Roy Stephenson
![David Amos]()
Stephen George
![David Amos]()
![Pat Kenny]()
![David Amos]()
![Stephen George]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![Stephen George]()
![David Amos]()
![Stephen George]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Angela Zione
![David Amos]()
Al Freeman
![John Gerrits]()
![David Amos]()
Ron Moffatt
![David Amos]()
Chris Shield
![David Amos]()
![Mike Martin]()
![David Amos]()
Way back in 2006 I was dicing with a rather well known nasty French blogger in New Brunswick within his own blog 2 years after I gave him a free computer. He is now CTV and CBC's favourite blogger in the Maritimes. When I busted Chucky in front of his fans, he blocked me. However his fan base demanded that he unblock me so they could watch the circus between he and I . He then demanded that I be nice so I typed N'esy Pas? and asked him if that was nice enough for him. Ever since I have used it as my signature to tease him and his pals in CBC. True story.
![David Amos]()
Greg Anderson
![David Amos]()
![David Amos]()
Dale Sullivan
![Michele McLean]()
![David Amos]()
Charlize Croft
![David Amos]()
Pat Kenny
![Roy Stephenson]()
![David Amos]()
Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath said her team would probe allegations that a candidate in Scarborough-Agincourt made controversial social media posts. (Chris Young/Canadian Press)
Ontario's Progressive Conservatives are calling on NDP Leader Andrea Horwath to part ways with a candidate in Toronto who shared an Adolf Hitler meme on social media several years ago.
At a morning news conference, two PC candidates, Todd Smith and Gila Martow, presented what they say is evidence of anti-Semitism "festering" in the NDP.
The pair provided a printout of an October 2013 social media meme shared by the NDP candidate in Scarborough–Agincourt, Tasleem Riaz.
The Facebook post features a quote that is commonly attributed to Hitler overlaid over a photo of the tyrannical despot giving a Nazi salute to a gathered crowd. A title above the image reads, "The Ruler said about Rule."
Smith called the post the "most serious example of anti-Semitism we've seen in Ontario politics for a long, long time" and criticized Horwath for what he characterized as a laissez faire approach to dealing with candidates who express controversial views.
"You don't post this kind of thing by accident. You don't openly push Nazi messages on social media by mistake," Martow said.
Smith and Martow also provided a screen grab of a April 2011 post allegedly written by Riaz, taking aim at the federal Liberals' and Tories' support for the war in Afghanistan. Riaz said the parties supported troops who "slaughter innocent men, women and children."
In a statement, Riaz said she is "horrified that an inappropriate meme was on my Facebook page" and that she cannot understand how it happened.
"I don't recall sharing it in 2013 — and at no point in my life would I have done so intentionally," she continued.
"I am an interfaith advocate, and I have devoted my life to interfaith religious tolerance and freedom. I work closely with the Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Sikh and Muslim communities in my neighbourhood. In every way, I find Hitler, the hate he spewed, and the genocide he committed to be abhorrent."
During a campaign stop on Friday morning, Horwath said she was unaware of the details of the post and would have her staff investigate the allegations. She followed up, however, with a statement of support for Riaz.
"Let me be pretty clear about our candidate. I've known Tasleem for some time now. This woman is an activist in the inter-faith community … I find it pretty unbelievable that she would be in any way implicated in anything that's at all anti-Semitic," Horwath told reporters.
She added that PC Leader Doug Ford and his team "live in a little bit of a glass house."
"This is coming from a party whose leader is accused of cheating in nomination meetings, cheating in the democratic process," Horwath said, alluding to allegations that Ford improperly bought party memberships to support his preferred candidate in Etobicoke Centre.
Shortly after Horwath spoke, Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne said on Twitter, "Andrea Horwath needs to be clearer in her condemnation of this post by her candidate.
"No one in Ontario can or should attempt to draw inspiration from the words of Adolf Hitler. Canadian soldiers have earned and deserve our thanks."
The social media footprints of NDP candidates have come under increasing scrutiny from the PCs on the campaign trail in recent weeks. Earlier this week, Horwath was forced to fend off criticism of the NDP candidate in Mississauga Centre, Laura Kaminker, who once posted online that she refuses to wear a poppy around Remembrance Day.
The PCs are not immune to ghosts of social media past, however.
Andrew Lawton, the Tory candidate in London West, faced pressure to resign after a series of posts — alternately described by critics as homophobic, misogynistic and Islamophobic — resurfaced online. Lawton has repeatedly attributed the posts to mental illness.
Despite calls for him to intervene, Ford has allowed Lawton to continue on the campaign trail.
Pressed by reporters to explain the apparent contradiction, Smith said the difference is how the PCs have chosen to handle controversial comments from candidates.
"Our candidates have apologized and addressed comments that were made. The NDP continue to shrug them off, and their leader, Andrea Horwath, continues to almost laugh off these types of comments that were made in the past," said Smith.
"True leadership is actually addressing these situations as real problems and answering the questions that need to be asked about this party."
Ontario NDP under fire for candidate's Hitler-themed social media post
NDP Leader Andrea Horwath offered words of support for candidate in Scarborough-Agincourt
CBC News· Posted: May 25, 2018 11:12 AM ET Comments

