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Speaker Regan's 'naming and shaming' approach to hecklers isn't working


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks folks should checkout the podcast of Maritime Noon today to listen what the preacher says about President Trump and the Trolls within the CBC online comment sections N'esy Pas?



Speaker Regan's 'naming and shaming' approach to hecklers isn't working

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Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
At least Regan is trying. Conservative speaker Scheer was the most ineffectual house speaker ever, so they made him party leader. Because he did what he was told, Harper likes that in a puppet.

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@Arlond Lynds I suggest you watch the nodding and clapping seals sitting behind Trudeau in question period. He could say the earth is flat and they would nod and clap.

Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Barry Odonnell
Bobble heads.

Lon Chaney
Lon Chaney
@Barry Odonnell
nodding and clapping is not disrespectful.......get it!

Lawrence Vickers
Lawrence Vickers
@Barry Odonnell That's because most of his MP's can't think for themselves!

David Allan
David Allan
@Barry Odonnell
" I suggest you watch the nodding and clapping seals sitting behind Trudeau in question period."

The people behind Trudeau in QP aren't Speaker of the House.
Turn the camera around, you'll see the same behavior behind the leader of any party. If you don't, they're not a very popular leader. Likely only got 43% of the popular vote for their leader ship race, like Scheer. Leader of 43% of the CPC.

Welcome to Canada.
Learn how your government is.

David Sampson
David Sampson
@Arlond Lynds

Scheer, as speaker, ruled that the PM ( Harper ) didn’t actually have to provide answers to questions during Question Period!

Hence his moniker, Sheer Nonsense!

David Allan
David Allan
@Lawrence Vickers
"That's because most of his MP's can't think for themselves!"

Most of Scheer's MPs didn't vote for him as leader.
True story.
43% Scheer
42% Bernier
15% neither, not even with a 10-line-ballot.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Arlond Lynds Methinks Scheer and everybody else knows why Geoff Regan sent me a letter after I met the second judge in Federal Court 3 years ago. Its because I have been naming and shaming MPs since 2004 N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Allan Methinks you know that Kevin Vickers, Mr Scheer's former Sgt At Arms is well aware of why I sued the Crown in 2015 while Harper was the Prime Minister N'esy Pas?

Karen King
Karen King
@Arlond Lynds

I certainly hope folks pay attention come the next election, this is not a time to simply vote against the leading party, Sheer would put us Canadians in a very vulnerable position.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Karen King Methinks much to your chagrin some folks may enjoy a little Deja Vu from the last time I ran in Fundy Royal N'esy Pas?


Keith Burton
Keith Burton
@David Allan
Less than 40% voted for the Liberals but they got a majority.

Rick Wier
Rick Wier
@Arlond Lynds no surprise that the conservatives, who have no plans, are the loudmouth hecklers, at least Albertans are seeing some signs of life from a few Alberta conservative MP's, other then heckling we would not even know they were on the job.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Arlond Lynds wrote "At least Regan is trying" which sounds nice

But he's getting paid big bucks to run the tone and civility in HOC - so 'trying' is nice, but let's put the spotlight on 'effective, democratic, civil, fair, and mature' instead.
He has the nice sort of hapless smile down pat - but that's not what the position calls for. So give up the hapless smile - and go for effective leadership in Speaker's Chair

David Allan
David Allan
@Keith Burton
"Less than 40% voted for the Liberals but they got a majority."

That's one way to declare you don't know what you're talking about.

1 - Leadership races aren't federal elections.
2 - Multi-party democracies with FPTP typically experience this exact situation.
3 - The Libs are in favour of better voting systems, but the Cons are against allowing Canadians to use the same better voting system the Cons use internally.

Welcome to life with a clue.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Arlond Lynds

Lets admit it, the todays right wing are anarchists .

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Arlond Lynds

Conservatives LOST the last election and now they're going do their best to make our country ungovernable.

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Arlond Lynds

Quote "Scheer was the most ineffectual house speaker ever, so they made him party leader. Because he did what he was told, Harper likes that in a puppet."
And he's still a puppet of the rich establishment.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Allan "Welcome to life with a clue."

