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Methinks everybody in the CBC comment section has had enough of the SANB Trolls Marc Martin and Marguerite Deschamps N'esy Pas?

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Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:45:18 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please
explain CBCand VIAFOURA's malious nonsense AGAIN real slow
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Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:45:20 +0000
Subject: RE: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please explain
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Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:45:12 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please
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Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:45:12 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please
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From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 17:45:08 -0400
Subject: Attn Alex Johnston and Sylvie Gadoury Please explain CBC and VIAFOURA's




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Replying to and 49 others
Methinks everybody in the CBC comment section has had enough of the SANB Trolls Marc Martin and Marguerite Deschamps N'esy Pas?  



Soaring cost of Francophonie Games 'terrible timing' for Higgs


Alexandre Hilton 
Alexandre Hilton
As a proud Francophone - cancel the games. They were dishonest in their bid, and now they are trying to milk the government after misleading the public. Not only should the games be cancelled, but the organizers should be investigated, and potentially fined or charged. Utterly ridiculous.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Alexandre Hilton thank you for that comment!

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin
Martin Name: English, Scottish, Irish, French, Dutch, German, Czech, Slovak, Spanish (Martín), Italian...In 1881, the most common Martin occupation in Canada was Farmer. 26% of Martin's were Farmers. Farmer, Cultivateur and Going To School were the top 3 reported jobs worked by a Martin.

Alexandre Hilton
Alexandre Hilton
@Marc Martin I'm unable to reply

cheryl wright
cheryl wright
@Marc Martin wow... just wow.. like you using Mary Jones on other sites?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marc Martin hey maybe she married an Anglophone? Or maybe that's her maiden name but her mom is francophone first and she was brought up in French and identifies as a francophone? Stop agitating people.

Alexandre Hilton
Alexandre Hilton
@Marc Martin N'inquiète toi pas, jeune homme, je suis bel et bien un Francophone, Acadien, et fier. Par contre, je ne me sens pas obligé de défendre la langue à tous les chances. Je suis de l'avis que c'est la responsabilité des parents d'instaurer la fierté francophone dans leurs enfants, et non l'état. En lisant tes commentaires, ça ce voit bien que tu n'es pas prèt à prendre responsabilité pour tes actions, et tu veux que l'état résoud tous tes problêmes (t'en à d'l'air d'en avoir pas mal) pour toi, puisque c'est clair que tu n'es pas capable de le faire sans l'aide de "Big Brother".

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@Alexandre Hilton lol don't worry he also called me a "fake Acadian" and thinks my real last name is Smith or Jones I forget which one. Can't reason with stupid.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Your so proud your using an English name.."
Methinks Martin is often used as an English name as well N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@Alexandre Hilton Methinks you forgot to say Touche to the mindless Mr Martin N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Alexandre Hilton

*I'm unable to reply*

I know why...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@daryl doucette

Alexandre is a French women name ?...yeah right....

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Alexandre Hilton

Google translate, just one thing you should know..it does not put the commas where they should be...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Using libel against me again Davis ? By the way did you call back that poor civil servant again ?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin if you read the majority of your posts, only french people can have an opinion. Then I read the (well thought out and worded) reply from @Alexandre Hilton to you and conclude you attack anyone who you perceive as not French enough. It is @ Mark Martin who stokes language issues on this site, others sometimes foolishly take the bait and descend to your level and wallow with you.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Mason

*if you read the majority of your posts, only french people can have an opinion. *

Not at all, but if I read all the posts here I shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion....Are you saying I cannot exercise my right of speech ?

*Mark Martin *

Who is he ?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin you along with everyone is entitled to their opinion, free speech should trump all things. Why above did you question more than once the "frenchness" of several posters? Does their opinion carry more weight if you think that are pure Acadian?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin @Marc Martin Speaking of free speech, you must surely have dis agreed when a lawyer associated with a post secondary school in Moncton, lobbied and was successful in limiting NB'ers ability to comment on See Bee SEE stories that pertained to one of NB's official languages?