Roy Stephenson
Newsflash!!! Horwath is toast as the Tories have a video of one of her candidates spitting on the sidewalk fifteen years ago. Way worse than Ford giving out bogus memberships to backstab his own Christine Elliot! Oh the humanity!

David Amos
@Roy Stephenson Methinks this is just another tempest in a teapot but its fun to watch N'esy Pas

Stephen George
PCs are getting really desperate now.

David Amos
@Stephen George "PCs are getting really desperate now."
Methinks they are all in the same boat but I am enjoying the circus as should we all N'esy Pas?
Methinks they are all in the same boat but I am enjoying the circus as should we all N'esy Pas?
Pat Kenny
@David Amos Boat? Ford had a yacht and shipwrecked it. Wynne's canoe sprung leaks. Horwath is just enjoying her leisurely inner tube ride. She made Ford look foolish at the debates just by letting him talk.

David Amos
@Pat Kenny True but Ford's yacht could come of the rocks yet. Methinks Wynne's record does not speak well of her old canoe and the winds of change do favour Horwath's inner tube ride but history could pot it into quite a spin like something going down a drain so to speak if folks look to NDP's history in Ontario Furthermore what is going on in BC and Alberta right now ain't helping people to be impressed with the NDP N'esy Pas?

Stephen George
@David Amos
Actually Notley and the NDP are doing quite well in Alberta.
N'cest pas?
Actually Notley and the NDP are doing quite well in Alberta.
N'cest pas?

David Amos
@Stephen George Methinks you should have a long talk with Jason Kenney's crowd of supporters N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Stephen George If the NDP want some food for thought they should Google the following ASAP N'esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos Christine Elliott
David Raymond Amos Christine Elliott

Stephen George
@David Amos
Why would I ever want to discuss anything with someone who supports that twit?
Why would I ever want to discuss anything with someone who supports that twit?

David Amos
@Stephen George Methinks I have far better reason to dislike that twit that you do if you doubt me you should Google the following first N'esy Pas?
David Raymond Amos Jason Kenney
David Raymond Amos Jason Kenney

Stephen George
@David Amos
I don't really care to enter a dialogue with someone who supports that twit. N'cest pas?
I don't really care to enter a dialogue with someone who supports that twit. N'cest pas?

David Amos
@Stephen George Methinks your rattled and being rather redundant now N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@David Amos Methinks everybody in the know knows the result I am hoping for If you don't too bad s sad that you don't know how to surf the Internet before you pounce on a rather fierce political animal N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@David Amos Methinks the link below provides a very good example as to why I ran against all political parties five times thus far N'esy Pas?
Read the comment section
Then Google
Fundy Royal Debate
Read the comment section
Then Google
Fundy Royal Debate

Angela Zione
If howling about a Facebook meme from 2013 is the best the PCs can come up with, they've already lost this election.

