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No ambulance taken out of service over lack of bilingual staff, ANB says


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Methinks the government lawyers who argued that backing away from bilingual requirements would violate the Official Languages Act and the Charter were dumb to ignore my lawsuit N'esy Pas?


No ambulance taken out of service over lack of bilingual staff, ANB says

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David Amos
 David Amos
Methinks I should ask why nobody showed up at the EUB hearing today N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

You badgered us all week you where going, we placed all our fates in you....

Marc Martin 
Johnny Horton
Isn’t the VP just playing with words? I see a great future as a politician in his future,

They have their in filled bilingual positions. Therefore there are positions due to language that are not available to be called due to the position being vacant because it is bilingual and there are not enough bilingual Emt in Canada,

So it is due to language - just maybe not the spin on language some want to make it to be,

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Johnny Horton, you CORs would not recognize the truth if it stared you right in the face.

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@Marguerite Deschamps Where is Galllant these days?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Barry Odonnell, Higgs will be gone and elusive within a few months.
Billy Hachey 
Billy Hachey,
@Barry Odonnell Teaching Marg tennis of course! notice she ignores your question completely and deflects to someone else, typical grade 4 debating antics

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Billy Hachey, Brian has many university degrees including a Masters in Law at McGill. How about you?

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@Marguerite Deschamps

If you actually read whst I was saying I said it wasn’t due to the latest interpretation/definition of language issues in NB. But s mire borader basic language issue thst everywhere in the world has. Not enough people speaking enough languages to fulfill needed positions.

Matt Steele

Matt Steele
It sounds like Matt Crossman is making a play on the interpretation of words . I wonder what the term " out of service " actually means to Mr. Crossman , and what that actually consists of . Could an Ambulance be sitting at a ANB depot without having any staff to operate it ; and still be considered " in service " ? Words seems to have a different meaning for different people depending on their interpretation of said words for that given situation . What a web we weave when we practice to deceive.....also known as SPIN .

Charlie Papa
Charlie Papa
@Matt Steele the scenario that you described would be considered “out of service”.

Johnny Horton
Johnny Horton
@Charlie Papa

Yes. According to Crossmzn though that’s out of service due to lack of staff, not due to language.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Matt Steele, "SPIN" like we always read here about you and your cohorts.

Charlie Papa
Charlie Papa
@Johnny Horton Ok so what are you getting at. You seem to be an intelligent person. List off all the reasons that a staff member may not show up for work in any industry and apply it to what you are trying to say. If you are implying that said truck that you are using as an example is parked becasue there were no bilingual medics to work you are not correct in your assumptions. It would be staffed regardless of language.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "SPIN" like we always read here about you and your cohorts."

What is it that you do?

 Marc Martin 
David Webb
From ANB's 2017/2018 annual report it states, "As a result, we are pleased to report that 33.11% of all
ANB paramedics have been qualified as bilingual by the Province of New Brunswick (PNB) through service New Brunswick". To me that either means ambulances are parked or 33% are running with English only EMT's. Add to that that a temporary floater complement of English EMT's has been given a green light and the fact that ANB refuses to divulge their service performance in spite of request for information, says something here doesn't smell right. Dig a little deeper Jacques!

Marguerite Deschamps
Content disabled. before I could see or save it
Marguerite Deschamps

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@David Webb Jacques will not dig any deeper. He is completly bias.

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@Marguerite Deschamps Ohh puhhhhleaaseeeee

David Amos
David Amos
@Barry Odonnell LOL


Fred Brewer..
Fred Brewer
""We would never take an ambulance out of service for language," he told the legislature's Crown corporations committee. "In fact, we exhaust every call-out list across the province to fill a shift."

This is an example of wordplay and smoke and mirrors.

The call-out lists do not contain enough names because of language requirements and therefore ambulances sit idle due to language.