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@Robert Mason this is a battle you cannot win, if everyone mutes him then he will go away. Trust me, your food will taste better and the air will be fresher.

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Jeff LeBlanc I have noticed that when you pose a question that is not in Marc Martin's echo chamber, he ignores it. He will not respond to a query unless he can spin it to a pro french anti english position. He constantly uses "straw man" arguments in an attempt to discredit those who don't share his very narrow view.

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@ Marc Martin...speaking of crickets, you have not replied to this. If you did, I suspect it would confirm your inherent bias.

David Amos
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David Amos
 @Marc Martin "Using libel against me again Davis ? By the way did you call back that poor civil servant again ?"

Need i say that I have had enough of your obvious malice?

Your account has been banned until 12/25/2018. Reason: We have banned
this account for 15 days because we believe it is in violation of our
Terms of Use, specifically repeated uncivil comments and personal
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Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Alexandre Hilton Why is this terrible timing for Higgs? there is no wrong timing to do the right thing. this is not a 10 or 20% increase. Should be the easiest decision he will have to make in office. Cancel!!!!

Norman Albert Snr
Norman Albert Snr
@Alexandre Hilton Bien dit madame

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Using libel against me again Davis ? "

Methinks you have a rather serious problem N'esy Pas?


Michael G. L. Geraldson
Michael G. L. Geraldson
Three years away and the cost has already gone over. And we all know the cost will no doubt go up again. This is not a language issue, it's a common sense issue, we can't afford these games plain and simple.

David Amos
David Amos
@Michael G. L. Geraldson For the record I agree with my political foes Mr Higgs, his French Lieutenant and their cohort Mr Austin Methinks amazing this never cease N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Who cares...

Marc Martin 
John O'Brien
This is not a language issue and any Francophones that are in favor of this need to re-examine their priorities.

Lewis Taylor
Lewis Taylor
@John O'Brien
Agreed just like we should re-examine the Playhouse and SJ museum...how much will those set us back??

David Amos
David Amos
@Lewis Taylor Good point

Lewis Taylor 
Gerry Ferguson
I woudn't spend a nickel on these foolish games. This province is deep in the red thanks to liberal spending sprees.

Harold Benson
Harold Benson
@Gerry Ferguson Or any foolish games. Time to start the stoner games.

Dan Lee
Dan Lee
@Gerry Ferguson
How much government money for the new playhouse...............

David Amos
David Amos
@Harold Benson Methinks Sam would be all for that N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

But again..who cares...

Marc Martin 
June Arnott
It is a MONEY issue, not linguistic.
People have no affordable housing. Seniors can’t affort to heat their homes.
What more is there to say except cancel the games.
Be realistic for once. Spend the money where it’s needed. Oh wait, NB has no money To SPEND!!!!

David Amos
David Amos
@June Arnott C'est Vrai

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@David Amos, pas vrai!

 Fred Brewer 
Fred Brewer
"Ouellette says Ottawa and the province should investigate the organizing committee."

I agree with Mr. Ouellette.

David Amos
David Amos
@Fred Brewer Me Too

Paul Richardson 
Paul Richardson
I am french and they better put that extra money better places then in some games.

David Amos
David Amos
@Paul Richardson Methinks the games will go on much to the chagrin of many taxpayers N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
kelly sherrard
At a time when this province needs nursing homes built to move seniors out of hospital beds, paying millions for Francophones games doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. There are necessities in this province that have to come first above the frivilous. NB should pass on the games

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@kelly sherrard

*paying millions for Francophones games doesn't make sense. *

Thank you for making this a language issue by the way, you should learn to read...These games are for both languages..

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin News flash...

The Jeux de la Francophonie (Canadian English: Francophonie Games; British English: Francophone Games) are a combination of artistic and sporting events for the Francophonie, mostly French-speaking nations.

