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The plot thickens with the CBC spin on Trump and the lawyers


Trump repaid Cohen for hush payment to porn star, says Giuliani

Recent addition to Trump's legal team contradict's president's earlier statements

The Associated Press· Posted: May 02, 2018 10:56 PM ET



 David Amos 
Content disabled.
David Amos
Methinks that nobody should be surprised that CBC blocked my first comment N'esy Pas?

 David Amos 
Content disabled.
David Amos
Methinks that Bobby Mueller and everybody else "in the know" knows that the lawyer Rudy Giuliani has had a copy of this file since 2004 N'esy Pas?

Check page 2 and page 5


Michael Murphy
John Foley
Todays version of the facts differs so much from the version where Trump didn't' know anything about the payment at all

David Amos
David Amos
@John Foley Methinks folks should appreciate your employment of the word "version" because the facts never change. N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos 
@John Foley Methinks as we read this nonsense I should remind some old folks of a few words from a poem by one of my heroes Robert Service and a few by the old bard as well N'esy Pas?

"These are the simple facts of the case, and I guess I ought to know.
They say that the stranger was crazed with "hooch," and I'm not denying it's so.
I'm not so wise as the lawyer guys, but strictly between us two —
The woman that kissed him and — pinched his poke — was the lady that's known as Lou." Robert Service

''The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers,''
Henry VI,'' Part II, act IV, Scene II

Need I say I disagree with the spin on those words that I read in the New York Times?


"Shakespeare meant it as a compliment to attorneys and judges who instill justice in society."


John Atkins
Kris blun

Ed Toogood
Ed Toogood
@Kris blun
That pretty much sums it up.

David Amos
Content disabled. 
David Amos
@Kris blun Methinks its rather strange that CBC allows such comments but blocks mine N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Ed Toogood Methinks that CBC agrees N'esy Pas?

Aala Shariati Saravi
Aala Shariati Saravi
...when telling the truth needs legal advisors who can 'sanitize' acts of impropriety, it leaves more questions unanswered...

David Amos
David Amos
@Aala Shariati Saravi Good point

Cal Mett 
Cal Mett
The Trump tweet contains a complete, legit sentence, which means someone else wrote it for him.

Alex Knox
Alex Knox
@Cal Mett

I've always believed that he has an intern posting the tweet from his rants while he sits in the pot at 3AM. That's probably the closest he comes to being like Bill Clinton.

David Amos
David Amos
@Alex Knox Me Too

Michael Murphy

Jerry O'Connor
After that live FAKE FOX NEWS performance last night by Guiliani about his boss Trump on live television in front of the entire American population, might as well given Trump the rest of the rope and........... GET ON WITH IT.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jerry O'Connor Methinks most folks will demand that the show must go on because everybody loves a circus and this one is the greatest show on earth N'esy Pas?

Kevin Delaney 
Kevin Delaney
Trump repaid Cohen for hush payment to porn star, says Giuliani.... An American public is so grateful that Giuliani has come in from the cold... to add clarity to this mess. His rational mind & clear thinking will help America get through theses troubled times. LOL.

David Amos
David Amos
@Kevin Delaney Methinks I should give Giuliani and Fox News a tip byway of CBC N'esy Pas?

If Rudy were to Google the following I suspect he would bail on "The Donald" ASAP

Trump Cohen Amos NAFTA FATCA

Michael Murphy
Shawn Wylie
Just figured out Trumps legal teams new big move will be to declare that Fox News is an entertainment show and that nothing said on there is the truth, same defense the Rebel and other far right propaganda publications use.

Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
Who finds Rudy "There were no attacks in America before Obama" Guliani credible?

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael Murphy Nay not I

Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy
@Shawn Wylie FOX already used that argument in the Supreme Court

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael Murphy Methinks you have ignored my concerns for way past too long N'esy Pas?

Jordan F. Dorino 
Jordan F. Dorino
Trump needs to buy a fleet of Ford Escorts for his Minions. That way he could claim 'Escort Service' as a legitimate expense

David Amos
David Amos
@Jordan F. Dorino Methinks that you may have just upset Ford's lawyers and their many minions. Everybody knows Yankees love to litigate N'esy Pas?

