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New Brunswick cancels plan to host 2021 Francophonie Games

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From: "Gallant, Brian (LEG)"<Brian.Gallant@gnb.ca>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 16:52:31 +0000
Subject: RE: RE New Brunswick cancels plan to host 2021 Francophonie
Games as CBC continues to play games with me
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>

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Replying to and 49 others
Methinks it wasn't a "wise decision" but merely common sense to cancel a questionable entertainment contract that we cannot afford N'esy Pas?


New Brunswick cancels plan to host 2021 Francophonie Games

Commenting is now closed for this story.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
Methinks that not everyone is Happy Happy Happy in light of the fact that some of my comments still cannot stand the test of time N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
Methinks folks should tune into CBC Info Morning in Fat Fred City right now N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Did anyone hear Minister Joly's sad lament?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Go Figure

The Government of Canada is seeking independent appointments that are based on merit

GATINEAU, QC, June 20, 2017 /CNW/ - The Government of Canada is committed to open and transparent processes for selecting appointees, to help strengthen trust in Canada's democracy and ensure the integrity of its public institutions. Today, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage, announced the creation of an advisory committee for appointments to the CBC/Radio-Canada Board of Directors.

This independent advisory committee will have a mandate to lead the selection process for the CBC/Radio-Canada Board of Directors. It will present its recommendations for qualified candidates to the Minister.

This independent, non-partisan committee is made up of experts in broadcasting and digital technology, and representatives of cultural sectors from across Canada. Indigenous Peoples, official-language communities and youth are also represented.

The committee will be chaired by Tom Clark from Ontario. Mr. Clark has worked in Canadian television news for the past 45 years.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Please notice Éric Larocque was appointed

The following people are also appointed to the committee:

Prem Gill (British Columbia) started her career in the television and broadcasting industry. She has more than 20 years' experience in digital media, content creation and entertainment.
Carolyn Warren (Alberta) is a leader in the Canadian cultural sector and has experience with art and broadcasting institutions.
Janelle Wookey (Manitoba), is a Francophone Métis woman from the Prairies and an award-winning artist who works as an independent director and producer in Winnipeg.
Colm Feore, O.C. (Ontario) is a well-known theatre, film and television actor.
Marc Beaudet (Quebec) is a pioneer in the digital content industry in Quebec. He is president and CEO of Turbulent, a company that develops broadcasting platforms.
Monique Savoie (Quebec) is a digital visionary. In 1996, she created the Société des arts technologiques, a creative Montréal space dedicated to technological development.
Alanis Obomsawin, O.C., G.O.Q., C.A.L.Q. (Quebec) is a member of the Abenaki Nation and one of the most distinguished documentary filmmakers in Canada. For more than 40 years, she has been producing films at the National Film Board of Canada that tell about the lives and concerns of First Nations and deal with issues that are important to everyone.
Éric Larocque (New Brunswick) is active in projects related to Acadia and to his community, particularly those that deal with youth. He is director of the organizing committee for the 2021 Games of La Francophonie.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
@David R. Amos continued

The advisory committee will provide the Minister with the names of qualified candidates for each vacant position, as well as supplementary qualified candidates to create a pool to fill posts in the future.

As the digital shift brings many changes in its wake, the public broadcaster continues to play a crucial role in providing us with information and entertainment, as well as helping guide the next generation. As a Crown corporation in the Canadian Heritage portfolio, CBC/Radio‑Canada is an organization that is independent from the government and responsible for its own day-to-day activities.


"Our government firmly believes in the importance of our national public broadcaster, CBC/Radio‑Canada. I am pleased to establish this independent advisory committee composed of experts in broadcasting, digital technology and culture, who reflect Canada's diversity. This new committee will recommend qualified candidates for a selection process that is open, transparent and based on merit."

—The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage

Quick Facts

Under the Broadcasting Act, CBC/Radio‑Canada's Board of Directors is composed of 12 directors, including a chair and a president/CEO, appointed by the Governor in Council during good behavior for a maximum period of five years.

The selection processes for the positions of chair, president/CEO, and part-time directors are posted on the Governor in Council's website.

In 2016, the Government of Canada adopted a new approach that requires a selection process be initiated for full-time and part-time positions. Those interested can apply online.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
Methinks Mr Higgs may enjoy a little Deja Vu and find it as interesting as I that Sequin just quoted what the former PANB dude Randall Leavitt had to say about this topic within his Twitter account N'esy Pas?


"Randall Leavitt
liberals and conservatives have taken us to $14billion financial cliffs, both practice patronage appointments, have had numerous scandals, love corporate handouts and mismanagement. Those who continue to vote for them are getting something majority of NBers are not. The People Alliance had an intensive platform last election and have laid some pretty major planks already for the next. Those who blindly give their votes will continue to do so to get same old results. The People's Alliance is an option for any, especially for those who don't vote to finally be heard and take part in a Democratic Party."

Marguerite Deschamps 
Marguerite Deschamps
Over 300 comments and counting... llol!

Harold Benson
Harold Benson
@Marguerite Deschamps Keyboard is worn out.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Harold Benson Methinks Sam would agree that the tally of disabled comments is not one bit funny N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
 @Marguerite Deschamps Methinks these are the comments that counted N'esy Pas?

"People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin, wheose party is supporting the PC minority government in the legislature, said Higgs made the right decision.

Austin also said that, as a federal taxpayer, he was glad Ottawa opted not to bail out the event.

"I'd much rather see federal money going to things that are needed in New Brunswick and I don't see Games as one of them."

Despite the polarized reactions, Higgs said he didn't think his decision would contribute to linguistic divisions."

Bernard McIntyre 
Mack Leigh
Thank you to all involved in making this wise decision !!

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Mack Leigh Methinks it wasn't a "wise decision" but merely common sense to cancel a questionable entertainment contract that we cannot afford N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
Surprise Surprise Surprise

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Now everybody is Happy Happy Happy

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@David R. Amos

No, but it is a great start toward sound fiscal management...

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
The Former SANB President Kevin Arseneau said the Tories could have increase their commitment "a little bit" to demonstrate a willingness to save the Games. "The message that Higgs just gave New Brunswickers is that we're too small to do big things here,"

Methinks some folks may not like that I say nobody should care what the former wannabe liberal candidate has to say about anything N'esy Pas?

Survey Say

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Joe campbell Nope not me

Joe campbell
Joe campbell
@David R. Amos Kevin the story teler, went after he worked for US shale company

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Joe campbell Oh My My ain't that special? Methinks my friend Roger Richard would have loved to have known that when he ran against Arseneau in Kent North N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Joe campbell Hey Joe Thanks

Games of La Francophonie

Healthy and Inclusive Communities, September 9, 2013 - Nice, France
Story-teller Kevin Arseneau goes before the jury, public at la Francophonie Games
Kevin Arseneau, originally from Robertville and living in Cocagne, captured the interest of the public and the jury members today during the story-telling competitions at the VIIth Jeux de la Francophonie, held at the Théâtre national de Nice in France. Arseneau told a story relating to Acadian history that describes the relationship between a small boy and a tree. The naming of the finalists should come on Sept. 11 with the final presentation on the evening of Sept. 12.

