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Jody Wilson-Raybould says she's bound by 'solicitor-client privilege,' won't comment on SNC-Lavalin scandal


Replying to and 49 others
I repeat I am not anonymous Methinks anyone can Google "Federal Court File No. T-1557-15" and start reading N'esy Pas?



Jody Wilson-Raybould says she's bound by 'solicitor-client privilege,' won't comment on SNC-Lavalin scandal


Jack Hill 
Jack Hill
I voted for Trudeau, but this issue is beyond partisan politics. I support the Conservative and NDP calls for a full investigation.

It seems to be apparent that Trudeau spoke to Raybold on this matter but did not order her to do it; it's still illegal influencing.

It's difficult to believe Trudeau's statements that Canada is a law and order country, when it appears to the world that he is not.

John Smith
John Smith
@Jack Hill Trudeau said they respect the independence of the judiciary only a few months after speaking out with condemnation on the judgement handed down in the Stanley trial. His actions and words are not consistent at all in this regard. I tend to believe the actions of a man better reflect their true feeling than their words.

Jack Hill
Jack Hill
@John Smith

Trudeau also spoke about law and order with regard to the Huawei case.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Jack Hill

Love conservatives pretending they voted for Trudeau then only to spout out conservative talking points.

Witch hunt Andy will get no where and this is a nothing story. 67000 jobs created and 115000 by private sector, canadians are working while Andy is trying to be relevant

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@Jack Hill In my view, liberal partisans should be the most vocal about getting to the bottom of this.
Vinit Khosla
Vinit Khosla
@Troy Mann Do you realize it’s highly partisan and presumptive to think that people who criticize Trudeau are always conservative?

David Smythe
David Smythe
@Jack Hill
I've come to believe that Canadians are incapable of producing a competent leader who even tries to obey the laws of Canada, whether that is in Federal or Provincial politics.

I hope this story is not true, but if it is JT should get the whole of the legal system thrown at him.

I'm sick of every politician being ethically corrupt and entirely self serving.

Ernest Gregson
Ernest Gregson
@Troy Mann
Governments of any stripe have virtually nothing to do with employment. Hanging your hat on that as some type of success is just nonsense.

Edward Peter
Edward Peter
@Jack Hill
" It seems to be apparent......."
Where?, How?, because Mr. Sheer does not know about it until a G&M reporter writes an article about what some guy told him, but about a possible conflict that might be a suggested reason for an unexplained event.
Do you have an evidence that you voted Liberal?

Edward Peter
Edward Peter
@David Smythe
If you believe every rumour then you will never be happy.

wal wiseman
wal wiseman
@Jack Hill They can wave their "solicitor-client privilege" if they don't have anything to hide.

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Troy Mann "Love conservatives pretending they voted for Trudeau then only to spout out conservative talking points. "

So how is it you "know" how this person voted? Magic 8 ball? Then you deflect with job stats? FOX news uses "what-about-ism" to deflect debate as well.

David Smythe
David Smythe
@Edward Peter
Who needs rumours when there is so much evidence of politicians being duplicitous?

Like I said, I HOPE IT IS NOT TRUE. That is me NOT believing in rumours and hoping they are not true.

I am just a little too cynical about politicians I guess.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Phil Mein

Conservatives know they have zero credibility so they pretend to be Liberal yet they always spout out conservative talking points.

This scam has been long figured out, just see how many times Jack has said that some phrase.

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Jack Hill time for Justin to tell the truth, apologize, and then resign

bill laplante
bill laplante
@David Smythe I am pretty sure Harper was working for the good of Canada

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@bill laplante

Said no one ever

bill laplante
bill laplante
@Troy Mann Hi Troy, how are things at "Leadnow" this morning

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "Conservatives know they have zero credibility so they pretend to be Liberal yet they always spout out conservative talking points. "

Trust that Mr Scheer and everyone else who sits in opposition know that Jody Wilson-Raybould may have lost her mandate as Justice Minister because of her failings in Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal within my lawsuit against the Crown that was filed when Harper was the Prime Minister and Mr Scheer was the Speaker.

Everybody knows I about to put that matter before the Supreme Court of Canada and file several more lawsuits against the RCMP and the CRA etc and also run for a seat in Parliament again.

