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Shame on all of you for ignoring Brian Ruhe and his nasty Neo Nazi buddies for years


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Shame on Canadians who ignored Brian Ruhe and all his nasty Neo Nazi buddies for years


#nbpoli #cdnpoli


---------- Original message ----------
From: Jody.Wilson-Raybould@parl.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2018 12:39:21 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Shame on all of you for ignoring Brian Ruhe
and his nasty Neo Nazi buddies for years
To: david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com

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Merci d'?crire ? l'honorable Jody Wilson-Raybould, d?put?e de
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From: Office of the Premier <Premier@gov.ab.ca>
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2018 12:39:33 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Shame on all of you for ignoring Brian Ruhe
and his nasty Neo Nazi buddies for years
To: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>

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From: Elizabeth.May@parl.gc.ca
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2018 12:39:21 +0000
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Elizabeth May, O.C.
Députée à la Chambre des communes
Saanich-Gulf Islands
Chef du Parti vert du Canada

---------- Original message ----------
From: David Amos <david.raymond.amos333@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2018 08:38:42 -0400
Subject: Shame on all of you for ignoring Brian Ruhe and his nasty Neo Nazi buddies for years
To: Brian Ruhe <brian@brianruhe.ca>,
Monika Schaefer <monika_schaefer@hotmail.com>, premier <premier@gov.bc.ca>,
"david.eby.mla"<david.eby.mla@leg.bc.ca>, "Dr. Teresa Pierre"<tanya@pafe.ca>,
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premier <premier@gnb.ca>, "blaine.higgs"<blaine.higgs@gnb.ca>,
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 oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, andre <andre@jafaust.com>,
jbosnitch <jbosnitch@gmail.com>, attorneygeneral <attorneygeneral@ontario.ca>, "elizabeth.may"<elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca>, littlefarm1@windstream.net,
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DDrummond <DDrummond@google.com>, paul <paul@paulfromm.com>
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Brian Ruhe is Singing and Dreaming of a White Christmas


Published on Dec 21, 2018
Donate: https://gogetfunding.com/brian-ruhe-i...http://www.brianruhe.ca/please-donate/or cryptocurrencies below. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bria...https://twitter.com/https://www.facebook.com/brian.ruhe.92/http://www.thulesociety.comMy BLOG: http://www.brianruhe.ca/category/blog/ You have my permission to please copy any of my videos to spread the word. Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe Bitcoin Cash: qq3xdk6lfacxz0gqgxl6fk42y9ldmr0l45yhega2vs Exodus Ripple: rpNtf3KwSAnrCBeeq4gcvMwFZCi6onm1XM Brian Ruhe's books are available at Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_no...

David Amos

Chris Parker

Phuck Onyou
Theres a cool lady fact checking battle for europa and i think youd be happy to hear so far 25 percent false or unverifiable and 75 percent verified https://youtu.be/AhwbIm0vbUc

Lance Rattie
We ALL have FREE WILL..... and Brain has FREE WILL, to push nerdy UFO's and give NAZI SALUTES on communist Canadian Streets........ and we have FREE WILL to point out how bad those things he does, make us other JEW WISE PEOPLE look..... Brain is a NERD! at the least....
Good video. We all want a National Socialist Christmas.
Markus Arminius
Brian this Video got you banned last Year ;) Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Good Yule.
Brian Ruhe
No. This didn't get me banned last year.
Goyz N' the Hood 1
wpww merry x mas happy yule
Hey Brian that was lovely and that money order check will be sent in January you deserve it just for this performance alone !
Good Lord Brian!
Steppenwolf sister
Merry Christmas!
what are the (jays) gonna say about you on the hate page? You want white people to live and sing songs and pray to buddah. Lol like these son of bitches gonna make something up about you or bring something you said out of context up in 1982. Really redicilous ass media pisses me off after all the daily attacks on trump for almost 2 years now. I voted for the mother fucker, and they are acting like russian software hacked the election. What about my vote ADL/splc assholes? Like we humans are not russian hacking algorithms or hate propaganda plants or numbers the hacker put in the system. BENNY NUTTY-YAHOO met both hillary and trump during the election while putin was banned (sorta) from meeting them. Next thing is mexico hacks the election if the ((jays)) are resisted in mexico. But they are too busy getting attacked by cartels to give a shit about the news doxing you because they already get death threats from gangs in mexico, to care about CNN threatning to kill them for wrestling memes and satire posters in college, so it has to be russia after 40 million dropped and they just want to live but are trying to resist entirely being slaves now.
I want to wish a very special merry chrismas to the ((Jays)). Brian you are not really too extreme and are national socialist. You really contradict the stereo type. I never seen you advocate violence yet or say anything malign of vulgar. I bet the adl has trouble writing a hate page about the bad things you've done. You got a clean criminal record i bet too.
Brian Ruhe
True. I have a squeaky clean criminal record. Soooooooooooooooooooo spiritual.
Roman Vargas
0:08 I almost died at this part
Brian Ruhe
Yeah, I didn't warm up my voice first and didn't bother to do a second take. Ho Ho Ho!
Markus Arminius
LoL Best Song Ever :)