Bernard McIntyre
Ian Scott
Sad it got this far to begin with. It was still a crap bid from a committee that never did its due diligence to begin with. Still will cost province millions to back out of , a complete waste of taxpayer money, except for committee people that got paid. They should not be able to touch a single project again without oversight.
These events are far above what small provinces can afford given security issues, housing, infrastructure etc. Even the Olympics are becoming questionable in current form. At the national level we are running deficits, despite relatively good working and banking times , a harbinger of some very tough tax days ahead to pay it off.( Libs will never do that of course, leave it for Cons to pay back)

Matt Steele
Matt Steele
@Ian Scott ......Very true . Plus there has been about 2.5 MILLION of the taxpayers money spent on these Francophonie games already ; not to mention all of the people who had personal connections to Brian Gallant and the Liberal party who have been drawing a salary from the games.....quite the SCAM !

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@Ian Scott well maybe the province should make these people pay back the money they received for making such a stupid bid to the government but then again the people of the liberal government who knew of this new amount without telling the people of N.B before the election should also be charged with misleading the people of N.B.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Dream on

Bernard McIntyre
Bernard McIntyre
@David R. Amos yes I know.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Mack Leigh Methinks you should begin an investigation by asking yourself why my reply to you went "Poof" N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre 
John Valcourt
This was the governments best decision to date.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@John Valcourt Methinks that should make you question its competence N'esy Pas?

Craig Nettles 
Craig Nettles
Maybe they should host the Anglophone games......... Wonder if we tried that how that would go over.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Craig Nettles Methinks the Circus we are financing inside the legislative building is enough entertainment for now N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
Jake Quinlan
Interesting decision. This citizen supports it. I confess I didn't examine the "economic spinoff" argument side of hosting the games but suspect the estimates were too high.

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@Jake Quinlan

Based on the original bid of 17 million , the committee showed there would be a 25 million spin off.... I believe those are the figures that were reported..

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Mack Leigh Methinks it was all Pure D BS N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre 
Marc LeBlanc
A classic "no brainer"

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc LeBlanc YUP

Bernard McIntyre
Jackie Barrett
As a result of New Brunswick pulling out of the 2021 La Jeux Francophonie, the games will end up being awarded to Sherbrooke, Quebec as they were the runner up.

This is not a first time that an awarded host city pulled out of their event.

In fact, right after Sarajevo were awarded the right to host the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games, the Bosnian city cancelled their hosting rights, forcing Special Olympics International to find another host city, with the games eventually awarded to Boise.

The same thing also happened with the 2019 Special Olympics World Summer Games as three host nation finalists, notably Australia, South Africa, and Germany, withdrew their bids for this event. Abu Dhabi was eventually awarded these games.

Its shameful when host city crises are not only happening with the Olympics/Paralympics, but also the Special Olympics World Games (which uses existing athletic venues) , Special Olympics Canada Games (notably the funding dispute with Halifax which cost them a right to host the 2018 Special Olympics Canada Summer Games which were awarded to Antigonish), Canada Games (with Newfoundland and Labrador withdrawing the 2021 hosting rights), and now the La Jeux Francophonie.

Doug Leblanc
Doug Leblanc
@Jackie Barrett
According to CBC, they had the highest score after the international games committee visited and reviewed their bid. NB only scored higher in the budget category as they copied the example budget. You raise an excellent point. Perhaps the bid process needs to be evaluated... why was a city chosen that scored lower.

Dave Peters
Dave Peters
@Jackie Barrett This should tell you something Jackie with respect. More & more jurisdictionshttps://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=2464308071878322421#editor/target=post;postID=8686958584400552295;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=link are cancelling international sporting events for different reasons. Perhaps it's time to look at another funding model, i.e corporate sponsorship, cost sharing, membership fees. Many different ways to circumvent the cancellations you just mentioned.

David Peters
David Peters
@Dave Peters

I think perception is reality here. It's simply a $100 Million free for all on the taxpayer's dime.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Peters Methinks perception definitely is reality here as Mr Peters confers with Mr Peters while they both ignore my comments, phone calls and emails etc N'esy Pas?

Shawn McShane
Jackie Barrett
The statement said the committee will await "next steps" from Ottawa "and will work with them to assess any possible options to keep the games in Canada."

Sherbrooke, Quebec will likely get the 2021 La Jeux Francophonie as they were the runner up.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Jackie Barrett They pulled out and that left only NB.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Shawn McShane Methinks if the Quebeckers are wiseguys they will take a wide berth of the 2021 La Jeux Francophonie now N'esy Pas?

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@David R. Amos They should, they got snubbed. A confidential document obtained by Radio-Canada reveals an assessment of the bids to host the 2021 Francophonie Games gave top points to Sherbrooke, Que. who withdrew after learning the international committee wanted New Brunswick. OIF said the document was confidential and refused all comment. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/sherbrooke-candidacy-scored-higher-francophonie-games-1.4956301

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Shawn McShane I already checked out your tip

Jackie Barrett
Jackie Barrett
@Shawn McShane Sherbrooke lost to Moncton.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jackie Barrett Methinks you should read the article Mr McSjane provides in the link N'esy Pas?

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Jackie Barrett Moncton lost to Sherbrooke but got the games anyway

Jackie Barrett
 Bob Smith
A common sense move. If Gallant had won the election as the pollsters predicted, he would have stood before a dais surrounded by Melanson, Rogers et al pronouncing this as a great cultural event and treated any opposition to the costs as being bitter, anti-French bigots. In the end, the only truly unhappy by the cancelling are the developers Gallant was going to line their pockets with games money at taxpayer expense.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bob Smith "In the end, the only truly unhappy by the cancelling are the developers"

Methinks they have been crying for quite sometime N'esy Pas?

Jackie Barrett
Axel Roosevelt
Too bad that Green party goof Kevin Arseneaule can't be cancelled.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Axel Roosevelt I wholeheartedly agree

Sylvius Salvarian
Sylvius Salvarian
These big international sporting events are usually a waste of resources.

But, NB had agreed to host this one. There is value in honouring your agreements. I fear this will have a chilling effect on investment in NB where the business requires the participation or approval of the government.

This isn't like Calgary choosing not the launch a bid for the Olympics. NB already won the bid to host these games. These games are already scheduled.

I question the wisdom of backing out now, just as I question the wisdom of bidding in the first place.

Ross Piercey
Ross Piercey
@Sylvius Salvarian it was a go until the cost went from 10m to 150m, doesn’t take much questioning to figure out why.

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Sylvius Salvarian NB never "won" the bid. The document, titled "technical evaluation report of the candidacies," prepared by the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF) after officials visited host cities said Sherbrooke came in first.


David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Shawn McShane Hmmm

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
@David R. Amos Methinks folks should read CBC's revelations closer N'esy Pas?


"The assessment looked at criteria that included the host cities' vision for the games, their infrastructure and financing. It ranked the candidates out of a score of 1,000.

Sherbrooke ended up with 946 points, Moncton-Dieppe with 938 and Guadeloupe with 813.

New Brunswick scored higher than Sherbrooke in only three categories, including budget and financing."

Jim Cyr
Jim Cyr
@Sylvius Salvarian : Sylvius, with all due respect, some people DESERVE to be offended.
In this case, Higgs is offending all the right people.