Chuck Michaels
Chuck Michaels
@Fred Brewer - I asked a medic friend about this. The callout lists contain the names of ALL MEDICS willing to do overtime. The fact is, many mark themselves "unavailable". They are tired. They are frustrated at being classed as "patient" support - rather than "patient care". Many are unwilling to drive excessive distances to work an overtime where fuel costs make an extra shift uneconomical. She related that there are parts of the province where positions go unfilled - nobody applies. There are equally big problems that need to be addressed - before we lose medics to other jobs or provinces!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

They just confirmed ambulance do no sit because of language, what more do you want them to say?

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
I just want the unblemished truth that's all.

Mark (Junkman) George
Mark (Junkman) George
@Marc Martin

The truth for once?
It's not like we are used to politicians lying to us? Are you saying/thinking that a politician deserves/is going to get, or is owed: the truth.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Fred Brewer, nope, nobody died because of language.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marguerite Deschamps
You can bury your head in the sand all you want Marg, but that does not change the fact that Language comes before Lives in NB.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Fred Brewer exactly!

Denis Doiron
Denis Doiron
@Fred Brewer Fred ! I am a paramedic and have been for 29 years ! First of all i can assure you no ambulance has gone instaffed because of language. The media blew this language thing out of proportion yes there is lbilingual positions available it is sad there is some medics that are having a hard time getting fuill time jobs when these medic are hired they aware of the of theae language laws . Now. Example here how it works let say about 800 posistions 400 are unilingual and 400 are bilingual positions wich is fair so how it stands 400 unilingual position are filled and the other 400 bilingual position only 250 are filled can find enough so the remaining positions are given to the unilingual full time on a 6 months basis until they can find bilingual to fill the position if they do unfortunaltly the unilingiual medic goes back partime of not he keeps it for another 6 months . That is the way it works . For ambulance not being staff is like ANB said there is alot of medics out on medical leave the rest is overworked alrweady and can only do so much overtime and we are juste short in general so there is lot of ambulance that do not get staff for this reason and keep in mind also some of these bilingual position are also up North of the province some unilingual or bilingual do not want to relocate up the north to take these positions idont blame them so they remain open and assure you when there is a shift open due to sick calls or other everybody is called for the open shift no matter what language you speak .

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Mark (Junkman) George

Its not a politician that is affirming this, you need to read the article.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Fred Brewer

But yet you failed to show us 1 death related to language...

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Not true

 Marc Martin
 Marc Martin
 @David Amos Are you sure your talking to the right Marc Martin Davis ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Who is Davis?

 Marc Martin 
Tim Raworth
The simple fact is unilingual people who are considering a career will not go into paramedic training, at least not with intensions to stay in NB. They were only being hired under a term contract knowing that they could be replaced. Who in their right mind would try to build a future on that basis. Yes language is part of the problem! It figured Jacque would be all over this story with his completely unbias opinion. LOL

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

Oh so now its because they don't hire enough unilingual English its not because of live before language anymore ??
Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Marc Martin, he would have preferred that lives were lost so he could back up his fake news argument.

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Marguerite Deschamps You are a fool for saying such a thing God forgive you.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Tim Raworth, which one, Zeus, Jupiter, Saturn, Jehovah?

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Marc Martin My comment was clear and concise. Perhaps you should read it again.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Tim Raworth, all they need to do is become bilingual. In this day and age, all the tools are there for free to learn any language. One need not even go to school.

Denis Doiron
Denis Doiron
@Tim Raworth Nobody is hired under term contract. When you are hired you are hired as casual . And then you can apply for positions partime or fullltime every 60 days but of course most of the position that are left are bilinguals position so these are given out to the unilinguals 6 months at a time and if. Not filled. There given back to them for another 6 month

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

Actually its not, even when shown the facts you make it a language issue.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Actually its not, even when shown the facts you make it a language issue."

Methinks everybody knows that is your forte N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Methinks everybody knows that you have a lot of friends at the Anglo Society N'esy Pas?

 Marc Martin 
Marc Martin
There ya go truth comes out...

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Marc Martin

As I would say to most posters here,........YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH............

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Marc Martin One sided truth.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Tim Raworth
roflmao............man that was funny

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Marc Martin
One man's truth is another man's BS.