Purple Carnations
Here's a great vid about NASA Enjoy https://youtu.be/G9MYnKxrKwAMerry Christmas 🎄
Lance Rattie
And CHRISTMAS is for CHRISTIANS....... get a conviction the Jews didn't give you, you fucking nerd.
Markus Arminius
Mind your Language
Phuck Onyou
Suck my lance

Lance Rattie
I agree with Patrick Little about your UFO bullshit...... people like you, bring National Socialist down...... you fucking moron....
Abraham The Grey Goyim
ISRAEL is THE Human Trafficking / PEDOPHILE Capital and REFUGE of the world!!!!!! "Chosen people" MY ASS. NO more WARS for ISRAEL, and SELLOUT ROTHSCHILD international BANKERS!!!! THE TALMUD and KABBALAH are PURE EVIL and we're ALL JUST GOYIM TO these ((((GLOBALISTS)))).... JFK tried TO speak UP!!!! SMASH Cultural MARXISM!!!!/
Hey Lance lay off ! We are about true freedom it is the Gews that want to curb freedom and hate both truth and freedom, so lay off, Brian can do as he pleases.
Gen Tristesse
Lance Rattface - Your comment is a great example of ratface Jewboy tactics. A lot of white people agree with Pat Little on UFOs -- theres just no proof of UFOs, no evidence, and i dismiss the notion that the Pedophile Jewboys are hiding the evidence from us, just as I dismiss the notion that the Jewboys are hiding the evidence of a flat earth from us. But you come into the comment section and launch an ad hominem attack on Brian, when the WHOLE WORLD knows that Brian -- say what you want about the UFO stuff -- does FANTASTIC WORK naming the (((merchants))). Oh and Israel is the human trafficking/pedophile capital of the world.
Lance Rattie
@BUZ OSKARSON UFO"s......fuck off loser

Lance Rattie
@Gen Tristesse fuck off..... you made no point.... yes pat thinks brain is a loser for pushing ufo bullshit like me

Lance Rattie
@Gen Tristesse he name the Dirty JEw whioch i like...then talks about fairy tales......makes us all look bad

Lance Rattie
@Gen Tristesse where does brain get his money?...... he don't work, how much can he make of you Jew tube......very little for him......he must be on disability

Lance Rattie
@Gen Tristesse by talking about silly UFO"'s..... Brain is worse than ALEX JONES...... if people look at Brain, then hear someone else talking about the dirty Jews, then they assume we are all UFO star trek nerds like brain is..... and doing the HEIL HITLER salute on Canadian Streets, is so silly, and drives the NS movement back

Lance Rattie
@BUZ OSKARSON We all have free will, you moron...... and Free Will means, we are free to JUDGE what others do with their FREE WILL......do you get it..... you can JUDGE...