Mike LeBlanc 
Mike LeBlanc
I just love how articles like this makes the bilingualism opposers freak out.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Mike LeBlanc Me Too However Methinks it is for different reasons than you enjoy N'esy Pas?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Mike LeBlanc I don't see any one here " freaking out". Maybe a bit giddy that some one has the sense to cancel this colossal waste of money. The only ones " freaking out" will be that bunch at the SANB and the Atconites whom now will not be filling their pockets on this issue.


Shawn McShane
Grace Morris
Waiting to hear what pulling out will cost. On top of what was already spent, I might add. NB should put the $10 million they earmarked for the games into physical education in our schools.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Grace Morris Welcome back to the Circus

Shawn McShane
Neville Crabbe
I'm glad this is done and over with. Too much time and acrimony spent on something completely superfluous and extremely fishy to begin with. Good decision.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Neville Crabbe "Too much time and acrimony spent on something completely superfluous and extremely fishy to begin with."

Methinks that is always the way things go in the Maritimes when it comes to politics and money N'esy Pas?

Shawn McShane
David Stairs
now the Acadie can figure out how to pay for their mistakes because the taxpayer is not responsible for your incompetence and arrogance...and making promises that you could not keep...you alone are responsible for the "Pulling Out Costs"..you and Brian Gallant..and I am so glad the liberals lost the election because the people of New Brunswick would have had to swallow another blunder entitlement..

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Stairs Methinks we could save some taxpayers some grief by stopping the funding SANB and their self serving nonsense N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
Mack Leigh
@David R. Amos

Totally agree !!

 Mack Leigh 
Bill Smith
Now how about a complete forensic audit done by the RCMP to see how much money was wasted by the organizing committee! The taxpayers deserve to know how much money and where it was spent!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bill Smith Methinks we should do a complete forensic audit of the RCMP first N'esy Pas?

Barb Flewwelling
Barb Flewwelling
At the very least we deserve to know how they were able to make such a huge mistake regarding the cost of the games! If these were the same people who were tasked with running the games then obviously they were not qualified for the job. And we prudently avoided a disaster on many levels. Stick to your guns Mr. Premier Higgs and don’t pay any heed to the unhelpful petty politics of the federal liberals.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Barb Flewwelling Don't be naïve barb. There was no " mistake "....it was deliberately low balled so the taxpayers would accept it. Then the Atconites would swoop in for the prize!

Bill Smith
Bill Smith
@David R. Amos good point la!

 Mack Leigh 
Roy Kirk
With the current political climate it is too bad they had to cancel these games, but they had to do it to make it clear that low-ball bids followed by steep price hikes will not be tolerated by government. It would be nice if the same message was delivered to all those who seek to draw on the public purse.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roy Kirk "With the current political climate it is too bad they had to cancel these games"

Methinks thou doth jest too much N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh
david kirby
I am no financial genius but I am sure I could do better than the original budget estimate for these games. Thus the issue is just what 'expert' did the estimate. Similarly with the Nfld fiasco Muskrat Falls, and the Feds buying fighter jets.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@david kirby "I am no financial genius"

Nor I However methinks Mr Higgs cannot deny that I am a rather well known whistle-blower against financial crimes N'esy Pas?

 Mack Leigh 
Lou Bell
When you need to designate " provinces " on equal billing as countries , it's obvious this is just a watered down group of countries , trying to buy their way into relevancy as some type of Commonwealth .

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks you must know that the "provinces" etc are all corporations For instance many Canadian entities file with the Yankee SEC including the Corporation known as Canada N'esy Pas?

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Lou Bell When Ottawa hosted the Francophonie games Canadian immigration officials said it was highly unusual to receive so many refugee claims from a single sporting event.

Mack Leigh 
Lou Bell
Did this Liberal appointed committee have any kind of mandate when the Liberal Government gave them the go ahead to apply for the games , or were they just told to " WING IT !!" ?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks they all flew over the Coocoo's nest first in order to qualify for the committee and have been winging it ever since N'esy Pas?

Mack Leigh 
June Arnott
It is interesting how the dollar amounts can change so much. Just like the Olympics or World Cup Soccer there are people lining their pockets.

I am glad and sad it was canceled. We need to focus our money on healthcare, education, seniors care and so much more.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@June Arnott Methinks it was very interesting that the committee could cut the costs in half overnight N'esy Pas?

Chuck Michaels
Chuck Michaels
@David R. Amos - As could the deckhands the chairs on the Titanic when they realized that was the only way to stay afloat.

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@June Arnott yes Gallants friends, wife and Liberal supporters all in line.

Mack Leigh
Don Hulsman
A New Brunswick Provincial Government has ended the folly of financial excess which has plagued the province for decades. Thank you Mr Higgs for staying the course and keeping tax payers safe from another poorly thought out government sponsored boondoggle. The citizens of Calgary said no to the Olympics because they learned from experience that these huge events always take on a life of their own and the taxpayers are always left on the hook. Any politician no matter their stripe should be encouraged to manage the public purse responsively. Thank you again. It’s refreshing to see real leadership for a change.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Don Hulsman "A New Brunswick Provincial Government has ended the folly of financial excess which has plagued the province for decades."

Methinks many would agree that it would not be wise to bet the farm on your opinion of Mr Higgs N'esy Pas?

Chuck Michaels
Chuck Michaels
@David R. Amos - Can't afford a farm anymore because of Federal policies - but you are right. I believe ACTIONS - not words. This was a good action. Let's see what tomorrow brings - d'accord?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Chuck Michaels "I believe ACTIONS - not words."

Are you aware of my lawsuit against the Crown?

Chuck Michaels 
John Harris
strange how it only came to light after the election and removal of a Liberal Government, that the true cost of the games was evident. All along before that, the costs were estimated to be 17 million, all of a sudden 17 became 130 million, now the same committee says they can cut to 69 million ( still over 4 times the amount the Liberals were floating out there. Imagine if they were elected with a majority, the games would be trudging along and it wouldn't be until after they were over that we would learn even a smidgen of the truth of the cost. Shame on Dominic Leblanc for insinuating that the Conservatives were planning to scrap the games all along as an anti french move. The federal liberals were ready to support the provincial liberals with huge hand outs for the games, but went silent after the election and now are saying they would only match the provincial amount dollar for dollar, knowing the conservatives were going to commit 10 million max and so with the federal 10 million, it would not be anywhere enough. Good move to cancel something that we already spent several million on so some liberal hacks could traipse around looking important. I wonder where all the initial "study" etc monies has gone.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@John Harris "strange how it only came to light after the election and removal of a Liberal Government, that the true cost of the games was evident. "

Methinks all the party leaders knew about the issue long before the writ was dropped but failed to mention it because they were all courting the French vote N'esy Pas?

Rob Mason
Rob Mason
@David R. Amos with all due respect it is hard to read your comments when everything starts with "me thinks" and ends with the Chiac phrase. If you want people to take you seriously speak a little more coherently.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Rob Mason Methinks you are fooling nobody Your comment easily proves that you have no respect for me whatsoever N'esy Pas?

Bill Carruthers
Bill Carruthers
@Rob Mason I agree. Please Mr. Amos, drop the Elizabethan English ( Shakespearean English) and the Chiac ending to what might have been an otherwise interesting point, although I don't always agree with you. I hope you hadn't planned on speaking like that if you had of got elected.