David Amos
@Angela Zione It is pretty comical

Al Freeman
When Doug Ford was caught on audio fudging the sales of Conservative memberships he responded by saying "that was in 2016". This out-of-context allegation allegedly occurred in 2013. Why aren't the Conservatives applying the same standard?

John Gerrits
@Al Freeman Why?...because anyone from any party would do the same.

David Amos
@John Gerrits True

Ron Moffatt
this is nothing more than a desperate act by a desperate party who is managed once again to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.Love it!Wise choice PC's picking Doug Ford to lead you to defeat.

David Amos
@Ron Moffatt Methinks the Yankee have a pretty good expression for such days as this "It ain't over til the Fat Lady sings" N'esy Pas?

Chris Shield
Yesterday, Drug Ford said that the Liberals were digging up old news right before the election in order to change the script.
Today, the PC party releases an NDP tweet from 2013 about Hitler.
All I can do is roll my eyes......
Today, the PC party releases an NDP tweet from 2013 about Hitler.
All I can do is roll my eyes......

David Amos
@Chris Shield oh come on now Methinks this news must have been worth at least one little chuckle N'esy Pas?

Mike Martin
@David Amos
What does "N'esy Pas" mean by the way?
What does "N'esy Pas" mean by the way?

David Amos @Mike Martin Thanks for asking.
Way back in 2006 I was dicing with a rather well known nasty French blogger in New Brunswick within his own blog 2 years after I gave him a free computer. He is now CTV and CBC's favourite blogger in the Maritimes. When I busted Chucky in front of his fans, he blocked me. However his fan base demanded that he unblock me so they could watch the circus between he and I . He then demanded that I be nice so I typed N'esy Pas? and asked him if that was nice enough for him. Ever since I have used it as my signature to tease him and his pals in CBC. True story.

Mud slinging defines the slinger as much, if not more, than the target!

David Amos

Greg Anderson
Comical... 20 yrs ago you posted a pic of a dog. Meanwhile Doug is on audio getting bogus memberships. Sigh... politics is a dirty game.

David Amos
@Michael Murphy "Right wingers are hilarious"
Methinks you should know that left wingers are every bit as comical N'esy Pas?
Methinks you should know that left wingers are every bit as comical N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@Greg Anderson "Sigh... politics is a dirty game"
Oh So True Methinks Ford can win of without a platform on one issue alone Getting rid of Carbon Tax is his hot ticket to a mandate N'esy Pas?
![David Amos]()
Oh So True Methinks Ford can win of without a platform on one issue alone Getting rid of Carbon Tax is his hot ticket to a mandate N'esy Pas?

David Amos
@David Amos "Sigh... politics is a dirty game"
Methinks it should be fairly obvious to many why the second most like thread just went "Poof" N'esy Pas?
Methinks it should be fairly obvious to many why the second most like thread just went "Poof" N'esy Pas?

Dale Sullivan
Digging, digging. Going back 5 years to try and find dirt. The Conservative way. Are they getting worried?

Michele McLean
@Dale Sullivan
On the contrary - if the Cons are this desperate, things in Ontario are really looking up!
On the contrary - if the Cons are this desperate, things in Ontario are really looking up!

David Amos
@Michele McLean How so?

Charlize Croft
Say goodbye to investment in Ontario if the NDP get in, and hello to the carbon tax.

David Amos
@Charlize Croft I concur
Pat Kenny
I got robocalled twice by Ford's people using my etr407 data! But these guys think I care what one riding candidate may have said years ago??? I guess Mike Harris knew what he was doing when he gave away the 407 to Tory friends.

Roy Stephenson
@Pat Kenny I got asked if I want to make a donation. lol...sure I said, I love it when thiefs steal my data and then bug me on the phone. Bye Ford.