Methinks truth is stranger than fiction and anyone can easily Google "David Amos Federal Court file No." in order to sort out the truth from fiction for themselves. Its blatantly obvious that Mr Trudeau should have paid particular attention to statement 83 of my lawsuit long before he was elected in October of 2015 N'esy Pas?

Sophia Riangulo
Sophia Riangulo
@Jack Hill Thank you! I wish more people would hold their own party accountable and look inward when it comes to any political scandal.

Karen King
Karen King
@Jack Hill
"It seems to be apparent that Trudeau spoke to Raybold on this matter but did not order her to do it; it's still illegal influencing. "

That's the part I don't understand.....how is it influencing if he did not tell her to do anything...not allowed to ask anymore??

Karen King
Karen King
@Phil Mein

Yup and wee Andy has taken to exaggerating on a lot of issues, that does not help matters just divides more.

Karen King
Karen King
@Sophia Riangulo

of course but sometimes the opposition is h e l l bent on creating a scandal when there is none....

Edward Carson
Edward Carson
@Jack Hill
Under no circumstances can SNC Lavalin ever be offered a deferred prosecution or remediation agreement. Any such potential settlement will be forever tainted. The case before the court must progress to whatever conclusion is reached

Peter Samson
Peter Samson
@Troy Mann "Witch hunt Andy will get no where and this is a nothing story. 67000 jobs created and 115000 by private sector, canadians are working while Andy is trying to be relevant"

The irony of course is you're making the exact same argument as Trump. "Who cares about Russia? Just look at the low unemployment!" You even use Trump's personal favorite- "Witch hunt"- for good measure. It's sad to me that the political extremes (of which you appear to be a part) are just mirror images of each other. Willing to engage in the exact same terrible behaviour when it suits their purpose. Blind partisanship.

Sophia Riangulo
Sophia Riangulo
@Karen King I completely agree, but that's why it's a lesson to us all to take all allegations seriously, but with a grain of salt, whether they're allegations to the party we voted for or otherwise.

Corinne O'Connor
Corinne O'Connor
@bill laplante

Leadnow are just as harsh and critical of the Conservatives and NDP. What Leadnow wants is good government.

Donald Simpson
Donald Simpson
@Troy Mann what a loud of bs

David Amos
David Amos
@Donald Simpson Methinks thats an understatement N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Edward Carson YUP

Sophia Riangulo 
Daryl McBride
Scheer is the only choice next election and the only one holding the current government to account.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Daryl McBride

By wanting a witch hunt? Lol

67000 jobs created last month
115000 private sector jobs
Navy frigate contract signed meaning more work for canadians.

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Troy Mann 100K Timmies jobs so you won't have to wait in line too long for your next coffee.

dave dennison
dave dennison
@Daryl McBride imagine that. Frighties relying on, of all things, msm for their indignation.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Darren MacDonald

Why do you hate the fact that canadians are working and jobs are being created?

If service jobs are being created it is because canadians are out spending and needing to be serviced.

Why do you hate Canada being successful Daryl?

Darren MacDonald
Darren MacDonald
@Troy Mann"If service jobs are being created it is because canadians are out spending and needing to be serviced."
And spending way beyond their means.

dave dennison
dave dennison
@Darren MacDonald what would you like the PM to do about that?

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Daryl McBride

Based on: his robotic attempts to connect with the public (harkening back to our beloved Harper, whom we’re all led to believe he’s nothing like, in spite of appearances), his relentless attacks against the government with zero accompanying solutions, and his complete lack of a coherent platform. Ok...Here’s the safer bet for Election Day:

Canadians overwhelmingly still like Trudeau, the right in Canada will be split between the rudderless Cons and the White Sup...I mean the Canada First Super Amazing Party, and NDP will remain lost in the wilderness = another slightly weaker but intact Liberal government.

Daryl McBride
Daryl McBride
@Matt Thuaii

"Canadians overwhelmingly still like Trudeau"

Trudeau has a lower approval rating than Trump and stuff like this is why.

John Anderson
John Anderson
@Daryl McBride
Harper had nothing but bad ideas
Scheer has no ideas
I suppose that's an improvement

Victor Fur
Victor Fur
@Daryl McBride

Don't go all nuts and everyone and their mother vote for the PC party. Let's have a balance here. We need the underdogs to be powerful enough to challenge a dominating party. This is what happened in Ontario and now we are all saddled with an unfettered government that decides how to manage on an AD HOC basis.

