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Scheer sends Trudeau letter demanding he waive solicitor-client privilege in SNC-Lavalin case


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Mr Scheer and everyone else knows that Jody Wilson-Raybould may have lost her mandate as Justice Minister because of her failings in Federal Court  within my lawsuit against the Crown


Scheer sends Trudeau letter demanding he waive solicitor-client privilege in SNC-Lavalin case

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David Amos
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David Amos
Trust that Mr Scheer and everyone else who sits in opposition know that Jody Wilson-Raybould may have lost her mandate as Justice Minister because of her failings in Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal within my lawsuit against the Crown that was filed when Harper was the Prime Minister and Mr Scheer was the Speaker. Need I say that it irritated me bigtime when Jody appointed her Deputy Minister to the bench of Federal Court not long after I argued their minions in the Federal Court of Appeal?

Methinks anyone can check my work by simply Googling two names "Jody Wilson-Raybould David Raymond Amos" N'esy Pas?

David Amos
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David Amos 
Methinks truth is stranger than fiction and anyone can easily Google "David Amos Federal Court file No." in order to sort out the truth from fiction for themselves. Its blatantly obvious that Mr Trudeau had a duty to talk to Harper's Minister of justice and Peter MacKay and had them pay particular attention to info found within statement 83 of my lawsuit long before the election in October of 2015

Everybody knows why I am about to put the aforementioned matter before the Supreme Court and file several more lawsuits in the Federal Court against the RCMP and the CRA etc and also run for a seat in Parliament again N'esy Pas?

Joeseph A. Verage
Joeseph A. Verage
Trudeau is in troubled waters. So is Canada with the Liberals at the helm.

ron snell
ron snell
@Joeseph A. Verage Why is Mr. Scheer helping Trudeau out again, by giving more instruction on what to do, instead of just letting Trudeau Flounder.

Earl Higgins
Earl Higgins
@Joeseph A. Verage
My there are a lot of conservatives waiting in the wings to comment on anything the liberals do and I'm not a liberal supporter.
We intuitively know the conservatives would have acted no differently faced with the possible bankruptcy of one of Canda's sweethearts. We know that from past experience
of the conservatives who place corporations first. And after their time in office, they go to work for them, same as the liberals.
So this is not about conservatives and liberals, this is about changing laws to hold CEOs and top managers responsible. This is about preventing top politicians from doing any lobbying for at least 5 years after they have served in office. This is about real accountability and real justice.

@Joeseph A. Verage
Scheer can expose it all when he is elected but If he wants seats in Quebec he's going to have to learn to play the game. Attacking major employers such as SNC-Lavelin and Bombardier isn't going to help.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann

SNC going bankrupt will cause 10,000 canadians to lose their jobs which is what conservatives really want.

Wilson neglected her job by refusing remediation agreement.

Canada gains nothing by charging a corporation criminally, the executives were the guilty ones and should be charged not innocent workers and investors.

Munroe Kelly
Munroe Kelly
@Troy Mann
Wilson was not employment minister, she was the justice minister. Job creation is not her mandate, justice is.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Munroe Kelly

Remediation agreements are the law in Canada

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@ron snell Perhaps because Scheer has some integrity and actually cares about due process and the rule of law?!!... Just sayin'.

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Earl Higgins This is about the PMO's office attempting to influence a matter actively before the courts. This is about the PMO's office attempting to obstruct Justice. This is about the PMO's office potentially being engaged in violations of the Criminal Code Of Canada. A number of Judges, both active and retied have stated there is a REAL concern that a criminal act has taken place and NEEDS to be investigated by the RCMP.

Molly Earl
Molly Earl
@Joeseph A. Verage without a name other than anonymous this story will eventually fizzle out.

Molly Earl
Molly Earl
@Allen Quisnel how? Without an actual name to go to with who do you talk to.

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Troy Mann Remediation became the law in Canada as a result of intense SNC Lavalin lobbying and pressure on the government. The applicable law was buried in Bill C74 which was an Omnibus Bill entitled The Budget Implimentation Act 2018, tabled by Morneau, NOT the Attorney General. In committee, members of ALL parties argued against it. It still became law on the direction of the Prime Minister in a majority vote, passing 3rd reading on June 6, 2018. SNC Lavalin was already under prosecution

Fiona Lang
Fiona Lang
@Troy Mann No real Canadian wants others to lose their jobs. Except for people watching the resource sector in Alberta tank, all due to the stranglehold of regulations the LPC has passed. And the companies going under in Alberta were not guilty of the crimes SNC-Lavalin has committed.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Joeseph A. Verage From Warren K, "Their mistake was in treating the Attorney General like she was some other Minister. Huge mistake. The AG is a prosecutor as well as a Minister. Pressuring a prosecutor to help out a friend facing a criminal prosecution IS a crime. They are in deep "edit""

Fiona Lang
Fiona Lang
@Troy Mann Brought in a very sleazy manner, no debate just snuck into a budget Omnibill sandwich. Even some Liberals were surprised!

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Allen Quisnel

Remediation laws are common in EU and US as they protect innocent workers and investors.

Companies act based on executive decisions and they should be held accountable not innocent canadian workers and retired investors.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Fiona Lang

It is not hard to understand Fionna, companies are unable to break laws with out actions of their executives. Holding innocent workers and investors responsible is irresponsible.

Your opinion on Alberta is flawed, you bring it up to justify your hatred for all things Quebec even though SNC employs people across Canada.

James Rielly
James Rielly
@Troy Mann There's political blood in the water,Sheers a political shark and hay must be made while the sun shines.

