor, public servant,
member of any group or hold a position of interest then you will be
given special interest and filed under “Persons of Interest”.
Of course all communications by all individuals are collected at the
phone-line/cable, cellular tower, satellite or wireless radio
intercept. When you connect via a fixed connection this of course must
pass through communications hardware, the same with wireless radio,
which is all collected for later analysis and stored. There are ways
to encrypt communications and anonymously connect to wireless networks
while “spoofing” your MAC address, but it takes some amount of
technical skill and nothing is fool proof with many weaknesses being
easily exploitable by a very well  funded and resourced collection of
collaborating “intelligence services”.
A large part of surveillance policy is creating a climate of fear
where it is hoped you will say and do nothing. The idea that you can
stick your head in the sand and the lions won’t see you maybe a Fool’s
Paradise, and it certainly won’t help you. The only way you can hope
to help yourself and your community is to speak out and demand change
to oppressive laws. Today you might be protesting your right to
demonstration and free speech without arbitrary detention, tomorrow
you might be demonstrating against firing squads or perhaps cowering
beneath your bed. Ask yourself is this the way you want to live and
what is in store for future generations? Of course they can’t lock up
half the population if they all start speaking out, they don’t have
enough prisons and detention camps yet.  You might argue that you
haven’t done anything wrong and have nothing to worry about, but many
people who have done the right thing or nothing wrong get locked up,
 as profiling, analytics and the law don’t deal with “right” or
“wrong”, just the cold hard black and white of legislation and a
government lawyer’s interpretation of what can be defined as “in the
public interest”.
    *  everyone says:
08 Mar 2014 at 5:47 am
Australian secret services have even more power than the NSA. Anyone
in Australia can be secretly detained for up to a week without charge,
while not being told why they are being held, without their lawyer and
family being told of their location, and legally obliged to answer
questions or face up to 2 years in prison. Originally one could be
secretly detained for up to two years.
Australians who support, have supported or visited Wikileaks are or
have been subject to surveillance. There is no bill of rights in
Australia and what little rights the citizens have are constantly
being eroded. Freedom of association and the right to protest are
being removed and freedom of the press. The scariest thing is that
most Australians are completely unaware of the powers of their police
and secret services, and just how few rights they actually have left.
Even worst is the problem that many Australians simply aren’t even
    *  Zane says:
11 May 2014 at 6:34 am
Very we’ll written & I agree with you 100%
    8.  Intercept=Hero says:
03 Mar 2014 at 12:43 pm
Great article…fantastic reporting.  Thanks so much Intercept…
    9.  Dr.Höhne,Christa says:
02 Mar 2014 at 8:32 pm
Deutsche Übersetzung der texte wo sind diese zu finden??? Begrüße sehr
von Euch ausführliches lesen zu können beherrsch leider die englische
Sprache nicht mfG
    10.  Eddie Bates says:
27 Feb 2014 at 9:27 am
•Computers collecting and analyzing Internet traffic is just as much
“surveillance” as a person peeping through a window
•Note that human rights law doesn’t allow mass, untargeted spying on
ordinary, innocent people;
End mass spying now! Section 215 of the Patriot Act should not be used
to collect every single Americans’ calling records. And Section 702 of
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act shouldn’t be used to
“incidentally” or otherwise collect Americans’ emails, phone calls, or
chats. Protect the privacy rights of our digital communications.
Securing digital data, one computer at a time…
    11.  carl aabye says:
26 Feb 2014 at 8:27 pm
Al Weill ,Rocky’s manager worked hard to instill his short armed
warrior on what he needed to do.
    12.  Tyler Horvath says:
26 Feb 2014 at 12:53 pm
To those concerned about Greenwald and The Intercept’s relationship
with Pierre Omidyar, given that he is the creator of ebay, which owns
Paypal, which cut off payments to wikileaks.
Glen Greenwald addresses that concern in his interview with VICE at
the link below, around 28:00. The whole thing is worth a watch. But
Greenwald says the paypal situation was a concern for him going into
this venture. He spoke with Omidyar about it, and it turns out at the
time he was not in any managerial capacity of ebay or paypal. He was
still the controlling shareholder though, spoke out through his
newspaper outlet in Hawaii, which editorialized against Paypal’s
decision. The criticism that he could’ve done more is reasonable
according to Greenwald. In addition though, he says that Omidyar has
been deeply affected by the recent revelations regarding privacy, and
taking into account that no one is perfect, he decided that Omidyar
was a person that could be worked with in a venture of this nature.
Also I think it is important to note Greenwald’s continued insistence
on his editorial independence, which he has stressed throughout his
career with the guardian and salon. So even if you are of the mind
that Omidyar’s lack of more substantial action against Paypal is
inexcusable, he’s still only putting up money for Greenwald to
continue doing his journalism on his own terms. The other journalists
at the Intercept are all of high quality as well, and I think their
bodies of work demand enormous respect.
    13.  Leopoldo says:
26 Feb 2014 at 1:45 am
My brother in law works in the NSA, and he is openly gay, loves
killing truly innocent people, hates Obama, smokes heroin, has choked
a blind man.
    14.  certainquirk (@certainquirk) says:
25 Feb 2014 at 11:41 am
Here’s my unauthorized, unofficial and incomplete list of likely Five
Eyed agents (or wannabes) in these comments:
abbadabba (is either a troll or loves the site, posts very frequently,
and cannot make clear points nor keep it brief)
Franky goes to Hollywood
I’ll update this as time allows
    *  certainquirk (@certainquirk) says:
25 Feb 2014 at 11:44 am
Sorry, this list is for the article How Covert Agents Infiltrate the
Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
    15.  Catherine Fitzpatrick says:
25 Feb 2014 at 7:07 am
This article forgot to mention that the hackers started using these
kinds of methods *first*.
    *  sharon hodges says:
25 Feb 2014 at 9:29 am
My father worked counter-intelligence in WWII.  My brother was picked
up by the CIA in 1955 at Stanford Research Psychology Dept.  This is a
re-work of the Nazi tactics.  I recognized it.  I have been blogging
since AOL had chatrooms.  I noticed that they all knew each other.
They gave themselves away early on.  I got the advantage, so I left
bait messages and false flags all over the place.  It was pretty easy
to confuse them.  You can’t give this kind of tactical information to
a bunch of amateurs.   The russian and the Israelis knew what they
were doing.  Americans are just not that good at this as the Russians
and Israelis.  The Muslims are terrible at this game, I outted their
infiltrators pretty fast.  Huff Po was just ridiculous.   Funniest
thing you can ever see is an amateur trying to be a spy.
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 10:10 am
because the content claimed (or could be reasonably expected) to be
set against a historical backdrop of tactics?
not to mention how useless “they did it first” is any kind of
justification, for those of us who evolved past elementary school.
    *  Vicki Gates Bryant says:
10 Apr 2014 at 10:55 pm
Here, here.
    16.  An Anon says:
25 Feb 2014 at 5:52 am
Dear citizens.
The Internet as we once new it is gone. Lost. Forever.
The sooner people realizes this the sooner we, the people, can start
up a “Darknet” and leave the sinking ship that is “Clearnet”. When a
majority of people realizes that a handful of corp. and some gov. Can
crash the ENTIRE WWW. (As we know it, a free Internet). Then we can
REALLY start to build up a new kind of network. One that govs. and
corps. cannot touch. (Not without WE seeing THEM first..).
So my suggestion is; Download TOR. That is where the new net is being
built. And it pisses the HELL out of bitch ass F.B.I, NSA and so on..
Why? They can have the entire WWW for padding eachother on the back
and try out new kewl SPY thingies! =)
There once was a man walking on a road. The Sun and the Wind decided
to see wich one of them that could get the mans jacket off first!
The Wind started blowing and blowing. It started to rain. But the more
the Wind blew or rained, the tighter the man pulled his jacket around
him. The Wind went furious! It started up and BLEW THE HARDEST IT
COULD! But.. The harder it blew, the more the man tried to crawl into
his jacket.
The Sun on the other hand just started to shine. Warmer and warmer
until the man willingly took of his jacket.
That is a childrens story but is VERY essential today. The Wind is
NSA, FBI and so on.. The people and the freedom fighters is the sun.
Goverments and corps. Cannot win if we don’t let them. Simple! We LET
them invade us. We were to ignorant, the first time.. But no matter
how hard the blow (and they sure blow!) we will NEVER take our jacket
‘o freedom of again. So why not join us? I am talking about join the
fight agaist mass survalliance! (Talk about it, debate it, tweet it..
NEVER let it die. NEVER forgett. NEVER AGAIN!
(Just say “Yeah. I don’t fucking care about those “toy-company’s”
anymore.. They cannot hurt me. And they will never know all my “Net
persona’s”. So I say: Bring it! ( LULZ!)
(Oh yeah! One little, small thing. I wonder if the US gov remembers
the ultimatum Anonymous put last year.. “It is up to you. Choose to
stop with what you already know is wrong. And by that bring ORDER (i
e: Leave us the hell alone u fucks!) OR WE WILL BRING CHAOS. On a
scale so large you can’t even begin too imagine.. Remember this too.
If you happens to be an Agent of some sorts.. Never forget that there
are Anonymous everywhere, don’t think for a second that YOUR agency is
safe from “Freedom terrorists”. It is not. Snowden is just one out of
thousands like him.. Agreeing with the Anonymous idea and just biding
their time. Gathering info. Sitting silently, waiting.. Perhaps in the
cubicle next to yours even. So in that regard WE, the ordinary people,
have nothing to fear! (As long as the proper integrity protection is
installed..). The governments and their agencies on the other hand,
should be (and ARE) VERY VERY worried. “A Global
 resistance movement without a leader or a center?” “WTF do we do
know!?” (You do what WE pay you to. NOTHING MORE. TOTAL FUCKING
TRANSPARENCY, it is OUR money you spy with! Bastards!)
Wasn’t it “Bachman Turner Overdrive” who sung;
“You ain’t seen nothing yet, B-B-Baby you just ain’t seen no-nothing
yet. Here is something that you´ll never ever forget! You just ain’t
seen nothing yet!”
    *  Factor says:
26 Feb 2014 at 7:02 pm
I would agree with you, and urge all others to download tor as well.
    *  Vicki Gates Bryant says:
10 Apr 2014 at 11:02 pm
Leaving now to download Tor.
    *  Obviousobservations says:
04 Mar 2014 at 7:21 pm
Originally sponsored by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory,[11] which
had been instrumental in the early development of onion routing under
the aegis of DARPA, Tor was financially supported by the Electronic
Frontier Foundation from 2004 to 2005.[13] Tor software is now
developed by the Tor Project, which has been a 501(c)(3)
research-education nonprofit organization [14] based in the United
States of America [1] since December 2006. It has a diverse base of
financial support;[13] the U.S. State Department, the Broadcasting
Board of Governors, and the National Science Foundation are major
contributors.[15] As of 2012, 80% of the Tor Project’s $2M annual
budget comes from the United States government, with the Swedish
government and other organizations providing the rest,[16] including
NGOs and thousands of individual sponsors.”
Do your homework before you promote a program with known back doors.
Nothing is anonymous, and Tor won’t save you. Also, cut the cheesy
rhetoric. You sound like a shill.
    17.  Aligzanduh says:
24 Feb 2014 at 3:55 pm
Is their a link between the August 2010 timeline and the filing of
charges in August of 2010 by Sweden. Seems like quite a coincidence.
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 11:39 am
In particular, consider the date(s) of the incident(s) from which the
charges stemmed.
    18.  Styllinski says:
24 Feb 2014 at 1:40 pm
I’m amazed that people are claiming that they didn’t know the depths
of the surveillance state. There were many whistleblowers before
Snowden telling us just that, yet strangely enough they were not
instantly plastered over the mainstream media. That should tell you
something right there.
So, when exactly does the public get access to these 1 million
documents? Or does Mr. Greenwald, Jeff Bezos, David Miranda, Laura
Poitras and Pierre Omidyar have carte blanche over this enormous cache
of data?
Frankly, if there was anything remotely NEW in these documents then
you can bet your dollar that none of this would ever have happened.
That’s not paranoia I’m afraid, that’s simply reality.
Sorry to rain on the parade but there’s something very wrong with this
whole picture.  But please, anyone, feel free to put me right since
I’ve been a supporter of Mr. Greenwald for a long time and don’t like
to think that money, career and kudos has taken over. But there are so
many things that don’t add up I’m forced to review the whole scenario
again. And I think as journalists we are obliged to do so, however
unpalatable that may be.
    *  Evan says:
24 Feb 2014 at 5:20 pm
First of all, this idea that there are somehow “1 million documents”
released by Snowden was manufactured by the US and UK government.
They have continuously proven in public speeches and press releases
they have absolutely no idea what or how many documents were actually
released to journalists.  Second, releasing every single document all
at once leads to unnecessary mistakes that could lead to publishing
damaging information that doesn’t add anything to the story or
dialogue on these issues.  Third, releasing everything at once in one
huge datadump basically ensures that people will forget about it as
quickly as they were released, so the continual stream of articles
allows the story to continue, building up over time.  This is
journalism 101, and is brilliant.  It also allows for government
officials to respond to allegations made in the articles, and since
they have pretty much been lying out of their asses about everything
so far, allows the
 people to know that they ARE lying because the next document that is
released usually explains just that.  Lastly, it allows the
conversation to continue, because each document/article released adds
to the conversation and allows the journalists to dictate the public
debate with more and more information while not overwhelming everybody
at one time with massive amounts of information.  So really people
like you should just back off and if you are really so worried about
all of this, do something about it.  Go protest in the streets, start
sending around petitions to be signed or call your representatives
non-stop until something gets done.  Yes there were whistleblowers
before Snowden, but they were silenced before the whole story was out,
and the Government controlled the flow of information, which is what
makes Snowden’s revelations that much more powerful, because they no
longer control the dialogue or flow of information.
    *  barriosmangore says:
03 Mar 2014 at 8:37 pm
Agree completely.
    *  old man says:
20 Apr 2014 at 6:15 pm
Dumping all of the documents would also violate Snowden’s source agreement.
    19.  wolfess says:
23 Feb 2014 at 7:23 pm
Does this mean that Paypal is going to reinstate Wikileak’s account so
we can donate to him?
    20.  Paige says:
22 Feb 2014 at 9:31 pm
I don’t know enough about this to speak eloquently about it, but I
stay in the loop. I’m glad to see so many comments. Our numbers are
what will keep us safe so we need to keep spreading the word as much
as possible and getting access to free and open internet to EVERYONE
in equal measure. The more people that visit wikileaks… and leave
comments on articles like this etc. etc. THE BETTER!!!! I think I’ll
go visit wikileaks right now…. I shouldn’t be afraid to say anything.
At this point I think fear is exactly how the 1% would like to control
the rest of us. Freedom of speech baby.
    *  sharon hodges says:
25 Feb 2014 at 9:34 am
Yeah, but unfortunately you can’t guarantee that half of these
comments aren’t coming from inside Fort Meade.  I just found a website
this morning run by the NSA that has re-tweeted Greenwald’s article
posing as an anonymous website -
    21.  Tyler Hurson says:
22 Feb 2014 at 9:27 pm
Yet another poorly-cited article.
There are so many claims made in this paper without sources I don’t
even know where to begin.
I mean seriously, “Another classified document from the U.S.
intelligence community, dated August 2010, recounts how the Obama
administration urged foreign allies to file criminal charges against
Assange over the group’s publication of the Afghanistan war logs.”
Then where the fuck is the document? Stop asserting that these magical
documents exist and give us the goddam link. It is your job as a
journalist to provide proper citation.
I might take the time to rake through this article, claim-by-claim,
but for now– please, PLEASE, be wary of accepting the claims made by
this article at face value, even if you want them to be true.
    *  Jose says:
23 Feb 2014 at 11:11 am
I agree they should source everything that can’t be verified
otherwise. That’s best practice.
But keep in mind that major news outlets do this kind of thing all the
time: Make claims about what they’ve seen in classified documents,
without publishing the original source material.
    *  Jose says:
23 Feb 2014 at 11:15 am
One correction: They do source that particular claim, they just didn’t
hyperlink the sentence you were looking at. It’s lower down in the
article. See: https://prod01-cdn02.cdn.firstlook.org/wp-uploads/2014/02/assange_pressure.png
    *  Tyler Hurson says:
26 Feb 2014 at 7:17 am
Your standards of evidence are piss-poor if you think an image on the
internet is evidence of the existence of a classified document.
I read the entire article– why the hell do you think I am so angry at
the authors? They’ve been publishing nothing but horribly cited
articles that are reeking with an agenda ever since this website was
released. 50% of their sources are fucking opinion pieces from
jerk-off mainstream liberal news organizations (who in turn, fail to
cite their sources too), 25% are pngs, and 25% is testimony from
anonymous ‘whistleblowers’ whom apparently only the brilliant,
resourceful, and highly intelligent journalists at The Intercept were
able to get a hold of.
I go on these rants because these moron readers lap this shit up
without thinking twice about how well the authors actually backed up
their claims. My god, if this article was submitted to a scientific
journal, they would get laughed at. Hell, even the Journal of
BIO-Complexity would reject it.
You’re right– mainstream media doesn’t cite their sources either, and
these assholes are no different.
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 12:02 pm
yes, yes, your anger is so much more righteous and rationalized than
the anger of the credulous masses.  have a cookie.
    *  Evan says:
24 Feb 2014 at 5:26 pm
Except they did link the source document, so maybe you should be a
little more thorough buddy.  Jose was kind enough to link that very
“magical document” below.
    *  Jim Moore says:
26 Feb 2014 at 7:48 pm
Like you, I don’t know for sure if Snowden/Glenn has the source
document Glenn referenced “dated August 2010″.  My opinion is that he
has it but didn’t include it with this article.
The following was published at the time (August 2010) and provides
some background on Glenn’s assertion.  Although this article, like
Glenn’s, does not show the actual document, it does cite US officials
(multiple sources).  Here is the first part of the article:
U.S. Urges Allies To Crack Down On WikiLeaks
By Philip Shenon
12 August, 2010
Daily Beast
The Obama administration is pressing Britain, Germany, Australia, and
other allied Western governments to consider opening criminal
investigations of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and to severely
limit his nomadic travels across international borders, American
officials say.
Officials tell The Daily Beast that the U.S. effort reflects a growing
belief that WikiLeaks and organizations like it threaten grave damage
to American national security, as well as a growing suspicion in
Washington that Assange has damaged his own standing with foreign
governments and organizations that might otherwise be sympathetic to
his anti-censorship cause.
American officials confirmed last month that the Justice Department
was weighing a range of criminal charges against Assange and others as
a result of the massive leaking of classified U.S. military reports
from the war in Afghanistan, including potential violations of the
Espionage Act by Bradley Manning, the Army intelligence analyst in
Iraq accused of providing the documents to WikiLeaks
Now, the officials say, they want other foreign governments to
consider the same sorts of criminal charges.
FYI, Philip Shenon, the author, is a former investigative reporter at
the New York Times (NYT).
    22.  PGreen says:
22 Feb 2014 at 5:22 pm
I’ve been unable to find any significant coverage of these latest
revelations in the Establishment Media.  I did quick searches (not
intensive searching) of BBC, NYTs, WP, Reuters, AFP, BBC, and
others–even the Guardian had nothing.   Have any major media
institutions released coverage of this yet?  If so, can someone please
post a link…?  I’m curious to read how it is playing elsewhere.
Other than Truthout, FDL and a few other websites, this hugely
important story seems to have been carefully ignored–at least so far.
Unless they are very slow or I’ve missed it, which is a possibility.
    *  Jose says:
23 Feb 2014 at 11:18 am
What’s the point of even searching anymore? The international
corporate press is very much part of the global order of corruption we
live under.
    23.  LosingHope says:
21 Feb 2014 at 3:58 pm
In the 1960s we didn’t just go to the streets, we signed statements
saying if we had been born male we would go to jail to resist the
draft, signed other complicity statements, and waved at the FBI goons
taking photos of us.  We knew we were on lists but we felt in the end
our rights would probably protect us.  The difference now is that the
government seems to feel they have the right to kill those they don’t
agree with – the Constitution has been torn up – even by our President
and Congress.  It really feels like we are in end times and everyone
will have choose very soon whether to go down fighting or not.  I
spent my life teaching school and working in non-profits and in state
and local government.  I wanted to make the world a better place.  I
was very naive.  Now, I am in my late 60s and think about how death is
closer every day. As I read what the US and British governments are
doing, I am feeling like I’d like to make sure my life and
 death aren’t wasted.  I am starting to think carefully about how best
to ‘spend’ my remaining life in a way that might count for something.
Hope you are too.  Thank you Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Julian
Assange, and all the others who have had the strength of character to
choose already.  Many of us are taking a bit longer, but we will
probably get there very soon.
    *  David Kennerly says:
21 Feb 2014 at 7:45 pm
You took the words right out of my mouth! Remarkable similarities
here. But I think there is some basis for hope – finally! For one
thing, the Internet could not have come to fruition at a better time.
And we ‘elder statesmen’ can play a valuable role in this movement,
provided we can get past our nearly overwhelming ‘dispiritedness’, if
you will.
    *  David Jensen says:
22 Feb 2014 at 10:55 am
So how does this work – Glenn Greenwald is partnered with Pierre
Omidyar whose PayPal organization has extrajudicially blocked payments
to Wikileaks to help cripple Wikileaks:
“…The banking blockade against WikiLeaks is one of the most sinister
developments in recent years, and perhaps the most extreme example in
a western democracy of extrajudicial actions aimed at stifling free
speech – made all the worse by the public support of numerous people
sitting in the US House of Representatives….
…Visa, Mastercard and Paypal are none-too-choosy about who they
provide payment services for. Want to use your credit card to donate
to the Ku Klux Klan? Go right ahead. Prefer to support the English
Defence League? Paypal will happily sort you out. Prefer to give cash
to Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, who oppose the “radical
homosexual agenda”? Feel free to use your Visa, Mastercard or Paypal.
Visa and Mastercard are already inescapable. As the world becomes
ever-more digital, and cash continues its journey to obsolescence,
they will become still more pervasive. If they are allowed to cut off
payment to lawful organisations with whom they disagree, the US’s
first amendment, the European convention on human rights’ article 10,
and all other legal free speech protections become irrelevant….”
    *  David Jensen says:
22 Feb 2014 at 4:27 pm
Glenn Greenwald,
If you are what you proclaim to be, please address the issue of your
affiliation with Pierre Omidyar of PayPal who is apparently working
with government / NSA to shut down information sources like Wikileaks
using extrajudicial methods.
You understand the serious and undemocratic ramifications of those who
use “extrajudicial” means – and there you are playing with this lot.
Your credibility depends on your behaving as openly as you demand others act.
David Jensen
Vancouver Canada
    *  Wilhelmina says:
23 Feb 2014 at 11:20 am
The desire for wealth, fame, and power are the primary impetuses for
those whose worldview is purely materialistic. History has clearly
demonstrated that material ends in a capitalist society are best
achieved by donning a mantle of enlightened self interest. It is for
this reason that we should be especially wary of those who claim to be
serving the common good while simultaneously enriching themselves at
its expense. It is clear that Glenn Greenwald has no problem with
capitalism. He has devoutly defended corporate personhood. He has
worked for a law firm that represented the likes of Goldman Sachs et
al. He even published porn for a time. Profiting from the Snowden
revelations have been justified by comparing himself to those who have
made a career out of generating obfuscating euphemisms for America’s
servile political class. Glenn Greedwald’s public adulation of Pierre
Omidyar is very much in character with the American way.
    *  David Jensen says:
24 Feb 2014 at 4:06 pm
It could be many things.
Let’s let Glenn Greenwald speak for himself as he does so well.
    *  Tyler Horvath says:
26 Feb 2014 at 12:16 pm
He addresses this relationship in the interview with VICE at the link
below, around minute 28. The whole interview is worth watching. What
Paypal and others did was a concern for Greenwald and he addressed it
while they were speaking about the venture of FLM. Omidyar was not in
a managerial capacity at ebay or paypal at the time, and did speak out
about the decision through his news outlet in Hawaii, which
editorialized against the decision.  Greenwald acknowledges that the
criticism that he should’ve done more is a reasonable one. But he also
assers that he knows Omidyar has been affected by recent revalations
regarding privacy.
    *  Tyler Horvath says:
26 Feb 2014 at 12:44 pm
He addresses that concern in his interview with VICE at the link
below, around 28:00. The whole thing is worth a watch. But Greenwald
says the paypal situation was a concern for him going into this
venture. He spoke with Omidyar about it, and it turns out at the time
he was not in any managerial capacity of ebay or paypal. He was still
the controlling shareholder though, spoke out through his newspaper
outlet in Hawaii, which editorialized against Paypal’s decision. The
criticism that he could’ve done more is reasonable according to
Greenwald. In addition though, he says that Omidyar has been deeply
affected by the recent revelations regarding privacy, and taking into
account that no one is perfect, he decided that Omidyar was a person
that could be worked with in a venture of this nature.
Also I think it is important to note Greenwald’s continued insistence
on his editorial independence, which he has stressed throughout his
career with the guardian and salon. So even if you are of the mind
that Omidyar’s lack of more substantial action against Paypal is
inexcusable, he’s still only putting up money for Greenwald to
continue doing his journalism on his own terms.
    *  Tyler Horvath says:
26 Feb 2014 at 12:48 pm
He addresses that concern in his interview with VICE at the link
below, around 28:00. The whole thing is worth a watch. But Greenwald
says the paypal situation was a concern for him going into this
venture. He spoke with Omidyar about it, and it turns out at the time
he was not in any managerial capacity of ebay or paypal. He was still
the controlling shareholder though, spoke out through his newspaper
outlet in Hawaii, which editorialized against Paypal’s decision. The
criticism that he could’ve done more is reasonable according to
Greenwald. In addition though, he says that Omidyar has been deeply
affected by the recent revelations regarding privacy, and taking into
account that no one is perfect, he decided that Omidyar was a person
that could be worked with in a venture of this nature.
Also I think it is important to note Greenwald’s continued insistence
on his editorial independence, which he has stressed throughout his
career with the guardian and salon. So even if you are of the mind
that Omidyar’s lack of more substantial action against Paypal is
inexcusable, he’s still only putting up money for Greenwald to
continue doing his journalism on his own terms.
    24.  Henry David Thoreau says:
21 Feb 2014 at 3:26 pm
“The mass of men serve the state thus, not as men mainly, but as
machines, with their bodies. They are the standing army, and the
militia, jailers, constables, posse comitatus, etc. In most cases
there is no free exercise whatever of the judgement or of the moral
sense; but they put themselves on a level with wood and earth and
stones; and wooden men can perhaps be manufactured that will serve the
purpose as well. Such command no more respect than men of straw or a
lump of dirt. They have the same sort of worth only as horses and
dogs. Yet such as these even are commonly esteemed good citizens.
Others—as most legislators, politicians, lawyers, ministers, and
office-holders—serve the state chiefly with their heads; and, as they
rarely make any moral distinctions, they are as likely to serve the
devil, without intending it, as God. A very few—as heroes, patriots,
martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men—serve the state with
 consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and
they are commonly treated as enemies by it.”  -Henry David Thoreau ‘On
the Duty of Civil Disobedience’
    25.  commonwealth says:
20 Feb 2014 at 7:56 am
Now that those who report on national security issues have been
targeted by the nsa and gchq, presumably as providing “support” for
terrorists,  it seems likely that it will only be a matter of time
before those who provide support for the reporters will be targeted
for the same reason and with the same degree of justification.
The problem is that for the nsa, there is probably nothing that should
be out of bounds:   if it can be done, it should be done.  After all,
they are engaged in the patriotic duty of protecting their country
(countries).  But particularly for the US, where citizenship is based
upon a creed (see the Declaration of Independence and Constitution),
the undermining of the principles of this creed are attacks on the
homeland.  What makes the U.S. a nation is what binds the people
together, not the land on which they stand.  This means that the more
those bonds of connectedness are frayed the weaker our national
spirit.  Until the only people who truly consider themselves Americans
are white supremacists.
God help us!
    26.  Richard Foss says:
20 Feb 2014 at 6:34 am
Thank you for great articles and journalism so far! I am impressed and
cheering for the people at theintercept.
It is scary that a few people in given countries, can act against all
citizens off the world including their own, and that they deem it not
only right – but the only solution.
But the only solution to what?!? We now know that this surveillance
has nothing to do with terrorism, it has nothing to do with war or
such atrocities. Instead, it has to do with control, control of the
population, control of the masses and utter control of “friendly”
countries. While unfriendly countries are not controlled by such
Therefore, it is I and you and the rest they demand control over. And
they get mad and threatening if we want to even discuss the issue, it
might ruin their dictatorship.
The tragedy in all of this is that people actually believe the
criminals when they say that all is done to protect the population.
We are the ones in need of protection now, protection from our own
politicians, crooked spies and their utterly criminal bosses.
I am still positive though, that the lambs as we should call ourselves
will condemn the NSA and their likes in not too many years. They will
go down in history as some of the worst citizens, as enemies of the
state and their actions will be banned. We just (unfortunately) need
for several more innocent people to be detained and mistreated by the
NSA, the brits or aussies and the rest of the criminals.
I remember reading about a journalist who was killed by a kingpin in
Ireland not too long ago, where the people found out that enough is
enough, and gathered against him and his organization. They voted for
a change in the law, and they were so able to detain and prosecute
We want the same to happen to Keith Alexander and his friends, with
the ones giving the orders to break the law!
However, most of all they have ruined the little faith some had in
government and lawmakers… they have turned many of their own against
their country and that is never good.
I see no point in helping criminals like the NSA, I am actually quite
sure that it is illegal to help someone or something commit a crime.
And that is how the tele and IT companies should have reacted long
    27.  Anonomous Bosch says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:39 pm
One of my mother’s sisters married a gent back in the 1950s whose
entire working career was spent with NSA at the Ft. Meade. He was a
strange sort of a guy with an even weirder personality or more
correctly the lack of one. His natural proclivity was to assume that
he was some sort of genius and that everyone else just an absolute
dope. You could call this an attitude of almost absolute and total
arrogance that I naturally linked to his Germanic ancestry. He would
have been the most absolutely perfect Nazi. He was a cryptologist by
training but gradually (I think) rose to a mid level management
position that required extensive travel to Germany, Japan, and the UK.
He loved the Germans and Japanese but hated the British continually
referring to them in his arrogant and supercilious and condescending
manner as “stupid people”, i.e. not at all up to the high standards of
the great vaunted “master race”; as an anglophile of sorts that in
 pissed me off quite a bit at the time these remarks were uttered.
I have to say that over the years however I began to have some genuine
affection for this person (my uncle) because I could see that he was a
truly fucked and hurting person from a psychological perspective and
did indeed have a caring and decent side to his personality that was
seriously atrophied by the dominant aspects of his personality or what
was in fact the lack of one.
This guy no doubt passed the psychological exam with flying colors and
that in and of itself should say something about the personality types
that NSA hires and desires. The strong silent male who refuses to
question authority because he just assumes that no one has a right to
any anyone who would is a disloyal American. Such an authoritarian
personality type identifies personally with the social authority. This
is what insures his love, devotion, and loyalty no matter what the
cost may be to others.
Since my family has a history here in America that predates the
signing of the Declaration of Independence, I have always assumed (and
I think correctly) that I know something about being and American and
what good citizenship has always been about.
We are indeed living through a sad time for America as we see the
classic values of the European enlightenment that became the basis of
our founding documents dragged through the gutter by the arrogance and
hubris of a ruling class and its national security state that sees
itself above the law and accountable to no one. They even use religion
to buttress their inflated claims and are in fact trying to return us
to a medievil perspective that the Enlightenment was meant to dispel.
The truth is strong medicine but the American people need to swallow