It remains unfortunate that we need to vote strategically.

Pat Smith
Pat Smith
@Daryl McBride

LibCon party support the same corporations and puppet masters. Time to send a message.

Jacqueline Beava
Jacqueline Beava
@Daryl McBride Scheer needed to withdraw two Conservative campaign ads in six months because they were poorly vetted and tone deaf. He sent two MPs to Fox News to rally against an elected Liberal Government. He isn't a prudent choice. I believe the SNC scandal is true so Trudeau isn't fit to govern. Maxime Bernier wants to privatized health care. The NDP is lost and the Green party has unrealistic policies. It's too bad Rona Ambrose left politics.

Jaime Gonzalez
Jaime Gonzalez
@Daryl McBride Max is the best choice for the right. That’s how I’m voting.

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Daryl McBride time for Trudeau to resign although it would better better for Sheer to run against Trudeau now,

Harry Henderson
Troy Mann
@Stanley Baird

If Harper resigned based on anonymous sources he would have lasted a week

Harry Henderson
Harry Henderson
@Troy Mann

Most of us hate the fact that hundreds of thousands of Canadians are underemployed, working poor paying jobs that they are way over-qualified for. Get it? If you need $$ to pay your mortgage, you will do anything including working at Timmy's or McD's. This is not good long-term for our economy.
Harry Henderson
Harry Henderson
@John Anderson

And Trudeau is a puppet. Is that better? He's not even close to intelligent enough to make big boy decisions.

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "If Harper resigned based on anonymous sources he would have lasted a week"

Methinks Mr Scheer and everybody else knows that I am definitely NOT anonymous. Everybody knows I sued the Crown when Harper was the PM and I got an answer from Peter Mackay before polling day and the lawyer Jody Wilson-Raybould had yet to be elected let alone be appointed to be OUR Attorney General not just Mr Trudeau's N'esy Pas?

Karen King
Karen King
@Daryl McBride

Nope not even close, Sheer is the least qualified I have seen so far. At least Harper started off on the right foot...Andy is just causing chaos...look at his time as speaker...ugh!

Corinne O'Connor
Corinne O'Connor
@Daryl McBride

Just a reminder of all the Harper and Conservative party scandals:


Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@John Smith

If you really do believe in all those things, you’ll be voting against your own interests if you vote Conservative.

Good luck with that.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Daryl McBride

We aren’t America. We have four “viable” leaders and 20% undecided. Under those conditions, 35% isn’t bad. That and you’re comparing him to Trump, who’s high approval rating says more about the sad state of America than it does about how competent he is (he isn’t). But I fear your sentiment is correct; Canadians are more than foolish enough to forget painful lessons of the past, and be blinded with pipe dreams of greener grass elsewhere...

...one need look no further than the election of Doug Ford for proof.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Pat Smith

What message would that be? Vote Con? Vote Green? Don’t vote at all? I’m no optimist. I assume the same old tricks will be played in the run up to the election, Canadians will once again be duped into voting for a blue tie or red, and things will continue as they always have.

In the end, I prefer the mediocre I know to the terrible...I also know.

David Amos
David Amos
@Matt Thuaii Methinks you get the governments you deserve N'esy Pas?

Jack Hill 
Jack Hill
Like many Canadians, I voted for Trudeau to remove Harper.

Like many Canadians, I will vote in the next election to remove Trudeau.

Canada is such a failure when Canadians don't vote to install new ideas, but vote to remove old ones.

Adam Osborne
Adam Osborne
@Jack Hill you aren't wrong.

Tina Falco
Tina Falco
@Jack Hill

Hear hear!

Claude Gravel
Claude Gravel
@Jack Hill Be careful. Nothing helps sell newspapers more than "an annonymous source" as said by another contributor here. A new law was enacted permitting an out of court settlement with SNC-Lavallin. Words are coming out in all directions on this issue and people need to stand back and make sense of it. First, the Federal Government NEEDS SNC-Lavallin for its big projects. SNC-Lavallin is a world class engineering firm. It is the pride of Canada. Surely you would not want to see it bought out by another country would you? I suggest you dig around and do some research. You will learn things you do not know at this point.