John Conrad
John Conrad
@Troy Mann
This implies that SNC Lavalin's strategy might include using its Canadian employees as hostages.
If such is found to be the case, it will probably not sit at all well with some of the judges.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@John Conrad

If SNC is prosecuted they will go bankrupt and 10000 canadians all highly paid will lose their jobs for no reason. Other Canadian companies will leave Canada due to investor demands to be protected from government prosecutions.

The guilty people are the executives who should be and are being held accountable, not the innocent Canadian workers and retired investors.

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Troy Mann This isn't about Remediation laws... it IS about the PMO trying to influence Judicial proceedings. One is a law.... the other is corruption and a criminal code violation.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Allen Quisnel

The PM has every right and a duty to talk to the Minister of justice.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Troy Mann Not to influence a court case

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Troy Mann Absolutely. He also has every right to be charged for obstruction of justice if he attempts to pressure an intervention in an ongoing court case.

Len Boufford
Len Boufford
@Troy Mann
This discussion isn't about the merits of Remediation Laws. Quite often they are the best solution.
This is about political interference into the judicial system by the PMO office, which is ILLEGAL!

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Len Boufford

The Prime Minister not only has the right but has the obligation to talk to his Minister of justice and to protect innocent Canadian jobs and retired investors

Steve Taylor
Steve Taylor
@Joeseph A. Verage

Problem is that in the modern era of transnational monopolies, SNC is often Canada's only choice...

What is the "confluence of public and private power" defined as again?

John VanHaverbeke
John VanHaverbeke
@Joeseph A. Verage Problem for you is Andy won't win the next election!

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Darren MacDonald "Not to influence a court case"

He clearly didnt as the case is still proceeding.
He has every right and obligation to talk to Minister of justice and provide an options such as deferred prosecution agreement which are legal and used by the US and EU.
He has every right to appoint and remove the Minister of justice at his whim.

He has done nothing illegal in fact I'd say he was obligated to discuss the remediation options in order to protect Canadian jobs, the innocent canadians who work those jobs and retired Canadian investors.

Wilson failed to follow the law and direct prosecution to offer remedial agree.ent as an option or even investigating if they are an option. Wilson as Attorney General has the legal means to direct prosecution to remedial enforcement over criminal.

Look at the facts and you will see.

André Carrel
André Carrel
@Joeseph A. Verage
Canada is not in troubled waters, the rule of law is.
If solicitor-client privilege is meant to signal that a person has something to hide, then by definition respecting solicitor-client privilege is an admission of guilt.
You are leading us down an dangerous path Mr. Scheer.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@André Carrel

Guilt till you prove your innocence is the new conservative slogan.

Not sure if most will appreciate giving someone power who believes that like Sheer.

Charly Vaughan
Charly Vaughan
@Joeseph A. Verage if SNC Lavelin just shuts down in Canada problem gone...and they can still handout brown envelopes to buy work

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Troy Mann You've had a long shift today, you must be exhausted. LOL

Len Evans
Len Evans
@Joeseph A. Verage
Balderdash. Folks often have such short memories... Do you not remember the previous government Scheer was part of? I don't support many of Trudeau's decisions, but with Scheer at the helm of the Conservatives, there is little to no choice but to vote Liberal again. Scheer sends a letter now & uses the CBC to attack the Liberals, yet he and the rest of the Harper Conservatives wouldn't even accept open questions or have communication with the media when they were in office. They wanted everything in advance & screened persons and questions before any press conference. That crew should have been flushed away long ago, but we are still knee deep in what they left behind.

@Len Evans So true.

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Joeseph A. Verage another Liberal Quebec corruption scandal.

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "Look at the facts and you will see."

Trust that Mr Scheer and everyone else who sits in opposition know that Jody Wilson-Raybould may have lost her mandate as Justice Minister because of her failings in Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal within my lawsuit against the Crown that was filed when Harper was the Prime Minister and Mr Scheer was the Speaker. Need I say that it irritated me bigtime when Jody appointed her Deputy Minister to the bench of Federal Court not long after I argued their minions in the Federal Court of Appeal?

Methinks anyone can check my work by simply Googling two names "Jody Wilson-Raybould David Raymond Amos" N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos 
@Troy Mann "The PM has every right and a duty to talk to the Minister of justice."

Methinks truth is stranger than fiction and anyone can easily Google "David Amos Federal Court file No." in order to sort out the truth from fiction for themselves. Its blatantly obvious that Mr Trudeau had a duty to talk to Harpe's Minister of justice and Peter MacKay and had them pay particular attention to ino found within statement 83 of my lawsuit long before the election in October of 2015

Everybody knows why I am about to put the aforementioned matter before the Supreme Court and file several more lawsuits in the Federal Court against the RCMP and the CRA etc and also run for a seat in Parliament again N'esy Pas?

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Its quite comical to watch these conservatives try to skewer the liberals for the same kind of government corruption they were accused of when in power.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

God even the thought of another four years of a conservative government in power forces me into a fetal position.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Liberals are ripe for defeat to bad there isnt a viable competent opposition to challenge them.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Do these conservatives really think Canadians are willing to go back to the conservative days of denial of science and climate change and 100 billion dollar F35 fighter plane purchaes that'll backrupt the country.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Trudeau might not have had a stellar first term, but the opposition are so bad, he deserves another term by default.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

CBC has been playing loops of Peter Mackay elevating him to a position of political distinction which is not deserved.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Trudeau may not be perfect , but at least he's not a conservative.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Why does Andrew Scheer alway look like a high school monitor trying to win a debate.

mo bennett
mo bennett
@Joeseph A. Verage and will be in worse trouble with mini steve at the helm. don't be eatin' any stupid pills on 10.21! vote green, sleep at night.