Gen Tristesse
@Lance Rattie nah pencil-necked jewboy, youre a cocksucker for calling Ruhe a "fucking moron" ... you arent jew-wise , you suck jew dick when you u dont have your rabbi's talmud scroll being pumped in and out of your mouth. Ruhe is off on the UFOs, most pretty intelligent white people know it. Ruhe makes no one look bad. Hes a brave voice for white people. All the world should watch Brian and take notes. Yeah when he goes on about studying UFOs, he's off, hes being misled into reading up on anti-scientific stuff. But hes not a fucking moron, jewboy.

@Lance Rattie Sure you can judge but bossing others around is not ´judging´.

Lance Rattie
@BUZ OSKARSON Bossing? ... what is Bossing?.... is it anything like Bullying, .....listen pal. the GREAT thing about youtube, it lets us give feedback, good or bad......Besides,, its great being BOSS, democracy sucks shit

snow is "racist"
Kata List
keep smiling Brian..
Plasma Plasma John Doe
for those wish to not be controlled by a book watch "CAESAR'S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus - OFFICIAL VERSION" blissful blessings 2 all beings@
Plasma Plasma John Doe
and many happy new national socialist new years for all!
Plasma Plasma John Doe
(note, tried 3 times to write "Heil""H(full word) and each time i could not even post it, i.e., did not go spam or anything, just completely blocked, first time i saw that on judentube blessings 2 all beings!
Indian NatSoc
Thanks, I'm going to watch it.
Abraham The Grey Goyim
the talmud is evil jews are anti thesis to jesus the judean. Jew-ish means they are not real jews

Abraham The Grey Goyim
@Indian NatSoc Could be anyone because they spread out, there are 12 different tribes. It's not the khazarian mutts that moved there in 1948 and worship rempham

Indian NatSoc
@Abraham The Grey Goyim"Khazarian mutts"?? What does that mean??

Indian NatSoc
Merry Christmas Brian! 🎄🎄🎄🎄
Plastischer Dämon des Verfalls
My heart is melting. Happy Christmas Mr. Ruhe :)
zappa bagman
A New Christmas Classic!
H Bomb
Hail Brian , Hail Bruno , Hail Jesus, Hail Victory Hail our People's. Merry Christmas Goys and a Merry Yule 🙋‍♂️ his spirit will rise again 🙏🙋‍♂️😄
Erase all guilte that is white... like the ending :)
Brian Ruhe
That's my lyric and that's what we're doing!
Merry Christmas Mr. Ruhe!! At the end we will have victory! Ave!
Purple Carnations
Happy Christmas Brian Can you handle the truth? 😢 https://youtu.be/acqRw67EAck
Scott Massage
Thank you for the aural enema Brian - it worked - look all guilt gone!!!!! Merry Christmas!
Imperator Rex
In a class of his own... 👏 👏 👏
Gift Gas
🌲 🌲🌲🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲🌲🌲🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲🌲🌲 🌲
Reminds me of the swastika forest they found some years back.
Indian NatSoc
Beautiful! This comment should be pinned.
Owe Jay
Merry Christmas, Brian, and everyone else too.
Black Claw
Only in Canada 🇨🇦
janne korhonen
Sad to see someone that sick roaming amongst us normal people . . .
Jer Szak
Lol. Well look at you!
Brian Ruhe
I walk the streets and people have nooooooooooooooooo idea!! HA HA HAAA!!!!
janne korhonen
@Brian Ruhe you look like an sick uneducated imbecile and are it !