Methinks I gave you dudes lots of clues since 2002 N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@david mccaig "Lets admit it, the todays right wing are anarchists ."

Methinks everybody knows that the socialists you support are no better N'esy Pas?

Troy Mann
Troy Mann
@Arlond Lynds

Hecklers should be tossed out for 1 day based on first offense with penalty increasing every offense later.

Time for conservatives to act like grown ups.

Jack Birmingham
Jack Birmingham
@Arlond Lynds ...He still is Harper's puppet.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Troy Mann "Time for conservatives to act like grown ups."

Methinks the same could be said about all the MPs and the RCMP N'esy Pas?

Alex Matheson
Alex Matheson
@David R. Amos
Why do you end every comment with N'esy Pas? A simple period works very well.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Alex Matheson as others have suggested:
google @David R. Amos in NB

John VanHaverbeke
John VanHaverbeke
@Arlond Lynds Scheer gets his puppet strings cut this coming election and when he crashes to the floor another candidate will be strung together for the 2023 retry.

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Carson Brook google @David R. Amos in NB

@Alex Matheson Please do Here is a good spot to start


FYI I ran in Fundy Royal in 2004 and again in 2015

Methinks Minister Dominic Leblanc many folks in the Bay of Fundy area understand why I employ Chiac in my comments N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Carson Brook @Carson Brook google @David R. Amos in NB

@Alex Matheson Please do Here is a good spot to start


FYI I ran in Fundy Royal in 2004 and again in 2015

Methinks Minister Dominic Leblanc many folks in the Bay of Fundy area understand why I employ Chiac in my comments N'esy Pas?

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
The buck stops with Mr. Scheer. He’s the “leader” and he obviously condones the disgusting behaviour of his MPs.

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@Richard Sharp
As speaker he allowed Calandra to make a mockery of the house.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Arlond Lynds

As per this piece, Scheer and the rest of the Cons are “shameless.”

Ron Brady
Ron Brady
@Richard Sharp They're trying to hold the government to account Richard.

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@Richard Sharp Ohhh puhlease!! This has been going on forever. This is not a conservative thing. Keep drinking the cbc taxpayer funded koolaid though

Lawrence Vickers
Lawrence Vickers
@Richard Sharp Come on Richard they are both the same maybe it's time we get someone new in there but there is no one!

David Allan
David Allan
@Ron Brady
"They're trying to hold the government to account Richard."

They have no moral authority to do so after electing Scheer as their leader.
Scheer said, "It's question period, not answer period," while sitting in the Speaker's chair.

Do As We Say, Not As We Do

David Allan
David Allan
@Barry Odonnell
"Ohhh puhlease!! This has been going on forever."

The "boys will be boys" defence.

Some are trying to aspire to a higher standard.

David Allan
David Allan
@Lawrence Vickers

"Come on Richard they are both the same "

The article you didn't read proves you wrong.
The top 15 offenders are all Conservatives.

James Murray
James Murray
@Richard Sharp
I remember Trudeau elbowing people or giving the finger...that's OKay right Richard?

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks you seem bitter N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@James Murray Methinks Trudeau The Elder lied about saying fuddle duddle anyone can just watch his lips to this very day N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Allan Methinks folks should enjoy the podcast of Maritime Noon today if only to hear what the preacher says about President Trump and CBC online comment sections N'esy Pas?


Karen King
Karen King
@Richard Sharp

He let it happen when he was the speaker, basically Sheer is gutless, I have not seen him take a stand on anything.

Karen King
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Karen King
@David R. Amos

me thinks you should be muted

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Karen King "me thinks you should be muted"

Methinks you know that it happens all the time In fact I was blocked twice in this thread alone for the benefit of Mr Sharp and his liberal cohorts N'esy Pas?