David Amos
@Roy Stephenson Ford and his minions don't write or call me back Methinks they don't love me anymore than the NDP, the Liberals or the Green Meanies do N'esy Pas?
Ontario NDP under fire for candidate's Hitler-themed social media post
NDP Leader Andrea Horwath offered words of support for candidate in Scarborough-Agincourt
CBC News· Posted: May 25, 2018 11:12 AM ET
Ontario's Progressive Conservatives are calling on NDP Leader Andrea Horwath to part ways with a candidate in Toronto who shared an Adolf Hitler meme on social media several years ago.
At a morning news conference, two PC candidates, Todd Smith and Gila Martow, presented what they say is evidence of anti-Semitism "festering" in the NDP.
The pair provided a printout of an October 2013 social media meme shared by the NDP candidate in Scarborough–Agincourt, Tasleem Riaz.
The Facebook post features a quote that is commonly attributed to Hitler overlaid over a photo of the tyrannical despot giving a Nazi salute to a gathered crowd. A title above the image reads, "The Ruler said about Rule."
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Smith called the post the "most serious example of anti-Semitism we've seen in Ontario politics for a long, long time" and criticized Horwath for what he characterized as a laissez faire approach to dealing with candidates who express controversial views.
"You don't post this kind of thing by accident. You don't openly push Nazi messages on social media by mistake," Martow said.
Smith and Martow also provided a screen grab of a April 2011 post allegedly written by Riaz, taking aim at the federal Liberals' and Tories' support for the war in Afghanistan. Riaz said the parties supported troops who "slaughter innocent men, women and children."
In a statement, Riaz said she is "horrified that an inappropriate meme was on my Facebook page" and that she cannot understand how it happened.
"I don't recall sharing it in 2013 — and at no point in my life would I have done so intentionally," she continued.
"I am an interfaith advocate, and I have devoted my life to interfaith religious tolerance and freedom. I work closely with the Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Sikh and Muslim communities in my neighbourhood. In every way, I find Hitler, the hate he spewed, and the genocide he committed to be abhorrent."
PCs in 'glass house,' Horwath says
During a campaign stop on Friday morning, Horwath said she was unaware of the details of the post and would have her staff investigate the allegations. She followed up, however, with a statement of support for Riaz.
"Let me be pretty clear about our candidate. I've known Tasleem for some time now. This woman is an activist in the inter-faith community … I find it pretty unbelievable that she would be in any way implicated in anything that's at all anti-Semitic," Horwath told reporters.
She added that PC Leader Doug Ford and his team "live in a little bit of a glass house."
"This is coming from a party whose leader is accused of cheating in nomination meetings, cheating in the democratic process," Horwath said, alluding to allegations that Ford improperly bought party memberships to support his preferred candidate in Etobicoke Centre.
Shortly after Horwath spoke, Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne said on Twitter, "Andrea Horwath needs to be clearer in her condemnation of this post by her candidate.
"No one in Ontario can or should attempt to draw inspiration from the words of Adolf Hitler. Canadian soldiers have earned and deserve our thanks."
The social media footprints of NDP candidates have come under increasing scrutiny from the PCs on the campaign trail in recent weeks. Earlier this week, Horwath was forced to fend off criticism of the NDP candidate in Mississauga Centre, Laura Kaminker, who once posted online that she refuses to wear a poppy around Remembrance Day.
Andrew Lawton, the Tory candidate in London West, faced pressure to resign after a series of posts — alternately described by critics as homophobic, misogynistic and Islamophobic — resurfaced online. Lawton has repeatedly attributed the posts to mental illness.
Despite calls for him to intervene, Ford has allowed Lawton to continue on the campaign trail.
Pressed by reporters to explain the apparent contradiction, Smith said the difference is how the PCs have chosen to handle controversial comments from candidates.
"Our candidates have apologized and addressed comments that were made. The NDP continue to shrug them off, and their leader, Andrea Horwath, continues to almost laugh off these types of comments that were made in the past," said Smith.
"True leadership is actually addressing these situations as real problems and answering the questions that need to be asked about this party."