Denis Doiron
Denis Doiron
@Marc Martin its true there is not enough bilingual medics but ANB is telling the truth about Ambulances they do not go off the road because of language there is lots of medic out on disabilty and sick calls and that opens lots of positions medic are over worked as it is and can only. Work so many hours. Can assure. You everybody avalaible is called to cover these shift but refuses they are already overwelmed and burned out by working overtime ! In General there is big shortage of medics just like Nurses« 

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Tim Raworth

Its only one sided when they don't say what you want...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Denis Doiron

I am not arguing that...you need to calm down...But it isn't because of language.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "There ya go truth comes out..."

Yea Right

 Marguerite Deschamps 
Marguerite Deschamps
Le Crisse d'Austin did not ask the question because he could not live with the answer and the truth which is not in accord with his COR fake news. No mon Crisse, there is not more to it.

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Marguerite Deschamps Hopefully CUPI will have a chance to have their say. The truth will come out. You will just ignore it anyways.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Tim Raworth, what is the truth? Do tell!

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marguerite Deschamps Judy Astle , president, Local 4848 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees says the problem is a lack of bilingual paramedics. At a recent workshop she attended for new employees, only four of 13 were bilingual, Astle said. "We can't snap our fingers and make them."


David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "what is the truth? Do tell!"

Methinks you know it already N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

We all know the only truth you belive in is from your Anglo society buddies right ?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin Methinks that nonsense o yours was resolved last night and you failed to dispute the truth N'esy Pas?

 Marc Martin 
Chantal LeBouthi
So mr. Austin is a fake news kind of guy

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Chantal LeBouthi, always was ever since he was a pastor, always is, always will be! And most divisive to boot!

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps And most divisive to boot!

and you are not?

 Marc Martin 
Chantal LeBouthi
Nb politicians are so bad bad bad

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Chantal LeBouthi not all but alot are.

Chantal LeBouthi
Chantal LeBouthi
@Bernard McIntyre


David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Please name one

David Amos
David Amos
@Chantal LeBouthi YUP

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David Amos Well Jerry Lowe Doesn't seem to be to bad yet.

 Marc Martin 
Roland Godin
Austin or whoever, have you any examples of people not being served in the langue officielle of their choosing, English?...eh/voilà.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Roland Godin, Austin has no retort. He is owned!

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Roland Godin Anglo don't care as long as the ambulance arrives in time to save lives.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Shawn McShane
Really, so why do some insist in not encouraging providers to make an effort to respect les deux langues officielles?...EH!

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marguerite Deschamps You could say that about most , not all but most politician's.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Roland Godin President Greg McConaghy told reporters 150 jobs are being posted every eight weeks that aren't getting filled. But because there aren't nearly enough bilingual paramedics applying, unilingual ones are being hired on eight-week contracts. That has resulted in higher wait times in many regions and some communities, such as Nackawic, Harvey and McAdam going uncovered on a daily basis...

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "Austin has no retort. He is owned!"

Methinks everybody knows they all are N'esy Pas?

 Marc Martin 
Chantal LeBouthi
Austin only want fake news and divide poeples for his personal agenda of trying to be a politician


Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Chantal LeBouthi As I said to Mr. Herbie Derbie. The same could be said that to Mr. Arseneau of the green party.

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Chantal LeBouthi

Please provide one.....one incidence where Austin has spread " fake " news and was trying to divide the people...... Kris Austin and the PANB are the most cohesive , positive and believable party out there... Austin says what he means and means what he says... Austin is not afraid to stand corrected or admit when he does not know something.... Austin is going by what he has been told dozens and dozens of times by the paramedics themselves and I will take the word of the paramedics over those of ANB, Medavie, PC's or Liberals any day.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Chantal LeBouthi, pastors are the ones I trust the least.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Mack Leigh, then it's about time he brushes up on science which keeps disproving his fairytale myths.

Chantal LeBouthi
Chantal LeBouthi
@Mack Leigh

You didn’t read the story above it seams

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Mack Leigh Unfortunately he has got in bed with the blue devil for 18 months and has to keep his mouth shut on this. I hope CUPE will be able to set the record straight.