Chris McNee
Chris McNee
@Marc Martin I don’t think she made mention of this being a language thing, she made mention of social issues.

Jeff LeBlanc
Jeff LeBlanc
@Chris McNee you can't win with Marc, don't even bother trying. I muted him and I suggest you do the same

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Jeff LeBlanc

* I muted him *

Who cares...

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Chris McNee

* Francophones games *

I think you need to read again what she wrote.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "Who cares..."

Methinks YOU do N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

Who cares..

Marc Martin 
Bernard McIntyre
Why would it be terrible for Higgs. The liberal party said they themselves rejected the price of these games. Is this journalist trying to make some party's look bad here. It's a money issue not a language issue but some people seem to want to make it one.

David Amos
David Amos
@Bernard McIntyre Methinks its a bad day for Gallant not Higgs N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Michel LeBlanc
I never write on these post, but need too on this occasion. This is not a language issue, and as a francophone I cannot support such a bid. I recognize this forum often lets people complain against one group or another or one political party or another. Regardless of your language or political stripes we cannot accept such a bid. It may be a black eye to NB if we cancel it, but it will send a strong messages to organizations that try to take advantage of us. Wouldn't be surprise that others would applaud us for standing for what is right. I would be able to understand if the cost was off by a couple of millions, but this is beyond ridiculous.

Alexandre Hilton
Alexandre Hilton
@Michel LeBlanc Call your MLA. Make your voice heard. This is all in vain if we don't mobilize as constituents and voice our concerns.

David Amos
David Amos
@Michel LeBlanc Well Put Sir

David Amos
David Amos
@Alexandre Hilton "Call your MLA. Make your voice heard"

Methinks you are a rare dude who can get an MLA to come to the phone N'esy Pas?.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@cheryl wright

Yes, that includes Canada......This is why its in Canada !.!.!....seshhhh...

Jake Quinlan
Jake Quinlan
@Marc Martin This article is set up to pit english against french, not bad spending vs. smart spending. He didn't get baited into the language part of it. You should try it. You are a bored anglo aren't you?

David Amos
David Amos
@Jake Quinlan Methinks many would agree he is a Quebecker turned into a SANB dude once he landed a cushy job in the Maritimes N'esy Pas?

Jake Quinlan 
John Valcourt
it shouldn't be an issue at all for the premier. The liberal government already said they rejected it so it shouldn't be an issue for the pc government to reject it as well. it has nothing to do with language but it is about cost. This provinces tax payers should not be on the hook for this when we already are being taxed to death just to get the things we have. Just Say NO.

David Amos
David Amos
@John Valcourt I concur

 Marc Martin 
daryl doucette
Well the " cats outa the bag now" re the cost of the francophone games. In todays "Times Transcript" it states that former premier Brian Gallant has " many close friends" among the " organizers of the games" so Mr. Gallant had " reclused himself" from " decisions about the games"....HUH? And he knew of the inflated costs in april, no wonder he was so desperate to stay in power. Nice try there fellas....but the taxpayers here in NB, English and French alike are not going to get ripped off by these liberals again ( Atcon ?). There are too many folks with out doctors, too long waiting times at emergency rooms, too few paramedics, our taxes are thru the roof, well I could go on and on...Premier Higgs, do the right thing, CANCEL THE GAMES.

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette "Brian Gallant has " many close friends" among the " organizers of the games" so Mr. Gallant had " reclused himself" from " decisions about the games"....HUH?"

Methinks that was already well known before the Irving Clan let the cat out of the bag for you to read N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@David Amos

who cares....

Marc Martin 
John O'Brien
Timing is great. We have a perfect excuse to back out now. Who ever thought a purely Francophone game was a good idea anyway?