Richard Donald
Richard Donald
@Claude Gravel Pride of Canada?? What and incredibly low standard of pride?

Chris Hatherley
Chris Hatherley
@Jack Hill
Why don't you just vote for good policy?

Edward Peter
Edward Peter
@Claude Gravel
I wonder how many Conservatives MPs voted for the new Law?

Troy Bodi
Troy Bodi
@Chris Hatherley

I've been doing that for years. One day Greens will get in but I'm afraid that day is a long way off.

Brock Lester
Brock Lester
@Jack Hill Sounds like you need to read campaigns before voting. Also sounds like you were never Liberal to begin with.

Trudeau is getting stuff done unlike Harper.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Brock Lester

Anyone who states at this point they are voting to remove Trudeau for Sheer is an old stock con being a con.

Witch hunts based on anonymous sources do not change opinions.

67,000 jobs created last month

Harry Henderson
Harry Henderson
@Claude Gravel

China tried buying Aecon (large construction company) and failed. Canada will not allow another country to purchase SNC for the same reasons. But I'm sure you knew this since you spout off on here all day long.

David Amos
David Amos
@Harry Henderson Whats your point?

Everybody knows Harper allowed the Chinese to by Nexen after stopping BHP from taking over Power Corp. Now Kevin Lynch Paul Martin's former Deputy Minister of Finance and Harper's former Clerk of the Privy Council is a director of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation .

Methinks you must know what my point is They are all as crooked as hell no matter what colour their political coat is N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann Whereas I will be running again why would I vote to either of them? Methinks that would be rather dumb N'esy Pas?

Mike Banton
Mike Banton
@David Amos FFS "N'esy Pas" isn't a word in any language, it just shows ignorance on your part as you keep using it , even after being told correct spelling!

David Amos
Content disabled.
David Amos
@Mike Banton Methinks you snobby Anglos have never been down to the Bay of Fundy and parlied in a little of the Chiac lingo with the Leblanc boys like my Clan has for hundreds of years N'esy Pas?

Patricia Henderson
Patricia Henderson
@Mike Banton Thank-you for pointing that out. Amos is hands down the most annoying commenter on this site. All we can do is down-vote everything he says that includes that inane phrase.

Fiona Lang
Fiona Lang
@Claude Gravel That new law slid into a omni-budget bill shocked even Liberals. It was crafted to protect entities like Bombardier and SNC-Lavalin, Trudeau's friends. Certainly not to protect all the Oil and Gas companies Trudeau and Butts destroyed these last 3 1/2 years. Wow if Harper did something similar, the MSM would be having a field month with it, a dog with a bone!

David Amos 
David Amos
@Mike Banton Why are my replies to snobby Anglos always blocked?
David Amos
David Amos
@Patricia Henderson Oh My

Sophia Riangulo 
Daryl McBride
All of Canada wants an investigation except die hard Liberals.

Jack Hill
Jack Hill
@Daryl McBride

I have to agree with you.

jim miller
jim miller
@Daryl McBride you are generalizing far too much.
I'm not a die hard for any party and don't want an investigation because Canada will get nothing from it save lawyer bills.

Rick Bailey
Rick Bailey
@Daryl McBride

"In an interview with CBC Radio's The House, Lametti said that if the justice committee proceeds with such a study, he would agree to appear.

"I would appear before the committee. Of course I would," he said."

Jose Smith
Jose Smith
@jim miller
So you want it to be just swept under the rug I see

Denis Dalore
Denis Dalore
@jim miller Actually, we will get something out of it. Honest government. It's worth the price.

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@Daryl McBride Die hard liberals should be the most vocal about conducting an investigation!

Alan Humphreys
Alan Humphreys
@Ron Brady -"Die hard liberals should be the most vocal about conducting an investigation"? I agree. Somebody can be loyal to a party but when that party does something that appears dubious and requires investigation then to continue to defend the party smacks of blind partisanship.