Gorden Feist
Gorden Feist
@Joeseph A. Verage
The only thing worse than a Liberal government is a Conservative government.

mo bennett
mo bennett
@Joeseph A. Verage maybe he can buy a bridge off of simon and garfunkel.

James Holden
James Holden
@Allen Quisnel

Where is any evidence of Scheer having integrity?

David Novak
David Novak
@Joeseph A. Verage - Funny you would think that. Unemployment is at a 40 year low and the public debt is growing slower than the economy is growing.

Those are not troubled waters. Why would you say what you said, then?

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Joeseph A. Verage

It’s hard to believe how ungrateful Canadians are toward conservative governments after everything they’ve done for the country.

Trudeau is such an embarrassment we should make Scheer PM without an election like in Venezuela after they got tired of too much socialism.

Ryan Tulson
Ryan Tulson
@David Novak Look at all your likes!

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Thuaii "Trudeau is such an embarrassment we should make Scheer PM without an election like in Venezuela after they got tired of too much socialism."

Oh My My

David Amos
David Amos
@mo bennett "maybe he can buy a bridge off of simon and garfunkel."

YO MO Methinks Mr Harper has a few bridges he would like to sell on behalf of his buddies south of the 49th N'esy Pas?

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@James Holden "Where is any evidence of Scheer having integrity?"

Or the lack thereof?

Methinks you should scroll up through this particular comment section before it goes "Poof" N'esy Pas?

mo bennett
mo bennett
@David Amos ya, but he doesn't have a grammy, or Mrs. Robinson!!

David Amos
David Amos
@mo bennett Methinks he is still Right Honourable though N'esy Pas?

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@David Amos


Tres pas, in fact.

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Thuaii Methinks I already said anyone can easily Google "David Amos Federal Court file No." in order to sort out the truth from fiction for themselves. N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@mo bennett "will be in worse trouble with mini steve at the helm. don't be eatin' any stupid pills on 10.21! vote green, sleep at night."

Methinks a lot of folks will toss in their sleep worrying about the fact that Dizzy Lizzy May may drink too much before important meetings or giving speeches However we can always rely on our ethical "Press Gallery" to keep us properly informed N'esy Pas?


Matt Parks
Matt Parks
The real questions is: how is the CBC reporting on a Trudeau scandal? According to a lot of conservatives, they're just the Liberal Government's propaganda wing..... It's almost like, maybe the CBC is actually a credible source of information on Canadian politics and will report on scandals, regardless of which party is involved.... Maybe, just maybe, everything isn't a conspiracy.....

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Blogger Daryll Mcbain said
Quote "Harper was despicable and by far worse than the present Government in every way."
And I'll second that.

Matt Parks
Matt Parks
@David Amos: No way, according to a lot of commenters on this very site, the CBC is controlled exclusively by the Liberal party and would never publish anything that could hurt them....

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

So if youre a conservative you must be very confused, ecactly who should you vote for because supposedly now you have two leaders, Maxim Bernier and Andrew Scheer.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Conservatives cant even pull their own party together so why should we trust them when they say they want to unite Canada.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Conservative are in disarray, certainly not the people we want Canada with.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

A divided conservative party will unite Canada, give me some more malarky .

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Conservatives have FAILED Canadians, at a time Canada needs a strong united rational coherent opposition all the conservatives offer is a party in disarray pumping out the old Stephen Harper agenda of denying science and the number one threat to our planet, climate change.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Don't believe conservatives are a danger to our social programs that define us as NOT a cruel uncaring society like the Americans, just watch what the suits behind Doug Ford intend to do to Ontario.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Joeseph A. Verage

Andrew Scheer we'd respect you more if you could control your own party.

@JAMES LINDSAY Just read this morning that Mr. Scheer met with SNC, I wish I was a fly on the wall. Just saying.............

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@David Amos

Sorry I assume every link I see on the internet is a computer virus (even if there is no link)

Therefore either explain the reference or doom me to continue living in a world of blissful ignorance

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Thuaii Methinks you were doomed out of the gate N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Parks "the CBC is controlled exclusively by the Liberal party and would never publish anything that could hurt them"

Methinks even mindless Harper 2.0 knows that N'esy Pas?

For instance did I run in the election of the 42nd Parliament or did I not?


David Amos
David Amos
@James Holden "Where is any evidence of Scheer having integrity?"

Or the lack thereof?

Methinks you should scroll up through this thread N'esy Pas?

Peter Samson
Peter Samson
@Earl Higgins Wow, you're making some aggressive assumptions there Earl. For one there's a big difference between placing "corporations first" as you allege the Conservatives do and doing something illegal to aid a corporation. Assuming the conservatives would do the same thing is completely unjustified and really besides the point. And this isn't about waiting in the wings for "anything the liberals do", this allegation is that the PM or at least the PMO illegally pressured the AG to step in- that's a bit different than a standard slip up, it's against the law. And as mentioned in the article when confronted with a similar situation with Mike Duffy the conservatives waived privilege to allow the AG to speak. Will the Liberals do the same? That's the only question that matters, and if not, then why not?

Peter Samson
Peter Samson @Troy Mann "SNC going bankrupt will cause 10,000 canadians to lose their jobs which is what conservatives really want.

Wilson neglected her job by refusing remediation agreement.

Canada gains nothing by charging a corporation criminally, the executives were the guilty ones and should be charged not innocent workers and investors."

This is the best hot take you've had in a while Troy. Let me see if I can summarize.... The PMO may have acted illegally but it was the right choice. Conservatives are anti business (that's a new one). And even if SNC acted illegally it's fine because it was in the best interests of Canada....

Did I get that right Troy? And when are you running for public office? You've got yourself a heck of a platform there.

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Samson "Wow, you're making some aggressive assumptions there Earl. For one there's a big difference between placing "corporations first" as you allege the Conservatives do and doing something illegal to aid a corporation."