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
about @David R. Amos there are some commenters who suggest that more people google this poster - @David R. Amos in NB, including blogs and issues in court. CBC makes a point of guidelines about thoughtful, respectful - even facts - and having real names (which this is) but there's something about sometimes doing the background check especially when the poster makes that so easy to do. Then @Karen King you may have a better way of making a better point

david mccaig
david mccaig
@Richard Sharp

The conservatives job in government as laid out by the rich establishment who back them, is throw political grenades and disrupt as much as possible, make Canada ungovernable.

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@David Allan Methinks you and the Crown should study every word N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Carson Brook Methinks you should scroll up and read real slow N'esy Pas?

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@ James Murray wrote @Richard Sharp
"I remember Trudeau elbowing people or giving the finger...that's OKay right Richard?"

Ah - 'finger' belonged to Pierre decades ago -. Either way, your umbrage: noted. About the 'elbowing' - there's lots to say about that. The night before, the James Travers very nicely imbibing sort of cheerful dinner where Ruth Ellen Brousseau stood up and declared at length and with the force people in the middle of a big party can get [hello - this is available in CPAC archives] - that heckling, disruption, obstruction are honourable goals for MPs in the HOC. She is now NDP house leader.

Next day was she who dashed into Trudeau and created 'elbow-gate' while she/they [opposition] were in middle of their organized 'disruption in HOC. My theory about Ms Brosseau's dash - having watched her night before - was she may have been seeking a remedy for the night before. Either way - facts in both video and witness accounts say that Trudeau did not do 'elbow' but was run into. MP Brosseau said she kept on running out the door out of distress at Trudeau's attack on her.... but the evidence of the night before, her declarations of intent to disrupt, and the party nature of the party [as declared at the microphone as well btw] suggest that Trudeau was set up. And, darn, if ever there was a time for a guy to swear, he sure let tabloids down on that front. All they got was his foolishly running out of his estemed chair to extricate someone from a seeming mob without getting it that this was a set up - as spoken about the night before. Trudeau is maybe a bit wiser about how low the other side can get. So are we

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Carson Brook

I didn’t know that. Thanks. Saved.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Richard Sharp

Andrew Scheer does not 'condone' the behaviour, his behaviour shows how much he relishes it. Watch him - he never looks so alive as he does when he's hurling insults, slander, and mindless venom at Justin Trudeau. Being loudly nasty seems to arouse his inner spirit. There - he's not 'condoning', he's modelling what he wants. Put that into any context you like.

Bort Smith
Bort Smith
@Richard Sharp
What disgusting behaviour? The PM and Cabinet are not owed respect or deference in our system.

He is not a head of state or even the "Leader of the Nation." The PM is accountable to the House. The House is not responsible or accountable to his leadership.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks you should save the link to my lawsuit as well N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Allan Did you read it?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Carson Brook "there's something about sometimes doing the background check especially when the poster makes that so easy to do."

How many times did I run for public office?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Karen King "me thinks you should be muted"

Methinks you know that it happens all the time In fact you have been muted at least twice in this thread alone N'esy Pas?

Arlond Lynds
James Holden
The Tantrums R Us party used to be called Conservatives.

Len Evans
Len Evans
@James Holden
They are still following Harper's handbook for opposition on how to disrupt a sitting governments work.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@James Holden I Wholeheartedly Agree Sir

Carson Brook
Carson Brook 
 @Len Evans wrote "They are still following Harper's handbook for opposition on how to disrupt a sitting governments work."

No fair. You underestimate them. They are not Harper - they are doublilng down on that...... and it's not 'disrupt' that they do - it's interfere, obstruct, insult, smear, and slander all under the archaic rule of 'privilege' enabled by the pallid conduct of the current Speaker

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Len Evans "They are still following Harper's handbook for opposition"


David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Carson Brook "it's interfere, obstruct, insult, smear, and slander all under the archaic rule of 'privilege' enabled by the pallid conduct of the current Speaker"

Methinks whereas you don't understand that the liberals are clever enough to allow the Conservatives to make fools of themselves its easy to understand why you would attack me and do the same N'esy Pas?

Harry Hibbs
Harry Hibbs
One surveillance camera per M.P. filming their every move. Anyone heckling gets a one day suspension without pay. Second offense, you get suspended for a week without pay. Hit them where it hurts, the wallet.

