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Canada pledges $53M to help Venezuelan refugees


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks many Canadians who have only the OAS to live off of would agree if they can afford a computer and internet services then read the CBC news and offer a comment that may be blocked anyway N'esy Pas?



Canada pledges $53M to help Venezuelan refugees


Matthew Locke 
Matthew Locke
Trudeau never even seems interested in helping his own country.

Matthew Locke
@Matthew Locke

Yeah, we are in such dire straits! Look at the world around you. We are doing among the best on the planet. We have neighbours and our neighbours have problems,. Helping them fix their problems is a lot cheaper than having many of them knock on our doors looking for help starving.

rick haars
rick haars
@Matthew Locke In 2005, my despise of the Liberal govt helped me keep focused to stop smoking, after 38 years. To this, I am forever in debt to the Liberal Party. I still don't like them though.

Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Matthew Locke
17.66 million per refugee (53 000 000 / 3 000 000) and the funds going to "trusted" partners.
Seriously? Like the trusted people who absconded with all the aid sent to Haiti?
Most of this will disappear too.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Matthew Locke

Lowest unemployment rate in 40 years so you can help yourself, stop looking for a handout conservatives

Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Matthew Locke
So far no comment from the Cons Mr. Smiley Face. He will obviously disagree with this as he has with everything else the government does. (But without proposing any solution.)

tim silus
tim silus
@Matthew Locke He's not interested in Canada

Hal Bursey
Hal Bursey
@Matthew Locke $15 Billion to the Saudi's for arms, but for the Vet's, "they are asking for more than we can give"

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Matthew Locke Methinks Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger needs to mind his own business first N'esy Pas?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Hal Bursey "$15 Billion to the Saudi's for arms"

Conservatives we know you have no education or common sense but this is beyond baffling...

Saudi is buying 15 billion dollars worth of LAV's from Canada. Not one single penny is being given to Saudi Arabia...

Do you people even understand how Commerce works?

Bill Mickey
Bill Mickey
@Troy Mann you mean like the Ontario free tuition thingy?

Louis Pelt
Louis Pelt
@Matthew Locke

Helping Canadians doesn't increase his chances of a future job at the UN.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Troy Mann "Do you people even understand how Commerce works?"

Methinks you know that I do N'esy Pas?

Bruce Nelson
Bruce Nelson
@David R. Amos

The correct usage is, "n'est-ce pas" and is what you say if you are confirming the validity of a statement, and strengthens the contextual constuck and syntax of the English translation being, "is it not."

N'esy Pas, simply translates as "is not."

"Methinks you know that I do is not ? Makes absolutely no sense.

Jacob Hobart
Jacob Hobart
@Matthew Locke Unemployed in AB and NL - well...those are just 'regions' to the current government.

Just moved 2200 jobs from AB to Ottawa with Cold lake base move. Utter insanity.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Bruce Nelson

Methinks yous has never encountered his specific brand of “commentary” previously has you?

Loch messy pats?

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Matthew Locke

Canada spends between $100-200 thousand per year, per homeless man, woman and child to support them...subsidizes an ocean of businesses across the nation supporting tens of thousands of jobs...countless federal services...and when things flood or burn down, the government generally helps folks out...so...

...what exactly are you talking about?

harry richard
harry richard
@Matt Thuaii ... bull

harry richard
harry richard
@Troy Mann ... want fries with that

Jim Clark
Jim Clark
@Troy Mann ya.all those part time jobs.Thats why 48% of Canadians are 200$ a month away from insolvency.check it out if you think it’s so rosy under junior’s regime.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@harry richard

Nope. Facts. Don’t like ‘em?

Too bad.

Hal Bursey
Hal Bursey
@Jim Clark In a country as rich as Canada, that shouldn't be happening, but the powers that be, are in rose colored glasses and a different world than the insolvency Canadians.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Hal Bursey Oh So True

Robert Stringer
Robert Stringer
@Art Rowe yes, 53M / 3M = 17.66 .... dollars. that is it. $18 or about 6 starbucks coffees to help out 3,000,000 people in dire straights ...

put this in perspective. you and all the others.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bruce Nelson "N'esy Pas, simply translates as "is not."

Methinks snobby English dudes do not have the first clue about Chiac N'esy Pas? Do tell have you even been down to visit the Bay Of Fundy?

If not Google "Fundy Royal Debate" Trust that I have lots of Acadian buddies who understand my Chiac very well

harry richard
harry richard
@Matt Thuaii ... link me to the permanent full time jobs then. at least in the last three years. oh,nope and it is to bad

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@harry richard

It’s true. Permanent full time jobs are the only metric that matters when it comes to spending money on Canadians vs. Other countries (the original point of this “discussion”?).

