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New Ambulance New Brunswick policy lets unilingual paramedics stay on for now


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Methinks Bernard Lord's spokesperson Chisholm Pothier has lots to say today about the doings of government. I bet the SANB lawyers recall the last day he spoke for the government N'esy Pas?



New Ambulance New Brunswick policy lets unilingual paramedics stay on for now

Jobs for which bilingual paramedics can't be found won't have to be reposted every 8 weeks

Medavie, which runs Ambulance New Brunswick, has stopped re-posting vacant bilingual positions every eight weeks. (CBC)

New Ambulance New Brunswick policy lets unilingual paramedics stay on for now

Ambulance New Brunswick says it's implementing a directive from the Blaine Higgs government on language-based hiring of paramedics.

Medavie, which runs the ambulance system, has frozen the re-posting of vacant bilingual positions every eight weeks, something Health Minister Ted Flemming ordered on Dec. 18, said spokesperson Chisholm Pothier.

That was one of the recommendations in a labour board ruling last year by arbitrator John McEvoy, who said the repeated re-posting of vacant bilingual positions was interfering with the seniority rights of the unionized paramedics.

It's a significant move because deputy premier Robert Gauvin suggested before Christmas that Medavie was trying to "delay … as long as possible" the implementation of the McEvoy ruling pending the outcome of a court hearing next week.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs claims the inability to fill vacant bilingual positions has led to ambulances not being on the road. (CBC)

The judicial review will determine if McEvoy's recommendations comply with the Official Languages Act.

Ambulance New Brunswick requires at least one paramedic in each two-person ambulance crew to be bilingual to comply with the law.

When no bilingual candidate has been available to fill a vacancy, the organization has temporarily hired unilingual paramedics for eight weeks at a time, then has re-posted the positions.

A unilingual paramedic will now be able to stay in a position indefinitely, until a qualified bilingual applicant comes along.
Higgs and People's Alliance Leader Kris Austin have claimed the inability to fill vacant bilingual positions has led to ambulances not being on the road, something Medavie has said is not true.

Pothier said so far, Ambulance New Brunswick has not adopted the province's suggestion of reducing bilingual requirements in areas where the government feels there is less demand for second-language service — another of McEvoy's recommendations.

Part of Flemming's Dec. 18 directive was to hire paramedics based on seniority for what he called "non-relevant bilingual positions."

Health Minister Ted Flemming's directive called for hiring paramedics based on seniority for what he called 'non-relevant bilingual positions.' (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

Pothier said it's too early to implement that because "I don't think 'relevant bilingual positions' has been defined at this point."

He said Ambulance New Brunswick plans to review how much demand there is for bilingual service but only after it has established a new separate service for transporting patients from hospital to hospital.

The service won't require bilingual paramedics because the language choice of the patient will be registered in advance. That, in turn, will allow Ambulance New Brunswick to hire 40 full-time unilingual paramedics, lessening the need for as many bilingual staff.

That system should be in place by the end of March, Pothier said.

CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices

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David R. Amos 
David R. Amos
Methinks Bernard Lord's spokesperson Chisholm Pothier has lots to say today about the doings of government. I bet the SANB lawyers recall the last day he spoke for the government N'esy Pas?


David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David R. Amos Hmmm its been over an hour and all I hear is crickets

David R. Amos
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David R. Amos
@David R. Amos "Pothier said it's too early to implement that because "I don't think 'relevant bilingual positions' has been defined at this point."

Methinks Pothier's latest bilingual position will become irrelevant to NB Taxpayers if Higgs start ripping up contracts N'esy Pas?

Blaine Higgs promises to try to scrap Medavie deal if elected premier


Medavie contract still secret, despite Liberal vow of quick release


Province can cancel Medavie deal — at $1M cost to taxpayers


daryl doucette 
daryl doucette
I still do not get it about this silly " bilingual" requirement for paramedics here in New Brunswick. Every one here speaks english, so why bother having a bilingual requirement?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@daryl doucette Methinks the PANB supporters would agree that you are not alone in that opinion much to the chagrin of the SANB N'esy Pas?

daryl doucette 
Chuck Michaels
Remember that when they say "Unilingual" that this also includes the Francophone Paramedics in the North who speak only French who are in bilingual-designated positions. Although the number may be smaller, this is an issue that concerns ALL of us together no matter what the language.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Chuck Michaels True

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Chuck Michaels, Really? After I read here all along that most Francophones were bilingual.

Chuck Michaels
Chuck Michaels
@Marguerite Deschamps - Kind of like some of our neighbours to the South... "Ev'ry one speaks American if'n ya talks slowly and loud enuf!" (Kidding of course... mostly)

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Chuck Michaels Methinks Maggie is gonna love dicing with you N'esy Pas?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Chuck Michaels yes that is true....but what they should do is offer those 3 people free English language training.....