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@Alan Humphreys Indeed. Who trusts a leader more than his/her supporters?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Daryl McBride

You dont speak for all of Canada and only cons want a witch hunt based on anonymous sources

Daryl McBride
Daryl McBride
@Troy Mann It appears the NDP does as well.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Daryl McBride

No one cares about Singh

Edward Peter
Edward Peter
@Daryl McBride
You have had a Poll done in the last 48 hours since the Media story can out, what were the %s ?
Or is this one of the Cons favorite sayings " Everybody knows.......(Some Con's promotion)....."

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "No one cares about Singh"

Methinks the majority of Canadians don't care about your beloved liberals either N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "You dont speak for all of Canada and only cons want a witch hunt based on anonymous sources"

You definitely don't speak for me and I am no con and yet I want Trudeau investigated. Methinks it time or you to take a nap because you are grasping a straws and making no sense N'esy Pas?

Sophia Riangulo 
Steve Sax
She worked for the Public, for the People of Canada, not Justy or Jerry. Hence there is not Solicter-client priveledge

You are an elected official serving the people, own up JWR

Edward Peter
Edward Peter
@Steve Sax
You are telling her what the Laws are in Canada????

Troy Bodi
Troy Bodi
@Steve Sax

Either way, she's only protecting Trudeau. Story is that she took the proper route and refused. And got demoted for it.

Jaime Gonzalez
Jaime Gonzalez
@Steve Sax - She’s bound by an NDA, possibly by other means not to speak about what happens in closed-door meetings. On the other hand, she didn’t just blow it off. This speaks volumes.

David Amos
David Amos
@Steve Sax Methinks everybody want to forget that I have bee arguing Jody in Federal Court since the moment Trudeau appointed her Hence she does not represent me N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Edward Peter "You are telling her what the Laws are in Canada????"

I have many times in writing and while arguing her lawyers

Patricia Henderson
Patricia Henderson
@Steve Sax WE, the CANADIAN PEOPLE are the client, not SNC Lavalin. We pay her salary, not that company. How could she get that so wrong?

Fiona Lang
Fiona Lang
@Steve Sax She and perhaps some of her staff are the only ones who can clear the air and let the truth be known. I think Canadian people deserve that answer. Glad she did not cave in to the pressure to go along with the PMO and SNC-Lavalin.

David Amos
David Amos
@Patricia Henderson Get a lawyer

Sophia Riangulo 
Ron Brady
The silence is deafening.

Brian Allen
Brian Allen
@Ron Brady

It’s quiet condemnation in my view.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Ron Brady

Makes for a good witch hunt though eh

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@Troy Mann Just answers, that's all. Is that too much to ask?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Ron Brady

They did answer
You dont like the answer
So you created a witch hunt

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@Troy Mann Troy, I think it's fair to say that Canadians of all political stripes are owed a proper explanation. Don't you?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Ron Brady

The government denied a story based on anonymous sources, nuff said.

Witch hunts are based on anonymous sources nothing else

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Ron Brady I think Troy would condone any and all transgressions for Justin.

David Smith
David Smith
@Troy Mann Donald, is that you?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Phil Mein

I never accepted anonymous sources during the Harper years and wont now

Phil Mein
Phil Mein
@Troy Mann I seen enough from you to know the truth is opposite of what you state .

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Phil Mein

Sure Phil
Run around crying over anonymous sources if you like, not my way to roll.

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann I repeat I am not anonymous and you certainly know it

Methinks anyone can Google "David Amos Federal Court File no" and start ready N'esy Pas?

Eric Wirta 
Eric Wirta
The Canadian voters have rights and we want to hear the truth , Not silence

Tim Joseph
Tim Joseph
@Eric Wirta Guess you dont understand the legal system.

Rob Grace
Rob Grace
@Tim Joseph

So the legal system doesn't allow for the truth?

Eric Wirta
Eric Wirta
@Tim Joseph
why is the legal system involved , are the Liberals all guilty

Rex Yuan
Rex Yuan
@Eric Wirta
Yes, Canadian taxpayers want to know and particularly why the harper administration turned a blind eye to this abusive illegal actions for a decade.
wal wiseman
wal wiseman
@Eric Wirta I guess the PM does have something to hide.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@wal wiseman

PM denied the accusations made by an anonymous source

Witch hunt is all this is

We have better things to deal with like 67000 jobs created, 115000 private sector jobs. Navy frigates are moving forward meaning more jobs for canadians.