Matt Steele 
Matt Steele
These over priced Francophonie games was just another mess created by Brian Gallant and Dominic BeBlanc that Higgs had to clean up.....Gallant did a lot of damage to N.B. with his out of control spending and never ending tax hikes .

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
@Matt Steele Methinks everybody knows the PC Party was well aware of the nonsense out of the gate and nobody said nothing the writ was dropped N'esy Pas?


"New Brunswick provincial and municipal governments spent more than $286,000 on wine, gifts and travel to secure the right to host the 2021 Francophonie Games, documents obtained by CBC News reveal.

The receipts show how local officials wined and dined jury members in November during a visit to Moncton and Dieppe, which ultimately won the right to host the event.

Thousands of dollars more were spent sending a delegation of New Brunswickers to West Africa as part of the bidding process.

But officials say the spending — which adds up to $286,686.66 so far and doesn't include the cost of actually putting on the games five years from now — is worth the financial rewards they believe the event will deliver."

"There has to be a discipline involved'

Interim Progressive Conservative Opposition Leader Bruce Fitch has criticized the Liberals in the past for spending thousands on a networking dinner aimed at encouraging New Brunswickers to return home.

But Fitch says he sees a clearer return on investment in spending to win the right to host the Francophonie Games.

"The taxpayers, they'll deal with the respective politicians when it comes time to vote on whether they think that's a good investment or not," Fitch said."

Chuck Michaels 
Archie Levesque
So if the Liberals want these games so badly you would think they would be falling all over themselves to pull out the magic wallet and fund them. But instead they are just using the opportunity to bash the provincial government. If the previous gov't had kept control of this and didn't allow it to balloon out of control something could have been done.

stephen blunston
stephen blunston

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Archie Levesque Relax its just politicking

Chuck Michaels 
Chuck Michaels
Thank you Mr. Higgs. Merci.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Chuck Michaels Methinks you should ask Mr Higgs about our spit and chew in front of many witnesses in October of 2015 while I was running in the election of the 42nd Parliament and he was supporting his lawyer buddy Rob Moore N'esy Pas?

stephen blunston 
stephen blunston
good for mr higgs it is about time we stopped throwing away money we don't have , it would have been nice to have these games but we cant afford it we are far enough in debt and to go further would be a dumb move, this is how we are in such bad shape previous governments of both stripe just spent spent spent on nothing beneficial, I am sorry but feel good events should never be concidr4ed until we at least get a surplus budget and can start paying down our ballooning debt

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@stephen blunston Methinks you are absolutely right but you should back away from Mr Higgs and his blue koolaid and think for yourself N'esy Pas?

elmer tate
elmer tate
Ahh Who cares.....Quebec can save money by not using Petroleum to travel or watch the Games on TV using precious Energy

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@elmer tate Quebec gets billions in free money each year from Churchill Falls and their outrageous transfer payments from alberta. If Trudeau and Dominique are so hell bent on being seen in public for a one week francophone sporting shin dig, pre election photo op and party, let them have it in Quebec and let Quebec pay for it.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@daryl doucette I agree

elmer tate 
elmer tate
Im not from New Brunswick....But Good...

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@elmer tate Why?

Toby Tolly
Toby Tolly
@elmer tate
why are you not from NB

Chuck Michaels 
Joe campbell
Take some of the money saved and give it to the auditor general and do a good look at New Brunswick's books.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Joe campbell I concur

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Joe campbell budget will have more money for AG. It’s coming.

brad stang
brad stang
celebrate the Francophonie, doesn't sound too "inclusive" to me Mr JT.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@brad stang Good Point Sir

Chuck Michaels 
Toby Tolly
I see Jacques has added his name to this article now
he even added a french tweeter...
so appropriate

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Toby Tolly Ain't that special?

 Chuck Michaels 
Greg Miller
Thank you Premier Higgs.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Greg Miller Methinks you tell that to all the Conservatives guys N'esy Pas?

Chuck Michaels 
Ken Parker
Good decision. These games are a joke and should not be funded to any extent by the taxpayer.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Ken Parker "These games are a joke "


Chuck Michaels 
Norm Mohamid
Well two things - no problem with provinces picking up billions in deficits for Olympic games (Vancouver)- definitely a problem; Francophone games - stop the waste. Why does stopping the waste make sense for one and not for the other? Franco-Canadians know the answer to that one.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Norm Mohamid "Franco-Canadians know the answer to that one."

We all do

John Brown 
John Brown
Good decision.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@John Brown Methinks many would agree that it was Just a very predictable decision because Kris Austin would have it go no other way N'esy Pas?

Lucas Williams
Steve Maclean
Good for them. They knew what would happen. Over budget and misappropriation of funds same as always with anything the government touches.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Steve Maclean "They knew what would happen."

Its not rocket science

Lucas Williams 
Lucas Williams
Premier Blaine Higgs displayed sound commonsense in announcing the province's decision to refuse to place unneeded economic hardships on New Brunswick, citizens unlike the Trudeau government that time and time again arrogantly throws away Canadians' tax dollars on foreigners that should have been spent on social infrastructure for all Canadians.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lucas Williams Methinks Higgss merely canceled one of the Gallant government's schemes but everybody knows Gallant was following Trudeau's pied piper Mr Leblanc N'esy Pas?

Terrance Thomasen 
Terrance Thomasen
Holy crap. was that fiscal responsibility being demonstrated. Way to go Mr Premier. Keep fixing the Liberal mistakes.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Terrance Thomasen Methinks many would agree that it is just one act within a rather entertaining circus N'esy Pas?

Lucas Williams 
Steve Maclean
Probably a violation of human rights anyway. Imagine having English speaking games. No protest over that.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Steve Maclean Mais Oui

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Steve Maclean
If you had bothered to read and not yap before looking you would have seen that theses games were not only for the french but for any body good enough.......you should have tried.......your probably good at making a fool of yourself

linda stoddard
linda stoddard
@Steve Maclean - what do you call the "common wealth" games????

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@linda stoddard Touche

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Steve Maclean

* Imagine having English speaking games. No protest over that.*


Steve Maclean
Steve Maclean
@linda stoddard do you know what the common wealth games are?????

Steve Maclean
Steve Maclean
@Dan Lee you so funny. You laught at you own jokes????

Lucas Williams 
michael levesque
once again common sense prevails. sad to see the Kevin Arseneau (liberal with a green tie) not offer a plan on how to save the games and super shame on the Liberals for making it a language issue. another reason to never vote liberal again.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@michael levesque "once again common sense prevails."

Nope Kris Austin prevailed

Marguerite Deschamps 
Marguerite Deschamps
"The message that Higgs just gave New Brunswickers is that we're too small to do big things here."
That"s an understatement.
New Brunswick: - "Petit peuple, mangeurs de hotdogs!"

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks that is not the first tune about Mr Higgs that you will sing this evening N'esy Pas?

Doug Leblanc
Doug Leblanc
@Marguerite Deschamps
No the message is that Brian Gallant got his friends well paying jobs and hid the true cost from tax payers. The true extent of the scandal was only realized when he lost the election and failed to maintain power. Hopefully the RCMP investigate and if there only conclusion is that NB is too small to do big things, then we can agree.