Donald LeBlanc
Donald LeBlanc
@Chantal LeBouthi Tell it to the two 80 year old seniors who tried to save their son while an ambulance sat 3 minutes away unstaffed.

That’s pathetic.

Chantal LeBouthi
Chantal LeBouthi
@Donald LeBlanc

Really Donald didn’t you read the news about others

John O'Brien
John O'Brien
@Marguerite Deschamps French are the ones I trust the least. Even a French politician from Tracadie noted that she was dismayed at the crime and corruption in the Acadian Peninsula.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@John O'Brien, and you know what we call those who paint everyone with the same brush.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marguerite Deschamps

Marguerite Deschamps

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@John O'Brien "French are the ones I trust the least." - You said it!

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Marguerite Deschamps
@John O Brien is not very civil is he..........hmmmm wonder how come The Donald dint react to him...........2 guesses 1st one don't count............

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "you know what we call those who paint everyone with the same brush."


Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Talking about people attacking people....

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin Some people here should know.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Yeah I agree you should now what you do here...

 Marc Martin 
Donald LeBlanc
For some reason this site does not want you to suggest to others that they should be more civil in their postings. They are allowing insulting language but not a request for civility.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Donald LeBlanc, we're dealing with old dinosaurs here!

Donald LeBlanc
Donald LeBlanc
@Marguerite Deschamps Actually the comment for more civility was posted to you. There is no need to be insulting. As a proud Acadian I find it inappropriate.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Donald LeBlanc Some people here are inappropriate. They seem to attack anyone, doesn't matter which race of people if people don't agree with them.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Donald LeBlanc, kissing up to the likes of le Crisse d"Austin will get you nowhere.

Donald LeBlanc
Donald LeBlanc
@Marguerite Deschamps Again, who is being childish here?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Donald LeBlanc, who is being naive here?

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marguerite Deschamps It seems to be the person asking Mr. Leblanc the question.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Bernard McIntyre, because most on here don't even work, are anti-French spending most of their time harping on here. They pinch their nose pretending to support the self-professed acadien, Mister LeBlanc.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Donald LeBlanc, and you think the COR People Alliance is there for you ti t'acadien? - They showed Laurie Robichaud the door telling him he didn't belong there. Same old, same old!

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Donald LeBlanc
Civility like rationality and discernment is almost extinct with the now OFF_ON switch of numeracy literacy, et cela dans les deux langues offcielles...et voilà.

Donald LeBlanc
Donald LeBlanc
@Donald LeBlanc Again my response in this thread was disabled. It was civil, an honest question and ended with Have a nice day! This site seems biased.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Donald LeBlanc, someone must have flagged you down. Some do that when they don't like the answer.

Donald LeBlanc
Donald LeBlanc
@Marguerite Deschamps the Liberals did the same to Kevin Arsenault, what’s your point?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Donald LeBlanc, I could not agree with you more! And they paid the price.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "we're dealing with old dinosaurs here!"

Methinks it takes one to know one N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Bernard McIntyre

Your finnaly seeing the way you are !!!

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marguerite Deschamps Some people here seem to be Anti- every body.

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Marc Martin And how am I finally supposed to see me?

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@Donald LeBlanc careful or she will accuse you of being a "fake" Acadian. Just mute her, if we all mute her we take away her voice. I'd also recommend muting Marc Martin. My food tastes better and the air seems so much cleaner now

Marc Martin 
Marc Martin
Time to close the books.
Fact : No live has been lost because of language.
Fact: PANB leader and his acolytes have been proven wrong.
Fact: People who tried to make this a language issue lost...again..
Next debate pls.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin You don't debate

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

I don't have to I always win. How are your friends at the Anglo society Davis ?

No ambulance taken out of service over lack of bilingual staff, ANB says

Mechanical problems, absenteeism among the reasons an ambulance might be parked, officials say

Ambulance New Brunswick officials contradicted Progressive Conservatives on Tuesday, saying language has not been a factor in delays in service. (CBC)

Ambulance New Brunswick has told a committee of MLAs that it has never taken an ambulance out of service because of a lack of bilingual paramedics.

