Channel: David Raymond Amos Round 3
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MPs hold emergency debate to respond to Wilson-Raybould's testimony


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Methinks truth is stranger than fiction Anyone can easily Google "David Amos Federal Court file No.T-1557-15" in order to sort out the truth from fiction for themselves N'esy Pas?



MPs hold emergency debate to respond to Wilson-Raybould's testimony

'Somebody is lying, and I would say that it is not the former attorney general': Conservative House leader

2392 Comments at Midnight

David Amos
David Amos
Methinks truth is stranger than fiction and anyone can easily Google "David Amos Federal Court file No.T-1557-15" in order to sort out the truth from fiction for themselves. Its blatantly obvious that Mr Trudeau had a duty to talk to Harper's Minister of justice and Peter MacKay and had them pay particular attention to info found within statement 83 of my lawsuit long before the election in October of 2015

Everybody knows why I am about to put the aforementioned matter before the Supreme Court and file several more lawsuits in the Federal Court against the RCMP and the CRA etc and also run for a seat in Parliament again N'esy Pas?
Jim Karr
Jim Karr

A Liberal MP is claiming that referring the matter to the RCMP is illegal:-)hahahahahahah

David Amos
David Amos @Jim Karr I got bored with this sideshow so here is a little info you may enjoy I am posting one last comment then of to bed Please check my work and good night sir

Trust that Gerald Butts, Jagmeet Singh, Andrew Scheer, Maxime Bernier, Elizabeth May and everyone else who sits in opposition know that Jody Wilson-Raybould may have lost her mandate as Justice Minister because of her failings in Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal within my lawsuit against the Crown that was filed when Harper was the Prime Minister and Mr Scheer was the Speaker. Need I say that it irritated me big time when Jody appointed her Deputy Minister to the bench of Federal Court not long after I argued their minions in the Federal Court of Appeal?

Methinks anyone can check my work by simply Googling two names "Jody Wilson-Raybould David Raymond Amos" before she speaks her truth tomorrow N'esy Pas?

Jim Karr
Jim Karr
Too bad the CBC "live debate" feed doesn't work for Canadian based browsers.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Karr What a relief I thought it was just me

Jim Karr
Jim Karr
@David Amos

I tried 4 different browsers on the wifi and none works.
But I can watch it on a cellular connection.

David Amos
David Amos
@Jim Karr Me Too

Rick Guthrie 
Rick Guthrie
So, according to the Liberals, it's ok to allow large companies to get away with crimes as long as it saves jobs. Ridiculous and sad.

Thomas Magnum
Thomas Magnum
@Rick Guthrie
have you looked up what a DPA is?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Rick Guthrie

You don't understand what a DPA so stop pretending you are smart

Sid Taylor
Sid Taylor
@Troy Mann
Another bumper sticker slogan from Troy. We all know you support ethics violations Troy

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
@Rick Guthrie : It depends how you define "crimes". At that time in history the only way to obtain lucrative contracts in a place like Libya was through bribery. Every company did it.

John Hawkwood
John Hawkwood
@Rick Guthrie
As long as it saves jobs ... in Quebec.

Rick Guthrie
Rick Guthrie
@Rick Guthrie
It's very easy to understand what a crime is. But if your a Liberal sometimes crimes are ok. I think their moral compass is broken.

Rick Guthrie
Rick Guthrie
@Francis Lee
No, sorry. Not every company did it.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Rick Guthrie

US, UK, Australia and EU companies have all used DPAs

David Fletcher
David Fletcher
@Rick Guthrie

I am glad that pragmatism wins. All our major competitors allows DPA's so for Canada to tie it's hands behind it's back and leave money on the table for some idealistic nonsense that ignores reality would have been outrageous.

The behavior of JWR was childish and petulant. If she can't look at the bigger picture then she has no place in leadership.

Andy. Radtke
Andy. Radtke
@Francis Lee - Of course, and also apparently in La Quebec also!

Jenna Collins
Jenna Collins
@David Fletcher
You don't find it odd that SNC-Lavalin survived all these years without DPA's? You don't find it odd that the Liberals brought in DPA legislation by giant omnibus bill in 2018?