Carl Shulgin
Carl Shulgin
@Harry Hibbs Why are they paid at all? Let their bosses pay them.

Banksters, international corps, monarchies, why should we foot the bill?

Harry Hibbs
Harry Hibbs
@William Knot
the topic is heckling.......you might want to look at the definition.
Nothing to do with criticizing a government.

Harry Hibbs
Harry Hibbs
@Carl Shulgin
huh???? u in a different zip code...

James Murray
James Murray
@Harry Hibbs
and double the fine if the speaker determines that they question was not answered properly or at all. No more fluff and scripted answers. I could see the Libs running up another Billion is debt if this was the case.

Tony Hill
Tony Hill
@Harry Hibbs

Re: "One surveillance camera per M.P. filming their every move. Anyone heckling gets a one day suspension without pay."

So basically you want our governing party to face few questions and be allowed to ignore any questions that are posed?

For better or for worse heckling in Question Period is one of the only means by which opposition parties can hold a Canadian government to account, particularly in a majority government. They can't vote against bills and they have almost no control of the debate in normal House Meetings. They have minority positions in legislative committees so the government can shut down all questions there.

Question Period is the ONLY "free" time that opposition MPs have to question the government. They heckle the government members when those members dodge questions or provide non-answers. This is nothing new for current government, it has been like that since 1867.

Gorden Feist
Gorden Feist
@Harry Hibbs "a one day suspension without pay.":

Hit them in the pocketbook and even conservatives will be acting like adults.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Harry Hibbs Methinks the Sgt at Arms should do his job when the MPs do not follow the Speaker's orders N'esy Pas?

Rick Wier
Rick Wier
@Tony Hill the house is a place for intelligent debate, not moronic shouting

Ewan Cameron
Ewan Cameron
@Harry Hibbs That direction isn't without merit, but they will not a miss a day's pay for being an MP.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Harry Hibbs
yes, the one publicly available surveillance camera per MP long overdue; add in one recording device per each as well. They are in HOC - they are at work, for the public.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Rick Wier wrote " the house is a place for intelligent debate, not moronic shouting"
and the first people to view that clicked against it. wow just wow - what kinds of people?

Brian Sexsmith
Brian Sexsmith
@Harry Hibbs

That might actually work as many of the offenders would be unemployed if they weren't at the public trough.

Tony Hill
Tony Hill
@Rick Wier

Re: "the house is a place for intelligent debate, not moronic shouting"

With regards to the Question Period portion of the House of Commons at least, I would tend to disagree with that.

Legislative committees are a place for intelligent debate, albeit with the governing party free to ignore such debate if they have a majority. Individual MPs, hopefully, are providing intelligent insight and representation for their constituents which can be brought up in either committees or in regular House sitting sessions, though again with the caveat that the governing party can ignore such debate.

Question Period though? That's another story. The government controls all other aspects of the House, but Question Period is meant to be the free-for-all. It has NEVER been a place for "intelligent debate", and if it were such a place than the governing party would end up controlling it and it would further consolidate power and give less opportunity for opposition parties to have their voices heard.

If you want Question Period to be more "civilized" than you need to change it to a forum where the Opposition MPs are in control and where the government is obligated to provide legitimate answers. Since that isn't going to happen, heckling in order to get in the newspapers and on TV is what we've got left.

Consider one thing for a moment: How often do you see the newspapers or evening TV news reporting on the proceedings of a legislative committee vs. reporting on a soundbite from Question Period?

Dustin Carey
Dustin Carey
@Carl Shulgin

Do you want a House made up only of those rich enough to forego a salary?

Richard Sharp 
Richard Sharp
These astounding numbers proving the bullying tactics of the Cons don’t even count the behaviours of attack dogs like Poilievre and Rempel.

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@Richard Sharp
Pollievre and Alexandra were the very worst of the Harper lap dogs, they would stand and say whatever they were told regardless of how ridiculous. Obedience over aptitude every time with Harper.