it if we are to survive and prosper as a nation that honors the law
and the founding principles of our nation. These agencies such as NSA
and the rest of the national security state or what some experts have
called the “deep state” are in fact criminal organizations that will
at some point have to be held accountable for the harm that they have
caused to millions of innocent people all over the world.
I still have a cousin who lives in Croften, MD the same MD subburb
outside of DC that Edward Snowden grew up in. There seems to be a lot
of suggestions being made these days that Edward Snowden did not act
solely on his own but had help from others. I would like to think that
that was the case but I sincerely doubt it.  I would like to think
that perhaps that some of the NSA types whose conscience may be
bothering them a bit and keeping them up at night may decide to join
the struggle on the side of the good guys for a change. It is just
wishful thinking, I suspect!
One of my cousins from that marriage married into the family of former
US VP Dan Quayle and were fetted at the White House back in the days
of Bush, Sr.
I have been banished and anathamatized by my family for having a mind
to think for myself and rejecting the idea that being a good America
means always telling oneself that Big Brother knows best. We should
have questioned the assumed authority of the national security state a
long, long time ago before things got to this point.
All that being said, it is still not too late and every great
adventure begin with just one small first step.
    *  sharon hodges says:
25 Feb 2014 at 9:38 am
My ex husband has also worked at the NSA for 40 years.  Thank you for
your very good description of the type of person that works at Fort
Meade.  I thought for a minute you were describing my ex husband.   I
keep telling people that they hire psychopaths, but they still don’t
believe me.  I don’t know if they’ll ever believe me.  they keep being
astonished that the NSA is so oppressive.  Well, that’s what happens
when you hire psychpaths and never listen to their ex-wives.
    28.  Beth says:
19 Feb 2014 at 6:44 pm
The Intercept. God Doesn’t teach in his word, that interception is not
a good thing, when is used for difamatory purposes, and as United
State is a great country, must reconsider this attitude against Julian
Assange, a man who has the best intentions in his publishing,. Assange
is a person against terrorism, and he explains this many times in his
expositions, so then, it is a big mistake, and antichristian to have
him besieged without charges and without the possibility to defend
himself in freedom. Atention! I say to the biggest power christian
people of the world, would you like to recieve the God punishment?, I
don’t think so. So, please, to the authorities, can you reconsider the
possibility to give thanks to God for the wonderfull things that you
have in your country, using your power giving Julian Assange the
freedom and make the correct thing acording with the word of God to
call a Christian Nation, instead to use the Bible to put it in a
 furnitures of the hotels, because it is better to make the word of
God, instead to looking at it as an ornament. Everybody has the
possibility to be better, the purpose of the Christianity is the
possibility the change the bad attitudes. Come on!, give the world a
breath in Jesus our Lord. Stop wars, stop terrorism teaching people…
stop killings, stop persecution against innocents. Thank you  for
reading. Blessings for all who understand the good actions. Blessings
for Julian Assange.
Those who agree with it, please give a like or share it.
    29.  marvin sannes says:
19 Feb 2014 at 5:26 pm
Global Terrorism Database:  Excepting Fort Hood 13, 30 Americans have
been killed by terrorist acts since 9/11.  This protection racket has
cost the lives of millions of Asians – innocent people, children –
trillions of tax dollars, the American Constitution, moral degradation
– we accept torture, assassination, invasion, killing of children,
perpetual war, all in the name of security.   The Universe does not
forget the killing of children.  I hope to Christ I’m on the right
side of the watchlist!
    *  Baldur Dasche says:
20 Feb 2014 at 7:20 am
Not any more!
    30.  Zagreus says:
19 Feb 2014 at 4:01 pm
So how long will it take them to also target independent sites such as
this one. Or to phrase it in another way: How long will it take for
the US to make people worried that they might actually have read the
wrong version of the truth?
As my favorite author writes “Censorship was never about morality, it
was about fear. If a people wanted to hide something, it was because
that was where you could kick them and make it hurt the hardest. Only
a very scared people tried to hide information of any sort”
    *  Jose says:
19 Feb 2014 at 7:47 pm
I would pose that question in a different way: How long will it take
for it to leak that The Intercept and its readers have been monitored
by the 5 eyes?
    31.  Traci says:
19 Feb 2014 at 2:16 pm
They are surveiling more than Wikileaks, Google *Organized Gang
Stalking* or *Targeted Individuals* and really check out how they
surveil thousands of innocent citizens and how you and I pay for it.
They do this to their own people that finacially support them.
    32.  repugnicant says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:04 pm
This has got to be the worst piece of ‘journalism’ I read in a long time.
I.P.’s are ‘photo I.D.’s'???
You all have now officially surpassed the ignorance of the Tea Party..
which is actually quite a feat.
    *  ML says:
19 Feb 2014 at 3:10 pm
Are you singularly stupid, or is it your job to discredit through
libel? Nowhere in the article is anything like this said.
    *  Jose says:
19 Feb 2014 at 7:50 pm
Further, the collection of IPs is significant. Both the NSA and GCHQ
have all sorts of metadata databases, which can link IPs to your
various online identities, accounts you use in your cellphone, etc.
    *  Tom Dial says:
23 Feb 2014 at 5:40 pm
The article indeed does not state that I.P. addresses are (equivalent
to) photo ID.  It does, however, state  that “The IP addresses
collected by GCHQ are used to identify individual computers that
connect to the Internet, and can be traced back to specific people if
the IP address has not been masked using an anonymity service.”
This statement is equally an incorrect one, as it is impossible in
most cases to associate an IP address uniquely with a person even when
an anonymizing service such as Tor is not used.  The best that can be
done is to associate an IP address with a specific computer – which in
itself cannot identify the person using the computer at a given time.
- for those who do not have a fixed IP address, additional queries
(requiring subpoena or warrant in the U.S.) would be needed to provide
account information to associate one or more people with the IP
address.  If there were more than one person in the household it would
be impossible to tell which one used the IP address at any given time.
If, in addition, the location had a WiFi router, it would be
impossible to show that a particular connection was not used by a
neighbor or passerby.*
- Public WiFi access points normally use a single IP address for all
active customers.  That would make it extremely difficult if not
impossible to determine which of the customers at a particular time
were using it to access a particular URL.*  For those who are truly
interested in anonymity, there are ways to change the network device
*Depending on the amount of logging done (and retained) it might be
technically possible to narrow identity, in some cases possibly to a
single individual.  In the U. S., at least, that would require a
warrant and either physical or network access to one or more privately
owned computers.  Even if done without a warrant, as we know to be
technically within NSA and FBI capabilities, it is time consuming and
costly, and not a thing either agency would do casually.
    *  sharon hodges says:
25 Feb 2014 at 9:42 am
Dear NSA Commentator:  When you post too much technical information,
you’re giving yourself away.   We can identify you.
    *  Adrian Matthews says:
07 Mar 2014 at 7:01 am
I think you may be just a little paranoid here. This kind of technical
knowledge is widely known. At least I knew it and I’m no network or
security expert. The only thing I know nothing about is whether
warrants are needed in the USA. I have a feeling that here they are
not – our legislators seem to be even more gung-ho in legislating away
privacy than the US ones, probably because we don’t actually have a
written constitution to abide by. They don’t even necessarily pay any
attention to European Court decisions even though they signed up to
them. Otherwise I can’t see anything in Tom Dial’s post which gives
him away as anything.
    *  sharon hodges says:
25 Feb 2014 at 9:40 am
NO, this commenter works for the NSA.   They are furious about
Greenwald’s article and they have dispatched their minions to post
negative remarks.  How do I know?  Because whenever someone negates
the obvious, they’re doing it intentionally.  Nobody is that stupid.
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 1:17 pm
that comment was 100% wishful thinking, and Tom Dial’s comment shows
no corroborating evidence whatsoever for any part of it.
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 1:19 pm
of course, I have now fallen into the same wrong-reply-button trap as
many before me, and see it is likely you were only ever responding to
repugnicant.  please disregard.
    33.  ggggggggggh says:
19 Feb 2014 at 10:37 am
(inspired by Coinyer101)
Hey, NSA, here is my European free ass too!
    34.  abbadabba says:
19 Feb 2014 at 10:06 am
AntiCrisisGirl, powered by GTE, sounds like the LAMEST antiperspirant
since Teen Spirit!  But skating so close to “antichrist” is rather
tactless, GCHQ.  I hope they weren’t exploiting WOMEN to formulate an
    35.  Cosmic Surfer says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:55 am
The fact that Wikileaks and other transparency and truthseeking orgs
are targeted should not be surprising to anyone – what surprises me is
the fact that there are so few people in the US willing to even
conceptualize or show interest in the truth if that behavior.  A
people,  refusing to look out from under the covers pulled tightly
over their head…fearing things that go bump in the night,  allowing
their personal freedom and civil rights, not to mention human dignity,
to be yanked away.
We have become a culture of personality instead of truth – focusing on
projected personae of everyone at the end of a pointed finger (look
over there!  Hey…look at that guy – he ran to Russia!) instead of the
behavior of those we place at the high reaches of government and the
corporations that own them.  Sadly, we will continue to replay the
Fall of Rome in our exceptionalist hubris and denial behavior…
Even this 60 yr old woman with a big mouth and little tolerance for
bullshit – the only threat I pose is always seeking and and trying to
speak what I can find to be truth –  went through a full body search
the last time I flew to NYC (10 TSA agents swarming my tiny frame and
single bag was a real spectacle to behold…much giggling ensued,  which
pissed off a few)…when it hits me, it really smacks of their obtuse
desperation….But then, if they spend their time and resources on me,
that is less time and resources to spend on stopping important truth
from coming out… non-computer/system “DDOSing” the tiny minded greedy
fools until their heads explode…
    36.  Jon says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:21 am
Wow this article reassures everything I’ve thought so far about the
NSA and GCHQ when they claim over and over these programs are used to
protect the people….I am tempted to burst out laughing each time. Its
so obvious that these programs main priority is to protect the people
in power and keep them in power. In addition when an organization or
group challenges the establishments on either side of the Atlantic;
they will use these surveillance programs to discredit the challengers
first and then in the process destroy them. This is what I’ve
personally feared since these revelations came to light. I heard a
quote the other day that came from someone a lot smarter than me but
the jist of it was the people in these positions to call the shots and
that pull the strings will not willfully give up this power and will
practically do anything to protect it and the best way to do that is
to discredit the challenger who most always trying to bring the truth
 to light, its the most effective way to shut them down. I am very
compassionate about voicing my displeasure with the agencies running
domestic surveillance programs and I pledge my support to right this
wrong and fight this injustice as I fear these programs are used for
much darker purposes than what we currently know from the Ed Snowden
    37.  abbadabba says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:13 am
NOT lovin’ how they are making this shite up as they go along.  No law
as foundation for the operation?  Just make that shite up!
    38.  aubreyfarmer says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:03 am
I would still be sending money to Wikileaks if they had not been
exposed as a Zionist agent.
    *  BrainDrain says:
19 Feb 2014 at 6:35 pm
Got evidence for that, or is it just a tasteless joke?
    39.  Nyall St. John Smythe IV says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:02 am
George Orwell would be shocked out the truth of what the USSA has
become is 1000 times more outrageous than his fiction.
Our government threw out the constitution a long time ago and when no
one bothered too raise a ruckus or just plain didn’t care, the powers
that be ran away with it.
I’m of the thinking the USSA is irretrievably damaged.
    40.  certainquirk (@certainquirk) says:
19 Feb 2014 at 8:05 am
I must say, I’m in awe at the nearly complete media blackout on this.
It’s DARK. DARK. There isn’t even a peep on the HuffingtonPost.
Nothing. Zero. Nada nada, limonada.
    *  Nyall St. John Smythe IV says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:04 am
I’m not. The media is in on it. They have merged with the elites and
will protect the status quo at any cost.
    *  abbadabba says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:48 am
Either they are complicit, and like the government embarrassed about
getting caught, or they have a few guns at their backs.   Since most
of our news outlets are beholding to telephony for distribution, makes
you wonder if the telecoms and providers aren’t making threats, too.
If Obama’s email was found to be missing its content in the business
end of a media exec’s BlackBerry taken by police for examination in a
criminal investigation, would that strike you as Nixionian?  Missing
taped statements = missing email content?
That’s David Cameron’s problem, but he’s got the UK press hogtied so they can’t
squeal on him.  But WE can.  YES WE CAM!  Yet, no media outlet in the
US is willing to tattle.  So it’s not just US, it’s a global response,
or lack there of, by the Five Eyed spooks and their entangled allies.
Remember, that BlackBerry belonged to the CEO of the UK’s largest
media operator, so it can easily be accomplished, this nexus of media
and government.  At the time the email was sent by Cameron, his and
her professional worlds were coming apart at the seams due to illegal
intrusions upon the public by the PRESS!
I expect I’m on GCHQ stink list because I’ve been saying for years the
UK police were hiding more than their cozy relationships with media
when the hacking evidence they suppressed was revealed.  And now we
can see they covered it up for five year because they feared it might
reveal that THEY are dirty hacks, too!!
What I want to know is what other executives have such tight relations
with our presidents and  David Cameron or his predecessors that the
emails in their phones can have the content squeezed out of them.
That is NOT a concern for law enforcement?  Sounds like evidence
tampering to me!  I’m sure once addressed, Cameron will claim national
security.  Either GCHQ did that trick or someone outside the spook
That email sounds like a Tempora metadata file of its former self to me.
    *  abbadabba says:
19 Feb 2014 at 10:01 am
Did you know the publisher of WaPo made a false affidavit attempting
to hide the source of the MAJOR money the Interior Secretary had come
into?  He declared he’d made the loan to same. Then he checked himself
into an asylum to avoid having to testify to that false affidavit.
It was a BRIBE from the guys who installed the Secretary in that seat
to direct the Navy to take itself off coal and give no bid contracts
for our oil reserves to same GUYS!  So much for a faultless press.
The NYTs publisher had told those same GUYS that the news from Denver
about Tea Pot Dome would never cross the Hudson to Wall Street…until
the WaPo guy checked out.  Then they had to jump on the story.   Let’s
hope the crooked press cracks and we finally get real journalism
gushing out everywhere.
So glad to learn Downton’s Cora’s brother is a TPD stinkpot!  Several
big oil operators fled the US and never returned.  Their properties
were seized and they spent the rest of their lives building up
Corporatism from Paris with like minded goons plotting their revenge.
Sacre Bleu!  I’ll tell you about the Tabu some other time.
    *  janet says:
19 Feb 2014 at 7:23 pm
Do not be awed… rejoice and help make The Intercept the most widely
read media outlet on the planet.
    *  YouSaidIt says:
19 Feb 2014 at 8:22 pm
HuffPo? Please. That rag is so in on the dirty dealings. Why do you
think it has been allowed to get so big?  Pierre Omidayr also has
relationships with it, which makes me nervous.
    41.  Ronald Thomas West says:
19 Feb 2014 at 6:48 am
‘The New York Times problem’ could be a problem indeed be a problem
for intelligence agencies, considering these statements:
“You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a
couple hundred dollars a month.” -CIA operative cited in “Katherine
The Great” by Deborah Davis
“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in
the major media.” -William Colby, former CIA Director, cited by Dave
McGowan in “Derailing Democracy“
“There is quite an incredible spread of relationships. You don’t need
to manipulate Time magazine, for example, because there are [Central
Intelligence] Agency people at the management level.” -William B.
Bader, former CIA intelligence officer, briefing members of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, From ‘CIA and the Media’, by Carl Bernstein
“The Agency’s relationship with [The New York] Times was by far its
most valuable among newspapers, according to CIA officials. [It was]
general Times policy … to provide assistance to the CIA whenever
possible.” -CIA and the Media by Carl Bernstein
Media has long been a target of ‘information operations’ by
intelligence, in a way this is ‘much ado about nothing’, when
considering the by far larger problem of so-called ‘mainstream media’
having been long since co-opted, because it is the ‘mainstream’
outlets shape the direction society will take.
-Ronald Thomas West
    42.  Tomcat says:
19 Feb 2014 at 6:22 am
I am actually quite fearful that I am in the crosshairs of these
people. I was working for the UN Human Rights Office, I am not
American or European, and was responsible for work on the Chelsea
Manning detention Issue and the Afghan/Iraq war logs. I used the
Wikileaks website and disclosures a lot in my research and work. Since
then, I have had quite a few strange happenings with my laptop and
phone. Similar, I have had some interesting coincidences which makes
me suspect that these is something going on. Reading this, I am
beginning to think that I was not being paranoid. Would be interesting
if the some of these disclosures include stories about people who are
suffering the consequences of their association with wikileaks.
    *  Jim says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:43 am
Coincidences as in comments made to you in passing?  People appearing
to know something about you when they shouldn’t?  Because yes that
kind of stuff happened to me as well and it’s not paranoia.
    *  tomcat says:
21 Feb 2014 at 6:08 am
Yep, I have very strong suspicion who some of the people are; For
instance, I say things in private and then “out of the blue” someone
who I barely know and was not present shows up and start slyly
querying me for more information. I am pretty sure of at least 3
instances of them. Some of my personal work files have disappeared
from my laptop. In the last couple of years, my luggage have never
arrived the same time as me when I travel, even when we travel as a
couple or a group. My luggage mysteriously arrives a day late with
“everything intact”. Same with Fedex or UPS. When I travel to the US,
I always get stopped, pulled out and searched “randomly”. These things
happen too frequently for them to be coincidences.
    *  Marni Sheppeard says:
01 Mar 2014 at 10:34 pm
My life has become a living hell due to these kinds of ‘coincidences’.
And no one believes me, because mental illness is a more believable
story in my case. And yet, as an outspoken non-American non-European
feminist wikileaks supporter with a PhD in theoretical physics, I am
pretty sure to be on some ‘target list’. Especially when you consider
that my last co-worker was personally contracted by the Pentagon for
his mathematical research skills.
Hell on earth. I was forced into homelessness and I still have not
escaped. I have been promised somewhere to live, but I now know that I
have no say anymore about where I end up. I go to the police (it is a
nice Western democracy) and they take reports but nothing ever gets
done, even when the bullying is clearly against the law. My god, to
think, how many of us there must be out there.
    *  abbadabba says:
19 Feb 2014 at 10:15 am
Have you read the NBC Investigation online stories about how GCHQ
mindscrews folks using such tactics?  I urge you to do so and inform
your former employer if this sounds familiar.
This is work NBC ‘s online journalists have done with Glenn.  No
surprise NBC News ignores it Nightly.  I am so remorseful I made fun
of the CBS journalist who said her computer was behaving badly.  She
was  hacked by these mechanisms.
    *  Jose says:
23 Feb 2014 at 3:13 pm
This is what the Stasi used to call Zersetzung — a form of
psychological harassment.
    *  NameWithheldForObviousReasons says:
19 Feb 2014 at 8:19 pm
Yep, I too have been targeted. I had a website that linked to
Wikileaks. I believe I was under ‘close’ surveillance by a former Iraq
communications specialist who happened to be staying next door. And
there are other things too weird to go into on the site. But it is
indeed happening.
    *  Catherine Fitzpatrick says:
25 Feb 2014 at 7:12 am
I think you shouldn’t flatter yourself at all. It also sounds like
your office — which isn’t called “the Human Rights Office” but the
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights if you really do work
there — is pretty one-sided in its work.
But you raise an interesting question: the need for FACTS OF CASES.
Greenwald and the rest of the Snowden scribes have not come up with a
single case of any actual victim of the NSA. They only come up with
    43.  James Fingleton Wild says:
19 Feb 2014 at 6:09 am
Sex, Virus & Computer Hack: GCHQ spy arsenal revealed
Published on Feb 12, 2014
Sending out viruses, hijacking social media accounts, and attacking
computer networks. Those may sound like hackers’ techniques, but
they’re also in the arsenal of Britain’s spies, according to leaks
from Edward Snowden. RT’s Polly Boyko takes apart the tactics being
used by GCHQ.
A personal inventory.
Support Julian Assange and Wikileaks. CHECK
Write many letters to the Prime Minister and the Federal Attorney
General of Australia supporting Wikileaks and Julian Assange. CHECK
Participate in forums and comment sections supporting Julian Assange
and Wikileaks. CHECK
Correspond with Anonymous, Lulzsec and others. CHeck.
Support Bradley (Chelsea) Manning by commenting in forums and comment
section of journals.CHECK.
Write to President Obama and dennounce his stand on whistleblowers. CHECK.
Write to the American Department of Justice re Assange and Manning.CHECK
Visit my Local Federal Member of parliment’s electoral office and
complained about the bizarre number of 403.6 (forbidden access) error
messages I was receiving on looking up a number of internet sites.Also
the recurring viruses, mal ware and remote access programs running on
my computer even after complete reinstals. CHECK
Take my ISP provider to the Federal Telicommunications ombusman and
receive personal and financial satisfaction for the ISP not providing
service after my email account was hacked and my internet speed was
reduced to dial up speed. I was made a “Global Talk” costomer, though
they had no Australian customers at that stage.My ISP techs had told
me I was black listed and should change all my pass words. CHECK
REDACTED REDACTED from thepiratebay.se. CHECK.
Read Glenn Greenwald. CHECK.
    *  BrainDrain says:
19 Feb 2014 at 6:40 pm
You’re doomed.
    44.  freedom2mankind says:
19 Feb 2014 at 5:26 am
It really seems that the Language wich is used inside of these
organisation is quite perverted.
    *  abbadabba says:
19 Feb 2014 at 10:18 am
Most assuredly, they presumed their inside jokes would never be outed.
Now we can see where their heads are at.  Up their wazoos.
For a while, Clapper and Alexander seemed to be attempting to act
“cool.”  However, it is a dead give away when they lift our collective
jokes and try to spin them into golden straw.  Rumpled, that’s what
they are.
    45.  atari2u says:
19 Feb 2014 at 5:04 am
I am waiting for the document from the NSA outlining the trumped up
Swedish harlot rape accusation. How the plan to discredit Wikileaks
was hatched.
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 7:11 pm
so you figured you’d pretend you know anything about the woman in
question, such as (a) her depth of character [or lack thereof, in your
apparent estimation] (b) how invested she ever was in the charges?
    46.  debian says:
19 Feb 2014 at 4:59 am
Everyone seems quite awake . I suggest you all go watch “The End of
America” by Naomi Wolf, and add what has happened since then look at
the 10 steps and figure out where you think we are
    47.  World Peace Now says:
19 Feb 2014 at 3:37 am
The surveillance state legal system is using all manner of cryptic
language to defeat peoples’ unalienable rights. The ‘officials’ with
the authority to rein in NSA et al are compromised by the NSA/CIA
complex and dare not disobey. Nothing will change until the names and
addresses of the perpetrators are made public.
Thank You Mr. Snowden!
    48.  Andy Capp says:
19 Feb 2014 at 3:23 am
I just now tried to join the “Friends of Wikileaks” from their site,
but I don’t manage. Can anybody confirm having the same problem?
    49.  Firebrand Central says:
19 Feb 2014 at 1:52 am
This is not exactly a surprise. At least to anyone who’s paying
attention. We certainly are. So glad you guys will able to get a
start-up. Too many people are being cynical about more venture but I’m
confident you folks won’t disappoint. http://www.firebrandcentral.com
    50.  Pigsy says:
19 Feb 2014 at 1:10 am
How government works:
In the U.K, the Prime Minister leads the government with the support
of the Cabinet and ministers. You can find out who runs government and
how government is run, as well as learning about the history of
government. The Prime Minister is head of the U.K. government. He is
ultimately responsible for all policy and decisions. He: oversees the
operation of the Civil Service and government agencies appoints
members of the government is the principal government figure in the
House of Commons The Prime Minister is David Cameron MP and he is
based at Number 10 Downing Street in London.
More about the Prime Minister’s Office:
    51.  Targetedinminnesotawithgangstalking says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:56 am
How can we publicly identify as supporters of wikileaks and Snowden
every day as we go about our productive lives. There should be a
fashion statement that we could all make, a type of scarf… I would
like to be obvious about it, the type of persons I admire are the ones
with a conscience!
I’d appreciate knowing I am not alone!!!
    52.  Susan says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:53 am
Obama will always be the man that destroyed America. Snowden is the
man who chose to speak out about and show citizens how the United
States Govt. is intent on destroying every idea, law and principal
that our Founding Fathers believed in
    *  Artsmith says:
21 Feb 2014 at 2:18 pm
No no no no.
bush is the man who destroyed
No no no no.   George W. Bush is the man who destroyed america.  And,
make no mistake, it is destroyed beyond reclamation.   America=Humpty
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 7:23 pm
you’re both being horrifically simple-minded about this.  neither of
those presidential tools were the first to (a) make foolish or cynical
promises, (b) sign far-reaching legislation with disastrous
consequences, (c) overstep their checks and balances, or (d)
otherwise, directly or (mostly in any case) indirectly cock the whole
thing up for the vast majority of even-half-awake citizens.
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 7:25 pm
imagining that Obama, in any sense whatsoever, either started or ended
any of this shit is preposterously obtuse.  did you simply never want
to believe this much ill of any prior president?
    53.  Shoda says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:50 am
I’d be more shocked if they weren’t targeting anyone and everything
that even thought about looking up wikileaks.  Still, it’s nice to
have some documents proving their criminal activities and you can bet
anyone that has visited this very website is also a target.  Down with
Emperor Obomber and his Stasi, lets get some leaders that actually
respect human life and rights.
    54.  brian carey says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:53 pm
Where are the progressive liberals or whatever the spineless democrats
call themselves today?  Where is the outrage!  All we get is Stephanie
Miller, Ed Schultz and MSNBC calling Snowden a spy , Assange and
Manning perverts, and Greenwald a criminal.   I guess Obama still
needs more time?  We just need to trust the government when democrats
are in charge.
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 7:28 pm
both ~major parties~ have been chock-full of hopeless idiots or losers
since at least as far back as the ’80s – longer if one’s general
opinion of humanity, let alone the US electorate, is uncharitable…
    55.  pieceofcake says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:39 pm
and I still think there might be a conflict of interests here – Let’s
say the American law would allow the surveillance of “unpleasant
people” -(like Mr. Cumberbatch) – the conflict of interest never would
have been arisen and Wikileaks still would be a sympathetic
organization which needs our help.
But with Cumberbatch being Wikileaks?
How can you trust an “actor”?
-(and they desperately need “surveillance”!)
    56.  Common 'Tater says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:32 pm
“Baby, I can save your world! I’m your anti-crisis girl!”
Svetlana Loboda, Eurovision 2009
    *  Ray Donald Pratt says:
20 Feb 2014 at 5:11 pm
I just watched the video of her song performance. The NSA should play
this video at the office and get all the employees to sing along and
dance to it with lots of bumps and grinds to build morale and stay
focused on the mission.
    57.  bobzz says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:26 pm
To: Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill. I want to add
my thanks to you three for fearlessly reporting the truth.
    *  Curt Rowlett says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:28 am
Let me second this.  I have very eagerly awaited Mr. Greenwald’s new
media platform and must say that I’m very pleased to see that you  and
the others have come right out with such strong and forceful stories.
Thank you very, very much.
    58.  Andrew Winikaitis-Harvey says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:15 pm
There is one avenue of peace we’ve yet to broadcast and try, tax holiday.
That is we, the pay master to this the criminal enterprise doing
business as the United Staes of America Corp. can legally file
extensions ad nausium in an all out effort to starve the beast.
More than likely this will lead to a massive stimulus by the FED,
which will result in a Whimar Republic type scenario here in the
States, and likely world wide as our economy drives the worlds
Additionally, consumers must take make a converted effort to vote with
their wallets, a simple boycott of any corporate sponsor of groups
like the Council on Foreign Relations ( being arrogant they provide a
nice alphabetized list for us )  can have an immeasurable impact upon
the pockets of the erudite Elite leading this effort in a global
electronic prision that impacts all of us daily.
It’s time to hit them where the hurt, in there greedy little pockets.
If this fails, hit them in their greedy little faces too.
And lest we forget let us do all we do with greatest care and due
diligence, for not all those who are wealthy are wicked, and not all
who are poor good. It is paramount that our moral standard be beyond
reproach in this matter, for the common man has no more interst in
following after our thug than to follow after theirs, and without the
heart of the common man we can not be victorious .
God bless
I am steadfast
St?k? Pharr?sia I?sous
    *  gold hoarder says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:14 am
The US does not drive the world’s economy. It holds it hostage.
    59.  Gaia says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:09 pm
This entire senario is reminiscent of the McCarthy era of the 1950s
when the threat of “communism” was used as an excuse to investigate,
harass, interrogate and subjugate American citizens.  The “Patriot
Act,” a legislative action that was pushed through in the panicked
aftermath of 9/11 was an open door to abuse of power by the NSA and
other government entities, allowing for vast violations of the basic
rights the Constitution was written to protect.  I call for a repeal
of the so-called “Patriot Act,” and the similar legislative acts that
followed like sequels to an already bad movie.
    *  JLS says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:20 pm
Except during the McCarthy era the US didn’t have 5% of the world’s
population with 25% of the world’s prisoners, cops weren’t allowed to
beat, taze and kill people with almost always no consequences and the
US government hadn’t passed the NDAA and couldn’t disappear you
without a shred of due process.
This is like McCarthyism X 1000
    *  debian says:
19 Feb 2014 at 5:24 am
prisoners numbers keep being spewed, to show people how bad off it is
here, it is another support for this insane spying but reality is the
US locks people up for shit knowone else does,thats why so many are
locked up,most are minor drug charges like small amounts of weed. It
is also a fact that violent crime is higher many place in the world,
over all violent crime is far higher in the UK where there are no guns
than here.
    60.  pieceofcake says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:50 pm
And Glenn – Help!
(I think my messages were “intercepted”?)
    *  pieceofcake says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:20 pm
Thank you!
    61.  pieceofcake says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:24 pm
“Heavy on detail and melodrama but missing the spark from its
remarkable real-life inspiration”
And it’s too late to save the “Fifth Estate” -(or Cumberbatch) –
They bombed! –
    62.  -Mona- says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:55 pm
Rather surprised at the paucity of Greenwald and Snowden critics
showing up here in Intercept comments. I don’t just mean the absence
of obvious trolls, but even the more rational opposition isn’t much in
Not sure where they are? They do add spice to the conversation.
    *  Tom Fico says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:17 pm
No worry Mona you can count on the Tea Party Terrorists ala the Faux
News miscreants and many government sociopaths in high places to post
wonderful indictments of this REAL JOURNALISTIC EFFORT!!!
    *  Caleb says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:33 am
Yeah, you can also count on the Obama apologists who think MSNBC IS
TRUTH to come here and post indictments against this as well.  In
fact, I’ve seen more critiques from the left on the NSA leaks than the
right.  Given, if a republican was president the criticisms would come
more from the right.  Partisans be partisans.
    *  dahoit says:
23 Feb 2014 at 11:03 am
The MSM is all faux news,in case you haven’t noticed.And in
fact,sometimes faux news covers what the alleged liberal others
won’t,but your team dreams of superiority won’t let you notice
this.And the TP was initially about Ron Paul and his views,until co
-opted by the rethugs,with demoncrat approval,as RP scares the sh*t
out of the neolibcons.
    *  pieceofcake says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:28 pm
“Not sure where they are? They do add spice to the conversation.”
Well thank you – and I’m still where I am – but why would I criticize Snowden?
    *  Common 'Tater says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:36 pm
As the trolls read the following,