Toby Tolly
Toby Tolly
@John O'Brien
they're not purley francophone games.... silly

if you like paying money to be entertained in french
be my guest

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@John O'Brien

*Who ever thought a purely Francophone game was a good idea anyway?*

who ever thought an Anglophone didn't know how to read their own language...

*The Francophone Games are open to all athletes from 58 member countries of La Francophonie regardless of the language they speak.*

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marc Martin Then how come the Belgian team is restricted to athletes from the French-speaking areas of the country only?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

Who cares about the Belgium team, do you live in Belgium ?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin Wound an Anglophone participant be served/introduced/accommodated in the official language of their choice? If all signage, announcements, award ceremonies etc are held in English and French then I agree, no issue.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Robert Mason, since when do the English have their signage in both official languages? Just go to Fredericton and UNB!

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Mason

But only government services are mandatory to be provided in both language you also want all the festivities to offer both language ? I didn't see the Jazz festival in Fredericton offer any French services ?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marguerite Deschamps most English schools in this area have signage in both French and English. Not one english word at E'cole St. Anne., but that is another topic. You and Mark keep saying that the games are open to everyone in NB, if that is the case and NB is the only official bilingual province then shouldn't BOTH languages should be respected?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin This is government funded so respect both linguistic communities. Are you telling me not one person at the Harvest Jazz was bilingual?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Robert Mason have the SANB fund it and then operate totally in french, otherwise if all taxpayers are footing the bill be inclusive of both.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Mason

* most English schools in this area have signage in both French and English*

Wrong again tell me which one ?

*only official bilingual province then shouldn't BOTH languages should be respected?*

But then we would have to apply this to every museum and English festivals in NB and don't we forget about the English hospitals in NB, especially the one In Fredericton. Are you willing to pay for all of that ?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin I have to ask, do you think given the $100 M gap in the original request and the revised cost estimate, the funding should be allocated? Are you in favour of NB spending upwards of $60M to make this event a reality?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Mason

*Are you telling me not one person at the Harvest Jazz was bilingual?*

We are talking about service and signage right ? There was no French signage and I didn't get any service in French. try again.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Mason

SANB ? That's a non for profit organization, where would they get the money ? Where do you think you museums , art galleries, festivals get their money ?

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin Royal Road, Park St., Gibson Neil, Barkers Point, Nasis Middle, Devon middle, Bliss Carmen, George Street middle, shall I go on?

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Robert Mason

Ill answer, if the games were called the *English Games* there wouldn't even be a debate and PANB would support it.

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin That is where you are wrong, $130M for any games should be an affront to every NB'er.

Robert Mason
Robert Mason
@Marc Martin How is my language relevant? Please answer the question. Do you think NB should allocate $60M+ to ensure these games go ahead?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "There was no French signage and I didn't get any service in French. try again."

Methinks we should as why are you here and not on the French side of CBC N'esy Pas?

Marc Martin 
Lynn Gilbert
When every child, regardless of language, religion or creed, are welcome to compete at these games, then I have no problem with the province spending the money. Unless everyone is included, then that amount of money given to one particular group of people, is not warranted.

Fred Brewer
Fred Brewer
@ Lynn Gilbert
I cannot agree with you. The province is in financial distress. The games should be cancelled.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@ Lynn Gilbert, for one, this is not a children's game. It's adults that compete at these games. And if you had bothered to read the article, it is written in black and white that the games are opened to everyone.

"The Francophonie Games are open to all athletes from 58 member countries of La Francophonie regardless of the language they speak. The international organization is made up of countries that use or have a historical connection to the French language."

Shawn McShane
Shawn McShane
@Marguerite Deschamps The Belgian delegation is entered as that country's "Francophone community" -- specifically excluding the Flemish-speaking half of Belgium.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Shawn McShane, we do not control what Belgium does. All Canadians can compete. I do not approve of this exorbitant amount anymore than you do; but just as the Commonwealth Games, everyone from the participating country has the right to participate. If the Flemish want to sulk and not participate, there is nothing we can do about it.