Methinks you obviously don't know that Canada IS a corporation that files with the Yankee SEC which is now overseen by Harper's pal "The Donald" N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Samson Go Figure


Stephen Harper spotted leaving the White House's West Wing

Former prime minister was expected to meet with 2 top Trump advisers
Catharine Tunney · CBC News · Posted: Jul 02, 2018 3:23 PM ET

David Amos
David Amos
@Peter Samson "Did I get that right Troy? And when are you running for public office? You've got yourself a heck of a platform there"

Methinks Troy and everybody else knows why I will be running for public office at least one more time this year N'esy Pas?

Peter Samson
Peter Samson
@Troy Mann It seems to me that your argument is that companies should be protected from prosecution because prosecution hurts the innocent workers. I'm not trying to mischaracterize your arguments so please clarify if I have it wrong. The natural follow up is at what point would it be okay to prosecute a company? I mean, SNC was allegedly involved in massive bribe and fraud but that's apparently not enough. What if they hired mercenaries to murder people, would that be enough? At what point does prosecution become an option given that it will always affect the innocent workers?

mo bennett
mo bennett
@Matt Thuaii not even close! he means messy paws.

Peter Samson
Peter Samson
@Troy Mann "Guilt till you prove your innocence is the new conservative slogan.

Not sure if most will appreciate giving someone power who believes that like Sheer."

Man, you're just full of hot takes today. Scheer isn't calling for the PM to be prosecuted, he's asking him to waive privilege so we can find out what happened. If the PM did nothing wrong then there shouldn't be an issue. And in fact we have precedent with other PMs doing the same thing. No one's suggesting that guilt or innocence has been determined, we'd just like to find out what actually happened and it's really easy for the PM to allow that.

David Amos
David Amos
@mo bennett "not even close! he means messy paws."

YO MO even you know that is not true

Methinks anyone who hangs his hat around the Bay of Fundy such as the lawyers Rob Moore, Dominic Leblanc, Frank McKenna, Brian Gallant Robert Goguen and particularly Blaine Higgs, Bill Oliver, Robert Gauvin, Dominic Cardy Bruce Northrup, Abe Leblanc and their buddies Chucky Leblanc and Marshall Button know N'esy Pas means "Is it not so" in the Chiac lingo EH?

Troy Mann
Chuck Martens
Even Canadian liberals deserve the truth here

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Chuck Martens

Remediation agreements are found throughout our allies.
Remediation agreements legislation was supported by conservatives

The Prime Minister has every right to discuss any on going case with the Minister of Justice.

Why she didnt use remediation agreement is beyond neglect of duty and puts not only 10,000 plus canadians jobs at risk it put 50,000 world wide at risk including investors all who did absolutely nothing wrong.

She should have been fired for it doing her job which is protecting innocent canadians and their jobs.

If SNC, a corporate entity is found guilty because of directions from now fired executives they will go bankrupt and Canada will not only lose one of the biggest engineering firms in the world, other corporations will not look upon Canada as a place to set up headquarters or do business. 10,000 highly skilled people will be laid off, investors including retirees will lose money because the Minister of justice did not do her job.

Peter Manchak
Peter Manchak
@Troy Mann So if they are bought out(?) we should be as well?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Peter Manchak

If SNC is found guilty they will be unable to bid on jobs, their stock will fall to nothing and 10,000 plus highly skilled canadians will lose their jobs.

Daryll Mcbain
Daryll Mcbain
@Troy Mann maybe should bend some rules for the oil sands as well then? More jobs have been lost.

Steve Prior
Steve Prior
@Troy Mann

Once again complete nonsense SNC has less than 9,000 employees in Canada as of January 2018 according to their own web site. Do you another more reliable source than the company themselves?


Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Daryll Mcbain

Remediation agreements are the law in Canada, no rules being bent.

Alex Keith
Alex Keith
@Troy Mann
You neglected to mention any legal ramifications.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Steve Prior

They employ canadians around the world and the numbers rises and falls with contracts.

I said 10,000 plus and you say 9000, guess you dont care about 9000 highly skilled canadian jobs.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Alex Keith

For what?
Remediation agreements are legal
Forcing SNC to go bankrupt causing massive job losses is not affective.

Steve Prior
Steve Prior
@Troy Mann

Yes I am concerned about 9,000 jobs but funnily enough I am concerned with a little thing called the truth.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Steve Prior

The truth the Prime Minister discussed using a legal remediation agreement with his Minister of justice?

Do you expect no discussions between the two?

Steve Prior
Steve Prior
@Troy Mann Nice attempt at deflection but I am referring to your use of incorrect data as you well know.

Arthur Gill
Arthur Gill
@Troy Mann
"Remediation agreements legislation was supported by conservatives "

No it wasn't. It was hidden in a budget bill last september which the conservatives voted against.

Fiona Lang
Fiona Lang
@Arthur Gill Exactly! There was no discussion, no debate, and many did not even realize this Remediation Agreement legislation was being introduced. Think it was intended for SNC-Lavalin not any other Canadian Corporations, they did not need this protection.

Steve Prior
Steve Prior
@Arthur Gill

He is a little fast a loose with the truth.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Fiona Lang

Remediation laws are consistent with our allies. Not utilizing them cause companies to leave Canada to protect investors.

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Troy Mann Your moral and ethical compass then is, "The end justifies the means"...no matter what... hey... we can fix this... yeah...NO!!!

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Troy Mann You must have a LOT invested in this company you are fighting so hard to justify it's corruption. afraid you won't be able to retire?