anyone communicating with the organization for any reason – including
American citizens – could have their communications subjected to
government surveillance.
they suddenly wondered whether the drone targeting algorithm would
recognize their slavish devotion to the State. Perhaps rather than
being rewarded, they would become just another case of collateral
damage. Their enthusiasm suddenly dimmed as their fingers hovered
hesitatingly over ‘post’,  then twitched and pressed ‘delete’.
    *  pieceofcake says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:40 pm
“Rather surprised at the paucity of Greenwald and Snowden critics
showing up here in Intercept comments.”
Could it be that their comments will not be posted?
“The Temple of Doom” in splendid isolation? – Now I would watch that film!
    *  Walter J Smith says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:43 pm
RE: “…even the more rational opposition isn’t much in evidence.”
More rational?  More rational than whom?  Obama?  There is nothing
particularly rational about a government campaign to spy on everyone
it can get away by hook or by crook spying upon and snooping into the
private affairs of them.
The Obama Administration is a criminal cabal, and the elected
Democrats are accomplices because they refuse to take public stands
against this radically anti-Constitutional treason.
    *  -Mona- says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:03 am
More rational? More rational than whom? Obama? There is nothing
particularly rational about a government campaign to spy on everyone
it can get away by hook or by crook spying upon and snooping into the
private affairs of them.
Glenn’s comment section has always been characterized as a place of
robust debate with his detractors and critics. Some are just trolls,
others genuinely here to sincerely disagree. He himself has moderated
only highly disruptive trolls.
This has led to an interesting dynamic, and prevented his comments
section from devolving into an “amen corner.”
I’m not seeing the vibrant dynamic yet at the Intercept, and hope it
is just a birth pain.
    *  pieceofcake says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:21 am
“I’m not seeing the vibrant dynamic yet at the Intercept,”
Me too – but that often happens with sequels!
    *  pieceofcake says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:26 am
Or should we revive a certain Czech Philosoph?
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 7:42 pm
top two guesses – zed either
(1) has been too busy/distracted to notice the advent of The Intercept
(2) considers his putative pearl-dropping to be more
effective/necessary at CiF or on Salon and for whatever amusing reason
is refusing to take this seriously (yet).
    *  Common 'Tater says:
19 Feb 2014 at 1:12 am
I’m not seeing the vibrant dynamic yet at the Intercept, and hope it
is just a birth pain.
I understand and share your concern that Glenn Greenwald has lost his
edge. Too many people are starting to agree with him and he no longer
seems to attract the really high quality trolls. I’m not sure how he
lost his way.