Clement Attlee
Clement Attlee
@Rick Guthrie Someone made that precise argument RE one of my comments earlier on. I asked him how he did not see SNC's role in their own potential demise.

Paul Holden
Paul Holden
@Rick Guthrie and of course it had nothing to do with the 110,000 of under table money from the Liberals

David Fletcher
David Fletcher
@Jenna Collins

In the past, both political parties were smart enough to overlook bribery claims in parts of the world where bribery is as common as air. The cost of self-righteous ideology will be paid for by the Canadians employed by SNC and by the Canadian taxpayer.

Walter Rogers
Walter Rogers
@David Fletcher But that's what what our holier-than-thou leader likes to do, tie Canadian's hands behind their backs.

John Dunn
John Dunn
@Francis Lee If one examines "bribery" charges against SNC, considering that it was Libya that they were dealing with, one has to wonder about the validity of the charges. Sadly, bribery is a way of life in many countries and is the only way contracts are awarded. Given it was Gaddafi, one of the world's biggest criminals, is bribery a surprise to anyone. Now if SNC was bribing someone in Canada to receive contracts, I could understand the righteous pursuit if prosecution.

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Rick Guthrie apparently the top civil servant also holds this political view. This guy should resign today to protect reputation of the rest of the civil service who uphold the law. Shameful.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Rick Guthrie

Totally uninformed post, Rick, as usual. DPAs are all the rage to deal with white collar crime, in the USA, the UK, all over. Canada is just catching up and SNC is about as qualified for one as any company in the world.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Rick Guthrie According to the legal people on the news, the Libs wrote their own legislation wrong.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Paul Holden I'd like to see the Lib staffers and SNC connection.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Rick Guthrie

another day another Trudeau is horrible blah blah blah

David Amos
David Amos
@Rick Guthrie Mais Oui

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "stop pretending you are smart"

You Too

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "US, UK, Australia and EU companies have all used DPAs"

So what?

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "DPAs are all the rage to deal with white collar crime"

Do tell Why is that?

Robert Long
Robert Long
Wow, I can't believe this thread. After what we saw yesterday, people are still supporting Trudeau. Just like Donald Trump's base, it doesn't matter whet evil Trudeau does, his base still supports him. And judging from the ratio of pro Trudeau to anti Trudeau comments here, that base is very large.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Phil Mein

Personal attacks yet you are unable to substantiate anything you disagree with me on.
Scotty Davidson
Scotty Davidson
@Richard Sharp And yet he is supporting regime change in Venesuala, and getting Freeland to ask other countries to increase sanctions. Pretty sad you are defending such behavior.

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann I am not anonymous yet you won't go down to Federal Court to check my work WHY?

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Scotty Davidson

I have always been against the foreign policies of Trudeau and especially Freeland. Her INSANE support for Canadian troops and weapons on Russia’s borders is a disgrace to our long history as an honest broker.

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "I have always been against the foreign policies of Trudeau and especially Freeland."

Yea Right Do tell us another one

Troy Mann 
Dave MacDonald
She has no reason not to tell the truth while Trudeau has lots of reasons not to tell the truth .

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Dave MacDonald

No crime was committed
I was the decision maker as AG

You say you believe her but not those two statements?

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Dave MacDonald

It’s all about her, as her bizarre public letter shows when she was moved to Veterans Affairs. She kept secret book on her own Cabinet colleagues and staff, and instructed her staff to do likewise. JWR is totally untrustworthy and must be removed from the Liberal caucus.

Don Cameron
Don Cameron
@Richard Sharp said,
"She kept secret book on her own Cabinet colleagues..."

Or, in other words, she kept notes of meetings just like many competent professionals.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Don Cameron

In the words of Donald Trump, she’s a rat, but not to expose wrongdoing. To make herself look good.

Don Cameron
Don Cameron
@Richard Sharp said,
"In the words of Donald Trump..."