Scott Massage
The joke here is you think you’re normal - but you’ll happily stop someone else’s free-speech - what an imbecile
Gen Tristesse
@Brian Ruhe awesome work Brian. Incredible work spreading the truth. I'm a big fan of many of your videos. I just finished watching your 3-part video with Pat. I have to say that I do think Pat's point about UFOs and UFOlogy is correct. I fully understand that youve spent hundreds or 1000 hours studying UFOs. Ive spent 20 years in school studying science and astronomy -- i am completely in agreement with both you and Pat on the JQ, but I believe that Pat is right that your acceptance of the UFO stuff is equivalent to some people's acceptance of the flat earth stuff. There was a point in the conversation where Pat kept saying "I just dont think things like flat earth, UFOs, Bigfoot are helpful etc etc... " and you astutely responded -- "Wait, i dont understand why you keep talking about flat earth [in the same sentence as UFOs]?". You were absolutely right, Pat DID keep mentioning Flat Earth in the same sentence as UFOS, and furthermore, he was very correct to do so. Your surveys are misleading -- 50% of the population DOES NOT REALLY BELIEVE IN THE ABSOLUTE PROVABLE EXISTENCE OF UFOs. You are just factually wrong there. Or maybe it's better put this way -- 50 percent of intelligent whites do not believe in UFOs. There is just no scientific proof of it --- AND AND AND the proposition -- that alien life forms are being whipped around the galaxies at something like a few million miles per hour --- is quite similar to the notion of the earth being flat. All current science is in complete contradiction to BOTH THE FLAT EARTH AND THE UFO THEORIES. I appreciate that you dismiss the Flat earth theory, as it should be dismissed. THE VERY SAME FOR UFOs -- As a scientist i can tell you that there are not metals or compounds that are currently known to man that could be used in aircraft such that they would withstand the pressure of millions of miles per hour space travel ... UFOs fly in the face of current science, JUST AS the flat earth nonsense FLIES IN THE FACE OF CURRENT SCIENCE. That is just ONE of the many reasons why UFOs are impossible with current science standing as it does. You are ABSOLUTELY being ANTI-SCIENTIFIC when you talk about UFOs, JUST AS people are anti-scientific when they talk about flat-earth. I get it though -- it's fun to think about the possibilities, to engage with mysterious and arcane ideas and theories. Your work on the Jews is great -- your predilection for the unknowable and the unknown seems to be a weakness for you however -- you refuse to accept hard science, and yet you still rely on hard science (cars, computers, toilets) when it is easier for you to do so. I like your song here. It will piss the (((people))) off who already hate you -- and thats a good thing.
janne korhonen
@Scott Massage nazis murdered 6 million jews ! Praising something that sick aint free speech its mental disease !

H Bomb
@janne korhonen 6 million🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🐸 ok then but I smell shite
janne korhonen
@H Bomb so you have the same mental sickness . . . Seek help and education !

janne korhonen
@Aryan Princess you are not an princess ! You are sick uneducated imbecile ! Like the rest of morons here . . .

@janne korhonen The official number at one time was 6 mill., but that was when it was "said" that Auschwitz had killing 4 mill AND when it was said that 1.5 mill were killed in German "death camps". But today not even the most staunch Holocaust advocate will claim that any gassing took place in Germany > everybody accepts that German herself contained no death camps - and then Auschwitz reduced it's numbers from 4 mill to 1 mill >>> so with this reduction of 4.5 mill here I am ONLY talking about OFFICIAL reduction in deaths. Official means what is considered true from the Jewish Scholars point of view - not talking at all about the mountain of debunking that is not recognized by Jewish authorities... so I recommend to you to review your math: 6 minus 3 minus 1.5 = 1.5 mill. So even the absolute more hard-core BUT KNOWLEDGABLE UPTODATE Holocaust scholars will never claim more than 1.5 mill official deaths. Personally, I think that when you consider all of the "unofficial" research and studies we can safely assume that in truth there was in fact NO extermination order and no attempt to mass murder anyone > this is a myth that has been twisted and manufactured in order to establish an excuse to create Israel. Also, personally I don't know enough about the Nazis or Hitler to join Brian in his song, however I have an open enough mind to at least consider that singing such an ode of praise in justified > why not keep an open mind? An even if you disagree, why not allow someone the right to their own expression of their own beliefs? Have a nice day :)
janne korhonen
@edwardpowellmusic nope ! You are suffering from dunning- kruger syndrome ! 6 million are the official number the death tole is much higher cause the nazis did what they could to hide massacre ! Get educated ! The right numbers you found in yad yashem,red cross,international court,un . . .