It is not worth an intelligent man’s time to be in the majority. By
definition, there are already enough people to do that.
>G.H. Hardy
    *  -Mona says:
19 Feb 2014 at 2:33 am
I understand and share your concern that Glenn Greenwald has lost his
edge. Too many people are starting to agree with him and he no longer
seems to attract the really high quality trolls. I’m not sure how he
lost his way.
On the contrary! Many, from left and right, disagree w/ Greenwald on
all manner of bases, and he does engage them on Twitter.
My observation is merely that almost none of these many seem to be
commenting here. It could be a by-product of the commenting software,
which seems to cause comments to show up rather a long time after they
are submitted.
But whatever the issue, I don’t see that Greenwald has “lost his
edge,” and am sure he would engage antagonists here if there were a
reasonable number of intelligent ones for him to engage.
But there aren’t.
    *  pieceofcake says:
19 Feb 2014 at 3:23 am
“I understand and share your concern that Glenn Greenwald has lost his edge.”
He hasn’t – It’s all the Concierge’s fault!
You know – in his old barn Glenn Greenwald had this really frightfully
concierge – and she scared all the good folks away – who were showing
up or a friendly chat…
    *  Mister says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:59 am
I think that they may have given up trying to defend the
undefendable,lol But no doubt the elite. military minded extremists
and ghost writers that support the Government in selling us the
unacceptable will soon appear. It is our duty to educate them and to
counter their comments discrediting their viewpoints by presenting the
undeniable facts and truth.
    *  debian says:
19 Feb 2014 at 4:25 am
The comment system doesnt work well for government propaganda bots
    63.  Quasimodo says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:19 pm
The government of the people is no longer. It is government by the
Corporations. Since most politicians will eventually be forced to join
the dark side (from an offer they can’t refuse), we can’t count on
legislative reform or judicial corrections. So there is only one
inevitable outcome… the USA will go down as the greatest empirical
fail of all time, and history will be rewritten to show true motives
of certain war criminals.
    *  debian says:
19 Feb 2014 at 4:32 am
That is already happening
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 7:44 pm
and just how permanent are any of these records?
    64.  the voice says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:03 pm
I hope someday the American people understand  that the only way to
take back the country is by force, no more excuses or complaints. And
remember neither Republican nor Democrat will do a thing for you or
this country they’re all part of the same team “the shadow
    65.  El says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:58 pm
Great. I really am on a “list.”
    66.  Matt says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:30 pm
I served in the USAF and decided to separate after my term ended
because I was worried about the direction the United States was going
in regards to “terrorism.”  I thought I was escaping something that
was basically evil (corrupt, wasteful, abusive toward its members,
etc).  Now my worst fears have been realized thanks to many heroes
such as Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden.  I applaud the work they
and countless others have done to bring this information to the
public.  This is the start of real change.  I have hope the all of
this will make our entire world a better place to live.  However,
there sometimes must be a fire to destroy the forest to allow it to
grow back better than it was…
    67.  FigureItOut says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:07 pm
Dear NSA,
It’s only a matter of time before shit hits the fan.
It won’t be good.
    68.  Carl says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:56 pm
Too bad the US military welfare queens don’t recognize the NSA as a
domestic terrorist organization.
We will probably need to form our own armed response to these enemies
of the people. The corrupt justice dept, police and military will be
used to maintain their spying  on us and our armed militias are a
legitimate use of our weapons as stated in the US constitution.
    69.  Thelma Follett says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:34 pm
As a first step, email the White House and your Representatives today.
I did and here is what I said:
“Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the extent of the NSA’s
criminal activity against the media, including WikiLeaks, its staff,
its associates and its supporters
Today it was reported:
“The internal government documents, including slides of presentations
given at an annual top secret surveillance conference between the two
countries and internal agency correspondence, expose how the
government targeted not only Wikileaks and its spirited leader Julian
Assange, but also those people all over the world—including U.S. and
British citizens—who may have accessed or viewed the public website”
(“Docs Show NSA Targeted Wikileaks, Assange Vows Legal Fight,” Jon
Queally, Common Dreams, February 18, 2014.
I am one of those people who has visited the WikiLeaks site.  I am
also a loyal American citizen and a conscientious voter.
Not only that! But – and here is a BIG secret! I wrote to the
Ecuadoran Embassy to thank the country of Ecuador for giving Julian
Assange asylum.
You may save taxpayer money by taking my name and address and other
details down now from me – I give them to you freely.
My varied and numerous back emails do show my correspondence not only
with the Ecuadorean Embassy but also others – say those who are
supporting Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning.  I have many.  They may
take me a while to look up and email to you so in this case you may
want to go to the NSA which, I am sure, because I am a lowly, poor,
honest, true-blue American who would never plot anything ill for my
countrymen or wish harm to my fellow world citizens, has all of my
emails and a record of my freedom of speech activities back to the
beginning of my birth (1952 – a very solid McCarthy year).
P.S. I use a Verizon cell phone so you should be able to find out
where I am at all times of the day or night.  You can ask the NSA or
James Clapper about that.
I am sorry that, as Queen Elizabeth once remarked, it is still not
that easy to open a window onto a person’s soul.  But even though you
can’t read my mind you can just ask me.  “What You See Is What You
Get” where I am concerned.  Too bad that isn’t the case with 99% of
our elected and appointed officialdom, our corporate robber barons or
our corporate controlled media. “
    70.  bobzz says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:29 pm
WOW! I am a terrorist just for searching the Wiki site, not even
knowing what I would find mind you. My main claim to fame as a
terrorist is that I am not an avid consumer.
    71.  drabnebars says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:24 pm
In 2012, I was put under surveillance for viewing wikileaks.
I was specifically told it was because I had looked at the site.
    *  Kitt says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:18 pm
Put under surveillance by whom? Specifically told by whom?
    *  drabnebars says:
20 Feb 2014 at 11:36 am
By a  friend I had known for a long time. Why do you ask?
    72.  coram nobis says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:24 pm
A sidebar on the pervasive nature of surveillance in the Land of the
Free. Just up on WaPo.
    *  liberalrob says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:10 pm
Technology marches on.  Right on over us.
Can’t wait for the wall-penetrating-RF-equipped police drones that
autonomously monitor everyone’s activities in their houses and launch
taser missiles at those detected doing anything remotely illegal (say,
viewing porn over the Internet in Tennessee) by data mining and
correlating these databases in real time.  What a wonderful world it
will be.
    *  Jim says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:38 pm
You may want to read about Julia Davis, a Homeland Security
whistleblower.  Her story is a detailed shocking account of what
Homeland Security did to try to silence one of their own.  HS even
raided her home with 27 heavily armed men and a Blackhawk helicopter,
more than was used to kill OBL.   She prevailed in court because she
persevered.  Her inner strength and determination reminded me of Mary
Tillman, Pat Tillman’s mother.
    *  Pedinska says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:45 pm
Thank you for noting this, coram. The language being used by DHS
sounds familiar:
A spokeswoman for DHS’s Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
stressed that the database “could only be accessed in conjunction with
ongoing criminal investigations or to locate wanted individuals.”
And, apparently, the main (translation = “only”) “lesson learned” from
the NSA experience is:
“It is important to note that this database would be run by a
commercial enterprise and the data would be collected and stored by
the commercial enterprise, not the government,” she said.
    73.  Om says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:18 pm
Mr. Julian Assange you are always in our hearts  and all I can say is
your are one great man that is hard to come by. Thank you a million
time sir.
    74.  Gary Oyama says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:13 pm
The best Snowden story yet!  Not just proof, but criminal  behavior on
the us government spy agencies and the gchq.  This story must be
spread as far as possible to inform the world how threatening spying
has become to everyones privacy.  Thanks guys!!!!!
    75.  Kronomex says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:02 pm
None of the behaviour mentioned in the article by any of the
“democratic, freedom loving” governments surprises me anymore.
    76.  Coinyer101 says:
18 Feb 2014 at 5:57 pm
It only stands to reason, that a police/surveillance-state that gets
caught violating nearly every Constitutional liberty in the Bill of
Rights, would have no problem throwing out the First Amendment and
freedom of the press, too.
The real sh*t will hit the fan when they decide to go after the Second
amendment. I know a few hillbillies in Arkansas that ain’t gonna
tolerate any of that….,
    *  indigenousattention says:
09 Mar 2014 at 10:56 pm
and why would a police/surveillance-state pay any attention whatsoever
to “a few hillbillies in Arkansas”?
unless some mining corp friends needed something from under their
hills, of course.
    77.  Coinyer101 says:
18 Feb 2014 at 5:52 pm
We’re all being watched right now. We are all being put on lists. They
are reading every word we post.
So……, I would just like to take this opportunity to tell the NSA to
    *  Joseph Stalin says:
18 Feb 2014 at 7:23 pm
Let them read this then,
“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it
is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute
new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely
to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
    *  Common 'Tater says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:54 pm
I don’t know where you got ahold of those subversive ideas, but they
are definitely un-American.

Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have
guns, why should we let them have ideas?
>Joseph Stalin
    *  Joseph Stalin says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:22 pm
Well said!
    78.  Coinyer101 says:
18 Feb 2014 at 5:47 pm
Thanks to Snowden, there is now proof to show harm, so, the Obama adm.
cannot use their technicality that ‘there is no proof of harm, if the
programs are secret’.  These were the same tactics Bush adm. used to
keep people from challenging their spying laws in courts.
We voted for ‘hope and CHANGE’ when we elected Obama, and we got the
same ol’ B S, instead….,’Constitutional Scholar’, my ass…..,!
    *  Jim says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:57 pm
I have been voting since 1960, first as a Republican, then as a
Democrat after watching the Republican’s ruthless attacks on Anita
Hill during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing.  Thomas lied.
Anita didn’t.  The Biggest Disappointment in my voting life was voting
for Obama and then watch him renege on almost all of his pre-election
promises.  As a Senator and during his campaign, he was for
transparency, against war, for prosecuting war crimes, valued privacy
rights, and wanted to limit the expansion of the NSA.  As president,
he did the opposite.  For example, his administration has wrongly
prosecuted Whistleblowers and some journalists and allowed the NSA to
grow unchecked into a humongous  always watching, never sleeping
surveillance monster.  Although futile, I will be voting third-party
in the next election with few exceptions.
    *  Andy says:
21 Feb 2014 at 12:02 am
    79.  weknowtheirdream says:
18 Feb 2014 at 5:24 pm
We are all guilty—of doing the right thing.
I couldn’t ask for better company.
    *  Gangstalkedbythensainminnesota says:
19 Feb 2014 at 12:49 am
Couldn’t agree more. I’d only do business with fellow whistleblowers
if I only knew who the the other ones were.
    80.  Brian Murray says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:53 pm
I love reading Glenn and “The Intercept”.  Thank you Glenn!  And your
associates!  To my point – isn’t this exactly what Edward Snowden
wanted to have happen as he risked his life, and freedom, and walked
away from a cushy life in Hawaii?  Reading these comments and I am
sure many thousands more on stories related to this latest article, I
am a little more upbeat that our debate/conversation/reactions are
taking place now.  There is decency in most people, well maybe not Mr.
Clapper et al,  but as always, how do we effect a fundamental change?
Chris Hedges says [from his long experience across the world covering
resistance movements] that we need to ultimately take to the streets
in numbers, large numbers, get off our collective duffs, get
organized, and make a noise.  Being informed in good, debate and
discussion is good, hitting the streets, using our wallets, organizing
is next.
    *  Ken says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:35 pm
I absolutely agree with you:  I have no use for those Uber Patriots
itching for an excuse to bring the guns out (they’re mostly a bunch of
wacked-out white guys with low self-esteem and adolescent power
fantasies ).  But, it is time for folks to get into the streets and be
rude.  The Occupy Movement was just too polite and too docile to get
anyone’s serious attention.
    *  Pedinska says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:56 pm
The Occupy Movement was just too polite and too docile to get anyone’s
serious attention.
I dunno. DHS coordinated with local law enforcement responses to
Occupy. That sounds like “serious attention” to me.
    *  KItt says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:11 pm
The Occupy Movement was just too polite and too docile to get anyone’s
serious attention.
a href=”http://www.justiceonline.org/commentary/fbi-files-ows.html”>FBI
Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring
Every repressive alphabet gov agency imaginable paid utmost attention
to Occupy. You think it was just happenstance that riot cops could be
seen all over the United States beating, shooting, bombing, arresting,
pepper spraying, destroying property, at Occupy gatherings month after
month after month?
Documents released show coordination between the FBI, Department of
Homeland Security and corporate America. They include a report by the
Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC), described by the federal
government as “a strategic partnership between the FBI, the Department
of Homeland Security and the private sector,” discussing the OWS
protests at the West Coast ports to “raise awareness concerning this
type of criminal activity.” The DSAC report shows the nature of secret
collaboration between American intelligence agencies and their
corporate clients – the document contains a “handling notice” that the
information is “meant for use primarily within the corporate security
community. Such messages shall not be released in either written or
oral form to the media, the general public or other personnel…” (The
DSAC document was also obtained by the Northern California ACLU which
has sought local FBI surveillance files.)
    *  Kitt says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:20 pm
I don’t know why that link didn’t take. So I’m posting it again
without the HTML attempt. Also, the second paragraph in my comment was
supposed to be in italics to indicate a quote from the article.
    *  debian says:
19 Feb 2014 at 4:56 am
Occupy was shut down with lies and bullshit, using  all these toys we
now see,it also might be the last chance you had to stand up. I few
years ago the people in one state started a recall, there was a huge
protest at the state capital. I am sure people remember ,do some
research and find out what happen to the 15 people that started that
protest, if it has not been washed from the net
    81.  cw radio says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:28 pm
Hello Global Spy Network! You know me from my ocassional visits to
Wikileaks and now, this website. Of course you spy on us, NSA, on the
orders of your boss, President Obama; his legacy, I’m sure, will be as
the man who destroyed American democracy through his lyin’, spyin’ and
love of people dyin’. Time to impeach you, President Mad O Bomber, and
save the world from you,  the world’s foremost terrorist. Contact your
Representatives, folks, and call on them to inaugurate Impeachment
proceedings for the murder of American citizens, violations of Due
Process, and of course, massive abuse of the Fourth Amendment.  Suck
on that, NSA!
    *  garbo says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:45 pm
Right idea. Wrong boss. Does anyone still believe the POTUS actually
makes decisions? He takes his orders like everyone else. Or he’s
JFK’d. The real bosses are on the golf course or at their clubs.
    82.  SmokinBlueBear says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:27 pm
Welcome the the Inverted Totalitarian States of America…would you like
some Freedom Fries with that?
    *  Tuna says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:49 pm
Or Liberty cabbage, perhaps
    83.  Dixie Searway says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:25 pm
Thank you for your reporting! It is also amazing and inspiring reading
“most” of these comments to know already you have many readers! Keep
up the great work!
    84.  Michael Zand says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:03 pm
So bitch ass GCHQ and NSA was spying on me because I visited
Wikileaks. Motherfuckers!
It’s just a matter of time before….
    85.  anon says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:18 pm
I think it’s important that those of us who continue to disagree with
these tactics, continue to make our voices heard.  I have a feeling
that this is an increasing populist concern.  Anti-NSA sentiment is
not fringe.  We support speech more than surveillance.
    86.  Ronald R. Heard says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:12 pm
But privacy advocates question such assurances. “How could targeting
an entire website’s user base be necessary or proportionate?” says Gus
Hosein, executive director of the London-based human rights group
Privacy International. “These are innocent people who are turned into
suspects based on their reading habits. Surely becoming a target of a
state’s intelligence and security apparatus should require more than a
mere click on a link.”
>The agency’s covert targeting of WikiLeaks, Hosein adds, call into question the entire legal rationale underpinning the state’s system of surveillance. “We may be tempted to see GCHQ as a rogue agency, ungoverned in its use of unprecedented powers generated by new technologies,” he says. “But GCHQ’s actions are authorized by [government] ministers. The fact that ministers are ordering the monitoring of political interests of Internet users shows a systemic failure in the rule of law.”
The first bold is the right question to be asking and the latter bold
is the answer.
    *  Pedinska says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:01 pm
Hi Ron! Great to see you here!
The Pedinska Welcome Wagon ;-}
    87.  testy says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:05 pm
Since “The Pirate Bay” was mentioned in the discussions, this opens up
the possibility that NSA spying could easily be utilized as a tool to
protect US commercial interests who complain that their copyrights are
being infringed, but are unable to track the source of these leaks
(and prosecute the people responsible) due to proxies and VPNs being
used by many of the most active infringers to hide their location..
    *  debian says:
19 Feb 2014 at 4:49 am
I guess you missed it that all major ISP’s agreed to spy on their
customers for COPYright, but since that could = text aka books or
anything else its just blanket spying
    88.  El B says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:01 pm
I apologize if I’ve failed to see this question asked prior – it’s a
long thread and I’m rather impatient at this point so here goes … Now
that we know, for sure, that whistleblower journalism/journalists
(and the websites that publish the evidence) are declared “malicious
foreign actors” and anyone who supports those sites by (I suppose)
commenting favorably, donates, or at the very least, merely visits
those sites, are deemed “the human network that supports” and
therefore qualified and subject to surveillance and monitoring  – - –
then am I correct in presuming that The Intercept also falls into that
category?  And that every one of my visits and positive commenting are
being bean-counted and can be used against me in a court of law (well,
a kangaroo court, really)?  – - – and am I also correct that, even if
the U.S. isn’t directly monitoring this/me/us that it stands to reason
to presume that one of the other
countries is doing so anyway and that I/We/Us will be duly indicted
when the meta-data is turned over quid pro quo? (as in the latest
Australian/Indonesian/U.S. Attorney revelations)  It won’t change my
habits – not will it discourage my admiration for this website (in
fact, I think I love you guys a little more right now) – but I just
wanted to get a thermometer reading on this question.  Thank you for
the forum.
    *  overthrow-r1b says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:04 pm
El B,
You said “Aryan/English”, the “5-eyes” are all r1b y-dna “majorities”.
r1b has nothing to do with being “white” or “aryan”, r1b was the last
to enter europe and didn’t participate at all in evolving “white”
genes, actually it seems like they turned them red if anything.  The
people who are actually responsible for evolving light pigmentation
genes never hurt anyone when you isolate their actual population and
phenotypical behavior.
They raped into Europe and took it over the same way they did to North
and South america and Australia.  The “slave owners”, “nazi’s”
“colonialists” had nothing to do with being white because they were
both over 75% r1b y-dna.  r1b isnt attributable to white.
Interestingly likewise most of their x-dna is still of the host
    *  indigenousattention says:
10 Mar 2014 at 12:55 am
while i’m all for weeding out, isolating and denying propagation to
the worst of our cro-mag brutes and cunning scumbags through the most
intense of social pressures (though it still looks like a pipe dream
for the most part), i don’t think your argument can resonate with
people who recognize supremacists of every level of
awareness/ignorance.  plenty of “r1b” folk could not give less of a
shit about actual genetic facts, but they’ll push hateful agendas all
the same based on their worthless understanding of a ‘majority’.
“actual” “whiteness” is only going to matter to a minuscule, academic
slice of those camps, and i’m betting the majority among that slice is
cynical enough to use the ignorant “r1b”s rather than insist on
absolute, ridiculous purity.
    *  overthrow-r1b says:
26 Mar 2014 at 3:02 am
It’s not too hard to understand,
1. The root of every single population groups nightmare problems is
the exact same.
They’re intentionally preventing people from understanding it.
They’re using a stolen illegal intelligence apparatus to do it, as
well as to commit genocide right now with the lowest level of
They’ve used torture research, terrorism and only illegal methods to
design intelligence so that it only benefits them and can only be used
by them.
They intentionally instigate problems all over the world, the
situation in Tibet, southern Caucusus, South America, Australia all
trace straight back to r1b intel apparatus.
Because of the particular differences in their behavior and the nature
of those differences me and every person whom isn’t them that I’ve
spoken to in my life unanimously conclude they’re the descendants of a
chromosomally retarded individual.
2.  Just take the intelligence apparatus away from them and assist
anyone else in doing so.
All they’re doing is hurting as many healthy people/animals/plants as they can.
Just hand all the intel over to non-r1b’s(and not people with
substantially related dna)
Start putting healthy unadulterated non-r1b related people into high
positions and relieve r1b related people from important positions etc.
It’s common sense.  They don’t have a right to use any of it and
they’ve stolen everything they have so just take it away.
If we all look at the situation carefully we’ll realize that everyone
generally gets along acceptably except r1b’s and they try to conceal
The eskimos get along fine with the Africans, The brother and sister
Asians get along fine with the healthy europeans and indians, The
aborigines, middle easterners Africans get along with the healthy
europeans and asians and indians and mexicans etc etc etc.
The only people at all that have a situation are r1b related individuals.
It’s not an easy subject to discuss, It’s the truth, we all realize
it, just peacefully defuse the situation as fast and efficiently as
A side note: They’ve become a y-dna “voting majority” or plurality
(directly from genocide and illegal means) on almost every continent
in the world, It’s probably not the best idea to be so blindly
fanatical about spreading “democracy” which they’re only doing because
it’s based on “majority” votes of which they’re using their
intelligence apparatus to control the narrative and outcome of to
begin with.
We don’t need “the government” to tell us “what to do” or “what’s
legal” (maybe they do), it’s always just common sense to everyone
else. we all just know what’s right and whats wrong.  We have a much
better, healthy, natural non-r1b system ourselves.
They lie about every single thing every single time, so it doesn’t
matter what insane things they devise to tell you or what they use
their stolen technology to force you to think, it’s not real and it
doesn’t matter,  just take it away from them, it’s not theirs it’s
I should also note that they repeatedly viciously torture my brains to
pieces here in the usa, so i’m extremely  ill from it and not exactly
in my clearest frame of mind at all; so it’s possible that they’re
forcing me to write some of this or using it in some way and it’s
certainly not my best writing.  It’s not my natural language and I
wouldn’t even be here at all if they weren’t illegally forcing me to
stay here with countless open Human Rights, Civil Rights,
Constitutional Rights violations including repeated open limitless
torture, rape, poisoning, mutilation, theft, etc etc etc etc etc etc.
    89.  Denise says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:33 pm
How do you effectively fight back against a force that targets you
from 1000s of miles away and which hides in plain sight?
You can do things they show they do not like — for example staying
informed about their darker sides.
You can show the illogic in their arguements — which this article does superbly.
You can be an American who does the unthinkable and learns world
geography so they can’t confuse you about Iraq and Afghanstan — but
that doesn’t change that their ongoing aim is to misinform everybody.
You can change alot of things you do so that you feed into their
system less and less — but the system really does exist independent of
you and so you do little more than slow it down a bit.
You can win temporary battles — like recently in Egypt where a hated
dictator was ousted.  But in time they replace him with somebody whose
only difference is his name.
How do we really manage to act to change how this system works (by no
longer allowing them to rule us) and let all the good parts of people
shine instead of having us be continually manipulated into being
selfish and greedy just like them?
Here’s to the hope that somebody somewhere somehow will find a good
answer to this question.
    *  Parris ja Young says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:08 pm
Thank you, Denise, for a well-crafted Comment.  I esp. like “let all
the good parts of people shine”.
    *  taku says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:49 pm
Let them watch.  They them bitch.  When they come to you in person,
which they must to physically prevent you from continuing your
behavior, you kill them.  It’s that simple.
    *  Dave says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:58 pm
It sounds simple but there is a lot more to it than what I’ve written
below. Everyone could grow their own garden and stop eating bad foods.
As the result the reliance on government and big corporations would be
significantly decreased.
    *  Andy Capp says:
19 Feb 2014 at 3:14 am
First: Be with as many as possible. Second: Do anything you can, on
any possible opportunity to obstruct. Use your fantasy freely and
confront. Third: Join in to any local movement that you recognize to
be sympathatic to these thoughts. Fourth: Don’t mind breaking the
Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine, we are MANY!
    90.  Space Captain says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:22 pm
I first thank God in Heaven for having it known to us what has been
going on.  I thank him also for the brave people used in showing this
truth.  Thank you for revealing it Edward Snowden and the journalists
(and even D. Miranda) who all helped to get the news out to the
people.  I feel that other news sites need to link to this and report
on it as well.  Major news sites like New York Times and USA Today,
plus the Washington Post.    The more people know, the more people
become aware then change really cranks up.    I wonder will this end
up on Fox News?  Some of this I believed happened under Bush.
    91.  Dave Krueger says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:17 pm
… any theory used to bring charges against Assange would also result
in criminal liability for the Times, The Guardian, and other papers
which also published secret documents provided to WikiLeaks.
This  is also frightening from the standpoint that it supposes only
institutional news outlets like the NYT or Guardian are protected by
notions of press freedom.  I much prefer the interpretation that
everyone is protected by free speech rights, not just the
state-recognized corporate giants.
    *  Joseph Stalin says:
18 Feb 2014 at 7:20 pm
I turned on CNN the other night and I swear the story they were
featuring in prime time was “Is America ready to forgive Paula Deen?”
I’m pretty sure much of the American media isn’t concerened with
things like “press freedom.”
    92.  Cay Hasselmann says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:05 pm
Do you follow the same procedures here on publishing as the Guardian
or the other prominent newspapers do? If so I love to hear about the
reaction if you call for comment.
    93.  Pedinska says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:40 pm
Yuppers! Good to see you here Titonwan. ;-}
    94.  Mister says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:32 pm
The work and voices of fearless investigative reporters,
whistleblowers ,Human Rights Activists, and the voice of the people
through movements like Anonymous are all peacefully protesting right
now., and it provides hope. Collectively everyone has a right to a
voice in this important debate concerning mass surveillance, and
Edward Snowden deserves the highest possible award for his revelations
.He is not a spy or a traitor, and the publicized threats against him
are unjust, and unacceptable. Hopefully, all of the revelations,
public debate, and protesting will make Governments become more
accountable, and force them to reign back press and Internet
censorship and the” over reach” of their mass surveillance programs.
Censorship of the Internet, and mass surveillance is a huge threat to
journalism, as journalists will not be able to protect their sources.
I believe that our Governments have let us down through their mass
surveillance activities, which
 their own watchdogs have ruled as unlawful. They have acted as
dictatorships, and failed to respect their electorates or democracy or
fundamental Human Rights. Together our voice is bigger and louder than
theirs, and we need to continue to collectively stand together, back
to back, to peacefully protest against all of this. Using  social
media, video messages, Facebook sharing, and through posting of links
to information. Governments cannot  silence the voice of everyone, and
they will become  scared that anything they do which is illegal or
corrupt will be at risk of being exposed. This will force them to
adopt higher standards in Governments across all of their agencies. I
for one, do not want to live in a World which is Orwellian, where
cameras are watching every movement and where everything I say and do
on the Internet is being spied upon, and captured and used for
analytical purposes,.We need to ensure that misuse of surveillance
stops now ! Our
 Governments have said that this is all needed for anti-terrorism, yet
 we have seen reports that it is also being used for commercial
purposes, and  for spying on ordinary people and on those that expose
Government wrong-doing. This is wrong and not acceptable, and we
should consider why the NSA and GCHQ failed to prevent 911 and the
Oklahoma bombing with this mass surveillance technology? It is the
Governments of the USA and UK that terrorise me more now than anyone
right now, and its become clear to me that as people we deserve
    *  Petron says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:13 pm
Mister, your comment speaks for me also. Today, here and on Democracy
Now, we hear of the NSA/GCHQ as tools of government acting in ways
historically associated with gestapo and stazi. That any of us might
think this way is likely dismissed by Clapper et al as nonsense and
over-reaction, but they seem unaware of the chilling effect of these
repressive, McCarthyistic behaviors. The governments and Mr. Clapper
have a tremendous credibility problem. They want to sound honorable,
but their behaviors show intimidation, threat, deceit, and ineptitude.
It’s hard not to conclude that of course all of us on these websites
are also in NSA’s sights, and their massive program has two major
purposes: a) intimidation; b) collection of data to assist future
repressive activities. We did not miss Justice Scalia’s remark last
week that internment camps may be used once again. Where is the clear,
cogent, compelling government argument to dispel  these alarms and
    95.  Lenin says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:15 pm
It doesn’t seem at first glance that this site is indexed by Google
News – you may want to look into that.
Have you submitted it for inclusion?
    *  JLS says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:27 pm
Great point! We need to get this site as much exposure as possible and
google news would definitely do that.
Unless the government pressures them to exclude it or something.
    96.  FoxinHenHouse says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:06 pm
If the U.S. decides you are someone who should be targeted for
surveillance, is it reasonable to think the NSA could mimic the cell
numbers of known terrorists and call you (the target) from those
numbers thus creating a metadata record that you have “been in
contact” with terrorist phones?
Even if they only hang up, there is a record of the call being made.
Just an idea.
    97.  Lydia says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:06 pm
I love the momentum that the good guys are gathering…
    98.  Jim Moore says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:48 pm
I am not a terrorist.  I am a supporter of free speech, Freedom of the
Press (guaranteed by the 1st Amendment), and transparency in
government.  As a financial contributor to Wikileaks and a frequent
visitor to their website, your article now confirms my suspicion that
I am being watched and tracked by the NSA and very likely now have all
my digital communications stored in various NSA databases and
accessible by 1000s of “unconstrained” NSA analysts.  I have not
visited Utah but I imagine all my digital communications, if not
already there, will soon be there along with the data of fellow
visitors and contributors to Wikileaks.  Since  I also contributed to
the defense funds for Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and others, I
may take up more NSA storage space than my neighbors.  I also
contribute to Planned Parenthood, Wikipedia, the Sierra Club, Emily’s
List, American Foundation for Equal Rights, and other organizations,
and to the political
 campaigns of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Tammy Baldwin, and
half-a-dozen others who represent the average American and not the 1%
or the 10%.  These additional contributions and support probably mean
that I am getting my money’s worth as a taxpayer due to my likely
appearance in multiple NSA databases.
My father went off to war (WW II)  after I was born so I’ve been
around for awhile and have witnessed many changes in our government.
These latest developments, as revealed by Snowden, are not what I
expected from our government.  Our Constitution has and is being
violated in so many ways that I have lost count.  This is not the
America that I want passed on to my children and grandchildren.
I am still optimistic that the American people and world citizens can
stop this descent into the abyss of a mass surveillance state that is
so much worse than George Orwell could ever imagine.
Thanks to you. Glenn, Laura, Jerry, Julian, and other brave
journalists for keeping me informed.  I will do whatever I can to stop
these outrageous and criminal activities of the NSA, its supporters,
and others in our government.
    99.  FluffytheObeseCat says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:43 pm
“In 2008, not long after WikiLeaks was formed, the U.S. Army prepared
a report that identified the organization as an enemy, and plotted how
it could be destroyed.”
One thing which is commonly forgotten in 20-20 hindsight letters-pages
discussions of Wikileaks is what they were c. 2008.
Circa 2008 they had gained fame as a conduit for revelations in re the
wrong-doings of repressive regimes and private actors. E.g.
Uzbekistan, and a few internationally expansive companies. Wikileaks
was not THEN a famed conduit for revelations about western powers. The
nominal interests of the United States were not much threatened by
Wikileaks’ documented activities, c. 2008.
The “proactive” stance of our military intelligence agencies c. 2008
speaks to how significantly aligned our functional interests were then
with those of the Uzbekistans of this world.
    *  gold hoarder says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:21 pm
This is a very good point to make. There is a lot that goes on in the
world that is planned out well in advance. The military coup against
Morsi is an obvious example. The US sending its tentacles into the
former Soviet Union countries is little talked about but the Ukraine
situation is about to bring it all out in the open. Russia isn’t
stupid. They know exactly what the empire is doing.
    100.  Chris Tantillo says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:41 pm
Wow, Thanks to all you brave people!
    101.  Jitan says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:04 pm
Any doubt  that  “US UK Governments are criminal organizations and the
people at the top  like  Obama and Cameron   are  apex  criminals”  is
  cleared by this  article.
    *  Curt Rowlett says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:35 pm
Agree with your statement 100%. They act like they are above the law
because, well, they actually are, when you think about it.
Which begs the question, what can ordinary people do about it? Which
court of law speaks for us and who is watching the watchers?
Short of armed revolution (not an option I’m advocating, to be very
clear here) how can we stop this sort of thing from continuing?
    *  indigenousattention says:
10 Mar 2014 at 10:35 pm
that’s what the most paranoid and unscrupulous powers-that-be count on
– the stupefied masses will accept illusions of choice/freedom to feel
good about themselves or society, and those of us with idealistic
notions of actually believing in and propagating just principles will
notice just how few or nonexistent our options are.  pacifists
certainly paint themselves into a tight corner, but as you say, what
is the alternative?
    102.  ghettocottage says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:04 pm
So we should all start linking to wikileaks now to send a message…
    103.  Ajit says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:02 pm
Any doubt  that  “US UK Governments are criminal organizations and the
people at the top of these organizations are  apex  criminals”  is
cleared by this  article.
    104.  David says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:01 pm
People haven’t been told the worst of what the NSA and 5-Eyes are
doing as related to off world civilizations. A couple years ago the
public would say it was all scify crazy stuff, but after what we now
know that the NSA can do and is doing 24/7, people will Now listen and
believe, those “unbelievable” realities that have been hidden from us
all for many decades. The NSA and their ilk are NOT protecting us they
are controlling and enslaving us, for their “masters”, just as those
who herd cattle. If the NSA is a real friend of the human race they
need to prove it. Prove it with real actions. Tell us the real truth
about what is happening on planet earth today. Cut the lies and crap
    *  RonPaulWins says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:32 pm
“haven’t been told the worst of what the NSA and 5-Eyes are doing as
related to off world civilizations.”
What you just said is nonsense. But nice attempted discrediting of the
Wikileaks story.
    *  David says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:40 pm
RonPaulWins — You sound like a well paid troll. It is to be expected.
    *  David says:
18 Feb 2014 at 5:14 pm
One day the Snowden Documents will reveal even deeper NSA connections
that will shock the world. Go Go Go Intercept. Remember that Those who
want this information hidden are elite criminals and haters of
Humanity. Just look at the world mess we are in. Does any intelligent
person believe this mess is just an accident or the result of some
economic cycle. Humanity is not as dumb as they had hopped. It is
Greed, control, domination, human parasites and a heartlessness that
is hard for any good person to believe. Keep the revelations coming
Intercept. Don’t let up. Don’t let “them” side track you Intercept.
What you are doing is God sent and humanity thanks you from the bottom
of our collective heart.
    *  RonPaulWins says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:08 pm
I sound like a troll? I say you’re paranoid schizophrenic; delusional.
You said NSA helps to cover up “off world civilizations.” TROLL who?
Those are things an actual PAID commenter would post to discredit.
I would suspect that YOU are the person PAID TO POST NONSENSE.
It would be nice if I was paid money to tell you that you sound crazy.
It is almost 100% guaranteed that somewhere very far away in our
Universe, possibly somewhere else in our Galaxy, there are intelligent
alien civilizations. But Earth is the only place with human
Your comment about “off world civilizations” is essentially crazy
talk, the kind that seems designed to attempt discrediting the NSA
spying on WIkileaks story by trying to associate NSA FACTS with fake
    105.  certainquirk (@certainquirk) says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:56 am
All I can say is, thank you! Thank you Edward Snowden, Glenn
Greenwald, Ryan Gallagher, The Intercept, and all other brave
whistleblowers, journalists, and publishers. I’ve been waiting for
this a very, very long time now, and today is a Good Day.
PS: Food for thought: Just how would the NSA/GHCQ *know* if a person
is a US citizen or dual citizen w/o uhm, targeting them??
    106.  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:38 am
Is anyone having trouble looking at the contents of this morgue
because it is killing their last hope that a thread of decency still
exists within our governments?
Every paragraph is like a knife cutting into my macrame heart.
Honest to good, this is like taking a rape disclosure down.  I am so
angry, and I will NOT use it unwisely or recklessly and further injure
the victims.  This will NOT stand.  Humanity is BETTER than this!!
Can I get a witness?!
But know this… Justice can be resurrected!!  She looks like she’s a
victim in a typical Law and Order opening, but she can rise again if
everyone believes!!  Where’s that fracking Tinker Bell?
How can we have Congresspersons in the US who can see THIS and still
NOT call for inquiry, expulsion or impeachment?  Are they on the brink
of going to the clink?  Or can’t they because they have been complicit
for so long we will likely find they too have cause to quit before we
expel them?
All you bums who want to quit, git!  Save us the time and expense of
quitting you, cowboys!
Does it not confound anyone that New Zealand has “legally,” by a vote
of legislature, suppressed evidence of a legislative crime against
itself? The committee to investigate how THEIR Five Eyed mess got out
received MORE Five Eyed data from a CONTRACTOR, emails between several
legislators and a journalist.   They destroyed that evidence  to hide
that fact and THEN…
THEN they installed the program Dianne Feisntein is pushing,  get out
of jail swipe cards for her Congressional cronies in telephony and
If that one passes, we will be passing into Cromwell territory, Volks!
 That’s when my kin split the island.  Then won’t Germania look
Superior to US?
Truth and reconciliation is the best bet for a safe and secure
national resolution to this mess.  We have to model how to accept that
we are iceholes and STOP IT!!   Who better than the largest one on the
Civil rights violations at the top of the Kiwi food chain, all put to
rest by “legal” means.
Who else pulled off such magnificent suppression of evidence that the
people never saw the cream pies coming?  Any tyrant who ever rose to
make a mockery of a human race.
    *  indigenousattention says:
10 Mar 2014 at 10:48 pm
that a thread of decency still exists within our governments
when does anyone imagine has this ever, in human history, amounted to
more than wishful thinking?  it’s like happiness – we can hope for
moments of decency, but to anticipate (or retcon) “institutionalized
decency” is a mug’s game.
    107.  Paul Fleischer says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:09 am
Still a long way to go but I’m extremely heartened by the comments
here and always hoped/knew that this sort of malfeasance would be
inherently rejected by the citizenry (once we had the actual
documentation and proof)…..I’m also very pleased that at this point
many do not appear to be chilled. I think we owe that to the people
bringing us the info because their courage has solidified ours…..The
history of this type of government behavior is well documented and
compelling….I’m encouraged that many have not forgotten the lessons
learned.  Thank you all.
    108.  Arthur says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:01 am
They can’t prosecute them for publishing the information because I, an
American taxpaying citizen, pursuant to the US Constitution and the
Bill of Rights have expressly authorized them to publish anything they
desire and I will be more than happy to be called as a witness in any
court, anywhere in the world, to testify to my unconditional consent
to allow them to publish everything.   So any time any government such
as the US government tries to tell you something different, you’ll
know they are just trying to string you along!  …..
    109.  AGGRIEVED says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:59 am
It gets worse and worse. The inmates are running the asylum. Go
Intercept! You are so needed. My head aches, my country bleeds, NSA
and GCHQ and the rest must be defanged. Barring world-wide
insurrection the courts of the USA and UK must do the job!!!!
    110.  Titonwan says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:51 am
Off Topic-