You seem to be channeling Donald Trump a lot lately.
The media are spreading fake news.
Political foes are disgusting jackels.
Anyone who stands up to your hero is 'a rat'.

Just like a Trump supporter. The similarities are remarkable.

Don Cameron
Don Cameron
@Richard Sharp said,
"she’s a rat, but not to expose wrongdoing. To make herself look good."

She took a stand on a legal issue, as was her right. For that she was harassed and threatened. She refused to cave, so she was fired from the AG position. She's informing people of what happened, and will likely pay a huge price politically for doing so.

It was the opposite of doing it to 'make herself look good'.
You should be ashamed for making such a claim.

Kris Stec
Kris Stec
@Richard Sharp Fact: not one reputable news reporter has anything positive to say about you boy wonder. You can continue to post your nonsense but he has lost the media and they won't forget. Game over...

Scotty Davidson
Scotty Davidson
@Kris Stec He gave them 600 million dollars to report the "truth" so um yeah he might get some positive press...

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "I was the decision maker as AG"

Federal Court file no T-1557-15 in case you forgot

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "In the words of Donald Trump, she’s a rat, but not to expose wrongdoing. To make herself look good."

Oh My My Methinks desperate liberals do say desperate things N'esy Pas?

David Magner (YYC)
Jim Dandee
I'm with Scheer: Trudeau needs to step aside.

David Magner (YYC)
David Magner (YYC)
@Jim Dandee

JWR said no law was broken. Trudeau was assertive, rude, disrespectful, etc. and I'm very disappointed in him for that but the punishment should fit the offence. A stern talking to is called for. That's about all.

Don't pretend Scheer would be all pleasant, happy and delightful if he were trying to get his AG to waive prosecution of a big oil co. in a Con riding. Of course a con AG would probably waive that without having to be asked.

Darnell Rockmart
Darnell Rockmart
@David Magner (YYC) A stern talking to? Do you have the liberal party logo tattooed on your face or something?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Darnell Rockmart

What more should he get, all that happened is Jody got irritated... Big deal, if MPs cant irritate someone who is flushing 10,000 jobs down the drain we have big problems

Richard McDonell
Richard McDonell
@Jim Dandee
It would not trouble me if he did step aside (in favour of PM Freeland?), but having said that, I don't think it would solve anything. Election coming up in eight months - let the people decide -they're (we're) the ones that elected him.

Darnell Rockmart
Darnell Rockmart
@Troy Mann Big deal if we have politicians trying their best to allow large companies to bribe people for financial windfall! Let's elect some more MP's willing to do big corporations bidding for them!!

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Jim Dandee the top civil servant who testified to protect Trudeau needs to go too

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Darnell Rockmart

The people who committed the crimes have all been charged leaving the innocent Canadian workers and investors left. They did nothing wrong, why dont conservatives understand that in their lust to bring down SNC and Canadian jobs.

John Dunn
John Dunn
@Jim Dandee Scheer is of course grandstanding with glee at the opportunity to make hay on the issue. Nothing more, nothing less. JWR said "improper" not "illegal". The opposition is having an "emergency" session purely for the purpose of "pumping the story".

John Dunn
John Dunn
@David Magner (YYC) Assertive yes. Rude and disrespectful, "etc". naw.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Jim Dandee

For what? No unlawful act, even according to JWR’s betrayal yesterday.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Jim Dandee Most would agree.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@John Dunn "Scheer is of course grandstanding with glee at the opportunity to make hay on the issue. "
Was he drinking a $16 glass of orange juice at the time?

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "Big deal, if MPs cant irritate someone who is flushing 10,000 jobs down the drain we have big problems"

Methinks the work will still get done just Justin's Quebecois cohorts won't be able to make a big score form it tis all N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "No unlawful act, even according to JWR’s betrayal yesterday"

Methinks you need to Google "David Amos wiretap" again N'esy Pas?

Vernon Shein 
Vernon Shein
Trudeau, he's just not ready.

Kris Stec
Kris Stec
@Richard Sharp Cut and paste the same erroneous interpretation of the facts. You never learn.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Don Cameron

The Libs have done more in 3.5 years than Harper did in ten. In fact ten times more because Harper drove this country in reverse.