The federal government should immediately cut all (literally all) expenditures aside from dumping all money into subsidizing full time jobs (which as I pointed out they’re already doing, although according to your standards, poorly).

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Hal Bursey

It’s easy to complain. For example, I can complain about how for the past four decades, corporate interests with the help of right-wing governments have dismantled the self-sustaining, domestic commercial-industrial base in Canada in exchange for cheaply bought, less-than-ethical profits found offshore, converting us into an unstainable consumption-based economy, which succeeding governments are now powerless to break from lest they face the wrath of a poorly informed, consumption-addicted electorate...but that’s just a complaint...

...and without an accompanying solution, quite useless.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Hal Bursey Methinks whereas Matt Thuaii knows so much he would run for public office instead of making fun of people who do N'esy Pas?


 Matthew Locke 
Werin Johnson
How about Trudeau keeps his nose out of others business and start paying more attention to the 10's of thousands of illegals crossing the border costing Canadian taxpayers $100's of millions of dollars.....for NOTHING.

Catherine Haigh
Catherine Haigh
@Werin Johnson
Venezuela is facing an economic and humanitarian crisis that has seen three million people flee the country....

Werin Johnson
Werin Johnson
@Catherine Haigh

Crisis that THEY created......we have problems of our own here....fix them first.....do for Canadians...first!

rick haars
rick haars
@Werin Johnson Trudeau. An easy name to use when there's things going on nowadays. You can blame him for all sorts of things you don't like or agree with. He's trying to get us a seat on the security council. You can't do that if you don't get involve in world politics. Personally, I don't like the liberals past and present. No matter whose in govt, they're going to get pulled into world circumstances and will have to voice opinions. At times, expected to take action of some sort. Illegals are a domestic problem for us.

Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson
@Werin Johnson
Actually, the crisis we created.
The U.S. imposed sanctions for years have taken their toll, as intended

Mohamed Khan
Mohamed Khan
@Bob Johnson the sanctions on venezuela's corrupt governing party members has nothing to do with Venezuela's economy which is sanction free.

Colin Rasmussen
Colin Rasmussen
@Werin Johnson

Tens of thousands?

rick haars
rick haars
@Colin Rasmussen It's a future estimate only.

rick haars
rick haars
@Colin Rasmussen Google Canadian city populations. Eg: places such as Brampton, Hamilton, Toronto, Vancouver. Diversity.

Dave Burns
Dave Burns
@rick haars Those cities not white enough for you anymore?

Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Colin Rasmussen
Read the numbers.

Shane Christopher
Shane Christopher
@Werin Johnson You are SO uninformed, it's not even funny.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Werin Johnson Methinks that we should not forget that Mr Prime Minister Trudeau The Younger invited the thousands of illegals crossing the border to come to Canada and live off of the ever increasing national and provincial debts N'esy Pas?

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@rick haars If there is one thing Canada does not need it is a seat on the UN security council.

Don McKenna
Don McKenna
@Werin Johnson A problem we created by putting sanctions on a left wing government with the largest oil supply on the planet. You know what isn't in public hands in Venezuela: Paper and Food...the two things they are complaining there are shortages of. The guy Trudeau is supporting went to the chicago school of business in the USA.

Venezuela said they would stop trading oil in US currency. And we wonder why this is happening. If anyone thinks this is not about oil they are wilfully blind or living in a hole for the last 70 years.

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@Werin Johnson

There isn’t enough space available here to explain everything wrong with all that, including the up count...I’ll try this instead:

I don’t believe you.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Matt Thuaii Methinks you broke even because appears that nobody believes you either N'esy Pas?

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@David R. Amos

As usual methinks your thinking is confused. Do you believe the “up/down” system here is manipulated by corporate interests, foreign actors and PR firms for the benefit of whomever pays their bills?

If the answer is “yes”, methinks you’re right, n’estle quick?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Matt Thuaii Methinks your constant insults are not worthy of a proper reply N'esy Pas?

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@David R. Amos

...and yet you tried anyway.

N’etty pot?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Matt Thuaii Methinks you know I did many times in the past but you always ignore the simple truth N'esy Pas?

 Matthew Locke 
James A Walke
Trudeau is bankrupting Canadians.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@James A Walke YUP

Matt Thuaii
Matt Thuaii
@James A Walke

Yes, every government previous were nothing but straight shooters. It’s Trudeau who’s rigged the system against us.

Probably part of some globalist conspiracy.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Matt Thuaii Methinks you should finally Google "David Amos Federal Court" find my lawsuit then scroll down to statement 83 N'esy Pas?

 Matthew Locke 
Eric Jeff
Trudeau should concentrate on looking after the citizens of Canada first.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Eric Jeff Methinks many folks agree with you N'esy Pas?