Test Test Test
Test (Seeing if ‘emphasis’ works for italics coding)
    *  Common 'Tater says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:57 pm
Test, test, test
Test(seeing if drone can acquire targeting coordinates of this IP address.)
    *  coram nobis says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:20 pm
Target acquired. Toast, toast, toast.
    111.  Joshua H. says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:37 am
Well, it’s one thing to suspect something is happening, but another
thing entirely to have it confirmed. Now I suspect that websites that
have linked to WikiLeaks are also being monitored, including other
journalistic websites like Democracy Now!.
As a journalism major in college, I can’t help but be annoyed at how
it seems too few citizens actually care enough to effectively do
something about this. I mean, there was still plenty of evidence of
government corruption in 2012, yet voters reacted like nothing was
wrong, giving the parties in power (the Democrats and Republicans, of
course) 98% or so of the vote. There have been some small to moderate
sized protests, but there isn’t any sign that people are changing
their voting habits or protesting en masse. And there doesn’t seem to
be much of any sort of progress in Britain or the rest of the Five
ether. Perhaps one day many more people will wake up and finally do
something about all this.
A big thank you to all remaining decent journalists out there. Thank
you Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Ryan Gallagher, Laura Poitras,
Amy Goodman, and anyone else that prefers to be the Exception to the
Rulers instead of their mouthpiece. And an even bigger thank you to
the whistleblowers that risk their life and liberty to better inform
the world about these abuses of power.
    *  Aggrieved says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:01 am
Very well stated!!!!!!!!!!
    *  Lushy says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:25 am
I think you are not alone with this problem. I think it is much harder
to mobilize enough people for an abstract problem like corruption or
violation of human rights in the wonderland internet than say,
complete obliteration by nuclear warfare. It starts with: What is the
internet? And I assure you, throughout all generations you will
realize that most people simply neither know nor care.
But there is also another very important factor at play, I believe.
And as a journalism major shouldn’t you be aware of the role mass
media plays in all of this? From personal observation I will take
following example: How often do you read or hear the word terror in
mass media compared to – say – cancer. Which is a good example,
because both terms get thrown around like crazy as both are big
security issues for the common woman or man. But whereas cancer can
literally hit anyone anytime and kills a much larger amount, terror is
not only more prominent a term but it gets reported on whereever it
We don’t care about how cancer inducing the sulfur smoke is for people
“mining” sulfur in some third world country – not newsworthy at least.
But when our milk packaging might cause cancer – you got yourself a
Why then should we care about acts of terrorism all over the world.
Especially when media attention is the aim of terroristic attacks? Ok,
if people of your nation are killed or injured there is some relation
at least. But why is it that prominent a topic? Is it because we love
tragedy so much? Is it entertainment? Is purely coincidental that
terror is the number 1 arguement since 9/11 – and that terror was a
strong and popular arguement for controlling politcal parties and
outlaw meetings in the beginnings of Nazi Germany? On a side note: my
parents connotate terror with the RAF, with a time of very real fear.
I am completely aware of how shaky my points are and I have no idea of
how topic choices in mass media work and why; that is why I responded
to you. I am – as you – grateful for the ongoing report on the topic
but I almost think it is not enough, not critically enough, not simple
enough. I think it does not appeal to a broad audience. I seldomly
wish for more sensationalism than now, but I think it would be a good
start. Am I completly wrong here? I am actually asking you
    *  Joshua H. says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:41 pm
There’s a saying I’ve learned: “If it bleeds, it leads.” You are
right, unfortunately. In many cases it is sensationalism that often
drives what makes the headlines in most of the mass media. This has
been the case for quite some time. Even Edward R. Murrow made some
pointed comments about how television was threatening to become an
instrument to entertain rather than teach or instruct. And now look at
what’s happened these days.
But this drive towards sensationalism and less informative journalism
exists because that is what a significant segment of the population
wants. They want to be entertained, to be amused, to be insulated from
the serious issues that don’t seem to make as much sense as something
that singularly blames the Democrats or the Republicans. It is the
mindset of society in general that would have to change, and that is
no easy thing to bring about. I guess, unless something changes
otherwise, it will be said in future times that the people fiddled as
their rights burned.
As for whether we should sensationalize news information such as this
to give it more mass appeal, I can’t see how this could get any more
sensational than it already is. To me, it’s inexplicable. I don’t want
to say that it’s because the public is, overall, less educated or less
willing to inform themselves as from what I’ve seen before, but I
can’t think of any other explanation besides that. If one looks at how
people voted in our country’s past, one sees that people stopped
electing third party candidates to Congress around 1950, almost right
when Murrow first began noticing the issues with mass media and the
    *  David Walters says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:59 pm
There’s another old saying, “The nail that sticks out get hammered down.”
IMHO, that pretty well explains why so few seem to care.  We’re on the
way to becoming North Korea.
    *  William Payne says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:41 pm
David, there is a hell of a long way to go before we get anywhere near
North Korea.
Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be careful though…. Evil is banal enough
that it passes un-noticed and un-remarked-upon when it is closest to
    *  Lushy says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:26 pm
Thanks for answering. I really have problems putting what I want to
say into words. So let’s start out easy, it is capitalism that ruined
your elections (I also find it very weird that Americans deliberately
only choose between two parties) – but without loads of money there is
just no way to campaign in the US. That seems very clear to me. i mean
why would a company even consider taking the risk of sponsoring a
third party – its like throwing away money. And there is no interest
in more than two parties, because that way you get about a 50/50
chance of influencing the new government. And the same capitalism
ruined mass media, because you show the masses what will bring you
So maybe the media should educate more or directly go against
government statements – which in America I think will be hard to pull
off. … (btw not saying capitalism is all bad, but it’s downsides are
I think I am getting to (y)our original problem, because the ones who
really want to do something see this huge array of problems arising
when trying to find a solution for just one and ultimately a solution
would take away every security we value.
We 1: want it to happen fast, as there is necessity to act (but fast
change is not pulled of peacefully, we want that as well) and 2: we
are maybe really scared of what every generation before us went
through. We want a system reset without the uncertainty of a collapse.
We see no sense in the slow route because of corruption in the
financial and political sector (there is no trust). As we can’t have
it our desired way, we look at the reports of foreign countries like
north korea and think “uh.. well, its not so bad”
I put my hope into the potential of the internet, but it is still so
new and people cannot cope with its anonymity. And then I think about
how it is monitored in its entirety (yes, it does not go much more
sensational, you are right) by governments who I think have a lot of
interest in people not crossing artificial boundaries like language or
nationality. See – so many problems again!
So basically I am 100% on your side when you say there is a need for
society to change. Problem is, I have no real idea how to go about it
or how to communicate it to – let’s say – people whose main questions
would be: What about my job? You know my family? My security? My
standard of life? My food? My home? MY STUFF? You know, real people
problems of the now and next year. This cannot be solved on an
intellectual level alone.
But concering the media, I think it will be a good step to stop
explaining the gravity of the how and start explaining the why and its
implications. For example calling bullshit on the war against terror –
once and for all.
But maybe change is already happening, but our generation is more
impatient than ever as we are used to get everything within the blink
of an eye (information, shipping, entertainment,…) or maybe the
collapse is just around the corner.
As I see no real options I will play along, educate myself, utter my
oppinion whenever i feel someone listens and wait for some train to
jump on, some idea to act on or something big to happen. Maybe the
people with access to Snowden’s documents have a good plan at their
hands, I hope so. So far I am impressed how everytime the topic seems
to die they release something new, as if they are aware of the time
change will take. – I hope for a bomb at the end, because I stick to
this thing lacking mass appeal and there are many more factors to
blame than just the people who are not interested in their rights
being taking away.
    112.  Some guy says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:19 am
I hope you see the irony that this website is using Google Analytics
(and Mixpanel) which is doing exactly the same thing: “collecting the
IP addresses of visitors in real time, as well as the search terms
that visitors used to reach the site from search engines like Google.”
    *  Jose says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:43 am
Is Google targeting people based on their political views (e.g.
whether they support Wikileaks or Snowden, for example?) Does Google
have the power to persecute people using that data?
Not the same thing at all.
    *  David says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:12 pm
And yet I have both of those services blocked by a browser plug-in. Do
you honestly think I can do the same against the NSA?
    113.  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:59 am
“It’s Chinatown, Jack.  Didn’t you see Dianne Feinstein there?  She’s
your sister.”   ((SLAP))
“OK, she’s your MOTHER.”  ((SLAP))
“OK, she’s your BIG BROTHER in drag.”  ((RIM SHOT))
    *  coram nobis says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:06 pm
– Next question.
– Jake Gittes, Los Angeles Times. Sir, who do you blame for that? Her?
– I don’t blame myself. You see, Mr. Gittes, most people never have to
face the fact that at the right time and the right place, they’re
capable of anything.
    114.  dubo6524 says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:48 am
Clapper today:
In his interview, Clapper continued to deny lying to Congress in March
2013, when he said the NSA did “not wittingly” collect data of any
sort on millions of Americans, a lie he has apologized for.
As he has since July, Clapper insisted he “wasn’t even thinking” of
the bulk phone data collection during his March 2013 testimony, and
suggested that only mind-readers could say for sure that he was lying.
“There is only one person on the planet who actually knows what I was
thinking,” Clapper told the Daily Beast. “Not the media, and not
certain members of Congress, only I know what I was thinking.”
This has to be the most ironic, least self-aware statement yet. I
guess only all of those “terrorist suspects” you’re eavesdropping on
know what they are thinking, you have no grounds to take their actual
spoken words to mean anything, right?
    *  El B says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:38 pm
EXACTLY!!!!! … but, for those of us who believe, there is at least one
more who knows what he was (and is always) thinking – and I have a
feeling Clapper is going to have a rather uncomfortable conversation
on that topic when he travels upstairs.  My God – these people are the
most shameless, conniving, morally bankrupt parasites … the fact that
these very sociopathic personality traits have provided them the
credentials and momentum to reach the levels of career success that
further encourages, rewards and concentrates their evil actions is
beyond my comprehension.  Honestly – shaking my damn head over
    115.  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:48 am
What is “the Corporate Network that supports NSA?”  Or does just
asking that question get one a quick trip to the Wizard’s office?
On page 13 of this 1996 periodical about all things socially
connected, the columnist asks, “Is Agency coming to the Internet?”
Then he breaks down SAIC’s board and the DoD, CIA and NSA connections.
I call BS on all tech and telephony mergers, acquisitions and IPOs
since 1996.  Didn’t the EU just suggest SAIC shouldn’t be in control
of the globe’s domain names? I agree.  And I haven’t even 2 stepped
SAIC’s boardroom, yet.
    116.  Jose says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:44 am
The next time someone claims that the US and the UK don’t spy on
people based on their political views, ask them how targeting of “the
human network that supports Wikileaks” can otherwise be explained.
    117.  inL_A says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:41 am
So I’m considered a terrorist now?
    118.  K. Higgs says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:40 am
I’m a college professor and worry greatly about surveillance and the
world my students face. It is difficult to convey to them the profound
importance in their lives of Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing.  And
given the ‘into the tipping point’ climate crisis we are now stumbling
blindly through, I worry that government surveillance ultimately
translates into big corporations taking absolute control of everyone’s
lives (except the rich), thus threatening the value life in all its
manifestations, human and otherwise.  If we let the NSA, the GCHQ and
other maleficent behemoths know all there is to know about us as
individuals, they will engineer and control the basic right to be
private, and in the process, destroy all that has merit in the world
as we know it.
    *  Rachael says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:07 pm
I am a college student myself. It scares the crap outta MYSELF that no
others people my age really care…. I’m on the same page as you
professor…. =[
    *  K. Higgs says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:26 am
It is sad, Rachael, they don’t care, and I know it too well; but young
people like you must not give up because all it takes is a dust mote
to gather water molecules around it to make a cloud.  So one informed
and ethical person can attract others of like mind to make change
possible.  Hang in there.
    *  Artsmith says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:18 pm
Check to see how many of your students know where the Red Sea is on a
world map.  Or when and where WorldWar II took place.  Or what nation
now has the greatest number of imprisoned former citizens. ???
They will be discovered to be Ignorant By Design.   And you are
willing to fight to the death for their democratic right to elect our
governments?  Failure is our destiny.
    *  K. Higgs says:
19 Feb 2014 at 9:41 am
It is dangerous to over-generalize.  Students in the US today don’t
have knowledge of geography, history, and other basics for a complex
set of reasons, all of which we at universities have to grapple with
in order to arm young people with some degree of ammunition as they
struggle in an increasingly ugly world.
As for whether or not I’m willing “to fight to the death for [the]
democratic right to elect our governments,” I’m a closet communist,
but humanity’s not ready for true collective sharing.  And I rather
agree with Russell Brand’s recent declarations of the pointlessness of
voting.  Governments have little power unless they’re in big
corporation pockets.  I’d fight to the death to eliminate big
    119.  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:35 am
Well, this site is obviously in GCHQ’s cross hairs, so, “HAY BOYS!
How’s it stacking?”
Does anyone recall GCHQ fretting amongst themselves they’d NOT
provided ENOUGH to NSA to keep the money rolling in?  So, who did they
add to their collection to keep up appearances?
    120.  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:27 am
Half way through Season 2 of House of Cards.
I get that the writers knew about Prism, but who tipped them off to
the mindscrews GCHQ turns for US? Wasn’t that drop post-production at
NBC Investigations?  Is entrapment just another crime NSA uses with
impunity to suppress us?
How is forcing adversaries of illegal surveillance to perform same for
the government under threat of imprisonment  NOT like making people
build V2s in the Vosages for publicly objecting to the Reich?  They
get to LIVE with the horror rather than do it until it kills them?  Or
they kill themselves?
Quite a compelling little drama Netflix has got there.  Hope Verison
doesn’t shorten their bandwidth.  Drama helps to flesh out the abuses
we are not permitted to acknowledge.  Does anyone smell hair burning?
Do NOT give the plot away, I got family in townand they are not up for
this kind of drama.  I’ll be over it next week.
This? I’m never getting over or forgiving on this one, so truth and
reconciliation are NSA’s best bet.  Better start bucking for it now
because the more I read, the less they deserve it.
    *  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:31 am
It was GOOGLE who pointed out the Vosages to me, so I hope GCHQ
includes them in my two step.
    *  overthrow-r1b says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:38 pm
They put me on a “terror watch list” after I caught and reported some
ground level racist government employees and their buddies using my
countries technology to prevent sales of my companies products…..
I called EVERY SINGLE sales representative, corportate buyer for every
retail store/quicki mart/drug store/gas station chain in the entire
country listed on google; and since called EVERY SINGLE civil rights
lawyer in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, most of Florida and
emailed/called every single Human Rights Organization in the world.
What was I supposed to do, I caught them red handed intercepting my
calls to some type of FBI/CIA call center and pretending to be the
buying offices from retailers and telling me no they’re not interested
in my products….
I would probably have around 20 billion dollars by now.  they effected
all of the potential buyers, all of the potential consumers…  It’s too
bad because I’m a real good person and a game changer.  My company was
politically correct and perfectly nationalistic, I’m 4th/5th
generation here in USA, the racist r1b intelligence agencies are the
only ones that had a problem with me and my company.
    *  OVERTHROW-R1B says:
25 Apr 2014 at 3:04 pm
Correction, my estimate is around 60billion “profit” with 15-20
billion per year continuing at this point.  (I haven’t added it up in
a while), the more I look at the Snowden Revelations the more it
vindicates my contentions.  It was difficult reporting this situation
the years prior to the Snowden Revelations without “public” trace’s of
these abuses, though I had zero doubt and proceeded.   That money was
worth way way more than 60bil usd in my hands.  It’s stolen and in
r1b’s pockets by now… and I’m probably being scheduled for my “next”
US gov assassination attempt.  They’re going to do it anyways and it’s
always been that way so I might as well run my mouth huh.  Y’all just
sit there and let them.
    *  James says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:27 am
It’s ok to reat, but not to write.
Because they’ll come after you with all their might
News is fun, news is great,
But for NSA, they can’t wait
The warning stands, your fate is in your hands.
Watch thy back jack!
    121.  Jose says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:26 am
This is from Nick Cohen of The Guardian, published June 2012:
“Definition of paranoia: supporters of Julian Assange.”
More pertinently, Greenwald and the rest of Assange’s supporters do
not tell us how the Americans could prosecute the incontinent leaker.
American democracy is guilty of many crimes and corruptions. But the
First Amendment to the US constitution is the finest defence of
freedom of speech yet written. The American Civil Liberties Union
thinks it would be unconstitutional for a judge to punish Assange.
How about this from RT: “US claims ‘no interest’ in Assange.”
The US ambassador to Australia, Jeffrey Bleich, rejected as “an
invention” claims that Washington was preparing a warrant for the
arrest of Julian Assange, an Australian national currently under house
arrest in Britain, over WikiLeaks’ role in publishing thousands of
secret US diplomatic cables last year.
Another denial in RawStory from 2012:
    *  dahoit says:
23 Feb 2014 at 11:50 am
See his latest BS where he says defund the terrorists,and doesn’t
include the west.Never have such ideological(Zionism) idiots been so
wrong about so much,and still allowed to bloviate.In a real world of
real discourse they would have been fired long ago.
    122.  Joseph Stalin says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:17 am
What’s everybody so upset about? I don’t see anything wrong with this.
    *  bloodypitchfork says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:22 pm
Says one with the username..Joseph Stalin.
    *  Joseph Stalin says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:39 pm
Yea that was the joke. You know, Stalin would have approved.
    123.  Jake E says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:13 am
Fuck the NSA.
    124.  Debian says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:06 am
great story its awesome to know the biggest spy agency in the world is
worried about PirateBay, A torrent tracker site that has no data at
all, just links, they host zero content.
    125.  Titonwan says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:47 am
‘Why Have You Gone to Russia Two Times in Three Months?’—Heathrow
Customs Agent Interrogates Snowden Lawyer
By: Kevin Gosztola Sunday February 16, 2014 12:37 pm
Here we go again…
Off Topic:  Does anyone know what sort of html you can use on these
comment boards and are the commands done with arrow brackets or
square?  Thanks in advance. Test [b]Test[/b]
    *  Jose says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:57 am
Some basic HTML seems to be supported:
b (bold)
i (italics)
    *  Titonwan says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:28 am
Thanks Jose.  What sort of brackets?
    *  Jose says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:32 am
Angle brackets. But evidently, blockquote is the only thing that
works. It should be pretty easy for The Intercept IT staff to add
support for i and b.
    *  Kitt says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:08 am
Use strong instead of ‘b’ in order to get a bold.
    *  barncat says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:02 am
Link: First Look Media
First Look Media