Doug Leblanc
John Conrad
From $17 to $130 to a "conciliatory" $62 million?
Better to spend 10% of the lower figure on remedial math for the "bright sparks" who put this package together.
And now what is the cancellation penalty claimed to be owed?
"Under the Francophonie's rules, a host government that pulls out is responsible for "any financial claims" related to commitments the international organization made for the games."

So then who's on the hook for all the preparatory wining and dining that probably involved, and where did this take place?
This whole thing stinks like a barrel of lobster bait on a hot day, and maybe the N.B. auditor general ought to look into it..

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@John Conrad Methinks the fancy Francophonie dudes will have a hard time collecting their penalty fees from a province that is nearly bankrupt and with guys such as I just chomping at the bit to intervene in a lawsuit about the matter N'esy Pas?

Matt Steele
Matt Steele
@John Conrad .......It is the taxpayers who are on the hook for all the preparatory wining and dining as event organizers have already spent around 2.5 MILLION of the taxpayers cash on the event ; not to mention the fact that these paid organizers were personal friends of Brian Gallant and the Liberal party....a massive scam , and waste of hard earned taxpayer dollars .

George Smith 
George Smith
@ Marguerite Deschamps
"The message that Higgs just gave New Brunswickers is that we're too small to do big things here."
That"s an understatement.

Not the message at all. The message is we can't afford to waste millions on a party for a few participants and a few fans. And I guarantee the majority of N.B. residents just like the majority here are on board with Higgs.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@George Smith Methinks everybody know why I won't hold my breath waiting for for you to get an ethical reply from the SANB minion N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin 
@David R. Amos

*ethical reply from the SANB minion *

For you every French people who disagree with you are SANB minions..

George Smith
George Smith
George Smith @Jackie Barrett

A "We can't afford to pay for games when our infrastructure and social programs are having a hard time being financed. "
B " It will do more long term harm on New Brunswick as nobody will want to host big sporting events in that province anymore, lost tax revenue and tourism spinoffs,"
Comment against games 44 for 1 against Comment for games 1 for 39 against. N.B. says no.

Claude DeRoche
Claude DeRoche
@George Smith
More like the COR party Boy saying no! LOL!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Claude DeRoche Methinks you SANB dudes are the only ones finding this nonsense funny N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

*you SANB dudes *

Do people still say dude in 2019 ?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marc Martin Hey pal! Ja'i wonderin ou et tu been? Ca va?

Doug Leblanc 
Daryl McMurphy
Jeez, does that mean Quebecer's will have to pay for this second tier athletic event. Again.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Daryl McMurphy Nope

 Doug Leblanc 
linda stoddard
If Higgs made this decision based on finances only fine- However, if he made the decision on anti-French pressure from Austin it will cause a bigger riff in the province. Let's hope it's the former and not the latter reason.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@linda stoddard Methinks nobody cares about the reason as long as we are off the hook for the nonsense N'esy Pas?

Dianne MacPherson
Dianne MacPherson
@linda stoddard
Better do your 'homework' on Mr. Higgs.....
you clearly have not been watching him
these last few months !!!!

linda stoddard
linda stoddard
@David R. Amos - I care - financial reasons- O.K.
- bigotry promoted by Austin- NOT O.K.

Emery Hyslop-Margison
Emery Hyslop-Margison
@linda stoddard The province is hopelessly in debt with a declining tax base. The cost of these games jumped from 17 million to 130 million. Cancelling the fiasco is a no brainer.

Doug Leblanc 
Richard Dunn
Very disappointed to read the comments by Part Time Moncton East MLA Monique LeBlanc. She is doing nothing but trying to create a further divide in this province. I guess she was well trained by her BFF Brian Gallant.

It is a shame that she was even re-elected. She does not live in her riding, she maintains a full time practice as a Physiotherapist while living off the taxpayers as she collects a MLA salary.

I am glad to see her being called out in the media today for her use of the word "deplorable."

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Richard Dunn "She is doing nothing but trying to create a further divide in this province"

Methinks that is what she has been ordered to do N'esy Pas?

Michel Martin
Michel Martin
@Richard Dunn and Higgs lol lol

 Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
Bravo Mr. Higgs! And don't pay a penny of cancellation fees. Let them try to sue for it and drag it out in the courts for years. They will soon realize its not worth it.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos @Fred Brewer "don't pay a penny of cancellation fees. Let them try to sue for it and drag it out in the courts for years."

 Claude DeRoche 
Claude DeRoche
The COR party Boy cancelled highway 11 and now the Francophonie games!

He is not very fond of Acadians!

Kevin Vickers will send the Irving boy packing to the Bermudas!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Claude DeRoche "Kevin Vickers will send the Irving boy packing to the Bermudas!"

Methinks if he throws his hat in the ring I should consider running against Mr Vickers for some very obvious reasons N'esy Pas?

Claude DeRoche
Claude DeRoche
@David R. Amos
Acadians will never trust the CORservative party in 100 years.

Dianne MacPherson
Dianne MacPherson
@Claude DeRoche
NBers who think like you couldn't
care less about this Province !!!!
We don't need you !!!!!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Claude DeRoche

I agree.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

We all know your jealous they didnt ask you to run for Liberals Davis.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Dianne MacPherson

Maybe he does not need you ?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Claude DeRoche The ones on da " Nort Shore" trusted Mr. Gauvin.....and he and his party just saved NB 65 million dollars? Stop with the hatred!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin Who is Davis?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Claude DeRoche "Acadians will never trust the CORservative party in 100 years."

Methinks you forgot that I always run as an Independent N'esy Pas?

Jim Cyr
Jim Cyr
@Claude DeRoche I am ashamed of being an Acadian when they engage in such utter corruption and stupidity as the Francophonie Games fiasco. (Comments such as yours only add to the shame....)

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Jim Cyr
Yea and i was a roman emperor in my other life

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Claude DeRoche ...."he is not very fond of acadians".....who is?

 Claude DeRoche 
Claude DeRoche
What else to expect from Higgs who is blackmailing his own citizens,
that if they refuse to allow fracking he will send back to Ottawa NB's equalization transfers!

COR party, Crown Prince of Bermuda

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Claude DeRoche Oh My My

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Claude DeRoche



Jonathan Berry
Jonathan Berry
In a province grappling with immense debts and an aging tax revenue base endeavors like these are not wise and should be taken off the table. There is an old expression "don't live beyond your means" people in this province would do well to heed this advise and you can do it in both official languages.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jonathan Berry "you can do it in both official languages."

Methinks that has not worked out too well thus far N'esy Pas?

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Jonathan Berry
Retail cost of 49 mla give or take 25,000,000$, no résumé needed to apply and no job performance evalution...et voilà.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David R. Amos

It did not ? It created over 10 000 jobs currently here in NB.

Michel Martin
Michel Martin
@Jonathan Berry So New Brunswick should not unnovate or grow towards a better future by attracting young people? You have no idea of the demographics, economic strategies or benefits in New Brunswick from having both official languages. Our largest industries are based upon it. It helps our growth in multiple countries/market.

I find your opinion short sighted and with no facts to support them.

Nicolas Krinis
Nicolas Krinis
@Michel Martin As much as it may hurt some francophones (I am fully bilingual btw), French, for the exception of Quebec, is a dying language. Sad but true. Stop with the segregation. Same schools, buses etc.. Separating the 2 does not promote harmony.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc Martin "It created over 10 000 jobs currently here in NB."