 David R. Amos
David R. Amos
Methinks the political spin doctors are playing with fire on this topic The many comments on this topic for months should prove that most folks be they French or English could give two hoots as to what language is spoken by the people working for Ambulance NB as long as they get to the hospital as quick as possible. This French versus English rhetoric raised the ire of many people and split the province in half in the last election and gave 6 seats to two wannabe kingmakers. The next election after Mr Higg's budget no doubt fails the stress test is gonna be a dilly N'esy Pas?


 daryl doucette 
Lou Bell
Nice to finally see someone to represent Anglophones at the Ambulance NB hearings ! For over 50 year s they've been represented BY NO ONE !! SANB has had their people put in place by government for decades, with no representatives for NB Anglophones ! Problem is , even the judges are SANB plants !

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks everybody knows your hero Harper appointed most of the judges now sitting on the benches throughout Canada after he had politically vetted them N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell "You may have some good ideas like others, but as per who you are , what/who you represent , no one knows or cares. Time to ditch the ego"

Methinks the same could be said of you However I have never seen your name on a ballot or in a lawsuit against the Crown N'esy Pas?

 George Smith 
George Smith
@ David R. Amos
@George Smith Methinks if you want things done right you should do it yourself Hence why not run for public office as an Independent just like I often do N'esy Pas?
A well known union official says he could get me elected to city council. I told him that at 70 I couldn't handle the workload.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@George Smith Methinks you are younger than Trump N'esy Pas?

Chuck Michaels
Chuck Michaels
@David R. Amos - touche!


George Smith
George Smith
@Matt Steele
"Sounds like a SANB idea ; so it should make the Liberals happy".

How is it possible to relate this policy to the Liberals. It's all on Higgs. I'm almost sorry that I didn't vote for Higgs, he has this one right unlike the former government.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@George Smith Methinks if you want things done right you should do it yourself Hence why not run for public office as an Independent just like I often do N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@David R. Amos You represent only yourself. Them people never get anywhere. Take a look at your support. You had none. You may have some good ideas like others, but as per who you are , what/who you represent , no one knows or cares. Time to ditch the ego.

George Smith 
George Smith
This is a good policy for those in need of medical help as they can be assured that no matter what the language lifesaving services will be provided with as rapid a response as is possible. How in the world is that wrong? As for training paramedics in another language when would they have the time? You can't force them to give up their time off as they need relief from very stressful work.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@George Smith
While on wait time a little effort multiplies...et voilà.

David R. Amos
Content disabled.
David R. Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks everybody knows the last time I was forced by the RCMP to visit the DECH in Fat Fred City the immigrant shrinks didn't get paid because I don't have a Health Care Card N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks when one does not have a Health Care Card wait times are irrelevant. Hence I will just wait until I keel over then call the ambulance and for obvious reasons I won't care what lingo the EMT speaks N'esy Pas?

 daryl doucette 
Anne Bérubé
So, let me get this straight...is once you arrive at the ER, does your emergency physician have to learn your language before he is allowed to treat you? Also if you are travelling to another country for a vacation (or business) and need care, what will you do then? I, for one, do not care if the doctor or paramedic talk German (or whatever) I would want to be looked after. Dah!

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Anne Bérubé
Had the pleasure visiting a country for 21 days and learn a word of their language per day and on other occasions spend a bit of time learning the basics of the language of countries where I travelled, and yes I can laugh in all the languages of the world...et voilà.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks many folks would agree that you know as many people as you know languages However in your case it appears that folks of many languages know what to think about you N'esy Pas?

Roland Godin
 eddy watts
OMG....some common sense (for a change) from politicians: Well done Ted.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@eddy watts
Having my common cents pay for you all I suppose some would call it common sense...eh!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@eddy watts Methinks Ted is just another lawyer playing politics as usual After all he was appointed to be the Minister of Health as soon as he won the by-election in 2012 He could have done a lot more then N'esy Pas?

Robert Levesque 
Robert Levesque
I think the health of NB citizens should be most important. Anyone can learn a few key phrases in both languages on the job and help anyone in an emergency. Language should not be a barrier to employment and certainly not to provide an essential service.

Evelyn Gaudreau
Evelyn Gaudreau
@Robert Levesque Bilingualism is a skill, a professional skill, and like any other professional skill it can be learned.

Brian Robertson
Brian Robertson
@Evelyn Gaudreau
Certainly, it can be learned.
The issue is should it be mandated by a government upon it's citizens, by restricting employment opportunities; especially when there technological solutions that fully address the need.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Robert Levesque I wholeheartedly agree sir.

