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Maxime Bernier applauds Higgs's call for cuts to equalization


Replying to and 49 others
Methinks everybody knows why I am looking forward to being enlightened as to who will run under Max's banner in Fundy Royal N'esy Pas?



Maxime Bernier applauds Higgs's call for cuts to equalization

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David R. Amos 
David R. Amos
Methinks everybody knows why I am looking forward to being enlightened as to who will run under Max's banner in Fundy Royal N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@David R. Amos You have some good ideas, yet everything is about you . Not sure if this is how you ATTEMPTED to run as a politician , but NO ONE cares for anyone RUNNING FOR THERMSELVES . Not sure who you are, where you ran , how long ago it was, or really even care . Time to get over oneself and just move on .

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks it should be a small wonder to your political pals why I often think that we get the governments we deserve N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Bernard McIntyre
Politician's must really think people are stupid. They always say great things to get into power then seem to forget every thing they said when they get the power.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Bernard McIntyre Some people seem to really have a problem with getting up off their rearends and just working . Time to end handouts and do what the rest of the country is doing . Develop our resources, create jobs , and quit being a welafare province !!

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Lou Bell
You believe the BS of politicians about shale gas?

We get nothing from royalties of our resources, we subsidize these businesses to extract/ harvest.

How many jobs are created, really?

Use your head, it isn't thousands of jobs that will be created, just a handful and it will not be NBers doing them.

And if an environmental disaster happen like contaminated well water crop up, who will be held responsible and pay?

Higgs, the business extracting shale or the people in that area.

Higgs will deny his responsibility and the same goes for the business.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Bernard McIntyre "Politician's must really think people are stupid"

Methinks they are always betting on our apathy but every now and then their political plans fail and the elections do not yield the results they were hoping for N'esy Pas?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Rosco holt Do you know how many times I ran in the Sussex area?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@David R. Amos
No, I don't how many times you ran.

 Rosco holt 
David Stairs
no one should listen to this arrogant politician...he got caught leaving government documents at his so called girlfriends....this tells tons about his personality and what he will do to get what he wants..I can't believe he is even allowed to be a politician with his track record..

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@David Stairs Welcome back to the Circus


 Rosco holt 
Toby Tolly
Did you have to pay to listen to him?

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Toby Tolly Mais Oui

Fred Brewer 
Fred Brewer
Vote for me and I will cut your transfer payments!

Wow. Great strategy there Maxime.

Tom Simmons
Tom Simmons
@Fred Brewer You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Tom Simmons Methinks the fish are all but gone perhaps the west will sent us some beef that we are not supposed to eat N'esy Pas?

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@Tom Simmons
Yes until the cod industry collapsed along with salmon and other species.

Marc Goudreau 
Marc Goudreau
Comparing Quebec's transfer payments with NB's right to have an oil pipeline snake through La Belle Province for the sake of "progress" is ludicrous. Energy East is another oily, dirty, CO2 heavy investment in an industry largely responsible for a coming ecological catastrophe, Higg's and Bernier, like Trump, have no time for the future when greed and personal wealth are in sight... shame.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Marc Goudreau Don't think these guys are gonna make millions at their jobs, although McKenna bled the system dry for his personal use. Better to have development than continue being a welfare state , although you apparently disagree !

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Cry me a river about your buddy McKenna Google his name and mine sometime

Marc LeBlanc 
Marc LeBlanc
If you think you're appealing to peoples intelligence,you've come to the wrong place!

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marc LeBlanc Methinks you should check out who he was appealing to The rich folks in the Fundy area ain't dumb Even Wayne Long, would have to admit that fact N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
What a dufus!

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Marguerite Deschamps
That's the impression I get too.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks he is a French lawyer as well N'esy Pas?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David R. Amos, there are good and bad lawyers as in any walk of life, be they French, English or whatever. He's no J. J. Robinette, that's for sure! - Robinette, how more French can one be!

Brian Dufoe 
Brian Dufoe
nobodys voting for mad Max,
his party exists for one reason only,
tax write offs.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Brian Dufoe Methinks many think Maxime is more popular than you think N'esy Pas?

Dr John Smythe
Dr John Smythe
@Brian Dufoe Brian, you sound just like a Liberal party "agent provocateur"...

Marc LeBlanc 
Douglas James
Simplistic is too simple a word for this politician's bizarre views.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
 Comment was disabled before I could save it
Claude DeRoche
Claude DeRoche
@Marguerite Deschamps
Higgs too :-)

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "I'm appealing to the intelligence of people," he said."

Methinks that must mean you N'esy Pas?

Lou Bell
Rosco holt
God no, not another politician with an inflated ego.

I wonder if Higgs and/ or Bernier would cut their salaries and pensions the same way they want to cut equalization payments?

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Rosco holt Liberals took the payments an ran with them !

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Lou Bell
At least the Libs didn't shoot their mouth by spewing stupidity like Higgs ny calling for cut to equalization payments like our blackmailing Irving-boy Premier.

The province has the most seniors and we need the cash, but he would prefer to risk NBers lives to develop fracking.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Methinks you last name dictates to me that you may be related to the Judge I met in Federal Court on December 14th, 2015 At least the first judge Harper ever appointed did the right thing N'esy Pas?

Claude DeRoche 
Claude DeRoche
The Irving Boy Higgs' CORservative Party blackmailing New Brunswickers that if they don't support fracking they will lose their equalization transfers that is guaranteed in our Constitution !

MadMax will get the COR Party vote in October paving the way for another Trudeau victory!

Cindy Fordyce
Cindy Fordyce
@Claude DeRoche

If it walks like a duck and so on.... he does seem to care for anything but putting greed ahead of everything else.