William F. Perry 
William F. Perry
Lawyer Ty Cobb will quit Trump by the end of May. Lawyer Emmet Flood will join Trump shortly. Why join a "sinking ship" you might say ? In my view it is seeing your name in papers and photos on TV and being talked about. All these high end lawyers have tremendous egos that constantly have to be fed. When Emmet Flood realizes what type of uncontrollable client that he signed on to (he should know that now) he too will take the Ty Cobb route and find some reason to desert the sinking ship. Meanwhile Trump is feeding his overly large ego by holding campaign-like exposures with only the most gullible forming the crowd. America deserves better.

David Amos
David Amos
@William F. Perry FYI I pounced on Ty Cobb out of the gate I am surprised that he is still in the game.

Ed Toogood 
Ed Toogood
Anybody else notice some parallels to the Mike Duffy payoff from Nigel Wright?

David Amos
David Amos
@Ed Toogood I did

John Atkins 
Art McCarthy (Key Bored)
This gets weirder by the day.
I wonder if the President will call into Fox & Friends again this morning to let off steam. Probably not; they've likely blocked his number or changed theirs.

David Amos
David Amos
@Art McCarthy (Key Bored) LOL

John Atkins 
Christian Jane
While it would be unrealistic to expect a steady diet of truth from any politician, most of them are truthful some of the time (even if it's involuntary in some cases).
tRump, however - who would have dreamed that the US would elect an American-born Baron Munchausen to the White House?
Or was he "American-born"? One good birther allegation deserves another ---------

Art McCarthy (Key Bored)
Art McCarthy (Key Bored)
@Christian Jane
OMG! Baron Munchausen! What a perfect analogy. Well done!

David Amos
David Amos
@Art McCarthy (Key Bored) Not really

John Atkins 
Shawn Wylie
These two deserve each other.

David Amos
David Amos
@Shawn Wylie YUP

Dustin Carey 
Dustin Carey
And for the record, in this interview, when defending Trump, Guiliani called Comey the "very perverted man".

I can see the health assessment from Trump's doctor now: "Mr. Comey is overweight, eats a very poor diet. Suspected cognitive decline"

David Amos
David Amos
@Dustin Carey "Guiliani called Comey the "very perverted man".

Methinks those lawyers who are former US Attorneys from New York are kindred souls

 John Atkins 
Butch Benitez
Honestly, I think Trump thinks he is actually starring in a mini-series and every so often we need a twist or cliff-hanger to keep us interested and not change the channel. It seems to work. I swear off reading any more Trump stories, then something happens, and I am back reading. House of Cards was a bit like that....oh....wait...no, it cannot be true......

William F. Perry
William F. Perry
@Butch Benitez
A narcissist loves attention be it negative attention or positive attention. To the narcissist who is all about self, that narcissist could not be happier. It does not matter what he is being accused of or praised for by his followers, he is happier than a pig in.... !

David Amos
David Amos
@William F. Perry "A narcissist loves attention be it negative attention or positive attention.'

I agree

 John Atkins 
Erin Wilson
Don Trump hires Giuliani. Giuliani gives Trump up, basically saying that Trump was lying for the last few months. Don Trump's buddy Hannity acts surprised. Scripted but another nail in Don Trump's coffin.
Giuliani won't last long in the revolving door of Trump lawyers.

David Amos
David Amos
@Erin Wilson "Giuliani won't last long in the revolving door of Trump lawyers"

Don't bet on it

Dustin Carey 
Dustin Carey
One wonders if Giuliani will make it a full Scaramucci on Trump's legal team

Barbara Leblanc
Barbara Leblanc
@Troy Frech Don't you just love it!

David Amos
David Amos
@Barbara Leblanc Methinks everybody loves a circus N'esy Pas?

John Atkins 
Charles Patten
not sure why the news keeps covering garbage

David Amos
David Amos
@Charles Patten "not sure why the news keeps covering garbage"

Sex sells

John Atkins 
Derek Long

William F. Perry
William F. Perry
@Derek Long
There is not one pro-Trump individual that is going to click on your link. That is a fact.
There is a subset of individuals that dwell in the United States of America that will not let the truth get in their way of what they have already decided. How over 62,000,000 Americans could want Trump as their president after seeing the way he lives, treats women, tells thousands of untruths etc. and still expect him to care for them boggles the mind of this comment poster.