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Shawn McShane

Who cares...

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin You do


Marc Martin 
Jason Inness
Government never has the discipline to say no when it comes to taxpayers money. In this case, the costs are going to be eight times (800%) more than expected. I think the government, as stewards of our tax dollars, have an OBLIGATION to say no to further funding. I am happy the People's Alliance are there to put pressure on the PC Party to do just that. If they were not, I have no doubt that the costs would get covered. And, by the way, I do not see this as a language issue in any way. It is time for government to stop under budgeting and overpaying for services. In all areas. Government doesn't bail me out if I decide to spend 8 times more than I budgeted. Time for those contracting with government to feel that same level of responsibility.

Rick Jenkins
Rick Jenkins
@Jason Inness Conservatives very quickly said "No".

Jamie Roc
Jamie Roc
@Jason Inness this message was brought to you by a former failed candidate for the PANB

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

You are totally right on this. If the name was *English games* you would not hear crickets.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Jason Inness, I really thought the PA, aka COR would approve this. What a shock!

Natalie Pugh
Natalie Pugh
@Marc Martin No "English" groups would ever suggest holding such games at that ridiculous cost. It's called priorities and $130 000 000 for francophonie games is not on NB's priority list!

David Amos
David Amos
@Marc Martin "You are totally right on this."

Methinks she so right on that her malicious nonsense went "Poof" N'esy Pas?
David Amos
David Amos 
@Marguerite Deschamps "What a shock!" 
Pas Vrai

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Is the honeymoon between Higgs and Austin just about over?

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marguerite Deschamps not at all. Higgs and Austin are on the same page with this. No more money. This means the games will be CANCELLED.

david herman
david herman
@daryl doucette
Doubt they would be cancelled...more like moved to Sherbrooke, where there is NO 'francophones'...oxi-moronic when ya think about the purpose of these Segregation Games, right?

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@daryl doucette, his deputy Robert Gauvin wants the games to go on. If he bolts, out the door goes Higss and the COR majority.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@david herman good! Off to Quebec then! Gallant et cronies will be pissed though....

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marguerite Deschamps not gonna happen. Gauvin has a cushy job. He will toe the line.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@daryl doucette, I would not trust Gauvin either, but for different reasons.

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps "I would not trust Gauvin either, but for different reasons."

Methinks the French Lieutenant is not very fond of you either N'esy Pas?

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette "Gauvin has a cushy job. He will toe the line"


Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
Noé oh say! Capisce - See I said it in four languages in a cinch, French, English Spanish and Italian! It's so easy to learn languages.

Seamus O'hern
Seamus O'hern
@Marguerite Deschamps....and you did it again....you make so easy. lol

Marc Martin
Marc Martin
@Marguerite Deschamps

Well said...

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Barry Odonnell, are you even sure of anything at all?

David Amos
David Amos
@Marguerite Deschamps Methinks nobody should be certain that you are a woman Just because you use this name in CBC does not make it so N'esy Pas?

Rosco holt

Marc Martin
Change the name to English Games and you cant hear crickets....

Miles Gahan
Miles Gahan
@Marc Martin Mary, Mary. quite contrary.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Marc Martin
Doesn't matter, I've never liked any games.

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt Me too

Marc LeBlanc
Marc LeBlanc
I think we can all agree the price tag is way beyond what any sane person would find acceptable.That being said,all three levels of government need to sit down and find a way to salvage this gross error and leave the language issue out of it.A good start would be to suppose these are not the Francophone Games but rather the Special Olympics.A little change in perspective goes a long way.

Alexandre Hilton
Alexandre Hilton
@Marguerite Deschamps what a great comment. Cheers!

Barry Odonnell
Barry Odonnell
@Marguerite Deschamps So you are putting down the mentally handicapped now? Very classy.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Barry Odonnell, and you are not politically correct. You should say "mentally challenged". And tell it to Marc LeBlanc; he started it.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Marguerite Deschamps are you on the " organizing committee"?