    *  babaganusz says:
17 Mar 2014 at 4:41 am
much obliged!
    126.  Bitty31985 says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:46 am
Dear God This is kick you in the stomach scary.  Welp I’m on the list.
  TY sooo much for the truth intercept crew!
    *  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:07 am
I can’t decide whether I’m glad my dad is dead, or alive so I could
say, “Told you so a thousand times!”
He told me he went to Nam to defend my right to demand answers of my
government, like “Why are you going so far away to fight people who
cannot hurt us?”  The man dropped napalm for this nation, I’d never
break his heart, twice.  I’m glad he’s dead, Jim.
But this government owes him.  His death was ruled service related.
That’s what guys who do our dirty work get while those who object get
    *  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:37 am
I’m with the prisoners, Dad, because what you told me, they’ve made
into a shiny lie.
I refuse to believe objecting to this atrocity makes me an adversary
of the US Constitution.  It is the foundation of my argument.  I argue
that my government is in violation of our rights and better back off
or inquires and expulsion and impeachment hearings are due them!
Watch out for false attributions, folks.   GCHQ’s known for making
them into threats, the dirty hackers!  They embed bugs, too!
I’m yoking my hyperbilly so FBI can’t claim I’m threatening THEM or
some entity like a corporation that can’t die but is happy to service
killing machines.
Here I thought I’d missed the most important boat in the history of
sounding ships having being born too late to ride the ’68.
Conning Tower, AWAY!  The Intecpet is headed for an online Pulitzer!
OK, some dullard at GCHQ may not know that was Pulitzer’s columnist’s
call to duty until the NYWorld sunk in 1931.
Have Watson read “America’s 60 Families” if you want to keep up,
Surelocks.  Then pray he doesn’t turn adversarial on you, too, Daisies
in Chains!
    *  Max P0W3R says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:14 pm
There are likely millions of war vets that are spinning in their grave
right now including the US founding fathers. I can’t speak for the
people currently in the military, but they are not stupid and probably
are quite upset about just how deep the dredging of our information
goes, and to what lengths the US will go to stop journalists and
    *  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:34 pm
Roger that, Max!  I got your six and hope this ain’t some sick GCHQ
double agent, because that’s my soft spot, sport.  The Constitution.
Why else did this BRAT watch her father suffer his sanity?  Had he
been insane, it might have been easier for him to take.
Beware war vets who wear Tabu.  The Croix de Feu Militia overturned
the French Third Republic in 1934 financed by industry and willing to
help put down labor strikes with new anti-Socialist and old
anti-Dreyfus sentiments.   Those who prefer a military state to a
democracy might make a little hay exploiting my kinda sentiment.
    127.  Nada says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:38 am
“…mentioning Anonymous by name.”
    128.  Titonwan says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:34 am
I sure appreciate all of these discoveries about the NSA and the other
five eyes but I sure would like to see some dirt on Wall Street, the
big banks and the politicians that are breaking the law serving them.
Anyway, thanks for the article Glenn et al.
    *  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:51 am
You can bet they got some big guns.  Probably some we’ve never heard
of before unless we shop at the NSA Store.
I’m sure I read DealB%k say JP Morgan had by far the FASTEST of such
surveillance systems operating nearest to them so as to wring every
nano moment out of the opporunity to cheat time when trading.
They can view moremarket variables in real time to measure risk in one
moment than NSA could conceive.  Now, would YOU as NSA let a bank
operate a system this broad and powerful without tapping that?  Who’s
not down wit dat?
    129.  Steeve says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:31 am
The internet is dead.
    *  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:54 am
“…Please don’t shake me, now…I’m only sleeping…”
Your line ain’t dead until the screen shakes.  Then you know GCHQ’s
got you by the short wires.  Sis’s smart phone is sitting next to me.
Should I be ALARMED?  Can it hotwire my lappie?
    130.  Thingumbob (@Thingumbobesq) says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:27 am
“[All] of GCHQ’s work is carried out in accordance with a strict legal
and policy framework…” Indeed as was the Third Reich’s
Volksgerichtshof.  Sure hope that Glenn Greenwald & co. continue to
“have their fun” at the expense of these lawbreakers… And if in the
tradition of their pursuit of happiness comes a little rain every now
and then for the financial oligarchy, so be it. In fact, here’s to
opening the floodgates once and for all.
    *  abbadabba says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:04 am
Is that not the longest evasive answer in the common  language?  They
have to say it so often, it comes out like Penzance, Major-General!
Folks at the Guardian are pitchforking that haystack for laughs,
Nightly.  The UK specializes in specialties for special purposes so
specifically you get so engaged by the droning you forget why they
evaded your radar in the first place.
Is this a Hacking story or a GCHQ one?   There’s some Venn between
them.  You convict one, you convict them all.
Check out Nacht and Nebel, and then try to go to sleep , tonight.  You
may need to insert “und” or Google will think it’s Greek. I’ve been
letting Google translate a LOT of Germany wiki lately.  They OWE ME!!
    131.  Dustin says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:17 am
By now it’s become pretty clear WE ALL are considered a potential
threat to the powers-that-be, be that the Five Eyes gang, smaller
European nations or the usual suspects Americans tend to point to when
they feel caught in the headlights, China and Russia. It’s necessary
to realise NOBODY is considered innocent any more until proven so. And
from the POV of our Evil Big Brothers just thinking critical is
already a threat to their omnipotence. From organisations like NSA the
only solution they will ever find for any problem is more surveillance
and less dissent. I’m fully aware I’m already considered a suspect for
supporting wikileaks, The Intercept and others just by sharing content
on Facebook and telling these people to mind their own business.
That’s already enough. And not so long in the future just THINKING
such will be enough to justify even worse measures. After all, the
only way to be absolutely 100 per cent safe from us is to get rid of
 us for good, isn’t it? Some eighty years ago the free world was at
war to prevent just this scenario. And succeeded then. Today it looks
as if they could have saved themselves the trouble.
    132.  George Cantrell says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:04 am
Great reporting. Keep up the good work. These rogue, privacy hating
criminals need to be exposed in every manner possible, as well as all
private sector corporations who cooperate with or facilitate their
turnkey tyranny apparatus.
    133.  wingding says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:03 am
Soon, your local police will be randomly checking your “papers.” Ahhh,
the good ol’ days of the Gestapo and KGB are back. Feel more secure?
    *  cwolf says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:48 am
What do you think Stop & Frisk is all about?
    *  102030 says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:11 pm
That is a very good point, if these privacy violations aren’t stopped
now, we will see this surveillance technology in the hands of local
police departments. Surveillance from an all powerful state is scary,
but can you imagine the horror that would be created if local police
departments can use these same technologies to scale down what the NSA
is doing, to small localities, and truly create ubiquitous
surveillance of all. We have a militarized police force seeking out
enemies where they don’t exist and a private prison Industry that
feeds on increased incarceration this is dream technology to them.
That would be my biggest fear, the state is limited because it must
analyze and synthesize such massive amounts of data, if police
localities are allowed this technology that challenge is eliminated
and you can truly “watch” everyone.
    *  roggy says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:07 pm
“would be”
already have that
they call them Fusion Centers
    134.  Bobby says:
18 Feb 2014 at 7:42 am
Is there a mistake with the first link? It links to a power point
entitled “Psychology: A New Kind of SIGDEV” when tt purports to be a
document that shows ” that GCHQ… was able to collect the IP addresses
of visitors in real time, as well as the search terms that visitors
used to reach the site from search engines like Google.” Looking
through those slides, it’s not clear that document supports that
    *  nTWH says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:33 pm
See page 34
    135.  Savewildlife says:
18 Feb 2014 at 7:29 am
Always learning from experience. Any chance of  Anticrisis Girl or any
of her lovely sisters sporting their charms on  The Intercept pages?
    *  dot tilde dot says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:14 am
you have a lot of backlog to read. much has neen written since you’ve
been in the woods.
    136.  Keller says:
18 Feb 2014 at 7:13 am
It is not that bad – after all. Everybody is fine, even the terrorists.
    137.  Metacker says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:43 am
How can TheIntercept report on GCHQ spying with piwik and then use
Google Analytics themselves? Could you please remove that?
    138.  sandra sharratt says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:33 am
Lingering questions…What does any of this spying have to do with
fighting terrorism?  If I tweet, link, Facebook or e-mail any Snowden
or Wikileaks documents then am I not just as guilty as the originator
for passing on stolen classified information?  Are the jails big
enough to make this all go away?
    *  Mike Sulzer says:
18 Feb 2014 at 7:46 am
No, and one would also have to argue that if Manning made public
certain documents, then Wikileaks is OK as well.  Once it is out, it
is out; but how far can the definition of “out” be pushed?  It would
appear that “as far as we want” is the working definition in some
parts of the US Justice department.
    *  Jose says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:02 am
None, but that’s surely going to be their excuse: It has to do with
terrorism because some of the documents published by Wikileaks were
about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course, you could say that
about any media organization that publishes classified national
security information.
Now, when it comes to spying on the Pirate Bay, that has exactly zero
to do with terrorism or national security. It’s purely done on behalf
of a specific industry with a lot of leverage. I wonder if any of the
NSA’s work product has been used in litigation against the Pirate Bay.
    *  sandra sharratt says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:46 am
It’s confusing that “Collateral Murder” is considered national
security information when it is so obviously about an out of control
military that needs reigning in not protection.  The world needs
protection against that type of terrorism, we don’t need protection
from the person that tells us the truth or the journalist that helps
the whisleblowers tell that truth.
    *  Denise says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:17 pm
Welcome to the real world where what you thought was white is black
and what you thought was black is white.
That is to say, those we have been taught are the good guys are the
meanings SOBs that ever walked the planet; those we have been taught
are ‘terrorists’ are ordinary people like you and me fighting back the
only way they know how.
There is not much truth in any of the other things we have been taught
to believe is true either.
It was a tough adjustment to make for me, too.
    139.  Common 'Tater says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:27 am
“exemplifies the start of an international effort to focus the legal
element of national power upon non-state actor Assange”
The only place I have seen the term ‘non-state actor’ is in
definitions of terrorism. So the ‘legal element of national power’
being considered is anti-terrorism statutes. This is a clear
indication, for any who may have doubted, that the government intends
to apply anti-terrorism laws against journalists. They have previously
argued that the act of publishing is a form of ‘communication with the
enemy’ under the Espionage Act. So not only is journalism
criminalized, it falls under a statutory regime where many elements of
due process have been suspended under the rationale of the extreme
threat to society posed by terrorism.
Luckily, most journalists should be able to escape prosecution by
demonstrating their loyalty and subservience to the state and becoming
‘state approved non-state actors’.
    *  Jose says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:12 am
Luckily, most journalists should be able to escape prosecution by
demonstrating their loyalty and subservience to the state and becoming
‘state approved non-state actors’.
That explains why it’s so common.
    140.  Radguy says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:22 am
Imagine of they actually had broad public support for their tyrannical
views.  It’s a good thing that reflexive patriotic views are exposed
for their lack of principle online.
Anyway, now imagine how paranoid the lot of them would feel, knowing
the enormity and futility of their mission.  You guys at NSA, you’re a
bunch of nobodies.  Track me if you enjoy being constantly flamed.
Alan Taylor (pgp board) can testify to this.  To audiences, bullying
is no match for taking the piss.
    141.  Gerard van Beusekom says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:13 am
Could you widen your scope please?
Both sides seem to agree that there is a difference between citizens
and an American citizens. I vaguely remember a text about  a
self-evident truth, that all men are creted equal.
    *  Scott B says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:01 am
Yeah, sadly our Supreme Court long ago ignored the actual wording in
our basic documents long ago.  No where in the Bill of Rights are US
citizens designated separately from foreigners.  It refers to people
and places limits on the US government against them.  Just another
example of how lawmakers, lawyers, and judges have slowly twisted our
nation and worded holes around our rights.
    142.  colin says:
18 Feb 2014 at 5:05 am
Why is there such a disconnect between the people and the ‘servants’
of the people, (not just in the US, but worldwide) namely governments
and government employees. How did we get to this space where we can’t
trust our elected officials to be honest and show a modicum of
integrity and decency. I’m sure its not I the plebs doing the leg
work, they just earn a paycheck, the problem, I’m sure, lies with
decision makers (and unelected bureaucrats).  These revelations will
end up by turning people against their own governments, because I’m
sure most thinking people are sick to death of being lied to.
    *  Rui says:
18 Feb 2014 at 7:20 am
Because there are some dudes(gov. employees) who do anything,
including screwing up their peers, in exchange for money. Resuming:
    *  bloodypitchfork says:
18 Feb 2014 at 12:44 pm
“How did we get to this space where we can’t trust our elected
officials to be honest and show a modicum of integrity and decency. ”
Easy. When donating money to election campaigns became legal. I’ve
often wondered why there isn’t a law prohibiting it, and a law that
provides EQUAL and LIMITED funding by virtue of taxes for all election
campaigns. Oh..and get rid of the electoral college bullshit too.
    143.  Raphael Cruz says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:55 am
“…paranoid conspiracy nuts.” Yeah, right…
All this stuff I’ve been hollering about since before 2005 when I
stumbled across Echelon, the 90s and earlier version of what’s been
happening since 9/11, stuff I was absolutely convinced was happening
but was greeted by eye-rolls and tin-foil hat references, is now shown
not only to be incontrovertibly true, but of a scope beyond belief.
They’re sniffing, tracking, and recording EVERYTHING, from the swipe
of your supermarket affinity card to your ATM withdrawals and every
other electronic transaction imaginable, whether or not it’s connected
to a network. And their stunningly powerful analytical tools (e.g.,
the NarusInsight Intercept Suite – “cybersecurity products that
harness the semantic web for automated, continuous machine learning” –
developed by Narus, formerly an Israeli firm and now owned by Boeing)
are poring though all of it, 24/7, building profiles, scenarios,
simulations, and forecasts.
The only reasonable assumption at this point is that there is no safe harbor.
    144.  Greg says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:48 am
Thank you all at The Intercept for trying to keep the truth alive. The
truth needs the light of day in order to survive and you all are the
Hoa binh
    145.  suprabrew says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:40 am
“The document details, on a country-by-country basis, efforts by the
U.S. government and its allies to locate, prosecute, capture or kill
alleged terrorists, drug traffickers, Palestinian leaders and others.”
Further proof what country and in who’s interest the NSA’s illegal
surveillance is used for.
“The document details, on a country-by-country basis, efforts by the
U.S. government and its allies to locate, prosecute, capture or kill
alleged terrorists, drug traffickers, Palestinian leaders and others.”
Who else but Israel looks for and kills Palestinian leaders.  Snowden
documents proved unfiltered NSA data is being sent to Israel in near
real time plus the latest disclosure of an American satellite
surveillance post is located in Israel.
    *  suprabrew says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:43 am
Sorry, didn’t mean to double-post, my wifi is sketchy.
    146.  suprabrew says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:36 am
“The document details, on a country-by-country basis, efforts by the
U.S. government and its allies to locate, prosecute, capture or kill
alleged terrorists, drug traffickers, Palestinian leaders and others.”
Further proof what country and in who’s interest the NSA’s illegal
surveillance is used for.
Who else but Israel looks for and kills Palestinian leaders.  Snowden
documents proved unfiltered NSA data is being sent to Israel in near
real time plus the latest disclosure of an American satellite
surveillance post is located in Israel.
    147.  Greg says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:34 am
Thank all of you at The Intercept for trying to keep the truth alive.
The truth needs the light of day to survive and you are the sunshine.
Thank you.
Hoa binh
    148.  budhudnut says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:31 am
An entry from August 2010 – headlined “United States, Australia, Great
Britain, Germany, Iceland” – states: “The United States on August 10
urged other nations with forces in Afghanistan, including Australia,
United Kingdom, and Germany, to consider filing criminal charges
against Julian Assange.”
This quote from the “Manhunting Timeline” does not mention that one of
the countries with forces in Afghanistan, whose governments are urged
by the NSA to seek legalistic means to defeat Assange, was Sweden.
    149.  Greg says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:28 am
Thank you all at The Intercept for trying to keep the truth alive.
Truth needs the light of day to grow and you folks are the sunshine.
Hoa Binh
    150.  Fran Macadam says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:27 am
The U.S. government explicitly warned its employees that reading
leaked documents, whether at the New York Times, Washington Post, The
Guardian or at WL was illegal. Those doing so could lose clearances,
employment or even be prosecuted. While the government might not be
able to directly jeopardize private sector employment of individuals,
this opinion made clear that while some of those news organizations
might not be prevented from publishing (possibly more out of concern
for negative PR perceptions), the act of reading still-classified
documents at those news sites was still illegal for those without
clearance, including the general public. It seems clear that the
enhanced investigation and identification of millions of ordinary news
consumers has been justified through the covert reasoning and
decision-making that has now been publicly revealed.
The evidence seems to make it an inescapable conclusion that mass
secret surveillance, with or without oversight, has morphed into a
political operation, far from dealing with overt threats of violence,
as it did during the COINTEL era, to target as threats peaceful
domestic political criticism of government policy.  Since never before
has the national security state employed so many millions, using
advanced automated technology, the capability to effortlessly target
millions of ordinary citizens is something with far greater impact
than deployed during past overreaches, which consequences of natural
secret police instincts have not been thought through either by most
politicians or the public.
    151.  suprabrew says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:24 am
You can bet your bottom dollar that the Intercept, all staff and all
visitors (especially comment posters) are subject to ongoing
surveillance regardless of legal or ethical boundaries.
    152.  Martey says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:57 am
Omg! I come in peace! Why must all these confusions? I am only a
starving knowledge maniac. I have no interest in hurting anyone in my
process of knowing whatever that my brain craves.  Now let me put
everything to rest.. I am not a terrorist.. ahahahahah and yes I like
to read for my own self entertainments.  And I like to gather stories
and analyzed them almost like make my own news report.  I never harm
anyone at all and I will never ever hurt anyone. I do all this for no
reason at all.. maybe hobby. No evil is a motto i live by
everyday…Okay, now stop being paranoid and help me helped everybody
help ourself through finding cures for all sorts of illiness.
    153.  Cornor says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:53 am
Well , Wikileaks has been pretty used to put down the reign of
corruption and fear that Banks and Govs of any size had against their
own users / citizens . A Real Politician World and a good government
should be proud of this , instead they allow agencies to spend the
money from those same citizens to deny this job of truth and progress
Sovereignty is owned by citizens not by Governments , rise your voice
and yours hands against and now
to protect your children and the future generations !
 We already won just another little push to smash them up definitely !
    154.  Minneapolismark says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:39 am
Could you widen your scope please?  This is interesting but you seem
obsessed with the US/UK. What about Russia, China, Iran etc?
    *  suprabrew says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:28 am
Minneapolismark, if you provide the reporters with documentation of
Russian and Chinese cybercrimes, I’m sure they will report it.
    *  Glenn Greenwald says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:50 am
Could you widen your scope please? This is interesting but you seem
obsessed with the US/UK. What about Russia, China, Iran etc?
Two points:
(1) When a source provides you with tens of thousands of top secret
documents from one of the most secretive agencies of the world’s most
powerful governments, constituting the biggest security leak in
American history, you tend to focus on reporting those documents. I
know that’s really strange, but that’s how it is.
(2) As for one’s duties as a citizen and a journalist, see here.
    *  William Payne says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:42 am
Point 1: Fair enough … but putting the story into a global and
historical context would also help people’s understanding of the
Point 2: Partially disagree. You should make your position on other
transgressors and aggressors Utterly. Crystal. Clear. After that, you
can concentrate on debating what it will take for our own “tribe” to
“recapture the moral high ground”.
On a related note:
You believe in journalism-as-advocacy. That’s fine … but real life is
not a courtroom. Personal attacks and an absolutist stance do little
to facilitate or encourage the inevitable accommodation that must be
I personally believe that a system can be engineered that will give
the public (and me!) the reassurance that we need, whilst also giving
the security services both an appropriate mission scope and all the
tools that they need to fulfil that mission.
It is, after all, only engineering, and, with the right level of will
and determination, anything is possible. Like other engineering tasks,
the biggest challenge is making sure that the specification is clear,
precise, well-understood and agreed-upon. (The devil, of course, is in
the details).
    *  Kitt says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:28 am
Point 2: Partially disagree. You should make your position on other
transgressors and aggressors Utterly. Crystal. Clear. After that, you
can concentrate on debating what it will take for our own “tribe” to
“recapture the moral high ground”.
Tribe? Moral highground? “Re” capture? Who says our “tribe” ever had
“the moral high ground?” Is that the “tribe” that perpetrated and even
left it intact as of the writing of the constitution, and the “tribe”
that slaughtered and displaced native people?
Chomsky answers most of your “partially disagree” with what I’ve
re-quoted from him here:
“That has about as much ethical value as denouncing atrocities that
took place in the 18th century.”–Chomsky
    *  Kitt says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:29 am
Left out the word ‘slavery’ in the sentence ‘perpetrated/left intact.
    *  William Payne says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:38 pm
I don’t exist on the same intellectual plane as Chomsky, but to my
simple brain a straightforward hedge against being (ab)used as a
“useful idiot” seems prudent.
    *  coram nobis says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:18 pm
“a system can be engineered that will give the public (and me!) the
reassurance that we need”
Can be engineered by whom? Fort Meade? GCHQ? Microsoft? Somehow this
isn’t terribly reassuring.
    *  William Payne says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:03 pm
I had a public standards process more in mind. Certainly a number of
private companies need to do more to secure their external and
internal communications. There is no reason why we should not set
standards and allow organisations to be audited against those
Equally, we can set (public) standards for companies that hold public
data: how the data should be treated, what precautions should be taken
against unauthorised access and theft, what approaches to analysing
and exploiting the data are legitimate, and which are not.
In this manner, we can build up a vocabulary for talking about data
and privacy; a way of discussing, categorising and quantifying harm,
abuse, and the protections that guard against it.
With this vocabulary, understanding and expertise in place, we can be
more professional and effective about how we guide and control (for
example, though legislation) the actions and the impact of all actors
that manage personal data, including the security services.
With particular reference to the public sector part of it, it is worth
bearing in mind that our bureaucracies and laws are all components of
a social machine, albeit a machine with human components. (We can
debate the quality of the engineering later).
The same principles of expertise, abstraction, and terminology apply
to social constructs as to engineering constructs.
    *  coram nobis says:
18 Feb 2014 at 4:11 pm
All quite valid, Mr. Payne, and it could be a worthwhile framework.
The people around it, directing it, trying to co-opt it — the human
factor — is still more nebulous, which is why I asked, “by whom?”
Let’s characterize this problem as a metaphor. The letters of transit
may be valid, even of unquestioned integrity, and may convey us out of
Casablanca after all. It’s the people around them that you need to
worry about.
    *  overthrow-r1b says:
27 Feb 2014 at 3:29 pm
CHOMSKY: “It is very easy to denounce the atrocities of someone else.
That has about as much ethical value as denouncing atrocities that
took place in the 18th century.”
The exact same people who committed those atrocities are the exact
same people who are still committing them.  They never stopped.  You
might want to rethink that one.  The more you look into it the more
you realize its just one group of people responsible for all the
Denouncing their atrocities is the height of ethical value.  It is
everyone’s responsibility and imperative to this situation.
How else do you explain to people that r1b took over 5 continents with
backwards retarded genocides and that they’re still doing it?  They
haven’t stopped for a moment.
Chomsky will need to review the new genetics information available and
reconsider his statement.
That error in the statement is probably why I’ve seen it broadcasted
so many times.
The only reason the CIA didn’t do something with Chomsky is because he
has an absolute zero in the category of leadership ability.  The same
with Bill Gates and Buffet etc.
There’s nothing to agree with regarding the end of his statement, it’s
just wrong and inaccurate.  You should clarify Mr. Greenwald because
you’ve posted it a couple times now and it’s wrong.
    *  kamikazee commentator (& waterbordee) says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:03 am
r1b took over 4 continents in a few hundred years with genocide.  they
lead the world in human rights abuses and are forcing russia and China
to follow suit in order to compete.  (not to mention the specific ydna
majorities that arose in russia/india and China were caused by western
intelligence in the first place).
Russia and China can’t do anything without the west stopping (actual)
human rights abuses except compete.
If the r1b countries (entire western hemisphere, australia, europe
etc) release its intelligence cattle from its mental institutions,
prisons, guantanamo etc then russia can relinquish its islamic
territories etc. and China can release Tibet etc.
Russia, China, Israel and everyone else can’t do anything because r1b
is sitting around torturing, raping and stealing everything from
overthrow r1b, the intelligence belongs to the people who actually
made it not r1b.
they are stealing intelligence from everyone and forcing technology to
be designed so that only they can use it and so that it only benefits
them.  they lie about every single thing every single time.
    *  kamikazee commentator (& waterboardee) says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:31 am
i mean 5 continents.  and now they want to throw a big world wide
“democracy” party….
    *  Wulfsten says:
18 Feb 2014 at 6:11 am
It’s not really newsworthy to report that Russia, China and Iran are
all horrifically oppressive governments with extremely active
surveillance and repression structures.
Three reasons so much more attention is paid to the US and UK’s activities:
1) The vast majority of the audience for this website are from one of
the “Five Eyes” countries. These people naturally have a much greater
interest in what their governments are up to, since they are the most
likely targets, and they also have the greatest ability to effect
change in their own country.
2) The US and its allies are far, far more powerful than Iran, Russia,
and even China. You may as well ask a blog that focuses on military
affairs why they do not cover a buildup of six shooters and AK-47s in
Bhutan. This is the most pervasive and active surveillance network in
the world.
3) The UK, US and their allies are supposed to be the “free” and
“democratic” countries. The hypocrisy is overwhelming, and it’s
salutary for citizens of these countries to realise that they are not
“the good guys”.
    *  Jose says:
18 Feb 2014 at 7:30 am
From an international perspective, the US is much more interesting
than Russia and China, which are relatively minor powers. The US does,
in fact, have influence over hundreds of governments around the world.
Russia and China — very few. The US interferes in the politics of
other countries. It funds opposition figures, etc. Its corporate media
is influential globally. The US has about a 1000 military bases
outside its borders. China has none. Russia has a handful. In terms of
international violence in recent times, no one beats the US.
    *  dahoit says:
23 Feb 2014 at 12:02 pm
The MSM are all over Russian and Chinese crimes,but all they come up
with is pretty much nada,or claims wo evidence,while the evidence of
the US,Britain and Nato’s crimes are seen everywhere by non jaundiced
    155.  AJK says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:30 am
Where is this site located?  Can it be labelled a “malicious foreign actor?
    156.  mr snoid says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:29 am
So how long before The Intercept is designated a “malicious foreign target?”
    *  Preston Maness says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:45 am
Hash: SHA512
Momentarily. I’m sure Greenwald and Co. have got more to this story in
the pipeline. There’s no way the NSA would stop at just Wikileaks if
they’re also bothering with The Pirate Bay. I wonder what other
political organizations have had the privilege of being considered for
“malicious foreign target” status?
Remember of course that the NSA need not classify any domestic
political organization or movement as a malicious target. They can
always count on the GCHQ to do that for them. Honestly, I think that’s
the biggest revelation of them all. That piwik screengrab proves that
the NSA has no problem leaning on GCHQ to tackle targets that US law
prevents them from attacking.
And we’re supposed to believe that the FISA Amendments Act will do
anything to stop this.
Version: GnuPG v1
    *  F says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:34 am
I can tell you one US educational NGO that has been under total NSA
surveillance for years — including full content telephone and email
wiretapping — and that would be ELAW (Environmental Law Alliance
Worldwide), their crime being that they supply reference material
    *  NGOmonitoring says:
18 Feb 2014 at 8:49 am
Yes, I too would like to see more on NSA monitoring of plain vanilla NGOs.
For keyword searching of Snowden documents, I can suggest a US
educational non-profit that has likely been under total NSA
surveillance for years and years — including full content telephone
and email wiretapping — and that would be ELAW (Environmental Law
Alliance Worldwide) based in Oregon, their threat to national security
being that they supply reference scientific and legal background
material to budding environmental lawyers in developing countries.
That information can have the effect of adding constraints and costs
to flat-out unmitigated resource extraction by foreign multinationals
and so menaces US economic well-being.
If this material lies in the Snowden documents, it could add another
angle to NSA ‘defeat’ of attorney-client privilege — deprive them of
attorneys altogether, or failing that, any applicable environmental
    157.  Johnna Zwernemann says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:26 am
Anticrisis Girl. Tater salad. You got me.
    158.  Jason says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:10 am
Iam not worried about the NSA, If they do not have anything on me,
they will just make it up so either way, why worry about it? Its not
like we can do anything, all they have to say is i have downloaded
child porn and most everyone you know will turn their back on you. We
know its corrupt, but the real question is, when are We the People
gonna stand up and show them show pays their paychecks and put then in
check where they belong?
    159.  George Maschke says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:08 am
I’m an American citizen running a non-profit, public interest website
called AntiPolygraph.org that is critical of official reliance on
polygraph “testing” for national security and public safety purposes.
In August 2013, I received a report from a U.S. Navy petty officer
that when he reported for a recent DoD polygraph examination, he was
presented with a log of his web browsing the night before, on his
personal computer using his personal ISP in his own home. They knew he
had visited AntiPolygraph.org and set about trying to discredit the
information we present. This would be an instance of (presumably) NSA
targeting an American visitor to a lawful, American-operated website
and exploiting that information in near real-time. For more on this,
see “Is AntiPolygraph.org Being Targeted By the NSA?”
In addition, it appears that in May 2013 I was the target of an
attempted entrapment on material support for terrorism charges (or
something like that).
I’d be happy to speak with anyone from The Intercept regarding these
matters, if it’s of interest for your reporting.
    *  galljdaj says:
18 Feb 2014 at 7:07 am
In the late 1990′s thru 2004, I encountered numerous entrapmenturs on
sites where ‘lively’ discussion occurred. It still goes on but its
much more hidden. Now it seems to be focused on ‘mollifying the minds
of the Citizenry’, which I find to be criminal Federally Organized
Crime and a RICO Violation  of Our Constitution and way beyond the
calls of Rule of Law used in justifications by ‘nsa members’ and Our
    *  bloodypitchfork says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:08 pm
galljdaj..you need to read this…
    *  bloodypitchfork says:
18 Feb 2014 at 1:11 pm
read this..
    160.  Nelson says:
18 Feb 2014 at 3:00 am
I remember first coming across Wikileaks on my high school computer in
2007, way down amongst the five eyes in diminutive New Zealand. Some
stuff about scientology was on it then, barely on anyones radar, I
still understood why it should exist. My how things happen.
    161.  Phil Mocek says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:43 am
Please consider indicating in source documents that you have redacted
portions and why you did so.
    *  debian says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:20 am
from a quick look at the picture , the blacked out part is an IP address
    162.  OuijaForestCat says:
18 Feb 2014 at 2:18 am
Wait. . . I thought the American citizens who were afraid to donate to
Wikileaks for fear of ending up on a government watchlist were
paranoid conspiracy nuts.  You mean they were right all along?  Who
woulda thunk it?
    *  TallyHoGazehound says:
18 Feb 2014 at 10:09 am
Thanks.  I was waiting for someone to make that point.  That expressed
fear was a mainstay of a number of Glenn’s presentations at various
events.  To be fair, however, I don’t think ever referred to those who
feared such as conspiracy nuts. If anything, iirc, he mused that their
fears could have a foundation.  And, now we see that the foundation
was real.
    *  Jim says:
18 Feb 2014 at 9:05 pm
I’ve been contributing to Wikileaks for many years with a strong
suspicion that my government would not be happy with me.   Little did
I know before Snowden, Glenn, Levinson, Drake, Binney, Democracy Now,
ProPublica, and a few others that my government had built such a
monstrous mass surveillance capability.   I’ll continue my support and
will double my contributions to Wikileaks, Democracy Now. and the
defense of Assange,  Snowden, and others that are harrassed and
persecuted by our criminal government.   I will continue to “speak
truth to power”.
    *  OuijaForestCat says:
18 Feb 2014 at 11:23 pm
If you have been contributing to Wikileaks for years the U.S. govt
probably added you to one or more watchlists of malcontents long ago.
There’s no practical way you can do anything about it at this point so
you might as well follow your conscience and do what’s right.
Speaking truth to power and thereby increasing pressure for reform
might in the long run end up being the best and only way to get
yourself off a government watchlist.