Methinks the only folks that got those jobs were bilingual such as yourself N'esy Pas?


daryl doucette
daryl doucette
The SANB and other francophone groups are unusually quiet so far today re this wonderful decision by Premier Higgs to cancel the colossal waste of tax payers money, the " Francophonie Games". .. probably gathered in the " War Room" at the U de M pondering the right way to sue the government of New Brunswick again over some imaginary perceived " injustice" against the french minority here in New Brunswick......wait and see!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@daryl doucette Scroll down

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@daryl doucette
Whatever the cost your discours seems stalled on whatever is in one of the langue officielle, the majority and in both official languages are concerned, comme moi, about the cost...et voilà.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Roland Godin HUH?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@daryl doucette

Higgs should have renamed it the Anglo Games then we would have heard crickets....

Emery Hyslop-Margison
Emery Hyslop-Margison
@Marc Martin Not true Marc. As much as some federal politicians would like to make this a language issue it's not - it's a fiscal issue.

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Marc Martin ....sad little fella aren't ya?

 Claude DeRoche 
Claude DeRoche
The Irving Boy hates federal money first highway 11 and then this.

Moncton got a "real" airport built with the Congrès Mondial Acadien.

Next he will return $3 Billion in equalization transfers to Ottawa
if New Brunswickers refuse fracking!

That's called blackmail!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Claude DeRoche You appear to be bitter about something

Bob Smith
Bob Smith
@Claude DeRoche So are we supposed to cut services in health, education and other services in the entire province for a two week athletic festival? Gallant and the Liberals knew this event was going to balloon cost wise after winning on a lowball bid. They hid the facts until after the election and try to pretend to be innocent on the fiasco. It's called a quagmire and cancelling it was the only thing Higgs could do.

Cleve Gallant
Cleve Gallant
@Claude DeRoche The anglos has been blackmailed by the SANB for years now ,So how does it feel to be on the receiving end for once Besides what you stated about Higgs isn’t true, He is only doing what he thinks is best for our province which is more what i can say for Gallant and his cronies!!!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Claude DeRoche

*Next he will return $3 Billion in equalization transfers to Ottawa
if New Brunswickers refuse fracking! *

And this is why he was a bad minister of finance when he was 4 years, same old same old...

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Marc Martin .....truth hurts huh?


Karl Dore 
Karl Dore
As much as I would like to see this international event hosted in NB, we simply cannot afford it. Period.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Karl Dore Methinks nobody with argue you N'esy Pas?

Chantal LeBouthi
Eric Plexe
“Auditor general remains concerned about New Brunswick’s net debt and other financial matters” - https://www.agnb-vgnb.ca/content/agnb-vgnb/en/media/releases/renderer.2019.01.0015.html

Chantal LeBouthi
Chantal LeBouthi
@Eric Plexe

Been like that for the past 20 years

Albert Wade
Albert Wade
@Chantal LeBouthi that's a lie. The debt had grown exponentially.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Eric Plexe We all are

Brian Hughes 
Emery Hyslop-Margison
Congratulations Blaine! It's so refreshing to see a premier in NB make decisions based on reason and fiscal responsibility rather than politics. Keep making these type of decisions and your support among both linguistic communities will only increase. This decision points the judgement arrow toward your political integrity.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Emery Hyslop-Margison "This decision points the judgement arrow toward your political integrity."

I strongly disagree

Brian Hughes 
Chantal LeBouthi
The sad part of this fiasco is if the committee would have done their jobs correctly and send a real plan in the first place when they did the biting process. We wouldn’t be in this mess

Bob Smith
Bob Smith
@Chantal LeBouthi If they submitted a real bid, they never would have been awarded the games in the first place. They knew it, played games with the numbers (probably aided by Gallant telling them that any increases afterwards will be no big deal) and won the day. People want Higgs to take the fall on this but this is all on Gallant and the Liberals...

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Chantal LeBouthi True

Albert Wade 
Chantal LeBouthi
NB is a poor province and for the past 20 years each consecutive government have put NB more in the hole. In NB politic fiascos is what we get.
Bernard lord Conservative fiasco
Sham Graham liberals fiasco
David Alward Conservative fiasco
Brian Gallant liberals fiasco
Stay tune the next fiasco will be coming soon

James Reed
James Reed
@Chantal LeBouthi

Keep in mind Lord ran a surplus in 5 of his 7 years in office... after his first budget our net debt was 6.91 billion and 7 years later it was 6.68 billion, after 4 years of Graham it was 9.48.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Chantal LeBouthi "Stay tune the next fiasco will be coming soon"

Methinks now is the winter of our discontent N'esy Pas?

Nicolas Krinis
Nicolas Krinis
@James Reed Common theme. The libs put us in deep debt and the conservatives mop up the mess. Will we ever learn pour l'amour...

Albert Wade 
Luke Armstrong
Good move Premier Higgs.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Luke Armstrong It was his only move

Albert Wade
Marc Martin
Take these games and rename them the *Commonwealth games* and 99% of the people on these forum are against it...Sad but true.

Albert Wade
Albert Wade
@Marc Martin Canada as a country pays for those games why didn't Trudeau pay more. The reason being he wants to destabilize the present NB gov to help put liberals back in power.

Bill Harrison
Bill Harrison
@Albert Wade Trudeau will also use the cancellation of the Games to claim Conservatives are anti- francophone!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Albert Wade "The reason being he wants to destabilize the present NB gov to help put liberals back in power."

Methinks that is the nature of the wicked games they play with our taxpayer funds N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bill Harrison Mais Oui

Jim Reid
Jim Reid
@Marc Martin wrong

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Marc Martin .....You are Sad......so true.

 Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Over 300 comments and counting... llol!

Harold Benson
Harold Benson
@Marguerite Deschamps Keyboard is worn out.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Harold Benson Methinks Sam would agree that the tally of disabled comments is not one bit funny N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos 
 @Marguerite Deschamps Methinks these are the comments that counted N'esy Pas?

"People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin, wheose party is supporting the PC minority government in the legislature, said Higgs made the right decision.

Austin also said that, as a federal taxpayer, he was glad Ottawa opted not to bail out the event.

"I'd much rather see federal money going to things that are needed in New Brunswick and I don't see Games as one of them."

Despite the polarized reactions, Higgs said he didn't think his decision would contribute to linguistic divisions."

Harold Benson 
Harold Benson
Okay, so now that that is cancelled, Foire Brayonne is going to take a kick at the funding can. Obviously there is 17 million sitting somewhere waiting to be pilfered.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Harold Benson YUP

Mark Thibodeau
Mark Thibodeau
@Harold Benson Foire Brayonne is probably the best, most vibrant, most fun and culturally relevant festival in all of NB, regardless of language. It's been held since 1979 to great success. What's your problem with it?

Brian Hughes 
Lyle Craver
Costs have risen 10-fold in the last 3 games. With no firm cap on costs as a political leader I'd be nervous too.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lyle Craver Methinks somebody is nervous in light of the fact that they budgeted 10 million dollars for security N'esy Pas?