 Matthew Locke 
Bob Lashram
Canada has no right to inteferes in the domestic affairs of another Democratic nation...Justin and Freeland's attempt to garner international credibility at the expense of another nation is just shallow and irresponsible...

Brett Mclaughlan
Brett Mclaughlan
@Bob Lashram as is borrowing more money future generations will have to pay back to virtue signal

Robert Morris
Robert Morris
@Bob Lashram
Calling Venezuela a democratic nation at this point in its history is more than a bit of a stretch......hyperinflation has destroyed the economy and millions have fled to columbia, brazil and elsewhere......I wonder if you even noticed the pictures of the Venezuela's authoritarian leader surrounded by soldiers.....like most conservatives you don't try to understand the world around you.....instead you prefer to build walls.

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Bob Lashram

Conservatives believe Venezuela is a democracy lol

@Bob Lashram


This is so shameful I almost cannot believe it is happening.

Shane Christopher
Shane Christopher
@Bob Lashram No offense Bob but you seem really uninformed

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bob Lashram I agree

Don McKenna
Don McKenna
@Robert Morris They were sited for free and fair elections. Can we say the same about the USA. The Maduro government welcomed elections inspectors while the opposition(the people we are supporting) said they didn't want outside observation. We know the DMC cheated to make sure Hilary would be the Democratic nominee and she BARELY beat Bernie.

Please watch some Jimmy Dore or Empire Files with Abby Martin for an on the ground look at what actually has happened there.

This is also the second coup attempt. The first was in 2002, it failed.

Don McKenna
Don McKenna
@Shane Christopher I believe you are terribly misinformed if you think this isn't about Oil and that's it. There are places with much worse things happening, but we don't seem to care about them, do we.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Don McKenna Methinks Jimmy Dore and Abby Martin deserve a lot of credit for their efforts N'esy Pas?

 Matthew Locke 
Scott Kane
Here we go again, Justin giving away our money and future so he looks big on the world stage for that coveted U.N. seat

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Scott Kane YUP

Smitty von Clawswitz
Smitty von Clawswitz
@Christina Robertson
That's actually pretty easy to find out. Canada's official development assistance (ODA) budget is in the order of $4.5 billion per year or 0.26% of Gross National Income (GNI). That's well below the 0.32% average among industrialized OECD countries and we also happen to have the lowest ODA within the G7. Under Stephen Harper in 2012, our ODA was about the same as it is now at $4.5 billion but back then that amounted to 0.31% of GNI so Harper was quite a bit more generous at spending our tax dollars abroad than Mr Trudeau.

Peter Boone
Peter Boone
@Scott Kane Without Russia and China that dream has gone up in smoke, just like his weed.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Peter Boone True

 Matthew Locke 
Nathan Robar
Not to sound cold hearted, but where are these 53 million dollar donations when the provinces come calling because children don't have access to a doctor? That kind of money would go a long way in some provinces. Is that not a crisis?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Nathan Robar Methinks Mr Prime Minster Trudeau The Younger cares more about what his international cohorts think of him than what the folks he purportedly serves and protects think of his actions N'esy Pas?

 Matthew Locke 
Dan Shortt
To bad the Liberals can't find $53 million to help Canadians.

Shane Christopher
Shane Christopher
@Dan Shortt What kind of government handout are you looking for Dan?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Shane Christopher Methinks New Brunswick could use that money to repair a lot of bridges etc N'esy Pas?

Matthew Locke 
Shirley Witt
The seniors in Canada, many who need help, were given $1.56 increase in the OAS, this extravagance to everyone except Canadians alone should spell defeat!

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Shirley Witt Methinks many Canadians such as I who have only the OAS to live off of would wholeheartedly agree if they can afford a computer and internet services then read the CBC news and offer a comment that may be blocked anyway N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Shirley Witt I wholeheartedly agree

 Matthew Locke 
george hammish
Thanks goodness Justin is too busy solving the world's problems while his own citizens suffer in places like Cat Lake, Ontario.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@george hammish Methinks thou doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

Canada pledges $53M to help Venezuelan refugees

Ottawa hosts Lima Group countries for emergency meeting on Venezuela today

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, bottom left, watch as Venezuelan Opposition Leader Juan Guaido makes brief remarks via video link at the opening session of the 10th ministerial meeting of the Lima Group in Ottawa on Monday. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

The federal Liberal government is promising $53 million to help Venezuelans caught in a burgeoning refugee crisis, as Canada plays host to its Lima Group allies in Ottawa Monday.

"Canada is stepping up and announcing $53 million to address the most pressing needs of Venezuelans on the ground, including the almost three million refugees," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said during his opening remarks in Ottawa.