David Amos
David Amos
@William F. Perry Oh My Methinks you may have lost your faith in peoplekind N'esy Pas?

Dustin Carey 
Dustin Carey
John Oliver really did sum this up perfectly with #stupidwatergate

David Amos
David Amos
@Dustin Carey Methinks that much to my chagrin I should concur N'esy Pas?

Dean Robertson 
Joseph Power
So Trump lied, what a shocker.

David Amos
David Amos
@Joseph Power Methinks that like me thou doth jest N'esy Pas?

Dean Robertson
Dean Robertson
Oh well that'a relief that I know this now.

Time to get on with my day. I'll cherish the news, and put a special note as May 3, porn star paid, Donald Trump, for my grandkids to read.

Pearl Harbour, September 11, May 3, Donald Trump, porn star paid...

David Amos
David Amos

John Dirlik 
John Dirlik
If only Americans cared more for the war crimes committed by their leaders than their sexual improprieties, the world would be a far safer place.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Dirlik "If only Americans cared more for the war crimes committed by their leaders than their sexual improprieties, the world would be a far safer place"

Methinks it would be a wonderful world if your wish came true N'esy Pas?

John Atkins
John Atkins
@David Amos If you want to use the french language, learn to spell it!

David Amos
David Amos
@John Atkins I did way back in the sixties ( I studied Latin as well and two of my classmates are now judges appointed by Harper) That was long before Trudeau The Elder's Charter made my home province Canada's ONLY bilingual province and I have protested ever since.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Atkins Methinks you should read the first words I posted in CBC N'esy Pas?


After suing a legion of lawyers and judges etc in the USA and running for public office in Canada five times against liberals and their many cohorts , I believe I have earned the right not to take lessons from anyone on how I choose to spell the words within my comments N'esy Pas CBC?

David Amos
David Amos
@John Atkins Methinks its kinda comical that my spelling certainly upsets English fans of Trudeau The Younger many years later N'esy Pas?

Trump repaid Cohen for hush payment to porn star, says Giuliani

Recent addition to Trump's legal team contradict's president's earlier statements

The Associated Press· Posted: May 02, 2018 10:56 PM ET

Donald Trump with former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who has since joined his legal team, at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., in November 2016. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

Donald Trump reimbursed his personal lawyer for $130,000 in hush money paid to a porn actress days before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, according to one of his lawyers, appearing to contradict the Trump's claims that he didn't know the source of the money.

During an appearance on Fox News Channel's Hannity, Giuliani said the money to repay Michael Cohen had been "funnelled ... through the law firm and the president repaid it."

Asked if Trump knew about the arrangement, Giuliani said: "He didn't know about the specifics of it, as far as I know. But he did know about the general arrangement, that Michael would take care of things like this, like I take care of things like this for my clients. I don't burden them with every single thing that comes along. These are busy people."

The comments appeared to contradict statements from Trump several weeks ago, when he said he didn't know about the payment to Stormy Daniels as part of a nondisclosure agreement she signed days before the presidential election. Giuliani later suggested to the Wall Street Journal that while Trump had repaid the $130,000, Cohen had settled the payment to Daniels without Trump's knowledge at the time.

Guiliani's revelation seemed aimed at reducing the president's legal exposure. But outside experts said it raised a number of questions, including whether the money represented repayment of an undisclosed loan or could be seen as reimbursement for a campaign expenditure.


Giuliani: President Trump Reimbursed Cohen For Stormy Daniels Hush Money | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Published on May 2, 2018
During a FOX News interview, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said Trump paid Michael Cohen back for the $130,000 paid in hush money to Stormy Daniels. But Trump's said in the past he knew nothing of the payment. Matt Apuzzo, Philip Rucker, & Nicolle Wallace discuss.

Asked aboard Air Force One last month whether he knew about the payment, Trump said: "No." Trump also said he didn't know why Cohen had made the payment or where he got the money.
In a phone interview with Fox and Friends last week, however, Trump appeared to muddy the waters, saying that Cohen represented him in the "crazy Stormy Daniels deal."