Peter Beaulieu
Peter Beaulieu
@Vernon Shein He's ready with great hair!

Troy Mann
@Vernon Shein

Lowest unemployment rate in 40 years is the Trudeau legacy

Harper and Sheer are still working on their 2015 election platform

Nicholas Jones
Nicholas Jones
@Vernon Shein

He's ready for getting kicked out of office.

Andy. Radtke
Andy. Radtke
@Peter Beaulieu - LOL, yup seemed to get darker recently?

David Chambers
David Chambers
@Vernon Shein

He is ready for jail!

Richard McDonell
Richard McDonell
@Troy Mann
Troy, cherry picking your stats doesn't prove anything. Look hard enough and you will find something terrible on every leader of every stripe. If you want us to look at the unemployment rate, I'll ask you to look at the deficit increase since he took office.
Do we judge Churchill by Gallipoli and his stand on Indian independence, or by his leadership in WW2?

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@David Chambers maybe he can share a cell with Kadar

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Richard McDonell

Our deficit is small in comparison to our GDP and our debt to GDP ratio is declining.

Why would you not want to look at our unemployment rate? Because it shows Canada is succeeding? It is ok to be proud of Canada you know, even if you dislike the PM.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Vernon Shein

The Trudeau Libs put together a remarkable 354 campaign promises in 2015, and have delivered on 91% of them, in part or in whole. Transformational reforms of child benefits, the Senate, FNs relations, climate action, elections (yep) and on and on. Trudeau is ready all right and when Canadians come to realize his SPECTACULAR achievements vs. Scheer the Harper retread, it will be an easy choice.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Vernon Shein It'a all a matter of reordering his thoughts.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Troy Mann So deficits in "good" times is a good thing?

Don Cameron
Don Cameron
@Richard Sharp said,
"and have delivered on 91% of them, in part or in whole. "

Now, keeping promises 'in part' counts for something? Which part?

I promised to be faithful to my wife, forsaking all others. I wonder how she'd feel if I only kept my promise 'in part'? Lol...

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "Trudeau is ready all right and when Canadians come to realize his SPECTACULAR achievements vs. Scheer the Harper retread, it will be an easy choice."

Methinks you should take a long walk in the snow and think about quitting as a political pundit N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "It is ok to be proud of Canada you know, even if you dislike the PM."

At least that part is true

Harold Peters 
Harold Peters
Securing jobs does not ever over ride justice, that is a very lame excuse.

David Fletcher
David Fletcher
@Harold Peters

Most Canadians believed that. Then they grew up and realized the world is a complex place and that we compete against others with far more pragmatic outlooks.

David Amos
David Amos
@David Fletcher "Most Canadians believed that"

I still do

Demeter Khol 
Demeter Khol
Trudeau and Macron belong to the same breed of politician. When they open their mouths, they appear to be the very antithesis of the likes of Donald Trump, who displays his monstrous nature for all to see. But the Macrons and the Trudeaus of the world are monsters in disguise — and they are just as dangerous

Brock Samson
Brock Samson
@Demeter Khol Politics 101.

David Amos
David Amos
@Demeter Khol Welcome to the Circus

Troy Mann 
Eric Tred
Will Trudeau have the guts to show up or will he have someone else answer for him like this afternoon.

Reid Fleming
Reid Fleming
@Eric Tred Why bother? In response to any question, he'll just keep parroting the same scripted talking points about "Canadian jobs."

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Eric Tred he a tried to throw a woman under the bus and she crushed it, Today another woman had to take heat for him in the House of Commons. And then there is that female reporter in BC. This guy is not a man or a feminist.

David Amos
David Amos
@Eric Tred Trudeau loves centre stage Hence he will show up

Troy Mann 
Brock Samson
I find it righteously funny that amidst all of this; the C won't let us (me?) say the word cor**pt or any version of it.


Brock Samson
Brock Samson
@Brock Samson I mean its been that way for ages now but it gets increasingly funny.