Brian Hughes 
Greg Windsor
A Premier who is finally standing for what is right .... saving ALL N. B. taxpayers millions of dollars, thank-you Premier Higgs I am truly saddened that Dominic LeBlanc and Justin Trudeau are turning this into a language issue ... dividing our province even more than it is now ....shame on them

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Greg Windsor "Dominic LeBlanc and Justin Trudeau are turning this into a language issue ... dividing our province even more than it is now ....shame on them"


Brian Hughes 
Edward Katz
It's good to see New Brunswick is following Calgary's Olympics rejection action because this is precisely what should be done whenever these types of events can't control costs. These games are strictly minor league and can't justify any extravagances, and if there's such a demand for them, let's see how fast some other members of the Francophonie pick them up, especially when they contemplate the price tag. The reality is that unless costs for these events can be strictly kept reasonable they, along with the Olympics, Pan-Am Games, and the like, should be terminated entirely.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Edward Katz I agree


Brian Hughes 
André Bérubé
Prime Minister Trudeau calls this decision a 'shame for Francophone communities'. What on earth is he talking about? New Brunswick cannot afford the huge costs of hosting these games. Mr. Trudeau should also realize that several members of the Francophonie do not even have French as a national or official language: Egpt, Lebanon, Armenia, Vietnam, Tunisia, Laos, Cyprus, Ghana, Mauritania, Greece and the list goes on and on. Francophone countries? Give me a break! As far as I am concerned, New Brunswick should also get out of the Francophonie because we don't share the language and the values of too many of the countries that belong to that organization. As a francophone from New Brunswick, I fully support Premier HIggs decision.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@André Bérubé "Prime Minister Trudeau calls this decision a 'shame for Francophone communities'. What on earth is he talking about?"

Methinks even he does not know what he is talking about most of the time N'esy Pas?

Brian Hughes 
Brian Hughes
Premier Higgs absolutely made the right decision. Besides the actual games, another kind of game is played in ridiculously low balling the costs in order to get public support and then trying to extort governments into paying the vastly inflated actual costs. Higgs rightfully slew this serpent. The federal Liberals have soiled themselves in trying to suggest that Higgs made the wrong decision and have revealed hypocrisy and fiscal stupidity in their sordid political gaming.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Brian Hughes Welcome to the Circus

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David R. Amos; and you're the centre of attraction:

David R. Amos
David R. Amos

Bernard McIntyre 
Chris McNee
This is the first common sense decision by a NB premier since? Good on you Mr Higgs, I’m all for bilingualism, but not rediculous debt. A few people are commenting that this will hurt NB business? Maybe it will also show that this province isn’t making poor financial decisions, as they have done in the past

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Chris McNee Nope my favourite "common sense decision" was stopping the refurbishment of the Centennial Building in Fat Fred City for the benefit of greedy lawyers and judges

Bernard McIntyre 
Glen Cosby
N.B. voted in the same crap that Ontario did,,,, the conservatives do not care about French

Dan Armitage
Dan Armitage
@Glen Cosby pathetic really pathetic

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Dan Armitage Who is pathetic?

Bernard McIntyre 
Lou Bell
Common sense prevails , although we know what the phrase means to Mr. Arseneau and his heroes from the past .

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks Mr. Arseneau claimed to not know what common sense was N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos 
@Lou Bell Methinks I should ask if you were I how you would reply to such comments? Need I say Mr Higgs knows that I am never surprised to see my responses blocked N'esy Pas?

Rob Mason said

If you want people to take you seriously speak a little more coherently.

Bill Carruthers said

"I hope you hadn't planned on speaking like that if you had of got elected."

Marc Martin said

"We all know your jealous they didnt ask you to run for Liberals Davis."

"For you every French people who disagree with you are SANB minions"

Michael durant 
Michael durant
The blame is with the organizing committee and their attempt to pull a fast one.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Michael durant Methinks many would agree that the buck stops with Trudeau and Gallant N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre 
Dan Armitage
Heres an idea why not have all entries pay their share so that whoever is elected to host the games actually benefits from hosting the games. You can be guaranteed they'd never have happened in New Brunswick if that was the case. They refused the Olympics in Calgary (smart move by the way) and for what reason MONEY same as why we will not be holding these way over inflated games here. Well done Higgs keep up the good work not wasting money we don't have!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Dan Armitage Methinks Higgs had no choice if he didn't do it his mandate would crumble without the PANB support. Now he runs the risk of losing his French Lieutenant Mr Gauvin if too many SANB people are indignant N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos 
David R. Amos
Methinks folks should tune into CBC Info Morning in Fat Fred City right now N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Did anyone hear Minister Joly's sad lament?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Go Figure

The Government of Canada is seeking independent appointments that are based on merit

GATINEAU, QC, June 20, 2017 /CNW/ - The Government of Canada is committed to open and transparent processes for selecting appointees, to help strengthen trust in Canada's democracy and ensure the integrity of its public institutions. Today, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage, announced the creation of an advisory committee for appointments to the CBC/Radio-Canada Board of Directors.

This independent advisory committee will have a mandate to lead the selection process for the CBC/Radio-Canada Board of Directors. It will present its recommendations for qualified candidates to the Minister.

This independent, non-partisan committee is made up of experts in broadcasting and digital technology, and representatives of cultural sectors from across Canada. Indigenous Peoples, official-language communities and youth are also represented.

The committee will be chaired by Tom Clark from Ontario. Mr. Clark has worked in Canadian television news for the past 45 years.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Please notice Éric Larocque was appointed

The following people are also appointed to the committee:

Prem Gill (British Columbia) started her career in the television and broadcasting industry. She has more than 20 years' experience in digital media, content creation and entertainment.
Carolyn Warren (Alberta) is a leader in the Canadian cultural sector and has experience with art and broadcasting institutions.
Janelle Wookey (Manitoba), is a Francophone Métis woman from the Prairies and an award-winning artist who works as an independent director and producer in Winnipeg.
Colm Feore, O.C. (Ontario) is a well-known theatre, film and television actor.
Marc Beaudet (Quebec) is a pioneer in the digital content industry in Quebec. He is president and CEO of Turbulent, a company that develops broadcasting platforms.
Monique Savoie (Quebec) is a digital visionary. In 1996, she created the Société des arts technologiques, a creative Montréal space dedicated to technological development.
Alanis Obomsawin, O.C., G.O.Q., C.A.L.Q. (Quebec) is a member of the Abenaki Nation and one of the most distinguished documentary filmmakers in Canada. For more than 40 years, she has been producing films at the National Film Board of Canada that tell about the lives and concerns of First Nations and deal with issues that are important to everyone.
Éric Larocque (New Brunswick) is active in projects related to Acadia and to his community, particularly those that deal with youth. He is director of the organizing committee for the 2021 Games of La Francophonie.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos continued

The advisory committee will provide the Minister with the names of qualified candidates for each vacant position, as well as supplementary qualified candidates to create a pool to fill posts in the future.

As the digital shift brings many changes in its wake, the public broadcaster continues to play a crucial role in providing us with information and entertainment, as well as helping guide the next generation. As a Crown corporation in the Canadian Heritage portfolio, CBC/Radio‑Canada is an organization that is independent from the government and responsible for its own day-to-day activities.


"Our government firmly believes in the importance of our national public broadcaster, CBC/Radio‑Canada. I am pleased to establish this independent advisory committee composed of experts in broadcasting, digital technology and culture, who reflect Canada's diversity. This new committee will recommend qualified candidates for a selection process that is open, transparent and based on merit."