Tim Raworth
Tim Raworth
@Marc LeBlanc Special Olympics? Sure deflect the issue.

stephen blunston
stephen blunston
@Marc LeBlanc call it what you like they should be canceled , the committee didn't give proper info , if they can find the money if not cancel it , no more wasted taxpayer money

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Marc LeBlanc we dont need any kind of anything that is either incompetent or fraudulent when making a bid and maybe a look at how the cost could have blown up that far it would be one thing if it went a few mill over which is bad enough but 100% + increase its mind boggling how a group could be that far off i wonder if thats how these outside province companies get awarded contracts in every aspect in government tenders is the norm for everything

Lewis Taylor
Lewis Taylor
@Al Bekirkey said ...we dont need any kind of anything that is either incompetent or fraudulent...
You could use that statement for any purpose including electing govts

Pierre LaRoches
Pierre LaRoches
@Marc LeBlanc A good start is a flat 'no' to the organizing committee. No longer should it be acceptable for these politically connected groups to low ball bid, get themselves in deep and then expect the government to bail them out.

Al Bekirkey
Al Bekirkey
@Pierre LaRoches they must have worked for atcon

David Amos
David Amos
@daryl doucette "are you on the " organizing committee"?"

Methinks you may have struck a nerve N'esy Pas?

Peter Desroche 
Peter Desroche
I f the provincial government can hand out corporate welfare checks out to the Irvings,then it can pay for these games.

david herman
david herman
@Peter Desroche
says a french person, lol.

Marguerite Deschamps
Marguerite Deschamps
@Peter Desroche, a good point even though I am against financing these or any games.

Ralph Eddy
Ralph Eddy
@Peter Desroche without Irving this province would be in much worse shape than it is they provide a lot of good jobs and a large none government workforce paying income tax to pay government workers.

daryl doucette
daryl doucette
@Ralph Eddy if irving paid their taxes this province would be in a lot better shape than it is.

Rosco holt
Rosco holt
@Ralph Eddy
I beg to differ. The province would have more competition, more businesses, less big subsidize given out(more money in public coffers), maybe less corruption.

Even possibly having big businesses actually paying their taxes

David Amos
David Amos
@Rosco holt YUP

Soaring cost of Francophonie Games 'terrible timing' for Higgs

New PC premier pressured to offer more money, but Alliance opposes increase

The 2021 Francophonie Games are becoming a political problem for the Progressive Conservative government. (Twitter)

Premier Blaine Higgs's tightrope act on language may be getting more complicated.

The Progressive Conservative premier saw his first month in office end with calls that he ante up tens of million dollars to cover the ballooning costs of the 2021 Francophonie Games, to be held in Moncton and Dieppe.

The stunning news that the games could cost almost eight times the original estimate landed as Higgs balances his co-operation with the People's Alliance and his attempts to reassure francophones that he'll defend their language rights.

"It's terrible timing," said Frédérick Dion, executive director of the association of francophone municipalities. "It puts the Higgs government in a very difficult position."

Moncton city councillor Paulette Thériault said the onus is on the games' organizing committee to provide more details about the cost increase.

But if it's one dollar more, you want to bet we're going to be standing up fighting against it.- Kris Austin, People's Alliance leader
"I really hope that this will not turn into a language issue from a political perspective," she said. "I think we need to be very cautious with that, That involves all parties and all levels of government."

But both Dion and Ouellette said they believe francophones recognize the higher cost of $130 million is unacceptable.

"I think for people in New Brunswick, francophone or anglophone, that's not a linguistic issue," Ouellette said. "We cannot afford it. That's it. We're a poor province and we have a big debt burden right now."

Higgs relies on the People's Alliance to keep his minority government in power, an equation that has led some francophones to fear that the party, which opposes some elements of official bilingualism, will influence PC policy.