Tyler Brown
Tyler Brown
@Troy Mann
It's not a witch hunt, it's a weasel hunt.

David Amos
David Amos
@Eric Wirta I wholeheartedly agree

Keith Newcastle
Keith Newcastle
And we get the typical response from our PM: he just denies and shrugs it off as if it were some trivial nonsense. MPs, and especially the PM and Ministers, are supposed to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Keith Newcastle

Denying and shrugging off anonymous sources is all one can really do.

Keith Newcastle
Keith Newcastle
@Troy Mann : Not anonymous sources, unnamed sources. The Globe knows who they are (otherwise they would never have published), they are simply protecting the identities of the whistle-blowers.

Tyler Brown
Tyler Brown
@Troy Mann
Or call for a full investigation to prove your innocence, if that is the case. You could do that too.

wal wiseman
wal wiseman
@Troy Mann Just because the 'Globe and Mail' have chosen not to reveal their source doesn't mean they don't know who it is.

David Amos
David Amos
@wal wiseman True

Szilvánusz Gorgiás
Szilvánusz Gorgiás
@Keith Newcastle: Not to mention that since the Globe knows who they are these whistleblowers must be pretty trustworthy sources for the story to be printed.

David Amos
David Amos
@David Amos "PM and Ministers, are supposed to avoid even the appearance of impropriety"

Oh So True Otherwise they don't fit the title Honourable

David Amos
David Amos
@Troy Mann "Denying and shrugging off anonymous sources is all one can really do."

Methinks you think that judge Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond is just talking the talk N'esy Pas?


Sophia Riangulo 
Bill McStravick
I want an investigation to see how much money has been donated to the Trudeau foundation by employees, directors, board members of SNC Lavalin.

@Bill McStravick I think if you also research the McGill University Health Foundation there might be a connection.

Cameron Kernick
Cameron Kernick
@Bill McStravick Yes the details of where SNC Lavalin's $117,000 of illegal campaign contributions that they pleaded guilty to less than a month ago would be interesting:

Brad Mercier
Brad Mercier
@Cameron Kernick
112, 000 went to the Liberals and 3,000 went to the conservatives in illegal contributions

David Amos
David Amos
@Bill McStravick Good Point

Ryan A. Fox 
Ryan A. Fox
The Justice Minister does not have Attorney Client Privilege under Canadian law. This is a public official and accountable to the people through parliament.

The game she is playing needs to end. The corruption of "Sunny Ways" and his gang of thieves needs to be exposed.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Ryan A. Fox

The attorney general is the lead lawyer for the government, thus attorney client privilege exists.

Witch hunts based on anonymous sources are funny stuff
wal wiseman
wal wiseman
@Troy Mann They can alway waive the 'solicitor-client privilege' if they have nothing to hide and did nothing wrong.

Eric Meinert
Eric Meinert
@wal wiseman Exactly.

Cameron Kernick
Cameron Kernick
@Ryan A. Fox Have patience, there is no game playing here just waiting for the right time in the right committee or court room to speak truth to power. Trudeau still doesn't realize what he did when he demoted Wilson-Raybould and she will 'represent' when the time is right.

Stanley Baird
Stanley Baird
@Ryan A. Fox agreed this is a complete cop out, except this seem to confirm that she did her talking thru the Globe and Mail. Goodbye Justin - firing a justice minister for doing the right thing is disgusting

David Amos
FDavid Amos
@Troy Mann "The attorney general is the lead lawyer for the government, thus attorney client privilege exists."

Methinks she cannot assist in criminal activity N'esy Pas?

Jody Wilson-Raybould says she's bound by 'solicitor-client privilege,' won't comment on SNC-Lavalin scandal

Media report suggests PMO pressured former attorney general to intervene in fraud case

A Globe and Mail story Thursday said Jody Wilson-Raybould was shuffled from her portfolio after she refused to ask federal prosecutors to make a plea bargain deal with Montreal-based SNC-Lavalin. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

Former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould said Friday she would not comment on claims that the Prime Minister's Office tried to pressure her to help SNC-Lavalin avoid criminal prosecution in pending legal action against the construction company.

"As the former minister of justice and attorney general of Canada, I am bound by solicitor-client privilege in this matter," she said.