Clapper’s ‘least untruthful’ statement to the Senate
By Glenn Kessler June 12, 2013

SEN. RON WYDEN (D-Ore.): “This is for you, Director Clapper, again on
the surveillance front. And I hope we can do this in just a yes or no
answer because I know Senator Feinstein wants to move on. Last summer,
the NSA director was at a conference, and he was asked a question
about the NSA surveillance of Americans. He replied, and I quote here,
‘The story that we have millions or hundreds of millions of dossiers
on people is completely false.’

“The reason I’m asking the question is, having served on the committee
now for a dozen years, I don’t really know what a dossier is in this
context. So what I wanted to see is if you could give me a yes or no
answer to the question, does the NSA collect any type of data at all
on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”

Director of National Intelligence JAMES CLAPPER: “No, sir.”

SEN. WYDEN: “It does not?”

DIR. CLAPPER: “Not wittingly. There are cases where they could
inadvertently perhaps collect, but not wittingly.”

SEN. WYDEN: “Thank you. I’ll have additional questions to give you in
writing on that point, but I thank you for the answer.”

— exchange during a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, March 12, 2013

This exchange during a congressional hearing has suddenly achieved new
prominence in the wake of the revelations of National Security Agency
programs that include the collection of data from U.S. phone call
records and the NSA’s surveillance of online communications to and
from foreign targets.

Through the top-secret program known as PRISM, authorized by federal
judges working under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA),
the NSA apparently can gain access to the servers of nine Internet
companies for a wide range of digital data.

On Tuesday, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) issued a tough statement, saying
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper did not give a
“straight answer” to his question. Wyden added that the day before the
hearing, he gave Clapper’s office advance notice that he would be
asking this particular question and that “after the hearing was over,
my staff and I gave his office a chance to amend his answer.”

Wyden’s staff declined to release the correspondence, citing a policy
of wanting to keep communications with administration officials
private. But Wyden’s statement strongly suggests Clapper had been
deliberately misleading when he appeared before the Senate panel.

The Facts

Clapper has long indicated his discomfort about addressing
confidential matters in public, particularly in response to questions
from lawmakers. At the beginning of the hearing involving the exchange
with Wyden, Clapper made the following observation:

    “I have serious reservations about conducting open hearings on the
worldwide threat, especially the question-and-answer sessions. While I
believe it’s important to keep the American public informed about the
threats our nation faces, I believe that can be done through
unclassified opening statements and statements for the record. As you
also know, we’re ready to answer any and all of your questions in
closed session. But an open hearing on intelligence matters is
something of a contradiction in terms.”

But Wyden’s statement indicated that the question should not have been
a surprise and that Clapper should have been prepared for it.

Shawn Turner, a spokesman for Clapper, did not respond to two days of
inquiries. But in weekend interviews, Clapper indicated that he skated
close to the line.

In an interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, he said that “I responded
in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful manner,
by saying no,” though he also called his answer “too cute by half.” He
indicated that his response to Wyden turned on a definition of
“collect:” “There are honest differences on the semantics of what --
when someone says ‘collection’ to me, that has a specific meaning,
which may have a different meaning to him.”

One wonders why Clapper or his staff did not seek a clarification,
given the apparent heads up by Wyden. Clapper apparently thinks the
NSA “collects” only on specific targets — what he called, in the
interview with NBC, “taking the book off the shelf and opening it up
and reading it.” But that is a rather slippery answer.

In an interview with the National Journal, Clapper said: “What I said
was, the NSA does not voyeuristically pore through U.S. citizens’
e-mails. I stand by that.” But neither Clapper nor Wyden referred to
e-mails during the exchange. Wyden in fact referred to “any type of
data at all” — which presumably would also cover the phone records in
the other classified program that has been the subject of media

It is important to remember that broad hints of these programs have
already been in the media. In 2006, USA Today ran a major story titled
“NSA has massive database of Americans’ phone calls.” The newspaper
said that the NSA “has been secretly collecting the phone call records
of tens of millions of Americans” and that “the NSA program reaches
into homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information
about the calls of ordinary Americans — most of whom aren’t suspected
of any crime.”

Our colleague Bob Woodward, in his 2010 book titled “Obama’s Wars,”
reported on three NSA code-word operations, SHARKFINN, RT10 AND RTRG
(Real Time, Regional Gateway) that were “designed to speed the
acquisition, storage, dissemination and availability of intercepted
communications, including cell phone calls and e-mails.” RT10 made it
10 billion times faster, and RTRG “meant there was a way to capture
all the data, store it, make it instantly available to intelligence
analysts and operators, allowing the U.S. to react quickly in response
to the enemy.”

Woodward’s disclosures about this “breakthrough eavesdropping
capability” are not hard to find, as they appear on page 7.

And Wired magazine, in an article in March by NSA expert James
Bamford, reported on the NSA’s new center in Utah: “Stored in
near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication,
including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls,
and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails —
parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other
digital ‘pocket litter.’ ”

President Obama “certainly believes that Director Clapper has been
straight and direct in the answers that he’s given and has actively
engaged in an effort to provide more information about the programs
that have been revealed through the leak of classified information,”
spokesman Jay Carney said Tuesday.

The Pinocchio Test

Given the information already in the public domain, including about
e-mails, it is unclear what Clapper thought he was protecting with his
“too cute by half” and “least untruthful” answer. Such important
questions — and answers — should not be left to a semantic debate over
the meaning of “collection.”

Clapper in recent days has tried to emphasize how forthright the NSA
has been in explaining these programs. But he might have saved himself
some trouble if he had been more forthright in the first place.

Given that so much is still unknown about these programs, we will
start this rating at Three Pinocchios and possibly adjust if more
information becomes available.

Update, July 3: In a letter to Congress, Clapper acknowledged that his
comment was “clearly erroneous.” But he also wrote that his staff
acknowledged the error to Wyden’s staff “soon after the hearing.” A
Wyden spokesman confirms that, saying that Clapper’s staff declined an
opportunity to amend the record publicly. Given that Clapper very
quickly--if privately--conceded that he had made an error, we see no
reason to increase the number of Pinocchios.

Three Pinocchios

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     Glenn Kessler has reported on domestic and foreign policy for
more than three decades. He would like your help in keeping an eye on
public figures. Send him statements to fact check by emailing him,
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Follow @GlennKesslerWP

Russian-Canadian Relations Today

The diplomatic relations between Canada and the new Russia were
officially established on 25 December, 1991.

The ties with Canada rest upon a substantial legal base, including a
political Treaty on accord and cooperation of June 19, 1992, as well
as a number of economic agreements (on bilateral trade, economic
cooperation, promotion and mutual protection of investments, avoiding
double taxation, etc.) and on cooperation in a variety of fields (the
Arctic and North, air traffic, mutual legal assistance in criminal
cases, etc.). There is a valid Agreement on cooperation between
Russia’s constituent entities and Canada’s provinces and territories.


The political dialog is in progress. Our leaders met during the G8
Summits in Sea Island (the USA, June 2004), Gleneagles (Great Britain,
July 2005), Saint-Petersburg (Russia, July 2006), Heiligendamm
(Germany, July 2007).  In July 2008 there was the first meeting
between President-elect of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on the margins of the G8 Summit
in Japan. Dmitry Medvedev visited Canada in June 2010 to take part in
G8 and G20 Summits. A bilateral meeting between the two leaders took
place in May 2011 during the G8 Summit in Deauville (France).
Both leaders also had bilateral meetings during APEC Summits in Sidney
(Australia, September 2007) and in Singapore (November 2009).

The former Canadian Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson visited Russia
on September 23-October 1, 2003. Her participation in the celebrations
on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great
Patriotic War (1941-1945) which took place in Moscow on May 9, 2005
became a landmark in bilateral relations.

Russia and Canada closely interact within the framework of the UN, G8,
G20, APEC, OSCE and other international global and regional fora on a
number of key international issues, including strategic stability and
security, settlement of regional conflicts, non-proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction.

Our countries cooperate actively in seeking adequate joint response to
the new global threats and challenges, such as international
terrorism. On October 12, 2004 the Joint Statement by the President of
Russia and the Prime Minister of Canada on Cooperation in the Struggle
against Terrorism was issued during the Prime Minister's visit to
Moscow. 2010 saw an exchange of visits between Russia's Sercretary of
the Security Council Nikolay Patrushev and then National Security
Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada M.-L.Morin.

One of the important bilateral security undertakings is our
cooperation within the framework of the Global Partnership (GP)
against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, which
was launched in Canada at the G8 Kananaskis Summit. The above
collaboration between our two countries has already led to significant
progress in all GP priority areas: destruction of chemical weapons,
dismantlement of decommissioned nuclear submarines, nuclear &
radiological security, and redirection of former weapons scientists.
Extremely high reliability and zeal of the Canadian partners is widely
acknowledged by their Russian counterparts.

Our two countries actively cooperate within the tri-national
(Canada-Russia-USA) Arctic SAREX (Air Sea Search and Rescue Exercise
in the Arctic) process, which through continuous sharing of expertise
on SAR procedures and capabilities has increased both civil and
military interoperability between the three Arctic nations. 12
trilateral exercises in the Arctic have been hosted by Canada, Russia
and the United States respectively since 1993.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs maintain regular contacts. They tend
to check with each other’s steps at every convenience: whether it is
the UN General Assembly sessions, G8 or APEC ministerial meetings. In
September 2004 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada paid a working
visit to Russia. March 2006 saw the working visit to Canada of the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov,
who held talks with the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
of Canada. The Foreign Ministers of Russia and Canada had two
bilateral meetings in 2009: in April on the margins of Arctic Council
biennial ministerial meeting in Norway and in September at the UN
General Assembly. Minister Lavrov also met with his counterpart
Lawrence Cannon during the ministerial meeting of Five Arctic Coastal
States in Canada  in March 2010. On the margins of 2011 G8 Summit in
France  Sergey Lavrov had his first meeting with the new Canadian
Foreign Minister John Baird. Regular meetings allow the parties to
discuss the present state of both bilateral relations, and urgent
international issues and confirm the mutual interest in developing
political dialogue, trade and economic partnership, relations in the
humanitarian and academic sphere, as well as Arctic and Northern

A number of other bilateral consultation mechanisms was established
during the recent years. Bilateral interministerial consultations on
strategic stability, counter-terrorism cooperation and regional issues
are among them. Such meetings provide an opportunity for both sides to
discuss different aspects of cooperation on a wide range of  issues.
Yet another round of strategic stability consultations (headed by the
two G8 Political Directors) took place in Ottawa in May 2011.
Canada-Russia counter-terrorism consultations were held consequently
in May 2003 (Moscow), in October 2004 (Ottawa) and in November 2005
(Moscow). In May 2009 Canadian-Russian bilateral consultations on new
challenges and threats took place in Ottawa. March 2011 saw the latest
round of Canada-Russia consultations on Latin America and the
Caribbean. Canada-Russia policy-planning consultations took place in
Moscow in February 2011. Interdepartmental consultations on border
security between our countries are held regularly.

The Russia-Canada mil-to-mil contacts are progressively developing.
The first official visit to Canada by the Minister of Defence of the
Russian Federation took place in October 2003. In September 2005, the
Minister of National Defence of Canada held talks in Moscow with the
Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, Russian Foreign
Minister and Secretary of the Security Council. In May 2006, a
delegation of "Rosoboronexport" (the Russian state company in charge
of international arms sales) arrived in Canada to review the prospects
for the bilateral military-technical cooperation. In August, 2011
Russian, Canadian and US Air Forces conducted their second cooperative
air exercise «Vigilant Eagle», joint effort to combat terrorism aboard
civilian jets. Russia and Canada also successfully interact in the
framework of the Treaty on Open Skies.

The parliamentary component of the Russian-Canadian cooperation is
developing dynamically. A delegation of the State Duma headed by its
Chairman visited Canada in 2001. The Speaker of Canadian Senate at the
head of a parliamentary delegation paid an official visit to Russia in
2003. Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada Peter Milliken was on
an official visit in Moscow in October 2005. In November 2005, a
delegation of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of
Russia headed by its Chairman Sergey Mironov paid an official visit to
Canada. In November 2007, Noel Kinsella, the Speaker of the Senate of
Canada and the head of a parliamentary delegation, was on a reciprocal


Deputy Chairmen of the State Duma and the Council of Federation
visited Ottawa in September 2010 for G8/G20 Speakers meetings
respectively. The success was complete with a visit by Vladimir
Svinarev, Secretary General of the Council of Federation of the
Federal Assembly of Russia in November the same year.

Back in October 1998 a Canada-Russia Parliamentary Association was
created in the Parliament of Canada which originally comprised MPs
representing all party caucuses. It is co-chaired by the Hon.Senator
Paul J.Massicotte. Similarly, in 2007 a Russia-Canada Parliamentary
Cooperation Group was established in the Council of Federation of the
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

After the launch of Global Partnership at the G8 Kananaskis Summit in
2002 Canada pledged 1 billion Canadian dollars during ten years (100
million dollars annually) for cooperation projects with Russia. The
relevant bilateral intergovernmental Agreement on cooperation in the
field of destruction of chemical weapons, disposal of decommissioned
nuclear submarines and nuclear and radiological security was signed in
2004 at the G8 Sea Island Summit.

The cooperation is ongoing between the Supreme, Constitutional and
Supreme Commercial Courts based on the Memorandum on Agreement with
the Office of Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada. In
March 2004, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Russia visited
Canada. Anton Ivanov, the Chairman of the Supreme Commercial Court of
Russia, was on a visit to Canada in October 2008.

Cooperation between auditing bodies is also developing. Auditor
General of Canada Sheila Fraser paid a visit to Moscow in March 2006,
and the head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Sergey
Stepashin came to Canada with a reciprocal visit two years later.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak’s visit
to Vancouver on February 6-8, 2009 was of significant importance for
discussing issues of preparing Vancouver and Sochi for 2010 and 2014
Winter Olympics respectively. The discussion in this field was
continued during the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver at special meetings
between Dmitry Kozak and Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy
of Russia Vitaly Mutko with Canadian governmental officials and
business community.


The cooperation between Russian regions and Canadian provinces and
territories is rapidly developing in such areas like agriculture,
infrastructure and Northern Development, oil and gas industry. The
Canadian provinces of Quebec, British Columbia, Ontario, Manitoba and
Alberta have been particularly active recently, just as Moscow, St.
Petersburg, the Republics of Tatarstan and Sakha (Yakutia),
territories of Krasnoyarsk and Primorye and Murmansk region from the
Russian side.

Documents on cooperation between the Krasnodar Territory and British
Columbia, the cities of Sochi and Vancouver were signed end February
2010 in Vancouver.

December 2009 saw the first ever visit by the Prime Minister of Quebec
to Russia. A delegation of Quebec officials and business people headed
by Jean Charest visited Moscow and St. Petersburg which resulted in
the signature of several documents on cooperation.

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