—The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage

Quick Facts

Under the Broadcasting Act, CBC/Radio‑Canada's Board of Directors is composed of 12 directors, including a chair and a president/CEO, appointed by the Governor in Council during good behavior for a maximum period of five years.

The selection processes for the positions of chair, president/CEO, and part-time directors are posted on the Governor in Council's website.

In 2016, the Government of Canada adopted a new approach that requires a selection process be initiated for full-time and part-time positions. Those interested can apply online.

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@David R. Amos Oh!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roger Richard Interesting N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roger Richard Methinks a lot of folks should wonder who they were gonna hire for security that came with a 10 million price tag when we already pay the RCMP far too much money to do such things ala Fracking protests in Kent County N'esy Pas?

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@David R. Amos It is crazy out there. Lots of snobbish people...

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@David R. Amos ... and overplayed.

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@David R. Amos sorry... overpaid.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roger Richard YUP

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roger Richard "It is crazy out there. Lots of snobbish people.and overplayed."

Methinks that is the Nature of a Proper Circus N'esy Pas?

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@David R. Amos Maybe the word «  overplayed » was better.

David R. Amos 
David R. Amos
Methinks Mr Higgs may enjoy a little Deja Vu and find it as interesting as I that Sequin just quoted what the former PANB dude Randall Leavitt had to say about this topic within his Twitter account N'esy Pas?


"Randall Leavitt
liberals and conservatives have taken us to $14billion financial cliffs, both practice patronage appointments, have had numerous scandals, love corporate handouts and mismanagement. Those who continue to vote for them are getting something majority of NBers are not. The People Alliance had an intensive platform last election and have laid some pretty major planks already for the next. Those who blindly give their votes will continue to do so to get same old results. The People's Alliance is an option for any, especially for those who don't vote to finally be heard and take part in a Democratic Party."

Bernard McIntyre 
Nicolas Krinis
Good decision. I still cannot understand how games of this size, with hardly any construction and infrastructure, can cost close to $200M.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Nicolas Krinis Methinks CBC just reported that the latest rendition was 62 million N'esy Pas?

"The organizing committee said in a letter earlier this week that it had reduced the cost to $62 million and called on the province to continue discussing how to rescue the Games."

Nicolas Krinis
Nicolas Krinis
@David R. Amos Even $5M would have been too much money for a province in the fiscal shape NB finds itself in.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Nicolas Krinis Methinks the 10 million allotted for security alone was insanely greedy N'esy Pas?

Bernard McIntyre 
Roger Richard
We have so much problems in NB. We do not need these games.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roger Richard Oh So True I truly hope that you run against Mr Arseneau again

"Green Party MLA Kevin Arseneau said the Tories could have increase their commitment "a little bit" to demonstrate a willingness to save the Games.

"The message that Higgs just gave New Brunswickers is that we're too small to do big things here," Arseneau said."

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@David R. Amos I think our mayor in St-Louis is being courted by the Liberal Party. So I will not need to do it again.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roger Richard Methinks you should not care that a different liberal may be running next time They run in every riding in every election and they all follow the same party line N'esy Pas?

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@David R. Amos You are right. An independent candidate would be a better choice. Maybe she would consider that.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roger Richard So should you

David R. Amos 
David R. Amos
Methinks its rather interesting to hear Mr Sequin defend the French Lieutenant Gauvin to Professor Mario Levesque without Gauvin even bothering to speak to CBC about this topic N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos  
David R. Amos
Methinks Minister Duncan is a wonderful actor for this wicked circus N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Methinks we should all be wondering why Dominic Leblanc is not talking on CBC today N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Oh My My Methinks that nobody of any import pertaining to this topic wanted to talk to Seguin this morning N'esy Pas?

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@David R. Amos ....sic em Dave....you're my favorite N.B.er.....somebody that gives a hoot.

Harold Benson 
Harold Benson
In the key of G on this one.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Harold Benson Methinks that Sam would agree that Mr Higgs just proved the Golden Rule once again. "He with the Gold Makes the Rules" N'esy Pas?

Robert Morrell
Robert Morrell
I listened to the CBC interview with Federal Sports Minister Kristy Duncan this morning pertaining to New Brunswick's Premier Blaine Higgs' cancellation of the Francophone Games. Her comments totally lacked common sense and focused on avoiding reality. Her calling in life is not politics, maybe an anchor for a ship or a BC Pine would be more to her intelligence level.

New Brunswick cancels plan to host 2021 Francophonie Games

'None of these decisions were easy,' says New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs

Premier Blaine Higgs says if Ottawa doesn't change its mind, the 2021 Francophonie Games are dead. (Radio-Canada)

After weeks of sorting through ballooning costs anticipated for the 2021 Francophonie Games, New Brunswick's Progressive Conservative government has decided to cancel its plan to host the international event.

"We understand this is a very difficult decision for the individuals who wanted the games to move forward," Premier Blaine Higgs said.

Higgs announced the fate of the 2021 Francophonie Games at a news conference in Fredericton on Wednesday morning, describing the costs of the sports event a "very steep climb."

"None of these decisions were easy."

Higgs said the high cost of the Games makes it impossible when the provincial government is making tough spending decisions. The premier said his government will name a representative to begin the cancellation process.

He said there will be associated costs with cancelling the event. So far, the province has spent $2.65 million on the event.

HIGGS: NB withdrawing from Francophonie Games

Deputy Premier Robert Gauvin previously set a Jan. 30 deadline for the federal government and the province to "develop funding options" to save the troubled event.

It appeared, however, an impasse had been reached with neither side budging from their initial funding commitments to cover the soaring price tag.

But on the day before the deadline, there were signs the Games had not been lost.

Changing tones and costs

As of late, the outlook for the Games has been grim.

The cost of hosting the Games ballooned last year to $130 million from the $17-million figure used in the original 2016 bid. A revised estimate put the potential cost at $80 million.

Premier Blaine Higgs repeatedly said the province would not pay more than its initial $10-million commitment and called on Ottawa to cover the balance. Federal cabinet ministers and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau maintained Ottawa would not shift from its policy to match provincial investment dollar for dollar.

"There has to be a model that works financially," Higgs said.

Last week, Higgs suggested the fate of the Games was essentially sealed.

Higgs said the provincial government will name a representative to the organizing committee to begin the cancellation process for the 2021 Francophonie Games. (Jonathan Hayward/Canadian Press)
"Given what [Trudeau] said … given what I'm saying, it seems like the outcome is obvious," Higgs told reporters last Thursday.

But hours before the province's deadline, Radio-Canada reported the organizing committee for the Moncton-Dieppe Games submitted a new potential cost estimate of $62 million.

Also Tuesday, Federal Sports Minister Kirsty Duncan struck an upbeat tone on the state of talks with the province. In a statement, Duncan said provincial officials had "finally come to the table to work collaboratively with us to find solutions that reduce the cost of hosting the games and include in-kind contributions."

Dieppe Mayor Yvon Lapierre also announced the city would increase its contribution, if the money would be directed to legacy projects for the municipality.

New Brunswick was selected to host the ninth edition of the Francophonie Games in 2016. The games are organized by La Francophonie, an international organization of 58 governments with connections to the French language.
With files from Elizabeth Fraser and Jacques Poitras

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