The comment by Medavie's vice-president for Ambulance New Brunswick, Matt Crossman, contradicted Progressive Conservative politicians who have blamed ambulance delays on bilingual hiring requirements.

"We would never take an ambulance out of service for language," he told the legislature's Crown corporations committee. "In fact, we exhaust every call-out list across the province to fill a shift."

Crossman was responding to a question from Progressive Conservative MLA Stewart Fairgrieve, who said he was aware of "speculation" that vacant bilingual-designated positions were to blame for parked ambulances.
 Other Tories, including Premier Blaine Higgs, have said in recent months that the legal requirement for each two-person paramedic crew to provide bilingual service was the reason many ambulances were idle.

Fairgrieve commented Tuesday that "in reality that would be a very rare circumstance" and asked Crossman if he agreed.

'Music to my ears'


Matt Crossman, Medavie’s vice-president for Ambulance New Brunswick, told a committee of MLAs that no ambulances have been kept off the road because service couldn't be provided in French and English. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

After Crossman did agree, the Carleton MLA said Crossman's answer matched his experience in his part of the province.

"I don't recall circumstances where an ambulance would have had to have gone out of service for anything other than mechanical reasons," Fairgrieve said.

He added: "I think Ambulance New Brunswick is doing a good job in that regard. The fact that you said 'never' is music to my ears."

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin, who has also linked ambulance delays to bilingual requirements, did not challenge Crossman's comments during his own questioning of ANB officials.
Last year, Higgs said in an interview that relaxing bilingual hiring standards would address delays.

"Is it better to have no ambulance, or is it better to have an ambulance that will serve your needs and be there, and do what it can to provide that service?" he told Radio-Canada.

In December, the PC government announced a plan to relax bilingual hiring requirements in some regions of the province, as proposed by a labour arbitrator's ruling.

But a month later the Tories abandoned that plan and instead directed Ambulance New Brunswick to create "float teams" of unilingual paramedics to fill gaps until bilingual paramedics could be hired.

Recruitment difficult 


Progressive Conservative MLA Stewart Fairgrieve said he was happy to hear that ambulances were only ever taken out of service because of mechanical issues. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Government lawyers have also argued in a judicial review of the labour ruling that backing away from bilingual requirements would violate the Official Languages Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Austin told reporters he didn't believe Crossman's answer on bilingualism but didn't challenge it during the committee session because the float team concept will resolve the issue.

"Directly, he may be correct," he said. "Indirectly, I think there's much more to it."

People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin didn't challenge Matt Crossman's assertion about a bilingual service but told reporters later that he believes there's more to it. (CBC)

Austin said unilingual paramedics who couldn't get full-time work had been reluctant to temporarily replace bilingual employees in another province. Hiring unilingual paramedics into permanent float-team positions would resolve that, he said.

After the session wrapped up, Fairgrieve said he raised the issue because he "wanted some clarity" about out-of-service ambulances and many constituents had asked him about it.

"There's a lot of misconception about that amongst the public and my line of questioning was to bring clarity to that," he said.

He said he believed the officials "based on what they had to say, based on my own experience, based on what I've seen in my region. I can only speak for my region but yeah, I would believe that."

Richard Losier, the CEO of Medavie Health Services New Brunswick, said there is a light at the end of the tunnel in terms of hiring more paramedics. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Asked if he thought Higgs would believe it, he told reporters, "you'd have to ask the leader that question."

He wouldn't say if he thought the answers would put the issue to rest politically.

"It was a pretty clear answer," he said.

Crossman said the main impact of bilingualism on staffing has been on the recruitment of paramedics from other provinces. He said the heated debate over the hiring requirement creates a perception among potential recruits "that it's a difficult situation to walk into."

Even so, Richard Losier, the CEO of Medavie Health Services New Brunswick, which oversees the ambulance service, told the committee that with several training programs underway, the organization sees "the light at the end of the tunnel" in terms of hiring.

About the Author


Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 

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