Premier Blaine Higgs saw his first month in office end with calls that he ante up tens of million dollars to cover the ballooning costs of the 2021 Francophonie Games, to be held in Moncton and Dieppe. (CBC )
An internal document obtained by Radio-Canada says Higgs will honour the original commitment of $7 million to $10 million "but will not increase its funding level."

A spokesperson for the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture said Friday the province "is determined to work with all parties" to ensure the games go ahead.

Not one dollar more: Austin

Alliance Leader Kris Austin said Friday his MLAs would not vote for any additional funding.
The Alliance won't oppose the original money the province promised, "but if it's one dollar more, you want to bet we're going to be standing up fighting against it."

At the same time, the federal government — which recently attacked Ontario's PC government for cutting French-language services in that province — is pressuring Higgs to commit to more funding.

Kris Austin said Friday that his MLAs would not vote for any additional funding. (Jacques Poitras/CBC)
"It's important now for New Brunswick to assume its responsibility, and we'll be an important partner in the games," federal cabinet minister Dominic LeBlanc said last week.

The Francophonie Games are open to all athletes from 58 member countries of La Francophonie regardless of the language they speak. The international organization is made up of countries that use or have a historical connection to the French language.

Cost balloons to $130 million

The original cost estimate for the 2021 games when Moncton and Dieppe won the bid to host them was around $17 million. Each city promised to put in $750,000, with the federal and provincial governments covering the rest.

But Radio-Canada reported last week that the projection has ballooned to $130 million thanks to a new "business plan" not included in the original bid.
The sky's not the limit. A middle ground has to be found, a reasonable amount.-  Frédérick  Dion, Association of  francophone  municipalities
Liberal MLA Roger Melanson said Friday the previous government learned of that estimate in April and told the organizing committee to revise the figures to a more acceptable amount.

No details on soaring cost

The organizing committee has yet to explain what the additional costs are, but it would translate into the province having to pay about $65 million. That equals half of this year's projected budget deficit.
University of Moncton political scientist Roger Ouellette said he thinks the premier will be able to say no to the higher cost without too much backlash from francophones.

"I don't think there will be a political price to pay if the government said 'we can't afford it,'" he said. If the games were cancelled, Ouellette said, "it's not because of the government. It's because somebody somewhere messed up."

'The sky's not the limit'

Dion agreed. "There isn't anyone, including francophones, who will say we want to hold that event at any price. It's not reasonable," he said. "The sky's not the limit. A middle ground has to be found, a reasonable amount.

"The question now is: how do we save the event, and what is the acceptable amount we should spend to do it?"
Higgs's government delivers its first capital budget Tuesday, a document that lays out its spending plans on infrastructure.

The executive director of the organizing committee said last week the new business plan includes an infrastructure request, though the original bid said no new infrastructure would be needed.

In a news release late Friday, the committee said the original, more modest estimate was submitted as part of the bid before the committee had even been put in place.

It said the larger figure in the business plan incorporated "several tens of millions of dollars" of infrastructure needs identified by the host cities during consultations.

The release did not provide any detail on what those needs were and said the committee would not comment further "to maintain a positive climate" during negotiations with governments.

'Black hole'

Ouellette said Ottawa and the province should investigate the organizing committee.

"It's a black hole," he said. "What's the cost? Is it for infrastructure? Is it for travel? We don't know."

Dion said he worries that the fiasco will feed an existing sentiment that francophones get special treatment from the government, but "the solution can't be a blank cheque."

"The situation, regardless of the political context, regardless of whether language was involved or not, is unacceptable."

Austin said it's "great" that the games are coming to New Brunswick and he supports them, but he opposes any tax dollars being spent on them.

"We've got nurses that are underpaid," he said. "We've got paramedics that are underpaid. We've seen cuts across every department of essential services. This idea of throwing tens of millions of dollars at games is just ridiculous."

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