H Bomb
@janne korhonen that's ok bro will resist the mass mind wash . Seek the light bro . The Truth will out . Merry Christmas to you 🙏🙋‍♂️😁👊😄🐸

Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen Keep sucking your rabbi's kosher dick and keep ignoring facts. You're fucking stupid you know that bitch??
@janne korhonen Hi Janne... OK I am willing to accept that I might be wrong in my current assumptions, and I am willing to "get educated"> so please educate me and I am all ears. Please present to me all the proof you have to support your belief that Hitler killed 6 million. Where, when and how did he kill them, and present your proof. Thanks
janne korhonen
@edwardpowellmusic i have all the stats on my laptop , now i am celebrating christmas away and writing on my phone ! I gave you all the sources to the right n umbers .merry christmas !

@janne korhonen´6 million´ lol ! You need to update yourself, we are living in the internet-age, 6 million lol. Go and watch ´the greatest story never told´ you need an update, 6 million, people are laughing at your ignorance.
Todd Davis
@janne korhonen Do you eat jew diarrhea all day long or just for breakfast? Anyone with a brain knows that there was no Holocaust of the Jews, expulsion yes mass murder no . Jews were destroying Germany just like they're destroying USA AND EUROPE TODAY with mass immigration, multiculturalism and diversity. If you're not Jewish stop licking their butt hole all day long. The holohoax is the biggest extortion racket in history. Even Anne Frank diary is a hoax. It was written with a ball point pen and pencil. Ball point pen was not available until 1952. Holohuckster crap is getting old. People are waking up to the Jews lies and deception. Payback is gonna be a bitch ain't it?
@janne korhonen Yes, please enjoy your Xmas time, no rush, I am here waiting > ...but let's be serious and real here, "Stats" are just numbers and we know that numbers on their own can be made up by anyone - so I am not asking you to show me "stats" I am asking you to show me the concrete evidence behind the supposed "stats". Personally, I don't decide to believe of disbelieve anything until I have looked very long and hard at BOTH sides of any argument. Aside, like everyone else, from being bombarded my whole life with the Official Holocaust story, I have searched myself long and hard right into hardcore Jewish sources such as the Shoah Foundation "survivor vids" and I have yet to find one shred of material evidence to support the claims of Nazi extermination. The Nazi's of course DID take massive numbers of Jews out of their homes to put them to work in slave labour camps (outside of Germany) in war-time conditions --- yes for sure this happened! ...and this itself can be called a kind of "Holocaust" if you like > but as far as my deep searching can tell, there is no evidence to support the allegation that Nazi's 'exterminated' anyone - and when you truly can have an open mind you can not avoid but see that there is an extraordinary amount of irrefutable evidence indicating clearly that the myth of Nazi extermination via gas chambers was conjured up to serve political ends such as the white washing of war-crimes and atrocities by the Allies, and to serve as the cornerstone excuse and justification for the expansion and consolidation of Israel. You don't have to believe me, and you shouldn't until you have done your own research for yourself and made up your own mind.... so all I am asking you is to show to me what evidence you are relying upon to backup your beliefs about the Holocaust. Maybe I will learn something and revise my own beliefs? ...who knows. Merry Xmas
janne korhonen
You are totally sick uneducated imbecile ! Seek help and education !

Why do you like torturing yourself by coming here? Haven't the poor juden suffered enough?
janne korhonen
@jerszak i am not a jew ! I am from finland ! And cant stand when imbeciles ruins youtube whit this crap !

@janne korhonen Maybe you should worry more about the 2.5 million Africans coming to Europe every year and leave us alone here.
janne korhonen
@jerszak yep ! If a see them here ill give them directions to you !
Owe Jay
@janne korhonen You either hate his politics which probably makes you a suicide case (liberal) or you hate his sense of humor so much that you react aggressively in a Youtube comments section which makes you a bitter lunatic. Either way it is you who needs help.
janne korhonen
@Owe Jay nothing humour about mental diseases . . .