Keith Laughton
Keith Laughton
@Arlond Lynds

Much like the responses given by the current group of Liberal Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries and House Leader who stand and say whatever they were told regardless of how ridiculous.

The Conservatives are heckling more often because they are in opposition and the Government is not answering.

Switch the government and you would switch the hecklers.


David Allan
David Allan
@Richard Sharp

When facts conflict with your perception, accept the facts, fix your perception.

When was the last time Aboultaif was in the media? Had you ever heard of him before?

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@David Allan


James Murray
James Murray
@Richard Sharp
Bullying? wow, so sensitive, but then look at all your comments and you have the nerve to say bullying? Liberals are such hypocrites

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks you forgot the fact that the liberals had me falsely imprisoned N'esy Pas?

Rick Wier
Rick Wier
@Richard Sharp conservatives sure like to shout but if the liberals give any lip back they all turn into snowflakes and Rempel goes off on a how dare you tirade, what a party of spoiled children

David Allan
David Allan
@Richard Sharp

The facts prove your perception of Poilievre and Rempel to be incorrect when compared against the overall behavior in the HoC.

Again, what do you know about Aboultaif? One of the worst hecklers. Or did you not read the article?

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Richard Sharp
You are a bit unfair - you left out uber bully Scheer, and Harder, Albas, Kent - then there's the shameful same conduct in HOC committee meetings

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@David Allan

I didn’t understand your question. I know nothing about him. Why do you ask?

Bort Smith
Bort Smith
@Richard Sharp
The Speaker is a Liberal Party member...

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bort Smith Methinks even Mr Sharp would know that N'esy Pas?

Rob Unrau 
Rob Unrau
This government deserves to be heckled. But of course Justin swearing in parliament was OK by the liberal supporters here.

Art Rowe
Art Rowe
@Rob Unrau
Infants, toddlers and other assorted types of children simply do not respond well to shaming. heckling is their way of trying to look important and grown up.

Eileen Kinley
Eileen Kinley
@Rob Unrau

Peter Kent's taunting of the NDP were ok by conservative supporters here. Remember that he derided the NDP for not being at the conference but had refused to include them in the Canadian delegation.

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Eileen Kinley

Mr. Kent was the recipient of Trudeau’s epithet. He was just practicing for when he became PM:


David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Richard Sharp Methinks many folks would agree that all the MPs deserve each other's heckles N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Rob Unrau "This government deserves to be heckled."

Methinks its rather obvious I agree but to be fair the Conservatives, the Bloc, the NDP, Madame May and the Independents should be heckled too N'esy Pas?

Rick Wier
Rick Wier
@Rob Unrau the con response, but but Justin....

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Rob Unrau wrote - with false facts btw "This government deserves to be heckled. But of course Justin swearing in parliament was OK by the liberal supporters here."

Yes, I think it's accurate that Justin Trudeau got a bit edgy twice in the last three years
Swearing? Do you remember he said what? Or when?

but you can go onto CPAC and watch all the Question Periods and check that. While you're at it - watch and listen to the vile fomenting and barrages of drowning out shouting coming from team Scheer... and take that same time to pay attention to the maturity and civility of the government members. And be inspired by the government and be disgusted by the others who aren't there on their own dime...it's our taxpayer money they get to act in ways which would get them thrown out of kindergarten in any public school in Canada.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Rob Unrau

how did the word get to be 'heckled' Oh - dictionary has that
"interrupt (a public speaker) with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse"

There. bullying. derisive, aggressive, and abuse = bullying That's what they do.
And you're promoting bullying as an acceptable form of conduct for taxpayer representatives in our national parliament? Really? hello land of Trump and Stone

Richard Sharp
Richard Sharp
@Carson Brook

I answered that question but was censored, including my link to the CBC story on it.


Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Richard Sharp

wrote you a really nice thank you - but my comment was disappeared. Was it my noting that this was in 2011; or noting that it was Trudeau to Peter Kent - who was, according to the CBC article, in the middle of slandering another MP for something Peter Kent had actually set up himself. According to the cbc article. Trudeau hot under the collar from the backbenches... not even a microphone open - and the MP Trudeau was standing up for was in the NDP - a woman - not even a Liberal. Trudeau doesn't like men of power treating anyone like that... especially women. Trudeau should not have outburst - but there's something heartwarming that he did.... however worthy of chiding was his language. Oh and he apologized for swearing. Kent did not apologize for what he said about the NDP MP. All that is according to the cbc article - so this is a reply which should be left in good standing, eh

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Carson Brook "wrote you a really nice thank you - but my comment was disappeared. "

Methinks its too bad so sad that you did not get to read my replies to you N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@Richard Sharp "I answered that question but was censored"

@Carson Brook "wrote you a really nice thank you - but my comment was disappeared. "

Too Too Funny Indeed

David Allan
Arlond Lynds
At least this speaker is trying to control the foolishness, unlike Sheer who made a mockery of the house with Calandra.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Arlond Lynds YUP

Carson Brook
Carson Brook 
@Arlond Lynds

was nice enough to refer earlier to Speaker Regan as 'at least trying' A comment which begs for a like reply:

but he's paid a very high salary, has a very grand office and staff of his own, not to mention for elegant formal attire - to run the tone and civility in HOC - so 'trying' is nice, but let's put the spotlight on 'effective, democratic, civil, fair, and mature' instead.
He has the nice sort of hapless smile down pat - but that's not what the position calls for. So give up the hapless smile - and go for effective leadership in Speaker's Chair

Arlond Lynds
Arlond Lynds
@Carson Brook
Good lord, you must have hated Scheer then, he did nothing to maintain order and whatever else Harper told him.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Arlond Lynds

hi I can't be bothered hating anyone...why give some mean inept low life any part of your energy for even a minute. Not worth it. I do confess to being riveted with astonishment that Harper put Scheer in to replace Milliken. Quite a testament to Harper's character too. But take time to pity poor Scheer - who may be feeling baffled and displaced when all he's ever done with his life is as political operative... and it was so easy in those halcyon early days as Speaker - no one demanded anything of him. And now he's getting badgered on all sides - trying to find comfort and inner confidence in fact that Harper and Gerstein have made sure there's lotsa dough in the war chest. Truly - sometimes I almost feel sorry for Scheer then he saves me by doing his next self fulfillment in attack mode.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Arlond Lynds "he did nothing to maintain order and whatever else Harper told him."

Oh So True

Jim Clark
Bill Coffin
There would be no heckling if our elected representatives would just answer the question posed to them instead of spouting the same old tired party line drivel. Just answer the darn question.

Jim Clark
Jim Clark
@Bill Coffin true

Patrick Kennedy
Patrick Kennedy
@Bill Coffin Party whips demand backbenchers heckle. No?

Jim LaPalmier
Jim LaPalmier
@Bill Coffin

Excellent point !

Jenna Collins
Jenna Collins
@Bill Coffin

David Allan
David Allan
@Bill Coffin
"There would be no heckling if our elected representatives would just answer the question posed to them instead of spouting the same old tired party line drivel. Just answer the darn question."

Elect a Loyal Opposition with the moral authority to expect their questions be answered.

Scheer doesn't believe in QP. He doesn't believe you deserve answers. He said so, explicitly.

Rick Bailey
Rick Bailey
@Bill Coffin

And heckling has helped how?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Allan "Scheer doesn't believe in QP. He doesn't believe you deserve answers. He said so, explicitly"

Methinks you should be fair and admit that nobody has ever seen Trudeau The Younger answer a tough question N'esy Pas?

Robert Green
Robert Green
@David R. Amos He's answered plenty of tough questions just not to the reformacons.

Rick Wier
Rick Wier
@Bill Coffin an intelligent debater could get a minister to give a proper response, too bad there are no intelligent folks in the conservative party, just shouting boors

Ewan Cameron
Ewan Cameron
@Bill Coffin MPs heckle anyone speaking for any reason. Heckling doesn't go away when anyone is evading a straight answer.