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@Chuck Martens They can't handle the truth.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Allen Quisnel

Supporting Canadian jobs and retired investors is something I will always do. 10,000 innocent Canadian workers and numerous retired Canadian investors need protection and that is through deferred prosecution agreements which are 100% legal and everyone of our allies use.

Canadian companies will flock out of Canada because of Wilson's refusal to follow the law.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Chuck Martens

You have the truth. There was nothing untoward about government officials discussing legal obligations and alternatives. Too funny coming from the Cons, which treated the Minister of Justice like just another pleb a hundred times.

@Richard Sharp - the truth from the mouth of Justin!! That would certainly be a change. And all women should be believed, except the lady in Creston.

Charlie Wood
Charlie Wood
@Richard Sharp

The truth and Trudeau are mutually exclusive.

Charlie Wood
Charlie Wood
@Richard Sharp

The waive the client privilege, doing anything else is admitting guilt. Even the Trudeau apologists must realize that.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Charlie Wood

Prove your innocence is now the conservatives slogan?

Charlie Wood
Charlie Wood
@Troy Mann

No defend your guilt is the new Liberal slogan. The Prime Minister is the only PM in Canadian history found guilty of conflict of interest, not once, not twice but three times.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Charlie Wood

Guilty by accusations from an anonymous source till you prove your innocence.

That is what you are saying

Charlie Wood
Charlie Wood
@Troy Mann

Not at all, I am saying that Trudeau has nothing to lose by waiving solicitor client privilege, if he is innocent.

Charlie Wood
Charlie Wood
@Troy Mann

Trudeau also is the only PM in Canadian history found guilty of conflict of interest, not once, not twice but three times. Do you defend that guilt.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chuck Martens

' Much Ado About Nothing '

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chuck Martens

To believe Justin Trudeau would put himself in criminal jeopardy and mortally wound the liberal party of Canada you'd have to believe in Santa and tooth fairies.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chuck Martens

Trudeau will take a page from the conservatives and stonewall the accusations.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chuck Martens

Righteous conservatives whose last government had a third of its Senators under criminal investigation.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chuck Martens

Thank god for two things, our healthcare and our CBC , both which the conservatives want to end.

David Fletcher
David Fletcher
@Charlie Wood

You're a bit off. It was only once, The conflict of interest guidelines only came into effect in 2006 so to say in history is a bit ridiculous. It was also a vacation that I, like most Canadians, really don't care about.

I also don't care about "elbowgate".

I do care that an attorney general may have been politically pressured by the PMO. If true, it is very serious and will lose the Liberals my vote in the next election.

There is no need to run silly ideologically driven narratives when the real issue is far more important.

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@Richard Sharp Not coming from the 'Cons'. Coming from Canadians. You have absolutely no way of knowing what actually took place.

Charlie Wood
Charlie Wood
@David Fletcher

You need to take another look, Trudeau was found guilty of three counts of conflict of interest by the Ethics Commissioner. I believe most Canadians do care that our Prime Minister is abusing privilege by spending taxpayer dollars for his friends and family junkets. I believe most Canadians are offended by the governments sense of entitlement.

There may well be more important issues than the accountability of the PM but that does not mean we should ignore the transgressions.

David Amos
David Amos
@Chuck Martens "Even Canadian liberals deserve the truth here"

I wholeheartedly Agree Sir

David Amos
David Amos
@Richard Sharp "You have the truth. There was nothing untoward about government officials discussing legal obligations and alternatives."

You and I spoke the truth of many things over the phone years ago and yet to this very day you have yet to reply to any of my responses to your opinions as I watch our comments melt from the record day after day.

Methinks I have every right to say that you can't handle the truth N'esy Pas?

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chuck Martens

And where are the NDP under Mr Jagmeet Singh, nowhere, the party has nationally disappeared.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chuck Martens

Where is the NDP party that FORCED the liberals to give us our government healthcare?

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chuck Martens

Where are the NDP under Jagmeet Singh, the party that gave us great compassionate Canadians like Tommy Douglas, David Lewis, Ed Broadbent, Jack Layton?

William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@Chuck Martens
Do they want the truth is the question.

William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@Steve Prior
Whatever they feel it takes to discredit, facts not important.

David Amos
David Amos
@William Thompson Jr. "Do they want the truth is the question."

Methinks you should ask your friends in the FBI N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@William Thompson Jr. "Whatever they feel it takes to discredit, facts not important."

Methinks that is the rule you follow N'esy Pas?

vince talbot
Abe Marshall
The silence from the JT and the Liberals speaks volumes...

vince talbot
vince talbot
@Abe Marshall

Theyre aiting for Butts to come up with a reply

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith
@vince talbot

He’s probably panicking. This was probably done all under his direction (as are most things by the Trudeau and/or the PMO. He’s also recorded meeting with the company many times over this.

His personal popularity and it’s associated protection isn’t nearly the Samar as Trudeau’s, he likely won’t be able to avoid jail time if a criminal case is opened.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Jeff Smith

Wow such blatant false liable statements being allowed

Rick Poulter
Rick Poulter
@Abe Marshall
Actually, silence from the political class should be the norm here as the case is before the courts. Anything said by Trudeau or Wilson-Raybould would be detrimental to the rule of law.
The cabinet discussing this case is good government because if SNC-Lavalin is found guilty, they cannot bid on any Canadian projects for 10 years. They are the largest Canadian engineering firm and they employ a 50,000 people world wide.
Settlements, ie pleading guilty with an arranged punishment, is part and parcel of the Canadian justice system and common through out the world.

James Holden
James Holden
@Abe Marshall

The Conservatives would never waive the client privilege if the positions were reversed.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Abe Marshall

Political flip flop, remember when the conservatives were in power and RCMP's investigation of Nigel Wright and Mike Duffy .

