---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc. ca
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 22:16:30 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Mr Vickers and his lawyer should
read my lawsuit and all the documents in the docket of Federal Court
ASAP N'esy Pas?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Catherine.McKenna@parl.gc.ca
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 22:16:30 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Mr Vickers and his lawyer should
read my lawsuit and all the documents in the docket of Federal Court
ASAP N'esy Pas?
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>From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 22:16:30 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Mr Vickers and his lawyer should
read my lawsuit and all the documents in the docket of Federal Court
ASAP N'esy Pas?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
Thank you for writing to the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, Member
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Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
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---------- Original message ----------
From: Catherine.McKenna@parl.gc.ca
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 22:16:30 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Mr Vickers and his lawyer should
read my lawsuit and all the documents in the docket of Federal Court
ASAP N'esy Pas?
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
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Minister of Environment and Climate Changes' role. For all future
correspondence addressed to the Minister of Environment and Climate
Change, I ask that you please write directly to
Catherine McKenna, Member of Parliament, Ottawa Centre
* * *
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Catherine McKenna, d?put?e, Ottawa Centre
---------- Original message ----------
From: Newsroom <newsroom@globeandmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 22:16:27 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Methinks Mr Vickers and his lawyer should
read my lawsuit and all the documents in the docket of Federal Court
ASAP N'esy Pas?
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---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 18:16:23 -0400
Subject: Methinks Mr Vickers and his lawyer should read my lawsuit and
all the documents in the docket of Federal Court ASAP N'esy Pas?
To: Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca, darrow.macintyre@cbc.ca,
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Cc: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.
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Kevin Vickers, retired sergeant-at-arms, seeks Liberal leadership
'You go where your duty calls you,' former Mountie says at his campaign launch
Jacques Poitras · CBC News · Posted: Mar 15, 2019 12:19 PM AT
David R. Amos
Methinks Mr Vickers and his lawyer should read my lawsuit and all the
documents in the docket of Federal Court ASAP Everybody knows why he
is mentioned many times N'esy Pas?
Darryl Gregorash:
Reply to @David R. Amos:
Well, I tried to google that, and came up empty. Maybe you can give us
the file number on the case; they should have given you one when you
filed with the court's registrar.
"N'esy pas", rofl, even in Alberta, they taught us to speak French
better than that.
David R. Amos
Reply to @Darryl Gregorash: "Maybe you can give us the file number on
the case" Federal Court file No T-1557-15
David R. Amos
Reply to @Darryl Gregorash: "N'esy pas", rofl, even in Alberta, they
taught us to speak French better than that."
Methinks you have not been down to the Bay of Fundy and debated French
dudes with their Chiac lingo Perhaps you may enjoy Googling "Fundy
Royal Debate" N'esy Pas?
Dustin Carey
Reply to @David R. Amos:
I'm failing to see a reason why they'd care.
David R. Amos:
Reply to @Dustin Carey: Why is it that I am not surprised?
David Raymond Amos @DavidRayAmos
Methinks Mr Vickers and his lawyer should read my lawsuit and all the documents in the docket of Federal Court File No T-1557-15 ASAP N'esy Pas?
Kevin Vickers, retired sergeant-at-arms, seeks Liberal leadership
'You go where your duty calls you,' former Mountie says at his campaign launch
Kevin Vickers has made it official: he's running for the leadership of the New Brunswick Liberal Party.
Vickers made the announcement to a crowd of about 125 party supporters from around the province at a noon launch in his hometown of Miramichi.
"If you're a Mountie, you go where your duty calls you," said the former RCMP officer. "New Brunswick has been good to me. It's now time for me to give back."
Ten sitting Liberal MLAs, several former party MLAs and ministers, former premier Camille Thériault and federal MP Pat Finnigan attended the campaign launch.
With no sitting or former MLAs in the race so far, Vickers's name recognition and support vaults him into the front-runner position.
"He is the front-runner," Thériault said. "I expect in the end he will be the leader, and I think right now he is probably the Tories' worst nightmare."
The former RCMP officer and sergeant-at-arms of the House of Commons became famous in 2014 for his role in stopping and killing a gunman who attacked Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
"I bring people together," he said. "That is what I do. That is who I am."
He was appointed Canada's ambassador to Ireland in the wake of the Ottawa shooting and retired from that position earlier this year.
Vickers is a political neophyte who told CBC News earlier this month that his ideological views are "all over the map," overlapping with those of several political parties.
He said he is a fiscal conservative who also embraces progressive values, and said on environmental issues he is "more green than the Greens."
CBC News
Kevin Vickers announced that he's running for the Liberal Party leadership
He has never held elective office, and as if to rebut concerns about his inexperience, he laid out what he calls "five critical areas" of provincial policy that he said will be his focus.
They are economic development and population growth; fiscal responsibility; education; health care, and what he called "fact-based, environmentally sound decision-making."
He also sketched some specific proposals, such as trying to lure immigrants equal to one percent of New Brunswick's population each year.
"When it comes to safety, to jobs and to a strong province, a Liberal Party led by me will deal with the facts and the needs and not personal opinions and whims," Vickers said.
Rookie Caraquet MLA Isabelle Thériault said she wasn't concerned about Vickers's lack of experience.
"I'm new too," she said. "Politics is made up of real people who have real life experience. He has a life experience, he understands people and he listens to people."
Speaking to reporters, Vickers pledged to work at helping New Brunswickers bridge their divisions, including over language.
In a recent Facebook post, he denounced populist extremism worldwide, though he said Friday that he didn't see any examples of political parties in New Brunswick practising it.
Vickers is running to replace former premier Brian Gallant, who resigned as Liberal leader last year after failing to win his party a second majority.
One other New Brunswicker has said he plans to run for the leadership: Moncton shelter director René Ephestion.
Charlo-area businessman Gaétan Pelletier, who had announced he was running, attended Vickers's launch and said he was endorsing him rather than running himself.
Pelletier said Vickers will be "hard to beat" but said that wasn't why he backed out of running.
"I'm a busy man and I'm glad he has similar values that I do. That's why I'm supporting him."
The Liberal Party said that as of Friday morning, no candidate had filed official paperwork to run.
Party members elect their new leader June 22.
They are economic development and population growth; fiscal responsibility; education; health care, and what he called "fact-based, environmentally sound decision-making."
He also sketched some specific proposals, such as trying to lure immigrants equal to one percent of New Brunswick's population each year.
And he criticized Progressive Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs for cancelling planned upgrades to Route 11 between Shediac and Miramichi. Higgs has denounced the project as unnecessary.
"When it comes to safety, to jobs and to a strong province, a Liberal Party led by me will deal with the facts and the needs and not personal opinions and whims," Vickers said.
Rookie Caraquet MLA Isabelle Thériault said she wasn't concerned about Vickers's lack of experience.
Speaking to reporters, Vickers pledged to work at helping New Brunswickers bridge their divisions, including over language.
In a recent Facebook post, he denounced populist extremism worldwide, though he said Friday that he didn't see any examples of political parties in New Brunswick practising it.
Vickers is running to replace former premier Brian Gallant, who resigned as Liberal leader last year after failing to win his party a second majority.
Charlo-area businessman Gaétan Pelletier, who had announced he was running, attended Vickers's launch and said he was endorsing him rather than running himself.
"I'm a busy man and I'm glad he has similar values that I do. That's why I'm supporting him."
The Liberal Party said that as of Friday morning, no candidate had filed official paperwork to run.
Party members elect their new leader June 22.