Lou Bell
Lou Bell
@Claude DeRoche Will he be able to get some of the SANB / Liberal vote ?":

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Lou Bell Nope

Cindy Fordyce
Cindy Fordyce
@Lou Bell

Why the heck would anybody with more brain cells than Max vote for him

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Claude DeRoche YUP

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Cindy Fordyce Methinks the majority of Canadian voters did not vote for Trudeau the Younger and his cohorts N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@David R. Amos
Allot voted to get rid of Harper and his replacement Andrew WHO? isn't any better.

David R. Amos
David R. Amos
@Rosco holt True but Harper maintained his base support which now being split much to the chagrin of Harper 2.0 and his cohorts. Methinks the votes that elected Trudeau last time came from the NDP camp because of his promise to change the first past the post vote and from many folks who looked forward to smoking dope legally The Liberals may win this time merely because the Conservatives are butting heads N'esy Pas?

Maxime Bernier applauds Higgs's call for cuts to equalization

Leader of the People's Party spoke at a luncheon in Saint John on Thursday

Maxime Bernier gave a speech at a business luncheon in Saint John on Thursday. He said he approves of Premier Blaine Higgs's call to reduce equalization payments to the province to force governments to develop natural resources. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)

The leader of the upstart People's Party of Canada says he believes he has found an ally in New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs.

Maxime Bernier told a business luncheon in Saint John that Higgs was right to recently call for a reduction in equalization payments to the province in order to force governments to develop natural resources.

Bernier told about 75 people that the premier "essentially" agrees with him and called it "a significant development" that the leader of a province that receives equalization is willing to see it reduced.

"It's courageous for a politician to say that," the former federal Conservative cabinet minister told reporters later. "We must have a discussion with him about changing the formula.

Higgs says the current system allows Quebec to accept large transfer payments but say no to important national projects like the Energy East pipeline. (CBC)

"He is the first premier of a province who receives money to tell the truth. That was great to hear that."

The federal equalization program transfers funds from so-called "have" provinces to "have-not" provinces to support a roughly equal level of provincial services at roughly equal levels of taxation.
I think his views are, to be perfectly blunt, simplistic, and I don't think there'd be a lot of support certainly around the business community and around Atlantic Canada for those views.- Wayne Long, Saint John-Rothesay MP
New Brunswick and other less well-off provinces have been receiving the funding for decades, something Bernier cites when he calls it "a poverty trap" that gives governments no incentives to encourage private-sector growth.

"I am sure that you, too, in New Brunswick would prefer to live in a more prosperous province rather than getting more money from the rest of the country," he said in his speech.

Appealing to New Brunswickers

Speaking later to reporters, Bernier said he thinks New Brunswickers would support his policies as long as he is able to explain them. He said that's why he was in Saint John.

"I'm appealing to the intelligence of people," he said.

Bernier, a Quebec MP, quit the federal Conservatives last year, complaining that leader Andrew Scheer — who defeated him for the party leadership in 2017 — was not willing to take clearly conservative positions on key issues.
On Thursday, he said Scheer will not touch the equalization issue "because his Quebec MPs would freak out."

Saint John-Rothesay Liberal MP Wayne Long said he didn't think Bernier's message, which also includes abolishing the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, would resonate in the city or the province.

"I think his views are, to be perfectly blunt, simplistic, and I don't think there'd be a lot of support certainly around the business community and around Atlantic Canada for those views," Long said.

'Big questions'

But Jim Quinn, chair of Saint John's regional chamber of commerce, which hosted the luncheon, said some of Bernier's ideas on reducing environmental hurdles for pipeline approvals "would resonate with a lot of people."

He said Bernier's pledge to eliminate the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and other federal agencies that hand out business subsidies raises "big questions."

"Those agencies certainly have a focus on helping to expand businesses, so I'm sure there's another part to the discussion that would need to be explored in terms of how businesses and entrepreneurs can have the opportunity to develop their businesses and grow," he said.

Maxime Bernier said he believes he can get New Brunswickers' approval as he's 'appealing to people's intelligence.' (CBC)

Quinn added that while change is never easy, "our country is at a crossroads, our province is at a crossroads, having to look at doing things differently. I think our economic situation more or less dictates that."

Bernier's anti-government, pro-business message seemed well-tailored to a city and business community still lamenting the cancellation of the Energy East pipeline.

Fewer environmental regulations would have allowed the project to go ahead, Bernier told the crowd.
"There have been so, so many bad decisions on the part of the Trudeau government, I don't know where to start."
If the project is ever revived, he said, a People's Party government would use federal powers in the Constitution to force it through over provincial opposition in Quebec.

"Justin Trudeau will not do this," he said. "Andrew Scheer will never propose this either. He is just too afraid of the pushback from his Quebec MPs, and getting bad press in Quebec."

No mention of immigration

During his speech, Bernier didn't raise his controversial proposal to reduce the number of immigrants entering Canada.

He told reporters he planned to discuss it at an evening rally for his party and said his views are not at odds with the many experts who say more immigration is needed to fill labour shortages and grow the population in New Brunswick.

He said under his plan, there would be fewer immigrants overall but more "economic immigrants" bringing needed skills or investment.
Bernier said his party has established riding associations in all federal constituencies and is now recruiting candidates ahead of October's federal election.

He believes he can win support from Conservatives but also from Liberals who support balanced budgets and New Democrats who are against corporate subsidies.

And while he's not familiar with the policies of the provincial Green Party and the People's Alliance, he said, he believes their breakthroughs in the recent provincial election show voters here are willing to support new parties.

"It's very encouraging for us," he said.

About the Author


Jacques Poitras
Provincial Affairs reporter
Jacques Poitras has been CBC's provincial affairs reporter in New Brunswick since 2000. Raised in Moncton, he also produces the CBC political podcast Spin Reduxit. 

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