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Abe Marshall

Do conservatives think these charges against Trudeau will reach the level of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's former parliamentary secretary Dean Del Mastro was found guilty of election fraud and jailed

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Abe Marshall

Pompous conservatives trying to make hay out of husks.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Abe Marshall

If you're a conservative who are you supposed to vote for, the party is split they can't even get along with each other.

David Novak
David Novak
@Abe Marshall - He has not been silent. Why do you say this?

David Amos
David Amos
@Abe Marshall "The silence from the JT and the Liberals speaks volumes..."

Oh So True

William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@Abe Marshall
More volumes than Britannica!

Steven Scott
Robert Smythe
I will be voting for the Conservatives in the fall.

The police should be brought in to investigate this LPC scandal.

Steven Scott
Steven Scott
@Robert Smythe
with the same results as last time or worse .....

Alex Matheson
Alex Matheson
@Robert Smythe
Like the Duffy scandal perhaps. The cops did nothing there either. Lib/Con/Lib. There is no difference really.

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Alex Matheson Duffy, investigated, charged, to court, NOT GUILTY.... facts please... ALL of them....

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Allen Quisnel

Only conservatives believe Duff lived in an non insulatiled cottage but yet instantly believe an anonymous source

James Holden
James Holden
@Robert Smythe

I will never vote for the Reform/Conservatives.
They showed Canadians what they are the last time they were in power and there are many convictions to highlight it.

Doug Gray
Doug Gray
@Troy Mann
Not for long.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Robert Smythe

I have to admit Trudeau has made some pretty bad decisions, but sadly the conservatives are so politically dangerous to our social programs, Canadians will reelect him.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Robert Smythe

As much as Trudeau really needs to be politically spanked for all his blunders, the electorate have such a fear of another Doug Ford in power, they'll in defence hold their nose and re-elect him.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Robert Smythe

Elect conservatives? We gave them 9 years to try and get their act together, they didn't and we fired them.

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@James Holden Blind partisanship serves no one.

Karen King
Karen King
@Robert Smythe

Beware of wee Andy....

David Amos
David Amos
@Robert Smythe "The police should be brought in to investigate this LPC scandal."

True However who will investigate the police after they fail to do their job?

David Amos
David Amos
@Karen King "Beware of wee Andy...."

Methinks the same should be said to Andy of me N'esy Pas?

David Allan
David Allan
@Robert Smythe

You're going to vote for the party that brokered back-room amnesty because a different party engages in back-room deals?

Cognitive dissonance.

David Allan
David Allan
@Allen Quisnel
"Duffy, investigated, charged, to court, NOT GUILTY.... facts please... ALL of them...."

The actions of Harper's staff got a colourful condemnation from the bench. "'Could Hollywood match their creativity?" the judge asked. "It is interesting that no one suggested doing the legal thing."

You seem to only want the facts that fit your confirmation bias.

leonard g MacAulay
leonard g MacAulay
@david mccaig
The PPC is looking better every day.

William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@leonard g MacAulay
To who? Noooobody!

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Robert Smythe yep, they couldn't even get through one term without another big Quebec scandal. Firing the Justice Minister for pushing back on judicial interference by the PMO for SNC ( a Quebec company that contributes loads of cash to the Liberal Party) - hard to imagine what the PM was thinking or why he thought this would not be an issue.

David Amos
David Amos
@leonard g MacAulay "The PPC is looking better every day."

Sad but True

David Amos
David Amos
@William Thompson Jr. "To who? Noooobody!"

Methinks I am not nobody and that you are not just anybody. Trust I am making it my business to know you better since you claimed that you knew the FBI are watching me N'esy Pas?

Frank Cow
Frank Cow
@Robert Smythe | Se quick to forget the dark ages of the Harper Government

Rick Wier
Rick Wier
@Robert Smythe you were voting conservative anyway, I will be voting liberal because they are providing good progressive government that works for Canadians and are focused on improving the lives of all Canadians, not just the one percent which is the conservative plan

Kham Hammerschmam
Kham Hammerschmam
@David Amos

Dude. Please get help.

Troy Mann
Roger devry
Regardless of one's political stripe this should be addressed through full disclosure by the government of the day.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Roger devry

Wilson needs to explain why she neglected her job by refusing remediation agreement putting 10,000 skilled Canadian jobs at risk.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Fiona Lang

I dont and it isn't weak at all, why do you want innocent canadians to lose their jobs? Why do you want innocent retired investors to lose their retirement savings? Why do you want Canadian companies to leave Canada to protect investors?

Tyler Brown
Tyler Brown
@Troy Mann
Most likely because she's incompetent. This is what happens when your hiring practices are not based on merit.

Jay michael
Jay michael
@Troy Mann There is no such thing as an "innocent" Canadian worker.

We are all apart of the same hypocrisy.

If you dance with the devil...

William Wilder
William Wilder
@Troy Mann No Troy, your agrument is weak no matter what you say. LOL!

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Roger devry

You'd think common sense would dictate that if the conservatives were wise enough to offer a reasonable alternative to the voters,they'd be back in power, but they can't and they won't.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Roger devry

The world is in a ecological meltdown and these conservatives want Canada to do Canadians what the Americans have done to themselves, elect a conservative.

David Amos
David Amos
@Roger devry "Regardless of one's political stripe this should be addressed through full disclosure by the government of the day."

Methinks it would be if we truly had a "Just Democracy" N'esy Pas?

Rick Wier
Rick Wier
@Roger devry the government has answered the questions and their is no scandel except in the minds of conservatives, but then you thught losing the last election was scandelous

Bert Law 
Bert Law
There seems to be two Rules of Law in this country.

One for Canadians.

One for liberals.