Matt Steele 
Matt Steele
Certainly not much in the way of job security for the unilingual paramedics . They will be allowed to have a job until a bilingual person wants it ; then they will be fired and replaced regardless of how much experience that the paramedic has . Seems that language is more important than skill . Sounds like a SANB idea ; so it should make the Liberals happy .

eddy watts
eddy watts
@Matt Steele you're argument is with unions in general and (the value/or lack of) seniority, not about language.

Evelyn Gaudreau
Evelyn Gaudreau
@Matt Steele or until they themselves become bilingual...

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Matt Steele Methinks you tell that to all the Conservatives N'esy Pas?

Evelyn Gaudreau 
David Stairs
the Language Police need to quit the B.S...the bottom line for medical help for a distressed person is to get medical help...the distressed person cares nothing about language used by the first responders..all they hear are the sirens and see flashing lights and I'm surprised that those do not have to be developed and produced by the Language Police...get over yourself...

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@David Stairs yeah baby!

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@David Stairs
And if it is not important why are some making such a big fuss about it...EH!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Stairs YUP

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roland Godin "And if it is not important why are some making such a big fuss about it...EH!"

Methinks its called politicking N'esy Pas?


Les Cooper
Paul Bourgoin
Premier Blaine Higgs claims the inability to fill vacant bilingual positions has led to ambulances not being on the road. YA! RIGHT!! The more it changes the more it remains the same!!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Paul Bourgoin Or in other words

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose N'esy Pas?

 Les Cooper 
Roland Godin
Politicians need a basic introductory session on the essence of a law and it’s objects to deal with these issues, as legislators, from a rational with insight and discernment perspective...et voilà.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks I did that when I filed my lawsuit in 2015 while running in Fundy Royal for a seat in the 42nd Parliament. I have no doubt Premier Higgs, his Ministers, Wilson, Oliver, Holland, Flemming and Wetmore and the back-benchers Crossman and Northrup voted for their lawyer buddy Rob Moore N'esy Pas?

Les Cooper 
Lou Bell
I can see the next election being along linguistic lines. Government created it , they're gonna have to live with it ! There'll be those who vote for the dog, those who vote for the tail. I suspect those voting for the tail are gonna lose.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Lou Bell
Pouvez-vous traduire s’il vous plaît ou l’ecrire en English (UK)...eh!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roland Godin So you say N'esy Pas?

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@Lou Bell What is dog and tail make reference too?

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@Lou Bell French is difficult to understand but English is also. It is very easy to misunderstand each other.

Anne Bérubé
Anne Bérubé
@Roger Richard Well, I am no doctor or paramedic, but common sense tells me that the vital signs tell the first responders what is wrong with the injured/sick person here, it is no brainer (literally). The hell with the language, most are unconscious anyhow, are they not?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roger Richard "What is dog and tail make reference too?"

BonJour mon ami

Methinks Austin is the tail who is wagging the dog named Higgs N'esy Pas?

Roger Richard
Roger Richard
@Anne Bérubé I certainly agree that language is not the biggest issue in an emergency. I now understand that it is like the tail is wagging the dog. Thank you Mr. Amos for the clarification. I would like to add that this issue about bilingualism is a politician and lawyer problem. Our province has more pressing problems that are ignored.

 Roger Richard 
Les Cooper
How about the next election everyone vote for the English guy.
People of Canada voted a prime minister in for legalizing marijuana. That seems to be more F'ed.Up!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Les Cooper Methinks everybody knows that English politicians are no better than French politicians Thats why so many folks don't bother to vote N'esy Pas?

Anne Bérubé
Anne Bérubé
@David R. Amos I say, both equally incompetent!

Les Cooper 
Paul Bourgoin
We are not handling nor discriminating against English or French but are serving a bilingual province whose citizens have decided decades ago that New Brunswick residents have the legislated civil and human rights to be served in the language of their choice English or French. So why does government, in the press trying to erase an accepted legislated practice. Maybe the Crown should study incentive subsidies and giving property tax breaks to Rich Corporations. New Brunswick is poor province!

Brian Robertson
Brian Robertson
@Paul Bourgoin
Services in either language can now be provided through real time translation.
That is good enough.

The gravy train has run out of steam.
End of.

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@Brian Robertson
No not really ! The cash gravy is only served at one table and the surplus is stored in offshore refrigerators and the balance is subsidized to those sitting at the table! Lots of Gravy but miss-deposited!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Paul Bourgoin "whose citizens have decided decades ago that New Brunswick residents have the legislated civil and human rights to be served in the language of their choice English or French."