In her role as attorney general, Wilson-Raybould served as the government's top lawyer and the chief law officer of the Crown — nominally representing the government in all of its prosecutions.

Her comment came after Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer called for an emergency meeting of the House of Commons justice committee to question high-ranking officials about the matter.

Scheer also suggested Friday morning that his party is looking at pursuing unspecified "legal avenues" if the governing Liberals "continue to cover this up."

The Globe and Mail reported Thursday that Wilson-Raybould, who was shuffled from her portfolio in January, felt pressured to direct federal prosecutors with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada (PPSC) to make a "deferred prosecution arrangement"— a deal akin to a plea bargain — with the Montreal-based engineering firm SNC-Lavalin to avoid a trial.

Federal prosecutors have so far refused to reach a negotiated settlement with the company.

The lack of a settlement probably has cost SNC more than $5 billion in lost revenue and continues to damage its reputation internationally, Chief Executive Officer Neil Bruce told BNN Bloomberg TV in an interview last month.

"It weakens our position as a business because basically our competition ... use this mercilessly against us and have been doing so for the past six years. We know we've lost out on a number of contracts,"

Bruce said. "Clients in the end will not take the chance on a picking SNC-Lavalin even though we provide a great service and a great bid."

The Globe, citing anonymous sources, said Trudeau's office then tried to press Wilson-Raybould to intervene to press for a negotiated resolution.

The lobbyist registry shows representatives of SNC-Lavalin logged more than 50 meetings with federal officials and parliamentarians on subjects that included "justice" and "law enforcement."

"It would appear to any reasonable person the prime minister fired Ms. Wilson-Raybould when she refused to give into his demands," Scheer said, referring to Wilson-Raybould's move from the high-profile Justice portfolio to the Veterans Affairs ministry.

"This matter strikes at the very heart of our rule of law and calls into serious question the ethics and conduct of those at the highest levels of the prime minister's office."

SNC-Lavalin has been charged with fraud and corruption in connection with payments of nearly $48 million to public officials in Libya under Moammar Gadhafi's government, and allegations it defrauded Libyan organizations of an estimated $130 million.

The company is contesting the case and has pleaded not guilty. The case is at the preliminary hearing stage.

If convicted, the company could be blocked from competing for federal government contracts for a decade.

This is not the first instance of legal trouble for the publicly traded company. Indeed, its former CEO, Pierre Duhaime, pled guilty last week to a charge of helping a public servant commit breach of trust for his role in a bribery scandal around the construction of a $1.3-billion Montreal hospital.

Duhaime left SNC-Lavalin in March 2012 after an independent review found that he had approved $56-million in payments to undisclosed agents.

Trudeau calls allegations 'false'

On Thursday, Trudeau denied that he or his staff "directed" Wilson-Raybould to intervene. At one point, in reply to a journalist's question, Trudeau said in French that he never "asked" her to make any decisions in the case.

"The allegations in the Globe story this morning are false," Trudeau said. "Neither the current nor the previous attorney general was ever directed by me, or by anyone in my office, to take a decision in this matter."
The Conservative and New Democrat MPs on the House of Commons standing committee on justice and human rights want to meet and demand a session to question members of the PMO and other officials about the allegations, according to Scheer.

They say they want to question the following officials:
  • Wilson-Raybould (former justice minister, now veterans affairs minister).
  • Minister of Justice and Attorney General David Lametti.
  • Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick.
  • Director of Public Prosecutions Kathleen Roussel.
  • Chief of staff to the prime minister Katie Telford.
  • Principal secretary to the prime minister Gerald Butts.
  • Senior adviser to the prime minister Mathieu Bouchard.
  • Senior adviser to the prime minister Elder Marques.
  • Chief of staff to the minister of Veterans Affairs Jessica Prince.
"If the prime minister has nothing to hide, as he has suggested, then he should have no reason to fear these individuals appearing before the justice committee," Scheer told reporters Friday morning.

In an interview with CBC Radio's The House, Lametti said that if the justice committee proceeds with such a study, he would agree to appear.

"I would appear before the committee. Of course I would," he said.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is also calling for an ethics investigation into the allegations.
With files from the CBC's Elizabeth Thompson and The Canadian Press

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