Carson Brook
Carson Brook
@Bill Coffin wrote "There would be no heckling if our elected representatives would just answer the question posed to them instead of spouting the same old tired party line drivel. Just answer the darn question."

Try watching the reality - on CPAC. Then demand that the questions be asked without the drivel, smear, insults - and simply, with facts instead of insults, slander, and fakery. Back to - watch CPAC. Then at least you'll get away from the old drivel about the spouting - because the Liberals so answer the questions... and if you don't like the answer then ask a better question using real facts. Upgrade discussion.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Robert Green "He's answered plenty of tough questions just not to the reformacons."

Why not?

Robert Green
Robert Green
@David R. Amos Did you see how he was treated by these people under the Harper government? What goes around comes around.Typically I would like to see nothing but respect in our parliament but I'm not willing to just forget how Harper and the reformacons acted and treated everyone that did'n't agree with them.They deserve what they get and if it's just non answers their fortunate IMO.Hopefully they get kicked further down the line after this next election.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Robert Green Are you aware of how they all treated me?

David Conway 
David Conway
Most, if not all, conservative comments during question period are disorientated expressions @ negative (sick) mind games.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Conway Not all

Robert Green
Robert Green
@David R. Amos Ok 99.8 are useless.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Robert Green Yea Right

Robert Green
Robert Green
@David R. Amos Can you give me an example of a reformacon question posed to Trudeau that he didn't answer that was of importance?

John VanHaverbeke
John VanHaverbeke
@David Conway The glass half empty party will be less than half by the election with Scheer as leader, he's just not ready!....Nice dimples though!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Robert Green Yes I asked it myself several times during my debates in the election of the 42nd Parliament. Basically it was "Are you aware of my lawsuit against the Crown?" I have received many answers in writing since Trudeau was sworn in as PM but one of the most egregious came from none other than the Speaker Mr Regan in January of 2016.

Dan Donovan
Garry Bilton
Perhaps the Speaker should direct MP's and PM to actually directly ANSWER questions.
Certainly this would eliminate much of the frustration and reduce heckling.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Garry Bilton "Perhaps the Speaker should direct MP's and PM to actually directly ANSWER questions."

Methinks we would experience the" true change" that they all promise in every election if that were to happen N'esy Pas?

Speaker Regan's 'naming and shaming' approach to hecklers isn't working

The Speaker's efforts to rein in the House have increased - but the heckling continues

Speaker of the House of Commons Geoff Regan called individual MPs to order for heckling 318 times since taking the chair in 2015. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

Parliamentarians will take their seats in the new House of Commons for the first time on Monday. But while the setting will be new, the soundtrack will be the same — angry, unruly and just plain loud.

Since becoming the Speaker of the House of Commons after the 2015 federal election, Geoff Regan has tried to curb the worst aspects of question period. Whenever the heckling and jeering has gotten out of hand, Regan has taken the unusual step of calling out offending MPs by name.

It's something his predecessors were reluctant to do — but Regan has been doing it more often lately.

Centre Block, where parliamentarians have gathered since the 1920s (after the original building burned to the ground in 1916), is undergoing significant renovations that will last at least a decade. Until those renovations are completed, MPs will gather in the new House located in what used to be the inner courtyard of the West Block on Parliament Hill.
The new House of Commons was already facing some acoustic challenges. It is a cavernous space topped with a glass ceiling, surrounded by corridors from which sound can reverberate off the courtyard's old stone walls and into the House chamber.

The acoustics are about to get worse once the main players take the stage.

There has been no noticeable decrease in heckling in the House, despite Regan's efforts — which have increased as this current session of Parliament has dragged on.

Over the last weeks of 2015 and throughout 2016, Regan called individual MPs to order 54 times during question period. In 2017, Regan's interventions nearly doubled to 101. And in 2018, the number of times individual MPs were named by the Speaker jumped again to 163.

That makes a grand total of 318 occasions when Regan took an MP to task for heckling in the House — almost one 'naming and shaming' for every sitting day. In all, 80 different MPs have been scolded by Regan.