Ricky Tarr
Ricky Tarr
@Brock Samson

Been there done that.
It's your and my tax money at work.

Marvin Gross
Marvin Gross
@Ricky Tarr good old fake news North

Darnell Rockmart
Darnell Rockmart
@Brock Samson It reminds them that they are too, and thus it can't be allowed.

David Amos
David Amos
@Brock Samson Mais Oui is often blocked too for some strange reason

David Amos
David Amos
@Brock Samson Better yet try to post the name of New Brunswick's Green Party leader and see how far you get with that

Troy Mann 
Jenna Collins
This is turning into the biggest government scandal in Canadian history. I can't believe that some Liberal supporters are still defending them and have turned against Jody Wilson-Raybould. Unbelievable!

Stephen David
Stephen David
@Jenna Collins

Their done and most Canadians know it.

Robert Morris
Robert Morris
@Jenna Collins
Trying to save 9000+ jobs at SNC-Lavelin is not scandalous......it is standing up for canadian workers......

Paul Mason
Paul Mason
@Stephen David *they're

rex king
rex king
@Jenna Collins a few die hards if it werent hilarious it would be embarrassing

rex king
rex king
@Robert Morris LOL this has nothing to do with jobs. so I wont mention the oil patch.

Chantelle Robideaux
Chantelle Robideaux
@Robert Morris At the expense of the rule of law that Trudeau keeps talking about.

Jenna Collins
Jenna Collins
@Robert Morris
So you think that there are no other companies in Canada that would love to handle government contracts?

Richard McDonell
Richard McDonell
@Jenna Collins
Haven't read much Canadian history have you?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jenna Collins "This is turning into the biggest government scandal in Canadian history."

Methinks you have never heard of the doings of Sir John A. MacDonald N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jenna Collins How about Mulroney and bag money?


Trudeau mulls Wilson-Raybould's fate in Liberal caucus as Scheer makes formal bid for RCMP probe

MPs to hold emergency debate tonight on the former justice minister's testimony

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks to the media at the Canadian Space Agency headquarters in St. Hubert, Que., on Thursday. (Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is considering whether Jody Wilson-Raybould can remain in the Liberal caucus, as the Conservatives make a formal request for the RCMP to launch a criminal investigation following her testimony in the SNC-Lavalin affair.

Taking questions from reporters Thursday after an event at the Canadian Space Agency in St. Hubert, Que., Trudeau again took issue with Wilson-Raybould's version of events, and said he was taking time to consider her status.

"I have taken knowledge of her testimony and there are still reflections to have on next steps," he said.

MPs will hold an emergency debate tonight on Wilson-Raybould's damning testimony before the Commons justice committee, where the former justice minister alleged improper political interference and "veiled threats" by the Prime Minister's Office and government officials. That debate begins at approximately 6:30 p.m.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has asked for Trudeau's resignation and for a police investigation.

Today, he wrote to the RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki formally requesting an investigation into possible Criminal Code offences related to provoking fear in an attorney general and obstructing or defeating the course of justice.

"She confirmed veiled threats of consequences if she did not bend to the political wishes of the Liberal Party and the financial interests of the shareholders of SNC-Lavalin. It was also clear that these actions rose to the highest ranks of the government," Scheer wrote.

RCMP reviewing request

The RCMP acknowledged receiving the letter and said the commissioner is reviewing it.

Meanwhile, late Thursday, two former federal attorneys general — Peter MacKay, who served in the role under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Douglas Grinslade Lewis, who served under Prime Minister Brian Mulroney — penned a letter to the RCMP asking for a police investigation into the matter.

The letter was also signed by three provincial attorneys general: Jonathan Denis, Progressive Conservative, from Alberta; Cecil Clarke, Progressive Conservative, from Nova Scotia; and Colin Gableman, NDP, from British Columbia.

"We write today to urge you to ensure that you use all resources at your disposal to fully and fairly investigate any potential criminality and provide Canadians with the truth in this crucial matter, as it strikes at the core of the rule of law and independence of our justice system," the letter said.

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