Methinks you know as well as I that Hatfield decided it all by himself in order to court the French vote. He had to get Trudeau the Elder to put it in the Federal Charter because New Brunswick does not have its own Constitution N'esyPas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Brian Robertson "The gravy train has run out of steam. "


Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Paul Bourgoin
"whose citizens have decided decades ago ... to be served in the language of their choice English or French. "

Say What??? So the citizens had a referendum on this? When was that? Please show me the proof of your statement.

Paul Bourgoin
Paul Bourgoin
@David R. Amos
I believe you forgot the true author, your friend's driving influence in this matter the Late Honorable Minister, Jean-Maurice Simard!! : -)

Les Cooper
Les Cooper
@Paul Bourgoin The citizens of NB were lied to and tricked into bilingualism. No one ever wanted it. Why do u think no other province went Bilingual. They see the diaster in NB keeping province from succeeding. It's been 50 + years. Time for a change!

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Les Cooper
Frustrated because some can't pay their share, whatever having all the jobs we will pay for you all, worry pas...et voilà.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Paul Bourgoin Methinks everybody knows when its comes to politicking nobody has any friends N'esy Pas?

Brian Robertson 
Brian Robertson
The whole issue of communication can be addressed by technology.
That is all that is required by any honest interpretation of the law.

If that is insufficient to some, then their motivation is more one of propagation and growth of French; which is NOT necessary, required nor to the majority's benefit.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Brian Robertson
You're ok with a francophone using technology when they serve you, even in a time of emergency.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Rosco holt, of course, he is. He just stated it.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Rosco holt Methinks common sense dictates that nobody should care Just get them to the hospital ASAP and try to keep them breathing as they dodge the potholes along the way.N'esy Pas?

Brian Robertson
Brian Robertson
@Rosco holt
In an emergency?
You're absolutely right I am OK with it.
But, given that a uni lingual francophone is a rarity, the chances of that happening are pretty remote.

Harold Benson 
Harold Benson
I don't care what you say, or how you say it, if you are trying to help me with my heart attack. Spasms and a purple face speak for themselves. Thank you for your service not matter what language you speak

Cory Kamermans
Cory Kamermans
@Harold Benson Exactly.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Cory Kamermans YUP

Jeff LeBlanc
 Trevis L. Kingston
When the patient is unconscious... are they deemed Anglophone...or Francophone?
If we get sick in a non- English OR French speaking country … I guess...we'll just die?
No...we would be appreciative of ANYONES medical assistance.
We take our cars to a "non- dealer" for repairs...and usually they get fixed OK.
I would gladly accept medical help from ANY ambulance attendant...in any country!

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@Trevis L. Kingston well said!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Jeff LeBlanc Its just common sense


 Jeff LeBlanc 
Richard Dunn
It truly is refreshing to see adults running the province.
Nice to see so many common sense, and positive, decisions being made.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Richard Dunn
Wake me up when we actually have adults running government. All I see is spoiled children who have to resort to blackmail, when they don't get things their way.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Rosco holt Me Too
Les Cooper
Les Cooper
@Rosco holt This is why french and English are leaving province. And the high taxes we pay because everyone is moving away. I wonder what the taxes will be in 10 years?

 Jeff LeBlanc 
Lou Bell
A life saved by a unilingual is worth a lot more than someone dying because no help was available because of language. I would think any morally adjusted person would agree.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Lou Bell
Thanks for accepting to be served in la langue officielle de mon choix...et voilà.

Colin Seeley
Colin Seeley
@Roland Godin

And that needs to be changed.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Roland Godin Yeah , just as long as you are in your own little circle. Otherwise , yer outta luck if you think it'll be in " language of your choice "! There's a whole big world out there, and you might take a look and realize that little circle you're in is like a pimple on an elephant's --s .

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Lou Bell, talking about New Brunswick? - On a world scale, a pimple on an elephant is an understatement.

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Lou Bell
So do I understand you prefer being served only in la langue officielle de votre choix...eh!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks that is what most of you Quebeckers think of us N'esy Pas?

Les Cooper
Les Cooper
@Roland Godin what are u saying. Half in french


Jeff LeBlanc 
daryl doucette
Well well well common sense has finally reared its ugly head in this issue about bilingual paramedics. This should just about drive the French Language Commissioner off the deep end.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@daryl doucette Last thing they'd wanna see is someone saved by an Anglophone !

Roland Godin
Roland Godin
@Lou Bell
According to some an anglophone has to be unilingue...eh!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Roland Godin Methinks Maggie and Lou should get a room N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David R. Amos, separate rooms!

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