And yes they appear to be two vastly different things...

Earl Higgins
Earl Higgins
@Bert Law
There does seem to be 'two rules' in this country.
One for privilege.
One for the rest of Canadians.

donald fraser
donald fraser
@Earl Higgins that was basically always the case

Kelly Nelson
Kelly Nelson
@donald fraser Why do we accept it though?

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Bert Law

The world is on the verge of ecological catastrophe, elect science and climate denying conservatives and were all goners
david mccaig
david mccaig
@Bert Law

Conservatives in the states say theres no worry about climate change, God will save us.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bert Law "There seems to be two Rules of Law in this country. "

Methinks you are close but no cigar when you point at just the liberals. I know for a fact the Rules of Laws don't apply to the politicians who create the laws no matter what party they belong to. However their laws are used on a daily basis everywhere in Canada to abuse the folks whom they purportedly protect an serve N'esy Pas?

William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@Bert Law
Liberals operate under what they feel the law should be.

michael shay 
michael shay
Over $100,000 in illegal donations from SNC to the Liberals. Trudeau knows who his boss is.

vince talbot
vince talbot
@michael shay


Francis Culligan
Francis Culligan
@michael shay Corps donating to parties. That's new.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@michael shay

Conservatives had the same donations
If Sheer was PM he would use remediation agreement to protect innocent Canadian jobs and retired investors

Steve Prior
Steve Prior
@Troy Mann There you go with truth again. The Conservatives were given at little over $8,100 while the Liberals were given just shy of $110,00. Do mistruths come naturally to you?

Lloyd Jones
Lloyd Jones
@michael shay
Classic illustration of why all funding to political parties should be PUBLIC and private donations of any kind from organizations or individuals should be banned, and that backed up by jail time. Liberal Quebec Sponsorgate, Tory "Mister Five Percent" scams, Conservative "in and out" scheme are just a few of the more obvious abuses enabled by private donations. Wealthy donors meeting party leaders in secret are another whole story. Time to take back OUR government!

Kelly Nelson
Kelly Nelson
@Lloyd Jones While we're at it, all lobbying of government officials should also be banned. Why give preferential access to sway or influence our institutions that are supposed to be serving the population.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Steve Prior

8000 or 110000 are both wrong

James Holden
James Holden
@michael shay

And the time period when those donations happened was 2004-2011.
Trudeau was only a n MP for part of that time at the time and not the party leader..

James Holden
James Holden
@Steve Prior

Neither the Conservatives or the Liberals could have known at the time that the legal donations were being illegally reimbursed by SNC-Lavalin

david mccaig
david mccaig
@michael shay

Doug Ford is showing what happens when you put conservatives in power , say goodbye to your healthcare.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@michael shay

Give these conservatives in power first they'll come for your healthcare then they'll come for your pensions.

Philip Nicholson
Philip Nicholson
@Troy Mann No they didnt have the same donations. The Libs got $113,000. The Cons got $5000. Google it.

David Amos
David Amos
@michael shay "Trudeau knows who his boss is."


William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@michael shay
Who's the Boss?

David Amos
David Amos
@William Thompson Jr. Who's the Boss?


Joe Smithson 
Daryll Mcbain
This government is less transparent then the last.

Richard Smith
Richard Smith
@Daryll Mcbain
Harper wasn't always perfect and made mistakes, but looking back he was MUCH better.

Joe Smithson
Joe Smithson
@Richard Smith

LOL no Harper was a disgrace

James Holden
James Holden
@Richard Smith

Harper was despicable and by far worse than the present Government in every way.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryll Mcbain

Wonder if Stephen Harper will go back to the US go on Fox news and again berate our elected government.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryll Mcbain

Quote "Harper was despicable and by far worse than the present Government in every way."
I'll second that.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryll Mcbain

When these conservatives continue to act like anything but cconservatives how are we to take a party serious thats in such confusion.

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
Harper was one of the best PM's this country has ever had.

William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@Ron Brady
That's a fact!

David Amos
David Amos
@Ron Brady "Harper was one of the best PM's this country has ever had."

Methinks I should thank you for the comic relief In return perhaps you should Google "Harper and Bankers" sometime if you wish to laugh a how I chucked him in bed with one TrudeauThe Younger's many puppet masters N'esy Pas?

Chris Bond
Chris Bond
Worst PM in the history of this great nation.

Completely disgusting.

Chris Bond
Chris Bond
@Steve Kennedy
Best look again.

Sam Samnah
Sam Samnah
@Steve Kennedy lol you need to stop looking at 2015 numbers.

Myke Lee
Myke Lee
@Steve Kennedy nope

Ray Leland
Ray Leland
@Steve Kennedy it’s 2019 not 2015

Cory Park
Cory Park
@Chris Bond sold Canada out. Record deficits out side of a recession. First PM found guilty of braking Code of Ethics law.

James Holden
James Holden
@Chris Bond

That would be Harper, closely followed by Mulroney

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chris Bond

"Worst PM in the history of this great nation. Completely disgusting."

This comment must have time traveled, its not 2015.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Chris Bond

"Worst PM in the history of this great nation. Completely disgusting."

Oh you'll get over it.

William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@Chris Bond
Hands down by a long shot!

David Amos
David Amos
@Chris Bond "Worst PM in the history of this great nation."

Methinks many folks will agree with me in that John A MacDonald holds that title hands down N'esy Pas?


John A. Macdonald statue removed from Victoria City Hall

'We're here to say there's no honour in cultural genocide and it's time for the statue to go,' supporters say
CBC News · Posted: Aug 11, 2018 8:25 AM PT

Troy Mann
Daryll Mcbain
Good to see, these Liberals need to be held to account.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Daryll Mcbain

For what? Trying to protect innocent Canadian jobs and using remediation agreement which is law?