Todd Davis
@janne korhonen Jews call nonjew female Skiksa or an unclean animal. Do you consider yourself an unclean animal?
Owe Jay
@janne korhonen Agreed. That is why Brian's video made me smile and your comments bore me. Now fuck off.
Vita Min
He said positive things about whites and likes hitler, GET HIM!
Brian Ruhe
janne! I walk the streets with a calm smile and people have nooooooooooooooooo idea!! HA HA HAAA!!!!
janne korhonen
@Brian Ruhe one day the people with white rocks are coming to get you . . .

Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen What the fuck are you doing here jew boy?? Ask your rabbi to pump some common sense into you moron.
janne korhonen
@Indian NatSoc nope ! I am all facts and truths ! I hac ve studied ME history in cairo and teheran ,worked in both gaza and westbank ,seen and heard all bullshit propaganda lies and cant stand when lies are told they are all crap !

@janne korhonen It's good that you are passionate and take a deep interest, but please be a bit more patient and EXPAND your field of study somewhat. Include in your research a serious look into Holocaust Revisionism. Before a person can truly assess any situation/dispute it is essential to take a very deep look at BOTH sides of the story. At least give it a chance, and have a look at what the revisionists have to say. It doesn't mean you will come away singing a "Nazi Xmas" but at least you might come away with an understanding of what motivates people to call for a revision of WW2 history. Thanks for listening.

Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen That's bullshit, you're a fucking pathetic piece of shit
janne korhonen
@edwardpowellmusic yep ,i work with human rights as an HR observer ,so i have gone thru all genocides over the world ! Inspectin the facts and evidences !

Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen What about the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in Occupied Palestine??
janne korhonen
@Indian NatSoc the name palestine was given by romans ( hadrianus) and it referes to the philistinians who was a seefolk from indoeurope ( near greece ) and they have absolytely nothing to do with these filthy fake palestinians ! https://youtu.be/4x8sdmHSpmg and https://youtu.be/BHsqVB9nxFY and try to answer these simple questions https://goo.gl/images/HjKcyH ( redirects to pinterest )

janne korhonen
@Indian NatSoc see the truth about the palestinians on youtube : palwatch,hamastv,pallywood . . .https://youtu.be/5dnhK4T-K6U

janne korhonen
@Indian NatSoc the truth about the political situation on youtube: unwatch,eyeontheun,ngomonitor . . .https://youtu.be/j7Mupoo1At8 get educated ! Not fooled ! I was fooled for a time when i worked with ISM till a got to see the facts and truths !

Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen All your comments and references are a steaming pile of horseshit. Show me where was "Israel" before 1948??
Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen There was no such thing as "Israel" before 1948, "Israel" is an illegitimate Zionist genocidal entity, a military occupation of the land of Palestine.
Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen 80% of the filthy Jew bastards living in "Israel" aren't even semitic!
Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen You're a braindead imbecile shithead. Holocau$t is LOLOcaust. Now fuck off Jewish cock-slurping bitch
janne korhonen
@Indian NatSoc janne is not a girls name ! And i am all facts and truths ! Try education ! Its such a waste of life living dumb in the darkness . . .

janne korhonen
@Indian NatSoc the jewish roots goes back for over 5000 years and the jewish king david founded jerusalem 3.300 years ago ! Nobody could be that uneducated !
Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen Hahaha I know that you always claim to be a man, so stop repeating that bullshit. You sound autistic lol
Indian NatSoc
@janne korhonen I don't need your ed-JEW-cation bitch, so shove it up your ass. And, stop blabbering nonsense.
Todd Davis
@janne korhonen How does it feel to be brainwashed and mind controlled by the Jews? If you're not Jewish it's past time to wake up! Jews love good donkey Goyim.
janne korhonen
@Todd Davis nope ! I have studied ME history in cairo and teheran ,worked in both gaza and westbank ,seen and heard all bullshit propaganda and cant stand when lies are told they are all crap ! ! ! Get educated ! Not fooled !
Todd Davis
@janne korhonen move along, your Jewish masters are calling you. They need to take a dump in your mouth. Do you eat jew diarrhea 3 times a day or just for breakfast? .

Blitz 777
H Bomb
Goys goys goys jus looking for a good time🙋‍♂️🐸😍😁
Merry Christmas Brian Rehu !!!!!!!

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