Canada has earmarked the new funds to help the three million Venezuelans who have fled to neighbouring countries in recent months due to an increasingly acute food shortage. The $53 million is in addition to the $2.2 million Canada has pledged already for similar efforts to help people grappling with the largest refugee crisis ever recorded in the Americas.

Trudeau said the money would be distributed to "trusted partners" in the region to "help them support Venezuela and Venezuelans."
The regime of authoritarian leader Nicolas Maduro has denied there is widespread food insecurity in Venezuela, and has instead blamed the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and smugglers for what the government describes as localized supply problems.

Independent observers blame the Maduro administration's socialist price control policies, its restrictions on foreign currencies (the U.S. dollar, mainly) and a dramatic drop in domestic food production for widespread hunger in Venezuela, once one of the richest nations in South America.

International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said Monday there are "huge issues with having access to basic supplies. So many people are leaving the country. I'm very concerned about that."

CBC News
Trudeau pledges money for Venezuela

 Prime Minster Justin Trudeau pledges $53-million to aid Venezuela and the countries harboring Venezuelan refugees at today's Lima Group summit in Ottawa. 0:35

Foreign ministers from the Lima Group countries — Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Saint Lucia, along with a handful of representatives from other nations, such as the United Kingdom — have convened in Ottawa to discuss further support for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido.

U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo is participating via video conference.

Trudeau also announced today he will formally recognize Guaido's chosen envoy, Orlando Viera Blanco, as the legitimate representative of Venezuela in Canada.

"For years now, we've witnessed the breakdown of democracy in Venezuela and a dictatorship willing to use force, fear and coercion to retain power," Trudeau said.

"The violation of human rights and the complete disregard for the rule of law shown by the regime has been both inexcusable and unacceptable."

CBC News
Guaido addresses Lima Group

 Interim Venezuelan President Juan Guaido addresses the Lima Group meeting in Ottawa. 1:40

Protests have erupted across Venezuela since Maduro began his second term on Jan. 10. He was elected last year in a vote Canada, the U.S. and other nations deemed illegitimate.

Guaido has declared himself interim president. Canada has joined the United States, the European Parliament and several Latin American nations in recognizing Guaido's claim. Russia and China — which have invested heavily in oil-rich Venezuela — support Maduro, as does Turkey.
Notably missing from the Lima Group attendee list is Mexico. Its new left-leaning
president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has taken a stance different from that of his predecessor on Venezuela, going so far as to invite Maduro to his inauguration.
According to the itinerary for the meeting, members of the Lima Group will discuss economic assistance and recovery, as well as the humanitarian and refugee situation.

Guaido addressed the conference via videolink Monday, praising Canada and the Lima Group for their support while asking partner countries to redouble their diplomatic efforts to help loosen Maduro's grip on power.

"We are very close to reaching freedom, and that is the result of the international support we've received and the recognition of this process of respecting the rule of law and having a non-violent approach," Guaido said in Spanish.

"Unfortunately we're still under a dictatorship in Venezuela. That's why it's time to increase pressure."

A small group of anti-Maduro protesters gathered outside the Lima Group meetings at the John G. Diefenbaker Building in Ottawa, Ont. Monday. (Sarah Sears/CBC News)
On Sunday, Trudeau's office said he spoke with Guaido about the need for countries to send a clear message about what the Prime Minister's Office calls "the illegitimacy of the Maduro regime."

Trudeau also brought up the Venezuelan constitution during a town hall in Milton, Ont., on Thursday.
"This all seems very complex and complicated, and it is, but it is all grounded in human rights, the rule of law and Venezuela's own constitution," he said.
"The international community recognized that there were not free and fair elections in Venezuela, and therefore Maduro is not the president of Venezuela in the eyes of the world and also in the eyes of Venezuelans. Article 233 actually provides for what happens when there is no president in Venezuela."

As authority supporting his claim to the presidency, Guaido cites Article 233 of the Venezuelan constitution, which gives temporary presidential power to the head of the National Assembly when the presidency is otherwise vacant.

Setting the expectations

But those looking for significant action following today's talks could be disappointed.

One of Canada's top former diplomats said the public shouldn't expect to see much more than a statement of principles coming out of the emergency meeting.
"I would expect there would be a declaration asking for movement forward, asking for continued respect for human rights and really putting it on the line that this interim president [Juan Guaido], as per the Venezuelan constitution, should be the one to step up and call for elections," said Peter Boehm, a longtime senior diplomat with postings to Cuba, Costa Rica and the Organization of American States.

Trudeau recently appointed Boehm to the Senate.


  • An earlier version of this story said Mexico would be attending Monday's Lima Group meeting in Ottawa. In fact, Mexico isn't on the attendee list.
    Feb 04, 2019 8:25 AM ET
With files from the CBC's John Paul Tasker, Elise Von Scheel, Katharine Starr and Evan Dyer

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