Peter Manchak
Peter Manchak
@Troy Mann Seems like only Quebec jobs to me? What about the rest of Canada's jobs?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Peter Manchak

SNC is across Canada and Quebec is still a part of Canada even though conservatives dont want them to be

Shirley Witt
Shirley Witt
@Troy Mann
Why are people so casual about criminal activites, this is decades of the same, the jobs will be picked up by other companies awarded the contracts, why is there so much concern for this Quebec company?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Shirley Witt

The executives who committed the crime should be held accountable not the innocent workers and investors.

You mentioned Quebec so I suggest bigotry is you issue. SNC is a Canadian company period.

Fiona Lang
Fiona Lang
@Troy Mann This law was not passed to protect any companies but SNC-Lavalin and Bombardier. Oil and Gas companies would not be granted such privileges.

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Peter Manchak If SNC Lavalin folds... the transfer payments will go up.. again. Be careful what you wish for..LOL

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Shirley Witt LOL.. Because it's a Quebec Company.... 'nuff said.

Allen Quisnel
Allen Quisnel
@Troy Mann mentioning a place isn't bigotry. Making unfounded accusations of bigotry however is a last resort argument.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Allen Quisnel

Why the need to bring up their headquarters is located in Quebec other than for bigotry baed reasons?
Doug Gray
Doug Gray
@Troy Mann
Always a victim, where do we here that before?

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryll Mcbain

Knowing their political positions, how could any reasonable Canadian vote for these conservatives in 2019.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryll Mcbain

Trudeau may be making rookie mistakes,but the opposition are so bad, he's still the best of the worst.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Daryll Mcbain

Give me a Robert Stanfield conservative and even I will vote for him.

William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@Daryll Mcbain
Scheer will keep the pressure on and become a Canadian hero!

William Thompson Jr.
William Thompson Jr.
@Troy Mann
For all the scandals!

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann Methinks Harper 2.0 has put your knickers in quite a knot over very questionable remediation agreements N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@William Thompson Jr. "Scheer will keep the pressure on and become a Canadian hero!"

Dream on

Scheer sends Trudeau letter demanding he waive solicitor-client privilege in SNC-Lavalin case

PMO facing allegations of asking former attorney general to intervene in SNC-Lavalin court case

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is calling on the prime minister to waive the solicitor-client privilege that the former attorney general says prevents her from commenting on the SNC-Lavalin case. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

The leader of the federal Opposition has sent a letter to the prime minister to demand he cede the solicitor-client privilege that former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould says prevents her from commenting on the SNC-Lavalin case.

The request is outlined in a letter sent by Andrew Scheer on Sunday morning, pushing for Justin Trudeau to allow Wilson-Raybould to speak about allegations she was pressured by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) to help the Quebec construction company avoid criminal prosecution.

It comes on the heels of a Globe and Mail report last week, citing anonymous sources, that members of Trudeau's office tried to press then-Justice Minister Wilson-Raybould to have federal prosecutors negotiate a "remediation agreement" with SNC-Lavalin rather than move ahead with legal proceedings.

The Quebec engineering and construction giant has been charged with fraud and corruption in connection with payments of nearly $48 million to public officials in Libya under Moammar Gadhafi's government, and allegations it defrauded Libyan organizations of an estimated $130 million.
A senior government official told CBC News the new justice minister, David Lametti, is being asked for his advice on waiving that privilege. (Wilson-Raybould was shuffled to the post of minister of veterans affairs last month.)

The official added that the House of Commons justice committee will be left to make its own decisions and that the prime minister still has confidence in Wilson-Raybould.

Justice committee chair Anthony Housefather told CBC News he would be convening an emergency meeting on Wednesday to discuss the proposal from the Conservatives and the NDP asking for high-level government officials to testify.

He added that the committee will then determine if they want to take action, and what that action should be.

Former AG can speak — if government allows

On Friday, Wilson-Raybould released a statement saying that as the government's top lawyer, she is bound by solicitor-client privilege and cannot publicly talk about aspects of the case.
That's what Scheer is pushing for.

"I call on you to immediately waive solicitor-client privilege in respect of any advice given to you or your staff in relation to the prosecution of SNC-Lavalin," he wrote. "Additionally, I call on you to also waive any and all rights to confidentiality in respect of communications to or from yourself or any member of your staff (previous or current) in relation to the prosecution of SNC-Lavalin."

Scheer notes that two former prime ministers waived that legal right in order to co-operate with different investigations: Stephen Harper during the investigation into Sen. Mike Duffy's expenses, and Paul Martin, who waived cabinet confidence during the Gomery inquiry into the federal sponsorship scandal.

'Something you wish to keep hidden'

"Canadians deserve answers on this 'matter,' as the allegations surrounding it strike at the very heart of fair and impartial law enforcement and prosecutorial functions, themselves vital to the rule of law and to our democracy," the letter continues.

"If you do not meet this obligation, Canadians can only conclude that there is something you wish to keep hidden."

Earlier this week, Scheer, backed by the NDP, called for an emergency meeting of the Commons justice committee to question high-ranking officials — including Wilson-Raybould herself.

Points North
Scheer and Cullen call for PMO officials to explain themselves in person

 Opposition leader Andrew Scheer and NDP MP Nathan Cullen want top PMO officials to appear at the Commons Justice committee next week 0:43

The federal lobbyist registry shows representatives of SNC-Lavalin logged more than 50 meetings with federal officials and parliamentarians on subjects that included "justice" and "law enforcement."

The company is contesting the case and has pleaded not guilty. The case is at the preliminary hearing stage.

With files from the CBC's David Cochrane

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