Early Thursday, Trump said through social media that Cohen was on a monthly retainer unrelated to the presidential campaign. Trump, who has denied an affair with Daniels, said the non-disclosure agreement with her was "used to stop the false and extortionist accusations made by her."

Lawyer for Daniels pounces on revelation

Giuliani, a former New York City mayor who joined Trump's legal team last month, said the president had repaid Cohen over several months, indicating the payments continued through at least the presidential transition, if not into his presidency. He also said the payment "is going to turn out to be perfectly legal" because "that money was not campaign money."

No debt to Cohen is listed on Trump's personal financial disclosure form, which was certified on June 16, 2017.

Giuliani also described the payment to Daniels as "a very regular thing for lawyers to do."

Adult film actress Stormy Daniels leaves a New York court on April 16. Daniels said she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006 and was paid $130,000 to keep quiet. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Daniels's lawyer, Michael Avenatti, called the comment "a stunning revelation."

"Mr. Trump evidently has participated in a felony and there must be serious consequences for his conduct and his lies and deception to the American people," he said.

Giuliani made the statements to Fox host Sean Hannity, who has his own connection to the case. It was recently revealed in court that Hannity is one of Cohen's clients. Hannity has described his personal dealings with Cohen as centred on real estate advice and said that it "never rose to any level that I needed to tell anyone that I was asking him questions."

Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, says she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006, months after his third wife gave birth to his youngest child, and was paid to keep quiet as part of a nondisclosure agreement she is now seeking to invalidate. She has also filed a defamation suit against Trump after he questioned a composite sketch she released of a man she says threatened her to stay quiet.

Michael Avenatti, Daniels's lawyer, shown talking to reporters outside Federal Court in New York on April 26, has called Guiliani's comments about Trump repaying the money 'a stunning revelation.' (Seth Wenig/Associated Press)
Cohen had said previously: "Neither the Trump organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly." He notably did not include the president personally.

Asked about Cohen's denial, Giuliani said he didn't know whether Cohen had made the payment without asking Trump but that he had "no reason to dispute that."

The revelation from Giuliani came as Cohen was under escalating legal pressure. He is facing a criminal investigation in New York, and FBI agents raided his home and office several weeks ago seeking records about the nondisclosure agreement.

Daniels's lawsuit over the hush deal has been delayed, with the judge citing the criminal investigation.

Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is under escalating legal pressure after the FBI raided his home, office and hotel room. (Yana Paskova/Getty Images)
The payment to Daniels has raised numerous legal questions, including whether it was an illegal campaign contribution and, now, a loan.

"If this is true then it looks like Cohen may have made an unreported loan to the campaign rather than a contribution," said Richard L. Hasen, an expert in election law at the University of California, Irvine.

He said that might be better for Cohen, but not for Trump, because it undermines the argument that Cohen was acting independently.

"The greatest significance is that it implicates the president directly."

Law firms advance expenses for clients as a matter of course, and so there's nothing inherently improper about a lawyer covering a particular payment and then being reimbursed for it. In this case, though, the client who apparently reimbursed the expense was running for president and the money was paid just days before the election, raising questions about whether Cohen's law practice was functioning as a vendor for the campaign and whether the expense was therefore an unreported campaign expenditure. If so, that could be legally problematic.


The National
Trump vs. Mueller: Tensions rise ahead of looming confrontation
U.S. President Donald Trump's fight against the Russia probe and special counsel Robert Mueller is escalating, as tensions rise ahead of their looming confrontation. The latest move was made by Trump, who switched lawyers — his departing had counsel preached co-operation with the Russia investigation. Now all eyes are watching to see who will blink first: the president or the special counsel. 3:13

Andrew Herman, a lawyer at Miller & Chevalier who specializes in campaign finance law, said Giuliani's argument that this was a private payment unrelated to the campaign appears to be "pretty far-fetched," given the timing — weeks before the election while Trump was under fire for his behaviour with women and for an Access Hollywood tape in which he spoke of groping women without their consent.

But if Cohen or Trump could establish that discussions with Daniels over the payment long predated his run for office, that could help them with the argument that the money was a personal rather than political expense.

With files from Reuters

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