'Check his water'

Despite the increase in Regan's efforts, hecklers still largely go unadmonished as virtually no exchange in the House goes uninterrupted.

"I do not usually call out members for heckling," Regan told the House in June 2017, "unless they have been persistently doing it."

Heckles are also rarely captured by Hansard, the official record of debates in the House of Commons. Every so often, however, a heckle is recorded for posterity.

"The cabinet spot is not going to be yours with that kind of answer," Conservative MP Peter Van Loan (who has since resigned his seat) said in May 2017 to Andrew Leslie — who indeed remains a parliamentary secretary for the Liberals.

"Check his water," quipped Conservative MP Todd Doherty after failing to be impressed by answers offered by Liberal cabinet minister Jim Carr.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the MP who has been heckled the most in the House of Commons — in part because he has answered every opposition question on Wednesdays. (Justin Tang/Canadian Press)
Most of the time, however, heckles are only recorded in Hansard with the generic interjection, "Oh, oh!" — a practice that goes back to the first sittings of the House of Commons in 1867.

Conservative MPs have been the ones named by Regan most often — 266 times out of 318, or 84 per cent of the total — with New Democrats getting a tongue-lashing from the Speaker just 27 times and Liberals only 24 times. While Regan was elected as a Liberal and the New Democrats sit at the far end of the House, furthest away from the Speaker's chair, any observation of question period confirms that Regan's ire has been targeted at the noisiest cohort of the House.

Not surprisingly, the Liberals are those who are heckled the most; they are, after all, the MPs getting up and providing answers that either do not address the questions posed or do not meet with the approval of opposition members. A Liberal MP was last to speak 93 per cent of the time when Regan has named a heckler.

The Commons' top hecklers

So which MPs get scolded most often? The top 15 are all Conservatives, with three in particular being the most frequent targets of Regan's disappointment.

Western Canadian MPs Ed Fast, Kevin Sorenson and Michael Cooper were each named on 17 occasions.
Not far behind these three were Blake Richards and Erin O'Toole with 15 each, David Anderson with 13, Chris Warkentin with 12, and Alberta MPs Ron Liepert and Ziad Aboultaif with 11 each.

Ed Fast is one of three Conservative MPs who have been called out for heckling the most by Speaker Geoff Regan, along with Kevin Sorenson and Michael Cooper. (Canadian Press)
The Liberal MP called out most often by Regan was Rodger Cuzner, a fellow Nova Scotian, who was named seven times. Two New Democrats were named five times: Peter Julian and Pierre Nantel.

The top of the list is dominated by male MPs, with Conservatives Candice Bergen and Sylvie Boucher coming in at 12th with eight reprimands apiece. Indeed, 29 of the 32 MPs Regan has called out at least three times are men.

Trudeau the top target

The target of most of the heckling in the House of Commons was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the person who had the floor in 69 cases when Regan stepped in. That's to be expected, since Trudeau has gotten into the habit of answering all opposition questions on Wednesdays. Before he began this practice, Trudeau had been heckled about as often as other important members of his cabinet.

Following Trudeau on the heckled list was Finance Minister Bill Morneau (26 times), Environment Minister Catherine McKenna (22 times) and Government House Leader Bardish Chagger (13 times).
Heckling of the opposition itself was far less frequent. But Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer was the opposition member heckled the most (five times), while the top NDP recipient of heckles was former leader Tom Mulcair (twice).
It seems unlikely that Regan will be successful in reducing the cacophony that makes the daily theatre of question period so difficult to follow (not without the technical assistance of microphones, at any rate). In the last four days of sittings before the holiday break alone, Regan stood up 13 times to single out an unruly heckler (including the prime minister himself).

But in naming these MPs, Regan is at least putting the unruliest of them on the record for all time.

That's the 'naming' part of his strategy. He's still waiting for the 'shaming' to take effect.

About the Author

Éric Grenier
Politics and polls
Éric Grenier is a senior writer and the CBC's polls analyst. He was the founder of ThreeHundredEight.com and has written for The Globe and Mail, Huffington Post Canada, The Hill Times, Le Devoir, and L’actualité.

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